Abandon adjectives

delightful; gleeful; unconscious; passionate; drunken; increasing; intoxicated; idolatrous; hilarious; airy; fanatical; reckless; artistic; dissolute; emotional; melodramatic; universal; insane; humorous; bird-like; wild; childish; desolate; mystic; sensual; cruel; wanton; natural; boyish; typical; joyful; delirious; carefree; ecstatic

Abandon (v) adverbs

shamelessly; ingloriously; regretfully; dramatically; definitely; recklessly; simultaneously; reluctantly; prudently; despairingly; eventually; inhumanly; cravenly; wantonly; childishly; temporarily; pusillanimously; faint-heartedly; pitiably; haplessly; remorsefully; ruefully; sullenly; woefully; wretchedly; contritely; dejectedly; dolefully; mournfully; dispiritedly; mirthlessly; tragically

(See repudiate, forsake, waive, surrender.)

Abandoned (a) adverbs

delightfully; gleefully; hilariously; airily; recklessly; emotionally; insanely; crazily; ridiculously; wantonly; childishly; boyishly; ludicrously; lamentably; pitiably; un-blushingly; provokingly; totally; shamefully; widely; maliciously; regretfully

Abandonment adjectives

courageous; inhuman; introspective; hasty; moral; spontaneous; shameless; inglorious; melodramatic; notorious; cowardly; reluctant; prudent; despairing; criminal; crazy; odd

Abase (v) adverbs

disgracefully; degradingly; humiliatingly; shamefully; mortifyingly; ruinously; brutally; belittlingly; calumniously; traducingly; mortifyingly; dishonorably; slanderously

(See humiliate, degrade, disgrace.)

Abasement adjectives

servile; mortifying; humiliating; cruel; wilful ; total; ultimate

Abbe adjectives

infidel; pleasure-loving; gay; witty; dissolute; dull; aristocratic

Abbreviation adjectives

offensive; delicate; apt; cryptic; unintelligible; suggestive; recognizable; remote; felicitous

Abdicate (v) adverbs

altruistically; willingly; voluntarily; dramatically; ignominiously; unaccountably; cravenly; enforcedly; pusillanimously; submissively; shrewdly; pliantly; tractably; passively

(See abandon, forsake, surrender, repudiate.)

Abdication adjectives

dramatic; ignominious; unaccountable; altruistic; precipitate; unprecedented; reckless; voluntary; enforced

Abdomen adjectives

ample; protruding; protuberant; pendulous; flaccid; lean; monstrous; sagging


develop—; distend—; enlarge—; exercise—; flatten—; knead—; massage—; relax—; rest on—; subject—; support—; thrust forward—; —is bounded by; —is composed of; —is lined; —juts out; —sags

(See stomach, intestines, paunch, belly.)

Aberration adjectives

vulgar; isolated; philosophic; abhorrent; dangerous; spiritual; noteworthy; marked; human; apparent; mental

Abhor (a-) adverbs

passionately; unqualifiedly; deeply; uncontrollably; vindictively; undyingly; vigorous-ly; smoulderingly; malignantly; diabolically; vengefully; inimically; satanically; malevolently; misanthropical!}’; disdainfully

(See detest, scorn.)

Abhorrence adjectives

unqualified; modern; cold; hard-headed; justified; passionate; rational; uncontrollable; utmost; inexpressive; well-organized; sullen; deadly; respectful; furious; fierce; stealthy; holy; professed; burlesqued

Abhorrent adverbs

excruciatingly; loathsomely; impossibly; utterly; completely; horribly; terribly; a-bominably; odiously; repulsively; detestably; hatefully; shockingly; unspeakably

Abide (i-) adverbs

faithfully; religiously; staunchly; temporarily; permanently; trustworthily; stoutly; steadfastly; diligently; persistently; unabat-ingly; deathlessly; enduringly; unfalteringly; firmly; constantly; assiduously

Ability adjectives

unexcelled; superior; transcendent; surpassing; brilliant; eminent: distinguished; commanding; promising; superb; never-failing; proved: rare; unique; marked; conspicuous; discernible; pronounced; obvious; manifest; undeniable; surprising; amazing; astounding; extraordinary; remarkable; phenomenal; superhuman; inherent; innate; intrinsic; natural; vast; immense: limited; mediocre; middle; cold-blooded; uncanny; eerie; latent; administrative: artistic; executive; forensic; histrionic; linguistic; organizing; oratorical; recuperative; selective; storytelling; mature; mystifying; embryonic; intuitive; sensitive; supposed; sheer; versatile; productive; respectable; slender; professional; superlative; dramatic; acquired; individual; strategic; recognized; peculiar; wonted; potential: striking; crafty; constructive; singular; conscienceless; overrated; intellectual; humble; undoubted; uncommon; critical; technical; variant; creative; doubtful; adroit; vocalistic; practical; enhanced; discontented; melodic; universal; conscious; humble


analyze—; ascertain—; attribute—; bow to —; bluster about—; confer—; demonstrate —; destroy—; determine—; develop—; diminish—; display—; distrust—; donate—; endow with—; enhance—; estimate—; evince—; exhibit—; increase—; invest with —; lack—; make use of—; manifest—; mistreat—; outstrip—; outweigh—; pool—; possess—; presume—; prove—; register—; test—; vitiate—; weigh—; —develops; — enables; —enhances; —falls short; —redeems; —undergoes

(See talent, capability, capacity, faculty, power, skill.)

Abject adverbs

inconceivably; hopelessly; mournfully; pitiably; incurably; basely; incredibly; piteously; horribly; tragically; unbelievably; singularly; miserably; comically; ridiculously; ostensibly; ostentatiously; glumly; dismally; disconsolately; moodily; heavily; ludicrously

Able adverbs

tremendously; extremely; wonderfully; adequately; marvelously; uncommonly; extraordinarily; astonishingly; brilliantly; superbly; surprisingly; amazingly; remarkably; particularly; consciously

Ablution adjectives

sacred; ordinary; daily; outward; unwonted; ritualistic

Abnegation adjectives

manly; unselfish; absolute; subtle; apostolic; heroic; inspired; unsparing

Abnormal adverbs

grotesquely; distressingly; painfully; pitiably; noticeably; hideously; undoubtedly; positively; emotionally; markedly; patently; harmlessly; mildly; slightly; entirely; ad-mittedlv; grievouslv; repulsivelv; shockingly

Abnormality adjectives

distressing; emotional; allied; fancied; imperceptible; marked; noticeable; hideous; incredible; patent

Abode adjectives

lonely; peaceful; august; blissful; ancient; eternal; Elysian; sheltered; inaccessible

dolorous; lasting; obscure; desolate; ancestral; claustral; comfortless; indispensable; serene; fit; fixed; permanent; primitive; sequestered; sybaritic; transient; immortal; ramshackle; dreadful; disconcerting; abandoned; secure; blest; troglodytic; unostentatious; luxurious; phantasmal; damp; dreary; perilous; abhorred; melancholy; mean; soft; eremitic; dread


choose—; disdain—; make—with; retire to

—; seek—; take up—; welcome to—

Abolish (v) adverbs

ultimately; effectually; virtually; universally; legally; permanently; entirely; dictator-ially; tyrannically; destructively; obliterat-ingly; deleteriously

(See annul, repeal.)

Abolition adjectives

projected; forcible; universal; virtual; effectual; ultimate; immediate; instantaneous; gradual

Abominable adverbs

incredibly; intolerably; unbelievably; hatefully; utterly; completely; maliciously; oppressively; brutally; flagrantly; detestably; perniciously; viciously; deplorably; diabolically; execrably; noxiously; lamentably; hatefully; villainously; woefully; odiously; abhorrently; repulsively; invidiously; despicably

Abomination adjectives

heathenish; hideous; dark; whitewashed; nondescript; loathsome; indescribable; foul; monstrous; gross


behold—; cast away—; commit—; delight in—; work—; multiply—; overspread—; perpetrate—; provoke to—; turn away from

(See squalor, wickedness, aversion.)

Abortion adjectives

cruel; criminal; sterility-inducing; inadvisable; mutilating; illegal; wanton


advise an—; anticipate—; avert—; balk at —; bring about—; cause—; contribute to—; expose to—; frustrate—; have—; impose an—; indicate—; induce—; indulge in—; instruct about—; justify—; lead to—; legalize—; perform—; permit—; precede—; prevent—; procure—; produce—; prove—; provoke into—; resort to—; stop—; submit to—; terminate in—; tolerate—; treat—; undergo—; weaken by—; yield to—; — arises from; —occurs; —results

(See miscarriage, failure, operation.)

Abound (v) adverbs

plentifully; luxuriantly; astonishingly; endlessly; naturally; primevally; multitudinouslymunificently; swarmingly; throngingly; monstrously; boundlessly; excessively; generously

(See swarm.)

Abrupt adverbs

unpardonably; rudely; roughly; instinctively; unconsciously; unfortunately; startlingly; whimsically; intentionally; astonishingly; amusingly; offensively; ridiculously; inexcusably; unforgivably; unexpectedly; unreasonably; momentarily; habitually; unintentionally

Abruptness adjectives

embarrassed; off-hand; startling; uncompromising; whimsical; wolfish; characteristic; brusque; brisk; easy

Abscess adjectives

hidden; internal; monstrous; fatal; pestilent; cankerous; gnawing; tentacle-like


confine—; develop into—; drain—; dress—; evacuate—; exude from—; give rise to—; incise—; inflame—; irritate—; lance—; poultice—; swab out—; —arises; —attains size; —becomes embedded; —bulges; — bursts; —destroys; —develops; —discharges; —forms; —grows; —infiltrates; —inflames; —occurs; —opens; —re-forms; —ruptures; —spreads; —swells

(See sore, ulcer, tumor, boil.)

Abscond (v) adverbs

villainously; faithlessly; vilely; treacherously; unexpectedly; basely; knavishly; mysteriously; monstrously; nefariously; odiously; lawlessly; mendaciously

(See flee.)

Absence adjectives

utter; cautious; restful; prolonged; total; unaccounted; trying; oppressive; frequent; momentary; undutifui; perilous; considerable; striking; enforced; protracted; continued; pleasing; unauthorized; comparative; apparent; voluntary; everlasting; occasional; intermittent (pl)


attend—; bear—; berate—;• bewail—; deplore—; dote on—; endure—; lament—; mourn—; presuppose—; regret—; support by—; take advantage of—| wai!—; grant—; yield to—; —diminishes; —draws; —grows; —increases; —kills; —lessens; —quickens

Absent (in mind or in person) adverbs

conspicuously; unfortunately; unaccountably; frequently; irritatingly; apparently; voluntarily; inexcusably; noticeably; purposely; inexplainably; mysteriously; carelessly; usually; provokingly

Absolution adjectives

general; priestly; just; rapturous; timely; insincere; virtual; conscientious; serene; blissful

Absolve (v) adverbs

religiously; entirely; wholly; thoroughly; certainly; partly; freely; leniently; placably; sympathetically; forbearingly; compassionately; palliatively

(See free, pardon, release.)

Absorb (v) adverbs

incessantly; wholly; passively; profoundly; partially; racially; nationally; intelligently; intellectually; physically; studiously; hurt-fully; mentally; accretively; electively; vocationally; bibulously; crapulently; canni-ballistically; edaciously; intemperately; ghoulishly

(See monopolize, engross.)

Absorbed adverbs

ridiculously; tragically; utterly; profoundly; shamelessly; mentally; wholly; deeply; completely; rapturously; ecstatically; tensely; eagerly; anxiously; gloomily; ludicrously; foolishly; fatuously; amazingly

Absorbent adverbs

extraordinarily; scarcely; completely; gradually; quickly; remarkably; marvelously; notably; wonderfully; exceptionally; genuinely; astonishingly; unusually; unfailingly; singularly; particularly; unbelievably; highly

Absorption adjectives

bookish; omnivorous; profound; tragic; unflattering; shame-faced; poetic; gradual; mental; tense; detached; droll; indecent; stolid; passive; demoniac; vigorous

Abstain (v) adverbs

cautiously; perniciously; carefully; systematically; firmly; voluntarily; austerely; religiously; totally; wilfully; narrowly; wholesomely; cautiously; prudently; discreetly; circumspectly; scrupulously; squeamishly; judiciously; economically; frugally; parsimoniously; sparingly; penuriously; chastely

(See refrain, withhold.)

Abstemious adverbs

ascetically; piously; wholly; strictly; austerely; rigorously; proudly; awkwardly; fanatically; ridiculously; absurdly; carefully; abominably; cautiously; correctly; habitually; warily; ostentatiously; inconspicuously; glaringly; conspicuously; reluctantly; unctuously; smugly; grimly

Abs TEMIO US NESS adjectives

ascetic; austere; stern; rigorous; calculated; proud

Abstinence adjectives

bigoted; excessive; prolonged; total; rash; systematic; forced; holy; marked; firm; strict; self-enforced; austere; cautious; pernicious; absolute; recurrent; partial; halfhearted; protracted; extreme; habitual

Abstract adverbs

academically; infinitely; immeasurably; uncomfortably; abstrusely; indefinitely; illusively; remotely; undeniably; obscurely; completely; terribly; entirely; sheerly; thoroughly; immaterially; undefinably; immutably; vaguely; fantastically; chimerically; extravagantly; eternally; evanescently; transcendentally; unverifiably; preternaturally; spiritually; mystically; conceptually; palpably; patently; speculatively; intuitively; ideologically; empirically; occultly; vi-sionarily; doctrinally; hypothetically

Abstraction adjectives

mysterious; intense; subtle; hazy; sublime; unquiet; meaningless; thoughtful; dreamy; noble; mythical; shadowy; gloomy; statistical; far-off; eerie; stony; melancholy; moody; tight-lipped; deep; dull; pernicious; wistful; lengthy; grandiose; grave; wonted

Abstruse adverbs

disagreeably; unfortunately; vexatiously; remotely; obscurely; profoundly; extremely; unreasonably; unnecessarily; needlessly; foolishly; absurdly; foggily; senselessly; stupidly; inexpediently; enigmatically; annoyingly; heavily; injudiciously; incomprehensibly; highly; unwisely; preposterously; confusingly; bewilderingly; perplexingly; indiscreetly

Absurd adverbs

palpably; perniciously; nakedly; impudently; ludicrously; manifestly; fantastically; quaintly; grotesquely; patently; tragically; comically; perversely; detestably; pathetically; ignominiously; ridiculously; monstrously; grossly; unreasonably

Absurdity adjectives

palpable; pernicious; unfathomable; essential; naked; impudent; ornithological; ludicrous; moral; manifest; fantastic; quaint; reigning; infantine; grotesque; patent; tragic; perverse; colossal; detestable; inadequate; pathetic; ignominious; cumulative (pl); assorted (pl); ridiculous; monstrous; wholesome; gross; intiinsic; raucous; unreasonable


atone for—; behold—; condone—; excuse—; expose—; father—; grieve over—; perpetrate—; smile at—; —destroys; —falls away; —impairs; —saps; —undermines

(See folly, foolishness, nonsense.)

Abundance adjectives

copious; uninterrupted; lavish; unbelievable; natural; flowing; laudable; culinary; theoretical; coveted; peculiar; careless; needless; wasteful; economic; sheer


bless with—; conserve—; diminish—; endow with—; groan under—; inherit—; lavish—on; partake of—; pile up—; pour —; sate with—; satiate with—; squander—; surround by—; tap—; weaken by—; — flows; —lies; —melts away

(See plenty.)

Abundant adverbs

overwhelmingly; marvelously; happily; fortunately; lavishly; naturally; profusely; uncommonly; unusually; remarkably; ravish-ingly; staggeringly; surprisingly; unbelievably; incredibly; voluptuously; wonderfully; particularly; amazingly; astonishingly; extraordinarily; fabulously; immeasurably; incalculably; indisputably; inexpressibly; alarmingly

Abuse adjectives

political; unintelligible; intemperate; personal; treasonable; alarming; existing; scurrilous; sore; glaring; triumphant; abundant; filthy; scandalous; pernicious; tyrannical; alleged; disastrous; noisy; humorous; false; indiscriminate; stupid; mighty; virulent; intolerable; horrible; obscene; vicious; violent; flagrant; inhuman; profane; foul; notorious; barefaced; arrogant; shameful


brook—; check—; condone—; correct—; cry out at—; curb—; direct—against; drive to —; eliminate—; exchange—; heap—; incur —; pour—; prevent—-; reckon up—; remedy —; shovel—on; spare—; spy into—; stumble on—; subject to—; thunder—; tolerate —; wipe out—; —blackens; —damns; — prevails; —s are rife; —s reckon up

(See perversion, invective.)

Abuse (v) adverbs

profanely; notoriously; foully; arrogantly; barefacedly; grossly; scandalously; shamefully; intemperately; treasonably; indiscriminately; alarmingly; scurrilously; perniciously; tyrannically; stupidly; virulently; mightily; obscenely; viciously; violently; inhumanly; flagrantly; heinously; malevolently; malignantly; noxiously; tempestuously; truculently; atrociously; hellishly; roughly- ...    

(See misuse, injure, violate.)

Abusive adverbs

inexcusably; tragically; absurdly; painfully; scathingly; blisteringly; scandalously; a-larmingly; ferociously; noisily; intolerably; pugnaciously; truculently; inhumanly; foul-ly; diabolically; inconceivably; incredibly; obscenely; cruelly; scurrilously; unpardon-ably; unforgivably; unreasonably; immoderately; virulently; rashly; criminally; preposterously; unbelievably; recklessly; terribly; humiliatingly; profanely; disgracefully; shamefully; insanely; crazily; appallingly; maliciously; lamentably; violently; destructively; rancorously; blasphemously; spitefully; wickedly; revoltingly; illegally; direly; deliriously; horribly

Abyss adjectives

immovable; nethermost; awful; blossoming; unfathomed; threatening; watery; dolorous; howling; moral; infernal; financial; yawning; void; profound; desolate; murky; bottomless; sunless; horrible; widening; black; unavoidable; breath-taking; gaping; immeasurable; hellish; hideous; Stygian

Academic adverbs

incurably; consistently; abstrusely; formally; formidably; illusively; evasively; impracticably; idealistically; impractically; remotely; uselessly; patently; frankly; uncomfortably; completely; dangerously; intrinsically; vaguely; fantastically; unfortunately; dreamily; unserviceably; worthlessly

Accede (v) adverbs

heartily; speedily; willingly; unconditionally; amicably; rationally; gladly; genially; grudgingly; boorishly; tacitly; affably; benevolently; courteously; complaisantly; civilly; chivalrously; deferentially

(See agree, concur, comply.)

Accelerate (v) adverbs

tremendously; expectedly; abruptly; naturally; foolhardily; thoughtlessly; mechanically; intemperately; instantaneously; promptly: hurriedly; startlingly

(See hasten, quicken.)

Acceleration adjectives

whirling; considerable; impressive; impetuous; swift; easy; breath-taking; faulty; smooth; effortless

Accent adjectives

joyous; respectful; tender; well-bred; practiced; unctuous; affected; ornamental; mincing: vicious; blighting; coarse; peremptory; deliberate; icy; imperative; mocking; taunting; hurried; quivering; thick; clipped; mutilated; lingering; guttural; musical; silvery; mellow; pedantic; bell-like; clarion; insinuating; pleasant; droning; persuasive; melancholy; pitying; agonized; oratorical; professional; plebeian; objectionable; awed; faltering; half-impertinent; dispassionate; searching; trembling; gracious; musing; hushed; sober; measured; warning; meek; bluff; terrible; charming; feeble; soothing; compassionate; audible; smart; distinct; hollow; uncouth; haughty; ringing; honeyed; emphatic; nautical; swaggering; furious; mingled; tearful; crystal; pained; ecclesiastical; hesitant; wistful; authentic; melodious; sonorous; Teutonic; flippant; perceptible; provincial; circumflex; hesitating


affect—; betray—; brook—; miss—; muffle —; reiterate in —s; —breaks; —echoes; —weakens

(See stress, emphasis.)

Accent (v) adverbs

nicely; pedantically; unctuously; joyously; tenderly; affectedly; mincingly; coarsely; deliberately; mockingly; tauntingly; quiver-ingly; lingeringly; musically; mellowly; insinuatingly; persuasively; falteringly; dispassionately; charmingly; soothingly; un-couthly; haughtily; emphatically; hesitantly; wistfully; melodiously; sonorously; flippantly; haltingly

(See stress.)

Accept (v) adverbs

graciously; frankly; unreservedly; grudgingly; lifelessly; courteously; readily; cheerfully; fatalistically; passively; cautiously; phlegmatically; elatedly; enthusiastically; universally; bravely; casually; consciously; eagerly; generally; peacefully; credulously; thankfully; reluctantly; gratefully; reasonably; willingly; unhesitatingly; implicitly; philosophically; good-naturedly; slavishly; glibly; skeptically; impulsively, stoically; magnanimously; complacently

(See approve.)


unquestionably; charmingly; wholly; delightfully; genuinely; joyously; happily; providentially; luckily; gratifyingly; tragically; comically; vastly; duly; profoundly; admittedly; puzzlingly; infinitely; incalculably; immeasurably; particularly; personally; absolutely; frankly; socially; politically; officially; conventionally; widely; universally;’ locally

Acceptance adjectives

happy; warm; joyous; incoherent; complacent; wholesale; unanimous; fearless; impulsive; stoical; resigned; public; frank; modified; glib; skeptical; slavish; loathsome; unquestioning; ready; belated; simulated; good-natured; pacific; philosophic; reluctant; social; implicit; relieved; gracious; grudging; fatalistic; passive; phlegmatic; appreciatory; wide; delayed; patient; ironical; cheerful; general; unreserved; universal; credulous; grave; grandiloquent


authorize—; coax—; confirm—; elicit—; find—; guarantee—; meet with—; presuppose—; —displays; —precludes

(See agreement, assent.)

Access adjectives

impregnable; casual; unrestricted; momentary; exclusive; strange; convenient; direct; expeditious; easy


•bar—; deny—to; desire—to; disdain—; give—; grant—; seek—; procure—; shutoff—; stop up—; survey—; throng—

(See approach, admittance.)

Accessible adverbs

conveniently; easily; instantly; directly; serviceably; handily; immediately; instantaneously; casually; imperceptibly; inconspicuously; unobtrusively

Accessory adjectives

agreeable; scenic; fashionable; cultured; gracious; impressive; colorful; distinctive; exquisite; decorative; tawdry; indispensable; unwilling; criminal


unlucky; capricious; untoward; melancholy; singular; unfortunate; comical; happy; felicitous; merest; incalculable; inescapable; preventable; frightful; pure; deplorable; subversive; divine; haphazard; perverse; monstrous; trivial; sheer; malignant; regrettable; vexing; inexplicable; minor; heart-breaking; curious; ghastly; providential; incredible; stupid; dreadful; fatal; predictable


answer for—; barring—; breed —s; curb —s; excuse—; fake—; incapacitate by—; subject to—; trace to—; —befalls; —forces; —happens; —occurs; —oppresses; —places

(See event, mishap.)

Accidental adverbs

scarcely; obviously; presumably; luckily; purposely; wholly; comically; inexplicably; curiously; mysteriously; certainly; undoubtedly; admittedly; undeniably; ludicrously; purportedly; evidently; supposedly; awkwardly; tragically; plainly; rarely

Acclaim adjectives

critical; tumultuous; public; boisterous; deafening; wide-spread; enthusiastic; spontaneous; immeasurable; resounding; joyous; jubilant; riotous; grandiloquent; noisy; righteous ; deserved ; universal

Acclaim (v) adverbs

riotously; grandiloquently; enthusiastically; noisily; tumultuously; boisterously; deafen-ingly; spontaneously; resoundingly; jubilantly; joyously; obstreperously; thunderously; persistently; turbulently; vociferously; sepulchrally; blatantly; clamorously; flamboyantly

(See applaud, approve, cheer.)

Accommodate (v) adverbs

effectually; appreciatively; easily; nobly; amiably; freely; generously; beneficently; benignly; graciously; impartially; magnanimously; altruistically; benignantly; legally; legitimately

(See favor, oblige.)

Accommodating adverbs

ingratiatingly; amiably; delightfully; ob

sequiously; ostentatiously; pompously; profusely; helpfully; fawningly; cordially; pretentiously; courteously; habitually; unusually; ominously; grudgingly; willingly; significantly; heartily; civilly; servilely; loftily; exceedingly; gravely; graciously; charmingly; freely; gruffly; politely; bluntly; splendidly; magnificently; surprisingly

Accommodations adjectives

luxurious; superior; splendid; modern; complete; princely; excellent; cheery; spacious; genial; straitened; pacific; dismal; comfortable; overnight; transient; capacious; commodious; sorry; mean; ordinary; slender; wretched

Accompaniment adjectives

regrettable; picturesque; harmonic; supernatural; deprecatory; violent; aesthetic; invariable; undulating; confused; fearful; running; pleasurable; inharmonious; unsuitable; inevitable; throbbing; spirited; vague; faint; discordant; splendid; sinister; satiric; verdant; fiendish; bewitching; fitting; orchestral; indispensable; competent; riotous; listless; unhappy; staccato

Accompany (v) adverbs

listlessly; inevitably; invariably; delightedly; unhappily; fearfully; confusedly; harmoniously; unsuitably; spiritually; intelligently; discordantly; bewitchingly; competently; skillfully; dexterously; gaily; gladly; blissfully; rejoicingly; mirthfully; rapturously; dutifully

(See escort, follow, attend.)

Accomplice adjectives

menial; principal; provocative; vigilant; criminal; unwitting; dastardly; secret; willing; assiduous; inept; perfidious

Accomplish (v\ adverbs

effectively; boastfully; deliberately; adequately; culturally; indefatigably; ultimately; substantially; peacefully; divinely; signally; impressively; skillfully; meritoriously; energetically; invincibly; irresistibly

(See achieve, perform, execute.)

Accomplished adverbs

brilliantly; wonderfully; unusually; marvellously; cleverly; incredibly; undoubtedly; distinctly; expertly; thoroughly; consummately; remarkably; politely; elegantly

Accomplishment adjectives

germinant; cultural; mental; limited; fatiguing; glittering; ultimate; substantial; brilliant; peaceful; divine; signal; human; impressive; creative; infinite (pl); successful; superb; scrupulous; notable; worthy; effete; versatile; effective; deliberate; boastful


appraise —s; awe by—; credit with—; dwarf—; echo with—; enrich with—; gird oneself for—; hail—; lack—; marvel at—; praise—; strive for—; sum up —s; want (lack) —; —pales; —taunts

(See achievement, action, deed feat.)

Accord adjectives

complete; mutual; enthusiastic; technical; sweet; voluntary; sensual; solid; simple; superficial; perfect; generous; hearty; tumultuous; universal; widespread; peaceful; temporary; lasting; harmonious

Accord (v) adverbs

generously; universally; genially; voluntarily; willingly; grudgingly; superficially; beneficently; gladly; intelligently; benevolently; reasonably; magnanimously; graciously; impartially; altruistically; benignly

(See agree, conform.)

Accost cordially; genially; jovially; graciously; familiarly; rudely; roughly; heartily; acrimoniously; bitterly; bluffly; drunkenly; blithely; gleefully; mirthfully; vivaciously; exultantly; ecstatically; conceitedly; cheerily

(See greet, address.)

Account adjectives

elaborate; detailed; full; minute; lengthy; analytical; concise; brief; condensed; picturesque; magnificent; beautiful; hackneyed; inspired; felicitous; scanty; fragmentary; sketchy; rambling; inadequate; exact; accurate; veracious; precise; factual; personal; intimate; unaffected; sincere; straightforward; biased; impartial; prejudiced; sober; childish; intelligible; capable; continuous; straight-running; chimerical; absurd; amusing; humorous; whimsical; facetious; thrilling; breath-taking; hair-raising; blood-curdling; lurid; ambiguous; conflicting; contradictory; amazing; disquieting; alarming; ribald; sordid; sprawling; incoherent; statistical; romantic; syllogistic; proselytizing; ironical; informative: lusty; rigorous; indignant; delirious; articulate; uninhibited; charming; fascinating; delightful; absorbing; striking; graphic; vivid; animated; leisurely; belated; garrulous; circumstantial; exhaustive; specific; inferential; synthetic; punctilious; glowing; exaggerated; superficial; singular; unrhetorical; contemporary; profuse; inspired; gloomy; harrowing; technical; wiredrawn; conjectural; malicious; farcical; biographical; voluble; prosaic; racy; awful


balance—; boost—; fabricate—; juggle —s; revel in —s; render—; settle—; tally up—; treble the—; attach to your—; call to—; give—of; open—; place to—; take—of; take into—; enliven—; favor with—; furnish—; launch upon—; peruse—; ramble through—; deny—; sum up—; supplement —; thrill to—; —amuses; —bores; —depicts; —differs; —entertains; —maneuvers; —wearies

(See reckoning, bill, notice, history, report, record, narrative.)

Accountable adverbs

personally; legally; entirely; wholly; scarcely; officially; morally; partially; solely; admittedly; seriously; terribly; unofficially; really

Accretion adjectives

scholastic; formalistic; enormous; elaborate; slow-forming; cumulative; natural; hidden; gradual

Accumulate (v) adverbs

uselessly; painstakingly; laboriously; toilsomely; eccentrically; penuriously; cautiously; judiciously; prudently; close-fistedly; frugally; parsimoniously; economically; conservatively

(See collect, gather.)

Accumulation adjectives

periodic; slow; colossal; perpetual; laborious; appalling; dangerous; insistent; useless; unsmiling; prodigious; ponderous; contorted; massive

Accumulative adverbs

laboriously; ingeniously; peculiarly; unaccountably; painstakingly; instinctively; irresponsibly; habitually; dangerously; suspiciously; unsmilingly; laughingly; openly; furtively; surreptitiously; cleverly; cunningly; frankly; delightfully; deliriously; whimsically; garrulously; sincerely; unaffectedly; leisurely

Accuracy adjectives

absolute; dependable; historical; businesslike; substantial; precise; unrivaled; scrupulous; tolerable; measurable; predictable; muscular; unfailing; blunt; remarkable; strict; deadly; guaranteed; mechanical; clock-like; excellent; uncanny; timed; impeccable; apparent; unctuous; machine-like; relentless; meticulous; unerring; horrible; photographic; sensitive; nautical; perfect; infinite; rhythmic; diabolical; humdrum; monotonous


ascertain—; concede—; depend upon—; reveal—; scout—; test—; vouch for—; —fosters; —sustains

(See precision.)

Accurate adverbs

absolutely; dependably; awfully; terrifyingly; scrupulously; tolerably; unfailingly; remarkably; strictly; uncannily; meticulously; monotonously; veritably; disturbingly; nakedly; essentially; unimpeachably; rigidly; mathematically; scientifically; carefully; particularly; astonishingly; insatiably; avidly; impartially; ostentatiously; punctiliously

Accusation adjectives

frivolous; unfounded; monstrous; plaintive; vulgar; horrible; tearful; vague; rash; unanswerable; recurrent; merciless; mock; human; public; groundless; menial; eloquent; positive; keen; railing; sarcastic; indignant; constant; trumped up; nonsensical; sharp; determined; wild; unjust; false; cruel; revolting; wholesale (pl); grave; scurrilous; slanderous; violent; sensational; hasty; playful; vitriolic; villainous


balk at—; bring—; clear—; contradict—; counteract—; defend against—; deny—; disprove—; face—; headline—; heap —s; hurl—; level—at; parry—; refute—; resist —; roar—s; secure against—; set—; splutter—; uncover—; weigh—; withstand—

(See charge, complaint.)

Accuse (v) adverbs

publicly; consistently; unjustly; deliberately; scurrilously; falsely; sternly; vainly; frivolously; monstrously; plaintively; vulgarly; tearfully; vaguely; rashly; mercilessly; groundlessly; eloquently; indignantly; sarcastically; triumphantly; determinedly; wildly; cruelly; revoltingly; libellously; slanderously; sensationally; ruinously

(See blame, charge.)

Ache adjectives

strange; dull; continual; yearning; maddening: hungry; trifling; brief; cold; numbing; throbbing; muscular; angry; bodily; intolerable; murderous; unbearable; agonizing; intermittent (pl)


aggravate—; allay—; alleviate—; assuage —; charm—; distress with—; fill with —s; harry by —s; hide—; increase—; mitigate —; mollify—; soothe—; subdue—; tantalize by—; torture by—; —abates; —contracts; —develops ; —diminishes

(See pain, agony, anguish, misery.)

Ache (v) adverbs

intolerably; dully; maddeningly; agonizingly; throbbingly; bitterly; sorely; mentally; dismally; tormentingly; torturingly; sharply; interminably; incessantly; monotonously; ceaselessly; periodically

(See pain, suffer.)

Achieve (v) adverbs

unbelievably; secretly; laboriously; lastingly; consistently; tirelessly; honorably; gloriously; spiritually; conspicuously; momentously; splendidly; monumentally; superhumanly; signally; creatively; magnificently; spectacularly; breath-takingly; impressively; memorably; heroically; illustriously; valorously; fabulously; significantly

(See accomplish, gain, acquire.)

Achievement adjectives

solid; practical; lasting; remarkable; scientific; human; technological; metaphysical; civic; routine; happy; courageous; difficult; universal; authentic; fantastic; consistent; tireless; honorable; laureate; glorious; noble; conspicuous; spiritual; major; momentous; monumental; superhuman; signal; sublime; phenomenal; noteworthy; worthwhile; meritorious; creditable; praiseworthy; creative; constructive; colossal; vast; stupendous; magnificent; artistic; picturesque; rare; unparalleled; unique; spectacular; culminating; breath-taking; stirring; supreme; crowning; Homeric; impressive; memorable; heroic; valorous; illustrious; unfading; poetic; precocious; fabulous; laborious; subtle; immortal; significant; epoch-making; irreproachable


belittle—; conceive—; denote—; disparage —; enhance—; facilitate—; hedge about—; laud—; meditate on—; mock at—; plan—; praise—; proclaim—; question—; reaffirm —; rejoice in—; strive toward—; —contributes to; —distinguishes; —goes unrecognized; —mocks

(See accomplishment, action, deed, feat.)

Acid adjectives

pungent; aromatic; biting; insidious; corrosive; baneful; mineral; powerful; fatal; astringent; violent; fuming


immerse in—; isolate—; neutralize—; treat with—; —bites; —burns; —cauterizes; — corrodes; —dissolves; —eats; —etches; — evaporates; —meets; —penetrates; —scars; —sears; —seeps off

(See chemical.)

Acid (a) adverbs

bitterly; maliciously; viciously; purposely; unnecessarily; uncontrollably; hatefully; insidiously; sharply; cynically; spitefully; resentfully; venomously; intentionally; designedly; cunningly; insinuatingly; sarcastically; incisively; shrewdly; antagonistically; needlessly; unwisely

Acknowledge (v) adverbs

gratefully; appreciatively; tacitly; thankfully; obsequiously; grudgingly; pusillanimously; handsomely; tardily; instinctively; cheerfully; profusely; indulgently; exuberantly; restrainedly; warmly; characteristically; graciously; jocosely; belatedly; glum-ly; obstreperously; boisterously; taciturnly; incoherently

(See admit, confess.)

Acknowledgment adjectives

profuse; indulgent; exuberant; restrained; polite; conventional; frank; warm; characteristic; humiliating; enthusiastic; grateful; public; gracious; jocose; courteous; grim; belated; thankful; obsequious; tacit; grudging; handsome; tardy; appreciative

Acquaint (v) adverbs

intimately; minutely; partially; familiarly; imperfectly; mutely; affectionately; eagerly; reluctantly; entirely; affably; amiably; charitably; amicably; loyally; politely; piously; complacently

(See tell.)

Acquaintance adjectives

vast; mutual; desirable; intimate; eventful; favorable; brilliant; charitable; prosperous; common; conventional; casual; stray; select; congenial; slight; valued; ingenious; inaccurate; preliminary; fair; imperfect; superficial; extensive; critical; tolerable; nodding; astounding; injudicious; chance; passing; temporary; broad; well-born; garrulous; good-humored; varied (pl); amiable; numerous (pl); bowing; renewed; promiscuous; protracted; professional; informal; cursory; first-hand; incomplete


bless with—; boast—; crave—; dim—; estrange—; exploit—; greet—; hold—; lend—; pursue—; put away—; renew—; resume—; strangle—; strike up—; urge—

—creeps; —is estranged; —widens

(See intimacy, friendship, association, friend.)

Acquainted adverbs

intimately; slightly; favorably; unhappily; fortunately; unluckily; auspiciously; personally; directly; indirectly; well; happily; familiarly; casually; superficially; thoroughly; closely; generally; absolutely; naturally; remotely; barely; insufficiently; hardly; scarcely

Acquiesce (v) adverbs

grudgingly; silently; reluctantly; feelingly; pleasantly; cheerfully; tepidly; carelessly; stolidly; sullenly; dignifiedly; cravenly; phlegmatically; grumblingly; tacitly; amiably; passively; candidly; complacently; fatalistically

(See agree, assent, submit.)

Acquiescence adjectives

stolid; tepid; agreeable; sullen; silent; dignified; polite; craven; unanimous; wise; courageous; phlegmatic; grumbling; delighted; tacit; stupid; amiable; passive; desperate; compulsory; candid; reluctant; fatalistic; cheerful; complacent; grudging; grim


arrive at—; attain—; draw into—; signify —; soften into—; urge—; wheedle into—

(See submission, agreement, compliance.)

Acquiescent adverbs

courteously; willingly; reluctantly; gruffly; grudgingly; graciously; cheerfully; necessarily; unwillingly; happily; pliantly; blithely; devotedly; wholly; glumly; halfheartedly; stolidly; timidly; stupidly; blindly; politely; passively; wisely; tacitly; com-plaisantly; sullenly; amiably; cunningly; shrewdly; casually; apparently; restrained-ly; indifferently

Acquire (v) adverbs

righteously; readily; patiently; instinctively; innocently; painfully; unjustly; gloriously; sensibly; ultimately; brutally; systematically; dictatorially; vigorously; ruthlessly; villainously; cruelly; treacherously; barbarously; legally; scientifically

(See learn, master, attain.)

Acquirement adjectives

scientific; glorious; systematic; consequent; linguistic; unrighteous; instinctive; innocent; painful

Acquisition adjectives

painful; noteworthy; desirable; permanent; eternal; arduous; exciting; superior; territorial; profitless; erudite; patient; mental; valuable; perfunctory; forcible; peaceful; cherished; long-sought

Acquisitive adverbs

inordinately; insanely; avidly; eagerly; incurably; indiscriminately; universally; peculiarly; incorrigibly; distressingly; gloriously; happily; instinctively; painfully; embarrassingly; systematically; irreclaimably; hopelessly; promiscuously; vexatiously; shamelessly; perpetually; laboriously; insistently; appallingly

Acquit (v) adverbs

unhesitatingly; legally; unexpectedly; unanimously; generously; triumphantly; entirely; constitutionally; legitimately; tolerantly; graciously; licitly; condescendingly; acquiescently; deferentially

(See absolve, justify, pardon.)

Acquittal adjectives

prompt; triumphant; unexpected; honorable; disquieting; undeserved; trumped-up


advance toward—; argue for—; ballot for —; beg for—; concede—; decide on—; demand—; deny—; deserve—; direct—; earn —; effect an—; entreat for—; expect—; gain—; hope for—; justify—; merit—; move for—; order—; plead for—; produce —; provoke—; refuse—; request—; secure —; seek—; solicit—; vote on—; win—; —carries; —exonerates; —follows

(See pardon.)

Acreage adjectives

valuable; vast; fruitful; expansive

Acres adjectives

wooded; impoverished; scant; unworked; well-fenced; paternal; suburban; airy; broad; rolling; broken; untilled; scrubby; verdant; denuded; cultivated; dead; ill-acquired

Acrimonious adverbs

pithily; dryly; sharply; tartly; pungently; wilfully; remorselessly; mercilessly; deliberately; ominously; obnoxiously; malignantly; destructively; roughly; bitterly; pertly; insolently; churlishly; crustily; snarlingly; bitingly; banefully; rancorously; quietly; unsparingly; chronically; unrelentingly; viciously; unnecessarily; hatefully; insidiously; venomously; cunningly; needlessly

Acrobat verbs

—amuses; —arches his back; —awes; — balances; —clowns; —contorts; —dances; —dazzles; —displays; —dives; —executes; —flexes; —flies; —flips; —folds; —frolics; —gyrates; —hangs; —hurtles; —leaps; — manipulates; —postures; —pyramids; —rebounds; —recovers; —relaxes; —revolves; —rolls; —soars; —somersaults; —spins; —swings; —thrills; —throws himself; — tumbles; —twirls; —twists; —vaults; — waddles; —whirls; applaud—; gape at—; gasp at—; marvel at—

Act adjectives

virtuous; generous; gracious; unspeakable; self-confident; aggressive; dastardly; ruthless; loathsome; detestable; horrific; barbarous; ignominious; brutal; wilful; rash; servile; cowardly; militant; hostile; mutinous; lawless; illicit; churlish; unknown; condescending; reprehensible; compromising; unfortunate; suspicious; ungallant; unwise; impulsive; thoughtless; childish; gauche; dauntless; hardy; hazardous; official; ritualistic; conspicuous; overt; inopportune; voluntary; unremembered; well-planned; expressive; benevolent; needless; oppressive; conscientious; exasperating; arbitrary; sublime; amusing; incongruous; valid; symptomatic; disadvantageous; adumbrative; heroic; authenticated; meritorious; unfeeling; decisive; instinctive; valiant; beneficent; disinterested; crowning; innumerable (pl); offensive; daring; energetic; lugubrious; touching; specific; governmental; noble; salutary; impolitic; disdainful; violent; dishonorable; ferocious; generous; cogitative; unpopular; infamous; creative; atrocious; dreaded; mischievous; imposing; inexpiable; illogical; egotistic; compulsive; overbold; unwarrantable; disgraceful; unauthorized; superfluous; defensible; treasonable; climactic; derisive; craven; irrevocable; impudent


achieve—; applaud—; behold—; betray—; bring to pass—; catch in the—; commend—; commit—; condemn—; derive from—; dispense with—; incite—; inspire—; perform —; provoke—; pursue—; smile upon—; take in—; urge in—; view—; visualize—; —abides; —blurs; —commences; —denotes; —overtakes; —unfolds; embody—in; frustrate—; galvanize into—; goad into—; govern—

Act (statute)

abolish—; abrogate—; annul—; broaden—; design—; disallow—; invalidate—; invoke —; make void—; outlaw—; proclaim—; put an end to—; repeal—; resurrect—; set aside—; supersede—; suspend—; term—; violate—

(See bill.)

Act (v) adverbs

ignominiously; shamefully; disgracefully; irrationally; impulsively; impetuously; vengefully; abnormally; irregularly; generously; cautiously; coldly; officially; officiously; erratically; superfluously; adversely; involuntarily; admirably; imprudently; ostensibly; mercifully; independently; recklessly; detrimentally; impecuniously; deliberately; frivolously; graciously; viciously; self-confidently; aggressively; unspeakably; ruthlessly; detestably; brutally; wilfully; servilely; mutinously; churlishly; compro-misingly; condescendingly; gallantly; impulsively; dauntlessly; disinterestedly; offensively; disdainfully; atrociously; illogically; treasonably

(See behave, feign.)

Acting adjectives

immobile; technical; robust; allegorical; iridescent; extravagant; resolute; creditable; unnatural; effective; apt; adequate; inspired; imitative; wooden; facile; listless; pantomimic; sluggish; unconvincing

Action adjectives

intelligent; noble; efficient; authoritative; authenticated; sober; riotous; furious; hairraising; intense; virile; vigorous; muscular; courageous; aggressive; direct; resolute; determined; independent; bold; gallant; heroic; positive; affirmative; decisive; vitalizing; tumultuous; perfidious; impetuous; lively; right; stimulating; frenzied; fervent; glorious; justifiable; regrettable; passionate; unrelated (pl); pointless; spectacular; futile; indiscreet; thoughtless; ill-advised; impulsive; commonplace; immoral; uncontrolled; desperate; contemptible; rash; unhesitating; ruthless; unsocial; negative; destructive; infernal; unconventional; drastic; menial; shameful; distressing; implacable; hysterical; mob; maternal; unprecedented; vivid; pending; coordinated; definite; prompt; preliminary; simultaneous; concerted; collective; selective; absurd; dramatic; restrained; involuntary; organized; unified; isolated; strenuous; mechanical; casual; singular; unguarded; unpremeditated; instinctive; punitive; admirable; favorable; laudable; unselfish; virtuous; righteous; conscientious; irritant; unscrupulous; individual; cordial; arbitrary; precipitate; abrasive; ill-considered; disinterested; excited; physiological; spirited; sweeping; chivalric; soothing; unopposed; insolent; pantomimic; rebellious; radical; postponed; vicious; incessant; automatic; emotional; enlightened; summary; ceaseless; engrossing; self-contained; lightning; distinguished; feverish; morbid; convulsive; vehement; uncertain; purgative; igneous; reflex; public-spirited; unobstru-sive; meritorious; functional; dynamic; clannish; crude; awkward; insane; poisonous; reciprocal; inspired; adventurous; unheralded; unobserved; habitual; significant; deleterious; epic; atrocious; persistent; effectual; perturbative; accelerating; deplorable; trifling; magical; vacillating; prohibited; unholy; unforeseen; spontaneous; sporadic; headlong; logical


accelerate—; account for—; advise—; affirm—; atone for—; authenticate—; authorize—; bare—; behold—; burst into—; call into—; chafe for—; classify—; clog—; concentrate—; condemn—; construe—; contemplate—; contrive—; control—; counterfeit—; crystallize—; embark on—; emulate —; enhance—; enter upon—; expedite—; dignify—; diminish—; disguise—; dwarf —; embody—in; frustrate—; galvanize into —; goad into—; govern—; hail—; hamper —; hasten—; hinder—; identify with—; imitate—; impede—; increase—; induce—; influence—; initiate—; intensify—; interpret—; introduce—; justify—; kindle into —; maintain—; motivate—; nullify—; paralyze—; perform—; pledge to—; postpone —; prescribe—; prod into—; produce—; put into—; quicken—; repeat—; repudiate —; restrain—; retard—; revel in—; reverse—; ripen into—; rue—; shame into—; snap into—; spring into—; spur to—; stimulate—; stint—; sum up—; support—; swing into—; threaten—; throw light on—; time—; underprop—; utilize—; weigh—; yield to—; —belittles; —betrays; —blasts; —centers; —confers; —contrives against; —conveys; —divorces from; —predominates; —proceeds from; —rends; —tires; —yields

(See motion, gesture, act, operation.)

Active adverbs

tremendously; keenly; perpetually; enormously; nervously; appallingly; seldom; terribly; amicably; despicably; charitably; helpfully; vitally; dramatically; ostentatiously; shamelessly; absurdly; villainously; ridiculously; admirably; efficiently; pompously; socially; ludicrously; perpetually; politically; singularly; habitually; uncommonly; infernally; vexatiously; suspiciously; subversively; constructively; excitedly; impudently; presumptuously; ardently; re-belliously; obtrusively; insanely; significantly; gravely; persistently.; disturbingly; noisily; amazingly; annoyingly; tirelessly; normally; surreptitiously; restlessly; furtively; openly; boldly; incessantly

Activity adjectives

intellectual; bustling; political; characteristic; extra-curricular; charitable; unavailing; elemental; intense; supporting; spasmodic; mischievous; feverish; exaggerated; volitional; sustained; pedagogical; commercial; unrivaled; spontaneous; volcanic; essential; potent; gastric; peculiar; mental; disquieting; productive; suspicious; erotic; cultural; infantile; unfettered; creative; mercantile; hampered; cataclysmic; magnetic; hive-like; fruitful; beneficent; unparalleled; throbbing; fiendish; functional; social; subversive; publicized; philanthropic; outstanding; recreational; buoyant; prodigious; ceaseless; energetic; incessant; tireless; editorial; violent; unedifying; frivolous; manifold; literary; accustomed; stunning; physiologic; purposeless; destructive; influential; malignant; cooperative; inspirational; painful; irresponsible; aesthetic; earthly; kaleidoscopic; zealous; wholesome; morbid; constructive; normal; disciplined; fascinating; dexterous; nefarious; frantic; surreptitious; clandestine; deficient; tortuous; expanding; multiple; conglomerate (pl); diversified; teeming; widespread; innumerable (pl); multifarious; incredible; nervous; passionate; eager; restless; strident; humming; hilarious; fertile; instigated; prosaic; bizarre; vicarious; villainous


accompanj'—; administer—; boil with—; camouflage—; center—; chart—; condemn —; confine—; constitute—; contemplate—; control—; cramp—; cripple—; curb—; dedicate—; deliberate on—; diffuse—; direct —; display—; edge out—; embrace—; engage in—; examine—; focus—; frustrate—; guide—; hamper by—; hum with—; immerse in—; induce—; inhibit—; initiate—; interrupt—; involve—; kindle—; leap into —; limit—; link—; maintain—; motivate —; nag into—; overshadow—; participate in—; pursue—; regulate—; restrict—; resume—; rouse—; seethe with—; spring into —; spur—; supervise—; undertake—; witness—; —abates; —defeats; —ebbs and flows; —excites; —flares into; —reigns; —stimulates

(See action.)

Actor, adjectives

daring; conspicuous; tragic; eminent; gesticulating; diligent; impulsive; distinguished; celebrated; obscure; godlike; prominent; inimitable; popular; expert; unschooled; recalcitrant; “ham”; strolling; itinerant; persuasive; consummate; competent; forthright; character; skilled


applaud—; greet—; key up—; prompt—; —acquits; —administers; —affects; —apes; —blunders through; —burlesques; —conforms to; —appears; —evokes; —executes; —fo-;es; —gesticulates; —impersonates; —interprets; —mimics; —narrates; —parrots; —performs; —personifies; —radiates; —recites; —spouts; —suggests; —wails

(See player, performer.)

Actress adjectives

gifted; distinguished; competent; charming; brilliant; subtle; exotic; fascinating; indomitable; obscure; hardened; stately; naturalistic; mediocre; energetic; spirited

Acumen adjectives

critical; philosophical; rare; financial; intellectual; penetrative; business; distinguished; acute

Acute adverbs

unwontedly; keenly; actually; remarkably; apparently; astonishingly; unexpectedly; surpassingly; shrewdly; cleverly; uncommonly; fairly; profoundly; thoughtfully; politically; sharply; discriminatingly; naturally; subtly; restlessly; prophetically; reassuringly; penetratingly; craftily

Acuteness adjectives

consummate; vicious; tense; native; unwonted; proverbial; incredible; godlike; rare; apparent

Adage adjectives

favorite; familiar; classic; oft-quoted; apt; well-phrased; clumsy; appropriate


accept—; call to mind—; conceive—; disprove—; grasp—; interpret—; lean against —; paraphrase—; reiterate—; verify—; — expresses

(See proverb, maxim, saying.)

Adamant adverbs

wilfully; indomitably; bitterly; unyieldingly; obdurately; pitilessly; unrelentingly; un-repentantly; inexorably; stubbornly; obstinately; mulishly; doggedly; perversely; fanatically; pig-headedly; contumaciously; bi-gotedly

Adapt (v) adverbs

admirably; skilfully; eminently; artistically; mentally; physically; intellectually; professionally; ingeniously; mechanically; adroitly; dexterously; aesthetically; craftily; competently; consummately; deftly; matchlessly; cleverly; efficaciously; factitiously; gracefully; scientifically; diplomatically; inventively; ingeniously; peerlessly; incomparably

(See adjust, conform.)

Adaptability adjectives

ready; wide-awake; facile; quick

(See adaptation.)

Adaptable adverbs

complaisantly; hardly; readily; intelligently; graciously; easily; ingeniously; comfortably; moderately; scarcely; willingly; quickly; dexterously; cleverly; wisely; diplomatically; sagaciously; sympathetically; mercifully; affably; courteously; civilly; companionably; amiably; discreetly; judiciously ; wisely

Adaptation adjectives

judicious; exquisite; conscious.; functional; deliberate; scenic; terrestrial; approximate; stereotyped; passive; studious; agile; unfulfilled; inexpensive; ingenious; errant

Add (v) adverbs

fondly; facetiously; significantly; intelligently; wearily; dreamily; sorrowfully; passionately; thoughtfully; mildly; parenthetically; frowningly; hopefully; bluntly; decisively; soothingly; carelessly; regretfully; stridently; hurriedly; unobtrusively; contemptuously; tremulously; doubtfully; self-reproachfully; wistfully; breathlessly; impressively; haughtily; needlessly; faltering-ly; graciously; tentatively; briskly; generously; coolly; cryptically; slyly; speedily; accurately; erratically; mentally; alternately; materially; freely; jerkily; vertically; diagonally; horizontally

(See annex, join.)

Addict adjectives

passionate; miserable; confirmed; incurable; depraved; pitiful

Addicted adverbs

miserably; unfortunately; hopelessly; tragically; incurably; ridiculously; pitifully; irreparably; comically; fatally; incorrigibly; lamentably; unhappily; absurdly; unluckily; distressingly; pathetically; laughably; unreasonably; strangely; curiously

Addiction adjectives

pedantic; stubborn; tiresome; conspicuous; learned; hopeless; desultory; violent; favorite

Addition adjectives

incongruous; anachronistic; desirable; simultaneous; pleasing; necessary; costly; significant; worthy; astonishing; dubious; immediate; unprofitable; meager; valuable; substantial; imaginative; gratuitous; indispensable; distinctive; popular

Addled adverbs

hopelessly; comically; strangely; disastrously; slightly; completely; sweetly; horribly; delightfully; indescribably; visibly; manifestly; uproariously; foggily; vociferously; dazedly; rosily; brokenly; incurably; pathetically; palpably

Address adjectives

impromptu; flattering; impending; emphatic; passionate; pithy; temperate; grave; inaugural; intuitive; masterly; graphic; soldier-like; moving; fervid; insinuating; il-laminating; commemorative; laudatory; radical; carefully-worded ; sensational; postprandial; lengthy; stirring; inspiring; rousing; keynote; eloquent; amatory; ardent; affectionate; lucid; preliminary; charming; naive; stumbling; halting; extempore; incoherent

Address verbs                              (speech

alter—; charge—with; compose—; concoct —; condense—; curtail—; expand—; grind out—; organize—; pour forth—; reel off—; thunder—

(See speech, oration, sermon, lecture, discourse.)

Address (v) adverbs

informally; cordially; intimately; affectionately; indiscriminately; pretentiously; exclusively; mournfully; passionately; extemporaneously; temperately; fervidly; insinuatingly; stirringly; inspiringly; rousingly; eloquently; ardently; lucidly; intelligently; pugnaciously; pointedly

(See lecture, discourse.)

Adept adverbs

expertly; scarcely; palpably; undoubtedly; cleverly; ingeniously; incredibly; marvellously; clearly; remarkably; smartly; unimaginably; surprisingly; dangerously; a-larmingly; exceptionally; subtly; fearfully; comparatively; confidently

Adequate adverbs

completely; excellently; pleasantly; delightfully; remarkably; providentially; sufficiently; scarcely; essentially; suitably; wholly; admirably; quite; satisfactorily; wonderfully; gratifyingly; fortunately; luckily

Adhere (v) adverbs

rigidly; tenaciously; doggedly; staunchly; passionately; strictly; perversely; pertinaciously; scrupulously; unflinchingly; unde-viatingly; formally; steadfastly; stubbornly; obstinately; blindly; unalterably; intractably; militantly; contentiously; cantankerously; incorrigibly; immovably; impassively; insistently; bigotedly; sullenly; waywardly, strenuously; religiously; moderately

(See stick, cling.)

Adherence adjectives

lingering; firm; strict; scrupulous; unflinching; passionate; undiscriminating; rigid; undeviating; formal; steadfast; stubborn; obstinate; exact; staunch; apparent; blind; unalterable; inborn; tenacious; dogged; pertinacious; devout; perverse; rash; vigorous; unwise; smug; unswerving; ardent

Adherent adjectives

staunch; unquestioning; zealous; pious; numbered (pl); faithful; deluded; superstitious; loyal; devout; close; spirited

Adieu adjectives

courtly; final; graceful; gentle; mute; sublime; fearful; silent; grave; painful; brash; condescending; disdainful; despairing; wistful

Adipose adverbs

incredibly; irremediably; unfortunately; disagreeably; incurably; unacceptably; distressingly; absurdly; ridiculously; needlessly; ludicrously; damagingly; lamentably; sadly; dangerously; heavily; admittedly; unreasonably

Adjective adjectives

qualifying; explosive; unfactual; decorative; severe; impressive-sounding; apt; augmenting; glowing; sonorous; obsolete; laudatory; rapturous; nauseous; overworked; uncomplimentary; unfavorable; commendatory; descriptive; flattering; inept; obvious; appropriate; exact; distinctive; moving; brilliant; breezy; racy; lurid; lush; picturesque; suggestive; well-chosen; precise


accompany by—; adorn with—; allot—; arrange—; attach—; avoid—; bandy—; choose—; classify—; compare—; depend on —; derive—; eliminate—; eschew—; exhaust—; group —s; indulge in —s; juggle —s; lavish —s on; overwork—; pile up —s; reject—; strike out—; stuff with —s; supply with —s; swamp with —s; transpose —s; —answers; —colors; —conveys; —defines; —denotes; —describes; —disappears; —explains; —expresses; —forms; —implies; —interprets; —limits; —modifies; —occurs; —s pad; —points out; —presents; —qualifies; —springs from; —supplies

(See word.)

Adjunct adjectives

impressive; non-essential; inevitable; external; unusual; absurd; impedimental; artificial

Adjust (v) adverbs

delicately; improperly; satisfactorily; accurately; eventually; fortunately; happily; languidly; harmoniously; nervously; peaceably; enduringly; elaborately; amply; subtly; magnanimously; equitably; mathematically; minutely; precisely; punctiliously; specifically; exactly

(See settle, fit.)

Adjustable adverbs

amicably; easily; instantly; comfortably; necessarily; wisely; conveniently; fortunately; luckily; amazingly; extraordinarily; cunningly; cleverly; naturally; serviceably; handily; peaceably; sensibly

Adjustment adjectives

necessary; temporary; ultimate; long-awaited; peaceful; visual; constant; artistic; enduring; honorable; felicitous; elaborate; studied; rightful; immediate; patriotic; corresponding; ample; scientific; preliminary; harmonious; sensible; subtle; economic; discreet; enforced; poetical; complex; delicate; heart-rending; mental; compensating; calm; prompt; partial; compromised; amicable


adopt—; advocate—; challenge—; effect—; honor—; postpone—; recommend—; reject —; stimulate—; submit to—; —obviates; —pleases; —prevents; —satisfies; —settles

(See regulation, arrangement, settlement.)

Administer (adverbs

efficiently; steadily; faithfully; methodically; internally; cautiously; economically; corruptly; benignly; wholesomely; incompetently; satisfactorily; formally; ecclesiastically; conventionally; customarily; domestically; wontedly; ethically; vigorously

(See manage, regulate, settle.)

Administration adjectives

successful; businesslike; memorable; subservient; corrupt; economical; incapable; filial; benign; stormy; incumbent; spiritual; contemporary; centralized; unified; communal; careful; incoming; civil; eventful; efficient; wholesome; bureaucratic; incompetent; judicial; provincial; internal; stern; progressive; partisan


backbite—; consolidate—; dominate—; entrust with—; facilitate—; flout—; hamper —; repudiate—; set up—; —comes into power; —contemplates; —defends; —draws to a close; —justifies; —plows under; — refutes; —relegates to; —vindicates; — wields

(See government.)

Administrative adverbs

capably; stormily; benignly; thoroughly; nonchalantly; conscientiously; patriarchally; paternally; ably; cleverly; sternly; severely; strictly; judiciously; wisely; tolerantly; wholesomely; busily; fussily; majestically; pompously; simply; arrogantly; officiously; laxly; loosely; democratically; dogmatically; tyrannically; sagely; affably; fairly; honestly; incorruptibly

Admirable adverbs

genuinely; virtuously; correctly; laudably; truly; really; unexpectedly; consciously

Admiral adjectives

mustachioed; famed; stern; plucky; renowned; redoubtable; capable; undaunted

Admiration adjectives

heartfelt; affectionate; ecstatic; whole-hearted; rapturous; unbounded; cordial; genuine; undying; profound; unstinted; grateful; modest; effusive; wistful; unfeigned; passionate; intense; open; frank; enthusiastic; reluctant; waning; grudging; fictitious; perverse; patriotic; youthful; girlish; wondering; amazed; hushed; puzzled; unabashed; sneaking; ardent; mirthful; self-contained; inexpressible; repressed; blind; mute; envious; reiterated; deluded; mutual; unmitigated; critical; loquacious; unrestrained; clamorous; passing; complacent; prolonged; smiling; unwilling; universal; ineffable; impersonal; respectful; astonished; reverent; calculating; noisy; untutored; outspoken; undisguised; unlimited; sympathetic; reciprocal; excessive; maudlin; rapt; half-envious; magnanimous; indulgent; pitying; healthy; speechless; momentary; enhanced


arouse—; challenge—; command—; draw—; elicit—; evoke—; excite—; express—; fill with—; inspire—; lose in—; mirror—; modify—; obtain—; profess—; reap—; reserve—; retain—; season—; strike with—; suppress—; temper—; utter—; win—; — abates; —beams; —buzzes; —cools; — haunts; —moves; —seizes; —wanes; — waxes

(See amazement, wonder, astonishment, love, respect.)

Admire (v) adverbs

universally; prodigiously; immensely; gushingly; passionately; cordially; legitimately; tremendously; ardently; ecstatically; wholeheartedly; rapturously; effusively; profoundly; wistfully; intensely; mutely; unrestrainedly; loquaciously; complacently; clamorously; ineffably; reverently; outspokenly; frankly; undisguisedly; unboundedly*, magnanimously; indulgently; unceasingly; fervently; legitimately; perfunctorily

(See approve, appreciate.)

Admirer adjectives

idolatrous; credulous; soft; ardent; fervent; enthusiastic; irresponsible; discriminating; solemn; passionate; devoted; staunch; countless (pl); sole; persistent; injudicious; quondam; appreciative; reluctant; blind; over-enthusiastic; fond; rival; well-bred; zealous; hearty


abuse—; discourage—; displease—; humor —; indulge—; —acclaims; —adores; — amuses; —applauds; —deifies; —eulogizes; —fawns; —flatters; —glorifies; —gratifies; —idolizes; —lauds; —pays tribute; — pleases; —puffs; —renounces; —reveres; —s throng; —toasts; —worships

(See favorite, follower, lover.)

Admission adjectives

grudging; heartfelt; inexorable; damaging; fatal; flattering; virtual; certain; tacit; frank; candid; liberal; naive; irreparable; plain-faced; blunt; obvious; rueful; reluctant; unguarded; brash; arrogant; gracious; ineluctable; quaint; final. effusively; duly; solemnly; tearfully; parentally; cautiously; gently; paternally; prophetically; frantically; urgently; maternally; stingingly; harshly; bitterly; brutally;' sternly; sensibly; ceremoniously; formally; puritanically; scrupulously; rigorously; stringently

(See reprove, warn.)

Admonition adjectives

soft-voiced; tearful; intensified; plain-spoken; parental; judicious; condescending; moral; cautious; stimulating; gentle; poetical; solemn; prophetic; grave; parting; frantic; urgent; forcible; affectionate; respectful; classical; discouraging; paternal; stinging; whispered; effusive; suave; bold; brazen; prosaic; tedious; beautiful


cluck —s; elude—; heed—; merit—; —demoralizes; —distorts; —distracts; —repels; —scorches; —softens

(See caution, warning, advice.)

Adolescence adjectives

uneventful; painful; self-conscious; callow; awkward; gawky; supersensitive; vain; joyous; feverish; shy; coy; brash; brusque; carefree


apply for—; authorize—; begrudge—; demand—; insure—; refuse—; win—

(See entrance.)

Admit adverbs

remorsefully; brashly; candidly; universally; reluctantly; arrogantly; ruefully; grudgingly; privately; semi-officially; willingly; graciously; equably; laughingly; knowingly; tacitly; humbly; formally; dubiously; unreservedly; savagely; unfeelingly; naively; bluntly; unguardedly

(See acknowledge, confess, concede, grant.)

Admittance verbs

buy—; crave—; deny—; desire—; gain—; grant—; request—; seek—

(See entrance, admission.)

Admonish (v) adverbs

Adolescent adverbs

delightfully; glowingly; dully; painfully; awkwardly; gawkily; sensitively; feverishly; shyly; joyously; obviously; incurably; alluringly; exuberantly; inexpressibly; unbelievably; markedly; radiantly; vividly; excitably

Adopt (v) adverbs

gratefully; dogmatically; advantageously; ostensibly; unanimously; prudently; voluntarily; solemnly; vigorously; obstreperously; judiciously; arbitrarily; ultimately; frankly; deceitfully; apparently; formally; ceremoniously; prudishly; skilfully; tactfully; strategically

(See espouse, support, maintain.)

Adoption adjectives

solemn; vigorous; obstreperous; timely; judicious; grateful; dogmatic; ostensible; prudent; voluntary; ready

Adorable adverbs

mysteriously; utterly; altogether; delightfully; confoundedly; bewilderingly; amazingly; wondrously; unexpectedly; unimaginably; miraculously; graciously; coolly; warmly; radiantly; glowingly; joyously; unbelievably; consciously; contentedly

Adoration adjectives

ecstatic; idolatrous; inarticulate; solemn; shy; passionate; young; breathless; unswerving; servile; filial; fervent; boyish; maternal; doglike; restrained; impassioned; cold; soft; silent; rapturous; mad; hushed; quiet; poetic; unlimited; deprecatory


bestow—; fall in—; rear in—; repel—; yield to—; —buoys; —captivates; —enslaves

(See worship, love, prayer, reverence.)

Adore (v) adverbs

blindly; angelically; ecstatically; inarticulately; solemnly; shyly; passionately; breathlessly; servilely; filially; fervently; re-strainedly; boyishly; worshipfully; impulsively; wantonly; vehemently; warmly; carnally; ruttishly; meretriciously; faithfully; intensely; excessively; fondly; soulfully

(See worship, reverence.)

Adorn (*>


lavishly; sumptuously; elaborately; expensively; attractively; richly; architecturally; ceremonially; lustrously; artistically; tri-umphally; splendidly; decoratively

(See decorate, ornament, embellish, gild.)

Adornment adjectives

lavish; extraneous; expensive; sculptural; architectural; curious; feminine; personal; lustrous; rich; sumptuous; elaborate; garish; gaudy; tasteful

Adroit adverbs

marvellously; cleverly; incredibly; admirably; artfully; remarkably; dangerously; pqlpably; suspiciously; neatly; matchlessly; craftily; masterfully; wonderfully; uncommonly; consummately; innately; constitutionally; instinctively; inherently

Adroitness adjectives

masterly; neat; witty; technical; skilled; swift; matchless; wily; manual

Adulate (v) adverbs

extravagantly; prodigally; servilely; vociferously; amorously; abjectly; indiscriminately; fulsomely; humbly; shrewdly; deceitfully

(See praise, flatter.)

Adulation adjectives

tribal; hysterical; prodigal; vociferous; amorous; servile; abject; unnatural; fulsome; indiscriminate


bask in—; deluge with—; enjoy—; expose to—; feast upon—; indulge in—; relish—; sicken by—; yield to—; —fatigues

(See flattery, extravagance, praise, compliment.)

Adulatory adverbs

abjectly; fawningly; coquettishly; flatteringly; servilely; tribally; hysterically; politically; sycophantically; unctuously; officiously; ostentatiously; subtly; speciously; openly; disagreeably; disgustingly; blatantly; offensively; fulsomely; lavishly

Adult (a) adverbs

surprisingly; completely; fully; obviously; fairly; precociously; prematurely; undeniably; wisely; mysteriously; emotionally; intellectually; uncommonly; buxomly; indescribably; consciously; appallingly; terribly; suddenly; unquestionably

Adultery verbs

commit—; condone—; forgive—; indulge in

(See unfaithfulness.)

Advance adjectives

striking; logical; unflinching; subsequent; economic; orderly; general; sharp; courageous; intellectual; triumphant; successive; perpetual; incessant; definite; studious; haughty; unprecedented; spectacular; prodigious; dizzy; substantial; marked; distinct; material; noteworthy; trifling; modest; tenacious; reconnoitering; arduous; implacable; cautious; glacial; faltering; pugnacious; jaunty; ominous; bold; persistent; menacing; notable


characterize—; check—; constitute—; discourage—; facilitate—; fear—; hinder—; mark—; pioneer in —s; reject —s; smile at —; —culminates; —terminates

(See progress.)

Advance (v) adverbs

aggressively; cautiously; boldly; jauntily; ominously; menacingly; reluctantly; tremblingly; pugnaciously; progressively; ungracefully; simultaneously; hesitantly; secretly; persistently; hopelessly; inexorably; eagerly; notably; triumphantly; timidly; fearfully; compactly; materially; impulsively; awkwardly; unflinchingly; unprecedentedly; spectacularly; substantially; markedly

(See progress, promote, enhance.)

Advancement adjectives

revolutionary; material; technical; significant; professional; cultural; economic; scientific; industrial; corresponding; spiritual; signal; long-sought; respective (pl)


contribute to—; deserve—; desire—; hope for—; note—; promote—; strike a blow to

(See promotion, progress.)

Advances adjectives

tender; lover-like; friendly; surreptitious; tactless; unwelcome; old-fashioned; formal; vigorous; amoristic; bold; boorish; bestial; intimate; circumspect

Advantage adjectives

irretrievable; vile; inevitable; inescapable; obvious; patent; remote; trifling; marked; private; educational; pecuniary; fallacious; immediate; inestimable; enduring; appreciable; unfair; hidden; incidental; underestimated; permanent; contingent; manifold; accidental; worldly; material; human; revolutionary; worth while; practical; unique; physical; substantial; undue; reciprocal; temporary; compensating; theoretical; reasonable; invaluable; surreptitious; matchless; graceless; definite; decisive; adventitious; base; hard-earned; initial; momentary; actual; cultural; exclusive; strategic; shameless; frail; selfish; perishable; unparalleled; mutual; overwhelming; hygienic; unsurpassed; decided; tangible; numerical; signal; partisan; insurmountable; incalculable; ineluctable; irresistible


buy with—; cite—; confer—; contemplate —; derive—; discern—; embody—; enjoy —; forbear—; forego—; gain—; hold—; hold forth on the —s of; jeopardize—; lack —; let pass—; offset—; pay back with—; press—; press home—; reap—; sacrifice—; seize upon—; set—against; shear off—; stress—; surrender—; turn to—; use—; vouchsafe—; —accrues; —achieves; —is connected with; —feeds; —slips

(See profit, victory, benefit.)

Advantageous adverbs

politically; obviously; essentially; undoubtedly; suspiciously; practically; financially; eventually; immensely; socially; highly; materially; personally

Advent adjectives

illustrious; early; imposing; spectacular; exciting; miraculous; pretended; anticipated; long-awaited

Adventure adjectives

lunatic; divers (pl); romantic; pioneering; nocturnal; foolish; intriguing; blithe; maritime; amusing; gustatory; prodigious; dramatic; weird; preposterous; boisterous; fascinating; glorious; royal; gallant; flagrant; healthful; spiritual; pleasurable; remarkable; scientific; desperate; petty; vicarious; glamorous; ludicrous; aesthetic; perilous; disgusting; intellectual; wearisome; terrifying; profitless; formidable; calamitous; extraordinary; countless (pl); notorious; stupendous; sensational; fruitful; curious; rambling; peaceful; gay; audacious; epic; colorful; picturesque; sparkling; piquant; joyous; serftimental; diverting; exuberant; chivalrous; colossal; uproarious; unprecedented; hazardous; astounding; extravagant; sordid; banal; indecorous; untoward; foolhardly; promiscuous; trying; unbelievable; singular; fantastic; fearful; incredible; curious; stimulating; stirring; hectic; mad; daring; breath-taking; strenuous; pathetic; amorous; mental; fearsome; quixotic; unique; exotic; stark; erotic; piscatory; disconcerting; picaresque; alcoholic; engrossing; comic; tragic; void; equivocal; agile


achieve—; crown with—; dare—; dishonor —; dread—; embark on—; encounter—; expose to—; go in quest of—; hanker after —; hazard—; imperil—; mingle among —s; plunge into—; recount—; ride forth to—; risk—; search for—; seek—; set out upon —; thirst for—; thrill with—; urge to—; weave—; yearn for—; —awakens; —befalls; —diverts; —edges; —enlivens; — grips; —lurks; —sweeps over one; —thrills

(See quest.)

Adventure (v) adverbs

amorously; haphazardly; romantically; noc-turnally; intriguingly; blithely; prodigiously; dramatically; preposterously; boisterously; gloriously; gallantly; vicariously; glamorously; perilously; breath-takingly; strenuously; fearsomely; quixotically; exotically; erotically

(See dare, venture, happen.)

Adventurer adjectives ,

venal; intrepid; astute; adroit; unscrupulous; reckless; ambitious; rapacious; martial; noisy; impudent: colossal; hardy; dauntless; despondent; amorous; born; charming; calculating; worthless; thieving; hard-bitten; lusty; penniless; unprincipled; sordid

Adventurous adverbs

madly; boldly; avidly; bravely; timidly; rashly; innately; daringly; carefully; crazily; recklessly; gloriously; notoriously; audaciously; romantically; dramatically; vicariously; courageously; foolishly; terribly; eagerly; inherently; joyously; colossally; foolhardily; singularly; breath-takingly; tragically; youthfully; fantastically; madly; boyishly; disconcertingly; incredibly; alarmingly; discreetly; constitutionally; extravagantly; hazardously

Adversary adjectives

shallow; maimed; underrated; vanquished; doughty; imaginary; stubborn; stony; formidable; proud; courteous; intangible; hostile; vigorous; resolute; worthy; generous; stout; reluctant; well-matched; stalwart; sinister; deadly; harassed; venomous


abash—; avenge one’s—; battle with—; challenge—; combat—; conquer—; embrace —; fight against—; frustrate—; harass—; heckle—; mock at—; oppose—; overcome—; overpower—; overrule—; overthrow—; overwhelm—; provoke—; quell—; resist—; shake—; stir up—; summon—; take vengeance on—; terrify—; triumph over—; weed out —s; wrestle with—; —conquers; —defeats; —delivers; —fights; —gives battle; —rages; —strives; —struggles

(See antagonist, enemy, opponent, foe.)

Adverse adverbs

bitterly; fundamentally; persistently; ‘openly; outspokenly; frankly; traditionally; formidably; irreconcilably; strangely; unaccountably; unfortunately; unhappily; powerfully; unmistakably; unmitigatedly; immoderately; unflaggingly

Adversity verbs

acquaint with—; afflict with—; assay one’s —ies; bruise with—; cast down by—; cross with—; deliver from—; distress by—; embrace—; endure—; redeem out of—; rejoice in—; smite with—; stand against—; struggle against—; suffer—; withstand—; wound with—; —crosses; —tests; —threatens; —thwarts; —tries

(See misfortune, disaster, trouble, affliction, calamity.)

Advertise (v) adverbs

consistently; effectively; dramatically; blatantly; extensively; intelligently; widely; truthfully; nationally; spectacularly; legally; enormously; limitedly

(See announce, declare, publish, proclaim.)

Advertisement adjectives

circus; powerful; posthumous; gaudy; effective; urgent; fantastic; modest; glowing; spectacular; fraudulent; deceptive; blatant; shrill; prefatory; alluring; truthful; current; consistent; astute; dubious; adequate; seductive; dignified; exaggerated; misleading; objectionable; competitive; skilful; plaguy; unsharpened; productive


accent—; alter—; analyze—; approve—; beautify—; believe—; belittle—; change—; complete—; creep into —s; criticize—; decorate—; discard—; follow through—; form—; heed—; identify—; illustrate—; insert—; issue—; launch—; lay out—; lengthen—; limit—; order—; overestimate —; overlook—; point up—; prepare—; purge—; react to—; recognize—; regulate —; respond to—; run—; scan—; solicit—; spoil—; survey—; turn to —s; underestimate—; weaken—; write—; —admonishes; —announces; —concentrates; —extols; — informs; —infuriates; —misleads; —represents; —warns

(See announcement, notice, publication.)

Advertising verbs

abuse—; apply—; believe—; benefit by—; blame—; broaden—; buy—; campaign for —; charge for—; circularize—; clarify—; concentrate—; condemn—; continue—; contract for—; credit—; delineate—; display —; dissect—; disseminate—; eliminate—; emphasize—; employ—; exaggerate—; expend for—; experiment with—; exploit—; flash—; guide—; hail—; immunize to—; insist on—; intensify—; inveigh against—; issue—; judge—; learn—; mail—; minimize—; mislead by—; necessitate—; oppose—; overdo—; pay for—; parallel—; peruse—; post—; pound away with—; prepare—; praise—; prolong—; promote with —; rate—; require—; resist—; revolutionize—; schedule—; segregate—; sell—; solicit—; specialize in—; spurn—; supplement —; survey—; teach—; time—; uphold—; undertake—; utilize—; value—; wage—; warn by—; welcome—; withhold—; —accomplishes; —advances; —appeals; —attracts; —builds; —colors; —embraces; — familiarizes; —features; —fosters; —increases; —influences; —informs; —infringes upon; —inspires; —invites attention; —markets; —merits; —ministers to; —offends; —organizes; —pays; —persuades; —popularizes; —profits; —promotes; —publicizes; —rewards; —sells; —speeds up; —standardizes; —stimulates; —stirs up; —succeeds; —suggests; —trade-marks; —transcends; —transforms; —urges

(See announcement, notice, advertisement.)

Advice adjectives

interested; sage; facetious; determinative; wholesome; admirable; rash; hasty; parental; urgent; salutary; serious; dissimilar; competent; authentic; unadulterated; old-fashioned; practical; shrewd; hard-headed; requisite; customary; proffered; medical; appropriate; moderate; supplemental; unprejudiced; concentrated; superfluous; brusque; disconcerting; unselfish; matrimonial; pregnant; brutal; subtle; impartial; conservative; canny; intelligent; expert; explicit; pertinent; dreary; resented; overweening; recurrent; interjected; caution-, ary; voluntary; unheeded


adopt—: bombard with—; burst with—; consider—; consult—; counsel—; deliberate over—; disregard—; drum—into; adopt—; follow—; grind out—; hark to—; heap—; heed—; honor—; ignore—; impart—; judge —; lack—; modify—; ooze—; plan—; ponder—; profit by—; reckon—; regard—; relish—; seek—; shun—; solicit—; subscribe to—; supplant—; swallow up—; volunteer—; weigh—; —aids; —hinders; — leaks out

(See counsel, instruction, information.)

Advisable adverbs

undoubtedly; scarcely; financially; discreetly; practically; profoundly; morally; urgently; politically; usually; selfishly; solidly; undeniably; particularly; honestly

Advise (v) adverbs

earnestly; briefly; urgently; unhesitatingly; fatally; needlessly; rightly; strenuously; coolly; sagely; rashly; shrewdly; moderately; wisely; incompetently; brusquely; disinterestedly; unselfishly; impartially; brutally; solemnly; subtly; explicitly; pertinently; drearily; overweeningly; intelligently; cleverly; cautiously

(See admonish, counsel, inform.)

Adviser adjectives

competent; confidential; ill-humored; technical; conservative; sympathetic; prudent; facetious; spiritual; sagacious; influential; unscrupulous; resourceful; invaluable; altruistic; experienced

Advocate adjectives

conspicuous; disinterested; benevolent; keen; stalwart; ardent; earnest; pioneer; militant; unselfish; persistent; distinguished; zealous; uncompromising; prominent; enthusiastic; sincere; warm; strenuous; erudite; adroit; exclusive; ingenious; notorious; active; argumentative; fearless; courageous; competent; aggressive; ironic; staunch; resourceful; idealistic; eloquent; loyal; tactful; obstinate; timorous; vigilant; virile; impassioned; able

Advocate (v) adverbs

emphatically; disinterestedly; ostensibly; passionately; absurdly; warmly; fanatically; ardently; characteristically; openly; stalwartly; earnestly; militantly; unselfishly; persistently; zealously; uncompromisingly; eruditely; adroitly; ingeniously; notoriously; fearlessly; competently; idealistically; eloquently; obstinately; timorously; truculently

(See defend, support.)

Aeronaut adjectives

adventurous; ardent; intrepid; daring; seasoned; war-worn; accomplished; barnstorming; globe-circling; dashing

Aeroplane verbs

ballast—; bank—; capture—; charter—; christen—; equalize—; .experiment with—; explore with—; fabricate—; design—; ground—; herd in—; horse down—; hover in—; kick—into a spin; kite—; land—; lift —; modify—; navigate—; nose in—; overload—; “pancake”—; pilot—; propel—; revolutionize—; salvage—; shelter—; spiral —; stabilize—; stall—; sustain—; tilt—; underpower—; —alights; —attacks; — banks; —bombs; —cartwheels; —circles; —s compete for; —s convoy; —dashes; — dives; —drones; —flattens out; —folds up; —gleams; —glides away; —gyrates; — hovers; —loops; —manoeuvers; —pierces the sky; —pivots; —propels; —rains gas; —rises; —roars; —rolls; —scoots; —sheds its wings; —skids in; —skims the turf; —slips into the sky; —soars; —swirls; —swoops; —takes off; —taxies out; — throbs; —trundles on the field; —tumbles down; —twirls; —twists; —wings its way; —wings over; —winnows its way; —zooms; —floats down

(See balloon, plane.)

Affability adjectives

gracious; smiling; kindly; offensive; sardonic; rare; dry; dull; heartfelt; cordial; generous; insincere; pleasing; unwonted

Affable adverbs

unaffectedly; courteously; comfortably; enthusiastically; pleasantly; placidly; unfailingly; graciously; smilingly; considerately; sincerely; genuinely; cordially; usually; singularly; quietly; remarkably; ostentatiously

Affair adjectives

Gargantuan; spiritual; delicate; practical; multifarious; tumultuous; domestic; conventional; financial; droll; disagreeable; pressing; internal; personal; celebrated; complicated; instructive; public; petty; weighty; vast; grave; ecclesiastical; monotonous; corporate; clandestine; passing; quiet; prim; sublunary; uninteresting; intimate; detestable; charitable; masculine; elaborate; dramatic; vigorous; rustic; unsettled; momentous; foolish; flimsy; insignificant; wearisome; troublous; warlike; multitudinous (pl); provocative; secret; temporal; risky; supernatural; deplorable; fatal; community; wretched; barbarous; rollicking; primitive; hasty; reputable; gay; charming; harmless; enchanting; colorful; profitable; resplendent; spectacular; pretentious; colossal; rueful; painful; freakish; sordid; unsavory; tragic; diabolic; disreputable; absurd; distasteful; scandalous; iniquitous; sanguinary; ferocious; blundering; dismal; apathetic; frail-looking; terrestial; academic; amorous; intricate; drawn-out; complex; droll; flippant; bewildering; laborious; different


absorb in —s; administer —s; be conversant with—; carry on—s; change—s; characterize—; commit—to; con —s; scan—; conclude—; conduct—; connect—; control —; deal with —s; debate —s; detach from —s; dispute —s; embroil with —s; emerge from—; entangle in —s; expatiate —s; extricate from —s; grapple with —s; grasp —s; guarantee—; guide —s; hinder—; indulge in —s; intrude in —s; jumble up —s; manage —s; meddle in —s; muddle —s; operate —s; order —s; parallel—; persevere in—; pertain to—; picture—; place at the head of —s; pry into —s; shirk —s; snow under with —s; supervene in —s; support—; transact —s; travel from one—to another; undertake—; veil—; weather—; wind up —s; —drags; —intrigues; —prospers; —recurs; —rests; —ripens

(See business, matter.)

Affect (v) adverbs

gravely; materially; profoundly; visibly; powerfully; indirectly; strongly; detrimentally; vexatiously; adversely; vitally; poignantly; deeply; fundamentally; frequently; primarily; invariably; seriously; painfully; considerably; appreciably; enormously; variously; pleasantly; sensibly; injuriously; intimately; definitely; undoubtedly; differently; unconsciously; peculiarly

(See touch, melt, incline.)

Affected adverbs

conceitedly; foppishly; pretentiously; sentimentally; stiltedly; mincingly; simperingly; stagily; abominably; absurdly; ridiculously; ludicrously; disgustingly; pathetically

Affection adjectives

true-hearted; dramatic; warm; enthusiastic; filial; reciprocal; hysterical; nervous; natural; tepid; responsive; divine; purest; maternal; tender; intense; spasmodic; inordinate; domestic; dutiful; crushed; subtle; heartwarming; admiring; paternal; overflowing; sympathetic; ludicrous; disappointed; unreciprocated; mutual; demonstrative; indiscriminating; mature; pious; wifely; unrequited; pastoral; temperate; inflammatory; untried; brotherly; peremptory; tempestuous; rabid; conjugal; well-grounded; doglike; overbrimming; sweet-toned; grateful; impulsive; healthful; involuntary; rational; perishable; playful; forced; respectful; ancient; concrete; trustful; overstrained; passionate; connubial; hollow; vulgar; vile; pretended; boundless; irrepressible; delirious; lasting; tacit; disinterested; sound; profound; nobler; generous; unreasoning; gleeful; coarse; tolerant; doubtful; confessed; foolish; blighted; wavering; long-suffering; stifled; sincere; beautiful; intimate; thoughtful; extreme; sheer; naive; frank; chaste; physical; unbounded; proud; tenacious; priceless; violent; immortal; sworn; zealous; sublime; sweet; sentimental; critical; undying; revived; ephemeral; embedded; calm; chilled; obvious; airy; childish; fastidious; quaint; aristocratic; stiff; awkward; disagreeable; languid; teasing; absurd; spruce; showy; deliberate; injudicious; comical; patent


advert to—; alienate—; analyze—; arouse —; attach—to; awaken—; bear—; betoken —; bind by—; bless with—; blind by—; breed—•; capture—; chain with—; coerce—; compel—; contain—; crave—; deflect—; demand—; denote—; desire—; detect—; disclose—; display—; earn—; eat up—; elicit —; enforce—; engage—; exempt from—; express—for; feed upon—; force—; gain—; impair—; impress by—; influence—; inspire with—; join in—; kindle—; lend—; manifest—; meet the demands of—; motivate by —; object to—; oppose—; overrule by—; pledge—; pour forth—; preserve—; pretend to—; produce—; promote—; regain—; regard with—; remove—; restrain—; reveal—; scatter—; sense—; shun—; speak—; starve for—; steal—; swear—; temper—; tender—; thwart—; transfer—; transplant —; uproot—; wean from—; weigh—; wrestle with—; —alternates; —bursts out; —ceases; —gets out of bounds; —grows; —links together; —prevails; —spreads; — springs from; —strays; —sways; —thickens; —turns; —warms; —wavers

(See attachment, love, feeling, emotion.)

Affectionate adverbs

enthusiastically; deeply; extremely; dutifully; heart-warmingly; tempestuously; grati-fyingly; warmly; sincerely; temperately; impulsively; playfully; naturally; paternally; respectfully; innately; essentially; confessedly; beautifully; sweetly; frankly; devotedly; apparently; incongruously; professedly; hypocritically; openly; sentimentally; truly; pretentiously; inherently; intensely; ludicrously; moderately; passionately; consistently; ostentatiously; maternally; spasmodically; obviously; steadily; tacitly; foolishly; intimately; proudly; furtively

Affiliation adjectives

growing; cosmopolitan; party; cultural; intimate; tender; undesirable


arrange—; ascertain—; benefit by—; block —■ ; deny—; destroy—; determine—; establish—; impute—with; maintain—; preclude —; recognize—; sponsor—; suspend—; wangle—; —aims at; —complicates; —engenders

(See association, connection, relationship.)

Affliction adjectives

respiratory; corporal; irremediable; desperate; bitter; poignant; mute; sharp; undeserved; recurring; rending; harsh; fatal; brutal; palsied; temporary


ameliorate—; amend—; bear—; bind in—; break with—; carry—; comfort—; conceal —; deliver—; diagnose—; endure—; grant refuge from—; purify by—; shake off—; visit in—; —bites; —follows; —grows; — persists; —prevents; —refines; —softens; —threatens

(See trouble, tribulation, distress, grief, misfortune.)

Affluence verbs

attain—; bask in—; enjoy—; glitter in—; manifest—; raise to—; reduce from—; revive—; wallow in—

(See wealth, riches, abundance, plenty.)

Affinity adjectives

peculiar; commercial; elective; natural; uncanny; temperamental; secret

Affirm (v) adverbs

plausibly; solemnly; plainly; distinctly; facetiously; venomously; categorically; definitely; significantly; constantly; vigorously; smilingly; glaringly; nonchalantly; gravely; splendidly; boldly; brazenly; swiftly; readily

(See assert, state.)

Affirmation adjectives

smiling; glaring; nonchalant; grave; splendid; bold; brazen; ready; swift

Afflict (v) adverbs

distressingly; suddenly; desperately; irremediably; bitterly; poignantly; sharply; undeservedly; recurringly; harshly; fatally; brutally; temporarily

(See persecute, scourge, harass, trouble.)

Afflicted adverbs

distressingly; direly; tragically; unnecessarily; unfortunately; sadly; miserably; incurably; painfully; agonizingly; wretchedly; grievously

Affluent adverbs

gorgeously; enormously; comfortably; fortunately; pleasantly; agreeably; serenely; snugly; enviably; complacently; sufficiently; smugly; graciously

Afford (v) adverbs

undoubtedly; scarcely; indiscriminately; abundantly; inadvertently

(See furnish, yield, produce.)

Affray adjectives

murderous; nocturnal; head-punching; fierce; bloody; violent

Affront adjectives

rude; personal; sacrilegious; deliberate; unmerited; unintentional; intolerable; vile; unnecessary; brutal; boorish; ill-mannered; brazen

Affront (v) adverbs

impudently; brazenly; rudely; personally; sacrilegiously; deliberately; unmeritedly; unintentionally; intolerably; vilely; unnecessarily; brutally; boorishly; ill-manneredly. (See insult, aggravate.

Affronted adverbs

easily; definitely; slightly; quickly; increasingly; unreasonably; foolishly; senselessly; absurdly; unjustly; unfairly; deeply

Afraid adverbs

superstitiously; timidly; childishly; queerly; curiously; dreadfully; horribly; perpetually; oddly; strangely; starkly; mysteriously; faint-heartedly; cautiously; timorously; extraordinarily; unquestionably; secretly; terribly; mortally; foolishly; frightfully; constantly; cravenly; temperamentally; distressingly; unwontedly; unusually; incredibly; shudderingly; surprisingly; unutterably; incomprehensibly; obviously; genuinely; suspiciously; idiotically; nervously

Aftermath adjectives

disastrous; psychological; barren; confused; melancholy; unfortunate; sordid; troublesome; hectic; sorry

Afternoon adjectives

inspiring; brilliant; dismal; gloomy; ghastly; cheerless; dull; restless; raw; fragrant; serene; wintry; rain-washed; humid; sunless; breezeless; tropical; drowsy; clement; drear; golden; rosy; rain-soaked; darkling; declining; showery; sweltering; formal; glamorous; sultry; miserable; fervid


beguile—; devote—; fritter away—; nap away—; pass—; shadow—; tarry till—; while away—; —advances; —pales; — pauses; —pushes forward; —spends itself; —takes wing; —unrolls; —vanishes; — wanes; —wears on

(See evening.)

Age adjectives

pastoral; comfortable; endless; bygone; primitive; seasoned; abominable; imponderable; distant; crabbed; prehistoric; gray-grown; infidel; enlightened; feeble; unnumbered (pl); glorious; relative (pl); countless (pl); paleozoic; prolific; venerable; immemorial; aesthetical; barbarous; Pliocene; dim-lit; embittered; susceptible; infinite; green; polished; deathless; heroic; jostling; remote; pre-chromo; realistic; frostless; advancing; ripe; patriarchal; responsive; besotted; waning; historic; prudish; hoary; blissful; geologic; energetic; fabulous; middle; streamlined; advanced; receptive; decrepit; retirement; earnest; unregarded; tender; dingy; glamorous; roistering; marriageable; approaching; homely; renowned; rosy; honored; critical; heartless; prescribed; masquerading; electric; discreet; weak; dull; contented; mature; rotting; ambitious; exorbitant; muddled; revolutionary; live; unresting; premature; credulous; pre-scientific; weary; degenerate; fabled; classical; sententious; hectic; dateless; material; iron-bound; licentious; ruthless; flourishing; indeterminate; haggish; adolescent; sedate; debutante; disillusioned; discretionary; vast; eligible; unhonored; mellowed; inventive; withered; golden; machine; raucous; tabloid; pagan; graceless; robust; sordid; decayed; ripened; unorthodox; practical; vanished; leisurely; stalwart; toddling; primeval; hoary; talking; shallow; successive (pl); sentimental; dangerous; undiscriminating; independent; buried; innumerable (pl)


advance in—; attain—; clothe—in glory; come of—; decay with—; defy—; denote—; dim with—; enfeeble with—; ensnare with —; exempt from—; honor old—; incapacitate with—; increase with—; judge—; knock at the door of—; limit—; renew—; reveal—; scoff at old—; serve—; stoop with —; succumb to old—; —accounts for; — adorns; —s average; —cracks; —decays; —deposits; —diminishes; —dispels; —enfeebles; —honors; —impairs; —measures; —mellows; —prevails; —privileges; —retards; —shrivels; —steals on; —strikes; —wears; —withers; —wrinkles; —yellows; attribute to—; belong to—; classify —s ; corrupt—; denounce—; designate—; divide into—; epitomize—; excel—; fade into—s; gild—; glorify—; mark—; mechanize—; outlive—; pervade—; proclaim—; represent —; symbolize—; terminate—; usher in—; —s behold; —recognizes

(See maturity, era, epoch, generation.)

Aged adverbs

prematurely; terribly; tragically; pathetically; patriarchally; dingily; ridiculously; mournfully; uncommonly; desolately; contentedly; rosily; datelessly; lamentably; comfortably; crabbedly; hoarily; feebly; incredibly; wondrously; mellowly; honorably

Agency adjectives

effective; volcanic; ordained; secret; external; conservative; all-sufficient; subtle; sole; appropriate; divine; supernatural; regulative; luciferal; technical; bureaucratic; bargaining; ubiquitous; organized; conducive; charitable; law-enforcing; mitigating; curative; myriad (pl)


administer—; assume—; consolidate—; develop—; create—; employ—; e?rclude from —; license—; obtain—; operate—; register with—; require—; squeeze (colloq.) —; terminate—; weld —s into a unit; —acts for; —advocates; —authorizes; —charges; — commissions ; —functions; —handles; —offers; —places; —promotes; —recommends; —stimulates; —surrenders functions

Agent adjectives

dominant; consular; imaginative; enterprising; remedial; unscrupulous; catalytic; cleansing; stimulating; diplomatic; publicity; purchasing; fiscal; coloring; trustworthy; energetic; physical; involuntary; recruiting; confidential; vigilant; corrosive; superfluous; purifying; accredited; cajoling; advance; rapacious


appoint—; authorize—; commission—; delegate to—; deliberate—; discredit—; employ —; endow—; evade—; exert—; direct—; frustrate—; hearten—; rely upon—; remunerate—; request—; vest in—; yield to—; —accounts for; —acts for; —agitates; —assists; —bickers; —conducts; —contrives; —deliberates; —distributes; —enforces; — exerts; —implies; —negotiates; —operates; —profits; —represents; —slumbers; —solicits; —stipulates; —transacts; —vanishes

(See representative, operator, factor.)

Aggravate (v) adverbs

arrogantly; brutally; continually; obviously; detrimentally; unceasingly; painfully

(See intensify, irritate, provoke.)

Aggregation adjectives

enormous; notable; glamorous; indefinable; congenial; simple; continuous

Aggression adjectives

wanton; wilful; jealous; conscienceless; fiery; brisk; ruthless; merciless; destructive; ill-timed


anger by—; anticipate—; avenge—; bear—; bulwark against—; check—; crush with—; denounce—; dread—; encounter—; oppose —; protest against—; provoke—; renounce —; resent—; resist—; save from—; submit to—; surrender to—; wear out by—; — flourishes; —saps; —staggers; —undermines

(See assault, attack, intrusion, invasion.)

Aggressive adverbs

boldly; offensively; truculently; bluntly; presumptuously; impertinently; unbecomingly; unwarrantedly; daringly; courageously; fearlessly; calmly; steadily; persistently; incurably; gallantly; pluckily; heroically; confidently; doggedly; criminally; savagely; indomitably

Aggressiveness adjectives

male; crocodilian; dynamic; sullen; forced; predatory; war-like; unthinking; brutal

Aggressor verbs

agitate against—; badger—; blockade—; curse—; defend against—; denounce—; disconcert—; disorganize—; mobilize against —; punish—; repel—; —assails; —assaults; —depresses; —encroaches; —invades; — provokes; —seizes; —sets upon; —sweeps; —attacks

(See intruder, trespasser.)

Aggrieve (v) adverbs

mortally; painfully; brutally; bitterly; deeply; heartlessly

Aghast adverbs

utterly; wanly; amazingly; amazedly; a-stoundingly; wonderingly; blankly; staring-ly; breathlessly; wordlessly; indescribably; stupidly; tremulously; fearfully

Agile adverbs

nimbly; gracefully; unusually; swiftly; briskly; actively; alertly; surprisingly; youthfully; slenderly; clumsily; unexpectedly; quickly; dangerously; mentally; physically; smartly; light-footedly; spryly; fleetly; trippingly; lightly

Agility adjectives

graceful; grotesque; sailor-like; astonishing; spidery; acrobatic; unsurpassed; feline; tigerish; apish; rare; unusual

Agitate (v) adverbs

convulsively; considerably; indescribably; fiercely; greatly; gently; violently; internally; nervously; feverishly; vigorously; incessantly; recurrently; destructively; visibly; intellectually; markedly

(See disturb.)

Agitation adjectives

revolutionary; indescribable; gentle; violent; profane; internal; nervous; legitimate; gloomy; feverish; throbbing; vigorous; indignant; preliminary; incessant; convulsive; recurrent; destructive; inner; student; bewildered; smothered; visible; intellectual; marked; wearying; unflinching; wholesale; righteous; wide-spread


accustom to—; admire—; allay—; cease —; discuss—; flutter in—; infect with—; introduce—; keep in—; kindle—; menace by—; express—; produce—; provoke—; resume—; stir—; set up—; understand—; witness—; —arises; —arouses; —disorganizes; —disturbs; —excites; —ignites; — impassions; —moves; —perturbs; —stirs; —terrifies; —unsettles

(See emotion, commotion, disturbance.)

Agitator adjectives

veteran; headstrong; unscrupulous; earnest; didactic; deft; extreme; sincere; dangerous; willing; adept

Agony adjectives

profound; envenomed; tearless; inglorious; mute; unattended; vulgar; unconquerable; mortal; delirious; fiery; nervous; crowning; supreme; keen; blank; dying; childless; nameless; final; convulsive; hot; thudding; acute; multitudinous (pl); cowardly; utter; rehding; loathsome; internal; remittent; prolonged; heartfelt; mental; frightful; exquisite; stern; superstitious; unspeakable; piercing; secret; prophetic; scathing; ill-fated; amorous; helpless; concentrated; cold; excruciating; human; unendurable; spiritual; indescribable; invisible; throbbing; last; speechless; intensified; impotent; bitter; blinding; benumbing; timeless; relentless


alleviate—; convulsed in—; distort with—; efface—; endure—; face—; impose—; prolong—; relish—; shriek in—; stir with—; strive in—; struggle in—; wrench in—; writhe in—; —abates; —clutches; —confuses; —despairs; —distresses; —shoots

(See distress, pain, anguish, torture.)

Agree (v) adverbs

pleasantly; universally; tacitly; gravely; solemnly; heartily; voluntarily; magnanimously; cheerfully; listlessly; cordially; completely; meekly; mutually; fervently; blandly; wholly; accordingly; passively; unanimously; comfortably; reluctantly; privately; definitely; amicably; pacifically; tentatively; sensibly; politely; reassuringly; fatuously; verbally; voluntarily; vehemently; emphatically; unhappily; authoritatively; benignly

(See accord, acquiesce, comply, grant.)

Agreeable adverbs

consistently; obviously; openly; frankly; sweetly; essentially; warmly; gratifyingly; extremely; unaffectedly; courteously; comfortably; pleasantly; placidly; gravely; unfailingly; generously; graciously; smilingly; considerately; sincerely; cordially; quietly; remarkably; ostentatiously; charmingly; singularly; genuinely; happily

Agreement adjectives

substantial; stringent; mutual; diplomatic; tacit; loose; amicable; pacific; unanimous; working; preliminary; undisclosed; tentative; moratory; provisional; corrupt; sensible; effective; water-tight; polite; blissful; conscientious; hearty; reassuring; noncommittal; fatuous; despotic; verbal; voluntary; vehement; emphatic; unhappy; compromising; iron-clad; binding; enforced; authoritative


accept—; assent to—; avow—; breach of—; bring to—; cement—; come to—; conform with—; consent to—; consolidate—; construct—; consummate—; declare—; default —; deny—; disregard—; dissent from—; enter into—; execute—; express—; formulate—; fulfill—; illustrate—; imply—; “junk”—; negotiate—; perfect—; prescribe —; reach—; repudiate—; sanction—; scrap —; set forth in—; shape into—; subject to—; tie down with—; violate—; —cements; —consolidates; —expires; —manifests; — reveals; —stands

(See contract, compact, bargain.)

Agricultural adverbs

seriously; playfully; spasmodically; seasonably; showily; enthusiastically; presumptuously; ridiculously; professionally; amateurishly; preachily

Agriculture adjectives

scientific; crude; experimental; diversified; mechanical; variegated


administrate—; appropriate—; classify—; commercialize—; conduct research in—; control—; cooperate in—; crystallize—; depress —; devastate—; develop—; doom—; educate—; employ in—; encourage—; exploit —; extend—; extend credit to—; feed—; foster—; grant to—; improve—; industrialize—; inflate—; instruct in—; insure—; isolate—; manage—; mechanize—; modernize—; nationalize—; organize—; pertain to —; promote—; protect—; regulate—; replenish—; reshape—; restrict to—; revolutionize—; subsidize—; subsist on—; supervise—; survey—; systematize—; teach—; —benefits from; —domesticates; —economizes; —experiments; —flourishes; —markets; —prospers; —rises; —succumbs to; —suffers; —unfolds; —yields

(See industry.)

Aid adjectives

material; mutual; quickening; self-denying; welcome; preternatural; vigorous; positive; substantial; prompt; efficient; generous; invaluable; all-important; sovereign; practical; inconspicuous; artificial; fictitious; dubious; healthful; supernatural; gloomy; adventitious; reluctant; priceless; functional; loyal; extraneous; potential; enlightened; specific; vital; essential; sustaining; necessary


abolish—; afford—; apply for—; apportion —; assist with—; assure—; avail of—; award—; call upon—; condone—; contribute—; deserve—; dispatch—; distribute—; enlist—; extend—; grant—; howl for—; interpose—; invoke—; lack—; lend—; limit —; march to—; offer—; pledge—; proffer —; prompt—; render—; require—; seek—; speed up—; subsidize—; support with—; swear—; trust in—; volunteer—; withhold —; —arrives; —disappears; —preserves; —redeems; —saves

(See help, assistance, relief, cooperation, succor, subsidy.)

Aid (v) adverbs

gladly; secretly; modestly; materially; unquestionably; unobtrusively; treacherously; substantially; self-denyingly; vigorously; positively; promptly; efficiently; generously; invaluably; practically; inconspicuously; dubiously; gloomily; reluctantly; loyally; potentially; specifically; essentially; necessarily

(See help, assist, foster..)

Ailment adjectives

neurotic; minor; correctible; physical; incurable; hereditary; emotional; imaginary; pernicious; childish; dreaded; mysterious; vague; mythical; chronic; feminine; nervous; obscure; grave


complain of—; cure—; diagnose—; disregard—; igno'"'—; neglect—; relieve—; rout—; —indisposes; —springs from

(See malady, illness, sickness, disease.)

Aim adjectives

instructive; principal; lofty; undeviating; murderous; intelligible; unerring; ultimate; personal; heroic; apparent; conscious; poetic; unselfish; generous; fictitious; ulterior; illusory; deadly; deliberate; laudable; ambitious; elevated; unattainable; logical; altruistic; devotional; basic; sole; cherished; confessed; wild; sordid; infallible; sinister; paltry; futile; frustrated; irrelevant; altered, modest; fundamental; kindred; radical; novel; immediate; primal; vain; impracticable; double; sober; impossible


applaud—; attain—; baffle—; cast out—; define—; design—; disguise—; dissipate—; embrace—; encourage—; endorse—; fulfill —; picture—; promote—; propose—; realize—; restrict—; sanction—; set forth—; sum up—; wander from—; *—conflicts; —elevates; —succeeds; —tends; affect—; avoid—; calculate—; direct—; estimate—; guide—; hinder—; lead—; level—; mark —; miss—; point—; take—; train—; —errs

(See object, end, aspiration, purpose, direction.)

Aim (v) adverbs

uselessly; deliberately; primarily; instructively; immediately; principally; loftily; undeviatingly; murderously; unerringly; apparently; heroically; consciously; poetically; unselfishly; generously; fictitiously; laudably; ambitiously; elevatedly; unattainably; logically; altruistically; basically; solely; confessedly; futilely; frustratedly; irrelevantly; modestly; fundamentally; radically; vainly; soberly; impossibly

(See aspire, desire.)

Aimless adverbs

lamentably; invariably; unfortunately; carelessly; happily; blithely; deplorably; unluckily; unhappily; moodily; gloomily; deliberately

Air adjectives                     (atmosphere

crisp; healthful; bracing; balmy; salt; mountain; vitalizing; tingling; invigorating; pungent; exhilarating; sparkling; scented; lofty; comfortable; luminous; polluted; vapory; unbreathed; troublous; sultry; jocund; frosty; ambient; stifling; glittering; precipitant; pernicious; darkened; shadowed; vital; dusky; misty; hushed; viewless; frigid; salubrious; tepid; muffled; wholesome; vibrant; vacant; raw; impalpable; thin; strangling; nocturnal; atmospheric; rarefied; enervating; delicious; genial; cleft; unjaded; foggy; fermenting; heavy; nipping; chilled; vivifying; inter-lunar; brisk; emerald; buoyant; singing; deoxidized; dewy; trackless; stinking; fetid; starry; caressant; scorching; tranquil; spiced; sharp; soothing; health-giving; circulating; conditioned; compressed; illimitable; translucent; moon-struck; wanton; sulphurous; pellucid; miasmic; penetrating; oppressive; desolate; pale; filtered; humidified; twilight; windless; tempest-charged; electric; upper; sanctified; cloudless; greedy; wholesome; dreamy; mineral; limpid; startled; sun-sweetened; purgatorial; inclement; pestilential; highland; laughing; murky; soul-sustaining; heaven-high; infected; mellow; free; summering; mouldy; impregnated; vitiated; toxic; acrid; moontide; dust-scented; crystalline; smoke-saturated; balsam-laden; forest-scented; rainswept; clammy; roseate; lifeless; aromatic; ruffled; buxom; clinging; glimmering; pleasant; tropic; perfumed; empyreal; luscious; blue; stagnant; spreading; eddying; transparent; yielding


admit—; ascend into—; bask in—; beat—; blacken—> bore through—; build in—; change—; charge—; choke—with dust; compose—; compress—; condition—; consume—; cool—; dance in—; darken—; dart through—; deprive of—; detect in—; diffuse —; disappear into thin—; dissipate into—; distribute—; drink—; embalm—with; embrace—; exhale—; exhaust—; expel—; expose to—; fan—; float through—; flush—; hallow—; heave into—; hurtle through—; impregnate—; infect—; inflame—; inhale —; inject—; liquidize—; load—; lope into —; melt into thin—; mix with—; mount into—; navigate—; penetrate—; perfume —; permeate—; pervade—; pierce—; purge —; purify—; pursue in—; putrefy—; ravish —; remove from—; rend—; ride—; ripple —; rise into—; rule—; sail in—; saturate —; scent—; seep into—; shelter from—; smite—; sniff—; split—; stir—; subject to —; support in—; surge into—; suspend in —; sweep—; taint—; tinge—; vanish into —; vitiate—; warm—; —blows; —circles; —circulates; —consists of; —conveys; — diffuses; —expands; —fans; —lulls; —murmurs; —palpitates; —reeks; —resounds; —reverberates; —rings; —ripples; —rushes by; —scintillates; —seeps in; —sighs; — singes; —stirs; —surges in; —surrounds; —swirls; —thickens; —throbs; —trembles; —whispers; —whistles

(See atmosphere, wind, breeze, ether.)

Air adjectives                           (attitude

racy; ironical; professional; coquettish; hesitating; surly; monastic; elegant; proud; condescending; saucy; insouciant; youthful, carefree; confident; joyous; buoyant; hospitable; grotesque; perky; deliberate; abstracted; mystic; druid-like; prehistoric; unctuous; becoming; serious; protecting; perplexed; ardent; businesslike; inquiring; passionate; prosperous; dolorous; pathetic; discomfited; prophetic; judicial; desperate; peculiar; proprietary; confidential; indefinable; plaintive; dejected; distant; selfconfident; rustic; cold; patient; fantastical; lackadaisical; pouting; well-bred; encouraging; calm; sweet; polished; devilish; dashing; unaffected; imposing; disappointed; striking; distinguished; excited; tragic; undaunted; artless; pompous; shamed; furtive; playful; genteel; wheedling; pensive; citified; injured; sedate; wanton; roguish; insulted; contrite; womanly; virginal; frivolous; feline; jaunty; meditative; bewitching; sinister; forbidding; portentous; sagacious; riotous; appreciative; courteous; unapologetic; candid; youthful; pitiless; voluptuous; simple; languid; reserved; threatening; imperious; intellectual; reminiscent; glib; deprecating; intolerant; patronizing; passionless; composed; comic; engaging; celestial; virtuous; elegant; exquisite.; masterful; aggressive; knowing; shrewd; appraising; sophisticated; elaborate; obedient; tranquil; staid; quizzical; enigmatic; lofty; supercilious; possessive; matter-of-fact; nonchalant; detached; insolent; ominous; dissipated; moody; irrational; belligerent; calculating; obstinate; irritating; scandalized; dogged; harassed; martyred; injured; distraught; shrinking; crestfallen; disconcerted; motherly; suave; exotic; masculine; incorrigible; colloquial; cherubic; critical; indulgent; salubrious; appreciative; deferential; disarming; sly; accommodating; grandiose; spiritual; majestic


acquaint with—; address with—; adopt—; affect—; ape—; assume—; bear—of; communicate—; describe—; draw up with—; feign—; give —s to; invest with—; manifest—; treat with—; unfold—; —excites; —pleases

(See manner, mien, appearance, demeanor, expression.)

Air adjectives                              (tune

wizard; stirring; martial; light; melancholy; flippant; patriotic; lilting; mournful; plaintive; persistent; haunting; nostalgic; memorable; heartfelt; militant


accompany—; arrange—; chorus—; compose—; harmonize—; hum—; play—; recognize—; sing—; spoil—; synchronize—; whistle—; —charms; —cheers; —enchants

—expresses; —gladdens; (See melody, tune.

Airy adverbs

gracefully; exquisitely; boyishly; youthfully; lightly; cheerfully; inexpressibly; racily; blithely; gaily; elegantly; saucily; proudly; carelessly; joyously; confidently; buoyantly; mystically; prophetically; proprietarily; fan-, tastically; devilishly; dashingly; imposingly; artlessly; playfully; wantonly; roguishly; jauntily; bewitchingly; engagingly; elegantly; superciliously; nonchalantly; suavely; smoothly; indulgently; disarmingly; slyly; fashionably; stagily; conceitedly; refreshingly; racially

Aisle adjectives

shadowy; cathedral; winding; grassy; gloomy; long-drawn; teeming; pillared; silent; narrow; raucous; leafy; forest; cloistered; slender; gorgeous; moldering


amble down—; arch—; block—; bound down—; build—; divide into—; drift down —; extend—; flank—; form—; indicate—; labor up—; negotiate—; obstruct—; open —; pace—; separate by —s; speed down —; tear up—; traverse—; trip down—; walk down—; widen—; —bisects; —divides; —extends; —leads; —runs; —swallows one up

(See passage.)

Alacrity adjectives

marvelous; gladsome; incredible; peculiar; sparkling; unequalled; comical; momentary; light-footed; nimble; feigned; eager; warlike; rhythmic; enthusiastic; headlong; keen; noteworthy; nervous

Alarm adjectives

serious; groundless; vague; superstitious; unnecessary; high; nocturnal; perpetual; tremulous; faint; profound; spectral; manifest; shrill; evident; grave; imminent; scandalized; unfounded; painful; imbecile; grim; mute; abrupt; midnight; uneasy; sounding; friendly; grisly; deadly; incessant


answer—; bewilder by—; blow—; broadcast—; burden with—; check—; chime—; cry—; discourage undue—; excite—; exclaim in—; give rise to—; incite—; occasion—; peal—; produce—; recoil in—; respond to—; shake with—; shudder in—; signal—; sound—; strike—; suppress—; take—; transmit—; —awakens; —clangs; —demoralizes; —dismays; —disturbs; — notifies; —signifies; —spreads; —startles; —steals over one; —subsides; —summons; —surprises; —vanishes; —warns

(See terror, fright, consternation, apprehension, panic, dismay, fear, dread, warning, signal.)

Alarm (v) adverbs

sincerely; fearfully; seriously; astounding-ly; exceedingly; groundlessly; unnecessarily; vaguely; superstitiously; perpetually; faintly; profoundly; manifestly; gravely; painfully; abruptly; incessantly

(See terrify, frighten, scare.)

Alcohol verbs

abstain from—; apply—; banish—; bloat with—; clean with—; concentrate—; condemn—; consume—; contain—; crave—; denature—; detect—; dilute—; dissolve in —; distill—; dose with—; ferment into—; formulate—; heat with—; indulge in—; injure with—; manufacture—; methylate—; power with—; prod with—; purvey—; redistill—; reduce to—; reek with—; reinforce by—; resist—; respond to—; restrict —; saturate with—; solace with—; stain with—; steep in—; stimulate with—; taint with—; utilize—; vaporize—; —accelerates; —contracts; —deadens; —depresses; —derives from; —dulls; —expands; —flames; —inebriates; —influences; —intoxicates; — menaces; —occurs in; —penetrates; —plays a role; —poisons; —preserves; —ravages; —retards; —soothes; —stimulates

(See wine, liquor, whiskey, ale, etc.)

Ale adjectives

nut-brown; home-brewed; spicy; unlimited; earth-cooled; bubbling; foam-flecked; gurgling; spirited; heaven-sent; sparkling; cheery; tempting; joyous


appreciate—; brew—; consume—; deal in —; drink—; ferment into—; fill with'—; flavor—; gulp down—; guzzle—; hop up —; imbibe—; medicate—; pour—; process —; revel in—; set up to a drink of—; swill—; warm with—; —inebriates; —intoxicates; —matures; —pacifies; —ripens; —sours; —stupefies

(See beer, liquor.)

Alert adverbs

guardedly; extremely; wisely; resolutely; diabolically; eternally; zealously; embarrassingly; cautiously; suspiciously; terribly; comically; capably; amazingly; inordinately; passably; incessantly; mentally; nervously; uncommonly; keenly; coolly; warily; sharply; suavely; briskly; swiftly; signally

Alertness adjectives

practical; mental; nervous; paradoxical; keen; fierce; flea-like; scientific; cool; quick; wary; sharp; sly; suave; brisk; swift; signal; undervalued

Alibi adjectives

dubious; unquestioned ;' plausible; unbreakable; incontestable; air-tight; fantastic; faked; unprovable; admirable


allege—; build—; concoct—; dispense with —; establish—; fabricate—; furnish—; introduce—; manufacture—; offer—; perjure —; pose—; prove—; regard—; resort to—; scrutinize—; set up—; snarl—; substantiate —; support—; tender—; verify—; —acquits; —bewilders; —confounds; —disconcerts ; —proves

(See plea, excuse.)

Alien adjectives

unwashed; pseudo-intellectual; criminal; invading; objectionable; well-meaning; spying; unpatriotic; harmless


admit—; appoint—; bilk—; comfort—; confuse—; defend—; define—; defraud—; delude—; dominate—; dupe—; exclude—; expel—; exploit—; hinder—; hoodwink—; incite—; legislate against—; naturalize—; outwit—; prejudice against—; restrict—; smuggle—; subsidize—; succor—; tolerate —; —agitates; —consumes; —demolishes; —domiciles; —immigrates; —rends; —resides; —sojourns in; —thwarts

(See stranger, foreigner.)


intrusively; irrelevantly; outlandishly; undeniably; ostentatiously; palpably; essentially; obviously; disagreeably; inimitably; inconceivably; unconcernedly; disinterestedly; relatively; discordantly; impertinently; fantastically; exotically; discordantly; incidentally; multifariously; remotely; strangely; unconformably; extraneously; exceptionally; inadmissably; objectionably; harmlessly; unpatriotically; unquestionably

Alienate (v


irretrievably; completely; irreconcilably; temporarily; permanently; successfully; finally; spitefully

(See transfer, separate.)

Alienation adjectives

mental; complete; temporary; irreconcilable; permanent

Alimony verbs

appoint—; approve of—; award—; consent to—; decrease—; entitle to—; fall behind in—; imprison for—; lapse—; reward with—; seek—; settle—on; sue for—; win —; —supports

(See allowance.)

Alive adverbs

gaily; blithely; barely; resolutely; completely; eagerly; energetically; fortunately; happily; surprisingly; beamingly; briskly; industriously; alertly; animatedly; bustlingly; actively; diligently; friskily; restlessly; strenuously; gloriously; joyously; delightedly; rapturously

Allegation adjectives

oft-repeated; prevailing; pointless; irrelevant; unsubstantiated; unsupported; insistent


affirm—; blurt out—; declare—; deny—; disprove—; dispute—; disregard—; excuse —; hurl—; justify—; moderate—; overthrow—; persevere in—; plead—; propound —; protest—; prove—; refute—; reprove —; state—; voice—; —condemns; —effects; —supports; —validates; —warrants

(See assertion, declaration, plea, statement.)

Allege (v) adverbs

emphatically; repeatedly; pointlessly; irrelevantly; insistently; heatedly

(See state, maintain.)

Allegiance adjectives

ill-defined; supreme; unflinching; unfaltering; passionate; vague; firm; absolute; self-sacrificing; divided; faithful; halfhearted; enthusiastic; constrained


abandon—; affirm—; begrudge—; bid for —; cease—to; confer—; declare—; desert —; disavow—; dissolve—; exact—; follow with—; free from—to; gain—; imply—; pledge—; profess—; render—; renounce—; repudiate—; seek—; supplant—; swear—; throw off—; violate—; vow—; withdraw—; —binds; —comforts; —continues; —ties

(See loyalty, devotion, fidelity, obedience.)

Allegorical adverbs

abstrusely; openly; frankly; cleverly; dis-guisedly; ostensibly; ironically; typically; far-fetchedly; obtusely; complexly; incomprehensibly; palpably; evidently; thinly

Allegory adjectives

horrid; tremendous; apt; philosophical; pompous; hidden; inappropriate; far-fetched

Alleviate (v) adverbs

cheerily; markedly; tremendously; remarkably; slightly; apparently

(See relieve, lighten, reduce, lessen.)

Alley adjectives

blind; medieval; inclosing; labyrinthian; squalid; grimy; malodorous; slimy; unpromising; filthy; twisting; green; rat-infested


approach—; border—; cower in—; lurk in —; saunter through—; skulk in—; slink through—; strike into—; —crawls with; —reeks; —resembles; —slumbers; —teems with; —turns; —twists; —winds

(See street, passage, path, walk, way.)

Alliance adjectives

suspicious; entangling; defensive; amazing; long-desired; dubious; firm; treacherous; political; unholy; unspeakable; tribal; intimate; loose; epoch-making; bizarre; dissolved; prosperous; unhappy; matrimonial; iniquitous; extraneous; staunch; fitting; corrupt; unsurpassed; nuptial; accursed; formidable


achieve—; acquire—; adhere to—; alter—; combine in—; conclude—; connect with—; contract—; contribute to—; defend—; deny —; disapprove of—; dissolve—; enhance —; entangle in —s; form—; found—; knit —; maintain—; preserve—; revise—; revoke—; sanction—; seek—; solidify—; stipulate—; terminate—; unite in—; —augments; —concludes; —cru-ibles; —discriminates against; —empowers; —enables; — enriches; —entangles; —fortifies; —insures; —knits; —maintains; —preserves; —promises; —reanimates; —reinforces; —rejuvenates; —revives; —solidifies; —stiffens; — stipulates; —sustains

(See league, union, federation, coalition, relationship.)

Alligator verbs

conserve —s; corner—; despatch—; exterminate —s; harpoon—; preserve—; prey upon—; prod—; spy on—; stock with —s; stuff—; —s abound; —attacks; —attains a length; —basks; —bellows; —burrows; — charges; —crawls; —crunches; —crushes; —deposits eggs; —devours; —draws his prey; —emits odors; —flips his tail; — floats; —frequents; —glides; —grunts; — hatches; —hibernates; —inhabits; —lashes; —lies in wait; —makes off with; —matures; —measures; —nips; —retreats; —roars; — slips into the water; —snaps; —splashes; —submerges; —suns; —surges; —swarms; —swings its tail; —tends its young; — thrashes about; —twists; —writhes

(See reptile, crocodile.)

Allot (v) adverbs

fairly; equitably; unjustly; unfairly; satisfactorily; magnanimously; impartially

(See. apportion, distribute, divide.)

Allow (v) adverbs

ultimately; generously; grudgingly; graciously; subsequently; tacitly; reluctantly; liberally; handsomely; munificently; reasonably; lavishly; regularly; intermittently; impartially

(See permit, consent, tolerate.)

Allowable adverbs

expressly; always; scarcely; socially; officially; legally; obviously; evidently; patently; unconditionally; reportedly; apparently; unquestionably; indubitably; undoubtedly; manifestly; definitely; explicitly; palpably

Allowance adjectives

liberal; generous; handsome; munificent; reasonable; meager; due; tolerable; lavish; modest; regular; intermittent; niggardly; kingly; stated


admit—; allot—; apportion—; award—; concede—; continue—; deduct from—; draw from—; exhaust—; husband—; laud—; limit—; oppose—; pledge—; restrict—; sanction—; spurn—; tolerate—; —astounds; —shrinks; —staggers

(See salary, wages, amount.)

Allude (v


publicly; poetically; indelicately; pointedly; superciliously; jocosely; sarcastically; distinctly; crudely; obscurely; perplexingly; scripturally; casually; playfully; metaphorically; slyly; sneeringly; disdainfully; contemptuously; monotonously; personally; irreverently; subtly; timidly; blasphemously; insultingly; condescendingly; scurrilously; jocularly; abstrusely; respectfully

(See hint, intimate, refer.)

Allurement adjectives

economic; taunting; entrancing; delightful; exquisite; siren; agreeable; overpowering; female

Alluring adverbs

mysteriously; utterly; delightfully; disturbingly; designedly; intentionally; confoundedly; diabolically; bewilderingly; amazingly; unquestionably; wondrously; unexpectedly; surprisingly; coolly; radiantly; joyously; quietly; consciously; unconsciously; tauntingly; tormentingly; overwhelmingly ; provokingly

Allusion adjectives

happy; distinct; obscure; incidental; scholarly; crude; contemporary; sarcastic; pointed; topical; perplexing; scriptural; casual; facile; parting; playful; metaphorical; delicate; sly; biverbal; sneering; disdainful; contemptuous; literary; monotonous; personal; indecent; stray; well-timed; irreverent; laudatory; hidden; subtle; mythological; rambling; timid; blasphemous; insulting; condescending; scurrilous; jocular; abstruse; respectful


accept—; discern—; endure—; explain—; insert—; sport with—; weave in —s; —s abound; —s clutter; —s crowd; —encumbers; —enriches; —implies; —suggests; —weighs down

(See reference, hint, suggestion.)

Ally adjectives

ancient; formidable; constant; treacherous; invaluable; powerful; brilliant; faithful; indispensable; perfidious; distrustful; illustrious; staunch; natural; sturdy; vigorous; sympathetic; unmanageable; lifelong


abuse—; alienate—; combine with—; consult—; defend—; forsake—; outrage—; seek—; take for—; unite with—; welcome —; —collapses; —concurs; —s connive; — contributes; —cools down; —forfeits

(See colleague, friend, partner.)

Ally (v) adverbs

closely; inseparably; exclusively; treacherously; invaluably; faithfully; indispensably; perfidiously; staunchly; naturally; sturdily; sympathetically; vigorously

(See join, associate.)

Alms verbs

allot—; bestow—; contribute—; dole out—; donate—; entreat for—; merit—; ministrate —; pilfer—; provide—; relieve with—; scatter—; scorn—; solicit—; support by—

(See charity, dole, gift.)

Aloof adverbs

coldly; proudly; shyly; timidly; arrogantly; superciliously; intellectually; naturally; dreamily; discourteously; deliberately; resolutely; unsocially; impenetrably; ponderously; inscrutably; ingly; becomingly; gustly; imposingly; ly

Altar adjectives

garlandless; dreaded; cold; smokeless; nuptial; honored; glowing; conjugal; auspicious; idolatrous; brazen; impious; favored; lofty; sacrificial; venerable


accept on—; adorn—; attend—; bow before —; burn at—; cast down—; consecrate—; dedicate at—; desecrate—; disparage—; elevate—; encrust—; enshrine on—; erect —; hang on—;. inscribe on—; lure to—; offer on—; perform at—; raise—; rear—; repose on—; sacrifice at—; stagger to—; swear by—; vow at—; worship before—; —fumes with incense; —graces; —rises; —stands

(See platform, bier.)

Alter (v) adverbs

placidly; ridiculously; radically; appreciably; considerably; materially; profoundly; conspicuously; extremely; subsequently; invariably; frankly; significantly; sensibly; quantitatively; mysteriously; extensively; basically; subtly; markedly; seriously; intangibly; indefinably

(See vary, change, transform.)

Alterable adverbs

frankly; conveniently; easily; extensively; fortunately; unfortunately; always; happily

Alteration adjectives

frank; significant; sensible; trifling; quantitative; mysterious; basic; suggested; extensive; observable; subtle; marked; serious; intangible; indefinable


detect—; dispute—; effect—; employ—; indicate—; modify—; ponder—; substitute —; yawn at—; —charms; —displeases; —effects; —enchants; —invalidates; —occurs; —offends; —pleases; —satisfies; — is wrought

(See modification, change, variation.)

Altercation adjectives

monstrous; lurid; bitter; gesticulatory; high-pitched; wordy; domestic; deadly; unprovoked; violent; acrimonious

Alternation adjectives

mad; periodical; endless; rapid; unconscious; intermittent; infinite

Alternative adjectives

painful; pleasant; admirable; desperate; intolerable; unthinkable; dire; impossible; practicable; subtle; ghastly; grim; vague; contradictory; undesirable; inescapable; serious


arrive at—; bewilder with—; conceive—; confront with—; countenance—; endorse—; explore—; extend—; mystify by—; propose —; reject—; request—; suggest—; —circumscribes; —curbs; —lies open; —limits; —puzzles; —remains

(See option, preference.)

Altitude adjectives

bleak; dizzy; infinite; considerable; starlit; moderate; healthful; breezy;, breath-taking; excessive; unbelievable; unattainable


ascertain—; compute—; elevate—; exceed —; fix—; forfeit—; gain—; gauge—; heighten—; level off at—; maintain—; register—; rise to—; scale—; soar to—; — dazzles; —increases

Altruism adjectives

genuine; noble; philanthropic; lofty; feeble; non-existent

Altruistic adverbs

sincerely; fanatically; pompously; vain-gloriously; publicly; ostentatiously; extremely; instinctively; characteristically; truly; genuinely; amazingly; essentially; quixotically

Alumnus adjectives

distinguished; valuable; brother; successful; staunch; dependable; rabid; generous


appeal to—; browbeat—; organize—; — associates; —i build; —celebrates; —i constitute; —i convene; —endows; —fosters; —i gather; —i nourish; —pledges; —relives; —i reunite; —revisits; —i stand behind

(See graduate.)

Amalgamation adjectives

compulsory; racial; ethnic; subtle; industrial; necessary; advantageous; vital

Amateur adjectives

persistent; enterprising; enthusiastic; complacent; inexperienced; deplorable; superficial; distinguished; literary; gifted


bar—; brand as—; close to —s; define—; deride—; distinguish—; encourage—; exempt—; govern—; handicap—; outdistance —; purge —s; repudiate—; restrict —s; rule—s; safeguard—; sanction—; vindicate —; —aspires to; —attains; —barters; — competes; —cultivates; —devotes; —engages in; —participates; —preserves his status; —stresses

(See novice.)

Amateurish adverbs

hopelessly; youthfully; admittedly; eagerly; fancifully; fantastically; ambitiously; avidly; fervidly; enthusiastically; comically; pathetically; inexpertly; deplorably; unexpectedly

Amaze (v) adverbs

perfectly; absolutely; ludicrously; indignantly; honestly; utterly; unboundedly; mutually; bewilderedly; unutterably; speechlessly; blankly; raptly; helplessly; ineffably; dumb-foundedly; haughtily; unconcealedly; senselessly; horribly

(See astonish, surprise, astound.)

Amazement adjectives

sheer; indignant; fond; honest; stupid; starry-eyed; stupefied; utter; mute; unbounded; rising; mutual; bewildered; half-incredulous; mocking; unutterable; speechless; critical; dawning; blank; rapt; wideeyed; shocked; helpless; dumbfounded; ineffable; freezing; justifiable; startled; horrified; petrified; haughty; agonized; unconcealed; hurt; smothering; open-mouthed; uneasy; senseless


augment—; confound with—; evince—; eye with—; feign—; overwhelm with—; paralyze with—; peer with—; petrify with—; smite with—; stupefy with—; —bewilders; —divulges; —manifests itself; —reveals; —seizes; —stuns

(See astonishment, confusion, surprise, admiration, awe, bewilderment, perplexity, wonder.)

Ambassador verbs

accredit—; assign—; authorize—; charge —with; commission—; confer with—; delegate—; dismiss—; dispatch—; empower—; entrust—with; exchange —s; exclude—; exempt—; immunize—; induct—; install—; invest—with; maintain—; nominate—; ordain—; oust—; raise to the rank of—; recall—; retract—; suspend—; turn out—; unfrock—; —abrogates; —arbitrates; — arms with; —carries on; —conveys; — develops; —entreats; —has access to; — intercedes; —mediates; —ministers; —negotiates; —represents; —repudiates; — transmits

(See agent, minister, official.)

Amber adjectives

limpid; pale; rich; clear; electrified; honeycolored; translucent; opaque

Ambiguity adjectives

unfortunate; verbal; apparent; subtle; disturbing; deliberate; undesirable


admit—; brush away—; burden by—; clear away—; cling to—; develop—; disentangle —; dissolve—; distinguish—; express—; obscure with—; oppress with—; reduce—; remove—; —clouds; —deludes

—puzzles; —vanishes

(See uncertainty, obscurity.)

Ambition adjectives

forceful; unbounded; misplaced; personal; warring (pl); criminal; abstracted; reasonable; social; ancestral; uninstructed; worthy; unquenchable; industrial; average; grandiose; sole; thick-sighted; racial; lofty; cherished; lifelong; thwarted; worldly; vaulting; vain; conflicting (pl); daring; unprincipled; insane; intense; unbridled; noisy; darling; foiled; primary; disquieting; peculiar; fierce; humble; honorable; wandering; moderate; sensible; imperial; kingly; persistent; mad; tremendous; sublime; soaring; disappointed; desultory; insatiable; absurd; unreined; corrupt; beastly; misdirected; undying; healthy; satisfied; blind; august; youthful; vulgar; inordinate; life-ruling; troublous; sinister; irreconcilable; political; odious; crushed; tacit; impassioned; private; unscrupulous; persevering; senile; exalted; praiseworthy; modern; resolute; aggressive; consuming; gnawing; spurring; boastful; indiscreet; petty; visionary; conceited; dictatorial; egotistical; dynastic; abjured; hypertrophied; latent; innate; undeviating; tempered; boundless; distempered; focalized


achieve—; attain—; badger—; balk—; betoken—; breed—; characterize—; cherish —; chill—; choke with—; commend—; control—; credit—; cultivate—; derive—; devour with—; direct—; display—; dose with —; drop—; dwarf—; endow with—; enslave—; entertain—; exaggerate—; extinguish—; feed with—; fire with—; fling away—; frustrate—; fulfill—; further—; gratify—; hamper—; honor—; humor—; infect with—; inflame with—; inspire—; master—; nurse—; overleap—; placate—; realize—; reawaken—; rein—; relinquish —; restrain—; satisfy—; scoff at—; scotch —; stifle—; stimulate—; subordinate—; temper—; thwart—; whet—; —burns; —s conflict; —emboldens; —lures; —overleaps itself; —pushes; —soars; —suffers; — vaults

(See aspiration, desire, eagerness.)

Ambitious adverbs

socially; extremely; unspeakably; inordinately; profoundly; mercilessly; unscrupulously; politically; ruthlessly; odiously; laudably; properly; dangerously; admirably; industriously

Amble (v) adverbs

joyously; industriously; gently; languorously; lazily; impudently; lackadaisically

(See walk.)

Ambush verbs

assault from—; attack from—; capture by —; conceal in—; draw into—; elude—; employ—; encounter—; hide in—; lay—; lie in—; lurk in—; perish in—; post in—; set up—; station in—; suspect—; tempt into—; walk into—; waylay in—; —arises; —succeeds; —surprises

(See trap.)

Amen adjectives

hearty; hasty; solemn; sincere; throaty; husky; heavenly

Amenable adverbs

pleasantly; personally; entirely; wholly; scarcely; seriously; terribly; directly; agreeably; accommodatingly; willingly; satisfactorily; sufficiently; fortunately; happily

Amendment adjectives

belated; rash; drastic; pending; beneficent



abandon—; abrogate—; adopt—; allow—; alter—; complete—; concur with—; deliberate—; disagree with—; discuss—; dismiss —; initiate—; insert—; oppose—; propose —; ratify—; reject—; repeal—; resolve—; subject to—; substitute—; veto—; violate —; —adjusts; —alters; —betters; —compensates; —corrects; —deprives; —expiates; —gives birth to; —modifies; —overthrows; —provides; —reforms; —remedies; —removes; —restricts; —stands

(See change, improvement, correction.)

Amenity adjectives

ancient; social; hard-won; nonsensical; accepted; expected

American adjectives

dashing; chauvinist; adventurous; eminent; loud; red-blooded; level-headed; intellectual; sensitive; liberal; stout-hearted; rapidfire; virile; swift-moving; industrial-minded


loyally; thoroughly; completely; independently; dauntlessly; proudly; consciously; resolutely; ostentatiously; ridiculously; adventurously; bravely; essentially; obviously; distinctively; characteristically; insistently; consistently; persistently; dashingly; steadily; coolly; charmingly; informally; violently; volubly; restrainedly; serenely; confidently; unmistakably; undeniably; loudly; quietly; palpably; evidently; level-headed-ly; stoutly; invincibly

Americanism verbs

adhere to—; ally with—; appeal to—; assault—: assert—; assimilate—; awaken—; cherish—; cite—; cultivate—; defend—; develop—; deviate from—; embrace—; endow with—; establish—; explore—; express —; federate—; hearten by—; inculcate—; ingrain—; insure—; interfere with—; laud —; menace—; molest—; motivate by—; pledge to—; proclaim—; promote—; resist—; retain—; retreat to—; ripen—; safeguard—; surround by—; sympathize with—; tamper with—; threaten—; unite in—; uphold—; verse in—; vest in—; —converges with; —embraces; —flounders; —flourishes; —forges through; —fosters; —languishes; —progresses; —promotes; —signifies; —survives

(See patriotism.)

Amiability adjectives

impassioned; delightful; sincere; disconcerting; utmost; gushing; easy-going; placid; unwonted; native; condescending; rarefied

Amiable adverbs

charmingly; unfailingly; always; sincerely; unaffectedly; calmly; serenely; happily; cheerily; naturally; bewitchingly; softly; gently; enchantingly; unwontedly; unusually; habitually; incomparably; modestly; winningly; ineffably; genuinely; becomingly; refreshingly; wonderfully; sweetly; graciously; frankly

Amity adjectives

godlike; cordial; ghastly; mutual; rough; genial; generous; feigned; jealous


abide in—; bind in—; cultivate—; despise —; disrupt—; found upon—; knit in—; link in—; promote—; radiate—; restore—; swear—; unite in—; —conduces; —fosters; —insures

(See friendship, harmony, good-will, peace.)

Ammunition verbs

assign—; cap—; cast—; consume—; contract for—; discharge—; exhaust—; furnish—; fuse—; guard—; handle—; ignite —; insert—; jacket—; project—; protect—; ration out—; replenish—; safeguard—; secrete—; stack—; store—; transport—; —detonates; —embraces; —saves; —shatters; —undergoes improvement

(See explosives, shells.)

Amorous adverbs

ardently; erotically; tenderly; lovingly; excessively; ostentatiously; fervidly; adoringly; idolatrously; infatuatedly; passionately; rapturously; yearningly; coquettishly; excitedly; flirtatiously; sweetly; philandering-ly; seductively; enchantingly; winningly; wooingly; devotedly

Amount ad jectives

sufficient; excessive; stipulated; immense; cumulative; dangerous; exhausting; vast; exorbitant; fabulous; incredible; gigantic; indecent; unreasonable; prodigious; unprecedented; fantastic; appalling; colossal; ruinous; incalculable; goodly; sizable; average; traditional; stated; strategic; proportionate; lucrative; harmonious; comfortable; infinite; negligible; inexhaustible; inadequate; moderate; insignificant; undue; maximum; requisite; definite; appreciable; trifling; minimum; perceptible; preponderant; staggering; unheard-of


aggregate—; anticipate—; calculate—; compute—; diminish—; discount—; estimate—; expend—; forecast—; gauge—; indicate—; magnify—; register—; view—; withdraw—

Amount (v) adverbs

collectively; sufficiently; excessively; immensely; cumulatively; dangerously; ex-haustingly; vastly; exorbitantly; fabulously; incredibly; gigantically; indecently; unreasonably; prodigiously; unprecedently; fantastically; appallingly; colossally; ruinously; incalculably; sizably; proportionately; lucratively; harmoniously; infinitely; comfortably; inexhaustibly; moderately; insignificantly; definitely; appreciably; perceptibly; staggeringly

(See reach, extend.)

Amour adjectives

scandalous; classic; innocent; juvenile; delicate; passionate; fanciful; restless; discreet

Amphitheater adjectives

Gargantuan; vast; immense; natural; wooded; colossal; sylvan; shaded; massive; florid; shadowy; splendid

Ample adverbs

generously; extensively; abundantly; liberally; amazingly; overwhelmingly; gratify-ingly; astonishingly; capably; enormously; hugely; voluminously; immeasurably; immensely; magnificently; stupendously; splendidly; wastefully; boundlessly; inimitably; immoderately; incredibly; surprisingly; excessively; preposterously

Amuse (v) adverbs

unconsciously; constantly; superficially; inwardly; genuinely; mightily; whole-heartedly; powerfully; secretly; libidinously; vociferously; considerably; indescribably; fal-teringly; undisguisedly; obviously; grimly; jovially; highly; impersonally; unspeakably; obscurely; good-humoredly; tolerantly; contemptuously; harmlessly; idly; endlessly; intimately; deliriously; detachedly; cynically; maliciously; puerilely; discreetly; ironically; benevolently; magnificently; haughtily; vaguely; wistfully; unconcealedly; emptily; sophisticated!}’; insipidly; sheepishly; meretriciously; irritatingly; wholesomely; childishly; intriguingly; fashionably; sparklingly; barbarously

(See entertain, divert, please.)

Amused adverbs

highly; slightly; definitely; postively; mildly; uproariously; unusually; tremendously; ingeniously; cleverly; constantly; greatly; gaily; indescribably; unspeakably; secretly; tolerably; heartily; idly; grimly; suitably; vaguely; foolishly; oddly; properly; fashionably; conventionally

Amusement adjectives

impersonal; unspeakable; obscure; good-humored; tolerant; worldly; contemptuous; harmless; favorite; abundant; hearty; secret; elegant; solitary; idle; puzzled; after-dark; racy; traditional; endless; intimate; delirious; detached; cynical; malicious; puerile; costly; discreet; innocent; sarcastic; healthy; ironic; benevolent; magnificent; mocking; mild; considerable; grim; undisguised; haughty; round-eyed; vague; wistful; unconcealed; empty; suppressed; sophisticated; scornful; wry; ribald; sly; reminiscent; facile; sheepish; heightened; meretricious; insipid; irritating; wholesome; childish; passing; intriguing; idle; fashionable; time-killing; sparkling; barbarous; evident


absorb in—; afford—; attend with—; betray —; contrive—; crave—; cultivate—; dedicate to—; devise—; excite—; fall into—; indulge in—; revel in—; seek—; tickle with—; vary—; —affords; —attracts; — beguiles; —detains; —distracts; —diverts; —engages; —entertains; —grows out of; —invigorates; —relaxes

(See diversion, entertainment, pastime, sport, pleasure.)

Anachronism adjectives

ineffective; moral; unconscious; flagrant; painful; bold; impossible

Anaesthetic verbs

absorb—; administer—; apply—; breathe—; confine—; discover—; dope with—; doze under—; drug with—; employ—-; experiment with—; inhale—; inject—; introduce —; localize—; numb with—; relieve with —; sniff—; spray—; undergo—; —allays

(See ether, chloroform.)

Analogous adverbs

relatively; proportionally; approximately; closely; exactly; nearly; ridiculously; truly; interestingly; strikingly; internationally; remarkably

Analogy adjectives

striking; ironic; obvious; classic; intellectual; palpable; mysterious; astonishing; exaggerated; secret

Analysis adjectives

scientific; flawless; exact; brilliant; learned; careful; thorough; logical; painstaking; vivid; keen-sighted; cautious; sound; cogent; revealing; trenchant; penetrating; rigorous; profound; probing; searching; minute; critical; intensive; microscopic; tortuous; shallow; abstruse; absorbing; unsparing; arbitrary; inadequate; illuminating; erroneous; obscure; involved; ruthless; merciless; complex; devastating; scathing; complete; frank; straightforward; philosophic; metaphysical; auditory; primary; legal; chemical; financial; exhaustive; elaborate; compact; comprehensive; thoroughgoing; grueling; final; interrelated; deliberate; cold; accurate; subtle; pedagogic; lucid; fine-spun; perspicacious; detailed; provocative; dispassionate; uncompromising; acute; ingenious; rational; intensive; tragic; patient; forceful; skilful


answer with—; apply—; carry out—; clarify—; defy—; descend to—; display—; elude—; employ—; examine—; exhibit—; explain by—; introduce—; involve—; proceed by—; study—; submit to—; suggest—; summarize—; tabulate—; withstand—; yield to—; —assays; —breaks up; —concludes; —correlates; —cultivates; —decomposes; — defines; —determines; —differentiates; — discovers; —identifies; —precedes; —produces; —reduces; —resolves into; —restricts; —results in; —reveals; —separates; —solves; —teaches; —traces; —uncovers; —unearths

(See investigation, examination.)

Analytic adverbs

brilliantly; learnedly; carefully; painstakingly; skilfully; cautiously; trenchantly; rigorously; profoundly; searchingly; minutely; critically; intensively; abstrusely; ruthlessly; mercilessly; scathingly; philosophically; primarily; exhaustively; tiresome-ly; coldly; offensively; accurately; impersonally; patiently; uncompromisingly

Analyze (v) adverbs

fully; scarcely; scientifically; adequately; exhaustively; flawlessly; exactly; brilliantly; learnedly; carefully; thoroughly; logically; painstakingly; vividly; skilfully; cautiously; soundly; cogently; penetratingly; rigorously; profoundly; probingly; searchingly; minutely; critically; intensively; microscopically; tortuously; shallowly; abstrusely; unsparingly; inadequately; in-volvedly; ruthlessly; mercilessly; devastatingly; scathingly; dispassionately; frankly; straightforwardly; philosophically; metaphysically; legally; chemically; financially; exhaustively; elaborately; comprehensively; finally; accurately; subtly; pedagogically; lucidly; perspicaciously; provocatively; dispassionately; uncompromisingly; ingeniously; rationally; patiently; forcefully

(See discriminate, resolve.)

Anarchist adjectives

moral; intellectual; communistic; theoretical; unthinking; rabid


accuse—; apprehend—; combat—; condemn —; denounce—; disperse —s; execute—; expel—; take measures against—; —advocates; —blasts; —conceives; —denies; — disregards; —endeavours; —escapes; —executes; ’—maintains; —masses; —orates; — plunders; —promotes disorder; —rises; — rules; —scorns; —shatters; —struggles; — theorizes; —violates

(See communist, terrorist.)

Anarchistic adverbs

ungovernably; dangerously; alarmingly; naively; youthfully; heedlessly; hatefully; enthusiastically; lamentably; deplorably; openly; actively; defiantly; insurgently; seditiously; restively; insubordinately; mutinously; rebelliously; violently; tumultuously; incorrigibly; persistently; obstinately; treasonably

Anarchy adjectives

multitudinous; malignant; emulous; lawless; social; dormant; practical; moral


abandon—; bear—; cast into—; conceive—; confuse—; control—; cope with—; crash into-—; curse—; degrade by—; drift towards —; exclude—; expel—; fall under—; overthrow—; proclaim—; realize—; revive—; subject to—; suppress—; —abolishes; —advocates; —agitates; —appeals; —conflicts with; —confuses; —connotes; —degrades; —denounces; —destroys; —disorders; — dominates; —emancipates; —frees; —hurls back; —overlaps; —overthrows; —rages; —relates to; —repudiates; —resorts to; — strikes; —threatens; —violates

(See revolution, confusion, chaos.)

Anathema adjectives

dire; violent; involuntary; incoherent

Anatomy verbs

advance—; approach—; consult—; develop —; dissect—; practice—; protect—; rely on—; reveal—; segregate—; shrink—; shrivel—; sketch—; wither—; —admits; —analyzes; —applies to; —considers; — deals with; —defines; —denotes; —details; —detects; —develops; —dissects; —investigates; —produces; —rejects; —signifies; — specializes; —teaches; —traces; —treats of

(See science.)

Ancestor adjectives

rude; far-away; august; pious; dim; divine; symbolical; barbaric; martial; devout; renowned; remote; illustrious; cavedwelling; heroic; primitive; forgotten; venerable; respected; roistering; adventurous; astute; seafaring; contemporary; solitary-minded; immortal; tainted; prehistoric; talented; frugal; lineal; immigrant; blue-blooded; aristocratic; benighted


address—; anger—; bury with—; descend from—; hark back to—; honor—; idealize —; idolize—; inherit from—; invoke—; propitiate—; renounce—; revere—; sleep with—s; swear by—; trace—; venerate—; worship—; —bequeaths; —blesses; —counsels; —fades; —foreruns; —influences; — precedes; —vouchsafes

(See father.)

Ancestry adjectives

dubious; pre-human; illustrious; revolutionary; mixed; remote; rustic; insignificant; select; healthy; hard-working; shabby; spiritual; far-renowned

Anchor verbs

back—; cast—; cat—; come to—; drag—; drop—; fasten—; fish—; forge—; foul—; free from—; grapple with—; ground—; haul up—; heave up—; hoist—; hook—; let fall—; let go—; lie at—; lift—; load—; loose—; moor—to; raise—; rest—; ride at —; shackle—; shoe—; stowr—; sweep for —; throw out—; tow—; weigh—; —bites bottom; —branches; —comes home; —drags; —entangles; —fixes itself to; —fouls; — holds; —moors; —resists; —rusts; —secures; —settles; —sinks; —slides down

—stabilizes; —strikes; —takes hold

Anecdotal adverbs

interestingly; racily; risquily; graphically; sentimentally; boisterously; insipidly; fruitfly; drolly; ineptly; dismally; sparklingly; ponderously; edifyingly; endlessly; childishly; pertinently; entertainingly; startlingly; shockingly; amusingly; surprisingly

Anecdote adjectives

traditional; minute; chatty; amusing; sentimental; familiar; insipid; startling; authentic; childhood'; trite; pertinent; fruity; long-buried; small-town; pointed; ponderous; sparkling; endless; harmless; edifying; illustrative; droll; badly-told; touching; gossipy; trifling; dismal; antique; inept; apt; satirical


apply—to; avoid —s; collect —s; compile —s; dispel by means of —s; edit —s; elaborate—; enrich with —s; launch into—; manufacture—; narrate—; refer to—; reject—; relate—; retail —s; spice with —s; swell —s; venture—; weaken—; —betrays; —deals with; —entertains; —interests; — treats of

(See story, narrative, incident.)

Angel adjectives

ministering; painted; household; hovering; expectant; tutelary; accursed; avenging; light-invested; grave; rapturous; cheering; ancient; compassionate; invisible; bewitching; fallen; sensuous; rude; naughty; lugubrious; attendant; sorrowing; accusing; luminous; wrathful; flame-robed; benign; pearl-colored


cast out—; conduct—; defy—; degrade—; deify—; etherealize—; exalt—; personify —; pray to—; summon—; transform into—; worship—; —appears; —ascends; —attends; —bears; —blesses; —descends; — exemplifies; —flutters; —guards; —hovers above; —ministers to; —proclaims; —represents; —salutes; —serves; —tends; — watches; —weeps

(See God, cherub.)

Anger adjectives

murderous; sullen; slow; revengeful; momentary; disheartened; fatal; clamorous; fierce; hot; uneasy; headlong; savage; proud; righteous; wholesome; controlled; loyal; strident; terrified; tolerant; inordinate; unjust; unreasoning; merciless; dull; cold; stern; carnal; blistering; ferocious; injurious; mute; violent; implacable; assumed; -well-feigned; sham; dumb;• speechless; suppressed; smouldering; futile; white; pale; impotent; subdued; kindling; seething; blazing; scorching; consuming; flaring; whirlwind; devouring; passionate; incipient; latent; oblivious; quivering; cooling; frenzied; jealous; parental; black-browed; senseless; restrained; impetuous; uncharitable; genuine; uncontrollable; boisterous; arrogant; icy; savage; contemptuous; insane; confused; concentrated; puzzled ; craven


analyze—; blind with—; bristle with—; burn with—; cast—upon; cherish—; coddle —; control—; defer—; detour—; disarm—; exhibit—; expostulate in—; flash—; flush with—; incite—; kindle—; manifest—; pacify—; pale in—; project—; provoke—; rage in—; rebuke in—; repent—; revive—; scream in—; slay in—; sting with—; strike in—; swallow—; swell writh—; unleash—; upbraid in—; vent—; vex with—; visit— upon; voice—; —abates; —blazes; —boils; —burns; —bursts out; —congeals; —consumes; —dies; —distresses; —exasperates; —falls; —flames; —flares up; —floods; —grieves; —inflames; —melts; —over-excites; —rages; —rises; —ruffles; —simmers; —startles; —subsides; —throbs; —wanes


(See fury, rage, wrath, exasperation, ire, animosity, resentment, vexation, pique, frenzy.)

Anger (fc) adverbs

violently; murderously; sullenly; slowly; revengefully; momentarily; fatally; clamorously; fiercely; hotly; savagely; inordinately; righteously; unjustly; unreasoningly; mercilessly; ferociously; injuriously; violently; implacably; speechlessly; futilely; im-potently; passionately; frenziedly; jealously; senselessly; genuinely

(See irritate, displease, offend, provoke.)

Angle adjectives

salient; rakish; technical; astonishing; intricate; remote; projecting; peculiar; social; unfortunate; legal; odd; divergent (pl); elevated; oblique; obtuse; acute; precise; humanitarian


bisect—; derive—; draw—; figure—; form —; increase—; inscribe—; maintain—; measure—; proceed from—; produce—; reckon—; trisect—; —adjoins; —corresponds.              

Angler adjectives

enthusiastic; insatiable; beginning; ardent; jubilant; expert; practiced; bungling; awkward; skilled; proficient; able

Angry adverbs

senselessly; sullenly; intolerably; hotly; obviously; righteously; foolishly; ridiculously; dangerously; icily; genuinely; uncontrollably; passionately; violently; sternly; implacably; unjustly; inordinately; insanely; naturally; ludicrously; unnaturally; curiously; strangely

Anguish adjectives

nameless; unspeakable; excessive; bodily; nauseating; dumb; mental; excruciating; keen; maddening; intolerable; sheer; startled; mortal; hopeless; indescribable; frightful; unbearable; bitter; profound; acute; tearless; soul-piercing; occult; strangling; perpetual; fierce; insufferable; universal; maternal; jealous; subdued; transient; dull; stifling; short-lived; audible; intimate; unuttered; grim; heart-rending; despairing; spiritual; killing; sickening; dark; abrupt; amazed; insupportable; passionate; sensational


burst with—; choke with—; consume with—; cry out in—; endure—; escape—; heal—; hearken to—; heed—; lessen—; overwhelm with—; soothe—; strike with—; suffer—; tremble with—; vent—j wring the mind with—; waste, one’s soul in—; writhe in—; —oppresses; —rends; —splits; —tears; — wrings

(See distress, pain, anxiety, agony, misery, torture.)

Angular adverbs

forbiddingly; unattractively; raw-bonedly; repulsively; stiffly; absurdly; awkwardly; gawkily; pathetically; ludicrously; ridiculously; youthfully; painfully; pitifully; wretchedly; distressingly; crookedly

Angularity adjectives

solid; raw-boned; stiff; absurd; awkward

Animal adjectives

bold; pugnacious; ferocious; uncongenial; stiff-legged; indigenous; alpine; envenomed; elusive; heroic; familiar; social; patient; malignant; sensual; sentient; domesticated; performing; herbivorous; meek; rational; predatory; carnivorous; outlandish; articulate; restive; balky; well-groomed; ignoble; prowling; hunted; elusive; preternatural; reasoning; hoofed; pampered; white-sterned; emaciated; ruminant; noble; vigorous; throwing; marine; native; diabolical; graminivorous; frugivorous; armorial; agile; grotesque; docile; burly; aquatic; water-loving; amphibious; savage; invertebrate; porcine; devoted; thin-skinned; intelligent; responsive; affectionate; tractable; sagacious; helpless; magnificent; sleek; stunning; reclining; trapped; tethered; wounded; careening; stricken; harassed; fretting; snorting; panic-stricken; squealing; recalcitrant; maddened; infuriated; snarling; blood-thirsty; enraged; depraved; gregarious; prowling; omnivorous; albino; lower; furry; unshod; gaunt; catlike; thick-skinned; sure-footed; nervous; stray; castrated; cautious; fabulous; marsupial; mangy; pachydermatous; oviparous; refractory


breed—s; cage—; classify —s; clutch—; conserve —s; corral —s; cross —s; decoy —; derive from—; discover—; distinguish —; domesticate—; dominate—; educate—; encounter—; ensnare—; exhaust—; exhibit —; experiment with—; exploit—; exterminate—; feed—; fondle—; groom—; harness —; improve—; infuriate—; inspect—; -mate —; pat—; protect—; raise—; reproduce—; revert to—; search for—; stalk—; suffocate —; track—; train—; wheel—; —charges; —s cluster; —curls up; —feeds; —forages; —gestates; —gnaws; —hibernates; —hunts; —migrates; —s multiply; —occurs in; — perishes; —rages; —ranges; —reproduces; —roars; —scurries; —senses; —sniffs; — succumbs; —suckles

(See beast, creature, brute.

(See also specific animals, such as bear, cat, lion, etc.)

Animate (v) adverbs

impiously; fascinatingly; gladly; garrulously; characteristically; vividly; dazzingly; delightfully; picturesquely; mechanically; preternaturally

(See stimulate, rouse.)

Animated adverbs

delightfully; eagerly; garrulously; excitedly; nervously; happily; rapturously; ecstatically; unusually; hilariously; gleefully; merrily; lightly; joyously; cheerfully; blithely; sparkiingly; pleasingly; playfully; racily; energetically; vigorously; restlessly; resolutely; determinedly

Animation adjectives

fascinating; glad; suspended; perspiring; garrulous; contagious; social; characteristic; vivid; dazzling; delightful; playful; transient; picturesque; returning; intense; mechanical; preternatural


attain—; behold—; bestow—upon; buoy up with—; breathe out—; burst into—; counterfeit—; enliven with—; evince—; feign—; fire with—; impart—; incite to—; inject—; inspire with—; instil—; manifest—; provoke tor-; recite with—; restore—; revive —; sparkle with—; suspend—; vitalize with —; woo with—; —enlivens; —fatigues; —flags; —flares up; —jades; —wearies

(See vivacity, life, gayety.)

Animosity adjectives

intensified; personal; sullen; jealous; ecclesiastical; rancorous; deep-seated; vindictive; savage; deadly; implacable; partisan; smouldering; relentless; emotional; bitter


arouse—toward; bear—; break out into—; effect—; excite—; feed—; feel—; incite— ; incur—; inherit—; manifest—; nurse—; regret—; revive—; stir up—; tend toward —; unveil—; —alienates; —breaks up; — damages; —disrupts; —exists between; — hinders; —wavers

(See rancor, hatred, enmity.)

Ankle adjectives

delicate; generous; fragile; beefy; bony; wrenched; swollen; immaculate; slender; aristocratic; well-turned

Annals adjectives

dramatic; fabulous; mythic; factual; voluminous; priceless; ancestral; contemporary; tragic; fragmentary; historic; literary; bloodstained; ancient; gossipy; racy

Annex (v) adverbs

formally; swiftly; utterly; forcefully; readily; craftily; partially

(See take.)

Annihilate (v) adverbs

utterly; surely; swiftly; mercifully; unprecedentedly; craftily

(See destroy.)

Annihilation adjectives

utter; sure; swift; terrible; bloody; merciful; beastly; unprecedented; crafty

Anniversary verbs

anticipate—; applaud—; commemorate—: dramatize—; fete—; institute—; observe—; disregard—; stamp—; —follows; —is marked by; —recurs

(See observance, celebration, day, event.)

Announce (v) adverbs

flatly; vociferously; oracularly; mercifully; sententiously; paternally; clamorously; explicitly; pompously; publicly; simultaneously; reluctantly; solemnly; arrogantly; virtuously; ostentatiously; formally; blandly; abruptly; jokingly; officially; unreservedly; significantly; jubilantly; gleefully; authoritatively; blithely; flatteringly; finally; mournfully; dramatically; haltingly; brazenly; prematurely; tersely; gayly; briskly

(See proclaim, advertise, publish.)

Announcement adjectives

lurid; flattering; calamitous; conciliatory; final; implicit; successive (pl); encouraging; initial; mournful; drastic; dramatic; droning; halting; formal; brazen; devastating; pending; dire; premature; exclusive; vain-glorious; formidable; post-prandial; terse


broadcast—; cheer—; confirm—; declare—; deliver—; dispatch—; disseminate—; misconstrue—; notify by—; reiterate—; rise at—; substantiate—; —astounds; —bursts upon; —gives notice; —proclaims; —publicizes; —overtakes; —takes by surprise

(See proclamation, advertisement, notice.)

Annoy (v) adverbs

blusteringly; obviously; sorely; intensely; greatly; positively; unduly; temporarily; mildly; savagely; markedly; jealously; frivolously; unavoidably; excessively

(See trouble, aggravate.)

Annoyance adjectives

petty; unconcealed; prolonged; unique; undue; shocked; temporary; intense; mild; savage; internal; mock; marked; aristocratic; impotent; sharp; repressed; obvious; inhospitable; nervous; dangerous; jealous; frivolous; unavoidable; private


avoid—; condemn—; dislike—; flush with —; frown with—; generate—; molest with —; occasion—; plague with—; rumble in —; temper—; tolerate—; vent—; —disgusts; —injures; —persists; —returns; — troubles; —vexes

(See vexation, irritation.)

Annoying adverbs

mischievously; accidentally; disastrously; devilishly; diabolically; intentionally; outrageously; painfully; teasingly; persistently; unintentionally; purposely; defiantly; revengefully; abominably; exceptionally; characteristically; wretchedly; tormentingly; maliciously; unbecomingly; increasingly; senselessly; unspeakably; deliberately

Annul (v) adverbs

virtually; wisely; quickly; unthinkingly; promptly; shrewdly

(See abolish, reverse.)

Anoint (v) adverbs

sacrificially; religiously; perfunctorily; daily; occasionally

(See smear.)

Anomaly adjectives

monstrous; dreadful; curious; noble; racial; peculiar

Anonymity adjectives

scrupulous; illegitimate; heartless; carefully-preserved; politic; necessary; defensive; desperate; cowardly; enforced


bury in—; clothe in—; disguise in—; ensconce in—; hide in—; lend—; maintain —; mystify with—; preserve—; prowl in—; remain in—; resort to—; retire from—, skulk in—; slink in—; steal into—; surround with—; veil in—; write in—; —cloaks; — conceals; —impresses; —masks

(See secrecy.)

Anonymous adverbs

mysteriously; naturally; obviously; necessarily; securely; safely; forever; scrupulously; legitimately; politically; defensively; timidly; bashfully; shyly; unaccountably; evasively; hopelessly; irretrievably; astonishingly; vaguely; perplexingly; undecipher-ably; unfathomably; enigmatically

Answer adjectives

definite; clinching; efficient; contemptuous; indignant; accurate; concrete; requisite; affirmative; negative; disconsolate; evasive; categorical; magnanimous; flippant; consenting; authoritative; verbal; comprehensive; bewildered; favorable; impatient; economical; unconsidered; worthy; doleful; enigmatical; discouraging; meaningless; deft; admissible; explicit; perfect; memorable; quavering; stubborn; sufficient; ready; boorish; cryptic; measured; bountiful; definitive; vague; vehement; imperious; impertinent; oral; candid; argumentative; haughty; laconic; convincing; soulsufficing; admirable; casual; amazing; proud; skilful; scorching; rash; incoherent; intelligible; insulting; fit; apt; indulgent; practical; animated; reassuring; respectful; impressive; comforting; satisfactory; courteous; illuminating; logical; conclusive; cool; pertinent; surly; equivocal; irritable; insolent; scathing; lame; harsh; dilatory; unorthodox; uninteresting; relevant; prodigal; disquieting; sardonic; pungent; sharp; exultant; dramatic; breathless; crushing; partial; tentative; cautious; inevitable; instantaneous; simultaneous; ultimate; rueful; unconscious; impromptu; time-honored; prescribed; mechanical; mollified; confident; significant; broken; impetuous; impulsive; fateful; matter-of-fact; irrefutable; agnostic; mild


address—; appeal for—; approve—; bark —; bind to—; confine—; constitute—; defend—; deliver—; draw—from; echo—; entreat—; evade—; evolve—; exhort—; express—; extort—; fire back—; fling back —; frame—; fumble—; glean—; hang on —; hit upon—; justify—; marvel at—; merit—; mock—; muffle—; owe—; petition—; protest—; reject—; respond with—; signal—; snap—; stir to—; supply—; sustain—; sweeten—; tabulate —s; tear— from; volunteer—; word—; wrench—from; —accuses; —arises; —charges; —claims; —clamors; —contradicts; .—implies; —informs; —invalidates; —pleases; —pledges; —rebuts; —reveals; —satisfies; —solves


(See reply, retort, response, defense.)

Answer (v) adverbs

gruffly; candidly; haughtily; uncomfortably; energetically; evasively; bluntly; darkly; breathlessly; sulkily; affectionately; sagely; casually; volubly; listlessly; persistently; yawningly; carelessly; pointedly; enigmatically; stubbornly; proudly; definitely; tartly; hysterically; reluctantly; sadly; falteringly; unconcernedly; gravely; doggedly; directly; sententiously; completely; triumphantly; hoarsely; brusquely; laughingly; stolidly; cautiously; curtly; impatiently; nervously; desultorily; affirmatively; visibly; faithfully; bitterly; obstinately; thoughtfully; impetuously; effectually; guardedly; evasively; bravely; readily; distinctly; candidly; respectfully; emphatically; squeamishly; ponderingly; surlily; coherently; challengingly; cynically; bashfully; knowingly; passionately; petulantly; hotly; non-committally; rancorously; instantly; simply; affirmatively; monosyllabically; laconically; directly; excitedly; evasively; indignantly; civilly; mechanically; fantastically; meekly; scoftingly; confusedly; definitely; pathetically; pertinaciously; wistfully; accurately; soothingly; tremulously; peevishly; disconsolately; evasively; categorically; verbally; comprehensively; be-wilderedly; economically; worthily; dolefully; enigmatically; deftly; explicitly; perfectly; quaveringly; cryptically; measured-ly; vehemently; imperiously; scorchingly; rashly; fitly; aptly; indulgently; animatedly; uninterestingly; relevantly; prodigally; disquietingly; sardonically; partially; tentatively; ruefully; matter-of-factly; mildly

(See reply, respond, concede.)

Answerable adverbs

personally; awfully; painfully; seriously; undoubtedly; terribly; officially; directly

Ant adjectives

antenna-manipulating; assiduous; destructive; exemplified; ever-questing; eternallyconstructing; encroaching; frugal; formicproducing; garnering; gregarious; greedy; hoarding; harvesting; industrious; persistent; swarming; scurrying; sugar-seeking; store-collecting; troublesome; unpopular; wise


burden—; combat—s; consider—; cultivate —s; disturb —s; examine—; exhibit—s; exterminate —s; 'fall victim to —s; infest with —s; go to —s; observe —s; purge of —s; spray —s; study—; teem with —s; —s abound ; —accomplishes; —achieves; —accumulates; —s adapt themselves; —s amass; —ascends; —attacks; —bites; —bores into; —s build; —bustles; —s capture; —s collect; —s colonize; —s consolidate; —s construct; —s contend for; —s converge upon; —crawls; —s crowd; —defends; —s denude the area; —s deposit eggs; —descends; —despoils; —destroys; —s devastate; — devours; —digs; —dissects; —dominates; —dwells; —s eddy from; —emerges; —endures; —s enslave; —entombs; —excavates; —explores; —exudes; —s find their way; —s flit about; —s fly; —forages; —gathers; —gorges; —guards; —harvests; —hasten* • —hatches; —heaps; —hibernates; —s hoi-low out; —hustles; —imprisons; —s insinuate themselves; —s invade; —labors; — lays up food; —mates; —s migrate; —s nest; —s nurse their young; —occupies; —s organize; —performs; —s pillage; —s preserve; —s pour in; —races; —s raid; —s ravage; —reconnoiters; —regurgitates; —roams; —roves; —rushes; —scouts; — scurries; —secretes; —seizes; —s share; —shears; —s socialize; —stings; —stores; —stows; —s stream up; —struggles; —s surge out; —survives; —s swarm; —s throng; —transports; —trudges; —utilizes; —vanishes; —wars

(See insect, termite.)

Antagonism adjectives

political; bitter; surl^; heartfelt; overwhelming; violent; subtle; mutual; professional; recurring; stiffening; fundamental; religious; bristling; deep-seated; social; sectional; persistent; racial; pronounced; ingrained; unrelenting; outspoken; vindictive; implacable; lofty; subdued; traditional; compromising; monosyllabic


accentuate—; adjust—; balance—; conquer —; create—; develop—; express—; heighten —; increase—; mark—; oppose—; rack by —; risk—; rouse—; soften—; stimulate—; struggle with—; topple—; weaken—; — thwarts; —weakens

(See opposition, hostility, resistance.)

Antagonist adjectives

legitimate; formidable; potential; appointed; contemptible; implacable; dreaded; defeated; crafty; redoubtable; irreconcilable; fallen; wary; agile; relentless; acrid


admonish—; belittle—; best—; daunt—; defeat—; fence with—; overcome—; overpower—; overwhelm—; —argues; —assails; —battles; —collapses; —contends; —contests; —counteracts; —disputes; —languishes; —opposes; —relaxes; —slumps; — springs up

(See opponent, rival, assailant, foe, adversary.)

Antagonistic adverbs

violently; bitterly; subtly; fundamentally; persistently; racially; socially; politically; openly; outspokenly; vindictively; traditionally; formidably; unreasonably; irreconcilably; relentlessly; utterly; strangely; inexplicably; essentially; palpably; undeniably; basically; alarmingly; unaccountably

Antagonize (adverbs

derisively; politically; bitterly; overwhelmingly; violently; professionally; recurringly; fundamentally; religiously; socially; section-ally; persistently; racially; outspokenly; vindictively; implacably

(See oppose, hinder.)

Antecedent adjectives

mental; worthy; historic; dwarfish; undeniable; necessary; grammatical

Anthem adjectives

pealing; eternal; blessed; doleful; joyous; heavenly; resounding

Antic adjectives

unconscious; infantile; puerile; capricious; ridiculous; glib; sterile; gay; exuberant; mad; absurd; droll; small-boy; mechanical; erratic; drunken; boisterous

Anticipate (v) adverbs

curiously; fondly; reasonably; pessimistically; confidently; mentally; ecstatically; gleefully; joyously; originally; pleasurably; eagerly; passionately; blissfully; gloatingly; hungrily; ardently; impatiently; avidly; tremblingly; greedily; reasonably

(See expect, apprehend.)

Anticipation adjectives

unhesitating; sensitive; charming; bright; daring; joyful; mysterious; pleasurable; eager; greedy; sanguine; exhilarating; passionate; picturesque; lascivious; tingling; heightened; lively; thrilling; blissful; undefined; morose; gloating; hungry; ferocious; keen; alert; ardent; impatient; avid; trembling; crushing; panic-stricken; reasonable ; quivering


beam with—; delight in—; look forward with—; pardon—; resist—of; restrain—; revel in—; rob—; toil in—of; tremble in—; —cheers; —enhances; —excites; —gladdens; —incites; —stimulates

(See expectation, hope.)

Anticipatory adverbs

joyously; mysteriously; pleasurably; excitedly; hysterically; passionately; thrillingly; hungrily; unreasonably; avidly; impatiently; ardently; keenly; hopefully; eagerly; charmingly; joyfully; mischievously; hastily; incontinently; fervently; anxiously; greedily; impetuously; crazily; madly; feverishly; nervously

Antidote adjectives

specific; effective; cursed; pungent; stupefying; vile

Antipathy adjectives

blind; cordial; mortal; unaccountable; mutual; invincible; deep-rooted; natural; rational; bigoted; tacit; peculiar


admit—; be born of—; date—; display—; dispose toward—; dwell in—; excite—; hold—; imply—; introduce—; mark—; remove—; rouse—; saturate with—; turn from—; —blazes; —burns; —manifests; — melts; —originates from; —prejudices; — puzzles; —restricts; —takes root

(See aversion, enmity, dislike.)

Antiquary ad jectives

ardent; musical; distinguished; honorary; eminent; passionate; shallow; classical; hoary; curious

Antique adjectives

charming; spurious; rare; valuable; precious; genuine; colorless; fraudulent


genuinely; expensively; unquestionably; authentically; truly; actually; veritably; really; pricelessly; richly; decoratively; garishly ; gorgeously; gaudily; ornamentally; deceptively; fraudulently; cheaply; showily; smartly; trickily; foolishly; flimsily; absurdly; beautifully; unbelievably; spuriously

Antiquity adjectives

unknown; remote; honorable; pagan; venerable; traceable; hoar; classical; quaint; dead; historical; respectable; solemn; remote; fabulous; feudal; fascinating; observable

Antiseptic adjectives

powerful; intestinal; efficient


act as—; advise—; apply—; bathe in—; compare—; develop—; dilute—; discard—; dust with—; embalm in—; employ—; expose to—; glaze with—; immerse in—; impregnate w:th—; inject—; introduce—; operate with—; paint with—; soak in—; sterilize with—; surround with—; swab with—; wash with—; wrap in—; —acts; —aids; —aims at; —arrests; —burns; —cleans; —combats; —counteracts; —destroys; —exercises; —fulfils; —functions; —influences; —inhibits; —insures; —irritates; —kills; —preserves; —prevents; —protects; —purifies; —reaches; —relieves; —removes; — renders; —replaces; —restrains; —restricts; —retards; —rids of; —serves; —sterilizes; —thwarts


genuinely; effectively; valuably; infallibly; powerfully;, extremely; heroically; mildly; perfectly; soothingly; correctively; specifically; simply; safely; beneficially; beneficently; advantageously; commendably; highly; essentially

Antithesis adjectives

vile; complacent; inharmonious; striking; complete; false

Antlers adjectives

budding; branching; cresting; clashing; defiant; deciduous; graceful; gouging; fathomwide; interlocking; lordly; massive; menacing; pronged; palm-tree (moose); periodically-shed; regal; sail-like (moose); selfentrapping; tined; velvety; vigorously-beating; wicked


adorn with—; bear—; brandish—; carry—; decorate with—; form—; gore with—; impale on—; lock—; mount—; ornament with —; renew—; shed—; snag—; solidify—; spear—; spike—; sprout—; stunt—; toss—; weaken—; —branch out; —develop; —fork; —menace; —pierce; —protrude; —rend; —stab; —threaten

(See horn.)

Anvil adjectives

clanging; crude; fiery; harsh; hammer-worn; historic; mighty; massive; steely; spark-emitting; shaping; transforming; traditional; invincible; proving; resistant; unvarying; unyielding; Vulcan-symbolizing


balance on—; beat on—; bend on—; clink on—; crack on—; fashion on—; flatten on—; forge on—; hammer on—; harden on —; jangle on—; shape on—; strike—; twist on—; —clashes; —resounds; —rings; —sustains

(See bell.)

Anxiety adjectives

touching; breathless; irrepressible; excessive; torturing; slight; supreme ; 'utmost; undue; considerable; deep; vague; absorbing; unsatisfied; paternal; indescribable; fretting; gnawing; indeterminate; haggard; unceasing; infinite; unavoidable; financial; perceptible; predominant; tender; insufferable; connubial; excited; feverish; brooding; trembling; pious; deep-seated; maternal; agonizing; bated; flushed; mortal; worldly; cruel; morbid; devastating; betrayed; hysterical; nerve-racking; frantic; breath-taking; mental; domestic; motherly; painful; intense; unjust.; sleepless; poignant; sick; grueling; heart-broken; keen; acute; soul-searing; gratuitous; relieved; drab; unwarranted; common; unspoken; hidden; repressed; troublesome; throbbing; annoying; sudden; subconscious; discernible; undeceived; human; suppressed; wearisome; impatient


accompany with—; betray—; burden with —; create—; disturb by—; evince—; free from—; gaze with—; harass with—; increase—; manifest—; overshadow with—; reveal—; seize by—; shake with—; strain with—; trouble with—; wear to shreds with—; —agitates; —clouds; —constricts; —depresses; —disturbs; —etches; —prevails; —seizes; —vexes

(See solicitude, apprehension, worry, fear, care, misgiving.)

Anxious adverbs

over; unnaturally; painfully; laughably; ridiculously; pathetically; lamentably; curiously; eagerly; abnormally; naturally; touchingly; supremely; unduly; deeply; indescribably; perceptibly; tenderly; suspiciously; excitedly; frantically; frenziedly; inexplicably; nervously; timidly; terribly; keenly; pitiably; miserably

Apartment adjectives

luxurious; sumptuous; modern; bachelor; tawdry; gorgeous; immaculate; dignified; old-fashioned; impressive; swanky; spacious; cooped-up; dusty; dingy; squalid; isolated; unpersonaiized; ground-floor; terraced; doll-size; private; commodious; magnificent; dirty; immense; whitewashed; dimly-lighted; home-like; shabby; imposing; distinctive; charming; elegant; well-ordered; ill-furnished; communal


assign to—s; billet in —s; divide into —s; ensconce in—; fit out—; occupy—; wreck

(See room, house.)

Apathetic adverbs

stupidly; dully; strangely; abnormally; alarmingly; weakly; heavily; stolidly; vacantly; ridiculously; unnaturally; singularly; oddly; curiously; unaccountably; irritatingly; shockingly; callously; coldly; carelessly; hopelessly; unpardonably

Apathy adjectives

selfish; weary; dream-like; despairing; stagnant; incredible; dull; immovable; resigned; settled; curious; growing; strange; enveloping; political; unaffected; accustomed; complete


denote—; disturb—; encounter—; engender —; escape—; free from—; forsake—; master—; overcome—; produce—; result in—; rouse from—; signify—; sink into—; suffer —; suppress—; tolerate—; —chills; —paralyzes; —prevails; —signifies

(See indifference, lethargy.)

Ape adjectives

grotesque; lumbering; chattering; sootcolored; restless; anthropoid; man-like; monstrous


descend from—; —chatters; —clambers

—claws; —crouches; —dances; —drops to earth; —gallops off; —imitates; —leaps

—lodges in; —lumbers; —mimics; —plucks

—resembles; —screams; —springs; —sways

—swings; —yelps

(See monkey, animal.)

Ape (v) adverbs

comically; sedulously; grotesquely; lumber-ingly; chatteringly; restlessly; monstrously; shamelessly; ludicrously

(See imitate, mimic.)

Aperture adjectives

narrow; barred; grated; half-moon; yawning; ungarnished; ragged; circular; limiting

Aphorism adjectives

favorite; pregnant; cynical; resounding; sparkling; hackneyed; abominable; pithy; selfish

Apologetic adverbs

awkwardly; humbly; sincerely; nervously; slavishly; hastily; instantly; preposterously; disgustingly; unnecessarily; skillfully; sufficiently; reluctantly; profoundly; deeply; tearfully; pathetically; incoherently; sheepishly; half-heartedly; confusedly; honestly; openly; generously; embarrassingly; miserably; eagerly

Apology adjectives

practical; humble; voluble; metrical; nervous; groveling; abject; handsome; awkward; universal; hasty; muttered; cynical; preposterous; skillful; suitable; sufficient; sincere; rapturous; profound; exaggerated; strongly-worded; pathetic; pitiful; tearful; murmured; mumbled; incoherent; obscure; sheepish; mute; half-hearted; amazed; mental; public; automatic


acknowledge—; attack—; attempt—; convey—; elicit—; express—; favor with—; imply—; indulge in—ies; plead for—; refuse—; shame into—; stammer—; tender—; trouble with—; wave aside—; ■—alters; — atones; —excuses; —vindicates

(See defense, confession, excuse, plea, alibi.)

Apology (v) adverbs

meekly; pitifully; gruffly; profusely; humbly; volubly; nervously; abjectly; grovel-ingly; awkwardly; cynically; exaggeratedly; suitably; skillfully; pathetically; tearfully; incoherently; sheepishly; half-heartedly; automatically

(See justify, defend, vindicate.)

Apostle adjectives

current; intrepid; inspired; non-ecclesiastic-al; ordained; recalcitrant; self-appointed; subsequently-commissioned; specifically-chosen; treacherous; virtuous; world-denouncing


alienate —s; bar —s; call —s; commission —s; delegate—; elect—; gain —s; gather —s; hail—s; initiate—• lead—s; martyr —s; ordain —s; persecute —s; quote—: regulate —s; select —s; send forth —s; —accompanies; —administers; —advocates; —executes; —leads; —performs miracles; —preaches; —proclaims; —records; —scatters

(See witness.)

Appalling adverbs

grievously; sorely; bitterly; painfully; distressingly; excruciatingly; hauntingly; gruesomely; horridly; piercingly; tormentingly; torturingly; deplorably; disastrously; dreadfully; execrably; fearfully; frightfully; insufferably; insupportably; intolerably; odiously; oppressively; pathetically; ruefully; shockingly; woefully; touchingly; unbearably; terrifically

Apparatus adjectives

dust-collecting; elaborate; abundant; scientific; perceptive; sentient; makeshift; curative; simple; intricate; complicated; ghastly; imperfect; digestive; inefficient; ingenious; culinary; new; ponderous; expensive; thinking; hefting; spectroscopic; murderous; solemn


adapt—; adjust—; apply—; demonstrate—; design—; employ—; equip with—; evolve —; experiment with—; gear—; guard—; invent—; manipulate—; modernize—; provide—; put—in motion; set up—; simpli

(See device, machine, tool.

fy—; tinker with—; toy with—; —facilitates; —functions )

Apparel adjectives

glorious; superfluous; trim; homely; fashionable; smart; coarse; becoming; gorgeous; exquisite; ceremonious; luxurious; decorous; flamboyant; plain


adorn in—; array in—; attire in—; behold —; change—; clothe in—; deck in—; don —; embroider—; equip with—; fashion—; fit—; furnish—; ornament—; outfit with—; prepare—; provide with—; rig with—; snatch at—; —beautifies; —conceals; —enhances; —proclaims

(See clothing, dress, raiment.)

Apparent adverbs

plainly; conspicuously; downright; undeniably; clearly; definitely; flagrantly; glaringly; notoriously; openly; constantly; easily; strikingly; reasonably; shamefully; outrageously; dangerously; plaguedly; perilously

Apparition adjectives

false; glorious; formidable; celestial; enchanting; distinguished; impatient; frightful; phenomenal; monstrous; intruding; startling; soulless; personal; exquisite; grisly; blushing; unpleasant; bloody; fantastic; overwhelming; ill-omened; black; ghostly; miraculous; horrid; singular; continuous


authenticate—; believe in —s; disprove—; divine—; exhibit—; generate—; imagine—; occasion—; perceive—; produce—; shroud —; summon—; —s abound; —appears; — comes forth; —groans; —haunts; —lures; —suspends; —vanishes; —warns

(See specter, ghost, phantom, illusion.)

Appeal adjectives

effective; universal; pathetic; emphatic; overt; contagious; impassioned; dramatic; modern; sorrowful; mute; unwitting; infinite; frail; sudden; potential; lamentable; eternal; frantic; mournful; diversified; rude; artless; inharmonious; constant; visible; urgent; boisterous; manifest; felicitous; irresistible; self-respecting; gastronomic; singular; persistent; troubled; popular; manly; matchless; unconscious; skillful; powerful; agonizing; unanswerable; eloquent; psychological; despairing; qualified; humanitarian; tragic; genuine; lasting; sad; unspoken; pitiable; speechless; crushing; fiery; piteous; tender; shrill; plaintive; hypnotic; sensuous; unavailing; habitual; emotional; enticing; alluring; joyous; visual; wonderful; deafening; logical; lovable; warm; convincing; devout; childish; rare; luxurious; stirring; lusty; courageous; challenging; feminine; public; delicate; artistic; magic; poetic; world-wide; human; timid; hurt; solemn; abject; weak; vague; adventurous; whimsical; strange; sensational; animated; electrifying; magnetic; tremendous; spectacular; imploring; wistful; timely; poignant; demagogical; superficial; panic-stricken; vain; inflammatory; dumb; admirable; olfactory; savory; mysterious; abnormal; sporadic; prophetic; distinct; comprehensive; gripping; unique; strong; intense; spontaneous; overbearing; sympathetic; strident; truculent; blatant; unvoiced


abandon—; address—; admit—; afford—; bolster—; broadcast—; claim—; decline—; deny—; desist in—; discourage—; disregard—; enact—; exercise—; file—; give notice of—; grant—; institute—; invoke—; involve—; justify—; lose—; merit—; modify—; nullify—; present—; prevent—; privilege to—; prosecute—; provide—; provide security for—; question—; refuse—; regulate—; rely on—; render—; renew—; resist—; respond to—; review—; rule—; schedule—; stir by—; subject to—; submit to—; succumb to—; support—; voice—; whine—; yield to—; —engrosses; —fails


(See entreaty, petition, application, request, prayer.)

Appeal (v) adverbs

strangely; frantically; directly; strongly; confidently; constantly; irresistibly; forcibly; specially; powerfully; perpetually; effectively; dramatically; sorrowfully; mutely; strongly; mournfully; artlessly; rudely; urgently; boisterously; eloquently; tragically; piteously; tenderly; emotionally; shrilly; deafeningly; logically; stirringly; warmly; lustily; courageously; publicly; abjectly; wistfully; stridently; truculently; blatantly; outspokenly; mysteriously; grippingly; uniquely; sympathetically

(See entreat, invoke.)

Appear (v) adverbs

conspicuously; malignantly; impressively; presently; portentously; perpetually; tardily; distinctly; substantially; simultaneously; miraculously; hesitatingly; posthumously; anonymously; manifestly; commandingly; mysteriously; astoundingly; exotically; flamboyantly; phlegmatically; demurely; ethereally; slovenly; ferociously; unhealthily; obtrusively; majestically; spectrally; inscrutably

(See emerge, seem, look, resemble.)

Appearance adjectives

august; pompous; distinguished; stately; austere; noble; commanding; charming; cordial; worthy; antiquated; venerable; comfortable; immaculate; sleek; well-fed; quaint; luscious; artistic; dainty; lovely; comely; gorgeous; untidy; uncouth; angular; ungainly; forlorn; shabby; genteel; plaintive; somber; mysterious; weird; eerie; astounding; arresting; striking; singular; sprightly; grotesque; rakish; massive; robust; rugged; emaciated; deceitful; cadaverous; unearthly; desolate; quarrelsome; offending; miserable; sullen; disgusting; ungraceful; incongruous; gross; flamboyant; resentful; jaded; phlegmatic; grim; physical; youthful; nautical; grave-like; nun-like; orderly; unkempt; park-like; rabbit-like; clerk-like; mournful; exotic; ethereal; leonine; tolerable; ludicrous; poverty-stricken; fragile; casual; contrite; slovenly; dismaying; unfortunate; disjointed; sunken; bedraggled; animated; faint; diaphanous; picturesque; slothful; worm-eaten; contradictory; stern; benevolent; wretched; vulgar; dilapidated; external; promising; visual; ducal; inviting; ideal; squalid; sedate; outward; greasy; attractive; distinctive; ursine; demure; decorative; satanic; fearful; vacant; independent; portentous; beneficent; dignified; mottled; studious; stupid; timid; opalescent; ferocious; prepossessing; sickly; festive; reconciliatory; tawdry; impoverished; voluntary; scattered; deserted; prosperous; famished; thumb-worn; unhealthy; reverential; respectable; swing-like; school-teacherish; unobstrusive; weedy; natty; frank; antediluvian; genuine; brave; flattering; material; palatial ;■ battered; dressy; individual; variegated; watered; majestic; spectral


come into—; detect—; disclaim—; discredit —; disfigure—; display—; involve—; greet —; judge by—; observe—; parade—; perceive by —s; present an—; preserve —s; put in—; ruffle—; transfigure—; transform —; —arrests; —belies; —repels

(See aspect.)

Appease (v) adverbs

inadequately; lightly; painstakingly; fully; completely

(See pacify, calm, reconcile, propitiate.)

Appellation adjectives

equivocal; false; incongruous; inappropriate; ill-mannered; heathenish; phantom; elegant; jocose; permanent; trite; hated; affectionate

Appendix verbs                           (anatomy

drain—; excise—; freeze—; incise—; inflame—; locate—; perforate—; remove—; —adheres; —bursts; —infects; —poisons; —ravages; —suppurates; —swells

Appendix adjectives                             (book

derogatory; contributory; complementary; concomitant; accessory; essential; explanatory; prolonged; solemn; supernumerary; superfluous; statistical. verbs

advise by—; affix—; consult—; insert—; refer to—; relate in—; review in—; —concurs; —contributes; —directs; —guides; — introduces

(See addition.)

Appertain (v) adverbs

unquestionably; undoubtedly; certainly; solely; exclusively

Appetite adjectives

unmanageable; eager; inordinate; ravenous; cavernous; voracious; squeamish; keen; jaded; gluttonous; rude; depraved; abnormal; unappeased; phenomenal; prodigious; robust; natural; sharpened; vicious; eccentric; enormous; monstrous; gross; gigantic; sensitive; coarse; languid; spongelike; pampered; devouring; herbivorous; rude; husky; boundless; leaden; capricious; perverted; obscene; unashamed; sleepy; sensual; catholic; brutish; perennial; inactive; lusty; insatiate; animal; satisfied; fleshy; overpowering; irrational; beastly; hearty; unreasonable; diseased; postponed; demoniac; surfeited


acquire—; allay—; animate—; appeal to—; appease—;. bury—; cloy—; comply with—; curb—; delight—; deprave—; depress—; digest with—; express—; gorge—; govern —; gratify—; humor—; impair—; indulge —; obey—; pamper—; pervert—; preserve —; quench—; quicken—; raise—; reduce —; regulate—; relish—; revive—; sate—; satiate—; satisfy—; sharpen—; sicken—; staunch—; stimulate—; stir—; suffice—; suit—; yield to—; whet—; woo—; —anticipates; —diminishes; —drives; —dwindles; —gnaws; —grows; —increases; —languishes; —lessens; —returns; —sleeps

(See desire, hunger, passion.)

Applaud (v) adverbs

riotously; vociferously; warmly; valiantly; equally; tumultuously; spontaneously; hungrily; thunderously; deafeningly; lavishly; enthusiastically; uproariously; vigorously; wildly; irrepressibly; furiously; vehemently; clamorously; frantically; sycophantical-ly

(See cheer, laud, praise, admire.)

Applause adjectives

spontaneous; thunderous; general; deafening; lavish; boisterous; kindly; willing; tumultuous; enthusiastic; whirlwind; uproarious; widespread; rapturous; intelligent; well-directed; vigorous; wild; hearty; irrepressible; furious; delirious; unqualified; vehement; rolling; sporadic; murmuring; rippling; prolonged; forced; warm; courteous; commendatory; heavy-handed; derisive; unbounded; mocking; frantic; vociferous; wondrous; controlled; inordinate; generous; singular; sycophantic; grateful; sarcastic; hollow; malicious; serious; clamorous; ecstatic; scattered


acclaim by—; anticipate—; appreciate—; bask in—; chant—; clap—; commend—; demonstrate—; drink up—; echo—; envy—; express—; gain—; huzza—; laugh out—; long for—; love—; manifest—; merit—; murmur—; pronounce—; raise—; reap—; relish—; rock with—; shake with—; snap —; thunder—; trick into—; voice—; win —; —ascends; —breaks out; —bursts out; —crackles; —delights; —encourages; — gratifies; —interrupts; —lessens; —reverberates; —rings from

(See cheers.)

Apple adjectives

smooth; polished; firm; cool; full-juiced



blight—; blow down—; bob for —s; bore into—; bruise—; bud —s; chip—; chop—; core—; crate —s; crop —s; crunch—; cultivate—; devour—; dice—; ferment —s; freeze—; gather—s; graft —s; harvest—s; hoard —s; market —s; munch —; palm—; pare—; plant —s; pluck —; preserve —s; press —s; propagate —s; quarter —; redden —s; scrape—; seed—; spray —s; store —s; taste—; vend —s; —s canker; —s ferment; —matures; —rots; —tempts; —s thrive

(See fruit.)

Appliance adjectives

approved; base; complicated; suitable; adroit; crude; ingenious; rude; primitive

Applicant adjectives

gentle; clamorous; qualified; hopeful; admissible; profitable


eliminate—; expose—; mortify—; place—; repulse—; —declares; —petitions; —qualifies

(See candidate.)

Application adjectives

diligent; intelligent; conscientious; rigid; assiduous; sedulous; steadfast; utmost; rigorous; concrete; fascinating; platonic; practical; universal; adroit; progressive; broad; specific; thorough; dynamic; degrading; perfunctory; strenuous; steadfast; presumptuous; unflinching; educated; continuing; pertinent; quantitative; undue; formalistic; correct; professional; ceaseless; industrial; systematic; repeated; inviting; ingenious; influential; superior; fruitful; admirable; economic; dexterous; unfriendly; timely


attach—; consider—; cure with —s; demand —; detail—; justify—; petition for—; postpone—; present—; reconsider—; reject—; require—; solicit—; —eases; —kills; —modifies; —pends; request—

(See use, request.)

Apply (v) adverbs

assiduously; indiscriminately; skilfully; tenderly; faithfully; diligently; ingeniously; luxuriously; extensively; incorrectly; dexterously; arbitrarily; consciously; comprehensively; advantageously; artificially; rigorously; directly; usefully; necessarily; promiscuously; adroitly; perfunctorily; professionally; ceaselessly; systematically; admirably; literally; liberally; scientifically; practically; universally

(See use, utilize, practice, adapt.)

Appoint (v) adverbs

providentially; celestially; tentatively; publicly; clandestinely; arbitrarily; voluntarily. (See establish, ordain, assign, allot.

Appointment adjectives

tentative; lifetime; public; onerous; clandestine; absolute; arbitrary; formal; voluntary


assign—; benefit by—; cancel—; confirm—; decline—; decree—; designate—; direct—; dispose of—; engineer—; establish—; fix—; grant—; miss—; order—; perform—; ratify—; shuffle—; stipulate—; thrill by—; wangle—; —confers; —pays; —stands; —vests in one

(See meeting.)

Appointments adjectives

luxurious; elegant; sumptuous; modernistic


Apportion (v) adverbs

equitably; equally; fairly; justly; wisely; thoughtfully

(See allot, distribute, grant, share.)

Appraisal adjectives

silent; objective; luminous; shrewd; searching; rational; cool; desperate; intelligent; nimble; careful; adequate; critical; acute; technical; enlightening; scientific; convincing; prolonged; independent

Appraise (v


critically; covertly; judiciously; conceitedly; knowingly; silently; objectively; shrewdly; rationally; coolly; intelligently; adequately; scientifically; independently

(See judge, estimate.)

Appreciate (v) adverbs

highly; adequately; justly; deeply; properly; particularly; readily; fully; correctly; sympathetically; mutually; genuinely; heartily; whole-heartedly; passionately; aesthetically; belatedly; artistically; profoundly

(See esteem, prize.)

Appreciation adjectives

intense; genial; detached; sympathetic; respectful; delicate; impersonal; laughing; bashful; mutual; poetic; innocent; definite; full; critical; hearty; high; true; genuine; discreet; wide; sensitive; wholehearted; clearer; deep; heightened; passionate; stunted; aesthetic; anticipated; patriotic; brilliant; cordial; amazed; generous; affectionate; splendid; reluctant; belated; keen; warmhearted; unsolicited; complete; proper; sensuous; fine; vivid; total; marked; flashing; humorous; expressed; emotional; rarefied; scant; supreme; increased; childish; sincere; oppressive; growing; loyal; hard-driven; rare; radiant; tentative; direct; intellectual; spiritual; alleged; artistic; enthusiastic; profound; youthful


differ in—; drink in with—; evoke—; increase—; perceive with—; promote—of; recognize with—; stamp—; —grows; — increases; —rises

(See esteem.)

Appreciative adverbs

genially; sympathetically; laughingly; wholly; definitely; heartily; truly; genuinely; wholeheartedly; deeply; highly; passionately; discriminatingly; cordially; amazingly; pathetically; splendidly; keenly; warmly; completely; properly; childishly; sincerely; increasingly; oppressively; radiantly; delightfully; enthusiastically; gratifyingly; profoundly

Apprehend (v


readily; imperfectly; clearly; distinctly; nervously; tremblingly; fearfully; vaguely; acutely; undisguisedly; gnawingly

(See dread, fear.)

Apprehension adjectives

slumbering; uneasy; maternal; troublesome; nervous; wistful; sickening; sensitive; clammy; hazy; ghostly; trembling; frenzied; lingering; quivering; fearful; shivering; fickle; rational; feigned; lively; vague; acute; undisguised; suppressed; gnawing; constant; religious; dismal; gloomy; ill-defined; cruel; despondent; remorseful; uncomfortable; foreboding; alarming; abject; distinct; unrelieved; sad; breathless; anguished; piteous; idle; grave; continuous; professed; indignant; daily; delighted; dread; warm; groundless; serious; vain; ever-present; nameless; instant; goading; painful; affected; supreme; right; puerile; terrible; mortal; cowardly; tempered; utmost; murky; miraculous


allay—; arouse—; rise above—; becloud —; clear—; crystallize—; deny—; dull—; express—; free of—; ingrain—; look about with—; obtain—; profess—; rejoice in—; remove—; rest on—; sense with—; shake with—; strengthen—; torment by—; warrant—; wear out with—; —assails; — flames; —possesses; —seizes

(See fear, dread, anxiety, distrust.)

Apprehensive adverbs

uneasily; nervously; fearfully; vaguely; acutely; constantly; occasionally; dismally; gloomily; cruelly; uncomfortably; alarmingly; distinctly; piteously; idly; gravely; professedly; groundlessly; seriously; nameless-ly; painfully; supremely; childishly; super-stitiously; curiously; strangely; inexplicably; suddenly

Apprentice adjectives

idle; bright; haughty; hand-picked; drunken; able; practiced; clumsy


abuse—; bind—; burden—; chastise—; contact—; dismiss—; employ—; engage—; enroll—; fledge—; instruct—; regulate—; remove—; retain—; school—; serve as—; teach—; —binds himself to; —gathers; — learns; —masters; —practices; —serves; —trains

(See beginner, novice, student.)

Apprenticeship adjectives

weary; devious; tedious; long; arduous; strict; sordid; faithful

Approach adjectives

hackneyed; single; sociological; novel; organic; traditional; inevitable; oblique; tentative; obvious; impressive; immediate; logical; flanked; insidious; common-sense; majestic; tactful; critical; methodological; natural; simple; wary; galloping; fair; hushed; original; insinuating; wistful; cautious; illuminating; subtle; indirect; shamefaced; stealthy; boisterous; chic; affable; experimental; tolerable; warm; mutual; soft; ample; casual; rapid; cunning; active; timid; gradual; intimate; sympathetic; distant; tumultuous; extraordinary; speedy; hostile; irresolute; ironical


bar—; betoken—; construct—; cover—; discover—; discuss—; disguise—; divert—; examine—; foresee—; herald—; hinder—; linger over—; obstruct—; reconstruct—; repel—; restore—; sense—; shun—; watch —; —bodes; —leads

(See access, way, entrance.)

Approach (v) adverbs

penitently; hilariously; noiselessly; devoutly; remotely; diffidently; cautiously; perilously; sinuously; stealthily; unwarily; dexterously; delicately; humbly; reluctantly; leisurely; suppliantly; obsequiously; blush-ingly; circumspectly; obliquely; irresolutely; casually; confidentially

(See advance.)

Approbation adjectives

individual; startled; enthusiastic; unmeasured; modest; full; audible; virtuous; general


bestow—; concur in—; declare—; enjoy—; entertain—; express—; mark with—; meet with—; merit—; quote with—; receive—; revoke—; seal in—; voice—

(See commendation, encouragement, admiration, approval, praise.)

Appropriate (v} adverbs

selfishly; unceremoniously; thievishly; eagerly; doubtfully; reverently; solely; wasteful-ly; adequately; fraudulently; extravagantly; lavishly

(See take, assume.)

Appropriation adjectives

wasteful; blind; adequate; permanent; continuing; ruthless; fraudulent; extravagant; lavish; excessive; passive; meager


assign—; authorize—; bar—; bequeath—; carry on with—; default—; designate—; diminish—; draw—; economize on—; employ—; enact—; exceed—; expend—; finance—; grant—; legislate—; necessitate—; pass—; pinch—; reserve—; restrict—; set apaft—; shave—; specify—; transfer—; triple—; —aids; —allows; —enables; — provides; pay—

(See fund, tax.)

Approval adjectives

affectionate; highest; delighted; private; priceless; overwhelming; unqualified; monotonous; marked; reiterated; vigorous; patent; warm; unanimous; sage; genuine; condescending; frank; complete; roaring; tacit; maternal; hapless; loud; excited; free; world-wide; unrestrained; languid; partial; social; hearty; widespread; abject; masculine; enthusiastic; grudging; expressed; perfect; denominational; popular; surprised; intense; voiceless; unconscious; distant; reluctant


authorize—; bask in—; beam—; clamor—; consent to—; imply—; insure—; intimate —; meet with—; nod—; roar—; sanction—; secure—; stamp with—; trick into—; win —; —encourages; —greets; —heartens

(See approbation, sanction, commendation, indorsement, ratification.)

Approve (v) adverbs

heartily; warmly; thankfully; strongly; unanimously; instinctively; deliberately; indifferently; condescendingly; cordially; unconditionally; thoughtlessly; entirely; unqualifiedly; rapturously; delightedly; privately; vigorously; sagely; completely; condescendingly; tacitly; partially; enthusiastically; grudgingly; reluctantly; overwhelmingly

(See commend, sanction, favor.)

Approximation adjectives

progressive; well-bred; thematic; urbane; close; clear; definite

Apron adjectives

gingham; ridiculous; filthy; frilled; generous; snowy; tiny; flowered; humble; voluminous; diminutive; coarse; greasy; billowy; prophylactic; womanish

Apt adverbs

adroitly; cleverly; specially; dexterously; felicitously; expertly; intelligently; practically; technically; ably; artistically; capably; cunningly; deftly; handily; ingeniously; proficiently; scientifically; shrewdly; remarkably; unusually

Aptitude adjectives

natural; intellectual; remarkable; judicial; military; special; mechanical; oratorical; hidden; artistic; singular; curious; high; unusual; characteristic; musical; surprising; versatile

Aqueduct adjectives

subterraneous; ancient; spacious

Arab adjectives

tall; graceful; grave; dressed; big; powerful; surly; harmless; wiry; black-bearded; black-brow'ed; courteous; haw'k-faced; fine-looking; excited; fierce-looking; chivalrous; filthy; ragged; imperturbable; amorous

Arabesque adjectives

elfin; exquisite

Arbiter adjectives

unprejudiced; just; trembling; implacable

Arbitrary adverbs

overwhelmingly; extraordinarily; despotically; domineeringly; intolerably; paternally; patriarchally; dictatorially; imperiously; presumptuously; harshly; strictly; severely; tyrannically; oppressively; cruelly; haughtily; obdurately; positively; relentlessly; sternly; neatly; unreasonably; excessively; unbelievably; offensively; dangerously; a-larmingly

Arbitration adjectives

compulsory; bloody; impartial; friendly


abide by—; accept—; adopt—; advocate—; ascertain by—; compel—; conduct—; control by—; decide by—; discuss—; employ—; obtain—; put to—; renounce—; respect—; seek—; submit to—; —adjusts; —adverts; —avoids; —awards; —conciliates; —considers; —determines; —judges; —negotiates; —referees; —results in; —settles; — succeeds

(See decision.)

Arbor adjectives

rustic; flowering; sequestered; private; moving; gigantic; latticed; conical; bowery; sultry

Arc adjectives

deadly; skyward; graceful; fiery; luminous; friedelite; speed-blurred; controlling; unthinkable; zooming; ethereal; splendid; deficient; recurrent; flaming

Arcade adjectives

blind; massive; sheltered; garish

Arch adjectives

dignified; old; majestic; steel-trussed; artistic; echoing; horizontal; darkened; graceful; vast; livid; rustic; crumbling; leafy; peaked; magnificent; triumphal; subtle; elliptical; boundless; crystal; culminant; groined; successive; massive; shadowy; proscenium; titanic; accursed; rainbow; emerald; dazzling; topsy-turvy; inverted; cragged; shallow; stupendous; squashed; overworked; collapsed; glistening; flowery; melancholy; starry; tendriled; brazen; rising; interlacing; dim; somber; fretted


adorn—; assemble—; cap—; construct—; crown—; develop—; employ—; erect—; form—; point—; span—; vault—; —carries; —commemorates; —curves; —gives way; —graces; —spans; —spreads; — strides over; —supports

(See curve.)

Arch (v) adverbs

servilely; solidly; deeply; majestically; artistically; gracefully; magnificently; trium-phally; massively

Archaeologist adjectives

distinguished; spectacular; venerable

Archaeology verbs

delve into—; derive from—; owe to—; study —; —absorbs; —accomplishes; —attempts; —attracts; —authenticates; —brings to light; —catalogues; —classifies; —collects; —compares; —concerns; —concludes; — conserves; —deals with; —deciphers; —decodes; —designates; —digs; —discovers; — disputes; —excavates; —fills in; —influences; —investigates; —marks; —misleads; —portrays; —preserves; —progresses; — recognizes; —reconstructs; —records; —rejects; —relates; —restores; —reveals; — scratches; —searches; —seeks; —sheds light upon; —surveys; —traces; —uncovers; — unravels

(See science.)

Archaic adverbs

hopelessly; entirely; poetically; obviously; admittedly; veritably; venerably; traditionally; respectably; genteelly

Architect adjectives

philandering; eminent; self-constituted; consultant; ingenious; known; cunning; celebrated; fledgling; uninterested; creative; imaginative; successful; general; practical; exuberant; contemporary; admirable; lavish; discreet; romantic; symmetry-loving

Architectural adverbs

elaborately; chastely; unmistakably; charmingly; poetically; impressively; elegantly; tastefully; traditionally; nobly; ornately; rustically; historically; ecclesiastically; intricately; fantastically

Architecture adjectives

primitive; diverse; ornate; semi-classic; elaborate; gilded; garbled; symphonic; charming; curious; rustic; organic; naval; noble; plastic; surrounding; historic; repellent; stodgy; colonial; editorial; ecclesiastical; florid; massive; distinctive; domestic; fantastic; traditional; impressive; intricate; tasteful; incrusted; elegant; incomparable; internal; diverse; rambling; poetic


acquaint with—; adorn—; apply—; appreciate—; apprentice to—; build—; characterize—; conceive—; consider—; construct—; create—; crystallize—; decorate—; design —; desolate—; destroy—; develop—; dress —; embellish—; embody in—; emphasize —; encourage—; enrich—; exhibit—; imitate—; immortalize—; practise—; preserve —; produce—; proportion—; raise—; regard—; regulate—; restore—; resuscitate —; revivify—; —adorns; —arises; —arranges; —consists; —designs; —details; —enables; —evolves from; —flourishes; — implies; —includes; —involves; —ornaments: —requires; —solves; —tends toward; —trains; —transfigures

(See building, art.)

Arc HI FES adjectives

historical; secret; incriminating; inexhaustible; enriched; treasured; indestructible; national; enduring


burn—; conserve in—; deposit in—; preserve in—; record in—; register in—; rummage through—; store in—; superintend—; unlock—; —document; —include; —preserve; —record; —relate

(See records, documents.)

Archifay adjectives

grated; sunken; ancient; ponderous; shining

Arctic adverbs

frigidly; frostily; rigorously; horribly; shiveringly; bleakly; coldly; freezingly; glacially; inclemently; piercingly; pinching-ly; nippingly; rawly; intolerably; killingly; stiffly; frozenly; unbelievably; unbearably

Ardent adverbs

youthfully; brightly; indiscreetly; amazingly; warmly; tenderly; generously; instinctively; impetuously; furiously; poetically; passionately; mutually; hastily; impulsively; irrepressibly; ingenuously; irresistibly; fervently; fervidly; anxiously; avidly; fondly; affectionately; devotedly; hungrily; yearningly; ambitiously; breathlessly; eagerly; insatiably; wistfully; sincerely; rapturously; ecstatically; racily; glowingly; feverishly; earnestly; emotionally; acutely; deeply

Ardor adjectives

clean; bright; open-hearted; indiscreet; fiery; youthful; beauteous; amazing; cooled; revolutionary; tender; generous; characteristic; instinctive; inexplicable; impetuous; furious; sacrificial; covert; renewed; dampened; fastidious; poetic; passionate; mutual; tedious; professional; new-born; obsessing; war-like; wandering; hasty; impulsive; ready; redoubled; irrepressible; intrepid; exaggerating; emulous; heroic; ingenious; martial; patriotic; lyrical; military; submissive; irresistible; fervent


burn with—; confine—; dampen—; effulge with—; electrify with—; extinguish—; fire with—; flame with—; heat with—; intensify—; pursue with—; radiate—; spend—; —abates; —swells; —wanes; —warms; — waxes

(See eagerness, zeal, fervor, enthusiasm, warmth.)

Arduous adverbs

relatively; tremendously; overwhelmingly; formidably; unbelievably; supremely; gravely; seriously; administratively; physically; obviously; naturally; peculiarly; necessarily; unpleasantly; conspicuously; alarmingly; dishearteningly; incredibly; intricately; embarrassingly; perplexingly; complexly; desperately; perversely; occasionally

Area adjectives

immense; unexplored; swampy; suburban; consolidated; misty; outlying; considerable; combined; vast; interior; populated; arid; scenic; circumscribed; stagnant; marshy; interstitial; limited; treeless; straggling; gale-swept; huge; enormous; bewildering; prolific; petty; devastated; inconspicuous; decreasing; unobstructed; forest; hazardous; widening; cultivable; superficial; diminished; liberal; super-productive; pestilential; varying; cleared; enveloping; trading; unpeopled; restricted; restoration; stone; faunal


apply to—; approach—; bound—; cover—; cultivate—; define—; denude—; determine —; distinguish—; encircle—; enclose—; erect on^; excavate—; fence in—; give access to—; infest—; level—; limit—; measure—; reclaim—; remove from—; scattei over—; vacate—

(See space, tract, portion, ground, yard.)

Arena adjectives

fit; conspicuous; commercial; frenzied; bloody; foggy; diplomatic


combat in—; conflict in—; contend in—; display in—; emerge from—; enclose in—; flood—-; jam—; perform in—; plunge into —; strew—; surround—; throng—

(See space, field.)

Argue (v) adverbs

persuasively; placatingly; elusively; under-standingly; thoughtfully; drawlingly; fallaciously; rationalistically; preposterously; sensibly; captiously; lamely; fairly; roughly; impressively; profoundly; affirmatively; excitedly; hypercritically; vainly; irrationally; indefatigably; wisely; logically; adversely; scientifically; sophistically; deviously; contentiously; cantankerously; discursively; priggishly; clumsily; pettishly; hypothetically; ingeniously; crushingly; exhaustively; lucidly; formidably; tellingly; irrefutably; fruitlessly; acrimoniously; equivocally; irritatingly; stubbornly; superfluously; abusively; circuitously

(See plead, remonstrate, discuss, dispute.)

Argument adjectives

ingenious; powerful; affirmative; reasonable; sound; winning; crowning; notable; crushing; logical; acceptable; exhaustive; irresistible; conclusive; weighty; strong; favorable; effective; broad; doughty; truthful; unanswerable; cogent; forceful; basic; substantial; formidable; lucid; imaginative; eager; precious; matchless; intensive; illuminating; flawless; clear-cut; telling; close-knit; irrefutable; practical; heated; forensic; sonorous; eloquent; vehement; revolutionary; bitter; fiery; sharp; impassioned; ferocious; stale; fallacious; insidious; spurious; old; painful; futile; nervous; confused; specious; needless; feeble; conflicting; fruitless; influential; nation-wide; mild; half-playful; solemn; mathematical; typical; endless; extended; editorial; interminable; constant; protracted; final; prolific; deliberate; persistent; lengthy; wordless; delightful; good-selling; long-standing; widespread; impetuous; inevitable; rapid; brilliant; well-rounded; acrimonious; theistic; undeniable; utilitarian; scientific; moral; inconsiderable; violent; lofty; bloody; dispassionate; solid; grave; vulgar; absent; craven; staple; personal; positive; labored; rational; earnest; commonplace; hair-splitting; ampler; penetrating; embodied; outspoken; equivocal; irritating; convincing; coarse; adverse; timid; stubborn; wearisome; wretched; judicious; superfluous; honest; enticing; slender; abusive; keen; potent; concise; odd; maternal; clear; close


admit—; advance—; anticipate—; arm with —; arrange—; attack—; base—; bolster—; bolt—; bring forth—; burnish—; clinch—; color—; combat—; construct—; counter with —; debate—; deduce—; demolish—; derive —from; destroy—; dispense with—; dispute —; dread—; drive home—; employ—; engage in—; enumerate—; explain—; fashion —; force—; found on—; ground upon—; indulge in—; invalidate—; kindle—; maintain—; marshal —s; meet—; open—; oppose—; permit of—; premise—; proffer—; propose—; prove—; provoke—; pursue—; push—; qualify—; question—; rebut—; reduce to—; refute—; reiterate—; remove—; resume—; scorn—; settle—; sift—; steel with—; stir—; substantiate—; support—; weigh—; —appeals; —confounds; —depends on; —drones on; —fades away; — implies; —impresses; —infers; —involves; —rages; —rests on; —s simmer down; —s wax hot

(See reason, proof, debate, discussion, dispute, controversy.)

Argumentative adverbs

sagaciously; readily; disagreeably; hotly; sagely; offensively; cleverly; adroitly; ingeniously; reasonably; irresistibly; obstinately; pesteringly; abusively; stubbornly; convincingly; .mulishly; irritatingly; dispassionately; earnestly; violently; acrimoniously; brilliantly; impetuously; interminably; endlessly; playfully; solemnly; fruitlessly; mildly; feebly; needlessly; nervously; insidiously; unnecessarily; ferociously; bitterly; significantly; foolishly; intelligently; astutely; shrewdly; vigilantly

Arid adverbs

dessicatingly; terribly; rainlessly; horribly; intolerably; unbearably; unproductively; wildly; fruitlessly; treelessly; dustily; insufferably; hopelessly; desperately; bitterly; malignly; pestiferously; agonizingly; heart-breakingly; destructively; murderously; joylessly; desolately; insupportably; dolorously

Arise (v) adverbs

involuntarily; energetically; automatically; spontaneously; pretentiously; •» incessantly; majestically; strenuously; readily; imperceptibly; irresistibly; hastily

(See rise, ascend, mount, proceed.)

Aristocracy adjectives

odious; genuine; true; privileged; effete; heaven-descended; remarkable; gilded; canine; feudal; landed; moribund; pampered; devout; old; dominant; hereditary; high; admitted; recognized; idle; proud; democratic; industrial; sword-girt; phantasmal; martial


attain—; break down—; choose from—; compose—; denote—; distinguish—; imperil —; oppose—; overthrow—; pervert—; privilege—; rank among—; strengthen—; vest in—; weaken—; —abuses; —administrates; —conforms; —degenerates; —develops from; —enlists; —fosters; —governs; —lolls; —predominates; —rules; —wields

(See nobility, peerage, class, government.)

Aristocrat adjectives

bloated; proud; antebellum; wealthy; exiled; hot-tempered; born; disgraced; snobbish; cosmopolitan; country; liberal; embryo; impoverished; stripling; emigrant; soft-voiced

Aristocratic adverbs

proudly; genuinely; truly; admittedly; tenaciously; inherently; innately; fantastically; snobbishly: nobly; actually; elegantly; unaffectedly; avowedly; unquestionably; palpably; essentially; stubbornly; ostentatiously; conspicuously; eminently; grandly; imposingly; magnificently

. . ARK adjectives

doveless; guarded; grounded

Arm adjectives

beautiful; tapering; superb; perfect; sculptured; marble-smooth; shaped; spiritual; graceful; delicate; slim; daisy-white; slender; golden; tender; soft; fragile; brawny; muscular; steel; iron; terrifying; strong; powerful; stout; tremendous; muscle-corded; firm; capable; sinewy; enormous; massive; mighty; bony; puny; thin; snaky; frail; lean; plump; thick; rounded; chubby; flabby; awkward; clumsy; grisly; profaning; threatening; offending; degraded; shattered; wounded; wasted; molded; numb; aching; bruised; limp; drowsy; languid; listless; waving; gesticulating; beckoning; outstretched; clutching; outflung; extended; proffered; hanging; rigid; outspread; wide-open (pl); reaching; classical; uplifted; imploring; dangling; upraised; crossed (pl) ; wan; throbbing; swaying; swinging; linked; shaking; silken; jeweled; uniformed; khaki-clad; veiled; soapy; bare; powdered; hirsute; overlong; fearful; willing; sheltering; protecting; pacifying; combined (pl) ; engulfing; encircling; supporting; wandering; longing; waiting; accusing; thankful; reluctant; yearning; affectionate; reassuring; flailing; nerveless; tremulous; developed; incredible; ineffective; enthusiastic; detaining; wriggling; reinforcing; impulsive; derisive; forging; bewildered; rapturous; whirlwind; alabaster; movable; crooked; potent; swirling; remorseless; glittering; generous; unsuspected; mutual; temporal; swordless; disposing; gigantic; resplendent; large; fetching; elephantine; revengeful; pendent; lithe; barren; seraphic; twining; motherly; impatient; fearsome; restful; despised; unwieldy; braving; stiffened; sausage-like; unloaded; gilded; speckled; gnarled; angular; hungry; aching; dingy; cautious; protesting; victorious; desolate; almighty; grotesque; ponderous; rebellious; shaggy; puissant; steadying; poetic; enticing; conjugal; wrathful; sustaining; furbished; oft-bended; pleached; dimpled; grounded; sinuous; shining; dazzling; figured; artificial; feeble; gross; snowy; loving; withered; impeccable; mailed; restful; troublesome; gorgeous; fondling; out-reaching; restraining; springy; naked; lascivious; locked (pl); municipal; amputated; freckled; unreasoning; chapellike; dusky; official; embracing; unhallowed; burnished; alien; faith-clad; waxen; needful; hairy-fibred; sturdy; akimbo (pl); strangling; glowing; lily; secular; bandaged; steel-strong; dissonant; puffy; boneless; broken; stalwart; whirring; blazoned (pl); branching (pl)


amputate—; attach—to; bare—; bind—; cast —s around; clasp in —s; cradle in —s; cross —s; dangle on—; develop—; drive— through; embrace in —s; encircle in —s; encumber —s; enfold in —s; entwine in —s; extend —s; extricate —s; flap —s; fling—around; fold —s; gather in —s; hail with open —s; hang on —s; leap into —s; lend—; lock —s; impair the use of —s; open —s; paralyze —s; proffer—; pluck from —s; recline on—; rotate —s; sling —s; stretch out —s; strip from —s; support in —s; tear from —s; uncover —s; wave —s; wind in —s; wound—; wrap in—; wreathe in —s; —bleeds; —s cling around; —s dandle; —hangs; —projects

(See limb, wrist.)

Arm (v) adverbs

imperfectly; impenetrably; superbly; powerfully; mightily; threateningly; incredibly; ineffectively; puissantly; sturdily; stalwart-ly

Armada adjectives

air; huge; mighty; ponderous; impressive; death-dealing

Armament adjectives

unchecked; formidable; excessive; national; increased; vaunted; enormous; splendid; considerable


appropriate for—; discard—; equip with—; limit—; outlaw—; produce—; rebuild—; reduce—; rehabilitate—; replace—; scale down—; strip of—; —s collapse; —s exceed

(See force, guns.)

Arm-Chair adjectives

palatial; chintz-covered; cushioned; shabby; restful; spacious; luxurious

Armistice adjectives

unspoken; assumed; undeclared; disregarded

Armor adjectives

adamantine; customary; shining; sunbright; noticeable; virginal; magic; mortal; radiant; incongruous; elaborate; tough; chain; safest; steel-plated; jointless; impenetrable; protective; defensive; invisible; golden; horny; inviolate; spiritual; battered; granite; celestial


buckle on—; burden with—; burnish—•; clad in—; clothe in—; collect—; cover with —; defend in—; design—; discard—; employ—; enclose in—; furnish—; harness in —; pad—; pierce—; plate with—; scar—; scour—; sheathe in—; stain—; strip off—; swagger in—; —clashes; —gives way; — hampers; —jingles; —protects; —resists; —shields

(See steel.)

Arms adjectives                        (weapons

purposeful; puny; ruthless; skilfully-handled ; unfriendly


abate—; abolish—; bear—; burnish—; call to—; chastise with—; defend with—; display—; draw—; engage with—; excel in—; exploit with—; fire—; force with—; furnish —; groove—; invent—; lack—; lay down —; leap to—; march in—; notch—; order —; present—; rally to—; rattle—; repel with—; resist with—; rise in—; shoulder —; smuggle—; surrender—; take by force of—; take up—; throw away—; train in—; wield—; win with—; —clash; —run out

(See weapons.)

Army adjectives

bristling; cleverly-concealed; cold-staring; death-dealing; destruction-spilling; flashing; sullen; grim-looking; grisly; havocplaying; malignant; murderous; make-shift; exalted; exultant; invincible; indefatigable; gallant; superb; glorious; determined; splendid; formidable; magnificent; picked; distressed; retreating; doomed; ragged; unpaid; disgruntled; decimated; demoralized; domestic; defeated; pathetic; tarnished; recalcitrant; standing; motor-camping; contending; organized; modern; vast; surging; invading; beleaguering; besieging; heterogeneous; overwhelming; furtive; ravishing; enraged; respective; heathen; cooperating; dwindling; fraternal; opposing; immense; precious; powerful; half-famished; dispersed; concentrated; rude; innumerable (pl); incompetent; victorious; scattered; solid; flying; compact; well-commanded; self-reliant; enthusiastic; principal; desolating; provisional; starry; wrangling; succoring; allied; obstinate; barefoot; omnipotent; shattered; phantom: insurgent; faithful; melancholy; deplorable; routed


call out—; clothe—; command—; conscript into—; consolidate—; dash at—; defy—; demobilize—; disband—; discharge—; discipline—; dishearten—; dismiss---; disperse —; double—; drill—; encompass—; engage—; enlist in—; equip—; evacuate—; furlough—; harry—; hire—; impress into—; improvise—; increase—; join—; mechanize —; mobilize—; motorize—; muster—; 'organize—; pledge—; provide—; provision —; raise—; recruit—; regiment—; route —; serve in—; supply—; support—; transport—; turn—to flight; —assembles; — blockades; —charges; —converges on; — crusades; —encamps; —intercepts; —mutinies; —pillages; —plunders; —retires; — retreats; —rumbles; —rushes in; —storms; —strikes; —swarms; —wages war

(See troops, soldiers, forces.)

Aroma adjectives

fruity; exquisite; peculiar; offensive; fragrant; spicy; pungent; delicious; pleasant; remote; earthly; preprandial; tempting; lingering; sickiy; intoxicating; faint; ineffable; questionable; delicate; luscious; quick; penetrating


breathe in—; dissipate—; exhale—; imitate

—; send forth—; —escapes; —floats; — pervades

(See perfume, fragrance, odor.)

Aromatic adverbs

pleasantly; spicily; fragrantly; redolently; sweetly; pungently; arrestingly; refreshingly; pleasingly; definitely; strongly; delicately; exquisitely; enchantingly; charmingly; drowsily; faintly; overpoweringly; delectably; softly; intoxicatingly; lingeringly; richly; attractively; exotically.

Arouse (v) adverbs

thoroughly; seditiously; instantaneously; antagonistically; suddenly

(See excite, rouse, animate, stimulate.)

Arraignment adjectives

harsh; eloquent; appalling; incredible

Arrange (v) adverbs

dramatically; delicately; becomingly; temptingly; alphabetically; elaborately; admirably; systematically; beautifully; sensibly; exquisitely; harmoniously; ideally; felicitously; obviously; cleverly; efficiently; hideously; crudely; clumsily; finally; previously; complexly; artistically; mechanically; methodically; ostensibly; confidentially; painfully

(See classify, dispose, devise, contrive.)

Arrangement adjectives

balanced; careful; impeccable; admirable; ideal; pleasant; impromptu; serene; formal; elaborate; desirable; skilful; felicitous; fair; obvious; regular; clever; cordial; ef-ficent; divine; empty; attractive; devious; inequitable; hideous; crude; clumsy; final, judgmatical; fiscal; temporary; previous; spacious; preconcerted; incompatible; defensive; complex; dinette; cunning; provident; inconsistent; due; pleasure-principle; special; dilapidated; artistic; compensatory; mechanical; disconcerting; free-wheeling; line; practical; rectilinear; methodical; curious; graceful; established; fairest; simple; credit; harmonious; picturesque; traditional; fitting; domestic; ostensible; existing; unnatural; systematic; complicated; unsatisfactory; municipal; judicious; ingenious; charming; reciprocal; habitual; old-fashioned; dexterous; cumbrous; confidential; countermanded; painful; spacious


adapt—; adjust—; adopt—; cancel—; criticize—; declare—; design—; desire—; determine—; devise—; dispute—; elaborate—; enter into—; furnish—; improvise—; insure—; negotiate—; order—; prepare—; prevent—; reach—; register—; repudiate—; standardize—; style—; welcome—; —conforms to; —disposes of; —prevails

(See contract, understanding.)

Array adjectives

formidable; imposing; glorious; impressive; prodigious; rich; colorful; fascinating; enticing; neat; disordered; unsightly; stubborn; bristling; bridal; superb; abounding; motley; glittering; formal; endless; giddy; heterogeneous; bewildering; astonishing; comprehensive; superficial; hostile; confused; gorgeous; meek; gallant; militant; vivid; festival; flimsy; tranquil; immense; bright; terrible; meteor-eclipsing; incomparable; undisciplined; loose; vast; inexhaustible; noble; scattered; threatening; ragged; magnificent; grand; feudal; symmetrical; complete; awful; martial; chaste; white; stern; cold; battle; goodly; wild; flowering


attire in—; break—; challenge—; deck in —; display—; draw up—; gaze at—; impose—; loose—; order—; outfit in—; rank in—; renew—; review—; stand- in—; — impresses; —stretches

(See display, exhibition.)

Array (v) adverbs

tastefully; gloriously; handsomely; formidably; impressively; richly; colorfully; fascinatingly; enticingly; superbly; formally; bewilderingly; superficially; vividly; gorgeously; incomparably; nobly

(See arrange, marshal.)

Arrest adjectives

arbitrary; capricious; frequent; summary; indiscriminate; wrongful; friendly; dreamy; injudicious; inspired; resisted; abrupt


authorize—; charge with—; compel—; declare—; decree—; defend against—; delay —; demand—; dispense with—; effect—; enforce—; execute—; facilitate—; force to —; immunize against—; interfere with—; obtain—; order—; justify—; place under—; procure—of; release from—; resist—; restrain from—; result in—; secure—of; stop —; subject to—; warrant—; —deters; —s outnumber; —prevents

(See imprisonment.)

Arrest (v) adverbs

arbitrarily; unjustly; capriciously; summarily; indiscriminately; wrongfully; abruptly; injudiciously

(See apprehend, stop, check, restrain.)

Arrival adjectives

mysterious; initial; late; speedy; unheralded; modest; merry; unconventional; noisy; bustling; timely; impending; abstract; successful; adventitious; seasonable; welcome; opportune; brilliant; unexpected; imminent; dread; anticipated

Arrive (v) adverbs

jubilantly; ultimately; punctually; incessantly; tardily; mysteriously; unconventionally; bustlingly; adventitiously; seasonably; opportunely; abruptly; expeditiously; slum-berously

(See come.)

Arrogance adjectives

haughty; hard; cool; wounded; odd; splendid; stupid; vulgar; small; aesthetic; hot; unresponsive; tactless; desperate; despotic; supercilious; misstyled; unamiable; masculine; intellectual; tempered; monstrous; cynical; intolerable; meddlesome; ruffling; crested; burgher; blustering; brash; brusque; brisk; bristling; unbridled


abandon—; disdain—; endure—; feed—; humble—; loathe—; purge the soul of—; satirize—; —causes; —indicates; —offends; —repels; —vexes

(See assumption, assurance.)

Arrogant adverbs

intolerably; justifiably; noticeably; smugly; insolently; proudly; coolly; offensively; condescendingly; irritatingly; purposely; rudely; unpardonably; incurably; ridiculously; laughably; splendidly; oddly; stupidly; brashly; deplorably; uncivilly.             

Arrow adjectives

poisoned; fiery; answering; strong-shot; vengeful; ultimate; barbed; ineffectual; envenomed; burning; rankling; twanging; buried; eagle-plumed; crafty; featherless; swift; blunt; deadly; death-dealing


aim—; barb—; bear—; discharge—; draw —; drop—; feather—; fire—; imbed—; lash—; let fly—; loose—; mark with—; notch—; pierce with—; pinch—; place—; point—; poison—; pour —s; release—; secure—; send—; shape—; shoot—; slay with —; smite with—; string—; throw off—; tip—; wound with—; —carries; —describes an arc; —glances off; —goes to the mark; —leaves; —passes; —penetrates; —pierces; —quivers; —reaches; —rides; —slips; — speeds; —wings

(See dart, shaft.)

Art adjectives

elaborate; consummate; undying; pleasurable; delicate; gentle; analogous; remarkable; serious; subtle; new; wonderful; ingenious; experienced; sophisticated; noblest; superb; ripe; gracious; obliging; unsurpassable; fine; tedious; glowing; profound; proficient; great; simple; sincere; glorious; pure; epic; meticulous; surpassing; graphic; snubbed; aristocratic; modernistic; plastic; decorative; landscape; ancient; rustic; epistolary; contemporary; poetic; constructive; modern; applied; dramatic; elegant; antiquated; pyrotechnic; seeming; inscrutable; suave; finished; vanishing; fine; mystical; living; enviable; esoteric; replaced; cultured; lost; symbolic; fancy; hidden; servile; musical; colorless; blandishing (pl); kindred; perfidious; vital; culinary; fascinating; healing; peaceful; unpremeditated; specious; inventive; cunning; brain-spattering; baneful; fickle; windpipe-slitting; flawless; matchless; structural; virile; indigenous; superhuman; dreadful; tonsorial; imitative; classicizing; black; inharmonious; recreational; canonic; piscatorial; sunny; fertilizing; sublime; instrumental; regal; enrapturing; rational; idealistic; acquired; substantial; representative; lenient; vagrant; agile; equestrian; fearful; grotesque: public; deathless; prosperous; evasive; memorial; coarse; spiritual; abominable; inventive; exalted: mechanical; mortuary; histrionic; indifferent; vicious; living; coactive; quaint; empirical; irregular; incomprehensible; demoniacal; jealous; new-invented; loftier; orthodox: commercial; medical; ceramic; unhallowed: athletic; subservient; florid; classic; exquisite; practical; perishable; spontaneous; immature; elevated; patented; etched; menial; poor; low; voluptuous; illustrative; unlawful; rare; piquant; conspicuous


animate—; apply—; appreciate—; attain—; awaken—; become—; breed—; caricaturize —; characterize—; choke—; compose—' comprehend—; conceive—; contrive by—; counterfeit—; cultivate—; dabble in—; deem —; devise—; devote to—; discriminate in —; display—; educate in—; elaborate—. embellish—; encourage—; etch—; evolve—; exaggerate—; execute—; exercise—; facilitate—; further—; glorify—; illustrate— imitate—; inaugurate—; influence—; interpret—; limit—; master—; murder—; originate—; ply—; practise—; preserve—; produce—;   purge—;   pursue—;   refine—

school in—; stifle—; supplement—; sustain —; systematize—; take refuge in—; trace—; verse in—; wed to—; —achieves; —assists; —attains; —builds; —conceals; —depicts; —derives from; —dies away; —disguises; —embodies; —enlightens; —evolves from; —excites; —expresses; —feigns; —flourishes; —functions; —imitates; —lags; —languishes; —ornaments; —portrays; —reflects; —remains; —reproduces; —reveals. (See literature, science.

Artery adjectives

pulsating; hardened; tiny; petty; spiritual



block—; circulate in —s; drain—; expel from—; flow through—; incise—; involve —; ligate—; live in—; lodge in—; nourish —; obstruct—; pump through—; rupture—; sever—; terminate—; —s anastomose; —s ascend; —s branch; —s carry; —s contract; —s deteriorate; —s distribute; —s divide; —s empty; —s function; —s harden; —s join; —s spurt; —s supply; —s thicken; —s throb; —s unite

Artful adverbs

instinctively; characteristically; slyly; craftily; subtly; insidiously; stealthily; smoothly; shrewdly; fiendishly; maliciously; a-stoundingly; astutely; cunningly; insinuatingly; trickily; habitually; adroitly; manifestly; openly; undeniably; knowingly; suavely; ingratiatingly; speciously; expertly; dangerously

Article adjectives


respective; undesirable; perfunctory; subsequent; able; valuable; detailed; forceful; inflammatory; unrelated; editorial; antiquarian; foregoing; explanatory; abusive; preliminary; hysterical; noteworthy; famous; fascinating; occasional; thoughtprovoking; enlightening; hypocritical; exasperating; comprehensive; arresting; lurid; delightful; frivolous; authentic; unusual; informative; striking; disturbing; sane; well-reasoned; sensible; condensed; inspired; vituperative; amusing; recent; fiery; stodgy; leading; stimulating; provocative; well-considered; critical; descriptive; proposed


abolish—: administrate—; alter—; amend —; approve—; break—; combine —s; compose—; design—; dismiss—; dispute—; ease out—; emit—; enact—; entreat—; excerpt —; fashion—; form—; found upon—; invoke—; peruse—; point out—; prefix—; promote—; promulgate—; provide—; ratify—; reject—; revise—; rewrite—; sanction—; submit—; summarize—; swerve from—; transgress—; —asserts; —authorizes; —binds; —compels; —concerns; —denotes; —effects; —exposes; —expostulates; —governs; —guarantees; —impeaches; — indicts; —libels; —regulates; —slanders

—specifies; —stipulates; —treats of

(See detail, item, clause, editorial, essay.)

Article adjectives

                       (an object

proprietary; admirable; charming; befrill-ed; practical; previous; metallic; objectionable; bloated; inferior; humblest; aggressive; cardinal; minutest; tempting; conspicuous; distinctive; cumbersome; superior; conceivable; forbidden; ancient; bulky; expensive; flimsy; showy; adulterated; intimate; plated; useful; novel; remarkable; superfluous; indispensable; harsher; inanimate; patented; preceding; fulminated: fugitive; non-durable; particular; obnoxious; important; suitable; necessary; principal; existing; resplendent; forbidden; unmistakable; toilet; serviceable; staple; unsightly; ornamental

Articulate (a) adverbs

clearly; particularly; distinctly; emphatically; finely; especially; wonderfully; powerfully; unmistakably; cruelly; meticulously; precisely; exactly; easily

Articulate (v) adverbs

precisely; faintly; meticulously; whispering-ly; breathlessly; clearly

(See speak.)

Articulation adjectives

supple; well-remembered; appreciative; meticulous

Artifice adjectives

amazing; shallow; harmless; debasing; delicate; petty; plotted; ingenious; fictional; honest; dazzling; wicked

Artificer adjectives

deft; cunning; fierce; sly; suave

Artificial adverbs

subtly; stiffly; crudely; inelegantly; crassly; grotesquely; gracelessly; ponderously; highly; pretentiously; flashily; floridly; laughably; ridiculously; awkwardly; offensively; outlandishly; affectedly; coquettishly; sim-peringly; mincingly; stagily; smoothly; slyly; cleverly; adroitly; ingeniously

Artillery adjectives                                  

active; coastal; defiance-roaring; doomsounding; death-propelling; deafening; concerted; effective; earth-shaking; enormous-ly-heavy; funeral-voiced; fierce-stabbing; incessant; liberal; offensive; reverberating; silenced; threatening; tumultuous; well-placed


assign—; blast with—; capture—; command —; concentrate—; detail—; discharge—; disperse—; elevate—; employ—; encamp—; fear—; forge—; fortify—; improve—; introduce—; mechanize—; mount—; project —; reenforce with—; shelter from—; transport—; —attacks ; —batters ; —bears; —bombards; —breaks down; —concentrates on; —counters; —demolishes; —deploys; —destroys; —deteriorates; —devastates; —discharges; —fires; —forms; —handles; — harasses; —inflicts; —launches; —manoeu-vers ; —marches; —masses; —moves up; —occupies; —pounds; —projects; —pushes forward; —ranges; —reassembles; —repulses; —shells; —smashes; —supports; — thunders; —withdraws

(See cannon, arms.)

Artisan adjectives

tramping; skilled; capable; indolent; impatient; swarthy; humble; subordinate; simple; adroit

Artist adjectives

capable; excellent; first-rate; gifted; accomplished; competent; versatile; consummate; instinctive; true; creative; unerring; purposive; brilliant; conscientious; authentic; supreme; exquisite; cosmopolitan; keeneyed; indefatigable; illustrious; great; cynical; world-famous; noted; distinguished; dissipated; weedy; sophisticated; temperamental; dissolute; adverse; melancholy; despairing; sought-after; pandering; unbusiness-like; impecunious; struggling; harassed; ragged; persecuted; misunderstood; detestable; sensitive; human; local; jealous; collaborating; fastidious; contemporary; eminent; eccentric; egotistic; excitable, fashionable; talented; outraged; accomplished; vulgar; scenic; native; mature; skilled; well-known; inimitable; musical; liberal; unique; successful; sincere; decorative; technical; modern; renowned; interpretative


confound—; encourage—; endow—; extol —; imitate—; inspire—; mark—; patronize —; remunerate—; revere—; —accomplishes; —apprehends; —attempts; —conceives; —contributes; —conveys; —creates; —cultivates; —designs; —displays; —elevates; —embodies; —employs; —endeavors; —entertains; —eschews; —executes; —expresses; —forges; —imbibes; —imitates; —opposes; —paints; —patterns; —portrays; —practises; —presents; —pursues; —renders; —reproduces; —reveals; —scorns; — sketches; —struggles with; —typifies; — unearths; —unfolds; —verses himself in

(See sculptor, painter, musician, writer, poet, creator.)

Artistic adverbs

superbly; magnificently; delicately; actually; genuinely; indubitably; consummately; vividly; lustily; carefully; deftly; exultantly; studiedly; naturally; colorfully; richly; chastely; virginally; traditionally; radically; nostalgically; instinctively; inherently; innately; learnedly; creatively; unerringly; brilliantly; spontaneously; conscientiously; authentically; exquisitely; keenly; notably; temperamentally; sensitively; fastidiously; eminently; fashionably; inimitably; elegantly; gorgeously; magnificently; splendidly; radiantly; sublimely; bonnily; curiously; dazzlingly; passably; prettily; quaintly; showily; ingeniously; intrinsically; imitatively; academically; readily; correctly; easily; neatly; unaffectedly; crudely; ponderously; adroitly; cleverly; dexterously; intelligently; proficiently; skilfully; deftly; expertly; handily; critically; discriminatingly

Artistry adjectives

superb; genuine; consummate; lusty; vivid; infinite; careful; deft; exalted; transcending; sheer; traditional; studied; fanatical

Artless adverbs

unaffectedly; delightfully; refreshingly; sincerely; naively; touchingly; wondrously; manifestly; charmingly; ravishingly; exquisitely; deliciously; surprisingly; unbelievably; graciously; ingenuously; alluringly; adorably; innocently

Ascend (v) adverbs

magically; majestically; simultaneously; directly; unwaveringly; lazily; leisurely; personally

(See mount.)

Ascendancy adjectives

inherent; moral; intellectual; growing; fatal; odious; papal; commercial; personal; complete

Ascendant adverbs

significantly; prominently; interestingly; materially; substantially; emphatically; chiefly; firmly; cardinally; markedly; primarily; remarkably; signally; vitally; influentially; preponderantly; prevalently; dominantly; authoritatively; absolutely; supremely; blessedly; happily; luckily; unfortunately; adversely; unluckily

Ascent adjectives

marked; breakneck; preliminary; formidable; continual; toilsome; gentle; gradual; measureless; feasible; elevated; winding; tortuous; sheer; interminable; perilous


accomplish—; attempt—; fear—; grade—; overcome—; schedule—; top—; —fatigues; —slopes; —tires; —wearies

(See climb.)

Ascertain (v) adverbs

accurately; distinctly; dimly; instantaneously; vaguely; unhesitatingly

(See discover.)

Ascetic adverbs

austerely; exceptionally; completely; incomprehensibly; obviously; excessively; terribly; remarkably; innately; naturally; puritanically; rigidly; rigorously; strictly; severely; harshly; arbitrarily; despotically; tyrannically; prudishly; haughtily

Ascribe (v) adverbs

unanimously; vaguely; openly; modestly; unsparingly; deliberately; unhesitatingly; villainously; frankly

(See attribute, assign, impute.)

Ashen adverbs

pallidly; neutrally; coldly; colorlessly; dingily; dully; faintly; muddily; wanly; pearly

Ashes ad jectives

quenchless; fallen; gossamer-like; glowing; whitening; lifeless; dreamless; smouldering; sparkless; venerated; charred; damped; cold; livid; vile; volcanic; blackened; dead; humble; feeble


collect—; exhaust into—; flick—; gather—; grovel in—; heap—; mix with—; powder —; pulverize—; reduce to—; scorch to—; sift—; sprinkle with—; strew with—; throw out—; —char; —flame; —glow; —pirouette down; —remain; —rest; —settle; —smould


(See cinders, remains, residue.)

Ask (v) adverbs

courteously; equably; genially; discreetly; vaguely; pointedly; cannily; unctuously; spitefully; specifically; evasively; incredulously; querulously; swiftly; bluntly; huskily; contemptuously; relentlessly; persuasively; listlessly; compassionately; placidly; critically; guardedly; grouchily; shrewdly; brusquely; involuntarily; guilelessly; insistently; delicately; piteously; beseechingly; impressively; audaciously; plaintively; ironically; deadly; tremulously; naively; belligerently; provisionally; quizzically; Socratically; apprehensively

(See inquire, question, beg.)

Aspect adjectives

interesting; practical; picturesque; attractive; encouraging; smiling; humorous; prepossessing; pleasing; romantic; charming; benevolent; calm; noteworthy; absurd; sinister; ominous; accusing; contradictory (pl) ; dismal; diabolical; grim; forbidding; jaded; ludicrous; sensual; cynical; unnatural; maddening; gloomy; ridiculous; w’oebegone; volatile; evanescent; odd; grisly; irrational; controversial; shocking; ethical; ceremonial; physical; legal; psychic; religious; psychological; moral; genetic; scientific; obvious; broad; eternal; suggestive; original; fresh; superficial; ingratiating; beneficent; harsh; astonished; intimate; emotional; national; economic; conventional; unique; grave; formal; ferocious; haggard; drawn; staring; piteous; forsaken; melancholy; wan; miserable; pallid; repulsive; formidable; enticing; cheery; weather-beaten; propitious; feminine; appealing; many-sided; festival; material; transitional; cadaverous; ironic; appalling; dark; interrelated (pl); insinuating; benignant; spiritual; unreal; artificial; unlovely; gloomy; tragic; mournful; neglected; mysterious; reverend; stern; belligerent; bleak; legal; aesthetic; incoherent; deserted; rustic; malign; utilitarian; forlorn; sanguine; primitive; alarming; supernatural; stunned; impressive; imposing; inspiring; weird; rigorous; chilling; intangible; classic; foreign; multiform; cultivated; settled


accentuate—; adorn—; afford—; assume—; bear—; behold—; bend—; cloud—; color—; contemplate—; contrast—; dominate—; dramatize—; dwell on—; extol—; gaze at —; intensify—; meet—; muzzle—; regard —; stress—; take on—; turn—; view—; wear—; —speaks

(See appearance, view, scene, expression, mien, look.)

Aspersions adjectives

obsolete; hasty; casual; thinly-veiled; bitter; subtle


bespatter with—; cast—; let fall—; resort to—; vindicate from—; —besprinkle; — damage; —enrage; —infuriate; —soil; — stain

(See slander, scandal, calumny.)

Aspirant adjectives

baffled; literary; defeated; penitent; conscientious; judicial

Aspirations adjectives

generous; lofty; noble; national; boundless; passionate; vague; artistic; intellectual; glowing; elegant; pure; awakened; dictatorial; spiritual; unlimited; greedy; earnest; forgotten; exalted; exquisite; long-cherished; fond; sacred; speculative; political; moral; musical; social; scrupulous; secretive; rebuffed; undirected; ladylike; thwarted; professional; humdrum; poetic; determined; enthusiastic


cherish—; deride—; dignify—; embody—; fan with—; further—; give force to—; long with—; nurse—; realize—; restrain—; sigh with—; swamp—; thwart—; —is bounded by; —lifts him; —ripens; —soars

(See ambition, desire, aim.)

Aspire (v) adverbs

invariably; loftily; nobly; boundlessly; generously; passionately; artistically; intellectually; spiritually; earnestly; socially; professionally; poetically; determinedly; en-. thusiastically

(See desire.)

Ass adjectives

preposterous; incompetent; slow-gaited; conceited; affected; insignificant; arrant; pretentious; patient; gibbering; portentous; egregious; pompous


act as—; brand—; breed —es; burden—; call—; corral—es; domesticate—es ; employ —; harness—; overtake—; plow with —es ; procure—; saddle—; shelter—; stall—; yoke —; —balks; —bears; —brays; —flees; — plods; —roams; —sniffs the wind; —strays; —subsists on

(See animal.)

Assail (v) adverbs

abusively; fearlessly; unjustly; vituperative-ly; untruthfully; vaguely; furiously; keenly; constantly; perpetually; unrelentingly; doughtily; blood-thirstily; rudely; vociferously; audaciously; formidably; boldly

(See attack.)

a                    ASSAILANT


fierce; quick; skillful; deadly; doughty; unrelenting; potent; unwary; blood-thirsty; rude; violent; savage; vociferous; audacious; powerful; bold; formidable; deceased

Assassin adjectives

foiled; fiendish; jealous; vile; doomed; cool; professional; cowardly; terrorizing; wolfish; mercenary; well-meaning


evade—; execute—; hire—; martyrize—; reward—; subdue—; —attacks; —conspires

—knifes; —lurks; —murders; —slays; — stabs; —terrorizes

(See murderer.)

Assassinate (v) adverbs

treacherously; fiendishly; vilely; coolly; tragically

(See kill.)

Assassination adjectives

cold-blooded; murderous; foul; villainous; predatory


accomplish—; aim at—; applaud—; attempt —; avert—; execute—; finish—; foment—; loathe—; pay for—; plot—; revenge—; witness—; —kindles

(See murder, killing.)

Assault adjectives

intermittent; rude; meditated; critical; damnable; aggravated; gallant; fresh; feeble; furious; formidable; anonymous; salutary; murderous; vigorous; mock; contemplated; desperate; boisterous; drunken; base; vain; magnificent; counter; general; unprovoked; concentrated; criminal; inexplicable; destructive; terrific; simultaneous; felonious; courageous; vicious; serious; determined; savage; wicked; shrewd; frenzied; devastating; thorough-going


aggravate—; bear—; carry by—; commit —; constitute—; counter—; defy—; fortify against—; gain by—; incur—; inflict—; intend—; make—upon; overthrow—; parallel—; project—; punish—; renew—; repeat —; repulse—; resist—; rush to—; scorn—; threaten with—; win by—; withstand—; —destroys; —produces; —weakens

(See attack, charge, invasion, onslaught.)

Assault (v) adverbs

outrageously; violently; rudely; critically; damnably; gallantly; feebly; murderously; furiously; formidably; vigorously; desperately; boisterously; drunkenly; basely; vainly; magnificently; unprovokedly; criminally; inexplicably; destructively; simultaneously; feloniously; frenziedly; devastatingly

(See attack, assail.)

Assemblage adjectives

vast; matchless; international; dazzling; brilliant; striking; immense; gracious; admiring; hapless; motley; confused; popular; learned; glittering; melancholy; ludicrous; riotous; dreary; solemn; pitiful; plutocratic; chattering; variegated; august;- hushed; listless; inattentive; public

Assemble (v) adverbs

elaborately; festively; tumultuously; confusedly; glitteringly; riotously; drearily; solemnly; pitifully; chatteringly; listlessly; publicly; inattentively

(See congregate, gather, meet.)

Assembly adjectives

fair; stormy; provincial; propitious; august; primary; legislative; glorious; numerous; gay; venerable; representative; illustrious; staid; significant; deliberative; electrified; distinguished; religious; truculent; uncongenial; periodical (pl); artless; orderly; polite


address—; appoint to—; call—; compose—; convoke—; dismiss—; gather—; haunt—; lead—; organize—; pervade—; petition—; remodel—; salute—; set—against; unite in —; —abolishes; —adjourns; —annuls; — collects; —communes; —condemns; —congregates; —convenes; —decides; —decrees; —deliberates; —enforces; —excludes; — frames; —invests; —limits; —resolves; — suppresses

(See meeting, congregation, council, conference.)

Assent adjectives

unqualified; wordless; unanimous; preoccupied; spiritless; reluctant; deep-throated; provisional; silent; rational; requisite; cordial; vague; mournful; universal; callous; intellectual; placid; ready; brief; rapturous; smiling; rough; demure; enthusiastic; perfunctory; deliberate


approve—; confess—; declare—; engage—; gain—; gesture—; imply—; mutter—-; necessitate—; nod—; obtain—; promise—; purchase—; read—; require—; stir to—; vote—; vow—; win—; withdraw—; withhold—; yield—; —emanates; —signifies

(See agreement, acquiescence, consent.)

Assert (v) adverbs

positively; incredibly; blasphemously; unanimously; courageously; peremptorily; persistently; strenuously; dogmatically; emphatically; erroneously; eloquently; lustily; judicially; ignorantly; aggressively; boastfully; truculently; blandly; stalwartly; irresponsibly; autocratically; despotically; arbitrarily; fallaciously; contradictorily; presumptuously; vaingloriously; groundlessly; unequivocally; gratuitously

(See affirm, state, say, declare.)

Assertion adjectives

ignorant; lofty; vigorous; hare-brained; aggressive; emphatic; blundering; boastful; truculent; reiterated; extravagant; prior; impudent; audacious; wild; bland; complete; incredible; dogmatic; complimentary; intense; loud; incensed; controversial; irresponsible; sweeping; absolute; stalwart; astounding; autocratic; despotic; arbitrary; brutal; blustering; erroneous; pharisaical; fallacious; monstrous; disputable; contradictory; vainglorious; random; groundless; florid; deliberate; colorful; presumptuous; unequivocal; gratuitous


affirm—; aver—; conclude—; contest—; contradict—; controvert—; credit—; declare —; defend—; flinch under—; justify—; maintain—; protest—; prove—; qualify—; refute—; sponsor—; support—; —contradicts; —elicits from; —liberates; —persuades; —sets free; —vindicates

(See statement, declaration.)

Assertive adverbs

loftily; aggressively; emphatically; boastfully; truculently; extravagantly; impudently; insolently; audaciously; arrogantly; blandly; confidently; dogmatically; irresponsibly; sweepingly; astoundingly; autocratically; despotically; imperiously; brutally; monstrously; vaingloriously; floridly; presumptuously; preposterously; unequivocally; heedlessly; rashly; brusquely; blatantly

Assess (v) adverbs

equitably.; unjustly; annually; repeatedly

(See rate.)

Asset adjectives

dubious; distinct; domestic; inestimable; stupendous; valuable; perdurable; tangible; priceless; frozen; unassailable; paramount; strategic; scenic; compelling


assess—s; bear—; capitalize on—; claim—; collect—s; dissolve—; distribute—s; earn —s; falsify—; fix—; freeze—; include—; inflate—s; inherit—; liquidate—; market—; note—; omit—; possess—; reduce—; represent—; salvage—; take over—; trade—; undervalue—; water—; work—; —s appear; —s increase; —s shrink; convert into —s; deduct from—; defer—

(See property, resources, effects, possessions.)

Asseterate (v) adverbs

repeatedly; hotly; continually; sincerely; persistently; whole-heartedly; coldly; pleasantly

(See declare.)

Assiduity adjectives

attentive; persevering; unremitting; discriminating; devastating; relentless; parental; bee-like; well-meaning

Assiduous adverbs

conscientiously; painfully; perseveringly; dependably; unremittingly; energetically; industriously; reliably; faithfully; amazingly; unusually; remarkably; loyally; uncomplainingly; unwaveringly; invariably; uniformly; persistently; constantly

Assign (v) adverbs

subsequently; precisely; rigorously; pedagogically; frequently; unthinkingly

(See allot, apportion, appoint.)

Assignment adjectives

elaborate; roving; precise; glamorous; charming; pedagogical; rigorous; impossible; difficult


accept—; administer—; advance—; allot—; alter—; appoint to—; apportion—; authorize—; block—; botch—; bungle—; create —; designate—; determine—; dispose of—; earn—; exempt from—; free from—; fulfill—; interest in—; merit—; muff—; nominate for—; pass—; point out—; reject—; relieve of—; set to—; share—; specify—; transfer—; wangle—; —consists of; —denotes; —pays

Assimilate (v) adverbs

actively; readily; unhesitatingly; spiritually; painfully; whole-heartedly; easily

(See absorb.)

Assimilation adjectives

ready; spiritual; difficult

Assist (v) adverbs

industriously; chivalrously; materially; cordially; officiously; vigorously; effectively; financially; invaluably; charitably; generously; medically; professionally; scientifically; voluntarily; temporarily; mechanically; indispensably; skillfully; mutually; vicariously

(See help, aid.)

Assistance adjectives

masculine; armed; pecuniary; financial; material; invaluable; ineffectual; extraneous; charitable; generous; medical; scientific; voluntary; professional; temporary; mechanical; outside; indispensable; skilled; additional; tactful; mutual


accept—; afford—; contribute—; crave—; disdain—; entreat—; furnish—; further with—; lend—; limit—; present—; procure—; rely upon—; render—; requisition —; solicit—; swear—; win by—; —enables; —encourages

(See aid, relief, cooperation, help, support.)

Assistant adjectives

capable; patient; faithful; self-sacrificing; esteemed; untrained; temporary; fledgling; green-eyed; detached; ambidexterous; qualified; voluble; clinical; able; scholarly


advance—; appoint—; choose—; dispatch

  • —; —accompanies; —aids; —cooperates

  • —endeavours; —practices; —stands by

(See partner.)

Associate adjectives

habitual; blithe; old-time; ill-looking; dignified; daring; vulgar; confidential; barbarian; cherished; hardened; crafty; literary; business; questionable; unsavory; droll; gallant; close; intimate


applaud —s; exile —s; idolize —s; prevail upon —s; —s accompany; —s ally with; —s belong; —s cooperate; —s share; —s unite

(See companion, colleague, partner.)

Associate (v) adverbs

inalienably; intimately; indissolubly; inseparably; profoundly; fraternally; indelibly; habitually; vulgarly; daringly; confidentially; craftily; questionably; drolly; closely. (See connect.

Association adjectives

intimate; gloomy; ancestral; disparate; incidental; promiscuous; philanthropic; mournful; obscure; historical; tenuous; scandalous; polite; charitable; congenial; unpleasant; childish; cherished; tender; undefinable; endearing; memorable; haphazard; obligatory; natural; exclusive; ghastly; imperious; voluntary; indissoluble; subtle; casual; facile; aesthetic; unanalyzed; curious; struggling; unsavory; venerable; daily; picturesque; legendary; democratic; classic


admit to—; affiliate with—; awaken—; combine in—; conceive—; confederate into —; conjure up —s; connect with—; deal with—; disband—; disorganize—; disrupt —; distinguish—; endow—; establish—; exclude from—; expel from—; father—; found—; frequent—; immortalize—; incorporate—; laud—; league into—; manage—; nurse—; oppose—; organize—; outlaw—; quarter at—; revive—; support—; terminate—; unite in—; vouch for—; — aims at; —classifies; —s combine; —confers upon; —flourishes; —fosters; —rivals; —sets forth; —springs up

(See alliance, fellowship, affiliation, connection.)

Assortment adjectives

imposing; varied; appealing; hideous; heterogeneous; distinguished; tangled; remarkable; excellent; amazing; complete; exceptional; motley; disintegrated; outstanding; vast; crude; comprehensive; diversified; odd; generous; extensive; incongruous; confused; conglomerated; concentrated; balanced; weird

Assume (v) adverbs

presumptuously; gradually; voluntarily; dogmatically; hypothetically; commonly; vigorously; unconsciously; unlawfully; tacitly; boastfully; superciliously; playfully; theatrically; irritatingly; erroneously; gratuitously; whimsically; groundlessly; complacently; fallaciously; blandly; smugly; ungraciously; baselessly; traditionally; fundamentally; falsely; imperturbably; candidly; placidly; fatuously; humorously; viciously; unpardonably; arrogantly; innocently

(See undertake, presume, accept, usurp.)

Assumption adjectives

tacit; boastful; supercilious; theatrical; sweeping; charitable; playful; irritating; erroneous; verbal; gratuitous; transparent; whimsical; preposterous; groundless; natural; complacent; calm; wearied; unparallelled; fallacious; unwarranted; commonplace; absurd; precarious; mute; hereditary; bland; smug; Ungracious; critical; baseless; plausible; traditional; fundamental; reckless; false; imperturbable; candid; gross; placid; random; shallow; unconcealed; fatuous; humorous; vicious; unproved; undue; gentlemanly; unpardonable; arrogant; innocent


accept—; adopt—; anticipate—; contest—; grant—; guide by—; lay bare—; limit—; pardon—; predicate upon—; proceed upon —; steer clear of—; sustain—; take up—; throw out—; verify—; warrant—; weigh —; —holds; —implies; —leads

(See supposition.)

Assurance adjectives

gracious; positive; easy; lavish; pleasant; solemn; full; happy; sincere; serene; unqualified; mute; respectful; modest; delicate; advance; dispassionate; tender; sufficient; renewed; calm; comforting; blissful; counterfeit; diplomatic; vain; insolent; convincing; serious; limitless; reciprocal; mutual; characteristic; uncomfortable; ineffable; lukewarm; well-founded; disbelieved; inner; loquacious; inspiriting; exquisite; disheartening; definite; false; absolute; emphatic; melodious; tranquil; dampe'ning; ponderous; smiling; gentle; cool; diminishing; considerable; significant; bland; waning; professional; swaggering; ineradicable; unwavering; infallible; magnificent; smug; defiant; blunt; insensitive; brassy


breed—; confirm—; convey—; establish—; flash—; guarantee—; handle with—; inspire—; pledge—; procure—; promise—; renew—; rest in—; secure—; smile—

(See confidence, conviction, trust.)

Assure (v) adverbs

virtually; solemnly; diligently; indolently; secretly; vaguely; reasonably; positively; lavishly; serenely; unqualifiedly; mutely; respectfully; modestly; tenderly; diplomatically; insolently; convincingly; reciprocally; mutually; characteristically; absolutely; emphatically; tranquilly; blandly; professionally; swaggeringly; unwaveringly; infallibly; defiantly; bluntly

Astonish (v) adverbs

sublimely; rousingly; amazingly; silently; profoundly; inconceivably; utterly; unboundedly; inexpressibly; blankly; palpably; unmistakably; intensely; unaffectedly; ludicrously; dramatically

(See amaze, astound, stagger.)

Astonishment adjectives

respectful; amused; tempestuous; unrestrained; affronted; silent; rapturous; whimsical; fat; pure; feigned; involuntary; mute; profound; initial; inconceivable; liveliest; unspeakable; utter; unbounded; swift; indignant; delighted; ever-increasing; inexpressible; horrified; dull; dawning; contemptuous; blank; palpable; sardonic; unmistakable; puzzled; intense; fond; breathless; wordless; annoyed; unaffected; acute; uncomfortable; curious; faint; open-mouthed; petrified; bitter; wide-eyed; stupefied; ludicrous; dramatic; sheer; hurt; shocked; bored; bald


benumb with—; blink with—; confuse—; elicit—; excite—; express—; feign—; gasp with—; move to—; numb with—; paralyze with—; pretend—; quell—; restrain—; seize with—; stagger with—; stupefy—; supersede—

(See amazement, surprise, wonder.)

Astound (v) adverbs

utterly; amazingly; thoroughly; completely; tremendously; dramatically; inexpressibly. (See astonish, amaze, stagger.

Astute adverbs

cleverly; keenly; sagaciously; sagely; wisely; craftily; cunningly; invariably; habitually; unfailingly; adroitly; customarily; discerningly; artfully; manifestly; undeniably; intelligently; shrewdly; deftly; ingeniously; insidiously; judiciously; learnedly

Astuteness adjectives

habitual; strategical; devious; native; editorial; customary

Asylum verbs

abolish—; afford—; attend—; cast into—; claim—; commit to—; deliver up to—; devote to—; escape from—; establish—; flee from—; force into—; found—; guarantee —; grant—; harbor in—; huddle in—; incarcerate in—; invade—; limit—to; maintain—; maltreat in—; preside over—; provide—; refuse—to; remove from—; reside in—; restrict to—; retreat to—; sanctify—; seek—; support in—; torture in—; violate —; —accumulates; —cares for; —deals with ; —protects ; —shelters

(See retreat, sanctuary, refuge, institution.)

Atheism adjectives

uncompromising; overt; aggressive; militant; downright; courageous; swaggering


cast off—; charge with—; clothe in—; countenance—; despise—; disprove—; destroy—; disapprove—; eradicate—; exhibit —; fall into—; incline toward—; inculcate—; justify—; mourn—; overthrow—; practice—; prate about—; pretend to—; proclaim—; recognize—; reject—; replace —; substitute—; support—; thunder—; unloose—; voice—; —acknowledges; —appears; —captivates; —conceives; —denies; —disbelieves; —exists; —flounders; —grips

—grows; —lacks; —organizes; —philosophizes; —protests; —quiets down; —startles

(See skepticism, disbelief.)

Atheist adjectives

passionate; impious; positive; extreme; practical


convert—; convince—; —arises; —confuses

—defames; —denies; —disbelieves; —discourses; —disregards

(See skeptic, heretic.)

Atheistic adverbs

bigotedly; horribly; irreverently; impiously; perversely; fanatically; avowedly; sacrilegiously; profanely; heart-breakingly; grievously; tormentingly; obstinately; stubbornly; unhappily; irrationally;' unreasonably; profoundly; irrevocably; immovably; obdurately; openly; essentially

Athlete adjectives

tall; wiry; well-built; fleet-legged; husky; energetic; lithe; young; scintillant; distinguished; professional; promising; splendid; all-around; barrel-chested


address —s; applaud—; coach—; coddle—; condition—; debar—; develop—; commercialize—; exhaust—; experience—; fete—; fit—; govern—; honor—; inspire—; key up —; league —s; match—; oppose—; privilege—; proselyte—; provide for—; solicit—; stimulate—; strain—; subsidize—; time—; —accomplishes; —combats; —competes; — contends; —contests; —endures; —excels; —exhibits; —leaps; —overhauls; —strives; —surpasses; —trains; —vaults; —vies; — wrestles

(See contestant, player.)

Athletic adverbs

splendidly; stoutly; noisily; sturdily; healthily; devotedly; robustly; heartily; vigorously; wholesomely; healthfully; magnificently; whole-heartedly; stockily; brawnily; ardently; assiduously; zealously; energetically; gravely; seriously

Athletics verbs

bar—; bar from—; coach—; compete in—; create—; develop—; dip into—; dispel—; draft into—; embrace—; encourage—; engage in—; enter into—; establish—; excel in—; favor—; further—; go in for—; improve—; interest in—; pertain to—; practise—; promote—; referee—; score—; skill in—; subordinate—; succeed in—; support —; teach—; train for—; undertake—; utilize—; witness—; —builds; —develops; — occupies; —stirs; —thrills

(See game, exercise.)

Atmosphere adjectives

radiant; genial; congenial; rosy; general; ideal; blessed; refreshing; exhilarating; free; invigorating; gentle; homelike; calm; pure; enervating; charming; genteel; mirthful; enchanting; quiet; restful; exquisite; bracing; serene; cordial; genuine; healthful; happy; buoyant; delightful; queenly; hospitable; wholesome; agreeable; jolly; rare; admirable; weird; uncanny; indescribable; electric; amazing; ‘spooky; exciting; creepy; gloomy; stratified; brutal; criminal; dingy; severe; restricted; unhappy; aircooled; sinister; dire; hostile; uneasy; chilling; insidious; polluted; murky; smoky; terrible; fetid; soggy; sour; nauseous; poisonous; dim; small-town; rural; frozen; human; political; learned; adventurous; poetic; slumbrous; fairylike; cosmopolitan; humid; sultry; close; windless; stuffy; living; changed; sheltered; realistic; distinctive; intangible; unfathomable; essential; inimical; apprehensive; thunderous; balmy; swift-moving; colorful; unreal; cool; ethereal; misty; special; enveloping; natural; intoxicating; characteristic; refined; clean; correct; luxurious; pleasant; distinguished; cheerful; ambient; suffocating; limpid; burning; steaming; faint; foul; rayless; grim; tense; vapory; bell-clear; venomous; contagious; quivering; artistic; musical; charged; consistent; intimate; straitened; infective; spiritual; hot; scintillating; transparent; stagnant; ruffling; lucid; rosy; uninteresting; agitated; nervous; romantic; artificial; unearthly; fierce; factitious; sleepy; metropolitan; easy; controlled; surcharged; depressing; lost; medieval; continental; stilted; decorous; respectable; social; intellectual; dewy; drear; summer; frightening; intimate; choked; rich; subtle; unindividual; exciting; clarified; dense; ladylike; dismal; troublous; emotional; roseate; oil-reeking; picturesque; somber; country; sentimental; hallowed; poetic; humid; damp; burdensome; scientific; dustless; quivering; reactionary; provincial; pellucid; unconventional; thrilling; livable; indoor; germ-laden; putrid; festive; impersonal; disloyal; elastic; sun-warm; crystal; lifeless; mutual; beamless; evening; tranquil; emerald; precious; furnace-heated; authentic; oppressive; concentrated; uncongenial; wet; commonplace; rarefied; burning; impassive; remote; ever-stormless

Atmosphere verbs


absorb in—; adulterate—; analyze—; combine with—; compose—; constitute—; contaminate—; cool—; befoul—; cleanse—; erupt into—; escape into—; gain access to —; illuminate—; inhale—; invade—; filter —; float in—; mix in—; occupy—; pervade —; pump from—; ratify—; refresh—; release into—; smother in—of; surcharge—; —reeks

(See air.)


(element or verbs


achieve—; break—; breathe—; capture—; charge—; create—; dispel—; dissipate—; distill—; drink in—; electrify—; enhance—; evoke—; indicate—; inform—; leaven—; load—; shatter—; surround—; —hinders; —inspires; —lends; —lures; —mingles; — promotes; —vivifies

(See influence, environment.)

Atom adjectives

primordial; golden; pungent; intrusive; paltry; jarring; meditative; quenchless; homogeneous; gaseous; tormented; intelligent; throbbing; phosphorescent

Atone (v) adverbs

fully; peacefully; heroically; bitterly; finally; vicariously; solemnly; sorrowfully; humbly

(See pay.)

Atonement adjectives

heroic; final; least; bitter; vicarious; solemn; innocent


emphasize—; make—; modify—; offer—; preach—; punish—; purify by—; refuse—; reject—; repent in—; reward—; sacrifice in—; set at—; —amends; —appeases; — dawns; —expiates; —reconciles; —redeems; —repairs; —restores; —satisfies; —saves; —vindicates

(See reparation, satisfaction.)

Atrocious adverbs

scandalously; outrageously; glaringly; notoriously; horribly; monstrously; inhumanly; harshly; ruthlessly; wickedly; abominably; savagely; barbarously; pitiably; remarkably; incredibly; unbelievably; inexpressibly; inconceivably

Atrocity adjectives

Victorian; lugubrious; unbelievable; monstrous; unprovoked; barbaric; utter; coldblooded; out-of-the-way


attend with—; avenge—; commit—; defend from—; deserve—; expiate—; hide—; inflict—upon; revenge—; subject to—; —horrifies; —shocks; —stupefies

(See outrage, crime, cruelty, wickedness, blunder.)

Attach (v) adverbs

passionately; unfeignedly; exclusively; violently; devoutly; gratefully; justly; indissolubly; sentimentally; ardently; unashamedly; romantically; hopelessly; insanely; in-cestuously; uniformly; tenderly; fervidly; emotionally; recklessly; conjugally; avowedly; cynically; excessively; momentarily

(See annex, fasten.)

Attachment adjectives

sentimental; passionate; warped; ardent; violent; deep; affectionate; unashamed; romantic; hopeless; boundless; invisible; insane; warm; incestuous; altruistic; disinterested; uniform; prior; tender; honest; steady; unrequited; fervid; special; emotional; underlyingj’reckless; filial; conjugal; marked; lasting; growing; lukewarm; serious ; avowed; cynical; excessive; momentary


absorb by—; affect—; apprehend—; authorize—; cement—; command—; connect—; decree—of; deepen—; deprecate—; devote to—; divide—; enforce—; execute—; fasten —; further—; grant—; precess—; recover by—; regulate—; secure—; seize in—; sympathize with—; tack on—; warrant—

—binds; —perishes; —persists; —survives


(See affection, devotion.)

Attack adjectives

smashing; savage; murderous; fiery; bold; homicidal; ripping; bulldog; tearing; deadly; devastating; ruthless; angry; fierce; brutal; reckless; terrific; treacherous; scathing; hurricane; severe;. damaging; formidable; desperate; prolonged; diplomatic; merciless; literary; hand-to-hand; journalistic; verbal; demagogic; vehement; unrestrained; incessant; determined; inexorable; rapid; zestful; impetuous; correct; serious; unexpected; direct; surprise; resounding; logical; vague; mysterious; provocative; sudden; well-organized; sustained; widespread; subtle; persisting; counter; organized; vigorous; withering; open; pulmonary; precipitate; simultaneous; scientific; bitter; damaging; crushing; unprovoked; whirlwind; strategic; oblique; furious; hysterical; peculiar; systematic; secular; outside; ordered; infantry; desultory; threatened; blasphemous; lawless; decisive; barbarous; noisy; seditious; premature; subsequent; convulsive; contemplated; nocturnal; burglarous; unjust; insidious; unfortunate; indiscriminate; ill-natured; abrupt; outrageous; immediate; tumultuous; abortive; violent; ignoble; frontal; satirical; tireless; sagacious; spasmodic; censurable; epileptoid; premeditated; venomous


anticipate—; avert—; block—; blunt—; carry—; change—; characterize—; conceive —; concentrate—; consolidate—; counter—; cure of—; defy—; desist from—; direct—; dislodge—; divert—; double—; foresee—; forestall—: guard against—; head off—; immunize against—; induce—; initiate—; intensify—; launch—; mass for—; mount to—; plan—; precipitate—; predispose to —; prepare for—; presage—; pretend—; proceed with—; proclaim—; recover from —; re-enforce—; repel—; repudiate—; repulse—; satirize—; shift—; soften—; subdue—; succeed in—; succumb to—; suppress —; survive—; sustain—; terminate—; throw off—; time—; unite in—; unleash—; usher in—; wind up—; —abates; —arises; — coincides; —defames; —excites; —impends; —injures; —occurs; —overthrows; —recurs; —seizes; —subsides; —succeeds; —sways; —swerves; —swings

(See invasion, siege, attempt.)

Attack (v) adverbs

ardently; simultaneously; bitterly; scurril-ously; fiendishly; virulently; libelously; savagely; anonymously; ridiculously; characteristically; sorely; energetically; vehemently; criminally; unscrupulously; smashingly; murderously; devastatingly; ruthlessly; scathingly; treacherously; verbally; incessantly; determinedly; inexorably; impetuously; venomously; scientifically; unpro-vokedly; obliquely; blasphemously; decisively; barbarously; prematurely; insidiously; satirically

(See assail, invade, combat.)

Attain (v) adverbs

ultimately; cheaply; effectually; artistically; modestly; legally; intellectually; profitably; educationally; singularly; ultimately; scientifically; technically; astronomically; linguistically; incomparably; rarely

(See achieve, gain, acquire.)

Attainments adjectives

remarkable; artistic; desirable; modest; legal; mental; distinguished; unusual; intellectual; profitable; scholarly; educational; singular; ultimate; ornamental; eminent; scientific; technical; astronomical; linguistic; incomparable; rare

Attempt adjectives

sincere; valiant; memorable; sympathetic; serious; honest; admirable; successful; elaborate; ingenious; ambitious; eloquent; careful; kindly; enlightened; reasonable; well-meaning; ill-directed; slow-witted; weak; faltering; feeble; sorry; slightest; bashful; ineffectual; unavailing; half-hearted; laughable; grotesque; hopeless; vain; unfortunate; clumsy; futile; stupid; foolish; fruitless; farcical; mock; foolhardy; despairing; inept; pitiful; nugatory; maladroit; murderous; outrageous; mad; disastrous; dreary; infamous; superhuman; bold; dajing; heroic; spectacular; systematic; repeated; definite; organized; long-heralded; vituperative; obvious; belated; freest; picturesque; covert; blind; passionate; abortive; miscarried; unappreciated; curious; numerous; pretentious; early; labored; major; hurried; unsteady; involuntary; extreme; rash; remarkable; creditable; impious; patriotic; rude; youthful; vigorous; embarrassed; misguided; cramplike; isolated; memorable; inconsiderate; arduous; coquettish; ignoble; forcible; deliberate; laudable; forlorn; torturing; charitable; unconstitutional; wicked; complicated; brutal; discouraging; direct; previous; mimic; exorbitant; murderous; strange; unorganized; perpetual; chimerical; excellent; traitorous; premature; uncouth; half-satirical; despicable; inauspicious; villainous; experimental; bare


acclaim—; afford—; applaud—; commence —; commit—; complete—; constitute—; defeat—; deter from—; discern—; essay—; evade—; fail in—; fall short in—; foil—; glorify—; honor—; indict for—; interpret —; justify—; oppose—; overcome—; put forth—; recognize—; repel—; repudiate—; restrain—; suffer from—; stimulate—; thwart—; -undertake—; warrant—; — blinds; —confounds; —triumphs; —wearies; interrupt—

(See trial, endeavor, effort, attack.) sionally; defectively; suitably; stolidly; unceremoniously; devotedly; cheerfully; intermittently

(See guard, "heed, listen.)

Attendance adjectives

assiduous; casual; interminable; nightly; compulsory; constant; unavailing; unrelaxing; agitated; proper; medical; overflowing; increased; scanty; professional; slovenly; defective; suitable; stolid; unceremonious; regular; unasked; devoted; cheerful; surpassed; intermittent


advise—; await—; charge for—; command —; compel—; continue—; dance—; delay —; engage—; exact—; expect—; gather in —; increase—; minister in—; order—; resume—: wait in—; win—; —dwindles; — falls off; —grows; —increases; —manifests

(See audience, congregation.)

Attempt (v) adverbs

desperately; amateurishly; repeatedly; strenuously; previously; feebly; inadvertently; valiantly; memorably; sincerely; ingeniously; eloquently; reasonably; enlight-enedly; falteringly; ineffectually; unavail-ingly; half-heartedly; grotesquely; futilely; fruitlessly; farcically; ineptly; maladroitly; murderously; outrageously; odiously; hazardously; disastrously; infamously; superhumanly; heroically; spectacularly; daringly; systematically; vituperatively; obviously; picturesquely; covertly; abortively; pretentiously; laboriously; unsteadily; involuntarily; creditably; impiously; patriotically; misguidedly; memorably; arduously; coquet-tishly; ignobly; forcibly; laudably; forlornly; charitably; unconstitutionally; brutally; exorbitantly; prematurely; uncouthly; half-satirically; despicably; inauspiciously; villainously

(See endeavor, strive, undertake.)

Attend (v) adverbs

diligently; faithfully; habitually; punctually; consistently; patiently; strictly; frequently; numerously; successively; expertly; rarely; invariably; assiduously; casually; nightly; compulsorily; unavailingly; properly; medically; overflowingly; scantily; profes

Attendant adjectives

faithful; trained; black-robed; courteous; general; unobtrusive; gaudy; official; mercenary; nervous; chattering; spectacled; skilled; constant; flustered; experienced; obsequious; diligent; brave; dissolute; whispering; excited; inspiring; inseparable; obliging; fez-covered

Attention adjectives

gentle; popular; eager; favorable; considerate; respectful; flattering; courteous; charming! gracious; delicate; faithful; thoughtful; keen; interested; undisguised; open-mouthed; undivided; rapt; riveted; absorbed; precise; painstaking; critical; persistent; assiduous; meticulous; scrutinizing; scrupulous; particular; strict; studious; unremitting; unceasing; wide-eyed; skilled; intellectual; pusillanimous; unwavering; obsequious; irritating; odious; casual; unappreciated; scant; trifling; idle; surface; slight; wandering; excessive; concentrated; individual; general; underground; wide; alert; spurious; prompt; special; countrywide; final; increased; considerable; cursory; rival; calm; acute; anxious; unobtrusive; tactful; sharp; serious; deliberate; emphatic; sufficient; abstracted; frowning; ample; enwrapped; unreasoning; ungrudging; momentary; minute; precious; nocturnal; faintest; strained; vague; uninterrupted; polite; unwonted; willing; careful; admirable; well-meant; irksome; solitary; bland; impersonal; edifying; ill-omened; best; tense; languid; profound; watchful; painful; summary; supreme; deepest; unfatigued; hesitating; manual; undue; reluctant; early; marked; feigned; unwelcome; parental; benumbed; whole-souled; funny; startled; minimum; indifferent; exclusive; breathless; sour; statistical; forced; vital; rational; unflagging; close; listless; animated; universal; insensible; fawning; unmeasured; conscientious; uncaressing; vigilant; affectionate; mournful; cheap; fascinated; earnest; cataleptic; wifely; public


absorb—; acquire—of; arouse—; arrest—; bestow—upon; bring to—; call—to; capture —; center—; chide into—; claim—; clamor for—; come to—; command—; compel—; compete for—; concentrate—; confine—; crave—; demand—; desire—; devote—; dictate—; direct—; dispose—; distract—; distribute—; divert—; draw—; enforce—; engage—; engross—; enlist—; escape—; exact—from; excite—; exercise—; exhaust —; exhibit—; fasten—; favor with—; fix —; flash—; focus—; gain—; garner—; hold in—; increase—; influence—; lavish —upon; lend—; load with—; locate—; maintain—; mark with—; merit—; monopolize—; object to—; observe with—; occupy —; pay—; provoke—; reap—; recall—; reduce—; register—; reject—; relax—; require—; resume—; rivet—; secure—; stand at—; stimulate to—; straighten up in—; strike—; strive for—; subject to—; summon—; sustain—; train—upon; turn— toward; warrant—; win—; yield—; —embarrasses; —flags; —lies in; —wanders; —wanes; attract—

(See gaze.)

Attentive adverbs

absorbingly; steadily; intently; alertly; critically; analytically; closely; remarkably; astoundingly; suspiciously; guardedly; mildly; noticeably; intelligently; breathlessly; eagerly; engrossingly; raptly; carefully; considerately; thoughtfully; scrupulously; deferentially; respectfully; obsequiously; decorously; immensely; favorably; courteously; charmingly; graciously; assiduously; unwaveringly; flatteringly; idly; excessively; generally; finally; calmly; anxiously; unobtrusively; tactfully; sharply; politely; earnestly

Attest (v) adverbs

explicitly; unequivocally; duly; sincerely; authoritatively; freely

(See confirm, indorse, corroborate.)

Attic adjectives

stuffy; dusty; cobwebby; unused


betake oneself to—; climb to—; confine to—; construct—; decorate—; design—; designate to—; enclose—; insulate—; lock in—; lodge in—; modernize—; relegate to—; renovate —; rumble around—; rummage in—; scour —; seclude in—; store in—; utilize—; ventilate—; —contains; —covers; —extends


(See garret, room, cellar.)

Attire adjectives

bedizened; elaborate; motley; disreputable; informal; injudicious; fit; scandalous; crumpled; male; hunting; gala; quaint; drab; fairest; elegant; gay; evening; holiday; unaccustomed; scanty; showy; absurd; feminine; careful; splendid; mourning; unceremonious; picturesque; ornamented; exquisite; tawdry; ostentatious; festal; negligent; substantial; wild; coarse; abbreviated ;. gaudy


acquire—; adorn in—; array in—; checker —; costume in—; deck in—; decorate in—; don—; dress in—; equip with—; flash—; gear in—; outfit in—; pin on—; shroud in—

(See dress, clothing, apparel, costume.)

Attire (v) adverbs

somberly; impeccably; fantastically; faultlessly; modishly; scrupulously; superbly; disreputably; informally; fittingly; scandalously; quaintly; drably; elegantly; scantily; unceremoniously; picturesquely; exquisitely; ostentatiously; negligently; coarsely; gaudily

(See dress.)

Attitude adjectives

firm; oblivious; listless; denunciatory; truculent; philanthropic; apathetic; scrupulous; unsisterly; composed; studied; absolutory; pathetic; impassive; civilized; rebellious; disconsolate; misanthropic; sensible; figurative; contemptuous; hostile; lukewarm; egotistical; endless; assiduous; subtle; depressive; mental; indolent; contemplative; motionless; orientated; threatening; ridiculous; forlorn; political; basic; insidious; exulting; swaying; slouching; stoical; bellicose; favorable; submissive; positive; procrastinating; fearless; lofty; charming; gallant; gorgeous; piquant; reverent; exalted; resolute; cool; unbending; courageous; affirmative; adamantine; uncompromising; optimistic; light-hearted; complacent; cordial; self-sufficient; devil-may-care; overin-dulgent; carefree; depressed; serious; morose; sound; healthy; sane; natural; quiet; firm; eager; dignified; obliging; respectful; sympathetic; jubilant; conciliatory; enlightened; cultivated; timid; tolerant; cautious; generous; perfunctory; arrogant; supercilious; self-centered; disdainful; unsympathetic; condescending; patronizing; censorious; lordly; imperious; deprecatory; antagonistic; pugnacious; alien; militant; menacing; detestable; vengeful; devastating; preposterous; catastrophic; treasonable; unfriendly; transient; impolite; resentful; flippant; drooped; unfortunate; irreconcilable; condemnatory; suspicious; callous; pessimistic; dejected; ironical; overconfident; balanced; objective; unconventional; sudden; mature; fluid; familiar; injured; pragmatic; necessary; passive; watchful; worshipful; free; set; easy; quiescent; menial; annoying; defensive; condoning; sentimental; typical; talkative; realistic; various; restrained; destructive; ignorant; moral; ostrich; nonchalant; depreciatory; historical; nervous; benevolent; mutual; constrained; praiseworthy; infantile; graceful; belligerent; consistent; peculiar; suppliant; non-aggressive; defiant; untrammeled; presumptuous; judicial; helpless; negligent; characteristic; unsatisfactory; unpleasant; heroic; charming; strutting; comical; righteous; despondent; wholesome; unjust; hard-boiled; anachronistic; unlike (pl); crouching; fashionable; abnormal; chivalrous; discreet; penitential; peering; hypocritical; business-like; suggestive; forensic; fundamental; rigid; habitual; bipolar; ungraceful; tender; nonsensical; erect; resigned; traditional; warlike; emotional; mute; romantic


abandon—; acquire—; adopt—; advocate —; analyze—; assume—; behave in—; breed—; choose—; color—; condemn—; define—; denote—; deplore—; discount—; distort—; dominate—; dramatize—; embrace —; emphasize—; encourage—; exalt—; examine—; exhibit—; explain—; expound—; express—; fall into—; gesture—; give rise to—; hold—; illuminate—; implant—; imply—; inculcate—; indicate—; ingrain—; interpret—; justify—; maintain—; manage —; manifest—; modify—; move to—; obsess with—; overcome—; persist in—; pervert—; portray—; posture—; preserve—; project—; reflect—; regard—; relax—; repose in—of; resent—; revere—; reverse—; sense—; stand in—; study—; —antagonizes; —applies; —implies; —menaces; —prejudices; —prevails; —reveals; —robs; —survives; —warns

(See position, idea.)

Attorney adjectives

shyster; sneaking; incompetent; eminent; scurrilous; fashionable; prosecuting; well-tried; wealthy; astonished; illiterate; uneducated; brilliant


appoint—; bar—; betray—; bind—; commission—; confer with—; confide in—; consult—; criticize—; delegate—; disbar—; discipline—; dispatch—; employ—; endorse —; engage—; ordain—; procure—; refer to—; reimburse—; retain—; train —s; — acknowledges; —acts; —administers; — advocates; —argues; —assails; —attacks; —bickers; —contracts for; —counsels; — cross-examines; —defames; —defends; — discusses; —examines; —exerts; —exposes; —formulates; —influences; —intercedes; -—manages; —objects; —orates; —performs; —pleads; —practices; —prepares; —promotes; —prosecutes; —quibbles; —represents; —solicits; —sues for; —tries; —s wrangle

(See lawyer.)

Attract (v) adverbs

instinctively; adroitly; romantically; magnetically; commandingly; irresistibly; profoundly; inescapably

(See draw, engage, induce.)

Attraction adjectives

supreme; irresistible; queer; sweet; rare; natural; voluptuous; defective; dreadful; morbid; tragic; uncomfortable; fierce; insidious; unrivaled; loudly-heralded; dazzling; outstanding; overwhelming; principal; unusual; foremost; notable; cosmopolitan; physical; manifold; tidal; sexual; pastoral; scenic; sartorial; historic; instant; growing; current; fleeting; scant; mutual; indefinable; obvious; chief; personal; myriad (pl); time-mellowed; casual; added; unspoken; spiritual; powerful; material; instinctive; clouded; poetical; limitless (pl); specific; resultant; acute; gratuitous; magnetic; electrostatic; hideous; fatal; permanent; feature; secret; coquettish; specious; mysterious; reciprocal; innumerable (pl); intellectual; accelerative; divine; enormous; sylvan; intrinsic; varying; imperious; conjugal; subtle

’Verbs admit—; augment—; cause—; center—; confess to—; exert—; force—; form—; illustrate—; yield to—; —adheres; —allures; —develops; —diminishes; —draws; —enhances; —fades; —lures; —recedes; —unsettles

(See charm, fascination.)

Attractive adverbs

radiantly; irresistibly; rarely; sweetly; dazzlingly; overwhelmingly; indefinably; divinely; mysteriously; unutterably; powerfully; singularly; charmingly; alluringly; uncommonly; engagingly; undeniably; beautifully; bewitchingly; enchantingly; delightfully; exquisitely; interestingly; daintily; smartly; jauntily; bewilderingly; exotically; tormentingly

Attractiveness adjectives

varied; bright; inevitable; annoying; physical; unusual; singular

Attribute adjectives

supernatural; desirable; priceless; fundamental; fantastic; fearful; feminine; senseless; wonderful; detestable; recognizable; splendid; striking; peacock; literary; time-honored; chief; mistaken; characteristic; essential; accessory; homely; moral; intellectual; unalterable; judicial; human; highest; universal; gracious; noble; specific; conventional; sacred; productive; lofty; infinite; known; hereditary; striking; armorial; vacillating; diverse; sovereign; modified


ascribe—to; credit with—; determine—; discover—; distinguish—; dramatize—; endow with—; enlarge—; estimate—; eulogize—; honor—; invest with—; limit—; manifest—; mark—; possess—; recognize—; ridicule—; shed all —s; value—; —enhances

(See characteristic, symbol, quality, property.)

Attribute (v) adverbs

invariably; solely; entirely; modestly; skilfully; chiefly; basely; falsely; absurdly; innocently; supernaturally; fantastically; senselessly; graciously; nobly; specifically; conventionally

(See impute, ascribe.)

Audacious adverbs

disconcertingly; dauntlessly; rashly; indiscreetly; injudiciously; hot-headedly; foolishly; impudently; incredibly; recklessly; serenely; amazingly; overbearingly; shamelessly; tragically; singularly; strangely; innately; crazily; notoriously; dramatically; terribly; inherently; colossally; foolhardily; breath-takingly; fantastically; alarmingly; offensively; constitutionally; temperamentally

Audacity adjectives

incredible; utmost; reckless; characteristic; rapid; serene; gay; gorgeous; winning; amazing; sheer; insolent; cynical; cool; unfailing; unparalleled; vigorous; indelicate; heroic; harmless; human; inward; personal; dissolute; splendid; unnecessary; supreme; brilliant; operative; adventurous; unheard-of; aggressive; masculine; magnificent


admire—; assume—; cool—; counterfeit—; depart from—; encourage—; exhibit—; relapse from—; reprimand—; shame by—; tame—; thrill at—; venture forth with—; —affronts; —engenders; —perturbs; — shocks; disregard—

(See recklessness.)

Audience adjectives

intelligent; sympathetic; understanding; appreciative; meager; sophisticated; attentive; interested; discerning; approving; imposing; vociferous; distinguished; admiring; enchanted; happy; democratic; meticulous; hilarious; enthusiastic; frenzied; vast; crowded; wide; undetermined; large; huge; fair; capacity; slender; tense; hushed; expectant; whispering; breathless; startled; astonished; mystified; chilled; bewildered; hard-boiled; wayward; cynical; hostile; critical; ribald; unprecedented; unseen; reading; special; famished; invited; dull; applauding; nightly; respectable; imaginary; apathetic; suspicious; technical; motley; martial; impromptu; select; laughing; legislative; eager; delighted; dead-struck; enormous; gloomy; indiscriminate; polished; tragic; absorbed; satisfied; circular; pitying; listless; reasonable; added; dreary; prospective; elect; stupid; unresponsive; advertent; haughty


accustom to—; admit—; appeal to—; assemble—; break up—; command—; convulse—; crave—; delight—; dismiss—; draw—; enslave—; enthuse (colloq.)—; exhort—; grant—; harangue—; hypnotize —; inflame—; lend—; lure—; overwhelm —; panic—; scan—; seek—; survey—; sway —; vouchsafe—; win—; —acclaims; —applauds; —cheers; —claps; —demands; — detects; —gapes; —gasps; —groans; — hisses; —howls; —laughs; —listens; — melts away; —packs; —pays; —responds; —roars; —rustles; —sobs; —stamps; — swells; —thrills; —throngs; —weeps

(See hearing, interview, conference, gathering.)

Auditor adjectives

skilled; bated; confounded; enchanted

Auditorium adjectives

tight-packed; seething; huge; crowded; firetrap


assemble in—; fill—; hire—; jam—; occupy —; receive in—; reverberate through—; throng—; —accommodates; —echoes; — holds; —resounds; —rings with; —seats

(See building, hall, arena.)

Augment (v) adverbs

currently; incredibly; scarcely; tremendously; indefinitely; continually

(See swell, increase.)

Augury adjectives

favorable; evil; happy; reassuring; fearful; grim; heathen; sinister

Aunt adjectives

thin; sallow; unflagging; gaunt; sophisticated; worldly; ancient; strait-laced; maiden; pious

Aura adjectives

healthful; vague; flashing; evil; invidious; shimmering; tangible; smoky

Auspices adjectives

authoritative; pleasant; responsible; cordial; favorable; present; flattering; charitable

Auspicious adverbs

highly; opportunely; properly; suitably; happily; fairly; favorably; fortunately; luckily; providentially; remarkably; unusually; duly; consistently; gratifyingly; pleasantly; agreeably; fittingly; delightfully

Austere adverbs

gravely; starkly; sombrely; monastically; harshly; puritanically; severely; rigorously; rigidly; uncompromisingly; inflexibly; unsparingly; arbitrarily; tyrannically; sternly; oddly; unfashionably; haughtily; soberly; odiously; unmitigatedly; unbendingly; unrelentingly

Austerity adjectives

tempering; neat; w'holesome; geometric; beautiful; dark; unrelieved; dignified; seeming; monastic; prayerful; natural; gentle; harsh; unyielding; famous; mild; hoar

Authentic adverbs

undeniably; unquestionably; admittedly; avowedly; unchallengedly; assuredly; professedly; palpably; obviously; evidently; apparently; absolutely; positively; categorically; genuinely; incontestably; indisputably; manifestly; unmistakably

Authenticity adjectives

doubtful; absolute; stylistic; altered; unmistakable; unquestioned; unforgettable


accept—; command—; confirm—; dispute—; doubt—; entitle to—; insure—; profess—; prove—; question—; satisfy with—; stamp with—; testify to—; value—; verify—; —holds up; —stands

(See accuracy.)


veteran; competent; wild; versatile; accomplished; important; successful; prolific; eminent; favorite; distinguished; famous; modern; esteemed; engaging; amiable; vivacious; charming; noble; ardent; cheerful; well-meaning; inspiring; sane; disputatious; capricious; irresponsible; untrained; whimsical; perplexed; budding; unknown; putative; sentimental; dogmatic; forgotten; judicious; elusive; nascent; anonymous; irate; gregarious; antique; disillusioned; gifted; recent; alleged; striving; fearless; venerable; aspiring; delightful; remote; contemporary; cunning; neglected; profound; classical; agitated; anxious; vain; juvenile; comic; bigoted; superstitious


acclaim—; acquaint with—; animate—; appreciate—; challenge—; criticize—; dishonor—; disturb—; employ—; engage—; enthuse (colloq.) —; exhaust—; frustrate—; honor—; inspire—; laud—; persecute—; plague—; rouse—; slander—; —bewitches; —casts about; —characterizes; —colors; — compels; —compiles; —composes; —creates; —cultivates; —dabbles; —declares; —dedicates; —describes; —devotes; —divines; —dreams; —edits; —exploits; —foreshadows; —gloats; —improvises; —indicates; —instigates; —labors; —languishes; —libels; —moralizes; —motivates; —objects; —originates; —philosophizes; —pirates; —plagiarizes; —produces; —pursues; —retires; —shapes; —soliloquizes; —translates; —voices; discuss—

(See waiter, poet.)

Authoritative adverbs

impressively; eminently; unquestionably; undisputedly; distinctly; reliably; responsibly; dependably; infallibly; highly; supremely; competently; expertly; peerlessly; imposingly; abundantly; respectably; quietly; learnedly; famously; deftly; academically; locally; legally; mildly; magisterially; uncompromisingly; pompously; imperially; condescendingly; truculently; brutally; studiously; specifically; directly; dogmatically; smoothly; suavely; conventionally; solemnly; delicately; finally; venerably; despotically; officially; divinely; habitually; undeniably; proudly; gently; unmistakably; cruelly; ostentatiously


leading; unimpeachable; acknowledged; accredited; recognized; renowned; eminent; unquestioned; well-known; undisputed; distinguished; reliable; responsible; dependable; prominent; infallible; high; foremost; supreme; unchallenged; competent; peerless; imposing; abundant; famous; respectable; quiet; learned; interesting; superior; deft; academic; civil; shocked; local; apostolic; outstanding; parental; legal; mild; arrogated; deputed; magisterial; uncompromising; constituted; imperial; sacred; express; crushing; appointed; condescending; revered; truculent; unique; adequate; humiliating; studious; practical; outraged; shadowy; specific; direct; limited; established; dogmatic; smooth; legitimate; apocryphal; mystic; coordinate; unbounded; sundry; conventional; solemn; centralized; concurrent; sufficient; executive; actual; delicate; minor; harassing; censorial; musical; administrative; standard; venerable; serious; delegated; ecclesiastical; parliamentary; despotic; base; brief; oracular; paramount; spiritual; dissolving; firm; provincial; far-distant; disciplinary; excellent; conferred; all-persuasive; scientific; territorial; governmental; antenatal; coercive; private; discretionary; ministerial; coequal; worn-out; military; provisional; ascertained; mellow; habitual; inspired; sovereign; central; weighty; grammatical; consular; divine; unassailable; sanctified


abuse—; accept—; act with—; appeal to—; appoint to—; arm with—; aspire to—; assert—; attain—; boast—; carry—; challenge—; claim—; clothe with—; command —; confer—upon; confirm—; consult—; declare—; decree—; defy—; delegate—; derive—; desire—; discredit—; enforce—; entrust—; establish—; esteem—; execute—; exercise—; extend—; fetter—; flout—; grant —; heighten—; ignore—; inspire—; invest with—; lend—; limit—; mark with—; obey —; possess—; preserve—; pronounce—; question—; quote—; rebel against—; regard with—; register—; reject—; relinquish —; rely upon—; respect—; restrain—; revere—; revolt against—; ridicule—; speak with—; squelch—; submit to—; support—; uphold—; usurp—; weaken—; weigh—; wield—; wink at—; wrest—; yield to—; —s arrest; —s intervene; —s jockey; — melts away; —s speculate

(See right, jurisdiction, influence, power.)


specifically; confidentially; responsibly; infallibly; respectably; locally; magisterially; expressly; practically; specifically; directly; limitedly; legitimately; ecclesiastically; despotically; basely; governmentally; divinely; unassailably; grammatically

(See confirm, justify.)

Autobio GRAPHICAL adverbs

honestly; inadvertently; factually; probably; possibly; embarrassingly; amusingly; light-heartedly; blithely; gaily; solemnly; reveal-ingly; lustily; radiantly; indecently; decorously; selectively; happily; lustily; gustily; gloriously; delightfully; unexpectedly; helpfully; analytically; critically; literally

Autobiography adjectives

factual; honest; intimate; embarrassing; lusty; amusing; accurate; unbelievable

Autocracy adjectives

malignant; church; incompetent; pernicious; monstrous

Autocrat adjectives

rival; irresponsible; absolute; vigorous; beneficent; ruthless; ancient

Autocratic adverbs

imperiously; tyrannically; unyieldinglv; inflexibly; hatefully; meanly; arbitrarily; insolently; arrogantly; overbearingly; openly; brazenly; audaciously; jauntily; teasingly; regally; offensively; obnoxiously; deplorably; intolerably; lamentably; unfortunately

Autograph adjectives

interesting; stateliest; boldest; facsimile

Automatic (n) adjectives


wicked; mean-looking; flashing; blue-nosed; compact; sputtering; deadly

Automatic (a) adverbs

entirely; conveniently; amazingly; optionally; originally; luckily; ingeniously; cleverly; smoothly


ancient; dusty; long; swerving; lean; unidentified; obsolete; two-seated; rusty; rat-tlesome; undependable; sleek; streamlined


climb into—; construct—; crank—; demolish—; design—; develop—; enclose—; engage—; equip—; improve—; insure—; license—; pilot—; pour out of—; power—; salvage—; —careens; —chugs; —climbs; — crawls; —creaks; —cruises; —descends; — flashes by; —flits by; —hauls; —hurtles; —joggles; —jolts; —lumbers; —moans; — noses; —pants; —pokes; —quivers; — roars; —skids; —slips by; —snarls; — snorts; —spins; —squeaks; —s swarm; — swoops; —transports; -—travels; —trundles; —whines; —whirs; —whizzes ; —zooms

(See wagon, train.)

Autopsy adjectives

unfavorable; warmly controverted; ghastly; inevitable; long-drawn-out; purely experimental; gruesome; ensuing; consequent; co-incidental


carry on—; complete—; conclude by—; consent to—; consider—; consult—; diagnose by—; dispense with—; evidence by—; examine by—; hold—; inspect—; observe—; order—; perform—; permit—; record—; refuse—; report on—; request—; require —; seek—; subject to—; testify to—; urge —; witness—; —confirms; —determines; —discloses; —discovers; —reveals; ■—verifies

(See examination.)

Autumn adjectives

first; radiant; rank; meek; eventful; distributed; colorful; ambient; bounteous; dreary; everlasting; sere; paradisaical; chill


enter—; hail—; welcome—; —advances; —basks; —beams; —burnishes; —bursts; —clamors; —colors; —decays; —decks; — declines; —descends; —embellishes; —extends from; —fades; —flames; —flushes; —follows; —garners; —gleams; —harvests; —haunts; —heralds; —lavishes; —matures; —meditates; —merges; —mocks; —paints; —pierces; —pours; —precedes; —presses near; —reaps; —resigns; —ripens; —rushes

in; —rustles; —scatters; —shackles; — spreads; —sweeps in; —thwarts; —upbraids; —violates; —warns; —wreathes; —yields

'(See fall.

Auxiliary adjectives

warlike; unexpected; disaffected; thundering

Auxiliary (v) adverbs

patronizingly; officially; officiously; legally; cooperatively; helpfully

Avail (v) adverbs

freely; promptly; continually; unobtrusively; scarcely; covertly; openly; slyly; villainously; brutally

(See use.)

Available adverbs

easily; instantly; immediately; presumably; always; undoubtedly; obviously; evidently; apparently; unquestionably; scarcely; seldom

.Avalanche adjectives

hoofed; blinding; deep; startling; rocky; appalling; impending; sun-awakened; stupendous


beat—; endure—; evade—; loose—; perish in—; precipitate—; protect against—; roll down in—; —crashes; —denudes; —descends; —destroys; —endangers; —gathers force; —masses; —occurs; —overwhelms; —plunges; —pours by; —roars; —rushes by; —suffocates; —swallows; —sweeps past; —washes along

Avarice adjectives

besetting; anxious; sullen; pecuniary; insatiable; gripping; cruel; greedy


decry—; deplore—; detest—; display—; evince —; gather with—; grovel in—; hoard in—; staunch—; take up with—; —acquires; —eats; —shrieks

(See greed.)

Avaricious adverbs

incurably; avidly; insanely; peculiarly; incorrigibly; distressingly; painfully; embarrassingly; irreclaimably; hopelessly; shamelessly; appallingly; terribly; horribly; churlishly; sordidly; rapaciously

Avenge (v) adverbs

horribly; sufficiently; fiercely; self-appoint-edly; blood-thirstily; cruelly; finally; primarily; satisfactorily

(See punish, revenge, vindicate, retaliate.)

Avenger adjectives

fierce; blood-stained; unblamed; ordained; avowed; self-appointed

Avenue adjectives

fine; moonlit; glittering; ignominious; trim; tidy; intersecting; cobble-stoned; open; fashionable; principal; diagonal; spacious; densely-shaded; leafy; dwarfish; continuous; noble; tree-lined; gorgeous; melancholy


amble down—; approach—; border—; circle—; enter—; gain access to—; light—; litter—; locate on—; mark—; promenade —; shade—; shadow—; stroll down—; venture up—; —crosses; —extends; —leads to; —parallels

(See road, thoroughfare, way, approach, street.)

Average adjectives

well-gauged; inversely-proportioned; adjusted; stalwart; standardized; skeptical; unvarying; prevailing; weighted; weighty; timely


adjust—; arrive at—; ascertain—; better —; compare—; compile—; derive—; determine—; diminish—; distribute over—; divide—; estimate—; evolve—; hit—; lower —; model on—; obtain—; propose—; reckon —; record—; refer—; reveal—; strike—; suggest—; yield—; —amounts to; —compares; —falls' —ranges; —rises; —varies; —yields

(See amount.)


persistently; unreasonably; ineradicably; unnaturally; innately; openly; avowedly; unrelentingly; tenaciously; immovably; inflexibly; headily; arbitrarily; mulishly; stubbornly; obstinately

Aversion adjectives

persistent; marked; ineradicable; strong; unnatural; staunch; unconquerable; inherent; thorough; instinctive; deep-rooted; instantaneous; utter; hereditary; loathing; inexpressible; proportionate; decided; favorite; extreme; separate; marked; mutual; cold; feminine; undisguised; developed; unreasonable; deadly


augment—; cement—; fix—; intimate—; produce—; purge of—; recollect with—; rid of—; side-track—; strengthen—; voice—; — estranges

(See antipathy, dislike, hatred.)

Avert (v) adverbs

cleverly; happily; coldly; swiftly; thoughtfully; dexterously; skilfully; painstakingly; scarcely

(See prevent.)

Aviator adjectives

daring; illustrious; famous; amateur; imaginative; intrepid; fearless; skilled


exhaust—; inform—; license—; overtake—; strain—; test—; —accomplishes; —achieves; —ascends; —attempts; —circles; —controls

—descends; —dips; —endures; —lands; — loops; —manipulates; —navigates; —operates; —perceives; —pilots; —somersaults

—speeds; —takes off; —transports; — views; —zooms

(See flier, airplane.)

Avid adverbs

childishly; unnaturally; fatally; obviously; extraordinarily; excessively; anxiously; ardently; breathlessly; hungrily; fantastically; impetuously; zealously; madly; curiously; fervently; queerly; insatiably; sedulously

Avocation adjectives

ecstatic; pleasant


zealously; openly; studiously; industriously; contemptuously; scrupulously; cautiously; purposely; persistently; honorably; sedulously; decorously; involuntarily; totally; vigilantly; absolutely

(See parry, evade, shun, elude.)

Avoidance adjectives

total; vigilant; lazy; absolute

Avow (v) adverbs

brutally; simply; enthusiastically; bluntly; plainly; ardently; ostentatiously; boldly; energetically; unequivocally; manfully; gratefully; daringly; commonly; sincerely; savagely; secretly

(See acknowledge, admit, profess.)

Avowal adjectives

brutal; simple; enthusiastic; blunt; plain; ardent

Await (v} adverbs

tensely; anxiously; silently; impatiently; apprehensively; informally; excitedly; tremblingly; breathlessly; courageously

(See look, wait.)

Awake (v) adverbs

rudely; shudderingly; accidentally; muscu-larly; singularly; breathlessly; consequently; hauntingly; blissfully; manifestly; spiritually; mechanically

(See wake.)

Awakening adjectives

rude; first; startled; innocent; new; blissful; moral; consequent; modest; manifest; stormy; spiritual

Award adjectives

long-coveted; grudging; merited; carefully-computed; just; princely; bounteous; inconsequent


adjudicate—; applaud—; arbitrate—; assign—; capture—; consider—; decide—; deliberate—; dispute—; earn—; embody—; examine—; furnish—; grant—; institute— judge—; merit—; please with—; praise—; pronounce—; provide—; submit—; win—

(See decision, verdict, judgment.)

Are adverbs

sensitively; painfully; acutely; vividly; sharply; keenly; curiously; psychically; subconsciously; sorely; uncomfortably; wretchedly; pleasingly; happily; rapturously; fully; intensely; suddenly; poignantly; astutely; wholly; neurotically; powerfully; perfectly; desperately; dimly; scarcely; barely; breathlessly

Air A REN ESS adjectives

neurotic; powerful; increased; sensitized

Awe adjectives

superstitious; deep; deferential; mysterious; simulated; joyous; strange; cringing; profound; candid; ineffable; vague; devout; tender; respectful; salutary; reverential; meaningful; undefined; fearful; slavish; unwilling; sacred; restraining; inspiring; trembling; adoring; mystic; silent; religious; hideous; inexpressible; supernatural; pious; rapt; ecstatic; dumb


approach with—; awake—; bask in—; bind in—; breed—; command—; conduce—; create—; deepen—; develop—of; entertain —of; excite—; eye with—; fill with—; flock round in—; hold in—of; inspire with —; keep in—of; learn with—; mingle with —; oppress with—; overcome with—; remove—; shake with—; stand in—of; strike with—; —afflicts; —arises; —breeds; — overcomes; —shakes; —smites; —stirs; — strikes

(See amazement, fear, reverence.)

Awkward adverbs

clumsily; ungracefully; bashfully; shyly; gawkily; self-consciously; painfully; embarrassingly; ludicrously; laughably; ridiculously; intentionally; adorably; unconsciously; charmingly; affectedly; momentarily; remarkably; flutteringly; clownishly; amusingly; pathetically; lamentably; unfortunately; helplessly; hopelessly

Awkwardness adjectives

adorable; fumbling; mirth-provoking; pleased; unconscious; involuntary; slight; obvious; charming; blundering; affected; bristling; momentary


begin in—; bungle with—; disperse—; encounter—; laugh at—; rebuke—; scorn—

—adheres; —embarrasses; —inconveniences

(See clumsiness.)

Awning adjectives

luxuriant; striped; woven; rotting; shady; gaudy; ordinary; ready-made; gaily-colored

Axe adjectives

keen; lusty; glittering; gallant; rude; sounding; devastating; biting; consecrated


apply—; chop with—; clasp—; cleave with —; condemn to—; cool—; execute with—; fashion—; fell with—; forge—; grind—; hack with—; heave—; helve—; hew with —; lay on—; resist—; scar—; shaft—; shape—; sharpen—; slay with—; stroke—; swing—; temper—; turn—; wedge—; w'hip —; wield—; yield to—; —chips; —cleaves; —decapitates; —falls; —gleams; —glitters; —hacks; —hews; —resounds; —rings; — rusts

(See hatchet.)

Axiom adjectives

simple; religious; moral; accepted; fundamental; irrefutable; educing; settled; divine; intricate; established

Azure adjectives

kindling; greenish; vivid; intense; clear; glowing; cold; cloudless; ambient; smiling; dazzling; beauteous; palpitating

Babble adjectives

charming; ceaseless; drunken; foolish; incoherent; literary; senseless; perpetual; meaningless; idle; excited; irrelevant; soothing; childish; idiotic; pleasant; prattling; confused

Babble (v


drunkenly; grievously; ecstatically; idiotically; weirdly; ingeniously; charmingly; ceaselessly; incoherently; perpetually; meaning-lessly; irrelevantly; confusedly

(See murmur, prattle.)

Babe adjectives

innocent; unmothered; speechless; maiden; starving; wailing; nursing; testy; naked; unborn

Baboon adjectives

malevolent; bouncing; dog-faced; patriarchal; chattering; grotesque; gaping; smirking

Baby adjectives

healthy; fat; angelic; grown-up; pallid; sickly-looking; unweaned; peaceful; bewitching; sturdy; squalling; new-born; lonesome; pitiful; wriggling; cunning; squeaking; babbling; sticky; petulant; strong-lunged; appealing; featureless; blithesome; staring; mewling; rosy-cheeked; tousled; clamorous; stubborn; disobedient; delicate; inopportune; undisciplined


comfort—; cradle—; croon to—; fondle—; indulge—; lull—; mother—; quiet—; rear —; suckle—; swaddle—; tend—; train—; treat as—; wean—; —babbles; —coos; — creeps; —crows; —drools; —moans; — pukes; —plains; —teethes; —toddles; — weeps; —whimpers

(See infant.)

Babyish adverbs

entrancingly; ridiculously; disgustingly; utterly; beamingly; angelically; sturdily; cunningly; appealingly; rosily; delicately; helplessly; clingingly; shyly; absurdly; a-dorably; completely; artlessly; boisterously; irresistibly; lovably; warmly; lustily; magically; mysteriously; excitedly

Bachelor adjectives

virtuous; level-headed; arrant; vagrant; typical; sexagenary; impeccable; desolate; austere; dashing; predestined; crusty; cynical; solitary; elusive; confirmed; lonely; gruff; perennial; wary; indignant; perpetual

Back adjectives

expressive; prosperous; narrow; wiry; slender; straight; innocent-looking; broad; benevolent; roomy; rigid; brawny; powerful; aching; inexorable; lovely; lithe; obtrusive; bent; naked; cringing; arched; agile; discreet; wrenched; deliberate; lacerated; burly; indiscriminate; stiffening; hairy; ramrod; contemptuous; incurious


arch—; bear on—; bow—; buckle on—; clamor at—; huddle on—; hump—; mount —; pluck from—; prick—; recline on—; ride—; set upon—; strip—; sway—; upheave—; —arches; —creaks

Back (v) adverbs

stealthily; consistently; obtrusively; cring-ingly; agilely; discreetly; deliberately; contemptuously

(See support, indorse.)

Background adjectives

psychological; Puritan; political; historical; rich; Quakerish; botanical; proletarian; intellectual; educational; cultural; moral; monotheistic; inherited; pictorial; blurred; neutral; changeless; realistic; scenic; unwonted; stereotyped; garish; dense; serrated; meager; complex; star-flecked; shimmering; kaleidoscopic; broad; effective; financial; conspicuous; attractive; authentic; religious; fitting; immaterial; plain; harmonious; rocky; precipitous; theatrical; social; domestic; appropriate; technical; fascinating; vivid; lush; convincing; serene; striking; unforgettable; imaginative; glamorous; enchanting; admirable; impressive; shabby; sinister; cluttered; bizarre; weirdest


blend into—; broaden—; enhance—; fade

into—; form—; maintain—; melt into—; paint—; screen—; set into—; weave—; — blends; -—brightens; —contrasts; —enhances; —looms; —sets off

(See setting.)

Bacon adjectives

crisp; tender; tasty; mouldy; crackling; rank; sizzling; tempting

Bacteria adjectives

antagonistic; classified; disease-producing; friendly; gram-positive; harmful; infectious; invading; injurious; lethal; minute; multitudinous; overwhelming; poisonous; secondary; succulent; swarming


absorb—; activate—; annihilate—; attack —; class—; combat—; cultivate—; culture —; destroy—; discover—; disperse—; distribute—through; dose with—; examine—; filter—; group—; identify—; immunize against—; inhale—; inoculate with—; investigate—; isolate—; observe—; produce—; propagate—; protect against—; raise—; resist—; separate—; study—; treat —; —behave; —cause; —course through; —disturb; —enter; —form; —increase; — infect; —invade; —irritate; —multiply; —poison; —reproduce; —secrete; —split; —spoil; —survive; —swarm; —dwell

(See organism, germs.)

Bad adverbs

flagrantly; destructively; infinitely; harmfully; dangerously; mischievously; violently; vilely; irretrievably; inconceivably; poi-sonously; abominably; accursedly; perniciously; viciously; basely; deplorably; detestably; diabolically; disastrously; dreadfully; exceptionably; grievously; hatefully; malignantly; obnoxiously; venomously; virulently; manifestly; scandalously; irremediably; irrevocably; immeasurably

Badge adjectives

corrupt; distinctive; decorative; decorous; distinguished; emblematic; glittering; heraldic; identifying; imperial; pompous; pretentious; tarnished; tawdry


bear—; blazon with—; flash—; flaunt—

merit—; ornament—; wear—; work—; — betokens; —distinguishes; —heralds; — honors; —indicates; —marks; —signifies

(See device, emblem.)

Badger adjectives

belligerent; biting; aggressive; defensive; fierce; hibernating; ungainly; moody


bait—; snare—; trap—; —s abound; — burrows; —charges; —claws; —digs; — dives in; —dwells; —excavates; —flattens out; —growls; —haunts; —hisses; —leaps; —lumbers; —mines; —plunges; —purrs; — retreats; —robs; —rushes; —senses; — seizes; —snarls; —sniffs; —squats

(See animal.)

Badinage adjectives

lazy; giddy; banal; good-natured; teasing; gay; cheap; frivolous; merciless; untimely

Baffle (adverbs

hopelessly; completely; genuinely; scarcely; continually; shrewdly; slyly; plainly

(See thwart, frustrate.)

Baffling adverbs

mysteriously; irritatingly; bewilderingly; unaccountably; disturbingly; genuinely; strangely; surprisingly; astonishingly; indescribably; fearfully; disappointingly; utterly; insuperably; dishearteningly; incommodiously; discouragingly; depressingly; terribly; vexatiously; seriously; alarmingly; perfectly; absolutely; incomprehensibly; inconceivably

Bag adjectives

sealed; sanitary; shiny; travel-worn; soggy; cloth-covered; bottomless; diminutive; bulky; pendulous


bind in—; dip into—; purloin—; rifle—; seal—; secure in—; snatch—; stow—; trap in—; —bulges; —dangles; —emits; — hangs; —sags; —slides; —slips

(See wallet, satchel.)

Baggage adjectives

unnecessary; hand, superfluous; mental; multitudinous; clumsy; ponderous; weighty


abandon—; attend with—; convey—; dispatch—; encumber with—; lighten—; retrieve—; splotch—; stow—; transport—; tuck—away; —encumbers; —weighs

(See satchel.)

Bagpipe adjectives

awesome; blood-chilling; dominant; droning; ear-splitting; eerie; fiercely-screaming; lamenting; long-winded; screeching; triumphant; victory-sounding; vengeful


adjust—; blow upon—; compress—; elbow —; embrace—; esteem—; finger—; inflate —; introduce—; muffle—; press—; puff up —; regulate—; —bawls; —bellows; — chants; —cries; —drones; —emits; —expands; —groans; —harmonizes; —heaves; —labors; —mourns; —pipes; —proclaims; —rouses; —shrills; —sighs; —stirs; — swells; —wails; —whistles

Bail adjectives

appointed; certified; forfeited; generous; responsible; specified; superficial; trifling; enforced; heavy; necessary; substantial


admit to—; allow—; apply for—; assure—; bind with—; collect—; default—; demand —; deny—; designate—; dispense with—; enter—; exempt from—; fix—; forfeit—; furnish—; give—; grant—; gauge—; guarantee—; hold to—; insure by—; justify—; liberate on—; pledge—; post—; procure—; provide—; put up—; raise—; receive—; refund—; release on—; require—; risk—; satisfy with—; set—; set free on—; surrender—; —obligates; —releases

(See security.)

Bait adjectives

tempting; dainty; false; seductive; coveted; treacherous; ’ pernicious; alluring


devour—; expose—; feed—; hold out—; proffer—; swallow—; —allures; —ensnares; —entices; —lures; —tempts; —traps

(See lure, inducement, temptation.)

Balance adjectives

unexpended; fabulous; unnatural; proper; delicate; subtle; artistic; comfortable; unpaid; neutral; sentimental; smooth; floating; adverse; peculiar; precarious; normal; miraculous; economic; trifling; workable; unfavorable; scrupulous; logical; physiological; trembling; accurate

Balance (v) adverbs

precariously; equally; ultimately; harmoniously; unskillfully; exactly; accurately; systematically; uncomfortably; cautiously; dexterously; eventually

(See poise.)

Balcony adjectives

exquisite; overhanging; latticed; moon-drenched; screened; high-perched; vineclad; narrow; grilled; delicate; frail


crowd—; gain—; occupy—; overlook—; peer from—; rail—; salute from—; view from—; —encompasses; —overhangs; — projects; —swarms

(See gallery.)

Bald adverbs

shinily; fatly; rosily; hopelessly; nakedly; ruddily; ghastly; ridiculously; laughably; gracelessly; grossly; ,haggardly; hideously; unashamedly; odiously; shockingly; smilingly

Baleful adverbs

perniciously; terribly; venomously; malignantly; undeniably; villainously; exceptionally; sadly; grievously; deplorably; lamentably; woefully; shockingly; cruelly; detestably; infernally; irremediably; atrociously; malevolently; incorrigibly; brutally; unpar-donably; incredibly; shamefully; iniquitous-ly

Balk (v) adverbs

continually: cruelly; particularly; recalcit-rantly; exasperatingly; pettishly; provoking-ly; irritatingly

(See thwart, frustrate, baffle, disappoint.)

Balky adverbs

astonishingly; surprisingly; naturally; incorrigibly; wonderfully; unexpectedly; tor-mentingly; vexatiously; embarrassingly; stubbornly; obstinately; temperamentally; characteristically; abnormally; habitually; usually; uncompromisingly; invariably; consistently; inherently; innately; blithely; unreasonably; provokingly; unaccountably

Ball adjectives


inauguration; carnival; rustic; impromptu; magnificent; birthday; anniversary; annual; masquerade

Ball adjectives


gilded; glowing; gleaming; bouncing; glittering; devil-guided; luminous; swift; gelatinous; fungous

Ball adjectives


back-firing; catapulting; foul; fair; ricocheting; trenchant; tangential; sodden; speeding; bombastic; refractory


bat—; bobble—; bunt—; chuck—; club—; control—; cover—; drive—; feed —s; fling —; foul—; fumble—; grip—; heave—; hurl —; inflate—; juggle—; lob—; loft—; muff —; pass—; pole—; pop—; project—; pursue—; release—; round into—; smash—; snare—; spear—; strike—; top—; toss—; trap—; waggle at the golf—; whip—; zip —; —bounds; —curves; —hops; —zooms

Ballad adjectives

woeful; doleful; ribald; odious; patriotic; vigorous; dramatic; celebrated; tawdry; rude; merry; scurrilous; tender; lewd; blasphemous; interminable; vulgar; sentimental; brisk; ringing; homely; dolorous; obscene; raucous


accompany—; carol—; characterize—; classify—; compose—; measure—; narrate—; print—; revive—; traduce—; translate—; wail—; —celebrates; —deals with; —exploits; —narrates; —relates; —survives; —swells

(See poem, song.)

Ballet adjectives

gaudy; glittering; dainty; sumptuous; exquisite; fairylike

Balloon adjectives

gigantic; invisible; floating; lifeless; airfilled; gaseous


anchor—; attach to—; ballast—; blow—; burst—; check—; command—; dispatch—; cut away—; deflate—; elevate—; experiment w'ith —s; fire—; guide—; improve—; inflate—; liberate—; lift—; lighten—; man —; navigate—; power—; propel—; steady —; suspend—; swell—; —ascends; —circles; —collapses; —descends; —drifts; — expands; —explodes; —floats; —journeys; —kites; —rises; —sallies; —soars; —spins; —tosses; —wallows

(See bladder, aeroplane.)

Ballot adjectives

approved; adopted; computed; disputed; fatal; political; polled; open; reformed



accede by—; acknowledge by—; agree by—; arrange—; assent by—; broadcast—; cast —; circulate —s; choose by—; deposit—; draw up—; employ—; hinge on—; inspect —; introduce—; record—; reform—; reject —; satisfy with—; stuff —s; tabulate —s; tally —s; tamper with —s; —acquits; —affirms; —ascertains; —condemns; —decides; —elects; —eliminates; —installs; —proclaims

(See vote, ticket.)

Ballroom adjectives

huge; improvised; dimly-lit; crowded; decorated

Balm adjectives

soothing; fragrant; golden; philosophic; blissful; healing; temperate; assuaging; precious; unguentary; icy


anoint with—; exude—; soothe with—; steep in—; yield—; wash off—; —assuages; — charms; —eases; —heals; —mitigates; — soothes; —trickles

(See ointment, salve.)

Balmy adverbs

soothingly; refreshingly; softly; comfortingly; curatively; quietly; coolly; gently; mildly; blandly; healingly; gratifyingly; satisfactorily; remarkably; tenderly; mercifully; pleasantly; especially

Balustrade adjectives

granite; terrace; sandstone; marble; graceful; wrought-iron; exquisite; carved; shining; quaint; twisting; serpentine; monstrous

Bamboo adjectives

delicate-leaved; pliant; plaited; feathery

Ban adjectives

authoritative; blasphemous; cruel; common; harsh; inhibitory; legal; maledictory; pro-clamatory; senseless; tyrannical; unjust


announce—on; command—on; contradict—; curse—; decree—; end—; enforce—; exempt from—; impose—; lift—; proclaim—; publish—; reaffirm—; remove—; renew—; send—; —deprives; —forbids; —offends; — outlaw’s; —prohibits

(See notice, taboo, edict, proclamation, excommunication.)

Banal adverbs

monotonously; tritely; tiresomely; boringly; disagreeably; drearily; unceasingly; invariably; triflingly; vapidly; inanely; insipidly; intolerably; trivially; unbearably; exhaust-ingly; wearily; tediously; frivolously; senselessly; vacuously; insufferably; habitually; prosily; uninterestingly

Banality adjectives

routine; easy; preliminary; gross; unpleasant; boring; dreary; repetitious

Banana ad je dives

tempting; sun-hungry; lush; ripened

Band adjectives


aimless; diminished; detached; ferocious; foraging; gladsome; hunted; hapless; march-worn; pillaging; rapine; rollicking; straggling; vandalistic; victorious


arm—; associate with—; attach to—; banish from—; bind in a holy—; captain—; collect—; compose—; disperse—; divide into —s; enlist in—; muster—; scatter—; summon—; unite in—; wander in—; —attacks; —invades; —pillages; —plunders; —pursues; —roves; —shrinks

(See company, group, gang, troop.)

Band adjectives

                          (fetter, tie

ring-stacked; quivered; artful; swaddling; unrelieved; restraining; flexible; iridescent; metallic


break asunder the—s; cancel—s; chain in —s| dissolve—; link in —s; release from —s; rend —s; strengthen —s; tw’ist —s; untie —s; untwdne —s; w'eaken—; —s bind

—s encircle; —s fetter; —s shackle

(See tie, cord, bond, fetter, belt, bandage, chain.)

Band adjectives


infuriated; angelic; cycling; alabaster; ruthless; scarlet; riotous; massed; melancholy; marauding; adverse; servile; devoted; encircling; colic; baleful; eager; doomed; notorious; peaceful; full; unbroken; bloody; amiable; swirling; murderous; numberless; resplendent; scattered; reckless; chosen; shadowy; formidable; violent; apathetic; restless; defiant; eternal; itinerant; enthralling; wandering; guerilla; fantastic; sullen; glittering; expectant; valiant; considerable; predatory; snail-like; gallant; mirth-breathing; heroic; enormous; mute; ghastly; scanty; boisterous; prying; mirthful; devoted; adventurous; ambitious; imperious; fairy; social; scattering; brazen; nondescript; partisan; thin; doughty; fierce; worn; insignificant; rival; small; well-armed; thundering; wild; howling; heretical; shabby; unkempt; conspicuous; feeble; mighty; unconquerable; inexhaustible; laborious; invading; brave

Band adjectives


tuneful; stirring; gorgeously-arrayed; regimental; swing; jazz; competent


assemble—; compose—; conduct—; engage —; group—; maintain—; organize—; pitch —; strike up—; supervise—; —arouses; — blares; —blasts on; —encourages; —harmonizes; —honors; —marches; —parades; —performs; —renders; —serenades; toots; —troops

(See orchestra.)

Bandage adjectives

crimsoned; filthy; swathing; emergency; bloodstained; saving


apply—; attach—; border with—; change —; discard—; fasten—; loose—; replace—; sew—; sterilize—; stitch—; stripe with —s; swathe in —s; tighten—

(See band.)

Bandit adjectives

famous; amiable; cold-blooded; ferocious; ruthless; wily; out-and-out; dark-visaged; bold; outrageous; notorious; reckless; tantalizing; enraged; burly; restless; lawless


defend—; execute—; grant sanctuary to—; hire—; hunt—; imprison—; infest with —s; organize—; outlaw—; seclude—; slay—; — harries; —marauds; —s pillage; —s plunder; —s terrorize

(See robber, burglar.)

Bandy (v) adverbs

mercilessly; repeatedly; continuously; freely; haphazardly; thoughtlessly

(See toss.)

Bang adjectives

loud; emphatic; thudding; resounding; earsplitting

Bang (v) adverbs

fitfully; resoundingly; loudly; emphatically; terrifically; crashingly; tremendously; explosively; thunderously; furiously

(See thump, resound.)

Banish (v) adverbs

utterly; effectually; everlastingly; perpetually; dishonorably; eternally; inescapably; deservedly; ultimately; reluctantly; cruelly

(See dismiss, expel.)

Banishment adjectives

timely; everlasting; perpetual; honorable; deadly; eternal; inescapable; deserved


compel—; consent to—; decree—; doom to —; order—; repeal—; reside in—; return from—; suffer—

(See exile, expulsion.)

Banjo adjectives

melodious; melancholy.; tuneless; twanging; plunking; soul-fathoming; heart-voicing; unstrung; voodoo-charming


compose for—; employ—; excel at—; finger —; fret—; harmonize with—; introduce—; peg—; perform on—; pick—; pluck—; strike —; string—; strum—; twitch—; —expresses; —lulls; —registers; —serenades; — sings; —twangs; —vibrates

(See instrument, music.)

Bank adjectives


shiftless; leading; unthrifty; local; financial; depleted; impoverished; badly-managed ; safe; insured


borrow from—; charter—; conduct—; consult—; deal with—; deposit in—; draw upon—; equip—; loot—; patronize—; plunder—; run on—; wreck—; —acquires; — advances; —advises; —amasses; —appropriates; —authorizes; —branches; —cashes; —charges; —collapses; —consolidates; — discounts; —dominates; —drafts; —expands; —finances; —flourishes; —guards; —handles; —incorporates; —insures; —invests; —issues; —loans; —manages; — mortgages; —negotiates; —operates; —profits; —rates; —regulates; —sanctions; — serves; —transacts.

(See bafiker, firm, company, corporation.)

Bank adjectives


naked; oozy; perpendicular; shagged; grassy; wooded; precipitous; steep; slippery; tottering; glorious; flowering; rocky; river; mud; sloping; mossy; willow; sheltering; forested; shelving; placid; tossing; pineclad; green-wooded; rugged; dirt; overhanging; miry; gentle; weedy; curving'; rain-gullied; clay; eroding; tree-lined; heavily-wooded; glistening; caving; mosquito-infested; rabbit-riddled; willow-tufted; low-lying; unlimited; enormous; smothering; noisy; frequented; fringed; deep; impassable; unmolested; storm-shaken; weary; embroidered; permanent; high; bramble-covered; primrose; cnalk; starred; settled; craggy; stifled; ash; wasted; picturesque; marshy; swampy; rugged; herbless; upland; tawny; bounding; beauteous; verdant; calm; rounding; porcelain; encompassing; lonesome; craggy; fraudulent; puddled; never-withering; glittering; blossomladen


bask on—; bound by —s; couch on—; fortify —s; overflow —s; scramble up—; shadow—; support—; swell over—; teeter on —; —encircles; —s rise

(See ridge, pile.)

Banker adjectives

conservative; prosperous; resourceful; foremost; international; sophisticated; tall; dignified; mustached; gray-haired; trusted; rich; mean; bearded; cautious; private; leading; upstate; honest; hard-headed; prominent; defaulting; metropolitan; sagacious; astute; expert; established; benevolent; shortsighted; unscrupulous


denounce—; envy—; protect—; —absconds; —collects; —contracts; —credits; —deals; —defaults; —embezzles; —executes; —investigates; —proffers; —provides; —refunds; —reimburses; —remits; —safeguards; —secures; —swindles; —traffics in

Bankrupt adverbs

frequently; unfortunately; unhappily; profitably; conveniently; adroitly; inevitably; morally; irretrievably; unaccountably; mysteriously; surprisingly; seriously; temporarily; expediently; smartly; ingeniously; pitiably; dishearteningly; grievously; ruinously; touchingly; hopelessly; heartbreak-ingly

Bankruptcy adjectives

inevitable; economic; honest; moral; voluntary; irretrievable


a’djudge—; administer by—; administrate in —; annul—; arrange for—; arise from—; assent to—; authorize—; avoid—; commit to—; contract—; declare—; decree—; defer —; delay—; discharge from—; drift into—; effect—; embarrass into—; enter—; evade —; examine for—; face—; force into—; head for—; incur—; investigate—; involve —; liquidate in—; petition for—; record—; reduce to—; relieve by—; save from—; seize in—; settle—; surrender to—; terminate in—; threaten with—; verge on—; — deprives; —divests; —solves; —threatens

(See failure.)

Banner adjectives

bloodless; darkling; tattered; starry; spangled; elastic; prosperous; flaunting; murky; insurgent; bright-colored; gaudy; mimic; emblematical; superb; barbarous; gorgeous; unfurled; horse-tail; hostile; flapping; gay; flamboyant; victorious; appropriate; clustered; sinister; bloodstained; triumphant; rippling; holy; silken; star-faced; faded; historic; impalpable; crimsoned; ragged


adopt—; bear—; flaunt—; flout—; gather round—; hail—; hang out—; hoist—; lift —; rally round—; serve—; spread—; stretch out—; unfurl—; unroll—; wave—; —dances; —droops; —flies; —flutters; —inspires; —rises into the air; —streams; —symbolizes; —undulates

(See flag, standard, ensign.)

Banquet adjectives

unpretentious; sumptuous; diplomatic; delicious; fantastical; open-air; luxurious; artistic; unending; exotic; artificial; voluptuous; good-will; Lucullan; elaborate; stately; philanthropic

Banter adjectives

familiar; good-natured; brilliant; delicate; contemptuous; gay; slow; facetious; witty


assail with—; chide with—; engage in—; exchange—; indulge in—; pass for—; ridicule with—; turn to—; —entertains; —floats about

(See ridicule, derision, mockery, repartee.)

Banter (v) adverbs

vivaciously; familiarly; brilliantly; delicately; contemptuously; gaily; facetiously; wittily; good-naturedly; slyly; cleverly; satirically

(See jest, chaff.)

Bar adjectives

unfeeling; resonant; colossal; extemporized; statutory; invidious; anticipatory; inexorable; sullen; dissolving; alternating (pl); corporeal; multitudinous (pl); legal; oaken; drink-laden

Bar adjectives


lofty; magisterial; inviolablej relentless; arraigning; ruling; invincible


accuse at—; address—; admit to—; appear before—; arraign before—; beseech—; bring to—; cajole—; call to—; defend at —; disagree with—; elect to—; expel from —; influence—; pass—; plead before—; reproach—; resign from—; solicit—; station at—; summon to—; —administers; —advises; —criticizes; —directs; —disciplines; — encourages; —establishes; —exercises; — governs; —grants; —orders; —privileges; —rules

(See tribunal, law.)

Bar adjectives


basic; formidable; frowning; impassable; protective; forbidding; impenetrable; unscalable


beat —s; cut —s; escape —s; fence in with —s; strengthen —s; —creates a barrier; — excludes; —hinders; —impedes; —obstructs

—prevents; —prohibits; —restrains

(See barrier, obstruction, obstacle.)

Bar (v) adverbs

strongly; unfeelingly; invidiously; inexorably; sullenly; corporeally; legally; determinedly; harshly; ultimately; utterly; unkindly; treacherously

(See exclude, hinder, obstruct, restrain.)

Barbarian ad jectives

ferocious; sanguinary; tumultuous; idolatrous; lusty; obstinate; suspicious; bestial


civilize—; conquer—; crush—; culture—; dominate —s; overcome—; quell—; repress —; subdue—; vanquish—; —imitates; —s overthrow; —pillages; —plunders; —subjugates; —sacks

(See brute, savage, monster.)

Barbarism adjectives

medieval; colloquial; unenlightened; dark; heathen; unavoidable


brand—; crash into—; degrade to—; descend to—; enslave by—; fall to—; rise from—; stave off—; succeed—

(See brutality, anarchy.)

Barbarity adjectives

execrable; shocking; vulgar; calculated; legal; deliberate; indecent

Barbarous adverbs

fiercely; savagely; shockingly; deliberately; outlandishly; rudely; inhumanly; brutally; indecently; unforgivably; inherently; instinctively; heathenishly; triumphantly; vauntingly; mercilessly; fiendishly; oddly; uncouthly; bizarrely; grotesquely; cruelly; blatantly; flagrantly; incredibly

Bard adjectives

love-stricken; saturnine; high-dreaming; didactic; epic; merry; subtle; pied; mercenary; gifted

Bare adverbs

starkly; nakedly; pitiably; shamelessly; distressingly; skimpily; scantily; stingily; pathetically; austerely; painfully; grievously; unfortunately; wretchedly; miserably; cheerlessly; horribly; surprisingly; desolately; dismally; hopelessly; deplorably; utterly; unnecessarily

Bargain adjectives

mammoth; amazing; selfish; outstanding; remarkable; vaunted; sensational; sharp; fair; sordid; impious


agree upon—; bind to—; buy a—; close a —; consider—; contract for—; discuss—; drive a—; enter into—; fulfill—; gobble up —; jump at—; maintain—; propose—; refuse—; release from—; rue—; seal—; search for —s; seize—; settle—; stipulate in—; strike—; strive for—

(See transaction, contract.)

Bargain (v


collectively; indigently; amazingly; selfish ly; remarkably; sensationally; sharply; fairly; sordidly; impiously; cleverly; shrewdly; stupidly; astutely

(See agree, contract, stipulate.)

Barge adjectives

imperial; ungainly; gorgeous; state; abandoned; sluggish; dingy; gaily-painted; clumsy


adorn—; anchor—; board—; christen—; command—; control—; convoy—; cushion —; decorate—; design—; dock—; equip—; escort—; fit out—; land—; lash—; launch —; license—; moor—; navigate—; pilot—; power—; propel—; rig—; shift—; stow—; straddle—; tow—; —coasts; —conveys; — discharges; —drifts; —journeys; —plies; —sails; —slips past; —trades; —transports; —tugs

(See boat.)

Bark adjectives


venturous; perfidious; passing; stranded; swift-winged; lofty; fragile; floating; deepdrawing; foundering; proud; flying; frail; enchanted; storm-tossed

Bark adjectives


snappish; harsh; fiendish; welcoming; irritated; short; sharp; wild; eager; thundering; swaggering; acute; agonized; imperative; gay; high-pitched; teasing; expressive; ferocious; frenzied; staccato; frantic; furious; deafening; ecstatic; jubilant; ringing; desolate; muffled; defiant; confident; playful

Bark adjectives


sapless; gnarled; rugged; indigenous; silvery; bruised; corrugated; peeling

Bark (v) adverbs

imperiously; lustily; inopportunely; explosively; joyously; injuriously; snappishly; harshly; fiendishly; welcomingly; irritated-ly; sharply; wildly; eagerly; agonizedly; imperatively; teasingly; expressively; ferociously; frenziedly; frantically; deafeningly; jubilantly; desolately; defiantly; confidently; playfully

(See shout.)

Barn adjectives

substantial; commodious; solitary; comfortable; cool; tumble-down; ruinous; dilapidated; rickety; rambling; ramshackle; abandoned; neglected; decaying; well-filled; bulging


construct—; equip—; erect—; fire—; forage in—; frame—; gather into—; house in—; install in—; remodel—; stable in—; stake out—; store in—; —collapses; —harbors; —shelters

(See building.)

'         BAROMETER


alternating; disconcerting; steadily-rising; unvarying; vacillating; threatening; faltering


adjust—; affect—; compensate—; correct—; depend on—; devise—; employ—; equip with—; experiment with—; expose—; govern—; influence—; learn from—; read—; record—; rely on—; seal—; sheathe—; steady—; test—; throw off—; vouch for—; —assists; —climbs; —demonstrates; —determines; —falls; —fluctuates; —forecasts; —graduates; —indicates; —measures; — oscillates; —predicts; —records; —registers; —represents; —rises; —shows; —sinks; — soars; —threatens; —warns

(See meter, thermometer.)

Baron adjectives

medieval; villainous; cattle; feudal; despotic; coal; monocled; proud; impetuous; monstrous

Barracks adjectives

bleak; disciplinary; grim; cheerless; orderly; solid


advance toward—; allot to—; arouse—; arrange for—; assault—; assign to—; censor —; command—; concentrate in—; confine to—; construct—; convert into—; dispatch to—; encamp in—; equip—; extend to—; file into—; fire on—; fortify—; guard—; invade—; protect—; quarter in—; repair to—; report to—; restrict to—; retire to—; sanitize—; station in—; superintend—; survey—; threaten—; —accommodate; —collapse; —house; —lodge; —resound; — spring up

(See quarters, shelter, building.)

Barrage adjectives

gigantic; advertising; incessant; verbal; rolling; murderous; leaden; shrapnel; deadly; fatal; vicious; violent


advance under—; approach—; beat down —; concentrate—; create—; curtain with—; defend against—; defy—; denounce—; disperse—; establish—; extend—; invade—; lay down—; penetrate—; prolong—; reduce —; resist—; restrict—; retreat from—; strengthen—; sweep through—; —cuts off; —holds up; —obstructs; —parries; —protects; —surprises; —threatens

Barrel adjectives

dilapidated; hoopless; cobwebbed; moss-grown; sagging; scarred; slimy; stout; warped


bung—; measure—; pipe—; pump from—; roll—; store in—; stove in—; tap—; valve —; —bulges; —reeks; —resounds; —thuds; —thunders; —tumbles

Barren adverbs

monotonously; treelessly; desolately; endlessly; infinitely; alarmingly; frightfully; indescribably; immeasurably; comfortlessly; formidably; blankly; inhospitably; inimitably; boundlessly; terrifyingly; perilously

Barricade adjectives

verdant; feeble; defensive; disputed; stone; bristling; human; effective


advance toward—; approach—; assault—; capture—; defend—; denounce—; entrench behind—; erect—; extend—; invade—; pile up—; strengthen—; support—; survey—; sweep through—; threaten—; withdraw—; —annoys; —bars; —blocks; —collapses; —confines; —cuts off; —defends; —fortifies; —parries; —prevents; —protects; —resists; —restricts; —withholds

(See barrier, obstruction.)

Barrier adjectives

golden; external; sufficient; insuperable; material; formidable; subjective; effective; feeble; obstinate; intervening; screening; conventional; fancied; invisible; insurmountable; stair-like; impassable; airy; serried; moss-draped; dismal; ancient; irregular; surf-beaten; absolute; stout; invincible; powerful; unconquerable; mighty; impenetrable; awesome; lofty; serious; eternal; natural; legal; psychological; economic; cultural; vast; lowered; inadequate; stubborn; artificial; puerile; indefinable; pitiless; traditional; countless (pl); imagined


beat—; build—; burst—; confine by—; create—; cross—; erect—; flatten against—; follow—; form—; hurdle—; hurl against—; jump—; rail in with —s; smash—; step over —; strengthen—; surmount—; tear down—; vault—; —bounds; —hinders; —isolates; —limits; —looms; —obstructs; —prevents; —supports; —thwarts

(See obstruction, barricade.)

Barrister adjectives

conscientious; ambitious; overworked; struggling; smug; briefless; infant; sneering; brilliant; competent

Base adjectives

substantial; solidified; tottering; commodious; crumbling; flattering; immutable; firm; circular


advance to—; attach to—; break from—; build on—; challenge—; communicate with —; construct—; create—; decorate—; dump at—; enlarge—; establish—; gather at—; hollow—; issue from—; mould—; protect—; puncture—; rest on—; separate from—; set on—; situate at—; spread on—; store at—; —projects

(See foundation, basis, bottom.)

Base (a) adverbs

intolerably; meanly; ignobly; obscurely; contemptibly; abjectly; unbecomingly; undis-guisedly; shamefully; glaringly; flagrantly; unmistakably; palpably; nakedly; brazenly; shamelessly; flauntingly; sorrily; brutishly; rudely; fawningly; obsequiously; cringing-ly; sneakily; subtly

Base (v) adverbs

primarily; wholly; unsoundly; substantially

totteringly; firmly; immutably

(See depend.)

Baseball verbs

blacken—; condemn—; destroy—; rebuke—; sponsor—; spread—; welcome—; —animates; —breeds; —engenders; —enlivens

(See game.)

Basement adjectives

sunless; dark; stone; historical; excavated; dungeon-like; dank; damp; airless; musty; rat-infested


climb from—; consist of—; drain—; excavate—; floor—; flood—; form—; relegate to—; rummage in—; well from—

(See cellar.)

Baseness adjectives

inherent; forced; unconfinable; adroit; despicable; apparent; undisguised

Bashful adverbs

awkwardly; uneasily; boyishly; self-consciously; embarrassingly; uncomfortably; painfully; engagingly; charmingly; peculiarly; strangely; unwontedly; becomingly; naturally; modestly; timidly; fearfully; clumsily; foolishly; distressingly; ridiculously; pitiably; touchingly; adorably; comically; absurdly

Bashfulness adjectives

uneasy; maiden; engaging; virgin; childish; boyish; graceful; captivating; peculiar; shamefaced


feign—; mask in—; shrink in—; —disturbs

—inhibits; —melts; —overcomes; —unfits

(See modesty, shyness, diffidence.)

Basic adverbs

scientifically; fundamentally; essentially; indispensably; admittedly; emphatically; pre-scriptively; usually; ordinarily; officially; obviously; palpably; conspicuously; explicitly; positively; definitely; unavoidably

Basin adjectives

remarkable; treeless; shallow; vast; starlit; drainage; rock-bottomed; tidal; empty; volcanic; gigantic; pitlike; lacustrine; rustic; beautiful; incrusted; weedy; marshy; natural; fan-shaped; broad; spacious; sumptuous

Basis adjectives

psychological; moral; social; military; commission; logical; scientific; voluntary; geographical; tangible; potential; essential; sustaining; concrete; apperceptive; experimental; daily; hypothetical; structural; universal; simplified; sound; economic; well-established; sensible; rationalized; secure; efficient; profitable; firm; prosperous; indispensable; healthy; solid; equitable; liberal; substantial; broad; possible; false; unsatisfactory; narrow; slippery; temporary; vast; meager; factual; ample; permanent; tenuous; inevitable; reliable; pecuniary; corporative; practical; immovable; flimsy; philosophical; physical; monarchical; creditable; feudal; mechanical; theoretical; dubious; imperishable; fantastic; enduring; lowest


build upon—; establish a—; explain on—; form—; found on—; meet on—of; obtain—; place on—; rest on—; rise from—of; shake —; support on—; win a higher—; —consists

(See foundation, base.)

Bask (v) adverbs

obviously; torpidly; cozily; lazily; drowsily; blissfully; comfortably; sleepily; pleasantly; restfully

(See luxuriate.)

Basket adjectives

enormous; rustic; severe; round; shallow; inexhaustible; wicker; huge; garlanded; split-oak; cup-shaped; upturned; filigree


charge—; coil—; convey in—; cram in—; design—; fashion—; lattice into—; load—; measure in—; net—; provision—; stuff—; twine—; weave—

(See case, chest, box.)

Basking adverbs

luxuriously; comfortably; buoyantly; joyously; prosperously; happily; warmly; radiantly

Bass adverbs

thunderingly; resonantly; deeply; breezily; boomingly; awfully; mightily; magnificently; toweringly; enormously; stupendously

Bass adjectives


game; scrappy; small-mouthed; stern; skittish

Bass adjectives


thunderous; resonant; bawling; masculine; profound; growling; deep; unruly; swelling; mellow; breezy

Bastion adjectives

sparkling; absurd; massive; futile; sloping; tower-like; coral

Bat adjectives


firm-resounding; decisive; sturdy; uncompromising; stout; spindly; threatening; relentless


balance—; choose—; fling—; fondle—; grip —; oil—; paw—; release—; sandpaper—; scrape—; select—; shave—; shorten—; shoulder—; split—; swish—; tape—; weight —; wield—; —cracks; —flies; —slips; — splits

(See club.)

Bat adjectives


insectivorous; gloomy; grisly; monstrous


attract—; disturb—; ensnare—; entice—; loose—; pursue—; strike—; trap—; —s abound; —clings; —flits; —hibernates; — lurks; —preys upon; —shuns; —sucks; — swoops; —terrorizes; —wheels; —whirls; —whirs; —wings

(See animal, bird, insect.)

Bath adjectives

chemical; imperceptible; ice; cold; Diocletian; perfumed; steaming; reducing; discomforting; relaxing; refreshing; portable; warm; soapy; splashing; freezing; medicated; involuntary; tepid; open-air; sun; modern; finely-appointed; immaculate; world-famous; well-equipped; radio-active; mud; matutinal


administer—; arrange—; cure by —s; drain —; enter—; immerse in—; lather in—; loll in—; medicate—; perspire in—; rub in—; scald in—; sponge in—; steam in—; treat in

  • —; vaporize—;’—enervates; —exhilarates

  • —refreshes; —relaxes

(See water.)

Bathe (v) adverbs

actually; chemically; steamingly; discom-fortingly; comfortingly; refreshingly; soap-ily; splashingly; freezingly; involuntarily; tepidly; immaculately; daily; matutinally; thoroughly

(See wash.)

Bather adjectives

ecstatic; adventurous; timid; floundering; inept; expert

Bathing adjectives

unexcelled; luxurious; indiscriminate; clear; clean; surf; safe; ocean

Baton adjectives

authoritative; commanding; directing; gilt; guiding; silencing; silver-tipped; suspended


carry—; conduct with—; cudgel with—; dash—; direct with—; flourish—; lead—; mark with—; point—; signal with—; strike —; swing—; tap—; wave—; wield—; — guides

(See wand, sceptre.)

Battalion adjectives

repulsed; puny; assaulting; steel-clad; potential; defending; staunch; sturdy; stalwart

Batter adjectives

alert; deftly-moving; eagle-eyed; able-armed; wary; splendid; famous


fan—; strike out—; —bats; —bunts; — crashes; —doubles; —drives; —flies; —-fouls; —hits; —loops; —pops; —singles; —steals; —triples; —walks

Battery adjectives

sensitive; galvanic; pointed; discharged; weakened

Battle adjectives

bitter; hard-fought; furious; terrific; fierce; raging; frantic; desperate; hot; bloody; savage; gory; gallant; sanguinary; thrilling; glorious; mighty; valiant; decisive; ceaseless; brief; impending; arduous; incessant; strenuous; historic; bloodless; inglorious; exhausting; hopeless; undercover; stiff; ironic; silent; pitched; fateful; phantom; life-long; offensive; parliamentary; dramatic; unrighteous; perpetual; discouraging; hereditary; nameless; memorable; earthly; childish; verbal; crashing; hand-to-hand; immediate; never-ending; weird; raging; naval; puny; intellectual; disastrous; losing


arouse a—; clash in—; climax—; conflict in—; contend in—; create—; distinguish in —; doom to—; encounter in—; engage in—; finance—; gain in—; gird for—; give—; honor in—; join—; light the fuse of—; manoeuver—; offer—; overcome in—; pit in—; pitch—; precipitate—; premeditate—; provoke—; pursue—; slay in—; stay—; strive in—; subsist in—; sway—; triumph in—; wage—; —depends on; —ensues; — flashes; —presses; —rages; —rings; — swirls

(See conflict, encounter, combat, fight, contest.)

Battle (v) adverbs

fiercely; doggedly; invincibly; manfully; heroically; furiously; terrifically; desperately; gallantly; thrillingly; gloriously; valiantly; decisively; ceaselessly; briefly; arduously; incessantly; strenuously; hopelessly; ex-haustingly; silently; fatefully; perpetually; childishly; verbally; intellectually; disastrously

(See fight, encounter, combat.)

Battlefield adjectives

immense; immortal; stupendous; rolling; ill-fated; scarred; silent; bloody; bone-strewn; glorious; memorial


abandon on—; advance on—; assault on—; campaign on—; clash on—; concede on—; concentrate on—; encounter on—; enmesh on—; exhaust on—; fell on—; mass on—; occupy—; overthrow on—; perish on—; redden—; relinquish—; replace on—; slay on —; suffer on—; surprise on—; surrender on —; test on—; —lies; —reaps a harvest; —reeks; —stretches

(See field, plain.)

Battleline adjectives

wavering; bent; far-flung; crushed; crumbling; tottering

Battlements adjectives

frowning; massive; time-scarred; dim; castellated; crackling; imperial; haunted; escarped; cloud-capped; shining; narrow; gilded; tottered

Bauble adjectives

ingenious; gilt; worthless; imperial; silken; gorgeous; gleaming; heavy

Bawd adjectives

wicked; powdered; notorious; infamous; lewd; libidinous

Bawl (v) adverbs

hoarsely; plaintively; pitifully; intermittently; fitfully; loudly; wailingly

(See cry.)

Bay adjectives

land-locked; craggy; shallow; native; tranquil; yawning; eddying; noble; silvery; curving; regal; extensive; deep; protective; roaring; billowy; treacherous; glassy; squally; distant; sheltered; whispering; shimmering; murky; shark-infested; broadening; magnificent; protected; misted


anchor in—; break on—; dredge—; drop into—; embark at—; enter—; put into—; recede into—; 'ride—; surround—; —eddies; —extends; —lashes the beach; —narrows; —widens

(See ocean, river, gulf, harbor.)

Bayonet adjectives

gleaming; pointless; glistening; fixed; bared; flashing; pitiless; ruthless; slanting; slashing; gory; grisly; merciless; murderous


arm with—; attach—; charge with —s; clasp —; clutch—; connect—; defend with—; drive home—; equip with—; fix—; impale on—; insert—; jab with—; juggle—; raise —; repulse with—; rush with—; sheathe—; shield from—; spar with—; stab with—

struggle with—; thrust—; vanquish with—; wield—; withdraw—; —catches; —flashes; —gores; —gouges; —pierces; —sticks

(See dagger, weapon.)

Bazaar adjectives

straggling; languorous; Oriental; romantic; gay; grubby; modern; noisy

Beach adjectives

artificial; accessible; secluded; clean; sloping; crescent; sandy; curving; private; sunwarmed; beautiful; commodious; gay; bright; fascinating; golden; rocky; pebbly; silvery; brilliant; sun-swept; gleaming; silent; desolate; shelving; surf-smoothed; windless; mosquito-infested; ancient; calcareous; foamy; private


batter—; break on—; dawdle along—; drift on—; lash against—; pound—; ripple on—; roam—; run aground on—; settle on—; sprawl on—; stagger onto—; strand on—; strew—; throw up on—; —extends; —-gleams; —stretches

(See shore.)

Beacon adjectives

eternal; indubitable; towering; revolving; long-distance; visual; dangerous; spiritual; gleaming; rebel; warning


operate—; provide—; set—; —aids; —blazons; —circles; —directs; —guides; —identifies; —illuminates; —indicates; —leads

—lights; —marks; —notifies; —rotates; — shines; —signals; —swings; —warns

(See fire, light, signal.)

Beads adjectives

wired; shining; iridescent; pale; gleaming; coiled; garish; many-colored; greasy; wooden; pea-sized; unstrung; cheap


barter with—; color—; count—; crush—; dye—; facet—; fashion—; grind—; mould —; mount—; ornament with—; perforate —; pray with—; shape—; space—; string —; suspend—; trade—; trim with—; — glisten; —sparkle

(See diamond, ornament, drop, jewel.)

Beak adjectives

curled; relentless; ravening; golden; brazen; Wellingtonian; lifelike; twisted; hooked; powerful; crooked; tuneless

Beam adjectives


quivering; hazy; dulled; transient; sunny; noonday; blessed; invisible; silvery; chaste; stray; steady; unwinking; eternal; creeping; intermittent; half-extinguished; bright; pallid; guiding; fervid; virgin; naked; feeble; divergent; crimson; intellectual; belated; transverse; kindly; slanting; piercing; horizontal; penetrating; weird; leaf-entangled; genial; blinding; sunny; burning; effulgent; gracious; glancing; refracted


clothe in —s; emit—; enwreathe with —s; flash—; fling—; focus—; follow—; furnish —; gild with —s; isolate—; outshine—; play—upon; radiate—; shade—; shed—; shoot—; spot—; throw—; —blazes; — blinds; —brightens; —creeps up; —dazzles; —directs; —emanates from; —glitters; — guides; —penetrates; —pierces; —reflects; —scorches; —shines; —shoots forth; — slants; —sweeps

(See ray, gleam.)

Beam adjectives


sagging; massive; uncovered; metal-weighted; rough; hand-hewn; exposed; blackened; tarred


arch—; center—; cross —s; fell—; lay—; saw—; set—; split—; suspend from—; warp —; —connects; —extends; —projects; — strengthens; —supports

(See timber.)

Beam (v) adverbs

affably; vaguely; benevolently; radiantly; hazily; transiently; sunnily; unwinkingly; chastely; steadily; eternally; intermittently; pallidly; fervidly; nakedly; intellectually; feebly; belatedly; slantingly; horizontally; penetratingly; weirdly; genially; blindingly; effulgently; graciously

(See gleam, shine, glitter, glisten.)

Beaming adverbs

radiantly; joyously; fairly; delicately; beautifully; becomingly; bonnily; curiously; unconsciously; gorgeously; prettily; rosily; smilingly; laughingly; ridiculously; foolishly; ruddily; sparklingly; mischievously; openly; innocently; girlishly; shyly; modestly; frankly; happily; brightly

Bear adjectives

ponderous; huge; crafty; burly; brindled; fearless; monstrous; murderous; menacing; untamed; vicious; playful


ambush—; bait—; cage—; chain—; confine—; exterminate —s; fatten—; harass—; madden—; roast—; skin—; stalk—; tame —; tether—; trap—; —attacks; —burrows; —charges; —claws; —climbs; —clowns; —dances; —flourishes; —forages; —gambols; —growls; —grunts; —hibernates; — hugs; —lumbers; —lurks; —migrates; — multiplies; —paws; —pounces on; —preys on; —ravages; —roars; —sheds; —shuffles; —whelps

(See animal.)

Bear (v) adverbs

patiently; manfully; oppressively; prematurely; extremely; stiffly; valiantly; coldly; stoically; recklessly; philosophically; heavily; hurriedly

(See endure, stand, tolerate.)

Beard adjectives

sheaved; vigorous; spreading; bushy; tawny; curly; peaked; dripping; comic; incipient; wiry; rippling; full; tangled; mangy; grizzled; downy; matted; filthy; forked; crisp; trim; close-cropped; wellclipped; Oriental; venerable; unshorn; hoary; foolish; overgrown; silken; military; telescopic; verdant; patriarchal; Mephisto-phelian


acquire—; adorn with—; attain—; clip—; comb—; curl—; dignify with—; disguise by—; distinguish by—; drag by—; part—; paw—; pluck off—; pull—; run down—; scratch—; seize by—; shave—; singe—; smooth—; stroke—; style—; take by—; trim —; twitch—; waggle—; weep in—; — bristles; —blooms; —covers; —glistens

(See hair, whiskers.)

Beard (v) adverbs

boldly; fearlessly; manfully; foolhardily; playfully; exasperatingly; foolishly; valiantly

(See defy, oppose, encounter.)

Bearing adjectives


modest; timid; manly; noble; courteous; polished; dignified; tranquil; unpretentious; unostentatious; imperial; austere; regal; lofty; haughty; patrician; godlike; majestic; jaunty; lively; gay; contemptuous; disdainful; martial; soldierly; military; clerkly; grave; staid; courteous; queenly; gallant; graceful; intimate; alarming; humble; courageous; worthy; unbridled; steadfast; chivalrous; heroic; imperious; rollicking; straightforward; immitigable

Bearing adjectives


intimate; immediate; favorable; happy; vital; frank; tragic; popular; external; direct; mutual

Beast adjectives

skulking; brutish; ingenious; ravenous; wily; unfriendly; elusive; slippery; wild; driveling; boisterous; unruly; unsavory; massive; infuriated; ill-trained; bloody; savage; grisly; predatory; formidable; monstrous; maddened; outlandish; venomous; grotesque; fabulous; cross-grained; beauteous; malicious; cowardly; sanguine; sulky; unkempt; jaded; voracious; undisciplined; squealing; nocturnal; four-footed; noble; lordly; cruel; murderous; ferocious; relentless; marauding; prowling; hostile; enraged; screaming; snarling; cornered; charging; frantic; restless; stamping; crouching; sagacious; cunning; well-bred; gaunt; hairy; stolid; plodding; shaggy; rugged; graceless; diminutive; foolish; prehistoric; sleek


cage—; chase—; constrain—; depict—; flay —; hunt—; mount—; pen up—; shelter—; skin—; slash—; slaughter—; spare—; subdue—; track—; transform into—; —bays; —cries; —forages; —growls; —grunts; — prowls; —roams; —subsists; —yelps

(See brute, monster, animal.)

Beat adjectives

receding; impatient; dynamic; incessant; steady; rhythmic

Beat (v) adverbs

unmercifully; continuously; impatiently; incessantly; rhythmically; languidly; mercilessly; boisterously; joyously; youthfully; manifestly; pleasantly; proportionately; regularly; audibly; unpitifully; unreasonably; horribly; uncontrollably; thoroughly; strenuously; burningly; merrily; lazily; lightly

(See hammer, smite, strike, chasten.)

Beatific adverbs

ethereally; mysteriously; divinely; happily; ecstatically; gloriously; rapturously; mystically; devoutly; fervently

Beating adjectives

merciless; tumultuous; fierce; unjust


administer—; chastise with—; deserve—; endure—; flatten out with—; punish—; suffer—; throb from—; —intimidates

(See drubbing, defeat, blows.)

Beating adjectives


loud; insistent; barbaric; tumultuous; staccato

Beatitude adjectives

infinite; limitless; insouciant

Beau adjectives

ardent; fascinating; devoted; distant; cool

Beautiful adverbs

gloriously; ethereally; dazzlingly; elusively; unearthly; fatally; fleetingly; intangibly; mysteriously; magnificently; fabulously; charmingly; radiantly; exquisitely; matchlessly; fiercely; surprisingly; exotically; sullenly; poignantly; bioomingly; naturally; simply; lustrously; languidly; compelling-ly; opulently; richly; wondrously; duskily; cruelly; stormily; vitally; singularly; vividly; gracefully; flawlessly; harmoniously; calmly; graciously; serenely; sweetly; childishly; unforgettably; innocently; imposingly; surpassingly; disdainfully; daintily; proudly; wildly; ineffably; triumphantly; ravish-ingly; weirdly; unconsciously; sternly; devastatingly; darkly; resplendently; robustly; infinitely; pensively; faultlessly; divinely; quietly; vivaciously; glamorously; glit-teringly; glowingly; alluringly; unspeakably; adorably; startlingly; chastely; regally; terribly

Beauty adjectives

glorious; guarded; sable; animal; dazzling; uncultivated; moral; unearthly; distinctive; luscious; inexhaustible; famous; mortal; fleeting; iridescent; passionate; sensuous; gleaming; talented; mysterious; perpetual; mystic; homely; all-pervading; picturesque; infantile; notable; fabulous; radiant; exquisite; unmatched; haughty; reigning; stately; insistent; fierce; surprising; changeful; indescribable; celestial; sullen; naked; blooming; antique; poignant; morose; abstracted; delicate; poetic; unparalleled; mocking; unrivaled; natural; lustrous; wistful; ideal; rare; polished; perennial; languid; indefinable; compelling; opulent; rugged; matronly; rich; wondrous; original; verdant; dusky; cruel; peculiar; marvelous; stormy; despoiled; masculine; singular; indestructible; substantiated; transfigured; intellectual; graceful; harmonious; bedizened; unforgettable; luxurious; surpassing; sacred; evanescent; pictorial; breathless; crystal; excelling; considerable; spiritual; peerless; creative; dainty; speckled; wild; triumphant; weird; celebrated; impersonal; vaunted; plastic; blemished; stern; angelic; dismal; dark; earthly; comprehensible; robust; ripe; melodic; supernal; pensive; tragic; divine; intrinsic; vivacious; glittering; mellow; soul-awakening; tanned; alluring; exclusive; haunting; chaste; bridal; somber; unadorned; fadeless; geometric; impassioned; terrible; regal; majestic; voluptuous; sculptured; artistic; traditional; unexampled; rustic; enhanced; startling; unspeakable; glowing; patrician; pristine; tonic; glamorous; superlative; ornate; quiet; nymph-like; faultless; gnarled; debased; garnished; infinite; midnight; filmy; feathery; refined; gossamer; sheer; resplendent; impalpable; devastating; ravishing; beguiling; unique; lavish; ineffable; intoxicating; commanding; proud; lofty; disdainful; scornful; awesome; imposing; inherent; innocent; restful; unconscious; unspoiled; child-like; lyrical; ethereal; exotic; eerie; serene; calm; colorful; riotous; flawless; nonpareil; vivid; vital; lucid; tran-scendant; deathless; Grecian; statuesque; rural; odorous; pastoral; colonial; scenic; buxom; pagan; Botticellian; lush; creamy; elusive; fatal; still; sepulchral; guileless; proverbial; unattainable; unveiled; shrouded; stage; intoxicating; sylvan; intangible; consummate


achieve—; approve of—; array in—; a-waken—; bathe in—; bless with—; build—; capture—; commend—; deface—; depict—; desire—; desolate the—; drink up—; enamour of—; enhance—; envy—; excel in—; favor with—; gladden by—; glorify—; hanker for—; heighten—; hunger for—; hypnotize by—; impair—; lust for—; maintain—; mar—; outrage—; perfect—; praise —; preserve—; recapture—; rejoice in—; restore—; seek—; smother—; soften—; stain—; surrender—; tinge with—; trample —; unfold—; unmask—; veil—; vouchsafe —; worship—; —abounds; —attracts; — captivates; —charms; —decays; —departs; —enchants; —endures; —enraptures; —entrances; —excites; —fades; —fascinates; —glows; —shines; —stabs; —withers

(See perfection, charm, loveliness, grace, harmony.)

Beckon (v) adverbs

significantly; enticingly; captivatingly; smilingly; quaintly; repeatedly; imperceptibly. (See wave.

Bed adjectives

soft; snowy; luxurious; comfortable; lovely; quaint; chilly; four-poster; carved; musty; damp; ghoulish; spotless; wretched; pendent; curtained; sagging; painful; rocky; wholesome; cursed; barren; lustful; wormy; pensive; restless; regal; naked; sickly; fruitful; odorous; peaceful; creaking; makeshift; lumpy; hallowed; pebbly; nuptial; feverish; dying; sandy; virgin; sleepless; inviting; aching; pious; tumbled; weary; woeful; spectral; turfy; unhallowed; incestuous


canopy—; cast upon—; clamber into—; confine to—; convey to—; couch in—; deck—; decorate—; defile—; enclose—; flop into—; fold—; glide into—; hang from—; heave from—; hurl out of—; kneel beside—; lav out in—; loll on—; lounge on—; mattress—; pillow in—; prop in—; recline in—; repose in—; retire to—; roll in—; rouse from—; sink into—; slumber in—; spring from—; squirm in—; stagger from—; stow in—; strike—; toss in—; toss into—; tuck in—

usurp—; warm—

(See cot, couch, mattress.)

Bed (v) adverbs

softly; luxuriously; quaintly; comfortably; mustily; damply; nightly

(See rest.)

Bedeck (v) adverbs

gaily; gorgeously; fabulously; lavishly; grandly; attractively; picturesquely; gloriously

(See ornament.)

Bedlam adjectives

clamorous; dreadful; foul; frantic; mindsundering; raging; unsubdued


lead into—; subject to—; —abates; —breaks out; —confuses; —deranges; —roars

(See confusion, noise.)

Bedroom adjectives

gaudy; banal; voluptuous; charming; airy; dismal; silent; gloomy; ill-ventilated; dreary; diminutive


air—; dash into—; deny—; emerge from

—; furnish—; repair to—; retire to—; — contains

(See room, apartment.)

Bee adjectives

swarming (pl); laden; anxious; straggling; sucking; noontide; murmuring; stingless; maudlin; industrious; voluptuous; bluntfaced; sexless; restless; marauding; buzzing; bustling; busy


handle—; keep —s; —alights on; —breeds; —bristles; —chases; —collects; —colonizes; —darts; —deposits; —dozes; —flits; —forages; —gathers; —gorges; —hibernates; —hums; —impregnates; —s issue; —labors; —mumbles; —murmurs; —nests; —oviposits; —perforates; —plies; —pollinates; —regurgitates; —secretes; —sips; —stings; —stores; —s swarm; —swoops down; —s throng; —tunnels; —wings its way

(See insect.)

Beech adjectives

russet; stalwart; giant; leafy; serpent-rooted

Beer adjectives

authentic; stout; frothy; pale; foamy; powerful; drowsy


abstain from—; addict to—; annihilate—; age—; bottle—; brew—; concoct—; consume—; de-alcoholize—; down—; extract — i gulp—; guzzle—; hop up—; lap up—; manufacture—; market—; process—; quaff —; sample—; sip—; steep in—; stock—; stow away—; strengthen—; swill—; tap —; weaken—; —bubbles; —ferments; — flows; —foams; —froths; —glistens; —intoxicates; —quenches; —thickens; —winks

(See ale, liquor.)

Beetle adjectives

noisome; infuriated; drowsy; iridescent; carnivorous; obscurely-colored; glistening


armor—; attack —s; control —s; crush—; exterminate —s; infest with —s; plague with —s; sheathe—; spray—; —bites; — captures; —chews; —destroys; —devastates; —feigns; —forages; —gnaws; —menaces; —s ravage; —scurries along; —tears out; —tumbles along

(See insect.)

Befall (v) adverbs

occasionally; preposterously; happily; unaccountably; auspiciously; inadvertently; inexplicably

(See happen.)

Beg (v) adverbs

solicitously; ingratiatingly; deprecatingly; appealingly; importunately; urgently; em-barrassedly; impudently; clamorously; reproachfully; whiningly; fawningly; grimac-ingly; piteously; pestiferously; professionally; earnestly

(See beseech, implore, ask.)

Beggar adjectives

sturdy; amiable; jolly; disciplined; filthy; whining; gloomy; worthless; disgraced; greedy; blind; wandering; monkish; implacable; stalwart; unclean; bareheaded; crippled; loathsome; fawning; grimacing; piteous; penniless; tattered; pestiferous; hideous; impudent; professional; formidable. verbs

contribute to—; corrupt—; die a—; ease—; feast—; foster—; lodge—; reduce to—; relieve—; repel—; revive—; sink to—; spurn —; —s band together; —complains; —desires; —entreats; —implores; —intrudes; —loafs; —petitions; —pleads; —roams; — shirks; —starves; —struggles; —tramps along

Begin (v) adverbs

jerkily; resentfully; methodically; mechanically; earnestly; hesitatingly; ostensibly; clumsily; euphemistically; sarcastically; argumentatively; oracularly; surreptitiously; savagely; wistfully; eventually; contemporaneously; ecstatically; romantically; insidiously; auspiciously; appealingly; rapturously

(See commence, originate.)

Beginner adjectives

awkward; anxious; fearful; mere; overconfident; zealous; untried


bestow on—; condition—; describe to—; educate—; encourage—; foster—; induce—; pit against—; reveal to—; school—; sponsor—; stimulate—; suggest to—; train—; trouble—; —acquires; —advances; —applies; —contacts; —copes with; —crams; — demands; —embarks on; —emerges; —errs; —experiences; —learns; —plunges into; —: questions

(See novice, apprentice, amateur.)

Beginning • adjectives

remote; slow; tentative; crude; auspicious; recorded; amateurish; nebulous; unworkable; humble; long-deferred; promising; simple; tragic; ambitious; mandatory; microscopic; substantial; inconspicuous; modest; casual; sweet; indestructible; unpro-pitious; unlimited; significant


celebrate—; commemorate—; declare—; honor—; initiate—; mark—; proceed from —; read from—; trace—; —introduces; — leads off

(See origin.)

Begrudge (v) adverbs

habitually; selfishly; unfeelingly; implacably; cruelly; odiously; remorselessly; frowningly

(See deny.)

Behave (v) adverbs

unchastely; abhorrently; alluringly; treacherously; erratically; abominably; indifferently; unsociably; diabolically; errantly; debonairly; gawkily; ridiculously; prudently; uncouthly; proverbially; boisterously; obtusely; ludicrously; conclusively; theatrically; drably; courteously; jocularly; artlessly; imposingly; lasciviously; austerely; capriciously; speciously; decorously; callously; irreverently; obstreperously; generously; admirably

(See act, bear.)

Behavior adjectives

artless; imposing; offensive; lascivious; distant; picturesque; humorous; demonstrative; objective; portentous; genetic; outward; baffling; tormenting; prudential; austere; blunt; infantile; rude; stupid; loutish; un-filial; capricious; unparalleled; highhanded; emotional; ungracious; specious; courteous; ingenious; mild; odd; cruel; frantic; despicable; unbecoming; cowardly; disgusting; deferential; creditable; wanton; displeasing; suitable; individualistic; disheartening; noble; unique; odious; decorous; erratic; shameful; senseless; outrageous; shocking; riotous; mysterious; instinctive; decent; manly; intelligent; exceptional; reasonable; circumspect; polite; unmaidenly; childish; detestable; inhuman; callous; irreverent; egocentric; annoying; insulting; abominable; eccentric; obstreperous


condone—; dignify—; interpret—; simulate —; soften—; —implies; —improves; —infuriates; —pleases

(See demeanor, conduct, manner, action.)

Behead (v) adverbs

publicly; cruelly; wantonly; outrageously; heartlessly; shockingly; abominably; detestably

(See execute.)

Behold (v} adverbs

gladsomely; earnestly; unblinkingly; respectfully; rapturously; tremblingly; blankly

(See contemplate, gaze, look, observe.)

Being adjectives

sovereign; invisible; sinful; ungrateful; stormy; neurotic; faulty; inner; loathed; human; transformed; wayward; puny; delusive; reasonable; rare; radiant; rational; uninhibited; amiable; jovial; lively; lovely; sentimental; reasoning; semidivine; supernatural; mythological; legendary; unearthly; exalted; supreme; superior; forceful; intrepid; corporeal; unfortunate; self-conscious; unsheltered; despicable; ominous; intellectual; mysterious; rebellious; subtle; wild; immortal; created; wondrous; incomprehensible ; countless; deluded; satanic-look-ing; helpless; finite; enchanted; malevolent; celestial; terrestrial; infernal; articulate; moral; responsible; spiritual; conscious; unnatural; tame; passionless; progressive; humble; supernal; incarcerated; physical; transcendent


corrupt—; eat into—; insinuate into—; oppose—; reject—; subjugate human —s; —s differ

(Sec individual.

Belabor (v) adverbs

soundly; cruelly; wantonly; heartlessly; persistently; grossly; unfeelingly; murderously

(See beat.)

Belch adjectives

nauseating; embarrassed; resounding

Belief adjectives

comforting; sincere; inspiring; venerable; sustaining;’profound ; cherished; traditional; calm; dispassionate; widespread; ingenuous; indestructible; unshakable; unswerving; staunch; rock-bound; deep-rooted; unwavering; overpowering; long-established; settled; personal; persistent; thoroughgoing; time-honored; inescapable; unquestioning; poetic; fantastic; weird; romantic; quaint; crazy; fanatical; blind; senile; heretical; fatuous; illogical; widely-varying; theosophical; medieval; atheistic; religious; general; common; dogmatic; tottering; badly-shaken; pathetic; childlike; implicit; tacit; supernatural; pragmatical; ancient; serious; exacting; slow; rising; important; indisputable; eager; unavoidable; prevailing; ineiadicable; immemorial; confident; gross; unconscious; contrary; reasonable; theoretic; generous; universal; unassailable; vast; pious; ethical; fundamental; credulous; intellectual; old-fashioned; traditional; discreet; doctrinal; lingering; instinctive; cherished; unflattering; strange; irrational; adorable; spiritualistic; erroneous; grotesque; uncomprehending; popular; stubborn; independent; rote-learned; fatalistic; indomitable; unfounded; growing; stout; superstitious; honest; unstable; rooted; purposive; current; obstinate; divine; peremptory; vague; hoary; dangerous; prevalent; desirable; uncompromising; systematized; battered; consequent; conflicting (pl)


abandon—; allay—; alter—; annihilate—; apprehend—; arise from—; asphyxiate—; banish—; battle for—; bolster—; blot out—; break down—; cast out—; cherish—; cling to—; comfort in—; confide—; confirm—; conquer—; consider—; contradict—; convict on—; create—; credit—; delude into—; derive—; designate—; destroy—; dispel—; dissipate—; doubt—; draw—; drop—; embody—; embrace—; encourage—; endorse —; entertain—; establish—; evolve—; excite—; expel—; explain—; explode—; expound—; express—; favor—; fetter—; fix —; found upon—; free from—; imply—; incline to—; include—; indoctrinate—; influence—; inherit—; inspire—; justify—; labor under—; lend weight to—; manifest —; master—; nourish—; obliterate—; originate—; outgrow—; perpetuate—; persist in—; persuade in—; present—; profess—; realize—; reject—; relapse into—; relinquish—; repose—in; represent—; repudiate —; rest upon—; retain—; reverse—; rid of —; ripen into—; scotch—; share—; strengthen—; stress—; subdue—; submerge—; support—; surmise—; subscribe to—; trust in —; value—; vindicate—; voice—; waive—; wallow in—; warrant—; witness—; wound —; —s conflict; —decays; —dies; —disappears; —emerges from; —expires; —functions; —intrudes; —melts; —obsesses; — rests on; —springs from; —tempts; —totters; —vanishes; —wanders; —wanes; — waxes low

(See faith, conviction, persuasion, assurance, doctrine, dogma, creed, opinion, view.)

Believe (v) adverbs

erroneously; candidly; passionately; frankly; ingenuously; assertively; infallibly; conscientiously; currently; popularly; deliberately; ardently; mournfully; instinctively; dispassionately; unshakably; unswervingly; staunchly; unwaveringly; persistently; unquestioningly; fatuously; illogically; religiously; dogmatically; pathetically; implicitly; tacitly; indisputably; immemorially; reasonably; fundamentally; irrationally; uncom-prehendingly; obstinately; unfoundedly; fatalistically; superstitiously; uncompromisingly

(See suppose.)

Believer adjectives

devout; ardent; passionate; true; firm; conscientious; tremendous; frantic; lifelong; unquestioning; consummate; fervent; enthusiastic; rapt

Belittle (v) adverbs

scoffingly; maliciously; subtly; justifiably; surreptitiously; obstreperously; venomously; insidiously; invidiously

(See reduce.)

Belittlement adjectives

malicious; subtle; justifiable

Bell adjectives

peaceful; enchanted; clinking; muffled; tinkling; gentian; chiming; mellow; shimmering; deep; oracular; old; cracked; twilight; clear-toned; insistent; tremulous; sullen; ponderous; clanging; gold-rimmed; discordant; warning; ringing; rankling; sleigh; jingling; pealing; rich-toned; musical; resonant; glittering; dazzling; brass; bronze; doleful; melancholy; drowsy; monotonous; jangling; feeble; faint; rusty; antique; little; clapping; sobbing; vesper; shrilling; sonorous; salvage; sweet; cracked; midnight; mournful; heavy-hanging; tolling


adorn—; answer—; bear away—; bless—; cast—; clap—; coat—; consecrate—; crack —; fashion—; flare—; found—; gain—; hallow—; invert—; jangle—; lose—; mould —; muffle—; rattle—; recast—; rivet—; shake —s; shape—; silence—; strike—; swing—; trill—; tune—; —alarms; —assembles; —booms; —calls; —carols; — chimes; —clangs; —clashes; —ding-dongs; —heaves; —honors the dead; —invites; — knells; —marks the hour; —notifies; — peals; —punctuates; —records; —reverberates; —rolls; —screams; —shrieks; —signals; —sings; —speaks; —strikes; —summons; —taunts; —tinkles; —tolls; —ushers in; —vibrates

(See instrument, anvil.)

Belle adjectives

merciless; waltzing; ballet; faded; traditional; brilliant; raging

Bellicose adverbs

habitually; constitutionally; inherently; naturally; hopelessly; aggressively; truculently; atrociously; barbarously; brutally; cruelly; fiercely; hatefully; hard-heartedly; maliciously; obdurately; rancourously; resentfully; spitefully; uncharitably; venomously; relentlessly; ruthlessly; outrageously; churlishly; invidiously; fiendishly

Belligerent adverbs

naturally; habitually; inherently; incorrigibly; lamentably; incurably; racially; in-veterately; intrinsically; fanatically; customarily; admittedly; contentiously; wrangl-ingly; quarrelsomely; malevolently; cruelly; cold-heartedly; irreconcilably; disturbingly; riotously; aggressively; irretrievably; hopelessly

Bello IT adjectives

inflated; mysterious; bleating; righteous; forty-acre; overpowering; epochal; hearty; ludicrous; untuneful; cataclysmal; angry; summoning; resonant; stupendous; ear-shattering; huge; tempestuous; inhuman; fantastic; wonder-provoking; throaty; hoarse; terrified; subterranean; hollow

Bello IE (v) adverbs

tumultuously; gloomily; piercingly; pleased-ly; lustily; bleatingly; heartily; ludicrously; untunefully; resonantly; inhumanly; throat-ily; subterraneanly; hollowly; barbarously

(See roar.)

Belly adjectives

remorseless; wrinkled; vile


band—; belt—; constrict—; fill—; grovel on—; inflate—; stuff—; swell—; thrust into —; —aches; —bulges out; —contains; — hungers; —protrudes; —swells; —vibrates

(See abdomen, paunch.)

Belong (v) adverbs

remotely; infinitely; notoriously; legally; tacitly; anonymously; permanently; patriotically; temporarily; indefinitely; perpetually

Belongings adjectives

countless; diminished; age-hoarded; scanty; scattered; pathetic; vestigial


carry—; cherish—; endow with—; increase

—; injure—; possess—; retrieve—; value

(See possessions, property.)

Belt adjectives

tarnished; studded; endless; embroidered; green-fringed; unbuckled; impenetrable; surrounding; inimitable; controversial; safety; gentian; fertile; swaying; sequoia; flashing


adorn with—; apply—; bind with—; carve —; design—; emboss—; flap—; hang at—; inlay—; join —s; load—; loose—; notch—; pattern—; secure with—; strap—; tense—; tighten—; tool—; unclasp—; —borders; — confines; —conveys; —encircles; —girdles; —restrains; —stretches; —supports; —surrounds

(See band.)

Bemoan (v) adverbs

miserably; piteously; sobbingly; gently; chronically; unspokenly; tremulously; wail-ingly; wretchedly

(See lament, bewail, deplore.)

Bench adjectives


slab; roughly-carved; pew-like; crude; sun-dried; high; dry; disfigured; secluded; notched; Sheraton; offending; judicial; rustic; sympathizing; elevated


adorn—; decorate—; design—; display—; indicate—; model—; occupy—; provide—; reserve—; squat on—; tilt—; utilize—; work at—; —affords; —serves; —supports; — topples

(See seat, table, furniture, chair.)

Bench adjectives


dignified; exalted; honorable; judicial; learned; triumvirate; upper


appoint to—; bring before—; elect to—; esteem—; occupy—; preside at—; resign from—; retire from—; return to—; serve at—; vacate—; —accepts; —affects; —approves; —ascertains; —charges; —conducts; —deems; —derives; —exemplifies; —fines; —fixes; —fulfills; —imposes; — judges; —pronounces; —sentences

(See court.)

Bend adjectives

distant; graceful; alternate; convex; keen; sharp; magisterial; sudden; tender; tolerant

Bend (v) adverbs

feebly; impulsively; confidentially; inextricably; mournfully; solicitously; alternately; magisterially; tenderly; tolerantly

(See turn, curve.)

Benediction adjectives

low; gentle; healing; apologetic; silver; short; pontifical; perpetual; celestial


accompany with—; apply—; attend—; bestow—upon; bless at—; implore—; kneel for—; perform—; pray at—; pronounce—; receive—; seek—; serve at—; shower —s upon; speak—; visit—upon; wreathe in—; —closes; —encourages; —inspires; —opens

(See prayer, blessing.)

Benefaction adjectives

unknown; gracious; admirable; notorious


appeal for—; appreciate—; begrudge—; bestow—upon; cloak—; confer—; contribute —; demand—; expose—; imply—; influence —; judge—; launch—; menace—; offer—; owe to—; publicize—; reduce—; secure—; surprise by—; thwart—; volunteer—; withhold—; —elates; —redeems; —satisfies; — succors

(See charity.)

Benefactor adjectives

anonymous; modest; silent; elderly; leading; munificent; life-long; potent


appeal to—; betray—; burden—; depend on —; devote to—; distinguish—; employ—; flourish under—; inherit from—; —aids; —bequeaths; —cares for; —comforts; — counsels; —demands; —endows; —establishes; —finances; —fosters; —inquires; —institutes; —lavishes; —patronizes; —profits; -—relieves; —retains; —satisfies; —shapes; —succors; —tempts; —volunteers

Beneficence adjectives

magical; embodied; leading; heedless; iridescent

Beneficent adverbs

altruistically; amiably; benignly; charitably; considerately; generously; generally; good-naturedly; kindly; mercifully; sympathetically; tenderly; unselfishly; warmly; bountifully; graciously; indulgently; maternally; paternally; modestly; gently; anonymously; magnificently; simply; unassumingly

Beneficial adverbs

permanently; desirably; cumulatively; particularly; reciprocally; mutually; enormously; surprisingly; extraordinarily; satisfactorily; gratifyingly; appreciably; economically; politically; internationally; ultimately; eventually; immensely; essentially; peculiarly; tolerably; generally; universally; absolutely; socially; financially

Benefit adjectives

permanent; community; important; practical; substantial; lasting; visible; far-reaching; anonymous; persuasive; sweet; merited; accrued; transforming; material; fixed; particular; cumulative; reciprocal; unsurpassed; mutual; enormous; inestimable; overwhelming; extraordinary; incalculable; remarkable; international; economic; educational; tolerable; especial; peculiar; corresponding; patriotic; public; conferred; positive; admitted; innumerable (pl) ; secluded; essential; immense; desirable; full; doubtful; immediate; surprising; unintended; ultimate; hazardous


abolish—; acquire—; attend with—; bequeath —s; bestow—upon; claim—; concede—; confer—upon; defend—; demand—; deprive of—; derive—; disable—; embrace —; enumerate —s; finance—; grant—of; load with —s; mark—; merit—; nullify—; proffer—; reap—; render—; reveal—; secure—; share—; stress—; yield —s; —s accrue; —occurs; —s proceed from

(See profit, advantage, service, favor.)

Benefit (*>) adverbs

questionably; directly; substantially; visibly; anonymously; materially; particularly; cumulatively; reciprocally; unsurpassedly; mutually; inestimably; incalculably; internationally; economically; educationally; peculiarly; correspondingly; admittedly; essentially; unintentionally; ultimately

(See help, avail.)

Benevolence adjectives

unexpected; winged; remarkable; defective; private; expansive; factitious; tolerant; vague; world-wide; significant; muscleloosening; red-blooded; social; despotic; easy; universal; dominant; sympathetic; amused; innate


assist through—; assure one of—; contribute—; depend upon—; disguise—; dispense with—; encourage—; endow with—; exercise—; exploit—; expose—; flourish under —; manifest—; practice—; promote—; reform by—; rejoice in—; rouse—; support with—; surprise by—; withhold—; —aids; —consoles; —delights; —relieves; —shines

(See bounty, charity, generosity.)

Benignant adverbs

graciously; invariably; consistently; tenderly; notably; amiably; big-heartedly; mildly; simply; warmly; tolerantly; gently; courteously; smoothly; generously; complacently; genially; thoughtfully; considerately

Benignity adjectives

politic; hopeful; inexpressible; suave; soothing; gentle

Bent adjectives

artistic; philosophical; natural; immediate; practical

Bequeath (v) adverbs

mutely; subsequently; generously; acceptably; munificently; extravagantly; liberally; miraculously; unsparingly

(See transmit.)

Bequest adjectives

subsequent; munificent; acceptable; final; generous; scanty

Berate (v) adverbs

morosely; abusively; furiously; heatedly; indignantly; vociferously; venomously; drunkenly; privately; desperately; deplorably; monstrously

(See upbraid, reprimand, censure.)

Bereavement adjectives

irreparable; personal; domestic; mitigated; intolerable; unforgettable

Berries adjectives

fresh-picked; luscious; delicious; bunched; packaged; frozen; helpless; scarlet. verbs

consume—; crate—; crush—; cultivate—; devour—; enjoy—; feast on—; hull—; market—; pluck—; preserve—; relish—; wreathe with—; yield—; —crackle; —flourish; —redden; —ripen; —suspend from; — thrive

(See fruit, vegetable, flower.)

Beseech (v) adverbs

unfeignedly; weepingly; vainly; piteously; charmingly; graciously; guilelessly; exquisitely; sentimentally; fanatically; piously; humbly

(See beg, entreat, implore.)

Besiege (v) adverbs

ineffectually; resolutely; foolhardily; miraculously; overwhelmingly; vigorously; rag-ingly; persistently; intermittently; intensively; desultorily

(See surround, attack.)

Besieger adjectives

arrogant; merciless; infuriated; intrepid; importunate; relentless; tireless; unreasoning; wrathful


arm —s; take —s by surprise; taunt —s

—s advance; —s assail; —s assault; —s beleaguer; —s blockade; —s capture; —s hem in

(See fighter, soldier, troops.)


coarsely; horribly; brutally; fiercely; grossly; indecently; ribaldly; shamelessly; unbelievably; abusively; obscenely; evilly; brutishly; violently; abominably

Bestow (v


gratuitously; felicitously; improperly; equally; facetiously; unwittingly; philanthropical-ly; munificently; grudgingly

(See grant.)

Bet adjectives

fatal; reckless; shrewd; timely; underhanded; unfair; unfortunate


arouse—; balance—; cancel—; cover—; encourage—; forfeit—; hedge—; instigate—; insure—; lay—; stake—; support—; — stands; —surprises

(See wager, stake.)

Betray (v) adverbs

grossly; deliberately; hideously; vilely; viciously; virtually; infrequently; treacherously; incautiously; bluntly; subtly; heartlessly; venomously; emotionally; mentally

(See reveal, disclose.)

Betrayal adjectives

gross; deliberate; grave; hideous; vile; vicious


avenge—; charge—; commit—; fume at—; lead into—; —divulges; —exposes; —violates

(See treason, treachery, exposure.)

Betrayer adjectives

accidental; circumspect; disloyal; shameless; subtle; treacherous; unwitting


accuse—; confront—; denounce—; dishonor —; execute—; vindicate—; —deserts; — discloses; —flees

Betroth (v) adverbs

gladsomely; diplomatically; religiously; contemptuously; sordidly; inappropriately; bea-tifically

(See give.)

Betrothal adjectives

enforced; happy; opposed; favored; proclaimed; prolonged; signalized; unduly influenced


compact—; compound—; consecrate—; consummate—; contract—; dissolve—; fulfill—; honor—; promote—; ritualize—; sanction—; solemnize—f violate—; —affiances; —binds

—couples; —engages; —promises

(See engagement.)

Betterment adjectives

permanent; material; economic; moral; human; spiritual; lasting; civic

Beverage adjectives

intoxicating; wholesome; fermented; distilled; seductive; beguiling; customary; exhilarating; soothing; mild; constant; limpid; refreshing; invigorating; fragrant; thirstquenching


brew—; carbonate—; consume—; devise—; dispense—; dissolve into—; draw off—; formulate—; infuse—; ladle—; medicate—; quaff—; sip—; tap—; treat—with; weaken —; —cools; —effervesces; —ferments; — foams; —induces; —intoxicates; —percolates; —relieves; —satisfies; —warms

(See drink, liquor, wine, beer, coffee, etc.)

Bewail (v) adverbs

sepulchrally; mournfully;   heartbrokenly

blatantly; vigorously; hoarsely; stentorious-ly; stormily; fearfully;   inarticulately


(See bemoan.)

Bewilder (v) adverbs

confusingly; completely; perplexingly; inscrutably; spiritually; pitifully; naively; tragically; childishly

(See confuse, perplex, mystify.)

Bewildered adverbs

strangely; suddenly; hopelessly; helplessly; mysteriously; alarmingly; gravely; seriously; tragically; disastrously; completely; horribly; terribly; indescribably; obviously; manifestly; dazedly; brokenly; pathetically; laughably; ridiculously; foolishly; undeniably; significantly; painfully; confusedly; embarrassingly; ludicrously; bashfully; modestly; piteously; awkwardly; confoundedly; disturbingly; timidly; vaguely; dangerously; overwhelmingly; unluckily; miserably; wretchedly; indefensibly; ineptly

Bewilderment adjectives

blank; growing; vague; dazed; helpless; elated; stunned; weary; hurt; spiritual; disgusted; pitiful; naive; added; incredulous; cross; seeming; sheer; complete; deep; suspicious; dazzling; tragic; childish


extricate from—; hide—; lose in—; meet with—; stray in—; tangle in—; wander in —; —confuses; —grows; —perplexes

(See confusion.)

Bewitching adverbs

dangerously; enchantingly; charmingly; radiantly; indescribably; indefinably; marvelously; startlingly; fatally; ineffably; inexplicably; utterly; delightfully; designedly; diabolically; surprisingly; quietly; consciously; tauntingly; overwhelmingly; provoking-ly; tormentingly; youthfully; irresistibly; unconsciously

Bias adjectives

distorting; grossest; racial; political; natural; beneficial; theoretic; considerable; economic; favorable; moral; elemental; personal


deliver from—; free from—; —clouds; — crops up; —distorts; —inclines one toward; —influences; —leans; —misleads; —prejudices; —rejects; —slopes; —swerves; — warps

(See prejudice.)

Bible adjectives

consoling; dignified; family-recording; mutilated; treasured; time-honored; oft-perused; woe-comforting


adopt—; advance—; blaspheme—; commend—; conflict with—; dethrone—; embellish—; embrace—; esteem—; execute—; inscribe in—; interpret—; misconceive—; mutilate—; preserve—; reject—; spread—; undermine—; —aims at; —appeals; —authorizes; •—condemns; —decrees; —endures; —impresses; —inspires; —presents; —reveals; —sets forth; —stirs; —teaches; — unites; —veils

(See book, scriptures.)

Bibliography adjectives

extensive; sketchy; elaborate; speculative; heavy; selective; analytical; complete; annotated; comprehensive; critical

Bicker (v) adverbs

constantly; cantankerously; perpetually; un-appetizingly; pettishly; undiplomatically; uncharitably; blatantly; repulsively; incompatibly

(See dispute.)

Bickering adjectives

unseemly; perpetual; unappetizing; petty; diplomatic; international


eternally; spitefully; ill-naturedly; nervously; feverishly; incessantly; tempestuously; fussily; intolerably; quarrelsomely; forever; habitually; ill-temperedly; unnecessarily; shrewishly; continually

Bid adjectives

subtle; foolhardy; feathery; maddest; miraculous; casual; curt; collusive; contemptuous


advance—; dispose of —s; double—; govern—; ignore—; pass—; rattle off —s; redouble—; reject—; retract—; run up—; shout—; submit—; withdraw—; —astounds; —s compete; —s pour in; —suffices

(See proposal, offer.)

Bid (v) adverbs

mockingly; artfully; graciously; regretfully; shrewdly; imperiously; subtly; foolhardily; madly; casually; curtly; contemptuously. (See offer, order, direct, ask.

Biddable adverbs

graciously; astonishingly; miraculously; devotedly; pliantly; amiably; indifferently; apparently; cunningly; shrewdly; grudgingly; necessarily; glumly; stolidly; stupidly; passively; complacently; wisely; politely; suavely; cheerfully; blindly; blithely; unthinkingly; foolishly

Bide (v) adverbs

patiently; habitually; naively; perpetually; ephemerally; transiently; independently; pensively

(See inhabit, abide, endure.)

Bier adjectives

watery; beckoning; hasty; hallowed; senseless; wretched; blazing


array before—; deck—; decorate—; deposit on—; expose on—; file before—; kneel before—; mourn at—; repose on—; surround —; venerate—; weep at—; worship at—

(See coffin, frame, grave, altar.)

Bigamy adjectives

defiling; forbidden; law-evading; ostracised; perfidious; shameful; titled; wretched


charge with—; commit—; condone—; define—; imprison for—; live in—; loathe—; outlaw—; practice—

(See crime.)

Bigot adjectives

fierce; intelligent; splendid; self-satisfied; pernicious; vicious; unsparing

Bigoted adverbs

intolerably; fanatically; narrow-mindedly; obdurately; obstinately; incurably; persistently; hopelessly; offensively; arbitrarily; doggedly; incorrigibly; mulishly; inflexibly; perversely; pig-headedly; stubbornly; intractably; perniciously; wilfully; narrowly; dogmatically; arrogantly; imperiously

Bigotry adjectives

puritanical; sordid; religious; inveterate; unthinking; patent

Bile adjectives

abounding; acrid; complex; reactivated; yellow-green


expel—; secrete—; store—; —collects; — converts; —flows; —reacts; —trickles

(See fluid.)

Bill adjectives


preposterous; inevitable; exorbitant; unexpected; modest; staggering; delusive; long-unpaid

Bill adjectives


substitute; pending; mandatory; feasible; amended; revised; comprehensive; militia; drafted; pork-barrel

Bill adjectives


adopted; accepted; amended; contested; discussed; defeated; dismissed; parliamentary; petitionary; true; revised


act on—; advocate—; challenge—; confer on—; confront with—; contest—; deliberate—; draft—; draw—; denounce—; enact —; frame—; hurry—through; incorporate in —; kill—; modify—; originate—; railroad —; reject—; retain—; slap through—; smother—; sponsor—; veto—; urge—; — entails; —looms; —provides; —sets forth; —stipulates

(See law, legislation.)

Bill adjectives


limp; dejected; worn; crumpled; charitable; elusive; proud; defaced; carefully-fondled; ragged; crisp; faded; crinkled

Bill adjectives

            (statement of account

adjusted; dunning; final; lavish; harassing; paltry; peccant; padded; uncollected; overwhelming


deduct—; deliver—; discount—; draw up— enter—; file—; foot—; forward—; pad— render—; scale—; tuck—away; —itemizes —overcharges; —s pour in; —s rain in

Billboard adjectives

blatant; blazing; huge; glaring; inappropriate; inartistic


censor—; crusade against —s; employ —s; greet with —s; plaster on—; post on—; rebel against —s’; —blares; —campaigns; —coaxes; —s dot the highways; —informs; —s line; —s mar; —pictures; —promotes

(See advertisement.)

Billow verbs

bear on—; beset by—; cleave—; produce—; steer through—; sw-ell into —s; swim through—; —beats; —breaks; —crests; — dances; —endangers; —foams; —overwhelms; —rages; —rears up; —roars; — rolls; —silvers; —surges; —sweeps on; — swells; —tosses up; —tumbles

(See wave, breaker.)

Billow (v) adverbs

softly; tumblingly; restlessly; dashingly; furiously; advancingly; foamingly; wrath-fully; seethingly; multitudinously; glitter-ingly; darkly; crestedly

(See pound.)

Billows adjectives

inky; heaving; crested; vibrant; slanting; wild-roaring; rocking; undulating; glittering; high; multitudinous; dark; solemn; breaking; proud; unreposing; tawny; ruffian; surging; unblended; foaming; unawakened; rolling; tempestuous; seething; wrathful; dancing; curling; building; ridgy; wafting; advancing; dashing; obedient; sleepless; furious; resistless; cruel; immense; endless; tumbling; glimmering; restless

Bind (v) adverbs

indubitably; beautifully; closely; exquisitely; intimately; firmly; conveniently; infinitely; eternally; irrevocably; inextricably

(See fasten, tie, restrict, restrain.)

Binding adjectives

neat; original; practical; imperishable; ornate; exquisite; excellent; worn; mildewed; embossed; leather; drab; linen; luxurious

Binding (a


legally; morally; onerously; embarrassingly; awkwardly; laboriously; perplexingly; formidably; desperately; dreadfully; outrageously; distressingly; vexatiously; uncomfortably; appallingly; alarmingly; unquestionably; definitely; positively; absolutely; securely; cruelly; truly; inescapably; conclusively; oppressively

Biographer adjectives

distinguished; veracious; worthy; eulogistic; skilled; faithful; enthusiastic; pedestrian; debunking; ecclesiastical; iconoclastic

Biographical adverbs

palpably; unmistakably; blatantly; evidently; undisguisedly; apparently; openly; fla-frantly; accurately; historically; clearly; nakedly; pleasantly; slightly; pseudo-; cruelly; completely; purportedly; intentionally; carelessly

Biography adjectives

full-fledged; fascinating; literary; splendid; noble; notable; dignified; readable; compelling; painstaking; vital; rhapsodic; exuberant; fictionalized; authoritative; official; comprehensive; iconoclastic; miniature; definitive; pretentious; sensational; previous; informal; inclusive; reliable; remarkable; famous; picturesque; best-selling; meritorious; colorless; satisfactory; magnified; racy; critical; dull; drab; musty; heroworshipping


acquaint with—; attempt—; cultivate—; illuminate—; interpret—; launch—; live—; record in—; —accounts; —appeals; —attributes; —catalogues; —chronicles; —“debunks”; —defames; —delights; —details; —distorts; —enchants; —eulogizes; —exaggerates; —extols; —fires; —informs; — lauds; —narrates; —pictures; —portrays; —reveals; —sketches; —treats of; —twists; —unfolds

(See life.)

Birches adjectives

superb; slim; silver; delicate; colored; snow-hung

Bird adjectives

carrion; landward; flitting; red-breasted; homeward; chattering; fluttering; honeysucking; soaring; stuffed; widowed; songless; stripe-winged; glowing; ruffled; choleric; captive; nesting; melodious; succulent; rapacious; flippant; full-throated; chirping; unclean; ominous; insolent; feathered; sober; morbid-looking; migratory; aquatic; timorous; joyful; frightened; grandlimbed; restless; gold-flecked; bewildered; caged; nest-deserted; reckless; human-hearted; singing; fledgling; unhappy; babbling; solemn; cruel; furtive; night; huge; deserted; callow; blind; bright-winged; predatory; cheerful; brooding; herald; unscared; dapple-breasted; silly; ragged; riotous; noxious; pigmy; tropical; sable; striking; raucous; contented; brilliant; ravenous; monstrous; bewildered; imprisoned; mateless; rare; unusual; strange; valuable; roosting; circling; wingless; timid; tender-est; startled

‘Verbs breed —s; cage—; capture—; cripple—; dislodge—; encage—; exterminate—; fall prey to —s; flush—; kill off —s; peg—; scatter —s; stuff —s; teem with —s; —s anthem; —ascends; —babbles; —breeds; —broods; —builds; —calls; —carols; — chants; —cheeps; —cheers up; —chirps; —chitters; —s chorus; —s clamor; —s congregate; —croons; —s copulate; —crouches; —cuddles; —darts; —descends; —disgorges; —disports; —drifts; —dwells; —s enliven; —feeds; —fledges; —flits; —floats; —s flock; —flutters; —frequents; —gorges; — gossips; —gushes; —hatches; —haunts; — hovers; —inhabits; —lays; —lights upon; —mates; —migrates; —molts; —mounts; —nests; —s orient themselves; —s pair; —pecks; —perches; —pierces sky; —pipes; —pirouettes; —plaints; —plumes himself; —plunges; —pours out his song; —preens; —preys upon; —probes; —prunes; —s quarrel; —s race; —ranges; —rears; —s roost; —s ruffle their plumage; —s scatter; —s scold; —screams; —scuds; —scurries; — serenades; —shoots; —shuns; —sips; — skips; —soars; —sputters; —s stridulate; —s swarm; —sweeps; —swoops down; — taxies; —traces a circle in the air; —trills; —s troop; —twitters; —unfolds; —vanishes; —wanders; —warbles; —wheels; — whirls about; —whistles; —wings his way


(See animal, fowl.)

Birth adjectives

checkered; illustrious; multiple (pl); doubtful; restless; mystic; abhorred; prodigious; timeless; visible; high; noble; royal; immortal; declining; exotic; heavenly; unnatural; approaching; violent; promiscuous; mortal; majestic; wondrous; adulterated; hallowed; painful; miraculous; princely; portentous; abortive; vernal; unexceptional; worthy; monstrous; ill-starred; fated; celebrated; virgin


announce—; assist at—; attend at—; celebrate—; extol—; foretell—; govern—; herald—; honor—; manifest at—; preside over—; record—; register—; rejoice at—; restrict —s; travail in—; —s decline; — occurs

(See beginning, origin, renaissance.)

Birthday adjectives

happy; sad; romantic; memorable; unsung


commemorate—; document—; endow on—; fete on—; honor on—; memorialize—; observe—; register—; trace—; —approaches

(See anniversary.)

Birthplace adjectives

forsaken; humble; remembered; sterile

Birthright adjectives

unattainable; unbound; bitter; unwhipped; unburned; unchained; separated; precious; inalienable; undeniable


claim—; forfeit—; honor—; pawn—; retain—; rob of—; salute—; sell—; sway to —; —entitles; —privileges

(See privilege, inheritance.)

Biscuits adjectives

delicious; crumbly; crisp; brown; golden-topped; delicate

Bishop adjectives

affable; resident; pompous; dignified; massive; dutiful; esoteric; eccentric

Bison adjectives

attacked; watered; labored; tamed; horned; roaming; vagrant; herded; captured; slaughtered; conquered; hunted; skinned; galloping; thundered; inhabited; restricted; protected


corral—; exterminate—J herd—; shelter—; yoke—; —abound; —bellows; —charges; —grazes; —pastures; —ranges; —roams; —roars; —sheds; —stampedes; —vanishes

(See ox, buffalo, animal.)

Bit adjectives

needful; tempting; savory; checked; insignificant; fluffy; bright; picturesque; unrelated; choice; fragmentary; imaginary; premature; fantastic; mute; tuneless; disquieting; impossible; brilliant; incredible; dainty; demoralized; charred; flimsy

Bit adjectives

           (mouthpiece of bridle

double; chain; cruel; champed; curbing; excruciating; maddening; torturous; vexing


accustom to—; adjust—; attach to—; callous to—; champ at—; choke on—; control with —; cough out—; fight against—; jerk at—; respond to—; ride—; run away from—; saw at—; shy at—; slaver—; spit out—; stop with—; swallow—; take—between teeth; veer from—; yank at—; —chafes; —clamps tongue; —curbs; —restrains; —slackens; — subdues; —tames; —tortures

Bite adjectives

crisp; short; crunching; vicious; murderous; prodigious; good-sized; furious; agonizing; hurried; hasty


down—; gulp—; inflict—; —cuts; —heals

—pierces; —wounds

Bite (v) adverbs

savagely; impetuously; unmercifully; unexpectedly; annoyingly; passionately; viciously; daintily; crunchingly; murderously; agonizingly; hurriedly; hastily

(See nibble, chew.)

Biting («) adverbs

sarcastically; bitterly; viciously; venomously; insidiously; hatefully; mercilessly; deliberately; churlishly; unsparingly; crustily; insolently; obnoxiously; captiously; censoriously; caustically; acrimoniously; perversely; contumaciously; snappishly; peevishly; uncivilly; ungraciously; abusively

Bitter adverbs

maliciously; shrewdly; enviously; viciously; purposely; unnecessarily; uncontrollably; insidiously; invidiously; sharply; cynically; sarcastically; spitefully; jealously; intentionally; cunningly; ironically; insinuatingly; incisively; cruelly; brutally; unwisely; atrociously; malevolently; tauntingly; caustically; diabolically

Bitterness adjectives

thwarted; rancorous; profound; political; unserviceable; chill; quiet; corrosive; smiling; intense; loathsome; speculative; secret; pent-up; sarcastic; extreme; sectional; unsparing; contradictory; personal; sardonic; unrelenting; acrid; partisan; increased; concealed; concentrated; unspoken; undying; chronic


be devoid of—; brush aside—; erase—; evoke—; fan—; intensify—; persecute with —; taste—; temper—; —creeps into; —develops; —flames; —gnaws; —heats; — vexes

(See malice, rancor.)

Bi POU AC adjectives

picturesque; solemn; miserable

Black (n) adjectives

solemn; rusty; pitchy; stark; shining; blistered; exploited; wicked; natural; dense; lustrous; inky; midnight; conservative; rich; dense; impenetrable; oppressive; sable; ominous; heavy; palpable; murky; humid; thick

Black (a) adverbs

rustily; dingily; deeply; lugubriously; formidably; gloomily; duskily; murkily; pitch-ily; sombrely; richly; pallidly; dunly; faintly; dully; coldly; unearthly; sepulchrally; mournfully; glossily; glassily; smoothly; astonishingly; incredibly; unspeakably

Blackbird adjectives

combative; chuckling; glinting; saucy; scolding; sooty; squabbling; planing; winging; windy; timid


—chatters; —chants; —claws; —flaps; — flutes; —hovers; —migrates; —nests; — plasters; —preys on; —raids; —ravages

—sails off; —warbles

(See bird.)

Blackguard adjectives

dissipated; turbulent; foreign; drunken; brutal

Blackness adjectives

inky; impenetrable; oppressive; pitchy; soft; sable; ominous; murky; cold; drizzling; unsociable; palpable; heavy; humid; piercing; peculiar; dripping; appalling; corrugated; musty; absolute; quivering; menacing; comforting; Cimmeiian; Stygian


engulf in—; grope through—; lose in—; peer into—; steer through—; —envelops

(See darkness.)

Blacksmith adjectives

rural; gnarled; sinewy; mighty; brawny


(grass) springing; wind-rippled; dewy

Blade adjectives


blushing; foppish; gay; desperate; roistering; brilliant; flashy; overdressed; jolly; generous

Blade adjectives


flashing; glittering; whirling; bright; heavy; broad; double-edged; sharp; dull; penetrating; rapier; projecting; fiery; lean; delicate; blameful; bloody; dripping; burnished; avenging; diy; scanty; polished; troublesome; flexible; unwithering; tremulous; freshly-springing; fratricidal; bayleafshaped; deadly; reddened; shining; scytheshaped; trenchant; trusty; unsheathed; well-tempered ; worthy


carve with—; draw—; drive in—; flash—; forge—; grasp—; heave—; lash with—; redden—; send—home; sheathe—; temper —; withdraw—; —glances off; —lacerates; —pricks

(See knife.)

Blamable adverbs

partially; lamentably; unhappily; deplorably; unquestionably; entirely; seriously; directly; indirectly; morally; sinfully; deservedly; completely; personally; atrociously; criminally; enormously; outrageously; censurably; exceptionally; reprehensibly; unbelievably

Blame adjectives

high-repented; worthy; moral; sinful; specific; small; ill-placed; complete; deserved; directed; heavenly


absolve of—; account for—; accuse of—; allocate—; attach—to; avoid—; bear—; censure in—; charge with—; conceal—; deflect—; deserve—; devise—; expose to—; free from—; impute—to; incur—; lay—to; merit—; reproach with—; share—; stamp with—; trace—; vindicate one of—

(See censure, reproach, condemnation.)

Blame (v) adverbs

unjustly; morally; sinfully; specifically; completely; deservedly; prejudicially; unthinkingly; narrow-mindedly; puritanically

(See censure, reproach.)

Blameless adverbs

clearly; innocently; exceptionally; altogether; wholly; consciously; truly; undoubtedly; impeccably; virtually; artlessly; virtuously; happily; essentially; palpably;-patently; indisputably; incontestably; indubitably; positively; absolutely; spotlessly; unquestionably

Bland adverbs

inscrutably; gently; politely; mysteriously; amiably; civilly; complacently; courteously; genteelly; good-temperedly; obsequiously; suavely; urbanely; suspiciously; sweetly; affably; cordially; graciously; ingratiatingly; habitually; unfailingly; surprisingly; essentially

Blandishment adjectives

spider-like; sordid; paternal; artless; suave

sneering; oily

Blandness adjectives

inscrutable; confidential; amazing; acquired; pretended

Blanket adjectives

dripping; lovely; soaked; gaudy; bright-colored; impenetrable; shaggy; government; smelly; ragged; invisible; undulating; stretched; osier; sulphur; tasseled; warming; comfortable


air—; clothe in—; divest of—s; double —s envelop in —s; fold in—; immerse in— pattern—; shelter with—; snuggle in— tuck—in; weave—; wrap in—; —comforts —consoles; —protects; —shields; —shrouds —smothers

(See robe.)

Blankness adjectives

oblivious; utter; lurid; strange; complete; devastating; overwhelming; inescapable; dire

Blare (v) adverbs

steadfastly; vigorously; furiously; shrilly; howlingly; fearfully; cuttingly; startlingly; penetratingly; brassily; warningly; echoing-ly

(See bellow.)

Blaspheme (adverbs

scandalously; fearfully; soul-searingly; abominably; raucously; mutteringly; luridly; crudely; shockingly; ominously

(See swear.)

Blasphemous adverbs

scutrilously; luridly; startlingly; horribly; unspeakably; soul-searingly; abominably; hideously; shrilly; raucously; noisily; inarticulately; mutteringly; unutterably; impiously; irreverently; brazenly; openly; wilfully; profanely; perversely; sacrilegiously; fanatically; scoffingly; desecratingly; irreligiously; cynically; intolerably; unbearably; terrifyingly; unregenerately; godless-ly; unforgivably; diabolically; ruthlessly; implacably; criminally; indefensibly; inexcusably; unpardonably; flagrantly; iniquit-ously; scandalously; wickedly; offensively; accursedly; indecorously; infamously; nefariously; obdurately; unconscionably; villainously

Blasphemy adjectives

loud; lurid; startling; .horrible; unspeakable; soul-searing; abominable; willful; hideous; shrill; vast; raucous; intricate; illimitable; half-inarticulate

Blast adjectives

overwhelming; vigorous; short; fierce; furious; golden; hoarse; challenging; unbroken; scorching; stentorian; summoning; shrill; chilling; stinging; icy; polar; startling; passing; careening; suffocating; howling; putrid; eddying; tremulous; stirring; modulated; bitter; spasmodic; heated ; bleak; tearful; wintry; pitiless; furnace-like; roaring; infernal; scornful; woeful; cutting; unruly; nightly; parching; wailing; foul; stormy; raging


blow—; loose—; prepare for—; set off—; shiver in—; shrink from—; spit out—; time —; unloose—; —bites; —bolts; —decapitates; —displaces; —envelops; —frees; — forces; —raves; —rends; —resounds; — rises; —roars; —rocks; —shakes; —shatters; —shocks; —startles; —unearths; —uproots; —vibrates; —withers

(See explosion, discharge.)

Blast (v>


terrifically; overwhelmingly; vigorously; suffocatingly; thunderously; stunningly; tremendously; dynamically

(See smite, destroy, frustrate.)

Blatant adverbs

clamorously; vociferously; cheeringly; uproariously; screamingly; stentoriously; offensively; unnecessarily; asininely; blunderingly; brainlessly; arrogantly; extravagantly; foolishly; heavily; ineptly; obtusely; senselessly; weakly; awkwardly; boorishly; lustily; indecorously; loudly; ribaldly; obstreperously; tawdrily; coarsely; cheaply; vulgarly; oddly; unwontedly; hoydenishly; monstrously; clownishly; outlandishly

Blaze adjectives

ghastly; solstitial; supersolar; hospitable; fruitful; crimson; mellowed; meridian; fierce; brilliant; torrid; departed; passionate; leaping; flaring; cheery; unclouded; quenchless; final; distant; wondrous; continuous; garish; radiant; far-beaming; careless; sullen; comforting; noontide; bright; splendid; golden; hungry; glowing


burst into—; confine—to; diffuse—; extinguish—; feed—; smother—; —beams; — flares up; —illumines; —ravages; —roars

—scorches; —sears; —springs up

(See flame, fire, light.)

Blaze (v) adverbs

magnificently; spectacularly; terrifically; intensely; defiantly; crimsonly; torridly; passionately; flaringly; garishly; radiantly; sullenly; glowingly

(See flame.)

Blazoned adjectives

               (also emblazoned

gloriously; goldenly; ceremoniously; glitter-ingly; grandly; magnificently; pretentiously; colourfully; punctiliously; properly; ritual-istically; ceremonially; spectacularly; splendidly; fancifully; fantastically; ostentatiously; flamingly; garishly; gaudily; gaily; majestically; sumptuously; theatrically; noteworthily; deservedly; lustrously; distinctively; honorably; famously; sublimely; immortally; memorably; exaltedly; surpassingly; deathlessly; impcrishably; prominently; proudly; imposingly

Blazonry adjectives

rich; barred; glorious; blood-red; historic; age-old; aristocratic; meaningful

Bleat (v) adverbs


Bleating adjectives

incessant; piteous; high-pitched; squeaky; helpless; ineffectual

Bleed (v) adverbs

internally; sorely; profusely; copiously; continually; excessively; fatally; terrifyingly; unexpectedly; intermittently

(See exude.)

Bleeding adjectives

continuous; excessive; fatal; forced; arrested


arrest—; benefit from—; check—; coagulate—; combat—; control—; dread—; eliminate—; encourage—; impair by—; induce —; plug—; recover from—; reduce—; result in—; retard—; staunch—; suffer from —; tourniquet—, treat—; witness—; — ceases; —confines; —endangers; —enervates; —impoverishes; —increases; —irrigates; —saps; —shocks; —weakens

(See hemorrhage.)

Blemish adjectives

superficial; facial; physical; unsightly


detect—; discern—; eradicate—; result in —; —blots; —disfigures; —flaws; —impairs; —marks; —mars; —scars; —slurs


(See defect, fault, imperfection, flaw.)

Blend (v) adverbs

softly; intimately; pleasantly; indistinguish-ably; cunningly; curiously; skillfully; delicately; inextricably; mildly; expertly; exquisitely; amazingly; incredibly; magically; miraculously; mysteriously

(See merge, combine, mix, assimilate.)

Blending adjectives

extraordinary; delightful; special; uncopi-able; mild; expert; discreet; mellow; master; subtle; delicate; rare; happy; strange; colossal; exquisite

Bless (v) adverbs

sanctimoniously; benignly; spiritually; devoutly; reverently; graciously; silently; eternally; providentially

Blessed adverbs

blissfully; happily; infinitely; richly; unquestionably; gratefully; ecstatically; gloriously; eternally; divinely; magically; mystically; endlessly; tenderly; devoutly; profoundly; fervently; sincerely; devotedly; reverently; immeasurably; warmly; thankfully

Blessing adjectives

unexampled; greatest; inestimable; countless (pl); infinite; fervent; plural (pl); apostolic; unmitigated; needful; earthly; mutual (pl); manifold (pl); priestly; substantial; redeeming; unfelt; silent; certain; rich; supernatural; heavenly; abundant; guttural; over-cordial; unimpaired; unclouded; sundry (pl); unequivocal; endless; providential; choicest; valueless; lasting; lifelong; eternal


abound with —s; bestow—upon; cherish—; consecrate with—; crown with —s; inherit —; invoke—; pour —s upon; pronounce—; prove—; realize—; render—; wish—upon; —s attend; —consoles; —descends upon; —s flow from; —hallows; —redeems; —thrills

(See benediction, favor.)

Blight adjectives

devastating; mouldy; cruel; venomous; visible; premature; swarming

Blind adverbs

falsely; defiantly; wilfully; mercifully; be-sottedly; heart-rendingly; wretchedly; pitiably; totally

(See obscure.)

Blindness adjectives

obstinate; approaching; helpless; innocent; ultimate; mortal; burning; perspicacious; willful; social; pedantic

Blinds adjectives

copper; painted; window; genteel; dilapidated; secret; shut; much-used

Blink (v) adverbs

solemnly; approvingly; sleepily; drowsily; somnolently; shrewdly; sagaciously; dazedly; incessantly; intermittently

(See wink, disregard, overlook.)

Bliss adjectives

truest; rapturous; idiotic; unutterable; hysterical; mortal; conjugal; winged; ecstatic; endless; unforgettable; perennial; purest; youthful; dissolving; ambiguous; matchless; unclouded; virgin; visioned; perfect; connubial; extreme; dreamy; unearthly; ineffable; immortal; highest; domestic; private; perpetual; tranquil; coming; sensual; dead; inward; candid; nameless; eternal; transporting; audacious; mantling; faded; departed; foreshadowed; capricious; passive; paralyzed; everlasting; human; heavenly; imaginary; enormous


abide in—; anticipate—; attain—; augment —; dampen—; deluge—; diffuse—; dwell in —; experience—; merit—; reign in—; renounce—; sever from—; share in—; violate —; wither—

(See rapture, happiness, ecstasy.)

Blissful adverbs

delightfully; supremely; rapturously; gladly; happily; ravishingly; beatifically'; joyously; transportedly; charmingly; joyfully; luxuriously; thrillingly; exquisitely; deliciously; incredibly; fascinatingly; blessedly; truly; idiotically; unforgettably; conjugally; amorously; enormously; eternally; dreamily; ineffably; perfectly; matchlessly; endlessly; youthfully; innocently; ecstatically

Blister adjectives

benign; dark; burning; malignant; tiny; suppurating; prurient; purulent; unsightly; watery


absorb—; acquire—; apply to—; cover with —s; drain—; heal—; infect—; inflame to —; open—; paint—; plague with —s; puff into—; raise—; remove—; rub into—; suffer from—; swell into-^-; treat—; —annoys; —appears; —burns; —bursts; —inconveniences; —irritates; —pains; —drains

(See ulcer, sore, boil.)

Blithe adverbs

infectiously; charmingly; cheerfully; gaily; healthily; contagiously; habitually; airily; exuberantly; heedlessly; carelessly; nimbly; affectionately; bewitchingly; teasingly; be-wilderingly; childishly; girlishly; youthfully; wholeheartedly; enticingly; irresistibly; exhilaratingly; animatedly; gleefully; hilariously; friskily; bonnily; exultingly; happily; jauntily; jovially; joyously; jubilantly; joyfully; laughingly; merrily; mirthfully; playfully; rollickingly; spiritedly; vivaciously; trickily; winsomely

Blizzard adjectives

biting; dense; muffled; roaring; driving; raging; terrible; insect; blinding; numbing; howling; merciless; swirling


dread—; forecast—; forewarn of—; perish in—; precede—; predict—; shelter from—

—blasts; —blinds; —freezes; —rages; — rattles; —redoubles its force; —rises; — shrieks; —suffocates; —tears; —wheels; — whines; —whirls

(See wind, disaster, storm.)

Block adjectives

riveted; clanking; creaking; dedicated

bloody; lifeless; vertical; city

Blockade adjectives

never-ending; actual;, patriotic; economic; dilatory; menacing; complete; vertical; partial; inescapable; innumerable (pl)


break—; comply with—; cut off by—; denounce—; detail—; effect—; enforce—; engage in—; foil—; force—; impose—; insure—; maintain—; notify of—; patrol in —; penetrate—; proclaim—; raise—; relieve—; resort to—; retaliate for—; run—; slip out of—; smuggle through—; storm—; subject to—; succumb to—; surrender to—; sustain—; terminate—; undertake—; — binds; —checks; —compels surrender; — confiscates; —denies; —detains; —distresses; —endangers; —interrupts; —isolates; —obtructs; —prohibits; —shuts off; — starves

(See embargo.)

Blockhead adjectives

babbling; inconceivable; prattling; idling

complete; accomplished; practiced; genial; harmless; silly; fond

Blonde adjectives

blithe; fine; sandy; honey-colored; flamboyant; debonair; strident; incurable; brilliant; robust; vivacious; appealing; feather-headed; ravishing; pretty; irresponsible; peroxide; raucous; platinum; stringy; petite; insolent; attractive; natural; bleached; wistful

Blonde adverbs

alluringly; rapturously; heavenly; divinely; seductively; naturally; artificially; goldenly; sandily; ruddily; tawnily; flamboyantly; stridently; brilliantly; vivaciously; bleached-ly; attractively; provocatively; stringily; irresponsibly; prettily; ravishingly; feather-headedly; appealingly; irresistibly; enchant-ingly; refreshingly; winsomely; fascinatingly; daintily; felicitously; pleasantly; satisfyingly; tormentingly; disturbingly; grievously; inordinately; bewitchingly

Blood adjectives

distinguished; vigorous; fighting; chivalrous; tainted; foul; fraternal; stale; rank; polluted; dangerous; feverish; tingling; pounding; pulsing; oozing; flowing; mingled; foreign; human; hot; caked; dried; frozen; chilled; sluggish; innocent; spattered; quick; living; turbulent; bereaved; sacred; hostile; young; drowsy; precious; patriot; malapert; rushing; ebbing; jellied; trading; frolicsome; atoning; molten; violent; daring; kindred; nutrient; swift; basic; true; gummy; martyred; heretic; faultless; systolic; wicked; generous; pale; coursing; royal; aspiring; frothy; haughtiest; sanguine; congealed; arrested; excellent; noble; ra.re; sweet; comfortable; nomadic; corrupt


aerate—; baptize in—; bathe in—; besmear with—; blend —s; chill—; cleanse—; congeal—; contaminate—; convey—; cool—; curdle—; defile with—; dilute—; dip in—; draw—; drip—; dye with—; effuse—; enrich—; expel—; fertilize—; flush with—; forfeit—; foul—; freeze—; go down in—; impoverish—; infect—; infiltrate—; infuse —; inhabit—; inoculate—; inure to—; invigorate—; issue from—; let—; oxygenate —; paint with—; poison—; pollute—; purge —; purify—; redden with—; seal with—; secrete—; shed—; soak in—; spill—; splash with—; spout—; stain with—; staunch—; steep in—; stimulate—; stir—; suck—; suffuse with—; swill—; taint—; taste—; thirst for—; transfuse—; wallow in—; win with —; write in—; yield—; —accumulates; — boils; —clots; —coagulates; —courses; — creeps through; —dribbles out; —flows; — gushes; —issues forth; —jets out; —leaps; —oozes; —palpitates; —pours from; —pulsates; —reabsorbs; —rises; —runs; —rushes through; —shoots forth; —spurts; — stagnates; —streams; —surges; —tinkles

—throbs; —wells up

Blood PRESSURE adjectives

alarming; apoplectic; choleric; devastating; mounting; tremendous


lower--; normalize--; relieve high

—;--descends;--drops;--endangers; --rises;--startles;--threat


(See barometer.)

Bloodshed adjectives

wanton; continued; unspeakable; needless; callous; ruthless


attend with—; conquer without—; denounce —; die in—; ease—; end in—; free from—; instigate—; involve—; precipitate—; provoke—; result in—; revel in—; steep in—; suffer—; terminate in—; win through—

(See massacre, slaughter.)

Bloodthirstiness adjectives

bestial; reckless; ghoulish; vampire; leechlike ; insatiable

Bloodthirsty adverbs

insatiably; recklessly; criminally; bestially; cruelly; abominably; inhumanly; atrociously; brutally; infamously; iniquitously; knavishly; profligately; scandalously; viciously; incorrigibly; lawlessly; nefariously; sinfully; wickedly; horribly; unspeakably; amazingly; systematically; inherently; savagely; ferociously; diabolically; feloniously; fiendishly; flagitiously; foully; vilely; villainously

Blood VESSEL adjectives

bulging; bursting; flexible; heated; attenuated; overworked; straining; fragile. verbs

block--; burst— —; circulate through

—; clog--; contract--; course through

— —; dilate--; distend--; disturb

—; engorge--; flex--; harden--s

infect--; line--s; lodge in--; nar

row— —; puncture— —; retract— —; rupture— —; sever— —; staunch— —; tear— —; thin— —; twist— —; conveys --;--pulsates;--shrivels up; — —s spring from;--throbs; — —yields

(See artery, vein.)

Bloom adjectives

gorgeous; glossy; girlish; delicate; lusty; fragrant; glorious; lingering; artificial; short-lived; semi-tropic; abundant; natural; sweet; faded; bell-like; wonted; youthful; overflowing; renovated; hopeful; welded; roseated; manifold; definite; luxuriant; virgin; citrus; petaled; vivid; vernal; prolific; radiant; amethystine; braided; sensational; plenteous; bunchy; precious; exotic; hidden; perfumed; wholesome; primeval; straying; ethereal


blast—; blight—; break into—; exalt—; nip —; smother—; take—off; —colors; —culminates in; —exudes; —floresces; —flourishes; —flushes; —glow’s; —pales; —promises; —sparkles; —springs from; —tints

(See blossom, vigor, flower.)

Bloom (v) adverbs

unchangingly; abundantly; magnificently; lustily; gorgeously; glossily; youthfully; overflowingly; luxuriantly; prolifically; vernally; exotically; wholesomely; prim-evally; ethereally

(See blossom.)

Blossom adjectives

gorgeous; exquisite; cheerful; bright; fabulous; pure; almond; varicolored; lace-like; fragrant; golden; bursting; myriad; pendulous; showy; petaled; wholesome; marsh; bloodlike; colorful; holy; peach; tender; blazing; curious; living; blighted; pomegranate; sunlit; gaudy; meek; conical; embowering; faded; minute; brimstone; evanescent; odorous; latent; beauteous; topmost; phantom; vernal; winking; barren; mimic; loveliest; storm-beaten; flaming; proud


bear—; burst into—; clip—; cover with —s; nip—; press—; produce—; put forth —s; scatter —s; shed —s; shower down —s; trim—; yield—; —buds; —dances; —fades; —flowers; —flutters down; —grows; — opens; —promises; —unfolds; —withers

(See bloom, flower.)

Blossom (v) adverbs

magnificently; simultaneously; luxuriantly; fabulously; gorgeously; pendulously; colorfully; curiously; gaudily; conically; eva-nescently; odorously; vernally; winkingly; flamingly

(See bloom, flower, prosper, thrive.)

Blot adjectives

unsightly; tarnished; shadowy; foul; indelible; wrinkled; messy; adulterate

Blot (v) adverbs

remorselessly; indelibly; blackly; permanently; finally; eventually; carelessly; frequently

(See spot, efface, obliterate.)

Blotch adjectives

sickly; shadowy; ugly; pale; bloody

Blotchy adverbs

painfully; disagreeably; incurably; unpleasantly; dingily; obnoxiously; disgustingly; repulsively; distressingly; unbecomingly; hopelessly; embarrassingly; disconcertingly; mortifyingly; alarmingly; fearfully; strangely; oddly

Blouse adjectives

gaudy; flowered; sheer; soft; warm; padded; diaphanous

Blow adjectives

powerful; hammer-like; heavy; severe; fatal; irresistible; lethal; nasty; cruel; treacherous; descending; resounding; percussive; menaced; serious; decisive; frightful; painful; crushing; aggressive; perennial; threatened; echoless; irreparable; doughty; well-directed; staggering; breathless; final; sharpest; faithless; severe; swashing; annihilating; solid; hollow; drunken; amorous; vicious; impending; dull; dexterous; tetchy; ineradicable; heartless; sacrilegious; accusative; death-wind; implacable; ineffective


administer—; aim—; break—; breast—; deal—; encounter—; evade—; exchange —s; execute—; experience—; fall to —s; interchange —s; parry—; rain —s upon; reel under—; strike—; stun with—; survive—; thrust—; trade —s; —descends upon; — resounds; —shatters; —smashes; —stretches one out

(See stroke.)

Blow (adverbs

adversely; ceaselessly; placidly; gustily; violently; shrewdly; languorously; keenly; incessantly; spasmodically, irresistibly; resoundingly; lethally; aggressively; annihil-atingly; viciously; implacably

(See howl, sigh, swirl.)

Blowzy adverbs

ruddily; healthily; sturdily; rosily; attractively; coarsely; blatantly; noticeably; carelessly; showily; floridly; sunnily; pleasantly; roughly; captivatingly; interestingly; wholesomely

Bludgeon adjectives

crude; effective; honest; critical; rough; swift; devastating

Blue adjectives

heavenly; silent; mermaid; exquisite; canonical; dim; celestial; iceberg; indigo; bright; cadmium; intense; sky; glamorous; turquoise; sapphire; brilliant; ordinary; deep; chalcedony; larkspur; limpid; cobalt; delicate; crystal; anemic; illimitable; somber; opalescent; glossy; boundless; uniform; unbroken; dusty; remotest; wood-smoke; cornflower; purest; periwinkle; light; luminous; royal; aquamarine; aerial; tropic; pallid; sulphurous; frost

Blue adverbs

ineffably; deeply; divinely; heavenly; unspeakably; indescribably; pleasantly; coldly; steely; affectionately; exquisitely; dimly; brightly; intensely; brilliantly; limpidly; delicately; sombrely; boundlessly; dustily; uniformly; remotely; purely; lightly; luminously; royally; frostily

Bluebird adjectives

ever-welcome; flitting; glorious; luck-bearing; joyful; memory-haunting; merrywhistling


—cheers; —pipes; —speeds; —warbles


(See bird.)

Bluff adjectives


barren; wind-swept; somber; bare; grass-grown; bold; low; hazy; fine; sand; scarped; rock-reared

Bluff adjectives


unadulterated; superb; magnificent; brazen; bold; preposterous

Bluff adjectives

              (speech or manner

deceptive; frightening; hearty; imposing; offhanded; pretentious; surly; cruel


attempt—; bet against—; boast—; call—; carry out—; get away with—; maintain—; —blinds; —deceives; —deters; —excuses; —frightens; —hoodwinks; —induces; —influences ; —serves

(See lie.)

Bluff adverbs

churlishly; rudely; captiously; discourteously; disrespectfully; ill-manneredly; impudently; uncivilly; mischievously; moodily; morosely; perversely; insultingly; impertinently; bitterly; bluntly; boorishly; coolly; grimly; harshly; peevishly; pertly; ruggedly; naturally; characteristically; unpardon-ably; inexcusably; unpleasantly; playfully; teasingly; tormentingly; nonsensically; disagreeably; unnecessarily; sarcastically; ironically; sourly; unceremoniously; tartly; sullenly; vulgarly; unintentionally; deliberately; indefensibly

Bluff (v) adverbs

unnecessarily; superbly; brazenly; preposterously; boldly; magnificently; characteristically; inevitably; grossly; incredibly; unpardonably; faithlessly

(See frighten, intimidate.)

Bluffing adjectives

brilliant; multifarious; inevitable; characteristic; unexpected

Blunder adjectives

unhappy; colossal; fateful; irretrievable; astounding; disastrous; egregious; political; awful; brave; absurd; idiotic; tactical; ill-judged; sad; marketing; glorious; gross; serious; irreparable; extravagant; incredible; recent; sorry; idiomatic; curious; unpardonable


aggravate—; atone for—; commit—; denounce—; fall into—; redeem —s; repair —s; —confounds; —confuses; —disturbs; —troubles

(See error, mistake.)

Blunder (v) adverbs

grossly; ludicrously; chimerically; ineptly; awkwardly; colossally; fatefully; irretrievably; disastrously; egregiously; politically; idiotically; irreparably; incredibly; idiomatically; grammatically; unpardonably

(See bungle.)

Blunderer adjectives                   

inept; impudent; awkward; supposed; chagrined; finished

Blundering adjectives

hopeless; bureaucratic; forward; silly; understandable; impudent

Blunt adverbs

stupidly; boorishly; ignorantly; unintentionally; deliberately; sullenly; unceremoniously; ironically; unnecessarily; disagreeably; unpardonably; inexcusably; insolently; unpleasantly; characteristically; ruggedly; honestly; pertly; peevishly; sternly; severely; harshly; doggedly; rudely; captiously; discourteously; uncivilly; ungraciously; moodily; morosely; perversely; bitterly; coolly; clumsily; ineptly; exasperatingly

Blu NT NESS adjectives

occasional; astringent; exasperating; characteristic; righteous; permissible; ugly; accentuated; clumsy; bludgeoning; inept

Blur adjectives

confused; dim; pale; ineffectual; misted; pensive; wavering; shapeless; golden; retreating; vague

Blush adjectives

soft; crimson^ deep; modest; rare; palest; contagious; piteous; guilty; delicate; scarlet; hot; burning; suffusing; lovely; rising; bright; charming; gracious; guileless; west-crn; innocent; telltale; pure; vivid; quick; eloquent; mellow; sudden; unseen; fleeting; short; boyish; puzzled; witching; unborrowed ; exquisite


color with—es; flash—; hide—; redden with —es; result in—; suffuse with—; —beautifies; —embarrasses; —glows; —heats; — inflames; —warms

(See flush.)

Blush (v) adverbs

furiously; miserably; coyly; elatedly; synthetically; disdainfully; ingenuously; modestly; delicately; eloquently; exquisitely; witch-ingly; easily

(See flush, redden.)

Bluster (v) adverbs

furiously; thunderously; fearsomely; tremendously; terrifically; ceaselessly; monotonously; wrathfully; heatedly; vigorously; vainly

(See storm, rage, fume.)

Boar adjectives

urchin; snouted; angry; chafing; blunt; bloody; hideous; monstrous

Board adjectives


nonpartisan; expert; efficient; glowing; political; mirthful; superior; ancient

Board adjectives

                     (official body

assembled; directing; executive; governing; advisory; high; honorable; local


abolish—; admit to—; bring before—; control—; create—; elect to—; enlarge—; entrust to—; establish—; organize—; provide —; refer to—; set up—; staff—; —administers; —adopts; —advises; —authorizes; —agrees; —arbitrates; —condemns; —convenes; —develops; —disposes of; —effects; —elects; —enacts; —enforces; —exercises; —investigates; —modifies; —operates; — outlines; —performs; —promotes; —provides; —reforms; —regulates; —relieves; —reports; —stimulates; —supports; — votes

(See commission, committee.)

Board adjectives


resplendent; stray; reeking; creaking; uncarpeted; shot-scarred; glistening; cypress; trophy-laden; decaying; rough-hewn; original; grub; sparing; wine-filled; ugly; sturdy; flimsy; scanty; groaning; festive; plenteous


adjust—; burnish—; case with —s; cast upon —s; cover with —s; encase in —s; enclose in —s; finish off—; fit—; frame with —; hew—; measure—; patter over —s; plane—; preserve—; reinforce —s; sand—; scurry over —s; warp—; —bars; —creaks; —extends; —groans; —rots; —splinters; — splits; —warps

(See table, stage.)

Boast adjectives

absurd; playful; empty; foolish; truthful; proudest; ordinary; unique; unadulterated; vapid; peerless; ignoble; honest; sentimental; fanatic; airy; childish; frantic; prattling; noisy; vain

Boast (v) adverbs

justly; blatantly; unmitigatedly; exuberantly; arrogantly; intoxicatedly; hollowly; overweeningly; whimsically; vainly; egotistically; vapidly; ignobly; fanatically; prattlingly

(See brag, vaunt.)

Boastful adverbs

extravagantly; absurdly; playfully; foolishly; proudly; vapidly; airily; childishly; boyishly; noisily; blatantly; egotistically; fantastically; grotesquely; palpably; manifestly; essentially; ludicrously; ridiculously; laughably; offensively; unpleasantly; egregiously; ignobly; ineffectually; inanely; senselessly; idiotically; preposterously; dexterously; adroitly; cleverly; indiscreetly; imprudently; feebly; flimsily; wishfully; stupendously; magnificently; splendidly; vaingloriously; blindly; blissfully

Boasting adjectives

egotistical; vain; cursed; extravagant; blustering; bold; blatant


glory in—; indulge in—; make good—; occasion—; speak in—; utter—; —extols; — menaces; —occasions; —terrifies; —threatens

(See display.)

Boat adjectives

crude; wooden; staunch; frail; uptilted; racing; comfortable; sunken; excursion; distant; tiny; fishing; plying; crowded; plunging; fragile; light; portable; lazy; vile; cheap; whirling; driving; moored; outwardbound; crewless; colossal; iron; vanished; half-beached; clumsy; swift; weather-beaten; well-manned; unanchored; pavilioned; worn-out; illuminated


alight from—; anchor—; bail—; becalm—; capsize—; caulk—; detail—; fire up—; fit out—; heave to—; moor—; paddle—; pole —; propel—; punt—; push off—; reserve—; swamp—; —churns; —cleaves the water; — dances; —flops; —flounders; —founders; —glides; —grounds; —nuzzles; —outsails; —pitches; —plies; —ploughs; —sneaks; — swings; —touches at

(See vessel, ship, canoe, lauhch, schooner, barge, tugboat.)

Boatmen adjectives

wrangling; grizzled; inexperienced; skillful

Bob adjectives •

ravishing; tawny; smooth; smart; shoulderlength

Bobolink adjectives

joy-swelling; migratory; coy; rice-seeking; reed-swinging; throaty; questing


—boasts; —broods; —chirps; —laughs; — prattles; —rattles

(See bird.)

Bob IT HITE adjectives

covert; dun-colored; misleading; nature-sheltered; shy; sly; wary


—bursts out; —calls; —darts; —displays

—feathers; —feigns; —fights; —flushes; — huddles; —preens; —preys on; —puffs out; —sails; —struts; —swells; —trots; —twitters; —whirrs; —whistles; —wings

(See quail, partridge, bird.)

Bodement adjectives

tremendous; horrid; accurate; uncanny; precise

Bodice adjectives

slim; fitted; jeweled

Body adjectives


aggregate; august; responsible; disinterested; official; governing; obscure; civil; picturesque; upstanding; formidable; deliberative; eminent; hasty-witted; public; legislative; virtuous; specialized; illustrious; ecclesiastical; unsympathetic; artistocratic; insensate; permanent; obstructive; impartial; intermediary; heterogeneous; pigmy; arbitrating; expansive; elastic; appropriating; unfathomable; long-established; anxious; consulting; sensible; seeming; well-regulated; confirming; alterable; irresistible; distinct; reckless; contemptible; inanimate; numerous

Body adjectives


clumsy; angular; boyish; deformed; dangling; hurtling; jerking; squatting; quivering; slouched; struggling; trembling; wan; palpitating; human; paralyzed; mummified; hairy; wrinkled; ruddy; compact’ drenched; sodden; bleeding; jarred; relaxed; collapsed; huddled; slumped; sagging; defiant; swaggering; dainty; small-boned; shapely; graceful; delicate; striking; quick; wiry; supple; lithe; sturdy; swift; strong; heavymuscled; hard; rugged; sinewy; young; vigorous; healthy; sound; vibrant; sensuous; amorous; yielding; passionate; stocky; weightless; stunted; shrunken; emaciated; meager; bronzed; slim; stiffened; taut; lethargic; slack; immovable; prone; lifeless; couchant; motionless; prostrate; huge; overgrown; vast; obese; mountainous; lanky; unclean; ragged; neglected; unshaven; detestable; overworked; meek; fear-driven; weary; worn; exhausted; charred; sick; strangled; ailing; poverty-weakened; disfigured; bruised; torn; jerking; swooning; soulless; negroid; paralyzed; covered; blanketed; relaxed; frozen; dense; unworthy; well-defended; minute; fever-stricken; anemic; religious; misshapen; pierced; organic; transparent; sovereign; inanimate; subterranean; visible; recumbent; influential; spontaneous; rotund; drowned; tattooed; inert; interlaced; unicellular; statuesque; squirming; convivial; flaccid; defunct; astral; adjacent; contradictory; segregated; idie; capable; cheerful; fluid; qualified; bigoted; unsound; chaste; •branching; decent; convulsing; cigarshaped; erect; twitching; Spagnuoled; decomposed; uncoffined; jovial; exhausted; plump; filiform; weazened; undivided; rubicund


adapt—; anoint—; array—; attune—; bare —; batter—; bow—; bury—; cast out—; chill—; cleanse—; cling to—; commit—; consecrate—; consume—; contract—; deck —in; defile—; deplete—; discern—; dismember—; dispose of—; drag—; dwarf—; ease—; edify—; emaciate—; embrace—; endanger—; exhilarate—; expose—; exult in—; fetter—; floor—; gloat over—; govern—; incline—; inflict upon—; inter—; introduce into—; invest—; invigorate—; mangle—; pelt—; pommel—; preserve—; reconstruct—; relieve—; reproduce—; rid —of; saturate—; splatter—; sponge—; stiffen—; sustain—; tenant—; torture—; transmit through—; triumph over—; twist—; vitalize—; waste—; wrap—in; —decomposes; —disintegrates; —festers; —flops; —gleams; —glides; —putrefies; —quivers; —rebels; —reigns; —responds; —slumps; —sprawls; —twitches; —vibrates; —wriggles; —writhes

(See form, frame, carcass, corpse.)

Bog adjectives

filthy; logical; sinking; swanky; sphagnous

treacherous; dangerous

Bog (v) adverbs

hopelessly; filthily; logically; treacherously; dangerously; fatally; irresistibly; obscurely; unprecedentedly; miserably

(See fail.)

Boggy adverbs

muddily; plashily; squashily; quaggily; swampily; softly; unpleasantly; unhealthful-ly; unfortunately; pestiferously; undesirably; irrecoverably; irremediably; hopelessly; unluckily; deplorably; disturbingly; plagued-ly; impracticably

Boil adjectives


erupting; festering; hideous; throbbing; rest-robbing; purplish. verbs

absorb—; cut—; dissect—; extirpate—; incise—; lance—; paint—; puncture—; — buds; —comes to a head; —disappeared; —forms

(See abscess.)

Boisterous adverbs

broadly; intolerably; noisily; clamorously; uproariously; vociferously; turbulently; obstreperously; blatantly; fussily; breezily; convivially; festively; jovially; genially; happily; joyously; joyfully; wildly; madly; crazily; drunkenly; merrily; coarsely; crudely; pugnaciously; discordantly; angrily; excusably; childishly; rudely; Rotarily; uncontrollably; foolishly; fatuously; socially; perpetually; heedlessly; carelessly; thoughtlessly; deliberately; unpardonably; inexcusably; understandably; naturally; affectionately; fraternally

Boisterousness adjectives

boyish; loud; unrestrained; broad; raucous

Bold adverbs

offensively; audaciously; impudently; rashly; wantonly; indiscreetly; injudiciously; hotheadedly; foolishly; recklessly; presumptuously; amazingly; shamelessly; tragically; singularly; ridiculously; inexplicably; dramatically; inherently; fantastically; alarmingly; temperamentally; dangerously; courageously; adventurously

Boldness adjectives

unprecedented; characteristic; decent; self-respecting; uncanny; prodigious; sublime; astonishing; pious; persistent; singular; ill-timed; ridiculous; easy.; frank; habitual; felicitous; generous; extreme; foolish

Bole adjectives

twisted; opalescent; resinous; hoary; bossy

Bolt adjectives

tremendous; heavy; flimsy; sulphurous: sharp; avenging; death-dealing; heavensent


adjust—; apply—; clamp on—; connect—; discharge—; drive—; employ—; extract—; fasten—; forge—; heat—; hurl—; manipu


late—; rivet—; screw—; secure with—; shackle in —s; shoot—; sink—; snap—; strip—; stud—; thread—; tighten—; turn —; undo—; —bars; —expands; —fastens; —locks; —pins; —prevents; —rivets; —safeguards; —seals; —secures; —shrinks; —unties; —withstands

(See bar.)

Bolt (v) adverbs

hungrily; avidly; ferociously; grossly; hoggishly; brutishly; barbarously; unrestrainedly; sottishly; permanently

(See gulp.)

Bomb adjectives

unsuccessful; exploding; gas; incendiary; volcanic; time


bombard with—; clock—; detonate—; direct—; discharge—; drop—; eject—; encase—; examine—; fill—; fire—; fling—; fuse—; hurl—; ignite—; project—; rain —s; release—; set—; shower with —s; time —; toss—; —batters; —bursts; —dynamites; —explodes; —s fly; —hammers; —hums; —plows through; —ruins; —scatters; — shatters; —ticks; —uproots

(See projectile, shell.)

Bomb (v) adverbs

cold-bloodedly; unsuccessfully; inhumanly; volcanically; ruthlessly; fiendishly; callously; devilishly; soullessly

(See attack.)

Bombardment adjectives

preliminary; serious; desultory; persistent; intermittent; intensive; aerial; constant; threatened


assail with—; command—; concentrate—; conduct—; counter—; defend against—; direct—; flee from—; fortify against—; inflict—; plan—; prepare for—; resort to—; shatter with—; shelter from—; shudder under—; slacken—; unleash—; ward off—; —assails; —attacks; —batters; —damages; —demolishes; —demoralizes; —destroys; —disables; —disheartens; —dispirits; —injures; —reduces; —routs; —rumbles; — scatters; —thunders; —uproots

(See attack, assault.)

ad jectives

oratorical; studied; stilted; rhetorical; empty; loud; pedantic; ranting

Bombastic adverbs

magnificently; absurdly; playfully; foolishly; proudly; inanely; vapidly; airily; noisily;- childishly; blatantly; fantastically; joyously; ludicrously; ridiculously; laughably; offensively; unpleasantly; ineffectually; senselessly; idiotically; clownishly; preposterously; stupendously; splendidly; blissfully; intolerably; rudely; fatuously; deliberately; crudely; merrily; crazily; convivial-ly; vociferously; uproariously

Bond adjectives

         (certificate or debenture

corporation; government; interest-bearing; matured; municipal; negotiable; transferable; utility


advise on —s; borrow on —s; cash —s; float —s; inherit —s; investigate —s; issue —s; liquidate—market —s; number —s; print —s; recommend —s; register —s; repudiate—s; sell —s; serialize—s; transfer —s; —accumulates interest; —matures; — promises

Bond adjectives


dubious; crinkly; unimpeachable; funding; highly-secured; gilt-edged

Bond adjectives


textual; unbreakable; inescapable; economic; financial; confidential; cruel; weak; tacit; everlasting; powerful; tenacious; imperishable; invisible; sympathetic; secret; strong; invariable; delusive; indissoluble; indestructible; intellectual; countless (pl); subtle; artistic; single; merry; harmonious; conventional; natural; oppressive; fraternal; eternal; marriage; enduring; close


burst —s; contract—; dissolve—; enter—; liberate from—; link with —s; loose —s; maintain—; pledge—; seal—; shatter—; snap —s asunder; tighten—; —cements; — confines; —connects; —constrains; —endures; —enslaves; —fetters; —imprisons; —manacles; —obligates; —restrains; — shackles

(See band, tie, fetter, obligation, promise.)


indissolubly; unbreakably; inescapably; financially; tenaciously; imperishably; invi^ ibly; conventionally; eternally; oppressively

Bondage adjectives

infantine; solemn; sweet; petted; deep; hereditary; deadly; commercial; intermittent; mysterious; improvised; voluntary; brittle; tolerable; wholesome; hard; magic; roseate; economical


abolish—; bring into—; deliver from—; enforce—; enslave in—; escape from—; free from—; hold in—; impose—; pledge into —; reduce to—; return to—; rid of—; sell into—; serve out—; subject to—; tie in—; —degrades; —warps

(See slavery, servitude, captivity, subjugation.)

Bone adjectives

joint; marrow; gaunt; jutting; crumbling; bleached; ravaged-looking; dry; mighty; dismal; poor; tired; aching; trivial; massive; storm-chilled; unsightly; toothsome; aged; blanching; unrememberable; dissevered; aligned; queer-shaped; earthly; chival-ric; delicate; distorted; empty; honored; sturdy; white-sown; sound; mastoid; unburied; grilled; uncoffined; shining; petrified; carious; honest; moldering; livid; weary; piteous; cowardly; frontal; pliable; marsupial; steely; brittle; immense; pulsant; femoral; prominent; canonized; spiced; high; saucer-like


adhere to—; adjust —s; affect—; assemble —s ; bend—; bleach —s ; breed in —s ; bruise —; cement—; crack—; crush—; cut to—; deform—; dislocate—; distort—; dry—; excavate —s; expose—; fertilize with —s; fracture—; freeze to—; gnaw—; graft—; grind —s; harden —s; heal—; infect—; inflame—; injure—; inter —s; knit—; lengthen—; operate on—; pick—; pierce—; plate —; protect—; rattle —s; realign—; reveal —; scatter —s; set—; shake—; soften—; splinter—; treat—; twist—; unite—; waste —s; wire—; wrap up —s; x-raj—; —s ache;r —s creak; —s form; —s frame; — hinges; —s join ; —s mature ; —s remain ; — rots


solitary; glowing; tremendous; rejoicing

Bonnet adjectives

dark; coquettish; delicate; starched; battered; flattened; sun; gigantic; hearse-plumed; amazing; poke; durable; dangling; orange-tawny

Bonny adverbs

blithely; airily; beautifully; buxomly; rosily; prettily; wholesomely; cheerfully; buoyantly; merrily; jestingly; gaily; lightly; winsomely; joyously; ecstatically; rapturously; simply; dearly; adorably; charmingly; enchantingly; bewitchingly; lovably; irresistibly; tormentingly; teasingly

Bony adverbs

awkwardly; fantastically; grotesquely; amusingly; pathetically; complacently; unbelievably; distressingly; angularly; terribly; horridly; oddly; touchingly; grievously; unthinkably; ludicrously; ridiculously; deplorably; lamentably; strangely; queerly; singularly; drolly

Book adjectives

vade-mecum; reference; glorified; guide; handy; narrow; thin; black; unacademic; unpretentious; amazing; disturbing; terrifying; strange; vital; dynamic; pregnant; monogrammed; original; incisive; passionate; ancient; worn; musty; dusty; littered: moldy; coverless; written; translated; polished; elegant; cynical; illustrated; inferior; painful; heartbreaking; obscure; condemned; ungraceful; dull; tedious; rejected; inadequate; incomplete; fuliginous; obscene; degrading; suggestive; immoral; dreadful; spectacular; shocking; devastating; ill-natured; cursed; blasphemous; seditious; banned; deliberate; quarrelsome; posthumous; sacred; unsigned; anonymous; educative; formidable; scientific; talking; racial; devotional; serious; realistic; truest; provocative; important; notable; warlike; venerable; sophisticated; wise; mature; delicate; learned; informative; readable; clever; agreeable; comprehensive; detailed; popular; best-selling; famous; hilarious; painful; funny; amusing; stimulating; quaint; priceless; rare; difficult; massive; well-made; clear; rich; authentic; factual: authoritative; absorbing; astonishing; ac

cursed; bewitching; clarifying; diverting; enthralling; exhilarating; extraordinary; first; feminine; forthright; glamorous; glorious; heroic; human; hair-raising; irresistible; intimate; magnificent; practical; perfect; remarkable; readable; stirring; superb; scholarly; strangest; sensitive; timely; splendid; unique; vital; witty; grand; ephemeral; melancholy; useful; thoughtprovoking; valuable; exercise; scrambling; profitable; memorandum; stormy; edifying; musty; indecent; salable; lewd; elementary; illiterate; lucid; enjoyable; commonplace; censored


adapt—; admire—; base on—; belittle—; clutch—; con—; cram—; dedicate—; depreciate—; disparage—; distort—; dive into —; edit—; elaborate—; enshrine—; fling —; illustrate—; label—; launch—; mutilate —; permeate—; peruse—; plot—; plunge through—; pour over—; preface—; propagate—; recommend—; resort to—; review —; revise—; ridicule—; satirize—; scan—; search—; slander—; succumb to—; summarize—; thumb—; tilt—; vend—; —abounds in; —breathes; —charms; —defiles; — details; —depresses; —disturbs; —documents; —embodies; —enchants; —enthralls; —inspires; —meanders; —oppresses; —ranks; —shocks; —sparkles; —surges; —transports

(See volume, novel, fiction, story, biography.)

Bookcase adjectives

bamboo; elegant; built-in; expensive

Bookish adverbs

hopelessly; learnedly; ostentatiously; arrogantly; proudly; unfortunately; quaintly; amusingly; complacently; colossally; tediously; monotonously; inordinately; obviously; studiously; ardently; unintelligently; vacuously; inanely; showily; blindly; pedantically; superficially; shrewdly; proverbially; profoundly; eruditely; consciously; academically; omnisciently

Bookkeeper adjectives

provincial; timid; expensive; overworked; lazy; ambitious

Booklet adjectives

descriptive; illustrated; attractive; authoritative; fascinating; explanatory; valuable; informative; dainty; interesting; constructive; pictorial

Boom adjectives

           (activity or prosperity

amazing; exciting; fortune-rolling; gigantic; rapidly-subsiding; tidal-wave; overnight


accelerate—; advance into—; buoy up by—; burst into—; daze by—; delay—; denote—; follow by—; foretell—; launch—; prepare for—; provoke—; revel in—; revive—; stimulate—; work up—; —advances; — bounds; —cheers; —collapses; —crashes; —encourages; —exhilarates; —fades; —follows; —induces; —prospers; —retards; — roars; —sets in; —swells

(See prosperity, development.)

Boom adjectives


postwar; periodic; unprecedented; glorious; fantastic

Boom adjectives


dwindling; penetrating; deep; disturbing; muffled; incalculable; subdued

Boom (v) adverbs

hollowly; deafeningly; penetratingly; disturbingly; muffledly; subduedly; sonorously; dully; monotonously; musically; thudding-ly; resoundingly; intermittently

(See roar.)

Booming adjectives

hollow; sonorous; dull; perpetual; deep-toned; monotonous; musical

Boon adjectives

inestimable; priceless; immortal; unspeakable; delusive; blissful; greater; floral; choicest; smaller


accord—; beseech—; bestow—; command —; confer—upon; court—; deny—; entreat —; favor with—; grant—; petition—; pray for—; request—; yield—

(See blessing, advantage, favor, gift.)

Boor adjectives

sottish; churlish; ill-bred; insensible; ignorant; thick-necked; rustic; lascivious; horny-handed; drunken

Boorish adverbs

awkwardly; fantastically; inordinately; offensively; contemptibly; amusingly; unconsciously; unwittingly; artlessly; deliberately; morbidly; prodigiously; colossally; tediously; detestably; bluntly; insufferably; intolerably; unbearably; rudely; abominably; crudely; intentionally; carelessly; shockingly; stupidly; innately; churlishly; ignorantly; drunkenly; impudently; uncivilly; moodily; perversely; insultingly; bitterly; harshly; ruggedly; inexcusably; disagreeably; sourly; unceremoniously; sullenly; indefensibly; outrageously

Booth adjectives

gaudy; little; secluded; vine-covered; mushroom-topped; rustic; impermanent; miserable; demonstration


assemble in—; conduct—; conduct to—; construct—; cover—; erect—; exhibit in—; huddle in—; lead to—; lodge in—; provide —; refresh at—; shelter in—

(See shelter, stand.)

Boots adjectives

squeaking; shining; swaggering; varnished; spurred; heavy; patched; elaborate; flat-soled; faultless; creaking; lustrous; lacquered; immaculate; fancy; neat; soft; studded; tight; high-heeled; close-fitting; dilapidated; clumsy; shapeless; patent-leather; elasticsided; cavalier; flappy; muddy

Booty adjectives

hidden; magnificent; honeyed

Border adjectives

remote; rickety; dusky; inscribed; gaudy; beauteous; eternal; secluded; variegated; terraced; populous


adjust—; broaden—; define—; enlarge—; establish—; extend—; fortify—; illustrate —; mark—; mass at—; menace—; pass through—; patrol—; post at—; ravage—; safeguard—; skirt—; touch—; widen—; — bounds; —limits; —margins; —outlines

(See edge, limit, boundary, frontier.) adjectives

deadly; highest; dreadful; everlasting; colossal; ignorant; ceaseless; veritable; incomparable; intimate; fearful; unmitigated; amiable; horrid; practiced )

Bore (v) adverbs

faintly; heartily; dreadfully; everlastingly; colossally; ceaselessly; incomparably; un-mitigatedly; horridly; agonizingly

(See annoy, tire, trouble, vex.)

Boredom adjectives

exasperated; intolerable; sinister; petulant; languid; passionless; unbearable; barren; solitary; sheer; genteel; gentlemanly; profound; drowsy; well-bred


bear—; chase away—; consign to—; drug into—; endure—; experience—; free from —; pierce—; relieve—; sink into—; succumb to—; threaten with—; —annoys; —gnaws. (See ennui, annoyance.

Boresome adverbs

intolerably; profoundly; tiresomely; tediously; monotonously; irksomely; uniformly; terribly; inordinately; feebly; exhaustively; dully; mortally; prosily; disgustingly; unbearably; wearily; flatly; stupidly

Born (v) adverbs

royally; posthumously; lowly; painlessly; humbly; legitimately; nobly

Borrow (v) adverbs

infrequently; constantly; boldly; shamelessly; persistently; frequently; habitually; cheerfully

(See obtain, acquire.)

Borrower adjectives

solvent; would-be; shameless; infinite; unfortunate

Bosom adjectives

ample; abundant; massive; extensive; capacious; expanded; capital; lovely; warm; flat; weak; aching; bare; maternal; austere; quickened; heaving; corseted; covert; jaded; melancholy; contented; placid; chill

ed; plenteous; peaceful; brinish; immortal; faithless; complete; genial; tranquil; transparent; virginal; brassy; nectared; sad; blushing; sunburnt; sluggish; inconstant; soft-pleated; undefiled; quivering; virile; bloodless; hard; nursing; murmuring; glassy; palpitating; rock-ribbed; shieldless; agonized; fragrant; chaste; simple; writhing


agitate—; assail—; bare—; beat—; chamber in—; cherish in—; clasp to—; cleanse—; embrace—; incense—; live in—; lurk in—; nestle in—; nurse in—; pacify—; pain—; perturb—; plant in—; pluck from—; shelter in—; soothe—; stir—; tear from—; vent—; warm—; wrestle in—; —burns; —heaves; —swells

(See breast.)

Boss adjectives


political; nervous; high-strung; dominant; invisible; corrupt; arrogant; powerful; level-headed; department; egomaniac; brazen; bilingual; militant; argumentative


anger—; esteem—; promote to—; —dictates; —discharges; —employs; —fires; — lashes; —leads; —manages; —masters; — orders

(See manager, employer, politician.)

Boss (v) adverbs

dreadfully; politically; nervously; dominantly; arrogantly; brazenly; argumentatively; dictatorially; highhandedly; imperiously; swaggeringly

(See direct, dominate.)

Bossy adverbs

disagreeably; ludicrously; infinitely; amusingly; officiously; ridiculously; despotically; tyrannically; pompously; characteristically; inherently; arrogantly; superciliously; loftily; clownishly; insistently; persistently; sharply; curtly; efficiently; offensively; detestably; shockingly; naturally; unreasonably; foolishly; excessively

Bothersome adverbs

unduly; disagreeably; intolerably; annoyingly; vexatiously; incessantly; persistently; incorrigibly; incurably; offensively; detestably; shockingly; unreasonably; foolishly; noisily; pestiferously; tediously; stupidly; mortally; inordinately; terribly; disgustingly; cantankerously; unmanageably; insufferably; unendurably

Bottle ad jectives

beautiful; shining; labeled; exquisite; spherical; grotesque; unique; ancient; flamboyant; reliable; venerable-looking; narrowmouthed; half-empty; crown; coveted; unisonant (pl); unfinished


brandish—; case —s; charge—; clink—; cluster —s; convey in—; cork—; drain—; drink—; invert—; manipulate—; pour into —; prepare—; produce—; proffer—; quaff from—; smash—; store in—; strain—; transfer to—; transport in—; —carries; —s clink; —contains; —crashes

(See glass.)

Bottle (v


effectively; exquisitely; reliably; permanently; temporarily; securely; skilfully; perpetually

Bottom adjectives

noble; shallow; luxuriant; sandy; sieve; fertile; blind; leaky; rugged


anchor to—; drag—; dredge—; flounder on — i gauge to—; list at—; lower to—; plunge to—; probe to—; recede to—; rest on—; sink to—; transfix to—

(See base, foundation.)

Boudoir ad jectives

scented; perfumed; luxurious; frivolous; beautiful; alluring; enticing; sumptuous; beckoning

Bough adjectives

pendent; blossoming; projecting; breathless; fruited; pampered; untrimmed; feathery; colored; drooping; stony; topmost; shelving; unpeeled; majestic; prodigal; thick; snow-laden; fluttering; withered; naked; raven; arching; interlaced (pl); long; snow-hung; unwaving; sinewy; barren; fragrant; untrustworthy; clustering (pl) ; fresh; disenchanted; gnarled; splintered; hanging; billowy (pl); willing; treacherous; reluctant; nodding; denuded; springy

mossy; stirring; ragged; beechen; innumerable (pl) ; dripping

Boulder ad jectives

fern-covered; huge; scattered; mighty; sunwarmed; tremendous; mossy; sheltering; flat-topped; great; loosened; granite, steel; ancient; glacial

Boulevard adjectives

spacious; crowded; engirdling; wintry; gay; bright; lighted; festive

Bound (v) adverbs

joyously; gallantly; gracefully; exquisitely; superbly; lithely; sportively; animatedly; freely

(See leap, spring, dance, frisk.)

Boundary adjectives

fairy; historical; established; frontier; opposite; outer; definite; geographical; intangible; material; titular; ill-defined; political; utmost


break—; dispute—; disregard—; encroach upon—; enlarge—; extend—; fortify—; hang on—; hover over—; indicate—; limit —; line—; mark—; perceive—; reside on —; station at—; transcend —ies; widen—

(See border, limit, barrier, edge, line.)

Bounds adjectives

abolished; vaulting; narrow; visible; stone-troubled; mad; vulgar; utmost; firm; elastic; graceful; earthly verbs

appoint—; break—; confine to—; extend—; hurdle—; infringe on—; leap—; narrow—; overleap all—; prescribe—; set—; transcend —; widen—

(See boundary.)

Bounty adjectives

beneficent; endless; essential; extravagant; munificent; questionable; reckless


bestow—; collect—; deserve—; distribute —; earn—; merit—; pay—; proclaim—; reward with—; scorn—; share—; spread—; taste—; value—; —encourages; —excels. (See gift, favor, fee.

Bouquet adjectives

lavish; huge; enormous; absurd; farewell; conventional; nightly; enchanting; exquisite; intriguing; distinctive; superb; animated; sumptuous; tasteful


adorn with—; affix—; arrange—; bunch—; clasp—; clip—; cut—; display—; garnish with—; gather—; inhale—; lavish—s upon; pay tribute with—; sniff—; surrounded by —s; tie up—; toss—; wrap—; —cheers; —compliments; —conveys; —enhances

(See flowers.)

Bourgeois adverbs

obscurely; barbarously; humbly; boorishly; churlishly; roughly; savagely; snobbishly; flauntingly; obviously; manifestly; basely; evidently; indubitably; Unquestionably; ignobly; meanly; sorrily; confessedly; admittedly

Bourgeoisie adjectives


dispossessed; unconverted; all-pervading; prosperous; ambitious; wealthy; enfranchised; bloated; mercantile


address—; besiege by—; class among—; clout (colloq.) —; control—; depend on—; despise—; distinguish-^; enslave—; exclude —; familiarize with—; inveigh against—; mingle with—; rank among—; restrain—; tread on—; —arise; —cheer; —congregate; —decay; —gather; —resent; —revolt; — storm; —support; —surround; —triumph

(See proletariat.)

Bout adjectives

match; stiff; humiliating; distressing; winding; dressing; wassail; exciting; boring


cancel—; engage in—; indulge in—; stage —; take part in—; time—; witness—; —attracts; —draws; —thrills

(See contest, conflict, battle.) )

Bovine adverbs

stolidly; dully; ineptly; absolutely; stupidly; apathetically; calmly; serenely; indifferently; complaisantly; agreeably; blockishly; doltishly; heavily; idly; obtusely; simply; vacantly; witlessly; prosaically; ridiculously; reposefully; mildly; tranquilly; placidly; tamely; unconcernedly

Bow adjectives

noiseless; courteous; flourishing; profound; sweeping; chilly; polite; continuous; Oriental; ceremonious; unbent; mechanical; masculine; formal; conventional; hospitable; drowsy; serious; ironical; garish; humid; humble; grateful; obsequious; sycophantic; inimitable; magnificent; barbaric; sawing; whanging; romantic; historical; burlesque; mischievous; silent; amiable; exaggerated; sardonic; society; manly; valedictory; smashing; frigid; stiff; scarlet; prodigious; liberal; majestic; ethereal; transparent; unctuous

Bo IP adjectives


ashen; carefully-adjusted; curiously-fashioned; crude; pliant; servile; trusty; twanging


arm with—; b\end—; curve—; draw—; employ—; fashion—; form—; joint—; level—; release—; ripple from—; set—; shape—; shoot with—; spring—; string—; tense—; twang—; unleash—; —projects; —quivers; —retracts; —wavers

(See arrow.)

Bow (v) adverbs

discriminately; involuntarily; prematurely; languidly; ornately; gallantly; ironically; instinctively; profoundly; gravely; unctuously; passively; distantly; obsequiously; cring-ingly; formally; mockingly; deferentially; debonairly; submissively; desolately; haughtily; profoundly; dejectedly; Orientally; sweepingly; ceremoniously; drowsily; mechanically; sycophantically; sardonically; majestically

(See incline, nod, yield, stoop.)

Bowels adjectives

lazy; lithe; firm-muscled; engorged; surfeited; stubborn


clean out—; clear—; constipate—; dilate—; distend—; ease—; empty—; evacuate—; in-. feet—; inflame—; inject into—; insert in—; introduce into—; irritate—; line—; move—; open—; perforate—; purge—; regulate—; relax—; stimulate—; —move; —respond

(See intestines.)

Bower adjectives

complete; myrtle; noontide; bloomless; wavy; heavenly; inmost; comfortless; leafy; over-arching; consecrated; moonlit; sylvan; pleached; native; roseate; apricot-silk; secluded; ravaged; amaranth; pleasant; lyric; noisome; blissful; fragrant; glimmering; newly-woven; close;'enchanted; virgin; sequestered


canopy with —s; cover—; dwell amid —s; entertain in—; entice into—; hide in—; idealize—; inhabit—; plant with—; shade—; steal into—; —droops; —shades; —thickens

(See recess, cottage.)

Bowl adjectives

unmingled; capacious; leathern; meager; ambrosial; flowing; enormous; sealed; pewter; lovely; cloisonne; shallow; flowered; fat; priceless; low; translucid; smooth; shining; adorned; brimming; nut-brown; coarse; coppery; hospitable; friendly

Box adjectives

capacious; dreadful; cumbersome; spacious; stuffed; cozy; convenient; jolly; satin; alabaster; screened; unfurnished; pasteboard; triangular; poetical; wooden; gaudy; proscenium; uncompromising; sunken; hectagon-al; oblong; tin; oversize


collect in—; encase in—; hide in—; lock—; occupy—; partition—; restore to—; save in —; seal—; search—; shelter in—;—clatters; —contains; —yawns

(See case, chest, basket.)

Box (v) adverbs

firmly; securely; clumsily; cumbersomely; conveniently; hectagonally; tastefully; sumptuously

(See tie, enclose.)

Box (v) adverbs

                        (prize fight

invincibly; vigorously; violently; dexterously; nimbly; uncompromisingly; superbly

(See slap.)

Boy adjectives

stalwart; remarkable; inexperienced; unequipped; boastful; unruly; dissolute; precocious; clean-cut; nestling; disobedient; thoughtless; reckless; flint-hearted; peevish; starved; shelterless; amorous; military; irrecoverable; stocky; round-faced; applecheeked; rollicking; red-haired; conscripted; sundry; dull; jolly; good-natured; laughing; active; fun-loving; handsome; radiant; lively; loving; good-looking'; sturdy; absurd; lanky; chubby; honest; mischievous; lubberly? aggrieved; vociferous; barefoot; cool; silent; frantic; disappointed; irresponsible; incorrigible; devoted; taciturn; moody; thoroughbred; errant; waggish; flattering; well-grown; pestiferous; ungrateful; beautiful; fair; musing; ragged; cocksure; grinning; pernicious; lawless; criminal; medalled; sheepish; bold; sanguine; quick; forward; capable; penitent; ruddy; sleeping; rare; rude; sympathetic; leprous; unbridled; unthinking; wayward; budding; whiteheaded; thin-faced; black-aproned; blackeyed; scornful; lascivious; patient; tender; serviceable; scrubbed; aristocratic; peevish; rascally; vigorous; enamored; swarthy; brilliant; wild; weedy; daring; tiresome; nonsensical; turbaned; sordid; dreamy; wanton; winning; sassy; sportive; insolent; headstrong; ardent; healthy; robust; sedulous; aggressive; chivalrous; paltry; insipid; feeble-minded; stolid; clever; pugnacious; problem; gloomy; lonely; fragile; timid; impetuous; boisterous; fiery; heavy-hearted

Boycott adjectives

fair; hampering; hostile; personal; private; protective; retaliatory; rigid; unwarranted; universal


adopt—; approve—; assail—; coerce by—; counter—; discard—; formulate—; incur—; inflict—; instigate—; institute—; justify—; lift—; organize—; patronize—; prepare for —; proclaim—; punish with—; secure against—; shelter from—; stand firm on—; support—; sweep through—; threaten with —; urge—; warrant—; yield to—; —demoralizes; —deprives; —incites; —injures; —outrages; —persecutes; —prevents; —protects; —reduces; —starves

(See embargo.)

Boyish adverbs

delightfully; remarkably; sturdily; stoutly; adventurously; daringly; good-naturedly; impetuously; grinningly; happily; joyously; coaxingly; energetically; vigorously; refreshingly; inextinguishably; vividly; irresistibly; robustly; ungovernably; hilariously; facetiously; blithely; cheerfully; buoyantly; merrily; triumphantly

Boy LI KE adverbs

refreshingly; charmingly; irresistibly; utterly; inexpressably; ineffably

Brace adjectives

arching; auxiliary; extended; movable; strengthening; sustaining


buckle on—; discard—; loosen—; regulate —; strap on—; —clasps; —connects; — holds; —pinches; —presses; —secures; — supports; —suspends; —tightens

(See support, belt.)

Bracelet adjectives

flaming; jingling; massive; jeweled; glittering; diamond; flashing; glancing

Brag (v) adverbs

immodestly; alcoholically; heartily; swag-geringly; idly; shamelessly; unrestrainedly; bullyingly; insolently; immoderately

(See boast, vaunt.)

Braggadocio adjectives

swaggering; hearty; idle; alcoholic


strutting; cowardly

bullying; unscarred

Braid (v) adverbs

skillfully; dexterously; nimbly; radiantly; verdantly; lustrously; heavily; intricately; curiously

Braids adjectives

stubby; heavy; lustrous; jetty; shining; long; twisted; verdant; treble; radiant; glossy


confine in—; do up in—; knot—; loose—; plait into—; snip—; tangle—; trim—; twist into—; uncoil—; —fly; —stream from

(See hair.)

Brain adjectives

editorial; reeling; sobering; inquisitive; clamoring; budding; shrinking; plotting; soothed; human; fevered; maddened; fabulous; boiled; whirling; busy; fertile; comprehensive; excited; dissolving; overseeing; keenest; overheated; immature; distempered; fruitful; logical; teeming; troubled; benumbed; sunburnt; tortured; tired; halfawakened; haunted; seething; rapt; bastard; dying; fatigued; maudlin; loyal; dull; cunning; drunken; scheming; throbbing; bewildered; heavily-taxed; misshapen; feverish; visioning; pure; devious; requisite; burning; addled; callow; young; confused; uncertain; grosser; amiable; brute; disordered; ruthless; maggoty; whisky-addled; flighty; emotive; calculating; celestial; erring; infernal; artless; shrewd; stifled; forging; cool; overtasked; wandering; vacant; sagacious; collective


addle—; ballast—; bewilder—; clog—; confuse—; connect with—; craze—; cudgel—; dart through—; dash out—; emanate from —; endow with —s; force—; lash —s; nourish—; overtax—; perplex—; pound through—; prey upon—; rack—; rowel—; sear—; tax—; twist—; weigh upon—; — burns; —conceives; —devises; —fails; — functions; —invents; —lumbers; —races; — weaves; —whirls

(See mind, intellect.)

Brainless adverbs

utterly; manifestly; feebly; heavily; blithely; cheerfully; obtusely; fatuously; blatantly; vacuously; incoherently obviously; evidently; oddly; crazily; unfortunately; lamentably; deplorably; admittedly; oafishly; loutishly

Brainy adverbs

acutely; exceptionally; cleverly; astutely; profoundly; solidly; unusually; perspicaci-ously; reasonably

Brake (n) adjectives

dusky; shrieking; grinding; tricky; rasping; serviceable; shrill; inadequate; hissing


adjust —s; apply—; clamp on—; contact—; depend on—; depress—; devise—; draw—; employ—; exercise—; fit with—; free—; jam on—; operate—; pedal—; press on—; regulate—; release—; tighten—; utilize—; —acts; —arrests; —checks; —controls; — fails; —grips; —locks; —reduces; —safeguards; —screams; —shrieks; —squeal$

Brambles adjectives

straggling; thorny; neglected

Branch adjectives


collateral; subordinate; subsequent; specialized; rudimentary; purifying; despised; architectural; itinerant; local


combine —es; consist of —es; corrupt—; diverge into —es ; establish—; flourish in all —es ; foster—; invest in—; manage—; propose—; separate into —es; spread out into —es ; subdivide into —es; subordinate —es ; —affiliates with; —booms; —flourishes; — represents; —springs up; —transacts

(See department, division.)

Branch adjectives


waxen; soft; wide; spreading; prominent; overhanging; gigantic; interlaced (pl.) ; rushing; grown; curving; circumstantial; fragrant; blazing; arching; swaying; murmuring; springy; moss-set; peaceful; long; pendulous; feathery; gnarled; picturesque; independent; coordinate; simpler; towering: tasseled; gigantic; umbrageous; intruding; flowery; greenwood; nodding; flexible; loaded; heavy; somber; lopped; crackling; beauteous; stirring; thick-leaved; legitimate; plumy; luxurious; virgin; low-bent; delicate; shapely; shattered; phantom; profound; hoary; beauteous; obstructing; isolated; fatal; erect; verdant; flattened; crossing; covered; superfluous; naked; strong; thick; overambitious; luscious; knotted


bow—; clip—; crash through—; gnarl—; graft—; hew—; lop off—; perch on—; rock —; trim—; —arches; —s cluster; —decays; —dips; —droops; —drops off; —flowers

—hangs low; —springs out; —supports; — tosses; —withers

(See twig, limb.)

Brand adjectives

competitive; impious; petty; ensanguined; advertised; popular; faithful; largest-selling; reliable; searing; offensive; gloomy; smoldering; casual; blurred; wasted; glimmering; obscure; crooked; standard

Brand (v) adverbs

epigrammatically; impiously; pettishly; popularly; offensively; casually; stigmatical-ly; shamefully

(See mark.)

Brandish (v\ adverbs

ferociously; victoriously; eloquently; proudly; heroically; gloriously; heatedly; furiously; exuberantly

(See wave.)

Brandy adjectives

powerful; vile; cheap; canteen; aromatic; mulled; life-restoring


age—; bottle—; distill—; entertain with—; flavor—; imbibe—; import—; mix with—; regale on—; sip—; tax—; —burns; — flavors; —intoxicates

(See liquor, whiskey.)

Brash adverbs

impulsively; thoughtlessly; indiscreetly; touchily; testily; waspily; peevishly; fretfully; irascibly; rashly; foolhardily; incautiously; carelessly; giddily; wildly; hot-headedly; precipitately; daringly; heedlessly; headily; jauntily

Brass adjectives

unenduring; lusterless; winking; carved; glittering; burnished; time-stained; gorgeous; barbaric; tarnished

Brassy adverbs

arrogantly; audaciously; flippantly; insolently; haughtily; impertinently; impudently; petulantly; saucily; shamelessly; terribly; dictatorily; presumptuously; bumptiously; superciliously; swaggeringly; intolerably; offensively; vexatiously; provokingly; unpleasantly

Brat adjectives

furtive; howling; brawling; ill-mannered; ugly; puny; dirty; unwanted; cheeky; sweet; angelic; unruly; ungrateful; unteachable

Bravado adjectives

unmanly; soaring; humorous; polished; sheer; pure; pitiable; shallow; ferocious; speechless

Brave (n) adjectives

vanquished; murderous; sensible; aged; venerated; tremulous; reckless; selected; gifted; itinerant

Brave (a) adverbs

physically; indomitably; nobly; conspicuously; inherently; unflinchingly; heroically; magnificently; uncommonly; eminently; gallantly; resolutely; steadily; essentially; confidently; pluckily; valorously; valiantly; re-rfiarkably; unbelievably; sublimely; quietly; patiently; exceedingly

Brave (v) adverbs

defiantly; fearlessly; tremulously; recklessly; stalwartly; unselfishly; nobly; passionately; haughtily; staunchly; patriotically. (See defy, dare.

Bravery adjectives

personal; shining; physical; insolent; sexual; drunken; indomitable; reckless; flawless; noble; audacious; conspicuous; stupid; witless; inherent; unflinching; heroic; magnificent; outrageous; glittering; uncommon; fearful; unsurpassed


act in—; add to—; admire—; display—; exhibit—; marvel at—; put on—; saturate with—; swagger in—; —amazes; —includes; —lies

(See courage, heroism.)

Brawl adjectives

disreputable; drunken; street; friendly; desperate; private; coarsest


approach—; batter in—; brook—; cause—; engage in—; force—; incite—; squabble in —; —clamors; —conflicts; —noises; —upsets

(See quarrel, wrangle, row.)

Brawny adverbs

extremely; indomitably; mightily; overpow-eringly; stoutly; sturdily; vigorously; unbelievably; clumsily; awkwardly; admirably; amazingly; exceedingly; incredibly; undeniably; sufficiently

Bray (v) adverbs

hideously; hoarsely; intermittently; solemnly; agonizingly; terrifyingly; idiotically; repeatedly; huskily

(See howl.)

Brazen adverbs

monstrously; shamelessly; daringly; boldly; presumptuously; unbecomingly; unsuitably; jauntily; airily; arrogantly; impudently; irreverently; disagreeably; ridiculously; offensively; detestably; hatefully; obnoxiously; excessively; foolishly; nauseatingly; in; decently; insolently; incredibly; unwarrantably; atrociously; odiously

Breach adjectives

formidable; continual; unpardonable; social; incurable; deplorable; irreconcilable; perceptible; dreadful; momentary; temporary; general; absolute; religious; flagrant; unhealed; monstrous; meditated


excuse—; produce—; repair—; smooth over —; suffer—; widen—; —damages; —disrupts; —fractures; —infracts; —infringes upon; —injures; —outlaws; —ruptures; — separates; —violates; —widens

(See gap, violation, infringement, infraction.)

Bread adjectives

warm; stiff; frozen; daily; gnawed; moldy; sacred; rising; substantial; living; rain-soaked; wheaten; insipid; elfin; unleavened; bitter; blessed; broken; sliced


apportion—; beg—; blacken—; break—with; brown—; consume—; cram with—; crave—; crumb—; deprive of—; devour—; dispense —; display—; divide—; earn—; knead—; munch—; nibble—; offer—; partake of—; prepare—; process—; provide—; ration—; restrict to—; sell for—; shape—; sustain with—; tax—; vend—; win—; —nourishes: —satiates; —stales; —strengthens

(See food.)

Breadth adjectives

enormous; bare; unmoved; lyrical; viewless; diverse; endless; scant; epical; rippling; glassy; immoderate; spacious; ample; impassable

Break adjectives

appreciable; notable; numerous (pl.); unhappy; fatal; final; distinct; sharp; complete; agreeable; unhindered

Break (v) adverbs

eventually; unwarily; theoretically; treacherously; subsequently; deliberately; violently; unreasonably; forcibly; gratuitously; grimly; incoherently; intentionally; threateningly; advisedly; perilously; hilariously; fatally; distinctly; completely

(See smash, shatter, burst, demolish.)

Breakdown adjectives

nervous; moral; universal; disastrous; incipient; mental; practical

Breaker adjec fives

foaming; ponderous; rising; swelling; ceaseless; never-silent; immense; wicked; enormous; tumbling; reasonless

land among —s; warn of —s; —booms; — verbs

crashes; —crushes; —dashes; —destroys

  • —flies in; —foams; —lashes; —murmurs

  • —passes over; —pounds; —rolls in; —sub dues; —swells; —tumbles

(See wave, billow.)

Breakfast ad jectives

sophisticated; substantial; hurried; magnificent; wedding; cheerful; gobbled; belated; hearty; impromptu; leisurely; gloomy; -abstemious; hospitable; pleasant; supplementary; wholesome


adjourn to—; announce—; attack—; beckon to—; bolt—; entertain at—; fast until—; furnish with—; gobble—; gulp—; miss—; partake of—; prepare—; provide—; relish —; rush—; serve—; snatch—; take—; — appeases; —replenishes; —satiates

(See meal, dinner, supper, food.)

Breast ad jectives

defenceless; heaving; secret; cavernous; beautiful; gloomy; dauntless; billowy; brooding; snowy; throbbing; dolorous; tortured; rounded; large; tight; swollen; repentant; vast; soothing; barren; sanguine; suckling; happy; glossy; greasy; watery; inspired; boiling; bloody; obedient; elongated; half-tamed; calm; martyr; maternal; well-developed; laboring; hideous; hollowswelling; feathered; torpid; shuddering; fragrant; woolly; sunken; ample; misshapen; tumultuous; grief-filled; responsive; troubled; palpitating; spotted; peaceable; haughty; silent; careworn; panting; unconscious; pious; guileless; gentle; patriotic; bare; careless; distended; vice-polluted; faultless; oppressed; tawny; speckled; stimulated; supporting; snow-cold; tender; infinite; spangled; uplifted; wanton; sagging; scourged; protruding; mailed; unwary; rugged; stormy; emaciated; full; dulled; immeasurable; harmless; devoted


adorn—; bare—; beat—; boil in—; clasp to—; cling to—; crush to—; distend—; disturb—; dry up—; ease—; exhaust—; expand —; fold on—; harbor in—; inflame—with; inflate—; infuse—with; inhabit—; lock in —; lodge in—; nurse at—; penetrate—; pillow on—; plant in—; rend—; smite—; soothe—; strain to—; thunder in—; torment —; trouble—; warm—; —burrts with; — flutters; —heaves; —secretes; —throbs. (See bosom, chest, heart.

Breastwork adjectives

serpentine; substantial; gingerbread; military

Breath adjectives

fiery; venomous; struggling; aimless; bated; extinguished; unsavory; delighted; sweet-scented; fragrant; idle; ryhthmic; vulgar; warbling; unwholesome; morning; fearful; quivering; foul; blessed; uneasy; snowy; expiring; lightest; infant; untroubled; stifled; stertorous; fetid; dumb; transitory; quick; furtive; tender; ambient; delicate; meager; surprised; hard; wicked; fluttering; damp; sobbing; quivering; dulcet; common; harmonious; maiden; tremulous; full; relieving; divine; clean; soft; roseladen; wine-laden; smoking; fugitive; bad; cosmic; scorching; delicate; invisible; duteous; fleeting; deadly; rude; consuming; sour; painful; blasting; feverous; spiritual; tempestuous; undying; vital; icy; frightened; clear; cool; warm; natural; gasping; miserable; transient; poisonous; cankering; frosted; panting; rattling; ebbing; infantile; golden; applausive; difficult; sugary; free; audible; suspended; transparent; sharp; worthless; royal; wanting; stinking; fatal; passionate; hot; balsam; contagious; tobacco; scandalous; blighting; sulphurous; meditative; unanimous; offensive; prophet; scant; pestilential^ holy; failing; vile


animate by—; bate—; catch—; discharge—; draw—; exhale—; exhaust—; frost—; gasp for—; inhale—; labor for—; lose—; murmur—; pen up—; poison—; puff out—; recover—; regain—; release—; revive—; sigh—; smother—; stifles—; struggle for—; suck in—; waste—; —emanates; —reeks

(See air, respiration, breathing.)

Breathe (v) adverbs

stertorously; irregularly; assiduously; audibly; rhythmically; expiringly; uneasily; untroubledly; transitorily; flutteringly; sob-bingly; gaspingly; failingly

(See inhale, pant, gasp.)

Breathing adjectives

cumbered; heavy; light; soft; shallow’; audible; regular; labored; peaceful; fervent.’ placid; ryhthmical; tender; noisy; fluttered; holy; distressful; steady; abundant; hoarse; hurried; quickened; convulsive; alcoholic; long; quiet


arrest—; choke—; correct—; ease—; hamper—; impede—; induce—; interfere with —; labor—; lessen—; obstruct—; restore —; smother—; stimulate—; train—

(See respiration, breath.)

Breathlessness adjectives

induced; parenthetical; distressing

Breeches adjectives

tight; leather; drab; torn; baggy; muddy; tweed; nankeen

Breed adjectives

ancient; sporting; selective; unsocial; truer; elastic; pure-blooded; reckless; fabulous; recognized; superior; coarser; irritable; voracious


adhere to—; ally—; characterize—; combine—; cross—; defile—; degenerate—; despise—; develop—; display—; distinguish —; domesticate—; examine—; exhaust—; exhibit—; exterminate—; generate—; improve—; mingle—; mix—; originate—; perpetuate—; preserve—; procreate—; propagate—; recognize—; st-rain—; —competes for; —overruns

(See race.)

Breed (v) adverbs

prodigiously; intelligently; luxuriantly; delicately; fabulously; superiorly; selectively

(See multiply, rear, train.)

Breeding adjectives

artificial; exquisite; noble; gentle; courteous; virtuous; soft; tender; essential

Breeding adjectives


straight-line; selective; fertile; aristocratic

Breeze adjectives

sobbing; varying; desultory; increasing; favorable; roving; blessed; subtle; night; summer; scented; playful; rising; steadying; native; faint; wayward; rude; slumbering; imperceptible; cooling; voluptuous; sportive; tonic; telltale; dying; sea; balmy; spicy; healthful; blistering; murmuring; chilling; southerly; fresh; blowing; sweeping; unsatisfied; zephyr; sluggish; nimble; ruffling; searching; western; fitful; sacred; wafting; whispering; treacherous; lightest; caressing; languorous; noiseless; lingering; river; lusty; passing; savage; crooning; tantalizing; penetrating; stray; pungent; stinging; vagrant; mild; raw; westerly; hovering; wanton; genial; odorous; vernal; polar; perfumed; salt-laden; lazy; casual; smoky; increasing; swift; uncontrollable; propitious; peaceful; refreshing; ocean; constant; soft; billowing; woodland; stirring; invigorating; tender; sweet; dependable; tantalizing; bracing


bask in—; catch—; float in—; head into—; nod in—; rock with—; rustle in—; scent—; tremble in—; wave in—; —billows; — brushes; —caresses; —dies; —fans; —-flutters; —freshens; —kisses; —lulls; —pauses; —ruffles; —rumples; —rustles; —scuds by; —sighs; —steals through; —stirs; — sweeps down; —tousles; —wafts; —wanders; —whistles

(See wind, current.)

Breezy adverbs

delightfully; joyously; buoyantly; jovially; irresponsibly; gaily; vivaciously; brightly; wholesomely; heartily; irresistibly; flippantly; merrily; happily; gleefully; laughingly; rapturously; cheerfully; foolishly; childishly; youthfully; pleasantly; charmingly; exquisitely; daintily; agreeably; habitually

Brethren adjectives

dreamy; venerable; erring; cloudy; luckier; weak; civilized; wicked; twin-souled; speculative; fortunate; renegade; amiable; literary

Brevity adjectives

laconic; pregnant; voluble; algebraic; tabloid; reassuring cynical; businesslike; curt; characteristic; voluminous; fallacious; laudable

Bribe adjectives

base; timely; unworthy; innocent; customary; efficient; costly; enormous; extravagant; unclenched; septennial


administer—; buy with—; condemn—; consent to—; consider—; exact—; extort—; forfeit—; offer—; pay—; pocket—; procure—; refuse—; surrender to-1; tender—; yield to —; —abuses; —corrupts; —entraps; —induces; —influences; —offends; —perverts; —purchases; —purloins; —tempts

(See inducement, graft.)

Bribery adjectives

barefaced; corrupt; covert; daring; flagrant; offensive; open; surreptitious; vile


accuse of—; achieve by—; acquit of—; arrest for—; charge with—; conceal—; convict of—; detect—; frustrate—; gain by—; obtain by—; practise—; punish—; purchase by—; remove for—; solicit—; yield to—; —flourishes; —motivates; —procures; — scandalizes; —sways; —tends to

(See robbery, plunder.)

Brick adjectives

mellow; tawny; warm-toned; Georgian; adobe; harsh; sliding; smoke-blackened; enameled; soft; hard; front


bake —s; base on —s; build with —s; cart —s; chisel—; construct of—; cut into—; dry —s; face with —s; fireproof —s; front with —s; harden into —s; heave —s; hem in with —s; inlay with —s; inscribe —s; knead into —s| lay —s; measure —s; pave with —s; prepare —s; pyramid —s; reinforce with —s; shape into —s; strain —s; toss —s; trowel —s; wall in with —s; —s collapse; —s crumble; —endures; mold into

(See stone.)

Bride adjectives

peerless; prospective; insatiate; passionless; fastidious; virgin; beloved; blooming; perjured; pretty; bonny; first-made; affianced; gallant; truant; contraband; blushing; vivacious; country


act as—; announce—; array—; assemble round—; attend—; bestow upon—; capture —; choose—; confuse—; congratulate—; costume—; dress—; drink to—; endow—; fete—; give away—; greet—; indulge—; kiss—; pledge—; proclaim—; purloin—; serenade—; shower—; toast—; welcome—; win—; yearn for—; —blushes; —pales; — trembles

(See queen, sweetheart.)

Bridegroom adjectives

destined; embarrassed; fickle; sturdy; youthful; happy; busy; shy; recreant; bold; brisk

Bridge adjectives

substantial; indigenous; antiquated; well-constructed; picturesque; rude; covered; mighty; famous; sturdy; swinging; massive; arched; iron; railroad; rustic; medieval; hideous; battered; spiritual; wooden; commodious; fortified; trembling; wide; narrow; rambling; portable; draw; proud; trussed


arch—; block—; chain—; construct—; cross —; design—; destroy—; draw—; engineer —; flow under—; fortify—; gird—; imperil —; load—; lower—; overhaul—; patrol—; pattern—; plan—; strain—; suspend from —; sweep away—; —arches; —collapses; —connects; —conveys; —links; —spans; —supports; —surmounts; —totters; —unites

(See span, support, structure.)

Bridge (v) adverbs

successfully; picturesquely; massively; medievally; spiritually; proudly; tremblingly; diplomatically

(See connect, link.)

Brief adjectives

apostolic; honest; argumentative

Brief (a) adverbs

ridiculously; delightfully; agreeably; pitifully; disappointingly; tragically; mercifully; humanely; unreasonably; dramatically; smartly; inexcusably; characteristically; remarkably; satisfactorily; surprisingly; pleasantly; compactly; laconically; conveniently; curtly; commendably; strikingly; sensibly; wisely; prudently; tersely

Brief CASE adjectives

bulging; dog-eared; important-looking; mysterious; over-stuffed; resplendent; secret-charged; shabby; shiny; streamlined


clasp--; cram into--; dig into--

extract from— —; fasten— —; pack in— —; strap--; stuff--; whip open--

— —bulges

(See bag, satchel.)

Brigade adjectives

advancing; combined; battle-toughened; favored; heroic; invincible; thundering


command—; compose—; divide—; drill—; enlist in—; enroll—; form—; inspect—; instruct—; make up—; organize—; train—; transfer to—; transport—; —charges; — forages; —hunts; —marches

(See gathering, regiment, troops, army.)

Brigand adjectives

ferocious; ruthless; fugitive; veritable

Bright adverbs

indescribably; dazzlingly; miraculously; ingeniously; amazingly; splendidly; magnificently; unbelievably; unusually; wonderfully; marvellously; artificially; scintillating-ly; starrily; intolerably; painfully; bewild-eringly; blindingly; unwontedly; suspiciously; crystally; luminously; radiantly; splendidly; unbearably; intensely; gaudily

Brighten (vj adverbs

intensely; momentarily; perceptibly; vividly; dazzlingly; artificially; bewilderingly; superficially; blindingly; unnaturally; intellectually; matchlessly

(See cheer, illuminate.)

Brightness adjectives

tranquil; dazzling; artificial; scintillant; starry; shifting; shining; superficial; painful; intolerable; transcendent; bewildering; enlivening; unfathomed; expansive; glowing; gradual; sharp; windy; steely; rising; cold; blinding; unmoving; burning; unwonted; fiery; suspicious; poisonous; crystal

Brilliance adjectives

youthful; mental; stylistic; dazzling; scintillating; roseate; intellectual; utmost; epigrammatic; feverish; crystal; signal; magnificent; polished; matchless; daring; spontaneous; eye-aching; uncanny; solemn; inevitable; lustrous


boast—; hide—; impress with—; intensify —; polish into—; radiate—; shade—; shine in—; sing of—; sparkle with—; strike with —; —amazes; —dazzles; —overpowers; — pervades

(See splendor.)

Brilliancy adjectives

unnatural; dreamlike; exquisite; sufficient; solar; heightened; blinding; imposing; strange; ivory-like; technical; irregular; sparkling; superhuman

Brilliant adverbs

scintillatingly; miraculously; cleverly; ingeniously; notably; amazingly; signally; socially; intellectually; dazzlingly; smartly; inexpressibly; indescribably; surprisingly; splendidly; undoubtedly; incredibly; unusually; wonderfully; ostentatiously

Brim adjectives

sparkling; medium-sized; huge; picot; glancing; rolling

Brine adjectives

restless; bitter; mid-sea; rushing; audacious; fragrant; rolling; hoary; fateful; eyeoffending; first-made; desolate; level; glassy; hissing

Bring (v) adverbs

lightly; finally; rarely; slyly; festinately; constantly; painfully; accordingly; vividly; inevitably; continuously; obviously; ultimately; simultaneously; vaguely

(See carry, conduct, convey.)

Brink adjectives

plashy; dim; breezy; chilling; eternal; shadowy; rushy; precipitous; utmost; abrupt; sandy; giddy

Briny adverbs

bitterly; brackishly; acridly; hotly; pungent-ly; toughly; saltily; spicily; sharply; unsavorily; strongly; disagreeably; unpleasantly; horribly; aromatically; perceptibly; pleasingly; subtly; odoriferously; sufficiently; magnificently; properly

Brisk adverbs

tremendously; apallingly; helpfully; efficiently; singularly; habitually; excitedly; noisily; restlessly; nimbly; gracefully; energetically; cheerfully; actively; alertly; vivaciously; surprisingly; youthfully; capably; unexpectedly; quickly; dangerously; smartly; spryiy> fleetly; trippingly; lightly; busily

Briskness adjectives

keen; flavored; characteristic

Bristle (v) adverbs

defiantly; horridly; furiously; pugnaciously; militantly; bellicosely; belligerently; vindictively

(See argue.)

British adverbs

incurably; stolidly; loyally; sensibly; respectably; obstinately; stubbornly; proudly; unconditionally; obviously; manifestly; essentially; securely; permanently; urbanely; imperturbably; -serenely; soundly; stoutly; devotedly; ardently; staunchly; punctiliously; incorruptibly; correctly; virtuously; shrewdly

Britisher adjectives

sound; solid; sensible; usual; well-fed; obstinate; muddling

Brittle adverbs

unfortunately; regrettably; exceedingly; smartly; delicately; crisply; lamentably; deplorably; deceptively; unexpectedly; surprisingly; slightly; highly; overly; extremely; evidently; unprofitably; unserviceably; inconveniently; impracticably

Broad adverbs

splendidly; magnificently; inimitably; extensively; spaciously; liberally; boundlessly; infinitely; immensely; admirably; amply; adequately; grandly; majestically; expansively; inexpressibly; capaciously; roomily; extremely; enormously; endlessly; epically; immoderately; unbelievably

Broadcast adjectives

commercial; unsponsored; regional; nationwide

Broadcast (v) adverbs

grandiloquently; commercially; regionally; universally; temporarily; professionally; annually; popularly

(See speak.)

Broadcloth adjectives

bullet; lava; popular; shantung

Broaden (v) adverbs

marvelously; appreciably; tremendously; noticeably; immeasurably; imperceptibly; abruptly; gradually

(See enlarge, expand.)

Broadside adjectives

genuine; fearful; death-dealing; thundering; tremendous; crashing

Brocade adjectives

jeweled; ancient; gorgeous; stiff; correct; bright; exquisite; historic

Brochure adjectives

innocent; artistic; modern; intimate; expensive; slender; rare

Brogue adjectives

adorable; quaint; little; soft; clouted; brisk; Irish

Broil adjectives

murderous; internal; prolonged; fierce

Broker adjectives

disreputable; dummy; staid; loose-living; middle-aged

Bronze adjectives

precious; valuable; burnished; enduring; immortal; inimitable; monumental; lined

Bronze (a


richly; tawnily; deeply; elaborately; strangely; incongruously; sumptuously; splendidly; magnificently; shimmeringly; ruddily; beautifully; superbly

Brood adjectives

callow; straggling; lowering; hideous; unmanageable; erring; enormous; hapless; late-begotten; human; successive; spurious; shameful; dusky; hateful; writhing; silver; bastard; erratic; gorgeous; infernal; venomous; boreal; heavenly; noisy; viperous


bring forth—; cherish—; cultivate—; exhibit—; gather—; give birth to—; hatch—; hover over—; incubate—; mother—; nest —; nourish—; nurse—; nurture—; orphan —; rear—; select—; tend—; tolerate—; warm—; —clucks; —follows; —originates from

(See offspring, race, flock.)

Brood (v) adverbs

solitarily; somberly; vacantly; enviously; mournfully; reverently; haplessly; humanly; bitterly; maternally; superstitiously; fruitlessly; drearily; despondently

(See ponder, meditate.)

Brooding adjectives

subsequent; bitter; melancholy; constant; maternal; superstitious; concentrated; fruitless; dreary; despondent

Brook adjectives

sluggish; delectable; south-sloping; unreposing; rapid; boisterous; wandering; brawling; glassy; careless; shallow; hidden; sedgy; rain-full; thirst-inviting; defiled; rippling; weedy; gushing; tumbling; mazy; copious; unsunned; struggling; babbling; gurgling; glittering; limpid; unseen; patient; peaceful; passionless; rushing; shrunken; inland; reedy; swift-running; crisped; hurrying; rushy; pellucid; happy; murmuring; narrow; silver; bisecting; cool; meandering; sweet; perennial; dancing; transparent; rocky; mountain; sparkling; companionable; pebbly; winding; wild; clear; woodland


bog in—; bound—; bridge—; cast into—; frequent—; haunt—; pass over—; splash in—; swell—; wade in—; —babbles; — bubbles; —bursts forth; —chatters; —dances; —flows on; —frolics; —groans; —gurgles; —gushes; —murmurs; —races along; —rambles; —ranges; —sings; —swells; — whirls

(See stream.)

Broom adjectives

careless; coarse; ever-questing; immaculate; industrious; lopsided; restless; rude


apply—; brandish—; employ—; fill—; peddle —s; tie into—; trim—; twist—; wield —; —brushes; —collects; —delves; —gathers; —raises; —removes; —renews; —routs; —unearths

(See brush.)

Broth adjectives

comforting; stomach-fortifying; satisfying; substantial; tasteless; watery


ladle—; sip—; spoon—; strain—; test—; —nourishes; —simmers; —steams; —warms

(See soup.)

Brother adjectives

kind; indulgent; gentle; arbitrary; fiendish; cruel; illustrious; amorous; truant; healthful; affectionate; poor; unworthy; unemotional; new; distinguished; sworn; loftier; recreant; admirable; manly; ecclesiastical; true; foster; lost; ungrateful; renowned; awe-stricken; heroic; neglected; harrowed; malleable; rebellious; dismal; elder; serious; devoted; erring; unseemly; eligible; aristocratic; obvious; undeniable; slow-witted; indubitable; heavy-going; paretic; blood; model; imperial; puissant

Brotherhood adjectives

bristly; critical; human; great; blood; subtle; meritable; idealized; diplomatic; close; cordial; indissoluble; spontaneous; sworn


address—; ally with—; assoc;ate with—; band into—; cherish—; create—; devote to —; establish—; fraternize with—; fuse in —; head—; join—; league in—; obey—; organize—; protect—; persecute—; regale —; resign from—; rupture—; salute—; support—; sustain—; tie to—; unite—; —acts; —aids; —arrays against; —convenes; — declines; —equalizes; —flourishes; —instructs

(See society, fellowship.)

Brotherly adverbs

extremely; heart-warmingly; hardly; affectionately; cordially; intimately; sincerely; sympathetically; amicably; heartily; benevolently; benignly; charitably; considerately; lovingly; unselfishly; tenderly; accommodatingly; good-naturedly; graciously; warm-heartedly; adoringly; devotedly; fondly; adorably; charmingly; admirably; helpfully; companiably; congenially; surprisingly; unexpectedly

Brougham adjectives

cozy; little; well-appointed; shiny

Brow adjectives

handsome; delicate; beautiful; illumined; bland; amiable; fair; classical; lofty; manly; noble; social; lily; triumphant; low; white; clouded; black; heavy; straight; dark; blonde; rosy; sunburned; freckled; bushy; shaggy; roughened; grizzled; thick; puckered; ruffled; knotted;* furrowed; wrinkled; corrugated; contracted; drawn; sad; troubled; overcast; mournful; brooding; swarthy; interrogative; scowling; frowning; stormy; startled; puzzled; plucked; painted; fine; pencilled; arched; whimsical; thin; peaked; curved; meeting (pl.); beetling; well-carved; prominent; level; lifted; placid; tranquil; damp; perspiring; fevered; heaving; crotchety; ironical; pimpled; elderly; austere; intelligent; glistening; deplorable; massive; haughty; dusky; livid; thoughtful; withered; innocent; craggy; calm; angry; weather-beaten; clammy; thorn-pierced; healthful; callow; serene; high; cold; shadowy; intellectual; gloomy; heated; royal; guilt-steeled; scarred; infant; sacred; surly; purpled; upturned; snowy; unaltered; crownless; throbbing; pensive; broiling; olive-tinctured; thunder-blasted; burning; imperious; sun-kissed; barbarian; hopeless; relaxed; rugged; imperial; bewitching; pale; amiable; unsullied; bent; immense; blue-veined; threatening; unkind; pain-knotted; laurel-laden; impenetrable; deep-pent; channeled; ingenuous; contemptuous; stately; conquest-branded; inky; triumphant; wreathed; pedantic; pitying; kindred; profulgent; wizard; animated; stunned; mild; milky; crescent; haggard; earnest; broad; gracious; bared; hooded; bloodless; aching; youthful; dreamy; overhanging; polished; pallid; worn; drooping; godlike; candid; transparent; bald; anxious; smarting; bent; pretty; unsullied; mummied; unwritten; warlike; ensanguined; resigned; sober; compressed; regent; dauntless; overwhelming; spiritual; hazel; bur-thened; projecting; mobile; airy; averted; peaceful; bronzed; careworn


arch—; contract—; crown—; elevate—; flush—; furrow—; gild—; harden—; kiss —; knit—; lift—; mop—; plait—; pluck —s; pucker—; purse—; quirk—; shadow —; singe—; smite—; smooth—; uplift—; wrinkle—; —s bridge; —darkens; —menaces; —s struggle together; —throbs

(See forehead, eyebrow, countenance.)

Browbeaten adverbs

submissively; shamefully; meekly; disgracefully; humiliatingly; disconsolately; humbly; abjectly; frightfully; horribly; terribly; fearfully; unhappily; incredibly; astound-ingly; alarmingly; coweringly; tremulously; dreadfully; nervously; portentously; unforgivably; evidently; visibly; indefensibly

Brown adjectives

lustrous; vehement; russet; unsightly; golden; country; dainty; mellow; shining; turf; ruddy; crisp; curious; grayish; glossy; twi light; yellowish; chestnut; pinkish; autumnal; gleaming; sedate

Brown (a) adverbs

ruddily; lustrously; deeply; richly; gloriously; curiously; crisply; lightly; tawnily; sumptuously; splendidly; superbly; shim-meringly; magnificently

Browse (v) adverbs

phlegmatically; contentedly; intellectually; placidly; happily; abstractedly; absently

(See nibble, feed, graze.)

Bruise adjectives

livid; marring; hurting; vast; innocent; cruel


apply to—; bandage—; heal—; incur—; inflict —s; produce—; receive—; salve—; soothe—; treat—; —dents; —disables; — discolors; —disfigures; —hurts; —infects; —injures; —lacerates; —mangles; —mars; —swells; —weakens

(See injury, contusion.)

Bruise (v


ineradicably; severely; agonizingly; disfig-uringly; horribly; temporarily; villainously; mercilessly

(See injure, hurt.)

Brunette adjectives

small; vivacious; indeterminable

Brunette (a) adverbs

wondrously; gloriously; adorably; strikingly; petitely; vivaciously; piquantly; irresistibly; charmingly; saucily; startlingly; captivatingly; fascinatingly; distinctly; radiantly; glowingly; darkly; provocatively; astonishingly; starrily; artificially; naturally; skilfully; enchantingly; bewitchingly

Brush adjectives

deft; burnishing; illuminating; frugal; obliterating; purging; scavenging; sweeping


apply—; attach—; cleanse with—; dust with —; employ—; paint with—; scrub with—; shape—; shine with—; smooth over with—; spread with—; stroke—; sweep with—; wipe with—; —refreshes; —renews; —revives

(See broom.)

Brush adjectives


potent; profound; lavish; fragrant; skillful

Brush adjectives


leafy; stunted; ragged; meager; aboriginal; sage; alert; tangled; fringing; rabbit; icy; dangerous; flaming; scrawny; crackling

Brush (v) adverbs

aimlessly; haughtily; hastily; tenderly; effectively; vivaciously; skillfully; interminably; monotonously

(See wipe.)

Brusque adverbs

dashingly; fussily; hurriedly; impetuously; hastily; precipitately; urgently; expeditiously; fitfully; boisterously; furiously; outrageously; roughly; uproariously; violently; excitedly; stormily; extravagantly; ostentatiously; hysterically; uncontrollably; irrepressibly; turbulently; wildly; rampageously

Brutal adverbs

abominably; terribly; unspeakably; villainously; systematically; needlessly; inherently; harshly; sharply; savagely; coarsely; ferociously; nefariously; detestably; indecently; obtrusively; ostentatiously; foully; insolently; caustically; venomously; perversely; incorrigibly; inhumanly; cruelly; atrociously; obdurately; truculently; maliciously; intentionally; treacherously; outrageously; ruthlessly; stonily; barbarously; virulently; diabolically; invidiously; blatantly; flagrantly; openly; resolutely

Brutality adjectives

quaint; sacrificed; horrible; primitive; suave; frantic; unspeakable; blind; amazing; unintelligent; villainous; continued; systematic; noisy; downright; needless; inherent; harsh; sharp; ugly; savage; coarse; ferocious; sheer


appall by—; breed—; expose—of; imbue with—; inculcate—; indulge in—; refrain from—; subject to—; teach—; treat with—; —cuts; —degrades

(See cruelty.)

Brute adjectives

shy; perverse; treacherous; conscious; unfeeling; perfect; nasty; polite; ferocious; tawny; horrid; goaded; barbarous; hardy; lustful; grazing; repulsive; drunken; noxious; greedy; innocent; bristling; savage; ponderous; cowardly; self-confessed; surly; dangerous; ruffian; untamed; lowest; husky; sulky; selfish; canny; accursed; exhausted; avenging; cold-blooded; menacing; maddened; bulky; foul; bestial; blundering; evil; designing; ugly; meanest; villainous; merciless; gross; dissipated; burly; callous


bring out—; charm—; ensnare—; hypnotize —; polish—; quell—; silence—; slay—; tame—; worship—; —bolts; —charges; — rends; —survives; —thunders

(See animal, beast.)

Bubble adjectives

headed; ascending; crystalline; iridescent; innumerable (pl.); lazy; broken; pricked; intoxicating; soothing; pretty; sparkling; flimsy; flattened; beaded; wandering; empty


agitate into —s; blow —s; cover with —s; delude with —s; emit —s; produce —s; send forth —s; —amuses; —dances; —dissipates; —drifts; —escapes; —explodes; — fascinates; —floats; —rises; —scintillates

—springs from; —swells

(See balloon.)

Bubble (v) adverbs

gayly; effervescently; hissingly; foamingly; exhilaratingly; joyously; sputteringly

(See flow, whirl.)

Buck (v) adverbs

spiritedly; suddenly; abruptly; belligerently; spitefully; venomously; wildly

(See prepare, plan.)

Bud adjectives

springing; kindling; swaying; bloomless; sluggish; tender; dejected; bursting; fadeless; unexpanded; flower-enfolding; sweetest; masked; dripping; wayside; sulking; terminal; leaf-enfolded; axillary


blast—; blight—; clip—; form—; frost—; graft—; kill—; nip—; sprout —s; —s appear; —breaks into bloom; —bursts forth; —s cluster; —s crow'd together; —decorates; —develops; —expands; —flowers; —glistens; —matures; —multiplies; —produces; —projects; —promises; —prospers; —reveals; —sprouts; —swells; —unfolds

(See flower, plant, bulb.)

Budget adjectives

biennial; admirable; bearskin; balanced; moderate; scanty; heart-shaking; ordinary; family; tentative; extraordinary


balance—; institute—; jeopardize—; promulgate—; prune—; reduce—; shape—; slash —; stagger under —s; swell—; tax—

(See estimate, plan.)

Budget (v) adverbs

impecuniously; meticulously; biennially; admirably; annually; tentatively; shrewdly; dexterously; wisely; conservatively

Buff ad jectives

rich; golden; glowing

Buffalo adjectives

aggressive; belligerent; bellowing; charging; furious; grunting; humping; powerful; possessive; primitive^ prairie-lording; stampeding; roaming


domesticate—; exterminate—; farm with—; herd—; overrun with—; plough with —s; protect—; pursue—; stampede—; tame—; teem with—; water—; yoke—; —gores; — grazes; —grunts; —lumbers; —ranges; — roams; —wallows in mud

(See bison, ox, animal.)

Buffetings adjectives

reminiscent; repeated; merciless; unkind; intermittent

Buffoon adjectives

enormous; gluttonous; ordinary; stammering; pantomime

Buffoonery adjectives

exhibitionist; engaging; wanton; mad

Bug adjectives

annoying; encroaching; gregarious; insidious; invincible; inoffensive; obnoxious; over-companionable; persevering; patrolling; pestiferous; shelter-seeking; shrilly-serenading; undaunted; diminutive; droning; hovering; jeweled; predatory; piping; snug; vagrant; villainous; vigorous; wiggling


destroy—; dissect—; exterminate —s; observe—; spray—; swat—; —s blight; —s bore; —s breed; —s lurk; —stings; —sucks

(See insect.)

Bugle adjectives

blaring; bold; dominant; duty-calling; invocative; piercing; silence-shattering; rousing; sonorous; lamenting; peace-lulling


assemble at—; awaken by—; march to—; overblow—; rally to—; respond to—; retire to—; scale—; sound—; —alarms; — arouses; —blares; —blasts; —calls; —declares; —echoes; —orders; —signals; — summons; —trumpets; —wails; —wakens


(See instrument, horn, trumpet.)

Build adjectives

elephantine; slender; .sinewy; enduring; curious; heroic; gigantic; warlike; sturdy; ascetic; proportional

Build (v)

ostensibly; impregnably; simultaneously; airily; irrevocably; variously; intelligently; synthetically; stoutly; expressly; sturdily; magnificently; substantially; enduringly; proportionally; secularly; incomparably; ecclesiastically; shabbily

(See erect, construct, raise.)

Builder adjectives

timid; prominent; independent; empire; sturdy; hard-working; ambitious; wonderful; body; pioneer; home; prospective; vigorous; devastating


—alters; —bids; —commissions; —constructs; —contracts for; —designs; —determines; —develops; —directs; —draws; — employs; —erects; —establishes; —estimates; —excavates; —fireproofs; —guarantees; —initials; —leases; —operates; — profits; —remodels; —renovates; —specifies; —submits; —undertakes

(See carpenter.)

Building adjectives

imposing; magnificent; attractive; palatial; rich; adorned; handsome; spacious; wonderful; beautiful; pretentious; fine; substantial; comfortable; monster; mammoth; giant; towering; commercial; Gargantuan; ancient; antiquated; century-old; grim; obsolescent; vestigial; solid ;• massive; great; stone; immense; gawky; ramshackle; barnlike; flimsy; rickety; rambling; straggling; squatting; cluttered; dirty-looking; sour; dingy; grimy; false-fronted; smoke-stained; bleak; gloomy; wretched; ugly; forlorn; sinister; peculiar; somber; severe; white-walled; red-roofed; multicolored; gaunt; red-bricked; weathered; ivy-grown; long; flat; low; clustered; silent; gilt-domed; unique; sun-flooded; commodious; consistorial; barracklike; pagan; secular; combustible; oppressive; aggressive; impertinent; tame; uninteresting; proposed; dismal; conventual; tumble-down; unpretentious; heterogeneous; detached; ill-looking; conservative; irregular; opulent; profane; speculative; old-fashioned; well-constructed; extensive; monumental; decayed; moss-covered; useful; ghostlike; worthy; notable; beggarly; ruinous; eccentric; contemporaneous; flanking; arsenal-like; murky; unoccupied; sleepy; deserted; shabby; admonitory; elegant; dilapidated; ecclesiastical; capacious; incomparable; proud; drab


clutter up—; demolish—; design—; dominate—; enlarge—; erect —s; evacuate—; extend—; inhabit—; lodge in—; modernize —; raze—; renovate—; restore—; revolutionize—; segregate into—; separate—; throng through—; —looms; —pierces; — straddles; —towers

(See edifice, structure, house, barn.)

Bulb adjectives


feeble; electric; flickering; unveiled; rarefied; myriad (pl.); inanimate

Bulb adjectives


spring; early-flowering


bury—; cultivate—; insert—; market—; raise—; sow—; uproot—; —blossoms; — buds; —bursts; —develops; —dilates; — flowers; —nourishes; —radiates; —sends off roots; —stores; —takes root; —tides over

(See flower, plant, bud.)

Bulge adjectives

inquisitive; disconcerting; noticeable; awkward

Bulge (v) adverbs

roundly; awkwardly; disconcertingly; noticeably; inquisitively; prominently; pro-trudingly; enormously; horribly; abnormally; grotesquely

(See swell, protrude.)

Bulk adjectives

grotesque; enormous; huge; tremendous; great; black; haughty; proper; mastodonic; insufficient; surging; tawny; cumbrous; low; broad; shadowy; imposing; shaggy; massive; shattered; considerable; vast; languid; full; voluptuous; overgrown; ugly; wavering; helpless; insufficient; ponderous; credent; colossal; crude; patched; bluff; terrifying; faceless; non-irritating; Amazonian; flying; clean-limbed; portly; physical; crushing; overwhelming; threatening

Bulk (adverbs

enormously; heavily; cumbrously; overwhelmingly; threateningly; ponderously; terrifyingly; portentously

Bulky adverbs

enormously; awkwardly; immensely; massively; mightily; monstrously; crudely; inelegantly; lumpishly; stupendously; grotesquely; queerly; strangely; imposingly; overwhelmingly; ponderously; suspiciously; clumsily; unnecessarily; laughably; ridiculously; deceptively; ludicrously; grossly; delusively

Bull adjectives

incorrigible; snorting; mad; infuriated; rumbling; fretful; savage; raging; veritable


bait—; brand—; breed—; bring—to bay; castrate—; chafe—; combat—; enrage—: exhibit—; infuriate—; jab—; market—; mistreat—; outnumber —s; plague—; rope —; slaughter—; slay—; torment—; torture —; —bellows; —butts; —charges; —collapses;.—emerges; —gores; —grazes; — leaps; —paws; —perspires; —rages; —retires; —rushes; —snorts; —vaults; —wearies; raise—

(See animal, cattle.)

Bulldog adjectives

hideous; squirming; pedigreed; ferocious

Bullet adjectives

moaning; well-directed; paper; answering; shrieking; ricocheted; caroming; whistling; spattering; soft-nose; flattened; harmless; powder; telltale; whining; whizzing; fiery; screaming; thudding; dum-dum; explosive


cap—; design—; hail —s; jacket—; mold —s; project—; riddle with —s; shower —s; squirt —s; stream —s; —attains a speed; —s buzz by; —careens; —glances off; — grazes; —s hammer; —s patter; —penetrates; —pierces; —ricochets; —s spatter; —speeds toward; —swerves; —wavers; — whines; —whistles by; —s wing past

(See shot, projectile.)

Bulletin adjectives

confidential; monotonous; public

Bully adjectives

beastly; blustering; loutish; strutting; prostrate

Bully (v) adverbs

mildly; blusteringly; loutishly; struttingly; overbearingly; diplomatically; pertly; flatly; endlessly; securely; firmly

(See intimidate.)

Bulwark adjectives

sturdy; mighty; everlasting; broken; seaward; riddled; splintered; heaven-sustaining; granite; eternal; flimsy; invulnerable

Bump adjectives

dull; heavy; inadvertent

Bumpkin adjectives

small-town; awkward; city; country; overgrown

Bumptious adverbs

aggressively; offensively; disagreeably; absurdly; impertinently; ridiculously; egotistically; presumptuously; pretentiously; vainly; boastfully; ostentatiously; priggishly; unblushingly; brazenlj, ludicrously; laughably; quaintly; comically; stupidly; boyishly; fantastically; immensely; complacently: foolishly; senselessly; extravagantly

Bun adjectives

delectable; indigestible; round; flat; plump

Bunch adjectives

scattered; beautiful; horrible

Bundle adjectives

withered; compact; parti-colored; ribboned; exceptional; fine; emaciated; darkish; unwieldy; swaddled; inert; flat; sodden; queer-shaped; precious; muddy; helpless; numerous (pl.); cached; wrinkled; endless; malevolent


bind in—; collect in—; contain in—; disorder—; encumber with —s; fasten in—; gather—; group in —s; load down with —s; shift •—s; untie—


parcel, package.

Bundle (v


unceremoniously; compactly; inertly; flatly; endlessly; securely; firmly; unceremoniously

(See bind, tie, roll.)

Bungalow adjectives

rose-clad; richly-furnished; swanky; luxurious; screened; rustic; rambling; dark; unpretentious; beloved; picturesque

Bungle (v) adverbs

tragically; atrociously; characteristically; repeatedly; ineptly; generally; idiotically; diplomatically; strategically

Bungling adjectives

general; inept; patient; characteristic; repeated

Bungling (a) adverbs

awkwardly; clumsily; boorishly; loutishly; shyly; bashfully; ineptly; inexpertly; unskilfully; self-consciously; incompetently; vexatiously; hopelessly; diffidently ;• timidly; pitifully; helplessly; pathetically; plaintively; outlandishly; pitiably; miserably; sorrily; sadly; grievously

Buoy adjectives

dancing; heaving; ringing; rocking; warning

Buoyancy ad jectives

reckless; supreme; glad; youthful; virile; unutterable; natural; positive

Buoyant adverbs

positively; joyously; affectedly; naturally; supremely; happily; suddenly; excitedly; unexpectedly; blithely; gleefully; rapturously; lightly; airily; gaily; hilariously; jovially; warmly; delightfully; delightedly; briskly; cheerily; jauntily; jubilantly; light-heartedly; disarmingly; merrily; playfully; irrepressibly; laughingly; smilingly; engagingly; irresistibly; confidently; enthusiastically; fervently; hopefully

Burden adjectives

grievous; financial; intolerable; painful; unwomanly; deadly; increasing; mutual; fragrant; double; various (pl); accumulated; racking; enticing; unnecessary; venerable; drowsy; precious; fatal; sinister; clattering; unescapable; never-lifted; serious; economic; appropriate; perpetual; fiery; passive; insufferable; monstrous; secret; baneful; oppressive; onerous; corresponding; expensive; equivalent; sweet; heavy; clerical; sheer; melancholy; aggravating; grim; common; unequal; unjust; dangerous; inevitable; cold; prodigious; ever-growing; staggering; crushing; unendurable; unbearable; cumbersome; over-heavy; dreadful; terrific; gruesome; undue; unusual; strange; pitiful; manifold (pl)


absorb—; ameliorate—; assume—; bear—; bend under—; chafe at—; deliver of—; ease—; groan under—; hamper with—; impose—; labor under—; lay on—; lighten —; load with—; overwhelm with—; shift —; shoulder—; stagger under—; suffer under—; support—; sustain—; unload—

—bows one down ; —crushes

(See load, cargo, weight, oppression, encumbrance.)

Burdensome adverbs

grievously; financially; socially; intolerably; painfully; increasingly; unnecessarily; inescapably seriously; economically; insufferably; monstrously; really; oppressively; ag-gravati.ngly; vexatiously; irritatingly; unequally; unjustly; dangerously; prodigiously; unendurably; dreadfully; terrifically; unduly; unusually; strangely; pitifully; calamitously; disastrously; unfortunately; tragically; gravely; cumbrously; embarrassingly

Bureau adjectives

topographical; time-blackened; well-organized; devoted; legal; complete; self-supporting

Bureaucracy adjectives

smug; Teutonic; decadent; hardhearted


Bureaucratic adverbs

complexly; unfortunately; portentously; ominously; dangerously; smugly; comfortably; democratically; autocratically; dictatorial-ly; dominantly; imperiously; administratively; absolutely; arbitrarily; undeniably; hopelessly; irresistibly; terribly; unluckily; fairly; justly; unjustly; surprisingly; increasingly; overwhelmingly

Burglar adjectives

apprehensive; cautious; cunning; conscientious; felonious; stealthy; unscrupulous; chagrined; amateur; bungling; professional


absolve—; accuse—; acquit—; apprehend —; condemn—; convict—; denounce—; detect—; imprison—; investigate —s; jail —s; protect against—; shield—; slay—; vindicate—; wound—; —alarms; —arouses; — invades; —plunders; —sacks; —terrorizes

(See robber, highwayman, .bandit.)

Burial adjectives

obscure; golden; forgotten; Christian; interesting; hasty; premature; decent; respectable; proper; reverent; dismal; pagan


assist at—; attend—; authorize—; commend to—; conceal by—; consecrate at—; console at—; draw out—; embalm for—; entitle to—; eulogize at—; notify of—; preach at —; preside over—; solemnize—; superintend—; uncover—; —disposes of

(See death, funeral.)

Burlesque adjectives

credible; polite; modified; exuberant; profane; farcical; vulgar; risque

Burlesque (a) adverbs

broadly; racily; absurdly; comically; cleverly; ludicrously; bombastically; caustically; sarcastically; ironically; satirically; extravagantly; cuttingly; adroitly; drolly; farcically; politely; j.rofanely; coarsely; laughably; monstrously; ridiculously; refreshingly; delightfully; oddly; bizarrely; preposterously; unpardonably; whimsically; quizzically; uproariously; clownishly; chaffingly; scurrilously; derisively; scoffingly ; exquisitely; deftly; expertly

Burlesquer adjectives

hilarious; sheer; apt; clever; practiced

Burn (v) adverbs

destructively; smolderingly; luridly; noisily; mortally; inwardly; radiantly; shockingly; ruddily; intensely; steadfastly; dimly; sullenly; fitfully; ardently; distressfully; miraculously; inadvertently; glowingly

(See scorch, consume.)

Burning adjectives

senseless; everlasting; endless

Burro adjectives

dusty; dirty; shaggy; lop-eared; lazy; baldfaced; bobbing; munching

Burst adjectives

instant; passionate; indignant; convulsive; periodical; dreadful; sudden; fresh; unexplained; fiery; ungovernable; resplendent; scented; spontaneous

Burst (v) adverbs

turbulently; spontaneously; impetuously; appallingly; scornfully; involuntarily; hoarsely; ceaselessly; indignantly; periodically; ungovernably; resplendently

(See break.)

Burthen adjectives

breathless; delicate; sad; weighty; sorry

Bury (v) adverbs

quietly; reverentially; worshipfully; solemnly; splendidly; impecuniously; shabbily; awesomely; spectacularly

(See hide, conceal.)

Bus adjectives

shrieking; steady; dependable; rumbling; lantern-hung; lumbering; gaudy; sight-seeing


board—; enter—; jam—; route—; station —; —conducts; —crawls along; —disgorges passengers; —flounders; —jolts; —rolls along; —rumbles; —snorts; —traverses

(See automobile.)

Bush adjectives

tough; elder; laurel; sickly; interminable; towering; rose; fiery; projecting; elderberry; pathless; silent; clustering; naked; sheltering; berried; whortleberry; embracing; sparse; spiny; flourishing; jessamine; spreading; secret; scrubby; gnarled; stiff; stunted; woody; flowering; scraggly; unkempt; mesquite; indigo; patient; blooming; broad; pyramidical; gorse; vase-shaped; irregular; curious; round-topped; twiggy; shriveled; stumpy; sodden


conceal in—; cultivate—; dwell in—; grow over with—es; hide in—; lie in—; lose in—; nest in—; nestle in—; prune—; pry in—; shroud in—; skirt—; spring from—; take to —; tangle in—; wind in and out among—es; —blooms; —blossoms; —branches; —flourishes; —protects; —screens; —spreads; — tangles; —yields

(See shrub, thicket.)

Business adjectives

queer; fateful; ugly; hypothecary; mercantile; intelligent; stirring; fascinating; centralized; stiff; ungentle; bloody; snug; unpleasant; keyhole; curious; suspended; profitable; complicated; awkward; terrible; remunerative; weary; rationalized; wretched; unreasonable; sordid; ethical; vengeful; phenomenal; tidy; bustling; superfluous; reputable; flourishing; dangerous; serious; reliable; shameful; discouraging; dubious; late-afternoon; ecclesiastical; villainous; dreadful; dreary; executive; temporal; poor; single; roaring; delightful; toilsome; prosperous; urgent; abstract; illegal; deplorable; unsound; definite; rascally; foul; weighty; stern; solemn; unavoidable; congenial; tedious; momentous; rural; legitimate; extensive; fiery; scratchy; urgent; civil; thriving; swift; blistering; risky; petty; competitive; extended; ordinary; solvent; brisk; lifelong; arduous; tangled; sorry; scurvy; delectable; unscrupulous; dirty; fast-growing; perfunctory; uncrowded; paramount; timely; weighty; subnormal; domestic; miserable; chancy; piratical; prodigious; nefarious; litigated; experimental; well-managed; urgent; hazardous; irrational; creative; exclusive; detailed; ruined; illustrious; muddled; tranquil; reckless; speculative; banking; primary; astounding; fecund; roundabout; essential; menaced; dull; drab; trivial; slack; stupid; pure; unmitigated; heartbreaking; backbreaking; brusque; honest; successful; sound; interesting; lucrative; blessed; rushing; gigantic; immense; tremendous; colossal; modern; increasing; dismal; shady; distasteful; degrading; unsavory; despicable; dark; knavish; damnable; cruel; fearful; ugly; tedious; distressing; nervy; nasty; sad; tiresome; unconstructive; stable; droll; ticklish; queer; silly; increasingly-profitable; substantial; amazing; ever-increasing; secure; ready-made; dependable; troublesome


absorb—; accommodate—; adjust—; administer—; badger—; blast—; bolster—; charge with—; confess to—; corrupt—; debate—; democratize—; depress—; derive—; disorganize—; dispose of—; disrupt—; dominate —; drum up—; embark into—; employ in —; endanger—; envelop in—; establish—; evolve—; expedite—; exploit—; foster—; increase—; interfere with—; liquidate—; make inroads into—; meddle in—; mess up —; nurse—; plunge into—; quit—; regulate —; restrict—; resurrect—; revivify—; shift —; slow down—; speed up—; stabilize—; stimulate—; suspend—; swallow’ up—; symbolize—; tie up—; transact—; undertake—; underwrite—; wrap up in—; —booms; — bounds up; —branches out; —climbs; — droops; —expands; —expires; —falters; — flourishes; —flows; —founders; —lags; — looms; —nets; —simmers; —succumbs

(See occupation, trade, matter, affair, interest, concern, enterprise, duty, industry, work, commerce.)

Businesslike adverbs

insistently; consistently; briskly; cheerfully; alertly; keenly; intelligently; curiously; terribly; unreasonably; delightfully; urgently; definitely; positively; absolutely; thriftily; competently; competitively; thoroughly; ordinarily; ardently; scrupulously; astounding-ly; essentially; dully; brusquely; honestly; successfully; soundly; immensely; tremendously; tediously; drolly; comically; amazingly; dependably; actively; assiduously; devotedly; eagerly; energetically; industriously; officiously; vigilantly; notably; smartly; zealously; shrewdly; courteously; methodically; craftily; astutely; cleverly; uniformly; capably; ingeniously; felicitously

Businessman adjectives

average; hard-boiled; shrewd; prudent; substantial

Bust adjectives

laurel-crowned; glowing; imperial; negligible; animated; portrait-like; protuberant; resurrected; placid; sculptured

Bustle adjectives

empty; heroic; sudden; feverish; indescribable; silent; hospitable; intervening; noisy

Bustle (v) adverbs

valorously; heroically; feverishly; indescribably; hospitably; noisily; officiously; clamorously; indignantly

(See stir.)

Bustling adverbs

restlessly; fitfully; eagerly; zealously; inefficiently; noisily; happily; affectionately fondly; vexatiously; everlastingly; ceaselessly; cheerily; moodily; hastily; ardently; actively; energetically; industriously; assiduously; diligently; earnestly; enthusiastically; nervously; excitedly; impetuously

Busy (v) adverbs

hurriedly; interferingly; noisily; officiously; irritatingly; animatedly; industriously; ambitiously; casually; perfunctorily

Busy (a) adverbs

agreeably; delightfully; ceaselessly; charmingly; briskly; cheerfully; intelligently; constantly; curiously; unreasonably; competently; ordinarily; astoundingly; tremendously; comically; amazingly; actively; eagerly; zealously; energetically; smartly; ostentatiously; craftily; cleverly; capably; boyishly; noisily; happily

Busybody adjectives

gifted; interfering; old; free lance; gaping; nosy

Butcher adjectives

benevolent; inexorable; unfeeling; latent; mortal; skilled

Butcher (v) adverbs

indiscriminately; dexterously; inexorably; unfeelingly; mortally; professionally; methodically; heartlessly; cruelly; wantonly; atrociously

.(See slaughter, kill.

Butchery adjectives

horrible; atrocious; deadly; murderous; wartime

Butler adjectives

impassive; peremptory; perfect; shrinking; hovering; worried; excellent; solemn; diminutive; competent; grizzled

Butter adjectives

rancid ; molten ; honeyed


adulterate—; cart—; churn into—; color—; crock—; daub with—; deal in—; draw—; exude—; flavor—; grease—; lay on—; market—; melt—; mould—; pot—; ration out—; ripen—; separate—; solidify—; spread—; stir in—; test—; thicken—; work—

Butter (v) adverbs

sufficiently; goldenly; lavishly; liberally; scantily; meagerly; penuriously; politically

Butterfly adjectives

painted; giddy; ingenious; chromatic-winged; bright; honey-sipping; social; gilded; quivering; sipping; marrying; blossom-like; slim; jet; loppy-winged; admired; gaudy; lazy; dainty; fluttering; poising


attract—; distinguish—; frame—; hurt—; identify—; preserve—; pursue—; —beau-• tifies; —ies cluster; —flits about; —flutters

  • —ies gather; —ies hibernate; —lays eggs

  • —migrates; —mimics; —pollinates; —spins

—sports ; —twinkles

(See moth.)

Button adjectives

saucer; shining; blue-jerkined; glittering; showy; blazing; fantastic


adorn with —s; attach—; card —s; decorate with —s; drill —s; fondle—; grind —s; mold —s; ornament with —s; perforate —s; polish—; press out —s; sew on—; sort —s; stamp out —s; stud with —s; undo—; —affixes; —decorates; —fastens; —signifies

(See knob, ornament.)

Buxom adverbs

agreeably; cheerfully; delightfully; attractively; genially; gaily; hilariously; noisily; lightly; merrily; joyously; charmingly; en-trancingly; seductively; captivatingly; fascinatingly; humorously; vivaciously; bonnily; cheerily; gleefully; heartily; jauntily; jovially; jubilantly; playfully; sportively

Buy adjectives

exceptional; special; extraordinary

Buy (v) adverbs

secretly; eagerly; dearly; methodically; recklessly; exceptionally; extraordinarily

(See purchase.)

Buyer, adjectives

reluctant; unintelligent; reckless; unwilling; avid; adept; ultimate; discriminating; prospective; timorous


cater to—; coax—; coddle—; commission—; employ—; forewarn—; petition—; —bargains; —dickers; —obtains; —s pour in; —purchases

(See customer.)

Buying adjectives

hand-to-mouth; cash; unintelligent; abnormal; collective; curtailed

Buzz adjectives

humming; roaring; somnolent; baleful

B£7ZZ (v) adverbs

violently; roaringly; somnolently; balefully; monotonously; grindingly; painfully; repeatedly; intermittently; raucously; irritatingly

(See hum, murmur.)

Buzzard adjectives

eternal ^.circling; watchful; carrion-feeding; waiting; patient


—dips; —flaps his wings; —hovers; — soars

(See bird, fowl.)

Buzzing adjectives

loud; melancholy; repeated; intermittent; raucous

By-Product adjectives

dubious; usual; unforeseen

Bystanders adjectives

casual; innocent; mere; fascinated; inoffensive-looking; pathetic; sympathetic; superstitious


collide with—; entertain—; regale—; strike —; —boo; —cheer; —gather; —hoot; — recognize; —threaten; —witness

(See spectator, crowd.)

By W AY adjectives

deserted; dark; bowered; romantic

Cab adjectives

dilapidated; high; ridiculous; dejected; creaking; hansom; ramshackle

Cabin adjectives

malodorous; ruined; dreary-looking; little; sweet; deserted; .primitive; ugly; tumbledown; abandoned; friendly; roomy; windowless; stuffy; spacious; airy; adobe; rustic; frontier; willow; dilapidated; dismal; second-class; unventilated; sanitary; lonely; embowered; remote; populous; tourist


allot—; approach—; confine to—; coop in—; crawl into—; dwell in—; huddle in—; inhabit—; lodge in—; occupy—; situate—; thatch—; —flames; —shelters

(See hut, house, compartment, cottage.)

Cabinet adjectives

quaint; treasure; lacquered; sound-proof; bedstead; canopied; moist; drunken; medicine; reliable; antiquated

Cabinet adjectives


austere; absolute; didactic; dictatorial; disorganized; resolute; united; unsympathetic; vacillating; weak-kneed


address—; appoint to—; call—; consult—; convoke—; corrupt—; dismiss—; dissolve—; elect to—; represent in—; summon—; —administers; —advises; —confers; —consists; —convenes

(See committee, council, ministry.)

Cable adjectives

heavy; electric; steel-wire; enormous; light; underground; overhead


insulate—; lay—; reclaim—; reenforce—; sheathe—; snap—; solder—; stretch—; — communicates; —connects; —rusts; —transmits

(See rope, line, chain, conduit, pipe.)

Cackl'a adjectives                                   "

sickly; vacant; occasional; sociable; foolish; prodigious

Cackle (v) adverbs

obstreperously; sociably; harshly; prodigiously; raucously; stridently; disagreeably; triumphantly; proudly; jubilantly; exuberantly

(See laugh, chatter, babble.)

Cactus adjectives

spiny; mammoth; massive; hardy; scraggly; fantastic; prickly; succulent; large

Cad adjectives

sensual; slimy; rotten; brutal; discreet; elderly; ineffable

Cadaverous adverbs

horribly; forbiddingly; frightfully; spectrally; foully; grimly; gruesomely; hideously; haggardly; monstrously; odiously; shockingly; stiffly; uncannily; fearfully; alarmingly; incredibly; dreadfully

Cadence adjectives

self-possessed; monotonous; odd; singsong; calm; deep; mimic; best-measured; tinkling; merry; queer; wild; sardonic; nasal; minor; rollicking; weird; hideous; entreating; slightest; slurred; strange; rhythmic; musical; affectionate; lingering; effective; gentle; elegant; exotic; passionate; varied; soullike; plagal; pathetic; pleading; enchanting; sorrowful

Cafe adjectives

innumerable (pl); continental; eccentric; gaudy; dingy; sumptuous; garish; gay; airconditioned; pleasant; obscure; modest; smart; modern

Caffeine adjectives

unfriendly; stimulating

Cage adjectives

subterranean; quarantined; awful; gilded; bamboo; wire; delicate; adjourning; wicker; pretty


bar—; beat—; burst—; chain—; confine in —; convey in—; coop in—; escape from—; fetter in—; flit from—; hoist—; house in—; imprison in—; muffle in—; release from—; seal—; thrive in—; transport in—; wire in

(See prison.)

Cake adjectives

huge; fluffy; stale; abominable; peatlike; fresh; big; luscious; ancestral; oaten; incalculable; sacrificial; decomposed; fatal; successful; election; rich; moist; tender; smooth; white; pound; futile


celebrate with—; crust—; decorate—; feast on—; flavor—; frost—; ice—; knead—; mix—; moisten—; mold—; munch on—; ply with—; regale with—; relish—; shape —; share—; spice—; squash—; sweeten—; yearn for—; —appeals; —appeases; —attracts; *—crumbles; —falls; —rises; —stales

(See bread.)

Calamity adjectives

sudden; near; appalling; frightful; dire; staggering; tremendous; universal; public; painful; evident; undeserved; national; family; inevitable; crowning; impending; ominous; dreadful; absurd; mysterious; natural; inexhaustible; grotesque; unspeakable; ultimate; extraordinary; surrounding; bitter; colossal; temporal; undisguised


afflict with—; avert—; avoid—; bear—; beset with—ies; drive to—; free from—; inflict with—; investigate—; involve—; laugh at—; mourn—; overcome—; restore from—; rush to—; save from—; survive—; —arises; —confounds; —damages; —descends; —distresses; —foreshadows; —injures; —menaces; —recurs; —smites; — threatens; —troubles

(See misfortune, disaster, adversity.)

Calculable adverbs

easily; accurately; obviously; analytically; rationally; fairly; exhaustively; arithmetically; scientifically; precisely; exactly; laboriously; imposingly; impressively

Calculate (v) adverbs

mentally; abstractly; arithmetically; shrewdly; convincingly; precisely; astronomically; mathematically; slavishly; systematically; perpetually; strikingly; nicely; artfully

(See compute, reckon.)

Calculation adjectives

abstruse; optimistic; hasty; mental; abstract; pragmatic; intricate; colorless; chill; arithmetical; trained; shrewd; barren; imposing; convincing; rough; mental; unsettling: hard; stupendous; easy; moderate; absurd; deliberate; prudent; precise; laborious; memorable; astronomical; elaborate; vain; mathematical; calm; monotonous; craniometrical; cool; systematic; slavish; perpetual ; reasonable


adjust—; adopt—; arrange—; average—; check—; cite—; compute—; denounce—; err in—; estimate—; facilitate—; frame—; perform—; prove—; reckon—; speed—; tabulate—; think out—; upset—; —deceives; — determines; —fits; —indicates; —results in

(See computation, reckoning.)

Caldron adjectives

seething; spiteful; great; live; bubbling; ancestral; hellish; boiling; monstrous; magic


agitate—; cook in—; cool—; fry in—; steep in—; —boils; —bubbles; —overflows; — pours out; —seethes; —simmers; —steams

(See kettle, pot.)

Calendar adjectives

proposed; universal; unscriptural; modern; present; scientific


appear on—; count on—; designate on—; introduce—; judge by—; keep—of; pencil —; readjust—; reckon by—; regulate—; revise—; scratch out of—; —computes; —denotes; -’■-determines; —s differ; —groups; —indicates; —measures; —serves; —signifies

(See list, schedule.)

Calf adjectives

capering; soft-eyed


beget—; corral—s; fatten—; fetter—; groom—; infect—; lasso—; offer—; pasture—; pet—; rend—; sacrifice—; slaughter—; stable—; —bawls; —browses; — grazes; —kicks; —shies; —suckles; — whines

(See animal.)

Calf adjectives


well-turned; unwearying; aching; pretty

Caliber adjectives

high; stern; rare; meager; spectacular; mental; various

Call adjectives

urgent; impatient; hurried; frantic; startled; strenuous; amazing; mystic; persistent; insistent; ceaseless; gallant; thrilling; voiceless; feeble; muffled; strong; canny; joyous; ringing; strident; clarion; screeching; staccato; calm; melodious; loud; musical; excited; effectual; pitiful; petulant; stirring; incoming; home-coming; solemn; doleful; providential; skyward; languid; vigorous; cheering; quavering; inconsiderate; bugle; emphatic; clamorous; person-to-person; night; echoing; high-pitched; immediate; impassioned; immortal


evade—; ignore—; register—; respond to —; rise at—; trumpet—; whistle—; yield to—; —beckons; —bursts forth; —deludes; —drifts; —gladdens; —saddens

(See shout, cry, summons, invitation.)

Call adjectives


deathless; enormous; unending; ceremonious; emergency; neighborly; unexpected; convenient; innumerable (pl); close; honorable; hasty; protracted; reliable; bewildering; personal

Call (v) adverbs

insistently; urgently; frantically; persistently; feebly; ringingly; stridently; screeching-ly; melodiously; musically; pitifully; petulantly; dolefully; languidly; passionately; vigorously; quaveringly; clamorously; emphatically; echoingly; irresistibly; officially; severely; alternately; bluntly; facetiously; despairingly; technically; irreverently; extemporaneously; plaintively; mysteriously; familiarly; delicately; subsequently; indifferently; timorously; imperiously; cordially; tauntingly; cautiously; virtually; proverbially; unconscionably; sportively; graciously; lustily

(See summon, bid, invite.)

Caller adjectives

white-haired; talkative; bedraggled; irate; bashful; unexpected; disappointed

Calling adjectives

suitable; honorable; money-making; effectual; incessant; primordial; gainful; lawful


answer—; awake to—; bend to—; consider —; continue in—; exalt—; exeicise—; feel —; follow—; give up to—; heed—; profess to—; succeed in—; surrender to—; —bids; —invites; —invokes; —summons

(See vocation, occupation, trade, profession.)

Callous (a) adverbs

coldly; unfeelingly; stolidly; senselessly; obtusely; apathetically; strangely; abnormally; weakly; heavily; vacantly; singularly; oddly; curiously; unaccountably; irritatingly; vexatiously; coolly; unpardonably; inexcusably

Callousness adjectives

extreme; bitter; cruel; harsh; icy; incurred; repellent; brutal; self-imposed; criminal


breed—; develop—; display—; expose to—; immunize to—; relapse into—; —blinds; — forms; —grows; —prevents; —ridicules

(See callous, cruelty.)

C ALLO IF adverbs

crudely; intolerably; uncompanionably; insufferably; rawly; youthfully; unintelligent-ly; rudimentally; coarsely; thoughtlessly; heedlessly; vacuously; fatuously; surprisingly; awkwardly

Callus (n


burning; carefully-tended; horny; leathery; reducible; stubborn; thickening; toil-worn; cushiony; cracked; shell-like


apply to—; cut—; expose—; forrfi—; pad—; peel—; press on—; rub into—; salve—; scrape—; slice—; soften—; soothe—; treat —es; wear —es; —aches; —burns; —hardens; —indurates; —irritates; —pains; — thickens

(See callousness.)

Calm adjectives

imperturbable; equable; deathly; reproachful; ominous; unutterable; desolate; sullen; philosophic; mental; studied; sensual; false; somber; solemn; classic; customary; comparative; jaded; forced; alert; secretive; unnatural; dovelike; delightful; unbroken; untroubled; restful; flawless; concentrated;-hallowed; inmost; underlying; Sabbath; delicious; sweet; bitter; disciplined; stately; unalterable; shimmering; breathless; expressionless; succeeding; prosaic; windless; splendid; night; rigid; eternal; perfect; disquieting; outward; threatening; mysterious; legislative; passionless; remote; lucid; constant; serene; professional; melancholy; colossal; awful; inward; solid; habitual; unapologetic; sad; sacred; stolid; maddening; level; shuddering; kindred; dead; planetary; everlasting; propitious; apparent; judicial


agitate—; break—; bring—; disturb—; end —; maintain—; preserve—; retain—; shatter—; suspend—; —bewitches; —delays; — detains; —enchants; —endures; —irritates; —rests; —settles on; —soothes

(See tranquillity, stillness, serenity.)

Calm (a) adverbs

pleasantly; delightfully; comfortingly; comfortably; habitually; sweetly; imperturbably; serenely; equitably; ominously; unutterably; philosophically; unnaturally; restfully; inwardly; unalterably; splendidly; mysteriously; perfectly; maddeningly; apparently; suddenly; strangely; pathetically; judicially; indulgently; coolly; placidly; gravely; passively; patiently; quietly; soberly; tranquilly; deliberately; silently; amicably; gently; smoothly; mildly; nonchalantly

Calm (v


ominously; philosophically; falsely; somberly; soberly; mentally; comparatively; unnaturally; expressionlessly; prosaically; outwardly; mysteriously; passionlessly; professionally; serenely; propitiously; judicially; apparently

(See lull, appease, hush.)

Calmness adjectives            

perfect; deathlike; icy; irritating; tense; sleepy; sudden; terrible; deliberate; strange; stony; peculiar; solitary; intrepid; honest; dreadful; collected; pathetic; fierce; unwonted; unmerciful; dreamy; judicial; proud; displeasing; settled; cold; imperturbable

Calories adjectives

accumulated; actinic; beneficial; burdening; life-sustaining; stored-up


burden with—; calculate—; contain—; define—; determine—; express in—; govern —; increase—; lessen—; measure—; obtain —; regulate—; require—; supply—; vary—; —suffice

(See unit.)

Calumniatory adverbs

criminally; scandalously; grossly; wilfully; flagitiously; dangerously; substantially; veritably; avowedly; abominably; detestably; extremely; illegally; nefariously; unfortunately; unluckily; openly; deliberately; maliciously; venomously; libelously; scur-rilously; foully; slanderously

Calumnious adverbs

deliberately; inherently; naturally; habitually; unfortunately; unpleasantly; disagreeably; detestably; abominably; hatefully; malignantly; maliciously; poisonously; venomously; viciously; insinuatingly; slyly; subtly; scandalously; wilfully; dangerously; extremely; openly; foully; unforgivably

Calumny adjectives

gross; frequent; willful; barbarous; back-wounding; transparent; private; flagitious; hideous; popular; superstitious


accuse of—; asperse with—; characterize by—; charge with—; diffuse—; invent—; propagate—; raise—; repudiate—; subject to—; utter—; —blights; —defames; —detracts; —imputes to; —injures; —libels; — misrepresents; —slanders

(See slander, aspersion, accusation.)

Calfinistic adverbs

rigidly; soundly; strictly; unyieldingly; inflexibly; faithfully; scrupulously; unbendingly; loyally; puritanically; chastely; punctiliously; literally; precisely; rigorously; unaffectedly; unimpeachably; frankly; openly; avowedly; sincerely; obstinately; stubbornly; obdurately; intolerantly; proudly

Camaraderie adjectives

careless; spirited; joyous

Camel adjectives

gloomy-eyed; crouching; fast; cream-colored; browsing; patient; fleet; miserable; baggage; fine-riding; beautiful; prodding; magnificent; kneeling; swift; sure-footed


domesticate—; load—; mount—; train—; water—; —bolts; —consumes; —fasts; — gurgles; —jolts; —kneels; —nibbles; — rages; —roars; —shakes; —stores; — sweats; —thrives

(See animal.)

Cameo adjectives

exquisite; precious

Camera adjectives

television; candid; clicking; heavy; leveled


adjust—; arm with—; besiege with —s; conceal—; focus—; insert in—; level—; load—; operate—; pose before—; regulate —; sit before—; utilize—; —aids; —captures; —catches; —copies; —enlarges; — espies; —grinds out; —obtains; —pictures; —records; —registers; —reproduces

Camouflage adjectives

pleasant; pious; shallow; discreditable; impenetrable; foolish

Camp adjectives

hostile; dismantled; horrible; concentration; deserted; aboriginal; circumvallating; permanent; temporary; picturesque; fortified; turbulent; peaceful; comfortable; armed; spacious; attractive; modest; thriving; selected; opposite; lawless; antagonistic; divided; nightly; luxurious; chaotic


arouse—; beleaguer—; besiege—; command —; concentrate—; conduct—; conduct to—; divide into —s; escort to—; pitch—; proclaim—; put out of—; quarter at—; split into —s; strike—; —busies; —buzzes; — hums; —rises; —swarms

(See barracks.)

Camp (v) adverbs

ostentatiously; conveniently; permanently; temporarily; turbulently; lawlessly; nightly; luxuriously; strategically

Campaign adjectives

triumphant; ill-fated; successful; whispering; perfunctory; systematic; demographic; vigorous; anti-crime; collective; energetic; fruitless; gubernatorial; brilliant; tremendous; aggressive; virulent; victorious; independent; indiscriminate; plausible; preliminary; piratical; comprehensive; subtle; long; tedious; bloody; doggerel; wearisome; approaching; powerful; persistent; perfidious; journalistic; deliberate; devouring; lulled; preceding; critical; anti-feminist; amatory; mighty; brilliant; thrilling; worldwide; far-flung; intense; thorough; guerrilla; national; educational; money-raising; recruiting; secret; quiet; off-stage; complete; exacting; sanguinary; haphazard; extraordinary


broaden—; carry on—; conduct—; embark on—; feature—; focus—; foster—; inaugurate—; initiate—; inspire—; intensify—; launch—; map out—; participate in—; plan —; plot—; promote—z; push—; stir—; sway —; swing—; transcend—; wage—

(See operation, contest, appeal.)

Campaign (v) adverbs

vigorously; triumphantly; ill-fatedly; vain-gioriously; perfunctorily; systematically; energetically; fruitlessly; brilliantly; guber-natorially; aggressively; virulently; independently; indiscriminately; perfidiously; comprehensively; tediously; educationally; extraordinarily; haphazardly

(See operate.)


agitated; ogling; leering; scheming; artful; active; seasoned

Camper adjectives

scattered (pl); unsuspecting

Campfire adjectives

forsaken; gleaming; rosy; flickering; bright

glowing; tiny; cozy; smoking; central

Campus adjectives

dignified; attractive

Can adjectives

highly-colored; discarded


cap—; dent—; deposit in—; dump —s; grade—; heap —s; label—; litter with —s; manufacture—; package —s; penetrate—; put up in—; save in—; seal—; shape—; shelve—; —preserves; —protects; —rusts

(See cup.)

Canadian adverbs

staunchly; stoutly; shrewdly; indomitably; loyally; dauntlessly; stolidly; generously; cannily

Canal ad jectives

shining; picturesque; slender; enchanting; stagnant; inland; crude; sluggish; beautiful; tree-lined; intestinal; vast; network; practicable; intracoastal; alimentary; auditory; winding; lotus-paved; irregular; pestiferous; tortuous; marble-lined; glittering; terrestrial; ribbonlike; semicircular; shadowed; vestigial


bank—; block—; border by—; bridge—; circle—; construct—; drain—; dredge—; fortify—; lay out—; line—; lock—; navigate —; obstruct—; project—; tow through—; —communicates; —connects; —conveys; — irrigates; —retains; —shortens; —unites

(See channel, duct, passage.)

Canard adjectives

base; preposterous


ephemeral; fluffy; fragile; gladsome; green-gold; restless; song-bursting; twittering


—carols; —peeps; —trills; —tweets

(See bird.)

Cancer adjectives

malignant; hereditary; inoperable


ascribe to—; control—; detect—; diagnose —; discover—; engraft—; examine for—; excise—; indicate—; lecture on—; localize —; recognize—; reveal—; sacrifice to—; suffer from—; suspect—; treat for—; —advances; —appears; —courses through; —develops; —disables; —eats away; —extends; —lodges; —lurks; —results; —spreads

(See tumor, disease.)

Cancerous adverbs

hopelessly; lamentably; malignantly; incurably; irremediably; morbidly; painfully; distressingly; inoperably; sorely; agonizingly; grievously; horribly; dolorously; frightfully; pitiably; tvoefully; tragically

Candelabra ad jectives

myriad; tall; bronze; brilliant; huge; silver

Candent adverbs

glowingly; whitely; tropically; lambently; scintillatingly; flamingly; smolderingly; in-calescently; intensely; fiercely; sulphurous-ly; overpoweringly; intolerably; unendur-ably; incredibly

Candescent adverbs

blazingly; dazzlingly; effulgently; brightly; radiantly; intolerably; gloriously; luminously; refulgently; resplendently; splendidly; magnificently; garishly; lustrously; vividly; genially; mildly; exceedingly; surprisingly; gratefully; agreeably; magically

Candid adverbs

utterly; openly; honestly; innocently; simply; sincerely; artlessly; deliberately; resolutely; roughly; directly; downright; frankly; ingenuously; naively; naturally; plainly; unflatteringly; delicately; nakedly; soberly

palpably; .evidently; manifestly; truthfully; veraciously; bluntly; indulgently; particularly; scrupulously; unaffectedly; unnecessarily; inexcusably; faithfully; unreservedly; respectfully; incorruptibly; crudely; painfully; gaily; unfeelingly; characteristically; habitually; amazingly; humorously; unexpectedly; engagingly; alarmingly; charmingly

Candidacy adjectives

insurgent; unsuccessful


announce—; avow—; back—; boost for—; campaign for—; criticize—; decide—; discuss—; interest in—; offer for—; promote —; propose—; protest—; reject—; rob of—; select for—; support—; work for—

Candidate adjectives

potential; gubernatorial; legitimate; senatorial; aspiring; glamorous; receptive; prospective; rejected; unexceptionable; proper; eligible; formidable; leading; opposing; passive; alternative; presidential


choose—; doom—; endorse—; favor—; groom—; handicap—; honor—; idealize—; squelch—; uphold—; —aspires to; —offers; —orates; —“slings mud”; —stumps; —thunders; - -triumphs

(See contestant.)

Candied adverbs

deliciously; delectably; lusciously; richly; densely; thickly; indissolubly; substantially; sweetly; fruitily; generously; agreeably; palatably; deceptively

Candle adjectives

dumb; newfangled; paraffin; shining; beeswax; flickering; brief; gigantic; guttering; meek; neglected; tall; ghastly; blessed; diminutive; melancholy; flaring; spent; cabbage-headed; half-burned; lighted; sputtering; waning; snuffed; long-wicked


dip —s; extinguish—; mould —s; snuff—

—decorates; —drips; —flickers; —gutters

—illuminates; —melts; —shadows; —shines

—shrinks; —sputters; —stains; —tapers

(See light, lamp.)


squat; slender; graceful

Candor adjectives

crude; unfailing; ingenuous; shameless; maidenly; winning; half-rebellious; friendly; perfect; pervading; utmost; gay; transparent; unwonted; incomparable; painful; dignified; unfeeling; fresh; apparent; characteristic; piercing; brotherly; stainless; endearing; illuminating; violent; good-humored; unashamed; unsuggestive; uncompromising; amazing; wholesome; spiritual; direct; heartfelt; vigorous; humorous; unexpected; courageous; perfect; devastating; engaging; openhearted; rustic; unruly; a-larming; comical


acclaim—; boast—; discourse with—; dispose toward—; express—; feign—; honor —; judge with—; radiate—; —brightens; —frees; —shines; —shocks; —strains; — surprises

(See frankness, impartiality, fairness, sincerity.)

Candy adjectives

silk; atrocious; hard; lime; delicious; tempting; nutritious


bribe with—; congeal into—; consume—; decorate—; feast on—; flavor—; hanker for—; immerse—in; inspissate—; proffer—; regale with—; thicken—; —appeals; —crystallizes; —sickens; —stales; —vanishes

(See cake.)

Cane adjectives

lithe; long; ebony; ivory-headed; silverheaded; Malacca; gold-headed; slender; impenetrable; light; flexible; leaded; jewelled; silver-topped; beribboned


beat with—; brandish—; carve—; enamel —; flex—; flog with—; flourish—; jab with —; joint—; lean on—; notch—; poise—; sheathe—; tap with—; utilize—; —supports

(See stick, staff, whip.)

Canine adjectives

affectionate; luckless



Canker adjectives

vengeful; gnawing


banish—; infect with—; slough—; spray—: —consumes; —corrupts; —decays; —depraves; —destroys; —develops; —devours; —discharges; —diseases; —eats; —envelops; —gnaws; —grows; —indisposes; —poisons; —pollutes; —rusts; —spreads; —tarnishes

(See cancer, ulcer, sore.)

Cankerous adverbs

increasingly; injuriously; poisonously; corrosively; blightingly; irremediably; incurably; painfully; distressingly; troublesome-ly; pitiably; unfortunately

Canned adverbs

perfectly; exquisitely; expertly; faultlessly; irreproachably; hygienically; scientifically; soundly; carefully; well; safely; home; pro-phylactically; guardedly

Cannibals ad jectives

gigantic; raging

Cannon adjectives

least-accessible; monstrous; small; academical; clumsy; ugly; yawning; widely-sloping; terraced; prostrate; grumbling; booming; brazen-throated; improvised; boulder-choked; distant; useless; breaching; spiked; roaring; frowning; lateral; brazen; belching; thundering; hostile


capture—; charge—; discharge—; level—; load—; man—; mount—; sight—; silence —; train—upon; —batters; —blazes away; —booms; —emits; —explodes; —menaces; —pounds; —recoils; —revolves; —roars; —rolls; —salutes; —throws; —thunders; — vollies

(See gun, weapon.)

Cannonade adjectives

tremendous; sullen


astonishingly; shrewdly; weirdly; uncommonly; infinitely; suavely; smoothly; adroitly; cleverly; diplomatically; artfully; subtly; cunningly; naturally; craftily; guilelessly; astutely; foxily; deeply; knowingly; politically; discreetly; intelligently; sharply; wisely; sagely; sagaciously; alertly; smartly

Canoe adjectives

stealthy; canvas-covered; capsized; frail; careening; racing; dug-out; birchen; lonely


ballast—; capsize—; cruise in—; fashion—; guide—; handle—; launch—; level—; model —; navigate—; overturn—; propel—; race in—; right—; rig up—; sail—; stabilize—; steer—; trim—; twist—; waterproof—; weight—; —dips; —glides; —outsails; — rocks; —slips

(See boat.)

Canoeist adjectives


Canon adjectives

hospitable; highest; continent; aesthetic

worthy; obtrusive; waterless; metrical

Canonical adverbs

strictly; highly; conformably; obtrusively; ecclesiastically; monastically; pontifically; illustriously; conventionally; formally; habitually; ordinarily; regularly; acceptably; rigidly; typically; uncompromisingly; evangelically; sacredly; prophetically; inviolably; expressly

Can OPENER adjectives


Canopy adjectives

moon-proof; damask; shifting; irremovable; drooping; arched; orb-like; moth-flitted; overhead; luminous; oblique; skyey; silken; flowery; crimson; celestial; velvet; azure; somber; verdant; umbrageous


bracket—; couch under—; embroider—; hang out—; spread—; support—; suspend —; —circles; —covers; —decorates;

hangs over; —hoods; —projects; —protects

—shades; —shelters; —surmounts

(See pavilion, tent.)

Cant adjectives

specious; traditional

Canter adjectives

clumsy; brisk; undeniable; preliminary

Canter (v) adverbs

clumsily; briskly; carelessly; steadily; spiritedly; half-heartedly; unevenly; monotonously; jouncingly; pleasurably; lazily. (See trot.

Canvas adjectives

mute; melancholy; billowing; snowy; smoke-darkened; gigantic; towering; shimmering; famous; important; dark-colored; mighty; somber; rickety; defiled; broad; idly-flapping; mimic; remarkable; inflammable


bleach—; daub—; depict on—; display on —; dye—; execute on—; garment in—; line with—; live under—; portray on—; retain on—; spread—; surface—; transfer to—; weave—; —blinds; —filters; —protects; — screens

(See cloth, sail, tent, picture, painting.)

Canvass adjectives

frantic; extensive; national; house-to-house; thorough; misleading; hotly-contested; electoral; industrious; effective

Canyon adjectives

deepening; lowland; tributary; carved; narrow; sharp; shallow; dreaded; deserted; winding; mile-deep; color-flaming; hollow; bare; hard; blind; frowning; weird; windswept; somber; snow-clad; treeless; mist-filled; nave-like; mystic; rocky-bottomed; grand


carve—; collect in—; delve in—; enter—; erode into—; explore—; flow through—; stream through—; traverse—; widen—; — beautifies; —extends; —narrows; —skirts; —traverses; —widens

(See gorge, valley.)

Cap adjectives

rakish; coon-tail; checked; grimy; shabby; demure; bulging; peaked; close-fitting; vi.-sored; tall; shako-like; thin; plumed; gauze; paltry; flaring; jaunty; blue-tasseled; night-spangled; frilled; perforated; traditional; funnel-shaped; lace; muslin


adjust—; admire—; appear in—; clap—on; crown with—;• don—; fashion—; fling—; hurl—in air; line—; pattern—; peak—; — balloons; —blows off; —covers; —distinguishes; —fits; —perches; —protects; -5-shades; —shields; —surrounds; —warms

(See hat, cover.)

Capabilities adjectives

ultimate; brilliant; admitted; generous; endless


admit—; apprehend—; ascertain—; boast of—; confirm—; convince of—; demand—; destroy—; display—; discover—; doubt—; drain—; enlarge—; establish—; evince—; examine—; exhibit—; gift with—; investigate—of; perceive—; possess—; recognize —; reward—; strike one with—; trust in— of

(See ability, capacity, skill.)

Capable adverbs

unusually; brilliantly; remarkably; normally; generally; immensely; naturally; highly; notably; efficiently; sufficiently; incredibly; exceptionally; energetically; potentially; influentially; adroitly; cleverly; dexterously; deftly; discreetly; expertly; ingeniously; in-def atigably; tirelessly; intelligently; practically; skilfully; proficiently; felicitously; handily; neatly; pleasantly; willingly; thoroughly; technically; shrewdly; entirely; gratifyingly; prepossessingly; agreeably

Capacious adverbs

unusually; incredibly; extensively; extremely; sweepingly; magnificently; broadly; splendidly; grandly; superbly; unbelievably; wonderfully; marvellously; inimitably; infinitely; admirably; majestically; roomily; enormously; remarkably; notably; famously; renownedly; formidably; singularly; uncommonly; particularly


imitative; business; temporal; assimilative; Remarkable; absorptive; negative; productive; private; normal; functional; boundless; superior; reserve; carrying; immense; phenomenal; histrionic; unbounded; equestrian; bestowed; fruitful; partisan; sovereign; native; fatal; individual; narrowest; physical; psychological; proper; everlasting; increasing; cubical; wage-earning; reputed; creative; intellectual; interpretative; notable; productive; automatic; honorary; earning; predatory; constitutional; dignified; uncommon; extensive; aggregate; daily; destructive; magical; executive; exceptional; innate; latent; automatic; enlarged; varying; inexhaustible; bear-like; extraordinary; tremendous; ultimate; human; seating; consulting; mental; social; official; business; threefold; spiritual; prehensile; advisory; endless; singular; considerable; utmost; marked; unique; stunted; amazing; unparalleled; infinite; limitless; incredible; strange; cold-blooded; meanest; inherent; natural; fertile; implanted; expert; unsuspected; sufficient; demonstrated; flexible; inborn; benevolent; hidden; varied; contrasted ; formidable


cultivate—; delineate—; demonstrate—; develop—; endow with—; engender—; enlarge —; exceed—; exert to—; expand—; gauge —; impair—; increase—; limit—; measure —; nourish—; overestimate—; reduce—; sharpen—; —dwindles; —wanes

(See ability, talent, power, space, position, office.)

Cape adjectives


dark; all-enveloping; velvet; cloth; dusky; ghostly; chestnut; graceful; small; fluttering

Cape adjectives


stupendous; huge; rocky; famous; grassy

Caper adjectives

wild; queer; prancing; droll; weird; drunken; inexplicable


cut —s; dance in—; execute—; frolic in —s; jump in —s; leap in —s; perform—; prance in—; run into—; skip in—; sport in—; twist in—

(See prank, trick, leap, spring.)


gleeful; lamb-like; idle

Capital adjectives


seething; delightful; mad; hospitable; national; inland; stricken; remote; proud; brilliant; sophisticated; intellectual; financial; provincial; faraway; critical; highland; ancient; gilded; sculptured; flowery; peerless

Capital adjectives


ample; slender; insufficient; borrowed; local; surplus; invested; ready; maximum; accumulated; potential; enchanting; embellished; tolerable; available; abundant; organized; skittish; enlightened; unproductive


accumulate—; amass—; calculate—; contribute—; convert into—; distribute—; employ—; exploit—; favor—; fix—; float—; furnish—; gain—; guarantee—; impair—; increase—; insure—; invest—; organize—; produce—; protect—; subscribe—; withdraw—; —earns; —finances

(See money, wealth, stock.)

Capitalism adjectives

regenerated; decadent; imperialistic; monopolist


abuse—; attack—; base on—; berate—; condemn—; creep upon—; denounce—; deplore—; favor—; oppose—; overthrow—; prejudice against—; rebuild—; reform—; reject—; revive—; support—; vindicate—; —collapses; —concentrates; —evolves from; —exploits; —flourishes; —promotes; — possesses; —retards; —rules; —speeds up; — topples; —tyrannizes

Capitalist adjectives

foolish; old-style; hard-boiled; new-risen; timid; satanic; retired; world-famed; local; noted; universal; desirable; unregenerate; designing

Capitulation adjectives

dishonorable; unexpected; so-called; careful; generous


cruel ;■ revolting; monstrous; swift; boyish; accidental; magnificent; slightest; youthful; expensive; sudden; unaccountable; feminine

passing; innocent; common; irresistible


act on—; depend on—; humor—; lead by—; leave to—; restrain—; subject to—; —determines; —fancies; —fixes; —forms; — governs; —guides; —turns

(See whim, fancy, notion.)

Capricious adverbs

waywardly; whimsically; wantonly; playfully; captiously; unreasonably; amusingly; ridiculously; delightfully; irresistibly; strikingly; extravagantly; senselessly; humorously; cruelly; childishly; irresponsibly; unaccountably; girlishly; incorrigibly; intractably; curiously; foolishly; preposterously; nonsensically; drolly; comically

Capsule adjectives

compact; dehiscent; formidable; gelatine; handy; metallic; portable; soluble; transparent; unappetizing


administer—; cover with—; dissolve—; dose with —s; enclose in—; form in—; heat—; medicate—; melt—; perforate—; seal in—; swallow—; —bursts; —contains; —cures; —envelops; —opens; —sheathes; —surrounds

(See case.)

Captain ad jectives

turbulent; portly; doughty; gallant; dauntless; resourceful; inspiring; imperturbable; wily; bluff; honest; naval; brutal; steady; reliable; plump; rubicund; grave; calm; wigged; staff; blustering; youthful; sagacious; usurping; triumphant; modish; unwilling; unapproachable; senior; russet-coated; victorious; mutinous; self-sufficient; spectacular; valiant


beseech—; betray—; commission—; commune with—; dread—; elect—; elevate to —; entreat—; promote to—; rank as—; raise to—; —assigns; —authorizes; —commands; —heads; —leads; —orders; —roars; —survives; —thunders; —upbraids

(See leader, commander.)


disagreeably; offensively; irritatingly; needlessly; groundlessly; wilfully; unpleasantly; truculently; cantankerously; capriciously; whimsically; irresponsibly; provokingly; fitfully; contrarily; uncomfortably; excitably; petulantly; intolerably; unpardonably; irascibly; irritably; fretfully; inexplicably; fractiously; sarcastically; woefully

Captive adjectives

illustrious; beautiful; sullen-eyed; barbaric; slaughtered; hopeless; hapless; delighted; luckless; trapped; defenseless; willing; unhappy; devoted; cowardly; shamed; spent; princely; august


acquit—; bind—; cage—; carry away—; chain—; deliver—; detain—; enslave—; exchange —s; fetter—; free—; humble—; liberate—; mutilate—; restore—; slaughter —s; struggle with—; subdue—; take—; torture—

(See prisoner.)

Captivity adjectives

killing; limitless; perpetual; weakening



bring into—; cancel—; carry into—; counsel in—; dash into—; deliver from—; desolate in—; detain in—; dwell in—; enforce—; escape from—; feel—; hold in—; incarcerate in—; languish in—; lead into—; pine in—; resign to—; sell into—; shut in—; sink into —; subject to—; submit to—

(See bondage, slavery.)

Capture adjectives

final; violent; rich; gallant; important; nefarious; imminent

Capture (v) adverbs

triumphantly; previously; brilliantly; finally; violently; gallantly; nefariously; shrewdly; skillfully; dexterously; slyly; viciously; cruelly; wantonly

(See apprehend, arrest, seize.)

Car adjectives

spectral; rheumatic; unobtrusive; high

toned; high-priced; heavenly; short-lived; sumptuous; rushing; antiquated; magnificent; fast; refrigerator; private; outmoded; jangling; streamlined.; swift; horse; electric; dull; faded; forward; triumphal; airborne; pellucid; impressive; frivolous; illsmelling; clanging; luxurious; excellent; appointed; fine-looking; gay; resplendent; ancient; battered; touring; rattling; scrag-gly; ramshackle; decrepit; small; shabby; disreputable; armored; torpedo-shaped; queer; coffin-shaped; showy; motor; gaudy; rakish; spectral; death; twisted; crippled; expensive; charging; oncoming; hurtling; roaring; pursuing; departing; passing; jolting; bouncing; purring; lurching; brilliant; swinging'; mud-splashed; full-length; close-parked; halted; gleaming; massive; roomy


check—; convey in—; crowd—; crush beneath—; demolish—; draw—; fuel—; grease —; guide—; jaunt in—; load—; polish—; power—; proceed in—; ride in—; scramble from—; smash—; tow—; transport in—; tumble from—; wheel—; —backfires; —s collide; —s file by; —glides; —glistens; — groans; —hums; —purrs; —rattles; — serves; —skids; —skims; —speeds; —traverses; —whizzes by

(See automobile.)

Car adjectives


clanking; gliding; heavily-laden; obdurate; rattling; runaway; swaying; unmanned; unwieldy; weighty; trundling; creaking; brawling


attach—; brake—; couple —s; derail—; design—; dispatch—; electrify—; equip—; gear—; haul—; hook on—; light—; load—; model—; number—; refrigerate—; shunt—; signal—; station—; streamline—; switch—; transport in—; —chugs along; —s collide; —rattles by; —rumbles past; —rusts

(See coach.)

Caravan adjectives

innumerable (pl); floating; assembled; angelic; formidable; long-winding; slow-crawling; trekking; vast; imposing; lonely; patriarchal; stately; sluggish


arm—; attack—; burden—; convoy—; encounter—; engage—; equip—; guard—; guide—; halt—; head—; hire—; lead—; route—; set upon—; tour in—; —assembles

—marches; —perishes; —sets forth; — starves; —travels; —traverses; —treks; — troops by; —wanders

(See company, cart, wagon.)

Caravansary adjectives

frivolous; huge; pretentious; courtyard

Carbohydrates adjectives

essential; tissue-building; fortifying; vital; woody


analyze—; burn up—; characterize—; class as—; consist of—; consume—; contain—; depend on—; distribute—; form—; induce —; lack—; —benefit; —energize; —fuel; —occur in; —produce; —reveal; —serve as

(See compound.)

Carbon adjectives

amorphous; crystallized; free; elemental; ebon; smudgy; uncombined


anaylze—; clean—; combine with—; compound with—; crystallize—; deposit—; filter with—; free—; give off—; illuminate —; produce—; reduce to—; —blackens; — condenses; —decolors; —joins with

(See element.)

Carcass adjectives

bloodstained; bovine; flaccid; gross; swarming; fresh-bitten; floating; putrefying; snake-bitten; swollen; miserable; mutilated; handsome; lifeless; rascally; partly-devoured; warm; bleeding; frozen; corrupt; bloody


bury—; cast out—; drape—; drop—; glut —; hide—; mutilate—; prostrate—; rend —; reveal—; scatter —s; suspend—; tear —; tread upon—; —decays; —decomposes; —disintegrates; —putrefies; —rots

(See body, frame.)

Card adjectives


ill-judged; official; engraved; neatly-typed; attention-compelling

Card adjectives


best; false; winning; shuffled; precious; worn; greasy; stacked


arrange —s; box —s; cheat at —s; draw —; flash—; gather —s; introduce —s; mark —s; pack—s; perforate—; shuffle—s; stack —s; stake —s; stencil —s; throw up —s; trump—; wager on —s; —s allot; —designates; —slides; —slips; —warrants

Cardinal adjectives


brilliant-plumaged; crested; flitting; musicflooding; regal; scarlet-flashing; sun-reflecting; pine-homing


cage—; tame—; —plumes; —whistles

(See bird.)

Care adjectives

scientific; secret; degrading; unhappy; reverential; dull; business; public; sincere; harassing; artistic; dismal; ill-reputed; wasting; fastidious; considerate; domestic; humbler; stimulating; carping; patient; unquiet; paternal; medical; ministering; nice; meanest; gigantic; thoughtful; bounteous; sharp; fatherly; elaborate; watchful; timely; indefatigable; peculiar; jealous; anxious; cankering; institutional; painstaking; tender; sufficient; chary; honest; reverent; fearful; scrupulous; rankling; loving; never-ceasing; heavy; sleepless; grisly; meticulous; considerable; fostering; wrinkled; persistent; efficient; extreme; municipal; telltale; providential; sympathetic; ignoble; wearying; warlike; chief; overpowering; conscientious; earth-born; practical; untuned; unremitting; apparitional; scrutinizing; eating; arduous; fevered; conquered; alliterative; preventive; utmost; prodigious; perpetual; silent; commonplace; judicious; self-intrusted; mortal; same; knowing; vexing; heavy; particular; gnawing; magnificent; altruistic; reverent; pale; touching; loving; consumptive; excellent; shallow; pastoral; intrusive; daintiest; prudent; exaggerated; vigilant; infinite; special; unusual; foreboding; exacting; sinful; late; surgical; maternal; miserable; sheltering; sordid; rigid; pitying; colossal; intensive; queenly; distracting; peremptory; ancient; religious; studious; sedulous; solicitous; protective; hospitable; exquisite; admirable; tender; expert; rooted; squalid; searing; wrinkling; stern; ageless; minute;, tireless; human; pressing; deliberate; visible; foolish; constant; inevitable; unctuous; inadequate; masterly; incessant; patriarchal


abolish—; banish—; bend with—; bestow —upon; brood with—; charge with—of; choke with—; conduct with—; delegate—of; demand—; deride—; devote—to; discharge —s; disclaim—; drive away—; droop with —; drown—; dull with—; ease—; escape —; exempt from—; exercise—; foster with —; free from—; fret with—; harass with —; heal —s; intrust—of; kill —s; lavish— upon; lay aside—; lift —s; load with—; lose —s; merit—; observe—; oppress with —; overcome with—; perform with—; redouble—; relax—; release from—; rest from —; rout—; shake off—; share —s; soothe —s; sour with—; twist with—; unload —s; wash away—; waste with—; weigh down with—; wrack with—; wring with—; yoke with—; —ceases; —s chafe; —s consume; —s linger; —perplexes; —pursues; furrow with—

(See concern, anxiety, worry, caution.)

Care (v) adverbs

particularly; hardly; assiduously; violently; chiefly; scientifically; reverentially; artistically; patiently; paternally; medically; bounteously; indefatigably; jealously; anxiously; painstakingly; tenderly; sufficiently; scrupulously; never-ceasingly; meticulously; efficiently; conscientiously; unremittingly; arduously; magnificently; providently; touchingly; prudently; exaggeratedly; surgically; maternally; religiously; studiously; sedulously; solicitously; hospitably; exquisitely; expertly; patriarchally; domestically

(See worry.)

Career adjectives

decent; brilliant; military; creative; sterile; medical; hard-working; subsequent; honorable; prosperous; notable; checkered; literary; wasted; remarkable; tremulous; serene; cinematic; philanthropic; ill-starred; unblemished; generous; victorious; adequate; kind; unsentimental; stormy; eventual; buoyant; editorial; distinguished; definite; uninterrupted; artistic; academical; parliamentary; changed; rough; terrible; desperate; horrible; riotous; laboring; dignified; forceful; wandering; martial; theatrical; inglorious; unwearied; conjugal; pale; rollicking; joyous; diplomatic; coarse; low; anti-social; recognized; remorseless; official; political; placid; dazzling; wild; agitated; tragic; unscrupulous; clerical; independent; legal; triumphant; mercantile; honest; professional; obscure; shameful; disastrous; unadvanced; unswerving; irresistible; journalistic; heavenly; active; normal; marvelous; termagant; bloody; picturesque; celibate; hapless; saintly; inspiring; fluctuating; celebrated; astonishing; story-book; startling; extraordinary; exceptional; amazing; incredible; meteoric; budding; illustrious; clean; vivid; noted; imposing; sensible; fine; assured; magnificent; promising; serious;. versatile; invincible; famous; portentous; spectacular; dramatic; sensational; eventful; colorful; breathless; adventuresome; exciting; arduous; quick; tempestuous; mad; extravagant; challenging; tumultuous; controversial; erratic; servile; turbulent; disturbed; revolutionary; happy; rollicking; blithe; disappointing; lonely; hopeless; lively; active; busy; vicious; infamous; strange; tormented; brutal; enigmatic; seafaring; forensic; golfing; burdened; moneymaking; pleasurable; public; scholastic; college; peripatetic; discomforting; scientific; posthumous; brief; true; indecorous; sufficient; chosen; diverging; material; limited; glittering; fixed; fortuitous; penitential; subsequent; prone


achieve—; aspire to—; blast—; carve out —; checker—; close—; commence—; crown —; date—; embark on—; embrace—; endanger—; enter upon—; enthrall by—; further—; jeopardize—; litter—; mar—; mark —; pursue—; renounce—; smash—; stunt —; terminate—; unfold—; wreck—

(See achievement, course, life, profession.)

Careful adverbs

prudently; vigilantly; alertly; attentively; meticulously; extremely; particularly; intelligently; scrupulously; conscientiously; decorously; dutifully; obediently; admirably; thoughtfully; deliberately; ridiculously; significantly; comfortingly; considerately; warily; cautiously; absolutely; energetically; definitely; discreetly; wisely; singularly; strangely; sagac ously; expertly; nervously; unduly; characteristically; naturally; usually; laughably; uneasily; elaborately; unobtrusively; satisfactorily; exaggerated!} ; habitually; fastidiously; solicitously; sedulously; unusually; infinitely; lovingly; prodigiously; indefatigably

Careless adverbs

inexcusably; nonchalantly; casually; gaily; airily; indecently; recklessly; wantonly; vexatiously; irritatingly; amusingly; laughably; imprudently; indiscreetly; dangerously; perilously; significantly; noticeably; heedlessly; thoughtlessly; deliberately; indifferently; inconsiderately; unwarily; irresponsibly; absolutely; lazily; idly; unaccountably; inexplicably; impossibly; listlessly; languidly; defiantly; rebelliously; ostentatiously; flauntingly; stupidly

Carelessness adjectives

aristocratic; criminal; elaborate; assumed; habitual; inveterate; idle; lovable; studied; superb; unpardonable; willful; culpable; deliberate


berate—; breed—; condone—; countenance —; decry—; denounce—; inculcate—; inveigh against—; neglect in—; occasion—; punish—; regret—; resent—; utter in—; warn against—; wear an air of—; — disturbs; —worries

(See neglect; )

Caress adjectives

condescending; complacent; fond; final; gentle; hasty; haughty; impulsive; impassioned; perfunctory; sympathetic; mesmeric; bitter-sweet; adolescent; dizzying; monotonous; turbulent; vicarious; exploratory; casual; mellowing; playful; sustained; infinite; indescribable; fierce; pussy-cat; rude; vague


bestow —es on; cherish —es; countenance —es; delight in —es; encourage—es; favor with —es; fondle—; hunger for —es; intermix with —es; invite —es ; long for —es; overwhelm with —es; w'ard off —; welcome —; —es allure; —es burn; —es cheer; —es endear; —es offend; —es soothe

(See embrace, kiss, flattery.)

Caress (v) adverbs

endearingly; ecstatically; adoringly; sympathetically; warmly; lovingly; roughly; thrillingly; imploringly; affectionately; blissfully

(See embrace, kiss, court.)

Careworn adverbs

irritably; distressingly; intolerably; uncomfortably; dejectedly; sadly; anxiously; wretchedly; grievously; miserably; pitiably; horribly; sorely; sorrily; heartbreakingly; unbearably; piteously; bitterly; dismally; hopelessly; unutterably; tragically; extremely; incredibly; gravely; outrageously; indescribably

Cargo adjectives

guarded; guilty; indifferent; precious; smuggled; surreptitious; undeclared; worthless


burden with—; dampen—; discharge—; disinfect—; haul—; hoist—; import—; inspect —; insure—; land—; levy on—; load—; salvage—; ship—; tax—; transport—; underwrite—; —ballasts; —weighs

(See freight, load, burden.)

Carnal adverbs

loosely; sensually; intemperately; luxuriously; voluptuously; grossly; shamelessly; wantonly; rakishly; bestially; erotically; indecently; self-indulgently; dissipatedly; intemperately; licentiously; coarsely; unbelievably; obscenely; evilly; sinfully; vilely; detestably; odiously

Carol adjectives

gay; haunting; joyous; lively; merry; rustic; round; ancient; swelling; warbled


bellow—; bless in—; burst into—; celebrate with —s; chorus—; compose—; dance to—; exercise—; flute—; hallow—; join in—; listen to —s; practise—; praise—; revive —; scream—; warble—; —cheers; —encourages; —expresses; —rings out; — sounds; —survives; —warms

(See song, hymn.)

Carouse (v) adverbs

hilariously; drunkenly; sordidly; squalidly; riotously; viciously; rollickingly; tumultuously; turbulently; wildly

(See drink, celebrate.)

Carpenter adjectives

village; rare; retired; veteran


employ—; hire—; —bevels: —chisels; — constructs; —designs; —frames; —hammers; —joins; —labors; —levels; —measures; —molds; —mortises; —notches; —s organize; —pins; —rules; —sands; —saws

—smooths; —tenons; —tails; —wedges

(See worker, workman.)

Carpet adjectives

sumptuous; grassy; mossy; wind-woven; flaunty; matted; frayed; brilliant; swampy; varicolored; taupe; worn; dusty; odorous; dirty; heavy; gay; stair; soft; suspended; treacherous; patternless; fiber; deep-pile; thick; handsome; bright; eye-offending


dance on—; design—; dust—; fringe—; kneel on—; litter—; market—; match—; patch—; prostrate on—; scour—; shampoo —; shred—; spread on—; strew on—; tack down—; warp—; weave—; —beautifies; — covers; —decorates; —protects; —shields; —slides

(See fabric, rug.)

Carriage adjectives


military; dashing; haughty; vigorous; graceful; violent; reckless; frank; toiling; unbending; indifferent; picturesque; internal; fierce; unpretentious; gentle; courteous; reverend; elegant; exquisite; superb; certain; sedate; fine; dignified; stately; soldierly; upright; erect; insolent; intelligent; swaggering; unwieldly; faulty; obstinate; headstrong; peculiar; sanctimonious

Carriage adjectives


imperial; rough; decent; elegant; horseless; lumbering; travelling; countless; handsome; heavy; painted; lurching; wooden-wheeled; ramshackle; musty; moldy; rickety


bar—; burden—; dispatch—; draw—; fashion—; guard—; guide—; harness—; load—; ornament—; provide—; tow—; wheel out —; —accommodates; —bounces; —conveys; —jolts; —rattles; —rocks; —rolls; —rumbles; —sways; —transports; —winds its way

(See car, vehicle, coach.)

Carrion adjectives

foolish; unsavory; putrefied

Carry (v) adverbs

imperfectly; occasionally; triumphantly; habitually; surreptitiously; imperceptibly; valiantly; ultimately; infallibly; delicately; laboriously; unfalteringly; accommodatingly; unconsciously; jauntily; continuously; unanimously; infallibly; slavishly; penitently; ostentatiously

(See convey, bear, transport.)

Cart adjectives         

creaking; retreating; fatal; ungainly; heavy; laden; shabby; jaunty. verbs

direct—; draw—; grease—; harness to—; harvest with—; license—; load—; mount —; operate—; peddle on—; pile in—; provide—; team—; traverse by—; wheel—; —clatters; —conveys; —creaks; —jolts; — looms; —pitches; —progresses; —rumbles; —wheels

(See vehicle, truck.)

Cartoon adjectives

animated; completed; contemporary; much-remarked

Cartoon (v) adverbs

derisively; animatedly; sarcastically; satirically; diplomatically; viciously; humorously; blisteringly

(See picture, design.) adjectives

ribald; clever )

  • — colors; —conceives; —contributes; — copies; —crystallizes; —denotes; —designs; —distorts; —draws; —engages in; —exaggerates; —executes; —illustrates; —implies

  • — indulges in; —irritates; —lampoons; — misrepresents; —mocks; —offends; —prints

  • —qualifies; —represenfs; —sets forth; — supplies; —sways; —wields

    (See artist.)

    Cartridge adjectives

    blank; buck-shot; cylindrical; deadly; highly-charged; inflammable; trusty; hoarded


    arm with —s; belt —s; box —s; case —s; distribute —s; fit—; form into—; ignite—; insert—; load with—; provide—; replenish —s; shape—; store—; —bursts; —detonates; —explodes; —penetrates

    Carve (v) adverbs

    curiously; richly; marvelously; elaborately; skillfully; exquisitely; delicately; ornately; cunningly; ingeniously; fantastically; medievally; wearily

    (See sculpture, engrave, fashion.)

    Carving adjectives

    elaborate; fantastic; relief; grotesque; intricate; salvaged; weatherworn; delicate; splendid; flat; ornamental; hand; exquisite; artistic; ill-favored; medieval


    adorn with—; auction off—; destroy—; discover—; display—; embellish with—; exhibit—; fret with—; ornament with—; skill in—; unearth—; —hardens; —lasts; —illustrates

    (See sculpture, art.)

    Cascade adjectives

    foaming; perpetual; shimmering; feathery; pearly; motionless; veritable; gushing; showy; dazzling; musical; enthusiastic; blonde; roaring; tossing; magnificent


    lose in—; surmount—; sweep over—; — churns; —descends; —erodes; —falls; — foams; —pours over; —roars; —rumbles; —thunders

    (See waterfall.)

    Cascade (v) adverbs

    sibilantly; foamingly; perpetually; shimmer-ingly; gushingly; dazzlingly; roaringly; magnificently; awesomely; spectacularly

    Case adjectives


    huge; packing; worn; oblong; odd-shaped; platinum; ponderous; concrete; jeweled; venerable-looking; tarnished


    buckle on—; ease—; frame in—; loose—; peel off—; strap on—; strip off—; unclasp —; —covers; —protects; —shields

    (See sheath, box, chest.)

    Case adjectives

                          (legal term

    arguable; trying; contested; noted; curious; pending; simple; celebrated; criminal; collateral; disputed; brilliant; trivial; hopeless; analogous; unaccountable; hardened; pathetic; exceptional; idiopathic; inexplicable; celebrated; pressing


    advise upon—; assign to—; bring—to trial; clinch—; conduct—; confer on—; contend with—; dispose of—; expedite—; fashion—; frame—; handle—; injure—; judge—; peruse—; plead—; prejudice—; present—; prove1—; recount—; rest—; reverse—; review—; support—; sway—; testify in—; try —; unravel—; —hangs fire; —proves

    Case adjectives

                      (medical term

    virulent; incurable; chronic; grave; critical; abnormal; dangerous; surgical


    cure—; diagnose—; encounter—; improve —; isolate—; protract—; relieve—; remedy —; succumb to—; treat—; —occurs; —recovers; —yields

    (See disease.)

    Case adjectives


    flattering; excellent; exceptional; important; striking; clear; conspicuous; rare; factual; difficult; intricate; severe; complicated; overwhelming; diverse; notable; eminent; necessitous; simplified; weird; inevitable; outrageous; analagous; stubborn; notorious; absurd; inevitable; insoluble; unpardonable; convincing; speculative; twisted; discussed; common; definite; desperate; recent; important; laughable; isolated; sole; parlous; pathetic; extreme; unforeseen; aggravated; deceptive; illustrative; lamentable; specific; evident; authentic; perplexing; superfluous; blessed; parallel; handsome; falsified; battle-scarred; imaginary; unrecognized; well-prepared; remarkable; mournful; special; pitiful; innumerable (pl) J suppositious; sporadic; selective (pl); extraordinary; meritorious; multifarious (pl)

    Casement adjectives

    clasping; ivied; shaded; rattling; glimmering; ill-shut; oriel; wide; magic

    Cash adjectives

    evanescent; ample; pitiless; unquestionable; predatory; leaking; safe; cold; ambrosial; immediate


    amass—; appropriate—; check—; convert into—; demand—; discount for—; forward —; guard—; hoard—; involve—; register —; release—; secure—; transact with—; turn into—; —circulates; —flows through; —pours in

    (See coin, currency, money.)

    Casket ad jcctives

    precious; handsome; bronze; wrought; imposing; leaden; contrary; inlaid; glorious; draped; guiltless; scaly


    bank—; bless—; cache—; conceal—; decorate—; discover—; encrust—with; enrich— with; entrust—to; file past—; inter in—; lay in—; lower—; mourn at—; penetrate —; rob—; unearth—; unlock—; value—; —reveals

    (See box, chest, coffin.)

    Cast adjectives


    capable; supporting; remarkable; insignificant; mythical; revengeful; fiery; fantastic; medieval; morbid; heterogeneous; desperate; undramatic; frivolous; stony


    allot to—; annoy—; applaud—; assemble —; assign to—; bestow on—; bring together —; choose—; coach—; congratulate—; direct—; dismiss—; dominate—; introduce—; manipulate—; provide—; recruit—; ruffle —; scan—; select—; train—; try out for—; —bows; —disbands; —impresses; —justifies; —mutilates; —performs; —produces; —rehearses; —renders

    (See actors.)

    Cast adjectives


    pensive; pinkish; determined; wistful; meditative; wonted; somber; pale; mirthful; changeful

    Cast (v) adverbs

    rashly; humbly; weakly; demurely; bluntly; pensively; determinedly; wistfully; meditatively; somberly; mirthfully

    (See hurl, throw, fling.)

    Castanets adjectives

    clicking; distant; jittering; rhythmic; noisy

    Castaway adjectives

    lonely; assembled (pl); starving; lean; cadaverous; despairing; frantic; gaunt

    Caste adjectives

    learned; distinct; priestly; inconvenient; sacerdotal; perpetual; ethic; transparent; time-honored


    ally with—; define—; distinguish—; forfeit —; form—; found—; isolate—; loathe—; organize—J preside over—; privilege—; qualify for—; restrict—; revile—; unite—; weld—; —aggregates; —collects; —confines to; —excludes; —groups; —practices; — inhabits; —resembles; —serves; —succumbs

    (See class, rank.)

    Castigation adjectives

    heartening; malicious; soul-deadening; deserved

    Castle adjectives

    ruined; haughty; baronial; ancient; Moorish; huge; grim; serviceable; razed; shimmering; inconvenient; ancestral; dream; medieval; moated; fairy; grandiose; princely; formidable; bastioned; ruined; cloud; stuccoed; enchanted; moldering; stupendous


    abide in—; assail—; bar—; besiege—; dominate—; dwell in—; fly to—; force—; ransack—; sack—; storm—; undermine—; —crumbles; —decays; —quakes; —shadows; —topples; —yields

    (See fortress, stronghold, mansion, building- )

    Castor OIL adjectives

    disgusting; disguised; healing; malignant; nauseating; stomach-turning; skillfully-administered; repulsive; viscous


    administer--; capsule--; decoct--

    dose with--; employ--; express--

    inject— —; — —aggravates; — —cleans; --induces;--loosens;--lubricates; --nauseates;--purges;--relieves

    (See oil.)

    Casual adverbs

    charmingly; nonchalantly; habitually; cool-Iy> presumably; indeterminately; usually; provokingly; vexatiously; vaguely; perplex-ingly; unfortunately; undoubtedly; absolutely; positively; heartbreakingly; insufferably; intolerably

    Casualness adjectives

    charming; practiced; hushed; lacerating; easy

    Casualty adjectives

    unforeseen; distressing; unlooked-for

    Cat adjectives

    clawing; long; tawny; enigmatic; gaunt; watchful; two-faced; ubiquitous; stray; sleek; despicable; huge; Persian; sinuous: predatory; singed; staid; spitting; plump; slinking; suspicious; cold; slow-witted; round-eyed; mewing; quick; harmless; contented; calculating; tiger; musing; lemon; sheltered; homeless; foiled; prudent


    pet—; stroke—; —arches; —claws; — climbs; —clutches; —darts; —devours; — laps; —leaps; —licks; —meows; —paws; — purrs; —preys on; —slinks; —sniffs; — sprawls; —springs; —washes

    (See animal, kitten.)

    Catacomb adjectives

    vaulted; literary; secret; large

    Catalogue adjectives

    descriptive; endless; illustrated; dry; melancholy; amplest; technical; diabolical; wearying; complete; seasonal; beautiful


    choose from—; clarify—; compile—; edit—; enter in—; index—; insert in—; issue—; list in—; order from—; prepare—; print —; publish—; set up—; —advertises; — confuses; —describes; —enumerates; —explains; —fascinates; —features; —lists; — offers; —pictures; —prices; —registers; — systematizes

    (See list, record.)

    Catapult adjectives

    deadly; powerful; regulated; vicious; well-aimed


    discharge—; draw—; fire—; gear—; invent—; lay siege with —s; manipulate—; release—; storm with —s; —batters; — bombards; —damages; —harms; —hurls; —overcomes; —propels; —stones

    (See cannon.)

    Cataract ad j eclives

    shining; superb; sounding; roaring; earthquaking; fiery; remorseless; smoky; pouring; opaque; tireless; foaming


    lose in—; spout —s; stem—; view—; — churns; —crashes; —dashes down; —descends; —falls; —flashes; —foams; —leaps; —pours over; —precipitates; —roars; — rumbles; —rushes over; —surges; —sweeps down; —wears away

    (See waterfall, flood, cascade.)

    Catastrophe adjectives

    tremendous; awful; imminent; historical; welcome; dire; impending; tragic; inevitable; general; calamitous; world-wide; ironical; picturesque; national; unexpected; crowning; unavertable; overwhelming; breath-taking; dreadful; unforeseen


    avert—; culminate in—; experience—; inflict with—; mourn—; plunge into—; result in—; rush to—; suffer—; survive—; — distresses; —looms; —overwhelms; — shocks; —threatens

    (See disaster, misfortune.)

    Catastrophic adverbs

    tragically; unmitigatedly; disastrously; extremely; ruinously; ominously; significantly; appallingly; deplorably; staggeringly; unspeakably; extraordinarily; shockingly; absolutely; unfortunately; unluckily; calamitously; incredibly; gravely; direly

    Catch adjectives

    meager; passionate; little; obstinate; remarkable; maximum; uncommon; attractive

    Catch adjectives


    boasted; briny; exaggerated; gleaming; meager; modest; silvery; scaly; thrilling; traditional


    acquire—; bait—; devour—; display—; ensnare—; exhibit—; lure—; market—; net —; prepare—; prize—; relish—; scale—; transport—; value—; —amazes; —disappoints; —impresses; —increases

    Catch (v) adverbs

    unceremoniously; impulsively; instinctively; convulsively; mechanically; red-handedly; charmingly; inadvertently; essentially; unerringly; passionately; obstinately; remarkably

    (See seize, clasp, clutch.)

    Catcher adjectives


    adroit; alert; courageous; clumsy; befuddled; dependable; fumbling; unpredictable


    —blocks; —covers; —encourages; —fumbles; —misses; —muffs; —recovers; —signals; —steadies; —tags

    Catching adverbs

    highly; easily; dangerously; epidemically; pestilentially; unfortunately; acutely; widely; perilously; seriously; extremely; decidedly; unquestionably; astonishingly; frightfully; absolutely; remarkably; alarmingly; curiously; awfully; critically; definitely; fatally; positively

    Catchy adverbs

    irresistibly; sweetly; indefinably; mysteriously; luckily; unutterably; powerfully; singularly; charmingly; engagingly; undeniably; bewitchingly; enchantingly; delightfully; daintily; smartly; jauntily; youthfully; tormentingly; teasingly; hauntingly; unexpectedly; surprisingly; genuinely; miraculously; luckily; unprecedentedly

    Categorical adverbs

    positively; undeniably; avowedly; broadly; certainly; emphatically; explicitly; formally; markedly; peremptorily; solemnly; reliably; authentically; axiomatically; evidently; manifestly; undoubtedly; indisputably; irrefutably; solidly; soundly; unmistakably; uncomfortably; conclusively; gratefully; cheeringly; disturbingly; dogmatically

    Ca TEGORY adjectives

    amiable; poetic; astonishing; definite; separate; neat; depressing; reasonable; odious; scholastic


    add to—; bring into—; disagree with—; discard—; exclude from—; express in—; group in—; interest in—; list in—; recognize—; reduce to—; regard—; relegate to —; understand—; upset—; —consists of; — deals with; —derives from; —differs from; —includes; —represents

    (See class, division, condition, predicament.)

    Cater (v) adverbs

    exclusively; delectably; democratically; professionally; amiably; commonly; stealthily; unaccountably

    (See provide, supply, furnish.)

    Caterpillar adjectives

    bristly; evil-horned; fuzzy; harmless; inching; plushy; sojourning; whither-bent


    combat —s; cultivate —s; examine—; exterminate—; infest with —s; observe—; spray —s; teem with —s; —s abound; —s attack; —s bore into; —s collect; —crawls; —despoils; —devours; —emerges; —s gather; —hibernates; —s invade; —s molt; —s ravage; —secretes; —spins a cocoon

    (See insect.)

    Cathedral adjectives

    Gothic; Doric; staid; sleepy; dim; mystic; peaceful; medieval; miniature; quaint; magnificent; majestic; unfinished; elaborate; spacious; Roman


    approach—; congregate in—; construct—; design—; erect—; explore—; found—; glorv in—; hallow—; install in—; preside over —; pour from—; raise—; revere—; worship at—; —awes; —echoes; —impresses; —induces; —inspires; —looms; —shadows; —towers

    (See church, tabernacle.)

    Catholic adverbs

                        (general sense

    broadly; comprehensively; unusually; prevalently; magnanimously; remarkably; liberally; comfortably; generally; decently; sagaciously; intelligently; admirably; reasonably; generously; dependably; charitably; intellectually; discerningly; perceptively; obviously; manifestly; nobly; unselfishly

    Cattle adjectives

    blooded; grazing; crazed; unkempt; roving; peaceful; scraggy; weak; driven; fine; drowsy; stolen; bedded; wild; long-horned; bartered; mottled; reclining; tairited; lazy; sweltered; murrained; domesticated; meanest; draught; thin


    corral—; dehorn—; exchange for—; infect —; market—; raise—; slaughter—; stampede—; tend—; tether—; —bellow; — freeze; —graze; —huddle; —low; —pasture; —plod; —roam; —stagger

    (See animal.)

    Causation adjectives

    natural; eternal; inevitable

    Cause adjectives

                     (agent or reason

    abundant; scattered (pl); obnoxious; specific; proximate; predisposing; pressing; apparent; fundamental; hopeless; unavoidable; immediate; prolific; duplicating; rational; dreadful; effective; underlying; mighty; noble; just; sacred; worthy; legitimate; endless; redeeming; supernatural; spectacular; apparent; assignable; faltering; secondary; physical; universal; growing; innocent; predominant; remote; unknown; scandalous; sensational; plausible; permanent; transient; fatal; potential; weighty; assignable; prominent; internal; erroneous; contributory; subjective; temperance; amorous; glorious; breaking; eternal; ultimate; paramount; unconscious; frequent; princely; philosophical; natural; mistaken; malignant; alleged; latent; discreditable; recorded; celebrated; sordid; economic; primeval; mitigating; constitutional; sensible; ennobling; determining; mechanical; infallible; propelling; hated; secondary; obvious; habitual; minute; idiotic; antecedent; justifiable; primal; creative; irritating; efficient; unkind; notable; unwitting; extraneous; lawful; una-ccountable; identical; exciting; worthy; immoral; functional; vanquished; multifarious (pl) ; impious; trivial; sublunary; artificial; ridiculous; everlasting; similar; righteous


    acquaint w’ith—■; advance—; allege—; appraise—; approach—; ascertain—; ascribe —to; assign—; attach—; attribute—to; concern with—; cure—; deal with—; debate—; declare—; define—; demonstrate—; determine—; discover—; display—; dwell upon —; eliminate—; eradicate—; estimate—; explain—; fathom—; inquire into—; judge —; laugh at—; obliterate—; obviate—; overcome—; perceive—; procure—; regard —; relieve—; remand—; remove—; report —; reveal—; reverse—; rue—; seek—; serve as—; state—; strike at—; suggest—; surmise—; suspect—; trace—to; weigh—; —prevails; —resides in

    (See reason, motive, source, origin.)

    Cause adjectives

    (aim, principle, movement) adopted; alien; championed; espoused; glorious; lost; noble; sacred; undying


    adopt—; advocate—; approve—; betray—; bolster—; bow to—; champion—; cleave to —; contribute to—; defame—; desert—; devote to—; die for—; do ill to—; embrace —; encourage—; engage in—; enlist in—; espouse—; favor—; forsake—; further—; guide—; harm—; injure—; interpret—; justify—; labor for—; maintain—; misinterpret—; pay tribute to—; persecute—; plead—; praise—; promote—; rally to—; scorn—; serve—; speak for—; sponsor—; spurn—; struggle for—; suffer for—; sunder—; support—; transgress—; tread—under foot; unbraid—; vindicate—; withdraw from—; —perishes; —prospers; — suffers; —triumphs

    (See aim, principle, movement.)

    Cause (v) adverbs

    inadvertently; noxiously; specifically; fundamentally; apparently; unavoidably; rationally; legitimately; supernaturally; spectacularly; physically; universally; predominantly; fatally; potentially; subjectively; eternally; ultimately; philosophically; malignantly; allegedly; mechanically; infallibly; unaccountably; artificially; righteously

    (See induce, effect.)

    Caustic adverbs

    bitterly; unpardonably; unreasonably; mildly; maliciously; hatefully; sharply; acrimoniously; cruelly; brutally; atrociously; resentfully; venomously; ominously; needlessly; incisively; sarcastically; ironically; cunningly; mercilessly; churlishly; unsparingly; perversely; abusively; uncivilly; intolerably; captiously; obnoxiously; unbearably; tauntingly; unwisely; malevolently; unwontedly; habitually; unwarrantably; disagreeably; unpleasantly

    Caution adjectives

    superfluous ; common ; vast; habitual; infinite; singular; subtle; inborn; abominable; timid; commendable; puerile; conscientious; wonted; just; extraordinary; prudent; preliminary; unholy; philosophic; extreme; losing; intended; vigilant; necessary; worldly; superior; redoubled; stealthy; reverent; niggardly; beneficent; utmost; curious; patriotic; friendless


    advise—; deaden—; exercise—; heed—; indicate—; inspire—; lessen—; motivate by —; necessitate—; perform with—; proceed with—; sound a note of—; throw—to the winds; —safeguards; —wanes

    (See prudence, care.)

    Cautious adverbs

    discreetly; prudently; wisely; significantly; ludicrously; suspiciously; habitually; singularly; unnecessarily; timidly;'extraordinarily; alertly; stealthily; curiously; strangely; oddly; outlandishly; sagaciously; expertly; deftly; foolishly; unwontedly; nervously; excitedly; idiotically; incomprehensibly; queerly; cravenly; faintheartedly; genuinely; unduly; inexplicably; laughably; characteristically; gravely; uneasily; extravagantly; elaborately; quietly; unobtrusively; undoubtedly; inherently

    Cavalcade adjectives

    straggling; grim; martial; scampering; gorgeous; furbished; infinite; brilliant; large

    Cavalier adjectives

    attentive; boyish; tall; gallant; bold; comely; free; sprightly; deformed; stout-hearted; effeminate; high-spirited; trusty; plumed; pretentious; victorious; arrogant; broken-down; gay; impecunious

    Cavalry adjectives

    bedizened; best-mounted; thundering; foaming; dismounted; exploiting; dashing; irregular

    Cave adjectives

    lonely; lovely; moonlit; dark; damp; stalactite; virtual; glistening; unexplored; enormous; ice; magical; winding; abandoned; unlighted; shore-cliff; fretted; destined; toothless; coral; forlorn; shadowy; unfathomed; tiny; deep; cold; yawning; unimagined; sapphire; vaulted; low-browed; monstrous; dewy; gloomy; spacious; coastal


    abandon—; bar—; block—; bury in—; crawl into—; creep into—; discover—; dwell in —; grope in—; harbor in—; inhabit—; issue from—; lodge in—; retire to—; roll from—; scoop out—; seal—; shelter in—; —echoes; —resounds

    (See hole, recess.)

    Cavern adjectives

    fairy-like; verdurous; dark; beautiful; marvelous; mysterious; ghostly; enormous; notchy; desolate; crystal; unfathomed; smudged; obscure; glaucous; horrid; smoky; dusky; ominous; spacious; tongueless; rifted; sparry; precipitous; gloomy; gelid; mossy; inaccessible; scorched; murmuring

    Cavernous adverbs

    darkly; dimly; vastly; mysteriously; alluringly; deeply; dangerously; alarmingly; irresistibly; fantastically; gloomily; obscurely; duskily; murkily; sombrely; astonishingly; marvellously; frighteningly; indistinctly; strangely; terribly; hideously; formidably; awfully

    Cavity adjectives

    dark; dungeon-like; hideous; conical


    cap—; dilate—; drain—; drill—; empty—; fill—; grind—; irrigate—; line—; obliterate —; tap—; treat—;'—contains; —weakens

    (See hole, cave, hollow, excavation.)

    Cavort [v) adverbs

    blithely; friskily; gaily; spiritedly; joyously; sportively; grotesquely; gracefully; idiotically; pleasingly

    Cease (v) adverbs

    functionally; abruptly; presently; suddenly; definitely; temporarily; prematurely; entirely; eventually

    (See discontinue, stop, refrain.)

    Cedar adjectives

    spicy; stunted; gray-sheathed; pyramiding; tall; slim; fantastic; distorted; stately; lordly; vast; majestic; somnolent; dark; mighty; drooping

    Cede (v) adverbs

    superfluously; entirely; willingly; temporarily; outwardly; prematurely; partially. (See surrender, relinquish, grant.

    Ceiling adjectives

    beamed; frescoed; gorgeous; lofty; gilded; festooned; clouded; vault-like; fallen; damp; stained; crumbling; grimy; dirty; arched; slanting; sagging; dingy; domelike; moulded; ornamented; pictured; sloped; mirrored; reflecting

    Celebrate (v) adverbs

    hilariously; painfully; pompously; traditionally; obstreperously; appropriately; dissolutely; justly; discreetly; jubilantly; enthusiastically; dramatically; elaborately? barbarously; deliberately; raucously; gorgeously; nationally

    (See commemorate, observe.)

    Celebrated adverbs

    locally; justly; universally; eminently; notably; illustriously; nationally; genuinely; rightfully; appropriately; brilliantly; remarkably; exceptionally; fitly; especially; particularly

    Celebration adjectives

    discreet; jubilant; enthusiastic; centenary; forthcoming; final; dramatic; flourished; bicentenary; misconstrued; elaborate; decennial; gaudy; monster; roaring; barbarous; deliberate; raucous; gory; gorgeous


    arrange for—; climax—; deserve—; disturb —; enter—; extol—; fete with—;■ hold—; indulge in—; launch—; observe—; plan—; retain—; —commemorates; —exhausts; — honors; —overjoys; —surprises

    (See observance.)

    Celebrity adjectives

    half-forgotten; rare; permanent; cosmopolitan; revered; glittering; dead; contemporary; available; innumerable (pl); continental; immediate; literary; envious; frustrated; fastidious; world-wide; posthumous

    Celerity adjectives

    swift; amazing; deft; surprising; indescribable; dramatic; magical; characteristic; reckless; miraculous; incredible; rounded; admirable; ingenious

    Celery adjectives

    crunchy; crisp; green; curled

    Cell adjectives

    fungal; transition; sylvan; poor; mossy; dermal; reflective; solitary; overcrowded; photo-electric; filthy; drafty; narrow; tiny; whitewashed; dingy; cement-floored; steel; quiet; dreary; dismal; naked; cloistered; eremitic; waxen; monastic; longitudinal; convent; inmost; uncouth; unused; ambrosial; functional; albumenoid; wretched; semi-transparent; prophetic; gloomy; uncomfortable; wind-rocked; message-sending; tender; solemn; primordial; dungeon-like


    bind in—; brood in—; cloister in—; confine in—; dwell in—; ensconce in—; force—; gain—; imprison in—; lodge in—; pour from—; range in—; remand to—; retire to —; share—; store in—; track to—

    (See room, cavity, chamber.)

    Cell adjectives


    amoebic; detached; enlarged; enemy; floating; gelatinous; malignant; normal; structural


    build —s; destroy —s; feed —s; motivate —s; nourish —s; protect —s; regenerate —s; renew —s; stimulate—; —s adhere to; —s degenerate; —fulfills; —s increase; —s multiply; —s perform; —shrivels; —specializes; —s store; —s work

    (See unit, compartment, blood.)

    Cellar adjectives

    dark; reeking; damp; fire-stopped; verminous; spacious; nether; dry; shallow; rat-infested


    carpet—; convert—; cool in—; dampen—; descend to—; drain—; emerge from—; enter by—; flood—; grope in—; inhabit—; illumine—; lodge in—; stock in—; store in —; —conceals; —extends

    (See basement, vault, room.)

    Celluloid adjectives

    brittle; explosive; flimsy; highly-inflam-mable; inexpensive; pretentious; shining; showy


    compose of—; derive from—; employ—; encase in—; manufacture—; mould—; polish —; press—; season—; shape—; stain—; turn—; utilize—; —covers; —cracks; — imitates; —protects; —serves as; —shields; —shrivels

    (See material.)

    Cement adjectives

    crack-proof; grayish; impenetrable; marble; plastic; protecting; resisting; tested; unyielding


    apply—; blast—; bore into—; calcine—; coat with—; compact—; compound—; crush —; grind—; lay—; mix—; slake—; surface with—; —adheres; —binds; —clinkers; — crumbles; —dehydrates; —glues; —hardens; —secures; —sets; —solidifies; —walls in

    (See mortar, plaster.)

    Cement (v) adverbs

    firmly; securely; fixedly; perpetually; eternally; enduringly; permanently

    (See join, fasten.)

    Cemetery adjectives

    walled; tiny; bleak; dismal; weed-grown; desolate; neighboring; pauper

    Censer adjectives

    floral; coveted; gilded; flame-like; smoking

    Censor adjectives

    royal; strict; sternest; formidable; official

    prejudiced; incompetent


    assign to—; elect—; escape —s; moderate for —s; offend —s; submit to —s; —approves; —bans; —bars; —blames; —clamps down; —condemns; —criticizes; —cuts out; —examines; —exercises; —guards; — grants; —inquires; —inspects; —investigates; —judges; —preserves; —prohibits; —reviews; —slashes; —supervises; —torments

    (See critic.)

    Censorious adverbs

    sharply; mercilessly; ominously; destructively; needlessly; venomously; invidiously; viciously; unsparingly; churlishly; snappishly; obnoxiously; unpleasantly; disagreeably; remorselessly; relentlessly; dryly; roughly; rudely; cleverly; spitefully; sarcastically; maliciously; malevolently; bitterly; ruthlessly; uncompromisingly

    Censorship adjectives

    moralistic; strict; recent; rigid; vague; effective; religious; powerful; insidious; official; actual; iron; voluntary; rigorous


    announce—; clamp down—; concoct—; enforce—; establish—; exercise—; impose—; indicate—; institute—; pass—; practise—; submit to—; tighten—; —cuts; —militates; —outlaws; —prevails; —slashes; —supei-vises; —suppresses

    (See superintendence, revision, criticism, censure.)

    Censurable adverbs

    seriously; unquestionably; exceptionally; lamentably; deplorably; deservedly; justly; avowedly; properly; strictly; fairly; unfortunately; unhappily; unluckily; obviously; manifestly; plainly; conspicuously; grievously

    Censure adjectives

    moral; heavy-handed; violent; declamatory; implicit; critical; reluctant; ecclesiastical; perpetual; just; erroneous; undeserved; awful; lewd; implied


    avoid—; cringe under—; endure—; escape

    —; incur—; smart under—; wag one’s tongue in—; —abates; —looms; —repels


    (See blame, disapproval, criticism, revision, censorship.)

    Censure (v) adverbs

    morally; violently; critically; reluctantly; ecclesiastically; perpetually; undeservedly; impliedly; scornfully; gravely; captiously; freely; scathingly

    (See reprove, rebuke, upbraid.)

    Census adjectives

    national; biennial; previous; rough; partial

    Center adjectives

    musical; inspiring; nervous; spiritual; cultural; permanent; intellectual; exclusive; allied; important; residential; veritable; principal; information; overpopulated; dead; banking; distributing; key; trading; financial; industrial; bustling; civic; business; urban; railroad; unique; metropolitan; important; steamship; legislative; exact; religious; commercial; smart; creative; harmonious; congested; prosperous; subtle; dazzling; storm; enlightened; fashionable; remote; accessible; strategic; tessellated: eternal; relative


    balance at—; collect at—; converge toward —; diffuse from—; draw to—; emerge from —; fall toward—; form in—; gravitate toward—; group in—; intersect at—; move toward—; occupy—; proceed from—; radiate from—; revolve around—; root in—; throw off—

    (See middle.)

    Central adverbs

    conveniently; acceptably; appropriately; diplomatically; advantageously; exactly; comfortably; satisfactorily; relatively; approximately; strategically; practically

    Centralization adjectives

    elaborate; rigorous; bureaucratic; political; absorbing; hierarchical

    Century adjectives

    populous; modern; countless (pl); tempestuous; romantic; untold; preceding; myriad (pl); glorious; previous; unborn; hoary; present; noiseless; stormy; arduous; brilliant; successive (pl); amusing; senile


    endure for —ies; fade into —ies; gild—; measure in —ies; span —ies; roll into—; — abounds in; —creeps past; —draws to an end; —elapses; —unwinds

    Cereal adjectives

    nourishing; tempting; whole-grain; steaming; golden-wheat; farinaceous


    bleach—; combine—with; consume—; cultivate—; diet on—; exploit—; moisten—; prepare—; produce—; refine—; steam—; sweeten—; —comprises; —flourishes; —furnishes; —nourishes; —provides; —stimulates; —strengthens; —supplies

    (See grain.)

    Cerebrum adjectives

    divided; convalescent; convoluted; boiling; membrane-wrapped; throbbing; overlapping


    affect—; injure—; penetrate to—; —compacts; —comprises; —consists of; —controls; —files away; —forms; —is divided into; —is enveloped in; —presides over; —occupies; —overlaps; —regulates

    (See brain.)

    Ceremonial adjectives

    voodoo; elaborate; fitting; impressive; quaint; stately; insignificant; rich; tiresome; pompous; compulsive; enormous; insulting; cumbrous; wailing; magnificent; frivolous; burdensome; overpowering; curious

    Ceremonious adverbs

    admirably; devoutly; elaborately; meticulously; punctiliously; appropriately; highly; decorously; reverently; traditionally; properly; conventionally; magnificently; splendidly; royally; barbarically; impeccably; reverentially; beautifully; irreproachably; majestically; extravagantly; wondrously; superbly

    Ceremony adjectives

    preparatory; customary; lawful; scant; whimsical; decent; curious; fetish-like; anointing; approaching; diabolical; bloody; dedicatory; solemn; picturesque; ancient; hazardous; occult; impressive; religious; elaborate; tedious; appalling; venerable; appropriate; outrageous; stately; somber; reverent; enforced; time-consecrated; incongruous; peculiar; inauguration; imposing; formal; august; notable; gracious; futile; melancholy; fantastic; colorful; calm; dignified; punctilious; grim; savage; icy; painful; superstitious; primitive; undue; funeral; final; outward; ritualistic; appointed


    beautify—; bore with—; endure—; enrich —; observe—; officiate at—; preserve—; ritualize—; shorten—; stand on—; wed with —; —commemorates; —drags; —entails; —honors; —ruffles

    (See rite, form, solemnity, formality, sacrament.)

    Certain adverbs

    actually; definitely; positively; absolutely; undeniably; assuredly; solidly; substantially; decisively; categorically; incontestably; irrefutably; conclusively; officially; plainly; indisputably; acceptably; unfortunately; unhappily; fortunately; luckily; humiliatingly; terribly; reasonably; comfortably; authoritatively

    Certainty adjectives

    absolute; inevitable; old; humiliating; terrible; established; polite; painful; perfect; ultimate; unbreakable; considerable; simple; comfortable; practical; swift; astounding; reasonable; atrocious; dark; inevitable; instant; instinctive; automatic; positive; boyish; monumental; fierce; unerring; dead; towering


    accept as—; authenticate—; be born of—; confirm—; demonstrate with—; destroy—; inform of—; neglect—; postulate as—; question—; surrender to—; venture on—; verge on—; —relieves; —satisfies

    (See confidence, assurance, conviction, fact, truth.)

    Certificate adjectives

    gilded; original; engraved; baptismal; round; marriage; laudatory; authenticated; sales


    attest by—; bear—; collect —s; confirm—; counterfeit—; dispense—s; esteem—; forge —; furnish with—; garner—s; issue—; register—; revoke—; seal—; suspend—; witness—; —assures; —authorizes; —certifies; —guarantees; —licenses; —restricts; — specifies; —testifies

    (See declaration, document, testimony.)

    Certitude adjectives

    reasonable; fresh; inward

    Cessation adjectives

    sudden; entire; instant; negative; good-humored; gradual; complete; premature

    Chaff adjectives

    mocking; antiquarian; absurd


    bear up—; beat out—; drive away—; fan—; flay out—; gather—; pick from—; scatter—; separate from—; sift out—; weed out—; winnow—; wipe away—; —flies away

    (See straw.)

    Chaff (v) adverbs

    banteringly; unmercifully; considerably; mockingly; excessively; humiliatingly; boisterously.; bitterly; coquettishly; hostilely; enigmatically; frivolously

    (See banter, ridicule, jest.)

    Chagrin adjectives

    natural; evident; universal; jealous; bitter; secret


    arouse—; conceal—; devour by—; display —; excite—; feel—; meet with—; observe —; profess—; smile awaj—; steep in—: touch with—; —daunts; —fumes away; — suffuses; —waxes

    (See mortification, vexation, humiliation, confusion.)

    Chain adjectives

    linked; secular; leash; endless; indissoluble; unbroken; firm; lengthening; household; ponderous; rattling; long-worn; mesh; nocturnal; clanking; winding; golden; flowery; galling; resplendent; multitudinous (pl); massive; continuous; impressive; feudal; adamantine; ascending; everlasting; dangling; countless (pl); gleaming; indivisible; bolted; door; bloody; glittering; rosy; trembling; human; roaring; shrieking; howling; jingling; hateful; shameful; curious; will-forged; stout; giant; relentless; binding; restraining; damaging; mental; intangible


    affix—; bind in —s; bolt—; burst—; condemn to —s; dally with—; deliver from —s; drag in —s; draw—; encircle’with—; encompass in—; fasten—; file—; hedge —s about; knit—; link in—; loose —s; manacle in —s; pluck off —s; shake off —s; smite at—; strive in —s; tangle—; tighten —; unravel—; untwist—; wreathe in —s ; —clanks; —engirdles; —falls off; —fetters; —rattles; —yields

    (See bond, shackle.)

    Chain (v) adverbs

    ingloriously; secularly; indissolubly; un-brokenly; firmly; ponderously; everlastingly; indivisibly; stoutly; bindingly; relentlessly; restrainingly; intangibly

    (See restrain, fasten.)

    Chair adjectives

    rocking; lounge; slim; worm-eaten; leather; pillowed; straight; glowing; prominent; swinging; covered; over-stuffed; cane-seated; long-legged; solitary; classic; rickety; capacious; proffered; marble; cushioned; inhospitable; mahogany; rigid; magisterial; split-bottomed; professorial; confessional; narrow; Morris; substantial; dangling; exiguous; ornamental; adjustable; high; triumphal; anatomical; editorial; rustic; fragile; carved; tipped-back; mural; gilt; low'er; vacant; cozy; heavy; upholstered; soft; comfortable; club; arm; formidable; easy; roomy; favorite; noble; battered; faded; untrustworthy; tvorn; invalid; dilapidated; uncertain; overturned; adjoining; groaning; clattering; reversible; swivel; basket; wing; Windsor; hideous; creaking; wicker; walnut; hickory; iron; horsehair; rattan; curyle-back; expectant


    accept—; advance to—; appropriate—; bound from—; descend from—; drop into—; ensconce in—; hoist from—; jerk out of—; loll back in—; monopolize—; motion to—; occupy—; offer—; perch on—; plump into —; resign—; retire to—; shift in—; shrink back in—; sink in—; slump in—; snuggle in—; splinter—; sprawl all over—; straddle—; throne in—; tip—back; uprear in—

    (See seat, bench.)

    Chairman adjectives

    temporary; anecdotal; prosy


    —adjourns; —bangs; —conducts; —delegates; —dismisses; —exercises; —occupies

    —opens; —performs; —presides; —vetoes

    (See president.)

    Chalice adjectives

    cup-like; poisoned; silver; exuberant; sacred

    Challenge adjectives

    visual; roguish; hoarse; loud; singing; heroic; silent; singular; provocative; sonorous; contemptuous; roistering; gay; feeble; stormy; direct; unsuccessful; peremptory; demoniac; concentrated; insolent; manifest; artistic; chivalrous; pert; mocking; puny; derisive; laughing; flippant; devil-may-care; malicious; sinister; menacing; truculent; fierce; wanton; snarling; angry; sharp; strident; stern; riotous; sweeping; tremendous; formidable; ringing; constant; perpetual; high-pitched; subtle; stimulating; reasonable; vague; unvoiced; startling; blue; definite; objective; hysterical


    arouse—; blaze—; cringe before—; debate —; defy—; deliver—; fling—; howl—; hurl —; ignore—; meet—; open to—; point—; read—; refuse—; ridicule—; scorn—; take up—; whistle—; —echoes; —rings; —resounds; —withers

    (See defiance, objection, exception, accusation, charge.)

    Challenge (v) adverbs

    egotistically; gruffly; justly; promptly; insolently; bravely; provocatively; sonorously; directly; peremptorily; demoniacally; pertly; mockingly; sinisterly; sternly; stridently; formidably; hysterically; definitely; startlingly; fiercely; wantonly; snarlingly

    (See defy, dare, brave.)

    Chamber adjectives

    conjugal; aspiring; well-guarded; underground; silent; sordid; desolate; bare; nuptial; operating; comfortable; antique; mean; solitary; echoing; sepulchral; voluptuous; subterranean; subaqueous; privy; mystic; chill-looking; glorious; airy; accursed; ducal; treasure; mutilated; respective; chilling; uppermost; gloomy; dismal; unstable; haunted; untenanted; noble; repulsive; empty; crumbling; grimy; dusty; vaultlike; lethal; burial; inner; low-ceilinged; tiny; circular; unexplored; spacious; lofty; gilded; confined; packed


    abide in—; array in—; attend—; build—; carve—; convey into—; dress up—; empty —; gather in—; hie to—; invite to—; retire to—; seal—; seep into—; withdraw' into —; —echoes

    (See room, cell, hall.)

    Champagne adjectives

    effervescent; brisk; excellent; cool; dashing; sparkling; tingling; convivial; atmospheric; gurgling; winking


    age—; blend into—; bucket—; cask—; characterize—; christen with—; consume—; cork—; drown in—; flavor—; foul—; ice —; lose in—; mature—; mix—; produce—; proffer—; revel in—; sip—; steep in—; support by—; swill—; tap—; toast with—; uncork—; urge on with—; —arouses; — bubbles; —effervesces; —exhilarates; —ferments; —fizzes; —glitters; —inspires; — intoxicates; —matures; —numbs; —sparkles; —unsteadies

    (See wine, liquor.)

    Champion adjectives

    undistinguished; formidable; invincible; undoubted; avowed; opposing; proper; ardent; conspicuous; valiant; illustrious; celebrated; sturdy; solitary; devoted; victorious; doughty; undaunted; energetic; stalwart; lusty; redoubtable; brave; resolute; determined; unswerving; uncompromising; foremost; self-admitted; noble; gaunt; royal; prospective; fanatical; loyal; strange; defeated; fearless; resistless


    acclaim—; applaud—; challenge—; combat—; condition—; crown—; defeat—; defy—; develop—; disable—; dispute—; fear—; hail—; laud—; overthrow—; present—; proclaim—; protect—; provide—; — appears; —competes; —contends; —defends; —engages; —maintains; —performs; —renders; —represents; —teaches; —trains; —upholds; —vanquishes

    (See defender, winner, hero, conqueror.)

    Championship adjectives

    intrepid; intemperate; conjugal; hyper-enthusiastic; vigorous; notable

    Chance ad jectives

    slim; fluctuating; lost; opening; opportune; miraculous; lifetime; calculable; divine; slight; desperate; matrimonial; sporting; robust; limited; faint; ironical; impossible; evil; unforeseen; additional; mere; slender; golden; reasonable; fighting; undue; exceptional; brilliant; precious; main; endless; favorable; fortunate; magnificent; good-sized; fair; happy; unlooked-for; convenient; pure; barest; slightest; remote; small; equal; unfortunate; desperate; fatal; frustrated; awful; unfair; hazardous; repeated; fortuitous; amazing; timely; unlimited; glamorous; impartial; full; incorruptible; individualized; complicated


    advance—; .await—; blast —s; brood over —; dispose of—; forfeit—; grab at—; grasp —; imperil —s; intercept by—; invite—; jump at—; leap at—; lessen —s; mind—; muff—; obviate—; rush for—; scoff at—; seize—; shun—; spy by—; stake on—; subject to—; yield to—; —begets; —controls; —detains; —determines; —dies; —fades; — fails; —governs; —guides; —leads

    (See fortune, luck, possibility, hazard, risk, probability.)


    great; fallen; iron

    Chandelier adjectives

    cut-glass; crystal; interesting; central; dazzling; immense; prism-fringed; brilliant; glistening

    Change adjectives

    singular; momentous; subtle; logical; ministerial; definite; threatened; healthful; indescribable; amazing; innovational; perceptible; incestuous; personal; far-reaching; periodical; remarkable; random; striking; varying; gradual; fluctuant; refreshing; incessant; vindictive; rhythmic; continual; rapid; industrial; tragical; stupendous; extraordinary; infinitesimal; withering; physiological; molecular; fine; hideous; enjoyable; radical; ceaseless; generating; appreciable; agreeable; constant; profound;.prelusive; frequent; cunning; coincidental; instantaneous; delicate; fearful; acceptable; painful; pathetic; alarming; implied; essential; numerous (pl); eternal; intermediate; never-ending; distressing; partial; genuine; far-reaching; healing; startling; elaborate; drastic; magical; notable; wholesome; comprehensible; monotonous; revolutionary; unaccountable; permanent; consolidating; accumulated; progressive; astonishing; unimportant; political; social; economic; structural; miraculous; obliterative; corresponding; desirable; succeeding; fundamental; constant; violent; geophysical; asthmatic; marked; sudden; degenerative; inexpedient; miserable; extensive; solar; mortal; impending; metamorphic; observable; electrical; agreeable; flattering; malignant; pathological; valuable; secular; lightning-like; fermentative; welcome; seasonal; noticeable; decided; verbal; pleasing; ceaseless; convulsive; panoramic; periodic; beneficent; numerable (pl); realized; much-needed; alleged; abrupt; necessary; sly; wide; complex; enduring; practical; problematic; undeniable; unvarying; tangible; quiet; kindliest; peaceful; noteworthy; magical; refreshing; propitious; vital; tactful; serious; dramatic; vast; thrilling; epoch-making; cataclysmic; arbitrary; doleful; terrific; saddening; inevitable; visible; kaleidoscopic; psychic; psychological; adolescent; bodily; daily; physical; technical; natural


    accomplish—; advance—; advise—; advocate—; anticipate—; await—; bemoan—; beset by —s; bless—; compel—; concede—; confirm—; contemplate—; debate—; deplore —; destine for—; dread—; effect—; execute —; exhort—; fathom—; frown upon—; hinder—; impart—; inaugurate—; indicate—; induce—; mourn—; occasion—; oppose—; perceive—; prescribe—; promise—; pronounce—; prophesy—; propose—; report—; stir to—; suffer—; undergo—; warrant—; work—; —accompanies; —arises from; — equalizes; —modifies; —occurs; —perplexes

    (See variation, alteration, transition.)

    Change (v) adverbs

    accordingly; singularly; momentously; logically; definitely; healthfully; indescribably; amazingly; perceptibly; personally; refreshingly; incessantly; industrially; tragically; stupendously; infinitesimally; molecularly; radically; appreciably; profoundly; instantaneously; acceptably; partially; eternally; genuinely; drastically; momentously; magically; notably; wholesomely; permanently; progressively; economically; miraculously; desirably; fundamentally; electrically; pathologically; seasonally; undeniably; noticeably; unvaryingly; tangibly; propitiously; vitally; arbitrarily; chemically; climatically; technically

    (See alter, shift, reform.)

    Changeable adverbs

    bewilderingly; vexatiously; curiously; characteristically; constantly; impulsively; pro-vokingly; giddily; fitfully; capriciously; inexcusably; wantonly; recklessly; carelessly; injudiciously; ridiculously; fantastically; temperamentally; dramatically; inconsiderately; selfishly; rashly; indiscreetly; unstably; outrageously; unbelievably; tactlessly; unwisely; shiftily; erratically; restlessly; nervously; weakly; timidly; irresolutely; irresponsibly; unreliably; unfortunately; deplorably; wilfully

    Channel adjectives

    correct; proper; earthly; turbulent; precipitous; somber; legitimate; inconsequent; subterranean; intricate; dreaming; transparent; colossal; destined; practical; devious; manifold; diplomatic; regular; sound; conservative; productive; selfish; fortuitous; tranquil; oozy; funnel-like; free-flowing; foaming; tortuous; contorted; rock; unmapped; river; slender; deepened; narrow; burrowed; boiling; miniature; uncounted; noisier; personal; ample; powerful; smiling; artistic; sequestered


    deepen—; dredge—; explore—; flow into —; narrow—; obstruct—; pilot through—; slide into—; sound—; stray into—; swell —; trench—; turn into—; waft across—; —extends; —widens

    (See canal, avenue, route, stream.)

    Channel (v) adverbs

    deeply; subterraneously; intricately; deviously; diplomatically; contortedly; narrowly; mysteriously

    Chant adjectives

    intoned; low; deep-toned; barbaric; monotonous; fragmentary; musical; frenzied; rhythmical; sonorous; rude; solemn; wild; pathetic; droning; mellow; melancholy; triumphant; virginal; wailing; aspirated; joyful; impassioned; antiphonal; liturgic; Gregorian; weird; doleful; guttural; nasal; funeral; ominous; intellectual; wordless; outlandish; obstreperous; pagan; tribal; lachrymose; eerie


    accompany—; answer with—; compose—; intone—; introduce—; mock—; mourn—; recite—; respond with—; sing—; take up—; throw off—; troll—; uplift—; utter—; warble—; —celebrates; —consists of; —haunts; —influences; —praises; —resounds

    (See song, melody.)

    Chant (v) adverbs

    angelically; barbarically; musically; monotonously; rhythmically; sonorously; solemnly; pathetically; mellowly; triumphantly; wailingly; impassionedly; antiphonally; gut-turally; ominously; outlandishly; obstreperously; lachrymosely

    (See intone.)

    Chaos adjectives

    stagnant; aboriginal; conquered; formless; barren; shapeless; revolutionary; dark; living; wonderful; glaring; resulting; fierce; cluttered; Stygian; boundless; black; idiotic; financial; human; approaching; turmoiling; whirring; tumultuous; leaden; primeval; unintelligible; blank; entertaining; stimulating; appalling; ghastly; stricken; smothering; gloomy; hopeless; pathetic; bewildering; jumbled; indescribable; cultural; social; economic; industrial; political; primordial; age-long; blind; temporary; strident; ancient


    beset by—; build out of—; free from—; kindle—; plunge into—; produce—; resolve —; restore from—; rise out of—; survey—; swim through—; —arises; —confounds; — distresses; —overwhelms; —reigns; —roars; —rules; —threatens

    (See confusion, disorder.)

    Chaotic adverbs

    fiercely; lamentably; uproariously; riotously; noisily; wildly; hysterically; tumultuously; turbulently; hopelessly; madly; distressingly; disturbingly; ominously; alarmingly; threateningly; perplexingly; confusedly; confusingly; indescribably; bewilderingly; pathetically; appallingly; idiotically; senselessly; needlessly'; deplorably; unreasonably; unjustifiably; inconceivably; absurdly; perversely; unhappily

    Chap adjectives

    wild; expensive; likable; sturdy; little; queer; good-looking; affable; lovable; facetious; fortunate; engaging; nice; clear-eyed; clever; capable; bully; jolly; handsome; slender; peaceable; decent-looking; shrewd; stout-hearted; sensible; fastidious; plucky; quiet; reserved; harmless; taciturn; undecided; irresolute; steady; unimpressive; callous; burly; massive; disappointed; solemn; roguish; belligerent; stocky; contriving; smirking; seagoing; oldish; well-mannered; polite; charming

    Chapel adjectives

    dimly-lighted; wattled; bare; dreary; lofty; exquisite; fragrant; ivied; unimposing; nonconformist; encircling; compulsory; ancient; carved; gilded; brown-tiled; quaint; old-fashioned; lapis lazuli; private; quiet; forgotten, white-spired; shabby


    consecrate—; dedicate—; enlarge—; establish—; found—; frequent—; gather at—; grant to—; install in—; maintain—; occupy —; perform in—; revere at—; summon to —; worship in—; —accommodates; —awes; —beckons; —enshrines; —serves; —solaces

    (See church.)

    Chaperon adjectives

    seedy; glowering; inadequate

    Chaperon (v\ adverbs

    conscientiously; inadequately; willingly; cheerfully; nominally; perfunctorily

    (See protect.)

    Chapter adjectives

    tedious; individual; interesting; brilliant; stimulating; thrilling; solemn; miserable; immortal; spacious; singular; striking; morbid; unwritten; subsequent; supplementary; vivid; crisp; pleasant; debonair; racy; vivacious; fascinating; profoundly-illuminating; surprising; flaming; remarkable; crucial; satirical; provocative; circumspect; concluding; gloomiest; analogous; staccato; explanatory; didactic; drifting; detailed; secret


    arrange in—s; branch into—s; constitute—; contradict—; divide into—s; head—; introduce—; organize—; pen—; record in—; refer to—; section into—s; touch up—; — deals with; —depicts

    (See category, paragraph, story.)

    Character (quality, personality) adjectives

    vexatious; illustrious; first-rate; exceptional; celebrated; sheer; toothsome; prosy; composite; parasitic; private; fabulous; axiomatic; positive; nefarious; negative; munificent; salient; deleterious; stern; tempting; formal; reflective; sturdy;' undecided; durable; substantial; apoplectic; cabalistic; melodramatic; provisional; indifferent; unscrupulous; vindictive; steadfast; estimable; personal; central; religious; fictional; finite; grasping; hollow; peculiar; composite; intrinsic; amiable; honest; uncelebrated; analogous; distinctive; intellectual; roving; liberal; alarming; feeble; notorious; pedestrian; sad; unspotted; moral; high-toned; daring; intense; diverse; frivolous; startling; half-obliterated; august; gallant; chivalrous; amazing; odious; elevated; heterogeneous; unwieldly; ridiculous; artistic; refulgent; elusive; absorbing; wanton; depraved; timid; trembling; unstable; virtuous; unsullied; robust; arduous; singular; dynamic; determinate; contrasting; beautiful; historical; vicious; interesting; inviolate; seductive; romantic; chameleon-like; miscellaneous; eccentric; arbitrary; powerful; clerical; defective; murderous; unworthy; pristine; anecdotic; ferocious; sterling; spontaneous; ardent; presumptuous; headstrong; appealing; irresolute; lofty; sinister; luminous; feminine; extraordinary; contrary; eminent; acquired; general; goblin; complimentary;, cold; passionless; checkered; obliterated; suspicious; unpractical; public; philological; simplest; primitive; prominent; unpleasant; minor; capricious; voluptuous; nobler; double; outward; antiquated; native; patriotic; deadly; improvident; accursed; external; ungainly: admirable; urgent; dubious; gloomy; melancholy; haughty; imperious; odd; domestic; massive; unique; dry; hard; assumed; fraudulent; heart-rending; exotic; self-reliant; bucolic; pacific; tempestuous; rightful; fictitious; random; complete; exhaustive; timely; idealistic; moral; unemotional; vigorous; epigrammatic; joyous; gentle; sacred; dissolute; flawless; reckless; genial; indelible; reigning; seasoned; lovable; indigenous; predominating; subordinate; unsavory; clean; natural; jovial; shallow; uninspiring; blackened; loquacious; homophonic; physiognomic; hermit; sensational; utilitarian; disturbing; hard-bitten; dwarfish; degrading; flabby; authoritative; jellyfish; picturesque; theocratic; tragic; fluctuating; literary; airy; modish; coquettish; desperate; incidental; colorful; irreproachable; vulgar; veritable; rugged; decorative; compendious; undefined; implacable; pontifical; imperfect; articulate; antithetical; legendary; opaque; tranquil; true; arid; mysterious; commanding; historical; surreptitious; observing; current; grandiose; gay; sympathetic; charming; functional; apathetic; vain; lyrical; nondescript; zigzag; explicit; inherited; statuesque; well-established; trivial; national; contemptible; hurried; hostile; material; accidental; vicious; doubtful; motley; congratulatory; enigmatical; prerogatived; external; abandoned; inviolable; vehement; monochromatic; uncommon; poisonous; sensuous; dicrotic; magnanimous; coherent; positive; semidivine; normal-sized; strenuous; affectionate; ethereal; disfiguring; irregular; forceful; idealistic; poetical; constipating; spiritual; grave; biographico-historical; proud; lying; submissive; many-sided; dutiful; upright; worthless; homely; humorous; insignificant; imperishable; gentlemanly; useful; abusive; decorous; indecisive; cosmopolitan; vague; dangerous; treasonable; atrocious; half-paternal; factitious; unsteady; shadowy; rude; wooden; impassioned; villainous; yielding; architectural; gross; specific; conscientious; firm; hereditary; unimpeachable; sporting; harmonious; strong; contrasting; unnatural; dominant; special; bright; emphatic; desert; clear-cut; defined; handsome; stainless; collective; corporate; speculative; critical; eclectic; savory; loose; resolved; nebulous; advanced; impeccable; authentic; unblemished; rare; chosen; sophisticated; celestial; saint-like; docile; creditable; cute; attractive; virile; adamantine; curious; idiosyncratic; jaunty; bizarre; adventurous; comic; fantastic; silent; methodical; satisfied; staid; solidified; reticent; dull-witted; timorous; infantile; saturnine; soft; phlegmatic; vacillating; planless; traditionless; varied; racy; infamous; base; notorious; vengeful; unscrupulous; mercenary; obstinate; preposterous; racial; Mephistophelean; Puritan; hieroglyphic; seditious; quasi-public; figurative; youthful; semi-private; artificial; grave; cursive; specialized; representative; confidential; voluntary; individual; composite; intimate; interpolated; unequivocal; abnormal; unified; holy; incidental; deepest; ironic; realistic; abstract; contemporary; secondary; well-rounded; famous; well-known; picaresque; functionless; minor; queer; well-conceived; bygone; rough; Brobdingnagian; deliberate; light; splendid; principal; credible; ambitious; memorable; leading; burlesque; whimsical; quaint; flamelike


    alter—; analyze—; behold—; besmirch—; blacken—; brand—; breathe—; clear—; debase—; defend—; degrade—; denote—; detract from—; disclose—; display—; elevate—; embody—; emulate—; estimate—; express—; mask—; mold—; paint—; purify—; redeem—; reflect—; rehabilitate—; respect—; reveal—; slur—; traduce—; transform—; undermine—; warp—; — achieves; —breaks down

    (See constitution, nature, personality, temperament.)

    Character (role in drama or literature) adjectives

    biblical; dramatic; heroic; historic; legendary; mythological; fictional; personated; comic; tragic; contemporary


    assume—; compound—; conceive—; delineate—; depict—; differentiate—s; display—; distort—; draw—; interpret—; introduce—; invent—; juggle—s; merge into—; play—; portray—; produce—; roll into—; unfold—; —impresses; —represents; —symbolizes

    Characteristic adjectives

    distinctive; prevalent; hereditary; congenial; essential; distinguishing; dominant; marked; personal; cheering; salient; general; diffusive; artistic; definite; admirable; farseeing; attractive; familiar; striking; swampy; psychical; unfailing; outstanding; individual; unmitigated; rife; recurring; external; commanding; visible; fundamental; praiseworthy; unsuspected; social; unique; national; spiritual; physical; emotional; peculiar; graceful; common; commendable; prudent; conspicuous; habitual; desirable; major; endearing; whimsical; useful; vicious; vulpine; supposed; reprehensible; tiresome; fictitious; radical; fatal; changeable; facial; group; racial; mental; climactic; local; rudimentary; tell-tale; complex; noticeable; great; unavoidable; inclusive; conceivable; differentiated


    abolish—; conceal—; disclose—; feign—; interpret—; manifest—; normalize—s; — appeals; —condemns; —differs; —distinguishes; —enhances; —heightens; —persists; —resembles

    (See trait, feature, attribute, quality, idiosyncrasy.) adverbs

    distinctly; particularly; superbly; singularly; specifically; specially; racially; inherently; definitely; typically; essentially; genuinely; truly; normally; significantly; notoriously; notably; touchingly; indelibly; intrinsically; substantially; practically; markedly; supposedly; presumably; ordinarily; naturally; fundamentally )

    Chara C TERIZA TION adjectives

    masterly; subtle; dramatic; first-rate; cursory; striking; curious; essential; accurate; contemptuous; intimate; convincing; appreciative; hopeful; delicate; musical; beneficent; genial; humorous; fine; readable; delightful; amazing; short; pithy;-tricky; finely-etched; vivid; naive; exhaustive; spirited; shrewd; vigorous; sympathetic; penetrating; sharp; amusing; superb; hard-boiled

    Characterize (v


    justly; frivolously; positively; nefariously; negatively; substantially; provisionally; indifferently; amiably; honestly; distinctively; feebly; odiously; absorbingly; voluptuously; nobly; fraudulently; exotically; tempestuously; fictitiously; unsparingly; authoritatively; colorfully; irreproachably; vulgarly; sympathetically; charmingly; enigmatically; saturninely; villainously; seditiously; confidentially; intimately; ironically; realistically; credibly; whimsically; abnormally; quaintly; timorously; timidly; dynamically; romantically

    (See distinguish.)

    Charge adjectives

    false; bayonet; untrue; competent; reiterated; swift; avaricious; substantiated; needy; specific; piebald; unlucky; excessive; gallant; ridiculous; unexpected; baleful; sensational; grievous; galloping; calumnious; tremendous; insulting; bloody; injudicious; precious; ignoble; generous; emotional; nominal; desperate; undiscriminating; exorbitant; modest; moderate; blasphemous; extortionate; spectacular; cruel; swift; impetuous; unburned; roaring; disgraceful: fluctuating; sole; typical; scrupulous; disputed; express; insurance; fair; immediate; humiliating; frivolous; warlike", motherly; boisterous; monstrous; quoted; atrocious; warehousing; bitter; additional; preposterous; ungrateful; unmerited; unnecessary; serious; mighty; cynical; horrible," defamatory; grotesque; homicide; criminal; dissenting; formal; groundless; trivial; indirect; swaggering; startling; accusing

    Charge (accusation) adjectives

    absurd; civil; criminal; false; lying; specific; preposterous; unfounded; unjust; unsupported; unwarranted; substantial


    advance—; answer—; brand with—; brush aside—; conclude—; convey—; couch—; deny—; drone—s; fire—at; frame—against; incur—; justify—; lessen—s; level — at; lodge—s against; motivate—; prefer—s against; protest—; squash—s; refute—; repudiate—; splutter—s; spring—; suppress—; vindicate from—; voice—; — arises from; —rifles; —vexes; —wanes

    (See accusation, complaint.)

    Charge (duty, trust) adjectives

    burdensome; entrusted; costly; difficult; doubtful; inevitable; trying


    assign—; commit to—of; comprehend—; ease—; execute—; fail in—; fulfill—; impose—upon; obey—; perform—; release from—; resign—; shirk—; tend—

    (See duty, trust, custody, care, responsibility, management.)

    Charge (rush) adjectives

    driving; furious; concerted; blind; headlong; fruitless; onslaughting


    ambush—; block—; command—; cut down in—; dodge—; hasten to—; hinder—; lead—; precipitate—; rush to—; succumb to—; —conquers; —overcomes; —overwhelms; —succeeds; —surges; —surprises

    (See attack, assault.)

    Charge(V) adverbs

    temporarily; strictly; bluntly; excessively; falsely; reiteratedly; specifically; ridiculously; unexpectedly;, sensationally; calumnious-ly; injudiciously; ignobly; exorbitantly; spectacularly; unscrupulously; bitterly; humiliatingly; unmeritedly; criminally; accusingly; groundlessly; startlingly; indirectly

    (See effort, impose, assault.)

    Chargeable adverbs

    conveniently; easily; indubitably; definitely; morally; officially; unquestionably; positively; absolutely; unfortunately; unluckily; inopportunely; legally; equitably; incontestably; explicitly; certainly; justly; properly; legitimately

    Charger adjectives

    foamiqg; wearied; stamping; restless

    Chariot adjectives

    black-lacquered; fiery; colliding; triumphal; colossal; four-horse; glossy; flaming; visionary; sumptuous; fierce


    arm—; depict—; display—; guide—; mount—; ornament—; rein—; —clanks

    —conveys; —mows down; —overturns; —s parade; —rolls by; overthrow—

    (See vehicle, carriage.)

    Charitable adverbs

    humanely; amiably; benevolently; considerately; generously; lovingly; philanthropic-ally; sympathetically; tenderly; unselfishly; bounteously; complaisantly; mercifully; blessedly; liberally; graciously; freely; tolerantly; unsparingly; munificently; bountifully; astonishingly; admirably; superbly; dependably; genuinely; sincerely; truly

    Charity adjectives

    moral; tender; intellectual; remedial; precarious; sniffing; gracious; truest; indiscriminate; princely; spasmodic; grudging: blessed; uncommanded; impulsive; abused; mutual; easy-going; voluntary; unwise; pious; unpublished; natural; aggressive; casual; deadened; superb; neighborly; learned; false; estimable; impressive; endless; confining; rigid; forbidden; tender


    administer—; appeal to—; assist through—; beseech—; bind with—; contribute to—; entitle to—; influence—; interest in—; lack —; necessitate—; pour forth—; relieve through—; remove from—; subject to—; subscribe to—; temper with—; —alleviates; —ameliorates; —declines; —enables; — grows; —heals; —revives; —suffers from

    (See love, benevolence, tolerance, alms.)

    Charlatan adjectives

    preying; industrial; accomplished; ingenious; barred; shameless; ambitious

    Charm adjectives

    flattering; awakened; glittering; soothing; outward; unusual; rare; quiet; distinct; untitled; healing; substantial; paltry; artless; haunting; subtle; inexplicable; personal; awful; lovely; mysterious; indescribable; celestial; imputed; wintry; forbidden; central; veiling; increasing; unique; insinuating; lyric; melodious; superficial; irresistible; heathenish; zestful; home-like; traditional; distinguished; peculiar; wonderworking; soul-subduing; terrible; inscrutable; voluptuous; conversational; unspeakable; immortal; fictitious; native; unholy; substantial; compact; nostalgic; understanding; piquant; ineffable; delicious; grave; sensitive; vast; inimitable; compelling; indefinable; feminine; quaint; extraordinary; unmodish; seductive; individual; radiant; unfailing; poetic; flirtatious; fastidious; genuine; literary; changeable; reigning; essential; vocal; chief; haunting; quieting; inherent; serene; external; insouciant; modest; striking; incommunicable; inexhaustible; naturalistic; lasting; singular; stately; appropriate; rugged; intrinsic; crowning; restful; picturesque; decorative; elfin; ripening; definite; ideal; sovereign; softening; alluring; nameless; ethereal; inner; dishevelled; potent; spontaneous; simple; flying; material; exotic; unflagging; bitter-sweet; rose-tinted; fatal; suffocating; wild; astonishing; graphic; piquant; varied; recognized; original; perennial; captivating; superlative; brilliant; peaceful; magic; wistful; shy; magnetic; elusive; merry; fleeting; revealing; compensating; persuasive; devastating; certain; ardent; innate; indigenous; unusual; florid; sedate; mature; ancient; lasting; unhurried; lazy; languorous; unsuspected; vexing; thoughtless; ugly; thwarted; melancholy; flexible; chemical; immortal; historic; gala; dimpling; professional; youthful; topographical; provocative; auroral; scenic; domesticated; infantile; old-fashioned; boyish; naive; languorous


    apply—J attain—; eclipse—; emanate—; enchant with—; endow with—; enhance—; exercise—; loose—; lend—; radiate—; reflect—; resist—; retain—; savor—; survey—s; underrate—; win with—; —appeals; —conquers; —disarms; —dissolves; —enslaves; —fades; —melts; —pervades; —waixes

    (See fascination, beauty, spell, incantation, attraction.)

    Charm (v) adverbs

    delectably; bewitchingly; artlessly; outwardly; angelically; hauntingly; inexplicably; subtly; uniquely; mysteriously; indescribably; celestially; lyrically; melodiously; superficially; irresistibly; peculiarly; conversationally; genuinely; essentially; vocally; inherently; insouciantly; modestly; strikingly; alluringly; ethereally; spontaneously; exotically; unflaggingly; seraphic-ally; piquantly; perennially; captivatingly; superlatively; magnetically; elusively; devastatingly

    (See fascinate.)

    Charming adverbs

    indescribably; delightfully; bewilderingly; amazingly; unquestionably; wondrously; surprisingly; radiantly; ineffably; wholly; joyously; blithely; consciously; tormenting-ly; overwhelmingly; provokingly; unimaginably; mysteriously; graciously; gravely; youthfully; exotically; alluringly; downright; exquisitely; genuinely; ingenuously; incomparably; irresistibly; rapturously

    Chart adjectives

    imperfect; neat; workman-like; cosmo-graphical; authoritative; unusual; tattered; triumphal; fever; mystic; customary


    ascertain by—; calculate by—; compile—; consult—; depend on—; issue—; publish—; refer to—; scan—; stud—with; survey—; utilize—; —assists; —benefits; —directs; —furnishes; —indicates; —informs; —outlines; —plans; —reveals; —supplements; —sustains

    (See map, charter.)

    Chart (v) adverbs

    unobtrusively; imperfectly; invisibly; vaguely; neatly; cosmographically; customarily; professionally; expertly; skillfully

    Charter adjectives

    accepted; approved; disputed; adopted; granted; grand ; rejected; ratified; restored; submitted; revitalized


    abolish—; grant—; issue—; renew—; revoke—; —allows; —expires; —legalizes; —permits; —privileges

    (See deed, document, lease, agreement, contract, right, immunity.)

    Chary adverbs

    thriftily; stingily; selfishly; closely; parsimoniously; penuriously; frugally; providently; unreasonably; prudently; singularly; superfluously; curiously; needlessly; unpleasantly; coolly; discreetly; cautiously; guardedly; warily; meanly; sordidly; greedily; cannily

    Chase adjectives

    spirited; exciting; invisible; emulous; piteous; desultory; vague; dull; panting; delicious; wild-goose; fruitless; protracted; mad; perpetual; hectic; stern; blissful; grim; hard; desperate; cruel; lengthy; weary; heartbreaking; frenzied; thrilling


    follow—; forsake—; plan—; prolong—; pursue—; refrain from—; swerve from—; undertake—; —ensues; —fatigues

    (See pursuit, hunt.)

    Chastisement adjectives                              

    awful; earthly; unnecessary; literary; physical; maternal; public

    Chastity adjectives

    sacred; constant; spotless; cold; enforced; fruitless; habitual; pure; stainless; incomparable


    affect—; blemish—; dedicate to—; despoil—; enforce—; honor—; impose—upon; laud—; mar—; practice—; pretend—; seduce from—; suspect—of; testify to—; violate—;—extends; —prescribes

    (See purity, virtue.)

    Chase (v) adverbs

    spiritedly; madly; perpetually; excitingly; desperately; cruelly; heartbreakingly; thrill-ingly; remorselessly; grimly

    (See pursue, track, hunt.)

    Chasm adjectives

    bloody; fearful; unfathomable; infinite: azure; brazen; billowy; bottomless; immense; fateful; watery; formidable; chalk; sunlit; unaccountable; Alpine; narrow; roaring; remarkable; wide; rock-walled; wonderful; dizzy; precipitous


    break into—; bridge—; cross—; disrupt into—; hollow—; open into—; rend—; rut with—s; span—; —breaches; —divides

    —extends; —gapes; —interrupts;  —re

    sounds; —slants; —yawns

    (See gulf, gap, opening.)

    Chaste adverbs

    delicately; artistically; architecturally; virtuously; incomparably; beautifully; modestly; incorruptibly; unaffectedly; tastefully: classically; supremely; marvellously

    Chasten (v) adverbs

    amply; awfully; unnecessarily; physically; publicly; ruthlessly; brutally; fiendishly; triumphantly; soullessly; odiously; lawfully; legally

    (See punish, whip, correct.)

    Chat (v) adverbs

    vivaciously; confidentially; mirthlessly; desultorily; emptily; pleasantly; informally; comfortably; loquaciously; frivolously; incessantly; jovially; aimlessly; absurdly; nervously; garrulously; carelessly; constantly; superficially; inconsequentially; amiably

    (See talk, gossip.)

    Chateau adjectives

    imposing; dilapidated; turreted; ruined

    Chatter . adjectives

    rapid; mirthless; empty; convulsive; frothy; furious; confidential; pleasant; informal; short; comfortable; lively; neighborly; slipshod; unexpected; vivacious; social; friendly; loquacious; backstairs; mere; idle; egotistical; gay; joyous; competent; frivolous; merry; subdued; precocious; incessant; jovial; aimless; absurd; nervous; irresponsible; rattle-brained; garrulous; careless; constant; superficial; indignant; inconsequential; unfailing; bootless

    Chatter (v) adverbs

    exuberantly; incessantly; complacently; volubly; monotonously; blithely; woefully; excitedly; affably; obstreperously; vivaciously; querulously; unrestrainedly; perplexingly

    (See chat, talk, gossip.)

    Chatty adverbs

    interminably; sociably; hospitably; heartily; genially; cordially; intimately; casually

    happily; companionably; affably; cosily; gregariously; fluently; gabbily; garrulously; nonsensically; glibly; harmlessly; revealing-ly; cheerfully; dangerously; indiscreetly; venomously; maliciously; indiscriminately

    Chauffeur adjectives

    recommended; liveried; fur-clad; peaceful; sleeping; uniformed; wary; practiced; able; expert

    CHAUVINISTIC adverbs

    pretentiously; bombastically; Hauntingly; triumphantly; swaggeringly; magniloquent-ly; boastfully; brassily; highly; obviously; absurdly; foolishly; vapidly; noisily; ostentatiously; blatantly; fantastically; ludicrously; ignobly; inanely; stupendously; splendidly; vaingloriously; airily; blithely; manifestly; impudently

    Cheap adverbs

    absurdly; unreasonably; contemptibly; indifferently; miserably; pitifully; ridiculously; laughably; worthlessly; unspeakably; incredibly; amazingly; attractively; undoubtedly; indubitably; tolerably; passably; really

    Cheat (v) adverbs

    perpetually; infernally; villainously; flagrantly; scandalously; vilely; cleverly; shrewdly; diplomatically

    (See defraud, trick.)

    Cheating adjectives

    infernal; villainous; tyrannical; risky; disguised; cowardly; flagrant; glorious; free-boot


    amount to—; associate with—; bar for—; condone—; convict of—; depose for—; dispose toward—; implicate in—; indict for—; obtain by—; practice—; tolerate—; — affects; —besmirches; —blemishes; —dishonors; —lowers; —mars

    (See fraud, deception, imposition, delusion.)

    Check adjectives

    bank; thief-proof; signed; gigantic; cancelled; reversible; formidable; sublime; indispensable; distinct; invaluable; generous; salutary; health-giving; contrasting; wholesome; constitutional; temporary; perceptible; accurate; worn; pallid; deplorable; effective; absolute

    Check (o) adverbs

    cleverly; fortunately; powerfully; abruptly; temporarily; effectively; formidably; systematically; constitutionally; perceptibly; accurately; absolutely

    (See impede, curb, restrain.)

    Cheek adjectives

    apple-red; crimson; cherry-colored; ruddy; ruddled; flushed; burning; fat; flaming; glowing; pretty; scarlet; blushing; fevered; blazing; rosy; incarnadining; pale; tranquil; sallow; livid; pasty; pallid; ashen; death-like; wan; triangular; lean; sunburnt; tanned; mottled; ebony; smudged; singed; painted; downy; smooth; boyish; placid; fresh; cold; sweet; firm; amiable; withered; weather-beaten; wrinkled; leathery; haggard; careworn; wizened; wasted; darkened; hollowed; cavernous; sunken; emaciated; bony; heavy; forged; rough; unshaven; flabby; jelly-like; puffed; comfortable; plump; soft; sleep-flushed; icy; droopy; hard; marble; freckled; pockmarked; scarred; smarting; tremulous; pendent; upturned; unresponsive; wind-freshened; consumptive; sweat-damp; infantile; peachy; delicate-rounded; high; warm; transparent; wide; strong; protruding; mangy; prominent; sinister; bronzed; tender; sinewy; distended; damask; blanched; dimpled; unprofaned; marked; veined; unworthy; straining; melting; pellucid; brown; tear-stained; mantling; placid; waning; quivering; faded; smiling; furrowed; smutted; tear-sodden; pinched; rubicund; glowing; lank; clear; pink; flaccid; swarthy; untasted; shrunken; shaded; blanched; cracking; languid; bloodless; emaciated; waxen; virgin; harlot; kissing; delicate; changing; inflamed; sunny; white; yellow-cowslip; childish; worn; proud; jutting; silver; drawn; amiable; animated; peony-colored; pinched; haggard; unreluctant; blooming; freshening; massive; lifeless; purplish-mottled; carmine-colored


    blanch —s; brighten —s; color —s; cool —s; corrugate —s; daub —s; dimple —; empurple —s; fan —; flame —s; flush —s; hollow —; lean on —; moisten —s; paint —s; pat —; puff —s; redden —s; smite —; stain —s; stream down —; swell —s; tint —; varnish —; waste —; wrinkle —; —s blush; —s burn; —s fade; —s glisten; —s glow; —s hang; —s pale

    (See face.)

    Cheeky adverbs

    pertly; brassily; insolently; impertinently; insufferably; offensively; impudently; brazenly; flippantly; shamelessly; unpleasantly; disagreeably; saucily; swaggeringly; arrogantly; audaciously; provokingly; terribly; odiously; ridiculously; presumptuously; daringly; detestably; abominably; unwarrantably; jauntily; unbecomingly

    Cheer (shout of applause) adjectives

    national; tumultuous; ironical; forced; admiring; hysterical; loud; rousing; shrill; hearty; panting; frenzied; rippling; irrepressible; patient; thunderous; incomparable; immense; blithe; lofty; pathetic; heart-strengthening; daily; mingled; answering; encouraging; sunny; lusty; universal; undaunted; wedding; unanimous; ringing; triumphal; measureless; traditional; good; intimate; massive; whooping; vociferous; solemn; silvery; evil; melancholy; uncertain


    celebrate with —s; depart with —s; draw —; echo—; grudge—; hail—; incite to —s; judge by —s; kill —; lessen —s; participate in —; raise —; rejoice in —; thunder —; — abates; — ceases; — dies; — fades; — greets; —rouses; — sweeps; — wanes

    (See applause, cheering.)

    Cheer (v) adverbs

    raucously; rabidly; lustily; wildly; vociferously; enthusiastically; heartily; jovially; mirthfully; tumultuously; hysterically; rousingly; shrilly; frenziedly; irrepressibly; thunderously; incomparably; encouragingly; undauntedly; unanimously; triumphantly

    (See praise, applaud.)

    Cheerful adverbs

    habitually; pleasantly; naturally; irrepressibly; immensely; blithely; vociferously; placidly; serenely; vivaciously; charmingly; refreshingly; youthfully; casually; calmly; hilariously; maddeningly; vexatiously; merrily; jauntily; airily; exuberantly; heedlessly; bewilderingly; surprisingly; unexpectedly; strangely; oddly; unwontedly; exhilaratingly; contentedly; lightly; gladly; complacently; tolerably; genially; jovially; jubilantly; briskly; smilingly; winsomely; noticeably; perplexingly; unbelievably; extraordinarily

    Cheerfulness adjectives

    unabated; placid; imperturbable; undiminished; sparkling; consistent; weary; hysterical; natural; charming; growing; healthy; infectious; contagious; uncomplaining; pensive; constrained; forced; renewed; spasmodic; affected; perennial; usual; weird; desperate


    animate with—; conceal—; denote—; diffuse—; dispose toward—; exhibit—; exude—; feign—; fight with—; free with—; inspire—; invade w-ith—; reflect—; regain—; restore—, revive—; season with—; temper with—; welcome—; —comforts; —eases; —encourages; —exhilarates; — pervades; —stimulates

    (See optimism, buoyancy.)

    Cheering adjectives

    earnest; frenzied; fresh; unusual; loud; vociferous


    accelerate—; conduct—; direct—; drown in—; encounter—; join—; lead—; promote—; repress—; —acclaims; —animates; —compliments; —dies down; —echoes; —encourages; —heartens; —enlivens; —gladdens; —greets; —indicates; —overwhelms; —resounds; —-stimulates; —subsides; —swells; —welcomes

    (See applause, ovation, cheer.)

    Cheering adverbs

    reasonably; brightly; definitely; encouragingly; reassuringly; propitiously; comfortingly; helpfully; positively; unusually; finally; tolerably; moderately; fairly; somewhat; downright; wholly

    Cheerless adverbs

    dismally; grievously; unhappily; sorely; sadly; unpleasantly; disturbingly; utterly; horribly; drearily; piteously; woefully; deplorably; pathetically; needlessly; discouragingly; dishearteningly; hopelessly; desolately; oppressively; extremely; undeniably; ' unutterably; wretchedly; peculiarly; cruelly

    Cheery adverbs

    sturdily; resolutely; brightly; consistently; charmingly; healthily; infectiously; ;con-tagiously; professionally; philosophically; spontaneously; loudly; serenely; placidly; courageously; confidently; reassuringly; hearteningly; encouragingly; valiantly; gallantly; refreshingly; pleasantly; cordially; attractively; delightfully; calmly

    Cheese adjectives

    milk; pyramided; vintage; large; ripe; stale; mouse-eaten; rancid; dry


    coagulate into—; consume—; enclose—in; grate—; import—; introduce—; loaf—; manufacture—; market—; mix—; pack—; process—; refrigerate—; roll—; slice—; spread—; sprinkle with—; toast—; turn into—; —moulds; —ripens


    achieve with—s; analyze—s; apply—s; compose of—; concentrate—; devise—; employ—; evaluate—; extract—; .force by—s; impregnate with—; involve—; mix—; obtain—; precipitate—; prepare—; produce—; resist—; synthesize—; —accomplishes; —acidizes; —acts; —alkalizes; —alters; —attracts; —catalyzes; —s combine; —converts; —counteracts; —depends on; —neutralizes; —poisons; —preserves; —reacts; —transforms

    (See substance.)

    Chemist adjectives

    renowned; brilliant; ruthless; analytical; alleged



    agricultural; pure; applied; industrial; theoretical

    Cherish (v) adverbs

    secretly; mutually; innocently; piously; tenderly; reverently; fondly; unconsciously; vociferously; tenaciously

    (See protect.)

    Cherished adverbs

    carefully; affectionately; absurdly; highly; sentimentally; tenderly; reverently; ardently; fondly; ridiculously; stoutly; passionately; truly; sincerely; genuinely; whimsically; lovingly

    Cherry adjectives

    fermented; fiery; ripened; blushing; pale

    Chest (part of body) adjectives

    stalwart; barrel; bulging; professional; corded; massive; out-muscled; superb; self-confident; thick; plump; brawny; skinny; cadaverous; cavernous; puny; meager; bony; unathletic; feeble; narrow; broad; pigeon; deep-sprung; expanded; wizened; sagging; crushed; collapsed; heaving; hollow; battle-scarred; inflated; hairy; soldierly; portentous; chubby; excessive; vainglorious; ample; laboring; decorated; tattooed


    blow out—; contract—; crush—; deflate—; deform—; develop—; expand—; flatten—; inflate—; lock up in—; loosen—; massage—; pierce—; puff out—; rend—; seal in—; stretch—; thump—

    Chest (receptacle) adjectives

    lopsided; crammed; treasure; battered; scarred; wooden; nail-studded; rivetbound; stout; oaken; ironbound; corded; roped; brass-mounted; refrigerating; musty; capacious; ornate; plenteous; sacred; fireproof; ample

    Chew (v) adverbs

    viciously; contentedly; placidly; hungrily; vigorously; continuously; tranquilly; normally; restrainedly; noisily; crushingly

    (See nibble, munch, crunch.)


    distinctly; smartly; fashionably; exceptionally; dramatically; fabulously; demurely; cleverly; artistically; stylishly; slenderly; effectively; correctly; trimly; conservatively; sparklingly; brilliantly; barbarically; expensively; conventionally; habitually; elegantly; quietly; handsomely; becomingly; intriguingly; appropriately

    Chickadee (titmouse) adjectives

    black-capped; cheerful; lisping; flocking; lusty; evergreen-loving


    • — carols;  —chats;   —chirps;  —clings

    • — flits; —frolics; —hops; —preys on

    • — shrills; —somersaults; —whistles

    (See bird.)

    Chicken adjectives

    cackling; snowy; browned; fragrant; smoking; drawn; rudimentary


    behead—; breed—; dine on—; excite—; exhibit—; fatten—; infest—; pen up—; prey on—; relish—; roast—; savor—; spice—; stuff—; —clucks; —flutters about; —gobbles up; —invades; —lays; —molts; —pecks; —perches; —scratches; —scurries; —squawks; —struts

    (See fowl, bird.)

    Chickenhear TED adverbs

    notably; laughably; ridiculously; ludicrously; constitutionally; unwontedly; timorously; avowedly; shamefully; effeminately; dastardly; basely; solicitously; appallingly; astoundingly; wonderfully; amazingly; surprisingly; inexplicably; shockingly; fearfully; tenderly; obviously; disgracefully; outrageously; infamously; incurably

    Chide (v) adverbs

    scowlingly; mildly; severely; reprovingly; moderately; kindly; harshly; embarrassingly; vociferously; violently; sharply; shyly; intelligently; churlishly; mercilessly; legitimately; sternly

    (See admonish, censure, scold.)


    churlish; stormy; gallant; meaningful

    Chief adjectives

    indulgent; revered; supreme; prominent; gangster; powerful; local; native; usurping; polygamous; picturesque; murderous; mountain; desert; brigand; hereditary; indignant; deputed; reticent; patriarchal; despotic; venerable; artful; descendant; influential; kind; uncrowned; tribal; dominating; brave-hearted; gentle; generous; formidable; independent; invincible; responsible; crimson-stained


    advance to—; depose—; execute—; forsake—; guard—; hail—; hang—; idolize—; name—; oppose—; patronize—; rank as—; restore—; serve—; swerve from—; torture—; —commands; —inveighs; —leads; —orders; —rejoices

    (See head, leader, commander, captain.)

    Chieftain adjectives

    feudal; bearded; putative; simple; desert; venerable; bandit; lifeless

    Chiffon adjectives

    multitone; bright; filmy; sinuous

    Child adjectives

    delightful; charming; dutiful; cherubic; enchanting; divine; brilliant; bright; rosy; nice; capable; contented; accomplished; gifted; intelligent; respectable-looking; well-bred; supernatural; fun-loving; eager; exemplary; affectionate; studious; lovable; responsive; winsome; wistful-eyed; misty-eyed; golden-haired; fair-skinned; well-formed; comely; prepossessing; immaculate; prim; unnatural; normal; typical; average; growing; obedient; meek; humble; tactful; old-fashioned; subdued; repentant; contrite; tractable; tranquil; absorbed; silent; reflective; problem; sensitive; bewildered; shy; shrinking; artistic; emotional; unreasonable; nervous; high-strung; neglected; adorable; confused; sickly; delicate; frail; rickety; ragged; spindling; colorless; nondescript; angular; ugly; brutal; beastly; wretched; impertinent; rebellious; spoiled; spiteful; petted; precocious; audacious; impetuous; head

    strong; heartbroken; prostrate; unhappy; miserable; forlorn; terrified; adored; admired; afflicted; frightened; greedy; wayward; unruly; exasperating; foolish; grown-up; offensive; refractory; obstreperous; monstrous; stubborn; obdurate; burdensome; unwitting; artless; retarded; stolid; annoying; slow-growing; defective; stupid; sturdy; pot-bellied; lean-faced; leggy; plain; thin; big-eyed; sallow; chubby-faced; regretful; toddling; prattling; wailing; screaming; sobbing; play-loving; beauty-loving; staring; frail; convalescing; engrossed; mere; weeping; casual; innocent; puzzled; venturesome; quizzical; adventurous; riotous; finicky; changeling; romantic; cockney; vaudeville; aristocratic; infant; drowsy; rash; loathed; unflinching; defective; culpable; pouting; petulant; conscientious; minor; wanton; dazed; eloquent; sanguine; forward; reticent; gallant; virtuous; vixenish; beaten; delightful; impious; crippled; exceptional; precious; churlish; talented; robust; engrossed; roguish; heaven-obscuring; loyal; turbulent; houseless; nurtured; tender; unborn; adolescent; simple; sole; heaven-born; cherished; complaining; blind; foolish; vagrant; comparative; scajnpering; weakest; credulous; guileless; merciless; illegitimate; sacred; fractious; proud; vivacious; burnt; pampered; abused; ambidextrous; healthy; unruly; passionate; undisciplined; self-willed; posthumous; fretful; imitative; melancholy; untutored; docile; migratory; princely; lily-shining; cunning; secretive; unmanageable; victorious; bewitching; sad-looking; riotous; unquenchable; wondrous; slumbering; veritable; eccentric; imaginative; flaxenhaired


    attend—; awaken—; bear—; befriend—; beget—; bereave—; bring forth—; buildup—; burden—; chastise—; cherish—; circumcise—; comprehend—; conceive—; correct—; debilitate—; deliver—; develop—; discipline—; disinherit—; dispossess ; educate—; emaciate—; embrace—; encourage—; exhort—; expose—; father—; fondle—; forsake—; govern—; harden—; inspire—; lull—; lure—; name—; nourish—; nurse—; oppress—; punish—; rear—; reassure—; remain—; restrain—; revive—; scold—; sire—; spoil—; teach—; tempt—; train—; trust—; understand—; wean—; whip—; —babbles; —clambers; —clamors; —contracts a disease; —disobeys; —heeds; —moans; —pines; —rebels; —skips; —sobs; —strays; —struggles; —thrives; —wails; —weeps

    (See offspring, son, daughter, descendant, boy, girl, infant.)

    Childhood adjectives

    earliest; amazing; seeming; narrow; nightmare-ridden; neglected; sheltered; imaginative; distorted; light-hearted; bleak; lonely; cheerless; spindle-legged; pathetic; precocious; inconsiderate; captious; mysterious; docile; blooming; unappreciative; serene; satisfied; joyous; humble; meditative; healthy; ripe; passive


    acquire in—; affect—; care for during—; conceive in—; dominate—; form during—; govern—; inculcate in—; learn in—; mould during—; preserve in—; recall—; rejoice in—; reminisce about—; restrict—; revert to—; teach in—; train in—; —contributes; —flees; —lapses; —ripens into; —strays

    (See infancy, youth.)

    Childish adverbs

    foolishly; disagreeably; utterly; unpleasantly; unexpectedly; shamefully; dreadfully; inexplicably; deliberately; unreasonably; ill-temperedly; pathetically; unbearably; wretchedly; senselessly; unaccountably; stubbornly; obstinately; horridly; ridiculously; sullenly; flagrantly; awkwardly; gawkily; unhappily; indecorously; out-land>hly

    Childlike adverbs

    innocently; delightfully; simply; artlessly; guilelessly; naively; radiantly; joyously; charmingly; losily; contentedly; lovably; meekly; adorably; foolishly; chubbily; wonderfully; bewitchingly; irresistibly; appealingly; utterly; touchingly; alluringly; unaffectedly; ingenuously; frankly; sweetly

    Children adjectives

    passive; fidgety; hostile; supersensitive; refractory; shy; obtrusive; irresponsible; prison; native; illegitimate; semi-hypnotized; bickering; gawky; mercurial; wondering; stoical; egotistical; unimaginative; pampered; promising; bright; worthy; wholesome; angelic; charming; marvel

    lous; carefully-bred; blithe; laughing; rollicking; smiling; audacious; happy; playful; prankish; romping; sturdy; robust; lusty; noisy; clamoring; clattering; frantic; screaming; unkempt; ragged; verminous; unwashed; wide-eyed; stocky; golden-haired; long-legged; quaintly-garbed; chubby; enormous; gayly-dressed; tiny; naked; half-grown; thick-legged; growing; underweight; undernourished; sickly; imperfectly developed; abandoned; heartbroken; frightened; radiant; desolate; trembling; pale; unloved; uncared-for; hungry; homeless; irresponsible; healthy; syphilitic; motherless; restless; squabbling; home-spun; true; shivering; bedazed; vagrant; heartless; degenerate; crippled; unruly: earnest-hearted; vexing; starry; promising; natural; unreasonable; unbridled; fiery-blooded; outcrying; myriad; notorious; ill-bred; vulgar; ill-favored; exquisite; fresh; white-faced; silent; insolent; smutty; hovering; pert; dirty; squalling; fretful; sycophantic; mischievous; destitute; gloriouseyed; maddened; strumous; garrulous; hilarious; delinquent; violent; erring; handicapped; unlettered; vociferous; cruel; neglected; veritable; vigorous

    Chill adjectives

    horrid; penetrating; biting; shrinking; severe; mental; violent; curious; embarrassing; noticeable; hopeless; sharp; congestive; sudden; inexplicable; slight; damp; timid; dry; icy; bone-penetrating; deathly; vault-like; bitter; uncomfortable; balmy; growing; cold; increasing; dreadful; comfortless; shaking


    blow—; chatter with—s; experience—; expose to—; overcome by—; produce—; prolong—; quiver with—; run—; seize with—; sense—; shake with—; shiver with —; shudder with—; strike with—; survive —; treat for—; —accompanies; —affects; —creeps in; —depresses; —injures; — numbs; —penetrates

    (See sensation, cold.)

    Chill (v

    advet bs

    bitingly; severely; violently; hopelessly; noticeably; sharply; suddenly; inexplicably; bitterly; increasingly; dreadfully; mortally; painfully


    suddenly; inexplicably; curiously; slightly; uncomfortably; dreadfully; alarmingly; keenly; tremulously; visibly; uncommonly; unendurably; strangely; unaccountably; unpleasantly; dangerously; unusually; un-wontedly; inexcusably; indefensibly

    Chime adjectives

    musical; pathetic; dolorous; silvery; sweet-toned; unhurried; clear; jubilant; silver; soothing; unvaried; religious; faint; heavenly

    Chime (v) adverbs

    drowsily; harmoniously; mischievously; dolorously; unhurriedly; jubilantly; soothingly; religiously; faintly; heavenly; musically, clearly

    (See ring.)

    Chimerical adverbs

    strangely; fantastically; grotesquely; wildly; eccentrically; erratically; quaintly; curiously; baselessly; foolishly; exceptionally; peculiarly; extraordinarily; unaccountably; extravagantly; preposterously; fabulously; dreamily; fancifully

    Chimney adjectives

    rotten; smoking; natural; stubborn; ample; curious; spiraled; defective; tottering; stumpy; low; ungainly; blackened; ghostly; clustering; open-throated; sparkless; disused


    block—; blow down—; clean—; connect—; construct—; convey through—; dampen—; decorate—; design—; escape through—; extend—; fire—; inspect—; lodge in—; muffle—; obstruct—; pass through—; suck up—; support—; —breathes; —carries off; —diffuses; —discharges; —draws off; —exhales; —fumes; —leaks; —reeks; —smokes; —topples; —tumbles

    (See passage.)

    Chin adjectives

    out-thrust; curious; jutting; determined; provocative; elongated; significant; prominent; dominant; fighting; obstinate; aggressive; protruding; stubborn; molded

    prognathous; rounded; square; retreating; bulldog; cleft; portly; dimpled; daintily; shaped; clean-cut; aristocratic; triangular; pointed; strong; rounded; sensitive; delicate; demure; quivering; protesting; scrubby; stubbled; unshaven; bristly; sunken; curbed; callow; tremulous; weak; girlish; bevelled; unflinching; lowered; firm; heavy; mutinous; marred; bruised; impudent; receding; arrogant; trembling; dumpy; formless; patrician; slack-set; full; granite; gray-bearded; seamy; witching; clean-shaven; sagging; generous


    box—; caress—; chafe—; dimple—; dip—; double—; furrow—; guard—; hollow—; pillow—on; razor—; roughen—; smooth—; strike on—; stroke—; stubble—; tickle—

    —juts out

    (See jaw.)

    China (country) adjectives

    ancient; colorful; present-day; famine-cursed; tasteful

    China (dish) adjectives

    atrociously-patterned; colorful; decorated; egg-shell; fragile; glazed; mongrel; ancestral; mended; imported; lustered; lustrous; treasured; superb; rare; delicate; magnificent; glorious; exquisite; dainty


    bake—; carve—; decorate—; design—; exhibit—; fire—; glaze—; inherit—; lithograph—; manufacture—; model—; mold—; paint—; preserve—; print—; process—; produce—; trace on—; trim—; turn—; vitrify—; —attracts; —sparkles

    (See porcelain.)

    Chinaman adjectives

    slant-eyed; sinister; innocent; cryptic

    Chip (counter or disk in game) adjectives

    accumulated; cashed-in; clicking; ivory; ominous; nested; red-and-blue; rattling; plastic; stacked


    accumulate—s; amass—s; ante—; calculate—; cash—s; mark—s; pile up—s; revalue—; toss in—; wager—; —s rattle; —s represent

    Chip (v) adverbs

    laboriously; unweariedly; characteristically; disfiguringly; hurtfully; disastrously; idiotically; carelessly

    Chipmunk adjectives

    burrowing; chipping; conspicuous; beautifully-striped; darting; free-roving; fencetravelling; gleaming; marauding; scampering


    —chirps; —emerges; —ranges; —scurries


    (See squirrel, animal.)

    Chipper adverbs

    blithely; heartily; gaily; cheerily; wholesomely; briskly; actively; ably; laughingly; light-heartedly; sunnily; smartly; alertly; energetically; happily

    Chips (fragments) adjectives

    infinitesimal; coarse; falling; scattered

    shapeless; raw; valueless


    break into—; chisel into—; chop into—; cut into—; fly into—; gather—; hack into —; hew into—; piece into—; separate into—; split into—; —accumulate; —clutter up; —fly; —gather; —strike

    (See fragment, piece.)

    Chirp (v) adverbs

    shrilly; disdainfully; rapturously; ecstatically; joyously; contentedly; obstreperously; cheerfully; maddeningly; noisily; incessantly; obtrusively; deafeningly; unendingly; subduedly; discordantly

    (See twitter.)

    Chivalric adverbs

    patriotically; loyally; fanatically; devotedly; fantastically; bigotedly; faithfully; chauvinistically; unnecessarily; showily; ostentatiously; genuinely; sacrificially; pi

    ously; religiously; ardently; zealously; uncompromisingly; impulsively; sincerely; sublimely; martially; fiercely; incorrupt-ibly; staunchly; inviolably; excessively

    Chivalrous adverbs

    delicately; devotedly; politely; generously; magnanimously; innately; inherently; traditionally; racially; suavely; gallantly; civilly; pleasantly; ardently; fervently; courteously; extremely; gently; urbanely; smoothly; obsequiously; amiably; ceremoniously; attentively; blandly; ingratiatingly; pleasingly; tactfully

    Chivalry adjectives

    morbid; belated; unsullied; old-fashioned; rekindled; deficient; fantastical; poetic; latent; knightly; gay; misplaced; exaggerated; distant; feudal; religious; delicate; loyal; medieval; undaunted; vaulted; celestial; youthful; generous


    affect—; attend with—; attribute to—; awaken—; bend toward—; blind by—; celebrate—; charge with—; commend for—; confer on—; dispense -with—; educate for —; encounter—; equip for—; institute—; knight for—; reward—; —constitutes; —decays; —dies; —flourishes; —flowers; —prevails; —survives

    (See gallantry, courtesy, bravery.)

    Chloroform adjectives

    colorless; ethereal-odored; insidious; penetrating; pungent; sickish-sweet; sleep-producing


    administer—; anesthetize with—; dissolve in —; dose with —; expose —; gelatinize —; inhale —; melt —; overcome with —: sniff —; solidify —; subject to —; — acts; — boils; — decomposes; — dissolves; — dulls; — eases; — lessens

    (See anaesthetic.)

    Chock-Full adverbs

    generously; utterly; satisfactorily; inconveniently; dangerously; sloppily; carefully; calculatedly; accurately; happily; luckily; absolutely; surprisingly; gratifyingly; entirely; brimmingly; nicely

    Chocolate adjectives

    thick; creamy; burning; sugary; tasty; bitter; rancid; delicious

    Choice adjectives

    inevitable; sensible; indefensible; ideal; hasty; shrewd; ultimate; emotional; distinguished; alternate; definite; conscious; free; happy; mistaken; unlimited; fortunate; sympathetic; logical; wise; moral; wide; important; half-humorous; unrestricted; endless;’ arbitrary; uncorrupted; critical; unessential; irrelevant; nonsensical; ideal; solicitous; scrupulous; ghastly; admirable; satisfactory; premium; perfect; sturdy; bitter; loathed; boundless; random; unaccountable; injudicious; intelligent; first; deliberate; perfect; haphazard; excellent; doubtful; mercenary; dazzling; appropriate; resolute; righteous; prudent; haughty


    abide by —; applaud —; bind to —; commend ; conceal —; contend with —; delight in —; determine —; encourage —; envy —; extend —; favor —; guard —; indicate —; justify —; leave —; overrule —; regulate—; restrict —; widen —; yield to —

    (See alternative, option, preference, election.)

    Choice adverbs

    unusually; exquisitely; valuably; indubitably; unquestionably; evidently; manifestly; incomparably; inimitably; singularly; particularly; inestimably; invaluably; exceptionally; alluringly; temptingly; exotically; incalculably; immeasurably; imposingly; infinitely; sumptuously; inexpressibly; utterly; absolutely

    Choir adjectives

    soothing; plumed; enraptured; chantry; surpliced; cathedral; full-throated; extraordinary; immortal; starry; constellated; matin; white-robed; angelic; sweet-voiced; ritual; dusky; captive; silent; mystic; pausing; shining; winged; invisible


    accompany —; coach —; compose —; conduct —; direct —; employ —; establish —; garb —; invite —; organize —; pitch —; regulate —; retain —; stimulate—; support —; train —; — answers; —anthems; — carols; — chants; — croaks; — croons; — devotes; — invokes; — is situated; — performs; — practises; — rehearses; — renders; — resounds

    (See chorus, singers.)

    Choke (v) adverbs

    horribly; fiendishly; murderously; hellishly; painfully; furiously; fatally; mortally; partially; savagely

    (See strangle, throttle.)

    Cholera adjectives

    Asiatic; devastating; dread; horrible; lifesnuffing; malignant; pestilential; spreading; impartially-dealing; ravaging


    afflict with —; arrest —; attack with —; cause —; control —; distinguish —; expose to —; inoculate against —; overcome —; prevent —; protect against —; quarantine —; recognize —; recover from —; resemble —; scourge with —; stamp out —; subdue —; subject to —; suffer from —; treat for —; — affects; — infects; — invades; — irritates; — occurs; — prevails; — ravages; — spreads; — subsides; — travels; — visits

    (See disease, epidemic.)

    Choleric adverbs

    inveterately; terribly; extremely; excitedly; irascibly; habitually; touchily; cantankerously; exceptionally; intolerably; dangerously; hotly; petulantly; restively; incorrigibly; inherently; incurably; alarmingly; irritatingly; unbearably; unreasonably; senselessly; miserably; unfortunately; ill-temperedly; plaguedly; waspishly; querulously

    Choose (v) adverbs

    promiscuously; precisely; deliberately; unanimously; inevitably; fastidiously; invariably; sedulously; universally; constitutionally; tactfully; tastefully; unselfishly; sensibly; shrewdly; ultimately; emotionally; definitely; mistakenly; sympathetically; logically; morally; unrestrictedly; arbitrarily; critically; irrelevantly; nonsensically; scrupulously; admirably; unaccountably; injudiciously; haphazardly; appropriately; resolutely; righteously; prudently; instinctively; finally; discreetly; speedily

    (See select, prefer.)

    Chop adjectives

    breaded; congealed; dripping; double; evenly-browned; fat; juicy; oozing; bony; shriveled


    broil —; butter —; devour —; digest —; dine on —; enjoy —; garnish —; grill —; heat —; pepper —; preserve —; relish —; roast —; salt —; savor —; season —; trim —; — burns; —simmers; — sizzles; — steams

    (See meat.)

    Chop (v) adverbs

    savagely; vigorously; ambitiously; hurriedly; leisurely; grimly; regularly; ineffectively; monotonously; continuously

    Choral adverbs

    melodiously; harmoniously; lyrically; fundamentally; originally; essentially; tunefully; euphoniously; symphoniously; orchestrally; effectively; splendidly; magnificently; sweetly; primarily; simply; elaborately; compli-catedly

    Chord adjectives

    harmonic; emotional; sympathetic; tender; responsive; peremptory; compassionate; triumphant; thunderous; preliminary; opening; impromptu; maddening; wailing; noisy; closing; sobbing; dreamy; dashing; nerve-racking; rare; vibrant; responsive; strong; broad; determined; familiar; answering; conscious; throbbing; susceptible; airy; sonorous; breaking; plenteous; liquid; sensitive; dominant


    pluck —; sound —; twang —; — charms

    — shivers; — thrills; —trembles

    (See tendon, string.)

    Chore adjectives

    old-fashioned; bitter; small; domestic



    dispatch —s; do —s; perform —s; plan —

    _s bind; —s devolve on; —s occupy; —s settle on

    (See job, duty, task.)

    Chorister adjectives

    impatient; poor; supercilious; monotonous

    Chorus adjectives

    noisy; welcoming; general ;-angry; fearful; jangling; affirmative; derisive; obtrusive; hallelujah; exhausted; tender; deafening; hoarse; booming; familiar; whispering; pessimistic; eerie; intricate; mighty; hair-raising; shrill; musical-comedy; shrieking; unending; recurrent; tuneful; abusive; masterly; jubilant; echoing; universal; horrendous; solemn; jolly; deep; screaming; hideous; vernacular; subdued; unprecedented; dirge-like; clamorous; wild; unfaltering; multitudinous (pl); seasonable; seditious; blasphemous; bibulous; mumbling; gleeful; meaningless; ranting; discordant


    accompany —; coach —; collect —; conduct —; constitute —; flow from —; join in on —; laugh in —; manage —; organize —; pitch—; regulate—; repeat—; take up —; train —; transpose —; utter —; whine in —; — breaks out; — chants; — executes; — harmonizes; — imitates; — practices; — rehearses; — renders; — reports; — resounds; — revels; — revives; — shrills; — spreads; — swells

    (See choir, song, refrain.)

    Christ adjectives

    agonized; crucified; unheralded; infallible; merciful; glorious; death-triumphant; purple-robed; sorrowing; thorn-crowned; unconquerable; comforting


    acknowledge —; apprehend —; beseech —; bless —; bow before —; conform with —; consecrate to —; contemplate —; deny —; discern —; endow with —; esteem —; fight for —; follow —; forsake —; Jierald —; interpret —; preach —; preserve —; protect —; receive —; 'reject —; unveil —; uphold —; — ascends; — bears; — heals; — passes; — prophesies; — redeems; — represents; — rises; — rules; — suffers; — teaches; — toils

    (See God, Jesus.)

    Christian adjectives

    sincere; misguided; professing; preeminent; heartfelt; genuine

    Christian adverbs

    devoutly; sincerely; ardently; fervently; devotedly; faithfully; humbly; meekly; piously; religiously; sanctimoniously; beatifical-ly; joyously; blessedly; reverently; solemnly; benignly; honestly; genuinely; benevolently; mercifully; tolerantly; humanely; charitably; obviously; unmistakably; plainly; evidently; openly; avowedly; professedly

    Christianity adjectives

    admirable; dogmatic; muscular; mysterious; primitive; sustained; sympathetic; profound


    conceive —; convert to —; cut off from —; denote —; embrace —; exalt —; extirpate —; follow —; found —; illustrate —; implant —; inculcate —; live in —; lose faith in —; manifest —; obscure —; persecute —; plant —; preach —; profess —; regard —; reject —; restore —; spread —; support —; teach —; trace —; — concerns; — embodies; — grows; — progresses; — redeems; — saves; — transcends; — triumphs

    (See religion, faith.)

    Chronic adverbs

    avowedly; incurably; unfortunately; finally; obstinately; stubbornly; lingeringly; mildly; firmly; deplorably; grievously; pitiably; indubitably; manifestly; evidently; palpably; obviously; unquestionably; distinctly; plainly; incontrovertibly; unmistakably

    Chronicle adjectives

    sensuous; pagan; commonplace; objective; calm; gay; fascinating; detailed; lively; scandalous; stirring; heroic; racy; salty; wistful; tender; humorous; courageous; mocking; faithful; vivid; massive; memorable; poignant; unique; gripping; incomparable; lofty; moving; human; vigorous; episodic; broad-spoken; tedious; zestful; medieval; tattered; factual; dusty; fastmoving; personal; sententious; intimate


    accumulate in —; arrange —; compare —; compile —; complete —; compose —; devote — to; examine —; forge —; keep —; preserve —; recite —; refer to —; skeletonize —; — consists of; — contains; — contradicts; — conveys; — disposes; — determines; — embraces; — presents; — recollects; — registers; — reveals; — sets down; — treats of

    (See record, account, narrative, diary, history.)

    Chronicler adjectives

    matter-of-fact; scandal-loving; contemporaneous

    Chronological adverbs

    accurately; carefully; meticulously; fussily; absolutely; dependably; tolerably; infallibly; scrupulously; strictly; uncannily; unimpeachably; avidly; punctiliously

    Chronology adjectives

    dismal; distilled; condensed; meaningful; mouldering; simple; uneventful; unvarnished; verified


    arrange —; ascertain —; base — on; check —; compare — with; correlate —; develop —; explain —; fix —; interest in —; preserve —; reckon —; settle —; telescope —; verse in —; — classifies; — computes; — depends on; — enumerates; — includes; — indicates; — measures; — provides; — records; — reveals; — survives; — traces

    (See science, time.)

    Chrysanthemum adjectives

    huge; tawny; bronze; brave; pink; golden; great; pale; shaggy; yellow; calm

    Chubby adverbs

    adorably; sweetly; cheerily; buxomly; huskily; rosily; pleasantly; happily; cheerfully; sturdily; healthily; stoutly; laughably; ridiculously; lovably; admirably; ludicrously; stupidly; heavily; laughingly; gaily; blithely; bonnily; winsomely; handsomely; terribly

    Chuckle adjectives

    appreciative; affectionate; naive; long; de

    licious; humorous; benevolent; sepulchral; melancholy; mirthless; low; little; slow; deep; noiseless; vicious; gloating; evil; sneering; irreverent; exultant; gratuitous; ghastly; unpleasant/ eerie; soft; childish; crazy; husky; shrewd; mild; elfish; asthmatic; inward; dry; communicative; contagious; cruel; palpitating; suppressed; sly; insulting; bitter; inward; prolonged; coarse; fearful; tremulous; joyous; grim

    Chuckle (v


    inaudibly; casually; maliciously; gruffly; waggishly; inwardly; fearfully; hollowly; appreciatively; affectionately; naively; humorously; benevolently; sepulchrally; mirthlessly; noiselessly; gloatingly; sneeringly; irreverently; exultantly; gratuitously; unpleasantly; huskily; elfishly; contagiously; asthmatically; insultingly; bitterly; tremulously; joyously; grimly

    (See laugh.)

    Chummy adverbs

    delightfully; helpfully; devotedly; intimately; sympathetically; companionably; affectionately; cordially; warmly; sincerely; heartily; amicably; affably; wonderfully; frankly; graciously; loyally; distinctly; enthusiastically; congenially; marvellously; unselfishly; staunchly; generously; steadfastly; courageously

    Church adjectives

    venerable; impressive; calm; dignified; simple; famous; historical; imposing; ancient; hoary; handsome; exquisite; fashionable; enormous; frescoed; small; gray; loopholed; ivy-clad; colonial; belfry-towered; country; white-washed; fly-bitten; square-towered; parabolic; village; parish; dismal; silent; superfluous; competing; huddling; dedicated; pillaged; dissenting; buttressed; belfried; cathedral; sumptuous; ornate; friendly-looking;' tremendous; dominating; ambitious; primitive; prosaic; barnlike; uncouth; spireless; gloomy; established; conservative; olive-green; sandstone; decent; remote; comprehensive; self-denying; laborious; unwearied; ancient


    assemble in —; baptize in —; christen in —; confirm in —; consecrate —; deface —; drift away from —; enrich —; establish —; esteem —; file into —; forsake —; gather in —; hie to —; interpret —; laud —; liberalize —; neglect —; orient —; present to —; ransack —; respect —; salute —; unite —; wed in —; worship in —; — absolves; — inspires; — molds; — moulders

    — wanes

    (See temple, cathedral, chapel, tabernacle, sanctuary, congregation.)

    Church-Goers adjectives

    austere; backbiting; backsliding; devout; earnest; dogmatic; fervent; grave; heavenaspiring; hypocritical; morose; long-faced; puritanical; salvation-seeking


    appeal to —; appoint—; join —; patronize —; prevail on —; respect —; witness —; — abandon; — attend; — authorize; — band; — commune; r—

    conform; —congregate; — contribute; — control; — convene; — criticize; — endow; — flow by; — grow; — ignore; — organize; — provide; — rally; -r- sneer; — stream past; — support

    (See congregation.)

    Churchy adverbs

    devoutly; hypocritically; ostentatiously; sen-tentiously; unctuously; devotedly; fashionably; unwearyingly; pompously; dramatically; dutifully; properly; appropriately; adequately; meticulously; punctiliously; obediently; piously; sentimentally; obsequiously; pharisaically; sanctimoniously; conscientiously; righteously; pretentiously

    Churl adjectives

    drunken; seditious; sturdy; vulgar; brash


    Churlish adverbs

    inordinately; bluntly; sullenly; stupidly; basely; ruggedly; fantastically; awkwardly; offensively; unconsciously; unwittingly; artlessly; deliberately; colossally; detestably; insufferably; intolerably; unbearably; rudely; crudely; abominably; intentionally; shockingly; innately; boorishly; ignorantly; harshly; disagreeably; outrageously; indefensibly; vulgarly; brazenly; coarsely; brashly; brassily; contemptibly; shamefully

    Churn (v) adverbs

    irrationally; viciously; vigorously; wildly; impressively; awesomely; grimly; tumultuously; thunderously; deafeningly

    Cider adjectives

    piercing; tangy; aromatic; acid

    Cigar adjectives

    smooth; mild; mellow;' vile; unlighted; butted; disheveled; half-smoked; aromatic; excellent; villainous; rank; rough; exotic; inevitable; refreshing


    box —; chew on —; clip —; clutch —; crave —; display —; extinguish —; flick —; grade —; import —; inhale —; insert —; manufacture —; mold —; object to —; pocket —; point —; produce —; proffer —; puff on —; pull at —; roll into —; shape —; smoke —; wave —; wrap —; yearn for —; — appeals; — burns; — glows

    Cigarette adjectives

    disconsolate; soggy; indispensable; lightly-fingered; monogrammed; bungled; unlighted; blended; acrid; quashed; dangling; proffered; pasty; formless; customary


    blend —s; carton —s; choke on —; consume —s; cough on —; discard —s; fumble for —; grade —; inhale —; mentholize —; moisten —; package —; perfume —; proffer —; purvey —; tip —; toast —; turn out —; wave —; — dies; — dries out; — fumes; — glows; — smoulders; — stales

    Cimmerian adverbs

    gloomily; darkly; vastily; expansively; extensively; terrifyingly; frightfully; luridly; sunlessly; tenebriously; umbrageously; obscurely; dimly; shadily; murkily; sombrely; stupendously; appallingly; hideously

    Cinders adjectives

    besieging; blinding; blazing; cruel; drifting; catapulting; dusty; feathery; gritty; inky; murky; smudgy; sooty; sharp; stinging


    arrest —s; deposit —s; eject —s; form —s; pile —s; quench into —s; rake —s; reduce to —s; sift —s; throw off —s; turn to —; — die; — fly; — glow; — lodge; — pop; — sear; — smoulder

    (See coal, residue, ashes.)

    Cipher adjectives

    valueless; inextricable; constant

    Circle adjectives

    conversational; social; illustrious; exclusive; gilded; artistic; political; aristocratic; literary; fashionable; wealthy; financial; wide; brilliant; well-bred; bigoted; select; limited; cheery; charmed; real; ideal; convivial; erratic; perfect; dim; pale; iron; eddying; disintegrated; blurred; broken; enclosing; great; sweeping; sturdy; charmed; intimate; executive; solemn; predestined; concentric; cosmopolitan; bizarre; widening; charred; ceremonial; ringing; collapsed; ever-enlarging; original; vicious; agricultural; splendid; decorative; leading; influential; distinguished; smartest; elastic; pleasant; closed; petty; educational; esoteric; polished; interior; operatic; ultrafashionable; awkward; extended; deep; ruddy; vast; walled; uninterrupted; conservative; privileged; noisy; wavering; pallid; giddy; curious; deft; professional; diplomatic


    accomplish —; assemble in —; bar from —; circumscribe —; cleave —; complete —; cut —; disband —; emit from —; form —; flutter in —; guard —; hallow —; inscribe —; insert in —; join —; lead into —; narrow —; pour in —; revolve —; round —; spin in —; swell —; trace —; — disintegrates; — widens

    Circle (v) adverbs

    demurely; erratically; solemnly; widening-ly; ceremonially; viciously; awkwardly; noisily; waveringly; curiously; treacherously

    (See surround.)

    Circled adverbs

    darkly; ominously; closely; gloriously; radiantly; strangely; completely; hopelessly; fatally; alarmingly; perplexingly; unexpectedly; suddenly; roseately

    Circuit adjectives

    respectful; due; electric; unbroken; annual; elliptical; tedious; irregular; spacious; voltaic; short


    administer —; appoint to —; attach to —; complete—; discontinue—; divide into—s; enclose within —; form —; plug into —; regulate —; remodel —; retain —; ride —; supervise —; travel —; visit —; — comprises; — consists of; — prevails; — transmits

    (See district, course.)

    Circuitous adverbs

    exasperatingly; terribly; needlessly; tediously; wearisomely; monotonously; vexatious-ly; undesirably; unsuitably; extremely; hopelessly; endlessly; sadly; tortuously; intricately; crookedly; deviously; disturbingly; distressingly; dangerously; suspiciously; obscurely; alarmingly; astonishingly; be-wilderingly; wretchedly; unduly

    Circular adjectives

    inviting; descriptive; confidential; brief; significant; sluggish


    announce by —; display —; distribute —; lay out —; request —; shower —s; subscribe to —; summon by —; — advertises; — colors; — describes; — explains; — informs; — proclaims; — propagates

    (See communication, publication, letter.)


    perfectly; absolutely; symmetrically; artistically; ceremonially; originally; decoratively; significantly; smartly; fashionably; curiously; brokenly; naturally; elliptically; impressively; architecturally; theatrically; harmoniously

    Circulate (v) adverbs

    immediately; greedily; continually; widely; extensively; briskly; industriously; limited-ly; considerably; enormously; sluggishly; periodically; selectively; inadequately; effectively; normally

    (See disseminate, diffuse.)

    Circulation adjectives                             (blood

    abnormal; adequate; aroused; deficient; defective; engorged; impaired; lax; hindered; over-stimulated; rapid; sluggish; simulated; tonic


    aid —; carry on —; check —; constrict —; depress —; increase —; impair —; impede —; improve —; maintain —; obstruct —; overtax —; promote —; quicken —; quiet —; relieve —; restore —; speed up —; stimulate —; throw into —

    Circulation (newspaper, adjectives                    magazine, etc.

    amazing; limited; considerable; vast; enormous; select; huge; extensive; sluggish; periodical; suspended; defective; repressed; throttled; inadequate; effective; brisk; normal


    augment —; boost —; build —; double —; fix —; heighten —; increase —; lose —; maintain —; promote —; reduce —; — climbs; — drops; — gains; — jumps; — sags; — spurts; — wanes

    (See distribution, number, quantity.)

    Circumference adjectives

    extensive; vast; extreme; luminous

    Circumjacent adverbs

    closely; influentially; contributively; advantageously; interestedly; actively; importantly; anxiously; indivisibly; inseparably; consequentially; momentously; potently; authoritatively; closely; cooperatively; helpfully; serviceably; opportunely; concernedly; sympathetically; watchfully; warily; providently; alertly; heedfully

    Circumlocutory adverbs

    tiresomely; tediously; unnecessarily; amateurishly; monotonously; maddeningly; vex-atiously; impossibly; undesirably; ineptly; unsuitably; extremely; excessively; incurably; incorrigibly; insistently; pedantically; pedagogically; academically; hopelessly; di-gressively; ramblingly; sadly; inexcusably; inefficiently

    Circumscribe (v) adverbs

    narrowly; severely; precisely; closely; rigorously; definitely; clearly; specifically

    (See confine, defense, limit.)

    Circumspection adjectives

    exact; utmost; administrative; continual; pious; sly

    Circumstance adjectives

    dominant; antecedent; analogous; formal; favorable; encouraging; exceptional; fortunate; imagined; extenuating; mitigating; accompanying; hurried; external; altered; similar; actual; existing; ensuing; diverse; subsequent; attendant; concomitant; accessory; contingent; manifold; contributory; leading; collateral; expeditious; unfortunate; equivocal; droll; adventitious; novel; romantic; auspicious; pitiful; fortuitous; identical; peculiar; incredible; unsafe; interesting; faulty; minute; formidable; easy; irritable; providential; ridiculous; encumbered; isolated; painful; affluent; present; disastrous; striking; arduous; discouraging; obsolete; momentary; incidental; dreadful; unforeseen; unpropitious; disquieting; untoward; promiscuous; straitened; forgotten; extraordinary; mysterious; uncontrollable; suggestive; singular; suspicious; sordid; curious; comfortable; accidental; unbelievable; peculiar; unlucky; delicate; unpromising; adverse; differing; historical; accidental; evanescent; inexplicable; potent; varying (pl); ignoble; probable; embarrassing; trying; sordid; intellectual; advantageous; astonishing; iniquitous; distressing; trifling; disheartening; agreeable; brutal; reduced; domestic; precarious; impressive; remarkable; frivolous; perplexing; dramatic; diametric; moderate; prevailing; complicated; sensational


    ascribe to —; attend with —; depend on —; detail —; engender —; impress with —; meet —; overcome by —; ponder —; recount —; relish —; respond to —; rest on —; shape —; stress —; struggle against —; weigh —; — accompanies; — alarms; — alters; — arises; — determines; — forces; — hampers; — imputes; — prevents; — surrounds; — wavers; — yields

    (See condition, incident, cause, occurrence, situation, feature, .environment.)

    Circumstantial adverbs

    sensationally; remarkably; insignificantly; trivially; favorably; temporarily; extenuat-ingly; aggravatingly; coincidentally; fortuitously; unpropitiously; unfavorably; suspiciously; adversely; adventitiously; critically; incidentally; contradictorily; corrobora-tively; reasonably; plausibly; speciously; credibly

    Circus adjectives

    Jacksonian; bloody; tented; political; traveling; tinseled; three-ring


    admit to —; “ballyhoo” —; operate —; perform at —; stage —; yearn for —; — amuses; — blares; — displays; — engages; — enlivens; —entertains; — exhibits; — parades; — roams; — tours; — travels; — troups

    (See show.)

    Citadel adjectives

    celebrated; straw-built; unguarded; ancient; social;, aerie; capitulated; impregnable; pensile; undefended


    attack —; bar from —; command —; construct —; erect —; establish —; evolve —; fortify —; man —; pour from —; retreat to —; scale —; siege —; storm —; — contains; — defends; — defies; — guards; — protects; — rises; — stores; — towers; — withstands

    (See fortress.)

    Citation adjectives

    corroborated; ample; apt; ludicrous; partial

    Cite (v) adverbs

    earnestly; partially; amply; aptly; accurately; authoritatively; relevantly; sensationally; fortuitously; strikingly

    (See quote, mention.)

    Citizen adjectives

    belligerent; busy; esteemed; perspicacious; small-salaried; luckless; prosperous; distinguished; patched; individual; prejudiced; plodding; enlightened; enthusiastic; indefinite; unworthy; substantial; intelligent; god-fearing; ordinary; peaceable; law-abiding; unoffending; disillusioned; callous; staid; home-loving; ornamental; defenseless; competent; simple; plain-speaking; public-spirited; conscious; active; conspicuous; callous; vile; half-starved; influential; venerable; indignant; average; private; generous; illustrious; cultivated; grave; respectable; admirable; eminent; cloaked; reputable; representative; loyal; worthy; useful; law-abiding; duteous; bespectacled; patriotic; well-known; honorable; lamented; mutinous; plain; simple: quiet; easygoing; innocent; tight-lipped; august; pugnacious; disgruntled; beleaguered; iron-bellied; wistful; regretful; ordinary; humble; average; mere; prosaic; typical; able-bodied; courageous; husky; young; stalwart; bibulous; sanguine; careless; selfish; blind; serious-minded; straight-thinking; reckless; conscientious; high-minded; foremost; valued; wealthy; prominent; leading; outstanding; revered; self-sacrificing; hard-working; progressive; zealous; loyal; kindly; honest; decent; cultured; altruistic; worthy; well-meaning; stolid; solid; independent; untrammeled; noble; exemplary


    conscript—s; disfranchise —; entitle as —; harangue —s; interview —; oppress —; privilege —; protect —; regiment —s; register as —; tax —; wheedle —s; —s assemble; —s demand; —s elect; — enjoys; — possesses; — protests; —s rally; —s vote; — vows

    (See individual, inhabitant.)

    Citizenry adjectives

    outraged; humble; contented; greasy; dignified

    Citizenship adjectives

    national; commonplace; robust; conscientious


    accept —; acquire —; admit to —; apply for —; cancel —; confer — upon; declare —; deprive of —; desire —; divest of —; drop —; establish —; forfeit —; obtain —; refuse—; renounce—; revoke—; — confers; — entitles; — privileges; — protects

    CITY adjectives

    throbbing; bustling; seething; hustling; thriving; growing; brutal; busiest; wealthiest; progressive; unperturbed; huge; teeming; headlong; glorious; rushing; stirring; energetic; modern; flourishing; busy; enterprising; gay; laughing; lighthearted; sleeping; dead; quiet; wicked; free; sin-stained; wilted; worth-while; corrupt; ruined; content; intolerant; fanatical; smoldering; dull; murky; grimy; congested; drab; squalid; ugly; commonplace; worse-lit; widespreading; outermost; rich; influential; prosperous; conservative; trading; selfsame; shimmering; noble; thronged; unruly; cathedraled; melancholy; mighty; breathless; ruinous; humming; resplendent; coastal; swarming; fascinating; inspiring; sunken; deserted; gilded; distinguished; diversified; hopeful; distracted; mirthful; opulent; queer; glittering; long-shaped; peaceful; friendly; shivering; glamorous; lamp-lit; rock-built; annihilated; joyous; menacing; elegant; youthful; mansion-decked; ambitious; nether; imperial; titanic; restless; enchanted; pagan; pleasure; tropical; typical; slumbering; prospective; maritime; clustering; affrighted; melancholy; earthcommanding; advertised; drowned; wondrous; gorgeous; hard-boiled; powerful; awakened; isolated; industrious; ancient; crooked; tortuous; snakelike; rising; unhappy; undefended; cursed; commercial; voluptuous; plague-stricken; congested; wailing; spacious; vast; helpless; holocaust; pest-ridden; torpid; passive; dejected; garrisoned; well-washed; appreciative; ruined; constricted; thriving; decayed; masterful; wrought; luxurious; well-ordered; spirited; advancing; altar-decked; silenced; crowded; provincial; beleaguered; cordial; death-stricken; verdureless; once-famous; heathen; attractive; jeweled; well-watered; eternal; plague-stricken; negligent; viceladen; spire-adorned; sin-compassed; rogue-haunted; monolithic; hapless; besieged; materialistic; nebulous; commercial; sin-burdened; austere; sunless; unrivalled; futuristic; enthralling; delightful; majestic; marvelous; fabulous; aspiring; great; lovable; desirable; coveted; fascinating; benignant; scintillating; proud; bright; fairest; naughty; impregnable; beautiful; staid; silent; moonlit; dream; lovely; colorful; gray-blue; snow-white; unique; grand; mysterious; adventurous; glittering; dying; buried; bombarded; monotonous; muffled; agate; polyglot; golden-doomed; appealing; infant; native; cosmopolitan; royal; tourist; shipbuilding; lake-girted; guardian; prehistoric; alabaster-like; holy; flat-roofed; oriental-looking; walled; medieval; legendary; industrial; pontifical; celestial; exotic; homogeneous; lurid; confused; incredible; burning; meticulous; leading; principal; vibrant; far-flung; populous; fortified; conquered; well-kept; ever-growing; sun-baked; parched-brown; gentle-mannered


    abide in —; adjoin —; annihilate —; approach —; assault —; banish from —; besiege —; burn —; congregate in —; corrupt —; crowd —; deface —; defend —; deluge —; depopulate —; desolate —; destroy —; doom —; encompass —; erect —; establish —; flank —; harbor in —; haunt —; huddle in —; impoverish —; inhabit —; inundate —; issue from —; lay siege to —; lay waste to —; march through —; migrate to —; mold —; oppress —; pen up in —; pillage —; pollute —; raze —; rule —; sack —; scatter through —; shaKe —; stake out —; steal over —; strike —; survey —; swallow up in —; take —; tarry in —; tax —; terrorize —; veer toward —; wall in —; war on —; warn —; — acclaims; — basks; — decays; — expands; — flourishes; — forges ahead; — hums; — reeks; — roars; — simmers; — sprouts; — straggles; — towers

    (See town, community.)

    City LI KE adverbs

    extraordinarily; significantly; unexpectedly; surprisingly; undeniably; meticulously; deliberately; artificially; naturally; disagreeably; agreeably; discordantly; ostentatiously; inharmonoiusly; superciliously; arrogantly; pathetically; ludicrously; ridiculously; foolishly; awkwardly; busily;, enterprisingly; prosperously; proudly; fashionably; grandly; incongruously

    Civil adverbs

    smoothly; coolly; correctly; properly; appropriately; scarcely; politely; affably; warmly; graciously; sweetly; fawningly; idly; nonchalantly; unexpectedly; suddenly; carefully; officiously; unctuously; blandly; obligingly; complacently; obsequiously; ingratiatingly; tactfully; diplomatically; sagaciously; wisely; necessarily; condescendingly; urbanely; decorously; fashionably; punctiliously; meticulously; admirably; conventionally-; stiffly; demurely; primly; precisely; cautiously; warily

    Civilian adjectives

    meddlesome; covenanted; humdrum; conceited; wretched

    Civility adjectives

    unforced; sad; cold; sweet; creeping; fawning; base; chill; ancient; restrained; interchanged (pl); impetuous; idle; unmeaning


    accept with —; act with —; answer with —; breed —; cherish —; conform to -r‘,

    consider —; employ —; deny —; lack —; oblige with —; observe —; occasion —; preserve —; respect —; teach —; train in —; treat with —; want —; — befits

    (See courtesy, politeness.)

    Civilization adjectives

    brutalized; luminous; distinctive; potential; perished; private; primitive; ancient; increasing; vast; varied; overvaunted; bloated; progressive; sophisticated; troubadour; moral; decadent; earthly; ordered; material; contemporary; turbulent; strange; advancing; complex; indigenous; mechanical; passionate; refined; higher; saturated; enlightened; decent; perilous; sick; alien; technical; crumbling; disintegrating; effete; bygone; older; long-vanished; artistic; archaic; forgotten; unique; extraordinary; so-called; cracked; industrial; megalopolitan; superficial; luxurious; urban; domestic; barbaric; aboriginal; agrarian; national; crude; fastidious; majestic; unrecorded; belligerent; chivalrous; selfish; solid; positive; pernicious; prosy; modern; curious; attendant; perfected


    blot out—; break down—; contribute to—; court—; cradle—; destroy—; doom—; extol—; flout—; found—; fuse—s; infect—; menace—; promote—; raise—; shame—; standardize—; threaten—; —advances; —asserts itself; —decays; —declines; — enslaves; ;—falls; —inflicts; —mars; —perishes; —progresses; —reverts to type; —sweeps onward; —wanes

    (See enlightenment, progress, refinement, advancement, culture.)

    Clad adverbs

    richly; elaborately; gaudily; wretchedly; fully; scantily; shabbily; raggedly; poorly; luxuriously; carefully; carelessly; recklessly; absurdly; fashionably; ridiculously; ludicrously; grotesquely; honorably; un-fashionably; garishly; wantonly; laughably; clownishly; seductively; gaily; gorgeously; glamorously; awkwardly; incongruously; outlandishly; expensively; cheaply; smartly; handsomely; drably; extravagantly; economically; tastefully

    Clad (v) adverbs

    decorously; symbolically; grossly; imperfectly; fittingly; partially; scantily; scarcely; heavily; warmly; harmoniously

    (See dress.)

    Claim adjectives

    additional; faint; ardent; extenuating; misleading; exaggerated; extravagant; curative; substantiated; indisputable; enormous; groundless; confidential; bitter; exclusive; plausible; intellectual; unquenchable; notorious; complacent; intolerable; advertising; hereditary; unjustifiable; unpro-phetic; slender; peculiar; sales; fraudulent; rhetorical; accumulating; valid; remaining; worthless; reproachful; respectable; illegal; embroidered; time-honored; extortionate; suitable; contested; obsolete: conflicting (pl); imperial; inexorable; in sistent; professional; modest; abiding; prior; rival; inflated; fanciful; questionable; incredible; preposterous; unsavory; false; pecuniary; parental; royal; special; implacable; imperative; unusual; difficult; depreciating; relative


    adjust—; annul—; assert—; attest to—; base—on; cede—; combat—; confirm—; consider—; contradict—; debate—; defy—; demolish—; denounce—; deny—; dismiss —; dispose of—; dispute—; doubt—; establish—; exempt from—; expose—; forfeit—; honor—; iron out—s; justify—; lay—to; offset—; press—; protest—; reconcile—; record—; refute—; renounce—; retain—; shatter—; smile at—; stake out—; stultify—; substantiate—; support—; surrender—; verify—; waive—; —s diminish

    —S dissolve

    (See pretension, demand, title, right.)

    Claim (v) adverbs

    persistently; strenuously; confidently; assuredly; adroitly; falsely; boldly; vociferously; exorbitantly; ardently; exaggeratedly; groundlessly; unjustifiably; reproachfully; fraudulently; extortionately; inexorably; professionally; insistently; incredibly; legitimately; validly; fancifully; preposterously; implacably; imperatively

    (See assert, affirm, maintain.)

    Clairvoyant adverbs

    remarkably; unmistakably; mysteriously; unquestionably; marvelously; prophetically; mesmerically; hypnotically; naturally; extraordinarily; undeniably; absolutely; indisputably; incontestably; traditionally; inherently; palpably; infallibly; conclusively; phenomenally; triumphantly; evidently; manifestly; obviously; incredibly; astonishingly; astoundingly; startlingly

    Clamber (v) adverbs

    aimlessly; bravely; laboriously; ceaselessly; clumsily; unsteadily

    (See climb.)

    Clammy adverbs

    unpleasantly; disagreeably; horridly; horribly; loathsomely; disgustingly; offensively; repulsively; hatefully; necessarily; distastefully; manageably; stickily; adhesively; cohesively; coldly

    Clamor adjectives

    full-voiced; ghastly; noisy; tremendous; hideous; hellish; impatient; violent; nervestraining; deafening; general; mournful; never-ceasing; heart-warming; popular; raucous; frenzied; turbulent; orchestral; sudden; staccato; venomous; savage; ministerial; excited; wretched; smothered; deplorable; loud; ignorant; exacting; blind; vulgar; universal; confirmatory; persistent; dismal; querulous; fulsome; vague; virile; impertinent; muffled; uncontrollable; petty; frightful; selfish; national; thunderous


    cease—; ease—; fill with—; harken to—; lose in—•; prolong—; raise—; vent—; — abates; —bursts forth; —deafens; — drowns; ■—peals; —rings; —rumbles; — thickens; —wanes; —waxes

    (See uproar, tumult, din, racket.)

    Clamor (v) adverbs

    dissentingly; noisily; vociferously; obstreperously; shrilly; hideously; hellishly; mournfully; raucously; frenziedly; turbu-lently; venomously; wretchedly; deplorably; persistently; dismally; querulously; fulsomely; impertinently; thunderously; uncontrollably

    (See bawl, roar.)

    Clamorous adverbs

    noisily; impatiently; surlily; angrily; happily; eagerly; hungrily; deafeningly; madly; frenziedly; suddenly; excitedly; wretchedly; blindly; persistently; anxiously; querulously; vaguely; uncontrollably; selfishly; restlessly; explosively; alarmingly; menac-ingly; hysterically; enthusiastically; ungovernably; significantly; fanatically; boisterously; jubilantly; joyously; shrilly; uproariously; ominously; importunately; appallingly; impressively; extraordinarily; unwontedly; urgently

    Clan adjectives

    critical; prolific; original; feudal; clamorous; sturdy; romping; murderous; visionary; hostile; rival


    assemble—; associate with—; connect with —; descend from—; dissolve—; father—; found—; grace—; join—; lead—; muster —; organize—; prohibit—; represent—; rule—; trace—; unify—; —gathers; —marauds; —pillages; —plunders; —terrorizes

    (See tribe.)

    Clandestine adverbs

    romantically; furtively; sordidly; inviol-ately; strictly; necessarily; unhappily; guiltily; subtly; curiously; unsavorily; evasively; stealthily; slyly; skulkingly; terribly; miserably

    Clang adjectives

    imperious; fearful; warning; horrid; windy; glad; melancholy; lingering; hollow; ecstatic; nonchalant; resounding; harsh; discordant; metallic; muffled; funereal; brassy; vibrating

    Clang (v) adverbs

    discordantly; infernally; resonantly; imperiously; fearfully; horridly; hollowly; ecstatically; vibratingly; metallically; funereally; dismally

    Clangor adjectives

    mad; sudden; merry; deafening; rever-berative; impatient

    Clangorous adverbs

    madly; terrifyingly; violently; riotously; horribly; jubilantly; cheeringly; mournfully; funereally; sadly; alarmingly; warning-ly; menacingly; joyously; happily; joyfully; stirringly; thunderously; sweetly; softly; harmoniously; deeply; deafeningly; sonorously; melodiously; mellifluously; heartily; hearteningly

    Clank adjectives

    steady; metallic; tiny; tinkling

    Clannish adverbs

    incurably; delightfully; loyally; incorrigibly; eternally; characteristically; inherently; sturdily; stoutly; noisily; quietly; devotedly; staunchly; dependably; truly; racially; locally; provincially; intrepidly; indomitably; intrinsically; dangerously; alarmingly; actively; definitely; vigorously

    Clannishness adjectives

    unconquerable; enforced

    Clap ad jectives

    friendly; frightful; genial

    Clap (v) adverbs

    conclusively; vigorously; dutifully; noiselessly; unobtrusively; frightfully; thunderously; genially; enthusiastically; freely; monotonously; liberally; appreciatively; sympathetically; gratefully; welcomingly; ceaselessly

    (See applaud.)

    Clarify (v\ adverbs

    successfully; intellectually; admirably; miraculously; satisfactorily; completely; partially; painstakingly; generally; notably

    (See illumine, clear.)

    Clarity adjectives

    intellectual; painful; interpretative; unsurpassed; sparkling; aching; diamondlike; enervating; sickening; miraculous; admirable; fragrant; intense; sunlit; irrefutable; quiet; cold; crystal

    Clash adjectives

    furious; threatened; explosive; angry; contemporaneous; rude; syncopated; sharp; memorable; initial; street; recurrent; joyous; violent; naval; brisk; soundless; bloody; metallic; muffled; inter-racial


    attack with—; avoid—; collide with—; embroil in—; engage in—; incite—; produce—; recoil from—; recount—; result in—; strike with—; —conflicts with; —echoes; —peals; —resounds; —shocks; —thunders; —warns

    (See crash, collision, opposition, noise.)

    Clash (v) adverbs

    unpleasantly; antagonistically; explosively; rhythmically; furiously; angrily; rudely; sharply; initially; recurrently; violently; muffledly; thunderously; intermittently; instinctively

    (See hurtle, crash, disagree.)

    Clashing adverbs

    unfortunately; unhappily; hostilely; inimic-ally; contradictorily; unpropitiously; constantly; pugnaciously; truculently; ill-naturedly; contentiously; quarrelsomely; unnecessarily; ill-advisedly; hastily; antagonistically; foolishly; irritably; unreasonably; senselessly; miserably; hotly; frightfully; pathetically; vexatiously; bitterly; rudely; violently; frequently; furiously; crudely; sharply

    Clasp adjectives                        (embrace

    conventional; dewy; impulsive; uncoercive; warm; comforting; gentlemanly; gentle; confiding; cruel; lingering; eager; cold; firm; frantic; healthy; strong

    Clasp (fastener


    gilt; ornate; clicking

    Clasp (general) verbs

    affix—; brace—; buckle—; cleave—; connect—; fit—; fumble with—; furnish with—; gird with—; hook—; join—; strain—; —bars; —embraces; —encircles; —fastens; —grasps; —insures; —interlocks; —overlaps; —secures

    " (See hook, embrace, lock.

    Clasp (v) adverbs

    convulsively; deliberately; fondly; unprofit-ably; familiarly; sensually; hungrily; severely; frantically; impulsively; comfortingly; confidingly; cruelly; lingeringly; coldly; firmly; despairingly

    (See grasp, grapple, clutch.)

    Class (school) adjectives

    academic; attending; assembled; bespectacled; diligent; elementary; fixed; grade; grouped; graduating; freshman; intermediate; lecture; overworked; primer; primary; advanced; subdivided; unlimited


    address—; admit to—; attend—; change —es; conduct—; divide into—es; examine —; lecture—; limit—; promote—; raise—; rate—; unite—; —answers; —assembles; —choruses; —competes; —graduates; —recites; —reviews; —sings; —studies

    Class (social) adjectives

    arrogant; unclaimed; ruthless; vast; emergent; ruling; history-conscious; leisure; spurious; laboring; useful; humble; technical; servile; degraded; generic; social; diversified; privileged; conflicting; piratical; consistent; submerged; collected; represented; traditional; dole-receiving; peaceful; better; vicious; inarticulate; dominant; rapid; various (pl); exclusive; despised; venal; conspicuous; liberated; opulent; irresponsible; possessionless; obnoxious; corresponding; lower; agrarian; distinct; noticeable; exploiting; vulgar; inferior; irreconcilable; wealthy; cultured; upper; cultivated; best; preferred; conservative; industrial; intellectual; proletarian; illiterate; submerged; artisan; contented; prosperous; working; object; odious; mediocre; truant; rising; central; middle-aged; indivisible; appointive; chivalrous; holy; iron-bound; vigorous; skeptical; unimpassioned ; economic


    arouse—; bow to—; consort with—; do away with—es; educate—; elevate—; enslave—; fix—; free—; level—; liberate—es; lower—es; separate—; stifle—; —es arise; —es gravitate; —idolizes; —predominates; —rebels

    (See caste, rank, order.)

    Classic adjectives

    perfumed; bristling; venerable; favorite; beloved; noblest; unforgettable; purest; intellectual ;. juvenile; immortal; rare

    Classical adverbs

    superbly; acceptably; admittedly; elegantly; easily; gracefully; readily; academically; artistically; chastely; correctly; felicitously; naturally; unaffectedly; modestly; unpretentiously; undoubtedly; deservedly; avowedly; pleasingly; aptly; appropriately; commendably; deservedly; admirably; laudably; universally; uniformly

    Classicism adjectives

    capricious; cold; ethical

    Classics verbs

    accept—; acquaint with—; assimilate—; associate with—; bar—; criticize—; delve into—; discuss—; edit—; educate in—; familiarize with—; favor—; forsake—; instruct in—; introduce to—; model on—; pertain to—; place among—; prefer—; quote—; regard—; revel in—; tabulate—; verse in—; —exemplify; —guide

    (See literature, history, biography, religion.)

    Classification adjectives

    racial; minute; inexact; detailed; price; misleading; occupational; moral; lucid; compendious; social; principal; broad; fixed


    allocate—; arrange—; assign—; assume—; attempt—; confirm—; correct—; distinguish—; employ—; exclude—; exhaust—; formulate—; head—; lead—; observe—; place in—; question—; recognize—; reduce—; retain—; separate into—; subordinate—; systematize—;  —allows;

    orders; —permits

    (See arrangement, group.)

    Classify (adverbs

    carefully; ignorantly; conveniently; racially; minutely; exactly; misleadingly; lucidly; compendiously; socially; broadly

    (See arrange.)

    Classmate adjectives

    erstwhile; condescending; fun-loving; heckling; parasitic; superiority-inflicting; snubbing; snobbish; unapproachable; whilom


    compete with—s; enroll with—s; hail—3; prompt—s; recognize—s; reunite with—s; tutor—; —advances; —chooses; —s clash; —cribs (colloq.) ; —disenrolls; —s elect; —fails; —“flunks”; —graduates; —s honor; —recites; —vacations

    (See member, student, companion, friend.)

    Classroom adjectives

    grimy; gloomy; stuffy; modern; noisy


    absent from—; “barge” into—; bustle into —; buzz through—; clutter up—; congregate in—; dismiss from—; disorder—; equip—; illuminate—; preside over—; retain in—; rule—; scurry through—; survey—; —clamors with; —hums

    (See room.)

    Clatter adjectives

    prodigious; city-bred; glib-tongued; authoritative; confused; subsided; metallic; hideous; delectable; rousing; ringing; harsh; sudden; rhythmic; wild; hysterical; swift; reverberating; castanet

    Clatter (v) adverbs

    recklessly; dissonantly; prodigiously; confusedly; metallically; hideously; ringingly; harshly; wildly; hysterically; furiously; excitingly; rudely

    (See tramp.)

    Clause adjectives

    complicated; misleading; expatiatory; particular; introductory; compensatory; sweeping; glacial; insidious; qualifying; solemn; independent; appended; ambiguous; flexible; limiting; adjective; adverbial; noun; appositional; descriptive; secret; hidden


    actuate—; condemn—; cudgel—; denounce—; evade—; “fake”—; frame—; insert—; insist on—; introduce—; kill—; legalize—; motivate—; occasion—; order—; ponder—; question—; sacrifice—; rule against—; unearth—; violates—; — bars; —cedes; —denotes; —embodies; — governs; —guards against; —joins; —provides; —stipulates; —varies; —wills

    (See provision, article, part.)

    Cl A IF adjectives

    grimy; hooded; bloody; scarifying; holy; ominous; nipping; powerful; burrowing; slimy; acute; prehensile; scaly; sheathed; quivering; dirt-encrusted; feeble; invisible


    arm with—s; clip—s; clutch in—s; grapple with—s; grasp in—s; grip in—s; hook in —s; lay hold with—s; pare—; seize in—; sharpen—s; snip off—s; strike with—s; try —s on; —s flash by; —s lacerate; —s miss; —s rend; —s rip; —s scrape; —s scratch; —s snatch; —s tear

    (See talon, nail, clutch, hand.)

    Claw (v) adverbs

    wildly; fiercely; bloodily; ominously; feebly; voraciously; hungrily; viciously; hatefully; fiendishly; frantically; frightfully; sadistically

    (See scratch.)

    Clay adjectives

    clammy; cradling; humble; barren; encumbering; painted; sun-baked; impure; rebellious; uncoffined; tenacious; senseless; fruitful; unconsecrated; well-trodden; unconscious; breathless; human; eventful; sodden; reddish; brittle; damp


    cart—; cast—; chisel—; cleave—; color—; compound—; daub with—; dry—; fashion of—; fire—; form of—; line with—; mix—; moisten—; mould—; paint—; plaster with —; prepare—; refine—; rise from—; seal with—; shape with—; soil with—; temper —; tread into—; —cements; —hardens; —moulders; —pastes; —resists; —sinks; —succumbs; —wears

    Clean adverbs

    hygienically; immaculately; neatly; spotlessly; stainlessly; tidily; trimly; sweetly; refreshingly; satisfactorily; punctiliously; meticulously; fragrantly; wholesomely; healthily; fastidiously; exquisitely; scrupulously; surgically; personally; shiningly; glowingly; delightfully; gratefully; comfortably; perfectly; faultlessly; impeccably; consummately; neatly; sprucely; radiantly; superbly; incredibly; finically; fussily; fanatically; daintily; sturdily; acceptably; passably; indifferently; presumably; appreciably

    Clean (v) adverbs

    immaculately; scrupulously; ambitiously; superficially; fussily; diligently; indifferently; ostentatiously; industriously; scientifically; passably; thoroughly; generally; fastidiously; exquisitely; enviably; orally; spotlessly; surgically; aridly

    (See wash.)

    Cleaning adjectives

    distinctive; scientific; effective; exclusive; passable; spasmodic; thorough; general

    Cleanliness adjectives

    sterile; sweet; life-saving; fastidious; exquisite; notable; enviable; oral; scrupulous; spotless; personal; surgical; nice; general; arid; sinewy


    advise —; emphasize —; enjoin —; extol —; honor —; lack —; maintain —; necessitate —; preach —; respect —; sacrifice —; teach —

    (See hygiene.)

    Clear adverbs

    explicitly; intelligibly; definitely; graphically; unmistakably; beautifully; crystally; un-surpassably; remarkably; unequivocally; decisively; startlingly; essentially; terribly; extraordinarily; easily; smoothly; positively; definitely; absolutely; unquestionably; obviously; plainly; categorically; incontestably; happily; comfortingly; satisfactorily

    Clear (v) adverbs

    tolerably; auspiciously; systematically; substantially; crystally; dramatically; poetically; unequivocally; limpidly; essentially; admirably; partially; annoyingly

    (See clarify, elucidate, explain.)

    Clear-Headed adverbs

    shrewdly; naturally; subtly; extremely; alertly; consciously; intentionally; discreetly; unexpectedly; infallibly; precociously; coldly; pepetratingly; singularly; astoundingly; cleverly; astutely; craftily; profoundly; discriminatingly; manifestly; obviously; significantly; dangerously; alarmingly; perspi-caciously; unwontedly

    Clearing adjectives

    eloquent; unproductive

    Clearness adjectives

    unaccustomed; ever-increasing; unsurpassable; agonizing; masterly; noonday; crystal; remarkable; sufficient; dramatic; admirable; diminished; poetic; crystalline; unequivocal; decisive; limpid; startling; essential; burning; horrible; nauseous; eerie; abominable; impulsive; calculating

    Cleats adjectives

    longitudinal; transverse; rubber; football; leather; damaging; dangerous

    Cleft adjectives

    unsunned; mossy; deep; gaping; vertical; narrow; steep

    Clemency adjectives

    executive; merciful; benignant; gracious; bountiful; charitable; magnanimous


    allow —; beg —; display —; dispose toward —; exercise —; exhibit —; forgive in —; grant —; incline toward —; insure —; offer —; oppose —; promise —; recommend —; soften with —; suggest —; temper with —; — adds; — spares

    (See forbearance, mercy.)

    Clement adverbs

    mercifully; sympathetically; tolerantly; moderately; mildly; compassionately; humanely; understandingly; unexpectedly; piteously; charitably; ruthfully; sagaciously; wisely; discerningly; generously; benevolently; shrewdly; magnanimously

    Clench (v) adverbs

    convulsively; tightly; firmly; unrelentingly; severely; agonizingly; hopelessly; unceasingly; hysterically; tremblingly; abruptly; fearfully; genially; characteristically; appallingly; deftly; painfully

    (See clutch.)

    Clergy adjectives

    modest; fashionable; regional; corrupt; parochial; reverend; fanatical


    benefit by —; connect with —; distinguish —; divide —; exempt —; oust from —; persecute —; robe —; set apart —; support —; unfrock —; — advocates; — authorizes; — consecrates; — devotes; — embraces; — engineers; — ministers; — preaches; — privileges

    (See clergyman, minister.)

    Clergyman adjectives

    worthy; ordained; well-informed; influential; leading; superannuated; fussy; distinguished; eminent; disgraced; spineless; diffident; respected; deserving; unsuccessful; welcome; elderly; purring


    abide by —; bar —; confess to —; confide in —; delude —; ordain —; persecute —; qualify as —; revere —; — beseeches; — blesses; — delivers; — endeavors; — intones; — orates; — pleads; — preaches; — teaches; — voices; — waxes

    (See minister.)

    Cleric adjectives

    minor; prim; devout; righteous; exhorting; mild; inoffensive; shepherding; soul-directing

    Clerical adverbs

    monotonously; fastidiously; punctiliously; tediously; importantly; primarily; modestly; humbly; pompously; primly; precisely; fanatically; comically; unsuitably; slavishly; humbly; elegantly; gently; mildly; unassumingly; unpretentiously; ostentatiously; flauntingly; worthily; influentially; fussily; sedately

    Clerk adjectives

    shabby; confidential; delicate; officious; trustworthy; discreet; minor; embarrassed; assessing; unsympathetic; dispensing; efficient; obsequious; hard-working; quick-witted; gouging; small; studious; wise; lynx-eyed; vigilant; plodding; sneering; genial; generous; courteous; diligent; satisfactory; busy; conscientious; meticulous; orderly; dapper; impecunious


    advance —; discharge —; ordain —; promote —; retain —; — accounts; — announces; — collects; — corresponds; — documents; — enters; — greets; — rates; — records; — sells

    (See employee.)

    Clever adverbs

    notably; strikingly; consummately; diabolically; slyly; fiendishly; peculiarly; artfully; marvellously; adroitly; incredibly; admirably; remarkably; dangerously; palpably; obviously; undeniably; suspiciously; neatly; matchlessly; craftily; masterfully; wonderfully; constitutionally; innately; instinctively; inherently; subtly; cunningly; capably; competently; proficiently; deftly; discreetly; handily

    Cleverness adjectives

    notable; insolent; insinuating; satiric; striking; meretricious; considerable; consummate


    accompany with —; deceive with —; display —; envy —; exhibit —; market —; necessitate —; perform with —; question —; reward —; shed —

    (See skill, ingenuity.)

    Click adjectives

    faint; whispered; resolute; dry; animated; soulless; jarring; indignant; responsive; metallic; sharp; hollow; emphatic; mysterious; mechanical; significant

    Click (v


    teasingly; faintly; animatedly; indignantly; metallically; jauntily; gaily; significantly; spontaneously; mechanically; repeatedly; intermittently

    (See sound.)

    Client adjectives

    trembling; desirable; gilded; prospective; fair; courtroom; stolid; indifferent; obstinate; timid; whilom; unfortunate; parasitical; rich; likely; uninvited; much-injured; oppressed; distinguished

    Clientele adjectives

    discriminating; conservative; distinguished; congenial; refined; select; restricted; discerning; diversified; financial; desirable; exacting; influential; fine

    Cliff adjectives

    smooth; vertical; lofty; abrupt; ebony; frowning; iron-stained; black; distant; ochre; scarped; hoary; jutting; fringing; treacherous; honeycombed; populous; inaccessible; naked; formidable; perpendicular; snowy; desolate; picturesque; precipitous; ragged; rude; radiant; unexpected; perilous; buttressed; stupendous; abrupt; craggy; majestic; impending; fearful; steep; frosty; sheer; rugged; overhanging; reeking; implacable; cloudy; haughty; cloud-encircled; broken; great; colossal; lofty; gigantic; tremendous; high; mighty; towering; giant; barren; bald; bare; wild; tinted; tortuous; weathered; wind-worn; crumbling; jagged; crude; sinister; grotesque; fantastic; limestone; granite; rocky; thornclad; narrow; iron-walled; ferny; orchard-crowned; heavily wooded; forest-covered; icebound; broad; bold; receding; sculptured; sloping


    clamber up —; climb —; fall from —; overhang —; peer from —; reconnoiter —; scale —; skirt —; slither over —; suspend from —; throw from —; tumble from —; — looms up; — rises; — sinks

    (See crag, precipice.)

    Climate adjectives

    dry; marvelous; summer; outdoor; world-famous; incomparable; mild; kindly; inviting; pleasant; enervating; rugged; healthful; bracing; life-prolonging; gracious; superb; gentle; beneficent; maligned; semi-tropical; oppressive; delicious; glowing; balmy; invigorating; divers (pl); burning; listless; villainous; various (pl); boreal; hyperequatorial; bland; trying; exhausting; arctic; dry; sultry; severe; trick; tropical; exhilarating; salubrious; temperate; genial; frowning; delightful; subduing; smiling; perfect; year-round; propitious; equable; fittest; tranquil; ocean; lovely; stern; excellent; unbearable; bitter; forbidding; rigorous; harsh; rotten; poisonous; arid; high; wonderful; winter; southern; atmospheric; variable; capricious; altered; seasonal; coldest; humid; torrid; damp; changing


    accustom to —; adapt to —; ascribe to —; chart —; malign —; record —; seek —; succumb to —; — affects; — batters; — braces; — depends on; — destroys; —devastates; — discourages; — invigorates; — irritates; — enlivens; — prevails; — ravages; — restores; — revives; — sickens; — stimulates

    (See weather.)

    Climax adjectives

    characteristic; appalling; fit; momentous; glorious; culminant; unforgettable; sad; dramatic; exquisite; progressive; prepared; surprising; approaching; autumnal; frolicsome; disgraceful; ingenious; horrifying; grandstand; poignant; emotional; proper; unexpected; thunderous; oratorical; inevitable; marvelous; stupendous; glowing; inescapable; pulsating; deft; unsatisfactory; lightninglike


    abate at —; ascend to —; culminate in —; deduce —; delay —; delight in —; foreshadow —; hurtle to —; lax after —; postpone —; prelude —; prepare for —; rise to —; — dies; — excites; — interests; — occurs; — surprises

    (See culmination, extreme.)

    Climax (v) adverbs

    inevitably; appallingly; momentously; gloriously; unforgettably; dramatically; exquisitely; disgracefully; horrifyingly; poignantly; emotionally; unexpectedly; oratorically; marvelously; stupendously; tragically; comically

    (See finish.)

    Climb adjectives

    lewd; beastly; upward; breezy; steady; wonderful; sporty; muscle-racking; long; hard; uphill; winding; persistent; plodding; blistering; dizzy


    accomplish —; ascend —; attain —; boast of —; cease —; enjoy —; gird for —; mount to —; negotiate —; prepare for —; reconnoiter for —; scale —; spur to —; toil up —; — excites; — exhausts; — exhilarates; — fatigues; — thrills; — wearies

    (See ascent.)

    Climb (v) adverbs

    nimbly; perversely; strenuously; reluctantly; desperately; lamely; steadily; ploddingly; dizzily; dexterously; skillfully; laboriously; unceasingly; determinedly

    (See clamber, scale.)

    Climber adjectives

    expert; social; respectable; superior; snobbish; repulsed; wonderful; ambitious; intrepid; mountain; indefatigable; aggressive

    Climbing adjectives

    hot; venturous; exhausting; tedious; fruitless; arduous

    Clime adjectives

    serene; inclement; cloudless; delightful; sunless; inhospitable; blissful; celestial; rougher; torrid; pleasant; eastern; drear; hostile; sunny; glorious; radiant; changeful; distant; genial; unknown; capricious; fair; happy; scenic; southern; rigorous

    Cling (v) adverbs

    adhesively; tenaciously; desperately; blindly; credulously; firmly; faithfully; purposefully; heavily; persistently; timorously; affectionately; endearingly; invariably; ex-haustingly

    (See hang.)

    Clinic adjectives

    public; impersonal; domestic; courtesy; private; convenient; indispensable


    admit to —; attach to —; attend —; conduct —; contribute to —; endow —; establish —; extol —; install —; institute —; maintain —; practise in —; subsidize —; support —; visit —; — adjusts; — administers; — advises; — cures; — diagnoses; — discovers; — investigates; — observes; — records; — specializes; — surveys; — tabulates; — treats

    (See school, instruction, institution.)

    Clip (v) adverbs

    fantastically; closely; raggedly; dexterously; evenly; painfully; skillfully; roughly

    (See trim.)

    Clipper adjectives

    lofty; heavy; sparred; lean; graceful; swift

    Clique adjectives

    irresponsible; campus; mutinous; ruling; esoteric; secret; nominating

    Cloak adjectives

    leopard-skin; hooded; constitutional; bad-fitting; ludicrous; tattered; snatched: feathery; dusky; frieze; cardinal; ungathered; shimmering; girlish; sodden; voluminous; long; sweeping; tinseled; mantled; impervious; full


    bear under—; bury in—; drape—about draw—; envelop in—; fashion—; fasten— garment in—; line—; loose—; pluck off— raise—; spread—; stain—; wrap in— —conceals; —covers; —disguises; —hides —hoods; —mantles; —masks; —protects —secretes; —shelters; —warms

    (See coat, mask, garment, disguise.)

    Cloak (v) adjectives

    constantly; completely; ludicrously; shim-meringly; voluminously; sweepingly; imperviously; snugly; warmly; comfortably; parsimoniously

    (See conceal, mask.)

    Clock adjectives

    brass-bound; clanging; unvarying; vigilant; ingenious; tall; glowing; synchronous; illuminated; noisy; chiming; solemn; dignified; pine; delirious


    read—; set—; wind—; —alarms; —chimes; —clangs; —s disagree; —fools; —gains; —heralds; —indicates; —knells; —lies; —misses; —rings; —strikes; —ticks off; —tolls; —trembles; —vibrates; —warns

    (See watch.)

    Clod adjectives

    finite; loamy; frozen; wormy; icy; kneaded; sluggish; plow-cloven

    Cloister adjectives

    shady; open; solemn; personal; dilapidated; mournful; monkish; restful; beautiful

    Cloistered adjectives

    conventionally; monastically; happily; willingly; voluntarily; perpetually; conse-cratedly; religiously; inviolably; piously; holily; devoutly; reverently; fervidly; eagerly; blessedly; prayerfully; securely; unassailably; safely

    Close adjectives

    summary; speedy; rapid; long-expected; official; bloody; glorious; victorious; tragic; rollicking; undramatic

    Close (v) adverbs

    securely; peremptorily; lazily; reluctantly; abruptly; grimly; instantly; spasmodically; virtually; unexpectedly; wistfully; hermetically; discreetly; summarily; officially; victoriously; tragically

    (See terminate, end.)

    Closeness adjectives

    furtive; essential; unwinking

    Closet adjectives

    well-filled; portable; glazed; stuffy; cedar; hall; dark; tiny; shallow; obscure


    air—; conceal in—; creep from—; crowd—; deposit in—; enclose in—; force—; hide in—; imprison in—; invade—; lock in—; occupy—; recess in—; repose in—; retire into—; retreat into—; rummage in—; seclude in—; secrete in—; shut in—; store in—; unlock—; ventilate—

    (See chamber, room, recess.)

    Close-Tongued adverbs

    discreetly; prudently; wisely; judiciously; sagely; quietly; thoughtfully; reflectively; unusually; habitually; philosophically; astutely; cleverly; laconically; reticently; safely; invariably; cautiously; warily; circumspectly; loyally; smartly; consistently; shrewdly

    Clot adjectives

    convenient; cohesive; fibrous; embolic; gelatinous; hardened; semisolid; stubborn


    coagulate in—; cohere in—; congeal into—; dissolve—; form—; mass in—; mat with —s; melt—; —cements; —checks; —hardens; —lumps; —stems

    Cloth adjectives

    worsted; patented; irreproachable; beautiful; nonshrinkable; sturdy; long-fibred; handsome; silver-striped; imported; rugged; soft; subdued; fine-textured; rich; dressy; quality; cool; smart; suave; silky; smooth-textured; wool; long-wearing; summer; unfinished; featherweight; zephyrweight; superlative; firm; striped; two-ply; knife-edge; durable; baize; painted; elegant; hair; spotless; brocaded; coarse; fluttering; thin; cotton; vile; greasy; trailing; polishing; draped; snowy; immaculate


    adorn—; bias—; cast—over; darn—; emerge from—; finger—; gather—; saturate—; shroud in—; spin—; strain through—; weave—; wrap in—; —adorns; —hangs; —indicates

    (See fabric, wool, silk, cotton, drapery, material.)

    Clothe (v) adverbs

    comfortably; miserably; profusely; uniformly; irreproachably; beautifully; handsomely; coolly; smartly; suavely; spotlessly; coarsely; immaculately; vilely; seductively; temptingly; ravishingly; glamorously; appropriately; faultlessly; inappropriately; incongruously; formally; ordinarily; voluminously; hideously; drablv

    (See dress, attire.)

    Clothed adverbs

    richly; elaborately; gaudily; wretchedly; fully; scantily; shabbily; raggedly; luxuriously; carefully; elegantly; carelessly; recklessly; absurdly; fashionably; ridiculously; ludicrously; honorably; unfashion-ably; garishly; laughably; gaily; seductively; gorgeously; glamorously; rakishly; awkwardly; incongruously; outlandishly; expensively; cheaply; smartly; handsomely; drably; extravagantly; economically

    Clothes adjectives

    gay; seductive; feminine; tempting; gorgeous; ravishing; glamorous; bright; fluttering; sensible; fresh; clean; appropriate; harmonized; picture-book; well-cut; readymade; fashionable; faultless; evening; unkempt; dusty; bedraggled; ragged; patched; town; shiny; stained; dirty; cast-off; inappropriate; lanky; ill-fitting; loosehanging; awkward; free; incongruous; horrible; dreadful; deplorable; bizarre; rakish; gaudy; nobby; vivid; outlandish; astonishing; everyday; working; riding; queer; country; shabby; summer; immaculate; disordered; ordinary; patriarchal; expensive; swaddling; drenched; bespattered; mud-covered; formal; voluminous; Easter; foolish; smart; dependable; famous; individualized; well-tailored; fine; hand-tailored; comfortable; hideous;• baggy; dowdy; string-colored; advertised; pepper-and-salt; drab

    Clothing adjectives

    ragged; tailored; travel-stained; indispensable; fastidious; tattered; cast-off; sad; nondescript; complicated; soiled; frayed; legal; dreadful; russet; mortal; small; scant; flashy; drenched; ruined; seedy; personal


    alter—; array in—; bare of—; cast off—; closet—; design—; discolor—; display—; divest of—; doff—; don—; fashion—; lack—; launder—; model—; outwear—; penetrate—; purvey—; refurbish—; rend —; renew—; saturate—; store—; strip off—; style—; swaddle in—; tailor—; tatter—; vest in—; —allures; —belies: —chafes; —denotes; —expresses; —flutters; —masquerades

    (See dress, raiment, apparel.)

    Cloud adjectives

    slate-colored; puffy; snow-white; grayblue; mauve; silver; opaline; dense; glittering; golden; crisp; hazy; bluish; sun-filled; dazzling; thin; misty; drifting; passing; hurrying; scattering; rolling; racing; soaring; flying; scudding; broken; rifted; wild; black; frayed; breaking; gritty; paunchy; blood-colored; bulbous; swollen; cumulus; dark; darkening; endless; sullen; rolling; disastrous; angry; menacing; thunder; lowering; heavy; shapeless; curtain; exemplary; leaking; massed; low-hanging; opaque; distant; tangible; unvarying; tiniest; wind-spun; mysterious; mountain; smoke; desolate; incandescent; moon; crimson; flitting; flaky; eternal; sanguine; wind-driven; mantling; dangerous; glimmering; wrinkled; coifing; airy; veiling; purple; fugitive; pasturing; delicate; radiant; coppery; eddying; foggy; melting; lachrymose; mournful; embattled; scattered; perpetual; thick; sun-rimmed; sacred; chariot; sunset; darksome; rainy; luminous; vast; severing; bursting; downpouring; sullen; brilliant; serrate; smothered; lurid; dull; restless; sundering; envious; massive; gilded; fleecy; flowing; hovering; fat; clammy; perturbed; poisonous; westward-stationed; murmurous; suffocating; interwoven; tear-laden; battlemented; dripping; many-folded; perceptible; pillared; inky; irrevocable; feathery; dusking; orange; infernal; sulphurous; amber; canvas; cinerous; wondrous; rosy; billowy; soft-gray; sable


    ascend to—s; aspire to—s; bivouac in—; checker with—s; cleave—s; clothe in—; curtain with—s; deck with—; descend from —; fan off—; float in—; gild—; lose in—; penetrate—; pierce—; ride upon—; sail on—; slip into—; vanish into—; withdraw into—; wreathe in—; —billows; —blankets; —blots out; —creeps up; —curls; —darkens; —descends; —dims; —discharges; —disperses; —drenches; —drifts; —flees; —freaks; —gushes; —hides; —hovers; —hurries; —lifts; —melts

    _menaces; —mottles; —mounts; —musters; —obscures; *—obstructs ; —overcasts; —overshadows; —s part; —s pockmark the sky; —races; —rebuffs; —s scatter; —screens; —scurries; —shrouds; —smoulders; —soars; —s stream by; —sweeps down; —swirls up; —threatens; —vanishes; —veils; —wanders; —weeps; —whitens ; —wings by

    Cloud (v) adverbs

    heavily; densely; hazily; mistily; rollingly; scuddingly; blackly; sullenly; disastrously; mysteriously; foggily; mournfully; sulphur-ously; luridly

    (See shade.)

    Cloudless adverbs

    gloriously; beautifully; brightly; brilliantly; dazzlingly; radiantly; sunnily; garishly; refulgently; pitilessly; mercilessly; hotly; breathlessly; happily; luckily; fortunately; joyously; splendidly; magnificently; en-chantingly; pleasantly; delightfully; rav-ishingly;. pleasurably; refreshingly; cheer-ingly; enjoyably; utterly

    Clown (v) adverbs

    professionally; hilariously; divertingly; sophisticatedly; loutishly; roguishly; impudently; grimacingly; rollickingly; whimsically

    (See jest.)

    Clownish adverbs

    roguishly; impudently; whimsically; comically; madly; foolishly; provokingly; everlastingly; incurably; teasingly; irresistibly; boorishly; waggishly; jocosely; roughly; innocently; merrily; blithely; joyously; boyishly; entertainingly; rowdily; indecorously; unbecomingly; extravagantly; horridly; amusingly; unwontedly; hilariously; habitually; delicately; deliberately; unceasingly; incessantly; tiresomely

    Club (society) adjectives

    influential; literary; luxurious; attractive; sumptuous; social; enthusiastic; industrial; exclusive; permanent; flourishing; musical

    Cloudy adverbs

    mistily; darkly; rosily; densely; hazily; thinly; thickly; completely; partly; occasionally; wildly; gloomily; sullenly; dismal-y; angrily; windily; mysteriously; suddenly; delicately; foggily; perpetually; brokenly; luridly; fleecily; suffocatingly; surprisingly; hopelessly; ominously; menacingly; discouragingly; faintly; muggily; dunly; distressingly; disturbingly

    Clover adjectives

    incarnate; scented; sweet-smelling; blooming; nodding; bee-calling

    Clown adjectives

    sweet; bungling; loutish; sad; yawning: brokenhearted; roguish; impudent; grimacing; rollicking; whimsical; appreciated


    play—; —antics; —burlesques; —caricatures; —entertains; —farces; —frolics; — grimaces; —jigs; —mimics; —pantomimes

    —portrays; —somersaults; —taunts

    (See fool.)


    affiliate with—; associate with—; bar from—; “blackball” from—; charter—; contribute to—; form—; found—; house—; organize—; pledge to—; preside over—; —assembles; —benefits from; —convenes; —elects; —springs up

    (See organization, association.)

    Club adjectives                         (weapon

    mossy; powerful; formidable; threatening; respect-inspiring; sturdy; purposeful


    arm with—; bat with—; batter with—; bear—; brandish—; carve—; clutch—; cudgel with—; exercise—; extend—; flog with—; flourish—; hurl—; rule with—; strike with—; subdue with—; submit to—; threaten with—; whirl—; wield—; yield to—

    (See cudgel, bat.)

    Clubfooted adverbs

    unfortunately; hopelessly; irremediably; crookedly; monstrously; hideously; slightly; pathetically; unmistakably; noticeably; grotesquely; fantastically; outlandishly; miserably; wretchedly; helplessly; strangely; pitiably; woefully

    (See crippled.)

    Cluck (v


    busily; anxiously; industriously; maternally; absorbedly; endlessly; cheerfully; fondly; pleasantly; unrestrainedly

    (See chatter.)

    Clue adjectives

    inescapable; priceless; vital; suggestive; recondite; fancied; elusive; definite; flawless; tangible; exhausted; magnificent; startling; surprising; bewildering; slender


    discover—; divulge—; efface—; follow up—; join—s; muddle up—; produce—; recognize—; scatter—s; strike upon—; tackle—; thread—s together; trace—; track-down—; uncover—; unearth—; unravel—; yield—; —convicts; —crumbles; —guides; —indicates; —perplexes; —puzzles; — solves; —warns

    (See intimation, hint.)

    Clump (v) adverbs

    aimlessly; monotonously; painfully; laboriously; tiredly; woefully; miserably; desolately; lachrymosely; loutishly; rudely

    (See thump.)

    Clumsiness adjectives

    grotesque; intolerable; wasteful; massive; inexcusable; wanton; marked


    accentuate—; attend with—; decry—; display—; feign—; lack—; perform with—; ridicule—; simulate—; —annoys

    (See awkwardness.)

    Clumsy adverbs

    childishly; awkwardly; gawkily; inexpertly; adorably; provokingly; vexatiously; unconsciously;    involuntarily; obviously

    charmingly; ludicrously;    ridiculously

    laughably; cheerfully; momentarily; naturally; objectionably; unnecessarily; foolishly; unluckily; ungraciously; hopelessly; helplessly; bashfully; shyly; painfully

    Cluster adjectives

    superb; globular; kindling; luscious; indefatigable; delicate; shining; drowsy; dense; vivid; telltale; peaceful; gleaming; grapelike; many-branched; rich


    assemble in—; cultivate—; emerge from—; form in—; gather in—; group in—; halve —; join—; pluck—; swarm in—; tear—; unite in—; —collects; —droops

    (See group.)

    Cluster (v) adverbs

    gayly; abundantly; luxuriously; lusciously; lovingly; globularly; delicately; gleaming-ly; richly; darksomely

    (See crowd.)

    Clutch adjectives

    detaining; fibrous; ungainly; evil; frantic


    avoid—; clasp in—es; draw into—es; escape—; evade—; fasten—es; free from—; grasp in—es; grip in—; lock in—es; seize in—; snatch from—es; strive in—es; struggle in—es; trap in—es; wrench from—es

    (See grasp, grip, hold.)

    Clutch (v'i adverbs

    frantically; conclusively; desperately; instinctively; covetously; rapaciously; nervously; unconsciously; detainingly; vigorously; fiercely; fanatically

    (See grasp, grip.)

    Coach adjectives

    ponderous; gilded; lazy; decayed; liveried; rolling; hackney; rumbling; gilt; clumsy; deserted; ancient; motor; imperial; rattling; elaborate; dingy; passenger; lurching


    alight from—; attend—; carve—; convey in—; draw—; gild—; hire—; jog along in—; journey in—; ornament—; travel in—; upset—; —approaches; —careens; —jolts; —jounces; —rumbles; —speeds on


    (See carriage.)

    Coachman adjectives

    superannuated; ridiculous; stiff; dignified; glossy; supercilious; liveried; crest-emblazoned

    Coadjutant adverbs

    willingly; profitably; politically; conveniently; favorably; suspiciously; heartily; voluntarily; reluctantly; cheerfully; agreeably; confessedly; admittedly; avowedly; acquiescently; contentedly

    Coal adjectives

    dull; burning; glowing; red; roseate; glimmering; living; dying; soft; purloined; hard


    bake on—s; char—; devour—; fire—; fuel with—; heave—; ignite—; kindle—; lay on—s; power by—; quench—; rake—; scuttle—; transport—; —darkens; —emits gas; —glows; —soils

    (See carbon, ember.)

    Coalescent adverbs

    actually; easily; monotonously; valuably; scientifically; fortunately; probably; amazingly; surprisingly; indistinguishably; homologously; convertibly

    Coal FIELDS adjectives

    bleak; dreary; grime-shrouded; honeycombed; exhausted; abandoned; producing; pit-fallen; valuable; wealth-yielding; work-ed-out; anthracite; bituminous; lignite


    capture— —; cede--to; conserve— —

    control— —; dominate— —; employ in— —; exhaust--; exploit--; inherit--

    invade— —; replenish from— —; transport from— —; utilize— —; value— —; work— —; — —boom; — —extend; — —range; — —supply

    Coalition adjectives

    favorable; fresh; genuine; lasting; instantaneous; political; superfluous; tardy


    ally in—; blend in—; federate—; form—; fuse in—; improvise—; support—; unite in—; —aids; —connects; sures; —offers

    (See alliance, union.)

    Coarseness adjectives

    crass; disgusting; homely; hopeless; innate; gorgeous; humiliating; savage; revolting; provincial; vulgar; unvarying


    acquire—; alleviate—; display—; exhibit —; modify—; pardon—; polish off—; refine—; retain—; sand away—; smooth—; —embarrasses; —inflames; —irks; —irritates; —rasps; —vexes

    (See rudeness, vulgarity.)

    Coast adjectives

    unguarded; rock-bound; frequented; desolate; craggy; foggy; adjacent; perilous; eerie; crystal; lowly; bold; sea; sandy; high; verdant; pathless; imperfect; shining; chalk; viny; inhospitable; picturesque; trimmed; rectangular; fateful; misty; extended; iron-bound; remarkable; rebelling; melancholy; weather-beaten; forlorn; murky; azure; colorful; historic; rough; deserted; irregular; dangerous; harborless; barren; indented; shallow; flat; tranquil; elongated; sun-kissed


    abide on—; batter—; blockade—; border —; depart from—; enlarge—; expel from —; fortify—; guard—; invade—; land on—; move up—; patrol—; pebble—; scout—; skirt—; spy—; travel along—

    (See shore, beach.)

    Coat adjectives

    tattered; greasy; dirty; damaged; dusty; shiny; comfortable; dinner; expensive; heavy; shapeless; buttoned; tawny; rhythmic; striped; outer; flimsy; cloth; pajama; sopping; laced; collarless; soft; fleecy; fresh; clean; distinguished; simple; boxy; tailored; custom-made; threadbare; protective; stunning; immaculate; voluminous; enticing; frogged; magic; russet; fetching; fustian; holiday; shabby; smartest; useful; raglan


    clothe in—; design—; discolor—; divest of—; dry-clean—; embroider—; encase in—; fray—; gird with—; jacket in—; model—; peel off—; press—; provide—; ruin—; seam—; split—; strip off—; style —; tailor—; tatter—; weave—; —envelops; —glitters; —protects; —warms

    (See garment, overcoat.)

    Coat-Tail adjectives

    dangling; elongated; formal; flippant; funereal; restless; tentaculat'e; twisting; sweeping


    alter—; cling to—; embroider—; fray—; hoist—; line—; press—; rend—; shorten—; soil—; suspend from—; tatter—; tread on—; wrinkle—; —covers; —drags; —protects

    (See coat.)

    Coax (v) adverbs

    irresistibly; tantalizingly; endearingly; slyly; treacherously; lewdly; sweetly; angelically

    (See persuade.)

    Cobweb adjectives

    dusty; patterned; glittering; hanging; iridescent


    abound with—s; brush away—; capture in—; dart from—; elude—; enmesh in—; ensnare in—; entangle in—; entwine in—; evade—; fringe with—; lace with—; spin—; strain in—; struggle in—; weave —; —s gather; —hangs from; —traps

    (See web, net, snare, network.)

    Cock adjectives

    belligerent; bullying; cavalier; calcarate; defiant; domineering; clarion-sounding; game; strutting; spur-brandishing; vainglorious; vanquishing; victorious


    breed—s; excite—; —announces the morn

    • —battles; —crows; —heralds the dawn

    • —pecks; —perches; —rages; —scurries; —struts

    (See fowl, bird, rooster.)

    Cockney adverbs

    unmistakably; markedly; rowdily; frankly; honestly; loyally; toughly; helpfully; sturdily; stoutly; idly; unaffectedly; heartily; healthily; humbly; chaffingly; churlishly; sorrily; originally; raffishly; menially; clownishly

    Cockroach adjectives

    defiant; glistening; horned; invading; inexpugnable; scurrying; ubiquitous; crackling; reddish-brown; filthy; vile; obscene; offensive; nasty; foul; abominable; beastly; repulsive; immodest


    abound with—es; bait—; crush—; detest—; exterminate—; plague with—; poison—; rid of—; spray—; —infests; —multiplies; —scuds; —scurries; —wanders

    (See insect.)

    Cock-Sure adverbs

    calmly; confidently; deeply; professedly; unshakably; arrogantly; egotistically; positively; provokingly; determinedly; doggedly; happily; vainly; insolently; loquaciously; tranquilly; blandly; foolishly; swagger-ingly; magnificently; smugly; brassily; brazenly; heedlessly; cavalierly; importantly; blusteringly

    Cocktail adjectives

    aromatic; relaxing; reassuring; shudderproducing; stimulating; sticky; welcome


    chill—; concoct—; dispatch—; down—; drain—; flavor—; ice—; join in—; level—; mix—; partake of—; soak up—; tolerate—; vary—; water—; —exhilarates; —intoxicates; —quickens; —stimulates; —warms

    (See drink, liquor, whiskey.)

    Cocoon adjectives

    dainty; clumsy; fragile; silken; bark-powdered; suspended; swinging; silver-grey; ovate; webby


    burst from—; emerge from— encase in—; enclose in—; envelop in—; flutter from—; raise from—; spin—; swathe in—; tend—; weave—; —expels; —flowers; —hatches

    (See envelop, case.)

    Code adjectives

    changing; rigid; moral; unwritten; ambitious; voluminous; detailed; accepted; logical; traditional; ruthless; peculiar; lasting; ancient; true; rigorous; artificial; strict; odious; professed; sexual; chivalrous; elaborate; social


    decipher—; draft—; elaborate—; enforce—; formulate—; guard—; honor—; impose—; intercept—; interpret—; jeopardize—; observe—; preserve—; protect—; relay—; respect—; sanction—; subject to—; translate—; —amends; —restricts; —systematizes

    (See system, law, legislation.)

    Coefficient adverbs

    clannishly; collusively; concertedly; unanimously; fraternally; companionably; collectively; jointly; amazingly; surprisingly; remarkably; notoriously; supremely

    Coequal adverbs

    evenly; symmetrically; adaptably; broadly; generously; good-humoredly; amiably; cooperatively; affably; placidly; serenely; scrupulously; carefully; contentedly; apparently; notoriously; easily

    Coercive adverbs

    illegally; substantially; disagreeably; officially; brutally; martially; enforceably; necessarily; forcibly; violently; inexorably; irresistibly; peremptorily; ruthlessly; cruelly; intolerably; authoritatively; unjustly; outrageously; unreasonably; unlawfully; unjustifiably; inauspiciously; injudiciously; openly; furtively; slyly; actually

    Coffee adjectives

    steaming; strong; savory; weak; adulterated ;’ delicious; best; morning; aromatic; muddy-looking; tepid; syrupy; finest; selected; black; rancid


    brew—; cultivate—; grind—; gulp down—; ice—; imbibe—; market—; percolate—; pound—; roast—; serve—; sniff—; sweeten—; tend—; tin—; wash down with—; yield—; —refreshes; —rouses; —stales; —stimulates; —wakens; —weakens

    (See tea, drink.)

    Coffer adjectives

    depleted; hoarded; mouldy; grudging; opulent; overflowing; well-guarded


    bind—; burden—; burst—; bury in—; deposit in—; enrich—; force—; hoard in—; lay up in—; line—; ornament—; plunder—; preserve in—; ransack—; seal—; secure—; stuff—; suck—dry; swell—; treasure in—; —yields

    (See treasury.)

    Coercion adjectives

    vulgar; parental; ruthless; painstaking

    deliberate; wily


    advocate—; apply—; bar—; control by—; drive to—; employ—; exercise—; gain by—; govern by—; irk by—; oppose—; rebel at—; resist—; resort to—; restrain by—; retain by—; separate by—; submit to—; —antagonizes; —inflames; —intimidates

    (See compulsion, force, restraint, constraint.)

    Coffin adjectives

    insignificant; sumptuous; unlowered; precious; naked; flaming; rude; hard; misshapen; stately; large


    attend—; bear—; confine in—; decorate—; disinter—; encase in—; inter in—; mourn at—; remove from—; rest in—; rob—; seal—; sleep in—; stand around—; trail—; transport—; view—; weep at—; —receives; —sinks

    (See casket, case.)

    Cogitate (v


    gravely; deeply; absorbedly; perplexedly; abstrusely; abstractedly; studiously; frown-ingly; fixedly

    (See meditate, think.)

    Cogitation adjectives

    gloomy; matrimonial; fragmentary; groping; manifold

    Coiffure adjectives

    rustling; waved; elaborate; charming; conservative; monstrous; ingenious; gleaming; eccentric; affected; severe; elegant; sculptured

    Coil adjectives

    adamantine; tortured; lustrous; ceaseless; flat; irregular; steel; long; snakelike; hideous; opal; cumbrous; temporal; brilliant; mortal; collapsed; limp; shining; twisting

    Coil (v) adverbs

    lavishly; ceaselessly; flatly; irregularly; hideously; cumbrously; limply; twistingly; intricately

    (See twist.)

    Coin adjectives

    fair; bogus; deceptive; well-worked; unadulterated; glittering; nimble; ancient; valuable; artificial; rare


    assort—s; collect—s; convert into—; counterfeit—; deposit—; devaluate—; fashion —; hoard—s; melt—; mold—; mutilate—; pocket—; press—; stamp—; treasure—; uncover—; unearth—; value—; —circulates; —clinks; —depreciates; —represents

    —wears thin

    (See cash, money, metal.)

    Coincide (v) adverbs

    exactly; oddly; strangely; sardonically; singularly; amazingly; romantically; happily; fortunately; curiously; minutely; unexpectedly; tragically; occasionally; extraordinarily; crazily; closely

    (See agree.)

    Coincidence adjective

    strange; odd; singular; sardonic; happy; horrible; cruel; amazing; romantic; lucky; mere; crazy; curious; minute; unexpected; accidental; unusual; overdone; tragic; occasional; extraordinary; powerful; unfortunate; uncomfortable; suggestive


    discern—; discuss—; evidence—; illustrate—; involve—; marvel at—; report—; strike—; witness—; wonder at—; —amazes; —blends; —confounds; —occurs; —startles

    (See correspondence, agreement.)

    Cold adjectives                            (illness

    harrassing; head; chest; bronchial; miserable; stubborn


    dispose toward—; down by—; engender—; expose to—; guard against—s; indispose by—; nurse—; predispose to—; resist—; subject to—; —lowers resistance; —strikes; —subsides; —weakens

    (See. sickness.)

    Cold (•weather) adjectives

    hostile; icy; intense; biting; deadly; stinging; cruel; casual; arctic; deathlike; encroaching; inescapable; bitter; paralyzing; freezing; wondrous; immense; retreating; purifying; interminable; midnight; piercing; stubborn; extreme; troublesome; ambient; heavy; penetrating; Stygian; monstrous


    blanket against—; brave—; chatter with—; endure—; expose to—; huddle in—; inure to—; paralyze by—; resist—; stem—; —abates; —bites; —blasts; —creeps in; —freezes; —nips; —persists; —pinches; —refreshes

    (See winter.)

    Cold adverbs

    uncomfortably; intolerably; unfortunately; impossibly; frigidly; bitingly; piercingly; icily; wintrily; disagreeably; inconveniently; unpleasantly; uninvitingly; unluckily; terrifically; dreadfully; frightfully; unnecessarily; dangerously; intensely; cruelly; penetratingly; increasingly; freezingly; nippily; perilously; unbearably

    Cold-Hearted adverbs

    bitterly; unpleasantly; disturbingly; relentlessly; cruelly; outrageously; inhumanly; unsympathetically; terribly; dreadfully; incurably; habitually; temperamentally; constitutionally; obviously; manifestly; shamefully; unbelievably; astonishingly; actually; selfishly; naturally; inexplicably; fearfully; inexorably; uncharitably; unfortunately

    Coldness adjectives

    dewy; incisive; still; sudden; faithless; superficial; wintry; relentless; increasing; contemptuous; supreme; lofty; studied; mortified; intellectual; selfish; fancied; disdainful

    Collaborate (v) adverbs

    unreservedly; successfully; harmoniously; artfully; skilfully; imaginatively; superbly; brilliantly; startlingly; enthusiastically

    (See work, cooperate.)

    Collaboration adjectives

    direct; efficient; permanent; enduring; spiritual

    Collapse adjectives

    moral; constant; painful; cataclysmic; progressive; widespread; nervous; complete; disgraceful; simulated; eventual; imminent; inevitable; pretended; subsequent; tragic; alleged; disastrous


    fall into—; guard against—; hasten-r-; insure—; predict—; shrink in—; sink into—; verge on—; —discourages; presage—

    (See exhaustion, failure, ruin.)

    Collapse (v) adverbs

    utterly; invariably; tragically; partially; fatally; completely; ruinously; disastrously; fearfully; wretchedly; dramatically

    (See fall.)

    Collapsible adverbs

    conveniently; laughably; comically; dangerously; perilously; easily; cleverly; cunningly; neatly; handily; ingeniously; tidily; quickly; instantly; disastrously; momentarily; tragically

    Collar adjectives

    ermine; greasy; soft; fur; oppressive; enormous; clerical; obdurate; snug; upstanding; celluloid; muzzle; resplendent; faultless; diminutive; onerous


    crane at—; engrave—; fumble with—; harness in—; insert in—; jewel—; pleat—; ring with—; slip out of—; split—; strain at—; suspend from—; tug at—; —bands; —binds; —chains; —chokes; —encircles; —encompasses; —fetters; —ornaments; —restrains; —shrinks; —wreathes; — yields; —yokes

    Colleague adjectives

    word-compelling; melancholy; congressional; conscientious; efficient; critical; turbulent; immediate; peripheral; redoubtable; ardent; gifted; pagan; older; experienced; artful; disgruntled; atrabilious; professional; distinguished


    aid—; ally with—; assemble—s; associate with—; bow to—; cooperate with—; debate with—; emulate—; enjoin—; favor—; inveigle—into; lead—; sever from—

    (See associate, accessory, ally.)

    Collect (v) adverbs

    painlessly; systematically; haphazardly; eagerly; privately; scientifically; gloriously; remarkably; exclusively; posthumously; dramatically; actively; cantankerously; indiscriminately; laboriously; sedulously; periodically; assiduously

    (See accumulate, group.)

    Collection adjectives

    wonderful; arresting; suggestive; pretentious; rare; attractive; ponderous; complete; expensive; priceless; weird; heterogeneous; haphazard; motley; vague; private; interesting; useful; fair; authentic; miscellaneous; entertaining; tolerable; average; classified; individual; comprehensive; annotated; voluminous; scientific; varied; hideous; exciting; representative; enticing; adequate; imaginative; brilliant; extensive; world; superb; spring; advanced; copious; incongruous; considerable; notable; vast; glorious; remarkable; exclusive; thrilling; posthumous; original; magnificent; active; dramatic; infinite; zoological; cantankerous; startling


    accumulate—; amass—; delay—; display—; equal—; examine—; exhibit—; herd—; insure—; join—; lead—; mass—; prize—; raise—; rifle—; speed—; suspend—; treasure—; uncover—; unearth—; value—; yield—; —depicts; —symbolizes

    (See heap, group.)

    Collective adverbs

    effectively; efficiently; agreeably; typically; officially; undeniably; comprehensively; in-divisibly; unanimously; substantially; broadly; indefinitely; locally; significantly; representatively; startlingly; surprisingly

    Collective BARGAINING ad jetiives

    conciliatory; deferred; haggled; generalized; tactless; tolerant; prolonged; sum



    abolish--; acclaim--; achieve through

    — —; acquire— —; activate— —; base on--; criticize— —; demand--; dis

    cuss— —; drift into— —; employ— —; enjoy— —; exercise— —; forbid— —; object to--; oblige by--; oppose--

    organize— —; prohibit— —; recognize— —; restrict— —; support— —; — —enables; — —functions; — —improves; — —insures; — —involves; — —recognizes; — —secures; — —upholds

    (See negotiation.)

    Collector adjectives

    ardent; modest; assiduous; insatiable; advanced; passionate; entranced; curious; enthusiastic; worthy; unceasing; discriminating; prominent; budding


    avoid—; evade—; rob—; waylay—; —accumulates; —acquires; —amasses; —assembles; —classifies; —compiles; —displays; —embezzles; —evades; —exhibits

    —prizes; —recovers; —solicits; —sues


    College adjectives

    aggressive; liberal; commercial; general; aspiring; rival; venerable; electoral; denominational; junior; endowed


    administer—; attach to—; bar from—; charter—; enroll at—; establish—; father —; found—; incorporate—; invest—with; pursue in—; register at—; reopen—; respect—; restrict—; staff—; suspend from—; —accommodates; —conducts; —confers; —expels; —honors; —instructs; —lodges; —offers; —prepares

    (See school, university.)

    Collegiate adverbs

    ostentatiously; airily; knowingly; smartly; ridiculously; pompously; clannishly; arrogantly; thoroughly; strictly; proudly; determinedly; resolutely; correctly; faintly; laughably; properly; academically; actively; becomingly; unimpeachably; respectably; admirably; satisfactorily; duly; responsibly

    Collision adjectives

    fierce; monstrous; inevitable; chance; actual; violent; personal; fatal; frequent; successive; clear; serious; menacing; exciting; amusing; sudden; sharp; fateful; imminent; expensive


    avoid—; foresee—; insure against—; result in—; swerve from—; warn against—; —batters; —dashes; —destroys

    • —entangles; —impairs; —necessitates

    • —rends; —upsets

    (See clash, impact, conflict, encounter, shock.)

    Colloquial adverbs

    informally; easily; admissibly; chattily; provincially; pleasantly; frankly; agreeably; comfortably; familiarly; sociably; ingenuously; childishly; simply; naturally; unceremoniously; unconventionally; recklessly; candidly; artlessly

    Colloquy adjectives

    prolonged; fruitful; serious; peaceful

    Collusive adverbs

    shrewdly; dangerously; illegally; astutely; fraudulently; surreptitiously; subtly; cleverly; craftily; cunningly; incontrovertibly; undeniably; unluckily; unfortunately; openly; abominably; unwisely; dishonestly; palpably; manifestly; essentially; substantially; deplorably; unhappily; artfully; inauspiciously; openly

    Colon (fart of body) adjectives

    distended; inactive; inflamed; impacted; sluggish; varicose


    abscess—; accumulate in—; block—; constrict—; distend—; drain—; excise—; flush—; force from—; incise—; inflame—; irrigate—; lubricate—; oil—; purge—; ulcerate—; wash—; irritate—

    (See intestine, bowel.)

    Colonel adjectives

    crusty; old; courtly; benign; gallant; cultured; rum-rotten

    Colonial adverbs

    strictly; authentically; architecturally; characteristically; distinctly; respectably; acceptably; accurately; admirably; attractively; boldly; originally; gallantly; charmingly; pleasantly; hospitably; spaciously; formally; beautifully; markedly; significantly; remarkably; conspicuously; faithfully; loyally; generously; broadly

    Colonist adjectives

    pacific; early; hardy; patriotic; affluent; desperate; original; God-fearing; everencroaching

    Colony adjectives

    abandoned; congenial; agricultural; depressing; independent; outlying; foreign; smart; wealthy; summer; colorful; wrangling; unique; devoted; robust; exempted; hale; dusky; tropical; proprietary; flourishing; inheriting; remote; suburban; wretched; pretty; conquering; segregated; feeble; adjacent; dependent


    administer—; ban from—; cede to—; defend—; evict from—; free—; govern—; immigrate to—; launch—; maladmini-strate—; seize—; set up—; transfer to—; —flounders; —founders; —prospers; —rebels; —revolts; —riots; —smoulders; — wars on

    (See settlement.)

    Color adjectives

    gorgeous; enchanting; rich; shining; clear; dazzling; uniform; subdued; gleaming; unheroic; quiet; faded; reticent; dull; canary; natural; artificial; exuberant; youthful; spirited; vibrant; kaleidoscopic; iridescent; full; lavish; live; vague; harmonious; piebald; sensuous; emotional; crude; r^w; delicate; fragile; soft; false; basic; popular; rising; watery; gaudy; daring; welcome; flashy; isolated; normal; clean; complementary; solid; delightful; unwonted; radiant; dulled; hectic; thick; fatty; varied; dark; deep; decorative; brilliant; flying (pl); .lustrous; subtle; intermediate; grimy; instrumental; tremendous; local; hideous; detestable; festive; staring; prismatic; heightened; glowing; incredible; warm; flickering; grinding; reassuring; unusual; new; water; factitious; equatorial; autumn; mellow; rapturous; ethereal; tender; faint; sickly; superb; crowded (pl); somber; profuse; motiveless; bright; exuberant; jumbled (pl); sleek; flamboyant; livid; solemn; sad; agreeable; riotous; pastel; summer; prominent; conventional; gay; seasonal; bold; plain; fluctuating; vigorous; orchestral; exquisite; dirty; garish; impregnated


    abhor—; accentuate—; alter—; array in—; assume—; bathe in—; bedeck with—; blend—; brush on—; burnish—; clothe in—; convey—; dash with—; deck in—; deprive of—; dim—; dip in—; disguise—; enamel with—; exhibit—; flush with—; grade—; indulge in—; invest with—; lend—; lose—; mix—; overcharge with—; paint in—; portray in—; retain—; shade—; sprinkle—; steal—from; subdue—; sully—; tone—; touch with—; vary—; —arrests; —dazzles; —distinguishes; —ebbs; —emanates from; —enhances; —flames; —flowers; —glares; —glows; —harmonizes; —heightens; —mingles; —mounts; —predominates; —runs rampant; —sickens

    —soothes; —sparkles; mask—

    (See hue, blush.)

    Color (v) adverbs

    amusingly; distinctly; faintly; unevenly; angrily; painfully; brilliantly; synthetically; violently; conspicuously; obscurely; exquisitely; highly; gorgeously; enchant-ingly; uniformly; vibrantly; iridescently; lavishly; emotionally; crudely; fragilely; gaudily; daringly; normally; decoratively; harmoniously; festively; incredibly; factitiously; flamboyantly; conventionally; exquisitely; garishly

    (See tint, tinge.)

    Colorful adverbs

    gorgeously; strikingly; beautifully; garishly; gaudily; remarkably; famously; bizarrely; barbarically; incredibly; delicately; daintily; pleasantly; agreeably; artistically; splendidly; brilliantly; magnificently; superbly; flashily; gaily; cheerfully; strangely; impressively; extraordinarily; riotously; outlandishly; fantastically; extravagantly

    Coloring adjectives

    illusive; youthful; fanciful; mustard; vivid; admirable; tender; somber; warm; luxurious; genuine; motley; special; clear; mellow; rich; artificial; musical; radiant; gorgeous; deep; lustrous; neutral; delightful; flawless; appropriate

    Colorless adverbs

    monotonously; dully; cheerlessly; wanly; pallidly; neutrally; dismally; drearily; discouragingly; grievously; sorely; sadly; utterly; piteously; deplorably; pathetically; cruelly; wretchedly; singularly; oppressively; hopelessly; dishearteningly; needlessly; horribly; unpleasantly

    Colt adjectives

    frolicking; uncomely; dark; unhandled; youthful; awkward; wanton; unbroken; rough; handsome


    corral—; curb—; groom—; exercise—; loose—; mount—; stable—; —balks; — frisks; —gallops off; —grazes; —hurdles

    —neighs; —pastures

    (See animal, horse.)

    Column (architectural, military, etc


    twisting; resistless; ascending; noble; tall; solid; marble; sturdy; dusty; massive; huge; vast; soaring; classic; stark; interpretative; warlike; somber; shattered; steel-clad; venerable; marching; flowered; lucrative; attacking; airy; perpendicular; crystal; slender; parallel; surging; monumental; vertebral; isolated; lofty; unending; advancing; ivory-shaped; vaporous; rostral; fragile; majestic; internal; spouting; graceful; gigantic; fantastic; glittering; luminous; rising; fluted; copulated; clustered


    ambush—; attach to—; construct—; destroy—; encircle—; erect—; file in—; head —; join—; line up in—; reinforce—; rule into—; shake—; shape—; shatter—; shield—; —crumbles; —marks; —supports; —swerves; —tapers; —vibrates; —winds

    (See line, post, shaft.)

    Column (journalistic) adjectives

    mercurial; exciting; fascinating; informative; interpretative; hackneyed; inspiring; authoritative


    caption—; condense—; dash off—; devour —; edit—; evolve—; excerpt—; feature—; head—; limit to—; print—; publish—; rewrite—; syndicate—; title—; —berates; —conveys; —demeans; —interests; —inveighs against; —libels; —prejudices; —scandalizes

    (See writing, editorial.)

    Coma adjectives

    deathlike; glassy-eyed; mild; rigid; trancelike; wide-staring


    affect with—; arouse from—; awake from—; emerge from—; fail in—; fall into—; lapse into—; mutter in—; relieve—; sink into—; succumb to—

    (See unconsciousness, lethargy.)

    Comb (animal) adjectives

    cresting; crimson; defiant; flaunting; proudly-borne; imperial; nodding; superbly-curving; waggish


    adorn with—; curry—; develop—; ruffle—; serrate—; —crests; —matures; —protrudes; —waves

    (See crest.)

    Comb (v) adverbs

    sleekly; briskly; dreamily; languidly; dexterously; effectively; left-handedly; gently. (See brush.

    Combat adjectives

    frequent; ensuing; single; fierce; bloodstirring; aerial; chivalric; imaginable; beauteous; armed; hourly; historic; isolated; sportful; savage; noiseless; gladiatorial; primeval; mortal; feminine; caveman; merry; exciting; pitched; mimic; open-air; close; rude


    challenge in—; clash in—; collapse in—; crave—; dare—; disdain—; engage in—; face—; gird for—; heat—; incite to—; join in—; lay low in—; offer—; pledge to—; prick to—; view—; ward off—; —burns; —devastates; —rages; —seethes

    (See contest, battle, struggle, bout, contention.)

    Combat (v) adverbs

    continually; effectively; fiercely; aerially; mortally; historically; savagely; gladiator-ially; fatally; rudely; overwhelmingly; victoriously; thunderously; surgingly

    (See fight, struggle.)

    Combatant adjectives

    successful; colossal; effective; unpropitious


    distinguish—; engage—; face—; fence with—; beat—; irk—; join—; lock with—; oppose—; overwhelm—; surround—; tri

    umph  over—;  unsnarl—s;  —contends

    —vanquishes; —wins

    (See contestant, fighter.)

    Combative adverbs

    absurdly; ferociously; foolishly; noisily; unreasonably; immoderately; truculently; pugnaciously; irresponsibly; blatantly; insolently; openly; challengingly; daringly; teasingly; vexatiously; offensively; lamentably; unfortunately; quickly; boyishly; egotistically; vaingloriously; conceitedly; boldly; unpleasantly; disagreeably

    Combination adjectives

    charming; rare; wonderful; striking; perfect; lovely; pretty; extraordinary; amazing; unusual; curious; grotesque; strange; foolish; occasional; lucky; strategic; simplest; unbeatable; agricultural; mental; brilliant; intricate; intellectual; exclusive; special; ecstatic; positive; possible; seasonable; solemn; subtle; gigantic; magnificent; extensive; weird; nutritive; synergistic; inexplicable; incongruous; pleasing; industrial; vigorous; ingenious; color; skillful; equilibrious; pernicious; bright; bold; distasteful; dramatic; compelling; illegal; fortunate; roomy; irresistible; unholy; dextrous


    achieve—; attain—; balk at—; capture—; conceal—; guard—; hide—; join—; justify—; lock in—; reveal—; seal—; warn against—; weld—; —conflicts; —strengthens ; evolve—

    (See union, alliance, league, coalition.)

    Combine (v) adverbs

    intricately; successfully; euphoniously; felicitously; skillfully; dexterously; chemically; wisely; shrewdly; gorgeously; charmingly; extraordinarily; strategically; grotesquely; agriculturally; mentally; intellectually; subtly; weirdly; inexplicably; incongruously; industrially; ingeniously; perniciously; dramatically; legally; irresistibly; unfortunately

    (See unite, merge.)

    Combustible adverbs

    readily; dangerously; unfortunately; perilously; easily; alarmingly; dreadfully; unhappily; conveniently; temptingly; hazardously; appallingly; advantageously; distressingly; unluckily; disastrously; sadly; direly; sorely; deplorably; inauspiciously; spontaneously; instantaneously; explosively

    Combustion adjectives

    fitful; spontaneous; resultant; dire; disastrous; chemical; destructive


    accompany with—; destroy by—; excite to—; kindle to—; prevent—; produce—; protect against—; reduce by—; resist—; result in—; save from—; support—; throw into—;  —consumes; —devours; —eats

    —generates; —heats; —rages

    (See outbreak, disturbance.)

    Come (v) adverbs

    laboriously; reluctantly; decently; prosaically; richly; undeniably; vividly; argumentatively; inevitably; fitfully; steadily; intermittently; confidently; rarely; voluntarily; briskly; warily; peaceably; archly; spasmodically; vehemently; distinctly; unquestionably; drunkenly; rapidly; silently; hopefully; swiftly; hesitatingly; deliberately; monotonously; sporadically; obliquely; seasonably; drowsily; wondrously; indiscriminately; assiduously; ponderously; slyly; jauntily

    (See arrive, approach.)

    Comedian adjectives

    eminent; slapstick; popular; audacious; acrobatic; facile

    Comedienne adjectives

    eccentric; apt; world-renowned; clever; scintillating

    Comedy adjectives

    brilliant; pleasing; charming; restrained; intelligent; rich; social; suave; earnest; ironic; clever; satirical; light; sardonic; fluffy; riotous; farcical; roaring; buoyant; high; tiresome; wry; ineffective; sickly; alleged; fantastic; absurd; lamentable; tragic; mournful; burlesque; macabre; amateur; romantic; artificial; plain; fancy; veritable; crisp; wary; lascivious; admirable; sentimental; slapstick; optimistic; frivolous; robust; complicated; poetic; eccentric


    applaud—; conclude—; dramatize—; enact—; indulge in—; perform—; present—; produce—; revel in—; write—; —burlesques; —characterizes; —delights; —depicts; —enlivens; —entertains; —lightens; —relishes; —satirizes

    (See play, drama, representation.)

    Comelt adverbs

    altogether; sufficiently; surprisingly; bloom-ingly; rosily; ruddily; roughly; singularly; vividly; serenely; innocently; proudly; unconsciously; robustly; quietly; unspeakably; admirably; unexpectedly; charmingly; pleasantly; gracefully; jauntily; smartly; tidily; specially; pleasingly; attractively

    Comet adjectives

    splendid; wandering; refulgent; vagrant; thunder-toned


    analyze—; calculate—s; control—; describe—; discover—; distinguish—; — examine—; expel—; focus on—; identify—; interested in—; observe—; recognize—; regard—; separate from—; study—; witness—; —approaches; —burns; —deviates; —diminishes; —emits; —excites; —flashes; —influences; —speeds; —travels; —wanes

    Comfort adjectives

    blessed; genial; gentle; thoughtful; priceless; bracing; cold; increased; dubious; poor; scant; miserable; physical; plush; velvety; spiritual; knee-deep; old-fashioned; modern; intellectual; home; comparative ;’ measurable; smug; temporary; ordered; necessary; summer; easy; great; shirtsleeve; refreshing; jaunty; ideal; constant; breezy; smart; luxurious; every; physical; whispering; quiet; superior; social; superb; cheerful; supreme; extra; genuine; continental; casual; suffused; melancholy; rural; restful; urban; heavenly; untold; heating; scantiest; maximum; perpetual; swinish; joyous; fireside; filthy; mysterious; dispensing; material; exclusive; blissful; indisputable; needed


    afford—; augment—; delight in—of; deprive of—; derive—from; draw—from; fill with—; insure—; maintain in—; mini

    ster to—; rear in—; refuse—; restore—; scorn—; subsist in—; take—from; withhold—

    (See ease, solace, consolation, encouragement.)

    Comfortable adverbs

    altogether; pleasantly; utterly; finally; increasingly; physically; comparatively; immeasurably; snugly; happily; easily; refreshingly; luxuriously; quietly; socially; supremely; genuinely; mysteriously; blissfully; serenely; contentedly; unexpectedly; immensely; definitely; deliciously

    Comforter adjectives

    effectual; wayside; despairing; gorgeous; sympathetic; placating

    Comical adverbs

    absurdly; pleasantly; brilliantly; cleverly; ironically; riotously; uproariously; tire-somely; tediously; highly; effectively; fantastically; complexly; eccentrically; intentionally; deliberately; daintily; dazzlingly; hilariously; mercilessly; bitterly; fatuously

    Comma adjectives

    checking; favored; interfering; interspersed; omitted; perfunctory; setting-off; indispensable; jutting; obstructing


    designate by—; dot with—s; invert—; mark with—; pause at—; punctuate with—; —clarifies; —denotes; —indicates; —interrupts; —punctuates; —separates

    (See mark, interval, pause, delay.)

    Command adjectives

    brisk; snarled; definite; sharp; stern; brusque; crisp; curt; despotic; peremptory; absolute; authoritative; unconditional; tyrannical; facile; supreme; independent; imperious; iron; deathless; masterly; fluent; unconcerned; stentorian; low-voiced; shouted; spoken; hoarse; shrill; raucous; sole; unified; urgent; last; hurrying; prompt; effective; divine; implied; incisive; suggestive; rudimentary; consequential; shaky; tactful; phenomenal; incomparable; geographical; instant; cold; lawful; unique; disguised; renewed; vigorous; immediate; irregular; enthusiastic; instinctive; military; snapped; fierce; unlimited; laudable; pernicious; admirable; stifled; long-desired; rapturous; strenuous; intermingling; respective; just


    assume—; attend—; await—; bear—; boast—; comply with—; condescend to—; constitute—; defy—; execute—; fulfill—; lose—; obey—; release from—; relieve from—; relinquish—; respond to—; send forth—; stand ready at—; sway by—; thunder—; transgress—; understand—; waive—; —confuses; —enrages; —rings; —splits the air; —startles

    (See order, charge, mandate, authority, leadership, control.)

    Command (v) adverbs

    imperiously; authoritatively; intellectually; impatiently; laughingly; peremptorily; petulantly; definitely; brusquely; crisply; curtly; despotically; unconditionally; tyrannically; independently; stentorianly; hoarsely; shrilly; raucously; urgently; promptly; effectively; incisively; tactfully; phenomenally; incomparably; vigorously; immediately; enthusiastically; instinctively; fiercely; laudably; perniciously; justly

    (See order, direct.)

    Commander adjectives

    trusted; plucky; dashing; able; spectacular; immediate; insulted; victorious; regimental; immovable; illustrious; panic-stricken; fiery; respected; half-clad; venerable; renowned ; indomitable


    appoint to—; exalt—; obey—; raise to—; rank as—; —assigns; —assumes; —authorizes; —campaigns; —controls; —directs; —disposes of; —exercises; —grants;— overrules; —pensions; —plans; —rules

    (See master, officer, captain, leader.)

    Commanding adverbs

    harshly; fussily; sternly; briskly; definitely; sharply; crisply; curtly; despotically; peremptorily; authoritatively; imperiously; hoarsely; shrilly; raucously; urgently; incisively; tactfully; coldly; vigorously; enthusiastically; insultingly; offensively

    Commandment adjective

    harsh; fussy; express; stern; abrupt; strait

    unwritten; divine


    annul—; charge with—; delight in—; deliver—; disregard—; forbid by—; forsake—; fulfill—; hearken to—; neglect—; rebel against—; reject—; send forth—; transgress—; tremble at—; violate—


    (See command, precept, law, order, warning.)

    Commemorate (v) adverbs

    jubilantly; appropriately; fitly; justly; splendidly; gloriously; annually; royally; simply; serenely; privately; publicly; passionately; sincerely

    (See celebrate.)

    Commemorative adverbs

    tenderly; reverently; publicly; appropriately; affectionately; permanently; nobly; deeply; triumphantly; faithfully; perpetually; graciously; worthily; adequately; suitably; gratefully; humbly; lastingly; enduringly; splendidly; magnificently; fittingly; beautifully; especially; impressively; felicitously

    Commence (v) adverbs

    ceremoniously; busily; prosperously; daily; accustomedly; jocosely; meticulously; amiably; comfortably; conventionally; shrewdly

    (See begin, start.)

    Commencement adjectives

    elementary; prosperous; propitious; belated; annual; current

    Commend (v) adverbs

    grandiloquently; strongly; extravagantly; chiefly; emphatically; warmly; meritedly; flatteringly; heartily; fulsomely; boundlessly; scantily; meagerly

    (See recommend.)

    Commendable adverbs

    altogether; especially; meritoriously; emphatically; particularly; eminently; unusually; unimpeachably; gloriously; admirably; worthily; highly; markedly; uncommonly; definitely

    Commendation adjectives

    sorry; emphatic; extravagant; warm; merited; well-meant; gentle; widespread; worthy; hearty


    bestow—upon; consider—; convey—; deliver—; deserve—; discharge from—; express—; favor with—; flatter with—; gain—; regard—; respect—; silence—; solicit—; still—; value—; welcome with—; —abates; —ceases; —extols; —graces; —lauds; —praises; —recedes

    (See approbation, approval, praise, recommendation.)

    Commensurate adverbs

    exactly; appropriately; approximately; suitably; undeniably; properly; adjustably; tolerably; remarkably; meticulously; essentially; mathematically; scrupulously; carefully

    Comment adjectives

    favorable; approving; polite; appreciative; triumphant; grateful; important; significant; interesting; persuasive; sane; civilized; fretful; intelligent; shrewd; laconic; enlightening; cultured; prosaic; inappropriate; characteristic; dry; stumbling; trivial; bewildered; incoherent; wild; trite; open; gloomy; dubious; direct; vigorous; crisp; daring; pungent; scathing; sharp; penetrating; humorous; witty; jesting; facetious; upstart; quick; running; spontaneous; disgruntled; constant; exquisite; philosophic; speculative; editorial; cartoon; pamphleteering; country-wide; local; mental; printed; verbal; moralizing; censorious; detailed; curious; whispered; audible; casual; passing; critical; wistful; rare; contemporary; inane; enthusiastic; playful; cheerful; cynical; caustic; unsympathetic; perverse; churlish; uncomplimentary; endless; sour; abundant; cheering; quain; considerable; public; analytic; needless; inconsequential; musical; stupid; jocular; introductory; prophetic; skeptical; authoritative; enlivening; lavish; vulgar; resentful; acrimonious


    analyze—; arouse—; attach—; bear—; betray into—; challenge—; conceal—; cram with—; deride—; elicit—; evince—; evoke—; excite—; issue—; lavish—on; occasion—; provoke—; subject to—; underline—; —criticizes; —disconcerts; —elucidates; —enlightens; —flatters; —illuminates; —illustrates; —interprets; —penetrates; —squelches

    (See remark, observation, explanation.)

    Comment (v) adverbs

    grumblingly; haughtily; admiringly; dryly; audibly; grimly; favorably; approvingly; politely; appreciatively; gratefully; significantly; interestingly; sanely; fretfully; intelligently; shrewdly; laconically; prosaically; inappropriately; characteristically; tritely; gloomily; dubiously; vigorously; crisply; pungently; scathingly; penetrating-ly; humorously; facetiously; spontaneously; philosophically; speculatively; editorially; locally; mentally; verbally; inanely; wistfully; playfully; cheeerfully; cynically; caustically; endlessly; sourly; cheeringly; quaintly; publicly; analytically; inconsequentially; stupidly; jocularly; drolly; flatteringly; prophetically; skeptically; authoritatively; lavishly; vulgarly; resentfully; acrimoniously; pityingly

    (See remark, observe.)

    Commentary adjectives

    significant; brilliant; sad; ironic; biting; pure; dazzling; binding; striking; authentic; curious; philosophic; keen; critical; rollicking; satiric; stressed; subtle; whimsical; penetrating; ludicrous; panoramic

    Commentator adjectives

    genial; philosophical; dramatic; unknown; hostile; political; inelegant; unseen

    Commerce adjectives

    nascent; enlarged; far-flung; unsullied; peaceful; flourishing; lawless; enhanced; expanding; international; vast; increasing; interstate; long-established; petty


    blockade—; derange—; develop—; encourage—; engage in—; hinder—; imperil—; insure—; interchange—; invade—; join in—; levy on—; negotiate—; open—; profit by—; protect—; regulate—; restrict—; route—; safeguard—; stimulate—; stint—; subsidize—; traffic in—; —dwindles; —flourishes; —transports; —wanes

    (See trade, business, intercourse, traffic, communication.)

    Commercial adverbs

    sordidly; blatantly; profitably; readily; thrivingly; flourishingly; prosperously; productively; unaccountably; satisfactorily; fairly; openly; frankly; avowedly; uninterestingly; brilliantly; insistently; briskly; cheerfully; keenly; terribly; competently; thoroughly; dully; tediously; comically; actively; successfully; assiduously; energetically; shrewdly; craftily

    Commercialism adjectives

    blatant; camouflaged; high-powered

    Commiseration adjectives

    exaggerated; false; gentle; tender; light; regretful; sincere


    act in—; assist out of—; attend with—; behold in—; conceal—; defy—; deserve—; disdain—; distress with—; excite—; express—; feign—; lack—; pretend—; succumb to—; tear with—; tender—; wrack with—; wring with—

    (See compassion, pity, sorrow.)

    Commission adjectives

    perilous; permanent; promised; glorious; royal; simple; delicate; accredited; illicit; flattering; nonpartisan; legislative; eminent; joint; mixed; innocent; imaginary; unspoken; gabbling; much-desired


    accept—; appoint to—; assume—; authorize—; buy—; charge with—; confer—upon; delegate to—; deliver—; devise—; discharge—; dispatch—; empower—; entrust with—; execute—; tender--; undertake—; warrant—; —empowers; —instructs; — orders; —ranks; —specifies

    (See mission, delegation, errand, trust.)


    imperial; mouth-dripping; perfunctory; supercilious; unbending; bribe-swallowing; porcine

    Commit (v) adverbs

    consciously; irrevocably; unconsciously; habitually; sinfully; wilfully; rarely; solemnly; vilely; deliberately; unreservedly; fearlessly; criminally; treacherously; shrewdly; mysteriously; antagonistically; swiftly; veritably; vulgarly

    (See assign, entrust.)

    Commitment adjectives

    careless; imaginary; solemn; revealed; judicial; official

    Committee adjectives

    advisory; influential; corresponding; reception; adjuvant; self-constituted; associ-ational; intractable; select; prudential; vigilance; chagrined; strong; supreme; grand; advisory; special; executive; proper; socialistic; pacific; utilization


    appear before—; appoint to—; arm—; corral—; dominate—; hamstring—; head—; invent—; preside over—; set up—; taunt—; —advises; —bans; —bars; —condones; —denounces; —evinces; —favors; —functions; —proclaims; —retorts

    (See group, board.)

    Commodious adverbs

    sufficiently; adequately; advantageously; expediently; handily; serviceably; valuably; luckily; conveniently; pleasantly; appropriately; fortunately; splendidly; completely; excellently; spaciously; cheerily; comfortably; capaciously; extremely; admirably; roomily; particularly; suitably; uncommonly; exceptionally

    Commodity adjectives

    precious; agricultural; respected; unwanted; unctuous; valuable; opposite; essential; leading; vital; industrial; prized; necessary


    culinary; evasive; vapid; conventional; tedious


    beautify—; enrich—; exalt—; express—; sink into—; soar above—; utter—; —bores

    —fails to impress; —tires; —wearies

    (See platitude, remark.) adverbs

    undeniably; insignificantly; trivially; indifferently; particularly; ridiculously; negligibly; cheaply; contemptibly; immaterially; miserably; pitifully; shabbily; wretchedly; distinctly; laughably; remarkably; surprisingly; stupidly; monotonously; prosaically )

    Common-Sense adjectives

    practical; supreme; salty; shrewd; courageous; hard-headed


    accept as--; argue with--; characterize by--; demand--; derive by

    develop--; display--; endow with

    judge with--; lack--; override

    perceive with--; require--; violate

    • —;--prevails

    (See judgment, understanding.)

    Commonwealth adjectives

    corrupted; co-operative; precarious; ancient; native; advanced; free; industrial; individual

    Commotion adjectives

    nervous; subdued; hurried; violent; sudden; faint; diurnal; inner; economic; mysterious; sad; strong; tremendous


    engage in—; excite—; quell—; quiet—; still—; throw into—; —agitates; —bristles; —confuses; —disorders; —irritates; —perturbs; —rages; —recurs; —rises;—stirs; —subsides; —terrifies

    (See agitation, excitement, tumult, disturbance, turmoil, riot, stir.)


    spiritually; intimately; immortally; rapturously; ineffably; wordlessly; mentally; intellectually; constantly; socially; devoutly; worshipfully; divinely

    (See confer, converse.)

    Communicable adverbs

    highly; easily; perilously; alarmingly; dangerously; scarcely; freely; openly; secretly; rapidly; slyly; electrically; directly; conveniently; instantly; fearfully; frightfully; hardly; mysteriously; quickly; expeditiously; advantageously; expediently

    Communicate (v) adverbs

    duly; unknowingly; felicitously; thrillingly; formally; efficiently; gracefully; uniquely; swiftly; economically; rapidly; constantly; continuously; belligerently; garrulously; crudely; slyly; telepathically; directly; anonymously; sympathetically; confidentially; treacherously; conveniently; unreservedly; spiritually; clandestinely; telegraphically; precariously; domestically

    (See impart, transmit.)

    Communica TION adjectives

    efficient; sincere; graceful; rich; unique; swift; economical; rapid; easy; constant; continuous; belligerent; inarticulate; garrulous; profane; flimsy; crude; covert; sly; underhanded; world; visual; electrical; papal; aerial; interstate; telepathic; unrestricted; telltale; articulated; direct; anonymous; sympathetic; confidential; treacherous; depressing; convenient; unreserved; spiritual; slow-moving; pregnant; clandestine; evil; friendly; mercantile; unlimited; secure; radio; telegraphic; privileged; pretended; domestic; precarious


    break—with; contrive—; cut off—; deliver—; draw—; establish—with; exchange —s; interfere with—; reestablish—; relay—; scatter—; set up—with; stimulate—; —conveys; —expresses; —imparts; —informs; —proceeds from; —purports to; —requests

    (See intercourse, conference, correspondence, message, letter.)


    immortal; rapturous; ineffable; friendly; wordless; mental; intellectual; intimate; untroubled; constant; social

    Communism adjectives

    lawless; isolated; outright; iconoclastic; jealous; possessive; intolerant


    advocate—; aspire to—; bow to—; combat—; decry—; denounce—; draw the line against—; embrace—; envision—; eradicate—; espouse—; flirt with—; incite to—; riddle with—; seethe with—; spread—; storm toward—; suppress—; taint with—; war on—; —abolishes; —derives from; —destroys; —equalizes; —menaces; — levels; —reconstructs; —undermines; — idealizes

    (See socialism.)

    Communist adjectives

    subtle; unadulterated; rabid; confirmed; covert; active


    ban—; bar—; condemn—; denounce—; deport—; evict—; forbid—; harbor—; organize—s; recognize—; regulate—; reproach—; shelter—; style as—; —advocates; —agitates; —antagonizes; —exhorts; —expresses; —dreams; —influences; —opposes; —orates; —practices; —proclaims; —s riot; —struggles; —supports; —undermines ; —vows

    (See socialist.)

    Communistic adverbs

    honestly; dangerously; sincerely; intrepidly; daringly; audaciously; enthusiastically; actively; furtively; slyly; openly; obviously; convincingly; absurdly; alarmingly; recklessly; inherently; appallingly; bitterly; outright; downright; thoroughly; entirely; subtly; deceptively; startlingly; surreptitiously

    Community ad jectives

    benighted; enlightened; forward; average; model; decent; beautiful; ideal; prideful; ambitious; busiest; enterprising; self-respecting; progressive; aggressive; sturdy; self-sustaining; comfortable; isolated; much-maligned; antagonistic; sprawl

    ing; ecclesiastical; overcrowded; treeless; civilized; closely-knit; urban; country; laboring; alien; polyglot; quiet; residential; pioneer; rural; sacred; tropical; industrial; monastic; conservative; organized; homogeneous; composite; enormous; fortresslike; curious; moral; congenial; guileless; self-supporting; hostile; opulent; veritable; seafaring; serene; drainageless; expanding; sober; scattered


    acquaint with—; beautify—; burden—; confine to—; dominate—; dwell in—; elevate—; establish—; expel from—; filter into—; forsake—; govern—; offend—; organize into—; pervade—; present to—; represent—; rule—; unite in—; —elects; —fosters; —levies; —shares; —supports

    (See city, town, village, public, society, association, people.)

    Compact adjectives

    convenient; social; indissoluble; comfortable; voluntary; earthly; unwritten; imaginary; binding; favorable


    admit to—; authorize—; compose—; confirm—; contract—; draw up—; frame—; fulfill—; gather in—; join—; knit in—; plan—; ratify—; seal—; sign—; solemnize—; weld in—; —aids; —allies; —consolidates; —insures; —protects; —strengthens; —supports

    (See covenant, agreement, pact, treaty, contract.)

    Companion adjectives

    beloved; wonderful; alluring; pleasant; charming; gentle; beautiful; popular; trusted; genial; attractive; true; faithful; devoted; wonted; burly; happy; thoughtful; useful; fit; illustrious; bosom; constant; intimate; inseparable; indefatigable; daily; gayest; jolly; jocose; meticulous; amiable; agreeable; lively; entertaining; droll; emaciated; pale; slim; young; feeble; stocky; lithe; rough; double-crossing; profligate; undesirable; sneering; doubtful; fickle; morose; weak; pitiable; gloomy; craven; irate; dispirited; tense; shrinking; prostrate; intellectual; drinking; mysterious; familiar; unsuspecting; grave; normal; authentic; eager; boon; ardent; engaging; quaking; environed; ghastly; polite; unique; troublesome; disappointing; lifelong; blithe; confederate; friendly (pl); semi-conscious; equivocal; spruce; subsidiary; often-tried


    associate with—; consort with—; engage—; entertain—; hire—; join—; lack—; lead—; long for—; reproach—; reunite with—; seek—; share with—; sway—; vie with—

    —entertains; —escorts

    (See comrade, associate, ally.)

    Companionable adverbs

    pleasantly; agreeably; always; charmingly; unusually; genially; truly; faithfully; happily; thoughtfully; gaily; amiably; comfortably; entertainingly; curiously; politely; delightfully; inestimably; congenially; distinctly; unobtrusively; quietly; cheerfully; sociably; cosily; chattily

    Companionship adjectives

    genial; noble; voluntary; coarse; revered; endeared; creative; neighborly; thoughtful; indiscriminate; intimate; delightful; human; dull; honorable; dark; inestimable; mutual; helpful; satisfactory; refined; sympathetic; loving; mysterious; loyal; gay; humorous; pleasant; exclusive; friendly


    avoid—; break—; conceal—; crave—; delight in—; denounce—; desire—; hunger for—; invite—; join in—; lack—; limit—; lose—; maintain—of; object to—; seek—; win—; withdraw from—

    (See association, company, intimacy, fellowship, society.)

    Company (association, companionship) verbs

    crave—; cultivate—; curse—; delight in— of; detest—; forbid—; forsake—; grace with—; miss—; placate—; refrain from—; regain—of; request—; sever from—; thrust into—of; woo—; —amuses; —bores; —departs; —dwindles; —entertains; —straggles in

    (See companionship.)

    Company (corporation) verbs

    absorb—; bankrupt—; buy up—; charter—; consolidate—; defraud—; embezzle from—; found—; incorporate—; manage—; merge —; reorganize—; ruin—; —branches out; —recovers; —profits; —survives

    (See corporation, firm.)

    Company (general) adjectives

    subsidiary; lightheaded; respectable; assembled; scanty; ubiquitous; jocund; devout; treasonable; select; panic-stricken; choice; trading; merry; congenial; licentious; loathsome; saintly; high-born; agreeable; mysterious; villainous; ennobling; distinguished; defunct; brilliant; pleasant; enterprising; cosmopolitan; animated; suspecting; enchanting; glamorous; immortal; great; picturesque; unobtrusive; sympathetic; jovial; buoyant; refined; talented; detestable; rascally; infernal; wild; chartered; generating; transmission; gigantic; aggressive; forward-looking; reputable; commissary; projected

    Company (military division) verbs

    ambush—; assign to—; command—; desolate—; discontinue—; dispatch to—; divide into—ies; enlist in—; evolve—; forge—; head—; manoeuvre—; overtake—; partition—; separate—; spy on—; train—; —retreats; —traverses

    (See army, troops.)

    Comparable adverbs

    invidiously; scarcely; highly; easily; definitely; analogously; proportionally; relatively; homogeneously; interestingly; pertinently; distinctly; curiously; significantly; favorably; deservedly; worthily; excellently; appropriately; suitably; fittingly; properly; decently

    Compare (v) adverbs

    invidiously; egotistically; unavoidably; faithfully; favorably; unintentionally; approvingly; challengingly; odiously; metaphorically; significantly; caustically; classically; drolly; poignantly; dismayingly; conscientiously; directly; accurately; unfavorably; brutally; inevitably; aptly

    (See observe.)

    Comparison adjectives

    vigorous; productive; challenging; odious; cost; metaphorical; insignificant; self-invited; curious; outworn; caustic; retrospective; classic; droll; poignant; dismaying; conscientious; direct; accurate; momentary; invidious; hateful; significant; unfavorable; brutal; strained; inevitable


    attempt—; bear—; belittle—; consider—; despair of—; despise—; disdain—; draw—; fail in—; flaunt—; illustrate—; institute—; invite—; judge—; lend to—; lose by—; place beyond—; ridicule—; scoff at—; stand—; subject to—; suffer by—; —brings out; —emphasizes; —measures; —parallels; —suggests

    (See illustration, simile.)

    Compartment adjectives

    separate; concealed; rear; public; watertight


    coil in—; couch in—; decorate—; design—; distribute in—; divide in—; dwell in—; lay out—; occupy—; ornament—; panel—; partition into—s; prepare—; retain—; seal—; separate into—s; space—s; widen—; —accommodates; —adjoins; —allows; — permits

    (See section, chamber, part, division.)

    Compass adjectives

    narrow; golden


    attract—; box—; manipulate—; navigate with—; observe—; plan with—; plot with—; suspend—; trust—; chart—; —describes; —deviates; —directs; —guides; —indicates; —informs; —leads; —limits; —marks; —measures; —pilots; —records; —routes; —safeguards; —surveys

    (See instrument.)

    Compassion adjectives

    pitying; proud; deep; sincere; involuntary; august; womanly; delicate; angelic; bleeding; intolerable; melancholy; infinite; chivalrous; moving; affectionate; protective; scornful; profound; hurried; infallible; tender; faint; sweet; bored; dying; divine


    act in—; arouse—; conceal—; consume with—; contain—; display—; excite—; express—; feign—; fill with—; melt in—; minister with—; mourn in—; move to—; plead for—; pretend—; reveal—; stir to—; succor in—; take—upon; touch with—; weep in—; wrack with—; wring with—; —humanizes; —tempers

    (See commiseration, pity, sympathy, mercy.)

    Compassionate adverbs

    keenly; sympathetically; understanding^; charitably; graciously; leniently; humanely; mercifully; pityingly; tenderly; disarmingly; softly; utterly; gently; tolerantly; indulgently; mildly; magnanimously; comfortingly; effectively; deeply; sincerely; delicately; infinitely; chivalrously; affectionately; profoundly; divinely

    Compatible adverbs

    easily; happily; felicitously; fortunately; unusually; harmoniously; amiably; agreeably; pleasantly; joyously; obviously; essentially; manifestly; supremely; famously; gracefully; opportunely; auspiciously; comfortably; amicably; extremely; unquestionably; unaccountably; surprisingly; fundamentally; notably

    Compatriot adjectives

    assumed; grateful; affected

    Compel (v) adverbs

    flatly; ultimately; adroitly; reluctantly; strategically; artfully; slyly; politely; subtly; indirectly; truculently; legally; privately; troublesomely; economically; mysteriously; aggressively

    (See make, force.)

    Compendious adverbs

    remarkably; surprisingly; pleasingly; compactly; amazingly; laconically; tersely; conveniently; exceedingly; expertly; inexpressibly; faultlessly; commendably; laudably; extraordinarily; strikingly; sensibly; prudently; synoptically; concisely; neatly; cleverly; adroitly; agreeably; usefully; helpfully; advantageously

    Compendium adjectives

    astonishing; encyclopedic; similar

    Compensate (v) adverbs

    adequately; amply; partially; grudgingly; sufficiently; satisfactorily; financially; tolerably; pecuniarily; ultimately; abundantly; solemnly; fully; barely; genially; nobly; voluntarily; loyally

    (See pay, replace.)

    Compensation adjectives

    adjusted; ample; satisfactory; dwindling; eternal; objective; financial; reassuming; tolerable; pecuniary; abundant; fixed; heartless; solemn; reasonable; adequate; dynamic; ultimate

    Compensatory adverbs

    satisfactorily; safely; securely; luckily; happily; allowably; considerately; honorably; calculatingly; accurately; remuneratively; retroactively; highly; cleverly; acceptably; soundly; sensibly; wisely; adjustably; amply; financially; tolerably; generously; reasonably; adequately; ultimately; prudently; sufficiently

    Compete (v) adverbs

    hotly; hilariously; unrestrainedly; unrestrictedly; freely; spectacularly; constructively; legitimately; ruinously; destructively; bitterly; actively; intensely; keenly; strenuously; effectively; formidably; unprecedentedly; meaninglessly; individually; internally; domestically; internationally; critically; primarily; unfairly; unequally; aggressively; benevolently; basely; dishonorably; ruthlessly; hopefully; triumphantly

    (See contend, strive.)

    Competence adjectives

    notable; cold; easy technical; hard; unruffled; modest; financial; mental; utmost; professional; decent; occupational; bare; sufficient


    allot—; amass—; bestow—upon; enlarge—; exhaust—; fritter away—; furnish—; inherit—; insure of—; lack—; live off—; provide—; require—; rob of—; run through—; secure—; —dwindles; —suffices

    (See wealth.)

    Competent adverbs

    thoroughly; remarkably; highly; brilliantly; exceptionally; influentially; deftly; ingeniously; intelligently; proficiently; excellently; capably; discreetly; smartly; shrewdly; consummately; prepossessingly; undoubtedly; unquestionably; manifestly; completely; perfectly; notably; modestly; sufficiently

    Competition adjectives

    unrestrained; unlimited; unrestricted; utterly unbridled; free; full; spectacular; unregulated; constructive; legitimate; ruinous; destructive; bitter; active; intense; keen; severe; sharp; heavy; strenuous; serious; effective; unprecedented; formidable; meaningless; puny; individual; world; internal; native; water-power; utility; truck; domestic; socialistic; international; critical; interstate; adjudicable; tangled; unwanted; constant; increased; enhanced; primary; counter; supplantive; unfair; unequal; hampering; foreign; savage; eager; formidable; pecuniary; marginal; benevolent; consequent; base; dishonorable; aggressive; harsh; ruthless; anarchical; hopeful; triumphal


    cripple—; curb—; discourage—; eliminate—; exclude—; face—; nurture on—; obliterate—; offer—; overcome—; promote—; reduce—; sharpen—; squelch—; stamp out—; stimulate—; suppress—; survive—; sustain—; —abates; —eases; —enlivens; —grinds; —steels; —tempers; —threatens

    (See rivalry, contention, strife.)

    Competitive adverbs

    bitterly; actively; enthusiastically; brutally; ruinously; intensely; keenly; sharply; strenuously; formidably; primarily; savagely; appealingly; contentiously; pugnaciously; destructively; stimulatingly; rousingly; dangerously; cruelly; barbarously; desperately; mischievously; trickily; cunningly; shrewdly; deceptively; unfairly

    Competitor adjectives

    insurgent; easygoing; formidable; alert; dangerous; cruel; honest; lame; veteran; motor; throat-cutting; husky; local; direct; active


    bankrupt—; defeat—; dispose of—; eliminate—; engage—; equal—; harass—; judge—; mass—s; outdistance—; outstrip —; rival—; suppress—; vanquish—; vie with—; —contests; —endeavors; —gains; —objects; —s organize; —retires; —stimulates

    (See contestant, opponent, rival, antagonist.)

    Compilation adjectives

    intelligent; magnificent; handy; voluminous; exact; wretched; unoriginal; subsequent; important; systematic; hasty; valuable

    Complacency adjectives

    philosophical; bland; cynical; benign; pleased; yielding; melancholy; smug; superb; amiable; pleasant; light; foolish; placid; meek; oily; agreeable; affectionate


    announce with—; approach with—; breathe —; breed—; characterize—; display—; .dwell in—; exhibit—; gain—; jolt out of—; observe with—; puncture—; rebuke—; receive with—; regard with—; resent—; satirize—; shake—; shock out of—; smile with—; —reigns

    (See satisfaction, serenity.)

    Complacent adverbs

    oddly; serenely; calmly; placidly; maddeningly; smugly; conceitedly; arrogantly; incredibly; imperturbably; vexatiously; pleasantly; comfortably; affably; blandly; gently; graciously; composedly; tranquilly; sedately; contentedly; cheerfully; entirely; good-humoredly; curiously; resolutely; admirably; justifiably

    Complain (v) adverbs

    shrewishly; bitterly; sorrowfully; dismally; audibly; feelingly; grievously; drawling-ly; drearily; vehemently; respectfully; peevishly; humorously; angrily; constantly; unjustly; ignorantly; pathetically; formally; jealously; frivolously; vexatiously; chronically; vigorously; dolefully

    (See grumble, murmur.)

    Complaint adjectives

    infantile; troublesome; vehement; loud; private; belated; frequent (pl); timid; alarming; mournful; loathsome; rash; angry; incipient; constant; fatal; unjust; prevalent; ignorant; fond; quavering; pathetic; distressing; formal; jealous; frivolous; dysenteric; pulmonary; vexatious; unintelligible; irritating; wailing; individual; public; chronic; paternal; vigorous; hoarse; well-founded; well-formed; pleasant; bitter; doleful; defensive; frenetic; praiseful; threnodic


    amend—; burden with—; complicate—; contract—; develop—; dismiss—; ease—; investigate—; issue—; lodge—against; mourn—; murmur—; pour out—; propo-gate—; renew—; rid oneself of—; set forth—; suffer—; swallow—; terminate—; usher in—; utter—; whisper—; withdraw —; —irritates; —s rain in; —recurs; —saddens; —wanes; —waxes

    (See grievance, lamentation, ailment, accusation, disease.)

    Complaisance adjectives

    ready; affectionate; discreet; supple; sad; veiled

    Complaisant adverbs

    amiably; benignly; kindly; warm-heartedly; indulgently; good-humoredly ;z benevolently; considerately; tenderly; accommodatingly; obligingly; sweetly; unaffectedly; comfortably; pleasantly; gravely; generously; happily; graciously; quietly; unobtrusively; remarkably; charmingly; gallantly; gently; urbanely; gracefully

    Complementary adverbs

    unusually; fortunately; remarkably; usefully; serviceably; happily; luckily; auspiciously; delightfully; pleasantly; absolutely; completely; entirely; thoroughly; mutually; opportunely; profitably; advantageously; conveniently; astonishingly; ingeniously

    Complete adverbs

    absolutely; finally; happily; fortunately; luckily; satisfactorily; remarkably; unbelievably; magnificently; splendidly; extraordinarily; ideally; actually; delightfully; ceremonially; royally; formally; legally; officially; really

    Complete (v) adverbs

    rapidly; swiftly; partially; gradually; skillfully; conventionally; finally; respectably; absolutely; delightfully; entirely; satisfactorily; casually; determinedly; superbly

    (See finish, perfect.)

    Completeness adjectives

    unapproached; exhaustive; ethical; frightful; conventional; ruthless; respectable; final; round; absolute; firm; delightful

    Completion adjectives

    apparent; advanced; divine; glorious; malevolent; plentiful; prophetic; stony; timely; unexpected; premature


    accomplish—; achieve—; attain—; await—; celebrate—; commemorate—; consent to—; desire—; expedite—; predict—; speed—; time—; —exhausts; —tires

    (See accomplishment, fulfillment, conclusion, end.)

    Complex adjectives

    repressed; haunting; sadistic; exceeding; flourishing; superior; vague; parlor; calamity; familiarity; modern; unreconciled; knitting; permanent; inferiority; narcissistic


    affect by—; analyze—; attribute to—; banish—; comprehend—; develop—; disentangle—; form—; indicate—; interpret—; involve—; nurture—; psychoanalyze—; relieve—; remove—; subject to—; understand—; unravel—; —chains; —consumes; —fetters; —seeks an outlet; arm with—

    (See complication, fear, influence.)


    bewilderingly; disturbingly; irritatingly; needlessly; seriously; embarrassingly; ambiguously; evasively; strangely; oddly; exceedingly; vaguely; astonishingly; baffling-ly; unintelligibly; unnecessarily; tiresome-ly; painfully; harassingly; impossibly; intricately; perplexingly; confusingly; confoundedly; plaguedly; disconcertingly

    Complexion adjectives

    flawless; clear; transparent; creamy; ivory; putty; sallow; apoplectic; pale; long; faded; unflushed; sanguine; fresh; ruddy; healthy; port-wine; choleric; beery; sunburnt; olive; sandy; swarthy; unnatural; delicate; dazzling; pleasant; muddy; blotchy; pretty; dark; ruined; shadowed; private; country; embrowned; coarse; variable; rubicund; jealous; florid; leaden; tanned; pallid


    beautify—; blemish—; blot—; charige—; clear—; coarsen—; darken—; discolor—; dot—; inflame—; mar—; paint—; praise—; redden—; smirch—; tan—; tinge—; wither —; wrinkle—; —brightens; —freckles; —glows ; —shines

    (See character, color, hue.)

    Complexl TY adjectives

    astonishing; endless; infinite; ever-growing; abstract; ornate; serried; political; extraordinary; exciting; amazing; bewildering; differentiated; cosmic; baffling; increasing; technical


    attend with—; comprehend—; confine—; delve into—; disintegrate—; dispose of—; dissolve—; embrace—; evolve—; extricate from—; investigate—; involve—; reduce—; regard—; result in—; simplify—; solve—; sweep away—; —amazes; —discourages; —puzzles; —vanishes

    (See intricacy, complication, entanglement.)

    Compliance adjectives

    immediate; faithful; servile; suave; entreating; implicit; infantile; calm; strict


    balk at—; betoken—; bow in—; coerce into—; demand—; desire—; enforce—; fall into—with; gain—; move to—; necessitate —; press for—; profess—; propose—; refuse—; request—; signify—; utter—; yield—

    (See submission, concession, acquiescence.)

    Compliant adverbs

    obligingly; gently; readily; willingly; vexa-tiously; slavishly; obsequiously; pleasantly; meekly; timidly; obediently; supinely; spinelessly; weakly; devotedly; passively; submissively; deferentially; affectionately; faithfully; loyally; unwillingly; rebellious-ly; sweetly; gladly; implicitly; childishly; calmly

    Complicated adverbs

    hopelessly; senselessly; foolishly; necessarily; purposely; seriously; dangerously; ominously; sadly; perplexingly; embarrassing: ly; unavoidably; queerly; strangely; alarmingly; interestingly; disconcertingly; baffl-ingly; astonishingly; unintelligibly; ridiculously; confusingly; bewilderingly; desperately; painfully; plaguedly

    Complication adjectives

    serious; unseen; interesting; threatening; sad; annoying; embarrassing; military; endless; ingenious; delicate; everlasting; perplexing; indispensable; annoying; constant; dangerous; simple; psychological; dizzying; fresh; queer; added; social; imaginative; international; unforeseen


    avoid—; bar—; catch in—; develop—; free from—; guard against—; induce—; involve—; prevent—; result in—; solve—; suffer—; —abates; —arises; —endangers


    (See complexity, entanglement, intricacy, confusion.)

    Complicity adjectives

    potential; secret; treacherous; eager; energetic; guilty; deceptive


    accuse of—; act in—with; charge with—; clear of—; convict of—; deal in—; free of—; imprison for—; involve in—; suspect of—; vindicate of—

    (See guilt.)

    Compliment adjectives

    genial; pleasant; admirable; handsome; rare; high; generous; apt; polite; fervid; sincerest; respectful; justified; honest; delicate; smooth-tongued; high-flown; flowery; stilted; grudging; left-handed; fulsome; dubious; youthful; peculiar; unphilosoph-ical; noncommittal; questionable; erudite; abstracted; subtle; appropriate; gentle; awkward; indirect; feminine; gratifying; truculent; stipulated; supreme; piquant; munificent; bombastic; professional; superlative; gallant; ephemeral; deferential; mawkish; double-barreled; formal; undeniable; sugared; two-edged; exaggerated; idle; well-turned; tactful; novel affectionate; ghastly; hyperbolic


    accept—; acknowledge—; allow—; bestow—; deliver—; disdain—; expect—; extend—; favor with—; greet with—; imply—; pay—; present—; receive—; return—; turn—; —commends; —flatters

    —pleases; —praises; —soothes

    (See greeting, remembrance, congratulation, praise.)

    Compliment (v) adverbs

    warmly; genially; admirably; handsomely; rarely; highly; generously; aptly; fervidly; sincerely; justifiedly; delicately; stilted-ly; grudgingly; fulsomely; dubiously; eruditely; subtly; appropriately; awkwardly; indirectly; gratifyingly; bombastically; supremely; piquantly; professionally; superlatively; gallantly; deferentially; mawkishly; formally; undeniably; exaggeratedly; idly; affectionately; hyperbolically

    (See praise.)

    Complimentary adverbs

    delightfully; flatteringly; gallantly; charmingly; politely; exaggeratedly; absurdly; smilingly; chivalrously; adoringly; pleasingly; highly; sincerely; appropriately; affectionately; truly; honestly; grudgingly; dubiously; questionably; subtly; gently; indulgently; pompously; supremely; deferentially; handsomely; lovingly

    Comply (v) adverbs

    promptly; strictly; willingly; gladly; partially; slavishly; humbly; irritably; nonchalantly; bitterly; sourly; grimly; carelessly

    (See agree, consent.)

    Component adjectives

    essential; necessary


    fundamentally; essentially; necessarily; indispensably; unavoidably; constitutionally; organically; vitally

    Compose adverbs

    nominally; identically; wholly; partly; artistically; largely; simultaneously; incessantly; luckily; prolifically; abundantly; charmingly; picturesquely; didactically; pretentiously; ludicrously; vilely; monstrously; allegorically; monumentally; orchestrally; historically; fantastically; choratty; crudely; elaborately; vitally; gravely; dramatically; humorously; gracefully; creatively; realistically

    (See lull, calm.)

    Composer adjectives

    native; brilliant; voluminous; contemporary; eminent; operatic; productive; talented; anxious; instinctive; ultramodern; best-known; foremost; outstanding; exuberant; modernist; versatile; Pharisaical; famous; hack; master; deft; practiced

    Composition adjectives

    decorative; didactic; careless; pretentious; ludicrous; tragic; vile; dishonorable; artistic; unwieldy; monstrous; secular; monumental; reposeful; allegorical; touching; fugitive; orchestral; historical; intensive; feminine; studied; capricious; fantastic; motley; choral; essential; elaborate; crude; important; vital; grave; dramatic; humorous; graceful; striking; aesthetic; creative: realistic


    adjust—; alter—; arrange—; compound—; deliver—; fashion—; form—; frame—; interpret—; order—; polish—; prepare—; print—; release—; reshape—; score—; toss off—; transpose—; versify—; vocalize—; —involves

    (See essay, story.)

    Composure adjectives

    perfect; kind; gentle; magnificent; incomparable; unruffled; flintlike; utmost; splendid; absolute; unimpaired; astonishing; solemn; curious; labored; grave; hard; horrible; contemptuous; reticent; equable; uncanny; airy; mournful; melancholy; marble; seeming; insolent; extraordinary; austere; inflexible; strained; undisturbed; dogged; comparative; amiable; cruel; unshakable; affected


    blemish—; break—; enjoy—; feign—; handle with—; maintain—; mar—; meet with—; preserve—; recover—; regain—; settle in—; shake—; shock out of—; view with—; —disarms; —follows

    (See equanimity, serenity.)

    Compound adjectives

    hypothetical; monstrous; metallic; disastrous; ferrous; utmost; rankest; argenteous; thermoplastic; harmonious; complicated; deliquescent; linguistic; tantalizing; elaborate; ingenious; chemical; incongruous


    absorb—; analyze—; break down—; characterize—; combine in—; derive—from; devise—; dissolve—; form—; heat—' indicate—; make up—; meet—; mix—; prescribe—; stir—; stimulate—; unite in—

    (See mixture, combination.)

    Comprehend (v) adverbs

    fully; perfectly; readily; rightly; intelligently; discriminatingly; partially; scientifically; deeply; accurately; generally; dispassionately; tardily; masterfully; instinctively

    (See grasp, understand.)


    achieve—; affect—; attain—; attempt—; benumb—; enlarge—; exhibit—; extend—; feign—; go beyond—; grasp—; include in—; lack—; listen with—; simulate—; stagger—; view with—; warp—; —dawns; —results in

    (See understanding, apprehension, knowledge.)

    Comprehensive adverbs

    wonderfully; broadly; unusually; fortunately; cogently; liberally; tolerantly; tolerably; fairly; extremely; luckily; purposely; explicitly; advantageously; generously; admirably; delightfully; superbly; conspicuously; nobly; strikingly; unquestionably; impressively; astonishingly

    Compress (v) adverbs

    firmly; severely; savagely; bitterly; tightly

    angrily; powerfully; dramatically

    (See crowd.)

    Compromise adjectives

    expensive; unworthy; lean; sensible; timid; tolerable; workable; proposed; wise; selfsufficient; practical; judicious; tacit; occasional; dignified; negotiated; imaginable; ineffectual; prudent; pitiful; strange; cowardly; ultimate; wretched; curious; scorning


    accept—; achieve—; agree upon—; announce—; arrange—; arrive at—; attempt —; come to—; conclude—; consent to—; draw up—; effect—; extend—; maintain—; offer—; result in—; risk—; —adjusts; —decides; —recommends; —reconciles; —settles; —soothes

    (See agreement, settlement, promise.)

    Comprehension adjectives

    conspicuous; intelligent; calm; infant; social; absent; discriminating; untrained; perfect; martial; vast; human; growing; enlightened; scientific; deeper; accurate; easy; imaginative; adequate; general; faithful; quick; dispassionate; gathering; complete; unparalleled; tardy; masterly; instinctive; dawning

    Compromising adverbs

    unfortunately; possibly; alarmingly; leniently; sensibly; reasonably; opportunely; fearfully; timidly; timorously; bravely; courageously; senselessly; scandalously; recklessly; indiscreetly; curiously; indubitably; injudiciously; awkwardly; unluckily; evasively; unhappily; unwisely; shockingly; appallingly; rashly; appeasingly

    Compulsion adjectives

    silent; irresistible; subtle; fascinated; armed; legal; restraining; unrecognized; physical; sad; temperamental; moral; strong; inescapable


    accept under—; act in—; appear under—; commit under—; confess under—; develop by—; devise by—; exercise—; involve—; obey under—; rebel at—; resist—; restrain by—; submit under—; wring out by—; —exculpates; —forces

    (See coercion, force, necessity, restraint, obligation.)

    Compulsory adverbs

    disagreeably; hatefully; substantially; significantly; dangerously; disturbingly; implicitly; strictly; rigidly; hideously; flagrantly; wisely; sensibly; cruelly; detestably; odiously; wickedly; irksomely; arbitrarily; officially; locally; inescapably; fortunately; annoyingly; tediously; prosily; vexatiously; needlessly; ineffectively; irresistibly; silently; subtly; sadly; inexorably; stringently; peremptorily; terrifyingly; actually; authoritatively; absolutely; dominantly; imperiously; originally; sternly; necessarily

    Compunction adjectives

    slight; severe; grievous; motherly; evident; mathematical; natural; bitter

    Computation adjectives

    careful; sardonic; arithmetical; subsequent; moderate; impressive; ridiculous


    calculate—; check—; correct—; corroborate—; employ—; err in—; estimate—; fail in—; fall short of—; find by—; increase—; inspect—; prove—; reach by—; reckon—; scorn—; —accounts for; —differs; —helps; —indicates

    (See calculation, reckoning.)

    Compute (v) adverbs

    accurately; sketchily; carefully; arithmetically; mathematically; geometrically; impressively; ridiculously; statistically; scientifically

    (See calculate, estimate.)

    Comrade adjectives

    worthy; fastidious; gallant; benevolent; wounded; self-denying; placid; hackneyed; suffocated; inseparable (pl) ; little; garrulous; abiding; agreeable; wonder-loving; intellectual; exhausted; needy; sensible; merry; conforming; loyal; bickering; gluttonous


    aid—; applaud—; assist—; associate with —; betray—; forsake—; fraternize with—; gain—; march with—; protect—; share with—; shield—; treasure—

    (See companion, associate, mate.)

    Comradely adverbs

    loyally; devotedly; sympathetically; cordially; warmly; helpfully; heartily; amicably; affably; frankly; distinctly; congenially; unselfishly; staunchly; generously; courageously; gallantly; agreeably; faithfully; gaily; comfortably; entertainingly; curiously; unobtrusively; quietly; sociably; chattily

    Comradeship adjectives

    happy; warm; flattering; unconditional; spiritual; impossible; ceaseless; genuine; kindly; pleasant; tragic; deep-hearted; constant; simple; rare; international; lifelong; sympathetic; unspeakable

    Conceal (v) adverbs

    cleverly; effectually; criminally; partially; instinctively; feloniously; dexterously; deliberately; stupidly; ignorantly; guiltily; conscientiously; fearfully; scrupulously

    (See hide, suppress.)

    Concealment adjectives

    expedient; ignorant; stupid; coarse; juggling; ladylike; watery


    appear from—; attempt—; disclose—; divulge—; effect—; intend—; lay bare—; necessitate—; offer—; place in—; reveal— of; seek refuge in—; suspect—; uncover—; veil in—; wrap in—

    (See secretion, seclusion, privacy.)

    Concede (v


    deferentially; completely; unexpectedly; apologetically; willingly; generally; tactfully; frankly; generously; tamely; gently; freely; liberally

    (See yield, admit.)

    Conceit adjectives

    devastating; quaint; mere; whimsical; colossal; comical; solemn; peculiar; lessening; sanguine; keen; erroneous; piteous; stupid; rational; boyish; staple; enigmatic; graceful; profound; doubtful; partial; presumptuous; lively; ingenious; gallant; noble; true; innocent; earthy; gross; fantastic; literary; passing; imperious; selfcentered; melancholy; artificial; sickening; modest; fabulous; false; platonic; vain; immense


    bare—; cloud with—; deplore—; devour with—; display—; fill with—; humor—; puff up with—; rebuke—; shatter—; soak in—; swallow up by—; tickle—; wallow in—; ween—; —disgusts; —exaggerates; —inflames; —overestimates; —overvalues; —prejudices ; —robs ; —twists

    (See egotism, pride, vanity.)

    Conceited adverbs

    harmlessly; ludicrously; solemnly; piteously; ridiculously; arrogantly; intolerably; stupidly; gracelessly; presumptuously; innocently; grossly; fantastically; offensively; imperiously; sickeningly; immensely; disgustingly; foolishly; inordinately; contemptibly; amusingly; ingenuously; artlessly; complacently; prodigiously; colossally; unconsciously; unwittingly; awkwardly; foppishly; simperingly; stagily; abominably; laughably; pathetically; noisily; theatrically; transparently; unreasonably; loftily; grandly; undeniably; extremely; palpably; remarkably; incredibly

    Conceive (v


    wondrously; hastily; chastely; humbly; craftily; admirably; distinctly; harshly; instantly; empirically; artistically; ingeniously; effectually; erroneously; majestically; nobly; inspiringly; popularly; narrowly; uniquely; morally; politically; cynically; definitely; puerilely; sentimentally; liberally; nebulously; intellectually; romantically; unchristianly; traditionally; previously; exaltedly; dramatically; subjectively; aesthetically; musically; competitively; peculiarly; erroneously; vitiatedly; incongruously; spontaneously; idealistically; judicially; crudely; grandly; divinely; immaculately; sympathetically

    (See understand, imagine.)

    Concentrate (v


    swiftly; mentally; logically; intensely; fruitfully; protractedly; deliberately; achingly; devoutly; exhaustively; grimly; intently; desperately; incessantly; persistently; passionlessly; impassionedly; carefully; ambitiously ; wholly

    (See focus.)

    Concentration adjectives

    mental; intense; logical; zestful; vague; dreamy; undue; fruitful; physical; protracted; deliberate; agonized; aching; devout; exhausting; grim; perpetual; desperate; implacable; administrative; deadly; intent; desired; completed; incessant; persistent; pronounced; impassioned; careful; gigantic


    affect—; cultivate—; direct—; gain by—; gather in—; lose in—; necessitate—; produce—; require—; strive for—; —collects; —empowers; —enables; —intensifies; — strengthens; —unifies

    (See condensation, contraction.)

    Conceivable adverbs

    scarcely; possibly; readily; easily; fantastically; reasonably; sensibly; hardly; barely; obscurely; oddly; grotesquely; faintly; ridiculously; probably; presumably; romantically; preposterously; theoretically; fancifully; appallingly

    Concept adjectives

    cynical; ethereal; social; major; permanent; simple; beneficent; fundamental; negative; petty; platonic; economic; emotional; rational; mystical; anthropopsychic; consonant; abstract; steady; liberal; heroic; ridiculous; idiotic


    accept—; build up—; discard—; express—; form—; guard—; hallow—; idealize—”, join in—; lose—; master—; produce—; reshape—; reverence—; symbolize—; —develops; —disappears; —fades; —grows

    (See idea, conception, thought, notion.)

    Conception adjectives

    majestic; noble; lofty; proud; inspiring; popular; beautiful; imperial; powerful; daring; profound; accurate; just; coherent; ingenious; undiluted; curious; unique; narrow; haziest; raw; immature; moral; military; brilliant; mental; political; cynical; definite; puerile; sentimental; novel; liberal; fixed; abstract; easy; inward; general; nebulous; artistic; imaginative; intellectual; evolutionary; theologic; ethical; romantic; freer; objective; movie; arabesque; unchristian; utopian; traditional; previous; exalted; true; delicate; grotesque; distinguished; gross; crude; dramatic; sensuous; wildest; essential; subjective; aesthetic; musical; dynamic; faintest; fickle; competitive; physical; adequate; theoretical; ancient; poetic; original; admirable; peculiar; erroneous; vitiated; serviceable; advanced; incongruous; spontaneous; idealistic; hysterical; cherished; judicial; fabulous; dim; vague; crude; gracious; rival; radiant; grand; different; proper; divine; immaculate; sordid; dominant; sympathetic; continental

    Conception verbs

    accept—;   acquire—;   attain—;  base—

    blur—; broaden—; clarify—; classify—; color—; confuse—; derive—; destroy—; disrupt—; divorce from—; embody—; endow—; enlarge—; envisage—; exalt—; expound—; fulfill—; gain—; give—; -implant—;  inherit—; justify—; perfect—

    ponder—; reflect—; rest on—; revise—; school in—; set aside—; translate—; — exists; —denotes; —forms; —prevails

    (See idea, notion, concept, impression, imagination.)

    Concern (business) adjectives

    pioneer; long-established; competing; successful; dominating; settled; private; commercial; ultra-respectable; prospective; pretentious

    Concern (feeling) adjectives

    sweet; kindly; tender; mild; affectionate; anxious; eager; charitable; intense; human; sympathetic; pitying; agonizing; real; honest; deep; serious; grave; consuming; jealous; secondary; irritable; superfluous; dramatic; suprasensual; primary; personal; lifelong; general; vital; ever-pressing; mutual; patent; complex; terrestrial; interior; materialistic; temporal; immediate; flourishing; pressing; extreme; disquieting; ethical; soft; menial; waking; paramount; nonchalant; hypochondriacal


    cause—; contemplate with—; create—; demonstrate—; detect—; ease—; engage—; excite—; feel—; feign—; frown with—; involve—; lift—; manifest—; neglect—; plead—; pretend—; question—; regard with—; relate with—; share—; throw into—; trouble with—; —vexes

    (See anxiety, care.)

    Concern (v) adverbs

    feverishly; intelligently; intimately; immensely; intensely; principally; solely; tenderly; mildly; affectionately; humanly; anxiously; eagerly; charitably; sympathetically; gravely; consumingly; jealously; dramatically; mutually; patently; materially; disquietingly; ethically; passionately. (See worry.

    Concerned adverbs

    deeply; anxiously; financially; nationally; personally; appallingly; vitally; scandalously; curiously; excitedly; nervously; strangely; unaccountably; justly; responsibly; unfortunately; uneasily; importantly; heavily; solicitously; inseparably; undeniably; painfully; seriously; gravely; primarily; materially; surreptitiously; secretly

    Concert adjectives

    classical; orchestral; spiritual; thrilling; indoor; monster; basic; charitable; home; impromptu

    Concerted adverbs

    effectively; influentially; efficiently; strongly; irresistibly; favorably; clannishly; irrepressibly; invincibly; alertly; thoughtfully; resolutely; vigilantly; guardedly; securely; legally; legitimately; warrantably; justifiably; formidably; confidently; ably; authoritatively; adaptably

    Concession adjectives

    radical; scandalous; surprising; trivial; veritable; voluntary; momentary; mutual; temporary; secret; valuable; unconscious; generous; dignified; minor; gracious; reciprocal; commercial; vital; unwise; unlimited; cowardly; benevolent; original; liberal; sufficient; pencil-making; political; unusual; unworthy


    accept—; allot—; allow—; appreciate—; claim—; demand—; exact—; execute—; exploit—; force into—; grant—; obtain—; receive—; refuse—; scorn—; submit to—; warrant—; yield—; —admits; —ameliorates; —rfails; —infers; 1—mitigates

    (See privilege, right, favor, allowance.)

    Conciliation adjectives

    harmonious; promoted; predetermined; unattainable; replete; voluntary; amiable; tender; lenient


    accept—; achieve—; attempt—; bring into—; declare—; dispute—; effect—; hope for—; offer—; open avenues of—; promote—; recommend—; strive for—; tease into—; welcome—; win—; —harmonizes; exhibit—

    (See reconciliation.)

    Conciliatory adverbs

    hopefully; possibly; presumably; properly; justly; wisely; sagaciously; favorably; sensibly; reasonably; soundly; fairly; profoundly; craftily; subtly; shrewdly; deceptively; fortunately; decently; respectfully; generously; honestly; appropriately; judiciously; impressively; moderately

    Concise adverbs

    gratifyingly; remarkably; satisfactorily; surprisingly; pleasingly; pleasantly; briefly;* compactly; crisply; laconically; tersely; conventionally; conveniently; exceedingly; curtly; pointedly; inexpressibly; faultlessly; commendably; laudably; extraordinarily; strikingly; necessarily; sensibly; wisely; prudently

    Conclude adverbs

    sorrowfully; erroneously; inevitably; cynically; peremptorily; definitely; abruptly; pessimistically; tartly; amicably; summarily; jocosely; confidently; coolly; officially; triumphantly; contemptuously; reasonably; legitimately; brilliantly; theoretically; logically; humiliatingly; despairingly; irresistibly; obviously; rationally; preposterously; statistically; ultimately; fallaciously; tragically; hypothetically; misleadingly

    (See end, close.)

    Conclusion adjectives

    official; generalized; conducive; triumphant; intelligible; contemptuous; doubtful; still; strict; legitimate; practical; definite; inevitable; vile; languid; painful; speculative; spiritualistic; solid; meager; practiced; satisfactory; reasonable; brilliant; virtuous; lurid; adventurous; foregone; theoretic; suitable; logical; compulsory; negative; ungracious; erroneous; murdering; palpable; bloody; humiliating; consolatory; dreary; preliminary; impotent; happy; sterile; demonstrated; scientific; auspicious; pregnant; valuable; horrible; devastating; despairing; portentous; irresistible; victorious; trivial; obvious; rational; abrupt; preposterous; statistical; ultimate; farcical; astonishing; surprising; fallacious; lame; subversive; opposite; tragic; hypothetical; critical; spooky; necessary; tricky; misleading


    accept—; admit—; arrive at—; base—on; bias—; bring to—; build—; carry to—; confirm—; crown—; deduce—; delude—; divine—; draw—; enunciate—; escape—; establish—; formulate—; induce—; influence—; jump to—; lead to—; march to—; perceive—; prejudice—; reach—; refute—; reinforce—; seek—; set down—; shake—; shape—; strengthen—; substantiate—; support—; sustain—; tolerate—; weigh—; win—; —fades; —follows

    (See decision, determination, deduction, completion.)

    Conclusive adverbs

    satisfactorily; officially; doubtfully; legally; definitely; painfully; reasonably; ungraciously; positively; absolutely; decisively; arbitrarily; dogmatically; incontestably; categorically; tyrannically; unmistakably; brutally; hopelessly; firmly; disagreeably; peremptorily; unconditionally; finally; uncannily; unalterably; happily

    Concoction adjectives

    promoting; bitter; delicious; fatal; philanthropic; potent

    Concomitant adverbs

    usually; habitually; naturally; presumably; probably; inevitably; recurrently; occasionally; reasonably; definitely; ordinarily; assuredly; undoubtedly; apparently; evidently; unavoidably; inescapably; painfully; unfortunately; strangely; miraculously; always; providentially; significantly; luckily; deliberately; designedly

    Concord adjectives

    never-ending; everlasting; universal; perfect; gentle; sweeping; jarring

    Concourse adjectives

    fortuitous; gallant; immense; abusive; vast; numerous (pl); divine; affected; orderly; deep

    Concrete adverbs

    convincingly; satisfactorily; actually; explicitly; expressly; objectively; substantially; sensibly; perceptibly; representatively; appreciably; unequivocally; unmistakably; demonstrably; intelligently; decisively; intelligibly; comprehensibly

    Concur (v) adverbs

    entirely; amiably; directly; heartily; halfheartedly; diplomatically; affably; casually; tentatively; provisionally; privately; unboundedly; tranquilly

    (See agree.)

    Concussion adjectives

    hearty; fearful; tremendous; momentary; enormous

    Condemn (v) adverbs

    unjustly; unmercifully; irrevocably; universally; intentionally; mildly; mercilessly; unhesitatingly; petulantly; emphatically; unanimously; bitterly; publicly; unqualifiedly; unhesitatingly; blindly; severely; drastically; indignantly; barbarously; formally

    (See censure, blame.)

    Condemnation adjectives

    bitter; unqualified; sharp; public; critical; sweeping; unhesitating; blind; severest; vigorous; censorious; sorrowful; active; reverberating; drastic; unhesitating; iniquitous; unanimous; cruel; scornful; indignant


    announce—; deserve—; fall into—; judge —; launch—; merit—; procure—of; pronounce—; repent—; reproach with—; spare—; steep in —; —blames; —censures; —inflames; —libels; —slanders

    (See denunciation.)

    Condensation adjectives

    amazing; conjoined; hasty; literal; moderate; sensible; viscous


    effect—; hasten—; —compresses; —concentrates; —converts; —crowds; —eliminates; —hardens; —intensifies; —purifies; —reduces; —thickens; —vaporizes; —heats

    (See contraction.)

    Condescend (v) adverbs

    urbanely; graciously; ostentatiously; hypocritically; patronizingly; haughtily; languidly; stiffly; benignantly; amusingly; gently; amiably; magnanimously

    (See yield.)

    Condescension adjectives

    gradual; ostentatious; hypocritical; patronizing; lofty; haughty; languid; stiff; graceful; benignant; edifying; condoling; infinite; good-natured; familiar; awful; terrifying; presidential; amusing; gentle; utmost; amiable; degrading

    Condition adjectives

    excellent; perfect; satisfactory; ideal; pathological; prepossessing; happy; blissful; remarkable; unusual; stringent; robust; righteous; tumbled; primitive; dilapidated; neglected; unsanitary; crowded; miserable; terrible; deplorable; woeful; pitiful; gloomy; below par; demoralized; alarming; untidy; fatigued; distracted; productive; senile; mental; unsettled; financial; gaseous; ultimate; permanent; natural; relaxed; garrulous; hard; analogous; harsh; proper; normal; correct; genial; glamorous; inspiring; delectable; humane; contemporary; dangerous; chaotic; changing; temporal; local; grim; corrupt; pleasant; evil; unfavorable; quiet; working; early; stipulated; defined; varying; existing; hazardous; severe; embryonic; calamitous; operating; parlous; servile; underlying; rational; peculiar; degraded; wretched; degenerate; interesting; flowing; discouraging; artificial; erotic; fluctuating; adverse; slight; disabled; neglected; ill; molten; outward; altered; poisoned; responsive; ameliorated; inferior; industrial; abject; starving; infamous; foot; expressed; optical; grievous; flourishing; inchoate; ultimate; top-notch; depraved; unsightly; unbailed; distressing; threatening; unsatisfactory; disturbed; semi-barbarous; undated; prolonged; chronic; stagnant; delicate; incompatible; belligerent; vapory; hopeless; molecular; rigid; fluid; atmospheric; frightful; impaired; moribund; aeronautical; helpless; critical; social; intellectual; established; humblest; embarrassed; bruised; political; drooping; prostrate; arid; thriving; ragged; dreadful; introverted; muddy; complicating; traffic; subgrade; unique; cheeky; destitute; nourishing; visceral; taut; contrasting; inflammatory; amorphous; surrounding; climatic; hypnotic; healthy; antecedent; clogged; encumbered; sober; lamentable; crippled; acute; pecuniary; opposing; ignoble; temporary; famishing; incurable; elastic; seraphic; upset; identical; light; irritated; anguished; tubercular; gruelling; convulsive; befuddled; unhygienic; defenseless; spasmodic; morbid; equivalent; special; cold; heterogeneous; disordered; atomic; perilous; habitable; succulent; certain; unbearable; deterrent; cataleptic; humbler; prevailing; linguistic; odd; sophisticated; desolate; quick; ruinous; exhausted; disastrous; bewildering; desiccated; foolish; precise; replenished; humble; itching; depleted; slovenly; idyllic; impassable; negative; perplexed


    abolish—; accept—; accustom to—; adapt to—; affect—; aggravate—; alter—; ameliorate—; analyze—; appraise—; avoid—; benefit by—; better—; cavil—; check—; comply with—; comprehend—; conquer—; consider—; contribute to—; convert—; cope with—; create—; depend on—; designate —; diagnose—; discover—; elucidate—; embrace—; encounter—; enter on—; eradicate—; exaggerate—; exemplify—; exempt from—; foresee—; fulfill—; govern—; heal—; ignore—; impose—; improve—; inform of—; investigate—; judge—; manifest—; mark—; neglect—; obviate—; portray—; prophesy—; protest—; recognize—; rectify—; regard—; regulate—; rejuvenate—; relieve—; remedy—; restore—; tule—; scorn—; simulate—; stabilize—; stipulate—; subject to—; submit to—; taint—; thrive on—; treat—; ward off—; welcome—; yield to—; —arises; —attends; —characterizes; —culminates in; —embitters; —ensues; —evolves; —indicates; —permits; —persists; —prevails; —provokes; —recurs; —reflects; —shifts; —spreads; springs from—; —threatens; — vanishes; —warrants; —yields to

    (See state, plight, situation.)

    Conditional adverbs

    wisely; definitely; stringently; deplorably; properly; unfortunately; explicitly; reasonably; ungraciously; tersely; curtly; offensively; repugnantly; humiliatingly; auspiciously; trivially; favorably; rationally; surprisingly; trickily; equivocally; provok-ingly; treacherously; deviously; perplex-ingly; unacceptably; fantastically

    Condone (v) adverbs

    sentimentally; magnanimously; freely; sanctimoniously; unqualifiedly; humanely; broad-mindedly; intelligently; tenderly; affectionately; willingly; absolutely

    (See pardon.)

    Conducive adverbs

    actually; essentially; significantly; distinctly; fundamentally; valuably; originally; splendidly; meritoriously; superbly; indubitably; definitely; expressly; enduringly; surprisingly; virtually; actively; serviceably; indispensably; profitably; indescribably; indisputably

    Conduct adjectives

    private; meritorious; exemplary; commendable; efficient; high; sane; civilized; plausible; consistent; circumspect; chivalrous; gallant; lazy; mannerless; unmanly; unruly; annoying; indecorous; flagitious; instinctive; rebellious; licentious; abstemious; intemperate; editorial; criminal; theatrical; active; shameless; cruel; precipitate; fraudulent; inexplicable; barbarous; unyielding; daring; ungenerous; dishonest; peaceful; angelic; perverse; questionable; refractory; intolerable; neutral; patriotic; discreditable; irreproachable; disloyal; flagrant; flighty; analytical; unruly; outrageous; flamboyant; unethical; forward; arbitrary; obstreperous; bearish; boorish; courteous; perceptive; irascible; mad; depraved


    approve—; better—; correct—; decry—; denounce—; deprecate—; elevate—; emulate—; guide—; improve—; impugn—; influence—; interpret—. loathe—; pursue—; restrain—; shape—; —agitates; —conforms

    (See behavior.)

    Conduct (v) adverbs

    inelegantly; rigidly; honorably; intelligently; prudently; improvidently; solemnly; marvelously; diligently; privately; secretly; commendably; efficiently; circumspectly; indecorously; rebelliously; licentiously; meritoriously; intemperately; editorially; criminally; theatrically; shamelessly; precipitately; fraudulently; barbarously; inexplicably; unyieldingly; daringly; dishonestly; peacefully; perversely; questionably; irreproachably; disloyally; analytically; unethically; arbitrarily; obstreperously; boorishly; courteously

    (See escort, lead.)

    Conductor (electric) adjectives

    central; extended; brass; faulty; fixed

    insulated; metallic; prime; water-tight


    ground—; insulate—; pass through—; shield—; tape—;  —carries; —conveys

    —shocks; —transmits

    Conductor (escort or guide) adjectives

    gifted; orchestral; philharmonic; natural; theatrical; amiable; poor; talented; celebrated


    tip—; uniform—; —accompanies; —collects; —directs; —escorts; —leads; —lectures; —motions; —signals; —guides

    (See guide, leader, escort.)

    Conduit adjectives

    earthen; flood; secret; circuitous; transmitting; subterranean; water


    block—; bury—; clog—; connect—; drain —; force through—; issue from—; obstruct—; paint—; pipe through—; pour from—; pump through—; run through—; spout from—; —channels; —communicates; —conveys; —distributes; —freezes; —irrigates; —leads; —leaks; —protects; —rusts; —spouts; —transmits; —channels

    (See channel, canal, pipe, passage.)

    Cone adjectives

    long; slender; truncated; symmetrical; veritable

    Confection adjectives

    tasteless; mystic; sundry; delightful; cooked; appetizing; delicate

    Confederation adjectives

    absolute; powerful; vigorous; active; loyal

    Confer (v) adverbs

    secretly; ostentatiously; freely; proposedly; hurriedly; briefly; privately; personally; officially; nationally; informally; ominously; endlessly; amicably; annually; softly; treacherously; rebelliously

    (See give, consult.)

    Conference adjectives

    friendly; all-night; midnight; afternoon; dinner; proposed; rapid; hurried; whispered; brief; private; personal; long; wearisome; fateful; remarkable; regional; diplomatic; astronomical; family; official; arms; plenipotentiary; national; gad; radical; recent; emergency; worth-while; informal; preliminary; secret; ominous; homespun; amicable; endless; intended; extraordinary; soft; affable; casual; overheard; annual


    adjourn—; address—; break off—; bring before—; buckle down to—; close—; demand—with; dissolve—; gather in—; herald—; meet in—; preside over—; represent at—; resume—; sponsor—; urge—; —assembles; —collapses; —convenes; —discusses; —elects; —ensues; —formulates; —governs; —honors; —outlaws; —passes; —resolves; —rules

    (See consultation, assembly, meeting, council.)

    Confess (v) adverbs

    ruefully; subsequently; truthfully; naively; timorously; hesitatingly; blushingly; penitently; candidly; gaily; blankly; humbly; frankly; affectionately; artlessly; shamefully; indiscreetly; unavailably; tacitly; touchingly; reciprocally; mortifyingly; abjectly; tearfully; belatedly; mysteriously; sincerely

    (See acknowledge, admit.)

    Confession adjectives

    tender; precious; eloquent; hopeful; naive; humble; honest; frank; full; complete; difficult; horrifying; shameful; deadly; indiscreet; voluptuous; phlegmatic; unavailing; liberal; honorable; tacit; plenary: revealing; bashful; touching; pitiful; reciprocal; soft; mortifying; abject; sham; constant; ecclesiastical; tearful; cool; belated; unconscious; mysterious; derisive; sincere; youthful; unsworn


    acknowledge—; beat out—; demand—; deny—; dictate—; drag out—; evidence—; force—; pour out—; record—; render—; repudiate—; rescind—; secure—; sign—; urge—; witness—; —absolves; —alleviates; —amends; —humbles; —humiliates

    (See statement.)

    Confidant adjectives

    intimate; faithful; special; ever-receptive; sympathetic

    Confide (v


    tearfully; languidly; apologetically; falter-ingly; timidly; loyally; genially; divinely; joyously; blithely; serenely; placidly; patriotically; arrogantly; spiritually; intellectually; unhesitatingly; profoundly; utterly; tactlessly; implicitly; tranquilly; pathetically; personally; charmingly; unsuspectingly; absolutely; unboundedly; complacently; wistfully

    (See trust, commit.)

    Confidence adjectives

    gentle; sublime; fine; loyal; supreme; soft; wedded; divine; marvelous; ecstatic; gay; genial; joyous; blithe; touching; cheerful; certain; perfect; fullest; resolute; complete; boundless; utmost; limitless; inviolable; serene; calm; placid; sorry; silent; sober; patriotic; popular; renewed; immovable; easy; abiding; stern; arrogant; thrusting; spiritual; intellectual; infinite; presumptuous; invincible; unhesitating; sordid; utmost; assumed; strict; obliging; overweening; profound; veiled; restored; undiminished; buoyant; fullest; sincerest; utter; vanished; inspired; mutual; tactless; quiet; secure; fulsome; sketchy; unusual; industrial; heart-rending; tranquil; prophetic; pathetic; liberal; devilish; strong; superb; robust; shaken; animated; personal; imposing; charming; public; reminiscent; radiant; humble; preternatural; unsuspecting; absolute; unlimited; innocent; •celebrated; unbounded; harassed; habitual; complacent; unreasonable; loving; admiring; snaring; heartfelt; unbroken; implicit; tender; childish; exaggerated; curious; sufficient; eager; wistful; vigorous; community; aboriginal


    beget—; betray—; blend in—; break—; breed—; buttress—; destroy—; dull—; dwell in—; earn—; enjoy—; establish—; evince—; evoke—; exchange—; express—; found in—; gravitate into—; honor with—; inspire—; interchange—; justify—; merit —; misplace—; mistrust—; reek—; regain—; register—; reject—; rejoice in—; renounce—; repose—in; restore—; root—in; shake—; share—; stimulate—; swear—; treat in—; undermine—; violate—; warrant—; weaken—; win—; —prevails; —soars; —wavers

    (See trust, faith, assurance, reliance.)

    Confident adverbs

    absolutely; unreasonably; justifiably; egotistically; blatantly; extravagantly; gravely; seriously; shrewdly; assuredly; assuringly; comfortably; comfortingly; sublimely; loyally; marvellously; genially; joyously; blithely; cheerfully; completely; calmly; placidly; quietly; serenely; imperturbably; sternly; presumptuously; overly; foolishly; fully; securely; unusually; tranquilly; impressively; charmingly; innocently; radiantly; unsuspectingly; habitually; complacently; curiously; encouragingly; courageously; egregiously; preposterously; rashly; absurdly; unjustifiably; unwarrantably; groundlessly; erroneously; profoundly

    Confidential adverbs

    strictly; necessarily; solemnly; terribly; mysteriously; portentously; ominously; seriously; vitally; stupendously; scrupulously; inviolately; momentously; significantly; essentially; intimately; sacredly; impressively; formidably; extremely; supremely

    Configuration adjectives

    geographical; tortured; certain; edifying; fundamental; classic

    Confine (v) adverbs

    exclusively; undeservedly; prudently; inexorably; mainly; remorselessly; necessarily; sedulously; comparatively; narrowly; continuously; irksomely

    (See restrict, restrain.)

    Confinement adjectives

    solitary; respectful; prolonged; comparative; narrow; continuous; feverish; rigid; instant; irksome

    Confirm (v) adverbs

    speedily; stirringly; rapidly; strikingly; miraculously; unanimously; explicitly; concretely; abundantly; singularly; unexpectedly; instantaneously; amply; particularly. (See affirm.

    Confirmation adjectives

    complete; concrete; documentary; supplemental; splendid; singular; unexpected; instantaneous; unconscious; unexamined; fresh; particular; ample


    add the weight of—; ascertain—; authenticate—; dread—; establish—; inspect—; investigate—; maintain—; rejoice in—; sanction—; settle—; strengthen—; —assures; —convinces; —corroborates; —encourages; —fortifies; —legalizes; —proves; —ratifies; —removes doubt; —supports; —verifies

    (See ratification, proof.)

    Conflagration adjectives

    frequent; devastating; disastrous; brilliant; nation-wide; mounting; enormous; Widespread; delightful; amorous; raging; perpetual


    battle—; beat down—; contend with—; fight—; fan—; kindle—; prevent—; quell —; smother—; —blazes; —bursts out; —consumes; —deforests; —denudes; —dies; —envelops; —extends to; —menaces; —rages; —razes; —roars; —spreads; —threatens

    (See fire, blaze.)

    Conflict adjectives

    triumphant; gigantic; stupendous; long; arduous; amorous; constant; eternal; ceaseless; sensational; heroic; dramatic; deliberate; determined; serious; severe; sharp; irrepressible; terrible; bitter; wasteful; violent; fierce; • wanton; emotional; moral; general; visible; notorious; open; direct; external; coming; local; unfortunate; inevitable; sanguinary; approaching; irreconcilable; internal; civilized; irritating; unexpected; enormous; hopeless; impending; obstinate; fighting; deadly; desperate; immediate; disastrous; conscientious; earnest; class; bloody; obvious; unrelenting; savage; decisive; fiery; trying; mental; territorial; genial; protracted; brutal; decorous; tragic; linguistic; hopeless; commercial; hideous; armed; tumultuous; selfish; subjective; periodic; uncertain; psychic; intestinal


    avert—; avoid—; draw into—; elude—; end—; engage in—; experience—; explode in—; foment—; precipitate—; prolong—; provoke—; raise—; run into—; —bobs up; —bursts out; —consumes; —engulfs; —rages; —rends

    (See strife, battle, antagonism.)


    amorously; arduously; eternally; ceaselessly; sensationally; heroically; dramatically; deliberately; irresponsibly; violently; terribly; wantonly; emotionally; notoriously; morally; externally; locally; inevitably; irreconcilably;1 obstinately; desperately; disastrously; .conscientiously; unrelentingly; savagely; decisively; mentally; commercially; tumultuously; subjectively

    (See interfere.)

    Confluence adjectives

    riotous; harmonious; thickest; torrential; raging; seething; undistinguishable; peaceful; grateful

    Conform (v) adverbs

    tactfully; placidly; pusillanimously; complacently; docilely; strictly; entirely; rigidly; inflexibly; artistically; artificially; legally

    Conformation adjectives

    athletic; peculiar; well-sculptured

    Conformity adjectives

    complacent; pusillanimous; docile; strict; rigid

    Confound (v\ adverbs

    eternally; mysteriously; inexplicably; unspeakably; fathomlessly; gropingly; helplessly; inextricably

    (See confuse.)

    Confront (v) adverbs

    bravely; indignantly; furiously; impudently; boldly; fearlessly; carelessly; brazenly; dramatically; theatrically; vociferously

    (See face, oppose.

    Confuse (v) adverbs

    paradoxically; wildly; deliberately; intricately; endlessly; inextricably; disastrously; emotionally; momentarily; infinitely; significantly; chaotically; intellectually; indescribably; feignedly; mentally; feverishly; socially; psychologically; mysteriously; purposely

    (See perplex, embarrass.)


    delightfully; mysteriously; vaguely; per-plexingly; hopelessly; strangely; comically; disastrously; completely; horribly; indescribably; visibly; manifestly; palpably; uproariously; tipsily; foggily; dazedly; rosily; brokenly; happily; incurably; pathetically; laughably; ridiculously

    Confusion adjectives

    joyous; cheerful; honest; orderly; multiple; endless; inextricable; strange; disastrous; hideous; sad; raging; wildest; lusty; deliberate; emotional; slight; flushed; misty; crimson; seeming; impersonal; peaceful; complete; topographical; blissful; momentary; deepening; infinite; picturesque; sweet; chaotic; irretrievable; tense; inextricable; hopeless; perpetual; crystalline; bosky; horrid; general; utter; utmost; ominous; significant; seeming; gibbering; dire; considerable; delightful; pretty; dreadful; studied; intellectual; speculative; indescribable; handsome; indistinct; tremendous; bubbling; multiform; feigned; visible; musical; whirling; mental; metaphysical; apparent; dusty; feverish; social; psychological; mysterious; manifold; crazy; melancholy; uproarious; disturbing; advertized; puzzling; commodious; vociferous; smiling


    afflict with—; boil with—; cover—; create—; deliver to—; eliminate—; embroil with—; fall into—; fill with—; flounder in—; grapple with—; heap—; lose in—; provoke—; retire in—; subdue—; subject to—; throw into—; weather—; work—; —aggravates; —ensues; —rises; —surrounds

    (See tumult, consternation, disorder, commotion, agitation, distraction.)

    Congeal (v) adverbs

    instantaneously; readily; perfectly; partially; entirely; ultimately; normally; swiftly; rapidly; completely

    (See freeze.)

    Congenial adverbs

    completely; pleasantly; unusually; agreeably; charmingly; entertainingly; jovially: truly; happily; amiably; comfortably; curiously; delightfully; inestimably; distinctly

    unobtrusively; quietly; cheerfully; sociably; cosily; highly; exceedingly; unexpectedly; affably; unpretentiously; unaffectedly; artlessly

    Congested adverbs

    hopelessly; inconveniently; dangerously; inordinately; needlessly; desperately; irremediably; impossibly; horribly; alarmingly; purposely; intentionally; stupidly; foolishly; senselessly; inextricably

    Congestion adjectives

    plethoric; cerebral; abnormal; prolonged; urban; slight; permanent


    accumulate—; clear—; heap in—; increase—; relieve—; —retards; —bars; —blocks; —crowds; —disorders; —hampers; —hinders; —impairs; —masses; —obstructs; —overcomes; —produces; — spreads; —weakens

    (See confusion.)

    Conglomerate adverbs

    ingeniously; heterogeneously; democratically; unmistakably; undeniably; utterly; curiously; interestingly; bewilderingly; confusedly; kaleidoscopically; staggeringly; internationally; unintelligibly; confusingly; diffusely; outlandishly; bizarrely; barbarically; inimitably; noisily; astoundingly; extravagantly; oddly; strangely

    Conglomera TION adjectives

    kaleidoscopic; multitudinous; staggering; curious; imperial

    Congratulate (v) adverbs

    civilly; warmly; cordially; sincerely; dutifully; ceremoniously; facetiously; humbly; genially; volubly; effusively; solemnly; heartily; fulsomely; fiendishly

    (See sympathize.)

    Congratula TIONS adjectives

    dutiful; abortive; ceremonious; facetious; humble; warmest; genial; voluble; solemn; heartiest


    acknowledge—; appreciate—; beam—; convey—; deliver—; deserve—; dismiss—; exchange—; express—; extend—; flood with—s; offer—; pay—; rejoice in—; return—; shower—; telegraph—; warrant—; wave away—; —gratify

    (See felicitation, sympathy.)

    Congratulatory adverbs

    pleasantly; dutifully; filially; grudgingly; ceremoniously; facetiously; happily; joyously; heartily; warmly; genially; jovially; jocosely; waggishly; proudly; solemnly; blessedly; rapturously; ecstatically; coolly; civilly; courteously; officially; politely; perfunctorily; obsequiously; unctuously; sententiously

    Congregate (v) adverbs

    temptingly; silently; conservatively; piously; scantily; annually; triumphantly; sorrowfully; formally; diplomatically; dutifully

    (See gather.)

    Congregation adjectives

    motley; cultivated; dissolving; silent; dissenting; pious; foul; dispersing; scanty; sunburned; shaggy; staid; conservative


    assemble—; bless—; break up—; call—; come into—; cut off from—; distract—; gather—; offer to —; preach to—; rile—; sanctify—; separate from—; —breaks into song; —issues forth; —responds; —worships

    (See assembly, gathering.)

    Congress adjectives

    chaotic; international; bicameral; complaisant; musical; unique; legislative; filibustering


    discipline—; elect to—; empower—; importune—; prevail upon—; prod—; represent in—; seat in—; storm—; sway—; —adjourns; —appropriates; —assembles; —authorizes; —confers on; —confirms; —convenes; —debates; —deliberates; —designates; —dissolves; —frames; —functions; —interviews; —lags; —legislates

    —meets; —rebels; —reforms; —regulates

    —rejects; —revises; —suspends; —taxes

    (See assembly, conference, legislature.)

    Congressman adjectives

    conspicuous; humorless; accomplished; grandiloquent; rabble-rousing; argumentative; glorified


    appeal to—; berate—; bribe—; criticize—; elect—; invite—; petition—; rally to—; reserve for—; run for—; select—; support—; —addresses; —men assemble; —men convene; —declines; —deliberates; —discusses; —filibusters; —introduces; —issues; —orates; —proposes; —protests; —questions; —represents; —signs; —withdraws

    (See legislator, senator, member.)

    Congruity adjectives

    separate; manifest; apparent; gratifying; practical; theoretical

    Congruous adverbs

    wholly; wonderfully; appropriately; nicely; exactly; accurately; entirely; aptly; adroitly; studiously; carefully; considerately; thoughtfully; becomingly; pertinently; relatively; agreeably; altogether; duly; happily; felicitously; opportunely; superbly; extraordinarily

    Conjecture adjectives

    whispered; frail; simple; stimulating; vague; languid; rational; bewildered; shrewd; right; straining; probable; plausible; sanguine; hurried; vacillating; speculative; half-hinted; serious; wild; cynical; fruitless; premature; alarming;^ague


    absorb in—; base on—; cast—; conclude from—; form—; gather from—; infer from—; inject—; judge on—; offer—; propose—; scoff at—; scorn—; throw—

    —guesses; —puzzles; —surmises

    (See guess, hypothesis, surmise, supposition, inference.)

    Conjunction adjectives

    successive; particular; clumsy; covert


    Conjuncture adjectives

    fortunate; frequent; prodigious; delicate; straight; critical

    Conjuration adjectives

    detestable; measured; spirited; inviolable; occult; mystic

    Connect (v) adverbs

    closely; organically; intimately; indissolubly; collaterally; innocently; eminently; honestly; inseparably; originally; exclusively; subtly; physiologically; remotely; unconsciously; persistently; matrimonially; adequately; lucratively; harmoniously; intellectually; surreptitiously; invisibly; uniformly; rigidly; profitably; vitally; perniciously; internationally

    (See join, link.)

    Connection adjectives

    reciprocal; physiological; closest; definite; remote; natural; intimate; unfathomable; unconscious; persistent; unbroken; illicit; valuable; influential; apparent; multifarious; judicious; matrimonial; fragmentary; uninterrupted; shameless; casual; obvious; adequate; touching; apparent; numerous: lucrative; remote; inevitable; mercantile; harmonious; manifold; intellectual; surreptitious; invisible; sole; florid; uniform; rigid; profitable; neat; positive; irregular; plausible; vital; pernicious; direct; deepwater; international; brief; genetic


    block—; break—; contract—with; disclaim —; dissolve—; establish—; fasten—; invalidate—; join in—with; link in—with; maintain—; mark—; mention in—with; prevent —; prohibit—; rend—; repudiate—; run in —with; sever—; snap—; —binds; —ties

    (See union, alliance, relationship, affiliation, association.)

    Connective adjectives

    social; iconoclastic; ineffectual; sturdy; tried

    Conniving adjectives

    petty; treasonable; clever; skillful; foxy; selfish


    appreciative; true; profound; ogling; dramatic; amateur

    Connotation adjectives

    biological; original; conventional; proper; sentimental; hazy

    Conquer (v) adverbs

    technically; triumphantly; intellectually; eventually; honorably; personally; ultimately; romantically; basely; scientifically; partially; irresistibly

    (See win.)

    Conqueror adjectives

    ultimate; sottish; roving; indigenous; vulgar; rapacious; satiate; daunted; virile; invisible; illustrious; single-handed; lesser


    hail—; herald—; honor—; overthrow—; proclaim—; welcome—; —acquires; —attains; —campaigns; —defeats; —enslaves; —gains; —invades; —masters; —overcomes; —pursues; —retreats; —subdues; —subjugates; —vanquishes; —wars

    (See hero, army.)

    Conquest adjectives

    intellectual; territorial; illusory; unprovoked; honorable; vainglorious; continental; shameful; prophetic; industrial; imperial; personal; doubtful; amatory; remote; ultimate; easy; dazzling; barren; adventurous; romantic; material; barbarian; complete; base; air; unbroken; momentary; perpetual; fresh; hard-won; social; scientific; partial; furtive; rapid; notorious; feminine; irresistible; radical


    achieve—; acquire by—; crown—; effect—; enjoy the fruits of—; frustrate—; gain by—; herald—; inspire—; plunge into—; reap—; repel—; revel in—; revenge—; spread—; subdue by—; threaten—; win—; —captivates; —falters; —subdues; —subjugates; —succeeds; —stifles

    (See victory, triumph.)


    smooth; haunting; latent; intellectual; padded; inflexible; insufferable; awakened; strenuous; quickening; guilty; drugged; beaten; stoned; sensitive; reproachful; artistic; obsessed; national; tender; obtuse; uneasy; straightforward; delicate; vast; floating; scientific; sensitive; capricious; filial; indulgent; fastidious; individual; obdurate; seared; well-seasoned; masterful; stricken; resolved; struggling; agonizing; heavy; unsilenced; proscriptive; renewed; peaceful; corrupted; condemning; fierce; judicial; worrying; ethical; aesthetic; perverse; poor; wounded; high; mute; alarmed; keen; free; super-developed; healthy; supreme; determined; clear; untroubled; twinging; aching; writhing; elastic; sluggish; bomb-proof; democratic; prickly; literary; celebrated; puritan; political; approving; private; childish


    alarm—; appeal to—; arouse—; cauterize —; compromise—; defile—; disburden—; ease—; examine—; fetter—; free—; invoke—; muffle—; offend—; pad—; purge —; quiet—; rectify—; rule by—; salve—; sear—; shake—; sour—; square—; suppress—; torment—; wake—; weaken—; wound—; wring—; —assails; —blames; —condemns; —convicts; —impels; —reproaches; —plagues; —prompts; —reproves; —slumbers; —tortures; —troubles; —twinges; —upbraids; —whispers

    (See judgment.)

    Conscientious adverbs

    terribly; puritannically; extremely; rigorously; sternly; austerely; deeply; painfully; rigidly; stiffly; decorously; properly; unimpeachably; irreproachably; becomingly; stringently; dutifully; amenably; respectably; scrupulously; incorruptibly; courageously; lamentably; uncomfortably; ostentatiously; unnecessarily; carefully; foolishly

    Conscientiousness adjectives

    exemplary; deep;v historical; magnificent; stubborn; commendable; heroic

    Conscious adverbs

    fully; acutely; painfully; vividly; sharply; altogether; keenly; curiously; tinglingly; psychically; sorely; happily; uncomfortably

    wretchedly; pleasantly; rapturously; intensely; suddenly; poignantly; astutely; wholly; partially; slowly; wearily; actually; bitterly

    Consciousness adjectives

    full; private; inner; drowsier; ennobling; waking; joyous; veiled; guilty; perverted; bitter; instinctive; ever-abiding; susceptible; dawning; dim; proud; individual; well-founded; disagreeable; acute; living; unadmitted; amiable; gloomy; pleased; uplifting; mortifying; vivid; present; dreadful; despotic; widened; glad; glowing; impersonal; ineffable; half-bewildered; wordless; religious; glimmering; astonishing; sudden; joyful; intense; demure; collective; profound; transitory; shamefaced; lucid; reviving; inward; shaky; disintegrated; beatific; humble; native; growing; diffused; human; continental; pained; financial; class; political; social


    bestow—; bring to—; develop—; display—; drag to—; enfold—; indicate—; jar into—; lose—; obscure—; obsess—; percolate—; possess—; precede—; retain—; rub into—; seize with—; thrust into—; vanish from—; waken to—; —brings; —evolves

    (See sensation, feeling, intuition.)

    Conscription adjectives

    ruthless; established; legislated; mandatory; selective; indiscriminative

    Consecrate (v} adverbs

    specially; religiously; ceremoniously; hal-lowedly; reverently; formally; fittingly; impressively

    (See dedicate, hallow.)

    Consecrated adverbs

    divinely; ecclesiastically; eternally; sacredly; early; devoutly; devotedly; faithfully; humbly; reverently; splendidly; conspicuously; avowedly; deeply; practically; notably; eminently; heroically; illustriously; piously; solemnly; gloriously; signally. adjectives

    immortal; pathetic; tragic; perpetual; ecclesiastical

    Consecutive adverbs

    conveniently; endlessly; monotonously; meticulously; punctiliously; carefully; accurately; impressively; rarely; handily; painstakingly; comfortably; accommodatingly; appropriately; properly; tediously; invariably; methodically; systematically; exactly; significantly; actually

    Con SEN'I adjectives

    unanimous; magnanimous; particular; ardent; tacit; grudging; reluctant; common; hard; general; cringing; mutual; unwilling; formal; personal; passive; generous; grumbling; effective; mournful; gracious. verbs

    announce—; batter into—; blush—; crave —; deny—; desire—; extend—; nod—; serve with—; suffer—; swear—; win—; wink—; write—; yield—

    (See acquiescence, compliance, approval, agreement.)

    Consent (v) adverbs

    reluctantly; unwittingly; tacitly; handsomely; gloomily; instantly; sulkily; cheerfully; wisely; legally; unanimously; ardently; magnanimously; grudgingly; cringingly; mutually; unwillingly; formally; personally; passively; generously; mournfully; graciously; blandly

    (See agree, concur.)

    Consequence adjectives

    natural; territorial; eventual; disastrous; cruel; tremendous; necessary; self-evident; dramatic; dire; logical; inevitable; direct; lurking; ambushed; far-reaching; political; educational; perilous; unavoidable; permanent; favorable; momentous; sensational; serious; instantaneous; important; natural; surprising; paramount; probable; horrible; evil; debasing; fruitful; deplorable; certain; fatal; utmost; ethical; awful; unexpected; deepest; unforeseen; equivalent; temporal; invisible; viewless; heavy; mechanical; mischievous; injurious; dreadful; remoter; unshunned; catastrophic; desirable; possible; incalculable; wretched

    disagreeable; appalling; wonderful; beneficent; brilliant; obvious; patent; inescapable; vital; enormous; tragic; devastating; demoralizing; calamitous; unhappy; embarrassing; ultimate; physiological; emotional; social; financial; moral; risky; comical; small; foolish; involved; detailed; legal


    abide by—; appreciate—; avert—; balk at—; conceal—; dread—; deter by—; escape—; face—; ignore—; portray—; realize—; shun—; suffer—; torment by—t —ensues; —follows; —results in

    (,See issue, result, outcome, importance, distinction, consideration.

    Consequential adverbs

    evidently; ludicrously; ridiculously; arrogantly; pompously; stupidly; gracelessly; presumptuously; impressively; ostentatiously; grossly; fantastically; grotesquely; immensely; inordinately; amusingly; complacently; colossally; awkwardly; stagily; foppishly; laughably; theatrically; loftily; extremely; unbelievably; absurdly

    Conservatism adjectives

    zealous; sprightly; stubborn; passionate; industrious; extreme; moderate; innate; disillusioned; smug; hearty; emotional


    abolish—; admire—; characterize by—; embody—; engender—; enliven—; epitomize—; hinder by—; practice—; preserve—; prod—; produce—; satisfy—; school in—; shrink from—; swerve from—; swing toward—; —crops up; —fears; —retains; —safeguards

    (See stability, conventionality.)

    Conservative adjectives

    uncompromising; extreme; staunchest; gruesome; obstinate; grim; sturdy; born; honest; cynical; stuffy; hidebound


    incurably; tenaciously; consistently; obstinately; stubbornly; half-heartedly; permanently; solidly; stiffly; unchangeably; fixedly; firmly; immovably; resolutely; irrevocably; steadfastly; unalterably; inactively; quietly; passively; zealously; passionately; smugly; contentedly; pertinaciously; temperamentally

    Consider (v) adverbs

    intrinsically; impartially; tenderly; duly; carnally; prospectively; lightly; maturely, accordingly; politically; honestly; anxiously; tentatively; dispassionately; seriously; previously; arithmetically; erroneously; respectfully; matrimonially; rationally; theoretically; belatedly; paternally; philosophically; delicately; momentously; sympathetically; unselfishly; posthumously; temporarily; shallowly; economically; sordidly; morally; optionally

    (See ponder, contemplate.)

    Considerable adverbs

    seriously; worthily; assuredly; notably; prominently; essentially; substantially; critically; imposingly; gravely; materially; remarkably; significantly; signally; vitally; momentously; impressively

    Considerate adverbs

    courteously; thoughtfully; tenderly; officiously; politely; deferentially; respectfully; appropriately; unusually; obsequiously; deliberately; generally; astutely; keenly; shrewdly; tenderly; mercifully; tolerantly; benevolently; charitably; generously; Carefully; prudently; providently; hospitably; alertly; vigilantly; scrupulously

    Consideration adjectives

    theoretic; paternal; belated; distinguished; favorable; humanitarian; ethical; vital; special; tedious; individual; secondary; close; palpable; philosophic; calm; striking; delicate; tremendous; seeming; abstract; solemn; gracious; serious; momentous; indisputable; respectful; monetary; sympathetic; elusive; salient; important; unselfish; quiet; melancholy; ostensible; due; prime; obvious; mature; practical; minor; limited; partial; long; sedate; candid; fuller; posthumous; unspeakable; distracted; chivalrous; remote; keen; theoretical; various (pl.); confidential; thoughtful; reasoned; dominant; scanty; unhurried; careful; fatherly; triumphant; temporal; elaborate; predominant; common; ultimate; judicial; weighty; practical; conscientious; difficult; half-hesitating; half-assenting; exclusive; enlarged; grateful; weightier; rational; unpleasing; regrettable; foregoing; strategical; valuable; distinguished; momentary; urgent; scant; earnest; fair; fascinating; finer; grave; profoundest; pragmatic; marked; primary; careful; tender; prudent; dispassionate; cool; logical; intelligent; sordid; false; shallow; selfish; money; economic; material; moral; liberal; collateral; painful; constant; immediate; accumulated; optional; theoretical; rough; personal


    analyze—; bar—; compel—; dally with—; demand—; extend—; fade from—; gain—; increase—; merit—; quit—; stifle—; view with—; —actuates; —impresses; —sways

    (See thought.)

    Consign (v) adverbs

    everlastingly; formally; customarily; tacitly; solemnly; definitely; willingly; commercially

    (See command, commit.)

    Consistency adjectives

    muddy; smoothest; possible; fatal; unwavering; foolish; religious; external; unbroken; theoretical; chewy; conscious


    boil into—; depart from—; disrupt—; doubt—; establish—; give—to; induce—; practise—; preach—; preserve—; profess—; pursue with—; remain in—; return to—; sacrifice—; stand on—; vary in—; —habituates; —harmonizes

    (See harmony.)

    Consistent adverbs

    admirably; dependably; conscientiously; imperturbably; undisturbedly; invariably; equitably; monotonously; conformably; prosaically; agreeably; regularly; habitually; usuilly; uncompromisingly; queerly; unfailingly; properly; relatively; obstinately; unreasonably; reliably; altogether; courageously; unpleasantly; vapidly; extraordinarily; virtuously

    Consolation adjectives

    bitter; inexpressible;  profound; hollow

    proudest; infallible;   homely; tangible

    mean; supreme; perfunctory; divine; substantial; wonderful;   ironic; religious

    orthodox; clumsy; feeble; abiding; inward; infinitesimal


    admit of—; convey—; derive—; dismiss—; dispense with—; grant—; impart—; offer —; rejoice in—; seek —; secure—; take— from; —ameliorates; —cheers; —comforts; —encourages; —mitigates; —recompenses; —relieves; —solaces; —soothes

    (See solace, comfort, relief, support.)

    Console (v\ adverbs

    profoundly; hollowly; infallibly; perfunctorily; divinely; substantially; ironically; religiously; clumsily; feebly; inwardly; infinitesimally; precipitately

    (See cheer, sympathize.)

    Consonant adjectives

    concurring; mute; nasal; unaspirated; slurred; elided; rumbling; jarring; harsh; true

    Consort adjectives

    ill-fated; gentle; sovereign; hovering; poor; feeble; wasted

    Conspicuous adverbs

    highly; creditably; distinctly; gloriously; intentionally; disagreeably; unpleasantly; vainly; personally; eminently; exaltedly; arrogantly; absurdly; foolishly; unwisely; politically; deliberately; elaborately; fashionably; garishly; gaudily; loudly; noisily; officiously; unfortunately; shamefully; awkwardly

    Conspiracy adjectives

    rebel; domestic; tacit; abortive; awkward; finespun; well-contrived; criminal; fraternal; elaborate; organized; ravishing; purported; irresistible; monstrous; political; dark; infamous; grim; pleasing; silent; popular; crackbrained; malevolent; nationwide; alley; fatal


    block—; charge with—; combine in—; conceal—; contrive—; convict of—; disclose—; discover—; excite—; foil—; hatch—; incite—; indict for—; instigate—; intrigue in—; involve in—; plot—; punish—; strengthen—; uncover—; unearth—;  

    brews; —damages; —fails; —flourishes; —injures; —ripens; —succeeds

    (See plot, intrigue.)

    Conspirator adjectives

    resident; audacious; crafty; baffled; chief


    Conspirators adjectives

    capricious; criminal; fearful; illegal; implicated; fellow; mercenary; reprehensible; treasonable; plotting; seditious


    arm—; charge—; convict—; disclose—; execute—; expose—; foil—; hang—; join—; punish—; shield—; —chortle; —combine; —contrive; —devise; —engage; —intrigue

    —plan; —plot

    (See plotter.)

    Constable adjectives

    discomfited; discredited; learned; unskilled; blustering; rural; overmaligned


    appoint—; arm—; authorize—; commit to—; consign to—; deputize—; elect—; empower—; enroll—; escape—; overrule—; rank—; serve as—; uniform—; —administers; —arrests; —enforces; —fines; —imprisons; —quells; —sells

    (See officer, police.)

    Constancy adjectives

    infatuated; dangerous; unremitting; inviolable; unchangeable; admirable; true; inflexible; invincible; wonted


    admire—; amaze at—; attack—; attend with—; bear with—; boast of—; break—; commend—; conduct with—; endure with—; esteem—; exhibit—; inspire—; justify—; laud—; maintain—; occasion—; persist in—; praise—; require—; test—; tolerate with—; value—

    (See faithfulness, stability, fidelity.)

    Constellation adjectives

    golden; arched; bright; brilliant; shimmering


    appear in—; describe—; distinguish—; dominate—; examine—; form—; name—; obscure—; observe—; steer by—; stud with—; study—; treat of—; —awes; —burns; —embodies; —guides; —illuminates; —mystifies; —portrays; —reveals; —symbolizes

    (See stars.)

    Consternation adjectives

    unseen; general; overwhelming; considerable; mournful; visible; silent; inexpressible; comprehensible; unutterable; momentary; frightened


    betray—; feign—; fill with—; manifest—; overwhelm with—; prostrate with—; recover from—; shock into—; suppress—; terrify with—; terrorize with—; throw into—; —amazes; —confounds; —dismays; —falls;- —incapacitates; —surprises

    (See fear, terror, alarm, panic.)

    Constipation adjectives

    intractable; chronic; stubborn; recurring; harrowing; drug-induced


    afflict with—; alleviate—; cure of—; doctor for—; dose for—; ease—; flush away—; intensify—; overcome—; produce—; relieve—; remedy—; treat—; warn against —; —hints at; —irks; —necessitates; —obstructs; —sets in

    (See disease.)

    Constituency adjectives

    large; urban; foremost; urgent; enthusiastic

    Constituent adjectives

    enraptured; characteristic; parsimonious; material; chemical; valuable; necessary; saline; primal; eternal; colored; approved; irreducible; soluble; youthful; enlightened; influential


    analyze—; assemble—s; authorize by—s; break into—s; determine—s; discern—; distinguish—; gather—; lose—; obey—; represent—s; —s assist; —s complain; —s compose; —s diminish; —elects; —s represent

    (See part, element, ingredient.)

    Constitute (v) adverbs

    singularly; legally; fairly; splendidly; remarkably; amorphously; magnificently; physically; morally; peculiarly; delicately; intellectually; undeniably

    (See compose, establish.)

    Constitution (general) adjectives

    frail; splendid; diseased; amorphous; healthy; remarkable; strong; loose-jointed; robust; magnificent; physical; moral; iron; peculiar; vigorous; delicate; oligarchical; paper; emotional; consolidated; rugged; well-knit; feeble; glorious; powerful; provisional; permanent; liberal; imperial; intellectual; ancient; sickly

    Constitution (governmental) adjectives

    amended; consolidated; hammered-out: botched-up; intrenched; framed; liberal; oligarchical; standardized


    abandon—; abide by—; abuse—; adopt—; alter—; amend—; clarify—; construe—; defend—; draft—; embody in—; establish—; flaunt—; form—; found—; frame—; improve—; interpret—; modify—; nullify—; ordain—; organize—; preserve—; ratify—; ruin—; stabilize—; tamper with—; twist—; violate—; —abolishes; —decrees; —defines; —grants; —guides; —limits; —prescribes; —prohibits; —provides; —regulates; —sets forth; —totters

    Constitution (physical) adjectives

    amorphous; emotional; frail; iron; magnificent; powerful; robust


    benefit—; brace—; build up—; disturb—; enervate—; exercise—; improve—; inherit—; invigorate—; overtax—; renew—; revitalize—; revivify—; run down—; shatter—; strain—; strengthen—; undermine—; weaken

    (See physique, structure, temperament, character.)

    Constrain (v) adverbs

    unquestionably; unnaturally; artificially; severely; rigidly; commercially; embarrass-edly; tyrannically; bitterly; formally;; mercilessly

    (See compel, oblige.)

    Constraint adjectives

    tyrannous; bitter; evident; mute; gloomy; sorrowful; curious; formal; sharp; awkward; merciless; heavy; slight


    act under—; exercise—; lessen—; manifest—; occasion—; pale under—; prevent—; produce—; resist—; speak with—; subdue—; tug at—; —binds; —checks; —confines; —prohibits; —represses; — tightens; —voices

    (See force, compulsion, pressure, restraint, restriction.)

    Constrict (v) adverbs

    rigorously; harmfully; icily; painfully; automatically; physiologically; partially: insufferably; intellectually

    (See compress, contract.)

    Constriction adjectives

    harmful; icy; oppressive; deep; hampering; morbid; marked; express

    Construct (v) adverbs

    hastily; diaphanously; patiently; rudely; variously; studiously; ingeniously; dramatically; bizarrely; artistically; ruggedly; flawlessly; primitively; durably; majestically; musically; substantially; solidly; legitimately; technically; scientifically; rudely; crudely; enduringly; flimsily

    (See build, manufacture.)


    complicated; unsurpassed; improved; patented; rigid; rugged; initial; complex; flawless; exclusive; superb; famous; primitive; ingenious; harmonic; durable; imperfect; majestic; sublime; riveted; mistaken; institutional; pithy; exquisite; immediate; superior; flattering; constitutional; artful; custom-built; excellent; evasive; strained; questionable; peculiar; musical; dependable; .substantial; shrewd; sturdy; malicious; dramatic; contemplated; solid; recent; steel-truss; highway; engineering; correct; worst; wrong; strict; illegitimate; charitable; technical; crude

    Constructive adverbs

    helpfully; critically; definitely; remarkably; valuably; significantly; magnificently; sensibly; fundamentally; essentially; liberally; splendidly; creatively; clearly; saliently; strikingly; explicitly

    Construe (v) adverbs

    variously; maliciously; confusedly; shrewdly; erroneously; charitably

    (See interpret.)

    Consul adjectives

    dignified; autocratic; duly-appointed; officiating; protective; prudent; self-important; artful; wily; fastidious


    appeal to—; .appoint—; authorize—; beseech—; charge—with; choose—; elect—; name—; present—; recall—; receive—; retain—; slay—; withdraw—; —advises; —anticipates; —holds office; —promotes; —promulgates; —proposes; —protects; —rejects; —reports; —represents

    (See magistrate, representative, counselor.)

    Consult (v) adverbs

    selfishly; philosophically; confidentially; timidly; vainly; distressingly; solemnly; informally; anxiously; earnestly; gravely; deliberately; privately; frequently; protractedly

    (See deliberate, discuss.)


    solemn; whispered; hasty; informal; mature; anxious; actual; serious; religious; rapid; timely; earnest; vociferous; short; grave; deliberate; private; frequent; brief; protracted; muffled


    advise—; assist at—; call—; confer in—; deliberate in—; demand—; follow—; go into—; meet in—; secure—; seek—; —advises; —concludes; —decides; —ensues; —exposes; —guides; —results in

    (See conference,’ council.)

    Consume (v) adverbs

    annually; ravenously; leisurely; utterly; relatively; ultimately; unwarily; industrially; ferociously

    (See burn, destroy.)

    Cons UM ER adjectives

    desirable; hard-working; mortgaged; ultimate; humble; general; unorganized (pl.); unprotected; unwary; trusting; duped

    Consummation adjectives

    desirable; relentless; harmonious; supreme; fitting

    Consumption adjectives

    needful; cold; languorous; melancholy; domestic; laryngeal; pulmonary; equitable; conspicuous; old-fashioned; annual; food; slackening; residential; industrial; diminishing


    afflict with—; consume with—; contract—; cure—; infect with—; inherit—; predispose to—; smite with—; suffer with—; tend towards—; treat for—; waste away with—; —atrophies; —attacks; —decomposes; —destroys; —invalids; —lingers; —preys on; —rots; —takes a toll; —wreaks

    (See tuberculosis, disease.)

    Contact adjectives

    friendly; richest; effective; stimulating; intimate; personal; close; casual; fleeting; intermittent; brief; abrupt; superficial; bitter; difficult; banal; brutish; human; nation-wide; diplomatic; domestic; pro

    longed; mere; necessary; constant; alert; accidental; sonorous.; immediate; direct; uninterrupted; unrestricted; terrible; intellectual; social; osculatory; slight; unclean; extensive; miscellaneous; spontaneous; careless; rude; proffered; lawless; responsible


    abolish—; approve of—; balk at—; bring into—; conceal—; defile by—; enter into—; establish—; favor—; harbor—; join in—; lose—; maintain—; modify—; negotiate—; oppose—; profit by—; reestablish —; renew—; uncover—; vary—

    (See connection.)

    Contagion adjectives

    rigid; terrible; deadly; delicious; virulent


    check—; convey by—; engender—; expose to—; guard against—; harbor—; isolate—; propagate by—; quarantine—; restrain—; spread—

    (See pestilence, plague, infection.)

    Contagious adverbs

    highly; dangerously; pestilentially; unfortunately; acutely; widely; perilously; seriously; extremely; exceedingly; decidedly; unquestionably; frightfully; absolutely; remarkably; alarmingly; curiously; awfully; critically; definitely; fatally; positively; notoriously

    Contain (v) adverbs

    virtually; fully; partially; entirely; fittingly; snugly; amazingly; completely; substantially

    (See hold.)

    Container adjectives

    transparent; airtight; offsize; metal; standardized; smart; huge

    Contemplate (v) adverbs

    objectively; actually; soberly; vaguely; philosophically; consciously; listlessly; curiously; absorbedly; dreamily; serenely; profoundly; rapturously; complacently; severely; plaintively

    (See meditate.)

    Contemplation adjectives

    frowning; ravishing; precocious; listless; passing; will-less; curious; celestial; absorbed; deep; hopeless; cold; solitary; mystic; dreamy; serene; wondering; academic; narrow; unfettered; profound; continued; sundry; comprehensive; silent; lofty; spiritual; complacent; zealous; rapturous; lonely; steadfast; habitual; pleasurable; melancholy; selfish; leaden; severe


    absorb in—; arouse from—; drift in—; engross in—; hold in—; fall into—; lose in—; meditate in—; molest in—; rejoice in—; soar in—; steep in—; swathe in—; wrap in—; —beholds; —colors; —pictures; —reflects ; —stirs

    (See reflection, thought, meditation.)

    Contemplative adverbs

    deeply; thoughtfully; reminiscently; prophetically; studiously; closely; ponderingly; abstractedly; intelligently; philosophically; sagely; wisely; leisurely; thoroughly; habitually; pensively; anxiously; eagerly; curiously; queerly; oddly; coldly; academically; zealously; loftily; mysteriously; calmly

    Contemporary adjectives

    admirable; poetic; fiendish; celebrated; unanimous; skeptical; disillusioned; eminent; cheery; erudite; wholesome; northern; smaller; male


    conveniently; embarrassingly; undeniably; obviously; certainly; unquestionably; evidently; curiously; admittedly; presumably; probably; possibly; supposedly; oddly; in-controvertibly; authentically; actually; categorically; authoritatively; ironically

    Contempt adjectives

    inexplicable; beautiful; impersonal; concentrated; dignified; undisguised; supercilious; exaggerated; inexpressible; reckless; fierce; lofty; veiled; half-compassionate; uncharitable; faint; deprecating; emphatic; cynical; spendthrift; withering; utmost; considerable; unreasoning; infinite; ineffable; indiscriminate; bitterest; thorough; profound; uncompromising; notable; alternate: characteristic; deep-rooted; loud; ironical; arrogant; irrepressible; supreme; utter; habitual; geniune; biting; absolute; irrevocable; noisy; blighting; ineffable; unequivocal; notable; paternal; grand; magnificent; eloquent; smiling; good-natured; factitious; unfeigned; ardent; courageous; illimitable; aristrocratic; lofty; cavalier; holy; highbred; cold; stern; skeptical; icy; scornful; gloating; exasperating; shocked; keen; apparent; thundering; hereditary; growing; sudden; shattering; inherited; sweeping; high-nosed; friary


    admit—; awake—; bear—; breed—; convey—; deserve—; disdain—; entertain—; excite—; fill with—; foster—; gesture—; hurl—; imply—; place in—; pour out—■; profess—; provoke—; regard with—; shield from—; sigh with—; smile—: spurn—; tinge with—; treat with—; veil—; wither with—; —arises; —deepens; —dies; —flickers; —infuriates; —terrifies; —shrivels up

    (See disdain, scorn, derision.)

    Contemptible adverbs

    abominably; odiously; detestably; hatefully; shockingly; unspeakably; despicably; invidiously; woefully; lamentably; noxiously; execrably; flagrantly; intolerably; incredibly; disgustingly; utterly; outrageously; horribly; inexpressibly; notoriously; infamously; glaringly; monstrously; wickedly; remarkably

    Contend (v) adverbs

    pedantically; strenuously; incredulously; physically; laboriously; forcefully; narrowly; fiercely; boldly; stoutly; optimistically; senselessly; shrewdly; ridiculously; acrimoniously; ironically; undeviatingly; vigorously

    (See oppose.)

    Content adjectives

    sufficient; scholarly; organic; prescribed; sociological; trusting; universal; infinite; spacious; final; anti-religious; deepest; intimate; nestling; incongruous; supreme; wondrous; wise; greedy; drowsy; dreamy; measureless; immortal; blissful; cubical; infantile; scrutinized; radiant; adequate; muddy; gorgeous; endless; significant; melodic; shrewd; fluid; flinty; fermented; logical; corrupt; imbecile; unaggressive; protein; perfect; physical; sweet; scented; quiet; intellectual

    Contention adjectives

    stout; brave; optimistic; bloody; senseless; ridiculous; fierce; unnatural; ravishing; rival; critical; acrimonious; basic; general; ironical


    abandon—; cast out—; contest—; dispute—; endorse—; illustrate—; justify—; match—; raise—; refute—; rend with—; support—; —lingers; —upsets

    (See strife, conflict, struggle, dispute, argurtient, dissension.)

    Contentious adverbs

    characteristically; incorrigibly; disagreeably; loftily; shrewdly; intelligently; stupidly; doggedly; foolishly; bitterly; unnecessarily; testily; mildly; impetuously; violently; mulishly; stolidly; abusively; unreasonably; habitually; hotly; offensively; absurdly; pretentiously; brazenly

    Contentment adjectives

    inward; homelike; childish; stolid; rapturous; sweet; complete; thoughtless; perfect; placid; domestic; rare; abiding; happy; odd; new; supreme; drowsy; ineffable; sleepy; sinking


    achieve—; attain—; bathe in—; desire—; destroy—; feign—; fill with—; pretend—; purr—; realize—; relax in—; resign in—; result in—; seek—; sigh in—; sink into—; smile with—; strive for—; struggle for—; swathe in—; view with—; yearn for—; —evades; —proceeds from

    (See satisfaction, happiness, gratification.)

    Contents adjectives

    valuable; varied; lively; treasurable; illuminating; deadly; gruesome; nauseous; horrific; strange; discursive; golden; heterogeneous; problematical; sluggish; terse


    add to—; assimilate—; dehydrate—; discharge—; eject—; empty—; expel—; gut of—; imbibe—; master—pound—; rob of—; stir—; —escape

    (See ingredients.)

    Contest adjectives

    unequal; remarkable; obstinate; decisive; interstate; animated; bloody; deadly; dread; formal; sanguinary; passionate; inevitable; pending; civic; naked; spirited; frightful; ceaseless; violent; diplomatic: jarring; dramatic; tremendous; culminating; emotional; costly; tedious; amicable; bitter; mighty; audacious


    attend—; “ballyhoo”—; cheer—; debate—; develop into—; dispute—; emerge from—; enter—; invite to—; lose—; prepare for —; relish—; renew—; strive in—; struggle in—; vie in—; win—; witness—; — awards; —excites; —proceeds

    (See tournament, competition, dispute, dissension.)

    Contest (v) adverbs

    fiercely; energetically; gallantly; bitterly; unequally; remarkably; obstinately; decisively; animatedly; bloodily; passionately; inevitably; ceaselessly; violently; diplomatically; dramatically; amicably; audaciously

    (See oppose, dispute.)

    Contestant adjectives

    feeble; leading; vindicated; keen; rival; earnest; obstinate; invincible; indefatigable

    Continent adjectives

    rich; new; powerful; remote; sunken; commanding; unexhausted; sunny; undiscovered; virgin; unborn; unmapped; orbed; infinite


    abound on—; bound—; communicate with —; cover—; discover—; divide—; explore—; exploit—; govern—; inhabit—; populate—; rule—; sail for—; span—; speed across—; study—; tranquilize—; travel—; traverse—; wage on—

    (See land, country.)

    Contingency adjectives

    remote; various (pl); fatal; imaginable; impossible; dangerous; unforeseen; future


    admit—; conceive—; consider—; contemplate—; exempt from—; expose to—; foresee—; forestall—; fortify against—; free from—; involve—; prepare for—; regard—; subject to—; —befalls; —occurs; —requires

    (See chance, possibility, accident, hazard.)

    Contingent adjectives

    various (pl); assorted (pl); fresh; obligatory; unlimited; valuable; denominated; incidental


    accidentally; unexpectedly; fortuitously; unfortunately; presumably; casually; unluckily; advantageously; possibly; remotely; imaginably; gravely; distantly; presciently


    equip—; reduce—s; —achieves; —applies

    —battles; —competes; —contends; —endures; —gains; —overcomes; —races; —rivals; —strains; —strives; —struggles

    (See competitor, rival.)

    Continence adjectives

    absolute; vowed; eternal; inordinate; lofty; ascetic; monastic; impenetrable; inviolable

    Continuance adjectives

    further; simultaneous; perpetual; dogged; indefinite


    balk at—; bore by—; detest—; forswear—; hinder—; insure—; lapse—; prohibit—; shrink from—; speed—; stay—; urge—; —adds; —confirms; —engulfs; —improves; —inculcates; —irks; —oppresses; —perfects; —preserves; —renders

    Continuation adjectives

    sketchy; mirthful; interminable; ruthless; casual; fluent; moderate

    Continue (v) adverbs

    presumptuously; relentlessly; calmly; uncomplainingly; dauntlessly; voluntarily; passionately; stealthily; triumphantly; obstinately; jerkily; thoughtfully; facetiously; affably; mercilessly; hopefully; defiantly; imperturbably; treacherously; blandly

    (See persevere.)

    Continuity adjectives

    historic; unbroken; inexplicable; longsighted; strict; general; agreeable; grim

    Continuous adverbs

    maddeningly; providentially; monotonously; tiresomely; intolerably; incredibly; grimly; dangerously; indescribably; unbearably; alarmingly; frightfully; crazily; insufferably; solemnly; ruthlessly; appallingly; cleverly; dismally; noisily; provokingly; automatically

    Contort (v) adverbs

    misshapenly; facilely; inanely; horribly; capriciously; drolly; spasmodically; frantically; sinisterly; agilely; facially; sneer-ingly

    (See twist, wrench.)

    Contortion adjectives

    deprecatory; wonderful; frightful; spasmodic; joyful; frantic; sneering; sinister; unsystematic; slight; facial; agile

    Contour adjectives

    delicate; vertical; bodily; inviting; ground; vague; pleasing; facial; rugged; muscular; hard; skeletal; cranial; childish; chubby; snug; effeminate; pronounced; rounded; sharp; youthful; wasted; swinging; voluptuous; pert; harsh; smooth; girlish; sagging; exquisite

    Contraband adjectives

    confiscated; exported; proclaimed; prohibited; seized; smuggled


    ban as—; carry—; confiscate—; deal in—; declare as—; destroy—; export—; forbid as—; forfeit—; import—; list as—; proclaim as—; prohibit as—; seize as—; smuggle—; supply—; traffic in—

    (See arms, supplies.)

    Contract adjectives

    fat; solemn; valid; conjugal; stamped; workable; favorable; vowed; true; signed; nullified; binding; huge; definite; gilt-edged; legal; repudiated; direct; airtight; substantial; advantageous; invariable


    abandon—; amend—; breach—; cancel—; celebrate—; cleave to—; depart from—; dispense with—; execute—; forfeit—; fulfill—; interpret—; jockey over—; jump—; land—; modify—; rebel at—; revoke—; term—; terminate—; violate—; void—; waive—; win—; —binds; —discloses; —expires; —holds; —implies; —specifies; —stipulates

    (See compact, agreement, arrangement, bargain, promise.)

    Contract (v) adverbs

    violently; vigorously; bindingly; definitely; legally; advantageously; substantially; physically; spasmodically; intermittently; solemnly

    (See narrow, shrink.)

    Contraction adjectives

    muscular; inevitable; continuous; sharp; deep; nervous; concentric


    allow for—; produce—; regulate—; tend toward—; —abbreviates; —apostrophizes; ■—condenses; —confines; —diminishes; —draws; —hampers; —lames; —limits; —narrows; —reduces; —restricts; —shortens; —shrinks

    (See condensation.)

    Contractor adjectives

    certain; labor; alert; scheming; enriched; resourceful; purloining

    Contradict (v


    expressly; violently; inexplicably; constantly; embarrassingly; fatuously; flagrantly; mutually; bewilderingly; curiously; logically; extravagantly; vulgarly; boorishly; curtly; ill-manneredly; explicitly; directly

    (See say.)

    Contradiction adjectives

    violent; inexplicable; constant; embarrassing; slight; irreconcilable; moral; breathtaking; productive; idealistic;’ disruptive; imaginary; self-corroding; fatuous; accumulated; social; flat; absurd; apparent; flagrant; painful; notable; mutual; bewildering; amazing; curious; logical; affectionate; extravagant


    affirm—; brook—; claim—; deny—; discern—; encompass with—; endure—; forbid—; indulge in—; involve—; object to—; offset—; press—; profess—; prove—; reconcile—; solve—; sustain—; utter—

    —irritates; —perplexes; —proposes; — yawns

    (See opposition, paradox, inconsistency.)

    Contradictory adverbs

    strangely; oddly; naively; subtly; blatantly; inexplicably; embarrassingly; irreconcilably; disruptively; absurdly; flagrantly; pugnaciously; truculently; amazingly; curiously; apparently; obviously; palpably; illogically; bewilderingly; flatly; fiercely; dir.ectly:_ fatally; unbecomingly; defiantly

    Contraption adjectives

    happy; pleasing; refreshing; delicious; charming; excellent; attractive; pleasant; effective; interesting; encouraging; true; striking; vivid; marked; sharp; pronounced; momentous; notable; smashing; amazing; astounding; unbelievable; startling; surprising; puzzling; quaint; odd; curious; cruel; violent; prosaic; dismal; amusing; abrupt; ludicrous; deft; precise; tremendous; instructive; dramatic; intense; singular; gratifying; possible; ghastly; artificial; obvious; favorable; crazy; delightful; subtle; melancholy; piquant; gloomy; contemporaneous


    contemplate—; contrive—; design—; destroy—; devise—; employ—; extricate from—; immerse in—; interest in—; invent—; mesh in—; plan—; set up—; test—; work out—; —attracts; —envelops; —puzzles

    (See device.)

    Contrast adjectives

    clear; exciting; flattering; bitter; brilliant; remote; poignant; startling; unfavorable


    accentuate—; cap—; disclose—; emphasize—; mark—; place in—; present—; resent—; revel in—; serve as—; strike—; study—; vow—; —glares; —grows; —interests

    (See comparison.)

    Contrast (v't adverbs

    vividly; sharply; strangely; whimsically; bitterly; strikingly; violently; picturesquely; invidiously

    (See compare.)

    Contribute (v) adverbs

    materially; unceasingly; indirectly; voluntarily; considerably; cheerily; altruisticly; willingly; liberally; simultaneously; singularly; gloomily; voluminously; conspicuously; effectively; powerfully; notably; anonymously; originally; technically; fundamentally; uniquely; meritoriously; formidably; permanently; characteristically

    (See give, furnish.)

    Contribution adjectives

    important; notable; anonymous; epochmaking; significant; distinctive; voluminous; august; practical; passionate; magnificent; literary; original; technical; fundamental; valuable; unique; varying; copious; charming; worthy; liberal; heartfelt; generous; sole; fascinating; splendid; superb; meritorious; formidable; serious; permanent; solid; genuine; enduring; tangible; priceless; cultural; private; statesmanlike; creative; cooperative; definite; negligible; phantom; invigorating; timely; characteristic; startling; immediate


    begrudge—; collect—; deluge with—s; favor with—; gather—s; offer—; sacrifice—; solicit—; squeeze—out of; —exemplifies; —s pour in

    (See alms.)

    Contributor adjectives

    distinguished; prolific; occasional; prospective; sparkling; anonymous; forgotten; flourishing; industrious; scholarly; well-remembered; frequent


    advertise for—s; appeal to—s; approach —s; back by—s; pay—; promise—; satisfy—; seek—s; serve as—; —aids; —endows; —furnishes; —raises; —rallies; —responds; —supports; —writes

    (See supporter.)

    Contributory adverbs

    helpfully; advantageously; liberally; commercially; cooperatively; charitably; economically; encouragingly; generously; harmoniously; jointly; obligingly; originally

    Contrition adjectives

    veritable; authentic; apparent; heartfelt; warm; mock; pitiful; sudden; blind


    afflict with—; arise from—; break with—; bruise with—; display—; dissolve in—; exhibit—; languish in—; melt in—; pray in—; reduce to—; repent in—; sow—; strike with—; suffer—; wear with—; weep in—; —softens

    (See sorrow, remorse.)

    Contrivance adjectives

    clumsy; mechanical; various (pl); discarded; ingenious; kindred; well-fitted; curious; perfect; mysterious; fun-making; excitement-arousing; dumpy; rickety; admirable; mock; peculiar; delightful; tricky; intricate; labor-saving; quaint; malignant

    Contrive (v) adverbs

    ingeniously; cunningly; sedulously; curiously; cleverly; providentially; indirectly; scientifically; mechanically; mysteriously; intricately; malignantly; maliciously; viciously; bitterly; revengefully

    (See scheme, invent.)

    Control adjectives

    powerful; menial; supervisory; easy; heroic; thought; political; centralized; mysterious; transcending; absolute; repressive; automatic; effective; determined; collective; benevolent; inadequate; virtual; irre-missible; remote; autonomous; inventory; democratic;, effortless; rigorous; working; parental; precise; undisputed; production; autocratic; perfect; substantial; selfassumed; immediate; hypnotic; arbitrary; excellent; iron; firm; entire; permanent; complete; full; supreme; exclusive; nominal; limited; partial; hectic; craven; hateful; sinister; degrading; systematic; ordered; social; ancestral; merchandising; unjust; civilian; traffic; nerve; scientific; strong; external; silent; boundless; planned; private; growing; critical; steady


    acquire—; assume—; attest to—; centralize—; concentrate—; demonstrate—; divorce—; endanger—; entrust with—; establish—; exempt from—; exercise—; exert—; fight—; gain—; grab—; lose—; maintain—; manifest—; release—; respond to—; seek—; seize—; settle in—of; teach—; trick into—of; vest—in; win—; —changes hands; —rests with

    (See regulation, restraint, domination, command.)

    Control (v) adverbs

    absolutely; imperiously; arbitrarily; powerfully; heroically; politically; mysteriously; dictatorially; automatically; determinedly; benevolently; adequately; virtually; democratically; effortlessly; rigorously; autocratically; hypnotically; exclusively; nominally; partially; privately; critically; steadily

    (See regulate, restrain.)

    Controversial adverbs

    highly; unfortunately; temptingly; inevitably; religiously; violently; tediously; painfully; excitably; vehemently; stupidly; obstinately; endlessly; bitterly; intricately; dangerously; traditionally; diplomatically; perplexingly

    Controversy adjectives

    perplexing; pending; long-standing; religious; violent; acrimonious; vehement; tedious; frequent; painful; external; important; bitter; political; sectarian; ferocious; exciting; pending; contemptible; heated; long; warm; drawn-out; endless; intricate; arduous; acrid; terrific; lively; scorching; threatening; dangerous; ancient; long-forgotten; legal; economic; international; diplomatic; clerical; parlor; silly; unfortunate; unexpected; waning


    appraise—; arouse—; avoid—; carry on—; clarify—; cut through—; dismiss—; engage in—; entangle in—; involve in—; judge—; occasion—; perpetuate—; plunge into—; precipitate—; shrink from—; stir up—; suppress—; sway by—; unleash—; view—; wage—; —arises from; —blasts; —convulses; —fizzles; —flares; —rages; —spits

    (See dispute, contention, debate, feud.

    produce—;  relieve—; suffer—; treat—

    —bruises; —crushes; —enervates; —heals

    —incapacitates; —injures; —swells

    (See bruise, injury.)

    Conundrum adjectives

    stock; baffling; fascinating; improvised; stale; original

    Convalescence adjectives

    tolerable; hard-won; adequate; drowsy; slow; uncertain; maddening


    affect—; delay—; doze through—; discharge from—; ease through—; interrupt—; nurse through—; regain during—; revive in—; shorten—; strengthen in—; treat during—; visit during—; while away—

    —advances; —cures; —overcomes; —proceeds

    (See recovery, improvement.)

    Contumacious adverbs

    stubbornly; stiffly; defiantly; hotly; tem-permanentally; habitually; insufferably; intractably; unmanageably; uncontrollably; foolishly; ridiculously; mutinously; violently; restlessly; lawlessly; seditiously; ungovernably; openly; formidably; irreconcilably; alarmingly; dangerously; unaccountably; obstreperously; inveterately; malevolently; distressingly

    Contumelious adverbs

    blatantly; absurdly; airily; egotistically; unpardonably; fantastically; insufferably; extremely; audaciously; flippantly; saucily; shamefully; bumptiously; brassily; offensively; provokingly; unpleasantly; disagreeably; intolerably; arrogantly; haughtily; unreasonably; senselessly; idiotically; unwisely; indiscreetly; imprudently

    Contusion adjectives

    severe; fatal; painful; serious; violet-hqed; predominant


    acquire by—; anoint—; bandage—; cure—; dress—; infect—; inflame—; irritate—

    Convalescent adjectives

    petulant; selfish; irritable; impatient; implacable; whining; yyhimsical


    happily; fortunately; securely; finally; contentedly; easily; tolerably; slowly; painfully; actually; pleasantly; luckily; gratefully; thankfully; affably; normally; definitely; apparently; blessedly; cheerfully; charmingly; truly; presumably; undoubtedly; decisively

    Convenience adjectives

    domestic; timesaving; greater; moneysaving; every; ultra-fashionable; incidental; notable; modern; homelike; foresighted; admirable; earliest; consequent; passing; delightful; added; safe; metropolitan; undoubted; tremendous; general


    adopt—; afford—; allow—; appreciate—; avail oneself of—; await—of; enjoy—; extend—; lack—; marry for—; offer—; pay for—; permit of—; possess—; require—; —comforts; —eases; —saves

    (See comfort, ease, opportunity.)

    Convenient adverbs

    particularly; comfortably; highly; properly; acceptably; admirably; marvelously; tremendously; safely; delightfully; exceptionally; perfectly; completely; incredibly; wholly; extraordinarily; singularly; suitably; duly; unusually; ingeniously

    Convent adjectives

    suppressed; measureless; once-famous; secluded; peaceful; cloistered

    Convention (custom) adjectives

    timid; operatic; faith-healing; classic; universal; social; civic; restricting; rigid; facile; poetic

    Convention (meeting} adjectives

    radical; national; projected; provincial; famous; cheap; wide-open; labor; advertising


    appoint to—; assemble in—; boycott—; brand—; cavort at—; control—; denounce—; elect at—; emanate in—; hold—; join—; meet in—; open—; preside at—; represent at—; run away with—; stage—; —abolishes; —adjourns; —alters; —bestows; —considers; —convenes; —nominates; —prepares; —proclaims

    (See meeting, conference, congress, council, assembly.)

    Conventional adverbs

    properly; formally; strictly; habitually; naturally; normally; ordinarily; positively; usually; uncompromisingly; typically; rigidly; stiffly; consistently; absurdly; needlessly; carefully; arrogantly; affectedly; shyly; bashfully; ostentatiously; pretentiously; pompously; meticulously; insistently

    Con VEN T IO NA LI T Y adjectives

    pleasant; sterile; frigid; precise; ceremonious; cutting; supreme


    accept—; adhere to—; base on—; beat down—; blind by—; breach—; break—; break away from—; buttress by—; challenge—; contradict—; defer—; defy—: discard—; disregard—; drop—; flout—; follow—; hamper—; hate—; heed—; obey—; overthrow—; ridicule—; sacrifice to—; satirize—; shatter—; shelter—; smash—; subject to—; violate—; wall in by—; —allows; —determines; —hampers; —permits; —recognizes; —sanctions; —settles;—supports; —upholds

    (See custom, usage, habit, rule, form, practice.)

    Converge (v) adverbs

    sharply; suddenly; gradually; obviously; abruptly; unexpectedly; consequently; fatally; tra-gically; significantly

    (See approach.)

    Conversant adverbs

    thoroughly; intimately; slightly; fortunately; luckily; auspiciously; expertly; liberally; deeply; profoundly; shrewdly; reportedly; supposedly; reputably; ingeniously; cleverly; intelligently; capably; advantageously; consummately; perfectly

    Conversation adjectives

    desultory; sedate; forcible; vapid; whispered; exquisite; subsequent; inane; trivial; informal; temporary; difficult; frank; touching; calm; natural; cheerful; animated; private; bristling; preliminary; thoughtful; philosophical; savory; embellished; unspecific; mysterious; idyllic; interminable; earnest; measured; gossip-riddled; filthy; reminiscent; considerable; agreeable; subdued; hurried; distracting; energetic; gentle; frivolous; sparkling; undertoned; low-voiced; r»al; heavenly; pleasant; enchanting; fascinating; egotistic; previous; appreciative; personal; direct; tumultuous; memorable; vivacious; amiable; improbable; intelligent; offhand; comfortable; inmost; casual; serious; bold; liberal; idle; scattered; curious; apparent; ribald; spicy; extravagant; delightful; interesting; sustained; passing; dramatic; diligent; sublimated; piquant; rational; select; easy; graceful; protracted; intimate; eager; edifying; mercurial; running; sportive; open; sociable; antiquarian; inimitable; brilliant; clear; persuasive; sympathetic; sane; coherent; amicable; enthralling; luminous; famous; witty; aphoristic; hilarious; amusing; bantering; facetious; smiling; light; explosive; spirited; lively; sprightly; negligible; everyday; ordinary; aimless; drifting; languishing; flickering; scattered; intermittent; halting; jerky; wandering; lagging; jumbled; fitful; indefinite; elusive; spiritless; extended; inconclusive; timorous; wearisome; fatuous; insipid; lazy; lackadaisical; muttered; bold; impractical; pert; leery; hidebound; loud; superfluous; irate; embattled; hideous; concerting; coarse; obscene; illiterate; successful; dinner table; eyebrow; traveled; healthy; emotional; quiet;' cultured; confidential; startled; amazing; conspicuous; condensed; brief; rapid; promiscuous; unblushing; spontaneous; sudden; chatty: general; developed; simple; polite; absorbed; imaginary; uninterrupted; harmless; dutiful; plausible

    Conversational adverbs

    amiably; stiffly; sociably; affably; pompously; garrulously; provincially; gruffly; laconically; informally; calmly; naturally: cheerfully; jovially; helpfully; unwontedly; agreeably; eagerly; gently; brilliantly; enchantingly; illuminatingly; fascinatingly; vivaciously; intelligently; comfortably; casually; seriously; idly; curiously; spicily; ribaldly; drunkenly; convivially; interestingly; dramatically; gracefully; intimately; graciously; wittily; amusingly; facetiously; happily; luckily; intermittently; abstractedly; fitfully; inconclusively; yawningly; insipidly; lazily; loudly; blatantly; noisily

    Conversationalist adjectives

    fluent; elegant; absorbing; gifted; interesting; brilliant

    Converse adjectives

    earnest; eager; grave; sagacious; purposeful; covert

    Converse (v) adverbs

    vivaciously; fluently; freely; interestingly; agreeably; courteously; affably; desultorily; acrimoniously; sedately; inanely; trivially; informally; temporarily; frankly; touchingly; animatedly; privately; brilliantly; philosophically; mysteriously; distractedly; curiously; ribaldly; piquantly; rationally; dramatically; gracefully; mercurially; inimitably; persuasively; sympathetically; coherently; amicably; enthrallingly; hilariously; banteringly; aimlessly; pointlessly; intermittently; jerkily; laggingly; fitfully; indefinitely; fatuously; insipidly; timorously; superfluously; irately; emotionally; confidentially; promiscuously; spontaneously; politely; absorbedly; uninterruptedly; harmlessly; pointedly

    (See talk, chat.)

    Conversion adjectives

    spiritual; infinite; romantic; tardy; religious; abrupt; imminent; vivid

    Convert adjectives

    proposed; immovable; enthusiastic; docile; devout; irrevocable


    baptize—; direct-—; gather—s; guide— lead—s; make—; preach to—; —accepts —acknowledges; —changes; —embraces —falls from grace; —forsakes; —gains —professes; —rallies; —substitutes; — transfers

    (See disciple, follower.)

    Convert (v) adverbs

    religiously; frequently; enthusiastically; sincerely; passionately; conscientiously; irresistibly; intellectually; rationally; unalterably; solemnly

    (See apply, use.)

    Convertible adverbs

    readily; easily; handily; economically; quickly; conveniently; instantly; serviceably; instantaneously; advantageously; ingeniously; deftly; dexterously; fortunately; luckily; accommodatingly; adaptably; providentially; promptly; profitably; altogether; unquestionably; happily

    Convey (v) adverbs

    naturally; forcefully; exquisitely; imperceptibly; delicately; competently; peculiarly; luxuriously; privately; diplomatically; tactfully; ceremoniously

    (See carry, transport.)

    Conveyance adjectives

    miserable; competent; shaky; tenantless; impossible; peculiar; ornamental; creditable; luxurious; available; modern; private; usual


    construct—; convoy—; design—; draw— drive—; escort—; guide—; lead—; load— lubricate—; mechanize—; model—: pull— power—; restrain—; transport in— trust—; upset—; —rattles; —rumbles —transmits

    (See carriage, vehicle.)

    Convict adjectives

    political; pardoned; vital; wily; shivering; rat-faced; horrified; fear-dazed; filthy; degraded; villainous


    apprehend—; chain—; deliver—; execute —; expose—; free—; pardon—; parole—; punish—; rehabilitate—; reprieve—; sentence—; train—; transfer—; try—; —breaks jail; —confesses; —escapes; —invades; —offends; —prowls; —rebels; —reforms


    (See criminal, culprit, prisoner.)

    Convict (v} adverbs

    invariably; circumstantially; insidiously; politically; villainously; sternly; intellectually; positively; unmistakably; deliberately; solemnly; theoretically; swiftly; secretly; overwhelmingly; legally

    (See condemn.)

    Conviction adjectives

    arresting; passionate; humbling; doubtful; historic; conscientious; true; firm; perverse; random; instantaneous; stern; indefeasible; youthful; profound; rapturous; frail; unsettled; irresistible; unshaken; widespread; deep; popular; honest; intellectual; inbred; esteemed; fixed; religious; coessential; subjective; sincere; rational; unalterable; vivid; calm; reasonable; extravagant; remote; positive; instinctive; unmistakable; steel; thorough; moral; antagonistic; internal; jocular; definite; persistent; deliberate; paternal; tried; innermost; solemn; intimate; unspoken; well-known;-theoretic; extreme; socialistic; immediate; unutterable; prophetic; perfect; earnest; sober; clear; accepted; assured; lively; joyous; thrilling; exhilarating; lasting; steadfast; stubborn; ineradicable; unassailable; unsullied; unquestioning; independent; heroic; fierce; strong; intense; absolute; personal; individual; horrible; torturing; unaccountable; disagreeable; wild; grim; unfortunate; weary; pathetic; humanitarian; aesthetic; increasing; growing; light; odd; swift; overwhelming; comfortable; latent; naive; dawning; instinctive; secret


    accept with—; awaken to—; bring—; carry—; cherish—; develop—; express—; fire—; form—; guide by—; indoctrinate—; ingrain—; justify—; lack—; lay down with—; lead to—; profess—; reiterate—; rouse—; share—; stand by—; —accrues; —burdens; —deserts; —grows; —restrains; —springs; —wavers

    (See faith, belief.)

    Convince (v) adverbs

    demonstratively; despairingly; rationally; solemnly; reluctantly; unalterably; profoundly; stubbornly; firmly; thoroughly; passionately; conscientiously; irresistibly; honestly; intellectually; religiously; reasonably; positively; theoretically; overwhelmingly; secretly

    (See satisfy.)

    Convivial adverbs

    warmly; extremely; hospitably; sociably; fraternally; cosily; gregariously; entertainingly; chattingly; hilariously; waggishly; uproariously; pleasantly; merrily; gaily; blithely; affably; highly; agreeably; sportively; facetiously; boisterously; noisily; obstreperously; jovially; lovingly; festively; heartily

    Conviviality adjectives

    dried; dead; joyous; infectious; communicable; sparkling

    Convocation adjectives

    jocund; ecclesiastical; heterogeneous; noble; clamorous; political; incessant

    Convoke (v) adverbs

    legitimately; legally; formally; annually; flagrantly; solemnly; ceremoniously,; perfunctorily

    (See call, gather.)

    Convoy adjectives

    lumbering; speeding; rushing; protective; unwelcome; sequestering

    Convulsion adjectives

    popular; perilous; suicidal; gleaming; rare; burnished; hammered; tarnished; public; hysterical; spasmodic; passionate; sardonic; civic; fearful; ghastly; strong; horrid; frealcish; dreadful; moral; amiable; seething; mighty; mad


    attend with—; pass through—; produce—; quiet—; shake with—; stiffen in—; treat for—; writhe in—; —arises from; —recurs


    (See spasm, fit, paroxysm.)

    Coo (v) adverbs

    plaintively; murmurously; softly; romantically; gently; lovingly; affectionately; delicately

    (See whisper.)

    Cooing adjectives

    soft; melancholy; subdued; mournful; gentle; lullabied; hushed

    Cook adjectives

    outlandish; splendid; superb; excellent; peerless; lusty; furious; surprised; sleepy-eyed; excited; pious; covetous; studious; cursed


    excellently; arduously; outlandishly; superbly; peerlessly; unsurpassingly; appe-tizingly; deliciously; exotically; delicately; tastefully; experimentally

    (See prepare.)

    Cookery adjectives

    master; tasty; experimental; unpalatable; hopeless; praiseworthy

    Cookies adjectives

    delicious; stale; fresh; newly-baked; holiday; refrigerator

    Cooking adjectives

    delicate; unsavory; hygienic; casual; indifferent; superb; incomparable


    delight in—; plan—; practise—; provide—; relish—; school in—; skill in—; teach—; turn to—; —invites; —tempts

    Cool adverbs

    refreshingly; comfortably; uncomfortably; suddenly; unusually; gratefully; sufficiently; extremely; somewhat; moderately; unexpectedly; surprisingly; luckily; unfortunately; unluckily; terribly; beautifully; delightfully

    Cool (v) adverbs

    rapidly; sufficiently; scientifically; nocturn-ally; professionally; autumnally; abnormally; mechanically

    (See chill.) )

    Cool-Headed adverbs

    quietly; calmly; equably; dispassionately; gravely; imperturbably; moderately; patiently; wisely; serenely; stoically; tolerantly; judiciously; sensibly; habitually; temperamentally; luckily; provokingly; sanely; extremely; superbly; astutely; admirably; amazingly; cautiously; warily; discreetly

    Coolness adjectives

    alluring; masterful; grateful; soft; admirable; nocturnal; cynical; obstinate; pro

    fessional; smooth; twinkling; utmost; undisturbed; slumberous; dim; correct; apparent; matchless; welcome; sudden; autumnal; inhuman; sneering; delicious

    Cooperate («/) adverbs

    alternately; enthusiastically; gladly; consciously; respectably; willingly; harmoniously; courteously; advantageously; wholesomely; benevolently; mechanically; agriculturally; heartily; voluntarily; sympathetically; spontaneously; successfully

    (See help, unite.)

    Cooperation adjectives

    peaceful; matchless; loyal; genuine; courteous; close; harmonious; wise; generous; advantageous; wholesome; benevolent; municipal; unwavering; active; constant; cordial; constructive; munificent; emotional; agricultural; merchandising; public; international; pontifical; hearty; voluntary; stabilizing; spontaneous; sympathetic; immense; universal; conscious; indispensable; successful; powerful


    act in—with; advocate—; balk at—; court—; develop—; display—; dispose toward—; effect—; enlist—; exhibit—; foster—; lack—; necessitate—; pledge—; practise—; result in—; stress—; teach—; urge—; work in—with; —helps; —overcomes; —produces; —saves

    (See action, participation.)

    Cooperative adverbs

    wonderfully; serviceably; ardently; energetically; intelligently; zealously; actively; overwhelmingly; ingeniously; skilfully; willingly; grudgingly; instantly; loyally; genuinely; wisely; generously; advantageously; benevolently; unwaveringly; cordially; munificently; heartily; spontaneously; immensely; indispensably

    Coordinate (v) adverbs

    logically; rationally; physically; functionally; excellently; delicately; mentally; mus-cularly; exactly; definitely; skilfully

    Coordination adjectives

    rational; physical; functional; excellent; delicate; mental; local; muscular


    arrange—; display—; hamper—; impair—; improve—; involve—; lose—; obstruct—; perform with—; proceed in—; regulate with—; require—; study—; supervise—

    —effects; —pleases

    (See harmony.)

    Cop adjectives

    strutting; hidebound; bullying; pompous; brass-buttoned; mace-brandishing; dictatorial; obliging; humanitarian

    Cope (v) adverbs

    successfully; bravely; heroically; continually; prevailingly; stalwartly; fearlessly; surprisingly

    (See strive.)

    Copious adverbs

    overwhelmingly; lavishly; naturally; needlessly; amply; luxuriantly; abundantly; aboundingly;  exuberantly;  affluently; in

    exhaustibly; overpoweringly; prodigally; handsomely;  excessively;  wantonly; unreasonably;   remarkably;   inexpressibly

    fabulously; extraordinarily; astonishingly; amazingly; particularly; wonderfully; staggeringly; surprisingly; unbelievably; marvellously; fortunately; profusely

    Copper adjectives

    shining; old; burnished; simmering; gleaming; hammered; tarnished


    alloy—; coat with—; dissolve—; grub out—; heat—; line with—; mine—; mold—; oxidize—; process—; produce—; purify—; refine—; sheathe in—; smelt—; work in—; —conducts; —insulates; —occurs; —oxidizes; —resists

    (See metal.)

    Copse adjectives

    woven; thick; rambling; summer; luxuriant

    Copy (general) adjectives

    spirited; modified; examined; literal; certified; advance; drab; uninteresting; exact; laborious; attested; feeble; unique; mimeographed; photostatic; -burlesque; fair; fragmentary; engrossed; virtuous; identical; pale; lame; stray; questionable; fraudulent; plaster; unexpurgated

    Copy (journalism) adjectives

    badly-typed; blue-penciled; interlined; intelligible; transcribed; thumb-worn; sadly-deleted; smudgy


    arrange—; butcher—; deride—; damage—; edit—; enliven—; expand—; improve—; lengthen—; outline—; overbalance—; overdo—; point up—; read—; rearrange—; review—; set—; shorten—; simplify—; tone up—; write—

    (See advertisement.)

    Copy (reproduction) adjectives

    authentic; accurate; flattering; pathetic; preposterous; sketchy; veritable


    alter—; attest—; bequeath—; change—; collect—ies; distribute—ies; embellish—; forward—; garnish—; guard—; mail—; pattern—; refer to—; retain—rewrite—; sign—; transcribe—; translate—; witness —; —appears; —exemplifies; —imitates; —reproduces

    (See imitation, duplicate, pattern.)

    Copy (v) adverbs

    accurately; silently; extensively; uninterestingly; literally; exactly; laboriously; uniquely; pKotostatically; fairly; fragmen-tarily; identically; fraudulently; faithfully. (See reproduce, imitate.

    Copyright adjectives

    popular; valid; world-wide; ineffective; disregarded


    apply for—; assign—to; defeat—; grant—; infringe on—; invalidate—; reconvey—; renew—; take out—; violate—; —expires

    —protects; —secures

    (See right, patent.)

    Coquetry adjectives

    spasmodic; childish; unconquerable; open; feeble; modest; shy; clumsy; graceful; unconscious; native

    Coquette adjectives

    laughing; cold-blooded; superannuated; natural; insolent; typical; attractive; little

    Coquette (v) adverbs

    saucily; laughingly; insolently; attractively: modestly; shyly; slyly; gracefully; endearingly; lovingly; temptingly; irresistibly; naturally; precociously; shamelessly

    (See flirt.)

    Coquettish adverbs

    charmingly; shamelessly; wantonly; en-chantingly; irresistibly; unconsciously; deliberately; intentionally; effectively; laughingly; coolly; defiantly; inherently; naturally; awkwardly; shyly; incorrigibly; incurably; gracefully; attractively; typically; provokingly; openly; shamefully; clumsily; exquisitely; consciously; demurely; adorably; captivatingly; bewitchingly: repre-hensibly; ardently; zealously

    Coral adjectives

    pearl-hued; polished; blushing; branching; intricately-structured; imperishable


    abound in—; bedeck in—; deposit—; distribute—; employ—; fashion of—; fish for—; form—.; inlay with—; market—; obtain—; polish—; procure—; secrete—; tint—; touch with—; trade—; trim with—; utilize—; value—; —attaches to; —covers; —crusts; —decorates; —flourishes; —ornaments; —grows; prize—

    Cord adjectives

    long; dangling; spirtal; tense; frayed; durable; vital; hempen; subtle; sensitive; encircling; creaking; tangled; silver; penny



    attach by—; bind with—; bite—; break—; cast away—; cut asunder—; draw—; gnaw at—; knit—; lengthen—; loop—; loose—; pull—; sever—; sterilize—; strengthen—; tie—; wind—; —binds; —snaps

    (See string, chain.)

    Cordial adjectives

    best; exhilarating; warming; stimulating; animating; revivifying


    eagerly; spontaneously; graciously; sincerely; warmly; heartily; genially; politely; courteously; unwontedly; ostentatiously; obviously; unusually; pleasantly; agreeably; indulgently; civilly; affectionately; devotedly; intimately; quietly; sympathetically; freely; openly; amicably; frankly; gallantly

    Cordiality adjectives

    genial; apparent; unexpected; pleasing; intoxicating; unaffected; great; condescending; businesslike; warm; utmost; loud; unofficial


    display—; doubt—; exhibit—; fraternize with—; greet with—; hate with—; lack—; resent—; respect—; return—; strive in—; —beckons; —bespeaks of; —cheers; —-comforts; —exhilarates; —induces; —warms

    (See sincerity, ardor, affection.)

    Core adjectives

    inmost; putrefied; burning; endearing

    festering; hidden; vibrant


    bore into—; cut from—; destroy—; dig to—; eat at—; extract—; feed upon—; fill to—; imbed at—; loosen—; pare to—; putrefy at—; remove—; rot at—; sheathe —; stab to—; surround—; taste to—; touch to—; wring to—; —contains; —disintegrates; —remains; discard—

    (See -heart.)

    Cork adjectives

    popping; large; leaking; obstinate; unbudging

    Corn adjectives

    military; starving; unsickled; sprinkled; bounteous; strengthening; bladed; scanty; lusty; golden; bruised; dry; pungent; waving; tall; ripening; thriving; rustling


    blast—; consume—; feed on—; furrow—; gather—; grind—; harvest—; husk—; market—; parch—; pluck—; prepare—; reap—; sack—; scatter—; shell—; shock—; sift—;sow—; stack—; store—; strip—; thrash—; tread out—; wither—; wreathe in—; —blossoms; —ripens; —rustles; —shoots up; —sustains; —sways; —waves

    (See cereal, grain.)

    Corner adjectives

    favorite; accessible; comfortable; cozy; tranquil; quiet; hintermost; secluded; sheltered; sunny; shaded; obscure; murky; isolated; removed; remote; vine-covered; grassy; theological; neglected; wickedest; overstuffed; coolest; tight; ill-smelling; outward; twisting; propitious; genteel; adjacent; inconspicuous; awkward; unexpected; arbored; hooded; hazardous; farthest; dim; dark; squalid; somber; cooperative; unpretentious; neighboring; idle


    bevel—; cower in—; crouch in—; droop in—; dwell in—; emerge from—; fall in—; hinge—; move to—; obscure in—; pray in—; round—; sharpen—; sit in—; sulk in—; sweep in—; tuck in—

    (See niche.)

    Cornfield adjectives

    waving; swaying; sweltering; immense; dense; luxuriant; exuberant; discouraged; struggling

    Cornice adjectives

    ornamental; hand-wrought; elaborate; topheavy; scrolled; jutting; overhanging


    generous; filled; flowing; bounteous; redolent; replete; plenteous; expansive; well-assorted; full-variety; assuring

    Corollary adjectives

    necessary; reasonable; definite; consequent; maintained; sustained; abrupt; inevitable; eventual; invariable

    Coronation adjectives

    earthly; princely; poetical; seraphic; triumphant; glorious; climacteric

    Coronet adjectives

    vast; jeweled; braided

    Corporal adjectives

    insignificant; stately; impressive; awkward; imposing; exacting; domineering

    Corporation adjectives

    prosperous; civil; remarkable; bloated; modern; soulless; giant; moneyed; world-renowned; flourishing; dummy; tremendous; prominent; large


    bankrupt—; build up—; charter—; combine in—; constitute—; control—; dominate—; form—; found—; head—; join in—; outlaw—; preserve—; rule— unite in—; —advertises; —branches out; —develops; —employs; —grows; —undersells

    (See company, firm, association.)

    Corps adjectives

    diplomatic; detached; meager; well-tried; judiciary; terrible; executive; attacking; admirable; celebrated


    assign to—; captain—; command—; enlist in—; form—; join—; lead—; organize—; quarter—; station—; uniform—; —assembles; —attacks; —charges; —combats; —encamps; —marches; —patrols

    (See army.)


    poor', little; galvanized; sundried; goodlooking; bleeding'; dripping; handsome; desiccated; mangled; unrecovered; mutilated; disfigured; peaceful; lovely; charred; shriven; bloated


    animate—; attend—; bear—; bury—; collect—s; desert—; destroy—; discover—; disinter—; dismember—; dispose of—; drag for—; exhume—; grapple for—; hide—; hunt—; identify—; inter—; lament—; lay out—; mourn—; preserve—; recognize—; regard—; restore—; strew with—s; stumble on—; trip over—; view—; —decays; —decomposes; —disintegrates; —putrefies

    (See remains, carcass.)

    Corpulent adverbs

    unfortunately; incredibly; unhappily; incurably; comfortably; contentedly; distressingly; absurdly; ridiculously; ludicrously; lamentably; sadly; blithely; joyously; dangerously; heavily; gracefully; admittedly;- funnily; unreasonably; incorrigibly; irremediably; complacently; mournfully; dramatically; complainingly

    Corpuscle adjectives

    bulbous; life-bearing; oxygen-supplying; scavenging; striving; surging; vitally-laden


    divide into—s; furnish with—s; increase—s; lower—s; study—; tear down—; —acts; —attacks; —bursts; —destroys; —envelops; —immunizes; —provides; —reproduces; —resists; —splits; —wanders about

    Corral adjectives

    rickety; shabby; flaming; palisaded; guarded; over-crowded; incarcerating; confining


    accept—; acknowledge—; devise—; allow —; authorize—; counteract—; direct—; follow—; fumble for—; invite—; judge—

    modify—; need—; offer—; perform—; print—; refuse—; rejoice in—; resent—; subject to—; substitute—; superintend—; — amends; —improves; —neutralizes; —revises

    (See punishment, discipline.)

    Correct adverbs

    strictly; formally; fashionably; habitually; ordinarily; positively; uncompromisingly; rigidly; stiffly; insistently; absurdly; carefully; arrogantly; affectedly; ostentatiously; pretentiously; pompously; meticulously; punctiliously; dependably; scrupulously; infallibly; uncannily; disturbingly; unimpeachably; mathematically; insatiably; avidly

    Correct («) adverbs

    painstakingly; constructively; helpfully; sufficiently; harshly; courteously; agreeably; adequately; reasonably; grammatically; infallibly; tactfully; rudely; crudely; curtly; sincerely; obnoxiously

    (See right, reprove.)

    Correction adjectives

    courteous; agreeable; autograph; strong; uranographical; adequate


    accept—; acknowledge—; advise—; allow —; authorize—; counteract—; direct—; follow—; fumble for—; invite—; judge—; modify—; need—; offer—; perform—; print —; refuse—; rejoice in—; resent—; subject to—; substitute—; superintend—; —amends; —improves; —neutralizes; —revises

    (See punishment, discipline.)

    Correctness adjectives

    reasonable; superb; grammatical; irreproachable; lavish; infallible; tactical; rigid

    Correlate (v) adverbs

    mutually; definitely; significantly; properly

    seriously; exactly; statistically

    (See correspond.)

    Correlation adjectives

    definite; significant; proper; serious; exact; high; statistical

    Correspond (v) adverbs

    confidentially; exactly; extensively; commonly; spiritually; relatively; curiously; prominently; obviously; superficially

    (See correlate.)

    Correspondence adjectives

    extensive; poetical; contraband; mutual; clandestine; spurious; noteworthy; seditious; mere; frank; subsequent; spicy; voluminous; lifelong; irresponsible; varied; intimate; diplomatic; heated; imperishable; amatory; objectionable; spiritual; copious; cipher; empirical; commercial; glorious; ungrammatical; vivacious; indiscreet; desultory; relative; curious; sympathetic


    answer—; conduct—with; enter into—with; establish—with; express—with; file—; influence—; interchange—; invite—; maintain—; manage—; neglect—; open—with; receive—; renew—; return—; safeguard—; treat—; —communicates; —enlightens

    (See communication, intercourse, letter.)

    Correspondent adjectives

    humble; prominent; eavesdropping; sympathetic; flattered; international; energetic; special; active; reliable; diplomatic; warshy; persistent; punctilious

    Corridor adjectives

    vaulted; angling; lengthened; spacious; interminable; golden; gloom-shrouded; dreamland; solitary; labyrinthine; tortuous; majestic; deserted; dusty; footworn; myriad (pl); curtained; endless; sloping; bleak; thronged; polished; resounding; murky; circular; concrete; black; eerie


    brighten—; clatter in—; cross—; darken—; glimmer through—; guard—; light— line—; narrow—; pass through—; patrol —; run  through—;   scrub—;   shuffle

    along—; stroll in—; sweep—; traverse—; watch—; widen—; —connects; —joins; —links; —opens into; —resounds with


    (See gallery, passage, hall.)


    submissively; meekly; humbly; wisely; sensibly; sensitively; fortunately; luckily; happily; easily; willingly; reasonably; intelligently; impressibly; moderately; actually; genuinely; tolerably; surprisingly; unusually; probably; presumably


    flagrantly; undesignedly; dishonorably; profoundly; incredibly; wondrously; loathsomely; utterly; infamously; notoriously; perniciously; basely; generally; systematically; satanically

    (See spoil, debase.)

    Corroborate (v) adverbs

    substantially; partially; reliably; fully; undeniably; undoubtedly; convincingly; authentically

    (See confirm, support.)

    Corroborative adverbs

    wholly; entirely; partially; satisfactorily; scarcely; collusively; unfortunately; shamefully; unhappily; completely; circumstantially; exactly; generally; authentically; absolutely; warrantably; intrinsically; significantly; impressively; precisely; authoritatively; credibly; inferentially; terribly; fortunately; substantially

    Corrode (v) adverbs

    perniciously; morally; detrimentally; psychically; permanently; fatally; irreparably; irremediably

    (See consume.)

    Corrosive adverbs

    poisonously; terribly; destructively; irreparably; injuriously; harmfully; wastefully; hopelessly; dangerously; perniciously; rankly; banefully; detrimentally; disastrously; ruinously; irremediably; undoubtedly; seriously; unquestionably; positively

    Corrugation adjectives

    delicate; microscopic; faint; threadlike; fluted; transverse; deep; shallow; intense; decided

    Corrupt adverbs

    incredibly; loathsomely; utterly; infamously; secretly; notoriously; officially; politically; perniciously; basely; generally; grossly; crassly; abominably; shamelessly; openly; admittedly; detestably; odiously; execrably; scandalously; outrageously; darkly; maliciously

    Corruption adjectives

    chronic; mercenary; medieval; chill; unparalleled; dishonorable; profound; incredible; wondrous; loathsome; utter; infamous; hidden; unhappy; ensuing; glossy; political; foulest; civic; official; business; notorious; pernicious; base; miry; monetary; general


    attend with—; befoul with—; charge with—; conceive in—; cripple by—; defend from—; deliver from—; denounce—; fall into—; fatten on—; feast on—; infect with—; loathe—; perish in—; practise—; preserve from—; rot with—; sow—; subject to—; taint with—; —blemishes: —breaks up; —contaminates; —decomposes; —depraves; —despoils; —destroys; deteriorates; —disintegrates; —dissolves; —extends to; —perverts; —putrefies; —undermines; —violates

    (See perversion, pollution, demoralization, dishonesty, decay.)

    Corset adjectives

    armor-plated; confining; curve-restricting; corrective; breath-expelling; gusseted; hampering; health-destroying; torturing; ironclad; stout; tightly-laced


    discard—; divest of—; encircle in—; fit—; lace—; loose—; pierce—; squeeze into—; tighten—; —binds; —covers; —molds; —narrows; —protects; —shapes; —stiffens; —smooths; —strangles; —straps


    Cost adjectives

    trifling; nominal; moderate; inflated; minimum; enormous; appalling; excessive; prodigious; huge; average; comparative; fearful; spiritual; low; relative; ultimate; superfluous; prevailing; exorbitant; admini

    strative; prime; inevitable; extra; classical; operating; additional; insignificant; evident; initial; proper; increasing; outrageous; haulage; aggregate


    absorb—; avoid—; bear—; calculate—; defray—; forfeit—; heighten—; incur—; maintain—; omit—; prate about—; rate—; reckon—; shave—; shoulder—; spare—; whittle down—; —astounds; —piles up; —soars; —varies; recoup—

    (See price, expense, loss.)

    Costly adverbs

    enormously; appallingly; unreasonably; fearfully; outrageously; unusually; exorbitantly; absurdly; gorgeously; unwarrantably; senselessly; wickedly; elegantly; flagrantly; unbelievably; extremely; inestimably

    Costume adjectives

    charming; brilliant; fetching; clever; intriguing; perfect; gorgeous; colorful; nativity; ornamented; elaborate; unconventional; indelicate; inappropriate; convict-like; native; flamboyant; ballet; bizarre; theatrical; local; allegorical; crepepaper; abbreviated; authentic; gala; billowing; stiff; characteristic; gaudy; lavish; fantastic; lugubrious; variegated; rhetorical; exquisite; daring; singular; mournful; picturesque; old-fashioned; grotesque; embroidered; quaint; antique; swagger; flattering; jacketed; capricious


    array in—; attire in—; change—; deck in—; design—; devise—; disguise in—; divest of—; don—; embroider—; fashion—; launder—; mend—; model—; parade in—; pose in—; recognize—; tailor—; trim—; —dazzles; —enhances; —interprets; —symbolizes

    (See dress, garment, clothing.)

    Cosy adverbs

    comfortably; snugly; luxuriously; entertainingly; pleasurably; gratefully; refreshingly; sweetly; hospitably; cheerfully; companionably; heartily; intimately; socially; easily; confidentially; agreeably; pleasantly; truly; curiously

    Cot (cottage) adjectives

    hurdled; weed-inwoven; chimneyed; cozy; overgrown; rose-thatched; sheltered; unpretentious; picturesque; ivied; tenanted

    Cot .


    iron; lowly; downy; snug; sleep-forbidding; lumpy; miserable; untidy; tumbled


    erect—; pounce on—; slumber on—; throw oneself upon—; toss on—; —creaks

    (See bed, couch.)

    Coterie adjectives

    half-serious; playful; philosophical; select; exclusive; cabal; formidable; numerous; assembled

    Cottage adjectives

    thatched; attendant; prim; peaceful; coquettish; straggling; green-shuttered; nestling; squat; smoke-grimed; vine-clad; secluded; luxurious; abandoned; modest; dim-lit; enchanted; attractive; cozy; ancient; rustic; authentic; pert; suburban; eerie; mysterious; gray; small; tidy; weathered; low; lovable; dream; midget


    abide in—; adorn—; brighten—; construct—; dot with—s; dwell in—; erect—; forsake—; furnish—; inhabit—; lease—; lodge in—; rent—; repair to—; shade—; shelter—; —cheers; —invites; —s line


    (See house, hut, cabin, lodge.)

    Cotton adjectives

    speckled; glorified; striped; absorbent

    excellent; lovely; sheer; snowy; feathery


    apply—; bale—; clean—; clothe in—; cultivate—; dye—; export—; gin—; market—; pack with—; pad with—; pick—; prey on—; print on—; raise—; saturate—; sterilize—; swab with—; thread—; twist—; wad—; weave—; wrap in—

    (See cloth, thread.)

    Couch adjectives

    frosty; hollow; narrow; unruffled; fiery; uncurtained; rushy; slippery; nuptial; tortured; stony; bridal; resplendent; sumptuous; festal; luxurious; be-tumbled; eastern; rude; restless; soft; broad; low; big; grassy


    clamber on—; defile—; ensconce on—; exalt —; fling upon—; lie on—; recline on—; rest on—; roll off—; sprawl on—; stretch upon—; stuff—; upholster—; —invites; — tempts

    (See bed, sofa.)

    Couch (v) adverbs

    cautiously; gracefully; flatteringly; tactfully; fastidiously; expressively; diplomatically

    (See express.)

    Cough adjectives

    bad; monotonous; persistent; sinister; low; irritable; slight; little; sharp; tremendous; sepulchral; muffled; hectic; distressing; hacking; dubious; apologetic; troublesome; churchyard; shattering; discreet; annoyed; wheezing; timid; dismal; hollow; smothered; premonitory


    affect with—; afflict with—; bark—; characterize by—; contract—; dose—; ease—; relieve—; stifle—; subdue—; suffer with—; —attacks; —disturbs; —drowns; —expels; —expresses; —indicates; —irritates; —persists; —strangles; —warns; —weakens

    Cough (v). adverbs

    incessantly; huskily; heavily; significantly; discreetly; agonizingly; apologetically; monotonously; persistently; sinisterly; sepul-chrally; muffledly; hectically; hackingly; distressingly; troublesomely; exhaustingly; wheezingly; dismally

    (See sound.)

    Council adjectives

    local; advisory; official; ecclesiastical; church; intermediate; undecided; lawful; executive; general; private; separated; motley; municipal; imposing; irresponsible; elective; legislative; wicked; common; maiden


    admit to—; appoint—; assemble—; bar from—; call—; command—; dismiss—; dissolve—; frame—; gather—; hear—; herald—; sit in—; summon—; —advocates; —bans; —condemns; —decrees

    (See assembly, cabinet.)

    Counsel (advice) adjectives

    profound; wise; simple; humane; sane; sweet; gratuitous; anxious; politic; grave; external; insidious; weighty; sworn; heart-some; friendly; erroneous; paternal; vigorous; stout-hearted; medical; expert; wholesome; diffident; ill; intelligible; divided; prudent; crooked; unanimous; lenient; spiritual; senseless; psychiatric; valorous; sage; distracted; appealing; infernal; misguided; financial


    accept—; amfend—; ask—; bestow—; condemn—; decree—; denounce—; engage—; enter—; examine—; execute—; follow—; hearken unto—; hint—; implore—; lack—; lend—; mislead—; plead—; prize—; propose—; receive—; reject—; seek—; speak—; take—; —displeases; —guides; —prevails; —sways; deliver—; forsake—

    (See advice, admonition, consultation.)

    Counsel (attorney) adjectives

    opposing; experienced; prosecuting; leading; clever; learned; adroit; defending; burly

    Counsel (v) adverbs

    earnestly; sternly; wisely; simply; humanely; sanely; gratuitously; gravely; insidiously; weightily; erroneously; paternally; medically; expertly; prudently; senselessly; leniently; sagely; misguidedly; financially. (See advice, admonish.

    Counselor adjectives

    civil; general; prime; private; prophetic; worthy


    confer with—; confide in—; empower—; entrust with—; heed—; praise—; retain—; —advises; —advocates; —charges; —crossexamines; —deliberates; —demands; —devises; —insinuates; —instructs; —orates; —perjures;—persuades; —pleads; —plots; —practises; —proposes; —recommends; —schemes; —summarizes; —sums up

    (See lawyer, attorney.)

    Count adjectives

    grieved; amorous; fraudulent; noble; bona-fide; unctuous; bogus

    Count (v) adverbs

    definitely; clearly; confidently; silently; legally; partially; entirely; trustingly; basically

    (See compute.)

    Countenance adjectives

    pleasing; amiable; romantic; happy; polite; reverent; smiling; reckless; oval; sturdy; ponderous; eager; grotesque; alert; lugubrious; dejected; long; solemn; rueful; pathetic; idiotic; dull; expressionless; vacant; haughty; frank; serious; gracious; open; thin; simpering; bleeding; battered; convulsed; astute; ingenuous; keen; livid; pale; roseate; dark; clouded; impassive; smug; bland; remote; soft; ordinary; homely; harsh; rumpled; haggard; worn; savage; dirty; hated; evil; stern; brazen; truculent; sullen; grim; frowning; fearful; holy; large; patient; mobile; eloquent; moist; heavy; serenest; rubicund; cheerful; blooming; half-startled; vivacious; menacing; sardonic; animated; colorless; tragic; beaming; austere; whimsical; withered; undue; shiny; discontented; speaking; princely; saturnine; meager; changed; wan; melancholy; reserved; humorous; tranquil; placid; commanding; ruddy; striking; interesting; uncomely; troubled; pallid; malignant; incensed; scandalized; shriveled; truthful; overcast; saddened; branded; joyous; swarthy; repulsive; priestly; unveiled; hueless; watchful; elevated; triumphant; graceful; angry; ferocious; meditative; villainous; mottled; scarred; bloated; tragic; independent; apathetic; spirit-sighted; benignest; puzzled; sculptured; resolute; angelic; household; horror-stricken; familiar; belligerent; blandest; quiet; sleepy; florid; meek; distorted; philosophic; martial; infantile; undenoted; piteous; ashen; marble; courageous; plain; superior; flushed; sallow; rueful


    agitate—; avert—; behold—; bury—in; change—; darken—; distress—; flush—; lift up—; pale—; sadden—; scan—; study—; unmask—; wrinkle—; —beams; —glares; —glowers; —glows; —rebukes

    —resembles;  —sharpens;  —shines;


    (See face, appearance.)

    Counterfeit adjectives

    gross; specious; notorious; worthless; plausible; ostensible; cheap; clever; apish; vulgar; ingenious; tawdry


    accept—; beguile with—; circulate—; discover—; expos^—; fashion—; forge—; identify—; mark—; pass—; reproduce in—; scout as—; stamp—; transform—; withdraw—; work—; —assumes; —copies; —deceives; —defrauds; —differs; —disguises; —imitates; —pretends; —resembles; —simulates

    (See imitation, copy.) adverbs

    grossly; speciously; notoriously; worthlessly; obviously; cleverly; adroitly; deftly; perfidiously; deceptively; cunningly; craftily; unscrupulously; artfully; skilfully; dexterously; ingeniously )

    Countermand (v) adverbs

    dramatically; severely; unjustly; legally; treacherously; unexpectedly; rebelliously; effectively

    (See contradict, oppose.)

    Counterpart adjectives

    precise; painful; unworthy; institutional; modern; earthly; exclusive; emotional; feminine; dense; stooped; elaborate; shrunken

    Co UNTRY


    beloved; enchanting; interesting; advanced; aristocratic; conservative; quaint; small; peaceful; diminutive; weak; underdeveloped; backward; crude; great; mesa; plain; broken; art-producing; flourishing; mountainous; picturesque; cultivated; unrevealed; continental; twilight; desolate; extensive; open; nightmare; exotic; surrounding; drowsy; outlying; inefficient; dun; solitary; barren; sterile; inaccessible; agricultural; wasted; undulating; fainting; familiar; roadless; pine; principal; competing; swampy; illustrious; standardized; gracious; adoptive; thinly-settled; mysterious; semi-pastoral; neighboring; ravaged; habitable; promising; useless; indissoluble; watered; wooded; unexplored; rolling; songless; primitive; modern; poor; parsimonious; unhappy; secluded; peaceful; virgin; unspoiled; exquisite; rugged; arid; dry; dead; deserted; prairie; landscape; imperiled; proud; timbered; droll; level; populous; self-lifted; alpine; respective; lonesome; prosperous; fresh; civilized; undiscovered; fragrant; invaded; overcrowded; thankless; farming; ungraded; hard; unoffending


    assault—; benefit—; bleed—; bombard—; conquer—; depart from—; desolate—; despoil—; devastate—; distress—; dominate—; dumbfound—; exploit—; fortify—; free—; govern—; honor—; invade—; lay waste—; love—; march through—; plunge —into war; ravish—; repair to—; reverence—; return—; rouse—; ruin—; saddle —; salute—; scurry about—; serve—; travel—; unify—; —endures; —protects; —seethes; —tries

    (See territory, region, nation, state, kingdom, republic.)

    Countryman adjectives

    seditious; unpolished; rapacious; unhappy; erring; well-fed; suffering; petitionary; humble


    aid—; appeal to—; elevate—; entertain—; greet—; invite—; mold—; repatriate—; school—; subject—; unite—; uplift—; welcome—; —men aid; —men assemble; —men congregate; —men gather; —men rally; — rejoices

    (See citizen, farmer, peasant.)

    Countryside adjectives

    remote; lonely; rolling; charming; picturesque; gossiping; peaceful; pleasant; suburban


    beautify—; defile—; denude—; depict—J describe—; devastate—; dot—; eulogize—; familiarize with—; haunt—; invade—; landscape—; paint—; plague—; preserve—; prowl about—; range—; roam—; scour—; storm—; terrorize—; unite against —; —abounds with; —echoes; —teems with

    (See country, land, farm, region.)

    Couple adjectives

    sober; strolling; loving; inseparable; devoted; curious; ill-assorted; delectable; stately; venerable; plump; amorous; retiring; worthy; withered; happy; struggling; prudent; moneyless; elderly


    attach—; betroth—; bless—; conjoin—; connect—; dance in—s; divide—; divorce—; engage—; eye—; fasten—; halve —; join—; knit—; leash—; link—; loose—; pair—s; rend—; sever—; split—; tie—; troop in—s; unite—; yoke—

    (See partners.)

    Couple (v) adverbs

    inevitably; normally; abnormally; hideously; logically; shrewdly; generally; poetically

    (See connect, joint.)

    Coupon adjectives

    detachable; hoarded; interest-bearing; neatly-clipped; prepayment; significant; worthless; separable


    bear—; cash—; clip—; count—s; date—; detach—; identify—; issue—; present—; rate—; register—; save—; snip—; value—; —certifies; —claims; —promises; —represents

    (See certificate, ticket.)

    Courage adjectives

    splendid; noble; peerless; sublime; superb; ardent; joyous; proud; frank; quiet; simple; patient; dogged; hot; fiery; fighting; wavering; oozing; rising; swelling; stony; unwonted; creative; philosophic; hereditary; moral; ratlike; steadfast; careless; impetuous; indomitable; shamed; unsurpassed; blended; brute; unflinching; matchless; rare; moral; desperate; pitiful; undiminished; reawakening; husbanded; conscious; exalted; tremendous; tried; reviving; immortal; reckless; abundant; intelligent; ancient; stubborn; personal; devoted; unshaken; passive; sublime; incredible; admirable; habitual; steady; romantic; undismayed; drooping; magnificent; foolhardy; hopeful; animal; exceptional; imperious; placid; dignified; conspicuous; stand-up; renewed; native; undaunted; obdurate; revolutionary; worn; sober; knightly; unfailing; adamantine; audacious; heroic; passive


    acclaim—; applaud—; blend with—; boast—; bolster—; cultivate—; daunt—; equip with—; exhibit—; extol—; gain—; imbue with—; instill—; lose—; maintain—; manifest—; muster—; plant—; pluck up—; raise—; reflect—; renew—; require—; reveal—; rouse—; screw up—; shake—; shatter—; stiffen—; stimulate—; stir up—; strain—; strengthen—; strut with—; summon—; take—; temper—; whistle up—; —droops; —endures; —flags; —mounts; —rises; —runs high

    (See bravery, fortitude, heroism, valor.)

    Courageous adverbs

    dangerously; rashly; temperamentally; a-larmingly; fantastically; foolhardily; colossally; breath-takingly; terribly; admirably; dramatically; notoriously; crazily; strangely; singularly; amazingly; recklessly; unbelievably; foolishly; romantically; heroically; youthfully; boyishly; disconcertingly; extravagantly; splendidly; nobly; superbly; proudly; quietly; patiently; doggedly; enduringly; morally; steadfastly; impetuously; consciously; stubbornly; devotedly; personally; sublimely; habitually; magnificently; calmly

    Course (direction) adjectives

    splendid; admirable; sedate; sagacious; reasonable; sensible; serpentine; winding; sinuous; dizzy; desultory; twisting; circuitous; irregular; roundabout; sanguinary; rich; airy; resistless; dangerous; extreme; disagreeable; meteoric; advisable; straight; secretive; indefensible; devious; speedy; politic; heedless; prudent; fixed; middle; needful; unexplored; comfortable; unenvi-ous; erratic; alternative; traditional; lenient; stupid; evil; dreary; fatal; mild; tortuous; endowed; systematic; peevish; indirect; frail; zigzag; feverish; rigorous; magnanimous; decisive; stony; immutable; desperate; exemplary; circular; natural; prescribed; luminous; unsilent; prolonged; headlong; initiatory; arduous; hereditary; extreme; strange; motley; conquering; skyward; unscrupulous; uniform; impetuous; tangential; precarious; profligate; tardy; basalt; tearless; curvilinear; lusty; coercive; orderly; ambiguous; long; shady; rapid; endless; wheeling; intermitting; destined; practical; furious; fair; bloody; normal; excellent; spherical; tranquil; doubtful; victorious; aimless; uneventful; peculiar; respective; contrary; irresistible; economical; diurnal; swift; precipitate; majestic; preparatory


    advance—; alter—; appoint—; bend—; blow off—; chart—; check— commend—; conceal—; condemn—; continue in—; cut off from—; decide on—; denote—; determine—; dictate—; direct—; disturb—; drift in—; embark on—; fix—; follow—; hinder—; hold—; illumine—; impede—; interrupt—; lead—; leave to—; map—; mark—; modify—; order—; outrun—; persevere in—; pervert—; plot—; praise—; pursue—; rebuke—; resolve on—; return to—; reverse—; run—; set—; settle on—; shape—;• shun—; steer—; stem—; stick to—; subdue—; swerve from—; travel—; tread—; turn—; upbraid—; veer from—; wander .off—; wing—; —fluctuates; —runs; —shifts; —winds; —zigzags

    (See direction, line, conduct.)

    Course (study) adjectives

    advanced; logical; pedagogic; technical

    rigorous; difficult; condensed


    abandon—; change—; choose—; complete—; comprise—; conduct—; cut—; deride—; divide into—s; elect—; emphasize—; establish—; evaluate—; finish—; flunk (colloq.)—; follow—; fulfill—; initiate—; model—upon; pursue—; renew—; revise—; set up—; speed up—; —equips; —intends to; —prepares

    Course (v) adverbs

    tortuously; swiftly; windingly; circuitously; sinuously; irregularly; deviously; erratically; impetuously; tranquilly; irresistibly; precipitately

    (See travel.)

    Court (enclosed yard) adjectives

    cobbled; gravelly; dusty; muddy; noisy; paved; tiled; rubbish-filled; neglected; sunless; gloomy; discouraging


    approach—; besiege—; build—; cross—; fill—; guard—; measure—; pace—; retire to—; roof—; shut up in—

    Court (law) adjectives

    vested; open; stuffy; instituted; hospitable; primitive; voluntary; spiritual; temporal; silent; petrified; superior; imperial; gloomy; papal; punctilious; murky; merciless; respectable; sapient; strict; corrupt; packed; primitive; competent; inferior; international; circuit; criminal


    adjourn—; adjudicate in—; beseech—; blockade—; call into—; coerce—; defy—; dismiss—; exploit—; hale into—; haul into—; liberalize—; override—; overrule —; pack—; petition in—; preside over—; reform—; rejuvenate—; remake—; resort to—; revamp—; strangle—; submit to—; sway—; tamper with—; vow in—; —awards;.—convenes; —fines; —grants; —impounds; —judges; —recognizes; —renders a decision; —restrains; —upholds

    (See tribunal, judge.)

    Court (royal) adjectives

    ceremonious; tavern; ostentatious; revolutionary; dilapidated; ecclesiastical; spacious; cloistered; envious; weedy; pontifical; assiduous; ambitious; magnolia; pompous; gloomy; admirable; sportive; untidy; dripping; bosky


    break up—; dispatch to—; entertain at—; establish—; fete at—; forsake—; hold—; honor at—; join—; muster—; open—; present at—; preside at—; station at—

    —flourishes; —glories in

    Court (v) adverbs

    lustfully; assiduously; steadfastly; absurdly; ostentatiously; subtly; romantically; devotedly; shyly; masterfully; wildly; incessantly; languidly; impetuously

    (See attract, woo.)

    Courteous adverbs

    exquisitely; deeply; quietly; deferentially; perfunctorily; thoughtfully; extravagantly; tenderly; formally; naturally; dangerously; scarcely; scantily; traditionally; languidly; lazily; grimly; cordially; outwardly; genuinely; provokingly; gracefully; particularly; charmingly; gravely; loftily; meticulously; punctiliously; unfailingly; inherently; reverently; suspiciously; unexpectedly; especially

    Courtesy adjectives

    matchless; perfect; fine; gentle; exquisite; spiritual; deep; quiet; understanding; deferential; insinuating; decent; stately; dignified; perfunctory; thoughtful; extravagant; strained; serious; benevolent; stolid; dissembling; unclean; tender; formal; condescending; studied; national; natural; dangerous; official; gracious; scant; neighborly; poor; traditional; senatorial; caressing; straining; languid; special; grim; pressing; obvious; common; cordial; outward; intolerable; particular; graceful; charming; impersonal; doubtful; princely; international; oily; obliging; grave; last; lofty; wayward; patient; rigid; genuine; meticulous; unfailing; cold; automatic; southern; foreign; mickle; inherent; utmost; unusual; sacred; measured; novel


    accord—; air—; allow—; deny—; deserve—; disdain—; greet with—; imbue with—; misplace—; offer—; overstrain—; praise—; respect—; return—; scorn—; show—; strain—; stress—; temper with—

    (See politeness.)

    Courtier adjectives

    hovering; splendid; decrepit; senile; veteran; garrulous; subtle; shrewd; wary; pompous; vainglorious; sapient; extravagant; absolute; gallant; dissipated; smirking; expectant; avaricious; eulogizing; gaudiest

    Courtship adjectives

    strange; careful; subtle; devoted; romantic; shy; masterful; wild; long; gradual; unhappy; customary; incessant; orthodox; languid; harassed


    attend in—; chaperon—; conduct—; delight in—; flatter during—; involve in—; lengthen—; pay—; pledge in—; prolong—; pursue with—; reject—; respond to—; revel in—; rush—; sway by—; verse in—; —ends; —expires; —flags; —softens

    (See friendship.)

    Cousin adjectives

    worthy; philological; valiant; capricious; stalwart; pious; enormous; gentle; favorite; distant; pallid; bloody; aristocratic; impecunious; remote; loutish

    Cove adjectives

    fascinating; shallow; sunlit; quiet; wooded; eddying; drowsy; snug

    Covenant adjectives

    sacred; solemn; binding; common; perpetual; broad; eternal


    agree upon—; alter—; annul—; break—; confirm—; declare—; defile—; destroy—; draw up—; ensure—; enter into—; establish—; forsake—; invert—; mind—; obey—; profane—; record—; respect—; sever—; stabilize—; stipulate in—; swear to—; transgress—; void—

    Cover adjectives

    fairest; ephemeral; glazed; dewy; precious; enameled; soiled; coarse; garish; friendly; illuminated; excellent; practical; floor; protective; grassy; underdone; loathsome; reversible; detachable; flimsy; inmost; frail; weedy; sorry; luxuriant; ghostly; variegated; conical


    attach—; clap on—; form—; improvise—; lift—; ornament—; raise—; remove—; screw on—; slide—on; take to—; wrap in—; —clothes; —conceals; —defends; —encloses; —envelops; —hides; —hinges; —overlays; —overspreads; —projects; — protects; —rests upon; —screens; —shelters; —surfaces

    (See case, lid, canopy, roof, spread, shelter.)

    Cover (v) adverbs

    instinctively; adequately; grotesquely; insufficiently; inadequately; exhaustively; partially; garishly; protectively; loathsomely; flimsily; frailly; luxuriantly; conically

    (See conceal, hide.)

    Covet (v) adverbs

    burningly; obviously; lustfully; jealously; bloodthirstily; sinfully; viciously; insanely; instinctively; economically; vulgarly; basely; detestably; infamously

    (See crave.)

    Coveted adverbs

    eagerly; highly; passionately; enviously; wickedly; earnestly; excitedly; justifiably; sinfully; fondly; impatiently; keenly; hungrily; greedily; desirously; wishfully; wistfully; insatiably; avidly; madly; ambitiously; rabidly; invidiously; jealously; yearningly; ardently; curiously; fervently

    Covetousness adjectives

    excited; justifiable; bloodthirsty; unholy; inordinate; eager; rapacious

    Co IV adjectives

    serene; spotted; fat; milch; gentle; gaunt; fractious; ambitious; sad; mooing; contented


    breed —s; feed —s; herd —s; infect —; inspect —; raise —; slaughter —; test —; —s graze; —s huddle; —s leap; —s lumber; —s pasture; —s plod; —s roam; —s trail

    (See cattle, animal.)

    Co IV A RD adjectives

    thrasonical; arrant; vulgar; miserable; hulking; base; egotistic; contemptible; mannish; notable; faithless; detestable; abject; conscienceless; crafty; blaspheming; blatant; devout; infernal; pale; infamous


    bar —; brand as —; denounce —; designate as—; develop into 1—; intimidate —; ostracize —; proclaim —; regale —; reproach —; slay —; sneer at —; stigmatize as —; taunt —J — faints; — falters; — fears; — flees; — pales; — pleads; — protects; — shakes; — shies; — slanders; — slinks; — trembles; — whimpers; — yields

    Cowardice adjectives

    empty; servile; moral; ineffable; vilest; abject; unexpected; palpable; strange


    banish —; brand with —; breed —; charge with —; conceal —; curb —; denounce —; display —; exhibit —; feign —; flaunt —; flee in —; hide —; loathe —; mark —; overcome —; protest —; rage at —; soil with —; vindicate of —; — defiles; — demoralizes; — shames

    (See timidity.)

    Cowardly adverbs

    abjectly; unexpectedly; vilely; feebly; shamefully; suddenly; basely; miserably; contemptibly; hideously; detestably; abominably; pitiably; notoriously; infamously; secretly; pathologically; helplessly; hopelessly; embarrassingly; pathetically; irremediably; consciously

    Cowbell adjectives

    jangling; battered; brassy; silvery; tinkling; musical; matutinal; vespertine


    attach—; hang on—; respond to—; tie on—; —clangs; —clanks; —dangles; — directs; —echoes; —greets; —jangles; — suggests; —sways; —swings; —tinkles


    (See bell.)

    Cowbird adjectives

    attending; herd-following; hoarsely-commenting; perching


    —crowds out; —gurgles; —intrudes; — warbles

    (See bird.)

    Cowboy adjectives

    elemental; daredevil; equestrian; bright; crooning; weather-beaten; saddle-hardened; hard-riding


    employ—s; quarter—s; —brands; —breaks horses; —breaks loose; —charges; —corrals; —drives; —herds; —lassoes; — mounts; —punches cattle; —ropes; —rounds up; —rustles; —stampedes; —trails; — whoops; —wrangles

    Cower (v) adverbs

    gloomily; weakly; shrinkingly; ignobly; basely; abjectly; servilely; palpably; pusillanimously; spinelessly

    (See crouch, squat.)

    Coy adverbs

    timidly; diffidently; shyly; modestly; retiringly; bashfully; blushingly; humbly; nervously; demurely; primly; pleasantly; adorably; uneasily; engagingly; gracefully; captivatingly; delightfully; sweetly

    Coyote adjectives

    gaunt; night-prowling; howling; sneaking; sly; wary; pusillanimous


    frighten by—s; trap—s; —s abound; —s attack; —s bark; —burrows; —s carry off; —cries; —destroys; —digs; —gallops; — hides; —howls; —infests; —inhabits; — laps; —lurks; —mangles; —prowls; — ranges; —screams; —scurries; —slinks; —sneaks; —s surround; —wails; —yaps; —yips; —yowls

    (See animal.)

    Crab adjectives

    roasted; reluctant; soft-shelled; luscious; invading; semi-transparent; side-walking; scurrying; sodden; swiftly-moving


    broil—; capture—; catch—; devil—; roast

    —; steam—; —claws; —crawls; —weighs

    Crabbed adverbs

    bitterly; unnecessarily; unwarrantably; vexatiously; sourly; perplexingly; natural-ly; innately; horribly; detestably; abominably; persistently; obnoxiously; unpleasantly; constantly; permanently; incurably; unreasonably; intractably; stubbornly; plaguedly; discourteously; rudely; uncivilly; tactlessly; coolly; pertly; obtrusively; snarlingly

    Crack (blow) adjectives

    sharp; smart; mannish; punitive; admonitory; disciplinary; surreptitious; vindictive; solar plexus; resounding

    Crack (fissure) adjectives

    shallow; minute; widening; seamy; ragged; fearful; devastating


    close—; fill—; peer through—; seal—; seep through—; shine through—; squeeze into—; stretch out—; trace—; widen—; —breaks; —bursts; —damages; —endangers; —gapes; —opens; —separates; —weakens; —widens; —yawns

    (See chasm, gap, opening.)

    Crackle adjectives

    snapping; faint; sickening; brittle; cheery; warning; ominous; starchy; silken

    Crackle (v) adverbs

    cheerily; fiercely; industriously; faintly; sickeningly; furiously; threateningly

    (See sound.)

    Cradle adjectives

    tiny; earthen; equatorial; leafy; stony; hollow; procreant; clumsy; swaddling; unostentatious; animal-skin; rocking


    attend—; bar—; carry in—; decorate—; deck—; discard—; dream in—; fall from—; jig—; lull in—; mount—; nurture in—; repose in—; rest in—; rock—; shelter in—; sleep in—; snatch from—; stifle in—; sway—; swing—; unveil—; watch over—

    (See bed.)

    Cradle (v) adverbs

    comfortingly; endearingly; maternally; cozily; domestically

    (See bed.)

    Craft (boat) adjectives

    stately; leaky; weatherly; ponderous; ghostly; frail-looking; multitudinous (pl); tidy; ill-equipped; clumsy; unseaworthy; aging; tiny; speedy; graceful; small; trim; little; slow; toiling; disabled; staunch; makeshift; slender; strange-looking; waterlogged ; ridiculous

    Craft adjectives                                (skill

    hellish; inexhaustible; vulpine; consummate; purloined; mechanical; extraordinary; manual; devilish; elfin; earthly; astonishing; slippery; subtle; inveterate; intervening; peaceful; ancient; coy; crude; indolent; pleasurable; strange-looking; diabolical; contentious; waterlogged


    apply—; beguile with—; counterfeit—; devote to—; display—; exhibit—; follow—; learn—; master—; perform with—; pursue—; skill in—; study—; trick with—; verse in—; —deceives; —occupies; — thrives

    (See skill, trade.)

    Craftiness adjectives

    uncanny; cold; weird; deft; astounding; practiced

    Craftsman adjectives

    expert; skilled; master; trained; seasoned; meticulous; experienced; sincere; able; erudite; polished; thoroughgoing; wandering; sedentary

    Craftsmanship adjectives

    rare; unusual; exquisite; delicate; centuries-old; superb; authentic; progressive; skilled; custom

    Crafty adverbs

    suavely; subtly; urbanely; artfully; designingly; dangerously; commercially; alarmingly; suspiciously; extremely; singularly; profoundly; unexpectedly; deftly; astutely; inscrutably; habitually; warily; cautiously; wisely; invariably; politically; deliberately; shamefully; fiendishly; expertly; horribly

    Crag adjectives

    stupendous; bare; massive; far-distant; gray; lofty; inaccessible; steep; tottering; yellow; weathered; sustaining; overhanging; dense-wooded; fantastic; impregnable; rocky; mountain; shaggy; slippery; shrubless; jagged; splintered; accumulated; bald; jutting; morselled; whinstone; descendent; beetling; giant-snouted; lichen-covered; dizzy; gaunt; lordly; shredded; precipitous; storm-washed; airy


    ascend—; batter—; beat—; blow from—; catch on—; clasp—; cling to—; expose—; peer from—; precipitate from—; scale—; scan—; storm—; strand on—; swing from—; topple from—; —hinders; —juts out; —menaces; —slopes; climb—

    (See cliff, rock.)

    Cram (v) adverbs

    completely; reputedly; fully; intellectually; enormously jswellingly; hoggishly; bestially. (See crowd, squeeze.

    Cramp adjectives

    agonizing; distressing; hindering; musclefettering; paralyzing; torturing; violent


    affect with—; alleviate—; cause—; contract with—; ease—; massage—; predispose to—; produce—; rack with—; seize with—; take with—; —agonizes; —attacks; —benumbs; —constricts; —extends; —incapacitates; —knots; —numbs; —pains; —paralyzes; —pinches; —restrains; —stiffens; —tortures

    (See pain.) adjectives

    eerie-sounding; frog-questing; shadowy; ungainly; voracious; wading )

    Crank adjectives

    ridiculous; complete; usual; veritable; unenviable; decided

    Crank (v) adverbs

    laboriously; sweatingly; difficultly; stiffly; energetically; spiritedly

    (See turn.)

    Crash adjectives

    ominous; incessant (pl); reverberating; thunderous; dazzling; successive (pl) ; hideous; simultaneous (pl); fearful; confused; heavy; blinding; railroad; grinding; tremendous; almighty; tumultuous; occasional; mighty; light; rolling; heart-shaking; impending; vicious; loud; fatal; resounding; dull; heavy; smashing; distant; disastrous; terrific; rending; ear-splitting; dangerous; sudden; hollow; rhythmic; splintering


    avert—; avoid—; escape—; produce— witness—; —breaks; —bursts; —crushes —dashes; —resounds; —ruins; —shatters —shivers; —shocks; —smashes; —splinters —thunders

    (See noise, collapse, ruin, failure.)

    Crash (v) adverbs

    sickeningly; haphazardly; ominously; incessantly; reverberatingly; thunderously; simultaneously; heavily; grindingly; tumultuously; rollingly; fatally; resoundingly; disastrously; terrifically; rendingly; ear-splittingly; hollowly; splinteringly

    (See collapse, smash.)

    Crassness adjectives

    unutterable; despicable; undescribable; hopeless; irritating; inane

    Crater adjectives

    extinct; ancient; gaping; active; grass-covered; weed-grown; smoking; exhausted; submerged; cindery; cuplike; thundering; roaring; seething


    fly over—; form—; run from—; —boils; — bubbles; —discharges; —disgorges; — ejects; —emits; —erupts; —forms; —furrows; —hardens; —pours out; —roars; — rumbles; —seethes; —simmers; —smokes

    —spouts —throws up

    (See volcano.)

    Cravat adjectives

    unknotted; voluminous; unkempt; nice; well-chosen; correct; becoming; flowing; resplendent


    admire—; color—; display—; knot—; purchase—; purvey—s; spot—; tie—;  

    adorns; —blazes; —encircles; —harmonizes; —muffles; —ornaments; —protects

    —shields ; —shocks

    (See tie, necktie.)

    Crave (v) adverbs

    irresistibly; humbly; instinctively; insatiably; inordinately; intensely; earnestly; unappeasingly; incessantly; uncontrollably; violently; persistently; abnormally; vaguely; maternally; erotically; spiritually; in-sensately

    (See desire, want.)

    Craven adjectives

    stricken; confessed; marked; cowering; fearful; cringing; crass

    Craving adjectives

    intense; earnest; unappeasable; eager; incessant; uncontrollable; violent; persistent; tenacious; unbeautiful; spasmodic; frivolous; abnormal; maternal; unsatisfied; mysterious; endless; forbidden; sporadic; instinctive; premature; erotic; insatiable; cruel; vague; mastered; spiritual; insensate; intermittent


    annul—; appease—; conceal—; dispatch—; ease—; frown on—; harbor—; indulge—; master—; quell—; repress—; resist—; satisfy—; still—; stir up—; sublimate—; —overpowers; —seizes

    (See passion, appetite, hunger, desire, longing, leaning, entreaty.)

    Crawl (c) adverbs

    interminably; sluggishly; softly; wearily; tortuously; bestially; dejectedly; sorrowfully; toilingly; determinedly

    (See grovel, creep.)

    Craze adjectives

    fashionable; dull; amusement; midsummer; newest; freakish; passing; temporary


    adopt—; denounce—; despise—; develop into—; fancy—; follow—; ignore—; inaugurate—; overcome—; succumb to—; —affects; —attracts; —dies; —fades; — flashes; —seizes; —spreads

    (See mania, caprice.)

    Creak (v) adverbs

    stridently; irritatingly; monotonously; continually; disturbingly; intermittently; rhythmically

    (See sound.)

    Creaking adjectives

    strange; cautious; imperceptible; massive; ear-teasing; inaudible

    Cream adjectives

    rich; pure; oily; stainless; intellectual; vanishing; rejuvenating; penetrating; superb; cosmetic; dulcet; soothing; massage; unguent


    add—; anoint with—; apply—; beat—; churn—; convert—; dilute—; filter—; form—; gather—; mature—; mix—; moisten with—; pasteurize—; purify—; rub in—; separate—; serve—; skim—; sour—; spread—; stir—; sweeten—; whip—; — foams; —froths; —greases; —mantles; —rises

    Creamery adjectives

    spotless; inviting; appetizing; efficient; germ-proof; hermetic; ship-shape

    Crease (v) adverbs

    deftly; readily; disgustingly; offensively; intolerably

    (See wrinkle.)

    Create (v) adverbs

    obviously; artistically; unconsciously; independently; unexpectedly; painstakingly; artificially; fantastically; specially; fancifully; complicatedly; permanently; forcibly; harmoniously; uniquely; individually; abstractly; brilliantly; imaginatively; inferiorly; gigantically; intellectually; sublimely; beneficently; ceaselessly; figuratively; literally

    (See make, produce.)

    Creation adjectives

    huge; fantastic; special; foreordained; artistic; fanciful; witty; reflective; grave; complicated; primal; permanent; sculpturesque; forcible; surrounding; psychological; brute; harmonious; unique; individual; abstract; brilliant; dormant; pedigreed; rhythmical; coordinating; visible; ungainly; imaginary; human; various; wide-reaching; evolutionary; artificial; immediate; divine; patented; rejuvenated; pendulous; previous; inferior; gigantic; poetical; violent; splendid; serio-comic; aboriginal; false; aerial; memorable; intellectual; infinite; approved; bountiful; special; sublime; beneficent; genial; warm; inanimate; travailing; catastrophic


    abolish—; behold—; condemn—; contradict —; counterfeit—; curse—; grasp—; illustrate—; improve—; inspire—; mar—; understand—; —collapses; —reflects

    (See world, universe.)

    Creator adjectives

    responsible; unworthy; rival; benevolent; conscious; omnipotent


    betray—;.consecrate to—; eulogize—; honor —; praise—; revere—; spring from—; worship—; —animates; —decrees; —divines; —empowers; —fashions; —grants; —moulds; —ordains; —originates; —produces; —reveals; —rules; —works

    (See God, inventor.)

    Creature adjectives

    rare; likable; upstanding; honest-looking

    lovable; admirable: brilliant; luscious; docile; glorious; winning; fine; greathearted; fascinating; gentle; amiable; demure; marvelous; shy; thin; shortsighted; anemic; limitary; tiny; spiritless; forlorn; obscure; slipshod; ravishing; frugal; despicable; smitten; archaic; perennial; little; dull; yellowish-white; faithful-looking; foolish; struggling; furry; rational; perfect; smooth; pretty; plausible; absurd; doll-like; finite; delicate; sentimental; divine; web-footed; insensible; industrious; drugging; stricken; nasty; ill-bred; inconsequent; voracious; carnivorous; graceful; effeminate; singular; crawling; eyeless; fictitious; overflowing; threadbare; fantastic; bewildering; amphibious; pusillanimous; sensitive; hideous; perverse; desperate; inquisitive; silly; helpless; dependent; brutal; faithful; charming; loathsome; formidable; clear-eyed; harmless; fiery; frail; overgrown; carnal; phlegmatic; unhappy; purest; plainest; kind-hearted; magnanimous; artless; predatory; ever-interesting; nervous; timorous; blunt; pleasant; clambering; monstrous; indigenous; affectionate; sensible; cordial; loving; sweetest; dearest; stealthy; gregarious; insignificant; decrepit; two-fold; strenuous; easy; anxious; poor; unteachable; writhing; tortured; piteous; strange; romantic; sickly; faded; kindly; stout; untidy-looking; flowery; harlequin-like; ridiculous; glorious; foul; infinitesimal; -hapless; reasonable; amendable; worthy; horned; love-maddened; coarsegrained; unwashed; flexible; noxious; hairless; diminutive; beastly; poor-spirited; unpolished; veiled; healthy-looking; governmental; discouraged; mendacious; precious; paltry; good-humored; vile; sagacious; dismal-looking; vagrant; nomadic; ferocious; primest; stupid; exquisite; grotesque; exotic; miserable; intellectual; irascible; insufferable; silk-clothed; obliging; goodly; inarticulate; new-made; natural; crooked; shameless; fawn-eyed; gigantic; bewitching; non-aggressive; fickle; thoughtful; grave; wistful; tolerable; human; fearful; sincere; cherubic; yearling; dainty; tallowy; slight; girlish; dawdling; beautiful; ravenous; injudicious; timid; sinful; driven; sweated; magnificent; doe-eyed; clinging; frenzied; heartless; ferocious-looking; impudent; fairest; mongrel; dying; wasted; vivid; earnest; grasping; sylphlike; fine-looking, gorgeous-looking; pretty; dark-eyed; spirited; handsome.; elegant; dazzling; furtive; crafty; scheming; wily; baffling; uncanny; wise; cunning; uncouth; spineless; affrighted; gentle; meek-spirited; weak; weary; luckless; poor; humble; long-legged; gaunt; gangling; angular; ragged; emaciated; loose-jointed; lanky; cadaverous-faced; weird; strange; odd-looking; stodgy; pork-ish; kind; plump; flabby; huge; muscular; poised; self-confident; vital; energetic; big; forthright; hearty; blithe; buxom; sprightly; flippant; self-assured; capricious; sad; ugly; humdrum; stunted; strong-willed; stubborn; obstinate; queer-looking; humpbacked; passive; senseless; idiotic; silliest-looking; star-eyed; sinuous; beady-eyed; slim; bird-like; yellow-striped; half-wild; shy; feathered; migratory; feline; screeching; aquatic; lone; marsh; biting; crawling; forest; pathological; merry; wild; thankless* winged; troublesome; bloodthirsty; mangy-looking; broken; disintegrated; dirty; disheveled; unshorn; emaciated; filthy; ragged; detestable; menacing; primitive; worthless; undesirable; viciouslooking; tarnished; distressing; careless; wretched; half-blind.; tottering; imaginary; mythical; fastidious; talkative; plain; huddle; two-legged; newly-evolved; vehement; gaudy; unvapory


    cage—; curse—; despise—; distress—; eye—; feed—; hunt—; hurt—; kill—; loathe—; oppress—; slay—; tame—; torture—; trap—; —echoes; —senses; —stirs; —walks

    (See being, animal.)

    Credence adjectives

    qualified; ready; partial; definite; unwarranted

    Credentials adjectives

    required; college; personal; time-tested; intellectual; valid; sufficient


    accept—; arm with—; bear—; check—; display—; doubt—; falsify—; forge—; forward—; honor—; investigate—; lose—; present—; provide with—; sign—; —attest to; —entitle; —reveal

    (See testimonial.)

    Credible adverbs

    deeply; implicitly; actually; presumably; reliably; soberly; conceivably; certainly; assuredly; possibly; positively; impressively; fairly; reasonably; plausibly; probably; speciously; potentially; peradventur-ously; haply; obviously; unreservedly

    Credit adjectives

    unlimited; tentative; threatened; retirement; weakening; unquestioned; everlasting; cooperative; implicit; highest; fullest; personal; moral; comparative; small; unfailing; exhausted; practical; rescinded; domestic; long-term; foreign; extended


    accept—; accumulate—; ascribe to—; bolster up—; claim—; deserve—; expand—; extend—; favor with—; honor—; obtain —; redound—; rehabilitate—; secure—; share—; strain—; warp—

    (See confidence, trust, faith, prestige, influence.)

    Credit (v) adverbs

    conveniently; ignorantly; tentatively; everlastingly; implicitly; fully; personally; morally; unfailingly; practically; locally; formally; unhesitatingly

    (See believe.)

    Creditable adverbs

    highly; altogether; admirably; becomingly: deservedly; duly; richly; splendidly; notably; eminently; conspicuously; remarkably

    Creditor adjectives

    importunate; inexorable; sourest; bloody; persistent; detaining; unfeeling


    avoid—; cajole—; dismiss—; escape—; evade—; hold off—; pay—; satisfy—; settle with—; —s rise; —assails; —demands; —depends; — descends upon; —s dwindle; —forces; —harasses; —importunes; —menaces; —stands; —sues; — threatens; —trusts

    Credulity adjectives

    good-natured; popular; heretical; human; great; unfathomable; reluctant; common; ignorant; curious; scornful; emotional; unshakable; grave; innocent


    appeal to—; assume—; attack—; bless with—; clothe in—; disguise—; invite—; lose—; preserve—; produce—; register—

    remove—; strain—; value—; —accepts; —expires

    (See faith, belief.)

    Creed adjectives

    everlasting; common; rigid; narrow; respective (pl) ; noble; vulgar; delicious; confused; fashionable; senseless; rebellious; especial; ancient; healthful; soulless; hopeful; dominant; creative; polemic; cynical; procreative; strange; primeval; adopted; universal; heavenly


    accept—; adopt—; advance—; alter—; bind to—; displace—; fix—; follow—; formulate—; instill—; institute—; learn—; scoff at—; shake—; support—; subscribe to—; tangle—; teach—; —decays; —summarizes

    (See belief, faith.)

    Creek adjectives

    brawling; briny; winding; log-jammed; silvery; yearning; cheery; echoing; tortuous; emerald; dry; dirty; ice-fringed; dimpled; swollen; fresh-water; unruly; hidden; muddy; scanty; cool; pebbled; tiny; whispering; roaring


    bridge—; dam—; explore—; fish—; follow —; navigate—; paddle down—; span—; wade in—; —babbles; —bends; —branches off; —dances; —drenches; —gurgles; —harbors; —irrigates; —joins; —overflows; —penetrates; —sings; —twists; — widens; —winds

    (See brook, stream.)

    Creep (v) adverbs

    slyly; mechanically; noiselessly; timidly; cautiously; blindly; stealthily; piteously; meekly; invisibly; mysteriously; ultimately

    (See crawl, grovel.)

    Creeper adjectives

    blooming; luxuriant; spiky; parasitic; interlacing; indigenous; deciduous; poisonous; woody

    Crepe adjectives

    sheer; rayon; tailored; trim; crinkly; clinging; webby

    Crescendo adjectives

    rending; sudden; deafening; wild; gradual; muffled

    Crescent adjectives

    silvery; paling; sardonic; delicate; sharp; black; stormy


    adopt—as; attach—; carry—; carve—; decorate with—; design—; employ—; form —; mold—; ornament with—; rest upon—; shape—; trace—; —embellishes; —fades; —glimmers; —signifies; —symbolizes

    Cress adjectives

    matted; mantling; pungent; tasty; .crisp; fresh

    Cresset adjectives

    blazing; burning; hanging; pendent; swinging; polished; shining; glowing

    Crest adjectives

    ferny; higher; snow-streaked; silver; flamelike; fire-tipped; glittering; ancestral; blazing; upturned; haughty; snowy; kindled; polished; gory; uncontrolled; crimson; golden; bald; towering; glimmering; turret; flaming; stainless; overhanging; compassed; princely; confused; proud; slide-scarred; knife-edged; cloven; tranquil; hissing; lofty; whitening; windy; cockatoo; mountain; jagged; distant


    affix—; bear—; brighten—; dance on—; elevate to—; erect—; fix—; helmet with—; let fall—; mount to—; plate with—; recognize—; seal with—; strike—; —bristles; —crowns; —droops; —ornaments; — plumes; —signifies; —symbolizes; —undulates; —waves; —wreathes

    (See comb, crown.)

    Crevice adjectives

    barren; rock; narrow; winding; snug; sunken; distant; mysterious

    Creiv adjectives

    rollicking; skulking; pestilent; fiendish; motley; vulgar; lachrymose; revolutionary; enthusiastic; marauding; rebellious; persevering; well-organized; worthless; mumbling; rough-and-ready; scribbling; numerous; humorous; back-biting; unhallowed; horrid; dilapidated; whining; besotted; stammering; dispirited; orientallooking; strange; gaunt; merry; mutinous; gay; adventurous; lugged; coarse-fibred; indigent; stout; burly; handy; unruly: sleepy; ground; marooned; insubordinate; changing; sullen; annihilated; rascal; tiring; nefarious; madcap; banished


    address—; arouse—; assemble—; augment —; banish—; bestir—; captain—; capture —; command—; consult—; control—; curse—; direct—; dissemble—; engage—; enlarge—; exclude—; gather—; hire—; order—; organize—; oversee—; quarter—; rescue—; rule—; —accomplishes; —boards; —conspires; —embarks; —mans; —mutinies; —rebels; —revels

    (See crowd, company.)

    Crib adjectives

    lace-ruffled; comfortable; safeguarded

    padded; wicker; swinging; basket

    Cricket adjectives

    lusty; creaking; humming; chirping; drumming; incessant


    plague with—s; —chirps; —fiddles; —rubs

    —sings; —shrills

    (See insect.)

    Crime adjectives

    cherished; wretched; horrible; nameless; consummate; atrocious; conspicuous; inhuman; futile; prevailing; heinous; juvenile; unmilitary; sexual; solitary; hideous; unpardonable; darkest; inexplicable; absolute; flagitious; imputed; dreadful; reiterated; malicious; enormous; grave; legalized inexpiable; foul; dastardly; monstrous; locutionary; godless; devastating; cloistered; subsequent; gory; imaginable; heathenish; organized; earthly; unknowing; successful; petty; blackest; heartcrazing; flagrant; diversified; gloomy; aboriginal; perfect; crowning; greedy; calculated; cunning; unnatural; nefarious; infamous; barbarous; abominable; obscene; grisly; violent; gruesome; scandalous; brutal; fiendish; cowardly; ungrateful; hair-raising; unpunished; unsolved; unprevented; serious; professional; modern; vocal; attempted; conceivable; pitiful; incredible


    abet—; accuse of—; allege—; alleviate—; assail—; atone for—; avenge—; avoid—; betray—; breed—; cancel—; charge with —; check—; cloak—; condone-®-; contemplate—; contrive—; cover—; detect—; diminish—; divulge—; eradicate—; expiate —; extenuate—; fatten on—; grapple with —; hatch—; impute—to; involve in—; mark with—; perpetuate—; plot—; predispose to—; prosecute—; punish—; reconstruct—; restrain—; sentence for—; smash—; sully with—; suspect of—; taint with—; uncover—; urge—; witness—; — flourishes; —stains; —thrives

    (See offense, misdeed, sin, wrong.)

    Criminal adjectives

    irreclaimable; petty; condemned; roving; professional; notorious; dangerous; vicious; utter; conscienceless; piratical; organized (pl); runaway; calculating; confirmed; willful; visible; timorous; skulking; bloody; blackjacked; ruthless; hypothetical; potential; clever; perfect; experienced; frenzied; hardened; desperate; miserable; unfortunate; parricidal; adult; cinematographic; self-confessed; grotesque; incipient; enterprising; habitual; elusive; courageous; fleeing; daring


    apprehend—; arrest—; charge—; eJose in on—; coddle—; convict—; detain—; develop into—; harbor—; infest with—s; involve—; lash—; mark—; parole—; penalize—; point out—; pounce upon—; prosecute—; punish—; rehabilitate—; restrain—; retrieve—; round up—; sentence —; shame—; thwart—; —commits; —s congregate; —defies; —habituates; — haunts; —indulges; —plots; —reforms; —repents; —rifles; —schemes; —stalks; —swindles

    (See culprit, prisoner.) adverbs

    shockingly; outrageously; brutally; grossly; basely; iniquitously; despicably; abominably; pestilentially; accursedly; damnably; diabolically; infernally; noxiously; vilely; virulently; preposterously; corruptly; atrociously; viciously; profligately; scurvily ; scandalously; heinously; fiendishly; incorrigibly; irreclaimably )

    Crimson adjectives

    deepest; angry; dull; burning; fever; richest; russet; clear; glowing; spiritual

    Cringe (vj adverbs

    humbly; servilely; slavishly; menially; brokenly; defeatedly; grotesquely; timorously

    (See cower, fawn.)

    Crinkle adjectives

    crisp; pleasant; laughing; traitorous; effacing; merry; mischievous

    Crippled adverbs

    hopelessly; helplessly; pitiably; deplorably; tragically; permanently; temporarily; crookedly; slightly; terribly; fearsomely; incredibly; pathetically; pitifully; cruelly; horribly; brutally; deliberately; curiously; strangely; sadly; painfully; dreadfully; indescribably

    Crisis adjectives

    mighty; momentous; great; tremendous; supreme; fearful; serious; grave; domestic; legislative; intense; emotional; economic; agricultural; unprecedented; spiritual; psychological; political; industrial; national; moral; recurring; financial; banking; favorable; naive; interminable; contemporary; unquiet; distressing; religious; commercial; deplorable; revolutionary; majestic; peculiar; tragical; approaching; memorable; nervous; over-estimated; exciting; sternest; rapid; diplomatic; noisy; striking; desperate


    aggravate—; avert—; confront with—; cope with—; face—; handle—; improve—; lead up to—; mark—; precipitate—; provoke—; reach—; suffer—; toil over—; weather—; —besets; —grips; —grows; —indicates; —occurs; —passes; —wears off

    (See emergency, exigency.)

    Crisp adverbs

    delicately; crunchily; frailly; deliciously; tastily; neatly; concisely; curtly; pithily; crumbly

    Crispness adjectives

    buttery; crunchy; blanched; pleasant; refreshing; airy; invigorating, icy

    Criterion adjectives

    economic; post-factum; inadequate; surer; whimsical; corresponding


    admit as —; allow as —; award on —; base on —; conclude by —; decide by —; distinguish as —; establish —; estimate by —; gauge by —; judge by —; mark —; measure by —; present —; produce —: reach —; represent —; test by —

    (See standard, rule, law, test.)

    Critic adjectives

    superficial; facetious; astute; dramatic; generous; literary; interpretative; levelheaded; penetrating; routine; quibbling; shortsighted; ingenious; unsparing; carping; exacting; fastidious; contemporary; music; unperceived; unknown; crabbed; inimitable; bitter; theatrical; vigorous; judicious; inimical; celebrated; fair-minded; aggressive; arrogant; opinionated; over-subtle; ignorant; self-constituted; amateur; thoughtful; passionate; clumsy; educational; creative; penetrating; textual; profound; robust; vicious; haughty; persistent; radical; alert; fearless; toilsome; impartial; snarling; invidious; discriminating; unfriendly; surly; grave; primitive; captious; malevolent; merciless; conscientious; competent; sincere; pure; serious; sober; sanguine; enthusiastic; tolerant; disinterested; keen; ablest; authoritative; master; indisputable; first-rate; leading; eminent; noted; outstanding; caviling; jaundiced; befuddled; sarcastic, cynical; pious; caustic; hostile; pertinacious; belligerent; gloomy; ill-disposed; lethargic; incipient; typical; exaggerating; blatant; incessant; thoroughgoing


    confound —s; silence —s; — appraises; — assails; — asserts; — attacks; — belittles; — blames; —s chatter; — disparages; — exalts himself; — gauges; — gloats: — interprets; — inveighs; — lauds; — opposes; — praises; — pronounces; — rails; — shuns; — snipes at; — weighs

    (See judge, censor.)

    Critical adverbs

    facetiously; astutely; generously; penetrat-ingly; ingeniously; unsparingly; exactingly; fastidiously; crabbedly; bitterly; vigorously; judiciously; aggressively; ignorantly; thoughtfully; clumsily; gracelessly; creatively; viciously; haughtily; persistently; constructively; alertly; fearlessly; courageously; impartially; gravely; captiously; mercilessly; malevolently; conscientiously; keenly; authoritatively; tolerantly; ably; caustically; disagreeably; obnoxiously; unpleasantly

    Criticism adjectives

    adverse; favorable; brief; hostile; inductive; malevolent; shallow; argumentative; satisfactory; eerie; comparative; dramatic; querulous; harsh; exacting; withering; reverential; hazy; reprobative; numberless (pl); carping; sophistical; irritating; mordant; metaphysical; trenchant; depressing; cold; merciless; absurd; captious; comprehensive; loud; eager; detailed; negative; audible; severe; social; benevolent; injurious; rational; gentle; satiric; ungenerous; prejudiced; spasmodic; unintended; vigilant; frank; dispassionate; scathing; watchful; cheery, acute; unsparing; sweeping; philosophical; loving; implicit; impartial, outside; caustic; sustained; literary; praiseless; biting; stimulating; musical; acrimonious; premature; qualifying; energetic; stupid; reflected; skeptical; unkind; affected; epigrammatic; candid; careful; intelligent; lucid; searching; healthy; salutory; expert; constructive; justified; corrective; witty; ironic; acrid; barbed; endless; lengthy; copious; vehement; stormy; murderous; libelous; bitter; faultfinding; peculiar; slurring; boorish; small-minded; sullen; stringent; factional; journalistic; partisan; aesthetic; presumptuous; subjective; implied; snobbish; retrogressive


    base — on; bow to —; chafe at —; dispense with —; distort —; draw —; elicit —; endure —; evoke —; expose to —; heap —; hurl —; indulge in —; justify —; pour forth —; provoke —; refrain from —; squelch —; stifle —; subject to —; welcome —; — cites; — confounds; — marks; — stirs; — takes root

    (See censure, judgment, examination.)

    Criticize (v) adverbs

    adversely; editorially; harshly; constructively; scoffingly; constantly; insidiously; fiercely; severely; rationally; malevolently; querulously; witheringly; reprobatively; irritatingly; trenchantly; depressingly; mercilessly; captiously; comprehensively; injuriously; impartially; caustically; acrimoniously; prematurely; energetically; candidly; stupidly; intelligently; searchingly; expertly; correctively; ironically; acridly; copiously; vehemently; libelously; slurringly; boorishly; presumptuously; subjectively; snobbishly

    (See censure, reprove.)

    Critique adjectives

    elaborate; exquisite; instructive; poetical; preliminary; commendatory

    Croak adjectives

    prophetic; monotonous; booming; empty; bellowing; rusty; harsh; discordant

    Croak (v) adverbs

    tunelessly; roughly; discordantly; inauspi-ciously; prophetically; monotonously; sinis-terly; nocturnally

    (See sound, complain.)

    Crockery adjectives

    coarse; crudely-shaped; garishly-decorated; homely; humble; over-glazed; paunchy; porous


    advertise —; bake —; collect —; crack —; craze —; decorate —; display —; exhibit —; glaze —; mould —; paint —; place —; polish —; rattle —; shelve —; smash —; store in —; unearth —

    (See porcelain, china.)

    Crocodile adjectives

    rabbit-footed; slow-living; armored; slimy; stealthy; tearful; preying; slithering; deathdealing


    — ambles; —bathes; — cracks; — crunches ; — crushes; — dives; — floats; —s herd ; — invades ; — lashes ; — slithers; — snaps; — snorts; —• splashes; — suns itself; — swims; — whips its tail

    (See reptile.)

    Crocus adjectives

    fatted; lusty; blooming; gay; adventurous; winter-defying; pioneer; spring-bannered

    Crone adjectives

    withered; gaunt; old; haggard-visaged; dried-up

    Cronies adjectives

    familiar; odious; bridge-playing; coarsemouthed; illiterate; race-track; philandering

    Crook adjectives

    dirty; filthy; loathsome; ordinary; obsequious; terrible; artificial; international; sneaking; whitecollar; capable

    Crooked adverbs

    unstably; sinuously; jaggedly; darkly; indirectly; implicitly; covertly; cunningly; craftily; strategically; profoundly; diplomatically; shiftily; bafflingly; bewilderingly; insidiously; unscrupulously; disgracefully; perfidiously; treacherously; infamously; contemptibly; scurvily; disloyally

    Croon adjectives

    cheerful; plaintive; melodic; heart-touching; depth-sounding; hollow-ringing; weird; savage

    Croon (v) adverbs

    soothingly; harmoniously; comfortingly; pleasingly; gently; pathetically; sentimentally; romantically; maternally; cheerfully; plaintively; melodiously; touchingly

    (See sing.)

    Crop adjectives

    catch; fateful; encouraging; anticipated; bumper; unmanufactured; ungathered; varied; abundant; sprouting; diminished; mildewed; uncertain; agricultural; plenteous; bountiful; scanty; customary; fast-ripening; phenomenal; profitable; huge; staple; immense; luxuriant; tender; supreme; worthless; superior; lavish; fodder; teeming; unfailing; annual; stunted; newly-planted; increased


    affect —; blast —; blight —; devastate —; devour —; harvest —; injure —; pluck—; produce —; reap —; salvage —; trample —; yield —; — fails; — flowers; —matures; — rustles; — shrivels; — sprouts; — withers

    (See harvest, fruit.)

    Cross adjectives

    customary; blazoned; glimmering; absolving; shameful; abhorred; momentary; reeking; planted; sunken; pastoral; radiant; scarlet; ebony; patient; cold; marble; enameled


    award —; bear —; curse —; deliver one to —; deny —; embrace —; endure —; erect —; fight for —; glory in —; hallow —; idolize —; kneel before —; mark with —; nail to —; plant —; sign with —; take up —; trust in —; uphold —; vow by—; wear —; worship at —; — leads; — saves; — signifies; — symbolizes


    petulantly; perpetually; unreasonably; habitually; disagreeably; sullenly; morosely; gloomily; unbearably; pathetically; tragically; shockingly; waywardly; restively; glumly; crustily; cantankerously; brutally; sternly; forbiddingly; needlessly; graceless-/ ly; unpardonably

    Cross (v) adverbs

    freely; laterally; obliquely; boldly; accommodatingly; rapidly; devoutly; diagonally; inevitably; cautiously

    (See pass.)

    Cross-Examina TION adjectives

    merciless; extraordinary; lengthy; wearisome; pointless; inquisitive; three-cornered

    Crossing adjectives

    memorable; deserted; careful; transpolar; smooth

    Crossness adjectives                     

    accustomed; habitual; infectious; morbid; ascetic; acid; bitter; morose

    Crouch (v) adverbs

    menacingly; sullenly; squatly; tensely; servilely; odiously; threateningly; alertly; aggressively

    (See squat, cringe.)

    Croupier adjectives

    impassive; efficient; tight-lipped; spidery; inscrutable; grim

    Crow adjectives

    wandering; feeble; poaching; carrion; saucy; heavy-winged; boisterous; amazing; bold; startled; predatory; noisy; ragged



    domesticate—; hood —; snare—; tame—; throttle —; — annoys; — caws; — clamors

    • — claws; — fights; —s flock; — harms

    • — imitates; — isolates; — quarrels; —ravages; — robs; — roosts; — scours; — shrieks; —s swarm; — thieves; — uproots

    • — wrangles

    (See bird.)

    Crow (v) adverbs

    triumphantly; derisively; harshly; loudly; feebly; saucily; boisterously; boldly; shrilly; monotonously; repeatedly; discordantly

    (See vaunt, brag.)

    Cro It'D adjectives

    discordant; noisy; sportive; yelling; cosmopolitan; shouting; odd; oppressive; silent; rushing; eager; gaping; interminable; boisterous; passing; thick-pressed; promiscuous; voluble; madding; unreasonable; dark-robed; mercenary; miserable; streaming; heartless; hurrying; trembling; unabashed; mingled; surrounding; luckier; gossipy; village; horrid; gloomy; strangling; sympathetic; whispering; assembled; moving; motley; curious; excited; talented; discharged; enthusiastic; threatening; starry; tremendous; seething; scurrying; supper-hungry; still; gentlemanly; jocund; vulgar; dullfaced; self-controlled; dispersing; distinguished; colorful; indiscreet; serried; unfeeling; anxious; quiet; applauding; swirling; weary; malicious; tumultuous; buffeting; raucous; unnumbered; scattered; unhesitating; thickening; impatient; baser; patriotic; good-sized; advancing; watching; awful; jeering; gesticulating; angry; dense; outraged; idle; giddy; well-bred; debauching; surging; thinned; pitying; excited; laughing; unworthy; worthwhile; picturesque; ignoble; cheering; fickle; gazing; prostrate; reformed; exulting; incoming; thoughtless; visionary; sacrificial; virile; idealistic; helpless; ribald; wild-scrambling; myriad-tongued; thronging; dignified; merry; spiteful; purblind; suffering; brilliant

    • animated; somber; preoccupied; gay; drunken; handsome; glittering; friendly; well-behaved; orderly; healthy; complacent; awed; admiring; acclaiming; morbid; reverent; interested; sober-faced; tranquil; devout; convivial; attentive; hilarious; half-tipsy; roistering; thirsty; rollicking; mirthful; merry-making; congenial; jubilant; good-natured; vivacious; whimsical; smart; sophisticated; well-dressed; expensive; screaming; obstreperous; hooting; queer; enormous; hushed; tatterdemalion; hard-looking; tough; suspicious; quick-acting; realistic; bargaining; heterogeneous; listening; waiting; strolling; murmuring; chattering; milling; swarming; elbowing; lurching; shoving; swaying; eddying; writhing; turbulent; hustling; indifferent; bustling; hostile; challenging; troublesome; pesterIng; victorious; restless; blood-mad; quarrelsome; frenzied; frightened; wavering; panicky; bibulous; bourgeois; casual; residential; exultant; modern; ubiquitous; famished; impoverished; gaudy; vigorous; powerful; unreflective; increasing; critical; slow-moving; thawing


    bewilder —; bore —; cater to —; disassociate from —; disperse —; draw —; excite —; harangue —; key up —; plunge into —; steal among —; tower above —; wait with —; — assembles; — clusters; — collects; — dissolves; — gapes at; — gathers; — groans; — hoots; — jams; — jeers; — jostles; — lionizes; — mills about; — mutters; — packs into; — pours from; — presses; — retreats; — scurries; — seethes; — speculates; — stares; — storms; — surges; — swarms; — swerves; — throngs; — wavers

    (See multitude, throng, mob, horde.)

    Crowd (v) adverbs

    uncomfortably; amiably; perplexingly; alertly; warmly; thickly; odiously; abundantly; desperately; discordantly; oppressively; boisterously; promiscuously; maddeningly; volubly; unreasonably; horridly; curiously; enthusiastically; vulgarly; colorfully; indiscreetly; tumultuously; buffetingly; raucously; impatiently; gesticulatingly; giddily; animatedly; somberly; complacently; admiringly; acclaimingly; morbidly; rois-teringly; hilariously; rollickingly; mirthfully; congenially; vivaciously; obstreperously' suspiciously; listeningly; murmuringly; chatteringly; turbulently; indifferently; bus-tlingly; victoriously; exultantly; ubiquitously

    (See swarm.)

    Crown adjectives

    silken; crimson; golden; glittering; olive; thorny; kingly; giddy; accursed; treacherous; fruitless; glorious; admired; tufted; starry; molten; embellished; hemispherical; woven; brilliant; rejected; glistening; fadeless; celestial; hoary; clustering; bloomless; flaming; imperial; dread; piercing; blessed; laurel; tiny; jeweled; caplike; magnificent; discarded; pointed; long-expected; unused. verbs

    anoint —; aspire to —; bear —; bequeath —; blemish —; bless —; cast away —; claim —; conform to —; corrupt —; deliver up —; deprive — of; deprive of —; disgrace —; disown —; encompass by —; gild —; inherit —; lay aside —; lift off —; merit —; offer —; pawn —; profane —; raise —; ransom —; refuse —; reject —; remove —; renounce —; repossess —; resign —; revere —; sear —; serve —; shave —; spurn —; tear off —; wear —; weave —; wreathe —; yield to —; yield up —; — flourishes; — rules; — shines

    Crown (v) adverbs

    visibly; fittingly; spiritually; goldenly; glit-teringly; gloriously; brilliantly; celestially; imperially; magnificently

    (See complete.)

    Crowning adjectives

    glorious; gorgeous; colorful; victorious; jubilant

    Crucifix adjectives

    great; gaunt; ghastly; little

    Crucify (v) adverbs

    miserably; horribly; barbarically; brutally; fiendishly; morally; literally; figuratively

    (See punish.)

    Crude adverbs

    crassly; gracelessly; harshly; stiffly; awkwardly; barbarously; offensively; ignorantly; bashfully; intolerably; unluckily; baldly; unfortunately; offensively; coarsely; roughly; shiftlessly; quaintly; unsophisti-catedly; ill-manneredly

    Crudeness adjectives

    honest; blunt; crass; vulgar; elemental; unsavory; natural; primitive


    abhor —; affect —; alter —; breed —; characterize by —; convert — into; correct —; cure of —; develop —; display —; exhibit —; loathe —; lose —; produce —; recoil from —; regard —; silence —; temper —; work —; — alarms; — annoys; — detracts; — shocks

    Crudity adjectives

    jocular; stylistic; frontier; obvious; careless; obsolete; sincere


    blood-smeared; organized; unsparing; abysmal; complacent; fiendish; devouring; inhuman; strange; reckless; super-rogatory; amiable; wanton; lawless; innate; stern; execrable; ruthless; tyrannic; sinister; sovereign; hellish; ignorant; atrocious; thriving; intolerable; apparent; abominable; hideous; savage; existing; peculiar; dull; unimaginable; indescribable; unnecessary; foul; barbarous; malevolent; official; violent; devastating; seeming; narrow; incestuous; lecherous; unavenged; social; callous; irrational; insensate; instinctive; moody; excessive; insidious; unbridled; merciless; monotonous; shameful; needless; brutal; persistent; increasing; petty; continuous


    batter with —; boast of —; delight in —; display —; dispose to —; encounter —; exhibit —; govern with —; impose —; inflict —; manifest —; mask —; master with —; mitigate —; perpetuate —; practise —; prompt —; protect from —; provoke —; repent—; repress—; reproach for—; revel in —; revenge —; subject to —; suffer from —; tolerate —; yield to —; — distresses; — oppresses; — pains; —surpasses

    (See brutality, tyranny.)

    Cruise adjectives

    intrepid; involuntary; world; enchanting;, southern; successful; rest-giving; romantic; difficult; strenuous; notable; delightful; varied; premier; attractive; wonderful


    anticipate —; direct —; embark on —; enjoy —; entertain on —; escort —; leave on —; navigate —; observe on —; operate —; organize —; plan —; promote —; relax on —; sail on —; travel on —; — accommodates; — attracts; — consists of; — embraces; — enthralls; — envelops; — furnishes; — includes; — inspires; — invigorates; — provides; — rest?; — thrills

    (See voyage, journey, trip.)

    Cruiser adjectives

    vigilant; protected; submersible; rnigh'y; sojourning; tourist-laden


    occasional; forsaken; paltry; stale; mouldy

    hoarded; grudging; life-sustaining


    accept —; beg —; break into —s; brush away —; catch —; cover with —s; dress with —s; dry —; fall into —s; finger into —s; gather —s; mouth —s; pick up —; prepare with —s; reduce to —s; step on —; sweep away —s; thicken with —s; throw away —s; toss —s to

    Crumble (v) adverbs

    coarsely; gradually; completely; totally; disastrously; fatally; finely; unexpectedly; thoroughly; partially

    (See decline, decay.)

    Crumbling adjectives

    gradual; complete; ear-splitting; total; erosive; timely; pathetic

    Crumple (v) adverbs

    viciously; rudely; roughly; destructively; pathetically; carelessly; hideously; slatternly

    (See smash.)

    Crunch adjectives

    distinct; audible; sickening; clear; sharp; decisive; monotonous

    Crunch (v) adverbs

    hungrily; viciously; furiously; bestially; rapaciously; eagerly; greedily; distinctly; audibly; sickeningly; sharply

    (See eat.)

    Crusade adjectives

    perennial; lifesaving; insane; emotional; organized; humanitarian; noble; pathetic; anti-crime


    assemble—; bless—; champion—; direct—; endorse—; engage in—; expedite—; inspirit—; instigate—; launch—; lead—; oppose—; organize—; plan—; prepare for —; support—; wage—; —advances;

    campaigns; —conquers; —crushes; —defeats; —defends; —endeavors; —realizes; —revives; —succeeds; —undertakes; — wrestles with

    (See enterprise, movement, warfare.)

    Crusade (v) adverbs

    vaingloriously; actively; religiously; perennially; insanely; emotionally; nobly; pathetically; gallantly; zealously; victoriously; inspiredly

    Crusader adjectives

    gallant; overzealous; anti-vice; young; medieval; valiant

    Crush (v) adverbs

    perfectly; deliberately; tenderly; softly; completely; painfully; carelessly; nervously; rigorously; spiritually; overwhelmingly; finally

    (See smash.)

    Crust adjectives

    favoring; scanty; stony; overpublicized; upper; fruitful; flaky; external; treacherous; shallow; brittle; well-browned; flimsy; hardened; fluted


    beg for—; break—; coat with—; compose —; contract into—; cover with—; deposit —; dissolve—; dry into—; feed—; form—; gnaw—; harden into—; hide under—; line with—; mass into—; munch—; penetrate —; puncture—; render—; scrape—; season —; slice—; —crumbles; —forms; —hardens

    (See casing, shell.)

    Crutches adjectives

    badly-worn; needed; helpful; tapping

    supporting; betraying; stout; taped

    Cry adjectives

    raucous; feeble; painful; melancholy; guttural; heartsick; cornered; shrill; sharp; solitary; importunate; hoarse; choking; satirical; earnest; furious; thrilling; unanimous; pathetic; protesting; strident; peevish; battle; human; broken; triumphant; warning; petulant; wailing; plaintive; bootless; simultaneous; responsive; similar; distinct; suppressed; avenging; defiant; boastful; inspiring; drunken; pitiful; long-drawn; careless; passionate; supreme; piercing; unending; desolate; discordant; vociferous; prayerful; exultant; half-suppressed; half-demoniac; funeral; answering; terrified; inharmonious; impious; aspiring; yapping; plausible; premature; inevitable; harsh; ugly; shivering; stifled; strangled; joyous; wild; unearthly; despairing; clamorous; sharp; hissing; deathdealing; maniacal; piteous; amazed; comfortable; weird; impassioned; startling; rallying; unceasing; solitary; untenable; delirious; admiring; wrathful; everlasting; universal; prevailing; farthest-sounding; shuddering; inarticulate; gurgling; long; half-hysterical; dirgelike; loud; incoherent; perpetual; distressing; wrenching; sobbing; agonizing; brief; happy; smothered; fullmouthed; drawling; peculiar; fearful; fierce; ribald; far-resounding; odious; ineffable; continuous; mocking; supplicating; terrible; patriotic; noisy; dismal; expostulating; welcoming; ghastly; mutual; exulting; jubilant; ecstatic; joyful; delighted; gladdening; naive; inspiriting; wistful; stimulating; high; soft-noted; insistent; clarion; squeaky; rasping; clangorous; heart-chilling; babyish; heartbroken; dismayed; solemn; whimpering; breathless; stricken; important; frenzied; frantic; gulping; muffled; wanton; insulting; contemptuous; groaning; derisive; murder; fiendish; horror-stricken; anguished; spiteful; barbaric; sighing; yearning; low; appealing; hysterical; entreating; ominous; involuntary; frightened; haunting; elfin; sporting; familiar; asinine; wheezy; wordless; destructive; fluttering; incessant; scattered; hurtling; penetrating; vibrating; soul-shaking; dolorous; mournful; provocative; revolutionary; multitudinous (pl)


    echo—; flee at—; force out—; give ear to—; hearken to—; heed—; let slip—; mock—; raise up—; repeat—; roar—; take up—; utter—; voice—; wring—from; —arouses; —awakens; —bursts forth; —disturbs; — fills; —jars; —resounds; —reverberates; —rises; —scares; —shatters; —wanes

    (See outcry, exclamation, scream, shriek, howl, lamentation, wail, plaint, yell.)

    Cry (v) adverbs

    discordantly; querulously; reproachfully; jealously; hoarsely; earnestly; inarticulately; heartbrokenly; dishearteningly; flippantly; vehemently; enthusiastically; persistently; piteously; sternly; passionately; jovially; tempestuously; haughtily; indignantly; incoherently; irritably; energetically; contemptuously; exultantly; reprovingly; ring-ingly; gaily; disconsolately; unrestrainedly; tauntingly; feverishly; peremptorily; tan-talizingly; falteringly; mirthfully; spontaneously; sympathetically; stormily; unanimously; petulantly; wailingly; drunkenly; passionately; piercingly; agonizingly; vociferously; jubilantly; ecstatically; inspirit-ingly; solemnly; spitefully; sighingly; hysterically; involuntarily; ominously; wordlessly; incessantly; dolorously; yearningly; bitterly; inwardly

    (See wail, weep.)

    Crying adjectives

    harsh; endless; irrational; awkward; bitter; remorseful; stormy; furious

    Crypt adjectives

    mournful; venerable; quiet; mossy; dismal; mouldy; time-honored; ancestral

    Cryptogram adjectives

    magic; involved; difficult; mysterious; puzzling; baffling; tortuous

    Crystal adjectives

    shimmering; transparent; pellucid; celestial; strange; fluffy; slow-frozen; gleaming; stinging; flashing; ice; diaphanous; needlelike; lambent; glittering; perilous; quartz; tempting; tremulous; fragile; long; jagged; tiny; irregular


    adorn with—; aggregate into—; clear—; concentrate in—; congeal into—; delve for—; dig out—; discover—; dissolve—; drip—s; freeze into—; gaze into—; mass into—; melt—; quaff—; search—; —adheres to; —beams; —darkens; —shines; —sparkles

    (See glass.)

    Cub adjectives

    self-willed; young; modest; helpless; clumsy; awkward; closely-watched

    Cuckoo adjectives

    cowled; domineering; echoic; masterful; unmaternal; melancholy; ravenous; usurping; vehement


    —calls; —chucks; —deposits; —ejects; — flits; —mocks; —shrills; —shies away; —surveys; —wheels

    (See bird.)

    Cuddle (v) adverbs

    cozily; snugly; comfortably; lovingly; fondly; maternally; gently; affectionately; tenderly

    (See nestle.)

    Cudgel adjectives

    short; heavy; thick; bloody; bludgeoning; murderous


    attack with—; awe with—; beat with—; belabor with—; brandish—; combat with—; cross—s; defend with—; resist—; scar with;—; shake—; smite with—; strike with —; swing—; take up—; terrify with—; wave—; wield—; —descends; —fells; —stuns

    (See club.)

    Cue (billiards) adjectives

    ash-w'ood; leather-tipped; nicely-balanced; pliant; well-seasoned; tapering; graceful


    aim—; bridge—; chalk—; crack—; draw with—; indicate with—; point—at; rest— on; retip—; score with—; skill with—; slide—; tip—; —slides; —bends; —slips; —strikes; —warps

    Cue (braid) adjectives

    carefully-braided; bristling; coiled; limp

    genteel; powdered; protruding; scrupulous


    braid into—; clip—; cut—; exhibit—; fashion—; plait—; powder—; roll—; tie into —; twist into—; —dangles; —grows

    Cue (signal} adjectives

    cryptic; answering; guiding; secret; suggestive; politic; strategic


    answer—; begin on—; enter on—; forget —; heed—; hint with—; mind—; miss—; muff—; pronounce—; remember—; speak —; signal with—; wait for—; whisper—; —arrives; —comes; —enables; —warns

    (See hint, suggestion, intimation.)

    Cuff (sleeve} adjectives

    sheer; possible; transparent; organdy; starched; immaculate; chafing; frilled

    Cuisine adjectives

    local; national; appetizing; exceptional; world-famous; perfect; excellent; tempting; distinctive; wholesome; unsurpassed; distinguished; tasty; matchless; splendid; finest; delicious; unrivaled; superlative; renowned

    Culmination adjectives

    over-ripe; dizzy; fitting; probable; ultimate; untimely


    ascend to—; attain—; bask in—; crown—; develop to—; display—; encourage—; establish—; form—; herald—; look forward to—; reach—; rise to—; speed—; take pride in—; urge—; —occurs; —takes place

    (See end.)

    Culprit adjectives

    wretched; miserable; shameful; apprehended; confessed

    Cult adjectives

    capricious; ridiculed; emotional; diverse; aesthetic; sweet; love; sentimental; idiotic; nudist; moribund; moral; eminent; logical; exclusive; religious; bizarre; unconventional; secret; sinister


    adopt—; denounce—; despise—; develop—; embrace—; inaugurate—; join—; organize—; perpetuate—; succumb to—; take up—; —affects; —attracts; —believes; — devotes; —fades; —interests; —practices

    —spreads; —worships

    (See belief, system, ritual.)

    Cultivate (v} adverbs

    diligently; extensively; sedulously; passionately; intensively; freely; generously; assiduously; fastidiously; systematically; intellectually; profitably; continuously

    (See work.)

    Cultivation adjectives

    proper; intensive; fictional; continuous; hot-house; forced

    Cultivator adjectives

    prosperous; sensible; practiced; apt; skilled; trained

    Culture adjectives

    snob; diligent; literary; rational; spiritual; high; musical; splendid; unprecarious; profound; virile; brilliant; superior; natural; substantial; polite; simple; harmonious; pronounced; untrammeled; mellow; older; mature; age-old; traditional; borrowed; inherited; acquired; vulgar; inferior; dangerous; national; warmed; raw; wide; universal; abundant; vast; considerable; intellectual; indigenous; cruel; pagan; autonomous; alien; civil; rounded; religious; exhilarating; prescriptorial; petty; nascent; curious; active


    absorb—; acquire—; assimilate—; attain—; borrow—; disparage—; fetter—; flout—; imbibe—; lack—; perpetuate—; propagate —; relegate—; retard—; shed—; spread —; stifle—; —broadens; —enhances; —enlightens; —improves; —polishes; —raises; —refines

    (See refinement, enlightenment, education.)

    Culture (v) adverbs

    laboriously; diligently; naturally; abundantly; indigenously; spiritually

    Cultured adverbs

    elaborately; ostentatiously; laboriously; diligently; painfully; highly; profoundly; brilliantly; naturally; inherently; innately; widely; curiously; delightfully; consciously; obviously; unquestionably; tastefully; genuinely; unaffectedly; bookishly; aimlessly: methodically; scholastically; generally

    Cumbersome adverbs

    bulkily; ponderously; gravely; awkwardly; ungracefully; embarrassingly; unmanageably; vexatiously; impossibly; clumsily; massively; stiffly; grotesquely; fantastically; heavily

    Cunning adjectives

    giddy; diabolical; cordial; tough; stalwart; gentle; sly; fiendish; premeditated; malicious; devilish; peculiar; infinite; instinctive; unconscious; revengeful; stealthy; artful; swift


    acquire through—; apply—; beguile with—; calculate with—; cheat with—; check—; cover—; deceive by—; devise by—; display—; dispose to—; employ—; entrap by—; excel in—; exercise—; exhibit—; expose—; frame with—; impart—; puff up with—; school in—; trick by—; work—; —hides; —deceives

    (See craft, deceit, trickery, skill, ingenuity.) adverbs

    diabolically; slyly; fiendishly; maliciously; adroitly; cleverly; adeptly; artfully; subtly; insidiously; dangerously; commercially; extremely; astoundingly; profoundly; deliberately; sagaciously; cautiously; carefully; invariably; habitually; incurably; astutely; customarily; ordinarily )

    Cup adjectives

    bitter; enameled; verdant; tulip-tinted; silver; red; lacquer; lordly; gold-encrusted; pink-sprigged; intoxicating; crowning; delicate; inebriating; consecrated; lustrous-petaled; sapphire; thm; large; thimblelike; quivering; graceful; odd; vicious; little; demure; coveted; fragile; impersonal; hygienic; invigorating


    burnish—; drain—; drink—; fill—; finger —; overflow—; partake of—; pour—; quaff—; sip—; share—; steep in—; swell over—; taste—; wash—; win—; —contains; —flows; —runs over; —sparkles


    Cupid adjectives

    wrestling; painted; devilish; effective; love-darting

    Cupidity adjectives

    native; personal; marked; avaricious; expressive

    Cupola adjectives

    gigantic; spherical; delicate; gilded; triumphant; towering; opulent

    Cur adjectives

    mean; mongrel; crooked; ragamuffin; contemptible; treacherous; bedraggled; crouching; worthless; cruel-hearted; impenetrable; mangy; carnal; half-starved; yelping

    Curate adjectives

    perpetual; narrow; egotistical; impecunious; up-to-date; shuffling; pleasant; genial

    Curative adverbs

    effectively; eventually; soothingly; pleasantly; safely; powerfully; speedily; valuably; mythically; infallibly; originally; rarely; expensively; heroically; strangely; miraculously; mysteriously; permanently; remarkably; fraudulently

    Curb (v) adverbs

    intentionally; beneficently; spasmodically; stringently; sternly; harshly; brutally; dic-tatorially; tyrannically

    (See stop.)

    Cure adjectives

    renowned; timely; single; simple; sovereign; contemptuous; radical; drastic; fascinating; little; strange; natural; permanent; jagged; miraculous; efficacious; impersonal; so-called; immediate; alleged; prospective; instant; remarkable; sordid; accurate; elaborate; deepest; fraudulent


    accelerate—; accomplish—; advocate—; applaud—; apply—; approve—; effect—; hasten—; indicate—; perform—; produce —; proffer—; render—; seek—; trust—; work—; —follows; —results

    (See treatment, remedy.)

    Cure (v) adverbs

    sufficiently; radically; permanently; miraculously; efficaciously; impersonally; immediately; remarkably; fraudulently; professionally; medically; presumably; partially; temporarily

    (See help.)

    Curiosity adjectives

    high; sympathetic; logical; healthy; frank; profound; sublime; respectful; natural; reverent; indifferent; lively; breathless; instant; insatiable; passionate; intense; intelligent; vague; sedate; pregnant; half-ironic; mingled; eager; oblique; romantic; ardent; unhealthy; heartless; inflamed; intellectual; jealous; ethnological; indefatigable; laboratory; half-cunning; sheer; calculating; impertinent; kind; latent; amused; overwhelming; excited; persevering; overpowering; vacant; tremulous; typographical; rude; beneficial; blunt; morbid; prying; laudable; irresistible; imperious; unenvious; enlightened; gluttonous; languid; anthropological; idle; discontented; unobtrusive; innocent; frightened; contemptuous; unquenchable; ghoulish; sullen; regretful; literary; kindred; weak; mutual; obtrusive; ill-bred; endless; sharp; delighted; vulgar; childlike; indolent; unsated; gratified; evident; noble; unallayed; baffled; passionate; geographical; prejudiced; piqued; chastened; reluctant; persistent; polite; burning; malicious; cordial; professional; importunate; considerable; great; rampant; immense; inordinate; widespread; untiring; undiminished; penetrating; unappeased; quenchless; devouring; itching; momentary; passing; detached; mild; waning; small; faint; stirring; lazy; undisguised; growing; vast; objective; troubled; worried; timid; nervous; furtive; covetous; indecent; greedy; gruesome; avid; prurient; burdensome; leering; sinister; forbidden; impious; perverse; eclectic; visual; disoriented; titillating; gaping; startled; sudden; scared


    admit—; arouse—; awaken—; blame—; burst with—; cater to—; develop—; devour with—; display—; evince—; excite—; exhibit—; experience—; feed—; gratify —; manifest—; move by—; overcome—; pique—; practice—; prompt by—; repel—; repress—; satisfy—; seize with—; spur on by—; steam with—; —grows; —impels; —motivates; —prevails

    (See interest, thirst.)

    Curious adverbs

    incurably; meanly; inquisitively; intellectually; daringly; crassly; offensively; frightfully; gracelessly; grossly; maliciously; malevolently; unbearably; odiously; roughly; childishly; innocently; wondering-ly; impertinently; impudently; unpardon-ably; inexcusably; hatefully; coarsely

    Curl adjectives

    soft; radiant; salt-wet; shining; drenched; sawdust; flat; vine; floating; countless (pl); short; upturned; sweeping; treasured; thick; mustache; twisted; moistened; lustrous; streaming; falling; disordered; luxuriant; clustering; smoky; stray; sunny; mutinous; glossy; careless; burnished; soft; copious (pl); copper-colored; white; blond; fluffy; gold; silky; black; brown; nut-brown; wire-gold; resolute; blue; massive; willful; protruding; tossing; doubtful; tight; glossy; loose; impracticable; tumbled; stubborn; fluttered; strange; powdered; damp; superabundant (pl); straggling; crisp; rolled; knotted; short; flaxen; corkscrew; dark; riotous; raven; unruly; fuzzy; dishevelled; dusty; gleaming; puffy


    admire—s; adorn with—s; assume—; arrange—s; clip—s; dress in—s; finger—s; fondle—s; form—s; promote—s; ribbon—s; shake—s; sun—s; tangle—s; tie into—s; twist into—s; wind into—s; —s attract; —s run riot; —s stream; —s wave

    (See hair.)

    Curl (v) adverbs

    deftly; gracefully; riotously; indolently; systematically; scornfully; disdainfully; charmingly; lustrously; luxuriantly; mutinously; carelessly; copiously; loosely; dis-hevelledly

    (See twist.)

    Currency adjectives

    spurious; immediate; auxiliary; new; crisp; special; separate; weak; universal; valueless; tropical


    accept—; adopt as—; coin—; counterfeit—; debase—; deflate—; depreciate—; exchange for—; guard—; honor—; inflate—; issue—; legalize—; rate—; recall—; stabilize—; stamp out—; tender—; value—; —changes; —wobbles

    (See money, coin.)

    Current adjectives

    friendly; irresistible; dangerous; treacherous; gentle; perilous; tricky; mighty; powerful; terrific; swift; racing; shifting; swirling; churning; weltering; streaming; air; glacial; tidal; descending; broad; undulating; steady; smooth; pulling; noiseless; skeptical; romantic; vital; philosophical; social; subtle; stinging; buoyant; fluvial; crystal; atmospheric; arduous; swollen; silver; favoring; conflicting; eddying; ceaseless; contrary; plunging; gushing; descending; mealy; clean; sweeping; lessening; warm; life; haze-enveloped; brown; greasy; running; rippling; time-tossed; smooth; moisture-bringing; genial; wild; dreamy; alternating; unbroken; great; strengthened; brinish; galvanic; nauseous; cool; vicious; mazy; low-voiced; prattling; mysterious; permeating; fruity; twisting; lucent; contagious; intellectual; artistic; unseen; integrated; fatal


    allay—; attune to—; chart—; dam—; defile—; deviate from—; escape—; impede—; oppose—; retard—; ruffle—; stem—; —absorbs; —drives; —forces; —glides; —jets; —originates at; —pushes; —rolls on; — runs on; —shatters; —shifts; —springs from

    (See stream, movement, course.)

    Curriculum adjectives

    rational; traditionary; academic; narrow; rigid; daily


    approve—; arrange—; balance—; complete—; constitute—; consult—; contemplate—; decide on—; detail—; fix—; investigate—; load—; offer—; outline—; pursue—; recommend—; regulate—; reject—; run through—; secure—; select—; supervise—; work out—; —covers; —embraces; —entails; —equips; —instructs in; —prepares for; —requires; —satisfies; — trains; —provides

    (See course, study.)

    Curse adjectives

    sobbing; vile; futile; snarling; unintelligible; fervent; dazzling; exasperated; muttered; bitter; great; hot; muffled; steamy; primal; intolerable; irritable; cunning; deep; valiant; haunting; sterile; well-hurled; dread; inevitable; long-forgotten; unutterable; sardonic; primeval; murmuring; blaspheming; shrieking; canceled; smothered; latent; fiendish; furious; primordial; abiding


    annul—; bait with—; blast—at; breathe—; bring—upon; cast—; croak—; dread—; endow with—; growl—; heap—s upon; hurl—at; mutter—; pronounce—; redeem from—; remove—; shake off—; smite with —; speak—; stifle—; swear—; taunt with —; voice—; wish—; woo—; —bodes ill for; —falls upon; —s pour out; —prevails; —stings

    (See denunciation, imprecation, oath.)

    Curse (v) adverbs

    endlessly; furiously; wrathfully; persistently; belligerently; bitterly; jovially; vulgarly; coarsely; blasphemously; unintelligibly; fervently; exasperatedly; hotly; intolerably; irritably; fiendishly

    (See swear.)

    Curtail (v) adverbs

    sharply; considerably; drastically; harmfully; detrimentally; abruptly; unexpectedly; nominally; promptly

    (See reduce.)

    Curtailment adjectives

    prompt; drastic; unparalleled; harmful; sharp; detrimental

    Curtain adjectives

    falling; flapping; wavering; honey-colored; hotel-red; roseate; dirty; mud-brown; cloudless; azure; sinister; black; accordion-pleated; ruffled; embroidered; jeweled; gingham; crisp; bright; chintz; organdie; cretonne; gaily-colored; heavy; felt; wry; old; rich-toned; cheerful; skimpy; hanging; triangular; strong; final; gray; cloudy; dimity; wadded; clinging; billowy; improvised; sunshiny; undrawn; jonquil; silk; blue; light-pierced; dusky; exasperating; crimson; luminous; dazzling; impalpable; tawdry; convenient; sun-lace; formless; tattered


    adjust—; close—; draw—; drop—; emerge from—; fade behind—; hide behind—; lift—; lower—; peep through—; spread—; stretch out—; —flutters; —protects; — quivers; —shades; —sways

    (See drapery.)

    Curt NESS adjectives

    semi-growling; autocratic; sudden; unfeeling; brusque; harsh; perfunctory

    Curtsy adjectives

    majestic; mock; graceful; delicate; practiced; bobbing; deferential

    Curve (bend as of a highway) adjectives

    gradually-descending; magnificent; unprotected; precipitous; graceful; sinuous; hairpin; wide-swung; continuous


    approach—; assume—; bank—; collide on —; crowd at—; dart around—; eliminate —; negotiate—; round—; screech around—; turn over on—; upset on—; warn of—; whiz round—; —confronts; —endangers; —hazards; —menaces; —obscures; —represents; —slants

    Curve (general) adjectives

    seductive; sensuous; luscious; ardent; entrancing; magnificent; graceful; exquisite; winsome; dizzy; dazzling; sweeping; bold; wide; scraped; scornful; disdainful; fleshy; opulent; slim; dignified; sensitive; close-coiled; easy; concave; sheltering; irregular; flat; hairpin; downward; lax; convex; subtle; symmetrical; gigantic; sheltered; painted; wavering; drooping; phosphate; additional; cuspidated; majestic; continuous; caustic; lineless; living; epicycloidal; precipitous; prudish; luxurious; aquiline; flowing; gracile; ceaseless; rich; tender; sweeping; alluring; yielding; self-sought; exquisite; glimmering

    Curve (line of deviation on a graph) ad jectives

    double; reverse; reciprocal; transcendental; mechanical; radical; radial; peculiar


    construct—; describe—; generate—; interest in—; intersect—; obtain—; study—; trace—; transform—; —corresponds to

    —degenerates; —envelops; —falls; —indicates; —recedes; —represents; —sinks

    (See deviation, line.)

    Curve (v) adverbs

    perceptibly; seductively; sensuously; en-trancingly; magnificently; exquisitely; win-somely; sweepingly; boldly; abruptly; dangerously; sinuously

    (See bend.)

    Cushion adjectives

    pillow; rustling; elastic; silken; multicolored; bright-hued; thin; downy; soft; velvet; damask; faded; reclining; convertible; form-fitting; slippery; loose-seat; padded; ample; natural


    conceal with—; cover—; embroider—; fringe—; furnish with—; kneel on—; lay on—; loll on—; offer—; place—under; relax against—; repose on—; rest on—; sit on—; stuff—; —decorates; —eases; —graces

    (See pillow.)

    Cuspidor adjectives

    stately; ill-placed; fanciful; vulgar; avoided; obstreperous; spattered

    Custodian adjectives

    possible; official; sole; faithless; temporary; definite

    Custody adjectives

    safe; protective; temporary; court; jealous; zealous; watchful


    accept—of; acknowledge—of; advise—of; authorize—of; commit to—of; confine to— of; direct—of; preserve—of; resent—of; retain—of; subject to—of; —amends; — improves; —neutralizes; —protects; —rectifies; —restrains; —superintends

    (See care, imprisonment.)

    Custom adjectives

    august; precious; gracious; venerated; pleasant; sentimental; quaint; bizarre; effete; mutable; ancient; immemorial; time-honored; convenient; prudent; barbaric; pagan; primitive; yearly; native; austere; civilized; tribal; nightly; family; social; old-fashioned; southern; administrative; religious; accepted; wild; gay; universal; innocent; disinterested; reprehensible; contrasting; established; observed; prevailing; casual; frequent; habitual; recognized; classic; homogeneous; antiquated; unwonted; barbarous; charming; burial; pious; genteel; blind; stupid; laudable; national; long-continued; kingly; transient; excellent; preserved; ludicrous; prescribed; early; depraved; usual; infuriating; political; traditional; obsolete; enlightened; invariable; offensive; salutary; idiotic; well-known; uniform; familiar; reverent; exuberant; discrepant; monastic; praiseworthy; queer


    adhere to—; break—; cherish—; cling to—; conform to—; corrupt—; defend—; defer —; defy—; deprecate—; develop—; discharge—; establish—; esteem—; extenuate —; flout—; honor—; impose—; inaugurate —; maintain—; mar—; mock—; observe—; overlap—; overwhelm by—; respect—; retain—; reverence—; revert to—; revive —; run counter to—; stamp out—; —demands; —dictates; —governs; —intimidates; —narrows; —runs back to; —springs from; —stales; hamper by—

    (See usage, conventionality, practice, habit.)

    Customary adverbs

    scarcely; quaintly; queerly; graciously; pleasantly; conveniently; charmingly; stupidly; infuriatingly; idiotically; amusingly; locally; racially

    Customer adjectives

    potential; quondam; gay; prospective; tough; favored; fussy; cautious; flighty; • lavish; famous; resident; difficult; hard; hideous; soldier; quick; hungry; capricious; disgruntled; excellent; grumpy; dark; lathered; noble; open-aired; profitable; residential; favored; satisfied; admiring; discriminating; picnic; slippery; famished; potential; passing; steady; destructive


    approach—; bargain with—; beckon to—; deal with—; encourage—; entice—; furnish —; guarantee to—; mulct—; refund to—; round up—s; satisfy—; seek—; smirk at—; tempt—; urge—; —bickers; —complains; —orders; —purchases; —responds; —selects; —s support; —s troop in

    (See purchaser, buyer.)

    Cut adjectives

    sharp; sincere; substantial; long; ragged; vile; inelegant; vertical; tremendous; duck-bellied; delicate; fearful; whimsical


    bandage —; bathe —; bleed —; cleave —; disinfect —; dress —; incise —; infect —; inflict —; open —; salve —; sew —; stitch —; suffer —; suture —; treat —; wound with —; — divides; — heals; — pains; — penetrates; — removes; — separates; — severs

    (See wound.)

    Cut (v) adverbs

    completely; exquisitely; cruelly; violently; deliberately; effectively; diagonally; summarily; snobbishly; obliquely; transversely; keenly; generously; heartlessly

    (See gash.)

    Cutlass adjectives

    gleaming; dripping; naked; sturdy; heavy; serviceable; dangling; undimmed


    arm with —; brandish —; carve with —; chop with —; dull —; flourish —; furnish with —; hew with —; sever with —; sharpen —; shield from —; thrust —; wave —; wield —; work —; yield to —; — menaces; — pierces; — slashes; — slays

    (See sword, weapon.)

    Cutlery adjectives

    flashing; steely; keen-edged; ivory-handled; adaptable; concealed; cleverlv-applied; sundering


    clean —; dent —; employ —; glaze —; grind —; harden —; inspect —; manipulate —; manufacture —; monogram —; place —; plate —; polish —; provide with —; require —; scour —; sharpen —; spread —; stain —; temper —; utilize —; — clatters; — glistens; —jingles; — resists

    (See instrument, tool.)

    Cycle adjectives

    irregular; uncharted; business; elemental; repetitious; past; never-failing; comprehensive; pleasant; distinct; imaginary; endless; unvarying; normal


    approve —; avert —; complete —; compute —; continue in —; end —; form —; move in —; obviate —; pass through —; recognize —; recur during —; regain during —; resume —; revolve in —; span —; study —; — gauges; — indicates; — possesses; — promises; — represents

    (See period.)

    Cyclone adjectives

    human; lurking; impending; destructive; periodic; seasonable; threatening; rumbling; whirling

    Cylinder adjectives

    metal; stubby; rotary; inscribed; clay; reciprocating; wicker; unsymmetrical


    bolt —s together; bore —; compress in —; construct —; design —; employ —; grind —; insert in —; operate —; — circles; — contracts; — expands; — lags; — leaks; — revolves; — rolls; — rotates; — turns

    Cymbal adjectives

    tinkling; brazen; clashing; vibrating; jubilant; sounding; heartful

    Cymbals adjectives

    bronzed; clashing; tinkling; empty-sounding ; gypsy; triumphant; traditional


    cast —; clash —; crash —; play on —; rub —; sound —; strike —; — clash; — echo; — quiver; — resound; — ring; — tinkle

    Cynic adjectives

    unfeeling; bitter; cold-blooded; licentious; ferocious; unmoved; wandering; cruel; irreverent; sensual; intolerable; sated; singular; imperturbable; consistent; decided; admirable; cheery: depressed; despairing

    Cynical adverbs

    bitterly; harshly; gloomily; contemptuously; derisively; scornfully; sneeringly; disdainfully; morosely; witheringly; superciliously; pitifully; censoriously; abusively; scandalously; outrageously; dryly; cuttingly; disparagingly; insufferably; pompously; arrogantly; bumptiously

    Cynicism adjectives

    prevalent; abstract; consummate; immeasurable ; meretricious ; searing; cold-blooded; bitter; new-found; grinning; smooth; ugly; sinister; unbearable; rough; infamous; arid; appalling; polished; selfish; philosophical; repellent; analytical; thin; querulous,' apparent; disdainful; genial


    adopt —; attain —; base on —; clothe in —; condemn —; criticize —; dethrone —; display —; dispose of —; don —; exhibit —; exercise —; fall into —; fetter with —; imply —; indulge in —; ingrain —; mask —; provoke —; regard with —; ridicule —; uphold —; — cloaks; — develops; — emphasizes; — evolves; — flourishes; — outrages; — seeps in

    (See contempt, satcasm, distrust, pessimism.)

    Cypress adjectives

    towering; gigantic; bearded; hoary; patriarchal

    Czar adjectives

    absolute; perturbed; grieved; obstinate

    mighty; omnipotent; craven; ruthless

    Czarina adjectives

    masterful; frantic; neurotic; vainglorious; pride-eaten; ambitious; power-driven

    Daffodil adjectives

    giant; yellow; nodding; flaunting; vernal; coquettish

    Dagger adjectives

    bloody; bronze; gold-hilted; curved; flint; short; heavy; gleaming; well-sharpened


    attack with —; blunt —; brandish —; conceal —; draw —; dull —; edge —; flourish —; hack with —; nuzzle —; pare with —; pluck with —; point —; reel under —; run — through; sharpen —; sheathe —; shoot —; speak —s; stab with —; threaten with —; thrust —; wave —; wield —; — inflicts; — nicks; — penetrates; — slays; — wounds

    (See knife, weapon.)

    Daily adjectives


    conservative; provincial; radical; yellow; blatant; local; syndicated

    Daintiness adjectives

    exquisite; fastidious; unwonted; inimitable; inborn; personal; superlative; luxurious; preening; faultless

    Dainty adjectives

    carefully-prepared; prized; coveted; dietrobbing; sugared; tempting; toothsome


    allure by —; crave —; desire —; feed on —; pamper with —; prepare —; promise —; provide —; relish —; reward with —; share —; spice —; store —; surrender to —; — appeals; — delights; — pleases

    (See food.)


    fastidiously; exquisitely; subtly; extremely; gracefully; charmingly; girlishly; personally; faultlessly; fashionably; meticulously; primly; demurely; delicately; particularly; scrupulously; pleasingly; immaculately; sweetly; fragrantly

    Daisy adjectives

    white; buttercup-hued; English; innocent; unabashed; golden-hearted; question-eyed; love-telling


    adorn with —; arrange —ies; bear —ies; chain —ies; cultivate —ies; disclose —ies; gather —ies; grow —ies; pin —ies; pluck —ies; scatter —ies; trim with —ies; — blooms; — blossoms; —ies deck; —ies dot; — flowers; — folds; — lurks; — opens; — sleeps; —ies sprinkle; — winks

    (See flower.)

    Dale adjectives

    smiling; piny; flowery; wooded; dark; fragrant; shadow-dappled


    abandon —; bedeck —; bloom in —; grow in —; haunt —; hide in —; inhabit —; retreat to —; roam in —; scatter through —; situate in —; speed over —; wander in —; — invites; — protects; — shelters; — slopes; — winds

    (See valley, dell, vale.)

    Dalliance adjectives

    pleasant; silken; delightful; primrose; lunar; playful; gentle

    Dally (v) adverbs

    dangerously; carelessly; playfully; indifferently; procrastinatingly; seductively

    (See delay, trifle.)

    Dam adjectives


    gracious; milky; restless; undermined; log; earth-filled; broken; frothy; noisy; gushing; beaver


    bank —; burst —; construct —; install —; level —; overflow —; pipe from —; reinforce —; sweep away —; — bars; — blocks; — breaks; — bridges; — confines; — controls; — discharges; — halts; — impounds; — irrigates; — leaks; — obstructs; — preserves; — prevents; — protects; — restrains; — supplies

    (See barrier.)

    Damage adjectives

    moral; irreparable; considerable; inestimable; permanent; malicious; substantial; sudden; serious; material; pecuniary; noticeable; characteristic; infinite; unspeakable; accidental; consequent; enormous; hidden; tesultant; unliquidated; willful; unmistakable; punitive


    account for —; compute —; counteract —; countervail —; distress by —; forestall —; guard against —; inflict —; measure —; mitigate —; offset —; pay —s; receive —; recoup —; recover —; reveal —; survey —; sustain —; — flows from; — impairs (See destruction, injury, harm.

    Damage (v) adverbs

    seriously; morally; irreparably; inestimably; permanently; maliciously; substantially; materially; noticeably; characteristically; infinitely; unspeakably; accidentally; consequently; enormously; resultantly; unmistakably; punitively; wilfully; revengefully; woefully; unscrupulously; savagely. (See injure, hurt.

    Damask adjectives

    heavy; silk; crimson; mingled; traditional; imported; luxurious; gorgeous

    Dame adjectives

    coquettish; scented; imperious; high-nosed; resolute; fairest; rawboned; admiring; glowing; ruffled; peerless; keen-eyed; beauteous; antiquated; sinful; blooming: handsome; disdainful; solicitous; chaste; tissued; wanton; affrighted

    Damnable adverbs

    utterly; odiously; completely; horribly; shockingly; profoundly; venomously; infernally; consummately; unnaturally

    Damnation adjectives

    eternal; relentless; utter; deep; everlasting; irretrievable; consummate

    Damp adjectives

    murk; occidental; death; soothing; uncheerful; choking; senseless; sickly


    slightly; clammily; chillingly; penetrating-ly; rawly; stuffily; noxiously; foggily; depressingly; inescapably; pestilentially; mistily; mysteriously; coldly; smotheringly; muggily; soggily; soddenly; icily; piercingly; frigidly

    Dampness adjectives

    clammy; chilling; penetrating; stuffy; unctuous; consistent

    Damsel adjectives

    pulchritudinous; beauteous; young; calmeyed; dainty; efficient; demure; frank; attractive; shrieking; lovelorn; stout; faery; comely; flounced; frail; frolicsome; officiating; citified; rubicund; haggling; distressed; dashing; misguided; hapless


    attend—; avow to—; captivate—; cherish —; court—; dishonor—; distress—; misuse—; nurture—; protect—; win—; woo—; —attracts; —blushes: —curtsies; —dreams; —droops; —faints; —frolics; —simpers; —twitters; —yearns

    (See woman, girl.)

    Dance adjectives

    rhythmic; divine; ingenious; frantic; wild; passionate; pulse-quickening; queer; eccentric; weird; mazy; absurd; freak; astonishing; grotesque; shambling; classic; old-fashioned; curious; square; folk; ritual; holiday; religious; moonlight; native; exotic; reveling; intricate; pompous; judicious; ballet; risque; characteristic; monopolized; fading; confident; scandalous; Moorish; bewitching; quaint; impish; carnal; exquisite; naked; overture; languid; fairy; mystic; howling; murdering; eternal; evening; amusing; sporadic; erotic; sunset; slow; serene; mirthful; astronomical; revolving; barbaric; spectacular; yearlong


    accompany—; assemble at—; attend—J blend with—; burst forth in—; contort m—; dress for—; embrace in—; escort to—; grace—; invite to—; join in—; lead off—; leave—; master—; open—; perfect—; perform—; polish—; popularize—; rejoice in—; render—; revel in—; study—; survey—; take part in—; vary—; weary of—; —breaks; —circles; —enchants; —expresses; —interprets

    (See waltz, minuet.)

    Dance (v) adverbs

    frivolously; bewitchingly; gracefully; divinely; exquisitely; violently; vivaciously; solemnly; triumphantly; angelically; strenuously; eccentrically; grotesquely; picturesquely; seductively; wantonly; gleefully; incessantly; rhythmically; ingeniously; religiously; weirdly; shamblingly; ritually; exotically; quaintly; impishly; carnally; exquisitely; serenely; mirthfully; barbarically; spectacularly; skillfully; zestfully

    Dance FLOOR adjectives

    deserted; pretentious; polished; gleaming; inviting; seductive; mirror-smooth

    Dance HALL adjectives

    common; taw’dry; overcrowded; revolting; frivolous; forcibly-gay


    assemble at--; attend--; congregate

    in--; crowd--; file into— —; frequent

    — —; gather at— —; introduce to— —; popularize— —; supervise— —; wander around--;--appeals;--breeds;

    • —corrupts;--offers;--swarms with


    Dancer adjectives

    merry; good; superb; delightful; graceful; light; rhythmic


    applaud—; fete—; fire—; inspire—; train —; —awes; —delights; —entertains; —executes; —exercises; —exerts; —expresses; —interprets; —flies; —flutters; —frisks; —glides; —s jostle; —leaps; —performs; —personifies; —pirouettes; —pivots; — practises; —prances; —s promenade; — quivers; —registers; —springs; —suggests

    • —wheels; —whirls

    (See acrobat.)

    Dancing adjectives

    outlandish; outrageous; exquisite; convulsive; titillating; rhythmic; habitual; acrobatic; furious

    Dandelion adjectives

    straggling; common; autumnal; late-blown; frost-braving; starry; fairy-seeded; omnipresent; humble

    Dandy adjectives

    amiable; professional; hypocritical; dapper; ingratiating; surreptitious; superficial; perfumed; silk-stockinged

    Danger adjectives

    ever-impending; imminent; looming; hidden; gathering; unseen; unknown; fancied; mythical; inevitable; unceasing; vile; imaginary; indefinite; miserable; acute; extreme; august; constant; remote; significant; undiluted; discernible; obvious; immediate; overwhelming; inherent; grave; pretended; apparent; approaching; potential; future; unavoidable; recurring; spicy; unexampled; real; countless (pl)


    admit—; avert—; avoid—; beset by—; blind to—; brave—; confront with—; court —; create—; demonstrate—; duck—; eliminate—; emphasize—; entail—; exaggerate —; exempt from—; expose to—; face—; flee—; foresee—; foretell—; free from—; guard against—; harbor—; ignore—; increase—; incur—; indicate—; induce—; involve—; laugh at—; lessen—; lie in—; minimize—; overcome—; pluck from—; ponder—; realize—; recognize—; remain in—; risk—; scoff at—; scorn—; sense—; shield from—; state—; stem—; taste—; underestimate—; visualize—; weigh—; wink at—; woo—; —attends; —impends; —looms; —lurks; —subsides

    (See peril, hazard, risk.)

    Dangerous adverbs

    secretly; imminently; mythically; inevitably; miserably; acutely; extremely; remotely; obviously; overwhelmingly; gravely; potentially; unavoidably; critically; ominously; terribly; incredibly; horribly; palpably; openly; manifestly; conspicuously

    Dangle (v) adverbs

    mockingly; loosely; tantalizingly; irritatingly; erotically; teasingly; playfully

    (See hang.)

    Dapper adverbs

    effeminately; sartorially; extremely; elegantly; absurdly; smartly; importantly; expensively; brightly; exquisitely; trimly; sprucely; neatly; nimbly; alertly; gracefully; jauntily; nattily; consciously; swank-ily; sleekly; becomingly; ornamentally

    Dare (v) adverbs

    impiously; virtuously; dauntlessly; boisterously; foolhardily; courageously; impetuously; bravely; unhesitatingly

    (See defy, challenge.)

    Daredevil adjectives

    reckless; lovable; hopeful; invincible; adventure-seeking; conquering; amiable

    Daring adjectives

    moon-faced; virtuous; dauntless; remorseless; speculative; boisterous; foolhardy; harmonic


    dangerously; rashly; temperamentally; fantastically; alarmingly; foolhardily; breath-takingly; colossally; terribly; dramatically; notoriously; crazily; strangely; singularly; shamefully; amazingly; recklessly; incredibly; unbelievably; foolishly; boldly; avidly; bravely; audaciously; romantically; vicariously; courageously; youthfully; boyishly; disconcertingly; extravagantly

    Dark adjectives

    perilous; fierce; haunted; shuddering; leafy; lugubrious; frosty; shadowed; impenetrable; ambrosial; silent; abysmal; peaceful; fragrant; creeping; intricate; tinkling


    mysteriously; impenetrably; perilously; shudderingly; lugubriously; peacefully; abysmally; dismally; fragrantly; suddenly; appreciably; blessediy; fearfully; frightfully; alarmingly; intensely; totally; utterly; pitchy; eerily; unnaturally; bewilder-ingly; oppressively; increasingly; uneasily; thickly

    Darken (v


    obscurely; opaquely; murkily; partially; gloomily; unaccountably; perceptibly; in-auspiciously; nocturnally; totally; utterly; unnaturally; bewilderingly; increasingly; bafflingly; prematurely; comparatively; mysteriously; generally; devouringly; fatefully; mercifully

    (See shade, obscure.)

    Darkening adjectives

    sudden; gradual; appreciable; perceptible; fathomless; ominous; unprecedented

    Darkness adjectives

    blank; blessed; friendly; cozy; deep; hampering; intense; total; opaque; utter; black; somber; pitchy; eerie; unnatural; bewildering; baffling; breathless; preternatural; environing; enveloping; oppressive; choking; stabbing; formless; deepening; increasing; reverberating; howling; Stygian; dense; dripping; silvery; velvety; scented; barbaric; leafy; mental; gross; eternal; uneasy; quiet; serene; abrupt; heavy; muffling; premature; comparative; outer; silent; chilly; blessed; mysterious; general; feudal; blind; lifting; gathering; stormy; horrible; abiding; smooth; fetid; midnight; regnant; fateful; cavernous; dumb; inmost; perennial; wormy; circumambient; thick; devouring; looming; brooding; revolutionary; gay; hot; desert; shadowy; fearful; horrid; merciful; hilltop; windy; marble; healing; unfathomed; priestly; chaotic; abysmal; impending; inwoven; double; lustrous; embarrassing


    abide in—; accustom to—; beam in—; burnish by—; burrow into—; cast into—; conceal in—; descend to—; disappear into—; discern in—; dispel—; distinguish in—; dread—; dwell in—; encompass by—; encounter—; engulf in—; enlighten—; glow through—; grope in—; haunt—; illumine—; keep in—; lapse into—; laugh at—; lose in—; peer into—; pierce—; plunge into—; prowl in—; pursue in—; remain in—; roam in—; scatter—; shine in—; sink into—; sparkle in—; stumble in—; survey—; toil in—; tread in—; wander in—; wrap in—; yield to—; —approaches; —blinds; —blots out; —broods; —deepens; —depresses; — descends; —devours; —eclipses; —embalms; —embraces; —encompasses; —endures; —enfolds; —ensues; —falls; —flees

    • — folds over; —gathers; —grows; —hides

    • — mantles; —melts; —obscures; —prevails

    • — robes; —shadows; -—shrouds; —spreads

    • — steals upon; —surrounds; —swallows up

    • — terrifies; —thickens; —veils

    (See gloom, obscurity, shadow.)

    Darky adjectives

    rollicking; superstitious; stalwart; ragged; ingenious; septic-looking; magic-footed; tattered; greasy; cringing; blissful; wool-thatched

    Darling adjectives

    spunky; plucky; extravagant; spoiled: overindulged; pampered


    utterly; adorably; sweetly; lovably; seductively; charmingly; captivatingly; enchant-ingly; bewitchingly; tenderly

    Dart adjectives

    fiery; false; envenomed; swift; imperceptible; slender; sudden; goading; bullet-like; lightning; dribbling; sickening; spiritquelling; singing; flaming; shining


    aim—; blunt—; blow—; brandish—; dash —; defend with—s; envenom—; feather—; flash—; interpose; remove—; poison—; polish—; shake—; shield from—; shoot—; spear—; tip—; thrust—through; —hisses by; —soars; —strikes; —whizzes by; — wounds

    (See missile, spear, shaft, weapon, arrow.)

    Dash adjectives

    final; blind; despairing; fiery; flying; headlong; inadvertent; tremendous; meaningful; splendid; giddy; joyous; brilliant; surreptitious; eloquent; refreshing; gallant; rosy

    Dash (v) adverbs

    gently; aimlessly; turbulently; hurriedly; immediately; madly; blindly; inadvertently; despairingly; splendidly; joyously; gallantly; eagerly; anxiously; furiously; victoriously; unrestrainedly; violently

    (See hurl.)

    Dashing adverbs

    showily; jauntily; gallantly; pretentiously; proudly; vainly; gorgeously; dramatically; theatrically; spectacularly; sumptuously; boldly; rashly; valiantly; pluckily; stoutly; audaciously; dauntlessly; confidently; fashionably; stylishly

    Data adjectives

    curious; strange; one-sided; accompanying; available; existing; latest; relative; interesting; relevant; fascinating; convincing; accurate; basic; factual; important; significant; extensive; erroneous; obscure; modern; corrective; research; programmed; official; scientific; technical; merchandising; precise; recorded; necessary; incomplete; impeccable; authentic; intimate; historical; biographic


    accept—; accumulate—; analyze—; attest by—; authenticate—; catalogue—; collect —; elaborate—; furnish—; gather—; improve—; present—; produce—; study—; survey—; synthesize—; track down—; — indicate; —measure; —prove; —reveal; —show

    (See fact, information.)

    Date adjectives

    ineffective; arbitrary; fixed; exact; recent; ancient; prescribed; decisive; closing; historical; equivalent; significant; future; remote; immediate; memorable; subsequent; calamitous; lasting; endless; tentative; dark; dividing; equinoctial


    ascribe—to; assign—to; bear—; calculate —; cancel—; confirm—; denote—; determine—; extend—; fix—; forestall—; inscribe—; insert—; jot down—; limit to—; mark with—; reckon—; refer to—; require—; set—; specify—; —denotes; —expires

    (See time, duration.)

    Date (v) adverbs

    variously; significantly; recently; historically; tentatively; unquestionably; subsequently

    (See record.)

    Daub adjectives

    unsightly; wretched; pitiful; artless; spattered; colorful

    Daub (v) adverbs

    wretchedly; hideously; hatefully; amateurishly; carelessly; halfheartedly

    (See smear, soil.)

    Daughter adjectives

    loyal; considerate; true; dutiful; self-sacrificing; stubbornly-devoted; tiny; plump; brisk; pretty; beautiful; hardhearted; militant; rebellious; errant; irreconcilable; sedate; tomboy; virginal; debutante; spoiled; idolized; virtuous; modern; outspoken; tender; chaste; marriageable; repentant; gay; beldam; buxom; blithe; debonair

    • short; untutored; fragile; mangled; abominable; peerless; loving; expiring; flighty; uncultured


    adopt—; adore—; bear—; berate—; betroth—; bring forth—; chastise—; cherish —; conceive—; confer on—; delight in—; fondle—; long for—; market—; marry off—; mold—; pamper—; preach to—; present with—; nurse—; rear—; rebuke—; rejoice in—; reprimand—; seduce—; woo —; —elopes; —graces; —inherits; — pleads; —shames; —shocks

    (See child, girl, person, woman.)

    Dauntless adverbs

    heroically; courageously; recklessly; rashly; resolutely; splendidly; superbly; joyously; proudly; fiertely; morally; carelessly; impetuously; stubbornly; magnificently; exceptionally

    Davenport adjectives

    sagged; restful; upholstered; comfortable; dumpy; deep

    Dawdle (v) adverbs

    perversely; idly; languidly; tantalizingly; calmly; everlastingly; lightly; somnolently; lazily; lackadaisically; irritatingly; aimlessly

    (See dally.)

    Dawdling adjectives

    calm; everlasting; lackadaisical; nonchalant; idle; purposeless

    Dawn adjectives

    black; crawling; opalescent; dirty; gray; thick; crimson; golden; pitiless; pearl; cool; false; dismal; cheerless; wet; pale; perfect; premature; faint; hushed; slow; tropical; clear; stormy; countless (pl); roseate; autumnal; northern; waking; hazy; kindling; crude; softly-breaking; radiant; wintry; savage; streaked; low; dappled; amorous; reddest; tender; noonday; bashful; tempestuous; joyful; azure; unmellowed; crepuscular; smothering; melancholy


    behold—; foretell—; front—; herald—; journey till—; precede—; rise at—; usher in—; wait for—; wake with—; warn of—; —arouses; —ascends; —blazons; —blushes; —breaks; —cheers; —creeps on; —flares; —flees; —flushes; —glimmers; —pierces; —ripens into day; —surges; —surprises; —steals over; —verges with

    (See daylight.)

    Dawn (v) adverbs

    finally; abruptly; clearly; brilliantly; incisively; eerie; troubled; gorgeous; anti-phonal; hazy; phosphorescent

    (See lighten.)

    Day adjectives

    adventurous; agreeable; arduous; alternate; anxious; auspicious; beautiful; brilliant; buoyant; broiling; blowing; bitter; bloody; blank; bygone; blissful; brave; burning; bright; bustling; boyhood; bountiful; battering; commendable; chaotic; cloudy; cool; crisp; calm; coronation; courageous; clear; checkered; capricious; cheerless; catechizing; corsair (pl); credulous; colorful; crowded; careless; canicular; vivid; carefree; dim; dayless; decisive; declining; dying; dull; disastrous; dismal; dramatic; drab; drizzling; dedicated; diviner; domestic; degenerate; dangerous; decadent; delightful; depression (pl); dark; dragging; dreary; dusty; despairing; distracting; dead; dumb; drowsy; dancing; eventful; empty; epochal; endless; expiring; everlasting; ensuing; eternal; enchanted; enlightened; exciting; evil; exceptional; fateful; first; fatiguing; fatal; funeral; flourishing; former; festal; fragrant; fairy; frosty; foul; gentle; glorious; grinding; gloomy; gushing; garish; gallant; garden; golden; gay; glamorous; gambling; hectic; hot; holy; happy; hopeful; halcyon; honest; historic; humid; homesick; happy-go-lucky; innocent; illustrious; indelible; intercalary; ideal; idle; irretrievable; irreclaimable; interleaving; judgment; jocund; joyous; laborious; late; luckless; long; lively; lazy; limpid; lagging; lifeless; memorable; mysterious; miserable; melancholy; motionless; magnificent; monastic; muted; medieval; momentous; opulent; northern; noisy; newborn; natal; nuptial; neophyte; overbusy; old; opal-colored; proverbial; piercing; peevish; present; prosperous; preceding; proud; perfect; pretty; pleasant; pessimistic; pre-medieval (pl); postwar (pl); planless; phlegmatic; primitive; parsimonious; pilgrim; palmy; quondam; restful; rainy; recurring; reckoning; rosy; romantic; regal; raucous; rois-terous; red-letter; ruminant; righteous; splendid; sultry; sunless; silent; soggy; silver; strenuous; summer; somnolent; sorry; smiling; sullen; sinking; sodden; scornful; solitary; serene; superb; solar; sordid; short; simple; somber; sinister; supplementary; sizzling; scorching; tiresome; slumberous; topsy-turvy; tumultuous; toil-stained; triumphal; tedious; temperamental; visionary; torrid; unreal; untroubled; unremembered; vanished; campaigning; victorious; vagabond; vacant


    appoint—; await—; bemoan—; behold—; bless—; busy—; cap—; cloud—; contemplate—; crown—; curse—; decree—; denounce—; dispose of—; divide—; drag out —s; ease—; enliven—; endure—; grace—; herald—; honor—; keep—; kill—; lament —; lose—; mar—; measure—; name—; observe—; peak—; record—; regret—; rejoice—; reminisce of—s; rest by—; rue—; rule—; save—; solemnize—; waste—; win—; —advances; —affords; —approaches; —breaks; —cheers; —closes; —comforts; —darkens; —dawns; —dazzles; — declines; —decreases; —dies; —drags by; —s elapse; —is born; —lags; —mounts; —oppresses; —peers forth; —races by; —saddens; —s shorten; —unfolds; —vanishes; —wanes; —waxes; —wears off

    (See time, age, generation.)

    Daybreak adjectives

    glimmering; resplendent; glorious; joyous; gratifying; welcome; salutary; golden

    Daylight adjectives

    fading; burning; broad; wintry; sick; gray; haggard; dying; garish; partial; glimmering; adequate; diffused; beautiful; blessed; obscure; unnatural; scented; yellow; primrose


    employ—; keep in—; let in—; surrender to—I —appears; —approaches; —arouses; —breaks; —burns; —dawns; —dazzles; —dies; —diffuses; —discloses; —envelops; —fades; —filters through; —floods; —illumines; —pours in; —promises; —seeps in; —shines; —suffuses; —unfolds; —vanishes; —wanes

    (See day, light, dawn.)

    Daze adjectives

    fatuous; open-mouthed; sodden; staggering; effacing; somnambulistic

    Dazed adverbs

    stupidly; unaccountably; genuinely; disturbingly; strangely; indescribably; fearfully; insuperably; depressingly; terribly; alarmingly; unreasonably; vaguely; uncomfortably; inexplicably; awkwardly;; extremely; helplessly; pitifully; tragically; sadly; hopelessly; dangerously

    Dazzle (v) adverbs

    suddenly; glamorously; resplendently; purposely; bewilderingly; awesomely; blindingly; fatuously; hopelessly; fatally

    (See blind, bewilder.)

    Deacon adjectives

    dutiful; long-faced; solemn; ruling; parsimonious; funereal-looking; sleek-haired; sin-denouncing


    appoint—; elect—; ordain—; unfrock—

    • —administers; —admonishes; —advises

    • —assists; —attends; —awes; —baptizes

    —christens; —collects; —disperses; —distributes; —performs; —prays; —preaches

    —provides; —reproves; —serves; —supervises; —visits

    (See minister, elder, officer.)

    Dead adjectives

    stricken; unseen; illustrious; beloved; pitiful; humble; heroic; war; ghastly; gallant; moldering; enduring; sainted; venerable; imponderable; silent; turbaned; decaying; ungathered; coffined; spectral; pestilential; unconscious; restless; mighty; dearest; honorable; untimely; vulgar; faithful; precious; passionless; floating


    awaken—; bemoan—; blaspheme—! bury —; commemorate—; consort with—; curse —; defile—; disinter—; embalm—; entomb—; honor—; judge—; mourn-r-; number—; record—; reincarnate—; remember—; revive—; rise from—; rob—; — sleep on; —wither

    (See carcass, corpse.)

    Deadlock adjectives

    hopeless; partial; growing;  convenient

    relentless; quarterless; fatal

    Deadly adverbs

    disastrously; noxiously; virulently; exceptionally; irremediably; woefully; execrably

    Deaf adverbs

    totally; insufferably; irritatingly; vexatious-ly; annoyingly; pitiably; slightly; utterly; deplorably; lamentably; unfortunately; stubbornly; callously; deliberately; unhappily; pitifully; tragically; forlornly; desperately; moodily; lonesomely

    Deal adjectives

    neighborly; momentous; shady; dirty; legitimate;' ill-savored; unprotected; square; devised; financial; business; backstairs; important; great; vast; infinite; complete; skin; wandering; famished; sensational; new; tremendous; parlor; wonder; made-to-order; timed-to-the-minute; combination; bargain; smashing; pace-setting; thrilling


    arrange—; bargain—; benefit by—; carry on—; clinch—; close—; concoct—; disclose—; engage in—; engineer—; engross in—; enter—; involve in—; participate in—; put over—; transact—; unfold—

    —fizzles (colloq.) ; —promises

    (See transaction.)

    Deal (v) adverbs

    ceremoniously; promptly; ruthlessly; bountifully; primarily; heedlessly; discreetly; severely; summarily; zestfully; scientifically; munificently; adequately; rigorously; gratuitously; momentously; legitimately; financially; sensationally; thrillingly; persuasively; exclusively; competently; plainly; brilliantly

    (See negotiate, distribute.)

    Dealer adjectives

    opulent; persuasive; ignorant; unscrupulous; keen; double; individual; antique; honest; retail; exclusive; plain; implement; competent

    Dealings adjectives

    hard; plain; decent; gracious; unauthorized; shrewd; double; quick; sharp; satisfactory; dishonest; high-minded; generous; rough; hazardous; strenuous; undiplomatic; wanton; unscrupulous; fair; nefarious; punctilious; extensive; business; wise; patient; highhanded; furtive; ruthless

    Dean adjectives

    callous; pompous; incompetent; meticulous; impeccable; impinging; smug

    Dear adverbs

    infinitely; adorably; admirably; delightfully; affectionately

    Dearth adjectives

    barren; deplorable; notable; absolute; sickening; hapless; agreeable

    Death adjectives

    brave; beautiful; happy; glorious; heroic; gentle; gallant; calm; romantic; tranquil; painless; swift; reasonable; merciful; natural; appropriate; deliberate; certain; sure: untoward; early; premature; melancholy; tragic; baleful; lamented; instantaneous; quick; sudden; vicious; grappling; grisly; grim; horrible; ghastly; dreadful; beastly; ignominious; slow; lingering; physical; spiritual; temporal; somatic; cool; enfolding; tearful; sleeping; silent; long; unified; inflexible; ensuing; imbecilic; latent; cruel; intellectual; partial; honorable; immediate; recent; deplored; radiant; shadow-like; diverse(pl); mysterious; uniform; delicious; ugly; moral; fearful; drowning; threatened; awful; gradual; merited; devouring; foreboding; impending; immortal; stalking; unlooked-for; tardy; covetous; bright; unspeaking; heartening; atrocious; disgraceful; adulterate; direful; slaughtering; humane; engrossing; sacrificial; unsubstantial; bloody; maternal; helpless; poetic; violent; affronted; unregretted; flaming; unnoticed; instant; sacred; everlasting; manly; glowing; timeless; malignant; agonizing; eternal; obscure; placid; present; golden; ultimate; approaching; protracted; unrewarded; subsequent; tithed; untimely; distressing; hideous; watery; senseless; dusty; accidental; sequent; tuberculous ; occasional (pl); ominous; excruciating; voluptuous; shameful; dramatic; pale; wasted; miserable; princely; paralyzing; drier; opportune; delaying; stony; self-abased; sulphurous; overshadowing; unanticipated; propagating; strong; shrouded; scurvy; treacherous; fierce; unavoidable; unseen; mellow; loathsome; temporal; living


    administer—; announce—; apprise of—; avert—; bore to—; brood on—; cause—; cheat—; condemn to—; confirm—; contemplate—; dance with—; deliver from—; deserve—; designate—; devise—; dramatize —; endure—; evade—; exact—; experience —; expiate—; face—; feign—; frighten to —; gamble with—; give up to—; guard till; —harass to—; harry to—; hasten—; hunger for—; induce—; join in—; laugh at—; long for—; mete out—; mock—; mourn—; overcome—; persecute unto—; poise at the brink of—; pour—on; predestine to—; prepare for—; preserve from—; quail before—; recoil from—; repose in—; repulse—; rescue from—; result in—; re- • venge—; scorn—; seal with—; send to—; sentence to—; snatch from—; spare from—; spell—; spurt—; stay—; struggle against —; submit to—; suffer—; symbolize—; threaten with—; triumph over—; usher in—; ward off—; warrant—; welcome—; wreak—; yield to—; —alters; —claims; —clamors; —concludes;   —dances;  

    dawns; —devours; —dogs; —embitters

    • —engulfs; —ensues; —follows; —grieves

    • —grins; —harvests; —humbles; —intervenes; —invades; —lurks; —menaces; — parts; —reveals; —shades; —shadows

    • —spreads; —stalks among; —stings; — supervenes; —swallows up; —terminates

    —triumphs; —vanquishes; —walks; — strikes

    (See extinction, destruction, slaughter, mortality.)

    Debase (v) adverbs

    obscenely; miserably; shamefully; tragically; ruinously; unavoidably; irrevocably; irreparably; tyrannically

    (See degrade, humiliate.)

    Debased adverbs

    grossly; abjectly; morally; perfidiously; treacherously; disgracefully; darkly; infamously; arrantly; vilely; contemptibly; shamefully; bestially

    Debatable adverbs

    highly; unquestionably; definitely; obviously; profoundly; endlessly; turbulently; violently; critically; dangerously; excitingly; hotly; amusingly; readily; easily; reasonably; rationally; concretely; equivocally; hypothetically; precariously; speciously; logically

    Debate adjectives

    stormy; profound; mental; inward; parliamentary; foul; keen; acrimonious; notable; instructive; picayune; animated; interrupted; open; free; public; obstructive; lively; endless; prolix; fierce; impassioned; mock; lifelong; extemporaneous; considerable; political; epistolary; vigorous; newspaper; turbulent; organized; heated; disorderly; spirited; exciting; familiar; long-winded; noisy; hot; brotherly; amusing; teleological; loud; dialetical


    admit to—; assemble for—; climax—; contend during—; deliberate on—; draw into —; engage in—; enter into—; indulge in—; involve in—; judge—; practise—; prepare —; resolve into—; settle—; subject to—; welcome—; wrangle during—; —concludes; —discusses; —revolves about

    (See dispute, controversy, combat, contest, discussion.)

    Debate (v) adverbs

    abundantly; extensively; futilely; inwardly; profoundly; mentally; instructively; animatedly; openly; publicly; endlessly; fiercely; impassionedly; extemporaneously; considerably; politically; vigorously; turbulent-ly; heatedly; spiritedly; noisily; hotly; amusingly; loudly; dialectically; acrimoniously; shrewdly

    (See argue, discuss.)

    Debater adjectives

    cogent; convincing; tight-lipped; ready; interlocutory


    coach—; judge—; prepare—; train—; verse—; —argues; —assembles; —asserts; —assures; —cajoles; —concludes; —contends; —convinces; —declares; —discusses; —disputes; —engages; —gestures; —illustrates; —informs; —points out; —refers to; —refutes; —registers; —shouts; — voices

    (See speaker.)

    Debauch adjectives

    veritable; riotous; rudimentary; prolonged; unwonted; limitless; grisly; abnormal; drunken; secret; fictional

    Debauched adverbs

    pitiably; grossly; terribly; horribly; shamelessly; abjectly; lamentably; openly; shamefully; morally; disgracefully; infamously; notoriously; arrantly; vilely; contemptibly; bestially; voluptuously; wildly; dissolutely; brutishly; indecently

    Debauchery adjectives

    brutal; sensual; profligate; titled; coarse; truant; corrupt; perverse

    Debility adjectives

    languid; attendant; general; extreme; congenita); nervous; spectral; physical

    Debris adjectives

    accumulated; rock; floating; chaotic; fragmentary; sad; littered; hopeless


    emerge from—; crumble to—; fall amidst

    —; rise from—; scatter—; search—

    (See ruins, remains, fragments, rubbish.)

    Debt adjectives

    common; enormous; stale; ancestral; crushing; credit; impaired; recoverable; petty; immeasurable; incalculable; heavy; tremendous; huge; lawful; honest; long-standing; mounting; urgent; floating; discharged; everlasting; terrible; dubious; regulating; desperate; profound; gambling; unpayable, joint; countless; paltry


    abolish—; acknowledge—; amass—; assume —; cancel—; clear—; confront with—; contract—; die in—; discharge—; dissolve —; encumber with—; free from—; harass with—; incur—; overwhelm with—; plunge into—; repay—; repudiate—; scale down—; smart under—; swell—; unload—; wipe away—; —jumps; —rises; —soars

    (See obligation, liability.)

    Debtor adjectives

    prodigal; luckless; shabby; insolvent; grateful; broken


    accommodate—; bind—; bond—; demand of—; die—; harass—; harry—; hound—; imprison—; insure—; jail—; limit—; oblige—; press—; release—; subject—; sue —; —abolishes; —appeals to; —borrows; —discharges; —falls delinquent; —promises; —reduces

    Debut adjectives

    operatic; successful; daring; startling; notable; eventual

    Debutante ad jectives

    pretty; awkward; career-seeking; altarbound; dazzling; successfully-launched; expensive; luxury-seeking

    Decade adjectives

    present; recent; stormy; independent; successive; mauve; ironical; past; coming; prosperous; legendary


    approach—; celebrate—; include in—; infuse in—; form in—; recall —s; recognize—; survive—; vanish with—s; — advances; —elapses; —ensues; —envelops; —flourishes

    (See period, time.)

    Decadence adjectives

    pale; sentimental; brilliant; passionate; pathetic; fragrant; vegetating; mouldy


    abandon to—; arouse from—; awake from —; crumble into—; fall into—; incur—; lapse into—; prevent—; produce—; resist —; result in—; rise out of—; slide into—; stt ep in—; suffer—; threaten with—; — approaches; —beckons; —girdles; —sleeps in

    (See deterioration, decay.)

    Decadent adverbs

    cankerously; decrepitly; effetely; corrosively; corruptibly; irreparably; incurably; irremediably; lamentably; deplorably; pitifully; viciously; degenerately; corruptly; unbelievably; astoundingly; pitiably; hopelessly

    Decay adjectives

    inevitable; melancholy; symbolic; premature; elegant; slow; mental; swift; physical; flamboyant; approaching; common; perpetual; integral; picturesque; unperceived; sensible; dry; gradual; inexorable; fatal; lichened


    accelerate—; arrest—; attack by—; bar—; conceal—; delay—; doom to—; exempt from—; fall into—; presage—; preserve from—; reek of—: resist—; subject to—; suffer—; —bores into; —sets in

    (See deterioration, decomposition, corruption.)

    Decay (v) adverbs

    fearfully; disastrously; inevitably; symbolically; prematurely; mentally; swiftly; physically; picturesquely; sensibly; inexorably; gradually; fatally; obviously; partially; invisibly

    (See rot, disintegrate.)

    Deceit adjectives

    charming; dreamlike; dear; radiant; adored; coquettish; remorseful; blind; beguiling; unprincipled; fatal


    abhor—; avoid—; breed—; commit—; conceal—; contrive by—; depart from—; dispose to—;; dwell in—; indulge in—; intend—; nourish—; quit—; redeem from —; shroud—; suspect—; unearth—; utter —; wallow in—; work—; annoys; — counters; —falsifies; —flourishes; —harms; —irks; —misleads; —pricks; —tricks; reprove—

    (See fraud, deception, trick, stratagem, cheating.)

    Deceitful adverbs

    inherently; naturally; habitually; characteristically; temperamentally; subtly; shrewdly; astutely; carefully; deliberately; insidiously; smoothly; fiendishly; maliciously; astoundingly; deftly; dangerously; insinuatingly; horribly; abominably; shamefully; daringly; surprisingly; unexpectedly; expertly

    Deceive (v) adverbs

    deliberately; grossly; palpably; bitterly; eternally; prodigiously; blackly; mightily; heartlessly; systematically; basely; purposely; vilely; villainously; treacherously

    (See mislead.)

    Deceiver adjectives

    systematic; heartless; gracious; seductive: gay; artful; politic; insidious; crafty

    Decency adjectives

    ordinary; sheer; conventional; common; mere; enforced; requisite; wanton; political; true; social; eminent; respectable; temperate; native; disregarded


    breed in—; conform to—; dress in—; dwell in—; execute with—; expect—; inject into—; insist on—; maintain—; manage with—; observe—; perform with—; practise—; pretend—; violate—; —befits; — flourish; —requires; outrage—

    (See propriety, modesty, decorum.)

    Decent adverbs

    decorously; utterly; entirely; honestly; modestly; admirably; habitually; conventionally; eminently; innately; inherently; notably; chastely; suitably; naturally; appropriately; unobtrusively; superbly; remarkably; essentially; palpably; obviously; extraordinarily; unaffectedly

    Deception adjectives

    palpable; gross; downright; swaggering; detestable; obvious; systematic; pious; venial; innocent; intentional; harmless; inevitable; economic; relative; facial; deliberate; refined; universal


    apply—; avoid—; commit—; conceal—; devise—; dispose to—; expose—; fall into —; fear—; form—; imagine—; impose— upon; justify—; perform—; produce—; practice—; suspect—; unearth—; unfold—; —harms; —injures

    (See deceit, craft, cunning, trickery, fraud.)

    Deceptive adverbs

    palpably; grossly; detestably; obviously; cruelly; systematically; methodically; intentionally; purposely; maliciously; harmlessly; deliberately; childishly; innocently; teasingly; criminally; cleverly; astutely; adroitly; expertly; carefully; meanly; despicably; contemptibly; disgracefully; terribly

    Decide (v) adverbs

    adversely; conclusively; discreetly; positively; affirmatively; irrevocably; authentically; impartially; wisely; tentatively; peremptorily; glumly; confusedly; arbitrarily; simultaneously; impulsively; virtually; unanimously; eventually; conspicuously; grudgingly; favorably; magnanimously; sensibly; temperately; resolutely; unalterably; authoritatively; haphazardly; prematurely; precipitately; tactically; emphatically; spectacularly; promptly; theoretically; academically; technically; politically; speedily

    (See determine, resolve.)

    Decision adjectives

    favorable; comforting; sagacious; well-considered; careful; correct; perfect; practical; magnanimous; sensible; unfettered; unbought; accurate; straightforward; just; calm; temperate; final; irreparable; irrevocable; invincible; expectant; inexorable; peremptory; sweeping; important; resolute; unflinching; firm; unmistakable; unalterable; unchanged; authoritative; unbiased; weighty; momentous; august; arbitrary; vacillating; haphazard; premature; abrupt; precipitate; rapid; instant; hasty; intuitive; quick; swift; hair-trigger; dangerous; desperate; ruinous; illegal; adverse; judicial; critical; temporal; ticklish; major; iniquitous; unanimous; last-moment; applauded; perplexing; tactical; controlling; definite; profitless; cryptic; tentative; overt; successive; prompt; emphatic; due; unbalanced; disastrous; solemn; demurred; spectacular; supreme; indolent; instant; practical; ruling; belated; blamable; strict; impartial; theoretical; calculated; epochmaking; heart-searching; resolute; sudden; daring; executive; tremendous; resounding; academic; unwise; crushing; initiatory; technical; adverse; political; rumored; sundry (pl)


    abide by—; accept—; acclaim—; adhere to—; analyze—; circumvent—; confirm—; contest—; dictate—; enforce—; execute—; greet—; hail—; hand down—; influence—; obey—; prejudice—; reach—; render—; reverse—; stiffen—; subject to—; submit to—; swing—; voice—; weigh—; —embroils; —favors; —foreshadows; invalidates; —takes place; —wavers

    (See settlement, conclusion, verdict.)

    Decisive adverbs

    alarmingly; conclusively; definitely; scarcely; mercifully; fortunately; happily; favorably; comfortingly; practically; justly; irrevocably; inexorably; sweepingly; importantly; firmly; unmistakably; unalterably; authoritatively; authentically; w’eight-ily; augustly; intuitively; swiftly; desperately; critically; iniquitously; solemnly; tremendously; politically

    Deck adjectives

    hurricane; forward; promenade; ‘white-scoured; bright; snowy; spotless; glistening; holystoned; sloping; inclining; reeling; pitching; slippery; slimy; unscrubbed; shattered; spacious; blazing; cluster-lighted; splinter-strewn; awninged; watery; crowded; ghostly; creamy; tapered; windswept; ocean; long; great; open; comfortable; gay; sun; broad; shot-torn; shuddering; wave-set; steamer; stricken; bloody; unobstructed; wreckage-laden


    batter—; burst—; clear—; cover—; dash on—; glimmer on—; keep above—; lash—; lie on—; pace—; scatter on—; shatter—; splinter—; sprawl on—; stand on—; sun on —; toss on—; tramp—; view from—; wave from—; —extends; —runs

    (See platform, floor.)

    Declamation adjectives

    rhetorical; strident; stuttering; insipid; passionate; empty; facetious; sounding


    alter—; burst into—; compose—; dispute—; influence-—; inspire—; publish—; render—; repeat—; set forth—; stir up—; thunder—; utter—; —embodies; —exacerbates; —expresses; —proves; —shocks; —stirs

    (See speech, oration, oratory.)

    Declamatory adverbs

    absurdly; effusively; unnecessarily; foolishly; ridiculously; ludicrously; amusingly; bombastically; pompously; arrogantly; pretentiously; stridently; passionately; fervently; emptily; facetiously; sententiously; laughably; piously; grandiloquently; floridly; preachily; pedantically; frothily; flashily; flamboyantly; blatantly

    Declaration adjectives

    culminating; remarkable; far-echoing; formal; droll; insulting; emphatic; public; appalling; passionate; blunt; voluntary; candid; downright; bold; determining; significant; official; profound; strong; solemn; superior; positive; vehement; frequent; rigid; important; absolute; distinct; undisguised; open; customary; fierce; friendly; supplementary; bitter; passionate; abasing; unmistakable


    adopt—; announce—; belie—; constitute—; decry—; dispute—; expound—; immortalize—; inspire—; introduce—; issue—; present—; proclaim—; publish—; set forth—; —contradicts; —embodies; —influences; —pleads; —proves; —shocks

    (See assertion, statement.)

    Declaratory adverbs

    plainly; comfortingly; reassuringly; explicitly; clearly; analytically; broadly; substantially; literacy; honestly; simply; significantly; intelligibly; authoritatively; formally; emphatically; bluntly; officially

    Declare (v) adverbs

    vociferously; formally; publicly; emphatically; passionately; bluntly; candidly; boldly; significantly; officially; solemnly; vehemently; absolutely; distinctly; openly; fiercely; bitterly; unmistakably; conceitedly; enthusiastically; pedantically; petulantly; grimly; virtually; impatiently; contemptuously; stoutly; hypocritically; privately; haltingly; inconclusively; antagonistically; formally; shamelessly; speciously; archly; hotly; earnestly; rapturously; severely; wrathfully; repeatedly; unanimously; solemnly

    (See affirm, state.)

    Decline adjectives

    marked; considerable; general; ultimate; lingering; terrific; unquestionable; alarming; social; drastic; prolonged; accelerated; sad; subsequent; premature; short; dreary; unaccountable; hopeless; marked; incipient; ominous; partial; unprecedented; indubitable

    Decline (v) adverbs

    peremptorily; repeatedly; progressively; blandly; spinelessly; respectfully; steadily; gently; invariably; bluntly; querulously; rapidly; gravely; firmly; quietly; majestically; ultimately; alarmingly; socially; ac-celeratedly; subsequently; prematurely; drearily; unaccountably; hopelessly; ominously; partially; indubitably; unprecedentedly

    (See languish, bend.)

    Declivity adjectives

    slight; dread; gentle; abrupt; steep; obstructing

    Decomposition adjectives

    chemical; spontaneous; painful; tedious; rapid; erosive; timely


    crumble into—; fall into—; incur—; lapse into—; object to—; prevent—; produce—; resolve into—; result in——; slide into—; suffer—; threaten with—; undergo—; — abates; —continues; —distributes; —separates

    (See disintegration, decay.)

    Decorate (v) adverbs

    elaborately; exquisitely; profusely; picturesquely; garishly; inelegantly; charmingly; lavishly; gaudily; quaintly; splendidly; tastefully; mournfully; superfluously; sumptuously; superbly; festively; gorgeously; pictorially; richly; tastefully; delicately; ornately; ostentatiously; characteristically; formally; realistically; murally; scenically; fantastically; architecturally; grotesquely. (See adorn, embellish.

    Decoration adjectives

    coveted; incidental; pictorial; simulated; profuse; mistaken; disturbing; quiet; rich; new; superb; modern; regal; tasteful; delicate; contemporary; delightful; ornate; ostentatious; personal; excessive; last-moment; characteristic; silver; detailed; glaring; formal; realistic; eye-filling; sensecurdling; painted; elaborate; polychrome; mural; casual; sober; religious; lateral; lavish; unobtrusive; sparkling; scenical; stupendous; sculptural; simple; fantastic; costly; lifeless; colorless; architectural; molded; grotesque; subordinated

    Decorative adverbs

    delicately; incidentally; properly; quietly; richly; superbly; regally; tastefully; delightfully; ornately; excessively; formally; elaborately; casually; soberly; lavishly; unobtrusively; pleasantly; agreeably; appropriately; graphically; picturesquely; romantically; unusually; beautifully

    Decorator adjectives

    prominent; competent; resourceful; professional; amateur; over-ambitious; aspiring*; over-nice; classically-inclined

    Decorous adverbs

    becomingly; modestly; essentially; socially; strictly; scrupulously; carefully; invariably; habitually; ordinarily; dependably; politely; fashionably; punctiliously; conventionally; civilly; respectfully; reverentially; deferentially; ceremoniously; decently

    Decorum adjectives

    external; stately; perfect; naughty; social; artistic; strict; pallid; unyielding; scrupulous; grave; public


    adhere to—; act with—; behave with—; cling to—; clothe in—; hedge by—; maintain—; mantle in—; nourish—; observe—; preserve—; require—; safeguard—; shed —; shock—; wallow in—; —lapses; —prevails; —restrains

    (See politeness, decency, propriety.)

    Decrease adjectives

    sagging; marked; dripping; noticeable; proportional

    Decrease (v} adverbs

    imperceptibly; immeasurably; relatively; markedly; proportionally; noticeably; amazingly; astonishingly; tragically; fatally; woefully

    (See diminish, reduce.)

    Decree adjectives

    judgment; repealing; castigatory; omnipotent; law; august; tyrannical; eternal; emergency; royal; unalterable; unfathomable; divine; imperial; established; stern; oppressive; changeless; pitiless; unexecuted; irreversible; obnoxious; generous; paternal; laconic; primeval; absolute; extemporary


    adjust—:; affirm—; alter—; annul—; bow to—; break—; carry out—; condemn—; confirm—; contest—; declare—; delay—; enforce—; favor—; issue—; mold—; obey—; oppose—; overleap—; proclaim—; promulgate—; repeal—; resist—; reverse —; revoke—; shape—; sign—; submit to—; sustain—; trample upon—; —banishes; — bans; —conscripts; —disposes of; —prohibits

    (See law, edict, mandate, ordinance, decision, rule.)

    Decree (v) adverbs

    irrevocably; tyrannically; legislatively; formally

    (See enact.)

    Decrepit adverbs

    helplessly; prematurely; dangerously; pitiably; hopelessly; pathetically; terribly; deplorably; heartbreakingly; hoarily; dod-deringly; feebly; totteringly; crazily; incurably; weakly; lamentably; pitifully

    Decrepitude adjectives

    premature; dangerous; helpless; hampering; fretful; onrushing; subtle

    Dedicate (v) adverbs

    pompously; respectfully; tacitly; solemnly; chiefly; wholeheartedly; sincerely; humbly; flatteringly; appreciatively; modestly; arrogantly; worshipfully

    (See consecrate, devote.)

    Dedication adjectives

    handsome; nauseating; flattering; honorary; memorable; cursory; nominal

    Deduce (v) adverbs

    psycholog aCally; rationalistically; unscientifically; logically; immediately; daringly; legitimately; profoundly; modestly; shrewdly

    (See conclude.)

    Deductible adverbs

    immediately; legitimately; legally; logically; naturally; liberally; fortunately; ultimately; deceptively; possibly; unquestionably; inferentially; authentically; authoritatively; generously; substantially

    Deduction adjectives

    immense; entomological; immediate; pure; sound; unverified; daring; trifling; logical; legitimate; profound; liberal; analogical; ultimate; false; bibulous; dipsomaniacal; modest; sagest; possible; hazardous; labored; spurious; genuine


    allow—; arrive at—; bear out—; claim—; confirm—; contemplate—; contradict—; debate—; decide on—; deny—; derive—; draw—; err in—; form—; reach—; reason —; secure—; —confuses; —follows

    (See demonstration, proof, inference.)

    Deed (general) adjectives

    sundry (pl); good; glorious; worthy; wise; brilliant; maniacal; meritorious; glamorous; notable; unforgettable; momentous; brave; courageous; heroic; mighty; doughty; rash; evil; dangerous; terrible; dishonest; desperate; inhuman; dirty; brutal; treacherous; violent; bloodthirsty; unholy; harsh; vainglorious; atrocious; silly; tacit; valiant; contemplated; passionate; unnatural; charitable; shameful; cursed; radiant; rueful; conspicuous; piteous; peaceful; wicked; hideous; masterful; execrable; heinous; bloody; lustful; chivalric; honorable; long; traitorous; virtuous; foulest; selfish; corrupt; unjust; steadfast; tragic; dastardly; magnanimous; historic; pious; truculent; knightly; disgraceful; manful; irrevocable; dragon; untried; lovely; sculptured; fiendish; lawless; persistent; deathless; fell; amazing; kindred; hazardous; darkest; venturous; stern; ill; unostentatious; precious; baleful; title; daring; horrible; barbarous; fearful; evil; remorseless; blazing; kind; sublime; caitiff; generous; wholesome; human; reckless; vile; abhorrent; loyal; pure; kingly; senseless; undying; grander; impeachable; noble; despicable; myriad (pl)


    acclaim—; achieve—; answer for—; applaud—; ascribe to—; attempt—; bear out—; belittle—; blame—; bless—; boast of—; celebrate—; commemorate-—; commend—; commit—; consent to—; contrive —; dare—; die in—; dignify—; dispense with—; dread—; emulate—; enshrine—; execrate—; glory in—; govern—; hallow—; honor—; incite to—; judge—; justify—; match—; noise—; perform—; please by—; proclaim—; promote—; recompense—; record—; relate—; resent—; render—; repent—; report—; reprove—; reward—; rue—; serve in—; shudder at—; sing of—s; spur to—; spurn—; void—; vouch for—; —awes; -—flames; —indicates; —lives; —shames

    (See act. feat, performance, reality, exploit, achievement.)

    Deep adjectives

    restless; violet; uncomprehensible; overbrimming; mystic; uncreated; populous; airy; avenging; waveless; unfathomable; glimmering; laughing; lonely; vasty; waiting; blue; windless; lethal; boundless; lower; muffled; sunnier; sacred; regal; quiet; lampless; charmed; wind-obeying; shuddering; dreary; tranquil; unsounded; dangerous; mid-sea; transparent; unclosing; immeasurable; presumptuous; unnatural; tempest-wrinkled; dark-blue; innumerable (pl); murmuring; voiceless; remorseless; finny; unapparent


    abound in—; ambush from—; cast into—; conceal in—; delve in—; draw into—s; fill—; gaze at—; hide in—; lower to—; pierce—; pursue through—; recede into—; thunder in—; venture from—; —engulfs; —resounds


    abysmally; inscrutably; mysteriously; un-fathomably; quietly; immeasurably; profoundly; immensely; dangerously; hideously; prodigiously; wondrously; obviously; enormously; astonishingly; marvellously; unutterably; fabulously; curiously; amazingly

    Deepen (v) adverbs

    insensibly; sufficiently; unconsciously; un-fathomably; boundlessly; shudderingly; immeasurably; unnaturally; remorsefully

    (See intensify.)

    Deep-Seated adverbs

    intrinsically; inherently; stubbornly; obstinately; incurably; intensely; traditionally; customarily; racially; frequently

    Deer adjectives

    shy; brown; agile; astonished; stricken; shadowy; wounded; tame; antlered; plentiful; exquisite; graceful; sobbing; sleek; truant; fleet; swift


    chase—; follow—; herd—; lasso—; shelter —; skin—; rouse—; wound—; —bounds; —darts; —frequents; —haunts; —leaps; —roams; —sheds; —shies; —shuns; — treads; —treks

    (See animal.)

    Defaced adverbs

    rustily; unrecognizably; terribly; hopelessly; unpardonably; inexcusably; irreparablv; irremediably; frightfully; grimly; horribly; grossly; odiously; shockingly

    Defame (v


    libelously; viciously; revengefully; wantonly; hatefully; treacherously; illegally; spitefully; ruinously

    (See slander.)

    Default adjectives

    glaring; notorious; serious; infinitesimal; covert; punishable


    arrest—; commit—; convict of—; expect—; expose—; force—; impose—: mend—; occasion—; pardon—; penalize—; practise—; punish—; record—; urge—; —deprives


    (See neglect, omission, failure, deficiency.)

    Defeat adjectives

    avowed; acknowledged; tremendous; crushing; graceful; overwhelming; shameful; ignoble; humiliating; signal; bitter; gory; ugly; rudest; inevitable; ultimate; impending; intellectual; trivial; unconditional; vain; stinging; unwilling; serious; sheer; later; subsequent; disheartening; crowning; humble; expensive; insignificant; final; inglorious; decisive; utter; undisguised; damned; ignominious; logical; ridiculous; unexpected; smashing; dreadful; heartbroken; averted; telling; encompassed; paralyzing; creditable; pet; disastrous; spiritual; dispirited; irretrievable


    acknowledge—; administer—; bear—; brand with—; brood over—; contribute to —; court—; destine to—; doom to—; emerge from—; foredoom to—; foresee—; gesture—; go down in—; invite—; involve—; meet—; pave the way for—; suffer —; thrive upon—; visualize—; writhe at—; —encompasses; —shakes

    (See repulse, loss, ruin.)

    Defeat (v) adverbs

    incessantly; absolutely; successively; decisively; utterly; subsequently; exultantly

    crushingly; overwhelmingly; effectually; gloriously; shamefully; ignobly; humiliatingly; signally; ^bitterly; inevitably; ultimately; unconditionally; finally; ignominiously; logically; paralyzingly; disastrously; spiritually

    (See whip, thrash.)

    Defect adjectives

    basic; vital; grave; serious; glaring; important; dominant; simple; secondary; minor; flagrant; fatal; unfortunate; psychic; functional; mental; mechanical; characteristic; uncorrected; possible; qualitative; latent; undeniable; structural; fair; abominable; constitutional; aggravated; concealed; palpable; inconspicuous; unexpected; temporary; manifold; serious; surface; complementary (pl); immense; obvious; capital; woeful; postural; inherent; radical; glaring; poetical; perilous; speculative


    analyze—; compensate for—; discover—; eliminate—; judge-—; indicate—; make up for—; minimize—; produce—; rectify—; remedy—; shackle by—; spot—; stamp—; suffer from—; supply—; —impairs; — taints

    (See imperfection, blemish, fault, foible, flaw, shortcoming.)

    Defective adverbs

    unacceptably; unfortunately; grossly; carelessly; crudely; objectionably; provoking-ly; vexatiously; definitely; altogether; shamefully; outrageously; obviously; perceptibly; palpably; indefensibly; inexcusably

    Defection adjectives

    contemplated; temporary; momentary

    grow-ing; relative; moral; impulsive

    Defendant adjectives

    heroic; private; scared; frightened; worried; perjured


    accuse—; acquit—; aid—; attack—; bail—; befuddle—; bind—; challenge—; charge—; cross-examine—; discharge—; enjoin—; guard—; question—; represent—; restrain —; vindicate—; —answers; -—attests; — counters; —declares; —defies; —denies

    —maintains; —perjures; —pleads; —resists; —swears; —vouches; —vows

    (See defender, champion, advocate.)

    Defend (v) adverbs

    elaborately; vigorously; gallantly; warmly; strenuously; stoutly; formidably; spiritedly; desperately; principally; subtly; ardently; philosophically; valorously; sturdily; passively; staunchly; brilliantly; obstinately; eloquently; competently; courageously; vigorously; determinedly; impassionedly; sensationally; unexpectedly; heroically; spiritlessly; aggressively; effectually; mutually; instinctively; unfailingly; injudiciously; unapproachably

    (See guard, protect.)

    Defender adjectives

    ardent; lawful; impenitent; philosophical; bold; brave; valorous; uncompromising; stout; sturdy; staunch; unconquerable; clever; gallant; passive; sincere; brilliant; steadfast; obstinate; habitual; eloquent


    acclaim—; banish—; challenge—; charge —; deploy—s; drive out—; hail—; honor —; reward—; —assqils; —averts; —counters; —forsakes; —guards; —protects; — repels; —restrains; —upholds; —wards off

    (See defendant, advocate, champion.)

    Defense adjectives

    spirited; competent; noble; brilliant; courageous; strong; formidable; valiant; vigorous; long; determined; unassailable; involuntary; bungling; impassioned; halfhearted; weak; sensational; awkward; compelling; half-amused; adequate; national; manufactured; critical; inartificial; organized; offensive; frenzied; conceivable; unexpected; steadfast; natural; dignified; rare; spiritless; obstinate; pretty; armed; heroic; plausible; aggressive; uncompromising; honest; sorry; effectual; questionable; uncouth; eloquent; moral; capital; elaborate; gallant; adamantine; projected; womanly; leisurely; prompt; powerful; compensatory; mutual; instinctive; self; unfailing; minute; anomalous; injudicious; unapproachable


    abandon—; achieve—; argue in—; arise in—; batter—; bolster—; build—; bungle —; buttress—; demolish—; employ—; imperil—; map out—; prepare—; propound —; rally—; reenforce—; rehabilitate—; rush to—; sharpen—; smash—; spring to—; stand in—; stiffen under—; survey—; throw up—; vow—; —breaks; —crumbles; —crumples; —interposes

    (See protection, plan.)

    Defenseless adverbs

    tragically; unhappily; pathetically; silently; horribly; suddenly; surprisingly; utterly; bitterly; sadly; unexpectedly; scandalously; shockingly; calamitously; fatally; ignominiously; ominously; mysteriously; inexplicably

    Defensive adverbs

    eagerly; humbly; hastily; skilfully; reluctantly; angrily; confusedly; openly; awkwardly; nervously; instantly; preposterously; unnecessarily; sufficiently; profoundly; tearfully; pathetically; incoherently; sheepishly; embarrassingly; miserably; slavishly; disgustingly; deeply; half-heartedly; honestly

    Defer (v) adverbs

    suavely; unfeignedly; condescendingly; pleasantly; scrupulously; particularly; servilely; resentfully; punctiliously; ungrudgingly; habitually; admiringly; carelessly; sympathetically

    (See delay.)

    Deference adjectives

    unfeigned; suave; condescending; pleasant; exceeding; scrupulous; blissful; unfailing; chivalrous; particular; bullying; servile; secret; resentful; respectful; awesome; self-restraining; punctilious; exquisite; due; apparent; ungrudging; utmost; habitual; admiring; careless; sympathetic


    acknowledge—; allow—; bestow—; bow in—; choose out of—; claim—; conduct with—; entitle to—; grant—; nod in—; pay—; proceed with—; render—; respect —; respond to—; tender—; transact with —; treat with—; yield—

    (See respect, regard.)

    Deferential adverbs

    charmingly; pleasantly; properly; respectfully; scrupulously; exceedingly; unfailingly; chivalrously; punctiliously; exquisitely; duly; apparently; habitually; carefully; courteously; delightfully; devotedly; loyally; modestly; affably; amiably; gallantly; ceremoniously; ingratiatingly; tactfully; dutifully; decorously; sweetly; cordially

    Defiance adjectives

    calm; silent; rare; quiet; fine; daring: resolute; firm; gay; mirthful; drawling; roaring; fierce; raucous; shrill; blatant; willful; ruffian; snarling; monstrous; shamefaced; reckless; desperate; murderous; mock; sneering; indignant; open; curious; passionate; exhilarating; quivering; quotable; shrinking; cringing; thundering; puny; irritating; perceptible; sudden; nomadic; scornful; admirable; maledictory; frank; potential; nonchalant; hurt; robust; half-frightened; schoolgirlish; unrighteous; mute; bristling; mortal; contemptuous; solitary; mutual; bold; actual; successful; patient; implied; indomitable; still; suppressed; savage


    attempt—; breathe—; fling—at; foster—; glare—; greet with—; hurl—; quell—; scorn—; shout—; snort—; sponsor—; stand firm in—; throw—at; uphold—

    (See challenge, opposition, provocation, contempt, reoellion.)

    Defiant adverbs

    calmly; rarely; silently; quietly; boldly; resolutely; firmly; blithely; fiercely; blatantly; shrilly; monstrously; desperately; mockingly; indignantly; openly; sullenly; curiously; strangely;- irritably; frankly; mutely; moodily; indomitably; stubbornly; obstinately; inexplicably; justly; defensibly

    Deficiency adjectives

    unavoidable; fatal; evident; mental; technical; previous; glaring; psychological; marked; organic; suprarenal; noticeable


    accentuate—; allow —; balance—; compensate for—; condone—; correct—; counteract—; detect—; manifest—; mend—; observe—; presage—; reveal—; supply—; weep for—; —glares; —occurs

    (See defect, imperfection, shortcoming, inadequacy.)

    Deficient adverbs

    fatally; evidently; mentally; technically; markedly; glaringly; noticeably; crudely; lamentably; unfortunately; sadly; miserably; pitifully; woefully

    Deficit adjectives

    genuine; increasing; successive; alleged; alarming; startling; unaccountable


    accumulate—; arrest for—

    Defile adjectives

    dark; tangled; lofty; wild; rugged; rocky; towering; mountain; dangerous

    Defilement adjectives

    solemn; majestic; zonal; constructive; compact; straggling

    Define (v) adverbs

    boldly; closely; sharply; sufficiently; particularly; bluntly; precisely; explicitly; accurately; crudely; arbitrarily; exactly; interestingly; subjectively; objectionably; essentially; technically; vigorously; invidiously; imperfectly; objectively; brilliantly; informally; vaguely; scientifically

    (See interpret, limit.)

    Definite adverbs

    crisply; bluntly; accurately; arbitrarily; interestingly; sharply; oddly; objectionably; thoroughly; brilliantly; pleasingly; acceptably; comfortingly; intelligibly; conspicuously; reliably; dogmatically; officially; authoritatively; authentically; vividly; graphically; comprehensibly.

    Definition adjectives

    accurate; crude; representative; arbitrary; abstract; exclusive; exact; precise; interesting; perfervid; subjective; sharp; clearcut; objectionable; famous; preliminary; unchallenged; healthy; thoroughgoing; essential; positive; vigorous; technical; analogous; invidious; objective; brilliant; informal; vague; scientific; elastic; reasonable; serviceable; imperfect


    apply—; arrive at—; construct—; determine—; establish—; restrict—; search for —; stretch—; supply—; understand—; weaken—; —defines; —describes; —determines; —enlightens; —explains; —expresses; —fixes; —limits; —satisfies; —specifies; —unfolds

    (See explanation, description, comment, exposition, interpretation.)

    Deflation adjectives

    sweeping; monetary; postwar; credit; vicious; severe; sharp; salient; encroaching


    guard against—; master—; prepare for—; produce—; prophesy—; protect against—; release—; remedy—; repair—; sink into—; —affects; —injures; —looms; —menaces; —occurs; —produces; —reduces; —remedies; —repairs; —ruins

    (See collapse.)

    Deformed adverbs

    woefully; physically; hideously; sadly; monstrously; congenitally; pitiably; lamentably; mysteriously; inexpressibly; horribly; deplorably; wretchedly; distressingly; incurably; irremediably; sorrily; crookedly; grossly; gruesomely; repulsively; terribly

    Deformity adjectives

    apoplectic; unexpressed; pockmarked; physical; mocking; hideous; monstrous; foul; passing; hereditary


    accentuate—; avert—; brace—; correct—; enhance—; fake—; guard against—; iron out—; minimize—; overcome—; prevent—; produce—; result in—; torture into—; twist into—; —disfigures; —distorts; — impairs; —recurs

    (See blemish, abnormality.)

    Defraud («•


    deliberately; coolly; villainously; cleverly; knavishly; deceitfully; unsuspectingly; deftly; sagaciously; financially

    (See cheat.)

    Defray (v) adverbs

    individually; regularly; belatedly; tardily; unhesitatingly; handsomely; regally; completely

    (See pay.)

    Deft adverbs

    unusually; admirably; wondrously; enviably; nimbly; marvellously; amazingly; remarkably; consistently; harmoniously; socially; conversationally; felicitously; appropriately; intelligently; shrewdly

    Deftness adjectives

    marvelous; amazing; remarkable; skillful; marked; noteworthy

    Defy (v) adverbs

    haughtily; sullenly; recklessly; arrogantly; undauntedly; menacingly; calmly; resolutely; fiercely; raucously; blatantly; snarling-ly; desperately; murderously; mockingly; passionately; frankly; nonchalantly; righteously; mutely; bristlingly; mortally; contemptuously; savagely

    (See challenge, dare.)

    Degeneracy adjectives

    deplorable; nervous; physical; dissolute; irreparable; abject

    Degenerate adjectives

    unmoral; lazy; pathological; hopeless; irretrievable


    grossly; outrageously; poisonously; corruptly; viciously; brutally; shabbily; effetely; decrepitly; dangerously; hopelessly; helplessly; woefully; abjectly; disgracefully; infamously; contemptibly; shamefully

    Degeneration adjectives

    infectious; eventual; apparent; inflammatory; progressive

    Degradation adjectives

    moral; physical; unmerited; hideous; absolute; habitual; excessive; concomitant; stunting; deep; present

    Degrade (v) adverbs

    hopelessly; materially; ruinously; morally; unmeritedly; hideously; absolutely; deeply; shamefully; disgracefully; humiliatingly

    (See debase, disgrace.)

    Degree adjectives

    large; high; fullest; surpassing; extreme; maximal; marked; slightest; infinitesimal; limited; imperceptible; tiny; smalj-; astonishing; extraordinary; remarkable; amazing; startling; unusual; singular; diverse; vulgar; moderate: disgraceful; unsatisfactory; disconcerting; appalling; pre-eminent; uncanny; rare; greatest; practicable; fair; irreparable; increasing; sufficient; corresponding; artificial; intolerable; advanced; superlative: requisite; microscopic; moderate; alarming; considerable; high; unprecedented; varying; feverish; lavish; passable; measurable; adroit; incalculable; slow; adequate; improbable; surpassing; admirable; pronounced; fine; incredible; unabated; evergrowing; remote; minute; awe-inspiring; comparative; diminished; unwonted; gentle; significant; valuable; modified; paramount; unparalleled; sublime; imposing; traditional; extravagant; shameless; certain; cunning; excessive; reasonable; notable; unusual; uncommon; successive; illuminating; unsolicited; impudent; ancient; striking; valued; least; coveted; honorary; impressive; academic; doctorate; transcendent; subordinate; multiform


    ascend by—s; attain by—s; award—; change by—s; coax by—s; confer—; elevate —; exalt—; honor—; improve by—s; intensify—; lead by—s; limit—; mark—s; match—; overrate—; raise—; respect—; sharpen by—s; suffice to—; turn by—s

    See extent, rank, amount, station, position, title.

    Deity adjectives

    tutelar; heathen; sylvan; ubiquitous; innumerable (pl); patron; anthropomorphic; beneficent; temperamental; pagan; presiding; vestal; glorious; gloomy; tremendous; graceful; accursed; vital ; • protecting; incarnate; ascended; impotent; inferior; patronymic; numerous (pl); disowned; injured; dangling; benevolent; oracular; contemporary; iron; dishonorable; solemn


    absorb in—; adore—; appease—; befit—; believe in—; break away from—; complain to—; conceive of—; create—; defy—; deny—; despise—; dethrone—; enthrone—; incense—; offend—; please—; pray to—

    renounce—;   signify—

    creates; —interposes

    (See God, divinity.)

    Dejection adjectives

    vague; querulous; profound; complete; utter; intense; bewildered; utmost; deep; miserable; spiritless; passionate; weary


    bow in—; bury in—; cast into—; forsake —; humiliate into—; imply—; lower into —; manifest—; register—; shroud into—; sink into—; succumb to—; sustain—; throw into—; —deepens; —envelops; —fells

    —weakens; —provokes

    (See depression, melancholy, discouragement.)

    Delay ad jectives

    considerable; majestic; lingering; enforced; useless; injurious; unaccountable; inexplicable; petty; incomprehensible; anterior; proverbial; infamous; extended; dull; dangerous; corresponding; avoidable; needless; tedious; prolonged; slight; long; hazardous; endless; disappointing; fatal; strange; enforced; irksome; heartbreaking; exasperating; unconscionable; grievous; amorous; vexatious; sweet; parliamentary; characteristic; innumerable (pl)


    advise—; brook—; counsel—; effect—; eliminate—; entail—; importune—; necessitate—; obtain—; occasion—; produce—; promise—; rebel against—; subject to—; trace—; work—; —endangers; —hinders

    (See procrastination, obstruction.)

    Delay (v) adverbs

    immeasurably; unaccountably; injuriously; temporarily; unfortunately; unreasonably; painfully; enforcedly; uselessly; incomprehensibly; infamously; tediously; fatally; disappointingly; irksomely; heartbreaking-ly; exasperatingly; unconscionably; grievously; vexatiously; characteristically; amorously

    (See dally, postpone.)

    Delectable adverbs

    refreshingly; invitingly; appetizingly; delicately; excitingly; charmingly; alluringly; altogether; consistently; irresistibly; unusually; remarkably

    Delegate adjectives

    messenger; rural; assembled (pl); interested; legal; ardent; recusant; lone; autochthonous


    act as—; appoint—; commission—; depute —; employ—; engage—; entrust to—; instruct—; send—; —s assemble; —attends; —s confer; —s convene; —s determine; — exercises; —manages; —performs; —represents; —wearies; —yells

    (See deputy, substitute, representative.)

    Delegate (v) adverbs

    expressly; successfully; impressively; formally; nominally; authoritatively

    (See order.)

    Delegation adjectives

    hilarious; impressive; express; representative; pathetic; dependable; authorized; random; select


    address—; appoint—; assemble—; entrust to—; instruct—; sway—,; —attends; — chants; . —cheers; —confers; —convenes

    —journeys; —represents; —subscribes to

    —supports; —switches to; —votes; —wearies

    (See committee.)

    Deleterious adverbs

    malignly; abominably; painfully; grievously; oppressively; noxiously; perniciously; dreadfully; horribly; exceptionably lamentably; woefully; extremely; incredibly

    Deliberate adverbs

    evidently; sagaciously; good-humoredly; coolly; duly; sagely; wisely; gravely; ominously; vexatiously; calmly; terribly; impressively; solemnly; consciously; exaggeratedly; cleverly; curiously; pleasantly; prudently; anxiously; courteously; quietly; intently; thoughtfully; particularly; attentively; observantly; carefully; craftily; smartly; skilfully; shrewdly; cautiously; warily; discreetly

    Deliberate (%-) adverbs

    earnestly; sagaciously; coolly; good-humoredly; sagely; gravely; calmly; solemnly; skillfully; prudently; protractedly; slowly. (See debate, consider.

    Deliberation adjectives

    evident; sagacious; mature; good-humored; cool; sage; equable; grave; terrible; immense; studied; calm; solemn; joint; unexampled; impressive; congressional; knowing; conscious; curious; pleasant; skillful; prudent; public; anxious; due; maddening; courteous; protracted; considerable; massive; cutting; slow; disdainful; anguished

    Delicacy adjectives

    proper; conceivable; lineal; respectable; penetrating; covert; autumnal; fastidious; unexpected; pastel; epicurean; unbounded; ephemeral; substantial; native; exquisite; subtle; spiritual; fine; false; piercing; esteemed; great; extreme; innate; special; instinctive; charming; graceful; imaginable; fine; artistic; manly; morbid; feminine; queenly; dreamlike; complicated; bashful; dangling; exquisite; tempting; infinite; international; raw; pompous; toothsome

    Delicate adverbs

    exquisitely; incredibly; beautifully; airily; frailly; crisply; freshly; harmoniously; pleasingly; agreeably; sweetly; bewitching-ly; daintily; delightfully; ravishingly; gracefully; artistically; richly; properly; fastidiously; ephemerally; subtly

    Delicious adverbs

    altogether; inexpressibly; exquisitely; pleasantly; daintily; felicitiously; palatably; appetizingly; ambrosially; utterly; unexpectedly; pungently; spicily; fragrantly; richly; stimulatingly; lusciously; sweetly

    Delight adjectives

    pure; chastened; true; sincere sacred; home-felt; ecstatic; rapturous; whimsical; jubilant; tittering; utter; sheer; keen; complete; subtle; bizarre; unexpected; unnatural; strange; surprised; awed; supreme; incredulous; wondering; noisy; clamorous; wild; unrestrained; frantic; perfervid; frenzied; ungovernable; unqualified; unending; immeasurable; inexhaustible; tremendous; inexpressible; ineffable; unspeakable; unholy; dumb; fiendish; scornful; malevolent; perverted; painful; fierce; infectious; malicious; vain; frustrated; untrammeled; unalloyed; unfailing; sensuous; passionate; Epicurean; sadistic; childish; gastronomic; boyish; businesslike; chief; generous; intimate; inborn; naive; paroxysmal; extravagant; exalted; rare; drooling; varied; abiding; ardent; insatiate; frank; impossible; anticipatory; redoubled; secret; incommunicable; emulous; riotous; perfumed; idiotic; comforting; flitting; continual; awed; perpetual; sensational; occult; barren; subsequent; deep; dull; mournful; wild; swift; infinite; solicitous; rarefied; siren; lasting; inward; calm; buoyant; sentimental; unfelt; bitter; false; seasonable; hurricane; inexplicable; perpetual; hourly; hysterical; stunned; malignant; surprised; unquiet; trenchant; callous; celestial; rude; intense; ever enduring; laughing; unequalled; gay; unutterable; exquisite; flagging; soft; inebriating; subsiding; delicate; royal; bubbling; vivid; undefined; delicious; taste-tempting; mingled; languorous; unconcealed; nebulous; vigorous; rapturous; wild-beast; fresh; immortal; inestimable; divine; true; savage; anticipatory; astonished; cordial; pretended; rich; impish; tremulous; spiteful; obvious; special; young; unmanaged; vicious; dreamy; innocent; unchecked; preposterous; genuine; rare; giggling; measureless; peculiar; silly; breathless; sweet; placid; unmixed; fair; warm; lingering; singular; musical; mutual; fragmentary; serious; composed; dissembled; temporal; wanton; whimsical; eager; animated; vague; sustained; audible; subdued; capricious; seductive; consummated; manifold (pl)


    afford—; bathe in—; behold with—; derive —; drink in—; enjoy—; exalt—; express—; extol—s of; fall into with—; feed with—; feel—; fill with—; find—in; gaze with—; hail with—; hide—; inspire—; listen with —; mar—; mount in—; offer—; pour—; recall with—; redden in—; shiver with—; smile in—; snuff out—; spread—; submerge in—; taste—; teem with—; turn to*—; turn—into; weep with—; win—; yield—; —comes; —flees; —fleets; — pierces; —shines; —tempers

    (See happiness, rapture, joy, entertainment, pleasure, satisfaction.)

    Delightful adverbs

    charmingly; whimsically; utterly; strangely; unexpectedly; supremely; immeasurably; ineffably; delicately; freshly; cordially; innocently; peculiarly; particularly; youthfully; sweetly; glamorously; enchantingly; pleasantly; gracefully; entertainingly

    Delineate (v) adverbs

    graphically; minutely; humorously; familiarly; truthfully; recognizably; unsurpass-edly; impartially; satirically

    (See depict, describe.)

    Delineation adjectives

    humorous; familiar; truthful; recognizable; subtle; unsurpassed; impartial

    Delinquency adjectives

    seeming; imaginary; juvenile; egregious; blameworthy

    Delinquent adverbs

    criminally; woefully; viciously; indiscreetly; enormously; outrageously; censurably; reprehensibly; objectionably; villainously; wretchedly; monstrously; loosely; unpardonably; inexcusably; carelessly; deliberately; indifferently; purposely; wantonly; wickedly; accidentally; shamefully; scandalously; disreputably; heedlessly; rashly; foolishly

    Delirious adverbs

    wildly; woefully; dangerously; alarmingly; crazily; violently; frantically; madly; feverishly; helplessly; critically; terribly; incoherently; oddly; strangely; hysterically; startlingly; uncontrollably; turbulently; distractedly; testlessly

    Delirium adjectives

    mad; tossing; restless; extreme; raving; emotional; critical; blissful; confused; terrible; dreamy; prolonged; fierce; maniacal; insane


    break out into—; characterize—; dance in —; excite to—; haunt—; indicate—; induce—; murmur in—; produce—; quake with—; rave in—; seize with—; stimulate to—; suffer—; tremble with—; wander in—; —attacks; —exhausts; —impairs


    (See insanity, hallucination, excitement, enthusiasm, rapture.)

    Deliver (v) adverbs

    simultaneously; conveniently; eloquently; solemnly; habitually; coldly; duly; consequently; sullenly; resolutely; impassioned-ly; volubly; hazardously; inarticulately; daily; promptly; tardily; reproachfully

    (See give, transfer.)

    Deliverance adjectives

    immediate; abrupt; miraculous; timely; tardy; gracious; hazardous


    achieve—; aid in—; arrange—; commemorate—; complete—; desire—; effect—; hope for—; offer—; order—; pray for—; rejoice in—; seek—; work for—; yearn for—; —liberates; —rescues; —sets free; —yields

    (See rescue, release, salvation.)

    Deliverer adjectives

    would-be; commanding; deliberate; graceful; intrepid; chance


    acclaim—; hope for—; pray for—; send—; thank—; welcome—; yearn for—; yield to—; —dispatches; —disburdens; —disposes of; —liberates; —orders; —rescues; —rids; —saves; —sets forth; —sets free; —surrenders; —releases

    Delivery adjectives

    resolute; voluble; impassioned; happy; complex; hazardous; inarticulate; measured; certified

    Dell adjectives

    bosky; mysterious; darksome; shaded; dreamy; labyrinthine; pathless; pastoral; narrow; hollow; diminutive; desolate; untrodden; resounding; budded; healthy; briery


    abandon—; bloom in—; frolic in—; grow in—; haunt—; hide in—; inhabit—; leap in—; perform in—; retire to—; retreat into—; ring through—; seek—; shelter in —; wander in—; —invites; —protects; — soothes; —winds

    (See valley, dale.)

    Deluge adjectives

    dawn-tinted; fiery; overflowing; binding; veritable; fearful; eternal; lawless; smothering; silvery; perfect; delectable; swashing; drowning; vapory


    bury under—; drown in—; escape—; fall before—; perish in—; pour—; release—; shower—; suffer from—; swell into—; vent—; —abates; —breaks loose; —confronts; —demolishes; —descends; —destroys; —floods; —harms; —occurs; —proceeds; —submerges; —sweeps away

    (See flood.)

    Delusion adjectives

    nightmare; cherished; fixed; superstitious; generous; grandiose; ignorant; insane; partial; monstrous; mental; shattered; anthropocentric; hollow; false; phantasmic; treasured; crazy; tenderhearted; unconquerable; pleasant; systematized; salutary; popular; miserable; long-detached; equal; mere; uncomfortable; plausible; stage; optical; pernicious; fond; empty; financial; neat; mocking, tragic; psychotic; somnolent verbs

    cast out—; cure of—; destroy—; develop—; dismiss—; dissipate—; foster—; give up to—; guard against—; labor under—; share—; slip into—; suffer—; —exists; — misleads; —pursues

    (See illusion, deception, error, fallacy, hallucination.)

    Delusive adverbs

    cunningly; smoothly; insidiously; fallaciously; unfairly; starkly; inevitably; slyly; fraudulently; mendaciously; untruthfully; mistily; deceptively; ironically; strategically; incredibly; artfully; erroneously; dishonestly; perfidiously; unsoundly; trickily; treacherously; groundlessly; heretically; disingenuously; evasively; grimly

    Delving adjectives

    curious; industrious; bibliographical; mental; scientific; relentless

    Demagogue adjectives

    consummate; selfish; irresponsible; fluent; political; inveterate; notorious; captious, verbs

    abandon to—; become the prey of—s; cultivate—; descend from—; despise—; play—; prove—; rule as—; stoop to—; —agitates; —appeals; —defends; —esponses; —fires; —influences; —leads; —obtains; —opposes; —orates; —panders; —suits; —sways; — undertakes

    (See politician, orator, leader.)

    Demand adjectives

    ceaseless; incessant; insistent; constant; ever-increasing; rapid; mounting; growing; overwhelming; unabated; uncompromising; intransigent; persistent; obstinate; stern; strong; extreme; shouted; clamoious; roaring; exorbitant; modern; intermittent; inevitable; inescapable; irresistible; general; consistent; fluctuating; exigent; imperious; peremptory; vehement; exacting; outrageous; blustering; unfortunate; unjust; unfair; relentless; surly; impossible; arrogant; abnormal; excessive; enlarged; unlimited; important; normal; human; social; industrial; consumer; decorative; popular; peculiar; multitudinous (pl)*, ever-changing; diminishing; emotional; unique; concrete; embarrassing; sufficient; immediate; preparatory; half-resentful; half-appealing; urgent; brusque; imaginative; craving; immense; inadmissable; definite; worthy; unprecedented; voiced; authoritative; effectual; fanatical; earnest; unsatisfied; insidious; widespread; essential; renewed; complex; paternal; insulting; nervous; remorseless; uproarious; intense; importunate; voluntary; unreasonable; necessary; explicit; widening; infrequent (pl); temporary; never-ending; feverish; unheeded; logical; sternest; tremendous; live; nationwide; huge; terrific; steady; gigantic; additional; ridiculous; temporal; emphatic; exaggerated; transient; continuing; unconditional; audacious; progressive; monstrous; arbitrary


    accede to—; accomplish—; acquiesce in—; agree to—; attend—; besiege with—s; browbeat with—s; clarify—; comply with —; confront with—; create—; deny—; divine—; dwarf—; echo—; evoke—; fulfill —; grant—; ignore—; indulge—; meet—; obey—; parry—; press—; reiterate—*, reject—; respond to—; satisfy—; stabilize —; supply—; thunder—; unite in—; utter —; voice—; wake to—; yield to—; — astounds; —diminishes; —grows

    (See requirement.)

    Demand (v) adverbs

    vibrantly; savagely; gutturally; greedily; persistently; relentlessly; frantically; unreasonably; brusquely; exorbitantly; rapaciously; sternly; bluntly; ruthlessly; briskly; scornfully; triumphantly; indignantly; truculently; riotously; clamorously; impetuously; obviously; despairingly; exactingly; unanimously; staunchly; imperatively; ultimately; stridently; cruelly; arrogantly; unconscionably; assuredly; gruffly; hungrily; curtly; incessantly; uncompromisingly; definitely; arbitrarily; formally; imperiously; sharply; furiously; virulently

    (See order, request.)

    Demeanor adjectives

    smiling; calm; dignified; unassuming; staid; modest; composed; sweet; gentlemanly; unruffled; gentle; majestic; lordly; torpid; hangdog; wild; cold; impassive; commonplace; surly; savage; ferocious; fickle; inscrutable; accustomed; somber; unflinching; immoral; peculiar; interested; punctilious; solemn; courtly; popular; menacing; comical; contemptuous; sober; widespread; coy; laughing; obtuse; offensive; quiet; proud; sanctified; subdued; violent; pompous; puritanical; tacit; sage; haughty; meditative; cheerful; courageous; undaunted; resolute; private; unbending; unusual; unostentatious; reserved; stately; confident; cringing; dispassionate; aggressive; turbulent


    adopt—; alter—; disdain—; disguise'—■; exhibit—; judge by—; maintain—; mask—; soften—; trust—; —changes; —expresses; —irritates; —registers; —shames; —signifies

    (See behavior, mien.)

    Demented adverbs

    idiotically; sadly; inexplicably; foolishly; witlessly; frenziedly; incoherently; oddly; strangely; wildly; distractedly; dangerously; alarmingly; peculiarly; woefully; hopelessly; deplorably; pitiably; startlingly; uncontrollably; ungovernably; pathetically; tragically; unaccountably; mysteriously; stupidly; feebly; confusedly; noticeably; palpably; obviously; unmistakably; perceptibly; plainly

    Demise adjectives

    speedy; approaching; early; inevitable; heroic; premature; sad; lamented; long-awaited

    Democracy adjectives

    forward-looking; sham; industrial; passion-ridden; unlimited; enraged; semieducated; true; shrewd; humorous; multitudinous; kindly; economic; formidable; representative; pure; inclusive; rampant; qualified; experienced; financial; primitive; fierce


    attack—; betray—; contribute toward—; destroy—; foster—; imperil—; instill—; jeopardize—; ordain—; preserve—; retain —; satirize—; supplant—; sustain—; threaten—; tread down—; —advances; — degenerates; —elevates; —flourishes; — functions; —levels; —marches ahead; — prevails; —survives; —asserts itself

    (See government, people, republic.)

    Democratic adverbs

    marvellously; tolerantly; broadly; unusually; magnanimously; foolishly; admirably; remarkably; embarrassingly; rampantly; amusingly; extremely; eminently; notoriously; openly; liberally; impartially; high-mindedly; violently; vociferously; unselfishly; charitably

    Demolish (v) adverbs

    utterly; ruinously; brutally; cruelly; savagely; thoughtlessly; bestially; bloodthirstily; uncompromisingly; fiercely

    (See destroy.)

    Demon adjectives

    heroic; insatiable; unabashed; devastating; wrestling; fiery; angry; fragile; screaming; monstrous; cruel; heartless; horrible; demoralizing: protecting; trap-door; satellite; seeming; malignant; treacherous; avenging: restraining


    attribute to—; call forth—; dismiss—; drive out—; endow with—; exorcise—; introduce—; possess—; rout—; sacrifice to —; worship—; —controls; —destroys; — disturbs; —dominates; —dwells in; —enters; —frightens; —haunts; —infests; — inflicts; —inhabits; —leads; —prevails; —rules; —surrounds; —wails

    (See devil, spirit.)

    Demoniac adverbs

    screamingly; insatiably; fierily; angrily; cruelly; monstrously; heartlessly; horribly; malignantly; maliciously; treacherously; revengefully; venomously; excitably; feverishly; hysterically; wildly; frantically; frenziedly; sensationally; dramatically; bitterly; invidiously; ruthlessly; brutally; atrociously; infamously; flagrantly; nefariously; viciously; grossly; infernally

    Demonstrate (v) adverbs

    lucidly; tastefully; repeatedly; strictly; abundantly; practically; phenomenally; experimentally; fully; conceitedly; conclusively; convincingly; substantially; triumphantly; abstractedly; forcefully; abstrusely; approximately; ocularly; precisely; visually; cordially

    (See show, indicate.)

    Demonstration adjectives

    patriotic; subtle; triumphant; abstract; abstruse; forceful; approximate; corrupt; dramatized; familiar; ocular; charitable; grandiose; active; enthusiastic; attentioncompelling; simple; interesting; convincing; dynamic; startling; spot; irresistible; saies-producing; breath-taking; quick; inspiring; emphatic; salivary; quadrennial; amazing; rigorous; precise; rigid; noisy; striking; visual; grand; superb; flattering; riotous; dramatic; bitter; hostile; unfriendly; armed; elaborate; outward; cordial


    answer by—; apprehend—; crown—; defy —; establish by—; harangue—; mar—; offer—; stage—; subject to—; support—; thwart—; understand—; —exposes; — proves

    (See celebration.)

    Demonstrative adverbs

    readily; easily; triumphantly; forcefully; dramatically; spectacularly; actively; enthusiastically; interestingly; convincingly; startlingly; irresistibly; amazingly; noisily; strikingly; flatteringly; elaborately; outwardly; cordially; heartily; offensively; delightfully; charmingly; amiably; vexa-tiously; provokingly; foolishly; unbecomingly; unnecessarily; frankly; brazenly; boldly; ominously; markedly; conspicuously; disagreeably

    Demoralize (v) adverbs

    profoundly; partially; utterly; speedily; swiftly; incredibly; socially; morally

    (See corrupt.)

    Demoraliza TION adjectives

    incredible; widespread; social; linguistic; nervous


    aid in—; check—; guard against—; influence—; prevent—; produce—; protect from —; yield to—; —corrupts; —deprives; —destroys; —envelops; —lowers; —reduces; —seeps in; —unnerves; —weakens

    (See corruption.)

    Demure adverbs

    affectedly; prudishly; coyly; timidly; shyly; delightfully; gravely; quietly; unaffectedly; conspicuously; deliberately; discreetly; tranquilly; placidly; soberly; submissively; harmoniously; meekly; cleverly; purposely; ostentatiously; unnaturally; stiffly; primly; puritanically; priggishly; bashfully; skittishly; admirably; attractively; alluringly; blushingly

    Demureness adjectives

    stately; slumberous; timid; lofty; aloof; deceptive; becoming

    Den adjectives

    careless; stifling; stuffy; dark; trackless; moldy; unsanitary; loathsome; steamy; horrible; hidden; dreary; turreted; fresh-dug


    abide in—; cast into—; confine to—; convert into—; crouch in—; drive from—; dwell in—; escape to—; habitate—; hibernate in—; hide in—; immure in—; lodge in—; lurk in—; nestle in—; pace—; retire to—; retreat to—; smoke out of—; stow in—•; visit—; stray about—; —conceals; —hides; —reeks

    (See lair, cave, hut, retreat.)

    Denial adjectives

    incredulous; amused; bold; vehement; armed; cynical; indignant; visual; arrogant; gracious; telegraphic; rigid; furious; steadfast; vigorous; smiling; disarming; chivalrous; utter; peremptory; quibbling; naive; positive; emphatic


    accept—; brook—; color—; conceal with

    —; counter—; evoke—; ignore—; lash >ut—; prepare—; rebut—; request—; resign to—; spurn—; storm—; —contradicts

    —discourages; —irks; —peeves (colloq.)

    —refuses; —refutes; —repulses; —weairies

    (See contradiction, refusal, restraint.)

    Denizen adjectives

    long-eared; finny; astute; stately; furred; feathered; forgotten; permanent


    accept—; acquaint—; admit—; allow—; fill with—s; furnish with—s; grant to—; make—of; offer—; people with—s; populate with—s; privilege—; —dwells; —enjoys; —obtains; —occupies; —prospers; — settles

    (See inhabitant, citizen, native.)

    Denouement adjectives

    curious; interesting; melodramatic; iridescent; tragic; crowning; premature

    Denounce (v) adverbs

    vehemently; furiously; sternly; unsparingly; «coffingly; insultingly; bitterly; scathingly; obstreperously; violently; vociferously; witheringly; astoundingly; dramatically; vitriolically; mercilessly; roundly

    (See accuse.)

    Density adjectives

    sufficient; mean; different; tangled; repellent; depthless; frightful

    Dent adjectives

    sizable; slightest; permanent; cruel; hideous

    Dentist adjectives

    ruthless; unfeeling; ultra-schooled; iate-edition; glorified; hit-or-miss


    consult—; visit—; -—anaesthetizes; —-applies; —assembles; —caps; —closes; —drills; —examines; —extracts; —fastens; —files; —fills; —furnishes; —grinds; —inserts; —operates; —practises; —prepares; —preserves; —restores; —shapes; —treats

    Denunciation adjectives

    withering; mystic; a'stounding; fiery; glib; unmerited; furious; spiteful; playful; severest; loud; intemperate; sweeping; grand; impartial; effective; thorough; resounding; impassioned; dramatic; vitriolic; ominous; unsupported; combative; rabid; angry; utter; preliminary; filthy; violent; merciless


    announce—; authorize—; blast—; characterize by—; defy—; indulge in—; reiterate —; thunder—; tolerate—; —accuses; — affects; —alarms; —condemns; —deluges; —frightens, —humbles; —informs; —jn-veighs against; —punishes; —ruins; — scathes; —sears; —threatens; —warns; —weakens

    (See condemnation, accusation.)

    Denunciatory adverbs

    scarcely; dogmatically; scandalously; needlessly; strongly; bitterly; acrimoniously; jealously; enviously; inexcusably; scurri-lously; abusively; profanely; execrably; thunderously; cruelly; caustically; harshly; ungraciously; ferociously; ruthlessly; sarcastically; dryly; severely; unsparingly; exceptionably; indefensibly; viciously; terribly

    Deny (

    hotly; unequivocally; promptly; absolutely; bitterly; indignantly; effectively; peremptorily; stoutly; inhospitably; crossly; cravenly; unselfishly; strenuously; passionately; categorically; justly; vehemently; flatly; shamelessly; arrogantly; disarmingly; positively; naively

    (See contradict, renounce.)

    Depart (v) adverbs

    voluntarily; peacefully; mysteriously; seriously; cheerfully; clandestinely; noiselessly; radically; precipitately; momentously; daringly; agitatedly; unprecedentedly; abruptly

    (See leave, quit.)

    Department adjectives

    subsidiary; vast; systematized; countless (pl); elementary; remote; significant; drabbest; immense; irrational; beautiful; capable; experienced; vocational; public; vulgar; administrative; insular


    allot to—; assign to—; bestow upon—; boss—; branch into—s; break into—; close —; control—; convert—; create—; divide into—s; establish—; organize—; portion into—s; preside over—; regulate—; supervise—; —administers; —caters to; —handles ; —practises

    (See part, division, section, branch.)

    Departure adjectives

    clandestine; abrupt; refreshing; noiseless; instant; radical; precipitate; revolutionary; momentous; impending; mysterious; unannounced; impetuous; calm; imminent; immediate; rollicking; sudden; hurried; frank; frequent (pl); speedy; hasty; considerate; approaching; contemplated; daring; dinnerless; agitated; noticeable; exceptionable; controlled; compelled; maiden; expected; awaited


    arrive at—; assure of—; await—; enjoy—; facilitate—; fear—; laugh at—; notice—; occasion—; plan—; prepare—; regret—; speed—; spur to—; take—; —divides; — frees; —nears; —partitions; —saddens; —separates; —severs; —sunders; prevent—

    (See deviation, withdrawal, separation, death.)

    Depend (v) adverbs

    utterly; unfailingly; exclusively; materially; completely; mathematically; virtually; ultimately; directly; perpetually; apparently; irksomely; fatuously; absolutely; haplessly

    (See lean, trust.)

    Dependability adjectives

    superb; absolute; steady; impeccably; invariable; inflexible

    Dependence adjectives

    utter; lifetime; helpless; indirect; apparent; perpetual; disgraceful; irksome; increasing; sure; fatuous; absolute; harmless; magnified; ultimate; humble

    Dependent adjectives

    servile; wise; beggarly; penniless; mutual; weaker; helpless; hapless

    Dependent adverbs

    pitifully; completely; partially; sadly; helplessly; unhappily; grievously; sullenly; subserviently; servilely; fawningly; obsequiously; hopelessly; desperately; wholly; meekly; touchingly; pathetically

    Depict (v) adverbs

    symbolically; aesthetically; dramatically; graphically; powerfully; deftly; starkly; episodically; vividly; mercilessly; shrew’dly; realistically; fearlessly

    (See delineate, describe.)

    Depiction . adjectives

    episodic; merciless; stark; shrewd; realistic; fearless; vivid

    Deplete (v) adverbs

    entirely; largely; physically; utterly; definitely; swiftly; suddenly; fatally; woefully; financially

    (See exhaust.)

    Depletion adjectives

    corresponding; physical; 'excessive; utter; definite; sudden; swift

    Deplorable adverbs

    piteously; unwontedly; terribly; seriously; gravely; direly; especially; signally; distressingly; wretchedly; exceptionably; bitterly; dismally; woefully

    Deplore (v) adverbs

    sincerely; satirically; prophetically; loudly; tearfully; pitifully

    (See lament, regret.)

    Deportment adjectives

    habitual; exigent; correct; laudable; exceeding; proper; maidenly; fashionable; graceful; amiable; blameless; fine; unexpected; inexplicable; grave; incredible

    Deposit (general) adjectives

    superficial; alluvial; extensive; stratified; evanescent; coralline; affected; fertile; untouched; inexhaustible; graphite; modest; fossiliferous; sacred; required; fabulous; immense; nominal; sedimentary; buttery; driftwood; precious; phosphate; turquoise; bank; large; unexpected

    Deposit (money or property) adjectives

    nominal; actual; legal; stipulated; optional; binding, good faith


    accumulate for—; bank—; collect—s; commit—to; deliver—; demand—; entrust with —; guard—; invest—; place—; pledge—; receive—; require—; restore—; return—; squander—; withdraw—; —benefits; —increases; —settles

    Deposit (v) adverbs

    deliberately; daintily; noiselessly; hastily; superficially; extensively; inexhaustibly; evanescently; fabulously; immensely; unexpectedly

    (See place.)

    Depositor adjectives

    luckless; frightened; hypothetical; poor; illiterate; ingenuous; middle class; unlocated; unfortunate; ultimate; robust

    Depot adjectives

    cavalry; temporary; commissary; indispensable; prearranged; stationary

    Depraved adverbs

    wickedly; shamelessly; grossly; outrageously; corruptly; brutally; dangerously; awfully; hopelessly; woefully; abjectly; disgracefully; infamously; contemptibly; notoriously; shamefully; arrantly; dissolutely; indecently; perfidiously

    Depravity adjectives

    precocious; moral; joint; vicarious; total; horrible; rude; contented; professional; humorous

    Deprecate (v) adverbs

    forcibly; timidly; periodically; modestly; markedly; increasingly; hurriedly; mildly; vigorously; pleadingly

    (See disapprove.)

    Deprecation adjectives

    timid; hurt; pleading; periodic; modest; hurried; abysmal

    Deprecatory adverbs

    timidly; pleadingly; modestly; elaborately; unnecessarily; urgently; importunately; clamorously; solicitously; compassionately; sympathetically; tenderly; critically; abusively; accusingly; sarcastically ;* sharply; trenchantly; censoriously

    Depreciation adjectives

    marginal; disastrous; marked; ever-increasing; substantial; radical; elaborate

    Depress (v) adverbs

    particularly; fearfully; dreadfully; vaguely; obviously; acutely; drastically; economically; financially; industrially; spiritually; nationally; mentally; nervously

    (See lower.)

    Depressed adverbs

    alarmingly; dangerously; gloomily; incurably; inconceivably; incredibly; horribly; woefully; dismally; gravely; seriously; inconsolably; sadly; unreasonably; desperately; piteously; pitifully; tragically; wanly; unduly; unnecessarily; moodily; lamentably; darkly; wearily

    Depressing adverbs

    sadly; alarmingly; needlessly; terribly; unreasonably; unaccountably; inexplicably; dreadfully; acutely; grimly; painfully; cursedly; grievously; unfortunately; sorely; unluckily; intolerably; tremendously; cruelly

    Depression (business) adjectives

    prolonged; agricultural; successive (pl); mild; general; current; exaggerated; dreadful; evil; aching; acute; drastic; major; vast; long; business; economic; financial; industrial; national; world; price; severe

    Depression (general) adjectives

    paralyzing; epidemic; enveloping; growing; inflation


    aggravate—; alleviate—; banish—; emerge from—; intensify—; mitigate—; offset—; plunge into—; prolong—; relapse into—; survive—; tackle—; thaw out—; weather —; —annihilates; —blights; —grips; — hits; —slashes

    (See dejection, melancholy, discouragement, despondency.)

    Depression (spirits) adjectives

    low-; nervous; sundry (pl); sympathetic; frequent; spiritual; constant; mental

    Depression (surface) adjectives

    sheltered; circumscribed; shallow; pup-like; deep; noticeable; amphitheatrical; saucerlike; extreme

    Deprivation adjectives

    haphazard; stringent; total; ruinous; violent; vicious; indigent

    Depth adjectives

    generous; unguessed; shielding; protective; underlying; deceptive


    advance from—s; attain—; bear through —s; descend to—s; discover in—s; explore —s; foul in—s; gauge—; harbor in—; judge—; launch into—s; measure—; penetrate to—of; pitch to—s; preserve from—s; probe—s; raise from—s; reach—; reflect in—; repose in—; rise from—; scour—; search—; thrust into—; venture beyond—; —closes round; —covers; —embraces; — exceeds

    (See extent, measure.)

    Depths adjectives

    dizzy; profound; unfathomable; considerable; perpendicular; homely; crystalline; fertile; remorseless; tremendous; melancholy; nethermost; giddiest; slumberous; remote; hollow; blank; soundless; somber; seeming; distant; inmost; glassy; shadowed; abysmal; lost; awesome; limpid; unknown; cavernous; hideous; liquid; secret; aesthetic; hidden; wondrous; unexplored; lowest; unserviceable; passionless; sleeping; adverse; warm; darkest; pearly; evil; unimagined; ghostly; annulling; prodigious; shapeless; voiceless; forest; folded; cairn; reflective; slimy; cold; frozen; agitated; yawning; luminous; inaccessible; superhuman; insatiable; pathless; dewy; vast; music-haunted; wakening; clear; shameful; gloomy; abhorrent; nightmare; sylvan; subterranean; apparent; Stygian; secure

    Deputy adjectives

    dishonest; hateful; gun-toting; indolent; tense; amiable; strict; presumptive; pernicious; corrupt; radiant


    appoint—; authorize—; bribe—; corrupt —; depose—; elect—; employ as—; evade —; oust—; rebuke—; swear in—; —aids

    —arrests; —assists; —enforces; —fines

    (See representative, agent, delegate.)

    Derange (v) adverbs

    irreparably; seriously; mentally; functionally; extensively; sexually; mechanically

    (See confuse.)

    Deranged adverbs

    eccentrically; incoherently; madly; strangely; unaccountably; inexplicably; queerly; foolishly; dangerously; peculiarly; woefully; hopelessly; helplessly; deplorably; pitiably; lamentably; shockingly; uncontrollably; mysteriously; noticeably; obviously; unmistakably; perceptibly; terribly

    Derangement adjectives

    mental; extensive; functional; obstinate; obsessional; intermittent

    Derby adjectives

    battered; cherished; perforated; shabby; broken; battle-scarred; aggressively-tilted; ancient; salvaged

    Derelict adjectives

    human; moral; physical; sleeping; floating; wretched; barnacle-incrusted


    abandon—; defend—; desert—; discover —; lift—; observe—; pity—; reduce to—; relinquish—; seize—; —s assemble; —s congregate; —drifts; —flounders; —s infest; —limps in; —s overrun; —suffers; —s swarm

    Deride (v) adverbs

    steadily; correspondingly; opprobriously; sourly; scornfully; lightly; ribaldly; coarsely; brutally; mercilessly; bitterly; loudly; boisterously; unsparingly; contemptuously; sharply; stingingly

    (See ridicule, jeer.)

    Derision adjectives

    mysterious; sour; scornful; light; ribald; unconquerable; coarse; brutal; merciless; filthy; bitterest; loud; boisterous; approving; pressed; uneasy; foul; unsparing


    bait with—; be in—; cackle in—; call forth —; chuckle in—; expose to—; express—; give vent to—; laugh in—; mock in—; open to—; ridicule in—; scorn—; sting by—

    (See ridicule, mockery, scorn, sarcasm.)

    Derisive adverbs

    sharply; arrogantly; pompously; mockingly; sarcastically; cynically; offensively; officiously; disagreeably; unbearably; insufferably; mysteriously; sourly; lightly; blithely; airily; ribaldly; disrespectfully; coarsely; grossly; brutally; ignorantly; crudely; mercilessly; clumsily; bitterly; loudly; boisterously; enviously; foully

    Derivation adjectives

    remote; theoretical; unanswerable; grotesque; indirect; authentic

    Derivative adjectives

    direct; traceable; flattering; acknowledged; questionable


    accept—; confuse—; develop—; discover —; employ—; form—; gain—; generate—; market—; obtain—; process—; produce—; recognize—; reduce—; substitute—; use—; utilize—; —emanates from; —originates; —supplants

    (See product, word.)

    Derive (v) adverbs

    recently; evidently; shamelessly; primarily; corruptly; ultimately; essentially; remotely; theoretically; grotesquely; endlessly

    (See obtain.)

    Derogatory adverbs

    shamefully; enviously; bitterly; venomously; vengefully; maliciously; scandalously; disagreeably; peevishly; petulantly; falsely; slanderously; abusively; injuriously; shockingly; unreasonably; unwarrantably; indefensibly; vindictively; dreadfully; mercilessly; ruthlessly; openly; shamelessly; deliberately; viciously

    Dervish adjectives

    demented; dancing; filthy; whirling; frenzied

    Descend (v) adverbs

    quickly; unexpectedly; noiselessly; sharply; gradually; hastily; giddily; benignly; impartially; laboriously; gracefully; fearsome-ly; pompously

    (See fall.)

    Descendant adjectives

    lineal; direct; eager; legitimate; homeward-flown; pure-blooded; glorious; degenerate; remote; immediate; impoverished; ill-starred; hybrid; presumed; winsome; indolent; guilty; genuine; unmixed


    acquire—; advertise for—; characterize—; extract—; leave—; nourish—; transmit to—; —s assemble; —belongs to; —carries; on; —s congregate; —s convene ; —s gather; —s honor; —s inherit; —s respect; —s settle; —s spring from; —s wrangle over

    (See posterity, offspring, issue.)

    Descent adjectives

    rapid; direct; steep; aristocratic; hasty; gradual; rocky; pitiless; precipitous; stately; deep; smooth; laborious; graceful; harsh; unblemished; ladderlike; armed; sheer; illustrious; dateless; artistic; pompous; actual; noble; maternal; barbarous; flashing; uninterrupted; royal; divine; fearsome; slow


    attempt—; balk at—; ease—; dread—; flow upon—; halt—; hazard—; hinder—; manage—; menace—; observe—; plan—; point for—; prepare—prevent—; resume —; venture—; —dizzies; —frightens; — sharpens; —slopes

    (See fall, deterioration, slope, attack, raid.)

    Describe (v) adverbs

    ludicrously; graphically; adequately; admiringly; pathetically; trippingly; accurately; derisively; justly; feelingly; expansively; compactly; comprehensively; elegantly; elaborately; felicitously; minutely; traditionally; eloquently; illuminatingly; succinctly; superlatively; subsequently; erroneously; fittingly; imperfectly; contemptuously; facetiously; impressionistically; boisterously; radiantly; glowingly; sentimentally; humorously; animatedly; verbally; uncensoredly; tersely; intimately; satirically; suggestively; enticingly; distortedly; imaginatively; realistically; vaguely; colorfully; briefly; essentially

    (See delineate, depict.)

    Description adjectives

    facetious; minute; impressionistic; boisterous; admirable; exquisite; graphic; detailed; contemporary; radiant; entangled; magnificent; luminous; eloquent; adjectival; distinctive; impassioned; felicitous; faithful; elaborate; extended; racy; preceding; picturesque; punctual; lengthy; frivolous; leisurely; sublime; tolerable; restrained; appropriate; enthusiastic; illustrated; ludicrous; harrowing; truthful; accurate; glowing; sentimental; vivid; hopeless; humorous; animated; unpleasant; lucid; primitive; verbal; censored; admirable; unexcelled; pompous; threadbare; negative; terse; rhapsodical; intimate; pathetic; satiric; suggestive; enticing; distorted; savage; imaginative; authoritative; realistic; adequate; abridged; silent; magnificent; robust; vague; damning; flashing; colorful; complicated; recondite; brief



    amend—; base—; baffle—; beggar—; color—; defy—; detail—; enter into—; fit—; limit—; paragon—; quote—; suit—; verify—; —centers; —clarifies; —colors; —combines; —delineates; —depicts; — equals; —excels; —explains; —furnishes; —illuminates; —illustrates; —implies; — impresses; —introduces; —motivates; — paints; —pictures; —portrays; —presents; —provides; —suggests; —surpasses; — tires; —vivifies; —wearies

    (See portrayal, representation, definition.)

    Descriptive adverbs

    graphically; vividly; effectively; unusually; remarkably; facetiously; minutely; admirably; splendidly; magnificently; eloquently; faithfully; elaborately; extensively; racily; tolerably; appropriately; enthusiastically; ludicrously; accurately; humorously; intimately; savagely; authoritatively; adequately; vaguely; briefly; modestly; realistically

    Desecration adjectives

    impudent; attempted; wanton; impious; daring; inconoclastic


    accuse of—; admit—; confess—; criticize for—; enjoy—; ignore—; indulge in—; preserve from—; rear in—; sentence for—; spit—; suffer—; threaten—; —injures; — involves; —pains; —nauseates; —undermines

    (See violation.)

    Desert adjectives

    dreary; irreclaimable; flat; melancholy; rude; mountainous; rocky; burning; lifeless; alkaline; pathless; encompassing; arid; forbidding; reactionary; scorching; unspeakable; mysterious; dreadful; measureless; voiceless; bare; palpable; comfortless; vast; withered; desolated; uninhabitable; barren; waterless; open; grim; dangerous; cactus; sandy; silent; illimitable


    advance through—; border—; chart—; conceal in—; dwell in—; frequent—; gain—; inhabit—; lead into—; lose in—; patrol—; redeem—; retire to—; retreat to—; roam —; span—; swallow up by—; track—; wander in—; —envelops; —howls; —menaces; —parches; —threatens

    (See merit, reward, solitude, waste.)

    Desert (v) adverbs

    woefully; heartlessly; easily; virtually; basely; cruelly; impulsively; treasonably; wilfully; criminally; wantonly; finally

    (See forsake, abandon.)

    Deserted adverbs

    cruelly; criminally; hastily; shamefully; ingloriously; humiliatingly; mercilessly; ruthlessly; inhumanly; brutally; wickedly; iniquitously; scandalously; ignominiously; wantonly; inconsiderately; groundlessly; wilfully; deliberately; unhappily; ungratefully; wretchedly

    Desertion adjectives

    contemplated; cruel; impulsive; treasonable; willful; proverbial; wholesale; criminal ; wanton

    Deserve (v) adverbs

    equally; notoriously; perpetually; fittingly; unreservedly; distinctly; eminently; wholeheartedly; undeniably

    (See merit.)

    Design (intention) adjectives

    ultimate; honorable; base; fell; ill-conceived; rash; deadly; deep; evil; deliberate; stern; wicked; ostensible; malicious; oppressive; serious; importunate; hostile; ambitious; joyous; true-meant; immoral; misguided; criminal; evident; vile; matrimonial; disgusting; mischievous; far-reaching; avowed; traitorous; aggressive; lawful; villainous; perfidious; nefarious


    admit—; adopt—; approve—; arrange—; carry out—; conceive—; concur on—; declare—; discover—; disguise—; execute—; form—; frustrate—; harbor—; plan—; pursue—; relinquish—; settle on—; undertake — J —aims; —fails; —requires

    (See scheme, plan, purpose, project, intention.)

    Design (pattern) adjectives

    authentic; immense; elaborate; inscrutable; constructive; fierce; beautiful; arabesque; border; intricate; sporting; famous; artistic; ethical; fanciful; matchless; polychromatic; structural; well-known; conventional; monstrous; impractical; flowing; simple; graceful; anatomical; chevron; deliberate; heavy-duty; tentative; distinctive; exclusive; transitional; interior; conservative; unfathomable; palpable; engineering; harmonious; attractive; central; classical; crude; quaint; scientific; unintelligent; grotesque; aliform; vast; gorgeous; geometrical; efficacious; secular; smart; original; unusual; nautical; advanced; stitched; modern; staggering; unjust; superior; functional; systematic; wise; dramatic; compass; thoughtful; ingenious; feathery; engraved; mosaic; curious; huge; exotic; general; novel; tangled; cut; dried; gay; rational; brilliant; stunning; annulose


    arrange—; carve—; conceive—; contrive—; develop—; draw—; elaborate—; embellish; —embroider; —employ—; engrave—; execute—; hammer—; mark—; model—; paint —; plan—; prescribe—; sketch—; strike—; submit—; teach—; trace—; work—; —decorates; —denotes; —depicts; —improves; —ornaments; —represents; —signifies; — stresses

    (See . pattern, ornament, sketch, model, representation.)

    Design (v) adverbs

    scientifically; properly; solely; exquisitely; seriously; admirably; specially; primarily; harmoniously; expressly; artfully; elaborately; charmingly; masterfully; skillfully; intricately

    (See intend.)

    Designate (v) adverbs

    incriminatingly; innocently; erroneously; euphoniously; strictly; specifically; appropriately; felicitously; aptly; fittingly; properly; correctly

    (See identify.)

    Designation adjectives

    appropriate; playful; substitutive; territorial; felicitous; apt; proudest; patrician; fitting; proper; correct

    ■Verbs appoint—; arrange—; arrive at—; decide —; denote—; describe—; determine—; indicate—; justify—; name—; point out—; prepare for—; refuse—; search for—; — appeals; —serves

    (See mark, name, title, epithet, arrangement.)

    Designer adjectives

    experienced; noted; scenic; landscape; master; skilled; leading; functional

    Desirable adverbs

    utterly; enchantingly; irresistibly; temptingly; alluringly; seductively; pleasantly; quietly; intensely; vaguely; darkly; acutely; inordinately; infinitely; genuinely; specially; absurdly; practically; conveniently

    Desire adjectives

    intense; longing; laudable; childish; sweet; gallant; brutal; extravagant; haughty; un-extinct; fair; express; elevated; deferred; sensuous; corrupt; sentimental; customary; ardent; imperious; vague; earnest; devoted; prayerful; crushing; passionate; overpowering; innocent; noble; hearty; morbid; quaint; amiable; imperative; commendable; lifelong; insatiable; irresistible; confused; dark; furious; comfortable; cold; mistaken; automatic; lost; cordial; acute; unjust; scant; feeble; magnanimous; instinctive; slightest; warm; fond; faintest; inordinate; subtle; burning; infinite; sincere; countless (pl); selfish; conscientious; petty; frenzied; anxious; mad; implacable; consuming; inhibited; troublesome; deliberate; illimitable; excessive; benevolent; impatient; keen; pure; gnawing; restless; parching; unsatisfied; prevailing; quick; impetuous; known; longing; genuine; unlawful; subdued; strong; unacknowledged; high; insane; hot; dangerous; dominant; vehement; ungratified; dimmest; vain; proud; fiery; carnal; special; evident; unholy; torturing; inflamed; scattering; anxious; nervous; appeased; individual; egotistical; wolfish; bloody; ravenous; amorous; defrauded; emotional; covetous; honest; untamable; aimless; chaste; practical; feverish; mistaken; dwarfed; perceptible; wild; increasing; repressed; sacred; soft; delicate; wistful; sordid; ungenerous; laudable; lascivious; false; philanthropic; quenchless; unbaffled; phlegmatic; personal; boundless; loving; touching; lurking; popular; absurd; reasonable; senile; universal; apparent


    accomplish—; aggravate—; appease—; arouse—; attain—; awake—; balk—; beat with—; breed—; burn with—; cater to—; chasten—; cherish—; communicate—; conquer—; curtail—; eat up with—; entertain —; equal—; exercise—; experience—; exploit—; express—; feed—; flash—; gratify —; humble—; humor—; inflame—; inhibit—; instil—; intensify—; kindle—; lack —; languish in—; loose—; master—; melt into—; nourish—; obscure—; obsess with —; overbalance—; prompt—; provoke—; quell—; quench—; quicken—; quiet—; raise—; realize—; refine—; relinquish—; repress—; reward—; satisfy—; seethe with —; seize with—; sharpen—; smother—; subjugate—; sublimate—; submit to—; tangle—s; temper—; throttle—; thwart—; undermine—; yield to—; —consumes; — disquiets; —embodies; —endures; —fires; —hounds; —hungers; —impels; —motivates; —rules; —tortures; —urges on

    (See longing, craving, learning, wish, appetite, passion, impulse, request, aspiration.)

    Desire (v) adverbs

    passionately; earnestly; ardently; eminently; obviously; insistently; presumably; unquestionably; particularly; intensely; consistently; unanimously; gallantly; extravagantly; brutally; sensually; customarily; imperiously; overpoweringly; nobly; heartily; morbidly; quaintly; insatiably; automatically; cordially; acutely; inordinately; burn-ingly; infinitely; implacably; consumingly; benevolently; impatiently; gnawingly; genuinely; unlawfully; vainly; vehemently; carnally; torturingly; egotistically; ravenously; amorously; emotionally; chastely; delicately; wistfully; sordidly; ungenerously; lasciviously; boundlessly; touchingly; personally; absurdly

    (See want, wish.)

    Desirous adverbs

    intensely; longingly; childishly; extravagantly; expressly; sentimentally; ardently; imperiously; earnestly; prayerfully; passionately; heartily; morbidly; insatiably; darkly; furiously; inordinately; sincerely; selfishly; madly; consumingly; troublesome-ly; impetuously; insanely; hotly; vehemently; proudly; anxiously; perceptibly; covetously; enviously; wistfully

    Desist (v) adverbs

    abruptly; entirely; partially; completely; willingly; mutually; wisely; lazily; temporarily; subsequently; eventually; deliberately; totally

    (See stop, cease.)

    Desk adjectives

    broad; secluded; ancient; battered; mahogany; flat; smooth; rickety; large; carved; Renaissance; polished; oak; dull; grimy; matutinal; reading; writing; spindle-legged; ransacked; roll-top


    anchor to—; beat—; clutter up—; cover—; dust—; dawdle at—; erect—; flank—; litter —; lock—; pad—; plop at—; rummage in—; seal—; smite—; stack on—

    (See t^ble, stand, pulpit.)

    Desolate adverbs

    grimly; utterly; profoundly; desperately; dreadfully; indescribably; singularly; supremely; bleakly; unutterably; tragically; bitterly; unbearably; intolerably; oppressively; appallingly; drearily; emptily; dismally; wildly; fearfully; perceptibly

    Desolation adjectives

    blazing; harsh; lifeless; utmost; dusty; grim; willful; utter; profound; dreadful; whispering; universal; wintry; careless; degraded; rightful; indescribable; chaotic; haunted; blank; unrevenged; fancied; barren; rapid; fresh; burlesque; weird; withered; mighty; icy; rocky; striking; heartsick; singular; immense; rugged; bleak


    behold—; blast—; bury in—; clothe with—; curse with—; decry—; doom to—; dwell in—; emerge from—; face—; fade into—; fall to—; inhabit—; lift from—; mourn—; repair—-; —encroaches; —entombs; —overcomes; —overwhelms; —sets in

    (See loneliness, waste, region.)

    Despair adjectives

    absolute; pessimistic; calm; tragic; mute; mild; stolid; endless; unending; savage; dim; sick; grim; appalling; sudden; dismal; irremediable; human; dumb; crushed; whimsical; comfortless; comical; sham

    smothered; secure;’ beautiful; reluctant; inward; rash; deep; perplexed; spiritual; cold; keen; suppressed; rigid; abysmal; proud; solitary; rayless; sad; abhorred; sheer; errorless; black; reckless; pleased; utmost; mad; wild; lonely; scientific; blank; patient; speechless; passionate; pitiful; comfortless


    comfort in—; crush with—; doom to—; drive to—; end in—; engender—; fan into — J gasp with—; lift from—; lighten—; listen to—; plague with—; rack with—; rescue from—; save from—; seize with—; shake with—; sink in—; slump into—; spring from—; sweep away—; swoon in—; turn to—; unveil—; wring with—; yield to—; —chills; —grips; —grows; —hovers over; —poisons; —sets in; —settles in; —wells up; —withers; —wracks

    (See hopelessness, discouragement, despondency.)

    Desperado adjectives

    slinking; sleepless; unarmed; bloodthirsty; ferocious; brutal; murderous; bestial

    Desperate adverbs

    tragically; wildly; mutely; savagely; helplessly; grimly; appallingly; suddenly; dismally; dumbly; comically; inwardly; proudly; madly; pitifully; fatally; frantically; cruelly; curiously; awfully; miserably; shockingly; fearfully; obstreperously; ungovernably; excitedly; hysterically; rashly; recklessly

    Desperation adjectives

    sheer; blind; melancholy; suicidal; frantic; sullen; utter; ruthless; momentary; stubborn; light-hearted

    Despicable adverbs

    utterly; contemptibly; inexpressibly; shamefully; basely; terribly; outrageously; scandalously; notoriously; meanly; generally; incredibly

    Despond (v) adverbs

    daily; morbidly; deeply; profoundly; suicidally; utterly; sullenly; mournfully; tearfully; abnormally; unduly; unreasonably

    (See worry.)

    ad jectives

    temporary; morbid; deep; dire; frank; profound; suicidal; despairing; utter; pronounced; stifling; sullen; mournful


    beset with—; burden with—; chase—; create—; encourage—; envelop in—; express—; forbid—; indulge in—; labor under —; lament—; sink in—; throw into—; wallow in—; —darkens; —deforms; —depresses; —drowns; —envelops; —oppresses; —overcomes; —seeps in; —torments; —triumphs

    (See despair, depression, dejection.)

    Despondent adverbs

    temporarily; morbidly; deeply; direly; ominously; significantly; frankly; openly; admittedly; incurably; profoundly; suicidally; dangerously; alarmingly; desperately; sullenly; inexplicably; palpably; mournfully; habitually; ordinarily; inordinately; irremediably; pathologically; temperamentally

    Despot ad jectives

    merciful; outraged; insulted; fierce; angered; petty; absolute; egotistic; monstrous; municipal; dangerous; predatory; benevolent; arrogant; small-souled; stern; hot-tempered; cruel; rank; vicious; iron-willed

    Despotic adverbs

    relentlessly; ruthlessly; overbearingly; overwhelmingly; intolerably; imperiously; presumptuously; harshly; severely; oppressively; cruelly; obdurately; haughtily; insufferably; unreasonably; terribly; fearfully; dreadfully; incredibly; unwarrantably; dangerously; foolishly; barbarously; heartlessly; recklessly; outrageously; monstrously; viciously; benignly

    Despotism adjectives

    unlimited; mild; barbarous; native; military; benign; agelong; ceremonious; astonished; combined (pl); absolute; irresistible; insupportable; irresponsible; capitalistic; reckless; heartless; rapacious; subsequent; iron


    adopt—; allay—; apply—; crush under—; establish—; exercise—; expose to—; form

    —; free from—; guard against—; launch —; organize—; preserve from—; protect from—; relax—; submit to—; support—; surrender to—; throw off—; tolerate—

    ■—compels; —controls; —enslaves; —governs; —limits; —restrains; —survives; — wills

    (See tyranny.)

    Dessert adjectives

    abbreviated; frugal; colorful; frozen; tempting; cold; delicious; nourishing; gaylooking; tiny

    Destination adjectives

    mutual; secret; final; natural; appointed; moral; different; inevitable; deeper; suitable; proposed; outlandish; religious

    Destiny adjectives

    false; manifest; impossible; loftiest; wondrous; unaccomplished; unhappy; auspicious; blighted; terrible; myriad (pl); precarious; transcendent; magnificent; deathless; resolute; outwitting; uncertain; circumvolving; inevitable; natural; moral; human; changing; common; momentous; eternal; desolate; future; sunless; noble; solemn; bright; inexorable; tragic; divine; high; evil; inherited; strange; evident; kindest; ultimate; proud; ill-starred


    abide by—; accept—; bless—; carve—; chart—; command—; condemn by—; evade —; expand—; fight out—; fulfill—; guide —; master—; mold—; pursue—; seal—; shape—; solve—; steer—; struggle with—; succumb to—; supervise—; ward off—; waylay—; work out—; —appoints; — awaits; —beats; —bewails; —carries out; —conspires; —decrees; —dogs; —dooms

    (See fortune, doom, fate, lot.)

    Destitute adverbs

    absolutely; sadly; utterly; helplessly; hopelessly; pennilessly; unquestionably; miserably; wretchedly; appallingly; comparatively; abjectly; astonishingly; peculiarly; distressingly; embarrassingly; horribly

    Destitution adjectives

    absolute; utter; penniless; hopeless; abandoned; indigent


    abandon to—; avoid—; engulf by—; escape —; forsake to—; imply—; lift from—; leave in—; reduce to—; throw into—; verge on—; —approaches; —deprives;

    increases; —menaces; —stalks. (See poverty, want.

    Destroy (v) adverbs

    deliberately; wantonly; ruthlessly; partially; foolishly; irreparably; frequently; simultaneously; eternally; ultimately; unwittingly; rigorously; utterly; effectually; thoughtlessly; universally; mutually; eventually; indiscriminately; consequently; lawlessly; practically; remorselessly; deliberately; inevitably; mercilessly; incalculably

    (See ruin, demolish.)

    Destroyer adjectives

    fierce; parasitic; brutal; plowing; ruthless; courteous; soulless

    Destruction adjectives

    sudden; instant; universal; wanton; daily; self; total; wild; brilliant; mutual; eventual; willful; indiscriminate; probable; consequent; miserable; practical; comprehensive; threatening; remorseless; deliberate; useless; apparent; utter; flashing; inconceivable; inevitable; ominous; merciless; incalculable; ultimate; sheer; wasting; lawless; necessary; subsequent


    attempt—; await—; behold—; bring on—; contemplate—; crumble into—; dash to—; deliver from—; ensure—; foredoom to—; incline to—; invite—; involve in—; lead to—; leap to—; lure to—; redeem—; rejoice in—; rescue from—; revel in—; revenge—; rush to—; seek—; send to—; shower—; smite with—; sweep with—; suffer—; thirst for—; woo—; work—

    (See ruin.)

    Destructive adverbs

    appallingly; unnecessarily; drunkenly; hysterically; angrily; riotously; deliberately; designedly; wantonly; universally; widely; horribly; unbelievably; lethally; instantly; eventually; indiscriminately; probably; infallibly; remorselessly; inconceivably; ominously; mercilessly; incalculably; ultimately; wastefully; carelessly; thoughtlessly; needlessly; meanly; hatefully; systematically

    Desultory adverbs

    merely; irregularly; disconnectedly; lazily; quaintly; exasperatingly; fatally; carelessly; unsystematically; heedlessly; negligently; nonchalantly; indifferently; blithely; smilingly; wantonly; intolerably; imperturbably; vexatiously; unluckily; placidly; serenely; plaguedly

    Detachment adjectives

    alert; hard; fierce; philosophic; lofty; cool; aloof; displayed; detailed; reserved; various (pl); ever-proceeding; beautiful; hastily-gathered; successive; indolent; numerous (pl)

    Detail adjectives

    rich; decorative; sickening; harmonious; intimate; perturbing; enduring; incredible; visual; elaborate; irrelevant; minute; ornate; amusing; personal; trivial; luscious; troublesome; unpoetical; fictitious; superficial; architectural; repugnant; alarming; impeccable; sensuous; outstanding; conventional; authentic; characteristic; confusing; ingenious; harrowing; technical; tedious; cumbersome; painful; disgusting; exquisite; complete; distinctive; profound; vivid; profuse; charming; unimportant; commonplace; agonizing; remaining; ornamental; profligate; petty; admirable; picturesque; remarkable; significant; sharp; graphic; fervid; reliable; voluminous; appropriate; devastating; realistic; revolting; hateful; trifling; little; worrisome; vexatious; delicate; subtle; gossiping; brief; merest; dull; complicated; tiniest; circumstantial; grim; sordid; collateral; sufficient; loveliest; essential; unusual; perplexing; mean; unrevealed; cleverest; homely; domestic; biographical; scenic; endless; methodical; exact; statistical; clear; restless; hampering; subordinate; heterogeneous; vulgar; needless; topographical; pedantic; faultless; historical; meager; concise; irksome; dreary; myriad (pl)


    array—s; authenticate—s; avoid—; chronicle—s; contribute to—; correlate—s; describe—s; dig out—s; dispense with—; divulge—; dwell upon—; enumerate in—; furnish with—s; grapple with—; grasp—; intersperse—s; marshal—s; master—s; memorize—s; note—s; observe—s; offer in—; parade —s; rehearse—s; relate—s; repeat—s; reveal—s; set forth—s; spare—s; study—s; suppress—s; thrash out—s; treat in—; underestimate—; unearth—; waive —; wrestle with —s; —s bewilder; —s bore; —s elude; —s enrich; —s leak out; —s weary

    (See particular, item, part.)

    Detail (v) adverbs

    minutely; intimately; visually; elaborately; irrelevantly; amusingly; trivially; lusciously; poetically; superficially; significantly; conventionally; authentically; characteristically; tediously; completely; profusely; vividly; picturesquely; fervidly; voluminously; realistically; vexatiously; briefly; sordidly; endlessly; exactly; methodically; statistically; vulgarly; meagerly; irksomely; drearily

    (See narrate.)

    Detailed adverbs

    accurately; explicitly; clearly; meticulously; punctiliously; richly; horribly; intimately; incredibly; elaborately; minutely; amusingly; alarmingly; ingeniously; tediously; painfully; disgustingly; exquisitely; completely; vividly; graphically; admirably; remarkably; sharply; reliably; appropriately; realistically; hatefully; delicately; briefly; circumstantially; sordidly; unusually; cleverly; statistically; endlessly; exactly; clearly; needlessly; faultlessly; drearily; irksomely

    Detain (v) adverbs

    forcibly; unavoidably; successfully; honorably; ingloriously; vexatiously; outrageously; accidentally; unhappily

    (See keep, arrest.)

    Detect (v) adverbs

    easily; cleverly; shrewdly; casually; astutely; logically; artfully; slyly; brilliantly; scientifically; accidentally

    (See discover, uncover.)

    Detection adjectives

    casual; successful; skillful; logical; artful


    avoid—; baffle—; elude—; escape—; evade —; fear—; flee—; frustrate—; hide from —; stumble upon—; suffer—; —alarms; —discloses; —exposes; —informs; —reveals

    (See discovery, disclosure.)

    Detective adjectives

    private; geological; dental; shrewd; competent; hard; luckless; district; burly; typical; tireless; great; heroic; unsympathetic


    baffle—; commission—; dispatch—; elude —; employ—; escape—; evade—; hire—; inform—; reward—; —accuses; —corners.; —discloses; —discovers; —disguises; — dogs; —executes; —exposes; —guards; — hounds; —hunts; —inquires; —inspects; —investigates; —masks; —nabs; —observes; —protects; —pursues; —raids; — reveals; —runs down; —searches; —spies; —studies; —suspects; —tracks; —tracks down; —trails; —uncovers; —unearths; —watches

    (See officer, police.)

    Detention adjectives

    prolonged; honorable; inglorious; compulsory; vexatious; outrageous; accidental; unhappy

    Deteriorate (?-) adverbs

    sadly; horribly; physically; mentally; morally; bodily; inevitably; steadily; intellectually; lamentably; seriously; markedly

    (See impair.)

    Deterioration adjectives

    physical; bodily; inevitable; mental; nervous; steady; intellectual; lamentable; serious; marked


    defend from—; detect—; employ in—; exaggerate—; preserve from—; pretend—; produce—; save from—; undergo—; — abates; —arises; —continues; —degenerates; —depresses; —destroys; —impairs

    —injures; —seeps in

    (See corruption.)

    Determination adjectives

    obvious; inflexible; intrinsic; great; zealous; steadfast; tireless; grim; deathly; feverish; personal; supernatural; insistent; passionate; sudden; abrupt; settled; bounding; equal; fixed; prescient; mighty; harsh; forceful; intelligent; calm; accurate; cool; early; tangible; selfish; chronological; unwilling; stubborn; dogged; warm; uniform; indefatigable; judicial; desperate; controlling; unanimous; persistent; obstinate; invincible; unflinching; resolute; cold; immutable; precise; W'hole-souled; ruthless; iron; inexorable; pudgy; manifest; drunken; earnest; indomitable


    change—; equip with—; flash—; forge—; inspire—; hail—; obsess with—; plod along in—; quench—; reiterate—; reward—; sharpen—; strengthen—; struggle in—

    —achieves; —triumphs; —wanes

    (See decision, resolution.)

    Determine (v) adverbs

    absolutely; happily; objectively; unanimously; shrewdly; passionately; accurately; precisely; resolutely; sternly; conclusively; immediately; unceremoniously; inflexibly; zealously; grimly; stubbornly; doggedly; invincibly; unflinchingly; ruthlessly; inexorably; manifestly; indomitably; largely

    (See decide.)

    Determined adverbs

    firmly; inordinately; immovably; irrationally; illogically; childishly; irrevocably; stubbornly; officially; mightily; finally; courageously; quietly; inexorably; harshly; feverishly; passionately; intelligently; calmly; coolly; selfishly; desperately; ruthlessly; drunkenly; crazily; earnestly; curiously; fatally

    Detest (v) adverbs

    fundamentally; thoroughly; positively; unreasonably; infinitely; exaggeratedly; definitely; markedly; obviously; noticeably; unhallowedly; violently

    (See hate.)

    Detestable adverbs

    utterly; incredibly; unbelievably; hatefully; abominably; completely; flagrantly; viciously; deplorably; lamentably; diabolically; noxiously; terribly; generally; woefully; odiously; repulsively; despicably; intolerably; insufferably; horridly

    Detestation adjectives

    infinite; prolonged; exaggerated; definite; marked; noticeable

    Dethrone (v) adverbs

    ignominiously; completely; shamefully; dishonorably; pusillanimously; courageously; cowardly; brutally; violently; forcefully

    (See usurp.)

    Detonation adjectives

    remote; mystic; continuous (pl); muffled; tremendous; furious; sharp; spasmodic


    accompany by—; attribute—to; enkindle—; fire—; muffle—; produce—; result in—; —echoes^—erupts; —expels; —occurs; — reports; —rips; —shocks; —stuns; — thunders; —uproots; —violates

    (See explosion.)

    Detour adjectives

    weary; lightning; quick; disconcerting; unexpected; wrong; bumpy; long; roundabout; wretched

    Detraction adjectives

    timid; rude; subtle; uninitiated; aggravated

    Detriment adjectives

    clogging; acute; raw; unbiased; grave



    accept—; acquire—; admit—; burden with —; cause—; free from—; harbor—; incur —; load with—; repair—; replace—; suffer —; sustain—; —accrues; —affects; — harms; —impairs; —injures; —weakens

    (See injury, loss, damage, harm.)

    Detrimental adverbs

    undeniably; economically; financially; physically; terribly; unluckily; intentionally; maliciously; designedly; substantially; enormously; incalculably; irreparably; irremediably; seriously; personally; disgracefully; unintentionally; incidentally; palpably; essentially; disastrously; woefully

    Devastate (v)


    virtually; generally; appallingly; spiritually; systematically; aimlessly; heartlessly; fiendishly; tyrannically; viciously; ferociously; brutally

    (See ruin.)

    Devastating adverbs

    unimaginably; horribly; incredibly; ruinously; inhumanly; savagely; vastly; universally; viciously; sinfully; iniquitous-ly; extensively; irremediably; irrevocably; irrecoverably; heinously; dismally; calamitously

    Devastation adjectives

    cyclonic; general; appalling; forest; spiritual; systematic; aimless

    Develop (v) adverbs

    precociously; enormously; advantageously; harmoniously; indirectly; majestically; copiously; riotously; subsequently; perfectly; logically; habitually; unexpectedly; definitely; independently; inordinately; exclusively; rationally; invariably; extraordinarily; tediously; arduously; irrationally; intricately; belatedly; artistically; culturally; muscularly; socially; economically; mentally; physically; deftly; imposingly; continuously; poetically; subsequently; coherently; vindictively; scientifically; progressively; morally; spectacularly; aesthetically; uniquely; deviously; legitimately

    (See complete, unfold.)

    Development adjectives

    extraordinary; astonishing; startling; amazing; rapid; meteoric; long; tedious; arduous; extravagant; irrational; intricate; vast; extensive; slow; evolutionary; gradual; belated; deliberate; hirsute; artistic; cultural; muscular; social; economic; modern; mental; physical; noble; high; deft; majestic; effective; logical; imposing; egregious; intellectual; secluded; surface; inferred; diversified; further; general; continuous; eventual; recent; poetic; subsequent; surprising; coherent; architectural; vindictive; enriching; compensatory; scientific; progressive; basic; disproportionate; laudable; harmonic; individual; impartial; strained; wholesome; previous; promising; technical; organic; moral; multifarious; psychosexual; magnificent; glorious; institutional; consequent; thematic; peculiar; spectacular; recent; liturgical; safety; empiric; aesthetic; intensive; industrial; defective; external; remoter; unique; devious; expansive; legitimate; profligate; multiple (pl) ; arrested


    arrest—; attain—; await—; check—; contribute to—; encourage—; enfeeble—; evaluate—; foresee—; forestall—; foster—; hail—; hamper—; hasten—; hinder—; impair—; keep abreast of—; paralyze—; retard—; 'review—; revolutionize—; rush—; speed—; spur—; stimulate—; stunt—; trace—; undergo—; visualize—; witness—; —germinates from; —proceeds; —surges forward

    (See evolution, growth, expansion, enlargement.)

    Deviate (v) adverbs

    unconventionally; grossly; materially; peculiarly; slightly; frequently; momentarily; anomalously; occasionally; abnormally; unaccountably; oddly; exceptionally; strangely; weirdly

    (See stray, wander.)

    Deviation adjectives

    peculiar; slight; gross; material; frequent (pl); anomalous; momentary; occasional


    accept—; allow—; ascertain—; cause—; determine—; doubt—; eliminate—; govern —; measure—; observe—; recognize—; render—; suspect—; tend toward—; —destroys; —shocks; —strays; —varies

    (See variation, divergence, error.)

    Device adjectives

    ingenious; grotesque; elaborate; great; fertile; clockwork; amazing; safety; unworkable; wicked; stale; petty; crude; devious; clumsy; happy; shallow; rhetorical; patriotic; labor-saving; convenient; frugal; improved; successful; hard; simple; shrewd; cunning; artful; clever; magical; sundry (pl); sufficient; heraldic; alignment; desperate; quaint; local; singular; comfortable; playful; artificial; supreme; effective; ancient; symbolic; noble; ceremonial; makeshift; curious; economic; excellent; scholastic; rotary; timesaving; automatic; protective; hazardous; discredited; suitable; chosen; favorite; optical; childish; treacherous


    abandon—; adopt—; affect—; contrive—; employ—; equip with—; finance—; hit upon —; invent—; launch—; manufacture—; patent—; resort to—; scorn—; utilize

    (See invention, scheme, strategem, symbol.)

    Devil adjectives

    excellent; incarnate; unsympathetic; deceitful; poor; red; charming; imaginary; flaming; fever-scourged; cruel; stubborn; attractive; little; frisky; obstinate; greedy; latent; merry; destroying; exorcised; surly; eternal; good-looking; chained-up; burning; interior; tempting; mocking; malicious; foreign; raging; daring; conjuring


    bargain with—; cast out—; conquer—; conspire with—; contend with—; curb—; defy—; deny—; destroy—; drive out—; emancipate from—; exorcise—; expel—; flee from—; follow—; grapple with—; league with—; offend—; personify—; possess by—; preserve from—; “raise”—; rebuke—; resist—; sacrifice to-?-; scorn—; steer toward—; subject to—; take up with —; worship—; —betrays; —conjures; — deceives; —deludes; —ensnares; —enters; —entices; —harries; —mocks; —oppresses; —rules; —spurs; —tempts

    (See demon, spirit, evil.)

    Devilish adverbs

    hatefully; inconceivably; iniquitously; irretrievably; incredibly; incorrigibly; atrociously; infernally; shockingly; manifestly; openly; exceptionably; horribly; outrageously; incurably; obdurately; stubbornly; nefariously

    Deviltry adjectives

    good-humored; inexhaustible; stock; petty; ineradicable

    Dev IO VS adverbs

    obscurely; circumbendibusly; sinuously; unfortunately; astutely; adroitly; unnecessarily; strangely; oddly; ominously; curiously; provokingly; vexatiously; suspiciously; cleverly; cruelly; intricately; amazingly; confusingly; deliberately; craftily; sharply; fatally; obviously; inscrutably; perplexingly

    Devise (v) adverbs

    ingeniously; carefully; cunningly; peculiarly; subtly; specially; grotesquely; elaborately; crudely; deviously; clumsily; conveniently; frugally; shrewdly; sufficiently; comfortably; artificially; effectively; symbolically; economically; curiously; automatically; scholastically; hazardously; suitably; amazingly

    (See contrive, invent.)

    Devolve M adverbs

    wholly; unexpectedly; absurdly; startlingly; weightily; heavily; normally; politically; traditionally

    (See transmit.)

    Devote (v) adverbs

    exclusively; properly; faithfully; unstint-ingly; passionately; intensely; unreservedly; exclusively; civilly; fearlessly; zealously; earnestly; tenderly; uniquely; expressly; profoundly; religiously; patriotically; personally; mutually; humbly; doggedly; dumbly; blindly; obviously; absurdly; heroically; submissively; unselfishly; sentimentally; conscientiously; unswervingly; untiringly; recklessly; fervidly; deathlessly; assiduously; conjugally; unimpeachably; unobtrusively; agelessly; sublimely; patiently

    (See dedicate, consecrate.)

    Devoted adverbs

    piously; profoundly; childishly; earnestly; personally; ardently; completely; humbly; mutually; doggedly; blindly; foolishly; queerly; absurdly; heroically; deeply; extremely; submissively; unselfishly; tenderly; sentimentally; exclusively; dangerously; conscientiously; genuinely; passionately; unswervingly; exquisitely; ostentatiously; conspicuously; reverently; staunchly; assiduously; fondly; unobtrusively; sublimely; patiently; openly

    Devotee adjectives

    impious; reverent; average; enthusiastic; ardent; fresh; rabid; distinguished; meek; worshiping; religious; theosophic; high-minded; indigent; true; congenial; servile


    attract—; gain—; interest—; victimize—; —s assemble; —clamors; —s congregate; —consecrates; —s convene; —dedicates; —denounces; —disparages; —esteems; — exhibits; —indulges in; —introduces; — offers; —practices; —pursues; —worships

    (See follower.)

    Devotion adjectives

    profound; wearied; religious; patriotic; infantile; earnest; lifetime; studied; personal; detached; complete; humble; mutual; dogged; real; dumb; blind; open; queer; absurd; increased; heroic; wholehearted; obvious; deep; impious; discouraged; endless; extreme; continued; distant; submissive; unselfish; outdated; painful; tender; sentimental; spiritless; exclusive; dangerous; unceasing; conscientious; genuine; passionate; pure; unparalleled; unswerving; evening; exuberant; capable; angry; faithful; untiring; constant; unconditional; exquisite; ardent; disinterested; unostentatious; conspicuous; undiminished; reverent; speculative; reckless; consecrated; fervid; wifely; deathless; absolute; d;g-like; unfaltering; respectful; mystic; desperate; obsequious; chivalric; staunch; inextinguishable; cheerful; manly; bigoted; costliest; austere; solitary; unalterable; ceremonious; idyllic; efficient; assiduous; extemporary; conjugal; outstanding; abiding; unimpeachable; incessant; fondest; invisible; protective; unobtrusive; passing; nunlike; reunited; ageless; sublime; patient


    accept—; bestow—; cease—; command—; excite—; exploit—; extendi—; favor with —; glorify—; interrupt—; lavish—upon; pay—; show—; tender—; —abates; — wanes; —warms

    (See zeal, allegiance, attachment, love, worship, adoration, fidelity, religion.)

    Devour (v) adverbs

    ravenously; omnivorously; voraciously; greedily; rapidly; utterly; brutally; fiendishly; hoggishly; bestially; rudely

    (See eat. consume.)

    Devout adverbs

    profoundly; earnestly; completely; humbly; queerly; whole-heartedly; piously; submissively; unselfishly; unceasingly; reverently; conscientiously; faithfully; ardently; loyally; assiduously; unobtrusively; admirably; sincerely; solemnly; fervently; meekly

    Dew adjectives

    drenching; fragrant; cleansing; damp; dripping; murky; lethal; sparkling; heavy; melodious; filmy; glittering; glistening; warm; moonlit; starry; starlight; hoary; scented; gracious; moistening; quivering; spangled; prodigal; fiery; melancholy; ambrosial; new-dropped; fattening; ghastly; pestilent; gleaming; undried; cold; blinding; richer; unconcealing; sunlit; gathering; bitter; innocent; softest; melting; nocturnal; lingering; mellifluous; healing; falling; sickly; silvery


    bathe in—; bedabble with—; brush away—; deck with—; dip in—;• dissolve in—; distill—; flower in—; sip—; spray with—; steep in—; sweep away—; wash with—; wet with—; —chills; —dabbles; —drenches; —drops; —falls; —freshens; —glistens; —moistens; —pearls; —refreshes; —revives; —spangles; —strengthens; —thickens ; —twinkles

    (See moisture, tears, drop.)

    Dexterity adjectives

    reasonable; digital; polite; amazing; bland; graceful; manual; unusual; marvelous; incredible; rapid; superior; wonderful; admirable; cool; indescribable; automatic; fatal

    Dexterous adverbs

    reasonably; unusually; politically; blandly; amazingly; wonderfully; admirably; automatically; incredibly; dangerously; skilfully; particularly; consciously; proudly; ostentatiously; dramatically; expertly; feli-citiously; discreetly; advantageously; acutely; shrewdly; scientifically; quickly; consummately; spectacularly; opportunely; astutely

    Diabolic adverbs

    inconceivably; iniquitously; incredibly; incorrigibly; atrociously; infernally; shockingly; manifestly; openly; flagrantly; ex-ceptionably; horribly; outrageously; incurably; obdurately; stubbornly; nefariously; villainously; execrably; accursedly; inhumanly; ruthlessly

    Diabolism adjectives

    everlasting; widespread; apparent; marked; noticeable; flagrant

    Diadem adjectives

    priceless; imperial; starry; kingless; stellated; royal; regal; ducal

    Diagnose (v) adverbs

    precisely; accurately; exactly; correctly; medically; solemnly; bacteriologically; logically; scientifically; casually; conscientiously; astutely

    (See study.)

    Diagnosis adjectives

    exact; definite; bitter; unpromising; correct; medical; solemn; bacteriological


    conduct—; confirm—; embrace in—; form —; reach—; record—; study—; value—; weigh—. —assures; —determines; —discovers; —distinguishes; —errs; —identifies; —reveals; —warrants

    (See conclusion, judgment.)

    Diagram adjectives

    legible; clear; confused; graphic; explanatory; key; brief


    compose—; constitute—; draw—; examine —; exhibit—; experiment with—; improve —; mark—; measure—; outline—; produce —; —charts; —demonstrates; —directs; —illustrates; —points out; —represents; —symbolizes

    (See plan, outline, map, drawing, illustration.)

    Dial adjectives

    wavering; luminous;* recessed; spacious; graduated; moss-grown; sun


    adjust—; affect—; center—; check—; discover by—; employ—; furnish with—; provide—: refer to—; set—; spin—; watch—

    • — aids; —counts; —describes; —directs

    —indicates; —measures; —points to; — regulates; —revolves; —^substantiates; — times

    (See compass, watch.)

    Dialect adjectives

    drawling; guttural; hinterland; crude; broad; garrulous; vulgar; handed-down; ancestral; forcible; unintelligible; strange; multiplying (pl); unpleasant; peculiar; nasal; native; authentic; queer; rural; overaccented; delicious; amorous; gibbering; purest; expressive; barbarous; quaint; untutored; hissing: unmusical


    adopt—; affect—; converse in—; drop—; influence—; interpret—; lay aside—; missound—; modify—; overcome—; recognize —; study—; understand—; —amuses; — confuses; —corrupts; —missounds; —retains; —vanishes

    (See language, speech.)

    Dialogue adjectives

    fabulous; witty; short; solemn; natural; spontaneous; earnest; happy; hurried; vivid; delightful; tender; adequate; poetic; urbane; sparkling; final; mysterious; amusing; fast-paced; wooden; frothy; delicious; rapier-like; brilliant; imaginary; merry; wasted; feeble; dramatic; realistic; sustained


    carry on—; compile—; compose—; confine —to; contrive—; enter into—; entertain with—; inject into—; introduce in—; involve in—; launch into—; transcribe—; —animates; —concerns; —engrosses; — enlivens; —passes; —praises; —vivifies; interests in—

    (See conversation, talk.)

    Diamond adjectives

    paste; oblong; spurious; illicit; sparkling; enormous; square-cut; pendent; blazing; icy; fair-sized; uncut; monstrous; starry; flashing: unlimited Ipl) ; countless (pl); elemental; flaming; smuggled


    admire—; adorn with—; deck with—s; imbed—; mine—s; polish—; prize—; quarry

    • — s; set—; win—; yield—s; —crowns

    • — flames; —flashes; —gleams; —glimmers

    • — glistens; —glitters; —glows; —reflects

    • — scintillates; —sparkles

    (See gem, stone, jewel.)

    Diaphragm adjectives

    crude; concave; heaving; parchment

    tough; bisecting

    Diary adjectives

    careful; meteorological; intimate; manuscript; joyous; cryptic; copious; vigorous; authoritative; conscientious; well-kept; informal; informative; gossipy; risque; bold; revealing


    cherish—; enter in—; expose—; hide—; inscribe in—; jot in—; peep into—; prepare—; publish—; recollect by—; record in—; refer to—; repose in—; scan—; — collects; —contains; —covers; —notes; —observes; —relates; —reveals

    (See record, account, book, literature )

    Diatribe adjectives

    notorious; violent; revengeful; brutal; incessant


    break out in—; conclude—; direct—; erupt —; fire—; fulminate—; indulge in—; regret—; set off—; thunder—; utter—; vent —; —abuses; —arouses; —contributes; — exaggerates; —offends; —provokes; — shocks

    (See invective, tirade, discourse, discussion.)

    Dice adjectives

    lucky; loaded; rattling; false; unfailing

    irresistible; seductive


    bet on—; box—; cast—; cheat at—; gamble with—; jostle—; load—; lose by—; play with—; scatter—; shake—; shoot—; throw —; toss—: win at—; —clack; —clink; —decide; —fall; —rattle; —reveal; — settle; —topple; —turn

    Dictate adjectives

    definite; unheeded; vicious; infernal; soundest; passionate; fascist

    Dictate (v) adverbs

    amiably; simultaneously; personally; definitely; viciously; infernally; passionately; bestially; heartlessly; fiendishly; reasonably. (See command,

    Dictation adjectives

    aimless; laborious; imperious; rapid; accurate; careless

    Dictator adjectives

    military; musical; cruel; unseen; benevolent; philosophic; willful; occult; imperious; ranking; domestic


    appeal to—; develop into—; entrust—with; fall before—; follow—; name—; prate about—s; serve under—; succumb to—; —authorizes; —bans; —checks; —coerces; —crushes; —decrees; —exercises; —forbids; —forces; —fulminates; —governs; —orders; —prescribes; —rules; —tyrannizes; —violates; —wields

    (See tyrant, monarch, ruler.)

    Dictatorial adverbs

    absolutely; politically; offensively; unashamedly; officiously; ostentatiously; imperially; regally; imperiously; cruelly; unwarrantably; disagreeably; needlessly; arrogantly; haughtily; superciliously; hatefully; carefully; obstinately; dogmatically; fanatically; fantastically; deliberately; insolently; saucily; impertinently; bumptiously; brazenly; shamelessly; presumptuously

    Dictatorship adjectives

    absolute; military; political; proletarian; economic; stultifying; unashamed; irregular; temporary; household; bloody; mighty; inefficient; imperial; popular; literary; fruitless


    accept—; assume—; attempt—; create—; cultivate—; curtail—; elect to—; entrust— to; establish—; exercise—; install—; lust for—; repulse—; revolt against—; set up —; serve under—; shake—; succumb to—; yield to—; —coerces; —compels; —crushes

    —holds sway

    (See despotism, control, rule.)

    Diction adjectives

    stilted; meticulous; parietal; exquisite; tragic; dignified; metaphorical; illogical; artless; terse; elaborate; glowing; extravagant; loitering; poetic; , racy; fashionable; classical; unadorned; overwhelming; peculiar; crabbed; bold

    Dictionary adjectives

    comprehensive; dusty; voluminous; exhaustive; unabridged; unusable; historical; universal; excellent; rhyming; biographical; scholarly; pronouncing; scriptural; phonetic; synonymic; grammatical; weighty; authoritative


    abridge—; compile—; consult—; edit—; enlarge—; have recourse to—; provide—; publish—; resort to—; revise—; —aids; —arranges; —classifies; —confirms; —contains; —decides; —defines; —determines; —informs; —interprets; —pictures; —verifies

    (See book.)

    Dictum adjectives

    energetic; famous; harsh; bold; brisk; final

    Didactic adverbs

    tiresomely; tediously; wearisomely; monotonously; conceitedly; learnedly; instructively; endlessly; absurdly; egotistically; indefatigably; disagreeably; unpleasantly; ostentatiously; diffusely; preachily; sharply; academically; eruditely; expertly; bumptiously

    Didacticism adjectives

    solemn; sugar-coated; obvious; patent; marked; unintelligent

    Die (v) adverbs

    ultimately; unaccountably; wholly; utterly; valiantly; peacefully; sullenly; violently; gloriously; proudly; recently; providentially; stoically; pennilessly; invariably; haplessly; blissfully; huskily; respectively; honorably; mysteriously; quiveringly; holi-ly; abruptly; shamefully; accidentally; religiously; rebelliously; precipitately

    (See perish.)

    Diet adjectives

    abstemious; starvation; daily; piscatory; ample; proper; modern; scant; mixed; varied; balanced; ordinary; exclusive; monotonous; nut; fastidious; invented; staple; nourishing; enriched; astringent; vitaminized; spurious; vegetarian; optimum; adequate; coniferous; correct; predominant; meat; peculiar; skimpy; rigid; sensible; intellectual; carnivorous; dangerous; strict; liquid; heavy


    adhere to—; adopt—; alter—; change—; commend—; complete—; compound—; discuss—; employ—; exclude from—; increase —; mix—; modify—; place on—; prescribe—; recover on—of; reduce—; regulate—; restrict—; spare in—; subsist on—; supplement—; vary—; yield to—; —cures; —influences; —nourishes; —reduces;

    (See fare, victuals, ration, food.) stimulates; —supplies; —sustains )

    Difference adjectives

    sharp; marked; acute; honest; conscientious; noticeable; perceptible; decided; evident; inconsequent; infinitesimal; scant; slight; petty; racial; psychological; mental; religious; matrimonial; grave; insuperable; subtle; bitter; radical; simulated; conceded; actual; essential; utmost; striking; outstanding; profound; vast; appreciable; noteworthy; tremendous; palpable; calm; assignable; important; fresh; material; vital; sad; qualitative; pathetic; supreme; happy; minute; amazing; factional; original; significant; indefinable; supposed; superficial; magical; tribal; fundamental; irrepressible; deep-seated; philosophical; irreconcilable; prodigious; intrinsic; temporary; structural


    acquaint with—; appreciate—; bury—s; cancel—; compensate for—; correlate with —s; debate—; define—; determine—; discern—; discuss—; dread—; expose—; illustrate—; master—; notice—; obliterate—; observe—; reconcile—s; rest—s; settle—; smooth out—; —appears; —s arise; —s estrange; —s flare up; —prevents

    (See disagreement, discrimination, variation, inequality.)

    Dietetics adjectives

    compulsory; insipid; accessory; elementary; fundamental


    engross in—; instruct in—; interest in—; study—; —adapts; —cautions; —comprises; —cures; —defines; —extends to; —inquires; —observes; —prevents; —reforms; —regulates; —solves; —systematizes; — aids

    (See hygiene.)

    Differ (v) adverbs

    radically; racially; decidedly; essentially; widely; profoundly; chemically; entirely; acutely; sharply; markedly; noticeably; perceptibly; infinitesimally; psychologically; mentally; religiously; gravely; appreciably; strikingly; palpably; vitally; significantly; fundamentally; philosophically; prodigiously; intrinsically; structurally

    (See disagree.)

    Different adverbs

    multifariously; incidentally; impertinently; harmlessly; objectionably; inadmissibly; unconformably; strangely; remotely; out-landishly; undeniably; palpably; essentially; grotesquely; disagreeably; pleasantly; obviously; inconceivably; discordantly; fantastically; exotically

    Differentiate (v) adverbs

    legitimately; generously; elaborately; acutely; bluntly; properly; distinctly

    (See distinguish.)

    Dif FERE N TIA TION adjectives

    subtle; elaborate; proper; acute; blunt

    Difficult adverbs

    relatively; tremendously; overwhelmingly; formidably; unbelievably; supremely; seriously; administratively; physically; obviously; naturally; peculiarly; particularly; strangely; curiously; conspicuously; alarmingly; patently; evidently; dishearteningly; impossibly; intricately; perplexingly; desperately

    Difficulty adjectives

    immense; great; huge; tremendous; enormous; overwhelming; formidable; redoubtable; unbelievable; amazing; supreme; innumerable (pl); grave; serious; agrarian; domestic; emotional; administrative; technical; diplomatic; physical; economic; religious; appalling; financial; fiscal; evident; obvious; inherent; identical; underlying; insurmountable; vital; peculiar; practical; necessary; problematic; familiar; initial; insuperable; unpleasant; lamentable; invincible; conspicuous; unforeseen; functional; alarming; recurrent; endless; disheartening; relative; principal; censorship; bargaining; visual; baffling; impending; incredible; considerable; unprecedented


    adjust—; attend with—; belittle—; beset by—; breathe with—; clear up—; comprehend—; conclude—; confront with—; conquer—; contend with—; demonstrate—; double—; eliminate—; encounter—; escape —; estimate—; evade—; experience—; go to the root of—; grapple with—; grasp—; impose—; impress with—; iron out—; labor in—; minimize—; obliterate—; obviate—; pass—; perceive—; raise—; remedy—; rouse with—; shirk—; smooth away—; stir up—; strew with—; surmount—; weigh —; wrestle with; —ies accumulate; —ies arise; —grows out of; —intervenes; — looms; —persists

    (See obstacle, hindrance, quarrel, trouble.)

    Diffidence aajectives

    delicate; rustic; becoming; excessive; amused; half-boyish; proper


    attack—; disperse—; enter into with—; indulge in—; lay aside—; manifest—; practise—; proceed from—; speak with—; teach —; —afflicts; —assails; —creeps over; —prevents; —shames; —submits to; — terrifies; —wounds

    (See bashfulness, )

    Diffident adverbs

    delicately; provincially; becomingly; excessively; amusingly; laughably; ridiculously; needlessly; properly; nervously; anxiously; dreadfully; painfully; bashfully; blushingly; demurely; quietly; shyly

    Diffuse adverbs

    tiresomely; tediously; monotonously; vexa-tiously; endlessly; verbosely; copiously; circuitously; disagreeably; provokingly; pedantically; stupidly; dully; indirectly; interminably; prosily; maddeningly; notoriously

    Diffuse (v) adverbs

    naturally; delicately; excessively; waste-fully; widely; copiously; freely; liberally; perplexingly

    (See scatter, disseminate.)

    Diffuseness adjectives

    rhythmical; excessive; expansive; limited; unshadowed; beaming; theoretical

    Diffusion adjectives

    wide; cultural; original; soft; vast; inexpressible; universal

    Dig adjectives

    sly; intentional; vicious; sarcastic; witty; humorous; retaliative

    Dig (v) adverbs

    laboriously; perseveringly; viciously; intentionally; purposively; industriously; in-defatigably

    (See work, labor.)

    Digest adjectives

    interesting; careful; considered; chronological; fact

    Digest (v) adverbs

    complacently; rapidly; internally; interestingly; carefully; chronologically; intelligently; mentally; cleverly; briefly

    (See absorb, classify.)

    Digestion adjectives

    torpid; agreeable; disturbed; superb; sound; pure


    activate—; affect—; allay—; disturb—; govern—; impair—; improve—; interrupt —; promote—; regulate—; reinvigorate—; retard—; sour—; stimulate—; upset—

    (See health.)

    Digit adjectives

    lone; disassociated; menacing; insignificant; discounted


    calculate—; count—; dismember—; divide into—s; decorate—; employ—; exercise—; express in—s; flex—; indicate—; memorize—; number—; ornament—; run into—s; sever—; spoil—s

    (See toe, finger, figure, number.)

    Dignified adverbs

    properly; proudly; informally; graciously; simply; pleasantly; nobly; serenely; calmly; quietly; gravely; faultlessly; elaborately; coldly; indescribably; ridiculously; superbly; naturally; magisterially; matchlessly; sternly; impressively; incongruously; austerely; professionally; pompously; senselessly; gently; disagreeably; repellently; notoriously; augustly; fashionably; solemnly

    Dignitary adjectives

    honorable; famous; professional; local; robot; titular; learned

    Dignity adjectives

    proper; proud; upright; informal; happy; delicate; external; lofty; lauded; gracious; supreme; simple; majestic; pleasant; complacent; noble; robust; brave; serene; calm; quiet; grave; unwinking; studied; measured; faultless; immaculate; elaborate; sure; stilted; cold; severe; savage; impaired; faded; obedient; mysterious; social; impassive; indescribable: forensic; dashing; waddling; ridiculous; outraged; poised; trembling; spacious; potential; outward; stoical; superb; forced; unbroken; ageless; natural; silent; sententious; sad; irresistible; magisterial; distant; matchless, undeserved; ill-timed; spiritual; patriarchal; wonted; smug; scholastic; gruesome; military; threatened; short-lived; stern; pious; panoplied; leisure-class; frowning; impressive; spectral; incongruous; white; celestial; mutilated; austere; professional; youthful; additional; senseless; mournful; sedate; pompous; mock; epic; inherent; insulted; gentle; careless; unprecedented; Wagnerian


    achieve—; cast off—; detract from—; develop—; discard—; dispose of—; enhance —; grope for—; halo in—; inject—; impair—; impart—; invest with—; lend—; maintain—; outrage—; preserve—; retain —; rob of—; shed—; shrug aside—; stress —; surpass—; sustain—; treat with—; vindicate—; win—

    (See eminence, honor, distinction.)

    Digress (v) adverbs

    irrelevantly; deviously; slightly; politically; fascinatingly; descriptively; boringly; dryly; interminably; illogically

    (See wander, deviate.)

    Digression adjectives

    pleasing; slight; bitter; political; fascinating; irrelevant; unintegrated; wise; agreeable; descriptive; periodic (pl)

    Digressive adverbs

    vexatiously; endlessly; wordily; verbosely; diffusely; copiously; circuitously; disagreeably; provokingly; tiresomely; unintelligibly; pedantically; vaguely; stupidly; dully; ramblingly; indirectly; interminably

    Dilapidated adverbs

    terribly; wretchedly; miserably; sorely; pathetically; dreadfully; ruinously; hideously; outrageously; fantastically; shabbily; shockingly; inconceivably; greatly; inexpressibly; worthlessly

    Dilapidation adjectives

    general; wholesale; pathetic; ragged; tumble-down; remnantal

    Dilate (v) adverbs

    endlessly; visibly; abnormally; intolerably; unprecedentedly; continuously; unreasonably

    (See swell.)

    Dilatory adverbs

    injuriously; uselessly; needlessly; vexatiously; irritatingly; senselessly; unaccountably; obstinately; stubbornly; dangerously; exas-peratingly; unconscionably; characteristically; habitually; gravely; terribly; impertinently; indolently; stupidly; languidly; listlessly; inertly; slothfully; drowsily; dreamily; inexcusably; unpleasantly; gal-lingly

    Dilemma adjectives

    economic; awkward; annoying; ancient; veritable; insoluble; cruel; moral; pitiful; agonizing; dire; frightful; doubtful; sentimental; unpleasant; terrible; desperate; inescapable; hopeless


    balk at—; drift into—; elude—; escape from—; extricate from—; face—; founder on—; grasp—; rescue from—; seize—; solve—; take—by the horns; —baffles; — confronts

    (See choice, predicament.)

    Diligence adjectives

    characteristic; sullen; unwearied; savage; conscientious; guilty; true; extraordinary; exceeding; utmost; duteous; .scrupulous; tenderest; dire; indefatigable; persevering; dusty; yellow; unsparing; tireless; unwonted


    admire—; apply—; dispatch with—; display—; exercise—; exert—; note—; nourish —; repay—; report—; require—; reward —; rule with—; show—; summon—; —accomplishes; —persists; —pleases

    (See industry, care, application.)

    Diligent adverbs

    extraordinarily; carefully; innately; studiously; assiduously; industriously; busily; constantly; doggedly; faithfully; loyally; indefatigably; conscientiously; exceedingly; duteously; scrupulously; tirelessly; habitually; trustworthily; energetically; pleasantly; surprisingly; zealously; devotedly; officiously; briskly; ostentatiously; conspicuously; diplomatically; astutely; shrewdly

    Dim adverbs

    mysteriously; obscurely; strangely; curiously; oddly; nebulously; dully; faintly; cloudily; confusingly; perplexingly; disturbingly; wretchedly; miserably; pallidly; imperceptibly; unaccountably; plaguedly; infernally; dreadfully

    Dim (v) adverbs

    perceptibly; scarcely; mystically; prematurely; dramatically; awesomely; effectively; abruptly; perceptibly

    (See darken, obscure.)

    Dimension adjectives

    important; narrow; reduced; dominating; prodigious; mere; colossal; ideal; mathematical; basic; toylike; supernatural; hugest; portentous; relative; corporal; gigantic; stupendous; miniature; scanty; horizontal; volcanic; enormous; manageable; palatial; moderate; ambitious; noble; desired; imperial; spacious; confined; incompatible


    compute—; describe—; discover—; draw—; expand—; explore—; find—; furnish—; measure—; mistake—; reach—; reduce—; require—; speculate on—; supply—; take —; —bounds; —confuses; —exceeds; —represents; —shrinks

    (See magnitude, size, extent.)

    Diminish (v


    perceptibly; partially; proportionally; steadily; materially; insignificantly; sensibly; seriously; vastly; appreciably; intolerably; sensibly; continuously

    (See reduce, lessen.)

    Diminution adjectives

    appreciable; sensible; continuous; perceptible; subtle; covert; gradual

    Dimness adjectives

    mystic; lovely; gracious; unreal; chequered; shadowy; dreamlike; holy; religious; premature; vast; lonely; cobwebby; misty

    Dimple adjectives

    reluctant; fugitive; elusive; tantalizing; fleeting; impertinent; wanton; roguish; neighboring


    bait with—; break into—; depress into—: expose—; flash—; form—; hollow into—; laugh—; mark with—; part in—; practise —; repay in—; reveal—; smile—; —captivates; —dances; —delights; —lures; — smiles; —twinkles

    Din adjectives

    terrible; infernal; sudden; outrageous; jocund; clanging; alarming; competing; wheezing.;, awful; chaotic; terrific; rude; discordant; horrible; chattering; general; ominous; exclamatory; ear-splitting; merry; lively; plaintive; deafening; ever-waxing; furious; vexatious; wild; humming; resounding; reverberating; echoing; shattering; intermittent; frightful


    diminish—; drown—; endure—; muffle—; penetrate—; raise—; silence—; tremble at —; —awakens; —blasts; —breaks; —dies away; —ensues; —fades; —hisses; —reverberates; —roars; —streams forth; —waxes louder

    (See noise, clamor, uproar, rattle.)

    Dine (v) adverbs

    prodigally; sumptuously; ostentatiously; regally; piggishly; opulently; delectably; luxuriously; gaily; talkatively; impressively; miserably; simply; abundantly; belatedly; modestly; ceremoniously;, diplomatically; formally

    Diner adjectives

    agitated; gay; talkative; Epicurean; gluttonous


    cook for—; entertain—; greet—; satiate—; suit—; welcome—; —indulges; —overeats

    —relishes; —samples; —stuffs; —tastes; —tips

    Dingy adverbs

    bleakly; terribly; obscurely; gloomily; faintly; disagreeably; repulsively; hatefully; disgustingly; unpleasantly; monotonously; incredibly; pitiably; surprisingly; unexpectedly; discouragingly; hopelessly; inexcusably; dishearteningly; depressingly

    Dining-Room adjectives

    oak-paneled; charming; huge; typical; sweltering; cheerless; tapestried; dim; quiet; empty; resplendent

    Dinner adjectives

    impressive; princely; charming; old-fashioned; pleasant; elaborate; sumptuous; delicious; gala; respectable; cheerful; good; decent; tolerable; stupid; miserable; oppressive; masculine; state; simple; abundant; belated; expensive; modest; incredible; endless; savory; magnificent; wretched; melancholy; solitary; periodical; ceremonious; diplomatic; woman-cooked; desolate; doubtful; formal; midnight


    accompany at—; address at—; attend—; dance at—; dispatch—; drop in for—; enliven—; hobnob at—; invite to—; prepare—; relish—; revel at—; ring for—; sample—; savor—; serve—; spread for—; tear at—; —cools; —nourishes; —satisfies; —steams

    (See meal.)

    Dip adjectives

    invigorating; exhilarating; morning; tallow; convulsive; curious

    Dip (v) adverbs

    heavily; abnormally; invigoratingly; exhilaratingly; convulsively; curiously; continuously

    (See lower.)

    Diphtheria adjectives

    malignant; mild; tentative; membranous; controlled; dread


    afflict with—; carry—; contract—; describe —; diagnose as—; doctor for—; immunize to—; infect with—; inoculate against—; isolate—; quarantine for—; recognize—; seize with—; succumb to—; suffer from—; treat for—; —attacks; —inflames; —rages; —ravages; —takes its toll

    (See disease.)

    Diplomacy adjectives

    tortuous; wasted; secret; minute; private; unskilled; shrewd; consummate; formal; proper; misty; tricky


    acquire—; adjust with—; adopt—; boast —; conduct with—; control by—; cultivate —; destroy—; detect—; dole out—; employ—; encourage—; exert—; favor—; fit for—; found in—; gain by—infiltrate—; instruct in—; introduce—; manage with—; necessitate—; negotiate—; propose—; school in—; suggest—; —achieves; —attains; —conceals; —reconciles; —smooths out; — wins

    (See tact, shrewdness, craft.)

    Diplomat adjectives

    clever; astute; seasoned; distinguished; veteran; wary; consummate; Oriental; skillful; traditional; old-style; career; formal; suave; scholarly; incredulous; eminent; deft; accomplished; practiced


    appoint—; employ—; entrust to—; introduce—; invest—with; privilege—; prove —; receive—; select—; —arranges; — conciliates; —conducts; —humors; — “joshes”; —manages; —proposes; — smooths ; —suggests; —tricks

    (See ambassador.)

    Diplomatic adverbs

    subtly; cunningly; shrewdly; artfully; gravely; wisely; craftily; smoothly; suavely; cleverly; astutely; instinctively; habitually; skilfully; formally; deftly; adroitly; tactfully; profoundly; courteously; cannily; discerningly; nimbly; sagaciously; sagely; blandly; wisely; affably; calculatingly; strategically

    Diplomatist adjectives

    career; cunning; unscrupulous; acute; supple; wary; tenacious; dexterous; decorated

    Direct adverbs

    delightfully; pleasantly; helpfully; comfortingly; charmingly; gratifyingly; satisfactorily; pleasingly; ingenuously; frankly; candidly; honestly; courageously; boldly; unequivocally; agreeably; surprisingly; conveniently; childishly; bluntly; sincerely; unaffectedly; unflatteringly; crudely; curiously; strangely

    Direct (v) adverbs

    vaguely; intelligently; generally; competently; practically; brilliantly; magnificently; disastrously; dangerously; legislatively; habitually; relentlessly; ultimately; academically; arbitrarily; ignobly; intellectually; intricately; eccentrically; hurriedly; curtly; calmly; frivolously; vigorously; automatically; vainly; verbally; uniformly; perseveringly; astutely; dramatically; independently; victoriously

    (See control, guide.)

    Direction adjectives

    unlooked-for; vague; intelligent; competent; general; steady; practical; brilliant; magnificent; indicated; careful; unified; cohesive; disastrous; dangerous; legislative; opposite; forbidden; habitual; desirable; inhibited; oblique; relentless; distinguished; succinct; ultimate; academic; retrograde; homeward; arbitrary; ignoble; businesslike; complicated; intellectual; intricate; low-toned; eccentric; crisp; voluble; concise; hurried; curt; calm; explicit (pl); contradictory; transversal; dazzling; frivolous; minute


    comply with—; determine—; divert from —; drift in—; err in—; face in—of; gaze in—; give—to; heed—; incline—; lack—; observe—s; respond to—; reverse—; tend in—of; train in—; transmit—s; turn in—; —swerves; —wavers

    (Sec instruction, course, position.

    Directness adjectives

    commendable; uncanny; bull-headed; downright; pleasing; brisk; characteristic; engaging; arrowlike; uncompromising; simple; unstudied; brutal; revealing; clipped; unabashed; manly; military; impulsive; naive; brusque

    Director adjectives

    capable; painstaking; regional; financial; shadowy; honorable

    Dirge adjcct'ves

    mournful; wailing; beautiful; prophetic; wrathful; death; funeral; undifferentiated; wei rd


    chant—; compose—; intone—; introduce—; moan—; occasion—; perform—; renew—; sing—; soothe with—; sound—; utter—; wail—; —commemorates; —laments; — mourns; —saddens

    (See song, poem, musi':.)

    Dirt adjectives

    stubborn; encrusted; soft; excess; sweaty; grayish; imbedded; accumulated; unspeakable


    acquaint with—; breed in—; cast out—; defile with—; fleck with—; fling to—; frolic in—; grind into—; ingrain with—; originate from—; plant in—; pluck from—; pollute with—; scrape away—; search in—; throw—; tread in—; wade in—; wallow in—; wash away—; —accumulates; —adheres; —befouls; —clings; —soils

    (See earth, soil, filth, squalor.)

    Disability adjectives

    total; grim; physical; permanent; financial; partial; inescapable


    attend with—; bring on—; complain of—; cope with—; create—; cripple by—; emancipate from—; gloat over—; increase—; labor under—; lessen—; remove—; stress —; —paralyzes; —prevents; —restricts; —tortures

    (See inability, incompetence, impotence, •weakness.)

    Disable (v) adverbs

    totally; physically; permanently; financially; partially; inescapably; tragically; woefully; completely; entirely

    (See handicap.)

    Disabled adverbs

    tragically; oddly; sadly; utterly; strangely; dangerously; grimly; totally; partially; physically; mentally; irremediably; irrecoverably; lamentably; pitiably; deplorably; pitifully; unnecessarily; helplessly; hopelessly ; recently

    Disadvantage adjectives

    distinct; physical; immense; tactical; serious; obvious; ungenerous; initial; economic; particular; individual; undue; painful; tremendous


    balance—; conceal—; confront with—; deprecate—; endure—; fight at—; hurdle—; labor under—; place at—; overcome—; regret—; sell at—; surmount—; tug at—; uproot—; weight with—; —hinders; — injures; —obstructs

    (See injury, loss, inconvenience, detriment, drawback, hindrance.)

    Disadvantageous adverbs

    financially; socially; decidedly; distinctly; physically; immensely; strategically; seriously; obviously; manifestly; unfortunately; economically; particularly; unduly; painfully; tremendously; perniciously; disastrously; horribly; exceptionally; infernally; irremediably

    Disagree (v) adverbs

    spiritedly; violently; emphatically; excessively; unwittingly; vehemently; internally; utterly; bitterly; acridly; reasonably; emotionally; rationally; spitefully; venomously. (See differ, contradict.

    Disagreeable adverbs

    pathetically; utterly; atrociously; outrageously; obviously; senselessly; unreasonably; unnecessarily; horribly; disgustingly; bitterly; deliberately; unintentionally; habitually; gravely; rankly; indecently; disrespectfully; odiously; painfully; unfortunately; unbearably; plaguedly; obnoxiously; dismally; shockingly; harshly; cruelly

    Disagreement adjectives

    vehement; internal; utter; bitter; acrid


    abandon—; attribute—to; avoid—; cancel —; cause—; engross in—; evade—; expose to—; feign—; indulge in—; live in—; overcome—; pacify—; remove—; settle—; — disgusts; —displeases; —offends; —vexes

    (See difference, contention, quarrel, dispute.)

    Disappear (v) adverbs

    mysteriously; unaccountably; abruptly; miraculously; evanescently; unquestionably; gradually; totally; effectually; unexpectedly; irretrievably; virtually

    (See vanish, recede.)

    Disappearance adjectives

    unexpected; unexplained^; irretrievable; inexplicable; sudden; gradual; virtual


    achieve—; credit—to; discover—; effect—; fear—; feign—; investigate—; solve—; witness—; —astounds; —baffles; —mystifies

    (See escape.)

    Disappoint (v) adverbs

    acutely; obviously; grievously; wretchedly; woefully; bitterly; continually; visibly; childishly; distinctly; overwhelmingly; inevitably; vaguely; deeply; poignantly; remorsefully; horridly; mutually; perpetually; cruelly; repeatedly

    (See frustrate, baffle.)

    Disappointed adverbs

    sadly; hopelessly; bitterly; heartbreakingly; irrecoverably; obscurely; grievously; distinctly; overwhelmingly; obviously; manifestly; inexpressibly; vaguely; definitely; deeply; poignantly; horribly; woefully; repeatedly; disconcertingly; tragically; bleakly; senselessly; foolishly; pitiably; terribly; inconsolably; forlornly; miserably; wrtechedly; cruelly

    Disappointing adverbs

    cruelly; bitterly; harshly; sharply; overwhelmingly; unbearably; sadly; grievously; distinctly; inexpressibly; vaguely; woefully; searingly; pitiably; wretchedly; terribly; tragically; fearfully; definitely; deeply

    Disappointment adjectives

    minor; obscure; scathing; bitter; grievous; distinct; overwhelming: obvious; hurt; expressive; inevitable; resultant; burning; vague; outward; unhappy; deep; poignant; remorseful; unrepressed; horrid; woeful; classic; mutual; perpetual; cruel; melancholy; repeated; callous; demoniac


    adjust—; conceal—; deserve—; dole out—; entail—; feign—; oppress with—; preclude —; pretend—; produce—; shoulder—; sob —; soothe—; suppress—; taste—; —dampens; —ensues; —irks; —rankles; —saddens; —teaches; —wounds

    (See frustration, dissatisfaction, chagrin, misfortune, defeat.)

    Disapprobation adjectives

    express; strong; bitter; haughty; hesitant; ready; spontaneous

    Disapproval adjectives

    envious; ponderous; unmistakable; cold; emphatic; mounting; marked; absent-minded; prim; shocked; icy; unanimous; stern; distinct; tragic; wordless; consistent; harsh; lofty; undisguised; united; violent; ungracious; frigid


    anticipare—; earn—; indicate—; mask—; prompt—; quench with—; register—; relax —; signify—; snort—; storm—; vent—; —abates; —dampens; —descends; —oppresses; —silences; —vexes

    (See condemnation, censure.)

    Disapprove (v) adverbs

    distinctly; heartily; obviously; strongly; unmistakably; coldly; emphatically; primly; icily; unanimously; consistently; sternly; wordlessly; harshly; violently; ungraciously; frigidly

    (See criticize, grumble.)

    Disarmament adjectives

    effective; universal; unilateral; worldwide; wide-spread


    affect—; agree to—; approve of—; confer on—; demand—; disagree upon—; introduce—; join in—; propose—; secure—; urge—; —deprives; —divests; —promises; —reduces; —secures; —strips; —terrifies


    Disaster adjectives

    black; dreadful; messy; hideous; terrible; unmitigated; unbearable; cataclysmic; overwhelming; serious; stupendous; titanic; ultimate; irreparable; irretrievable; marital; economic; melodramatic; planetary; cosmic; social; family; metaphysical; political; commercial; matrimonial; personal; unforeseen; unaccountable; unprecedented; indefinable; dim; imaginary; merited; dire;' instant; sheer; sad; fresh; grievous; increasing; appalling; sweet; financial; subsequent; irremediable; awful; ominous; ignominious; illimitable; apparent; widespread; impending; unmerciful


    circumvent—; court—; force into—; foredoom to—; head for—; investigate—; invite—; meet with—; obviate—; presage—; prophesy—; provoke—; rush into—; salvage from—; shield from—; sow the seeds of—; spell—; suffer—; threaten—; —befalls; —dogs; —impends; —jars; —overtakes; —overwhelms; —sweeps

    (See calamity, catastrophe, mishap, misfortune, accident.)

    Disastrous adverbs

    overwhelmingly; wholly; irremediably; inexpressibly; horribly; politically; strategically; ruinously; dreadfully; hideously; cataclysmically; seriously; stupendously; ultimately; irreparably; economically; socially; unaccountably; direly; appallingly; financially; apparently; unmercifully; exceptionally; shockingly

    Disavow (v) adverbs

    explicitly; deservedly; modestly; completely; distinctly; partially; honestly; earnestly; heatedly; excitedly; repeatedly

    (See disclaim.)

    Disavowal adjectives

    distinct; modest; complete; craven; rash; deliberate

    Disbelief adjectives

    scornful; cynical; heartsick; raucous; stuttering; total


    acquire—; adjust—; alter—; assert—; attack—; conceal—; drift into—; express—; form—; hint—; mantle—; pretend—; strip of—; —angers; —annoys; —persists; — refuses; —vexes; —rejects

    (See doubt, distrust, incredulity, skepticism.)

    Disc (See disk) adjectives

    flat; brilliant; polished; keen; turned; crude

    Discard (v) adverbs

    ruthlessly; consequently; permanently; gradually; partially; entirely; carelessly; uncar-ingly; selfishly; obliviously; cruelly

    (See throw, reject.)

    Discern (v) adverbs

    dimly; faintly; clearly; scornfully; acutely; truthfully; shrewdly; enlightenedly; keenly; jealously; raptly; suspiciously

    (See distinguish, see.)

    Discernible adverbs

    easily; scarcely; quickly; obscurely; dimly; clearly; plainly; eventually; humanly; amazingly; startlingly; fatally; distinctly; intuitively; dangerously; definitely; positively; momentarily; hardly

    Discerning adverbs

    notoriously; profoundly; deeply; sagaciously; judicially; philosophically; expertly; adroitly; cleverly; keenly; astutely; shrewdly; solidly; quickly; brilliantly; acutely; intelligently; ingeniously; discriminatingly; wisely

    Discernment adjectives

    shrewd; human; enlightened; acute; rapt; keen; jealous

    Discharge adjectives

    watchful; judicious; successful; assiduous; instant; thunderous; conscientious; ignominious; offensive; immediate; luminous; electrical; profuse; vigilant; faithful; occasional; copious


    absorb—; arrest—; check—emit—; mop out—; purify—; stop—; suck out—; — burns; —drips; —gushes; —inflames; — irritates; —itches; —renews; —varies; — wanes

    (See firing, blast.)

    Discharge (v) adverbs

    instantaneously; intelligently; conscientiously; ingeniously; adequately; capably; briskly; faithfully; fully; punctually; judiciously; watchfully; assiduously; ignominiously; offensively; vigilantly

    (See remove, stop.)

    Disciple adjectives

    ardent; doubting; youthful; ignorant; inquiring; leading; prolific; uncritical; blunt; renowned; wholehearted; faithful; fervent; humble; patient; temporary; tractable; immediate; civil; primitive; hopeful; trusted


    accept-—; address—; baptize—; cast out—; choose—; command—; distinguish—; instruct—; lead—; rebuke—; teach—; win—; —advances; —apprehends; —believes; — deserts; —establishes; —expounds; —fasts; —follows; —forsakes; —ministers; —prays; —propagates; —records; —understands

    (See convert, follower.)


    harsh; ferocious; stern; incompetent; ineffectual ; strong-minded

    Discipline adjectives

    mental; hard; strict; unsympathizing; monastic; religious; stern; patient; 'firm; virtuous; gentle; effective; military; grim; iron; inflexible; rigorous; compulsory; irksome; inexorable; cellular; unfeeling; imaginative; infracted; systematic; painful; affectionate; heroic; moral; speculative; conventual; unrelenting; secret; peculiar; spasmodic; needful; unflagging; questioned; sound; absolute; perfect; modern; prudent; monastic; iron


    abate—; chafe undei—; dread—; enforce —; fuse with—; impose—; maintain—; neglect—; preserve—; relax—; subject to —; wreck—; —deteriorates; —exacts; — falters; —loosens; —wavers; —weakens

    (See training, subjection, punishment, correction.)

    Discipline (v) adverbs

    conscientiously; admirably; ardently; faithfully; patiently; strictly; morally; physically; rigorously; daily; harshly; severely; mentally; unsympathizingly; monastically; religiously; virtuously; gently; effectively; grimly; inflexibly; irksomely; inexorably; unfeelingly; conventionally; unflaggingly; soundly; prudently

    (See train, correct, punish.)

    Disclaim (v) adverbs

    privately; modestly; excitedly; vehemently; repeatedly; violently; noisily; vigorously; grumblingly; eloquently; fluently; loudly; definitely; weakly; spiritedly; competently; aggressively; promptly; compellingly

    (See deny, renounce.)

    Disclose (v) adverbs

    immodestly; irreverently; recently; immediately; fully; shamelessly; modestly; staggeringly; gradually; startlingly; sensationally; diplomatically; dramatically; formally; monstrously; unflattcringly; ruthlessly. (See reveal, expose.

    Disclosure adjectives

    important; staggering; startling; gradual; cumulating; sensational; diplomatic; dramatic; undeniable; flattering; wide; formal



    anticipate—; guard against—; prepare for

    —; prevent—; publish—; view—; —accuses; —liberates; —menaces; —precipitates; —reveals; —shocks; —threatens; —unfolds; —yields; —shames

    (See revelation, exhibition, display, discovery.)

    Discoloration adjectives

    repulsive; mottled; superficial; unsightly; dark; obtrusive

    Discomfit (v) adverbs

    completely; embarrassingly; humiliatingly; momentarily; comically; immediately; spitefully; playfully; calculatedly

    (See humiliate, defeat.)

    Discomfiture adjectives

    momentary; comical; old-fashioned; humiliating; nettled; barbed

    Discomfort adjectives

    conscious; visible; emotional; acute; general; agitated; human; prudent; personal; slight; apparent; uncommon; steaming; petty; postprandial; myriad (pl); picturesque; indefinite; sordid; eerie; social; mental; heavy; unendurable; heated; hospitable


    allay—; alleviate—; chafe in—; chuckle at—; endure—; inflict—; remove—; return with—; share—; suffer—; —disheartens; —dismays; —forces; —grows; —leads; —pains

    (See uneasiness, distress, pain.)

    Disconcerted adverbs

    embarrassingly; awkwardly; deeply; profoundly; visibly; obviously; painfully; amazingly; terribly; significantly; palpably; vaguely; momentarily; considerably; violently; unmistakably; inexplicably; inadvertently; hopelessly; desperately; irreparably; vexatiously; grievously; glumly; strangely; slightly; mysteriously; oddly

    Disconsolate adverbs

    visibly; apparently; sadly; heavily; pathetically; pitiably; unreasonably; irrationally; appallingly; drearily; grimly; sullenly; resentfully; oddly; ostentatiously; gloomily; biliously; pitifully; profoundly; hopelessly; wearily; desperately; unbearably; unutterably; bitterly; touchingly; genuinely; pensively; mopishly; moodily; dully

    Discontent adjectives

    heavy; economic; real; inevitable; chronic; moderate; prevalent; dreadful; weary; divine; habitual; sullen; desperate; patent; renewed; thoughtful; querulous; perpetual; brawling; thralled; epidemic; popular; vain; moody; gloomy; unruly; smoldering; muttered; latent; futile; growing; impious; sublime; audible; ancient; widespread; aggravating


    articulate—; awake—; calm—; curse in—; excite—; foment—; murmur—; mutter—; revolt in—; rumble—; seethe with—; sow —; spread—; —afflicts; —flames; —flares; —gathers; —impairs; —sours

    (See dissatisfaction, uneasiness.)

    Discontinue (v) adverbs

    peremptorily; permanently; temporarily; abruptly; gradually; suddenly; surprisingly; spectacularly

    (See cease, stop.)

    Discord adjectives

    exquisite; gay; jarring; hidden; ludicrous; mournful; factional; international; jangling; grating; quavering; unmusical; melodious; bitter; unappeasable; striking; distressing; intestinal; inevitable; civic; fluctuant; causeless; lingering; fearful; multitoned


    accept—; breed—; clash in—; conquer— correct—; fall to—; ferment—; foment— hush—; intensify—; master—; overcome— produce—; silence—; sow—; subject to

    suffer—; swallow up in—; terminate in—; wipe out—; yield to—; —confounds; — destroys; —follows; —jars; —reigns; — strains

    (See dissension, disagreement, contention, strife, antagonism.)

    Discordance adjectives

    bewildering; complicated; noisy; deafening; incipient; harsh; covert

    Discordant adverbs

    bewilderingly; surprisingly; unexpectedly; unendurably; roughly; harshly; disagreeably; impossibly; intolerably; ludicrously; bitterly; ridiculously; oddly; strangely; exceptionally; shockingly; queerly; strikingly; distressingly; inevitably; racially; essentially; fundamentally; ideologically; unreasonably; distinctly; incongruously; incompatibly; terribly; irreconcilably

    Discourage (v) adverbs

    sepulchrally; entirely; distinctly; churlishly; wisely; heartbreakingly; pathetically; habitually; profoundly; deeply; unreasonably; ruthlessly; permanently

    (See depress, dishearten.)

    Disco URA GEMENT adjectives

    combined; heartbreaking; pathetic; habitual; profound; countless (pl)


    conceal—; mask—; pretend—; produce—; register—; succumb to—; turn in—; yield to—; —abates; —chills; —dampens; — ensues; —hinders; —obstructs; —oppresses; —suppresses; —depresses

    (See despair, depression, dejection, obstacle.)

    Discourse adjectives

    admirable; amiable; gay; pleasant; amusing; instructive; didactic; short; humorous; ingenuous; stirring; amazing; connected; rambling; flagging; rhymed; romantic; eloquent; serious; excellent; pointed; identical; separate; vehement; fallible; intended; doctrinal; harmonic; correct; sweet; voluble; sharp; remarkable; fair; bold; moral; witty; common; erratic; profound; unsympathizing; venial


    admit in—; change—; comprehend—; control—; delight in—; deliver—; devour—; draw out—; enter into—; fill w’ith—; interchange—; invite—; leave off—; open—; peruse—; publish—; render—; spice—-; venture on—; waste—; —differs; —enchants; —ensues; —matures

    (See address, speech, dissertation, oration, conversation.)

    Discourse (v) adverbs

    pleasantly; accurately; prophetically; eloquently; abstrusely; incredibly; delightfully; confusingly; impressively; admirably; amiably; gaily; authoritatively; amusingly; instructively; didactically; ingenuously; humorously; stirringly; romantically; ramb-lingly; volubly; morally; unsympathetically. (See speak, converse, lecture.

    Discourteous adverbs

    churlishly; sullenly; bluntly; snarlingly; angrily; deliberately; offensively; truculently; hotly; ignorantly; intentionally; unwittingly; brutally; harshly; captiously; sulkily; pertly; saucily; repulsively; venomously; perversely; contemptibly; purposely; impudently; shamefully; crudely; roughly; impertinently; disgracefully; inherently; grossly; tactlessly; morosely; arrogantly; boldly; insolently; trenchantly; maliciously; contemptuously

    Discourtesy adjectives

    seeming; gross; prevalent; personal; rough; contemptuous

    Discover (v) adverbs

    finally; subsequently; readily; traitorously; astoundingly; amazingly; spectacularly; startlingly; thrillingly; remarkably; stupendously; trivially; miraculously; scientifically; painfully; revolutionizingly; astonishingly; momentously

    (See disclose, ascertain.)

    Discovery adjectives

    cheery; delightful; heartening; pleasant; beautiful; astounding; amazing; startling; spectacular; interesting; thrilling; far-reaching; marvelous; remarkable; important; stupendous; paleontological; radical; grievous; awkward; trivial; disconnected; public; godlike; decorative: miraculous; scientific; striking; painful; epoch-making; bold; notable; pristine; archaeological; grand; useful; initiatory; pictorial; revolutionary; glorious; mineral; laboratory; outward; astonishing; momentous; fatal; salutary; uncomfortable


    announce—; anticipate—; bring forth—; communicate—; conjure up—; corroborate —; culminate in—; discredit—; examine —; finance—; follow up—; hail—; honor —; lead to—; obtain—; pursue—; report —; stumble on—; verify—; —benefits; — discloses; —reflects; —sheds light on; — underlies

    (See detection, disclosure, revelation, exposure.)

    Discreditable adverbs

    hideously; secretly; subtly; palpably; manifestly; evidently; sadly; terribly; calamitously; foully; abjectly; basely; shamefully; disgracefully; notoriously; scandalously; opprobriously; outrageously; shockingly; appallingly; pitifully

    Discreet adverbs

    astutely; reasonably; habitually; safely; loyally; admirably; cautiously; warily; wisely; sagaciously; carefully; tremendously; invariably; rarely; absolutely; dependably; naturally; thoughtfully; considerately; oddly; superbly; shrewdly; craftily; marvelously; unerringly; consummately; prudently; vigilantly; cannily; scrupulously; sharply

    Discretion adjectives

    over-wide; limited; safe; heroic; admirable; tremendous; official; sufficient; arbitrary; peaceable; victorious; unshaken; expert; invariable; rare; absolute; wiser; unrestrained; undefined


    act with—; answer with—; defer in—; doubt—; employ—; exercise—; guide with —; lack—; leave to—; necessitate—; practise—; preserve with—; school in—; yield to—; —befits; —distinguishes; —separates

    (See prudence, wisdom, judgment. )

    Discriminate (v) adverbs

    sharply; nicely; emotionally; mentally; infallibly; racially; carefully; rationally; fastidiously; intelligently; scrupulously; aesthetically; artistically; .dramatically; unjustly; sagaciously

    (See distinguish, contrast.)

    Discriminating adverbs

    keenly; carefully; cautiously; expertly; unusually; oddly; shrewdly; nicely; fastidiously; scrupulously; naturally; infallibly; habitually; critically; duly; wisely; sagaciously; impeccably; deeply; sharply; cleverly; thoughtfully; prudently; meticulously; delicately

    Discrimination adjectives

    nice; emotional; mental; infallible; racial; preconceived; careful; rational; fastidious; intelligent; scrupulous; due; innate; geographical; open; aesthetic; ineffable; unfair; impeccable; artistic; dramatic; unjust; laborious; sensory; sagacious; rare


    apply—; approve—; attempt—; avoid—; credit—; develop—; employ—; exercise—; imply—; lack—; note—; nourish—; pretend—; tolerate—; touch with—; —bites; —earns; —rewards; —separates; —succeeds; —vexes

    (See difference, distinction.)

    Discursive adverbs

    tediously; garrulously; ramblingly; fascinatingly; interestingly; tiresomely; vexa-tiously; provokingly; illogically; irrelevantly; disputatiously; prosily; maunderingly; verbosely; digressively; effusively; frothily; palaveringly; chattily; tattlingly; senselessly; loquaciously; pratingly; preachily

    Discuss (v) adverbs

    animatedly; calmly; intellectually; glibly; heatedly; unreservedly; widely; exhaustively; seriously; despondently; enigmatically; gravely; academically; audibly; robustly; noisily; eagerly; languidly; critically; lucidly; penetratingly; brilliantly; masterfully; amiably; passionately; argumentatively; violently; vitriolically; challenglng-ly; acutely; ethically; fruitfully; colorfully; extensively; elegantly; frankly; inconclusively; philosophically; protractedly; trivially; pertinently; acridly; reasonably; sympathetically; satisfyingly

    (See argue, debate.)

    Discussion adjectives

    lucid; penetrating; brilliant; popular; masterful; amiable; lively; doubtful; friendly; agr.eeable; noisy; heated; passionate; animated; spirited; brisk; keen; argumentative; violent; vitriolic; challenging; enthusiastic; acute; radical; voluble; calm; dignified; intelligent; serious; thoughtful; embittered; acrimonious; academic; nationwide; unofficial; earnest; curtailed; spicy; lusty; ethical; fruitful; cultural; colorful; intensive; critical; concise; detailed; prearranged; extensive; fiery; unexpected; current; everlasting; elegant; miserable; frank; preliminary; fair; complicated; inconclusive; philosophic; protracted; intolerable; scientific; squalid; productive; unprofitable; perpetual; trivial; free; speculative; excited; political; domestic; salu-tory; group; metaphysical; stormy; pertinent; theological; wearisome; idle; grave; acrid


    advocate—; avoid—; balk at—of; block—; break into—; center—upon; characterize —; cut short—; deserve—; dominate—; drag into—; enter—; evoke—; exclude from—; influence—; launch into—; merit—; open—; plunge into—; promote—'; provoke —; refrain from—; sidetrack—; —enlightens; —informs; —follows; —opens up; —takes place

    (See debate, argument.)

    Disdain adjectives

    condescending; supercilious; pardonable; chill; withering; pathetic; haughty; high-toned; quick; icy; cynical; aggressive: bitter; well-bred; invincible; lofty; aristocratic; ineffable; proud; profound; incredulous; unutterable; constructive; uncharitable; scornful; vile; utmost; listless; cold; monotonous; immovable; unquenchable; contemptuous


    call in—; conceive—; confer—upon; convert to—; cool—; deserve—; disregard—; entertain—for; jeer in—; regard with—; reject with—; reply in—; reproach with—; retire in—; scan with—; sting with—; suffer —; taunt in—; treat with—; turn up one’s nose in—; upbraid with—; view with—; wrinkle one’s nose in—; —displeases; — embitters; —grows; —infuriates; —melts; —offends; —pierces; —swells; —vexes

    (See contempt, scorn, arrogance.)

    Disdain (v) adverbs

    sneeringly; churlishly; superciliously; condescendingly; witheringly; icily; haughtily; cynically; bitterly; aristocratically; proudly; uncharitably; scornfully; coldly; contemptuously

    (See shame, scorn.)

    Disdainful adverbs

    arrogantly; foolishly; senselessly; fantastically; scornfully; youthfully; superciliously; pathetically; absurdly; ridiculously; ludicrously; laughably; haughtily; icily; loftily; aristocratically; proudly; profoundly; unutterably; uncharitably; humiliatingly; nonchalantly; coolly; bumptiously; bluster-ingly; brazenly; imperiously; insolently; flippantly; boldly

    Disease adjectives

    mental; malignant; lurking; prevalent; hideous; pestilential; casual; vague; infectious; incurable; mystifying; loathsome; obscure; virulent; contagious; incipient; insidious; organic; curious; communicable; subtle; fatal; childish; indigenous; inherent; devastating; corrupting; frightful; tropical; inexorable; dread; devilish; pulmonary; inveterate; epidemic; tumorous; lingering; unconquerable; chronic; bewildering; horrible; secondary; intercurrent; febrile; fungus; advanced; inflammatory; foul; sporadic; moral; constitutional; wasting; unique; well-feigned; long-extinct; progressive; unripe; nutritional; resultant; purulent


    accelerate—; afflict with—; aggravate—; alleviate—; arrest—; attribute—to; awaken —; battle—; beget—; bow down with—; breed—; carry—; characterize—; check—; combat—; communicate—; complicate—; contract—; control—; convey—; deal with —; detect—; diagnose—; disseminate—; efface—; eliminate—; engender—; eradicate —; exempt from—; expose to—; exterminate— J forestall—; fortify against—; foster —; harden to—; heal—; immunize against —; implant—; import—; induce—; infest with—; inherit—; intensify—; introduce—; isolate—; languish with—; master—; overcome—; predispose to—; recognize—; recover from—; rekindle—; relieve—; resist —; smite with—; stamp out—; succumb to—; suffer from—; transmit—; usher in —; ward off—; wrestle with—; —advances; —breaks out; —consumes; —declines; —destroys; —emaciates; —fastens itself upon; —flourishes; —gains a foothold; —hangs on; —lingers; —lurks; —manifests itself; —menaces; —plagues; —prevails; —progresses; —rages; —ravages; —runs rampant; —spreads; —springs up; —stalks; —strikes; —subsides; —threatens

    (See ailment, disorder, malady, pestilence, plague, epidemic.)

    Diseased adverbs

    horribly; unfortunately; appallingly; pitiably; cankerously; pitifully; pathetically; awfully; disgustingly; alarmingly; dangerously; mentally; hideously; incurably; irremediably; irrecoverably; infectiously; virulently; insidiously; organically; curiously; fatally; inherently; congenitally; frightfully; chronically; morally

    Disfavor adjectives

    absolute; mingled; high; stern; increasing; lasting; bitter


    bring into—; deserve—; dispense—; draw —of; earn—; experience—; fall into—; familiarize with—; incur—; mar with—; pour—; pretend—; regard with—; roar—; shower—; spread—; taste—; —affects; — attends; —handicaps; —hinders

    (See disapproval, dislike.)

    Disfigured adverbs

    grotesquely; queerly; crookedly; horribly; strangely; fantastically; grossly; grimly; hopelessly; terribly; shamefully; tragically; slightly; odiously; repulsively; pitifully; pathetically; comically; bitterly; deliberately

    Disgrace adjectives

    hideous; concealed; unmitigable; bewailed; final; crying; sad; eternal; calamitous; nominal; intolerable; foul; invisible; pardonless; indelible; manifold; infinite; glorified; personal; continual; inescapable


    acknowledge—; augment—; betray—; bewail—; derive—; dishonor with—; dread —; experience—; fall into—; heap—upon; incur—; join in—; lay—upon; lie in—; reflect—; revenge—; rise from—; shrink from—; subject to—; suffer—; sustain—; —blemishes; —deprives; —mars; —shames; —undoes

    (See reproach, infamy, ignominy, disrepute, dishonor.)

    Disgrace (v) adverbs

    publicly; wrongfully; hideously; finally; eternally; calamitously; intolerably; infinitely; personally; wantonly; spitefully; intentionally; revengefully

    (See humiliate, shame.)

    Disgraced adverbs

    permanently; shamefully; terribly; odiously; horribly; sadly; calamitously; disastrously; eternally; momentarily; inexplicably; inescapably; palpably; personally; deeply; darkly; disreputably; notoriously; publicly; outrageously; pathetically; deservedly

    Disgraceful adverbs

    outrageously; wickedly; infamously; scandalously; brutally; flagrantly; atrociously; criminally; dissolutely; foully; hideously; unmitigably; intolerably; indelibly; unforgettably; grossly; shamelessly; patently; palpably; unmistakably; utterly; inexpressibly

    Disgruntled adverbs

    obscurely; bitterly; distinctly; obviously; visibly; openly; inevitably; vaguely; naturally; understandably; sorely; frankly; seriously; fiercely; silently; evidently; sullenly; quietly; wretchedly; miserably; fretfully; peevishly

    Disguise adjectives

    neutral; clever; absurd; thin; mystical; inanimate; terror-striking; strange; modest; filthy; effective; reverend; deceptive; extraordinary; impenetrable; customary; smiling; logical; credulous; troublesome; epaque; desperate


    assume—; attempt—; cloak with—; contrive—; counterfeit by—; deck in—; detect —; don—; invent—; lurk beneath—; penetrate—; pierce—; recognize—; see through —; strip off—; take refuge in—; throw off—; —alters; —conceals; —deceives; — disfigures; —masks; —misleads; —succeeds ; —transforms

    (See pretense, mask, cloak, dress, costume.)

    Disguise (v) adverbs

    perfectly; handsomely; cleverly; absurdly; thinly; mystically; strangely; effectively; deceptively; extraordinarily; slyly; logically; subtly

    (See mask, cloak.)

    Disguised adverbs

    cleverly; absurdly; thinly; strangely; modestly; effectively; deceptively; extraordinarily; impenetrably; mysteriously; exactly; ridiculously; cryptically; furtively; stealthily; darkly; inviolately; secretly; palpably; harmlessly; falsely; fraudulently; unfairly; maliciously; artfully; perfidiously; mischievously; skilfully; comically; trickily; successfully; completely

    Disgust adjectives

    implacable; sharp; vast; exasperated; angry; outraged; inherent; profound; creeping; shuddering; secret; icy; silent; honest; personal; evident; furious; intense; sheer; indignant; intolerable; weary; mingled; infinite; considerable; mutual; supreme: deep; sullen; philosophical; sickened; cruel; loathing; bewildered; excessive; previous; violent


    arouse—; assert—; attend with—; awake —; conquer—; control—; depict—; drown —; excite—; raise—; retreat in—; sicken in—; shun in—; shrug—; —'’tiers; —dissuades; —nauseates; —offends; —wounds

    (See aversion, abhorrence, repugnance, distaste.)

    Disgust (v) adverbs

    presumably; thoroughly; implacably; profoundly; secretly; personally; evidently; intensely; intolerably; considerably; mutually; supremely; cruelly; loathingly; excessively; violently

    (See revolt, offend.)

    Disgusted adverbs

    immeasurably; terribly; utterly; bitterly; painfully; intolerably; dreadfully; tremendously; exceedingly; morally; heartily; secretly; obviously; openly; sharply; profoundly; intensely; deeply; violently

    Dish adjectives

    humble; distinguished; glorious; different; tempting; delicious; time-honored; warmed-over; exotic; appetizing; delicate; fattening; sumptuous; velvet; lordly; rattling; tempting; priceless; savory; attractive; fascinating; toothsome; succulent; elaborate; unwholesome; economical; earthen; kingly; chafing; tasty; pewter; substantial; rich; sparkling; unornamental; fatal; fragile; glittering; nutritious; strange; clean; dirty; anomalous; conventional


    cover—; devour—; dip into—; eschew—; garnish—; hurl—; pile—; relish—; sauce —; scour—; serve—; smash—; sprinkle—; wipe—; —clatters; —nourishes; —rattles

    (See plate, platter, cup, food.)

    Dishearten (v} adverbs

    dismally; inwardly; decidedly; partially; purposely; unintentionally; completely; tragically; finally

    (See discourage, depress.)

    Disheartened adverbs

    profoundly; exceedingly; pathetically; deeply; remarkably; extremely; mysteriously; significantly; vaguely; completely; intensely; utterly; miserably; wretchedly; wearily; finally; increasingly; signally; inexplicably; unaccountably; strangely; oddly; queerly

    Disheveled adverbs

    carelessly; negligently; wildly; merrily; laughably; shamefully; thoughtlessly; terribly; exceedingly; blithely; indifferently; untidily; recklessly; lazily; rudely; heedlessly; lumpishly

    Dishonest adverbs

    instinctively; inherently; innately; naturally; characteristically; traditionally; slyly; racially; insidiously; invidiously; shrewdly; fiendishly; maliciously; astoundingly; trickily; surreptitiously; habitually; speciously; manifestly; essentially; abominably; detestably

    Dishonesty adjectives

    rank; mercantile; unself-conscious; childlike; acquired


    accuse of—; conceal—; convict of—; cover —; deny—; dispose to—; expose—; renounce—; reveal—; tempt to—; uncover —; —colors; —defiles; —disgraces; — scars; —shames; —stains; —violates; — wanes

    (See fraud, cheating.)

    Dishonor adjectives

    whispered; partial; foul; ultimate; deathless; base


    bear—; bring into—; clothe in—; defile with—; die in—; meet with—; plague by—; pronounce—; root in—; sow—; stain with —; suffer—; tempt with—; tread down in—; undergo—; —blemishes; —blurs; — hounds; —lies

    (See insult, reproach, disgrace, disrepute.)

    Dishonored adverbs

    scandalously; distinctly; notoriously; infamously; publicly; permanently; unutterably; indelibly; irremediably; unforgettably; desperately; ignominiously; basely; shamefully; unjustly; unfairly; opprobri-ously; foully; reportedly; allegedly; immeasurably; immensely

    Disillusion adjectives

    stupendous; postwar; chill; bitter; heartbreaking

    Disillusion (v) adverbs

    precipitately; cruelly; completely; politely; immodestly; frankly; unthinkingly; abruptly; fiendishly; shrewdly; wisely; foolishly. (See free, liberate.

    Disillusioned adverbs

    pitiably; miserably; wretchedly; sadly; suddenly; early; unhappily; unexpectedly; cruelly; bitterly; dismally; grimly; appallingly; tremendously; inconsolably; despairingly; hopelessly; heartbreakingly

    Disillusionment adjectives

    cruel; unembittered; complete; furious; devastating; haughty; polite


    increase—; incur—; move to—; protect against—; reject—; suffer—; —ages; — banishes; —begets; —depresses; —descends; —disappoints; —displaces; —frees from; —rocks; —sets in; —settles over

    —shatters; revenge—; —arouses

    Disinclination' adjectives

    intolerable; deep-rooted; definite; stubborn; unreasoning

    Disinfectant adverbs

    effectively; infallibly; powerfully; extremely; heroically; mildly; perfectly; soothingly; correctively; specifically; simply; safely; beneficially; advantageously; commendably; highly; essentially; intrinsically

    Disinfection adjectives

    efficient; rigorous; unstinted; .disciplinary; punitive


    practise—; subject to—; —destroys; — guards against; —nauseates; —offends; —ousts; —overcomes; —prevents; —purifies;—rejects; —routs; —safeguards

    Disinherited adverbs

    unfairly; unfortunately; properly; unjustly; deservedly; unluckily; miserably; wretchedly; crushingly; summarily; audaciously; cruelly; deliberately; curtly; wrongfully; unwarrantably; inexcusably; unreasonably; inauspiciously; logically

    Disintegrate (v) adverbs

    deliberately; steadily; relentlessly; rapidly; financially; slowly; hopelessly; mentally; socially; progressively; internally; abruptly; completely; locally

    (See crumble, decay.)

    Disintegration adjectives

    rapid; financial; slow; relentless; hopeless; mental; social


    blast into—; break into—; control—; demand—; detach by—; effect—; expose to—; hasten—; influence—; produce—; tend toward—; undergo—; —blurs; —destroys; —modifies; —multiplies; —proceeds from; —reduces; -—separates; —sets in

    (See decay, decomposition.

    tual; haughty; peculiar; ardent; reasoned; expressed; incurable; foolish; irrational; everlasting; contemptuous; personal )


    betray—; conceal—; consider with—; feed —; feign—; fume—; grow into—; harbor —for; impel by—; incur—; kindle—; mask —; regard with—; shudder with—; subject to—; warrant—

    (See distaste, repugnance, aversion, antipathy, hatred.)

    Dislike (v) adverbs

    strongly; inherently; notoriously; heartily; profoundly; inordinately; violently; instinctively; maliciously; deeply; intensely; maddeningly; involuntarily; virulently; fundamentally; mutually; incurably; irrationally; personally; contemptuously; cordially

    (See disapprove, hate.)

    Dislocate (v) adverbs

    dreadfully; fatally; tragically; calamitously; critically; severely; cruelly; devastatingly

    (See separate, dislodge.)

    Disinterested adverbs

    personally; truly; neutrally; sufficiently; obviously; manifestly; satisfactorily; demonstrably; sternly; judiciously; honestly; undeniably; avowedly; acceptably

    Disk (see disc) adjectives

    scintillating; whirling; rotating; advancing; menacing


    affix—; emerge from—; grind—; hollow—; hurl—; mount—; roll—; send—; shape—; shoot—; strike—; whirl—; —careens; — loops; —protects; —revolves; — rises; — rotates

    (See plate.)

    Dislike adjectives

    profound; inordinate; violent; instinctive; active; malicious; deep; intense; maddening; involuntary; abnormal; innate; virulent; entire; fundamental; colonial; mu

    Dislocation adjectives

    serious; complex; cursory; temporary; tentative; remediable


    adjust—; bind—; cure—; exercise—; force ■—; impede—; involve—; place in—; prevent—; produce—; suffer—; submit to—; treat for—; —alarms; —pains; —swells

    (See displacement, disorder.)

    Dislodge (v) adverbs

    successfully; viciously; brutally; triumphantly; vigorously; severely; expeditiously; resolutely

    (See remove, eject.)

    Disloyal adverbs

    shamefully; treacherously; perfidiously; disgracefully; extremely; secretly; publicly; boldly; cruelly; basely; subtly; bitterly; openly; unpardonably; incredibly; surprisingly; unexpectedly; eventually; shabbily; tremendously; abjectly; unutterably; unscrupulously; infamously; contemptibly; ingloriously

    DISMAL adverbs

    drearily; drably; lonesomely; abjectly; disconsolately; irremediably; soddenly; sadly; wretchedly; excessively; irrecoverably; deeply; horribly; profoundly; incorrigibly; incurably; darkly; solemnly; anxiously; sombrely; despondently; fixedly; sullenly; heavily; dangerously; ominously; cheerlessly; intensely; terribly

    Dismay adjectives

    incredulous; unutterable; direct; pale; goggle-eyed; stark; nameless; evident; vague; abject; dumb; genuine; dawming; dark; terrified; alarmed; extreme; mad; immeasurable; utter; indescribable; ineffable; panic-stricken


    contemplate—; cope with—; discover—; heap—; mitigate—; paralyze with—; read —; recoil in—; rout—; shake with—; spread—; swoon with—; view with—; — daunts; —defeats; —discourages; —engulfs; —threatens

    (See consternation, terror, alarm, fear.)

    Dismay (v) adverbs

    thoroughly; abjectly; dumbly; genuinely; extremely; immeasurably; utterly; indescribably; bullyingly

    (See alarm, frighten.)

    Dismayed adverbs

    unaccountably; deeply; profoundly; unreasonably; illogically; dreadfully; alarmingly; fearfully; incredibly; starkly; evidently; vaguely; abjectly; genuinely; terribly; extremely; immeasurably; significantly; utterly; indescribably; remarkably; notably visibly; wildly; bewilderingly

    Dismiss (v) adverbs

    reluctantly; summarily; finally; courteously; instantly; contemptuously; flatly; lightly; curtly; abruptly; harshly; ignominiously; impudently; brusquely; uncouthly

    (See discharge, banish.)

    Dismissal adjectives

    contemptuous; harsh; ignominious; brusque; impudent; abrupt; summary; instant; immediate


    annul—; bow—; counsel—; demand—; denounce—; indicate—; justify—; order—; punish by—; request—; seek—; suffer—; threaten with—; urge—; wave—; —discourages; —liberates; —rectifies; —releases; —sets free

    (See discharge, removal.)

    Disobedience adjectives

    continued; alleged; filial; repeated; defiant; wilful; persistent


    construe as—; correct—; express—; fall into—; foster—; instigate—; nourish—; punish for—; reprimand for—; revenge—; rue—; subscribe to—; —annoys; —begets; —develops; —erupts; —irks

    (See defiance.)

    Disobedient adverbs

    stubbornly; obstinately; impudently; impertinently; insolently; arrogantly; constantly; continually; haughtily; obdurately; peevishly; boldly; openly; flagrantly; invidiously; sullenly; morosely; carelessly; wildly; inexcusably; unduly; deliberately; consciously; flauntingly; laughingly; brazenly; allegedly; proyokingly; extremely; dreadfully; rebelliously; resentfully; defiantly; restively; impatiently; resolutely

    Disorder adjectives

    allergic; emotional; turbulent; careless; forlorn; homelike; miry; tousled; musty; unparalleled; wild; lawless; riotous; diffuse; frightful; inconsistent; tumultuous; frenzied; virulent; violent; considerable; moving; curing; gay; infectious; mental; prevailing; direst; accumulated; seeming; spasmodic; strange; degenerate; nutritional; infantile; grave; spiritual; underlying; momentary; current; shameful; neurotic; statistic; extreme; deep-seated; admired; contagious; curious; chaotic; physical; picturesque; complete; pleasant; inconceivable; ensuing; chronic; half-mended . infernal; indescribable; harlequinesque; nervous; radical; immaculate; moral


    accompany—; ascribe to—; benefit—; caution against—;• fall into—; foment—; indicate—; introduce—; plague with—; produce —; relieve—; remedy—; remove—; rout—; spring from—; succumb to—; vanquish—, —surges ahead; —threatens

    (See confusion, chaos, disturbance.)

    Disorderly adverbs

    remarkably; notoriously; turbulently; truculently; outrageously; noisily; flagrantly; x iolently; wildly; riotously; lawlessly; frightfully; gayly; uproariously; convivial-ly; genially; laughingly; daringly; inconsiderately; indescribably; inconceivably; ungovernably; uncontrollably; curiously; contagiously; momentarily; mutinously; gravely; alarmingly; ominously; significantly; terrifyingly; tumultuously; tempestuously; viciously; extravagantly; excitedly

    Disparagement adjectives

    caustic; cynical; systematic; ruthless; unsparing; merciless


    bring into—; commit—; deserve—; express —; hurl—; impose—; intend—; involve in—; justify—; lose by—; reproach for—; speak—; vilify with—; —annoys; —belittles; —degrades; —disgraces

    Dispassionate adverbs

    imperturbably; provokingly; vexatiously; serenely; calmly; deeply; jmmovably; apparently; dreadfully; coldly; completely; carelessly; nonchalantly; discouragingly; utterly; singularly; stolidly; stonily; coolly; soberly; judicially; sagely; wisely; securely; tranquilly; placidly; philosophically; tolerantly

    Dispatch adjectives

    calamitous; hostile; amazing; quick; marvelous; summary; rapid; convenient; diplomatic; hourly; insolent; elaborate; amended; swift; equal; vivid; detailed; telegraphic; simultaneous; importunate; important; explanatory; outspoken; uncensored; satisfactory; frequent (pl)


    announce—; arrive with—; attend to—; cable—; carry—; convey—; deliver—; depart with—; hasten—; leave on—; obey—; order—; receive—; relay—; report—; rush —; seal—; send—; smuggle in—; speed—; transfer

    (See message, telegram.)

    Dispatch (adverbs

    mercifully; secretly; summarily; rapidly; diplomatically; insolently; telegraphically; swiftly; simultaneously; satisfactorily; frequently; conveniently; hastily

    (See send, forward.)

    Dispel (v) adverbs

    effectually; instantly; immediately; entirely; frankly; innocently; humanely; charmingly; testily

    (See withdraw, dissipate.)

    Dispensation adjectives

    benign; critical; merciful; mysterious; special; divine; providential; heavenly; frugal; afflicting; artistic; favorable


    administer—; allow—; arrange—; claim—; conduct—; deliver—; deserve—; grant—; manage—; obtain—; order—; provide—; receive—; require—; reward with—; seek —; sue for—; undertake—; urge—; warrant—; —distributes; —pardons; —releases

    (See distribution, pardon, exemption.)

    Dispense (v) adverbs

    vicariously; bountifully; gracefully; liberally; naturally; mercifully; divinely; providentially; frugally

    (See distribute, administer.)

    Displacement adjectives

    sympathetic; successive (pl) J unmerited; slight; hazardous; careless; capacious


    indicate—; occasion—; order—; request—; seek—; set—; threaten with—; —disposes of; —embarrasses; —liberates; —occurs; —rectifies; —releases; —remedies; -—shifts

    (See removal, discharge, dismissal.)

    Display adjectives

    alluring; ceremonial; enviable; ostentatious; tawdry; unrivaled; garish; blatant; enchanting; gorgeous; grisly; creditable; pitiful; emotional; lurid; audacious; glaring; splendid; obtrusive; amazing; magnificent; appropriate; lavish; legitimate; ludicrous; frequent (pl); color; thaumatur-gic; remarkable; aggravating; autumnal; fabulous; breath-taking; triumphant; fanatical; heroic; pedantic; attractive; modern; gaudy; mass; beautiful; official; merciless; singular; wild; arresting; material; prominent; extraordinary; romantic; single-handed; elaborate; vast; brilliant; haunting; many-colored; prodigal; boasted; vulgar; maladroit; provocative; vivid; mere; admirable; barbarous; temporary; tasteful; profuse; superfluous; quixotic; childish; unfortunate; dazzling; fan-shaped


    abhor—; adorn—; arrange—; feed on—; furnish—; gape at—; nose among—s; prepare—; unfurl—; view—; wonder at—; —advertises; —appeals; —attracts; —describes; —exhibits; —explains; —expresses; —-glitters; —represents; —unfolds

    (See exhibition, show.)

    Display (v) adverbs

    pompously; flamboyantly; tastefully; magnificently; realistically; conspicuously; charmingly; habitually; refreshingly; equally; palpably; ostentatiously; vaingloriously; smartly; temptingly; vulgarly; eminently; lavishly; dazzlingly; entrancingly; alluringly; ceremonially; garishly; blatantly; pitifully; audaciously; legitimately; mercilessly; ludicrously; singularly; prodigally; temporarily; superfluously

    (See exhibit, expose.)

    Displease (v) adverbs

    stupidly; purposely; markedly; unsophis-ticatedly; rudely; frankly; seriously; pettishly; ungenerously; lastingly; coldly; boorishly; carelessly; inadvertently

    (See anger, offend.)

    Displeased adverbs

    remarkably; extravagantly; extremely; uneasily; wearily; anxiously; miserably; unreasonably; unaccountably; sorely; heavily; horribly; vexedly; painfully; grievously; bitterly; cheerlessly; fiercely; savagely; markedly; visibly; openly; frankly; seriously; permanently; implacably; coldly; alarmingly; dangerously; unspeakably; profoundly; deeply; inordinately; justly; rightly

    Displeasure adjectives

    smothered; surprised; fierce; marked; sore; sovereign; unsophisticated; frank; everlasting; serious; noble; petty; ungenerous; lasting; cold; divine


    avoid—; conceal—; display—; dread—; heighten—; incur—; indicate—; languish in—; meet with—; occasion—; provoke—; risk—; shoulder—; signify—;  snort—

    —annoys; —irks; —mounts; —overwhelms

    (See dissatisfaction, vexation, dislike, resentment, disapproval.)

    Dispose (v) adverbs

    carelessly; antagonistically; religiously; briefly; favorably; symmetrically; ornamentally; effectually; graciously; immediately; variously; gracefully; peaceably; coolly; effectively

    (See settle, adjust.)

    Disposition adjectives

    pacific; amenable; amiable; covetous; docile; morose; winsome; credulous; mercurial; bromidic; penurious; depraved; petulant; avaricious; peevish; jovial; bad; sweet; equable; contentious; balky; impetuous; fiery; angelic; vivacious; unyielding; confiding; cheery; vacillating; sunny; sullen; bitter; eager; cordial; raving; delicate; characteristic; generous; noble; litigious; rough; envious; well-oiled; jealous; vicious; masterful; dreamy; increasing; testamentary; passionate; princely; violent; chilly; humane; puerile; stubborn; contemplative; unconquerable; melancholy; inquisitive; affectionate; bloodthirsty; resolute; tractable; pious; dogged; ungodly; virtuous; commiserating; natural; excellent; romantic; kind; similar; charming; pliant; stupid; tame; grateful; tranquil; speculative; favorable; skillful; alert; neurotic; suitable; innate; ingenuous; friendly; adventurous; traitorous; faithful; indolent; eager; shirking; sociable; prevailing; incomprehensible; unpredictable; classic; combative; tunable; phlegmatic; peremptory; dangerous; buoyant; secret; magnificent; thoughtful; brooding; aesthetic; primitive; humane; amicable; irregular; submissive; methodical; venomous; fantastical; timid; hereditary; restless; roving; retiring; imperious; absolute; noxious; further; hysterical


    abuse—; admire—; alter—; change—; complete—; consider—; contrive—; derange—; disguise—; evince—; excuse—; indulge—; inherit—; judge—; punish—; soften—; sour—; specify—; submit to—; touch—; view—; —comprehends; —inclines; ■—precipitates; —restores; —secures

    (See mood, will, propensity, inclination, tendency, temperament.)

    Dispossess (v) adverbs

    forcibly; legally; harshly; irregularly; doggedly; calmly; cruelly; selfishly

    (See eject, remove.)

    Disputant adjectives

    scientific; forensic; obstinate; moral; voiceless; excited

    Disputation adjectives

    public; scholastic; private; learned; religious; doubtful; prodigious; wrangling

    Disputatious adverbs

    troublesomely; immensely; tremendously; egregiously; elaborately; intricately; eccentrically; egotistically; loftily; superciliously; tyrannically; dogmatically; extremely; learnedly; academically; provokingly; disagreeably; unpleasantly; obtrusively; officiously; conceitedly; astutely; pugnaciously; hotly; captiously; churlishly; remarkably; marvellously

    Dispute adjectives

    doctrinal; theological; inevitable; learned; angry; bitter; dull; vain; laughing; demoralizing; serious; uncontrollable; pending; cold; international; academic; free; conceivable; long-standing; violent; notable; fierce; perpetual; territorial; fruitless; factional; leisurely


    adjudicate—; adjust—; arbitrate—; beguile into-—; conciliate—; meditate—; quash—; quell—; solve—; suppress—; take part in—; —arises; —bubbles; —evaporates; —flares up; —foreshadows; —overshadows; — rages

    (See discussion, contest, controversy, quarrel.)

    Dispute (v) adverbs

    skillfully; acrimoniously; consciously; angrily; subsequently; inhumanly; successfully; publicly; privately; religiously; prodigiously; fiercely

    (See argue, wrangle.)

    Disquiet adjectives

    vague; emotional; constant; restless; growing

    Disquiet (v) adverbs

    chiefly; solely; thoroughly; abruptly; subtly. (See alarm, disturb.

    Disquietude adjectives

    serious; vague; mental; extreme


    arouse—; fear—; fill with—; infest with—; occasion—; pass with—; relay—; sow—; subject to—; trouble with—; view with—; wait with—; —alarms; —disturbs; —envelops; —spreads

    (See alarm, anxiety, fear, agitation.)

    Disquisition adjectives

    political; clever; popular; lengthy; wordy; learned

    Disregard adjectives

    insane; cynical; reckless; defiant; persistent; total; unabashed; bland; pagan; brutal; generous; utter; blithe; calm; benevolent; selfish; cruel; jaunty; entire; drunken; astonishing; habitual; strange; superb; apparent; contemptuous; sublime; peremptory

    Disregard (v) adverbs

    incessantly; chronically; totally; utterly; contemptuously; insanely; cynically; recklessly; defiantly; persistently; totally; unabashedly; blandly; brutally; generously; utterly; blithely; calmly; benevolently; recklessly; entirely; habitually; sublimely; peremptorily; selfishly

    (See ignore, overlook.)

    Disreputable adverbs

    notoriously; infamously; exceedingly; generally; utterly; scandalously; opprobrious-ly; fearfully; dissolutely; admittedly; villainously; grossly; drunkenly; coarsely; shamefully; horribly; remarkably; incredibly; unbelievably; abjectly; pitifully; in-gloriously; shockingly; atrociously; viciously

    Disrepute adjectives

    (See disgrace.) verbs

    beget—; bring into—; clothe in—;'cure of —; depart in—; disguise—; fall into—; ignore—; incur—; indicate—; instigate—; leave in—; return in—; vow—; —dampens; —excludes; —showers; —underlies

    (See disgrace, dishonor.)

    Disrespect adjectives

    (See rudeness,) verbs

    augment—; bear—; disguise—; display—; free from—; manifest—; mention with—; nourish—; proceed from—; reprimand for —; smother—; stoop to—; suffer—; tolerate—; —indicates; —profanes; —troubles

    (See dishonor, rudeness.)

    Disrespectful adverbs

    irreverently; boundlessly; utterly; blandly; recklessly; persistently; defiantly; totally; brutally; cruelly; entirely; impiously; jauntily; rashly; boldly; astonishingly; elaborately; ostentatiously; openly; habitually; chronically; strangely; particularly; peculiarly; contemptuously; disparagingly; derisively; ironically; rudely; bumptiously

    Dissatisfaction adjectives

    unending; personal; prevailing; universal; seeming; increasing; evident; undifferentiated; rebellious; widespread


    anticipate—; be subject to—; beget—; conduct with—; confine—; exhibit—; experience—; express—; occasion—; overcome —; pretend—; smother—; veil—; —disquiets; —irks; —perplexes

    (See discontent, disapproval, displeasure.)

    Diss A TISFIED adverbs

    slightly; vaguely; wholly; strangely; entirely; increasingly; palpably; evidently; visibly; openly; sullenly; morosely; secretly; obviously; deeply; desperately; horribly; querulously; glumly; gloomily; austerely; sternly; implacably; crabbedly; perversely; continually

    Dissect (v\ adverbs

    mercilessly; tranquilly; scientifically; studiously; thoroughly; painstakingly; absorbed-ly

    (See cut, criticize.)

    Dissemble (v) adverbs

    politely; slyly; deeply; artfully; skillfully; ingeniously

    (See hide, conceal.)

    Disseminate (v) adverbs

    widely; unsparingly; insidiously; nationally; universally

    (See spread, circulate.)

    Dissension adjectives

    considerable; frightful; irreconcilable; humiliating; internal; bitter; sharp; disastrous; factional; growing; intestinal; grave; turbulent; angry; perpetual


    brew—; crush—; excite—; halt—; incite —; instigate—; investigate—; review—; stir with—; —arises; —breaks out; — flares; —grows; —menaces; —tears; — threatens

    (See discord, strife, quarrel, contention, feud.)

    Dissent adjectives

    metaphysical; profound; internal; grave; effective; ignorant; ill-natured


    accept—; apprehend—; arouse—; constitute—; enter—; explain—; free of—; ignore—; interpose—; overlook—; question —; tolerate—; trace—; voice—; —prevails; —sunders

    (See disagreement, difference.)

    Dissertation adjectives

    moral; illuminating; exhaustive; stilted; learned; rhapsodic; elaborate; pedantic; physiological; scholarly


    absorb in—; censor—; compose—; criticize—; dedicate—to; engage in—; launch upon—; level—at; pause in—; prepare—; study—; —carries; —concerns; —discusses; —treats

    (See discourse, speech, lecture.)

    Dissimulation adjectives

    polite; deft; practiced; splendid; skilled

    Dissipate (v) adverbs

    abruptly; partially; voluptuously; senselessly; reprehensibly; carelessly; excessively; incessantly; disgustingly; jovially; recklessly; fashionably; tragically; thoughtlessly

    (See dispel.)

    Dissipation adjectives

    voluptuous; senseless; reprehensible; careless; excessive; mild; incessant; besetting; solitary; minor; disgusting; jovial; reckless; polished; recreative; fashionable


    consume by—; defy—; denounce—; engage in—; imbibe in—; investigate—; lose in—; practise—; relinquish—; squander in—; warn against—; —corrupts; —endangers; —enslaves; —grinds; —penalizes; —wears

    (See diversion, crime.)

    Dissolute adverbs

    frightfully; utterly; irretrievably; grace-lessly; irremediably; boundlessly; wantonly; recklessly; grossly; wildly; shamelessly; outrageously; perversely; irreclaimably; senselessly; remarkably; grotesquely; manifestly; abysmally; lawlessly; disgracefully; criminally; obdurately; heinously; gravely; sensually; intemperately; rakishly

    Dissoluteness adjectives

    frightful; reckless; ferocious

    Dissolution adjectives

    impending; natural; continual; ultimate

    Dissolve (v) adverbs

    partly; mutually; mysteriously; harmlessly; entirely; thoroughly; perfectly; experimentally

    (See melt.)

    Dissonance adjectives

    excruciating; wild; unpleasant; barbarous; weird; raucous; harsh

    Distance adjectives

    hazy; mean; weary; legendary; celestial; deepest; drowsy; magnificent; shooting; dusty; tantalizing; spacious; untold; extreme; impossible; obscure; safe; unattainable; perihelion; zenith; infinite; considerable; entire; visible; cautious; respectful; widening; exquisite; excessive; proportionate; inaccessible; twinkling; vast; unvarying, surlier; inscrutable; musket-shot; hailing; limited; unknown; inadequate; supporting; remote; short; surprising; observing; terrible; uncertain; linear; measured; delicate; mellow; dimmer; indefinite; required; insurmountable; discreet; sufficient; pathless; beautiful; unapproachable; everincreasing; misty; retrospective; walking; previous; assaulting; unbridgeable; riding; running; dangerous; mean; enormous; indeterminate; broadening


    annihilate—; estimate—; fade in—; fall at—; indicate—; mark—; measure—; proportion—; rise in—; span—; stand in—; traverse—; —alienates; —enchants; — lends; hold at—

    (See space.)

    Distaste adjectives

    profound; sordid;, intellectual; furious; extreme; scornful; cynical; patient; passionate; startling; evident


    banish—; bring into—; conceive—for; cultivate—for; develop—; dismiss—; excite—; express—; heal—; imply—; inherit—; nourish—; pamper—; possess—for; produce—; regard with—; relinquish—; rescue from —; view with—; —develops; —implies


    (See aversion, dislike, antipathy.)

    Distasteful adverbs

    horribly; deeply; profoundly; sordidly; intellectually; furiously; extremely; exaggeratedly; startlingly; shockingly; inordinately; extraordinarily; remarkably; immensely; dreadfully; evidently; manifestly; palpably; fundamentally; essentially; sick-eningly; nauseatingly; sorrily; plaguedly; bitterly; grimly; frightfully

    Distension adjectives

    pale; chronic; acute; pestilential; fatal


    Distention verbs

    attend with—; blow into—; conceal—; fill to—; force into—; guard against—; imbibe to—; inflate to—; labor under—; prevent—; produce—; protect from—; —follows; —harms; —injures; —pains; —sunders

    (See expansion, inflation.)

    Distill (v) adverbs

    imperceptibly; specially; powerfully; elaborately; delicately; experimentally; expertly; painstakingly

    Distillation adjectives

    elaborate; strong; renewed; delicate; powerful

    Distinct adverbs

    particularly; cruelly; meticulously; precisely; exactly; easily; accurately; wonderfully; especially; clearly; emphatically; separately; effectively; powerfully

    Distinction adjectives

    striking; pedantic

    Distinctness ad jectives

    surprising; exquisite; sufficient; arbitrary; tragic; unmistakable; vivid; considerable; growing; luminous

    Distinguish (v) adverbs

    curiously; logically; justly; pedantically; crudely; theoretically; philosophically; fundamentally; arbitrarily; obviously; uniquely; sagely; singularly; subtly; invidiously; unenviably; groundlessly; fancifully; frivolously; sensibly; morally; artistically; broadly; scientifically

    (See discriminate, discern.)

    Distinguishable adverbs

    easily; readily; generally; entirely; particularly; diversely; divergently; differentially; broadly; carefully; instantly; conveniently; immediately; altogether; separately; unmistakably; plainly; decidedly; satisfactorily; positively; definitely; absolutely; clearly

    Distinguished adverbs

    brilliantly; extraordinarily; internationally; academically; illustriously; notably; remarkably; admirably; matchlessly; professionally; prominently; nationally; supremely; impressively; splendidly; augustly; im-perishably; ecclesiastically; heroically; immortally; honorably; enviably; eminently; strikingly; manifestly; singularly

    Distort (v) adverbs

    momentarily; painfully; fatally; obviously; ludicrously; hideously; fantastically; insanely; madly; jokingly; fiendishly

    (See twist, misrepresent.)

    Distorted adverbs

    wilfully; perniciously; purposely; deliberately; deceptively; visibly; obviously; clearly; palpably; frightfully; excessively; dreadfully; intentionally; falsely; adroitly; craftily; wickedly; academically; dis-putatiously; remarkably; fatally; elaborately; completely; partially; loosely; fantastically; grotesquely; grossly; harmfully; utterly; maliciously; astutely; cleverly

    Distortion adjectives

    pale; fatal; obvious; imbedded; elaborated; ludicrous; intentional; fantastic

    Distraction adjectives

    infinite; compelling; manifold; powerful; sweet; skillful; extreme; artificial; material; innocent; bewildered; beneficial; endless; blind; great; cautious


    attend with—; avoid—; blind io—; condemn—; drive to—; fear—; justify—; labor under—; lock out—; occasion—; result in—; shut out—; view with—; —arises; —confuses; —diverts; —intercepts; —interrupts; —perturbs

    (See confusion, disorder.)

    Distress adjectives

    simulated; palpable; widespread; pecuniary; horrible; mental; mortal; violent; keenest; intellectual; obvious; sore; obstinate; poignant; genuine; fearful; hideous; fancied; sentimental; dark; blind; generalized; terrified; needless; supreme; spiritual; bitter; fatherless; sensitive; financial; painted; severe; extreme; pathetic; heartsearching; recurrent; sharp; sublime; deep; chronic; painful; insupportable; bare; wide-eyed; cowering; dire; evident; unrelieved; supposed; public


    afflict with—; aggravate—; answer—; bawl —; behold in—; consume with—; counsel in—; deliver from—; embolden by—; expose to—; give rise to—; pity—; relieve—; soothe—; submit in—; suffer—; wait in—; wring with—; —afflicts; —crazes; —gnaws

    (See suffering, pain, misery, agony.)

    Distress (v) adverbs

    deeply; shockingly; mentally; triumphantly; dreadfully; palpably; pecuniarily; horribly; mortally; violently; obviously; sorely; poignantly; genuinely; fearfully; hideously; sentimentally; needlessly; recurrently; supremely; spiritually; chronically; painfully; insupportably; direly; publicly

    (See grieve, wound.)

    Distressing adverbs

    extremely; remarkably; awfully; painfully; sorely; profoundly; deeply; appallingly; horribly; gravely; shockingly; incredibly; unspeakably; unmentionably; mentally; violently; keenly; poignantly; genuinely; hideously; supremely; bitterly; insupportably; evidently; unutterably; intensely; seriously; starkly; uncommonly; acutely; fundamentally; unduly; immoderately; unusually

    Distribute (v) adverbs

    genially; exclusively; uniformly; indecisively; judiciously; equally; geographically; geometrically; irregularly; indefinitely; equitably; plentifully; scientifically; socially; ultimately; unlimitedly; symmetrically; lavishly; visibly; wastefully

    (See allot, apportion.)

    Distribution adjectives

    wide; general; equitable; liberal; wasteful; scientific; social; impracticable; ultimate; uniform; respective; symmetrical; rude; democratic; extensive; unlimited; lavish; indiscriminate; geographical; high; low; visible


    arrange—; bless with—; comprehend—; control—;  effect—; enjoy—; increase—; influence—; mention—; prepare for—; prevent—; reject—; sanction—; urge—; — abates; —aids; —disposes; —enriches; — involves; —reduces

    (See arrangement, disposition.)

    District adjectives

    outlying; thinly-populated; fashionable; simple; rural; residential; industrial; swankiest; congested; pastoral; remote; congressional; newly-gained; urban; scenic; sanitary; fertile; squalid; arid; extensive; coterminous; financial; genial-hearted; native; affected; accessible; dispatching; productive; adjacent; tenement; various (pl); charming; malodorous; populous

    appoint to—; assign to—; comprise—; constitute—; control—; divide into—s; dwell in—; elect to—; hedge in—; inhabit—; manage—; occupy—; separate into—s; supervise—: vest in—; —affords; —embraces; —envelops; —includes; —takes in; —thrives

    (See region, tract, locality, territory, circuit.)

    Distrust adjectives

    cynical; grim; profound; paternal; morbid; reserved; instinctive; lurking; painful; lessening; vigilant; vulgar; palpable; mutual; abiding; inward; deep; prejudicial; unreasonable; vague; dawning; marked; foul


    accuse of—; acquire—; approach with—; augment—; awaken—; breed—; earn—; entertain—; eye with—; foster—; incur—; intensify—; mark with—: regard with—; silence—; view with—; warrant—; — appears; —enters; —grows; —sprouts

    (See doubt, suspicion.)

    Distrust (v) adverbs

    instinctively; heartily; constantly; unavoidably; cynically; profoundly; morbidly; painfully; vigilantly; palpably; mutually; abidingly; deeply; unreasonably; vaguely; markedly

    (See suspect, doubt.)

    Distrustful adverbs

    gravely; alertly; watchfully; constantly; grimly; altogether; positively; profoundly; chronically; habitually; temperamentally; morbidly; painfully; instinctively; intuitively; inwardly; secretly; openly; unreasonably; vaguely; suspiciously; obnoxiously; disagreeably; wisely; warily; quietly; prudently; faintly; uneasily; seriously; momentarily; anxiously; sagaciously; nervously; timidly; horridly; skeptically

    Disturb (v) adverbs

    inwardly; particularly; wantonly; perceptibly; profoundly; permanently; materially; deeply; grievously; emotionally; functionally; mentally; mutually; exceptionally; powerfully; pathologically; intellectually; violently; electrically; psychically; internally; glandularly; rudely; unnecessarily; unpleasantly

    (See annoy, perturb.)

    Disturbance adjectives

    civil; spasmodic; organic; emotional; terrific; mutual; atmospheric; insurrectionary; functional; mental; exceptional; powerful; gastric; strange; pathological; magnetic; widespread; intellectual; violent; electrical; psychic; visual; emotional; internal; agitated; glandular; serious; rude; unnecessary


    accompany by—; aggravate—; allay—; attend with—; continue—; engender—; foment—; free from—; generate—; relieve —; suffer from—; —arises; —fizzles out (colloq.) ; —subsides

    (See tumult, confusion, commotion, uproar, clamor.)

    Disturbing adverbs

    faintly; vaguely; definitely; seriously; gravely; alarmingly; significantly; evidently; manifestly; irrationally; palpably; visibly; noticeably; unreasonably; needlessly; maliciously; meddlesomely; shockingly; turbulently; fussily; restlessly; excitably; hysterically; tantalizingly; bitterly; miserably; intolerably; horribly; unpleasantly; disagreeably; obnoxiously; exceptionally

    Disuse adjectives

    (See neglect.)


    cast into—; come into—; drop into—; excuse—; fall into—; lapse into—; lose by—; overcome—; parch by—; proceed from—; regret—; rot away in—; rouse out of—; rust from—; stifle by—; weaken by—; — affects; —deteriorates; —prevents; grows into—

    (See neglect.)

    Ditch adjectives

    briny; oozy; impassable; rain-soaked; muddy; filthy; deep


    bog in—; fall into—; level—; mire in—; plunge in—; turn in—; —ensnares; — forms; —furnishes; —serves

    (See trench, channel.)

    Ditty adjectives

    sea-going; hiccup; time-honored; popular; strident; amorous; doleful; woeful; sentimental; irrelevant


    carol—; compose—; dash off—; entertain with—; hum—; mourn—; mute—; pipe-—; warble—; welcome with—; —amuses; — celebrates; —cheers; —flows; —lulls; — praises; —resounds

    (See air, poem, song, tune.)

    Divan adjectives

    perfumed; pillowed; rickety; commodious; luxurious; resplendent; inviting; comfortable

    Dive (v) adverbs

    spectacularly; gracefully; unerringly; precipitately; abruptly; harrowingly; thrilling-ly; bravely; courageously

    (See plunge, drop.)

    Divergence adjectives

    (See deviation.) verbs

    allow for—; bridge—; check—; correct—; flow in—; follow—; generate—; illustrate —; increase—; intersect—; occasion—; produce—; question—; relate with—; test —; —affects; —arises; —diminishes; — occurs; —proceeds from; —separates; — widens

    (See deviation, disagreement, difference.)

    Divergent adverbs

    extraordinarily; resolutely; definitely; sharply; interestingly; disputatiously; positively; harshly; discordantly; disagreeably; uncongenially; incompatibly; inaptly; terribly; endlessly; pitiably; painfully; ex

    ceptionally; deliberately

    Diverse adverbs

    utterly; harmlessly; momentarily; intellectually; economically; mysteriously; inexplicably; sharply; markedly; remarkably; notably; acutely; perceptibly; gravely; insuperably; racially; subtly; essentially; strikingly; fundamentally; radically; appreciably; materially; amazingly; significantly; superficially; extremely; irreconcilably; prodigiously; temperamentally; intrinsically; completely

    Diversion adjectives

    social; congenial; harmless; pleasurable; staple; childish; constant; unending; favo-lite; momentary; contemporary; popular; infantile; intellectual; sturdy; innocent; outdoor; decorous; unique; languid; incidental; seasonable; healthful; economical; agreeable; mysterious; attacking; exquisite; exhilarating


    advocate—; allow—; amuse with—; conceive—; consider—; contrive—; employ—; engage in—; forget in—; invent—; look for—; need—; occupy with—; search for—; sprout—; suggest—; —attracts; —benefits; —entertains; —excites; —fatigues; —gratifies; —withholds

    (See amusement, recreation, entertainment, sport, relaxation, pastime.)

    Diversity adjectives

    delightful; continental; extraordinary; infinite; outward; merry; magnificent; grave; picturesque

    Divert (v


    frequently; immensely; delightfully; extraordinarily; infinitely; outwardly; merrily; magnificently; pleasurably; childishly; constantly; intellectually; uniquely; healthfully; economically; agreeably; exquisitely; exhilaratingly

    (See turn, withdraw.)

    Diverting adverbs

    deviously; erratically; circuitously; endlessly; delusively; sharply; cleverly; artfully; adroitly; skilfully; mysteriously; cunningly; deceptively; insidiously; trickily; meretriciously; wickedly; amusingly; entertainingly; playfully; sportively; clumsily; merrily; joyously; wittily; pleasantly; cheerily; roguishly

    Divide (v) adverbs

    customarily; transversely; horizontally; conveniently; finely; subtly; wisely; evenly; longitudinally; miraculously; hopelessly; equally; formally; critically; scientifically; fatally; geographically; appropriately; arbitrarily; factionally; racially; unexpectedly; originally

    (See separate, sever.)

    Dividend adjectives

    illegitimate; substantial; reasonable; regular; generous


    advise of—; allot—; announce—; bear—; declare—; distribute—; draw—; invest—; mail—; obtain—; pay—; present—; promise—; report—; yield—; —s accrue; —s suffice; —s support; share in—

    (See portion, amount, money.)

    Divinity adjectives

    anthropomorphic; ancient; omnipresent; scholastic; sylvan; jealous; false; actual; utter; strange; winged; favorite; sarcastic; dying; tutelar; polemical


    attain—; claim—; conceive—; concern—; embrace—; encounter—; express—; invoke —; manifest—; preach—; reflect—; reject —; unite in—; verse in—; —governs; — inspires; —rules; —stirs

    (See deity, God.)

    Division adjectives

    venereal; contending; formal; minutest; critical; various (pl); proposed; scientific; astonishing; equitable; isolated; distinct; fatal; assaulting; heroic; antecedent; primary; geographical; arbitrary; appropriate; factional; racial; unexpected; original


    arrange in—s; attempt—; avoid—; cement —; control—; distinguish—; draw from—; enforce—; establish—; form—; include in —; lead—; mark—; note—; number—; observe—;■ place in—; separate into—s; struggle for—; supervise—; zone—; — comprises; —consists of; —distributes; —widens

    (See distribution, part, section.)

    Divorce adjectives

    salubrious; irregular; hateful; unwholesome; deadly; collusive; welcome; long-sought; publicized; worth-while; surprise; framed


    abuse—; agree to—; apply for—; approve of—; consent to—; contemplate- — ; declaim against—; favor—; grant—; involve in—; lament—; pronounce—; recognize—; resort to—; sanction—; stay—; sue for—; terminate in—; warrant—; —cleaves; — corrupts; —dissolves; —frees; —privileges; —separates; authorize—; prevent—; tolerate—

    (See separation, marriage.)

    Divorced adverbs

    irrevocably; unhappily; unfortunately; frequently; regularly; unjustly; unluckily; grievously; rightfully; properly; legally; loosely; distinctly; justifiably; judicially; profitably; recently; correctly; felicitously; irreconcilably

    Dizziness adjectives

    swift; paralyzing


    attend with—; diagnose—; feign—; induce —; occasion—; overcome—; produce—; strike with—; sway in—; take with—; treat for—; —diminishes; —ensues; — envelops; —forewarns; —perplexes; —relaxes; —suggests

    (See giddiness, confusion.)


    hopelessly; suddenly; helplessly; dangerously; alarmingly; slightly; completely; blindly; dimly; confusedly; mistily; obscurely; glaringly; sickeningly; frightfully; fearfully; inadvertently; muzzily; abnormally; deliriously; incoherently; crazily; light-headedly; uncontrollably; oddly; curiously; strangely; queerly

    Docility adjectives

    noiseless; submissive

    Dock adjectives

    shipping; humming; dingy; ancient; wet; neat

    Docket adjectives

    (See calendar.)


    appear on—; arrange—; cancel—; file—; inclose in—; mention in—; prepare—; produce—; rearrange—; run through—; seal —; search—; strike—; survey—; —authorizes; —contains; —dispenses with; —indicates; —revolves; preserve—

    (See calendar, list.)

    Doctor adjectives

    young; learned; vivacious; resourceful; inscrutable; lauded; illustrious; indefatigable; old-fashioned; provincial; would-be; mellifluous; tall; capable; country; hand-picked; easy-going; fashionable; distracted; badgered; reverend; worthy; murderous; talented; mystic; eminent; discreet; budding; regimental


    (See physician.)

    Doctrinal adverbs

    rigidly; austerely; augustly; sternly; un-deviatingly; absurdly; devoutly; strictly; tenaciously; persistently; insistently; consistently; wholly; conscientiously; meticulously; punctiliously; ceremoniously; ritual-istically; dogmatically; obstinately; stubbornly; stiffly; dismally; fundamentally; zealously; abstractly; comfortably; placidly; primarily; hornoiy


    dismal; dangerous; fundamental; heretical; pernicious; incestuous; outworn; decided; zealous; positive; blessed; conflicting; revolutionary; mystical; audacious; subversive; traditional; exoteric; recondite; cold; abstract; sound; pleasant; sensational; elevated; valid; accursed; denominational; living; recurring; enlarging; rigid; evil; deliberate; vulgar; licentious; nefarious; blighting; barbarous; opposite; cherished; characteristic; unflinching; republican; unedifying; undefiled; devilish; dubious; hermeneutical; time-honored; orthodox; comfortable; vague; pregnant; imported; erroneous; traditive; evolutionary; heterodox; wildest; primary; essential; tantalizing; evangelical; shallow; bold; religious; horrible; sentimental; deistical; contrary; practical


    accept—; adhere to—; adopt—; advocate —; apply—; attack—; believe—; blaspheme—; bolster—; challenge—; commit to—; concur in—; define—; demolish—; derive—from; echo—; enunciate—; epitomize—; espouse—; expound—; illustrate—; immerse in—; impart—; inculcate—; invoke —; nullify—; obey—; pledge to—; practise—; preach—; promulgate—; propound —; put forth—; refer to—; reject—; sin against—; spread—; teach—; understand —; unite in—; —astounds; —confounds; —embraces; —governs

    (See teaching, belief, dogma, precept.)

    Documentary adverbs

    inescapably; genuinely; trustworthily; ecclesiastically; legally; amazingly; formidably; briefly; momentously; dangerously; significantly; irreproachably; fatally; ponderously; trenchantly; uncommonly; unexpectedly; surprisingly

    Doddering adverbs

    tremulously; quaveringly; helplessly; feebly; pleasantly; uncertainly; hopelessly; desperately; decrepitly; wanderingly; erratically; confusedly; bewilderedly; pathetically; bravely; prematurely; nervously; be-sottedly; drunkenly; slowly; wearily

    Dog adjectives

    wistful; spineless; mauled; loutish; shambling; squat; well-shaped; mongrel; tubby; stray; wolf-like; well-bred; barking; marauding; placid; slinking; whipped; cringing; huge; lion-like; cross-grained; savage; vicious; sedate; beaten; avid; yelping; raging; inestimable; alien; clean; rabid; murderous; angry; hungry; handsome; stately; jubilant; worthless; gigantic; lean; gallant; happy; famished; miserable; reliable; frail; little; woolly; deep-chested; disgraceful-looking; couchant; myopic; demented; tawny; treacherous; panting; halfwolf; stripe-tailed; surly; brutal; stranger; accursed; unconscionable; patient; fierce; snapping; chivalrous; jovial; vagrant; atheistical; thievish-looking; voiceless; lame; sneaking; sad; craven; traitorous; thirsty; bipedal; gentlemanly; elderly; mangy; hellish; lounging


    cast to—s; coax—; crop—; cudgel—; lash —; soothe—; stone—; unleash—; whip—; —barks; —bays; —clambers; —crouches; —darts by; —dashes by; —depredates; — frisks; —gnaws; —growls; —herds; — howls; —invades; —laps; —licks; —limps; —lurks; —menaces; —performs; —points; —preys; —pursues; —retrieves; —skulks; —slinks off; —snaps; —snarls; —strays

    —tears; —trots away; —whimpers; — whines; —wrangles; —yelps; —yowls

    (See animal, puppy.)

    Dogged adverbs

    stubbornly; obstinately; boundlessly; excessively; resolutely; sullenly; morosely; pertinaciously; glumly; silently; irresistibly; obdurately; implacably; inveterately; bravely; heroically; endlessly; surprisingly; unexpectedly; mulishly; perversely; blindly; intractably; fanatically; wilfully; intrepidly; enterprisingly; fiercely; churlishly; grouchily; moodily; crustily; grumpishly

    Dogma adjectives

    wide-rooted; delicate; dangerous; religious; deflating; dour; theological; pungent; narrow; entrenched; intolerant; pure; sheer; rash; inscrutable; fundamental; negative; sweeping


    abandon—; assert—; defend—; expound—; follow—; formulate—; impose—; inherit—; justify—; preach—; proclaim—; propound —; put forward—; question—; sanction—; save—; state—; teach—; —convinces; — denounces; —flourishes; —satisfies; — vanishes

    (See doctrine, principle.)

    Dogmatic adverbs

    unwarrantably; disagreeably; confidently; marvelously; unaccountably; egotistically; cruelly; harshly; severely; conceitedly; bumptiously; ecclesiastically; tyrannically; officially; inexorably; stiffly; dangerously; dourly; narrowly; fundamentally; purely; utterly; singularly; austerely; arrogantly; proudly; unyieldingly; solidly; absolutely; definitely; positively; fanatically; superficially; intolerantly; provincially; remarkably; fussily; peremptorily; emphatically; solemnly

    Doings adjectives

    hot-headed; habitual; subsequent; infinite

    valiant; ill; sinister; factual

    Dole verbs

    apply for—; apportion—; approve of—; deprive of—; dispense—; distribute—; divide—; drop from—; entitle to—; impart —; issue—; reduce to—; reward—; relinquish—; subsist on—; —eases; —supports

    (See alms, charity.)

    Doleful adverbs

    habitually; temperamentally; utterly; ceaselessly; deeply; darkly; foolishly; unreasonably; vexatiously; needlessly; remarkably; singularly; oddly; oppressively; inarticulately; silently; immoderately; unutterably; fundamentally; extravagantly; dismally; abjectly; glumly; gloomily; lugubriously; dreadfully; biliously; horribly

    Doll adjectives

    mature; gorgeous; absurd; rag; exquisite; mutilated; adorable; cherished; brainless; dancing; dressed-up; dilapidated; moonfaced ; battered


    collect—s; display—; dress—; entertain with—; name—; present with—; repair—; sleep with—; tire of—; wind—; yearn for —; —attracts; —cheers; —dangles; — pleases; —satisfies; —simpers; —sleeps; —surprises; —walks

    (See toy.)

    Dollar adjectives

    precious; shrunken; tangible; advertising; paltry; appreciating; solitary; minted; countless (pl); depreciating; inflated; purchasing


    adopt—; beg—; coin—s; count—s; counterfeit—; deflate—; devaluate—; earn—; fill with—; flash—; furnish with—; inflate—; issue—; lose—; mint—s; present with—; print—s; proffer—; rate—; reduce to—; reject—; relinquish—; soil—; tear—; value —; worship—; —s accrue; —adorns; — attracts

    (See money, coin.)

    Doltish adverbs

    unutterably; strangely; dully; apathetically; singularly; oddly; curiously; unaccountably; inscrutably; abysmally; grotesquely; palpably; essentially; incurably; irremediably; callously; shockingly; soddenly; sullenly; vacuously; ridiculously; lumpishly; grossly; coarsely; direly; blandly; stupidly; stolidly

    Domain adjectives

    temporal; spiritual; allied (pl); speckless; ancestral; rough-hewn; extended; unexploited; bleak; ecclesiastical; obscure; shifting; elastic; scanty; shattered; melancholy; eminent; imperial; unassailable; forbidden; flourishing; impenetrable; outlying; allpervading; vast

    Dome adjectives

    golden; majestic; great; granite; shallow; saucer-like; gilded; blue-tiled; truncated; bell-shaped; silent; glorious; velvety; vaulted; star-fretted; tremulous; inevitable; isolated; monastic; gaping; observatory; firm-amental; clustered; shadowy; ribbed; Moorish; towering; heaven-pointing; illuminated; porphyroid


    adorn—; ascend to—; cradle in—; decorate —; dwell in—; enlarge—; gild—; illuminate—; poise on—; round off in—; stud—; survey—; swell—; —arches; —attracts; —resounds; —revolves; —shields; —sparkles; —spreads; —totters

    (See roof, building.)

    Domestic adverbs

    incurably; delightfully; cozily; comfortably; exaggeratedly; elaborately; ostentatiously; blatantly; offensively; conspicuously; hopelessly; charmingly; narrowly; insistently; flamboyantly; proudly; absurdly; impressively; vexatiously; boundlessly; entirely; pretentiously

    Domesticity adjectives

    smug; safe; dull; suburban; hard-won


    acquaint with—; avoid—; balk at—; dabble in—-; eliminate—; escape—; feign—; glance into—; incur—; indulge in—; pretend—; school in—; swallow by—; trap by—; wallow in—; w'eary of—; wrap in—; —annoys; —appeals; —bores; —involves; —restrains; —shelters

    (See affair.)

    Domicile adjectives

    luxurious; semi-detached; sumptuous; self-contained; sanctified; historic; commodious; tempting

    Dominant adverbs

    disturbingly; arrogantly; prominently; interestingly; strangely; substantially; emphatically; markedly; primarily; remarkably; vitally; virtually; dangerously; luckily; alarmingly; fortunately; unluckily; strongly; invincibly; inescapably; supremely; disagreeably; unpleasantly; officiously; selfishly; ruthlessly; inconsiderately; politically; unfortunately; insistently; manifestly; obviously; terribly; loftily; sternly; extraordinarily

    Dominate (v) adverbs

    atavistically; powerfully; effectively; tyrannically; overwhelmingly; sternly; inevitably; insistently; solely; persistently

    (See govern, control.)

    Domination adjectives

    lofty; overwhelming; hard; stern; cortical; banded; extraordinary; inevitable; insistent; sole; extended


    break away from—; condemn—; curse by —; dwell in—; enlarge—; enrich—; establish—; foster—; join—; subject to—; submit to—; suffer under—; trace—to; —compels; —inflicts; —reaps; —rules; —thrives

    (See control, dominion, rule, government, tyranny.)

    Domineering adverbs

    disagreeably; ridiculously; amusingly; tyrannically; unreasonably; characteristically; arrogantly; clownishly; persistently; airily; shockingly; politely; officiously; ludicrously; despotically; pompously; inherently; superciliously; loftily; insistently; sharply; detestably; offensively; naturally


    control—; exercise—over; explore—; form —; gain—; grant to—•; grasp—; inhabit—; integrate—s; procure—over; recognize—; rule—; rule with—; sever—from; sway—; yield to—; —comprises; —extends to; — obeys; —serves; govern—

    (See sovereignty, authority, nation, empire, kingdom.)

    Donate (v) adverbs

    munificently; generously; charitably; anonymously; amply; lavishly; splendidly; meagerly; grudgingly; complainingly

    (See give, contribute.)

    Donation adjectives

    generous; ample; munificent

    Donkey adjectives

    laden; tiny; gray; straggling; diminutive; plodding; modest; gentle; omnipresent; neat-stepping; patient


    burden—; fetter—; lash—; lasso—; pasture —; tether—; water—; —ambles; —balks

    —draws; —grazes; —hauls; —kicks; — pulls; —shies; —snorts

    (See animal, ass.)

    Doom adjectives

    impending; ultimate; irrevocable; ignominious; inescapable; dreadful; tragic; distant; thankful; inevitable; eternal; mysterious; dark; self-wrought; everlasting; inscrutable; stormy; graceless; fatal; approaching; imminent; perpetual; dubious; ultimate


    announce—; assign—; avoid—; bear—; bide—; consign to—; curse—; draw to—; dread—; fix—; fly to—; foresee—; foreshadow—; foretell—; hasten to—; move to—; near—; precipitate—; pronounce—; read—; revoke—; seal—; sound—; spell —; threaten—; —closes in; —impends

    (See judgment, fate, destiny.)

    Dominion adjectives

    sole; hereditary; dim; voracious; hard; unlimited; uncurbed; supreme; gross; drear

    Doom (v) adverbs

    irrecoverably; irrevocably; apparently; everlastingly; prophetically; ultimately; ig

    nominiously; inescapably; dreadfully; tragically; inevitably; eternally; mysteriously; inscrutably; fatally; cruelly

    (See condemn, ruin.)

    Doomed adverbs

    irretrievably; finally; mortally; endlessly; terribly; ultimately; irrevocably; ignominiously; inescapably; dreadfully; tragically; inevitably; eternally; mysteriously; darkly; everlastingly; inscrutably; perpetually; unhappily; utterly; evidently; manifestly; fatefully

    Door adjectives

    massive; battered; paneled; reluctant; clamped; iron-bound; barricaded; heavy; monumental; lovely; sun-blistered; baffling; carved; solid; grilled; unyielding; bolted; humble; weather-beaten; cathedral; unlatched; ponderous; stout; studded; opening; squeaking; communicating; yawning; cringing; ancient; worm-eaten; hacked; clanging; front; fateful; mystic; perpetual; unfrequented; love-crowned; substantial; impervious; moldering; revolving; portcullis; lodge; postern; sloping; sliding; hospitable; intermediate; veiled; padded; unguarded; infernal; impalpable; paternal; mossy; adamantine; unhinged; arched; mountain; shattered; curtained; guilty; shrunken; dilapidated; feeble


    appear at—; arch—; attain—; bar—; barricade—; batter down—; beat down—; bolt—; clamor at—; command—; commune at—; darken—; defend—; encamp at—; escort to—; exclude from—; fling open—; force—; gather at—; glimmer through—; guard—; guide to—; hammer on—; hinge —; hover about—; jam—; peep through—; pry at—; repulse from—; slam—; steal through—; stream through—; tap on—; tarry at—; tend—; venture through—; — admits; —creaks; —groans; —squeaks; — yawns

    (See entrance, portal, gate, opening, doorway.)

    Door-Bell adjectives

    (See bell.) verbs

    adjust—; answer—; attach—; connect—; hang—; press—; quiet—; ring—; sound—; —announces; —chimes; —disturbs; —interjects; —interrupts; —jingles; —pierces; — warns

    (See bell.)

    Door-Knob adjectives

    (See knob.) verbs

    adjust—; attach—; fasten to—; force—; grasp—; handle—; hug—; jiggle—; manipulate—; mark—; move—; ornament—; palm—; release—; toy with—; try—; tug at—; turn—; soil—; —gives way; —turns

    (See handle, knob.)

    Door-Man adjectives

    hulking; hard-faced; resplendent; staring; ruthless; gigantic

    Doorway adjectives

    sheltered; stately; doorless; curtained; unpretentious; pilastered; time-stained; flamboyant; enticing; impressive; unsavory; sculptured


    admit through—; adorn—; darken—; embellish—; enter—; file through—; flutter past—; huddle in—; jostle into—; loom in—; observe from—; occupy—; open into —; ornament—; pursue through—; scamper through—; shadow—; —beckons; —divides; —exhibits; —invites; —separates

    (See door.)

    Dormant adverbs

    temporarily; transiently; healthily; momentarily; latently; passively; inertly; heavily; lethargically; inactively; mysteriously; importantly; smoulderingly; symbolically; impenetrably; inferentially; fortunately; naturally; quiescently

    Dose adjectives

    minimum; enormous; nauseous; attenuated; curative; large; graduated (pl); tremendous; unpalatable; minute; occasional; nontoxic; potable; protective; moderate; monstrous; therapeutic; homeopathic


    adjust—; administer—; advocate—; apply —; calm with—; concoct—; decrease—

    increase—; inject—; ladle out—; measure —; portion out—; prepare—; prescribe—; reduce—; refuse—; regulate—; repeat—; suggest—; swallow—; —alleviates; —relieves; —suffices

    (See portion, draught, amount, medicine.)

    Doting adverbs

    foolishly; absurdly; inordinately; childishly; tenderly; ludicrously; tempestuously; frankly; proudly; significantly; ridiculously; openly; ostentatiously; fatuously; fervently; idolatrously; ardently; inarticulately; inexpressibly; madly; fervidly

    Double-Faced adverbs

    subtly; cunningly; insidiously; notoriously; infamously; surreptitiously; artfully; craftily; deceitfully; remarkably; dangerously; cleverly; alarmingly; distressingly; man-euveringly; plaguedly; adroitly; successfully; underhandedly; shrewdly; proverbially; manifestly; suavely; sanctimoniously

    Doubt adjectives

    premonitory; wondering; casual; growing; reasonable; prudent; impending; recurring; faint; presumptuous; insinuating; audacious; uneasy; horrid; black; wistful; serious; disturbing; grisly; consuming; bitter; sickening; momentary; angry; torturing; cynical; passionate; formless; unmerited; nagging; insidious; mean; conflicting; anxious; painful; pecuniary; timid; sarcastic; considerable; solitary; lingering; inseparable; floating; paralyzing; melancholy; remorseful; hideous; sorrowing; thronging; rational; hopeless; jealous; tragic; unwelcome; injurious; dark; coquettish; blasphemous; unclaimed; childish; oft-repeated; religious; unanswerable; good-humored; constitutional; grave; fiendish; sagacious; cloudy; broken; desperate; earthly


    assail with—; attend with—; banish—; breed—; brush away—; burden with—; cast into—; chill with—; circulate—; clear up—; cloud with—; conceive—; convey—; crush—; defy—; dissipate—; dissolve—; eliminate—; entertain—; erase—; express —; falter in—; fight—; interpose—; occasion—; oppress with—; raise—; remove—; rend with—; resolve—; strike with—; sustain—; sweep away—; torture with—; trouble by—; voice—; wrap in—; wring with—; —creeps in; —encompasses; —incenses; —lingers; —lurks; —overshadows; —prevails; —pursues; —springs up; — stabs; —taints

    (See uncertainty, distrust, disbelief, incredulity1, skepticism.)

    Doubt (v) adverbs

    casually; growingly; reasonably; recurring-ly; seriously; disturbingly; consumingly; sickeningly; momentarily; formlessly; painfully; jealously; childishly; gravely; sagaciously; paralyzingly

    (See distrust, suspect.)

    Doubter adjectives

    fastidious; sneering; puny

    Doubtful adverbs

    altogether; reasonably; seriously; gravely; vexatiously; still; wholly; timidly; vaguely; hazily; bewilderingly; mysteriously; enigmatically; ignorantly; distractedly; nervously; uncertainly; embarrassingly; elusively; remarkably; singularly; inexplicably; oddly

    Dough adjectives

    tasteless; crisp


    cake—; knead—; leaven—; mix—; mould —; moisten—; prepare—; punch—; set—; shape—; sprinkle—; sweeten—; transform —into; work—; —ferments; —puffs; — rises

    (See mass.)

    Doughnut adjectives

    lunch-counter; sugary; forbidden

    Dove adjectives

    crooning; staid; strengthless; mellow-mourning; lonely; sucking; milk-white; cooing; brooding; silver; snowy


    tame—; toy with—; —bills; —broods; — coos; —crouches; —grieves; —haunts; — moans; —mourns; —murmurs; —plains; —sails; —trembles; —trumpets; —tumbles; —walks

    (See bird.)

    DO W AGER adjectives

    ugly; old; decorous;

    ill-tempered; amiable


    indescribably; dismally; untidily; vaguely; shamefully; embarrassingly; pitiably; incredibly; unfashionably; inexcusably; indifferently; nonchalantly; blithely; carelessly; gloriously; laughingly; placidly; self-consciously; unconscionably; inordinately; unpardonably; vexatiously; downright; smudgily; grimily; lazily; obstinately; slouchily; gaily; negligently

    Dower adjectives

    unconscious; fragrant; generous; sufficient; convenient

    Down adjectives

    solitary; dewy-glooming; callow; loaning; soft; undulating (pl); hushless (pl); beautiful; swelling (pl)

    Downcast adverbs

    terribly; unreasonably; needlessly; gloomily; glumly; inordinately; emphatically; dourly; sorely; irrationally; inexplicably; moodily; alarmingly; dangerously; incurably; inconceivably; incredibly; horribly; woefully; gravely; seriously; inconsolably; desperately; tragically; unduly; wearily

    Downfall verbs

    anticipate—; approach—; bring about—; drag into—; escape—; expect—; experience—; fear—; guard against—; heed—; meet—; pitch to—; promise—; protect from —; recover from—; tumble to—; warn of—; —destroys; —engulfs; —teaches

    (See disgrace, ruin, destruction.)

    Dowry agree upon—; amass—; assign—; assure of—; bestow—; demand—; endue with—; furnish—; grant—; guarantee—; increase —; marry for—; pay—; present with—; provide—; return—; seek—; —compensates; —impoverishes; —satisfies; —shrinks

    (See endowment, gift, property, portion, reward.)

    Doze adjectives

    noontide; surreptitious; sudden; heavy; fitful; nightmare-ridden; comfortable; wakeful; uncomfortable

    Doze (v) adverbs

    peacefully; slumberously; surreptitiously; fitfully; comfortably; wakefully; interminably; lazily

    (See sleep, drowse.)

    Drabness adjectives

    colorless; external; bleak; blank


    clothe in—; compensate for—; conceal—; envelop by—; expel—; exude—; observe—; lelieve—; shroud in—; throw off—; —depresses; —displeases; —drowns; —offends; —oppresses; —overwhelms; —seeps in; — suits

    (See dullness, monotony.)

    Draft (air) adjectives

    icy; adventurous; sparkling; severe; swift


    admit—; avoid—; breathe—; create—; draw—; expose to—; force—; guard against—; inhale—; place in—; prevent—; produce—; protect against—; shiver in—; sit in—; —effects; —enters; —escapes; — harms; —passes through

    (See current, air, breeze.)

    Draft (money) verbs

    address—; approve—; cash—; date—; defer—; draw—; honor—; pay with—; produce—; send—; tender—; wire—; write—

    —enables; —orders; —suffices

    (See money.)

    Drag (v) adverbs

    painfully; listlessly; dejectedly; bodily; heavily; tenderly; stubbornly; forcibly; despondently; unwillingly; sternly

    (See haul, trail, pull.)

    Dragon adjectives

    undulant; cave-hid; gilded; fabulous; swift; full-gorged; transfixed; ugly; hideous; murderous; Hydra-headed; green; monstrous; bloodthirsty


    beset by—; cast out—; confront by—; crush—; pacify—; prevail against—; rout —; slay—; strike at—; vanquish—; — claws; —destroys; —fumes; —guards; — hisses; —licks; —menaces; —ravages; — snorts; —spouts forth; —swallows up; — symbolizes; —tramples; —vanishes; — wails; —writhes

    (See monster, serpent.)

    Drain adjectives

    (See ditch, pipe, trench.) verbs

    clog—; connect to—; consign to—; dig—; discharge in—; drop into—; employ—; enter—; flush—; furnish—; insert—; pour down—; —cariies off; —clears; —preserves; —prevents; —serves; washdown—

    (See gutter, channel, trench, ditch, pipe.)

    Drain (

    steadily; thoroughly; partially; unscrupulously; unsparingly; entirely; completely; painfully

    (See empty, exhaust, deplete.)

    Drama adjectives

    spiritual; modern; languid; excessive; loquacious; moving; honest; courageous; stirring; sturdy; classic; dazzling; intense; irrepressible; successful; trivial; stark; high; spectacular; unpretentious; lyric; terrific; painful; crucial; ineffective; unsettled; sensational; hidden; sinister; comic; touching; grim; vivid; gloomy; tragic; dynamic; many-sided; homely; homespun; heartrending; agonizing; absorbing; daily; rousing; weird; romantic; enthralling; raw; elemental; episodic; moon-lit; grisly; moribund; terrestrial; breathless; turgid; far-flung; unrelenting; throbbing; intensified; psychological; adulterous; quiet; piquant; stupendous; thrilling; philosophical; judicial; realistic; naturalistic; poetic; merciless; pitiless; constructive; decadent; fierce; historical; mimic; powerful; religious; impending; oft-rehearsed; voiceless; equestrian; potential; tragic; social; great; well-ordered; transpired; blustering; nefarious; well-arranged; celebrated; revolutionary; sublime; epic; passionate; vast; heroic; propaganda; depressing; exhilarating


    cast—; enact—; fashion—; foreshadow—; ground in—; intensify—; pervade—; portray—; recreate—; reform—; revive—; sense—; sketch—; spell—; take part in—; temper—; unfold—; —depicts; —electrifies; —stirs; —teeters; —unrolls

    (S^e play, composition, performance, tragedy, literature.

    Dramatic adverbs

    spectacularly; absurdly; impressively; extravagantly; emphatically; foolishly; ridiculously; laughably; profitably; undoubtedly; evidently; palpably; grotesquely; fantastically; unusually; admittedly; excessively; movingly; highly; lyrically; sensationally; weirdly; romantically; breathlessly; enthrallingly; quietly; psychologically; stupendously; marvellously; abundantly; thrill-ingly; mercilessly; historically; undeniably; powerfully; potentially; sublimely; epically; vastly; heroically; passionately; exhilaratingly; touchingly; immensely; intensely; boundlessly

    Dramatist adjectives

    celebrated; contemporary; deft; practiced; renowned; distinguished


    acclaim—; applaud—; condemn—; criticize—; inspire—; praise—; reward—; support—; sympathize with—; —composes; — conceives;— concocts; —entertains; —excels; —foreshadows; —implies; —motivates; —moves; —plans; —presents; — prevails; —relates; —stirs; —yields

    (See writer, playwright, author.)

    Drape adjectives

    extreme; modified; easy; natural; smart; athletic; careless; fashionable; poised; proper; graceful

    Drape («/


    artistically; sparingly; carelessly; archly; smartly; fashionably; properly; gracefully; gloomily; vividly; voluminously; richly; flutteringly; monotonously; fantastically; gorgeously; judiciously; dustily

    (See hang, adorn, cover.)

    Drapery adjectives

    sweeping; gloomy; gleaming; damask; smoke-grey; vivid; chiffon; voluminous; sad; silvery; rich; orchid; taffeta; window; glistening; festooned; stifling; floating; filmy; sable; well-managed; snowy; fluttering; verdant; monotonous; undulant; translucent; sonorous; graceful; gorgeous; golden; diaphonous; flying; silken; judicious; soft; streaming; sooty; gauzy; fantastic; witching; ambulant; chintz; voile; dusty


    admire—; arrange—; clothe in-—; cover with—; decorate with—; dress in—; festoon in—; fold—; furnish with—; hang—; model—; place—; select—; strip of—; suspend—; weave—; —adds —dresses; —enhances; —graces; —offsets; —ies part

    (See curtain, cloth, material.)

    Drastic adverbs

    cruelly; intensely; inhumanly; emphatically; unscrupulously; pitifully; powerfully; intensely; virulently; poignantly; harshly; resolutely; immensely; strenuously; incisively; violently; desperately; brutally; trenchantly; strikingly

    Draught adjectives

    copious; literary; roaring; shallow; mellow; crystal; daring; refreshing; beneficial; delirious; frequent (pl) ; nectared; unpalatable; portentous; long; hearty; ample; fresh; considerable; acid; grateful; magic; liquorish; fiery; nut-brown; immortal; mingled (pl); fatal; assisted


    concoct—; down—; drain—; draw off—; empty—; finish in one—; imbibe—; mix—; Older—; partake of—; rejoice in—; tap—; —effervesces; —foams; —quenches; —revives; —sates; —soothes; —suffices

    (See drink.)

    Draw (v


    fiercely; reluctantly; passionately; mournfully; caressingly; silently; swiftly; contentedly; lazily; demurely; passively; haughtily; apprehensively; irresistibly; reproachfully; inevitably; hastily; affectionately; tenderly; symbolically; exquisitely; sophisticatedly; sketchily; grotesquely; impeccably; hideously; apologetically

    (See depict, sketch, pull.)

    Drawback adjectives

    tremendous; undeniable; numerous (pl); practical; definite


    accept—; anticipate—; control—; expect—; involve—; lack—; necessitate—; overcome —; produce—; pronounce—; refuse—; relax—; reveal—; weigh—; —diminishes


    (See disadvantage, hindrance, defect.)

    Drawer adjectives

    secret; gilt-labelled; locked; hidden; stuffed; filled


    arrange in—; conceal in—; decorate—; discover in—; draw out—; examine—; explore —; fit in—; lock—; muss—; obtain from—; ornament—; rummage in—; search in—; wade through—s; —contains; —exposes; —reveals; —sticks; —swallows

    (See case, box.)

    Drawing adjectives

    water-color; modernistic; free-hand; magnificent; clever; amazing; delectable; symbolical; beautiful; holy; exquisite; sophisticated; sketchy; charcoal; crude; sturdy; grotesque; impeccable; bewildering; distinguished; detailed; icicle-like; naturalistic; hideous


    collect—s; embellish—; exhibit—; interest in—; model for—; pen—; pencil—; pose for—; praise—; produce—; scratch out—; sit for—; sketch—; study—; translate—; —attracts; —depicts; —imparts; —represents; —reveals; —symbolizes

    (See sketch, picture.)

    Drawing-Room adjectives

    frescoed; honest; staid; spacious; marble-floored

    Drawl adjectives

    tantalizing; unexcited; calm; level; lazy; musical; indistinct; mountain; innocent; maddening; affected; enchanting; slow; steady; masculine; comforting; pleasant; ingenious; listless; haughty; sardonic; husky; amusing; amiable; quiet; soft; confidential; high; emphatic


    acquire—; adopt—; affect—; catch—; copy —; correct—; employ—; inject—; mimic—; mumble—; recognize—; retain—; translate —; understand—; utter—; —fascinates; —intrigues; —irritates; —loiters; —pleases

    (See speech, utterance, accent.)

    Drawl (v) adverbs

    slowly; wearily; tantalizingly; lazily; musically; indistinctly; maddeningly; affectedly; enchantingly; steadily; comfortingly; pleasantly; listlessly; sardonically; huskily; amusingly; amiably; softly; calmly

    (See speak, sound.)

    Drawling adverbs

    lazily; sleepily; indifferently; carelessly; drowsily; yawningly; insolently; arrogantly; stupidly; impudently; slowly; indistinctly; affectedly; listlessly; languidly; huskily; interminably; endlessly; tiresomely; slackly; slouchily; leisurely; deliberately; apathetically; dully; maunderingly; inarticulately; singularly; faintly; idly; inertly; dreamily; inexcusably

    Dread adjectives

    despising; wondrous; superstitious; halfconscious; silent; mysterious; contagious; ignorant; sickening; apprehensive; maddening; unreasonable; secret; speechless; mysterious; lurking; shrinking; shadowy; slavish; inexplicable; haunting; unimaginable; nameless; inexpressible; morbid; somber; fresh; blank; irrational; racking; stark; mutual; constant; unnamed; obscene; unnatural; foolish; abnormal; salutary; oppressive; decorous; ill-defined; vague; shuddering; subconscious; feminine; incomprehensible; grinding; popular; nervous; pious; unformulated; poignant; supernatural; recurrent; indefinable; unfathomable; overwhelming; inspiring


    attend with—; awaken—; cause—; cure of—; diagnose—; disguise—; dwell in—; hide in—of; induce—; nourish—; obsess with—; oppress by—; overcome—; produce —; provoke—; put away—; regard with—; relinquish—; ripen into—; shake with—; wrap in—; —causes; —dogs; —inspires


    (See fright, horror, terror, awe.)

    Dread (v) adverbs

    righteously; vaguely; habitually; super-stitiously; ignorantly; apprehensively; unreasonably; secretly; speechlessly; shrink-ingly; inexplicably; hauntingly; unimaginably; inexpressibly; morbidly; somberly; irrationally; starkly; mutually; constantly; unnaturally; foolishly; oppressively; vaguely; nervously; piously; poignantly; super-naturally; recurrently; indefinably; un-fathomably; overwhelmingly

    (See fear, anticipate.)

    Dreadful adverbs

    unutterably; unspeakably; horridly; abominably; tragically; gloomily; incredibly; indescribably; absolutely; starkly; uncommonly; amazingly; astonishingly; cruelly; shockingly; startlingly; perniciously; damnably; disastrously; ruinously; arrantly; re-prehensibly; execrably; irremediably; in-supportably; appallingly; repulsively; abhorrently; sickeningly; calamitously; cata-clysmally

    Dream adjectives

    aerial; aching; amazing; ambitious; amusing; amethystine; angelic; antenatal; appalling; astonishing; attenuated; bad; baleful; balmy; beastly; beatific; beauteous; besetting; bewildering; bitter; blessed; blighting; blissful; botched; boyish; bucolic; captured; changing; chaste; cherished; childhood; clear; clouded; colored; confused; consecrating; constant; conversational; daring; crazy; dark; day-appearing; dazzling; dead; dearest; deep; delicate; delicious; delirious; delusive; depressed; disconnected; discordant; disjointed; disordered; distorted; distressing; disturbed; divine; dotard; doubtful; dreadful; ecstatic; drowsy; embodied; empty; enthralled; external; evil; exacerbated; exquisite; extraordinary; extravagant; exuberant; fabulous; faded; fairy tale; false; fanatical; fanciful; fancy; fantastic; favorite; fearful; feverish; fitful; flashing; flattering; fleeting; floating; fond; foolish; fragile; friendly; frightful; futile; ghastly; girlish; glorious; gloomy; golden; gorgeous; grandiose; grotesque; half-forgotten; half-remembered; hashish; hateful; haunting; hazy; hideous; horrible; horrid; horrifying; hovering; idle; idyllic; illusory; immortal; impossible; impressive; incommunicable; industrial; ineffaceable; ingenuous; insistent; inspiring; interlunar; interminable; intransitive; invisible; iridescent; jeweled; jostling; journeying; jocund; languorous; lasting; lethargic; liquored; lifelong; liberal-minded; living; loftiest; lotuseating; lowly; luxurious; mad; maddening; magical; magnificent; melancholy; materialized; millennial; misty; mournful; mooning; morbid; nightly; nightmare; obliging; particular; pensive; perfectible; perishing; odorous; oppressive; ominous; painful; perpetual; persistent; picturesque; pipe; poetic; pompous; poor; preposterous; prophetic; quarrelsome; protracted; pure; quaint; quaking; qualm-filled; quarrelsome; quavering; queenly; quenchable; quick; quieting; queriinonious; querulous; questionable; quirky; quizzical; remarkable; restless; resurrected; ridiculous; rocking-chair; romantic; rosy; senseless; sensual; significant; shameful; shattered; shivering; short-lived; sin-chastising; sprinkling; singular; sleepless; slow; smiling; solid; stern; strange; summer; sweet; symbolic; telepathic; tender; terrific; terrifying; thoughtless; topsy-turvy; torturing; transitory; trivial; troubled; tumultuous; unborn; uneasy; unmeaning; unpleasant; unquiet; unremembered; unshakable; unsubstantial; untold; vague; veritable; vernal; vicious; visionary; vivid; waking; wandering; waning; wavering; whirling; whiskey; whispered; wicked; winged; wildering; wildest; wistful; wretched; youthful; zestful


    aw’ake from—; babble in—; blend in—; break—; calm—s; cast into—; conceive in—; create in—; delight in—; destroy—; dissipate—■; exist in—; explain—; fade to —; fly away in—; foresee in——; forget—; fulfill—; glimpse in—; haunt—; hearken to—; indulge in—; interpret—; lose in—; nurse—; pass from—; perpetuate in—; produce—; realize—; rule—s; shake off—; shatter—; sink into—; slumber in—; spin —; suffer in—; transform—; understand—; wander in—; —betokens; —crumbles; — disturbs; —flees; —flowers; —foretells; — haunts; —overpowers; —overshadows; — presages; —prophesies; —puzzles; —reveals; —signifies; —startles; —terrifies;. —torments; —troubles; —warns

    (See illusion, reverie, fancy, fantasy, hallucination, vision.)

    Dream (v) adverbs

    unchastely; delectably; romantically; splendidly; confusedly; fondly; contentedly; ambitiously; amusingly; astonishingly; blissfully; dazzlingly; deliciously; deliriously; disconnectedly; drowsily; distressingly; dreadfully; ecstatically; emptily; evilly; exquisitely; extravagantly; exuberantly; fabulously; fanatically; fancifully; fleetingly; gloomily; gorgeously; grotesquely; horribly; inspiringly; interminably; maddeningly; magnificently; oppressively; pensively; perpetually; persistently; picturesquely; poetically; prophetically; ridiculously; romantically; senselessly; sensually; significantly; vividly; waveringly; zestfully; deliriously

    (See fancy', imagine.)

    Dreamer adjectives

    egotistic; inefficient; preposterous; imaginative; languishing; impractical; hair-splitting; drowsy; pathetic; soppy; deep; blissful; solitary; delirious; superstitious; utopian; stony

    Dreamy adverbs

    languidly; somnolently; lazily; delightfully; terribly; wonderfully; slightly; deliciously; comfortably; cosily; amazingly; amusingly; inattentively; carelessly; abstractedly; beat-tifically; boyishly; constantly; irritatingly; naturally; habitually; inherently; provok-ingly;’wistfully; wickedly; vaguely; yearningly; longingly; sweetly; strangely; tenderly; uneasily; thoughtlessly; sleepily; quaintly; remarkably; restlessly; perpetually; crazily; deeply; divinely; ecstatically; extraordinarily; fancifully; fantastically; foolishly; girlishly; gloriously; hatefully; idly; interminably; pensively

    Dreariness ad jectives

    mute; funereal; cacophonous; soporific; appalling; blank

    Dregs adjectives

    wretched; bitterest; painful; basest; final; bottom; last

    Drench (v) adverbs

    instantaneously; entirely; thoroughly; fully; fatally; refreshingly; repeatedly

    (See flood, overflow.)

    Dress adjectives

    fetching; charming; daring; motley; gay; luxurious; trim; exquisite; gorgeous; delicious; evening; sky-blue; conventional; simple; starched; stiff; immaculate; adorable; homely; conspicuous; sophisticated; gauzy; filmy; gleaming; dishevelled; faded; dirty; frumpy; torn; crumpled; rumpled; flecked; queer; shabby; tattered; muslin; voile; serge; bridal; ostentatious; proper; irreproachable; azure; alpaca; holiday; low-necked; traveling; brocade; silk; hand-embroidered; ceremonial; wedding;'picturesque; metal; native; turquoise; satin; fringed; beaded; buckskin; fluttering; flowing; insufficient; favorite; voluminous; old-style; detailed; antediluvian; unpretending; flaunting; shaggy; scant; plain; sumptuous; tight-fitting; sober; decorous; splendid; fantastical; ecclesiastical; airy; clean; yellow; fresh; somber; different; good-looking; extraordinary; school-girlish; flowered; varicolored; trailing; made-over; soft; sheer; identical; suitable; frivolous; flame; nondescript; gaudy; dazzling; cute; vivid; wearable; outlandish; martial; orchestral; distinctive; well-made; exceptional; fashionable; tinted; gala; lively; rich; basic; bloody; negligent; obsolete; impeccable; tailored; elegant; romantic; loose; glittering; quaint; rainy day; ragged; olivegreen; outdoor; red; tulle; ballerina; becoming; masculine; fitted; boyish; convenient; hideous; fleshly; enchanting; rustic; indecent; shiny; wretched; flattering; versatile; foppish; manly; similar; alluring; gingham; incomparable


    adorn—; ban—; complete—; delight in—; don—; fancy—; fray—; gather—es ; hem—; iron—; long for—; pleat—; shorten—; stitch—; straighten—; —befits; —clings


    (See apparel, attire, gown, frock, clothing.)

    Dress (v) adverbs

    sparsely; impecuniously; exquisitely; ravish-ingly; punctiliously; fastidiously; extravagantly; flamboyantly; garishly; gaudily; flashily; uninvitingly; smartly; opulently; alluringly; superfluously; tastefully; picturesquely; gorgeously; expensively; impeccably; conservatively; fashionably; resplen-dently; somberly; foppishly; fantastically; drably; identically; ostentatiously; modestly; primitively; brilliantly; scrupulously; fetchingly; daringly; trimly; immaculately; dishevelledly; ceremonially; ecclesiastically; nondescriptly; distinctively; martially; ob-soletely; negligently; rustically; shabbily; gallantly

    (See garb, attire, array.)

    Dresser adjectives

    consummate; flashy; top-notch

    Dressing adjectives

    elaborate; court; surgical; decongestive; somber; passionate; undisciplined; artificial


    admire—; apply—; bedeck in—; change—; compliment—; complete—; concoct—; eat with—; occupy with—; prepare—; scrutinize—; serve with—; signal for—; soak through—; soil—; tear off—; wear—; — appeals; —eases; —preserves

    Dressmaker adjectives

    domestic; fashionable

    Drift adjectives

    pearly; scudding; glacial; pallid; irresistible; wind-swept; fallacious; wordy; imaginative; social; passing; intended; amoral; steaming; feathery; powdery; blinding; treacherous

    Drift (v) adverbs

    delightfully; quietly; naturally; casually; waywardly; lazily; smoothly; unconsciously; hopelessly; tranquilly; alternately; irresistibly; indecisively; purposelessly; scud-dingly; glacially; fallaciously; blindly

    (See wander, deviate.)

    Drifter adjectives

    shiftless; disgruntled; utter

    Driftwood adjectives

    dancing; scattered

    Drill adjectives

    arduous; painful; sword; emergency; stiff; dusty; grammatical

    Drill (instrument) verbs

    attach—; man—; power—; sharpen—; sink —; yield to—; —beats out; —bores; — forces; —grinds; —plunges into; —strikes


    (See tool, machine.)

    Drink ad jectives

    refreshing; useful; stimulating; seductive; sleepy; sparkling; zestful; hearty; robust; mellow; keen-tasting; acidulous; exhilarating; cooling; thirst-quenching; superb; delicate; delicious; appetizing; nutritious; soothing; innocuous; long-deferred; effervescent; frosty; fermented; hot; heady; tinkling; fiery; stiff; repulsive; steaming; choice; soft; wholesome; excellent; restorative; limpid


    abandon—; adulterate—; cool—; derive— from; err through—; ferment—; gulp—; ice—; indulge in—; offer—; rage with—; reek of—; regale with—; serve—; sour—; stagger with—; swallow—; thirst for—; —affects; —appeals; —assuages; —debauches; —depraves; —enslaves; —exhilarates; —intoxicates; —nourishes; — quenches; —refreshes; —satiates; —stimulates: —transforms; reel with—

    (See liquid, beverage, liquor, draught.)

    Drink (v) adverbs

    abstemiously; excessively; ravenously; plentifully; vilely; greedily; intemperately; copiously; thirstily; systematically; deeply; convivially; bestially; insatiably; inconsolably; loyally; deliberately; injudiciously

    (See sip, imbibe.)

    Drinker adjectives

    lusty; confirmed; chronic; mean; deadly; rat; unforgivable; suspicious; intemperate; unhealthy; inured; obstinate; problem

    Drinking adjectives

    conspicuous; hard; excessive; copious; free; easy; constant; injudicious

    Drip (v) adverbs

    monotonously; drearily; steadily; ceaselessly; intermittently; maddeningly; tortur-ingly

    (See drop, fall.)

    Drive (campaign) adjectives

    (See campaign.)


    abandon—; abate—; captain—; conduct—; deadlock—; forsake—; hail—; inaugurate —; join—; lash into—; launch—; map out —; organize—; stage—; wage

    (See campaign, effort.)

    Drive (general) adjectives

    fashionable; beautiful; urban; weed-grown; gravel; jolting; scenic; cliff-skirting; magnificent; wood; curving; public; leaf-strewn; coquina; steep; winding; fatal; monster; determined; concentrated; concerted; organizational; solitary; conclusive; oppressive; phenomenal

    Drive (road) adjectives

    (See road.) verbs

    amble along—; approach—; bar—; choke —; circle—; clear—; conceal—; crowd—; direct to—; emerge from—; enter—; follow —; gallop along—; hedge—; meet in—; park in—; patrol—; ramble along—; roll along—; shout from—; skirt—; widen—; zoom into—; —beckons; —circles; —flanks; —winds; —zigzags

    (See road, avenue.)

    Drive (v) adverbs

    ridiculously; irresponsibly; oppressively; tirelessly; tensely; erratically; heedlessly; blithely; electrically; masterfully; involuntarily; cautiously; leisurely; steadily; briskly; simultaneously; helplessly; tumultuously; precipitately; grimly; drunkenly; ineptly; furiously; irresistibly; contemptuously

    (See impel, propel.)

    Drivel adjectives

    maudlin; meaningless; puerile; sentimental

    Driver adjectives

    addlebrained; grim; recumbent; cruel-vis-aged; skilled; trusted; insolent; sweating; wretched; reckless; superb; acrobatic; benumbed; drunken; inept; unlicensed


    apprehend—; blame—; convict—; direct—; employ—; fine—; hire—; jail—; license—; pay—; request—; summon—; tip—; trust —; —charges; —compels; —complies; — hails; —halts; —signals; —urges; arrest—

    (See engineer, operator.)

    Drizzle adverbs

    driving; steaming; slow; spiritless; early-morning; fine; thick; cold; chill; falling

    Droll adverbs

    entertainingly; laughably; naturally; racially; endlessly; remarkably; quaintly; oddly; deliciously; marvellously; piquantly; robustly; whimsically; fancifully; fantastically; grotesquely; genially; jeeringly; good-naturedly; spontaneously; chattily; sardonically; delightfully; coarsely; quietly; irrepressibly; irresistibly; playfully; unaccountably; inexhaustibly; effervescently; waggishly; facetiously; outlandishly

    Drollery adjectives

    broad; absurd

    Dromedary adjectives

    helmless; patient

    Drone adjectives

    sonorous; teasing; supine; liturgic; stingless; luxurious

    Drone (v) adverbs

    mechanically; somnolently; sonorously; monotonously; teasingly; maddeningly; dully; stupidly

    (See sound, idle.)

    Droning adverbs

    wearily; endlessly; prosaically; academically; pretentiously; incessantly; languidly; indifferently; leisurely; tiresomely; monotonously; intolerably; insufferably; unbearably; maddeningly; eternally

    Droop adjectives

    discouraged; affectionate; pensive; pathetic; childish; weary; dissatisfied

    Droop (v) adverbs

    gloomily; mournfully; cheerlessly; pathetically; languidly; dejectedly; alarmingly; tenderly; visibly; sleepily; pensively; wearily; tremulously

    (See fade, faint.)


    . . adjectives

    sickening; sheer

    Drop (liquid) adjectives

    minute; needle-like; pearly; crystal; myriad (pl),' ambrosial; beady; glittering; blistering; infinitesimal; foolish; fresh; morning; congealed; twinkling; priceless; falling; tearful; insolent; bitterest; contiguous; bitter; ruddy; mournful; burning


    absorb—; add—; administer—; dispense —s; distil in—s; draw off—; drink—; dry —s; exude—; fall in—s; form—; give off —s; instill—s; mix with—s; moisten with —s; prepare—; save—; shed—; shower—; spill—; squeeze—; sweat—; wipe away—s; —s appear; — s dampen; —s descend; — evaporates; —glitters; —issues from; —s stream from; —wets

    (See moisture.

    Drop (v) adverbs

    miraculously; swiftly; quietly; carelessly; listlessly; gently; significantly; tearfully; alarmingly; methodically; mournfully; lazily; heavily

    (See fall.)

    Dropsy adjectives

    (See disease.)


    affect with—; afflict with—; aggravate—; cure—; fall into—; incur—; relieve—, suffer from—; swell with—; treat for—; —appears; —arises; —destroys; —enlarges; —inflates; —overcharges; —pains

    (See disease.)

    Dross adjectives

    (See scum.)


    allow for—; bloat with—; convert from—; dissolve into—; give off—; heap—; leave —; mass—; mix with—; mound—; purge of—; refine—; separate—; scum—; skim off—; —detracts; —floats; —remains

    (See impurity, waste, scum.)

    Drought adjectives

    devilish; burning; severe; prolonged; unparalleled; unprecedented; insatiate; scorching; extensive; continued; stagnant; extreme


    endure—; expose to—; flee—; prepare for —; prevent—; relieve—; subject to—; succumb to—; suffer from—; —burns; —continues; —descends; —destroys; —dries; — grips; —parches; —ravages; —ruins; — scorches; —sears

    (See heat.)

    Drofe adjectives

    immense; countless

    Drowning verbs

    avoid—; bewail—; escape—; guard against —; mark—; rescue from—; —bereaves; —takes its toll

    Drowse (v) adverbs

    sorrowfully; deliciously; lazily; wearily; carelessly; comfortably; continually

    (See sleep.)

    Drowsiness adjectives

    overwhelming; overpowering; delicious; petulant; slight; bored; morbid

    Drowsy adverbs

    irresistibly; pleasantly; dully; deliciously; overwhelmingly; heavily; comfortably; cosily; warmly; fortunately; suddenly; fitfully; uncomfortably; inconveniently; over-poweringly; fatally; quietly; tranquilly; quietly; restfully; peacefully; drunkenly; pleasingly; mysteriously; startlingly; alarmingly; feverishly; hypnotically; dangerously; constantly; languorously; gradually; imperceptibly; idly; inertly; torpidly; lumpishly; dreamily; wearily

    Drubbing adjectives

    (See beating.) verbs

    administer—; deserve—; earn—; expect—; ’impose—; inflict—; merit—; protect from—

    punish with—; render—; scream under—; suffer—; threaten with—; undergo—; yield to—; —benefits; —cures

    (See beating.)

    Drudge adjectives

    weary; household; casual; incessant; faithful; cautious; miserable; sickly; ordinary; domestic

    Drudge (v) adverbs

    monotonously; wearily; casually; incessantly; faithfully; miserably; domestically; deadeningly; depressingly; ceaselessly; de-gradmgly; tediously; mechanically; unremittingly; grievously; unendingly; commercially

    (See work, labor.)

    Drudgery adjectives

    tiresome; deadening; depressing; ceaseless; degrading; low; tedious; mechanical; grievous; unremitting; severest; formal; old-time; unending; initial; youthful; mercenary; pretty


    charge—to; condemn—; decline—; detail to—; earn by—; employ for—; expose to—; fade under—; fall into—; flee—; heap— upon; impose—upon; perform—; punish with—; put to—; release from—; relieve —; require—; subject to—; toil in—; — chokes; —wearies; —wears

    (See toil, work, labor.)

    Drug adjectives

    opiate; antisyphilitic; spicy; ancient; various (pl); somniferous; impotent; fatal; injurious; valuable; convenient; officinal; nerve-exciting; deleterious; evil-smelling; subtle; incompatible; nauseous; diluted; obnoxious; illicit; habit-forming; powerful; futile; sleep-inducing; insidious; pernicious; deadly


    addict to—; administer—; apply—; diminish—; distribute—; employ—; inhale—; label—; peddle—; prescribe—; purvey—; recommend—; rely on—; saturate with—; smuggle in—; swallow—; traffic in—; treat with—; turn to—; —affects; —aids; — allays; —alleviates; —antidotes; —controls; —heals; —induces; —poisons; —purges; —scours; inject—

    (See narcotic, poison, potion.)

    Drugged adverbs

    disgustingly; hopelessly; pleasantly; overwhelmingly; heavily; comfortably; over-puweringly; fatally; mysteriously; startlingly; shockingly; alarmingly; dangerously; languorously; gradually; imperceptibly; inertly; dreamily; injuriously; subtly; insidiously; wickedly; inhumanly; habitually; incidentally; accidentally; deliberately; cruelly

    Drum adjectives

    deafening; rolling; cask-like; sullen; insistent; furious; sardonic; deep-throated; bellowing; exploding; jarring; perpetual; droning; boisterous; revolving; muffled; recruiting; thumping; unbraced; churlish; distant; weird; rattling; repeating; monotonous


    belabor—; hearken to—; muffle—; rattle—; sound—; strike up—; thump—; —beats; — booms; —murmurs; —rolls; —stirs; — thunders; —warns; —welcomes

    Drum (v) adverbs

    fretfully; vigorously; deafeningly; sullenly; insistently; furiously; jarringly; perpetually; droningly; muffledly; thumpingly; weirdly; monotonously

    (See beat, pound.)

    Drumbeat adjectives

    furious; rapid; swift; staccato; far-off

    Drumstick verbs

    accept—; approve of—; beat with—; bless with—; covet—; dress—; examine—; eye —; favor—; pick at—; regard—; reject—; relish—; request—; select—; squabble for —; —appeals; —appeases; —attracts

    (See meat, food.)

    Drunk adverbs

    comically; gloriously; jovially; convivially; pleasantly; beastly; soddenly; happily; deliciously; unconsciously; heartily; vacuously; fatuously; ribaldly; funnily; smartly; deeply; sleepily; drowsily; tragically; helplessly; hopelessly; terribly; utterly; desperately; dangerously; fantastically; grotesquely; palpably; morosely; glumly; woefully; mournfully; lovingly; ridiculously; ludicrously; lamentably; deplorably; pitifully; truculently; quarrelsomely; amiably; magnificently; obnoxiously; furiously; boisterously; outrageously; noisily; chattily; dizzily

    Drunkard adjectives

    heavy; cursing; quarrelsome; hopeless; confirmed; amiable; uncouth; magnificent; congenital; half-stupefied; reformed; infatuated; habitual; unproductive; swinish; incorrigible; abandoned


    abhor—; apprehend—; commit—to; confine—; cure—; direct—; humor—; incense —; lock up—; perplex—; punish—; steady —; stupefy—; treat—; —assails; —disturbs; —partakes; —raves; —reels; — revels; —shocks; —staggers; —teeters; — totters; —wavers

    Drunkenness adjectives

    habitual; seasonal; babbling; intemperate; usual; perpetual; rash


    abuse in—; addict to—; chain in—; cure—; denounce—; extirpate—; feign—; frown on—; imbibe to—; overcome by—; prevent —; saturate into—; seize by—; simulate—; soak into—; treat for—; yield to—; — appalls; —destroys; —envelops; —harms

    Dry adverbs

    terribly; painfully; horribly; intolerably; unbearably; unprofitably; unproductively; treelessly; dustily; torridly; hopelessly; desperately; heartbreakingly; destructively; insupportably; feverishly; parchedly

    Dryness adjectives

    unhealthful; satirical; extreme; intolerable

    Duality adjectives

    antagonistic; apparent; incredulous; baffling; unbelievable; inescapable

    Dubious adverbs

    momentarily; strangely; horribly; anxiously; painfully; oddly; ominously; curiously; embarrassingly; remarkably; terribly; openly; dreadfully; frightfully; vaguely; frankly; obscurely

    Duck adjectives

    iridescent; gabbling


    —beats water; —dives; —quacks; —rests on the water; —wings; —whirls past; — whirs

    (See fowl, bird.)

    Duct adjectives

    non-functional; necessary; essential; much-used


    discover—; draw through—; follow—; form—; introduce—; mark—; meet—; observe—; pass through—; perfect—; retreat through—; tap—; —communicates; —contains; —conveys; —directs; —dispatches; —guides; —runs; —secretes; —transmits; —turns

    (See passage, canal, conduit, pipe, channel.)

    Due adverbs

    legally; officially; naturally; recently; inescapably; conveniently; properly; justly; fairly; rightfully; reasonably; warrantably; legitimately; indefensibly; allowably; equitably; substantially; imperatively; morally; immediately; opportunely; unexpectedly

    Duel adjectives

    single-handed; mortal; formidable; celebrated; straight-out; valiant; political; judicial; desperate; inevitable; fatal; violent; informal; impromptu; bloody; spectacular; protracted; farcical; grudging; grim; solemn; honor-prompted


    arrange—; challenge to—; demand—; enter —; excuse from—; fight—; practise for—; stab in—; succumb in—; vanquish in—; witness—; —acquits; —decides; —discharges; —ensues; —entrances; —scars; —settles ; —tests

    (See combat, encounter.)

    Dues adjectives

    ecclesiastical; ample; usual

    Duet adjectives

    lively; little; long; thrilling; sentimental

    Dugout adjectives

    primitive; shallow; damp; foul-smelling; wartime; protective

    Duke adjectives

    gracious; mighty; renowned; comical; fierce; noble; worthless; compassionate; virtuous; fantastical; banished; necessitous; covetous

    Dull adverbs

    abysmally; indifferently; insensitively; stupidly; strangely; stolidly; apathetically; vacantly; vacuously; ridiculously; unnaturally; singularly; oddly; peculiarly; curiously; unaccountably; inscrutably; irritatingly; vexatiously; shockingly; callously; coldly; carelessly; hopelessly; unpardon-ably; inexplicably; intolerably; heavily

    Dullness adjectives

    mysterious; pardonable; intolerable; tired; heavy; lonely; narrow; legitimate; ungen-ial; unbelievable; desperate; utter; everyday; kindly; incipient; vacant


    bar—; consign to—; contemplate—; correct —; curse—; dread—; mark by—; possess —; ridicule—; shroud in—; stagnate in—; tolerate—; —bores; —castigates; —distresses; —endangers; —irks; —maddens; — overwhelms; —pervades; —provokes; — surrounds

    (See apathy.)

    Dumb adverbs

    pathetically; tragically; completely; suddenly; abysmally; wondrously; amazingly; stupidly; breathlessly; surprisingly; mysteriously; unutterably; wordlessly; silently; reticently; inarticulately; voicelessly; inexplicably

    Dumpy adverbs

    ridiculously; sturdily; robustly; clumsily; ludicrously; grotesquely; strangely; oddly; peculiarly; dwarfishly; elfishly; compactly; stubbily; stockily; outlandishly; comically; tragically; curiously; unfortunately; brawn-ily; stalwartly; stoutly

    Dunes ad jectives

    darkened; shifting; lonely; sea-cast; high; tufted; transverse; desolate; shadowy; sandy; blistering; roasting; waterless; uninhabitable

    Dungeon adjectives

    airless; subterranean; underground; miserable; bleak; awful; villainous; pagan; priestly; gloomy


    air—; bind in—; burst—; cast into—; clap into—; commit to—; conceal in—; confine to—; doom to—; dwell in—; escape from —; fling to—; gather in—; guard—; hide in—; imprison in—; incarcerate in—; lock in—; mold in—; rescue from—; rot in—; solace in—; storm—; —harbors; —incarcerates; —reeks

    (See cell, prison, hole.)

    Dupe adjectives

    confiding; fair; penitent; innocent; credulous; intended; egregious

    Duplicate adjectives

    original; reversed


    appear in—; deliver—; encounter—; enter —; file—; furnish—; grant—; order—; part with—; provide—; purchase—; reserve—; retain—; save—; send—; sign—; supply—; take in—; transfer—; transmit—; void—; —copies; —repeats

    (See copy, replica.)

    Duplicity adjectives

    infinite; twofold; unconscious; unworthy; patent; obvious

    Durability adjectives

    utmost; increasing

    Duration adjectives

    blooming; indefinite; customary; variable; perpetual; uncertain; momentary; endless; irregular; probable; limitless; comprehensible


    allow for—; calculate—; depend on—; fade in—; forbid—; grant—; limit—; mark—; pass—; portion—; prepare for—; propose —; time—; —continues; —lasts; —restricts; —suffices; —terminates

    (See period, time, era.)

    Dusk adjectives

    growing; premature; eternal; grateful; gathering; friendly; mournful; dolorous; rainy; wet; winter; moonlit; thickening; deepening; early; glittering; clear; whispering; soft; sweet; mellow; warm; humid; cool; softening; glimmering; green; deep; blue; moon-silvered; breathing


    diminish in—; dip in—; grope through—; haunt—; retire at—; wait for—; —clouds; —descends; —drifts in; —dulls; —gives away; —harbors; —hovers; —obscures; — reveals; —shades; —shadows; —swallows; —thickens; —treads

    (See twilight, evening, darkness.)

    Dusky adverbs

    prematurely; eternally; mournfully; thickly; softly; sweetly; deeply; dimly; inkily; sombrely; dingily; murkily; obscurely; nebulously; gloomily; glimmeringly; fragrantly; weirdly; fearfully; frightfully; pleasantly; restfully; peacefully; shadily; coolly; drearily; forlornly; desolately

    Dust adjectives

    cosmic; yellow; shining; fainting; dying; trifling; impalpable; valiant; undisturbed; shapeless; dreadful; sodden; titillating; red; desert; thick; blue; gray; heavy; blinding; oppressive; choking; stagnant; siliceous; shameful; trodden; dedicated; honored; long-committed; animate; fine; staining; unlovely; lonely; garnereb; historical; rolling; scentless; murderous; material; injurious; sleeping; brown-colored; leveled; sunny; sunlit; suffering; kindred; burning; dim; scanty; feathery; illumined; senseless; slumbering; delicate; sacred; tawny; crumbling; vile; powdered; invisible; atomic; whirling; torturing; atmospheric; spiraling; hatred; stirred; gritty; smelly; filthy; parched; wayside; pervading; dissipating; mounting; precious; learned; flaming; uncontrolled; floating; undivided


    beat—; cake with—; carpet with—; clot with—; clothe in—; crumble to—; decompose into—; drag down to—; fall into—; filter—; form into—; go down in—; grovel in—; impregnate with—; issue from—; kick up—; lift from—; mar with—; mix with—; moulder in—; parch with—; reduce to—; remand to—; repose in—; return to—; roll in—; scatter—; scrape off—; scuff through—; shake off—; shower—; smite—; soil with—; spring from—; stamp —; stir up—; trail in—; tread in—; turn to—; write in—; —beclouds; —chokes; — clings to; —creeps in; —gathers; —permeates; —settles; —shrouds; —thickens

    (See ashes, powder, rubbish, earth.)

    Dust (v) adverbs

    furiously; animatedly; industriously; vigorously; listlessly

    (See clean, polish.)

    Dusty adverbs

    disagreeably; intolerably; parchedly; painfully; uncomfortably; impalpably; dreadfully; terribly; abominably; unbearably; heavily; blindingly; oppressively; chokingly; shamefully; vilely; grittily; hatefully; filthily; pervasively; untidily; grossly; carelessly

    Dutiful adverbs

    carefully; beautifully; painfully; meticulously; punctiliously; assiduously; ostentatiously; passionately; pretentiously; obviously; scrupulously; devotedly; affectionately; primly; precisely; constantly; marvellously; sternly; officiously; efficiently; terribly; actively; energetically; publicly; submissively; competently; anxiously; solicitously; respectfully; politely; courteously; austerely; diplomatically; mechanically; grimly; piously; dully; rigorously; odiously; fondly; constantly; unfailingly

    Duty adjectives

    irksome; self-assumed; unpleasant; imperative; simple; stern; domestic; humanest; arduous; boring; differential; obnoxious; official; expedient; obvious; religious; paternal; stooping; manifold (pl); bounden; inescapable; unending; inefficient; inviolable; particular; useful; terrible; serious; wide-reaching; unloved; indispensable; colorless; ever-esteemed; active; humbler; costuming; civic; social; pedagogic; creative; vexatious; nerve-racking; constitutional; public; appropriate; disagreeable; sad; monotonous; weary; dangerous; exhausting; exacting; uncongenial; painful; respective; definite; foolish; routine; submissive; competent; obstructionary; forcible; hardest; responsible; laborious; barbarous; conjugal; onerous; anxious; sickening; perilous; special; competent; childlike; charitable; additional; ministerial; necessary; paramount; rental; far-off; pleasurable; professorial; momentous; military; eternal; vile; devotional; peremptory; respectful; easy; polite; generous; melan choly; intimate; principal; filial; unforgotten; imperious; eventual; matutinal; major; discriminating; blockading; wifely; incumbent; austere; consular; immediate; habitual; noble; irresistible; sworn; diplomatic; protective; distasteful; lowliest; fearful; unfamiliar; mechanical; tyrannous; slothful; solemn; earthly; grim; cursed; dull; high; pious; repugnant; homely; harsh; unhappy; rigorous; derelict; multifarious (pl); stern-voiced; nebulous; odious; manifest; tripartite


    assign—; assume—; attend to—; charge with—; comply with—; consign—to; define —; discharge—; disengage from—; encroach on—; engross in—; fail in—; fulfill—; impose—on; inculcate—; infringe on—; lessen—; meet—; neglect—; obey—; perform—; perish in—; pledge to—; pursue—; relieve of—; repudiate—; restrain by—; scrap—; shirk—; shoulder—; slacken in—; stand firm on—; stress—; surrender —; swerve from—; teach—; transgress—; —allows; —binds; —embraces; —enjoins; —impels; —inspires; —permits; —presses; —pricks on; —slackens; —weighs

    (See responsibility, business, work, obligation. function.)

    Dwarf adjectives

    deformed; rickety; stirring


    employ—; engage—; harbor—; gift—with; jeer at—; ridicule—; —antics; —busies; —carries off; —chuckles; —climbs; — covers; —dances; —hobbles; —hops; — mimics; —performs; —prances; —struts

    (See animal, manikin, clown.)

    Dwarfed adverbs

    hopelessly; mysteriously; grotesquely; fantastically; irremediably; unhappily; unfortunately; unluckily; singularly; oddly; strangely; queerly; sturdily; clumsily; elf-ishly; compactly; stockily; outlandishly; tragically; curiously; stalwartly; stoutly; pathetically; pitifully

    Dwell (v) adverbs

    luxuriously; languidly; pleasurably; laughingly; principally; impatiently; spaciously; lingeringly; occasionally; affectionately; impecuniously; inharmoniously; eternally; gloomily; artfully; gratefully; royally; unostentatiously; sedately; uncouthly; dismally; humbly; indefinitely

    (See live, abide.)

    Dweller adjectives

    dullest; admirable; planned; distinguished

    Dwelling adjectives

    planned; steadfast; isolated; ancestral; royal; prolonged; primitive; pretentious; ancient; snow-enveloped; forgetful; undisturbed; clustered; rustic; unostentatious; habitable; rapturous; odorous; sedate; time-stained; ambitious; tranquil; dismantled; rambling; uncouth; dismal; neglected; blank; underground; graceful; comfortable; humblest; stately; lovely; impressive; obscure; fabulous; patriarchal; communal; quaint; red-tiled; lacustrine; frail; abandon ed


    assign to—; choose—; confine to—; decorate—; destroy—; enter—; erect—; fire—; flood—; grace—; lay waste—; move into—; occupy—; preserve—; purchase—; raze—; renovate—; restore—; retire to—; return to—; surround—; ventilate—; —appeals; —crumbles; —harbors; —invites; —shelters

    (See house, residence, abode.)

    Dwindle (v) adverbs

    amazingly; alarmingly; partially; insensibly; rapidly; markedly; obviously; scarcely; abruptly; logically; tragically; fatally. (See decrease, diminish.

    Dye adjectives

    angry; synthetic; crimson; vegetable; progressive; autumnal

    Dynamic adverbs

    admirably; energetically; responsibly; socially; fortunately; acceptably; helpfully; usefully; stimulatingly; interestingly; actively; progressively; commercially; powerfully; effectively; efficiently; mightily

    Dynamite adjectives

    potential; swift; powerful


    arm with—; attack with—; blast with—; charge with—; contain—; convert into—; employ—; experiment with—; fire—; ignite —; mine with—; prepare—; shell—; test —; touch off—; —blasts; —-blows up; — damages; —destroys; —disrupts; —explodes; —rends; —shakes; —shatters; — threatens; —uproots; —wrecks

    (See explosive^ powder.)

    Dynamo adjectives

    (See motor.) verbs

    acquaint with—; employ—; examine—; exhibit—; operate—; provide—; ruin—; study—; —aids; —converts; —deposits )

    • —excites; —generates; —induces; —purrs

    • —revolves; —rotates; —supplies; —transforms

    (See machine, generator, motor.)

    Dynasty adjectives

    reigning; unoffending; remote; trembling; continuous; unbroken; imperial; semi-feudal


    begin—; carry on—; cut short—; denounce —; found—; inaugurate—; maintain—; overthrow—; perpetuate—; rear—; —declines; —rules; —stems

    (See race, government, sovereignty.)



    extremely; youthfully; girlishly; boyishly; childishly; unspeakably; inordinately; suspiciously; significantly; admirably; wonderfully; industriously; energetically; actively; alarmingly; adorably; ardently; fervidly

    Eagerness adjectives

    apologetic; utmost; excessive; passionate; extraordinary; manifest; restrained; childish; youthful; .ntelligent; dashing; sheer; liberal; hasty; hawk-eyed; feverish; fatal; diffident; fresh


    burn with—; conceal—; cure of—; display —; impart—; incite—; instil—; intensify —; moderate—; possess—; pursue with—; resist—; satiate—; stimulate—; temper—; —irritates y —devours; —exasperates; — maddens; —vexes

    (See impatience, fervor, intensity, zeal, ardor, impetuosity.)

    Eagle adjectives

    ravening; screaming; conquering; stuffed; rampant; princely; soaring; immense; gilded; empty; famished; symbolical; homebuilding


    cage—; exalt—; shelter—; —attacks; — braves; —captures; —circles; —clasps; — cleaves sky; —climbs; —destroys; —drives home; —drops; —eyes; —falls; —floats; — hawks; —hooks; —inspires; —moults; — preys on; —robs; —sails; —screams; — sights; —signifies; —soars; —surveys; — sweeps; —swoops; —symbolizes; —terrorizes; —thieves; —watches; —wheels; — zooms

    (See bird.)

    Ear adjectives

    sensual; perked; dull; deaf; dozing; treacherous; attentive; unconscious; reasonable; good; licentious; thrifty; unheeding; helpless; eager; attending; sickly; pregnant; vouchsafed; kindest; external; deafened; listless; acute; greedy; reluctant; quick; sympathetic; large; cultivated; sensitive; passionate; gentler; foreboding; practiced; tesselated; apprehensive; furry; blushing; thievish; instinctive; loathing; listening; flapping; velvet; pleased; willing; public; sweet; enthusiastic; charmed; pendulous; living; dreaming; gorgeous; lobe-shaped; bewitched; trembling; ravished; waiting; dying; married; sickly; savage; aged; favorable: idle; insensible; untutored; modest; patient; inner; general; outwearied; kissed; fortified; fancy; inquisitive; royal; expectant; shuddering; reeling; mortal; unaccustomed; thoughtful; startled; proper; uninitiated; astonished; raptured; erect; impaired; innumerable (pl); flat; ill-developed; silken; uncultivated; ample; honest; grateful; aching; middle; cupped; drooping; constant; wakeful; sealed; vexed; burning; haughty; world; unwearied; uneducated; pointed; fainting; lewd; startled: straining; close-lying; public; couchant; senseless; inaudible; sylvan; favorable; leaning; hooded; untaught; silky; delicate; close-set; dainty; fine; gracious; velvety; well-set; quick; exact; sharp; critical; appreciative; alert; keen; cocked; intent; vigilant; cabbage; flabby; cauliflower; prominent; angular; preposterous; bruised; ungladdened; thick; long-lobed; enormous; stiff; droll; outstanding; uncomprehending; unattuned; unresponsive; cynical; inhospitable; unfailing; musical; irritated; entranced; thrilled; welcoming; delighted; shell-like; modern; royal; jeweled; ringing; jaunty; aloof; gullible; frisky; unjaded; well-trained; wiggly; tweaked; pert; questioning; hopeful


    abuse—; attune—to; beat against—; bend —; block—; box—; charm—; cleanse—; cock—; crop off—; deceive—; delight—; depend on—; din into—; drain—; dull—; gain—; impart to—; incline—; insert in—; irrigate—; lend—; lodge in—; meet—: muffle—; mutilate—; prick—forward; rend —; resound in—; strike—; twitch—; weary —; whisper in—; wiggle—; —s betray; —s buzz; —s devour; —discharges; —rings; —throbs; —tingles; stuff—

    (See head, ear-drum.)

    Ear-Drum verbs

    affect—; attack—; burst—; fall upon—; incise—; infect—; inflame—; injure—; meet—; perforate—; pierce—; rupture—; shatter—; split—; strike—; stun—; treat—; wound—; —admits; —pains; —protects; —vibrates

    (See membrane, ear.)

    Early adverbs

    unusually; exceptionally; conveniently; amply; unnecessarily; remarkably; uncomfortably: unpleasantly; gloriously; appropriately; sufficiently; ridiculously; needlessly; opportunely; comfortably

    Earn (v) adverbs

    professionally; determinedly; lawfully; honestly; criminally; astoundingly; rapidly; drudgingly

    (See gain, procure.)

    Earnest adverbs

    enthusiastically; seriously; unusually; truly; zealously; fervently; ridiculously; habitually; eagerly; graciously; cordially; resolutely; desperately; tenaciously; inflexibly; unusually; extremely; gravely; solemnly; remarkably; indubitably; incredibly; emphatically; heartily; passionately; deeply

    Earnestness adjectives

    simple; fixed; grave; intense; eager; conscientious; impressive; tragic; passionate; beseeching; aggressive; perpetual; burning; profound; characteristic; devout; somber; cold; honest; forgetful; dogged; taciturn; habitual; mighty; sanctified; mournful; solemn; downright; visible


    adopt—; allege—; begin with—; conduct with—; declare in—; endeavor with—; enter in—; express—; feign—; inculcate—; indicate—; instil—; pledge—; supplicate with—; touch by—; watch with—; —recommends; —secures

    (See ardor, sincerity, seriousness.)

    Earnings adjectives

    scanty; exiguous; individual; fabulous; present; undistributed; sky-rocketed; hard-won; slender; stabilized


    attach—; bag—; bank—; collect—; curtail —; demand—; distribute—; enhance—; increase—; invest—; merit—; mortgage—; pledge—; save—; withdraw—; withhold—; —accrue; —decline; —recompense; —top

    (See wage, salary, pay.)

    Ear-Phone verbs

    adjust—; clamp on—; display—; furnish —; mislay—; pick up with—; require—; seek—; speak into—; —aids; —amplifies; —assists; —benefits; —clarifies; —communicates; —relieves; —rescues

    Earth adjectives

    social; fructifying; plashy; stony; melancholy; calcareous; sunburned; verdant; daedal; thirsty; kindly; unviolated; groaning; fragrant; porous; frozen; transformed; sullen; gloomy; arching; molten; voluble; gaping; laboring; green-girt; hostile; distraught; disembowelled; chapped; unconsidered; spherical; moist; gaunt; wounded; awakening; bare; native; spongy; gladdened; powdered; delightful; frost-bound; renovated; shocked; shackled; perennial; messy; reconciling; nursing; synthetic; dull; prosaic; barren; despised; hungry; sanguine; encumbering; clodded; faithless; unawakened; arid; pendulous; easeful; wearied; sun-spangled; unyielding; virgin; mangled; filial; consecrated; turfless; frost-crisped; horrible; ancient; parched; sordid; absorbent; unmoistened; alluvial; stagnant; troubled; patient; various-mingled (pl); sinful; profiting; beleaguered; teeming; life-giving; habitable; darkened; spacious; healthy; odorous; unsinning; narrowing; menaced; lawful; burying; beauteous; faded; deep; peopled; trembling; desolate; indubitable; sleepy; bright; red; ashy; black; devastated; ordinary; shaken; fresh-turned; primeval; tenacious; widened; savage; fainting; fresh-plowed; chafed; harsh; central; pleasant; reluctant; silvery; waiting; finished; substantial; ridgy; imminent


    beautify—; blast—; bless—; bore into—; cling to—; command—; crawl upon—; create—; creep upon—; deface—; depart from —; explore—; fertilize—; gain—; grovel on—; inhabit—; inherit—; landscape—; mantle—; paw—; perish from—; plant—; plow—; pluck from—; rake—; reign on—; replenish—; return to —; scatter over—; scorch—; scour—; sink into—; swoop to—; till—; tramp over—; trample—; veil—; wrestle with—; —abounds with; —blooms; —flowers; —heaves; —moulders; —nourishes; —quakes; —revolves; —sustains; — swallows up; —teems; —throbs; —trembles; —whirls; —renews

    (See world, globe, ground, soil, land.)

    Earthly adverbs

    sordidly; selfishly; meanly; mercenarily; ungenerously; temperamentally; habitually; gracelessly; incredibly; basely; grossly; inconceivably

    Earthquake adjectives

    unusual; slumbering; murderous; all-devouring; disastrous; tremendous; submarine


    behold—; flee from—; record—; w-arn of—

    —blights; —blots out; —crumbles; —destroys;- —devastates; —jars; —razes; — reduces; —rends; —ruins; —rumbles; — shakes; —shatters; —subsides; —takes toll; —thunders; •—topples; —wrecks

    (See tremor, shock, vibration.)

    Ease adjectives

    amateur; blessed; ignoble; rakish; natural; light-hearted; tolerable; considerable; somnolent; charming; comparative; consequent; luxurious; extraordinary; miraculous; frivolous; insidious; rhythmic; dreamy; muscular; dignified; stately; material; solid; democratic; loose; astonishing; affluent; slothful; masterly; bloodless; constant; reckless; beauteous; cross-legged; disastrous; inglorious; cool; chivalric; deceptive; apparent; corrective; extreme; graceful; tranquil


    couch at—; court—; dwell in—; enhance—; enjoy—; envy—; interpose—; lack—; leap with—; live at—; loll in—; perform with—; procure with—; recline in—; rest at—; sacrifice—; seek—; spend in—; vault with—

    (See comfort, luxury.)

    Ease (v) adverbs

    appreciably; greatly; partially; materially; markedly; miraculously; apparently; ostensibly; gracefully

    (See alleviate, soothe.)

    East adjectives

    blustering; incandescent; lucid; purpling; blushing; blank; mummied; eyeless; fervid; mournful; bloodless

    Easy adverbs

    unusually; incredibly; remarkably; ridiculously; perfectly; comfortably; fairly; distinctly; definitely; naturally; conveniently; absolutely; suspiciously; unquestionably

    Eat (v) adverbs

    inordinately; leisurely; fastidiously; barbarously; enormously; bestially; heartily; regularly; hurriedly; swiftly; wolfishly; insufficiently; ravenously; incontinently; excessively; sparingly; plentifully; noisily; irrevocably; surreptitiously; swinishly; gluttonously

    (See consume, devour.)

    Eatable adverbs

    safely; deliciously; lusciously; definitely; perfectly; conveniently; unquestionably; wholesomely; avowedly; warrantably; assuredly; properly

    Eating adjectives

    mass; impudent


    abstain from—; coax into—; consider—; consume in—; exhaust by—; forbid—; reduce—; refrain from—; stimulate—; —appeases; —benefits; —bolsters; —encourages; —exhilarates; —fattens; —nourishes; —produces; —reassures; —revives; —satiates

    (See food, feeding.)

    Eaves adjectives

    overhanging; lofty; dripping; gargoyled; sheltering

    Ebb adjectives

    reduced; constant; alternate

    Ebb (v) adverbs

    constantly; alternately; markedly; noticeably; scarcely; partially; wholly; entirely; slowly; tragically; fatally; rapidly

    (See flow,'move.)

    Ebony adjectives

    grizzled; flowing

    Ebullient adverbs

    effervescency; gushingly; violently; hysterically; outrageously; turbulently; riotously; obstreperously; naturally; excitedly; stormily; ungovernably; uncontrollably; terribly; highly

    Ebullition adjectives

    youthful; sulphurous; trifling; present

    Eccentric adjectives

    genial; ’ amazing


    highly; outlandishly; ostentatiously; fantastically; oddly; offensively; incurably; proudly; flagrantly; peculiarly; inexplicably; inscrutably; temperamentally; egotistically; exasperatingly; comically; pitiably; unfortunately; abnormally; wantonly; singularly; unaccountably; extravagantly; insanely; capriciously; whimsically; uncomfortably; unusually

    Eccentricity adjectives

    gentle; hopeless; individual; amiable; violent; drunken; troublesome; benevolent; ghastly; moderate; asinine


    acquire—; adopt—; affect—; allow—; attribute to—; betray—; blame on—; condemn—; develop—; feign—; govern—; laugh at—; mimic—; overlook—; palliate —; pardon—; produce—; ridicule—; sense —; stray into—; tolerate—; —amuses; —offends; —perplexes

    (See oddity, idiosyncrasy.)

    Ecclesiastic adverbs

    highly; completely; sacredly; judicially; lawfully; legally; reverently; strictly; soundly; literally; evangelically; faithfully; positively; infallibly; irrefutably; dogmatically; authoritatively; doctrinally; authentically; officiously; reverently; fanatically; deeply; devoutly

    Echo adjectives

    death-groan; congenial; sonorous; eternal; faint; stunning; distorted; awaking; heartbreaking; softened; jovial; dreary; drumming; startling; sullen; melodious; unimpressive; woodland; respectable; evasive; sparse; prophetic; sharp; metallic; trashy; reverberating; resonant; hovering; wearisome; laughing; ringing; deep-resounding; high; multiplied; somnolent; battling; vibrant; obedient; mad; bellowing; wheezing; wild; tragic; mocking; haunting; silvery; reminiscent; trembling; slumbering


    evoke—; listen for—; prolong—; silence—; stir—; voice—; —answers; —breaks; — dies away; —fades; —hurls back; —repeats; —resounds; —returns; —reverberates; —rings; —roars; —shrills; —sings out

    (See sound, voice.)

    Echo (v) adverbs

    buoyantly; contemptuously; piously; responsively; cheerily; ominously; dubiously; joyously; anxiously; heartily; falteringly; stupidly; congenially; sonorously; faintly; heartbreakingly; jovially; drearily; sullenly; melodiously; evasively; prophetically; metallically; reverberatingly; wearisomely; ringingly; vibrantly; obediently; hauntingly; mockingly; reminiscently; tremblingly

    (See reverberate, resound.)

    Eclipse adjectives

    mysterious; swift; dismal; temporary; absolute; ominous


    identify—; observe—; predict—; record—; study—; suffer—; throw into—; —blinds; —cloaks; —clouds; —darkens; —deprives; —dims; —extinguishes; —hides; —intercepts; —intervenes; —obscures; —occurs; —overcasts; —screens; —shadows

    (See darkness.)

    Eclipse (v


    exultantly; mysteriously; swiftly; dismally; temporarily; absolutely; ominously; skillfully; treacherously; eventually; partially; entirely; scarcely; finally; triumphantly

    (See surpass, excel.)

    Economical adverbs

    properly; methodically; systematically; carefully; frugally; stingingly; successfully; highly; overly; habitually; admirably; utterly; wonderfully; remarkably; pitifully; practically; shrewdly; thriftily; parsimoniously; selfishly; unnecessarily; shabbily; ungenerously; sordidly; miserably; necessarily; wisely; cheerfully; churlishly

    Economics verbs

    affect—; alter—; apply—; attack—; control—; deal with—; determine—; devote to—; employ—; experiment with—; govern —; improve—; manage by—; observe—; regulate—; school in—; specialize in—; understand—; —assumes; —discerns; — flourishes; —regards; —serves

    (See science.)

    Economist adjectives

    professional; orthodox; political; academic

    Ecstasy adjectives

    sheer; delicate; mounting; artistic; tingling; silent; trembling; insane; voluble; bedazzled; boundless; untaught; brainless; anguished; mingled; delicious; spiritual; quiet; simulated; inexpressible; wonderful; unquestioned; consuming; momentary; wonderful; gentle; heaven-breathed; stolen; spontaneous; restless; modern; awed; undivided


    blast—; blunt—; burst into—; emerge from —; enthrall in—; experience—; flow in—; flutter in—; glow with—; increase—; indulge in—; inspire—; quiver with—; recall in—; respond to—; swoon in—; throw into —; tingle in—; transport into—; tremble with—; wake to—; —dissolves; —excites; —flushes; —pervades; —pulsates; —rules; —stirs

    (See bliss, happiness, delight, rapture, joy, enthusiasm.)

    Ecstatic adverbs

    rapturously; happily; unrestrainedly; blissfully; youthfully; blessedly; delightfully; extravagantly; preposterously; romantically; enthusiastically; fervently; eagerly; passionately; deeply; thrillingly; breathlessly; glowingly; hysterically; significantly; obviously; charmingly; ravishingly

    Economy adjectives

    vulnerable; rugged; centralized; reasonable; regimental; actual; domestic; scrupulous; excessive; benign; solitary; desperate; smooth-running; careful; ultimate; numerous (pl); political; drastic; niggardly; expensive; operating; utmost; satisfying; random; ready; careful; capitalistic; animal; internal; democratic; rigid; spiritual; unequalled; household; strictest; outstanding; supernatural; gasoline; false; agricultural; physical


    betray—; decree—; denounce—; disparage —; effect—; encourage—; favor—; hail—; ignore—; instil—; maintain—; necessitate —; observe—; plan—; practise—; promote—; require—; sacrifice—; systemize—; tighten—; undertake—s; —assures; —preserves; —saves

    (See management, frugality, thrift.)

    Eczema verbs

    exude from—; pick at—; rub—; salve—; suffer from—; treat—; x-ray—; —burns

    —cracks; —discharges; —excretes; —inflames; —irritates; —itches; —pains; — smarts; —spreads; —stings; —tingles; — torments

    (See disease.)

    Eddy adjectives

    whirling; murmuring; brilliant; wild; twisting; nervous; blue; boiling; curled; dimpling

    Eddy (v) adverbs

    irresistibly; whirlingly; murmuringly; wildly; twistingly; boilingly; dimplingly; ceaselessly; monotonously; dangerously; rapidly; sickeningly

    (See whirl, swirl.)

    Edge adjectives

    shadowed; sharpened; upturned; natural; outermost; foaming; thin; extremest; trembling; distinctive; cord; jutting; keen; cruel; marshy; raveled; cutting; frayed; frowsy; smooth-quarried; relentless; perilous


    bevel—; blunt—; crimp—; double—; drive to—; dull—; escape—; file—; flounder on—; heave over—; round—; set on—; sharpen—; slip from—; smite with—; smooth—

    (See border, verge, boundary.)

    Edible adverbs

    safely; undeniably; deliciously; lusciously; wholesomely; healthfully; delightfully; war-rantably; refreshingly; daintily; agreeably; palatably; pleasantly; acceptably; appetiz-ingly; definitely; highly

    Edict adjectives

    late; strict; fearful; imperial; royal


    decry—; denounce—; enforce—; frame—; fulfill—; impose—; infringe on—; introduce —; invalidate—; issue—; legalize—; nullify—; proclaim—; revoke—; spurn—; support—; —bans; —corrects; —declares; — reforms; —stands; —subjugates

    (See decree, mandate, proclamation, ordinance.)

    Edification verbs

    break down—; contribute to—; contrive—; demolish—; destroy—; dismantle—; dispense—; inspire—; justify—; profane—; promote—; prompt—; provide—; ravage—; ruin—; scotf at—; deserve—

    (See enlightenment, education, instruction, improvement.)

    ,                      EDIFICE


    gaunt; holy; ramshackle; massive; timeworn; solid; sumptuous; humble; sacred; ghostly; enchanted; shattered; spiritual; historic; august; vast; splendid; stately; public; imposing; spacious; social; heathen; elaborate; ecclesiastical


    convert—; demolish—; destroy—; dismantle —; erect—; modernize—; profane—; raise —; ravage—; raze—; renovate—; ruin—; —collapses; —crumbles; —moulders; «—topples

    (See building, structure, house.)

    Edit (v) adverbs

    skillfully; artfully; exquisitely; originally; hastily; voluminously; sympathetically; crudely

    (See prepare, check.)

    Edition ad jectives

    revised; voluminous; choice; camouflaged; pirated; limited; reprint; enormous; successive (pl); telescoped; exquisite; lavish; rare; illustrated; muggier; original; ornamented; annotated; abridged; cherished; privately-printed


    amend—; annotate—; arrange into—; change—; collect—s; conceive—; copyright —; correct—; criticize—; examine—; exhaust—; favor—; furnish—; illustrate—; issue—; mend—; order—; prepare—; print —; publish—; quote from—; revise—; — abounds with; —corrects; —informs; — surpasses

    (See issue, work, book, publication, copy.)

    Editor adjectives

    vituperative; country; important; cabledesk; guileless; pugnacious


    consult—; employ—; —arranges; —conceives; —condemns;' —conducts; —criticizes; —describes; —details; —exposes; — expunges; —inserts; —manages; —pens; —plans; —prepares; —publishes; —refuses; —relates; —revises; —scorns; —selects

    —suggests; —supervises

    (See journalist, publisher.)

    Editorial adjectives

    conspicuous; calumnious; rousing; occasional; learned; rattling; fearless


    censor—; commend—; compose—; contribute—; criticize—; grind out—; popularize —; prepare—: revise—; set up—; venture —; word—; —embarrasses; —exonerates; —exposes; —insinuates; —intimates; —recounts; —relates; —shocks; ■—suggests; — unloads

    (See article, writing.)


    reliably; officially; responsibly; ridiculously; sagely; egotistically; unquestionably; notoriously; flatteringly; astutely; adroitly; obviously

    Editorialize (v) adverbs

    zlatedly; pompously; calumniously; learnedly; fearlessly; ponderously; fanatically; oracularly; languidly; pathetically

    (See write, talk.)

    Educate (v) adverbs

    simultaneously; properly; insensibly; imperfectly; adequately; superficially; genteelly; rigorously; bookishly; progressively; classically; technically; intensively; practically; liberally; musically; undisciplinedly; systematically; formally; artistically; legitimately; aesthetically; religiously; snobbishly; methodically; scholastically; primitively; physically; idealistically; vocationally; competently

    (See instruct, teach.)

    Education adjectives

    bookish; purposive; self-acquired; intellectual; progressive; priggish; aimless; technical; elementary; spiritual; mass; classical; advanced; intensive; practical; inevitable; meager; imperfect; precarious; previous; liberal; musical; systematic; military; evolutionary; formal; invigorating; confused; undisciplined; barren; wasteful; superficial; artistic; legitimate; adequate; aesthetic; wider; practicable; far-reaching; preparatory; humane; specific; religious; methodical; labored; compulsory; scholastic; primitive; interior; physical; positive; idealistic; vocational; regular; rudimentary; competent


    achieve—; broaden—; deny—; dominate—; enforce—; foster—; furnish—; glean—; influence—; laud—; liberalize—; neglect —; promote—; retard—; —biases; —broadens; —cultivates; —develops; —enlightens; —forms; —spreads

    (See culture, enlightenment, development, training.)

    Educational adverbs

    highly; unusually; inconceivably; uncommonly; delightfully; alarmingly; formidably; distressingly; monotonously; agreeably; helpfully; tiresomely; necessarily; advantageously; acceptably; slightly

    Eerie adverbs

    uncommonly; uncannily; supernaturally; dreadfully; terribly; unusually; singularly; oddly; curiously; queerly; unnaturally; inexplicably; remarkably; frightfully; appallingly; gruesomely; grotesquely; undeniably

    Efface (v} adverbs

    rapidly; gradually; partially; entirely; totally

    (See obliterate, cancel.)

    Effect adjectives

    similar; profound, influential; immediate; harmonious; beneficent; picturesque; pernicious; reactionary; ventriloquial; verbal; visible; fleeting; nutritive; continuous; external; displeasing; fearful; biologic; adverse; soothing; equal; singular; enormous; contractile; tragic; radiant; emotional; designed; salutary; useful; sinking; palpable; excellent; demoralizing; perceptible; social; festive; elegant; stimulating; smooth; modern; ultimate; tonic; fatal; harmful; cumulative; spacious; stunning; disastrous; probable; deterrent; dying-duck; powerful; atmospheric; characteristic; putrefactive; indirect; heavenly; grotto; depressing; electrical; sustained; pronounced; hypnotic; particular; recreational; prejudicial; recurrent; stabbing; continuous; important; enervating; naturalistic; exhilarating; varied: striking; outdoor; lamplight; remote; psychological; honest; combined; dreadful; decisive; charming; fair; gabardine; rejuvenating; theatrical; plaster; gravitating: dramatic; wondrous; devastating; incredible; summary; injurious; impressive; permanent; secondary; enchanting; artistic; malevolent; pathetic; accumulating; sedative; rare; extrinsic; detrimental; contrary; harmonic; metrical; rhythmical; astringent; prismatic; incomparable; startling; hardening; deleterious; decorative: supreme; paralyzing; bewildering; debasing; tranquillizing; luminous; strange; uncanny; stiffening; mechanical; striped; harsh; moral; architectural; broadening; finished; unfailing; entrancing; orchestral; inspired; instantaneous; vivid; stormy; considerable; alkalizing; deteriorating; similar; preternatural; appreciable; marvellous; outrageous; racial; metrical; subversive; chromatic; maleficent; invigorating; ordinary; pyramidical; noble; depressing; thrilling; noticeable; rude; sinister; intended; massed; bracing; detectable; geophysical; brilliant; persuasive; enduring; distinguished; terrestrial; healthful; reciprocal; dampening; unfortunate; oratorical; regulating; tremendous; solemn; awful; polyphonic; unreal; unifying; distinctive; exotic; practical; flowered; composite; desired; invigorating; lasting; pompous; preservative; curative; magical; peculiar; unusual; textural; gratifying; subsequent; smartest; manifested; propitious; astounding; touching; suave; inevitable; twilight; dynamical; preponderant; secular; baneful; momentary; prized; destructive; dignified; perishing; thermometric; tragic; marked; binding; bizarre; half-veiled; required; scanty; baleful; exquisite; minute; kaleidoscopic; resultant; disintegrating; powerful; rhetorical; possible; absurd; mere; healing; imposing; tingling; fructifying; crushing; organ; luxurious; correspondent; errant; surprising; subtle; delicate; legitimate; acoustical; ill; variegated (pl); narcotic; nugatory; elevating; comic; deadly; sculptural; outward; happy; calamitous


    accentuate—; achieve—; analyze—; attain —; banish—; comprehend—; conceive—; counteract—; curse—; demonstrate—; destroy—; disturb—; elicit—; escape—; evaluate—; exercise—; exert—; gauge—; heighten—; ignore—; lessen—; mar—; mark—; match—; minimize—; mitigate—; neutralize—; notice—; observe—; obviate —; occasion—; offset—; predict—; prevent—; recapture—; record—; rehearse—; remove—; rob of—; speculate on—; strive for—; suffer from—; time—; trace—; visualize—; weaken—; witness—; —endures; -—persists; —wears off

    (See result, realization, end, aim.)

    Effect (v) adverbs

    speedily; insidiously; skillfully; advantageously; simultaneously; satisfactorily; unconsciously; tremendously; promptly; periodically; profoundly; perniciously; beneficently; externally; fearfully; adversely; soothingly; singularly; emotionally; perceptibly; demoralizingly; ultimately; fatally; harmfully; powerfully; characteristically; recurrently; continuously; remotely; decisively; theatrically; devastatingly; incredibly; injuriously; permanently; malevolently; pathetically; supremely; bewilderingly; debasingly; mechanically; unfailingly; racially; depressingly; curatively; gratifyingly; propitiously; dynamically; subtly; comically; calamitously

    (See accomplish, achieve.)

    Effective adverbs

    satisfactorily; highly; pleasantly; undeniably; profoundly; remarkably; sufficiently; powerfully; extremely; adequately; serviceably; practically; unusually; tremendously; admittedly

    Effectiveness adjectives

    theatric; amazing; histrionic; architectural; outstanding; dramatic; general; pictorial; decorative; haphazard; marvelous; maximum


    attain—; attend with—; augment—; direct with—; dispose with—; employ—; execute with—; follow with—; function with—; impair—; increase—; mar—; operate with —; prevent—; produce—; pursue with—; treat with—; weaken—; —accomplishes; — comforts; —decides; —produces; —rectifies


    (See efficiency, power.)

    Effectual adverbs

    thoroughly; consummately; elaborately; perfectly; finally; immediately; felicitously; fortunately; highly; completely; absolutely; altogether; utterly; surprisingly

    Effeminate adverbs

    disgustingly; unfortunately; unpleasantly; disagreeably; pitiably; fearfully; w'eakly; nervously; softly; languidly; horribly; extremely; timidly; infirmly; remarkably; vexatiously

    Effervescent adverbs

    highly; unusually; delightfully; amusingly; sparklingly; frothily; ebulliently; energetically; enthusiastically; excitedly; irrepressibly; restlessly; violently; mercurially; tempestuously; impulsively; curiously; remarkably; excessively; foolishly

    Effete adverbs

    horribly; lamentably; pitiably; tragically; unfortunately; deplorably; undeniably; remarkably; significantly; unsubstantially; uselessly; emptily; hopelessly; obviously

    Efficacious adverbs

    (See efficient.)

    Efficacy adjectives

    untamable; proved; constitutional; feeble

    Efficiency adjectives

    calm; bustling; normal; productive; awkward; chaotic; devastating; vaunted; pedagogical; modest; maximum; extreme; technical; superior; industrial; impaired; top; outstanding; administrative; dreadful; physical; individual; creative; working; up-to-date; antiseptic; defensive; stolid; executive; incredible; added; increased; slender; swift; cleansing; expanding


    achieve—; admit—; assimilate—; demand —; destroy—; discharge with—; display—; effect—; enforce—;• exhibit—; impair—; increase—; lack—; prove—; rate—; weaken—; —produces; —promotes; —saves

    (See ability, power.)

    Efficient adverbs

    remarkably; unusually; obviously; busily; incredibly; completely; sensibly; wisely; officiously; pleasantly; gracefully; politely; irritatingly; ostentatiously; horribly; satisfactorily; skilfully; expertly; cleverly; adroitly; ingeniously; shrewdly; ably; invaluably; surprisingly; unbelievably; uncommonly

    Effigy adjectives

    silent; grotesque; gilded; insensible; clumsy; crowned; sceptered; pompous; fulllength; sad; recumbent; ghastly; transfixed; rueful; granite


    bear—; burn—; carry—; damn in—; display—; draw in—; dress up—; execute in—; hang in—; mount—; prepare—; — copies; —depicts; —destroys; —dramatizes

    —illustrates; —portrays; —represents; — ridicules

    (See image, figure.)

    Effort adjectives

    sheer; obvious; ceaseless; insane; sporadic; powerful; convulsive; belated; manful; stringent; fanatical; bitter; renewed; daring; conciliatory; overt; pitiful; thwarted; ponderous; childish; rash; humble; feeble; emotional; culminating; futile; creditable; clumsy; persistent; crowning; strained; zealous; individual; abortive; desperate; unscrupulous; constrained; infantile; frantic; untiring; slightest; reasonable; laborious; fragmentary; prolonged; wasted; proud; unsuccessful; painful; indomitable; stupendous; superior; strenuous; sustained; conscious; concentrated; active; stern; Herculean; visible; pictorial; vigorous; charitable; automatic; dynamic; heroic; mightiest; literary; concerted; willful; strong; intermittent; bounding; mental; feverish; immense; utmost; tentative; paramount; extra; oracular; extant; superhuman; conversational; languid; consecutive; tireless; unionized; wearisome; insufferable; historical; fruitless; human; best; spasmodic; persevering; editorial; effectual; baffled; irrelevant; determined; vague; misdirected; rash; sincere; spontaneous; notable; crude; violent; vain; inadequate; collective; immense; energetic; perilous; organized; powerful; undue; conceivable; formidable; periodic; praiseworthy; pioneering; never-ceasing; continued; self-denying; willing; exhausting; arduous; constructive; moral; fitful; creative; initial; expiratory; bizarre; rain-making; remedial; serious; apparent; sober; sympathetic; painstaking; offensive; special; colloquial; ridiculous; everlasting; sedulous; anxious; united; patient; plastic; maiden; pathetic; dutiful; generous; repetitive; financial; belated; poetic; obstinate; volunteer; co-operative; communal; religious; appropriate; published; unremitting; diligent; supreme; avowed; expired; earnest; enforcement; passionate; future; pretentious; evident; bluffing; murderous; barren; sublimest; kindly; sincere; vexed; ambitious; operatic; courageous; unwise; individual; unflinching; restraining


    belittle—; bend—; berate—; cheer—; compensate for—; concentrate—; coordinate —s; counter—; crown—; decry—; dwarf—; endorse—; enlist—s; entail—; exert—; expend—; fail in—; focus—s on; galvanize—; garble—; glorify—; hamper—; impede—; intensify—; justify—; key up for—; lend—; mock—; nullify—; quicken—; redouble—; repay—; repel—; reward—; scotch—; spare—; squander—; slacken—; stir to—; succumb to—; suppress—; suspend—; thwart—; —attains; —bears fruit; —exhausts

    (See attempt, endeavor, exertion.)

    Effrontery adjectives

    calculated; humorous; brazen; incredible; unabashed; hardy; vulgar; matchless

    Effulgent adverbs

    radiantly; glaringly; sparklingly; scintil-lantly; shimmeringly; dazzlingly; luminously; lustrously; unbelievably; remarkably; brilliantly; garishly; splendidly; brightly; incredibly; unexpectedly; showily; gaudily; flashily; tremendously

    Effusion adjectives

    amatory; tender; pathetic; vocal; gymnastic; osculatory; lyrical; rich; boisterous; copious; labored; characteristic; reducing; irrepressible; unnecessary; vaporing; hypocritical; merry; hypercritical

    Effusive adverbs

    garrulously; lavishly; chattily; enthusiastically; explosively; excessively; needlessly; ridiculously; foolishly; inappropriately; unpleasantly; comically; endlessly; noticeably; amusingly; overly; absurdly

    Egg adjectives

    pendent; ostrich; whipped; fried; poached; scrambled; hot


    addle—; beat—; burst from—; coddle—; crate—s; deposit—; emerge from—; gather —s; germinate in—; guard—s; 'hatch from —; hunt—; impregnate—; incubate—; market—; nest—; originate in—; poach—; puncture—; scramble—; sit on—; snatch—; spring from—; start from—; whip—; — brings forth; —curdles; -—produces

    Ego adjectives

    exaggerated; inflated; restless; exalted; hard; poised; fretted; bubbling; monarchical; suppressed; assertive


    bolster up—; commiserate—; excite—; express—; foster—; gratify—; inflate—; pervert—; reflect—; satiate—; satisfy—; soothe —; submerge—; understand—

    (See personality, individuality.)

    Egoism adjectives

    sullen; puppyish; dramatic; tyrannical; justifiable; elemental; narrowing; unlimited; psychopathic; holy; sublime; sentimental; comfortable; collective; passionate; colossal; animal; narcissistic

    Egotism adjectives

    outrageous; instinctive; explicable; monstrous; intense; superb; stultifying; passionate; blustering; savage; solid; immense; baseless; absurd; ruthless; unselfish; indecent; vivacious; supreme; undisguised; magnanimous; friendly; dreary; compound; naive; absolute; slightest; importunate; young; cultivated; placid


    allow—; annihilate—; apologize for—; avoid—; banish—; brand—; criticize—; excuse—; justify—; pardon—; pierce—; produce—; recommend—; resist—; —absorbs; —bores; —dominates; —irks; — occupies; —offends

    (See conceit, vanity, self-esteem.)

    Egotist adjectives

    diseased; sentimental; offensive; supreme; turbulent; hateful; fantastic; sheer; un-malleable; harmless; power-hungry

    Egotistical verbs

    shamefully; arrogantly; absurdly; outland-ishly; palpably; obviously; highly; profoundly; inexcusably; ponderously; blatantly; boastfully; vaingloriously; ridiculously; noisily; curiously; unashamedly; disagreeably; offensively; foolishly; extremely; habitually; incredibly; blindly

    Ejaculate (v) adverbs

    sarcastically; faintly; incredulously; blankly; feelingly; sententiously; forcefully; vigorously; caustically; admiringly; joyfully; fiercely; piously; angrily; indelicately; hollowly; muffledly

    (See exclaim, call.)

    Ejaculation adjectives

    customary; heartfelt; fervent; profane; pious; startled; angry; indelicate; religious; barbarous; hushed; hollow; muffled

    Ejaculatory adverbs

    violently; ridiculously; needlessly; noisily; importantly; egregiously; highly; arrogantly; blatantly; suddenly; startlingly; shockingly; ludicrously; stertorously; vociferously; monstrously; immensely; outlandishly

    Eject (v) adverbs

    forcibly; copiously; abruptly; vigorously; determinedly; suddenly

    (See discharge, expel.)

    Elaborate (v) adverbs

    minutely; successfully; eloquently; ingeniously; ridiculously; pompously; rambling-ly; fully

    (See develop, perfect.)

    Elaborate adverbs

    extremely; excessively; unnecessarily; arduously; egregiously; incredibly; ostentatiously; ingeniously; skilfully; intolerably; preposterously; fearfully; unduly; inappropriately; suitably; ceremoniously; oddly; singularly; significantly; pompously; laboriously; marvellously; beautifully

    Elaboration adjectives

    ingenious; quaintest; ridiculous; polychronic; productive

    Elastic adverbs

    conveniently; expediently; comfortably; immensely; extremely; marvelously; resi-liently; sturdily; wonderfully; powerfully; effectively; adequately; diplomatically; buoyantly; springily; notably

    Elasticity adjectives

    molecular; virtual; joyous; dangerous


    acquire—; calculate—; depend on—; deprive of—; lessen—; limit—; lose—; recover—; remove—; require—; return by—; strain—; stress—; test—; —overcomes; — resists; —restores; —varies

    Elated adverbs

    unduly; hysterically; strangely; oddly; curiously; highly; naturally; ecstatically; rapturously; proudly; quietly; properly; unusually; brightly; enthusiastically; triumphantly; merrily; exultantly; confidently; pertly; priggishly; smugly; dramatically; boastfully; indescribably; irrepressibly

    Elation adjectives

    short-lived; undue; cruel; hysterical; strange

    Elbow adjectives

    bony; touching; angular; fat; massive; crooked; dimpled; immaculate; hard; inert


    brace—; cap—; extend—; fit on—; fracture—; jab with—; join—; jostle with—; move—; nudge with—; pad—; prop on—; raise—; rest on—; skin—; strain—

    (See joint, arm.)

    Elder adjectives

    disillusioned; itinerant; unsuspecting; ruling; grumpy


    appeal to—; assemble—s; burlesque—; consult—; entreat—; exhort—; gather—s; grieve—; heed—; honor—; ordain—; persuade—; respect—; revere—; succeed—; worry—; —advises; —counsels; —decrees; —heads; —interposes; —judges; —officiates; —pardons; —presides over; —punishes; —rebukes; —warns

    (See deacon, minister, ruler.)

    Elderly adverbs

    respectably; unquestionably; soberly; reliably; safely; pleasantly; comfortably; graciously; sourly; augustly; gravely; admittedly; frightfully; depressingly; incurably

    Elect (v) adverbs

    unanimously; tacitly; spontaneously; subsequently; optionally; popularly; municipally; decisively; willingly; virtually

    (See choose, select.)

    Election adjectives

    farcical; obligatory; ensuing; local; optional; subsequent; degrading; frank; popular; financial; municipal


    announce—; campaign for—; climax—; conduct—; doom—; gain—; inveigh against—; merit—; nullify—; officiate at—; postpone—; propose—; revoke—; riot at—; stay—; swing—; —installs; —results in

    (See vote.)

    Electioneer (v) adverbs

    blatantly; flatteringly; obviously; humorously; pompously; volubly; wheedlingly; politically; masterfully; passionately; journalistically

    (See plan, campaign.)

    Elective adverbs

    freely; unconditionally; fortunately; highly; frankly; wisely; generously; broadly; extensively; liberally; tolerantly; widely

    Electricity adjectives

    dynamical; spiritual; galvanic; wondrous; helpful; servant-like; static


    activate—; apply—; charge with—; communicate by—; conduct—; connect—; conserve—; consume—; develop—; direct—.; discharge—; employ—; generate—; harness —; induce—; measure—; resist—; supply —; transmit—; utilize—; wire for—; — circulates; —emanates from; —flows; — magnetizes; —radiates from; —shocks; — vitalizes

    Elegance adjectives

    tasteful; sartorial; unusual; impaired; gracious; extreme; solid; stately; sculptured; cheerless; superficial; concise; unfailing; luxurious; voluptuous; sovereign; chill; refining; quiet; palatial; simple; futile; dainty; urban; indescribable; modish; restrained; decorous; envied; dark; classic; restless; certain; bright; supercilious; inborn; airy; rustic; rich; cautious; inherent; chaste; subdued; austere; correct; lazy; shabby; social; verbal; defiant; peculiar; pristine


    abandon—; arrange with—; behave with —; breed in—; demonstrate—; destroy—; detest—; display—; dress with—; effect—; indulge in—; instruct in—; polish with—; surrender to—; treasure—; tutor in—; yield to—; —charms; —graces; —impresses; — prevails; —wins

    (See refinement.)

    Elegant adverbs

    tastefully; graciously; quietly; indescribably; modishly; richly; chastely; naturally; unerringly; exquisitely; quaintly; discriminatingly; correctly; superbly

    Elegy adjectives

    Sapphic; biblical; funeral; lamenting; somber; pastoral

    Element adjectives

    instinctive; structural; romantic; automatic; subtle; personal; opposing; radical; mutable; flavoring; incongruous; rare; hereditary; picturesque; lawless; thinkable; lymphatic; volitional; aesthetic; disproportionate; jarring; conservative; fragmentary; chemical; undefined; necessary; nationalistic; ominous; simple; discordant; valuable; discrepant; professional; poetic; complex; unalloyed; salient; airy; fighting; unlikely; limpid; primal; negligible; essential; various (pl); devouring; lurking; perverse; dramatic; exhilarated; commonest; dissolving; dreadful; unchained; recessive; liberal; unimaginative; diviner; mercantile; physic; criminalistic; regressive; nutritional; denominative; ambient; basic; ancient; uncanny; lesser; heterogeneous; individual; maltreated; unobstructed; conflicting; sensual; insignificant; cultivated; honest; inflammable; primordial; cheerful; chalky; fantastic; simplest; positive; dominant; pitiless; divergent; pagan; lawless; inextinguishable; repeated; elliptic; seasonal; melancholy; ungenial; desirable; erotic; distinct; furious; vitamin; mineral; dissatisfied; prim; grim; sufficient; sensitive; minority; moral; decisive; sedate; opaque; disturbing; contradictory; connate; supernatural; determining; sound; hostile; visible; ultimate; fundamental; irreconcilable; bodily; contending; ideal; artistic; divers (pl); permanent; diversifying; natural; serenest; primary; untamed; eternal; incompatible; principal; unloosed; glorious; subtle; insane; comic; burning; lazy; humorous; slow; speculative; vital; harmless; food; important; valuable; mysterious; emotional; backsliding; infelicitous; restful; venal; subjective; neutralizing; metaphysical; dimorphous; cultured; celestial; alien


    coalesce—s; constitute—: disintegrate—; fathom—; inject—; introduce—; master—; mix—; nourish—; play to—; rouse—; stress—; submerge—; surrender—; symbolize—; unearth—; unite—s; —disturbs; — pervades; —predominates

    (See ingredient, constituent.)

    Elemental adverbs

    distinctly; obviously; simply; powerfully; irresistibly; purely; absolutely; solely; manifestly

    Elementary adverbs

    clearly; purely; sheerly; singularly; simply; exclusively; woefully; amazingly; lamentably; unfortunately; significantly; gravely; momentously; seriously

    Elements (weather) verbs

    bar—; barricade against—; combat—; conquer—; contend with—; struggle with—; yield to—; —destroy; —deteriorate; —determine; —disintegrate; —flash; —fret; — govern; —rust; —wreck

    (See earth, air, fire, water.)

    Elephant verbs

    anger—; arouse—; climb on—; domesticate

    —; mount—; spear—; train—; travel upon

    —; —bathes; —batters; —charges; — draws; —flings; —hisses; —lumbers; — performs; —rages; —rams; —remembers; —roars; —runs amuck; —spears; —tosses; —trumpets

    (See animal.)

    Elevate (v) adverbs

    morally; perceptibly; proudly; correspondingly! scarcely; partially

    (See raise, lift.)

    Elavated adverbs

    reputably; highly; estimably; honorably; majestically; eminently; unusually; consciously; nobly; gloriously; immensely; remarkably; uncommonly; notably; famously; conspicuously; illustriously; splendidly; brilliantly; prominently; sacredly

    Elevation adjectives

    corresponding; proud; displeased; moral

    Elevator adjectives

    special; arch; fast; slow'; decorated; express


    accelerate—; block—; burden—; control—; crowd—; disable—; employ—; enter—; file out of—; install—; jam—; jostle in—; level—; man—; manipulate—; operate—; overload—; pour from—; retard—; ring for—; signal—; station at—; stream from —; —ascends; —descends; —drops; —facilitates; —hoists; —hums upward; — plunges; —transfers; —zooms

    (See platform, aeroplane.)

    Elf adjectives

    happy; semi-respectable; sportive; cunning; troublesome; perverse; bad; imperturbable; vagrant; scribbling

    Elfish adverbs

    delicately; mischievously; sportively; cunningly; perversely; vagrantly; uncannily; weirdly; impishly; undeniably; laughably; amusingly; naturally

    Eligible adverbs

    legally; capably; competently; wholly; unusually; highly; undeniably; exceptionally; socially: becomingly; conveniently; obviously; evidently; admirably; financially

    Eliminate (v) adverbs

    completely; utterly; entirely; abruptly; virtually; outrageously; tyrannically; courageously; completely

    (See separate, remove.)

    Elixir adjectives

    wondrous; imperious; youth-giving; immortal; nectarous; divine

    Ellipse verbs

    bound by—; circle in—; course—; cut into —; define; —describe—; disfigure—; draw —; execute—; fashion—; form—; shape into—; sketch—; wheel in—; —belts; — entertains; —frames

    (See circle.)

    Elm adjectives

    hedgerow; overshadowing; lofty; spindling; immemorial; vaulted; ancient; graceful; sighing


    entwine—; rock—; trim—; —branches; — flowers; —groans; —nods; —protects; — quivers; —shades; —sheds; —shelters; — stirs; —tapers; —towers; —waves

    (See tree.)

    Elope (v) adverbs

    blithely; lovingly; spiritedly; clandestinely; surreptitiously; furtively; secretly; slyly; stealthily; impetuously

    (See run, flee.)

    Eloquence adjectives

    manly; grand; bold; persuasive; gloomy; transcending; bitter; melodic; florid; voluble; wheedling; candid; political; impressive; native; seductive; caustic; hardy; stately; indignant; impersonal; sonorous; patriotic; solemn; resistless; cold; clear; pathetic; silent; denunciative; masterful; masculine; insidious; solid; flatulent; astonishing; awful; touching; imperishable; impetuous; religious; native; saucy; audacious; attractive; brilliant; passionate; luminous; clarion-like; convincing; additional; parliamentary; journalistic; fiery; rich; insinuating; supreme; consummate; rude; unstudied; lofty; picturesque; simple; fervent; abusive; prompt; gorgeous; sublime; worthy; copious; popular; ecclesiastical


    breathe out—; burst out in—; disregard—; drown in—; endow with—; prompt—; resist—; utter—; woo with—; —acquits; — colors; —flowers; —flows from—; —glitters; —induces; —moves; —pierces; — strikes; —sways

    (See speech, fluency, elegance, utterance.)

    Eloquent adverbs

    powerfully; marvelously; incisively; impressively; dramatically; vigorously; sensationally; brilliantly; pleadingly; pithily; loftily; sublimely; touchingly; vehemently; passionately; exceptionally; astonishingly; attractively; highly; uncommonly; simply; consummately; irresistibly; persuasively

    Elucidate (v) adverbs

    graphically; clearly; extensively; thoroughly; patiently

    (See describe, explain.)

    Elude (v) adverbs

    exasperatingly; continually; slyly; ingeniously; cleverly; repeatedly; irritatingly

    (See evade, avoid.)

    Elusive adverbs

    cunningly; deceptively; insidiously; trickily; meretriciously; fraudulently; cleverly; artfully; abominably; evasively; adroitly; subtly; treacherously; archly; unbelievably; highly; alarmingly; singularly; terribly

    Elysian adverbs

    delectably; beatifically; ecstatically; divinely; rapturously; ravishingly; sefaphically; sweetly; celestially

    Emaciated adverbs

    pitiably; outrageously; scandalously; miserably; shakily; wirily; sparely; gauntly; haggardly; tenuously; shockingly; terribly; unusually; wretchedly; unwarrantably; shamefully

    Emanation adjectives

    divine; miasmal; primitive

    Emanc1pa TION adjectives

    bourgeois; unconditional; prospective

    Embalm (v) adverbs

    carefully; elaborately; skillfully; marvelously; artfully; professionally

    (See preserve.)

    Embalming adjectives

    elaborate; marvelous; skilled

    Embargo adjectives

    silly; alternative; virtual


    adopt—; apply—; assail—; authorize—; clap on—; condemn—; counter-*—; declare —; effect—; employ—; enforce—; impose —; instigate—; justify—; lift—; patronize —; proclaim—; propose—; support—; threaten—; urge—; —checks; —hinders; —restrains; —starves

    (See hindrance, impediment, injunction, restraint.)

    Embark (v) adverbs

    gleefully; sadly; joyfully; formally; un-molestedly; freely; tardily; eventually; hastily

    (See begin, venture.)

    Embarkation adjectives

    businesslike; unmolested

    Embarrass (disconcertingly; satirically; startlingly; perceptibly; sadly; slyly; perplexingly; visibly; painfully;. pecuniarily; secretly; acutely; considerably; strangely

    (See harass, shame.)

    Embarrassed adverbs

    singularly; curiously; oddly; strangely; profoundly; awkwardly; deeply; shamefully; shyly; financially; socially; distressingly; painfully; publicly; secretly; timidly; occasionally; vaguely; slightly; greatly;- horribly; visibly; angrily; acutely; considerably; helplessly; hotly

    Embarrassment adjectives

    visible; flattering; painful; evident; pecuniary; nervous; tingling; angry; secret; acute; considerable; strange


    betray—; blush in—; conceal-*-; contribute to—; ease—; flush in—; guard against—; lead to—; manifest—; pardon—; relieve—

    —hinders; —prevents; —silences

    (See chagrin, perplexity.)

    Embassy adjectives

    overburdened; heaven-like; loving

    Embellish (v) adverbs

    peculiarly; handsomely; profusely; tastefully; poetically; artistically; architecturally; rhetorically; flamboyantly; gaudily; beautifully; lavishly

    (See adorn, ornament.)

    Embellished adverbs

    ornately; tastefully; gaudily; crudely; garishly; beautifully; artistically; gorgeously; smartly; showily; unnecessarily; highly; extravagantly; excessively; richly; gayly; daintily; elegantly; chastely; simply

    Embellishment adjectives

    poetical; artistic; architectural; rhetorical

    Ember verbs

    blanket—s; conceal beneath—; fan—; feed —s; heap on—s; heat on—s; poke—s; quench—s; rake—s; roast in—s; stir—s; strew over—s; toast on—s; —blazes; — burns; —s comfort; —dies; —expires; — flames; —glows; —heats; —s sleep; — smoulders; —s warm; —chars

    (See coal, ashes, cinders.)

    Embers adjectives

    rose-red; burnt-out; glowing; smoldering; latent; dying; dangerous; pale; dim; fading; glimmering; throbbing; slumbering; raked; inextinguishable; feeble; ruddy; ashen-gray; blue; crumbling; smoky


    deeply; permanently; irremediably; unfortunately; justifiably; hopelessly; irrecoverably; secretly; profoundly; morbidly; sullenly; unhappily; strangely; naturally; pathetically; violently; savagely; dejectedly; desperately

    Emblazon (v) adverbs

    vividly; richly; weirdly; brilliantly; astonishingly; colorfully

    (See adorn, shine.)

    Emblazoned adverbs

    gorgeously; colorfully; artistically; brilliantly; wonderfully; marvelously; ceremonially; magnificently; splendidly; sumptuously; dramatically; richly; glitteringly; brightly; highly

    Emblazoning adjectives

    dim; fiery; weird; astonishing

    Emblem adjectives

    talismanic; portentous; ecclesiastical; gorgeous; hieroglyphical; conventional; mortuary; graven-lined; masonic; sepulchered


    bear—; bedeck with—s; distinguish with —s; engrave—; enrich with—s; insert—; reward with—; select—; scrutinize—; vie for—; —attests; —denotes; —expresses; — flutters; —indicates; —represents; —suggests; —symbolizes; —testifies

    (See representation, symbol, sign, badge.)

    Emblematic adverbs

    characteristically; truly; ecclesiastically; gorgeously; splendidly; highly; remarkably; particularly’; obscurely; appropriately; suitably; graphically; felicitously; extraordinarily; uncommonly; manifestly

    Embodiment adjectives

    stirring; organic; adequate; striking; rough


    satisfactorily; stirringly; organically; strikingly; adequately; roughly; successfully; convincingly

    (See combine, form.)

    Embrace adjectives

    clinging; maddening; bearlike; straining; wordless; rapturous; mute; passionate; quiet; transparent; pure; warm; turbulent; meek; fervid; hard; stimulating; emotional; sorrowing; soothing; fierce; strict; firm; chill; rugged; silent; romantic; locked; welcoming; timid; tight; tepid; kind; lank; stormy; stiff; clumsy


    avert—; avoid—; blush at—; break—; check—; clasp in—; delight in—; enclose in—; force—; gather in—; lock in—; resist—; seek—; shelter in—

    (See clasp.)

    Embrace (adverbs

    tenderly; blithely; lasciviously; licentiously; cheerfully; responsively; affectionately; warmly; fitfully; passionately; voluntarily; devoutly; boldly; clingingly; maddeningly; wordlessly; rapturously; emotionally; mutely; turbulently; sorrowfully; soothingly; fiercely; firmly; ruggedly; romantically; timidly; tepidly; clumsily; stormily

    (See caress, clasp.)

    Embrasure adjectives

    gloomy; mighty

    Embroider (v) adverbs

    dexterously; delicately; ecclesiastically; strangely; brilliantly; artfully; skillfully; fantastically

    (See sew, ornament.)

    Embroidery adjectives

    brilliant; sad; glittering; ecclesiastical; fancy; eyelet; cross-stitch; lace; delicate

    Embroilment adjectives

    bloody; wearisome; needless; furious


    abort—; disengage—; enclose—; examine —; form—; hatch—; kill—; nourish—; shape—; stifle—; stimulate—; surround—; —develops; —dwells in; —enfolds; —impresses; —matures; —occupies; —originates; —ripens

    (See germ, beginning.)

    Emerald adjectives

    living; veined; encrusted; sparkling; striking; great; square; exquisite


    adorn with—; cover with—s; delight in—; favor—; guard—; lure with—; purchase —; secrete—; value—; —crowns; —dazzles; —gleams; —glimmers; —glitters; —scintillates; —shines

    (See jewel, gem, diamond.)

    Emerge (v) adverbs

    dramatically; noiselessly; coolly; gradually; luminously; transcendingly; reluctantly; mystically; shyly; abruptly; unmistakably

    (See rise, come.)

    Emergency adjectives

    fearful; prolonged; sudden; fiscal; threatening; temporal; frequent;, peculiar; unexpected; popular; pressing; unusual; serious; desperate; international


    anticipate—; bow to—; challenge—; confront with—; cope with—; ease—; face—; guard against—; handle—; iron out—; lessen—; meet—; resign to—; rise to—

    —arises; —exists

    (See crisis, exigency, necessity.)

    Emetic verbs

    act as—; administer—; does with—; employ —; prescribe—; suggest—; swallow—; — aids; —corrects; —counteracts; —cures; — empties; —excites; —induces; —produces; —prostrates; —remedies; —stimulates

    (See medicine, laxative, enema.)

    Emigrant adjectives

    unfortunate; greenhorn; bewildered; aggressive


    admit—; advocate—; assist—; campaign for—; dodge—; embark on—; halt—; occasion—; prevent—; record—; shift—; stir —; undertake—; —drifts; —flows; — lapses; —relieves; —streams; —trickles

    (See exodus, departure, immigration.)

    Eminence adjectives

    lofty; intellectual; grassy; bright; conspicuous; crested; humble; narrowed; specific; abrupt; sudden; immediate; gentle; incontestable; commanding; inland; archaeological; practicable; affected; sacred; cliffy; deserted; professional; unblemished; gigantic; noble


    ascend to—; assume—; attain—; command —; deserve—; elevate to—; enjoy—; enthrone in—; hope for—; merit—; perch in—; rise to—; shoot to—; surpass in—; tower in—; worship—

    (See distinction, fame.)

    Eminent adverbs

    notably; internationally; ecclesiastically; politically; socially; distinctly; illustriously; splendidly; proudly; conspicuously; honorably; deservedly; brilliantly; famously

    Emissary adjectives

    paid; secret; trustworthy; discreet


    assign—to; dispatch—; employ—; entrust with—; interview—; send—; —announces; —carries; —communicates; —conveys; — corresponds; —furnishes; —imparts; —implies; —informs; —performs; —pries; — promotes; —relays; —reports; —represents; —scouts; —spies

    (See agent, messenger, ambassador.)

    Emission adjectives

    non-luminous; watery

    Emolument adjectives

    stipendiary; unearned; colossal; untaxable


    calculate—; consider—; deny—; deprive of—; derive—; earn—; enjoy—; forfeit—

    obtain—; pocket—; produce—; reap—; receive—; return—; seek—; —amends; — atones for; —comforts; —compensates; — improves; —rewards; —satisfies

    (See advantage, gain, profit.)

    Emotion adjectives

    poignant; intellectual; enthusiastic; touched; pent-up; gentle; repressed; inscrutable; barbaric; profound; blushing; conflicting; fierce; dark; complex; vague; vindictive; turbulent; painful; dominant; disturbing; desirable; private; desperate; kindled; human; extraordinary: petty; ardent; suitable; exulting; tremulous; generous; primitive; perfect; sudden; passionate; unquiet; joyful; parental: unmaidenly; chivalric; opposite; irrevocable; decadent; violent; indescribable; timid; charitable; passive; transient; repentant; trembling; contending; diverse; tumultuous; untried; sensitive; irrepressible; scornful; rapid; lively; mingled; suppressed; distinct; contradictory; intricate; dead; keen; sincere; adult; unstable; overwhelming; evident; patriotic; quivering; natural; intense; irreproachable; educated; anguished; elusive; corresponding; religious; tender; similar; singular; gushing; innocent; inner; spontaneous; aesthetic; genuine; hot-headed; silent; excited; immature; shallow; cheap; neat; compelling; inelastic; visible; awe-inspiring; incomprehensible; strong; sham; momentary; adulterated; sociable; inward; intimate; surcharged; acute; sustained; sympathetic; wandering; rebellious; compassionate; catholic; outward; tragic; burning; awakened; volcanic; uncontrollable; ineffable; synthetic; perverted; antagonistic; distressful; frozen; deepest; inmost; swelling; ill-concealed; pleasing; vehement; undisciplined; unfathomable; dumb; subdued; passion-hued; haggard; inexpressible; encompassing; unrestrained; facile; full-fledged; causeless; primal; deadened; in-wrought; honest; confused; incomparable; personable; incongruous; incredible; indefinable; devastating; vivid; depressive; overpowering; simultaneous; old-fashioned; mysterious; unearthly; ultimate


    appeal to—; arouse—; awaken—; batter down—; betray—; blunt—; cherish—; choke—; conquer—; control—; cover—; curb—; disentangle—s; experience—; express—; falsify—; feign—; hide—; kindle —; lavish—on; move with—; overflow with —; palpitate with—; play with—; prompt bv—; pulsate with—; quake with—; quiver with—; register—; respond to—; restrain —; still—; suppress—; sway with—; toy with—s; tremble with—; vanquish—; vent —; whip up—; wrench by—; wring with—; —s clash; —s conflict; —governs; —recurs; —s riot; —seizes; —surges; —vacillates

    (See feeling, sensation, passion, perturbation, agitation.)

    Emotional adverbs

    peculiarly; deeply; ardently; unstably; eagerly; warmly; quickly; strongly; obviously; fervently; uncontrollably; ungovernably; impetuously; impulsively; hysterically; unsteadily; remarkably; inherently; naturally; expressively; violently; highly; unusually

    Emotionalism adjectives

    crude; seething; accursed; florid

    Emperor adjectives

    illustrious; reigning; ambitious; ardent; haughty; tyrannical


    admire—; assassinate—; attend—; bow to —; cringe before—; crown—; fete—; guard —; hail—; huzza—; pledge to—; present to—; succeed—; wait upon—; —addresses; —conquers; —decrees; —dismisses; —pardons; —receives; —rules; —subdues

    (See king, monarch.)

    Emphasis adjectives

    lingering; menacing; stubborn; marked; terrific; daring; allowable; improper; extravagant; dreadful: indignant; prodigious; fretful; passionate; prevailing; serious; trivial; joyous; sufficient; ethical; victorious; appealing; artistic; attenuated; sarcastic; flattering; languid; tantalizing


    bear—; convey—; express with—; focus upon—; laj-—upon; lose—; mark—; note—; observe—; require—; shift—; voice—; — accentuates; —affirms; —delivers; —forces; —imbeds; —implies; —impresses; —inculcates; —insists; —instils; —points; — sharpens; —stresses

    (See stress, force.)

    Emphasize (v


    significantly; repeatedly; effectively; victoriously; graciously; boastfully; adequately; menacingly; stubbornly; markedly; daringly; improperly; extravagantly; indignantly; fretfully; passionately; seriously; trivially; sufficiently; appealingly; artistically; tantalizingly

    (See stress, impress.)

    Emphatic adverbs

    stubbornly; terribly; fretfully; joyously; aggressively; boldly; loftily; truculently; extravagantly; impudently; insolently; audaciously; arrogantly; blandly; confidently; sweepingly; dogmatically; astoundingly; autocratically; despotically; imperiously; monstrously; presumptuously; preposterously; rashly; blatantly; sarcastically

    Empire adjectives

    calm; powerful; mighty; disintegrating; formidable; distracted; extensive; audacious; vain; populous; consolidated; celestial; peerless; permanent; veritable; effeminate; far-reaching; full-fledged; supernatural; gentle; colonial; barbaric; mercantile; spiritual


    bind—; bound—; build—; carve—; cement —; command—; conquer—; consolidate—; create—; destroy—; dictate—; disentangle —; divide—; forsake—; found—; govern —; invade—; overthrow—; police—; rock —; rule—; seek—; shake—; spread through —; unite—; wreck—; yoke—; —dwindles; —extends; —falls; —perishes; —ranges; —sickens; —staggers

    (See state, nation, dominion, sovereignty, kingdom.)

    Employ (v) adverbs

    habitually; conspicuously; vigilantly; anxiously; faithfully; uselessly; frequently; thriftily; steadily; methodically; profitably; gainfully; vigorously; skillfully; magically; unceasingly; temporarily; advantageously; peacefully; sparingly; incessantly; hazardously; individually; occasionally; domestically; legitimately; remuneratively; suitably; figuratively; ingloriously; systematically; actively

    (See use, work.)

    Employee adjectives

    conscientious; rank-and-file; valued; prudent; salaried; unionized


    agitate—s; assign—to; coerce—; command ■—; discard—; dismiss—; dock—; engage —; engross—; enroll—; intimidate—; manage—s; misuse—; regulate—s; supervise —s; —s demand; —exerts; —obeys; — s organize; —s recess; —s strike

    (See worker, workman, laborer, clerk.)

    Employer adjectives

    philosophic; recusant; apprehensive; prospective; banded (pl)


    demand of—; persuade—; picket—; plead with—; seek—; —acquires; —advertises; — assigns; —controls; —disposes; —economizes; —engages; —fires; —hires; —locks out; —pities; —procures; —provides; — refuses; —regulates; —supervises; —sympathizes; —tyrannizes; —understands

    (See master, owner, manager.)

    Employment adjectives

    unconscious; hazardous; individual; occasional; domestic; legitimate; remunerative; regressive; useful; suitable; skillful; congenial; responsible; continuous; moneymaking; figurative; seasonable; inglorious; obvious; temporary; lucrative; profitable; regular; diverse; military; justifiable; creative; systematic; gainful; mercantile; initial


    acquire—; apply for—; assign—; avoid—; carry on—; devote to—; evade—; fit for—; insure—; necessitate—; offer—; procure—; pursue—; receive—; regulate—; reject—; seek—; stabilize—; stimulate—; throw out of—; —fluctuates; —maintains; —occupies; —preserves; —satisfies

    (See occupation, vocation, calling, business, profession, trade, job.)

    Empress adjectives

    chimerical; power-drunk; haughty

    Emptiness ad jectives

    divine; ultimate; horrid; echoing; civilized; gnawing; spiritual; wide; desolate; bleak; blank; black; void; gaping; yawning

    Empty (v) adverbs

    surreptitiously; completely; partially; automatically

    (See deplete, exhaust.) )

    Empty adverbs

    hopelessly; deplorably; lamentably; desperately; completely; almost; obviously; visibly; dreadfully; desolately; bleakly; startlingly; awfully; dismally; unbelievably; palpably; contemptibly; unhappily; unfortunately; wretchedly

    Emu LA TION adjectives

    literary; perpetual; generous; envious

    Emulsion adjectives

    light; sensitive; suspended; cloudy

    Enact (v) adverbs

    comparatively; gravely; legally; prohibitively; legislatively; socially; illegitimately; dictatorially; forcefully; dogmatically

    (See perform, accomplish.)

    Enactment adjectives

    statutory; prohibitive; legislative; social; revolutionary; legal

    Enamel adjectives

    tinted; lucid; brittle; brilliant

    Enamoured adverbs

    crazily; besottedly; wholly; rapturously; blindly; immensely; ecstatically; ardently; passionately; idolatrously; fervidly; deeply; inordinately; absorbingly; perilously; dangerously; absurdly; hopelessly; helplessly

    Enchant (v) adverbs

    magically; ravis'hingly; sweetly; uniquely; mysteriously; powerfully; fantastically; mystically; passionately

    (See charm, fascinate.)

    Enchanted adverbs

    utterly; delightfully; marvellously; oddly; perfectly; curiously; unquestionably; irresistibly; openly; avowedly; completely

    Enchanting adverbs

    delightfully; charmingly; seductively; be-witchingly; girlishly; youthfully; marvellously; radiantly; daintily; exquisitely; courteously; divinely; gracefully; brightly; chivalrously; politely; attentively; urbanely; ingratiatingly; genially; extremely; curiously; oddly; uncommonly

    Enchantment adjectives

    grave; sweet; rapt; unique; age-old; powerful; mysterious; perpetual; varied; divine; social; heightened; drear; cool; true; aristocratic; gloomy; mystic


    brew'—; cast—; drink in—; endow with—; exercise—; gaze with—; invest with—; lend—; respond to—; steep in—; succumb to—; touch with—; view with—; —allures; —assails; —beguiles; —bewitches; —captivates; —charms; —cloaks; —delights; — enraptures; —enslaves; —expires; —fascinates; —fetters; —influences; —overpowers; employ—

    (See charm, fascination.)

    Encomium adjectives

    unjust; warm; eulogistic; heaped-up (pl)

    Encounter adjectives

    loose; strange; accidental; constant; fierce; ordinary; bloody; murderous; romantic; amiable; strong; awkward; fatal; vile; pugilistic; sharp; chivalrous; previous; bitter


    anticipate—; avoid—; calculate—; clash in—; confess to—; contemplate—; dare—; engage in—; experience—; expose to—; fear —; flush from—; intend—; join—; launch —; match in—; plan—; relate—; risk—; shrink from—; shun—; venture—; welcome—; —follows; —unsteadies

    (See meeting, collision, contest, conflict, battle.)

    Encounter (v) adverbs

    repeatedly; proudly; frequently; occasionally; obliquely; cheerfully; unexpectedly; fearlessly; accidentally; murderously; romantically; amiably; awkwardly; fatally; chivalrously; bitterly

    (See meet, confront.)

    Encourage (v) adverbs

    smoothly; openly; jovially; tremendously; sympathetically; willingly; specially; genially; unduly; adroitly; enormously; affectionately; consistently; wordlessly; unceasingly; remotely; cordially; professionally. (See aid, assist.

    Enco URA GEMENT adjectives

    enormous; lifelong; affectionate; consistent; wordless; unceasing; remote; slender; managerial; cheerful; cordial; melancholy; fresh; misplaced


    afford—; impart—; lend—; rally to—; thrive on—; —animates; —cheers; —comforts; —enlivens; —exhilarates; —heartens; —impels; —incites; —induces; —inspires; —kindles; —promotes; —prompts; —reassures; —restores; —stimulates

    (See help.)

    Encouraging adverbs

    cheerily; genially; gravely; enormously; affectionately; immensely; highly; silently; cordially; sincerely; resolutely; decisively; impulsively; discreetly; deliberately; helpfully; amicably; confidently; enthusiastically; reassuringly; sympathetically; actively; genuinely; exceptionally; prudently; thoughtfully; reliably

    Encroach (<-) adverbs

    steadily; progressively; unconsciously; brazenly; perpetually; aggressively; belligerently; martially; pugnaciously

    (.See trespass, intrude.

    Encroachment adjectives

    noteworthy; perpetual


    justify—; observe—; prevent—; rant against—; recognize—; resent—; resist—; revenge—; seize by—; tolerate—; wrest by—; —arouses; —deprives; —disables; — irritates; —offends; —outrages; —perils

    —robs; —violates

    (See intrusion, invasion.)

    Encumber (v) adverbs

    perilously; hopelessly; monstrously; tragically; fatally; tyrannically; viciously; pathologically

    (See hinder, impede.)

    Encumbrance adjectives

    vast; hopeless; monstrous


    accept—; attach—; discharge—; dispel—; divest of—; free from—; load with—; master—; struggle with—; suffer—; — annoys; —burdens; —clogs; —complicates; —embarrasses; —hampers; —harasses; — hinders; —impedes; —obstructs; —oppresses; —presses; —restrains

    (See load, burden, hindrance, impediment.)

    Encyclopedia adjectives

    skeptical; exhaustive; character; walking; biographical; all-inclusive


    appear in—; compile—; comprehend—; consult—; discover in—; edit—; employ—; refer to—; require—; scan—; —comprises; —educates; —enlightens; —explains; — illustrates; —informs; —instructs; —specifies; —teaches

    (See book.)

    End adjectives

    dreary; practical; extreme; definite; private; lofty; selfish; ambitious; sordid; common; remote; swanlike; unsavory; equivocal; inexorable; surprising; personal; muchcoveted; teleological; adequate; ornamental; technical; ulterior; contingent; unpitied; desirable; special; worthier; appointed; hideous; latter; petty; sad; professed; untimely; abhorred; economical; wretched; radiant; conscious; tapering; immortal; futile; spiritual; individual; chief; shameful; ephemeral; extravagant; lifeless; blunt; preconceived; ultimate; gracious; disastrous


    accomplish—; achieve—; attain—; bend to —; catch—; constitute—; continue until—; contrive—; discern—; draw to—; endure to—; fear—; fulfill—; further—; hasten—; indicate—; justify—; maintain till—; obtain—; pause at—; pray for—; progress toward—; pursue—; push to—; put to—; scorn—; serve—; sever—; sleep till—; stave off—; subserve—; waste—; welcome —; work out—

    (See purpose, intention, aim, object, goal.)

    End (<-) adverbs

    invariably; eloquently; feebly? amicably; mournfully; abruptly; fatally; badly; tragically; comically; sorrowfully; dramatically; coldly; virtually; intelligibly; disastrously; breathlessly; inevitably; miserably; ultimately; insignificantly; ominously; appropriately; abruptly; gradually; poetically; swiftly

    (See finish, stop.)

    Endanger (v) adverbs

    seriously; frequently; foolishly; absurdly; carelessly; jauntily; bravely; ridiculously

    (See imperil, risk.)

    Endearment verbs

    address—to; cajole with—s; caress in—; coax with—s; court with—s; exhibit—; feast on—; flatter with—s; fondle in—; pat with —; refrain from—s; secure—of; serenade with—s; utter—; wheedle with—s; whisper —s; woo with—s; —annoys; —s charm; —flatters; —pleases

    (See caress, affection, love.)

    Endea FOR adjectives

    enthusiastic; painstaking; deformed; vain; apparent; infinite; earnest; tenacious; mournful; incessant; rash; awful; patient; desperate; passionate; humane; utmost; high; speedy; organized; fruitless; fair; stern; honest, unsuccessful; ceaseless; beneficent; personal; therapeutic; urgent; self-protective; strenuous; fierce; psychoanalytic; sanctified; junior; charitable; dead; suicidal; dull; strong; philanthropic; continuous; decorative; intellectual; foolish


    bless—; conceal—; direct—; dwarf—; emulate—; encourage—; exert in—; extend—; forestall—; forsake—; frustrate—; inspire —; lessen—; oppose—; plan—; put forth—; renew—; smile on—; struggle in—; —contributes; —ennobles; —helps; —sweeps away

    (See attempt, effort, struggle.

    En DEAF OR (v) adverbs

    scrupulously; vainly; forcefully; energetically; constantly; primarily; inadequately; feebly; conscientiously; fruitlessly; unconsciously; gravely; heroically; ineffectually; eternally; enthusiastically; painstakingly; apparently; earnestly; tenaciously; mournfully; incessantly; patiently; desperately; passionately; humanely; strenuously; charitably; intellectually; foolishly

    (See try, strive.)

    Ending adjectives

    insignificant; ominous; tragic; gigantic; physical; abrupt; fittest; appropriate; gradual; beautiful; soft; poetic; swift

    Endless adverbs

    horribly; apparently; almost; irritatingly; hopelessly; vexatiously; terrifyingly; incalculably; maddeningly; fabulously; un-endurably; fearfully; frightfully

    Endorse (v) adverbs

    enthusiastically; tentatively; legally; legitimately; criminally; dishonestly; optimistically

    (See approve, agree.)

    Endorsement adjectives

    enthusiastic; tentative


    (See indorsement.)

    Endo IF (v} adverbs

    richly; invariably; exceptionally; wisely; lavishly; liberally; speedily; suitably; splendidly; mentally; spiritually; hypocritically; naturally; intellectually; physically; rarely; uncommonly

    (See give, donate.)

    Endowment adjectives

    mental; spiritual; intrinsic; hypothetical; natural; decorative; intellectual; physical; rare; literary; uncommon


    assure of—; bequeath—to; bestow—upon; confer—upon; deserve—; furnish—; grant —; inherit—; lavish—on; leave—to; obtain —; present—; provide—; secure—; settle —on; solicit—; stipulate—; vest—; wheedle —. wj]|—; —eases; —enriches; —provides for; —rescues; —supports

    (See bounty, gift, money.)

    Endurable adverbs

    scarcely; grimly; barely; hardly; philosophically; stoically; tolerably; heroically; reasonably

    Endurance adjectives

    dignified; calm; physical; marvelous; pained; resolute; unparalleled; silent; heroic; unlimited; patient; passive; superhuman; moral; stout; brave


    attain—; bear with—; discipline to—; enhance—; harden—; impose on—; limit—; prolong beyond—; replenish—; tax—; torment beyond—; —conquers; —ebbs; — fades; —fails; —surpasses; —sustains; — terminates; —wanes

    (See persistence, fortitude, patience, forbearance.)

    Endure (v) adverbs

    placidly; firmly; coldly", irksomely; everlastingly; impatiently; consciously; simply; daily; permanently; dignifiedly; heroically; naturally; intellectually; physically; passively; morally; stoutly; bravely

    (See suffer, bear.)

    Enema verbs

    employ—; endure—; inject—; introduce—; order—; prepare—; prescribe—; recommend—; resort to—; urge—; —aggravates; —aids; —appeases; —comforts; —eases; —enervates; —exasperates; —infuriates; — purges; —quickens; —relieves; —soothes; —weakens

    (See medicine, laxative, emetic.)

    Enemy adjectives

    approaching; spiteful; transalpine; routed; hereditary; partisan; scrupulous; fearful; generous; retreating; domestic, vanquished; damaging; embittered; pernicious; confiding; political; patient; sagacious; faithful; malarial; sworn; potential; stern; cruel; legendary; mysterious; invisible; avowed; discomfited; malicious; vigilant; treacherous; intrenched; formidable; destructive; prejudiced; pleasant; bigoted; subtle; legionary; inveterate; aggressive; contemptuous; external; visionary; fanatical; unfair; bitter; self-reliant; resolute; common; skulking; service; ferocious; pregnant; imaginary; alien; courageous; loathed; penniless; rival; devouring; butchering; lurking; malignant; exposed; deadly; cunning; unrelenting; panic-stricken; implacable; erstwhile; exasperated; indefatigable; insidious; ruthless; vehement, vindictive


    acquiesce to—; ambush—; annihilate—; approach—; baffle—; beleaguer—; betray to —; charge—; chase—; confront—; crush—; cultivate—; curse—; deliver—; demoralize—; destroy—; disarm—; eliminate—; elude—; engage—; enslave—; entrap—; erase—; excoriate—; exterminate—; face—; fall into the hands of—; foil—; forgive—; harass—; hold—at bay; hurl back—; intercept—; inveigh against—; judge—; massacre—; mislead—; mollify—; negotiate with—; outstrip—; overpower—; overwhelm—; prey upon—; provoke—; persecute—; pursue—; rage at—; reproach—; reveal—; rid of—; scatter—; slay—: smite —; subdue—; survey—; trap—; vanquish —; yield to—; —clamors; —conspires; — falls; —invades; —launches; —lures; — lurks; —plots; —retires; —retreats; — slanders; —withdraws; overthrow—

    (See adversary, antagonist, foe, opponent, rival, competitor.)

    Energetic adverbs

    spasmodically; courageously; consistently; actually; indefatigably; gloriously; conspicuously; monumentally; phenomenally; creatively; colossally; stupendously; patiently; strikingly; laboriously; magnificently; spectacularly; breath-takingly; supremely; impressively; valorously; indomitably; nervously; joyously; formidably; prodigiously; fitfully; restlessly; tremendously; appallingly; suspiciously; excitedly; disturbingly; normally; abnormally

    Energetics adjectives

    metaphysical; speculative; philosophic

    Energy adjectives

    active; indomitable; wonted; untiring; feverish; progressive; torrential; resistless; undiminished; imperfect; newborn; constructive; cheering; felicitous; nervous; twofold; contortionary; difficult; joyous; murderous; characteristic; wondrous; abundant; lagging; formidable; surpassing; stern; resolute; boundless; uncommon; impressive; superhuman; vigorous; untamable; repressed; cumulative; imparted; latent; prevailing; overmastering; enormous; sustained; rebellious; dynamic; mysterious; creative; deceptive; tireless; youthful; fervid; patient; inexhaustible; biological; triumphant; collective; relentless; inherent; passionate; vital; vehement; available; unfaltering; invincible; exhaustless; multiform; tameless; undivided; flagging; due; never-ceasing; dampened; stormy; hopeful; tidal; liquid; administrative; striking; unabated; incalculable; intellectual’; volcanic; intrepid; convulsive; destructive; sleepless; tremendous; expansive; prodigious; long-discordant; presidential; unmeasured; enlightened; hollow; despairing; impetuous; spiritual; terrible; native; productive; indefatigable; mastering; excited; reposing; diligent; discursive; overflowing; manly; radiant; well-directed; unparalleled; potential; pathetic; mechanical; unaided; concentrated; rapid; fitful; industrious; subtle; compulsive; throbbing; unwearying; distorting,." hypothetical; dulled; intensiye; dauntless; dashing; hopeful; ridiculous; biting; fiery; reckless; grim; capacious; rank; incomparable; magnetic; useful; unimpeded; subatomic; desperate; ruthless; vivid; searching; reserve; marked; superfluous; wasteful; dogged; restless; impartial; restricted; ultimate; scientific; electric; kinetic; mental; singular; superabundant; structural; moral


    absorb—; bend—toward; build up—; center —; conserve—; consume—; control—; convert into—; dedicate—to; demand—; derive —from; develop—; devote—to; discharge —; dissipate—; display—; drain—; endow with—; exhibit—; expend—; fill with—; flood with—; focus—upon; fritter away—; gather—; increase—; liberate—; organize —; provide—; relax—; renew—; release —; resuscitate—; letard—; reward—; smother—; spend—; squander—; store up —; tax—; transform—; transmit—; unleash—; unlock—; utilize—; waste—; — deteriorates; —flags

    (See force, power, vigor, strength, zeal.)

    Enervating adverbs

    undeniably; terribly; unfortunately; dangerously; unbelievably; alarmingly; deplorably; definitely; horribly; strangely; oddly; visibly; hopelessly; deeply

    Enfeebled adverbs

    pitiably; miserably; wretchedly; hopelessly; irremediably; visibly; apparently* manifestly; outrageously; cruelly; extraordinarily; curiously; nervously; languidly; unquestionably; ominously; mysteriously; horribly; inexplicably

    En FEEBLE M ENT verbs

    brace—; fortify—; give way to—; guard against—; incur—; invigorate—; languish in—; produce—; relax in—; resist—; sustain—; totter in—; —cramps; —deprives; —drains; —impoverishes; —prevents; — reduces; —saps; —unhinges

    Enforce (v) adverbs

    rigorously; arrogantly; rigidly; stringently; steadily; strictly; promptly; obstinately; sufficiently; aggressively; roughly; nominally; doggedly; painstakingly

    (See force, compel.)

    Enforcement adjectives

    vigorous; sufficient; rough; rigid; aggressive

    Engage (v) adverbs

    professionally; professedly; obviously; industrially; industriously; controversially; earnestly; actively; pitifully; extensively; variously; picturesquely; successfully; continuously; seriously; actively; willingly; exclusively; amicably; hutly; demurely; jointly; bindingly; allegedly; partially; obstinately; bloodily; pecuniarly; indecisively; intensively

    (See pledge, indulge.)

    Engagement adjectives

    binding; alleged; partial; bloody; obstinate; quasi-voluntary; pecuniary; long-standing; memorable; indecisive; pressing; wordy; professional


    agree upon—; announce—; anticipate—; arrange for—; attend—; break—; cancel—; celebrate—; contract—; defer—; desire—; enroll—; free from—; fulfill—liberate from—; obtain—; prolong—; release from —; terminate—; —affiances; —betroths; — binds; —pairs; —pledges; —surprises

    (See betrothal, promise.)

    Engaging adverbs

    irresistibly; charmingly; captivatingly; youthfully; delightfully; pleasantly; adorably; sweetly; gracefully; winningly; interestingly, fascinatingly; amiably; quietly; modestly; pertly; saucily; lovingly; attractively; enchantingly; unusually; artlessly; innocently; indefinably; extraordinarily; singularly

    Engine adjectives

    locomotive; palpitating; lifeless; mutilated; cruel; deadlier; mysterious; inanimate; atmospheric;- fettered; awesome; devilish; asthmatic; rotary; monstrous; phenomenal; ubiquitous


    coal—; cool—; develop—; devise—; fuel—; lubricate—; muffle—; oil—; pilot—; repair—; —backfires; —batters; —buzzes; — chugs; —clatters; —coughs; —dies; — drives; —drones; .—racks; —recoils; — roars; —snarls; —sputters; —throbs; — transforms; —utilizes; —wavers

    (See machine, mechanism.)

    Engineer adjectives

    painstaking; consulting; self-styled; distinguished; research; topographical


    consult—; employ—; require—; —alters

    —arranges; —bridges; —computes; —constructs; —contrives; —designs; —devises

    —invents; —manages; —measures; — plans; —performs; —schemes; —suggests

    —supervises; —undertakes

    (See driver, operator, manager.) adjectives

    automotive; unrivaled

    electrical; mechanical )

    English adjectives

    clipped; civilized; thoughtful; simple; fatuous; rhythmic; plain; rough


    accent—; analyze—; comprehend—; converse in—; correct—; corrupt—; criticize—; falter in—; improve—; interpret—; polish —; purify—; render in—; rhyme—; speak —; study—; translate—; —changes; —derives from; —develops; —evolves

    (See language, literature.)

    Engrate (v) adverbs

    delicately; handsomely; daintily; indelibly; exquisite; curious; extraordinary; reproduced; vivid; delicate; deft; skillful

    (See carve, imprint.)

    En GRATING adjectives

    exquisite; curious; extraordinary; reproduced; vivid; delicate; deft; skillful

    Engross (v) adverbs

    constantly; deeply; chiefly; earnestly; wholly; entirely; sympathetically; entirely; passionately; successfully

    (See absorb, occupy.)

    Enhance (v) adverbs

    enormously; vastly; radically; inexpressibly; fascinatingly; consequently; attractive ly

    (See increase, magnify.)

    Enigma adjectives

    inexplicable; incomprehensible


    deal in—s; disclose—; dissect—; dissolve—; explain—; express in—; investigate—; question—; ransack—; screen in—; scrutinize—; shroud in—; solve—; —baffles; — conceals; —mystifies; —perplexes; —puzzles; —seals

    (See riddle, mystery, puzzle.)

    Enigmatic adverbs

    bewilderingly; vexatiously; obscurely; inscrutably; oddly; curiously; peculiarly; singularly; precariously; bafflingly; unaccountably; infernally; unreasonably; inexplicably; unnecessarily

    Enjoin (v) adverbs

    peremptorily; rudely; dictatorially; harshly

    sternly; firmly; casually

    (See command, forbid.)

    Enjoy (v) adverbs

    intensely; habitually; unconsciously; sagaciously; contemplatively; languidly; poignantly; acutely; hugely; profoundly; keenly; wholesomely; amazingly; vastly; tranquilly; tremendously; passively; evanescent-ly; maliciously; mentally; meditatively; feverishly; indolently; mischievously; voluptuously; trivially; domestically; serenely; aesthetically; innocently; personally; wholeheartedly; imaginatively; idly; unpretentiously; heartily; reasonably; consciously; contemplatively

    (See gratify, like.)

    Enjoyable adverbs

    thoroughly; utterly; occasionally; always; keenly; profoundly; heartily; immensely; altogether; delightfully; luxuriously

    Enjoyment adjectives

    republican; evanescent; passive; malicious; mental; meditative; different; full; feverish; stately; immediate; indolent; rapt; healthy; affected; frequent; novel; separate; mischievous; voluptuous; perfect; unwonted; trivial; unmolested; prosperous; domestic; serene; sublunary; aesthetic; surfeited; lazy; suppressed; joint; innocent; personal; whole-hearted; imaginative; idle; aimless; gluttonous; amused; refined; open; mystical; tranquil; solid; solitary; statutory; unpretentious; keen; hearty; animal; civil; wholesome; evident; reasonable; frank; conscious; exclusive; contemplative


    afford—; bless with—; charge with—; covet—; crave—; derive—; desire—; detract from—; forestall—; grasp—; indulge in—; interrupt—;’lead to—; limit—; manifest—; prove—; pursue—; quench—; savor with—; scatter—; seize—; share—; spoil —; subdue—; temper—; —engrosses; — monopolizes; —occupies; —palls; —refreshes

    (See pleasure, entertainment, delight, satisfaction, happiness.)

    Enlarge (v) adverbs

    unboundedly; quickly; dangerously; abnormally; unduly; gradually; continuously; threateningly

    (See expand, broaden.)

    Enlargement adjectives

    remarkable; gradual; ignorant; undue; continuous


    advocate—; attempt—; check—; curb—; curtail—; demand—; influence—; justify—; limit—; necessitate—; plan—; prepare—; prevent—; procure—; promote—; regulate —; require—; restrain—; restrict—; strangle—; strive for—; survey—; warrant —; —absorbs; —enhances; —exalts; —improves

    (See increase, extension, development, expansion, growth.)

    Enlightenment verbs

    communicate—; direct—; express—; furnish —; impart—; need—; occasion—; plan—; plead for—; present—; prompt—; seek—; shed—; signify—; strive for—; supply—; support—; suppress—; taste—; —acquaints; —assists; —awakens; —edifies; —exhilarates; —progresses; —revives

    (See wisdom, advancement.)

    Enmity adjectives

    secret; everlasting; oblivious; lifelong; passionate; irreconcilable; unwarrantable; stolid; intense; dark


    abolish—; allay—; disarm—; drown—; earn—; enact through—; express—; frown upon—; ground on—; harbor—; in< site—; incur—; nurse—; overcome—; perceive—; place—between; ponder—; set—between; sow—; vanquish—; —abates; —breaks; —separates; —severs; —splits

    (See hostility, ill-will, opposition, antagonism, hatred, animosity.)

    Ennui adjectives

    listless; eternal; mortal


    affect with—; bore with—; curse with—; die of—; divert—; feel—; overcome—; produce—; resent—; save from—; signify—; subdue—; suffer from—; taste—; weary with—; wrap in—; —abates; —attacks; —bereaves; —despairs; —dethrones; — grows; —is born; —palls; —vexes; —victimizes; —weights

    (See weariness, languor.)

    Enormous adverbs

    incredibly; preposterously; inordinately; tremendously; fabulously; astonishingly; absolutely; extraordinarily; indescribably; positively; frightfully; alarmingly

    Enquire (v) adverbs

    innocently; hopefully; continually; persistently; annoyingly; repeatedly; fervently. (See ask, question.

    Enraptured adverbs

    obviously; utterly; inordinately; particularly; strangely; surprisingly; completely; deeply; indubitably; wonderfully; mysteriously ; highly; avowedly

    Enrich (v) adverbs

    prodigiously; delectably; abundantly; magnificently; elaborately; immensely; ultimately; considerably; ornately

    (See adorn, embellish.)

    Enrichment adjectives

    resultant; minor; ornate

    Enrollment verbs

    check—; dismiss from—; enter in—; erase from—; inscribe in—; list—; mark—; merit —; place on—; qualify for—; record in—; refer to—; register in—; seek—; view—; —acknowledges; —approximates; —certifies; —embodies; —increases; —notes

    (See record.)

    Ensconce (v) adverbs

    snugly; firmly; comfortably; safely; cozily; warmly; domestically

    (See sit, repose.)

    Ensemble adjectives

    impressive; rustic; harmonious; neighborhood

    Ensign adjectives

    national; armorial; fluttering


    cheer—; guard—; humble—; lift up—; march under—; plant—; protect—; raise—; rally round—; salute—; scatter—; shred—; spread—; tatter—; unfurl—; —advances; —blazes; —flutters; —signifies; —symbolizes; hang up—

    (See standard, flag.)

    Enslavement verbs

    cast into—; decry—; deliver from—; denounce— ; drive into—; free from—; hamper by—; liberate from—; prevent—; quit —; reduce to—; release from—; repel—; teturn to—; submit to—; throw into—; —deprives; —disgusts; —hinders; —restrains; —stifles; —subjugates

    (See bondage, subjugation, subjection, slavery.)

    Entangle (v) adverbs

    inextricably; equally; unnecessarily; thoroughly; fatally; tragically; unfortunately; matrimonially; domestically; ceaselessly; rashly

    (See tangle, involve.)

    Entanglement adjectives

    inextricable; unnecessary


    avoid—; charm into—; extricate from—; inveigh into—; knit—; lure into—; prevent —; remove—; risk—; snare in—; unfold—; unravel—; trap in—; weave—; —complicates; —confuses; —distresses; —embarrasses; —embraces; —impedes; —implicates; —involves; —pa.ns; —perplexes


    (See intricacy, complication, tangle.)

    Enter (v) adverbs

    gradually; inconspicuously; presumptuously; peremptorily; calmly; belligerently; triumphantly; obtrusively; intimately; minutely; hurriedly; intelligently; gratefully; optimistically; promptly; controversially; casually; ceremoniously; boldly; unlawfully; pompously; abruptly; simultaneously

    (See penetrate, insert.)

    Enterprise adjectives

    profitable; amazing; legitimate; individual; heterogeneous; successful; commercial; regional; dignified; lofty; voluntary; economic; vulgar; protracted; inadequate; stupid; philanthropic; characteristic; romantic; fresh; monumental; desperate; year-round; unscrupulous; blameless; ill-starred; magnanimous; daring; equal; vivid; manly; costly; co-operative; active; chimerical; honorable; venturesome; formidable; uncertain; serviceable; perilous; glorious; prodigious; productive; fabulous; nautical; mundane; infernal; gigantic; prominent; dangerous; hazardous; brilliant; illegal; crusading; charitable; appalling; audacious; inviting; indomitable; laudable; imaginative; delicate


    abandon—; arm for—; consider—; display —; embark on—; endanger—; enlist in—; enroll in—; exploit—; finance—; hazard—; imperil—; initiate—; manage—; partake in—; persist in—; risk—; stimulate—; struggle in—; swear to—; undertake—; venture on—; —fails; —flourishes; —prospers; —requires; —succeeds; —thrives

    (See project, task, work, undertaking.)

    Enterprising adverbs

    unusually; amazingly; daringly; laudably; brilliantly; prodigiously; cleverly; skilfully; alertly; smartly; energetically; marvelously; wonderfully; astutely; zealously; strenuously; earnestly; oddly; briskly; vigorously; indefatigably; industriously; diligently; intrepidly; confidently; uncommonly; competently

    Entertain (v) adverbs

    momentarily; seriously; pretentiously; fabulously; jovially; charmingly; extensively; lavishly; sumptuously; gravely; royally; tolerably; gaily; steadily; hospitably; vaguely; ponderously; uniformly; erroneously; rudely; incessantly; boisterously; casually; cleverly; musically; laboriously; incidentally; sparklingly; fitfully

    (See amuse, divert.)

    Entertainer adjectives

    talented; professional; terrified; master


    acclaim—; announce—; applaud—; boo—; deride—; encore—; encourage—; engage—; heckle—; hire—; hiss—; order—s; produce —; provide—;  seek—s; supply—s;

    amuses; —bores; —delights; —diverts; — enlivens; —exhibits; —performs; —pleases; —practises; —wearies

    (See hostess, actor.)

    Entertaining adverbs

    brilliantly; pleasantly; highly; agreeably; racily; undoubtedly; unusually; charmingly; elaborately; distinctly; delightfully; cleverly; gallantly; amusingly; wittily; sportively; hilariously; roguishly; noisily; admirably; impressively; merrily; comically; ridiculously

    Enter T AIN M ENT adjectives

    charming; rude; hospitable; society; elaborate; endless; incessant; boisterous; casual; youthful; distinguished; amateur; critical; mutual; princely; diversified; clever; friendly; dramatic; musical; honorable; momentary; laborious; sumptuous; guest; evening; varied; sparkling; incidental


    accord—; afford—; announce—; applaud—; approve of—; buy—; desire—; furnish—; guarantee—; lack—; perceive with—; prepare—; produce—; provide—; seek—; stage —; supply—; surprise with—; —annoys; —bores; —delights; —diverts; —enlivens; —interests; —pleases; —tires; —wearies

    (See performance, amusement, delight, diversion, enjoyment, recreation, hospitality.)

    Enthralled adverbs

    irresistibly; utterly; completely; wondrous-ly; mysteriously; rapidly; rapturously; ecstatically; blissfully; strangely; deeply

    Enthrone (v) adverbs

    solemnly; grandly; ceremoniously; magnificently; pompously; regally; spectacularly. (See raise, elevate.

    Enthusiasm adjectives

    rash; increasing; unbounded; fanatical; heartiest; warm; passionate; noisy; generous; ill-judged; romantic; voluble; girlish; glowing; exaggerated; weakening; boundless; fervent; ubiquitous; academic; rapt; unrestrained; passing; patriotic; polemical; rousing; gushing; uncontrolled; uncommon; positive; lyric; religious; intense; irrepressible; beautiful; delirious; vapid; proud; popular; impetuous; smoldering; healthy; altruistic; fierce; contagious; usual; greedy; human; available; misguided; rapturous; solemn; latent; unreflecting; honest; dwindled; instant; wild; frantic; temporary; buoyant; fervid; virginal; virtuous; genuine; inexhaustible; boyish; sweet; joyous; earnest; hearty; lofty; flamboyant; divine; common; contagious; actual; infectious


    admire—; arouse—; awaken—; beam with —; beget—; chill—; dampen—; dim—; display—; evoke—; express—; feed—; fire with—; halt—; imbue with—; impart—; inspire with—; muster—; pour forth—; rationalize—; respond to—; rouse—; share —; spend—; suppress—; sustain—; tolerate —; vibrate with—; —blazes; —blinds; — bubbles; —flags; —flows; —melts away; — pales; —penetrates; —perishes; —rises

    —spreads; —subsides; —wanes; —waxes

    (See zeal, ecstasy, eagerness, earnestness, ardor, fervor, passion.)

    Enthusiast adjectives

    prominent; dreaming; zealous; culpable; martial; religious; inconsiderate; baffled; harebrained; romantic

    Enthusiastic adverbs

    unusually; sincerely; delightfully; keenly; profoundly; actively; immediately; zealously; glowingly; passionately; fanatically; warmly; generously; girlishly; fervently; childishly; loudly; boundlessly; raptly; intensely; irrepressibly; beautifully; impulsively; impetuously; fiercely; instantly; wildly; sweetly; joyously; infectiously; extravagantly; strikingly; ardently; exceptionally

    Entitle (v) adverbs

    unquestionably; incorrectly; legally; fully; completely; thoroughly; clearly

    (See justify.)

    Entity adjectives

    abstract; operative; self-acting

    Entrails adjectives

    massy; palpitating; intolerable

    Entrance adjectives

    clairvoyant; auspicious; reputed; complicated; triumphant; unperturbed; hospitable; bricked-up; ceremonious; stormy; sudden; ragged; dirty; fitting; changeful; bursting; unobserved; sheltered; adjacent; brilliant; noisy; swaggering


    bar—; block—; camouflage—; circle—; clog —; command—; conceal—; convey to—; direct to—; disdain—; effect—; fight for—; flank—; forbid—; forsake—; gain—; guard —; lead to—; obtain—; penetrate—; procure—; reject—; win—; force—

    (See access, door, entry, gate, introduction, opening.)

    Entranced adverbs

    perfectly; enthusiastically; utterly; irresistibly; naturally; obviously; noticeably; visibly; delightfully; ecstatically; happily; rapturously; wholly; irrecoverably

    Entrant verbs

    admit—; assign—; award to—; file—; herd —s; insert—; introduce—; judge—: limit —s; privilege—; receive—; register—; require—; reward—; select—; welcome—; —s compete; —s flow past; —influences; — participates; —subscribes to

    (See beginner, applicant, competitor.)

    Entreat (v) adverbs

    civilly; brokenly; pathetically; frankly; patronizingly; earnestly; tenderly; sighingly; fondly; urgently; reproachfully; persistently; humbly; noisily

    (See plead, urge.)

    Entreaty adjectives

    earnest; fond; urgent; boisterous; reproachful; persistent; hospitable; humble; previous; repeated (pl)


    allow—; answer—; comply with—; consent to—; grant—; harass with—ies; hawk—ies; heed—; protest—; rebuff—; recite—; repulse—; resist—; tender—; tolerate—; vex with—; yield to—; —irritates; —persuades


    (See request, petition, appeal.)

    Entree verbs

    anticipate—; arrive at—; await—; ban—; choose—; demand—; give—to; gulp—; limit—; prepare—; prevent—; procure—; provide—; refuse—; relish—; select—; serve—; value—; —tempts

    (See dish, food.)

    Entrench (v) adverbs

    firmly; safely; protectively; defensively; deeply; securely

    (See intensify, fortify.)

    Entry adjectives

    forcible; partial; abrupt; official; illegal; discursive; triumphant; burglarious; grandiloquent; mere; magnificent


    cancel—; certify—: duplicate—; file—; inscribe—; insert—; jot down—; limit—s; note—; post—; record—; register—; reject—; solicit—ies; strike out—; tabulate ies—; welcome—; wipe out—; —s flood

    (See entrance, access, hall.)

    Envelop (v) adverbs

    thickly; gaseously; materially; impenetrably; nebulously; obscurely

    (See surround, inclose.)

    Envelope adjectives

    gaseous; rigid; material; impenetrable


    address—; assign to—; enclose in—; fold —; gum—; knife—; pen—; seal—; stamp —; tear—; wrap in—; —bears; —confines; —contains; —covers; —encases; —protects; —surrounds

    (See wrapper, case, sheath.)

    Envelopment adjectives

    nebulous; curious; obscure; ungrateful

    Enviable adverbs

    utterly; eminently; vaguely; intensely; apparently; obviously; highly; undeniably; uncommonly; invidiously

    Environment adjectives

    unnatural; accidental; fictitious; cultural; gay; friendly; refined; smart; spiritual; stately; refreshing: restricted; unambitious; ideal; hostile; economic; early; playhouse; suitable; specific; luxurious; pseudo-social; moral; fitting; cooling; healthful; unsuited; niggardly; native; unfavorable; frontier; unusual; human; felicitous; musical; nationalistic; physical; fertile; limited


    adjust to—; alter—; control—; create—; dominate—; endure—; escape from—; fit—; harmonize wdth—; lift from—; modify—; shape—; share—; —corrupts; —exerts; —influences; —moulds; —shapes; — strengthens; —weakens

    (See surroundings, circumstances, conditions.)

    Environs adjectives

    immediate; sheltered; picturesque; straggling

    Envy adjectives

    petty; daggered; jealous; vile; powerless; ghoulish; malignant; poignant; pardonable; bitter; secret; gnawing; public; private; strenuous; illiberal; mixed; unnatural; sharp; sick-bed


    arouse—; awaken—; conceal—; discipline —; evoke—; excite—; exempt from—; express—; fill with—; incite—; incur—of; infect with—; move by—; murmur—; occasion—; provoke—; raise—; regard with—; sicken with—; stab with—; —blazes up; — convulses; —envelops; —inflames; —narrows; —prejudices; —swells; —threatens

    (See malice, desire, jealousy.)

    Envy (v) adverbs

    secretly; sincerely; pettishly; jealously; vilely; powerlessly; ghoulishly; malignantly; bitterly; gnawingly; privately; unnaturally; painfully

    (See suspect, desire.)

    Ephemeral adverbs

    fleetingly; wondrously; transiently; shiftily; sadly; precariously; tantalizingly; vexatiously; transitorily; evanescently; mortally; perishably; briefly; heartbreakingly

    Epic adjectives

    peopled; magnificent; grand; unscrupulous; extant; future; literary; counterfeiting; ponderous; medieval; pietistic; eternal; heroic; familiar; lengthy


    traditionally; fabulously; nationally; racially; universally; nobly; significantly; majestically; splendidly; dramatically; tragically; brilliantly; deathlessly; imperishably; timelessly; sweepingly; consummately; amazingly; highly; magnificently; staggeringly; incomparably; grandly

    Epicure adjectives

    jovial; classical; facetious; cultured; suave; fastidious; precise

    Epicurean adverbs

    fastidiously; delicately; luxuriously; sensuously; indulgently; daintily; discriminatingly; greedily; highly; openly; manifestly; intemperately; voluptuously; rakishly; wildly; inordinately; lamentably; extremely; deliberately; avowedly

    Epidemic adjectives

    veritable; dangerous; disastrous; prevailing; periodical; acute; terrible; infectious


    approach—; constitute—; curtail—; eradicate—; fend against—; inoculate against—; succumb to—; —appears; —breaks out; — consumes; —devastates; —lingers; —prostrates; —rages; —ravages; —sweeps; — swells; —wanes

    (See disease, plague, cholera, smallpox.)


    locally; universally; currently; recently; sweepingly; commonly; prevalently; generally; infectiously; contagiously; noxiously; pestilentially; virulently; unfortunately; diffusively; dangerously; disastrously; periodically; acutely; terribly; curiously; obscurely; inexplicably; mysteriously

    Epidermis terbs

    affect—; apply to—; blemish—; dab—; damage—; daub—; flay—; form—; impair —; infect—; injure—; mar—; repair—; restore—; salve—; scratch—; shed—; smear on—; —coats; —covers; —defends; —encases; —peels; —tans; —regenerates

    (See skin.)

    Epigram adjectives

    sparkling; feeble; biting


    abound in—s; compose—; enjoy—; indulge in—; inscribe—; master—; recite—; resent —; translate—; vent—; —charms; —condenses; —debases; —expresses; —irks; — points out; —provokes; —puzzles; —revenges; —satirizes; —stings; —consists of

    (See saying, poem, writing.)

    Epigrammatic adverbs

    facetiously; waggishly; sententiously; laconically; crisply; curtly; neatly; quaintly; pithily; concisely; summarily; wittily; cruelly; harshly; sarcastically; clownishly; drolly; jocosely; playfully; smartly; consciously; vexatiously; endlessly

    Episode adjectives

    impressive; dramatic; colorful; ludicrous; tragical; unsavory; extraordinary; pungent; exciting; wearing; pathetic; undignified; magnificent; ugly; continental; momentous; stirring; detached; mystical; peaceful; quixotic; picturesque; unforeseen; human; moving; trivial; soul-stirring; unfinished


    arrange—s; brood upon—; continue—; dramatize—; finish—; interject—; interpose—; introduce—; involve in—; number —s; recount—; refer to—; relate—; repeat —; resume—; —climaxes; —concerns; — crops up; —embraces; —entertains; —implicates; —intervenes

    (See incident, event, occurrence, action, story.)

    Epistle adjectives

    famous; closely-written; absurd; tearful; heartfelt; imperial; business; monotonous; gracious; elegant; maternal; perplexing


    address—; compose—; delay—; deliver—; dispatch—; inspire—; laud—; pen—; prepare—; seal—; —aims at; —communicates; —consoles; —conveys; —declares; —explains; —indites; —instructs; —links; — relates; —reunites; —reveals; —strays; — wanders; —waxes

    (See letter, communication, writing.)

    Epitaph adjectives

    lying; mournful; pompous; uxorious; chiseled; inordinate; pitiable; simple; celebrated; original; dusty; sly; faithful; ancestral; wise; fitting; appropriate; irreverent


    bestow’—on; compose—; conceive—; define —; deliver—; deserve—; hang—on; incorporate in—; inscribe—; interpret—; judge —merit—; render in—; —adorns; —describes; —familiarizes; —glitters; —glorifies; —honors; —records; —reflects; — slanders; —vulgarizes

    (See inscription.)

    Epithet adjectives

    deranged; obnoxious; profane; insulting; deprecatory; opprobrious; polite; repeated; contumelious; endearing; courteous; balanced; fatal; significant


    answer—; apply—; bandy—s; bestow— upon; christen with—; comprehend—; convey—; design—; employ—; fix—; glory in—; indulge in—; justify—; originate—; pelt with—s; rain—s; represent with—; scatter—s; stuff with—s; —belongs; —designates; —disgraces; —justifies; —qualifies; —signifies; —terms

    (See phrase, expression, adjective, designation.)

    Epitomize (v) adverbs

    successfully; wittily; artfully; completely; shrewdly

    (See summarize, discuss.)

    Epoch adjectives

    geological; brilliant; colonial; misguided; glacial; legendary ^memorable; impersonal; agitated; eventful; warfaring; climacteric; barbarous; revolutionary; haunted; chronological; antique; pagan


    begin—; commemorate—; create—; divide into—s; enhance—; form—; indicate—; inherit from—; mark—; open—; outlive—; refer to—; remember—; venerate—; — declines; —embraces; —glides on; —impresses; —produces; —provides; —survives

    (See period, era, time.)

    Epochal adverbs

    distinctly; significantly; markedly; notably; unforgettably; shamefully; brilliantly; memorably; legendarily; fabulously; imperish-ably; matchlessly; startlingly; stupendously; incalculably

    Equable adverbs

    comfortably; pleasantly; dependably; naturally; happily; habitually; inherently; serenely; faultlessly; monotonously; reliably; drearily; methodically; agreeably; fairly; vexatiously; always; enviably

    Equal adverbs

    fairly; satisfactorily; agreeably; monotonously; symmetrically; broadly; practically; reasonably; legitimately; lawfully; admittedly; avowedly; synonymously; sufficiently; apparently; obviously; manifestly; evidently; incontestably

    Equality adjectives

    rude; cozy; perfect; social; moral; legitimate; large; unrestricted; eternal; condescending


    abuse—; acquire—; admit—; approach—; assert—; assume—; attain—; demand—; denounce—; deny—; destroy—; disturb—; endow with—; maintain—; plead—; practice—; prate about—; prevent—; proclaim —; refuse—; require—; —breeds

    (See equilibrium, right, fairness, justice.)

    Equanimity adjectives

    astonishing; cool; unruffled; suave


    admire—; accept with—; approve—; bear with—; command—; concede with—: demonstrate—; digest with—; disregard with —; dwell in—; endure with—; justify—; keep in—; maintain—; possess—; recommend—; recover—; require—; restore—; suffer with—; swallow with—; wonder at —; —continues; —impresses; —persists; — surprises

    (See composure, serenity.)

    Equation adjectives

    quadratic; personal; explanatory

    Equilibrium adjectives

    natural; balanced; unstable; happy; atmospheric


    attain—; check—: correct—; display—; exhibit—; gain—; guard—; illustrate—; maintain—; preserve—; restore—; threaten—

    (See balance, proportion.)

    Equipage adjectives

    lumbering; huge; gilded; sumptuous; sufficient; somber

    Equipment ad jectives

    technical; complete; optional; brilliant; recreational; obsolete; extensive; standard; defective; scanty; scientific; physical; inadequate; vocal; motorized; primitive; superior; ample; necessary; mental; intellectual


    acquire—; allot—to; complete—; contrive —; devise—; guard—; install—; modernize—; provide—; repair—; shield—; transport—; utilize—

    (See outfit, apparatus.)

    Equipoise adjectives

    boasted; unusual; vaunted

    Equitable adverbs

    wisely; reasonably; duly; plainly; profoundly; prudently; rationally; sensibly; providently; expediently; justly; impartially; honorably; fairly; squarely; lawfully; legally; allowably; absolutely; legitimately; properly; scrupulously; punctiliously

    Equivalent adjectives

    thermal; fair; modern; universal; financial; precise


    meticulously; convertibly; tantamountly; avowedly; broadly; currently; customarily; regularly; naturally; wontedly; mathematically; genuinely; officially; strictly; basically; precisely; materially

    Equivocal adverbs

    vexatiously; irritatingly; purposely; intentionally; ambiguously; craftily; subtly; adroitly; cleverly; dubiously; debatably; insecurely; vaguely; mysteriously; ticklishly; obscurely; untrustworthily; unreliably; provokingly; cunningly; unfairly; artfully; fraudulently; perfidiously; insincerely; highly

    Era adjectives

    crude; garish; showy; industrial; uninspired; commercialized; brief; comparative; colonial; illuminated; vamp; cultural


    acclaim—; announce—; enhance—; gild—; glorify—; hallow—; mark—; open—; symbolize—; typify—; usher in—; vulgarize—; —advances; —dawns; —emerges; —passes

    (See period, epoch, time.)

    Erasure adjectives

    lineal; untidy; unsightly; careless; blotchy; neat; nearly-invisible

    Erect adverbs

    sturdily; staunchly; bravely; gallantly; loftily; firmly; grandly; rigidly; boldly; admirably; conspicuously; consciously; stiffly; proudly; imperiously; arrogantly

    Erect (v) adverbs

    loftily; firmly; grandly; staunchly; tower-ingly; eloquently; triumphantly

    (See build, raise.)

    Erectness adjectives

    firm; conscious; natural; easy; military

    Erosion verbs

    activate—; check—; occasion—; overcome —; prevent—; produce—; protect from—; risk—; subject to—; —damages; —disintegrates; —endangers; —occurs; —strains; —weakens

    (See destruction, decay, acid.)

    Erosite adverbs

    dangerously; wastefully; distressingly; disturbingly; unprofitably; harmfully; disastrously; detrimentally; deplorably; irremediably; inexpediently; increasingly; unfortunately; unnecessarily; grossly; outrageously; appallingly

    Erotic adverbs

    amorously; tenderly; seductively; ardently; captivatingly; unduly; notably; particularly; interestingly; rapturously


    mysterious; arrogant; uncouth; discouraging; slightest; reluctant; urgent; mournful; stumbling; futile; various (pl); wondrous


    accept—; administer—; bear—; commission for—; consent to—; discharge—; dispatch on—; execute—: fail in—; fake— (colloq) ; feign—; journey on—; send on—; speed on—

    (See mission, commission, communication.)

    Errant adverbs

    incurably; nonchalantly; carelessly; incorrigibly; irresponsibly; gaily; happily; rapturously

    Erratic adverbs

    irregularly; habitually; characteristically; provokingly; unreliably; strangely; curiously; inscrutably; irresponsibly; inconsiderately; naturally; restlessly; mercurial-ly; vagrantly; incurably; inveterately; fitfully; whimsically; capriciously; contrarily; uncomfortably; foolishly; inconsistently; marvelously; terribly

    Erroneous adverbs

    tragically; purposely; carelessly; fallaciously; materially; foolishly; illogically; deceptively; intentionally; blunderingly; misleadingly; slightly; altogether; dreadfully; unpardonably

    Error adjectives

    manifest; inextricable; fatal; capital; successful; intellectual; deep-seated; common; vulgar; sweet; silly; trivial; apparent; gross; earthly; popular; strange; destructive; outstanding; biting; feeble; shallow; weak; mountainous; egregious; universal; ignoble; bare; venial; tactical; childish; unavoidable; curious; annoying; unguessed; statistical; innumerable (pl); scientific; serviceable; crumbling; pernicious; wild; warm; fantastic; glaring; opposite; chronic; dietetic; pleasing; previous; petty; profound; matrimonial; irretrievable; infinite; fundamental; unwelcome; counter; haughty; serious; damned; tempest-winged; typographical; monstrous; unfortunate; irremediable


    abound in—s; acknowledge—; adhere to—; aggravate—; atone for—; befog—; betray into—; build on—; cast out—; chafe at—; claim—; combat—; conquer—; correct—; counteract—; debate—; detect—; dispel—; escape—; expiate—; expose—; fall into—; forsake—; involve in—; lead into—; learn from—; lift above—; minimize—; neutralize—; overrule—; produce—; rebuke—: rectify—; reduce—; regret—; reject—; relinquish—; remove—; retrieve—; root in—; rue—; sense—; uncover—; unveil—; utter —; vanquish—; war against—; ward off—; wrestle with—; —contaminates; —deludes; —destroys; —impedes; —misleads

    (See fault, blunder, mistake, inaccuracy.)

    Erudition adjectives

    mock; scholarly; extraordinary; specious


    abuse—; admire—; demand—; demonstrate —; denote—; digest—; employ—; exhibit —; feign—; freight with—; indicate—; judge—; justify—; oppress—; regard—; represent—; require—; —gratifies; —impresses

    (See knowledge, learning, wisdom.)

    Erupt (v) adverbs

    prematurely; terrifically; violently; prodigiously; volcanically; thunderously; crash-ingly; blindingly

    (See burst, explode.)

    Eruption adjectives

    iuddy; cutaneous; memorable; terrific; copious; violent; prodigious; simultaneous; volcanic


    break forth in—; fear—; force—; hinder—; occasion—; prevent—; subject to—; —appears; —bursts; —discharges; —ejects; — emits; —harms; —issues forth; —occurs; —overwhelms; —shatters; —showers; — spreads

    (See outbreak, outburst.)

    Escapade adjectives

    suspicious; political; rash; youthful; drunken

    Escape adjectives

    miraculous; precious; destitute; momentary; trivial; ignoble; impossible; marvelous; perilous; ultimate; hairbreadth; extraordinary; hair-raising; strong


    aid—; allow—; assist in—; attribute—to; conceal—; conspire—; cut off—; desire—; despair of—; effect—; enable—; guard against—; hinder—; insure—; investigate —; permit—; prevent—; scorn—; shun—

    (See flight, excuse, evasion.)

    Escape (v) adverbs

    exultantly; miraculously; temporarily; narrowly; easily; resolutely; audaciously; incessantly; barely; momentarily; ignobly; marvelously; perilously; ultimately; extraordinarily; hair-raisingly

    (See flee, elude.)

    Escort adjectives

    military; proper; honorary; lounging; insufficient; barbaric


    accept—; attend in—; choose—; command —; desire—; employ—; form—; invite—; require—; serve as—; —Abandons; —accommodates; —accompanies; —conducts; —conveys; —deserts; —guides; —lectures; —manages; —nurses; —protects; —serves; —supervises

    (See guard.)

    Escort (v) adverbs

    tumultuously; barbarically; formally; ceremoniously; grandly; magnificently; regally; royally; gaily

    (See attend, follow.)

    Espionage adjectives

    ostentatious; stealthy; cleverly-concealed; sympathetic

    Espouse (v) adverbs

    obstinately; warmly; passionately; rabidly; ardently; rashly; impatiently; sincerely; treacherously

    (See undertake, assume.)

    Espouser adjectives

    ardent; rabid; rash; impatient

    Essay adjectives

    satirical; controversial; historical; critical; introductory; moral; discursive; provocative; delightful; notable; apathetical; celebrated; detached; literary; elaborated; sublime; fragmentary; informative; admirable; kindred; penetrating; classical; enlightening; presumptuous; remarkable


    abandon—; accept—; agree with—; attack —; caption—; compose—; criticize—; discuss—; elaborate—; judge—; laud—; offer —; praise—; prepare—; preserve—; propound—; —attempts; —encourages; —expresses; —implies; —meditates on

    (See composition, endeavor, attempt, effort, exposition.)

    Essayist adjectives

    critical; classical; aggressive

    Essence adjectives

    seductive; intentional; tenfold; concrete; lasting; solitary; everlasting; spiritual; subtle; carnal; divine; congenial; electric; enduring; singular; ethereal; poetic; meager; heavenly; invisible; articulate; omnipresent; distinct; penetrative; volatile; rubylike; thin; fiery; winged; glassy; sensuous; impalatable; immutable


    apply—; convey—; counterfeit—; cover with—; distil—; exhale—; extract—; flavor with—; instil—; perfume with—; prepare —; preserve—; procure—; resign—; rub in—; sprinkle—; steep in—; —nauseates; —penetrates; —pervades; —refreshes; — sickens; —sinks in

    (See substance, perfume, odor, scent.)

    Essential adjectives

    salient; vital; food; absolute; minimum; basic


    ascertain—; cloud—; constitute—; deprive of—; destroy—; discern—; dispense with —; establish—; lack—; master—; obstruct —; overlook—; prove—; require—; restore —; strain—; suppress—; understand—; withhold—; —necessitates; —represents; — vanishes

    (See element, principle, quality.)

    Essential adverbs

    highly; absolutely; cardinally; emphatically; gravely; momentously; vitally; fundamentally; primarily; signally; significantly; urgently; extraordinarily; inordinately; seriously; utterly; peculiarly; unusually

    Establish (v


    infallibly; conclusively; firmly; pompously; ultimately; solidly; definitely; indispensably; officially; permanently; triumphantly; incontestably; sufficiently; extensively; formally; rudely; splendidly; ancestrally; palatially; administratively

    (See show, prove.)

    Established adverbs

    permanently; enduringly; stably; inviolate-ly; thoroughly; immemorially; traditionally; generally; commonly; familiarly; conventionally; socially; regularly; officially; long; recently; firmly; easily; legally; emphatically; inescapably

    Establishment adjectives

    monastic; modest-looking; productive; immense; rude; conventional; splendid; primitive; odorous; penal; permanent; consular; separate; extensive; palatial; domestic; immediate; select; ancestral; manufacturing; ultimate; princely; meat-curing; administrative; costly; respectable-looking


    attack—; bar from—; conduct—; dictate —; enlarge—; evict from—; found—; guard—; hallow—; join—; legalize—; maintain—; nurture—; offend—; patronize—; set up—; superintend—; underwrite —; —crumbles; —fails; —flourishes; — prospers

    £See organization, institution.

    Estate adjectives

    manorial; residuary; intestate; unencumbered; landed; ancestral; precarious; competent; distressed; dark; scanty; fabulous; feudal; impoverished; ecclesiastical; paltry; low; poor; outlying; hushed; sublunary; pretentious; unspeakable; meager; strange; uncorrupted; seignorial


    administer—; auction off—; charge to—; confiscate—; disable—; dissipate—; doom —; fall from—; fritter away—; lease—; maintain—; mortgage—; reapportion—; rent—; scorn—; settle—; shift—; tax—; —declines; —prospers; —shrinks

    (See property, possessions.)

    Esteem adjectives

    great; rising; profound; exalted; proudest; racial; envious; impious; general; bright; favorable; sincerest


    command—; conceal—; deserve—; drop from—; enjoy—; ei Certain—; forfeit—; gain—; grow’ in—; hide—; hold in—; increase—; lose—; regard with—; value—; win—; —cools; —fades; —grows

    (See regard, respect, honor, favor, worth, opinion, value.)

    Esteem (v) adverbs

    particularly; profoundly; racially; generally; sincerely; logically; enviously

    (See respect, honor.)

    Estimable adverbs

    entirely; generally; highly; profoundly; undeniably; creditably; unimpeachably; obviously; worthily; dreadfully; respectably; dully; extremely; priggishly

    Estimate adjectives

    impartial; production; exact; sanguine; contemptuous; accurate; accepted; modest; conservative; rough; truer; provisional; respectful; private; critical; utmost; exaggerated; judicious; reasonable; professional; slighting; undue; exaggerated; fallacious; moderate; current; contradictory; erroneous; inadequate; fantastic; theoretical; lightning


    accept—; arrive at—; attempt—; beggar—; calculate—; compute—; correct—; denounce —; entertain—; exaggerate—; extend—; forward—; govern—; harbor—; offer—; reach—; reel off—s; sway—s; —agrees; —coincides; —differs; —errs; —falls short; —indicates

    (See computation, calculation, value.)

    Estimate (v) adverbs

    conservatively; variously; accurately; critically; approximately; authoritatively; unhesitatingly; wildly; unerringly; calculat-ingly; fallaciously; erroneously; inadequately; fantastically; theoretically; professionally; provisionally; worthily

    (See value, appraise.)

    Estimation adjectives

    worthy; reverend; excessive; ludicrous; ungalled; avowed; exalted; aristocratic

    Estranged adverbs

    pitiably; altogether; tragically; pathetically; curiously; inexplicably; mysteriously; oddly; silently; obviously; evidently; coldly; hatefully; temporarily; deeply; permanently; stubbornly; relentlessly; visibly; idiotically; astonishingly; lamentably

    Estrangement adjectives

    transient; political


    bear—; brood over—; complete—; incur—; mourn—; pine in—; prevent—; rebel against—; sink in—; submit to—; suffer—; —agonizes; —burns; —dejects; —depresses; —desolates; —disheartens; —isolates; —oppresses; —pains; —wearies

    Etch (v) adverbs

    vividly; powerfully; movingly; delicately; skillfully; artfully; dexterously; strikingly. (See draw, sketch.

    Etching adjectives

    powerful; delicate; moving

    Eternity adjectives

    self-enshrined; dead; endless; shoreless; present; measureless; indivisible; dreadful; tiny


    accept—; believe in—; dwell in—; endure for—; foretaste—; glimpse—; leave to—; pass through—; probe—; prolong to—; reach—; reveal—; seems—; sing of—; spend in—; wander through—; —effaces


    (See immortality.)

    Ether adjectives

    luminiferous; finer; limpid; luminous; elastic; celestial; boundless; subtle


    administer—; apply—; float in—; put under —; sleep under—; spray—; —anaesthetizes; —affects; —deadens; —diminishes; — dims; —dissolves; —drowns; —dulls; — moderates; —numbs; —palls; —-reduces; —stupefies

    (See anaesthetic.)

    Ethereal adverbs

    daintily; airily; insubstantially; lightly; buoyantly; incredibly; delicately; vivaciously; whimsically; blithely; gracefully; sportively; inexpressibly

    Ethical adverbs

    punctiliously; meticulously; highly; systematically; unfailingly; ostentatiously; laboriously; carefully; naturally; habitually; professionally; strictly; rigidly; happily; gracefully; politely; diplomatically; marvellously; conscientiously; dutifully; amenably; absolutely

    Ethics adjectives

    professional; inflexible; strict; dreary; government; ministerial; legal; cheerless; bad; heightened


    adopt—; consider—; control by—; digest—; discourse on—; embrace—; exhort—; impose by—; improve—; instruct in—; involve—; judge—; live up to—; obligate by—; observe—; rebel against—; rely on—; test—; versed in—; —directs; —guides; — provides; —raises

    (See science, rules, philosophy.)

    Etiquette adjectives

    fixed; punctilious; stiff; established; courtly; exclusive; rigid


    apply—; conduct with—; educate in—; impose by—; inform on—; judge by—; loosen —; observe—; polish—; practise—; prescribe—; require—; study—; transact with —; transgress—; —bans; —demands; — forbids; —improves; —obliges; —prohibits; —tames; —ties

    (See code, rules, decorum.)

    Eulogistic adverbs

    sententiously; sincerely; properly; suitably; regularly; duly; smugly; sanctimoniously; hypocritically; highly; impressively; dramatically; immeasurably; unnecessarily; sonorously; artfully; brilliantly; magnificently; admirably; splendidly; unctuously; syco-phantically; speciously; fulsomely

    Eulogize (v) adverbs

    unctuously; flamboyantly; effusively; lavishly; flatteringly; deceptively; slyly; treacherously; deceivingly

    (See laud, praise.)

    Eulogy adjectives

    barren; unmeasured; artful; embarrassed; swallowing; lengthened; brilliant; indiscriminating; sorry; glowing; sounding

    Euphemistic adverbs

    cleverly; artfully; adroitly; ironically; sarcastically; wittily; smoothly; humorously; plausibly; pompously; rhetorically; merrily; teasingly; neatly; felicitously; pleasantly; inoffensively

    Euphony adjectives

    gushing; sheer

    Europe verbs

    communicate with—; denounce—; embattle —; embroil—; introduce in—; invade—; ring through—; rock—; rule—; sail for—; seize—; shock—; tour—; unite—; —allies with; —arms; —copies; —envies; —exports; —imitates; —imports; —quakes; — repudiates; —seethes; —simmers; —stands; —voices; —wars

    (See continent.)

    Evacuation adjectives

    copious; sanguinolent; alvine


    advocate—; authorize—; command—; compel—; deplore—; direct—; facilitate—; force—; impose—; insist on—; prepare—; prescribe—; promote—; resist—; submit to —; suggest—; withdraw in—; —relinquishes; order—

    (See withdrawal, discharge.)

    Evade (v) adverbs

    gracefully; studiously; partially; slyly; treacherously; cleverly; dexterously

    (See avoid, shun.)

    Evaluation adjectives

    clinical; clear

    Evanescent adverbs

    flittingly; impermanently; briefly; ephemer-ally; precariously; transiently; transitorily; perishably; mortally; sadly

    Evangelistic adverbs

    ardently; zealously; sincerely; earnestly; successfully; eagerly; persistently; fervently; devotedly; fervidly; passionately; assiduously; solemnly; happily; joyously; enthusiastically; rapturously; superbly; intensely; unwearyingly; devoutly

    Evasion adjectives

    elaborate; endless; dexterous; pitiful; terror-stricken; treasonable; sly


    addict to—; criticize—; decry—; detect—; employ—; endure—; forbid—; force—; frustrate—; practice—; require-—■; shift in —; shuffle in—; stammer in—; suspect—; trouble with—; wrap in—; —assists; — shelters

    (See subterfuge.)

    Evasive adverbs

    unfortunately; disturbingly; deliberately; undesirably; ambiguously; equivocally; distressingly; offensively; insultingly; suspiciously; undeniably; quibblingly; perplex-ingly; bewilderingly; obscurely; mysteriously; seriously; irritatingly; stolidly; vaguely; disagreeably; insidiously; significantly; stupidly; unwisely; objectionably; cunningly; cleverly; adroitly

    Eve adjectives

    autumn; dew-glistening; sealing; keener; momentous; thoughtful; dewy; ghostly; deepening

    Evening adjectives

    lingering; tranquil; happy; occasional; curious; long; fatal; autumnal; cold; frosty; red; triumphant; sad-colored; ravishing; chilly; awkward; bacchanal; bridal; calm; swift-falling; unfortunate; deepening; sorrowful; unillumined; bronzed; sleepy; balmy; eventful; golden; peaceful; imperial; ensuing; purple; gusty; premature; sober; dewy; ghostlike; dull; shadowy; memorable; grateful; languorous; bygone; dusky; hectic; delirious; warm; muggy; uncomfortable; cheerful; amazing; preceding; quiet; starry; harmonic; roseate


    approach—; await—; chill—; cloud—; crown---; draw toward—; gild—; hush—

    last till—; occupy—; overcast—; ramble through—; return at—; rift—; rise at—; solemnize—; still—; sup at—; toil till—; usher in—; —approaches; —closes; —cools; —declines; —dies; —dims; —fades; —falls; —flies; —reposes; —shades; —sobers; — steals on

    (See twilight, dusk.)

    Evenness adjectives

    velvet; insipid; boring; smooth; pleasant

    Event adjectives

    solemn; unbeatable; important; comprehensive; festival; outward; outstanding: sensational; trivial; huge; memorable; extraordinary; tragic; thrilling; embarrassing; disgusting; headline; contemporary; gigantic; strange; sweet; perturbing; crowning; subsequent; tremendous; striking; confused; fortunate; true; fierce; natural; unlooked-for; obscene; preposterous; dignified; sublime; momentous; inescapable; ultimate; startling; dramatic; pivotal; exciting; deplorable; celestial; mysterious; fateful; propitious; supreme; remarkable; future; sinful; minutest; detectable; stormy; dark; hurried; bizarre; unforeseen; stirring; fortuitous; unexpected; tempestuous; miraculous; boding; melancholy; overshadowing; succeeding; naked; recurrent; domestic; insignificant; humiliating; hastened; intermediate; calamitous; historical; previous; disastrous; happy; current; impolite; pin-point; dire; dreadful; preventable; antecedent


    acclaim—; applaud—; ascribe—to; attend —; beget—; commend—; detail—; dramatize—; explain—; fashion—; forecast—; foresee—; govern—; interpret—; mark—; narrate—; ponder—; predict—; presage—; rehash—; resume—; rue—; scan—; seize upon—; shape—; stamp—; view—; witness —; —commemorates; —confuses; —evolves; —portends; —represents; —results in; —underlies

    (See occurrence, incident, episode, consequence, issue, fortune.)

    Evict (v) adverbs

    raucously; sternly; heartlessly; coldly; cruelly; dictatorially; vigorously; harshly; peremptorily; abruptly; legally; forcefully; formally

    (See expel, dispossess.)

    Eviction adjectives

    harrowing; tragic; pitiful: heartless

    Evidence adjectives

    silent; fearful; happiest; overwhelming; corroborative; further; official; tangible; repeated; spectroscopic; additional; damnatory; damaging; multiplied; irrefutable; confirmatory; circumstantial; diagnostic; documentary; substantial; signal; stronger; moral; noisy; convincing; incontrovertible; concrete; inadmissible; marked; apocryphal; explicit; abundant; bibliographical; contemporaneous; irrelevant; customary; secondhand; definite; palpable; visual; unmistakable; authentic; touching; effectual; white-spotted; legendary; sufficient; internal; contemporary; speechless; striking; extraordinary; certain; conspicuous; gratifying; remarkable; scientific; faintest; absolute; unassailable; revealing; external; pragmatic; ungarbled; trustworthy; material; corrected; hearsay; impressive; factual; ample; cumulative; manifest; undoubted; lawful; modest; conclusive; positive; indubitable; unanswerable; unexceptionable; incontestable; breathing; experimental; reasonable; truthful; overt; concentrated; supporting; decisive; hopeful; notable; unconscious; considerable; undeniable; direct; usual; unerring; outward; archaeological; satisfactory; unequivocal; presumptive


    accept—; accumulate—; adduce—; alter—; amass—; base on—; confirm—; confront with—; contradict—■; corroborate—; credit —; deduce—; deny—; destroy—; digest—; emphasize—; examine—; falsify—; ferret out—; gaze on—; interpret—; invoke—; offer—; overrate—; overrule—; parade—; perjure—; produce—; proffer—; recite—; regard—; reject—; review—; ruin—; search for—; seek—; sift—; submit—; substantiate—; sum up—; team with—; transcend—; unearth—; verify—; weigh—; yield to—; —collates; —damns; —discloses; —piles up; —supports; —sustains; —warrants

    (See fact, testimony, proof, demonstration.)

    Evident adverbs

    fearfully; overwhelmingly; irrefutably; convincingly; substantially; explicitly; unmistakably; sufficiently; strikingly; materially; conclusively; undeniably; flagrantly; easily; plainly; clearly; glaringly; reasonably; shamefully; outrageously; pitifully; dangerously; plaguedly; perilously; fortunately

    Evil adjectives

    once-abounding; attendant; besetting; multiplied (pl); alleged; cave-keeping; substantial; dreadful; terrible; secret; manifest; necessary; infinite; inevitable; heaviest; familiar; scandalous; restless; trifling; unseen; remediable; impending; incalculable; desperate; unsubduable; imminent; weak-headed; manifold (pl); partial; temporary; crying; accursed; ominous; future; thirsty; iniquitous; imaginary; approaching; unavoidable; abstract; moral; fixed; ruthless; necessary; human; accumulated; insidious; immeasurable


    abhor—; abolish—; abstain from—; aggravate—; alleviate—; ameliorate—; atone for—; avoid—; banish—; beset by—; besmirch with—; blind to—; breed—; cast out —; combat—; compensate for—; cope with —; counteract—; counterbalance—; cure—; deliver from—; denounce—; deplore—; dispose to—; dwell in—; effect—; eradicate—; evince—; exempt from—; fortify against —; imply—; insinuate—; intend—; intensify—; lapse into—; loathe—; master—; mitigate—; overcome—; persist in—; personify—; promote—; punish—; repent—; stir up—; strike at—; submit to—; suffer—; symbolize—; tackle—; tempt with—; uncover—; unite against—; uproot—; —befalls; —degrades; —menaces; expose to—; resist—

    (See wickedness, sin, iniquity, disaster, misfortune, reverse, injustice, wrong, affliction.) adverbs

    cruelly; flagrantly; hatefully; dangerously; mischievously; violently; irretrievably; inconceivably; poisonously; viciously; in-iquitously; shamefully; incredibly; brutally; incorrigibly; atrociously; infernally; shockingly; woefully; sadly; villainously; irremediably; scandalously; manifestly; openly; avowedly; exceptionally; obnoxiously; disastrously; detestably; diabolically; perniciously; basely; irrevocably; horribly )

    Evince (v) adverbs

    noticeably; markedly; unmistakably; obviously; sickeningly; partially; undoubtedly. (See show, indicate.

    Evolution adjectives

    regressive; rapid; uninterrupted; accelerated; lingual; mental; inevitable; intricate; uncertain; social; orderly; pious; masterly; creative; deliberate; mystic; eternal; cosmic; daring; terrestrial


    climb in—; complete—; confirm—; effect—; examine—; influence—; manifest—; observe—; produce by—; represent—; resolve by—; roll in—; speed up—; support —; verify—; —lifts; —progresses; — ripens; —spreads; —transmits; —unfolds

    (See development, growth.)

    Evolve (v) adverbs

    scientifically; illogically; rapidly; perpetually; acceleratedly; mentally; intricately; uncertainly; splendidly; creatively; mystically; socially; daringly

    (See develop, complete.)

    Eive adjectives

    mild-faced; fulsome

    Exact adverbs

    infallibly; unimpeachably; strictly; literally; rigorously; scrupulously; painstakingly; punctiliously; mathematically; scientifically; unerringly; meticulously; authentically; absolutely; dependably; terrifyingly; uncannily; monotonously; essentiallly; astonishingly; impartially; ostentatiously; manifestly; graphically; astonishingly

    Exact (v) adverbs

    rigidly; inexorably; harshly; cruelly; legally; painfully; strictly; formally

    (See demand, extort.)

    Exaction ad jectives

    dictatorial; tyrannous

    Exactitude adjectives

    graphic; conscientious; mathematical; clear-cut; scrupulous

    Exactness adjectives

    scrupulous; close; ironical; crystalline; literal; elaborate; legal; unfailing; painful; technical; historical; mathematical

    Exaggerate (v) adverbs

    monstrously; sensationally; absurdly; vain-gloriously; recklessly; grossly; amusingly; crudely; grotesquely; rhetorically; journalistically; palpably; virulently; turbulently

    (See lie, magnify.)

    Exaggeration adjectives

    sensational; cruel; striking; reckless; pardonable; gross; reactionary; amusing; crude; grotesque; rhetorical; passionate; journalistic; delicious; intense; palpable; rowdy; virulent; turbulent


    addict to—; anticipate—; blame—; confess —; decry—; guard against—; mark by—; reduce—; relate with—; represent—; ridicule—; sneer at—; tolerate—; warn of—; —adds; —amuses; —entertains; —harms; —misleads; —offends; —overwhelms

    (See overstatement.)

    Exalt (v) adverbs

    boundlessly; loftily; indefinitely; religiously; mystically; sentimentally; blissfully; joyfully; spiritually; vividly; feverishly; im-passionedly; hysterically

    (See magnify, elevate.)

    Exaltation adjectives

    religious; mystic; essential; sentimental; blissful; joyful; spiritual; high; nervous; vivid; dreamy; curious; feverish; impassioned; personal; unimaginable; mesmeric; perfect; harmonic



    eminently; highly; conspicuously; notably; distinctly; gloriously; illustriously; splendidly; proudly; honorably; imposingly; majestically; wonderfully; remarkably

    Examination adjectives

    blind; impromptu; oral; minute; dispassionate; separate; unprejudiced; astute; unimpassioned; thoughtful; perfunctory; microscopic; critical; accurate; detailed; severe; competitive; censorial; elaborate; premarital; unsparing; stiff; fruitless; preventative; periodic; careful; searching; verbal; expert; posthumous; simultaneous; hasty; anatomical; exacting; unbiased; cooler; tedious; cursory; hostile; placid; frequent (pl); monotonous; brusque; caustic; judicial; meticulous; subsequent; systematic


    compete in—; conduct—; cram for—; crib in—; fail in—; flunk—; merit—; pass—; perform—; prepare for—; resort to—; select by—; subject to—; submit to—; summon for—; tackle—; undergo—; urge—; waive—; —discloses; —proves; —reveals

    (See scrutiny, investigation, search, review, autopsy, inquiry, test.)

    Examine (v) adverbs

    minutely; curiously; critically; superficially; studiously; gravely; closely; attentively; expertly; subsequently; ostensibly; hastily; rigorously; briefly; blindly; dispassionately; separately; astutely; perfunctorily; thoughtfully; microscopically; severely; competitively; premaritally; unsparingly; fruitlessly; preventatively; periodically; verbally; expertly; posthumously; simultaneously; anatomically; unbiasedly; tediously; cursorily; hostilely; placidly; monotonously; brusquely; caustically; judicially; meticulously; systematically; subsequently. (See scrutinize, inspect.

    Example adjectives

    pernicious; glaring; magnificent; picturesque; genuine; colorful; notorious; admirable; subsequent; fond; familiar; notable; remote; fatal; stirring; savage; disastrous; illustrious; shining; encouraging; extreme; servile; debasing; effective; melancholy; comparative; innumerable (pl); legible; elaborate; excellent; crudest; supreme; imitated; striking; foremost; tardy; ultimate; enlightening; noble; unique; analogous; uncommon; impressive; attainable; painful; recorded; vicious; vindictive; concrete; classic; splendid; pathetic; judicious; morbid; eloquent; conspicuous; astounding; contagious; flagrant; haphazard; executive; pregnant; high-poised; rare; instructive; formidable; heroic; valuable; patriotic


    afford-#; cite—; cull—; display as—; emulate—; encourage—; enumerate—s; exhibit —; follow—; glorify—; imitate—; interpret—; make—of; pattern on—; unearth—; view—; —defiles; —illustrates; —incites; —proves; —verifies

    (See instance, sample, specimen, model, illustration, precedent.)

    Exasperating adverbs

    dreadfully; unbearably; intolerably; oddly; vexatiously; intentionally; unwittingly; innocently; terribly; tormentingly; naughtily; raspingly; bitterly; savagely; relentlessly; ungovernably; unusually; occasionally

    Exasperation adjectives

    religious; renewed; increased; inner; sardonic; frequent; intense; sudden; continual; increasing; incessant


    account for—; bear—; dispose to—; enrage with—; forbear—; incense with—; increase —; incur—; inflict—; irritate to—; load with—; occasion—; plot to—; remedy—; shiver with—; subject to—; torment to—; vent—; —disposes; —explodes; —harms; —wells up

    (See anger, irritation, provocation.)

    Excal’Ation adjectives

    abandoned; lone; gaping; desolate


    direct—; discover during—; employ in—; engage in—; examine—; forbid—; place—; plan—; prevent—; require—; tunnel—; unearth in—; watch—; —divulges; —exposes; —impairs; —lays bare; —progresses; —reveals; —ruins

    (See cavity, hole.)

    Exceed (v) adverbs

    frequently; illegally; surprisingly; splendidly; astonishingly; notably; memorably; wildly

    (See transcend, surpass.)

    Excel (v) adverbs

    unexpectedly; conspicuously; immeasurably; peculiarly; intrinsically; individually; comparatively; marvelously; surpassingly; materially; unusually; trivially; matchlessly; supremely; dramatically; genuinely; consistently; exceedingly

    (See surpass, transcend.)

    Excellence adjectives

    highest; intrinsic; exceeding; compensatory; artistic; rare; individual; comparative; marvelous; unobtrusive; eternal; surpassing; minor; architectural; material; unapproached; unusual; trivial; matchless; supreme; dramatic; acoustic; professional; peerless; genuine; unrivaled; unvarying; known; consistent; unsurpassed; dateless; superior; self-made; brand-new

    Excellency adjectives

    reverend; moral

    Excellent ■adverbs

    dependably; consistently; consciously; reliably; obviously; evidently; palpably; incomparably; matchlessly; surprisingly; brilliantly; artistically; genuinely

    Exception adjectives

    notable; memorable; violent; trifling; marked; conspicuous; solitary; occasional; delightful; important; innumerable (pl); rare; possible; inexcusable; honorable


    answer—; appeal for—; ban—; bar—; declare—; defend—; demand—; examine —; expose to—; justify—; lodge—; produce—; protect—; provide—; rule—; state —; take—to; —appears

    (See objection, omission.)

    Exceptional adverbs

    undoubtedly; highly; indubitably; conspicuously; delightfully; notably; famously; memorably; inimitably; peculiarly; eccentrically; fantastically; exotically; outland-ishly; grotesquely; unconventionally

    Excess verbs

    accumulate—of; addict to—; burn—; eliminate—; gather—; protest—; rebuke—; refrain from—; remove—; reject—; regret —; reprove—; scatter—; spread—; waste —; —disgraces; —intoxicates

    (See extravagance, surplus, residue, intemperance.)

    Excesses adjectives

    poor; mad; factional; deplorable; utmost; sanguinary; hideous; extravagant; intolerable; morbid; dangerous; clumsy; mischievous; wildest; witty; persistent; loathsome; personal; dreadful; careless; strained

    Exchange adjectives

    typical; significant; inevitable; dexterous; mute; mutual; unauthorized; solemn; sympathetic; friendly; intimate; immediate; whispered


    agree on—; allow—; authorize—; counteract—; demand—; dote on—; give in—; grant—; lose through—; operate—; permit —; plan—; procure—; profit by—; promote —; reject—; return in—; solicit—; win—

    (See trade, traffic.)

    Exchange (v) adverbs

    mutely; significantly; dexterously; solemnly; sympathetically; intimately; immediately

    (See accept.)

    Exchangeable adverbs

    readily; easily; conveniently; equitably; allowably; obviously; scarcely; legally; hardly; adaptably; commercially; negotiably; reciprocally; properly; warrantably; necessarily; assuredly

    Excitability adjectives

    morbid; rabid; easy; choleric

    Excitable adverbs

    terribly; abnormally; easily; highly; uncommonly; unusually; temperamentally; naturally; habitually; unfortunately; absurdly; childishly; ridiculously; oddly; curiously; strangely; mysteriously; slightly; disturbingly; painfully; dangerously; significantly; extremely; excessively; outlandishly; uncontrollably; ungovernably; wildly; fussily; inexplicably; deplorably

    Excitation adjectives

    unnatural; noticeable; spiritual; frenzied


    Excite (v) adverbs

    strongly; mutinously; painfully; sedulously; intensely; fiercely; supernaturally; wildly; vivaciously; pleasurably; contagiously; artificially; tremulously; exhaustingly; boundlessly; terrifically; preternaturally; sensuously; coarsely; riotously; scandalously; hilariously; hectically; intellectually

    (See arouse, stimulate.)

    Excitement adjectives

    intense; fierce; vast; fascinated; fevered; constant; glowing; supernatural; wild; vivacious; pleasurable; abated; contagious; considerable; gradual; turbulent; aggressive; remorseful; stirring: flushed; perpetual; overpowering; artificial; tremulous; insolent; solemn; strong; hasty; feeble; exhausting; innocent; bubbling; dangerous; pale; adventurous; subdued; joyous; composed; avid; pleasant; tense; probable; peculiar; delicious; momentary; nervous; deep; delirious; emotional; gross; diseased; uncontrollable; sheer; cerebral; contemporary; unprovoked; healthful; frantic; involuntary; frenzied; boundless; high; extraordinary; smothered; terrific; preternatural; sensuous; coarse; perpetual; inconceivable; drawled; riotous; scandalous; hilarious; correspondent; suppressed; mental; hectic; painful; veritable; previous; neutral; intellectual; revolutionary


    arouse—; avoid—; buzz with—; calm—; conceal—; contain—; crave—; eliminate—; flash—; flush with—, guard against—; induce—; respond to—; rock with—; seethe with—; sense—; stir to—; suppress—; thirst for—; thrive on—; wheeze with—; —blazes; —dies away; —fades; —leaps high; —shines in one's eyes; —smolders; —subsides; —surges

    (See perturbation, commotion, agitation, stimulation.)

    Exclaim (v) adverbs

    wildly; curiously; breathlessly; softly; thoughtfully; boisterously; fiercely; delightfully; acidly; admiringly; jovially; facetiously; angrily; incredulously; distressfully; bitterly; enthusiastically; solemnly; blankly; saucily; triumphantly; impulsively; testily; gleefully; savagely; boastfully; regretfully; profanely; tragically; piteously; sharply; reproachfully; anxiously; ostentatiously; disappointedly; unadvisedly; fervently; joyously; rapturously; faintly; audibly; stifledly; abruptly; ardently; helplessly; enthusiastically; frantically; shockedly; gutturally

    (See ejaculate, shout.)

    Exclam A TION adjectives

    joyous; rapturous; passionate; angry; fiery; furious; half-suppressed; faint; nervous; incoherent; mourning; audible; half-articulated; impatient; stifled; abrupt; homely; ardent; helpless; enthusiastic; sharp; frantic; indistinct; vivid; pleased; assenting; guttural; shocked


    burst out in—; drown—; elicit—; emit—; heed—; mark with—; mouth—; pour forth —; pronounce—; protest with—; startle by—; suppress—; utter—; —delights; — expresses; —pains; —resounds; —surprises

    (See outcry, utterance, cry.)

    Exclamatory adverbs

    dramatically; absurdly; ludicrously; needlessly; unnecessarily; noisily; violently; offensively; vexatiously; loudly; cholerically; angrily; enthusiastically; blatantly; conspicuously; boldly; urgently; impressively; ridiculously; gustily; coarsely; grossly; sympathetically; terribly; frightfully

    Exclude (v) adverbs

    strictly; vigorously; expressly; deliberately; entirely; cautiously; jealously; utterly; rigorously; persistently

    (See omit, prevent.)

    Exclusion adjectives

    stereotyped; utter; impolitic; studied; strictest; rigorous; perpetual; persistent

    Exclusive adverbs

    socially; discriminatingly; absurdly; wisely; necessarily; snobbishly; proudly; haughtily; carefully; significantly; purposely; designedly; unreasonably; offensively; formally; officially; safely; rigidly; ridiculously

    Exclusiveness adjectives

    scornful; fastidious

    Excommunica TION verbs

    banish to—; brood over—; delay—; demand—; denounce—; deplore—; deserve—; fulminate—; incur—; prevent—; prohibit —; pronounce—; rebel against—; repent—; restrain—; sentence to—; submit to—; suffer—; threaten with—; —ejects; —excludes; —exiles; —expels; —interdicts; — separates; —shuts out

    (See separation, expulsion.)

    Excrescence adjectives

    preternatural; hideous; annoying; ugly

    Excretion adjectives

    wasteful; useless; diminished


    encourage—; expel during—; facilitate—; halt—; necessitate—; observe—; occasion —; prevent—; produce—; promote—; provoke—; reduce—; require—; stimulate—; suppress—; throw out in—; —cleanses; — exhausts; —occurs; —pains; —purges

    (See discharge.)

    Excruciating adverbs

    terribly; unbearably; visibly; obviously; piteously; unnecessarily; inexpressibly; dreadfully; appallingly; insufferably; in-supportably

    Excursion adjectives

    amatory; vague; opportune; equestrian; pedestrian; novel; episodical; periodical; rural; provincial; preliminary; piratical; involuntary; compulsory; sporting; restless; predatory; hunting; sketching; torch-light


    anticipate—; arrange—; delight in—; depart on—; embark on—; escape on—; join —; organize—; plan—; prevent—; start on —; take—; undertake—; venture on—; enjoy—

    (See journey, trip, expedition.)

    Excusable adverbs

    easily; readily; scarcely; hardly; apparently; plausibly; fairly; barely; legitimately; defensibly; reasonably

    Excuse adjectives

    apparent; plausible; sheepish; sufficient; audible; penitent; ominous; coy; lawful; puerile; crazy; fair; generous; bare; specious; voluble; cleanly-coined; deft; bashful; dingy; unblushing; flimsy; useful; reasonable; truthful; ready; legitimate; good; slightest; time-honored; inept; fabricated; unspeakable


    accept—; beg for—; condone—; defend with—; demand—; denounce—; furnish—; hatch—; invent—; judge—; offer—; plead —; pray for—; present—; produce—; propose as—; request—; require—; seek—; seize on—; shape—; —absolves; —acquits; —amends; —exonerates; —explains; —infuriates; —justifies; —patches up; —releases; —suffices; —vindicates

    (See plea, reason, apology.)

    Excuse (v) adverbs

    ostensibly; pleasantly; apparently; plausibly; sheepishly; audibly; penitently; ominously; coyly; speciously; volubly; deftly; reasonably; ineptly

    (See forgive, pardon.)

    Execration adjectives

    terrible; half-smothered; frantic

    Execute (v) adverbs

    imperfectly; faithfully; unquestionably; intensively; beautifully; simultaneously; brilliantly; stoutly; momentously; bureaucratically; thoroughly; successfully; duly; splendidly; unremittingly; vigorously; summarily; gracefully; practically; skillfully; admirably; knowingly; linguistically; economically; rudely; justifiably; secretly; intrepidly; imposingly; crudely; magnificently. (See administer, perform.

    Execution adjectives

    linguistic; efficient; imperfect; economic; justifiable; rude; supreme; secret; immediate; intrepid; unrivaled; imposing; brilliant; hopeful; bloody; crude; magnificent; vigorous; facile


    await—; cite—; condemn to—; delay—; deliver over to—; demand—; enforce—; entrust—to; escape—; obstruct—; postpone —; reprieve from—; risk—; stay—; warrant—; witness—; —expiates

    (See performance, accomplishment, death.)

    Executive adjectives

    able; industrial; admirable; signal; energetic; insignificant; high-powered; tyrannical; overbearing; pompous


    responsibly; highly; legally; carefully; cautiously; supremely; imperiously; authoritatively; royally; municipally; arbitrarily; masterfully; imposingly; efficiently; brilliantly; magnificently; splendidly; vigorously; intrepidly; unquestionably; proudly; effectively

    Executor adjectives

    literary; financial; grasping; efficient

    Exemplary adverbs

    admirably; famously; notably; conspicuously; illustriously; effectively; elaborately; supremely; strikingly; nobly; impressively; uncommonly; uniquely; splendidly; eloquently; heroically; valuably; dramatically

    Exemplifica TION adjectives

    historic; unostentatious; significant

    Exemplify (v) adverbs

    richly; strikingly; effectively; vainglorious-ly; historically; significantly; unostentatiously; perfectly

    (See illustrate, prove.)

    Exempt adverbs

    legally; officially; notably; explicitly; expressly; wisely; craftily; fortunately; adroitly; cleverly; politically; absolutely; automatically; unaccountably; mysteriously; happily; luckily; inexplicably; radiantly

    Exemption verbs

    acquire—; beg—; command—; demand—; enjoy—; grant—; merit—; plead—; procure—; protest—; purchase—; renounce—; select for—; —debars; —excludes; —frees; —removes; —unburdens

    (See immunity, freedom, privilege.)

    Exercise adjectives

    unwearied; bodily; vigorous; appropriate; pedestrian; social; sinister; manly; vacation; habitual; arbitrary; daily; princely; exhilarating; useless; ruthless; mechanical; conscientious; active; simple; unlawful; righteous; well-planned; equitable; monotonous; generous; virtuous; intelligent; fatiguing; effortless; unbiased; perpetual; delectable; injudicious; joyous; constant; conscious; graceful; unwonted; painful; divine; continued; utmost; preposterous; efficient; courtly; mental; gymnastic; unremitting; insufficient; unquestionable; enlightened; nocturnal; ecstatic; memorial; devilish; gentle; graduated; strenuous; mere; internal; plentiful; violent; muscular; recreative; intellectual; anteprandial


    adapt—to; apply—; assign—to; carry out —; delight in—; deprive of—; diminish—; forego—; graduate—; indulge in—; neglect —; perform—; practise—; recommend—; refrain from—; repeat—; restrict—; resume; —develops; —enlivens; —exhilarates; —tires

    (See act, action, activity, exertion, practise, drill, use.)

    Exercise (v) adverbs

    diversely; exclusively; violently; ruthlessly; bodily; unweariedly; vigorously; appropriately; socially; habitually; uselessly; mechanically; delectably; joyously; painfully; gymnastically; unremittingly; insufficiently; mentally; nocturnally; muscularly; strenuously; recreatively

    (See exert, apply.)

    Exert (v) adverbs

    strenuously; vocally; undoubtedly; vigorously; unscrupulously; prodigiously; assiduously; incredibly; desperately; extraordinarily; laudably; incessantly; courageously; productively; vainly; unusually; seriously

    (See exercise, apply.)

    Exertion adjectives

    unaccustomed; equivalent; utmost; strenuous; prodigious; assiduous; redoubled; incredible; vigorous; individual; useless; unremitted; desperate; extraordinary; violent; fresh; intrepid; laudable; incessant; supernatural; polite; diurnal; courageous; fortunate; physical; mental; ceaseless; laborious; unusual; productive; ungracious; vain; joint


    abhor—; break under—; carry—of; delay —; hinder—; increase—; kindle—; manifest—; produce by—; render—; resist—; reveal—; rouse to—; stimulate to—; waste —; —agitates; —aggravates; —fags; —fatigues; —restores; —taxes

    (See effort, struggle, endeavor.)

    Exhalation adjectives

    ammoniacal; mephitic; ceaseless; foggy; loathsome; unwholesome; noxious

    Exhaust (v) adverbs

    stertorously; utterly; finally; financially; totally; seemingly; mutually; racially; ruthlessly; practically; physically; spiritually

    (See deplete, prostrate.)

    Exhausted adverbs

    utterly; well-nigh; pitiably; shockingly; alarmingly; pathetically; portentously; ludicrously; laughingly; feebly; wheezily; grievously; faintly; perceptibly; visibly; unusually; naturally; obviously

    Exhaustion adjectives

    worn; mutual; racial; nervous; sheer; ruthless; practical; physical; spiritual


    approach—; carry on to—; collapse in—; cure—; diminish—; discuss to—; drain to—; drop in—; induce—; occasion—; produce—; reach—; recuperate from—; reduce to—; succumb to—; tax to—; —destroys; —enervates; —ensues; —incapacitates; — perils; —prostrates

    (See fatigue, weariness.)

    Exhibit adjectives

    studious; mercantile; bulky; archaeological; educational; pitiable; admirable; startling; doleful; representative

    Exhibit (v


    immodestly; markedly; unexpectedly; pretentiously; shamelessly; obscenely; gratuitously; glaringly; curiously; muscularly; conspicuously; educationally; persuasively; studiously; representatively

    (See show, display.)

    Exhibition adjectives

    retrospective; permanent; positive; invidious; wholesale; detailed; spectacular; amazing; spontaneous; portentous; barefaced; frequent (pl); incomparable; theatrical; fanciful; competitive; foremost; remarkable; pitiable; noticeable; notable; comic; degrading; disgusting; enormous; colonial; spirited; creditable; outstanding; florid; symbolical


    acclaim—; applaud—; appreciate—; bill—; boycott—; display—; inspect—; participate in—; sponsor—; throng—; witness—; — amazes; —amuses; —astounds; —commemorates; —draws; —entertains; —fascinates; —instructs; —opens; —profits

    (See display, spectacle, show.)

    Exhilarate (v) adverbs

    vivaciously; briskly; momentarily; strangely; voluptuously; joyously

    (See excite, cheer.)

    Exhilarating adverbs

    tremendously; immensely; vigorously; wonderfully; boundlessly; highly; buoyantly; briskly; hilariously; vivaciously; sparkling-ly; radiantly; splendidly; superbly; surprisingly; astoundingly

    Exhilaration adjectives

    brisk; inexplicable; momentary; elated; strange; voluptuous; joyous


    burst into—; dampen—; defer—; discourage—; enliven by—; flush in—; impart—; inspire—; kindle—; leap in—; move to—; produce—; refrain from—; repress—; skip in—; stimulate—; subdue—; suppress—; —animates; —frisks; —rollicks; —sparkles

    (See stimulation, gladness, cheer.)

    Exigency adjectives

    unexpected; various (pl); present


    adapt to—; contribute to—; create—; ease —; escape—; judge—; labor under—; meet —; relieve—; rise to—; satisfy—; stress—; subject to—; tolerate—; —claims; —demands; —necessitates; —pinches; —presses; —requires; —threatens

    (See necessity, demand, need, emergency.)

    Exile adjectives

    needy; administrative; imperious; melancholy; lifelong; scarred; cynical; penniless; wandering; impudent; multitudinous (pl); outlandish; prejudiced; lasting; pensive; political; communal; venturous; vagabond; involuntary; indiscriminate


    abandon to—; authorize—; banish into—; cast into—; condemn to—; die in—; doom to—; dwell in—; endure—; enter—; escape —; flee from—; follow into—; force into—; imprison in—; languish in—; liberate from —; recall from—; release from—; relegate to—; retire to—; shut in—; waste in—; —depresses; —saddens; —veils

    (See banishment, expulsion.)

    Exiled adverbs

    miserably; pitiably; wretchedly; desolately; unjustifiably; deservedly; homelessly; forlornly; ignominiously; shamefully; savagely; lamentably; unhappily; shockingly; mercilessly; permanently

    Exist (v) adverbs

    beggarly; parasitically; uninterruptedly; contemporaneously; naturally; impecunious-ly; cheerlessly; amicably; smoothly; gracefully; individually; primitively; socially; bodily; irregularly; animally; grossly; amiably; miserably; thoughtlessly; meagerly; spiritually; imperiously; carelessly; contemplatively; exaltedly; desolately; torpidly; lifelessly; narrowly; rudely; tranquilly; virtuously; drably; romantically; separately

    (See live, continue.)

    Existence adjectives

    smooth; carefree; graceful; refined; individual; primitive; savage; reasoned; ordered; social; bodily; irregular; well-regulated; illusive; animal; dreamlike; feeble; gross; amiable; theoretical; political; obscure; intrinsic; objective; miserable; universal; thoughtless; meager; spiritual; waking; eternal; harmonious; future; contained; independent; imperious; dominating; substantial; fractional; careless; contemplative; complicated; sad; precarious; imaginary; distracted; poetical; whole; peaceful; horrible; tangible; exalted; desolate; schizophrenic; divided; wretched; spectral; general; common; artistic; warped; torpid; lifeless; unostentatious; destructive; ephemeral; secluded; charmed; congenial; tormented; dissipated; petty; restless; humdrum; semi-monastic; infantile; determined; untarnished; secular; actual; intra-uterine; mere; restrained; narrow; genuine; inevitable; stormy; moribund; inscrutable; superficial; dubious; perennial; rude; adolescent; unreal; unending; wasted; self-fixed; country; tranquil; bright; virtuous; pampered; unsympathizing; vulgar; drab; long-forgotten; material; beneficent; treacherous; triumphant; undisciplined; tropical; pleasurable; honorable; romantic; unnecessary; indolent; diversified; untroubled; separate; beauteous


    admit—of; animate—; annihilate—; contemplate—; dedicate—to; demonstrate—of; deny—of; determine—; disbelieve—; dispute—; drag out—; eke out—; grant—; guide—; heighten—; ignore—; imperil—; invigorate—; justify—; loathe—; obliterate—; pop into—; preserve—; recognize—; rule—; shape—; shatter—; struggle for—; suspect—of; sustain—; threaten—; uproot —; verify—; —bores; —continues; — wearies

    (See reality, fact, life.)

    Exit adjectives

    eccentric; clear; funnel-shaped; joyful; mysterious; hurried


    bar—; barricade—; burst from—; chain —; dramatize—; emanate from—; excrete through—; file from—; give—; issue from —; padlock—; perceive—; scorn—;‘ search for—; sigh for—; trickle through—; witness —; —discharges; —effuses; —ejects; — erupts; —expels

    (See passage, doorway.)

    Exodus adjectives

    dramatic; wholesale; gradual


    consent to—; encounter—; force—; plan—; overtake—; speed—; start—; trace—; — abates; —attains; —commences

    (See departure, emigration.)

    Exonerate (v) adverbs

    completely; partially; fully; satisfactorily; entirely; unconditionally; impartially

    (See pardon, acquit.)

    Exonerated adverbs

    completely; honorably; recently; wholly; justly; happily; luckily; fortunately; easily; glibly; smoothly; craftily; publicly; properly; rightfully; legally; entirely; unquestionably; unconditionally

    Exorbitant adverbs

    insanely; intolerably; terribly; extremely; frightfully; criminally; illegally; preposterously; inordinately; egregiously; fantastically; outrageously; outlandishly; crazily; Hagrantly; grossly; incredibly; enormously; prodigiously; amazingly; glaringly; appallingly

    Exotic adjectives

    illustrious; tiny; rare

    Expand (v) adverbs

    progressively; rapidly; limitlessly; sufficiently; continually; sanely; monstrously; ingeniously; lustily; adroitly; tremendously; marvelously; subsequently; intellectually; ephemerally; explosively; economically; industrially; muscularly; noisily; inevitably; imperially; poisonously; chaotically

    (See dilate, enlarge.)

    Expanse adjectives

    treeless; sealike; dreary; tranquil; sunny; shadowless; still; boundless; undulating; great; prodigious; shining; broad; vast

    trackless; bare; uncharted; endless; prairielike; glassy; barren; pale; serene; berg-filled; measureless; limitless; windless

    Expansion adjectives

    transcendent;, fanlike; marvelous; tremendous; subsequent; intellectual; cruel; ephemeral; vita); free; explosive; economic; prodigious; temperamental; industrial; reflex; muscular; important; noisy; amazing; ill-directed; inevitable; major; rapid; imperial; conceivable; healthful; chaotic; enormous


    advocate—; check—; confine—to; cover—; curtail—; demand—; evince—; force—; influence—; justify—; limit—; nip—; plan —; prevent—; regulate—; speed up—; strangle—; suppress—; terminate—; —continues; —ends; —follows

    (See enlargement, increase, extension, development.)

    Expansive adverbs

    conveniently; adaptably; broadly; signally; remarkably; wonderfully; incredibly; exceptionally; naturally; amply; roomily; spaciously; capaciously; comfortably; amazingly

    Exp AT RI A TION adjectives

    instant; delayed; enforced; prolonged

    Expect (v) adverbs

    confidently; unreasonably; half-heartedly; gloomily; romantically; anxiously; vaguely; plainly; apparently; breathlessly; presumptuously; blissfully; sanguinely; ardently; benevolently; vainly; mystically; fondly; rationally; erroneously; impossibly; evidently; extravagantly; tremulously; hourly. (See anticipate, hope.

    Expectancy adjectives

    teasonable; shuddering; dread; eager; lounging; tranquil; wistful; vigilant; anxious; homeless

    Expectant adverbs

    happily; joyously; mysteriously; excitedly; hysterically; passionately; thrillingly; unreasonably; impatiently; ardently; keenly; eagerly; charmingly; joyfully; fervently; anxiously; crazily; madly; nervously; confidently; vainly; hopefully

    Expectation adjectives

    blissful; confident; sanguine; harrowing; exorbitant; pecuniary; ardent; benevolent; florid; vain; reasonable; appreciative; mystic; fondest; remote; rational; continual; erroneous; future; protracted; exaggerated; impossible; evident; sure; tremulous; delightful; brilliant; ulterior; anxious; hopeful; hourly; indefinite; visionary; commensurate; extravagant; distant


    await with—; blast—; confirm—; darken -—; encourage—; excite—s; fall short of—; fulfill—; gamble in—; glow with—; prolong —; quiver with—; shine in—; thwart—; torment with—; warrant—; whirl in—; —becomes; —fails; —grows; —perishes; — shrinks

    (See anticipation, prospect, hope.)

    Expectorate (v) adverbs

    nauseously; excessively; disgustingly; continually; foully; filthily

    (See spit, expel.)

    Expectoration adjectives

    excessive; sustained


    diminish—; discharge in—; effect—; eject in—; eliminate in—; emit in—; encourage —; evict in—; excrete in—; expel in—; forbid—; hack with—; increase—; interrupt—; promote—; retch in—; warn against—;  —clears; —disgorges; —dis


    (See sputum, spit, saliva.)

    Expedience verbs

    balance—; base on—; befit—; charge with —; conform to—; consider—; consult—; doubt—; employ—; necessitate—; require —; resort to—; sacrifice to—; suit—; — controls; —embarrasses; —guides; —perplexes; —rules; —silences; —violates

    (See utility, propriety.)


    seducing; astute; unlawful; financial; dangerous; temporary; favorite; happy; simple; unworthy; desperate; fertile; splendid; shifty; sensible; customary; physical; various (pl); effective; readiest


    politically; immediately; wisely; necessarily; strategically; properly; undoubtedly; opportunely; luckily; eminently; ingeniously; indisputably; astutely; dangerously; temporarily; boldly; roughly; cleverly; subserviently; usefully; adaptably

    Expedition adjectives

    implemented; conquering; disastrous; maritime; elaborate; dangerous; Odyssean; 'hostile; filibustering; nervous; suicidal; successful; predatory; brazen; particular; nefarious; exploring; favorite; notable; rescue; zoological; costly; memorable; punitive; much-vaunted; perilous; sanguine; swiftest; abortive


    command—; defer—; endanger—; fit out—; guard—; hasten on—; head—; organize—; overwhelm—; prepare—; set forth on—; sponsor—; spur—; support—; undertake—; venture on—; —claims; —cruises; —discloses; —discovers; —sights; —uncovers; —winters

    (See journey, excursion, enterprise.)

    Expeditious adverbs

    earnestly; smartly; briskly; alertly; eagerly; intently; resolutely; vigorously; actively; energetically; uncommonly; highly; miraculously

    Expel (v) adverbs

    brutally; unceremoniously; painfully; peremptorily; summarily; abruptly; heartlessly; formally

    (See banish, eject.)

    Expend (v) adverbs

    usefully; lavishly; prodigally; unwisely; honestly; modestly; extravagantly; frugally; annually; prudently; unreasonably; unfortunately; judiciously, (See employ, consume.


    increasing; modest; lavish; unstinted; extravagant; frugal; loose; annual; prudent; unreasonable; prodigal; corresponding; large; undue; unfortunate; speediest; nervous; judicious; equivalent


    afford—; approve—; check—; deplore—; furnish—; grudge—; incur—; invest in—; involve—; pare down—; provide for—; purvey—; recruit—; require—; restrict—; return—; —acquires; —amounts; —crushes; —drains; —exhausts; —impoverishes; —purchases

    (See outlay, expense, payment.)

    Expense adjectives

    useless; prodigal; major; extreme; ruinous; extraordinary; minimum; profitless; miscellaneous; crushing; enormous; improper; maintenance; inescapable; considerable; financial; operating; imperial; advertising; personal; monstrous; trifling


    advance—; appropriate for—; defray—; dread—; entail—; increase—; incur—; involve—; necessitate—; pay—; pool—; rate —; save—; slice—; spare—; survey—; trim—; —arises; —galls; —increases; — rises; —weighs

    (See cost, expenditure, outlay.)

    Expensive adverbs

    tremendously; absurdly; unreasonably; ridiculously; excessively; dreadfully; cruelly; inordinately; extremely; enormously; inevitably; inconceivably; naturally; inexpressibly; impossibly; uselessly; ruinously; foolishly; exorbitantly; extortionately; illegally; criminally; extravagantly; waste-fully; abominably; amazingly; immoderately; outrageously

    Experience adjectives

    early; expensive; novel; dreamy; profound; tragic; deadly; purifying; diversified; trying; literate; mystical; unpleasant; salient; glorious; colorful; jarring; transitory; throbbing; absolute; tedious; major; bitter; inductive; unique; considerable; personal; vigilant; spiritual; preparatory; ripe; universal; uniform; various (pl); unguess-abie; deplorable; practical; exceptional

    accumulated; anticipatory; horrid; disgraceful; blind; dangerous; invariable; salutary; deep-reaching; thrilling; unfavorable; memorable; financial; satisfying; professional; manifest; initial; exhaustive; confident; vulgar; perplexing; architectural; distressing; worldly; gradual; vast; crushing; fatal; intellectual; enormous; deceptive; sensory; funny; ludicrous; private; evolutionary; rich; unfortunate; sacred; extensive; infallible; disillusioning; unalterable; costly; waking; deep; versatile; amorous; augmented; collegiate; exhilarating; bitter; reportorial; traumatic; unmatched; fascinating; pioneering; imperfect; agonizing; preliminary; aesthetic; direful; dismal; analytic; hereditary; veridical; fateful; rough; pathogenic; droll; public; bitter-sweet


    accumulate—; achieve—; analyze—; attain —; cite—; continue—; deduce from—; derive—; discolor—; diversify—; enjoy—; exaggerate—; furnish—; gain—; grow out of—; marshal—; narrate—; prepare—; reject—; relate—; relive—; review—; seek —; survive—; tax—; understand—; undertake—; unfold—s; unify—s; utilize—; — delights; —discloses; —embitters; —enriches; —fathers; —guides; —harrows; — teaches; —unnerves; —verifies; —warns

    (See experiment, prjof, practice, knowledge.)

    Experience (v) adverbs

    alternately; tediously; profoundly; tragically; mystically; gloriously; colirfully; uniquely; spiritually; variously; uniformly; practically; deplorably; horridly; financially; professionally; manifestly; fatally; intellectually; ludicrously; privately; unalterably; exhilaratingly; dismally; fatefully; diolly; accidentally

    (See endure, suffer.)

    Experienced adverbs

    amazingly; smartly; cunningly; adeptly; adroitly; carefully; skilfully; unusually; competently; proficiently; ingeniously; masterfully; eminently; impressively; scarcely; broadly; profoundly

    Experiment adjectives

    lengthy; innumerable (pl) ; vagrant; happily-conceived; foregoing; weak; partial; cheap-money; exploded; extensive; hypnotic; ethical; unpleasant; rigid; awkward; transoceanic; trifling; memorable; vulgar; instructive; promising; crude; telepathic;* gainful; unsought; hazardous; opposite; rash; inductive; vaunted; soon-abandoned; leading; momentous; complicated; supplementary; socialistic; definite; social; important; dangerous; innocent; philosophical; graceful; good-natured; analytical; disastrous; ingenious; interesting; costly; trustworthy; exhaustive; agricultural; continuous; lateral; doubtful; unfailing; amusing; preliminary; practical; revolutionary; wild; pedagogical; endless; tremendous; colossal; met'culous; interminable; absurd; mad; conclusive; cautious; daring; radical; crucial; ignoble; tentative; atrocious; laboratory; epochal; gigantic; novel; singular; misguided; deplorable; ignorant; clumsy; ill-advised


    benefit by—; conduct—; contrive—; design —; doom—; embark on—; engage in—; indulge in—; interpret—; perform—; prove by—; submit to—; tolerate—| —fails; — fares; —saddens; —suggests; —yields

    (See trial, attempt, test.)

    Experiment (v) adverbs

    indefatigably; extensively;   hypnotically

    awkwardly; memorably; vulgarly; instructively; crudely; gainfully;  hazardously

    rashly; inductively; complicatedly; definitely; dangerously; philosophically; exhaustively; agriculturally; continuously; amusingly; practically; interminably; absurdly; cautiously; daringly; radically; crucially; ignobly; tentatively; ignorantly; ill-advised-ly; clumsily

    (See try, test.)

    Experimental adverbs

    definitely; avowedly; fantastically; openly; extensively; crudely; boldly; dangerously; exhaustively; wildly; amusingly; absurdly; madly; cautiously; clumsily; awkwardly; courageously; adventurously; expensively; heroically; tentatively

    Experimenta TION adjectives

    zealous; clinical; persistent; rigid; controlled


    distinguished; eminent; authentic; technical; nautical; transplanted; moral; monetary; illumination; industrious; irrigation; undisputed; tight-mouthed; acknowledged; accomplished; high-salaried; acoustical; competent; independent; manufacturing; efficiency; decoding; practical; able; two-fisted; qualified; outstanding; self-appointed


    acclaim as—; affront—; applaud—; cope with—; demand—; develop into—; employ —; flatter—; judge by—; nominate—; regard as—; require—; trust—; try—; — conquers; —criticizes; —excels in; — judges; —manages; —masters; —practises; —scowls

    (See specialist, master.) adverbs

    skilfully; obviously; reasonably; unusually; ably; adroitly; capably; competently; technically; mechanically; deftly; efficiently; handily; ingeniously; inventively; smartly; masterfully; proficiently; readily; oddly; curiously; professionally; admirably; prodigiously; uncommonly; miraculously; surprisingly )

    Expiation adjectives

    tragic; particular; penitential; complete

    Explain (vj adverbs

    proudly; patiently; quaintly; amply; candidly; plausibly; speciously; prefatorily; redundantly; superfluously; passionately; comprehensively; adequately; essentially; partially; definitely; solemnly; carefully; sulkily; presently; sufficiently; hesitatingly; casually; paradoxically; tenderly; technically; voluntarily; minutely; undauntedly; elaborately; effectively; inaudibly; lengthily; immaterially; confusedly; ingeniously; laboredly; immediately; incongruously; philosophically; sympathetically; volubly; competently; psychologically; invaluably; tardily; apologetically; illogically; concisely; facetiously; fundamentally; comically; prosaically; disarmingly; lamely; casually; haltingly

    (See interrupt, elucidate.)


    plausible; inaudible; immaterial; lucid; hesitating; dreaded; comprehensive; confused; ingenious; satisfactory; labored; immediate; mechanistic; unreserved; fantastic; dynamic; vivid; philosophical; disjointed; incongruous; sympathetic; voluble; abbreviated; competent; adequate; scientific; rational; palliative; indiscreet; pathological; glib; specious; consequent; blind; various (pl); psychological; paralyzing; muddled; invaluable; tardy; groundless; half-true; apologetic; supreme; parenthetical; useless; attempted; flimsy; illogical; overwhelming; blithe; clarifying; concise; simplifying; aesthetic; petulant; facetious; fundamental; reasonable; common-sense; comic; struggling; tedious; elaborate; prosaic; matter-of-fact; air-tight; fictional; disarming; diluted; casual; lame; halting


    amplify—; bear—; clarify—; clear—; comprehend—; condemn—; confirm—; defy—; devise—; drown out—; elaborate—; emerge with—; frame—; fumble for—; grasp—; muddle—; offer—; stammer—; swallow—; tender—; wind up—; yield—; —clarifies; —involves; —rests on; —simplifies

    (See exposition, solution, interpretation, key.)

    Explanatory adverbs

    satisfactorily; aptly; effectively; sufficiently; definitely; clearly; lucidly; acceptably; liberally; roughly; carefully; crudely; artfully; skilfully; adroitly; sagely; wisely; craftily; sincerely; genuinely; plausibly; ingeniously; vividly; graphically; competently; glibly; discreetly; tardily; flimsily; fundamentally; intelligently; elaborately; casually; lamely

    Expletive adjectives

    muttered; raucous; exasperated; choice; foul-mouthed; energetic; unmeaning

    Explicit adverbs

    elaborately; clearly; fully; succinctly; tersely; curtly; definitely; undeniably; unusually; highly; oddly; unnecessarily; needlessly; carefully; meticulously; strangely; curiously; noticeably; graphically; broadly; dogmatically; officially; imperiously; decisively; formally; solemnly; ominously

    Explode (v) adverbs

    indignantly; successfully; prematurely; squarely; sharply; terrifically; volcanically; frightfully; violently; tremendously; initially; deafeningly; horribly; titanically; dreadfully; disastrously; catastrophically

    (See burst, erupt.)

    Exploit adjectives

    boldest; illustrious; quick-witted; antique; ludicrous; memorable; heroic; jocular; gigantic; engineering; dread; phenomenal; daring; dashing; transcendent; brilliant; decisive; hazardous; exuberant; unmatched; imagined; valorous; news; psychic; hair-raising; atrocious; spectacular


    achieve—; boast of—; close—; conceive —; design—; dream of—; perform—; plot —; recount—; resent—; set forth—s of; share in—; succeed in—; witness—; view —; —reverberates

    (See deed, act, feat, achievement.)

    Exploit (v) adverbs

    unethically; arrogantly; fully; indefensibly; ruthlessly; profitably; assiduously; cleverly; industrially; competitively; agriculturally; capitalistically; unreasonably; hideously; nationally; unscrupulously


    persecute, oppress.

    Exploitation adjectives

    competitive; pagan; agricultural; middleman; capitalistic; reasonable; hideous; coastwise; national


    accomplish by—; achieve through—; carry on—; conduct—; consider—; curtail—; decry—; denounce—; delve into—; expose to —; frown on—; instigate—; investigate—; prohibit—; prosper through—; renounce—; resist—; reveal—; view—; —agitates; — enriches; —impoverishes; —ransacks; — i eigns

    (See employment, utility, profit.)

    Exploration adjectives

    titanic; celebrated; linguistic; nocturnal; unproductive; extensive; arctic; authentic; geographical; daring; world-girdling; fervid; perilous; exhaustive; exotic


    absorb in—; conduct—; deserve—; discover by—; discuss—; frustrate—; instigate—; plan—; prepare for—; relate—; resume—; subscribe to—; tire of—; undertake—; — ascertains; —determines; —discloses; —inquires; —investigates; —proves; —reveals

    (See search, examination, investigation.)

    Explore (v) adverbs

    intelligently; carefully; completely; morbidly; zealously; undauntedly; adventurously; intrepidly; untiringly; scientifically; methodically

    (See examine, search.)

    Explorer adjectives

    enterprising; zealous; undaunted; adventurous; literary; fortunate; intrepid; untiring; hardy; scientific

    Explosion adjectives

    premature; sharp; terrific; volcanic; frightful; violent; intermittent; numbing; tremendous; deplorable; initial; deafening; magnificent: strange; horrible; dreadful; rending; staccato; titanic; disastrous; gigantic; soul-shattering; catastrophic


    augment—; forestall—; investigate—; produce—; threaten—; —alarms; —casts out; —damages; —discharges; —drives out; — ejects; —emits; —erupts; —jars; —reports; —rocks; —scars; —shatters; —shocks; — showers; —sunders; —thunders; —violates

    (See outburst, discharge, detonation.)

    Explosive verbs

    employ—; play with—; toy with—; threaten with—; touch off—; warn of—; —alarms; —blows off; —bursts; —damages; —detonates; —discharges; —drives out; —ejects; —erupts; —jars; —rocks; —shatters; — shocks; —showers; —thunders; —violates

    (See gunpowder, dynamite.) adverbs

    dangerously; reportedly; ominously; alarmingly; highly; unusually; allegedly; undeniably; notoriously; abominably; hazardously; perilously; precariously; ticklishly; terrifically; frightfully; tremendously; horribly; disastrously; easily; readily )

    Explosiveness adjectives

    volatile; choleric; ready

    Exponent adjectives

    able; distinguished; outstanding; scholarly; preeminent; quasi-authoritative; skilled; sole; impressive; faithful; philosophical

    Export verbs

    allow—s; ban—; boycott—s; confiscate—s; deal in—s; demand—s; dispose of—s; dump —s; exchange—s; halt—s; levy against—s; license—s; minimize—s; permit—s; produce for—; reduce—s; restrain—; ship—s; speculate in—s; stimulate—; suspend—; tax—s; underwrite—s; value—s; —s decline; —s rise

    Exporter verbs

    bargain with—; communicate with—; consult—; exchange with—; impose on—; license—; order from—; purchase from—; remit to—; restrain—; subsidize—; tax—

    —deals in; —demands; —disposes of; — dumps; —invests; —produces; —speculates; —values

    Expose (v) adverbs

    shamelessly; unequivocally; unblushingly; reputedly; blasphemously; fearlessly; dangerously; conspicuously; piteously; improperly; sufficiently; ultimately; virtually; subsequently; unwisely; shrewdly; partially; lucidly; subtly; thrillingly; incautiously; graphically; relentlessly; ruthlessly; definitely; imprudently; inevitably

    (See denounce, accuse.)

    Exposition adjectives

    comprehensive; simply written; progressive; ever-varying; precise; lucid; striking; suitable; masterly; contemporaneous; courteous; erroneous; chronological; classic; sound; scientific; clear; serious; accurate; amusing; brilliant; pretentious; concise; skillful; enthusiastic; daring; illuminating; consummate; distinguished; subtle; straightforward; ethnographical; thrilling; well-reasoned; graphic; sane; forcible; passionate; lucid; fresh


    arrange—; attend—; conduct—; display at —; enter into—; finance—; hearken to—; interpret—; launch into—; present at—; prohibit—; publish—; recount—; render—; report—; show at—; view—; —advocates; —awes; —confuses; —explains; —ex pounds; —interests

    (See display, exhibition, essay, composition, explanation.)

    Expository adverbs

    clearly; drearily; dully; endlessly; dismally; wearily; droningly; lucidly; intelligibly; unusually; definitely; admirably; agreeably; needfully; suitably; skilfully; soundly; accurately; acceptably; artlessly; realistically; critically; wonderfully

    Expostulate (v) adverbs

    softly; fiercely; petulantly; madly; mildly; wrathfully; amicably; frantically; frankly. (See protest, remonstrate.

    Expostulation adjectives

    mad; mild; wrathful; lingering; amicable; frantic; frank

    Exposure adjectives

    horrible; projected; undue; serviceable; fatal; bleak; inevitable; Imprudent; fearless; initial; earnest; intelligent; courageous; sociological; wanton; definite; ominous; startling; sensational; ruthless; unremitted; incautious; cruel; relentless; blatant


    anticipate—; deserve—; entail—; escape-—: guard from—; lay open to—; prohibit—; protect from—; sentence to—; subject to—; suffer from—; view—; —deprives; —discloses; —displays; —divulges; —endangers; —expels; —reveals; —shames

    (See disclosure, revelation.)

    Expound (v) adverbs

    repeatedly; grimly; clearly; gravely; quaintly; mystifyingly; incomprehensibly; patiently

    (See explain.)

    Express adjectives

    roaring; aerial; limited; endless

    Express (v) adverbs

    audibly; cordially; admirably; resignedly; lightly; precisely; visually; optimistically; poetically; pointedly; metaphorically; significantly; inelegantly; openly; peevishly; wittily; independently; frivolously; accurately; obviously; submissively; vaguely; delicately; urgently; exquisitely; eloquently; privately; succinctly; indignantly; mildly; figuratively; adequately; bluntly; repeatedly; inadequately; gratefully; forcibly; voluntarily; lucidly; ingenuously; courteously; pithily; whimsically; graphically; stupidly; placidly; felicitously; affably; affectedly; angelically; animatedly; arrogantly; appropriately; arbitrarily; benevolently; blandly; buoyantly; capriciously; caressingly; characteristically; calculatingly; contemptuously; creatively; deceptively; delicately; demurely; diabolically; dubiously; ecstatically; equivocally; ferociously; formidably; genially; grammatically; gravely; grimly; grotesquely; humorously; forbiddingly; impassionedly; indescribably; indignantly; instinctively; introspectively; journalistically; jovially; knowingly; legitimately; loftily; lugubriously; luminously; majestically; martially; meekly; melodiously; memorably; metaphysically; charmingly; mirthlessly; mutinously; momentarily; nobly; nonsensically; nostalgically; owlishly; patriotically; peculiarly; pedantically; pensively; pessimistically; petulantly; pitifully; plaintively; portentiously; radiantly; recklessly; sardonically; saturninely; savagely; secretively; sheepishly; shrewdly; sinister-ly; smugly; solemnly; soothingly; sourly; superbly; spiritedly; spontaneously; sternly; strainedly; submissively; sullenly; synonymously; technically; transparently; treasonably; tritely; truculently; ultimately; uniformly; vicariously; viciously; vindictively; vivaciously; vividly; volubly; warily; wistfully; wryly; yearningly

    (See say, utter.)

    Expression adjectives

    adequate; affable; affected; agonized; airy; alchemistical; all-conquering; altered; amazed; ambiguous; angelic; animated; anxious; apologetic; appalled; appealing; appraising; appropriate; arbitrary; arrogant; artistic; assertive; astonished; austere; banal; beatific; belligerent; benevolent; bewildered; bitter; blameless; bland; bleak; broken; brutish; buoyant; cabalistical; calm; capricious; careless; caressing; ceremonious; characteristic; charming; chastened; chivalric; calculating; comical; commanding; conciliatory; confidential; consecrated; conspicuous; consummate; contemplative; contemptuous; contended; contrite; countless (pl); courteous; creative; criminal; crystalline; cunning; curious; dazed; deceptive; deliberate; delicate; demoniac; demonstrative; demure; depressed; despairing; diabolic; disagreeable; disdainful; distasteful; dolorous; dithyrambic; dogged; dominant; dramatic; dreamy; dubious; dumb; ear-pleasing; eager; earnest; ecstatic; elegant; embossed; emotionless; emphatic; encouraging; equivocal; etherealized; exalted; evanescent; expectant; exterior; facial; faintest; fanglike; faraway; far-off; felicitous; feline; ferocious; fervent; fiendish; fierce; figurative; fine; fixed; fleering; forbidding; forced; forlorn; formidable; freezing: frequent; frightened; frowning; frustrated; fundamental; furtive; genial; gentle; gladsome; glazed; gloomy; glorified; graceful; grammatical; grave; grim; habitual; grotesque; grouchy; haggard; halfabsorbed; half-articulate; half-humorous; half-downright; half-pathetic; half-hearted; half-indulgent; half-suspicious; hangdog; happy; hard; hard-set; haunting; heartbroken; hearty; hereditary; homely; honest; hopeless; horrible; horrid; hospitable; humorous; ideal; idiotic; idyllic; ill-natured; imaginative; imbecilic; immobile; impassioned; imploring; implied; impressive; incidental; incredulous; indescribable; indignant; indirect; infinite; injured; inquiring; inscrutable; instinctive; intense; intent: introspective; jolly; journalistic; jovial; joyous; kindly; knowing; lackluster; legitimate; listening; listless; literary; lofty; lovable; lucid; lugubrious; luminous; majestic; malign; martial; martyrlike; maudlin; meaningful; meek; melancholy; melodious; memorable; menacing; merry; metaphysical; mirthless; moody; momentary; moral; mutinous; mysterious; mystic; noble; noncommittal; nonsensical; nostalgic; noteworthy; odd; ominous; open; outward; owlish; plain; pleasing; pantomimic; particular; passionate; patriotic; peculiar; pedantic; peevish; pensive; perfect; periphrastic; perplexed; pessimistic; petulant; physiognomic; pithy; pitiful; placid; plaintive; plastic; pleasant; poetic; poignant; popular; portentous; predatory; preoccupied; prim; professional; proper; provoking; prose; puzzled; quaint; quarrelsome; queer; questioning; quiet; quizzical; radiant; rapt; rare; rebuked; reckless; relaxed; remarkable; repelling; resentful; resolute; respective; rueful; sagacious; sad; sarcastic; sardonic; saturnine; saucy; savage; secretive: self-concentrated; seraphic; serio-comic; serious; set; severe; sharp; sheepish; shocked; shrewd; sicklied; significant; sincere; singular; sinister; slight; slow; sly; smileless; smug; soft; softened; solemn; soothing; sorrowful; sour; spacious; superb; spirited; spontaneous; sprightliest; stealthy; stern; stony; strained; structural; submissive; subtle; sulky; sullen; surprised; sweet; synonymous; taut; technical; tender; tense; theoretical; thoughtful; thought-saving; thwarted; tragic; transparent; treasonable; trite; triumphal; triumphant; troubled; truculent; ultimate; unanimous; unbelieving: unbounded; uncompromising; unelaborated; unconscious; uneasy; unfit; unforgettable; unguarded; uniform; unmoved; unstudied; unusual; upright; vacant; vague; various (pl); vehement; venomous; vibratory; vicarious; vicious; victorious; vindictive; violent; virtuous; visual; vivacious; vivid; voluble; warlike; warm; wary; wavering; well-bred; whimsical; wild; wily; wistful; woebegone; wondering; wordless; worn; worried; wry; yearning


    achieve —; assume —; crave —; cry out for —; cultivate —; distort —; divest of —; efface —; fathom —; fix —; limit —; recollect —; stifle —; strive toward —; struggle for —; translate —; understand —; wear —; — congeals; — plays; — settles

    (See utterance, statement, assertion.)

    Expressive adverbs

    clearly; particularly; distinctly; emphatically; beautifully; especially; wonderfully; accurately; powerfully; effectively; cruelly; remarkably; sympathetically

    Expressiveness adjectives

    mobile; pregnant

    Expulsion adjectives

    pathetic; forcible: virtual


    accept—; anticipate—; criticize—; demand

    —; employ —; face —; favor —; inflict —; influence —; order —; promote —; punish with —; resign to —; secure —; suffer —; threaten with —; welcome —; — benefits; — corrects; — shames

    (See discharge, dismissal.)

    Expurgated adverbs

    mercilessly;’unnecessarily; relentlessly; prig-gishly; carefully; zealously; absurdly; needlessly; hopelessly; inanely; ridiculously; primly; spinsterishly; puritanically; mawkishly; properly

    Exquisite adverbs

    daintily; charmingly; enchantingly; delicately; matchlessly; remarkably; beautifully; utterly; delicately; airily; incredibly; wonderfully; gracefully; harmoniously; -ichly; melodiously

    Extemporaneo US adverbs

    genuinely; sincerely; honestly; obviously; rigidly; strictly; avowedly; artlessly; spontaneously; crudely; thoughtlessly; carelessly; delightfully; impulsively; manifestly

    Extemporize (v) adverbs

    jocosely; freely; humorously; artfully; skillfully; clumsily; cleverly; shrewdly

    (See improvise.)

    Extend (v) adverbs

    spaciously; understanding!}-; beseechingly; widely; liberally; skillfully; infinitely; beneficently; enormously; generously; gradually; laterally; additionally; internationally; invitingly

    (See lengthen, project.)

    Extension adjectives

    infinite; enormous; generous; ideal; dangerous; gradual; further; lateral; additional; international; widest


    advocate —; check —; confine —; curtail

    —; grant —; justify —; influence —; limit —; nip —; open —; permit —; plan —; plead for —; prevent —; regulate —; strangle —; terminate —; — accommodates;


    (Set increase, addition, expansion, enlargement.

    Extent adjectives

    dangerous; uncivil; unjust; perceptible; amazing; probable; unprecedented; monstrous; considerable; far-reaching; reasonable; enormous; vast; unusual; boundless; solemn; important; limitless; sufficient; immense; greater; fearful; astonishing; satisfying; bewildering; disproportionate


    ascertain —; carry to —; consider •—; define —; estimate —; exercise to —; limit —; occupy to —; reach —; recognize —; rule — of; serve —; understand —; — alarms; — allures; — consists; — forces; — reduces

    (See amount, size, magnitude, degree, )

    Exterior adjectives

    impenetrable; rustic; indifferent; fearless; attractive; commonplace; grave; showy; valorous; calm; amphibious; passive; listless; visible; expansive; impassible; quiet; soft; cold; stolid

    Exterminate (v) adverbs

    ruthlessly; gradually; certainly; speedily; inevitably; totally; subsequently; entirely; cruelly; blindly; finally

    (See destroy, remove.)

    Extermination verbs

    attempt —; banish to —; demand —; drive into —; end in —; engage in —; guard against —; plan —; prevent —; prophesy —; protect against —; pursue to —; repel —; war on —; warn against —; — destroys; — drives out; — eliminates; — extirpates; — forces out; — reduces; — rids

    Extinction adjectives

    final; certain; hurried; speedy; inevitable

    total; subsequent


    blot into —; decay into —; demand — of; deplore —; doom to —; flicker into —; guard against —; meet —; mourn —; plan —; prevent —; suffocate into —; surrender to —; threaten with —; warn against —; witness —; yield to —

    (See destruction, extermination.)

    Extinguish (v) adverbs

    instantly; temporarily; instantaneously; abruptly; promptly; rudely; hastily; swiftly

    (See destroy, remove.)

    Extol (v) adverbs

    frequently; highly; loudly; continually; flatteringly; lavishly; shrewdly; purposely; ostensibly; sincerely

    (See exalt, praise.)

    Extort (v) adverbs

    soullessly; miserly; graspingly; meanly; exorbitantly; usuriously; heartlessly

    (See wring, force.)

    Extortion adjectives

    oppressive; multiplied (pl); baffled; criminal

    Extortionate adverbs

    criminally; highly; illegally; terribly; absolutely; positively; unbelievably; cruelly; harshly; tyrannically; greedily; rapaciously; sordidly; meanly; ravenously; insatiably

    Extract adjectives

    liquid; liberal; embryonic; subsequent; garbled; glandular; misquoted


    administer —; copy —; deduce —; derive —; discharge —; distil —; draw forth —; elicit —; employ —; evolve —; issue —; obtain —; prepare —; quote —; view —; — finishes; — flavors; — represents

    (See essence, selection.)

    Extract (v) adverbs

    freshly; imperfectly; wilfully; liberally; subsequently; glandularly; erroneously; illegally

    (See draw, select.)

    Extraction adjectives

    oral; foreign; noble

    Extraneous adverbs

    unessentially; relatively; definitely; obviously; naturally; discordantly; exotically; curiously; strangely; mysteriously

    Extravagance adjectives

    fine; reckless; ostentatious; unusual; tasteless; absurd; oratorical; rough; gorgeous; favorite; complete; unwarrantable; incipient; lavish; wasteful; senseless; frightful; old-time; wicked; imaginable; utmost; elegant; profligate; forensic; bromidic; unjustified; flagrant


    check —; cloak in —; consort with —; court —; criticize —; guard against —; indulge in —; involve in —; regret —; rue —; sacrifice to —; smack of —; stimulate —; supply —; warn against —; — corrupts; — destroys; — drains; — fetters; — impoverishes; — inflames; — reigns; — shocks

    (See waste, excess.)

    Extravagant adverbs

    wantonly; foolishly; madly; rapturously; lavishly; happily; drunkenly; wildly; blithely; wickedly; improvidently; fantastically; outrageously; vulgarly; proudly; ostentatiously; extremely; absurdly; ridiculously; pompously; outrageously; gayly; inordinately; exceedingly; incredibly; magnificently; splendidly; gorgeously; recklessly; fully; senselessly; flagrantly; immensely

    Extreme adjectives

    absurd; delirious; fantastic; spiritualistic; unhealthy; uttermost; strenuous; blunt; precise; calculable; dangerous; glorious; exhaustive


    avoid—; delight in—; dress in—; drive to —; employ—; endure—; leap to—; moderate—; proceed to—; reach—; run to—; shun —; temper—; twist to—; warn against—; —begets; —blinds; —confuses; —destroys; —disturbs; —endangers; —maddens

    (See excess.)

    Extremity adjectives

    dire; sensuous; dread; ultimate; desperate; furthest; remotest

    Exuberance adjectives

    glorious; effervescent; fantastic; brash

    floral; prodigal; fitful; incondite; brisk


    attest by—; avoid—; burst into—; correct —; drain of—; exhaust—; hide—; indulge in—; inject—; lessen—; play with—; repress—; spoil—; steep in—; suppress—; teem with—; —astonishes; —overflows

    (See abundance, luxuriance, excess.)

    Exuberant adverbs

    gloriously; fantastically; profusely; prodigally; excessively; inordinately; uncommonly; oddly; immensely

    Exude (v) adverbs

    aromatically; disgustingly; vilely; sicken-ingly; freely; abnormally gradually

    (See discharge, flow.)

    Exult (v) adverbs

    vauntingly; openly; enthusiastically; triumphantly; boastfully; happily; gloatingly; drunkenly

    (See rejoice, triumph.)

    Exultant adverbs

    loudly; noisily; proudly; pompously; splendidly; magnificently; quietly; deeply; childishly; triumphantly; happily; incredulously; boastfully; humbly; rapturously; ecstatically; incoherently; profoundly; joyously; jubilantly; elatedly; delightedly; immensely; exceedingly; remarkably

    Exultation adjectives

    vaporous; justifiable; fierce; savage; childish: honest; incoherent; facetious; wonted; sublimest; raptured; menacing; splendid

    Eye verbs

    affix to—; avert—; bat—; bathe—; blear—; blink—; cast —s upon; catch—; cloud—; cock—; darken—; dazzle—; delude—; dilate—; dim—; divert—; examine—; extract from—; feast —s upon; glue •—s upon; goggle—s; inflame—; intrigue—; irrigate —; irritate—; moisten—; narrow—s; offend —; paste—s on; pin—s on; pucker up—s; rivet—s on; roll—s; screw up—s; shadow —s; shield—s; snag—; soften—s; soothe—s; stagger—; strain'—s; suffuse—; tear—s away; test—; tire—s; veil—s; —s acquiesce; —s beam: —s blaze; —s brood; —s bulge; —s challenge; —s climb; —s dance; —s devour; —discerns; —s drift; —s drink in; —embraces; —s fall; —s flash; —s flicker; —s flinch; —s glare; —s gleam; —s glint; —s glitter; —s glow; —s kindle; — penetrates; —s plead; —probes; —s protrude; —s redden; —rests upon; —roams; —roves; —scans; —scorns; —scrutinizes; —shines; —smarts; —s smoulder; —s snap; —s sparkle; —s squint; —s study; —s swell; —s swim; —s twinkle; —s twitch: —s water; —s waver; —s widen; —s beseech

    (See sight.)

    Eye (v) adverbs

    wistfully; piercingly; candidly; keenly; curiously; suspiciously; boldly; challengingly; squarely; critically; sternly; pathetically; attentively; thoughtfully; timidly; painfully; hungrily; contemptuously; unwaveringly; inquisitively; significantly; frigidly; derisively; moodily; covetously; soulfully; bleakly; dispassionately; fastidiously; stonily; sullenly; darkly; insatiably; beseechingly; alertly; mischievously; inquiringly; absently; abstractedly; amazedly; ardently; arrogantly; benignly; bestially; bewilder-edly; bewitchingly; earnestly; enviously; intently; lovingly; piteously; intelligently; pleadingly; heavily; humorously; formidably; gaily; glassily; glintingly; glittering-ly; maudlinly; joyously; mysteriously; professionally; raptly; sheepishly; steadfastly; studiously; superficially; uncritically; vacantly; watchfully; wisely; wolfishly; won-deringly; wordlessly; venomously

    (See watch, observe.)

    Eyeballs adjectives

    fierce; searing; burning; gorgeous; dead; bugle; rolling; protruding; swimming; staring; dilated; half-eaten

    Eyebrow verbs

    arch—s; cock—; corrugate—s; darken—s; jet—s; knit—s; pluck—s; quirk—; raise—; slant—s; thin out—s; tidy up—s; —s beetle

    —s curve; —s shag

    Eyebrows adjectives

    bushy; shaggy; fierce-lookihg; supercilious; calm; haughty; broad-arched; peaked; high; pencil-line; sandy; mastic-darkened; solemn; prominent; raised; tangled; thick; curved; heavy; bristly; stiff; silky; delicate; wispy; perfect; bent; drawn; uneven; surprised; sardonic; elevated; uplifted; bold; gloomy; mismated; boyish; languid; ginger; thin; proud; twitching; pepper-and-salt; disapproving

    Eyelashes adjectives

    sooty; dusky; mascaraed; artificial; tear-drenched; dense; dark-fringed; thick; long; sopping; dark; uplifted; beaded; blinking; sandy; absurd; beautiful; long-lashed; heavily-fringed


    bat—; clip—; lift—; —brush; —droop

    —flash; —flatter; —flicker; —flutter; — fringe; —glisten; —guard; —quiver; — repose; —shade; —shimmer; —sleep; — sweep; —veil

    Eyelids adjectives

    quivering; quiet; swollen; shaken; withered; heavy; drooping; long-fringed; broad; worn-off; fluttering; wrinkled; straightcut; languid; trembling; waxen; bronze; bluish; opaque; leaden; tired; limp; hanging: half-closed; narrowed; closed; shriveled; lazy; tremulous; thin; pain-wrenched


    drop—; fringe—; kiss—; lift—; raise—; squeeze—; wag—; weigh—down; —ache; —droop; —fall; —flutter; —quiver: — sleep; —slumber; —twitch

    Eyes adjectives

    able; abnormal; absent; accusing; abstracted; aching; actual; admirable; adorable; adoring; adulterated; adventure-seeking; aesthetic; affrighted; affronted; agate; age-dimmed; agonized; age-blue; alien; all-seeing; alluring; almond; altered; amazed; amber-colored; ambitious; amiable; amorous; amused; angered; anguished; animated; anxious; apathetic; appealing; appraising; appreciative; apprehending; approving; archeological; ardent; arrogant; ash-rimmed; assailing; assenting; astonished; astounded; attentive; attractive; august; austere; authoritative; autumn-leaf; avaricious; averted; avid; awakened; aweinspiring; azure-tinted; baby-blue; bad; baffling; bagged; baleful; bashful; battered; battle-aged; battle-lighted; beadlike; beady; beady-bright; beaming; beautiful; beauty-loving; beetling; bemused; benignant; bent; beseeching; bestial; bewildered; bewitching; bilberry; big; bilious; bland; blazing; blue; bleak; bleared; blissful; blood-injected; bloodshot; bodeful; bold; bonny; boring; boundless; bovine; bright; brightened; brimming; brooding; brown; bruised; brown-flecked; bulbous; bulging; burrowing; bursting; button; calculating; calm; candid; canny; capricious; careless; cat-like; cautious; cavernous; celestial; challenging; chance-met; changeable; charmed; chaste; chastening; childish; cheerful; chilly; chocolate-brown; civic; clear; clever; clinging; close-set; closing; clouded; coal-black; cold; colorless; colorloving; commanding; commemorative; commiserating; compassionate; compelling; concealed; concerned; condemnatory; confused; congested; contemplative; contemptuous; contracted; contumelious; conventional; convivial; convulsed; cool; countless; courageous; covert; covetous; craving; created; critical; crumpling; crystal-clear; cunning; curious; cynical; dancing; dangerous; dark-fringed; dark-lashed; death-darting; darkness-dazed; darting; dazzled; deadly; deceiving; decorous; deep; deep-circled; deep-curtained; deep-set; deep-socketed; deep-sunk; defenseless; defiant; dejected; deliberating; delighted; delightful; demanding; demon; demure; deprecating; derisive; descriptive; desolate; despair-glazed; despairing; devastating; devilish; devouring; dewy; dilated; directing; discerning; discolored; discomfited; discontented; discovering; disdainful; disillusioned; dispassionate; dissatisfied; displeased; disquieting; dissecting; dissipated; distasteful; distempered; distended; distracting; distressed; disturbed; divining; dizzy; dog-true; doubtful; dovelike; downcast; dramatic; downdropped; dreadful; dream-shrouded; dream-swept; dreamy; dreary; drink-filmed; drooping; drowsy; dry; dull; dusky; dying; eager; eagle; eagle-gray; eaglekeen; earnest; educated; effective; effeminate; eloquent; eluded; embittered; emerald-green; empty; enameled; enamored; enchanted; energetic; enigmatic; enlarged; enlivening; enormous; enthralled; entranced; envious; epiphyseal; evasive; ever-lusterless; ever-moving; ever-questing; evil; examining; excited; expanding; expectant; expiring; expert; expressionable; expressive; extraordinary; exulting; faded; failing; fainting; fairer; faithful; falcon; familiar; far-gazing; far-off; farseeing; farsighted; fascinated; fastened; fastidious; fatal; fatherly; fathomless; fatigue-dimmed; favoring; fear-filled; feminine; fear-glazed; fear-laden; fearful; fearless; feeble; ferocious; ferret; feverish; fidgety; fierce; fiery; filmed; finding; fine-wrought; fishlike; fishy; fixed; flashing; flat-blue; fleshy-looking; flickering; flinty; flowerlike; flustered; fluttering; foolish; forbidden; foreboding; foreign; forgiving; formidable; formless; foul; frank; freezing; fresh; fretful; fright-filled; frightened; frosty; frowning; frozen; furious; furtive; galled; gamesome; gay; gazelle; gemlike; gentle; ghastly; gifted; gimlet; gin-cleared; girlish; glad; glaring; glassy; gleaming; glimmering; glinting; glittering; gloating; globular; glorious; glossy; glowering; glowing; glutton; goggling; golden; golden-brown; good; grave; gray; gray-steel; great; greedy; gross; grotesque; groveling; guarded; guiding; guileless; guilty; gypsy; habituated; haggard; hale; half-closed; half-defiant; half-repentant; half-shut; half-veiled; happy; harassed; hardened; haughty; haunting; hawk-brown; hazel; healthy; heartbroken; heart-reaching; heartless; heartsick; heated; heavenly; heavy; heavy-lidded; heedless; hollow; honest; hooded; horny; horrified; hostile; housewifely; hovering; human; humble; humid; humorous; hyacinth-blue; hungry; hunted; hurt; hypnotic; hypnotized; ice-blue; icy; idealistic; ill-omened; immobile; immortal; impartial; imperious; implacable; imploring; impudent; incandescent; incredulous; incensed; incurious; indifferent; indignant; indolent; indomitable; indulgent; inebriate; inexorable; inexperienced; inferior; inflamed; innocent; innumerable; insolent; inquiring; inquisitive; insane; inscrutable; insipid; insistent; intelligent; intent; interrogating; intricate; intriguing; introspective; intrusive; intuitional; inventive; inward; inwardturning; iris-blue; jade; jaded; irradiant; jaundiced; jewel; jolly; joy-filled; joyous; joy-pronouncing; keen; keen-puckered; kind; kindled; knowing; kohl-rimmed; laboring; lackluster; lackadaisical; lambent; landlubber; languid; languorous; large; lascivious; lashless; laughing; leaden; lecherous; leering; lenient; level; lidless; lifedarting; lifted; light; limpid; lingering; liquid; listless; livid; living; loathing; lodestar; lofty; longing; lovable; love-deep; love-laden; love-lit; love-weary; loving; lucent; lurid; lumpy; lurking; lusterless; lustrous; lynx; madonna; magisterial; magnificent; mahogany; malevolent; malicious; malignant; mangling; martial; masculine; maternal; mature; maudlin; mean; med-icinable; meditating; melancholy; melting; memory-ridden; menacing; microscopic; merciless; merry; meteor; mild; military; milky; miraculous; miscast; mischievous; miserable; mismatched; mistaking; misty; mocking; modest; moist; moistened; Mongolian; monstrous; moody; mortal; mortified; motionless; mottled; mournful; murderous; muddy-brown; musing; musty; mutinous; myopic; myriad; mysterious; mystical; mystifying; naked-bladed; narrow; national; neighboring; normal; observant; observing; obsidian; offering; ogling; onyx; opal; opaque; opening; oriental; outraged; outstanding; outward; overflowing; overhanging; overstrained; oxlike; owlish; pain-dimmed; pain-filled; pain-lashed; painful; pale; pale-blue; pallid; pansy-blue; pansy-dark; passing; passionate; paternal; patient; peacock; peeping; peering; peevish; pellucid; penetrating; pensive; perceiving; peremptory; perspicuous; persuasive; perverse; philosophical; phoenix; piercing; piglike; pious; piteous; pitying; placid; plaintive; pleading; pleasant; poetic; polished-looking; pondering; preoccupied; ponderous; popping; porcine; possessive; pouchy; powerful; practiced; pragmatic; predatory; probing; prodigious; profane; professional; prominent; prompting; prophetic; protecting; protuberant; proud; provocative; public; puffed; punished; purblind; pure; purged; purple; prying; puzzled; querulous; questioning; quick; quick-lifted; quick-shifting; quiet; quizzical; radiant; raccoonlike; raging; random; rapt; ratlike; ratty; ravenous; ravished; realmless; rebel; rebelling; rebuking; red-rimmed; reddened; reflecting; reflective; reluctant; remarkable; remote; reproachful; resplendent; retrospective; reverent; reverted; revengeful; rheumy; richest; rival; riveting; roaming; roguish; rolling; romantic; rose-colored; round; roving; ruddy; ruddy-brown; rueful; rust-colored; sad; saddened; sagacious; sanguine; sarcastic; sardonic; satiated; saturnine; saucy; savage; scandalized; skeptic; scornful; scowling; screwed-up; scrutinizing; seablue; sea-gray; sea-green; sea-spent; searching; searchlight; seductive; seeing; selfsame; sensible; seraphic; sere; serene; serious; serpent; shaded; shadow-nurtured; shadowed; shadowy; shifting; sharp; sheepish; shifty; shimmering; shining; shrewd; shrinking; shrouded; shy; sibylline; sidelong; sightless; silent; silly; single; sinister; skeptical; sky-blue; skyey; slant; slatecolored; slaty; sleep-sodden; sleepless; sleepy; slight; slitty; sly; small; smart; smarting; smiling; smoke-blue; smoldering; snake; snapping; sober; sodden; soft-winged; solemn; solicitous; solitary; sorrowing; soul-telling; soulful; soulless; sour; sparkling; speaking; spectacular; speculating; speculative; spell-set; spirit-beaming; sphered; splendid; sprightly; sprouting; stainless; starlike; staring; spirit-thrilling; stark; starry; starting; steady; steadfast; stealthy; steaming; steel; steel-bright; steelcold; stinging; steely; stern; stony; stormy; strained; strange; straying; streaming; striking; strong; studious; stupefied; subtle; subdued; sud-filled; suffering; suffused; sullen; sulky; sulphurous; sultry; sunken; sunclear; sun-dazzled; sunshiny; superb; superficial; surprised; surveying; suspicious; sweeping; swimming; swollen; sympathetic; Tarquin; taunting; tawny; tear-blurred; tearful; tear-marred; tear-ridden; tear-wet; telescopic; telltale; tempestuous; tender; terrible; terrifying; terror-glazed; threatening; terrorized; terror-stricken; thankful; tiger; thirsty; thoughtful; tigerish; time-dimmed; timorous; tiny; tip-tilted; tired; tired out; tolerant; tormented; tormenting; tortured; topaz; touching; town-bred; trained; traitorous; tranquil; tremendous; transcendent; transparent; zinc-colored; tremulous; triumphal; triumphant; trouble-strained; truant; truculent; true; trustful; trustless; twinkling; unabashed; unaccountr able; unaccustomed; unaided; unaltering; unbelieving; unannointed; unavoided; unblended; unblinded; unblinking; uncanny; uncaptious; uncertain; unclouded; uncomprehending; unconscious; uncritical; uncultivated; uncurious; undaunted; uneasy; unencumbered; unemotional; unenlightened; unenvious; unfathomable; unflickering; unflinching; unfriendly; uninitiate; unkind; unlearned; unnatural; unoperated; unpitying; unpredictable; unpleasant; unpracticed; unprejudiced; unprepossessing; unpresump-tuous; unresponsive; unrevealing; unrewarded; unscrupulous; unseeing: unshackled; unshaded; unsmiling; unsophisticated; unspeakable; unsullied; unsuspecting; untamed; unterrified; untrained; untutored; untroubled; unusual; unwearied; unworldly; upbraiding; upraised; upturned; ugly; urgent; vacant; vacuous; velvet-soft; vague; veering; veiled; veilless; veiny; velvety; vengeful; venomous; vigilant; violet-blue; virgin; visionary; visionless; vivid; vulgar; wailing; waiting; wandering; wanton; war-wearied; waxen; warning; wary; washed; wasted; watchful; watery; weak; weary; weasel; weather; weeping; welkin; whimsical; well-known; well-spaced; wicked; wide; wide-open; wild; willful; wincing; winking; wintry; wise; wistful; wolfish; wonderful; wondering, wondrous; wood-nymph; wordless; worldly-wise; worn; worried; worshipped; wrathful; wretched; yellow; yielding; youthful; zestful

    Eyesight adjectives

    partial; unsealed; failing; precious; weakening; impaired; inefficient; palsied; neglected

    Fables adjectives

    comic; antique; contextual; wretched; trivial; impious; vivid; gorgeous; romantic; traditional; prehistoric; fantastic

    Fabric adjectives

    political; attractive; sturdy; fine-wearing; ultra-smart; notable; practical; choicest; worsted; ideal; pure; wool; superb; tropical; rich; wearable; soft; exclusive; easy-draping; hard-finished; select; popular; excellent; mellowed; non-shrinkable; favored; summer; luxurious; wonderful; wear-packed; good-looking; sparkling; cool; expensive; original; sensational; iridescent; shivered; delicate; tinted; lustrous; gaudy; spangled; colorful; lightweight; soft-textured; quality; comfortable; easy-fitting; long-living; neutral color; rugged; famous; firm; extraordinary; lovely; apparent; hairy-surfaced; casual; unsubstantial; imported; cobweb; resilient; massive; durable; stately; identical; novelty; sheer; gossamer; distinctive; social; impregnated; misty; symmetrical; textile; clinging; accentuated; husky; brawnier; loomed; patterned


    construct—; fashion—; frame—; plan—; rebuild—; renovate—; spin—; supply—; threaten—; weave—; —awes; —endures; —inspires; —tatters

    (See cloth.)

    Fabricate (v) adverbs

    ingeniously; cleverly; hypocritically; plausibly; affectedly; falsely; maliciously; slyly; traitorously; convincingly

    (See devise, construct.)

    Fabrication adjectives

    wholesale; feeble; delicious; clumsy

    Fabulous adverbs

    foolishly; extravagantly; egregiously; terribly; abominably; absurdly; laughably; outlandishly; whimsically; maliciously; fantastically; outrageously; mythically; ironically; perversely; romantically; utterly; manifestly; openly

    Facade adjectives

    exquisite; unlovely; venerable; florid

    Face adjectives

    absorbed; accusing; aggrieved; adored; aged; aghast; aging; agitated; agonized; alert; alluring; amazed; amiable; amused; flabby; angelical; angry; anguished; angular; animated; anxious; apathetic; apprehensive; approving; arresting; aquiline; arch-female; aristocratic; arrogant; artificial; ascending; ascetic; ashen; assiduous; astonished; astounding; attentive; attractive; audacious; auroral; austere; automaton; averted; awe-swept; awful; babyish; begrimed; baleful; barren; battered; beaming; beardless; beauteous; beefy; beloved; benevolent; benign; benignant; beseeching; besmeared; bestial; bewildered; bewitching; biddable; big; big-boned; big-featured; black; blackened; black-eyed; blanching; bland; blank; blear-eyed; blind; blissful; blistered; blithe; bloated; bloodfaint; bloodless; bloodstained; bloodthirsty; bloody; blossomy; blubbering; blue-white; blurred; blushing; bold; bony; bouldercolored; boyish; bright; broad; broadcheeked; brooding; brown; bruised; brutal; brutish; bucolic; burning; businesslike; cadaverous; calloused; calm; cameo; candid; capable; carbonadoed; careless; cavernous; careworn; carved-bone; cast-iron; celestial; chagrined; chalklike; changing; charitable; charming; charred; chastened; cheated; cheerful; cherubic; childlike; choleric; chubby; clammy; clawed; clean-cut; cleanshaven; clear-cut; clever; close; clouded; coarse; cold; cold-creamed; collapsed; colorless; combative; comely; comfortable; comical; commanding; complaining; complicated; composed; condemning; confident; congealed; congested; consumptive; contorted; contracted; convulsed; copper-bronzed; coppery; cordial; corpselike; corrugated; country-looking; cowardly; crafty; craggy; creamy-white; crude; cruel; crystal; cunning; curious; cynical; cynically-lined; dainty; daring; dark; darkened; dark-huddled; dazed; deadly; deadly-white; deadwhite; death-like; deathly-pale; death-marked; debauched; deceptive; deep-lined; deeply-marred; dejected; delicate; delicately-formed ; delicately-modeled; delighted; demure; delightful; denunciatory; despairing; despotic; determined; devilish; dewy; diffident; dignified; dimpled; dirty; disagreeable; disapproving; discolored; discontented; disdainful; disfigured; disillusioned; dismal; disordered; dissipated; distinct; distinguished; distorted; distracted; disturbed; doleful; dour; downcast; dowdy; drained; dreadful; dreary; dripping; droll; drooped; drowsy; dryad; dubious; dull; dusky; dust-colored; eager; earnest; easy-mannered; effeminate; elfin; eloquent; elusive; emaciated; embarrassed; eminent; enchanting; encrimsoned; energetic; enigmatic; enormous; enraptured; erstwhile; ethereal; ever-changing; everlasting; everwelcome; evil; exceeding; expectant; exposed; expressionless; expressive; exquisite; eyeless; familiar; faded; fainting; fair; faithful; fallen; famine-stricken; famous; fanatical; fascinating; fat; fatigued; fatuous; fawning; fear-contorted; fearless; ferret-like; fervent; fiery; fighting; filled; fine; fixed; flabby; flamboyant; flat; flattened; flattered; fleshless; fleshy; flinty; flowerlike; flower-tinted; fond; foolish; forbidding; forced; foreign; formed; forsaken; forward; frail; frank; fraternal; freckled; fresh; friendly; frightened; frightful; froglike; frosted; furious; frosty; frozen; full; full-charged; furrowed; furtive; fuzzy; gamin; gaping; gaunt; gay; genial; ghastly; ghastly-pale; gigantic; girlish; gleaming; glistening; glittering; gloating; glory-beaming; glowing; glum; gnarled; gnomish; godlike; golden; good-humored; grotesque; good-natured; grained; granite; granite-gaunt; granite-hewn; grateful; grave; great; greenish-hued; grim; grinning; groping; gross-bloated; gruesome; guileless; gypsy; haggard; hair-fringed; hairless; half-averted; half-shrinking; half-haunted; handsome; hapless; happy; harassed; hard; hard-boiled; hard-muscled; harsh-featured; haughty; hate-clouded; hawklike; hearty; healthy-looking; heart-shaped; heated; heavenly; heat-flushed; heavy; helpless; heroic; hideous; hideously-scarred; well-bred; high-cheekboned; high-spirited; hirsute; hollow; holy; homely; honest; horrible; horror-stricken; hostile; huddled; humble; humorous; hungered; hungry; hunted; husklike; hypocritic; icy; idiotic; ignominious; illuminated; immemorial; immortal; immovable; impassive; imperial; imperious; imperturbable; impish; implacable; imploring; impudent; incredulous; indifferent; indignant; indomitable; ineffable; ineffectual; inelegant; inexorable; inexpressible; inexpressive; infant; infantine; inflamed; infuriated; ingenious; innocent; innumerable (pl); inoffensive; inscrutable; intellectual; intelligent; interesting: intrepid; irregular; irritable; isolated; ivory; jolly; jovial; keen-featured; kill-joy; kind; kindling; kindly; lampblack; large; lantern-jawed; laughing; lean-cheeked; leathery; leering; lemonyellow; lifeless; little; lined; 1'neless; line-old; listening; listless; lively; livid; loathsome; locked; long; long-chinned; lordly; lovable; lovely; loving; gay; lowering; luminous; lustrous; majestic; malarial; malicious; malignant; maniacal; manly; mantling; marble; marred; martial; martyr; masklike; masked; massive; meager; meek; melancholy; memorable; merciless; merrier; mild; mirth-lit; miserable; mistrustful; mobile; mocking; modeled; motionless; monstrous; moon-colored; moonlike; moonshaped; motherly; mottled; mottled-red; mournful; mud-besmeared; much-desired; muddy; mummied; murderous; muscular; mutilated; mutinous; mysterious; naked; nervous; neurotic; noble; noncommittal; noseless; objective; nutcracked; observant; obtuse; oil-smeared; oil-streaked; oily; olive; ominous; open; oval; overcast; pain-chiseled; pain-distorted; painted; pale; pansy-shaped; pallid; parchment; passionate; passionless; pasty; pasty-white; patient; patrician; peaceful; peaked; peerless; peaked; pearly; peasant; peevish; pensive; perfect; perfectly-formed; perished; perpendicular; perspiring; pert; pictured; phantom-like; piggish; pimply; pinched; piquant; piteous; pitiable; pitying; pitted; placid; plain; plaintive; pleasant; pleasing; plump; pock-marked; poetic; pointed; poker; porcelain-tinted; potent; powdered; powerful; precipitous; predestinate; premature; prematurely-aged; prevaricating; pretty; prison-pale; proud; puckered; pudding; pudgy; puffed; puffy; pugnacious; puny; purple-colored; puttycolored; puzzled; quaint; queenly; quiet; quivering; rabbity; radiant; rage-torn; rage-twisted; rain-drenched; rapt; ratlike; ravaged; rebellious; reckless; red; refined; reflective; relentless; reproachful; resigned; resolute; respectable; responsive; restless; reticent; retributive; retrospective; reverent; reversed; ridged; rigid; roguish; rosepetal; rose-tinted; rosebud; rosy; roughly-hewn; round; rubicund; ruddier; rueful; rustic; ruthful; sad; sagacious; saintly; sallow; salt-stung; sanguine; sardonic; Satanic; saturnine; saucy; scandalized; scapegrace; scared; scarlet; scarred; scheming; scholarly; scornful; scowling; scraggly; scratched; scrawny; screech-owl; seamed; scrutinizing; searching; seared; sedate; self-assured; selfless; sensitive; sensual; sentimental; serene; serious; serpent; serpentine; set; shaded; shamed; shameful; sharp-featured; sharply-angled; shaven; shining; shocked; shockingly disfigured; shrewd; shrouded; sick-looking; sickly; sightless; silent; silly; simpering; simple; sin-scarred; sinister; slant-eyed; sleek; sly; small; smashed; smiling; smile-lit; smirking; smoke-begrimed; smooth; smooth-coated; smooth-pale; smudged; smutted; snarling; sneering; sober; soft; soldierly; sorrow; somber; sorrowful; sorrowing; sorry; spare; sparkling; speaking; spectral; spirited; spiritual; splotched; staring; spongy; square; stark; square-jawed; square-jowled; startled; startling; steadfast; steady; steaming; stern; still; stolid; stone; stony; storm-beaten; stout; straight; straight-featured; strenuous; straightforward; strained; stubbly; streaming; stricken; striking; subdued; strong; strong-featured; stupid; sublime; sulky; sullen; sun-bitten; sun-browned; sunburned; sun-darkened; sun-scorched; sunken; sunny; surly; suspicious; swarthy; sweat-marked; sweat-streaked; sweating; sweet; tabid; tallow; swollen; tanned; tawny; tear-dabbled; tearful; tear-stained; tear-streaked; tear-wet; teary; tender; tense; terrible; thin; thoughtful; threatening; tight; tightening; tight-lipped; tight-skinned; tilted; time-stained; time-worn; timid; tired; toothless; tortured; tough; towering; tragic; tranquil; transfigured; transformed; transparent; triumphant; treacherous; troubled; trunkless; twisted; twittering; ugly; unabashed; unbelieving; unconscious; uncouth; uncovered; underhung; uneasy; unforgetful; unfriendly; unhealthy; unintellectual; unkempt; unlighted; unlined; unmoved; unpenciled; unreadable; unrejoicing; unremembering; unshaven; unscathed; unsmiling; unspoiled; unsnnny; unsympathetic; untroubled; unwashed; unwithered; unworldly; unworried; unwrinkled; uplifted; uptilted; upturned; upward; vacant; vacuous; varnished; vanished; vapid; varying; veiled; vellumcolored; vicious; villainous; vindictive; virginal; vivacious; vulturish; waning; wan; washed; wayward; waxen; weak; weather-beaten; weather-stained; weatherworn; wedge-shaped; wee; weird; wellcut; well-featured; well-groomed; well-known; well-remembered; whimsical; whiskered; white; wicked; whitewashed; wide-eyed; wine-flushed; winsome; winter-blighted; wiry; wistful; withered; wizened; woebegone; woeful; wolfish; womanly; wonder; wrinkled; wooden; working; worn; worried; wrathful; wry; yearning; young; youthful; yeoman-built; arch; delicately-cut; frolic; lean; sleeping; slender


    Animate—; blanch—; contort—; distort—; draw—; flush—; furrow—; illumine—; mop —; obscure—; pinch—; pucker up—; puff up—; read in—; scrutinize—; stamp—with; submerge—;     suffuse—with;     tense—

    wrinkle—; —beams;— bleaches; —blooms; —brightens; —charms; —clouds; —creases; —darkens; —fascinates; —flames; — gleams; —glows; —lights up; —pales; — purples; —relaxes; —resembles; —^smarts; —whitens

    (See countenance, features. )

    Face (v) adverbs

    haughtily; resolutely; squarely; undauntedly; challengingly; listlessly; courageously; indomitably; unflinchingly; immovably; accusingly; agitatedly; alluringly; animatedly; amiably; apathetically; apprehensively; arrogantly; ashenly; audaciously; bewitch-ingly; austerely; callously; chastenedly; cherubically; comically; composedly; cordially; cynically; despotically; determinedly; diffidently; disdainfully; disillusionedly; distractedly; dolefully; dourly; drearily; dubiously; eloquently; energetically; enigmatically; fanatically; fatuously; fawning-ly; guilelessly; humbly; hypocritically; idiotically; impassively; imperiously; imperturbably; impishly; implacably; imploringly; incredulously; indifferently; intrepidly; majestically; maniacally; martially; meekly; miserably; mutinously; neurotically; obtuse ly;

    ominously; passionately; passionlessly; pertly; priggishly; piquantly; piteously; potently; precipitously; prematurely; radiantly; rebelliously; raptly; recklessly; relentlessly; reticently; reverently; roguishly; ruefully; schemingly; selflessly; sensually; sentimentally; serenely; smirkingly; sneeringly; stubbornly; tenderly; tensely; tragically; treacherously; uncouthly; unintellectually; unsmilingly; unsympathetically; wistfully; woefully; wrathfully

    (See meet, confront.)

    Facetious adverbs

    comically; waggishly; entertainingly; inappropriately; unseasonably; happily; merrily; youthfully; smartly; unfortunately; fantastically; quick-wittedly; nimbly; clownishly; jovially; convivially; whimsically; amusingly; pleasantly; foolishly; bantering-ly; teasingly; drolly; fatuously; remarkably

    Facetiousness adjectives

    grave; sparkling; cheery; dull; unwitty

    Facets adjectives

    sparkling; gleaming; well-cut

    Facial adjectives

    refreshing; hasty; stimulating; cleansing

    Facile adverbs

    skilfully; dexterously; extremely; unusually; cleverly; adroitly; artfully; neatly; ingeniously; felicitously; deftly; smartly; expertly; capably; competently; intelligently; enthusiastically; eagerly; earnestly; amenably; heartily; glibly; conveniently; pliantly; smoothly

    Facilitate (v) adverbs

    readily; necessarily; skillfully; automatically; unsurpassingly; commercially; mechanically; briskly; unfailingly; completely

    (See advance, hasten.)

    Facilities adjectives

    housekeeping; intermediate; clinical; educational; characteristic; technical; limitless; equal; extra; modern; recreational; convenient; marvelous; unmatched; complete; a-stonlshing; culinary; superior; abundant; inadequate; merger; available; unsurpassed; banking; admirable; improved; mechanical; surprising; fatal; elaborate; telegraphic; musical; subsequent; terminal; rapidtransit; existing; sanitary; commercial

    Facility verbs

    abuse —; accomplish with —; afford —; break down —; compose with —; contribute to —; hinder —; impede —; increase —; learn with —: manage with —; perform with —; permit of —; prove —; provide —; utilize —; wipe out —; — accelerates; — lightens; — lubricates

    (See ease.)

    Facsimile adjectives

    diminished; alleged

    Fact adjectives

    mere; ugly; unassorted (pl); stark; unvarnished; statistical; unpalatable; vital; ultimate; iron; serious; gratifying; timely; curious; salient; undoubted; indisputable; astonishing; surprising! marvelous; miraculous; magnificent; confounding; unheard-of; singular; extraordinary; incredible; unforeseen; rarest; private; enviable; subtle; outstanding; isolated; well-established; simple; unfortunate; significant* smallest; natural; cosmic; accomplished; psychological; grim; historic; lamentable; practical; dominant; sordid; illuminating; governing; eternal; insuppressible; inexplicable; remarkable; systematizing; ineluctable; conceded; multifarious (pl); straight-from-the-shoulder; scientific; interesting; striking; noteworthy; accepted; inexorable; cruel; prosaic; hard; sprightly; inescapable; persistent; settled; essential; contradictory; embellished; deniable; stubborn; fundamental; revolting; unanswerable; disgraceful; unrelated; concomitant; intriguing; optical; naked; undeviating; instructive; damaging; changing; fluid; amazing; full; free; cold; startling; elemental; important; demonstrated; unconventional; permanent; visible; notorious; well-ascertained; brutal; preliminary; relevant; bitter; admitted; melancholy; deplorable; embodying; memorable; bare; palpable; unquestionable; authenticated; cardi

    »nal; incontrovertible; worthy; final; ultimate; absolute; graphical; quiet; special; patent; unsuspected; unguessed; reasonable; architectural; dark; mysterious; concrete; palpitating; delightful; irresistible; delicious; unimpugnable; analogous; sinful; well-known; conspicuous; clear; distinct; firm; passionless; impartial; noticed; meticulous; illuminating; scanty; inert; vivid; tremendous; previous; exact; formidable; unconnected; first; empirical; acoustical; external; perpetual; bald, encouraging; physical; plain; ascertained; convincing; horrific; central; negative; basic; tangible; indubitable; geological; suggestive; trivial; rudimentary; clenching; acquired; outward; adduced; inconvenient; major; self-evident; commonplace; verifiable; supreme; actual; positive; sheer; apparent; acknowledged; ethical; diverting; sober; unpleasant; disturbing; unpoetic; tragic; queer; fantastic; colorful; fabulous; notable; stirring; buried; laborious; discovered; overwhelming; exhaustive; multitudinous (pl); detailed; hazy; confusing; experimental; paradoxical; observed; challenging; superficial; immaterial verbs

    accept —; account for —; accumulate —s; allude to —; amplify —; apprise of —; array —s; ascertain —; ascribe — to; assail —; assemble —s; attest to —; awake to —; bear out by —; belittle —; bemoan —; blind to —; blur —; bring — to light; bring home —; certify —; cite —•; collate —; color —; confirm —; conform to —; confront with —; construe —; cram with —s; credit —; debate —; deduce —; demonstrate —; deny —; deplore —; digest —; disclose —; disentangle —s; disguise —; distort —; divulge —; dodge —; embrace —; emphasize —; establish —; evidence by —; exhaust —s; exploit —; expound —; face —; found on —; garble —s; generalize —s; glean —s; grant —; grapple with —; grasp —; harp on —; ignore —; impress with —; interpret — > juggle —s; master —; misconstrue —; misrepresent —; mull over —s; obscure —; oppose —; outweigh —; overlook —; override —; ponder —; question —; recapitulate —s; reconcile —s; refute —; regale with —s; rehash —s; represent as —; rest upon —; run counter to —; sift —s; stress —; stud with —s substantiate —; suppress —; trace — to; transform —s; unearth —; verify —; weigh —; wrestle with —; —s cohere; — dawns; — depresses; — disquiets; — illustrates; — looms; — sinks in; —startles; — supports; — verifies

    (See truth, act, incident, statement.)

    Faction verbs

    attach to —; avoid —; combine —s; criticize —; defend —-; disturb —; divide into —s; -extinguish —; join —; maintain —; rend into —s; run into —s; sort into —s; split in —s; spread —; support —; suppress —; unite —s; — abandons; — declines; — dictates; — disperses; — springs from

    (See party, opposition.)

    Factions adjectives

    fluctuating; petty; discordant; embittered; wretched; defeated; turbulent; atrocious; execrable; fierce; mischievous; warring; hostile; rival; musical; exasperated; oligarchical; various; aristocratic; contending; internal; respective; opposing; imprisoned; reconciling

    Factor adjectives

    selective; dietary; prominent; etiological; potent; growth; various (pl); significant; vital; psychological; unfortunate; inestimable; additional; causative; determining; indispensable; compensating; prime; intellectual; dependable; encouraging; underlying; distinct; astounding; contributory; fundamental; outside; limiting; legendary; inherited; unquestioned; environmental; important; practical; dominant; industrial; external; material; essential; responsible; decisive; narcissistic; ecclesiastical; obvious; negligible; despised; dangerous; racial; geographical; constitutional; constant; motivating; all-pervasive; avoidable; incalculable


    belittle —; consider —; coordinate —s; embrace —; establish —; influence by —; limit —s; ponder —; reckon —; reveal —; unravel —; weigh —; —s converge; — determines; — emerges; —looms; —s militate against; — predisposes; — dominates

    (See element, constituent, influence, cause.)

    .          FACTORY


    besieged; enormous; noisy; irrepressible


    boycott —; conduct —; control —; convert —; destroy —; dispose of —; equip —; erect —; establish —; examine —; improve —; inspect —; maintain —; man —; manage —; observe —; picket —; promote from —; strip —; supervise —; — employs; — idles; — produces; — specializes in

    (See plant, mill, shop, building.)

    Faculty adjectives

    contemplative; divine; unworn; ruling; bounded; healthful; bigi'ed; domestic; artful; visualizing; ready; rational; corporeal; biased; imaginative; perceptive; distinct; trained; reasoning; intellectual; remarkable; scientific; benumbed; integral; honorable; unimpaired; sterner; reciprocal; courageous; practised; departmentalized; balancing; glorious; winged; natural; rare; unique; primary; worldly; efficient; sublim-est; wondrous; higher; dormant; aesthetic; elaborative; human; visual; imitative; cardinal; potential; awakened; penetrating; governing; administrative; spiritual; critical; cogitative; analytical; abnormal; treacherous; moral; finite; antipodal; comparative; common; creative; inventive; uncanny; obstinate; acute


    arouse —; assist —; cllect —s; concentrate —ies; cultivate —ies; dazzle —; develop —ies; dull —ies; endow with —; exercise —; exhibit —; hamper —; impair —; manifest —; rally —ies; reclaim —; recruit —ies; retain —; strain —; strengthen —; stupefy —; waste—ies; — decays; — enables

    (See power, capacity, ability, skill, talent.)

    Fad adjectives

    commendable; expensive; dietary; crazy; innocent; passing


    addict to —; adopt —; advocate —; annihilate —; attribute — to; conceive —; condemn —; criticize —; cultivate —; deter —; dispose to —; frown on —; gibe at —; indulge in —; nourish —; produce —; pursue —; ridicule —; start —; warn against —; — exaggerates; — passes; — seizes; — spreads; — sprouts

    (See fancy, fashion, hobby, whim.)

    Fade (v) adverbs

    partially; gracefully; strangely; autumnal-ly; hauntingly; dismally; inevitably; corporeally; depressingly; tragically; lingeringly

    (See droop, decay.)

    Fagged adverbs


    utterly; inexpressibly; dangerously; alarmingly; haggardly; gauntly; hopelessly; irrecoverably; lamentably; pitiably; wretchedly; miserably

    Faggot adjectives

    wintry; blazing; ashy; glazing

    Fail (v) adverbs

    miserably; tragically; unquestionably; ridiculously; deplorably; essentially; deservedly; constantly; conspicuously; unwittingly; signally; lamentably; ignominiously; eventually; despicably; grievously; partially; scholastically; abjectly; habitually; inexplicably; indefensibly

    (See decline, deteriorate.)

    Failing verbs

    aggravate —; alter —; anticipate —; apprehend —; breed —; brood over —; compensate for —; deserve —; detect —; discover —; establish —; excuse —; exploit —; forgive —; incur —; mention —; pardon —; produce —; promote —; supply —; — enirebles; — overtakes

    (See fault, foible, shortcoming, failure, de- * ficiency, infirmity, defect.) adverbs

    indubitably; visibly; hopelessly; shockingly; feebly; weakly; languidly; decrepitly; desolately; shakily; perceptibly; manifestly; patently; conspicuously; noticeably; rapidly; inevitably; finally; slowly; obviously; avowedly; brokenly; wretchedly; pitifully; undoubtedly; languishingly; hopelessly; fatally; incurably; infirmly; strangely )

    Failings adjectives

    radical; common; inherited; proudest




    impending; eventual; despicable; grievous; pathetic; distressed; architectural; expensive; wasteful; baking; partial; corresponding; miserable; irritating; repeated; dismal; celebrated; melancholy; appalling; foredoomed; regretted; vacillatory; consecutive (pl)> preliminary; scholastic; abject; pitiable; sensible; ignominious; hideous; frantic; predestined; lamentable; mental; conspicuous; habitual; heroic; inexplicable; unhappy; indefensible; depressing; sudden; gigantic; pioneering


    ameliorate —; avert —; brood over —; court —; face —; foredoom to —; foretell —; grapple with —; indemnify against —; insure against —; offset —; Overcome —; precipitate —; predict —; punish —; view as —; — disheartens; — dismays; — impends; — invalidates; — looms

    (See bankruptcy, neglect, short-coming, failing.

    /lElld .slfcn; gj;‘ )

    Faint verbs

    anticipate —; avert —; fall into a —; feign —; fight off —; produce —; recover from —; revive from —; rouse from —; simulate —; sink in —; stay —; treat for —; — confuses; — depresses; — enfeebles; — ensues; — weakens

    (See fit, paroxysm, convulsion.) adverbs

    woefully; terribly; incredibly; illegibly; powerlessly; visibly; noticeably; conspicuously; obviously; wretchedly; helplessly; dangerously; alarmingly; dreadfully; mysteriously; strangely; oddly; curiously; wearily ; breathlessly; drowsily )

    Faint (v) adverbs

    ostensibly; charmingly; abruptly; unexpectedly; calculatingly; intermittently; designingly

    (See despond, fade.)

    Faintness adjectives

    present; humiliating


    fashionable; cruel; slumbering


    invariably; honestly; beautifully; equitably; always; indubitably; incontestably; legally; scrupulously; meticulously; carefully; dutifully; cautiously; discreetly; reasonably; surprisingly; astutely; logically; sensibly; expediently; providently; admirably; pleasantly; grudgingly; primarily; tolerably; exceptionally; satisfactorily; remarkably; generously; strictly; rigidly; impartially

    ’         •                              ,j                  .                                

    Fair-Grounds adjectives

    populous; spacious; frequented

    Fairness adjectives

    supposed; scrupulous; pretended

    n.i i                                                                           L


    assail —; bestow with —; dispute —; doubt —; exhibit —; judge —; necessitate —; repay —; reward —; -eek —; violate —; yield to —; — pleases

    (See justice, impartiality, honesty.

    ..            ■ ■ .i»i[

    Fairy adjectives

    adventurous; pitiless; rough; omnipotent; venturous; good; fiendish. ‘ '


    transform into —; —ies array; — assumes; — charms; — circles; — dances; — darts; — enchanrs; — flits; — frisks; — frolics; —- gambols; — hies away; — inhabits; — leaps; — meddles; —revels; — scampers; — sings; — tricks; — trips; — warbles

    (See angel, spirit.)

    Fairyland adjectives

    vague; misty

    Faith adjectives

    abiding; indestructible; consolatory; sub* lime; gladder; scrupulous; passionate; mutual; ripening; childlike; obliterated; obliged; nobler; inflexible; implicit; efficient; pure-eyed; grim; unbounded; whimsical; plighted; sturdy; radiant; joyful; religious; rising; unbroken; rational; potential; blind; unquestioning; manly; lesser; unfeigned; humble; trusting; unfailing; utter; undying; secure; absolute; conflicting (pl); fervid; melancholy; sincere; optimistic; earnest; allabsorbing; heartier; devouring; habitual; immaculate; lofty; unwavering; sacramental; supreme; dumb; helpless; good; willing; generous,' unalterable; unshaken; true; fugitive; orthodox; public; exulting; purblind; quickened; implied; heart-enrooted; inviolate; stalwart; tardy; obedient; blighting; impious; feeble; down-sunken; deathless; customary; active; shattered; sinless; material; profound; infirm; honorable; transcendent; barren; simple; steadfast; plural (pl)


    apostatize from —; break with; cling to —; confirm —; dampen —; endure with —; exhibit —; found upon —; forsake —; fortify —; inculcate —; inspire —; invalidate —; justify ; maintain —; manifest ; mould —; persecute for —; pervert —; pin — in; preach —; proclaim —; profess —; purge —; reawaken —; reiterate —; retain —; rivet —• in; shake share —; sway by —; voice —; — melts away; -- perishes; — quickens; — stands; — survives; — wavers

    (See assurance, belief, conviction, confidence, trust.)

    Faithful adverbs

    affectionately; loyally; duly; honorably; scrupulously; rigidly; deeply; grimly; resolutely; stutdily; undeviatingly; joyously; blindly; humbly; utterly; absolutely; optimistically; earnestly; heartily; unwaveringly; unalterably; inviolately; steadfastly; actively; flatteringly; abjectly; punctiliously; meticulously; actively; simply; unaffectedly; candidly; openly; incorruptibly; uncommonly

    Faithfulness adjectives

    utter; assertive


    believe in —; build —cherish —create —; demand — ; display —; encourage —; justify —; necessitate —; overshadow —• ; praise —; prove —; rely on —; require —; reward —; suspect —; try —; — falls; — shines; — supports; — trusts

    (See loyalty, fidelity, constancy, allegiance, devotion.)

    Faithless adverbs

    shamelessly; terribly; abominably; timorously; basely; faint-heartedly; brazenly; coolly; openly; obdurately; detestably; execrably; audaciously; perversely; hypocritically; evasively; artfully; perfidiously; cunningly; insidiously; surreptitiously; dreadfully; unbelievably; unexpectedly; direly; disastrously; shamefully

    Fake verbs

    conceive—; contrive—■; denounce—; detect —; divine—; expose—; father—; inspire—; invent—; palm off—; perform—; plan—; plunder with—; practice—; regard as—; reveal—; shape—; taboo—; uncover—; work—; —deceives; —entrances; —fascinates; —fools; —perturbs

    (See swindle, sham, deceit.)

    Fall adjectives

    tremendous; iade-green; Aveary; graceful; repeated (pl); preceding; virtuous; sloping; gleaming; deadliest; intertangled; bubbly; clattering; answering; melodious; dying; instantaneous; uncropt; thundering


    (See autumn.)

    Fall (v) adverbs

    ultimately; noiselessly; subsequently; perpendicularly; insensibly; involuntarily; supinely; disdainfully; melodiously; resistless-ly; unceasingly; inertly; precisely; incoherently; unwittingly; leisurely; dreamily; violently; intermittently; disconcertingly; fitfully; ponderously; thunderingly

    (See drop, descend.)

    Fallacious adverbs

    deeply; grossly; utterly; obviously; sorrily; patently; manifestly; wretchedly; clumsily; grotesquely; fantastically; absurdly; oddly; scientifically; deliberately; speciously; egregiously; horribly; laughably; flimsily; nonsensically; evasively; blunderingly; deceptively; intentionally; perversely; shamefully

    Fallacy adjectives

    glittering; discarded; deepest; gross; sophistical; pathetic; discovered


    accept—; admit—; challenge—; correct—; demonstrate—; denounce—; discover—; disperse—ies; disprove—; explode—; rationalize—; reveal—; ridicule—

    (See delusion, error, deception, misconception.)

    Fallibility adjectives

    extreme; obvious; apparent

    Fallible adverbs

    precariously; embarrassingly; obscurely; timidly; indecisively; vaguely; occasionally; foolishly; weakly; inconclusively; deceptively; speciously; carelessly; casually; remarkably; frequently; bewilderingly; blithely; thoughtlessly; inconsequentially; impulsively; untenably

    Falling adjectives

    unconscious; swift; desperate

    Fallow adverbs

    aridly; unfruitfully; unprofitably; naturally; carelessly; shiftlessly; passively; inactively; unproductively; purposely; improvid-ently; rudimentally; roughly; calmly; tentatively; temporarily; deliberately; advisedly; provisionally; wisely

    FALSE adverbs

    subtly; stiffly; crudely; inelegantly; crassly; grotesquely; laughably; ridiculously; awkwardly; outlandishly; stagily; cleverly; ingeniously; obviously

    Falsehood adjectives

    practised; flattering; incredible; base; clumsy; downright; palpable; grotesque; blushing; deliberate; infamous; pardonable; ingenious; cheerful; illusive; hidden; hypocritical; conventional; fawning; tortured; twisted


    accept—; admit—■ ; avoid—; challenge—; confess—; demonstrate—; denounce—*; disprove—; explode—; refrain from—; utter —; —dishonors; —pervades; —reeks; — sours; —taints

    (See lie, counterfeit, mistake, error.)

    Falseness adjectives


    Falsetto adjectives

    tender; querulous; mincing; anxious; senile

    Falsifier adjectives

    wretched; conscienceless; insidious; adept

    Falsify (v) adverbs

    mystifyingly; abundantly; basely; prodigiously; incredibly; clumsily; palpably; grotesquely; deliberately; infamously; ingeniously; hypocritically; fawningly

    (See misrepresent, distort.)

    Falter (v) adverbs

    technically; abruptly; quaveringly; meekly; habitually; agedly; feebly; unattractively; repeatedly; recurrently; absurdly; ridiculously

    (See tremble, hesitate, waver.)

    Fame adjectives

    fabulous; dying; boundless; imperishable; philosophic; volatile; hallowed; bastard; genuine; partial; lawful; glorious; prophetic; academic; inferior; abstract; soaring; shouting; patrimonial; monumental; artistic; tremendous; spotless; matchless; immense; unqualified; illustrious; extensive; prodigious; horrible; imaginary; eternal; posthumous; spurious; stainless; spreading; vague; inordinate; legal; faultless; immortal; nascent; worthy; untainted; sinister; international; equal; envious; additional; dead; serial; unpolluted; lifelong; enduring; deadly-purchased; dingy; long


    achieve—; acquire—; amass—; covet—; dazzle with—; destine to—; establish—; exalt to—; recapture—; renounce—; secure —; snatch at—; vault to—; —expands; — glows; —reaches; —rests on; —waxes

    (Ser renown, reputation, eminence, glory, notoriety.

    FAMILIAR adverbs

    thoroughly; intimately; wholly; cordially; affably; unceremoniously; informally; heartily; conversantly; entirely; highly; accessibly; courteously; perfectly; completely; habitually; wontedly; long; companionably; chattily; sociably; suavely; blandly; graciously; tactfully; genially; openly; publicly; avowedly; remarkably; undoubtedly; somewhat

    . <

    FAMILIARITY adjectives

    growing; sentimental; impertinent; legitimate; insolent; becoming; affectionate; misdirected; easy; sheer; hourly; dear; curious; intimate; democratic; personal; sweet; profane. jEi |E . ,mu[-j ;y!t!ibs-ni ;vl; '^uorneWi ; vlsicisdilsb ; Jjui wf yljninv/Gi ;             

    । .not'ih             FAMIIA


    sorrowing; aristocratic; human; peaceable; imperial; citrus; helpless; defenseless; hereditary; unnurtured; well-governed; ancient; illustrious; immediate; distinguished; ever-growing; affluent; respectable; numerous; aristocratic; discriminating; exaggerating; impecunious; influential; well-ordered; harmonious; attractive; pious; august; aghast; impoverished; meritorious; indigent; regal; talented; jarring; proud; national; wrangling; mignonette; well-regulated; homeless; powerful; intimate; decayed; short-lived; close-mouthed; stiffnecked; divided; frugal; brawny; destitute; increasing; lively; handsome; chivalrous; patrician


    contribute to—; dominate—; evict—; head —; hold—together; inspire—; join—; maintain—; respect—; reunite—; rule—; stir—; warp—; —flourishes; —overflows; —quarrels; —unites; —wrangles

    (See clan, tribe. )


    adjectives                                   r. cart

    impending; desperate; pining; consuming;

    fearful; feverish


    bring—; die in—; expose to—;- incur—; keep—at bay; lament—; perish in—; recover from—; suffer—; threaten with—; —attacks; —besieges; —blights; —clings

    —devastates; —distresses; —ensues; —frustrates; —punishes; —prevails; —ravages

    —reduces; —subdues.       "      -

    (See destitution.

    . -■)   > n „■>/.?■   ; —oxi

    drn jo ! pwob . oii» FAMISHED adverbs


    incredibly; dreadfully; shamefully; abominably; unbelievably; utterly; starvingly; actually; haggardly; gauntly; horribly; shockingly; startlingly; heartbreakingly; emaciatedly; hungrily; insatiably; breathlessly; pitiably; awfully; murderously; terribly

    ; vis it,jfrtfo ;iB.Jms ; vl^uoiieosiq ; Yllenoi;/laugev '^'^''^b^FAMOUS adierbF^

    i VJ3V I? d ’nooui jvIjIesvz

    , /Irkiloof ihu'stnousfy brilliantly;'’1 'notoriously; ftfi ribly •''inteThatibhally'PprodigiSusiyptremerf-dously; distinctly; gloriously; honorably; deservedly; ingloriously; ignobly; horribly; imperishably; splendidly; politically; proudly; nobly; undeniably; remarkably; reputably; signally; amazingly )

    “Fan" (devotee) verbs                                  

    breed—s; collect—s; produce—s; supply—s; —acclaims; —applauds;  —attends;  

    cheers; —s congregate; —s flock to; —indulges in; —is addicted to; —praises; — pursues; —s rally; —responds; —“roots” for; —s turn out

    (See fanatic, devotee.)

    Fan (implement) adjectives                                

    cooling; breezy; whirling; flirting; feather; winnowing


    employ—; install—; regulate—; —agitates

    —airs; —blasts; —blows; —buzzes; — cuols ; —churns; —creates a draft; —drives

    —eases; —refreshes; —relieves; —revol ves; —rotates; —supplies; —'Urges; —ventilates; —whizzes

    (See propeller.

    JAN (v) adverbs

    coolingly; breezily; whirlingly; refreshingly; pleasingly; irritatingly; maddeningly; furiously; feverishly

    (See cool, ventilate, rouse.

    FANATIC adjectives

    revolutionary; religious; unflinching; murderous; vegetarian; sour; crazed; recognized; unbalanced; miserable; vicious; passionate


    combat—; control—; enlist—; inflame—; Intoxicate—; oppose—; ridicule—; scorn—; transform into—; —accomplishes; —s band; —charms; —explodes; —fevers; —imagines; —infects; —inveighs against; —kindles; —prates; —prattles; —rants; —stirs; —undermines; —uproots

    • 1 r ' ■

    FANATICAL adverbs

    intolerantly; illiberally; narrowly; provincially; wildly; madly; insanely; terribly; unfortunately; fantastically; outrageously; out-landishly; unreasonably; stupidly; crazily; ribaldly; eccentrically; sharply; deeply; earnestly; fervently; fervidly; zealously; feverishly; hysterically; ungovernably; excitably; deliriously; moodily; dangerously; dreadfully

    FANATICISM adjectives

    ignorant; remorseless; arrogant; insupportable; growing; unbridled; harsh; contemptible; lamented; religious


    control—; delude by—; display—; evince—; express—; fire with—; heat with—; incline to—; incur—; inflame with—; manifest—; overwhelm by—; persecute for—; plant the seed of—; tolerate—; —disqualifies; —drains; —exaggerates; —ferments; —governs; —impresses; —inhibits; —intoxicates; —overdoes; —prejudices; —prohibits; —rends; —stimulates; —sunders; — terrifies

    (See intolerance, superstition.)

    FANCIER adjectives

    sensitive, professional

    FANCIFUL adverbs

    gloriously; illusively; abstractly; fantastically; notionally; delusively; chimerically; phantasmagorically; romantically; fugitive-ly; whimsically; momentarily; imperish-ably; extravagantly; deceptively; insubstan-tially; fabulously; inventively; voluptuously; comfortingly; ecstatically; ardently; playfully; wildly; grotesquely; absurdly; ludicrously; laughably; ridiculously; beautifully

    FANCY adjectives

    passing; distorted; subjective; sportive; delicate; religious; bubbling; enthusiastic; deluding; school-girl; ingenious; boundless; superstitious; starry; virgin; quainter; tenderer; changeful; fond; disturbed; poetical; stray; youthful; difficult; ungrateful; irritable; popular; flesh-imprisoned; wild; prodigal; subtle; shadowy; groundless; ridiculous; childish; morbid; curious; vagrant; wayward; thick-coming (pl); fluttering; riotous; trustworthy; fermenting; exquisite; languid; incipient; airiest; feeble; preposterous; lingering; sudden; busy; extravagant; fickle; romantic; correlated; luxuriant; restless; quaint; hopeless; hypochondriacal; cruel; angry; later; odd; gushing; fecund; timorous; sweet; strange; voluptuous; gentle; mystical; insistent; long-faded; quick-springing; torpid; ardent; credulous; rambling; captious; wheeling; playful; giddy; unfirm; crude; disordered; unreciprocated; fastidious; irregular; excited; distempered; ever-veering; pardonable; unearthly; waking; fragrant; flying; footless; viewless; fugitive; worthless; delicious; violent; gloomy; wild-looking; mere; weak-hinged; scheming; frivolous; hideous; thoughtful; unsettled; whimsical; diseased; quavering; extraordinary; idolatrous


    breed—; build with—; catch—; chime with —; cure of—; crystallize—; dally with in —ies; draw upon—; excite—; fit—; free from—; indulge in—; lead by—; press upon —; reject—; restrain—; —conceives; — flees; —flickers; —ies gather; —pursues; — —reigns; —roams; —rushes; —travels; —■ —wakes; —wanders

    (See fantasy, conceit, whim, caprice.)

    Fancy (-v) adverbs

    chimerically; erroneously; subjectively; enthusiastically; boundlessly; superstitiously; tenderly; poetically; ridiculously; childishly; morbidly; waywardly; romantically; voluptuously; frivolously; whimsically; idolat-rously

    See imagine, dream.

    Fandango adjectives

    shuffling; mad; whirling; vstld

    Fanfare ad jectives

    dying; sounding; glorious; wild; raucous

    Fangs adjectives

    sharpened; bloody; poisoned; harpy; particular; mimic; dripping; unseen; enormous; knotted; viewless


    bury—in; display-—; escape —; expose—-; imbed—; insert—; shed—; strike with—; — drive at; —fold back; —gnaw; —pass into

    —penetrate; —perforate; —pierce; —poison; —puncture; —spike

    (See claw, talon, nail.)

    Fantastic adverbs

    illusively; deliciously; wildly; queerly; sadly; vainly; strangely; oddly; curiously; mysteriously; romantically; whimsically; extravagantly; fabulously; divertingly; playfully; grotesquely; absurdly; ludicrously; laughably; horribly; ridiculously; unreasonably; irrationally

    Fantasy adjectives

    satirical; utopian; errant; delirious; babbling; wild; causeless; bewildering; vivid; sinful; incestuous; conjectural; winged; shadowy; scant; hideous; blasphemous; guiltless; sinuous; shaping; aboriginal; gracious; hateful; cherished; ingenious; cosmic; unconscious


    delight in—; devise—; express in—; frame in—; flutter in—; imagine in—-; live in—; project—; retreat into—; scatter—; soar in —; stray in—; travel in—; view—; wander in—; —attracts; —beckons; —gallops; — hovers; —melts away; —roams; indulge in—

    (See image, illusion, fancy, dream, phantasy, caprice.)

    Far adverbs

    incredibly; fabulously; putlandishly; outrageously; remotely; inaccessibly; impossibly; immeasurably; fantastically; wearily; extremely; surprisingly; dangerously; disturbingly; discouragingly; heartbreakingly; terribly; lamentably; pitifully; incalculably

    Farce adjectives

    coarse; physical; ghastly; gayest; moral; boisterous; solemn; gigantic; social; bawdy; glorious; brisk

    Farcical adverbs

    comically; laughably; ridiculously; ludicrously; fantastically; outlandishly; noisily; boisterously; uproariously; racily; ribaldly; coarsely; satirically; genially; socially; brilliantly; crudely; gayly; solemnly; gloriously; hilariously; spectacularly; luminously; nonsensically; extravagantly; preposterously; senselessly; ironically; cleverly; waggishly; facetiously; merrily; jocosely; whimsically; drolly; bombastically; irresistibly; tremendously

    Fare adjectives

    monotonous; dainty; palatable; delicious; sumptuous; heavenly; primitive; meager; frugal; unwholesome; humble; ambrosial; acceptable; penitential; bounteous; monastic; substantial

    Fare (passage money) verbs

    calculate-—; call for—; demand—; deposit —; extend—; forfeit—; furnish—; mislay —; necessitate—; produce—; reduce—; reject—; remit—; request—; require—; supply—; take up—

    (See money, amount, price.)

    Fare (v) adverbs

    sumptuously; disastrously; monotonously; deliciously; primitively; penitently; bounteously; substantially; monastically

    (See live, suffer.)

    Farewell adjectives

    stern; ceremonious; affectionate; cheerful; fervent; edifying; wifely; remaining; inimitable; sublime; reluctant; mock; secret; fantastical; dilated; hasty; tender; thundering; summary; courteous; sobbing; heart-breathed; horrible; silent; mute; long; touching; mechanical


    anticipate—; bid—; bless at—; deter—; express—; mourn—; pour out—; prolong—; regret—; remember—; shorten—; take—; wave—; weep—; —depresses; —distresses; —ensues; —pains; —saddens; —terminates

    Far-Fetched adverbs

    laboriously; ridiculously; ineptly; irrelevantly; absurdly; ludicrously; unfortunately; clumsily; outlandishly; discordantly; inappropriately; pointlessly; senselessly; foolishly; studiously; sedulously; speciously; vapidly; inanely; stupidly; doltishly; remarkably; vacuously; childishly

    Farm adjectives

    stud; hospitable; deserted; scattered; exhausted; allodial; collective; extensive; productive; diversified; isolated; fruitful; well-cultivated


    abandon—; cultivate—; dwell on—; equip —; establish—; forsake—; grow on—; inhabit—; labor on—; leave—; maintain—; overrun—; raise on—; settle on—; till—; transform—; vacation on—; —deteriorates; —employs; —furnishes; —nestles; —produces; —provides; —supplies

    (See land, tract, district.)

    Farmer adjectives

    incautious; florid; peasant-like; hard-handed; embattled; prosperous; stricken; indifferent; sheep; border-line; enlightened; sinewy; gentleman; close-fisted; liberal-hearted; disingenuous; venturesome; stout; industrious; plodding


    grubstake—; subsidize—; tax—; —cultivates; —fertilizes; —flourishes; —furrows; —garners; —gathers; —harvests; —hoes; —labors; —markets; —ploughs; —prunes; —reaps; —slaves; —sows; —spades; — thrives; —tills; —plucks

    (See countryman, peasant.)

    Farm-House adjectives

    pleasant; smiling; comfortable-looking; stout


    abandon—; care for—; conceal—; describe —; dwell in—; erect—; gather in—; locate —; long for—; renovate—; restore—; search for—; surround—; threaten—; welcome—; yearn for—; —deteriorates; —nestles; —stands; retire to—

    (See dwelling, building, house.)

    Farming adjectives

    speculative; diversified; intensive; fertile; scientific

    Fascinate (v) adverbs

    bewitchingly; enchantingly; inexplicably; infinitely; absurdly; irresistibly; singularly; carnally; voluptuously; dangerously

    (See charm, enchant.)

    Fascina TED adverbs

    inexpressibly; inordinately; incomprehensibly; radiantly; innocently; incredibly; marvellously; artlessly; unconsciously; utterly; thoroughly; completely

    Fascina TING adverbs

    adorably; attractively; bewitchingly; charmingly; inexpressibly; dazzlingly; radiantly; innocently; designedly; intentionally; cleverly; incredibly; undeniably; marvellously; inordinately; dangerously; winningly; artlessly; unconsciously; utterly; highly; thoroughly; teasingly; smartly; consciously; craftily; seductively; completely

    Fascination adjectives

    painful; potent; enchanting; dread; charming; horrible; occult; absorbing; inexplicable; perilous; acute; infinite; tremulous; inexhaustible; ominous; youthful; absurd; irresistible; singular; divine; wild; carnal; indefinable; wonderful; dangerous; shud-dery; personal


    apply—; cast—; employ—; lie under—; overcome—; prevent—; resist—; succumb to—; surrender to—; sweep on by—; tantalize with—; withstand—; yield to—; —attracts; —binds; —compels; —draws; — freezes; —haunts; —impels; —masters; — overpowers; —perils; —prevails

    (See enchantment, charm, influence, attraction.)

    Fascism adjectives

    distinct; aggressive; insidious; powerdrunk; efficient; masterful; stultifying


    admit to—; establish—; infect with—; inspire—; join—; oppose—; smack of—; succumb to—; support—; yield to—; —advocates; —aims at; —attacks; —campaigns; —controls; —crushes; —deprives; —embodies; —enforces; —girds its loins; —organizes; —ousts; —prohibits; —regulates; —revolts; —riots; —violates; —welds

    (See movement.)

    Fashion adjectives

    convincing; casual; improving: scimitar; belated; futile; paternal; masterly; promising: authentic; sumptuous; peculiar; sinister; bourgeois; summery; changing; refreshing: military; charming; comical; vigorous; cold-blooded; casual; coat; outstanding; debonair; dress; sensational; gay; important; hurried; righteous; tawdry; wicked; pernicious; bygone; graceful; latest; effeminate; aesthetic; school-boy; regal; exclusive; foolish; beastly; fickle; mythical; tragic; fine; quaint; excellent; picturesque; debased; florid; symbolic; polluted; seemly; obedient; faultless; orderly; jovial; delicate; hearty; squalid; metropolitan; expensive; liberal; excited; impulsive; infantine; unstudied; unostentatious; accepted; surly; taciturn; shifting; smart; early; appealing; distinctive; formless; hellish; malignant; piquant; self-respecting; desultory; unbecoming; perfect; coordinating; candid; straightforward; corduroy; fantastic; rare; oriental; prevailing; serious; high-and-mighty; outlandish; simple; superficial; identical; classic; perpendicular; intrusive; orthodox; rude; bungling; haphazard; obvious; offensive; primitive; phlegmatic; soldierly; dramatic; feminine; fanciful; diverting; characteristic; feeble; brilliant; stimulating; fastidious; clownish; enervating; window-shutter; democratic; brutal; halting; obsolete; fugitive; literary; noble; obstinate; materialistic; unceremonious; ornate; reckless; romantic; humblest; patriarchal; gossipy; chatty; forced; upstart; plain; childish; united; inconvenient; awkward; listless; vague: antique; bovine; lavish; merciless; beneficent; contradictory; womanly


    accommodate—; anticipate—; appraise by —; attune to—; balk at—; create—; decree —; follow—; influence—; purvey—; rule—; set—; style—; —derives from; —dies out; —endures; —fades; —flickers out; —prevails: —roots in

    (See mode, method, usage, style.)

    Fashion (v) adverbs

    primitively; crudely; superbly; flawlessly; deftly; tenderly; meticulously; delicately; comically; sensationally; gaily; perniciously; aesthetically; quaintly; picturesquely; symbolically; unostentatiously; fantastically; rudely; haphazardly; offensively; dramatically; characteristically; fastidiously; democratically; ornately; awkwardly

    (See style, make.)

    Fashionable adverbs

    completely; occasionally; enthusiastically; seriously; carefully; entirely; thoroughly; uncommonly; extraordinarily; habitually; conventionally; decorously; highly; modish-ly; socially; conformably; stylishly; jauntily; conspicuously; resolutely; determinedly; exquisitely; foppishly; flirtatiously; preten-fiously; famously; notoriously; splendidly; reputably; eminently; imposingly; impressively; inveterately

    Fast adverbs

    incredibly; expeditiously; smartly; actively; mercurially; nimbly; remarkably; amazingly; marvellously; miraculously; unaccountably; intolerably; breathlessly; dangerously; alarmingly; hazardously; bewilder-ingly; terrifically; insanely; inordinately; immoderately; immeasurably; incalculably

    Fast (v) adverbs

    stubbornly; continually; frequently; tediously; determinedly; fatally; fanatically; rigorously; monastically; severely

    (See starve) abstain.)

    Fasten (v) adverbs

    securely; attractively; firmly; gaily; fastidiously; competently; snugly; closely; permanently; temporarily

    (See fix, secure.

    Fastidious adverbs

    inordinately; extravagantly; daintily; precisely; primly; exquisit-ly; neatly; habitually; punctiliously; rigidly; strictly; rigorously; arbitrarily; admirably; marvellously; meticulously; priggishly; delicately; captiously; censoriously; scrupulously

    Fastidiousness adjectives

    aristocratic; complete; extreme; studied

    Fastness adjectives

    forest; wild; remote; unillumined; mountain; inaccessible; rugged; desolate; solitary

    zu.     .    b

    Fasts adjectives

    frequent; bitter; tedious; hunger-strike

    Fat adjectives

    twofold; juicy; rancid; waxy; resinous; insoluble; additional; indigestible


    accrue—; accumulate—; acquire—; compose of—; devour—; digest—; emulsify—; fight against—; grow—; guard against—; live on—of; overcharge with—; prevent—; produce—; provide—; provoke—; put on —; reduce—; ridicule—; store up—; supply —; —blossoms; —forms; —nourishes; — sizzles

    (See flesh.)


    inexpressibly; unhappily; incredibly; incurably; laughably; lamentably; comfortably; contentedly; distressingly; absurdly; ridiculously; ludicrously; sadly; joyously; dangerously; heavily; gracefully; admittedly; funnily; unreasonably; incorrigibly; complacently; complainingly; mournfully; dramatically; pathetically; gracelessly; shapelessly; waddlingly

    Fatal adverbs

    unhappily; unfortunately; lamentably; deplorably; grievously; inevitably; presumably; usually; heartbreakingly; obscurely; darkly; strangely; oddly; curiously; mysteriously; unaccountably; irresistibly; inexorably; violently; mercifully; inescapably

    Fatalism adjectives

    vulgar; stubborn; reckless; hysterical; inevitable

    Fatalistic adverbs

    invererately; unshakably; implicitly; soberly; staunchly; confidently; incorrigibly; positively; gloomily; delusively; dispassionately; stubbornly; fantastically; calmly; unreasonably; irrationally; unfathomably; vaguely; actually; absurdly; destructively; insanely; credulously; securely; doctrinally

    Fatality adjectives

    irresistible; all-powerful; inexorable; stark; strange; ironical

    Fate adjectives

    indulgent; tempted; solemn; inexorable; ultimate; special; pure; untoward; unchallenged; relentless; kindly; subsequent; uncommon; cruel; bitter; Ignominious; blind; baffling; cramping; tragic; hostile; fixed; adverse; obedient; precious: unenviable; inevitable; awful; varied (pl); incumbent; obdurate; dismal; probable; narrower; tear-compelling; fairest; obliging: uncertain; evil; chequered; vanquished; whimsical; dedicated; happy; pursuing; favoring; deplorable; melancholy; endangered; ungentle; oracular; fabled; vulgar; worldly; harsh; indifferent; ruthless; unconscious; impending; proper; insensate; hapless; thwarting; sundering; monarchial; horrible; undoubted; ample; leafless; ungracious


    accept—; challenge—; cloud—; confront by —; dodge—; fulfill—; hinge on—; impose by—; mould—; outwit—; preside over—; prophesy—; resign to—; scoff at—; seal-—; share—; work out—; —crushes; —deals; — destines; —engulfs; —fashions; —hangs; — moulds; —orders; —pushes; —singles out


    (See destiny, necessity, doom, death.)

    Fated adverbs

    blindly; adversely; inexorably; inevitably; imperiously; relentlessly; inauspiciously; ominously; portentously; luckily; auspiciously; resistlessly; direly; blessedly; obscurely; propitiously; unluckily; unpropitiously. tects; — punishes; — restrains; — scolds; — spoils; — supports; — thrashes

    (See parent, ancestor, author, moth )


    Fatherland adjectives

    icebound; heavenly; pleasant; memorable

    Fatherless adverbs

    unhappily; forlornly; unluckily; unfortunately; helplessly; drearily; desolately; miserably; wretchedly; pitiably; disconsolately; haplessly; deplorably; cheerlessly; dismally; obviously

    Fatherly adverbs

    dutifully; indulgently; severely; gently; unnecessarily; quietly; wisely; proudly; providently; lovingly; generously; warmly; humanely; benevolently; sympathetically; comfortingly; amiably; lovingly; graciously; complaisantly; bounteously; benignly; mercifully; magnanimously; tenderly; warmly; softly; accommodatingly; usefully; considerately

    Father adjectives

    doting; implacable; prosaic; crusading; reverend; illustrious; active; improvident; bustling; electioneering; mitered; groveling; virtuous; joyful; ill-tempered; fond; dreadful; peevish; noble; ghostly; banished; honored; earthly; obdurate; hilarious; strenuous; formidable; vain; hollow; heartless; persecuted; imperial; uncowled; stricken; avaricious; spendthrift; unsuspecting; benignant; narrow-praying; blustering; indulgent; worthy; irate; grimy; jaunty; tender; scholarly; venerable;. adoptive; remorseful; impecunious; avaricious; dissolute; judicious; temporal; deceiving; autocratic


    adopt     adore —; ape —; idolize •«; ob

    tain —; owe to —; respect —; revere •=■; — advises; — aids; — allows; — assents; — corrects; — declares; — guards; — guides; — maintains; — moulds; — neglects; — nourishes; — pampers; — permits; — pets; — presents; — prevents; — pro

    Fathomless adverbs

    abysmally; profoundly; mysteriously; vastly; quietly; shudderingly; drearily; tranquilly; dangerously; immeasurably; incalculably; voicelessly; terrifyingly; inscrutably

    Fatigue adjectives

    industrial; wild; insidious; extreme; expressed; decreased; unexplainable; excessive; pure; dangerous; painful; mental; undue; alcoholic; sheer; deep; unparalleled; harsh; dreamy; curing; resultant; intolerable; unwonted


    allay —; alleviate —; avoid —; correct dispel —; droop in —; eliminate —; endure —; induce —; inure to —; lessen —; measure —; produce —; recover from —; recuperate from —; — daunts; — dulls; — ensues

    (See exhaustion, weariness.)

    Fatigued adverbs

    inexpressibly; alarmingly; desperately; extremely; excessively; immeasurably; remarkably; inexplicably; painfully; mentally; physically; inordinately; deeply; intolerably; utterly; terribly; seriously; haggardly; gauntly; frightfully; mysteriously; unreasonably; quickly

    Fatuity adjectives

    parental; unspeakable; apparent

    Fatuous adverbs

    unspeakably; tiresomely; foolishly; vacuously; inanely; idiotically;, senselessly; absurdly; waggishly; terribly; preposterously; egregiously; intolerably; emptily; nonsensically; bombastically; pompously; absurdly; vaguely; insignificantly; ordinarily; habitually; frivolously; inconsequentially; endlessly; wearily; piaguedly

    Faucet adjectives

    defective; rushing; singing; whistling; mixing; shining; dripping

    Fault adjectives

    inherited; earthly; unforgivable: social; existing; distinctive; unbelievable; beastly; serious; cold; rankest; vile; outfacing; innumerable (pl); grave; glaring; inherent; headstrong; potent; grossest; unpardonable; undeserved; evident; grievous; universal; punishable; irremediable; apparent; brilliant; contrasted; unexpiable; venial; gracious; unwilling; prime; rash; technical; shunning; pernicious; excusable; tragic; ill-favored


    accept —; atone for —; beset by —; burden with —; compensate for —; confess -—; conquer —; denounce —; disclose —; evince —; excuse —*; find —; flay -—; guard against —: iron out —s; lapse into —; lay — on; Overlook —; spare —; subdue —; — blemishes; — glares; — mars

    (See error, mistake, offense.)

    Faultless adverbs

    perfectly; incredibly; utterly; marvellously; inexpressibly; obviously; manifestly; immaculately; superbly; splendidly; absolutely; fashionably; rarely; technically; ineffably; remarkably; completely; theoretically; comparatively; exquisitely; overwhelmingly; matchlessly; morally; mechanically; artistically; unapproachably; unbelievably

    Faulty adverbs

    technically; mechan.cally; obviously; pro* vokingly; undeniably; intentionally; designedly; purposely; unfortunately; reprehen-sibly; grievously; inexcusably; unpardon-ably; irremediably; curiously; strangely; grossly; frightfully; slightly; unfortunately; strategically; absurdly; stupidly; cruelly; ludicrously; horribly

    Favor adjectives

    distinguished; heavenly; fairy; generous; sweet; fashionable; unmistakable; dissembled; supreme; gracious; royal; political; special; childish; imperial; ephemeral; trifling; scientific; singular; flattering: divine; equivalent; princely; preferential; ecclesiastical; gastronomical; private


    bask in —; bestow —; beg —; bid —; compete for —; confer — on; court —; curry — with; deny —; design —; dispense —s; efface —s; entertain — of; fall out of —; flow in — of; meet with —; seek —; win —; yield —s; — fattens

    (See kindness, benefit, advantage.)

    Favor (v) adverbs

    patently; particularly; manifestly; fruitlessly; universally; unduly; corruptly; incidentally; uncannily; generously; sweetly; politically; childishly; ephemerally; scientifically; singularly; gastronomically; ecclesiastically; privately

    (See support, encourage.)

    Favorable adverbs

    highly; profoundly; obviously; certainly; sweetly; cordially; sincerely; undoubtedly; unqualifiedly; unconditionally; heartily; enthusiastically; immediately; graciously; singularly; flatteringly; publicly; unmistakably; considerately; openly; remarkably; marvelously; auspiciously; zealously; actively; altogether

    Favorite adjectives

    universal; overwhelming; particular; exclusive; profligate; prime; especial; eternal; general; reigning; indulged; current; perennial; summer; envious; unquestioned


    acclaim—; admire—; bestow on—; cheer—; choose—; cultivate—; deny—; grant—; gratify—; mark as—; receive—; regard as —; respect—; reveal—; shine on—; —effaces; —requests; —tumbles; —wins

    (See companion, associate, friend, etc.)


    undeniably; obviously; universally; currently; apparently; enviably; curiously; strangely; unreasonably; openly; offensively; flauntingly; pleasantly; attractively; socially; companionably

    Favoritism adjectives

    personal; opposing; apparent; political; annoying

    Fawn adjectives

    sportive; tender; new-roused; nursling; startled; leaping; gamboling; gentle

    Fawn (v) adverbs

    obsequiously; servilely; tenderly; sportively; gently; calculatingly; schemingly; slyly; traitorously; impiously

    (See flatter, cringe.)

    Fawning adverbs

    unctuously; fulsomely; servilely; humbly; slavishly; flatteringly; cringingly; abjectly; basely; meanly; obsequiously; pliantly; subtly; sycophantically; shamelessly; artfully; craftily; shrewdly; pretentiously; knavishly; deceitfully; unscrupulously; openly; unashamedly; deferentially; submissively

    Fealty adjectives

    unswerving; lifelong; forsworn


    . tio3 -40. ui'^ru >5'1            1

    Fear (v) adverbs

    unjustifiably; instinctively; inexpressibly; grossly; unreasoningly; jealously; harrow-ingly; irrationally; superstitiously; abysmally; oppressively; exaggeratedly; unreasonably; hauntingly; pathologically; morbidly; momentarily; secretly; excessively; pitiably; distressingly; incomprehensibly; groundlessly; inexpressibly; mysteriously

    (See dread, apprehend.)

    • 1.1: X'J ; 3 Z1 •      

    , .j.jrtEu• $     )i-                    FEARFI



    indefinably; childishly; unusually; un-wontedly; nervously; superstitiously; fretfully; foolishly; bashfully; incredibly; unreasonably; morbidly; prudently; dreadfully; naturally; vaguely; perpetually; momentarily; constantly; nanielessly; secretly; slightly; excessively; strangely; terribly; prophetically; grimly; tormentingly; pitiably; distressingly; tenderly; gloomily; idiotically; incomprehensibly; groundlessly; helplessly; anxiously; uneasily; unutterably; unaccountably; inexpressibly; shudderingly; shiveringly; darkly; coldly; mysteriously; timidly; queerly; curiously; starkly; timorously; genuinely; suspiciously; significantly


    Fear J.ESS


    unquestionably; utterly; curiously; oddly; unnaturally; habitually; temperamentally; always; bombastically; boastfully; pretentiously; ostentatiously; .apparently; avowedly; allegedly; amazingly; incredibly; confidently; boldly; valiantly; intrepidly; calmly; serenely; quietly;. courageously; firmly; doggedly; resolutely; determinedly

    -oiq ; jtr-,nirnot? "    :m« 1 :

    .ct:o■■ p / iltrnp razimiio FEASIBLE adverbs Aingmsi

    ja-ir.’i ; fcoixsiup j ^niaa up easily; smoothly; clearly; undeniably; practically; apparently; oddly; entirely; completely; unbelievably; patently^: palpably; manifestly; possibly; scarcely; hardly; conceivably; perhaps ^ uncertainly; doubtfully. -32 ; ifljoi’13- ;                 . Icfioilll.”’ >"> 111132

    -u^nie ;qicd« ; inE.jriirigia ; ntrJni; \<*FEAST ad jectives

    ;l I cm 2 ; gniiadmul? ;iai2ini2 ;icl solemn; artistic; annual; sinful; memorable; sumptuous; continuous; constant; horrible; royal; ample; joyful; Lucullan; endless; sacrificial; accustomed; pagan; popish; marshaled; rural; movable; fashionable; bountiful; convent; princely; wondrous; funeral; impious; nobler; inimitable; superfluous; triumphal; Saturnalian; sun-born; purveying; vernal; reasonable


    anticipate—; bless—; cater at—; celebrate with—; crown—with; destine for—; enjoy —; enter—; entertain at—; gather for—; gorge at—; hold—; honor at—; invite to—; join in—; partake of—; plan—; prepare—; rejoice at—; —cheers; —commemorates; — gratifies; —refreshes

    (See entertainment, repast, anniversary.)

    Feast (v) adverbs

    convivially; recklessly; annually; triumphantly; bountifully; gluttonously; unstintedly; sumptuously; memorably; idolatrously; lavishly

    (See dine, eat, gratify.)

    Feasting adjectives

    mutual; swinish

    Feat adjectives

    notable; merchandising; piteous; prodigious; additional; superhuman; inconsiderable; extraordinary; curious; noble; herculean; elaborate; pugilistic; haughty; brilliant; spectacular; dashing; marvelous; warlike; magic; miraculous; incomparable

    3 b •


    acclaim—; accomplish—; advertise—: applaud—; duplicate—; emulate—; enact—; enjoy—; equal—; exploit—; gasp at—; perfect—; perform—; practise—; praise—; recount—; regale with—; watch—; work—; —awes; —dazzles; —delights; —displays; —enthralls; —pleases; —punctures

    (See act, performance, deed, exploit, achievement.

    ■■■■ / .   ' r:c:"         t r.-.         ...)

    Feature (of the face) verbs

    age—s; blur—s; characterize—s; cheat of —; cloak—s; cloud—s; contort—s; define —s; discern—s; • distinguish—s; inherit—; mark—; obliterate—s; scar—; sketch—; weary—; —s beam; —s express; —s glare; —s glisten; —s gloom; —indicates; —s pucker up; —s shine

    (See shape, form, face.)

    Feature (Part


    acclaim—; applaud—; appraise—; bar—; conceal—; detect—; eliminate—; embody—; evince-—; execute—; incorporate—; negate —; plan—; present—; preserve—; recognize—; schedule—; strike at—

    (See item, characteristic, point.)

    Feature (v) adverbs

    exclusively; faultlessly; consistently; animatedly; monotonously; characteristically; classically; conspicuously; disastrously; decorously; distinctively; distortedly; dominat-ingly; eloquently; graphically; harmoniously; irrationally; legitimately; offensively; picturesquely; piquantly; perennially; specifically; dominantly

    (See portray, delineate.)

    Features adjectives

    active; added; additional; advanced; agitated; agreeable; air-cooling; alabaster; altered; amazing; angular; angelic; animated; anxious; aristocratic; aquiline; arrogant; ascetic; attractive; astonishing; automatic; awkward; battered; bearded; bearish; bold; beauteous; benevolent; benignant; bewitching; bizarre; bloated; brightest; blurred; bronzed; Caesarean; calm; characteristic; charming; chiseled; clean-

    Fecundity adjectives

    incredible; mental; artificial

    Federal adverbs

    impressively; inescapably; finally; predominantly; imperiously; authoritatively; officially; imperatively; compulsively; autocratically; decisively; conclusively; grandly

    Federation adjectives

    loose; irksome; compact


    accomplish—; ally with—; condense into—; contract—; dismember—; establish—; form —; join,—; organize—; propose—; readjust •—; unite—; —advocates; —authorizes; — campaigns; —controls; —delegates; —despairs; —develops; —manages; —performs; —supports

    (See league, alliance, association, union.)

    V ■ ' '

    Fee adjectives

    ceremonious; unpredictable; hateful; wandering; prodigious; undeserved

    .; i<            tn


    accept—; augment—; beg for—; bill—; calculate—; command—; demand—; entitle to —; execute—; expect—; fatten on—; fix—; grant—; hold in—; incur,—; limit—; merit —; perform for—; procure—; promise—; refuse—; require—; rob of—

    (See payment, reward, wage,

    feeble pdverbs

    pitiably; lamely; hunchedly; forlornly; lugubriously; pleasantly; comfortably; placidly; admittedly; distressingly; passively; plaintively; touchingly; helplessly; utterly; frequently

    Feebleness adjectives

    infantine; boyish; inherent; gathering; negligent; accustomed


    commit to—; conceal—; convince of—; cure —; degenerate into—; delight in—; fall in —; feign—-; guard against—; imply-—; indicate—; inflict—; loathe—; minimize—; mourn—; pity—; produce—; resist—; ridicule—; —afflicts; —deters; —prevents

    (See debility, weakness, infirmity.)

    Feed (v) adverbs

    serenely; omnivorously; sumptuously; gluttonously; continually; artfully; carefully; delicately; dietetically; scientifically; consistently; regularly; beneficially; sparingly

    (See nourish, subsist.)

    Feeding adjectives

    careful; destructive; faithful; delicate; W'orthy; fast


    abstain from—; administer—; anticipate—; attempt—; call for—; crown—with; encourage—; force—; gorge in—; invite to—; join in—; manage—; partake of—; plan—; prepare—; provide—; regulate—; rely upon —; serve—; surfeit—; supervise—; — chokes; —nourishes; —refreshes; —satiates; govern—

    (See food, eating.)

    Feel (v) adverbs

    instinctively; genuinely; sweetly; exquisitely; amiably; turbulently; reverently; maternally; triumphantly; graciously; exuberantly; vindictively; poetically; spontaneously; tyrannically; morbidly; mutually; congenially; compassionately; philanthropical-ly; vehemently; profoundly; spiritually

    (See touch, grope, handle, )

    Feeling adjectives

    grateful; peculiar; deep-souled; instinctive; undiminished; sensitive; partisan; genuine; suppressed; subdued; pragmatic; sweet; exaggerated; repressed; empty; artistic; exquisite; amiable; ardent; selfish; congealed; sad; vague; solemn; painful; exasperated; intuitive; strange; sickening; horrible; ineffable; bitter; ancient; feudal; passionate; regenerated; turbulent; dreadful; reciprocal; lofty; high-wrought; bewildered; unmistakable; soapy; reverent; excited; cognate; sacred; anti-clerical; preponderant; triumphant; imaginative; sublime; gracious; expansive; tender; profound; humble; vindictive; apparent; inward; unshared; poetic; spontaneous; remorseful; strangled; exuberant; tight; revolted; morbid; hostile; tyrannical; pent-up; shamed; kindly; grosser; evident; aesthetic; enthusiastic; unfounded; overcharged; mutual; subconscious; rancorous; remorseful; diminished; absurd; universal; annoying; intense; haughty; strange; telltale; fantastic; congenial; burning; dim; compassionate; appreciative; philanthropic; suspicious; ruffled; discordant; queer; ripened; awesome; uneasy; sick; half-ironical; half-superstitious; affectionate; dysphoric; nervous; innermost; mingled; maternal; erroneous; poignant; acute; stilted; upleasant; differentiated; unfilial; immoral; rarest; uncanny; overburdened; potent; unworthy; felicitous; vehement; complicated; dormant; fortified; taut; strained; dissimilar; mercenary; jealous; devotional; democratic; unhappy; wounded; pious; fancied; resultant; superior; uncomfortable; profound; mightiest; domestic; warm; hangdog; worn-out; ill; benevolent; indescribable; restless; blissful; liberal; selfish; holiest; lingering; contrary; half-defined; resentful; noble; national; subtler; ungovernable; amicable; subordinate; individual; refreshing; genial; embarrassed; lethargic; unspeakable; sincere; kindred; tight-throated; breathless; repressed; energetic; martial; honest; playing; heady; oldish; forlorn; uncertain; spiritual

    .      < • ' ,tl’ U . '      13


    abate—; analyze—; awaken—; capture—; cherish—; deaden—; disturb-—; divulge—; engender—; evince—; evoke—; excite—; experience—; express—; foster—;• gratify —; guard—; harbor—; hide—; impart—; inflame—; inhibit—; injure—; instill—; manifest—; mask—; modify—; outrage—; pen up—; petrify—; probe—; provoke—; quicken—; regard with—; reveal—; rouse —; soothe—; stir up—; strain—; strengthen —; subdue—; suffuse with—; tamper with —; tinge—; vent—; voice—; wound—; — blossoms; —dominates; —envelops; —explodes; —impends; —impresses; —overpowers; —overwhelms; —persists; —pervades; —pours from; —rests upon; —runs high; —subsides

    (See sensation, emotion, sentiment, consciousness, conviction.

    , 1 .       >                                 >. C )

    Feet adjectives

    tender; multitudinous; dancing; delicate; pattering; marshy; scuffing; indolent; industrious; accursed; reluctant; whispering; undelaying; dainty; wicked; wanton; unwearied; aimless; overlarge; charming; rugged; untrammelled; twinkling; trampling; faltering; restless; uncertain; racing; dimpled; fear-sped; clammy; golden; errant; daring; blistered; webbed; tripping; willing: strolling; straddling; small; silvery; marshalled; angel; dangling; swift; flying; aristocratic; slender; tortured; erring; distorted; impious; unshod; wary; bare; romping; glorious; shuffling; noiseless; stumbling; wandering; shod; trembling; claw; moccasined; scurrying; cautious; hurried; shoe-encased; churlished; infinitesimal; desultory; approaching; substantial; windy; hastening; airy; grappling; morning-winged; mournful; running; consecrated; stag-dering; myriad; veined; spreading; peaceabiding; wayward; bleeding; rushing; careless; adroit; feathery; bruised; radiant; big; muddy; charging; dirty; countless; silent; aching; echoing; shrivelled; calloused; sagging; desperate; lagging; leaden; wild; timorous; ivory-channeled; skipping; eager; jumping; cursed; stealthy; faultless; tiny; swirling; swift; frenzied; nimble; ample; heroic; huge; tottering; none-too-steady; unsure; immovable; obstinate; halting; dragging; indifferent; sweaty; ragged: graceless; slipshod; deformed; crippled; swollen; faltering; arched; slim; elongated; narrow; cloven; squared; padded; innumerable; slippered; heavily-shod; sandaled; velvet; clay; piggish; clattering; thudding; hobbled; stockinged; satined; rubbered; thumping; pounding; wandering; scampering; stamping; marching; little; shuffling; naked; parched; outraged; uncivilized; trusting; tireless; wary; bound; tangled; unseen; departing; protruding; unguided; educated; prodding; frantic; creeping; booted; thick; mad; clawing: immortal; fetter-incumbered; plundering

    Feign (adverbs

    calculatingly; slyly; cleverly; expressly; treacherously; artfully; skillfully; deftly; fawningly; dissolutely; roguishly; knavish-iy

    (See pretend, simulate, assume.)

    Feint adjectives

    preliminary; solitary; diplomatic

    Felicitation verbs

    accept—; acknowledge—; anticipate—; bestow—; compliment with—; delight in—; enjoy—; exchange—; express—; extend—; greet with—; incur—; inspire—; offer—; present—produce—;'n promote—; pronounce—; receive—; return—; thank for—; —pleases

    (See congratulation.)

    Felicitous adverbs

    auspiciously; opportunely; happily; supremely; supei.bly; grandly; splendidly; inexpressibly; undeniably; altogether; consummately; utterly; singularly; unexpectedly; harmoniously; delightfully; rapturously; extremely; unusually; uncommonly


    Fellowship adjectives

    sweet; pleasant; superficial; close-linked; accursed; generous


    admit—; build up—; enjoy—; enter into—; entitle to—; honor—; instil—; obtain—

    . ... .

    necessitate—; participate in—; receive in—; refuse—; reject—; renounce—; separate from—; share in—; shatter—; unite in—

    —honors; —predominates

    (See companionship, association.)

    Felon adjectives

    acquitted; larcenous

    'ir'. /3'-s

    Felonious adverbs

    dastardly; outrageously; contemptibly; obviously; openly; heinously; infamously; basely; grossly; shamelessly; scandalously; brutally; atrociously; scurvily; diabolically; terribly; frightfully; horridly; insanely; venomously; fiendishly

    Felt adjectives

    faded; clean

    Female adjectives

    buxom; irresponsible; elderly; frivolous; elegant; delicate; sour-faced; anemic; hysteric; shivering; tattered; bewildered; unimpeachable; upholstered; parthenogenetic; large; desirable; muscular; unattached; angular; firm-faced; formidable; grim

    Feminine adverbs

    daintily; sweetly; delightfully; ravishingly; ineffably; seductively; bewitchingly; charmingly; lovably; utterly; provokingly; wantonly; weakly; dependently; irritatingly; clingingly; comfortingly; gracefully; graciously; altogether

    Femininity adjectives

    stigmatized; collective; rampant; disquieting; flagrant; desirable

    Fence adjectives

    woven-wire; straggling; distorted; elaborate; bushy; pitiless; verbal; locust; splitrail; hurdle; whitewashed; spiritual; weather-beaten


    break through—; construct—erect—; fortify with—; hurdle—; jump—; leap—; level —; provide—; repair—; skirt—; straddle —; surround with—; —bars; —defends; — deters; —encloses; —guards; —hinders; — limits; —partitions; —protects; —repels; — restricts; —screens; —shields; —wards off; —yields

    (See defence, wall.)

    Fence (v) adverbs

    deftly; skillfully; artfully; vigorously; expertly; professionally; fascinatingly; mentally; courageously; intelligently; arrogantly

    (See evade, shift.)

    Fender verbs

    attach—; bump—; clod—; crack—; damage —; dent—; run into—; rust—; secure—; splash—; split—; spray—; streamline—; strike—; —s collide; —guards; —prevents; —protects; —rattles; —shimmies; — squeaks; —vibrates

    Ferment adjectives

    putrid; foreign; alcoholic; microscopic; anarchistic; violent; subtle; tumultuous; active political; irresistible

    Ferment (v) adverbs

    putridly; alcoholically; microscopically; violently; subtly; tumultuously; politically; irresistibly; actively

    (See decay, excite.)

    Fermentation adjectives

    vinous; offensive; natural


    agitate to —; control —; employ —; excite to —; give rise to —; hinder —; incur —; occasion —; produce —; subject to —; suffer —; undergo —; work —; — aids; — results; — sours; — subsides

    (See decomposition, transformation.)

    Fern adjectives

    discolored; luxuriant; water-loving; minute

    exquisite; metallic; lacelike; sprouting

    Ferocious adverbs

    savagely; inexpressibly; cruelly; diabolically; unspeakably; atrociously; brutally; pretentiously; comically; dutifully; unduly; mercilessly; ruthlessly; inhumanly; malevolently; coldly; unnaturally; unbelievably; stonily; barbarously; heinously; utterly; uncommonly; unutterably

    Ferocity adjectives

    gloomy; deft; reckless; uncommon; brutal; diabolic; dull; pitiless; cruel; vigilant; admirable; frightful; unmitigated; martial; senseless; terrific; moist; clammy; mad; hair-raising; ill-concealed; blazing; incredible; unlimited; ungovernable; lurid; smoldering


    abate —; display escape —; fire with —; generate incur —4 inflame to —; occasion —; ponder —; provpke to re

    cover from —; salve rn-; shake with —subdue —; — alarms; — blights; — destroys; — frightens; — overwhelms; — terrifies

    (See cruelty, fury.)

    Ferry adjectives

    improvised; antiquated; electric

    Fertile adverbs

    creatively; productively; luxuriantly; abundantly; fruitfully; teemingly; richly; plente-ously; inexhaustibly; incredibly; remarkably; superbly; amazingly; incomparably; matchlessly; satisfactorily; surprisingly; naturally; highly; completely

    Fertility adjectives

    triumphant; personal; exuberant; teeming; superior; incredible; inexhaustible; dauntless; absolute; amazing; singular; improved; intellectual; unrivaled; incomparable

    Fertilizer verbs

    advocate ■*—; apply —; broadcast —; employ —; enrich with —; gorge with —; introduce —; purchase —; stock with —; supply —: — enhances; — enriches; — generates; — replenishes

    Fervent adverbs

    warmly; sincerely; ardently; zealously; eagerly; significantly; earnestly; actively; utterly; heartily; fanatically; uncommonly; remarkably; contagiously; piously; magnetically; eloquently; feverishly; passionately; youthfully; dynamically; intensely; tremendously; solemnly; amazingly

    Fervid adverbs

    intensely; emotionally; contagiously; infectiously; feverishly; nervously; peculiarly; oddly; curiously; abnormally; strangely; glowingly; hotly; impressively; rapturously; breathlessly; zealously; absorbingly; fanatically; impetuously; magnificently

    Fervor adjectives

    contagious; inward; renewed; religious; superficial; unprecedented; magnetic; disinterested; eloquent; undiminished; poetic; feverish; lurid; intolerable; passionate; revolutionary; equinoctial; meridian; devotional; exalted; involuntary; racy; youthful; vain; primitive; nationalistic; dynamic; patriotic; blazing; fascinating; emotional; intense; defensive; animated; tremendous; artificial; lyric; solemn; romantic; prophetic; loving; simple; noontide


    arouse —; bridle —; cool —; execute with —; fill with —; flush with —; inflame with —; instil —; join with ; pitch to —; quench —; replace —; shape with ,—; starve —; sweat with —; waste —; — animates; — boils; — blazes; — glows; — rages; — torments

    (See ardor, intensity, zeal, enthusiasm.)

    Festal adverbs

    delightfully; joyously; charmingly; compan-iably; chattily; convivially; noisily; happily; jovially; gregariously; magnificently; splendidly; brilliantly; sparklingly; sumptuously; highly; elaborately; extravagantly; uproariously; unexpectedly; ineffably; tumultuously; excitedly; inexpressibly; innocently; spontaneously; exultantly; radiantly; supremely; highly

    Fester (v) adverbs

    malignantly; hideously; horridly; disgustingly; fatally; repeatedly; continually; agonizingly; hatefully; devastatingly

    (See pain, suffer.)

    Festival adjectives

    solemn; religious; torchlight; domestic; magnificent; sumptuous; nocturnal; carousing; democratic; annual; circling; memorial; high; brilliant; recurring; community; notorious; extravagant; licentious; elaborate; holiday; clamoring; grandiose

    Festive adverbs

    hilariously; boisterously; uproariously; informally; happily; gaily; gloriously; utterly; absurdly; ineffably; blithely; irrepressibly; merrily; unaccountably; unexpectedly; noisily; magnificently; intimately; spontaneously; radiantly; tumultuously; inexpressibly

    Festivity adjectives                ;

             . n>

    brilliant; boisterous; final; compelled; holiday; maudlin

    Festoons adjective

    scalloped; looping; flung; graceful; ethereal

    Fete («•) adverbs

    ceremonially; blithesomely; handsomely; joyfully; magnificently;, sumptuously; annually; memorially; brilliantly; notoriously; extravagantly; elaborately; grandiosely

    (See celebrate, feast.)

    Fetid adverbs

    offensively; rankly; horridly; unbearably; mustily; suffocatingly; impossibly; unspeakably; abominably; noisomely; terribly; disagreeably; frightfully; malodorously; foully; strongjy; grossly; pestilentially; un-wholesomeR'j; perniciously; poisonously; extremely; incdnceivably

    Fetish adjectives                           :popular; patriotic; exploded; carved; wooden; much-loved

    V .■ifc

    Fetter verbs

    chain with —s; clap into —s; commit to ‘—s; escape —s; fasten —s; free from —s; hobble in —s; impose —s; load with —s; loose —s; release from —s; relieve of —s; relinquish —s; secure —s; shackle with —s; shake off —s; — binds; — checks; — confines; — constrains; — guards; — hinders; — prevents; — restrains; — restricts; —- tortures; — vexes

    (See bond, shackle, chain.)

    Fetters adjectives

    gratuitous; triple; brazen; rose-blossom; adamantine; galling; unmeasured; creed-imposed; riven; fleshly

    Feud adjectives

    fatal; fresh; bitter; fruitful; private; lasting; internal; dismal; revamped; primeval; mutual; tribal; relentless; grim; long-standing; age-long; nasty; murderous; deadly,' domestic; personal; ancient; futile; hereditary


    activate —; arouse —; beget —; carry on —; clash in —; convert int<> —; declare ’•—; enjoy —; entangle in —; inflame into —; instigate —; interrupt —; justify —; prevent —; rankle into —; renew —; root out —; — agitates; —continues; — disturbs; — Hares up; — originates; compete in —

    (See strife, hostility, enmity, animosity, bitterness, quarrel.

    ■      ■                                                          • '                        -      ' Ill I

    i.. )

    Feudalism verbs

    abhor bring under —; check —; convert into —; incline to —; influence —; overthrow —; practise —^recognize' L:-L; reject —; subject to —; support -—; ■— bridles; — clutches; — deprives; — originates; — persists; —- reduces; — stultifies; — survives; — treads on; — tyrannizes

    ' (See system.

    ।       - / /i FEUDATORY

    adjectives                                    5

    mutinous; disaffected; tyrannical

    •isnay ;n lainia — j^aoncdna — ;— vlq ai.^inalqai FEFER adjectives

    Contagious; eruptive; ravenous; rheumatic; cruel; irregular; low; violent; fitful; prevalent; swamp; intermittent; bilious; high; malignant; unhallowed; infectious; splenic; rapid; raging; morbid; gnawing; malarial; typhus; envious; puerperal; riotous; obvious; tortured; lurking; deadly; perpetual; acute; childbed; hunting; burning; inflammatory; slow


    accompany by —; allay —; attend with ; characterize by ; come down with contract —; control —; develop —; heighten —; induce —; predispose to —; reduce —; retard transmit —; -r-

    burns; — consumes; •— continues; •—■■ devours; — grips; — heats; —* infects; — persists; ~ rages; — smoulders; — subdues

    (See excitement, disease.

    tv, -.ivvVb )

    li! FEVERISH adverbs

    cruelly; violently; terribly; highly; extremely; obviously; dangerously; alarmingly; uncomfortably; fearfully; deliriously; acutely; dreadfully; hysterically; deplorably; burn-ingly; restlessly; wildly; unusually; uncommonly; curiously; peculiarly

    Few adjectives

    unscornful; far-visioned; desperate; favored; comparative; privileged; hateful; chos


    Few adverbs

    remarkably; extremely; strangely; lamentably; significantly; deplorably; miserably; wretchedly; fortunately; happily; curiously; mercifully; presumably

    Fiasco adjectives

    mountainous; official

    Fiber adjectives

    fleecy; pusillanimous; secret; ancestral; civic; resonant; ligneous; crude; tough; tenacious; delicate; flaccid; genuine; spiritual; moral; quivering; unexperienced; twisting; intellectual; sensitive; coarser; maguey

    Fibre verbs              .       ,   1bind with —; compose of —; connect — s; consist of —; develop —; draw into —; exhibit —; furnish with —; join —; knot —; produce —; rig with —; shred —; stretch —; swathe in —; twist —; weave —; — connects; — girdles; — hangs; — links

    Fibrin adjectives

    coagulated; increased; exudative

    . -                 j ; v.--• ■      ■                    ■■ I

    Fickle adverbs

    disgustingly; uncertainly; unstably; mer-curially; changeably; irresolutely; capriciously; whimsically; unfortunately; remarkably; exceedingly; sensationally; undepend-ably; unhappily; deplorably; habitually; temperamentally; irresolutely; erratically; waywardly; terribly

    Fiction adjectives

    luxuriant; native; sensational; convenient; evasive; romantic; serious; bold; mythological; improbable; extravagant; picturesque; conventional; monstrous; short-lived; distinguished; unmitigated; frothy; introspective; current; sentimental; contemporary


    cast away —; compose —; condemn —; consume —; criticize —; desire —; devise —; distinguish from —; embroider —■; prefer —; produce —; reject —; relate —; select —; steep in —; turn into —; —■ charms; — confuses; —• copies; —delights; — diverts; — enchants; — informs; — influences; — instructs; — interests; — pleases; — poisons; — transports; — unwinds

    (See story, novel, narrative, myth.)

    Fictitious adverbs

    harmlessly; allegedly; avowedly; undoubtedly; whimsically; nonsensically; supposi-tiously; extravagantly; probably; grotesquely; fantastically; ironically; obviously; manifestly; ingeniously; romantically; preposterously; utterly; surprisingly; completely; hypothetically; dreamily; innocently; wildly

    Fiddle adjectives

    nocturnal; uncivilized

    Fiddler adjectives

    diligent; rascal; rollicking; peripatetic

    Fidelity adjectives

    conjugal; eye-taking; doglike; unswerving; undying; utmost; undeviating; eternal; scrupulous; minute; marvelous; assured; realistic; rigid; inviolable; subtle; flawless; dull; unwavering; long-tried; intense; reverent; sober; unblemished; sorrowful; lifelike; profound; historic; pastoral; diving; true-hearted; noteworthy; everlasting


    abuse —; appreciate —; arouse —; bestow —; buy —; depend on —; endow with —; entwine with —; exact —; incur —; instil —; nourish -—; rivet—; shake —; strengthen —; support with —; swear —; threaten —; violate —•; — endears; — endures; — palls; — perishes

    (See faithfulness, loyalty.

    !                1                        .                     . 1 nu )

    FIDGET (v


    uneasily; unceasingly; impatiently; painfully; embarrassedly; unpleasantly; secretly; fruitlessly; suppressedly

    (See move, stir, jump.)


    suspiciously; terribly; unnecessarily; annoyingly; vexatiously; uneasily; uncomfortably; fussily; officiously; clamorously; excitably; hysterically; foolishly; impatiently; irrepressibly; curiously; peculiarly; oddly; odiously; strangely; significantly; atrociously: unpleasantly; extremely; needlessly

    Field verbs

    capture —; clothe —; crop —; deplete —; dominate —; double —; encumber —; entrench —; fence —; invade —; litter —; lord over —; pioneer —; plod across —; preempt —; replenish —; sow —; tap —; tramp across —; usurp —; wall —; — extends; — lies; — slumbers; — stretches

    (See meadow, land.)

    Fielder (baseball or cricket') verb

    contract for —; fire —; hire —release —; trade —; — catches; — chases; — covers; — drops; — fields; — holds out; — juggles; — misjudges; — muffs; — races; — runs; — slides; — slips; — snares; — spears; — sprints; — steals; — stops; — returns; — traps; — whips

    (See player, athlete.)

    Fields adjectives

    gray-green: emerald; frost-bitten; whitened; glistening; ripened; sun-parched; windswept; sparse; billowing; fertile; soft; wet; untrodden; picturesque; stubble; rolling; tremendous; uncrowded; virgin; untouched; fruitless; crimsoned; bloody; drowned; molding; barren; swamped; useful; conquered; disturbed; tented; grazing; plowed; fragrant; archaeological; fenceless; weedy; spring; amaranth; aesthetic; desolate; rain-gullied; swelling; smoky; blossoming; wanton; hunting: encompassing; uncarved; well-dressed; twilight; fallow; unchartered; productive; silken; wintry; remnant; subterranean; feathered; extensive; beautiful; economic; poisonous; illimitable; tobacco-jetied; hard-fought; coal; industrial: deserted; joyless; sedgy; abandoned; untried; magnetic; interpretative; somber; azure; languishing; stricken; teeming; sequestered; electrostatic


    despiteful; foul; stout; incarnate; shivering: father; consummate; possessing; kindred; infernal; abandoned; impetuous: cursed: lubber; human; delicate: malignant; viewless; glaring: sneering

    FIENDISH adverbs

    unspeakably; inexpressibly; uncommonly; brutally; incomprehensibly; unthinkably; odiously; atrociously; heinously; flagrantly; outrageously; outlandishly; grotesquely; inscrutably; barbarously; coldly; stonily; diabolically; inhumanly; unnaturally; defiantly; ominously; ungovernably; uncontrollably; insatiably

    Fierce adverbs

    implacably; incredibly; intentionally; barbarously; cruelly; ungovernably; impetuously; vehemently; uproariously; brutally; outrageously; fantastically; abruptly; uncontrollably; savagely; irrepressibly; sarcastically; dreadfully; bitterly; explosively; irately; blusteringly; relentlessly; pitilessly; remarkably; amazingly

    Fierceness adjectives

    unscrupulous; brutal; suppressed; dramatic; intense

    Fig adjectives

    luscious; large; tasty; over-ripe

    Fight adjectives

    inextricable; unflinching; miscellaneous (pl); portentous; isolated; murderous; desultory; bloody; furious; sublimated; ensuing: serious; trtench; unavailing; arduous; heavy; futile; ever-losing; factional; running: desperate; winning; memorable; successful; strenuous; tumultuous; showdown; sea-convulsing; manful; vulturous; incessant; dreadful; unequal; dubious; mortal; bitter


    accept —: augur —; conduct —; evade —>; gird for —; lack —; participate in —; reopen —; rouse to schedule ; show

    stage —; wage —; witness —; —embitters; — grows; — rages; — wanes; — waxes; pledge to —; precipitate —

    (See strife, struggle, battle, conflict, combat.)

    Fight (v) adverbs

    murderously; desultorily; furiously; unavail-ingly; memorably; strenuously; manfully; dubiously; mortally; viciously; vainglnrious-ly; stolidly; simultaneously; rebelliously; gallantly; doggedly; magnificently; sanguinarily; ostentatiously; vindictively

    (See combat, battle, struggle.)

    Fighter adjectives

    infuriated; stubborn; considerable; effective; unimaginable; undisciplined; malicious; fearless; reputed; aggressive; ruthless


    cheer —; condition —; cow —; cuff —; goad —; hack —; incite —; sponge —; spur —; urge —; — bangs; — beats; — bruises; — clinches; — cuts; — dances; — dodges; — drops; — ducks; — feints; — flinches; — jumps; — practises; — punches; — reels; — retreats; — sags; — skips; — slams; — slips; — tallies; — taps; — whacks; — winces

    Figment adjectives

    seductive; idle; imaginative

    Figure verbs

    accept —s; bandy —s; cite —s; compile —s; delineate —s; deluge with —s; juggle —s; publish —s; quote —s; scribble —s; splotch —s; —s claim; —s pour in; — soars

    (See digit, number, amount.)

    Figure (general) adjectives

    able; absurd; advancing; allegorical; aged; alluring; ample; appealing; ardent; arrest-ive; athletic; august; battered; belligerent; beloved; benignant; bent; bestial; blueclad; blurred; bnny; bouncing; bulky; buoyant; buxopa; cherubic; clever; cloyed; colorful; colossal; comfortable; comical; comparative; compelling; conspicuous; contorted: cool; cosmopolitan; courtly; cowering; crabbed; credible; crouched; crumpled; curious; dainty; dark; dashing; defenseless; defiant; dejected; demure; departing; desolate; dignified; dim; diminutive; discreet; dismal; distinguished; distorted; dominant; domineering; dramatic; draped; drawn; dressed; dwarfed; eager; elegant; emaciated; emblematical; enameled; enchanting; energetic; enigmatic; enormous; epauletted; erect; eternal; excited; exquisite; exuberant; famous; fatigued; fashionable; fawning; Hat; Hexible; foregoing; forlorn; formless; frail; fragmentary; full-grown; furtive; gagged; gallant; gaunt; geometric; ghastly; girlish; glowing; gorilla-like; grandiose; grappling; grave; grotesque; heroic; growing; haloed; heavy; horrid; huddled; hurrying; ideal; imperious; incalculable; independent; indifferent; indistinguishable; inert; inHuential; innocent; inscrutable; insignificant; interesting; international; irri-descent; irrelevant; jaunty; kneeling; lagging; lawless; lax; leading; lean; legendary; limping; literary; lithe: little; lost; lumbering; lurid; lurking; magnetic; majestic; marvelous; masculine; massive; mean; melancholy; memorable; menacing; minor; mocking; miserable; misshapen; monosyllabic; motionless; mountainous; mournful; muffled; mummy-like; mythic; naive; national; nautical; neglected; negligible; nervous; noble; notable; nude; odious; ominous; ornamental; osseous; outlandish; outstanding; pale; panting; pathetic; perfect; petite; pinched; picturesque; pitiful; plastic; pliant; podgy; poetic; poignant; portentous; powerful; preserved; principal; prominent; prone; prostrate; puny; quadrilateral; quaint; quivering; quixotic; rapid; rare; reclining; recumbent; reeling; related; respected; resplendent; retreating; ridiculous; rigid; romantic; rounded; rustic; sabent; sardonic; sauntering; semi-legendary; shaking; shameless; shapeless; shrewd; silent; shrinking; shriveled; shuddering; shrouded; silhouetted; sinister; sluggish; skinny; sleek; smart; sob-shaken; solitary; somber; spiritless; sprawled; spry; stalwart; stiff; stocky; stolid; stooping; straight; stricken; strong; stunted; stupendous; sunburned; superb; supple; svelte; swaying; sylphlike; symbolical; tabulated (pl); talented; tatterdemalion; tense; thickset; tottering; unattractive; tragic; tremendous; trim; truculent; turbulent; typical; uncouth; uniformed; unique; unkempt; unobtrusive; veiled; venerable; vigorous; vestlike; wasted; weak; well-loved; well-molded; whirling; white-clad; wild; winsome’; wiry; wizened; wooden; worthy; tall; wretched; writhing; young; radiant; quaking; queenly; quiet

    Figure (physique) verbs

    blur—; conceal—; corset—; develop—; enhance—; forge—; guard—; illuminate—; jeopardize—; nurture—: silhouette—: uncoil—; visualize—; —looms; —s mill; — symt olizes; —writhes

    (See shape, form.)

    Figure (v) adverbs

    conspicuously; deliberately; absurdly; prominently; allegorically; appealingly; belligerently; benignantly; colorfully; comically; domineeringly; dramatically; irrelevantly; fashionably; grandiosely; lawlessly; luridly; mythically; negligibly; picturesquely; portentously; ornamentally; saliently; typically; unobtrusively

    (See calculate, contrive.)

    File (catalogue or cabinet) verbs

    arrange in—; assemble in—; catalogue—; clean—; destroy—; dig into—; feed—: go through—; lodge in—; prepare—; preserve in—; pull from—; rank in—; refer to—■; search—; store in—; wade through—; — aids; —arranges; —facilitates; —separates, (See list, catalogue, collection, cabinet.

    i .                                                             

    File (general) adjectives

    endless; extensive; newspaper; glittering; moldering; lengthening; four-ranked; successive (pl); straggling; droning

    File (tool) verbs

    employ—; slide—; yield to-—; —abrades; —evens; —finishes; —glazes; —gnaws; — grates; —grinds; —nicks; —polishes; — reduces; —removes; —restores; —scratches; —sharpens; —smooths; —wears down

    File (v) adverbs

    sedately; painstakingly; noiselessly; endlessly; monotonously; stragglingly; patiently; ceaselessly; solemnly; incessantly

    (See smooth, cut, walk.)

    Filibuster (v) adverbs

    bombastically; wordily; vigorously; exas-peratingly; venomously; repeatedly; uncontrollably

    (See hinder, prevent, argue.)

    Fill (v) adverbs

    adequately; creditably; efficiently; generously; amply; faultlessly; cleverly; partially; greedily; graciously; constantly; skillfully; exclusively; scantily; systematically

    (See satisfy, occupy.)

    Filling adjectives

    continuous; systematic; adequate

    Film (camera) adjectives

    color; sooty; celluloid; supersensitive; exposed; iridescent

    Film (covering) adjectives

    transitory; glossy; sanguine; adherent; shadowy; permanent; half-drawn; base; cloggirfg


    break—; cover with-r-; emerge from—; penetrate—; remove—; —dims; —envelops; —floats; —forms; —grows; —hides; —hinders; ■—obscures; —prevents

    (See membrane, cover.)

    Film (picture} verbs

    acclaim—; applaud—; ban—; bar—; censor—; criticize—; cut—; develop—; enjoy —; expose—; feature—; guard—; legalize —; manipulate—; preview—; rave about—; —burlesques; ■—satirizes; —portrays


    squalid; undiluted


    abhor—; collect—; detest—; drag through —; expose—; fling—; forbid—; gather—; live in—; loathe—; purge of—; reek with —; remove—; revolt at—; shun—; suffer —; swarm with—; wallow in—

    (See dirt.)

    Filthy adverbs

    grossly; coarsely; unspeakably; incredibly; grotesquely; horribly; abominably; grimily; foully; beastly; offensively; slovenly; squalidly; unpardonably; inexcusably; unreasonably; needlessly; hideously; unwarrantably; piteously; pitiably; deplorably; outlandish-ly; wretchedly; singularly; exceptionally; extraordinarily

    Fin verbs

    cut off—s; course with—s; cruise with—s; employ—s; injure—; insert—s; paddle with —s; support with—s; swim with—s; —s flap; —s flip; —s lash; —s navigate; —s project; —s propel; —s steer

    Final adverbs

    tragically; conclusively; heartbreakingly; egotistically; pompously; acrimoniously; officially; irrevocably; ultimately; catastrophically; elaborately; hopelessly; decisively; absolutely; definitely; unmistakably; inevitably; unchangeably; unimpeachably; dogmatically; authoritatively; authentically; clearly

    Finale adjectives

    ludicrous; wonderful


    approach—; compose—; encore—; enjoy—; perfect—; play—; rehearse—; render—; — completes; —concludes; —delights; —disposes of; —ends; —pleases; —terminates; —winds up

    (See end, conclusion.) adjectives

    unmistakable; consecrated; unshakable; helpless; brutal )

    Finance (v) adverbs

    niggardly; soundly; scientifically; ceremoniously; pragmatically; ingenuously; professionally; unscrupulously; unethically; ingeniously

    (See provide, manage.)

    Finances adjectives

    declining; pitiful; low; unsound; prospective


    accumulate—; amass—; clear up—; conceal—; deplete—; destroy—; drain—; imperil—; manipulate—; patch up—; pervert —; provide—; rally—; shake—; strain—; —accrue; —accumulate; —dwindle

    (See income, revenue, funds.)

    Financial adverbs

    inescapably; naturally

    Financier adjectives

    unscrupulous; accurate


    beseech—; curb—; employ—; provide—; ruin—; —accomodates; —accumulates; — amasses; —collects; —conducts; —controls

    • —demands; —deposits; —invests; —judges

    • —levies; —manages; —operates; —persuades; —recruits; —secures; —supports


    (See manager.)

    Find adjectives

    consequent; definite; important; right; ghastly

    Find (v) adverbs

    inevitably; eventually; invariably; conclusively; ultimately; locally; intuitively; distinctly; frequently; officially; promptly; con-sequer /; definitely

    (Sf acquire, attain, discover.

    Finding adjectives

    malicious; specific; pertinent; scientific


    chance on—; consider—; determine—; elucidate—; endorse—; examine—; expose—*; furnish—; inquire about—; inspect—*; labor for—; observe—; owe—to; pay for—; pick up—; preserve—; procure—; produce—; provide—; reveal—; supply—; view.—; — aids; —clarifies; —reveals

    (See discovery.)

    Fine verbs

    anticipate—; agree upon—; condemn to—; evade—; exact—; execute—; exempt from —; impose—; incur—; lament—; levy—; obtain—; pass-—on; pronounce—; remit—; settle—; subject to—; suffer—; —compensates; —punishes; —reduces; *—releases; — restrains

    (See penalty, money, sum, payment.)

    Fine (v) adverbs

    heavily; unscrupulously; punitively; legally; unethically; maliciously; cruelly; sternly

    (See dispossess, punish, attack.)

    Finery adjectives

    metropolitan; priceless; grotesque; worthless; gaudy; tawdry; verdant; shimmering; bright; thin; elaborate; ruinous; scarlet; barbaric; natural


    addict to—; adorn in—; appreciate—; bedeck in—; clothe in—*; crave—; deck in—; decorate in—; degenerate into—; display—; dress in—; envy—; exhibit—; indulge in—; observe—; prefer—; sport (colloq.) —; view —; —amazes; —attracts; —impresses; — consoles

    (See ornament, splendor.)

    Fines adjectives

    enormous; aggregate; unfair; wholesale

    Finger verbs

    ’beckon with—; bend—; cramp—; cut—; distend—; drum with—; extend—; level— at; prick—; snap—s; —s clutch;—s fly; —s fumble with; —s hover near; —s twist; —s twitch

    (See digit, thumb, hand.)

    Finger (v) adverbs

    significantly; nervously; delicately; tremulously; feverishly; tremblingly; intimately; lingeringly; caressingly; fumblingly; rheu-matically; lustfully; authoritatively; canni-ly; agilely

    (See handle, touch.)

    Fingernail verbs

    bite—■; break—; chew—; claw with—; clean —; clip—; cream—; dig with—; employ—; excavate with—; file—; jag—; manicure—; polish—; round—; shape—; split—; trim—; —s attract; —s scratch; —s shine

    Fingernails adjectives

    rose-tinted; pointed; unimpeachable; untidy; long; sharp; shiny-rouged; talon-like; crooked; yellow; polished

    Fingers adjectives

    guiding; tapering; prisoned; tremulous; uncut; slim; deft; searching; exquisite; listless; merciless; dimpled; slender; artistic; patient; careless; knotted; dewy; numbed; icy; outstretched; fevered; imitative; sharp; clumsy; nimble; skilled; ferocious; plastic; hushing; bloody; trembling; unresisting; needle-marked; guiding; interlacing; chubby; jeweled; pointed; weary; marble; radiant; horny; gloved; ineffectual; groping; invisible; ghostly; pensive; accusing; sensitive; solicitous; shaking; reverent; lily; grubby; bruised; flitting; dextrous; lingering; fairy; waxen; talented; intimate; tense; rosy; unseen; cruel; pale; bony; moistened; lean; nervous; quick; grimy; courageous; forced; benumbed; dirty; benign; rapid; transparent; shriveled; brown; coral-tipped; rosy-nailed; soft; rose-tinted; vigorous; premonitory; amethyst; skeleton; effacing; pinching; clutching; tenacious; solemn; iron; glowing; choppy; mortal; beckoning; swathed; royal; pilfering; sudden; microscopic; wafted; barky; unraised; nicotine-stained; false; hungry; catechising; heavily-ringed; uncontrolled; gentle; caressing; limp; lax; hesitating; idle; pitying; beguiling; chilled; awkward; ready; cautious; scorched; imperative; feeble; fluttering; disengaged; itching; indignant; warning; denunciatory; admonitory; busy; exploring; cold; prying; covetous; searching; blundering; greedy; mischievous; playful; meddling; offensive; slight; thieving; usurious; exploratory; tapping; snatching; gripping; fumbling; grasping; emphasizing; stiff; rheumatic; tendril-like; skinny; fleshy; blunt-tipped; thick; ruthless; plump; lustful; felonious; deadly; predatory; sinewy; powerful; rough; agile; smudgy; soiled; dingy; square; flat; stubby; freckled; curled; strong; spatulate; arched; huge; crooked; firm; authoritative; steady; experienced; well-groomed; manicured; quick; canny; excited

    Finger-Tips adjectives

    reverent; slim; caressing; calloused; semiconscious; warm; sensitive; chill; gentle

    Finicky adverbs

    frivolously; idly; inanely; uncommonly; absurdly; unreasonably; ludicrously; primly; priggishly; vexatiously; bumptiously; loudly; unnecessarily; intolerably; tiresomely; inordinately; extravagantly; elaborately; pitifully; ridiculously; shabbily; amazingly

    Finish adjectives

    elaborate; high; literary; permanent; pictorial; sleek; glace; gleaming; harmonious; artistic; lustrous; meticulous; smooth; ill-conceived; W’arm; mellow; oratorical; scholarly; surface; admirable; exquisite; attractive; interior; rare; delicate; subtle


    acquire—; adorn with—; anticipate—; await—; design—; destroy—; exhibit—; lay —; mar—; obtain—; plan—; polish to—; prepare—; produce—; provide—; restore —; select—; —perfects

    (See perfection.)

    Finish (v) adverbs

    uniformly; leisurely; deliberately; neatly; minutely; solemnly; abstractedly; hurriedly; elaborately; lustrously; meticulously; exquisitely; delicately; subtly

    (See complete, end.)

    Finished adverbs

    perfectly; unquestionably; irrevocably; recently; satisfactorily; smoothly; politely; irremediably; finally; consummately; highly; definitely; unfortunately; beautifully; fundamentally; exquisitely; wonderfully; amazingly; faultlessly; cleverly; ingeniously; expertly; artistically; elaborately; splendidly

    Finite adverbs

    materially; inevitably; essentially; mortally; lamentably; fitly; tragically; appropriately; evanescently; merely; transitorily; passingly; humanly

    Fire adjectives

    scattering; withering; blasting; raging; scorching; penal; scared; continuous; purging; oracular; crimson; cheerful; incessant; smoldering; suicidal; contagious; dormant; enfilading; unquenchable; horrid; eternal; dullest; answering; celestial; heavenly; constant; heavy; ethereal; gnawing; latent; cozy; untoward; baleful; closest; starry; aromatic; blinding; plumed; combined (pl); elemental; fearful; liquid; inextinguishable; rolling; long-suffering; barbed; singular; permeating; blinking; fruitless; accustomed; lambent; all-consuming; volcanic; ardent; innumerable (pl); central; lively; unfathomed; insatiate; mirrored; living; destructive; well-directed; unwonted; pulsating; cordial; sweet; slumbering; murderous; impetuous; undermining; swift; mystic; golden; unapparent; unavailing; mocking; molten; soul-scorching; subtile; ruddy; capricious; cleansing; solar; blazing; terrific; plucky; feeble; strange; electric; corrosive; tempestuous; powerless; conflicting; thrifty; deadly; flaming; beamless; dusky; twilight; overwhelming; tremulous; soft; unspotted; grim; roaring; intolerable; lurid; well-directed; effective; flickering; baser; raking; devastating; tempering; azure; deep; spiritual; restless; steady; opalescent; remorseless; avenging; divine; nightly; slow; pale; fresh-lit; instantaneous; animating; vestal; monumental; branding; hallowed; turf; boisterous; pernicious; ancestral; incipient; unhallowed; galling; solitary; musketry; unhealthful; ravenous; wild; disastrous; immortal; wandering; smokeless; ceaseless; considerable; impassioned; appalling; magic; incense; illumin ating; sea-coal; immeasurable; unearthly; velvet; dead; drowsy; desultory; extraordinary; insignificant; languid; freezing; diverging; chaster; commingling; subterranean; parental; mortal; specifical; waning; unslackened; merry; fanatical; respective; elfin; spiral; conquering; theologic; everlasting; fluttering; hoarded; dreadful; open; hot-burning; council; actual; covered; hectic; kindly; combined; prophetic; shafted; impatient; inward; sleeping; mad; suppressed; bright; flashing; purifying; undivided; amber; sheathing; lightless; fierce; sprightly; vaporous; telling; crackling


    assail with—; concentrate—; douse (colloq.) —; extinguish—; feed—; intensify—; lower—; quench—; rake—; replenish—; revive—; smother—; stoke—; torture with—; vent—; witness—; yield to—; —breaks out; —consumes; ■—crackles; —devastates; —devours; —flashes; —gnaws; —leaps; —menaces; —'rages; —ravages; —razes; —reaches out; —roars; •—scorches; —shrivels; — slakes down; —smolders; —snaps; —sputters; —whips through

    (See blaze, flame, conflagration.

    Fire (v) adverbs

    electrically; witheringly; blastingly; scorch-ingly; incessantly; fearfully; destructively; lethally; murderously; perniciously; mortally; fiercely; shatteringly.; devastatingly

    (See explode, burn, blaze.)

    Firefly verbs

    capture—; welcome—; —blinks; —cheers; —emits; —flames; —flashes; —flickers; — glimmers; —glitters; —glows; —illuminates; —lights; —scintillates; —shimmers; — spangles; —sparkles; —twinkles; —winks

    (See insect.)

    Firelight adjectives

    flickering; wan; lifeless; bright; glaring

    warm; drab; dull


    behold—; emit—; neglect—; observe—; provide—; quench—; —blinks; —casts; — cheers; —flames; —flashes; —flickers; — gleams; —glimmers; —glows; —illuminates; —rages; —sparkles; —transmits; — twinkles; —warms; —warns

    (See light.

    FIREPLACE adjectives

    rustic; capacious; radiant; immense; stone; clean-swept; spacious; desolate; high; cheery; white-tiled


    congregate around—; crackle in—; delight in—; gather 'round—; lounge around—; nestle near—; pave—; provide—; rejoice ‘round—; toast at—; —blinks; —cheers; — furnishes; —glimmers; —heats; —illuminates; —welcomes

    FIREWORKS verbs

    arrange—; attack with—; cast—; celebrate with—; charge with—; dedicate with—; design—; display—; execute—; exhibit—; honor with—; prepare—; present—; start —; —appear; —burn; —conclude; -r-cover*; —disturb; —excite; —explode; —harm; — represent; —spark; —splutter

    Firing verbs

    attend to—; commence—; halt—; inspire—; instigate—; lead to—; minimize—; perceive —; prepare for—; prevent—; prohibit—; require—; restrain—; slacken—; start—; sukject to—; w'arn against—; —ceases; — destroys: —ruins; —wanes

    (See attack.)

    Firm adjectives

    salvaging; futile; magnanimous; munificent; enterprising; business; successful; mercantile; bankrupt


    alter—; associate with—; bankrupt—; designate—; establish—; head—; indict—; join —; manage—; supervise—; —advises; — agrees; —delivers; —dissolves; —engages; —perishes; —promotes; —sells; —solicits; —trades ; —transacts

    (See partnership, corporation, company.)


    stably; dependably; securely; safely; sufficiently;. satisfactorily; immovably; obdu rately; stubbornly; severely; wisely; care fully; affectionately; paternally; desperate ly; sullenly; relentlessly; pitilessly; curiously; remorselessly; primly; priggishly; officially; professionally; vexatiously; unnecessarily; resolutely; decisively; emphatically; remarkably; singularly; particularly; uncommonly

    >             FIRMAMENT

    adjectives beautiful; boundless; darkling; airy; star-spangled; full-arched; starry; azure; cloudless; aerial; spacious; frosty; all-encircling; unquestionable; rolling; economic; overcast; pellucid; twinkling; terrestrial; expectant

    Firmness adjectives

    desperate; gloomy; relentless; curious; remorseless; fatal; necessary; -exemplary; practical; miscalled; fresh; equal; temperate; unexampled; futile

    F1sh adjectives

    fin-twipkling; fiery; armored; magnificent; surface; fatted; voracious; darting; glisten-!-ing; golden; artificially-grown; live; game; bfpiled; . diminutive silly;. ^slijn; ,;silvery; tawny; iridescent;, sodden;, much-comforted; playful; meddlesome; mystical; speckled; bony; lacelike; cartilaginous; salmonoid; shining; putrid; floating; edible; braingiving


    abound in—; catch—; cure—; drag for—; feed—; harbor—; limit—; plant—; prepare •—; raise—; shred—; steam—; yield—; — darts off; —deposits eggs; —flashes past; — flops about; —hovers near; —inhabits; — schools; —spawns; —squirms; —swoops Past- ,b rl                       

    [I — liu                    FISH (v


    intently; contentedly; placidly; somnolently; abstractedly; ruminatively; enthusiastically; skillfully; professionally; devotedly

    (See search, seek.

    Fisherman verbs < ..

    ban—; enthrall—; license—; permit—; tantalize—; tempt—; —anchors; —angles; — attempts; —baits; —casts; —catches; — collects; —courts; —displays; —disturbs

    —elicits; —enthuses (colloq.) ; —hauls in

    —hooks; —nets; —occupies; —pulls; — snaps; —strives; —struggles with; —supplies; —trawls

    Fishermen ad jectives

    energetic; skillful; stalwart; unsuccessful; professional; lowly; ideal; shabby; devoted; rude. ./< ;

    :iji« Jr, r’> • ' ,

    :rf ;    7 .r1

    Fishing verbs

    acclaim—; ban—; bar—; contemplate—; control—; employ in—; offer—; permit—; popularize—; prevent—; rely on—; supervise—; thrive on—; tutor in—; —bores; — disturbs; —diverts; —entertains; —lags; — pleases; —supplies; —supports; —tests; — tires: —yields

    (See sport.

    FIST adjectives

    clenched; rocklike; parental; fat; helping; husky; tense; skillful; clumsy; practised; dimpled;n huge; solid; hamlike; giant; heavy; ample; pudgy; iron; hard-knuckled; useful-looking; great; raw; calloused; knotted; gnarled; vengeful; angry; furious; shaking; defiant; rage-driven; smashing; whirling; swinging; pounding; thudding; closed; hairy; doubled; impotent; knuckle-torn; rock-laden; mailed; choking; eager: oxlike


    bandage—; box with—; clasp in—; clench —; close into—; conceal in—; dodge—; double into—; drive with—; feint with—; fight with—; flourish—; fold into—; grasp with—; injure—; lay on with—; shake—; strike with—; swing—; wield—; —clutches; —crushes; —descends; —grips; —shoots out; —staggers

    (See hand (colloq. for fist.

    Fisticuffs adjectives

    childish; brutal; scientific

    Fit adjectives

    fainting; plethoric; smooth; trim; excellent; slenderizing; violent; immoderate; jealous; snug; periodical; poetic; painful; dreadful; melancholy; sullen; apoplectic; hysterical;

    natural; morose; economical; perfect; permanent; wild; suave; comfortable; superior; proper; lasting; soft; custom; superb; correct; assured


    ail with—; anticipate—; attack with—; burst into—; check—; convulse in—; cure of—; fall into—; fear—; master—; scream in—; seize with.—; shake with—; sweat in —; take with—; throw into—; treat for—

    —exhausts; —possesses; —seizes; —wracks

    (See spasm, convulsion, paroxysm.)


    remarkably; splendidly; magnificently; capably; competently; expertly; skillfully; amazingly; opportunely; conveniently; appropriately; brilliantly; robustly; sturdily; gratifyingly; pleasantly; unusually; marvelously

    Fit (v) adverbs

    snugly; exquisitely; adorably; peculiarly; permanently; specifically; curiously; delicately; smoothly; periodically; economically J superbly

    (See adorn, wear.)

    Fitful adverbs

    erratically; irregularly; capriciously; vexatiously; undependably; unsystematically; haltingly; changeably; inconstantly; terribly; oddly; restlessly; waywardly; fantastically; whimsically; captiously; inconsistently; surprisingly; unpleasantly; disturbingly

    Fitness adjectives

    practical; vital; exquisite; highest; personal; harmonious; absolute; visible

    Fix adjectives

    awkward; monetary; erroneous; frightful; dreadful

    Fix (v) adverbs

    hypnotically; firmly; arbitrarily; unalterably; inherently; accurately; steadily; steadfastly; ingeniously; rigidly; awkwardly; momentarily

    (See fasten, secure, arrange.)

    Fixed adverbs

    irrevocably; firmly; irresistibly; finally; resolutely; permanently; unalterably; inevitably; immovably; persistently; immutably; steadfastly; obstinately; ineradicably; irretrievably; indelibly; traditionally; officially; absolutely; inviolately

    Flabbergasted adverbs

    wondrously; breathlessly; mysteriously; unutterably; unspeakably; utterly; completely; helplessly; confusingly; confoundedly; obviously; embarrassingly; peculiarly; entirely; ludicrously; comically; pitiably

    Flabby adverbs

    uselessly; pliably; flexibly; limply; malle-ably; inadequately; slackly; helplessly; hopelessly; wretchedly; miserably; terribly; disgustingly; vexatiously; dreadfully

    Flag adjectives

    rippling; hoisted; wind-swayed; tattered; crimson; insulted; back-blown; radiant; saucy; faltering; drooping; enchanted; movable; fluttering; enormous; quadrangular; constabulary; tricolored; shameful; lozengeshaped; scoured; ominous; hearth; withered; common; many-colored; gaudy; simplest; easiest; veranda; garish; unfurled; hostile; invincible; draped; precious; historic


    accept—of; bear—; crowd ’round—; display—; elevate—; extend—; flaunt—; guard—; half-mast—; haul down—; hoist —; jeopardize—; level—; moor—; nail—; pay homage to—; rally ’round—; unfurl—; wave—; —ascends; —cheers; —descends; —flutters; —symbolizes; —unfurls; —whips in the breeze

    (See banner, ensign.)

    Flagrant adverbs

    arrantly; notoriously; patently; strikingly; incredibly; unconcealably; scandalously; publicly; grossly; atrociously; indecorously; indiscreetly; iniquitously; nefariously; re-prehensibly; shamelessly; unconscionably; exceptionally; emphatically; indefensibly; wickedly

    Flair adjectives

    vicious; promotional; remarkable; definite; noticeable

    Flakes adjectives

    laity; starry; quivering; fervent; wandering; hoariest; ash; thick-descending; ietty; crackling; crunchy; flavor-packed; discolored; sun-ripened; delicately-browned; wholewheat; tender; luscious; flying; snow; wavering; radiant; whirling; white; mated; blinding; elfish


    blow—; break into—; chip off—; cover with—; cut ihto—; dress in—; fall in—; peel in—; powder with—; scale—; scrape into—; separate into—; silver with—; spread with—; strip into—; —descend; — fly; —pave

    (See fragment, chip.)

    Flamboyant adverbs

    conspicuously; openly; ostentatiously; brazenly; daringly; audaciously; floridly; sonorously} pompously; egotistically; rhetorically; bombastically; flashily; noisily; terribly; marvelously; uproariously

    Flame adjectives

    vivid; dancing; flapping; unshapely; lean; bursting; unresting; pitiless; candle; hungry; fever; solar; sunny; fragrant; cheerful; inward; pointed; dying; lambent; livelier; spiritual; devouring; sacrificial; quickening; undonsuming; conscious; immediate; celestial; dull; low-lit; pure; changeless; ruddy; sulphurous; polluted; generous; inferior; floating; rival; innocent; sacred; showering; mutual; enormous; heavenly; self-divided; restless; pale; earnest; pallid; elusive; ethereal; many-colored; irregular; guiding; quick; darting; stiller; variegated; white; ardent; tired; leaping; noiseless; flickering; lawless; wasting; writhing; hurrying; subtle; penetrating; torturing; amorous; evangelic; lurid; vital; feeble; blue; scarlet: greenish; luminous; dreadful; incandescent; vengeful; empyreal; midnight; heavenward; sudden; irregular; joyful; inexorable; springing; clearest; delusive; intermittent; chastening; accustomed; outrageous; withering; purer; livid; authentic; spiral; cold; radiant; captive; flashing; baleful; inextinguishable; mumuring; rapid; quenchable; serpent; seraphic; furious; ill-dissembled; all-absorbing; sullen; wrathful; prismatic; loyal; purple; liquid; bickering; deep-red; mounting: embracing; peaceful; creeping; unshelterable; blessed; vestal; transported; avenging; breathing; oxyhydrogen; tossing; productive; lustral; coral; powerful; imagined; internal; ceaseless; roaring; unchanging; unirnprisoned; silver; gigantic; lustrous


    burst into—; deliver up to—; dim—; extinguish—; feed—; kindle—; spout—; spray with—; —blisters; —breathes; —chars; — consumes; •—crackles; —curls; —devours; —flickers; —hovers over; —leaps; —licks; —overcomes; —plays; —rages; —ravages; —roars; —spreads; —spurts; —subdues; — subsides; —trembles; —wanes; —wavers

    (See fire, blaze.)

    Flame (vj adverbs

    gorgeously; vividly; lambently; spiritually; sacrificially; ruddily; dartingly; writhingly; amorously; inextinguishably; unquenchably; sullenly; wrathfully; furiously; mountingly; ceaselessly; lustrously

    (See blaze, burn.)

    Flank adjectives

    bleeding; belathered; vertical; universal; monstrous; cavernous; bulging; heaving; towered

    Flannel adjectives

    spotless; tawdry; immaculate; easily-cleaned; rough

    Flap (v) adverbs

    aimlessly; incessantly; irritatingly; monotonously; lustily; carelessly; impotently; characteristically

    (See beat, flutter, quiver.)

    Flare («•) adverbs

    vividly; repeatedly; luminously; torridly; heatedly; destructively; celestially; ethereally; hatefully; blindingly; luridly

    (See flicker, dazzle, blaze.)

    Flash adjectives

    incessant; vicious; simultaneous (pl) ; continual (pl); temporary; vivid; rapid; illuminating; serpentine; forked; lurid; brilliant; sardonic; momentary; fiery; intellectual; blinding: deafening; free; intolerable; luminous; long-lingering; quick; eager; impetuous; sulphurous; flambeaux; electric; astonishing; meteoric; rhythmic; quivering: kaleidoscopic; sublime; downward; opalescent; white; clean-cut; fitful


    create—; criticize—; develop into—; disclose—; display—; fire—; produce—; rebound in—; repeat—; ridicule—; shoot—; strike with—; wait for—; —appears; — arouses; —astounds; —attracts; —blazes; —bursts; —directs; —displays; —disturbs; —exposes; —flares; —flaunts; —flouts; — gleams; —ignites; —illumines; —indicates; —occurs; —passes over; —relinquishes; — reveals; —signals; —spurts; —vanishes; — violates

    (See blaze, gleam.)

    Flash (v) adverbs . . .             

    kzani jvhuoioxns

    briefly; brilliantly; gloriously; vindictively; instantaneously; irresistibly; fiercely; restlessly; intermittently; radiantly; lambently; simultaneously; serpentinely; luridly; electrically; meteorically; kaleidoscopically; opalescently; fitfully

    (See sparkle, gleam.)

    Flash-Light verbs

    douse (colloq.) —; employ—; necessitate—; replenish—; resort to—; supply—; —beams; —blinks; —brightens; —dazzles; —exposes; —flickers; —floods; ■—glares; —glimmers; —guides; —illuminates; —reflects; —reveals ; —shines; —spots; —uncovers

    (See light.)

    Flash-Light (photography) verbs

    anticipate—; ban—s; bar—s; blink at—; conceal—; employ—; guard against—; jump at—; permit—; pose for—; protect from—; refuse—; —enrages; —explodes; —illumines; —interrupts; —irritates; —pops; — reveals; —scares; —startles; —surprises

    (See flash.)

    Flashy adverbs


    pretentiously; gaudily; garishly; flaunting -ly; daringly; highly; wonderfully; cheaply; grossly; coarsely; attractively; ornately; smartly; pompously; gorgeously; indecorously; unbecomingly; rudely; provincially; outlandishly; fantastically; grotesquely; dreadfully; horribly

    Flask adjectives         

    supernal; primitive; tapering; liquor


    Flat adverbs

    monotonously; tiresomely; vapidly; disagreeably; invariably; intolerably; uninterestingly; wearily; tediously; endlessly. ---- ,                    -                             *             111 ft

    Flats adjectives            

    dangerous; vile; sumptuous; inhospitable; cluttered; crowded; sewage-polluted; fertile; streaming; occidental; windowed; various; tenement; lurid. ,    .v;w

    adverbs ;         4 ; > ■      ■                      '■

    obsequiously; fondly; grossly; hugely; slavishly; unduly; artfully; immeasurably; prettily; cunningly; adeptly; adroitly; deftly; coyly; treacherously; deceptively; coarsely; egregiously; sleekly; fatuously; expertly

    (See compliment, praise.)

    Flattered adverbs

                ■ ’.ni ti," •fn jtsil

    happily; blushingly; pleasantly; rosily; smilingly; highly; pleasingly; delightfully; convivially; excitedly; jubilantly; artlessly; inordinately; uncommonly

    . - • ’ • '

    Flatterer adjectives

    impudent; cunning; defective; adept; adroit

    /               .“f . "  Hi"


    . j, .  ■        ■’ ,     , FLATTERY

    adjectives                                       .

    coarse: temporizing; sordid; graceful; innumerable (pl); gross; egregious; judicious; servile; friendly; unconscious; grateful; sleek; supple; dulcet; cautious; fatal; infinite; verbal; blazoned; expert; delicate; commonplace


    abhor—; accept—; addict to—; conceal with —; court—; detest—; endure—; expand under—; fall for—; feed with—; fool by—; savor of—; steel to—; succumb to—; thicken with—; withstand—; yield to—; —deceives ; —soothes; —tricks

    (See adulation.)

    Flaunt (v) adverbs

    arrogantly; insultingly; saucily; pertly; ex-asperatingly; tantalizingly; maliciously; subtly; coyly; mortifyingly

    (See parade, show.)

    Flavor verbs

    acclaim—; adulterate—; affect—; create—; detect—; dislike—; extract—; marvel at—; mask—; protect—; retain—; scent—; smell —; —appetizes; —burns out; —delights; — dies; —rivals; —stales

    (See taste, savor.)

    Flavor (v) adverbs

    delectably; delicately; exotically; appetiz-ingly; pungently; inimitably; matchlessly; characteristically; originally; temptingly; palatably; exhilaratingly; toothsomely; incomparably

    (See season, taste.)

    Flavoring verbs

    add—; dislike—; employ—; impart—; inject—; lack—; mix with—; necessitate—; savor—; season with—; select—; spice with —; taste—; try—; —enhances; —flatters; —pleases; —stings; —teases

    (See extract, spice, etc.)

    Flavors adjectives

    marvelous; exotic; luscious; appetizing; oleaginous; pleasant; juicy; spirited; unapproachable; delicate; aristocratic; pungent; inimitable; distinctive; exclusive; minty; matchless; characteristic; delicious; intellectual; imaginative; full-bodied; treacherous; international; original; satisfying: grand; extra-fresh; odorous; acrid; individual; abominable; faint; infused; sublime; palatable; tender; supreme; exhilarating; delicious; native; tempting; subtle; apparent; mellow; reminiscent; unique; mild; tangy; toothsome; peculiar; balanced; smoky; dry; hearty; popular; unusual; fine; criminal; appetizing; old-time; incomparable; clinging

    Fla IV adjectives

    foul; inherent; blemishing; inscrutable; apparent; age-old;'inherited


    accept—; conceal—; consider—; constitute —; detect—; develop—; discern—; discover —; eradicate—; exempt from—; free from —; guard against—; hide—; jade with—s'; overcome—; —blemishes; —mars; irons out

    (See defect, blemish, imperfection, fault, crack.)

    Fla IV LESS adverbs

    perfectly; incredibly; marvelously; utterly; unbelievably; delicately; simply; tastefully; chastely; obviously; superbly; splendidly; absolutely; technically; ineffably; completely; comparatively; exquisitely; matchlessly; artistically

    Flee (v) adverbs

    incontinently; instinctively; peremptorily; precipitately; timorously; tremulously; impetuously

    (See run, abandon.)

    Fleece adjectives

    delicate; silky; plenteous; warm

    Fleecy adverbs

    warmly; softly; comfortingly; comfortably; incredibly; genuinely; agreeably; pleasantly; tenderly; sleekly; smoothly; shaggily; delightfully; snugly; delicately

    Fleet verbs

    antiquate—; assemble—; assign to—; command—; dispatch—; expand—; increase—; mobilize—; observe—; order—; recondition —; —anchors; —blockades; —celebrates; —cruises; —exhibits; —files in; —journeys; —migrates; —navigates; —passes; —performs; —plies; —sails; —shifts; —ships; —speeds; —travels

    (See squadron, navy.)


    incredibly; nimbly; gracefully; marvelously; splendidly; remarkably; expeditiously; smartly; actively; lightly; mercurially; inordinately; unwontedly; naturally; unusually; surprisingly; amazingly; trippingly

    Fleeting adverbs

    impermanently; evanescently; mortally; transiently; transitorily; perishably; quickly; temporally; illusively; elusively; sadly; unhappily; ephemerally; pitifully; terribly

    Fleets myriad; trade; mimic; formidable; cumbrous; ; death-dealing

    Fleshy adverbs

    mortifyingly; cumbrously; comfortably; bur-densomely; embarrassingly; dreadfully; inordinately; dangerously; amiably; miserably; wretchedly; clumsily; awkwardly; strangely; warmly; stockily; alarmingly; heavily; hideously; shockingly; wholesomely; merrily; nonchalantly; cheerfully

    Flexible adverbs

    conveniently; adaptably; suitably; appropriately; diplomatically; agreeably; pliant-ly; tractably; complaisantly; affably; pleasantly; indulgently; easily; manageably; smoothly; fortunately; properly

    Flicker adjectives

    curious; small; tiny; rapid; abrupt; unseen


    emit—; observe—; reduce to—; repeat—; shake with—; vibrate in—; —annoys; — dies out; —disturbs; ■—flames; —mottles; — remains; —warms; —warns; —wavers

    (See light.)

    Flesh adjectives

    mortifying; famished; fever-stricken; palatable; cumbrous; festering; quivering; lank; unsavory; overroasted; flower-tinted; soft; pink; sun-bronzed; ivory; pale; waxen; bruised; shuddering; swollen; dusty; exhausted; putrefying; carrion; miserable; half-cooked; pierced; mad; attractive; common; living; sweet; tender; transfigured; dead; redundant; yielding; warm; lumpy; scalded; mangled; tainted; wrinkled; ample; muscular; decrepit; quaky; firm; human; crawling; swooping; swelling; slippery; sensitive; blooming; decaying; rebellious; seraphic; gangrenous; overwearied; quick; aching; adhering; mutinous; torn; elaborate; dressed; sinful; avaricious


    accumulate—; chafe—: char—; crucify—; denounce—; derive from—; flavor—; gain —; gather—; grind—; inject into—; market —; mutilate—; produce—; reduce—; waste

    (See meat, fat.)

    Flicker (v) adverbs

    inscrutably; involuntarily; fitfully; rapidly; incessantly; repeatedly; mysteriously; interminably

    (See flutter, waver.)

    Flier verbs

    employ—; examine—; exhaust—; inform—; license—; overtake—; strain—; test—; — achieves; —accomplishes; —ascends; —attempts; —charts; —circles; —controls; — descends; —dips; —endures; —lands; — loops; —manipulates; —navigates; —operates; —perceives; —pilots; —somersaults; —speeds; —takes off; —transports; — zooms

    (See aviator, aeroplane.)

    Flies adjectives

    lazy; insolent; gilded; unfortunate; shrivelled; swarming; glittering; incautious; stinging; vicious; bothersome


    pattering; comely; droning; fagging; impetuous; wheeling; gay; labored-looking; ceaseless; joyous; temporary; cankerous; vehement; tireless; unreturning; bold; poetic; rhythmic; self-same; erratic; hysterical; epochal; prolonged; intertwined; nuptial; mocking; impeded; principal; common; angry; unjust; disguising; pretended; ignominious; airy; troublesome; perceptible; humanitarian; risky; mediocre; freshening; industrious; frolic; promiscuous; illuminated; tremendous; precipitate; untried; aery; lagging; filmy; fleeting; rapturous; fearful; perilous; howling; ambitious; imperial; interminable; ponderous; winding; higher; unwearied; intrepid; hurried; undulating; unbounded; upward-hovering; never-ending; impudent; swift; rickety; tremulous; transitory; wide; worn; persistent; cloistered; cowardly; voluptuous; orderly; annual; unsustained; measureless; distant


    accomplish—; accustom to—; attempt—; depart in—; drop in—; hasten in—; impede —; lose in—; mount in—; move to—; (observe—; plan—; pursue in—; record—; resume—; retreat in—; sally forth in—; scatter—; soar in—; witness—; —exhausts; —fails

    (See journey, trip.)

    Flighty adverbs

    comically; wantonly; cheerfully; happily; merrily; charmingly; vexatiously; curiously; deliriously; strangely; oddly; queerly; alarmingly; dangerously; insanely; whimsically; wildly; capriciously; fantastically; lightly; drunkenly; heedlessly; thoughtlessly; carelessly; inadvertently; remarkably; utterly

    Flimsy adverbs

    absurdly; airily; vaguely; tenuously; unreasonably; nonsensically; foolishly; slightly; ridiculously; miserably; wretchedly; contemptibly; pitifully; unmanageably; un-serviceably; objectionably

    Fling adjectives

    overhand; disdainful; senseless; disjointed; surreptitious; ill-natured


    mechanically; dramatically; fiercely; jauntily; simultaneously; impetuously; violently; harshly; carelessly; savagely; tauntingly; disdainfully; ill-naturedly; contemptuously; extravagantly

    (See hurl, cast.

    Flints adjectives

    stubborn; clattering; brittle; steely

    Flippancy adjectives

    extravagant; friendly; verbal; studied; marked; open; definite; disgusting

    Flippant adverbs

    impertinently; carelessly; insouciandy; audaciously; daringly; brazenly; charmingly; attractively; giddily; heedlessly; jauntily; saucily; unblushingly; shamelessly; wantonly; unduly; disrespectfully; comically; inappropriately; unbecomingly; inopportunely; youthfully; glibly; smartly; inconsiderately; sacrilegiously; terribly

    Flirt adjectives

    saucy; harmless; wild

    Flirt (v) adverbs

    blatantly; shamelessly; saucily; wildly; outrageously; unconscionably; boldly; coyly; shyly; immodestly; voluptuously; arduously; impassionedly; trivially; desultorily

    (See coquette, love.)

    Flirtation adjectives

    sly; anonymous; literary; unworthy; miserable; pleasant; hit-and-run; trivial; desultory; detached; discreet; swift; arduous; meaningful; mere; summer; unimpassioned


    arouse—; arrest—; cease—; coach—; commit—; continue—; delight in—; express in —; interrupt—; overlook—; recount—; regard as—; renew—; school in—; tease in —; —deceives; —excites; —grows; —inspires; —invites; —involves; —stimulates


    innocently; harmlessly; amusingly; designedly; resolutely; definitely; systematically; assiduously; sedulously; charmingly; noticeably; curiously; oddly.; habitually; seductively; irresistibly; coquettishly; philander-ingly; merrily; openly; obviously; palpably; whimsically; engagingly

    Flit (v) adverbs

    errantly; feverishly; vaguely; joyously; tan-talizingly; momentarily; casually; ephem-erally; temporarily

    (See flutter, fly.)

    Float (v) adverbs

    nebulously; airily; buoyantly; lazily; gracefully; listlessly; majestically; drowsily; delicately; miraculously; gorgeously; lum-beringly; glitteringly

    (See move, billow, creep, drift, hover.)

    Floats adjectives

    gossamer; lumbering; horse-drawn; glittering; beautiful; papier-mache; river; gorgeous ; glorious

    Flock adjectives

    close-pinned; golden; crowding; divided; trembling; scattered; endless; fleecy; blood-bought; patriarchal; afflicted; nibbling; snowy; browsing; timorous; homeward; clustering; healthful; pictorial; benighted


    appeal to—; call on—; care for—; guide—; journey in—; manage—; muster—; preach to—; supervise—; travel in—; —assembles; —congregates; —flees; —gathers; —journeys; —occupies; —supports; —swarms

    (See pack, group, herd, congregation.)

    Flock (v) adverbs

    protectively; reposefully; timorously; clus-teringly; pictorially; benightedly; habitually; characteristically; seasonally

    (See assemble, crowd.)


    intoxicating; impetuous; sluggish; vitreous; soaking; mighty; torrential; creeping; shortlived; devastating; human; babbling; untamable; spring; savory; copious; shoreless; seething; passing; brackish; fearful; crystal; maddened; foaming; phenomenal; raging; steaming; shining; redundant; weltering; unfathomable; shaded; disastrous; shallow; uncurling; surging; horned; isle-fretted; moon-lit; breaking; all-destroying; advancing; overflowing; post-glacial; drenching; shedding; glowing; turbid; sparkling; storied; wondrous; full; eternal; main; wasteful; lashing; fiery; glassy; urgent; tranquil; azure; furious; unbroken; frigid; ice-imprisoned; tropical; roaring; all-engulfing; gathering; clearest; fretful; unwelcome; poured-out; eddying; vaporous; -theoretic; wandering; widespread


    abate—; ameliorate—; check—; dam—; guard against—s; halt—; mitigate—; recoil from—; stem—; swirl with—; unloose—; —cripples; —devastates; —inundates; — overwhelms; —recedes; —submerges; — sweeps away

    (See deluge.)

    Flood (v) adverbs

    fatally; partially; impetuously; torrentially; devastatingly; untamably; copiously; seeth-ingly; foamingly; phenomenally; ragingiy; disastrously; drenchingly; sparklingly; furiously; roaringly; eddyingly

    (See overflow, submerge, drench. )

    Floor adjectives

    watery; dark-stained; polished; topmost; unpretentious; sanded; desolate; glassy; olive; opalescent; light; stained; glittering; gleaming; seedy; oaken; translucent; sinking; mosaic; drafty; musty; gritted; amethystine; spotless; desert-yellow; charred; cloudy; slimy; draughty; well-swept; untrodden; mirrored; clammy; brazen; tremulous; expansive; diamond-paved; planet-powered; dilapidated; brick; herbless; carpetless; conscious; vaster; threshing; blazing; shining; scholastic; marble; iron-bound; tessellated; tiled


    board—; cement—; crowd—; inlay—; joist —; lay—; litter—; nail to—; polish—; rest on—; root to—; scrape—; shellac-—; slip on—; splinter—; strew—; swab—; tread on —; varnish—; warp—; wax—; —collapses; —creaks; —rots; —sags; —supports

    (See surface, platform.)

    Florid adverbs

    ruddily; uncommonly; dangerously; alarmingly; healthily; intensely; freshly; blow-zily; warmly; wholesomely; unusually; remarkably; oddly; habitually; unwontedly; naturally

    Flounder (v) adverbs

    bewilderingly; haphazardly; awkwardly; comically; clumsily; helplessly; wretchedly. (See stumble, struggle.

    Floundering adjectives

    haphazard; ignoble; awkward; laughable

    Flour adjectives

    ill-mixed; unadulterated; unbolted; bleached


    bag—; barrel—; bin—; bleach—; brush off —; cover with—; employ—; grade—; grind into—; manufacture—; mill—; mix with—; obtain—; pulverize into—; reduce to—; select—; sift—; sprinkle—; triturate into—; —dusts; —whitens

    (See cereal, powder.)

    Flourish adjectives

    ornamental; periodic; sudden; joyous; eloquent; graceful; festive; indignant; brazen

    Flourish (v) adverbs

    chiefly; luxuriously; gloriously; vigorously; periodically; gracefully; festively; brazenly; heartily; boisterously

    (See thrive.)

    Flourishing adverbs

    highly; uncommonly; remarkably; prosperously; successfully;- sturdily; steadily; indubitably; certainly; materially; apparently; evidently; manifestly; splendidly; magnificently; obviously; fortunately; luckily; deservedly; extremely

    Flout adjectives

    wounding; brash; resounding

    Flo IF adjectives

    inward; sonorous; cheerful; increasing; intermitting; eternal; long-accustomed; dual; lurid; spontaneous; irrepressible; beneficent; sluggish; restless; maladjusted; seething; social; dolorous; endless; lateral; never-ending; excessive; constant; boisterous; agreeable; continuous; metrical; wavy; taintless; melodious; uneventful; quiescent; exuberant; imaginative; babbling; enclasping; incessant; gracious; balanced; rhetorical; unceasing; rippling; perpetual; lyrical; literary; everlasting


    accelerate—; bar—; check—; control—; dam—; diminish—; direct—; increase—; induce—; lessen—; prevent—; produce—; re-establish—; reiterate—; restrain—; still —; stimulate—; —advances; —ceases; — progresses

    (See stream, current, outpouring, fluency, abundance.)

    Flo IF (v) adverbs

    diffusely; noiselessly; divergently; tortuously; incessantly; lazily; mutely; sluggishly; inevitably; serenely; spontaneously; vehemently; placidly; seethingly; melodiously; quiescently; babblingly; rhetorically; perpetually; lyrically

    (See move, pass, float.)

    Flower verbs

    arrange—s; array—s; awaken—s; bear—s; blanket with—s; crush—; cultivate—s; cull —s; fertilize—s; gather—s; landscape with —s; pluck—; press—; putter among—s; strew with—s; surround with—s; trample —; —s beckon; —s bob; —s cascade; —s cluster; —droops; —s drink in; — emerges; —fades; —nods; —ravishes; — shrivels; —springs up; —sways in the breeze; —unfolds; —withers; —waves

    (See blossom, plant, rose, lily, etc.)

    Flower (v) adverbs

    resplendently; fragrantly; consummately; opulently; transiently; garishly; pendulously; wantonly; fugitively; vernally; death-lessly; luxuriantly; autumnally; vernally. (See blossom, bloom.

    Flowers adjectives

    fragrant; spicy; graven; inwrought; constellated; starry; drooping; withering: consummate; tender; venturesome; wasted; amassing; wave-reflected; hybrid; thirsting: flamelike; wilting; carven; modest; spangled; variable: tissued; varicolored; opulent; delicate; pearling; transient; venomous; exotic; shy; climbing: homely; balmy; bewailing; garish; budding; laughing; uncropped; prim; thriving; fresh; expanded; dewy; perishable; sculptured; sweet; maiden; transitory; unfolding; unpretentious; satisfactory; pendulous; mystic-passion; wanton; fugitive; brilliant; rootless; storm-marred; busy; wilted; unthroned; immeasurable; infinite; scattering; manifold; sweet-tipped; festal; precious; thorny; summer-swelling; gazing; fair-named; visionary; indomitable; sanguine; waxen; multicolored; richly-colored; bright-ly-hued; frost-white; gorgeous; faded; fragile; printless; clustering; choicest; curious; crocus; w’ayside; artificial; unfolded; beauteous; tinted; tributary; achromatous; welcome; air-sown; mysterious; glowing; helpless; sweet-smelling; vernal; fullest; big; gallant; splashy; shaded; deathless; moisture-loving; classic; new-bloomed; unblown; heaven-plated; soft-breathing; incense-mingling; snow-white; changing; scented; meanest; fairest; pressed; foolproof; heartier; hand-planted; unperishing; promiscuous; luxuriant; earthly; autumnal; votive; ligulate; new-sprung; fantastic; torn; dissimilar; saffron; silvery; languishing; thread-hung; barren; uncourted; flourishing; enameled: discriminating; cleft-born; belated; sculptured; innocent; unconscious; prolific; resting; crimson-petalled; woodland; departed; chief; goodly;-angel-missioned; breathing; stately; golden-hearted; overflowing; wordlike

    Flowery adverbs

    absurdly; ridiculously; bombastically; pompously; egotistically; importantly; blatantly; ornately; elaborately; ludicrously; bumptiously; sonorously ; sententious!}’; egregiously; outlandishly; fantastically; inordinately; senselessly; preposterously; extravagantly

    Fluctuate (v) adverbs

    feverishly; violently; transiently; perceptibly; normally; cyclically; seasonally; economically

    (See waver, vary.)

    Fluctuation adjectives

    violent; silken; alternate; transient; considerable

    Fluency adjectives

    extreme; rare; deplorable; inexhaustible; sweet; inimitable; impressive; illimitable


    acquire—; administer with—; declaim with —; deliver w'ith—; discharge with—; dispatch with—; emit—; exhibit—; express with—; flow with—; increase—; orate with —; pen with—; proceed with—; promote—; recite with—

    (See ease.)

    Fluent adverbs

    amazingly; surprisingly; admirably; consistently; enviably; gracefully; readily; naturally; habitually; easily; felicitously; rhythmically; delightfully; wonderfully; strikingly; splendidly; eloquently; impressively

    Fluffy adverbs

    delightfully; delicately; deliciously; warmly; softly; smoothly; remarkably; surprisingly; correctly; comfortably; comfortingly; deeply; amazingly; genuinely; uncommonly; extremely; distinctly; completely; lightly

    Fluid adjectives

    innumerable (pl); life-giving; gummy; intoxicating; subtle; vapid; sizy; scarce; lacteal; germinating; dark-hued; amber-colored; opaque; overabundant; turbid; electric; illusive; bleaching; unwholesome; precious; drinkable; vital; inky; incompressible; ethereal


    absorb—; consume—; discharge—; drain— draw off—; effuse—; employ—; expel— exude—; generate—; inject—; introduce— secrete—; spill—; tap—; —circulates; — stains

    (See liquid, liquor, gas.)

    Fluidity adjectives

    noticeable; linguistic; remarkable

    Flurry adjectives

    undeniable; smiling; spiteful; abortive; pinwheel; angry

    Flush adjectives

    hectic; bloomy; unwonted; happy; momentary; blackish; brick-red; dull-red; fiery; gentle; helpless; fading; rosy; mahogany; perceptible; embarrassed; uneasy; novel; irritated; delicate; angry


    arouse—; cover with—; emit—; glow with —; overcome—; produce—; provoke—; redden into—; robe with—; subdue—; suffuse with—; —allures; —animates; —ebbs; — exasperates; —mantles; —overspreads; — throbs; —veils

    (See glow, blush, excitement, bloom.)

    Flush (v) adverbs

    painfully; faintly; violently; delicately; miserably; singularly; passionately; transparently; hectically; unwontedly; rosily; perceptibly; embarrassingly; angrily

    (See blush, glow, thrill.)

    Flushed adverbs

    extremely; drunkenly; feverishly; excitedly; apoplectically; alarmingly; dangerously; significantly; shyly; embarrassingly; rud-dily; rosily; violently; angrily; furiously; madly; insanely; terribly; dreadfully; inordinately; frightfully; unnaturally; unusually

    Flustered adverbs

    nervously; awkwardly; clumsily; significantly; helplessly; pitifully; weakly; terribly; agitatedly; hopelessly; ineptly; distractedly; distressingly; comically; absurdly; unreasonably; distinctly; undoubtedly; unwontedly; merrily; gloriously; drunkenly; tipsily

    Flute adjci fives

    meditative; pastoral; oaten; perpendicular; enchanted; breathing


    dance to—; employ—; finger—; ornament —; pipe—; pitch—; practise on—; render on—; scale—; sound—; tootle on—; transpose on—; —blends; —cheers; —complains; —enraptures; —harmonizes; —shrills; — utters; —whines; —whistles

    Flutter adjectives

    unconscious; faint; indescribable; continual; perpetual; gay; sleek

    Flutter (v) adverbs

    recurrently; lightly; tremulously; gently; wantonly; ominously; convulsively; persistently; gaily; indescribably

    (See tremble, fluctuate.)

    Fly adjectives

    aggressive; officious; untrapped; pestering; stuttering; intolerable


    abandon to—ies; bar—ies; guard from—ies; harbor—ies; protect from—ies; screen off •—ies; torture with—ies; —ies breed; — buzzes; —ies crawl; —drones; —glitters; —ies infest; —lays eggs; —lights on; — plagues; —settles; —torments; —ies swarm

    (See insect.)

    Fly (v) adverbs

    professionally; gracefully; undauntedly; breath-takingly; basely; fantastically; cheerily; intrepidly; instinctively; precipitately; characteristically; swiftly; unerringly

    (See soar, flee.)

    Flyer adjectives

    feathered; unsuccessful; dare-devil; intrepid ;• courageous ; fearless; inimitable; daring; great; world-wide; seasoned; professional; careful; negligent; lawless; nerveless

    Foam adjectives

    tainted; snow-soft; circumambient; ocean; fantastic; dashing; driven; creamy; panting; loose; wasteful; pale; fleet; lacteal; rainbow-colored; sea; rolling; fragile; salt; sweet; flamelike; delicious; wind-tossed; yeasty; fleecy; border; crested; carded; moonlit; seething; springtide; surging; uneasy; luminous; enchanted; twinkling; cruel; crawling; constellated; barren; sparkling; wild


    aggregate—; beat to—; boil to—; break into —; cover with—; crest with—; emit—; ferment—; fill with—; fleck with—; toss off—

    —bubbles; —drips off; —effervesces; — floats; —froths; —gurgles; —issues from

    —reams; —scuds; —smothers; —streaks; — washes

    (See froth.)

    Focus adjectives

    constant; sharp; blurred; careful; precise; accurate

    Focus (v) adverbs

    sharply; precisely; accurately; deftly; skillfully; blurredly; scientifically; exactly

    (See concentrate, adjust.)

    Foe adjectives

    prostrate; headless; murderous; mortal; prejudiced; vanquished; imaginary; spectra]; intestinal; foreign; malicious; private; prevailing; ruthless; fierce; inveterate; exhausted; ghastly; remorseless; embodied; overweening; fallen; formidable; mailed; big ted; blushing; contemptible: sensuous; inferior; daring; wily; ribald; wicked; sternest; unseen; countless (pl); implacable; victorious; ferocious; bitter; monstrous; invading; immortal; inexorable; mental; invisible; effective; heartless; treacherous; insolent; despicable; ubiquitous; stubborn; blaspheming: deadliest; cunning; contending; faint; blood-seeking; hereditary; lurking; bitterest; over-confident; one-time; hellish; persistent; dark; -encircled; external; mocking: unexpected; savage; alert; hostile; ironclad; captured; defeated; cowering; principal; dastardly


    cugse—; defy—; denounce—; disarm—; discover—; dislodge—;. embolden—; grapple with—; halt—; inflame—, inflict on—; inveigh against—; overwhelm—; persecute—; puzzle—; reconcile—; subdue—; vanquish —; —advances; —approaches; —assaults; —attacks; —falls; —looms up; —strikes

    (See enemy, adversary, opponent, antagonist.)

    Fog adjectives

    transparent; antarctic; autumnal; dank; treacherous; opalescent; thick; black; rolling; gray; heavy; white; pea-soup; dense; chill; contagious; low-lying; relentless; increasing; germ-laden; midsummer; silent; drooping; blinding; impenetrable; miasmal; curling; dismal; decided; wall-like; opaque; blanketing.; heartless


    cut—; dispel—; disperse—; dissipate—; emerge from—; fathom—; grope in—; penetrate—; —abates; —blankets; —clears; — creeps up; —devours; —fades; —lifts; — settles on; —swallows up; —wraps around

    (See mist, haze, darkness.)

    Foggy adverbs

    mysteriously; unluckily; unfortunately; thickly; slightly; lightly; strangely; alarmingly; fearfully; dangerously; frightfully; impossibly; darkly; impenetrably; muddily; hazily; vaporously; wetly; mistily; nebulously; murkily; uncommonly; opaquely

    Foible adjectives

    harmless; amiable; pitiable; laughable

    pleasant; cheery; understandable


    acknowledge—; correct—; cure of—; detect —; disclose—discover—; entail—; expose—: inherit—; observe—; overcome—: perceive—; produce—; resent—; reveal—; ridicule—; screen—; tempt—; —appears; —arises; —hinders; —irritates; —results

    (See fault, failing, weakness, defect, frailty.)

    Foil adjectives

    glistening; glittering; gleaming; sharp; glinting; swift


    enchanting; mazy; misty; snapping; secret; drowsy; brazen; caressing; snowy; floating; dimpled; thick; amorous; effeminate; ample; vaporous; voluminous; wind-flowing; loosened; deep-shadowed; clammy; becoming; sweeping; glistening; fllmy; radiant; horizontal; fatal; strangling; gold-fringed; overhanging; graceful; meaningless; pinching; shivering; unapproachable

    FOLD (v} adverbs

    tensely; neatly; unconsciously; ostentatiously; quaintly; placidly; threateningly; wearily; voluminously; tenderly

    (See embrace, clasp.)

    FOLDER adjectives

    descriptive; illustrated; well-printed; lucid; advertising


    arrange in—; assemble in—; attach to—; collect in—; destroy—; distribute—s; go through—; lodge in—; pass out—s; place in—; pore over—; prepare—; preserve in —; pull from—; refer to—; search in—; store in—; —advertises; —contains; —discloses

    (See catalogue, record.)

    FOLIAGE adjectives

    cloudy; profuse; scattering; sapless; admirable; gracious; feathered; fresh; brilliant; luxuriant; delicate; evanescent; tropical; polished; gorgeous; golden; bright; tinted; silvery; bluish-gray; tender; scarlet; autumnal; shining; clustering; wasted; observable; sunny; dense; colored; fiery; blunt; curly; knotted; entangled; massive; dropping; ruddy; fresh; rustling; scant; softened; umbrageous; dying; intervening; voluminous; graceful; ornamental; protecting; overhanging; disease-resistant; impenetrable; screening; glossy


    admire—; bear—; behold—; decorate with —; don—; drench—; refresh—; shed—; shower—; sprout—; welcome—; yield—; — abounds; —adorns; —appears; —bathes; —blooms; —dies; —rustles; —shadows; — surrounds; —trembles

    (See leaves.)


    illuminated; ponderous; rare; inestimable; unhandy



    quick-witted; trivial; cross-tempered; quarrelsome; finical; guileful; guarded; suspicious; anxious; furtive; purposeful; truehearted; famished; complacent; eavesdropping; ordinary; old-fashioned; showy; shadowy; placid; unexcitable; wee; shepherd; pert; novelty-loving; scribbling; fashionable; timorous; humble; hard-working; religious; peaceful; indigenous; unwieldy; slow; heavy; pale; prosperous; happy; furtive; cunning; hysterical; well-mannered; reaping; invincible; marooned; congenial; worthy; bourgeois; plain

    FOLKS verbs

    amuse—; enjoy—; please—; study—; visit —; —abide by; —adhere to; —admit; — cherish; —cleave to; —cling to; —congregate; —flourish; —follow; —frolic; —gambol; —gather; —inherit; —instil; —persevere; —resent; —revel

    (See people, nation, family, relatives.)

    FOLLOW (v) adverbs

    instinctively; abjectly; trustfully; inevitably; irresistibly; reverently; wistfully; obsequiously; relentlessly; heedlessly; slavishly; reluctantly; unswervingly; gallantly; mechanically; traditionally; dutifully; dumbly; placidly; mutely; logically; religiously; grudgingly; undeviatingly; automatically; implicitly; doggedly; devoutly; diligently; sedulously

    (See chase, pursue.)

    FOLLOWER verbs

    attract—s; beget—s; beguile—; conduct—; dictate to—; direct—; exhort—; fascinate —; gather—s; goad—; instruct—; retain—; secure—s; spurn—s; woo—s; —accepts; — accompanies; —admires; —assists; —imitates; —obeys; —practises; —s preserve; — serves

    (See disciple.)

    Followers adjectives

    heterogeneous; heretical; despairing; immediate; unruly; conservative; obsequious; faithful; diffident; egregious; wayworn; insuperable; sincerest; discontented; favorite; influential; scattered; stout-hearted; deluded

    Following adjectives

    prodigious; tremendous; overbearing; unnatural; popular; huge; national; inspired


    guide—; instruct—; retain—; secure—

    spurn—; whip up—; —adheres; —attends

    —disbands; —pursues

    (See follower.)

    Folly adjectives

    sheer; ludicrous; violent; prostrate; wilful; gratuitous; vain; shouting; stupendous; industrious; crowning; derogatory; egregious; serious; rash; present; deplorable; superfluous; sordid; idiotical; capricious; incurable; human; sentimental; disastrous; daring; amiable; pernicious; extreme; enormous; impious; obvious; ingrained; youthful (pl); amorous; harmless; pretty; wild; glaring; covert; pretentious; incredible; ridiculous; countless (pl); flagrant; repudiated; irritating; repented; repeated; absurd; intermittent (pl)


    accuse of—; balk at—of; commit to—; decry—; deplore—; discern—; emancipate from—; fall into—; flatter into—; guard against—; lure into—; mitigate—; regret —; ridicule—: rue—; run after—ies; scorn —; uncover—; vex with—; work—

    (See foolishness, indiscretion, absurdity, infatuation.)

    Fomentations adjectives

    copious; generous; applied; restful; unexpected

    Fond adverbs

    foolishly; unutterably; inordinately; infat-uatedly; undyingly; obsequiously; genuinely; unwontedly; particularly; remarkably; childishly; extremely; tenderly; mawkishly; warmly; filially; dutifully; enthusiastically; intensely; spasmodically; ludicrously; demonstratively; temperately; tempestuously; gratefully; impulsively; respectfully; passionately; sincerely; beautifully; frankly; proudly; violently; sentimentally; deeply; heart-warmingly; gratifyingly; temperately; innately; essentially; confessedly; ridiculously; ostentatiously; understandably; justly; devotedly; incongruously; professedly; obviously; palpably

    Fondness adjectives

    thoughtful; foolish; maternal; exaggerated; inordinate; unutterable; inbred; infatuated; undying; obsequious; undiscriminating; genuine; unwonted; particular; remarkable; regal; evident; childish; solicitous; usual; extreme; gruesome; hoarded; faithful; unusual; tender; mawkish; precocious

    Food adjectives

    unwholesome; essential; wholesome; synthetic; spiritual; health; celestial; unsating; best; marvelous; intellectual; digestible; exceptional; repulsive; abundant; nutritious; natural; precious; unscrupulous; untasted; leathery; toothsome; heedful; unusual; attractive; delicious; inferior; unsavory; highly-spiced; concentrated; smoking; inedible; nectar; canned; adulterated; medicinal; palatable; enjoyable; protective; satisfying; superb; substantial; desirable; piscatorial; frosted; frozen; tonic; out-of-sea-son; obnoxious; packaged; non-fattening; tempting; accustomed; rejuvenating; cheapest; sharp-tasting; execrable; inadequate; concentrated; well-cooked; raw; fundamental; automatic; elaborate; ambrosial; plenteous; delectable; scanty; superb; assimilated; vitalizing; luscious; world-famous; choice; dainty; tasty; good; fine; appetizing; excellent; splendid; inspired; insufficient


    absorb—; accumulate—; anoint—; assimilate—; bolt—; brown—; consume—; contaminate—; convey—; crave—; deprive of —; devitalize—; dilute—; dispense—; dole out—; expel—; flavor—; forage for—; freight—; masticate—; munch—; order—; partake of—; peptonize—; predigest—; prescribe—: puke—; purvey—; ration—; refine—; requisition—; restrict—; season—; shovel down—; snatch at—; snitf—; subsist on—; vomit—; withdraw—; wolf—

    —agrees with; —decreases; —ferments; — irritates; —putrefies; —sustains; —upsets

    (See nourishment, nutriment, meat, bread, rations, victuals, viands, refreshments.)

    Fool verbs

    appear like—; play the—; prove oneself a —; put the—upon; remain—; ridicule—; suspect oneself—; think one a—; turn—; —apes; —beckons; —capers; -—complains; —counterfeits; —disregards; —diverts; — dotes; —gambols; —ignores; —jests; —lets slip; —mistakes; —possesses; —prates; — preaches; —sidles; —mocks

    (See idiot, clown.)

    Fool (v


    amiably; ignorantly; wantonly; pitifully; blindly; hatefully; vulgarly; tediously; clumsily; unfeelingly; ungratefully; venomously; deliberately; sportively; shallowly

    (See deceive, trick.)

    Fooleries adjectives

    bygone; humorous; insouciant

    Foolhardy adverbs

    ignorantly; youthfully; boldly; ridiculously; absurdly; sadly; recklessly; fecklessly; carelessly; daringly; desperately; rashly; idiotically; preposterously; indiscreetly; extravagantly; imprudently; childishly; dangerously; terribly; senselessly

    Fooling adjectives gracious; admirable; airy; flippant

    Foolish adverbs

    ridiculously; absurdly; ludicrously; unreasonably; insanely; extravagantly; idiotically; ineptly; inanely; irrationally; childishly; stupidly; blatantly; brainlessly; fatuously; injudiciously; rashly; simply; weakly; altogether; supremely; senselessly; fantastically; manifestly; grossly; pathetically

    Foolishness adjectives

    potent; drunken; colossal; unspeakable


    awaken—; cast aside—; confess—; convert into—; criticize—; forsake—; govern by—; grieve over—; ignore—; indicate—; persuade to—; practise—; pretend—; provide —; reprimand—; resent—; ridicule—; rue —; shape—; sneer at—; suffer for—; — amuses; —befits; —persists; —smarts; — tempts; prevent—

    (See folly, absurdity; imprudence, indiscretion.)

    Fools adjectives

    calf-like; luckless; flatulent; simple-minded; amiable; bleating; superstitious; superannuated; ignorant; weak-minded; poor; dappled; wanton; blind; pitiful; blasted; badgering; family; dull; impractical; incapable; honest; besotted; blundering; hateful; crack-brained; veritable; tuneful; precious; misguided; puling; pale; scrawny; wretched; vulgar; allowed; frantic; proud; tedious; witty; clumsy; gullible; strait-laced; soft; dull-eyed; shallow; learned; sweeter; unfeeling; inconstant; damnable; ungrateful; hairy; accursed: motley; officious; positive; brazen; venomous; yawning; consummate; obstinate; conspicuous; fond; deliberate; contemplative; rash; patient; scoundrelly

    Foot adjectives

    wandering; blistered: emphatic; itching; fiery; stealthy; mutilated; inaudible; noiseless; crushing; punctilious; spurning; feathered; ponderous; restless; fearful; godlike; diminutive; forgetful; cautious; unresisting; swelled; slight; slender; bounding; maladjusted; individual; tentative; struggling; cloven; careless; investigating; nimble; fairy; exquisite; shapely; tiniest; beautiful; small; bare; dangling; naked; extended; sensitive; sandaled; exploring: large-booted; gout-ridden


    ail—; bandage—; bare—; brace—; chafe —; control—; drum—; elevate—; expose—; injure—; journey on—; lame—; lay—on; massage—; plant—; plunk (colloq.)—; scramble to feet; shod—; shuffle feet; spring to feet; stagger to feet; stamp—; trample under—; wander on—; —aches; —drags

    —pounds; —presses; feet scurry; —sinks in; —soils; feet slacken their pace; —treads on; —trips; —lags; —marks; feet patter

    Footfall adjectives

    lightest; stealthy; pattering (pl)

    Foot-Hills adject.ves

    desolate; barren; uninhabitable

    Foothold adjectives

    meager; scant; precarious; tentative


    acquire—; apply—; climb by—; contrive—; devise—; effect—; employ—; gain—; grab —; lose—; manage—; necessitate—; recover—; relax—; release—; warrant—; — agonizes; ■—enables; —saves

    (See support, hold.)

    Footing adjectives

    insecure; surer; friendly; uncertain; indispensable; equal; solid; unsteadfast; treacherous ; unsteady

    Footlights verbs

    crave—; diminish—; employ—; hover at —; reach—; require—; —attract; —color

    —deceive; —divert; —emblazon; —enhance; —flash; —flatter; —flood; —glare

    —illumine; —shine; —soften; —suffuse

    (See light, stage, theater, )

    Footman adjectives

    servile; stiff-necked; powder-headed; select

    Foot-Note adjectives

    humble; elusive; helpful; necessary

    Footprints adjectives

    fading; fiery; veritable; dim; blurred; blood-stained; halting

    Footstep verbs

    anticipate—; characterize—; dim—; identify—; listen for—; muffle—; obliterate—; pad—; recognize—; trace—; tread in—; —destroys; —exposes; —lags; —mars; — marks; —patters: —presses; —resounds; — reveals; —sinks in; —soils; —surprises; — warns; anticipate—

    (See step.)

    Footsteps adjectives

    ringing; impartial; martial; harmless; pattering; plainer; faltering; retreating; ethereal; cautious; shuffling; early; tranquil; hastening; hurried; tottering; hallowed; errant; unwary; coming; paternal; trembling; visiting; rapid; parting; softened; rustling; foul; light; bounding

    Footstool adjectives

    radiant; battered; comfortable

    FOOTWAY adjectives

    grass-grown; discernible; winding

    Footwear adjectives

    superior; expensive; exclusive; comfortable

    Fop adjectives

    priggish; suave; conceited; bold; overdressed; rash; silk-stockinged

    FOPPERIES adjectives

    exaggerated; indescribable; undesirable; unthinkable

    Foppish adverbs

    effeminately; fashionably; gallantly; preposterously; foolishly; ludicrously; absurdly; senselessly; conceitedly; ostentatiously; showily; flauntingly; jauntily; blithely; habitually; jutlandishly; outrageously; disgustingly; pretentiously; proudly; pridefully; detestably; offensively; abominably

    Foraging adjectives

    criminal; adept; clumsy; exploratory

    Forays adjectives

    occasional; frequent; sudden; ill-starred; remorseless: endless

    Forbearance adjectives

    friendly; generous; unusual; wonderful; abounding; systematic; passive; unexpected; affectionate; good-natured; gentle


    admire—; commend—; conduct with—; end—; endure with—; excel in—; extort—; feign—; indulge in—; justify—; laud—; learn—; occasion—; practise—; praise—; pretend—; submit with—; suffer—; treat with—; —surprises

    (See patience, mercy, indulgence, tolerance.)

    Forbid (v) adverbs

    specifically; ostentatiously; positively; dogmatically; rudely; pugnaciously; reluctantly; vehemently

    (See restrain, hinder, prevent.)

    Forbidding adverbs

    sternly; disagreeably; unreasonably; unpleasantly; wryly; frightfully; gracelessly; grossly; grimly; shockingly; roughly; repulsively; monstrously; horridly; haggardly; dreadfully; odiously; appallingly

    Force adjectives

    tangential; orthogonal; material; automatic; selling; striving; provisional; elastic; diminished; perturbative; brainless; all-compelling; intensified; organizing; victorious; quickening; despoiling; radial; disturbing; insurgent; expeditionary; ethical; considerable; available; dramatic; hoplite; campaigning; resistless; influential; chemical; odious; cumulative; inadequate; powerful; imperious; sufficient; tremendous; superior; crushing; irresistible; apogee; vital; antagonistic; extraordinary; deadly; imperial; sullen; enduring; overwhelming; thwarting; civilizing; working; financial; deterring; conflicting; enormous; deterrent; molecular; static; latent; incomprehensible; invading; opposing; mechanical; insuperable; inorganic; vast; mental; formidable; unvarying; headlong; superior; intense; artistic; demoralized; meditative; self-formed; scattered; unguided; blind; striking; social; constant; besieging; threatening; protective; centrifugal; centripetal; objective; spiritual; ignoble; unwieldy; retarding; natural; frictional; universal; concentrated; entire; spontaneous; operant; devitalizing; permanent; virile; efficient; blasphemous; exuberant; attacking; unrestrained; creative; excessive; electro-motive; well-disciplined; human; reverberating; impelling; synthetic; injurious; swelling; explosive; negative; indivisible; malevolent; instrumental; reactionary; fivefold; overpowering; subterranean; repellent; auxiliary; comparative; insignificant; genuine; meager; potent; fearful; harnessed; terrible; unknown; frontier; outnumbered; selective; cohesive; divided; frightful; calculable; fluid; disturbing; controlling; muscular; superhuman; physical; ameliorative; unaided; brute; tragic; moral; missionary; numerical; defending; living; nervous; passionate; innovating; armed; all-pervading; compulsory; disheartened; elemental; original; lacking; famished; available; hostile; demoniac; peculiar; bodily; uncommon; magnetic; mere; undiminished; pneumatic; lifting; terrifying; supplementary; persuasive; domestic; ascensional; revolting; overmastering; equivalent; driving; deep; remedial; vegetative; sheer; dubious; competent; incisive; generative; unrelenting; sacred; quiet; unmerciful; educational; dynamic; almighty; omnipresent; effectual; wavering; plastic; dumb-gazing; supernatural; unrestricted; destructive; reliable; tractive; emotional; multiple; caressing; illustrative; ethereal; subversive; masterful; philosophical; colonial; unseen; international; furious; economic; wave-whirled; gravitating; sustaining; mercenary; much-needed; propulsive; undeniable; motley; subtle; ceaseless; bull-like; sales; uniformed; unpitying; elevatory; inherent; royal; obstructive; dominant; great; contending; innate; imperious; constructive; psychological; exigent; exhausted; prevalent; warring; primal


    absorb—; accelerate—; acquire—; assail by —; combat—; concentrate—s; defy—; diminish—; discipline—s; dislodge by—; divert —; employ—; focus—upon; join—s; gather —s; generate—; hamper—; harmonize—s; harness—; impede—; intensify—; let loose —s; marshal—s; mass—s; muster—s; neut-lalize—; nullify—; rally—s; react upon with—; recruit—s; resist—; resort to—; stymie—; suspend—; suppress by—; transmit—; triumph over—; utilize—; weaken—

    • — s battle; —s engulf; —impels; —s motivate; —subdues; —subsides; —s underlie

    • — s war

    (See energy, power, strength.)

    Force (v) adverbs

    deliberately; instinctively; ruthlessly; offensively; gradually; automatically; dramatically; antagonistically; financially; ignobly; spontaneously; blasphemously; malevolently; potently; demoniacally; incisively; dynamically; psychologically; odiously

    (See oblige, compel.)

    Forceful adverbs

    impressively; immensely; unwontedly; admirably; intensely; ably; dynamically; potentially; persuasively; vigorous^; invincibly; sublimely; eloquently; influentially; strikingly; effectively; effectually; energetically; intentionally; deliberately; trenchantly; vehemently; violently; sensationally; boldly; passionately; vividly

    Ford adjectives

    practicable; convenient

    Forearms adjectives

    wiry; sinewy; hairy

    Forebears verbs

    admire—; claim—; commemorate—; extol —; honor—; inherit from—; invent—; judge—; receive from—; uphold—; venerate—; wean away from—; —achieve; — accomplish; —found; —inspire; —instil; -— lead; —migrate; —produce; -—settle; — suffer

    (See ancestors.)

    Foreboding verbs

    arouse—; assail by—; cast aside—; disperse—; fly from—; heed—; realize—; relate—; ridicule—; —advises; —betokens; — divines; —foretells; —oppresses; —overhangs; —prophesies; —signifies; —warns

    (See apprehension, anticipation, prognostication.)

    Forebodings adjectives

    vague; gloomy; dismal; unfavorable; cynical; sorrowful; dim; retroactive; chilling, undefinable; wretched; sinister; grim; inexplicable; incorrect

    Forecast adjectives

    judicious; vivid; conservative; surprising; accurate; exultant; enlightened; broad; prophetic; provident


    abide by—; arise from—; believe—; commend—; flout—; heed—; inquire of—; provide—; read—; rectify—; ridicule—; study —; trust—; —advises; —anticipates; —dejects; —indicates; —predicts; —promises

    • — warns

    (See prophecy, estimate.)

    Forefathers adjectives

    crusading; physical; pioneering

    Forefinger adjectives

    absolute; gnarled; coercive; swarthy; grimy; argumentative; slim; beckoning; pointed; long; flapping; thick; blunt; admonitory; crooked; mocking

    Forehead adjectives

    flaming; tattooed; unfretful; expanded; marble; smooth; swarthy; luminous; tanned; pale; pallid; mantling; frowning; mountainous; square; fretted; bulging; lofty; spacious; jutting; powerful; branded; fabled; dusky; livid; ample; dirt}-; well-developed; unsustained; knobby; somber; tranquil; exquisite; disfigured; shaped; wide; massive; cloudless; wrinkled; deep-grooved; damp; moist; perspiring; mean; calm; burning; towering; bold; throbbing; princely; well-shaped; fine; narrow; aristocratic; intelligent; brainy; anxious; receding; unbashful


    cloud—; distinguish by—; furrow—; knot —; map—; raise—; scar—; —wrinkles; — puckers; —pulsates; —throbs

    (See face, head.)

    Foreign adverbs

    harmlessly; objectionably; inadmissably; un-conformably; strangely; remotely; irrelevantly; outlandishly; undeniably; ostentatiously; palpably; essentially; obviously; disagreeably; inconceivably; relatively; discordantly; impertinently; fantastically; exotically; intrusively; inimically; disinterestedly; extraneously

    Foreigner adjectives

    high-born; cursed; invading; enlightened; hated; distinguished


    accept—; admit—; allow—; Americanize—; beguile—; deport—; enhance—; entertain —; examine—; limit—s; lodge—; naturalize—; reject—; school—in; smuggle in—s; welcome—; —s colonize; —s crowd; —s intrude; —s settle in

    (See alien.)

    Forerunner adjectives

    elegant; early; indigenous

    Foresee (v) adverbs

    dimly; timorously; morbidly; clairvoyantly; vividly; mysteriously; supernaturally; unerringly

    (See anticipate, prepare, foretell.)

    Foresight adjectives

    shrinking; patriotic; economic; fiery; sagacious; divine; prudent; keen

    Forest adjectives

    dull; motionless; intricate; illimitable; isolated; teak; aboriginal; virgin; lonely; primeval; ilex; adjacent; unawakened; green-haired; trackless; preservable; cathedral-vaulted; thick-studded; favoring; natural; solemn; tropical; impenetrable; solitary; mildew; uncleared; enchanted; rank; moon-illumined; great; silent; desolate; interminable; incense-bearing; magnificent; fragrant; murmuring; umbrageous; blackened; sun-filled; flaming; black; golden; tinted; unspoiled; moaning; boundless; thicketed; still; thick; rude; untrodden; dripping; shadowed; unwilling; melancholy; somber; tangled; pine-carpeted; infinite; tantalizing; hazy; unbroken; coniferous; panther-peopled; odorous; stretching; hoary; intervening; matted; immense; majestic; fast-darkening; surrounding; dreary; leafless; silver-powdered; limitless; disenchanted; unsurveyed; thrifty; unwholesome; girdling; trackless; frowning; consuming; scathed; ancient; encircling; mighty; massy; monotonous; luxuriant; sleeping; uncouth; miniature; black-bearded; encroaching; slumberous


    conserve—s; denude—s; deplete—; dot with —s; entangle in—; fell—; guard—; harbor in—; infest—; invade—; jeopardize—s; level—; patrol—; poach in—; preserve—; raze—; skirt—; thin out—; wipe out—; —abounds in; —encircles; —extends; — flourishes; —ranges; —whispers

    (See jungle.)

    Foretell (v) adverbs

    portentously; sensationally; uncannily; clairvoyantly; accurately; unerringly

    (See predict, portend, foresee.)

    Forethought adjectives

    divine; anxious; endless; deliberate


    commend—; decide with—; discipline to—; employ—; exercise—; exhibit—; indulge in —; mark by—; necessitate—; note for—; praise—; provide—; save by—; submit to —; urge—; —assures; —determines; —enables; —impedes; —influences; —obviates; —overcomes; —prepares; —reaps

    (See consideration, prudence, precaution.)

    Forfeit adjectives

    unredeemable; profitless; vain


    call—; demand—; exact—; impose—; incur—; lose—; offer—; pay—^penalize with —; punish with—; redeem—; remit—; subject to—; take—; —clears; —deprives; — redeems; —releases; —ruins

    (See fine, penalty.)

    Forfeit (v


    automatically; legally; irrevocably; inevitably; provisionally; nominally

    (See fine, pay.)

    Forge adjectives

    gleaming; sounding; flash ag

    Forge (v

    'Adverbs laboriously; dexterously; artfully; audaciously; deliberately; daringly; subtly

    (See force, push.)

    Forgery adjectives

    literary; flimsy; deliberate; audacious

    Forget (v


    mercifully; promptly; speedily; momentarily; eternally; wantonly; deliberately; conveniently; prudently; flagrantly

    (See ignore, neglect, overlook.)

    Forgetful adverbs

    lamentably; carelessly; idly; inattentively; senilely; agedly; hopelessly; deplorably; unfortunately; conveniently; tactfully; forgivingly; gracefully; irritatingly; provok-ingly; vexatiously; incurably; helplessly; nervou"ly; weakly; treacherously; sadly; terribly; inexcusably; criminally; tragically

    Forgetfulness adjectives

    conceivable; dull; momentary; frank; heavenly; atrocious; slumberous; unkind; eternal

    Forgive (v) adverbs

    graciously; magnanimously; indulgently; meekly; heartily; mutually; patiently; solemnly; cordially; spiritually

    (See excuse, acquit.)

    Forgiveness adjectives

    infinite; mutual; implored

    Forgiving adverbs

    gracefully; indulgently; wisely; discreetly; wholly; tolerantly; tactfully; generously; graciously; infinitely; nobly; magnanimously; charitably; benignly; unexpectedly; surprisingly; chivalrously; gallantly; affably; extremely

    Forgotten adverbs

    sadly; altogether; unhappily; conveniently; cold-heartedly; unfeelingly; wretchedly; un-pardonably; inexcusably; carelessly; brutally; thoughtlessly; mercilessly; selfishly; ungratefully; thanklessly; friendlessly; desolately; forlornly; miserably; disconsolately; appallingly; shockingly

    Fork adjectives

    gesticulating; triple; excoriated; soft; tender; furrowy; vibrating; tuning


    barb with—; brandish—; cast with—; convey on—; draw with—; hook with—; impale on—; jab with—; lift—; pursue with —; stab with—; —pierces; —prongs; — spears; —transfers

    (See knife.)

    Forlorn adverbs

    lonesomely; terribly; pitiably; pathetically; uncommonly; utterly; listlessly; silently; glumly; resignedly; profoundly; weirdly; singularly; immensely; blankly; unutterably

    Form adjectives

    absurd; active; acute; admirable; adorable; aesthetic; aggravated; airy; ample; analogic; angular; antique; apparent; archaic; archangelic; architectural; artistic; athletic; attenuated; barbarous; barest; beastlike; beautiful; bent; bestial; bewildering; bewitching; birdlike; blanketed; blasting; bleeding; bliss-inspiring; bloated; bounding; boyish; briefest; brigand-like; broken; buckskin-clad; burly; changing; charming; chaste; childish; chronic; circular; clamorous; classic; clothed; codified (pl); collectible; colloidal; comely; commanding; compact; complicated; concentrated; conciliatory; concrete; condensed; constitutional; contrary; convenient; conventional; corrupted; countless (pl) J creeping; crowded; crumpled; cultivated; cumulative; curvilinear; debasing; cylindrical; dainty; decrepit; desired; definite; democratic; detailed; determinate; diabolic; diluted; disguised; disrobed; dissolving; distressing; distribution; durable; earliest; ecstatic; elastic; elegant; elliptic; emasculated; erect; ephemeral; epistolary; equitable; established; erroneous; eventual; exaggerated; express; expurgated; exquisite; faded; fair; faltering; famished; fan-shaped; fantasma-Jike; fantastic; faultless; feigned; feminine; fiery; flawless; flitting; floral; fluid; fragile; fruitful; gallant; fundamental; garbled; gaseous; gigantic; gasping; gaunt; geometrical; ghostly; glancing; gleaming; gloomy; glorious; glowing; gnarled; graceful; goodly; graceless; grandiose; granular; graphic; greyhound-like; groaning; guileless; handsome; harmless; harmonic; heavenly; herculean; heroic; historic; horrible; huddled; hulking; human; hungry; hurrying; ill-clad; imposing; improvisational; incoherent; inconvenient; indirect; individual; indurate; inert; inexorable; infantile; ingenious; intimate; instrumental; intricate; irritated; jovial; jostling; kicking; languid; lanky; lifeless; long; low; magnified; majestic; malignant; mainfold; manly; mantled; maritime; metrical; microscopic; milder; mitigated; moderate; modified; molder-ing; monophonic; monumental; motionless; motley (pl) ; moving; mundane; myriad; mythologic; native; never-shifting; needle-shaped; obese; offensive; oligarchic; operatic; organic; outward; palpable; palatable; particular; pathetic; permanent; plastic; pliant; poetic; pompous; portly; prescribed; pretentious; printed; pristine; prone; proper; prostrate; protesting; proverbial; provincial; puerile; puerperal; pure; quantitative; quivering; rebellious; recitative; recumbent; regular; related; reluctant; repugnant; respectful; retiring; rhythmic; robust; rigid; sardonic; scholastic; semicircular; semi-elliptical; senseless; serpentine; shadowy; shaky; shapely; simple; shivering; shriveled; shrouded; sinking; shrunken; singular; skeleton; slender; slim; smug; slouching; slumping; spare; spectral; spheroidal; spiritualized; squalid; staggering; standard; startling; stately; stiff; strange; strong; structural; struggling; stunted; subsumed; suffering; suitable; superb; swallow-tailed; symmetrical; tall; tapering; technical; tedious; theistic; thickening; thin; tiny; titanic; tortuous; tottering; towering; traditional; transient; typical; unadulterated; unblemished; undulating; undying; unhealthy; unimaginable; unintelligible; united; unmatched; unnatural; unphonetic; unremembered; unsubstantial; unusual; vacant; valuable; vaporous; varied; vast; veiled; venerable; vicarious; villanelle; virulent; visible; visionary; warlike; wasted; wedge-shaped; weird; well-balanced; willowy; feeble; coherent; wolflike; wooden; writhing; conversational; peculiar; pedagogic; peerless; phantom


    accept—; adhere to—; assume—; conventionalize—; develop—; distort—; enhance —; evince—; gain—; insist on—; jeopardize—; lend—to; model on—; pattern—; retain—; scoff at—; standardize—; —embraces; —sways

    (See method, ritual, style, model.)

    Form (v) adverbs

    voluntarily; theoretically; successively; gracefully; dexterously; expeditiously; inadvertently; prematurely; originally; insensibly; ultimately; delicately; collectively; ingeniously; durably; aesthetically; constitutionally; cumulatively; democratically; diabolically; ephemerally; erroneously; fantastically; geometrically; grandiosely; majestically; organically; symmetrically; tortuously

    (See shape, mould.)

    Formal adverbs

    extremely; unusually; officially; strictly; conventionally; dogmatically; ritualistically; legally; ecclesiastically; absolutely; unde-viatingly; explicitly; solemnly; ceremoniously; curiously; gracefully; splendidly; brilliantly; terribly; awesomely; punctiliously; meticulously; particularly; needlessly; coldly; unnecessarily; foolishly

    Formality adjectives

    concluding; statuesque; affected; stiff; precise; professional; imposing; architectural; stately; icy; tired; tiring; degrading; rigid; joyless


    adopt—; break—; conduct with—; conform to—; discard—; dress in—; don—; ease—; encase in—; end—ies ; endure—; engage in —; execute with—; exercise—; insist on—; observe—ies; perform—ies; peach—ies; preserve—ies; relax—; require—; school in —; shed—; shun—; —corsets; —exasperates; —retards; —stifles; —preserves

    (See conventionality, ceremony.)

    Formation adjectives

    geological; humanistic; proper; peculiar; meteoric; tertiary; harmonic; crude; various (pl); fantastic; shaft-like; remarkable; delusional; delicate; inanimate; slow


    abet —; aid —; bar —; check —; conceal — of; discover —; divest of —; emerge from —; precede —; prevent —; shake —; sponsor —; suppress —; whip into —; — breaks; — divides; — splits; — takes place

    (See arrangement, development.)

    Formula adjectives

    mathematical; moral; abstract; original; magical; aphoristic; invariable; devotional; bristling; perfected; barren; creative; dead; noble; majestic; definite


    accept—; apply—; apprise of—; bungle—; change—; coin—; compound—; compute—; devise—; employ—; evolve—; express in—; falsify—; fetter by—; fulfill—; reduce to—; simplify—; utilize—; work from—; —clarifies; —curbs; —states

    (See rule, form, prescription, principle, ritual.)

    Formulate (v) adverbs

    peculiarly; scientifically; enterprisingly; academically; skillfully; dexterously; crudely; professionally

    (See plan, prepare.)

    Formulation adjectives

    academic; scientific; definite; crude

    Forsake (v) adverbs

    reluctantly; unnaturally; disastrously; faithlessly; shamefully; churlishly; unfeelingly. (See abandon, quit, leave.

    Forsaken adverbs

    desolately; lamentably; desperately; helplessly; shockingly; utterly; unhappily; cold-heartedly; unfeelingly; wretchedly; miserably; appallingly; friendlessly; mercilessly; unpardonably; thoughtlessly; cruelly; brutally; disconsolately; dreadfully; pitifully

    Fort adjectives

    outlying; improvised; grim; silent; impregT nable; well-garrisoned; deserted; strategic; hidden; camouflaged

    Fortification adjectives

    wasted; noble; remarkable; permanent; extensive; grim; stupendous; medieval; tremendous; useless; antiquated


    arm —; assail —; charge —; erect —; fire on —; maintain —; march to —; necessitate —; plan —; provide —; require —; shatter —; — defends; — guards; — overlooks; — preserves; — protects; — repels; — shields; — surrounds; — yields

    (See castle, stronghold.)

    Fortify (v) adverbs

    unwaveringly; speedily; stalwartly; mysteriously; testily; crudely; powerfully; permanently; grimly; medievally; antiquatedly; extensively

    (See defend, guard, protect, resist )

    Fortitude adjectives

    Christian; matchless; admirable; uncomplaining; unpretentious; placid; remarkable; surprising; stoic; unshakable; intestinal; sustained; physical; iron; enduring; calm; extraordinary; sufficient; stolid


    admire —; arm with —; bear with —; commend —; conduct with —; consider —; endure with —; excel in —; exhibit —; laud —; mark by —; occasion —; practice —; praise —; require —; summon —; tolerate with —; treat with —; — amazes; — surprises

    (See courage, endurance, strength.)

    Fortress adjectives

    level; mighty; permanent; improvised; baronial; gloomy; island; feminine; garrisoned; inaccessible; dismantled; frowning; seductive; insulated; frost-locked; grim; walled; magnificent; medieval; ragged; beleaguered; rock-bound; impregnable; isolated

    Fortuitous adverbs

    curiously; obviously; luckily; presumably; casually; wholly; comically; inexplicably; mysteriously; admittedly; ludicrously; certainly; providentially; frequently; purportedly; evidently; luckily; awkwardly; pleasantly; tragically; undependably; uneasily; uncertainly; opportunely; ironically; favorably; conveniently

    Fortunate adverbs

    blessedly; splendidly; politically; incidentally; moderately; luckily; unwontedly; propitiously; systematically; regularly; uniformly; brilliantly; inherently; triumphantly; inexpressibly; inscrutably; signally; notoriously; unaccountably; unwarrantably; significantly; mysteriously; immensely; marvellously; ultimately; enviably; conveniently; ingeniously; accidentally; reasonably; highly; extremely; happily; fairly; auspiciously; luckily; providentially; remarkably; unusually; consistently; gratifyingly; pleasantly; agreeably; fittingly; delightfully; appropriately

    Fortune adjectives

    fairer; munificent; fallen; rude; adverse; cursed; blessed; varying; colossal; competent; considerate; gracious; splendid; political; forlorn; individual; shattered; ample; stupendous; unparalleled; equal; favorable; blind; moderate; stormy; good; fitful; frowning; drooping; public; invulnerable; tottering; wretched; rare; fluctuating; enormous; crooked; humbled; squandered; dire; subsequent; brilliant; indulgent; inconstant; princely; changing; gloomy; wild; patrimonial; narrow; fierce; keen; adventurous; sunny; superior; promising; dissipated; extraordinary; desperate; fouler; spiritual; broken; prodigious; relenting; signal; hostile: unconfirmed; fretted; sure; disastrous; dependent; ultimate; doubtful; waning


    accumulate —; amass —; bemoan —; bewail —; dissipate —; establish —; fall into —; garner —; hazard —; mend —; net —; prophesy —; reap —; recoup —; replenish —; restore —; retrieve —; stake — on; struggle for —; tempt —; wipe away —; wreck —; —s ascend; —s crash; — ebbs; — fails; — favors; — flows; — melts away

    (See chance, fate, destiny, estate, possessions, success, wealth.)

    Forward (v) adverbs

    conscientiously; progressively; unselfishly; magnanimously; munificently; disastrously; ultimately

    (See advance, send.)

    Forwardness adjectives

    intrusive; brusque; brash

    Fossil adjectives

    Paleozoic; contained; stone-pervaded; mammalian; minute; significant

    Foster (v) adverbs

    cunningly; gradually; effectually; deliberately; diligently; cordially; subtly; diabolically; treacherously; philosophically

    (See support, promote.)

    Foulness adjectives

    horrid; Stygian; dank; miasmic

    Foundation adjectives

    massive; explanatory; moral; splendid; well-laid; unorthodox; rational; permanent; slender; substantial; antiquated; shifting;, virtual; respectable; monstrous; dangerous; durable; treacherous; solid; floating; everlasting; enviable; philosophic; sufficient; economical; lasting; broad; crumbling; reciprocal; thrilling; slenderizing


    build —; correct —; deprive of —; dig at —; erect —; founder at —; ground on —; jeopardize —; lay —; protect —; ruffle —

    sap —; shake —; strike at —; undermine

    —; — crumbles; — remains; — shudders; — stands; — supports

    (See base, basis, principles.)

    Founder adjectives

    traditional; energetic; patient; spiritual

    Foundling adjectives

    helpless; undernourished; scantily-clad

    Fount adjectives

    sapphire; never-failing; continual; perennial; babbling; sacred; consecrated; youthgiving

    Fountain adjectives

    paved; wide-spreading; inexhaustible; burning; searchless; trickling; foul; ancient; perennial; bitter; many-voiced; spouting; celestial; ever-filling; welling; untainted; fresh; life-sealed; gurgling; weedy; pleasant; fireladen; reedy; living; perpetual; hillside; fiery; soulless; bubbling; distant; sporting; earthly; fresh; ceaseless; gushing; unlocked; unfailing; lightning; cool; ablutionary; flashing; geyserlike


    admire —; choke —; illuminate —; — bubbles; — dances; — flings; — floods; — gleams; — gurgles; — gushes; — plays; — sallies; — scintillates; — sings; — sparkles; — splashes; — spouts; — sprinkles; — spurts; — twinkles; — weeps

    (See spring, brook, spray.)

    Fountain-Pen verbs

    feed —; fill —; illustrate with —; pocket —; press on —; regulate —; reserve in —; store in —; transcribe with —; uncap —; '— blotches; — drips; — leaks; — scratches; — spills; — stains

    (See pen.)

    Fowl adjectives

    domestic; plump; glossy; long-billed; gluttonous; winged; screaming; sea; poor; miserable; ravenous; fearful; wild; skinny; sapless; lagging; ungainly; succulent; lean


    behead —; boil —; breed —s; call —; catch

    —; devour —; feed —s; house —s; roast —; serve —; shoo —; snare —; steal —; — cackles; — crows; —s flock; —s gather; — pecks; — scratches

    (See hen, rooster, bird, chicken, turkey, duck, etc.)

    Fox adjectives

    stealthy; caverned; cunning; loping; sly; sleek; slinking


    chase —; ensnare —; farm —; pursue —; raise —es; skin —; trap —; — burrows; — claws; — darts; — digs; — displays; — excavates; — fools; — leaps; — outwits; — preys on; — roams; — tricks

    (See animal.)

    Foxy adverbs

    naturally; cautiously; shrewdly; artfully; abominably; treacherously; trickily; subtly; sharply; evasively; skilfully; adroitly; astutely; deceptively; cunningly; unexpectedly; profoundly; unusually; diplomatically; insidiously; deplorably; unfortunately; strategically; commercially; financially; cannily

    Foyer adjectives

    bare; grotesque; sumptuous

    Fracas verbs

    bridle —; curb —; describe —; enjoy —; enter —; indulge in —; inflame to —; inquire into —; instigate —; interrupt —; invite —; involve in —; occasion —; prevent —; produce —; quell —; raise —", referee —; — annoys; — irritates; — subsides; — unnerves

    (See fight, brawl, uproar, disturbance.)

    Fraction adjectives

    insignificant; minute; undue; slender; mixed


    break into —s; denote —; diminish to —; dispense with —; dispute —; divide into —s; dwindle to —; express —; include —; indicate —; instruct in —s; measure by —; observe —; piece into —s; reduce to —; — irks; — puzzles

    (See fragment.)

    Fractious adverbs

    unmanageably; irritatingly; distressingly; undeniably; notoriously; uncontrollably; ungovernably; abominably; detestably; petulantly; highly; utterly; terribly; peculiarly; singularly; oddly; queerly; churlishly; excitably; snappily; captiously; cantankerously; restively; intolerably; utterly

    Fracture verbs

    cast —; compound —; depress —; examine —; expose —; fasten —; incur —; inflict —; prevent —; produce —; recognize —; reconcile —; reduce —; splice —; splint —; support —; x-ray —; — divides; — heals; — mends; — shocks; — splits; — splinters; — unites

    (See rupture, breach.)

    Fragile adverbs

    delicately; infirmly; weakly; languidly; increasingly; terribly; totteringly; tremulously; decrepitly; defensely; flimsily; nervously; frightfully; shakily; hopelessly; irremediably; uncommonly

    Fragment adjectives

    unrelated; expurgated; enormous; intelligible; welcome; warlike; sparkling; numberless (pl); cumbrous; colossal; tattered; insignificant; scattered (pl); hissing: weary; whirling; clattering; chaotic; shattered; quarried; incoherent; isolated; misty; artless; halting; detached; ill-smelling; connected; cometary; heterogeneous; massive; indubitable; massy; rough; curious; countless (pl); weary; fancy; important; disjointed; grand; beauteous; sculptured; pitiful; brilliant; restless; exquisite


    break into—s; cast into—s; cherish—s; conceal—s; discard—s; excise—s; extract—s; gather up—s; hack into—s; preserve—s; reduce to—s; retain—s; rip into—s; scatter —s; splinter into—s; strew—s; tear into—s; —embarrasses; —s fill; —projects; —s scatter

    (See part, portion, piece, remnant, chip.)

    Fragrance adjectives

    fruity; heady; worldly; delicious; favorite; faint; clinging; delightful; ardor-awakening; sweet; visible; strong; tea; delicate; full-blown; nocturnal; powerful; cloverlike; midsummer; ambrosial; breathing; wholesome; odorous; salty; diffusing; fog; subtle; autumnal; exotic; worldly; unmatched: feverish; ineffable; homelike; dewy; aromatic; spicy; manifold; healthful; nutlike; honied; evanescent; blended; provocative; woody; sense-dissolving; embodied; balmy


    admire—; anoint with—; delight in—; diffuse—; emit—; exude—; fill with—; gather —; inhale—; savor—; share—; veil in—; yield—; —assaults; —clouds; —edifies; — floats; —outlasts; —permeates; —pleases; —scents; —stirs

    (See sweetness, cdor, perfume, scent, smell.)

    Fragrant adverbs

    pleasantly; spicily; redolently; sweetly; pun-gently; arrestingly; refreshingly; seductively; pleasingly; alluringly; strongly; delicately; faintly; exquisitely; enchantingly; charmingly; overpoweringly; overwhelmingly; delectably; intoxicatingly; lingeringly; exotically; romantically; evanescently

    Frail adverbs

    terribly; pitifully; unusually; increasingly; nervously; feebly; decrepitly; languidly; de-fenselessly; helplessly; hopelessly; appallingly; shockingly; miserably; wretchedly

    Frailty adjectives

    human; decorous; female; universal; patent; obvious; apparent; inexcusable


    admit—; condemn—; confess—; crush—; cure—; disguise—; draw—; fall into—; hide—; inherit—; overcome—; play on—; remove—; reveal—; seek—; surrender to —; tempt—; tolerate—; treat—; —s cheat; —shames

    (See weakness.)

    Frame adjectives

    consistent; wasted; mortal; lordly; narrow; thrilling; graceful; universal; spreading; comfortable; lean; becoming; ebonite; tottering; decrepit; unhelpful; nerveless; ponderous; imposing; corporal; unbreathing; stalwart; elastic; weary; lank; long-limbed; grateful; smitten; impassioned; growing; iron; sinful; kindred; anxious; well-knit; wretched; ultimate; chilled; feeble; inexplicable; racked; bent; gilded; blanket-covered; spiritless; huge; husky; faltering; tortured; powerful; pain-worn; portly; delightful; luminous; gaunt; slender; fine; massive; reluctant; dying; arabesque; unlovely; large; meager; hardy; well-proportioned; trembling; oddest; tuneful; irksome; emaciated; attentuated; vigorous; buxom; vital; mystic; uneasy; moldering; unpleasant; perforated; unresisting; shriveled; goodly; measured; spare; matchless; hardy; ethereal; unearthly; daring; vandal; delicate; physical; shrunken; magnificent; seductive; vast; rugged; muscular; vigorous; sky-scraper; flexible; gigantic; stocky; osseous; thick-set; hard; light; wiry; loose; stolid; weak


    adjust—; brace—; construct—; dissolve—; enclose in—; enter into—; fashion—; fence with—; fix to—; lodge in—; move—; overthrow—; place in—; regulate—; set in—; set up—; shape on—; weave on—; —arises; —collapses; —s differ; —shuts out; —stretches

    (See structure, case.)

    Frame (v) adverbs

    brilliantly; picturesquely; substantially; inexplicably; vaguely; gracefully; imposingly; luminously; seductively

    (See devise, contrive, plan.)

    Framework adjectives

    rigid; skeletal; essential

    Franchise adjectives

    elective; tangible; legal; limited


    acquire—; admit to—; advocate—; bequeath

    —to; deprive of—; enjoy—; establish—; exercise—; forbid—; grant—; invest with —; limit—; possess—; purchase—; renew —; restore—; seek—; sell—; violate—; — benefits; —empowers; —exempts; —privileges; —protects

    (See right, exemption, freedom.)

    Frank adverbs

    delightfully; charmingly; bitterly; cruelly; attractively; distressingly; unusually; characteristically; sarcastically; crudely; appallingly; refreshingly; inordinately; artlessly; innocently; ingenuously; plainly; guilelessly; unaffectedly; apparently; strikingly; naively

    Frankness adjectives

    manly; irrevocable; perfect; natural; cordial; timid; placid; virtuous; medical; absolute; inestimable; unsophisticated; superfluous; careless; unprepossessing; engaging; simple; uncomplimentary; brotherly; military; hearty; beautiful; intimate; indolent; imperious; brisk; medieval; sardonic; straightforward; youthful; uninhibited; repellent; naive; savage; genial; painful


    admit—; confess with—; declare with—; experience—; inflict—; meet with—; occasion—; permeate with—; relish—; require —; return—; reveal—; —annoys; —cuts; —disquiets; —hurts; —mortifies; —nettles; —offends; —pains; —pricks; —ruffles; — stings; —wounds

    (See candor, fairness, liberalism.)

    Frantic adverbs

    irritably; passionately; distractedly; feverishly; hysterically; nervously; wildly; eccentrically; crazily; fanatically; incoherently; insensately; rabidly; starkly; acutely; desperately; uncontrollably; irrepressibly; unappeasably; ungovernably; terribly; pitifully; frightfully

    Fraternal adverbs

    genially; convivially; generously; warmly; indulgently; closely; remotely; intimately; congenially; harmoniously; tranquilly; dependably; quietly; remarkably; securely; comfortably

    Fraudulent adverbs

    criminally; obviously; manifestly; apparently; openly; flagrantly; subtly; artfully; shrewdly; cleverly; adroitly; sharply; smartly; miserably; indefensibly; basely; grossly; knavishly; villainously; disgracefully; ignominiously; meanly; shabbily; unscrupulously; extremely; infamously; notoriously; surreptitiously

    Fray adjectives

    deadly; fair; bloody; lawless; late; obstinate; youthful; horrid; clamorous; devilish; holy; mimic; thundering; insidious; nefarious


    charge into—; clash in—; commence—; crush in—; curb—; describe—; indulge in —; inquire into—; instigate—; interrupt—; involve in—; occasion—; plunge into—; raise—; referee—; —boils; —disperses; — frightens; —irritates; —unnerves; —disturbs

    (See fracas, combat, fight, commotion.)

    Freak adjectives

    grotesque; sudden; disgraceful; wanton; fashionable; unaccountable; fierce; impossible; peculiar


    outlandishly; ostentatiously; manifestly; absurdly; shamelessly; intentionally; disgustingly; inexcusably; laughably; idiotically; teasingly; tormentingly; erratically; eccentrically; fantastically; whimsically; particularly; wantonly; waywardly; uncomfortably; frivolously; terribly; unexpectedly

    Freckles verbs

    bleach—; conceal—; discern—; encourage —; mark with—; produce—; remove—; spangle with—; sprinkle with—; —cover; —dapple; —discolor; —dot; —embarrass; —mar; —spot; —stain; —variegate

    Free adverbs

    gloriously; joyously; happily; independently; finally; utterly; completely; absolutely; unconditionally; irrepressibly; irresponsibly; gaily; blithely; merrily; unaccountably; gladly; jubilantly; incredibly; fortunately; luckily; unbelievably; unexpectedly

    Free (v) adverbs

    ultimately; eventually; legally; economically; filially; unrestrainedly; magnanimously; unquestionably

    (See liberate, release.)

    Freedom adjectives

    incomparable; bold; unbounded; perfect; unquestioned; unnoticed; personal; newly-regained; unchecked; untrammeled; licentious; perpetual; untamed; unbridled; annihilating; determined; brave; practical; deserving; airy; courtly; subjective; reverent; half-bashful; half-saucy; hopeless; complete; comparative; dignified; economic; accustomed; refined; filial; spotless; exceptional; intellectual; unbroken; unrestrained; priceless; dearly-bought; bloody; unwonted


    achieve—; advocate—; alienate—; announce—; assert—; break for—; confer— on; curb—; curtail—; deprive of—; encroach on—; expand with—; exult in—; flutter to—; guarantee—; hamper—; heighten—; impair—; imperil—; infringe on—; menace—; relinquish—; resign—; retain—; strive for—; suppress—; surrender—; thrill in—; trample—; wed to—

    (See liberty, independence, ease, frankness.)

    Freeze Qv) adverbs

    nightly; seasonally; spectrally; glacially; dangerously; tragically; formidably; permanently

    (See congeal, chill.)

    Freezing adjectives

    unexpected; bulk; seasonal; costly; artificial

    Freight adjectives

    human; perishable; superannuated; additional; weary; animate; precious


    bear—; charge for—; convey by—; deduct for—; deposit—; despatch by—; export—: handle—; hold up—; load—; pay—; protect —; store—; transport by—; —s collide; — costs; —weighs

    (See cargo, load, transportation.)

    Frenzied adverbs

    deliriously; joyously; madly; wildly; excitedly; feverishly; insanely; fanatically; violently; completely; pathetically; jealously; inexpressibly; appallingly; alarmingly; dangerously; abnormally; incurably; deplorably

    Frenzy adjectives

    astonishing; fanatical; violent; selfish; poetic: complete; pathetic; maddening; full; jealous; dread; untimely; dreadful; inexpressible


    anticipate—; attack in—; dart with—; drive to—; fall into—; fight with—; imbue with —; incur—of; indulge in—; inflame to—; infuriate to—; inspire—; lash into—; plunge into—; provoke—; roll in—; salve —; seize with—; shake with—; shriek in—; strike with—; subject to—; throw into—; unloose—; —alarms; —descends; —disturbs; —seizes

    (See agitation, fury, madness, enthusiasm, fanaticism.)

    Frequency adjectives

    determinate; disheartening; distasteful; persistent; increasing; nervous


    commit with—; condemn—; diminish—; displease with—; encourage—; endure—; enjoy—; impose with—; increase—; justify—; occur with—; necessitate—; reduce—; relax—; repeat with—; return with—; vary—

    (See speed.)

    Frequent adverbs

    annoyingly; disturbingly; unnecessarily; unusually; recurrently; monotonously; tire-somely

    Frequent (v) adverbs

    intermittently; habitually; persistently; carelessly; rashly; daringly; unconventionally; customarily

    (See visit.)

    Fresh adverbs

    delightfully; unquestionably; genuinely; lusciously; deliciously; lately; exquisitely; excellently; capitally; superlatively; inimitably; admirably; pleasantly; agreeably; wonderfully; marvelously; emphatically; perfectly

    Freshness ad jectives

    original; enviable; dewy; lyrical; immortal; permeating; morning; faded; dreadful; youthful; infinite; cool; guaranteed; astonishing; clean; abounding; genial; delicate; sweet; unsunned; soothing; bracing; glorious; frosty; gay; perennial; breezy; elastic; vernal; odorous; wholesome

    Fret (v) adverbs

    pettishly; childishly; morbidly; irritatingly; unreasoningly; unintelligently; abnormally; pathologically

    (See vex, irritate, tease, annoy.)

    Fretful adverbs

    whiningly; peevishly; complainingly; nervously; spitefully; feverishly; pathetically; unfortunately; unbearably; intolerably; sullenly; restlessly; capriciously; jealously; appallingly; shockingly; surprisingly; unreasonably; foolishly; needlessly; groundlessly; sadly; unwisely; shrewishly; querulously; cantankerously; restively; perversely; terribly; captiously

    Friable adverbs

    desirably; admirably; sufficiently; satisfactorily; duly; frangibly; impalpably; wonderfully; astonishingly; surprisingly; superbly; splendidly; adequately; amply

    Friar adjectives

    coarse; unreverend; unhallowed; bungling; mendicant; saucy; true; meddling; frantic; humble; pious

    Friction adjectives

    constant; incessant; insufficient; sectional; cheerful; spiritual; unnecessary; destructive; laborious; tidal; continual; unpleasant


    expose to—; ignite by—; prophesy—; suffer —; sustain—; transmit—; undergo—; — agitates; —blisters; —chafes; —corrodes; —develops; —endangers; —grates; —polishes; —resists; —rubs; —scrubs; — smooths; —stings; —tingles; —torments; — wears away

    (See resistance.)

    Friend adjectives

    indefatigable; well-meaning; circumspect; valued; discriminating; influential; wonderful; feathered; familiar; perfidious; neglecting; faithless; thankless; all-seeing; political; social; frank; loyal; impressionable; impetuous; fiery; sworn; intimate; gracious; genial; impartial; democratic; discouraging; unprofitable; disinguished; disinterested; ardent; benignant; charitable; obliging; light-hearted; disapproving; enthusiastic; serviceable; congenial; dexterous; hollow; affectionate; distressful; devoted; indiscreet; candid; bubbling; esteemed; immediate; marvelous; illustrious; indisposed; courtly; unfortunate; lasting; solid; lifelong; profligate; distant; utmost; roistering; tyrannous; ancient; medieval; timid; loving; acquainted; unflinching; high-toned; imaginary; lawless; ecclesiastical; sable; caressing; inconstant; confidential; honorable; quondam; bleating; censorious; departed; much-lamented; scrutinizing; numerous (pl); timorous; magnanimous; mute; amiable; philanthropic; treacherous; absent; traitorous; consumptive; blushing; hospitable; lazy; valuable; firm; velvet; festive; veteran; sweet; judicious; coolest; biteless; inebriated; unselfish; inestimable; gentle; spirited; puissant; officious; powerful; epicurean; banished; bosom; inseparable; obliging; staunch; long-sustaining; beloved; worthy; trusty; conservative; liberal; secret; nameless; common; late-embarked; warmest; true; literary; importunate; merry; dissipated; vindictive; benevolent; strong; creditable; rival; family; steadfast; unswerving; unrepentant; provoking; pock-marked; middle-aged; satirical; reasonable; particular; virtuous; modest; long-tried; long-known; gossiping; courageous; unwavering; sympathizing; questioning; suspicious; unconditional; choice; well-tried; false; sad; well-advised; irritable; gifted; prying


    accept as—; accost—; affront—; alienate —; berate—; betray—; cast away—; concede to—; exasperate—; exempt—s: favor —; forsake—; harbor—; idolize—; join—; lack—; let down—; muster—s; part with—; protect—; sacrifice—; succor—; sustain—; take leave of—s; value—; vex—s; wish—; yield to—; —consoles; —s drift away; — lends a hand; —prevails; —stands by; — supports

    (See associate, ally, companion, favorite.)

    Friendliness adjectives

    patronizing; beaming; familiar; ignoble; truest; genuine; curious; paternal; effusive; heavenly

    Friendly adverbs

    disarmingly; consistently; unquestionably; essentially; extremely; gratifying)}'; courteously; placidly; gravely; smilingly; cordially; helpfully; quietly; remarkably; palpably; ostentatiously; condescendingly; singularly; charmingly; genuinely; sincerely; unaffectedly; naturally; delightfully; politely; openly; heartily; scrupulously; loyally; enchantingly; engagingly; altogether

    Friendship adjectives

    platonic; distinguished; diplomatic; remark-aide; acknowledged; disinterested; traditional; proffered; supercilious; partisan; equal; hereditary; warmest; informal; subsidiary; steadfast; deathless; ardent; resistless; lasting; ancient; problematical; practical; confidential; ill-assorted; heaping; tranquil; precious; intimate; true; poetic; intellectual; pure; lifelong; three-cornered; expedient; serviceable; loyal; commercial; estranged; deep; benevolent; unrc-turned; familiar; generous; dignified; cordial; warm; patronizing; profound; casual; adoring; unusual; strict; fragile; ominous; well-known; inseparable; unquenchable; passionate; restful; sober; youthful; energetic; bosom; offered; exquisite; literary; ancient; protracted; expansive


    accept—of; attain—of; bask in—; cultivate —; destroy—; disrupt—; encourage—; endanger—; enhance—; foster—; gain—of; hold out the hand of—; jeopardize—; kill—; manifest—; taint—; voice—; —blossoms; —cools; —fades; —flowers; —ripens

    (See affection, attachment, amity, intimacy, devotion.)

    Frieze adjectives

    professional; magnificent; dignified

    Fright adjectives

    perfect; whispered; sudden; supernatural; helpless; violent; overwhelming; quivering; collective; intolerable; morbid


    blanch with—; conceal—; convulse in—; cower in—; crouch in—; die of—; exhaust with—; harrow with—; hesitate in—; impel by—; quake with—; quiver with—; recoil in—; shake with—; start in—; subject to—; sweat with—; take—; thrill with —; throw into—; tremble with—; —abates; —freezes; —paralyzes; —petrifies; —slackens; —shocks; shiver with—

    (See alarm, fear, dismay, terror, consternation.)

    Frighten (v) adverbs

    genuinely; horribly; supernaturally; violently; morbidly; collectively; intolerably! overwhelmingly; instinctively; devilishly; nefariously; insidiously

    (See alarm, terrify.)

    Frightful adverbs

    hideously; awfully; shockingly; appallingly; grimly; unspeakably; inexpressibly; incalculably; indescribably; peculiarly; particularly; utterly; insupportably; cruelly; brutally; grimly; uncommonly

    Frigid adverbs

    obnoxiously; calmly; arrogantly; bitterly; languidly; impassively; phlegmatically; unemotionally; indifferently; callously; imperturbably; unconcernedly; maddeningly; discourteously; abominably; insufferably

    Fringe verbs

    adorn with—; bear—; border with—; deck with—; drape—; edge with—; finish with —; hang by—; knot—; ravel—; rip—; suspend—; swing—; toy with—; —beautifies; —dances; —dangles; —fascinates; —quivers

    (See border.)

    Fringes adjectives

    fleecy; raveling; icy; angry-looking; luxuriant; amber; penumbral; straggling; outermost; solid; mysterious; cotton; ball; scalloped; hand-knotted; luminous; sleek; tattered; tasseled; delicate

    Frippery adjectives

    feminine; tawdry; meretricious

    Frisk (v) adverbs

    joyously; gaily; laughably; unconventionally; youthfully; wantonly; scandalously; thoughtlessly; dissipatedly

    (See leap, skip, frolic.)

    Frisking adjectives

    joyous; carefree; unconventional; animal

    Frisky adverbs

    youthfully; childishly; vivaciously; nimbly; happily; blithely; smartly; eagerly; delightfully; charmingly; interestingly; buoyantly; jauntily; airily; lightsomely; brightly; joyously; sportively; gleefully; trickily; jocosely; exultantly; jubilantly; irrepressibly; exhilaratingly; indescribably; playfully

    Frivolity adjectives

    scholastic; Gallic; irresponsible; scandalous


    attack—; beckon in—; celebrate with—; condemn—; denounce—; discard—; display —; exhibit—; pretend—; prevent—; repudiate—; ridicule—; —amuses; —attracts; — excites; —flourishes; —irks; —vexes

    (See frolic, fun.)

    Frivolous adverbs

    wildly; foolishly; entertainingly; absurdly; gaily; blithely; idly; childishly; utterly; senselessly; lightly; ridiculously; ludicrously; capriciously; fantastically; giddily; wantonly; freakishly; blatantly; extravagantly; nonsensically; vacantly; hilariously

    Frock adjectives

    smartest; charming; sheerer; gleaming; silver; filmy; close-fitting; icy; twice-turned; chic; dowdy.; spangled; gayest; refreshing; fashionable


    adore—; alter—; arrange—; compliment on —; design—; discard—; dislike—; display —; don—; envy—; fit—; injure—; purchase—; renovate—; select—; slip into—; yearn for—; —attracts; —becomes; —befits; —exposes; —flatters; —reveals; —slenderizes

    (See garment, gown, dress, robe.)

    Frog verbs

    can—s; farm—s; persecute—s; —blinks; — burrows; —croaks; —damages; —dips; —s disperse; —dives; —evolves; —excavates; —jumps; —leaps; —snatches; —swims; — trills

    (See animal.)

    Frogs adjectives

    croaking; reasonable; vulgar

    Frolic adjectives

    carnal; lively; midnight


    bridle—; curb—; enter into—; gambol at —; gather for—; indulge in—; interrupt—; invite to—; observe—; provide—; reprimand—; revel at—; savor—; subdue—; suffer for—;  —amuses; —delights;


    (See merriment, sport, prank, fun.)

    Frolic (v) adverbs

    boyishly; gleefully; jocundly; winsomely; exuberantly; sportively; blithesomely; drunkenly

    (See leap, skip, pfay.)

    Frolicsome adverbs

    genially; gaily; gleefully; vivaciously; irrepressibly; mirthfully; hilariously; noisily; boisterously; laughingly; merrily; jovially; joyously; brightly; lightly; delightedly; happily; jauntily; immensely; immeasurably; infectiously; pleasantly; playfully; waggishly; amazingly

    Front atheist; willing; bas-proud; defying; bold

    time-stained; ivory


    Frontier verbs

    charge—; command—; defend—; dispatch to—; extend—; guard—; inhabit—; invade —; repel at—; scale—; settle on—; shun—; situate on—; station at—; thrust to—; unite —; —advances; —bounds; —limits; — presses forward; —recedes; —resists; — shifts; —surrounds

    (See border, boundary.)

    Frontiers adjectives

    narrow; indefensible; remotest; flexible; dangerous; maritime; rude; guarded; expanding; constraining

    Frost adjectives

    flowery; white; radiant; pondering; wondrous; make-believe; ceaseless; wintry; dazzling; crackling; sharp; keen; relentless; singeing; killing; envious; autumn; audacious; piercing; blighting; withering; fettering; bitter; heavy; gray; iridescent; chilly; hard; snapping; untimely; hoar


    form—; hang with—; lace with—; trace with—; —bites; —chills; —covers; —damages; —decorates; —descends; —designs; —draws; —etches; —falls; —glimmers; — glistens; —glorifies; —injures; —lingers; —nips; —projects; —settles on; —sharpens; —silvers; —sprays; —transforms

    (See snow.)

    Frosty adverbs

    sharply; refreshingly; bitterly; appetizing-ly; freshly; bleakly; bitingly; nippingly; terribly; cruelly; destructively; slightly; in-vigoratingly; delightfully

    Froth adjectives

    sudden; flowery; flying; idlest


    agitate to—; beat to—; boil to—; break into—; churn up—; cover with—; crest with—; emit—; ferment to—; fleck with—; shake into—; toss off—; —bubbles; — creams; —effervesces; —floats; —foams; — gurgles; —issues from; —reams

    (See foam.)

    Frothy adverbs

    lightly: airily; volatilelyj thickly; etferves-. cently; sparklmgly; lusciously; fizzily; deliciously; genuinely; attractively; invitingly.

    Fro W N adjectives

    ominous; ireful; discontented; blackening; mournful; rumorous; bitter; puzzled; chilling; feudal; gloomy; sternest; habitual; steady; churlish; crusty; fastidious; gathering; old-fashioned; restrained; drunken; petulant; searching; angry; pedantic; unfeeling; charming; fleeting; deep-furrowed


    assume—; blemish with—; contract in—; cringe before—; disclose—; display—; form —; incur—; observe—; overcome—; perceive—; rebuke with—; relax—; suppress —; wrinkle into—; —belies; —commands; —corrugates; —creases; —deters; —expresses; —intimidates; —punishes; —reprimands; —terrorizes

    (See scowl.)

    Frown (v) adverbs

    sullenly; belligerently; blackly; wrathfully; inauspiciously; reprovingly; dismally; majestically; ferociously; austerely; ominously; mournfully; bitterly; sternly; habitually; churlishly; petulantly; uncongenially

    (See scowl.)

    Frowzy adverbs

    carelessly; roughly; inexcusably; neglectfully; dreadfully; miserably; nonchalantly; wretchedly; merrily; cheerfully; indifferently; unconcernedly; inordinately; terribly; excitedly

    Frugal adverbs

    carefully; necessarily; thriftily; cautiously; warily; watchfully; ostentatiously; habitually; naturally; amazingly; cooperatively; inherently; meanly; sensibly; providently; moderately; parsimoniously; admirably; intelligently; judiciously

    Frugality adjectives

    ostentatious; necessary; apologetic; helpful; customary; habitual; native


    bare—; commend—; conceal—; conduct with—; display—; endure—; expose to—; found—; justify—; mark—; occasion—; practise—; praise—; reduce to—; relieve—; require—; resent—; resign to—; reveal—

    (See economy, thrift.)

    Fruit adjectives

    forbidden; copious; unavailing; immediate; fairy; delicious; grateful; acid; just; divine; mellow; pulpy; ambrosial; monthly; teeming; autumnal; fuller; beatific; wholesome; fragrant; delightful; deciduous; luscious; bitter; discordant; blessed; apparent; bleeding; sacred; proper; gushing; clustering; golden; compensating; disastrous; ruddy; detested; glorious; exotic; immortal; alluring; natural; noble; fresh; cordial; panting; wandering; fairest; legitimate; sun-ripened; vigorous; personal; pouting; celestial; cherished; ripe; fallacious; unknown; blushing; sole; mellow; seasonal; proper; wind-tossed; choicest; dazzling; tolerable; ornamental; sprouting; ripe-cheeked; remarkable; nectarine; oversized; divinest; flesh-colored; rotten; wormy


    attack—; bear —; blight—; blossom into—; consume—; damage—; develop into—; diet on—; gather—; load with—; partake of—; produce—; reap—; relish—; replenish with —; savor—; serve—; spray—; store—; yield—; —abounds; —delights; —rots; — satiates

    (See crop, harvest.)

    Fruitful adverbs

    profitably; satisfactorily; unusually; prolific-ally; luxuriantly; admirably; genuinely; copiously; abundantly; teemingly; sparsely; apparently; ordinarily; remarkably; sufficiently; surprisingly; plentifully; richly; uberously

    Fruitfulness adjectives

    mellow; uncommon; tropical

    Fruition adjectives

    instant; tantalizing; unalloyed; ceaseless

    Fruitless adverbs

    grievously; disappointingly; inconsequentially; terribly; disconcertingly; ruinously; unfortunately; unluckily; wretchedly; miserably; pitiably; pathetically; naturally; inevitably; irremediably; sadly; dreadfully

    Frumpish adverbs

    crabbedly; morosely; perversely; moodily; sulkily; intolerably; utterly; doggedly; grumpily; peevishly; crustily; inscrutably; vaguely; sourly; unreasonably; habitually; usually; disagreeably

    FRUSTRATE (v) adverbs

    effectually; treacherously; legitimately; vindictively; jealously; subtly; basely; temporarily

    (See prevent, defeat, disappoint.)

    Frustra TION verbs

    avoid—; balk at—; condemn—; curb—; denounce—; endure—; hurdle—; overcome—; resent—; subdue—; suffer—; —baffles; — circumvents; —defeats; —deters; —harms; —hinders; —injures; —interrupts

    (See failure, defeat, disappointment.)

    Fr YING-PAN verbs

    adhere to—; blacken—; brandish—; cleanse —; dent—; employ—; escape—; grease—; mix in—; necessitate—; place in—; polish —; scour—; —clatters; —jangles; —rattles; —shines; —sizzles

    (See pan.)

    Fuel adjectives

    premium; inflammable; volatile; self-sustaining; exhausted; available; solid; fresh


    acquire—; burn—; employ as—; fill with—; furnish—; ignite—; necessitate—; obtain—; produce—; replenish—; require—; select—; supply—; —explodes; —flames; —heats; — illumines; —inflames; —sustains

    (See wood, coal, etc.)

    Fugitive adjectives

    gallant; young; suppliant; mangled; royal; solitary; panting; sole; wretched; stricken; returning; frenzied


    conceal—; deter—; endanger—; espy—

    harbor—; nab—; prevent—; protect—; pursue—; search for—; shelter—; track down —; —absconds; —deserts; —escapes; — flees; —hides; —journeys; —wanders

    (Sec prisoner.


    elusively; shyly; evasively; remotely; eva-nescently; transiently; ephemerally; etheral-ly; nebulously; perishably; mortally; temporally; transitorily; unhappily; sadly; unfortunately; tormentingly

    Fulfill (v) adverbs

    magnificently; admirably; conscientiously; abundantly; moderately; approximately; swiftly; blindly; ultimately; immutably; adequately; partially

    (See accomplish, complete.)

    Fulfillment adjectives

    adequate; abundant; mere; rigid; speedy; partial


    accomplish—; allow—; anticipate—; attain —; attempt—; concede—; defeat—; effect —; execute—; express—; grant—; perform —; pray for—; predict—; promote—; reach —; supply to—; yearn for—; —completes; —disappoints; —satiates; —satisfies

    (See accomplishment, realization.)

    Full adverbs

    moderately; satisfactorily; sufficiently; completely; fortunately; gloriously; abundantly; measurably; adequately; liberally; generously; pleasantly; agreeably

    Fullness adjectives

    quiet; flaring; swelling; grim; apparent; arduous; generous; lavish; flaccid; abounding; messy; eloquent; all-excluding; immeasurable; molded

    Fumble (v) adverbs

    casually; nervously; drunkenly; clumsily; fruitlessly; tremulously; ineffectually; absurdly; pedantically

    (See blunder, flounder, miss, stumble. )

    Fume (v) adverbs

    indignantly; sulphurously; poisonously; un-endurably; odoriferously; exasperatedly ; angrily; wrathfully; blatantly; prodigiously. (See rage, bluster.

    Fumes ad jectives

    noxious; greasy; odoriferous; resinous; unendurable; earthly; unkindly; poisonous; fishy; devilish; disagreeable; sulphurous


    bear—; blow—; disperse—; discharge—; emit—; exhale-—; fill with—; flood with—; give off—; inhale—; scent—; send forth—; spray with—; —creep out of; —mantle; — overcome; —pass off; —perfume; —please; —preserve; —rise; —smother; —stifle; — vanish

    (See vapor, smoke.)

    Fun adjectives

    spirited; capital; innocent; fairy; hilarious; practical; legitimate; gentle; monstrous; genuine; nonsensical; boisterous; monotonous; tremendous; bitter; nasty; ill-timed; painful


    carouse in—; create—; drown—; entertain with—; exclude—; indulge in—; play for—; poke—at; pretend in—; spare—; —amuses; —ceases; —cheers; —diverts; —enlivens; —grows; —relaxes; —wearies

    (See frolic, joke, mirth, gayety, merriment, amusement.)

    Function adjectives

    ministerial; vital; legitimate; valuable; useful; manifold (pl); ritualistic; perverted; nerve; judicial; impaired; aesthetic; beneficent; natural; economic; animal; normal; consular; religious; executive; cherished; intellectual; pitiable; hospitable; cognitive; imitative; precise; sacerdotal; essential; basest; appropriate; principal; civilian; impaired; numerous (pl); social; obsolete; inescapable; diminished; proper; primary; indispensable; frightful; spiritual; gracious; ecclesiastical; sociological; diversified (pl); imperfect; varied (pl); episcopal


    abuse—; arrest—; associate with—; block —; centralize—; check—; delegate—to; discharge—; embarrass—; energize—; exercise —; fulfill—; impair—; improve—; invest with—; magnify—; perform—; preserve—; promote—; regulate—; resume—; restore—; subserve—; vest—in; —s overlap one another

    (See duty.)

    Function (r) adverbs

    automatically; efficiently; biologically; splendidly; sluggish.lv; elaborately; ministerially; beneficently; economically; indispensably; spiritually

    (See perform, discharge.)

    Fund verbs

    abscond with —s; abuse—; administer—; advance —s; allocate —s; allot —s; appropriate —s; audit—; bolster—; campaign for —s; deplete—; divert from—; draw from —; embezzle —s; endow with—; juggle —s; misappropriate —s; muster —s; pool —s; seek —s; solicit —s; stretch —s; struggle for —s; supplant—; swell—; utilize—; —benefits; —dwindles; —increases; —s roll in

    (See money, capital.)

    Fundamental adverbs

    definitely; indispensably; radically; significantly; essentially; ineradically; inherently; intrinsically; virtually; substantially; absolutely; fairly; basically; undeniably

    Fundamentals verbs

    cleave to—; cling to—; deviate from—; doubt—; exhaust—; implant—; inculcate—; inform in—; instruct in—; interfere with—; involve—; necessitate—; preserve—; recognize—; regard—; reiterate—; rely on—; require—; revere—; subject to—; submit to—; sway from—

    (See essential, rule, principle, law.)

    Funds adjectives

    stabilization; exhaustless; contingent; accumulated; unlimited; reserve; insurance; pegging; special; slush; inexhaustible; charitable; needed; unlimited; unequalled; tremendous; misused; supplemented; baffling; available; endowment; meager; misappropriated

    Funeral adjectives

    leafy; lugubrious; genteel


    announce—; arrange—; ease—; eulogize at —; expend on—; follow—; reign at—; mourn at—; observe—; officiate at—; preside at—; proceed at—; toll at—

    (See death.)

    Funereal adverbs

    solemnly; lugubriously; quietly; reverently; murmurously; depressingly; gloomily; disconsolately; dismally; gravely; heavily; horribly; oppressively; sadly; dully; mournfully; cheerlessly; frightfully; lamentably; dolefully; incredibly; unnecessarily; absurdly; extremely; inordinately

    Fungus adjectives

    decayed, dismal


    cover with—; divest of—; neglect—; nourish—; —chokes; —corrupts; —damages; — encrusts; —enervates; —flourishes; —gathers; —harms; —injures; —invades; —kills; —overruns; —penetrates; —poisons; —ripens; —spreads; —rots

    (See plant.)

    Funny adverbs

    hilariously; laughably; excruciatingly; uproariously; comically; wholesomely; divert-ingly; delightfully; drolly; drily; quaintly; entertainingly; merrily; facetiously; smartly; extravagantly; ridiculously; fantastically; whimsically; outlandishly; extremely; exceedingly

    Fur adjectives

    shimmering; sleek; rich; warm; glossy; jet; ruffled; luxurious; silk-soft; semiprecious; camouflaged; prickly; ice-covered; tawny; sumptuous; imitation; expensive; woolly; fuzzy


    adjust—; clothe in—; deck with—; display —; dress in—; encase in—; face with—; fluff—; hunt for —s; line with—; muffle in —; ornament with—; sheathe in—; strip of —; stroke—; trade in —s; trim with—; value—; wrap in—; —encircles; —envelopes; —flies; —protects

    (See coat, skin, hair.)

    Furious adverbs

    ■ senselessly; sullenly; suddenly; intolerably; hotly; justly; obviously; foolishly; ridiculously; dangerously; alarmingly; terribly; dreadfully; coldly; genuinely; uncontrollably; passionately; violently; sternly; implacably; unjustly; inordinately; insanely; naturally; ludicrously; unnaturally; curiously; oddly; strangely; unappeasably; recklessly; inconsiderately; blindly; savagely; jealously; indescribably; tragically; absurdly; hysterically; inanely; idiotically; groundlessly; boisterously; desperately; murderously; fearfully; frightfully; fiercely; truculently; diabolically; brutally; needlessly; horribly

    Furlough adjectives

    delightful; precious; desired; short; happy


    absent on—; authorize—; beg—; concede—; defer—; demand—; earn—; favor with—; forbid—; grant—; leave on—; license—; obtain—; order—; overstay—; permit—; refuse—; request—; restrict—; return from —; take—; warrant—

    (See vacation.)

    Furnace adjectives

    fiery; sacred;. untiring; molten; smelting


    bake in—; cast into—; dry in—; feed—; fire —; fuel—; install—; issue from—; operate —; rake—; start—; supply—; tap—; tend —; —burns; —converts; —emits; —exhales; —heats; —sighs

    (See stove.)

    Furnish (v) adverbs

    abundantly; defectively; meanly; gaudily; bizarrely; adequately; scantily; sumptuously; tastefully; exquisitely; luxuriously; rudely; drably; modernistically

    (See provide, supply.)

    Furniture adjectives

    scanty; enduring; somber; haircloth; simple; meager; hand-made; custom-made; time-worn; elegant; unfriendly; commodious; ecclesiastical-looking; space-saving; antique; luxurious; rude: best-styled; massive; costly; dim; drab; incidental; hideous; rickety; bulky; modernistic; streamlined


    appoint—; arrange—; clutter with—; cover —; damage—; decorate—; design—; equip with—; fill with—; inherit—; nick—; outfit with—; overcrowd with—; place—; polish —; possess—; scratch—; select—; stock with —; store—; van—; —fits; —harmonizes; —matches; —suffices

    (See equipment, outfit, chair, table, etc.)

    Furor adjectives

    bacchic; devilish; raucous; riotous; frenzied

    Furrow adjectives

    sounding; foul; fat; unmeaning; roaring; mucky; silvery; sonorous; fruitless; shining; rectangular; dry-drawn; unthrifty; vertical

    Furtive adverbs

    craftily; adroitly; cleverly; uncommonly; habitually; suspiciously; strangely; oddly; curiously; warily; evasively; mysteriously; cryptically; whisperingly; needlessly; significantly; unduly; cautiously; extremely; remarkably; particularly

    Fury adjectives

    domestic; utmost; irresistible; civil; unappeasable; suppressed; violent; tempestuous; warlike; unabated; reckless; undiminished; exasperated; empty; whirling; drink-engendered; satiate; direful; fierce; concentrated; snake-locked; everlasting; fighting; manifest; indiscriminate; inconsiderate; uncontrolled; steelhearted; perfect; hellish; exterminating; blistering; blindfold; mineral; revolutionary; mad; governable; bestial; increasing; unreasoning; sparkling; unbridled; coming; sudden; implacable; chaotic; overpowering; disappointed; savage; unchained; vindictive; obvious; concentrated; pretty; jealous; unrelenting; indescribable; blind; incarnate; tragic


    blast with—; conceal—; dignify—; drive to —; encounter—; engender—; fan—; fly into —; gaze in — at; mutter in—; rage in—; roar in—; seethe with—; simmer with—; vent—; whip into—; work into—; —abates; —increases; —lets down; —subsides

    (See anger, rage, passion, frenzy, excitement.)

    Fuse adjectives

    unreliable; burning; hissing; short; time

    Fusillade adjectives

    murderous; fierce; random; furious; brutal; bloody; merciless


    discharge—; emit—; keep up—; pour—; protect from—; rain—; run from—; shower —; spout—; swear—; warn of—; withstand —; —assaults; —butchers; —ceases; —executes; —levels; —massacres; —mows down; —shatters; —terrorizes

    (See volley, barrage.)

    Fusion adjectives

    fiery; graceful; necessary; remarkable

    Fuss adjectives

    indignant; noisy; quarrelsome; sudden; nasty; unspeakable

    Fussy adverbs

    needlessly; tiresomely; irritatingly; restlessly; excitedly; foolishly; ineptly; unduly; eternally; noisily; annoyingly; feverishly; briskly; officiously; uneasily; twitteringly; naggingly; abominably; detestably; unbearably; remarkably; intolerably; hatefully

    Futile adverbs

    lamentably; invariably; unfortunately; deplorably; helplessly; unluckily; unhappily; feebly; weakly

    Futility adjectives

    clumsy; apparent; sweet; fantastic; magnificent; obvious; patent; accepted


    battle with—; bemoan — of; break in—; contend with—; curse—; dispose of—; evade—; fritter into—; lapse into—; lose in —; manifest—; object to—; recognize—; reduce to—; result in—; screen—; strike at —; while away in—; —appears; —confronts; —conquers; —dies

    (See uselessness, worthlessness.)

    Future adjectives

    ever-better; magnetic; blest; naturalistic; impending; imminent; immediate; luminous; physical; immortal; distant; impossible; eternal; financial; promising; boundless; uncertain; commercial; brilliant; infinite; interesting; cruel; ruthless; secure; dubious; dim; black; significant; controlling; happy; measureless; hopeless; cheerful; supramun-dane; heterogeneous; somber; altered; terrestrial; fantastic; invisible; far-stretching; friendless; permanent; real; gloomy; glorious; unlimited; profitable; assured; lurid; long-time; cosmopolitan


    anticipate—; blast—; chart—; cloud—; despair of—; endanger—; entrust to—; explore —; fear for—; figure out—; forecast—; foretell—; gamble away—; gaze into—; glance into—; guide—; hope for—; jeopardize—; lay — open; menace—; mortgage —; overshadow—; peer into—; project into —; prophesy—; read—; risk—; save for—; secure—; stake — on; view—

    (See outlook.)

    Gable adjectives

    sculptured; towering; fantastic; peaked

    Gadget adjectives

    life-saving; lethal; noise-making; education' al

    Gaiety adjectives

    fictitious; unfeigned; served; wild; airy; fortunate; exuberant; uncanny; bounding; fatigued; inward; forced; brilliant; charming; facile; heedless; social; jaded; seeming; careless; prevalent; nimble; leaden; affectionate; bewitching; sparkling; teasing; surface; delirious; animating; exhausting: false; spurious; customary; ironical; childlike; mock; embarrassed; tempered; alternate; enticing; unearthly; wholehearted


    (See gayety.)

    Gain adjectives

    glorious; immense; sure; intellectual; eternal; substantial; capital; selfish; adequate; personal; speculative; happy; immediate; indubitable; obvious; fruitful; fallacious; indicated; unhallowed; qualitative; scanty; treacherous; pecuniary; proper; equivalent; territorial; untold; mystic; appreciable; unjust; corporate; hopeless


    accomplish—; acquire—; begrudge—; claim —; content with—; count—; derive—: dissipate —s; forego—; promise—; register—; seek—; serve for—; spurn—; struggle for —; yield—; —astonishes; —benefits; —decreases; —increases; —mounts; —outweighs

    (See profit, advantage.)

    Gain (v


    vastly; legally; lawfully; ethically; deservedly; definitely; unquestionably; incredibly; consistently; incessantly; singularly; substantially; gloriously; immensely; speculatively; indubitably; un’nallowedly; pecuniarily; territorially; subtly

    (See profit, win.)

    Gainful adverbs

    amazingly; securely; certainly; magically; mysteriously; unexpectedly; productively; surprisingly; admirably; luckily; fortunately; happily; providentially; adequately; curiously; valuably; oddly; legally; definitely; unquestionably; incredibly; gloriously; immensely; subtly; pecuniarily; financially; singularly

    Gait adjectives

    staid; swinging; rolling; stooping; shutfling; awkward; majestical; unremitted; aerie; true; haggard; lofty; shambling, weary; gentle; traveling; unnatural; pacing; common; ponderous; rapid; stately; princely; habitual; heavy; feeble; swaggering; musing; measured; lumbering


    change—; fix—; go at—; hobble in—; limp in—; lumber in—; mimic—; mock—; practise—; quicken—; recognize—: settle down to—; shift—; slacken—; slow up—; solemnize—; stagger in—; steady—; stumble in—

    (See walk, step.)

    Galaxy adjectives

    splendid; cooperative; successive (pl)

    Gale adjectives

    treacherous; spicy; approaching: lurid; angry; shrieking; tearing; frantic; passing; sunrise; dreadful; furious; boisterous; merry; heavy; southern; viewless; favoring; odor-scented; cold; wet; carping; keel-compelling; sinking; coming; mocking; pleasant; heroic; terrific; strenuous; destroying; freshening; gracious; shadowy; rising; balmy; sighing; reveling


    buck—; combat—; encounter—; —abates

    —accelerates; —arises; —blusters; —carries away; —damages; —disperses; —fans; — fumes; —lashes; —rages; —rampages; — riots; —screams; —shrieks; —stiffens; — sweeps away; —violates; —whips up; — wreaks

    (See breeze, current, wind, tempest.)

    Gall adjectives

    burning; soul-tormenting; hypercritical

    Gallant adjectives

    open-handed; trim; gay; pleasant-spoken; boisterous; high-spirited; faultless; chivalric


    splendidly; valorously; heroically; courteously; unwontedly; unusually; consistently; habitually; inherently; intrepidly; fearlessly; boldly; courageously; resolutely; adventurously; bravely; audaciously; firmly; confidently; daringly; dangerously; pluckily; fiercely; doughtily; urbanely; suavely; dutifully; blandly; graciously; obsequiously; ingratiatingly; immeasurably

    Gallantry adjectives

    generous; uncouth; delicate; desperate; sheepish; wonted; conspicuous; boyish; distinguished; rare; calm; consistent; premature; excessive; imputed; timeless; self-conscious; overdone; elaborate; natural; practical; noticeable verbs

    accost with—; applaud—; attend with—; bear with—; behave w.ith—; breathe—; conduct [with—; court with—; deck in—; defend with—; display—; escort with—; exaggerate—; exchange —s; exhibit—; lay aside—; mock—; premeditate—; rejoice in —; —captures; —steals away; —wins

    (See bravery, courage, heroism, chivalry, prowess.)

    Gallery adjectives

    elliptical; gilded; elaborate; dirty; immense; encircling; frequented; extensive; whispering; formal; gracious; classical; ignorant; subterranean; loaded; starlit; vaulted


    assemble in—; exhibit in—; guide through —; hang in—; lounge in—; occupy—; parade through—; play to—; proclaim from—; rail—; set up in—; speak from—; subdue —; support—; visit—; —edifies; —heckles

    —hushes; —surrounds

    (See corridor, balcony, audience.)

    Gallop adjectives

    thunderous; false; perilous; rapid; soundless; clattering; morning; daily; historic; breathless

    Gallop (v) adverbs

    furiously; picturesquely; gallantly; stiffly; thunderously; swiftly; perilously; clattering-ly; breathlessly

    (See run, trot.)

    Gallo IPS verbs

    bring to—; cheat—; condemn to—; conduct to—; correct on—; deliver from—; deserve —; erect—; escape—; execute on—; hang on —; inflict—; punish on—; reprieve from—; save from—; sentence to—; threaten with —; —cures; —tames; —terrifies; —terrorizes

    (See gibbet.)

    Gamble (v) adverbs

    habitually; inveterately; suavely; besotted-ly; professionally; foolhardily; passionately; improvidently

    (See risk.)

    Gambler adjectives

    passionate; ready; riverboat; incarnate; prodigious; professed; besotted; adept; inveterate; skilled; sleek; suave

    Gambling verbs

    abhor—; bewail—; campaign against—; cheat at—; defraud at—; degenerate into—; denounce—; hedge in—; play at—; rail at —; resist—; resort to—; risk in—; shackle to—; share in—; speculate in—; stake for —; thrive on—; trap in—; wager on—; — destroys; —disgraces; —dismembers; — harms; —preys on; —relaxes; —ruins; — wrecks

    (See game.)


    wanton; noisy; jovous; insufferable; dainty

    uncouth; frolicsome; pleasant; childish

    Game adjectives

    mocking; dangerous; toilsome; impious; heroic; risky; thrilling; open; intricate; formidable; tedious; shut; attractive; daily; mimic; impassioned; unmeaning; poetic; lawful; Olympic; card; disappearing; contested; skillful; endless; arrayed; high-powered; intellectual; bickering; strenuous; political; national; cordial; nobler; entrancing; tight; overtime; professional; heated


    announce—; cheat in—; dabble at—; emerge from—; enjoy—; enliven—; enthuse (col-loq.) over—; feature—; follow—; improve —; indulge in—; invent—; join in—; judge —; master—; practise—; referee—; quarrel at—; score—; share—; strive in—; view—; witness—; —amuses; —contents; —cripples; —delights; —diverts; —entertains; —enthralls; —excites; —stales; —tires; — wanes; —wearies

    (See contest, recreation, sport.)

    Game (animals) verbs

    bag—; cherish—; destroy—; ensnare—; enthrall by—; exterminate—; follow—; preserve—; prey upon—; relish—; rouse—; search for—; stalk—; trap—; view—; — abounds; —flees; —flourishes; —thrives


    (See animal.)

    Gamesome adverbs

    amusingly; enliveningly; briskly; smartly; energetically; divertingly; happily; entertainingly; unusually; marvellously; enthusiastically; airily; blithely; buoyantly; exhilaratingly; hilariously; delightfully; jauntily; jovially; merrily; playfully; rollicking-ly; roisteringly; waggishly

    Gamester adjectives

    vehement; embryo; experienced; common; desperate; lukewarm


    associate with—; attract—; break up—; control—; disperse—; form—; head—; hire —; join—; lead—; manage—; regulate—; reprimand—; supervise—; —dissipates; — gathers; —meets; —operates; —separates; —troops in

    (See group, band, company, crew, crowd, squad.)

    Gang-Plank verbs

    (See gangway.)

    Gangrene verbs

    affect with—; cure—; decompose with—; defile with—; heal—; infect with—; lop off —; occasion—; result in—; seize with—; treat for—; —begins; —corrupts; —endangers; —pains; —oozes; —sets in; —spreads

    Gangster verbs

    accuses—; apprehend—; battle—; consort with—; employ—; round up—; rub out—; track down—; —bribes; —foments; —“hides out”; —intimidates; —maltreats; —murders; —s operate; —s organize; —revenges; —smuggles; —snuffs out; —terrifies; —terrorizes; —wounds

    (See thief.)

    Gangway verbs

    ascend—; assemble at—; climb—; confine to—; crowd—; enter by—; file down—; hoist—; leave by—; lower—; pass down—; raise—; rush up—; stream down—; stride up—; take up—; —accommodates; —extends ; —bridges

    (See platform.)

    Gap adjectives

    wide; appalling; unbridgeable; tremendous; invisible; innumerable (pl); .perceptible; ghastly; apparent; long; conversational; glaring


    break into—; bridge—; cut—; discover—; enter—; escape through—; form—; mend —; notch into—; open into—; pass through

    —; patch—; span—; stop—; wear into—; —diminishes; —heals; —interrupts; —separates; —unites; —widens

    (See passage, breach.)

    Garage verbs

    direct to—; equip—; grease at—; inspect at—; maintain—; operate—; paint at—; polish—; repair in—; stock—; store in—; wash at—; —distributes; —furnishes; — harbors; —itemizes; —services; —supplies; manage—; weld at—

    Garb adjectives

    fantastic; offensive; splendid; angelic; penitential; puritanical; sacred; dazzling; holiday; traditional; eccentric; shaggy; fleshy; severe; brighter; half-clerical; ecclesiastical; curious; symbolic; rustic; pompous; mourning; disordered; humble; shapeless; picturesque; antique; chronic; somber

    Garb (v) adverbs

    immaculately; spectacularly; fantastically; puritanically; eccentrically; ecclesiastically; symbolically; rustically; drably; somberly; modestly

    (See clothe, array, dress.)

    Garbage verbs

    accumulate—; complain of—; destroy—; discard as—; disintegrate—; dispose of—; dump—; heap—; incinerate—; litter with —; object to—; separate—; sterilize—; strew with—; utilize—; —contaminates; — decomposes; —fertilizes; —menaces

    (See waste.)

    Garbled adverbs

    hopelessly; senselessly; sadly; ridiculously; vexatiously; incoherently; wildly; deliberately; carelessly; ignorantly; disastrously; indescribably; intentionally; maliciously; dishonestly; unfairly; cunningly; adroitly; mischievously; terribly; inexcusably; indefensibly; horribly

    Garden adjectives

    colonization; mellowing; exotic; luxuriant; bowery; celebrated; fateful; private; curious; aquatic; countless (pl); tranquil; radiant; delicious; odorous; fabled; spacious; desolate; ample; rustic; walled; extensive; seedy; orchard; ravaged; shady; tiny; broken; terraced; revived; alluring; vigorous; suburban; enchanted; sequestered; neglected; stately; weedless; beautiful; untidy; hanging; sunny; formal; productive; magnificent; illuminated; rock; delightful; dainty


    cultivate—; delve in—; fence—; fringe—; girdle—; hedge in—; plan—; plot—; preserve—; putter in—; rejoice in—; sow—; sprinkle—; stroll through—; till—; tour—; transplant to—; wall in—; water—; —delights; —flourishes; —thrives

    (See yard.)

    Gargle verbs

    advise—; advocate—; apply—; bathe with —; dilute—; employ—; prepare—; require —; treat with—; wash with—; —cools; — eases; —heals; —relieves

    (See liquid, preparation.)

    Garish adverbs

    cheaply; glitteringly; unpleasantly; surprisingly; unexpectedly; intensely; crudely; discordantly; inharmoniously; rudely; monstrously; obtrusively; pretentiously; pompously; spectacularly; dramatically; unbecomingly; ridiculously; intensely; preposterously

    Garland adjectives

    funereal; live; jeweled; lovely; immortal; leafy; beauteous; victorious


    bear—; compete for—; crown with—; deck with—; display—; festoon with—s; lay—; mantle with—; reward with—; set—upon; swathe in—; wind—; —adorns; —decorates

    Garment adjectives

    drenched; banqueting; tattered; ordinary; sacerdotal; wretched; voluminous; trailing; coarse; operating; dignified; delicate; fragile; sober; mortal; perennial; discarded; stage; bridal; transparent; necessary; glittering; rustic; vaporous; shabby; shapeless; magic; exquisite; clean; flimsy; seductive; upper; radiant; charity; appropriate; superb; snowy; sweeping; fluttering; flattering; luxurious; handsome; custom; cool; elegant; exclusive; poisoned; untimely; imperial; dusty; modest; everlasting


    admire—; damage—; design—; dishevel—; display—; dye—; envy—; exhibit—; fashion—; fumigate—; injure—; model—; repair—; sew—; shroud in—; strip off—; sweat in—; weave—; yearn for—; —attracts; —befits; —clings to; —flatters; — reveals

    (See dress, coat, gown.)

    Garnished adverbs

    tastefully; beautifully; generously; gayly; colorfully; invitingly; attractively; pleasingly; decoratively; becomingly; gorgeously; showily; simply; lusciously; deliciously; elaborately; cleverly; laboriously; ingeniously; unbelievably

    Garret verbs

    accumulate in—; ascend to—; betake to—; conceal in—; deposit in—; evict from—; furnish—; heap in—; hoard in—; inhabit —; lodge in—; mount to—; preserve in—; remove to—; renovate—; reserve in—; search in—; stock in—; store in—; stow away in—; —garners; —projects; —totters

    (See attic, room.)

    Garrison adjectives

    intrusive; ample; large; floating; stalwart; retreating; slender; beleaguered; sturdy; strong; well-manned


    assault—; beset—; besiege—; bombard—; build—; charge—; erect—; fire upon—; invade—; maintain—; march upon—; quarter in—; reinforce—; station at—; threaten—; —defends; —guards; —shields; —surrenders; —withdraws

    (See fortification.)

    Garrison (v) adverbs

    sturdily; feebly; inadequately; stalwartly; smartly; prodigiously; effectually; adeptly

    (See supply, furnish.)

    Garrulity adjectives

    senile; unflagging; increased; nauseous; feminine; usual; boring; customary

    Garrulous adverbs

    endlessly; tediously; happily; chattily; genially; illuminatingly; knowledgeably; tire-somely; toothlessly; cacklingly; ribaldly; merrily; nauseatingly; unusually; habitually; highly; inescapably; incorrigibly; ponderously; monotonously; feverishly; excitedly; mumblingly

    Gas adjectives

    illuminating; foul; lethal; vivifying; incandescent; subtle; insidious; continuous; nebulous; congealed; fermenting; beneficent; transmuted; superseded; liquefied; mystery; deadly; noxious; injurious; rarefied; offensive; healthful


    accumulate—; battle—; bottle—; burn—; develop—; exhale—; guard against—; inhale—; isolate—; overcome by—; saturate with—; —asphyxiates; —emerges; — escapes; —expands; —flows; —fouls; — lifts; —poisons; —rises; —seeps in; —fuels

    (See oxygen.)

    Gash adjectives

    deep; ghastly; fearful; fatal; abominable; hideous; deadly; murderous; bloody

    Gash (v) adverbs

    mortally; deeply; fatally; abominably; hideously; murderously; fearfully; savagely; fiendishly; diabolically

    (See slash, cut, tear.)

    Gasp adjectives

    convulsive; painful; long; grieving; struggling; broken; terrific; fitful; gurgling; last

    Gasp (v) adverbs

    incredulously; breathlessly; unintelligibly; audibly; convulsively; fitfully; dramatically; brokenly; startlingly

    (See pant, breathe.)


    rusty; unclosed; churlish; inexorable; curtained; yawning; swinging; wooden; steel; decorated; awful; moon-lit; spectral; monumental; thronged; fast-locked; characteristic; facile; infernal; adamantine; massive; mosque; million-dollar; forbidden; figured; eastern; widest; celestial; huge; planched; applauding; painted; hospitable; silent; folding; sculptured; gorgeous; occidental; shadowy; postern; seaward; enchanted; grim; guarded; wicket; latched


    admit at—; bar—; beat against—; besiege —; fling open—; furnish—; guard—; knock on—; latch—; mend—-; pass through —; repair—; storm—; swing on—; —bars; —hangs; —prevents

    (See opening, entrance, door.)

    Gate Jr AY adjectives

    dilapidated; massive; secluded; crumbling; decorated; illumined

    Gather (v) adverbs

    methodically; unpretentiously; seditiously; amiably; posthumously; tenderly; laboriously; noiselessly; cautiously; comprehensively; assiduously; formally; gaily; annually; riotously; raucously; exclusively

    (See assemble, congregate, accumulate.)

    Gathering ad je dives

    informal; gay; insufficient; considerable; quiet; blind; assiduous; fashionable; indignant; annual; uncultured; democratic; eclectic; prompt; distinguished; noisy; unruly; riotous; unusual; raucous; notable; select; exclusive


    address—; arrange—; call—; collect into—; compose—; disperse—; dissipate—; enrage —; govern—; guide—; lead—; prevent—; provoke—; pull—; sway—; swell—; threaten—; —buzzes; —clamors; —contributes; —crowds; —impresses; —murmurs; — packs; —proposes; —views

    (See assembly, crowd.)


    unusually; unutterably; terribly; shockingly; extravagantly; oddly; gracelessly; unexpectedly; ridiculously; childishly; preposterously; horribly; offensively; disgustingly; unpleasantly

    Gauge verbs

    adjust—; affect—; apply—; attach—; devise—; employ—; examine—; refer to—; test—; —advances; —ascertains; —determines; —fluctuates; —limits; —marks; — measures; —mounts; —notes; —records; — registers; —safeguards; —warns

    (See measure, standard.)

    Gauge (v) adverbs

    accurately; scientifically; correctly; skillfully; professionally; logically; mentally

    (See measure, estimate.)

    Gaunt adverbs

    forbiddingly; haggardly; crookedly; unbelievably; terribly; awfully; unpleasantly; disagreeably; touchingly; miserably; portentously; wretchedly; ominously; alarmingly; horribly; uncommonly; meagerly; wanly; pallidly

    Gauze adjectives

    theatrical; motionless; artful; vague; dappled; filmy


    apply—; bandage with—; brace with—; clean—; disinfect—; guard with—; join with—; sterilize—; strain through—; support with—

    (See fabric, silk.)

    Gavel verbs

    administer—; bang—; beat with—; drum —; employ—; hammer with—; heave—; inflict with—; knock—; rap with—; sound —; strike with—; —entreats; —hushes; — interferes; —interrupts

    (See hammer.)

    Gawky adverbs

    incredibly; pitiably; ludicrously; absurdly; inexcusably; sadly; utterly; remarkably

    clownishly; deliberately; pretentiously; comically; grotesquely; outlandishly; sensationally; theatrically; stupidly; hea\ily; youthfully

    Gay adverbs

    gracefully; boyishly; lightly; cheerfully; inexpressibly; racily; blithely; airily; saucily; proudly; carelessly; joyously; confidently; buoyantly; mystically; fantastically; devilishly; dashingly; artlessly; disarmingly; refreshingly; fashionably; racially; playfully; wantonly; roguishly; bewitchingly; engagingly; radiantly

    Gayety verbs

    beget—; blush with—; commend—; displace—; eclipse—; feign—; flush in—; imbue with—; indulge in—; release—; revive —; rollick in—; thirst for—; unloose—; wreathe in—; yield to—; —blazes; —bubbles up; —cheers; —refreshes; —reigns; — ripples; —wearies

    (See merriment, fun, frolic, sport, liveliness, vivacity.)

    Gaze adjectives

    uncertain; tributary; penetrating; mute; orphaned; relentless; quiet; kindred; probing; inquiring; abstracted; presumptuous; loving; searching; uncomplaining; earnest; averted; steady; enraptured; somber; maternal; inspiring; animated; shrewd; level; answering; admiring; bright; intent; compelling; concentrated; modest; steadfast; unwinking; calm; large; curious; living; dark; keen; vulgar; shrinking; piercing; hostile; disembodied; fervid; trained; appalling; complacent; unrestricted; astonished; lecherous; universal; dimmed; commanding; patient; long; prying; magic; painful; strained; imploring; ardent; melancholy; motionless; malevolent; questioning; different; tender; impartial; rapt; sullen; passionate; disdainful; reverent; magisterial; drowsy; mild; fixed; undeviating; yearning; enamored; ferret-like


    avoid—of; fix—on; quail beneath—; screen from—; shun—; stand at—; strain—toward; turn—upon; wilt beneath—; wince beneath—; writhe under—; —chills; — falls; —falters; —pierces; —searches; — wanders

    (See look, stare, glare.)

    Gaze (v) adverbs

    vacantly; indifferently; inquiringly; deliberately; mournfully; impassionedly; trustfully; steadfastly; searchingly; furtively; blankly; defiantly; wistfully; dreamily; intently; sympathetically; impertinently; apprehensively; menacingly; disconsolately; reflectively; piercingly; keenly; obtrusively; insinuatingly; mockingly; beseechingly; profanely; piteously; perplexedly; meditating-ly; yearningly; shrewdly; lecherously; ardently; malevolently

    (See look, stare.)

    Gear adjectives

    new-fashioned; dainty; dangerous; diminishing; adamantine; shapeless; bloody; military


    change—; connect—s; damage—s; drive in —; equip with—; fit with—; grease—; lock—; provide—; put into—; repair—; reverse—; rip—; strip—s; throw into—; — grinds; —s mesh

    (See equipment, mechanism.)

    Gear (v) adverbs

    adequately; delicately; mechanically; intricately; complicatedly; highly; scientifically

    (See prepare.)

    Gela TINE verbs

    abhor—; box—; coat with—; contain—; convert into—; contaminate—; dissolve—; garnish—; mold—; prepare—; relish—; serve—; shape—; utilize—; —preserves; — shakes; —shimmies; —trembles; —wobbles

    Gem verbs

    adorn with—s; collect—s; cut—; discover —; display—; engrave—; fashion—; girdle with—s; mine for—s; polish—; prize—; unearth—; value—; weigh—; —delights; —glistens; —glitters; —illuminates; — scintillates; —spangles

    (See stone, jewel, emerald, diamond, ruby, etc.)

    Gems adjectives

    sparkling; infusorial; twinkling; expensive; superb; flashing; shining; glittering; oracular; priceless; dainty; sunborn; reflecting; radiant; costly; animated; burnished; brilliant; carven

    Genealogy verbs

    admit—; commend—; dig up—; insert in—; interest in—; investigate—; mark—; note in—; praise—; reckon—; record—; register—; trace—; view—; —enumerates; — exhibits; —proves; —verifies

    (See record.)

    General adverbs

    admittedly; broadly; surprisingly; necessarily; astonishingly; mysteriously; inexplicably; naturally; unaccountably; unwarrantably; fortunately; inimitably; sweepingly; inclusively; significantly; evidently; amazingly; dreadfully

    General (army) adjectives

    politic; intrepid; merciful; permanent; commanding; grim; skilled; knowing; trained; clever; bungling; immortal; cruel; brash; stubborn; brutish; worsted; incipient; respective (pl); sagacious; shelved


    commission as—; decorate—; promote to—; respect—; salute—; —accuses; —administrates; —authorizes; —castigates; —commands; —conducts; —controls; —disposes of; —entrusts; —exercises; —leads; —maltreats; —orders; —plans; —posts; —quarters; —supervises; —terrorizes

    (See officer, commander, leader, chief.)

    Generalities adjectives

    polite; vagtie; inane; solemn; inept; illogical; meaningless

    Generality veros

    agree on—; arrive at—; avoid—; comment on—; comprehend—; confine to—s; deal in —s; descend from—s; evade—; guide—s; judge—; limit to—s; propound—; question —s; relegate to—s; resort to—s; restrain —s; skip—s; sound—s; stress—s; test—

    (See statement.)

    Generalization adjectives

    easy; mystic; embracing; fantastical; scientific; hazardous; metaphysical; unsupported

    Generate (v) adverbs

    spontaneously; swiftly; sturdily; corruptly; endlessly; ceaselessly; intemperately; proli-fically

    (See produce, reproduce, propagate.)

    Generation verbs

    activate—; beget—; compute—; expose to —; glorify—; introduce—; laud—; praise —; reckon—s; remove from—; urge—; — arises; —s cherish; —s gather; —s heap; —s inherit; —involves; —s issue from

    (See period, time, age.)

    Generations adjectives

    modest; innumerable; spontaneous; remote; sturdy; pompous; extremest; corrupt; countless; endless; coming; rising; future; spirited; existing; depraved; succeeding; frustrated; spurious; perished; analytical; tongueless; false; illiterate; whole; experimental; aesthetic; ceaseless; previous; intemperate; traveling

    Generator verbs

    drive—; employ—; operate—; simplify—

    —alternates; —converts; —draws; —heats up; —produces; —revolves; —rotates; — whines; —whirs; —winds

    (See machine, apparatus, dynamo.)

    Generosity adjectives

    impetuous; impulsive; unwonted; eager; judicious; amazing; consummate; pious; trustful; unparalleled; scornful; fond; divine; hearty; bitter; lavish; hospitable; celestial; careless; unquestioning; understandable; widespread; designing; dastardly- verbs

    admit—; bestow with—; commend—; credit —; distrust—; endow- with—; exceed in—; expose—; flatter—; indulge—; owe to—; practise—praise—; reveal—; rival—; shower with—; subscribe with—; temper with—; —bribes; —delights; —deprives; —drains

    (See benevolence.)

    Gen EROL'S adverbs

    sincerely; quixotically; fantastically; ostentatiously; publicly; extremely; altruistically; charitably; benevolently; instinctively; distinctly; spontaneously; lavishly; extravagantly; habitually; truly; genuinely; amazingly; notably; essentially; magnificently; splendidly; essentially; unselfishly

    Genial adverbs

    pleasantly; courteously; affably; amiably; heartily; merrily; jovially; altogether; consistently; resolutely; fraternally; comfortingly; charmingly; cordially; delightfully; engagingly; marvelously; extraordinarily; unusually; habitually; conspicuously

    Geniality adjectives

    frank; shrewd; artificial; suave; hearty; boyish; artistic; feigned; real; soothing; effervescent; everlasting; annoying


    accustom to—; bask in—; diffuse—; flush with—; light up with—; practise—; receive with—; smile with—; welcome with —; —animates; —cheers; —delights; —endears; —exhilarates; —inspires; —warms

    (See cordiality, cheerfulness, warmth.)

    Genius adjectives

    consummate; presiding; intellectual; inherent; interpretative; evil; unique; sublimest; engineering; sheer; ardent; sceptered; acute; fanciful; eloquent; bounding; sartorial; extraordinary; executive; untutored; unfettered; renovated; amiable; universal; persistent; various (pl); rare; decorative; sardonic; prodigious; military; solemn; solitary; gloomy; dramatic; inventive; erratic; hereditary; singular; fresh; organizing; malignant; incredible; financial; disciplined; obscure; recessive; rich; evident; peculiar; diabolical; culinary; assured: stupendous; poetical; veritable; commanding; mathematical; autocratic; superior; musical; misdirected; unclarified; intrepid; dormant; harsher; precocious; strange; brightest; gigantic; statesmanlike; vigorous; feminine; inventive; meditative; political; desultory; unique; pining; irritated; artificial; middling; majestic; maiden; innate; contriving; sullen; capricious; saturnine; fertile; legislative; bountiful; puissant; tutelary; individual; creative; special; ethnic; massive; fiery; lofty; true; masterly; evil; mature; adroit; tragic; predominant; mundane; characterized


    acclaim—; attain—; befriend—; endow with—; exhibit—; inspire—; marvel at—; nourish—; nurture—; produce—; recognize —; starve—; tincture—with; trifle with—; waste—; worship—; —aspires to; — creates; —enlightens; —produces; —fructifies; —glows; —ripens; —triumphs

    (See talent, power, creator,, artist.)

    Genteel adverbs

    proudly; nobly; aristocratically; inherently; genuinely; truly; admittedly; tenaciously; handsomely; elegantly; impressively

    Gentility adjectives

    brave; stripped; plated; faded; shabby; penniless; sham; decayed; decadent; worn; worked; noticeable


    bear with—; borrow—; claim—; confute—; convey—; counterfeit—; cultivate—; degrade from—; diffuse—; exhibit—; expel—; patronize—; pursue—; recognize—; reveal —; stand on—; vanquish—; —decays; — enhances; —fades; —graces

    (See dignity, politeness, elegance, refinement.)

    Gentle adverbs

    considerately; sympathetically; indulgently; remarkably; particularly; affably; curiously; compassionately; mercifully; understand-ingly; softly; tolerantly; calmly; forbearing-ly; patiently; gravely; quietly; serenely; complaisantly; politely; ingratiatingly; amazingly

    Gentleman adjectives

    worthy; dignified; conservative; old-fashioned; prosy; antique; majestic; country; whiskered; eligible; aristocratic; credulous; digressive; gallant; decorous; opulent; polished; decrepit; unusual; chivalrous; superannuated; curious; studious; lovely; legal-looking; vacuous-looking; benevolent; eccentric; elderly; ceremonious; fastidious; venerable; scholarly; valiant; flippant; loyal; downright; reverend; inane; decayed; clerical; suave; heedless; sober; fat; landed; frayed; frail; silk-stockinged


    admire—; bear like—; be born—; behave like—; conduct like—; define—; denote—; disguise as—; educate as—; grace—; mellow into—; pass for a—; perfect—; produce—; respect—; transform into—; welcome—; —considers; —forbears; —honors; —reproaches; —respects; —submits; —sympathizes; —understands

    Gentleness adjectives

    stately; infinite; intelligent; supreme; caressing; surface; unassuming; deprecating; wonted; unbelievable; tender; heartfelt

    Gentlewoman adjectives

    shrewd; virtuous; fresher; dainty; elegant

    Gentry adjectives

    landed; minor; cocked-hat; light-fingered

    Genuine adverbs

    unquestionably; veritably; obviously; manifestly; unimpeachably; indubitably; essentially; authentically; incontestably; substantially; inimitably; invaluably

    Geography verbs

    add to—; confuse—; familiarize with—; perfect—; refer to—; resort to—; subdue—; verse in—; —defines; —describes; —explains; —informs; —reveals; —treats of

    (See science.)

    Germ verbs

    check—s; combat—; crawl with—s; destroy —; detect—; disseminate—s; eliminate—s; fall prey to—; filter—s; harbor—; identify —; infect with—; infest with—; isolate—; resist—; sow—s; track down—; transmit—; —inhabits; —invades; —lodges in; —migrates; —multiplies; —strikes; —thrives

    (See disease.)

    Germicide verbs

    advocate—; disinfect with—; employ—; flush with—; fumigate with—; wash with —; —allays; —arrests; —cleans; —cures; —destroys; —evaporates; —exterminates; —heals; —overpowers; —prevents; —purifies; —rids; —routs; —sterilizes

    (See disinfection.)

    Germs adjectives

    natural; fruitful; virulent; organic; pernicious; fundamental; floating; delicate; vegetable; infant; marauding; infectious; prolific; insidious

    Gesticulate (v) adverbs

    violently; ludicrously; dramatically; expressively; suavely; gleefully; impatiently; sweepingly; airily; affectedly; ecstatically; significantly; authoritatively

    (See gesture.)

    Gesture adjectives

    wild; authoritative; mental; ponderous; conciliatory; magnificent; ungoverned; convulsive; dreadful; despairing; angry; spontaneous; imploring; eloquent; generous; affectionate; threatening; pitying; ferocious; airy; truculent; dignified; dramatic; expressive; vulgar; romping; abrupt; symbolic; fine; impetuous; helpless; parting; joyous; excited; gentle; sweeping; negative; impatient; uncouth; insolent; respectful; tentative; violent; spasmodic; careless; grateful; absurd; polite; gleeful; animated; significant; vehement; arbitrary; regal; emphatic; heroic; deprecatory; faint; pretty; chivalrous; spectacular; interrogatory; emotional; superstitious; childish; renunciatory; magnanimous; effective; imperceptible; furious; inexplicable; disparaging; frivolous; courtly; menacing; frail; analyzing; pioneering; possessive; benignant; scarce; wide: graceful; invincible; masterful; quick; noble; imperious


    accompany with—s; ape—; emphasize with —; employ—; execute—; express by—; indulge in—; imitate—; mix with—; moderate —s; motion with—; note—; perform—; record—; refuse—; restrict—s; ridicule—; speak with—s; signify by—; —s express; —s harmonize

    (See motion, posture.)

    Gesture («/


    wildly; ponderously; magnificently; convulsively; despairingly; spontaneously; generously; ferociously; truculently; vulgarly; symbolically; uncouthly; animatedly; vehemently; regally; emphatically; spectacularly; menacingly; benignantly; imperiously; masterfully

    (See gesticulate.)

    Geyser verbs

    —blows off; —boils; —bubbles; —darts; — ejects; —emits; —erupts; —explodes; — gurgles; -—gushes; —jets; —plays; —pours; —relaxes; —ruins; —shoots; —snorts; — spouts; —spurts; —swells; —throws off

    (See spring, fountain.)

    Ghastly adverbs

    incredibly; unbelievably; inexpressibly; horribly; awfully; fearfully; shockingly; portentously; appallingly; monstrously; formidably; weirdly; terribly; utterly

    Ghost adjectives

    sheeted; gigantic; livid; lofty; gliding; glowing; drab; pale; frighted; silvery; collaborating; sweet; songless; pathetic; slender; reflected; mad; aimless; restless; peaceful; infernal; beckoning; disturbed; pensive; pious; haunting; handsome; graphical; headless; shrouded; honest


    give up—; harbor—; perceive—; raise—; shape—; speak to—; —beckons; —cries; — flits; —follows; —glares; —haunts; — howls; —points; —prowls; —pursues; — returns; —scares; —shadows; —stalks; — torments; —vanishes; —visits

    (See apparition, phantom, spirit, shade, soul.)

    Ghostly adverbs

    weirdly; alarmingly; immaterially; spectrally; uncannily; appallingly; mysteriously; inscrutably; horribly; terribly; inexplicably; comically; strangely; curiously; oddly; unbelievably; remarkably; singularly

    Giant adjectives

    mental; financial; rich; juicy; shock-headed; glorious; massy; mysterious; petrified; supernormal; stupendous; genial; peaceable; useless; pastoral; deformed; hideous; monstrous


    conquer—; crush—; dread—; flee from—; grapple with—; mount—; overthrow—; quell—; wrestle with—; —heaves; —inhabits; —menaces; —overpowers; —overwhelms; —roars; —shoulders; —terrifies; —threatens; —tramples

    (See monster.)

    Gibber (v) adverbs

    ghoulishly; drunkenly; disgustingly; idiotically; aimlessly; inanely; unintelligibly; insanely

    (See chatter, jabber.)

    Gibbet adjectives

    shameful; gloomy; intellectual; menacing

    ancient; unused; life-snatching


    chain to—; condemn to—; conduct to—; deserve—; erect—; escape—; execute on—; gaze at—; punish on—; save from—; send to—; sentence to—; suffer—; tie to—; — frightens; —glooms

    (See gallows.)

    Gibe adjectives

    rude; insolent; stinging; jocose; exultant; nasty; bitter; raucous; friendly

    Giddiness verbs

    anticipate—; bring on—; condemn—; cure —; delight in—; faint with—; fall in—; incur—; occasion—; repent—; stagger with —; swim with—; tolerate—; whirl with—; —bewilders; —confuses; —creeps over; — envelops; —infuriates; —maddens; —ruins


    (See dizziness.)

    Giddy adverbs

    wildly; heedlessly; distractedly; carelessly; dreamily; happily; rapturously; blithely

    capriciously; wantonly; deliriously; incoherently; foolishly; irresolutely; irresponsibly; amazingly; reprehensibly; erratically; fitfully; fantastically; unstably; freakishly; waywardly; captiously; frivolously

    Gift adjectives

    charming; lasting; valuable; expensive; mental; worthless; poetic; lovely; heavenly; worth-while; exceptional; inalienable; practical; satirical; equal; especial; divine; conversational; ample; promised; fragile; higher; festive; peaceful; myriad (pl); fair; genuine; lyrical; hospitable; innate; pious; glozing; distinctive; versatile; gracious; sacramental; brilliant; healing; compensating; acceptable; wonderful; appropriate; sweet; random; suitable; melancholy; unavailing; entrusted; transcendent; golden; youthful; fecund; rare; graceful; clever; placating; superlative; godlike; lyrical; trifling; sponsorial; unique; prophetic; precious; pure; cankering; free; mysterious; ineffable; cherished; imitative; peerless; wondrous; oratorical; clever; dangerous; matchless; propitiatory; social; costly; formidable; different; spicy


    apologize with—; bestow — upon; cherish—; cultivate—; endow with—; enhance —; exercise—; favor with—; grant—; honor with—; lavish —s upon; offer—; proffer—; scorn—; surprise with—; value—; —delights; —elates; —enriches; —impresses; — obligates; —persuades; —s pour in

    (See present, endowment, talent, benefaction, contribution.)

    Gifted adverbs

    brilliantly; unusually; wonderfully; magnificently; notably; consummately; peculiarly; expertly; intellectually; eminently; admirably;. illustriously; aptly; conspicuously; extraordinarily; supremely; uncommonly; highly

    Gigantic adverbs

    incredibly; stupendously; tremendously; unbelievably; inexpressibly; colossally; prodigiously; overwhelmingly; terrifyingly; appallingly; marvellously; terribly; astonishingly; astoundingly

    Giggle adjectives

    rich; girlish; antiquated; sudden; nervous; loud


    burst into—; convulse in —s; cure of —s; degenerate into —s; laugh in —s; set into —s; suppress—; throw into —s; utter—; — annoys; —bores; —disgusts; —disturbs; — interrupts; —sickens; —sparkles; —tickles


    (See laugh.)

    Giggle (v) adverbs

    nervously; hysterically; self-consciously; intermittently; abruptly; explosively; coquet-tishly; alluringly

    (See snicker, titter.)

    Gild (v) adverbs

    radiantly; lavishly; artfully; tastefully; professionally; superfluously; richly; ornamentally

    (See cover, color.)

    Gill verbs

    breathe with—; close—; cuff—; draw into —; expand—; furnish with—; stroke—; inhale through—; strain—; —absorbs; — admits; —flaps; —inhales; — quivers; —receives; —sucks; —swells

    Gin adjectives


    meditative; sullen; accursed


    abstain from—; denature—; distill—; imbibe—; legalize—; loathe—; reek of—; resist—; —destroys; —dulls; —grogs; —inebriates; —influences; —intoxicates; —overcomes; —regales; —seduces

    (See liquor.)

    Giraffe verbs

    anger—; arouse—; cage—; exhibit—; lasso —; pet—; train—; —ambles; —batters; — browses; —forages; —gallops; —s herd; — kicks; —plucks; —roams; —straddles

    (See animal.)

    Girl adjectives

    sylvan; docile; unaffected; much-courted; cuddlesome; dear; delightful; stricken: robust; athletic; country; serving; frowzy; wishy-washy; tawdry; expensive; clumsy; urgent; watchful; passionate; anserine; adolescent; elegant; slim; confiding; artful; sensible; true; scrawny; giddy; sweet; gentle; beautiful; ornamental; casual; suitable; frail; sympathetic; light; colored; timbrel; ambitious; radiant; exotic; truthful; semiwild; utilitarian; blushing; alluring; unregulated; debilitated; loitering; singsong; impecunious; trembling; dependent; sullen; charming; pluckiest; dainty; sober; uneducated; freckle-faced; worthless; industrious; ridiculous; swarthy; sophisticated; vigorous; decent; virtuous; enthusiastic; patrician; perverse; unruly; willful; flippant; comely; awkward; sad; shiftless; peevish; commonplace; emotional; suicidal; coquettish


    betroth—; bud into—; consort with —s; — beguiles; —blushes; —charms; —dances; — giggles; —loves; —lures; —mystifies; — pouts; —prates; —smiles; —sulks

    (See infant, child, youth, damsel.)

    Girth adjectives

    generous; broad; immense; cumbersome; muscular; spanless; bountiful

    Gist verbs

    convey—; define—; deviate from—; explain —; follow'—; glimpse—; overlook—; phrase —; sum up—; translate—; understand—; wade through—; —deals w’ith ; —denotes; —lies in ; —necessitates

    (See substance, core, essence.)

    Give (r) adverbs

    exclusively; grudgingly; charitably; benevolently; abundantly; grumblingly; discrim-inately; spontaneously; magnificently; methodically; unsparingly; discreetly; conscientiously; periodically; impartially; infallibly; subsequently; wantonly; invariably; ultimately; intentionally; substantially; prodigally; legitimately

    (See bestow, accord, grant.)

    Giver adjectives

    undiscerning; venerable; judicious; Indian

    Glacier adjectives

    grinding; upended; extinct; immense; unnamed; glistening


    climb—; consolidate into—; cross—; form —; melt—; press into—; slide into—; warn of—; —chokes; —confronts; —creeps; —derives from; —drifts; —glistens; —glitters; —glows; —lodges; —sparkles

    (See stream, ice, snow.)

    Glad adverbs

    genially; laughingly; wholly; definitely; heartily; truly; genuinely; wholeheartedly; amazingly; pathetically; childishly; sincerely; radiantly; delightedly; enthusiastically; profoundly; quietly; visibly; boundlessly; solemnly; exceedingly; gloriously; rapturously; hysterically; excitedly; serenely

    Glade adjectives

    rustling; steep; hopeful; enchanted; shaded; woodland; mossy; purple; shadowy; umbrageous; sheltered; tropic

    Gladness adjectives

    tender; whimsical; quiet; visionary; subdued; visible; sunny; hidden; bursting; boundless: solemn; ignorant; maniacal; exceeding; glorious; unfeigned; abrupt; tranquil; immortal; effervescent; sober; ebullient


    bring on—; cloak in—; comprehend—; couch in—; crush—; derive — from; deserve—; dispense—; emit—; enliven with —; exude—; flush with—; occasion—; overwhelm—; quell—; radiate—; send out—; trample—; —confuses; —enhances; — speaks

    (See delight, exhilaration, joy, pleasure.)

    Glamorous adverbs

    seductively; delightfully; undeniably; beautifully; gloriously; irresistibly; peculiarly: utterly; adorably; charmingly; exotically; wantonly; girlishly; deliberately; carefully; calculatingly; immeasurably; inconceivably; incomparably; naturally; purposely; cleverly; bewitchingly; unconsciously; darkly; brilliantly; entrancingly

    Glamour adjectives

    harmless; romantic; laughing; longing; sophisticated; midnight; theatrical; lingering; pictorial; extraneous; fortuitous


    capture—; create—; deck in—; dim—; invest with—; recapture—; sacrifice—; savor —; surround with—; win with—; yield to —; —allures; —attracts; —awes; —bewitches; —charms; —dazzles; —deceives; —deludes; —enchants; —entrances; —fades; —fascinates; —magnetizes; —stirs; —wears off

    (See charm, enchantment, fascination, glory, spell.)

    Glance ad jectives

    tender; sidelong; mirthful; dreamy; wistful; mechanical; furtive; fierce; maternal; reproachful; hasty; keen; languid; quick; pitying; uneasy; mingled; oblique; timid; mischievous; departed; pure; half-inviting; flaming; penetrating; vindictive; imploring; comprehensive; passing; interrogatory; approving; satisfying; chastened; sinister; deep; hostile; malevolent; tranquil; curious; apologetic; crawling; mortal; wild; expressive; mournful; fantastical; unseeing; fiery; covert; careless; bridling; suspicious; clear; significant; inquiring; admiring; rapid; errant; frightened; unintercepted; single; heartfelt; nervous; wandering; absorbing; baleful; annihilating; superficial; farewell; dull; bird; momentary; vertical; frank; casual; contemptuous; supplicating; conciliatory; fleeting; expectant; indolent; genuine; sudden; sharp; malign; critical; heavy; meteor; furious; meaning; steady; hurried; meager; backward; irresistible; exquisite; surprised; evil; dubious; compassionate; venomous; irresolute; proud; soulful; swift; pleading; expiring; confused; cold; mild; satanical; luminous; ripened; abstracted; frowning; murderous; incidental; saucy; ominous; wondering; beseeching; appealing


    bestow — upon; cast — upon; detect at a—; flash—; intercept—; quail beneath—; rivet —upon; shift—; shoot — at; steal — at; survey at—; —chills; —falters; —pricks; — rests on; —strays

    (See look, gleam, glimpse, flash.)

    Glance (v) adverbs

    curiously; complacently; suspiciously; furtively; rebelliously; piercingly; cursorily; indifferently; disconsolately; disdainfully; involuntarily; contemptuously; critically; reproachfully; apprehensively; surreptitiously; wistfully; inquisitively; significantly; tenderly; malignantly; covertly; casually; instinctively; passionately; imperiously; intuitively; dubiously; deferentially; maliciously

    (See beam, gleam, glitter.)

    Gland adjectives

    lymphatic; dormant; secretive; master; lively; sex; ineffective; swollen; abnormal


    affect—; block—; graft—; inflame—; reduce—; reinvigorate—; transplant—; —controls; —enlarges; —functions; —indurates; —opens into; —pours forth; —produces; —responds; —secretes; —suppurates; —swells

    (See organ.)

    Glare adjectives

    savage; bright; burning; furious; warning; ghastly; gaudy; blinding; blistering; sun; dull; interested; meteoric; dancing; kingly; fearful; fiery; pale; lurid; ruddy; rifted; wild; frozen; desert; awful; brazen; blank; merciless; yellow; chill


    bask in—; bate—; cast—; destroy with—; fix—; incur—; ignore—; mark—; observe —; relieve—; remove—; shade—; shine with—; —angers; —blinds; —dazzles; — exposes; —lights; —reveals

    (See light, look, gaze, splendor.)

    Glare (v) adverbs

    ferociously; comically; fiercely; scowlingly; balefully; resentfully; vindictively; hostile-ly; stonily; remorselessly; oddly; blazingly

    (See frown, stare.)

    Glass adjectives

    undersized; sapphire; frosted; gleaming; spilled; parenthetical; arid; iridescent; bifocal; misted; delicate; preparatory; smoky; sumptuous; watery; tarnished; steaming; shattered; spattering: neglected; molten; poor; distorted; stained; cobwebbed; superstitious; irregular; untasted; social; translucent; medieval; brimming; swirled; rimmed; uncolored; inverted; dimpling; opaque


    brandish—; blow—; cast—; chip—; clink —s; color—; cover with—; crack—; drain —; engrave—; etch on—; file—; fondle—; frame with—; glaze with—; grind—; mold —; nick—; pulverize—; shape—; shatter—; split—; stain—; —s clash; —s clatter; —s clink

    (See crystal, mirror.)

    Glaze adjectives

    dreamy; monotonous; sincere; defiant; granite; iridescent; thin; death

    Gleam adjectives

    rare; momentary; occasional; varied (pl); silvery; dazzling; diabolic; sorrowful; cool; phosphorescent; portentous; troubled; lurid; livid; fiery; brilliant; distant; convex; dull; new; hateful; crafty; starry; subdued; unpleasant; sulphurous; metallic; stray; elusive; polar; waning; pallid; summer; flickering; bountiful; bright; ruddy; spasmodic; pale; alluring; determined; ineffectual; faint; vagrant; tearlike; broken; wilder; solitary; opaline; visionary; formless; evanescent; greasy; angry; illusive; moon-lit; splendid


    behold—; cast—; diffuse—; emit—; flare into—; flash—; light up with—; obscure—; reflect—; send—; shoot—; spread—; — blazes; —dazes; —dazzles; —flickers; — glitters; —illuminates: —pales; —shimmers; —shudders; —sparkles; —twinkles

    (See light, flash, beam, ray.)

    Gleam (v) adverbs

    weirdly; unnaturally; ominously; tigerishly; obscurely; fitfully; dangerously; momentarily; dazzlingly; diabolically; phosphorescent-ly; portentously; sulphurously; pallidly; spasmodically; flickeringly; evanescently; illusively

    (See shine, glow.)

    Glee adjectives

    rapturous; malicious; unconscious; strange; noisy; defying; childish; uncouth; unbidden; counterfeited; fiendish; sparkling; tumultuous; pelting; innocent; laughing; intemperate; venturous; chortling

    verbs            tadvance with—; bubble with—; condemn—; dance in—; display—; exhibit—; exude—; feign—; flaunt—; grin with—; increase—; jump in—; laugh with—; leap in—; occasion—; plunge into with—; rub the hands in—; sport with—; titter in—; turn into—; —envelops; —infects; —spreads

    (See mirth, gayety, merriment, joy.)

    Gleeful adverbs

    blithely; enthusiastically; infectiously; innocently; happily; irresistibly; completely; naturally; elatedly; triumphantly; joyously; light-heartedly; merrily; hilariously; sportively; utterly; openly; laughingly; noisily; effervescency; ecstatically; wholesomely; habitually

    Glen adjectives

    peaceful; shadowy; shrubby; narrow; unfrequented; mountain; leafy; woody; silent; obscurest; darkened; solitary; shaded; sunless

    Glib adverbs

    blandly; smoothly; cleverly; adroitly; deceptively; astutely; suspiciously; blatantly; suavely; socially; professionally; unctuously; fluently; nimbly; easily; felicitously; dexterously; affably; complaisantly; urbanely; civilly; politely; ingratiatingly; entertainingly; persuasively; resourcefully; amazingly; extraordinarily; strikingly

    Glibness verbs

    admire—; beget—; criticize with—; deliver with—; impede—; judge by—; mistrust—; perform with—; practise—; praise—; proceed with—; speak with—; unfold with—; utter with—; —charms; —deceives; —delights; —impresses; —misleads; —oils

    (See fluency.)

    Glide (v) adverbs

    smoothly; gracefully; unobtrusively; serenely; majestically; sinuously; noiselessly; dreamily

    (See slide, slip.)

    Glimmer adjectives

    misty; fading; uncertain; ghostly; pale; gleaming; dying; quivering; ignorant; confused; faint; quiet; pallid

    Glimmer (t) adverbs

    dimly; phosphorescently; spasmodically; intermittently; evanescently; uncertainly; pallidly; gaily; mistily

    (See gleam, shine.)

    Glimpse adjectives

    intriguing; touching; vivid; interesting; incidental; electric; vague; marvelous; amusing; faint; transient; picturesque; tempting; comforting; occasional; tantalizing; leafy; fleeting; delicious; shadowy; shimmering; cautious; prophetic; furtive; chilly; flashing; unveiled; mysterious; passing; murky; desired


    afford—; catch—; deny—; detect at—; drink in—; flash—; hope for—; obtain—; prevent—; procure—; win—; yearn for—; yield—; —dazzles; —delights; —glimmers

    —glitters; —perforates; —reveals; —shimmers; —shines

    (See flash, glance.)

    Glint adjectives

    moiled; rigid; ravishing; fiery; murderous; nasty; wicked

    Glint (v) adverbs

    suspiciously; antagonistically; brutally; angrily; murderously; wickedly; fiendishly; viciously; vindictively

    (See gleam, flash, glitter.)

    Glister adjectives

    faint; ruddy; scornful; spotless

    Glitter adjectives

    prismatic; gilded; steely; intense; jeweled; scaly; fiery; mercurial; dangerous; sinister; streaked; sarcastic; dull; wandering; pristine; weary; effeminate; blinding; ghastly; opulent; gaudy

    Glitter (v) adverbs

    lustrously; prismatically; intensely; mercur-ially; sinisterly; coldly; devilishly; blindingly; opulently; gaudily

    (See sparkle, gleam, flash.)

    Gloat (v} adverbs

    spitefully; hilariously; selfishly; pettishly; triumphantly; hatefully; jealously; vindictively; morbidly; victoriously

    (See covet, lust, ogle.)

    Globe adjectives

    terrestrial; habitable; ponderous; gorgeous; spotty’; gluey; heavenly; stupendous; terraqueous; bewildering; celestial; native; many-mortaled; whirling; spinning; careening


    circle—; circumnavigate—; consult—; discern on—; employ—; fill—; form into—; girdle—; perfect—; refer to—; revolve—; rotate—; suspend—; —defines; —describes; —explains; —points; —represents; —rolls; —rotates; —spins; —whirls

    (See ball, sphere, earth, world.)

    Globular adverbs

    amazingly; overwhelmingly; stupendously; astonishingly; astoundingly; totally; inconceivably; boundlessly; extraordinarily; unprecedentedly; strangely; unwontedly; surprisingly; singularly

    Globules adjectives

    teeming; swarming; insignificant; minute; porous


    congregated; dark; ascetic; deepening; shady; solemn; hopeless; malodorous; partial; anxious; lingering; additional; thick; funereal; desponding; murkier; dishwater; moving; gathering; chilly; fixed; slumbrous; melancholy; impenetrable; somber; sacred; grateful; ceaseless; minister; surrounding; forest; eternal; atmospheric; unromantic; perpetual; sepulchral; profound; pregnant; damp; warm; divine; convent; azure; woven; settled; sullen; dungeon; foreboding; sympathetic; twilight; wintry; intensified; lurid; coiled; starving; unavailing; heavy; persistent; dreary; pervasive; darkling; glowing; unobtrusive; dangerous; conventional; glorious; coppery; verdurous; gorgeous; adamantine; arched; natal; cheerless; silent; sable; oppressive; dank; languid; prairie; utter; ethereal; delicate; sheer; blighting; roseate; abnormal; rich; curtained; sibylline; haunting; stained; shadowed; Stygian


    assimilate—; cast upon—; detach from—; dispel—; envelop in—; exude—; harbor—; overcome—; overhang with—; overwhelm with—; pierce—; wrap in—; —assails; — deepens; —dwells on; —oppresses; —pervades; —settles on; —thickens

    (See darkness, obscurity, melancholy, sorrow, misfortune, despondency, dejection.)

    Gloomy adverbs

    abjectly; helplessly; depressingly; incurably; inconceivably; hopelessly; incredibly; piteously; horribly; tragically; unbelievably; singularly; unreasonably; miserably; needlessly; comically; ridiculously; ostensibly; obviously; desperately; heavily; sadly; mournfully; moodily; pensively; sulkily; inconsolably; desolately; disconsolately; dismally; gravely; woefully; glumly; wanly; unnecessarily; irritatingly

    Glorify (v) adverbs

    insanely; enthusiastically; boisterously; lovingly; martially; sumptuously; posthumously; eternally; physically; radiantly; ancestrally; feudally; imperially; romantically; regally; matchlessly; barbarically

    (See praise, adore.)


    effulgently; brilliantly; splendidly; superbly; unexpectedly; martially; inestimably; radiantly; proudly; regally; ecstatically; peculiarly; matchlessly, supremely; barbarically; distinctly; solemnly; sublimely; remarkably; eminently; imperishably; transcendently

    Glo(Ry adjectives

    ghastly; martial; gaping; reflected; sumptuary; posthumous; fainter; semblance; coeternal; inevitable; liquid; elemental; sudden; butchered; native; physical; inner; athletic; shining; paternal; short-lived; earthly; radiant; proud; ancestral; gentle; false; golden; pristine; endless; evolving; hirsute; mild; celestial; eclipsed; incipient; abandoned; .ustrous; living; feudal; spectacular; insubstantial; universal; passive; imperial; romantic; artistic; transient; setting; crimson; western; lineal; lasting; regal; undulating; naked; meridian; peerless; ebbed; imperishable; meteoric; shadowy; flaming; ecstatic; boasted; crowning; supernal; floral; lambent; heroic; scenic; promised; unclouded; unknown; peculiar; unclasped; matchless; lesser; barbaric; original; untasted; quiet; everlasting; pinnacled; bloody; departing; concentrated; sole; inestimable; imaginary


    accentuate—; bask in—; blaze in—; blind to—; crown with—; debilitate—; dissipate —; elect to—; encircle with—; elevate to —; extol—; flaunt—; mark for—; participate in—; reflect—; revel in—; reward with—; raise to—; shed—; —passes; — shines; —suffuses; revivify—

    (See honor, fame, renown, pomp, splendor, grandeur, praise.)

    Gloss adjectives

    opaque; ultimate; faultless; brilliant; shining; raven; stimulating; firm

    Glove adjectives

    frosted; leathern; long; slim; cloth; fringed; greasy; primrose; easy; cheveril; snug-fitting; warm; worn


    lurid; phosphorescent; rainbow; pallid; vinous; rich; fitful; silvery; ruby; vague; starry; full; strong; suffusing; warm; chastened; dim; joyous; transparent; luminous; dreamy; brilliant; soft; scorching; fiery; mystical; pectoral; molten; original; reflected; white; youthful; inward; comfortable; feverish; unaccustomed; sunset; faint; summer; somber; evening; latent; wavering; conscious; clustering; earthly; fearful; hectic; tropic; genial; emotional; refracted; refulgent; ethereal; blessed; hideous; sorrowing; tremulous; seraphic


    agitate to—; burn to—; clothe in—; emit—; feel—; heat to—; kindle—; pale—; quench —; quicken to—; shade—; suffuse with—; —brightens; —captivates; —cheers; —declines; —deepens; —flushes; —guides; — illuminates; —irradiates; —lights up; — radiates; —scorches; —shines; —subsides


    (See flush, animation, ardor, warmth.)

    Glow (v) adverbs

    morosely; intensely; luminously; nebulously; sardonically; auspiciously; mellowly; perceptibly; luridly; phosphorescently; mystically; vaguely; ruddily; feverishly; genially; hectically; ethereally; tremulously; seraphically

    (See shine, beam.)

    Glowing adverbs

    radiantly; softly; dimly; perceptibly; brilliantly; splendidly; gorgeously; endlessly; magnificently; sumptuously; constantly; ineffably; lustrously; phosphorescently; vividly; brightly; intensely; resplendently; marvellously; luridly; richly; fitfully; joyously; transparently; whitely; faintly

    Glum adverbs

    dismally; incurably; stupidly; cheerlessly; immovably; terribly; hopelessly; lugubriously; darkly; anxiously; despondently; curiously; profoundly; heavily; drearily; dangerously; dreadfully; abnormally; significantly; silently; unreasonably; sulkily; mop-ishly; strangely; disconsolately; exasperat-ingly


    swinishly; brutishly; disgustingly; inordinately; madly; unrestrainedly; ravenously

    (See gorge, eat.)

    Gluttonous adverbs

    unbelievably; insanely; disgustingly; repulsively; strangely; crudely; grossly; hungrily; greedily; voraciously; extremely; excessively, wolfishly; inordinately; recklessly; dangerously; extravagantly; horribly; horridly; ravenously; insatiably; offensively; revoltingly; abominably; incredibly

    Gnarled adverbs

    roughly; ruggedly; scraggily; crookedly; sturdily; agedly; stumpily; robustly; massively; tenuously; thickly; rheumatically; gauntly; wirily

    Gnash (v) adverbs

    incessantly; frenziedly; horribly; furiously; fiercely; hungrily; fiendishly; dreadfully; insanely

    (See rage, fume, storm.)

    Gnaw (adverbs

    hungrily; ravenously; furiously; madly; brutishly; bestially; vigorously; ferociously; famishedly

    (See chew, bite.)

    Goad adjectives

    insistent; galling; sharp; inexorable

    Goal adjectives

    veiled; ultimate; luminous; common; glittering- incentive; stimulating; selfsame; receding; unreachable; refined; successive (pl); utmost; mortal; illusory; desired; tertiary; inevitable; traditional; amaranthine; mysterious; hard-gained; fictitious


    achieve—; attain—; bar—; cherish—; defeat—; effect—; forge forward—; gain—; guard—; hamper—; move toward—; propel toward—; realize—; strive for—; surmount to—; sway from—; swerve from—; swing from—; touch—; push toward—

    (See end, aim, destiny, mark.)

    Goat ad jectives

    romantic; silky; browsing; sure-footed; metamorphosed; mutinous; sacrificial


    domesticate—; clip—; exercise—; fleece—; herd—s; pasture—; shear—; stall—; tether —; —attacks; —butts; —forages; —grazes; —leaps; —pastures; —supplies; —yields

    (See animal.)

    Goblet adjectives

    knobbed; embossed; smoke-colored

    God (divine being} adjectives

    faultless; unalterable; sacred; immortal; stern; everlasting; deathless; compassionate; ever-living; serene; inspiring

    god (idol


    monstrous; extemporal; bestial; goat-nursed; stalwart; unappeasable; bleating; victim-nourished; appeasable; defiant; contending; drunken; fire-robed; distant; tinseled; winged; capricious; exasperated; petty; crumbled; artificial; blinded; associate; banished; inexorable; unsolicited; false; materialized; frivolous; deposed; auxiliary


    banish—; beseech—; blaspheme—; defy—; deify—; discover—; exalt—; herald—; implore—; invoke—; placate—; propitiate—; recognize—; reveal—; revere—; revile—; vow before—; worship—; wrestle with—; —commands; —grants; —guides; —illumines; —judges; —ordains; —prevails

    (See deity, divinity, idol, ruler, creator, Jesus Chirst.)

    Goddess adjectives

    libidinous; voluptuous; impending; fickle; glorious; loving; beauteous

    Godless adverbs

    horribly; impiously; perversely; fanatically; recklessly; avowedly; sacrilegiously; blasphemously; profanely; heartbreakingly; graciously; obstinately; obdurately; unhappily; irrationally; unreasonably; immovably; openly; skeptically; materially; agnostically; faithlessly; indifferently

    Godlike adverbs

    wondrously; peerlessly; angelically; sera-phically; undeniably; charitably; sweetly; piously; virtuously; humbly; beatifically; consecratedly; spiritually; reverently; purely; incredibly; utterly

    Godly adverbs

    beautifully; devotedly; humbly; piously; reverently; consistently; devoutly; actively; justly; remarkably; eminently; notably; transcendently; earnestly; zealously; illustriously; wondrously; consecratedly; faithfully

    Gold adjectives

    fraud-accumulated; burnished; sculptured; transparent; crystal; molten; wrought; mealy; fretted; refined; virgin; bright; hard-earned; rusted; intense; gleaming; mossy; dominant; vaporous; tested; gravel; supple; gaudy; damning; barbaric; powdered; sterilized; coronation; beaten; clearest; drowned; countless; vile; richest; hoarded; stamped; fluid; fairy; blowing; musty; shimmering; iridescent: cloudy; streaked; shining; fragrant; faint; floral; glittering; ruined; banked; clean; coarse; ruddy


    alloy—; amass—; beat out—; bless with—; bribe with—; delve for—; desire—; dig for —; discover—; emboss with—; hammer—; harden—; heap—; hide—; hoard—; load w'ith—; melt—; mine—; pan—; plot for—; roll—; salvage—; search for—; separate—; spurn—; squander—; thirst for—; treasure —; —blinds; —chains; —charms; —clinks; —corrupts; —curses; —degenerates; —glitters; —glistens; —occurs; —sparkles

    (See metal, element, treasure.)

    Golf verbs

    compete in—; concentrate on—; contend at —; enjoy—; gamble at—; improve—; pair off in—; practise—; tie in—; score in—; —beguiles; —diverts; —engrosses; —entertains; —excites; —exerts; —interests; — wearies

    (See sport, game.)

    Golf COURSE


    compete on—; construct—; cover—; design —; develop—; extend—; form—; idle on —; open—; operate—; visit—; wander over —; —attracts; —beckons; —stretches

    Gong adjectives

    clangorous; dreadful; sounded; resonant; echoing


    clash—; drum on—; hammer—; hearken to —; strike—; —alarms; —assembles; — calls; —clanks; —clatters; —deafens; —resounds; —reverberates; —signals; — sounds; —summons; —surprises; —thunders; —vibrates

    (See bell.)

    Good adjectives

    indifferent; supreme; possible; garnered; public; tender; unimagined; infinite; irreconcilable; celestial; chief; ultimate; timely; final; permanent; common; spiritual; sovereign; unmitigated; worldly; satiating; everlasting; unchanging; weak; universal


    accept—; admire—; approve of—; ascertain—; augur—; commend—; devote to—; distinguish by—; endorse—; expound—; favor—; invite—; laud—; nullify—; offer —; relish—; repay—; reward—; welcome —; —benefits; —merits; —pleases; —profits; —prospers

    (See advantage, benefit, virtue, welfare.) adverbs

    exceptionally; wonderfully; incontrovert-ibly; undeniably; absolutely; faultlessly; commercially; spiritually; materially; supremely; innately; naturally; inherently; essentially; unusually; uncommonly; consistently; fairly; completely; unquestionably; intrinsically; genuinely; pricelessly; unutterably )

    Good-Humored adverbs

    delightfully; pleasantly; genially; merrily; jovially; immensely; unfailingly; invariably; wholesomely; amazingly; marvelously; patiently; visibly; notably; remarkably; indulgently; considerately; graciously; generously

    Goodness adjectives

    mantled; wholesome; innate; inherent; natural; hearty,* infinite; adorable; undeserved; essential; true; full; awful; delicious; breathing; invisible; unusual; -universal; tasty; obedient; hypocritical

    Goods adjectives

    glittering; worldly; perishable; unwanted; transitory; worthless; non-durable; treasured

    Good-Will verbs

    abuse—; cultivate—; dispense—; earn—; enjoy—; evoke—; favor with—; foster—; further—; gain—; grant—; inculcate—; inherit—; merit—; obtain—; pay with—; permit—; procure—; promote—; regard with —; seek—; sell—; solicit—; speak with—; spread—; win—; work for—; —privileges; —wanes

    (See reputation, favor.)

    Goose verbs

    —attacks; —braves; —cackles; —captures; —circles; —clasps; —cleaves sky; —climbs; —destroys; —dives; —drives; —drops; — eyes; —floats through; —hawks; —hooks; —moults; —perches; —preys on; —robs; —sails; —screams; geese sever themselves

    —sights; —soars; —sweeps

    (See bird.)

    Gopher verbs

    —burrows; —devastates; —digs; —honeycombs ; —scuds

    (See animal.)

    Gore adjectives

    stiffened; gladiatorial; sacred; dusky; quivering; unheeded; stagnant; hideous

    Gorge verbs

    cut—; descend into—; dig—; enter—; furrow—; hollow—; scoop out—; scour—: skirt—; traverse—; wear—; —bends; — confronts; —deepens; —extends; —frightens; —slopes

    (See canyon.)

    Gorge (v) adverbs

    unrestrainedly; hungrily; ravenously; brut-ishly; swinishly; nauseously; habitually; insatiably; immoderately

    (See glut, eat.)

    Gorgeous adverbs

    brilliantly; splendidly; magnificently; uncommonly; unusually; dazzlingly; resplendency; superbly; supremely; glitteringly; vividly; richly; harmoniously; imposingly; impressively; extravagantly; inordinately; strikingly

    Gorges adjectives

    twisting; shadowy; picturesque; sunlit; wondrous; narrow; deep; unsealed; roaring; windy; desolated; immediate; mountainous; intricate; melting; protected; tremendous; rock-fanged

    Gorilla verbs

    • —challenges; —chews; —cries; —crushes

    • —drums; —entertains; —nurses; —rages

    —raids; —roars; —rushes; —shies; — tears; —terrifies; —wanders

    (See animal.)

    Gory adverbs

    unspeakably; horribly; murderously; distressingly; wretchedly; hideously; abominably; beastly; grossly; awfully

    Gospel adjectives

    political; radiant; fiery; bitter; gradual; everlasting; healing; long-repeated; timeworn; helpful


    carry—; crusade—; decry—; denounce—; explode—; herald—; narrate—; preach—; propagate—; propound—; spread—; transmit—

    (See truth, story, narrative, tale, teachings, Bible, Scriptures. )

    Gossip adjectives

    habitual; savory; baseless; interested; slanderous; might}'; idle; laggard; good-natured; dashing; careless; ubiquitous; censorious; drowsy; cheerful; impertinent; agreeable; withering: contemporaneous; neighborhood; useful; whispered; undercover; vulgar; insignificant; malicious; scandalous; social; ugly


    cackle—; center—on; circulate—; deal out —; exchange—; feed on—; indulge in—; interchange—; interest in—; ladle out—; savor—; sputter—; whisper—; —buzzes; —floats about; —libels; —maligns; —slanders

    (See rumor.)

    Gossip (v) adverbs

    gregariously; inanely; incautiously; inimic-ally; indiscreetly; loquaciously; baselessly; habitually; slanderously; censoriously; impertinently; witheringly; vulgarly; maliciously; jealously; enviously; treacherously

    (See talk, rumor, tattle.)

    Govern (v) adverbs

    inharmoniously; dictatorially; paternally; intricately; nobly; tyrannically; bureaucratically; autocratically; democratically; pluto-cratically; ruthlessly; despotically; aristocratically; ephemerally; legitimately; perfidiously; constitutionally; prudently

    (See rule, control.)

    Government adjectives

    hard up; executive; tyrannical; municipal; patriarchal; long-lived; authoritarian; radical; shameful; jealous; odious; provincial; paternal; stable; supernatural; ruthless; despotic; representative; aristocratic; free: unprosperous; ephemeral; puppet; vacillating; irresponsible; legitimate; mushroom; acknowledged; ill; deceased; consular; perfidious; industrious; consolidated; constitutional; orderly; imperial; dangerous; respective; monarchial; central; moral; provisional; prudent; autonomistic; conservative; totalitarian; bankrupt


    abuse—; balance—; castigate—; centralize —; control—; corrupt—; criticize—; defraud—; hoodwink—; jeopardize—; lose faith in—; maintain—; obliterate—; plot against—; preserve—; reverence—; revolt against—; surrender—to; undermine—; upbraid—; usurp—; —capitulates; —cooperates with; —crumbles; —functions; — launches; —regulates; —subsidizes; —succors; —teeters; —thrives

    (See administration^ authority, management.)

    Governor adjectives

    sturdy; testy; saucy; assiduous; unerring


    appoint—; criticize—; draft for—; honor—; impeach—; nettle—; nominate for—; override—; remove—; welcome—; —abuses; — administers; —admonishes; —allows; —authorizes; —s confer; —consents; —controls; —s convene; —executes; —heads; —oppresses; —pilots; —represents; —reprieves; — resides at; —rules; —steers; —vetoes; — visits

    (See master, ruler, guardian.)

    Gown adjectives

    fragile; star-sprinkled; long; flowing; tattered; curtailed; goodly; fluttering; sleeveless; sophisticated; rusty; glamorous; enticing; dull; flapping; saffron; flounced; ruffed; rustling; conventional; silk; close-fitting; sacred; furred; soiled; waxen; low-cut


    admire—; damage—; design—; don—; exhibit—; fashion—; fit—; model—; repair—; sew—; shed—; tread on—; yearn for—; — becomes; —exposes; —flatters; —flows; — flutters; —reveals; —ripples; —s vary

    (See dress, robe, garment.)

    Gown (v) adverbs

    exquisitely; tastefully; dully; ecclesiastically; spectacularly; gaily; strikingly; vividly; richly; ornately

    (See dress, garb.)

    Grab (v) adverbs

    ruthlessly; despotically; fanatically; autocratically; selfishly; brutishly; vulgarly; nefariously; offensively

    (See seize, clutch, grasp.)

    Grace adjectives

    exquisite; petitionary; tempting; homicidal; impartial; luxuriant; aerial; fruitless; reviving; crowning; singular; refined; supple; literary; lasting; gleaming; natural; apt; gloomy; nameless; strengthening; ineffable; quiet; soft; fluent; tranquil; tolerable; precise; wild; resolute; majestic; lazy; vigorous; inward; flexuous; nobler; sovereign; supreme; jocund; infant; caressing; redeeming; animating; gentle; negligent; perceptible; restoring; extreme; fugitive; melancholy; manly; extenuating; demure; bewildering; boundless; matchless; youthful; inexplicable; happy; evolvent; lingering; saving; ideal; summer; irresistible; extraordinary; antique; old-fashioned; loathsome; condescending; insinuating; chivalrous; swaying; sufficient; outward; pardoning; habitual; infinite; feminine; musical; living; rude; lascivious; languished; fugitive; jaunty; superb; careless; celestial; needful; easy; sinuous; divine; touching; subtle; good; peculiar; maiden; classical; awkward; virginlike; golden; regal; languid; invigorating; charming; courtly; ravishing; unconscious; casual; heavenly; winsome; winning; poetic; tactful; fraternal; sweetest; mundane; tragic; abounding; fastidious; heroic; hopeless; girlish; perfect; cordial; righteous; pastoral; serious; calm; stately; lordly; truer; lurid; celestial; slow; modern; airy; eloquent; simple; sportive; hidden; stupendous; breezy; beauteous; social; pitying; fleeting; coy; capricious; inimitable; facile; undulating; human; inferior


    admire—; approach—; attain—; commend —; conduct with—; divest of—; endow with —; exhibit—; express with—; form with—; imitate—; invoke—; lend—; move with—; possess—; serve with—; —attracts; —distinguishes; —charms

    (See favor, kindness, mercy, prayer, beauty, love.)


    amiably; pleasantly; unusually; definitely; slenderly; skillfully; wonderfully; delightfully; uncommonly; naturally; habitually; instinctively; exquisitely; singularly; aptly; ineffably; quietly; softly; lazily; supremely; extremely; superbly; matchlessly; youthfully; irresistibly; extraordinarily; ineffably; carelessly; charmingly; unconsciously; felicitously; unaffectedly; attractively; quaintly

    Graceless adverbs

    harshly; stiffly; awkwardly; crudely; offensively; grotesquely; bluntly; carelessly; appallingly; rudely; clumsily; shockingly ;• inexcusably; viciously; lawlessly; indecorously; incorrigibly; indiscreetly; obdurately; stubbornly; indefensibly; shamefully; obstinately; frightfully; terribly

    Gracious adverbs

    charmingly; delightfully; indulgently; cordially; courteously; unusually; consistently; habitually; exceedingly; sincerely; warmly; hospitably; eagerly; amenably; heartily; suavely; ceremoniously; obsequiously; deferentially; attentively; unctuously; ingratiatingly; benevolently; kindly; considerately; unusually

    Gradation adjectives

    subtle; organic; beautiful; cold; fractional; manifest; intermediate; ravishing; insensible; rapid; minute; infinitesimal

    Grade adjectives

    laborious; convenient; intermediate; successive (pl) ; correct; seasonal; lower


    approve—; branch into —s; classify —s; compare —s; criticize—; delineate —s; enter—; examine—; organize—; promote—; recognize—; skip—; withdraw—; —guarantees; —indicates; —promises; —satisfies

    (See degree, step, rank, division.)

    Grade (v) adverbs

    legitimately; fairly; delicately; skillfully; laboriously; scholastically; provisionally; academically; nominally

    (See calculate, estimate.)


    progressively; comparatively; intentionally; purposely; significantly; wisely; designedly; necessarily; inevitably; imperceptibly; slowly; inexpressibly; extremely; sensibly; intelligently; subtly; insidiously; cleverly; deliberately; shrewdly

    G RA DU A TE verbs

    assemble —s; confer on—; congratulate —s; employ—; enlist—; examine—; fete—; gift —; honor—; laud—; pose as—; praise—; present to—; privilege—; train—; —completes; —excels in; —harks back; —qualifies; —understands

    (See student.)

    Graduate (v) adverbs

    creditably; subsequently; formally; ultimately; eventually; respectfully

    (See win, finish.)

    Graft adjectives

    foreign; niggling; vigorous; huge; amazing; regular; stupendous; successful


    devise—; employ—; induce—; introduce—; support—; yield to—; —accomplishes; —attracts; —begets; —flourishes; —instils; — interests; —intrigues

    (See fraud.)

    Grain adjectives

    burdening; natural; waving; distinct; fine; springing; gathered; sprouting; garnered; hardy; scanty; coarse; vintage; pungent; generous; well-ripened; rustling; indigenous


    bag—; cast — to; char—; collect—; distill from—; feed on—; ferment—; gather—; glean—; harvest—; injure—; plant—; prepare—; prize—; reap—; sow—; stack—; yield—; —fattens; —flourishes; —invites; —nourishes; —ripens

    (See seed, crop.)

    Grammar verbs

    abide by—; abuse—; conform to—; criticize

    —; disregard—; fumble with—; heed—; judge—; master—; obey—; observe—; rel

    ish—; violate—; —concerns; —confuses; — demands; —explains; —informs; —ordains; —rules

    (See rhetoric.)

    Grand adverbs

    impressively; imposingly; magnificently; infinitely; sublimely; majestically; augustly; eminently; superbly; illustriously; ineffably; essentially; fundamentally; resplendently; remarkably; transcendently

    Grandeur adjectives

    wild; political; religious; weird; imposing; solemn; primitive; tantalizing; gloomy; inherent; contemplative; tumultuous; superior; ancient; superlative; labored; monotonous; human; venerable; sustained; shadowy; rough; solitary; husbanded; superficial; desolate; poetic; magnificent; severe; false; massive; hideous; infinite; melodious; pristine; architectural; sarcastic; deceitful; dilapidated; original; savage; civic; sublime; dreary


    abate—; acquaint with—; borrow — from; contemplate—; debase—; discipline—; emulate—; equal—; exhibit—; intimate—; love —; parade—; perceive—; reduce—; ridicule—; rise in—; sacrifice—; stagger by—; touch with—; witness—; —diminishes; — expands; —impresses; —impels; —soars

    (See display, splendor, elegance.)

    Granite adjectives

    unhewn; barren; straited; enduring; everlasting; defiant; cumbersome


    build on—; carve from—; chip—; crack—; demolish—; hammer—; hew from—; lay—; mix—; pave with—; pierce—; quarry—; shatter—; smooth—; spike—; split—

    (See rock, stone.

    courteously; grudgingly; graciously; originally; readily; fairly; legislatively; definitely

    (See allow, permit.)

    Grape adjectives

    shrivelled; luscious; choicest; ripened; celestial; rare; intoxicating; blossoming; autumn; noble; sweet; rich; sour

    Grapes verbs

    abound with—; bag—; bear—; crate—; gather—; glean—; harvest—; mash—; seed —; skin—; squash—; suck—; —hang; — ripen; —ferment

    (See fruit.)

    Grapple adjectives

    iron; death; watchful; painful; damaging; bruising

    Grapple (v) adverbs

    frantically; painfully; bruisingly; fiercely; vigorously; methodically; firmly

    (See clutch, seize.)

    Grasp adjectives

    relaxing; iron; monstrous; bitter; prosperous; slender; weak; oblique; unrelaxing; stiffening; consumptive; immature; godlike; unaccommodating; intuitive; conscious; fearful; warm; tenacious; hot; masculine; cordial; prophetic; mental; timorous; vigorous; incisive; childish; octopus-like; passionate; dying; despotic; encyclic; double; fevered


    beguile into—; carry off in—; crush in—; elude—; entice into—; evade—; gain—; loosen—; relax—; release—; shake from—; wrest from—; yank (colloq.) from—; — bruises; —pains

    (See grip, embrace.)

    Grant adjectives

    authentic; fairest; legislative; definite

    Grant (v) adverbs

    liberally; tacitly; exclusively; subsequently

    Grasp (v) adverbs

    frantically; avariciously; selfishly; rudely; firmly; convulsively; cordially; impetuously; tightly; loosely; greedily; unrelaxingly; tenaciously; passionately; despotically

    (See seize, clutch.)

    Grass adjectives

    tangling; waving; succulent; full-grown; pure; lush; new; long; gentle; fruitful; comfortable: pleasant; dull; starved; trampled; straggling; luxuriant; cut; dry; reedy; dripping; wiry; gaunt; shaven; parched; associated; pinched; nutritious; tedded; flowering; scented; aromatic; delicate; wilted; mossy; rank; russet; aquatic; ornamental; bladed; inland; silent; tumbled; hindering; peopled


    clip—; crop—; fence off—; mow—; pasture on—; plow through—; sow—; sprinkle—; tread on—; —beautifies; —blankets; — carpets; —cloaks; —covers; —creeps up; —dots; —flows; —pushes up; —spreads; —springs up; —trembles

    (See herb, plant, hay, pasture.)

    Grasshopper verbs

    exterminate—; plague with—s; swarm with —s; —alights; —chews; —chirrups; —s damage; —leaps; —limps; —races; —reposes on; —secretes; —sings; —sips; — skips; —s strip; —vaults; —wings

    (See insect.)

    Grate adjectives

    gaping; glowing; abhorred; ponderous; old-fashioned

    Grate (v) adverbs

    harshly; unendurably; roughly; irritatingly; exasperatingly; monotonously; continually; ceaselessly; repeatedly

    (See rub, irritate.)

    Grateful adverbs

    utterly; heartily; thankfully; sincerely; pathetically; significantly; inexpressibly; curiously; oddly; volubly; openly; obviously; extremely; inordinately; delightedly; embarrassingly; overwhelmingly; speechlessly; extravagantly; genuinely

    Gratification adjectives

    refined; instant; external; personal; aesthetic; innocent; pretty; natural; sensual; speechless; solitary; idle; perfect; vilest; profound; correspondent; intellectual; emotional


    afford—; anticipate—; bestow—; consider with—; crave—; derive—; experience—; express—; incur—; indulge in—; observe with—; obtain—; offer—; receive—; — attends; —recompenses; —satisfies

    (See satisfaction, pleasure, reward.)

    Gratified adverbs

    extremely; highly; uncommonly; happily: proudly; pleasantly; inordinately; ineffably; visibly; noticeably; naturally; marvellously; wonderfully; overwhelmingly; volubly; shyly; utterly; inexpressibly

    Gratify (v) adverbs

    lustfully; sexually; aesthetically; profoundly; adequately; personally; sensually; intellectually; emotionally; innocently

    (See please, indulge.)

    Gratitude adjectives

    admiring; endless; intense; natural; virtuous; innocent; deep; passionate; permanent; respectful; noble; erring; bewildered; elementary; pathetic; tender; meek; universal; heartfelt; devout; profound; earnest; fervent; reverent; patriotic; humble; genuine; characteristic; everlasting; sincere; simple


    acknowledge with—; earn—of; exact—; expect—; express—; feel—; reject—; return in—; reward with—; thrive on—; touch with—; —embarrasses; —humiliates; — justifies; —overflows; —pains

    (See appreciation, adoration, affection.)

    Gratuitous adverbs

    unexpectedly; surprisingly; acceptably; generously; pleasantly; unnecessarily; cordially; genially; graciously; tactfully; helpfully; impulsively; incredibly

    Grate adjectives

    prehistoric; volcanic; nameless; humble; grassy; putrid; innocent; artless; shallow; desolate; nobler; trodden; sullen; yawning; unmarked; liquid; triumphant; ecstatic; dishonored; burning; solitary; watery; tenantless; sacred; ocean; unblessed; pauper; heaving; insatiate; curtained; scented; bloody; untimely; populous; dusky; mimic; new-made; gloomy; hastily-dug; forgotten; gaping; unmade; dismal; destitute; obscure; dreary; mattress; close-set; stone; inglorious


    bequeath to—; confine to—; couch in—; hound to—; lie in—; loot—; lower into—; mourn over—; pillage—; pray at—; rest in—; shudder in—; sleep in—; slumber in—; snatch from—; tear open—; turn in —; unearth—; weep at—; wrest from—; —reconciliates; —silences; —snatches; — swallows

    (See tomb, death.) adverbs

    habitually; critically; alarmingly; preternaturally; profoundly; intensely; extremely; frightfully; indescribably; essentially; incalculably; downright; emphatically; cruelly; shockingly; inconceivably; momentously; signally; eventfully; pregnantly; impressively; urgently; solemnly; saliently; portentously; grievously; deplorably; insupport-ably; disastrously; exceptionably )

    Graveyard adjectives

    various (pl); silent; ancestral; country; populous

    Gravitate (v) adverbs

    naturally; habitually; paradoxically; customarily; ominously; affectionately; super-naturally; awfully; specifically

    (See attract, sink.)

    Gravitation adjectives

    irresistible; mutual; pervading; touching; constant

    Gravity adjectives

    mock; fantastic; portentous; comic; habitual; sustained; becoming; superb; accustomed; unusual; ominous; dreamless; amused; paradoxical; affectionate; sudden; heavy; elaborate; melancholy; supernatural; dark; colder; awful; attentive; abundant; specific; technical; pompous; frowning; affected


    challenge—; mitigate—; preserve—; recover—; repel—; robe in—; —alters; — attracts; —directs; —draws; —exercises; —forces; —increases; —influences; —produces; —restricts; —tends

    (See seriousness, solemnity, importance.)

    Gray adjectives

    smiling; salt; mottled; austere; soft; ashen; joyless; fallow; bluish; uncertain; subtle; dark; pearly; dappled; warm; smart; dim; gleaming

    Gray NESS ad je dives

    spring; arrested; dense; spectral; grim; premature; recurring; whitish

    Graze (v) adverbs

    peacefully; contentedly; ruminatively; habitually; ceaselessly; monotonously; beneficially

    (See feed.)

    Great adverbs

    supposedly; naturally; unaffectedly; apparently; fairly; substantially; essentially; fundamentally; downright; immeasurably; incalculably; pleasantly; surprisingly; incredibly; marvellously; wonderfully; amazingly; unusually; singularly; admittedly; undeniably; distinctly; illustriously; reputably; conspicuously; eminently; brilliantly; famously; locally; nationally; internationally; splendidly; sublimely; deservedly; transcendently; memorably; remarkably; unassumingly

    Greatness adjectives

    false; intellectual; enduring; moral; natural; ingenuous; true; simple; affected; immeasurable; veiled; esteemed; imperial; patent; corresponding; undiminishable; deserved; apparent; recognized


    achieve—; advertise—; attain—; bestow— upon; contemplate—of; envy—; expatiate on—; gain—; inspire—; perceive—; pursue—; reach—; seize—; sweep into—; thrust—upon; —affects; —appeals; —elevates; —fetters: —serves; —torments

    (See magnitude, eminence, distinction, importance, seriousness.)

    Greed adjectives

    pulpit; inordinate; disappointed; reckless; instinctive; intrenched; insatiable; rapturous; internecine; misapplied; misdirected; methodical; physical; miserly


    clog with—; curse with—; devour with—; indulge—; loathe—; occasion—; overcome with—; prey upon—of; quench—; resent—; satiate—; torment with—; vanquish—; — annoys; —chokes; —deforms; —drags; — drains; —repels; —shames; —sickens; — stints; —tempts

    (See avarice.)

    Greedy adverbs

    inordinately; covetously; avidly; ravenously; insatiably; voraciously; incurably; incorrigibly; strangely; instinctively; painfully; embarrassingly; irreclaimably; hopelessly; shamelessly; perpetually; appallingly; shamefully; scandalously; indecently; brazenly; palpably; unmistakably; obviously; openly; manifestly

    Greek verbs

    accent—; decipher—; interpret—; laud—

    smatter—; translate—; utter—

    (See language, literature.)

    Green ad jectives

    shimmering; woodsy; opaque; dense; diversified; aqueous; resonant; luxuriant; dull; quiet; waving; pale; varied; feathery; delicate; wanton; pistache; exquisite; emerald; dim; faint; mossy; luminous; malachite; leaping; neutral; festive; luscious'; slimy; lesser; consecutive; tender; tainted; translucent; glossy; arbute; rusty; delicious; willow; fresher; serpent; turquoise

    Greenery adjectives

    tangled; moist; varying; well-kept

    Greet (v) adverbs

    affably; jovially; charmingly; affectionately; cordially; effusively; ardently; sympathetically; benignly; blandly; genially; brusquely; civilly; fraternally; perfunctorily; hilariously; boisterously

    (See hail, accost, address.)

    Greeting verbs

    accost with—; address—to; approach with —; embrace in—; evoke—; exchange—s; express—; ignore—; meet with—; nod—; return—; salute with—; shun—; —arouses; —surprises; —welcomes

    (See salutation, salute, welcome, compliment.)

    Greetings adjectives

    cordial; civil; playful; absent; kindly; usual; respectful; undemonstrative; paschal; fraternal; joyous; spasmodic; innumerable; sad; perfunctory; affable; effusive; hospitable; hilarious; daily; neighborly; flustered; boisterous; inaudible; affectionate; holiday; warm; mutual; unspoken

    Gregarious adverbs

    jovially; socially; politically; companionably; incurably; heartily; naturally; instinctively; .nherently; pleasantly; hospitably; freely; sociably; healthily; wholesomely; briskly; unusually; normally

    Grenade verbs

    charge with—; catapult—; employ—; fire —; flee from—; fling—; hurl—; roll—; — assaults; —bursts; —dispenses; —explodes; —s harass; —injures; —maims; —levels; —s terrorize: —wounds

    (See bomb, shell.)

    Grenadier adjectives

    gallant; grim; warlike; various (pl); pleasant; gaudy; eye-pleasing

    Gridiron (colloq. for football field) verbs

    battle on—; clash on—; compete on—; condition—; construct—; cover—; design—; excel on—; injure on—; meet on—; pack —; subsidize—; swarm—; witness on—; — attracts; —extends; —beckons; —lies

    (See field, battlefield.)

    Grieve (v) adverbs

    perpetually; obstinately; silently; unfeign-edly; hysterically; immoderately; hopelessly; passionately; poignantly; endlessly; remorsefully; uncontrollably; bitterly; touchingly; genuinely; excessively; extravagantly

    (See lament, mourn.)

    Grief adjectives

    reproachful; national; silent; burning; irremediable; hysterical; immoderate; hopeless; purposeless; needless; passionate; private; strong; sincere; idle; truer; beauteous; halfsmothered; poignant; chastening; successive (pl); domestic; lasting; overwhelming; elegiac; endless; casual; unutterable; remorseful; hateful; proud; sudden; mortal; inconsolable; innocent; conjectured; barren; sacred; sentimental; angry; deeper; selfish; lighter; paroxysmal; unmanly; stark; arbitrary; single; withered; fettered; ancient; vanished; callous; uncontrollable; compensated; inward; perished; cloudy; unavailing; fundamental; relentless; utmost; forecasted; wayward; bitter; eternal; touching; present; household; greatest; genuine; pure; young; excessive; second; extravagant


    assail with—; assuage—; bring to—; confide—in; disguise—; drown—; emerge from —; fight—; overcome by—; overwhelm with —; rush into—; smite with—; stifle—; submerge—; —abates; —lessens; —overwhelms; —spends itself

    (See sorrow, sadness, anguish, distress, tears.)

    Grievance adjectives

    intense; industrial; undoubted; lofty; maritime; maudlin; intolerable; eternal; permanent; serious; heartfelt; deep; deadly


    adjust—; air—; allege—; arbitrate—; bound with—; conceal—; detail—; exploit —; iron out—; outline—s; recount—; voice —; yield to—; —justifies; —warrants

    (See wrong, injustice, resentment, complaint.)

    Grievous adverbs

    deplorably; lamentably; sadly; piteously; distressingly; intolerably; appallingly; horribly; unaccountably; unwarrantably; irremediably; unutterably; uncontrollably; bitterly; touchingly; genuinely; grimly; sorely; cruelly; inexpressibly; inordinately; terribly

    Grilling verbs

    conduct—; cringe from—; criticize—; denounce—; dread—; escape—; overdo—; resent—; suffer—; tense for—; withstand—; wrestle with—; yield to—; —exposes; — irritates; —reveals; —threatens

    (See questioning, examination, inquiry, inquisition.)

    Grim adverbs

    horribly; terribly; cruelly; bitterly; unutterably; unaccountably; unwarrantably; acutely; austerely; brutally; cynically; morosely; perversely; discourteously; sullenly; unceremoniously; impolitely; horridly; sternly; severely; depressingly; oppressively; heavily; forlornly; frightfully; irredeemably

    Grimace adjectives

    admiring; mocking; mental; fantastic; convulsive; furious; comical; passing; sour; droll; cold; dissatisfied; idiotic; wry; harrowing

    Grimace (v) adverbs

    facetiously; fiercely; humorously; dourly; mockingly; fantastically; convulsively; furiously; drolly; idiotically; wryly

    (See leer, sneer, smirk, scowl.)

    Grimy adverbs

    inexcusably; unspeakably; merrily; laughably; nonchalantly; carelessly; offensively; hopelessly; inevitably; momentarily; repulsively; irretrievably; laughingly; smudgily; dustily; darkly; grotesquely; fantastically; outlandishly; shamelessly; unconcernedly; coolly; indifferently; unashamedly

    Grin adjectives

    tigerish; noble; wooden; homely; amused: cast-iron; broad; triumphant; insolent; sardonic; lewd; specious; jubilant; ingenuous; incredible; mocking; leering; sympathetic; understanding; unmitigated; lopsided; sheepish; saucy; fiendish; doubtful; relieved; affable; sly; horrible; courageous; infectious; whimsical; saturnine


    attempt—; break into—; broaden into—; conceal under—; expand in—; force—; manage—; master—; muster—; provoke—; restrain—; salute with—; smother—: stab with—; wear—; wrinkle into—; —creases; —delights; —embarrasses; —fades; — lurks; —recurs; —widens; —wreathes

    (See smile, smirk.)

    Grin (v) adverbs

    genially; wistfully; bashfully; flatteringly; sheepishly; affably; stupidly; skeptically; amiably; sympathetically; complacently; impudently; derisively; ironically; toothlessly; ruefully; fulsomely; tantalizingly; wryly; broadly; engagingly; craftily; lewdly; jubilantly; ingenuously; saturninely

    (See smirk, laugh, smile.)

    Grind (colloq. for drudgery} verbs

    abhor—; avoid—; coach—; detest—; enforce—; labor on—; necessitate—; perform at—; plod at—; reduce to—; toil away at —; —crushes; —exacts; —harasses; —prepares; —oppresses; —sharpens; —torments; —wearies; —wears down

    (See drudgery, labor, work.)

    Grip (grasp} adjectives

    tight; paralyzing; momentary; firm; muscular; nervous; burning; remorseless; herculean; frantic; throttling; fiendish; intellectual


    ioosen—; relax—; release—; —pains; — reassures; —slips; —strains; —wearies

    (See clutch, grasp.)

    Grip (colloq. for valise) verbs

    clasp—; clutch—; fit into—; grab—; insure

    —; load in—; seize—; stow—; —wearies. (See satchel, bag.

    Grip (v) adverbs

    fervently; licentiously; momentarily; nervously; remorselessly; frantically; fiendishly; vigorously; selfishly; figuratively

    (See seize, grasp.)

    Gripe adjectives

    convulsive; mincing; communicated

    Grit (sand') adjectives

    blinding; parching; grinding; unpleasant



    brush away—; conceal—; dissolve—; fill with—; free of—; gather—; scour with—; sieve—; sift—; slip on—; sprinkle with—; strain off—; sweep away—; wash away—; —chokes; —impairs; —injures; —irritates; —scratches

    (See sand.)

    Gritty (plucky) adverbs

    pluckily; sturdily; stoutly; resolutely; indomitably; firmly; courageously; spunkily

    Gritty (sandy) adverbs

    roughly; harshly; coarsely; crudely; grossly; impossibly; uselessly; desirably; friably; suitably; properly; unduly; terribly; remarkably; extremely; uncommonly; excessively

    Grizzled adverbs

    wintrily; crabbedly; hoarily; dingily; sadly; gently; gloriously; patriarchally; fabulously; honorably; proudly; mellowly; vainly

    Groan adjectives

    rheumatic; tortured; deep; indignant; expiring; solemn; ghastly; frequent (pl); fierce; thrilling; smothered; unutterable; subdued; loud; bubbling; agonizing; dying; heartrending; deadly; dismal; passionate; unsolaced; convulsive; self-accusing; mirthful; gurgling; heavy; mortifying; unwilling; bitter; penitential


    blanket—; convulse with—; drown—; emit —; murmur—; restrain—; stifle—; utter—

    • — distresses; —disturbs; —haunts; —rends

    • — resounds; —subsides

    (See moan, sigh, sound.)

    Groan (v) adverbs

    audibly; painfully; agonizingly; dreadfully; inwardly; bitterly; involuntarily; unutterably; heartrendingly

    (See moan, complain, scream.)

    Groom adjectives

    diminutive; natty; surly; envious; unpolished; sturdy; surfeited; industrious; bashful; nervous; worried

    Groom (v) adverbs

    foppishly; tastefully; immaculately; nattily; handsomely; fittingly; appropriately; decoratively; impressively

    (See dress, brush.)

    Groomed adverbs

    perfectly; carefully; immaculately; recently; lately; meticulously; punctiliously; primly; starchily; fastidiously; fashionably; especially; obviously; manifestly; freshly; radiantly; sophisticatedly; remarkably; elaborately

    Groove adjectives

    habitual; prosaic; uncongenial


    excavate—; fall into—; flow in—; force along—; furrow—; hollow out—; lapse into —; lie in—; mark with—; obstruct—; provide—; rust in—; sink into—; slide in—; throw out of—; travel in—

    (See channel, rut, routine, course.)

    Grope (vj adverbs

    futilely; blindly; vaguely; wildly; ineffectually; dazedly; mentally; uncertainly

    (See feel, search.)

    Gross NESS adjectives

    intermingled; material; mortal; swinelike

    Grotesque adverbs

    outlandishly; fantastically; clownishly; elaborately; ornately; abnormally; eccentrically; monstrously; singularly; oddly; curiously; exceptionally; egregiously; unusually; extraordinarily; queerly; unconscionably; capriciously; whimsically; extravagantly; barbarically; horribly; uncommonly; immeasurably; unnaturally; absurdly; ridiculously; ludicrously; highly

    Grotto verbs

    adorn—; construct—; excavate—; exhibit—; ornament—; nestle in—; retreat to—; — beautifies; —delights; —displays; —echoes

    • — pleases; —shades; —solaces

    (See cave, recess, cavity.)

    Grouch verbs

    irritate—; nurse—; serve—; tolerate—; — complains; —deplores; —frets; —frowns

    —growls; —grumbles; —laments; —moans

    —roars; —scowls; —wails; —whines

    (See anger, bitterness, ferocity.)

    Ground (earth) adjectives

    analogical; habitual; ticklish; enchanted; avowed; crinkled; soggy; slightest; shaky; tedious; rugged; fragrant; difficult; sanctified; vantage; unexpressed; sterile; dry; azure; emotional; vulgar; tainted; solid; interesting; attractive; plausible; pastel; teeming; scientific; spacious; moaning; moral; delicate; callous; bordering; hallowed; innate; wounded; cultivated; fissured; commanding; incontrovertible; common; terraced; happy; conceded; illogical; dangerous; practical; rough; insufficient; good; bloody; reasonable; haunted; holy; treacherous; proper; thirsting; technical; theological; sluttish; slippery; burning; vivid; eudaemonistic; trampled; adequate; sanctified; superior; extensive; shuddering; filthy; familiar; untouched; unmarked; spawning; various (pl); debatable; heartless; quaking; reigning; cleared; obscure; ridgy; aesthetic; desolate; plain; ornamented; intuitive; neutral; remoter; grassy; subjective; dwelling; dewy; irregular; consecrated; excellent; tenable; dubious; sole; base; sectional; tufty; objective; highest; waste; alien; precise; casting


    assign—to; carpet—s; cast to—; congest—s; cultivate—; encamp on—s; gain—; parch —; plod over—; plow—; shift—; spade—; stand—; strew—; trample—; tread—; work —; writhe on—

    (See earth, soil, land, clay, dirt.)

    Groundless adverbs

    nonsensically; flimsily; foolishly; absurdly; undeniably; palpably; obviously; patently; manifestly; maliciously; inconclusively; inconsistently; irrationally; unreasonably; inexcusably; unscientifically; unwarrantably; delusively; fallaciously; illogically; untrust-worthily; unsubstantially; intentionally; deliberately; deceitfully; malignly; perversely; disastrously; ruinously; ridiculously

    Grounds (reasons) verbs

    afford—for; attack on—; maintain—; object on—

    (See reason, consideration, premise, motive, inducement.)

    Groundwork verbs

    accomplish—; add to—; depend on—; enhance—; exhibit—; expand—; finish—; form—; hurry—; lay—; manage—; perform —; plan—; spurn—; supervise—; undermine—; —benefits; —precedes

    (See basis, foundation.)

    Group adjectives

    ancillary; afflicted; exclusive; oncoming; limited; select; co-ordinated; ethnic; personified; heterogeneous; non-listening; cultural; pedimental; garrulous; chattery; valid; specialized; waning; geographical; parental; enthusiastic; civic; statuesque; spurious; flitting; sparse; straggling; considerable; loitering; vocational; remarkable; federated; unscrupulous; racial; efficient; distinct; sympathetic; lethargic; careless; weird; complete; dominant; diversified; overlapping; huddled; gesticulating; noisiest; lazy; divers (pl) ; representative; congenial; curious; listless; clustering; odious; humiliated; stalwart; grotesque; irregular; silent; lounging; intramural; brilliant; singular; denominational; allegorical; fearful; impressive; loquacious; detached; emblematic; spectacular; hedgehog; jovial; executive; jeering; sullen; craning; militant; prolific; controlling; anarchical; indispensable; producing; tractable; mournful; isolated; sobbing; pressure; elaborate; hostile; molecular; negligible; decorative


    assemble in—; belong to—; break with—; cluster in—; collect in—; compose—; divide into—s; disperse—; draft—; form—; gather —; huddle in—; lead—; scatter in—; segregate—s; split into—s; stand in—; work in —; —congregates; —co-operates; —gathers; —roves; —s spring up; —survives; — thins; —visions; —wanes; —yields

    (See crowd.)

    Group (v) adverbs

    systematically; logically; categorically; picturesquely; vocationally; carelessly; representatively; congenially; elaborately; decoratively

    (See cluster, crowd.)

    Groupings adjectives

    picturesque; molecular; effective; attractive; fundamental; confused; huddled; fragmentary; photographic

    Grouse verbs

    bag—; pelt—; retrieve—; roast—; — alights; —bellows; —booms; —cackles; — clucks; —dodges; —drums; —flutters; — glides; —grumbles; —haunts; •—hides; — hoots; —roves; —ruffles; —rustles; — scratches; —scurries; —squats; —struts

    —thumps; —thunders

    (See bird.)

    Gro I E adjectives

    shadowy; inviolate; sacred; melancholy

    Elysian; lofty; haunted; celestial; primeval; pathless; fringed; boundless; musical; hoary; warbling; thriving

    Grotel (v) adverbs

    obsequiously; humbly; servilely; slavishly; flatteringly; abjectly; debasingly; shamelessly

    (See cringe, fawn.)

    Gro IE (v) adverbs

    tremendously; luxuriously; abundantly; proportionately; sensibly; vigorously; culturally; inevitably; formidably; abnormally; densely; miraculously; infinitely; ulcerously; wantonly; pendulously; phenomenally; intellectually; malignantly; tropically; vernal-ly; spiritually

    (See increase, develop.)

    Growl adjectives

    meaning; significant; warning; low; audible; indignant; guttural; angry; friendly; fierce


    break into—; charge with—; emit—; enrage to—; incur—; mutter—; reiterate—; restrain—; stifle—; utter—; —arouses; —s drown; —eclipses; —reverberates; —rises from; —terrifies; —terrorizes; —thunders


    (See rumble, complaint, roar, grunt.)

    Growl (k) adverbs

    ominously; pugnaciously; disapprovingly; menacingly; furiously; warningly; audibly; ferociously; formidably; irascibly; surlily; gutturally

    (See grumble, snarl.)

    Growth adjectives

    coarse; sturdy; vigorous; rock-loving spontaneous; miraculous; arborescent; continuous; ulcerous; wanton; rooted; pendulous; phenomenal; inoperable; luxuriant; ghostly; stunted; monstrous; perpetual; stupendous; morbid; cancerous; unpleasant; intellectual; remarkable; tropical; unconscious; parasitic; healthy; native; scanty; incessant; record; evolutionary; puny; unexampled; developmental; unequal; hasty; mushroom; successive (pl); intervening; unbroken; astounding; endless; vital; rapid; sterile; outward; nutritious; proper; innate; funguslike; differenial; continuous; enormous; plant; malignant; sudden; psychic; unabated; contorted; wayside; vernal; marked; knotty; tremendous; arrested; constant; fateful; lush; spiritual; secular; unkept; strong; millennial; bushy; dense


    augment—; check—; control—; foster—; govern—; hinder—; induce—; promote—; stunt—; suppress—; thwart—; retard—; strengthen—; witness—; —commences; — develops; —swallows up

    (See development, increase, extension, enlargement.)

    Grudge adjectives

    private; personal; economic; ancient; bitter


    annul—; avenge—; bear—; brush aside—; bury—; cherish—; engender—; harbor—

    Gruesome adverbs

    horribly; cadaverously; horridly; unbearably; forbiddingly; squalidly; frightfully; grimly; grossly; monstrously; odiously; repulsively; shockingly; appallingly; intolerably; dreadfully; impossibly; inconceivably; unspeakably; inexpressibly; indescribably; preposterously; exceedingly

    Gruff adverbs

    unnecessarily; intolerably; uncivilly; discourteously; needlessly; naturally; habitually; unfortunately; deliberately; unconsciously; rudely; grossly; sullenly; churlishly; intentionally; discouragingly; reluctantly; professionally; bluntly; curtly; captiously; moodily; abusively; boorishly; sarcastically; crudely; clumsily; snarlingly; venomously; significantly; surprisingly; particularly; remarkably

    Grumble (v) adverbs

    captiously; discontentedly; pessimistically; forebodingly; cantankerously; vindictively; monotonously; gloomily

    (See growl, snarl.)

    Grunt adjectives

    complacent; mingling (pl) ; peculiar; roaring; occasional; satisfied; whining; disdainful; rebellious; startled; long; swinish


    acquiesce with—; answer with—; concede with—; manage—; resent—; snort—; suffer—; understand—; tolerate—; —annoys; —disturbs; —irritates; —s subside

    (See growl.)

    Grunt (v) adverbs

    audibly; complacently; peevishly; contemptuously; swinishly; disdainfully; rebellious-ly; appreciatively; approvingly

    (See croak, mumble, bray, stammer.)

    Guarantee ad jectives

    sufficient; money-back; sensational; satisfaction; iron-clad; official; further; serious; perpetual; limited; broken; vague; unfulfilled


    accompany with—; afford—; apply for—; base—on; break—; chain to—; consider—; demand—; enforce—; enter into—; forfeit —; fulfill—; propose—; test—; utilize—; witness—; —assures; —secures; —suffices

    (See security, reparation, insurance, protection, safeguard, safety.)

    Guarantee (v) adverbs

    solemnly; unconditionally; unethically; unequivocally; scrupulously; fully; reliably

    (See promise, pledge.)

    Guard verbs

    arouse—; assign—to; bait—; conceal—; decoy—; deride—; double—; eject—; escape —; evade—; flank with—s; hail—; limit —; mount to—; muster—; post—; rile—; stand on—; station—; —manhandles; — patrols; —seizes; —s swarm; —s swarm round

    (See sentry, patrol.)

    Guard (v) adverbs

    closely; jealously; adequately; warily; zealously; rigidly; exclusively; circumspectly; sedulously; dependably

    (See defend, watch.)

    Guarded adverbs

    cautiously; carefully; watchfully; constantly; warily; discreetly; prudently; vigilantly; respectfully; affectionately; tenderly; devotedly; reverently; piously; punitively; sternly; skillfully; successfully; effectively; adroitly; cleverly; subtly; heavily; inefficiently; carelessly; insufficiently; perfectly; scrupulously; pitilessly; faithfully; temporarily; currently; elaborately; invincibly

    Guardian adjectives

    ghostlike; gloomy-winged; particular; faithful; wary; fearless; dissembling; glistering; zealous; legal; appointed; temporary; greedy


    appoint—; choose—; commit to—; employ —; entrust—; necessitate—; respect—; — administers; —defends; —executes; —governs; —guides; —manages; —performs; — preserves; —protects; —supervises; — watches

    (See guard, defender, keeper.)

    Guards adjectives

    pitiless; dependable; provost; vigilant; dust-choked; abdominal; imperturbable; scrupulous; inexorable; affrighted; angelic; advanced; obsequious; fearful

    Guess adjectives

    admirable; happy; accepted; shrewd; in-stmctive; various (pl); ridiculous; worst; elaborate; wild


    attempt—; base—on; calculate—; chance—; estimate—; form—; hazard—; measure—; necessitate—; vary—; venture—; weigh—; withdraw—; —amazes; —coincides; —deceives; —rescues

    (See conjecture, surmise, supposition, speculation.)

    Guess (v) adverbs

    shrewdly; instinctively; profoundly; cleverly; skillfully; miraculously; intuitively; luckily; unerringly

    (See imagine, suppose.)

    Guest adjectives

    illustrious; forward; flirting; solitary; plebeian; gathering (pl); sparing; ungreeted; adoring; applauding; agreeable; telltale; long-awaited; welcome; neglected; lovelorn; parting; delightful; fastidious; distinguished; elegant; congenial; kingly; tedious; unexpected; taciturn; believing; late; surreptitious; terrible; unloved; continual; invited; straggling; boisterous; sour; involuntary; princely; glorious; entranced; sundry (pl); favorite; dreaded; shipwrecked; tolerated; frivolous; sybaritic; celestial; crowding; transient; honored; monster; mortal


    arrange—s; circulate among—s; delight—s; escort—; fete—; honor—; lodge—; prepare for—; regale—; speed—; —s assemble; — departs; —s mill about; —returns; present

    (See visitor, friend.)

    Guff A V (v) adverbs

    coarsely; boisterously; crudely; obstreperously; sardonically; ribaldly; vulgarly; rudely; unrestrainedly; frivolously; drunk-enly

    (See laugh.)

    Guidance adjectives

    tactful; energetic; vocational; celestial; continuous; psychiatric; genial; economic; perverse; fresh; cheering; altruistic


    bring under—of; commit to—; direct—of; entrust to—of; manage—; necessitate—; observe—; operate under—; relinquish—; remove—; resist—; respect—; supervise—; teach by—; —controls; —influences; —preserves; —protects; —trains

    (See protection, patronage, direction.)

    Guide verbs

    commit to—; employ—; exhort—; provide —; —climbs; —conducts; —controls; — courses; —directs; —explains; —indicates; —influences; —leads; —lectures; —manages; —pilots; —plans; —points out; — rambles; —supervises; —tests; —trains

    (See conductor, pilot.)

    Guide (v) adverbs

    fearlessly; intelligently; insensibly; tactfully; genially; altruistically; competently; intrepidly

    (See steer, conduct.)

    Guides adjectives

    magnetic; careless; portly; trustworthy; baldpated; impassive; unerring; competent; powerful; greasy; spiritual; trusty; loving; infallible; intrepid; mysterious; sun-swart; foolhardy


    admit to—; elect to—; impede—; organize —; regulate—; supervise—; support—; — aids; —benefits; —controls; —dispenses; — educates; —exhibits; —honors; —offers; — pursues

    (See association, fraternity, society, corporation, brotherhood.)

    Guile adjectives

    political; baleful; false; innocent; spiritual; fatal; venerable; smooth; sweet


    accustomed; tinkling; roaring; vigilant; humming; strumming; vibrant


    accompany with—; brush—; employ—; finger—; feet—; handle—; peck—; pick on—; pluck—; provide—; serenade with—; string —; strum—; tune—; twang—; —delights; —harmonizes; —moans; —throbs; —tinkles

    (See banjo.)

    Guileless adverbs

    unaffectedly; apparently; delightfully; incredibly; refreshingly; touchingly; childishly; wonderfully; manifestly; charmingly; ravishingly; surprisingly; unbelievably; ingenuously; youthfully; unquestionably; candidly

    Guilt adjectives

    mutual; accessorial; exultant; hideous; apparent; open; inexpiable; stubborn; frustrate; tyrannic; supposed; bounteous; admitted; dread; enormous; ineffable; occulted; imputed; traitorous; murderous; uneasy; multiplied; heinous; miserable


    accept—; adduce—; ascertain—; betray—; blush with—; conceal—; exhibit—; experience a sense of—; expose—; hide—; incur —; induce—; measure—; prove—; repudiate—; reveal—; shoulder—; take—; uncover—; —attends; —dishonors; —shames

    (See sin, offense, wrong, crime.)

    Guinea-Pig verbs

    breed —s; dissect—; experiment with—; inject into —s; propagate —s; test —s

    (See animal.)

    Guise adjectives

    altered; secret; abstracted; fitting; festal; mortal; novel; startling; attractive; celestial; compellent; lowly; truthful; human; opalescent; reputable; gentler; murky; artful; silken; modern; winning

    Gulf adjectives

    voracious; winding; foaming; starlit; yawning; impassable; remoter; deep; tragic; unfathomable; roaring; pebbly; fiery; envious; breaking; starry; mystic; mediate; azure


    bridge—; deepen into—; dip into—; span—

    • — absorbs; —confronts; —hides; —opens

    • — roars; —separates; —sweeps

    (See chasm, separation, whirlpool, bay, vortex.)

    Gull adjectives

    curving; circle; flannel; flapping; laughing

    fading; strenuous; notorious; gleaming


    • — barks; —bullies; —chatters; —s colonize

    • — darts; —fishes; —floats; —s flock; —s fraternize; —s prey on; —rends the air; — robs; —roves; —sails; —screams; —shrills

    • — skims; —soars; —squalls; —swoops; — wails; —wheels; —wings out to sea

    (See bird.)

    Gullible adverbs

    credulously; foolishly; weak-mindedly; dully; inanely; weakly; thoughtlessly; blindly; unthinkingly; easily; disastrously; unfortunately; fatuously; vacuously; childishly; su-perstitiously; confidently; exceptionally; obviously; manifestly; absurdly; ridiculously; idiotically; imprudently; indiscreetly; wit-lessly; brainlessly; amazingly; unexpectedly- verbs

    excavate—; force along—; form—; furrow —; hollow into—; rise from—; scramble up —; straddle—; —deepens; —extends; — graduates; —opens

    (See gorge, channel, hollow, gutter, ditch, gulf.)

    Gulp (v) adverbs

    noisily; disgustingly; hungrily; vulgarly; eagerly; nauseously; rapaciously; ravenously

    (See swallow, eat.)

    Gum verbs

    barrel—; consume—; dissolve—; glue with —; harden into—; secrete—; spread—; utilize—; twist—; yield—; —issues from; — preserves; —prevents; —stiffens

    Gums adjectives

    enormous; toothless; odorous; lucid; precious; aromatic

    Gun adjectives

    honeycombed; squirrel; strong; pneumatic; murdering; resounding; hungry; rapid-fire; threatening; crackling; truculent; booming; resonant


    brave —s; cover with—; deflect—; jab—at; level—at; loose—at; man —s; mount—; muster —s; notch—; sheathe—; sight—; train—on; whip out—; —barks; —belches fire; —blazes away; —bombards; —booms; —s clatter; —demolishes; —enfilades; — glints; —grumbles; —jams; —pours; — roars; —rumbles; —spits; —spurts; —thunders; —volleys; —whines

    (See rifle, cannon, musket, pistol.)

    Gun-Fire verbs

    attack with—; break into—; charge with—; dodge—; flee from—; order—; rake with —; retreat from—; spatter with—; —assaults; —breaks loose; —crackles; —damages; —destroys; —disperses; —explodes; —reverberates; —tears up; —terrorizes

    (See firing, bombardment, fusillade, shots, volley.)


    agitate—; blast with—; charge with—; compound—; discharge—; inflame—; kindle—; reek with—; store—; —detonates; —explodes; —flashes; —smokes

    (See ammunition, dynamite, explosive.)

    Gurgle adjectives

    slobbery; liquid; rich; childish; thick; horrible ; oozing

    Gurgle (v) adverbs

    drearily; monotonously; pleasantly; musically; melodiously; ceaselessly; perpetually; spasmodically

    (See hiss, ripple, whisper.)

    Gush (v) adverbs

    copiously; spontaneously; terrifically; roar-ingly; richly; impetuously; foamingly; unrestrainedly; loquaciously

    (See nush, flow.)

    Gushing adverbs

    elaborately; volubly; fluently; foolishly; effusively; sentimentally; ecstatically; rapturously; joyously; inanely; absurdly; ridiculously; inconsequently; excitedly; nervously; warmly; racily; breathlessly; hysterically; impressively; .pretentiously; ostentatiously; showily; unpleasantly; offensively; uncommonly; habitually; constantly; impetuously; vivaciously; tiresomely; endlessly; interminably

    Gust adjectives

    chill; fitful; hot; unusual; violent; fierce; stormy; buffeting; extreme; passionate; sudden; scented; eddying; angry

    Gusto adjectives

    culinary; geyserish; racy; joyous; wholesome; great; inartistic; rare; sardonic; hearty; solemn


    discharge in—; drag in—; drift down—; furrow—; jostle into—; lodge in—■; recline in—; slope to—; stream down—; sweep into —; wear away—; —carries away; —irrigates; —drains;

    (See channel, ditch, groove.)


    deeply; brokenly; inarticulately; pleasantly; heavily; outlandishly; exotically; grotesquely; absurdly; mockingly; thickly; hesistant-ly; distinctly; extremely; undisguisedly; surprisingly

    Habit ad jectivet

    moral; ferocious; mental; celestial; tranquil; quasi-religious; barbarian; sedentary; unclean; desultory; unrestrained; invariable; systematic; social; separate; idle; economical; sober; contrary; old-fashioned; disconcerting; lifelong; healthful; steady; taciturn; lifetime; precious; established; estranged; unsettled; long-existing; philosophical; popular; spendthrift; cleanly; incurable; religious; offensive; courteous; innate; sidewalk; ill; parti-colored; vulgar; devilish; aquatic; fixed; personal; priceless; dissolute; important; peculiar; cherished; sociable; outdoor; baneful; migratory; industrious; indelicate; retrospective; steady; gregarious; exasperating; tutored; psychological; fastidious; immoral; virtuous; asthmatic; intense; wandering; acquired; uncanny; vicious; comparative; harmless; injurious; prevalent; confirmed; spending; abominable; feminine; deadly; expensive; drinking; mating; unsightly; bloodcurdling; unhygienic; pernicious; voracious; proper; degrading; unproductive; intemperate; honorable; natural; unfortunate; orderly; watchful; flabby; dainty; epicurean; cherished; virile; judicious; ineradicable; purgative; disputatious; busy; convivial; frugal; industrious; temperate; ascetic; studious; nascent; leisurely; hurtful; depraved; mean; intoxicating; careless; fatal; constant; inexcusable; incompatible; physical; silly; dreadful; disgusting; beguiling; autocratic; sluggish; roving; debauched; evil; remorseless; ingrained; domestic; active; awkward; licentious; luxurious; extravagant; artificial; dishonest; mourning; filthy; untoward; piscatory; unmanageable; corrupt; slovenly; indolent; humble; simple; unfixed; dietetic; stylish; unassuming; sordid; demure; synthetic; deliberate; daring; terrible; worse; improvident; intellectual; watchful; unconscious; detestable; dangerous


    acquire—; adopt—; assume—; break up—7 breed—; check—; contract—; cultivate—; deplore—; develop—; discard—; dissolve —; diverge from—; eradicate—; establish —; fall into—; gain—; inculcate—; induce —; indulge in—; instill—; protest against —; pursue—; regulate—; relinquish—; renounce—; set up—; teach—; unlearn—; upset—; —accustoms; —binds; —compels; — loses its hold; —persists; —roots; —takes possession

    (See custom, practice, inclination.)

    Habitation adjectives

    devoted; personal; moving; crude; squalid; humble; peaceful; dismal; commodious; isolated

    Habitual adverbs

    idly; disconcertingly; incurably; deliberately; carefully; peculiarly; traditionally; inherently; harmlessly; unfortunately; automatically; ineradicably; studiously; dreadfully; awkwardly; dangerously; methodically; prosaically; conveniently; unconsciously

    Hackneyed adverbs

    tiresomely; boresomely; ineffectively; tritely; prosaically; typically; bookishly; learnedly; academically; pedantically; professionally; banally; conventionally; pedagogically; unctuously; sententiously; wearisomely; stupidly; monotonously; flatly; terribly; dully

    Haemoglobin verbs

    break down—; combine with—; count—; destroy—; enrich—; gain in—; lessen—; measure—; study—; —circulates; —conveys; — crystallizes; —dispenses; —oxidizes; —provides

    Hag adjectives

    unseemly; edentate; withered; repulsive; blear-eyed; hideous; ferocious; wretched; wicked; secret; black; midnight

    Haggard adverbs

    terribly; alarmingly; surprisingly; pitiably; pathetically; fearfully; unwontedly; extremely; frightfully; mysteriously; significantly; distressingly; disturbingly; gauntly; shockingly; appallingly; wearily; uncommonly; singularly; strangely; cruelly

    Hail adjectives

    continuous; lashing; sonorous; pearly; sulphurous; incessant; cursing; dreadful


    deluge with—; escape—; pour—; send down —; shower with—; volley—; —assails; — chills; —descends; —desolates; —falls; — pierces; —ravages; —shatters; —spatters; —stones; —tattoos; —whistles round

    (See rain, snow.)

    Hail (v) adverbs

    exultingly; rapturously; imperatively; enthusiastically; resoundingly; boisterously; thunderously; obstreperously; vigorously

    (See salute, accost.)

    Hair adjectives

    abnormal; abominable; abounding; abundant; agglutinated; alluring; amber; amorous; ash-blonde; ash-colored; asthetic; auburn; back-blown; backward-streaming; bad; battling; beautiful; bleached; blowing; blond; blue-black; bobbed; boyish; braided; brick-colored; bright; bristling; brittle; bronzed; brunette; brushed; bushy; carefully-brushed; cakeless; carroty; chestnut; close-curling; close-cut; close-trimmed; clustering; coal-black; coiled; colored; copious; coppery; corn-colored; correct; cottony; crinkly; crisp; crownless; cumbersome; curled; dabbled; dark; dazzling; dewy; disarranged; dirty; discolored; disheveled; disordered; drab; dressed; dripping; drowning; dull; dusky; dusty; dyed; ebon; effulgent; elaborately-dressed; electrified; erect; entangled; excessive; faded; fair; falling; fiery; filthy; fine; finespun; flamelike; flattened; flaxen; flecked; floating; flowing; fluffy; fluttering: flying; forlorn; frizzed; frowzy; fussy; fuzzy; garlanded; glamorous; gleaming; glinting; glittering; glorious; glossy; golden; gorgeous; gray; graying; greasy; grimy; grizzled; haggard; hard; harsh; hay-colored; hazel; heavy; helmeted; hempy; henna; hoary; honey-colored; horrent; horrible: horrid; impeccable; impetuous; incredible; iron-gray; jet; jet-black; jeweled; kinky; knotted; lambent; lank; lifeless; light; limp; long; loosening; loose-waved; lovely; luminous; lustrous; luxuriant; mahogany; marcelled; marvelous; massive; matted; metallic; mis-dressed; misty; mortal; mouse-colored; muddy; mussed; mustard-colored; neat; neglected; nutbrown; objectionable; oily; odorous; overbleached; overgrown; overlong: pale; palled; pallid; palsied; parted; pendulous; perfumed; plaited; plentiful; plastered, pomaded; poppied; portentous; powdered; precious; prematurely-gray; prim; princely; problematical; prodigious; profuse; puffed; queenly; quiet; radiant; ragged; raven; ravishing; rebellious; reddish; reddled; refractory; reverend; ribboned; rich; riotous; rippling; romantic; rough; ruffled; rumpled; russet; rusty; sandy; satiny; scant; scattered; scented; scorched; scraggly; sculptured; shadowy; shaggy; sheeny; shining; shingled; short; short-cropped; silken; silver-gilt; silvery; sleek; slender; slicked; sluttish; smoky; smoothed; smothering; snowy; soft; soggy; spiky; spilling; sprouting; starchy; steel-gray; stiff; stiff-looking; straggly; straight; straw-colored; streaked; subtle; streaming; strength-giving; stringy; strong; stubbly; stubby; sun-blanched; sunny; sun-bleached; sustaining; swart; sylvan; swarthy; sweaty; taffy; tangled; tawny; thick; tidy; time-hallowed; tiny; tousled; tow-colored; tumbled; turbulent; twining; twisted; two-toned; unbound; uncompromising; unconquered; uncurled; undone; undulating; unhealthy; unkempt; unkinked; unmanageable: unruly; untidy; unwashed; usurping; vegetable; velvety; venerable; vibrant; vivid; voluminous; waved; wavy; waxed; well-brushed; well-known; weltering; wet; wild; wind-blown; wind-rumpled; wind-whipped; wiry; wondrous; wreathless; youthful; zephyf-blown; burnished


    arrange—; beribbon—; braid—; curl—; deck—; discipline—; dishevel—; fluff out—; glue down—; groom—; ruffle—; rumple—; train—; whisk back—; —bristles; — frames; —gleams; —glistens; —glows; — luxuriates; —projects; —ripples; —shimmers; —shines; —straggles; —waves

    (See beard, whiskers, curls.)

    Halcyon adverbs

    gently; calmly; peacefully; gratefully; delightfully; 'gloriously; enviably; agreeably; providentially; happily; sunnily; smoothly; charmingly; blissfully; comfortably; beat-ifically; cloudlessly; unbelievably; refreshingly; felicitously; miraculously; incomparably

    Hale adverbs

    delightfully; sturdily; stoutly; vigorously; vivaciously; cheerily; healthily; soundly; hardily; robustly; ordinarily; vibrantly; exuberantly; remarkably; incredibly; exceptionally; unwontedly; enthusiastically; unbelievably; cheerfully. annoys; —arises; —envisions; —harasses

    —hounds; —preys upon; —suggests; — sweeps away; —worries

    (See delusion, illusion.)

    Hall IF AY adjectives

    frigid; austere; narrow

    Half-Hearted adverbs

    obviously; unconcealedly; openly; frankly; manifestly; curiously; indifferently; timidly; indecisively; lazily; indolently; insolently; capriciously; indeterminately; irresolutely; phlegmatically; languidly; nonchalantly; carelessly; inattentively; imperturbably; extraordinarily; inexplicably; unaccountably; irresponsibly; insouciantly; vexatiously; lackadaisically; noticeably; conspicuously

    Hall adjectives

    moody; boundless; cerulean; pillared; gilded; naked; windy; dimly-lighted; spacious; brilliant; low-browed; gaslit; upper; festal; voiceless; lofty; hospitable; marble-paved; ancestral; ancient; unillumined; dusky; enormous; capacious; shallow; subterranean; barrel-vaulted; main; oak-lined; paternal; palatial; roofless; lonely; ample; gloomy; ethereal


    appropriate—for; assemble in—; convert— into; gather in—; grace—; jam—; loiter in —; occupy—; receive in—; transact in—; preside over—

    (See building, room, auditorium, passage, entry.)

    Ii ALLO IV (v) adverbs

    traditionally; solemnly; formally; religiously; pompously; perfunctorily

    (See reverence, bless.)

    Hallucination adjectives

    visionary; engendering


    abolish—; dispose to—s; entertain—s; expel—; molest with—; produce—; suffer—s; wander into—; welter in—; wrap in—;

    Halo adjectives

    majestic; radiant; glistening; hollow


    award—; crown with—; display—; fashion —; form—; garland with—; invest with—; spread—around; suspend—; weave—; — appears; —blinks; —encircles; —encompasses; —girdles; —glorifies; —hovers over; —radiates; —surrounds; —wreathes

    (See glory, circle, light.)

    Halt adjectives

    panting; dead


    bring to—; cal!—; come to—; command—; earn—; fall to—; induce—; merit—; necessitate—; plead for—; sound—; stumble to —; urge—; —refreshes; strengthens; — vivifies

    (See truce.)

    Halt (v) adverbs

    abruptly; irresolutely; awkwardly; instantaneously; jarringly; completely; permanently

    (See stop, cease.)

    Hamlet adjectives

    scattered (pl) ; rude; nameless; obscure; favored; humble; huddled; disheveled; insignificant

    Hammer adjectives

    ponderous; polished; deafening


    beat with—; clasp—; crush with—; drive with—; employ—; flourish—; guide—; labor with—; rap with—; shape with—; smite with—; strike with—; swing—; tap with—; wield—; —injures; —menaces; — suffices

    (See gavel, club, hatchet.)

    Hammer (v) adverbs

    untiringly; repetitiously; energetically; deafeningly; maddeningly; industriously; monotonously; vigorously; thunderously

    (See beat, pound.)

    Hammock ad jectives

    concealing; leafy; creaking


    bear in—; cradle in—; ensconce in—; hang in—; hide in—; loll in—; nest in—; relax in—; rest in—; shroud in—; sling—across; slip into—; suspend—; turn into—; —holds; —swings; —upsets

    (See bed, couch.)

    Hamper (v) adverbs

    disastrously; tragically; purposely; fatefully; seriously; painfully; cruelly; superfluously

    (See impede, restrain.)

    Hand verbs

    aspire to—-of»; beckon with—; callous—; clap—s; clasp in—; clench—; denote with —; employ—; extend—; flex—; flick—; flourish—; gain—of; indicate with—; join —s; paralyze—; proffer—; pump—; spread —; splint—; tender—; wring—; —quivers; —trembles; —twitches

    (See palm, claw, fingers, marriage.)

    Handclasp adjectives

    latticed; fluid; fervent

    Handful adjectives

    paltry; unshackled; comparative; thorny; scanty; scattered; promiscuous

    Handicap adjectives

    difficult; generous; cruel; troublesome; personal


    burden with—; compensate for—; gain—; impose—; insist on—; load with—; offset—; overcome—; require—; resent—; suffer under—; survive—; —alters; —equalizes; —evens; —hampers; —penalizes; —reduces

    (See disadvantage. )

    Handicap (v) adverbs

    hopelessly; heavily; physically; psychically; spiritually; economically; maritally

    (See hinder.)

    Handkerchief adjectives

    glaring; necktie; napkin; shabby; scandalous; unclean; tear-stained; immaculate; wadded


    adorn—; border—; display—; embroider—; expose—; fringe—; monogram—; perfume —; pocket—

    (See cloth, silk, linen.)

    Handle ad jectives

    knob; lever; hollow; detachable; composition; substantial


    clasp—; clutch—; deprive of—; fly off—; grab—; grasp—; grip—; hold by—; manage—; manipulate—; nab—; operate—; snatch—; twist—; —controls; —protrudes; —regulates

    (See knob.)

    Handle (v) adverbs

    effectively; dexterously; summarily; severely; rudely; technically; awkwardly; individually; arbitrarily; competently; urgently; suavely; adroitly; skillfully

    (See manipulate, touch.)

    Handling adjectives

    masterly; ill; indecisive; adroit; clever; rough; technical; dexterous; unexceptionable; guileful; skillful

    Hands adjectives

    able; accursed; accomplished; achieving; active; admonishing; aged; affectionate; agile; agitated; aggressive; airy; almighty; ambitious; angelic; applauding; aristocratic; armed; arresting; artistic; atrocious; audacious; automatic; avaricious; awkward; balmy; barbarous; bare; beautiful; beckoning; begrimed; bejeweled; beneficent; benumbed; beseeching; bewildered; black; branded; black-gloved; blanched; bleeding; blistered; blithe; bloodless; bloody; blundering; bony; botanic; bounteous; bountiful; brawny; broad; bronzed; brown; bruised; brutal; bungling; burning; callous; capable; careless; caressing; casual; cautious; cemented; chafed; chamois-gloved j chapped; charitable; cheap; cheery; chill; chilly; childish; chopped; chubby; clammy; clapping; clasping; clawing; clawlike; clean; clenched; clever; cold; clinched; clumsy; clutching; coarse; comforting; colossal; confident; conscious; considerate; consoling; cordial; craven; cringing; crooked; cunning; curative; cushionlike; dainty; damaging; darting; deadly; deeply-tanned; defiling; deft; deformed; delegated; delicate; deprecating; despairing; despoiling; detaining; dexterous; diamond-ringed; disguised; dirty; dimpled; discolored; disdainful; disengaged; disrobing; divine; dogmatic; doll-like; dominating; dreadful; drooping; drink-shaken; dubious; dying; eager; eclipsing; eloquent; emaciated; emphatic; enameled; enchanting; energetic; envious; erudite; ever-open; efer-awakening; excellent; execrable; expensive; experienced; expert; explanatory; exploring; exquisite; extended; eye-instructed; fair; facile; failing; fairy; faithful; false; faltering; fanless; fastidious; fatigued; favoring; fearless; feeble; ferocious; fevered; fidgety; fiery; filthy; fine; firm; flabby; flaccid; flattering; flawless; fleshless; fleshy; flexible; floury; fluttering; foam-white; folded; foraged; frank; frantic; fratricidal; freckled; free; frenzied; friendly; fumbling; furtive; fussy; gaunt; gauntleted; generous; gentle; gesticulating; girlish; gloating; glorified; gloved; glowing; gnarled; gorilla; gracious; grasping; graspless; greasy; green; grimy; groomed; groping; grubby; guiding; hairy; hallowed; hamlike; hammer-hard; handsome; hanging; hard; hard-palmed; hasty; hateful; healthful; hearty; heavy; heavy-veined; heedless; helpful; helping; high; hollowed; holy; honest; honored; horny; hospitable; hovering; huge; human; humble; hurried; icy; idle; ignoble; immaculate; immediate; immense; immortal; impatient; imperious; impious; imploring; impulsive; incarnadined; inconsequent; indignant; indiscriminate; indolent; indomitable; ineffective; inexperienced; infant; innocent; innocuous; inquisitive; insistent; instinctive; instrumental; intelligent; interpretative; intractable; intruding; invisible; iron; irresolute; irresponsible; irreverent; ivory; jerking; jeweled; kindly; knotted; knuckled; labor-calloused; lacerated; lacerating; lame; languid; lavish; lax; lean; leathery; legible; lemon-scented; lenient; dishpan; wise; liberal; limp; listless; lithe; little; locked; lone; long; long-fingered; long-stretched; long-taloned; loose-hanging; lordly; loving; lustful; mailed; magnetic; malicious; malignant; manacled; manicured; manipulating; martial; massive; masterly; maternal; meager; menacing; merciful; mere; mighty; ministering; miscalculating; mittened; moist; molded; motionless; mottled; mournful; much-ringed; murderous; munificent; nameless; narrow; neighborly; nerveless; nervous; nestling; niggardly; nimble; noiseless; numbed; offending; old-looking; olive; outdoor; outflung; outstretched; pale; pallid; palsied; pampering; parched; parricidal; passive; patrician; peaceful; persistent; persuasive; pierced; pious; pitiless; placid; plastic; plenty-dropping; plump; poised; portraying; powder-blackened; powerful; practiced; pragmatic; praying; presumptuous; priestly; prim; primitive; prodigal; profane; proffered; prompt; proper; protective; providential; providing; pudgy; puffy; pulpy; pure; quavering; quizzical; rash; rapacious; raw; reassuring; reaching; reckless; relaxed; remorseless; relentless; reluctant; resolute; respectful; responsive; restless; restraining; reverent; rheumatic; rigid; rigorous; ringed; ringless; robust; rose-leaf; rose-petal; rosy; rough; royal; rude; ruinous; ruthless; sacred; sacrilegious; sallow; satiny; saving; sceptered; scheming; scholarly; scornful; sculptured; searching; seared; severe; sinless; shadowy; shaking; shapely; shattered; shiny; shriveled; shuddering; signaling; sin-avenging; sinew-swelled; sinewy; skeleton; skillful; slack; slender; slim; slimy; slippery; slow; sly; small; smooth; smudgy; snowy; soaked; soft; soiled; solid; soot-grimed; staying; steady; stealthy; stiffened; stodgy; stout; straggling; straining; strange; strengthening; strong; stubby; subtle; sudden; suing; sunburned; supine; supple; supplicating; supporting; sure; surreptitious; sustaining; swarthy; swollen; sympathetic; tactful; tainted; tampering; tanned; tapering; tear-dampened; tempestuous; tender; thick; thievish; thin; threatening; throttling; tied; tight-clasped; timid; tiny; tiring; titanic; toil-hardened; toilworn; toiling; torn; trained; translucent; transparent; treacherous; trembling; tremendous; tremulous; trusting; tugging; twitching; tyrannous; unaided; uncertain; unclasped; unconscious; uncovered; unequal; unerring; unfamiliar; unfettered; ungainly; ungloved; ungrudging; uninhibited; unlineal; unresisting; unresponsive; unseen; unskilled; unsparing; unsteady; unswerving; untrained ;. untrembling; unvenerable; unwilling; uplifted; upstretched; useful; useless-looking; usurious; valorous; victorious; viewless; vigorous; violent; vital; vulgar; wan; wandering; wanton; warm; warning; warring; wasted; water-shriveled; wavering; waxlike; weather-browned; welcoming; well-bred; well-cared-for; well-formed; well-shaped; willing; withered; work-hardened; lifeless; working; work-marked; wounded; work-soiled; wrapped; wrinkled; wretched; clear; soothing; upraised; spider; sprawling; sprightly; van-dalous; vast; veined; venerated

    Handsome adverbs

    dazzlingly; gloriously; intangibly; matchlessly; fiercely; surprisingly; sullenly; com-pellingly; richly; darkly; duskily; cruelly; stormily; vitally; singularly; imposingly; impressively; proudly; sternly; triumphantly; resplendently; glowingly; startlingly; regally; glamorously

    Handwork adjectives

    painstaking; plodding; patient; deft

    Handwriting adjectives

    sprawling; attested; unmistakable; feeble; quavering; distinctive; intelligent; inelegant; bold; clear; poor; scrawly; uncultivated; crabbed


    admire—; alter—; counterfeit—; decipher —; develop—; forge—; judge—; recognize —; —fascinates; —flourishes; —reveals; — wavers

    (See writing.)

    Handy adverbs

    extremely; providently; conveniently; exceptionally; remarkably; carefully; delightfully; cleverly; unusually; perfectly; uncommonly; thoughtfully; noticeably; incomparably; serviceably; advantageously; practically; appropriately; readily; ingeniously; miraculously

    Hang (v) adverbs

    fatefully; debatably; imminently; dolefully; fondly; precariously; waveringly; indecisively; tenderly; listlessly; stubbornly; conspicuously; breathlessly; lankly; disconsolately; doggedly; flaccidly

    (See lynch, execute.)

    Hangings adjectives

    leafy; wholesale; sumptuous; inflammable

    Haphazard adverbs

    casually; carelessly; indolently; informally; adventitiously; incidentally; nonchalantly; indifferently; fortuitously; delightfully; abominably; terribly; atrociously; reprehens-ibly; joyously; merrily; irresponsibly; gloriously; dreadfully; inconveniently

    Happen (vj adverbs

    opportunely; propitiously; auspiciously; allegedly; subsequently; historically; spontaneously; mysteriously; logically; promptly

    (See occur, befall.)

    Happenings adjectives

    alleged; accidental; subsequent; historical; ordinary; spontaneous; vital; invented; unbelievable; strenuous; mysterious

    Happiness adjectives

    boundless; excited; fireside; tranquil; resultant; connubial; crowning; legitimate; incomparable; wild; overwhelming; keen

    grave; peaceful; celestial; passive; humble; supreme; human; cheap; vulgar; true; romantic; buoyant; puerile; subsequent; unproductive; unclouded; scant; pure; golden; glowing; earthly; mutual; secret; rapturous; eternal; visionary; unexpected; highest; solid; unexcelled; redundant; unutterable; radiant; sublunary; sublime; unappreciated; dizzy; surface; delusive; temporal; exquisite; soft; personal; dear; strange; domestic; virulent; poor; neighborly; pastoral; exalted; joyous; healthy; close-woven; superhuman


    achieve—; assail—of; bar from—; betoken —; breathe—; conceal—; convert to—; derive—from; destroy—; extract—from; hamper—; inhale—; jeopardize—; overrate—; predestine to—; promote—; recapture—; rescue—; salvage—; shut out—; stake everything on—; strive -for—; struggle for —; tend toward—; voice—; void—; yield —; —endures; —evades; —fades; —lingers; —reposes in; —touches; —visits; — wanes

    (See prosperity, gladness, delight, pleasure, bliss, joy, comfort, enjoyment, satisfaction.)

    Happy adverbs

    radiantly; beamingly; beautifully; bonnily; curiously; rosily; smilingly; ridiculously; openly; innocently; childishly; shyly; modestly; frankly; brightly; rapturously; excitedly; tranquilly; quietly; incomparably; wildly; keenly; overwhelmingly; supremely; secretly; unutterably; joyously; ecstatically; ineffably; profoundly; tenderly; deliriously; breathlessly

    Harangue adjectives

    mere; soporific; seditious; inflammatory; tempestuous; conciliatory; soldierly; unintelligible; coherent; explanatory; fiery; belligerent

    Harass (v) adverbs

    consistently; grievously; ceaselessly; perpetually; maddeningly; irksomely; irritatingly; exasperatingly; incessantly

    (See distress, persecute, trouble.)

    Harassment adjectives

    ceaseless; perpetual

    Harbor adjectives

    immense; sun-splashed; sunlit; little; green-bordered; earthly; exposed; secret; miniature; landlocked; fortified; blue; restless; mountain-bound; all-creating; bustling; glassy; neutral; matchless; noble; placid; sheltered; fair; unrivaled


    admit to—; afford—; anchor in—; assign to—; blockade—; drift to—; lie in—; lodge at—; obtain—; put into—; seek—; set out of—; slip into—; —accommodates; —conceals; —protects; —quarters; —shelters

    (See refuge, haven, shelter, retreat.)

    Hard adverbs

    stonily; wilfully; unyieldingly; pitilessly; obdurately; unrelentingly; unrepentantly; inexorably; stubbornly; obstinately; mulish-ly; doggedly; perversely; fanatically; resolutely; determinedly; unmercifully; cruelly; maliciously; vengefully; implacably; bitterly; sternly; unreasonably; manifestly; palpably; undeniably

    Harden (v) adverbs

    glacially; excessively; immoderately; perpetually; scientifically; methodically; mechanically

    (See season, invigorate.)

    Hardihood adjectives

    slipshod; reckless; barbaric; desperate

    Harangue (v) adverbs

    bombastically; vehemently; seditiously; tempestuously; unintelligibly; coherently; fiercely; belligerently; vigorously

    (See orate, address.)

    Hardness adjectives

    iron; steely


    allay—; arm with—; crust with—; deliver from—; dissemble—; inure to—; incur—; loathe—; overcome—; penetrate—; produce — ; rub off—; shed—; suffer—; —defends

    —endures; —protects; —resists

    (See difficulty, harshness, cruelty, severity- )

    Hardship adjectives

    continued; increasing; inevitable; nameless; physical; appreciable; incredible; tremendous; unnecessary; unexpected; early; unrepining


    allay—; alleviate—; ameliorate—; bear—; bow under—; condemn to—; ease—; endure —; entail—; evade—; groan under—; impose—; inflict—; learn through—; oppress with—; share—; suffer—; taste—; tolerate —; torment with—; —anguishes; —destroys; —discourages; —presses

    (See privation, injury, affliction, adversity, trouble, pain.)

    Hardy adverbs

    resolutely; intrepidly; courageously; stoutly; sturdily; robustly; boldly; fortunately; indubitably; obviously; indefatigably; dependably; strongly; staunchly; vigorously; stalwartly; inexhaustibly; courageously; audaciously; pluckily; wonderfully; irresistibly; astonishingly; prodigiously

    Hare adjectives

    purblind; timorous; fluffy; flying

    Harlequin adverbs

    erratically; capriciously; changeably; mer-curially; kaleidoscopically; vagrantly; way-wardly; fleetingly; nimbly; swiftly; fleetly; trippingly; stagily; dramatically; spectacularly; comically; trickily; lightly; clownishly; jocosely; waggishly; fabulously; entertainingly; laughingly; mockingly

    Harm adjectives

    sullen; bodily; enormous; substantial; tremendous; imminent; delicious; irreparable; incalculable; chief; outward; serious; personal


    anticipate—; avert—; commit—; correct—; counterbalance—; forgive—; heed—; inflict —; lament—; offset—; prevent—; protect against—; rectify—; remedy—; render—; resent—; ruminate upon—; save from—; suffer—; sustain—; weigh—; —afflicts; — angers; —distresses; —pains; —threatens

    (See injury, damage, evil, wrong.)

    Harmful adverbs

    terribly; immediately; ultimately; distinctly; admittedly; obviously; maliciously; venomously; deliberately; innocently; unconsciously; ignorantly; intentionally; purposely; irrevocably; irremediably; calamitously; disastrously; dreadfully; outrageously; atrociously; perniciously; exceptionably; deplorably; uncommonly; frightfully; immeasurably; incalculably

    Harmless adverbs

    innocently; distinctly; assuredly; avowedly; obviously; manifestly; definitely; altogether; utterly; comparatively; allegedly; perfectly; impeccably; virtually; substantially; practically; negligibly; essentially; presumably; reasonably; assuredly

    Harmonious adverbs

    agreeably; fortunately; sweetly; luckily; unquestionably; happily; felicitously; unbelievably; unexpectedly; sociably; ineffably; cordially; heartily; obviously; manifestly; sincerely; highly; entirely; uncommonly; remarkably; particularly; delightfully; serenely; exquisitely; seraphically; gloriously; inexpressibly

    Harmony adjectives

    ingenious; distinguished; plaintive; serene; subtle; thrilling; ringing; sublime; unutterable; amiable; developed; divine; ravishing; inner; absolute; complete; whirlwind; primal; undisturbed; entire; methodical; perfect; ethereal; general; incomparable; celestial; angelic; pre-established; exquisite; multitudinous (pl); many-sounding; unbroken; heavenly; household; deceiving; liquid; delightful; peculiar; inarticulate; eternal; discordant; canarylike; complicated; blatant; enchanting; weird; insured; glorious; limitless; soft; subdued; inexpressible; aerial; unconjectured; color; intoxicating; far-linked; elemental; impromptu; autumnal; wonderful; rugged; lugubrious; consonant; palatable; chiseled


    admire—; beget—; bind into—; cement—; compose into—; destroy—; dispose toward —; insure—; maintain—; melt into—; stress —; strike—; weave in—; work in—; — charms; —delights; —emanates from; — enchants; —grows; —pervades; —prevails; —smooths

    (See friendship, agreement, peace, consistency.)

    Harp adjectives

    murmuring; piano; neglected; cunning; mysterious; sullen; reproofless; impaled; aeolian; smitten; solemn; sounding; sweet; tuneful


    flow from—; marry to—; pitch—; string—; strum—; touch—; tune—; waken—; welcome—; —chimes; —disarms; —enervates; —entrances; —pleases; —reverberates; — rings out; —sings; —sleeps; —soothes; — thrills; —trembles; —whispers

    (See guitar,,banjo.)

    Harp (v) adverbs

    exclusively; repetitiously; irksomely; nag-gingly; inexorably; bitterly; moodily; venomously; groundlessly; sullenly

    (See persist, repeat.)

    Harping adjectives

    constant; mysterious; celestial

    Harrow (v) adverbs

    mercilessly; cruelly; superfluously; gratuitously; sadistically; grimly

    (See wound, distress, torture.)

    Harsh adverbs

    dreadfully; needlessly; unnecessarily; bitterly; inexplicably; austerely; irritably; discourteously; forbiddingly; irritatingly; inexcusably; deliberately; maliciously; incredibly; unreasonably; vengefully; disconcertingly; tyrannically; despotically; dogmatically; imperiously; authoritatively; terribly; uncompromisingly; stubbornly; cruelly; un-mitigatedly; mercilessly

    h'arshness adjectives

    terrible; stubborn; momentary; sinister; mellowed


    apply—; assail with—; avoid—; clash with —; correct—; creak with—; pardon—; resent—; resist—; rub with—; shed—; subdue—; taste—; temper—; thunder—; — arises from; —displeases; —grates; —sours

    (See severity, cruelty, hardness.)

    Harvest adjectives

    terrible; reaped; pecuniary; costly; easy; sorrowful; rich; bounteous; promising; uncertain; preposterous; golden; ripened; abundant; heavenly; full; fair; millennial; hidden; glorious; unshared; full-sheaved


    bear—; celebrate—; enrich—; gather—; glean—; heap—; house—; invite to—; mar —; promise—; reap—; rear—; ruin—; sickle—; toil in—; treasure—; —cheers; — contents; —glows; —graces; —repays; — rewards; —satisfies; —wearies

    (See crop, yield, product, reward, fruit, proceeds, result, return.)

    Haste adjectives

    heedless; breathless; duteous; delirious; phantom; disciplined; desperate; unseemly; wrathful; fiery; undue; hot; wild; indecent; purblind; unscrupulous; lamentable; eager; irreverent; barbarous; clumsy; nervous; noiseless; mad; frantic; reckless; uncivil; feverish; deadly; frenzied; disgraceful; rash; ruthless; moderate; dread; incredible; unusual; straining; over-credulous; tremulous; generous; noticeable

    Hasten (v) adverbs

    instinctively; obsequiously; anxiously; vastly; materially; dutifully; nervously; unscrupulously; irreverently; frantically; uncivilly; feverishly; incredibly; tremulously. (See urge, hurry.

    Hasty adverbs

    disgracefully; inexcusably; rudely; unforgivably; shamefully; hysterically; impetuously; impulsively; ridiculously; unnecessarily; unfortunately; madly; insanely

    Hat adjectives

    drab; shiny; tomato-colored; glazed; straw; rusty; soiled; silk; glossy; discolored; sleek; napless; chocolate; absurd; shabby; ordinary; archaic; hereditary; beaver; crownless; conical; jaunty; battered; distinguished; befeathered; beribboned; broad-brimmed; sugar-loaf; hard; high; cocked; cavernous; flattish; stunning; featherweight; felt; rush; high-crowned; flopping; dilapidated; fantastic; misshapen; much-worn; coquettish; beguiling; casual; slouched; formless; distinctive; fashionable; devastating; smart; shovel; horrible; becoming; plumed; infinitesimal; shapeless; dun-colored; soft; fetching; flowered; slouch; dishpan-shaped; delicate; battered; cunning


    clap on—; cock—; deck—; design—; discard—; display—; doff—; don—; fancy—; fashion—; plume—; scorn—; shed—; sport (colloq)—; tide—; tip—; trim—; wave—; —awes; —flatters; —s fly; —perches; — protects; —reposes on; —shocks; ■—teeters

    (See cap, helmet.)

    Hatchet verbs

    brandish—; crush with—; drive—into; employ—; flourish—; hew with—; knock down with—; sharpen—; smite with—; split with —; strip with—; strike with—; threaten with—; wield—; yield to—; —cuts; —destroys; —lacerates; —menaces; —severs; —splits; —subdues; —wounds

    (See axe, hammer, club, bat, gavel.)

    Hate adjectives

    high-strung; prejudiced; vigorous; counterfeiting; morbid; malevolent; racking; vanquished; constant; hideous; sectional; murderous; savage; steadfast; individual; groveling; immortal; deadly; inflexible; un-filial; grudging; envious; despotic; lodged; impious; heavy; ancestral; sullen; ill-dissembled; consuming; unrelenting; strong; bitter; mutual; irrevocable; quenchless; shameful; successful; unspoken; misbegotten; unmistakable; supernatural; vehement

    Hate (v) adverbs

    perniciously; implacably; cordially; insatiably; invariably; vindictively; jealously; instinctively; mutually; passionately; inflammably; politically; irrepressibly; unconquerably; groundlessly

    (See detest, dislike.)

    Hated adverbs

    utterly; abominably; repugnantly; mortally; intolerably; impossibly; incredibly; completely; shockingly; detestably; disgustingly; insufferably; horribly; terribly; odiously

    Hateful adverbs

    bitterly; utterly; unspeakably; odiously; offensively; completely; abominably; disgustingly; insufferably; intolerably; horribly; terribly; shockingly; profoundly; uncommonly; intensely; unnaturally; curiously; passionately; venomously; infernally; furiously; consummately

    Hater adjectives

    reputed; persistent

    Hatred adjectives

    native; innate; instinctive; internal; caustic; patient; deadly; profound; intense; bitter; rancorous; mutual; unaffected; unnatural; unsleeping; hidden; curious; lifelong; strong; ineradicable; passionate; moody; fierce; obscure; inextinguishable; revolutionary; inflammable; virtuous; vigorous; apparent; venomous; smiling; inexorable; immodest; antique; ancient; fanatical; unleavened; hearty; national; raw; implacable; political; irrepressible; partisan; nauseous; jealous; racial; infernal; base; active; indurated; color; perfidious; relentless; furious; vindictive; violent; unconquerable; baffled; undying; consuming; groundless


    allay—; appease—; breed—; cherish—; conceal—; deepen—; depict—; deplore—; endure—; excite—; focus—upon; incite to —; justify—; kindle—; manifest—; nourish—; nurse—; placate—; regard with—; quicken—; scatter—; shower with—; stir up—; summon—; sustain—; turn to—; voice—; —blazes; —bubbles; —convulses; —embitters; —festers; —impels; —lingers; —maligns; —stings; —subsides; —ravages; —rends; —sunders; —wanes; —waxes

    (See abomination, animosity, antagonism, contempt, enmity, hostility, indignation, jealousy.)

    Haughtiness adjectives

    staring; unconscious; self-approving

    Haughty adverbs

    arrogantly; deliberately; pompously; absurdly; unreasonably; unnecessarily; offensively; ridiculously; egotistically; insolently; bumptiously; imperiously; superciliously; impertinently; shamefully; laughably; swaggeringly; presumptuously; contemptuously; .contemptibly; justifiably; atrociously; extremely; unusually

    Haul (v) adverbs

    economically; daily; professionally; customarily; speedily; laboriously; vigorously; painfully; lumberingly

    "(See pull, draw, drag.

    Haunches adjectives

    powerful; cold

    Haunt adjectives

    genteel; childhood; authenticated; private; familiar; hideous; reptile; undergraduate; classical; cheerful; frequent; gay; frightful; native; brightened; strange; indigenous; delightful; swampy; deserted; weary; unaccustomed; popular; picturesque; mysterious; public; garden; melodious; shaded; inaccessible

    Haunt (v) adverbs

    bewitchingly; lecherously; dejectedly; privately; hideously; frightfully; indigenously; mysteriously; bewilderingly

    (See persecute.)

    Haven adjectives

    windless; beauteous; spacious; commodious; sheltered; wished


    admit to—; afford—;. bar from—; conceal in—; enter—; establish—; flee to—; lodge —; retreat to—; seek—; ■—accommodates; —consoles; —protects; —quarters; —shelters; —solaces; —supports; —welcomes

    (See harbor, shelter, refuge, retreat, asylum.)

    Havoc verbs

    anticipate—; come to—; create—; cry—; decry—; fortify against—; pass into—; play —; practise—; repair—; resist—; survey—; witness—; work—; wreak—; —confounds; —distresses

    (See destruction, waste, ruin.)

    Hawk verbs

    • —alights; —attacks; —dashes; —destroys

    • —dodges; —floats; —glides; —gyrates; — pounces on; —preys on; —prowls about; — sails; —scans; —screams; —screeches; — seizes; —severs; —skims; —soars; —somersaults; —squeals; —sweeps down; —twists

    —swerves; —swoops; —wheels around; — whistles

    (See bird.)

    Hawker verbs

    license—; patronize—; —advertises; —attracts; —babbles; —barks; —barters; — bears; —bellows; —carries; —disposes of; —cries; —expatiates on; —jabbers; —plies; —prates about; —rants about; —rattles off; —spiels; —travels; —vends; —wanders

    (See merchant, salesman.)

    Hay adjectives

    nutritious; crisping; new-mown; fragrant; sun-scorched; fresh; half-tanned


    basket—; bundle—; cart—; cock—;. conceal —; consume—; fork—; hook—; load—; market—; mow—; pitch—; preserve—; rake —; press—; spade—; stack—; store—; toss

    (See grass.)

    Haystack adjectives

    high-shouldered; proverbial

    Hazard adjectives

    structural; lessened; unreasonable; reduced; glorious; industrial; temporary; human; intrinsic; specified; extreme; blind; skidding; physical; tremendous; awful; extraordinary; perilous; dust


    avoid—; dally with—; dare—; doubt—; eliminate—; expose to—; face—; incur—; obviate—; overcome—; preserve from—; risk—; run—; stand—; stake on—; venture —; view—; —allures; —endangers; —obstructs; —perils; —threatens

    (See chance, risk, danger, peril, stake.)

    Hazardous adverbs

    extremely; recklessly; perilously; presumably; obviously; manifestly; unreasonably; gloriously; tremendously; awfully; extraordinarily; mysteriously; ominously; alarmingly; terribly; attractively; alluringly; notoriously; undeniably; adventurously; exceedingly; strangely

    Haze adjectives

    blossomy; luminous; suspended; soft; emotional; hueless; silver; blue; purple; smoke; gauzy; transparent; waterish; golden; mellowing; murky; burning; yellow; soft; faint; autumnal; amber; glittering; diaphanous; fictitious; Indian Summer; nebulous; iridescent; mournful; dim; gray; damp; misty; penumbral; somnolent; fluid; shimmering; reddish; sumptuous; moonlit; drowsy; vanishing; undefinable; deepening; shining; tremulous; glimmering; noontide; languorous


    clear—; disappear in—; falter in—; grope in—; lose in—; mingle with—; penetrate—; —develops; —dims; —encompasses; —lifts; —frosts; —hangs; —hovers over; —melts; —mists; —obscures; —rests on

    (See vapor, smoke, mist, fog, obscurity, clouds.)

    Hazy adverbs

    dangerously; obscurely; dimly; incredibly; curiously; oddly; strangely; queerly; peculiarly; particularly; unpleasantly; unintelligibly; incomprehensibly; intentionally; deliberately; perilously; vexatiously; darkly; nebulously; uncertainly; foggily

    Head adjectives

    abominable; aching; acknowledged; addled; administrative; aggressive; ambitious; ample; antique; apprehensive; ashen; aspiring; asymmetrical; attentive; auburn; auspicious; averted; bald; bandaged; banished; battered; bedraggled; beautiful; beloved; bent; bewildering; blameless; blighted; blunt; bobbed; bowed; boyish; braided; brainless; bright; bristling; bruised; bullet; burnished; bursting; bushy; cavernous; classic; clean; clean-swept; clear; closeclipped; clumsy; coiffed; collective; comely; common; confused; copper; country; cowering; craven; cropped; crowned; crumpled; crushed; curious; curling; cursed; dark; dastardly; deathless; defending; deathlike; defenseless; defiant; delicate; delightful; desperate; devoted; diminished; disordered; dispirited; distant; dizzy; doll-like; downcast; downy; drooping; drowsy; drunken; dusky; early-silvering; elegant; elegantly-wigged; elfin; elongated; enticing; erect; executive; extravagant; fanciful; fascinating; fast-whitening; feathered; feeble; fine; finely-molded; firm; flame-red; flattened; flaunted; flaxen; fleshy; flowerless; forked; forlorn; frizzled; frowzy; gasping; ghastly; gleaming; glassy; golden; golden-mouthed; good-natured; gossipy; graceful; graduated; grizzled; grotesque; hairless; hairy; hand-• some; happy; haughty; heaven-saluting

    heavy; heavy-jawed; heavy-jeweled; helmeted; helpless; henna; hideous; high-held; hoary; hooded; hopeless; horny; horrible; horrid; huge; hunted; ignorant; immortal; impassioned; imperial; imperious; impotent; impressive; impudent; impulsive; inclined; incongruous; inert; inexperienced; inquisitive; intellectual; intelligent; intermediate; intervening.; iron-gray; irregular; irrevocable; joyful; keen; kingly; kinky; knavish; languid; large; learned; leonine; limp; lingering; little; living; logical; lofty; lolling; long; long-haired; lowered; low-lying; magnificent; mangled; massive; meek; melancholy; menacing; mighty; military; mobcapped; molded; mossy; mottled; mountainous; muddy; mummylike; nightcapped; nodding; obsequious; obtuse; old; oval; ovate; overhanging; overheated; packed; palsied; pantomime; patchily-bald; patchy; patriarchal; patrician; pendent; pensive; periwigged; pictured; picturesque; plebeian; plumy; poetic; powdered; practical; presumptive; pretty; prostrate; proud; remarkable; queenly; racking; regal; responsible; restless; ’retracted; reverend; ridiculous; rolling; romantic; round; rude; saintly; satiny; saucy; sculptured; seemingly-devoted; sensible; shaggy; shaken; shamed; shapely; shameless; shaven; shiny; shrunken; sickly; silken; simple; sleek; sleeping; sleepless; slender; slightly-bald; small; smooth; snowy; soi row-bowed; sovereign; spaniel; specular; spiritual; splendid; sprouting; square; stained; stately; steady; steaming; steel-hard; stupid; sturdy; suave; subtle; sufficient; sumptuous; sun-baked; sun-bleached; sunburned; tangled; thorny; thick-curled; thorn-crowned; throbbing; tilted; titled; titular; tombless; tonsured; tormenting; tossing; tousled; tremendous; troublesome; turbaned; twisted; ugly; uncovered; uncrowned; undishonored; unhonored; unkempt; unmellowed; unprotected; unshaven; unsuspecting; upheld; uptilted; upturned; veiled; venerated; virile; virtual; vivacious; vulgar; wabbling; wagging; weak; weary; w<->rd; well-balanced; well-bleached; well-constructed; well-formed; well-poised; well-proportioned; well-shaped; whimsical; white-wigged; wigged; wobbly; woolly; yoke encumbered; youthful


    adorn—; balance on—; bare—; bob—; bow —; cock—; crown—; erect—; hang—; incline—; involve—; pillow—; pound—; raise —; split—; siirge to—; tilt—; wag—; waggle—; —buzzes; —protrudes; —reels; — sings; —spins; —swims; —throbs

    (See skull, mind, crown.)

    Headache adjectives

    frightful; agonizing; excruciating; satisfactory; attendant; racking; incessant; violent; splitting; insidious


    aggravate—; allay—; alleviate—; assail with—; attack with—; banish—; confine with—; cure—; dispose of—; ease—; groan with—; incur—; mitigate—; relieve—; remedy—; soothe—; subdue—; subject to—; temper—; throb with—; treat for—; —ensues; —indisposes; —prostrates; —returns; —weakens; —yields to

    (See pain.)

    Headdress adjectives

    gleaming; horned; immense

    Heading adjectives

    cabalistic; comprehensive; general; definite

    Headland adjectives

    graceful; misty; picturesque

    Headlight adjectives

    dazzling; blinding; blinking


    adjust—; dim—; extinguish—; focus—; regulate—; shun—; turn on—; —beams; — blinds; —dazzles; —flares; —flickers; — glares; —gleams; —illuminates; —penetrates; —reflects; —reveals; —shimmers; — shines

    (See light.)

    Headline verbs

    consult—; garner —s; hush down —s; pop into —s; scan —s; —alarms; —amazes; — announces; —asserts; —attracts; —awakens; —blares; —blazes; —blazons forth; — discloses; —disquiets; —hints; —misleads; —proclaims; —reports; —s protest; —suggests; —screams (colloq.); —shrieks; (colloq.)

    (See title, advertisement, announcement, proclamation.)

    Headquarters adjectives

    harried; military; ecclesiastical


    assume — at; convey to—; direct from—; dispatch to-—; inhabit—; move into—; operate from—; order from—; repair to—; report to—; respect—; transact at—; —an-Dounces; —bars; —conceals; —decrees; — harbors; —issues; —reinstates; —shelters

    (See quarters, center, residence, house.)

    Headstrong adverbs

    stubbornly; wilfully; indomitably; doggedly; obdurately; obstinately; absurdly; ridiculously; unreasonably; violently; untract-ably; cantankerously; unmanageably; ungovernably; uncontrollably; persistently; in-veterately; habitually; dreadfully; frightfully; inherently; incorrigibly; hopelessly; invincibly; sturdily; extremely

    Heal (v) adverbs

    marvelously; miraculously; permanently; temporarily; superficially; medically; scientifically

    (See cure, repair.)

    Healing adjectives

    divine; sovereign; transient; miraculous

    Health adjectives

    accustomed; decayed; comely; hardy; declining; failing; rude; tolerable; inexhaustible; robust; rustic; shattered; delicate; fundamental; glowing; particular; ever-uncertain; buxom; departing: saving; comparative; sweet; virile; ruddy; rose-tinted; vibrant; summer; absolute; universal; buoyant; positive; vigorous; precarious; glorious; moral; trying; blasted; flagrant; lonely; redundant; informing; frail; invigorating; dynamic; impaired; feeble; infirm; inexhaustible; exuberant; reacquired; required; physical; drunken; mental


    bankrupt—; battle for—; brace—; bubble with—; confer — upon; cultivate—-; deprive of—; deteriorate in—; drain upon—; drink —; enjoy—; entrust—; foster—; hazard—; impair—; imperil—; improve—; influence —; injure—; insure—; lower—; maintain —; promote—; preoccupy with—; recapture —; restore to—; sacrifice—; sap—; shatter —; strive for—; sustain—; undermine—; —breaks; —continues; —fails; —improves; —suffers

    (See welfare, prosperity, strength.)

    Healthful adverbs

    presumably; allegedly; bracingly; invigor-atingly; restoratively; curatively; notoriously; reputably; famously; distinctly; remarkably; wonderfully; demonstrably; manifestly; evidently; undeniably; marvellously; unquestionably; extremely

    Healthy adverbs

    robustly; normally; unusually; admirably; wonderfully; fortunately; tolerably; fundamentally; comparatively; altogether; completely; buoyantly; vigorously; radiantly; gloriously; exuberantly; sturdily; happily; constitutionally; remarkably; excellently; magnificently; splendidly

    Heap adjectives

    moldering; promiscuous; mountainous; tumbled; contorted; dismaying; enormous; un-distinguishable; solemn; compost; wretched; writhing; convulsed; bony; wind-driven; sprawled; silvery; shapeless; lifeless; apparent; hoarded; inextricable; despicable


    accumulate into—; amass—; cast into—; collect in—; cone—; form—; gather into—; level—; lie in—; load into—; pile up—; relegate to—; rise in—; stand in—; store up—; throw into—; —grows; —overwhelms; — rises

    (See pile, mass.)

    Heap (

    massively; promiscuously; impartially; confusedly; profusely; indiscriminately; contortedly; convulsively; shapelessly; inextricably

    (See pile, accumulate.)

    Hear (v) adverbs

    accidentally; distinctly; occasionally; keenly; inevitably; audibly; dumbly; unconsciously; subconsciously; perpetually

    (See listen, perceive.)

    Hearer adjectives

    eloquent; complacent; indefatigable; critical; attentive

    ■Verbs attract—s; bore —s; convince —s; crave—; enchant—; impress—; inflame—; inform—; instruct—; interest—; move—; obtain—; preach to—; tire—; weary—; —assents; — complies; —heeds; —judges; —learns; — listens; —perceives

    (See audience, listener, spectator.)

    Hearing adjectives

    respectful; impaired; defective; harsh; distinct; impartial; favorable; younger


    accede to—; bar from—; block—; crave—; defer—; dull—; favor with—; grant—; judge—; prejudice—; preside at—; question —; rant at—; sustain—; weaken—

    (See meeting, investigation.)

    Hearken (v


    wistfully; respectfully; expectantly; eagerly; nervously; excitedly; cautiously; instinctively

    (See hear, perceive, listen.)

    Heart adjectives

    abysmal; aching; adulterate; affectionate; affection-starved; agitated; alien; alienated; anguished; animated; anxious; ardent; arid; attentive; barren; bursting; base; beating; beauty-broken; beauty-loving; beclouded; beefy; befuddled; besotted; bewildering; black; bland; blank; blazoned; bleeding; blighted; boding; bounding; brave; breaking; breathless; broken; brute; bucklered; burdened; burning; bursting; busy; callous; careless; cheerful; cheering; cheery; childlike; clamorous; cold; compassionate; conscious; conservative; constant; constricted; contented; contrite; coreless; corrupted; courtly; covetous; cowardly; critical; crushed; dark; darkened; dauntless; dazzling; dead; deceitful; dedicated; defying; delicate; delighted; desolate; despairing; disappointed; discontented; diseased; divided; dormant; double; doubting; drained; dreary; drowsy; dull; duteous; eager; echoing; ecstatic; editorial; effeminate; emptied; enchanted; encouraged; energetic; entranced; erring; everbeating; everlasting; exacting; excited; fainting; faithful; false; famished; famous; farseeing; fascinated; faultless; fearful; fecund; feeble; feminine; fevered; fiendish; fierce; fiery; firm; fleshy; flinty; wrung; fluttering; foolish; forestalled; forever-shattered; fragrance-laden; frail; frank; freer; fretted; frightened; frost-bound; frosted; frowning; frozen; gallant; general; generous; gentle; genuine; girlish; gleeful; graceless; grateful; gravel; grieved; guileless; half-snared; hammering; happy; haughty; heavenly; heavy; heedless; hereditary; heroic; hidden; humanitarian; humble; hungering; hurrying; hushed; idolatrous; impassioned; impious; impressionable; improvident; impulsive; inconstant; indecent; individual; indolent; indurated; inmost; inner; innocent; intense; irritable; joyous; kind; kindling; kindred; laboring; lacerated; laggard; languid; laughing; lavish; leaden; life-giving; light; lively; living; lofty; lonely; long; long-enduring; long-pent; long-wandering; longing; loudly-beating; love-pampered; loving; low; low-hushed; maddening; manful; manly; marble; mean; meditative; merry; mighty; moist; mourning; mountain; moved; mysterious; mystic; naked; noble; obdurate; open; oppressed; orphaned; outraged; overburdened; overflowing; overfull; overladen; overworked; pained; palpitating; passionate; paternal; pearly; penitent; pent; perfect; perplexed; perturbed; perverse; pinched; pious; pitiless; pitying; plighted; poisoned; poor; popish; popular; poverty-stricken; private; profane; profound; propelled; prophetic; proud; pulsating; puny; pure; pusillanimous; quaking; queenly; queer; quenched; quick-beating; quick-breathed; quickened; rapt; rapture-filled; ravaged; rebellious; reckless; relenting; repressed; responsive; restless; returning; reverent; riotous; rising; rocky; rough; royal; rude; rugged; rusting; saddened; satisfied; scented; scheming; scorching; seated; self-accusing; sensitive; shadowy; shallow; sheer; shuddering; sickly; sincere; sinewy; singing; single; sinking; slight; slow; smitten; smothered; softened; solitary; somber; sore; sorrowful; spotless; stagnant; stainless; stalwart; starry; steadfast; sterner; still-renewed; stirring; stony; stout; straitened; stricken; strong; struggling; stubborn; sturdy; suffocating; sullen; sunny; superstitious; susceptible; swelling; sweltering; sympathetic; tavernlike; tempest-tossed; tender; terrified; thankful; thoughtless; thought-propelled; throbbing; thumping; tortured; tossed; towering; trembling; tremulous; troubled; trusting; tumultuous; turbulent; tyrannous; unassisted; uncaged; unconjectured; undivided; uneasy; unfettered; unfortified; unfrozen; unguarded; universal; unmoved; unpurchasable; unquickened; unquiet; unselfish; unsophisticated; unsuspecting; untutored; unwavering; unworn; unyielding; upright; vacant; veritable; virgin; wakening; wandering; warm; wasting; waxing; wayward; weak; weary; well-contented; well-disposed; wicked; widowed; w’ild; wintry; withering; womanly; wooing: wordless; worldly; worried; worshipping; wounded; wretched; yearning; zealous


    appeal to—; beguile—; chill—; depress—; dilate—; ease—; engage—; enshrine in—; furrow—; gather—; gladden—; harden—; hug to—; lay open—; melt—; mend—; pluck at—; pour out—; smite—; stab to—; stimulate—; take to—; warm—; wring—; —awakens; —betrays; —bleeds; —blinds; —contracts; —craves; —expands; —fails; —hungers; —jumps; —misgives; —overflows; —palpitates; —pines; —pounds; — prompts; —quakes; —races; —responds; — sinks; —softens; —swells; —throbs; — ticks; —yearns

    (See essence, core, pulse, organ, affection, passion, courage, strength.)

    Heartbeat adjectives

    tumultuous; vexing


    terrible; human

    Hearth adjectives

    blazing; domestic; lonely; imperial; glittering; familiar; heavenly; glowing; inmost; desolated; tiled; hospitable; altar; ancestral; dreary; lowly; sordid

    Heartlessness adjectives

    cruel; perfect; undisguised; criminal


    bare—; brook—; conceal—; deny—; excuse —; steep in—; wither into—; —bites; — contrives; —crushes; —dejects; —despairs; —embitters; —lurks; —murders; —pains; —strikes ; —wounds

    (See cruelty.)

    Hearty adverbs

    sincerely; enthusiastically; graciously; spontaneously; warily; impressively; raptur )us-ly; eagerly; cordially; impetuously; impulsively; openly; splendidly; sympathetically; devotedly; cheerily; jovially; entirely; ex-ceptionably; extremely; unusually; noticeably; conspicuously; especially

    Heat adjectives

    primitive; intense; intercepted; parching; hardening; dulling; destructive; resisting; sulphurous; automatic; self-regulating; unifying; genial; ordinary; subterranean; excessive; steaming; shimmering; white; fervent; gray; heartburning; yellow; incandescent; dancing; breathless; blood-red: imminent; midday; prickly; internal; sweltering; fierce; subtle; central; controlled; oppressive; tempered; incarnate; scalding; blistering: ferocious; feverish; heroic; fortunate: visceral; vague; withering; imperial; scorching; restless; blinding; tremulous; torturous; masculine; radiant; deadly; incremental; defying; infernal; furious; palpable; saturating; wet; devoted; overpowering: polished; rash; false; aching: clean; efficient; dependable; effortless; healthful; boisterous; instant; steady; terrestrial; boiling; unspeakable; tropical; love-devouring; uniform; intolerable; bristling; generous; luminous; beneficial; glowing; perpendicular; savage; unendurable; suffocating; kindly; animal; brooding; fantastic; sickening; fierce; quivering; stifling; freezing; stimulating; intolerable; exceptional; fluent; temperate; extreme; concentrated; continuous; expensively-produced; transmuted; burning


    apply—; bask in—; control—; foment—; generate—; maintain—; measure—; raise —; regulate—; relieve—; sustain—; swelter in—; swoon from—; transform into—; treat with—; utilize—; —blights; —blisters; —encompasses; —escapes; —evolves; —parches; —scorches; —stifles; —subsides

    (See fire, flame.)

    Heat (v) adverbs

    fiercely; intensely; destructively; sulphur-ously; automatically; excessively; subtly; oppressively; witheringly; scorchingly; palpably; blisteringly; tropically; intolerably; beneficially; suffocatingly; concentrat-edly

    (See warm.)

    Heath ad jectives

    flowery; vast; uncultivated; blasted; magnificent; pastoral; bleak; tottering; menacing; stultifying; ugly; murky; dismal


    clip—; crop—; cut—; grow—; plant—; roof with—; tend—; thatch with—; utilize —; —abounds; —banks; —blazes; —flourishes; —flowers; —perfumes; —stretches

    (See land, area, plant, flower.)

    Heaven adjectives

    frosty; righteous; luminous; cloudless; precipitating; overhanging; bounteous; transfigured; untrod; starry; sublunar; clear; subjugated; high; bending; miniature; smiling; avenging; tranquil; angry; broad; firmamental; unfolding; swelling; bending; unrelenting; gladsome; spangled; insulted; unpavilioned; troubled; merciful; unimagined; clear-eyed; naked; unclouded; pitying; crystal; hollow; influent; frowning; slumberless; impenetrable; jealous; deepening; unimaginable; sweet; vaulty; cloudless; piteous; encompassing; unpitying; remote; glorious; star-deserted; crystalline; unobstructed; immeasurable; middle; material; warm-colored; pinky-purple; bland; placid; stainless; sick; scoffing; propitious; flaming; deaf


    abide in—; ascend to—; bless in—; conduct to—; contemplate—; deny—; depart for—; depict—; descend from—; dwell in—; enthrone in—; gain—; long for—; look up to —; offend—; prepare for—; prevail in—; rail at—; reign in—; reside in—; rest in—; rise to—; seek—; steal into—; transport to—; trust in—; visit in—; win—; —s dazzle; —s look down; —s open; —promises; —radiates

    (See paradise, sky, Providence, .God.)

    Heathen adjectives

    benighted; tiresome

    Heathenish adverbs

    shamelessly; cruelly; deliberately; grossly; ignorantly; savagely; brutally; barbarously; unconscionably; inordinately; terribly; dreadfully; unbelievably; inexpressibly; atrociously; shamefully; brazenly; ostentatiously; openly; crudely; blindly; darkly; coarsely; rudely; brutishly; shockingly; appallingly

    Heave (v) adverbs

    bodily; fulsomely; breathlessly; spasmodically; tumultuously; intermittently; laboriously, oppressively

    (See throw, lift.)

    Heavenly adverbs

    delectably; ecstatically; divinely; utterly; altogether; consummately; ineffably

    Heaviness adjectives

    unaccustomed; palpable; dreamy; lifeless; curious; embraced; languid; singular; deceptive; moody


    augment—; burden with—; cast—over; counterbalance—; discard—; drowse under —; dump—; enter with a sense of—; lament —; seize with—; shed—; —angers; —dejects; —displeases; —enrages; —manifests; —oppresses; —saddens; counterpoise—

    (See weight, gravity, sadness, despondency, dejection.)

    Heavings adjectives

    tumultuous; needless; intermittent

    Heavy adverbs

    grievously; financially; painfully; economically; unwarrantably; dreadfully; pitifully; gravely; unendurably; increasingly; unnecessarily; inescapably; seriously; insufferably; dangerously; unusually; strangely; unfortunately; cumbrously; monstrously; oppressively; aggravating!}-; vexatiously; unjustly; tragically; embarrassingly

    Heckler verbs

    “bounce” out—; court—; encounter—; oust —; remove—; subdue—; —annoys; —bests; —bothers; —catechizes; —chastises; —contends; —derides; —examines; —irks; — irritates; —plagues; —questions; —scolds; —teases; —wrangles

    (See pest, audience.)

    Hectic adverbs

    feverishly; terribly; tensely; excitably; emotionally; crucially; breathlessly; hysterically; impetuously; poignantly; thrillingly; violently; hotly; angrily; decidedly; bitterly; intensely; peculiarly; curiously; strangely; queerly; extremely; inexplicably; unaccountably; unwarrantably; unusually

    Hedge adjectives

    lofty; wayside; impenetrable; rustic; decorative; thorny; prickly; flowery

    Heed adjectives

    prudent; accurate; immediate; absent

    Heed (t) adverbs

    carefully; scrupulously; painstakingly; anxiously; prudently; cautiously; instinctively; characteristically; habitually

    (See attend, notice, regard.)

    Heedless adverbs

    provokingly; intolerably; inherently; habitually; thoughtlessly; incorrigibly; stupidly; nonchalantly; indifferently; wilfully; obstinately; stubbornly; sadly; grievously; cruelly; pathetically; unwisely; foolishly; frivolously; inexcusably; recklessly; rashly; dangerously; deplorably; lamentably; incurably; shockingly; frightfully

    Heel adjectives

    hindermost; unmesmerized; official; wavering; hoofed; despotic; miry; flying; cloven; heavy


    blister—; click—s; clutch at—s; cool—s; crush with—; drive—into; hang up by—s; squat on—s; trample beneath—; —s clatter; —s kick up dust

    (See foot, end, bottom.)

    Heifer adjectives

    illustrious; languid; breathing

    Height adjectives

    level; pinnacle; considerable; winged; excessive; unsuspected; glimmering; definite; prayerful; azure; wooded; extreme; odorous; pernicious; opposite; embattled; sequestered; serene; gigantic; hoary; mountain; empty; dizzy; commanding; tiptoeing; entrenched; glittering; extravagant; wind-worn; crystal; preposterous; towering; dark; craggy; moon-bewildering; garden; considerable; grand; sunlit; yonder; stream-riven; fixed; heavenly; immortal; fantastic; mounting; reachless; impressive; matchless; panoramic; helpless; immeasurable; divine; daring; obvious; empyreal; utmost; heroic; lofty; bristling; perilous; superb; dusky; eloquent; slippery; desolate; gleaming; barren; sovereign; immense; barometric; melancholy; distant; emerald; rocky; stately; adverse; unscalable; noble; massy; sun-scorched; bleak; appointed; waxen; grassy; historic; fortified; starry-headed; inordinate: difficult; full; gray; grave; rugged; precipitous; supernal; financial


    ascend to—; attain—; attempt—; average —; depend on—; descend—; discover—; fall from—; gain—; mount—s; raise to—; reach—s; rise to—; scale—; set on—; situate on—; soar to—; view from—; — amazes; —slopes down

    (See altitude, stature, eminence, zenith, summit.)

    Heinous adverbs

    atrociously; abominably; diabolically; criminally; brutally; shamefully; basely; feloniously; flagitiously; flagrantly; deliberately; foully; villainously; viciously; wickedly; incalculably; iniquitously; immeasurably; inexpressibly; grossly; shamelessly; indecently

    Heir adjectives

    spiritual; immediate; unexpected; lineal; natural; indolent; unwitting; blissful; legitimate; recognized; lavish; contentious; beauteous; joyous; adopted; prodigal; illustrious; peasant-born; true; spendthrift; gilded; impatient


    apportion to—s; bear—; bequeath to—; curse—; endow—; enrich—; extort from—; guard—; impose on—; nominate—; present with—; prey on-—s; tax—s; will to—; yearn for—; —acquires; —is entitled to; —overjoys; —succeeds

    (See offspring, child.)

    Helm adjectives

    thronging; prosperous; passive; obedient verbs

    abandon—; control—; course—; ease—; govern—; handle—; lash to—; menace—; manipulate—; meddle with—; mind—; operate—; order to—; post at—; slander—; steer at—; wrestle with—; —cares; —directs; —guides

    (See wheel, guidance, helmet, pilot, guide, command; control, administration.)

    Helmet adjectives

    pith; vicious-looking; fire; leather; superb; spiked; conical; flat-topped; glittering


    arm with—; attire in—; balance—; bear—; break through—; furnish—; open—; pad—; penetrate—; pierce—; polish—; provide—; supply—; top with—; —clanks; —crowns; —defends; —prevents; —protects; —reflects ; —resists ; —rests on

    (See hat.)

    Hell adjectives

    pitiless; multitudinous; impious; dismal; high-vaulted; yawning; gratuitous; incipient; tangible; monster-teeming; ever-burning; social; inevitable; fabled; jealous; fearsome; inextricable; earth-consuming


    boil in—; burn in—; chain in—; condemn to—; damn to—; deliver from—; descend to—; doom to—; dwell in—; embark for—; escape—; lead to—; parch in—; plunge into—; punish in—; purify in—; sink in—; torment in—; torture in—; —breaks loose; —devours; —flames; —gapes; —scorches; —shadows; —threatens

    (See torment, torture, flame.)

    Help adjectives

    indispensable; senseless; agreeable; distinct; explanatory; simple; invaluable; adventitious; slender; ever-present; effective; sympathetic; availing; unbiased; beneficial; relative; mutual; timely; injurious


    afford—; clamor for—; consent to—; furn-. ish—; invoke—; obtain—; present—; procure—; profit by—; promise—; provide—; purchase—; refuse—; render—; seek—; — ameliorates; —amends; —augments; — benefits; —delivers; —extricates; —relieves; —remedies

    (See aid, assistance, remedy, relief, succor, co-operation, support.)

    Hellish adverbs

    barbarously; fiendishly; inhumanly; inexpressibly; unutterably; indecently; abysmally; accursedly; basely; flagitiously; nefariously; enormously; monstrously; outrageously; obscenely

    Help (f) adverbs

    chivalrously; effectually; materially; cheerfully; perversely; personally; generously; precipitately; leisurely; adventitiously; sympathetically; beneficially; mutually

    (See aid, assist, alleviate.)

    Helpful adverbs

    ingratiatingly; amiably; delightfully; obsequiously; ostentatiously; pompously; unspeakably; amazingly; providentially; accommodatingly; cordially; willingly; eagerly; courteously: habitually; unusually; significantly; heartily; resolutely; dutifully; civilly; servilely; loftily; exceedingly; extremely; gravely; graciously; charmingly; freely; gruffly; roughly; awkwardly; childishly; lovingly; affectionately; skillfully; politely; bluntly; generously; splendidly; surprisingly

    Helpfulness adjectives

    patient; cordial; mutual; unassuming

    Helpless adverbs

    pitiably; weakly; incurably; intentionally; gloomily; abjectly; depressingly; desolately; inconceivably; ludicrously; comically; horribly; woefully; dismally; gravely; seriously; inconsolably; sadly; desperately; obviously; unreasonably; piteously; tragically; actually; absolutely

    Helplessness adjectives

    silent; ignominious; sudden; revealed; unconscious; utter; galling; bitter


    accuse of—; alleviate—; attack—; conceal —; degenerate into—; discover—; grieve over—; increase—; lament—; relieve—; remedy—; retire into—; ridicule—; scorn —; sink into—; —amazes; —angers; — crushes; —despairs; —distresses; —oppresses

    (See weakness.)

    Helpmate adjectives

    devoted; feeble; imperious

    Helter-Skelter adverbs                                    

    horribly; laughingly; hilariously; precipitately; confusedly; boisterously; joyously; triumphantly; hastily; breathlessly; impetuously; riotously; tumultuously; uproariously; madly; wildly; inordinately; extraordinarily; tempestuously; happily

    Hemispheric adverbs

    broadly; surprisingly; expansively; extensively; liberally; hospitably; comprehensively; increasingly; generously; magnanimously; necessarily; commonly; strangely; designedly; intentionally; significantly; preferably

    Hemorrhage verbs

    arrest—; check—; control—; delay—; diminish—; excite—; induce—; prevent—; produce—; repress—; risk—; stem—; succumb to—; suffer—; treat—; —ceases; —diminishes; —endangers; —ensues; —gushes; — pours; —recurs; —spouts

    (See discharge, bleeding, blood.)

    Hen adjectives

    scrawny; rained-on; cackling; maternal; speckled; teeming (pl); unsung; matronly-minded


    (See chicken, bird.)

    Herald adjectives

    pale; perfect; tempestuous; flame-tongued; sad-faced

    Herb adjectives

    winged; aromatic; tender; fragrant; artificial; vivid; bespangling; poisonous; tufted; enchanted; beneficial; culinary; trodden; baneful; pungent; grassy


    administer—; collect—s; crop—s; cultivate —s; devour—; feast on—s; feed on—s; flavor with—s; garnish with—s; gather—s; market—s; overgrow with—s; prescribe—s; yield to—; —abounds; —cures; —flowers; —stimulates; —withers

    (See plant, grass.)

    Herbage adjectives

    sprouting; autumnal

    Herculean adverbs

    distressingly; arduously; obscurely; obviously; evidently; notably; desperately; formidably; toilsomely; laboriously; operosely; stoutly; gigantically; hardily; overwhelmingly; robustly; irresistibly; inexhaustibly; wirily; unconquerably; invincibly; astonishingly; remarkably; inexpressibly; admirably; wondrously; enormously; onerously; extraordinarily; tremendously

    Herd adjectives

    bellowing; stolid; fear-crazed; vulgar; w'eanling; scaly; meager; wild; wanton; maddening; weaponless; turbulent; servile; careless; drooping; wandering; innumerable (pl); untamable; countless (pl); incomparable; quiet; gentle; sarcastic; nightmare; diminishing; woolly; profane; galloping; tempting


    abandon—; assemble in—; associate with—; break—; breed in—; cluster in—; congregate in—; control—; destroy—; drive—; gather in—; guard—; join—: lead—; mingle among—; prey on—; rule—; single out of—; slaughter—; stall—; stampede—; —lows; —grazes; —perishes; —ranges; — treks

    (See rabble, crowd, flock. )

    Hereditary adverbs

    supposedly; probably; definitely; questionably; sadly; unfortunately; allegedly; highly; occasionally; decidedly; basically; intrinsically; invariably; naturally; ineradic-ably; lamentably; possibly; undoubtedly

    Heredity adjectives

    contaminated; established; epileptic; definite; patent


    boast of—; claim—; degenerate trom—; disparage—; doubt—; envy—; interest in —; praise—; renounce—; revere—; revile —; scorn—; stain—; trace—; transmit by —; —burdens; —constrains; —decays; — governs; —heightens; —influences; —instills; —polishes; —weakens

    (See ancestors, birth, father.)

    Heresy adjectives

    literary; passing; downright


    abhor—; accuse of—; confess—; create—; curb—; dare—; defeat—; denounce—; destroy—; excommunicate for—; incur—; interpret as—; protest—; renounce—; revenge —; ridicule—; scan—; shake off—; work—

    —denies; —enrages; —mocks; —offends; —scoffs; —taints; —tolerates

    Heretic verbs

    approve—; burn—; consider—; curb—; denounce—; deprive—; disapprove of—; disperse—s; ignore—; lament—; punish—; regard—; reject—; ridicule—; scoff at—; tolerate—; weed out—s; —denies; —disbelieves; —disobeys; —disregards; —enrages; —mocks; —offends; —preaches; —professes

    Heretics adjectives

    obstinate; upstart; vile; gruff; brash

    Heritage adjectives

    national; rich; common; splendid; precious; deathless; destined; princely; classic; inalienable; unexpected; useless; noble; sempiternal; dramatic


    acquire—; administer—; allot—; bequeath —; bestow'—; bless—; cherish—; claim—; curse—; devolve—; endow—; entitle to—; envy—; execute—; extort—; govern—; present—; preserve—; provide—; reserve—; shear of—; stipulate—; transmit—; —devolves; —overjoys; —provides

    (See inheritance, birthright, estate.)

    Hermit adjectives

    stalwart; genial; lesser; lone; withered; solitary

    Hero adjectives

    unambitious; grotesque; noble; ghostly; beauteous; self-made; admirable; laureled; wonder-working; overbearing; martyred; spiritual; chivalrous; scatterbrained; ornithological; fettered; picturesque; classic; omnipresent; unassuming; stalwart; fabulous; incompetent; energetic; honored; renowned; contemporary; mythic; legendary; vulgar; gentle; immaculate; doughty; stout; worthy; transcendental; portentous; immortal; barbarous; discomfited; erring; illustrious; incomparable; splendid


    acclaim—; admire—; cheer—; decorate—; distinguish—; emulate—; enhance—; esteem —; glorify—; hail as—; honor—; identify oneself with—; indebt to—; pity—; respect —; reverence—; shoulder—;’ supplant—; sympathize with—; venerate—; worship—; —achieves; —braves; —conquers; —courts; —deserves; —excels in; —fades; —regales; —rescues; —rises; —suffers; —withers

    (See champion, character, actor, God.)

    Heroin verbs

    addict to—; analyze—; confiscate—; crave —; derive—from; dissolve—; dose with—; drug with—; forbid—; import—; ingest—; inject—; insufflate—; smuggle—; subject to —; —allays; —anaesthetizes; —depresses; —enslaves; —numbs; —relieves; —victimizes

    (See narcotic, drug, )

    Heroine adjectives

    persecuted; peerless; sentimental; fallen; durable; revengeful


    acclaim—; identify oneself with—; worship —; —beguiles; —bewitches; —blushes; — captivates; —charms; —enchants; —enraptures; —entrances; —fascinates; —gladdens; —ravishes; —shrinks; —suffers; — transports; —wins

    (See character, hero.)

    Heroism adjectives

    volcanic; unmatched; reckless; romantic; foredoomed; cowering; potential; fierce; intolerant; dauntless; latent; melodramatic; ostentatious; vulgar; showy


    abate—; aim at—; commend—; conduct with—; contemplate—; crown with—; display—; emulate—; extol—; frown upon—; illustrate—; imitate—; laud—; perform—; reflect—; reward—; sacrifice to—; —dazzles; —glorifies; —merits; —sparkles

    (See valor, courage, bravery, fortitude.)

    Heron verbs

    —calls; —circles; —colonizes; —croaks; — fishes; —flaps; —gossips; —impales; — roosts; —shies away; —snaps up; —soars

    —squawks; —wades; —wings

    (See bird.)

    Herons adjectives

    long-necked; crested; great; night; long-beaked; stately; graceful

    Hesitancy adjectives

    strange; grave; chaiacteristic; reserved; courteous; apparent; awkward; blushing

    Hesitant adverbs

    capriciously; captiously; uncertainly; reluctantly; doubtfully; stammeringly; change-ably; indecisively; timidly; weakly; irresolutely; deliberately; falteringly; wavering-ly; feebly; tormentingly; infirmly; unsteadily; tremulously; s.gnificantly; fearfully

    Hesitate (v) adverbs

    fatally; ominously; dubiously; thoughtfully; inexplicably; imperceptibly; timorously; characteristically; coquettishly; momentarily

    (See vacillate, falter.)

    Hesitation adjectives

    sensitive; obvious; imitative; painful; surprised; charming; inexplicable; imperceptible; timorous; controlled; characteristic; awkward; coquettish; momentary; inelo-quent


    banish—; conceal—; decry—; deny—; grieve over—; lament—; pretend—; reproach—; shrink in—; stagger in—; stammer in—; tear with—; —confounds; —endangers; —frustrates; —haunts; —loses; — perplexes; —prevents; —shames; —tortures; —embarrasses

    (See doubt, uncertainty.)

    Hew (v) adverbs

    roughly; bravely; ambitiously; vigorously; industriously; stalwartly; robustly; untiringly

    (See cut, sever.)

    Hide adjectives

    tawny; spotted; shaggy; strange-colored; swarthy; horny; silken; callous; precious; crafty; withered; tanned

    Hide (v


    effectually; obscurely; modestly; instinctively; completely; craftily; skillfully; subtly; avariciously

    (See conceal, mask, cloak.)

    Hidebound adverbs

    inordinately; deplorably; unfortunately; stubbornly; obstinately; oddly; curiously; provincially; narrowly; dogmatically; intolerantly; fanatically; immovably; inflexibly; perversely; tenaciously; doggedly; mulishly; ungenerously; terribly; notably; notoriously

    Hideous adverbs

    outrageously; inordinately; extraordinarily; unbearably; grossly; terribly; indescribably; starkly; grotesquely; immoderately; monstrously; piteously; cruelly; shockingly; dreadfully; pathetically; horribly; repulsively; inexpressibly; appallingly

    Hideousness adjectives

    naked; unshaped; outward; grim; gross

    Hiding-Place adjectives

    primeval; undisturbed; criminal; undiscovered ; discreet

    Hierarchy adjectives

    lofty; definite; centralized; disciplined; administrative; apostolical

    High adverbs

    eminently; prominently; gigantically; monstrously; terrifyingly; incredibly; inordinately; supremely; toweringly; enormously; immensely; infinitely; astonishingly; essentially; extraordinarily; fabulously; preposterously; prodigiously; unsuitably; impossibly; confoundedly; frightfully; horribly; immeasurably; incalculably; delightfully; gloriously; marvellously; particularly; peculiarly; dangerously; perilously; hazardously; singularly; strikingly; woefully; cruelly; awfully; wonderfully; miraculously

    Highborn adverbs

    aristocratically; nobly; notably; gently; undeniably; obviously; evidently; unmistakably; unquestionably; proudly; consciously; illustriously; eminently; admittedly; palpably; undeniably; avowedly; allegedly; probably

    Highness adjectives

    imperial; incredible; unspeakable; breathless

    High-Spirited adverbs

    unusually; delightfully; infectiously; ineffably; happily; radiantly; irrepressibly; hilariously; boisterously; blithely; merrily; mirthfully; teasingly; mockingly; contagiously ;. charmingly; immeasurably; ardently

    High IV AY adjectives

    crooked; invisible; leaf-hung; imperial; dusty; dubious; traffic-crowded; smooth; sleek; arterial; tree-lined; panoramic


    block—; cruise on—; drive along—; follow —; frequent—; keep to—; laud—; motor along—; patrol—; perceive—; protect—; roll along—; stream down—; traverse—; tread—; —connects; —divides; —endures; —gleams; —leads to; —winds

    (See road, thoroughfare, way.)

    Highwayman verbs

    apprehend—; defend against—; execute—; hang—; overtake—; protect from—; pursue—; resist—; —appropriates; —deprives of; —escapes; —frequents; —frightens; — gorges on; —plagues; —preys upon; —terrorizes; —victimizes

    (See robber, thief.)

    Hilarious adverbs

    uproariously; merrily; heartily; noisily; infectiously; contagiously; enthusiastically; ef-fervescently; audaciously; mischievously; intensely; uncommonly; deliriously; unbeComingly; convulsively; irrepressibly; unmanageably; irresponsibly; joyously; blithely; enviably; delightfully; sociably; foolishly; nonsensically; senselessly; consummately; utterly; unrestrainedly; uncontrollably; youthfully; magnificently; jubilantly; inexplicably; warrantably; gleefully

    Hilarity adjectives

    audacious; mischievous; intense; reckless; increasing; delirious; unbecoming; misdirected


    attempt—; conceal—; conduce to—; enliven to—; excite to—; feign—; flush with—; inspire—; overcome with—; provoke—; reduce—; season with—; spend in—; temper —; —brightens; —diverts; —fades; — flows; —palls; —pours from; —seizes; — solaces; —tires; —wanes; —wearies

    (See mirth, glee, gayety, jollity.)

    Hill adjectives

    gleaming; moon-tortured; green-clad; emerald; autumn-tinted; moon-swept; dense; verdured; moonlit; silver; verdant; radiant; silent; shimmering; bright; stony; tawny; soft; rolling; gentle; peak; shadowed; scarred; rock-ribbed; primeval; neighboring; dripping; innocent; reverberating; ferny; naked; forest-cinctured; long-contested; alluring; picturesque; arid; delicious; slanting; soilless; heathery; dry; parched; savage; desolate; ghastly; treeless; volcanic; lower; square-topped; uprooted; eternal; full-grassed; lavish; granite; terraced; breezy; heaped; ever-changing; windy; environing; , many-faced ; vine-covered; overhanging; massive; bare; steep; incomparable; squalid; encompassing; disturbed; sequestered; pastoral; haughty; bald; bleak; commanding; breezy; ancient; folded; pulpy; conical; cup-shaped; quaking; parched; steadfast; skirting; everlasting; undulating; opprobrious; huge; inferior; barren; disconsolate; invisible; chalk; low-lying; alluvial; rolling; smooth; dawning; wooded; remote; defiant; eternal; silent; dominating; romantic; pestilent; rhododendron; distant; thic-keted; sunny; dusty; windy; colored; precipitous; echo-giving; sun-baked; classical; retiring; cindery; pine-clad; spotless; milk-en; swelling; carven; monumental; forked; savage; timbered; rocky; rock-ribbed; answering; ice-clad; templed; leaping; heathery; pastoral; reeking; distorted; detached; high; utmost; flowery; populous; bustling; fertile; bedimmed; dreary; dark; cloud-capped; sun-kissed; umbrageous; misty; lowering; superb; billowy; consecrated; sterile; craglike; dewy; trembling


    ascend—; cap—; clear away—; coast down —; crown—; descend—; dwell in —s; heap into —s; observe from—; peep over—; retreat to —s; scale—; settle in —s; stray to —s; survey from—; toil up—; tumble down —; —arises; —charms; —s dot; -—s encroach; —s entrance; —flanks; —s greet; —interposes; —shades; —shadows; mount

    (See heap, mountain.)

    Hillock adjectives

    scattered (pl); mortal; isolated; palmy; snowy

    Hillside adjectives

    exposed; rounded; blackened; placid; flower-starred; pine-plumed; swelling; sunburned; slippery; sloping; stony; rocky; steep


    belt—; conceal in—; conduct to—; devastate —; frequent—; inhabit—; mount—; outline —; ravage—; roam—; rove—; settle on—; stream down—; survey—; —blooms; — charms; —flowers; —slopes

    (See hill, bank.)

    Hilltop adjectives

    arduous; breezy; grassy; sun-begoldened

    Hind adjectives

    loitering; heartless

    Hinder (v) adverbs

    unendurably; insurmountably; irritatingly; tremendously; irksomely; painfully; burden-somely

    (See retard, obstruct.)

    Hindrance adjectives

    outward; tremendous; insurmountable


    condemn—; contribute—; decry—; endure —; erect—; grieve over—; lament—; object to—; overcome—; present—; provide—; remove—; —embarrasses; —frustrates; —objects; —perplexes; —perturbs; —prevents; —threatens

    (See obstruction, obstacle, interruption, delay, restraint, disadvantage.)

    Hinge verbs

    attach with—; bind with—; hang on—; join with—; lift off—; lubricate—; manipulate on—; nail—; pin—; pivot on—; prop on—; rest on—; revolve on—; swing on—; turn on—; —groans; —supports; —unites; — yields

    (See joint.)

    Hinges adjectives

    rusty; rusted; pregnant; musical

    Hint adjectives

    significant; practical; private; curious; advantageous; prompt; dark; rude; lavish; sundry (pl); ineffectual; equivocal; grotesque; doubtful; oblique; vague; suggestive; friendly; occult; elusive; unintelligible; insinuated; intimated


    afford—; catch—; comprehend—; contemplate—; convey—; derive — from; heed—; ignore—; infer—; interpret—; perceive—; proffer—; provide—; respond to—; seek—; seize on—; suggest—; weigh—; —distresses; —implies; —indicates; —insinuates; — promises

    (See intimation, insinuation, suggestion.)

    Hint (v) adverbs

    barely; delicately; obscurely; wickedly; privately; bashfully; significantly; curiously; vaguely; suggestively; unintelligibly

    (See intimate, imply.)

    Hippopotamus verbs

    —ambles; —bathes; —charges; —crushes

    • •—damages; —dives; —floats; —s herd

    • —puffs; —scoops; —sinks; —snorts; —submerges; —splashes; ■.—swims; —tramples

    (See animal.)

    Hips adjectives

    supple; spacious; smooth; rounded; flabby; powerful; streamlined; swaying; bolstered; slim; sinewy; snake-like

    Hireling adjectives

    sanguinary; base

    Hiss verbs

    deride with—; disapprove with —s; dread —; drive away with —s; emit—; express in —; greet with—; ignore—; inject—; overhear—; revile with—; scorn with—; utter —; voice in—; whisper—; —drowns; — disparages; —disturbs; —heckles

    (See sound, noise.)

    Hiss (v) adverbs

    menacingly; vehemently; venomously; sibil-antly; spitefully; viciously

    (See whisper, sound, sing.)

    Historian adjectives

    eloquent; contemporary; romancing; hostile; elegant; fact-grubbing; ecclesiastical; celebrated; apt

    Historic adverbs

    minutely; authoritatively; authentically; accurately; specifically; allegedly; avowedly; evidently; obviously; verifiably; graphically; scarcely; valuably; splendidly; eminently; significantly; serviceably; admirably; indubitably; undeniably

    Historical adverbs

    slightly; suggestively; traditionally; pleasantly; entertainingly; reminiscently; extravagantly; crudely; accurately; extraordinarily; dully; monotonously; tiresomely; artistically; thrillingly; graphically; entirely; instructively; nostalgically; broadly; generally; altogether; closely

    History adjectives

    administrative; thrilling; painful; fashion; family; significant; ecclesiastical; contemporary; much-revised; educational; diplo-tnatic; stormy; dazzling; tragic; informal; revolutionary; fateful; detailed; typographical; limited; subsequent; pertinent; simple; painstaking; scathing; episodical; future; institutional; human; lamentable; uneventful; monumental; inglorious; noble; pathetic; spiritual; artistic; chronological; natural; eminent; curious; remote; consecutive; authentic; sacred; profane; feigned; forgotten; informative; terrible; impartial; tumultuous; confused; picturesque; incontrovertible; financial; commercial; secret; ancestral; copious; accurate; narrative; inductive; impartial; venerable; social; governmental; international; aesthetic; piteous; wondrous; separate; tender; eventful; glorious; wretched; wisdom-woven; tribal; invaluable; naval; religious; prejudiced; conjectural; school; unrecorded; benevolent; problematical; winged; eventful; gradual; fragrant; subsequent; early; economic; anecdote; magnificent; musical; political; dignified; literary; exhaustive; fantastic; subsequent; authoritative


    burrow into—; “debunk”—; delve into—; derive from—; dig through—; exhibit in—; expatiate on—; falsify—; garnish—; glean from—; informalize—; modify—; record—; recount—; review — of; shape—; suppress —of; telescope—; trace—; unfold—of; — dates back to; —enchants; —enshrines; — extends to; —recurs; —reflects; —throws light upon

    (See narrative, tale, story, book, account.)

    Histrionic adverbs

    attractively; technically; alluringly; seductively; extravagantly; spectacularly; ludicrously; dramatically; absurdly; brilliantly; splendidly; inexpressibly; unexpectedly; illustriously; magnificently; competently; melodramatically; ably; tragically; operatical-ly; stagily; stupendously; sensationally; incurably; immensely; pleasantly; exaggeratedly; uncommonly; remarkably; fantastically

    Hit verbs

    acclaim as—; anticipate—; applaud—; chance—; effect—; gain—; obtain—; pray for—; pronounce—; provide—; score—; strike—; —astonishes; —delights; —enriches; —reveals; —surprises

    (See blow, success, stroke., victory, triumph.)

    Hit (<-) adverbs

    severely; viciously; repeatedly; injuriously; cruelly; brutally; vigorously

    (See strike, beat, pound.)

    Hitch (v) adverbs

    unconsciously; impatiently; unexpectedly; clumsily; mechanically; automatically

    (See fasten, attach.)

    "Hitch-Hiker” Verbs

    Accommodate—; Arrest—; Bar —S; Convey —; Dispose Of—; Forbid—; Maroon—; Outlaw—; Pick Up—; Prohibit—; —Attacks; — Begs; —“Bums”; —Bunks (Colloq.) ; —“Chisels”; —Clambers Aboard; —Dodges; —S Dot; —Freights; —Legs; —Signals; —Tramps; —Thumbs

    " Hike adjectives

    scandalous; prolific; considerable; overloaded ; nest


    board in—; crowd—; destroy—; forsake—; gather in—; inhabit—; issue from—; locate in—; lodge in—; occupy—; store in—; swarm to—; watch over—; —busies; —buzzes; —houses; —shelters; —teems; —worships

    (See swarm, crowd, bees, box, home.)

    Hoard (v) adverbs

    avariciously; jealously; niggardly; meanly; fanatically; selfishly; desperately

    (See store, accumulate.)

    Hoarse adverbs

    curiously; strangely; alarmingly; dangerously; fearfully; inexplicably; speechlessly; stridently; harshly; coarsely; raucously; unpleasantly; gruffly; angrily; sepulchrally; deeply; gratingly; terrifyingly; suddenly; uncommonly; extraordinarily; remarkably; discordantly; terribly; horribly; excruciatingly

    Hoary adverbs

    venerably; patriarchally; ripely; perfectly; snowily; gracefully; distinctly; majestically; gloriously; honorably; splendidly; conspicuously; grandly; nobly

    Hoax verbs

    accept—; conceive—; contrive—; denounce —; espy—; frame—; impose — upon; manufacture—; perpetrate—; plan—; practise —; reveal—; spring—; vend—; —amuses; —deceives; —mystifies; —ridicules; —succeeds; —scares; —victimizes

    (See deception, joke, trick.)

    Hobble (v) adverbs

    painfully; feebly; laboriously; miserably; slowly; waveringly; falteringly

    (See limp, falter, walk.)

    Hobbling adverbs

    ineffectually; lamely; quietly; forlornly; wretchedly; limply; stumblingly; brokenly; distressingly; grievously; woefully; slowly; painfully; awkwardly; cumbrously; dreadfully; pathetically; sadly; uncomfortably; sturdily; crookedly; gayly; mournfully

    Hobby adjectives

    dominant; fascinating


    advocate—; allow—; dabble in—; devote to —; excel at—; favor—•; indulge in—; permit—; pursue—; ride—; school in—; suggest—; sympathize with—; tinker with—; trifle with—; —amuses; —delights; —diverts; —enthralls; —occupies; —relieves

    (See occupation, interest, vocation, topic, plan, pursuit.)

    Hobnob (v) adverbs

    jovially; fraternally; loquaciously; extravagantly; boisterously; democratically

    (See associate, mingle.)

    Hog adjectives

    goaded; ill-bred


    auction —s; breed —s; exhibit—; fatten—; market—; pen—; roast—; slaughter—; stable—; stick—; —devours; —farrows; — grunts; —hobbles; —snorts; —squeaks; — squeals; —wallows; —yields

    (See animal, pig.)

    Hold adjectives                             (grip

    spiritual; demoniac; tenacious; vise-like; passionate; careless; fragile; imploring; pocket


    bar—; break—; catch—; correct—; divert —; emerge from—; escape—; evade—; force—; gain — on; knit—; loose—; maintain—; mend—; obtain—; seize—; take—; —slips; —supports; —yields

    (See grasp, grip, authority, power, stronghold, refuge.)

    Hold verbs                                (ship

    assemble in—; ballast—; cache in—; chain in—; conceal in—; condemn to—; confine to —; couch in—; hide in—; lock in—; provide—; replenish—; stock in—; store in—; stow in—; stuff—

    (See interior, prison.)

    Hold (v) adverbs

    stubbornly; desperately; proudly; tenaciously; securely; frenziedly; obstinately; inviolably; jealqusly; staunchly; tenderly; tremulously; deferentially; permanently; stoutly; hungrily; tentatively; gingerly; dexterously; automatically; diplomatically

    (See grasp, clutch.)

    Holding adjectives

    large; theoretical; allotted

    “Holdup" ' verbs

    abet—; appropriate in—; curb—; deprive in —; escape—; execute—; frustrate—; plague with —s; protect from—; reduce —s; resist —; surprise in—; —appalls; —terrorizes

    (See assault, robbery.)

    Hole ad jc dives

    huge; nest; shallow; halfway; effective; deep; ragged; obvious; death-spitting; occasional; furtive; treacherous; dull; ghastly; obscure; ominous; vast; circular; expansive; inmost; gaping


    bore—; burrow—; conceal—; drill—; drive —; escape—; excavate—; hollow—; lurk in —; perforate—; pick —s; pierce—; plant in —; plug—; rot in—; sink into—; smother in —; thrust into—

    (See opening, cavity, pit, flaw, defect, hollow.)

    Holiday adjectives

    enforced; universal; conventional; invigorating; golden; pastoral; piecemeal; summer; sunshine; sparkling

    Holiness adjectives

    Pharisaical; penitential; assumed; outward


    brighten with—; cherish in—; commend—; dedicate to—; diffuse—; dispose to—; dwell in—; glow with—; manifest—; possess—; seek—; share—; shroud in—; touch with—; violate—; —beautifies; —charms; —glorifies; —inspires; —purifies

    (See sanctity, piety, sacredness, purity- )

    Hollo IE verbs

    bellow- through—; blow through—; bore—; depress—; enclose—; excavate—; fashion—; occupy—; rest in—; shape—; shelter in—; sink into—; thrust into—; —interposes

    (See cavity, depression, channel, basin, valley, hole.)

    Hollo IE NESS adjectives

    dreadful; echoing

    Hollo IES adjectives

    fleshless; intricate; unsuspected; desolate; windless; curving; curdled; starved; fearful; marshy; dreadful; dampish; arid; delicate; wide; cloudy; gaping; grassy

    Holy adverbs

    reverently; sacredly; divinely; altogether; consummately; perfectly; utterly; eternally; gloriously; infinitely; celestially; spiritually; ineffably; majestically; triumphantly; solemnly; consecratedly

    Homage adjectives

    poor; devoted; disinterested; glorious; reluctant; decorous; regal; unpurchasable; lowly; dreadful; wild; respectful; spontaneous; corporate; due; assiduous; grateful; humble; instinctive; loyal


    acknowledge—; bow- in—; demand—; do—; kneel in—; offer—; owe—; present—; profess—; render—; renounce—; submit to—; swear—; yield — to

    (See respect, deference, obeisance, loyalty.)

    Home adjectives

    kitchen; inn; lodge; nest; suitable; well-ordered; contemporary; devout; rustic; frugal; veritable; industrial; blazing; discriminating; earthly; deep-thatched; undiscovered; devastated; deep-sea; kindred; humble; hereditary; antiquated; exclusive; delegated; desolate; charming; handsome; eternal; secluded; cheerful; terrestrial; stately; gay; cool; inviting; vast; ancestral; unfathomable; peaceful; tainted; remote; simple; material; fond; sheaf-gathered; commodious; sumptuous; unpretentious; reeking; love-guarded; sordid; trim-built; stainless; convenient; historic; palatial; sullen; cloudy; sylvan; silent; distinguished; year-round; fine; perfect; holiday; ideal; primeval; airy; wanton; antenatal; sheltered; chaotic; glory; flooded; peasant; spacious; uninhabitable; artistic; eternal; comfortable; resplendent; imperiled; tiny; congenial; dismantled; annihilated; defenseless; orthodox; dainty


    abide at—; admire—; banish from—; bless —; cleave to—; cut loose from—; dream of —; escort—; evict from—; flee from—; frequent — of; install in—; lodge at—; long for—; lounge at—; master—; nurse in—; prefer—; preserve—; prize—; provide—; repair to—; sequester in—; survey—; tie to —; troop—; uproot from—; wander from —; welcome—; —beckons; —charms; — cheers; —comforts; —delights; —eases; — protects; —shelters

    (See abode, house, residence, dwelling- )


    miserably; wretchedly; desolately; pitiably; cruelly; bitterly; unhappily; incredibly; unfortunately; unluckily; forlornly; pitifully; deservedly; naturally; oddly; curiously; particularly; outrageously; desperately; dreadfully; hopelessly; helplessly; lonesomely; friendlessly; inconceivably; unbelievably; definitely; ironically; disconsolately; dismally; drearily

    Homely adverbs

    forbiddingly; awkwardly; clumsily; frightfully; gracelessly; gauntly; haggardly; horribly; monstrously; shockingly; undeniably; simply; plainly; manifestly; curiously; unaffectedly; strangely; dully; avowedly; un-disguisedly; outlandishly; indifferently; uncommonly; oddly; cheerfully; sturdily; imperturbably; wholesomely; pleasantly; unconcernedly

    Homesick adverbs

    actually; seriously; evidently; manifestly; signally; dangerously; alarmingly; fearfully ; frightfully; truly; irrecoverably; desperately; extraordinarily; naturally; slightly; extremely; comprehensibly; bitterly; ruefully; sorely; insatiably; woefully; miserably; sadly; wretchedly; appallingly; shockingly; critically; unaffectedly; irremediably; unaccountably; terribly

    Homesickness adjectives

    drear; desperate; dread; supportable; nostalgic; prolonged; pronounced


    affect with—; conceal—; control—; doom to —; intensify—; moan in—; waste in—; yield to—; —afflicts; —arises; —depresses

    —eats; —fatigues; —mars; —recurs; —saddens;.—steals over; —troubles; —wracks

    (See nostalgia, sadness.)

    Homily verbs

    address—; ascribe — to; attribute—; compose—; cultivate—; deliver—; excel in—; issue—; preach—; pronounce—; —awes; — bores; —edifies; —explains; —impresses; — moralizes; —pursues; —tires; —wearies

    (See sermon, discourse.)


    absolutely; naturally; sincerely; honorably; morally; downright; altogether; completely; ingenuously; innately; inherently; unreservedly; habitually; constitutionally; virtuously; courageously; bravely; fearlessly; candidly; impartially; fairly; faithfully; sometimes; usually; spasmodically; incorrupt-ibly; loyally; punctiliously; meticulously; respectably; reputably; scrupulously; trust-worthily; conscientiously; frankly; inviolably; stainlessly; staunchly; uprightly; utterly; strictly; basically; unimpeachably; fundamentally; essentially; unshakably; apparently

    Honesty adjectives

    basic; unimpeachable; unquestioned; belated; savage; strict; intrinsic; childlike; shakable; tribal; crystal; rigid; sham; confirmed; intellectual; surface; apparent


    approve—; assert—; boast of—; conduct with—; consider—; corrupt—; depend on—; desire—; inspect—; instill—; praise—; proclaim—: require—; respect—; test—; trust —; try—; undermine—; violate—; —repays; —rewards; —shines

    (See integrity, sincerity, fairness.)

    Honey adjectives

    pure; limpid; thick; flavored; fine; fermented; amber; sweet; nectareous

    Honeysuckle verbs

    attire in—; bear—; cultivate—; naturalize —; ripen—; shower—; suck—; —attracts; —beautifies; —blooms; —clings; —clutches; —crawls; —creeps; —entwines; —exudffs; —flowers; —garlands; —glorifies; —scents; —wreathes

    (See flower, plant, shrub, vine.)

    Honor adjectives

    dropsied; chivalrous; grave; cleansed; distinguished; weM-earned; disinterested; enduring; foolish; royal; material; artistic; literary; scientific; sensitive; unprecedented; worldly; assaulted; blushing; academic; unviolated; unending; proffered; divine; proclaiming; professional; questionable; mur

    dered; high; hereditary; especial; bridal; double; unsullied: primitive; imposing; petty; immortal; moral; worthy; blushing; liberal; empty; posthumous; fading; false; unblemished; sunny; perpetual; troublesome; maiden; special; unwonted; proud; dangerous; unsolicited; unexpected; long-transmitted; diplomatic; low-declmed; conspicuous; haughty; civic; reverent; jealous; innumerable (pl); scrupulous; dangerous; platonic; strict; dimmed; unpretending; doubtful; sacred; slight; actual; mothercity


    accord—; assail—; attest to—; avenge—; bestow—; clothe with—; confer—upon; covet—; heap—; invoke—; lavish—; outrage —; pay—; preserve—; reflect upon—; sacrifice—; satisfy—; sell—; solicit—; stain—; steal—; sully—, vie for—; walk away with —; —overjoys

    (See esteem, respect, chastity, virtue, glory, reverence, reputation, dignity.)

    Honor (v) adverbs

    chastely; scrupulously; undeviatingly; academically; uniquely; faithfully; royally; materially; artistically; scientifically; scholastically; professionally; perpetually; posthumously; diplomatically; formally

    (See revere, esteem, respect.)

    Honorable adverbs

    reputably; supposedly; allegedly; unshakably; irreproachably; sincerely; strictly; fundamentally; naturally; basically; dependably; reliably; altogether; innately; virtuously; fearlessly; intrepidly; courageously; impartially; incorruptibly; loyally; carefully; apparently; utterly; staunchly; scrupulously; meticulously; remarkably; notably; notoriously; illustriously; eminently; utterly

    Hood adjectives

    riven; purpled; drooping

    Hoodlum (colloq.)

    breed—s; chastise—; denounce—; disperse —s; punish—; shelter—; warn—; —annoys; —absconds; —baffles; —damages; —drifts

    —dodges; —escapes; —evades; —s gang

    —s gather; —harms; —snatches; —threatens

    (See gangster, robber, thief, criminal.)

    Hoof verbs

    caulk—s; file—s; muffle—s; paw with—s; protect—s; shoe—s; stamp—s; trim—s; —s clang; —s clank; —s clatter; —s clink; —s drum; —s furrow the ground; —s pound; —s roar; —strikes; —thuds

    (See foot.)

    Hoofs adjectives

    stamping; cloven; devilish; edged; delicate; ironshod; flying; plunging; unshod; clattering; clumsy; galloping: clanging; rattling; death-dealing; heavy; awkward



    nail; peg; rusty; anchoring


    arm with—; angle with—; bait with—; bend with—; capture with—; cast—; drag with—s; draw—; grapple with—; grasp with—; hang on—; raise with—s; seize with—; snare with—; suspend from—; — catches; —cuts; —links; —penetrates; — secures; —snags

    (See clasp, snare, trap, pin.)

    Hoot adjectives

    terrified; clanging

    Hoot (v) adverbs

    disconsolately; dismally; dolefully; scoffing-ly; monotonously; eerily; mockingly; jeer-ingly

    (See deride, denounce, shout.)

    Hop (v y adverbs

    nimbly; agilely; gaily; swiftly; lightly; sportively; merrily

    (See jump, frisk, bound.)

    Hope adjectives

    ardent; debarred; lingering; honest; deathless; best; sustaining; tremendous; awakened; buried; presumptuous; unearthly; fond; sole; latent; fiery; buoyant; visionary; absurd; unacknowledged; dead; darkened; false; trusting; unbounded; flowering; roseate; strained; sanguine; groveling; unraveled; indefatigable; twin-born; beautiful; inexperienced; baffled; extravagant; winged; frustrated - high-hearted; generous; departing; dauntless; quenchless; ripening; pale-cheeked; blighted; reverent; perfect; deceptive; patient; half-revealed; smallest; wildest; renewed; gray-haired; inspiriting; troublous; faltering; bursting; dazzling; holy; glorious; wandering; reactionary; lingering; flickering; dying; ardent; heartfelt; improbable; ruined; faded; freshening; blasted; fair; reasonable; trembling; increasing; slender; toppling; absolute; indefinite; dull; atrocious; vague; half-rallied; fruitless; parched; fervent; unchristian; untransmitted; histrionic; definite; decaying; broken; submissive; withered; forlorn; confident; earthly; full; fluttering; savage; pure; budding; tranquil; ultimate; shattered; vague; dreamy; inhaling; celestial; boundless; barren; thrilling; stubborn;, ambitious; tortured; dear; flattering; sweet; delusive; feeble; troubled; hovering; unworthy; impossible; natural; blessed; disappointed; prophetic; bright; raised; vain; realized; fallacious; dawning; gaudy; vulgar; future; delicious; exultant; brilliant; odious; perpetuating; latent; polite; desperate; famished; appointed; rekindled; reckless; improbable; countless (pl); yearning; feverish; joyous; sleeping; pathetic; obedient; spacious; intenser; perpetual; confiding; remote; innocent; grim; philosophic; cheerful; unheeded; supreme; trusting; undying; abandoned; inconsistent; earnest; greedy; blossoming


    afford—; attain—; base—:on ; blast—; blight —; center—s in; cherish—; cling to—; console with—; crush—s; culminate in—; dash —s; defer—; delude with—; discourage—; divest of—; entertain—; exaggerate—; fall from—; falsify—; flush with—; frustrate—; fulfill—; hatch—; hold out—; impart—; infuse—; inspire—; justify—; kindle—; pin —s on; prompt—; relinquish—; restore—; rouse—; splinter—; stimulate—; substantiate—; undermine—; voice—; —blossoms; —collapses; —deserts; —exalts; —flickers; —glimmers; —is born; —leaps high; — lingers; —looms; —mounts; —perks up; — sinks; —springs; —stirs; —vanishes; — wanes; realize—

    (See trust, reliance, expectation, optimism, anticipation.)

    Hope (adverbs

    vainly; fervidly; philosophically; optimistically; piously; fondly; desperately; fervently; devoutly; irresistibly; ardently; death-lessly; presumptuously; reverently; fallaciously; fruitlessly

    (See pray, desire, wish.)

    Hopeful adverbs

    joyously; mysteriously; unaccountably; pleasurably; excitedly; hysterically; passionately; thrillingly; unreasonably; impatiently; ardently; keenly; eagerly; charmingly; joyfully; fervently; patiently; gloriously; fairly; increasingly; stubbornly; naturally; exultantly; pathetically; philosophically; earnestly; crazily; presumptuously; fondly; absurdly; reverently; extraordinarily.

    Hopefulness adjectives

    desperate; perennial; gentle; indulgent

    Hopeless adverbs

    probably; apparently; unfortunately; pitiably; wretchedly; miserably; forlornly; utterly; desperately; disconcertingly; insuperably; absolutely; calmly; tragically; bitterly; stolidly; grimly; appallingly; secretly; blankly; speechlessly; frantically; utterly; extremely; undeniably; obviously; manifestly; finally; frightfully

    Hopelessness adjectives

    utter; cruel; black; dark; despairing


    bow down by—; complain of—; confront with—; doom to—; fret over—; groan with —; incline to—; lose in—; overcome—; paralyze with—; recognize—; reflect—; shroud in—; weight with—; —afflicts; —agonizes; —anguishes; —burdens; —clouds; —deadens; —desolates; —deters; —discourages; —saddens; —submerges; —weakens

    (See despair, despondency, pessimism, sadness.)


    miserable; motley; implacable; maddened; antlike; gray; conquering; impious; existing; vandal; rabble; elfish; veteran; rebellious; bleeding; barbarian; retreating; moving; turbulent; infuriated; undisciplined ; roving


    accumulate—; congregate—; gather in—; spring from—; —bands; —concentrates; — congests; —crowds; —crushes; —disbands; —disperses; —dwells; —flocks; —floods; — howls; —migrates; —mills about; —packs; —roams; —scatters; —stampedes; —strays; —swarms; —throngs; —thunders; —wanders

    (See crowd, swarm, pack, throng, multitude.)

    Horizon adjectives

    heavy; landscape; flushed; solar; soft; endless; ruddy; glowing; magnificent; dim; open; historical; sunny; misty; tinted; dull; dusky; hazy; mother-of-pearl; contracted; lost; dreadful; vaporous; moral; circling; wide; intellectual; mental; imperial; boundless; ever-receding; expanding; far-off


    blacken—; broaden—; emerge from—; enlarge—; expand—; hesitate on—; loom on —; obscure—; open—; survey—; widen—; —beckons; —broadens; —embraces; —lightens; —recedes

    (See line, range, border, boundary.)

    Horn adjectives

    toppling; dolorous; signaling; heavenly; masked; crescent; pellucid; sultry; impatient; lusty; sullen; formidable; barbarous; monstrous; cruel; long; .twanging; curving; gilded; distinct; insistent; audacious; clangorous


    bear—; defend with—; develop—; drive—s into; impale on—s; loose—s; pierce with—; pinion down with—; —butts; —drills; —s endanger; —s frighten; —s gore; —s lance; —s prick; —s punch; —s puncture; —s rip

    —s spike; —s threaten; —s wound

    (See antler, pin, point.)


    arouse—s; provoke—s; —attacks; —basks in; —bites; —hums; —s infest; —inflicts; —s nest; —perforates; —pierces; —pricks; —regurgitates; —riots; —s swarm

    (See wasp, bee, insect.)

    Horrible adverbs

    grimly; unexpectedly; surprisingly; naturally; inevitably; dismally; alarmingly; awfully; frightfully; tremendously; unforgettably; unspeakably; inexpressibly; abhorrently; sickeningly; nauseatingly; unbearably; intolerably; incredibly; wildly; gruesomely; dreadfully

    Horrid adverbs

    disgustingly; repulsively; shockingly; appallingly; offensively; abominably; atrociously; intolerably; unbearably; hideously; frightfully; unbelievably; incredibly; peculiarly; outrageously; unaccountably; positively; un-endurably; insufferably; uncommonly; unduly

    Horrified adverbs

    utterly; amazingly* dreadfully; astoundingly; blankly; startlingly; breathlessly; wordlessly; appallingly; indescribably; fearfully; inexpressibly

    Horror adjectives

    profound; damp; amused; attendant; alien; gentle; bragging; ignorant; scaly; untold; speechless; weary; blank; cloudy; congenial; superstitious; instinctive: unmitigated; invariable; distant; pious; ridiculous; accumulated; gloomy; hovering; incredulous; indescribable; quaint; formless; dismal; pursuing; sleepy; blank; misbegotten; fantastic; grisly; inseparable; supernumerary; unspeakable; stunned; anxious; nameless; ghastly; large-eyed; inconvenient; silent; inconceivable; insuperable; peculiar; infinite; tragic; cold; pungent; unimaginable; affected; incredible; dreary; unaccountable; shadowy; grim; journalistic; stunned; burlesque; incumbent; inactive; uncouth; utter; imaginary; positive; irrational; piercing; unfeigned; frightful; inexorable; intolerable; bloody; distant; mingled (pl); pale; unburied; childlike


    banish—; chill with—; conceal—; depict—; enhance—; expose—; freeze with—; ponder over—; recoil in—; reconstruct—; rise to the height of—; strike—; survey—; transfix with—; view with—; witness—; — grows; —strikes

    (See fear, dread, consternation.)

    Horse adjectives

    mustang; livestock; startled; dozing; hot; unbroken; riderless; steaming; petrified; winged; prancing; enchanted; massive: heavy; plodding; unwilling; spurred; vicious; docile; broken-down; unwtaned; ghostly; pack; chubby; unmanageable; mettlesome; reluctant; well-broken; spirited; redoubtable: outspent; sorry; maniacal; generous; light-limbed; restive; bang-tailed; great-limbed; true; beautiful; foam-flecked; mottled; moth-eaten; dilapidated; straining; stalking; solemn; ramping; slender; rawboned; sweating; plow; blazed-f aced; well-breathed; arrogant; unafraid; fiery; exhausted; weary; bony; dispirited; disemboweled; jibbing; drooping; jaded; foam-lipped; indifferent; admirable; harrowed; blooded; plunging; corn-stuffed


    bed down—; corral—; breed—s; currycomb —; guide—; harbor—; hobble—; jockey—; lash—; leap from—; mount—; pace—; rein in—; round up—s; saddle—; spur—; stable —; straddle—; tether—; tumble off—; — balks at; —bolts; —bucks; —canters; — capers; —caracoles; —champs at the bit; —dances; —falls to feeding; —founders; — hurdles; —neighs; —paws; —plods; — prances; —quivers; —races; —rears; — shies; —shivers; —snorts; —tramples; — trots; —vaults; —veers; —wheels; — whickers; —whinnies

    (See colt, animal, mare.)

    Horseback verbs

    canter on—; charge on—; convey by—; excel on—; exhibit on—; gallop in on—; journey on—; joust on—; mount—; race on—; sport on—; traverse on—; trot on—; vault on—

    (See horse.)

    Horseman adjectives

    brave; coated; mystic; unwary; gallant; solitary; admit able; steel-clad; headless; unhorsed


    —men assemble; —bestrides; —breeds; — charges; —coaches; —controls; —exhibits

    —fancies; —Hogs; —halts; —lashes; —manages; —mounts; —performs; —pets; — plods; —rears; —reins in; —spurs; — strokes

    (See rider, cowboy, soldier.

    Horsemanship adjectives

    consummate; daring; showy; superb

    Hose adjectives

    stout; dusty; russet; silken; gossamer; diaphanous; cotton; wors/ed; shrunken

    Hose (conduit) verbs

    burst—; couple—; drench with—; pump through—; sprinkle with—; water with—; —bursts; —conducts; —conveys; —showers. (See pipe.

    Hosiery adjectives

    unsatisfactory; beautiful; sheer; cobwebby


    don—; draw on—; mend—; rip—; roll—; shed—; snag—; snap—; —fades; —glistens ; —runs

    Hospitable adverbs

    graciously; warmly; delightfully; cordially; generously; bounteously; liberally; munificently; splendidly; magnificently; freely; handsomely; pleasantly; sociably; happily; merrily; heartily; jovially; genially;, urbanely; companionably; informally; gregariously; remarkably; immensely; courteously; enthusiastically; exuberantly; inordinately; good-naturedly; unobtrusively; lavishly; quietly; genuinely; charmingly; wholeheartedly

    Hospital adjectives

    contemporary; improvised; convalescent; dingy; special; cheerless; contagious


    courteous; sailorlike; effusive: uncommon; exuberant; mellowed; proverbial; rival; discreet; lasting; stinted; princely; elegant; undiscriminate; thankful; rural; good-natured; dignified; generous; professional; profuse; reluctant; wonted; hearty; cordial; unobtrusive; cheerful; genial; unwearying; lavish; quiet; warm; surpassing; genuine; old-time; luxurious; hearty; charming; homelike; famous; unique; cordial; warmhearted; incredible; gracious; reluctant; extempore; southern; wholehearted


    dispense—; enjoy—; maintain—; offer—; practise—; provide—; repay—; reward—; ruffle—; share—; warm with—; —blossoms; —charms; —cheers; —dwindles; — eases; —flourishes; —flows; —relieves

    (See entertainment, generosity, friendship.)

    Host adjectives

    dejected; ungracious; disagreeable; heavenly; secondary; routed; subtle; benignant; tragic; starry; affable; reluctant; straggling; new-found; genial; angelic; crusading; illimitable; shadowy; numerous; overweening; inseparable; chafing; kind; legionary; indignant; embattled; celestial; spangled; assaulting; heathen; conquering; amiable; heavenly; pensive; battle-broken; visionary; countless; smiling; ranting: ill-fated; motley; square; swarthy; ethereal; tombless; venerable; frugal; innumerable; hurrying; mustering; frank; miserable; prospective; glorified; radiant; niggardly; weary; generous; bewildered


    besiege—; honor—; praise—; —amuses; — appears; —approves; —befriends; —bids; —charms; —comforts; —delights; —enlivens; —flatters; —greets; —plans; —presides; —provides; —relieves; —welcomes

    (See entertainer, actor, friend.)

    Hostess adjectives

    temporary; noble; popular; impromptu; attentive: exuberant; lavish; ambitious; small; fat; good-natured; fair; charming; gracious; air; amiable; tidy; buxom


    coldly; politely; secretly; surreptitiously; inscrutably; openly; candidly; absurdly; hatefully; malevolently; venomously; maliciously; viciously; ominously; portentously; villainously; inscrutably; inexplicably; irreconcilably; antagonistically; dangerously; alarmingly; curiously; strangely; oddly; queerly; unreasonably; irrationally; exceptionally; tragically; inconveniently; irrevocably; horribly

    Hostility adjectives

    determined; quiet; small; quenched; implacable; slumbering; languid; perpetual; unexpressed; sudden; smiling: unnecessary; undiluted; expensive; alert; expectant; uncompromising; indecent; provoking; bitter; unintermitting; implacable; innate; jealous; frequent (pl); wily; deadly; concealed: smoldering; methodical; intuitive; evident; legislative; defensive; interfering: neighborly; unprofitable: fanatical


    arouse—; break—s; cease—; encourage—; engage in—s; enter—s; evince—; excite—; fan—; incur—of; loose—s; renew—s; suspend—s; temper—; view with—; —frightens ; —grows

    (See enmity, animosity, opposition, warfare, anger.)

    Hot adverbs

    devilishly; horribly; unbearably; unusually; remarkably; abnormally; feverishly; unnaturally; angrily; dangerously; apparently; unseasonably; strangely; intolerably; sufficiently; scarcely; inordinately; queerly; peculiarly; curiously; unfortunately; oppressively; swelteringly; stiflingly; bakingly; blazingly; suffocatingly; intensely

    Hotel adjectives

    superb; smart; first-class; fine; famous; quiet; dignified; luxurious; distinguished; friendly; notable; favored; complete; beachfront; residential; delightful; attractive; skyscraper; seaside; centrally-located; modern; perfect; cheerful; warm; inviting; traditional; unique; outstanding: swanky; distinguished; exclusive; apartment; ambitious; wooden; cozy; ci-mmercial; resort

    small; provincial; rambling; frame; vermin-infested; temperance; convenient; grand; comfortable; charming; nice; hospitable; cosmopolitan; well-kept; well-organized; innumerable (pl); glamorous


    convene at—; dwell at—; inhabit—; loll in—;• patronize—; retain at—; stow away in—; —accommodates; —caters to; —coun-forts; —delights; —employs; —flourishes; —offers; —provides; —serves; —welcomes; —furnishes

    (See inn, house, building, tavern.)

    Hound adjectives

    overrash; cadaverous; lean; ugly; couchant; degenerate; long-eared; deepmouthed; patient; fox; aged; hot; scent-snuffing; baffled; phenomenal; howling; licking; fawn-colored; thirsty-looking; cunning; toothless; graceful


    pat—; quiet—; unleash—; whip—; —bays

    —dashes by; —growls; —s harry; —howls

    —points; —pursues; —snarls; —tears; — whines; —yelps; —yips

    (See dog, animal.)

    Hour adjectives

    accustomed; additional; agonizing; all-glorious; amazing; appointed; arid; atoning; awful; baleful; bitter; black; bleak; blessed; blighted; blue-eyed; bounteous; brawling; breakfast; breathless; brief; bright; calm; captive; careful; cheerless; closing; cloudless; comfortless; coming; conditioned; confident; consecrated; countless (pl); cramped; critical; crucial; customary; darkened; darkling; dawning; definite; delicious; designated; desirable; disastrous; discouraged; dolorous; dread; dreadful; dream-haunted; dreaming; dreary; drinking; dull; dusky; early; eerie; elected; ensuing; enthusiastic; eventful; evil; exciting; fair; famished; fatiguing; favored; fearful; fervent; feverous; flaming; forbidden; forgetful; . forlorn; forsaken; fragrant; fruitful; generous; gentle; giddy; gleeful; gloom-clad; glutted; gory; gradual; hallowed; happy; hateful; hazy; heavenly; heavy; heinous; heterogeneous; hushed; hustling; hypnotic; idle; illuminating; imperious; impossible; impressionable; impressive; inauspicious; incessant; industrious; inevitable; instant; interminable; jocund; jovial; joyful; jubilant; laborious; languorous; lasting; lazy; leisure; lingering; lonely; long; luckless; lyric; meet; melancholy; memorable; merciless; meridian; merry; midnight; moonlit; mortal; mourning; murderous; natal; new-fledged; niggard; noteless; nuptial; old; optional; pallid; particular; parting; passing; peaceful; perilous; placid; pleasant; precious; precise; prefixed; prescribed; promised; rare; regretful; regulated; retributive; rosy-fingered; sacred; sauntering; secret; serene; serious; shadowed; shiny; short; sleepless; slow-paced; social; soft; solemn; somber; sorrowful; spent; splenetic; starless; stormy; strange; suffering; sunny; sunset; superincumbent; supreme; surviving; swift; tedious; thorny; thoughtful; thrilling; torturing; tranquil; transient; treacherous; trembling; tremulous; troublous; trysting; twilight; unbearable; unborn; unconscionable; unfortunate; unlucky; unnatural; unreturning; unseasonable; unsuspecting; untroubled; usual; valuable; vast; vehement; vesper; voluptuous; wakeful; wasted; weary; wedlock; weird; weeping; white-robed; wholesome; wild; wonted; working; wretched


    appoint—; budget—s; consume—s; count —s; crowd—; devote—s to; employ—; fix —; fritter away—s; kill—s; laze away—s; note—; postpone—; read—of day; reckon —; regulate—s; set—; —approaches; —s crawl by; —s drag; —elapses; —s fly; —s lag: —s ripen; —strikes; —s wear on

    (See time, occasion.)

    House adjectives

    mansion; miserable; enchanting; cat-encumbered; solitary; scattered (pl); gloomy; dilapidated; true; pretentious; archetypal; echoing; painted; battlemented; imperial; ambitious; dignified; quaint; religious; gaunt; comfortable; straggling; disreputable; showy; imaginative; practical; reminiscent; adjacent; shiftless; austere; aristocratic; poultry; gliding; modest; tile-roofed;. haunted; burnished; conspicuous; illustrious; farm; gnarled; jolly; deserted; squatty; lonely; first-run; widespreading; rayless; darksome; crafty; magnificent; ancestral; lofty; supply; substantial; idyllic; shamble; economical; town; continental; shell-pitted; giddy; shabby; pillaged; ladylike; shameful; dower; blithe; ugly; hallowed; powerful; low-browed; inviting; tenement; triangular; terraced; humble; wretched; wattled; dull; lucrative* untenantable; paltry; inconvenient; dreamy; ruined; ducal; ill; country; dismantled; useless; gay; gambling; naughty; celestial; neat; treasure; festive; warm; jovial; sunny; luxurious; embellished; pharmaceutical; comfortable-looking; log; dwelling; tremendous; unpeeled; well-insulated; mobile; trembling; gay-roofed; little; popular; swarming; stuccoed; irregularly-scattered (pl); handsome; respectable; bleak; hospitable; ill-furnished; filthy; dirty; isolated; thatch-roofed; cane; respected; faltering; unobtrusive; ancient; narrow; flimsy; reigning; royal; desolate; fair; vast; treasure; identical; tumble-down; boxlike; unquiet; crowded; parental; eery; model; lodging; commodious; stately; unreal; excellent; pretentious; swell-front; shutterless; old-fashioned; once-fashionable; clattering; adobe; ranch; sheltering


    adorn—; bedizen—; billet in—; demolish—; design—; ensconce in—; inhabit—; model —; pattern—; refurbish—; renovate—; sanctify—; shatter—; tenant—; undermine —; waddle into—; —hushes; —looms; — nestles; —springs up

    (See building, abode, home.)

    House (v) adverbs

    luxuriously; warmly; faithfully; imperially; quaintly; disreputably; practically; shiftlessly; austerely; aristocratically; hospitably; magnificently; economically; shabbily; commodiously; pretentiously

    (See shelter, protect.)

    Household adjectives

    ducal; decorous; quiet; turbulent; tyrannical; literary; minute

    Housekeeper adjectives

    active; manifest; procrastinating

    Housekeeping adjectives

    modern; efficient


    fastidious; primitive; busy; lazy

    Hotel adjectives

    poverty-stricken; ruinous; lowly; wretched

    HOFER (v) adverbs

    perpetually; perilously; caressingly; ceaselessly; expectantly; eagerly; protecting!}'; lovingly

    (See flutter, linger.)

    Howl adjectives

    long; loud; piteous; increasing; reverberate; unearthly; occasional; barbaric; tumultuous; deep; wild; ghastly; triumphant; angry; prolonged; fearful; dismal; lugubrious


    break into—; muffle—; prolong—; subdue —; unleash—; utter—; —arises; —astonishes; —breaks out; —distresses; —frightens; —penetrates; —pierces; —rends; —rips through; —terrifies; —confuses

    (See cry, wail, noise.)

    Howl (v) adverbs

    dismally; incessantly; bleakly; victoriously; gruesomely; sickeningly; heart-rendingly; ironically; blatantly; eerily

    (See roar, wail.)

    Howling adjectives

    melancholy; weird; ear-rending

    Hoy DE NISH adverbs

    gaudily; boisterously; coarsely; noisily; conspicuously; flauntingly; blatantly; publicly; shamelessly; barbarously; boorishly; remarkably; lamentably; extravagantly; queerly; unfortunately; horribly; indecorously; monstrously; indecently; terribly; outlandishly; outrageously; wantonly; ri-baldly; particularly; shabbily; provincially; shockingly; uncivilly; extremely; horribly; inexcusably

    Hubbub adjectives

    chaotic; universal; confused; inarticulate

    Huddle adjectives

    low; confused


    band in—; concentrate in—; congregate in —; crowd in—; crush in—; emerge from—; flock in—; gather in—; lie in—; mingle in —; move in—; throng in—; tumble into—; spring from—; swarm in—; —confuses; — disperses; —writhes

    (See group, crowd.)

    Huddle (v) adverbs

    pathetically; sluggishly; comfortably; pro-tectingly; snugly; patiently; instinctively; dolorously

    (See crouch, pack, crowd.)

    Hue adjectives

    intense; stone; tender; undecided; vivid; varied (pl); native; prismatic; exuberant; deathly; roseate; unalterable; ashy; glorious; brimstone; golden; somber; autumn; ghastly; celestial; pallid; pronounced; rainbow; healthy; firm; unshimmering; kindred; slaughterous; predominating; faint; myriad (pl); intense; unwithering; sad; blended; heavenly; tawny; universal; melodious; tempting; chameleon; damask; sulphurous; manifold (pl); livid; pallid; pure; lovely; somber; curious (pl); virgin; sub-limer; azure; florid; ghastly; voluptuous; enchanting; homely; lurid; brassy; sightly; rich; fair; unwashed; fading; sunburned; evanescent; normal; unnatural; brilliant; predominant; wild; unpropitious; delicate; unfading; charming; different; changing; sanguine; decided; dazzling; doubtful; generous; washed-out; nondescript; aerial; shifting; burnished; iridescent; gorgeous; undying; kaleidoscopic; twilight; various (pl)


    blend—s; dab—; daub with—; dim—; dip into—; enhance—; flush—; mix—; paint—; smear—; stroke—; teem with—; —brightens; —delights; —enchants; —fades; — glows; —melts; —merges

    (See color, shade.)

    Hug adjectives

    affectionate; exemplary; ecstatic

    Hug (v) adverbs

    brazenly; amorously; affectionately; ecstatically; lustily; brutishly; stalwartly; tenderly; voluptuously; lasciviously

    (See clasp, grip, embrace.)

    Huge adverbs

    remarkably; bulkily; monstrously; awkwardly; stupendously; grossly; grotesquely; queerly; impossibly; overwhelmingly; ponderously; prodigiously; sensationally; unusually; formidably; unduly

    Hulk adjectives

    lumbering; shallow; unprizable; lifeless

    Hull adjectives

    polished; rough; swift; graceful


    confine to—; discard—; divest of—; enrobe in—; equip with—; fashion—; shed—; shell —; swathe in—; wrap in—; —armors; — covers; —encases; —encompasses; —encrusts; —envelops; —hides; —protects; — reverberates

    (See frame, blanket.)

    Hum adjectives

    busy; murmurous; beelike; soft; bubbling; hideous; endless; peaceful; lily-muffled; dolorous; distant; discordant; hoarse; pleasant; sonorous; faint; musical; drowsy


    endure—; heed—; ignore—; join in—; muffle—; perceive—; raise—; subdue—; — attracts; —bothers; —charms; —delights

    —disturbs; —plagues; —waxes

    (See murmur.)


    tremulously; blithely; discordantly; hoarsely; sonorously; drowsily; musically; melodiously; monotonously

    (See drone, buzz, croon.)

    Human adjectives

    frail; feeble; fallible


    charitably; generously; sympathetically; compassionately; kindly; tenderly; lovingly; mercifully; graciously; understandingly; intelligently; gently; uncommonly; remarkably

    Humane adverbs

    benevolently; tenderly; intelligently; con-, sistently; dependably; charitably; comfortingly; considerately; graciously; warmly; mercifully; philanthropically; altruistically; patriotically; generously; leniently; admirably; wonderfully; actively; naturally; habitually

    Humanitarian adverbs

    constructively; altruistically; benevolently; beneficently; public-spiritedly; generously; sincerely; actively; compassionately; effectively; admirably; superbly; magnificently; nobly; worthily; eminently; immensely; intensely; definitely; broadly

    Hum AN ITT adjectives

    enslaved; misshapen; outraged; frail; struggling; downtrodden; common; kindred; communal; exalted; suffering; unexpected; active; frank; sturdy; armed; heated; rugged; semi-tropical; multiform; profound; natural; polluted; redeemed; despairing; glorious; rekindled; warm; adorned; consistent; chained


    claim for—; contemplate—; contribute to—; educate—; enrich—; exhibit—; found on —; imitate—; regard—; observe—; pity—; portray—; prompt by—; relieve—; rely on —; rule—; stir—; uplift—; —inclines; — mitigates; —restrains

    (See mankind, human nature, compassion, tenderness, kindness, benevolente, civilization, world.)


    appeal to—; attribute to—; benefit—; bewail—; characterize—; contemplate—; lament—; observe—; regard—; rely on—; scrutinize—; subjugate—; —balks at; —behaves; —evolves; —pursues; —responds; —revolves

    (See character, disposition, temperament, constitution, mankind, humanity.)

    Humble adverbs

    quietly; unusually; sincerely; modestly; shyly; timidly; obsequiously; submissively; abjectly; astoundinglv; timorously; unassumingly; guiltily; demurely; devoutly; reverently; solemnly; gravely; consecratedly; penitently; contritely; sadly; unexpectedly; unnecessarily; extremely

    Humble (v) adverbs

    abjectly; painfully; utterly; profoundly; un-meritedly; shamefully; sadistically; vindictively

    (See debase, humiliate.)

    Humbleness adjectives

    whispering: profound

    Humbug adjectives

    solemn; intolerable; sleek; hypocritical; dishonest

    Humdrum adverbs

    flatly; dully; stupidly; uninterestingly; monotonously; intolerably; usually; habitually; conspicuously; laboriously; tediously; prosily; dismally; wearisomely; tiresomely; prosaically; endlessly; interminably; baldly; disgustingly; ponderously; heavily; impossibly; curiously; unbearably

    Humid adverbs

    suffocatingly; sultrily; horribly; dreadfully; frightfully; unusually; uncommonly; highly; extremely; excessively; damply; rnud-dily; soggily; reekingly; drippingly; oppressively; uncomfortably; relatively; remarkably; surprisingly


    oppressive; rotten; dense; unusual; relative; extreme; unwholesome; uncomfortable

    Humiliate (v) adverbs

    bitterly; horribly; ineffably; profoundly; spitefully; hatefully; jealously; enviously; treacherously

    (See humble, debase, shame.)

    Humiliated adverbs

    extremely; deeply; profoundly; intolerably; shamefully; unnecessarily; needlessly; intentionally; deliberately; cruelly; bitterly; painfully; brutally; publicly; utterly; direly; sorely; deplorably; scandalously; outrageously; inexcusably; unforgivably; criminally; shockingly; basely; terribly; dreadfully

    Humiliation adjectives

    painful; jovial; utter; imagined; frequent; just; ineffable; anticipated; profound; deep; unmerited; subsequent


    bow in—; break in—; deserve—; end in— expose to—; incur—; inure to—; invite— go down in—; kneel in—; overcome with— pretend—; purchase by—; resign to—; sink in—; submit to—; suffer—; walk in—; — humbles; —shames; —tortures

    (See mortification, dishonor, ignominy.)

    Humility adjectives

    proud; abrupt; deep; profound; singular; matchless; laughable; egotistic; mock; vast; mild; utmost; true; provoking; apparent; shamed; cringing; honest; servile; false; respectable; marked; passionate


    accept with—; affect—; breathe—; commend —; feign—; fill with—; gown in—; practice—; relish—; submit with—; walk with —; —contents; —satisfies; —tempers

    (See modesty, humiliation.)

    Humming adjectives

    gentle; intermittent; audible; drowsy


    • —beaks; —chirps; —flits; —hops; —hums

    • —skims about

    (See bird.)

    Humor adjectives

    gay; ironic; wonted; savage; drawling; malicious; lively; cantankerous; dismal; sportive; piquant; homely; arrogant; mingled; delighted; good; robust; devastating; oppressive; mixed; clumsy; puppy; whimsical; tender; resistless; genial; boisterous; bubbling; caustic; pestilent; parched; jeering'; grave; playful; unhappy; gentle; satirical; headstrong; frank; companionable; unaccountable; secondhand; good-natured; capricious; obliging; black; little; melancholy; arresting; pleasant; ponderous; audacious; grim; true; spleeny; splenetic; cynical; acrid; biting; fertile; irresistible; lordly; proper; sarcastic; racy; inexhaustible; overwhelming; excellent; charming; fiery; delightful; vile; morbid; insolent; grotesque; fantastical; broad; quizzical; seditious; grave; holiday; unruffled; sly; subtle; bawdy; effervescent; ironic; fickle; reigning; buoyant; ebullient; ill-concealed; quaint; impatient; serious; flattering; irrepressible; admirable; sneering; ready; quiet; wholesome; fireside; mocking; reckless; testy; bitter; coarse; choice; sectional; ill; unconfined; sanguine; unfailing; trading; gossiplike; querulous; careless; salty; unquarrelsome; sardonic; irregular; universal; exquisite; farcical; Rabelaisian; aqueous; comparative; limited; pitiless; painful; acute; sullen; toplofty; spontaneous; sulphurous; meditative; burlesque; irreverent; unhappy; bizarre; corresponding


    appreciate—; attempt—; bar—; color with —; conceive—; delight in—; disdain—; execute—; indulge in—; milk dry of—; regale with—; sense—in; subdue—; subtilize—; tame—; —abates; —bores; —eases; —effervesces; —enlivens; —flashes; —flows; —palls; —pales; —penetrates; —ruffles; — scintillates; —shines through; —wanes; — wears thin

    (See disposition, mood, caprice, whim, fancy, fun, mirth, merriment, play.)

    Humor (v) adverbs

    patronizingly; slyly; indulgently; consciously; ironically; maliciously; whimsically; grotesquely; fantastically; subtly; mockingly; coarsely; sardonically; irreverently. (See laugh, giggle.

    Humorous adverbs

    smartly; sharply; habitually; temperamentally; wittily; unusually; uncommonly; delightfully; pleasantly; keenly; charmingly; entertainingly; divertingly; waggishly; robustly; lustily; gustily; noisily; boisterously; outrageously; irrepressibly; spontaneously; naturally; broadly; cleverly; brilliantly; whimsically; merrily; comically; wonderfully; endlessly; uncommonly; highly; amazingly; unfailingly

    Hunch verbs

    believe in—; consider—; contemplate—; deal in —s; follow—; heed—; indulge in—; inspire with—; mark—; observe—; pursue —; stake on—; submit to—; trust—; —implies; —hints; —proves; —suggests

    (See impression, belief.)

    Hunchbacked adverbs

    unfortunately; pitiably; incurably; slightly; crookedly; grotesquely; terribly; dreadfully; nonchalantly; gallantly; bravely; extremely; possibly

    Hunger adjectives

    coarse; alleviated; gaunt; gluttonous; deep; ravening; healthful; vulturous


    abate—; abolish—; appease—; excite—; expire from—; faint in—; press by—; quiet—; risk—; satiate—; satisfy—; spur on by—; stave off—; suffer—; weaken by—; —irritates; —predisposes; —threatens; —vexes

    (See craving, desire, appetite, famine.)

    Hungry adverbs

    insatiably; terribly; slightly; greedily; pitiably; incessantly; habitually; extremely; unspeakably; alarmingly; ravenously; eagerly; seriously; gauntly; cadaverously; gluttonously; healthily; wolfishly; impatiently; avidly; wistfully; curiously; strangely; irritably; awfully; restlessly; fretfully

    Hunk adjectives

    substantial; seditious; luscious; juicy; flavorful

    Hunt adjectives

    fruitless; scavenger; vengeful; man

    Hunt (adverbs

    mercilessly; patiently; anxiously; fruitlessly; enthusiastically; intrepidly; passionately; wantonly; humanely; daringly

    (See seek, search, pursue.)

    Hunter adjectives

    venerable; winged; passionate; unsuccessful; novice; persistent; pugnacious; gold; lifelong; unthinking; wanton; humanity; outstanding; fair-weather; daring; intrepid

    Hunting adjectives

    purposed; realistic

    Hurdle verbs

    balk at—; brace—; break—; construct—; erect—; fence with—; fly over—; fortify with—; gain—; jump—; leap over—; spring over—; stride—; take—; vault—; — bars; —encloses; —obstructs; —topples

    (See barrier, frame, fence.)

    Hurl (v} adverbs

    viciously; heedlessly; relentlessly; vigorously; boisterously; stalwartly; prodigiously; thunderously; flagrantly; tempestuously

    (See fling, cast.)

    Hurricane adjectives

    untamed; furious; aimless; tempestuous; lightning


    cast away by—; dread—; encounter—; perish in—; report—; wallow in—; —bedevils; —breaks; —bursts; —ceases; —confuses; — destroys; —devastates; —falls upon; — overthrows; —persecutes; —rages; —ravages; —rends; —riots; —shrieks; —sweeps; —takes toll; —violates; —whirls

    (See storm, tempest, typhoon, snow, blizzard.)

    Hurried adverbs

    unfortunately; carelessly; inefficiently; urgently; nervously; harassingly; terribly; intensely; monstrously; foolishly; ineptly; excitedly; feverishly; hysterically,* restlessly; violently; wildly; irrepressibly; impolitely; uncivilly; discourteously; boorishly; ungraciously; furiously; breathlessly; desperately; unduly; indecently; unscrupulously; clumsily; madly; noticeably; visibly; obviously

    Hurry adjectives

    monstrous; national; raging; frivolous; hot

    Hurry (v) adverbs

    nervously; merrily; conservatively; gallantly; furtively; tremulously; precipitately; anxiously; madly; feverishly; mechanically; blindly; confusedly

    (See hasten, dispatch.)

    Hurt adjectives

    unbandaged; real; painful; dull; deep; permanent; growing; bodily; mortal; nagging; aroused

    Hurt (v) adverbs

    grievously; hideously; deeply; permanently; acutely; bodily; fatally; superficially; incurably

    (See injure, damage, wound.)

    Hurtful adverbs

    mischievously; intentionally; deliberately; innocently; unconsciously; dreadfully; perniciously; maliciously; obnoxiously; legally; disastrously; venomously; villainously; ex-ceptionably; deplorably; pitiably; lamentably; wretchedly; sadly; reprehensibly; confoundedly; hopelessly; purposely; irremediably; dangerously; alarmingly; seriously; hopelessly; desperately; unusually; incredibly

    Hurtle (adverbs

    recklessly; swiftly; spectacularly; gloriously; furiously; blazingly; daringly; fiercely

    (See throw, hurl.)

    Husband adjectives

    frigid; itinerant; shiftless; distraught; love-selfish; unworthy; allowing; truant; worthless; war-blinded; unfaithful; affianced; attached; exacting; impecunious; obstinate; unhopeful; disgruntled; cynical; captive; coarse; instructive; ill; indolent; divorced; heavy; uxorious; precise; devoted; appreciative; scandalous; imaginary; bereaved; cruel; cantankerous; wild; noble; generous; dissipated; irascible; maddening; distracted; ingenious; indignant; fiery; stolid; jealous


    abide with—; attend—; chide—; divorce—; nag—; obtain—; rebuke—; respect—; serve —; submit to—; —abandons; —chastises; — defends; —deserts; —domineers; —heads; —lords over; —philanders; —rebukes; — represses; —reprimands; —reproves; — rules; —supports

    (See master.)

    Husbandry adjectives

    prolific; animal; skilled; economical

    Hush adjectives

    sudden; expectant; breathless; dread; timeless; primeval; windless; unbreathing; evening; instinctive; religious; all-pervasive; awed; deadly; starlight; deep; peculiar; grim; instant


    command—; demand—; enforce—; expect —; impose—; pierce—; procure—; reduce to—; restore—; seek—; split—; spread—; welcome—; —calms; —charms; —deepens; —delights; —disturbs; —ensues; —hangs heavy; —invades; —pervades; —rules

    (See stillness, silence, quiet.)

    Hush (v) adverbs

    significantly; breathlessly; instinctively; peculiarly; cautiously; temporarily; abruptly. (See silence, repress, suppress.

    Hushed adverbs

    solemnly; reverently; quietly; quickly; unusually; wonderfully; swiftly; inordinately; uncommonly; gloomily; irritably; suddenly; breathlessly; instinctively; deeply; profoundly; grimly; instantly; particularly; peculiarly; curiously; queerly; horribly; oddly; infinitely; strangely; temporarily; momentarily; eternally

    Husk adjectives

    scholastic; fruitless; bearded; wrinkled

    Husky (strong) adverbs

    vigorously; robustly; mightily; powerfully; sturdily; stoutly; irresistibly; incontestably; inexhaustibly; stubbornly; soundly; magnificently; splendidly; remarkably; brutally; immensely; prodigiously; evidently; incredibly; obviously; manifestly; palpably; surprisingly; matchlessly

    Husky (voice) adverbs

    faintly; deeply; murmurously; languorously; hoarsely; softly; audibly; throatily; seductively; seriously; dreadfully; terribly; deliberately; stagily; whisperingly; melodiously; musically; raucously; brutally; sepul-chrally; hollowly; permanently; temporarily; purposely; alarmingly; amazingly; fearfully; slightly

    Hussy adjectives

    cantankerous; brazen; brash; loud-mouthed

    Hustle (v) adverbs

    unceremoniously; precipitately; abruptly; undignifiedly; characteristically; breathlessly; enthusiastically

    (See hurry, hasten.)

    Hustling adverbs

    restlessly; constantly; fitfully; zealously; noisily; happily; everlastingly; ceaselessly; cheerily; actively; energetically; assiduously; diligently; earnestly; eagerly; excitedly

    Hut adjectives

    unaired; mud-walled; abandoned

    Hybrid adverbs

    undeniably; obviously; cheaply; miserably; indiscriminately; palpably; manifestly; peculiarly; singularly; unaccountably; noteworthily; fantastically; unfashionably; professedly; quaintly; promiscuously; heterogeneously; openly

    Hydrogen adjectives

    nascent; carbureted

    Hyena verbs

    —attacks; —battles; —barks; —carries away; —crushes; —devours; —feeds on; — inhabits; —laughs; —overpowers; —preys on; —scavenges; —stalks

    (See animal.)

    Hygiene verbs

    deride—; heed—; improve—; instruct in—; obey—; practise—; preach—; prescribe—; promote—; scorn—; verse in—; violate—; —defends; —extends to; —guards against; —preserves; —prevents; —resists; —sustains

    (See science, health, cleanliness.)

    Hygienic adverbs

    wonderfully; satisfactorily; unusually; unquestionably; commendably; appreciably; safely; warrantably; authoritatively; properly; duly; appropriately; securely; perfectly; completely; agreeably; prophylactic-ally; amtatively; sanitarily; usefully; remarkably; wholesomely; avowedly; allegedly;- matchlessly; superbly; supremely; acceptably; splendidly

    Hymn adjectives

    celestial; anguished; tuneful; joyful; measured; ceaseless; wrathful; pious; solemn; undying: ancient; impassioned; nuptial; appropriate; choral; swelling; pretty; dreadful; metaphorical; edifying; impious; vernal; sentimental; angelic; warbled; exulting


    adore with—; arrange—; carol—; chant—; compose—; express in—; honor with—; hum —; quote—; rehearse—; whistle—; worship with—; —bursts forth; —delights; —extols; —glorifies; —honors; —praises; —resounds; —thanks

    (See song, composition, poem, music.)

    Hyperbole adjectives

    eloquent; extravagant; original

    Hypnotic adverbs

    mysteriously; scientifically; strangely; professionally; amateurishly; allegedly; curiously; oddly; inscrutably; questionably; incredibly; supposedly; probably; possibly; slightly; incontrovertibly; dreadfully; fearfully; alarmingly; frightfully; highly; uncommonly; curatively; helpfully; experimentally; dangerously; terrifyingly; marvellously; ominously

    Hypnotism verbs

    advocate—; approve of—; consent to—; deride—; induce—; inject—; interest in—; fall into—; place under—; practise—; resist —; submit to—; succumb to—; treat by—; utilize—; witness—; —amends; —cures; — influences; —intrigues; —relieves

    (See sleep, spell.)

    Hypochondriac adverbs

    gloomily; dismally; incurably; unfortunately; miserably; sadly; distressingly; alarmingly; disturbingly; fanatically; insensately; unreasonably; irrationally; pitiably; blankly; abjectly; despondently; heavily; biliously; dreadfully; grimly; lamentably; lugubriously; inordinately; senselessly; helplessly; hopelessly; desperately; surprisingly

    Hypocrisy adjectives

    smooth; habitual; adjusted; smug; unsleeping; transparent; coarse; blustering


    accuse of—; befog with—; blanket in—; clothe in—; couch in—; denounce—; despise —; detest—; discern—; explode—; feed—; oil with—; protest—; prove—; purge of—; repent—; steep in—; trick by—; —beguiles

    —deceives; —disgusts; —frames; —veils

    (See insincerity, pretence, sham, affectation, trickery.)

    Hypocrite adjectives

    honest; mealy-mouthed; vamped-up; cruising; canting; consummate; sharp; pompous; oily; lowborn


    denounce—; despise—; detect—; detest—; discern—; expose—; purge—; —affects; — beguiles; —binds; —blinds; —deceives; — disgusts; —feeds; —feigns; —oils; —poisons; —pretends; —tricks; —veils

    (See liar, snob.)

    Hypocritical adverbs

    shamefully; obviously; palpably; evidently; scandalously; notoriously; infamously; outrageously; atrociously; undependably; faithlessly; disloyaHy; sanctimoniously; openly; falsely; contemptibly; atrociously; abominably; detestably; flagrantly; artfully; insincerely; evasively; flatteringly; ingeniously; perfidiously; craftily; shrewdly; basely; dangerously; terribly

    Hypothesis adjectives

    problematical; unreal; rationalistic; unverified; monstrous; creative; metaphysical; untenable; tentative; scientific; cherished; inaccurate; superficial; unlikely


    accept—; advance—; apply—; argue on—; build up—; condemn—; consider—; deduce —; demonstrate—; depend on—; deride—; dispute—; draw—; evolve—; frame—; put forth—; reason by—; rest on—; state—; work on—; wreck—; —assumes; —embraces

    (See theory, supposition, assumption, information, fact.)

    Hypothetical adverbs

    thinly; disguisedly; obviously; manifestly; usually; cleverly; shyly; serviceably; usefully; dubiously; vaguely; obscurely; precariously; supposably; academically; presumptively; stimulatingly; probably

    Ice adjectives

    enchanted; tinkling; never-melting; thickribbed; confounded; congealed; treacherous; translucent; cerulean; gathered; perennial; anchor; polished; liquefied; crevassed; cushioned; crashing; everlasting; grinding; blue-white; glittering; phosphorescent; pellucid; transparent; overwhelming; drifted


    chip—; congeal to—; crush—; engulf in—; scar—; scrape—; shave—; sheet with—; smooth—; thaw—; tong—; —barricades; — blocks; —clinks; —drifts; —gleams; —glistens; —jams; —shimmers; —shines

    (See diamond, light, snow.)

    Iceberg adjectives

    glittering; sharp; jagged; ghostly; colossal; murderous; silent; ominous

    Ice-Boat adjectives

    dainty; swift; wind-swept; dashing; gliding

    Ice-Drift adjectives

    heavy; ruinous

    Icicle adjectives

    pendent; petrified; callous; living


    chip—; flow from—; —crashes; —s decorate; —drips; —endangers; —gleams; — glistens; —glitters; —shimmers; —shines; —suspends from; —thaws; —s weight

    Iciness adjectives

    calm; bitter; calculated

    Icing adjectives

    rich; creamy; sparkling; sugar

    Iconoclastic adverbs

    terribly; habitually; temperamentally; brutally; critically; harshly; inconsiderately; impiously; evilly; cruelly; dreadfully; unreasonably; wantonly; deliberately; irreverently; atheistically; disrespectfully; blasphemously; profanely; idiotically; egotistically; unintelligently; pretentiously

    Icy adverbs

    terribly; unbearably; significantly; horribly; unexpectedly; perilously; dangerously; hazardously; fearfully; impossibly; remarkably; peculiarly; curiously; hideously

    Idea adjectives

    abiding; absorbing; abstract; adequate; admirable; aggressive; amazing; antiquated; approximated; artistic; ascetic; associated; attractive; bare; baseless; basic; beautiful; blasphemous; bold; brilliant; casual; charming; clashing; cherished; chimerical; classical; clear; cognate; cold; commanding; complete; confused; concrete; confined; conflicting; concluding; congealed; contemporary; contemptible; contrasting; conventional; crafty; critical; crude; cryptic; delicious; delirious; democratic; despicable; destructive; determinate; devouring; dim; disastrous; distinct; divergent; divine; dominant; dynamic; economical; educational; elementary; elevating; embryo; empty; endearing; entangled; entire; erroneous; essential; evolutionary; exaggerated; excellent; explicit; explosive; extraordinary; faintest; false; fantastic; fashionable; fastidious; fixed; flattering; fleeting; forward-moving; fundamental; funny; geographical; graceful; grandiose; grotesque; habitual; hazy; heathen; heroic; immature; impalpable; impolitic; impure; inane; inconceivable; inconvenient; industrial; ingenious; innate; insane; irruptive; jolly; literary; lofty; ludicrous; malicious; manifest; meditative; melodic; miscalled; mistaken; momentary; monarchic; musical; moral; money-making; nascent; nebulous; new; noble; notorious; novel; obvious; oft-repeated; opulent; original; pastoral; patentable; perfect; philosophical; picturesque; platitudinous; plebeian; poetical; ponderous; popular; preconceived; preposterous; prevailing; previous; primitivistic; private; profit-making; progressive; puzzling; quaint; radical; rational; realized; remote; repressed; retrogressive; revolutionary; romantic; selling; sensational; sentimental; singular; sketchy; slightest; snob; sound; speculative; spiritual; spontaneous; spurious; stable; startling; sterling; stern; stimulating; striking; structural; sufficient; suggested; synthetic; systematic; tasteful; tempting; terrible; theologic; theoretical; traditional; tranquil-izing; tutelary; twisted; ugly; unhappy; underlying; undesired; unexpected; unfulfilled; uninteresting; universal; unjust; unsound; vagrant; vague; vaporous; varied (pl); vile; well-grounded; whimsical; widespread; womanish; wonderful


    absorb—; amplify—; apprehend—; assemble—s; assimilate—s; balk at—; boil down —; brood upon—; cherish—; clarify—; color—; communicate—to; conceive—; concentrate on—; conform to—; contribute—; convey—; crystallize—; cultivate—; curb —; deride—; devote to—; disclose—; discredit—; dispel—; dissociate—from; divest of—; divulge—; elaborate on—; embed— in; endorse—; entertain—; entrench—; envisage—; evolve—; explode—; exploit—; expound—; favor—; fertilize—; formulate —; foster—; grasp—; grope for—; guard —; hail—; harbor—; hatch—; hit upon—; illuminate—; illustrate—; imbue with—; implant—; impose—; impregnate with—; incubate—; inculcate—; inspire—; interchange—s; invest with—; jot down—; launch—; modify—; mold—; mull over—; nourish—; obliterate—; obsess with—; overflow with—; patent—; pervert—; pioneer with—; play with—; ponder—; pounce upon —; promote—; promulgate—; pursue—; rally to—; recoil from—; refute—; reject —; relish—; repudiate—; retain—; reverse

    —; revive—; root—in; scoff at—; scorn—; set forth—; spike—; sprout—; stifle—; sum up—; superimpose—; suppress—; surrender to—; sustain—; symbolize—; toy with—; unfold—; visualize—; —clings; —s crowd; —dominates; —emanates from; —emerges; —endures; —flashes upon; —germinates; — haunts; —incorporates; —is born; —lurks; —matures; —permeates; —persists; —pops up; —predominates; —prevails; —progresses; —seeps in; —springs from; —takes shape; —wells up; embody in—; instil—; master—

    (See thought, opinion, design, plan, project, conception, impression, apprehension, ideal, belief, theory.)

    Ideal verbs

    assimilate—; betray—; cherish—; cling to —; consecrate to—; cultivate—; defend—; depart from—; elevate—s; embody—; exemplify—; extol—; forsake—; foster—; further—; imbue with—; inculcate—; ingrain—; inspire—; instill—; maintain—; mutilate—; nourish—; nurse—; owe to—; personify—; play havoc with—; preserve—; sacrifice to—; satisfy—; shatter—; shape—; symbolize—; weld to—; worship—; —aims at; —binds; —inspires; —permeates; — rests upon; realize—

    (See model, pattern, standard.) adverbs

    chimerically; dreamily; fantastically; perfectly; impossibly; extravagantly; romantically; preposterously; notionally; unsubstantially; whimsically; vaporously; entertainingly; emphatically; beautifully; charmingly; emptily; nebulously; speculatively; ridiculously; vaguely )

    Idealism adjectives

    crystallized; poetical; romantic; moral; altruistic; impulsive; abstract; soaring; poignant


    breathe—; clothe in—; decry—; dwell in—; encourage—; found on—; inculcate—; marvel at—; nurse—; prate about—; sacrifice to—; temper with—; value—; voice—; tinge with—; —affirms; —compensates; —denies

    —hampers; —melts; —reigns; —teaches; — transcends

    (See honesty, confidence, faith, trust.)

    Idealist adjectives

    unconscious; rash; fatuous


    chain—; criticize—; delude—; disenchant —; disillusion—; enthrall—; frustrate—; hamper—; —cherishes; —contemplates; — despises; —dreams; —envisions; —regards; —sacrifices; —speculates on; —values

    (See poet, writer, philosopher, artist, author.)

    Ideality ad je dives

    refined; poetic; muzzy; confused; muddled

    Ideals adjectives

    chivalrous; romantic; fatal; perfect; undigested; adequate; false; poetic; elevating; sublime; temperate; vague; educational; cherishing: retrograde; fanciful; picturesque; exalted; abstract; empty; ultimate; spiritual; collective; theoretical; factitious; racial; intangible; entrancing; complete; visionary; industrial; literary; ascetic; divine; unfulfilled; tutelary; cherished; degrading; (distant; bric-a-brac; noble; affecting: unavowed; unclean; ethical; secret; antiquated; stern; unattainable

    Identification adjectives

    imputed; obliterated; spurious

    Identify (v) adverbs

    unconsciously; mystically; irrevocably; peculiarly; . mechanically; ecclesiastically; prominently; nominally

    (See recognize, ascertain.)

    Identity adjectives

    concealed; conscious; obliterated; substantial; separate; sweet; veritable; undiscovered; revealed; fictitious


    assure of—; conceal—; convince of—; demand—; determine—; discourage—; doubt —; establish—; forfeit—; grope for—; lose —; merge—with; preserve—; recognize—; reveal—; seek—; substantiate—; suggest—; suspect—; —leaks out; —perplexes; prove—

    (See similarity, individuality, accuracy.)

    Idiocy adjectives

    sublimest; teeth-chattering; morbid; impertinent

    Idiom adjectives

    delicate; racial; succinct; racy; vulgar; national; quaint; absurd


    approve of—; cherish—; excel in—s; express in—; familiarize with—; interpret—; maintain—; repeat—; speak in—; translate

    • —; transmit in—s; —amuses; —confuses

    • —differs; —glows; —perplexes

    (See expression, phrase, speech, dialect, jargon, word, thought.)

    Diosyncrasy adjectives

    personal; morbid; sickly; separate


    ban—; dispense with—; foster—; humor—; imitate—; indulge in—; inherit—; parade —s; permit—; protest—; question—; restrain—; ridicule—; tolerate—; transmit—; understand—; warrant—; wonder at—; — embarrasses; —perplexes; —puzzles

    (See eccentricity, characteristic, habit.)

    Idiot adjectives

    mad; contemplative; congenial; insolent; blinking; sloppy; sentimental; monumental; stargazing; optimistic; notorious


    bar—; behave like—; conceal—; content—; control—; guard—; incarcerate—; lament —; manage—; mistrust—; play—; please —; shelter—; tolerate—; treat—; witness —; —amuses; —blinks; —dotes on; —giggles; —mistakes; —misunderstands; — ogles; —stares

    (See fool, imbecile, dunce, lunatic.)

    Idiotic adverbs

    pathetically; hopelessly; incurably; congenitally; insolently; monumentally; crazily; purposely; maddeningly; utterly; foolishly; infatuatedly; rashly; recklessly; simply; childishly; nonsensically; blatantly; dully; extravagantly; grossly; idly; inappropriately; injudiciously; obtusely; ridiculously; senselessly; unwisely; stolidly; stupidly; spoonily

    Idle adverbs

    vexatiously; languidly; lazily; slothfully; constitutionally; preferably; naturally; habitually; obesely; contemptibly; selfishly; sleepily; delightfully; continually; obstinately; stupidly; deliberately; torpidly; stubbornly; irresponsibly; reprehensibly; inexcusably; unduly; remarkably; strangely; unusually; dreadfully


    frivolously; disreputably; intellectually; listlessly; aimlessly; wantonly; blissfully; degenerately; disgracefully; talkatively

    (See trifle, loaf.)

    Idleness adjectives

    disgraceful; good-night; busy; unwilling: chatty; disreputable; intellectual; enforced; compulsory; conscientious; ancient; shapeless; elegant; rapturous; summer; absent; fatal; listless; sheer; aimless; settled; inert


    avoid—; banish—; denounce—; dread—; excuse—; hatch in—; maintain in—; pillow in—; repose in—; reproach—; revel in—; shake off—; stagnate in—; thrive in—; wallow in—; waste in—; —beguiles; —breeds; —demoralizes; —destroys; —harms; —poisons; -r-rusts ; —shames; —tempts; —wearies

    (See indolence, futility.)

    Idler adjectives

    luxurious; busy; dependent; shiftless; studied; practiced

    Idol adjectives

    burning; particular; subterraneous; lifeless; baser; grim; brass; vile; well-painted; matinee: youthful; gross; shapeless; gilded; bewitching; celebrated


    bless—; bow before—; cast down—; chant to—; clasp—; found—; mock—; offer to—; profane—; prostrate before—; renounce—; sacrifice to—; serve—; worship—; —embodies; —represents

    (See image, representation, effigy, notion, fallacy, hero, altar.)

    Idolatrous adverbs

    fanatically; foolishly; infatuatedly; fatuously; inordinately; fantastically; extravagantly; irrationally; fervently; ridiculously; absurdly; oddly; passionately; superstitiously; credulously; bigotedly; wildly; enthusiastically; rabidly; grossly; inconceivably; blindly


    social; long-upheld; popular; passionate; bloody; religious; foolish; enthusiastic

    Idolize (v) adverbs

    inordinately; foolishly; lovingly; adoringly; passionately; madly; religiously; fervently; faithfully; fanatically

    (See adore, worship.)

    Idyllic adverbs

    blissfully; romantically; sentimentally; rapturously; ecstatically; fancifully; extravagantly; inexpressibly; indescribably; beautifully; marvelously; utterly

    Ignite (v) adverbs

    spontaneously; abruptly; dangerously; spectacularly; swiftly; furiously; startlingly; brilliantly; mechanically

    (See kindle, excite, rouse, burn.)

    Ignoble adverbs

    basely; undeniably; surprisingly; despicably; unbelievably; horribly; contemptibly; grossly; consciously; deliberately; innately; naturally; inexpressibly; hopelessly; notoriously

    Ignominious adverbs

    shamefully; contemptibly; ingloriously; scandalously; abjectly; arrantly; shockingly; dreadfully; terribly; unmentionably; outrageously; obscurely; inexpressibly; unbelievably; humbly; vaguely

    Ignominy adjectives

    imputed; complete; undesired


    arise from—; base on—; bear—; bow in—; confess to—; cover with—; crumble' into—; endure—; eradicate—; fall into—; hide in —; reveal—; rise above—; spring from—; subject to—; suffer—; veil—; —chains; — degrades; —dishonors; —pursues

    (See disgrace, dishonor, infamy, defeat.)

    Ignoramus adjectives

    splendid; hopeless; obvious; posturing

    Ignorance adjectives

    presumptuous; simple; personal; intelligent; self-loved; brutal; complete; deplorable; widespread; absolute; prevailing; singular; guilty; primitive; genteel; amazing; gross; fatuous; pure; universal; mingled; sheer; miraculous; timid; sanctified; blissful; faithless; desperate; profound; admirable; modest; entire; woeful; unpained; learned; crass; barbaric; swirling; helpless; disconcerting; honest; deep; extreme; violent; popular; general; culpable; intense; daring; dense; blind; humble; spotless; impertinent; naked; glooming; united; intellectual; polished; manifold; feigned; maidenly; perpetual; childish


    alienate through—; bare—; betray—; brand —; breed—; conceal—; condemn—; confess —of; deplore—; emancipate from—; expose —; forgive—; foster—; lapse into—; mock —; nurture—; remain in—; remedy—; scoff at—; shroud in—; tolerate—; yield to—; —blinds; —darkens; —deforms; —prejudices; —shames

    (See stupidity, foolishness, illiteracy.)

    Ignorant adverbs

    hopelessly; blissfully; dully; abjectly; absurdly; shamefully; utterly; merrily; stupidly; crassly; stolidly; contentedly; obviously; terribly; criminally; inexcusably; unfortunately; deplorably; curiously; strangely; grossly; woefully; painfully; helplessly; deeply; culpably; amazingly; uncommonly

    Ignore (v) adverbs

    snobbishly; blandly; blatantly; antagonistically; scornfully; contemptuously; sneering-ly; uncivilly; impudently

    (See snub, disregard.)

    Ill adjectives

    oppressive; infinite; unmitigated; cruel; invisible; obscure; vindictive; false; malign; financial; cureless; sundry (pl); swooning; foulest; specific; dreadful; violent; approaching; virulent; knowing; earthly; willing; matchless; economic; hastening; invented


    banish—; better—; correct—; decry—; defend from—; destroy—; endure—; expatiate on—; feign—s; foreshadow—s; grieve over —; incur—; number—s; occasion—; remedy —; suffer—; unravel—; work—s; —s befall; —s beset; —s confront; —s disappear

    —s distress; —s imperil; —shadows

    (See evil, misfortune, disease, pain.)

    Ill adverbs

    seriously; desperately; slightly; temporarily; violently; honestly; strangely; fatally; mortally; naturally; extremely; cruelly; incurably; terribly; irrecoverably; unhappily;1 unfortunately; woefully; recently

    Ill-Bred adverbs

    boorishly; crassly; grossly; downright; unbelievably; notoriously; shamelessly; terribly; unbearably; offensively; barbarously; cruelly; intolerably; shamefully; deplorably; .lamentably; woefully; obnoxiously; extremely; dreadfully; curiously; obviously

    Illegal adverbs

    notoriously; admittedly; obviously; dangerously,' trickily; shamelessly; vaguely; obscurely; flagrantly; perilously; riskily; openly; daringly; audaciously; villainously; viciously; flagitiously;, shamefully

    Illegality adjectives

    obvious; apparent; declared; widespread


    censor—; charge—; conceal—; condemn—; criticize—; cure of—; deal with—; espy—; foster—; oppose—; permit—; protest—; punish—; rectify—; taint with—; tolerate —; war on—

    (See crime, dishonesty.)

    Illegible adverbs

    utterly; quasi; entirely; hopelessly; shamefully; vexatiously; carelessly; childishly; purposely; intentionally; deliberately; aged-ly; scrawlingly; indecipherably; pompously; unfortunately; unluckily; crampedly; deplorably; woefully; strangely; unusually; habitually-/uncommonly; feebly

    Illegitimate adverbs

    nefariously; criminally; obviously; admittedly; horribly; cruelly; woefully; deliberately; dangerously; riskily; hazardously; audaciously; daringly; heinously; extremely; curiously; Hauntingly; flagrantly; shamelessly; hopelessly; notoriously

    Illiberal adverbs

    fanatically; narrowly; btgotedly; stingily; meanly; basely; selfishly; cruelly; parsimoniously; sordidly; uncharitably; necessarily; temperamentally; innately; naturally; habitually; prejudicially; provincially; dogmatically; stupidly; unreasonably; penuriously; shabbily; exceedingly; remarkably; notoriously

    Illicit adverbs

    criminally; obviously; shamefully; furtively; stealthily; perilously; ignominiously; strangely; desperately; contemptibly; horribly; cruelly; dangerously; fearfully; unaccountably; terribly

    Illiteracy adjectives

    pitiful; undesirable; brutish; inert


    campaign against—; conceal:—; condemn—; curse with—; excuse—; hide—; induce—; judge—; nourish—; plead—; rectify—; reform—; remedy—; ridicule—; shroud in—; test—; tolerate—

    (See ignorance, blunder, error, stupidity.)

    Illiterate adverbs

    boorishly; shamefully; provincially; hopelessly; helplessly; innocently; unduly; lazily; slothfully; shamelessly; surprisingly; unexpectedly; woefully; deplorably; amazingly; utterly; remarkably; unreasonably; inexplicably; pitiably; sadly; completely; barbarously; terribly

    Ill-Mannered adverbs

    unpardonably; unforgivably; crudely; sensationally; boorishly; exceptionally; woefully; pitifully; ignorantly; hopelessly; offensively; curiously; strangely; inexplicably; oddly; surprisingly; terribly; amazingly; inordinately; inexcusably; utterly; positively; unbearably; unendurably; ungraciously; flagrantly; boisterously

    Ill-Natured adverbs

    peevishly; fretfully; meanly; unbearably; innately; naturally; constitutionally; curiously; strangely; inexplicably; oddly; querulously; viciously; brutally; maliciously; slanderously; obviously; dreadfully; implacably; harshly; sternly; unutterably; completely; irremediably

    Illness adjectives

    deadly; wearisome; passing; desperate; pernicious; chronic; prolonged; unsuspected; fatal; exhausting; disabling; frequent (pl); trifling; acute; separate; particular; severe; protracted; slow; gradual; wearing; dangerous; absolute; serious; violent; hopeless; lingering


    attend with—; combat—; contract—; convalesce from—; cure—; diagnose—; exempt from—; guard against—; hinder by—; induce—; recuperate from—; report—; succumb to—; suffer—; —abates; —debilitates; —enfeebles; —prostrates; —seizes; — weakens

    (See disease, malady, sickness, ailment, complaint, indisposition.)

    Illogical adverbs

    strangely; absurdly; vexatiously; alarmingly; dangerously; ridiculously; ominously; perilously; .rrationally; terribly; deliberately; ignorantly; shortsightedly; unstably; trickily; speciously; inordinately; irritatingly; wildly; viciously; particularly; dreadfully; uncommonly; impulsively; evasively; foolishly

    Illuminate (v) adverbs

    singularly; brilliantly; gloriously; vividly; feebly; sparklingly; indirectly; partially. (See brighten, adorn.

    Illumination ad jectives

    full; softened; glorious; publii ; burning; phosphoric; faintest; brilliant; secondary; partial; competent; rude; veritable; indirect

    Illumine (v) adverbs

    clearly; vividly; brilliantly; fully; faintly; publicly

    (See adorn, brighten.)

    Illusion adjectives

    self-imposed; transparent; phantasmagorical; egregious; optical; innocent; grave; desired; ambrosial; childlike; brief; gorgeous; fantastic; strange; dramatic; auditory; kindred (pl); terrifying; momentary; sacred; brilliant; vague; exquisite; romantic; beloved; concrete; shattered; spectral; charming; dazzling; sweet; pleasing; multiplied (pl)


    awaken from—; beguile with—; cherish—; complete—; create—; cultivate—; destroy —; dispel—; dispose of—; dissolve—; entertain—; extirpate—; harbor—; illustrate —; maintain—; mask—; prolong—; shatter—; strip of—; suffer—; sweep away—; triumph over—; uncover—; wander in—; — blinds; —crumbles; —haunts; —lulls; — persists; —prevails; —robs; —stupefies

    (See misconception, delusion, hallucination, idea, fallacy.)

    Illusive adverbs

    fancifully; imaginably; romantically; ideally; whimsically; extravagantly; fabulously; notionally; insubstantially; visionarily; fantastically; phantasmally; spectrally; imaginatively; chimerically; wildly; singularly; preposterously; absurdly; unreasonably; ridiculously; irrationally

    Illustrate (v) adverbs

    profusely; copiously; adequately; abundantly; humorously; liberally; vividly; lavishly; dramatically; admirably; splendidly; graphically; superbly; instructively; vivaciously; curiously; decoratively

    (See draw, engrave, describe.)

    Illustration adjectives

    suppositious; striking; sublime; graphic; prophetic; amusing; practical; accompanying; superb; helpful; gorgeous; excellent; plentiful; delightful; crude; sufficient; fearful; extreme; lithographic; sketchy; notable; instructive; apt; vivacious; curious; profuse; inimitable; elaborate; occasional; decorative; interesting; irrelevant; concrete; dreamy; brilliant; cogent; vivid; dramatic; fair; typical; forcible; modest; touching; well-known; supreme; elusive; descriptive; pleasant; puerile; exotic; magnificent


    afford—; commend—; criticize—; design—; display—; draw—; embellish—; exhibit—; lend to—; popularize—; pour forth—s; — adorns; —attracts; —caricatures; —depicts; —emphasizes; —exemplifies; —explains; — glorifies; —indicates; —interests; —proves

    (See comparison, example, picture, sketch, photograph.)

    Illustrious adverbs

    splendidly; brilliantly; distinctly; broadly; orably; famously; proudly; unimpeachably; generally; conspicuously; irnperishably; hon-deservedly; enviably; nobly

    Ill-Iv ILL verbs

    bear—; derive—; display—; haunt by—; incite—; incur—; infect with—; level—at; mock with—; moderate—; nourish—; poison with—; regard with—; repent—; resent—; scorn—; —barks; —bites; —blinds; — chills; —curdles; —disturbs; —lashes

    (See malice, hatred, antipathy, resentment, rancor, grudge.)

    Image adjectives

    dead; latest; fixed; dull; mimic; remembered; faint; delusive; watery; sacred; mental; faithful; concise; imperial; wavering; colossal; familiar; pathetic; discreet; wandering; visionary; helpless; fallen; blurred; falsest; contrasted; imperfect; radiant; licentious; agreeable; vague; tissued; thronging (pl); sweetest; tremulous; reduced; indistinct; sainted; idolatrous; teasing; rude; carved; graven; serene; sublime; heavenly; impassive; bronze; waxen; scattered (pl); dying; livid; exact; unsculp-tured; spitting; distorted; monstrous; confused; hampered; lovely; mysterious; visible; newborn; ludicrous; perceptible; royal; peace-bearing; magnified; graceful; wonder-working; wrinkled; heroic; constant; effective; fallen; luminous; palpitating; deathlike; fantastic; delicate; pleasant; vivid; poetical; horrible; foul; votive; reflex; compendious; dreamlike; artificial; subordinate; molten


    bow before—; call up—; carve—; confront with—; conjure up—; convey—; distort—; efface—; etch—; evoke—; evolve—; exalt —; focus—; perpetuate—; picture—; preserve—; project—; reflect—; reject—; retain—; scorn—; stamp—; summon—; transform—; transmit—; —blooms; —gleams; — glimmers; —represents; —terrifies

    (See imitation, representation, conception, idea, figure, statue, hallucination, picture.)

    Imagery adjectives

    mental; external; woven; obscene; metaphorical; definite; amorphous; oriental; passionate; childish; vivid; pensive; carven; sculptured; learned; wondrous; colorful; glowing; inapplicable

    Imaginable adverbs

    scarcely; easily; readily; horribly; illusively; barely; possibly; hardly; dimly; vaguely

    Imaginary adverbs

    undoubtedly; probably; highly; possibly; unquestionably; assuredly; vexatiously; pitiably; hypothetically; supposedly; illusively; definitely

    Imagination adjectives

    luxuriant; emotional; proud; copious; splendid; morbid; ardent; vivid; exacting; realizing; kindling; atavistic; inquisitive; teeming; creative; youthful; pure; retired; somber; poetic; sympathetic; rustic; capricious; irreverent; kindly; lively; indolent; veracious; astounding; exuberant; glorious: fertile; constructive; powerful; sanest; diseased; dim; contemporaneous; heated; restless; headlong; respective; fond; sluggish; cultivated; warm; historic; disorderly; ardent; ribald; popular; foul; cumulative; daring; tensest; fiuitful; disordered; morbid; pure; solitary; retired; limitless; salty; fever-driven; agile; plastic; epic; hyperbolical; inventive; apt; quick; gifted; robust; defective; delicate; irrepressible; unconfin-able; dire; dark; mortal; heated; distempered; boyish; idealizing; burning; jaded; penetrating; scientific; riotous; melancholic


    ballast—; capture—; check—; confine—; confound—; curb—; develop—; distort—; drift in—; dull—; enslave—; exercise—; fire—; flow from—; inflame—; infuse into —; kindle—; nurture—; parade before—; pursue in—; revel in—; seize—; spur—; stagger—; stain—; stimulate—; stretch—; tax—; transcend—; breaks loose—; —elucidates; —envisages; —pictures; —recoils; —runs away; —soars; —vaults

    (See conception, image, fancy, fantasy, vision, mind, brain, power.)

    Imaginative adverbs

    highly; wildly; violently; unstably; obviously; creatively; inventively; usefully; inconsistently; untrustworthily; romantically; admirably; wonderfully; remarkably; brilliantly; artistically; extremely; deeply; beautifully; inordinately; fearfully; dangerously

    Imagine (v) adverbs

    optimistically; poetically; nobly; vainly; fondly; swiftly; vividly; vaguely; naively; emotionally; morbidly; ardently; capriciously; irreverently; indolently; exuberantly; heatedly; sluggishly; daringly; irrepressibly; scientifically; riotously

    (See dream, suppose, fancy.)

    Imaginings adjectives

    vain; bilious; untutored; profound; fervid; horrible; chimerical; fertile; mystic; audacious

    Imbecile adjectives

    financial; inept; vacuous; egregious

    Imbecility adjectives

    vehement; congenital; wonted; cheerful; incurable


    confirm—; contemplate—; contend against —; cure—; curse with—; foster—; lament —; punish—; reduce to—; shelter—; sustain—; verge on—; —confounds; —damages; —endangers; —irks; —itches; —maddens; —provokes

    (See foolishness, feebleness, stupidity.)

    Imbed (v) adverbs

    deeply; firmly; permanently; snugly; concretely; securely

    (See bury.)

    Imbibe (v) adverbs

    copiously; sympathetically; insensibly; generously; freely; liberally; unstintingly

    (See drink, absorb, assimilate.)

    Imbibing adjectives

    generous; profuse; ravenous insatiate

    Imbue (v) adverbs

    thoroughly; deeply; wholesomely; morally; naturally; insidiously; tacitly; psychologically

    (See impress, tinge.)

    Imitate (v) adverbs

    ludicrously; successfully; fearlessly; superfluously; inimitably; consciously; effectively; exquisitely; preposterously; authentically; creditably; slavishly; palpably; obviously

    (See impersonate, simulate, copy.)

    Imitation adjectives

    literal; unintentional; corrupt; preposterous; considerable; cunning; sorry; dead; wretched; lifeless; authentic; cheap; mortifying; makeshift; exaggerated; showy; flattering; excellent; creditable; sickly; curious; slavish; miserable; laughable; clumsy; accurate; effective; vociferous; direct; narrative; palpable; elaborate; obvious; apish. verbs

    alter—; condemn—; disguise—; praise—; recognize—; reduce to—; savor of—; — borrows; —defaces; —falters; —feeds on; —injures; —mimics; —models; —ransacks; —resembles; —steals

    (See copy, counterfeit, parody.)

    Imitative adverbs

    cleverly; skillfully; brilliantly; adroitly; expertly; unconsciously; deliberately; preposterously; fantastically; cheaply; admiringly; derisively; laughably; accurately; effectively; devotedly; affectionately; extraordinarily; perfectly; apishly; absurdly

    Imitativeness adjectives

    selective; sycophantic; vigilant; wary

    Imitator adjectives

    literal; servile; accidental; circumspect

    Immaculate adverbs

    usually; perfectly; extraordinarily; completely; admirably; wonderfully; amazingly; utterly; faultlessly; consummately; sprucely; neatly; tidily; daintily; delicately; nattily; beautifully; pleasantly; attractively; wondrously; indescribably; entranc-ingly

    Immaterial adverbs

    vaguely; definitely; admittedly; palpably; ephemerally; transiently; momentarily; temporarily; wholly

    1mma TURE adverbs

    ridiculously; disgustingly; rosily; appealingly; helplessly; delicately; shyly; absurdly; hopelessly; sweetly; wretchedly; crudely; surprisingly; coarsely; roughly; thoughtlessly; shiftlessly; terribly; unsuitably; unfortunately; preposterously; unbelievably; miserably; painfully; awkwardly; adorably; gawkily; feverishly; obviously; noisily; blithely; inexpressibly; markedly; dully; ingeniously; garrulously; incredibly

    Immensity adjectives

    vast; involved; sublime; actual; unfriendly; unknowable; roofless; increate


    partially; abruptly; wholly; suffocatingly; fatally; protectively; instinctively

    (See plunge, dip.)

    Immersion adjectives

    continuous; partial; total

    Immigrant verbs

    assimilate—s; awe—; bar—s; check—s; confuse—; distress—; finance—s; limit—s; perplex—; puzzle—; reduce—s; refuse—; shelter—; succor—; —Americanizes; —s crowd to; —lands; —settles

    (See alien, foreigner, stranger.)


    indiscriminately; transiently; recently; out-landishly; awkwardly; bewilderingly; conspicuously

    Immigration adjectives

    indiscriminate; limited


    assimilate—; ban—; check—; control—; curtail—; discourage—; finance—; govern —; harbor—; influence—; limit—; permit —; reduce—; restrict—; stimulate—; —distresses; —fluctuates; —shifts; —slackens

    (See invasion, penetration.)

    Imminent adverbs

    immediately; terribly; ominously; perilously; dangerously; significantly; portentously; dreadfully; woefully; alarmingly; suddenly; fatally; gloomily; dismally; actually; inevitably; inescapably

    Immobile adverbs

    stiffly; rigidly; curiously; absolutely; oddly; strangely; inexplicably; sternly; severely; altogether; stolidly; implacably; inimically; harshly; stubbornly; stupidly; phlegmatically; skeptically; uncomprehendingly; silently; statically

    Immobility adjectives

    intelligent; skeptical; perfect; awe-inspiring; deathly; masklike


    foolishly; fantastically; palpably; wildly; inexcusably; hysterically; woefully; notoriously; inanely; distressingly; grievously; miserably; grossly; astoundingly; singularly; outlandishly; glaringly; fundamentally; naturally; innately; habitually; unfortunately

    Immodest adverbs

    dreadfully; inordinately; reprehensibly; wantonly; seductively; alluringly; shamefully; terribly; inexcusably; unpardonably; naturally; always; spitefully; unconsciously; deliberately;   thoughtlessly; alarmingly

    coarsely; grossly; crassly; brazenly; flagrantly; notoriously; offensively; horribly

    Immodesty verbs

    accuse of—; array in—; chasten—; decry—; denounce—

    (See coarseness, obscenity.)

    Immolate (v) adverbs

    religiously; selflessly; traditionally; customarily; perfunctorily; cruelly; barbarically. (See sacrifice-

    Immolation adjectives

    determined; enforced

    Immoral adverbs

    grossly; openly; audaciously; daringly; obstinately;' insufferably; crassly; flagrantly; heinously; terribly; obviously; extraordinarily; blithely; carelessly; incurably; unwarrantably; iniquitously; criminally; viciously; brazenly; scandalously; infamously; notoriously; sadly; atrociously; brutally; despicably; incorrigibly; malevolently; obdurately

    Immorality adjectives

    coarse; cruel; wanton; flagrant; ugly; blatant; obvious; evident; daring; reprehensible; impenitent; hardened; hopeless; notorious; gross; boundless


    divinely; gloriously; ineffably; immemorial-ly; sublimely; sacredly; illustriously

    Immortality verbs

    achieve—; admit—; allege—; assure of—; commune with—; crown with—; deny—; destine to—; dwell in—; earn—; escape to —; flourish in—; rejoice in—; seek—; win —; —degrades; —endures; —exempts

    (See infinity, permanence, stability, sanctity, holiness.)

    Immovable adverbs

    obstinately; stubbornly; altogether; completely; stiffly; firmly; stably; permanently; fixedly; inveterately; indestructibly; quietly; tenaciously; mulishly; inexorably; doggedly; wilfully; inertly; dogmatically; horribly; sternly; harshly; obdurately

    Immune adverbs

    naturally; happily; fortunately; luckily; freely; properly; warrantable-; authoritatively; legally; exceptionably; constitutionally; presumptively; duly; legitimately


    modulated; joyous; sharp; abrupt; physical


    calculate—; prepare for—; prevent—; resist —; —communicates; —destroys; —drives; —impresses; —jams; —pinions; —presses; —rends; —resounds; —shatters; —splits; —stamps; —vibrates; —violates; —wedges

    (See collision, force, contact, blow.)

    Impair (vj adverbs

    palpably; seriously; disastrously; permanently; superficially; fatally; dangerously; cruelly

    (See ruin, injure, weaken.)

    Impalpable adverbs

    evanescently; transitorily; ephemerally; vaporously; nebulously; vexatiously; tor-mentingly; evasively; intangibly; teasingly; curiously; oddly; alluringly; altogether

    Impart (v) adverbs

    concisely; confidentially; abundantly; secretly; trustingly; tacitly; freely; uninhibitedly. (See communicate, give, grant, disclose.

    Immunity adjectives

    national; glorious; happy; tolerable; various (pl); just; precarious; comparative


    acquire—; break—; confer—upon; enjoy—; favor with—; grant—; guarantee—; hope for—; induce—; observe—; preserve—; prove—; purchase—; test—; —exempts; —frees; —lasts

    (See exemption, freedom.)

    Immutable adverbs

    divinely; sacredly; naturally; celestially; spiritually; permanently; securely; tunelessly; marvelously

    Imp adjectives

    impudent; squabbling; mercurial; sturdy; unmerciful

    Impartial adverbs

    thoroughly; carefully; judicially; meticulously; particularly; admirably; properly; scarcely; cautiously; punctiliously; affectionately; paternally; grudgingly; cleverly; astutely; craftily; sagaciously; wisely; reasonably; prudently; keenly; sharply; shrewdly; perfectly; discreetly; considerately; politically; moderately; faithfully; scrupulously; conscientiously

    Impartiality adjectives

    editorial; historic; deliberate; absolute; pretended; imperial; known; magnanimous; perfect


    approve of—; commend—; conduct with—; depart from—; encourage—; favor with—; feign—; judge with—; maintain—; observe —; perform with—; practice—; praise—

    prescribe—; preserve—; profess—; seek—; stamp with—; submit to—; veer from—; witness with—; —assures

    (See fairness, justice, equity.)

    Impassable adverbs

    utterly; completely; undeniably; obviously; clearly; obstinately; desperately; hopelessly; incontrovertibly; admittedly; evidently; manifestly

    Impassioned adverbs

    rapturously; ecstatically; ardently; fervently; feverishly; utterly; sublimely; eloquently; fervidly; amorously; gloriously; vehemently; wildly; fiercely; enthusiastically; fanatically; eagerly; impulsively; impetuously; irrepressibly; excitedly; utterly; violently; foolishly; vainly

    Impassive adverbs

    stoutly; phlegmatically; stupidly; dully; stolidly; apathetically; neutrally; quietly; serenely; provokingly; resolutely; deliberately; frightfully; alarmingly; dreadfully; ominously; portentously; deafly; blindly; obtusely; obdurately; languidly; indifferently; uncommonly; deeply; carelessly; callously; imperturbably; maddeningly

    Impatience adjectives

    intolerable; nervous; polyglot; vehement; thwarted; balked; obvious; angry; insolent; feverish; languishing; demonstrative; rash; surprised; ungovernable; helpless; ill-concealed; unreasonable; singular; restless; filial; enraged; domineering; passionate; ferocious; repressed; uncalculating; rude; burning; subdued; bored; irritating; fidgety


    betray—; burn with—; calm—; chastise—; crack with—; detect—; dispose toward—; enrage with—; fever with—; prance with —; rage in—; remedy—; sheathe—; spur on by—>; struggle with—; warn against—; — amazes; —angers; —grasps; —irritates; — stings; control—

    (See restiveness, restlessness, uneasiness, nervousness.)

    Impatient adverbs

    peevishly; fretfully; wildly; violently; vehemently; nervously; unduly; peckishly; vexa-tiously; surprisingly; inexcusably; incorrigibly; irritatingly; provokingly; feverishly; habitually; always; unpardonably; eagerly; happily; rapturously; childishly; inordinately; extremely; oddly; curiously; strangely; remarkably; unaccountably; inexplicably; unreasonably; disagreeably; unnecessarily

    Impeachment adjectives

    unfair; soft; withering; amusing


    acquit of—; anticipate—; carry—; clamor for—; conduct—; demand—; expose to—; justify—; lament—; prevent—; proceed to —; remove by—; suggest—; —disqualifies; —shames; —suspends

    (See accusation, arraignment, trial, arrest. )

    Impeccable adverbs

    admittedly; wholly; notoriously; altogether; clearly; exceptionally; consciously; unquestionably; utterly; notoriously; virtuously; incomparably

    Impecunious adverbs

    wretchedly; pitiably; admittedly; obviously; terribly; woefully; uneasily; desperately; evidently; manifestly; strangely; curiously; destitutely; distressingly; embarrassingly; alarmingly; hopelessly

    Impede (v) adverbs

    unaccountably; tragically; purposely; pre-meditatedly; totally; partially; mechanically

    (See hinder, obstruct.)

    Impediment adjectives

    sundry (pl); formidable; sluggish; occasional; visible; unaccountable


    admit—; bear—; breed —s; brush aside—; correct—; cure—; curse—; hurl aside—; pass—; remove—; resist—; —chains; —constrains; —delays; —disconcerts; —hinders

    —irritates; —obstructs; —petrifies; —restrains; —restricts; —strangles; —vexes

    (See obstruction, hindrance, obstacle, difficulty, bar, barrier, encumbrance.) fest—; note—; observe—; perceive—; remove'—; reveal—; view—; x-ray for —s; —blemishes; —mars

    (See deficiency, fault, blemish, defect, flaw, shortcoming.)

    Impel (v) adverbs

    blindly; steadily; simultaneously; instinctively; naturally; normally; sexually; emotionally; subconsciously

    (See drive, urge, incite.)

    Impenetrable adverbs

    dimly; darkly; densely; thickly; massively; absolutely; utterly; strangely; mysteriously; altogether; terribly; fearfully; blindly; unaccountably; solidly; pathlessly; inscrutably; hopelessly; defiantly; stubbornly; definitely; manifestly

    Imperative adverbs

    vitally; essentially; fundamentally; urgently; pressingly; harshly; severely; austerely; arbitrarily; absolutely; legally; tyrannically; strictly; rigidly; uncompromisingly; inexorably; dreadfully; highly

    Imperceptible adverbs

    altogether; definitely; materially; infinitesimally; miserably; comparatively; almost; unaccountably; impalpably; evanescently; nebulously; vaporously; obscurely; fuzzily; curiously; symbolically; inferentially; covertly

    Imperfect adverbs

    crassly; grossly; carelessly; obviously; manifestly; inexplicably; disastrously; wretchedly; unsatisfactorily; defectively; sketchily; crudely; disgustingly; annoyingly; inexcusably; hopelessly; unbelievably

    Imperfection adjectives

    hateful; technical; degrading; moral


    alter—; complain of—; conceal—; criticize

    —; detect—; expose—; gloat over—; mani

    Imperial adverbs

    arrogantly; dogmatically; haughtily; regally; magisterially; domineeringly; royally; grandly; splendidly; pompously; proudly; beneficently; dictatorially; generously; cruelly; authoritatively; tyrannically; bossily; fussily; absolutely; supremely; magnificently; boldly

    Imperil (v) adverbs

    outrageously; recklessly; foolhardily; gallantly; thoughtlessly; intrepidly; daringly. (See endanger, risk.

    Imperious adverbs

    disagreeably; regally; ridiculously; amusingly; tyrannically; arbitrarily; unreasonably; arrogantly; clownishly; airily; shockingly; unwarrantedly; officiously; ludicrously; despotically; hatefully; pompously; inherently; superciliously; loftily; haughtily; proudly; sharply; offensively; naturally; rudely; grossly

    Imperiousness adjectives

    mighty; apparent

    Imperishable adverbs

    gloriously; lustrously; solemnly; splendidly; sublimely; eminently; magnificently; memorably; brilliantly; immutably; unchangeably; forever; grandly; astonishingly; incomparably

    Impersonal adverbs

    coldly; vaguely; ineptly; indifferently; politely; disagreeably; evasively; nonchalantly; casually; frigidly; disinterestedly; vex-atiously; unpardonably; horribly; detestably; broadly; sweepingly; generally; arrogantly

    Impersonate (v) adverbs

    inimitably; jocosely; vulgarly; lewdly; dexterously; shrewdly; artfully; histrionically; adequately; fancifully; phlegmatically

    (See represent, assume 1

    Impersonation adjectives

    heroic; scattered (pl); inadequate; succeeding; fanciful; phlegmatic

    Impertinence adjectives

    light; stunning; intrusive; damned; chirping; superb; delicate; female; fond; idiotic; preposterous

    Impertinent adverbs

    grossly; ignorantly; foolishly; senselessly; inanely; unreasonably; disrespectfully; deliberately; crudely; purposely; intentionally; subtly; furtively; openly; flagrantly; defiantly; stupidly; unfortunately; idiotically ; preposterously; astoundinglv; blithely; out-landishly; crassly; brazenly; blatantly; ostentatiously; rudely; superciliously; saucily; pertly; bumptiously; shamelessly; boisterously; swaggeringly; terribly

    Impervious adverbs

    tightly; snugly; callously; securely; satisfactorily; scientifically; hermetically; hopelessly; entirely; utterly; manifestly; reportedly; allegedly; actually; genuinely

    Impetuosity adjectives

    characteristic; jocose; vehement; sinewy; flamboyant; irresistible


    attack with—; bear—; bridle—; check—; curb—; flame with—; mistrust—; obey—; overcome—; reply with—; repress—; rush into with—; subdue—; suppress—; —blunders; —endangers; —forces; —spurs; — tempts

    (See eagerness, passion, enthusiasm, exuberance, violence.)

    Impetuous adverbs

    foolishly; wildly; childishly; rashly; recklessly; thoughtlessly; inconsiderately; uncontrollably; violently; blithely; merrily; happily; precipitately; dangerously; generously; delightfully; enchantingly; engagingly; astonishingly; uncommonly; highly; roughly; boisterously; explosively; stormily; noisily; vivaciously; restlessly; indiscreetly; wantonly; adventurously; dreadfully

    Impetus adjectives

    accumulated; momentous; logical; considerable; enormous; great; fresh; intellectual; moral; united; desired


    acquire—; add—; bridle—; curb—; gather

    —; mistrust—; receive—; repress—; rush with—; struggle for—; —carries; —destroys; —directs; —forces; —overcomes

    (See momentum, impulse, incentive, stimulus.)

    Impiety adjectives

    pure; natural; heinous; filial; negative; sacrilegious

    Impious adverbs

    dreadfully; disrespectfully; reprehensibly; irreverently; scornfully; terribly; scoffingly; deliberately; purposely; insultingly; inordinately; extraordinarily; ostentatiously; unforgivably; offensively; audaciously; fcowardly; waywardly; blasphemously; profanely; unspeakably; infamously; astoundingly

    Implacable adverbs

    hopelessly; terribly; appallingly; shockingly; horribly; inexorably; harshly; sternly; severely; amazingly; suddenly; temperamentally; pitilessly; remorselessly; ruthlessly; cruelly; stolidly; immovably; uncommonly; remarkably; notoriously

    Implant (v) adverbs

    deeply; vigorously; insidiously; skillfully; artfully; scientifically; artificially; subconsciously

    (See instill, plant.)

    Implements adjectives

    martial; agricultural; trashy; crude; homemade; medicinal; fantastic; facile; ungainly; gainly

    Implicate (v) adverbs

    rashly; vaguely; tacitly; socially; treacherously; shamefully; premeditatively; thoughtlessly; spitefully

    (See involve, entangle.)

    Implication adjectives

    materialistic; covert; historical; moral; practical; far-reaching; small; tacit; social


    convey—; deny—; detect—'; detest—; dodge —; fathom—; involve—; judge—; justify —; lament—; leave to—; pale at—; prove —; —confuses; —disturbs; —entangles; — entwines; —hints; —infers; —irritates; — shocks

    (See suggestion, entanglement, deduction, inference.)

    Implicit adverbs

    allusively; inferentially; expressly; subtly; secretly; doctrinally; indirectly; covertly; understandably; carefully; profoundly; cunningly; diplomatically; artfully

    Implore (v) adverbs

    piteously; heartrendingly; beseechingly; plaintively; fruitlessly;.ceaselessly; noisily; blatantly; repetitiously

    (See beg, entreat.)

    Imply («>) adverbs

    obviously; virtually; suggestively; meaningfully; vaguely; slanderously; slyly

    (See signify, infer.)

    Impolite adverbs

    unbelievably; subtly; deliberately; ignorantly; crudely; awkwardly; unintentionally; purposely; inexcusably; habitually; always; cruelly; appallingly; shockingly; uncivilly; imprudently; indiscreetly; unfortunately; offensively; distastefully; openly; intentionally; superciliously; arrogantly; boisterously; roughly; noisily; grossly; brazenly; flagrantly

    Import (meaning) adjectives

    sinister; serious; mystic; peaceful; physiological; enormous; direful; violent; spiritual; immediate; ominous; mysterious; weighty; reliable; hideous


    bear—; contemplate—; convey—; discern—; doubt—; overlook—; question—; value—; weigh—; —amazes; —baffles; —betokens; —disconcerts; —implies; —indicates; —interests; —involves; —perplexes; —states

    (See meaning, purport, signification, importance, significance.)

    Import (trade) adjectives

    vast; domestic; agricultural; mineral; excisable; dutiable

    Import (v) adverbs

    exclusively; professionally; domestically; agriculturally; annually; legally

    Importance adjectives

    paramount; distressing; incalculable; portentous; relative; pressing; subordinate; considerable; direct; practical; outstanding; primary; unworthy; vital; supreme; unspeakable; signal; slight; moral; overwhelming; valetudinarian; genuine; artistic; fictitious; decisive; intrinsic; comparable; rising; overstrained; anticipatory; preeminent; consequent; infinite; tremendous; historic; utmost; overshadowing; trifling; negligible; lingering; transcendent; commercial; strategic; proportionate; significant; requisite; enormous; commanding; vast; honorable; commercial; secondary; endless; profound; glowing; fundamental; grave; vanishing; conspicuous; apparent; absolute; mighty; plenary; immense; major; increasing; exaggerated; sufficient; exceptional; constitutional; far-reaching; perpetual; startling; cultural; infinitesimal; true; evident; ultimate; radical


    accentuate—; amplify—; assume—; attach —to; belittle—; bolster up—; convey—; detract from—; diminish—; dwarf—; enhance —; exaggerate—; feign—; imbue with—; manifest—; minimize—; overemphasize—; overestimate—; overrate—; overwhelm with —; puff out with—; rob of—; signify—; stress—; swell with—; underestimate—; underrate—; weigh—of

    (See value, consequence, worth.)

    Important adverbs

    highly; urgently; gravely; seriously; materially; scarcely; terribly; extraordinarily; mysteriously; secretly; implicitly; unusu^J-ly; personally; internationally; immeasurably; incalculably; ominously; vitally; genuinely; infinitely; tremendously; historically; commercially; exceptionally; peculiarly; particularly; oddly; astonishingly; profoundly

    Imports (merchandise) verbs

    blockade—; curtail—; affect—; gain in—; increase—; levy on—; restrict—; stimulate —; tax—; —dwindle; —recede; —wane

    (See merchandise, wares.)

    Importunate adverbs

    persistently; endlessly; teasingly; provoking-ly; annoyingly; vexatiously; harrassingly; bbthersomely; indiscreetly; incredibly; inappropriately; inconsiderately; inveterate-ly; clamorously; unpleasantly; disagreeably; obnoxiously; piteously; pathetically; dreadfully; uncommonly; highly

    Importune (v) adverbs

    shamelessly; rapturously; irritatingly; persistently; pressingly; incessantly; ceaselessly. (See implore, beg.

    Importunities adjectives

    precluded; trivial; renewed

    Importunity verbs

    ease—; endure—; experience—; indulge in —; labor under—; relax—; restrain—; sacrifice to—; satisfy—; suffer—; yield to—; —annoys; —chafes; —clamors; —goads; — irks; —irritates; —pains; —torments; troubles

    (See insistence, urge, demand.)

    Impose (v) adverbs

    inordinately; wilfully; deliberately; tyrannically; disgracefully; legally; tactlessly; selfishly; thoughtlessly

    (See command, enjoin.)

    Imposing adverbs

    splendidly; brilliantly; tremendously; magnificently; sublimely; incomparably; undeniably; satisfactorily; carefully; sensationally; dramatically; solemnly; remarkably; grandly; nobly; significantly; eminently; signally; immensely; enormously

    Imposition adjectives

    tyrannical; disgraceful; illegal; tearful


    agree to—; avert—; avoid—; bar—; burden with—; enforce—; escape—; inflict—; levy—; necessitate—; overcome—; pay—; punish with—; refuse—; subject to—; suffer—; suspect—; —irks; —irritates

    (See abuse, tax, oppression, burden.)

    Impossibilities adjectives

    wild; apparent; utter; undesired

    Impossibility verbs

    accomplish—; achieve—; admit—; argue—; attempt—; consider—; contemplate—; fret over—; hurdle—; lessen—; master—; overcome with—; remove—; render—; stress—; strip of—; wander in—; —chafes; —torments

    Impossible adverbs

    highly; probably; practically; altogether; presumably; allegedly; obviously; manifestly; evidently; naturally; hopelessly; desperately; wildly; utterly; absurdly

    Impostor adjectives

    privileged; crafty; latent; artistic; ignorant; vile; wretched

    Impotence adjectives

    peevish; terrorized; pitiful; glaring; languishing; unstable


    afflict with—; betray—; bewail—; denounce —; expbse—; feel—; feign—; grieve over —; incur—; jibe at—; reduce to—; —agonizes; —displeases; —limits; —provokes; — restrains; —shames; —torments

    (See weakness, deficiency, fatigue, inefficiency.)

    Impoverished adverbs

    somewhat; pitiably; ruinously; slightly; altogether; utterly; considerably; hopelessly; helplessly; incredibly; grievously; embarrassingly; distressingly; indigently; terribly; wretchedly; unfortunately; unbelievably; immeasurably

    Impoverishment verbs

    conceal—; descend to—; discover—; dread —; endure—; further—; grind to—; inflict —; reduce to—; relieve—; steep in—; suffer —; tax to—; wallow in—; —attends; — distresses; —embitters; —scorches

    (See poverty, distress, need, privation.)

    Impracticable adverbs

    absurdly; terribly; notionally; absolutely; utterly; foolishly; manifestly; obviously; desperately; hopelessly; formidably; awkwardly; perplexingly; completely

    Imprecation adjectives

    dreadful; articulated; profane; elaborate; good-natured; loud; tumultuous; petulant; solemn; unprecedented


    abuse with—s; blacken with—; blast with —; crush with—; curse with—; fling—at; hurl—at; lash out—; mutter—; perish under —; pour out—; scorn—; shower—; whip with—; wilt under—; —frightens; —outrages; —pains; —stings

    (See oath, curse, denunciation.)

    Impregnability verbs

    attack—; beat at—; condemn—; defy—; deny—; derive—from; lessen—; overcome —; prove—; threaten—; —assures; —counteracts; —deteriorates; —discourages; — obstructs; —perishes; —represses; —repulses; —resists; —withstands

    (See strength, toughness, tenacity, security.)

    Impress (v) adverbs

    deeply; immensely; tremendously; vividly; profoundly; indelibly; forcibly; pitilessly; unduly; disagreeably; strikingly; palpably; vehemently; painfully; emotionally; humorously; solemnly; mysteriously; charmingly; austerely; superficially; fraudulently; spiritually; permanently

    (See affect.)

    Impression adjectives

    vivid; mysterious; external; erroneous; weak; correct; tremendous; optimistic; exchanged (pl); charming; curious; chilling; half-preternatural; hoarse; dual; instantaneous; ineffaceable; misleading; ludicrous; sprawling; artistic; pleasant; immediate; violent; indelible; favorable; austere; cultural; false; lasting; explicable; earliest; subtle; majestic; feeble; deep; imperfect; unanalyzed; current; superficial; dissimilar; severest; half-farcical; painful; ungainly; prominent; suitable; profound; undiscern-ible; confused; intelligible; surface; repellent; powerful; momentary; unwelcome; mistaken; uneasy; desolate; penetrating; firm; childhood; sensual; journalistic; consequent; perceptible; private; acoustic; lively; dominant; outward; nameless; needful; orderly; illusory; delightful; divine; vague; amusing; ill-founded; fraudulent; faint; obscure; distinct; sincere; irresistible; allpervading; antecedent; awful; reverent; indefinable; absolute; personal; grotesque; unmistakable; dangerous; maximum; chief; cheerful; undiscernihle; spiritual; superstitious; comparative; prevalent; permanent; credulous; scarlike


    absorb—; analyze—; communicate—; confirm—; convey—; correct—; create—; crystallize—; deepen—; discount—; dissipate—; dull—; efface—; evoke—; formulate—; gain—; give rise to—s; interpret—; jumble —; justify—; record—; reproduce—; sharpen—; soften—; stamp—; strengthen—; summarize—s; sum up—; sustain—; translate —; verify—; weaken—; —fades; —flickers out; —persists; —prevails; —seeps in

    (See effect, result, picture, action, achievement.)

    Impressive adverbs

    tremendously; splendidly; touchingly; deeply; uncommonly; oddly; incredibly; surprisingly; majestically; royally; powerfully; profoundly; unmistakably; sincerely; affect-ingly; overwhelmingly; mysteriously; inexplicably; strangely; subtly; vaguely; immensely

    Imprint (v) adverbs

    deeply; indelibly; permanently; artistically; strongly; professionally; skillfully

    (See print, stamp, mark.)

    Imprison (v) adverbs

    temporarily; unjustly; legally; permanently; tyrannically; harshly; perpetually

    (See confine, restrain.)

    Imprisonment adjectives

    ignorant; severe; subsequent; prolonged; dreary; unjust; tyrannical; perpetual


    cast into—; condemn to—; confine to—; doom to—; frown upon—; inflict—; justify —; lament—; release from—; resort to—; sentence to—; suffer—; —bridles; —deprives; —deters; —divests; —gags; — scandalizes

    (See restriction, prison.)

    Improbable adverbs

    altogether; entirely; curiously; palpably; highly; wholly; naturally; presumptively

    Impromptu adverbs

    awkwardly; obviously; delightfully; en-chantingly; diffidently; undisguisedly; spontaneously; gracefully; altogether; evidently; warmly; cordially; sincerely; wholly; charmingly

    Improper adverbs

    shockingly; altogether; terribly; wantonly; carelessly; insolently; impudently; highly; inappropriately; offensively; flagrantly; defiantly; obstinately; ignorantly; bumptiously; recklessly; rashly; indiscreetly; imprudently; vexatiously; disagreeably; unpleasantly; wildly; incorrigibly; dreadfully; subtly; vaguely

    Improve (v) adverbs

    markedly; rapidly; tremendously; suitably; infinitely; unquestionably; artificially; verbally; gradually; admirably; progressively; intellectually; definitely

    (See enhance, gain.)

    Improvement adjectives

    artificial; needed; pronounced; astonishing; invariable; substantial; admirable; ecclesiastical; religious; theoretical; decorative; laudable; salutary; effective; urban; progressive; noteworthy; sensible; revolutionary; eternal; intellectual; sensational; definite; industrious; profitable; corresponding; outstanding; internal; general; countless; continual; objective; perceptible; beneficial; concrete; perpetual; proposed; acoustic; mutual


    acclaim—; adopt—; applaud—; campaign for—; depart for—; evince—; experience—; institute—; manifest—; mark—; note—: observe—; pioneer—; promote—; push—; register—; restrict—; retard—; subject to —; undertake—; venture—; win—; yield—

    (See reform, recovery.)

    Improvident adverbs

    lamentably; unfortunately; culpably; hopelessly; incorrigibly; vexatiously; tragically; unbearably; impossibly; heedlessly; recklessly; rashly; thoughtlessly; inattentively; negligently; arrantly; flagrantly; cruelly; brutally; shiftlessly; injudiciously; wildly; impulsively; senselessly; culpably

    Improvise (v) adverbs

    freely; dexterously; artistically; roughly; crudely; professionally; brilliantly

    (See extemporize, perform.)

    Improvised adverbs

    hastily; visibly; obviously; cleverly; skillfully; experimentally; oddly; instantly; adroitly; comically; adequately; successfully; impulsively; brilliantly; splendidly; marvellously; crudely; dexterously

    Imprudent adverbs

    incorrigibly; hopelessly; altogether; carelessly; heedlessly; wantonly; strangely; wastefully; defiantly; disagreeably; rashly; recklessly; desperately; wildly; flagrantly; curiously; obstinately; utterly; precariously; indiscreetly; adventurously; dreadfully; astonishingly; uncommonly; highly

    Impudence adjectives

    overbearing; shameless; brazen; amazing; useless; passable; increasing; unbounded; bland; stupefying; happy; uncommon; magniloquent; interrupting

    Impudent adverbs

    disgustingly; obstinately; stubbornly; stolidly; incurably; incorrigibly; oddly; strangely; curiously; noticeably; visibly; openly; flagrantly; noisily; boisterously; ostentatiously; recklessly; rashly; insolently; snobbishly; arrogantly; hopelessly; offensively; disagreeably; insufferably; heedlessly; wantonly; ignorantly; deliberately; purposely; terribly; astoundingly; surprisingly; habitually; occasionally; always

    Impulse adjectives

    peculiar; sudden; abrupt; unconscious; bibulous; burning; mad; perverse; speculative; visionary; violent; admirable; kindly; generous; irresistible; poetical; unintelligent; mutual; wandering; malignant; choice; successive (pl); lively; kinesthetic; changing; mighty; repressed; spontaneous; august; inward; dreadful; confiding; grateful; rash; strong; suspended; dramatic; subtle; pleasurable; lyrical; natural; deepest; simpler; animating; maddening; national; mysterious; creative; popular; simultaneous; senseless; unanimous; intensified; headlong; sonorous; inexplicable; selfsame; involuntary; overmastering; fierce; missionary; repressed; deep-reaching; celestial; morbid: immortal; disturbing; frustrated; blind; vital; governing; patriotic; analytic; upward; primary; chivalrous; wondrous; initial; common; romantic; instinctive; primitive; powerful; lightning; consecutive; intensifying; restless; motivating; piquant; unreasoning; singular; cordial; original; separate; drunken; obscure; latent; aristocratic; unguarded; indescribable; isochronous; unequaled; unprecedented; boisterous; warm; regular; excitable; westward; varying (pl); recurrent; uncontrollable; mastering; transcendent; catlike; electric; artistic; praiseworthy


    arouse—; block—; blunt—; choke—; control —; cultivate—; curb—; deaden—; destroy —; direct—; eradicate—; exercise—; exhaust—; follow—; impart—; manifest—; obey—; perform on—; respond to—; restrain— ; sense—; sidetrack (colloq.)—; stifle—; subordinate—; suppress—; yield to—; —departs; —overwhelms; —persists; —rends; —sweeps over; —travels

    (See motive, incentive, impetus, ambition, desire.)

    Impulsive adverbs

    charmingly; utterly; habitually; temperamentally; innately;. obviously; incorrigibly; wildly; enchantingly; alarmingly; extraordinarily; unstably; undependably; unreliably; indescribably; interestingly; dangerously; flightily; lamentably; deplorably; terribly; incredibly; imprudently; indiscreetly; be-witchingly; enthusiastically; irresistibly; heedlessly; adventurously; fanatically

    Impure adverbs

    definitely; positively; terribly; unfortunately; lewdly; indelicately; grossly; crassly; brazenly; indecently; foully; immodestly; obscenely; coarsely; lamentably; deplorably; meretriciously

    Impurity verbs

    cleanse of—; contaminate with—; defile by —; expel—; fling forth—; free from—; guard against—; inhale—; pollute with—; prevent—; purge of—; rid of—; swarm with—; tempt to—; —corrupts; —s deluge; —detracts from; —enters; —offends; — spreads

    (See dirt, filth, pollution, infection, squalor.)

    Imputations adjectives

    unworthy; injurious; scandalous

    Impute (v) adverbs

    generally; erroneously; fallaciously; lav-is.iiy; speciously; injuriously; scandalously; unworthily; slanderously; viciously; vindictively

    (See charge, attribute.)

    Inability adjectives

    sheer; restless; obvious; consequent; patent


    accept—; afflict with—; certify as to—; conceal—; dwell on—; judge—; observe—; overcome—; recognize—; regard—; remove —; respect—; —disqualifies; —distresses; —disturbs; —limits; —pains; —restrains; —restricts; —shames

    (See inefficiency, incompetence, helplessness, weakness, impotence, stupidity.)

    Inaccessible adverbs

    hopelessly; almost; desperately; altogether; presumably; allegedly; reportedly; remotely; utterly; incredibly; maddeningly; lamentably; preposterously; deplorably; positively; definitely; terribly; incredibly; tragically


    demoniac; unintentiona


    calculate—; conceal—

    —s; correct—; couch in—; deal in—; detectlook—; plague with—s; suffer—; —astonishes; • (See error, blunder, tion.

    Inaction adjectives

    unaccustomed; dreadful; silent; fruitless; enforced; inevitable; prolonged

    1nactii E adverbs

    necessarily; helplessly; tragically; unfortunately; preferably; habitually; naturally; temperamentally; lamentably; unhealthfully; unluckily; lazily; languidly; torpidly; idly; indolently; sleepily; indifferently; lumpish-ly; passively; unintelligently; terribly; incredibly; hopelessly; undependably; unreliably; unhelpfully; sluggishly; vexatiously; disagreeably; cruelly; selfishly

    Inactivity adjectives

    sluggish; hopeless; enforced; protracted

    Inadequacy verbs

    compensate for—; cure—; curse—; demonstrate—; denounce—; inveigh against—; observe—; overcome—; refer to—; regard—s; suffer from—; —chafes; —distresses; — hampers; —hinders; —limits; —overwhelms; —pains; —plagues; —restrains; —restricts; —tortures; —undermines; — vexes

    (See lack, deficiency, need, deficit.)

    Inadequate adverbs

    hopelessly; entirely; lamentably; deplorably; miserably; wretchedly; cruelly; bitterly; wholly; utterly; disproportionately; deliberately; incredibly; stingily; criminally; iniquitously; mercilessly; ruthlessly; grievously; pitifully; altogether

    Inadmissable adverbs

    legally; socially; conventionally; altogether; definitely; positively; usually; highly; objectionably; inconveniently; unfortunately; unluckily; exceptionally

    Inadvertent adverbs

    unfortunately; negligently; forgetfully; carelessly; inexcusably; unintentionally; lamentably; gracelessly; dreamily; reprehens-ibly; thoughtlessly; absently; disconcertingly; altogether

    Inadvisable adverbs

    highly; altogether; utterly; wholly; completely; prudently; commercially; financially; personally; socially; locally; expediently; positively

    Inane adverbs

    fatuously; foolishly; witlessly; utterly; unconscionably; senselessly; hopelessly; vexatiously; curiously; irritatingly; disagreeably; impossibly; tenuously; vaguely; vacuously; thoughtlessly; absently; irrationally; flimsily; contemptibly; uselessly; futilely; oppressively; ridiculously

    Inanity adjectives

    oppressive; mythological; expressional

    Inapplicable adverbs

    hopelessly; entirely; unserviceably; distressingly; ridiculously; wretchedly; outlandish-ly; discordantly; incongruously; inappropriately; unseasonably; definitely; utterly; disappointingly; vexatiously; ineptly; unfortunately; unluckily

    Inappropriate adverbs

    distinctly; deplorably; unfortunately; repre-hensibly; subtly; dimly; sadly; definitely; indecorously; irreverently; wantonly; terribly; deliberately; unconsciously; tragically; comically; unbecomingly; inaptly; offensively; vexatiously; awkwardly; embarrassingly; highly; exceptionably; objectionably; inconveniently; immeasurably; remarkably; flagrantly; absurdly; ridiculously; wildly; altogether; senselessly; ludicrously; entirely; completely; discordantly; oddly; curiously; hilariously; incongruously; exceptionally; extremely; distressingly; dreadfully

    Inarticulate adverbs

    unfortunately; diffidently; shyly; awkwardly; timidly; gruffly; ridiculously; ludicrously; extremely; taciturnly; heavily; stammeringly; tremulously; stiffly; gawkishly; silently; laconically; curtly; reticently; reservedly; gravely; bewilderingly; strangely; unwisely

    Inartistic adverbs

    grossly; crudely; childishly; amazingly; remarkably; strangely; unbelievably; painfully; cruelly; loudly; garishly; tawdrily; cheaply; blatantly; forbiddingly; shapelessly; crookedly; gracelessly; stiffly; awkwardly; clumsily; hideously; frightfully; horribly; shockingly; gaudily

    Inattention adjectives

    sheer; consequent; impolite; trivial

    Inattentive adverbs

    rudely; disagreeably; visibly; obviously; significantly; dreamily; drowsily; remarkably; heedlessly; mindlessly; impolitely; insolently; arrogantly; superciliously; scornfully; learnedly; impertinently; openly; distractedly; vacantly; absently; vacuously; negligently; vexatiously; defiantly; provok-ingly; extremely

    Ina UDIBLE adverbs

    almost; unfortunately; miraculously; pleasantly; intentionally; deliberately; painfully; distressingly; irritatingly; provokingly; disappointingly; unnecessarily; carelessly, mumblingly; confusedly; faintly

    Inaugurate (v) adverbs

    ceremoniously; jubilantly; ostentatiously; enthusiastically; triumphantly; festively

    (See install, begin.)

    Inauspicious adverbs

    deplorably; direly; dreadfully; grievously; ominously; portentously; lamentably; pitifully; signally; woefully; wretchedly; miserably; oppressively; sadly; curiously; definitely; desperately; extremely

    Incantation verbs

    bewitch with—; chant—; charm with—; defy—; moan—; mouth—; mutter—; mumble—; pour forth—; practise—; ridicule—; whisper—; —amuses; —beseeches; —cures

    —enchants; —exorcises; —summons; recite

    (See song, magic, sound, melody, tune, air, harmony, ballad, poem.)

    Incapable adverbs

    helplessly; desperately; pitiably; languidly; ineptly; stupidly; grossly; arrantly; carelessly; terribly; provokingly; woefully; utterly; extremely; obviously; embarrassingly; miserably; wretchedly; unserviceably; hopelessly; clumsily; doltishly; vapidly; obtusely; deliberately; feignedly; undisguised-ly; frankly

    Incapacity adjectives

    permanent; social; innate; ruinous; witless; confessed

    Incarnation adjectives

    blameless; critical; astonishing; previous


    Incautious adverbs

    definitely; undoubtedly; wildly; vexatious-ly; alarmingly; perilously; tragically; dangerously; terribly; recklessly; rashly; absurdly; unreasoningly; irresponsibly; unwittingly; doltishly; stupidly; foolishly; senselessly; amazingly; witlessly; youthfully; un-pardonably

    Incense adjectives

    grateful; lavish; mystic; rare; impatient; delicate; hoarded; perpetual; dreadful; hallowed; stale


    bear—; breathe:—; offer—; pray with—; scatter—; scent with—; suffuse with—; — ascends; —clouds; —curbs; —fumigates; — mists; —perfumes; —permeates; —pervades; —rises; —rolls; —smokes; —sweetens

    (See perfume, breath, fragrance, odor, aroma, spite, flowers.)

    Incentive adjectives

    noblest; renewed; conceivable; external

    powerful; perpetual; high; especial


    arouse—; crush—; design as—; restore—; smother—; —beckons; —encourages; —excites; —induces; —inflames; —influences; —inspires; —prevails; —provokes; — springs from; —spurs; —stirs; —sways

    (See ambition, motive, inducement, provocation, influence, inspiration.)

    Incessant adverbs

    intolerably; unbearably; mysteriously; garrulously; needlessly; maddeningly; vexa-tiously; curiously; oddly; incredibly; tortur-ously; tormentingly; painfully; agonizingly; piaguedly; infernally; peculiarly; crazily

    Inch adjectives

    furthest; shuddering; single; available; proverbial; last

    Incident adjectives

    tragic; astonishing; romantic; fictitious; cheery; comic; marvelous; simultaneous; moving; thrilling; well-connected; pleasing; dramatic; principal; ludicrous; trifling; amusing; terrifying; noteworthy; curious; related; significant; humorous; minutest; absurd; disturbing; long-forgotten; developing; ignoble; cruel; well-invented; chief; burlesque; dreadful; historic; picturesque; maddening; outstanding; shameful; illustrative; fruitful; illuminating; creditable; affecting; noticeable; distorted; unimportant; stirring; weird; dramatic; unrelated; spectacular; poetic; expected; traumatic; petty; noble; innocent; nonsensical; absurd; frightful; monotonous


    ascribe—to; climax—; compile—s; devise—; found on—; illustrate—; lead up to—; misinterpret—; narrate—; record—; relate—; shudder at—; vivify—; —demonstrates; — exasperates; —exposes; —occurs; —reveals

    (See event, circumstance, occurrence, episode.)

    Incipient adverbs

    mildly; indeterminately; fortunately; apparently; obviously; definitely; luckily; manifestly

    Incision adjectives

    deep; unauthorized; curving; external

    Incisive adverbs

    clearly; sharply; acrimoniously; maliciously; sarcastically; cruelly; bitterly; scornfully; inquisitively; strangely; remarkably; quickly; painfully; terribly; needlessly; harshly; severely; sternly; questioningly; gruffly; intensely; acutely; caustically; vigorously; impressively; autocratically; magisterially; piercingly; poignantly; fanatically

    Incite (v) adverbs

    deliberately; treacherously; spitefully; vindictively; artfully; slyly; dangerously; perversely; intentionally; maddeningly; passionately; violently; overwhelmingly; excessively

    (See stimulate, arouse.)

    Inclement adverbs

    stormily; disastrously; severely; harshly; roughly; forbiddingly; incredibly; remarkably; surprisingly; unexpectedly; unnecessarily; unreasonably; injudiciously; needlessly; frigidly; bitterly; keenly; coldly; austerely; relentlessly; arbitrarily; tyrannically; cruelly; mercilessly

    Inclination adjectives

    undue; irresistible; religious; conspicuous; matrimonial; sensual; jaunty; treacherous; particular; respectful; haughty; profound; courteous; natural; mutual


    acquire—; beget—; endow with—; evince —; follow—; gratify—; obviate—; oppose —; repress—; restrain—; sharpen—; smother—; stifle—; stimulate—; suppress—

    (See desire, tendency, propensity, aim.)

    Incline adjectives

    wicked; slow; stony; flinty

    Incline (v) adverbs

    significantly; beneficently; unconsciously; tolerantly; favorably; seriously; piously; respectfully; benevolently; philosophically; naturally; diversely; subconsciously; affectionately; viciously; peaceably; wickedly

    (See slope, lean.)

    Inclose (v) adverbs

    completely; darkly; securely; snugly; safely; oppressively; mechanically; thoroughly; lovingly

    (See surround, circumscribe.)

    Inclosure adjectives

    delicious; little; dark; circular; large; grassy; mosque; square; walled; utilitarian

    Include (vj adverbs

    ultimately; parenthetically; implicitly; fundamentally; specifically

    (See comprehend, inclose.)

    Inclusive adverbs

    broadly; generally; promiscuously; indiscriminately; democratically; comprehensively; pleasantly; agreeably; satisfactorily; sufficiently; astonishingly; diplomatically; courteously

    Incoherence adjectives

    colossal; maddening; affectionate; intentional

    Incoherent adverbs

    stammeringly; inarticulately; timidly; nervously; hysterically; wildly; feverishly; tragically; chokingly; sobbingly; sorrowfully; sadly; eagerly; enthusiastically; excitedly; frantically; frenziedly; fanatically; insanely; screamingly; bewilderingly; hopelessly; perplexingly; extremely; helplessly; strangely

    Income adjectives

    slender; living; taxable; ample; modest; lowered; comfortable; net; retirement; moderate; steady; gratifying; definite; diminished; precarious; subsequent; substantial; national; slim; meager; inadequate; unimpaired; dependable; prosperity; nice; splendid; profitable; cash; good; daily


    aid—; augment—; budget—; control—; curb—; curtail—; derive — from; devastate—; diminish—; divert from—; expand —; fritter away—; glean—; invest—; reduce—; stabilize-—; tax—; —fluctuates; — oscillates; —rises; —wanes

    (See profits, revenue, proceeds, salary, wages.)

    Incompatible adverbs

    frankly; hopelessly; admittedly; evidently; manifestly; innately; temperamentally; unusually; admittedly; unfortunately; unluckily; violently; sadly; bitterly; acutely; stupidly; signally; remarkably; irreconcilably; openly; strangely; dreadfully; irremediably; highly

    Incompetence verbs

    cure—; decry—; denounce—; diminish—; display—; eliminate—; exclude—; maim with—; object to—; overcome—; remedy—; remove—; —arises; —corrupts; —cramps; —cripples; —hampers; —hinders; —pre vails; —unnerves; —weakens

    (See inefficiency, inability, stupidity, dullness, carelessness.)

    Incompetent adverbs

    incredibly; hopelessly; irremediably; idly; lazily; stupidly; doltishly; immeasurably; unfortunately; ignorantly; frankly; surprisingly; unexpectedly; unmitigably; maddeningly; provokingly; presumably; allegedly; possibly; utterly; amazingly; terribly; uncommonly

    Incomprehensible adverbs

    incoherently; unreasonably; unnecessarily; unusually; highly; evasively; delusively; deliberately; utterly; vexatiously; perplexingly; inscrutably; mysteriously; symbolically; provokingly; unaccountably; curiously; uncomfortably; cryptically; embarrassingly

    Incongruities adjectives

    careless; apparent; pitiful; inexplicable


    Incongruity verbs

    abolish—; commit—; detect—; perceive—; rectify—; sense—; smile at—; utter—; — arises; —denotes; —fouls; —glares; —inconveniences; —interferes; —intrudes

    (See discord, sin, wrong, discrepancy, error, mistake.)

    Incongruous adverbs

    ridiculously; fantastically; utterly; grotesquely; painfully; awkwardly; embarrassingly; completely; strangely; oddly; curiously; crudely; pitifully; inexplicably; mysteriously; unpleasantly; unhappily; unreasonably; flimsily; discordantly; inharmoniously; in-artistically; noticeably; terribly; highly

    Inconse Q UEN TIAL adverbs

    foolishly; utterly; senselessly; inanely; manifestly; legally; quite; evasively; trivially; absurdly; ridiculously; wretchedly; quibbl-ingly; illusively; speciously; inordinately; unusually; obviously

    Inconsiderable adverbs

    altogether; modestly; miserably; comparatively; practically; pitiably

    Inconsiderate adverbs

    thoughtlessly; selfishly; cruelly; crassly; constantly; harshly; surprisingly; terribly; pitiably; wretchedly; miserably; ignorantly; carelessly; hideously; bitterly; inexcusably; unpardonably; grossly; flagrantly; noticeably; notoriously; naturally; characteristically; utterly; uncharitably; inadvertently; heedlessly; rashly; recklessly; ruthlessly: impulsively; impetuously

    Inconsistency adjectives

    curious; astounding; allowable; charming; political; apparent; innoc&nt; uncommon; feminine


    accuse of—; argue—; charge—; despise—; display—; exhibit—; frown on—; imply—; observe—; practise—; prove—; unfold—; wonder at—; —confounds; —contradicts; — distresses; —irks; —perplexes; —vexes

    (See discord, stupidity.)

    Inconsistent adverbs

    unfortunately; manifestly; carelessly; heedlessly; illogically; indiscreetly; dangerously; embarrassingly; politically; expediently; habitually; strangely; ridiculously; annoyingly; provokingly; perilously; horribly; fantastically; utterly; highly; uncommonly; provokingly; unreliably; unstably; impulsively; vaguely; preposterously; egregiously; stupidly; blatantly; injudiciously; astoundingly

    Inconsolable adverbs

    bitterly; miserably; utterly; sadly; mournfully; desolately; uncommonly; manifestly; evidently; unhappily; hopelessly; dismally; lamentably; dreadfully; drearily; ruefully; disconsolately; forlornly; desperately; pitiably; pathetically; hysterically; tragically

    Inconspicuous adverbs

    timidly; diffidently; shyly; busily; usually; habitually; preferably; naturally; deliberately; vaguely; quietly; obscurely; discreetly; wisely; modestly; unassumingly; unaffectedly; meekly; sweetly; gracefully; serenely; contentedly

    Inconstant adverbs

    notoriously; flagrantly; blithely; recklessly; ruthlessly; pitilessly; carelessly; reprehensi-bly; obviously; curiously; habitually; temperamentally; highly; egregiously; inordinately; unfortunately; unstably; unreliably; dreadfully; gaily; restlessly; erratically; capriciously; waywardly; incorrigibly

    Inconvenience adjectives

    least; possible; accidental; immediate; unnecessary; mutual; supposed


    abuse with—; avert—; bemoan—; hurdle—; ignore—; lead to—; observe—; rectify—; remedy—; spare—; submit to—; suffer—

    —arises; —interferes; —torments

    (See disadvantage, drawback, handicap, trouble, misfortune.)

    Inconvenient adverbs

    highly; seriously; embarrassingly; provokingly; irriratingly; utterly; troublesomely; awkwardly; unseasonably; financially; expensively; inconsiderately; extremely; unmanageably; terribly; curiously; hideously

    Incorrect adverbs

    shamefully; carelessly; unfortunately; incautiously; idly; viciously; deliberately; intentionally; evasively; mendaciously; criminally; unaccountably; inexcusably; foolishly; inconsistently; speciously; troublesomely; hopelessly; wretchedly; intentionally; erroneously; fallaciously; obviously; manifestly; deceitfully; infamously; cruelly; indefensibly

    Incorrigible adverbs

    presumably; altogether; utterly; deplorably; manifestly; evidently; allegedly; notoriously; tragically; wretchedly; stubbornly; obdurately; mulishly; perversely; waywardly; obstinately; hopelessly; terribly; viciously; impenitently; gracelessly; heartbreakingly; unspeakably; portentously

    Increase adjectives

    corresponding; apparent; abnormal; ultimate; prodigious; anticipated; rational; periodical; sporadic; Inevitable; goodly; relative; imperceptible; unprecedented; unexampled; happy; subsequent; sharp; considerable; marked; progressive; definite; commensurate; concomitant; enormous


    anticipate—; calculate—; check—; cite—; compute—; decree—; derive — from; entitle to—; estimate—; occasion—; order—; promote—; rejoice in—; reward with—; stimulate—; urge—; welcome—; yield—; — cheers; —enthuses (colloq.)

    (See addition, expansion, growth, reward.)

    Increase (r) adverbs

    materially; alarmingly; acutely; enormously; perseveringly; notably; perceptibly; grotesquely; grossly; enormously; noticeably; infinitely; relentlessly; boundlessly; perpetually; proportionably; stupendously; manifestly; abnormally; rationally; sporadically; commensurately; concomitantly

    (See multiply, enlarge, extend.)

    Incredulity adjectives

    concealed; total; impertinent; angry; pathetic; complete; petulant; polite


    arouse—; convert to—; display—; dispose to —; expose to—; ignore—; incur —; indicate —; prompt—; receive with—; remove—; study with—; —distresses; —irks; —robs


    (See amazement, disbelief, distrust, confusion, surprise, perplexity, wonder.)

    Incredulous adverbs

    blindly; youthfully; suspiciously; openly; distrustfully; skeptically; doubtfully; frankly; laughingly; amusedly; teasingly; blasphemously; scoffingly; gracelessly; impolitely; rudely; ignorantly; totally; impertinently; angrily; pathetically; comically; politely; petulantly

    Increment adjectives

    unearned; substantial; annual

    Incriminating adverbs

    definitely; positively; manifestly; unquestionably; incontrovertibly; unfortunately; unexpectedly; unanswerably; tragically; implicitly; gravely; seriously; dangerously; alarmingly; ominously; dreadfully; inescapably; profoundly; momentously

    Inculcate (v) adverbs

    weightily; firmly; vigorously; forcefully; unforgettably; vividly; skilfully; academically

    (See implant, impress.)

    Incur (v) adverbs

    legitimately; thoughtlessly; indulgently; lamentably; excessively; superfluously

    (See assume, accept.)

    Incurable adverbs

    definitely; positively; grievously; altogether; presumably; supposedly; allegedly; hitherto; lamentably; deplorably; tragically; purportedly; wretchedly; unhappily; unfortunately; hopelessly; essentially; normally; usually; fundamentally; unluckily

    Incursions adjectives

    dangerous; nocturnal; savage; hostile

    Indebted adverbs

    deeply; insolvently; embarrassingly; seriously; hopelessly; helplessly; gravely; heavily; slightly; pleasantly; increasingly; everlastingly; enormously; tremendously; unbelievably; gratefully; thankfully; personally; profoundly; inextricably

    Indecent adverbs

    horribly; slightly; tremendously; altogether; somewhat; utterly; flagrantly; boisterously; carelessly; recklessly; viciously; offensively; shamelessly; broadly; grossly; publicly; unbelievably; inexcusably; inexpressibly; culpably; vilely; villainously; grossly; outrageously; basely; insufferably; criminally; perniciously; nefariously; heinously

    Indecipherable adverbs

    strangely; exotically; mysteriously; altogether; almost; evidently; deliberately; purposely; unfortunately; horribly; oddly; out-landishly; hopelessly; dimly; faintly; presumably; supposedly; sadly; provokingly; bewilderingly; perplexingly; disconcertingly; maddeningly; vexatiously; disappointingly; unaccountably; inscrutably; enigmatically; fantastically

    Indecision adjectives

    ludicrous; chronic; momentary; fatal; gentlemanlike; habitual; costly; temporary; customary

    Indecisive adverbs

    evasively; waveringly; hesitantly; timorously; feebly; weakly; timidly; provokingly; maddeningly; abjectly; habitually; always; uncertainly; perplexingly; bewilderedly; irresolutely; variably; capriciously; unstably; mercurially; fitfully; unreliably; strangely; curiously; unaccountably; inexplicably; unpleasantly; disagreeably; indolently

    Indecorous adverbs

    unintentionally; flagrantly; rashly; impudently; irreverently; outlandishly; outrageously; deliberately; fantastically; disagreeably; unpleasantly; unacceptably; boorishly; crassly; grossly; rudely; stupidly; coarsely; impolitely; discourteously; habitually; intentionally; gracelessly; awkwardly; terribly; oddly; strangely

    Indefatigable adverbs

    sturdily; stoutly; robustly; apparently; evidently; manifestly; inordinately; surprisingly; astoundingly; astonishingly; unexpectedly; marvellously; almost; pluckily; indomitably; manfully; actively; zealously; nimbly; strenuously; resolutely; busily; restlessly; amazingly; marvellously; miraculously; unbelievably

    Indefinite adverbs

    exasperatingly; politically; sagaciously; evasively; delusively; craftily; maddeningly; bewilderingly; perplexingly; preposterously; crudely; cruelly; bitterly; weakly; timorously; viciously; vaguely; deliberately; vexatiously; embarrassingly; foggily; casually; mysteriously; obscurely; enigmatically; distressingly; inordinately; inscrutably; terribly ; highly

    Indelicate adverbs

    conspicuously; gracelessly; shamefully; immodestly; grossly; rudely; wantonly; improperly; openly; defiantly; boorishly; intrusively; coarsely; indecorously; unsympathetically; obtusely; impertinently; unbecomingly; loudly; boisterously; obscenely; foully; viciously; villainously; flauntingly; flagrantly; terribly; inexcusably; incorrigibly; unbelievably

    Independence adjectives

    sturdy; industrial; patrimonial; constitutional; proud; aggressive; inexorable; supreme; cherished; characteristic; fearless; modest; virtual; personal; mental; extraordinary; immediate; daring; lofty; rough; uncouth: insolent; wrathful; virtual; unsurpassed; leisurely; saucy; harmonic; masterful; inflexible


    afford—; assert—; assume—; boast—; breed—; cherish—; defend—; encroach on —; enjoy—; favor—; inspire—; maintain —; preserve—; prize—; quell—; relish—; respect—; restore—; revel in—; safeguard —; share—; strive for—; suppress—; taste —; undermine—; —increases; —irritates

    (See strength, freedom, liberty, privilege, power, security, individuality.)

    Independent adverbs

    immeasurably; delightfully; selfishly; resolutely; manfully; openly; arrogantly; rightfully; freely; happily; boldly; courageously; tenaciously; fortunately; luckily; nationally; fearlessly; intrepidly; extraordinarily; inordinately; miraculously; unbelievably; marvellously; affluently; comfortably; absolutely; entirely

    Index adjectives

    refractive; flattering; classified; elaborate; cephalic; prosaic; analytical; unusable; helpful

    Indian adjectives

    bronze-skinned; wily; athletic; dark-looking; garrulous; stealthy; keen-sighted; cigar-store


    govern —s; overcome —s; tutor —s; — dances; —fishes; —s flourish; —hunts; —s maraud; —s pillage; —s plunder; —s roam

    —scalps; —shrieks; —slays; —squats; — trails; —vanishes; —s war; —whoops

    (See savage, native, barbarian.)

    Indicate (v) adverbs

    fairly; specifically; definitely; broadly; irresistibly; unmistakably; forcibly; conclusively; accurately; vaguely; tersely; vividly

    (See designate, signify.)

    Indication adjectives

    suspicious; surface; perceptible; powerful; vouchsafed; definite; convincing: genuine; obvious; smiling; picturesque; cold; peculiar; sufficient; unmistakable; syntactic; conjectural


    afford—; await—; derive — from; exaggerate—; follow—; forsake—; heed—; measure —; neglect—; note—; observe—; reduce—; respect—; —denotes; —enlightens; —hints; —implies; —misleads; —promises; —signifies

    (See evidence, symptom, sign, manifestation.)

    INDICTMENT adjectives

    extraordinary; blistering; quashed


    advocate—; demand—; dismiss—; draw up —; enfljrse—; ignore—; justify—; launch into—; oppose—; plead—; present—; propose—; protest—; quash—; suffer—; suspend—; upset—; witness—; —engrosses; — shames

    (See accusation, charge.)

    INDIFFERENCE adjectives

    polished; apparent; entire; lordly; chilling; nodding; forced; Olympian; dreadful; blindwalled; perfect; suicidal; semi-barbarized; luxurious; exquisite; moral; complete; purposeless; immense; lefty; offhand; careless; calm; public; artless; gallant; simulated; nonchalant; discouraging; utter; singular; profound; stolid; drunken; lethargic; negligent; g'oomy; cold-blooded; passive; hardened; stony; supreme; evident; listless; curious; delightful; disdainful; callous; un-teachable; reckless; criminal; affected; studied; proud; political; wandering; cynical; mere; uncomfortable; affable; heartbreaking


    attain—; bare to—; buttress with—; case in —; commend—; cultivate—; cure of—; ice with—; feign—; lure by—; maintain—; mourn—; profess—; regard with—; shed—; signify—; slight by—; —chills; —depresses; —dulls; —torments

    (See apathy, carelessness, impartiality.)


    dully; stupidly; strangely; stolidly; apathetically; vacantly; ridiculously; singularly; oddly; peculiarly; curiously; unaccountably; irritatingly; vexatiously; shockingly; callously; coldly; carelessly; hopelessly; unpardon-ably; inexplicably


    pitiably; constantly; seriously; tragically; pathetically; needlessly; shiftlessly; lazily; idly; impecuniously; miserably; wretchedly; helplessly; hopelessly; strangely; mysteriously; unaccountably; unwarrantably; incomprehensibly


    anticipate—; develop—; dose for—; fume with—; induce—; palliate—; reap—; seize with—; sow—; suffer from—; —agonizes; —attacks; —crucifies; —indisposes; —tortures; —vanishes; —wracks

    (See sickness, disease, pain.)

    INDIGNANT adverbs

    horribly; wildly; violently; mildly; justly; righteously; deeply; loudly; boisterously; drunkenly; foolishly; profoundly; justifiably; dangerously; properly; silently; alarmingly; furiously; resentfully; inoidinate-ly; absurdly; foolishly; needlessly; unaccountably; unusually; unwarrantably; un-appeasably; implacably; sternly; harshly; stonily; irrecoverably; vengefully; bitterly; sorely; sadly; grievously

    INDIGNATION adjectives

    virtuous; unrelaxed; unmitigable; righteous; mollified; noble; repressed; rising; natural; speechless; furious; pent-up; tempered; sincere; loyal; moral; capacious; overwhelming; expressive; popular; utmost; hearty; tumultuous; superb; becoming; impotent; uncommon; foaming; dignified; satirical; passionate; warm; astonished; violent; cruel; fiery


    blow up in—; burn with—; curb—; dread —; embitter by—; experience—; heap— upon; incense with—; move to—; mantle—; overflow with—; pour out—; quench—; restrain—; rock with—; rouse—; scorn—; shock into—; shriek—; snort with—; swell with—; vent—; —blinds; —effervesces; — glows; —mounts; —waxes

    (See anger, violence, contempt, fury, rage, wrath, resentment, passion.

    INDIGNITY adjectives excessive; various (pl); supposed; glaring; sensible; amusing; intolerable; harsh; fresh; egregious


    ignore—; nurse—; persecute with—s; prompt—; punish—; restrain—; revenge—; subject to—; submit to—; suffer—; —aggravates; —heats; —inflames; —kindles; — riles (colloq.); —stings; —vexes; —nettles

    (See insult, injury, offense, outrage, contempt.

    INDIRECT adverbs perplexingly; disturbingly; distressingly; intricately; needlessly; absurdly; circumben-dibusly; deliberately; evasively; irritatingly; atrociously; maliciously; unhappily; unnecessarily; circuitously; craftily; nefariously; artfully; adroitly; astutely; outrageously; outlandishly; insidiously; shiftily; ingeniously

    INDISCREET adverbs amazingly; gravely; dreadfully; dangerously; compromising!}’; thoughtlessly; heedlessly; carelessly; youthfully; awkwardly; un-sophisticatedly; unconsciously; rashly; recklessly; imprudently; innocently; harmlessly; impulsively; stupidly; incomprehensibly; surprisingly; egregiously; idiotically; senselessly; ridiculously; madly; unbelievably; strangely; curiously; inexpressibly

    INDISCRETION adjectives

    manifest; culpable; racy; childish; abominable; lamentable


    abandon—; absolve from—; assail—; commit—; conceal—; conduct with—; curb—; curtail—; mar by—; mute—; rationalize—; repent—; soil with—; suffer for—; —reflects; —scandalizes; —shames; —tempts

    (See error, mistake, recklessness, foolishness, act.


    vitally; fundamentally; essentially; presumably; supposedly; allegedly; purportedly; curiously; oddly; strangely; utterly; emphatically; imperatively; unquestionably; absolutely

    INDISPOSITION adjectives

    .casual; slight; physical


    aggravate—; correct—; detain by—; evince —; increase—; induce—; irritate—; recover from—; rectify—; sweeten—; —confines; —deters; —hampers; —hinders; — interrupts; —repels; —restricts; —tantalizes; —vexes

    (See reluctance, unwillingness, aversion, illness.

    INDISPUTABLE adverbs

    curiously; altogether; legally; officially; authoritatively; evidently; palpably; manifestly; oddly; mysteriously; professedly; scientifically; mathematically; technically; strangely; incomprehensibly; positively; absolutely; truly


    curiously; unfortunately; deliberately; intentionally; inaudibly; purposely; bewildering-ly; confusedly; chaotically; dimly; faintly; remotely; vexatiously; unsatisfactorily; unacceptably; fantastically; miserably; wretchedly; lamentably; grievously; deplorably; disagreeably; unexpectedly; mysteriously; carelessly; obscurely; vaguely; sadly

    INDIVIDUAL adjectives

    happy-looking; erratic; numerable; jocular; distinguished; determinate; obscure; coatless; dismal; intelligent; unchanged; transfigured; progressive; independent; self-centered; disciplined; tattered; troublesome; reasonable; bellicose; enfeebled; conservative; irresponsible; thinking; noxious; adventurous; acquisitive; privileged; enthusiastic; laborious; intoxicated; gifted; uncommon; dignified; arrogant; vanishing; unworthy; ill-conducted; beef-faced; unlucky; scant-haired; hardy; amoral; fearless; quiet-spoken; remarkable; enterprising; under-slung; myriad (pl); peculiar; famed; delightful; relaxed, maladjusted; hesitant; harmonious; unprepared; unhappy; perverse


    bequeath to—; characterize—; depend on—; direct to—; dwarf—; ignore—; incense—; insulate—; intrude on—; isolate—; mold—; shape—; support—; —achieves; —strives

    (See person, being.

    Individualism adjectives

    rugged; blind; intense; excessive; pioneering; exaggerated; ruinous; obtrusive

    Individuality adjectives

    separate; abstract; persistent; piquant; genuine; characteristic; pronounced; intense; well-equipped; powerful; indolent; decided; magnetic; distinct


    assert—; cherish—; contrive—; crush—; desert—; distinguish by—; divest of—; efface—; enlarge—; impart—; inspire—; justify—; lose—; maintain—; mold—; preserve—; reflect—; respect—; retain—; sacrifice—; season with—; shield—; submerge —,' sustain—; throttle—

    (See personality, independence, strength, freedom, liberty, power, security.

    Indolence adjectives

    lifeless; alternate; listless; habitual; regal; dreamy; inert; bland; easy; lackadaisical


    avoid—; banish—; bask in—; breed—; deplore—; dispose to—; overcome—; pillow in —; reproach—; revel in—; shake off—; stagnate in—; stretch in—; strangle by—; wallow in—; waste in—; —demoralizes; — destroys; —ensnares; —rusts

    (See idleness, apathy, lethargy, procrastination.

    Indolent adverbs

    lackadaisically; delightfully; abominably; atrociously; comfortably; drowsily; lazily; deplorably; meretriciously; inexcusably; inherently; constitutionally; obstinately; gaily; blithely; contentedly; immovably; slothful-ly; feebly; wisely; vexatiously; maddeningly; restfully; peaceably; peevishly; quietly; serenely; brilliantly; mentally; unpardonably; unforgivably; selfishly; heavily; torpidly; stubbornly; inconsiderately; amazingly; thoughtlessly

    Indomitable adverbs

    sturdily; resolutely; determinedly; surprisingly; unexpectedly; marvelously; invincibly; vigorously; staunchly; stubbornly; heroically; gallantly; bravely; boldly; courageously; habitually; hardily; irresistibly

    Indorse (v) adverbs enthusiastically; unwittingly; unsuspectingly; legitimately; laconically

    (See attest, approve, confirm.

    Indorsement adjectives

    peremptory; terse; enthusiastic; ill-natured; laconic; premature


    authorize—; carry—; examine—; necessitate—; note—; pen—; question—; refuse—; require—; respect—; seek—; sign—; transfer by—; witness—; —confirms; —sanctions

    (See approval, sanction, ratification.

    Induce (v) adverbs

    automatically; involuntarily; effectively; strongly; fawningly; cleverly; slyly; immorally; patiently

    (See influence, persuade, urge.

    Inducements adjectives soul-sustaining; flattering; principal


    coin—; contrive—; decline—; frame—; hold out—; ignore—; offer—; repeat—; —

    determines; —influences; —motivates; — persuades; —procures; —sways; —urges

    (See incentive, motive, stimulus, provocation.)

    Inductions adjectives

    absolute; reflective; subsequent; logical


    Indulge (v) adverbs

    excessively; fallaciously: incontinently; unscrupulously; moderately; incessantly; passionately; heartily; luxuriantly; habitually; viciously; sensually; immorally

    (See gratify, satisfy, allow.)

    Indulgence adjectives

    idle; habitual; passing; social; partial; expensive; pampered; rare; caustic; plenary; legal; vicious; indeterminable; unseasonable; vile; unrestrained; sensual; excessive; prolonged; maternal; classic; immoral; pitying; polite; complaint; further; unaesthetic


    abstain from—; beg—; check—; curb—; curse—; feast on—; grant—; humor with—; live in—; permit—; practise—; reproach for—; share in—; temper—; tempt to—; treat with—; wallow in—; yield to—; — fattens; —gratifies; —shackles; —weakens

    (See gratification, luxury, sin, crime, wickedness, violence.)

    Indulgent adverbs

    unfortunately; over; unhappily; lazily; carelessly; spasmodically; intermittently; tenderly; lovingly; unwisely; sympathetically; sadly; idly; thoughtlessly; unluckily; short-sightedly; foolishly; vacuously; affectionately; graciously; complacently; serenely; good-naturedly; tolerantly; torpidly; benevolently; warmly; humanely; ridiculously; excessively; uncommonly

    Industrialist verbs

    enrich-—; organize—; protect—; rouse—; satisfy-—; spur—; support—; urge—; —achieves; —derives; —directs; —governs; — labors; —plies; —plods; —pushes; —submerges; —supplies; —yields to

    (See boss, executive, banker, farmer, manager.)

    Industrious adverbs

    painfully; perseveringly; dependably; unremittingly; energetically; actively; carefully; constantly; temperamentally; characteristically; busily; reliably; amazingly; unusually; uncomplainingly; happily; cheerfully; unwaveringly; invariably; uniformly; persistently ; insistently

    Industry adjectives

    domestic; ignorant; large; indefatigable; honest; urban; diversified; pious; prodigious; persistent; purposeless; scheduled; languid; necessitous; productive; peaceable; incomparable; much-vexed; myriad-shaped; indigenous; extraordinary; untiring; vast; growing; refining; charming; laudable; seasonal; unwearied; promising; middling; patient; technical; all-absorbing; mingled; damnable; unflagging; depression-born; unfaltering; modest; native; skilful; adoring; subsidized; persistent; unaided; predominating; dark-armed


    blossom into—; bulwark—; chastise—; cow —; cripple—; dislocate—; dominate—; evolve into—; father—; fortify—; foster—; gag—; merge—s; modernize—; organize—; paralyze—; prod—; reconstruct—; regulate —; rejuvenate—; resurrect—; retard—; revitalize—; revive—; sovietize—; speed up —; stimulate—; subsidize—; threaten—; tie up—; —booms; —buzzes; ■—collapses; —flourishes; —languishes; —perks up; — rallies; —squirms

    (See business, company, manufacture, trade, profession, enterprise, pursuit, vocation.)

    Ineffective adverbs

    tragically; pitifully; surprisingly; disappointingly; utterly; wholly; strangely; suddenly; finally; painfully; curiously; singularly; unluckily; occasionally; feebly; weakly; tiresomely; languidly; stodgily; pitiably

    Inefficiency verbs

    affirm—; characterize by—; condemn—; couch in—; degenerate to—; execute with—; observe—; plague with—; rectify—; relapse into—; remove—; suffer from—; —accounts for; —bankrupts; —impoverishes; —scandalizes; —ruins; overlook—

    (See carelessness, stupidity, indifference.)

    Inefficient adverbs

    tragically; hopelessly; pitiably; miserably; wretchedly; helplessly; feebly; provincially; ignorantly; ineptly; clumsily; awkwardly; nervously; bashfully; shyly; self-consciously; inexpertly; crudely; grossly; flagrantly; crassly; surprisingly; harmlessly; dreadfully

    Inelegant adverbs

    crudely; slightly; uncommonly; highly; gracelessly; awkwardly; boorishly; garishly; stiffly; rudely; inartistically; roughly; gaudily; grotesquely; artificially; vulgarly; coarsely; remarkably; unbelievably; incredibly

    Inept adverbs

    stupidly; frightfully; foolishly; vacuously; terribly; comically; unfortunately; incompetently; miserably; wretchedly; senselessly; painfully; embarrassingly; unserviceably; lamentably; deplorably; pitiably; dreadfully

    Inequalities adjectives

    inevitable; seeming; shameless; mountainous; irritating; supplementary; patent; sensible; glaring; gross; parallactic; slight; planetary

    Inequality verbs

    complain of—; conduce to—; consider—; detect—; dispute—; frown on—; grieve over—; lament—; observe—; occasion—; owe to—; reconcile—; rectify—; treat with —; —glares; —shocks- —unbalances

    (See injustice, inferiority.)

    Inert adverbs

    passively; dully; drowsily; heavily; indolently; lethargically; noddingly; quietly; sluggishly; stupidly; torpidly; dreamily; idly; lazily; lumpishly; sleepily; motionlessly; somnolently; apathetically; callously; habitually; unusually; uncommonly; phlegmatically; unconcernedly; imperturbably

    Inertia adjectives

    gross; somber; amiable; ordinary; insurmountable


    display—; fall into—; force—; lull into—; overcome—; reform—; shed—; stimulate—; subject to—; suspend—; weary of—; while away in—; —consumes; —dulls; —prevents; —resists; —weakens

    (See indolence, idleness.)

    Inevitable verbs

    accept—; bow to—; buck—; condone—; defer—; foresee—; foretell—; ignore—; predict—; prophesy—; resign to—; resist—; submit to—; yield to—

    (See fate.) adverbs

    tragically; embarrassingly; naturally; terribly; certainly; fatally; lamentably; fortunately; happily; awfully )

    Inexcusable adverbs

    wholly; altogether; entirely; manifestly; naturally; shamefully; hopelessly; flagrantly; scandalously; unfortunately; unluckily; irremediably; absolutely; admittedly; gravely; seriously

    Inexhaustible adverbs

    boundlessly; generously; abundantly; luxuriantly; gorgeously; happily; naturally; apparently; miraculously; fortunately; surprisingly; evidently; marvelously; inexplicably; mysteriously; curiously; oddly; utterly; strangely; copiously; exuberantly; lavishly; gratefully; pleasantly

    Inexorable adverbs

    terribly; unfeelingly; unsympathetically; brutally; stiffly; severely; hard-heartedly; stonily; coldly; utterly; unreasonably; unaccountably; inexplicably; pitilessly; mercilessly; scornfully; pitiably; miserably; craftily; rigidly; uncompromisingly; austerely; haughtily; cruelly; tyrannically; imperiously; unsparingly; puritanically; authoritatively

    Inexpedient adverbs

    palpably; obviously; awkwardly; inconveniently; embarrassingly; perplexingly; intricately; vexatiously; disconcertingly; bewild-eringly; obstructively; objectionably; viciously; manifestly; utterly; clearly; painfully; glaringly; grossly; senselessly; terribly; grotesquely

    Inexpensive adverbs

    surprisingly; amazingly; curiously; naturally; gratifyingly; delightfully; fortunately; conveniently; attractively; prudently; unexpectedly; cleverly; luckily; agreeably; pleasingly; remarkably; quite; comparatively

    Inexplicable adverbs

    altogether; fantastically; utterly; strangely; inscrutably; mysteriously; peculiarly; mys-tifyingly; obscurely; darkly; capriciously; captiously; wantonly; impulsively; curiously

    Infallibility verbs

    acquire—; admit—; assure of—; boast of—; confirm—; confute—; deride—; doubt—; judge—; overrate—; praise—; promise—; prove—; puff up with—; reveal—; strain —; tempt—; test—; witness—

    (See skill, judgment, ability, ingenuity.)

    Infallible adverbs

    unctuously; smugly; pompously; arrogantly; sapiently; sagaciously; practically; usually; consciously; reputably; notoriously; admittedly; apparently; supposedly; avowedly; bumptiously; maddeningly; gallingly; offensively; ostentatiously; proudly; blustering-ly; swaggeringly; curiously

    Infamous adverbs

    scandalously; vilely; notoriously; unjustly; unutterably; inexpressibly; grossly; crassly; brazenly; wickedly; odiously; atrociously; unbelievably; incredibly; ingloriously; un-mentionably; shamefully; arrantly; shockingly; outrageously; pitifully; atrociously; shabbily; fantastically; uncommonly; deplorably

    Infamy adjectives

    unutterable; callous; clumsy; vilest; perpetual; crushing; immortal


    bear—; blot out—; brand—; challenge—; consign to—; deface with—; denounce—; doom to—; endure—; hold up to—; incur—; infer—; inflict—; mire with—; scar with —; suffer—; work—; —disgraces; —pains; —shames; stain with—

    (See disgrace, dishonor, shame, scandal.)

    Infancy adjectives

    smiling; philologic; unlearned; fretting; cherub; innocent; dauntless; endless; careless; slumbering; unpracticed; mewling


    cloud—; develop in—; emerge from—; extend—; form in—; foster from—; guide through—; impress in—; mould in—; nourish in—; nurse in—; plead—; regress to—; soothe in—; terrorize in—; train in—; utter in—; —precedes; —unfolds

    (See childhood.)

    Infant adjectives

    well-educated; squalling; bewildered; undipped; unvaccinated; sucking; clay-faced; blue-lipped; baptized; conventional; miraculous; swaddling; ragged; hungry; mute; speechless; suffering; sentient; premature; trustful; vigorous


    christen—; cradle—; cuddle—; govern—; guard—; guide—; pamper—; quell—; soothe—; suckle—; swaddle—; swathe—; wean—; —bawls; —chatters; —howls; — mewls; —prattles; —pukes; —scampers about; —squalls

    (See child, baby.)

    Infantry adjectives

    redoubtable; intrenched; disciplined; unsupported; trampling; well-armed; spiritless


    collect—; distress—; snipe at—; —advances; —assails; —besieges; —charges; — defends; —guards; —harries; —invades

    ■—maneuvers; —marches; —mo^s up; — parries; —peppers; —presses; —reconnoiters; —retreats; —shields; —storms; — strikes; —wars on

    (See army, regiment, soldier.)

    Infatuation adjectives

    judicial; sad; incomprehensible; girlish


    besot with—; blame—; blind with—; deride —; fire by—; free from—; infect with—; overcome by—; provoke—; resist—; suffer —; stun by—; —dazzles; —dopes; —overwhelms; —perturbs; —ruffles; —ruins; — sharpens; —thrills

    (See love, charm, passion, tenderness.)

    Infection adjectives

    diphtheritic; acute; common; respiratory; wide-spread; bacterial; innocent; recurrent



    breathe—; combat—; cope with—; contract —; convey—; diagnose—; eradicate—; escape—; expose to—; exterminate—; immunize against—; incise—; introduce—; localize —; predispose to—; purge of—; risk—; scatter—; transmit—; —derives from; — enters; —lingers; —ravages; —spreads

    (See disease, malady, plague.)

    Infectious adverbs

    highly; dangerously; easily; alarmingly; uncommonly; definitely; positively; portentously; slightly; supposedly; allegedly; probably; surprisingly; remarkably; particularly; acutely; seriously; gravely; fearfully

    Infer (*) adverbs

    hastily; carelessly; vaguely; unfoundedly; unreasonably; absurdly; rationally; irresistibly; confidently

    (See imply, gather, deduce.)

    Inference adjectives

    decisive; ruinous; vague; astounding; pathological; unfounded; unreasonable; bare; typographical; absurd; rational; charitable; irresistible; justifiable; sharp


    accept—; argue—; condemn—; conclude—; consider—; deduce—; derive—from; dispute—; draw—from; indulge in—s; justify —; pour out—s; resent—; respect—; scoff at—; scorn—; —implies; —indicates; —insinuates; —troubles

    (See opinion, thought, conclusion, consequence.)

    Inferential adverbs

    probably; carelessly; naturally; logically; ruinously; vaguely; obscurely; incontrovert-ibly; soundly; unreasonably; absurdly; fallaciously; shrewdly; undeniably; covertly; obviously

    Inferior adverbs

    hopelessly; comparatively; pitifully; manifestly; palpably; shockingly; appallingly; terribly; unmistakably; oddly; curiously; patently; apparently; greatly; dreadfully; mentally; physically; essentially; materially; utterly; inexplicably; unaccountably; unacceptably

    Inferiority adjectives

    decent; mental; intellectual; alleged; admitted


    burden with—; conceal—; consider—; curse —; detect—; experience—; fret over—; lament—; prove—; overcome—; suffer—; — anguishes; —cramps; —gnaws; —shames; —stings; —vexes

    (See complex, inequality, injustice, mediocrity.)

    Inferno adjectives

    gasoline; raging; lurid; hot; white

    Infest (v) adverbs

    horribly; pestiferously; peculiarly; grossly; luxuriantly; unpleasantly; extraordinarily; perniciously; fatally

    (See overrun, haunt, annoy.)

    Infidel adjectives

    perilous; professed; stalwart

    Infidelity adjectives

    foolish; matrimonial; religious


    admit—; blot with—; commit—; confess—; flaunt—; inspire—; motivate—; repent—; reproach for—; sully with—; —dejects; — desolates; —destroys; —disgraces; —dishonors; —poisons; —stains; —taints; — threatens

    (See unfaithfulness, treachery, sin.

    Infiltration verbs

    advocate—; consider—; curb—; fill by—; halt—; introduce by—; lead to—; observe —; permeate through—; receive—; travel by—; —alarms; —breeds; —endangers; — preserves

    (See penetration.

    Infinite adverbs

    gloriously; spiritually; divinely; ineffably; vastly; mysteriously; impenetrably; boundlessly; immensely; incomprehensibly; fearfully; occultly; unknowably; inexpressibly; incalculably; unapproachably; unfathom-ably; immeasurably

    Infinity verbs

    ascend into—; dwell in—; infringe on—; lead to—; measure—; pattern—; range in —; represent—; understand—; yield to—

    (See eternity.

    Infirm adverbs

    decrepitly; weakly; languidly; brokenly; de-fenselessly; helplessly; pitiably; unbelievably; horribly; lamentably; pathetically; nervously; powerlessly; shakily

    Infirmities adjectives physical; hideous; besetting; divine; mortal; unique; growing; venial; deplorable; quotidian; speedy

    Infirmity verbs

    bare—; bear—; brace—; discover—; escape —; lament—; linger in—; master—; pretend—; relieve—; suffer—; trample on—; —blights; —constrains; —desolates; —despairs; —enfeebles; —gnaws; —relents; — restrains

    (See weakness, feebleness, illness, disease.

    Inflame (v) adverbs superficially; fatally; excessively; chronically; temporarily; painfully; treasonably

    (See provoke, excite.

    Inflammable adverbs

    highly; criminally; uncommonly; easily; dangerously; seriously; illegally; hazardously; perilously; probably; indubitably; instantly; terribly; extremely

    Inflammation adjectives

    excessive; fatal; chronic


    allay—; avert—; check—; clear up—; confine—; diminish—; excite—,' indicate—; palliate—; reduce—; relieve—; subdue—; undergo—; —abates; —accompanies; —extends to; —proceeds; —ravages; —sustains

    (See infection, sore, ulcer, pain.

    Inflation verbs

    advocate—; authorize—; block—; border on —; condemn—; criticize—; distrust—; head for—; predict—; propose—; puff by—; resort to—; spike—; suffer—; threaten—; veer from—; —benefits; —devaluates; — dilates; —distends; —enhances; —swells

    (See expansion, prosperity, depression, success.

    Inflexible adverbs

    rigidly; obdurately; stiffly; arrogantly; austerely; autocratically; brutally; strictly; imperiously; domineeringly; tyrannically; sharply; rigorously; hardly; haughtily; inexorably; peremptorily; severely; uncompromisingly; unsparingly; sternly; hatefully; notoriously; intolerably; heartbreaking-ly; obstinately; tenaciously; resolutely; determinedly; stubbornly; unreasonably; consistently; immovably; indomitably; unflinchingly

    Inflict (v) adverbs thoughtlessly; painfully; cruelly; heavily; superfluously; unpleasantly; perniciously

    (See impose, strike.

    Influence adjectives

    prevailing; inspirational; disintegrating; brutalizing; powerful; benignant; incalculable; tidal; starry; tyrannical; fructifying; sinister; corrosive; parental; controlling; good; withering; gentler; similar; malevolent; baneful; potent; intimate; political; soft; corrupt; personal; iron; sullen; defiant; hypnotic; restless; formative; considerable; disorganizing; maleficent; variable; appealing;* cogent; malign; permanent; mephitic; evil; favorable; insidious; pathetic; depressing; scathing; consequent; important; solemn; educational; disastrous; restraining; controlling; enormous; gentle; diminishing; inhibiting; compelling; helpful; mesmeric; mysterious; deadly; healing; persuasive; warping; demoniac; sober; useful; fair; stabilizing; decisive; overgrown; beauteous; internal; unquestioned; uncanny; court; mellow; moonlight; human; morbid; fierce; undue; wide; partisan; precious; magical; reviving; environmental; divine; hypnotic; genial; disciplinary; evangelical; adverse; favorable; prodigious; conservative; calamitous; censorial; baleful; demoralizing; ultimate; subtle; revolutionary; wholesome; destined; dispiriting; sobering; extensive; marked; destructive; foreign; soothing; vague; reassuring; mitigated; pernicious; gracious; jangling; exhilarating; sympathetic; refining; prenatal; stupefying; quickening; heinous; softening; enlightening; literary; guiding; imponderable; predisposing; invigorating; moral; repressing; ethnographical; incalculable; territorial; desolating; broadening; omnipotent; overgrown; weakening: irritating; lasting; liberal; credible; spreading; tremendous; single; sinister; poetical; disquieting; profound; invariable; witching; dominating; unconscious; balmiest; hasty; 'compensating; ultimate; environing; secret; disturbing; proportional; steadying; damping; unperceived; dwarfing; ennobling; corrupting; subtle; secondary; political; immense; beneficent; various (pl); salutary; vast; transcendent; despotic; commanding; trivial; sovereign; civilizing; protective; nervedepleting; subjective; potential; blighting; wide-spread; many-mingled; reflex; problematical; sacred; sweet; transitory; misleading; ethical; marvelous; awful; antecedent; beneficial; unmindful; pernicious; jealous; vivifying; magical; subsequent; unexampled; infinite; invasive; emotional; soothing; tranquilizing; blasting; benumbing; propitious; aesthetic; toughening: gladdening; immediate; suggestive; carhicular; lost; predominating; underhand; materializing; mollifying; all-embracing; unconditional; mitigating; restraining; icy; moderating; celestial; superlative; narrowing; inaugurating; perceptible


    arrest—; bow to—; broaden—; come under —of; cramp—; curb—; diffuse—; exercise —; exert—; fall under—; impose—; infuse —; labor under—; lend—; manifest—over; measure—; multiply—; paralyze—; preserve from—; press—; promote—; reflect—; resist—; spread—; stem—; subject to—; survive—; wield—; yield to—; —bends; — corrupts; —declines; —extends to; —prevails; —reigns; —sways; —undermines; — wanes

    (See control, sway, prestige, persuasion, authority, strength, power.

    Influence (v) adverbs profoundly; powerfully; significantly; phenomenally; subsequently; adversely; unduly; vitally; strikingly; insensibly; unwillingly; remotely; benignantly; brutalizingly; parentally; malevolently; banefully; hypnotically; depressingly; exhilaratingly; despotically; jealously; morbidly; restrainingly

    (See induce, compel.

    Influential adverbs highly; remarkably; mysteriously; darkly; extremely; generally; peculiarly; politically; financially; notoriously; ominously; dangerously; alarmingly; helpfully; socially; nationally; sagaciously; powerfully; -disastrously; enormously; quietly; calmly; tremendously; profoundly; artfully; immensely; persuasively; craftily; openly; obviously; palpably; manifestly; inexplicably; unaccountably; marvelously; wisely; secretly

    Influx adjectives

    vast; miraculous; steady

    Inform (v) adverbs

    tremulously; blandly; personally; authoritatively; gruffly; unequivocally; officially; credibly; curtly; superficially; confidentially; comprehensively; fallaciously; dogmatically

    (See instruct, notify.)

    Informal adverbs

    graciously; intimately; delightfully; carelessly; charmingly; elaborately; deliberately; artfully; intentionally; happily; sweetly; pleasantly; amiably; agreeably; enchanting-ly; surprisingly; naively; remarkably; attractively; naturally; oddly; unexpectedly; heartily; cordially; diplomatically; exceedingly; habitually

    Informality adjectives

    pleasant; admirable; well-bred; delightful; charming

    Informa TION adjectives

    instructional; imparted; common; broiling; miscellaneous; superficial; authentic; precise; vague; coordinating; scanty; solid; criminal; practical; household; substantial; summarized; trustworthy; factual; accurate; elusive; genuine; scientific; encouraging; inviting; astounding; exact; useful; further; detailed; comprehensive; false; up-to-the-minute; startling; practical; reliable; usable; behind-the-scenes; understandable; fallacious; gloomy; invaluable; superfluous; curious; anterior; accumulated; tabulated; profit-building; current; comparative; restricted; dogmatic; fascinating; unpleasant


    abound in—; absorb—; accumulate—; acquire—; authenticize—; bear—; buttress—; clamor for—; compile—; contribute—; convey—; coordinate—; correlate—; derive—: dig out—; digest—; dispense—; disseminate—; distort—; divulge—; elicit—; falsify —; garner—; glean—; impart—; misinterpret—; plead for—; prod for—; pump for —; relay—; rely on—; retail—; solicit—; summon—; suppress—; tabulate—; thirst for—; unburden oneself of—; utilize—; verify—; volunteer—; vouchsafe—; wheedle—; withhold—; worm—; yield—; —embodies; —leaks out

    (See knowledge, intelligence, data, facts, understanding, wisdom, science, statistics.)

    Infraction verbs

    accuse of—; chastise for—; condemn—; detect—; fine—; harass by—; lament—; overlook—; penalize—; plague with—s; suffer

    (See breach, error, violation, infringement.)

    Infrequent adverbs

    painfully; frigidly; usually; remarkably; vexatiously; probably; luckily; fortunately; gratifyingly; uncertainly; erratically; undeniably; mysteriously; inscrutably; happily; negligibly

    Infringement verbs

    abet—; allege—; curb—; enjoin—; observe —; protest—; punish—; resent—; restrain —; rue—

    (See violation, breach, infraction.)

    Infusion adjectives

    organic; putrescible; imperceptible; sterilized; steeped; imaginable; dormant

    Ingenious adverbs

    cleverly; artfully; skilfully; unusually; notably; famously; remarkably; adroitly; particularly; artistically; diplomatically; admirably; amazingly; marvelously; helpfully; extremely; capably; intelligently; unbelievably; exceedingly; dexterously; expertly; deftly; resourcefully; smartly; shrewdly; incredibly

    Ingenue adjectives

    raw; artless; guileless

    Ingenuity adjectives

    considerable; mechanical; inventive; misguided; speculative; wonderful; naive; fiendish; subtle; puerile; interwoven; productive; devilish; unbetrayed; calumnious; extraordinary; conjectural


    acknowledge—; conceive by—; defy—; demand—; display—; employ—; excel in—; encourage—; endow with—; exercise—; feign—; invent by—; observe—; profit by —; strain—; swathe in—; tax—; witness—; —conquers; —triumphs

    (See infallibility, skill, ability, genius.)

    Ingenuous adverbs

    youthfully; openly; childishly; pleasantly; unsuspectingly; candidly; naturally; sincerely; innocently; honestly; frankly; bluntly; marvellously; unusually; unexpectedly; utterly; exceedingly; extraordinarily; surprisingly; amazingly; strikingly; astonishingly; miraculously; unaffectedly

    Ingratiating adverbs

    deliberately; skilfully; artfully; politically; purposely; pleasantly; craftily; disgustingly; abjectly; insidiously; invidiously; diplomatically; amiably; curiously; elaborately; obsequiously; ceremoniously; suavely; gently; courteously; urbanely; gallantly; unctuously; blandly; cordially; affably; civilly; extremely

    Ingratitude adjectives

    occasional; habitual; horrible; foul; base


    brood over—; complain of—; denounce—; expose to—; suffer—; taint with—; treat with—; wipe out—; —barbs; —bites; — bruises; —oppresses; —pains; —pierces; — provokes; —shames; —thrives; —undermines

    (See oppression, infidelity, treachery, selfishness.)

    Ingredients adjectives

    healing; costly; dry; delicious; sifted; accidental; sweetening; unintelligible; prominent; basic; malicious; principal; choicest; modern; balanced; seething; pernicious; commonplace; poisonous; necessary; muddy; nutritive; nourishing


    adjust—; analyze—; calculate—; concoct of —; denounce—; discover—; gather—; measure—; memorize—; mix—; note—; prepare —; produce—; reduce—; separate—; skimp on—; test—

    (See parts, elements, materials.)

    Inhabit (v) adverbs

    thinly; comfortably; successively; wretchedly; swarmingly; solely; misguidedly; placidly; domestically; humbly

    (See abide, dwell, live.)

    Inhabitants adjectives

    strange; glorious; unmolested; unobtrusive; aboriginal; intimate; permanent; larger; wretched; respective; awe-struck; diverse; fortunate; cordial; respectable; unambitious; rustic; brawny; feathered; defenceless; plague-stricken; tender; placid; amazed; pious; ancient; wretched; swarming


    confer on—; consider—; entitle — to; grant to—; privilege—; regulate—; rule—; urge —; —attend; —benefit; —complain; —congregate; —dwell; —enjoy; —frequent; — organize; —rejoice; —revolt; —rise; —tenant; —welcome

    (See individual, native.) )

    Inhale (v) adverbs

    audibly; deeply; luxuriously; spasmodically; gaspingly; sharply; agonizingly; laboriously.                              

    (See breathe.)

    Inharmonious adverbs

    unpleasantly; inexplicably; annoyingly; disastrously; inexcusably; unreasonably; utterly; freqeuntly; mysteriously; obscurely; unnecessarily; strangely; disgustingly; fearfully; ominously; significantly; unbelievably; oddly; curiously; extremely

    Inherent adverbs

    disturbingly; ineradicably; indubitably; obviously; manifestly; fortunately; happily; palpably; deeply; essentially; fundamentally




    legally; unexpectedly; spectacularly; dramatically; nominally; traditionally; customarily; fortunately

    (See receive, possess, derive.

    INHERITANCE adjectives

    dismal; fairest; fallen; ill-starred; astounding; storied; entailed; occasional; moderate; racial


    administer—; bequeath—; bless with—; come into—; confirm—; derive—from; divide—; enjoy—; entitle to—; forfeit—; forsake—; grant—; lay claim to—; portion—; preserve—; profit by—; relinquish—; restore to—; scatter—; squander—; succeed to —; tax—; —enriches; —falls to

    (See legacy, estate, money, property, profits.

    INHIBITION verbs

    detect—; express—; harass by—; incur—; persecute with—; proceed from—; remove —; suffer—; sympathize with—; veil—; vent—; —arrests; —disappears; —haunts; —plagues; —restrains; —restricts; —torments; —tortures

    (See restraint, fear, complex, restriction.

    INHOSPITABLE adverbs

    strangely; rudely; uncivilly; inexcusably; curiously; coldly; unpardonably; deliberately; openly; ostentatiously; purposely; discourteously; oddly; inexplicably; unaccountably; miserably; wretchedly; terribly; gruffly; brusquely; roughly; distinctly; unsociably; churlishly; ungraciously; forbiddingly; extremely; unforgettably; peculiarly; remarkably; significantly

    INHUMAN adverbs

    brutally; bruushly; curiously; incredibly; savagely; unbelievably; strangely; deliberately; barbarously; cruelly; ferociously; atrociously; ruthlessly; relentlessly; fiendishly; fantastically; viciously; diabolically



    essentially; radically; fundamentally; altogether; naturally; antagonistically; malevolently.; maliciously; secretly; mysteriously; inexplicably; unaccountably; strangely; unreasonably; obviously; oddly; unexpectedly; palpably; manifestly; significantly; sadly; violently; spitefully; < -institutionally; ominously; dangerously

    INIMITABLE adverbs

    altogether; remarkably; utterly; incomparably; peerlessly; brilliantly; perfectly; artistically; preciously; peculiarly; delightfully; faultlessly; avowedly; reputedly; presumably

    INIQUITIES adjectives

    conjugal; juvenile; aged; crowning; manifest

    INIQUITOUS adverbs atrociously; unbelievably; inexpressibly; unspeakably; obscenely; heinously; invidiously; egregiously; inordinately; exceptionally; unmentionably; diabolically; grievously; irremediably; banefully; criminally; unwarrantably; immorally; unimaginably; viciously; nefariously; malevolently; impiously; unconscionably; basely; vilely; savagely

    INIQUITY verbs acquit of—; bring forth—; cleanse of—; cling to—; conceive of—; confess—; defile with—; delight in—; disclose—; drown in —; forgive—; foul with—; perish in—-; punish for—; purge of—; rebuke—; redeem from—; reveal—; steep in—; taint with—; turn from—; work—; —flourishes

    (See sin, wickedness, abomination, crime.

    INITIATE (v) adverbs festively; ceremoniously; dramatically; annually; imaginatively; originally; forcefully; beneficently

    (See begin, instruct, introduce.

    INITIATION adjectives practical; exceptional; unwilling; 'elementary; baptismal



    unusual; private; unfettered; individual; untrammeled; unparalleled; aggressive; independent; popular


    cripple—; crush—; curb—; demonstrate—; develop—; display—; encourage—; exhibit —; imbue with—; kill—; manifest—; observe—; praise—; provoke—; reward—; —activates; —yields

    (See originality, ability, skill, genius, proficiency.)

    Inject (vj adverbs

    hypodermically; intravenously; insidiously; spitefully; slyly; salaciously; maliciously; medically; scientifically; methodically

    (See put, introduce, insert, interject.)

    Injudicious adverbs

    thoughtlessly; senselessly; foolishly; indiscreetly; imprudently; childishly; heedlessly; vengefully; ignorantly; unintentionally; unfortunately; sadly; disastrously; blindly; rashly; impulsively; impetuously; adventurously; heedlessly; inexpediently; recklessly; wantonly; stupidly; ridiculously; absurdly

    Injunction adjectives

    solemn; serious; conflicting; sternest; strict; vehement; permanent; pretty; curt; tacit; restraining; temporary


    apply for—; consecrate—; deny—; enforce —; grant—; hand down—; justify—; obey —; refuse—; suspend—; sustain—; —bans; —bars; —blocks; —restrains; —restricts; —• ties up

    (See action, order, instructions, command, requirement.)

    Injure (v) adverbs

    severely; dangerously; wilfully; critically; incurably; shockingly; permanently; unwittingly; atrociously; wantonly; gravely; internally; materially; irreparably

    (See damage, hurt, wound.)


    atrocious; potent; wanton; conscious; protracted; sinister; dreaded; serious; widespread; multiplied; repeated; grave; previous; internal; incredible; permanent; material; mental; disabling; irreparable; incalculable

    Injurious adverbs

    distinctly; presumably; definitely; positively; irremediably; slightly; surprisingly; distressingly; unintentionally; indiscreetly; mysteriously; maliciously; deliberately; desperately; highly; perniciously; seriously; destructively; tragically; outrageously

    Injury verbs

    avenge—; bewail—; compensate for—; entail—; expose to—; inflict — upon; insure against—; occasion—; preserve from—; proclaim—; receive—; recover from—; recuperate from—; resist—; suffer—; sustain—; work—; —cripples; —outrages; —restricts; —unnerves

    (See wound, damage, wrong, outrage, mischief, pain, injustice.)

    Injustice adjectives

    murderous; temporary; wanton; cruel; tyrannic; abominable; crudest; flagrant; social; crowning; peculiar.; horrible; artistic; shocking; unspoken; treacherous; inherent; unintentional; immemorial; atrocious; gross


    accept—; attack—; belabor—; bewail—; brood over—; cite—; crush with—; decry —; denounce—; detect—; eliminate—; extirpate—; impose—; inflict—; lament—; inveigh against—; persist in—; reek of—; remedy—; sense—; shrink from—; swallow —; wallow in—; work—

    (See inequality, injury, unfairness, grievance, wrong.)

    Ink adjectives

    corroding; potent; sympathetic; invisible


    battle with—; blacken with—; blot with—; cloud with—; color with—; dilute—; dip into—; drip—; eject—; expel—; reservoir —; .smear—; smirch with—; —blurs; —spatters; —spots; —stains

    (See paint.)

    Inmates adjectives

    temporary; cowering; exasperating; feebleminded; querulous; miserable-looking; destitute; licentious; unhappy; mad

    Inn adverbs

    dwell in—; establish—; frequent—; keep—; lodge in—; maintain—; put up at—; repair to—; reside in—; sojourn at—; stop at—

    —accommodates; —houses; —invites; —provides; —quarters; —warms; —welcomes

    (See hotel, home, apartment, tavern.)

    Innocence adjectives

    harmless; loveliest; virgin; extreme; spotless; intrinsic; recognized; inviolable; unsuspecting; helpless; strange; fulsome; unabashed; childish; deliberate; despairing; injured; elaborate; pretended; starry; lofty; conscious; departed; primitive; heavenly; gentle; hapless


    assert—; betray—; commend—; despoil—; feign—; guard—; hallow—; immortalize—; jeopardize—; maintain—; plead—; prey on —; protest—; prove—; seduce—; smile in - -; vindicate—

    (See purity, simplicity, sincerity.)

    Innocent adverbs

    delightfully; childishly; naturally; legally; sweetly; presumably; girlishly; charmingly; playfully; beautifully; helplessly; apparently; manifestly; palpably; irresistibly; gently; essentially; virtuously; positively; artlessly; sincerely; unaffectedly; ingenuously; frankly; admirably; unbelievably; happily; refreshingly; naively; touchingly; wonderfully; alluringly; graciously; ravishing-ly;- exquisitely; alluringly; adorably

    Innocuous adverbs

    utterly; advantageously; valuably; unobjec-tionably; vacuously; inoffensively; negligibly; presumably; probably; wholesomely; safely; undoubtedly; definitely

    Innovation adjectives

    striking; political; unquiet; distasteful; ghastly; outward; unauthorized; startling; tyrannical; interesting; radical; endless; inexpedient; recent; countless (pl)


    champion—; clamor for—; curb—; demand —; disapprove of—; discourage—; favor—; plan—; protest against—; resist—; sprout —; stay—; suspect—; welcome—; —attracts; —improves; —revolutionizes; encourage—

    (See change, improvement, style, fashion, movement.)

    Innuendo adjectives

    unspoken; malicious; biting; salacious


    convey by—; employ—; indulge in—; insinuate by—; interpret—; utter—; —annoys

    —hints; —implies; —intimates; —libels; — peeves (colloq.); —puzzles; —slanders; — suggests

    (See insinuation, suggestion.)

    Inoculate (v) adverbs

    successfully; scientifically; experimentally; automatically; prudentially

    (See protect, insert, introduce, inject.)

    Inoffensive adverbs

    utterly; safely; negligibly; warrantably; assuredly; surely; completely; wholly; avowedly; indubitably; satisfactorily; fairly; probably; quietly; amiably; diplomatically; wisely; sagaciously; discreetly

    Inoperative adverbs

    provokingly; vapidly; vexatiously; hopelessly; idly; lately; legally; harmlessly; unten-ably; wholly; utterly

    Inopportune adverbs

    awkwardly; embarrassingly; vexatiously; wholly; singularly; peculiarly; financially; politically; commercially; disastrously; unfortunately; presumably; socially; signally; seriously; unfortunately; unluckily; inexpediently; inaptly; clumsily; stupidly; foolishly; terribly; sadly; miserably; wretchedly

    Inquire (t>) adverbs

    solicitously; perfunctorily; boldly; mischievously; curiously; sarcastically; diligently; concernedly; incredulously; laconically; superficially; placidly; ominously; bluntly; officially; passionately; skeptically; apprehensively; dolorously; innocently; curtly

    (See ask, seek, question.)

    Inquirer ad jectives

    individual; diligent; curious; historical; philosophical; profane

    Inquiry adjectives

    investigational; liberal; audacious; vindictive; studious; calm; dispassionate; laconic; rigorous; extensive; horrified; breathless; minute; confidential; particular; skeptical; recent; diligent; patient; successful; urgent; sarcastic; apprehensive; exacting; troubled; cold; sanctioned; sleepy; dolorous; fruitless; competent; respectful; troublesome; subsequent; eager; physical; point-blank; thorough; sincere; innocent; direct; discreet; pertinent; scientific; suave; vain; solid; indefinite; tentative; strict; sad; accurate; unthinking; suspicious; sarcastic; mild; hospitable; formal; curt; brisk; brash


    bombard with—s; conduct—; deter—; institute—; meet—; occasion—; overwhelm with —s; press—; provoke—; pursue—; push—; renew—; repeat—; reply to—; resume—; subject to—; waive—; —discloses

    (See question, investigation, research, examination.)

    Inquisition adjectives

    tyrannous; ceaseless; imperious; bootless; comfortable; solemn; merciless; cruel


    demand—; escape—; fall foul of—; justify —; launch—; occasion—; propose—; search by—; suggest—; sweep by—; —explores; —irks; —proves; —reviews; —trespasses

    (See investigation, inquiry, research.)

    Inquisitive adverbs

    inordinately; offensively; curiously; oddly; persistently; maliciously; meddlesomely; tiresomely; offensively; venomously; innocently; harmlessly; miserably; distressingly; unpardonably; inexcusably; discourteously; unforgivably; dangerously; significantly; alarmingly; intellectually; scientifically; intrusively; pryingly; mysteriously; egregiously; openly; expertly; officiously; relentlessly; impolitely; boundlessly; insatiably

    Inquisitors adjectives

    delegated; persecuting; mealy-mouthed; death-dealing

    Inroads adjectives

    destructive; perpetual; frequent; constant; serious; casual; blighting

    Insane adjectives

    wildly; slightly; probably; mildly; presumably; avowedly; violently; slightly; permanently; periodically; pathetically; tragically; recently; allegedly; notoriously; dangerously; pitiably; miserably; hopelessly; irremediably; irrecoverably; dreadfully; incurably; utterly; deliriously; fanatically; eccentrically; hysterically; incoherently; distressingly

    Insanity adjectives

    true; warlike; intellectual; temporary; dire; pious; incipient; incurable; speculative; hysterical; harmless; systematic; delusional; hereditary


    anticipate—; banish—; border on—; condemn to—; correct—; detect—; discern—; drive to—; hush—; lament—; lead to—; observe—; plead—; produce—; sense—; simulate—; subdue—; suffer—; thrust into —; treat—; —desolates; —imprisons; — seizes; overcome—

    (See mania, madness, frenzy, delirium.)

    Insatiable adverbs

    greedily; voraciously; miserably; shamelessly; hungrily; terribly; pitiably; rapacious ly; unbelievably; curiously; strangely; grossly; avidly; covetously; cravingly; sordidly; openly; manifestly

    INSCRIBE (v) adverbs lightly; erroneously; appropriately; decoratively; legibly; hieroglyphieally; tenderly; officially; historically

    (See imprint, write.

    INSCRIPTION adjectives analogous; trilingual; sham; inappropriate; monumental; absorbing; cuneiform; simple; lofty; horizontal; decorative; legible; duplicate; flattering; mural; libelous; hieroglyphical; ominous; effaced


    bear—; carve—; chisel—; decipher—; engrave—; furnish—; mark—; pen—; place —; study—; survey—; trace—; word—; — adorns; —commemorates; —dedicates; — denotes; —heads; —indicates; —records; — remind

    (Sec record, handwriting, monument, document.

    INSCRUTABLE adverbs

    mysteriously; oddly; hopelessly; curiously; impenetrably; altogether; strangely; utterly; unaccountably; wholly

    INSECT adjectives

    individual; venomous; luminous; aculeate; industrious; blundering; coral; silken-winged; bloated; noisome; dormant; swarming; glittering; populous; all-devouring; melodious; gorgeous; counties (pl); injurious; ubiquitous; energetic; acquisitive; sweet; throbbing: mottled; destructive; painless; annoying; voracious; multitudinous (pl)

    INSECTS verbs

    allure—; breed—; combat—; exterminate—; feed on—; hunt—; lure—; net—; overrun with—; trap—; —annoy; —buzz; —demolish; —devour; —dismantle; —distress; — fertilize; —hum; —nest; —pest; —plague; —pupate; —ravage; —sap; —settle on; — swarm; —swirl; —undergo a metamorphosis; ■—creeps

    (See individual insects.

    INSECURE adverbs

    pitiably; alarmingly; distressingly; fearfully; hopelessly; flimsily; embarrassingly; awkwardly; vaguely; bewilderingly; precariously; dangerously; carelessly; inexcusably; critically; ominously; perilously; curiously; dreadfully; horribly; undeniably; fatally; continuallly; wearily; professionally; pathetically; apprehensively; uncomfortably; anxiously; tormentingly; grievously; financially

    INSENSIBLE adverbs

    curiously; stolidly; dully; apathetically; sluggishly; languidly; torpidly; utterly; callously; indifferently; phlegmatically; drowsily; somnolently; sleepily; stupidly; dazedly; obtusely; lethargically; imperturbably; inattentively; unconcernedly; unbelievably; incredibly

    INSEPARABLE adverbs

    affectionately; insistently; physically; scientifically; technically; financially; politically; logically; commercially; naturally; cohesively; firmly; solidly; tenaciously; securely; legally; authoritatively; officially; warrant-ably

    INSERT (v) adverbs

    parenthetically; expressly; daily; meticulously; formally; officially; logically; derog-atorily

    (See inject, interject.

    INSIDIOUS adverbs

    peculiarly; subtly; dangerously; alarmingly; appallingly; cunningly; shrewdly; terrifyingly; particularly; shockingly; ominously; uncomfortably; deceptively; surreptitiously; elusively; fraudulently; slyly; profoundly; cleverly; artfully; astutely; shabbily; wickedly; perfidiously; shamefully; trickily

    INSIGHT adjectives

    clearer; intuitive; vivid; profound; spiritual; rare; true; mythic; penetrating; partial; uncanny; sympathetic; psychological; pathetic; keen; intellectual; comprehensive; steady; sagacious; curious; imaginative; prophetic; dramatic; clearest; scientific; objective; valid; mature; mystic


    acquire—; endow with—; flash—; follow with—; furnish with—; gain—; give—; lack—; obtain—; possess—; ripen into—; understand through—; —comprehends; — discerns; —fathoms; —penetrates; —perceives; —rewards; —searches

    (See understanding, wisdom.

    Insignia adjectives

    distinguishing; military; graceful

    Insignificance adjectives

    paltry; essential; sallow; miserable; puny


    bury in—; crouch in—; dwindle into—; fade into—; pale into—; plunge into—; reduce to—; ridicule—; scorn—; sink into—; spring from—; suffer—; —engulfs; —prostrates; —swallows

    (See obscurity, seclusion, trifle, oblivion.

    Insignificant adverbs

    altogether; negligibly; admittedly; avowedly; inconsequentially; weakly; pitifully; contemptibly; ridiculously; vaguely; absurdly; fatuously; inanely; pathetically; terribly; ultimately

    Insincere adverbs

    woefully; curiously; obviously; strangely; indubitably; palpably; hopelessly; arrantly; evidently; shamefully; transparently; absurdly; slyly; evasively; pretentiously; flatteringly; cruelly; insidiously; bitterly; clearly; unmistakably; grossly; dreadfully

    Insincerity verbs

    abhor—; charge with—; clog with—; condemn—; detect—; embroider with—; engage in—; falsify with—; incline toward—; witness—; —adulterates; —deceives; —disgraces; —disguises; —distorts; —forfeits


    (See unfaithfulness, treachery, deception, hypocrisy.

    Insinuate (v) adverbs

    brazenly; slanderously; coyly; pointedly; delicately; calumniously; offensively; adroitly ; covertly; reticently; outrageously

    (See imply, hint, suggest.

    Insinuation adjectives

    calumnious; conscientious; adroit; slanderous; covert; nasty; reticent; evil; unguarded; offensive; outrageous; terrible; unfortunate; slow


    contemplate—; dare—; defeat—; deliver—; dispose of—; omit—; perceive—; weigh—; wince at—; —alludes; —creeps ip; —hints; —implies; —informs; —instills; —shocks; —suggests

    (See accusation, innuendo, intimation, suggestion, hint.

    Insipid adverbs

    stupidly; feebly; unusually; habitually; naturally; hopelessly; tiresomely; vacuously; fatuously; colorlessly; vexatiously; tediously; prosaically; dully; doltishly; inertly; passively; phlegmatically; listlessly; lackadaisically; recklessly; uninterestingly; monotonously; depressingly; unbearably

    Insipidity adjectives

    conventional; slumbrous; stereotyped

    Insist (v) adverbs

    hotly; glowingly; indignantly; belligerently; stolidly; perversely; deliberately; pedantically; resolutely; pointedly; pertinaciously; disobligingly; uniformly; emphatically; vehemently; strenuously; obstinately; blandly; sternly; eloquently

    (See urge, persist, press.

    Insistence adjectives

    stern; steadfast; deliberate; important; melancholy; eloquent; perpetual; pathetic; stereotyped


    assert with—; increase—; relax—; require —; silence—; steel against—; stick with—

    —annoys; —conquers; —determines; —irks; —relents

    (See persistence, determination, intensity, perseverance.

    Insistent adverbs

    vexatiously; tiresomely; intolerably; annoyingly; captiously; peevishly; cruelly; tyrannically; discourteously; violently; disagreeably; unpleasantly; hospitably; generously; aggressively; inescapably; urgently; embarrassingly; pestiferously; cantankerously; distressingly; dictatorially; resolutely; firmly; tenaciously; obstinately

    Insolence adjectives

    haughty; increasing; disobedient; smiling; beefy; studied; ferocious; displeasing; gigantic; personal; insane; wanton; flatfaced; mutinous; puffed

    Insolent adverbs

    unbearably; atrociously; arrogantly; proudly; haughtily; arrantly; inordinately; egregiously; intolerably; lidiculously; unpardon-ably; disrespectfully; terribly; flippantly; pertly; saucily; crudely; grossly; abusively; outrageously; outlandishly; scandalously; loudly; brazenly; crassly; bumptiously; imperiously; highly; audaciously; inexcusably

    Insolvent adverbs

    pitiably; suddenly; finally; pathetically; unfortunately; admittedly; hopelessly; sorrowfully; desperately; deeply; unluckily; unhappily; impecuniously; embarrassingly; ruinously; unaccountably; inexplicably; mysteriously; curiously; incredibly; needlessly

    Insomnia verbs

    afflict with—; conquer—; correct—; ease.—; grapple with—; labor under—; release—; subject to—; suffer—; —hinders; —interferes; —provokes; —stupefies; —unnerves


    (See disease, pain.

    Insouciant adverbs

    inconsiderately; blithely; giddily; dizzily; heedlessly; dreamily; gaily; cheerily; carelessly; unconcernedly; imperturbably; recklessly; rashly; serenely; calmly; heartily

    Inspect (v) adverbs intently; circumspectly; fastidiously; judiciously; rigidly; periodically; personally; cursorily; cautiously; painstakingly

    (See examine, in/estigate.

    Inspection adjectives immediate; rigid; bare; painstaking; periodic; cursory; cautious; personal

    Inspiration adjectives

    passionate; fatal; unmistakable; fresh; happy; healthier; subtle; verbal; sudden; heroic; divine; adequate; overpowering; mystic; elevated; dramatic; inward; maternal; incarnate; mighty; unbiased; natural; irrepressible; sustaining; struggling; feeblest; laborious; ennobling


    conflict with—; derive—from; exhaust—; foster—; gain—; kill—; presage—; pray for—; preserve—; restore—; suppress—; whisper—; —cheers; —flags; —rallies; — seizes; —visits; —wells from

    (S^e enthusiasm, fervor, influence, genius.

    Inspire (v) adverbs religiously; divinely; nocturnally; unceasingly; invariably; passionately; fatally; happily; subtly; verbally; heroically; mystically; dramatically; maternally; irrepressibly; feebly; laboriously; tenderly

    (See kindle, arouse, rouse, animate.

    Instability adjectives emotional; molecular; psychic; permanent; mental


    aggravate—; betray—; buttress—; condemn—; convey—; deplore—; detect—; judge—; lament—; lead to—; observe—; reflect on—; reform—; support—; survey —; —irks; —threatens

    (See weakness, impotence.

    Install (v


    magnificently; ceremoniously; regularly; comfortably; formally; scientifically; mod-ernistically; charitably; governmentally; legislatively; dictatorially

    (See establish, place, )

    Installment verbs

    administer—; commend—; consent to—; direct—; glorify—; herald—; honor by—; influence—; inspire—; invite to—; observe—; occasion—; perform—; plan—; preside at

    ; seek—; view—; —climaxes; witness—. (See payment.

    Instance adjectives

    contradictory; isolated; individual; noteworthy; wonderful; abundant; well-authenticated; striking; inconsiderable; parallel; continued; dramatic; precise; memorable; far-famed; admirable; melancholy; conspicuous; arresting; notable; forcible; unfortunate; characteristic; splendid; abortive; comparable; notorious; tragic; recorded; solitary; unrelated; typical; worthy; particular; extreme; delightful; present; illustrious; rare; undeniable; remarkable


    afford—; cite—; contradict—; demand—; dispute—; experience—; furnish—; multiply —s; offer—; point out—; provide—; quote —; ridicule—; solicit—; study—; —exemplifies; —illustrates; —indicates; —proves; —reminds

    (See example, illustration, ^precedent.)

    Instant adjectives

    unseasonable; luminous; approaching; flashing; terrible; fleeting; single; breathless; fatal; swift


    accomplish in an—; convey in—; depart for —; emerge in—; flicker out in—; pause for —; separate for—; —passes; —presses

    (See moment, hour, time.)

    Instil (v) adverbs

    ridiculously; subtly; insidiously; cleverly; slyly; perfidiously; covertly; mystically; paternally; scholastically

    (See introduce, impress, implant.)

    Instinct adjectives

    poetic; indefinable; impulsive; hereditary; faithful; natural; holy; warm; brutal; prophetic; profoundest; subtle; dramatic; vague; combative; protective; military; proper; religious; beneficent; noble; aesthetic; conservative; inherited; artistic; selfpreserving; denied; invisible; maternal; unerring; refined; gentle; deepest; semi-barbaric; perverted; animal; sterile; amorphous; conservative; universal; deep-rooted; formal; ennobled; delicate; driving; human; heroic; grosser; native; transcendental; tameless; sympathetic; long-dormant; disorderly; journalistic; monastic; social; irresistible; fine; quality; predominating; provident; spiritual; tender; wonderful; mechanical; prudential; fiery; grateful; innate; sudden; scientific; imperative; sure; trained; superhuman; speculative; irrelevant; snob; groping; gregarious; terrible; herd; independent; fortunate; selective; kindly; unconscious; purest; common; iconoclastic; logical; racial; brutal; derogatory


    cloud—; control—; curb—; develop—; endow with—; follow—; gratify—; numb—; obey—; offend—; pander to—; rely on—; repress—; rouse—; stir—; succumb to—; suppress—; thwart—; violate—; —deceives; —guides; —impels; —motivates; — persists; —s war within

    (See impulse, desire, skill, nature.)

    Institution adjectives

    frail; cherished; extraordinary; charitable; religious; popular; temporary; essential; instrumental; professional; venerable; august; notable; existing; ecclesiastical; sacerdotal; preparatory; necessary; time-honored; infant; remarkable; major; peculiar; sundry (pl); aristocratic; feudal; fiduciary; diverse (pl); flourishing; ancient; dignified; free; popular; bestial; inevitable; liberal; respective; lauded; social; distinctive; dominant; economic; benevolent; perfidious; bureaucratic; long-established; various (pl); abhorrent; moneyed; powerful; notorious; parochial; superb; monstrous


    abolish—; acclaim—; bar from—; charter —; commit to—; confirm—; discard—; endow—; grant to—; herd in—s; lampoon—; maintain—; patronize—; support—; undermine—; —crumbles; —flourishes

    (See establishment, club, society, school.)

    Instruct (v) adverbs

    peremptorily; urgently; artistically; solemnly; forcefully; adequately; laconically; ethically; clinically; parochially; tediously; theoretically; intellectually; facetiously; vaguely; academically; formally; inspirationally; diligently

    (See teach, command, direct.)

    Instruction adjectives

    adequate; hurried; scattered; bloody; laconic; inevitable; careful; explicit; brave; ethical; botanical; clinical; stimulative; parochial; official; minute; thoughtful; elementary; theoretical; intellectual; facetious; pleasurable; cabled; hazy; vague; religious; tedious; classroom; parliamentary


    abide by—; attend to—; authorize—; comply with—; conform to—; contravene—; counsel—; deluge with—; desire—; disqualify for—; follow—; hearken to—; impart—; lack—; overwhelm with—s; prescribe—; profit by—; radio—; refuse—; —corrects; —guides

    (See teaching, information, education.)

    Instructor adjectives

    clerical; capable; competent; sober; sordid


    Instrument adjectives

    physical; master; keyboard; gracious; godlike; negotiable; outstanding; dictating; grand; musical; ingenious; expensive; unfit; precision; potent; rude; glorious; philosophical; penitent; facile; perfect; rough; extraordinary; noble; exceptional; component; heavenly; murderous; incomprehensible; spellbound; blunt; passive; unconscious; compact; scorned; supple; astronomical; serviceable; quaking; dental; cunning; greedy; sacred; tolerable; immediate; graceful


    contaminate—; contrive—; devise—; employ—; encase—; fashion—; forge—; guard —; hamper—; hinder—; introduce—; lubricate—; manipulate—; obstruct—; perform with—; project—; resist—; utilize—; yield

    (See tool, utensil, method, document, machine.)

    Instrumental adverbs

    definitely; helpfully; necessarily; admittedly; covertly; secretly; furtively; openly; proudly; ostentatiously; usefully; diabolically; benevolently; obscurely; inscrutably; valuably; serviceably; fortunately; capably; competently

    Insubordinate adverbs

    insufferably; unbearably; intolerably; recklessly; rashly; brazenly; sullenly; subtly; openly; unaccountably; deliberately; arrant-ly; accidentally; purposely; unconsciously; unpardonably; hopelessly; grossly; crassly; flagrantly; slyly; audaciously; mutinously; seditiously; treacherously; incredibly; restively; impatiently; egregiously; amazingly; dangerously; childishly; senselessly

    Insubordin A TION adjectives

    sharp; colonial; criminal; flagrant; rank

    Insubstantial adverbs

    terribly; hopelessly; tragically; nebulously; imaginatively; dreamily; pitifully; wretchedly; airily; tenuously; vaguely; dimly; altogether; blankly; obviously; utterly

    Insufferable adverbs

    utterly; disagreeably; incredibly; altogether; haughtily; boisterously; rudely; arrant-ly; grossly; crassly; crudely; boorishly; arrogantly; swaggeringly; scornfully; loudly; maliciously; slanderously; invidiously; importunately; abhorrently; odiously; generally

    Insufficient adverbs

    pitiably; tragically; wretchedly; altogether; stingily; parsimoniously; unbelievably; evidently; palpably; ungenerously; thoughtlessly; piteously; miserably; criminally; incredibly; shockingly; appallingly; awfully

    Insular adverb

    incredibly; happily; safely; securely; narrowly; narrow-mindedly; bigotedly; fanatically; contentedly; smugly; dogmatically; stupidly; surprisingly; naturally; peacefully; complacently; inordinately; rustically; provincially

    Insult adjectives

    harsh; unfeeling; endurable; rash; crowning; biting; personal; cruel; grossest; veiled; monstrous; fresh; mortal; stinging; deadly; persistent; dire; supposed; petty


    avenge—; barb with—; bawl—; brook—; condone—; decry—; endure—; exchange —s; fling—at; hurl—at; ignore—; shout—; suffer—; take affront at—; —grieves

    infuriates; —libels; —rebuffs; —slanders; pardon—

    (See outrage, offense, wrong.)

    Insult (v


    scurrilously; desperately; vilely; impudently; grossly; brazenly; outrageously; sullenly; wantonly; unendurably; monstrously

    (See affront, abuse, offend.)

    Insulting adverbs

    horribly; unpardonably; intolerably; unbearably; insufferably; boorishly; cruelly; subtly; covertly; sneeringly; cynically; ironically; openly; deliberately; intentionally; inexcusably; coarsely; grossly; publicly; superciliously; impudently; flagrantly

    Insupportable adverbs

    altogether; evidently; manifestly; fantastically; obviously; heavily; tragically; pitiably; wretchedly; lamentably; indubitably; visibly; shockingly; pitifully; physically; painfully; grievously; finally; oppressively; tormentingly

    Insurance verbs

    collect—; consider—; examine for—; obtain —; pay—; prefer—; refuse—; regulate—

    transfer—; value—; undertake—; underwrite—; —guarantees; —indemnifies; —invests; —lapses; —provides; —reassures; —safeguards

    (See security, guarantee.)

    Insure (v) adverbs

    prudentially; customarily; rashly; paradoxically; conventionally; conservatively; liberally

    (See protect, assure.)

    Insurgents verbs

    accede to—; beat down—; check—; disperse —; inflame—; kindle—; quell—; repel—; repulse—; rout—; stir—; subdue—; — arise; —conspire; —demand; —dictate; — intrigue; —occupy; —oppose; —overthrow; —plot; —revolt; —spring up; —tyrannize

    (See enemy, rebel, foe, rival, competitor.)

    Insurmo UNTABLE adverbs

    heavily; oppressively; appallingly; manifestly; admittedly; apparently; perplexingly; bafflingly; absurdly; desperately; seriously; gravely; unfortunately; curiously; altogether; legally; disconcertingly; embarrassingly; awkwardly; cruelly

    Insurrection adjectives

    muting; wide-spread; hopeless; subsequent; servile; absurd; serious; laughable,' domestic


    check—; conspire—; crush—; encourage—; engage in—; excite—; finance—; foment—; head—; inflame—; instigate—; kindle—; plot—; quell—; resist—; restrain—; support—; suppress—; —alarms; —breaks out; —bursts forth; —dismays; —endangers; — menaces; —sweeps away; —threatens

    (See revolution, rebellion, fight.)

    Intact adverbs

    blessedly; luckily; fortunately; incredibly; happily; visibly; safely; securely

    Intangible adverbs

    evanescently; undeniably; practically; dimly; vaguely; obscurely; fleetingly; provok-ingly; legally; foggily; indeterminately; temporally; darkly; unintelligibly; naturally; mysteriously; faintly

    Integrity adjectives

    territorial; constitutional; innate; unimpeachable; sturdy; delicate; unassailable; sterling; unbending; unquestioned; determined; administrative; incorruptible; moral; transparent; intellectual; perfect; stubborn; stern; indisputable


    blemish—; breed—; commend—; doubt—; esteem—; impair—; laud—; maintain—; note—; preserve—; question—; require—; reserve—; retain—; reward—; root in—; taint—; test—; trust—; sacrifice—; vow—

    (See honesty, virtue, truth, sincerity.)

    Intellect adjectives

    cultured; keen; expanded; happy; considerable; godlike; high; stern; jaded; powerful; sluggard; prostrated; ruthless; unclouded; benighted; noble; restless; unguided; comprehending; austere; elevated; sluggish; brilliant; ordinary; lofty; inferior; articulate; frightened; active; provincial; haggard; fertile; ripening; profound; undying; imperial; superior; aroused; cultivated; crudest; discerning; prepared; meddling; humble; cold; resourceful; human; shadowy; penetrating; colossal; wavering; uninformed; grasping; singular; mightiest; reasoning; many-sided; stagnant; refined; stirring; seraphic; .all-subtilizing; amazing; constructive; massive; eternal


    balance—; cobweb—; cultivate—; destroy —; dissipate—; distort—; educate—; enlarge—; enthrone—; excel in—; expand—; impair—; judge—; perfect—; reflect—; shake—; sharpen—; stunt—; train—; weigh —; —comprehends; —deteriorates; —discerns; —enslaves; —revolts; —speculates

    (See brain, mind, understanding, intelligence.)

    Intellectual adverbs

    proudly; blatantly; swaggeringly; consciously; brilliantly; immensely; keenly; sharply; shrewdly; astutely; highly; profoundly; seriously; soberly; cleverly; solidly; alarmingly; incredibly; gravely; heavily

    Intelligence adjectives

    earliest; remorseless; keen; patient; banded; reassuring; native; alarming; sluggish; subtlest; extreme; swift; alert; shrewd; melancholy; luminous; elusive; mysterious; afflicting; morbid; restless; human; vulgar; musing; diagnostic; presiding; matrimonial; conscious; coherent; welcome; obvious; informed; supreme; unwonted; infinite; unexpected; hideous; magnified; detached; unfailing; lofty; meanest; mediocre; wide; untutored; vivid; concentrated; prophetic; polished; quick; weakened; precocious; unclouded; creative; clear; rapid; rarefied; omniscient; cheering; passive; divine; sympathetic; disagreeable; crushing; cold; hard; penetrating; astounding; musical; sharp; sad; singular; diseased; supreme; bizarre; energetic; pure; sagacious


    approach with—; assert—; bow to—; brim with—; dim—; dull—; endow with—; exercise—; gamble on—; impart—; mock—; radiate—; register—; reveal—; sharpen—; subjugate—; —controls; —dominates; —■ governs

    (See ability, intellect, insight, mind, wisdom, talent.)

    Intelligent adverbs

    unwontedly; keenly; patiently; naturally; alarmingly; subtly; extremely; swiftly; alertly; shrewdly; mysteriously; vigilantly; restlessly; consciously; obviously; supremely; unexpectedly; unfailingly; infinitely; broadly; loftily; vividly; prophetically; creatively; precociously; clearly; omniscient-ly; cheeringly; sympathetically; divinely; disagreeably; coldly; penetratingly; warmly; astoundingly; singularly; sagaciously; apparently; cleverly; profoundly; fairly; thoughtfully; politically; discriminatingly; manifestly; exceedingly; significantly

    Intelligible adverbs

    wholly; fairly; hardly; easily; surprisingly; scarcely; explicitly; instantly; graphically; unmistakably; strikingly; barely; clearly


    abstain from—; addict to—; atone for—; avoid—; betray—; burst with—; cure—; drown in—; err through—; fall into—; forego—; indulge in—; outlaw—; rack by —; sink into—; slide into—; —burns; — clouds; —defaces; —degenerates; —dissipates; —reigns; —sickens

    (See drunkenness, excess, debauchery, wickedness.)

    Intemperate adverbs

    foolishly; fatally; recklessly; dangerously; rashly; unaccountably; senselessly; extravagantly; voluptuously; luxuriously; wildly; rakishly; drunkenly; dreadfully; occasionally; habitually; notoriously; absurdly; preposterously; dissolutely; indiscreetly

    Intend () adverbs

    characteristically; primarily; virtually; incalculably; originally; complimentarily; ostensibly; wantonly; subtly; unquestionably; maliciously; tyrannically; amiably; cruelly; dictatorially; loyally; jocularly; irreverently. (See design, propose.

    Intensify (v) adverbs

    vividly; inordinately; furiously; dramatically; emotionally; subjectively; morbidly; infinitely; fiercely; tragically; gloriously

    (See aggravate, emphasize, magnify.)

    Intensity adjectives

    intermediate; decreasing; dreadful; lyrical; savage; scorching; barbarous; varying; unsurpassable; dramatic; clear; severe; low; unequal; mystical; emotional; subjective; white-faced; waning; morbid; infinite; desired; fierce; bare; dramatized; tragic; peculiar; heightened; glorified


    denote—; exhibit—; glow with—; increase —; live with—; measure—; note—; observe —; register—; relax—; revive—; slacken —; —grows; —overcomes; —strains; — taxes; —tires; —trebles; —wanes

    (See energy, force, strength, power, zeal.)


    deliberate; wicked; mad; late; charitable; swift; amorous; bad; fierce; conscious; absurd; unlawful; evil; original; sublime; obvious; malicious


    curiously; strangely; absently; wholly; abstractedly; oddly; deeply; eagerly; deliberately; carefully; wisely; impressively; earnestly; seriously; closely; resolutely; diplomatically; considerately; thoughtfully; critically; studiously; markedly; vigilantly; flatteringly; raptly; breathlessly; zealously; uncommonly

    Intention adjectives

    serious; deliberate; immoral; especial; tyrannous; docile; murderous; honorable; ulterior; honest; supposable; amiable; emotional; benignant; cordial; cruel; benevolent; wicked; wise; avowed; hospitable; definite; travelling; alleged; evil; dictatorial; loyal; earthly; original; industrial; festive; greedy; hostile; fixed; charitable; unconscious; evident; speculative; objective; cold; calculated; liberal; apparent; pacific; testamentary; treacherous; profound; matrimonial; suicidal; warlike; irreverant; jocular; private


    burst with—; cancel—; communicate—; conceal—; declare—; deny—; disavow—; disclaim—; err in—; impede—; miscarry—; misconstrue—; mistake—; proclaim—; purify—; reaffirm—; reiterate—; relinquish—; stick to—

    (See plan, aim, desire, purpose.)

    Interaction adjectives

    ethical; unsuspected; incessant; harmonious

    Intercept (v) adverbs

    subtly; dexterously; slyly; treacherously; in-imically; jealously; hatefully; selfishly; zealously; perfidiously

    (See seize, take, prevent.)

    Interchange adjectives

    healthful; interesting; provident; sweet; so

    cial; savage; constant; wearisome; pleasant; mutual; rapid; unfettered

    Intercourse adjectives

    sexual; amicable; continual; free; frigid; convivial; pleasant; innocent; mutual; beautiful; intimate; unrestrained; sweet; genial; delightful; formal; beneficial; unhappy; courteous; social; personal; vile; intimate; habitual; commercial; unreserved; constant; diplomatic; friendly; frequent; intellectual


    abstain from—; avoid—; bind by—; carry on—; discontinue—; employ—; encourage —; engage in—; limit—; open—; overindulge in—; prevent—; prohibit—; refrain from—; relax—; stimulate—; survey—; — balances; —debilitates; —declines; —increases

    (See communication, commerce, conversation, traffic, transaction.)

    Interdict (v) adverbs

    solemnly; formally; legally; tyrannically; dictator'ally; officially; religiously

    (See restrain, repress.)

    Interest verbs

                     (attention or concern

    absorb—of; accentuate—; alienate—; attach — to; awaken—; betoken—; catch—; cultivate—; dim—; display—; distract—; eclipse —; elicit—; engage—; enlist—; evoke—; excite—; exude—; feed—; feign—; focus—; inspire—; intensify—; kill—; kindle—; lend —; manifest—; muster—; note with—; pique—; quicken—; recapture—; regain—; revive—; rivet — upon; share—; smother—; stimulate—; sustain—; switch—; whip up —; —abates; —s bind; —centers on; — deepens; —ebbs; —endures; —fades; — flags; —mounts; —palls; —picks up; — wanes; engross—

    (See concentration, attention, vigilance.)

    Interest adjectives


    far-flung; special; national; religious; commercial; personal; passing; indulgent; individual; detached; momentous; property; selfish; minority; friendly; complicated; irresistible; affected; benevolent; primary; historic; philanthropic; superstitious; restrained; exorbitant; busy; final; jarring; well-meant; equal; presbyterian; literary; pecuniary; mercantile; great; attentive; missionary; extreme; evident; general; popular; genuine; lively; mournful; careful; bosom; paradoxical; private; growing; central; probable; pathetic; worldly; fraternal; universal; renewed; confessed; touching; paramount; amused; sudden; indifferent; satirical; feverish; certain; philosophic; intelligent; lasting; considerable; painful; respective; appalling; intense; thoughtful; overrated; immense; absorbing; surpassing; ultimate; connected; warm; widespread; national; stealthy; furtive; insistent; proprietary; vital; languid; energetic; diverse; bibliographical; thrilling; ennobling; peculiar; intellectual; overmastering; economic; vital; theoretical; active; gloomy; bankrupt; principal; endless; suave; urgent; sustained; human; racial; keenest; direct; jealous; discriminating; tepid; shadowy; languid; overmastering; contemporaneous; extraordinary; exclusive; philosophical; characteristic; surpassing; aesthetic; childish; anthropological; particular; enduring; extraneous; antiquarian; truant; exaggerated; crowning; inimical; lofty; revived; enormous; satisfying; undisturbed; parochial; medieval; ancient; awesome; never-ceasing; student; sectional; humanitarian; public-spirited; diminished; real; sincere; insatiable; courteous; pathological; unutterable; coincidental; deepest; involved; ex-pressional; inexhaustible; controlling; active; exceptional; long-nursed; wistful; faintest; unconquered; vaguest; passionate; grim; chauvinistic; lukewarm; vested; ethical; interwoven; compounded; dark; conflicting; perfunctory; elusive; persistent; particular; academic; world-wide; critical; heightened; potential; imperialist; affection, ate; ignorant; domestic; alarmed; burning; solicitous; stirring; sordid; discriminating; perplexing; antipodal; lingering; dissimilar (pl)

    Interest (financial) verbs

    affect—; amass—; cater to—; cherish—; control—; defend—; enlarge—; enumerate —; fortify—; foster—; merge—; promote —; regulate—; represent—; safeguard—; strengthen—; subverse—; unite—s of; weld —s of; —s flourish; —s overlap; —s prosper

    (See business, advantage, good, benefit.)

    Interest (money) verbs

    bear—; borrow on—; calculate—; charge —; claim—; compound—; entitle to—; fix —; figure—; forfeit—; obtain—; reckon—; request—; return—; subtract—; —accrues

    —compensates; —taxes

    (See amount, sum, money, profit.)

    Interest (v) adverbs

    proportionately; consistently; particularly; profoundly; excessively; keenly; genuinely; ingeniously; intensely; moderately; religiously; commercially; selfishly; affectionately; benevolently; philanthropically; paradoxically; jealously; philosophically; passionately; perfunctorily; academically; potentially; solicitously

    (See concern, excite.)

    Interesting adverbs

    thrillingly; absorbingly; breathlessly; specially; historically; extremely; generally; genuinely; intensely; vitally; economically; extraordinarily; particularly; pathologically; vaguely; curiously; keenly; charmingly; strangely; attractively; pleasantly; engross-ingly; marvelously; especially

    Interfere (v) adverbs

    boisterously; materially; consciously; energetically; unreasonably; irrationally; officiously; arrogantly; providentially; destructively; judicially; jealously; enviously; vindictively

    (See conflict, intermeddle, intervene.)

    Interference adjectives

    slightest; untimely; impertinent; feeble; ill-judged; arrogant; avoidable; unwarranted; providential; destructive; judicial; intolerant; mutual; optical; hostile; unexpected; unauthorized; supernatural; jealous; imperative; humane; watchful; hot; outside; needless; powerful


    brook—; counteract—; encounter—; inveigh against—; justify—; oppose—; overcome—; provoke—; refrain from—; resent—; restrict—; tolerate—: withdraw—; —agitates; —blocks; —chokes; —clogs; —disheartens

    —distresses; —hinders; —impedes; —meddles; —retards

    (See opposition, collision, intervention, resistance, hostility, obstacle.)

    Interior adjectives

    distinctive; ambitious; distinguished; sumptuous; superb; opaque; domestic; webby; capacious; unmodified; colonial; costly; austere; musty; dusty; wretched; pierced


    acquaint with—; advance into—; creep into —; display—; enter—; harmonize—; invade —; line—; lose in—; penetrate—; press into —; pry into—; push into—; situate in—; withdraw into—; worm into—; —awes; — impresses; —unfolds

    (See jungle, recess, middle, center.)

    Interject (v) adverbs

    bitingly; devoutly; unexpectedly; harshly; abruptly; piercingly; rudely; coarsely; fiercely; wittily; indignantly; unreasonably; nervously; ferociously; instructively; irritatingly

    (See inject, insert.)

    Interline (v) adverbs

    warmly; richly; comfortably; luxuriously; expensively; matchlessly; ornamentally

    Interlocutor verbs

    employ—; —acquaints; —amuses; —announces; —asserts; —communicates; —corrects; —explains; —expresses; —informs; —instructs; —interferes; —interposes; — introduces; —intrudes; —leads; —prompts; —opens; —outlines

    (Sec speaker, debater, actor, clown.

    Interlude adjectives

    strange; musical; brief; charming; circling; underworld; calm

    Interment ad je dives

    pious; showy; honorable


    gregariously; grotesquely; democratically; unrestrictedly; swarmingly; offensively; perpetually; extraordinarily

    (See mingle, mix.)

    Intermission adjectives

    seasonable; lucid; irregular (pl); much-needed

    Intermixture adjectives

    occasional; subtle; helpful

    Interpose (v) adverbs

    unwillingly; deftly; providentially; mercifully; mysteriously; deliberately; fortunately; designedly; vainly; aggressively; zealously; blankly

    (See intervene, interrupt.)

    Interposition adjectives

    deft; timely; providential; renewed; merciful; divine

    Interpret (v) adverbs

    literally; objectively; narrowly; allegorically; sympathetically; intelligently; boldly; unfavorably; adequately; superficially; metaphysically; speculatively; offensively; poetically; charitably; mythologically

    (See translate, construe, render.)

    Interpretation adjectives

    superficial; corresponding; metaphysical; polyphonic; diverse (pl); legal; rabbinical; speculative; conflicting; mental; probable; ingenious; thoughtful; offensive; fascinating; authoritative; understandable; subtle; mystic; poetic; mythological; imperfect; lyric; base; musical; scriptural; allegorical; inexperienced; uncharitable


    abuse—; accept—; advance—; broaden—; contemplate—; correct—; deduce—; evolve —; hand down—; infer—; lend—; misconstrue—; misquote—; offer—; reiterate—; reject—; question—; scorn—; —mutilates; —signifies

    (See conception, explanation, idea.)


    urbane; euphuistical; noble; zealous; penetrating; coarse; apt; false; picturesque

    Interrogate (v) adverbs

    sumptuously; rudely; impudently; roughly; impishly; boldly; formally; characteristically; frankly; pompously; fraternally; authoritatively

    (See question, examine.)

    Interrogation adjectives

    incredible; fresh; impish; wondering

    Interrupt (v) adverbs

    rudely; joyously; hastily; frequently; blatantly; judiciously; indignantly; earnestly; conveniently; peremptorily; momentarily; irrelevantly; abruptly; vaguely; temporarily; prematurely; spasmodically; repetitious-ly

    (See interpose, obstruct, retard.)

    Interruption adjectives

    frequent; serious; spasmodic; jarring; abrupt; stern; absolute; continual; palpable; reasonable; momentary; temporary; unseemly; extraordinary; external


    attempt—; beg—; forgive—; hinder with —; tolerate—; welcome—; wince at—; witness—; —angers; —disturbs; —infringes; —provokes; —severs; —thwarts

    (See pause, rudeness, impudence, delay.)

    Intersperse (v) adverbs

    widely; thoroughly; comfortably; regularly; conveniently; occasionally; methodically. (See mix, scatter, distribute.

    Intertwine (v) adverbs

    inextricably; elaborately; amorously; delicately; endlessly; complexly; haphazardly; artfully; skilfully; curiously

    (See entangle, twine, wind.)

    Interval adjectives

    slender; irregular; fitting; considerable

    feeding; torpid; measured; painful; equidistant; suitable; stated; frequent (pl); wide; fathomless; varying (pl); tranquil; rapid; indeterminate; endless; rare; twilight; reasonable; precious; dreadful; starless; recurring; lucid; mystical; harmonic; immeasurable; brief; stipulated; enormous; ensuing; conceivable; stolen; lesser; unflattering; spasmodic; long


    administer at—s; bridge—; consider in—; designate at—s; doze at—s; till—; fritter away—; grant—; increase—s; pause for—; regulate—s; review—; sleep at—s; span—; —annoys; —delays; —separates; —vanishes

    (See space, pause, distance.)

    Intervene (v) adverbs

    actively; impetuously; diabolically; miraculously; demoniacally; indiscreetly; venomously; slyly; paternally; hatefully; habitually; jealously

    (See interpose, interrupt.)

    Intervention adjectives

    armed; miraculous; indiscreet; diabolical; perpetual; untoward; demoniacal


    appeal for—; approve of—; consider—; decry—; denounce—; deplore—; employ—; exercise—; frame—; grant—; necessitate—; plead for—; seek—; terminate—; —aids; —annoys; —impedes; —interrupts; —irks; —relieves ; —wanes

    (See opposition, interference, resistance.)

    Intervie IV

    ad jectives

    satisfactory; valuable; confiding; affecting; complicated; unauthorized; interesting; clandestine; frequent; stormy; remarkable; painful; expressive; tussling; unchaperoned; vesper; transient; short-sighted; frank; preliminary; childish; protracted; brief; unexpected; psychoanalytic; parting; unsatisfactory; disastrous


    allow—; chronicle—; conclude—; confine— to; demand—; draw into—; elicit in—; endure—; evade—; grant—; obtain—; promise—; publish—; report—; request—; seek —; shirk—; terminate—; transpire at—

    —degrades; —reveals; —tires; —wearies. (See discussion, talk, conversation, conference.

    Interview (v) adverbs

    genially; professionally; confidentially; journalistically; daily; secretly; clandestinely; politically

    (See question.)

    Interweave (v) adverbs

    artfully; intimately; mysteriously; dexterously; laboredly; elaborately; delicately; ornamentally; richly; intricately

    zSee weave, intermingle.

    Interweaving adjectives

    labored; dexterous; endless; elaborate; delicate

    Intestine verbs

    afflict—; attach to—; attack—; block—; clog—; constrict—; distend—; ferment in—; penetrate—; poison—; puncture—; obstruct —; putrefy in—; strangle—; twist—; —absorbs; —adheres; —coils; —discharges; — functions; —kinks; —mats; —provides

    Intimacy adjectives

    annoying; agreeable; increasing; pleasant; peculiar; apparent; unfriendly; amorous; unseemly; lifelong; affectionate; curious; surprised; seeming; daily; closest; sudden; true; delicious; clandestine; immemorial; homely; rare; patronizing; embarrassed; mutual


    attempt—; brook—; court—; crush—; desire —; display—; draw back from—; enjoy—; enter with—; establish—; forbid—; question—; poison—; press into—; relax—; resist—; ripen into—; solicit—; strike up—; —arises; —mitigates; —reveals; —springs up

    (See friendship, fellowship, companionship, love, tenderness.)


    exceptionally; reprehensibly; curiously; inordinately; strangely; charmingly; closely; unusually; uncommonly; pleasantly; affectionately; embarrassingly; oddly; sweetly; confidentially; particularly; peculiarly; singularly; artlessly; cordially; devotedly; companionably; agreeably; gently; graciously; unbecomingly

    Intimate (v) adverbs

    bitterly; silently; darkly; distinctly; simultaneously; tacitly; mystically; officially; unpleasantly; slyly; diabolically; delicately; plausibly

    (See hint, indicate.)

    Intimation adjectives

    slightest; evident; injurious; mystical; official; silent; scattered; delicate; subjective; free; previous; unpleasant


    acknowledge—; advance—; contemplate—; dare—; furnish—; heed—; perceive—; ridicule—; seek—; weigh—; —creeps in; — denotes; —hints; —indicates; —informs; — interests; —leaks out; —notifies; —suggests

    (See accusation, innuendo, hint, suggestion, implication.)

    Intimidate (v) adverbs

    illegally; jealously; forcefully; unfairly; fiercely; ferociously; ruthlessly; formidably; economically; physically; deliberately; rudely

    (See frighten, scare, threaten.)

    Intimidated adverbs

    brutally; constantly; illegally; criminally; unquestionably; evidently; horribly; cruelly; tyrannically; daily; perceptibly; ignorantly; ridiculously; spinelessly; terribly

    Intolerable adverbs

    absolutely; painfully; finally; naturally; odiously; grievously; oppressively; grimly; abhorrently


    fierce; unchecked; ecclesiastical; fiery; narrow; marked; wicked


    accuse of—; attend with—; campaign against—; deplore—; indicate—; observe—; overcome—; provoke to—; show—; suffer from—; —scorns; —shames; —treads on; —vitiates

    (See fanaticism, wickedness.)

    Intolerant adverbs

    harshly; sternly; austerely; fretfully; rigidly; dogmatically; professionally; narrowly; ignorantly; generally; inexcusably; unduly; unpleasantly; disagreeably; terribly; inconsistently; strangely; extremely; conspicuously; arrogantly; superciliously; emphatically; stubbornly; obdurately; unyieldingly; cruelly; bitterly; provincially; fanatically; doctrinally; mulishly; doggedly; impatiently; fiercely; officially

    Intonation adjectives

    pitying; different; soft; searching; ascending; calm; genuine; limpid; liquid; sweet; steadfast; wilful; contemptuous; languorous; asthmatic; nasal; characteristic; bellowing; lazy; nervous; guttural; perceptible; muffled

    Intone (v) adverbs

    sanctimoniously; languorously; sepulchrally; melodiously; sweetly; gutturally; monotonously; characteristically

    (See speak, recite, sing.)

    Intoxication adjectives

    subduing; complete; serene; habitual; partial; sweet; giddy; prolonged; utter; helpless

    Intractable adverbs

    perversely; incorrigibly; provokingly; vex-atiously; unbearably; intolerably; stubbornly; wilfully; offensively; defiantly; utterly; doggedly; stolidly; wildly; capriciously; uncontrollably; cantankerously; mulishly; pitifully; violently; obstinately; scandalously; sullenly; waywardly; formidably; hopelessly; restively; peevishly; churlishly; invet-erately; narrow-mindedly

    Intrench (v) adverbs

    strongly; safely; securely; inviolably; firmly; strategically; protectively

    (See encroach, invade, entrench.)

    Intrepid adverbs

    valorously; gallantly; chivalrously; boldly; feignedly; conversationally; swaggeringly; boastfully; audaciously; spunkily; resolutely; determinedly; heroically; valiantly; pluckily; marvellously; remarkably; uncommonly; adventurously; firmly; apparently; stoutly

    Intricacy verbs

    comprehend—s; conceal in—s; conduct through—s; cut off—s; ease—; enmesh in —s; entangle in—s; involve—s; lessen—; map out—s; overcome—; probe—s; understand—; unravel—s; —bewilders; —complicates; —perplexes; —puzzles

    (See complication, complexity, tangle, confusion, obstruction.)

    I NT RIC A TE adverbs

    perplexingly; obscurely; obstructively; hopelessly; strangely; unduly; embarrassingly; objectionably; needlessly; terribly; deliberately; tortuously; subtly; awkwardly; formidably; provokingly; unnecessarily; clumsily

    Intrigue adjectives

    romantic; genuine; peaceful; violent; perpetual; criminal; sinuous; revolutionary; paltry; scandalous; sordid; ambitious; political; continental; double: indefatigable; dynastic; sacrilegious; abortive; tortuous; poor; clever; private


    bristle with—; conspire—; detect—; enjoy —; expose—; fall into—; infuse—; involve in—; meddle with—; plot—; plunge into—; share in—; stimulate—; uncover—; unearth —; —accomplishes; —deceives; —embarrasses ; —mystifies

    (See adventure, plot, Scheme, mystery.)

    Introduce fi-) adverbs

    deliberately; simultaneously; ceremoniously; advantageously; casually; decorously; mischievously; commercially; conventionally; perfunctorily; unblushingly; orchestrally; formally

    (See present, insert, commence.)

    Introduction adjectives

    preliminary; basic; promiscuous; impressive; appreciative; conventional; appropriate; perfunctory; coveted; improbable; wearisome; illicit; unblushing; depressing; orchestral; embarrassing; formal; labored


    contribute to—; crave—; demand—; manoeuvre—; plan—; prefix—; refuse—; survey—; wangle—; —agitates; —comments on; —communicates; —delights; —eulogizes; —explains; —makes known; —prepares; —presents

    Introductory adverbs

    pleasantly; favorably; agreeably;'courteously; smoothly; graciously; cordially; eulogistically; approvingly

    Introspection adjectives

    cold; morbid; pitiless

    Introspective adverbs

    curiously; unwontedly; unfortunately; unduly; overly; oddly; habitually; naturally; highly; sorrily; ominously; dangerously; morbidly; sensitively; pitifully; moodily; incurably; deplorably; lamentably; absurdly; miserably; incorrigibly; inveterately

    Intrude (v) adverbs

    presumptuously; bumptiously; rashly; irksomely; startlingly; irritatingly; exasperat-ingly; selfishly; jealously; obnoxiously; perpetually; pompously; impertinently; forcibly; abruptly; unwontedly

    (See obtrude, invade, encroach, intrench.)

    Intruder adjectives

    base; peaceful; queenly; friendly; troublesome; miserable; solitary; murderous; burg-larous


    dislodge—; dispose of—; eject—; evict—; ignore—; object to—; punish—; warn—; —disrupts; —encroaches; —forces; —infringes; —invades; —oversteps; —transgresses; —trespasses; —usurps

    (See robber, thief, villain, intrusion, invader, enemy.)

    Intrusion adjectives

    pompous; foul; resented; impertinent; forcible; involuntary; pale; swift; abrupt; noisy; hated; unwonted; rude


    deplore—; embitter by—; enter by—; excuse —; inform of—; loathe—; observe—; prevent—; protect from—; refuse—; threaten —; —disturbs; —pains; —violates; resent—

    (See intruder.)

    Intrusive adverbs

    obnoxiously; provokingly; annoyingly; uncommonly; meddlesomely; inexcusably; discourteously; inquisitively; amazingly; pertly; insolently; rudely; miserably; insidiously; abominably; maliciously; crudely; ignorantly; disgustingly; tiresomely; terribly; grossly; brazenly; persistently; unpardonably; troublesomely

    Intrust (v) adverbs

    particularly; subsequently; willingly; tacitly; faithfully; confidently; authoritatively; cautiously; legislatively; medically; economically; pecuniarily; financially

    (See confide, commit.)

    Intuition adjectives

    divinest; deepest; pure; unerring; special; sensible; extraordinary; mysterious; halfdesolate; womanly; instinctive; judicious

    Intuitive adverbs

    amazingly; marvellously; miraculously; naturally; uncommonly; highly; unusually; impulsively; vaguely; unscientifically; absurdly; inconsequently; notoriously; psychically; distinctly; infallibly; strangely; oddly; curiously; fantastically; unbelievably; astonishingly; incredibly; inconsequentially

    Invade (v) adverbs

    ruthlessly; perilously; outrageously; ferociously; heartlessly; monstrously; totally; unnaturally; belligerently; bellicosely; illegally

    (See encroach, intrench, trespass.)

    Invader adjectives

    ruthless; ferocious; upstart; heathen; petty; expelled; filthy; ragged


    battle—; beat back—; drive off—; expose to —; harass—; repel—; resist—; vanquish—; withstand—; —assaults; —eludes; —encroaches; —entrenches; —infringes; —intrudes; —penetrates; —ravages; —violates

    (See enemy, intruder, army, troops, soldiers, multitude, robber.)

    Invalid adjectives

    habitual; brave; gallant; bedridden; incurable; reeling; bawling; hopeless; feverish; nervous; marked; secluded; chronic; weak; despairing; comfortable; eager


    comfort—; delight—; discharge—; encourage—; entertain—; exhaust—; pension—; raise—; render—; report—; shelter—; treat

    ; visit—; —despairs; —recovers; —strug-. gles


    untenably; undeniably; groundlessly; absurdly; fallaciously; evasively; deceptively;* cunningly; deplorably; legally; unluckily; unfortunately; inoperatively; spuriously; meretriciously

    Invalidism adjectives

    temporary; cruel; continual; increasing; nervous; chronic

    Invalidity adjectives

    established; judicial; utter; obvious

    Invaluable adverbs

    inestimably; extremely; marvellously; price-lessly; unusually; incredibly; astoundingly; wonderfully; indubitably; notoriously; distinctly; manifestly; prodigiously; extraordinarily; inexpressibly; unconscionably; unbelievably

    Invariable adverbs

    incredibly; wonderfully; surprisingly; comfortingly; steadily; consistently; amazingly; warrantably; essentially; fundamentally; intrinsically; monotonously; habitually; drearily; tiresomely; hatefully; conventionally; a-greeably; prosaically; typically; doctrinally; deliberately; wisely; purposely; designedly

    Invasion adjectives

    meditated; atrocious; premature; rebel; fratricidal; pioneer; advancing; contaminating; unauthorized; hostile; apparent; lawless; threatened; long-continued; air


    avert—; curb—; defend against—; deplore —; fight—; inform of—; plan—; persist in —; protect from—; repel—; resist—; stage —; stem—; suffer—; threaten—; yield to—

    —destroys; —embitters; —succeeds

    (See raid, aggression, infringement, encroachment, violation.)

    Invective adjectives

    indignant; opprobrious; unreasonable; furious; insulting; bitter; indiscriminate; coarsest; classical; fierce; witty; heated


    burst into—; deluge with—s; discharge—; drench with—; express in—; flay with—; fling—at; hurl—at; pour forth—; provoke —; rail—; rain—s; roar—; shoot at—; suffer—; shower—s; volley—s at; —angers; —denounces; —embitters

    (See sarcasm, abuse, oath.)

    Inveigh (v) adverbs

    censoriously; violently; bitterly; spitefully; vindictively; cantankerously; treacherously; acrimoniously; acidly; blasphemously; insidiously; sternly; roughly; ruthlessly; ferociously

    (See censure, reproach, rail.)

    Invent (v) adverbs

    deftly; creatively; infernally; matchlessly; diabolically; inexhaustibly; sensationally; dangerously; maliciously; technically; fantastically; poetically; prodigally; marvelously; spectacularly; singularly

    (See devise, contrive, discover, originate.)

    Invention adjectives

    matchless; sad; infernal; stupendous; neoteric; diabolical; dangerous; exorbitant; gymnastic; multitudinous (pl); fervid; inexhaustible; florid; sensational; proposed; dangerous; numerous (pl); distributive; sheer; malicious; divine; technical; melodic; considerable; labor-saving; arbitrary; modern; fantastic; admirable; plausive; poetic; harassing; breath-taking; greatest; perfected; prodigal; modistic; topical; feeble; honest; marvelous; remarkable; sensational; patented; amazing


    accelerate—; beget—; commemorate—; contrive—; devise—; exploit—; introduce—; laud—; paralyze—; perfect—; seek—; stumble on—; submit—; suppress—; —eases; — enlightens; —improves

    (See discovery, patent, device, stratagem, improvement.)

    Inventive adverbs

    cleverly; amazingly; ingeniously; skilfully; wonderfully; expertly; surprisingly; profitably; scientifically; extraordinarily; conveniently; handily; crudely; curiously; shrewdly; broadly; expediently; fortunately; necessarily; unusually; uncommonly; highly; resourcefully; magnificently; dexterously; unbelievably; deftly; competently; capably; delightfully; fortunately; luckily; inexhaustibly; admirably

    Inversion adjectives

    unnatural; monstrous; total

    Invert (v) adverbs confusingly; perplexingly; complicatedly; abnormally; eccentrically; characteristically; humorously; habitually

    (See reverse, turn, overthrow.

    Invest (adverbs fraudulently; annually; temporarily; forcibly; financially; shrewdly; austerely; astutely; strategically; judiciously; modestly; initially

    (See clothe, dress, surround.

    Investigate (v) adverbs promptly; personally; intensively; duly; vigorously; anatomically; tediously; assiduously; tranquilly; legislatively; analytically; diligently; intellectually; comprehensively; judicially; conclusively; abstractly; inquisitively; physiologically; methodically; aimlessly

    (See examine, inquire, probe.

    Investigation adjectives

    vast; anatomical; tedious; empiric; unprejudiced; eager; assiduous; futile; patient; tranquil; personal; cautious; legislative; analytical; literary; diligent; shouldered; racial; intellectual; careful; clinical; elaborate; journalistic; contemporary; comprehensive; judicial; hostile; rigorous; subsequent; conclusive; minuter; abstract; introspective; inquisitive; empirical; embarrassing; physiological; methodical; aimless

    verbs carry on—; conduct—; contribute to—; dismiss—; exhaust—; facilitate—; institute—; ponder—; promise—; submit to—; summarize—; throttle—; yield to—; —brings to light; —concentrates; —convinces; —discloses; —drags; —indicates; —reveals; — wearies

    (See inquiry, examination, research, inquisition.

    Investment adjectives

    sound; gilt-edged; attractive; healthy; strategic; permanent; lifetime; elaborate; comparative; conservative; judicious; defenceless; economical; individual; modest; initial; desirable; careful; extraordinary; substantial; definite


    convert—; derive from—; discourage—; gain by—; impair—; necessitate—; preserve —; profit by—; pyramid—; represent—; sacrifice—; safeguard—; sell out—; subscribe to—; —accumulates; —crashes; — diminishes; —skyrockets (colloq.)

    (See stocks, shares, bonds, property, interest, money.

    Investors adjectives

    institutional; individual; hypothetical; multitudinous; thoughtful; painstaking

    Invigorate (v) adverbs artificially; scientifically; medically; alcohol-ically; mentally; physically; emotionally; beneficially; hurtfully; detrimentally

    (See animate, encourage.

    Invigorating adverbs

    pleasantly; highly; refreshingly; definitely; notoriously; conspicuously; unquestionably; wholesomely; fortunately; infallibly; gratefully; unexpectedly; surprisingly; strangely; marvellously; curiously; wonderfully; permanently; gloriously; progressively; restor-atively; incredibly; miraculously; splendidly; remarkably; magnificently

    Invincible adverbs

    sturdily; stoutly; amazingly; unexpectedly; proudly; notoriously; conspicuously; surprisingly; preposterously; incredibly; genuinely; apparently; evidently; manifestly; curiously; strangely; oddly; fantastically; indomitably; insuperably; doggedly; stubbornly; obstinately; mightily; powerfully; splendidly; magnificently; irresistibly; mysteriously; unbelievably

    Invisible adverbs

    mysteriously; curiously; strangely; incredibly; oddly; fantastically; designedly; pro-vokingly; disappointingly; vexatiously; minutely; mistily; foggily; mystically; significantly

    Invite (v) adverbs

    cordially; formally; frequently; graciously; peculiarly; forcibly; daintily; vociferously; specifically; flatteringly; originally; nominally; suavely; fatally; ostensibly

    (See ask, induce, summon, call.

    Inviting adverbs

    charmingly; delightfully; pleasantly; coolly; refreshingly; warmly; cordially; hospitably; marvellously; unexpectedly; attractively; bewitchingly; cordially; cheerfully; heartily; politely; comfortably; lusciously; delectably; alluringly; temptingly; irresistibly; wonderfully; surprisingly

    Invocation adjectives brief; unknown; sweet; solemn

    Invoke (i-) adverbs

    eloquently; ardently; solemnly; incessantly; reverently; briefly; earnestly; verbally; monotonously

    (See pray, beseech, beg.

    Involve (v) adverbs

    markedly; shockingly; tragically; unfathom-ably; inextricably; hopelessly; abstrusely; problematically; ultimately; tremendously; scandalously

    (See implicate, include, entangle, embarrass.

    Invulnerable adverbs

    proudly; ominously; happily; fortunately; consciously; remarkably; strongly; obviously; manifestly; completely; supposedly; presumably; apparently; allegedly; securely; safely; tenably; snugly; confidently

    Iodine verbs

    apply—; antidote—; disinfect with—; inject —; impregnate with—; paint with—; smear —; tint with—; treat with—; —poisons; — relieves; —safeguards; —sterilizes

    (See chemical, antiseptic, medicine.

    Irascible adverbs

    insufferably; highly; hotly; moodily; choler-ically; capriciously; inexplicably; temperamentally; habitually; naturally; inexcusably; unreasonably; illogically; snappishly; querulously; contentiously; excitably; restively; uncommonly; rudely; captiously

    Irate adverbs

    dangerously; alarmingly; highly; unusually; terribly; inexplicably; extremely; fearfully; sullenly; silently; noisily; tempestuously; unreasonably; savagely; senselessly; moodily

    Ire adjectives

    political; vengeful; patriot; noble; raging; avenging


    appease—; arouse—; assuage—; avert—; awake—; draw—of; dread—; ferment—; flush with—; fume with—; glow with—; moderate—; pale with—; provoke to—; shake with—; sharpen—; shelter from—; slake—; subdue—; —effervesces; —erupts; —riots

    (See anger, rage, wrath, passion, vexation, temper.

    IRIDESCENT adverbs

    shimmeringly; beautifully; amazingly; uncommonly; gloriously; splendidly; magnificently; delicately; daintily; flashily; curiously; oddly; marvellously; inexplicably; unexpectedly; attractively; highly; uncommonly

    Irksome adverbs

    tediously; wearily; heavily; d»stastefully; monotonously; dully; stupidly; vaguely; unpleasantly; dismally; drearily; oppressively; onerously; laboriously; vexatiously; provokingly; formidably; grievously; bitterly

    Ir ON adjectives

    adamantine; crushing; hot; assimilated; magnetized; tempered; redcoated; stubborn; rusted


    alloy with—; cast—; employ—; forge—; gird with—; hammer—; lathe—; magnetize —; mold—; plate with—; polish—; puddle —; roll—; shackle in—; shod with—; smelt —; uluize—; weld—; —clangs; —corrodes; —grates; —masters; —rusts

    (See metal, steel.)

    Ironical adverbs

    bitterly; suddenly; justifiably; calmly; sarcastically; shrewdly; terribly; insolently; acidly; keenly; scoffingly; sneeringly; mockingly; tauntingly; teasingly; cleverly; perspicaciously; astutely; inscrutably; unduly; rudely; disagreeably; offensively; openly

    Irony adjectives

    discordant; malignant; secret; terrible; masterly; characteristic; calm; strange; fearless; melancholy; subtle; laughing; delicate; enchanting; quaint; unconscious; wanton; unpleasing; fine; gentle; trivial; dramatic; civilized; somber; delicious; amiable; tragic


    afford—; aim at—; convey—; exhibit—; imply— J pierce with—; prick with—; recognize—; relish—; stress—; suggest—; suspect —; tinge with—; wince at—; —amuses; — barbs; —cuts; —nips; —penetrates; —rebukes

    (See sarcasm, satire, ridicule, mockery.)

    Irradiation adjectives

    intense; imponderable; hidden; compulsory

    Irrational adverbs

    pathetically; portentously; absurdly; ridiculously; senselessly; stupidly; irascibly; fallaciously; crazily; preposterously; extravagantly; alarmingly; strangely; oddly; un-wontedly; impulsively; evasively; nonsensically; obstinately; foolishly; incredibly

    Irreclaimable adverbs

    hopelessly; tragically; legally; virtually; lamentably; deplorably; altogether; presumably; allegedly; shamefully; viciously; im-penitently; defiantly; recklessly; unfortunately; unluckily; lucklessly; wickedly; unconscionably; conclusively; apparently; manifestly

    Irrecoverable adverbs

    desperately; hopelessly; lamentably; unfortunately; sadly; unhappily; utterly; presumably; probably; allegedly

    Irredeemable adverbs

    hopelessly; strangely; cruelly; officially; unluckily; legally; authoritatively; curiously; mysteriously; probably; definitely; unquestionably; incontrovertibly; absolutely

    Irregular adverbs

    shamefully; disgracefully; furtively; openly; strangely; deplorably; cruelly; dangerously; secretly; unfortunately; terribly; slightly; gravely; seriously; suspiciously; egregiously; highly; utterly; wildly; lamentably; unpardonably; inexcusably; unsatisfactorily; unacceptably; disagreeably; disgustingly; indiscreetly; imprudently; unhappily

    Irregularities adjectives

    technical; faint; odd; quaint; exasperating; clumsy; rugged; fatal; ruddy

    Irregularity verbs acknowledge—; adjust—; admit—; commit —; condone—; detect—; disperse—; file down—; generalize—s; lament—; magnify —; note—; penalize—; perform—; relent—; rue—; —debars; —disqualifies; —impedes. (See abnormality, error, mistake, wrong, oversight.

    Irrelevance adjectives

    boring; inextricable; apparent; complete


    Irrelevant adverbs disturbingly; vexatiously; insolently; suddenly; shrewdly; sadly; purposely; deliberately; hopelessly; uselessly; unserviceable'; impracticably; impertinently; nonchalantly; casually; coolly; outlandishly; inappropriately; incongruously; exceptionally; oddly; unreasonably; foolishly; inanely; ridiculously; absurdly; unbelievably

    Irreligious adverbs outlandishly; irreverently; curiously; terribly; unpardonably; conspicuously; flagrantly; inconceivably; sadly; ftauntingly; inveter-ately; offensively; quietly; stolidly; stubbornly; immovably; impiously; grievously; irremediably; atheistically; indifferently; ostentatiously; dreadfully; strangely

    Irremediable adverbs

    evidently; unluckily; grievously; sadly; unfortunately; presumably; possibly; apparently; hopelessly; forlornly; curiously; singularly; extraordinarily; peculiarly; particularly; avowedly; significantly; heartbreak-ingly; queerly; incomprehensibly

    Irreparable adverbs

    curiously; hopelessly; oddly; strangely; unfortunately; unluckily; bitterly; cruelly; dismally; absolutely; apparently; obviously; manifestly; indubitably; palpably; haplessly; unhappily; distressingly; disturbingly; grievously

    Irrepressible adverbs

    obstreperously; riotously; uproariously; curiously; vexatiously; alarmingly; obviously; wantonly; mischievously; garrulously; independently; absolutely; offensively; restlessly; boisterously; noisily; feverishly; hysterically; violently; hot-headedly; fanatically; impulsively; disagreeably; unbecomingly; strangely; blatantly

    Irreproachable adverbs notoriously; consistently; conspicuously; generally; altogether; unquestionably; wholly; presumably; emphatically; positively; incon-trovertibly; ineffably; assuredly; warrant-ably; securely; acceptably; implicitly; impressively; probably

    Irresistible adverbs charmingly; del ^htfully; utterly; absolutely; wholly; fascinatingly; inexhaustibly; altogether; persuasively; indomitably; argumentatively; logically; consciously; personally; oddly; singularly; powerfully; attractively; strangely; evidently

    Irresolute adverbs feebly; timidly; indecisively; weakly; singularly; senselessly; strangely; particularly; incredibly; foolishly; pliantly; hesitantly; infirmly; capriciously; whimsically; lamentably; oddly; captiously; nervously; restively; stupidly; unwisely; noticeably; dreadfully; timorously; tremulously; warily

    Irresponsible adverbs gaily; blithely; insouciantly; nonchalantly; wantonly; hopelessly; singularly; deplorably; curiously; outlandishly; fantastically; oddly; strangely; vexatiously; unpleasantly; maddeningly; wildly; heedlessly; utterly; painfully; incorrigibly; alarmingly; dangerously; intolerably; palpably; sadly; incredibly; inveterately; temperamentally; incurably; obviously

    Irreverent adverbs impiously; flagrantly; offensively; unforgivably; rudely; grossly; crudely; thoughtlessly; unbecomingly; painfully; unutterably; unspeakably; arrantly; invidiously; insolently; terribly; crassly; brazenly; senselessly; utterly; blasphemously; sacrilegiously; deliberately; singularly; peculiarly; carelessly;

    unpardonably; ignorantly; boorishly; insultingly; outrageously; scandalously; shamefully; egregiously; irremediably

    Irrevocable adverbs

    lamentably; terribly; disastrously; ruinously; calamitously; hopelessly; desperately; sadly; lamentably; horribly; tragically; seriously; gravely; legally; pitiably; validly; indelibly; unintentionally; patently; inexorably; fortunately; happily

    Irrigation adjectives

    minute; plenteous; land-saving; colonic

    Irritability verbs

    control—; exaggerate—; fan—; lament—; manifest—; observe—; plague to—; rouse to —; salve—; stimulate—; —annoys; —lessens; —pains; —vexes

    (See irritation.)

    Irritable adverbs

    silently; resentfully; extremely; evidently; horridly; fiercely; violently; bitterly; absurdly; senselessly; foolishly; unreasonably; increasingly; slightly; definitely; hotly; furiously; mightily; unbearably; intolerably; grievously; sorely; ludicrously; plaguedly; annoyingly; wretchedly; miserably; distinctly; unfairly; deeply; easily; unhappily; comically; unjustly; ill-temperedly

    Irritate (v) adverbs

    unduly; nervously; perpetually; exasperat-ingly; sharply; temporarily; psychologically; physically; childishly; needlessly; excessively; superfluously

    (See provoke, vex, annoy, offend.)

    Irritation ad jectives

    stifled; puerile; deep-seated; concealed; nervous; perpetual; passing; burning; infinite; teasing; increasing; private; lulling; sharp; temporary; psychological; childish; consequent; needless; excessive


    allay—; alleviate—; arouse—; augment—; bear—; check—; convey—; endure—; excite —; expose to—; express—; fume with—; master—; relieve—; with—; stimulate—; thunder—; —bursts lashes; —subsides

    (See pain, anger, temper, irritability.)

    Isle adjectives

    oozy; lofty; desolate; peaceful; flat; bloomy; mystic; shady; weeping; volcanic; low; wooded; hateful; pumice; bee-pasturing; tributary; foamless; outlying; execrable; high-favored; storm-encompassed

    Isolate (v) adverbs

    pathetically; voluntarily; effectively; dismally; advisedly; temporarily; virtually; morally; politically; physically; formidably; geographically; financially; economically; legally

    (See segregate, separate.)

    Isolated adverbs

    somewhat; lameniably; fortunately; happily; necessarily; cruelly; bitterly; preferably; remotely; terribly; relatively; comparatively; desolately; drearily; singularly; oddly; curiously; particularly; strangely; deliberately; unwillingly; inconveniently; inhospitably; snugly; safely; securely; unsociably

    Isolation adjectives

    moral; lonely; luxurious; infinite; blank; self-centered; studied; prompt; sectional; moribund; lofty; exposed; sheltered; physical; stupendous; selfish; desolate; deliberate; absolute; anguished; formidable; self-perceived; geographical; awful; magnificent; economic; financial; terrible


    advocate—; bear—; condemn to—; contemplate in—; delight in—; dread—; dwell in —; expel into—; meditate in—; penetrate —; procure—; punish by—; resign to—; retire into—; risk—; shake from—; suffer —; wrap in—

    (See privacy, solitude, loneliness, seclusion, retirement.)

    Issue (v) adverbs

    spuriously; portentously; anonymously; particularly; publicly; officially; politically; controversially; triumphantly; victoriously; colorfully; significantly

    (See result, terminate, proceed.)

    Issue adjectives

    sequent; political; momentous; controversial; great; fruitful; genuine; fundamental; ethical; indirect; unlimited; clear; dearest; profuse; precarious; degenerate; precise; vital; moral; abundant; tragic; confused; doubtful; remarkable; fascinating; colorful; basic; supreme; stupendous; irrelevant; insignificant; luckier; proposed; proud; concrete; adverse; felicitous; unlucky; immeasurable; tremendous; happy; disinherited; discussable; uncertain; dreadful; coming; involved; wartime; particular; recent; national; unforeseen


    analyze—; ban—; clarify—; confuse—; crystallize—; debate—; decline—; determine —; dismiss—; dodge—; dramatize—; duck —; dwarf—; elaborate on—; entangle—; evade—; force—; forego—; gloss over—; inject—; judge—; obliterate—; outlaw—; prejudice—; scrutinize—; set forth—; sharpen—; side-step—; state—; subordinate—; terminate—; —burns; emerges; —involves

    (See outcome, result, tion, point.)

    Item adjectives

    important; inconspicuous; imperative; various (pl); replacement; indispensable; popular; rarest; fascinating; seasonable; considerable; middling; crucial; drab; related; restricted; associated; central; profit; essential; outstanding; lively; unpretentious; derogatory


    calculate—s; charge—; check—; classify—; compute—s; enter—; enumerate—s; exempt —; muster—s; note—; plow through—s; register—; specify—; total—s; —tempts

    (See amount, details.)

    Iteration adjectives

    monotonous; caressing; deliberate

    Itinerant adverbs

    irresponsibly; necessarily; compulsively; happily; willingly; recklessly; pleasantly; profitably; adventurously; extravagantly; vagrantly; politically; lazily; vapidly; inanely; foolishly; vigilantly; nomadically; erratically; restlessly; vexatiously; peculiarly; outlandishly; whimsically; expensively; grievously; piteously; interestingly; fascinatingly; thrillingly; attractively; amazingly; unaccountably; idly



    approve—; arrange—; contemplate—; describe—; draw up—; follow—; measure—; plan—; prepare—; refer to—; study—; — delights; —informs; —mentions; —proposes

    (See program, plan, proiect, scheme.)

    Ivory adjectives

    waxen; tinted; delicate; rose-ensanguined; carved


    clinging; poison; variegated; linked; wandering; climbing; embowering


    crown with—; direct—; train—; —bowers; —canopies; —clasps; —climbs; —clings; — creeps; —curls; —decorates; —feeds on; —hangs; —hides; —jackets; —leaps; — nods; —twines; —twists; —wanders; — wreathes

    (See plant, flower, vine.)

    Jab (v) adverbs

    viciously; repeatedly; verbally; savagely; bitterly; ferociously; brutally; vindictively; malignantly

    (See thrust, poke, dig.)

    Jabber (v adverbs

    bestially; perpetually; enthusiastically; excitedly; cheerfully; effusively; idiotically; loquaciously

    (See talk, babble, chatter.)

    Jackdaw verbs

    tame—; —babbles; —cackles; —caws; — chatters; —clacks; —flits; —frequents; — gabbles; —gossips; —hops; —imitates; — jabbers; —steals; —thieves

    (See bird.)

    Jacket adjectives

    undress; soft; bright; embroidered; wadded; silk; familiar; long; reversible; ill-fitted ; clumsy


    adorn—; box in—; conceal under—; divest of—; don—; emerge from—; fortify with —; fray—; stain—; tatter—; utilize—; — preserves; —protects

    (See coat, overcoat, cloak.)

    Jade adjectives

    veriest; outworn; brazen-faced; veined; unruly; tired

    Jaded adverbs

    wearily; exhaustedly; gaspingly; tiredly; haggardly; uncommonly; gauntly; entirely; finally

    Jagged adverbs

    angularly; dangerously; roughly; ruggedly; sharply; crookedly; obliquely; curiously; fearfully; perilously; strangely; hazardously; terribly; ominously; frightfully; unpleasantly; painfully; disagreeably; horridly; hideously; distressingly

    Jail adjectives

    fantastic; infernal; distasteful; pleasant; comfortable


    break—; clamp in—; clap into—; commit to—; confine to—; deliver from—; deposit in—; detain in—; dwell in—; free from—; guard—; imprison in—; incarcerate in—; languish in—; parole from—; patrol—; release from—; secure in—; slap into—; — confines; —corrects; —penalizes; —rehabilitates

    (See prison.)

    Jam adjectives

    absolute; fearful; traffic; inextricable

    Jangle (v) adverbs

    crudely; dissonantly; inharmoniously; irritatingly; blatantly; exasperatingly; ceaselessly; hideously

    (See clang, clash.)

    Jar adjectives

    dripping; giddy; subsequent; intestinal; mortal; endless; importunate; tempestuous; family-sized; inharmonious; treble

    Jar (v) adverbs

    rudely; terrifically; tempestuously; roughly; disastrously; mysteriously; awkwardly; economically

    (See jolt, shock, grate.)

    Jargon adjectives

    wretched; broken; unscientific; courtly; meaninglesp; commonplace; unintelligible; barbarous; infernal; pitiful; busy


    babble—; chatter—; despise—; interpret—; master—; prate—; ring with—; translate —; —confounds; —confuses; —delights; — grates; —perplexes; —prevails

    (See language, dialect, slang, speech.)

    Jaundice verbs

    afflict with—; induce—; occasion—; tincture with—; treat for—; —appears; —deranges

    —discolors; —disquiets; —distresses; —torments; —worries; —attacks

    (See disease.)

    Jaundiced adverbs

    biliously; querulously; regrettably; unhappily; incurably; slightly; jealously; evidently; visibly; clearly; unmistakably; highly; fulvously; inferentially; prejudicially; blindly; provincially; narrowly; fanatically; dogmatically; stupidly; illiberally; terribly

    Jaunt adjectives

    pleasure; summer; daring; mental

    Jaunty adverbs

    blithely; carelessly; buoyantly; fashionably; delightfully; smilingly; nonchalantly; wholesomely; charmingly; lightly; brightly; in-souciantly; laughingly; sw’aggeringly; heedlessly; wantonly; happily; rollickingly; saucily; comically; ludicrously; whimsically; cheerfully; gaily; gleefully; airily; heartily; joyously; playfully; sportively; marvelously; effervescently; jubilantly; remarkably

    Jaw adjectives

    set; prominent; stern-set; grinning; outstanding; poisonous; delicate; mastic; bloody; protruding; resolute; aristocratic; firm; square-cut; pugilistic; marble; powerful; massive; protuberant; horrible; ponderous; unshaven; hollow; underhanging; infernal; poor; weasel; monstrous; champing; brutal; malevolent; grim; ravening; snarling; mighty; square-set; strong; clamped; industrious; determined; dogged; hard; iron; formidable; heavy; immense; bulging; clean-cut; elastic; inflexible; locked; lean; recessive; foaming; loose; distended; uplifted; pikelike; scarred; flaring; gaping; yawning; snapping; triangular; pierlike; haggard; beefy; flabby; jutting; projecting; lower; prognathous; combative; fighting; sagged; drooping; hanging; fallen ; sharp; tense


    brace—; click—s; crack—; fracture—; tear with—s; wire—; work—s; —s clasp; —s close; —s crunch; —s crush; —drops; —s embrace; —s foam; —gapes; —juts out

    —sags; —s snap; —s tighten

    (See teeth.)

    Jay verbs

    —destroys; —hops; —mimics; —s mob; — pipes; —preys on; —scolds; —screams; — shies; —tears; —teases

    (See bird.)

    Jazz verbs

    beat out—; blare—; bridle—; entertain with—; inspire—; mute—; record—; repress—; revolt against—; seethe with—; sprinkle with—; trumpet—; welcome—; — agitates; —arouses; —batters; —cradles; —evolves from; —predominates; —reigns; —rushes

    (See music, melody, song, noise.)

    Jealous adverbs

    inordinately; insanely; madly; wildly; furiously; violently; slightly; somewhat; justly; reasonably; naturally; intensely; venomously; pitiably; pathetically; unutterably; vengefully; supposedly; allegedly; probably; suspiciously; miserably; wretchedly; groundlessly; unbearably; insufferably; wonderfully; basely; disgracefully; contemptibly; foolishly; dangerously; deplorably; unbearably

    Jealousy adjectives

    insensate; fond; green-eyed; intense; selfharming; dangerous; popular; continual; savage; lively; maternal; mutual; inventive; instinctive; furious; narrow; mad; excessive; exaggerated; needless; lurking; smoldering; petty; miserable; frantic; unreasonable; improvident; habitual; acute; sensitive; active; selfish; fiercest; exalted; self-betraying; watchful; rare; retrospective; sentimental; malignant; factional; alternating; blinding; naive; overwrought: commercial; rancorous; undefined


    abhor—; arouse—; beget—; conceal—; cure —; curse with—; dread—; extinguish—; fire—; incur—; nourish—; occasion—; overcome—; squirm in—; strangle—; — blasts; —corrodes; —dictates; —disturbs; —frustrates; —grips; —harms; —magnifies; —pains; —perverts; —poisons; —subsides; —torments; —tortures; —wanes

    (See suspicion, distrust, curiosity, selfishness.)

    Jeer verbs

    cripple with—; deride with—; flog with—; flout with—; incur—s of; inflict—; heat with—s; pelt with—s; punish with—s; scorn —s; silence—s; stone with—s; —bruises; — disconcerts; —mocks; —perturbs; —taunts; —unnerves ; —upsets

    (See taunt, ridicule, derision, sneer, laughter.)

    Jeer (v) adverbs

    scornfully; sardonically; vindictively; sarcastically; enviously; bitterly; spitefully; acrimoniously; acidulously

    (See mock, ridicule.)

    Jeering adverbs

    scornfully; irreverently; disrespectfully; contemptuously; derisively; cruelly; bitterly; savagely; mockingly; insultingly; outrageously; superciliously; sarcastically; basely; tauntingly; dreadfully; tormentingly

    Jeopardize (v) adverbs

    recklessly; rashly; foolhardily; absurdly; superfluously; idiotically; madly; passionately; deliriously

    (See risk, imperil, endanger.)

    Jerk (v) adverbs

    spitefully; instinctively; desperately; ludicrously; furiously; intermittently; ignominiously; frantically; mechanically; repetit-iously; violently

    (See twitch, snatch.)

    Jerky adverbs

    unnaturally; abnormally; lamentably; miserably; deplorably; pitiably; incurably; regularly; strangely; spasmodically; convulsively; suddenly; inexplicably; curiously; fitfully; recurrently; restlessly; singularly; peculiarly; surprisingly; woefully; frightfully

    Jest verbs

    beware of—s; enjoy—; fashion—; flash—s; glean—s; harass with—; interpret—s; refine—; repeat—; season with—; share—; speak in—; suppress—; time—; —affronts; —amuses; —cures; —delights; —pains; — ridicules; —slings; —taunts

    (See joke, witticism, parody, satire.)

    Jest (v) adverbs

    indelicately; indecently; subtly; amiably; recklessly; satirically; slanderously; scur-rilously; wittily; boisterously; unrestrainedly; foolishly

    (See joke, clown, fool.)

    Jester verbs

    appreciate—; encourage—; humor—; maintain—; retain—; —aims; —attempts; — directs; —diverts; —entertains; —excites; —indulges; —jokes; —makes game of; — makes merry; —makes sport of; —provokes; —treats

    (See clown, actor.)

    Jesting adverbs

    roguishly; mischievously; broadly; teasing-ly; tormentingly; merrily; banteringly; waggishly; facetiously; playfully; comically; frivolously; whimsically; airily; idly

    Jesus verbs

    accept—; behold—; betray—; blaspheme—; crown—; crucify—; follow—; forsake—; glorify—; hallow—; invest—with; proclaim —; reject—; —bleeds; —comforts; —cures; —forgives; —heals; —reigns; —rises; — saves; —suffers; —weeps

    (See Christ, God.)

    Jets adjectives

    silvery; sparkling; glittering; branching; augmenting

    J EH'EL adjectives

    dull; cloudy; glistening; glittering; sparkling; sullied; dumb; barbaric; treasured; molten; rich; costly; heavenly; gleaming; glowing; burnished; eternal; graceful; propitious; best; fluid


    begem with—; box—; collect—s; display—; exhibit—; insure—; mount—; offer—; pawn —; retrieve—; set with—s; stud with—s; swathe in—s; value-—; —adorns; —awes; —s bedeck; —dazzles; —flashes; —gleams; —glistens; —glitters; —ornaments; —sparkles

    (See gem, diamond, gold, pearl, ruby.)

    Jeweler, verbs

    —adorns; —deals in; —decorates; —determines; —estimates; —furnishes; —imports; —inscribes; —mounts; —prices; —prizes; —purveys; —sets; —values; —vouches for; —insures

    (See merchant.)

    Jewelry adjectives

    abundant; delicate; ponderous; glimmering; subtlest; starry; resplendent

    Jilt (v) adverbs

    senselessly; brazenly; cruelly; heartlessly; capriciously; frivolously; selfishly; disgracefully

    (See flirt, coquette.)

    Jingle adjectives

    petulant; spasmodic; clear; discordant; pleasant; foolish

    Jingle (v) adverbs

    melodiously; musically; petulantly; spasmodically; discordantly; gaily; genially; pleasantly; propitiously

    (See ring, resound.)

    Job adjectives

    rapid; life-toning; craftsmanlike; daily; tedious; practical; identical (pl); thankless; nefarious; constricting; definitive; dirty; difficult; bungling; advertising; hack-writing; unpleasant; needless; remodeling; political; surrealistic; executive; assured; thorough; faultless; royal


    abandon—; abolish—; apply for—; attack —; buckle down to—; bungle—; chuck—; contemplate—; cut out for—; decry—; despatch to—; equip for—; fumble at—; harness to—; jeopardize—; land (colloq.)—; nail—; quail at—; register for—; swing into—; tackle—; threaten—; undertake—; usurp—; wangle—; —fazes (colloq.) ; — materializes

    (See position, work, situation, employment, engagement.)

    Jocose adverbs

    facetiously; waggishly; convivially; playfully; whimsically; foolishly; fatuously; pleasantly; drolly; clownishly; banteringly; quick-wittedly; humorously; fantastically; teasingly; whimsically; quibblingly; entertainingly; happily; naturally; cheeringly



    immensely; always; habitually; entertainingly; genially; amiably; charmingly; di-vertingly; dependably; heartily; wholesomely; good-naturedly; characteristically; amusingly; agreeably; waggishly; broadly; banteringly; comically; drolly; dryly; whimsically; facetiously; merrily; pleasantly

    Jocularity adjectives

    nervous; perplexed; forced; mock

    Jocund adverbs

    pleasantly; wittily; archly; cheerfully; amusingly; heartily; irrepressibly; blithely; admirably; imperturbably; consistently; naturally; charmingly; lustily; noisily; boisterously; incomparably

    Jog (v) adverbs

    monotonously; ceaselessly; cheerfully; automatically; conventionally; dismally; uneventfully; tediously; arduously; toilsomely. (Sec shake, push, jar, jolt.

    Join adverbs

    enthusiastically; obsequiously; slavishly; matrimonially; lustily; indissolubly; devoutly; mechanically; temporarily; snugly

    (See add, annex, knit.)

    Joint adjectives

    diminishing; stiffened; distorted; affected; enlarged; stubborn; firm-knit


    bandage—; cement—; connect at—; dislocate—; displace—; fit—; form—; hinge—; lay—; limber up—; lubricate—; mend—; nodulate—; shake out of—; strengthen—; support—; sustain—; turn on—; —creaks; —squeaks

    (See bone.)

    Joke adjectives

    rude; matter-of-fact; practical; outrageous; affectionate; oft-repeated; grave; crowning; pathetic; sly; obscene; indelicate; cynical; mocking; foolish; fermented; repressed; bibliomaniacal; deplorable; mutual; uncountable (pl); endless; inopportune; wonderful; delicious; off-coior; miserable; particular; impish; questionable; horrible; priceless


    censor—; exchange—s; flash—; guffaw at —; interpret—; laugh at—; perpetrate—; refine—; report—; retail—s; season with —; share—; swap (coiioq.)—s; time—; understand—; —affronts; —amuses; —caps; —climaxes; —delights; —offends; —pains; —stings; —wears thin

    (See jest, witticism, parody, satire.)

    Joker adjectives

    absolute; loud-tongued; misused

    Jollity adjectives

    innocent; unrestrained; frenzied; youthful


    arrest—; dampen—; dip in—; enjoy—; feed —; immerse in—; occasion—; overcome with—; prolong—; relent—; repent—; share —; split in—; steep in—; yield to—; —exhausts; —inebriates; —palls; —prevails; — wanes

    (See fun, mirth, merriment, relaxation, recreation, laughter.)

    Jolly adverbs

    immensely; invariably; consistently; heartily; wholesomely; delightfully; tremendously; inveterately; indomitably; constitutionally; naturally; habitually; unusually; uncommonly; extravagantly; exceedingly; unsuitably; blithely; merrily; sportively; teasing-ly; tormentingly; mockingly; inopportunely; roguishly; unquenchably; whimsically; exuberantly; mischievously; impishly; marvelously

    Jolt adjectives

    staggering; nasty; gigantic; painful

    Jolt (<■) adverbs

    heavily; crunchingly; staggeringly; terrifically; thunderously; rudely; destructively; disastrously

    (See shock, grate, jar.)

    Jolting adjectives

    unendurable; incessant

    Journal adjectives

    musical; vivacious; naked; satirical; enterprising; independent; distinguished; inflated; pompous; veracious

    Journalist adjectives

    well-informed; eminent; cultured; conscientious; flamboyant; inspired; death-defying; disreputable; able; irresponsible; brilliant; prolific


    bribe—; condemn—; congratulate—; criticize—; fear—; hire—; —awes; —composes; —corrupts; —describes; —edits; —expounds; —humanizes; —itemizes; —publishes; —reports; —serves; —sums; —vulgarizes

    (See writer, reporter, publisher, editor.)

    Journey adjectives

    frightful; tedious; dreaded; proposed; fruitless; interesting; expeditious; fatiguing; fatal; costly; weary; innumerable (pl); arduous; self-appointed; unspeakable; dismal; unsteady; stately; longing; measureless; long; foggy; subsequent; daily; harrowing; troubled; wearisome; leisurely; evangelizing; extended; unexpected; uneventful; triumphant; adventurous; shorter; rumored; aimless; perilous; sentimental; celebrated; plodding; memorable; romantic; toilsome; infinite; mysterious; accursed; triumphal; pleasant; homeward


    accompany on—; break—; contemplate—; embark on—; enjoy—; plan—; proceed on —; quicken—; set out on—; shape—; undertake—; —benefits; —fatigues; —interests; —pleases; —tires; —wearies

    (See trip, tour, voyage.)

    Journey (v) adverbs

    tediously; fruitlessly; fatiguingly; fatally; arduously; dismally; daily; harrowingly; leisurely; uneventfully; triumphantly; aimlessly; perilously; memorably; romantically; triumphally

    (See travel, tour.)

    Journeyings adjectives

    tiresome; constant; endless; costly

    Jovial adverbs

    immensely; extremely; heartily; wholesomely; amusingly; cordially; warmly; teasing-ly; companionably; sociably; convivially; happily; pleasantly; comfortably; familiarly; amiably; freely

    Joy adjectives

    earth-born; malignant; fiendish; serene; spirit-piercing; unreasoning: intense; sounding; ineffable; tumultuous; material; inexpressible; deceitful; exultant; domestic; vernal; secret; insecure; temporary; concentrated; inward; unbelieving; early; awkward; cradle; pretty; profound; unchecked; immortal; innumerable (pl); hearty; guilty; furious; deluding; fierce; thankful; transient; palpable; rapturous; strange; frank; unsubstantial; unbidden; grateful; youthful; deep; innocent; parental; deluding; lasting; spontaneous; superabundant; benevolent; eloquent; insidious; savage; unsuppressed; strained; increasing; mutual; triumphant; corroding; shivering; brief; embodied; overborne; sheer; wonderful; passionate; voluptuous; chastised; sober; unchecked; passionless; indistinct; heavenly; reviving; lively; presented; common; unappreciated; gentle; truant; boisterous; exulting; wild; celestial; overwhelming; plenteous; aching; general; quiet; unimaginable; ghastly; restrained; expectant; lustful; holy; exquisite; submissive; monumental; lovely; worldly; universal; passing; attainable; petty; dangerous; doubtful; unprecedented; incommunicable; tender; true; withered; acute; fleeting; artistic; beguiled; sharp; natural; wretched; thronged; unutterable; solemn; diversified; infant; curious; unmingled; abiding; murmuring; inconceivable; unmitigated; gushing; homely; unbodied; tranquil; flawless; majestic; equable; sedate; taintless; blustering; boundless; Lethean; amazed; delirious; incredulous; life-giving; purest; wordless; ill-natured; costlier; bridal; keen-witted; mild; suffused; refined; barbaric; human; overmastering; deepest; religious; radiant; breathless; narrow; thrilling; mixed; constant; vivid; explosive; animal; comforting; never-fading; lofty; stolen; unmingled; heartfelt; supreme; palpitating; eager; disguised; unbounded; hideous; abstract; perennial; eternal; prolonged; beatific; social; hackneyed; intoxicating; equal; filial; stern; fretful


    anticipate—; awaken—; blight—; conceal —; dampen—; derive—; experience—; extinguish—; forego—; impart—; intoxicate with—; leap for—; revel in—; snatch—; swoon with—; throw into a paroxysm of—; veil—; —floods the soul; —mounts; —riots in his eyes; —rises

    (See fun, mirth, merriment, happiness, pleasure, rapture.)

    Joyful adverbs

    triumphantly; victoriously; magnificently; splendidly; brilliantly; naturally; exceedingly; marvelously; wonderfully; elatedly; exuberantly; overwhelmingly; quietly; secretly; proudly; humbly; gratefully; thankfully; utterly; speechlessly; unspeakably; inexpressibly; ineffably; rapturously; ecstatically; obviously; visibly; openly; professedly; apparently; downright; decidedly; infinitely; immeasurably; properly

    Joyous NESS adjectives

    symbolic; trustful; subdued

    Jubilant adverbs

    naturally; marvellously; duly; triumphantly; happily; unspeakably; loudly; deeply; noisily; exultantly; boisterously; clamorously; immoderately; hilariously; vivaciously; spiritedly; tremendously; emphatically; riotously; turbulently; tumultuously; appropriately; hearteningly; utterly; unusually; noticeably; visibly; unconcealedly; secretly

    Jubilee adjectives

    fierce; careless; wildly-celebrated

    Judge adjectives

    existing; rash; self-appointed; sagacious; equitable; discriminating; sympathetic; competent; imaginary; sole; honorable; terrible; ruthless; fitting; elective; dyspeptic; supreme; eminent; worthy; rightful; ecclesiastical; upright; learned; fastidious; capable; brutal; wicked; finicky; frowning; dispassionate; wanton; constitutional; capital; shrewd; disinterested; favorable


    appeal to—; appear before—; appoint—; elect—; impeach—; oust—; —administers; —admonishes; —assigns; —authorizes; — awards; —condemns; —deliberates; —determines; —grants; —hears; —holds; —investigates; —outlaws; —pardons; —penalizes; —presides; —pronounces; —sentences; —weighs

    (See president, umpire, congressman, senator.)

    Judge («•) adverbs

    summarily; harshly; rigidly; rashly; righteously; wrathfully; hastily; cursorily; superficially; sentimentally; sagaciously; discriminatingly; equitably; competently; ruthlessly; ecclesiastically; learnedly; fastidiously; brutally; wickedly; wantonly; constitutionally; disinterestedly; impartially; inflexibly; objectively; adversely; shallowly

    (See decide, discern, discriminate, consider.)

    Judgment adjectives

    solid; impartial; casual; profound; unerring; veritable; astonishing; declamatory; primitive; clearest; unfavorable; unimpeachable; scornful; verdant; aesthetic; historical; stern; intellectual; inappropriate; solemn; melodious; capricious; moral; subtle; snap; considered; artistic; sound; healthy; noble; fundamental; manifest; perverted; educated; critical; righteous; biased; discriminating; unflattering; jealous; ripe; tolerant; affectionate; cold; inflexible; popular; calm; awful; invaluable; depraved; unbiased; sober; silent; ready-made; disciplined; erroneous; imitative; military; discretionary; irritating; full-grown; burning; superior; qualitative; withering; adverse; objective'; masculine; exulting; poetic; shallow; strict; true; interested; brawling; temperate; kindly; false; settled; unstable; dispassionate; rash; presentative; tautological; individual; unmerciful; reformed; lame; tried; admirable; enlightened; harsh; synthetic; advanced; maturer; ablest; retributive; cooler; strong; simple


    confirm—; derange—; distort—; endorse—; enfeeble—; exercise—; formulate—; impair —; impose—; impugn—; influence—; interfere with—; modify—; obtain—against; pass—; pervert—; pronounce—-; render—; reverse—; ripen—; stimulate—; suspend—; temper—; venture—; voice—; waive—; warp—; withhold—; —affirms; —coerces


    (See decision, decree, sentence, verdict, opinion.)

    Judicial adverbs

    gravely; seriously; discreetly; officially; scarcely; pompously; magisterially; sagaciously; competently; capably; honorably; equitably; calmly; ruthlessly; cruelly; serenely; discriminatingly; supremely; eminently; fastidiously; coldly; deliberately; brutally; dispassionately; shrewdly; disinterestedly; impartially; splendidly; wonderfully

    Judiciary adjectives

    elective; appointive; corrupt; effective; independent

    Judicious adverbs

    remarkably; admirably; unusually; surprisingly; carefully; thoughtfully; soberly; sensibly; discreetly; keenly; acutely; astutely; discerningly; profoundly; considerately; uncommonly; wisely; habitually; temperamentally; dependably; reliably; comfortingly

    Jug verbs

    crack—; drain—; mold—; replenish—; seal —; shape—; shatter—; sterilize—; stew in —; store in—; —preserves; —protects; — tapers

    (See glass.)

    Juggle (v) adverbs

    dexterously; skillfully; marvelously; professionally; verbally; grotesquely; spectacularly

    (See manipulate, handle.)

    Juggling adjectives

    grotesque; verbal; remarkable

    Juice adjectives

    concocted; helleboric; resinous; vegetable; rich; natural; savory; precious; rare-flavored; cooling; sweetened; vilesome; gastric; autumnal; acrid; necessary; fermented; joyful; bilious; ruddier; inspissated; gela-tinuous; pungent; viscous; aerial; nectarian


    derive—from; dilute—; draw off—; drink —; express—; extract—; flavor with—; moisten with—; relish—; save—; secrete—; squeeze out—; strain—; suck—; suffuse—; tap—; wring out—; —dries; —drips—; exudes; —flows; —intoxicates; —oozes

    (See liquid, water, fluid, solution.)

    Juicy adverbs

    lusciously; deliciously; palatably; sufficiently; scarcely; slightly; satisfactorily; sufficiently; delightfully; wonderfully; remarkably; surprisingly; unexpectedly; dripping-ly; soppingly; terribly; delectably; extremely

    Jumble adjectives

    absurd; sad; wearisome; confused; incoherent

    Jumbled adverbs

    hopelessly; terribly; intricately; miscellaneously; heterogeneously; miserably; unsystematically; promiscuously; chaotically; carelessly; confusedly; inexcusably; indefensibly; hastily; perplexingly; distressingly; disconcertingly; indiscriminately; indistinguish-ably; erratically; wantonly; dreadfully; impossibly; unimaginably; desperately; inextricably; frightfully; messily

    Jump adjectives

    daring; awkward; high; corkscrew; vehement

    Jump (v) adverbs

    nimbly; lightly; lumberingly; daringly; threateningly; smartly; gingerly; awkwardly; precipitately; rashly; gallantly; gracefully; thoughtlessly; agilely

    (See hop, spring, bound.)

    Jumpy adverbs

    strangely; curiously; nervously; hysterically; foolishly; inanely; ostentatiously; painfully; shockingly; incurably; appallingly; helplessly; hopelessly; desperately; pitifully; stupidly; childishly; fearfully; unreasoning-ly; irremediably; pathetically; tragically

    Juncture adjectives

    present; alarming; dangerous

    Jungle adjectives

    encroaching; hobo; steaming; unhealthy; uninhabited; vibrant; familiar; artificial; impenetrable; misty


    abandon in—; beat—; clear—; conceal in—; creep through—; cultivate—; desert—; explore—; guide through—; hack through—; infest—; inhabit—; invade—; lose in—; overhang with—; penetrate—; tangle in—; thread through—; trudge through—; —enmeshes; —hems in; —looms; —swamps; — terrifies

    (See woods, thicket, forest.)

    Junk adjectives

    toy; majestic; gaudy; bright


    cart—; collect—; consume—; convert—; deal in—; discard—; dispose of—; eject—; employ—; enlist—; exhume—; fill with—; peddle—; refuse—; sack—; salvage—; sweep away—; utilize—

    (See rubbish, mess, sewage, waste.)

    Jurisdiction adjectives

    reciprocal; exclusive; consular; provisional; military; constitutional; doubtful; competent; ecclesiastical; conflicting (pl)


    abolish—; arrive within—; assume—; demand—; exempt from—; exercise—; extend —; free from—; include in—; infringe on —; invade—; limit—; relax—; resent—; subject to—; submit to—; vest—in; —embodies; —empowers; —extends

    (See authority, power.)

    Jurist adjectives

    ermined; impartial; eminent; able; robed

    Jury adjectives

    absurd; impartial; swayed; emotional; prejudiced


    address—; appoint—; bribe—; challenge—; charge—; intimidate—; lay before—; panel —; plead with—; submit to—; summon—; swear in—; —acquits; —ballots; —conducts; —considers; —decides; —deliberates; —discharges; —haggles; —indicts; —meditates; —judges; —recommends; —retires; —takes oath; —withdraws

    (See tribunal, committee, hearers, court, judge.)

    Just adverbs

    undeniably; absolutely; impartially; admittedly; admirably; profoundly; unerringly; veritably; astonishingly; clearly; unimpeachably; uncommonly; unusually; appropriately; sternly; solemnly; soundly; nobly; fundamentally; righteously; coldly; tolerantly; strictly; temperately; dispassionately; entirely; manifestly; substantially; roughly; terribly; frightfully; remarkably

    Justice adjectives

    distributive; poetical; passionless; ridiculous; temperate; biased; manifest; remarkable; substantial; inordinate; exemplary; swordless; armed; dreadful; summary; strictest; reasoned; eternal; stern; ultimate; resolute; unfailing; knavish; irascible; poetic; distorted; impartial; criminal; universal; rough-handed; wild; even-handed; scanty; presiding; sparing; perfect; divine; social; retributive; conservative; inflexible; 'vindictive; moral; common; private; ample; striking; strict; tardy; conceded; recorn-pensive; bare; drowsy; immovable; equal; exact; slow; cruel; tied-up


    achieve—; administer—; advance—; defeat —; deny—; despair of—; dispense—; do — to; elude—; execute—; hamper—; imperil —; insure—; mete out—; obstruct—; paralyze—; preserve—; render—; taint—; thirst for—; trample—; —evolves; —grows; —hinges on; —rests

    (See righteousness, right, virtue, purity, truth.)

    Justifiable adverbs

    eminently; splendidly; scarcely; expediently; entirely; legally; morally; unquestionably; substantially; fundamentally; essentially; possibly; supposedly; presumably; apparently; sufficiently; reasonably; plausibly; barely; advantageously

    Justification adjectives

    substantial; abundant; gradual; creative; theoretical

    Justify (v


    completely; amply; definitely; sufficiently; reasonably; righteously; unmistakably; manifestly; undoubtedly; substantially; abundantly; theoretically

    (See excuse, absolve, warrant.

    Jut (v


    prodigiously; precipitately; sharply; abnormally; prominently; frightfully; dangerously

    (See protect, protrude.

    Kaleidoscopic adverbs

    variably; restlessly; changefully; colorfully; shiftily; perilously; unstably; waveringly; interestingly; dizzily; artfully; terribly; surprisingly; amazingly; incredibly; perplexingly; mysteriously; queerly; inconveniently; oddly; dreadfully; uncertainly

    Kangaroo verbs

    —balances; —carries; —expels; —fights; — gnashes; —hops; —jumps; —pouches; — races; —nibbles

    (See animal.)

    Keen adverbs

    intelligently; unwontedly; sharply; acutely; naturally; subtly; extremely; shrewdly; sensibly; mysteriously; obviously; supremely; unfailingly; infallibly; prophetically; precociously; penetratingly; astoundingly; singularly; uncannily; sagaciously; wisely; apparently; obviously; profoundly; thoughtfully; exceedingly

    Keenness adjectives

    hereditary; uncanny; catlike

    Keep (v) adverbs

    perniciously; charitably; surreptitiously; deliberately; shamelessly; tenderly; sedulously; discreetly; stubbornly; courteously; religiously; undeviatingly; ceaselessly; perpetually; inevitably; ostentatiously; jealously

    (See preserve, celebrate, observe, maintain.)

    Keeper adjectives

    pernicious; charitable; inquisitive


    appoint—; dodge—; elude—; escape—; install—; evade—; —abandons; —administers; —attends; —chastises; —controls; — governs; —guards; —inspects; —preserves; —prosecutes; —pursues; —retains; —scans


    (See manager, guardian.)

    Keeping adjectives

    watchful; devoted; perfect

    Ken adjectives

    inscrutable; human; widest

    Kennel adjectives

    loathsome; dubious; extensive; ghostly

    Kerchief adjectives

    bleached; pale; square-drooping

    Kettle adjectives

    prophetic; simmering; melting; steaming


    beat—; brew in—; brush—; drain—; polish —; replenish—; scour—; scrub—; stew in —; strike—; strum on—; —chirps; — gleams; —hisses; —hums; —simmers; — sings; —trills; —whistles

    (See caldron, pot, tub, vat.)

    Key adjectives

    crystal; romantic; feeble; excellent; foreboding; tentative; strategic; interrogative; ponderous; unwieldy; tingling; massy


    belt —s; fit—; force—; fumble with—; inject—; grope for—; insert—; jangle—; mislay—; pocket—; ram — into; respond to—

    —s clank; —s jingle; —s rattle

    Key adjectives


    rigid; plaintive; tender; sad; minor; cracking

    Keyboard adjectives

    console-like; magic; complicated; master


    belabor—; caress—; dance on—; finger—; journey over—; perform on—; pounce upon —; recite on—; render on—; run along—; skip over—; trip along—; work—; — gleams

    (See instrument, banjo, piano.)

    Keynote verbs

    elaborate on—; fire—; hit—; introduce—; reach-j—; recognize—; reveal—; seek —; sound—; strike—; touch—; —arouses; —attracts; —excites; —impresses; —interests; —stirs

    (See point, policy, idea.)

    Keystone adjectives

    indispensable; all-supporting

    Kick adjectives

    mighty; harmless; ceremonious

    Kick (v) adverbs

    affectionately; profanely; unmercifully; brutally; furiously; spasmodically; carelessly; frantically; simultaneously; unceremoniously; savagely; clumsily; murderously; madly; viciously; vindictively; ferociously. (See oppose, resist, recoil.

    Kid adjectives

    healthy; irresponsible; squalling

    Kidnapper verbs

    apprehend—; contact—; negotiate with—; prosecute—; pursue—; —abducts; —decoys; —delivers; —demands; —directs; —entices; —frightens; —lures; —operates; —snatches; —spirits away; —surveys; —threatens

    (See thief, robber, murderer.)

    Kidney adjectives

    hard-worked; distressing; paining


    belt—; block—; congest—; dilate—; engorge

    • —; impair—; inflame—; obstruct—; pad—; support—; —enlarges; —excretes; —filters

    • —floats; —fuses; —moves; —swells

    (See bladder, liver, organ, intestines.)

    Kill («-) adverbs

    incessantly; simultaneously; accidentally; designedly; uselessly; intentionally; instantly; wantonly; ferociously; brutally; pitilessly; insanely; savagely; basely; sportively

    (See murder, slay, assassinate.)

    Killer adjectives

    tyrannical; pitiless; brutal; mad

    Killing adjectives

    merciless; unrestricted; unsolved


    atone for—; avenge—; conceal—; confess —; contrive—; indulge in an orgy of—s; lament—; observe—; perform—; plan—; resent—; revenge—; stifle—; uncover—; unearth—; warrant—; witness—; —awes; —incenses; —infuriates; —offends; —puzzles ; —shocks

    (See murder, slaughter, massacre, assassination.)

    Kin adjectives

    blood; nearest; surviving

    Kind adjectives

    refractory; voracious; abstracted; unexpected; corresponding; literal; positive; unworthy; fraternal; direst; various (pl); wondrous; honey-gathering; tingling; haphazard; curious; mortal; fascinating; heavier; weakest; baser; unlike; particular; noblest; sprightliest; restless; elaborate; expensive; barbarous; branching; peculiar; indifferent; unsatisfied; awful; lonesome; effectual; defensive; increasing; adventurous; equivocal


    graciously; generously; hospitably; helpfully; unexpectedly; extremely; exceedingly; habitually; naturally; indulgently; gently; mistakenly; thoughtfully; lovingly; unaffectedly; effusively; officiously; sincerely; cordially; unspeakably; unusually; uncommonly; openly; apparently; noticeably; unselfishly; sympathetically; amiably; affably; unwontedly; considerately; humanely; com-plaisantly

    Kindle (v) adverbs

    patiently; skillfully; daily; purposely; pre-meditatively; punctually; swiftly; spectacularly; vividly

    (See ignite, burn, inflame, rouse.)

    Kindliness adjectives

    tranquil; clear; close-fisted; proverbial; eager; unaffected; sincere; comfortable

    Kindness adjectives

    gracious; ostentatious; undiminished; manifest; systematic; sickening; honey; paternal; sneaking; fraternal; mysterious; selfsame; indulgent; mistaken; loving; thoughtful; false; mellow; anxious; maddening; touching; like; present; patient; generous; fair; subtle; covetous; usurious; impersonal; marked; quizzical; proffered; grave; considerable; lukewarm; cruel; extreme; homely; exceeding; benevolent; natural; indolent; remorseful; hospitable; commended; native; cordial; unbought; forbearing; apparent; untaught


    bestow—upon; bless with—; confer—; enslave by—; extend—; overflow with—; render—; scatter—; trust—; —charms; — comforts; —conquers; —converts; —r-enrich-es; —gladdens; —melts; —shines; —soothes

    (See tenderness, tolerance, charity.)

    King adjectives

    maleficent; deposed; uncrowned; shameful; tributary; wily; grisly; besieging: cautious; guarded; crafty; lofty; apostate; bereaved; loving; nominal; bonanza; well-intentioned; penitent; harlot; veritable; anointed; uxorious; lawful; captive; prostrate; rightful; boastful; mythological; guileless; pious; colorless; blameless; lottery; faithless; untamed; sanguine; unwholesome; resplendent; fangiess; landless; provincial; incredulous; fratricidal; licentious; dissimulating


    acknowledge—; anoint—; consort with—s crown—; dethrone—; exile—; forsake— guard—; honor—; praise—; respect— serve—; —abdicates; —administers; — awes; —commands; —governs; —reigns; — rules; —surveys

    (See monarch, queen, god, ruler.)

    Kingdom adjectives

    infernal; peasant; teeming; animal; mineral; island; watery; moss-hung; hereditary; unconquerable; petty; stout; little; enchanting; enduring; dull; vassal


    banish from—; conquer—; divide—; forsake —; govern—; grant—; infect—; inhabit—; invade—; overthrow—; partition—; re;gn over—; renounce—; resign—; rule—; serve —; skirt—; split—; subdue—; —embraces; —extends; —ranges

    (See kingship, realm, monarchy, jurisdiction, dominion, empire.)

    Kingly adverbs

    undeniably; admittedly; consciously; notably; admirably; strikingly; astonishingly; superbly; estimably; magnificently; splendidly; consummately; expertly; aristocratically; nobly; unimpeachably; judiciously; benevolently; resplendently; absolutely; authoritatively; influentially; supremely; autocratically

    Kingship verbs

    abdicate—; abolish—; accept—; bestow— upon; forsake—; honor—; invest—with; ordain to—; propose—; respect—; survey—

    (See kingdom.)

    Kinship adjectives

    emotional; spiritual

    Kinsmen adjectives

    distinguished; lamented; honorable; mold-ering

    Kiss adjectives

    salt; sterile; spiritlike; melancholy; squandered; multiplied (pl); successive (pl); bought; barren; piteous; breathless; rapturous; wafted; indulgent; passionate; energetic; perfunctory; burning; glowing; inplacable; ungiven; farewell; hot; silent; fleeting; mute; deep-drawn; fruitful; horizontal; cancerous; treacherous; lovely; sisterhood; famished; tempting; punctuating; loving; holy; sovereign; furious; honeyed; guileless; humbled; fervent; furtive; impassioned; ardent; rarely-tempered; admiring; compassionate; serio-comic; reverent; vigorous; abstracted; random; sincere; airy; moist; reassuring; iron; eager; hasty; laughing; latter; timorous; broken; delicious

    Kitten ad jectives

    imaginary; striped; playful; impish


    pet—; stroke—; —amuses; —antics; — basks; —capers; —diverts; —frisks; — frolics; —gambols; —laps; —meows; — plays; —romps; —toys with

    (See cat, puppy, lamb, baby, calf.)



    bestow—upon; blow—; blush at—; brush—; cement with—; cling in—; dab—; dot with —; pluck—; press—; print—upon; promise with—; resist—; sever—; smother with—s; snatch—; steal—; taste—; tempt with—; w’ed in—; yield—; —disturbs; —enraptures; —entrances; —pecks; —quenches; —subdues; —thrills

    (See caress, embrace.)

    Kiss (v) adverbs

    passionately; resoundingly; reverently; clumsily; violently; tenderly; airily; ravenously; earnestly; brazenly; soberly; intimately; exultantly; crudely; tantalizingly; fondly; perfunctorily; devoutly; dutifully; vivaciously; mutely; timorously

    (See caress, salute, embrace.)

    Kissing adjectives

    voluptuous; continual; heated; promiscuous; ignominious; passioned

    Kitchen adjectives

    commodious; fragrant; detached; reeking; itinerant; greasy; pretty; well-designed


    avoid—; consign to—; convey from—; drudge in—; equip—; inspect—; loiter in —; preside over—; retire to—; rule—; scrub—; slave in—; survey—; sweat in—; toil in—; work in—; —enslaves; —gleams; —shines; —smells of

    (See home, room, shop, factory, laboratory.)

    Kites adjectives

    carrion; marauding; ravenous


    mechanical; instinctive

    Kn ATE ad jectives

    cowardly; luckless; unthrifty; lunatic; base; poor; gallant; false; arrant; jealous; decayed; shrewd; ingenious; foolish; rascally; whoreson; beetle-headed; flap-ear;- misshapen; pestilent; foul-mouthed; calumnious; scurvy; railing; wrangling; thin-faced; fantastical; doting; sooty; veritable; sinful

    Knavery verbs

    brew—; check—; condemn—; confess—; curb—; despise—; escape—; frustrate—; observe—; resist—; shun—; suffer—; suspect—; unfold—; witness—; yield to—; — jars; —shocks; —tempts

    (See wickedness, villainy, vice, crime.)

    Knavish adverbs

    arrantly; downright; notoriously; grossly; consummately; egregiously; abominably; atrociously; villainously; viciously; infamously; daringly; wickedly; brazenly; extraordinarily; outrageously; monstrously; unbelievably; sinfully; terribly; insufferably; unscrupulously; insidiously; ingloriously; lawlessly; disreputably; scandalously; incorrigibly; shamelessly; astoundingly

    Knead (v) adverbs

    savagely; industriously; vigorously; laboriously; mechanically; experimentally; patiently; wholesomely; furiously

    (See fashion, massage, mould, mix.)

    Knee adjectives

    guiding; shaking; shaken; bended; knotted; twinging; naked; rocky; suppliant; feeble; mailed; pliant; trembling; faltering; up-gathered; relentless; silken; immaculate; sagged; well-molded; sagging; bony; flaccid; tottering; wobbly; weak; exposed; bare; numb; stalwart; buckling; jutting; drawn-up; clasped; scratched; dimpled; enticing


    bend—; beseech on—s; bow—; brace—; bruise—; climb on—; drop on—; entreat on —s; fall upon—; flex—; implore on—; sink to—; smite—; supplicate on—; —s buckle

    —s fold; —s sag; —s weaken

    Kneel (v) adverbs heavily; laboriously; devoutly; submissively; reverently; blindly; prayerfully; imploringly; meekly; religiously; adoringly

    (See surrender, bend.

    Knell adjectives doleful; perpetual; inevitable

    Knife adjectives ill-directed; harmful; murderous; crooked; keen; burning; long; two-edged; broad; sharp-pointed; naked; big; tempered; curved; brass-handled; blunt; hatchetlike; pointless; whetted; blood-stained


    brandish—; carve with—; clasp with—; fling—; flourish—; hack with—; heave—; hone—; hurl—; pare with—; pocket—; sheathe—; slash with—; slay with—; stab with—; thrust—; whirl—about

    (See sword, stiletto.

    Knight adjectives

    moralizing; valiant; dauntless; adventurous; tender-smelling; solitary; gallant; cheerful; virgin; sinful; dissembling; blended; belted; irreverent; greasy; assailing; tight-lipped; stalwart; particular; fabled; dubbed; brave

    Knightly adverbs

    dauntlessly; intrepidly; courteously; gallantly; invariably; habitually; splendidly; superbly; magnificently; generously; chivalrously; distinctly; eminently; nobly; benevolently; delightfully; charmingly; pleasantly; affably; uncommonly; unusually; exceptionally

    Knit (v) adverbs indefatigably;   industriously;   vigorously

    busily; exquisitely; laboriously; patiently; domestically;    artistically;    beneficially

    healthfully; swiftly; monotonously

    (See tie, unite, join, weave.

    Knitting verbs abandon—; admire—; busy with—; commend—; concentrate on—; display—; enjoy —; exhibit—; instruct in—; interrupt—; observe—; occupy with—; survey—; teach —; unravel—; —annoys; —bores; —contents; —delights; —fascinates; —satisfies; —takes form

    (See work.

    Knob adjectives battered; rusty; bent; twisted; turning


    adjust—; affix—; force—; furnish—; grasp —; grope for—; handle—; jiggle—; locate —; manipulate—; move—; raise—; shake —; turn—; —juts out; —opens; —resists; —submits

    (See handle.

    Knock adjectives welcome; jarring; thundering; timid; hesitating; parlous; cheerful; imperative; timorous; hard; unwonted; resounding

    Knock (<-') adverbs sharply; clamorously; deliberately; accidentally; respectfully; irritably; resoundingly; unwontedly; thunderously; echoingly; startlingly

    (See rap, clash, beat, strike.

    Knoll adjectives neighboring; sandy; moon-lit; wooded; treeless; timber-covered; rising; verdant

    Knot adjectives inextricable; mystic; intricate; unsuccess

    ful; curious; murderous; true-love; shaggy; salient; writhing; snaky; sagest; featheied


    curl into—; disentangle—; do up in—; draw into—; form—; knit into—; loop into—; loose—; secure with—; unravel—; untwine —; weave into—; —assures; —mystifies; — perplexes; —puzzles

    Knotted adverbs

    dreadfully; tightly; nervously; angrily; inextricably; roughly; strangely; queerly; loosely; carelessly; deliberately; unevenly; jaggedly; hopelessly; terribly; untidily; indiscriminately; mischievously; maliciously; incurably; irreparably; perniciously; vexa-tiously; inexcusably

    Know (v) adverbs

    precisely; intimately; distinctly; intuitively; authoritatively; affectionately; grimly; casually; graciously; jocularly; abstractly; instantaneously; superficially; alliteratively; imperfectly; officially; familiarly; presumably; academically; traditionally; personally; fallaciously

    (See apprehend, realize, understand, ascertain, recognize.)

    Knowledge adjectives

    technical; subtle; painful; pleasurable; experimental; distinct; tinctured; hearsay; extensive; intuitive; slight; detailed; repugnant; profound; dark; uncanny; sudden; acquired; human; systematic; psycho-analytic; copious; elementary; unique; well-known; definite; fuller; academic; intimate; precise; rudimentary; prodigious; barren; bookish; extemporary; unimparted; uncertain; critical; boundless; accurate; specialized; exhilarating; unwelcome; superior; guilty; dangerous; swift; unrelated; superficial; miraculous; worldly; unutterable; imperfect; substantial; immense; preliminary; fluent; growing; untimely; proficient; inestimable; complete; improved; practical; symbolic; consummate; masterful; extraordinary; previous; satisfying; medieval; organized; theoretical; advanced; wearisome; crafty; instinctive; varied; seeming; increased; thorough; lawful; inexhaustible; phenomenal; accumulated; comprehensive; preternatural; gradual; learned; unerring; scientific; definite; clearer; objective; special; lesser; naturalistic; adequate; hard-won; competent; masculine; shrewd; natural; deeper; desecrated; inherited; cynical; rapidly-acquired; delivering; deep-fetched; limited; dread; defective; positive; indisputable; fallacious; educational; gossipy; colloquial; all-embracing; traditional; questionable; acquired; laborious; working; premature; verified; superfluous; meager; personal; astronomic; contemptuous; inward; actual; earthly; secure; rooted; fiendish; fascinating; up-to-the-minute; priceless; happiest; nobler; inferior; well-founded; momentary; unrivaled


    absorb—; accumulate—; acquire—; apply —; arm with—; assimilate—; attain—; augment—; broadcast—; confront with—; contribute to—; convey—; cultivate—; derive —; digest—; disavow—; disseminate—; draw upon—; employ—; enlarge—; enrich with—; equip with—; evince—; evolve—; exhibit—; expand—; extend—; feed with—, flash—; flaunt—; grope for—; illuminate with—; impart—; imply—; obscure—; pool —; prize—; promulgate—; purchase—; record—; retain—; retard—; safeguard—; soak up—; spread—; thirst for—; treasure —; utilize—; yearn for—; —enlightens; — boils down to

    (See learning, facts, information, understanding, wisdom.)

    Knuckle adjectives

    bleeding; white; pudgy; bruised; skinned; swarthy; abraded; brass

    Label adjectives

    progressive; registered; bothersome


    affix—; destroy—; investigate—; note—; require—; scan—; seal with—; slap on—; stamp—; —attests; —clings; —describes; —designates; —indicates; —represents

    (See mark, stamp, notice, badge, trademark.

    Label (v) adverbs legally; sarcastically; laconically; carelessly; perfunctorily; cursorily; painstakingly; methodically; decoratively; attractively; concisely; symbolically; fantastically; characteristically

    (See classify, mark.

    Labor ad jectives

    enormous; arduous; sedentary; colossal; persevering; unskilled; lofty; conscientious; praiseworthy; enlightened; earnest; patient; painful; fastidious; graver; uplifting; exhausting; toilsome; unceasing; intellectual; self-imposed; initiatory; faithful; incredible; useless; indefatigable; ceaseless; reproachful; assiduous; unsparing: manual; wonderful; immense; manifold; ill-paid; unimaginable; attendant; unremitting: nocturnal; incessant; endless; grievous; journalistic; intermittent; wearisome; strenuous; unrequited; exploited; loving; sleepless; sweated; diligent; untiring; confining; unceasing: steadfast; imperative; degraded; superfluous; insurgent; inconceivable; fantastic; bucolic; herculean; honorable; skilled; mighty; guiltless; daring: infinite; moderate; effective; congenial; smoke-grimed; gratuitous; united; earnest; unbroken; painstaking; influential; powerful; culinary; unselfish; historical; interrupted; successive (pl); backbreaking; previous; subordinate; organized; active; unwearying; vilified; productive; tremendous; exacting; harsh; aspiring; patient; painful; tedious; ideal; untasked; convict; dreadful; rural; additional; sylvan; pleasant; astrological

    oppressed; wonted; tutorial; symbolical; evasive; menial; ever-successful; shortlived; literary; coarse; ferocious; professional; ministerial; heartbreaking


    absorb in—; bleed (colloq.)—; discipline—; enslave—; free from—; mar—; necessitate —; organize—; placate—; prohibit—; recompense—; recuperate from—; regulate—; reward—; stimulate—; supplement—; surmount—; thrive upon—; undertake—; — profits; —reaps; —supports; —sustains

    (See work, workers, task, industry, toil, production.

    Labor (v) adverbs systematically; incessantly; indefatigably; assiduously; unmercifully; industriously; vigorously; tirelessly; prodigiously; diligently; tumultuously; arduously; fastidiously; unsparingly; gratuitously; congenially; productively; exactir.gly; unwontedly; tutorial-ly; symbolically; menially; ferociously; professionally

    (See work, toil, drudge.

    Laboratory adjectives destructive; stupendous; metallurgical


    dissect in—; emit from—; employ in—; establish—; experiment in—; inspect—; investigate in—; lecture in—; manufacture in—; prepare in—; rig out—; stock—; test in—; tinker in—; turn out of—; verify in —; work in—; —discloses; —nauseates; — reeks of; —discovers

    (See kitchen, shop, factory.

    Laborer adjectives

    diverting; solitary; bucolic; devoted; potential; agricultural; diligent; luckless

    Laborious adverbs extremely; oppressively; intricately; objectionably; unexpectedly; surprisingly; unremittingly; sedulously; overwhelmingly; enormously; immensely; painfully; incred

    ibly; grievously; strenuously; fantastically; moderately; dreadfully; pleasantly; wholesomely; backbreakingly; elaborately; wearisomely; terribly; undeniably; unbelievably

    Labyrinth adjectives

    slimy; close; mighty; vast; trackless; burning; weary; watery; aboreal; inextricable

    Labyrinthine adverbs

    intricately; hopelessly; perplexingly; curiously; queerly; alarmingly; amazingly; dreadfully; surprisingly; mysteriously; dangerously; perilously; complexly; sinuously; tortuously; troublesomely; circuitously; vexatiously; terrifyingly; ominously

    Lace adjectives

    tawdry; exquisite; cream; supernumerary (pl); billowing; meandering; delicate; passementerie; erring; fluttering; elaborate; tarnished; creamy; tinted

    Lace (v) adverbs

    tightly; suffocatingly; fashionably; injuriously; oppressively

    (See fasten, tie, bind.)

    Laceration verbs

    incur—; inflict—; occasion—; soothe—; sterilize—; stitch—; suture—; tourniquet—; —appals; —bares the bone; —distresses; — heals; —horrifies; —inflames; —pains; — scars; —shocks; —throbs; —tortures

    (See wound, injury, pain, cut.)

    Lack adjectives

    pretended; noticeable; all-round; deplorable; disorderly; overwhelming; impressive; plentiful; definite; obvious


    atone for—; bare—; bemoan—; compensate for—; confess—; decry—; disclose—; imply —; perceive—; recognize—; recompense for —; remedy—; sense—; suffer—; supply—; suspect—; —crushes; —disgraces; —handicaps; —humbles; —irks; —offends; —ostracizes; —saddens

    (See inadequacy, need, want.)

    Lack (v) adverbs

    lamentably; puzzlingly; vainly; essentially; wretchedly; sorely; utterly; sadly; deplorably; definitely; obviously; tragically; dramatically

    (See need, want.)

    Lackadaisical adverbs

    nonchalantly; ostentatiously; obviously; foolishly; sentimentally; romantically; languidly; dreamily; inanely; provokingly; drunkenly; stupidly; crazily; pretentiously; foppishly; vainly; unnaturally; artificially; languishingly; heavily; terribly; gravely; thoughtfully

    Lackey adjectives

    saucy; liveried; silk-stockinged

    Laconic adverbs

    meagerly; unsatisfactorily; emphatically; disappointingly; vexatiously; habitually; tersely; drily; drolly; crisply; curtly; comprehensively; summarily; trenchantly; curiously; oddly; officially; arrogantly; cynically; laudably; neatly; compactly; sentent-iously; professionally; provokingly; remarkably; wonderfully; notably; famously; uncommonly; highly; amazingly; incredibly; effectively

    Laconism adjectives

    formal; concise; annoying; notable

    Lacquers adjectives

    decorative; shiny; protective; gaudy; bright

    Lad adjectives

    malicious; lethargic; raw; daring; sober; gallant; joyous; vigorous; singular; loutish; fine; gentlemanly; valiant; painstaking; capable; ambitious; blithe; sensitive; sweet; rosy; mad; delirious; promising; struggling

    Ladder adjectives

    petal-woven; corded; rude; commodious; symbolical; palpable; golden; heavenly


    ascend—; clamber up—; drop from—; employ—; extend—; hoist—; leap up—; mount —; rung—; scale—; scramble up—; shake —; shift—; support—; teeter on—; —aids; —bridges; —conveys; —dizzies; —totters; travel up—

    (See steps, stairs.)

    Lady adjectives

    demure; spare; grave; worthy; estimable; double-dealing; venerable; generous; gallant; out-sized; perennial; gracious; blushing; haughty; pitiful; excellent; accomplished; wretched; audacious; quick-fingered; quick-witted; quick-eyed; sacred; horny-handed; virtuous; sweet; innocent; good-natured; courageous; beauteous; incredulous; celestial; disloyal; hopeful; miserable; conventional; decorous; well-mannered; dejected; soft-spoken; square-faced; starched; profound; interested; autocratic; languid; well-brought-up; masterful; delicate; highbred; pink-cheeked; reverend; vixenish; colossal; dignified; elderly; flustered; skeptical; diminutive; blameless; giddy; charming; gentle; fortunate; little; chubby; prudent; pleasant-spoken; exotic; sentimental; thrice-fair; pleasant-spirited; desolate; poor; wrong; chic; acidulated; chaste; agreeable; prepossessing; illustrious; elegant; glittering; ingenuous; favorite; metallic; solicitous; pearly-robed

    Ladylike adverbs

    oppressively; exquisitely; absurdly; delightfully; overwhelmingly; fastidiously; foolishly; agreeably; pleasantly; graciously; comically; modestly; demurely; coyly; decorously; genteelly; formally; properly; fashionably; appropriately; conventionally; aristocratically; politely; courteously; ostentatiously; stylishly; elegantly; ceremoniously; stiffly; awkwardly; pretentiously; affably; complaisantly; charmingly; enchantingly

    Lag adjectives

    cultural; common; noticeable

    Lagoon verbs

    approach—; cover—; cross—; describe—; enclose—; enter—; form—; observe—; open into—; row in—; sail in—; separate—; skirt—; swim in—; —appears; —beckons; —extends; —invites

    (See lake, bay, pond.)

    Lair adjectives

    frigid; equatorial; shaggy; rosy; dreadful

    jungle; deathless


    conceal in—; corner in—; discover—; dwell in—; ensconce in—; enter—; expose—; harbor in—; lodge in—; nestle in—; recline in—; repose in—; retreat to—; reveal—; track to—; uncover—; venture upon—; — comforts; —reeks; —shelters

    (See den, refuge, retreat.)

    Lake adjectives

    shimmering; tranquil; climbing; lily-mantled; darkling; grassy; azure; misty; stagnant; placid; bitter; weedy; far-reaching; encircling; shattered; picturesque; forest-bosomed; crystal; encompassing; starry; lovely; seething; translucent; calm-flowing; rumored; universal; parent; sleeping; lucid; contrasted; burning; smiling; argent; glittering; airy; lonely; ruffled; liquid; mirrored; fringed; dazzling; noble; dusky


    angle in—; cast into—; encompass—; fish in—; navigate—; ramble by—; row on—; sail—; shade—; sight—; skim over—; skirt —; slip into—; surround—; waft across—; —affords; —dazzles; —gleams; —glimmers; —laps; —mirrors; —reflects; —ripples; —shimmers; —spangles; —winks; — yawns

    (See lagoon, river, stream, bay, pond, sea.)

    Lamb adjectives

    bleating; parti-colored; sinful; sacrificial; silly; twinned; heaven-sent


    brand—s; cuddle—; fatten—s; market—; roast—; sacrifice—; slaughter—; —baas; — bleats; —capers; —frisks; —frolics; —gambols; —grazes; —nuzzles; —prances; — symbolizes

    (See kitten, calf, sheep, animal, baby, puppy, cat.)

    Lambent adverbs delicately; gently; flickeringly; effulgently; dashingly; gloriously; steadily; luminously; phosphorescently; shimmeringly; softly; recurrently; lustrously; scintillatingly; unusually; peculiarly; strangely

    Lament adjectives constant; loud; inevitable; lugubrious; passionate

    Lament (v) adverbs dolorously; pitifully; pathetically; eternally; morbidly; passionately; lugubriously; quav-eringly; tearfully; abnormally; hysterically; affectionately

    (See weep, wail, grieve.

    Lamentable adverbs

    altogether; downright; pitiably; bitterly; sorely; direly; utterly; exceptionally; shockingly; appallingly; horribly; unusually; extremely; fearfully; frightfully; tragically; wretchedly; indescribably; sadly; absolutely; unspeakably; inexpressibly; singularly

    Lamentation adjectives

    piteous; moderate; importunate; frantic; grand; purposeless; loud; diabolical; Silent; sublime; quavering; burlesque


    censure—; deplore—; fill with—; forego—; forestall—; regret—; restrain—; staunch—; stifle—; utter—; wail in—; —arises; — ceases; —encompasses; —haunts; —increases; —rends the air; —resounds; — weakens

    (See tears, sadness, g":ef, sorrow.

    Lamp ad jectives

    flickering; xyharf; quenchless; fragrant; incandescent; glimmering; respectable; acetyline; blear; trembling; mirrored; tawdry; frail; light-giving; intoxicating; ill-trimmed; wasting; pendulous; failing; rain-splashed; glow-worm; festooned; slow-sliding; meteoric; impudent; innumerable (pl); classic; sleepy; street; eternal; oil-dried; fluorescent; midnight; smoky; outburnt; shaded; reading; bronze; copper; shining; winking; flashing; soft; colored; tiny; sputtering; gas; oil; luminous; twinkling; vital; studious; flaring; kindled; dewy


    blast—; deck with—s; extinguish—; grope for—; quench—; restore—; strangle—; suspend—; switch on—; —beautifies; —blinds; —brightens; —cheers; —comforts; —directs; —enhances; —fails; —flickers; — glimmers; —glows; —mellows; —reveals

    —shines; —silhouettes

    (See light, candle, flame, fireworks, match, sunshine, twilight, spark.

    Lance adjectives

    ill-headed; gleaming; thirsty; leafy; quivering; strong; shivered; rusted; splintered; unused


    cast—; charge with—s; harpoon with—; shatter—; slay with—; spear with—; splinter—; stab with—; thrust—; wield—; — cripples; —defends; —disfigures; —injures; —maims; —pierces; —scratches; ■—shivers; —splinters; —splits; —threatens; —wounds

    (See spear, sword, stiletto.

    Land adjectives brawny-breasted; weather-beaten; tempting; wide; uninhabited; fruitful; radiant; rolling; toiling; devastated; depreciated; desolate; swampy; bleeding; cultivated; uncharted; intolerant; sylvan; eloquent; unshorn; exhausted; delightful; twilight; favored; death-polluted; dying; delectable; woeful; venerable; alluvial; granitic; barren; arable; heavenly; sickly; dewy; contiguous; pastoral; sun-soaked; virgin; enchanted; ceded; broad; monotonous; flat; factious; romantic; quaggy; guilty; boggy; habitable; sterile; forbidden; allodial; lifeless; gasping; sheltering; delicious; forsaken; debatable; enlightened; guileless; dirty; mortgaged; dawning; smiling; genial; sullen; scorched; superior; unhappy; untraveled; chivalric; gracious; inspirational; wretched; time-stricken; foreign; extreme; sprightly; listening; neighboring; untilled; goodly-growing; fertile; fallen; long-promised; hostile; springtime; sinless; disburdened; dipping; defenceless; unappropriated; wilderness; unoccupied; well-contented; watered; dependent; curtained; ruined; gentler

    sorrow-stricken; shadowy; hazy; ice-prisoned; white; useless; beautiful; vacation; placid; tight; upheaved; sculptured; aesthetic; undulous; dim; vast; tranquil; irrigable; rich; blatant; fabled; misty; scrubby; furrowed; shadowless; antique; divers (pl); unseated; high-cost; touch-and-go; sluggish; marshy; fettered; hollow; bustling; native; derelict; waste; heath; many-tinted; boundless; prosperous; bountiful; invisible; timeless; sodden; unexplored; unconcerned; financial; fairy; luxuriant; exhaustless; desirable; agricultural; surrounding; night-enfolded; spiritual; unknown; gullied; middling; hereditary; distant; alien; dismembered; stubble; blossoming


    apportion—; bargain for—; cede—; claim —; cleanse—; corrupt—; cultivate—; darken—; defile—; denude—; despoil—; dower —; engulf—; enrich—; exploit—; fertilize —; inhabit—; inherit—; lease—; link—; nurse—; plow—; portion—; purge—; rule —; scour—; sow—; squat on—; sweep—; till—; vest—s in; —abuts; —adjoins; — yields

    (See earth, soil, ground, farm.

    Landholder adjectives wealthy; pampered; heavily-taxed; frugal

    Landing adjectives

    rude; haphazard; prosaic; steamboat; three-point; perfect; fatal; forced


    anticipate—; bar—; contemplate—; effect—; forestall—; hinder—; hope for—; impede —; limit—; meet at—; prepare for—; prohibit—; salute—; superintend—; survey—; swoop to—; view—

    (See platform, finish.

    Landlady adjectives

    callous; slipshod; overpositive; shrieking; untrained; half-distracted; miserly

    Landlord adjectives absentee; lonely; liberal; grasping

    Landmark adjectives

    ghostly; tall; treasured; celebrated; obliterated; ancient; historical; well-kept; aweinspiring

    Landscape adjectives

    ideal; imaginative; volcanic; broad; wet; dreary; reposeful; shadowy; manifold (pl); glorious; delicate; gliding; desolate; dismal; rolling; inspiring; autumnal; harmonious; limited; extravagant; bewildered; poetical; suggestive; naked; receding; twilight; motionless; mystic; glimmering; colored; austere; stupendous; delicious; ungen-ial; ravaged; forbidding; bitter; peaceful; perfect; winter; untrodden; melancholy; impressive; serious; shivering; imposing; large; dreamy; terrestrial; hoary; lunar; hazy; sunlit; glowing; variegated; pastoral; scarred; vernal; withered; dim; embrowned; distant


    clutter—; contemplate—; denude—; desecrate—; design—; dot—; enhance—; exhibit—; gaze on—; gild—; glorify—; integrate—; intersperse—; perfect—; photograph—; regard—; scrutinize—; shade—; tinge—; view—; —charms; —delights; — educates; —gratifies; —spreads; —stretches

    (See country, countryside, view, scene, picture, scenery.

    Land-Slide adjectives fashion; fatal; crushing; spectacular

    Lane adjectives

    dark; solitary; hedgerowed; grassy; seaward; rambling; turfy; cattle-haunted; leafy; pleached; neighboring; winding; miry; isolated; infrequent; sandy; rectory; bowery; dirty; rutty; hollow; shaded; forest; high-walled; quiet; deep-shaded


    adhere to—; bolt dowm—; clear—; follow —; labor up—; lurk in—; mantle—; pause in—; rest in—; scamper down—; shade—; shadow—; shun—; skirt—; tarry in—; veer from—; —diverges; —flanks; —meanders; —spirals; —swerves; —twists; —wanders; —winds

    (See road, alley, passage, path, street, thoroughfare, walk.

    Language adjectives

    various (pl); symbolical; evasive; abusive; well-known; clear; understandable; simple; clarified; easy; peculiar; profane; psychoanalytic; lovely; figurative; neighboring; luminous; ungracious; graceless; energetic; ominous; satirical; adopted; subservient; impassioned; rhythmical; strenuous; lucid; emphatic; precise; noble; judicious; conversational; similar; amicable; forcible; violent; unseemly; flexible; musical; refined; primitive; wide-spread; copious; metrical; native; expressive; unmistakable; worthy; passionate; maternal; extinct; warming; dead; universal; reviling; elegant; opprobrious; inoffensive; biblical; scrupulous; classical; provincial; concise; sublime; appropriate; nervous; unintelligible; official; elaborate; stilted; bombastic; temperate; winning; cordial; sensible; semibarbarous; mystic; glowing; tart; strong; persuasive; inadequate; provocative; hearty; lustful; animated; rude; decorous; uncensored; remarkable; felicitous; colloquial; declarative; emotional; melodious; informal; striking; paradoxical; imaginative; contemptuous; coarse; embellished; pleasurable; impossible; vehement; rugged; vigorous; idiomatic; austere; traditional; high-flown; hidden; spiritual; characteristic; artificial; lifeless; sacred; colorless; symbolic; euphonious; literary; immoderate; festive; impious


    abuse—; bolt—; broaden—; clothe in—; command—; corrupt—; decipher—; decode —; defile—; interpret—; manipulate—; master—; mold—; mutilate—; purify—; restrict—; revive—; strangle—; vitalize—; vulgarize—; —abounds in; —bears witness; —bristles with; —flows; —lilts; —survives

    (See speech, dialect, slang, jargon.

    Languid adverbs

    listlessly; dreamily; lazily; idly; deliberately; deliciously; softly; blissfully; unwontedly; delightfully; pensively; thoughtfully; wearily; mildly; strangely; unusually; peculiarly; alarmingly; ominously; oddly; dispiritedly; dejectedly; indifferently; indolently; inertly; uncommonly; woefully; sig-nincantly; particularly; constitutionally; objectionably; exasperatingly; provokingly; in-veterately

    Languish (v


    piteously; idly; gradually; pathetically; sickly; wanly; pensively; wearily; dreamily; amorously; listlessly; unwontedly; blissfully; lazily; agonizingly; passionately; ceaselessly; lovingly

    (See pine, droop, faint, weaken.

    Languor adjectives

    increasing; ladylike; apparent; wearisome; delicious; gentle; delightful; pensive; passionless; restive; melancholy; sensuous; dreamy; amorous; unwonted; listless; gracious; soft; blissful; divine; mortal; exceeding; lazy


    complain of—; depress into—; diffuse—; droop in—; exhibit—; exude—; fail into—; perceive—; relieve—; shake off—; sink into —; sway with—; —arrests; —floats over

    —oppresses; —pervades; —spreads

    (See lassitude, exhaustion, weariness.

    Lanky adverbs

    unbelievably; comically; ludicrously; increasingly; awkwardly; clumsily; bashfully; haggardly; hungrily; terribly; pathetically; woefully; weedily; gauntly; slenderly; extremely; preposterously; fantastically; impressively; dreadfully; inexpressibly; curiously; laughably; particularly; peculiarly; strangely

    Lantern adjectives

    port-colored; multicolored; treacherous; exquisite; smoky; ill-smelling

    Lap adjectives

    flowery; mossy; verdant; commodious; soft; inviting

    Lap (v) adverbs

    greedily; thirstily; affectionately; hungrily; fawningly; cringingly; ingratiatingly

    (See lick, eat.

    Lapse adjectives

    careless; temporary; momentary; single; liquid; deplorable; smooth; strong; venial; occasional; incredible; atrocious; enormous; soothing; sad; moral; melancholy; abrupt


    attribute—to; dispel—; emerge from—; expose to—; fall into—; glide into—; recover from—; sink in—; slip into—; spend—; suffer—; vacate—; —avails; —decays; flow into—

    (See mistake, error, indiscreiion.

    Lapwing adjectives wanton; swift


    petit; grand; mammoth

    Large adverbs

    extremely; incalculably; incredibly; immeasurably; preposterously; exceedingly; particularly; overwhelmingly; infinitely; enormously; monstrously; prodigiously; astound-ingly; marvelously; remarkably; notoriously; uncommonly; immoderately; inordinately; signally; strikingly; amazingly; tremendously; immensely; Comparatively; incomparably; imposingly; formidably; sensationally; unusually; amply; satisfactorily; sufficiently

    Lark adjectives

    veritable; merry; late; full-throated; mounting; morning; winging

    verbs —carols; —chants; —chimes; —chirrups; — circles; —composes; —s congregate; —s flock; —heralds the dawn; —improvises; — instills; —molts; —ravishes; —sharps; — showers melody; —shrills; —slurs; — sprinkles notes; —squats; —startles; — strains; —trills; —whistles

    (See bird.

    Lash adjectives

    drooping; burning; sweeping; sooty; dark; arrowy; invisible; sleepy; scattered (pl); fluttering; glistening; torturing: ft'ckering; stinging; inky; silky; languid; bristly; downcast; molten; delicate; pale; long; flaxen; biting; verbal

    Lash (v) adverbs

    viciously; furiously; frenz.edly; maniacally; vilely; brutally; sadistically; murderously; madly

    (See whip, scold, beat, punish.

    Lashing adjectives

    ominous; merciless; cruel; interrupted; crippling; bloody; bitter; mad; furious; fierce; frenzied; maniacal


    bemoan—; bestow—upon; cringe under—; crucify with—; denounce—; experience—; gloat over—; inflict—; suffer—; wince at —; writhe under—; yield to—; —angers; — convulses; —cows; —infuriates; —maddens; —subdues; —tortures

    (See scolding, punishment, beating.

    Lass adjectives

    prettiest; lowborn; morbid; enticing; darkeyed; bouncing; tidy-looking; flat-faced; modest; buxom; bewitching; pleasant; vivacious; sm:ling

    Lassitude adjectives despairing; general; poppied; speechless; languorous; drowsy; dreamy; hopeless


    combat—; depress into—; diffuse—; droop into—; exhibit—; induce—; perceive—; remedy—; shake off—; sink into—; tie with —; yield to—; —arrests; —envelops; — floats over; —flows over; —oppresses; — pervades; —spreads; —takes hold

    (See languor, exhaustion, weariness, fatigue.

    Last (v) adverbs interminably; unendurably; unreasonably; briefly; unconsciously

    (See endure, continue, remain.

    Latch adjectives

    clinking; welcoming

    Late adverbs

    extremely; horribly; preposterously; hideously; terrifyingly; alarmingly; significantly; dreadfully; intentionally; deliberately; carelessly; unfortunately; disastrously; calamitously; nonchalantly; lazily; inconsiderately; strangely; curiously; understandably; habitually; inexcusably; unpardon-ably; inexplicably; ungraciously; excusably; justifiably; unavoidably; apologetically; incredibly; vexatiously; unluckily; inordinately; terribly; uncommonly

    Lateness adjectives

    preposterous; repeated; excusable

    Latent adverbs

    imperceptibly; mysteriously; inferentially; implicitly; unsuspectedly; darkly; confusingly; mistily; indistinguishably; astoundingly; unhappily; impenetrably; unfortunately

    Latitudes adjectives

    utmost; boundless; beloved; heliographical; medieval

    Lattices adjectives

    stormy; antique; caged

    Latticework adjectives

    quaint; artistic; delicate

    Laud (v) adverbs

    flatteringly; fawningly; foolishly; extravagantly; sincerely; fervently; enthusiastically; passionately; exaggeratedly

    (See sing, praise, celebrate.)

    Laudatory adverbs

    fawningly; flatteringly; admiringly; politically; unctuously; officially; ostentatiously; fulsomely; subtly; appreciatively; blatantly; lavishly; sincerely; moderately; humbly; unnecessarily; reluctantly; eloquently; heartily; solemnly; warmly; profusely; effusively; highly; excessively

    Lather adjectives

    sudsy; brushless; shaving; foamy; plentiful; softening


    agitate to—; beat up—; burst into—; confect—; enjoy—; exercise into—; form—; give—; mix into—; sponge with—; swathe in—; thrash up—; wash in—; whip into—; work up—; —agrees with; —bubbles; — cleanses; —foams; —fortifies; —froths; — gushes; —overflows; —penetrates; —purifies; —refreshes; —sinks deep; —sputters; —stimulates; —tingles

    (See cream, soap, foam, froth.)

    Latin verbs

    acquaint with—; deliver in—; discourse in —; express in—; honor—; interpret—; mumble—; recite—; spout—; translate—; vent—; —bewilders; —confuses; —conveys; —dismays; —distracts; —flourishes; —revives; —stumps (colloq.)

    (See dialect, language, literature.)

    Laugh ad jectives

    scornful; cackling; incredulous; wild; abrupt; gruesome; childish; simple; gay; subdued; hoarse; low; relieved; inaudible; approving; forced; rippling; mild; familiar; horrid; distracted; funny; hard; little; tremulous; unpleasant; wheezy; triumphant; irritating; crackling; gentle; noisy; spiteful; uneasy; jeering; sarcastic; mocking; eerie; sinister; terrible; unmelodious; hearty; arch; frightful; constrained; blunt; malicious; sweet; vain; ringing; young; enchanting; trifling; suppressed; loud; evil; coarse; chuckling; fierce; jovial; silent; slight; cheery; rapturous; polite; merry; choked; melodious; careless; clumsy; gibing; cold; gurgling; startling; humorous; tinkling; boisterous; wild; impish; fearsome; bitter; drunken; sweet; mirthless; meaningful; fiendish; bubbling; wicked; harsh; ironical; taunting; tuneful; carnivorous; hysterical; delicious; silver; horse; self-conscious; childlike; joyous; grating; gasping; throaty; deep; hearty; good-humored; half-desperate; discordant; brit

    tie; characteristic; woeful; roguish; irritable; rattling; complacent; derisive; convulsive; hospitable; mingled (pl); sardonic; sonorcas; supercilious; astonished; penitent; rueful; angry; sobbing; weak; musical; tittering; bursting; ghostly

    LAUGH (v) adverbs incredulously; gruesomely; tremulously; triumphantly; irritatingly; spitefully; jeering ly; sarcastically; triflingly; jovially; boisterously; humorously; impishly; drunkenly; mirthlessly; fiendishly; gratingly; discordantly; complacently; convulsively; sardonically; sonorously; superciliously; musically; croakingly; gleefully; mordantly; uproariously; jauntily; ruefully; derisively; significantly; ironically; constrainedly; sheepishly; unquenchably; grimly; idiotically; dramatically; jubilantly; exultantly; reassuringly; gustily; insolently; immoderately

    (See roar, giggle, snicker, titter.

    LAUGHABLE adverbs

    ludicrously; comically; monstrously; ironically; absurdly; quaintly; delightfully; uncommonly; moderately; scarcely; heartily; frankly; amusingly; prankishly; pleasantly; rousingly; stimulatingly; cleverly; admissibly; outlandishly

    LAUGHTER adjectives

    silent; delighted; thistle-down; immoderate; boisterous; mingled; shrill; subdued; uncontrolled; resonant; restrained; refreshing; rude; discordant; ill-natured; smothered; derisive; inward; mocking; deluded; resolute; hearty; artificial; soft; wild; hysteric; cackling; lifeless; zealous; delicious; high-pitched; murmurous; joyous; careless; frank; wholesome; meaningless; lovely; honest; unbelted; babbling; intellectual; faltering; Homeric; irreverent; rapid; irresistible; internal; confident; everlasting; hysterical; rippling; childish; unholy; sincerest; rollicking; bitter; mortal; intermingling; wilder; beery; innocent; immortal; foolish; free; bubbling; silvery; sudden; scary; throaty; excessive; gushing; hoarser; treble; shallow; fairy; savage; riotous; inheld


    break into—; burst into—; check—; constrain—; convulse in—; dimple in—; draw —; elicit—; enjoy—; evoke—; excite—; explode in—; flood with—; forgive—; join in —; occasion—; provoke—; raise—; reel in—; refrain from—; r .-press—; roar with —; rock with—; roll in—; scorn—; split with—; stifle—; stab with—; suppress—; swallow—; tumble into—; turn to—; wrinkle into—; —dances; —delights; —distorts; —ebbs; —explodes; —fizzles out (colloq.); —flows; —jars; —Jets; —punctures; —quivers; —resounds; —rings out; —spills from; —warms; —wins

    (See mirth, grin, smile, merriment, snicker.

    LAUNCH verbs

    anchor—; appoint—; buffet—; endanger—; navigate—; propel—; repair—; slap—; view from—; —capsizes; —chugs; — circles; —courses; —cruises; —dances in; —drifts; —glides; —noses past; —ploughs

    —rocks; —steams; —transports

    (See boat, tugboat, motor-boat, ship, steamer, schooner, yacht, vessel.

    LAUNCH («•) adverbs simultaneously; ceremoniously; auspiciously; vigorously; politically; enthusiastically; formally; diplomatically

    (See start, begin.

    LAURELS adjectives congregated; unsunned; untwined; bright; barren; fadeless; windless; unplucked; mingling


    acquire—; bestow—; blast—; crown with —; display—; envy—; garnish with—; look to—; merit—; reap—; regain—; repose on —; rest on—; retire on—; reward with—; seek—; snatch—; —delight; —enhance

    (See medal, prize, reward, trophy, crown.

    LATA adjectives

    disintegrated; fluid; naked; incandescent; basaltic; massed; molten; smoking


    discharge—; disgorge—; drool—; emit—; pour—; puke—; spew—; —boils; —bubbles

    • — bursts; —courses down; —crushes; —deluges; —devastates; —envelops; —erupts

    • — expands; —flows; —gurgles; —inundates

    • — issues from; —oozes; —overflows; —percolates; —ravishes; —solidifies; —streams from; —swoops down

    (See water, mortar, liquid, plaster, bullet.

    Lavish adverbs

    astoundingly; extravagantly; exceedingly; overwhelmingly; regally; royally; ridiculously; exorbitantly; profusely; disgustingly; inordinately; needlessly; unnecessarily; ostentatiously; proudly; pompously; waste-fully; improvidently; thriftlessly; foolishly; inanely; witlessly; idiotically; generously; charitably; benevolently; benignly; amiably; graciously

    Lavish («•) adverbs

    impulsively; vainly; extravagantly; regally; royally; affectionately; tenderly; passionately; adoringly; liberally; immoderately; recklessly

    (See spend, bestow.

    Lavish NESS adjective

    glittering; sparse; regal

    La IV adjectives

    immutable; sacred; penal; violated; stringent; fundamental; impartial; salutary; comprehensive; valid; international; eternal; sumptuary; important; traditional; inexorable; remedial; flagitious; changeless; singular; angry; constricting; physical; standing; secular; unwritten; common; mild; conciliatory; criminal; invariable; certain; efficacious; unfailing; adequate; inoperative; severest; bloody; existing; conscription; never-to-be-formulated; geometric; organic; unspectacular; non-corporation; bogus; supreme; primitive; scientific; radiant; antiquated; prohibitory; uniform; rigorous; hideous; undiscriminating; drastic; continuous; all-building; recorded; subjective; severe; inescapable; biting; benignant; unconstitutional; sharp; evident; economic; oppressive; empirical; righteous; anatomic; deathless; conservation; mundane; beneficent; harsh; sumptuary; ceremonial; querulous; sanguine; chancery; rigid; outraged; unequal; civil; social; hidden; substantive; obnoxious; mortal; stern; slavery-fashioned; ungracious; admirable; dramatic; academic; irreversible; active; indwelling; immovable; murderous; primal; unwieldy; tyrannical; blind; furious; unreasoning; crude; complex; clumsy; fiery; brutal; underlying; strictest; sordid; indiscreet; fantastical; expiring; ridiculous; restraining; proposed; express; protective; ultimate; martial; fallible; human; intolerant; preadjusted; physiological; clocklike


    amend—; administer—; apply—; array against—; bow to—; challenge—; circumvent—; clarify—; codify—; comply with—; comprehend—; conform to—; defy—; denounce—; dispute—; disregard—; dodge—; draft—; eiude—; enact—; enforce—; expound—; flout—; forge—; forsake—; frame —; grind out—s; heed—; impose by—; infringe—; instigate—; interpret—; invoke—; mock—; modify—; nullify—; promulgate—; rail against—; ratify—; repeal—; repudiate —; resist—; run afoul of—; stiffen—; subject to—; supersede—; supplant—; suspend —; sustain—; systematize—; tamper with —; tighten—; transgress—; uphold—; — broadens; —clamps down; —curbs; —decrees; —defines; —differentiates; —empowers; —isolates; —prescribes; —relaxes; —restricts; —sanctions; —stipulates

    (See bill, statute, ordinance, regulation, edict, decree, mandate, rule, legislation.

    Law-Abiding adverbs

    carefully; duly; cautiously; respectfully; reputably; generally; habitually; usually; remarkably; always; scarcely; voluntarily; conscientiously; ordinarily; publicly; obviously; uniformly; invariably; obediently; willingly; passively; actively; faithfully; loyally; devotedly; superbly; consistently; customarily; exceptionally; notably

    Lawful adverbs

    definitely; expressly; explicitly; officially; ordinarily; prescriptively; properly; duly; acceptably; admissibly; equitably; constitutionally; downright; completely; fundamentally; authentically; singularly; emphatically; unquestionably; unimpeachably; currently; aliogether

    Lawless adverbs

    dangerously; alarmingly; youthfully; heedlessly; daringly; audaciously; lamentably; deplorably; openly; actively; defiantly; insurgency; seditiously; restively; insubordin-ately; mutinously; rebelliously; tumultuously; treasonably; incorrigibly; persistently; obstinately; incredibly

    Lawlessness adjectives rash; irresponsible


    assail—; condemn—; condone—; countenance—; crush—; decry—; denounce—; infest with—; reform—; suffer—; survive—; subscribe to—; yield to—; —breaks out; — fascinates; —grinds; —offends; —oppresses; —reigns; —spreads; —sullies

    (See crime, vice, anarchy, communism, wickedness, sin.

    Lawn adjectives

    dewy; grassy; upland; smooth; squared; summery; sunny; carpetlike; sun-baked; unkempt; dew-besprinkled; russet; spacious; sleek; sun-bathed; well-kept; flowered; shadow-chequered; wintry; sun-soakbd; moon-lit; thick; velvety

    verbs adorn—with; besprinkle—; border—; design —; fence in—; gird—; hedge in—; injure —; mow—; pluck from—; romp on—; shadow—; sprinkle—; tread—; —beautifies; —carpets; —clothes; —creeps; —extends; —flowers; —slopes

    (See grass, field, garden.

    Lawsuit adjectives

    vexatious; improper; ugly; ruinous; prolonged; endless; trumped-up; expensive


    avoid—; bear—; condemn—; contest—; drop—; elude—; encounter—; incur—; institute—; judge—; propose—; saddle with —; subpoena for—; support—; wrangle over—; —confounds; —drags; —harasses

    —perplexes; —tires; —wearies

    (See litigation, suit, case, prosecution.

    Lawyer adjectives

    crooked; gray-haired; briefless; solemnfaced; shyster; contemporary; constitutional; struggling; well-trained; prominent; competent; sharp; cunning; tricky; conceited; supercilious; dignified; profound; learned; callow; bullying; quick-witted; capable; unconventional; eccentric; eminent; good; skinflint; rascally; kindly


    employ—; retain—; —addresses; —advocates; —appeals; —battles; —blusters; — cavils; —charges; —confounds; —cross-examines; —defends; —expounds; —interprets; —litigates; —objects; —outwits; — pleads; —pounds; —practises; —queries; —questions; —quibbles; —shifts; —solicits

    —strives; —wrangles

    (See orator, congressman, senator, attorney.

    Lax adverbs

    surprisingly; inscrutably; mysteriously; deliberately; criminally; negligently; leniently; indulgently; lamentably; incomprehensibly; regrettably; terribly; disastrously; calamitously; scandalously; outrageously; atrociously; dangerously; ominously; carelessly; languidly; lazily; indifferently; unusually; unwontedly; habitually; inexcusably; noticeably; enviously; apparently; dreadfully

    Laxative verbs

    addict to—s; advocate—; dose with—; employ—; necessitate—; order—; require—; resist—; resort to—; suggest—; —abuses; —cleanses; —cures; —dispels; —eases; — loosens; —purges; —relieves; —unloads

    (See medicine, enema, remedy.

    Laxity adjectives social; moral; parental

    Layers adjectives

    peripheral; thin; successive; innumerable;

    reflecting; stratified; conglomerate; favorable; superficial; aerial; saline; serrated

    L A Y.MEN adjectives

    impertinent; unhallowed; incompetent; unpracticed

    Lays adjectives

    embroidered; melodious; deathless; mirthful ; mystic

    Laziness adjectives

    intense; mental; incorrigible; lifelong; noticeable

    Lazy adverbs

    unbelievably; deliciously; delightfully; utterly; incurably; inexcusably; openly; flaunt-ingly; nonchalantly; blithely; carelessly; admittedly; vauntingly; intensely; mentally; incorrigibly; horribly; selfishly; inconsiderately; ungraciously; curiously; unpardon-ably; impudently; blatantly; flagrantly; insufferably; unbearably; lethargically; languidly; heavily; lumpishly; inertly; dreamily; sleepily; drowsily; terribly; provokingly

    Lea adjectives

    windy; russet; flowery; darkening; emerald; shadowed; rich; calm

    Lead adjectives

    hissing; murderous; dull; unencumbered; smoke-blackened; merciless; proper


    cast—; expose—; fuse—; melt—; mine—; refine—; sheet—; smelt—; solder—; treat with—; unearth—; weight with—; —corrodes; -—poisons; —softens; —tarnishes

    (See metal, iron, steel.)

    Lead (v) adverbs

    deceitfully;* gallantly; boldly; intrepidly; triumphantly; victoriously; mercilessly; ceremonially; dexterously; ultimately; fatefully; enterprisingly; illustriously; imaginatively; reluctantly; gallantly; despotically; fanatically; energetically; intelligently; unscrupulously; nominally; ecclesiastically; incomparably; supremely

    (See command, direct, guide.)

    Leader adjectives

    enterprising; illustrious; reluctant; doubtful; foremost; cavalry; political-minded; creative; imaginative; naive; eminent; come-by-chance; spiritual; fanatical; party; befeathered; distinguished; despotic; conspicuous; prudent; prominent; submissive; insurgent; acknowledged; subjugated; ascetic; inspiring; quality; moderate; unquestioned; energetic; intelligent; self-constituted; unscrupulous; popular; typical; halting; patriot; nominal; revolutionary; adored; ecclesiastical; incomparable; brilliant; knightly; liberal; natural; recognized; crestfallen; typical; supreme


    adhere to—; distinguish—; emulate—; engage—; flock to—; gather ’round—; pattern on—; rally ’round—; support—; trust—; —arises; —commands; —conducts; —controls; —directs; —fires; —guides; —harangues; —influences; —marshals; —pilots; —presides; —unites; —voices

    (See minister, clergyman, boss, manager, official.)

    Leadership adjectives

    lamentable; vital; accepted; inspired; vigorous; skillful; unchallenged; fashion; undisputed; intelligent; consummate; compensating; careful; aggressive; heroic; daring; recognized; judicious; palsied


    anticipate—; assume—; commend—; compete for—; crave—; favor—of; follow—; flourish under—; grant—to; offer—; overthrow—; prosper under—of; recognize—; rely on—; require—; settle—; stress—; strive for—; succeed to—; sustain—; trust to—; yield to—

    (See command, direction, guidance, protection, patronage.)

    Leaf adjectives

    dancing; folded; garrulous; delicate; weary; laurel; latest; rueful; retuse; voluminous; withered; minutest; rustling; medicinal; sleeping; braided; tender; plaited; glossy; primordial; peopled; drifted

    Leafage luxuriant

    League adjectives

    united; endless; weary; hostile; moribund; nuptial; immeasurable; remarkable; unconscious; stormy


    ally with—; appeal to—; associate with—; band into—; crack—; criticize—; enter—; excite—; join—; renounce—; resuscitate—; —assists; —confers on; —defends; —safeguards; —sanctions; —shelters; —threatens; —unites

    (See society, club, organization, union, association.

    League (v) adverbs inseparably; nuptially; protectively; firmly; perpetually

    (See combine, unite, associate.

    Leak verbs

    block—; bare—; choke—; dam—; detect—; drill—; indicate—; master—; plug—; repair—; riddle with—s; seal—; spring—; —drains; —frightens; —gapes; —sinks; — weakens; —yawns

    (See hole, gap, flow.

    Leaky adverbs

    dangerously; intentionally; slightly; unconscionably; uselessly; inconsequentially; suspiciously; mysteriously; ominously; treacherously; apparently; wastefully; terribly; unfortunately; miserably; extremely; fearfully; increasingly; wretchedly

    Lean («•) adverbs slumberously; placidly; mechanically; gracefully; slantingly; wearily; impulsively; perilously; listlessly; indolently; dizzily; confidentially

    (See incline, recline, slope, tend, depend.

    Leap adjectives imperious; breezy; astonishing; demoniacal; sudden; flying; rash; concealed; vigorous; mortal; quick; tremendous; horrid; queer; bold; gathered


    admire—; attempt—; calculate—; complete —; dare—; endeavor—; observe—; perfect —; practice—; rebound from—; record—; venture——amazes; —awes; —impresses

    (See feat.

    Leap (v) adverbs lissomely; simultaneously; blithely; sure-footedly; frolicsomely; nimbly; spryly; boisterously; perilously; demoniacally; boldly; vigorously; swiftly; agilely

    (See jump, spring, bound.

    Learn («•) adverbs

    aptly; brilliantly; instinctively; normally; precociously; scientifically; pedagogically

    (See acquire, attain, master, obtain.

    Learner adjectives

    incipient; reputed; polite; awkward; brilliant

    Learning adjectives

    typical; harsh; crabbed; abstruse; unorganized; worldly; barren; superficial; serviceable; detrimental; optimistic; polite; philosophic; higher; extensive; carnal; varied; introvertive; inconsiderable; subtle; radiant; classical; supposed


    consume—; digest—; drink in—; feed on—; foster—; impart—; lack—; overestimate—; revive—; shun—; stamp out—; swallow—; test—; underestimate—; value—; wonder at—; —crowns; —discerns; —enlightens; —flourishes; —intoxicates; —penetrates; — polishes; —serves; —shines; —sobers; — speeds; —upbraids

    (See knowledge, wisdom, facts, information, understanding.

    Lease verbs

    approve—; cancel—; comply with—; de

    mand—; enjoy—; gain—; grant—; ignore —; nullify—; obtain—; renew—; study—; terminate—; violate—; —expires; —guarantees; —protects; —runs out; —satisfies; extend—

    (See contract, pact, treaty, promise, agreement.)

    Leash verbs

    attach—; drag on—; exert—; hunt on—; lug on—; ply—; pull at—; secure with—; slip—; strain—; tow on—; tug at—; — confines; —controls; —restrains; —restricts; —yields; draw in—

    (See chain, strap, cord, string.)

    Leather adjectives

    superlative; bronzed; well-oiled; sumptuous; dusty


    bind in—; bleach—; buff—; coat—; concert into—; damage—; dip—; drum—; paddle —; pickle—; roll—; shave—; soak—; spray —; stretch—; tan—; treat—; trim—; — creaks; —discolors; —preserves

    (See cotton, cloth, wool.)

    Leathery adverbs

    darkly; stubbily; sturdily; sallowly; grubbily; robustly; pleasantly; vigorously; unbelievably; dilapidatedly; increasingly; oddly; quaintly; fantastically; grotesquely; uncommonly; remarkably; noticeably; conspicuously

    Leave adjectives

    tedious; gracious; affectionate; ceremonious; sick; instant

    Leave (v) adverbs

    unceremoniously; inadvertently; incautiously; judiciously; unwittingly; politely; diplomatically; reluctantly; prudently; voluntarily; affectionately; ultimately; irrevocably

    (See depart, retire, start.)

    Leaves adjectives

    tender; dank; trembling; unstirring; murmuring; myriad; aromatic; cordial; soggy; shifting; shivering; shimmering; frosted; glittering; withered; dewy; arching; glossy; listening; rustling; crumpled; brilliant; interlaced; ripened; dentated; glistering; crystal; frost-crisped; close-shut; pounded; suspended; motionless; pendant; lusty; sere; implicated; delicate; clustering; scented; amorous; soft; silken; summer; verdant; healing; fading; painted; falling; crowded; velvet; rejected; sweet; barren; yellowing; crimson; brazen; lapping; shining; russet; serrated; fingery; languid; twinkling; silent; retuse; dying; drifted; mantling; blanched; steaming; sweeping; wind-tossed; flaming; tiny; soiled; age-worn; vellum; tremulous; hardy; gay; autumn; burning; polished; dark; copious; mottled; sweetfern; wintry; fanlike; agitated; coarse; grasslike; lucent; twining; fair; false; bruised; remembered; sw'arth; sodden; porcelain; unwritten; many-tinted; beauteous; drooping; wild; somber; parti-colored; joyous


    bedew—; decorate with—; flush—; gather —; scatter—; shed—; sprout—; thatch with —; tinge—; —blazon; —blend; —drift down; —droop; —float down; —flutter; —mat; —overspread; —quiver; —redden; —rustle; —shade; —shower down; —swirl; —tremble; —unfold; —wave; —whisper; —wilt; —wither

    (See foliage, plant.)

    Lecture adjectives

    edifying; inaugural; compulsory; scientific; interminable; wide-spread; celebrated; didactic; boring; ill-attended


    assimilate—; attend—; concoct—; deliver —; instruct by—; preach—; profit by—; temper—; —admonishes; —asserts; —assists; —attracts; —confounds; —interests; —perplexes; —rebukes; —reprimands; — reproaches; —stirs; —uplifts

    (See lesson, speech, address, narration, narrative; oration.)

    Lecture (v) adverbs

    tediously; graphically; eruditely; vividly; edifyingly; scientifically; interminably; didactically; boringly; inspiringly; inspiration-ally; eloquently

    (See address, discourse, speak.)

    Ledge adjectives

    shaven; dangerous-looking; slippery; narrow; pine-clad; overhanging; rocky; dirty-backed; solid; basalt; shaded; craggy; projecting; bare; inaccessible; shelving


    clamber up—; cleave to—; cling from—; hover on—; hug—; lean from—; peer over —; pitch from—; scale—; teeter on—; totter on—; tumble from—; —gives way; — juts; —projects; —protrudes

    (See edge, ridge, shelf, reef.)

    Leech verbs

    apply—; breed—es; employ—; fatten—; — absorbs; —adheres; —bleeds; —clings; — cures; —draws; —evacuates; —extracts

    —heals; —relieves; —remedies; —sticks; — sucks

    (See parasite, physician, doctor.)

    Leer adjectives

    impudent; jealous; complacent; silly; halftriumphant; roguish; fawning; malignant

    Leer (v) adverbs

    obscenely; idiotically; spitefully; impudently; murderously; despicably; sardonically; jealously; complacently; malignantly; fawningly; roguishly

    (See look, sneer, glance, stare.)

    Leery adverbs

    slightly; altogether; artfully; cunningly; trickily; warily; guardedly; cleverly; suspiciously; diplomatically; strategically; cautiously; prudently; deliberately; discreetly; coolly; habitually; cannily; charily; politically; vigilantly; dependably; uncommonly; carefully

    Leg adjectives

    excellent; bowed; rickety; timber; gouty; graceful; sturdy; bandy; lower; convulsed; stockinged; shapely; long; fluted; sinewy; brawny; spindle; incased; thin; shivering; toothsome; amputated; thread-like; leaden; muscular; bony; pitiful; tiny; slender; knotted; hacked; jagged; hairy; gaitered; lovely; graceful; bulging; slim


    admire—; bow—s; brace—; condition—s; elevate—; expose—; fetter—s; fracture—; massage—; peer at—s; reel on—s; reveal —; straddle with—s; strengthen—; trust —s; —s entwine; —s fly; —protrudes; —s sag; —supports; —s taper; —s twitch; —s weary

    (See foot, knee.)

    Legacy adjectives

    supplemented; limited; personal; precious; unexpected; hereditary


    administer—; allocate—; anticipate—; bequeath—; contemplate—; court—; deprive of—; direct—; envy—; fritter away—; grant—; inherit—; parcel—; partition—; provide—; reckon—; —dwindles; —enriches

    (See estate, property, money, wealth, in

    heritance, resources.)

    Legal adverbs

    entirely; incontrovertibly; admittedly; unquestionably; allowably; authoritatively; duly; prescriptively; warrantably; presumptively; absolutely; unimpeachably; equitably; constitutionally; properly; securely

    Legend adjectives

    fearful; golden; traditionary; fanciful; facile; splenetic; heroic; marvelous; primeval; shadowy; serviceable; diffused; epic; fading; picturesque; contemporary; medieval; confusing; profane; puissant; fictitious; interminable; conventional


    blast—; carry on—; confute—; demolish—; destroy—; detach from—; discard—; dispel —; dispose of—; embroider—; emerge from —; exploit—; extenuate—; interpolate—; lampoon—; perpetuate—; peruse—; —attests to; —grows from; —persists; —portrays

    (See story, tale, myth, lie, narrative.)

    Legendary adverbs

    wholly; vestigially; acceptably; admittedly; daringly; inventively; romantically; fancifully; ingeniously; purportedly; theoretically; notionally; fairly; authentically; presumably; doubtfully; probably; highly; vap-orously; heroically; picturesquely; pleasantly

    Legibility verbi

    admire—; appreciate—; approve—; commend—; demand—; desire—; emblazon—; esteem—; extol—; heighten—; increase—; praise—; prize—; regard—; recommend—; value—

    Legible adverbs

    clearly; perfectly; gratifyingly; pleasantly; crudely; altogether; neatly; plainly; easily; distinctly; definitely; precisely; graphically; unmistakenly; scrawlingly; hieroglyphic-ally; eventually; pleasingly; extremely; immediately; satisfactorily

    Legion adjectives

    gallant; ragged; puissant; well-disciplined; iron-breasted; scouring; locust; swarthy; victorious; invincible


    array in—; assemble—; decimate—; direct —; fill with—s; follow—; gather—; overthrow—; secure—; sustain—; unite in—

    —congregates; —defends; —drifts; —engages; —flocks; —participates; —serves; — strives

    (See army, crowd, association, enemy.)

    Legislate (v) adverbs

    precipitately; shrewdly; beneficently; malignantly; oppressively; economically; socially; constitutionally; perniciously; ecclesiastically; appropriately; arbitrarily; unscrupulously

    (See effect, enact.)

    Legislation adjectives

    oppressive; economic; sumptuary; social; preferential; intemperate; critical; unconstitutional; pernicious; injurious; ecclesiastical; educational; dangerous; absolute; remedial; appropriate; defunct; amendatory; arbitrary; refined; adverse; unscrupulous; undesirable; vindictive; class


    acclaim—; admire—; broaden—; enact—; enforce—; influence—; invalidate—; jam— through; lobby for—; motion for—; pile up —; propose—; sanction—; schedule—; sponsor—; stifle—; strangle—; sustain—; urge —; veto—

    (See law, bill, statute, ordinance, regulation.)

    Legislative adverbs

    augustly; imposingly; strictly; exclusively; oppressively; coolly; impersonally; absolutely; scrupulously; impartially; finally; irrevocably; wisely; providentially

    Legislator verbs

    criticize—; elect—; invest—with; nominate —; —attempts; —authorizes; —s convene; —deliberates; —devises; —interprets; — judges; —moves; —proposes; —propounds


    (See congressman, senator, politician, statesman.)

    Legislature verbs

    appoint to—; nominate for—; recommend to—; —affirms; —appropriates; —confirms; —defeats; —deliberates; —dismisses; —enacts; —frames; —overrules; —passes; — propounds; —reveals; —revokes; —suspends; —congregates; —convenes

    (See congress, parliament, legislator, government.)

    Legitim A TE adverbs

    wholly; unquestionably; substantially; plainly; unqualifiedly; unimpeachably; authoritatively; authentically; genuinely; verily; allowably; unconditionally; justly; absolutely; duly; properly; completely; rightly

    Leisure adjectives

    scant; elegant; extreme; endowed; practicable; sour; patient; graceful; multitudinous; everlasting; abundant; fallow; infinite; precious; tranquil; unbroken; spiritual; ample; dignified; literary; sufficient; unholy; superfluous; holiday; dilettante; calm; machine-created; wasted


    bankrupt of—; beautify—; burden with—; court—; devote—to; discipline—; dispense with—; employ—; enjoy—; fill—; indulge at —; occupy—; pursue at—; rejoice in—; retire into—; revel in—; reward with—; steal —; wallow in—; weary of—; —civilizes; —delights; —enriches; —entombs; —polishes

    (See time.)

    Lemon verbs

    bear—s; box—s; crate—s; cultivate—; express from—; extract from—; flavor with —; gather—s; harvest—s; pack—s; peel—; pickle in—; pierce—; scent with—; ship—s; sort—s; squeeze—; wrap—; —clings; — puckers; —ripens

    (See fruit.)

    Lend (v) adverbs

    grudgingly; conveniently; conditionally; gracefully; innocently;  legitimately;  un

    scrupulously; willingly; gratuitously

    (See accommodate, assist, furnish.)

    Lender adjectives

    legitimate; money; licensed; unscrupulous

    Length adjectives

    learned; barbarous; apparent; extortionate; manlier; abbreviated; intolerable; variable; irregular; average; ludicrous; unaltered; extreme; considerable; unconscionable; enormous; interminable; majestic; pellucid; lamentable; shameful; immoderate; standard; ancient; unwieldy; startling; weary; apportioned; slender; infinite; wondrous; measured; treacherous; vine-clad

    Lengthen (v) adverbs

    indefinitely; ludicrously; unconscionably; interminably; immoderately; infinitely; disproportionately

    (See extend, stretch.)

    Lengthy adverbs

    interminably; intolerably; tiresomely; monotonously; unbelievably; endlessly; ramb-lingly; reminiscently; diffusely; effusively; wretchedly; miserably; wearisomely; unconscionably; ludicrously; sadly; terribly; shamefully; incredibly; inexcusably

    Lenient adverbs

    habitually; conveniently; indulgently; affectionately; spasmodically; considerately; mercifully; courteously; hospitably; graciously; weakly; supinely; deliberately; gently; calmly; absent-mindedly; nervously; pacifically; reasonably; blandly; purposely; lamentably; unduly; wisely; helpfully; disgustingly; feebly; temperately; tolerantly; complaisantly; compassionately; humanely; exceedingly

    Lenity adjectives

    half-contemptuous; half-calculated; sufficient; vaunted; customary; assumed; apparent

    Lens adjectives

    immense; photographic; concave; shadowy; convex; powerful

    Leopard verbs

    bag—; creep up on—; ensnare—; infest with—s; skin—; trap—; —attacks; —barks; —charges; —claws; —climbs; —depredates; —devours; —drags off; —lies in ambush; —pounces; —preys on; —pulls down; — rages; —roars; —screams; —seizes; — slaughters; —slinks; —springs; —stalks; — steals upon; —wails; —infests

    (See animal, lion, tiger.)

    Leper verbs

    ban—; bar—; cleanse—; cure—; heal—; incarcerate—; isolate—; purge—; quarantine—; restore—; segregate—; shelter—; — befouls; —begs; —contaminates; —defiles; —infects; —stigmatizes; —suffers; —taints, (See beggar, invalid, parasite.

    Leprous adverbs

    fatally; tragically; horribly; unfortunately; miserably; wretchedly; infirmly; incurably; pitiably; morally; mortally; indubitably; dreadfully

    Lesion adjectives

    local; organic; mechanical; healed

    Lessen (v) adverbs

    abnormally; scientifically; beneficially; mechanically; gradually; agreeably; appreciably

    (See diminish, reduce, decrease.)

    Lesson adjectives

    crowning; salutary; rude; strategical; humiliating; valuable; distasteful; sacred; deathless; wholesome; exemplary; object; copious; pioneer; curious; striking; stern; impressive; instructive; ethical; important; nobler; outstanding; painful; baneful; tremendous; fruitful; needful; hard; silent


    assign—; deliver—; experience—; expound —; imply—; inculcate—; instill—; memorize—; preach—; project—; rebel at—; recite—; spice—; yield—; —penetrates; — rebukes; —reprimands; —sinks in

    (See lecture, talk, speech, moral.)

    Lethargy adjectives

    intellectual; torpid; icy; blind; pleasant; patriarchal; complete; apparent; inglorious; passive; utter


    arouse from—; breed—; descend into—; fade into—; fall into—; fix in—; lie in—; lift from—; mumble in—; overcome—; — attacks; —blinds; —chokes; —envelops; — hinders; —paralyzes; —restrains; —seduces; —seizes; —stupefies

    (See languor, weariness, fatigue, exhaustion, lassitude.)

    Letter adjectives

    rare; deprecatory; terrible; much-discussed; anonymous; unfeeling; complimentary; entertaining; amusing; exhaustive; innumerable; confidential; charming; loathsome; vitriolic; insolent; threatening; overbearing; pensive; seditious; amiable; commendatory; pitiful; subjoined; promised; obliging; impassioned; strange; incoherent; obscure; incomprehensible; bulky; pattern; civil; simple-minded; subsequent; obnoxious; elementary; discursive; nonsensical; dead; unfriendly; repentant; passionate; adulatory; indiscreet; ill-spelled; runic; affectionate; shameful; orderly; menacing; luminous; feigned; curt; immediate; interminable; pithy; gilt; full; convincing; esteemed; accusing; interesting; specific; deep-cut; reprehensive; pastoral; brief; terse; condensed; emphatic; exculpatory; beautiful; eloquent; touching; conspicuous; good; unjust; delicious; sweet; patient; wise; tender; painful; abusive; roundrobin; often-recurring; chance-preserved; introductory; burning; generous; handsome; mystical; explanatory; racy; exquisite; slanderous; ill-written; libelous; crafty; brusque; unsound; stilted; pleading; naive; denunciatory; easy-flowing; inevitable; long; reproachful; sparkling; enigmatical; depressing; assisting; condemnatory; faded; fatal; clandestine; ridiculous; agreeable; hasty; impudent; enthusiastic; unauthenticated; taunting; dedicatory; chatty; kind-hearted; cheery; journalistic; happy; timely; conclusive; effective; admonitory; indignant; spiteful; pathetic; dainty; memorable; sad; begging; witty; misguiding; resounding; fascinating; inquisitive; occasional; compromising; laconic; needless; unfinished; genuine; obedient


    append to—; bear—; besiege with—s; bombard with—s; censor—; communicate by—; convey—; deluge with—s; devise—; devour —; dictate—; frame—; peruse—; post—; scribble—; seal—; skim through—; speed—; suppress—; welcome—; —acquaints;, —assures; —breathes; —cheers; —commends; —commissions; —consoles; —conveys; — expatiates; —gushes; —imparts; —links; —s pour in; —reveals; —unites

    (See communication, note, correspondence, message, telegram.)

    Level adjectives

    portentous; maintenance; conversational; unlovely; vulgar; conciliating; preeminent; remunerative; childish; artistic; unendmg; windy; desirable; reflecting; usual; varying; harmless; unmeaning; humdrum; common; ordinary


    attain—; defile—; degrade to—; destroy—; discover—; drain—; elevate to—; find—; gain—; hold—; jump to—; lie within—; maintain—; mark—; preserve—; taise above—; reduce to—; regress to—; sink to

    (See height, depth, altitude, summit, mark.) adverbs

    meticulously; exactly; monotonously; conveniently; smoothly; endlessly; uniformly; tiresomely; changelessly; drearily; continuously; symmetrically; roughly; unevenly; ruggedly; fairly

    Lever •verbs

    adjust—; apply—; brace—; heave out with —; jack with—; manipulate—; yank (colloq.) —; —disembowels; —dislodges; — elevates; —expels; —lifts; —overthrows; —pries open; —raises

    (See handle, bar.

    Levity adjectives

    incorrigible; enervate; uncanonical; responsive; unpardonable; superficial; dreadful; careless; shameful; bitter; exquisite; undesirable; foolish; unnecessary; unbecoming; surface

    Levy adjectives

    forced; undisciplined; successive (pl)

    Leivd adverbs

    ribaldly; boisterously; inexcusably; gustily; evilly; immodestly; shamelessly; wantonly; habitually; inexplicably; unaccountably; unwarrantably; hilariously; terribly; ostentatiously; unscrupulously; crudely

    Liability verbs

    account for—; admit—; burden with—; clog with—; confess—; display—; exempt from —; free from—; impose—; limit—; load with—; meet—; relieve of—; saddle with —; shoulder—s; —cramps; —deters; — disheartens; —hampers; —impedes; —imposes; —obligates; —oppresses; —shackles; —weighs

    (See trouble, responsibility, misfortune, reverse, debt, obligation.

    Liable adverbs criminally; undeniably; unfortunately; financially; morally; legally; unhappily; fatally; inescapably; inevitably; embarrassingly; deeply; inconveniently; properly; ethically; prescriptively

    Liar adjectives

    congenial; false-hearted; designing; monstrous; virtuous; probable; political; prophesying; beneficent; notorious; endless; generous


    accuse—; avoid—; condemn—; criticize—; despise—; judge—; punish—; reprimand—; reproach—; shame—; spurn—; support—; —beguiles; —blinds; —contrives; —convinces; —deceives; —devises; —forges; — fumbles; —invents; —libels; —raves; —relates; —slanders; —stabs; —violates

    (See criminal robber, thief, hypocrite, quack.

    Libation adjectives

    w'onted; copious; devout

    Libel adjectives

    infamous; pt isonous; criminal; seditious; scandalous; outrageous; intentional; anonymous; atrocious


    accuse of—; contradict—; convict of—; denounce—; disprove—; forge—; incur—; institute—; intrcduce—; oppose—; publish—; rebut—; serve—; sue for—; —accuses; — alleges; —assails; —charges; —declares

    —defames;  —discredits; —implies;


    (See slander, rumor.

    Liberal adverbs

    naturally; habitually; generally; always; extremely; charitably; considerately; lavishly; thoughtfully; ostentatiously; grudgingly; calculatinglv; carelessly; unwarrantably; improvidently; moderately; bountifully; generously; munificently; handsomely; unwisely; unselfishly; thoroughly; unfailingly; dependably

    Liberalism adjectives

    militant; enlightened; extreme; journalistic


    absorb—; adopt—; advocate—; convert to —; criticize—; crusade for—; cultivate—; endanger—; exercise—; inculcate—; interpret—; plant—; plead for—; restrain—; scorn—; stifle—; stimulate—; unite in—; weaken—; —affords; —aims at; —emerges from; —involves; —prevails; —thrives

    (See democracy, freedom, socialism, communism, movement.)

    Liberality adjectives

    unstinted; decent; unbounded; mutual; enlarged ; patriotic

    Liberate (v) adverbs

    promptly; magnanimously; industrially; philosophically; politically; temporarily; economically; nobly; rationally; partially; subversively

    (See free, release, deliver.)

    Liberty adjectives

    elemental; unwarrantable; glorious; philosophical; wild; popular; hard; political; natural; temporary; unrestrained; sanctioned; economic; industrial; religious; ignoble; pagan; secure; atheistic; unequalled; unbridled; headstrong; false; stormy; intermittent; universal; rational; partial; subversive; adored; masculine; excessive; perfect; lyric; dearly-bought


    abdicate—; champion—; concede—; confiscate—; conspire against—; defend—; deprive of—; encroach upon—; enjoy—; forsake—; grant—; imperil—; infringe upon •—; invade—; jeopardize—; maintain—; prate of—; purchase—; sacrifice—; scorn —; sequester—; shackle—; spurn—; suppress—; suspend—: taint—; threaten—; violate—; —crumbles; —perishes; —vanishes

    (See rights, freedom, privilege, independence.)

    Library adjectives

    provincial; extensive; circulating; immense; somber; reference; astronomical; valuable; comprehensive; well-balanced; technical


    bequeath to—; browse in—; bury in—; cherish—; confine to—; drink from—; endow—■; enrich—; establish—; labor in—; refer to—; repose in—; resort to—; revel in—; shelve in—; subscribe to—; —circulates; —collects; —entombs; —feeds; — fines; —lends; —nourishes; —preserves; — records; —safeguards; —stores

    (See book, literature.)

    Librettos adjectives

    innocuous; unappealing; poetical; complete

    License adjectives

    passionate; poetic; uncontrolled; mocking; wanton; warrantable; unpunished; unchecked; transport; boldest; amplest; unbridled; graceful; roving; ignoble; extraordinary; democratic; driving; vending


    abuse—; acknowledge—; concede—; deny —; display—; draw—; enjoy—; forge—; grant—;• inspect—; obtain—; observe—; practise under—; require—; revoke—; withdraw—; —authorizes; —permits; —protects; —vouches

    (See right, privilege.)

    License (v) adverbs

    legally; medically; authoritatively; officially; nominally; wantonly; properly

    (See permit, authorize.)

    Licentious adverbs

    unwarrantably; riotously; ungovernably; dissolutely; wickedly; despicably; contemptibly; terribly; disgustingly; viciously; unimaginably; dreadfully; unexpectedly; villainously; wildly; rakishly; deplorably; lamentably; unforgivably

    Licentiousness adjectives

    unbridled; evil; uncurbed; repeated


    campaign against—; check—; curb—; defend—; denounce—; explode—; harbor—; impute to—; inflict—upon; regret—; taste —; tolerate—; tumble into—; witness—; —irks; —occurs; —offends; —prevails; — reigns; —vexes

    (See wickedness, vice, sin.)

    Lid adjectives

    just-raised; placid; translucent; drooping; long; sly; flaming; veinous; opaque; blue-veined; drowsy; flower-soft; fringed; unsullied; squinted; lower; eternal; coarse; triangular-shaped; low; wrinkled; conscious; timorous; heavy


    clamp—on; clap—on; fit—; force—; overlay—; plant—on; pry—off; seal—; tap—; tighten—; —conceals; —preserves; —prevents; —protects; —resists; —restrains; — screens; —yields to

    (See cover, canopy.)

    Lie adjectives

    glittering; vicious; monkey-faced; vivid; spectral; glib; painted; plausible; sin-born; wanton; endless; improbable; consoling; intolerable; libelous; deadliest; drowsing; diplomatic; ungentlemanly; organized; conventional; filthy; original; convincing; blaspheming; preposterous; gracious; sustained; surpliced; costly; pious; calm; quaint; shameless; damnable; dumb; helpless; glorious; puny; rotten; absurd; magnificent; unnumbered; iniquitous; measured; poisonous; deliberate; purchased


    acknowledge—; censure—; condemn—; condone—; confess to—; decry—; detect—; evolve—; promulgate—; propagate—; reject—; rend—; reveal—; spill—s; uncover —; utter—; —blackens; —cheats; —cloaks; —defrauds; —dishonors; —falsifies; —fetters; —frees; —perplexes; —swindles

    (See crime, statement, falsehood, misrepresentation.)

    Lie (v) adverbs

    nervelessly; slothfully; smoothly; perversely; atrociously; malignly; glibly; supinely; profusely; portentously; outrageously; mutely; composedly; plausibly; wantonly; libel-ously; preposterously; shamelessly; iniquit-ously

    (See fabricate, misrepresent.)

    Lieutenant adjectives

    lion-hearted; self-important; selected

    Life adjectives

    abhorred; abject; abnormal; abstract; aboriginal; abundant; academic; active; action-craving; affluent; agonized; agreeable; agricultural; all-embracing; altruistic; amazing; ambrosial; angelic; antecedent; antenatal; artificial; ascetic; astonished; austere; bad; beneficent; benevolent; blameless’; blithe; blooming; boulevard; bountiful; bright-eyed; broad; broken; brute; bubbling; buoyant; busy; bygone; birdcage; cankerous; carefree; careful; changing; charmed; civic; civilized; cloistral; cold-blooded; collective; college; colorful; commercial; commonplace; communal; concentrated; consistent; constant; contemplative; contemporary; contemptuous; convenient; convulsive; cordial; corporate; cosmic; country; crescent; cruel; crystal; cultivated; cultured; darkened; darkling; darting; deadening; decorous; deep-bosomed; defaced; delightful; democratic; demonstrable; deplorable; desultory; devouring; diffusive; diminished; diplomatic; disastrous; discontented; disfigured; dishonored; disjointed; disposed; dissipated; dissolute; distasteful; distracted; dividing; double; domestic; doubtful; dull; dusky; dutiful; easygoing; eccentric; economic; effete; effective; effeminate; elemental; emancipated; embittered; emotional; enlarging; ennobling; ephemeral; equal; erotic; equivocal; essential; eternal; eventful; existing; exotic; expanding; external; extinguished; exuberant; exultant; factitious; familiar; farcical; farmyard; fascinating; fashionable; fastfleeing; fast-withering; fettered; feudal; feverish; Actionized; flabby; flickering; floating; flourishing; foreign; fragrant; free; friendless; frisking; frivolous; frugal; fruitful; fugitive; fullest; genuine; gushing; grimy; groovelike; gypsy; half-revealed; hapless; hard-working; harmless; healthful; helpful; hideous; hoary; high-pressure; homely; honest; human; humdrum; hygienic; ideal; idyllic; imagined; imaginative; immortal; impatient; impeccable; imper-feet; imperiled; imperishable; impish; incarnate; increasing; independent; individual; indulgent; industrious; infantile; informal; inglorious; inherent; inner; innermost; insect; unsociable; integrated; intellectual; intense; interior; intimate; irresponsible; irregular; joyless; kindly; knowable; laborious; large; licentious; lifeless; liquid; listless; literary; livable; loathed; long; low; lush; lusterless; luxurious; magnanimous; many-sided; married; material; maximum; meditative; melancholy; mental; meteoric; middle-married; milder; millennial; mingled; mirthful; miserable; modest; monastic; monotonous; moral; mortal; moving; multitudinous (pl); mythological; namby-pamby; nervous; nobler; nomadic; objectless; obscure; old-maidish; ordinary; orgiastic; outer; out-of-town; outside; paltry; palpitating; pampered; parasitic; parental; peaceful; perilous; permeating; perverted; phenomenal; pioneer; plausible; pleasant; plenteous; practical; precarious; prevailing; priceless; private; progressive; prosperous; prosaic; provincial; prudent; pseudo-social; psychical; public; pulsating; pulseless; pure; quickening; radical; rampant; realistic; redundant; regular; rejuvenated; reproductive; renovated; restive; restless; retired; revolutionary; rhythmical; rollicking; rough; roving; ruddy; rural; sacred; sacrificial; scandalous; scanty; secluded; secret; secular; sedentary; sensuous; sequestered; serene; sheltered; shifting; shudderable; simpering; simple; singing; single; skilful; sky-wedded; sleeping; slow-moving; sluggish; smiling; smug; snug; sobered; social; solitary; sophisticated; spiritual; spontaneous; sportive; starved; steady; sterile; stimulating; straggling; strenuous; studious; subsequent; sunless; sunlit; supersensual; sustaining; sweet; swinish; tangled; temperate; tempestuous; tender; terrestrial; thin-spun; thoughtless; thwarted; toilsome; torpid; tortured; tragic; tramping; tree; trite; troubled; tumultuous; turbulent; tyrant; unambitious; unassuming; unbearable; unceasing; unchanging; unconventional; uncircumscribed; undeniable; unendurable; undistinguished; uneventful; unjaded; unprofitable; unprosperous; unrealized; unresisting; unsatisfactory; unseen; unseparable; unsettled; unsightly; unsophisticated; unstable; upright; useful; urban; various (pl); vagrant; vicious; veritable; vigorous; vile; virtuous; wagering; wandering; warm; wasted; wayside; wayward; well-lost; wholesome; wild; winged; wistful; womanly; wonted; workless; worldly; worthless; worthy; wretched; youthful; action-filled; adequate; adventurous


    abbreviate—; alter—; bare—of; beautify —; blight—; blot out—; burst into—; carve —; challenge—; cling to—; commence—; comprehend—; conceive—; consecrate—to; cope with—; dedicate—to; degrade—; delve into—; depict—; deplete—; detach from—; devote—to; devour—; disorganize—; dissipate—; diversify—; drag out—; drain of—; embitter—; endanger—; endow with —; enhance—; ennoble—; equip for—; erase—; exemplify—; face—; flash into—; flinch from—; foreshorten—; foster—; fritter—away; galvanize into—; gamble-on; immerse in—; insulate against—; intercede for—; interpret—; intrude upon—; invade—; isolate—; jeopardize—; maim—; maintain—; manifest—; mar—; mend—; mock—; mold—; muddle through—; nourish—; oppress by—; pay with—; permeate —; plunge into—; portray—; probe—; prolong—; race through—; radiate—; rebuild —; reconstruct—; rekindle—; resuscitate —; retire from—; revel in—; routinize—; shock into—; skim through—; snuff out—; squander—; stake—on; submerge—; sum up —; sustain—; taste—; terminate—; thirst for—; tranquilize—; trifle away—; uplift —; vitiate—; warp—; weigh—; —blossoms; —buzzes by; —disintegrates; —ebbs; —evolves; —flowers; —flows; —hangs; — —s intertwine; —persists; —pulsates; —• quickens; —rallies; —surges; —trudges on; —unfolds; —withers

    (See career, existence.)

    Lifeless adverbs

    dully; inactively; languidly; inertly; lazily; idly; torpidly; quiescently; silently; actually; heavily; passively; sluggishly; unusually

    Lifetime verbs

    concentrate in—; curtain—; devote—to; endure—; fill—; guide through—; pledge—; pour into—; record—; seek—; spend—; spin —; strive—; stumble through—; terminate —; withstand—; wrap in—; —grinds; — slides by; —wearies

    (See time, age, century.)

    Lift (v) adverbs

    momentarily; stalwartly; vigorously; feebly; reverently; instinctively; responsively; daintily; involuntarily; alertly; simultaneously; perceptibly; stealthily

    (See elevate, raise, support.)

    Ligament verbs

    rupture—; sever—; strain—; strengthen—; stretch—; suture—; tear—; tie—; treat—; —attaches; —binds; —connects; —couples; —extends; —fastens; —joins; —reinforces; —supports; —unites

    (See muscle, cord, tie, bond.)

    Ligature verbs

    apply—; -—arrests; —binds; —checks; — clamps; —collapses; —compresses; —constricts; —contracts; —curbs; —heals; — remedies; —restrains; —squeezes; —stems; —strangulates

    (See bandage, tape.)

    Light adjectives

    accusing; adequate; advancing; all-beholden; all-surprising; altering; amber; ample; amusing; angelic; angry; approaching; arrowy; artificial; ashy; attractive; auroral; austral; available; baleful; beacon; becoming; bewildering; blinding; blinking; blissful; blithe; burning; borrowed; bright; broken; brutal; calm; celestial; center; chalky; changeless; chastening; chatoyant; cheering; clear; cloudless; collateral; comforting; confused; congealed; contrasting; cool; coppery; coruscating; crystal; curious; dancing; danger-dissipating; dark; dawning; dazzling; day; deadly; deceitful; deceptive; deep; defiant; delusive; departing; despairing; despondent; dewy; dim; diaphanous; diffused; dirty; discernible; disheveled; distant; distressing; divine; doubtful; dreadful; dreamy; dry; dusky; dying; earliest; effulgent; elfin; enlivening; enkindling; emerging; emitting; erroneous; emotional; eternal; evening; everlasting; evermoving; factitious; fading; faint; fair; falling; fanning; feeble; featureless; filtered; fitful; flaming; flaring; flash; flashing; flighty; fluctuating; fluttering; fuller; garish; gas; gentle; ghastlier; ghostly; gladsome; glancing; glaring; glazed; gleaming; gleamy; glimmering; glorious; glowing; gradual; hallowed; hard; harnessed; harsh; hateful; hazy; heavenly; holy; hovering; illimitable; immortal; imperfect; inaudible; incandescent; indefinite; indistinct; ineffable; inexorable; influential; inner; innumerable (pl); inquisitive; insolent; intellectual; interfused; internal; intrinsic; inward; irreligious; joyous; laborious; leaning; legendary; lessening; lesser; liquid; literary; livid; lofty'; lonelier; lovely; luminous; lunar; lurid; malicious; marquee; melancholy; mellow; melting; meridian; meteor; midday; mingling; ministering; minute; mobile; momentary; morning; mourning; murderous; murky; myriad


    adjust—; bathe in—; blot out—; centralize —; douse (colloq.) —; extinguish—; flood with—; focus—upon; glory in—; grope for —; kindle—; muffle—; obscure—; radiate —; refract—; rejoice in—; shed—upon; shield from—; soften—; wreathe in—; — blazes; —blinds; —blinks; —creeps in; — dances; —dazzles; —diffuses; —dwindles; —exposes; —fades; —filters in; —flares; —flickers; —gleams; —glitters; —glows; —illumines; —penetrates; —pierces; —seeps in; —stabs; —streams in; —streaks; — twinkles; —wanes; —wavers; —wells ffom; —winks

    (See lamp, candle, flame, fireworks, match, sunshine, spark.) adverbs

    insignificantly; extremely; exceedingly; unusually; uncommonly; unbelievably; airily; buoyantly; brilliantly; garishly; pallidly; faintly; indifferently; passably; tolerably; ordinarily; scarcely; manageably; conveniently; happily; jauntily; briskly; brightly; cheerfully; surprisingly; bewilderingly; comfortably; gloriously; mysteriously; unaccountably )

    Light (v) adverbs

    brilliantly; spectacularly; visibly; adequately; scantily; partially; gracefully; blindingly; cheerfully; exquisitely; vividly

    (See illumine, illuminate, ignite.)

    Lighten (v) adverbs

    blazingly; blindingly; dreadfully; terrifyingly; vividly; explosively; spectacularly

    (See flash, illuminate.)

    Light-Hearted adverbs

    cheerfully; exhilaratingly; genially; good-humoredly; naturally; temperamentally; laughingly; optimistically; roguishly; briskly; blithely; brightly; buoyantly; bonnily; hilariously; youthfully; hopefully; jauntily; jubilantly; winsomely

    Lightness adjectives

    imaginative; graceful; innumerable (pl); dry; extreme; cheerful; exquisite; boyish; sheer; buoyant; inexpressible

    Lightning adjectives

    blind; parching; internal; wicked; uncommunicated; consuming; volcanic; unleashed; lovelier; poisonous; irreversible; silent; mercy-winged; congregated; artificial; naked; sheet; baleful; arrowy; reverberating; restless; glaring; keener; livid; harmless; nimble; diffused; yoked; indirect; vivid; deadly


    —bolts; —chars; —cleaves; —dances; — darts; —demolishes; —destroys; —flames; —flashes; —flickers; —glows; —ignites; — illumines; —illuminates; —plays; —rends; —reveals; —streaks; —terrifies; —wreaks


    (See light, lamp, storm, thunder, spark, tornado, typhoon, wind, hurricane.)

    Like (v) adverbs

    scarcely; extremely; metaphorically; universally; faithfully; persistently; constantly; mutually; momentarily; superficially

    (See fancy, approve, choose.)

    Likely adverbs

    fairly; somewhat; plausibly; reasonably; speciously; hardly; perhaps; questionably; undoubtedly; dependably; positively

    Likeness adjectives

    striking; unaltered; unsubstantial; intrinsic; rude; tangible; graphic; distorted; hideous; speaking; inaccurate; mysterious; generic; grotesque; immortal; mutual; faithful; famous; executed; momentary; consistent; family; rudimental; mute; persistent; phantasmal

    Lilies adjectives

    lazy; sculptured; unsullied; lolling; slumbrous; gleaming; water; waxen; vast; ineffable; fair; pure; languid; pale; sere; mystic; robust; careworn; wind-sown

    Lily verbs

    attire in—; bear—; blight—; crown with —ies; cultivate—ies; stain—; sully—; tint —; —blushes; —ies clothe; —droops; — fades; —ies fester; —flourishes; —glistens; —heaves; —nods; —symbolizes; —unfolds; —withers

    (See flower, plant.)

    Limb adjectives

    vast; swollen; rigid; unshapely; weary; wan; trembling; unnatural; withered; unbroken; willing; fervid; coarse-featured; uncouth; unfettered; mangled; gouty; childish; sturdy; knotted; writhing; arching; leafless; half-frozen; scabby; severe; tossing; leprous; shivering; pulsed; oily; corded; stiffened; languid; immovable; unhewn; shrunken; painful; degraded; gangling; puny; little; putrefying; chafed; feeble; naked; denuded; burning; helpless; drooping; sinewy; long-laboring; jaded; massive; thin; weather-beaten; charred; loving; queenly; bare; crippled; paralytic; distorted; wreathing; gentle; tawny; tender; wondrous; supplemental; mutilated; delicate; bending; shuddering; exquisite; lithe; agile; artificial; palsied; aged


    amputate—; bare—; brace—; char—; cramp—; deform—; develop—; drag—; employ—; exercise—; fracture—; inject into —; paralyze—; strain—; torture—; — shrinks ; —supports ; —withers

    (See leg, foot, body, elbow.)

    Lime-Light verbs

    avoid—; bask in—; crave—; earn—; emerge from—; extinguish—; fade from—; gain—; glory in—; quench—; seek—; steal —; throw into—; —dazzles; —glows; — notorizes ; —publicizes ; —smoulders ; — wanes

    (See fame, publicity, notoriety, renown, reputation.)

    Limes adjectives

    arching; quiet-leaved; bitter; ripened

    Limit adjectives

    narrow; rigid; geographic; predetermined; municipal; severe; definite; maximum; uttermost; extended; lazy; ultimate; treaty; broad; hallowed; corporate; judicious; narrowest; practicable; confined; ancient; utmost; wiser; extreme; true; insurmountable; fenceless; transcending; glimmering; constitutional; remotest; legitimate; sanctified; certain; whimsical; original; modest; sensible; reasonable; appointed

    Limit (v) adverbs

    grammatically; rigidly; definitely; constitutionally; narrowly; infinitely; scientifically; inescapably; practically; mathematically; morally; fastidiously

    (See confine, restrict, circumscribe.)

    Limitations adjectives

    spheric; rigid; constitutional; reasonable; proper; narrow; hereditary; infinite; inner; scientific; inevitable; immediate; selfimposed; mortal; finite; inescapable; practical


    abandon—; acknowledge—; amend—; circumscribe—; circumvent—; discern—; dispel—; dispute—; enforce—; escape—; establish—; extricate from—; impose—; prescribe—; subject to—; transcend—; —bar; —bridle; —check; —confine; —constrain; —curb; —expire; —fetter; —incarcerate; —repress; —restrain; —restrict; —yoke

    (See restriction, restraint, limit.)

    Limited adverbs

    indescribably; legally; unfortunately; strictly; viciously; exclusively; unchangeably; necessarily; conveniently; rigidly; ridiculously; wickedly; inexcusably; traditionally; conventionally; legislatively; excessively; absurdly; wisely; imperiously; irrevocably

    Limitless adverbs

    incredibly; expansively; awesomely; terribly; broadly; generously; inexpressibly; unutterably; incomprehensibly; fearfully

    Limits verbs

    act with—; authorize—; bind by—; compress—; define—; exceed—; extend—; fall within—; indicate—; lift—; measure —; narrow—; order—; overstep—; sanctify—; slip over—; sound—; transgress—; urge to—; —bar; —constrain

    (See bounds, restraint, restriction, scope, limitations.)

    Limp adverbs

    languidly; wearily; lankly; soggily; wetly; sadly; hopelessly; helplessly; absurdly; laughably; feebly; powerlessly; flabbily; pliantly; flimsily; ludicrously; drunkenly; breathlessly; utterly; ridiculously

    Limp (*>) adverbs

    laboriously; painfully; sorely; hideously; piteously; pathetically; feebly; jadedly; wanly; uncouthly; repulsively

    (See hobble, walk, falter.)

    Limpid adverbs

    beautifully; transparently; coolly; serenely; clearly; pellucidly; innocently; trustingly (eyes); ripplingly; translucently

    Line adjectives

    fine; skirmish; untutored; soft; flowing; harmonious; never-ceasing; demolished; graceful; melodic; undulating; depending; transparent; rippling; continuous; scientific; collateral; advancing; extended; capricious; oblique; sounding; intertwisted.; impromptu; important; imaginary; beautiful; impregnable; policy; gleaming; opposing; exiled; converging; occasional; legitimate; feeling; half-illegible; pencil-traced; tighter; sensuous; emphatic; inspiring; minute; fleeting; ne ver-va tying; fringing; sharpened; youthful; subtle; insuperable; agitated; endless; divergent; special; curving; dainty; never-relaxing; flexible; roaring; sensitive; equinoctial; curling; flimsy; absolute; straight; feudal; suave; dignified; body-traced; crisp; wide; well-proportioned; smart; smart-draping; distinguished; tapering; easy; exclusive; distinctive; vulnerable; ravaged; sonorous; unbroken; monastery; bread; uneven; ragged; cramped; parallel (pl); eccentric; sleepless; irregular; pathetic; wabbling; quivering; ensuing; paternal; wavering; decided; eastward; fringing; fortified; etched; shapely; style; constricting; exterior; remotest; rent; successive (pl); slim; stirring; insolent; decisive; mystic; long; urbane; broad; tedious; swagger; classic; apostolic; complete; swinging; transcontinental; surging; stunning; weight-bearing; traditional; characteristic; honied; poetic; circumvallating; radial; moral; interconnecting; natural; jeweled; slender; wanton; rambling; trim; immortal; smart-tailored; ever-lengthening; stubborn; sleek; sun-tempting; back; dauntless; luxuriant; unreturning; fantastic; momentous; placid; solemn; noiseless; intertangled; infinitesimal; oblique; shoddy; eloquent; narrative; witty; preparatory; hypothetical; impassioned; unpunctuated; inimitable; telegraphic; harsh; effective; circling; competing; bristling; faint; intrenched; brilliant; vanquished; horizontal; cabalistic; sinuous; preconcerted; completed; well-defined; stateliest; unfading; glittering; neverending; allied; quaint; experimental; nodal; prosaic; radiating (pl); trimmer; industrial; intellectual; heroic; improvised; illustrious; admirable; hard; grim; humble; imitative; ghostly; foul; swelling; touching; foolish; connecting; imperiled; unpolished; bobbing; unrelated; brief; plumb; slimmer; compact; simple; unconquered; vocal; holy; therapeutic; theoretic; charging; ferocious; thought-tracked; genealogical; sublime; fleshly; surging; dividing


    alternate—s; blur—; delineate—; derive— from; eradicate—; extend—,* foul—; fracture—; intersect—; overrun—; scale—; thread—; trace—; warp—; wipe out—s; — bounds; —s coincide; —deviates; —digresses; —dips; —grades; —graduates; —limits; —parallels; —progresses; —s radiate from; —refracts; —represents; —straggles; — swerves; —veers; —verges; —wobbles

    (See mark, boundary, outline, route, road.)

    Lineage adjectives

    ancient; imperial; injured; honorable

    Lineaments adjectives

    haughtiest; stricken; pallid; striking; noble; dead; hideous; mental; exaggerated; warworn; strong; sculptured; impertinent; personal; shifting

    Lined (wrinkled) adverbs

    deeply; humorously; scowlingly; ripely; puckeringly; agedly; patriarchally; terribly; significantly

    Linen adjectives

    blood-clotted; snowy; dubious; age-yellowed; spotless; filthy; foul; stout; dainty; immaculate; embroidered; outward-surging; convent


    array in—; attire in—; bleach—; brocade —; carbonize—; card—; comb—; disentangle—; drape—; dress—; embroider—; fringe with—; garb in—; gird in—; grade —; hackle—; hank—; ret—; soak—; spin —; vest in—; warp—

    (See cloth, silk, velvet.

    Linger (v) adverbs

    tenderly; affectionately; vaguely; monotonously; boringly; obtrusively; wearily; confusedly; regretfully; perilously; idly; it resolutely; indecisively

    (See loiter, saunter.

    Linguist adjectives

    skilled; ready; manifold; comparative; accomplished; brilliant; - celebrated

    Liniment verbs

    administer—; apply—; drench with—; yield to—; —cools; —limbers; —mollifies; —palliates; —relaxes; —relieves; —restores; — soothes

    (See medicine, iodine, tonic, remedy, ointment, salve.

    Lining verbs

    strip of—; stud with—; —chafes; —coats

    —crusts; —inflames; —jackets; —pads; — preserves; —sheathes; —wads

    (See cloth, silk, velvet, wrapper.

    Link verbs

    cement—; dissolve—; fuse—; partition into —s; pivot on—; rend—; sever—; solder—; sunder—; terminate—; —affiliates; —allies; —bridges; —cleaves; —coincides; —communicates-; —correlates; —facilitates; —fetters; —hinges; —leagues; —shackjes; — spans; —unites; —leashes

    (See chain, bond, tie, ring, union, part, ligament, ligature.

    Link (v) adverbs indissolubly; inextricably; rhythmically; inevitably; inseparably; perpetually; incessantly; slanderously; humorously; incongruously; incompatibly

    (See join, connect, unite.

    Links adjectives

    intervening; thought; special; connecting; accustomed; mystic; clay-cold; adamantine; successive; breezy



    —collects; —s flock; -—mimics; —pipes; — warbles

    (See bird.

    Linotype verbs

    dump—; ink—; melt—; print from—; set—; trim—; —assembles; —casts; —clanks; — composes; —distributes; —facilitates; — stereotypes; —transcribes

    (See type, metal.

    Lion adjectives

    tameless; tawny-bearded; prisoned; rampant; jagged-jawed; wondrous


    encounter—; rouse—; slay—; —attacks; — carries off; —claws; —creeps upon; —devours; —drags off; —forages; —glares; —growls; —menaces; —paws; —preys on; —purrs; —rages; —rampages; —roams; — roars; —rolls over; —slaughters; —springs; —stalks; —stretches; —tears; —yawns

    (See animal, tiger, leopard.

    Lionize (v) adverbs

    bizarrely; enthusiastically; customarily; fraternally; hospitably; jovially; congenially; sportively; agreeably

    (See glorify, adore, exhibit, display.

    Lips adjectives

    kissing; bridled; bearded; ripe; marble; burning; dimpled; fervent; rosy; trembling; quivering; seldom-parted; seductive; pendulous; curdled; ruddy; seeking; tender; sensitive; clear-cut; blistering; coward; carmine; glowing; loving; gaping; languid; wet; rosy; pallid; sinful; placid; downdrawn; brazen; dewy; blanched; swollen; bold; parching; flaccid; pursed; tightened; generous; thin; gummed-up; villainous; straight; pale; discolored; unpa-nted; roughed; pinched; dry; rosebud; ruby; whitening; crystal; shiny; coral; wide; over-red; livid; bloodless; velvet; blanched; cerise; lead-colored; flower-petal; sardonic; projecting; compressed; unbreathing; protruding; heavy; half-open; full; purpled; flower-soft; traitorous; dainty; milk-fed; loose; eloquent; scornful; curse-laden; icy; mute; opened; stern; set; fevered; fettered; fleshless; babbling; mortal; ample; living; warm; sealed; eased; tired; willing; gifted; insatiable; sinuous; unseen; mobile; contorted; angel; squandering; innocent; imperial; firm; uncaressing; love-enkindled; luscious; appreciative; hueless; perjured; voluptuous; lifeless; dying; republican; wax-red; grim; nectared; bristled; mocking; unfettered; gnarled; miserable; careless; winning; girlish; sallow; frothing; lax; slight; haughty; proud; retracted; sad; voiceless; severed; curled-up; flashing; skinny; full; incense-breathing; sensuous; intertwisted; carved; calm; pure; thirsty; grosser; guarded; writhing; drooping; obsequious; shrunken; puckered; slanderous; relaxing; half-pouting; crooked; pendulous; mellow; prehensile; meager; tortured; honeyed; unclosed; averted; starved; covetous; convivial; unclean; well-cut; ineffectual; scorched; passionate; leopard; lily; stammering; infant; panting; cracked; stifling; rapid; chiseled; milkless; wrinkled; long-silent; devout


    compress—; depress—; excoriate—; glue—; gnaw—; lock—; parch—; pucker—; purse —; seal—; smack—; sully—; thin—; tumble from—; wring from—; —beguile; —curl; —falter; —pout; —proclaim; —profane; — protrude; —quiver; —scorn; —snarl; — stir; —thin; —tremble; —writhe; —yield

    (See mouth.

    Liquid adjectives

    malodorous; viscous; foul; limpid; combustible; sparkling; denser; anesthetizing; lifeless; ecstatic; rosy; plain; noxious; queerlooking; seminal; unliquidating; colorless; swarming; consecrated; putrid; opaque


    charge—; chill—; dabble in—; deluge with —; dilute—; discharge—; drain—; draw off —; exude—; gargle—; gulp—; imbibe—; immerse in—; infiltrate—; inject—; precipitate—; spout—; squirt—; steep in—; strain —; submerge—; tap—; —babbles; — gurgles; —ripples; —saturates

    (See water, fluid, liquor, beverage, drink.

    Liquor adjectives

    amber; muddy; intoxicating; crimson; fuming; pleasant; drowsy; rebellious; sparkling; grand; spiritual; hateful; nectarial; exquisite; stimulating


    abstain from—; age—; carouse with—; compound —; dilute—; distill—; ferment—; grade—; imbibe—; overindulge in—; perfume—; reek of—; reel with—; restrict—; stamp—; sublimate—; sweeten—; tax—; traffic in—; —inebriates; —stupefies

    (See whiskey, brandy, beer, ale, wine.

    Lisp (adverbs affectedly; mincingly; insipidly; captivating-ly; emulously; irritatingly;- annoyingly; sibilantly

    (See utter, talk, speak.

    Lissome adverbs

    slenderly; daintily; youthfully; girlishly; beautifully; attractively; unusually; uncommonly; delightfully; softly; yieldingly; tenderly; gracefully; charmingly

    List adjectives

    inexhaustible; extensive; provisional; authoritative; stupendous; representative; eligible; pompous; voting; growing; metrical; interminable; fatal; appalling; shining; gratifying; alarming; casualty; diversified; abbreviated; annotated; prescribed; protesting; mere; certain; inexorable; illegitimate


    approve—; audit—; check—; circularize—; compile—; delete—; enroll in—; extend—; investigate—; muster—; rattle off—; recapitulate—; review—; supplement—; swell—; —accounts; —calendars; —catalogues; — computes; —declines; —dwindles; —enumerates; —indexes; —measures; —polls; — recedes; —registers; —schedules; —scores

    —sums up; —wanes

    (See schedule, sum, amount, account, record, statistics, statement, program.

    Listen (v) adverbs

    apprehensively; indulgently; intently; attentively; dreamily; compassionately; piously; obediently; intelligently; impassively; reflectively; languidly; aimlessly; sympathetically; interminably; gratify Ingly; raptly

    (See attend, heed, hearken, obey.)

    Listener adjectives

    attentive; sympathetic; untutored; intelligent; chance; anxious; uninitiated; puzzled; radiant; discriminating; unprejudiced; admiring; individual; laconic; impassive; wondering; mute; rapt; unobtrusive; defiant; close; trembling


    admonish—; bar—; bore—; enchant—; entrance—; inform—; reproach—; rouse—; spellbind—; —absorbs; —bends an ear; —s chorus; —considers; —eavesdrops; — grasps; —hearkens; —heeds; —pricks up his ears; —regards; —senses; —wearies

    (See audience, congregation, hearer, visitor, guest, crowd.)

    Listless adverbs

    provokingly; languidly; inertly; lazily; dully; carelessly; heedlessly; indifferently; irritatingly; vexatiously; arrogantly; obviously; visibly; unaccountably; inexplicably; insufferably; impolitely; discourteously; insolently; inconsiderately; helplessly; drowsily; distractedly; dreamily; terribly; amazingly; surprisingly; dreadfully

    Literal adverbs

    painfully; punctiliously; insufferably; legally; meticulously; intolerably; ostentatiously; professionally; officiously; unctuously; learnedly; academically; boresomely; unduly; unnecessarily; mercilessly; ruthlessly; unimaginatively; prosaically; mathematically; correctly; severely; uncompromisingly; curiously; exaggeratedly; awfully; uncommonly

    Literature adjectives

    vigorous; national; contemporary; classical; related; city-bred; romantic; descriptive; illustrated; tinted; creative; imperishable; vernacular; inventive; satirical; critical; superficial; current; periodical; obscene; extensive; mainstream; complete; forensic; personal; ancient; primitive; social; significant; majestic; disciplined; prolific; imaginative; vitalized


    acclaim—; appreciate—; assail—; bar—; censor—; create—; criticize—; dabble in—; delve into—; evaluate—; execute—; foster —; haunt—; interpret—; nurse—; patronize —; relish—; revaluate—; sanctify—; stabilize—; unify—; —charms; —communicates; —conveys; —enlightens; —delights; —enraptures; —eternizes; —expresses; —immortalizes; —incites; —informs; —inspires; —portrays; —provides; —redeems; —reveals; —stimulates; —transfuses; —transports

    (See art, story, biography, newspaper, press, essay, fiction, poetry, writing, book, magazine.)

    Litigation adjectives

    expensive; sufficient; recent; weary; furious; prolonged; bitter


    appeal—; clinch—; discharge—; dispose of —; dispute—; evidence—; execute—; judge —; speed—; support—; —apprehends; — arraigns; —clashes; —distrains; —drags; —embroils; —impeaches; —indicts; —jars; —prosecutes; —squabbles

    (See lawsuit, case, suit (law), argument, verdict, results, decision, settlement.)

    Litter adjectives

    sable; terrible; intellectual; huge

    Litter (v) adverbs

    confusedly; untidily; sloppily; haphazardly

    disheveledly; obtrusively

    (See scatter, separate, intersperse.)

    Little adverbs

    precious; confoundedly; pitiably; inconsequentially; remarkably; miserably; cruelly; incredibly; inadequately; infinitesimally; wretchedly; blessedly

    Life (alive') adverbs

    actively; mentally; amazingly; animatedly; perilously; briskly; eagerly; mysteriously; sensitively; energetically; spiritually; fiercely; unmistakably; joyously; secretly; keenly; spiritedly; emotionally; intellectually; persistently; tragically; enterprisingly; exuberantly; vigorously; undeniably; restlessly; substantially; strongly; warmly; wretchedly; vivaciously; vitally; acutely; flourishingly; impatiently; tenaciously; exultantly; resolutely; happily

    Live (v) adverbs

    lavishly; dangerously; originally; expansively; improvidently; actively; profligately; opulently; ostentatiously; excessively; inconsequentially; affluently; gloriously; immortally; significantly; luxuriously; fantastically; penuriously; pretentiously; sumptuously; dissolutely; harmoniously; religiously; precariously; blithely; exclusively; spiritually; economically; abstemiously; scandalously; barbarously; monotonously; strenuously

    (See exist, abide, dwell.)

    Livelihood adjectives

    meager; humble; bare; reputable; honest


    acquire—; afford—; bereave of—; command —; derive—from; draw—from; earn—; furnish—; gain—; grub—; insure—; maintain—; offer—; procure—; reap—; scrape together—; strip of—; yield—

    (See living, support, sustenance, income, wages, salary.)

    Liveliness verbs

    animate with—; frolic in—; manifest—; radiate—; sparkle in—; stimulate—; — cheers; —effervesces; —elates; —enlivens; —exhilarates; —gladdens; —inspirits; — perks up

    (See animation, action, activity, vivacity, life.)

    Lively adverbs

    immensely; joyously; noisily; naturally; un-wontedly; unbelievably; briskly; gloriously; conspicuously; strikingly; fitfully; abnormally; dramatically; ostentatiously; ridiculously; singularly; habitually; disturbingly; pleasantly; refreshingly; enchantingly

    Liver adjectives

    unchaste; torpid; spotted


    afflict—; attack—; congest—; damage—; derange—; disorganize—; impair—; infect —; —deteriorates; —discharges; —ejects; —excretes; —expels; —functions; —lodges; —purifies; —secretes; —shrivels

    (See bladder, organs, heart, kidney.)

    Livery adjectives

    silver; reclusive; religious; gorgeous; cunning; destined; sober; bare; showy; beauteous; humble; drab-colored; gilded; royal; special

    Lives adjectives

    best-regulated; scandalous; infinite; sedentary; weary; frivolous; deplorable; millennial; constricted; barbarous; valueless; luxurious; fateful; uncultivated; eventful; precious; regimented; craven; misplaced; strenuous; acceptable; fashionable; worthy; stunted; solitary; unnumbered; pale; virgin; disordered; imaginative; carnivorous; intermittent; lawless; divided; brutish; mu-notonous

    Livestock verbs

    auction off—; brand—; confine—; corral—; deal in—; free—; insure—; obliterate—; pasture—; shelter—; stable—; tend—; tether—; water—; —grazes; —sickens; — stampedes; —tramples; —wanders

    (See cow, horse, cattle, oxen, mule, sheep, lamb.)

    Livid adverbs

    terribly; hideously; terrifyingly; painfully; awfully; gruesomely; darkly; dreadfully; ashenly; coldly

    Living adjectives

    riotous; monotonous; concentrated; fruitful; flourishing; luxurious; scandalous; enjoyable; precarious; lucrative; gracious; contemporary; successful; happy; reckless; useful; dissipated; sufficient; vicarious; fat; independent; complicated; healthier; clean; ascetic; cheap; moderate; contented; strenuous; satisfactory; pleasurable; honorable; generous; primitive; scanty; quiet; fine; inexpensive; congenial; restful; wasteful


    acquire—: afford—; derive—from; earn—; eke—; fend for—; furnish—; gain—; garner—; glean—; offer—; simplify—; wrest —from

    (See livelihood, support, sustenance, income, wages, salary.)

    Lizard verbs

    •—burrows; —claws; —crawls; —dives; — erects; —flies; —frequents; —invades; — paddles; —poisons; —preys upon; —reproduces; —sheds; —slithers; —suns itself; — swims; —whips its tail; —wounds; — wriggles

    (See reptile, animal, snake.)

    Load adjectives

    bounteous; dark; weary; precious; concentrated; work; moaning; dead-weight; groaning; grievous; cumbrous; harsh; lifecompelling; monstrous; tremendous


    ameliorate—; augment—; bear—; bend under—; bow by—; collect—; discharge—; droop under—; strap—on; support—; weigh —; —burdens; —clogs; —encumbers; — hampers; —impedes; —oppresses; —overwhelms; —restrains; —weakens

    (See burden, weight, pressure.)

    Loaf (<•) adverbs

    contentedly; idly; improvidently; dreamily; disgracefully; drunkenly; corruptly; enjoyably; congenially; wastefully

    (See dawdle, lounge, loiter, loll.)

    Loam adjectives

    fresh; woodland; tenacious; yielding


    Loan ad jectives

    brief; willing; stagnant; inadequate; exorbitant


    acknowledge—; advance—; amortize—; confer—upon; contract—; contribute—; extend—; facilitate—; float—; force—; grant —; inveigle—; launch—; obtain—; pledge —; press—; procure—; raise—; solicit—; subscribe—; —gratifies; —indebts

    (See debt, money, funds, payment.)

    Loathsome adverbs

    unspeakably; abominably; disgustingly; mortally; sickeningly; insufferably; intolerably; uncommonly; impossibly; utterly; completely; horribly; repulsively; detestably; shockingly; hatefully

    Loathing adjectives

    indignant; deepest; instinctive; enormous

    Lobby adjectives

    commodious; magnificent; new; busy; quiet; economical; impressive; appointed; cheerful; furnished; luxurious


    appropriate—; decorate—; frequent—; lounge in—; pace—; page in—; retire to —; retreat to—; throng—; wait in—; — connects; —echoes with; —resounds; — swarms

    (See hall, corridor, passage, room.)

    Local adverbs

    apparently; allegedly; merely; luckily; strongly; unquestionably; evidently; emphatically

    Locality adjectives

    affected; attractive; residential; memorable; isolated; miserable


    acclimate to—; annihilate—: assign to—

    canvass—; examine—; explore—; fix—; inhabit—; investigate—; mold to—; scan—; scour—; search—; seek—; select—; sever from—; shift—; view—; —militates

    (See territory, region, neighborhood, vicinity, district.)

    Locate (t>) adverbs

    systematically; centrally; conveniently; precisely; picturesquely; distinctly; matchlessly; conveniently; strategically; geographically

    (See place, establish.)

    Location adjectives

    pleasant; choice; favored; unexcelled; preferred; ideal; unique; matchless; convenient; superb; beautiful; quiet; splendid; particular; strategic; changing; available; interesting; hazardous; advantageous; geographical; outstanding; efficient; mythical; industrial; peculiar; unrivaled

    Lock (hair) adjectives

    unkempt; curling; raven; clustering; flowing; luxuriant; thin; dangling; straggling; whitened; crisped; snaky; golden; recalcitrant; massy; obstinate; bushy; truant; glossy; sunny; intertwining; straying; shining; tumbled; dense; shaggy; well-groomed; shorn; stiff; flat; dripping; hoary; clustering; sparse; unruly; fearful; floating; silken; careless; scanty; disheveled; plaited

    Lock (mechanical) adjectives

    shattering; languid; crude; mitered; profuse; keyhole; intricate; burglar-proof


    adjust—; design—; force—; jimmy—; pick —; set—; tamper with—; test—; unbar—; withdraw—; —clasps; —clicks; —embraces; —repulses; —resists; —responds; —seals; —secures

    (See bolt, bar.)

    Lock (v) adverbs

    discreetly; cautiously; prudently; mechanically; automatically; modestly; suspiciously; covetously; staunchly

    (See fasten, fix, secure.)

    Locomotive verbs

    board—; derail—; dismount from—; fuel —; propel—; —chugs; —halts; —hammers; —overtakes; —pants; —puffs; —screeches; —shrieks; —shuffles; —speeds; —sputters; —stammers;  —steams;  —traverses;

    wails; —wheezes; —whizzes

    (See train, engine.)

    Locust verbs

    crush—; exterminate—s; —bores; —burrows ; —s cloud; —cymbals; —destroys; — drones; —drums; —s migrate; —molts; —s plague; —rasps; —rattles; —sings; —sucks; —s swarm; —s symphonize; —undergoes; —s descend

    (See insect, grasshopper.)

    Lodge adjectives

    ivy-covered; rude; supreme; nightly; country ; hunting


    abandon—; charter—; confine to—; enjoy —; invite to—; luxuriate in—; occupy—; organize—; repose in—; reside at—; retire to—; retreat to—; vacate—; —accommodates; —comforts; —harbors; —shelters; — solaces

    (See club, home, residence, society, room.)

    Lodge (v) adverbs

    snugly; firmly; fatally; temporarily; miserably; congenially; uniquely; conveniently; strategically; advantageously; industrially; permanently

    (See stay, remain, abide.)

    Lodging adjectives

    inferior; hard; primitive; comfortable; barren


    afford—; assure of—; demand—; engage—; enjoy—; find—; furnish—; grant—; guarantee—; inquire into—; lease—; offer—; procure—; scorn—; secure—; seek—; warrant—; —delights; —refreshes; —shames

    (See shelter, refuge, room, rest, repose, sanctuary.)

    Lofty adverbs

    arrogantly; notoriously; incalculably; ridiculously; eminently; majestically; exaltedly; impressively; imposingly; proudly; tower-ingly; incredibly; tremendously; imperiously; strangely; ludicrously

    Log adjectives

    smoldering; inanimate; unhewn; hollowed; flaming; back; blazing; hickory; yule; drunken; senseless; floating; ostensible; patent; moldered


    batter with—; bear—; char—; fire—; hew —; ignite—; kindle—; poke—; stir—; toast over—; vault—; —chills; —flames; —fuels; —glows; —seethes; —smokes; —smoulders

    (See club, wood, flame, fire, board, timber.)

    Logic adjectives

    unerring; remorseless; persistent; energetic; soundest; dangerous; delightful; rigorous; symbolic; feminine; erstwhile; convincing; uncharitable; unanswerable; aesthetic; dispassionate; vast; cruel; hasty; imperfect; triumphant; inexorable; simple; compelling; pitiless; easy; strict; subtle; inevitable; unyielding; blundering; naked; suicidal


    condemn—; defy—; demonstrate—; endorse —; govern by—; indicate—; judge—; lame —; practise—; question—; reduce to—; refute—; require—; review—; warp—; ween from—; —analyzes; —annihilates; —convinces; —deduces; —determines; —dictates; —evolves; —prevails; —solves; —speculates

    (See reason, theory, accuracy.)

    Logical adverbs

    entirely; historically; skilfully; unfailingly; admirably; justly; remarkably; inevitably; unerringly; alarmingly; inexorably; fearfully; inescapably; undeniably; amazingly; uncommonly; wholly

    Loins adjectives

    unknown; frozen; supple; girt; proper

    Loiter (v


    undecidedly; jauntily; lackadaisically; tan-talizingly; idly; luxuriously; persistently; excessively

    (See loaf, dawdle, lounge, loll.)

    Loll (v) adverbs

    luxuriantly; idly; listlessly; carelessly; wearily; impassively; frivolously; wantonly. (See lounge, loaf, dawdle.

    Lone adverbs

    desolately; noticeably; distinctly; prominently; tragically; cheerlessly; remotely; intensely; solitarily; terribly; remarkably; uniquely; dreadfully

    Loneliness adjectives

    supreme; visionary; abstracted; infinite; mossy; tragic; bowery; unutterable; oppressive; indescribable; multitudinous; infinitesimal; appalling; palatial; dreary; empty; bitter; unbearable; intolerable


    abate—; assuage—; conceal—; decry—; dissipate—; drive away—; evince—; fear—; guard against—; heighten—; overcome—; ravage by—; shroud in—; stress—; suc-'cumb to—; —accompanies; —assails; —engulfs; —envelops; —penetrates

    (See seclusion, solitude, isolation, dullness.)

    Lonely adverbs

    strangely; unbelievably; unaccountably; naturally; oddly; forlornly; unbearably; un-endurably; unnecessarily; distressingly; portentously; infinitely; tragically; unutterably; bitterly; intolerably; drearily; appallingly; indescribably; inexpressibly; pitiably; irremediably; pathetically; cruelly

    Lonesome adverbs

    dismally; reminiscently; gloomily; serenely; lazily; jealously; unhappily; terribly; intensely; peevishly; fretfully; drearily; supremely; absurdly; inexpressibly; grievously; hopelessly; pathetically; deservedly; unexpectedly; remarkably; curiously; dimly; vaguely; startlingly; extremely

    Long adverbs

    extraordinarily; endlessly; interminably; monotonously; unbearably; ridiculously; excessively; remarkably; singularly; extremely; unbelievably; unnecessarily; sufficiently; tediously; inexcusably; unserviceable’; unconscionably; incredibly; diffusely; tire-somely; wearily; terribly; curiously; unaccountably; unwarrantably

    Long (r) adverbs

    nostalgically; impassionedly; wildly; sentimentally; fondly; inexplicably; fruitlessly; morbidly; restlessly; irresistibly; insatiably; singularly; inexpressibly; lingeringly; buoyantly; irrationally

    (See yearn, crave.)

    Longevity verbs

    contribute to—; derive—; endure—; enjoy —; entail—; evoke—; forestall—; hinder—; increase—; induce—; invest with—; procure—; produce—; provoke—; secure—; shatter—; —enfeebles; —results

    (See health.)

    Longing adjectives

    wild; nostalgic; vain; impassioned; sympathetic; premature; indefinite; wholesome; satisfied; strange; unpenetrated; mad; hopeless; immortal; musical; fond; earnest; unconscious; unchaste; new-born; inexplicable; vague; anxious; unceasing; indefinable; passionate; animal; earliest; patent; potent; half-deadly; half-voluptuous; persistent; bitter; fruitless; diseased; morbid; innermost; undefined; restless; ungratified; irresistible; painful; cruel; insatiate; ceaseless; upward; uncontrollable; faded; singular; doglike


    abate—; conceive—; devour by—; fulfill—; gratify—; hatch—; live in—; quench—; respect—; sate—; satisfy—; suffer—; uproot—; —burns; —destroys; —gnaws; — palls; —tantalizes; —tears at

    (See desire, yearning, craving, nostalgia.)

    Look adjectives

    absent; agonized; alabaster; appealing; alert; amorous; animated; approving; arch; ardent; artless; attenuated; backward; bantering; beaming; beguiling; beseeching; bewildered; bitter; black; brazen; bleached; brown; bullying; burning; careworn; colorless; comic; compassionate; complacent; comprehensive; conjunciive; contemptuous; contented; counterfeit; critical; cross; crystal; cunning; curious; cursory; damp; dazed; deadly; deep; defiant; dejected; delicate; delirious; demure; deserted; despairing; desperate; despondent; dim; discontented; disdainful; dismal; dissipated; dissembling; distasteful; disturbed; doubting; downcast; drawn; dreamy; droopy; dubious; dying; elusive; enthralling; envious; expectant; exultant; fair; faraway; far-off; fearful; fear-stunned; flashing; frequent (pl); frightened; furtive; gentle; gloomy; glowering; glum; good; gracious; grateful; grave; grieved; guileless; haggard; half-laughing; hanging; haunting; heartbroken; helpless; honest; hopeless; hostile; hunted; hurried; hurt; icy; impertinent; imploring; indignant; innocent; inquiring; inscrutable; intelligent; intent; intimidating; irreverent; jaunty; keen; kind; knowing; languid; latent; lean; lingering; loftiest; longing; lowering; luminous; melancholy; melodramatic; merry; mild; mischievous; momentary; moody; mute; mysterious; naughty; obdurate; oblique; occasional; ogling; ominous; open; outdoor; pale; pathetic; penetrating; perplexed; phantasmal; piercing; pitiful; plaintive; pleading; predatory; preoccupied; prepossessing; prolonged; provocative; puzzled; queenly; queer; questioning; quick; quizzical; rakish; reluctant; resigned; reverend; riveted; robust; rueful; roguish; rowdy; rugged; sad; saucy; scared; scornful; scowling; searching; seeking; seraphic; serene; serious; shy; shamed; sidelong; significant; silky; silly; smart; soft; somnambulistic; sorrowful; sour; spectral; speculative; speechless; spiteful; sprightly; startled; steady; staunch; stealthy; stereotyped; stiff-necked; strained; stricken; stunned; sulky; sullen; surprised; suspicious; swift; swarthy; sweetest; tearful; thick; timely; threatening; timid; tired; tranquil; truculent; unfathomable; unflinching; ungentle; unguarded; united; unrestful; unseeing; unusual; vacant; valiant; vexed; vindictive; vivid; waiting; wan; weak; weather-beaten; welcoming; wild; whimsical; wistful; wise; withering; woebegone; wonderful; wondering; worn; worshipful; yearning


    acclaim with—; belie—; conceal—; confuse —; evade—; flash—; manufacture—; quail before—; shoot—; snatch—; sneak—; sour —; —challenges; —cows; —probes; —rebukes; —scorches; —shines; —wanes; — wavers; —withers

    (See glance, gaze, scrutiny, glimpse.

    Look (adverbs amorously; beseechingly; cursorily; compassionately; demurely; disdainfully; impertinently; dubiously; haggardly; reverently; ominously; pathetically; provocatively; in-timidatingly; roguishly; seraphically; speculatively; vacantly; vindictively; withering-ly; uncomprehcndingly; covertly; sagaciously; stonily; meditatively; disconsolately; ferociously; ponder ingly; wistfully; raptly; keenly; frivolously; mockingly; sheepishly; woefully; querulously; significantly; incredulously

    (See gaze, glance, stare.

    Loom adjectives rustling; webless; creaking; interwoven; ages-old; wooden; handicraft; triumphant; primitive; magic; precious

    Loom (v) adverbs ominously; thunderously; portentously; threateningly; impressively; belligerently; direly; stupendously; awesomely

    (See shine, rise, appear.

    Loose adverbs

    dangerously; fearfully; oddly; inexplicably; perilously; hazardously; distinctly; insecurely; inexcusably; terribly; accidentally; mysteriously; undeniably; unstably; carelessly; incautiously

    Loosen (v) adverbs radically; sufficiently; comfortably; medically; beneficially; healthfully; scientifically; partially

    (See free, separate, unfasten.

    Loot verbs

    appropriate—; bag—; bicker over—; con ceal—; divide—; embrace—; feed on—; forage for—; gather—; nab—; parcel—; plunder for—; pocket—; ransack for—; sack fo.t—; scramble for—; smuggle—; snap up —; snatch—; strip of—; suckle on—; vie for—; wean on—

    (See spoils, plunder, graft.

    Loquacious adverbs

    interminably; wildly; garrulously; chattily; maliciously; undeniably; highly; endlessly; inanely; glibly; clackily; flippantly; tire-somely; insufferably; amusingly; vexatious-ly; ncredibly; hysterically; verbosely; re-petitiously; dreadfully; amazingly; strangely; nonsensically

    Loquacity, adjectives

    irrepressible; nervous; unlimited; noticeable

    Lord (gentleman) ad jc dives

    stalwart; pampered; truant; absolute; predestined; rapacious; dread; native; gracious; illustrious; dethroned; worthy; courteous; brindled; merry; distressed; mocking; sovereign; faithless; new-trothed; filthy; scurvy; unworthy; unnatural; self-complacent; honored

    Lord (divine being) verbs

    accept—; beseech—; bow to—; cherish—; exalt—; invoke—; offer unto—; praise—; pray to—; supplicate—; worship—; — anoints; —bestows; —controls; —heals; — judges; —masters

    (See God, Christ, Jesus.

    Lordly adverbs

    arrogantly; insufferably; naturally; imposingly; impressively; absurdly; ridiculously; ludicrously; magnificently; splendidly; magnanimously; majestically; distinctly; notoriously; eminently; conspicuously; superciliously; imperiously; incredibly; proudly; laughably; curiously

    Lore adjectives

    slothful; poetic; listless; childlike; astrologic; legendary; idle; mythical; sublimest; exhaustless; technical; nauseous; immortal;

    deceptive; inmost; shining; civilizing; gentlest; lascivious; mystic; legal; golden; preternatural; eternal; divinest


    acquire—; arm with—; banish—; comprehend—; delve into—; exaggerate—; gather —; ignore—; initiate into—; instruct in—; master—; perpetuate—; preserve—; steep in—; strip of—; substantiate—; unearth—; —deludes; —impresses; —misleads; —survives

    (See legend, tale, story, wisdom, learning.)

    Loser verbs

    condole—; declare—; deprive—; deride—; dispossess—; draw—; jeer—; renounce—; ridicule—; spot—; sympathize with—; — beseeches; —blunders; —complains; —deplores; —discards; —fails; —falls; — grumbles; —laments; —pledges; —prates; —protests; —sacrifices

    (See failure.)

    Loss adjectives

    consequent; wasteful; proportional; total; threatened; mournful; irreparable; considerable; excessive; disastrous; serious; unendurable; continual; awakened; prospective; infinite; intolerable; vague; frightful; heavy; trifling; financial; tragic; fearful; trivial; melancholy; sickening; crushing; shocking; inconsiderable; dear; moisture; perceptible; slight; petty; gainful; immeasurable; ultimate; imminent; undetectable; aggregate; lamentable; moneyed; irretrievable; tremendous; frightful; complete; appalling; preventable; numerical; maiden; partial; positive; anticipated; grievous


    absorb—; attribute—to; bemoan—; brood over—; cloak—; compensate for—; concede —; counterbalance—; curtail—; deplore—; grieve over—; incur—; lament—; lighten—; mourn—; occasion—; offset—; outweigh—; recoup—s; redress—; regard—; reimburse —; repent—; report—; retrieve—; smart under—; suffer—; sustain—; swallow—; — anguishes; —maddens; —s mount; — shames; —s soar

    (See bankruptcy, defeat, failure, misfortune.)

    Lost adverbs

    irrecoverably; irretrievably; recently; altogether; forever; temporarily; lamentably; deplorably; utterly; strangely; curiously; terribly; unfortunately; incredibly; miserably

    Lot adjectives

    adjacent; adventurous; vacant; disreputable; enviable; dreary; toilsome; cheerless; loose-living; human; picturesque; unfortunate; homely; future; worthless; scrubby; uncomfortable; cloudless


    administer—; apportion—; assign—; bequeath—to; cast—s; deplore—; detail—; dispense—; distribute—s; draw—s; elect by —; embrace—; parcel—; partition—; remedy—; sacrifice—; share—; throw—in with

    Lotion adjectives

    creamy; soothing; cool; pleasant; unguent


    bathe with—: dilute—; dissolve in—; gargle —; immerse in—; saturate with—; steep in —; vend—; —beautifies; —heals; —perfumes; —purges; —purifies; —refreshes; — repairs; —repels; —soothes

    (See ointment, salve, soap.)

    Loud adverbs

    boisterously; terribly; crashingly; fearfully; impressively; unbelievably; clamorously; deafeningly; tumultuously; infernally; uncommonly; strangely; unnecessarily; unduly; appallingly; shockingly; thunderously; tempestuously; shrilly; objectionably; explosively; unmistakably; insufferably; unbearably

    Loud-Speaker verbs

    boom through—; muffle—; suppress—; thunder through—; —amplifies; —bellows; —blares; —blasts; —deafens; —discharges; —grates; —produces; —shrieks; —startles; muzzle—

    (See bugle, bagpipe, trumpet.)

    Lounge verbs

    assemble in—; dawdle in—; decorate—; dillydally in—; gather in—; idle in—; loaf in—; loiter in—; loll in—; relax in—; retire to—; saunter into—; skulk in—; slouch in—; —soothes; —swarms

    (See bedroom, room, chair, apartment.)

    Lounge (v) adverbs

    idly; disconsolately; unambitiously; lasciviously; slothfully; trivially; comfortably; shamelessly; sensually

    (See recline, rest.)

    Loungers adjectives

    cultivated; suave; beach; dingy-looking

    Lout adjectives

    foolish; gross; clumsy; lazy

    Lotable adverbs

    entirely; charmingly; delightfully; bewilderingly; bewitchingly; fascinatingly; indescribably; inexpressibly; unusually; uncommonly; tenderly; graciously; sweetly; attractively; engagingly; amiably; enchanting-ly; captivatingly; irresistibly; genially; heartily; ingratiatingly; adorably

    Lol’E adjectives

    abiding; absorbing; abstract; adulterous; all-absorbing; all-discerning; ambitious; animal; animated; approving; ardent; arduous; artless; baffled; barbaric; barefaced; beholding; betrayed; bleeding; blissful; boundless; bounteous; brave; brittle; brotherly; burning; calculating; casual; celestial; changeful; changeless; changing

    . chasing; childlike; chastising; chivalrous; clandestine; condemned; coerced; comely; common; co^nprehensive; condescending; confessed; confiding; connubial; consanguine; consenting; consoling; condemned; conventional; corrupt; costly; courtly; cunning; cutting; dear; deathless; debasing; debatable; deep-buried; deepening; deep-rooted; deep-seeing; depraved; descending; despised; despiteful; dire; disgusting; distilling; divine; domestic; duteous; earnest; earthly; eloquent, ejnbittered; emblematic; endearing; enduring; enlightened; ennobling; enthusiastic; equal; entrancing; erring; everlasting; exacting; exceeding; faddist; faithful; faithless; false; fantastical; fastidious; fathomless; faultless; feigning; fervent; festering; filial; florid; flustered; foolish; forgiving; forgotten; fostering; fraternal; frustrated; genuine; glorified; great; hapless; hard-believing; heavenly; heavy; hereditary; holy; highest; hoarded; hollow; heroic; honest; honor-loving; hopeless; humble; humiliated; hungry; illicit; imagined; immoderate; immortal; immune; impetuous; inborn; inbred; incalculable; inestimable; inexpressible; inextinguishable; inextricable; infinite; instinctive; intense; intellectual; intimate; invincible; irradiating; jealous; languid; lavish; lessening; lifelong; lively; light; limitless; living; long-suffering; lordliest; loveless; loveliest; luminous; manly; masterful; matchless; maternal; meek; melancholy; meritorious; militant; misguided; mother; mutual; mystical; nameless; nascent; newborn; never-wearying; new-found; noble; noiseless; obdurate; obscure; obsequious; one-sided; overmastering; painful; palsied; paltry; pardonable; parental; passionate; pathetic; perennial; persistent; philosophic; physical; pigeon; platonic; potential; pounding; predominating; proffered; primal; profound; prosperous; protecting; provident; public; puerile; pure; purifying; rational; real; reasonable; reassuring; recovering; redeeming; redoubtable; relenting; remorseful; rending; renouncing; repentant; repudiated; responsive; resurgent; reunited; reverent; romantic; sacrificial; satiated; selfish; selfrenouncing; sensual; sensuous; sentimental; sham; shamed; shameless; shining; shy; silent; sin-destroying; sinful; sleepless; spiritual; spontaneous; steadfast; stilled; stimulated; stirring; strong; stupendous; sustaining; sweet; sweet-suggesting; tamed; tender; thankful; thoughtful; thwarted; tragic; tranquil; transient; transparent; true; true-confirmed; trusting; truthful; unalterable; unavailing; unbecoming; unbounded; unchanging; unconquerable; undying; unconscious; unexaggerated; unfashionable; unfathomable; unfocused; unfortunate; universal; unlawful; unmanly; unpro-pitious; unqualified; unquestioned; unreasonable; unregarded; unrelenting: unrequited; unrestful; unreturned; unruly; unsatisfactory; unselfish; unspoken; untaught; unutterable; unvowed; unwed; valiant; vigorous; violent; virtue; virtuous; visionary; vivacious; vivid; wandering; wanton; warped; wasted; wasteful; weakening; welcoming; well-deserved; well-earned; well-known; well-quitted; willing; wilting; wonder-filling; wondrous; w'onted; worst; worthiest; wrenching; wronged; yearning; youthful; zealous


    abide in—; arm with—; awaken—; cultivate—; enthrone in—; excite—; feign—; fire with—; forsake—; fulfill—; idealize—; inculcate—; instill—; insure—; lavish— upon; overflow with—; overshadow—; pine for—; proffer—; profess—; recapture—; reject—; revive—; ripen into—; scorn—; shatter—; smite w'ith—; strangle—; sublimate—; —anguishes; —burns; —chastens; — dawns upon; —enchains; —endures; —ennobles; —illumines; —inspires; —reigns; — seizes; —smites; —tortures; —vanishes; — wells up; —wounds

    (See passion, tenderness, friendship, affection, devotion, infatuation.)

    Love (v) adverbs

    irretrievably; immortally; fondly; passionately; instinctively; engrossingly; disinterestedly; possessively; ardently; inordinately; uniquely; jealously; profoundly; devotedly; virtuously; violently; exquisitely; heroically; exclusively; utterly; unrequited-ly; illicitly; carnally; steadfastly; mawkishly; abstractly; adulterously; arduously; artlessly; boundlessly; blissfully; celestially; casually; clandestinely; connubially; corruptly; deathlessly; debasingly; fantastically; fastidiously; fathomlessly; feigningly; fervently; festeringly; inexpressibly; languidly; masterfully; parentally; philosophically; physically; zealously; platonically; rationally; romantically; sensually; sensuously; spiritually; spontaneously; sustain-ingly; transiently; unfathomably; vigilantly. (See like, admire, adore.

    Loveliness adjectives

    solitary; perennial; attractive; boasted; female; soft; budding; informing; surpassing; vernal; uncommon; evanescent; shamed; enchanting; exquisite; ineffable; radiant; virgin; pensive; fragile; lustrous; unnoticed; luminous; chaste; uncultivated; exceeding; passing; tw’ofold; sheer; pristine; inner; genuine; ethereal; breath-taking; moral; unaccountable; unthrifty; winning; supernal; superb; imperious; sensuous; placid; scattered; petite; tempestuous; modest; incomparable; stately; mild; exaiced; opulent; conventional


    admire—; adorn with—; appreciate—; bloom in—; cultivate—; deface—; devour —; flaunt—; garment in—; glow' with—; mar—; praise—; preserve—; sully—; taint —; —charms; —dazzles; —enchants; — endures; —glitters; —haunts; —hypnotizes; —shines; —surpasses

    (See beauty, grace, charm, splendor )

    Lovely adverbs

    charmingly; adorably; indescribably; utterly; delicately; gracefully; delightfully; absorbingly; artlessly; exquisitely; gently; softly; ineffably; enchantingly; radiantly; breath-takingly; unutterably; sweetly; genuinely; superbly; incomparably; incredibly; completely

    Lover adjectives

    tender; considerate; laggard; betrothed: melancholy; disconsolate; romantic; passionate; desparing; hot; beseeching; universal; entwined (pl); advanced; weary; ardent; triumphant; meek; changing; newly-plighted; lifelong; patriarchal; listening; whispering; greatest; fond; ethereal; accepted; estranged; impassioned; tragic; redeeming; remorseful; starved; hesitating; loathsome; lowly; memorable; enthusiastic; forsaken; notable; subtle; clinging; faithful; monastic; unhappy; distracted; true; flaming-breasted; truant; sleepless; sempiternal; pattern; fearful; credulous; youthful


    anger—; deceive—; exact from—; excite—; inflame—; renounce—; reward—; ridicule —; sting—; —beams; —blesses; —capers; —caresses; —desires; —devotes; —dotes upon; —dreams; —frets; —muses; —reflects upon; —repents; —reveres; —s rift; — sacrifices; —sighs; —thirsts; —treasures; —woos; —yearns; —yields

    (See suitor, sweetheart, admirer, friend.)

    Loving adverbs

    ardently; tenderly; exceedingly; excessively; ostentatiously; proudly; fervently; adoringly; idolatrously; infatuatedly; passionately; rapturously; yearningly; wistfully; coquettishly; flirtatiously; excitedly; sweetly; seductively; devotedly

    Low adverbs

    inconceivably; extremely; abysmally; exceedingly; uncomfortably; peculiarly; mysteriously; alarmingly; curiously; inconveniently; unnecessarily; unduly; impossibly; terribly; disagreeably; unpleasantly

    Lower (v) adverbs

    mechanically; cautiously; appreciably; materially; economically; charmingly; coyly; tremulously; bestially

    (See reduce, drop, depress, diminish, fall.)

    Lowly adverbs

    childishly; inconceivably; sweetly; humbly; surprisingly; modestly; plainly; humbly; unpretentiously; unaffectedly; marvellously; admirably; wondrously

    Loyal adverbs

    unaffectedly; genuinely; unquestionably; unimpeachably; sincerely; utterly; undeviat-ingly; sturdily; stoutly; faithfully; constantly; devotedly; unswervingly; negatively; positively; incredibly; reliably; dependably; steadily; militantly; patriotically; obediently; eagerly; ardently; meticulously; tremendously; utterly; uncommonly; steadfastly

    Loyalty adjectives

    unswerving; instinctive; recovered; fastidious; stanch; inflexible; unconditional; fresh; religious; willing; unflinching; enthusiastic; savage; indestructible; mistaken; human; habitual; obstinate; fervent; filial; tenacious; intense; racial; quixotic; passionate; clan; true; ardent; alternate; unwavering; devoted; unchanging; affectionate; vaunted; basic; stubborn


    acknowledge—; attend with—; awaken— chain by—; command—; discharge with— exact—; fix—; follow with—; inspire— overcome—; owe—; pledge—; prof ess-protest—; prove—; retain—; reward— shift—; stress—; submit with—; sustain—

    —ennobles; —flames; —prevails

    (See faithfulness, devotion, love, faith, zeal.)

    Lubberly adverbs

    heavily; awkwardly; ridiculously; laughably; absurdly; good-naturedly; unmanageably; inconveniently; unfortunately; terribly; lazily; massively; lumpishly

    Lubricant verbs

    enlist—; feed—; inject—; react to—; — benefits; —clears; —eases; —facilitates; — frees; —lightens; —nourishes; —promotes; —quickens; —relieves; —smooths; — speeds; —unclogs; —waxes

    (See oil, soap, lather.)

    Lubricate (vj adverbs

    thoroughly; seasonally; periodically; mechanically; systematically; annually

    (See facilitate.)

    Lucid adverbs

    unusually; beautifully; satisfactorily; transparently; clearly; vividly; brilliantly; splendidly; especially; peculiarly; oddly; brightly; curiously; particularly; distinctly; luminously; delightfully; amazingly; astonishingly

    Luck adjectives

    imaginable; ragged; blundering; unmerited; hard; monumental; good; ill; incredible; unearned; foolish


    ascribe to—; bemoan—; beset by—; bewail —; deplore—; earn—; encounter—; face —; fall into—; stake on—; trust to—; — attends; —befalls; —chases; —deals; —deserts; —disheartens; —ebbs; —favors; — mocks; —pursues; —singles out; —soars

    (See chance, fortune, risk, misfortune, reverse.)

    Luckless adverbs

    wretchedly; miserably; always; consistently; unfortunately; habitually; markedly; notoriously; distinctly; positively; unhappily; conspicuously; disastrously; calamitously; deplorably; lamentably; constantly, altogether; pitiably; dreadfully; uncommonly

    LUCKY adverbs

    always; inexplicably; auspiciously; fortunately; inherently; blessedly; shrewdly; deservedly; adroitly; triumphantly; advantageously; inexpressibly; deucedly; remarkably; surprisingly; inscrutably; notoriously; unaccountably; unwarrantably; mysteriously; strangely; oddly; curiously; immensely; cleverly; admirably; wonderfully; miraculously; marvellously; ingeniously; conveniently; boastfully; surpassingly; accidentally; reasonably; assuredly; casually; incidentally; unexpectedly; blessedly



    commendably; admirably; enviably; commercially; happily; duly; naturally; distinctly; definitely; astonishingly; surprisingly; mysteriously; measurably; incalculably; moderately; immensely; tremendously; exceedingly; pleasantly; immoderately; unexpectedly; satisfactorily; profitably; advantageously; curiously; unbelievably

    LUDICROUS adverbs

    immoderately; grotesquely; fantastically; curiously; uproariously; extravagantly; monstrously; whimsically; quaintly; outland-ishly; eccentrically; preposterously; drolly; contemptibly; decisively; strangely; irresistibly; inconceivably; amazingly; intensely; unexpectedly; marvellously; inordinately

    LUGUBRIOUS adverbs

    miserably; wretchedly; inconsolably; determinedly; ostentatiously; funereally; gloomily; ridiculously; inordinately; uncommonly; terribly; unbearably; absurdly; unreasonably; pompously; showily; dreadfully; solemnly; demurely; grimly; disconsolately

    LULL (v) adverbs

    deliciously; magically; miraculously; momentarily; Intermittently; sweetly; melodiously; maternally; affectionately

    (See hush, subside.)

    LULLS adjectives

    reverberate; hopeless; magic; intermittent

    LUMBER (v


    ponderously; heavily; monotonously; peacefully; stupidly; phlegmatically; lifelessly; solidly; soddenly; stolidly; passionlessly

    (See move, walk, stagger.)

    LUMINARY adjectives

    legal; heavenly; glorious; kindliest



    brilliantly; gloriously; effulgently; radiantly; splendidly; magnificently; phosphores-cently; resplendently; scintillantly; shimmer-ingly; intermittently; steadily; beautifully; remarkably; intensely; extremely; unusually



    stupidly; dully; awkwardly; stolidly; boorishly; ignorantly; incredibly; remarkably; fantastically; terribly; inertly; drowsily; heavily; listlessly; languidly; lazily

    LUMPS adjectives

    rude; painful; lifeless; restive; solid; phlegmatic; deformed; soft; persistent; translucent; sympathetic; painless; obstinate; helpless; sodden; monstrous

    LUNATIC adjectives

    criminal; privileged; harmless; wild; rough


    wildly; unmanageably; ungovernably; violently; absurdly; uproariously; ravingly; frenziedly; drunkenly; deliriously; daftly; fanatically; fantastically; strangely; curiously; unaccountably; irresponsibly; suddenly; frantically; dreadfully

    LUNCH adjectives

    well-balanced; belated; frugal; costly; convivial; substantial; suitable; abundant; half-wrapped; cold


    frugally; convivially; substantially; abundantly; swiftly; fraternally; hospitably; gaily; appetizingly; insatiably

    (See eat, dine.)

    Luncheon adjectives

    grim; enormous; hilarious; sacrilegious

    scant; well-attended


    conclude—; cram in—; design—; digest—; honor at—; indulge in—; savor—; scorn—; tender—; welcome to—; —appeals; —beguiles; —cheers; —contents; —inaugurates; —lubricates; —nourishes; —satisfies; — tempts

    (See supper, dinner, breakfast, meal, food, repast.)

    Lung adjectives

    prodigious; spongy; bursting; choked; skeleton; delicate; iron


    collapse—; compress—; congest—; deflate —; enter—; envelop—; examine—; infect —; inflate—; perforate—; scar—; solidify —; spot—; traverse—; waste—; —decays; —expands; —heaves; —labors; —retracts; —rots; —shrivels

    (See balloon, chest.)

    Lurch (v) adverbs

    drunkenly; crazily; perilously; dizzily; rashly; abruptly; sensually; fatally; comically

    (See stagger, sway, roll.)

    Lure adjectives

    constant; obvious; velvet


    bait—; betray into—; expose to—; follow —; inveigle into—; manoeuvre—; risk—; spread—; succumb to—s; swindle by—; — attracts; —beguiles; —deceives; —deludes; —enchants; —ensnares; —entices; —tempts

    —tricks; —victimizes

    (See bait, temptation.)


    delusively; obscenely; lustfully; coyly; lasciviously; sexually; sensually; joyously; suavely; wantonly

    (See tempt, attract.)

    Lurid adverbs

    sensationally; disgracefully; terribly; remarkably; reprehensibly; inordinately; comically; ridiculously; gloomily; dismally; awfully; repulsively; obscurely; deeply; dingily; faintly; ruddily; oddly; strangely; peculiarly

    Lurk (<■) adverbs

    slyly; obscurely; insidiously; deceptively; treacherously; diabolically; instinctively; viciously; grimly

    (See prowl, steal, stalk.)

    Luscious adverbs

    remarkably; admirably; particularly; delectably; deliciously; pleasantly; attractively; invitingly; agreeably; acceptably; gratefully; daintily; delicately; appetizingly; sweetly; richly; peculiarly; uncommonly; unusually

    Lush adverbs

    abundantly; luxuriantly; amazingly; unusually; particularly; freshly; refreshingly; remarkably; juicily; marvellously; admirably; attractively

    Lust adjectives

    short-sighted; careless; burning; monstrous; ruffian; healthy; mad; hurtful; amber-scented; mute; melancholy; sordid; ignoble; worldly; hellish; alien; decrepit; devilish; unnatural; exceeding; inbred; vile; evercraving; coarse; concupiscible; greedy; fleshy; intemperate; tyrannous; ominous; drunken


    abhor—; cater to—; cool—* conquer—; couch in—; extinguish—; intoxicate with—; loathe—; melt in—; quench—; resist—; satiate—; sink in—, —blemishes; —burns;

    consumes; —corrupts; —decays; —defiles

    —frenzies; —maddens; —massacres; — overthrows; —ruins; —scandalizes

    (See wickedness, sin, abomination, iniquity.)

    Lust (v) adverbs

    obscenely; insatiably; devilishly; ceaselessly; monstrously; madly; mutely; sordidly; ignobly; unnaturally; vilely; pervertedly; concupiscibly; intemperately; intoxicatedly; ominously

    (See desire, long.)

    Luster adjectives

    joyless; exceeding; collective; dazzling; sparkling; added; undiminished; feeble; refreshing; smooth; vitreous; glossy; dull; intolerable; classic; freshening; full; subdued; feverish; transient; ethereal; brilliant; iridescent; penetrating; timid; ancient; soft; purer; growing; spectral; hoary; starry; nebulous; pearly; antique; welcome; sulphurous; natural; hungry; original

    Lusty adverbs

    remarkably; robustly; vigorously; unusually; enviably; sturdily; exceptionally; extraordinarily; amazingly; notoriously; dependably; luckily; fortunately; incredibly; surprisingly

    Lute adjectives

    short-stringed; warbling; enfeebling; fragile; long-neglected; ravishing

    Luxuriance adjectives

    tropical; unchanged; prodigal; rank; wild


    abate—; attire in—; burst forth in—; cushion in—; display in—; feed on—; indulge in—; prune—; ransack—; soak in—; surrender to—; taste—; wallow in—; —diffuses; —enslaves; —entices; —flourishes; —inebriates; —overwhelms

    (See wealth, luxury.)

    Luxuriant adverbs

    abundantly; unusually: tropically; amazingly; uncommonly; exceptionally; unbelievably; naturally; surprisingly; profitably;, amply; satisfactorily; richly; incalculably; advantageously; opportunely

    Luxuriate (vj adverbs

    blissfully; joyously; exaggeratedly; carnally; sentimentally; drunkenly; wantonly; profanely; riotously; boastfully

    (See lavish, bestow.)

    Luxurious adverbs

    delightfully; pleasantly; agreeably; actually; unexpectedly; amazingly; indescribably; unconscionably; inordinately; extravagantly; gratifyingly; comfortably; refreshingly; enjoyably; enchantingly; cheerfully; blissfully; extraordinarily; incredibly; elaborately; expensively; gorgeously; happily

    Luxury adjectives

    refined; lapping; useless; unfailing; sublime; elaborate; costly; leafy; swinish; expensive; voluptuous; hateful; sordid; manly; easy; light; innocent; prejudicial; incommunicable; colossal; subtle; multiform; unusual; gorgeous; invalid; higher-priced; rare; harmless; accustomed; profuse; wanton; superfluous; unequaled; almost-forgotten; cramping; attendant; sleek; pagan; indecent; unnecessary; sensual; idle; unobtrusive; quiet; secluded; modern


    afford—; bless with—; contemplate—; couch in—; crave—; diffuse—; dispense with—; intoxicate with—; lack—; loll in—; nurse in —; pamper with—; revel in—; steal—; swathe in—; thirst for—; —cushions; — hinders

    (See luxuriance, wealth.)

    ad jectives

    pellucid; transparent; lava


    absorb by—; discharge—; dissolve in—; extract—; exude—; inject in—; secrete—; — assimilates; —attenuates; —coagulates; — deteriorates; —dilutes; —escapes; —flows; —percolates; —streams

    LYNCH («•) adverbs

    madly; ferociously; bestially; insanely; swiftly; horrifyingly; sadistically; heartlessly; cruelly; tigerishly

    (See kill, murder, hang, punish.


    slumberous; sparkling; sweet-toned; tuneful; darling; lascivious

    LYRICAL adverbs

    sweetly; smoothly; tunefully; fluently; unusually; completely; utterly; curiously; softly; gently; clearly; enchantingly; fascinatingly; euphoniously; pleasantly; agreeably; roughly; perfectly; crudely; correctly; harmoniously; remarkably; magnificently; splendidly

    LYRICS adjectives

    poignant; rural; conventional; occasional; studied; dramatic; satirical; infrequent; sentimental

    Machiavellian adverbs

    shrewdly; craftily; unbelievably; astutely; wickedly; colossally; designingly; subtly; arrantly; dreadfully; archly; crookedly; evasively; viciously; dangerously; alarmingly; curiously; fearfully; insidiously; nefariously; invidiously; profoundly; cleverly; notoriously; deceptively; heinously

    Machinate (v) adverbs

    diabolically; politically; unscrupulously; subtly; insidiously; perfidiously; treacherously; ambitiously

    (See plot, scheme.)

    Machinations adjectives

    sublime; subtlest; insidious; political; perfidious

    Machine adjectives

    unmoral; cosmic; efficient; propaganda; specialized; vending; merciless; infernal; admirable; memorial; vast; fantastic; protected; ponderous; domestic; cranky; undependable; ill-omened; senseless; electrical; slow; expensive; leased; extraordinary; radical; omnipresent; colossal


    abolish—; clog—; construct—; control—; demonstrate—; exalt—; fuel—; humanize —; install—; lubricate—; master—; meter —; putter with—; sublimate—; subordinate —; tamper with—; tinker with—; transmute —; worship—; —accommodates; —clicks; —enslaves; —functions; —roars; —rumbles; —stamps

    (See engine, apparatus, instrument, drill, elevator, generator, dynamo, mechanism.)

    Machine-Gun verbs

    nest—; place—; set up—; —bellows; — blasts; —chatters; —deafens; —drums; — fulminates; —mows down; —mutters; — rakes; —raps; —rat-tat-tats; —rends; — retaliates; —reverberates; —rolls; —spatters; —tattoos; —yammers (colloq.); — crackles

    (See gun, cannon, pistol, revolver, rifle.)

    Machinery adjectives

    physical; warlike; experimental; elaborate; agricultural; complicated; economical; tireless; arbitration; internal; domestic; suspended; educational; cumbrous; subtle; stupendous; disinterested; specialized; budgetary; commonplace; dread; multiplied; comprehensive; unified; irrigating; newfangled

    Mad adverbs

    incoherently; fanatically; hopelessly; incurably; pathetically; violently; distractedly; bewilderedly; frantically; insanely; suddenly; periodically; hysterically; wildly; tragically; irrecoverably; irremediably

    Madman verbs

    arouse—; chain—; coddle—; confine—; cudgel—; enchain—; enkindle—; fetter—; harness—; immure—; imprison—; incarcerate —; infuriate—; isolate—; liberate—; manacle—; overpower—; perturb—; pinion—; pique—; restrain—; shackle—; subdue—; yoke—; —dotes; —drivels; —flames; — foams; —fumes; —gibbers; —leers; — rages; —rambles; —raves; —scowls

    (See fool, idiot.)

    Madness adjectives

    feigned; apparent; inexplicable; amorous; sweet; mingled; incipient; mysterious; strange; mob; tender; autumnal; supernatural; solemn; studied; sacred; solitary; cruel; voluntary; midsummer; centrifugal; harmonious; moody; utter; suicidal; decided; sad; merry; drunken


    cloud with—; feign—; ramble in—; rave in —; —aberrates; —afflicts; —deranges; — diseases; —disorders; —embroils; —infects; —invalidates; —possesses; —ravages; — seizes; —shatters; —taints; —unbalances

    —undermines; —warps

    (See frenzy, insanity, stupidity, delirium, hysteria, mania.)

    Maelstrom verbs

    circumvent—; sweep into—; —agitates; — boils; —buffets —churns; —circulates; — drenches; —flings; —foams; —gyrates; — jets; —revolves; —rolls; —spouts; —threatens; —trundles; —whirls

    (See whirlpool, rain, river, turmoil, torrent, waves.)

    Maga7ane adjectives

    short-lived; humorous; independent; reputable; liberal; entertaining; lively; all-around; popular; foremost; smart; fastgrowing; up-to-date; progressive; incipient; sectarian; well-storied; short-story


    censor—; contribute to—; dip into—; disseminate—s; extol—; glean from—; hawk —s; launch—; linotype—; peruse—; rack —s; sanction—; scan—; set up—; —accounts; —blazes; —chronicles; —circulates; —condenses; —delineates; —depicts; — digests; —polls; —promulgates; —records; —reports; —reviews; —summarizes; —supports

    (See literature, newspaper, press, publication, book, story, volume.)

    Magic adjectives

    supernatural; practised; foul; peculiar; curative; traditional; subtle; powerful; sheer; wild; all-subduing; aimless; lush


    conjure up by—; contrive—; exercise—; influence by—; practise—; reek of—; skill in —; —bedevils; —bewitches; —casts spells; —divines; —enchants; —exorcises; —fascinates; —forecasts; —foretells

    (See incantation, trick, miracle, manipulation.)

    Magic adverbs

    bewildermgly; occultly; cleverly; subtly; amazingly; undeniably; wondrously; miraculously; curiously; strangely; unbelievably; wickedly; ascendanly; weirdly; cabalistic-ally; mystically; mysteriously; slyly; obviously; presumably

    Magisterial adverbs

    officiously; ostentatiously; authoritatively; arrogantly; superciliously; offensively; vexatiously; sternly; severely; harshly; cruelly; tyrannically; rigidly; unnecessarily; ridiculously; absurdly; gravely; solemnly; droningly; coldly; strictly; intolerably; overbearingly; imperiously; pretentiously; stiffly; magnificently; ceremoniously; arbitrarily

    Ma GIST RA TE adjectives

    unmeriting; proud; violent; teasing; lawful; principal; inferior; directing; venal; elective; civil; presiding; stipendiary


    commit to—; impeach—; plead with—; vest in—; —acquits; —administers; —arbitrates; —arraigns; —assigns; —authorizes; —commands; —concedes; —deprives; —determines; —dispenses; —empowers; —exempts; —exonerates; —grants; —judges; — pronounces; —prosecutes; —restrains; — reviews; —sanctions; —sentences; —summons

    (See judge, consul, legislator, governor, president.)

    Magnanimity adjectives

    delicate; unbounded; peaceable; critical; rough; splendid; unlimited

    Magnanimous adverbs

    unusually; dependably; conspicuously; wonderfully; remarkably; unexpectedly; surprisingly; delightfully; beneficently; magnificently; utterly; habitually; unwontedly; unselfishly; generally; loftily; chivalrously; admirably; generously

    Magnetic adverbs

    highly; strongly; amazingly; surprisingly; delightfully; attractively; charmingly; unusually; powerfully; potently; preponderantly; influentially; persuasively; temptingly; irresistibly; unaccountably; immensely; extremely; remarkably


    permanent; terrestrial; animal; proudest; universal

    Magnificence adjectives

    mournful; profuse; calculated; theatrical; oriental; solid; fancied; barbaric; gorgeous; stern; multiplied; tawdry; ephemeral; pristine; unquestionable; snowy; lavish; incredible; wide-spread; somber

    Magnificent adverbs

    splendidly; gorgeously; grandly; sumptuously; brilliantly; gaudily; regally; extraordinarily; remarkably; marvelously; ceremonially; majestically; pompously; formally; highly; unspeakably; beautifully; elegantly; overw’helmingly; stupendously; colossally; resplendently; richly; imposingly; sublimely; matchlessly; impressively

    Magnify (v) adverbs

    stereoptically; enormously; stupendously; gloriously; theatrically; barbarically; audaciously; scientifically; mechanically; prodigiously

    (See enlarge, exaggerate, augment.)


    unwilling; thoughtless; imprudent; poor; lowly; sentimental; lovelorn; wronged; meek; graceful; chariest; expiring; cleaner; sun-swart; deflowered; wretched; deceitful; sprightly, dark-tressed; loud-screaming; ungrateful; uncommon; guileless; kind; virtuous; fasting; blooming; lurking; milking; volatile; butterfly; kittenish; old; heavenly; stainless; recreant; pretty; chaste; simple; buskined; confiding; serving; stately; pale; impassioned; virginal; orphaned; fair; cruel; careless

    Maiden adjectives

    modest; guileless; simple; barefoot; dimpled; timid; white-veiled; sainted; homekeeping; cherry-cheeked; rosy-lipped; burlesque; gleeful; toddling; pastoral; dejected; snow; movie-mad; timid; willful; loose-girdled; affectionate; hapless; orbed; pale; avaricious; virtuous; rigid; decked; broad-backed; unfortunate; bright-eyed; enamored

    Maidenhood adjectives

    delectable; stainless; frank; lean; profaned


    Magnitude adjectives

    enhanced; prodigious; audacious; infinite; imposing; sensible; intermediate; considerable; swelling


    amplify—; comprehend—; extend—; heighten—; limit—; reduce—; restrict—; swell to —; —abates; —diminishes; —soars

    (See dimension, extent, greatness, measurements.)

    Ma GPIE verbs

    molest—; persecute—; tame—; —amuses

    —chatters; —cheeps; —scolds; —shies; — steals; —talks; —thieves

    (See bird.)

    Mahogany adjectives

    massive; rich; heavy; clumsy

    Maidenly adverbs

    demurely; coyly; sedately; shyly; decorously; becomingly; modestly; blushingly; rosily; suitably; properly; sweetly; graciously; conventionally; attractively; quietly; serenely; bashfully; appropriately

    Mail adjectives

    glittering; ubiquitous; outgoing; departed



    assemble—; bag—; bear—; certify—; classify—; collect—; communicate by—; consign to—; convey—; defraud by—; distribute—; flood—; fly—; insure—; loot—; plunder—; register—; rifle—; transmit by—

    (See message.)

    Main adjectives

    troubled; unfathomaoie; whitening; infinite; boundless; molten; azure; pulseless; tideless; billowed; murmuring; immeasurable; moaning

    Maintain (v) adverbs

    stubbornly; willfully; inexorably; unreservedly; automatically; gallantly; scrupulously; peremptorily; diabolically; resolutely; unblushingly; stoutly; intensely; ignorantly; vigorously; inflexibly; normally; agreeably; perpetually; progressively; jealously; adequately

    (See claim, sustain, support, affirm.)

    Maintenance adjectives

    continued; scanty; perpetual; fitting; progressive; standing; adequate; jealous

    Maize adjectives

    tall; spiky; twinkling; sun-loving; ripening; towering; tasseled

    Majestic adverbs

    splendidly; gloriously; brilliantly; imposingly; solemnly; ceremonially; augustly; sublimely; impressively; grandly; formally; pompously; superbly; imperially; loftily; sumptuously; gorgeously

    Majesty adjectives

    essential; ghostlike; wonted; collective; impressive; angered; sluggard; unfamiliar; sheer; serene; characteristic; conscious; outraged; awful; singular; tranquil; dreadful; comparable; gentle; vigorous; tropical; sweet; rare; commanding; overshadowing; apparent; unspeakable; glittering; unascended; inaccessible; colossal; shadowy; mutilated; certain; dispelled; clouded; unshakable; rayless; ineffable; grotesque; ethereal; swarthy; dramatic; imperious

    pastoral; sublime; somber

    Majority ad jectives

    overwhelming; popular; hostile; legislative; phenomenal; vast; handsome; compact; emphatic; bare; preponderant; ignorant; enlarged


    attain—; bow to—; endow witn—; gain—; increase—; pile up—; poll—; purchase—; reach—; render—; sway—; swell—; — balances; —carries; —determines; —exceeds; —overtops; —overwhelms; —predominates, —prevails; —surpasses

    (See generality, age, minority, multitude, throng, crowd.)

    Make (v) adverbs

    powerfully; eventually; inevitably; ultimately; unquestionably; crudely; obviously; inadvertently; advisedly; persistently; unwittingly; unhesitatingly; temporarily; subsequently; superbly; indiscriminately; laboriously; lawfully; delicately; scientifically

    (See create, compose, invent, manufacture.)

    Makeshift adverbs

    cleverly; ingeniously; obviously; carelessly; shiftlessly; adroitly; permanently; clumsily; awkwardly; evidently; dexterously; smartly; handily; pitifully; crudely; presumably; miserably; wretchedly; comically; suitably

    Make-Up verbs

    apply—; blanch under—; disguise with—; renew—; represent by—; strip of—; —ages; —alters; —clogs; —colors; —embellishes; —ornaments; —smudges; —tones

    (See paint, color, disguise, mask, pose, pretense, sham.)

    Maladies adjectives

    putrid; incurable; terrible; relievable; organic; infinite; still-clinging; kindred; mortal; deadly; grievous; past-cure; corporeal; painful; expensive; pestiferous; reparable

    Maladjustment adjectives

    serious; temperamental; deep-seated

    Maladroit adverbs

    absurdly; unexpectedly; ridiculously; laughably; comically; ludicrously; surprisingly; inexpertly; clumsily; awkwardly; shyly; bashfully; deliberately; purposely; intentionally; helplessly; pitiably; miserably; wretchedly; hopelessly; oddly; stupidly; obtusely; gawkily; embarrassingly; shockingly; uselessly

    Malady verbs

    afflict with—; aggravate—; allay—; arrest —; communicate—; contract—; control—; diagnose—; eradicate—; expose to—; immunize against—; infest with—; inherit—; isolate—; recognize—; succumb to—; withstand—; —consumes; —lingers; —menaces; —prostrates; —reasserts itself

    (See ailment, disease, infection, illness, sickness.)

    Male adjectives

    monstrous; inexhaustible; art-shy; dominant; rival; smug


    attract—; lure—; —begets; —fertilizes; — fructifies; —fuses; —generates; —husbands; —implants; —impregnates; —incorporates

    —infuses; —preserves; —procreates; — propagates; —sires; —unifies

    (See parent, father.)

    Malediction adjectives

    profane; patting; bitter; hearty; muffled


    address with—s; bluster—; call down—; fulminate—; invoke—; thunder—; utter—

    —abuses; —anathematizes; —clamors; — curses; —denounces; —execrates; —scolds


    (See curse, slander, denunciation.)

    Malevolent adverbs

    viciously; vengefully; savagely; terribly; brutally; sternly; harshly; incredibly; mercilessly; relentlessly; ruthlessly; unspeakably; desperately; villainously; alarmingly; dangerously; notoriously; infamously; criminally; actively; nefariously; inordinately; utterly; incurably; inescapably; heinously; dreadfully; rancorously; spitefully; barbarously; bitterly

    Malice adjectives

    burning; insane; fairy; devilish; venomous; ancient; fiendish; sportful; serpent; deepest; diabolical; ingenious; crafty; partisan; womanly; warm; dancing; genial; coldblooded; ferocious


    bear—; betray—; breed—; excite—; express —; harbor—; impel to—; impute to—; incite—; intend—; provoke—; recoil from—; regard with—; rile to—; sense—; shudder at—; sow—; tinge with—; view with—; wreak—upon; —embitters; —harasses; — hardens; —harries; —molests; —ripens

    (See bitterness, grudge, ill will, envy, anger, rage, violence, wrath.)

    Malicious adverbs

    flagrantly; dangerously; violently; irretrievably; inconceivably; poisonously; abominably; accursedly; perniciously; viciously; basely; deplorably; diabolically; disastrously; dreadfully; exceptionally; grievously; hatefully; venomously; violently; manifest-, ly; subtly; irremediably; irrevocably; immeasurably; villainously; sadly; woefully; shockingly; cruelly; infernally; atrociously; incredibly; shamefully; iniquitously

    Malign adverbs

    ominously; portentously; dangerously; undeniably; disastrously; calamitously; ruinously; venomously; poisonously; treacherously; ruthlessly; relentlessly; slanderously; incredibly

    Malignant adverbs

    openly; deliberately; studiously; hatefully; curiously; incorrigibly; evilly; desperately; outrageously; cruelly; bitterly; harshly; venomously; truculently; atrociously; dangerously;- poisonously; abominably; perniciously; disastrously; exceptionally; grievously; subtly; sadly; woefully; shockingly; infernally

    Malignity adjectives

    impure; incredible; factious; fiendish; drunken; elaborate; devilish

    Mammals adjectives

    branch-building; aquatic; ungulate

    Mammoth adverbs

    colossally; gigantically; incredibly; unbelievably; inconceivably; immeasurably; monstrously; incalculably; mythically; stupendously; toweringly; overwhelmingly

    Man adjectives

    able; acclaimed; alert; ambitious; amiable; anile; arbitrary; armed; austere; available; avaricious; bad; bald; bearded; beetle-browed; bemused; benevolent; benighted; bibulous; big-waisted; bizarre; blind; bloody; boastful; bony; boorish; boyish-looking; brawny; brilliant; broken; brokenhearted; burly; business; cadaverous; cannon-voiced; carefree; careful; carnal; celebrated; charming; chipper; coming; commercial; compassionate; completed; condemned; conscientious; contemplative; corpulent; corruptible; cultivated; cumbersome; cunning; cynical; dapper; dauntless; deathless; decorous; defeated; deep-dimpled; difficult; dilatory; disappointed; disengaged; disinterested; dissipated; doublechinned; dull; dumb; dusky; dynamic; easygoing; eccentric; effeminate; egotistic; elemental; eloquent; emancipated; embarrassed; energetic; enterprising; entertaining; envious; envisaging; estimable; exact; excellent; exceptional; exemplary; experienced; fairhaired; family; famous; fat; fierce; fine-looking; fine-shaped; firm; fit; Haunting; florid; formidable; fractious; frail; frivolous; frustrated; full; full-rigged; function-free; fussy; gallant; general; genial; godless; gossiping; graceless; great-hearted; gregarious; half-naked; handicraft; hard-fisted; hard-working; hawk-headed; headless; heavy-built; heroic; highbred; hoary; homely; honest; hooked-nose; hospitable; hot-tempered; huge; human; humorous; hungry; husky; idle; ill-instructed; ill-natured; illustrious; imperious; impertinent; impious; incomparable; incredible; incurious; indefatigable; indispensable; industri-ouj; influential; informed; ingrateful; inner; inscrutable; intemperate; intrepid; irate; isolated; jolly; jovial; key; kind; knowing; lank; large; lawless; lean; lettered; literary; little; lonely; lovable; magnificent; magnified; married; masterless; mediocre; meditative; meek; merciful; merry; middle-aged; mild-appearing; mild-mannered; mincing; moaning; modest; much-experienced; mustached; myopic; myriad-wrinkled; mysterious; narrow-minded; new-married; niggardly; noble; obstinate; oliveskinned; omnivorous; overconfident; oversexed; pallid; pampered; patriarchal; petrified; phenomenal; plain-spoken; phlegmatic; plighted; politic; poorly-dressed; pragmatical; premature; primitive; prominent; proper; propertied; prospering; prudent; pushing; puzzled; quiet; rapid-fire; rational; ready; red-eyed; reflective; repentant; reticent; rich; riddled; rising; rough-looking; round; ruthless; sad; sane; saturnine; savage; seafaring; selfish; self-helping; selfisolated; self-made; self-poised; sensitive; sensual; sharp-eyed; sharp-witted; shockheaded; silent; silly; simple-minded; sinful; sleek; sleight-of-hand; smoking; sober; society; soft-voiced; sound; spoiled; sported; square-set; squat-figured; staunch; steel-sinewed; stocky; strange; strange-voiced; stray; studious; successful; sullen; sunburned; superior; supple; sure-poised; sweaty; taciturn; talented; tempestuous; tenderhearted; toothless; tormented; ugly; unabashed; unabsolved; unadaptable; unbookish; unbreakable; unburied; uncompanionable; unfortunate; ungrateful; universal; unlettered; unquestioning; unrepentant; unrevolving; untidy; untutored; upright; useless; wayfaring; well-conditioned; wealthy; well-informed; well-proportioned; whimsical; witless; wind-swept; wiry; wise; worthy; vague; wretched; vain; vigorous; virtuous; yellow-visaged; voluptuous; youthful

    Manacle adjectives

    mortal; menacing; hampering


    bind with—; clamp on—; don—; fetter with —; forge—; —bridles; —checks; —confines; —constrains; —controls; —curbs; —handcuffs; —prohibits; —restrains; —restricts; —secures; —shackles; —tethers

    (See fetter, restraint.)

    Manage (v) adverbs

    economically; dexterously; effectively; humanely; judiciously; exclusively; bungling-ly; artistically; ingeniously; peremptorily; governmentally; politically; systematically; conservatively; prudently; profitably; incompetently; adroitly; admirably

    (See conduct, supervise, administer, handle.)


    easily; smoothly; carefully; thriftily; commercially; financially; scarcely; altogether; strategically; subtly; strangely; readily; diplomatically; unexpectedly; quietly; tractably; tactfully

    Management adjectives

    municipal; marvelous; topsy-turvy; duped; frightened; conservative; generous; consolidated; wise; dietary; bungling; systematic; operative; prudent; profitable; admirable; good; adroit; clumsy; wasteful; incompetent; group; capable; vigorous


    acquire—; administer—; charge with—; conduct—; contrive—; control—; decry—; demean—; denounce—; direct—; enact—; guide—; manipulate—; master—; qualify for—; shift—; skill in—; superintend—; —negotiates; —transact®

    (See direction, government, economy, conduct, charge, legislature, owner, manager.)

    Manager adjectives

    dexterous; peremptory; unyielding; operatic


    install—; —directs; —governs; —heads; — helms; —inspects; —orders; —oversees; — pilots; —regulates; —steers; —superintends; —supervises; —surveys; —threatens

    (See boss, industrialist, employer, superintendent, leader, management, owner.)

    Mandate adjectives

    constitutional; official; illegal; tragic; scholastic; royal; titular


    cite—; comply with—; enact—; issue—; lay down—; prescribe—; remand—; seal—; yield to—; —appoints; —bids; —commands; —controls; —decrees; —deposes; —-directs; —dictates; —enjoins; —imposes; —ordains; —proclaims; —summons; —orders

    (See law, measure, decree, edict, command, warrant, regulation, ordinance, order, summons.)


    flowing; tossing; dripping; luxuriant; braided; hanging; illimitable; plaited; leonine; sudden; flaring


    brush—; corrugate—; crumple—; gnarl—; knot—; roughen—; ruffle—; rumple—; seize by—; stroke—; toss back—; —adorns; — crests; —droops; —erects; —flows; — fringes; —ripples; —shags

    (See hair, mustache, whiskers, plumage, beard.)

    Maneuver adjectives

    adroit; loving; little; ingenious; thrilling; sordid; political; important; inexplicable; pernicious; odious; shabby; perfunctory; legal; sensational; innocent; dishonest; decisive; skillful; polished; ticklish; ladylike; bold; engineering; intricate


    achieve—; circumvent—; commit—; contrive—; design—; detail—; enact—; evolve —; execute—; expedite—; organize—; outline—; participate in—; perform—; perpetrate—; practise—; project—; propose—; sanction—; systematize—; transact—; — conceals; —juggles; —temporizes

    (See method, strategy, tactics, subterfuge, trick, move.)

    Maneuver (<•) adverbs

    skillfully; adroitly; ingeniously; thrillingly; dexterously; perfunctorily; legally; sensationally; decisively; diplomatically; boldly; rashly; daringly; intricately

    (See plan, scheme.)

    Manful adverbs

    boldly; bravely; confidently; courageously; firmly; gallantly; hardily; intrepidly; sturdily; pluckily; resolutely; spunkily; valorous-ly; nobly; honorably; virtuously; dauntless-ly; splendidly; indomitably; stoutly; venturesomely; venturously; admirably

    Mangle (vj adverbs

    hideously; shamefully; murderously; ruth

    lessly; savagely; bestially; brutishly; insanely; stupidly; outrageously; sordidly; perniciously

    (See torture, tear.)

    Manhood adjectives

    generous; neglected; ripe; moral; sober; prosperous; blasted; pitiless; riper; stormy; toilworn; debonair; relentless; martial; remorseless; civilized; sturdy; vigorous; returning

    Mania adjectives

    sad; dreadful; melancholy; fantastic; undoubted; infernal


    amount to—; control—; obsess with—; — abates; —attacks; —crazes; —deludes; — deranges; —enthuses (colloq.) ; —excites; — fades; —impassions; —rages; —wanes

    (See madness, insanity, frenzy, hysteria, delirium.)

    Maniac adjectives

    religious; raving; fettered; gesticulating; fugitive


    arouse—; chain—; coniine—; enchain—; fetter—; harness—; imprison—; incarcerate —; isolate—; liberate—: overpower—; restrain—; shackle—; subdue—; —flames; — foams; —fumes; —howls; —leers; —rages; —rambles; —raves; —scowls

    (See madman.)

    Manifest adverbs

    unwisely; conspicuously; demonstrably; distinctly; explicitly; boldly; strikingly; publicly; fortunately; unluckily; brazenly; shamefully; pitifully; alarmingly; fearfully; clearly; glaringly; plainly

    Manifest (v) adverbs

    obscurely; plainly; vividly; predominantly; broadly; speciously; exclusively; strenuously; universally; frankly; ingenuously; externally; exaggeratedly; conspicuously; whimsically; outwardly; directly; morbidly; physically

    (See reveal, show'.)

    Manifestation adjectives

    incipient; exaggerated; contemporaneous; external; remarkable; terrestrial; temporary; visible; startling; conspicuous; moderate; astounding; fiery; impolitic; practical; imperial; special; whimsical; extraordinary; outward; historical; tawdry; distinct; decrepit; amplified; direct; recorded; morbid; external; troublesome; extravagant; physical


    discourage—; overshadow—; ponder—; render—; suppress—; —alludes to; —attests; —bears out; —conveys; —discloses; —evidences; —expresses; —implies; —indicates; —proves; —purports; —reveals; — signifies; —suggests; —symbolizes

    (See indication, evidence, display, disclosure, demonstration.)

    Manikin verbs

    drape on—; photograph—; view—; —demonstrates; —depicts; —displays; —exhibits; —illustrates; —imitates; —impersonates; —mimics; —models; —parades; — personifies; —projects; —represents

    (Seee model.)

    Manipulate (v) adverbs

    delicately; deceptively; dexterously; mysteriously; tactfully; secretly; adroitly; technically; surgically; automatically; mechanically; conservatively; deftly

    (See operate, handle.)

    Manipulation adjectives

    secret; delicate; adroit; technical; surgical; mechanical; automatic; localized; conservative; deft


    absorb in—; admire—; circumvent—; contrive—; disparage—; employ—; execute—; necessitate—; observe—; practise—; refrain from—; resort to—; skill in—; transact—; —exercises; —stimulates

    (See magic, strategy, trick, mischief, management, treatment.)

    Mankind adjectives

    menaced; married; miserable; unregenerate; redeemed; beauteous


    admonish—; apprize—; beguile—; benefit —; confer on—; edify—; enlighten—; humanize—; immortalize—; judge—; liberate —; present to—; raise—; trace—; —achieves; —deifies; —evolves; —progresses; — wars on; —worships

    (See civilization, world, family, population, race, society.)

    Manliness adjectives

    ancient; rugged; ripening; native; barbarous

    Manly adverbs

    boldly; sturdily; admirably; wonderfully; stoutly; robustly; courageously; valiantly; gallantly; pluckily; resolutely; confidently; adventurously; heroically; fiercely; staunchly; candidly; splendidly

    Manna adjectives

    animal; celestial; hidden; unexpected; heavenly

    Manner adjectives

    absorbing; abstracted; acceptable; accessible; accustomed; acquiesced; affable; affectionate; aggressive; agitated; aimless; alarming; altered; ambiguous; amicable; amplest; apologetic; appropriate; approved; argumentative; aristocratic; arrogant; artificial; artist-like; assuming; astonishing; attitudinizing; authoritative; awkward; bantering; barbarous; base; bizarre; blackguardly; bland; bookish; boyish; brotherly; brusque; brutal; buoyant; burlesque; businesslike; calm; candid; casual; caustic; cautious; charming; chatty; cheap; chilling; circuitous; classical; clerkly; cogitating; collected; commodious; compendious; complacent; comprehended; confidential; connected; consummate; continuous; conventional; coquettish; cordial; corporate; correct; correctional; courteous; courtly, cowardly; creditable; crushing; cunning; customary; dainty; dazzling; debonair; deceptive; deferential; defying; delicate; delightful; depraved; deranged; derisive; derivative; despiteful; desultory; detached; dictatorial; different; diffident; dignified; discovered; discreditable; disdainful; disillusioned; disagreeable; derogatory; disquieting; distinctive; distressful; dreadful; earnest; elegant; embarrassed; enchained; enchanted; endearing; engaging; engrossed; entertaining; enviable; erratic; exasperating; exceptional; exhaustive; expressive; extraordinary; fantastic; fawning; festive; filial; finished; formal; forthright; frank; friendly; frugal; gallant; gentle; glaring; gleeful; greedy; guilty; guileless; gross; haphazard; harmonious; haughty; hearty; heavy; heedless; heroic; hideous; hospitable; hurried; identical; illiberal; imitating; immortal; impatient; impeccable; imperfect; imperturbable; imploring; incomparable; incomprehensive; incongruous; independent; indescribable; indispensable; indolent; inexplicable; ingenious; ingratiating; inimitable; insinuating; insolent; insulting; interesting; intimate; intolerant; intricate; invidious; invincible; irreproachable; irreverent; irritated; joyless; kind; kingly; lamblike; languid; laughing; law-abiding; legitimate; lethargic; lifelike; loathed; longing; ludicrous; maidenly; majestic; manufactured; masonic; masterful; meek; meditative; metaphorical; methodic; modern; modest; monotonous; muffled; musing; native; negligent; obsessive; obstinate; odd; offensive; orderly; ordinary; orthodox; outrageous; particular; overbearing; patronizing; peerless; peculiar; perfunctory; persuasive; pert; pettish; picaresque; piquant; piteous; plausible; poetic; polished; polite; pompous; positive; pragmatic; precise; premature; prepossessing; priestlike; profitless; promiscuous; proper; propitiatory; prosy; protesting; provoking; punctilious; quiet; rational; rattling; realistic; reasonable; reckless; refreshing; reluctant; repulsive; respectable; rough; roundabout; rustic; ruthless; satisfactory; saucy; savage; self-reliant; selfsame; sensational; sententious; sentimental; serene; shoddy; signal; silken; similar; simplified; simulated; sketchy; soft; slovenly; social; solemn; spectacular; spurious; stainless; suave; sublime; substantial; suitable; summary; sumptuous; supercilious; superficial; superlative; systematic; tactful; tender; terrifying; theoretical; thoughtful; touching; two-fold; triumphant; tumultuous; typical; unaccountable; unaffected; unassuming; uncompromising; undemonstrative; undiscriminating; undisguised; unemotional; unenthusiastic; uneven; uneventful; unforgettable; ungracious; unique; unmistakable; unobtrusive; unofficial; unostentatious; unprecedented; unpremeditated; unprincipled; unprofitable; unreserved; unsightly; unswerving; unusual; unwavering; uproarious; urbane; warning; warring; wholesome; winning; vivacious; youthful; laughable


    affect—; acquire—; adopt—; ape—; corrupt —s; embolden—; evolve—; flaunt—s; inculcate—s; modify—; recover—; revitalize —; revolt against—s; tolerate—; transform —; —bullies; —cools; —enrages; —s root in; —shocks; adapt—

    (See behavior, air, method, style, mannerism, vogue, mode, mien, means.)

    Mannerism adjectives

    inscrutable; developing; humiliating; musical; romantic; severe; compulsive; obstreperous


    abandon—; accentuate—; addict to—; affect —; caricaturize—; conventionalize—; endow with—; fall into—; inherit—; jeer at —; mimic—; mock—; ridicule—; satirize —; sustain—; —dandifies; —exemplifies; —individualizes; —simpers

    (See manner, eccentricity, style, method.)

    Mannerly adverbs

    inherently; naturally; carefully; beautifully; pleasantly; agreeably; studiously; unaffectedly; ostentatiously; always; scarcely; barely; urbanely; suavely; smoothly; affably; gallantly; chivalrously; obsequiously; respectfully; humbly; unctuously; blandly; graciously; genially; heartily; modestly; quietly; unfailingly; ceremoniously

    Mannikin adjectives

    flesh-hinged; mortal; god-driven; mechanic

    Mansion ad jectives

    cheerless; mossy; determinate; ostentatious; commodious; moldered; noble; desolate; executive; hospitable; dim; fatigued; reticent; old; feudal; happy; elegant; studious; solitary; heavenly; blissful; rich-chambered; eternal; sun-mellowed; stout; substantial; white-pillared; gloomy; dolorous; marble; noisy; aristocratic; baronial; shut-up; palatial; intricate; stately; extensive; stormy; steady; temple like; beautiful; decorated; colonnaded; antiquated; fragile


    convert—; dwell in—; haunt—; inhabit—; modernize—; occupy—; permeate—; redecorate—; remodel—; renovate—; reside in —; restore—; —awes; —houses; —inspires; —quarters

    (See castle, structure, palace, residence, house, apartment.)

    Mantle adjectives

    judicial; imperial; furred; motley; verdant; somber; russet; silver; curious; sable; invisible; ermine; many-colored; grassy; flowery; stained; autumn

    Manual adjectives

    comprehensive; illustrated; constructive; informative; training; exquisite; helpful; complete

    Manufacture (v) adverbs

    exclusively; prosperously; rudely; synthetically; coarsely; reputably; legally; successfully; preeminently

    (See make, create, invent, compose.)

    Manufacturer adjectives

    coarsest; recalcitrant; obdurate; prominent; exclusive; reputable; preeminent; alert; successful

    Manuscript adjectives

    maltreated; moldered; crabbed; blazoned; lost; delusive; illuminated; scrawly; cuneiform; original: religious; written; quaint; typed; rare; valuable; long-penned


    acknowledge—; approve—; attest—; compile—; cull—; decipher—; decline—; edit —; engross in—; polish—; publish—; reject—; rewrite—; scratch out—; scrawl—; scribble—; transcribe—; witness—

    (See story, novel, message, romance, theme, thesis, volume.)

    Map adjectives

    density; topographical; previous; rude; accurate; road; aerial; changing


    design—; draft—; scale—; sketch—; —acquaints; —apprizes; —charts; —communicates; —conveys; —delineates; —describes; —details; —directs; —enlightens; —estimates; —guides; —imparts; —informs; — pilots; —portrays; —represents; —specifies

    (See chart, diagram, outline, plan.)

    Marauder adjectives

    sanguine; terrible; ferocious; licentious; burglarious; deadly; stealthy

    Marble adjectives

    mottled; blended; breathing; variegated; wrought; remarkable; chill; polished; synthetic; lusterless; ponderous; snowy; chiseled ; cold; imitation

    March adjectives

    torturing; severe; fruitless; tedious; silent; famous; dreary; rapid; forced; cautious; circuitous; toilsome; dreadful; disorderly; victorious; bloody; irresistible; hobbling; retrograde; triumphant; arduous; dramatic; confused; slow; glorious; stealthy; measureless; marvelous; magnificent; unprecedented; stately; prolonged; endless; ordered; steady; stormy; victorious; general; monotonous


    command—; direct—; extend—; force—; renew—; resort to—; retard—; review'—; steal—on; —advances; —circuits; —deviates; —parades; —precedes; —rambles; — shuffles; —straggles; —veers; —wends; — zigzags

    (See charge, advance, action, move, attack.)

    March (v) adverbs

    pompously; triumphantly; steadily; tirelessly; leisurely; endlessly; menacingly; circuitously; stalwartly; uninterruptedly; briskly; morosely; intrepidly; aimlessly; ignominiously; fruitlessly; cautiously; irresistibly; arduously; dramatically; magnificently; monotonously

    (See advance, walk.)

    Marcher verbs

    —advances; —jogs; —journeys; —normalizes; —patrols; —plods; —proceeds; — promenades; —rambles; —roves; —salutes; —saunters; —shuffles on; —strolls; —struts

    —threads his way; —tramps; —treads; — trudges

    (See traveler, tourist, passenger.)

    Mare adjectives

    striking-looking; nervous; high; infuriated; whinnying; placid; brood; riderless; sleek; calico.; thoroughbred


    break—; bridle—; check—; curb—; curry —; groom—; mount—; rein in—; —bares; —balks; —canters; —conveys; —foals; — gallops; —hurdles; —neighs; —prances; — shies; —trots; —whinnies

    (See horse, colt, mule, donkey, ass, pony.)

    Margin adjectives

    invisible; flowery; satisfactory; embarrassing; narrowing; refreshing; substantial; distinct; sedgy; slight; regular

    Marginal adverbs

    broadly; safely; dangerously; insecurely; permissibly; perilously; riskily; hazardously

    M A RINER adjectives

    shipwrecked; ancient; sunswart; chartless; faint-hearted; cowering; cautious; ingenious; homesick; deft; seaworthy

    Mark adjectives

    destructive; decisive; gracious; distinguished; well-founded; separate; dreadful; wedge-shaped; venerable; evident; conspicuous; special; privy; unobtrusive; peculiar; visible; imperceptible; external; transient; deepened; brilliant; delicate; guiding; aimless; unchanging; indelible; tiny


    bear—; better—; detect—; hold—; overshoot—; recognize—; regard—; scale—; scrutinize—; surpass—; toe—; —attests to; —betokens; —brands; —characterizes; — denotes; —directs; —guides; —identifies; —indicates; —periods; —ranks; —relates to; —signalizes; —signifies; —symbolizes


    (See goal.)

    Mark (v) adverbs

    distinctly; gratefully; delicately; unalterably; conspicuously; dismally; boldly; indelibly; obviously; destructively; venerably; privately; peculiarly; imperceptibly; externally; aimlessly; brilliantly

    (See brand, stamp, indicate.)

    Market adjectives

    immediate; limited; glutted; rising; alternative; volume; extensive; matrimonial; prominent; inchoate; essential; public; prosperous; domestic; non-competitive; bristle; eager; growing; wide; open; huge; blooming


    barter in—; bear—; bottle up—; bull—; congest—; deflate—; dominate—; dump on —; flood—; glut—; invest in—; job in—; kill—; negotiate in—; overload—; procure —for; purvey at—; quote—; ravage—; speculate in—; stabilize—; survey—; swamp —; tax—; trade in—; traffic in—; transact at—; underbid—; vend in—; —booms; — fluctuates; —oscillates; —sags; —slumps

    (See exchange, trade, business, speculation, store, merchandise.)

    Marketable adverbs

    permanently; highly; seasonably; readily; easily; scarcely; always; occasionally; fad-dishly; uncertainly; remarkably; positively; currently; advantageously; profitably; opportunely; extremely; unusually; stably; durably; steadily; invariably; conveniently; fortunately

    Marriage adjectives

    mercenary; reckless; indissoluble; heterodox; cradle; wealthy; international; immediate; advantageous; previous; unhappy; crude; dubious; ungentle; placid; conjectural; unworthy; bogged; subsequent; ill-starred; spiteful; wondrous; fat; ceremonious; intelligent; dubious; possible; ideal; continual; intended; somber; imprudent; hasty; impending; private; ensuing; repented; plural; honorable; brilliant; acceptable; sudden; monstrous; morganatic; uncertain; consanguineous; impecunious; impromptu; loveless; convenient; derogatory; ill-marched; idiotic; imprudent; impetuous; necessary


    absolve—; annul—; attend—; bless—; cement—; consummate—; contract—; dissolve —; ensure—; give in—; indicate—; precipitate—; romanticize—; sancitfy—; sanction —; terminate—; undermine—; —materializes; —sanctifies; —unites; plunge into—

    (See hand, wedding, nuptial, union, matrimony.)

    Marrow verbs

    chill to—; convey through—; freeze—; inculcate in—; infect—; ingrain in—; moisten with—; suppurate—

    (See blood, being, bone, soul.)

    Marry (v) adverbs

    inadvertently; subsequently; advantageously; eventually; hastily; shamefully; recklessly; indissolubly; dubiously; congenially; spitefully; ceremoniously; imprudently; honorably; morganatically; lovelessly; impecun-iously; conveniently; imprudently; impetuously

    (See espouse, wed.)

    Marsh verbs

    bog down in—; drain—; dwell in—; flourish in—; infest—; inhabit—; mire in—; . rehabilitate—; sink in—; slough in—; thrive in —; —breeds; —contaminates; —inundates; —menaces; —reeks; —stagnates; —submerges

    (See island, peninsula, swamp, valley, jungle, forest.)

    Marshal adjectives

    provost; undaunted; fiery; daunted

    Marshes adjectives

    malarial; pestiferous; inhospitable; dreary; fever-haunted; deadly; venomous; unmarshlike; treacherous; desolate; steaming

    Mart adjectives

    humming; considerable; desperate; imperceptible; prosperous

    Martial adverbs

    splendidly; brilliantly; gorgeously; portentously; ominously; dominantly; belligerently; contentiously; predominantly; magnificently; noisily; grimly; subtly; ostentatiously; deliberately; offensively; fearfully; daringly

    Martin verbs

    • —aids; —arrays; —attacks; —banks; —s colonize; —s journey; —migrates; — pierces; —preys on; —rounds; —scratches

    • —skims; —smooths; —spreads

    (See bird, swallow.)

    Martyr adjectives

    ancient; unheralded; exulting; patient; resolute; selfish; grave; unpractical; fiery; sainted; magnanimous; crucified

    Martyrdom adjectives

    heroic; disdainful; uplifting; voluntary; long-sought

    Marvel adjectives

    admiring; fantastic; infinite; accomplished; dreamlike


    accomplish—; admire—; behold—; gape at —; paint—; stand aghast at—; —amazes

    • —astonishes; —astounds; —awes; —baffles

    • ■—bewilders; —dazes; —dazzles; —dumb

    founds; —electrifies; —fascinates; —flabbergasts (colloq); —overwhelms; —strikes dumb; —stuns; —stupefies; —staggers

    (See wonder, beauty, radiance, splendor, mystery, success.)

    Marvel (v) adverbs

    secretly; fantastically; infinitely; mutely; impassively; joyously; candidly

    (See wonder, amaze.)

    Mask adjectives

    servile crescentlike; grisly; laughing; smiling; newest; impenetrable: lifeless; impassive; theatrical; acquired; hideous; wanton; deceitful; well-trained; sun-expelling; dainty; waxen; placid; tragic; changing; child-faced; stately


    adjust—; cloak with—; doff—; emerge from —; fashion—; —beguiles; —blinds; —conceals; —deceives; —deludes; —depicts; — disguises; —eclipses; —lures; —portrays; —veils; don—

    (See cloak, disguise, make-up, masquerade.)

    Mask (v) adverbs

    partially; cunningly; demurely; servilely; impassively; wantonly; deceitfully; daintily; tragically; deceptively; treacherously; hideously; ironically; slyly

    (See disguise, hide, veil, masquerade.)

    Mason verbs

    employ—; hire—; —achieves; —blocks; — carves; —chips; —chisels; —constructs; — drills; —erects; —fabricates; —forges; — frames; —heaves; —hews; —lugs; — models; —molds; —rears; —shoulders; — sunders

    (See worker, workman.)

    Masonry adjectives

    roofless; arched; delicate; beautiful

    Masquerade adjectives

    brilliant; glittering; ghastly; savage; phantom; speaking; ironic; ghostly


    attend—; organize—; plan—; reveal—; — bamboozles (colloq.); —beguiles; —blinds; —cloaks; —conceals; —counterfeits; —curtains; —decoys; —deludes; —diverts; — eclipses; —enlivens; —hoodwinks; —lures; —masks; —muffles; —mystifies; —relaxes; —screens; —secretes; —shades; —shrouds; —stifles; —suppresses; —veils

    (See mask, disguise, misrepresentaion, dance, sham.)

    Masquerade (v) adverbs

    bizarrely; brilliantly; savagely; ironically; enthusiastically; spectacularly; joyously; ceremonially; formally; perfunctorily

    (See mask, hide, veil, disguise.)

    Mass (general) adjectives

    heterogeneous; midnight; bucking; regimented; gloomy; immense; agitated; promiscuous; frowning; withered; helpless; physical; mighty; confused; prosaic; frantic; vulgar; ever-moving; phalanxed; unmanaged; specious; aggregate; straggling; celebrated; clinking; homogeneous; inert; buttressed; tangled; wrestling; ungrateful; disloyal; neutral; spheroidal; somber; animated; woolly; ponderous; oscillating; floating; bloated; crashing; continuous; seething; chaotic; heaving; solid; desiccated; melancholy; pulplike; discouraging; whirling; remarkable; gigantic; fermenting; tumultuous; imposing; gummy; ill-defined; nebulous; rushing; roaring; irresistible; flickering; whale-like; luminous; continuous; Immeasurable; indiscriminate; glowing; gross; steely; leaping; sinking; cutting; amorphous; bristling; repugnant; insensible; dark; impending; unbroken; burnished; entangled; pinnacled; conglomerate; gigantic; agitated; restless; incoherent; inarticulate; quivering; resplendent; rough; packed; incandescent; unyielding; accumulating; inanimate; successive (pl); tough; leathery; somber; indistinct; charred; gelatine

    Mass (lump, assemblage, heap, etc.) verbs

    accumulate—; aggregate—; bulk—; cement in—; cluster in—; compile—; constitute—; crush—; disintegrate—; dissolve—; embody —; focus in—; heap in—; integrate—; lump in—; measure—; muster—; scrape—; verge in—; —expands; —ferments; —rises; — soars; —swells; —thickens; —towers; — transcends

    (See dough, generality, crowd, amount, heap.)

    Mass (religion) verbs

    administer—; anthem—; attend—; bow at —; chant—; chorus—; devote to—; give praise at—; kneel at—; mumble—; perform —; worship at—; —glorifies; —invokes; — offers; —salvages; —uplifts

    (See church, rite, ceremony, sacrament.)

    Massacre adjectives

    atrocious; brutal; indiscriminate; cruel; fierce; horrid; dreadful; treacherous; wholesale; judicial; bloody


    decry—; denounce—; execute—; expire in —; frown on—; lust for—;. perpetrate—; plot—; rebuke for—; reproach for—; resign to—; succumb in—; yield to—; —despatches; —enrages; —ensanguines; —incenses; —rages; —scandalizes; —scars; —stains; —threatens

    (See bloodshed, killing, murder, assassination, slaughter, violence.)

    Massage adjectives

    invigorating; stimulating; scientific; frictional; healing


    —enlivens; —exhilarates; —invigorates; — limbers; —quickens; —refreshes; —regenerates; —relaxes; —relieves; —soothes; —smooths; —ungnarls

    (See remedy, medicine, liniment, masseur.)

    Massage (v) adverbs

    industriously; actively; invigoratingly; stim-ulatingly; scientifically; healingly; beneficially

    (See rub, knead.)

    Masses (general) adjectives

    singular; vapory; quadrangular; comet-shaped; thunderous; dusky; cosmic; exultant; dense; congested; multitudinous; surging; accumulated; struggling; huddled; flame-shaped; crushing; impenetrable; enormous; enthusiastic; metallic; hurrying; disorderly; grateful; cross; incensed; yast; bold; fleeing; irregular; illiterate; listening; glittering; shadowy; dusky; dull; huge; menacing; obedient; luminous

    Masses (people) verbs

    benefit—; cajole—; deride—; educate—; enkindle—; enslave—; exhort—; exploit—; ferment—; inflame—; indoctrinate—; lift —; move—; rally—round; subjugate—; submerge—; sway—; tread on—; weld—; —erupt; —revolt; —seethe

    (See public, population, multitude, mob, society, throng, crowd.)

    Masseur verbs

    train—; —comforts; —eases; —kneads; — manipulates; —massages; —pats; —pounds

    —quiets; —rectifies; —rubs; —spanks

    (See massage.)

    Master adjectives

    imperious; profound; lurid; disloyal; captious; contemporary; testy; intriguing; sweet; urban; provincial; absolute; clouted; majestic; unrighteous; supreme; former; money; dish-faced; prayer; inglorious; independent; exasperating; unsuccessful; tyrannical; foremost; inward; school; mystic; industrial; noble; undisputed; accepted; perturbed; indignant; formidable; marvelous} proficient; blithe; shrewd; unworthy; injudicious; intractable; manful; jovial


    acknowledge—; appeal to—; attend—; betray—, bow to—; conspire against—; emulate—; enjoin—; follow—; salute—; serve —; supersede—; —authorizes; —censures; —controls; —directs; —disciplines; —enslaves; —governs; —guides; —judges; — lashes; —oversees; —rewards; —rules; — supervises

    (See expert, husband, commander, employer.)

    Master (v) adverbs

    skillfully; imperiously; profoundly; absolutely; majestically; tyrannically; undisput-edly; formidably; marvelously; proficiently; shrewdly; jovially; injudiciously; dictator-ially

    (See handle, rule, command.)

    Mass ITE adverbs

    enormously; awkwardly; stupendously; impossibly; overwhelmingly; grotesquely; strangely; ponderouslv; grossly; monstrously

    Mast adjectives

    staggering; derrick-like; ripened; tapering; straining; naked; raking; towering; broken; snapped


    clamber up—; erect—; lash to—; lower—; nail to—; raise—; rig—; sail before—; spring—; step—; strain—; —creaks; —extends; —rises; —splinters; —supports; — sustains; —sways

    (See post, beam.)

    Masterpiece adjectives

    ambitious; fair; exquisite; crisp; vivid; brief; restrained; unequaled; unsurpassed; literary; involuntary; eminent; symphonic; heroic


    acclaim—; accomplish—; achieve—; applaud—; appreciate—; cast—; chance upon —; contemplate—; emulate—; esteem—; examine—; extol—; hail as—; interpret—; laud—; match—; pay tribute to—; praise —; reproduce—; rival—; study—; transcribe—; value—; work—; —excels; —depicts; —portrays; —reposes in; —surpasses; —survives; —transcends

    (See picture, photograph, portrait, painting, model, plan, statue.)

    Mastery adjectives

    unrivaled; intelligent; barbarous; seductive; technical: imperfect; physical; complete


    aim at—; assay—; assert—; assume—; attain—; command—of; crown with—; dispute—; distinguish by—; exercise—; gain —; maintain—; match—; perform with—; prove—; regain—; relinquish—; spur to—; strive for—; struggle for—; surpass—; wield—; —awes; —dominates; —prevails


    (See perfection, proficiency, skill.

    Match (fire) verbs

    apply—; dip—; extinguish—; ignite—; impregnate—; quench—; scratch—; smother —; tip—; touch off—; —chars; —devours; —dies; —enkindles; —flickers; —fuses; — glows; —incinerates; —simmers; —singes; —smoulders ; —sputters

    (See lamp, light, flame, fire.

    Match (general) adjectives

    brilliant; unwise; brief; ordinary; shameful; suitable; mad; rich; honorable; championship; unholy; inappropriate; love

    Match (parallel, mate, boot, etc.) verbs

    arrange—; challenge to—; compete i -; contest—; enter—; judge—; negotiate—; officiate at—; promote—; prove—for; regulate—; scorn—; spurn—; view—; witness —; —corresponds; —duplicates; —mirrors

    —parallels; —pairs; —resembles

    (See bout, fight, race (sport), contest.

    Match (v) adverbs

    equally; boldly; madly; rashly; foolhardily; brilliantly; unwisely; honorably; shamefully; improvidently

    (See oppose, challenge, defy, dare.

    Mate adjectives

    trembling; truant; incongruous; all-beautiful; nested; afflicted; vile; sincere; sweet; shivering; unloved; lovely; unkind; brooding; equal; imprudent; inharmonious; beauteous


    abandon—; choose—; compete for—; desert

    —; discard—; divorce—; espouse—; estrange from—; forsake—; guard—; join —; protect—; quit—; relinquish—; renounce —; vie for—; —matches; —parallels; —resembles

    (See comrade, husband, wife, friend.

    Material (general) adjectives

    biographical; suggestive; front-page; illustrative; corrosive; supplementary; ennobling; inexhaustible; complex; delicate; gauzy; acoustical; intellectual; suitable; biblical; health; preserved; objectionable; documentary; infinite; mournful; hilarious; extensive; tangible; concentrated; factual; authoritative; vast; repressed; anthropological; exquisite; impressionable; ample; outside; moraine; underworld; heterogeneous; mailable; muscle-building; copious; rustable; combustible; superfine; prepared; quality*; misleading; rubberlike; tenacious; unpromising; noble; rugged; infantile; washable; special; volatile; polished; positive; elastic; unformed; nutritive; discordant; packaging; cool; raw; molten; protective; illustrative; septic; superlative; conglomerating; basic; rude; superfluous; durable; versatile; abrasive; miraculous; abundant; unimpeachable; picturesque; inorganic; fragmentary; coarse; scanty; shining; intractable; disjointed; choicest; insulating; mulch; thematic

    Material (information \ verbs absorb—; accumulate—; amass—; arrange —; array—; assemble—; assort—; catalogue—; collect—; compile—; concentrate on —; delve into—; digest—; disseminate—; gather—; glean—; group—; jot down—; marshal—; muster—; rake up—; reduce—; sift—; simplify—; treat—; unify—

    (See knowledge, facts, science, copy, information, wisdom.

    Material (matter) verbs

    allot—; amass—; apportion—; assemble—; consume—; derive—from; drain—; exhaust —; expend—; garner—; heap—; lay in—; load—; manipulate—; measure—; order—; reserve—; sift—; squander—; stock with—; store—; waste—; —fritters away

    (See cloth, drapery, ingredients, supply, food, merchandise.) adverbs

    grossly; flagrantly; selfishly; highly; essentially; vitally; fundamentally; gravely; eminently; indispensably; crassly; seriously; urgently )

    Materialism adjectives

    ruthless; dialectical; advanced; practical; lifeless; brutal; unreligious; coarse; scientific; crass


    absorb by—; accentuate—; cloak—; degen erate into—; disparage—; infest with—; lapse into—; shrink from—; sink into—; tend to—; transmute—; —blasphemes; — desecrates; —doubts; —hardens; —perverts; —profanes; —questions; —scorns; — wanes

    (See modernism, paganism, atheism, realism.)

    Maternal adverbs

    fondly; fiercely; tenderly; solicitously; possessively; obsessively; jealously; proudly; comfortingly; unduly; naturally; habitually; admirably; charmingly; sweetly; placidly; serenely; imperturbably; dominantly; indulgently; good-humoredly; warmly; softly; bounteously; generously; providently; curiously; thoughtfully

    Mathematics verbs

    advance by—; apply—; base on—■; compile by—; demonstrate—; depend on—; dispute —; fathom by—; ferret out by—; formulate —; introduce—; —computes; —disciplines; —educes; —enthralls; —sharpens; —solves

    —systematizes;  —trains;  —verifies;  


    (See science, logic, solution, problem.)

    Mating adjectives

    auspicious; seasonal; beneficial; integral

    Matriarchal adverbs

    venerably; insistently; tyrannically; gently; tenaciously; uncommonly; highly; imperiously; oddly; naturally; unyieldingly; obviously; irrevocably; proudly; haughtily

    Matrimony verbs

    abhor—; blast—; cloud—; commit to—; consent to—; dissolve—; enjbark on—; entice into—; evade—; reconcile to—; sacrifice to —; scorn—; spurn—; surrender to—; — circles; —exacts; —knits; —mars; —preserves; —shackles; —survives; —torments


    (See marriage, wedding, nuptials, union.)

    Matron adjectives

    substantial; sober; ancient; stately; ailing; bulky; sharp-faced; fluttering; dignified; sober-suited; modest; pedantic; gracious; haughty


    appoint—; tip—; train—; vest in—; —administers; —assists; —cradles; —furnishes; —inspects; —manages; —obliges; —presides —reinforces; —resides; —serves; — superintends; —supervises; —supplies

    (See servant, housekeeper, wife.)

    Maternity verbs

    anticipate—; arouse—; balk at—; delight in —; endear to—; exalt—; guard—; impair —; overwhelm by—; prepare for—; prevent —; pride in—; recognize—; train for—; — bores; —nauseates; —secures

    Matronly adverbs

    pleasantly; proudly; unexpectedly; charmingly; admirably; sedately; demurely; comfortably; serenely; imperturbably; undeniably; sweetly; graciously; happily; gently; tranquilly; placidly; remarkably

    Matter adjectives

    subject; specific; triturated; perfunctory; doleful; heterogeneous; inconsequential; unimportant; spiritual; combustible; urgent; prudential; luminous; worldly; esoteric; indigent; trivial; imminent; spiritual; superficial; heavy; calcareous; internal; fixed; fluid; humid; dry; unctuous; crude; hard; soft; simple; veiny; compound; similar; organical; imponderable; extraneous; controversial; inevitable; critical; unpalatable; speculative; jesting; granular; erupted; exterior; analogous; ample; essential; brute; country; mineral; weighty; pertinent; waste; baser; suspended; countless (pl); theoretical; pecuniary; impending; critical; putrid; encrusted; tarry; bare; nitrogenous; stony; regrettable; indolent; protuberant; empty; forgotten; ecclesiastical; inert; testamentary; suspended; mighty; graver; inexhaustible; commonplace; relevant; remote; subtle; indifferent; inflammable; financial; earnest; hideous; abstruse; fascinating; temporal; coloring; worthy; woody; perishable; money; unattainable; carbonaceous; artistic; grave; morbid; cognate


    adjust—; aggravate—; brood over—; clinch —; deal with—; debate—; deliberate—; discuss—; dispute—; elucidate—; expedite—; forsake—; go to the root of—; inquire into —; judge—; mince—s; ponder—; press—; report—; shape—; simplify—; smooth—; visualize—; weigh—; —drifts; —engages; —engrosses; —lingers; —pertains to

    (See business, affair, event, question, problem.)

    Mattress verbs

    construct—; fluff—; handle—; hollow—; hump—; launder—; lug—; pad—; quilt—; stitch—; strain—; stuff—; tuck under—; tuft—; —comforts; —cushions; —eases; — molds; —pits; —refreshes; —supports

    (See bed, pillow.)

    Mature adverbs

    suddenly; undeniably; admirably; sensibly; sagaciously; sturdily; responsibly; unexpectedly; remarkably; curiously; strangely; surprisingly; reasonably; sufficiently; presumably; scarcely; thoroughly; progressively; strikingly; completely; fully; obviously; fairly; terribly; precociously; indescribably; gratifyingly; wisely; emotionally; physically; appallingly; supposedly; intellectually; unquestionably

    Maturity adjectives

    fairest; complete; precocious; ripened; mysterious; surprising; hypothetical; indescribable; emotional; warm; rapid; cold; respectable; serene; luxuriant; sumptuous; buxom


    abide till—; approach—; attain—; grow in —; impede—; merge into—; settle into—; tarry—; undergo—; —charms; —limits; — mellows; —ripens; —subdues; —sweetens; —teaches; —transforms

    (See development.)

    Maudlin adverbs

    drunkenly; foolishly; senselessly; incoherently; intoxicatedly; joyously; merrily; crazily; utterly; stupidly; oddly; disgustingly; hopelessly; helplessly; egregiously; heavily; tip-sily; gloriously; comically; shamefully; happily; irresponsibly; excitedly; hysterically

    Mauve adjectives

    soft; pale; brilliant

    Maxim adjectives

    horrible; favorite; terse; common; sublime; wholesome; elevated; political; shrewd; sagacious; execrable; salutary; ethical; moral; polite; profane; semibarbarous


    apply—; coin—; comprehend—; condense into—; consider—; defend—; draw from—; interpret—; invoke—; mold—; observe—; propose—; retain—; speculate on—; weigh —; —concludes; —directs; —embodies; — guides; —philosophizes; —relates to

    (See adage, proverb.)

    Maximum verbs

    assign—; attain—; calculate—; conduct to —; distend to—; establish—; reach—; record—; test—; strain—; strike—; weigh—; —bears; —corresponds; —limits

    (See amount, average, degree, position, status, limit.)

    Maze adjectives

    quaint; murmuring; surging; tangled; institutional ;• flitting; uncouth; moon-loved; flowery; backward; vague; hopeless; musky-circled; mirthful; tortuous; statistical; mystic; intriguing; shadowy; winding; insane; bewitching; laborious; shifting; curious; intoxicating


    crack—; dissolve—; entangle in—; extricate from—; grope through—; guide through—; immure in—; retrace—; struggle through —; submerge in—; wander in—; weave—; —bewilders; —confounds; —confuses; •— entwines; —perplexes; —puzzles; —twists; —winds; —wreathes

    (See mystery, perplexity, problem.)

    Meadow adjectives

    romantic; grassy; intervening; frost-flowered; luxuriant; bloody; fruitful; slushy; starry; outlying; tender; enameled; smooth; saturated; dewy; serene; mountain; sheltered; bright; undulating; extensive; quaint; parched; dim-seen; damp; open; homely; scorching; laughing; swelling; rolling; billowy; unmown; emerald.


    amble through—; crop—; cultivate—; drench—; dress—; luxuriate in—; mow—; paint—; parch—; pasture in—; plough—; prance in—; romp in—; stain—; —blooms

    —extends; —invites; —scents; —slopes

    (See field, grass, flowers, plant, country, lawn.)

    Meagre adverbs

    pitifully; scantily; miserably; wretchedly; pitiably; deplorably; lamentably; pathetically; unnecessarily; unaccountably; unreasonably; criminally; stingily; meanly; cruelly; bitterly; hopelessly; desperately; incredibly; unbelievably; meretriciously; skimpily; contemptibly

    Meal adjectives

    supplementary; sunset; ominous; scanty; small; floating; satisfying; well-balanced; belated; abominable; miserable; vegetable; frugal; hearty; hast?’; elaborate; slender; indigested; sumptuous; savory; lavish; hot; jovial; quick; homelike; sailor-cooked; quiet; infantile; dismal; miraculous; assured; plenteous; solitary; luxurious; economical; accustomed; superb; delectable; tempting; perfect; appetizing; famous; marvelous; generous; tasty; home-cooked; thrilling; abundant


    beg—; consume—; despatch—; dispose of —; enhance—; lubricate—; relish—; savor —; snatch—; terminate—; —nourishes; — proceeds; —sustains; —tempts

    (See dinner, luncheon, food, breakfast, supper.)

    Mealy-Mouthed adverbs

    insufferably; perversely; pretentiously; humbly; deceitfully; mendaciously; perfidiously; hypocritically; cunningly; insidiously; treacherously; invidiously; trickily; meretriciously; atrociously; abominably; satirically; inconceivably

    Mean adverbs

    abominably; terribly; stingily; viciously; maliciously; horribly; incredibly; inordinately; unbelievably; brutally; cruelly; bitterly; greedily; shamefully; despicably; outrageously; disgracefully; treacherously; selfishly; jealously; enviously

    Meaning adjectives

    mysterious; common; inexpressible; pathetic; doubtful; mythical; majestic; secondary; imploring; earnest; ominous; ambiguous; solemn; veiled; gentle; odious; candid; double; true; remote; ultimate; uncertain; specific; significant; obvious; generous; wicked; eucharistic; fearful; undecipherable; patriotic; platonic; heavenly; universal; philosophical; shrunken; painful; lawful; mean; historic; symbolic; irresolute; serious; deadly; unmistakable; plain; dark; intelligible; cloudy; abstruse; legitimate; moral; profound; folded; hideous; concrete; precise; borrowed; infinite; intellectual; spiritual; unaffected; unattractive; huge; hybrid; cryptic; secular; sexual; incredible; second; elusive; considerable; instant; involved; vague; express; accumulated; vital


    absorb—;    adulterate—;    apprehend—

    ascribe—to; bestow—upon; clarify—; comprehend—; discover—; elaborate on—; elucidate—; embody—; extricate—from; grasp —; illustrate—: imply—; impregnate with —; pervert—; ponder—; reflect upon—; seek—; sum up—; translate—; weigh’with —; wresle with—; attach—to

    (See reason, significance.

    MEANS adjectives

    iniquitous; effective; downright; legitimate; solid; extraordinary; vociferous; plunging; continuous; ample; systematic; peaceful; prying; drastic; efficient; radical; clumsy; hygienic; scantiest; slender; superficial; rapid; showy; artificial; honorable; comfortable; undue; subtle; unlawful; effectual; vast; superior; remote; mysterious; unexplained; considerable; subservient; further; highhanded; useful; indispensable; occult; earthly; inarticulate; mechanical; pecuniary; approved; devious; gigantic; accidental; instrumental; faint; conflicting; realistic; blessed; inadequate; extremest; practicable; readiest; apparent; double; abundant; unrestra.ned; speediest; lavish; quick; individual; moderate; miraculous; flagitious; potent; valuable; creditable; instinctive


    adopt—; attain—; contrive—; desire—; devise—; employ—; find—; invent—; meditate on—; outline—; resort to—; secure—; supplant—; suggest—

    (See agency, method, way, manner, policy.


    afflict with—; attack W’ith—; convey—; develop—; dispose to—; immunize to—; isolate—; stud with—; usher in—; —abates; —blotches; —endangers; —erupts; —fades; —infects; —invades; —patches; —spreads; —stains; —weakens

    (See sickness, malady, disease, smallpox.

    MEASURE (general) adjectives

    effectual; dictatorial; decisive; mystic; unconstitutional; delightful; harsher; faltering; aesthetic; star; buskined; domestic; extreme; classical; diminished; good; considerate; large; hostile; rustic; merriest; precautionary; equal; discriminatory; infinite; quaint; drastic; pending; intemperate; judicious; repressive; defiant; pure-toned; irregular; solemn; unattainable; compulsory; undeserved; hygienic; conservative; corrective; preventive; ra lical; contemptuous; potent; energetic; conciliatory; violent; pernicious; tempestuous; sinister; undaunted; scant; retaliatory; large; fluctuating; rhythmical; brimming; galloping; tuneful; vigorous; airy; stringent; generous; just; final; unexpected; accurate; weightiest; flowing; unrhymed; stately; financial; sweeping; inevitable; hostile; ample; aggressive; individual; tyrannical; dusty; highhanded; swelling; smallest; compromise; dulcet; preliminary; prompt; satisfactory; boundless; sterilizing; sufficient; proposed; doubtful; desperate; tedious; irregular; considerate; quantitative; rude; severe; vulgar; hasty; lavish; strained; pacific; debated; stark; concentrated; burning; central; centuried; organic; diverse (pl); eugenic; suitable; disciplinary; ruinous; emergency; corresponding; undreamed; contestable; gracious; bold; oppressive

    MEASURE (legislation, course.') verbs adopt—; advance—; advocate—; block-—; combat—; defy—; effect—; enact—; enforce—;   execute—;   exert—s;   force

    through; install—; institute—; introduce—; outlaw—; pilot—; promote—; promulgate —; reject—; repass—; resort to—; subscribe to—; suggest—; threaten with—s; — affords relief; —clamps down on; —corrects; —embodies; —embraces; —evolves from

    (See bill, law, rule, ordinance, statute, mandate.

    MEASURE (v) adverbs scientifically; mechanically; accurately; consciously; effectually; constitutionally; aesthetically; mystically; classically; equally; intemperately; judiciously; financially; individually; tediously; quantitatively; lavishly; radically

    (See gauge, rule, estimate.

    Measurements adjectives

    micrometrical; accurate; geodetic; refined


    adopt—; appraise for—; ascertain—; calculate—; cling to—; collect—; confirm—; deduce—; derive—; determine—; estimate —; probe—; reckon—; report—; review—; sound—; stipulate—; —allow; —coincide with

    (See magnitude, size, dimension.)

    Meat adjectives

    lean; sizzling; homely; substantial; immortal; choleric; wretched; corrupted; unctuous; miserable; wholesome; manufactured; perishable; fatty; generous; preserved; tainted


    abstain from—; broil—; brown—; carve—; consume—; crave—; dispatch—; dive into —; dress—; dry—; extract from—; grill—; grind—; inspect—; market—; parch—; pickle—; prepare—; refrigerate—; roll—; salt—; savor—; shred—; store—; tenderize —; tub—; weigh—; —ages; —deteriorates; —putrefies

    (See flesh, game, food, stew.)

    Mechanic adjectives

    shrewd; roused; expert; trained; competent; skilled

    Mechanical adverbs

    cleverly; ingeniously; dexterously; marvelously; dully; automatically; altogether; accurately; conveniently; advantageously; profitably; precisely; unerringly

    Mechanism adjectives

    literal; extremely delicate; intricate; lifeless; wondrous; dexterous; primary; gorgeous; elaborate; inanimate; greasy; interior; insensate; unconscious; instrumental


    acquaint with—; analyze—; approve—; construct—; design—; develop—; explain—; improve—; inspect—; install—; invent—; operate—; substitute—; tampei with—; tinker with—; understand—; —eases; — performs; —specializes; —speeds

    (See gear, engine, machine, dynamo, apparatus.)

    Medal verbs

    accord—; award—; bestow—; cast—; confer—; decorate with—; engrave—; favor with—; grant—; honor with—; inscribe on—; jingle—s; mold—; present with—; prize—; strike—; —commemorates; —distinguishes; —encourages; —records; —represents; —signifies; —symbolizes

    (See laurels, trophy, . badge, memorial, reward.)

    Meddlesome adverbs

    vexatiously; irritatingly; maliciously; incredibly; unaccountably; maddeningly; incurably; offensively; unpleasantly; disagreeably; unbelievably; busily; officiously; unpardonably; intrusively; invidiously; atrociously; inexcusably; curiously; inquisitively; inveterately; unscrupulously; incorrigibly; grievously

    Media adjectives

    sympathetic; turbid; diffracting; fluctuating

    Medication adjectives

    pre-anesthetic; proper; penetrating; soothing

    Medicinal adverbs

    warrantably; highly; splendidly; advantageously; incidentally; profitably; strangely; oddly; beneficially; opportunely; properly; admirably; wonderfully; extraordinarily; amazingly; surprisingly; unaccountably; extremely; acceptably; uncommonly; usefully

    Medicine adjectives

    loathed; cooling; sudorific; preventive; multiplying; domestic; reform; heavenly; native; proprietary; astringent


    administer—; anoint with—; dispense—; endorse—; gulp down—; instil—; measure—; overdose with—; prescribe—; reject—; specialize in—; swallow—; verse in—; — allays; —alleviates; —palliates; —purges

    (See iodine, emetic, enema, laxative, liniment.)

    Mediocre ad-verbs

    hopelessly; indefensibly; undeniably; stupidly; dully; stodgily; uninterestingly; bore-somely; tediously; monotonously; crudely; crassly; inexcusably; unaccountably; surprisingly; amazingly; terribly; unexpectedly; unwarrantably; awkwardly; provincially; tiresomely; dreadfully; pitiably; miserably; wretchedly

    Mediocrity adjectives

    solemn; witless; practiced; superlative


    allow—; approve—; attain—; avoid—; condemn—; cringe in—; criticize—; disparage —; lift from—; respect—; —begets; —endures; —eclipses; —perseveres; —starves; —subjugates; —succeeds

    (See inferiority.)

    Meditate (v) adverbs

    pensively; gloomily; seriously; morbidly; sedately; dispassionately; bitterly; wilfully; restlessly; whimsically; religiously; serenely; monotonously; characteristically; habitually

    (See muse, ponder, reflect, think.)

    Meditation adjectives

    profound; portentous; heavenly; important; threadbare; silent; devout; thoughtless; restless; solemn; pensive; starred; whimsical; crude; fearful; plotting; holy; rapid; sullen; lofty; numerous (pl); serene; reconstructive; continual


    abide in—; absorb in—; bathe in—; build in—; discern through—; draw from—; fall into—; fix in—; immerse in—; neglect—

    recall in—; recess in—; recline in—; shroud in—; spend in—; steep in—; wander in—

    weave in—; wrap in—; —ensures; — nurses; —solaces; —strengthens

    (See contemplation, thought, philosophy, reflection, reverie.)

    Meditative adverbs

    gravely; quietly; habitually; temperamentally; strangely; naturally; seriously; soberly; deeply; profoundly; studiously; reminiscently; remarkably; unduly; thoughtfully; inscrutably; solemnly; earnestly; dangerously; pensively; wistfully; philosophically; pointedly

    Medium adjectives

    congenial; diaphanous; sympathetic; fleeting; meteoric; tangible; appropriate; accurate; ethereal; desirable; suitable; pictorial; cooling; proselytizing; surrounding; reliable; graphic; inaccurate; just; ridiculous; interpreting; ambient; pulsing; circulating; supporting; favored; laborious

    Meek adverbs

    gently; quietly; submissively; modestly; humbly; supplicatingly; serenely; disgustingly; obsequiously; unnecessarily; provok-ingly; stupidly; miserably; wretchedly; tragically; passively; tranquilly; patiently; placidly; philosophically; gracefully; sedately; demurely; contentedly

    Meekness adjectives

    proud; subdued; female; reverent; swaggering

    Meet (v) adverbs

    coincidentally; accidentally; nocturnally; surreptitiously; forcibly; casually; unwaveringly; tacitly; traditionally; solemnly; memorably; convivially; temperately; fraternally

    (See confront, encounter.)

    Meeting adjectives

    turbulent; commonplace; accidental; pleasant; pietistic; traditional; conducive; friendly; solemn; merry; accidental; fortunate; momentous; revival; immediate; memorable; fictitious; soul-trying; convivial; midweek; agitated; temperance; memorial; factious; revolutionary


    address—; anticipate—; arrange—; ban—; convoke—; devise—; dwell on—; enjoy—; forecast—; foster—; plan—; plot—; promote—; shun—; —brightens; —charms; — delights; —excites; —pains; —quickens; — rekindles; —revives; —sharpens; —thrills; —unites

    (See convention, conference, hearing, assembly, appointment, encounter.)

    Melancholy adjectives

    gentle; tranquil; appropriate; natural; funereal; vague; delicious; dull-eyed; hungry; deep; tired; congenital; silent; soft; waning; quiet; gloomy; faithful; inviting; mildeyed; sweetest; moral; vague; forbidding; bovine; resolute; rude; touching; moody; lovely; customary; profound; savage; constitutional; young; sentimental; somber; depressing


    charge with—; chase away—; conceal—; discern—; dissipate—; merge into—; sink into—; succumb to—; suffer—; —oppresses; —perks up; —shadows; —touches

    (See gloom, depression, dejection, mood, sadness.) adverbs

    alarmingly; unduly; incurably; stupidly; moodily; churlishly; sullenly; strangely; naturally; inherently; temperamentally; dangerously; doggedly; extraordinarily; inordinately; gloomily; heavily; cheerlessly; unhappily; lugubriously; mournfully; solemnly; dismally; lamentably; glumly; pensively; grimly; desolately )

    Mello IK adverbs

    lusciously; delectably; pleasantly; agreeably; softly; richly; naturally; ripely; charmingly; benevolently; harmoniously; melodiously; sweetly; gorgeously; delicately; progressively; groggily; perfectly; adequately; sufficiently; amazingly; surprisingly; astonishingly; unexpectedly'

    Melodious adverbs

    delicately; exquisitely; triumphantly; en-chantingly; thrillingly; convivially; boom-ingly; companionably; agreeably; plaintively; ecstatically; sweetly; liltingly; gracefully; meltingly; unutterably; strangely; soothingly; blissfully; lightly; lingeringly; saucily; hauntingly; catchingly; rollickingly; romantically; softly

    Melodrama adjectives

    virtuous; cheap; sentimental; exciting; underdone; celebrated; morbid; bloodcurdling


    applaud—; climax—; compose—; descend to—; dress in—; engage in—; formulize—; hiss—; impassion—; introduce—; lean toward—; overrate—; pattern—on; rehearse —; revive—; ridicule—; sink into—; — appeals; —bores; —exaggerates; —inspires; —intrigues; —lags; —thrives; —thrills; — touches

    (See play, opera, magic, pantomine, performance, tragedy, trick, act, comedy.)

    Melody adjectives

    celestial; untutored; strenuous; cloying; minstrel; delightsome; uplifted; faint-toned; venomed; wild; joyous; wondrous; beguiling; triumphant; exquisite; delicate; ravishing; stirring; vagrant; organic; harmonic; enchanting; sweetest; heavenly; thrilling; booming; siren; high; sky-born; congenial; conjuring; ancient; plaintive; unfailing; untaught; agreeable; liquid; chastened; efflorescent; breaking; consoling; unintelligible; symmetrical; ecstatic; oblivious; unearthly; hireling; nerve-dissolving; elegant; fresh; enchanted; delicious; pathetic; characteristic; rhythmic; facile; inspired; sustained; superabundant; acquired; original; sweet; lilting; exalted; stately; terrible; distinct; enervating; immortal


    air—; chant—; chorus—; compose—; drench in—; drown—; hum—; imprison—; improvise—; join in—; lilt to—; modulate —; wheedle—out of; —gratifies; —haunts; —heralds; —lingers; —rings out; —soars


    (See chant, air, jazz, incantation, song, refrain.)

    Melt (v) adverbs

    indistinctly; indefinably; silently; exquisitely; scientifically; methodically; deliciously; sweetly; appetizingly

    (See dissolve.)

    Member verbs

    admit—; coerce—; collaborate with—s; defend—; elect—; entertain—; honor—; invite —; limit—s; register—; —attends; —s band; —benefits; —charters; —contributes; —s convene; —heeds; —s incorporate; — organizes; —s rally; —undertakes; —votes

    (See faculty, classmate, congressman.)

    Members adjectives

    prominent; mutinous; respectable; superfluous; consistent; confidential; eligible; eminent; numerous; obscure; vivacious; distinguished; myriad; mateless; influential; sundry; impecunious; self-respecting; illustrious; discordant; efficient; able; honorable; daring; exemplary; acceptable; conspicuous; representative; *worthy; significant; right-thinking; learned; excitable; geometric; noxious; surviving; discredited; objectionable; disjointed; privileged; fat; sturdy; self-respecting; honest; erratic; devout; subsidiary; law-abiding; amiable; nicely educated; infatuated; disaffected; insubordinate; sundry (pl); corporeal; oracular; useless; unruly; violent; arbitrary; pronounced; cherished

    Membership adjectives

    distinguished; enormous; compulsory; unstable


    admit to—-; desire—; discontinue—; elect to—; forfeit—; increase—; invite to—; limit —; register—; renew—; seek—; tabulate —; usher in—; vote on—; —concentrates; —expires; —includes; —requires; —terminates

    Membrane adjectives

    previous; feather-covered; thin; gauzelike


    affect—; incise—; irritate—; perforate—; puncture—; shed—; soothe—; stretch—; swell—; thicken—; ulcerate—; —atrophies

    —bulges; —erodes; —lines; —ruptures; — vibrates; —wastes

    (See film, eardrum.)

    Memento adjectives

    painful; ever-changing; grave; appropriate: melancholy; lovely; sacred

    Memorial adjectives

    cypress; suitable; tender; dubious; frail; worthy; peevish; poetic; sculptured; faded; dogmatic; energetic; living


    address—; bestow in—; carve—; contribute to—; dedicate—; draw up—; endow—; engrave—; erect—; inscribe—; merit—; petition for—; raise—; —commemorates; — credits; —describes; —glorifies; —honors; —perpetuates; —portrays; —preserves; — recounts

    (See medal, trophy, monument.)

    Memories adjectives

    comfortless; tragic; ungracious; hurting; multicolored; muscular; grateful; faithful; hateful; pious; projected; rustling; suggestive; prompt; retentive; feeble; thronging; lamentable; long-to-be-cherished; conscious; color; unshaken; magnificent; unwelcome; artificial; white-lipped; sightless; puissant; vivid; surprising; ineffable; distinct; jarring; royal; incomparable; healthiest; disastrous; seductive; encyclopedia; disordered; glistening; usurious; aching; retributive; vindictive; solemn; ludicrous; blessed; confused; melodious; agreeable; natural; delightful; uncanny; bellicose; dark; animated; passionate; primeval; delicious; immortal; gay; infamous; ballad; dear; capacious; personal; living; impressive; vital; sacred; withered; sorrowful; pleasant; trifling; haunting; drowsy; fragrant; cherish; ed; gossipy; atrocious; submerged; vapid; remorseful; tenacious; prodigious; amused; lingering; bright; stirred; sluggish; human; personified; resplendent; biographical; vague; fleeting; half-forgotten; endearing; dusty; eventful; fragmentary; weary; exhausted; deadly; deficient; precious; unbreathed; overwhelming; ghostlike; distorted; honored; detailed; time-fraught; everlasting; mutual; unfading; hereditary; intimate; lofty; public; blurred; rueful; embarrassed; unaccountable; imperfect; bitter; accurate; emergent; grisly; musical; phenomenal; inevitable; priceless; unconscious; amazing; lurid; dormant; warming; enticing

    Memory (faculty of remembering) verbs

    blur—; bury in—; cloud—; commit to—; drug—; dull—; engrave upon—; escape—; explore—; impair—; imprint on—; quote from—; strike—; coruscates; —paints; — pictures; —retains; —wanders

    (See mind, brain, consciousness, intellect.)

    Memory (reminiscence) verbs

    awaken—ies; blot out—; brood over—ies; cherish—; cling to—; dim—; dispel—; elucidate—; erase—; evoke—ies; freshen—; hallow—; honor—; haunt—; live in—; nurse—; nurture—; obliterate—; refresh—; revive—; shun—; suppress—; swap—ies; toy with—; treasure—; venerate—; —fades; —gnaws; —lingers; —pains; —surges; — survives

    (See remembrance, recollection.)

    Men adjectives

    vainglorious; succeeding; smooth-shaven; trampled; deft; glowing-eyed; up-and-do-ing; fashion-minded; fallible; able-bodied; orthodox; cringing; soft-conscienced; clear-witted; pusillanimous; decayed; banished; laconic; traitorous; hackneyed; sated; childless; huge-limbed; best-informed; best-tempered; insensate; ruling

    Menace adjectives

    triple; significant; constant; mingled; dismal; ever-fearful; ominous; positive; deadly; feeble; dangerous; international; wrathful; crushing; serious; perpetual; fierce; terrible; transparent; owl-eyed; enticing; subdued; black


    avert—; banish—; conceal—; constitute—; denounce—; eradicate—; fear—; guard against—; harbor—; inveigh against—; invoke—; level—; share—; stamp out—; uncover—; ward off—; —endangers; —jeopardizes

    (See threat, peril, danger )

    Menace (v) adverbs

    seriously; portentously; ominously; dismally; dangerously; perpetually; fiercely; blackly; morally; seductively

    (See threaten, portend.)

    Menage verbs

    adopt—; attach to—; bully—; conduct—; govern—; head—; install in—; involve—; join—; manage—; occupy—; recommend—; regulate—; superintend—; supervise—; support—; visit—; —bickers; —delights; —disperses

    (See home.)

    Mend (v) adverbs

    appreciably; exquisitely; deftly; dexterously; cleverly; artfully; radically; expertly; artistically

    (See repair, patch, improve.)

    Mendacious adverbs

    wickedly; venomously; spitefully; vengeful-ly; maliciously; hatefully; viciously; notoriously; infamously; openly; shamelessly; treacherously; dangerously; trickily; craftily; arrantly; undeniably; brazenly; slyly; surreptitiously; atrociously; deplorably; lamentably; oddly; unaccountably; terribly; deliberately; shrewdly; meretriciously

    Mendacity adjectives

    conscienceless; bugbear; deliberate; habitual; disreputable

    Menial adverbs

    odiously; basely; meanly; humbly; obsequiously; cringingly; pliantly; terribly; unaccountably; obediently; subserviently; obscurely; boorishly; pitiably; miserably; wretchedly; churlishly; incredibly

    Menstruation verbs

    arrest—; delay—; disorder—; endure—; establish—; force—; induce—; perform—; retard—; stimulate—; suffer during—; suppress—; —ceases; —commences; —distresses; —exhausts; —fatigues; —impoverishes

    —pains; —pauses; —strains



    subconscious; practical; assumed; criminal; twisted; careless; subnormal; unbalanced


    burden—; check—; clog—; contemplate—; contribute to—; develop—; endow' with—; exhaust—; furnish with—; impede—; limit —; nourish—; perfect—; relax—; repair—; strain—; tax—; tug at—; undermine—; — evolves from; —flags; —slackens

    (See brain, faculty, cleverness, brilliance, talent.)

    Mention adjectives

    special; passing; honorable; casual; fleeting; complimentary; occasional; copious; nonchalant


    deserve—; earn—; forbid—; merit—; peeve at (colloq.)—; report—; —alludes to; — describes; —disgusts; —excites; —inflames; —offends

    (See repetition, notice, remark, statement, utterance.)

    Mention (v) adverbs

    secretly; umbrageously; incidentally; minc-ingly; modestly; casually; nonchalantly; ominously; slanderously; slyly; inadvertently

    (See tell, reveal, relate, advise, expose.)

    Menu adjectives

    proper; prescribed; balanced; convalescent; varied; nourishing


    alter—; approve—; arrange—; check—; compose—; consult—; dispatch—; glean from—; plan—; relish—; serve—; vary—; —appeals; —catalogues; —details; —lists; —nourishes; —offers; —prices; —suggests; —sustains; —tempts

    (See program, list.)

    Mercantile adverbs

    highly; profitably; successfully; propitiously; negotiably; speculatively; stably; regularly; admirably; advantageously; prosperously; usefully; preeminently; obviously


    stingily; sordidly; basely; penuriously; greedily; deliberately; openly; obviously; manifestly; amazingly; surprisingly; selfishly; shamelessly; avowedly; miserably; wretchedly; blandly; frankly; ungenerously; rapaciously; avariciously; palpably; outrageously; inconsiderately; harshly; ex-tortionately; churlishly; unbelievably; uncommonly

    Merchandise adjectives

    timely; fashionable; quality; heterogeneous; exclusive; styled-right; jointed; seasonable


    assess—; bargain for—; catalogue—; claim —; close out—; convey—; dispense—; endow with—; evaluate—; hawk—; invest in —; liquidate—; overstock with—; peddle —; purchase—; purvey—; retail—; sacrifice—; salvage—; surrender—; turn over — ,* underwrite—; wholesale—

    (See imports, material, supply.)

    Merchant adjectives

    respected; shaggy; successful; affluent; prudent; timorous; independent; prominent; sagacious; enterprising; prosperous; staid; sensible; clear-eyed; retired


    bargain with—; patronize—; —auctions; — deals in; —dispenses; —disposes of; — hawks; —jobs; —markets; —negotiates; — profits; —purveys; —puts under the hammer; —realizes a profit; —retails; —speculates; —traffics in; —transacts; —vends; —wholesales; —undersells

    (See hawker, jeweler, banker.)

    Merciful adverbs

    abundantly; benevolently; benignly; suddenly; habitually; kindly; generously; surprisingly! unaccountably; gravely; happily; fortunately; moderately; remarkably; exceedingly; compassionately; wondrously; uncommonly; infinitely; tenderly

    Merciless adverbs

    cruelly; bitterly; terribly; ruthlessly; pitilessly; relentlessly; stonily; sanctimoniously; rigidly; unfeelingly; hard-heartedly; maliciously; basely; incredibly; immovably; unspeakably; coldly; vengefully; unsparingly; tyrannically; sternly; abominably; barbarously; brutally; savagely; uncommonly; habitually

    Mercurial adverbs

    blithely; capriciously; delightfully; captivat-ingly; nimbly; actively; captiously; wantonly; cheerfully; changefully; inconstantly; craftily; unpredictably; problematically; perplexingly; irrationally; unreasonably; vivaciously; fascinatingly; temperamentally; unstably; merrily; erratically; waywardly; vagrantly; restlessly; nomadically; lightly; interestingly; casually

    Mercury verbs

    administer—; anoint with—; drain—; inject —; scale—; —ascends; —contracts; —corrodes; —descends; —estimates; —expands; —gauges; —graduates; —impends; —measures; —poisons; —sublimates; —threatens


    (See chemical, medicine, thermometer, barometer.)

    Mercy adjectives

    intellectual; wondrous; holy; tender; weak-eyed; ill-judged; noble; infinite; crowning; marvelous; common; eternal; devilish; saving; scant; lawful; hopeless; imperial; wonted; mutual; single; pardoning; gentle


    beg—; crown with—; dispose toward—; excite—; exercise—; extend—; favor with —; forbear out of—; grace with—; grant —; howl for—; implore—; invoke—; judge with—; lack—; lend—; plead for—; recommend—; rejoice in—; soften in—; sue for

    —; supplicate—; temper with—; tender—; throw upon—of; vouchsafe—; win—; — relents; —restrains; —spares; —thaws; — yields

    (See forbearance, grace, clemency, compassion, pity.)

    Meretricious adverbs

    abominably; atrociously; unmentionably; dreadfully; unspeakably; pretentiously; shamelessly; bawdily; spuriously; indecorously; coarsely; grossly; barbarously; out-landishly; monstrously; horridly; painfully; shockingly; particularly

    Merge (v) aaverbs

    gradually; perpetually; conveniently; artfully; artistically; unconsciously; completely; superficially

    (See absorb, swallow.)

    Merit adjectives

    unusual; intrinsic; eminent; neglected; spectacular; unpopular; respective; artistic; patient; peculiar; multifarious; remarkable; comparative; indignant; solid; bashful; starving; toilworn; injured; mute; relative; ostensible; supereminent; accumulated; palpable; scientific; telling; strongest; transcendent; distinctive; technical; all-sufficient; literary; aesthetic; striking; humbled; uneven; prime; essential; rare; tangible; productive; singular; doubtful; weaker; lap-dog; cardinal; noticeable; satisfying; conspicuous


    attain—; authorize—; award—; claim—; command—; confer—upon ; detract from—; discuss—s; disclaim—; disclose—; dispute —; emulate—; entitle to—; esteem—; exhibit—; impute—to; judge—s; mark with —; overrate—s; rate—; reward with—; rival—; sanction—; test—; value—; vie for—; vindicate—; warrant—

    (See reward, advantage.)

    Merit (v) adverbs

    modestly; genuinely; justly; unquestionably; substantially; incalculably; ostensibly; justifiably; intrinsically; eminently; aesthetically; essentially; conspicuously

    (See deserve, earn.)

    Meritorious adverbs

    highly; uncommonly; manifestly; admirably; marvelously; unusually; laudably; exceptionally; splendidly; magnificently; indubitably; satisfactorily; estimably; appreciably; commendably; extremely

    Merriment adjectives

    spasmodic; boisterous; continual; misplaced; hollow; apparent; considerable; tricksy; inward; thoughtless; sympathetic; ill-timed; quavering; rustic; mocking; chilling; joyous; merciless; excited; openhearted; adventurous; disproportional; infinite


    contribute to—; disport with—; feign—; frolic in—; frown on—; occasion—; regale with—; rejoice in—; reproach for—; revel in—; romp in—; —amuses; —brightens; — cheers; —convulses; —dies; —drives away care; —eases; —enlivens; —entertains; — Hows; —palls; —perks up; —relaxes; — solaces; —titillates

    (See frolic, humor, glee, gayety, laughter, jollity, joy, fun.)

    Merry adverbs

    blithely; happily; mischievously; childishly; excitedly; madly; bewitchingly; ecstatically; joyously; naturally; habitually; inherently; mysteriously; noisily; boisterously; apparently; infinitely; hilariously; facetiously; jovially; genially; convivially; sportively; extremely; delightfully; fascinatingly; comically; drolly; briskly; exceedingly

    MESH adjectives

    mysterious; golden; tangled; guilty; glittering; shattered; legal; airy


    avert—; construct—; dangle in—; drain through—; elude—; entangle in—; extricate from—; interlace—; thread through—; weave—; —cages; —deceives; —ensnares; —fences off; —nets; —nonpluses; —perplexes; —puzzles; —sifts; —traps

    (See chain, complication.)

    Mess adjectives

    nasty; dreadful; horrible; entire; filthy; viscid; savory; unholy; utmost; jovial; hoggish


    adulterate—; blend—; brew—; concoct—; entangle in—; ferment—; hash—; jumble into—; knead—; pound to—; reduce to—; shuffle into—; unravel—; —complicates; — confuses; —disarrays; —disorders; —embarrasses; —litters; —muddles; —perplexes; —ruffles; —rumples

    (See junk, rubbish, waste.)

    Message adjectives

    effective; divine; heartfelt; urgent; eternal; lucid; affectionate; turbulent; diabolical; true; expressive; unheeded; heated; spurred; dusty; private; precious; loving; telegraphic; sociological; farewell; verbal; pertinent; leaden; conciliatory; unanswered; assuring; rebukeful; laconic; distinct; luminous; terse; cryptic; hurried; alarming; instant; pitying; mysterious; speechless; heavenly; jubilee; anticipated; thrilling; crumpled; civil; rock-hewn; flattering; peevish; horrid; universal; vaunting; insurgent; faltering; ringing


    authenticate—; bear—; cable—; charge with—; communicate—; confirm—; convey —; decipher—; despatch—; dictate—; entrust—to; flash—; impart—; interpret—; issue—; narrate—; relay—; report—; signal—; telegraph—; transmit—; —informs; —rings; —stirs; deliver—

    (See errand, dispatch, letter, mail, manuscript.)

    Messenger adjectives

    celestial; gracious; convenient; pure; winged; mindful; bonded; dusky; mourning; surly; arbitrating; angelic; trustworthy; distempered; shining; impatient; giddy; mystical; special; courageous; strong; churlish; guiltless; awe-stricken; wing-footed; breathless; welcome; better


    appoint—; assign—; consign to—; delegate —; dispatch—; —apprizes of; —bears; — communicates with; —confirms; —conveys;, —declares; —delivers; —embarks; —forwards; —heralds; —imparts; —informs; — races; —reports; —reveals; —speeds; — transfers; —wings

    (See apostk, angel, emissary, delegate.)

    Messy adverbs

    abominably; dreadfully; hopelessly; unnecessarily; unduly; needlessly; confusedly; chaotically; intricately; confoundedly; untidily; shapelessly; irreducibly; inexcusably; unpardonably; unusually; inexplicably; unwarrantably; unspeakably; carelessly; filthily; crazily; surprisingly; extremely; indescribably

    Metal adjectives

    barren; engraving; sonorous; basic; combustible; glittering; mystical; precious; serviceable; non-tarnishable; best-tempered; burnished; invaluable; well-wrought; twisted; gleaming


    alloy—; assay—; cast—; congeal—; decarbonize—; engrave—; excavate—; .hammer out—; model in—; mold—; prospect for—; refine—; render—; sheathe in—; smelt—; stamp—; strike—; value—; weld—; —corrodes; —expands; —oxidizes; —preserves

    (See lead, copper, coin, gold, iron, mineral.)

    Metaphor adjectives

    far-fetched; abundant; developed; suggestive; consistent; bucolic; striking


    abound with—s; apply—; employ—; —allegorizes; —alludes to; —collates; —colors; —compares; —contrasts; —depicts; —identifies; —illuminates; —illustrates; —likens; —parallels; —personifies; —portrays

    (See figure, word, phrase, paragraph, simile.)

    Meteor adjectives

    disastrous; new-forged; unexpected; lurid; ominous; alarming; sudden; wandering; large; mighty; scarlet; cloud-encircled; descending; unctuous; deceitful

    Meteoric adverbs

    luridly; alarmingly; startlingly; swiftly; gloriously; incredibly; glowingly; splendidly; brilliantly; unbelievably; inconceivably; curiously; abruptly; miraculously; strangely; amazingly; astonishingly

    Meter (instrument) adjectives

    mystic; unconventional; inaccurate; dainty


    check—; feed—; flood—; —allots; —appoints; —apportions; —appraises; —assesses; —assizes; —compounds; —dispenses; —estimates; —graduates; —measures; — portions; —plumbs; —probes; —proportions; —records; —scales; —values

    (See barometer, thermometer, mercury.)

    Method adjectives

    opposite; economical; selfsame; ingenious; inductive; haphazard; peaceful; laborious; scrupulous; numberless; hustling; indirect; exalting; novel; honorable; elaborate; summary; unostentatious; artistic; deductive; radio; unnatural; advantageous; clumsy; gruesome; commercialized; painless; convenient; statistical; authoritarian; getting; instinctive; conservative; picturesque; substantial; unique; dangerous; antiseptic; photographic; modern; up-to-the-minute; unsurpassed; therapeutic; orthodox; old-fashioned; lucid; prudent; time-honored; patented; scientific; sweet; objective; tentative; wholesome; plating; monstrous; philosophical; primitive; factory; despotic; imperturbable; feasible; transient; advertising; suitable; vociferous; unceremonious; naturalistic; lawful; evasive; subjective; preposterous; superstitious; accepted; surreptitious; particular; thoughtful; subversive; dilatory; peculiar; realistic; comely; inferior; outworn; analytic; amazing; humane; unpretending; histrionic; mystical; foolish; political; exclusive; dogmatic; equitable; ever-changing; descriptive; revolting; slack; peaceable; costly; doctrinal; appropriate; shrewd; false; ideal; autographic; financing; simplified; parliamentary; reproductive; pedantic; dictatorial; administrative; mild; barbarous; ignominious; collaborative; time-tried; indistinguishable; desultory; efficacious; inconsequent; injudicious; obsolescent; intuitive; glamorous; subtle; prosodic; avowed; current; fixation; enlarged; straightforward


    abandon—; abuse—; adopt—; advocate—; antedate—; ape—; apply—; conceive—; condemn—; design—; develop—; devise—; discard—; discover—; employ—; evolve—; exploit—; formulate—; introduce—; justify —; modify—; probe—; propose—; pursue —; reform—; lepudiate—; resort to—; revolutionize—; supplant—; supplement—

    (See procedure, process, fashion, manner.)

    Methodical adverbs

    carefully; habitually; inherently; dependably; reliably; warrantably; overly; punctiliously; meticulously; outlandishly; comically; absurdly; rigidly; painfully; vexatiously; admirably; laudably; naturally; systematically; pleasantly; disagreeably; incredibly; unduly; uncomfortably; terribly

    Meticulous adverbs

    carefully; painfully; disagreeably; uncomfortably; unduly; curiously; extremely; admirably; laudably; unfailingly; systematically; outlandishly

    Metrical adverbs

    cleverly; pleasantly; melodiously; carefully; smartly; cunningly; ingeniously; delightfully; tunefully; skillfully; harmoniously; en-chantingly; mellifluously; artfully

    Metropolis adjectives

    exciting; throbbing; expectant; dazzling; holiday; commercial; perfume; mystical; huge; monstrous

    Mettle adjectives

    invincible; unimproved; scientific

    Mettlesome adverbs

    highly; vivaciously; animatedly; boldly; undauntedly; dauntlessly; cheerfully; sturdily; actively; pluckily; courageously; spiritedly; gayly; uncommonly; remarkably; notoriously; commendably; obviously; unusually; energetically; strenuously; vigorously; intensely; restlessly; ungovernably; uncontrollably; audaciously; valiantly; adventurously

    Mew (v) adverbs

    plaintively; sympathetically; maternally; shrilly; vociferously

    (See cry, wail.)

    Microphone verbs

    adjust—; announce through—; broadcast through—; confront—; perform before—; —amplifies;   —clarifies;   —communicates

    with; —conveys; —enables; —intensifies; — magnifies; —transmits

    (See loudspeaker.)

    Microscope verbs

    adjust—; contemplate through—; discern through—; employ—; examine under—; focus—; glance into—; incline—; observe under—; peep through—; peer into—; rivet upon—; scrutinize through—; squint through —; view through—; —augments; —detects; —distinguishes; —enables; —enlarges; — exaggerates; —magnifies; —reveals

    (See telescope.)

    Microscopic adverbs

    minutely; infinitesimally; incredibly; curiously; ingeniously; unbelievably; amazingly; imperceptibly

    Middle verbs

    ascertain—; assemble in—; balance in—; cast in—; cleave in—; cling to—; concentrate in—; contract in—; converge on—; designate—; focus on—; intersect in—; narrow toward—; proceed from—; situate in —; split in—; taper toward—; —averages; —centralizes; veer toward—

    (See interior, surface, center, bottom.)

    Middle-Aged adverbs

    hopelessly; permanently; persistently; miserably; wretchedly; doggedly; pertinaciously; arthritically; rheumatically; pleasantly; hoarily; venerably; patriarchally; wirily; delightfully; obviously; youthfully

    Midnight adjectives

    impenetrable; fierce; profoundest; sedentary; sleek; beautiful; drear; blackest

    Midshipman verbs

    amuse—; appoint—; consign—to; convey—; delegate—; furlough—; promote—; school

    —; train—; —crams; —embarks; —hoists

    —marches;  —plies;  —promenades;  

    rooms; —sails; —tours

    (See sailor, officer, soldier.)

    Mien adjectives

    stately; gallant; placid; sullen; distant; spirited; haughty; conciliating; graceful; awe-inspiring; impressive; dejected; warlike; thoughtful; majestic; haggard; awkward; portentous; joyless; free; daring; noble; solemn; lofty; bold; withering; somber; undaunted; royal


    alter—; amend—; assume—; contemplate —; convert—; devise—; disguise—; eye—; influence—; modify—; present—; repose—; —awes; —conveys; —distresses; —disturbs; —enhances; —glares; —glows; —inspires; —menaces; —sours; —threatens

    (See demeanor, air, aspect, manner.)

    Might adjectives

    eternal; transparent; royal; truehearted; imposing; congregated; individual; withered; conquering; irresistible; apparent; fancied; divine; austere; intimate; unimaginable; ravenous; spacious; towering; resistless; delicious; outworn; borrowed; restless; wholesome; human; overmastering; brutal

    Migration adjectives

    voluntary; forcible; autumnal; barbaric; instinctive

    Mild adverbs

    harmlessly; pleasantly; serenely; compassionately; reasonably; urbanely; blandly; suavely; affably; genially; tolerantly; com-plaisantly; leniently; judiciously; discreetly; diplomatically; carefully; placidly; imperturbably; philosophically; sedately; demurely; patiently; unctuously; graciously; ingratiatingly; winningly; tactfully

    Mildness adjectives

    resigned; mellow; incomparable; delicate

    Mile verbs

    advance—; clear—; detour—; estimate—; extend—; lag—; march—; progress—; pursue—; race—; recede—; total—s; trail for —s; trek—; withdraw—; —s drag; —s separate; —s weary

    (See distance.)

    Mileage adjectives

    railroad; tire; maximum; gasoline; trip

    Miles adjectives

    dusky; tortuous; uncheered; weary; glistening; merry; laborious; geographical; delectable; glittering; appalling; snow-covered

    Militarist adjectives

    battering; greedy; professional; grasping; bloodthirsty; heartless

    Militia adjectives

    uniformed; hurrying; insubordinate


    arm—; arouse—; call out—; drill—; encounter—; enlist in—; discipline—; maintain—; muster—; qualify for—; recall—; regulate—; rdund up—; train—; —combats; —defends; —guards; —interferes; — mobilizes; —patrols; —pickets; —repels

    (See army, navy, regiment, soldier, troops.)

    Milk adjectives

    tepid; acidophilus; skimmed; innocent; pulpy; metabolized; putrid; sour


    absorb—; administer—; churn—; concentrate—; condense—; contaminate—; curdle —; deprive of—; dilute—; draw—; extract from—; flavor.—; pasteurize—; predigpst—; rear on—; sip—; skim—; sour—; subsist on—; substitute—; taint—; thicken—; wean on—; —nourishes; —sustains

    (See food, cream.)

    Mill adjectives

    neighboring; clanking; slander; mortgaged; social; busy; penetrating; muffled


    design—; establish—; guard—; manage—; operate—; picket—; report to—; set up—; speed up—; stock—; supervise—; —composes; —constructs; —frames; —manufactures; —organizes; —produces; —shuts down; —unionizes

    (See factory, shop, business, company, laboratory.

    Mill (v) adverbs eddyingly; riotously; alarmingly; tumultuously; disorderly; boisterously; actively

    (See reduce, crush.

    Million adjectives

    hardy; countless; shatterproof; mildewed; dark

    Millionaire adjectives

    senatorial; practical; decrepit; radical

    amiable; myopic; .eccentric; dirty-handed

    Mime adjectives mechanic; deft

    Mimic (v) adverbs skillfully; audaciously; sardonically; sedulously; aptly; deftly; professionally; irritatingly; exasperatingly; roguishly

    (See mock, imitate.

    Minarets adjectives slender; delicate; candle-extinguisher

    Mince (v) adverbs primly; exaggeratedly; fastidiously; fashionably; wantonly; affectedly; delicately. (See walk, step.

    Mind ad jectives

    agitated; iron; conclusive; grosser; trained; thrifty; astute; observing; unbalanced; liberal; logical; far-seeing; poetic; subtle; self-assured; conniving; contented; invisible; taintless; zealous; capricious; towering; feminine; swift; virtuous; shallow; untutored; courageous; languid; downcast; discriminating; controlling; well-trained; creative; philosophical; illustrious; pulverized; wavering; versatile; earthly; uncomplex; illuminated; earnest; weak; effeminate; careless; mortal; anxious ;• troubled; unthinking; terrestrial; dispassionate; exalted; elegant; reluctant; sympathetic; backward-looking; vigorous; romancing; ingenuous; tranquil; thoughtful; vulgar; twisted; imaginative; expanding; longing; pensive; unclean; virgin; sublimest; youthful; unconventional; flexible; restless; lethargic; conservative; apprehensive; erring; educated; enlightened; impressible; golden; distracted; lofty; inventive; disordered; undebauched; meditative; invoking; irritated; silly; fractional; preoccupied; giant; pure; soaring; gifted; exploring; ill-trained; independent; active; disburdened; ingenious; colossal; turbulent; callous; affrighted; cultivated; inattentive; exasperated; infinite; writhing; queasy; well-purged; honest; charming; quivering; unconquerable; wooing; ennobling; supersensitive; glowing; speculative; disciplined; scientific; slick; freckled; unfolding; infected; patriarchal; resourceful; unfettered; uninitiated; rude; mute; healthy; determined; mighty; realistic; abject; selfish; learned; far-reaching; devious; discriminating; plastic; brilliant; medieval; flurried; upright; respective; managerial; critical; priggish; sanguine; deferential; mercantile; superstitious; gullible; twofold; finite; percipient; grasping; mournful; wayless; reproductive; docile; theorizing; deliberating; unre-generate; reverential; unhinged; wounded; drunken; unaffected; fatuous; retentive; savage; inhospitable; self-formed; unrebellious; desecrated; diseased; sensitized; keen; serious; frivolous; infinite; robust; dissipated; intuitive; medical; canny; narrow; tabloid; deft; solitary; ductile; undergraduate; scholarly; unclouded; cheerful; nature-loving; idle; devotional; prying; high-suiling; immortal; eternal; petulant


    addle—; agitate—; assail—; attune—to; baffle—; banish—; bend—; bewilder—; broaden—; burden—; condition—; corrode —; corrupt—; convey to—; cultivate—; debauch—; delude—; depress—; detach—; dethrone—; disabuse—; disorient—\ dispel from—; distort—; divert—; drug—; ease —; emancipate—; enfeeble—; engrave on —; enslave—; explore—; fertilize—; fetter —; filter into—; focus—on; harass—; haunt —; inflame—; impress on—; lodge in—; muddle—; plant in—; penetrate—; permeate —; pervade—; pop into—; rankle in—; reproach—; seep into—; shackle-—; sharpen —; stamp on—; steel—; stimulate—; torture —; unbalance—; unbare—; unburden—; unhinge—; unsettle—; warp—; weigh in—; wrench—; —conceives; —dallies; —darts back; —deteriorates; —dictates; —disturbs; —dwells upon; —dwindles; —evolves; —envisages; —masters; —pictures; —probes; — reels; —roams; —seethes; —succumbs; — wanders; —wars

    (See consciousness, brain, imag.nation, head, intellect, memory.

    Mindful adverbs considerately; graciously; observantly; attentively; thoughtfully; affectionately; solicitously; tenderly; compassionately; carefully; discreetly; warily; prudently; providently; courteously; admirably; remarkably; sweetly; delightfully

    Mine adjectives

    gnomed; torched; fathomless; well-developed; abandoned; vast; rich; enwombed; exhaustless; hydraulic; inexhaustible


    abandon—; bore into—; burrow into—; cede —s to; confine in—; descend into—; emerge from—; excavate—; exhaust—; extract from — > gouge—; lower into—; operate—; ravage—; scoop from—; seal—; spring—; survey—; tunnel—; work—; —extends; — yields

    (See vein, earth, ground.

    Miner verbs

    asphyxiate—; confine—; disinter—; lower —; trap—; —bores; —burrows; —descends; —digs; —emerges; —excavates; —extracts; —gropes; —saps; —scoops; —shafts; — strikes; —tunnels; —uncovers; —unearths

    (See mole.

    Mineral adjectives mortal; rare; vitreous; insignificant; toothbuilding; essential

    verbs abound in—s; alloy—; assay—; drill for —s; examine—; excavate—; extract—; prospect for —s; refine—; reveal—; scoop out —; uncover—; unearth—; utilize—; value —; —nourishes

    (See lead, metal, copper, gold, iron.

    Mingle (v) adverbs democratically; promiscuously; inextricably; discreetly; affectionately; conspicuously; bizarrely; ostensibly; curiously; blasphemously; curiously; heterogeneously; profanely

    (See associate, mix.

    Mingling adjectives rough; melancholy; charming; strange; promiscuous

    Miniature adverbs delicately; curiously; fragilely; incredibly; valuably; exceptionally; uncommonly; exotically; quaintly; fantastically; fashionably; modishly; pricelessly; expensively; exquisitely; matchlessly; incomparably

    Minimum adjectives irreducible; unimportant; smallest

    Minion adjectives pliant; sleek; dainty; luxurious; saucy; mindless

    Minister adjectives

    weak; debile; empyreal; nonconformist; accredited; formidable; efficient; gracious; sullen; shortsighted; puppet; irritated; gentle; misty; mournful; thoughtful; merciful; respective; refractory; shifty; retired; influential; unprincipled; powerful; grave; obstinate; right-hand

    verbs appoint—; charge—with; invest—with; ordain—; —chastens; —cheers; —conducts; — converts; —consoles; —corrects; —dissents;

    —executes; —imparts; —influences; —meditates; —offers; —officiates; —prays; —performs; —preaches; —rebukes; —reflects; — serves; —tames; —worships

    (See elder, deacon, leader, clergy, rabbi.)

    Ministerial adverbs

    gravely; authoritatively; officially; urbanely; suavely; blandly; unctuously; officiously; judicially; solemnly; pompously; professionally; considerately; subserviently; affably; genially; sympathetically; formidably; graciously; gently; influentially; courteously; ostentatiously; pleasantly; agreeably; sternly; cautiously; warily; wisely; admirably; wonderfully; acceptably; curiously

    Ministration adjectives

    unfaltering; kindly; feminine; servile; pulpit; sleuthing; merciful

    Ministry adjectives

    maternal; pestilential; virgin; corrupt; tyrannical; radiant; hopeless; arduous; gracious; angelic; stated; bright-winged; incompetent; dictatorial


    acquaint with—; appoint to—; execute—; forsake—; fulfill—; invest—; obey—; ordain by—; plunge into—; retire from—; suspend from—; train for—; —assents; — chastens; —corrects; —meditates; —officiates; —performs; —rebukes

    (See cabinet, congress, management, government, church, legislature.)

    Mink verbs

    dress in—; exhibit—; farm—; market—; prize—; skin—; value—; —burrows; — digs; —dives; —excavates; —inhabits; — shies; —swims

    (See animal, fur.)

    Minor verbs

    advise—; counsel—; cradle—; dictate to—; direct—; govern—; guard—; guide—; instruct—; manage—; model—; mold—; nourish—; prompt—; shape—; sustain—; —anticipates; —assumes; —attains; —matures; —ripens into

    (See child, boy, girl, youth.)

    Minority adjectives

    enlightened; considerable; miserable; optimistic; aggressive; loud; troublesome; excitable; strong; substantial; intelligent; zealous; fanatic; hopeless; sulky; cultured


    bind—; defeat—; deprive—; dispense with —; eliminate—; emerge from—; oppress—; organize—; overrun—; overthrow—; tyrannize—; weed out—; —bows to; —engages; —fights; —opposes; —sacrifices; —struggles; —suffers; —thins

    (See childhood, majority, alien, foreigner.)

    Minstrelsy adjectives

    college; crude; barbaric

    Minuet verbs

    compose—; create—; excel at—; fancy—; form—; hum—; lead—; popularize—; step

    —; walk—; —amuses; —bewitches; — charms; —delights; —dignifies; —fascinates; —flourishes; —graces

    (See dance, waltz.)

    Minute verbs

    (See moment.)

    Minute adverbs

    infinitesimally; incredibly; embryonically; microscopically; unbelievably; imperceptibly; extremely; invisibly; undiscoverably; unimaginably; immeasurably; incalculably; inconceivably

    Minutes adjectives

    joy-absorbing; leaden; immortal; thievish; exquisite; marvelous; soft; miserable; hopeless; breathless; tumultuous; golden; long-cold; precious; weary; interminable; searching; copious; unoccupied; fleeting

    Minutes verbs                                 (notes

    depict in—; elaborate on—; enter into—; examine—; extract from—; jot down—; present—; record—; refer to—; report—; submit—; —describe; —enlighten; —preserve; —recall; —refresh; —retain; —retrace; —specify; —sum up

    (See entry, notes, description, record, item.)

    Miracle adjectives

    culinary; celestial; numerous (pl); unfathomable; perpetual; incomprehensible; financial; inscrutable; established; blessed; midnight; infinite; recorded; tenderest; gracious; medieval; year-born


    accept—; accomplish—; achieve—; ascribe —to; behold—; confirm—; contradict—; credit—; deny—; display—; divine—; foretell—; gape at—; hail as—; marvel at—; prophesy—; render—; work—; —astounds; —baffles; —bewilders; —convinces; —inspires; —mystifies; —dumbfounds; —unfolds; —violates

    (See magic, wonder, surprise, mystery.)

    Miraculous adverbs

    unbelievably; incredibly; remarkably; wonderfully; solemnly; breath-takingly; divinely; indubitably; warrantably; manifestly; assuredly; unfathomably; inscrutably; extraordinarily; strangely; marvelously; mysteriously; ineffably; stupendously; astounding-ly; unquestionably

    Mirage adjectives

    holy; distorted; sound; floating; vapory; exquisite


    blink at—; chase—; contemplate—; paint—; reveal—; speculate on—; view—; —confuses; —dazzles; —deludes; —disperses; — dissolves; —fades; —flickers; —hoodwinks; —lifts; —looms; —melts away; —resembles; —shifts; —tantalizes; —vanishes

    (See maze, sight, view, vision, ghost.)

    Mire adjectives         #tenacious; puddled; lamp-reflecting; sensual; foul; sucking


    cast into—; drag through—; plunge in—; sink in—; spatter in—; splash in—; stumble in—; struggle through—; trample in—; tread in—; wallow in—; —absorbs; —contaminates; —engulfs; —reeks; —sullies; — swallows

    (See mud, swamp, marsh, dirt.)

    Mirror adjectives

    lie-consuming; spacious; distorting; wavering; retroscope; disposed; silver; gleaming; magic; crystal; glorious; tarnished; liquid; blurred; level; innumerable (pl); convex; concave; enchanted; fleckless; frameless; unflattering; detachable


    address—; behold in—; consult—; discern in —; espy in—; flash in—; inspect in—; observe in—; panel—; polish—; peep in—; perceive in—; spangle with —s; stare in—; view in—; —exposes; —flickers; —glimmers; —magnifies; —reflects; —reveals; — shimmers

    (See glass, reflection, water.)

    Mirror (v) adverbs

    skillfully; distortedly; waveringly; magically; liquidly; flatteringly; realistically; unfalteringly

    (See reflect, revert.)

    Mirth adjectives

    heart-easing; profane; painful; affected; musing; careless; prolific; uproarious; sunburnt; roguish; petulant; buck-shrieked; innocent; sacred; simple; festal; unquenchable; saturnine; sympathetic; immeasurable; violent; tragical; resounding; boisterous; heathenish; uncouth; harmless; whimsical; fictitious; twinkling; Olympian; pagan; melodious; guiltless; desperate; undissembled; hollow; ill-timed; suppressed; Philistinic; dynamic; quaint; impish; ungrateful; cryptic; exuberant; frolic; rural; hysterical; meditative; unconfined; dignified; pretended; marvelous


    bar—; bathe in—; choke with—; convulse with—; disguise in—; elicit—; feign—; flood with—; glide into—; light up xxith—; provoke—; repent—; repress—; reprove—; shake with—; sparkle with—; wreathe in —; —bubbles; —eases; —ripples; —solaces; —swells; —trespasses; —vexes

    (See joy, glee, fun, laughter, hilarity, humor.)

    Mirthful adverbs

    irrepressibly; hilariously; boisterously; noisily; scintillatingly; entertainingly; uproariously; blithely; gaily; merrily; playfully; comically; mischievously; roguishly; effer-vescently; indescribably; youthfqlly; happily; significantly

    Misanthropic adverbs

    dreadfully; hatefully; cynically; unhappily; miserably; wretchedly; strangely; unaccountably; painfully; stupidly; obdurately; obstinately; fanatically; bitterly; morosely; moodily; cruelly; unreasonably; queerly; incorrigibly,; vexatiously; lugubriously; curiously; oddly; anti-socially; unbearably; insufferably; intolerably; unfortunately

    Misapprehension verbs

    flounder in—; incur—; labor under—; lament—; sense—; —addles; —agitates; — bewilders; —confounds; —confuses; —deludes; —distorts; —embarrasses; —muddles; —perplexes; —tortures; —twists

    (See misunderstanding, uncertainty, shame, suspense, misconception.)

    Misbehave (v) adverbs

    notoriously; ceaselessly; profanely; impishly; unregenerately; drunkenly; fatuously; intolerably; maliciously; wantonly; mortify-ingly; wilfully

    (See act, conduct.)

    Miscarriage verbs

    agitate to—; avert—; brood over—; convalesce from—; deplore—; incite—; provoke —; succumb to—; ward off—; —bereaves; —disappoints; —disconcerts; —disheartens; —frustrates; —robs; —undermines; — weakens

    (See abortion, failure, mistake, indiscretion, blunder, unhappiness.)

    Miscellaneous adverbs

    discouragingly; confusingly; perplexingly; promiscuously; carelessly; hopelessly; delightfully; strangely; unsystematically; unmethodically; curiously; oddly; deliberately; untidily; indiscriminately; typically; characteristically

    Mischief adjectives

    desperate; secret; direst; enormous; desultory; intolerable; tormenting; malicious; wanton; mortifying; anticipated; supernatural; irreparable; impish; private; willful; stomachic


    actuate—; conceive—; confess—; contrive —; devise—; dog with—; instigate—; molest with—; plague with—; rectify—; share in—; work—; —agitates; —befalls; —besets; —disorganizes; —distresses; —enrages; —grates; —harasses; —hatches; — incenses; —piques; —provokes; —rankles; —ruffles; —torments; —trails

    (See injury, harm, damage, offense, oppression, trouble.)

    Mischievous adverbs

    incorrigibly; innocently; delightfully; teas-ingly; harmlessly; viciously; deliberately; childishly; merrily; thoughtlessly; maliciously; vengefully; terribly; intolerably; vexatiously; maddeningly; deliberately; studiously; craftily; shamefully; desperately; secretly; furtively; wantonly; irreparably; impishly; elfishly; purposely; wilfully; openly; defiantly; obstinately; persistently; perniciously; noxiously; naughtily; unbearably; poisonously

    Misconception adjectives

    dangerous; huge; unworthy; singular; complete; dreadful; harmful; definite; deliberate; studied


    dissipate—; expose to—; flounder in—; scent —; twist in—; —addles; —agitates; —bewilders; —confounds; —confuses; —deludes; —distorts; —embarrasses; —endangers; —muddles; —perplexes; —torments; —tortures

    (See error, inaccuracy, fallacy, illusion, misapprehension.)


    intentional; prankish; private; flagrant; alleged; violent; open

    Misconstrue (v) adverbs

    persistently; chronically; inevitably; recur-ringly; intentionally; profoundly; wilfully; tragically; cavalierly

    (See distort, twist, change.)

    Miscreant adjectives

    loathsome; meaner; apprehended; vile

    Misdeed verbs

    actuate—; boast—; confess—; confine—to; harass with —s; hatch—; lament—; molest with —s; repent—; rue—; share in—; — annoys; —distresses; —dogs; —enrages; — grates; —incenses; —piques; —rankles; — ruffles

    (See crime, deed, offense, conduct.)

    Misdemeanor adjectives

    trifling; unlawful; ingenious

    Miser verbs

    abhor—; detest—; hiss—; scoff at—; scorn —; torment—; —accumulates; —acquires; —begrudges; —broods; —covets; —endures; —fears; —grasps; —hoards; —pinches; — sacrifices; —scants; —skins; —starves; — stints; —wrests

    Miserable adverbs

    wretchedly; unutterably; poignantly; visibly; helplessly; desolately; uncommonly; dismally; lonesomely; heavily; gloomily; drearily; hopelessly; disconsolately; forlornly; abjectly; dejectedly; downright; singularly; peculiarly; bitterly; cruelly; unwont-edly; fretfully; sorely; oddly; incurably; intensely

    Miserly adverbs

    inherently; incurably; basely; selfishly; crazily; stupidly; horribly; avaniciously; penur-iously; unaccountably; perniciously; mendaciously; sordidly; unspeakably; churlishly; greedily; rapaciously


    untried; unrelieved; sticky; disintegrating; life-deserting; unutterable; gnawing; shadow-vested; motionless; piercing; dim; beauteous; poignant; past; selfish; eternal; uncounted; quiet; consequent; human; tyrannical; vicious; frightful; splendid; lonely; far-off; helpless; slow; unspeakable; seething; extremest; intolerable; parasitical; petty; fictitious; attendant; remediless; lessening; dumb; appalling; deserved


    allay—; alleviate—; assuage—; augment—; deplore—; escape—; heighten—; lighten—; moan in—; moderate—; mollify—; reduce —; relieve—; repent in—; rid of—; shelter —; spare—; steep in—; waste away in—; —diminishes; —disheartens; —eases

    (See anguish, distress, ache, pain.)

    Misfortune adjectives

    unwonted; impending; domestic; terrible; irreparable; vital; serious; human; constant; private; possible; grave; crushing; prevailing; dire; especial; cursed; signal; admitted; unparalleled; lone


    bear—; beset by—; bow beneath—; endure —; lament—; plunge into—; remedy—; rise above—; shake off—; sob—; suffer—; triumph over—; —afflicts; —assails; —befalls; —blasts; —burdens; —distresses; —gnaws; —harrows; —heckles; —nips; —outstrips; —overtakes; —sleeps; —sours

    (See ill, evil, loss, disappointment, calamity, catastrophe, adversity, affliction, disaster.) adjectives

    serious; shamed; dim; less; nervous; grave; sceptical; ominous )

    Misguided adverbs

    utterly; unfortunately; wilfully; deliberately; perniciously; unutterably; unhappily; perversely; inconsiderately; foolishly; tragically; lamentably; deplorably; woefully; sadly

    Mishap adjectives

    untoward; dire; industrial; unavoidable; preventable; serious


    allay—; avert—; avoid—; bridge—; culminate in—; curtail —s; dodge—; guard from—; labor under—; minimize—s; mourn —; secure from—; share—; succumb to—; -—botches; —swallows; —swamps

    (See disaster, accident, misfortune, catastrophe, adversity.)

    Misinformed adverbs

    lamentably; perfidiously; sadly; bitterly; cruelly; wilfully; deliberately; treacherously; unhappily; unfortunately; maliciously; purposely; peculiarly; unwittingly; erroneously; blindly; stupidly; unwittingly; deceitfully ; craftily

    Misjudge (v) adverbs

    utterly; artlessly; pathetically; perniciously; grossly; deplorably; irritatingly; ludicrously; awkwardly

    (See decide, judge.)

    Mislay (v) adverbs

    inadvertently; accidentally; artlessly; senselessly; singularly; absently; disastrously; deliberately; carelessly; obtusely

    (See misplace.)

    Mislead (v) ■adverbs

    deliberately; treacherously; intentionally; evilly; murderously; unwontedly; perniciously; cruelly; irrationally

    (See decline, cheat.)

    Misplace (v) adverbs

    thoughtlessly; carelessly; absently; casually; unconsciously; unfortunately

    (See mislay.)

    Misrepresent (


    grossly; vindictively; unjustly; scandalously; intentionally; artfully; hatefully; villainously; falsely; hypocritically

    (See distort, falsify.)

    Misrepresen TA TION adjectives

    gross; willful; flagrant; specious; singular; monstrous; calculated


    deceive with—; decry—; denounce—; detect—; disclose—; fall victim to—; fathom —; interpret—; refute—; sense—; suffer from—; —aggravates; —amplifies; —deludes; —distorts; —dupes; —exaggerates; —falsifies; —magnifies

    (See lie, fallacy, deception.)

    Miss (v) adverbs

    accidentally; coincidentally; seriously; narrowly; dreadfully; tragically; unavoidably; preventably

    (See omit, overlook.)

    Misshapen adverbs

    cruelly; bitterly; miserably; pitiably; horribly; unspeakably; pitifully; lamentably; woefully; pathetically; accidentally; congenitally; permanently; unfortunately; unluckily; awkwardly; clumsily; helplessly; hopelessly; irremediably; grotesquely; fantastically; outlandishly; peculiarly; sadly; tragically; crookedly; gauntly; forbiddingly; grossly; frightfully

    Missile adjectives

    divine; deadly; terrifying; ineffectual; innocent; squashy; living; unremitting; rebounding; speedy; well-directed


    arm with—s; assail with—s; direct—; discharge—; fire—; fling—; hurl—; pelt with —s; scatter—s; shoot—s; —shakes; —stabs; —stings; —stuns; —s torment

    (See dart, weapon, arrow, bullet, stone, shot, spear.)

    Missing adverbs

    tragically; hopelessly; irrecoverably; sadly; blankly; starkly; undeniably; presumably; supposedly; avowedly; unmistakably; mysteriously; strangely; suspiciously; curiously,; altogether; allegedly; shockingly; startlingly; disconcertingly; perplexingly

    Mission adjectives

    intuitive; blushing; world-wide; fruitless; terrestrial; proposed; divine; unearthly; honorable; great; arduous; delicate; merciful; avowed; vicarious; perilous; momentous; indefinite; sublime; apostolic; secret; diplomatic; peaceful; dubious; memorable; celestial; loftiest; subsequent; novel; cultural; consequential; hardy; noble


    accept—; authorize—; charge with—; confide—to; deter—; entrust with—; equip for —; fulfill—; gain—; hamper—; hasten—; hinder—; impose—upon; journey on—; perform—; proceed on—; reveal—; select for —; speed—; undertake—

    (See errand, commission, purpose, object, view, trust.)

    Missionary adjectives

    itinerant; devoted; intelligent; adroit; shabby; gentle; eloquent; conscientious

    Misspell (v) adverbs

    habitually; intentionally; grossly; carelessly; absently; humorously; stupidly; inanely. (See spell.

    Misstate (v) adverbs

    unblushingly; ungenerously; intentionally; artfully; shrewdly; legally; solemnly; cynically; characteristically; humorously; monstrously; eccentrically

    (See distort, falsify, misrepresent.)

    Misstatement adjectives

    willful; unconsidered; ungenerous; planned; leading

    Mist adjectives

    azure; horrid; genial; shimmering; jealous; thin; fragrant; friendly; shrouding; sulphurous; sickening; contaminating; matutinal; morning; undistinguishable; seagreen; starry; dark; whirling; damp; parting; chronic; impenetrable; chilly; indistinct; blinding; luminous; feudal; jeweled; coral; semilucent; opaline; silvery; golden; happy; drenching; rolling; tenuous; square; unwholesome; gleamy; amber; malarial; driving; winged; amorous; earth-born; overhanging; radiant; flaky; descending; opal; heavy; glamorous; impalpable; drifting; odorous; murky; lowering; shifting; stultifying; hoary; rising; northern; ghastly; tremulous; midnight; visionary; feeble


    emerge from—; falter in—; flounder in—; swathe in—; —befogs; —blinds; —blurs; —clears; —clings about; —darkens; —deepens; —disperses; —encircles; —enfolds; — enshrouds; —envelops; —hangs over; — hides; —lifts; —obscures; —rises; —surrounds; —veils; —wraps

    (See fog, haze, clouds, smoke, spray, steam, vapor.)

    Mistake adjectives

    grievous; pernicious; curious; strange; dreadful; frightful; pitiful; gross; slight; desperate; fatal; unfortunate; administrative; doltish; tactical; cardinal; traffic; capital; absurd; stupid; deplorable; irritating; felicitous; unavoidable; ludicrous; contradictory; horrible; awkward; petty; tragic; initial; natural; miraculous; cruel; pathetic; military


    account for—; avoid—; bare—; blush at—; commit—; convince of—; eradicate—; minimize—s; obscure—; observe—; obviate^—; overlook—; pardon—; plunge into—; rectify —; regard—

    (See lapse, inaccuracy, fault, falsehood, error, incongruity, indiscretion, blunder.)

    Mistake (v) adverbs

    grievously; grossly; perniciously; curiously; desperately; doltishly; absurdly; felicitously; ludicrously; tragically; pathetically

    (See misunderstand.)

    Mistaken adverbs

    grossly; curiously; stupidly; senselessly; perversely; stubbornly; awfully; frightfully; blindly; tragically; emphatically; grievously; pitiably; desperately; absurdly; ridiculously; pathetically; horribly; outrageous ly;

    manifestly; doggedly; preposterously

    Mistreat (t-) adverbs „

    brutally; cruelly; sadistically; evilly; heartlessly; callously; pervertedly

    (See abuse, misuse.)

    Mistreatment verbs

    bear—; beset by—; bow beneath—; bridle —; brood on—; burden by—; confess to—; endure—; fear—; harass with—; harrow by—; heap—upon; lament—; resent—; revenge—; subdue by—; subject to—; suffer —; —distresses; —embitters; —enrages; — frustrates; —incenses; —numbs; —wrecks

    (See abuse, pain, torture.)

    Mistress adjectives

    gentle; mature; worthless; doting; fair; merry; accomplished; rare; gracious; whitehanded; fine; queenly; slowly-fading; exacting; sovereign; indulgent; flaming; deserted; dread; petty; proud; dainty; virtuous; mischievous; brilliant; coquettish


    attend—; chain to—; desert—; devote to—; discard—; escort—; harbor—; maintain—; restrain—; serve—; squire—; stray to—; support—; —enslaves; —escapes; —submits

    (See lover, sweetheart, master, matron, friend.

    perplexingly; frightfully; ominously; intensely; alarmingly; abominably; fragrantly; impenetrably; heavily; gloomily; dismally; drearily; vaporously; frostily; foggily )

    Misunderstand (v) adverbs

    deliberately; obtusely; idiotically; illogical-ly; doltishly; pathetically; characteristically; normally

    (Se_e mistake, disagree.

    Mis UN DE RS TANDIN G adjectives

    mutual; future; ever-recurring; chronic; inevitable ; costly


    apologize for—; avert—; avoid—; bridge —; conquer—; cope with—; decry—; eradicate—; expose to—; fear—; grapple with —; guard from—; iron out—; risk—; smooth over—; —alarms; —endangers; — excites; —incites

    (See misapprehension, misconception, controversy, disagreement.)

    Misuse (v) adverbs

    brutally; crudely; ruinously; ungenerously; pitilessly; insensately; irrationally; grievously

    (See mistreat, abuse.)

    Mite adjectives

    wee; musical; round-bellied; microscopic

    Mistrustful adverbs

    prudently; discreetly; habitually; temperamentally; chronically; insolently; anxiously; cautiously; intolerantly; insufferably; uncomfortably; darkly; subtly; sharply; absurdly; jealously; apprehensively; nastily; instinctively; suddenly; vaguely; inwardly

    Misty adverbs

    strangely; terribly; obscurely; dimly; nebulously; cloudily; smokily; oddly; curiously; extremely; mysteriously; deliberately; dangerously; surprisingly; astonishingly

    Mix (v) adverbs

    experimentally; inextricably; confusingly; intimately; determinedly; marvelously; discreetly; curiously; ludicrously

    (See associate, mingle.)

    Mixed adverbs

    hopelessly; indiscriminately; perplexingly; delightfully; frightfully; incongruously; artfully; cleverly; beautifully; unbelievably; exasperatingly; vexatiously; curiously; mysteriously; grotesquely; disastrously; advantageously

    Mixture adjectives

    singular; strange-looking; flecked; hybrid; curious; whimsical; miscellaneous; bright; prodigious; ineffable; fascinating; effervescent; elemental; incongruous; racemic; unbalanced; incoherent; aromatic; piquant; heavy; paradoxical; greasy; sticky; complicated; engaging; fiery; impotent; confused; irrational; ragged; conglomerate; messy


    administer—; apply—; boil—; compound—; dilute—; drain—; emerge from—; garnish —-; saturate—; stir—; swallow—; —coagulates; —hardens; —simmers; —thickens

    (See compound, medicine, chemical, solution.)

    Moan adjectives

    tender; sullen; insidious; enchanted; solemn; untimely; dying; peevish; stifled; weird; faint; alternate; pathetic; broken; everlasting; repentant; languid; lovely; wailing; low; perpetual; sobbing; desolate; shivering; harmonious; angry; doleful; occasional; harsh; short; mortal


    emit—; endure—s; muffle—; silence—s; stifle—; swell—s; throttle—; tolerate—; — chills; —disquiets; —escapes the lips; — gnaws;- —pierces; _—rends; —stirs; — weighs; —wrenches

    (See groan, sigh, whine, sob, cry.)

    Moan (v) adverbs

    dolefully; spasmodically; lugubriously; disconsolately; heartrendingly; fitfully; tremulously; grievously; pathetically; tragically; agonizingly; appallingly; distractedly; desolately; weirdly; inarticulately

    (See groan, mourn, lament, complain.)

    Moaning adjectives

    dismal; thunderous; weird; desolate; inarticulate; faint

    Mob adjectives

    pitiless; patriotic; reactionary; lawless; furious; heartless; hostile; bewildering; bawling; swaying; union; emotion-charged; insensate; grinning; unruly; irrationalized; numerous; surging; distracted; great; mere; clumsy; hot-headed; fickle; ignorant; sadistic; immense; savage; supreme; angry; disorganized; noisy; mingled; infuriated; inflammable; riotous


    attract—; confront—; frustrate—; harangue —; inflame—; restrain—; sway—; —clamors; —disperses; —heckles; —huzzas; — jeers; —lynches; —pelts; —riots; — swarms; —storms; —withdraws

    (See crowd, masses, multitude, public, throng.)

    Mobile adverbs

    advantageously; curiously; skilfully; ingeniously; suddenly; sadly; variably; inconstantly; curiously; beautifully; handily; splendidly; conveniently; unstably; capriciously; erratically; unsteadily; waywardly; actively; vagrantly; captiously; nomadically

    Mock (v) adverbs

    sneeringly; heartlessly; derisively; vindictively; sardonically; blandly; hollowly; jeer-ingly; cynically; impotently; despicably; maliciously

    (See mimic, imitate.)

    Mockery adjectives

    hollow; unreal; solemn; unsubstantial; empty; cynical; standing; ghastly; forced; impotent; hideous; sardonic; bland


    bear—; endure—; expose to—; ignore—; persecute with—; provoke—; regret—; roast in—; —agonizes; —discomposes; —disconcerts; —disheartens; —humiliates; —mortifies; —rankles; —ruffles; —saddens; — wearies; —weighs upon; —wounds

    (See irony, derision, banter, sarcasm, ridicule.)

    Mocking adverbs

    hideously; hatefully; laughingly; teasingly; disrespectfully; tauntingly; sarcastically; skilfully; artfully; dramatically; scornfully; entertainingly; rudely; ironically; chaffing- ly; derisively; insufferably; vexatiously; unbearably; intolerably; disagreeably; unpleasantly; offensively; contemptuously; cruelly; unpardonably; sardonically

    Mockingbird verbs

    admire—; prize—; —copies; —grieves; — defends; —cackles; —imitates; —jests; — jibes; —mews; —mimics; —pours forth; — scoffs; —shakes music; —shrieks; —utters

    —wails; —whistles

    (See bird.

    Mode adjectives

    compact; varying; simpler; desultory; perfected; sagacious; happy-go-lucky; sentimental; singular; adequate; proscribed; equivocal; subconscious; prevailing; pompous; uncivilized; feudal; indispensable; scenical; disagreeable; equitable; progressive; frizzling; questionable; hospitable; artless; peculiar; fleeting; ostentatious; ruinous; expeditious; mercenary; hygienic; languid; cheap; irregular; capricious; enjoyable; ultra-modern; ingenuous; ingenious


    accept—; approve—; burlesque—; conform to—; consent to—; deride—; endorse—; fix—; govern by—; observe—; overdo—; pattern—; prefer—; protest—; revive—; subscribe to—; —disfigures; —enslaves; — succumbs

    . (See fashion, manner, mannerism, vogue, standard, trend.

    Model adjectives

    exclusive; stunning; venerable; hallucinatory; dressy; hanging; rustic; unique; classical; mechanical; mangled; conservative; casual; inspired; swagger; straight-line; jigger; uniform; unthrifty; worldly; fancy; lacy; stylish; slim

    verbs borrow from—; construct—; copy—; depart from—; design—; devise—; draw up—; erect—; emulate—; evolve—; explain from —; follow—; imitate—; improve—; mould —; pattern on—; perfect—; refer to—; reproduce—; serve as—; shape—; —embodies; —represents

    (See example, ideal, design, classics, manikin, masterpiece.

    Model (v) adverbs deliberately; artistically; sedulously; mechanically; imitatively; conservatively; uniformly; uniquely; fashionably

    (See mould, fashion, shape.

    Moderate adverbs

    sensibly; admirably; judiciously; sagaciously; wisely; acceptably; reasonably; altogether; frugally; prudently; discreetly; thriftily; modestly; singularly; astonishingly; cautiously; notoriously

    Moderation adjectives

    false; illogical; genial; equal; due; classical; sworn; practiced; remarkable; notable


    advise—; caution—; confine to—; counsel —; cultivate—; inure by—; prefer—; prescribe—; prize—; recline in—; seat in—; taper to—; treasure—; treat in—; —calms; —combats; —contents; —sobers; —subdues; —suffices; —tempers

    (See conservatism, caution, temperance, restraint.

    Modern adverbs

    fashionably; stylishly; acceptably; satisfactorily; sufficiently; delightfully; progressively; refreshingly; presumably; warrantably; conveniently; screamingly; attractively; noticeably; incongruously

    Modernism verbs

    accent—; bind in—; cater to—; challenge —; combat—; define—; defy—; diffuse—; dispense with—; evolve—; fashion in—; favor—; immerse in—; temper—; touch with—; welcome—; resist—; —amazes; — attracts; —enhances; —excites; —impresses; —prevails; —refreshes; —transforms

    (See materialism, religion, philosophy, socialism.

    Modest adverbs

    extremely; girlishly; engagingly: charmingly; peculiarly; becomingly; naturally; fool

    ishly; ridiculously; touchingly; adorahly; absurdly; comically; demurely; delicately; decently; decorously; admirably; attractively; pleasingly

    Modesty adjectives

    shaking; womanly; delicate; singular; maidenly; pleasing; extreme; daring; beauteous; virgin; innate; incredible; hypocritical; unassuming; characteristic; austere; bashful; becoming; habitual; marital; ill-placed; boastful; cold; false; indignant; artful


    bait with—; counterfeit—; deport with—; discern—; extinguish—; feign—; inculcate —; personify—; recommend—; respect—; veil in—; violate—; wrap in—; —charms

    —compels; —enjoins; —guards; —heightens; —hides; —padlocks; —restrains; — shuns; —survives

    (See decency, constraint, bashfulness, humility, purity, reserve.)

    Modification adjectives

    slow; serious; substantive; profound; tiny; prescribed


    publish with—s; require—s; smooth into—; sober into—; undergo—; vary by—; —appeases; —deviates; —diverges; —hushes

    —mollifies; —satisfies; —smothers; —softens; —subdues; —tempers; —tones down

    (See alteration, change, transition, variation.)

    Modify (v) adverbs

    deferentially; partially; essentially; substantially; subsequently; drastically; profoundly; intrinsically; dogmatically

    (See adjust, limit.)

    Modish adverbs

    fashionably; extremely; remarkably; amazingly; oddly; delightfully; attractively; alluringly; temptingly; expensively; extravagantly; absurdly; unexpectedly; stylishly; unusually; uncommonly; astoundingly; daintily; tastefully; elegantly; conventionally; presentably; punctiliously; meticulously; showily; gaudily; quietly; acceptably

    Modulate (v) adverbs

    exquisitely; mellifluously; coherently; harmoniously; musically

    (See adapt, adjust.)

    Modulation adjectives

    indiscriminate; learned; incoherent; inharmonic; mellifluous; surprising


    accord—; effect—; introduce—; perceive—; resign to—; value—; —delights; —enchants; —finishes; —flatters; —harmonizes; —pleases; —represses; —shades; —soothes


    (See accent, adjustment, music, quiet.)

    Moils adjectives

    dynastic; imperial; far-flung; terrestrial

    Moist adverbs

    excessively; extremely; unpleasantly; disagreeably; dangerously; unfortunately; satisfactorily; sufficiently; disastrously; continually; humidly; oppressively; soggily; swampily; conveniently; productively

    Moisture adjectives

    perpetual; heavenly; oppressive; suspicious; refreshing; needed; precipitated; genial; bounteous; dark; filthy; fated; destructive; pleasant; over-much; scant


    absorb—; boil away—; charge with—; condense into—; dabble in—; deprive of—; diffuse—; dim with—; emit—; exude—; inject —; precipitate—; restrain—; saturate with —; sponge with—; sprinkle with—; suck—; vaporize—; wring from—; —dampens; — irrigates; —refreshes; —seeps in

    (See dew, liquid, water, spray, vapor.)

    Molasses adjectives

    dark; sorghum; fermented; tasty; rubberlike

    Mold adjectives

    inflexible; heroic; delicate; vulgar; primitive; ethereal; determined; giant; virtuous; rude; splendid; human; precision; wintry; gentle; beauteous; hollowed; arbitrary; muscular; different; dark; fresh; mossy; earthly; decaying; mortal; massive


    (See mould.

    Mole verbs

    run down—; skin—; —burrows; —devastates; —destroys; —digs; —emerges; —excavates; —menaces; —preys on; —scoops: —shovels; —tunnels; —vacates

    (See animal, miner.

    Molecule adjectives

    blundering; oiganic; asymmetric; infinitesimal


    blast—; break down—; detect—; dissociate into—s; ionize—s; split—; store in—; weigh —; —attracts; —bombards; —charges; — clings; —collides; —composes; —fascinates; —s group; —s pair off; —puzzles; —retains; —s unite

    (See corpuscle, element.

    Mollified adverbs

    considerably; mercifully; reasonably; quietly; finally; ultimately; gradually; wholly; ■ gently; visibly; eventually; happily; luckily; fortunately; presumably; somew-hat; slowly; greatly; perceptibly; admittedly

    Moment adjectives

    decisive; spiteful; uncertain; voluptuous; critical; silent; lyrical; ludicrous; tragic; disagreeable; pictorial; appalling; musing; inspired; leisure; awful; microscopical; infinite; extraordinary; propitious; enlightened; proud; willful; little; heavier; immortal; delightful; high-tide; opportune; prolonged; gravest; radiant; usurped; bitter; highest; prearranged; charming; sulky; brisk; solemn; intuitive; giddy; whirling; supreme; omnipotent; inauspicious; unguarded; precise; culminating; single; blemished; gayest; rare; cantabile; shining; psychological; undecided; spellbound; earliest; vital; dreamy; affected; briefest; dramatic; heartrending; occasional; embittering; cooler; appointed; pleasant; illuminated; waking; breathless; hungry; ardent; lessened; important; flashing; crucial; theoretical; fading; poignant; fleeting; fateful; exalted; miraculous; pregnant; hostile; erotic; affectionate; necessary; sunny; impressive; reconciling; precise; tense; leisure; staggering; lofty; intimate; startled; inspirational; futile; practical; careless; sardonic; skinned; intent; delightful; lonely; golden; memoried; particular; few (pl); confused; swift; bold; brief; natal; troubled; deplorable; awful; sickening; inexpressible; tingling; cheerless; unnecessary; sunny


    acclaim—; anticipate—; consume in—; endure—; pause for—; relish—; seize—; snatch—; squeeze—dry; —flits by; —thrills


    (See flash, instant, time.

    Momentous adverbs gravely; seriously; importantly; signally; unutterably; immensely; relatively; overwhelmingly; singularly; peculiarly; particularly; impressively; imposingly; strangely; mysteriously; secretly; inscrutably; exceptionally; infinitely; decisively; historically; tremendously; transcendently; insuperably; incomparably

    Momentum verbs accumulate—; acquire—; defy—; gain—; lend—to; repel—; resist—; submit to—; withstand—; —batters; —butts; —drives; —impels; —increases; —prods; —shoves; —thrusts

    (See impetus, speed, force, velocity.

    Monarch adjectives

    constitutional; magnanimous; affable; determined; degenerate; incompetent; conquering; pretentious; maddening; riotous; insolent; absolute; presumptuous; generous; rash; romantic; throned; deposed; new-crowned; ambitious; irrepsonsible; disheveled; unwilling; potent; forest; progressive; luxurious; unengaging; crumpled; affable; sensual; effeminate; puissant; opulent; sagacious; ill-starred; mighty; legendary; capricious; barbarous; factious; turbulent


    ape—; attack—; attend—; behead—; crown —; depose—; enthrone—; laud—; overthrow—; rebel against—; rule—; submit to—; —abdicates; —compels; —domineers; —imposes; —liberates; —misrules; —oppresses; —ordains; —reigns; —succeeds to; —surveys; —tramples; —yields

    (See emperor, dictator, king, monarchy, nobility, royalty.)

    Monarchy adjectives

    limited; restored; feudal; hereditary; absolute; constitutional; restricted; centralizing; flourishing; undisputed; despotic; serviceable; liberal; free; kingless


    attack—; destroy—; discontinue—; dispute —; establish—; head—; overthrow—; restore—; revive—; revolt against—; rout—; submit to—; survey—; tolerate—; —compels; —crumbles; —crushes; —falls; —imposes; —oppresses; —taxes; —treads on; — tyrannizes

    (See kingdom, monarch.)

    Monastery adjectives

    vast; deserted, ruinous; secluded; flourishing


    cloister in—; conceal in—; desert—; enter —; exile in—; explore in—; foster in—; ramble through—; resort to—; retire to—; retreat to—; seclude in—; sequester in—; shut up in—; supervise—; —charms; — cowls; —disciplines; —embraces; —grants sanctuary; —harbors; —shelters; —soothes; —taboos

    (See prison, seclusion, religion.)

    Money adjectives

    funded; depreciated; considerable; precious; reluctant; scattering; hoarded; dirty; cheaper; irredeemable; fraudulent; limp; grimy; paper; pin; parental; cold; hard; well-meant; flat; speculator; embezzled; continental; forfeited; worthless; counterfeit; inflated


    amass—; apportion—; bestow—upon; bilk of—; cling to—; coin—; counterfeit—; covet —; devalue—; divert—from; divest of—; exact—; expend—; extort—; fritter away —; hoard—; importune for—; lavish— upon; mulct of—; pile up—; pilfer—; plunk down—■; pocket—; raise—; rake in—; restore—; revaluate—; risk—; salt away (colloq.) —; scrape together—; squander—; utilize—; wheedle—from; wring—from; — dribbles away; —dwindles; —flows in; — melts away

    (See investment, currency, fund, dollar, legacy, coin, cash, capital, inheritance.)

    Mongrel adverbs

    despicably; basely; indubitably; indiscriminately; confoundedly; nondescriptly; peculiarly; anomalously; funnily; quaintly; fantastically; undeniably; contemptibly; ridiculously; remarkably

    Mongrels adjectives

    sycophantic; engaging; brindled; dirty; swinelike

    Monk adjectives

    fanatical; ascetic; tonsured; preaching; cloistered; patient; persecuting; indifferent; excommunicated; abominable; lecherous

    Monkey adjectives

    horrible-looking; meddling; misanthropic; withered-up; howling; cautious; monocled; grinning; manlike


    —antics; —s' band together; —bounds; — capers; —climbs; —clings; —collects; — cuffs; —entertains; —fascinates; —fights; — frets; —grieves; —grimaces; —grins; — hangs; —howls; —imitates; —laughs; — leaps; —quarrels; —resembles; —scratches

    —screams; —squeals; —swings; —tears; — warns; —wheels; —whines

    (See animal, ape.)

    Monocle verbs

    adjust—; affix—; blink through—; discern through—; dislodge—; employ—; examine through—; fasten—; finger—; flip—; lurk behind—; peer through—; squint through—; tack—to; —dangles; —falls; —hangs from; —magnifies; —screws into

    (See spectacles, telescope, microscope.)

    Monologue adjectives indignant; drowsy; inimitable

    MONOPOLIZE (v) adverbs selfishly; greedily; pretentiously; dictator-ially; craftily; vigorously; legally

    Monopoly adjectives unlimited; sectional; unified; virtual; national; natural; insidious; wicked; wasteful; wretched; proposed


    bag—; break down—; confer—upon; denounce—; enjoy—; foster—; free from—; infringe on—; possess—; promote—; protest—; resent—; secure—; —controls; — enriches; —fetters; —gags; —masters; — prices; —reaps; —smothers

    (See power, authority.

    Monotone adjectives solemn; enchanting; dolorous; maddening; chanting; soothing; weirdly-spoken; mumbling; eternal; indistinguishable

    Monotonous adverbs drearily; tediously; dreadfully; boresomely; endlessly; dismally; cheerfully; dully; intolerably; wearily; unbearably; unendur-ably; garrulously; ponderously; uninterestingly; repetitiously; unvaryingly; vapidly; irksomely; flatly; drowsily; droningly; prosily

    Monotony adjectives apparent; routine; unused; extreme; inescapable; desolate; endless; gray; maddening; studious; unvarying; fatiguing; deadening; dull; machine-like; unnatural; exasperating; inevitable; tedious; slumberous; loathsome; lazy; painful; hideous; dreary; dreadful; tiresome; wearisome; smooth; objectless


    allay—; beguile—; bewail—; curse—; deplore—; distract—; emerge from—; endure —; extinguish—; inflict with—; intensify—; object to—; overcome with—; relieve—; repose in—; sink into—; usher in—; while away—; jawn through—; —abates; — bores; —depresses; —drags; —threatens

    —tires; —wearies

    (See drabness, oppression, pain, tedium, boredom.

    Monster adjectives

    patient; carniverous; insatiable; sprawling; strong-limbed; grim; hardhearted; unfeeling; cruel; devouring; insatiate; uncouth; slimy; fabled; wallowing; colossal; steaming; papyral; formidable; Briarean; slumbering; vile; modern; entangled; furry; hydra-headed; diabolical; pestilent; grotesque; accursed; eerie; quaint; pediculous

    verbs abound with—s; beget—; condemn to—; dread—; fear—; overcome—quell—; satiate—; subdue—; tame—; —coils; —devours; —frightens; —horrifies; —howls; — looms; —offends; —roams; —spouts; —terrifies; —terrorizes

    (See giant, beast, dragon, barbarian, animal; savage; villain; brute.

    Month adjectives

    healing; memorable; sweet; dreary; anxious; withered; story-book; ensuing; tedious; corresponding; brief; silent; wintry; tempestuous; treacherous; stretched; gentle; much-abused; crabbed; meager

    verbs attain in—; endure—; enjoy—; estimate —s; extend—; finish—; indicate—; mark—; pass—; remain—; spend—; survive—; tide over—; waste—; —elapses; —fades; —separates

    (See time, week, year.

    Monument adjectives

    imperishable; wondrous; vast; sarcophaguslike; wasting; lasting; worthy; enduring; extant; venerable; deathless; tawny; stately; strange; gigantic; divine; living; everlasting; endless; colossal; marble; notorious; mysterious; charred; sepulchral; immemorial; pompous; majestic; equestrian; mighty; impressive; lofty; surviving; splendid; kindred; obvious; conspicuous; public


    boast—; dedicate—; deface—; earn—; elevate—; engrave—; erect—; gild—; inscribe on—; restore—; —adorns; —commemorates; —endures; —glorifies; —immortalizes; —perpetuates; —preserves; —records; —represents; —signifies; —symbolizes; — tower

    (See inscription, trophy, memorial, statue, tomb.)

    Monumental adverbs

    overwhelmingly; stupendously; massively; unbelievably; colossally; gigantically; incomparably; vastly; matchlessly; prodigiously; tremendously; inexpressibly

    Mood adjectives

    similar; changing; characteristic; grateful; unwavering; rarest; ungentle; furtive; discontented; beguiling; half-dreaming; selfless; mysterious; exquisite; guileful; musing; uncertain; affectionable; wrathful; fantastic; willful; dominant; intemperate; adventurous; morbid; exuberant; genial; articulate; irregular; parleying; silent; ironic; lifelong; rebellious; imperious; bewildered; genial; chaffing; comfortable; freakish; reminiscent; impassioned; subjective; absonant; pensive; unimagined; enchanted; sprightly; sullen; impetuous; rebel; extinguished; mirthful; penitential; disagreeable; wrought-up; thoughtful; receptive: habitual; depressed; philosophic; merry; sentimental; misprized; fear-stricken; romantic; sanguine; pliant; dreamy; exacting; concurrent; raging; beneficial; rapid; garrulous; favorable; variable; placid; wayward; respectful; contemplative; stern; sarcastic; working; expectant; flippant; steadfast; affable; mournful; despondent; indifferent; submissive; idea-less; senseless; frantic; shallow; evanescent; presageful; central; morbid; gruesome; demagogic; indispensable; humane; hysterical; inquisitorial; capricious; alien; jealous; melancholy; habitual; impious; reflective; facetious; chastened; philosophic; anti-radical; religious; docile; hasty; loitering; artificial; successive (pl); dreaded; ascetic; intense; uneven; kindly; changeful; icy; mandatory; shuddering; springtime; berserk; conciliatory; permissive; shifting; minor; angelic; unfavorable


    combat—; communicate—; crystallize—; defer to—; depict—; dispel—; fathom—; fix —; govern by—; induce—; interpret—; jolt out of—; kindle—; lighten—; overstrain—; rage in—; recall—; reflect—; shock out of —; soothe—; submit to—; succumb to—; sustain—; temper—; voice—; wrap in—; yield to—; —presages; —prevails; —strikes; —vanishes

    (See disposition, melancholy, feeling, emotion.)

    Moody adverbs

    captiously; ominously; sullenly; bitterly; cynically; alarmingly; seriously; unaccountably; occasionally; unreasonably; perplexingly; morbidly; fearfully; portentously; significantly; dangerously; unusually; capriciously; irascibly; fretfully; perversely; glumly; grimly; frequently; rarely; seldom; doggedly; intractably; intolerably; insufferably; unendurably

    Moon adjectives

    envious; filmy; brilliant; full-orbed; Orient; airless; queenly; angry; infantine; misty; fleeting; morning; gibbous; sphered; wintry; melancholy; inconstant; smiling; carven; curved; semi-tropic; lifeless; crescent; triumphant; flying; tranquil; stormy; softer; waxing; prying; dying; mourning; bloody; setting; languorous; red; distorted; pale; cold; waning; mellow; sleepless; listening; harvest; laboring; dying; solitary; shining; hollowed; blazing; marvelous; climbing; broad; sickle; gracious; jealous; watery; fruitless; coined; fair; overcast; wandering; shrouded; slow; haunting; desolate; naked; belated; lingering; sacred; horned; large-lighted; tranquil; smiling; withered; changeless; overwhelming; beauty-seeking; temperamental; winter; unassuming; peeping; summer; round; intense; luminous; full; cruel; yellow; green; harvest; marigold; honey-colored; arctic; hazy; lucent; slow; silvery; frosted; apple-shaped; purple; sad; climbing


    behold—; encircle—; fringe—; gaze at—; obscure—; veil—; view—; —barges (col-loq.); —beams; —blushes; —brightens; — climbs; —dances; —dies,; —dips into; — drifts beyond; —emerges; —enamors; —enchants; —gleams; —glimmers; —^lows ; — impassions; "’“Hows; —peeps out; — reigns; —er; - ’cowls; —shimmers; —silvers; —sinks; —voyages; —wanes; — waxes

    (See sun, stars, clouds, sky.)

    Moonbeam adjectives

    opalescent; dim; blended; sluiced; cold; quivering; misty; mellow


    shed—; wash by—; —brightens; —dances

    • — dazzles; —drips; —enchants; —floods; — glimmers; —hallows; —kisses; —illumines

    • — mantles; —shrouds; —silvers; —sparkles

    • — sweeps; —swells; —trembles; —whitens

    (See ray, light, radiance, spark, sunshine, sunlight, twilight, moonlight.)

    Moonlight adjectives

    glinting; gentle; sickly; bleached; mellow; liquid; rich; down-slanting; mystical; cold; dewy; molten; golden; pleasant; pale; bubbling; magnificent; generous; weird; streaming; faint; white; muffled; fitful; ribboned; sacred; harvest; painted; vivid; glistening; tropic; autumn; sallow; milky; tremulous; slanting


    bathe in—; drip—; shroud in—; wash by—

    —casts spell; —checkers; —enchants; —illuminates; —kindles; —streaks; —streams in; —swathes; —sweeps; —unveils;


    (See moonbeam.)

    Moonshine adjectives

    white; sweet; silvery

    Moonstruck adverbs

    crazily; outlandishly; queerly; fantastically; giddily; foolishly; bewilderingly; ridiculously; undoubtedly; hazily; foggily; daftly; incoherently; deliriously; unstably; heedlessly; witlessly

    Moor (v) adverbs

    primitively; safely; permanently; seasonally; cautiously; habitually; prudently

    (See fasten, fix.)

    Mooring adjectives

    sheltered; primitive; diplomatic


    anchor to—; attach to—; break—; cable to —; command—; direct—; drag from—; drive from—; drop from—; hinder—; quit —; secure—; shackle to—; slacken—; slip —; swing at—; wreck in—

    (See post.)

    Moose verbs

    bait—; breed—; exhibit—; experiment with —; lure—; pet—; plague with—; stalk—; ■stuff—; trap—; —climbs; —frightens; — haunts; —hurries; —infects; —infest; — munches; —nibbles; —runs; —scurries; — shies; —squeals; —shuns; —digs

    (See animal, deer.)

    Mope (v) adverbs

    glumly; dismally; gloomily; morbidly; despondently; romantically; drearily; pallidly; sadly; abnormally

    (See sulk, brood.)

    Moral adjectives

    fearful; strictest; obtrusive; intellectual; pretty; austerest; admirable; latent; righteous; public; fallible; obvious; creditable; immovable; political; abstract; philosophical


    chastely; sternly; strictly; rigidly; uncompromisingly; intolerantly; righteously; selfconsciously; proudly; apparently; self-righ-teously; preachily; ostentatiously; blatantly; presumably; avowedly; virtuously; remarkably; astonishingly; tiresomely; unbelievably; sanctimoniously; unctuously; blandly

    Morale verbs

    acclaim—; assail—; break down—; destroy —; fortify—; impair—; instill—; lower—; shatter—; stimulate—; strengthen—; —ascends; —descends; —sinks; —wanes

    (See nerve, courage, strength, valor, spirit, virtue.)

    Moralist adjectives

    rigid; fashionable; futile; shallow; pretending; dissembling; confirmed

    Morality adjectives

    provincial; austere; puritanical; strait; trite; wholesome; creditable; restrictive; hereditary; flabby; intolerant; rigorous; fastidious; semi-religious; predominant; col-lar-and-wrist-band; Christian; political; true; scrupulous; marital; speculative


    abandon—; cant—; contemplate—; develop —; discard—; elevate—; guard—; inspire —; instruct—; observe—; regulate—; revive —; stimulate—; sustain—; uphold—; whitewash (colloq.) —; —crumbles; —decays; — elevates; —enlightens; —improves; —protects; —raises

    (See virtue, purity, integrity, righteousness, honor, truth.)

    Moralize («•) adverbs

    jocosely; piously; monotonously; religiously

    paternally; irritatingly; indefatigably

    (See preach, teach.)

    Morals verbs

    annihilate—; communicate—to; compromise —; corrupt—: destroy—; disapprove of—; disregard—; draw—from; emancipate—; improve—; influence—; outrage—; point to —; —degenerate; —deteriorate

    (See lesson, ethics, habit, ideals.)

    Morass adjectives

    drear; dismal; frightful


    deluge—; dip in—; drain—; emerge from —; immerse in—; penetrate—; plunge into —; soak in—; steep in—; swamp in—; swash through—; wallow in—; wander into —; —bogs; —engulfs; —mires

    (See mire, swamp, marsh.)

    Morbid adverbs

    profoundly; abnormally; distressingly; forlornly; dangerously; inordinately; preposterously; crankily; incurably; miserably; pathetically; pitiably; vexatiously; unreason ably; outlandishly; outrageously; disagreeably; intolerably; terribly; irrationally; ominously; horribly

    Morn adjectives

    cloudy; radiant; rosy; returning; balmy; fateful; lily-wristed; incense-breathing; hallowed; double-pillowed; unsullied; gaudy; summer; delusive; valorous; propitious; immortal; breaking; weeping; spring; lagging; misty; struggling; smiling; dismal; endless; gusty; silent; vernal; new-made; awful; refluent; radiant; silver-flecked; blooming; apocalyptic

    Morning adjectives

    cold; sunless; identical; dreary; propitious; yellow-robed; amber; splendid; dazzling; breezeless; vapory; absorbing; historic; invigorating; precious; faultless; memorable; uneventful; cruel; glorious; listless; dun-colored; bridal; dull; delicious; quiet; sullen; dreadful; raw; lurid; misty; clear; shining; perpetual; fresh; auspicious; soft; sharp; frosty; hoary; merry; pallid; portentous; drear; foggy


    herald—; usher in—; wash—; —ascends: — awakens; —beckons; —blooms; —breaks through; —checkers; —crowns; —dawns; —drones along; —glimmers; —is born; — rises; —shrouds; —smiles; —tints; —uncurtains; —unfolds

    (See dawn, day, afternoon, evening, time.)

    Morose adverbs

    dismally; incorrigibly; unreasonably; unaccountably; pathetically; unbearably; horribly; crabbedly; cantankerously; churlishly; boorishly; ominously; inordinately; uncommonly; outrageously; inexcusably; rudely; uncivilly; impolitely; ungraciously; inexplicably; inscrutably; silently; suddenly; irascibly; perversely; restively; intractably; implacably; sourly; immovably

    Morpheus verbs

    court—; invoke—; resist—; yield to—; — approaches; —caresses; —conquers; — cradles; —delights; —deludes; —enfolds

    —develops; —harasses; —lulls; —purifies

    —rejuvenates; —shades; —smooths; — soothes; —strokes; -—treads; —weaves

    (See sleep, rest, slumber, lethargy.

    MORSELS adjectives

    tantalizing; epicurean; picturesque; luscious; piquant; nauseous; locutionary; exquisite; petty; piteous; succulent; lawn-wrapped; hungry; delicious; tempting; inviting-looking

    MORTAL adjectives

    contemporary; melancholy; great; rough; rapid; reason-boasting; wretched; sacred; scarcest; meekest; ordinary; venturesome; wee; worn

    MORTALITY adjectives

    indued; miserable; international; enormous; human; waning; dull; recreant; allotted; normal; sad; massed (pl); heaven-oppressed


    abate—; account for—; constitute—; control —; lower—; rate—; —alarms; —ascends; —decimates; —descends; —effaces; •—increases; —piles up; —staggers; —varies; — wanes

    (See death, murder, plague, slaughter, suicide.

    MORTAR verbs                                (vessel

    abrade—; beat in—; comminute in—; crumble in—; crunch in—; crush in—; granulate in—; grind in—; pound in—; powder in—; pulverize in—; rasp in—; reduce in—; stamp in—; triturate in—

    MORTGA GE verbs

    assign—; borrow on—; cancel—; confirm—; contract—; tonvey—; discharge—; foreclose —; fulfill—; grant—; lift—; melt into—; pay off—; undertake—; —assures; —bur?-dens; —devours; —guarantees; —insures

    —saps; —warrants

    (See loan, payment, bond, obligation, debt.

    MORTGAGE (v) adverbs hopelessly; rashly; improvidently; optimistically; lucklessly

    (See loan.


    bear—; blush in—; cast into—; color in—; flush in—; hang in—; spare—; stoop in—; submit to—; swallow—; —confuses; —destroys; —crushes; —frustrates; —pains; — sobers; —treads on; —vexes

    (See chagrin, shame.

    MORTIFIED adverbs

    needlessly; horribly; shamefully; cruelly; unreasonably; extremely; humiliatingly; pitifully; naturally; exceedingly; terribly; unnecessarily; unaccountably; inexplicably; modestly; searingly; shockingly; bitterly; sorely

    MOSAICS adjectives

    golden; elaborate; curious; rare; radiant; glorious

    MOSQUITOES verbs

    devour by—; exterminate—; infest with—; spray—; —annoy; —buzz; —disquiet; — draw; —extract; —feast on; —infest; — pester; —plague; —poison; —puncture; — serenade; —suck; —swarm

    (See insects, fly.

    MOSS adjectives

    downy; fragrant; bright; idle; quaggy; silvered; creeping; branched; tender; sea-colored; hanging; velvetlike; bannered; spongy; furred; moldering

    MOTH adjectives

    soft; startled; resurrected; damage-wreaking


    singe—; snatch at—; —blights; —contaminates; —destroys; —deteriorates; —devours; —flutters; —gnaws; —harasses; —hovers about; —impairs; —s infest; —injures; —s plague; —preys on; —ravages

    (See insects, butterfly.

    Mother adjectives

    provident; prudent; glorious; peasant; impatient; frail; beautiful; admirable; pious; doting; mahogany-colored; tedious-working; bereaved; commonplace; potential; infuriated; jealous; indulgent; frowzy; venerable; melancholy; famishing; earthly; vigorous; aggressive; elemental; insatiate; spirited; celestial; prolific; strong-armed; authentic; incestuous; delicate; bountiful; over-fatigued; querulous; imaginary; virgin; green-girdled; sorrowing; devoted; foolish; widowed; subtle; deft; spiteful; adopting; altruistic; unnatural


    anchor—; cherish—; cling to—; deliver of —; devote to—; hound—; obey—; —bears; —cradles; —conceives; —embraces; —fondles; —forsakes; —nourishes; —nurses; — protects; —punishes; —rears; —rocks; — sacrifices; —suckles; —wreans

    (See father, nurse, parent, woman.)

    Motherly adverbs

    affectionately; graciously; affably; comfortably; indulgently; gently; sympathetically; understandingly; intelligently; charmingly; unfailingly; tenderly; lovingly; wisely; altogether; admirably; wondrously; marvellously; incomparably; eagerly; happily; joyously; pleasantly; agreeably; good-naturedly; tolerantly; warmly; amiably; complacently; imperturbably; serenely; calmly; quietly; wholesomely

    Motion adjectives

    ceaseless; visible; measured; dignified; airy; quivering; legal; alternative; perpetual; hesitating; subtle; delighted; stable; inconstant; measureless; appealing; chopping; lulling; spiral; captivating; slow; irregular; sickening; uncertain; nautical; natural; wavy; rapid; mighty; apparent; musical; mincing; proximate; dreamlike; hingelike; graceful; flickering; undulous; mechanic; arresting; awkward; lifelike; ceaseless; obvious; orbitual; well-ordered; elliptic; parabolic; intended; revolving; sensible; relative; gyratory; convulsive; gentle; vibratory; dreary; slow; lateral; giddy; planetary; faltering; diurnal; reciprocating; retrograde; scythelike; liquid; horizontal; parallactic; warm; constant; gliding; lightning; heavy; rhythmic; astonished; comparative; metallic; erratic; primitive; increasing; habitual; rapturous; universal; admired; inward; feeble; delicious; extravagant; insectlike; unnumbered (pl); tiring; abrupt; veritable; molecular; atomic; nimble; many-valued


    arrest—; constrain—; express—; ferment into—; guide—; impel—; lose—; practise —; quell—; regulate—; restrain from—; restrict—; retard—; set into—; slide into—; sustain—; whirl into—; —agitates; —expresses; —saps

    (See gesture, flicker, action, movement.)

    Motionless adverbs

    suddenly; silently; warily; breathlessly; strangely; curiously; oddly; watchfully; noiselessly; frightfully; incredibly; absolutely; utterly; statuesquely; unbelievably; miraculously; stealthily; scrupulously; cautiously; prudently; discreetly; secretly

    Motion PICTURE verbs

    (See “movie.” )

    Motif E adjectives

    chivalrous; tragic; corrupt; predominant; incidental; ambitious; attributed; selfish; altruistic; kind; underlying; commercial; corrupt; worthy; interested; ignoble; greedy; intrusive; conscientious; plausible; priceless; principal; lofty; invented; ostensible; colonial; unmixed; misleading; professional; perplexing; secondary; high; generous; explanatory; interesting; complicated; auxiliary; disinterested; evil; urgent; improper; hedonistic; differing; compelling; imputed; ulterior; patriotic; melodic; inferior; mercenary; fatal; upright; pure; commanding; sufficient; Keen; guiding; impugning; impelling; dominant; identical; basilar; ruling; potent; laudable; understandable; cryptic; bread-and-butter; segmented; sculptured; hidden; scarce-known


    abolish—; acknowledge—; appreciate—; assign—for; attribute—to; destroy—; impute —to; mock—; obscure—; ponder—; probe into—; recognize—; review —s; reward—; weigh—; —actuates; —governs; —impels; —induces; —inspires; —prompts; —stimulates; —sways

    (See cause, grounds, incentive, impulse, inducement.)

    Mo TOR adjectives

    creaking; coughing; inactive; compression; oil-driven; whirring;'undependable; wheezing


    accelerate—; choke—; fuel—; recondition —; stall—; —balks; —coughs; —drones; — fails; —fouls; —gasps; —hums; —purrs; —roars; —rasps; —rattles; —splutters; — steams; —whines

    (See generator, machine, engine, propeller.)

    Motorboat verbs

    anchor—; buffet—; moor—; test—; throttle —; —bobs; —capsizes; —chugs; —churns; —coughs; —drifts; —heads; —noses for; —splutters; —spurts; —sputters; —whisks; —whizzes; —zooms

    (See launch, ship, tugboat, yacht, vessel, steamer.)

    Motorcycle verbs

    straddle—; throttle—; —blasts; —breezes by; —chokes; —chugs; —coughs; —leans; —roars; —shoots by; —splutters; —sputters; —whisks away; —whizzes by; —wriggles; —zigzags

    (See automobile, taxi, motor.)

    Motto verbs

    adopt—; apply—; coin—; condense into—; design—; devise—; digest—; heed—; inscribe—; misstate—; phrase^—; quote—; recite—; recognize—; relish—; sing forth—; —emphasizes; —exalts; —glorifies; —provides; —signifies; —stresses; —symbolizes

    (See poetry, epigram, proverb, parable, saying.)

    Mould verbs

    adjust—; bake in—; cast—; cleave to—; conform to—; design—; drain into—; oil—; pattern—; pour into—; press—; set in—; shape—; —cools; —fashions; —frames; — hardens; —imitates

    (See form.)

    Mould (v) adverbs

    exquisitely; trimly; faultlessly; subtly; realistically; professionally; deftly; skillfully; artistically; symmetrically; sensuously; voluptuously; meretriciously

    (See model, fashion, shape.)

    Mouldy adverbs

    dangerously; deeply; poisonously; infectiously; rottenly; putridly; rankly; rancidly; offensively; grossly; noxiously; injuriously; terribly; riskily; presumably; apparently; extremely; obviously; manifestly

    Mound adjectives

    pious; countless; rural; hideous; grass-grown; craggy; conical; sorrow-laden; shapeless; pyramidal; solitary; moldering

    Mount adjectives

    lofty; sloping; tireless; mimic; apocalyptic; flame-fringed; spectacular

    Mount (v) adverbs

    reluctantly; magnificently; aw'kwardly; perpetually; gradually; rigidly; reluctantly; mechanically; reticently; stealthily; spectacularly

    (See ascend, rise.)

    Mountain adjectives

    shimmering; bare; cold; eroded; rugged; dizzy; faraway; wintry; forested; beacon-lighted; multitudinous; glacier-laden; pine-encircled; adamantine; dominating; spirit-haunted; cultivated; plain; melancholy; moonlit; steep; uncouthly-cut; beholding; inaccessible; lifeless; precipitous; gloomy; lifeless; variegated; flaring; relentless; soft-looking; enchanted; heaven-reaching; timberless; worshipful; huge; new; craggy; misty; fractured; snowy; moody; severed; tremendous; intervening; prickly; glittering; ruddy; delectable; remote; offensive; jagged; rude; slumbering; overhanging; pensive; eagle-baffling; ice-crowned; terraced; round-topped; sharp-peaked; redoubtable; messy-looking; environing; tumbling; scarlet; morning; disintegrated; barren; symmetrical; volcanic; vast; everlasting; verdant; fabled; naked; sentinel; scarped ;un-scaled; windless; towering; colorless; ancient; timbered; gloomy; ponderous; prodigious; unique; weltering; steepy; circumjacent


    abandon—; ascend—; carve—; circumvent —; fortify—; furrow—; level—; plow through—; reconnoitre—; scale—; straddle —; trudge up—; —awes; —hinders; — looms up; —obscures; —obstructs; —overawes; —shadows; —stands sentinel; — towers

    (See hill, bank, peak, precipice, tower.

    Mountaineers adjectives

    mythic; benighted; hardy; intractable;

    re doubtable; wary

    Mountainous adverbs gloriously; hazardously; terribly; magnificently; splendidly; gorgeously; gloomily; disastrously; impenetrably; densely; impassably; scenically; steeply; bleakly; tremendously; perilously; dangerously; attractively; invitingly; alluringly; adventurously; notoriously; presumably

    Mourn (v) adverbs pathetically; sincerely; touchingly; nationally; primitively; tragically; barbarically; oppressively; jealously; querulously; unnaturally; piously

    (See grieve, regret, lament.

    Mourner adjectives

    flap-mouthed; pensive; desolate; sorrowful; heartbroken

    condole—; console—; sympathize with—; —s attend; —despairs; —s file out; —laments; •—grieves; —rends; —s respect; — screams; —sheds; —sobs; —suffers; — wails; —weeps; —groans

    Mournful adverbs

    desolately; forlornly; dismally; drearily; hopelessly; helplessly; bitterly; sadly; tragically; pitiably; unutterably; unspeakably; unbearably; grievously; profoundly; irremediably; disagreeably; uncomfortably; shockingly; cruelly; gloomily; grimly; disconsolately; inconsolably; plaintively; querulously; resentfully; rebelliously

    Mouse adjectives smallest; monstrous; realistic; scampering


    attract—; bait—; corner—; panic—; pursue —; snare—; stir—; trap—; —burrows; — —cowers; —disturbs; —dodges; —gnaws; —nibbles; —ransacks; —rifles; —rummages; —scampers; —scurries; —scuttles; —whisks

    (See animal.

    Moustache verbs adorn with—; coil—; cultivate—; curl—; dye—; finger—; nourish—; pluck at—; roll —; ruffle—; smooth—; stroke—; trim—; twirl—; twist—; wax—; wipe—; —bristles; —charms; —curls; —droops; —gleams; — trembles; —wilts

    (See mane, beard, whiskers, curls.

    Mouth adjectives

    smiling; deep; innocent; loud-ringing; mobile; enraged; foamy; sweet; rosy; impressive; good-humored; loving; alkaline; irritable; deathful-grinning; funnel-shaped; compressed; fine; sensuous; musty; winsome; cooing; dimpled; tender; relaxed; generous; unpampered; prudent; extraordinary; wide; wry; foul; brazen; cavernous; resolute; lascivious; delicate; frothy; churning; handsome; full; firm; querulous; ascetic; yawning; coral; ravishing; facile; perilous; puckered; toothless; rabbit; baby; branching; sulky; acid; gaping; arch; eloquent; unmelodious; bloodless; voluble; glad; expressive; economical; breathless; slobbering; serious; savage; insistent; sardonic; purposeful; shapeless; hungry; furnace; munching; painted; heavy; vermilion; distended; luscious; wrinkled; cruel; modeled


    convey to—; froth at—; honey—; introduce into—; irritate—; padlock—; paint—; pout

    —; proceed from—; pucker up—; seal—", screw up—; sponge—; smite on—; swab—; —droops; —hardens; —lures; —quirks; — quivers; —relaxes; —tightens; —twitches


    (See lips, face, opening.)

    Movable adverbs

    conveniently; easily; handily; adjustably; cleverly; comfortably; appropriately; serviceably; usefully; freely; readily; lightly; adaotably; conformably; curiously

    Move adjectives

    ill-planned; latest; strategic; opening; vulnerable; subordinate; rusty; eccentric; hostile; brilliant; ambitious; fancy; stultifying


    abet—; alternate —s; attempt—; calculate —; concede—; determine—; devise—; encourage—; guard—; limit —s; speculate on —; study—; undertake—; —captures; —deceives; —misleads; —tricks

    (See march, maneuver, movement.)

    Move (v) adverbs

    gracefully; automatically; perceptibly; sinuously; precariously; simultaneously; involuntarily; caressingly; violently; rashly; spasmodically; cautiously; deftly; impatiently; rhythmically; profoundly; visibly; sedately; invisibly; fearsomely; serenely; unintelligibly; blithesomely; drearily; stealthily; dubiously; erratically; sluggishly; obliviously; agilely; phelegmatically; passively; invincibly; warily; strategically; abortively; brusquely; tremulously; timorously; martially

    (See step, walk.)

    Movement (action, change of verbs

                                position, etc.

    accentuate—; accomplish—; attempt—; avoid—; cease—; control—; diminish—; effect—; enliven—; facilitate—; hamper—• impede—; ,'nduce—; minimize—; necessitate—; practise—; repeat—; restrain from —; restrict—; reverse—; —agonizes

    (See current, motion, move.)

    Movement verbs


    actuate—; annihilate—; applaud—; ban—; block—; combat—; cripple—; criticize—; defeat—; dominate—; endorse—; engage in —; engineer—; facilitate—; father—; fling into—; found—; frustrate—; govern—; inaugurate—; initiate—; involve in—; launch —; mask—; promote—; quell—; rally to—;‘ sponsor—; support—; coagulates; —collapses; —commences; —culminates in; — dies; —flourishes; —originates in; —penetrates to; •—springs from; —suffers; —symbolizes; —wanes

    (See crusade, fascism, innovation, cause.)

    Movement (general) adjectives

    anxious; contemplated; spasmodic; commendable; romantic; recent; involuntary; strategical; deliberate; planetary; wild; busy; complicated; passionate; graceful; revolutionary; impulsive; metallic; rude; unobtrusive; important; erratic; impatient; abortive; alternative; careless; rhythmic; ■bustling; wandering; uncapturable; delicate; pending;, retrograde; offensive; flank; convulsive: scooping; life-sustaining: contemplated; self possessed; messianic; living; hostile; rebellious; particular; painful; cooperative; bridling; incessant; aesthetic; willowy; celestial; intentional; philanthropic; turbulent; fitting; silent; wasteful; insurrectionary; muscular; imperceptible; dexterous; soothing; foregoing; extensive; composite; clicking; nautical; masterly; terrorist; kneading; responsive; flexible; religious; insensible; tremulous; brusque; grandiose; silly; subsequent; slinking; crushing; fantastic; unconvulsive; guillotine-like; discerning; serpentine; energetic; circumspect; vigorous; recreation; zigzag; interdependent; lyrical; supple; agonized; timorous; hazardous; calm; cabalistic; springy; free; desultory; syncopated; enveloping; unanticipated; blithe; glacial; martial; present; cyclic; toss-over

    Mover adjectives

    prime; mortal; fairest; unseen


    Verbs Censor—; Construct—; Cram—With; Direct —; Film—; Howl At—; Inspire—; Prevent—; Produce—; Repress—; Review—; Romp Through—; —Amuses; —Appeals; —Attracts; —Conveys; —Depicts; —Entertains; —Excites; —Refreshes; —Surges; —Thrills

    (See Film, Play, Story.

    " Mucous •verbs

    cast out—; discharge—; eject—; emit—; excrete—; expel—; exude—; secrete—; — drains from; —emanates from; —issues; — lubricates; —moistens; —oozes

    (See secretion, discharge.)

    Mud adjectives

    gurgling; oozing; sticky; flung; black; tenacious; dragging; poisonous; treacherous; viscous; sluggish; slimy; clinging; great; ancient; sloshing; hopeless; frozen; fertilizing; dense; respectable; spattered; caked; dried; jellylike


    bake—; bathe in—; bespatter with—; bog in—; cake—; dabble in—; daub with—; emerge from—; flounder in—; lodge in—; mire in—; plod through—; roll in—; sling —; spatter with—; steep in—; swash through—; wade through—; wallow in—; —cakes; —gurgles; —spatter*” —sucks

    (See mire, dirt, filth, swamp, marsh.)

    Muddle adjectives

    appalling; miserable; vicious; intricate; indescribable

    Muddled adverbs

    hopelessly; strangely; unfortunately; helplessly; mysteriously; vaguely; comically; tragically; disastrously; completely; horribly; indescribably; obviously; unmistakably; visibly; manifestly; dazedly; brokenly; pathetically; inexpertly; laughably; foolishly; greatly

    Muddy adverbs

    untidily; deeply; impassably; horribly; distressingly; grimily; thickly; turbidly; foully; disagreeably; unpleasantly; inconceivably; unexpectedly; astonishingly; impossibly; dangerously; obstructively; swampily; quaggily

    Muffled adverbs

    dimly; obscurely; deliberately; unpleasantly; closely; furtively; stealthily; carefully; warily; softly; inaudibly; sepulchrally; confidentially; evasively; tremulously; curiously; peculiarly; faintly; cautiously

    Muggy adverbs

    unpleasantly; disagreeably; humidly; damply; soggily; suffocatingly; smotheringly; breathlessly; unhealthily; duskily; dimly; obscurely; strangely; remarkably; extremely; peculiarly; confusingly; foggily; mistily; warmly; intolerably; distressingly

    Mule adjectives

    burdened; unshod; bare-backed; toil-enduring; snail-paced; flea-bitten; fruit-laden; sure-footed; lagging; jaded; opinionative; jingling; patient


    burden—; fetter—; guide—; manage—; rein—; tether—; water—; —balks; —s caracole; —carries; —endures; —groans; — hauls; —haunches; —kicks; —pulls; — shies; —snorts; —strains; —wearies

    (See mare, livestock, animal, donkey.)

    Mulish adverbs

    doggedly; intractably; intolerably; disagreeably; unpleasantly; obstinately; sullenly; stubbornly; defiantly; dogmatically; immovably; inflexibly; obdurately; perversely; sulkily; stiffly; tenaciously; waywardly; wilfully; determinedly; obstreperously; remarkably; notoriously; inveterately; confoundedly; terribly

    Mullioned adverbs

    artistically; elegantly; richly; elaborately; gorgeously; splendidly; magnificently; beautifully

    Multiply (v) adverbs

    ceaselessly; prodigiously; exceedingly; miraculously; alarmingly; lustily; mathematically; beneficially; wantonly; deliberately; disconcertingly

    (See increase, enlarge.)

    Mum adverbs

    discreetly; prudently; wisely; carefully; decently; reliably; securely; sagely;. sagaciously ; taciturnly; laconically; reticently; quietly; calmly; resolutely; determinedly; un-communicayvely; cautiously; warily; loyally; judiciously; considerately; courteously; shrewdly; judiciously; sensibly; discerningly; remarkably; deliberately; significantly

    Mumble (v) adverbs

    inarticulately; vaguely; bashfully; gruffly; querulously; idiotically; roughly; monotonously; irreverently; formidably; outlandish-ly; grotesquely; gruesomely

    (■See mutter, utter.

    Mummery adjectives

    ghostly; profane; present; unmeaning

    Munch (v) adverbs

    placidly; cozily; contentedly; dreamily; greedily; famishedly; toothlessly; insatiably. (See chew, nibble, eat.


    obsequious; sham; ring-ridden; patriotic

    Munificent adverbs

    lavishly; surprisingly; astonishingly; bountifully; extravagantly; incredibly; wasteful-ly; abundantly; bounteously; unimaginably; excessively; preposterously; ostentatiously; exorbitantly; inordinately; magnificently; philanthropically; pompously; notably; charitably

    Murder adjectives

    cold-blooded; wanton; complicated; anarchic; mightiest; mortal; contested; high-handed; potential; unparalleled; unprovoked; foul; direful; nihilistic; sacrilegious; treacherous; willful; judicial; deliberate; various (pl); ruthless; gruesome


    atone for—; avenge—; contrive—; cover—; exalt—; execute—; expiate—; perform—; perpetrate—; plan—; plot—; punish—; redeem—; relish—; repent—; reveal—; revenge—; —awes; —confuses; —scandalizes; —terrifies

    (See killing, assassination, massacre, mortality.)

    Murder (v) adverbs

    pitilessly; deliberately; foully; treacherously; inhumanly; wantonly; unprovokedly; direfully; sacrilegiously; gruesomely; ruthlessly; irrationally; sadistically

    (See kill, butcher.)

    Murderer adjectives

    cowardly; viperous; notorious; guilty; cursed; egregious; bloody


    apprehend—; curse—; execute—; glorify—

    hunt—; incarcerate—; inspire—; net—; overtake—; overwhelm—; pardon—; penalize—; reproach—; reveal—; sate—; sentence—; spot—; stain—; terrify—; —contrives; —flees; —stifles

    (See assassin, kidnapper, robber, thief.)

    Murderous adverbs

    savagely; cruelly; vengefully; brutally; insanely; fiercely; strangely; alarmingly; dangerously; ominously; dreadfully; portentously; unmistakably; presumably; stealthily; fearfully; enormously; undeniably; incontestably

    Murky adverbs

    strangely; unaccountably; curiously; dimly; smokily; faintly; obscurely; darkly; duskily; thickly; dangerously; alarmingly; ominously; frighteningly; unseasonably; gloomily; dismally; drearily; dankly; somberly; mistily; muggily; dingily; awfully

    Murmur adjectives

    awed; sad; long-pent; softer; prolonged; exacting; rapid; prophetic; perpetual; crunching; splashing; faint; applauding; tender; portentous; thrilling; pervading; mimic; sullen; startling; depreciating; powerless; homely; monotonous; rustic; singing; inarticulate; gurgling; hasty; pleasing; shallow; wailing; drowsy; self-contemptuous; hurtful; satisfying; ominous; inarticulate; deepening; mournful; foreboding; whispering; lulling; popular; confused; gentle; kindling; querulous; broken; hushed; perturbed; irrepressible; plaintive; dissentient; cheerful; reverent; hollow; melodious; sympathetic; elusive; low; formidable


    break—; breathe—; buzz with—s; emit—; melt into—; restrain—; smother—; soften into—; stifle—; still—; subdue—; —floats; —flows; —perturbs; —pervades; —ripples in; —trickles through

    (See hum, sigh, sob.)

    Murmur (v) adverbs

    demurely; complacently; involuntarily; dreamily; drowsily; ceaselessly; whimsically; despondently; moodily; plaintively; apologetically; ruefully; ecstatically; dolefully; hoarsely; deprecatingly; languorously

    (See whisper, mutter.)

    Muscles adjectives

    well-strung; saddle; noble; flaccid; facial; intestinal; sagging; important; massive; fatigued; aching; expressive; quivering; strengthened; painful; wild; bulging; sturdy; smashing; sledge-hammer; important; strained; swelling; gnarled; swollen; weary; prominent


    bring—into play; contract—; control—; distort—; embed in—; employ—; enlarge—; exercise—; exert—; expand—; flex—; govern—; incise—; inflame—; invigorate—: limber—; lodge in—; massage—; reeducate —; rejuvenate—; relax—; stiffen—; swell —; tense—; tone up—; weaken—; — atrophy; —bulge; —degenerate; —knot; — quiver; —ripple; —support; —twitch

    (See ligament, body, tendon.)

    Muscular adverbs

    amazingly; incredibly; robustly; sturdily; brawnily; athletically; wonderfully; unusually; uncommonly; remarkably; vigorously; powerfully; wirily; admirably; won-drously; soundly; tremendously; invincibly; unbelievably; unconquerably

    Muse (v) adverbs

    pensively; dolefully; romantically; affectionately; nostalgically; irrelevantly; disconsolately; regretfully

    (See meditate, ponder, reflect.)

    Muses adjectives

    mournful; worst-humored; inspiring; gentle; dreamy; dauntless; humanizing

    Museum adjectives

    local; desolate; veritable; admirable; provincial; miniature


    assemble in—; bequeath to—; congregate in —; dedicate—to; donate—; endow—; exhibit in—; flock to—; guide through—; muster in—; pack—; ransack—; refer to—; store in—; stream through—; —accumulates; —aggregates; —amasses; —collects; —compiles; —displays; —inspires; —preserves; —sponsors

    Music ad jectives

    unregarded; undying; orchestral; barbaric; instrumental; contemporary; pianoforte; virginal; classical; charming; polyphonic; effective; sparkling; picturesque: elegiac; tragic; sonorous; higher; symphonic; concerted; random; intellectual; homophonic; starry; potential; excellent; secular; voluptuous; low; molten; bold; incidental; mechanized; martial; negroid; jocund; sweet; sinewy; brilliant; torrential; melancholy; mournful; heady; graceful; exquisite; grotesque; vocal; echoing; surging; nationalistic; dumb; ethereal; prismatic; deepsweet; transporting; melting; evening; tinkling; shrill; steady; enchanted; worthy; unearthly; lively; reeling; dancing; ecclesiastical; liturgical; discordant; seraphic; sensuous; sacred; repining; contrapuntal; roaring; unutterable; half-delirious; pensive; chamber; gay; lilting; mere; persuasive; complex; outlandish; glad; contemporary; preluding; tawdry; delicious; hushed; sparkling; tantalizing; deathless; cadent; sobbing; measureless; brassy; meretricious; triumphant; soul-awakening; grinding; mewling


    mingle with—; ring with—; set to—; silence —; soften—; strum out—; sway to—; — awakens; —beats; —blares; —charms; — clashes; —electrifies; —elevates; —ensnares; —enthralls; —fascinates; —floats from; —humanizes; —kindles; —lessens; — moans; —mourns; —pauses; —rolls; — sobs; —soothes; —subsides; —swells; — throbs; —tingles; adapt—; drink in—

    (See hymn, modulation, jazz, song, melody.

    Musician adjectives

    erudite; excellent; graceful; temperamental; foreign-bred; self-taught; skilled; indignant; impertinent; capable; endowed; contemporary; airy; authoritative; eminent; talented; influential


    acclaim—; accord—; applaud—; encourage —; entreat—; inspire—; welcome—; — bows; —charms; —delights; —dreams; — enchants; —expresses; —interprets; —loosens; —moves; —pours; —renders; — soothes; —speaks; —strays; —thrills

    (See artist.

    Musket adjectives

    old-fashioned; smoky; percussion; ancient



    arm with—; bear—; combat with—; discharge—; employ—; enlist—; force from—; provide—; repel with—; retaliate with—; salute with—; shoulder—; storm with—; wield—; —crackles; —flashes; —glitters; — rattles

    (See gun, pistoi, machine gun, rifle.

    Muslin adjectives

    saffron; superior; unbleached; spotless; cream-tinted

    Mussy adverbs

    inexcusably; unpleasantly; untidily; inexplicably; unnecessarily; unaccountably; senselessly; carelessly; shiftlessly; confusedly; chaotically; troublesomely; vexatiously; irritatingly; intolerably; disagreeably; in-choately; incidentally; casually; improvid-ently; wastefully; inconsiderately

    Mustache adjectives

    cream-colored; tobacco-stained; thick; immature; stiff; iron-gray; jaunty; white; budding; sprouting; sandy; swooping; dashing; curling: tawny; twirled; waxed; indomitable; walrus; sleek; slight; silken; well-trimmed; disdainful; grizzled; blond; silver-streaked; fierce; pepper-and-salt; weedy

    Mustang verbs

    retreat before—; break—; breed—s; bridle —; captivate—; check—; confine—to; consign—to; corral—; domesticate—; entrap —; restrain—; round up—s; spur—; stable —; tame—; tether—; —roves; —shies; -j-wanders

    (See horse.

    Mustard verbs

    anoint with—; cultivate—; flavor with—; grind—; mix—; plaster—on; prepare—; relish—; savor—; season with—; smear—;

    spice with—; spoon—; spread—; —bites

    —flatters; —heightens; —sharpens; —stings

    (See salt, spice.)

    Mutes adjectives

    obedient; congenital; deaf; wistful

    Mutilation verbs

    conceal—; fear—; lament—; mend—; punish by—; recover from—; resort to—; sentence to—; suffer—; —attends; —blemishes; —blights; —defaces; —deforms; —deprives; —disfigures; —disables; —handicaps; —pains; —shocks; subject to—

    (See laceration, sabotage, injury, violence.)

    Mutinous adverbs

    uncontrollably; ungovernably; tumultuously; rebelliously; turbulently; uproariously; unmanageably; riotously; chaotically; dangerously; ominously; portentously; intensely; terribly; alarmingly; doggedly; sullenly; brutally; sternly; murderously; seditiously; truculently; wildly; restlessly; disturbingly; oddly; uneasily; secretly

    Mutiny adjectives

    abortive; famous; practical; incited; exciting; long-planned


    attempt—; commit—; conspire—; draw into —; encounter—; inspire—; instigate—; invite—; overcome—; quash—; quell—; quench—; rise in—; rouse to—; seethe with —; snuff out—; suppress—; —roars; — smashes; —strikes; —threatens; —unfolds

    (See revolution, rebellion, insurrection.)

    Mutter adjectives

    incessant; drowsy; articulate; growling; low

    Mutter (v) adverbs

    threateningly; despairingly; incoherently; mournfully; huskily; inaudibly; fitfully; defiantly; savagely; grimly; indistinctly; incessantly; drunkenly; thickly; bestially

    (See murmur, utter.)

    Muttering adjectives

    internal; magic; bewildered; instant; habitual; unpleasant; inane; drear; visceral

    Muzzle adjectives

    outstretched; creamy; glittering; shiny



    burst—; clap on—; disengage—; emerge from—; impose—; jam on—; link—; require—; secure—; —checks; —controls; — curbs; —gags; —masks; —prevents; —represses; —restrains; —restricts

    (See brake, collar.)

    Myriads adjectives

    phantom; propagated; humbler; countless; breathing; swarming; misty

    Mysterious adverbs

    altogether; strangely; perplexingly; uncomfortably; distressingly; unutterably; occultly; inscrutably; mystically; preposterously; pretentiously; unreasonably; foolishly; unnecessarily; vaguely; cryptically; inordinately; unfathomably; impenetrably; indefinitely; darkly; inviolately; evasively; queer-ly

    Mystery adjectives

    sweet; solemn; unsolved; bewildering; mighty; durable; inscrutable; profound; dread; artistic; baffling; overpowering; woodland; unaccountable; venerable; incarnate; hateful; fashionable; ridiculous; inevitable; unfolded; delicate; gray; unanswerable; ecstatic; unborn; worshipful; embarrassing; unexplored; mild; bearded; abstruse; labyrinthine; sacred; solemn; prime; sublime; peculiar; subtle; unfathomable; hungering; occult; sensational; painful; brooding; wingy; domestic; indescribable; deluding; juggling; physical; shrouding; selfsame


    absorb in—; cloak in—; comprehend—; concoct—; confront with—; deepen—; delve into—; dispel—; dissipate—; elucidate—; encompass by—; envelop in—; explore—ies of; fathom—; ferret out—; heighten—; init iate into—; penetrate—; plumb—; ponder —; reveal—; shroud in—; solve—; unlock —; unravel—; unveil—; wrap in—; — baffles; —prevails; —surrounds

    (See marvel, miracle, enigma, secret, maze.

    Mystic adverbs

    casually; vaguely; mysteriously; obscurely; precariously; unintelligibly; unfathomably; inscrutably; curiously; strangely; oddly; queerly; nebulously; symbolically; darkly; inferentially; impenetrably; covertly; magically; incomprehensibly

    Mysticism adjectives

    mellow; spiritual; sensuous; dramatic; philosophical

    verbs achieve—; capitulate to—; chatter—; cloud by—; contemplate—; dabble in—; derive— from; devour—; entertain with—; immerse in—; involve—; poison by—; rationalize—; ridicule—; speculate on—; steep in—; wallow in—; —deludes; —pervades; —perverts; —poses as

    (See magic, doctrine, belief.

    Myth adjectives

    nature; heroic; solar; ancient; aboriginal; domestic


    blast—; conceive—; dispel—; dissipate—; eradicate—; explode—; give rise to—; narrate—; preserve—; shatter—; strangle—; trace—; —antedates; —deals with; —develops; —evolves from; —explains; —grows; —portrays; —reflects; —relates; —reverberates; —survives; —wanes

    (See legend, fiction, story.

    Mythological adverbs fabulously; fantastically; fancifully; presumably; probably; supposedly; speculatively; presumptively; preposterously; presumably; remotely; fantastically; groundlessly; purely; authentically; authoritatively; altogether; wholly

    Nag (v) adverbs

    shrewishly; maddeningly; unceasingly; monotonously; repetitiously; bitterly; acrimoniously; offensively; vehemently; viciously; diabolically

    (See tease, torment.)

    Nail adjectives

    tapering; cruel; brass-headed; sulphurous; diamond; slim; sturdy; bent; rusty


    cast—; clip off—; drive—; fabricate—s; fasten with—; hammer—; impale on—; mend with—; pound in—; secure with—; strike—; stud with—s; suspend from—; thump—; whack—; —impinges; —pierces; —rivets; —splinters

    (See fang, claw, pin, rivet, point, hook.)

    Naive adverbs

    charmingly; unexpectedly; ingenuously; quaintly; childishly; incredibly; pitifully; pathetically; absurdly; ridiculously; laughably; ludicrously; unaccountably; inexplicably; surprisingly; sweetly; obviously; overwhelmingly; plainly; disarmingly; delightfully; refreshingly; cheerfully; unsuspiciously; utterly

    Naked adverbs

    shamelessly; distressingly; pitiably; pathetically; grievously; scandalously; miserably; utterly; painfully; shockingly; horribly; wretchedly; deplorably

    Nakedness adjectives

    primitive; sad; uncomely; cherubic; utter

    Namby-Pamby adverbs

    hopelessly; feebly; pathetically; vexatiously; irritatingly; absurdly; unutterably; disgustingly; reprehensibly; ridiculously; deplorably; incurably; naturally; inherently; detestably; nervously; incomprehensibly; surprisingly; spinelessly; submissively; pliantly

    Name adjectives

    republican; specious; altered; immortal; ambitious; fictitious; high-sounding; low; humble; feigned; aristocratic; charming; potent; endearing; opprobrious; musical; spotless; sacred; unworthy; blighted; generic; prosaic; gentle; uncommon; lasting; mystic; glorious; uncomfortable; interchangeable (pl); fashionable; bucolic; revolting; disreputable; creditable; naked; baptismal; beloved; honored; untarnished; hapless; worthless; ill; fair; mellifluous; doubtful; sonorous; imperial; servant; ancient; deathless; charitable; all-adored; stainless; ragged; abominable; deferential; saucy; everlasting; meaningless; ungentle-manly; hateful; illustrious; dreadful; flattering; inappropriate; grotesque; sheltering; hieroglyphic; long-living; distinguished; imposing; significant; unforgettable; deep-cut; humorous; childish; almighty; noble; unpronounceable; imperishable; respected; contemptuous; complaining; beauteous; musical; impious; wonted; graceless; inconspicuous; revered; phantom; soft; foremost; idolized; lustrous; poisonous; unblemished; influential; important; excellent; famous; good; euphonious; exact; renowned; night-begotten; authoritative; lofty; florid; vaunting; cherished; latinized; assumed; characteristic; family; poetic; suggestive; incongruous; wounded; borrowed; unsoiled; botanical; eminent; alluring; international; classical; inviolable; inoffensive; impressed; heroic; patrician; objectionable; half-mocking; haughtier; shining; fashionable


    adopt—; append—to; apply—to; assume—; attach interest to—; bear—; besmirch—; bestow—upon; blaspheme—; brand—; coin —; conjure with—; couple—s of; deprecate —; dignify—; dismiss—; divulge—; glorify —; identify with—; inscribe—; link—with; perpetuate—; preserve—; reveal—; scrawl —; stain—; thunder—; usurp—; venerate —; —blazes; —bobs up; —conveys; —derives; —embodies; —implies; —recurs; — shines; —strikes terror; —suggests

    (See title, character, reputation.)

    Name (v) adverbs

    speciously; ambitiously; fictitiously; humbly; aristocratically; musically; generically; prosaically; mystically; mellifluously; sonorously; deferentially; significantly; contemptuously; characteristically; offensively; heroically; haughtily; originally; appropriately; promptly

    (See entitle, designate.)

    Nameless adverbs

    obscurely; curiously; remotely; ingloriously; unhappily; humbly; meekly; strangely; unfortunately; ignominiously; purposely; sadly; significantly; necessarily; abjectly; op-probriously; pathetically; diplomatically; strategically

    Napkin verbs

    edge—; fold—; fringe—; gather—; hold —; monogram—; mop with—; ring—; soil —; sponge with—; tuck—; utilize—; whip open—; wrinkle—; —assures; —catches; -—protects; —safeguards

    (See handkerchief, cloth, towel.)

    Narcotics verbs

    abstain from—; addict to—; control—; distribute—; drowse under—; inhale—; inject —; load with—; peddle—; purvey—; smuggle—; specialize in—; swallow—; trade in —; traffic in—; warn against—; —corrupt; —defile; —degenerate; —deteriorate; — ease; —induce; —menace; —poison; —ravage; —stultify; -—wreck

    (See drug, heroin, medicine.)

    Narrate (v) adverbs

    bizarrely; absorbingly; vividly; romantically; grippingly; dramatically; movingly; deftly; tensely; vigorously; artfully; prosaically

    (See tell, recite, relate.)

    Narration adjectives

    dramatic; bare; vivid; gripping; moving; swift; sure; deft; skilled; breathless


    blend int--    color—; commend—; discuss

    —: ?moellish—; enter into—; introduce into —; publish—; recite—; recount—; rehearse —; resume—; set forth in—; state in—; — delights; —depicts; —enchants; —enthralls

    —portrays; —reveals; —unfolds

    (See lecture, story, tale.)

    Narrative adjectives

    dry; boasting; comprehensive; epical; enticing; shocking; contemporary; lugubrious; disjointed; digested; romantic; autobiographical; superficial; sober; poetical; imaginative; touching; dramatic; tragic; vivid; melodramatic; sacred; graphic; connected; superb; splendid; fictitious; thrilling; faithful; concise; mirthful; chequered; trustworthy; serious; earnest; authentic; metrical; truthful; personal; descriptive; persuasive; fantastic; voluminous; incredible; celebrated; present; masterly; supernatural; painful; pathetic


    acclaim—; blend into—; commend—; complicate—; condense—; embellish—; enliven —; impair—; interlard—; introduce in—; peruse—; recount—; set forth in—; spice —; strew throughout—; sum up—; —delights; —enchants; —flows; —portrays; — strikes; —unfolds

    (See fiction, lecture, legend, anecdote, story, tale.)

    Narrow (v) adverbs

    appreciably; markedly; abruptly; perilously; impracticably; strikingly

    (See reduce, contract.)

    Narrow adverbs

    impossibly; terribly; unbelievably; remarkably; painfully; inconveniently; inexplicably; outlandishly; stingily; frugally; parsimoniously; absurdly; ridiculously; perilously; hazardously; dangerously; inexcusably; outrageously; shockingly; terrifyingly; uselessly; unserviceably; curiously; undesirably; vexatiously; perplexingly; uncommonly

    Narrow-Minded adverbs

    stubbornly; intolerably; intractably; obdurately; wilfully; incurably; incorrigibly; persistently; fanatically; perniciously; obstinately; hopelessly; mulishly; incomprehensibly; inveterately

    Nasty adverbs

    squalidly; obscenely; indelicately; disgustingly; offensively; repulsively; odiously; disagreeably; unnecessarily; unpardonably; indecently; loathsomely; nauseatingly; diabolically; terribly; sickeningly; unhealth-fully; pestilentially; dangerously; unsani-tarily

    Nation adjectives

    powerful; puissant; guarded; shopkeeping; delivered; advanced; expectant; friendly; regenerated; dusky; surrounding (pl); liberated; disenchanted; grateful; altruistic; respective; warring; neighboring; restless; energetic; impressionable; civilized; happy; peaceable; wretched; impoverished; delusive; motley; swarming; greedy; aggressive; magnificent; resolute; impudent; unpolished; conquered; diverse; unsubdued; maritime; capitalist; woeful; eminent; scientific; long-suffering; declining; raw; mercantile; gentle; moral; uncivilized; stunned; helpless; leaderless; loyal; barbarous; brave; vigorous; ignorant; incredulous; benighted; sacred; homogeneous; burdened; stricken; unfriended; ambitious; progressive; wild; corrupted; exceptional; callous; courageous; brave; enslaved; eager; fickle; ill-assorted; ancient


    awaken—; blanket—; compensate—; convulse—; envelop—; filch from—; further—; incite—; inflame—; jolt—; liberate—; menace—; realign—; seduce—; terrorize—; trample—; —decays; —embarks on; — quakes; —retaliates; —rises; —s vie for

    (See folk, country, empire, public. )

    National adverbs

    strongly; ardently; narrowly; broadly; strictly; eagerly; fervently; intensely; devotedly; fiercely; zealously; indifferently; enthusiastically; sharply; selfishly; actively; admirably


    intense; spiritual; ardent; growing; evident; forced; powerful


    advocate—; base on—; breed—; cultivate —; defend—; encourage—; favor—; foster —; institute—; justify—; maintain—; prate of—; prescribe—; respect—; seethe with—; steep in—; threaten—; value—; —characterizes; —comforts; —shields; —smooths

    (See democracy, atheism, socialism, independence.)

    Nationalities adjectives

    dominant; jarring; divers; healthy; autonomous

    Nationality verbs

    annihilate—; cast off—; characterize—; color—; denote—; deny—; describe—; distinguish—; efface—; extinguish—; ferret out—; protest—; renounce—; threaten—; — pains; —vanishes

    (See heritage, nation.)

    Native adverbs

    unquestionably; genuinely; happily; indigenously; unaffectedly; frankly; plainly; obviously; advantageously; contentedly; indubitably; conveniently; warrantably

    Natives adjectives

    frightened; superstitious; credulous; bedizened; grinning; influential; energetic; polygamous; well-connected; indifferent; effeminate; nondescript; bronzed; free-born; wretched; exiled; unprejudiced; guileless; predatory; genuine; belated


    astonish—; commend—; dispute with—; encounter—; fraternize with—; interrogate—; scuffle with—; —adhere; —adopt; —fashion; —inhabit; —merit; —populate; — praise; —rear

    (See inhabitant, Indian, negro, peasant.)

    Natural adverbs

    essentially; inherently; artlessly; honestly; ingenuously; openly; unaffectedly; spontaneously; simply; frankly; naively; cordially; delightfully; suddenly; altogether; refreshingly; touchingly; wondrously; charmingly; ravishingly; unbelievably; graciously; innocently; alluringly; childishly; guilelessly; youthfully; pleasantly

    Naturalist adjectives

    well-known; inoffensive; abstracted; wise


    appeal to—; unfold to—; —breeds; —classifies; —collects; —conserves; —examines; —exhausts; —fathoms; —gazes on; —invades; —investigates; —marvels at; —observes; —preserves; —reflects; —studies; —tabulates; —treasures; —treks; —verifies; —worships

    (See scientist, philosopher.)

    Naturalization verbs

    approve—; await—; consider—; deny—; desire—; dispute—; encourage—; gain—; merit—; prepare for—; protest—; qualify for—; question—; seek—; undergo—; — commends; —ensues; —insures; —privileges

    (See citizenship.)

    Nature verbs

    attune to—; conform to—; defy—; endow by —; master—; mirror—; observe—; portray —; reflect—; rely on—; return to—; struggle with—; subdue—; supplant—; take refuge in—; w’ring from—; —allures; —arrays; —bestows; —decrees; —exacts; —imposes; —molds; —paints; —plays; —rejoices; —sanctions; —shapes; —stages; — thwarts; —unfolds; supplement—

    (See instinct, God, life, convention, conventionality.)

    Nature adjectives                        (character

    abject; able; adventurous; affectionate; agitating; angelic; animate; arduous; arrogant; artistic; awakening; awed; belated; beneficent; binding; boisterous; blind; blithesome; bloody; blunt; brooding; brute; bubbling; buoyant; calculating; calm; cantankerous; cautious; capricious; celestial; chivalrous; clinging; cold; combative; communicable; complicated; composite; conceited; concentrated; confiding; conscientious; conservative; contracted; contradictory; contrary; controversial; corporeal; craven; creating; cruel; crumbling; cursed; cynical; daring; darkening; dazzled; definite; delicate; delightful; desperate; determined; diabolical; dictatorial; difficult; diligent, dismal; disordered; distasteful; diversified; domineering; dual; dynamic; easygoing; ecclesiastical; elemental; elevated; emotional; enduring; encouraging; engrossing; erratic; essential; everlasting; evil; exacting; exaggerating; exclusive; exhilarating; expansive; exquisite; external; extraordinary; false; fastidious; fearless; fiendish; fiery; finite; forbearing; forbidding; formidable; frank; friable; frivolous; functional; generous; gloomy; gracious; half-savage; great; gross; hardy; harmonious; harsh; hateful; haughty; hazardous; heaven-born; hereditary; heretical; hidden; hideous; high-strung; honest; honorable; horrible; hostile; human; illustrious; hysterical; immaterial; immutable; imperfect; imperious; impetuous; imperturbable; impracticable; inanimate; incomprehensible; incongruous; indigenous; infectious; infinite; inherent; inmost; inorganic; inscrutable; inspired; intellectual; intense; internal; interpretative; intimate; intrinsic; introspective; intuitive; invertebrate; kind; irritable; latent; lavish; leonine; light; living; lofty; lovable; luxuriant; maimed; magnetic; marked; martial; mean; material; mechanical; melancholy; mid-summer; mercurial; merry; mild; mischievous; miraculous; mismade; moral; murky; mute; mysterious; neutral; niggard; noble; obscure; observant; omnipotent; onerous; operative; opposed; opulent; oracular; ostentatious; outward; painful; paradoxical; parallel; parsimonious; passionate; patriotic; peculiar; pecuniary; personal; phantasmagorical; planetary; playful; pliant; poetic; polished; popular; populous; precise; praiseworthy; prime; primitive; private; probable; prodigal; profaning; prophetic; protracted; proud; quarrelsome; quick; radiant; rash; rational; reasonable; recalcitrant; receptive; recondite; religious; reluctant; restless; retiring; revengeful; rude; sanguine; sardonic; savage; seasonal; self-effacing; self-sacrificing; sensitive; sensuous; sentient; sentimental; severe; shallow; shrinking; silent; sluggish; social; sordid; soldierly; sorry; sound; specific; spiritual; spiteful; spoiled; spontaneous; sterling; stifled; strong; struggling; subordinate; sturdy; subtle; sunny; sympathizing; swampy; tangible; teaching; temperate; tenacious; thoroughgoing; timid; transitional; transitory; trite; trivial; truthful; ultimate; unadvanced; unblemished; uncompromising; uncultivated; undisciplined; unending; unfatherly; ungentlemanly; ungracious; unique; universal; unoffending; unpoetic; unpredictable; unprofessional; unrepentant; unselfish; unsociable; unstable; untaught; untractable; untrained; upright; vacant; vague, vain; vehement; vengeful; virile; vital; vivacious; voiceless; volatile; volcanic; voluntary; voracious; vulgar; wary; weak; weighty; well-derived; w’ild; willful; winged • wiry; wistful

    'Verbs alter—; ascertain—; bewail—; crush—; determine—; disfigure—; dwarf—; elevate—; flaunt—.; indicate—; manifest—; mold—; offend—; recognize—; sate—; temper—; — prompts

    (See character, quality.)

    Naughty adverbs

    roguishly; mischievously; childishly; disagreeably; thoughtlessly; embarrassingly; slyly; furtively; innocently; unbearably; maliciously; surprisingly; unwontedly; unusually; vexatiously; remarkably; perversely; incorrigibly; curiously; uncommonly; extremely; scampishly; prankishly; gracelessly

    Nausea verbs

    escape—; excite—; induce—; loathe—; relieve—; overcome with—; remedy—; sate to —; seize with—; shock into—; stifle—; suffer—; —agonizes; —disgusts; —dispirits; —grieves; —wearies

    (See vomiting, disgust, resentment, hatred.)

    Nauseous adverbs

    terribly; uncommonly; disagreeably; offensively; unnecessarily; unpardonably; unbearably; grievously; painfully; bitterly; obnoxiously; mortifyingly; intolerably; appallingly; hatefully; hideously; insufferably

    Nautical adverbs

    correctly; properly; appropriately; unquestionably; completely; admirably; wildly; charmingly; brightly; nattily

    Natal adverbs

    strictly; gloriously; strongly; invincibly

    Navigate (v) adverbs

    precariously; professionally; deftly; skillfully; seasonally; intrepidly; daringly; fearlessly; disastrously

    (See sail, guide, steer.)

    Navigation adjectives

    celestial; uninterrupted; protracted; widespread; ocean

    Navy adjectives

    auxiliary; unexploring; dauntless; protective; strong; fearless; well-manned; undersized; great


    enlist in—; equip—; maintain—; modernize —; volunteer for—; —defends; —manoeuvres; —patrols; —practises; —recruits; — safeguards; —schools; —trains; —transports; —yields

    (See militia, fleet, army.)

    Near adverbs

    intimately; advantageously; conveniently; pleasantly; agreeably; handily; surprisingly; remarkably; unexpectedly; ominously; unfortunately; happily; luckily; opportunely; profitably

    Nearness adjectives

    immediate; familiar; unknown; breathless

    Neat adverbs

    painfully; pleasantly; incorrigibly; particularly; remarkably; incomparably; curiously; intolerably; placidly; extremely; admirably; perfectly; habitually; incurably; uniformly; immaculately; daintily; exquisitely; jauntily; attractively; spotlessly; miraculously

    Neatness adjectives

    expectant; chilly; unusual; indescribable; extreme; miraculous; meticulous; incomparable.

    Nebulae verbs cluster into—; cover with—; —beautify; — charm; —decorate; —embellish; —enchant; —enhance; —fascinate; —illuminate; — mantle; —mass; —mist; —patch; —powder; —thicken; —whirl

    (See stars, clouds.

    Nebulous adverbs vaguely; dimly; obscurely; umbrageously; foggily; mistily; faintly; confusingly; bewilderingly; vaporously; unfathomably; dangerously; hazardously; alarmingly; perplexingly; unpleasantly; extremely

    Necessary adverbs strictly; hardly; scarcely; entirely; absolutely; completely; undeniably; obviously; definitely; manifestly; unquestionably; financially; economically; apparently; cruelly; unfortunately; unluckily; bitterly; imperatively; unavoidably; tragically; embarrassingly; terribly

    Necessity adjectives

    prime; humiliating; absolute; economic; empowered; stern; imperative; sheer; pecuniary; obvious; irresistible; physical; crying; urgent; relative; material; highborn; deplored; indispensable; mathemetical; righteous; pressing; time-honored; everyday; unalterable; inexorable; immutable; dire; expressive; practical; military; objective; cruel; dread; inevitable; invincible; belittling; strict; immediate; vicious; temporary; factitious; mortifying; fatal; unavoidable; logical; desperate; burning; fancied; superfluous; metaphysical; domestic; implacable; unyielding; marvelous; physiological; hypothetical; tragic; bitter; apparent; startling; household; amazing; fast-selling; feminine; clever; business; daily; money-saving

    verbs argue—; feel—; fortify by—; illustrate—; impel by—; inspire by—; minister to—; obviate ; ponder—; preclude—; relieve of—; skimp on —s; urge—; yield to—; —abates; —arises; —cements; —compels; —forces; — pinches; —s pop up; —presses

    (See fate, emergency, exigency, compulsion, requirement, want, need.

    Neck adjectives

    beguiling; withered; distended; ivory; stiffening; corrigible; mottled; humbled; misshapen; glossy; feminine-looking; naked; graceful; gaunt; sinewy; glowing; gleaming; chic; square; distressful; shimmering; stately; snowy; athletic; scalloped; dry-skinned; nervous; wrinkled; thin; flattered; arching; queenly; silly; well-turned; sleek; jeweled; enameled


    adorn—; arch—; bow—; button at—; clutch by—; crane—; decorate—; dislocate—; exercise—; furbish—; jerk—; massage—; powder—; sever at—; wreathe—; yoke by—

    Necktie verbs

    adjust—; criticize—; examine—; knit—; knot—; loosen—; pattern—; print—; spot —; stripe—; weave—; yank (colloq.)—; — blazes; —exaggerates; —flames; —impresses; —infuriates; —matches; —overwhelms


    (See cravat, handkerchief.

    Nectar verbs

    bathe in—; draw — from; drown in—; nourish with—; relish—; secrete—; seek—; sink in—; spout—; suck—; tongue—; — cools; —delights; —intoxicates; —oozes; — gratifies; —steams

    (See sweetness, liquid, beverage, drink.

    Need adjectives

    individual; imperative; critical; profound; fundamental; airy; spiritual; specialized; self-existing; genuine; unnumbered (pl); warranted; changing; pressing; burning; dubious; desperate; emergency; tragic; primitive; dreadful; urgent; future; spiritual; action-shaping; absolute; obvious; perpetual; definite; private; increasing; artless; shameful; dearest; psychic; extravagant; sorest; inexorable; diverse; economic; home; preliminary; intellectual; emotional; distinct; supreme; pervading; particular; deepest; practical; cruel; bitter; degrading; corporate; quiet


    anticipate—; ascertain—; awaken to—•; beget—; bend to—; conceal—; define—; eliminate—; enunciate—; evince—; emphasize —; express—; meet—; minimize—; minister to—; portray—; reveal—; satisfy—; serve —; smother—; study—; supplant—; supply —; suppress—; survey—; torture by—; voice—; —arises; —dictates; —presses

    (See lack, impoverishment, inadequacy, exigency, necessity, want, poverty.

    Need (v) adverbs

    direly; imperatively; horribly; desperately; sorely; urgently; critically; fundamentally; spiritually; genuinely; tragically; inexorably; economically; degradingly

    (See lack, require, want.

    Needle adjectives

    magnetic; shining; cambric; trembling; glancing


    case—; direct—; dodge—; draw—through; grope for—; magnetize—; mend with—; ply —; polish—; prick with—; stick with—; thread—; tug at—; work with—; —designs; —flies; —penetrates; —perforates; —punctures

    (See pin, point.

    Needless adverbs

    utterly; apparently; altogether; absurdly; obviously; wholly; ridiculously; manifestly; inconsequentially

    Needy adverbs

    desperately; undoubtedly; warrantably; tragically; pitiably; pathetically; pitifully; hopelessly; helplessly; surprisingly; avowedly; lamentably; extremely; distressingly; unfortunately; sadly; strangely; unaccountably; obscurely; unquestionably; wretchedly; miserably; inexpressibly

    Nefarious adverbs

    incomparably; abominably; diabolically; extremely; incredibly; unfathomably; wildly; deplorably; dangerously; unconscionably; grossly; scandalously; malevolently; reprehensibly; gracelessly; shamelessly; monstrously

    Negative adjectives

    strange; audacious; emphatic; startled; definite; clear


    feebly; hopelessly; fortunately; luckily; unquestionably; emphatically; flatly; peremptorily; blankly; virtually; completely; incon-trovertibly; discouragingly; distressingly; unhappily; unexpectedly; avowedly; allegedly; presumably; probably

    Neglect adjectives

    habitual; ostentatious; unintentional; willful; deplorable; hideous; high-spirited; comparative; loving; disdainful; intended; culpable; apathetic; predestined; monstrous; infamous; total


    atone for—; breed—; charge with—; complain of—; convict of—; die of—; goad by —; pardon—; rescue from—; suffer—; throw into—; wither in—; —corrodes; — damages; —endangers; —harms; —injures; —insults; —rusts; —saps

    (See failure, default, carelessness.

    Neglect (v) adverbs habitually; ostentatiously; deplorably; hideously; wilfully; disdainfully; apathetically; monstrously; infamously; totally; shamefully; slovenly; impudently; improvidently. (See ignore, disregard.

    Negligence adjectives studied; sluggard; tonsorial; official; unwonted; thoughtless; military; criminal; occasional; gross; repeated; lazy; intermittent

    Negligible adverbs comparably; comparatively; altogether; somewhat; scarcely; shamefully; ignominiously; infamously; insignificantly; ridiculously; contemptibly; politically; socially; financially

    Negotiate (v) adverbs

    craftily; astutely; ingeniously; ’zealously; diplomatically; solemnly; tactfully; separately; commercially; internationally

    (See treat.)

    Negotiations adjectives

    premature; pending; platonic; commercial; proposed; concurrent; abortive; temporal; complex; long-drawn-out; matrimonial; solemn; friendly; mercantile; secret; peace


    advocate—; assemble for—; bolt—; carry on—; commence—; depart from—; enter into—; favor—; open—; reopen—; renew —; suspend—; terminate—; —bore; —fail; —falter; —flounder; —succeed; —tire; — weary

    (See collective bargaining, meeting, conference.)

    Negro adjectives

    tattered; superb; shiftless; accused; harassed; free; diligent; music-loving; melodious


    auction—es; deal in—es ; educate—; emancipate—; lynch—; sympathize with—; tolerate—; understand—; uplift—; whip—; — chants; —coaxes; —es congregate; —contorts; —stomps; —“trucks”; —worships

    (See native, denizen, inhabitant.)

    Neighbor adjectives

    uncharitable; formidable; reticent; congenial; toxophilitic; pretentious; anarchist; near; marvelous; influential; good; overbearing; backbiting; stout-shouldered; barbarian; amiable; peaceable; civilized; weaker; territorial; inquisitive; frivolous; infidel; gaping; charitable; calculating; dangerous; wingless; good-natured; barbarous; parallel; singular; perfidious; miserly; pleasant; companionable; afflicted; gossipy; enisled


    acknowledge—; associate with—; bicker with—; consort with—s; denounce—; drive out—; hedge—; respect—; rouse—s; sanctify—; scandalize—s; wrangle with—; —s band; —befriends; —complains; —contends; —gossips; —imposes; —quarrels; — rivals; —visits

    (See friend, woman, enemy.)

    Neighborhood adjectives

    audacious; fashionable; moneyed; residential; frequented; immediate; disreputable; malodorous; adjoining; noisome; deteriorating; gruff


    arouse—; attract to—; avoid—; crowd—; denounce—; drive from—; explore—; huddle in—; inflame—: master—; preserve—; rule—; scandalize—; shun—; visit—; — appeals to; —bands together; —befriends; —congregates; —petitions

    (See locality, section, city, village, town, district.)

    Neighborly adverbs

    actively; heartily; generously; wonderfully; agreeably; delightfully; helpfully; sincerely; sociably; extremely; unwontedly; incredibly; amicably; chattily; hospitably; gregariously; companionably; remarkably; heart-warmingly

    Nerve adjectives

    firm; strained; tingling; marble; gustatory; languid; irritable; underlying; shaky; delicate; tremulous; sensitive; ragged; gentle; taut; excellent; iron; curious; auditory; miraculous; invisible; sciatic; wailing; harassed; shattered; vibrating; overstrained; optic; inconceivable; adamantine; shrinking; uncertain; tender; overstrung; revolutionary; high-strung; pneumogastric; exhausted; jangled; shuddering; silent; excitable; sympathetic; physical; oversusceptible; overwrought

    Nerveless adverbs

    pitiably; helplessly; ineffectually; incompetently; curiously; pathetically; distressingly; miserably; wretchedly; ineptly; pitifully; limply; 'strangely

    Nerves verbs

    addle—; calm—; constrict—; deaden—; desensitize—; dilate—; disturb—; drag at—; exhaust—; fray—; impinge upon—; irritate ■—; involve—; jangle—; jolt—; jar—; numb —; pad—; relax—; sever—; shatter—; shock—; soothe—; steady—; stimulate—; strain—; tranquilize—; unstring—; — bristle; —jump; —respond; —snap

    Nervous adverbs

    highly; uncommonly; extremely; significantly; pitifully; hysterically; feverishly; unnecessarily; strangely; absurdly; ridiculously; guiltily; curiously; physically; secretly; apparently; timidly; bashfully; childishly; exceedingly; pitiably; pathetically; ludicrously; sadly; touchingly; laughably; miserably; alarmingly; ominously; unfortunately

    Nervousness adjectives

    concealed; excessive: mere; feverish; subtle


    allay—; decline into—; enhance—; manifest —; overcome—; overpower—; remedy—; *coff at—; spring from—; suffer from—; — confuses; —debilitates; —deprives; —distresses; —disturbs; —enervates; —enfeebles; —shakes; —strains; —weakens

    (See hysteria, impatience, sickness.)

    Nervous SYSTEM verbs

    derange— —; ease— —; excite— —; flow through— —; govern— —; guard— — from; impair--; nourish--; overwork

    --; stimulate— —; strain--; support — —; tax— —; — —collapses; — — cramps; —-—links;--recovers;--re


    Nest adjectives

    drowsy; clamorous; broodless; deserted; eternal; central; quiet; mossy; watery; northern; unmaternal; hungry; enlightened; pensile; well-built; shattered; windless; distant; balmy; spicy; sheltered; warm; cozy


    camouflage—; construct—; deposit in—; discover—; disturb—; expose—; hollow out —; huddle in—; incubate in—; isolate—; lodge in—; perch in—; pillage—; protect —; pry into—; quit—; retire to—; rob—; scoop out—; swing—; tree—; —comforts; —cradles; —shelters

    (See home, shelter, hole, hive, lair, refuge.)

    Nestle (v) adverbs

    snugly; cozily; domestically; tenderly; drowsily; warmly; affectionately

    (See cuddle.)

    Net adjectives

    fishing; anchored; elastic; weblike; impassable; inescapable; closely-woven


    bag with—; capture in—; cast—; confine in—; construct—; dip—; dredge with—; dry—; fish with—; knit—; low’er—; pay out •—; repair—; secure with—; slip through—' • spin—; spread—; stretch—; sweep into—; swim into—; trap in—; trawl with—; — drifts; —ensnares; —entangles

    (See trap, snare, mesh, network.)

    Nettle (v) adverbs

    intolerably; exasperatingly; maddeningly; spitefully; vengefully; cruelly; formidably; bitterly

    (See provoke, irritate.)

    Network adjectives

    gigantic; ramified; endless; ingenious; complicated; broadcasting; national; social


    bind into—; chain into—; construct—; control—; convey over—; extend—; hook up on —; incorporate—; interfere with—; join—; localize—; present over—; tie up with—; unravel—; weave—

    (See system, net.)

    Neurosis verbs

    accentuate—; classify—; despise—; dispel —; explain—; group—es; ignore—; pronounce—; resist—; shake—; stem—; suffer from—; usher in—; —attacks; —cripples; —exists; —irritates; —nags; —obsesses; — persists; —upsets

    (See complex, disease, sickness.)

    Neurotic adjectives

    advanced; compulsive; unfortunate; lifelong; hapless


    undeniably; vexatiously; hopelessly; pathetically; absurdly; helplessly; incurably; intolerably; miserably; wretchedly; lamentably; needlessly; unfortunately; exceedingly; curiously; deplorably; incomparably; cursedly; deucedly; conveniently; disgustingly

    Neutral adverbs

    resolutely; dependably; altogether; strictly; rigidly; infallibly; sagaciously; wisely; carefully; cautiously; unimpeachably; sincerely; honorably; respectfully; deliberately; determinedly; indifferently; alertly; judiciously; intelligently; interestedly; evasively; necessarily; phickily; stoutly; conveniently; steadily; unwaveringly; irreproachably

    Neutrality adjectives

    stern; hostile; selfish; benevolent; malevolent; political; blameless; precarious; armed; maintained; difficult


    advocate—; break—; commend—; disrupt —; enjoy—; express—; favor—; foreswear —; infract—; maintain—; observe—; pledge—; preserve—; profess—; propose—; renounce—; respect—; uphold—; violate—; —balances; —continues; —endangers; — gratifies

    (See attitude, position.

    Newcomers verbs

    befriend—; criticize—; denounce—; fend off —; judge—; limit—; mold—; pity—; quarrel with—; repel—; snub—; suspect—; train —; wrangle with—; —band; —impress; — invade; hedge—

    (See foreigner, alien, stranger.

    Newlyweds (colloq.) verbs

    davise—; bless—; caution—; endow—; fete —; fetter—; mock—; serenade—; sever—; —beam; —blush; —cherish; —clasp; —coo

    —dream; —flush; —honeymoon (colloq.)

    —nest; —rejoice; —repent

    (See lover, sweetheart, husband, wife, suitor.

    News adjectives lamentable; alarming; distasteful; inevitable; ill; current; pleasant; inestimable; cheerful; especial; unwelcome; electrifying; disastrous; positive; serious; fresh; irrelevant; dire; long-expected; glorious; interpretative; astonishing; dreadful; vengeful; amazing; definite; startling; fashionable: comparative; distressing; encouraging; exciting; reassuring; deplorable; stupefying; blackest; domestic; panic; inside; sharp; ominous; hopeful; unacceptable; uncertain; unsatisfactory; major; vital; ghastly; significant; condensed; below-the-surface; latest; accurate; fevered; world; heartbreaking


    bear—; bound into—; broadcast—; bruit about—; comb for—; crop into—; disseminate—; dominate—; edit—; falsify—; flash into—; glean—; greet—; hail—; impart—; overshadow—; purvey—; relay—; scan —; scream—; sift—; spot—; suppress—; verify —; —blazes; —breaks; —fades; —filters through; —stuns; —trickles in

    (See report, word, rumor, message, telegram.

    Newspaper adjectives

    enterprising; disloyal; daily; influential; sensational; leading; matrimonial; conservative; weekly; contemporaneous


    blazon on—; clip from—; comb—; creep into—; crumple—; deliver—; hawk—s; peddle—s; peruse—; pore over—; purvey—s; scan—; scoop—; skim through—; supplement—; syndicate—; —campaigns; —circulates; —devotes to; —functions; —suppresses

    (See literature, magazine, periodical, publication, press.

    Newspaperman adjectives

    astute; hateful; well-respected; enterprising; bold

    • — —bewilders; — —clutches; — —enchants; --excels;--excites;--irritates; --pains;--sparkles;--thrills

    • — —towers; — —unfurls

    (See city.

    Nibble (<>) adverbs tantalizingly; daintily; teasingly; cautiously; intermittently; shyly; coyly

    (See munch, bite.

    Nice adverbs

    extraordinarily; particularly; wonderfully; scrupulously; punctiliously; meticulously; invariably; incomparably; unsurpassably; unquestionably; apparently; obviously; manifestly; admirably; unusually; inherently; exquisitely; marvellously; altogether; remarkably

    Nicety adjectives

    peculiar; critical; professional; scrupulous; utmost; painful


    accomplish with—; acknowledge—ies; appreciate—; delight in—ies; demonstrate —ies; educate in—ies; express with—; frame in—; manage with—; question—; require—; stand upon—; verse in—ies; — prevails; —ies serve for; offend—ies; operate with—

    (See precision, efficiency, skill, tact.

    Niche adjectives

    comfortable; murky; opposite; appropriate; temporary


    assign—; attain—; carve out—; claim—; contrive—; crack—; decorate—; dig—; examine—; fill—; find—; gain—; hew—; hollow out—; molest—; occupy—; place in—; select—; sink into—; —protects

    (See corner, place.


    adopt—; assume—; bear—; bedevil with—; bestow—upon; brand with—; coin—; contrive—; define—; dub with—; earn—; incur—; —adheres; —annoys; —clings; — labels; —mocks; —sticks; —survives; — vexes

    (See name, title.

    Nickname (v) adverbs

    aptly; sneenngly; vindictively; viciously; scoffingly; slurringly; hatefully; fraternally; jovially; humiliatingly; facetiously

    (See entitle, designate.

    Niggardly adverbs

    grossly; unreasonably; meanly; basely; unutterably; inconsiderately; greedily; unnecessarily; disgustingly; penuriously; sordidly; crassly; unbelievably; terribly; shabbily; despicably; contemptibly; wretchedly; overwhelmingly; unutterably; absurdly

    Night adjectives

    mantling; naked; hopeless; perpetual; long; tedious; dull; brooding; frosty; waxing; restless; feverish; deepening; cloudless; moonlight; stark; unspeakable; cloud-hung; sleepless; hideous; sweating; dim; darksome; sultry; fatal; unfathomable; eternal; earth-shaking; wretched; lyric; carved; impelling; precarious; bespangled; congenial; weary; anxious; noiseless; cheerless; tempestuous; brilliant; magic; tortuous; fearsome; gusty; wakeful; wassail; tolerable; large-eyed; silvery; desolate; romantic; watchful; deep-winding; utter; stifling; memorable; broad-winged; difficult; previous; star-studded; lingering; bridal; stagnant; extended; revolving; abysmal; peerless; summer; capped; subtle; serene; somber; cooling lustrous; light; bottomless; fragrant; dewy; profound; departing; shining; dreamless; drizzly; unalienable; heaviest; glimmering; soft; agate; tourmaline; glass-ckar; overcast; milky; ghastly; black; impenetrable; perfumed; smiling; pale; live; black-frost; sable; lurid; moonless; slowly-gathering; eyeless; raving; blessed; eventful; prolonged; irksome; unlanterned; unsocial; stormy; gradual; unseeing; ugly; laboring; fashionable; clear; pallid; bright; golden; sweet-smelling; obscure; dumb;

    lingering; limitless; inky; star-silent; earthly; moon-mad; hushed; crimeful; enchanting; divine; shadowy; moonshiny; comfortless; merciless; feeding; pitchy; vaporous; interlunar; supperless; identical; ecstatic; fateful; careful; dreaming; dreary; ill-starred; sweltering; gathering; festival; breathless; humorous; black-faced; azure; auspicious; polar; grim; notable; voluptuous; sightless; lonely


    contemplate—; fritter away—; lapse into—; lurk in—; pierce—; repose at—; sink into —; —blankets; —calms; —clouds over; — creeps up; —curtains; —depresses; —descends; —drags; —engulfs; —enshrouds; — envelops; —inspires; —mantles; —oppresses; —reigns; —robs; —shades; —tiptoes; — veils; —wanes; —waxes; —yawns

    (See evening, twilight, darkness, dusk.)

    Nimble adverbs

    actively; alertly; unbelievably; surprisingly; remarkably; miraculously; noticeably; obviously; amazingly; unusually; lightly; deftly; adroitly; cleverly; smartly; expertly; peculiarly; incredibly; dexterously; won-drously; briskly; vigilantly

    Nips adjectives

    fatal; surreptitious; powerful; piercing

    Nitrogen verbs

    combine with—; derive—from; expel—; extract—; furnish with—; manufacture—; market—; mix with—; obtain—; reveal—; store—; temper with—; unite—with; —dilutes; —evaporates; —extinguishes

    (See chemical, acid, mixture, solution.)

    Nightingale adjectives

    wakeful; unenvying; tempestuous; triumphant; full-throated; voluptuous; importunate; undying; beauteous


    • —anthems; —bewails; —bursts out; — chants; —charms; —cheers; —complains; —courts; —crowds; —de'ights; —enchants

    • —hurries; —lullabies; —mourns; —pierces

    —precipitates notes; —pours forth; —ravishes; —shies; —sings out w'oe; —sobers; — thrills; —transports; —trills; —utters; — vocalizes; —wails; —warbles

    (See bird.)

    Nightmare adjectives

    horrifying; preposterous; fiendish; racking; catapulting; portentous; indistinguishable; intolerable; w'eird; half-vanishing; hideous; weary; eyeless; horrible; financial; veritable


    beset with—; conceive in—; convulse in—; fancy in—; free from—; imagine in—; picture in—; plunge into—; sink into—; toss in —; unloose—; —alarms; —chokes; —distresses; —settles on; —strains; —strangles; —suffocates; —terrifies; —tortures; •— weighs

    (See menace, dream, vision, delusion.)

    Noble adverbs

    naturally; quietly; innately; aristocratically; genuinely; truly; admittedly; tenaciously; inherently; actually; elegantly; splendidly; unaffectedly; avowedly; unquestionably; essentially; eminently; grandly; imposingly

    Nobility adjectives

    rapacious; transcendent; conspicuous; dubious; mental; latent; impoverished; inherent; austere; powerless; factious; outraged; certain; pervading


    acknowledge—; attract—; conceal—; crown with—; display—; enhance—; forfeit—; glory in—; honor—; meet—; rouse—; seat among—; smack of—; steep in—; —characterizes; —distinguishes; —enriches; — graces; —outlives; —pedigrees; —shines

    (See aristocracy, gallantry, monarch, splendor, supremacy.)

    Nobleman ad jcctives

    needy; veritable; self-respecting; impoverished; fiery; dissolute; sporting; eminent

    Nobleness adjectives

    natural; native; quiet; free; inborn; innate

    Nobles adjectives

    violent; hereditary; thoughtful; dissolute; dense; emigrant; malevolent; indolent; faithful; prudent; high-taught; philosophic; dastard; rapacious; cushioned; factious; arrogant; haughty; speculative

    Nod adjectives

    jolly; little; swaggering; impertinent; approving; placid; gracious; wrenlike; imperceptible; insinuating; impatient; laconic; emphatic

    Nod (v) adverbs

    sagely; comprehendingly; vehemently; incisively; crisply; dreamily; benignly; solemnly; drowsily; assuringly; significantly; pensively; urbanely; affably; energetically; complacently; sagaciously; affirmatively; rhythmically; positively; assentingly; jovially; philosophically; speculatively

    (See bow, bend.)

    Noise verbs

    ban—; contribute to—; eliminate—; emit—; endure—j exclude—; guard against—; intensify—; reproduce—; resound with—of; saturate with—; simulate—s of; suppress —; —abates; —s blend; —confuses; — hampers; —hinders; —shuffles; —stuns; — subsides

    (See crash, howl, hiss, din, clash, roar.)

    Noiseless adverbs

    completely; warrantably; avowedly; allegedly; reasonably; absolutely; reputably; incredibly; remarkably; mysteriously; magically; unbelievably; peculiarly; furtively; stealthily; solemnly; awfully; alarmingly

    Noises adjectives

    sharp; pattering; unfamiliar; rustling; shuffling; sniffling; appalling; sundry; booming; audible; ejaculatory; creaking; thunderous; cowing; ruder; sympathetic; tempestuous; rattling; increasing; frightful; pitiful; snivelling; humming; sinister; melancholy; shattering; prodigious; discordant; stringed; croaking; meaningless; buzzing; roaring; barbarous; sullen; sufficient; continuous; humming; guttural; distant; singular; dangling; whirring; clumping; ripping; rumbling; loud; damnable; whining; impetuous; swishing; confused; unique; unexplained; confounded; midnight; murmuring; shrill; distinct; sudden; subtler; unexpected; startling; unbelievable; objectionable; doubtful; rushing; softest; ill-resounding; slightest; diabolical; unmeaning; vulgar; outside; explosive; deafening; violent; grating; cool; chirping; jocund; fiendish; spiteful; terrifying; dull; unseemly: vague; harsh; unearthly; everlasting; ceaseless

    Noisy adverbs

    clamorously; vociferously; restlessly; uproariously; happily; childishly; screamingly; thunderously; stentoriously; lustily; ribald-ly; naturally; boisterously; oddly; unwont-edly; curiously; hoydenishly; audaciously; excitedly; hysterically; wildly; intolerably; provokingly; habitually; uncontrollably; ungovernably

    Nomadic adverbs

    naturally; inherently; nonchalantly; happily; blithely; habitually; voluntarily; periodically; erratically; aimlessly; restlessly; adventurously; profitably; stubbornly; incurably; incorrigibly; remarkably; curiously; strangely; elusively; extraordinarily; recklessly; indefatigably; merrily

    Nominal adverbs

    considerately; altogether; merely; absurdly; obviously; curiously; usually; conventionally; conveniently; generously; deliberately; purposely; prudently; intentionally; deceptively; circumspectly; discreetly; simply

    Nominate (v) adverbs                                 

    unanimously; jubilantly; independently; modestly; spontaneously; aptly; democratically; thunderously. (See name, designate.

    Nomination adjectives

    spontaneous; caucus; predetermined; independent; unanimous


    acquiesce in—; aim at—arrange—; authorize—; confer—upon; control—court—; decline—; favor—; limit—s; offer for—; propose—; refuse—; reject—; rejoice in—; second—; seek—; —gratifies; —honors

    (See vote, selection, suggestion.

    Nonchalance adjectives

    trenchant; enticing; exasperating; debonair; knavish; affected; exquisite; suave; easy; practiced; deft


    affect—; assume an air of—; feign—; harden into—; listen with—; penetrate—; prefer—; pretend—; prick—; subdue—; tire of—; —crusts; —impresses; —interests; — irks; —nauseates; —pervades; —provokes; —tantalizes

    (See indifference, carelessness, silence.

    Nonchalant adverbs

    habitually; blithely; indifferently; arrogantly; superciliously; inherently; naturally; usually; remarkably; studiously; deliberately; ominously; cleverly; intentionally; resolutely; charmingly; attractively; apparently; apathetically; coolly; disinterestedly; carelessly; significantly; decidedly; peculiarly; strangely; wonderfully; uncommonly; unwontedly

    Nondescript adverbs inexplicably; noticeably; conspicuously; curiously; strangely; oddly; hopelessly; unaccountably; unutterably; carelessly; defiantly; needlessly; fantastically; grotesquely; eccentrically; exceptionally; monstrously; singularly; peculiarly

    Nonsense adjectives

    unmitigated; victorious; fatuous; continued; puerile; idiotic; nimble; incomprehensible; tawdry; driveling; nostalgic; undiluted; inexcusable; intelligible; licentious; good-natured; delicious; unadulterated;, abject; frothy; palpable; amusing; blasted; airy; ridiculous; pleasant; absolute; blatant; extravagant; aristocratic


    dare—; denounce—; disapprove of—; disfavor—; emit—; frown on—; quibble in—; relish—; reproach for—; scoff at—; spare —; swallow—; tolerate—; wrap in—; — clouds; —confuses; —eases; —perplexes; — prevails; —revolts; —romps; —shames; — stigmatizes

    (See absurdity, folly, stupidity.

    Nonsensical adverbs fantastically; whimsically; utterly; delightfully; completely; charmingly; pleasantly; freakishly; fancifully; quaintly; oddly; wildly; drolly; frivolously; foolishly; absurdly; preposterously; inordinately; wholly

    Nook adjectives

    sunny; lovely; shadow-haunted; sunnier; shady; obscurest; sequestered; narrow; fleshly; winding; advantageous; cobwebby; sheltered; trysting; secluded; unfrequented; leafy; studious

    Noon adjectives

    drowsy; stainless; calm; summer; joyous; burning; breezy; celestial; ardent; melting; languid; shadeless; sultry; glorious; blue-skied; liquid; sweet; clean; fiery

    Normal adverbs

    fairly; wholly; scarcely; altogether; comfortably; admirably; wholesomely; comfortingly; practically; finally; happily; fortunately; luckily; allegedly; avowedly; delightfully; apparently; manifestly

    NOSE adjectives                                  •

    aquiline; simple; aggressive; inquisitive; waggling; genial; flexible; innocent; arrogant; astute; weird; rueful; ferret; unerring; pudgy; rubicund; pink; blushing; cherry; streaming; crimson; sunburned; reddened; lavendar-tinted; handsome; diabolic; pug; microscopic; Grecian; fiat; saddle; endless; protruding; intrepid; hooked; well-cut; pointed; arched; showy; little; sensitive; depressed; impertinent; thin; delicate; sharp; meager; twitching; peeled; ruby; exceptional; scornful; typical; flabby; pendulous; enormous


    cock up—; crinkle—; flatten—; impact in—; sniff up—; spray—; squinch—; thumb—; tweak—; wrinkle—; —bleeds; —curls; — quivers; —streams; —twitches

    (See nostrils, nozzle.)

    Nosey adverbs

    -intolerably; despicably; obnoxiously; incurably; incorrigibly; inquisitively; childishly; harmlessly; maliciously; unbearably; dangerously; ominously; alarmingly; odiously; hatefully; poisonously; invidiously; insatiably; intrusively; inordinately; mischievously; impertinently; rudely; officially; singularly; unbelievably; unwarrantably; horribly; inescapably

    Nostalgia verbs

    aggravate—; bewail—; crush—; cure of—; deplore—; dread—; ease—; endure—; expect—; foster—; hamper by—; induce—; infect with—; lament—; satisfy—; suffer from —; —discontents; —harrows; —impels; — preys upon; —weighs

    (See homesickness, loneliness, seclusion, sadness.)

    Nostrils adjectives

    overdelicate; slight; distended; dilated; quivering; tremulous; dullest; creased; straining; sensitive; wide; huge


    affront—; assail—; clog—; dilate—; discharge from—; irrigate—; lift—; obstruct —; paint—; protect—; spray—; titillate—

    —quiver; —tremble

    (See nose.)

    Notable adverbs

    universally; nationally; internationally; splendidly; extraordinarily; distinctly; conspicuously; unusually; extremely; illustriously

    Note (music) adjectives

    low; full-chested; cool; musical; gracious; flutelike; recognizable; hopeful; pensive; imitative; piping; hoarser; varied (pl); discordant; penetrative; cultural; eternal; mocking; tender; accenting; plaintive; triumphant; vibrant; resounding; rambling; piercing; profound; deepest; sentimental; brooding; mingled (pl); rich; husky; shrill; screech-owl; tingling; simpering; soft; shaken; complaining; dominant; long-drawn; wretched; whimpering; sweeter; prelusive; grieving; mournful; pleasing; soaring; tuneful; teasing; despairing; cocked-hat; golden; tinkling; tentative; air-feeding; fundamental; voluminous; confused; rapturous; wondrous; echoing; pealing; gentle; blending; herald; dirgelike; grandest; warbling; wailing; full; liquid; subduing; resulting; momentary; rasping; trembling; rising; sustained; melodious; untunable; drowsy; rare; faltering; metallic


    chant—; emit—; hit—; inject—; peal—; pitch—; scale—s; soften—; sound—; stress —; strike—; thump—; utter—; wail—; warble—; —dies away; —reverberates; — shrills; —trembles; —weakens

    (See tone.)

    Note (vrriting) adjectives

    fundamental; melting; kindly; mirthful; occasional; ironical; dangerous; congratulatory; courteous; cordial; little; ardent; personal; copious (pl) ; piercing; crisp; crackling; joyous; subdued; pathetic; loud; tragic; triumphant; brief; hasty; quaint; wild; livelier; sweet; authoritative; changed; satirical; despairing; menacing; endless; pervading; disjointed; expiring; impulsive; warning; insistent; vexed; additional; indefinable; lesser; curious; unexpressive; noble; contemporary; special; optimistic; jubilant; blithest; spry; rebellious; improvised; erudite; admirable; incontrovertible; curt; potent; definite; pleasing; precious; sweet; agreeable; nimble; mental; queer; tense; confidential; illegible; wild; proper; mighty; jeering; choked; depreciated; animated; timid; funeral; authentic; illustrative; tonic; national; short; perfunctory; hieroglyphic; tender; scholarly; w'arning; flourishing; elaborate; significant; alternate; purer; premonitory; dissentient; impulsive; unmeasured; ironical; bubbling; exquisite; neat; culminating; voluble; flattering; merry; heedful; perjured; marginal; wary; centrifugal; wandering; liked; recurrent; penciled; promissory; inspiring; soiled; descriptive; disconnected; exultant; greatest; impassioned; salutary; prefatory; desultory; fragmentary; hurried; jocund; coaxing; brief; official; kindly; confusing; infallible; unsealed; prophetic; consecutive (pl); simultaneous; dominant; brisk; monotonous; twisted; cursory


    append—; attest to—; blunt—; deliver—; direct—; dispatch—; interpret—; peruse—; point—at; scrawl—; tender—; veil—in; — elucidates; —engrosses; —explains

    (See message, letter, comment, explanation.)

    Note (v) adverbs

    consciously; faithfully; vaguely; mirthfully; personally; triumphantly; authoritatively; satirically; curiously; eruditely; perfunctorily; impulsively; ironically; marginally; im-passionedly; fragmentarily; officially; prophetically; simultaneously

    (See record, comment.)

    Noted adverbs

    nationally; unusually; brilliantly; splendidly; conspicuously; universally; nationally; locally; happily; curiously; remarkably; famously; singularly; prominently; eminently; fabulously; tremendously; reputably

    Noteworthy adverbs

    distinctly; remarkably; illustriously; undoubtedly; singularly; extremely; unusually; gratifyingly; conspicuously; altogether; admittedly; emphatically; predictably

    Nothings adjectives

    pronounced; airy; empty; pointless; merciful; seeming; sublime; invulnerable; poetical

    Notice adjectives

    hypercritical; appreciative; timely; repeated; forbidding; incidental; threatening; attentive; sympathetic; numerous (pl); disparaging; palpable; advance; favorable; sweet; obituary; previous; smiling; appropriate; perceptible; casual; parting; scanty; scrawled; commonplace; hasty


    bill—; court—; draw—; escape—; observe —; peer at—; review—; scrutinize—; — advises; —attracts; —beckons; —discloses; —enlightens; —imparts; —informs; —instructs; —interests; —intimates; —mentions; —points out; —prescribes; —specifies; — warns

    (See mention, announcement, advertisement, label.)

    Notice (v) adverbs

    curiously; pityingly; dispassionately; pathetically; graphically; emphatically

    (See observe, see, recognize.)

    Noticeable adverbs

    glaringly; shamefully; brazenly; decidedly; singularly; curiously; uncommonly; strikingly; surprisingly; painfully; miserably; shockingly; pitiably; blatantly; distressingly; eminently; prominently; inescapably

    Notify (v} adverbs

    portentously; officially; formally; nominally; sympathetically; appropriately; customarily

    (See tell, inform.)

    Notion verbs

    adopt—; cling to—; convey—; disprove—; distort—; embrace—; entertain—; entrench —; explode—; express—; gather —s; inculcate—; inherit—; justify—; retain—; ridicule—; scoff at—; tolerate—; —misleads; —persists

    (See caprice, conception, idea, opinion, view.)

    Notional adverbs

    strangely; eccentrically; quaintly; fantastically; oddly; grotesquely; capriciously; captiously; remarkably; vexatiously; intolerably; unpredictably; undependably; unreliably; erratically; freakishly; egregiously; inordinately; provokingly; painfully; restlessly; nervously; feverishly; fussily; trou-blesomely; extremely

    Notions adjectives

    moral; preposterous; inadequate; craziest; pretty; settled; current; disparaging; odious; patriotic; tolerable; vaguest; baby; sudden; dangerous; modern; eerie; fictitious; illusory; elaborate; predestinarian ; ver-gent; contradictory; diametric; opposed; basic; sensual; distinct; nonsensical; amiable; hateful; obscure; silly; chivalrous; inapplicable; fallacious; mistaken; blind; fabulous; confused; cheerful; half-blown; superstitious; rationalistic; idolatrous; glimmering; exaggerated; rudimentary; faint; vehement; pious; preconceived; feeble; pregnant; previous; monstrous; persistent; economical; dreamy; elementary; idealistic; false; excusable; frugal; civilized; ridiculous; cranky; definite; eccentric; strange; fantastic; crude; conceivable; erroneous; imperfect; ghoulish; half-assimilated; strained; conventional; imbecile; dictator; vitiated; childish; unformed

    Notoriety adjectives

    newspaper; despised; unpleasant; criminal; unenviable; public; scandalous; romantic; infamous; melancholy


    achieve—; acquire—; avoid—; burden with —; delight in—; devote to—; exult in—; flaunt—; heap—on; hunt—; labor under—; outshine—; raise to—; seek—; wallow in—; —attracts; —bridles; —decomposes; —enthrones; —glorifies; —overshadows; —palls; —shames

    (See limelight, fame, publicity, renown, reputation.)

    Notorious adverbs

    nationally; generally; locally; unhappily; illustriously; shamefully; brilliantly; eminently; disgracefully; egregiously; splendidly; magnificently; universally; politically; infamously

    Nourish (t') adverbs

    beneficially; healthfully; maternally; affectionately; sympathetically; substantially; spiritually

    (See nurture, feed, foster.)

    Nourishing adverbs

    incredibly; notably; admittedly; curiously; altogether; wholesomely; pleasantly; invig-oratingly; healthfully; highly; uncommonly; exceptionally; extremely; strangely; admirably; notably; noticeably; strikingly; remarkably; substantially

    Nourishment adjectives

    delicious; tasty; concentrated; virtual; sympathetic; necessary; proper; spiritual; healthy; substantial; daily


    administer—; beg—; decline—; deny—; deprive of—; draw—from; furnish—; gulp down—; impart—; inject—; lack—; offer —; provide—; refuse—; request—; resist—; supply—; volunteer—; —builds up; —comforts; —restores; —satiates

    (See food, nutrition, meal.)

    Novel adjectives

    powerful; cherished; gifted; historical; pretty; lurid; liberal; daring; s"rging; trifling; psychological; well-contrived; mysterious; admirable; humorous; meritorious; successful; crude; indecent; imitative; masterly; engrossing; melancholy; improbable; sensational; popular; ambitious; episode; brilliant; ingenious; well-made; subtle; profound; contemporary; fast-moving; dramatic; frank; sympathetic; conventional; distinguished; social; florid; sentimental; slipshod; inflated; proletarian; romantic; biographical; jejune; fine; light; sex-free; sentimental; absorbing; exotic; diverting; comprehensive; vivid; accurate; late; experimental; original; convincing; readable; excellent; magnificent; moving; interesting; pleasant; glowing; enjoyable; grand; fascinating; early; stirring; famous


    acclaim—; applaud—; clamor for—; climax —; construct—; contemplate—; copyright—; create—; denounce—; devour—; embark on —; engross in—; interpret—; introduce—; peruse—; plan—; portray in—; scribble—; weave into—; —appears; —centers about; —deals with; —depicts; —enthralls; — evolves; —portrays; —reveals; —treats of; —unfolds

    (See fiction, book, manuscript, story, tale.)

    Novelist verbs

    applaud—; berate—; criticize—; laud—; — alters; —characterizes; —compares; —composes; —complains of; —copies; —creates; —dedicates; —depicts; —describes; —details; —dictates; —imagines; —indites; — insinuates; —narrates; —pens; —portrays; —rearranges; —relates; —retires; —rewrites; —satirizes; —scribbles; —sets forth; —unfolds

    (See poet, author, journalist, writer, artist.

    Novelty adjectives

    solemn; realistic; perfect; myriad (pl); startling; latest; dazzling; ever-changing; puzzling; divine; semi-tropical; constant


    clamor for—; create—; discard—; exhaust —; indulge in—; invent—; laud—; marvel at—; praise—; quicken with—; seek—; spur on by—; wonder at—; —amuses; —captures; —charms; —dazzles; —delights; — disquiets; —diverts; —entrances; —impresses; —palls

    (See change, innovation, originality, oddity.

    Novice adjectives

    anxious; musing; humble; beautiful; bashful


    advise—; befriend—; discipline—; discourage—;( enlighten—; impress—; improve—; instruct—; order—; prime—; train—; — botches; —bungles; —conquers; —drills; — familiarizes; —fumbles; —imitates; —labors; —masters; —practises; —profits; — qualifies

    (See beginner, amateur, apprentice.

    Noxious adverbs disastrously; calamitously; terribly; shockingly; appallingly; admittedly; notoriously; irremediably; pestillentially; virulently; inevitably; notably

    Nozzle verbs

    adjust—; atfix—; block—; clog—; dam—; direct—; flow from—; grease—; insert—; introduce—; manipulate—; obstruct—; ooze from—; regulate—; screw on—; service—

    • —emits; —projects; —protrudes; —spouts

    • —spurts

    (See nose, pipe, tube.

    Nucleus adjectives

    unyielding; convenient; unrivaled; solid

    Nude verbs

    admire—; adorn—; dismiss—; divest to—; enfold—in; examine in—; expose—; glance at—; model in—; parade in—; pose in—; sanction—; scorn—; strip to—; study—; survey—; undrape to—; —astonishes; —defames; —disgusts; —horrifies; —revolts; — shocks

    (See body, figure, painting, sculpture, statue, drawing.


    chastely; innocently; artistically; embarrassingly; shamelessly; distressingly; pitiably; pathetically; grievously; scandalously; sadly; miserably; utterly; painfully; completely; shockingly; wretchedly; horribly; seductively; alluringly; unconsciously; beautifully; deplorably; entirely

    Nuisance adjectives

    prodigious; insufferable; unmitigated; civic; intolerable; rejected; everlasting; universal


    abate—; bear—; beset by —s; eliminate—; endure—; exterminate—; harass with —s; harrow with —s; inflict with —s; inveigh against—; overcome—; rectify—; upbraid —; —chafes; —distresses; —encumbers; — irks; —irritates; —offends; —pains; — plagues; —smarts; —weighs on

    (See annoyance, pest, plague, condition.

    Null adverbs abeyantly; absently; baselessly; fabulously; unreally; unsubstantially; inanely; groundlessly; ethereally; airily; visionarily; actually; ridiculously

    Numb adverbs alarmingly; completely; fortunately; blessedly; mercifully; unaccountably; suddenly; occasionally; apathetically; appallingly; sur

    prisingly; pathetically; pitiably; strangely; curiously; oddly; remarkably; inertly; unconcernedly; callously; portentously; ominously; heartlessly

    Number verbs

    affix — to; allot—; ascertain—; check—; conjecture—; decimate —s; demonstrate with —s; deplete —s; dwarf in—; inscribe with —; limit—; memorize—; recall—; recite —s; repeat—; run over —s; select—; — dwindles; —shrivels; —wanes

    (See figure, quantity, amount.)

    Number (v) adverbs

    correspondingly; overwhelmingly; countless-ly; adequately; prodigiously; extravagantly; increasingly; definitely; interminably; mystically; proportionally; lavishly

    (See count, figure.)

    Numbers adjectives

    countless; reasonable; considerable; sufficient; requisite; undiminished; fluctuating; unmitigated; incalculable; overwhelming; adequate; infinite; unequal; quantum; subsequent; superior; indeterminate; prodigious; extravagant; stipulated; certain; gentle; qualified; useless; singular; overpowering; gratifying; depleted; unwieldy; immense; actual; unknown; incredible; increasing; harmonious; laggard; jocund; definite; preponderating; fuller; respectable; rhythmic; untold; lofty; superfluous; goodly; augmented; possible; greatest; previous; uncountable; conceivable; scanty; unending; interminable; unvanquishable; diminutive; mystic; comparative; small; mournful; unavoidable; substantial; unrecorded; fiery; choral; fearful; proportional; lavish (pl)

    Numbness adjectives

    mental; fortunate; complete; vibrant; deadly; stealthy


    affect with—; create—; incur—; massage—; overcome with—; receive—; remedy—; — creeps over; —deadens; —dulls; —enfeebles; —hardens; —hibernates; —impairs; — ossifies; —paralyzes; —stupefies

    (See paralysis.)

    Nuns adjectives

    undedicate; uncloistered; self-loving; chanting; holy; sincere

    Nuptials verbs

    assemble for—; attend—; bless—; celebrate —; consummate—; defer—; discharge—; gather for—; mar—; officiate at—; perform —; plan—; rehearse—; simplify—; solemnize—; —climax; —impress; —join; —symbolize; —unite

    (See marriage, matrimony, wedding.)

    Nurse adjectives

    devoted; sedulous; mercenary; sole; hireling; avid; sapient; foul; exemplary; hero-; ic; smart; bustling


    employ—; notify—; recruit —s; register—; train—; —administers; —allays; —alleviates; —assuages; —attends; —bathes; — cajoles; —cheers; —comforts; —consoles; —dresses; —eases; —massages; —refreshes; —reports; —salves; —smooths; — soothes

    (See mother, doctor, physician.)

    Nurse (v) adverbs

    assiduously; devotedly; sedulously; avidly; heroically; maternally; gratuitously; affectionately; sympathetically

    (See attend, tend.)

    Nursery adjectives

    potent; airy; exquisite; huge; profitable

    Nurture (v) adverbs

    delicately; exquisitely; tenderly; solicitously; appropriately; intellectually; spiritually; lovingly; selflessly

    (See nourish, foster, feed.)

    Nutriment adjectives

    appropriate; slight; elemental; intellectual


    administer—; advise—; digest—; double—; furnish—; infuse with—; lack—; necessitate—; offer—; order—; refuse—; resist—; rob of—; savor—; spurn—; —aids; —amends; —appeals; —brightens; —improves; —promotes; —refreshes; —renews

    (See nourishment, nutrition.)

    Nutrition verbs

    deprive of—; draw—from; furnish—; improve—; lack—; limit—; maintain—; necessitate—; obtain—; oiler—; pervert—; promote—  provide—; refuse—; regulate—

    retard—; scorn—; spurn—; supply—; —absorbs; —comforts; —utilizes

    (See nourishment, food, nutriment.)

    Nutritious adverbs

    unusually; wonderfully; remarkably; exceptionally; pleasantly; agreeably; singularly;-curiously; scientifically; admittedly; warrantable'; delightfully; usefully; extraordinarily; properly; substantially; usefully; valuably; inexpensively; wholesomely; healthfully; conveniently; extremely

    Nymph adjectives

    slim; skilful; inebriated; ambrosial; attending; woodland; gaudy; jeweled


    • —s array; —awes; —cheers; —charms; — dances; —delights; —frolics; —gambols; — gladdens; —graces; —inspires; —meanders

    • —rejoices; —roams

    (See fairy, angel, saint.)

    Oak adjectives

    stunted; branched; gnarled; ancestral; enormous; hoary; gouty; rugged; knotted; heaven-delighting; deciduous; mossy; well-worn; monumental; perforated; stern; leafless; doting; twisted; sturdiest; massive; polychromed; stiff


    beam with—; cleave to—; fell—; moss—; timber with—; —braves; —commands; — crowns; —defies; —droops; —endures; — flourishes; —outlasts; —protects; —reigns; —roofs; —rules; —spreads; —stretches; — towers

    (See tree.)

    Oar adjectives

    gliding; cautious; skimming; stalwart; busy; groaning; flashing; ponderous; muffled; paddling; suspended; lingering; laborious; golden; dipping; lazy; languid; rhythmic


    arm with—■; drag—; heave—; manipulate —; paddle with—; ply with—; propel with —; splinter—; steer with—; stroke—; tug on—; —brushes; —cuts; —dips; —furrows; —impels; —splashes; —stirs; —sweeps

    (See paddle.)


    come upon—; dw'ell on—; encounter—; guide to—; refresh at—; seek—; sight—; welcome—; —attracts; —cheers; —delights; —invigorates; —nourishes; —relieves; — renews; —restores; —soothes; —strengthens

    (See fountain, safety, security.)

    Oath adjectives

    grating; simultaneous; strange; furious; blood-curdling; infringed; binding; imperial; solemn; dreadful; round; sacred; pretty; horrible; slippery; sailor; continental; protesting; frantic; furious; new-found; consecrating; mouth-filling; royal; fearsome; rude; knightly; deadly; dismal; blistering; raucous; bold-beating; favorite;’ meaningless; soul-confirming; tremendous; angry; ingenious; inviolable; bombastic; ancient; solemn; confounding; unfeigned; innocent; brave; deep; little; bellowing; muttered; iron-clad; sacramental


    administer—; break—; cast—■; flay with—; hiss—; launch—at; hurl—; repudiate—; spit out—; subscribe to—; utter—; —breaks from; —consummates; —solemnizes; —s stream from; —symbolizes; —vows; falsify under—

    (See curse, invective, ban, imprecation.)

    Obdurate adverbs

    sternly; stubbornly; incorrigibly; implacably; terribly; harshly; roughly; callously; mulishly; cantankerously; grossly; tenaciously; sullenly; perversely; dreadfully; shockingly; dogmatically; austerely; stiffly; uncompromisingly; tyrannically; puritanically; cruelly; bitterly; unaccountably; unbearably; intolerably

    Obedience adjectives

    military; implicit; hallowed; mechanical; true; fractional; infallible; divine; prompt; strict; characteristic; punctilious; scrupulous; instinctive; faithful; universal; rigid; unquestioning; weary; filial; instant; compliant; blind; passive; voluntary; plausible; slavish; transitory; hideous; docile; reverential


    abjure—; approve—; coerce into—; demand —; dispute—; enforce—; enslave by—; exact—; feign—; owe—to; profess—; reduce to—; submit in—; suffer—; train to—; yield —; —binds

    (See submission, obeisance.)

    Obedient adverbs

    highly; altogether; unfailingly; meekly; submissively; devotedly; affectionately; absurdly; promptly; always; scarcely; deferentially; respectfully; reverently; piously; ridiculously; readily; compliantly; obsequiously; unctuously; ostentatiously; diplomatically; obviously; stupidly; doltishly; grudgingly; implicitly; meticulously; surprisingly; painstakingly; strictly; passively; grudgingly

    Obeisance adjectives

    graceful; surly; humble; profound; ironical; flattering


    approve—; bow in—; feign—; owe—; pay —; sacrifice to—

    (See homage, obedience, reverence, allegiance, devotion.)

    Obese adverbs

    alarmingly; uncomfortably; comically; tragically; unnecessarily; ridiculously; indescribably; clumsily; dangerously; ominously; significantly; grossly; awkwardly; embarrassingly; lumpishly; unhappily; unfortunately; unbelievably; peculiarly; strangely; dropsically; unaccountably; inherently

    Obesity verbs

    brood over—; dread—; eat into—; fear—; lament—; overcome—; reduce—; remedy—; repress—; resist—; threaten with—; —alarms; —astounds; —dejects; —depresses; —encumbers; —endangers; —hinders; — irks; —restrains; —restricts

    (See stoutness.)

    Obey (v) adverbs

    dully; unquestioningly; hypnotically; reluctantly; mechanically; implicitly; systematically; involuntarily; infallibly; filially; punctiliously; scrupulously; rigidly; passively; voluntarily; slavishly; docilely; reverentially

    (See comply, heed.)

    Object adjectives

    salient; varied (pl); beloved; conspicuous; well-defined; practicable; spiritual; compas-sionable; irrelevant; tender; unworthy; contrary; opaque, warlike; foreign; venerable; slipping; benevolent; charitable; repressed; commanding; dark; uncouth; pear-shaped; dreadful; immediate; humanitarian; isolated; chimerical; hideous; accidental; ulterior; characteristic; manifest; fruitful; darling; concealed; staple; primary; animated; imperfect; half-seen; principal; determinate; sensuous; loathsome; nobler; far-distant; beneficent; desired; frequent (pl); inanimate; forlorn; ornamental; definite; closest; supernatural; impersonal; gruesome; express; homely; prominent; unoffending; acceptable; exclusive; specific; interesting; commonplace; innumerable (pl); solitary; innocent; cardinal; celestial; terrific; natural; secondary; enigmatical; unappetizing; sausage-like; engrossing; incompatible; shining; rugged; sensible; objectionable; visible; baser; sufficient; noteworthy; ostensible; memorable; avowed; sublime; absorbing; pure; visual; alluring; baleful; infamous; remarkable; transparent; repulsive; dusky; legitimate; tangible; dispassionate; praiseworthy; respective; incommunicable; worthy; sole; indifferent; outward; distinct; obtrusive; demagogical; personified; requisite; laudable; engaging; supreme; important; honorable; distinguishing; death-dealing; central; vital; striking; shapeless; petty; sparse; impressive; unreasoning; particular; ludicrous; external; conceivable


    achieve—; acquaint with—; aim at—; attain —; consecrate to—; contemplate—; embrace —; endorse—; expose—; frustrate—; glorify—; labor for—; oppose—; perceive—; pursue—; represent—; reveal—; serve—; —hinders; —interposes; —interrupts; —obstructs

    (See aim, end, view, goal, objective, mission, purpose.)

    Object (v) adverbs

    strenuously; gruffly; pointedly; perversely; incompatibly;   legitimately; passionately

    dogmatically;   unreasonably; graciously

    ludicrously; fruitlessly; snobbishly; ultimately; sturdily; singularly

    (See oppose, disapprove.)

    Objection adjectives

    fatal; forcible; futile; insuperable; overt; plausible; critical; insurmountable; principal; gracious; embarrassing; feeble; strenuous; snobbish; ultimate; trivial; various (pl); rooted; violent; further; sturdy; depressing; ingenious; incompetent; singular


    anticipate—; brush aside—; cease—; disparage—; entertain—; justify—; meet—; outbalance—; overcome—; provoke—; put forward—; reply to—; surmount—; temper —; voice—; —arises; —enlarges; —impedes ; —wilts

    (See challenge, exception, opposition, interference.)

    Objectionable adverbs

    positively; highly; uncommonly; remarkably; unutterably; altogether; definitely; violently; singularly; particularly; personally; professionally; exceptionally; socially

    Objective adjectives

    definite; ostensible; constructive; vicious; avowed; economic; clear; precise


    acclaim—; achieve—; advance upon—; applaud—; back—; complete—; conceal—; deny—; honor—; menace—; surrender—; threaten—; conquer—

    (See object, purpose, goal, mission. )

    Obligation adjectives

    financial; solemn; filial; reciprocal; cruel; divine; irksome; contractual; sacred; eternal; inexpressible; mystic; mutual; superadded; maturing; unlucky; pecuniary; deep; universal; external; tacit; parental; religious; corresponding; solemn; effectual


    accept—; acknowledge—; balk at—; bind by—s; discharge—; disregard—; evade—s; free from—s; fulfill—; impose—; incur—; perform—; place under—; release from—; repudiate—; satisfy—; shirk—; stud with —s; transfer—

    (See bond, debt, mortgage, payment, loan.)

    Obligatory adverbs

    dreadfully; rigorously; inescapably; legally; morally; financially; sadly; stringently; rigidly; unfortunately; sternly; inflexibly; appallingly; strictly

    Oblige (v) adverbs

    flatteringly; gushingly; reluctantly; infinitely; financially; mutually; morally

    (See please, accommodate.)

    Obliging adverbs

    pleasantly; amiably; generously; graciously; infallibly; unfailingly; willingly; immediately; gladly; helpfully; expertly; considerately; politely; courteously; tactfully; cordially; heartily; genially: cheerfully; happily; instantly

    Obliterate (v) adverbs

    instantaneously; completely; abruptly; wholly; cruelly; dictatorially

    (See efface, blot, remove.)

    Oblivion adjectives

    dusty; complete; mute; utter; dark; sweet; keen; blank


    accept—; bask in—; bury in—; cast into—; consign to—; doom to—; drag from—; emerge from—; fade into—; flounder in—; gain—; join in—; merit—; overtake—; seek —; sink into—; speed to—; threaten with—; yield to—

    (See insignificance, failure, obscurity.)

    Oblivious adverbs

    vexatiously; carelessly; indifferently; ungratefully; thanklessly; abstractedly; dreamily; drowsily; selfishly; inconsiderately; egotistically; stupidly; apathetically; completely; unfeelingly; utterly; inexcusably; unpar-donably; grossly; heartlessly; blindly; coolly; curiously; rudely

    Obnoxious adverbs

    entirely; highly; uncommonly; extremely; deeply; odiously; reprehensibly; unnecessarily; manifestly; curiously; disastrously; exceptionably; detestably; abominably; deliberately; bitterly; shockingly; appallingly; frightfully; unbearably

    Oboe verbs

    finger—; pitch—; render on—; scale—; solo on—; sound—; tune—; —beseeches; — buzzes; —chants; —confounds; —hums; — mourns; —penetrates; —pleads; —wails; ■—whispers

    (See bagpipe.)

    Obscene adverbs

    frightfully; illegally; unimaginably; filthily; terribly; ribaldly; grossly; coarsely; offensively; disgustingly; hatefully; shamefully; lewdly; suggestively; intolerably; broadly; wantonly; meretriciously; abominably; particularly; unexpectedly; unwarrantably

    Obscenity •verbs

    besmirch by—; censure—,' decry—; denounce—; deplore—; devour—; disapprove of—; escape—; foul by—; gorge on—; indulge in—; loathe—; pardon—; repent—; revel in—; wallow in—; —defiles; —nauseates; —offends; —perishes; —revolts; — shocks; —stains; —violates

    (See immodesty, sin, perversion, abomination, corruption.)

    Obscure adverbs

    lamentably; altogether; curiously; inconveniently; darkly; murkily; cloudily; foggily; mistily; dimly; confusingly; bewilderingly; unintelligibly; unfortunately; unluckily; unaccountably; unnecessarily; unsatisfactorily; vaguely; mysteriously; remarkably; vexatiously; disappointingly

    Obscure (v) adverbs

    mysteriously; gloomily; puzzlingly; artfully; purposely; cunningly; hopelessly; patently; diplomatically; politically

    (See darken, eclipse.)

    Obscurity adjectives

    patient; habitual; deep; obscene; comparative; elusive; humble; ever-deepening; impenetrable; dark; polite; hopeless; smooth; dense; unmerited


    bury in—; doom to—; drag from—; drive into—; drown in—; exile to—; face—; fade into—; languish in—; perplex with—; plunge into—; retire into—; return to—; sink into—; slip into—; —shields; —veils

    (See darkness, gloom, insignificance, oblivion.)

    Obsequious adverbs

    blandly; suavely; unctuously; professionally; exceptionally; deferentially; humbly; ingratiatingly; submissively; cringingly; tactfully; curiously; oddly; strangely; unaccountably; slavishly; servilely; abjectly; significantly; mysteriously; pliantly; inexplicably; pitiably; lamentably; sadly; eagerly; reverentially; ceremoniously; unnecessarily

    Observance adjectives

    sacred; rigorous; over-curious; strict; puritanical; ceremonious; mute; ritual; superstitious; cordial; religious; cheerful; meticulous; faithful; devout


    advise—of; advocate—of; celebrate in—; comply with—; demand—; direct—; exact —; extend—; fulfill—; inspire—; join in—; necessitate—; preclude—; relish—; sponsor —; —aids; —obligates; —satisfies

    (See celebration, anniversary, fulfillment )

    Observant adverbs

    keenly; aptly; expertly; skilfully; intelligently; acutely; sharply; critically; terribly; dreadfully; alarmingly; officiously; impertinently; impudently; offensively; vexatiously; carefully; watchfully; cautiously; attentively; remarkably; noticeably; alertly; prudently; thoughtfully; meticulously; amusingly; unusually; punctiliously

    Observation adjectives

    necessary; specific; dispassionate; punctilious; silent; unaided; personal; quiet; continued; searching; accurate; direct; common; shrewd; watchful; pertinent; judicious; questioning; satirical; surface; natural; homely; penetrating; insignificant; detached; outward; celestial; phrenological; objective; tentative; cursory; august; trifling; encouraging; friendly; consistent; curious; delicate; loving; sufficient; extensive; facetious; astronomical; glib; unlimited; minute; childish; conflicting (pl); discrim inating; detailed; mere; abstract; meridional; restless; wondrous; quiet; sundry (pl); original; loose; vague; keen; assiduous; controlled; humorous; insufficient; subsequent; faulty; practiced; meteorological; disconcerted


    bias—; bolster—; confirm—; elude—; enlarge—s; escape—; exchange—s; guide—s; offer—; record—s; report—; resume—; shun—; voice—; —authenticates; —confirms; —discloses; —reveals; —shocks; — stuns

    (See view, remark, conversation, opinion.

    OBSEREE (v) adverbs

    alertly; philosophically; astutely; slyly; profoundly; significantly; oracularly; sagaciously; parenthetically; studiously; complacently; autobiographically; wistfully; bluntly; impartially; religiously; skeptically; scrupulously; cordially; composedly; spontaneously; infallibly; sentimentally; primly; systematically; punctiliously; shrewdly; pertinently; judiciously; tentatively; facetiously; meteorologically

    (See notice, see.

    OBSEREER adjectives

    stupefied; hasty; wise; phlegmatic; casual; expert; superficial; extraterrestrial; philosophic; silent; attentive; vigilant; practiced; sympathetic; distinguished; rockingchair; dispassionate; devoted; unprejudiced; uninitiated; scientific; inattentive; careful; careless; numerous; keen-eyed; sagacious; disinterested; unconscious; constant; slight; ignorant; sharp; experienced; political; deliberate; energetic; sarcastic; inexpert; impartial; hasty; indignant


    admit—s; allow—s; attract—s; confine—s to; deceive—; delude—; limit—s; mislead —; permit—s; present to—s; surprise—s; — beholds; —comprehends; —concentrates; — concludes; —contemplates; —s crowd; — detects; —meddles; —notes; —relishes; — surveys; —views; —witnesses

    (See witness, individual, public.

    OBSESSION verbs

    actuate—; assail by—; beset by—; fret over—; molest with—; plague by—; —annoys; —bedevils; —discomposes; —disquiets; —distresses; —disturbs; —grasps; —grates; —haunts; —hovers over; —inhabits; —inspires; —persecutes; —plagues

    —ruffles; —seizes; —tortures; —vexes; — weighs

    (See prejudice, delusion, daydream, idea, hallucination, illusion, nightmare.

    OBSTACLE adjectives

    insuperable; unforeseen; hideous; apparent; tremendous; insurmountable; appalling; usual; effectual; recognized; hopeless; formidable; technical; trifling; prodigious; imaginary; unseen; serious; fatal; stubborn; frightful; infrequent (pl); specific; unexpected; artificial; successful; puny; impending; considerable; practical; impassable; solid-looking; stupendous; petty


    anticipate—; brush aside—; circumvent—; cut through—; encounter—; gauge—; interpose—; level—; meet with—; overcome—; remove—; surmount—; vanquish—; — arises; —hinders; —restrains; —restricts; —thwarts

    (See bar, impediment, hindrance, difficulty, interference, trouble.

    OBSTINACY adjectives

    senile; dogged; brutal; sheer; wrong-headed; inveterate; hellish; lawless; sufficient; desperate; gentle; suicidal; natural; surprising; misdirected; inflexible; unyielding; invincible; somber


    adhere with—; attack by—; break—; fatigue—; fight with—; harden into—; induce —; maintain—; narrow into—; rebuke—; relent—; repent—; steel with—; stiffen in —; —conquers; —disconcerts; —endures; —inflames; —perseveres; —persists; —petrifies; —resists; —smothers; —sulks

    (See stubbornness, opposition, antagonism, hostility.

    OBSTINATE adverbs doggedly; wilfully; inflexibly; stubbornly; astonishingly; disagreeably; dangerously; incorrigibly; surprisingly; naturally; wonderfully; unexpectedly; implacably; sternly; brutally; inveterately; desperately; habitually; obnoxiously; obdurately; viciously; dreadfully

    OBSTREPEROUS adverbs unmanageably; ungovernably; uncontrollably vexatiously; intolerably; habitually; always; altogether; annoyingly; shamefully; mischievously; roguishly; teasingly; tor-mentingly; violently; wildly; boisterously; viciously; desperately; outrageously; storm-ily; strangely; unaccountably; unwarrantably; unbelievably; indescribably

    OBSTRUCT (v) adverbs deliberately; premeditatedly; doggedly; desperately; unyieldingly; pettishly; formidably; stupidly; forcibly; strenuously; economically; viciously

    (See oppose, retard.

    OBSTRUCTION adjectives

    artificial; mere; insurmountable; blank; formidable; cold; frequent; acute


    accumulate into—; attempt—; clear away —; complain of—; devise—; localize—; mourn—; offer—; pierce—; purge of—; suffer—; treat—; —arrests; —bars; — clogs; —hinders; —interposes; —resists; — restrains; —shuts out; —stems; —thaws; — delays

    (See impediment, bar, barrier, hazard, hindrance.

    OBTAIN (v) adverbs legally; effectually; unethically; surreptitiously; rapaciously; honorably; selfishly; uncharitably; legitimately; singularly; disgracefully; unceremoniously

    (See gain, procure.

    OBTAINABLE adverbs

    recently; currently; conveniently; easily; readily; inexpensively; probably; certainly; assuredly; warrantably; possibly; scarcely; hardly; barely; measurably; later

    OBTRUDE (v


    inconsiderately; impudently; irrelevantly, voluntarily; forcefully; vigorously; selfishly; bluntly; formidably

    (See intrude, encroach.

    OBTRUSIVE adverbs

    inconveniently; irritatingly; pestiferously; inquisitively; impertinently; rudely; inexcusably; boorishly; innocently; mischievously; constantly; miserably; vexatiously; un-pardonably; bluntly; meddlingly; meddle-somely; grossly; indecorously; unbecomingly; shockingly; surprisingly; oddly; impolitely; pertly; rudely; inconsiderately; ignorantly; discourteously

    OBTUSE adverbs

    pitiably; terribly; unbelievably; unimaginably; incurably; boorishly; rudely; incomprehensibly; inordinately; shockingly; inexpressibly; callously; stupidly; heavily; stolidly; doltishly; dully; unusually; uncommonly

    OBTUSENESS adjectives mental; moral; monumental; colossal; apparent

    OCCASION adjectives

    innocent; ceremonial; last-mentioned; rare; various (pl); utmost; ample; dire; approaching; long-expected; abundant; subsequent; memorable; numerous (pl); lugubrious; insignificant; gala; separate; auspicious; festal; appropriate; trivial; extraordinary; momentous; impressive; everyday; obvious; picturesque; solemn; world-famous; little-known; grand; festival; ordinary; virtuous; sacred; proudest; notable; exceptional; peculiar; unprecedented; joyful; speedy; multiple; fateful; celebrated; infrequent; mellow; critical


    afford—; commemorate—; contrive—; feast on—; hunger for—; observe—; offer—; present—; rise to—; seduce by—; seek—; seize —; snatch—; spurn—; —demands; — merits; —prompts; —slips by; —warrants

    (See hour, opportunity, occurrence.

    Occult adverbs

    mysteriously; annoyingly; confusingly; be-wilderingly; unmistakably; marvellously; undeniably; indubitably; abstrusely; darkly; impenetrably; incomprehensibly; inscrutably; obscurely; vaguely; unfathom-ably; perplexingly; puzzlingly; disturbingly; peculiarly; strangely

    OCCUPANT adjectives

    voiceless; sheeted; tossing; imaginary; solitary; primitive; sparse


    confine—; cradle—; discharge—; eject—; evict—; expel—; intrude on—; oust—; remove—; retain—; —s abandon; —admits; —appropriates; —departs; —establishes; —s gather; —nestles; —s pack; —roosts; —s stream from; —tenants; —withdraws

    (See inhabitant.

    OCCUPATION adjectives

    final; praiseworthy; trivial; illegal; congenial; intellectual; agreeable; youthful; earnest; disastrous; hellish; intense; unquiet; beloved; indispensable; triumphant; enviable; sedentary; remunerative; arduous; hazardous; breadwinning; productive; monotonous; strenuous; absorbing; profitable; dignified; various; useful; restful; savory; untidy; joint; undesirable; favorite; degrading; menial; brutalizing; solitary; prosaic; doubtful; unimportant; nightly; chief; ignoble


    absorb in—; chain to—; cherish—; choose —; comprehend—; despise—; employ in—; engage in—; escape—; follow—; lack—; postpone—; practise—; profit by—; pursue —; qualify for—; seek—; shun—; train for —; —contents; —enthralls; —interests; — rusts; —wearies

    (See business, calling, course, hobby, employment, work.

    OCCUPY (v) adverbs

    extensively; variously; solely; incessantly; densely; assiduously; intermittently; profoundly; temporarily; arduously; triumphantly; congenially; intellectually; hazardously; monotonously; strenuously; profitably; menially; prosaically; ignobly

    (See keep, hold, possess.

    OCCUR (v) adverbs perpetually; sporadically; coincidentally; propitiously; phenomenally; historically; contemporaneously; miraculously; incredibly; circumstantially; preternaturally; distressingly; fortuitously; deplorably; marvelously

    (See happen, befall.

    OCCURRENCE adjectives

    striking; unusual; shadowy; historical; contemporaneous; miraculous; incredible; biennial; similar; inexplicable; menstrual; determined; alleged; trifling; circumstantial; preternatural; untoward; distressing; supernatural; disgraceful; fortuitous; frequent; shocking; deplorable; unnoticed; joyful; marvelous; unforeseen


    advertise—; anticipate—; compile—s; count —s; edit—; endure—; experience—; impute —to; meet with—; narrate—; note—; record—; report—; —brings to light; —interrupts; —supervenes; —surprises

    (See course, affair, event, episode, adventure, incident.

    OCEAN adjectives

    treacherous; salt-waved; wild; wreck-strewn; gushing; measureless; distant; dancing; purpling; leaden; madfoam; mighty; voluminous; darkling; momentary; moaning; sanguine; neglected; freshening; circumfluous; turbulent; wasteful; blue; winter; hungry; gleaming; tempestuous; shoreless; wine-dark; surging; charmed; lifeless; bursting; unresting; tossing; illimitable; tumultuous; homeless; boundless; unconfined; ethereal; wasteful; unruffled; infinite; close-lying; yearning; cheerless; boiling; chafed; small-sized; bottomless; mimic; glaucous; vast; calm; unfruitful; resistless


    brave—; cradle in—; girdle—; harness—; launch on—; —booms; —bubbles; —buffets; —flashes; —foams; —grumbles; —hammers at; —heaves; —lashes; —leaps; —lulls; —

    moans; —murmurs; —pitches; —plays; — ravages; —resounds; —rolls; —shoulders

    —sighs; —smiles; —spumes; —surges; — swells; —tosses; —washes; —whispers

    (See sea, waves, breakers.)

    Odd adverbs

    decidedly; inexplicably; grotesquely; fantastically; unfortunately; positively; extraordinarily; uncommonly; disagreeably; offensively; unpleasantly; awkwardly; comically; boorishly; outlandishly; barbarously; shamefully

    Oddity adjectives

    individual; numerous (pl); definite


    appreciate—; deride—; display—; exhibit —; marvel at—; reveal—; ridicule—; scoff at—; scorn—; stare at—; tolerate—; value for—; —amuses; —astounds; —awes; — bewilders; —decorates; —dumbfounds; — flabbergasts (colloq.) ; —startles; —strikes

    (See eccentricity, novelty.)

    Odds adjectives

    overwhelming; rushing; confounding; fearful; moderate; tremendous; worthless; conceivable; formidable; reckless; highest


    acquire—; approve—; calculate—; demand —; discourage—; enjoy—; justify—; play —; reckon—; reduce—; refuse—; request —; submit to—; —despair; —increase; — prevail; —protect

    (See disadvantage, advantage.)

    Ode adjectives

    imperishable; turgid; lofty; mortal; patriotic; celebrated

    Odious adverbs

    extremely; uncommonly; extraordinarily; detestably; abominably; atrociously; unusually; flagrantly; egregiously; intolerably; incredibly; shockingly; disgustingly; particularly; singularly; peculiarly; monstrously

    Odor adjectives

    sickening; objectionable; universal; savory; mingled; musty; offensive; reconciling; mysterious; undefinable; charnel; thick; mephitic; delicious; exquisite; peculiar; indescribable; characteristic; prison; vague; influent; delicate; undesirable; dreamy; sweet-scented; succulent; fragrant; keen-edged; greasy; sweetish; spicy; strange; pervading; fugitive; single-flower; dry; arrowy; autumn; champac; rich; vigorous; nightly; butyric; body; mystical; dewy; faint; cloying; perspiration; sweaty; sulphurous; suffocating; poisonous; disagreeable; unsanitary; national; underarm; subtlest; sour; soft; pungent; balsam; charming; dainty; languishing; heavy; grateful; soul-dissolving; aromatic; fecund; breezy; chafed; durable; evil; intoxicating; ambrosial; insufferable; subtle; noxious; distinctive; embarrassing; pleasant


    combat—; detect—; diffuse—; efface—; emit —; exhale—; impregnate with—; inhale—; retain—; snuff up—; waft in—; —assails; —s commingle; —emanates; —floats from; —greets; —invigorates; —mingles; —pervades; —sickens

    (See aroma, incense, essence, fragrance, smell, stench.)

    Offend (v) adverbs

    mortally; inevitably; desperately; deeply; morally; spiritually; socially; personally

    (See wound, affront, hurt.)

    Offended adverbs

    mortally; heinously; grievously; continually; slightly; deeply; irreparably; gravely; definitely; unreasonably; senselessly; bitterly; sorely; grievously; frightfully; distressingly; mightily; dangerously; hotly; obviously; openly; ludicrously; extremely; absurdly; foolishly; unfortunately; throughout

    Offender adjectives

    inveterate; hardened; banished; desperate; misguided; repeating


    apprehend—; chastise—; detain—; fine—; forgive—; pardon—; penalize—; punish—; reform—; resent—; restrict—; reveal—; subject—to; try—; —commits; —displeases

    —infringes; —transgresses

    (See loser, criminal, thief, robber.)

    Offense adjectives

    criminal; indecent; mortal; dire; flagrant; heinous; aggravated; imputed; trivial; penitentiary; deliberate; actual; supreme; vile; grievous; giddy; voluntary; heavy; continual; superficial; dismissed; similar; odious; impeachable; primitive; slightest; unpardonable; vicious; enormous; grave; excruciating; rank


    bewail—; commit—; condone—; countenance—; decry—; denounce—; excuse—; fear —; indict for—; lash for—; palliate—; penalize—; punish—; rue-—; uncover—; —besmirches; —debases; —defaces; —disgraces; —involves; —libels; —slanders

    (See crime, insult, guilt, misdeed.)

    Offensive verbs

    act on—; assume—; choose—; detail—; dispose to—; launch—; occupy—; plan—; rely on—; take up—; ■—aggravates; —batters; —drives; —grapples; —harries; — instigates; —invades; —presses; —storms


    (See aggression.) adverbs

    distinctly; strikingly; conspicuously; highly; terribly; unexpectedly; boorishly; impertinently; cruelly; bitterly; amazingly; monstrously; daringly; deliberately; purposely; intentionally; unpardonably; inexcusably; execrably; abominably; disagreeably; unnecessarily; unwarrantably; disgracefully; shameiully; aggressively )

    Offer adjectives

    repeated; palliative; munificent; magnificent; friendly; coherent; intelligent; special; introductory; liberal; amazing; low-priced; unusual; dubious; engaging; particular; disinterested; magnanimous; outstanding; singular; remarkable; unique; combination; inexpensive; generous; hospitable; private; testimonial; unprecedented; polite; irresponsible; spectacular; ridiculous; positive; greatest; free; no-risk; demonstrator; smashing; money-making; quick-starting; astounding; trial; startling; genuine


    accept—; advance—; avail oneself of—; bombard with—s; consider—; decline—; disdain—; entertain—; hawk about for—s; invite—s; jump at—; present—; press—; propose—; propound—; refuse—; reject—; renew—; resent—; solicit—s; spurn—; tender—; waive—; withhold—; —entices; — satisfies

    (See bid, bribe, gift, opportunity, proposition.)

    Offer (v) adverbs

    generously; exclusively; zealously; gratuitously; voluntarily; tentatively; stolidly; temptingly; facetiously; magnanimously; obtrusively; munificently; liberally; dubiously; disinterestedly; uniquely; unprecedentedly; demonstratively; genuinely

    (See bid, propose.)

    Offering adjectives

    bounteous; princely; freewill; mortuary; exceptional; votive; propitiatory; imposing; annual; rustic; odious; magnificent; appropriate; polluted; sensational; great; strange; intelligent; purest; definite; acceptable; feeble; faithful; worthy; never-fading; extraordinary; remarkable

    Office (general) adjectives

    imperial; holy; ill; drafty; administrative; magnificent; paneled; imposing; nobler; elective; unpretentious; kind; breviary; basest; oldest; established; beneficent; executive; menial; subordinate; domestic; melancholy; appointed; choked; modest; distinct; turbaned; charitable; required; lofty; invidious; courteous; truer; permanent; pious; sceptered

    Office (■place of business) verbs

    abandon—; assign to—; clerk in—; collect at—; conduct at—; establish—; glower around—; head—; inquire at—; lodge in—; pour into—; supervise—; transact at—; transfer—to; usher into—; —Buzzes; —dispenses; —drones; —employs; —functions; —hums; —operates

    (See room, building, place.)

    Office (position, duty, etc.) verbs

    abolish—; abuse—; assume—; catapult into —; chain to—; dawdle in—; elevate to—; entitle to—; fill—; hoist into—; hound out of—; induct into—; oust from—; perform —; qualify for—; railroad out of (colloq.) —; resign—; retire from—; slide into—; soar to—; undertake—

    (See capacity, position, job, duty, service.)

    Officer adjectives

    estimable; rebellious; ranking; administrative; courageous; handsome; gallant; high-minded; energetic; health; faithful; adroit; unscrupulous; sagacious; ragged; efficient; straggling; presiding; preventive; regimental; prefectual; cautious; conservative; consular; arrogant; slothful; executive; subordinate; treacherous; astute; sensitive; embarrassing; resisting; staff; audacious; senior; liberal; peevish; pelting; petty'; accomplished; downhearted; hard-working; harassed; mortal; vigilant; competent; superior; liaison; newly-fledged; glaring; unblushing; confidential; native; eminent; forceful; high-spirited; subaltern; disobedient


    appoint—; consult—; court-martial—; elect —; empower—; refer to—; resist—; —administers; —admonishes; —assembles; — attends; —authorizes; —chastises; —commands; —conducts; —directs; —disbands

    —inspects; —records; —serves

    (See constable, deacon, midshipman, detective, commander, general.)

    Official adjectives

    cruel; incompetent; distinguished; bureaucratic; incorruptible; fearless; intelligent; mere; salaried; corrupt; negligent; faithless; amiable; dignified; foreign; blustering; unappreciative; overdriven; energetic; aesthetic; suspicious; obstinate


    appoint—; consult—; direct—; elect—; huddle with—s; invest—with; rebuke—; refer to—; serve as—; staff with—s; —administers; —advocates; —s assemble; — attends; —authorizes; —blusters; —chastises; —conducts; —directs; —inspects; — judges; —orders; —presides; —summons

    (See leader, ambassador, legislator, congressman, governor, magistrate, president.) adverbs

    undeniably; admittedly; avowedly; assuredly; obviously; evidently; manifestly; authentically; authoritatively; absolutely; reliably; dependably; solemnly; actually; indubitably; unmistakably; odiously; irresistibly; cruelly; sternly; responsibly* imposingly; shockingly; studiously; weightily )

    Officious adverbs

    pompously; disagreeably; offensively; foolishly; absurdly; ridiculously; unwarrantably; unnecessarily; proudly; meddlesomely; impertinently; unbecomingly; ceremoniously; ingratiatingly; magisterially; unpleasantly; strangely; egotistically; busily; actively; zealously; smartly; expertly; persistently; ardently; restlessly; alertly

    Offspring adjectives

    precocious; illegitimate; turbulent; new-fledged; frightened; hideous; speckled; spotted; numerous; unfilial; valiant; inferior; diminutive; sole; resulting; fatherless; groveling; motherless


    bestow—upon; bless with—; enjoy—; idolize—; issue—; mother—; present with—; produce—; promise—; rear—; transmit to —; yearn for—; —blossom; —burden; — comfort; —delight; —gather; —inherit; — torment

    (See fruit, child, heir, brood, generation, descendant.)

    Ogle (v) adverbs

    flirtatiously; affectedly; amorously; lasciviously; voluptuously; lustfully; unblushing-ly; immodestly; brazenly; coyly

    (See look, stare.)

    Oil adjectives

    volatile; subtle; raw; golden; unbleached

    soothing; midnight; rich; rugged; chemic


    adulterate—; anoint with—; disseminate—; distil—; distribute—; drill for—; drive by —; extract—; feed—; force—; flush—; fuel with—; lubricate with—; market—; power with—; press—from; prospect for—; pump —; refine—; saturate with—; spout—; — accumulates; —drips; —flows; —seeps through; —smooths

    (See lubricant, fuel.

    OILY adverbs

    unpleasantly; dangerously; surprisingly; admirably; satisfactorily; sufficiently; extremely; uncommonly; significantly; wonderfully; unfortunately; treacherously; hazardously; evenly; mildly; pleasantly; soothingly )

    Ointment verbs

    absorb—; advocate—; apply—; assimilate —; dose with—; dress with—; plaster—on; prepare—; smear—on; —assuages; — cleanses; —corrects; —draws; —eases; — palliates; —relieves; —remedies; —restores; —salves; —soothes

    (See balm, liniment, lotion, salve.

    OLD adverbs

    genuinely; unquestionably; decrepitly; incredibly; truly; apparently; evidently; obviously; deceptively; smartly; graciously; genteelly; absurdly; beautifully; proudly.; valuably; unbelievably )

    Old-Fashioned adverbs

    ridiculously; charmingly; sedately; sweetly; laughably; eccentrically; obstinately; consistently; serenely; placidly; hopelessly; carelessly; indifferently; pricelessly; whimsically; fantastically; grotesquely; shabbily; innocently; deliberately; intentionally; absurdly; barbarously; unpleasantly; embarrassingly; unconcernedly; nonchalantly; unashamedly; pleasantly; unpretentiously

    Omen adjectives

    ill; auspicious; prophetic; fearful; unfavorable; parlous; favorable; happy; pleasant; cheery

    Ominous adverbs

    unmistakably; significantly; disturbingly; distressingly; sadly; prophetically;'' alarmingly; unpleasantly; dismally; markedly; noticeably; drearily; fearfully; terribly: heartbreakingly

    Omission adjectives

    voluntary; merciful; insidious


    check—; frown on—; discover—; incur—; lament—; object to—; observe—; overcome —; protest—; rectify—; scoff at—; supply —; —detracts; —irks; —magnifies; —resounds; —scandalizes; —shocks

    (See default, error, mistake.)

    Omit (v) adverbs

    premeditatedly; accidentally; tragically; pointedly; voluntarily; mercifully; insidiously; hazardously; rashly; cavalierly

    (See ignore, disregard.)

    One adjectives

    unsubstantial; eclectic; lisping; heterogeneous; irresistible; delicate; reluctant; silent; memorable; uncivil; awe-inspiring

    Onerous adverbs

    unusually; remarkably; uncommonly; formidably; embarrassingly; objectionably; tremendously; grievously; cruelly; unexpectedly; perplexingly; bewilderingly; desperately; irksomely; unaccountably; surprisingly; singularly

    Onlookers adjectives

    uncomprehending; unsophisticated; silent; innocent; conspiring

    Onrush verbs

    check—; elude—; instigate—; master—; stem—; —breaks; —deluges; —issues from

    —stampedes; —swamps; —sweeps by; — tramples

    (See onslaught.)

    Onset adjectives

    spiteful; insidious; thunderous; brilliant; impetuous; unyielding; intellectual

    Onslaught adjectives

    ubiquitous; furious; unscrupulous; merciless; ludicrous; savage; direct; hasty; rapid; murderous


    anticipate—; check—; curb—; dread—; escape—; fear—; flee from—; fortify against —; prompt—; stem—; subdue—; succumb to—; surrender to—; weather—; witness—; —destroys; —horrifies; —overpowers; — terrorizes

    (See assault, attack, onrush.)

    Opalescent adverbs

    brilliantly; wonderfully; unusually; colorfully; marvelously; beautifully; uncommonly; splendidly; magnificently; barbarically; remarkably; singularly; peculiarly; particularly; oddly; attractively; gorgeously; wondrously; amazingly

    Opaque adverbs

    inconveniently; absolutely; satisfactorily; necessarily; completely; hazily; muddily; cloudily; vaporcusly; mysteriously; strangely; admirably; disappointingly; smokily; bafflingly; perplexingly; bewilderingly

    Open adverbs

    invitingly; mysteriously; conveniently; comfortably; advantageously; yawningly; widely; constantly; continually; evidently; palpably; apparently; indulgently; allowably; legally; officially; hospitably; unconditionally; currently; generously; broadly; liberally; helpfully

    Open (v) adverbs

    rarely; partially; tempestuously; listlessly; conveniently; drowsily; automatically; haphazardly; incautiously; beneficently; cautiously; unwarily; modestly; invitingly; portentously; prematurely; symmetrically

    (See reveal, unfold.)

    Open-Handed adverbs

    lavishly; extravagantly; liberally; indulgently; foolishly; senselessly; considerately; graciously; benevolently; wastefully; munificently; thoughtfully; freely; hospitably; incomparably; particularly; generously; indiscriminately; diplomatically; strategically; kindly; amazingly; affluently; eminently

    Open-Hearted adverbs

    generously; liberally; charitably; magnanimously; always; dependably; reliably; consistently; indulgently; cordially; candidly; sincerely; frankly; artlessly; unaffectedly; notably; conspicuously; remarkably; splendidly; magnificently; lavishly

    Opening adjectives

    portentous; moderate; auspicious; friendly; arched; chiseled; ambitious; proffered; numerous (pl); advantageous; premature; crescent; smaller; high-placed; symmetrical


    await—; desire—; enter—; intersperse with —s; miss—; neglect—; observe—; present —; scut.tle through—; seize—; seek—; spurn —; widen into—; —affords; —discloses; — narrows; —offers; —promises; —reveals

    (See chasm, gate, door, opportunity, chance.)

    Opera verbs

    applaud—; aspire to—; attend—; compose —; conceive—; enjoy—; fancy—; patronize —; perform—; produce—; subscribe to—; —allures; —attracts; —captivates; —delights; —diverts; —enamors; —enchants; —enraptures; —enthralls; —fascinates; — flourishes; —thrills

    (See melodrama, theatre, play, music, drama.)

    Operate (v) adverbs

    onerously; insidiously; mechanically; scientifically injuriously; skillfully; deftly; effectually; primarily; economically; mystically; legitimately; viciously; defensively; legally; rhythmically; laboriously; logically; mentally; physiologically; physically; psychologically; disastrously; maligantly; surgically; hygienically

    (See manipulate, manage, handle.

    Operation (general) adjectives

    gradual; primary; difficult; economical; subsequent; celestial; offensive; excessive; gas-wasting; low-gear; efficient; costly; wasteful; expensive; powerful; military; mythic; decisive; ultimate; justifiable; hazardous; expeditious; elaborate; legitimate; vicious; fiscal; industrial; diversified; important; active; gigantic; divine; successful; ceaseless; defensive; relentless; fiery; smooth; business; authentic; undisturbed; unlimited; hygienic; rhythmic; immediate; distinct; vandalic; intermediate; sequential; imperceptible; proposed; tremendous; preliminary; laborious; logical; mental; mining; primitive; brilliant; unprecedented; disastrous; delicate; malignant; surgical; exploratory


    absorb in—; assimilate in—; coordinate—s; curtail—; demonstrate—; employ—; execute —; expand—; expedite—; facilitate—; frustrate—; mask—; paralyze—; promote —; repeat—; subject to—; suspend—; transact—; —renews

    (See action, activity, process.

    Operation (surghal) verbs

    advocate—; contraindicate—; convalesce from—; entail—; perform—; recover from —; recuperate from—; repeat—; submit to —; undergo—; witness—; —allays; —alleviates; —restores; —revitalizes; —scars

    (See abortion, procedure, surgery.

    Operative adverbs

    skilfully; profitably; actively; serviceably; wonderfully; successfully; eminently; conspicuously; amazingly; expertly; deftly; smoothly; dexterously; adroitly; cleverly; usefully; advantageously; currently; locally; incessantly; apparently; evidently

    Operator' verbs

    hinder—; recommend—; —controls; —despatches; —effects; —engages in; —executes

    —handles; —investigates; —manipulates; — observes; —performs; —plies; —undertakes; —wields

    (See agent, engineer.

    Opiate verbs

    addict to—s; administer—; inject—; —allays; —alleviates; —anaesthetizes; —balms; —eases; —lulls; —narcotizes; —numbs; — paralyzes; —restrains; —soothes; —tranquillizes

    (See narcotic, drug.

    Opinion adjectives

    conflicting; erroneous; well-founded; preconceived; weightier; fallacious; dispassionate: vulgar; triumphant; optimistic; imperfect; admitted; inconsistent; weening; lagging; mistaken; unequivocal; dissenting; unanimous; immediate; liberal; hard; essential; vain; decorous; ill; misguided; diverse (pl); presumed; clashing; effeminate; half-fabulous; intolerant; hideous; confirmed; candid; desponding; contrary; universal; progressive; plausible; singular; golden; hasty; conciliating; humble; discretional; true; temperate; speculative; undisguised; transient; present-day; contradictory; avowed; realistic; political; extravagant; dwarfed; emancipated; conservative; non-evolutionary; valueless; damning; exaggerated; expert; imperious; religious; public; unbiased; high; antagonistic; unsought; prevailing; adverse; atheistical; critical; reprehensible; authoritative; sincere; unasked; well-informed; monstrous; forceful; swollen; individual; inmost; revolutionary; false; editorial; dissenting; confidential; exalted; adulterated; awed; eccentric; contemptuous; mighty; expressed; implied; prevalent; rash; established; light


    abandon—; adhere to—; air—; alter—; assert—; base—on; bow to—of; cling to—; coincide with—; concur in—; condemn—; confirm—; controvert—; convert from—; convey—; crystallize—; defend—; dispute ’—; echo—; embody—; enforce—; formulate —; further—; justify—; modify—; muzzle —; offer—; moderate—; modify—; prepare

    —; proclaim—; qualify—; reconcile —s; reflect—; rescind—; reserve—; retain—; shade—; shape—; submit—; subscribe to—; utter—; venture—; voice—; —carries weight; —s clash; —s conflict; —crystallizes; —s differ; —s diverge; —fluctuates; — hinges upon; —prevails

    (See idea, belief, inference, judgment.)

    Opinionated adverbs

    insufferably; conceitedly; selfishly; egotistically; pompously; arrogantly; domineeringly; dogmatically; bigotedly; narrowly; ridiculously; senselessly; absurdly; foolishly; stubbornly; doggedly; doltishly; intolerably; decidedly; unbearably; unreasonably; offensively; blatantly; brazenly; rudely; grossly; crassly

    Opium verbs

    drowse under—; smoke—; smuggle—in; steep in—; trade in—; traffic in—; —allays; —assuages; —benumbs; —blunts; —deadens; —dulls; —enslaves; —mitigates; —palliates; —poisons; —stimulates; —stuns; — stupefies; —subdues

    (See opiate, narcotic, drug.)

    Opossum verbs

    —adheres to; —anchors to; —claws; — clings; —feigns; —grips; —licks; —mounts

    —pouches; —preys on; —rolls; —seizes

    (See animal.)

    Opponent adjectives

    formidable; political; honorable; strenuous; extreme; partizan; imaginary; worthy; determined; agile; masterful; malignant; foremost; fervent; energetic; prominent; unsympathetic


    capitulate to—; conquer—; discredit—; elude—; oust—; overwhelm—; rebuff—; — antagonizes; —condemns; —contends; — contests; —defends; —disputes; —maintains; —objects; —proposes; —resists; —struggles; —yields to

    (See foe, enemy, competitor, antagonist, adversary.)

    Opportune adverbs

    delightfully; seasonably; fortunately; luckily; happily; conveniently; surprisingly; unexpectedly; felicitously; amazingly; particularly; providentially; extraordinarily; splendidly; unusually

    Opportunity adjectives

    plausible; perennial; exhaustible; gulden; favorable; meager; extraordinary; superior; rare; magnificent; abundant; scanty; splendid; spacious; speedy; momentary; favorable; precarious; innumerable (pl); awaited; vast; long-coveted; ample; wasted; tempting; social; characteristic; natural; pleasing; crude; infinite; unusual; propitious; selling; notable; trial; sensational; golden; astounding; money-making; amazing; wonderful; big: superlative; masculine; heaven-sent; ill-annexed; limitless; glorious; boundless; final; well-used; early; convenient; adequate; enervating; indulgent; unequalled; decisive; generous; sorrowful; promising; indefinite; admirable; shrewd; unscrupulous; neglected; educational; irresistible; unsurpassed; growing; attractive; favorable; genuine; lifetime; astonishing; unparalleled; matchless; extra-money; new ; profit; surprising; enviable; business; exceptional; non-competitive; grand; greatest


    afford—; anticipate—; avail oneself of—; awake to—; curtail—for; drain of —s; enlarge —s for; extend—; grasp—; heed—; ignore—; impoverish—for; jump at—; offer —; respond to—; seize—; sense—; snatch —; —beckons; —blooms; —fades; —flees; —knocks; —presents itself; —recurs

    (See occasion, opening, chance, possibility.)

    Oppose (v) adverbs

    conscientiously; violently; stubbornly; dia. metrically; stoutly; virulently; fiercely; gallantly; obstinately; vigorously; ardently; clamorously; persistently; militantly; zealously; strenuously; cantankerously; radically; determinedly; avowedly; prematurely; fatally; maliciously; seditiously; redoubt-ably; vainly

    (See resist, combat.)

    Opposed adverbs

    violently; bitterly; subtly; fundamentally; persistently; racially; openly; politically; outspokenly; frankly; candidly; vindictively; fanatically; traditionally; formidably; irreconcilably; relentlessly; utterly; strangely; oddly; ironically; inexplicably; patently; palpably; significantly; basically; alarmingly; unaccountably; unwarrantably; immoderately; unflaggingly; powerfully; unmistakably

    Opposite adverbs

    diametrically; directly; almost; exactly; incompatibly; antagonistically; hostilely; in-imically; strangely; mysteriously; contrastingly; oddly; emphatically; curiously

    Opposition adjectives

    cantankerous; uncompromising; radical; persistent; violent; reasonable; serious; determined; slow; powerful; considerable; downright; vigorous; astounding; avowed; rousing; direct; positive; liberal; open; strenuous; peevish; fictitious; bitter; stiffer; virulent; diametric; premature; filibustering; striking; skillful; bloody; fatal; malicious; ticklish; seditious; scholarly; vindictive; parliamentary; frightful; continual; redoubtable; brawling; vain; fierce


    align with—; antagonize—; anticipate—; batter down—; brook—; browbeat—; confront—; deter—; dispel—; encounter—; incite to—; manifest—; mow down—; mystify—; overcome—; persevere against—; provoke to—; pummel—; raise—; revive—; stimulate—; stir—; vanquish—; —clamors; —melts away; —stiffens

    (See objection, hostility, antagonism, defiance, interference.)

    Oppress (v) adverbs

    sorely; sternly; vigorously; viciously; ruthlessly; odiously; dictatorially; unremittingly; cruelly; spiritually; rigidly; hideously

    (See persecute, aggrieve.)

    Oppression adjectives

    military; ruthless; discomfited; proud; ungrateful; ungracious; needless; odious; iron; long; indefinable; dismal; heavy; unbounded; subordinate; systematic; unremitting; super-inhuman


    bear—; chain to—; crumble under—; decry —; resist—; sacrifice to—; shake off—; slay by--; struggle with—; tyrannize wtih—; — chafes; —controls; —crushes; —destroys; — frustrates; —hushes; —masters; —ravages

    —reigns ; —silences

    (See burden, cruelty, tyranny, depression, imposition.)

    Oppressive adverbs

    heavily; unbearably; intolerably; insufferably; dismally; cruelly; barbarously; bitterly; tyrannically; heartbreakingly; galling-ly; domineeringly; savagely; brutally; inhumanly; drearily; ruthlessly; needlessly; systematically; incredibly; incomparably; grievously; obnoxiously; shockingly; appallingly; frightfully; odiously; tragically

    Oppressor verbs

    boycott—; chastise—; crumble under—; defy —; denounce—; despise—; fear—; inveigh against—; loathe—; master—; resist—; — chains; —confiscates; —crushes; —despoils; —destroys; —dominates; —enforces; —enslaves; —exterminates; —fetters; —gags; — horrifies; —hushes; —inflicts; —intimidates; —misrules; —oppresses; —outrages; —oer-secutes; —reigns; —restricts; —rules; —silences; —spies; —suppresses; —terrorizes; —tramples; —tyrannizes; —victimizes

    (See tyrant, dictator.)

    Optimism adjectives

    slothful; radiant; placid; sober; incurable; misguided; bourgeois; innate; superb; baseless; unfailing; shallow; feeble; horrible; extravagant; militant; strident; undue; hollow; pretended


    bolster by—; crown vwth—; dispel—; feign —; pretend—; voice—; yield to—; —blinds; —cheers; —comforts; —cools; —encourages; —glows; —impresses; —penetrates; —pierces; —prevails; —stimulates; —warms

    (See hope, cheerfulness.)



    joyously; mysteriously; unaccountably; unreasonably; pleasurably; thrillingly; impatiently; ardently; charmingly; crazily; radiantly; superbly; unduly

    Option verbs

    abandon—; acquire—; assign—to; execute —; exercise—; purchase—; reject—; share —; specify in—; utilize—; vote on—; —expires; —guarantees; —insures; —provides; —relinquishes; —reserves; —seduces; — tempts

    (See choice, alternative, preference.)

    Opulence adjectives

    lazy; undemocratic; approaching; unearned; sinful

    Opulent adverbs

    amazingly; incredibly; fantastically; fabulously; magnificently; splendidly; monstrously; unbelievably; superbly; unsurpassably; incomparably; marvellously; miraculously; curiously; inexplicably; enviably; admirably; gloriously; contentedly; complacently

    Oracle adjectives

    godlike; riddling; received; heathen; sublime; prescient; stalking; ambiguous; literary; ancient; mendacious; burning; commanding

    Oracular adverbs

    shrewdly; sapiently; wisely; alarmingly; frequently; confidently; dogmatically; blus-teringly; solemnly; piously; mystically; seriously; gravely; soberly; reverentially; portentously; suddenly; remarkably; reputably; allegedly; avowedly

    Orate (v) adverbs

    vaingloriously; verbosely; melodramatically; sonorously; pontifically; seditiously; facetiously; traitorously; thunderously; in-spiringly; monotonously; ornately

    (See speak, talk.)


    powerful; sham; eloquent; passionate; infantile; panegyrical


    blurt out—; comprehend—; criticize—; deliver—; dispute—; frame—; garnish—with; plan—; pour forth—; recite—; render—; spout—; —declaims; —decries; —exhorts; —expounds; —harangues; —incites; —inflames; —informs; —impassions; —sways

    (See declamation, address, discourse, lecture, speech, sermon.)

    Orator adjectives

    natural; sand-lot; soapbox; idiosyncratic; stay-at-home; brilliant; political; revolutionary; loud-voiced; distinguished; classical; impassioned; effective; discerning; patriotic; genuine


    distinguish—; introduce—; —addresses; — arouses; —berates; —bombards; —charms; —declaims; —defends; —delivers; —disquiets; —enchants; —enthralls; —fulminates; —gesticulates; —hurls; —incites; — inflames; —mouths; —pleads; —rants; — raves; —spellbinds; —wields

    (See lawyer, demagogue, attorney, congressman, legislator, minister.)

    Oratorical adverbs

    splendidly; magnificently; emphatically; eloquently; pompously; bombastically; dramatically; comically; absurdly; vainly; egotistically; ridiculously; unctuously; laughably; needlessly; unreasonably; ludicrously; effectively; impressively; imposingly; brilliantly; ardently; passionately; patriotically; grandiloquently

    Oratory verbs

    amplify—; burst into—; delight in—; excel in—; judge—; pour—; thunder—; —burns; —enchants;' —flows from; —floods; —glitters; —glorifies; —hypnotizes; —impassions; —impresses; —persuades; —streams from; —sways; —thaws; —touches

    (See declamation, orator, talk, speech.)

    Orb adjectives

    huge; brilliant; radiant; glaring; shining; freezing; cold; lifeless; sightless; multitudinous (pl); ruined; piercing; prominent; numerous (pl); intelligent; sickly; serene; mounting; fatal; flaming; parent; unfathomable; wan; planetary; mysterious; small; arch; restless; ruddy; whirling

    Orbit adjectives

    implicated; moral; common; planetary; definite; independent; lurid; respective; mathematical; elliptic

    Orchard adjectives

    abounding; blooming; sappy; starry; fantastic; ravaged; new-planted; wind-swept; dripping; festive; beauteous; aromatic


    blight—; cultivate—; enclose—; fertilize—; frost—; harvest—; irrigate—; plan—; protect—; prune—; rob—; stock from—; tour —; —blooms; —blossoms; —supplies; — yields

    (See crops, farm, tree, fruit.)

    Orchestra adjectives

    errant; magnificent; revamped; mammoth; itinerant; nationally-known; broadcasting; favorite; popular; unrivaled; recording


    direct—; follow—; guide—; lead—; strike up—; uniform—; —accompanies; —attunes to; —beats time; —blares; —charms; —delights; —enchants; —expresses; —greets; — improvises; —pipes; —performs; —sweeps a chord; —tweedles

    (See band, music, musician.)

    Orchestral adverbs

    splendidly; magnificently; tunefully; harmoniously; delightfully; gorgeously; impressively; sonorously; resoundingly; grandly; superbly; brilliantly; dazzlingly; richly; triumphantly

    Ordeal adjectives

    painful; dreadful

    numbing; perilous; fiery

    Order adjectives                      (command

    peremptory; positive; executive; advance; admirable; divers (pl); liberal; rigid; rarest; extortionate; patriarchal; frantic; vast; abstract; existing; suspicious; preliminary; hostile; spiritual; convulsive; promised; imperative; social; secondary; inferior; sweeping; subsequent; additional; imminent; allied; urgent; superior; makeshift; established; showy; actual; thundering; relenting; conflicting; visible; alphabetical; preposterous; determinate; successive (pl); obstructing; provident; retaliatory; metropolitan; explicit; sinister; treasonable; logical; halfconscious; handsome; privileged; elegant; restricted; marching; spacious; chronological; switchback; notorious; noiseless; unfilled; agrarian; positive; retrograde; tessellated; fraternal; strategic; ill-conceived; sealed; beneficent; contrary; preconcerted; opposite; pretty; gallant; supplementary; internal; welcome; probable; injunction; excellent; shocking; meek; florid; melting; previous; intellectual; gracious; malignant; complacent; lucid; auspicious


    accept—; comply with—; disregard—; establish—; execute—; flash—; issue—; maintain—; modify—; obey—; preserve—; receive—; record—; rescind—; restore—; violate—; whip into—; —bans; —bars; —compels; —decrees; —hampers; —manifests itself; —reigns

    (See command, commandment, injunction, mandate, discipline.)

    Order (organization, system, adjectives                     arrangement

    requisite; subsequent; existing; cloistered; festive; favored; valiant; venerable; celestial; vexatious; congenial; imperative; eternal; slender; ethereal; chronological; outward; symmetrical; mystic; eerie; rude; admirable; lower; reiterated; petty; social; solemn; beneficial; dubious; private; revised; economic; different; financial; lofty; honorable; privileged; patrician


    adhere to—; annihilate—; ape—; bury—; challenge—; establish—; fit into—; institute —; perpetuate—; rage against—; undermine —; —passes; —pervades

    (See arrangement, class, system, government.)

    Order verbs                                  (sales

    book —s; boost (colloq.)—; confirm—; consign—to; fill—; lose—; overwhelm with —s; procure—; realize—; reject—; ship—; solicit—s; swamp with—s; —s filter in; — grosses; —s mount; —nets; —s pour in; —s slacken

    (See purchase, sales.)

    Order (v) adverbs

    peremptorily; explicitly; indiscriminately; treacherously; bluffly; reluctantly; insolently; sternly; quaintly; imperiously; congenially; pettishly; dubiously; economically; malignantly

    (See command, dictate.)

    Orderly adverbs

    satisfactorily; unusually; wonderfully; remarkably; particularly; always; altogether; admirably; regularly; uniformly; scrupulously; meticulously; habitually; unwontedly; uncommonly

    Ordinance adjectives

    oppressive; divine; surrendered; solemn; secession; ill-starred; detested


    administer—; cite—; codify—; confirm—; enact—; enforce—; formulate—; frame—; promulgate—; remand—; transgress—; violate—; —commands; —decrees; —directs; —enjoins; —imposes; —legalizes; —ordains; —prescribes

    (See edict, decree, law, legislation, mandate.)

    Ore adjectives

    useful; good-looking; metallic; massy; pavonine; vermilion-colored; rich; precious; manganese; iridescent; rough

    Organ adjectives                          (general

    full-toned; deep-throated; vital; bodily; singular; discordant; lovely; mysterious; visual; sensual; improper; charming; delicate; deep-laboring; digestive; unique; damaged; sentient; rudimentary; reproductive; respiratory: administrative; generative; ardent; delegated; virile; olfactory

    Organ verbs                         (of the body

    affect—; attack—; cleanse—; congest—; derange—; enliven—; impair—; inflame—; invade—; irrigate—; irritate—; nourish—; tone up—; tune—to; vitalize—; —atrophies; —decays; —functions; —recuperates

    (See heart, kidney, etc.)

    Organism adjectives

    finished; vital; political; alert; courageous; aggressive; social; diverse (pl); vegetable; precious; terrific; mysterious; living; active; sensuous; enfeebled; specific; composite; elaborate; molded; unicellular


    constitute—; culture—; examine—; stain—; study—; —attacks; —excretes; —flourishes; —functions; —invades; —poisons; —reproduces

    (See bacteria, embryo, germ.)

    Organization adjectives

    inadequate; active; magnificent; complete; accurate; hierarchical; ecclesiastical; far-flung; rudimentary; resounding; various (pl)j producing; worthy; efficient; sweetly-functioning; secret; farsighted; vital; underlying; scientific; unified; matchless; constitutional; laborious; elaborate; competitive; well-drilled; distributing; independent; eleemosynary; internal; quasi-benevol-ent; quasi-military; odious; gigantic; monolithic; associational; nervous; abstinence; chartered; well-formed; stupendous; marvelous; militant; mammoth


    disband—; dominate—; effect—; encourage —; endow—; envision—; evolve—; foster —; initiate—; penetrate—; perfect—; preside over—; revive—; sponsor—; subsidize —; suppress—; weaken—; —expands; — functions; —s merge

    (See club, league, establishment.

    Organize (v) adverbs

    admirably; politically; seditiously; treacherously; radically; delicately; efficiently; constitutionally; independently; militantly

    (See arrange, form.

    Organized adverbs

    highly; carefully; secretly; skilfully; recently; elaborately; simply; surreptitiously; admirably; independently; complexly; regularly; methodically; systematically; strategically; cleverly; intelligently; masterfully; fully; efficiently; marvellously; incomparably

    Orgy adjectives

    bloodiest; speculative; disgusting; emotional; verbal; loathed; sex; lustful; pagan; midnight; disgraceful; nocturnal; drunken; sinful; degrading


    carouse in—; feast in—; indulge in—; plunge into—; recoil from—; revel in—; submerge in—; wallow in—; welter in—; <—debauches; —gratifies; —intoxicates; —-nauseates; —palls; —revolts; —wearies

    (See merriment, sin, drunkenness.

    Origin adjectives

    volcanic; unpolished; humble; supernatural; psychogenic; variant; remote; doubtful; genial; miraculous; accidental; bourgeois; genetic; overseas; subjective; celestial; moral; racial; contractual; recent; classical; obscure; communal; antique; ultimate; legendary; fiery; modern; ignoble; common; recent; soulless; synthetic; childish; germinal; historical; illegitimate; plebeian; proximate; abnormal; evolutionary; medieval


    ascribe—to; derive—from; mist—; outline

    —; owe—to; question—; reveal—; shroud— in; trace—; uncover—; —explains; —revolves about

    (See birth, beginning, cause, source.

    Original, adjectives

    select; authenticated; uncertain; vivid

    verbs alter—; conceive—; copy—; counterfeit—; create—; design—; deviate from—; diverge from—; duplicate—; exhibit—; fabricate—; imitate—; modify—; outdo—; overshadow —; parallel—; prize—; reproduce—; treasure—

    (See model, duplicate, copy*.

    Originality adjectives

    everyday; characteristic; fixed; refreshing; unconscious; ignorant; reckless; intellectual; prophetic; notable; illiterate; absolute; contra-distinguished; transcendent; inspired


    dispense with—; encourage—; exercise—; foster—; gain—; induce—; inspire—; lack —; require—; reward—; stifle—; stimulate —; stress—; urge—; value—; want—; —attracts; —flourishes; —merits

    (See initiative, novelty, ability, talent.

    Originate (v) adverbs artificially; primevally; mysteriously; exclusively; authenticatedly; germinally; volcanically; celestially; legitimately; normally; mythically

    (See begin, start.

    Ornament adjectives

    foliated; literary; lovely; sweet; insipid; conspicuous; enviable; heraldic; wealthy; feather-inlaid; glittering; distinguished; appropriate;’elaborate; characteristic; beseeming; wonted; vacant; simple; trifling; sculptured; complicated; meretricious; showy; fatal; bedecking; gold-embossed; historic; desirable; delightful; barbaric


    convert into—; discard—; fashion—; flourish—; strip off —s; —beautifies; —s bedeck

    —bedizens; —decorates; —embellishes; — emblazons; —enriches; —furbishes; —garnishes; —gilds; —glitters; —spangles; — trims

    (See finery, feather, design, button, bead, -braid.

    Ornament (

    grotesquely; gaudily; tastefully; decoratively; profusely; insipidly; conspicuously; appropriately; elaborately; simply; meretriciously; barbarically

    (See decorate, embellish.

    Ornamental adverbs

    gracefully; pleasantly; delightfully; artistically; unusually; highly; remarkably; tastefully; unbelievably; delicately; structurally; gaudily; floridly; cheaply; richly; scarcely; beautifully; clumsily; daintily; conspicuously; appropriately; barbarically; exotically; impressively; smartly; gorgeously; particularly; noticeably; expensively

    Ornament A TION adjectives

    whimsical; graceful; bristling; riotous; hideous ; rich; floral

    Ornate adverbs

    absurdly; unusually; surprisingly; remarkably; highly; uncommonly; peculiarly; curiously; unexpectedly; unwontedly; gaudily; smartly; flashily; richly; gorgeously; splendidly; colorfully; magnificently; brilliantly; architecturally; conspicuously; strangely; attractively; gracefully

    Orphan adjectives

    frail; exotic; white-faced; helpless; lonely; homeless

    Orthodox adverbs

    regularly; highly; unusually; rigidly; strictly; sternly; severely; uncompromisingly; intolerantly; dogmatically; bigotedly; narrowly; admirably; reverently; consistently; conventionally; conformably; invariably; conspicuously; unyieldingly; soundly; faithfully; truly

    Oscillation adje dives electric; gorgeous; vibrating; rushing

    Ostentation adjectives

    inelegant; mourning; isolated; minor; vain; ironical; brusque

    Ostentatious adverbs deliberately; significantly; purposely; sagaciously; impressively; absurdly; foolishly; egotistically; pompously; blatantly; noisily; arrogantly; dramatically; spectacularly; ridiculously; showily; ludicrously; cheaply; disgustingly; habitually

    Ostracism verbs

    deserve—; endure—; live down—; merit—; result in—; —banishes; —castigates; — crushes; —deprecates; —disparages; —excludes; —estranges; —exiles; —outlaws; — reprimands; —secludes; —sequesters; — shuts out

    (See banishment, obscurity.

    Outbreak adjectives

    incipient; sporadic; curious; periodical; rebellious; dusky; unexpected; vehement; audible; occasional


    aggravate—; alleviate—; down—; excite—; foment—; fulminate in—; incite—; instigate —; irritate to—; launch—; mitigate—; provoke—; quell—; quench—; suppress—; — disunites; —embroils; —foams; —fumes; — gushes; —razes; —scorches; —shocks; — thunders; —vents

    (See rebellion, revolution, eruption.

    Outburst adjectives

    sudden; restra'ned; warrantable; wild; spontaneous; mutinous; emotional; overwhelming; eloquent; rash; sacred; passionate; jolly; lyrical; unprecedented; thunderous; tempestuous; national; petulant; swift; sincere; hysterical; thoughtless

    verbs excite—; plague to—; quell—; quiet—; staunch—; —boils; —discharges; —drains; ■—distracts; —eifervesces; —emanates; — evacuates; —fevers; —flushes; —gushes; — heats; —issues; —oozes; —perturbs; — rages; —storms; —strains; —wears away

    (See explosion, eruption, attack, onslaught.

    Outcast adjectives

    nameless; wretched; houseless; miserable; scathed; diseased; destitute; blighted; reprobated; shamefaced; wronged; ragged

    Outcast adverbs

    pitiably; reprehensibly; deservedly; viciously; wretchedly; miserably; wrongfully; pathetically; pitifully; shamefully; disgracefully; ingloriously; disreputably; scandalously; unfortunately; forlornly; desolately; obscurely; humiliatingly; cruelly

    Outcome adjectives

    eventual; useless; sublime; strangest; felicitous; unlucky; fatal


    announce—; anticipate—; blight—; contemplate—; declare—; determine—; doom—; effect—; endanger—; foresee—; predestine —; predict—; preordain—; prophesy—; temporize—; threaten—; —disappoints; — hinges on; —staggers; forestall—

    (See issue, consequence, result, effect.

    Outcry adjectives

    passionate; hysterical; absurd; violent; indignant; pitiful; diabolical


    bawl—; bellow—; mingle with—ies; minimize—; muffle—; restrain—; squeal—; still —; suppress—; whoop—; —bewails; — bursts forth; —clamors; —deafens; —deplores; —dies; —fades; —laments; — scandalizes; —wrings at; raise—; stifle—

    (See cry, exclamation, howl, noise

    Outfit adjectives

    colorful; spring; luxurious; pert; demure; effective; queer


    accoutre in—; array in—; attire in—; divest of—; don—; drape—; equip with—; gear in—; invest in—; prepare—; refurbish—; renew—; rig in—; slip on—; strip off—; trap in—; —enrobes; —envelops; —mantles

    (See coat, overcoat, jacket.

    Outflow verbs

    breast—; check—; contend with—; control —; cope with—; curb—; dam—; filter—; gauge—; oppose—; resist—; restrain—; restrict—; stem—; —drains; —effuses; —endangers; —exudes; —gushes; —spouts; — sweeps away

    (See flow, outpouring.

    Outgrow (v) adverbs

    manifestly; prolifically; unrestrictedly; prodigiously; abundantly; abnormally

    (See surpass, grow.

    Outlandish adverbs

    extraordinarily; surprisingly; strikingly; ridiculously; boorishly; doltishly; heathen-ishly; meretriciously; oddly; monstrously; indecorously; particularly; shockingly; uncivilly; absurdly; egregiously; unaccountably; singularly; unpleasantly

    Outlaw adjectives

    excommunicated; renegade; tattered; dauntless

    Outlaw (v) adverbs legitimately; legally; socially; morally; spiritually; economically; timorously; passionately; traditionally

    (See interdict, renounce.

    Outlay verbs

    absorb—; account for—; allow for—; appropriate for—; atone for—; audit—; exhaust—; expend—; fleece of—; garble—; invest—; recoup—; recover—; redeem—; rehabilitate for—; reimburse for—; remit—; restore—; retain—; reward—; subsidize—

    —bleeds (colloq.) ; —drains; —indebts

    (See expenditure, expense, money, payment, profit.

    Outlet adjectives

    manipulative; convenient; retail; common; satisfactory; obscure; constructive; agreeable; sufficient; emotional; noblest; stupendous


    bore—; bare—; clog—; crave—; drain—; drill—; eflfuse from—; emanate from—; exude from—; furnish—; gain—; leak from —; perforate—; plug—; provide—; puncture—; seek—; stem—; strive for—; — gapes; —yawns

    (See hole, chasm, opening.)

    Outline adjectives

    vague; sublime; cathedral-like; stubbly; shadowy; rude; circular; precise; fine; picturesque; diyinct; rolling; faint; graceful; flowing; delicate; charming; crude; undefined; rugged; misty; harsh; unmistakable: broad; melodic; geographical; analytical; tentative; ghastly; soft; rounded; noble; majestic; irregular; angular; spirited; intellectual; arrowlike; imperfect; depressed; monotonous; lambent


    analyze—; blot out—; conceive—; diagram —; discern—; draft—; draw—; fashion—; launch into—; organize—; plan—; prepare —; scrutinize—; sketch—; stencil in—; trace —; —abstracts; —abbreviates; —condenses; —contracts; —digests; —guides; —represents; —reviews; —shortens; —skims over; —summarizes

    (See figure, line, map, diagram, sketch.)

    Outline (v) adverbs

    scholarly; studiously; purposefully; precisely; vaguely; delicately; rudely; crudely; unmistakably; geographically; intellectually; monotonously

    (See sketch, draw.)

    Outlook adjectives

    cosmopolitan; confident; savage; philosophic; passionate; desolate; tolerant; humorous; sectional; unwarped; disheartening; superb; model; fundamental


    alter—; blacken—; broaden—; convert—; darken—; dim—; foster—; modify—; narrow—; overcast—; reverse—; shade—; transform—; widen—; —brightens; — cheers; —disheartens

    (See future, hope.)

    Outpouring adjectives

    unstudied; passionate; spontaneous; fervent; morbid; unsearchable


    erupt in—; escape—; evade—; quell—; restrain—; restrict—; stem—; —cools; —diminishes; —eases; —endangers; —immerses; —quenches; —ravages; —relieves; —roars; —swells; —weakens

    (See flow, outflow.)

    Output adjectives

    prolific; excessive; profitable; mechanical; steady


    amplify—; augment—; decrease—; develop —; diminish—; dwarf—; enlarge—; expand —; govern—; halt—; market—; restrict—; stem—; treble—; utilize—; —climbs; —declines; —depreciates; —dwindles; —ebbs; —overloads; —shrinks; —subsides; — wanes; swell—

    (See production, crops, proceeds, product.)

    Outrage adjectives

    intolerant; unparalleled; dreadful; treacherous; uncivil; flagrant; atrocious; hideous; living; frantic; vile; miserable; brutal; cowardly; highhanded; ungentlemanly; rancorous; incredible


    absolve of—; acquit of—; avenge—; brand as—; commit—; condone—; countenance—; decry—; denounce—; .disparage—; fulminate against—; incite—; inflict—; perpetrate —; punish—; —aggrieves; —blights; — debases; —despoils; —fans; —infuriates; — perverts; —stigmatizes

    (See injury, indignity, insult, atrocity.)

    Outrage (v) adverbs

    grossly; foully; treacherously; flagrantly; atrociously; hideously; brutally; sexually; rancorously; incredibly

    (See offend, encroach.)

    Outrageous adverbs

    barbarously; despicably; incredibly; atrociously; intolerably; insufferably; appallingly; shockingly; execrably; dreadfully; unimaginably

    Outskirts verbs

    avoid—; circumvent—; direct to—; flank—; fortify—; hover on—; stretch to—; swerve to—; —border; —edge; —encompass; — extend; —parallel; —range; —surround

    (See boundary, border, barrier, edge, line.)

    Outspoken adverbs

    unfortunately; unhappily; unwisely; foolishly; unpleasantly; displeasingly; absurdly; injudiciously; impolitically; indiscreetly; recklessly; pertly; impertinently; disrespectfully; rudely; boorishly; uncivilly; ignorantly; carelessly; brusquely; bluntly; disagreeably ; roughly

    Outstrip (v) adverbs

    masterfully; physically; mentally; economically; legally; vigorously; swiftly; overwhelmingly

    (See surpass, outgrow.)

    Outweigh (v) adverbs

    enormously; tremendously; markedly; indubitably; characteristically; personally

    (See exceed, surpass.)

    Outwit (v) adverbs

    cunningly; subtly; deftly; slyly; dexterously; treacherously; nimbly

    (See defeat, surpass, cheat.)

    Ovary verbs

    dislocate—; displace—; fertilize—; fructify —; impregnate—; inflame—; operate on—; remove—; sterilize—; —atrophies; —discharges; —distends; —enlarges; —functions; —generates; —germinates; —reproduces; —secretes; —shrivels; —swells

    (See organ.)

    Ovation adjectives

    perfect; tremendous; significant; thunderous; enthusiastic


    rejoice in—; render—; shout—; tender— voice—; —acclaims; —cheers; —clamors —gratifies; —honors; —rewards; —rings —thunders

    (See cheering, celebration, triumph.)

    Overbearing adverbs

    insufferably; pompously; arrogantly; egotistically; selfishly; tyrannically; importantly; domineeringly; intolerably; disagreeably; imperiously; superciliously; shockingly; appallingly; despicably; contemptibly; impertinently; extremely; presumptuously; terribly

    Overcoat adjectives

    heavy; worn; woolly


    array in—; divest of—; don—; fray—; huddle in—; model—; patch—; peel off—; penetrate—; shed—; tailor—; —assures; — fends off; —guarantees; —insulates; —insures against; —protects; —shelters; — wards off

    (See coat, jacket, outfit, clothing.)

    Overcome (v) adverbs

    physically; militantly; vigorously; passionately; stoutly; defiantly; mentally; legally; energetically

    (See conquer, master.)

    Overflow adjectives

    natural; periodic; kind; spontaneous; simple

    Overflow (v) adverbs

    naturally; prodigiously; periodically; seasonally; spontaneously

    (See flood, fill, pervade.)



    hopelessly; sadly; luxuriantly; weedily; irremediably; irrecoverably; shiftlessly; carelessly; neglectfully; terribly; desperately; irreparably; curiously; inexplicably; unfortunately; unrecognizably



    augment—; charge to—; cover—; cut—; lighten—; meet—; —ascends; —descends; —mounts; —staggers; —swamps

    (See expense, sum, amount, profits.

    OVERHEAR (v) adverbs

    inadvertently; innocently; accidentally; coincidentally; unflatteringly; tragically; fatally; thoughtlessly

    (See hear.

    OVERLAP (v) adverbs

    richly; amply; largely; statistically; unavoidably; repeatedly; harmoniously

    (See encroach.

    OVERLOADED adverbs

    tremendously; shamefully; terribly; pathetically; pitiably; dangerously; alarmingly; disastrously; ruinously; dreadfully; unwisely; foolishly; absurdly; wretchedly; unfortunately; imprudently; awfully; bitterly; intolerably; unbearably; cruelly

    OVERLOOK (v) adverbs

    obligingly; tacitly; magnanimously; sullenly; naturally; selfishly; unfeelingly; delicately

    (See neglect, disregard, ignore.

    OVERPOWER (v) adverbs

    vigorously; physically; brutally; lustfully; cruelly; dictatorially; bestially

    (See conquer, overcome.

    OVERRATE (v) adverbs

    grossly; carelessly; confidently; egoistic-ally; mistakenly; fatally; intellectually; morbidly

    (See exaggerate.




    destructively; overwhelmingly; prodigiously; atrociously; brutally; victoriously; pugnaciously; seasonally; periodically

    (See invade, trespass.

    OVERSIGHT adjectives unparalleled; unwary; imprudent*



    avoid—; concoct—; foist—upon; purvey—; resort to—; —amplifies; —beguiles; — cheats; —colors; —decoys; —deludes; — embroiders; —exaggerates; —heightens; — libels; —lures; —magnifies; —meshes; — misleads; —strains; —stretches; —swindles

    (See exaggeration.

    OVERTHROW (v) adverbs decisively; victoriously; illegally; brutally; vindictively; petulantly; mutinously; unrestrainedly; tempestuously; seditiously; passionately; diabolically

    (See overpower, defeat.

    OVERTONE adjectives attendant; objectionable; pathetic; brisk

    OVERTURE adjectives

    diplomatic; unfeeling; ineffectual; delicate; joint; friendly



    develop—; discharge—; ^xude—; fertilize —; impregnate—; secrete—; —enlarges; — generates; —germinates; —reproduces; — unites with; —yields

    (See egg, cell.

    OWE (v) adverbs fatally; hopelessly; tragically; fatefully; morally; spiritually; stupendously

    (See obligate.

    OWL adjectives

    moping; staring; melodious; vile; great; horned; nocturnal; clamorous; uncouth


    —attacks; —bodes; —bolts; —circles; — clamors; —claws; —devours; —flutters; — glides off; —grasps; —hisses; —hoots; — mocks; —perches; —pounces on; —protests; —prowls; —reigns; —sails; —sallies forth; —scans; —screams; —screeches; —shrieks; —skims along; —stares; —wails; — whistles; —explores

    (See bird.

    Own (v) adverbs privately; rightfully; legally; legitimately; originally; enthusiastically; gratefully; luxuriously; selfishly

    (See have.

    Owner adjectives

    rightful; truculent; same; enthusiastic; untutored; original; favored; dishonest; unfortunate; legitimate


    divulge—; fine—; indemnify—; levy against —; tax—; —assents; —auctions; —bans; — bars; —disputes; —enlarges; —evicts; — leases; —lodges; —mortgages; —occupies; —prohibits; —renovates; —rents

    (See manager, management, employer.

    Ownership adjectives enthusiastic; beneficial; undisputed; municipal; implied; multiple

    Ox adjectives

    stately; primitive; well-fed; fattened


    burden—; employ—; fetter—; harness—; load—; tether—; water—; yoke—; —balks; —carries; —charges; —gores; —halts; — hauls; —pulls; —rages

    (See buffalo, livestock, animal, bull, cow.

    Oxen adjectives

    patient; meek-eyed; broad-foreheaded; long-suffering

    Oxygen verbs

    absorb—; administer—; combine with—; curtail—; dissolve—; employ—; extract— from; lack—; liberate—; prepare—; require —; supply—; unite with—; —invigorates; —restores; —resuscitates; —saves; •—sustains; —sterilizes

    (See gas, chemical, medicine, tonic.

    Oysters verbs

    can—; consume—; crush—; cull—; cultivate—; dislodge—; dry—; farm—; fatten —; grade—; harvest—; irritate—; market —; prey upon—;' rake for—; replant—; scallop—; scrape for—; shuck—; stew—; transplant—; —anchor to; —bob around; —imbed; —spawn

    PACE adjectives

    tranquil; unperturbed; swift; stealthy; measured; rapid; restless; incredible; stately; heedless; moderate; breakneck; jaunty; sluggish; hopping; sauntering; furious; precipitate; brisk; dashing; lively; deliberate; even; slow; sentry-like; inoffensive; ragged; eager; divers (pl) ; tremendous; quick; petty; trembling; evenly-geared; jubilant; killing; portly; quickened; moderate; feverish; terrific


    allay—; ease—; hold—; maintain—; quicken—; regulate—: set—; slacken—; smooth —; sustain—; —devours; —tires; —wearies

    (See step, gait, speed, stride.

    PACE (v) adverbs stormily; excitedly; moodily; meditatively; restlessly; furiously; tranquilly; heedlessly; sluggishly; deliberately; jubilantly; feverishly

    (See walk, amble, step.

    PACIFIC adverbs

    resolutely; calmly; serenely; assiduously; consistently; diplomatically; earnestly; definitely; urgently; quietly; inherently; naturally; insistently; harmoniously; amicably; reassuringly; marvellously

    PACIFIST verbs

    defend—; denounce—; oppress—; persecute—; support—; —abstains; —advocates; —arbitrates; —argues; —decries; —hinders; —minimizes; —preserves; —proclaims; —refuses; —resists; —shrinks from

    (See coward.

    PACIFY (v) adverbs seductively; profoundly; artfully; domestically; prudently; diplomatically; politically; nationally

    (See calm, appease.

    PACING adjectives

    restless; mechanic; captive; nervous

    PACK adjectives

    damned; crumpled; lathered; baying; clamorous; weighty


    hunt with—; loose—; muster—; whistle for —; —attacks; —congregates; —defends; — deluges; —disbands; —disburses; —flocks; —gathers; —pursues; —roams; —rushes; —scatters; —storms; —strays; —surges; — throngs; —troops; —unites; —wanders

    (See crowd, flock, herd, hive, horde.

    PACK (v) adverbs suffocatingly; densely; scientifically; compactly; tastefully; professionally; deftly; artfully; medically

    (See bundle, wrap.

    PACKAGE adjectives convenient; cumbersome; deceptive; enormous; economical; nifty; seductive; bridal; sundry; airtight


    bear—; bow under—; burden with—; cart —; clutch—; dispatch—; haul—; heap—s on; load with—s; lug—; relieve of—; stoop under—; —weighs; —weights

    (See bundle, parcel.

    PACT adjectives

    futile; defensive; warning; unenforceable; joint; worthless


    abide by—; acclaim—; bind by—; challenge —; conclude—; confine—to; disregard—; fear—; guard—; implement—; inveigh against—; join—; negotiate—; regard—; scrap—; sustain—; violate—; —allies; — insures; —strengthens; —unites; —weakens

    (See treaty, accord, agreement, bargain, compact, covenant, lease.

    Pad adjectives

    shielding; smooth; thick; soothing

    Paddle verbs

    chastise with—; dip—; drag—; guide with —; Ply.— 5 propel—5 strain at—; thwack with—; whack with—; —brushes; —dabbles; —flays; —ploughs; —slides; ■—smacks; —spanks; —steers; —strikes; —sweeps

    (See oar.

    Paddle (v) adverbs noiselessly; desperately; skillfully; deftly; indefatigably; arduously; unerringly; intrepidly

    (See row, propel.

    Padlock adjectives stout; jingling; burglar-proof; trusty

    Paganism adjectives

    aesthetic; poetic; devoted; honest; extreme


    convert from—; degenerate to—; denounce —; exterminate—; meddle in—; oppose—; practise—; relinquish—; revert to—; sink to—; succumb to—; —blends; —blinds; — destroys; —fancies; —fetters; —outrages; —sacrifices; —worships

    (See atheism, materialism.

    Page adjectives

    barren; blistered; storied; long-faded; rattling; historic; fervid; idle; dog-eared; glorious; written; interesting; voluminous; intricate; pregnant; sparkling; colorful; fascinating; provocative; illuminated; labored; naughty; saucy; discolored; classic; poetic; stone; vivacious; succeeding; remote; various (pl); precise; glowing; loitering; impish; vivid; blank; sleepy; luminous; scornful; pretty; knavish; ingenious; unopened; title; lying; wondrous; bare-kneed; boy scout; well-reputed; wormy; crumbling; long; emblazoned; ample; penciled; large-margined


    bind—s; charge—with; flick—; flip—; fray

    —; peruse—s; ponder—; reel off—s,' skim over—s; sprinkle—s with; stream across—s

    —cumbers; —sparkles; splash across—s

    (See sheet, paper, book, copy, advertisement, picture, text.

    Pageant adjectives

    idle; dismal; unsubstantial; extensive; imposing; woeful; inspiring; melodious; martial; ostentatious; magnificent; doleful; colorful; insubstantial; crumbling; fond; warlike; motley; gleamy; proud


    acclaim—; applaud—; solemnize—; stage —; view—; witness—; —colors; —commemorates; —delineates; —depicts; —glitters; —impresses; —portrays; —predicts; —signifies; —symbolizes; —traces; —wends

    (See celebration, demonstration, parade, spectacle.

    Pageantry adjectives

    adventurous; colorful; antique; ostentatious

    Pagodas adjectives delicate; gilded; slender

    Pail adjectives clicking; brimming; immense

    Pain adjectives racking; sharp; gnawing; tolerable; sympathetic; straining; sleepless; hard-featured; rankling; long-stifled; terrible; labor; passing; dull; keen; lonely; stinging; sacrificial; momentary; unbearable; excruciating; impotent; subtle; passionate; scrupulous; yearning; convulsive; intense; severe; lifelong; wise; palpitating; accusing; secret; willing; ceaseless; ecstatic; unrepentant; divine; sublime; wriggling; fearful; utmost; molten; mortal; pure, exquisite; poisonous; poignant; aromatic; vile; violent; pleasurable; hopeless; soothing; extraordinary; infinite; unendurable; burning; rheumatic; helpless; perpetual; quivering; full-blown; unmitigated; mutual; interrupting; incestuous; fierce; numbing; doggish; peculiar; gratuitous; distorted; mingled (pl); penitential; morbid; licensed; tingling; throbbing; unlanguaged; deteriorated; enduring; cancerous; jealous; extreme; long-drawn; travail; immediate; sweet; aching; transforming; courteous; accepted; recreant; acute; soul-racking; perceivable; hidden; needless; conquering; retributive; anticipated; bodily; afflicting; frightful; remorseful; tender; despairing; positive; stabbing; uncommon; voluntary; eternal; agonizing; heartfelt; longing; unsuccessful; grammatical; stifled; vague; cruel; melancholy; tortuous; frenzied


    accompany by—; aggravate—; allay—; alleviate—; assuage—; attend by—; combat —; deaden—; deprave with—; experience —; give rise to—; inflict—; intensify—; mark by—; mitigate—; occasion—; pant from—; relieve—; report—; seize with—; soothe—; stifle—; still—; subdue—; throb with—; writhe in—; —abates; —agonizes; —departs; —distracts; —extends to; — flashes up; —gnaws; —gripes; —hammers; —lancinates; —persists; —racks; —radiates from; ■—shoots; —stabs; —subsides

    (See headache, ill, ache, agony, injury, torture, pang, irritation.

    PAIN (v) adverbs acutely; intolerably; excruciatingly; poignantly; unendurably; gratuitously; stabbing-ly; cruelly; agonizingly

    (See hurt, torture.

    PAINFUL adverbs

    distressingly; terribly; intolerably; slightly; dreadfully; noticeably; apparently; excruciatingly; pitiably; unexpectedly; rackingly; intensely; acutely; extraordinarily; extremely; inordinately; unavoidably; moderately; bitterly; grievously; uncomfortably; unaccountably; pathetically; tremendously; deuced ly

    PAINLESS adverbs

    happily; marvellously; miraculously; ostensibly; avowedly; allegedly; unbelievably; blessedly; comfortably; wonderfully; amazingly; incredibly; veritably; unaccountably; gratifyingly

    PAINSTAKING adverbs carefully; cautiously; meticulously; strikingly; surprisingly; unexpectedly; deftly; expertly; unusually; habitually; inordinately: unnecessarily; patiently; conscientiously; diligently; remarkably; admirably; consistently; unfailingly; courteously

    PAINT adjective*

    plastic; formidable; war; congealed; melodious; filmy; gaudy; lasting


    blend—; daub—on; scrape—; smear—; — brightens; —covers; —crusts; —emblazons

    —enamels; —enriches; —faces; —fades; — gilds; —glosses; —peels; —preserves; — protects; —slieathes; —sheens; —smudges; —tinges; —tints; —veneers; —waterproofs

    (See complexion, hue, shade, color, ink, make-up.

    PAINT (v) adverbs gaudily; sensuously; exquisitely; realistically; artistically; consummately; garishly; formidably; atrociously; professionally; eminently; decoratively

    (See sketch, picture.

    PAINTER adjectives impressionist; squalid; supreme; ragged; decorative; itinerant; celebrated; eminent; perpetual; methodical; inexhaustible; extreme; distinguished; peripatetic; atheist; embattled; contemporary; continuous; sanguinary; experienced


    acclaim—; honor—; model for—; —blocks in; —caricaturizes; —chalks out; —dashes off; —delineates; —depicts; —designs; — enamels; —illustrates; —portrays; — scratches out; —shades; —silhouettes; — sketches; —squares out; —symbolizes; — traces

    (See sculptor, poet, artist, writer, painting-

    PAINTING adjectives

    gracious; barbaric; portrait; ornamental; gaudy; noteworthy; contemporary; immortal; elaborate; effective; labial; delicate; graceful; freakish; unpurchasable; priceless


    acclaim—; applaud—; authenticate—; copy —; dash off—; embellish—; exhibit—; illuminate— ; illustrate—; prize—; value—; —depicts; —personifies; —portrays; —represents; —symbolizes

    (See picture, pattern, sketch, photograph, masterpiece, canvas.

    PAIR adjectives

    pensive; incestuous; assorted; canniest; trusting; happy; inseparable; immense; innocent; elegant; gorgeous; excitable; newly-married; epic; spindle; bereaved; newly-hatched; illustrious; imprudent; wedded; paltry; particular; ill-sorted; lively

    PALACE adjectives

    bridal; magnificent; enchanted; primeval; high-roofed; rural; floating; pleasure; gorgeous; spacious; fantastic; crystal; celestial; colonnaded; sumptuous; ducal; proud; shingle; pretentious; medieval; diminutive; golden-bright; imperial; domed; ethereal


    assemble in—; barricade—; besiege—; fortify—; guard—; inhabit—; lease—; lodge in—; loot—; plunder—; quarter in—; ransack—; renovate—; retreat to—; sojourn at —; tenant—; —dazzles; —looms; —towers; —yields

    (See house, castle, abode, dwelling, home, mansion.

    PALATABLE adverbs

    extremely; unusually; unexpectedly; delightfully; delectably; lusciously; surprisingly; remarkably; altogether; deliciously; daintily; tastily; toothsomely; pleasantly; definitely

    PALATE adjectives

    effeminate; unperverted; vitiated; crude; gratified; spoiled; censorious


    cleave to—; harden—; jade—; malform—; reeducate—; refine—; soften—; tempt—; tickle—; —acclaims; —revolts; —savors; —tempts

    (See taste, appetite.

    PALATIAL adverbs

    gorgeously; splendidly; surprisingly; daz-zlingly; brilliantly; luxuriously; overwhelmingly; impressively; imposingly; proudly; magnificently; richly; sumptuously; extraordinarily; magically; superbly; pretentiously; unexpectedly

    PALAVER adjectives shameless; windy

    PALE adverbs

    ghastly; horribly; inexplicably; ominously; distressingly; alarmingly; significantly; dangerously; suddenly; strangely; curiously; oddly; sadly; disturbingly; naturally; unnaturally; significantly; unaccountably; noticeably; timidly; nervously; fearfully; apprehensively; remarkably; uncommonly

    PALENESS adjectives

    marble; pastry; deadly; natural; livid; pained; unnatural; grisly

    PALETTE adjectives

    crowded; radiant; glowing

    PALFREY adjectives

    superb; good; small; dainty

    PALISADE ad jectives

    gothic; nature-hewn; impregnable

    PALL adjectives

    leaden; fearful; lurid; fleecy; universal; velvet; dark; motionless


    cast—over; —cloaks; —descends; —disgusts; —enshrouds; —mantles; —nauseates; —subdues; —veils

    (See gloom, darkness, dusk, haze, night.

    Pallet adjectives

    curtainless; wretched; hard

    Pallor adjectives

    lovely; pasty; chalky; bloodless; petal; luminous; deepening; wan; translucent; ashen; shadowy; ivory; dusky; swarthy; ghastly; moon-lighted; deadly; first-communion

    Palm adjectives

    sweating; ennobling; blistered; labor-hardened; calloused; sentry-like; occasional; branded; virginal; delicate; satin; sudden-moistured; sheltering; upreared; sympathetic; grimy; horny; feathery; white-gloved; slanted; scooped; paddling; moon-lit; verdant; solitary; ashen-colored; graceful; itching; lifeless; gorgeous; supplicating; thrilling; gauntleted; extended; meaningful



    clench—; clinch in—; clutch in—; cover—; cross—with; cup—;• grasp in—; read—; retain in—; transfer to—; —itches; —unfolds

    (See hand.

    Palmy adverbs

    altogether; wondrously; happily; desirably; marvellously; miraculously; affluently; luckily; prosperously; agreeably; buoyantly; providentially; unexpectedly; strikingly; unbelievably; exhilaratingly; hopefully

    Palpitation adjectives violent; horrible; blissful; skyey

    Palsied adverbs

    tragically; venerably; hopelessly; miserably; pitiably; obviously; manifestly; irremediably; shakily; wretchedly; crookedly; infirmly; ingloriously; resentfully; helplessly; pathetically; completely

    Pamphlet adjectives successive; controversial; truth-telling; ironical; little; allegorical; belligerent; scurrilous; libellous; seditious; descriptive

    verbs circulate—; comment on—; criticize—; digest—; disseminate—s; edit—; issue—; peruse—; publish-—; scatter—s; spread—s; — advertises; —discusses; —proclaims

    (See book, catalogue, magazine, publication, periodical.


    greased; brimming; heated


    blacken—; brandish—; churn in—; grease —; liquefy in—; melt in—; rinse—; roast in—; scar—; scour—; scrape—; —seethes; —simmers; —steams; —whistles

    (See dish, kettle, pot, frying-pan.

    Panacea verbs

    ascribe to—; brand as—; denounce—; deprecate—; disparage—; introduce—; offer —; proffer—; propose—; scoff at—; scorn —; seek—; sneer at—; spring—; suggest—

    —corrects; —cures; —heals

    (See plan, remedy.

    Pane adjectives

    dingy; rain-streaked; twinkling; small; sparkling; quaint; clouded; dim-streaming; greenish; half-translucent; unbreakable

    Panel adjectives

    worm-fence; complete; horizontal; bricklike

    Pang adjectives

    sweet; jealous; brutal; death; irresistible; abiding; bitter; maddening; acute; morbid; unceasing; still-varying; sharp; fierce; personal; short; impossible; throbbing; deep; joyful; vivid; intolerable; faint; vacant; wasting; icy


    endure—; —convulses; —cramps; —cuts

    —deceives; —deludes; —excruciates; —misleads; —pierces; —shoots through; —tortures; —twinges

    (See pain, ache, affliction, agony, anguish, torture.


    terror-stricken; evident; commercial; guilty; precocious; long-feared; uncontrollable; intense; motionless; bewildered; sudden; memorable; subterranean; prevailing; widespread; needless


    fall into—; flinch in—; flutter in—; halt—; hesitate in—; overcome with—; overwhelm by—; provoke—; quiver in—; result in—; shudder in—; sink into—; stampede in—; survive—; throb in—; throw into—; tremble in—; —deepens; —descends upon; —ensues; —hangs over; —overpowers; —seizes; — spreads

    (See alarm, fright, terror, fear, horror, consternation.)

    Panicky adverbs

    extremely; intensely; absurdly; reasonably; naturally; significantly; astonishingly; suddenly; terribly; nervously; timidly; bashfully; shyly; unaccountably; inexplicably; amazingly; strangely; curiously; unreason-ingly; unnecessarily; unfortunately; avowedly; ominously; unluckily

    Panic-Stricken adverbs

    unfortunately; nervously; groundlessly; hysterically; needlessly; terribly; helplessly; utterly; suddenly; horribly; disastrously; appallingly; unaccountably

    Panorama adjectives

    surprising; miserable; long-anticipated; characteristic; misty; brilliant; magnificent; limitless; beautiful; moving; specious; glamorous; colorful


    luxuriate in—; mar—; perceive—; revel in —; shade—; survey—; view—; —awes; — bewitches; —blends; —delights; —enchants; •—flows; —gratifies; —impresses; —spreads; —unfolds; —unrolls

    (See landscape, view, picture.)

    Pant (v) adverbs

    breathlessly; voluptuously; hoarsely; excitedly; eagerly; exhaustedly; prodigiously

    (See gasp, puff.)


    lasso—; trap—; —attacks; —charges; — claws; —dodges; —glides; —hisses; — leaps; —paws; —rolls over; —scratches; —skulks; —slinks; —snarls; —springs; — tears; —yowls

    (See leopard, animal.)

    Panting adjectives

    voluptuous; hoarse; grievous

    Pantomime adjectives

    tongueless; ambiguous; careless; indifferent; shadowy; expressive


    convey in—; dash off—; denote by—; emphasize—; entertain with—; excel at—; exhibit—; represent in—; signify by—; — amuses; —diverts; —dramatizes; —expresses; —mimics; —outrages; —suggests

    (See drama, magic, comedy, opera, actions, melodrama.)

    Pantomime (v) adverbs

    animatedly; vigorously; expressively; artistically; suggestively; professionally; obscenely

    (See gesture, gesticulate.)

    Pants (colloq. ) adjectives

    striped; invisible; distinct; tight-fitting


    alter—; cuff—; divest of—; don—; drape —; hitch up—; patch—; refurbish—; repair—; tailor—; —bag; —flare; —fray; — shriek; —tatter

    (See trousers, coat, suit.)

    Paper adjectives

    pulpy; fluttering; patient; infamous; sensitized; provincial; evening; coppery; impecunious; scented; note; diplomatic; several (pl); fragile; influential; country; old-fashioned; fancy; state; special; descriptive; dreadful; illustrated; inconvertible; white; conventional; respectable; moist; marginal; fly-specked; critical; captured; astounding; humorous; thick; ministerial; mammoth

    precious; chancery; incriminating; exclusive; crumpled; unauthenticared; suspicious; anti-regicide; lithographic; admirable; melancholy; short-lived; neatly-folded; scribbled; motley; snowy; stained; discolored; metropolitan; rag; nice; charred; sundry (pl); notable; transmitted; unsafe; precarious; lined; obnoxious; printed; velvet; brittle; clean; dusty; depreciated; mold-rotten; bond


    crumple—; deliver—; fiddle with—; glance at—; glaze—; pelt with—; plunge into—; rustle—; score—; search through—; strew with—; —bristles; —circulates; —editorializes ; —flutters

    (See sheet, newspaper, article, book.

    Parable verbs

    construct—; couch in—; familiarize with—; inculcate by—; interpret—; narrate—; recite—; sum up—; unfold—; value—; —convinces; —describes; —edifies; —moralizes; —teaches

    (See proverb, adage, story, saying, moral, motto.

    Parachute verbs

    bale out with—; dangle on—; float on—; fold—; foul—; inspect—; knot—; leap with —; pack—; patch—; provide with—; repair —; rig—; tug at—; twist—; —checks; —entwines; —expands; —protects; —resists; — safeguards; —settles; —tangles; —unfolds

    Parade adjectives

    empty; imposing; dusty; unlicensed; halted; spectacular; bizarre; noisy; drunken


    climax—; display in—; exhibit in—; flock to—; inspect—; marshal—; muster—; organize—; prink for—; review—; stage—; witness—; —blazes; —files; —glitters; — protests; —surges; —winds

    (See celebration, pageant, demonstration, spectacle.

    Parade (v) adverbs

    spectacularly; ostentatiously; rebelliously; aimlessly; imposingly; drunkenly; obstreperously; clamorously; militantly; imposingly

    (See display, show, flaunt.

    Paradise adjectives

    flower-enameled; painted; pagan; undefiled; terrestrial; youthful; undreamed-of; lively


    anticipate—; bask in—; breathe—; deny—; deprive of—; drive from—; envision—; glory in—; loll in—; promise—; relish—; surpass—; taste—; transform into—; wallow in—; —enchants; —enraptures; —enthralls; —harbors

    (See heaven, utopia.

    Paradox adjectives

    cruel; painful; dampening; apparent; permissible; curious; audacious; perpetual; distressing; frivolous: subtle; hideous


    admit—; afford—; conceive—; confront with —; contemplate—; induce—; involve—; maintain—; propound—; prove—; savor of —; scorn—; skirt—; speculate on—; utter —; —conflicts; —contradicts; —mystifies; —perplexes; —puzzles

    (See statement, lie, truth, contradiction.

    Paradoxical adverbs

    strangely; inexplicably; obscurely; ironically; slightly; curiously; particularly; uncommonly; perplexingly; problematically; inscrutably; oddly; preposterously; fantastically; enigmatically; extremely

    Paragon adjectives

    seeming; earthly; vertical; princely

    Paragraph adjectives

    scandalous; scurrilous; inky; injurious; editorial; priceless; linking; pregnant; pathetic; illuminating; offensive; striking; long; trenchant; involved; complicated; overlong; transitional; brisk


    aggregate —s; amass —s; arrange in —; confine to—; connect—s; constitute—; couch

    in—; divide into —s; indent—; partition into —s; phrase—; quote—; recast—; recount—; stumble upon—; —communicates

    —deals with; —embodies; —expresses

    (See sentence, words, thought, statement.)

    Parallel adjectives

    fitting; astonishing; close; fanciful; fortunate; striking


    approximate—; attempt—; collate—; contribute—; destroy—; draw—; extend in—; fix —; furnish—; identify—; model—; observe —; render—; tilt—; —balances; —conspires; —copies; —emulates; —reflects

    (See line, comparison.)

    Parallel (v) adverbs

    precisely; strikingly; coincidentally; astonishingly; fancifully

    (See compare.)

    Paralysis adjectives

    hysterical; creeping; intellectual; definite; magical; virtual; infantile; numbing


    affect with—; detect—; feign—; labor under —; languish in—; stun into—; suffer—; — benumbs; —blunts; —creeps upon; —cripples; —deadens; —deprives; —disables; — disqualifies; —halts; —incapacitates; — palls; —sears; —shatters; —silences

    (See disease, lethargy, laziness, stagnation, numbness.)

    Paralyze (v) adverbs

    intellectually; momentarily; permanently; magically; hypnotically

    (See stun, shock.)

    Paralyzed adverbs

    completely; partially; unhappily; pitiably; hopelessly; lamentably; curiously; strangely; unaccountably; tragically; helplessly; de-crepitly; incurably; irremediably; irrecoverably; pathetically; miserably; wretchedly; apparently; obviously

    Parapet adjectives

    substantial; rugged; gilded; glistening; silvery; military; gun-studded; ominous; warlike; bloody

    Paraphrase adjectives

    harmonic; unique; ingenious; stilted; silly; worthless

    Paraphrase (v) adverbs

    skillfully; satirically; ingeniously; uniquely; harmoniously; smoothly; studiously

    (See quote, say.)

    Parasite adjectives

    harmless; business; tiny; formidable; smiling; smooth; detested; destructive; plant; social


    breed—; detest—; infest with —s; maintain —; nourish—; plague by —s; serve—; tend —; —absorbs; —attaches; —burrows into; —draws; —exacts; —fattens on; —flatters

    —frequents; —lodges in; —penetrates; — robs; —sucks; —depends on

    (See cockroach, fly, mosquito, tramp, bugs, leper, leech.)

    Parasitic adverbs

    miserably; submissively; slavishly; helplessly; sycophantically; dependably; subserviently; obsequiously; inexplicably; obscurely; inscrutably; strangely; pitiably; contemptibly; amazingly; singularly; needlessly; pusillanimously; feebly; disgustingly; distressingly; hatefully; odiously; incomprehensibly

    Parasol verbs

    extend—; hide behind—; poke—; spread—; tilt—; twirl—; —bobs; —caps; —conceals; —defends; —guards; —protects; —screens; —shades; —shields; —shelters; —veils

    (See umbrella, shade, cane.)

    Parcel adjectives

    youthful; bulky; untied; mysterious; clumsy; heavy


    accumulate —s; agglomerate —s; assort —s; deal out—s; deliver—; dispense—s; distribute—s; dole out—s; fumble—; group—s; heap—s; jumble—s; mislay—; mete out—s; rake up—s; share—s; —s litter; —s scatter; —tumbles

    (See bundle, package.

    Parched adverbs

    miserably; hopelessly; pitifully; cruelly; un-profitably; wretchedly; feverishly; bitterly; aridly; hotly; terribly; strangely; dreadfully; uncommonly; dangerously; alarmingly; distressingly; ruinously; disastrously; awfully

    Parchment adjectives

    worthy; yellowed; valuable

    Pardon adjectives

    remorseful; free; present; unconditional; long-sought; welcome; humble


    accept—; beg—; buy—; crave—; expect—; grant—; implore—; invoke—; purchase—; refuse—; seek—; —absolves; —conciliates; —condones; —heals; —placates; —propitiates; —purges; —ransoms; —repairs; — reprieves; —whitewashes (colloq.)

    (See forgiveness, mercy, relief, dispensation.

    Pardon (v) adverbs magnanimously; benignly; unconditionally; freely; indulgently; leniently

    (See acquit, forgive, excuse.

    Pardonable adverbs reasonably; justly; expediently; fairly; altogether; innocently; scarcely; wholly; understandably; somewhat; hardly; obviously; palpably; clearly; undoubtedly; undeniably; definitely

    Parentage adjectives illegitimate; worshipful; angelic; obscure; unknown; verified

    Parenthetical adverbs significantly; curiously; importantly; carelessly; noticeably; insignificantly; strangely; inexplicably; unaccountably; deliberately; intentionally; cleverly; deftly; informatively; illuminatingly; casually; pointedly; contemptuously; markedly

    Parents adjectives unnoticed; natural; evolutionary; dissenting; heroic; stubborn; obdurate; conscientious; frantic; imaginary; stern; careworn; reluctant; distressed; doting; honored; forward; narrow-minded; divine; harsh; vaporing; royal; jolly; lovable; perfect; splendid; health-minded; astonished; indignant; unloving; unscrupulous; grasping; ignorant


    forsake—; honor—; obey—; reassure—; respect—; revere—; revolt against—; —advise; —bless; —comfort; —discipline; —enlighten; —instruct; —judge ; —provide; — punish; —restrain; —train; —tutor; —warn

    (See father, mother, husband, wife.

    Parish adjectives

    humble; quiet; tiny; beautiful

    Park adjectives

    permanent; pavilion; urban; extensive; spacious; odious; well-kept; dismantled; wooded; adjacent; artificial; moon-lit; umbrageous ; city; cool


    caper in—; carouse in—; dally in—; disport in—; enclose—; frequent—; frisk in—; frolic in—; gambol in—; holiday in—; inhabit —; rake—; romp in—; tend—; weed—; — amuses; —beguiles; —bores; —diverts; — tires; —wearies

    (See country, field, grass, lawn, garden, meadow.

    Parlance adjectives

    theatrical; dramatic

    Parliament adjectives

    insular; empiric


    attend—; call—; conduct—; consult—; dissolve—; invest in—; petition—; represent in —; request—; summon—; sway—; —advises; —appropriates; —assembles; —convenes; —debates,; —discusses; —frames; — imposes; —levies

    (See congress, senate, meeting, board, legislature, commission.


    highly; strictly; rigidly; regularly; curiously; pointedly; uncommonly; noticeably; rigorously; formally; unquestionably; impressively; overwhelmingly; magnificently; un-deviatingly; splendidly; ceremoniously; gorgeously; scrupulously; meticulously; carefully

    PARLOR adjectives wainscoted; fire-lit; ample; long; darkened


    arrange—; chat in—; confer in—; convene in—; converse in—; deck—; entertain in—; frame—; furnish—; invade—; prepare—; receive in—; retire to—; shoo from—; squire into—; stuff—

    (See room, apartment.

    PARODY adjectives

    mocking; excellent; clever; discerning


    comment on—; decipher—; elucidate—; lend to—; snigger at—; translate—; —amuses; —caricatures; —distorts; —enrages; —exposes; —mimics; —mocks; —perverts; — ridicules; —roasts; —scoffs; —strains; — twits

    (See ridicule, writing, comedy, joke, jest.

    PAROLE verbs

    acquire—; advise—; advocate—; authorize —; dismiss on—; earn—; forfeit—; foster —; frame—; free on—; grant—; liberate on—; petition for—; plead for—; request—; sanction—; seek—; violate—

    (See pledge, promise, vow, agreement.

    PAROXYSM verbs

    cast into—; choke back—; curb—; discharge in—; fear—; kindle—; mitigate—; provoke to—; quiver with —s; restrain—; suffei—; throw into—; vent in—; —bursts; —disturbs; —explodes; —flares; —frightens; — froths; —incapacitates; —recurs; —rushes; —weakens

    (See convulsion, explosion, recklessness, violence.

    Parrot adjectives

    intrepid; spoiled; well-trained; confounded; petted; loud; mocking


    cage—; capture—; pamper—; pelt—; teach —; train—; —amuses; —attacks; —claws; —copies; —entertains; —imitates; —mimics; —mocks; —pecks; —perches; —senses; — squawks; —strokes; —whistles

    (See bird.

    PARRY (v) adverbs adroitly; deftly; skillfully; professionally; agilely; lithely; invincibly

    (See avert, evade, prevent.

    PARSLEY verbs

    chop—; cultivate—; deck with—; dot with —; dry—; grind—; sprig with—; sprinkle with—; —adorns; —crowns; —decorates; —dresses; —flavors; —garnishes; —seasons; —tones; —tops

    (See vegetable, herb, plant.

    PARSON adjectives

    bibulous; licentious; sociable; agreeable; careless; half-starved; unlucky; serious; sedate; lovable; diligent

    PARSONAGE adjectives

    country; unconventional; pure; generous; commodious; comfortable

    PART adjectives

    tragic; constituent; pompous; closely-fitted; moving; disconsolate; balancing; affected; integral; drossy; prime; splendid; significant; remote; authoritative; confused; convivial; eastern; pendulous; dissimilar; initial; sensitive; intimate; symbolical; animate; imaginative; tender; essential; dis

    tinguished; energetic; conspicuous; swaggering; moneyed; plump; outer; considerable; leading; prominent; decisive; manful; susceptible; formative; timely; striking; negative; tropical; immense; stubborn; uncourte-ous; oratorical; sequestered; active; subordinate; barbarous; relevant; invaluable; coloristic; abiding; incalculable; prudent; injurious; giry; speculative; theoretical; arid; generous; working; corresponding; aspiring; appropriate; reflex; innermost; understandable; related; declining; conventional; substantial; cumbrous; active; respectable; uttermost; metaphysical; slavish; various (pl); prefatory; effective; creditable; corresponding; over-stately; brilliant; evanescent; hindmost; worshipful; legitimate; retrenched; low; discreet; comedy; wondrous; fundamental; subsequent; external; virtuous; inherent; precipitous; inseparable; singular; choice; dominating; arduous; painful; brute; honorable; amiable; generous; sovereign; obnoxious; worthy; component; outward; membranous; mirthful; serious; vulgar; contiguous; incombustible; unsettled; vulnerable; pleasant; unprofitable; important; pathetic; virtuous; analogous; impertinent; midland; outlying; dissipated; vital; structural; treacherous; adjacent; retired; uninteresting; personal; formal; shady; loud-sounding; individual; restricted; inglorious; ghostly; romantic; impressive; desolate; sudden; prodigious; disjointed; inaccessible; disheartening; intrepid; lamentable


    accept—; acclaim—; balk at—; convey— enact—; exaggerate—; live—; master— perform—; render—; reproduce—; scorn— sink into—; slip into—; treat—; wangle— —affords; —allows

    (See lines, detail, character, scene.)

    Part (v) adverbs

    despairingly; amicably; haughtily; meekly; convivially; pathetically; formally; romantically; lamentably

    (See divide, separate.)

    Partake (v) adverbs

    enthusiastically; joyously; convivially; cheerfully; gratefully; hungrily; ceremoniously; festively; fraternally

    (See share, participate.)

    Partial adverbs

    disgracefully; shamefully; illegally; unconstitutionally; openly; palpably; unfortunately; cruelly; bitterly; inexplicably; unjustifiably; unaccountably; miserably; wretchedly; prejudicially; unfairly; unjustly; obviously; openly; defiantly; perversely; curiously; strangely; amazingly

    Partiality adjectives

    parental;, sectarian ; excessive; overweening; laudable; patent; noticeable


    avoid—; criticize—; entertain—; gain—; investigate—; lavish—; repel—; report—; shrink from—; —alienates; —distorts; — dotes; —forejudges; —incenses; —irritates; —provokes; —riles (colloq.); —shocks; — warps; —woos

    (See conviction, bias, prejudice.)

    Participants adjectives

    interesting; prime; actual; leading


    cheer—; desire—; goad—; identify—; limit

    —; reckon as—; register—; seek—; test—

    —assemble; —contest; —demonstrate; — enter; —labor; —share; —train; —vie for

    (See contestant, athlete.)

    Participate (v) adverbs

    willingly; jovially; energetically; heartily; enthusiastically; prominently; futilely; vigorously

    (See share, partake.)

    Participation adjectives

    undivided; active; human; futile; amateur


    anticipate—; incapacitate for—; join in—; prepare for—; revel in—; share in—; train for—; vie for—in; welcome—

    (See indulgence, enjoyment, association.)

    Particles adjectives

    granulated; seething; invisible; divine; irritating; scattering; constituent; colliding; shining; impalpable; ultimate; invading; material; distinguishing; great; fruitful; harmful; discoloring; ignoble; gelatine

    Particular adverbs

    painfully; terribly; absurdly; meticulously; ridiculously; gruffly; scrupulously; conscientiously; extremely; considerately; dependably; reliably; vigilantly; unimpeachably; rigorously; scientifically; curiously; punctiliously; fastidiously; exactingly; inordinately; vexatiously; assiduously; unpleasantly; disagreeably; dreadfully; curiously; unnecessarily; distressingly; nervously; fussily; obnoxiously

    Particularity adjectives

    circumstantial; undue; over-luxurious

    Particulars adjectives

    unexperienced; remarkable; multiplex; obvious; unnoticed


    adhere td—; afford—; contemplate—; disregard—; embody—; ignore—; inspect—; emit —; overlook—; mark—; record—; revise—; scan—; slight—; skim—; skip over—; slur —; —absorb; —explain

    (See details, information, facts.)

    Parting adjectives

    gracious; various (pl); undemonstrative; dreadful; present; frivolous; solemn; sweet; sorrowful

    Partisan adjectives

    zealous; extreme; undue; conscientious; conspicuous; immovable; long-dreaded; hated; factious


    absurdly; rigidly; bigotedly; narrow-mindedly; dogmatically; oddly; strenuously; industriously; actively; thoughtlessly; witless-ly; senselessly; unwaveringly; strongly; steadily; stubbornly; obstinately; zealously; confidently; inflexibly; mulishly; resolutely; incomparably

    Partisanship adjectives

    virulent; verified; insincere; fervid; honest; preposterous

    Partition adjectives

    saucer-shaped; unwarranted

    Partner adjectives

    semirecumbent; full; dignified; equal; junior; thick-skinned; rock-ribbed; dreadless; erudite; criminal; desperate


    admit—; couple with—; desire—; forsake —; heed—; require—; silence—; trust—; —agrees; —consults; —contemplates; —debates; —dissolves; —divides; —haggles; — joins in; —profits; —severs; —shares; — squabbles; —s unite

    (See ally, associate, brother, colleague, companion.)

    Partnership adjectives

    everlasting; effective; lifelong; endless


    annul—; cement—; combine in—; compose —; dissolve—; inaugurate—; pry apart—; seek—; sever—; undo—; —concurs; —conduces to; —confederates; —cooperates; — conspires; —requires; —seconds; —unites; —withstands

    (See friendship, alliance, company, corporation, society, firm.)

    Partridge verbs

    domesticate—; flush—■; startle—; —airs; — amuses; —beats; —bellows; —bills; —captivates; —challenges; —darts; —explores; — feigns; —s flush; —flutters; —glides; — jerks; —nods; —ranges; —roves; —rumbles; —scratches; •—squeals; —steals

    (See grouse, bird, bob-white.)

    Party adjectives                          (general

    assorted; hostile; revolutionary; serenading; tomahawk; staged; raiding; scalping; jovial; retiring; ill-starred; surprise; house; united; scattered; corrupt; fanatical; sectional; wild; antagonistic; dominant; quilting; lively; merry; traveling; singular; constituted; detached; visionary; invisible; unbiased; exclusive; pleasure; desperate; contracting; foraging; conversation; lawless; luckless; straggling; skulking; disaffected; obtruding; reconnoitering; augmenting; rustic; storming; contending; shipwrecked; skirmishing: covering; excursion; dominant; fatigue; contending; misguided; marching; victorious; select; harmonious; ecclesiastical; scouting; reactionary; inimitable; litigating; all-day; paralyzing; imperial; informal; assaulting; fashionable; defenseless: radiant; bounding; invincible; discontented; amused; aggrieved; torchlight; zealous; ridiculous; joyous; especial; tramping

    Party verbs                                (political

    appraise—; bolt—; cleave to—; consolidate —; dominate—; override—; purge—; rejuvenate—; scatter—; serve—; split—; supplant—; support—; wreck—; —advocates; —cleans house; —collapses; —declines; — flounders

    (See group, gang, following, faction.

    Pass adjectives

    dolorous; desolate; silly; inaccessible; mountain; ragged; permissive; stupendous; perpendicular; gleaming

    Pass (v) adverbs

    translucently; invariably; harmoniously; deliberately; meekly; obliquely; placatingly; economically; wistfully; triumphantly; consciously; tediously; successively; victoriously; irresolutely; sedately; serenely; jauntily; leisurely; dolorously

    (See move, advance.

    Passage adjectives                          (general

    easy; pathetic; painful; palatial; sparred; tortuous; favorable; rickety; half-remembered; dimly-lighted; hazardous; objectionable; latticed; random; secret; perilous; octave; well-concealed; impassable; wading; sloping; striking; arched; dark; particular; prosperous; speedy; matted; neglected; furious; poetical; disputed; exquisite; descriptive; remarkable; sensational; slippery; precarious; vaulted; circuitous; unedifying; abrupt; narrow-paneled; tedious; practicable; romantic; vivid; characteristic; sumptuous; ill-quoted; brilliant; gloomy; subterranean; stormy; despised; hackneyed; purple; redundant; rhetorical; brief; narrow; thorough; roomy; stirring; significant; secret; political; swift; honey; winding; awful; laudatory; adulatory; untrammeled; disjointed; perihelion; certain; frequent; glowing; oratorical; walled-up; impossible; scorching; alternate; lyric; musical; amorphous; melodious; rumbling; dramatic; instantaneous; treacherous; imaginative; arduous; elevated; lofty; impressive; sublime

    Passage (literary') verbs

    acclaim—; applaud—; analyze—; blend —s; cite—; delete—; erase—; interpret—; paraphrase—; quote—; —castigates; —expunges; —glows; —reveals; —stings

    (See paragraph, thought, sentence, portion, section, quotation, selection.

    Passage verbs                       (way, avenue

    accomplish—; bar—; block—; clog—; constrict—; emerge from—; fence in—; gain—; guard—; impede—; jeopardize—; offer—; protect—; quicken—; restrict—; safeguard

    (See way, access, approach, lobby, exit, corridor, hall.

    Passengers adjectives

    hurrying; unhappy; protesting; hooded; unsuspecting; stealthy; horror-struck; bustling; belated; frivolous; churlish; distinguished; fastidious; half-rate

    verbs accommodate—; amuse—; assign—to; assure—; bore—; comfort—; enchant—; entertain—; enthrall—; escort—; excite—; guide—; reassure—; reveal to—; tire—; transport—; —fret; —fume; —idle; —tour; —thread; —weary

    (See marcher, audience, gathering.

    Passion adjectives

    absorbing; acrimonious; afflicting; aimless; angry; ardent; autobiographical; awakened; black; blazing; bestial; base; bad; bitter; bittersweet; blended; boisterous; bottomless; boyish; brutal; burning; bursting; busy; capital; certain; chivalrous; choleric; coarse; comfortable; concentrated; conflicting; contending; contrary; corrosive; damnable; dark; deadly; deathly; deceased; deep; deforming; degrading; delicious; deluding; democratic; departed; determinate; devastating; diabolical; dimmed; distempered; disturbing; divine; earthly; electric; elemental; enduring; energetic; engendered; engrossing; enthusiastic; envied; errant; erratic; eternal; everlasting; evil; exacerbated; exceeding; exciting; exquisite; extraordinary; exultant; fantastical; favorite; fervent; fierce; fitful; flaming; foaming; foul; frantic; frivolous; frozen; frustrated; fugitive; fundamental; futile; gambling; generous; gnawing; gross; guilty; half-accomplished; headlong; hidden; heavenly; high; hurtful; hopeless; human; humble; honest; idealistic; idealized; idiotic; ignoble; illicit; imprudent; inborn; incestuous; indignant; infernal; inflammable; insatiable; instinctive; intellectual; intense; intermediate; invisible; involuntary; ireful; irregular; irrepressible; irresistible; jealous; kindred; lasting; lawless; licentious; loving; lurid; lustful; master; masterful; merry; mischievous; morbid; mortal; mutinous; mutual; new-found; noble; obtuse; original; outrageous; overmastering; overt; overwhelming; palemouthed; pallid; partisan; patriotic; pent-up; personate; petty; philanthropic; pitying; preceding; present; prevailing; primal; primitive; private; prosperous; pseudo; radical; raging; rare; rash; religious; repressed; requisite; romantic; rude; ruling; selfish; secondary; silent; sophisticated; sordid; sore; sorry; southern; spectral; speechless; stifled; stirred; stormy; strange; subdued; strong; struggling; sudden; superior; suppressed; swelling; swift; tender; tempestuous; towering; thoughtful; thronging (pl); thwarted; torrid; tragic; tranquil; transient; transitory; triumphant; troubling; true; turbid; tyrannous; unaccustomed; unbridled; unchecked; undying; ungovernable; unhallowed; universal; unnoted; unprofitable; unregulated; unrequited; unsoothed; unsuspected; untainted; untamed; untrained; untried; unwise; unwomanly; unworthy; variable; vehement; vengeful; veritable; vindictive; violent; virile; wanton; warning; wayward; wild; worried; worst; youthful; zealous; exaggerated


    animate with—; arouse—; boil with—; bridle—; cherish—; declare—; distort with—; enchain by—; evoke—; extinguish—; fly into—; gratify—; impel by—; intensify—; nourish—; pledge to—; quicken with—; reciprocate—; redden with—; respond to—; restrain—; revive—; share—; unleash—; vanquish—; vent—; —consumes;'—cools; — inflames; —rules; —seethes; —simmers; — tortures

    (See impetuosity, craving, appetite, ire, enthusiasm, emotion, infatuation, love, indignation.)

    Passionate adverbs

    amorously; angrily; cholerically; lovingly; uncontrollably; ungovernably; inordinately; uncommonly; innately; inherently; naturally; notoriously; «warmly; ardently; enthusiastically; zealously; earnestly; violently; excitably! captiously; querulously; moodily; mercurially; violently; furiously; impulsively; irrepressibly; strangely

    Passive adverbs

    strangely; apathetically; curiously; disgustingly; provokingly; incomprehensibly; dully; inertly; sluggishly; bluntly; inertly; doltish-ly; lazily; vexatiously; indolently; obediently; subserviently; hopelessly; servilely; submissively; pliantly; imperturbably; stoically; placidly; meekly; stupidly; stolidly; carelessly

    Passivity adjectives

    despondent; disposed; dejected; dreamy; lazy; inert; stolid; unwavering; slumbrous; dull; dead

    Past adjectives

    romantic; sorrowful; vanished; voiceless; foolish; monstrous; accumulated; remote; wintry; complacent; immemorial; stormy; immeasurable; gracious; artificial; dim; scarred; remorseless; dark; sinful; mischievous; precious; turbulent; receding; spectral; mysterious; irrevocable; blighted; ducal; unfathomed; inexorable; changeless; bitter; rough; emotional; ungentle; ambiguous; unrelenting, long-distant; disputable; restored; embalmed; irreproachable; hideous; well-filled; boundless; unrelenting; unhallowed; glorious; ungracious; pathetic; picturesque; melancholy


    clarify—; decipher—; dip into—; discern—; enrich—; evoke—; grope in—; penetrate—; plumb—; recapture—; recreate—; reflect on —; regret—; relive—; resurrect—; shake off —; —r-fades; —haunts; —survives; —vanishes

    (See memories, future, life.) adjectives

    milk-white; slippery-looking

    sticky; gelatinous

    Pastime adjectives

    favorite; youthful; kindred; risky; innumerable (pl); gentlemanlike; delightful; brawling; gracious; light; refreshing; un-canonical


    absorb in—; advocate—; enjoy—; indulge in—; lack—; seek—; —amuses; —cheers; —diverts; —eases; —enlivens; —entertains; —recreates; —solaces; —soothes

    (See game, amusement, diversion.

    Pastor adji ctivcs ungracious; scholarly; zealously; flabby


    appoint—; ordain—; serve as—; submit to, —; venerate-—; —administers; ■—attends to; —consoles; —converts; —-.guides; —ministers; —negotiates; —pleads; —prays; — preaches; —protects; —rebukes; —reconciles; —rules; —sways; —sympathizes with; —teaches; —visits

    (See minister.

    Pastoral adverbs sweetly; pleasantly; refreshingly; admirably; gently; firmly; mildly; agreeably; pleasingly; acceptably; comfortingly; helpfully; delightfully

    Pastry verbs

    bolt—; crunch—; despatch—; do honor to —; feast on—; garnish—; gormandize—; knead—; leaven—; munch—; nibble—; roll —; top off with—; —appeals; —attracts; — fattens

    (See food, etc.

    Pasture adjectives

    recumbent; poisonous; perpetual; sodden; naked; bleak; browsed; boulder-strewn; flowery; pleasant; neighboring; undulous; reeky; stony; verdant; coarse; scant; silver-shrouded


    abound in—; browse in—; conserve—; devour—; feast on—; feed on—; gnaw—; graze on—; patch—with; plow—; roam—; scrape—; survey—; wander on—; —extends; —fattens; —spreads

    (See grass, field, meadow.

    Pat (v) adverbs reassuringly; benignly; affectionately; comfortingly; approvingly; awkwardly; mechanically; caressingly; paternally

    (See tap, caress.

    Patch adjectives

    vivid; broken; ugly; thrifty; phosphorescent; superficial; numerous (pl); insignificant; single

    Patch (v) adverbs laboriously; awkwardly; deftly; eccentrically; thriftily; superficially; geometrically; pathetically

    (See repair, mend.

    Pate adjectives lean; understanding; ponderous; learned; bald; shiny

    Patent adjectives

    valuable; formal; longed-for; secret


    grant—; infringe—; limit—; permit—; request—; restrict—; secure—; seek—; — authorizes; —blocks; —clinches; —empowers; —excludes; —expires; —favors; —• guards; —pends; —protects; —seals; — vouchsafes

    (See invention, license, right, privilege.)


    glaringly; openly; plainly; unmistakably; conspicuously; undisguisedly; lawfully; notoriously; freely; safely; securely

    Paternal adverbs

    kindly; generously; indulgently; fondly; graciously; proudly; awkwardly; considerately; liberally; clumsily; benevolently; amiably; genially; complacently; complais-antly; tenderly; humanely; benignantly; ad monishingly; warningly; pompously; noisily; actively; virtuously; hilariously; autocratically; domineeringly; absurdly; amusingly; happily

    Paternalism adjectives

    beneficient; beauteous; true


    advocate—; assume—; attempt—; contemplate—; induce—; propose—; wield—; — administers; —cements; —dominates; — governs; —preserves; —protects; —regulates; —reigns; —supplies

    (See power, action, care, control, government.)

    Paternity verbs

    anticipate—; consider—; doubt—of; establish—of; forfeit—; hail—; impose—; respect—; revere—; spare—; venerate—; welcome—; —awes; —burdens; —comforts; —honors; —inspires; —salutes

    (See right, descent.)

    Path adjectives

    hollow-worn; pragmatic; steep; hillocky; obliterated; slippery; murmuring; gleaming; damp; luring; zigzag; fringed; twilight; winding; bushy; slender; straitened; adventuresome; hidden; trodden; dissimilar (pl); pleasant; unknown; upward; tempting; circumterrestrial; wild; lone; joyous; numerous (pl); rustling; sinuous; mountain; impracticable; bridle; predetermined; readier; pebbly; tortuous; desolated; endless; outgoing; dusk-shrouded; perilous; silvery; sacred; golden; green-bordered; hazardous; thorny; rough; pleasant; destructive; intricate; unstable; primrose; haughty; delicate; fairylike; factious; grave; beaten; fatal; enticing; pretty; gloomy; overgrown; dreary; chequered; dubious; flashing; conventional; inaccessible; solitary; untried; arduous; blustering; eccentric; homeward; radiating; frequented; lowly; shadowy; perpendicular; stone-flagged; artistic; tiny; intersecting; graveled; destined; somber; labyrinthine; acclivous; giday; narrow; paved; devious; peaceful; lonesome; pilgrim; darkling; firm; desolate; downward; gravel; doctrinaire; difficult; insecure; shelving; intermediate; climbing; uncharted; converging; unconscious; enchanted; weary; precarious; shady; thankless; triumphal; right;_dark; curved; comfortless; coincident; parabolic


    bury—; choose—; cut—; deck—; depart from—; discern—; establish—; inveigle into —; map out—; reflect—; smooth—; strew —; —allures; —beckons; —diverges; — entices; —invites; —swerves; —veers; — winds

    (See lane, road.)

    Pathetic adverbs

    touchingly; unusually; uncommonly; pitiably; infinitely; altogether; poignantly; deeply; grievously; appallingly; shockingly; oddly; immeasurably; heartbreakingly; extraordinarily; dreadfully

    Pathless adverbs

    terrifyingly; alarmingly; appallingly; shockingly; perplexingly; bewilderingly; confusingly; dangerously; perilously; hazardously; unaccountably; hopelessly; boundlessly; distressingly; calamitously; disastrously; formidably; forbiddingly; ruggedly; impassably; itnpermeably; impenetrably

    Pathos adjectives

    infinite; poignant; anxious; half-baked; puerile; sharp; exquisite; melodious; thin; instant; ever-present; intense; sobbing; despairing; expressible; grim; deep; extraordinary; celestial; stern; unfathomable


    bear—; catch—; endure—; experience—; harbor—; taste—; —affects; —agiiates; — dwells; —impresses; —infects; —mantles; —moves; —palpitates; —pierces; —produces; —responds; —shakes; —warms

    (See sadness, unhappiness, suffering, affliction, sorrow, pity, sympathy, passion.

    Pathway adjectives

    murmurous; flinty; aerial; swaying; perilous; persistent; segmental; historic; radiant; shadowy; lightning; immemorial; predestined; rocky; lush; overhung; blind; corkscrew; crooked

    Patience adjectives

    human; placid; simple; courteous; uncomplaining; untiring; gracious; pathetic; musing; chaotic; mild; commendable; inexhaustible; heavenly; self-restrained; melancholy; characteristic; strict; infinite; well-established; boundless; admirable; resigned; creditable; unwearying; haggard; struggling; unconscious; genial; elastic; deliberate; long-suffering; tender; saintly; helpless; mock; dogged; counseled; unwearied; bitter; cruel; unexampled; sad; heroic; serene; gentle; endless; trustful; precious; laboring


    cultivate—; employ—; entail—; exercise—; exhaust—; manifest—; necessitate—; require—; strain—; try—; —dwindles; — fails; —trays; —wears thin

    (See forbearance, perseverance, endurance, fortitude.

    Patient adjectives

    bedridden; unruly; noble; satisfied; reluctant; lucrative; passionate; individual; indignant; docile; fever; diabetic; ill; psychopathic; rheumatic; recalcitrant; susceptible; paranoiac; resolved

    verbs caution—; discharge—; examine—; exhaust —; guard—; hospitalize—; incapacitate—; inspire—; irritate—; nauseate—; refresh—; relieve—; restore—; resurrect—; sponge—; tide—over; —expectorates; —rallies; —recovers; —relapses; —responds to


    unbelievably; incredibly; sweetly; gently; imperturbably; uncomplainingly; quietly; serenely; wisely; sagaciously; indulgently; genially; tenderly; affectionately; expertly; persistently; indefatigably; placidly; courteously; charmingly; habitually; infinitely; unwearyingly; doggedly; resolutely; amazingly; uncommonly

    Patriarch adjectives

    hoary; dusky; aged; seafaring; aboriginal


    Patriarchal adverbs

    properly; appropriately; proudly; arrogantly; domineeringly; imperiously; undeniably; uncommonly; incurably; haughtily; tyrannically; immensely; delightfully; amiably; indulgently; unforgettably; venerably; unyieldingly; obviously; obstinately; tenaciously; insistently; jealously; stubbornly

    Patrician adverbs

    undeniably; innately; inherently; naturally; unmistakably; truly; genuinely; dominantly; proudly; palpably; obviously; evidently; manifestly; undeniably; nobly; conspicuously; eminently; exaltedly; renownedly; splendidly

    Patriot adjectives

    ardent; virtuous; sterling; devoted; zealous; epistolary; venerable; misguided; sturdy; prejudiced; worthy

    Patriotic adverbs

    splendidly; curiously; ostentatiously; undeniably; nobly; unselfishly; genuinely; magnificently; grandly; unusually; inherently; truly; unquestionably; quietly; natural; ly; devotedly; conventionally; ardently; actively; assiduously; intelligibly; thoughtful-

    ]y; discriminatingly; wisely; sagaciously; alertly; vigilantly; altruistically; uncommonly; highly; extraordinarily

    Patriotism adjectives

    fainting; flamboyant; haughty; devoted; pious; religious; uncompromising; engendering; impulsive; vigorous; irrepressible; serious; ardent; epidemic; sincere; jealous; disinterested; fearless; heroic; individual; fervent; sublime


    acclaim—; advocate—; applaud—; breed—; burst with—; choke—; develop—; exploit —; extinguish—; feign—; guard with—; harbor out of—; inflame with—; inspire—; justify—; kindle—; lampoon—; tear between—

    (See Americanism, love, devotion, loyalty.)

    Patrol verbs

    elude—; evade—; maintain—; push through —; —guarantees; —guards; —insures; — paces; —protects; —safeguards; —scours


    (See guard, sentry.)

    Patrol (v) adverbs

    systematically; vigilantly; ceaselessly; cautiously; periodically; hourly; perpetually

    (See watch, march, protect.)

    Patron adjectives

    gentle; influential; munificent; august; fostering; unbidden; imperial; contemptuous; mighty; passing; perpetual

    Patronage adjectives

    condescending; titled; continued; liberal; constant; increasing; political; admiring; generous; extensive; lucrative; obsequious; advised; loyal; proprietary; aldermanic


    cherish—; dispense—; enjoy—; extend—; foster—; gain—; seek—; solicit—; swell—; withdraw—; --abets; —advances; —aids

    —benefits; —bolsters; —cheers; —feeds;

    influences; —nourishes;  —overrides; — succors

    (See guidance, support, encouragement, aid, leadership, protection.)

    Patronize (<•) adverbs

    deferentially; liberally; advisedly; lucratively; loyally; extensively; habitually


    encourage, favor, promote.

    Patronizing adverbs

    arrogantly; unduly; insufferably; intolerably; unbearably; intolerantly; pompously; haughtily; overbearingly; absurdly; comically; ludicrously; laughably; foolishly; ridiculously; inanely; terribly; fatuously; loudly; noisily; objectionably; provokingly; disagreeably; unpleasantly; obnoxiously; unreasonably; strangely; incredibly

    Pattern adjectives

    curious; significant; exclusive; intricate; delicate; existing; original; distinctive; ornamental; complex; decorative; pronounced; wondrous; ageless; accurate; complicated; tasteful; metrical; tremulous; frigid; animal; primitive; blotchy; mental; shadow; effective; whimsical; comprehensive; unknown; arbitrary; geometrical; experimental; mosaic; balanced; agricultural; unpretentious; running; ever-present; schizoid; wanted; rich; vivid; starched; perfect; unconventional; operatic; rudimentary; tawdry; aesthetic; ideal; inconspicuous; characterful; scroll; serene; architectural; everlasting; colorful; new; striped; neat; smart; diversified; selective; beautiful; un-ususal; quiet; spring; stimulating; popular; plaid; plumage; subdued; dark; striking; artificial; attractive; exclusive; fabric; sprightly; authentic; young-blooded; lacy


    cling to—; comply with—; conform to—; copy—; devise—; follow—; improve upon —; infringe on—; knit—; mark—; observe —; surpass—; trace—; transcend—; violate —; weave—; —baffles; —exemplifies; — guides; —illustrates; —indicates; —regulates; —represents; —simplifies

    (See copy, ideal, design.)

    PATTERN (v) adverbs exquisitely; exclusively; intricately; delicately; accurately; whimsically; geometrically; vividly; unconventionally; authentically

    (See copy, model, imitate.

    PATTY adjectives solid-looking; overdone; tiny

    PAUNCH verbs

    cram—; develop—; distend—; fill—; gorge —; heave—; load—; pamper—; reduce—; simulate—; stuff—; wad—; —craves; —encumbers; —expands; —gnaws; —protrudes

    (See belly, abdomen, stomach, intestines.

    PAUSE adjectives

    slow; awkward; haunting; appreciable; unconscious; normal; week-end; effect-collecting; thoughtful; cogitative; awful; terrible; pensive; ominous; brief; perceptible; discontented; reminiscent; deep; melancholy; decided; musing; appalling; stifling; suitable; inexplicable; humming; solemn; reticent; doubtful; grateful; considerable; frequent (pl); rapturous; transitory; uncomfortable; eternal; determined; respectful; transient; convenient; ensuing; natural; thrilling; present; discreet; wild-swan; habitual; rhetorical; painful; eloquent


    abstain from—s; destroy—; incur—; observe—; supply—; waste in—; —arrests; — emphasizes; —ensues; —falls; —halts; — hovers; —hushes; —impresses; —interposes; —interrupts; —intervenes; —persists; —suspends

    (See interruption, interval, lapse.

    PAUSE (v) adverbs

    reflectively; dramatically; reminiscently; instinctively; irresolutely; briefly; delicately; meaningfully; diffidently; lingeringly; ominously; deliberately; pensively; solemnly; discreetly

    (See waver, stop.

    PAVEMENT adjectives

    solitary; unsafe; brick; untrodden; rag-strewn; billowy; shady; deserted; dappled; grass-grown; firmamental; circular; insufficient; damp; marble; noiseless; dimly-lighted

    PAVILION adjectives

    vast; silk; glimmering; sumptuous; luminous; arabesque; gay


    decorate—; flock to—; garnish—; gather in—; ornament—; throng—; —accommodates; —encloses; —harbors; —protects; — rings; —rises; —shades; —shelters; — spreads; —swarms; —swelters

    (See canopy, tent, building.

    PA IV adjectives

    tremendous; searching; tactile; bony; moist; unhallowed; horny; bloody

    PA IV (v) adverbs

    fitfully; ineptly; vaguely; savagely; brut-ishly; clumsily; roughly; searchingly; lustfully

    (See stroke, strike.

    PAY adjectives

    sour; retirement; exorbitant; retroactive; scanty; meager; back; advance


    acquire—; attach—; claim—; crave—; cut —; derive—; deserve—; draw—; entitle to—; exact—; insist on—; merit—; raise—; restore—; solicit—; yield—; —accrues; — compensates; —defrays; —rewards; — squares (colloq.)

    (See earnings, payment, profits, wages, money.

    PAY (v) adverbs

    moderately; handsomely; grudgingly; bounteously; heavily; cheerfully; annually; punctually; roundly; scantily; meagerly; exorbitantly

    (See compensate, reward.

    PAYMENT adjectives

    iniquitous; vicarious; substantial; convenient; easy; permanent; equivalent; coming; political; stipulated; benefit; preliminary; monthly; annual


    acknowledge—; afford—; await—; cease—; collect—; default—; deserve—; disburse—; evade—; reap—; recover—; refund—; resume—; suspend—; —discharges; —effaces; —pains

    (See pay, profits, wages.



    add to—; anticipate—; calculate—; disburse—; distribute—; draw—; guard—; hold up (colloq.)—; insure—; pare down—; prepare—; protect—; reduce—; rob—; survey—; trim—; —increases; —mounts— surpasses

    (See funds, profits, earnings.

    —; unsettle—; upset—; vouchsafe—; —pervades; —prevails; —reigns

    (See harmony, amity, friendship, quiet, tranquillity.

    PEACEABLE adverbs

    inherently; naturally; continuously; resolutely; placidly; mildly; tranquilly; habitually; determinedly; inoffensively; serenely; calmly; imperturbably; unimaginably; curiously; racially; soberly; blandly; unbelievably; uncommonly; reasonably

    PEACEFUL adverbs

    beatifically; serenely; happily; blessedly; rapturously; amiably; pleasantly; contentedly; unbelievably; delightfully; entrancingly; remarkably; gloriously; perfectly

    PEACE adjectives

    intellectual; bitter; profound; durable; dishonorable; unbroken; joyous; healthy; tolerable; enduring; industrial; internal; lovely; lasting; honorable; long-lost; heavenly; mellow-eyed; ineffable; dictated; passionate; meek-eyed; unresting; domestic; rapturous; neighborhood; absolute; unaccustomed; ignominious; settled; endless; everlasting; fruitful; speedy; temporary; ripening; universal; permanent; humiliating; eternal; deep; constant; indescribable; taunting; supplicated; unruffled; uneven; unsuspecting; treacherous; sweet; pale; ultimate; sinless; patched-up; barbaric; prudent; shameful; blissful; perpetual; honeyed; unbroken; inner; wealthy; silken; advantageous; luxurious; infinite; unspeakable; happy; ancient; sacred; poetic; unfluctuating; especial; external; repugnant; intimated; serene; balmy; profound; technical; ignoble; endurable; spiritual; windless; exquisite; riteless; incomparable; shining; fraternal; utter; immemorial; well-earned; pastoral


    achieve—; agitate for—; assure of—; botch —; breed—; compel—; crusade for—; destroy—; disrupt—; endanger—; enthrone —; further—; herald—; impose—; maintain—; menacei—; negotiate—; prate about —; promote—; restore—; risk—; serve—; spurn—; sue for—; symbolize—; threaten

    PEACOCK verbs

    —preens; —prides himself; —stalks; — strides; —strolls; —struts

    (See bird.

    PEAK adjectives

    pinnacled; singular; volcanic; dazzling; furrowed; rounded; perilous; lambent; herbless; snowy; rugged; airy; fierce; savage; glistening; bristling; glittering; isolated; barren; angular; mountain; celestial; gigantic; lofty; successive (pl); precipitous; single; steeple-like; sunlighted; abrupt; ermine-clad; pathless; frowning; craggy; unique; brumal; jagged; environing (pl); rock; multitudinous (pl); scalped; snow-patched; fantastic; snow-covered; solstitial


    ascend—; cap—; climb—; cuff—; culminate in—; push to—; rise to—; scale—; sharpen—; —commands; —crowns; — heightens; —hovers; —juts; —points; — projects; —rears* —soars; —tapers; —tops; —towers

    (See mountain, tower, hill, top, point, summit.

    PEAL adjectives

    silvery; yawning; merry; angry; repeated; strange; fearful; terrific; dismal; tuneful; full-hearted; paschal; joyous; hideous; solemn; spasmodic; tremendous; thrilling; dreadful

    PEAL (v) adverbs melodiously; softly; gently; gaily; joyously; festively; merrily; angrily; terrifically; solemnly; spasmodically

    (See echo, resound, reverberate.



    blanch—; chop—; clean—; consume—; crush—; cultivate—; dig up—; dry—; express from—; extract from—; hawk—; hurl —at; munch—; package—; ripen—; roast —; salt—; shell—; steam—

    PEAR adjectives

    yellow; waxen; withered; mellowing; hoary; blushing; frozen

    PEARLS adjectives

    oriental; ungathered; lustral; barbaric; shimmering; pink; glistening; creamy; iridescent; liquid; imitation; intermingled; sleepy; enormous; carven; inlaid; snowy; pellucid; perfect; melting; glittering


    collect—; covet—; cultivate—; deposit—in; dissolve—; dive for—; drill—; embellish with—; fish for—; imitate—; polish—; prize —; string—; value—; yield—; -r-adorn; — decorate; —enhance; —glitter; —ornament

    (See jewel, gem, diamond.

    PEARLY adverbs

    iridescently; beautifully; incredibly; exquisitely; sumptuously; opalescently; frostily; intensely; richly; gorgeously; sweetly; delicately; daintily; incredibly; marvelously; miraculously; creamily; consummately; indescribably; ineffably

    PEARS verbs

    bear—; blight—; box—; bruise—; can—; cook—; crate—; gather—; grade—; infect —; market—; pare—; pluck—; preserve—; select—; serve—; spray—; stew—; wrap—

    —cluster; —decay; —exude; —ripen; — rot; —thrive

    (See fruit, apple.

    PEAS adjectives

    dwarf; delicate; wild


    box—; can—; crate—; cultivate—; gather —; grade—; harvest—; injure—; plant—; process—; refrigerate—; row—; scoop up —; separate—; shell—; ship—; wash—; — germinate; —mature

    (See vegetables.

    PEASANTS adjectives

    unspoiled; passionate; raw; rude; jubilant; squalid; white-bearded; wretched; shelterseeking; hopeless; gentle; naked; vindictive; insurgent; healthy-looking; well-dressed; trilingual; downtrodden; distrustful; hard-faced; unforgiving; self-assertive; universal; swarthy; enterprising; bewildered; unlettered; grimy; prating; honest-hearted; ruddy-cheeked; uncultivated


    agitate—; aid—; appease—; banish—; dominate—; enslave—; exile—; tyrannize over—; —assemble; —clamor; —herd; — economize; —immigrate; —rebel; —revolt

    —toil; —uprise; —weary

    (See natives, countryman, farmer, worker, alien, foreigner.

    PEBBLES adjectives

    dewy; rounded; polished; sun-kissed; hard-flung; -clean; colored

    PECCABLE adverbs

    unfortunately; unhappily; admittedly; un-wontedly; naturally; unquestionably; pitifully; helplessly; probably; alarmingly; outrageously; undeniably; exceptionably; miserably; wretchedly; recklessly; irremediably

    PECULIAR adverbs

    racially; highly; distinctly; definitely; quaintly; strikingly; remarkably; curiously; oddly; highly; outlandishly; exotically; unaccountably



    petty; salient; social; seasonal; manifold; awful; definite; well-known; humorous; quaint; minute; arbitrary; marked; intellectual; striking; mental; sectional

    Pecuniary adverbs

    distinctly; exclusively; wholly; avariciously; fortunately; undeniably; definitely; conveniently; opportunely; luckily

    Pedagogical adverbs

    unmitigatedly; absolutely; definitely; pedantically; wholeheartedly; monotonously; tediously; loudly; blatantly; opinionat'edly; patiently; studiously; meticulously; wisely; tire-somely; intelligently; boresomely; mildly; resolutely; ostentatiously; vainly; egotistically; priggishly; pompously; humbly; modestly; pretentiously; self-consciously; self-righteously; emphatically; insistently; dogmatically; proudly; impossibly

    Pedagogue adjectives

    groveling; admirable; gross; stupid; harassed

    Pedant adjectives

    sand-blind; miserable; fiery; academic; forward; wrangling

    Pedantic adverbs

    unmistakably; unshakably; tiresomely; insufferably; proudly; intolerably; ostentatiously; self-righteously; insistently; vcxa-tiously; primly; assertively; confidently; solemnly; sharply; monotonously; incurably; absurdly; unwarrantably; scrupulously; consciously; punctiliously; unbearably; meticulously

    Pedantry adjectives

    display—; encrust with—; engender—; ridicule—; savor of—; scorn—; shake off—; — affects; —concludes; —disgusts; —dogmatizes; —obtrudes; —overestimates; —overacts; —poses; —prejudices; —presumes; — proceeds from; —repels

    (See learning, vanity.)


    itinerant; flesh; pavement; unscrupulous


    Pedestal adjectives

    elevated; formal; equal


    adorn—; bestride—; construct—; erect upon —; mount on—; ornament—; prop on—; repose on—; rest on—; topple from—; totter on—; —affords; —bases; —bclsters; — maintains; —supports; —sustains

    (See base, support, foundation.)

    Pedestrian adjectives

    belated; faulty; dust-covered; tall; muscular; travel-stained; raw-boned; successful; ardent; jay-walking


    accord to—; assist—; block off—s; educate —; endanger—; hamper—; injure—; signal —; warn—; —co-operates; —crosses; — disobeys; —dodges; —evades; —observes

    —tires; —tours; —travels; —wearies

    Pedigree adjectives

    unbroken; feudal; proud

    Peep adjectives

    fair; momentary; hasty

    Peep (v) adverbs

    shyly; slyly; shrinkingly; daringly; audaciously; modestly; coyly; flirtatiously

    (See peer, look.)

    Peer adjectives

    painstaking; puissant; contemporary; penniless; wrong-incensed; gentle; lustrous; witty; notorious; impecunious; favorite

    Peer (v) adverbs

    earnestly; intently; timidly; curiously; cautiously; anxiously; fearfully; furtively; surreptitiously; slyly

    (See peep, look.)

    Peerage verbs

    bestow—upon ; congratulate—; convoke—; create—; entitle—to; forfeit—; influence—; limit—; privilege—; represent—; —adheres; —controls; —convenes; —honors; — serves

    (See aristocracy, nobility.)

    Peevish adverbs

    unspeakably; unreasonably; unwarrantably; terribly; disagreeably; unfortunately; unpleasantly; horribly; uncommonly; habitually; naturally; querulously; feverishly; childishly; fretfully; captiously; obstinately; incurably; acrimoniously; vexatiously; intolerably; insufferably; unaccountably; inexplicably; curiously; strangely; oddly; significantly; brusquely; snappishly; embarrassingly; humiliatingly

    Peg adjectives

    rustic; wooden; unfitted


    bind to—; dangle from—; drive—; hammer —; hang on—; hitch to—; insert—;. pin with—; pound—; repose on—; tie to—; whittle—; —catches; —fastens; —holds; — projects; —protrudes; —supports; —sustains

    (See nail, hook.)

    Pelican adjectives

    rangy; large-billed; awkward


    —fishes; —gorges; —plunges; —secretes


    (See bird.)

    Pellucid adverbs

    beautifully; admirably; unusually; wonderfully; marvellously; delightfully; incomparably; unsurpassably; limpidly; surprisingly; pricelessly; extraordinarily; inimitably; exquisitely; incomparably; peculiarly

    Pen adjectives

    educated; guided; gifted; severe; unbiased; inexhaustible; spiteful; brilliant; shy; inexpressive; horrible; abler; plaguy; ill-natured; ready; fascinating; vile; enigmatic; substantial; facile; untrained; sprightly; blithesome; humorous; truant; burning; barbarous; dreadful; lucid; inadequate; young; passion-guided; trenchant


    dip—; exercise—; grasp—; poise—; pour from—; probe—into; scrawl with—; whisk —across; wield—; —assails; —comes to life; —exposes; —falters; —libels; —sears; —unfolds ; —voices

    (See fountain-pen, writer, author, pencil.)

    Pen (r) adverbs

    obscurely; trenchantly; spitefully; inexhaustibly; brilliantly; expressively; fascinatingly; enigmatically; facilely; passionately

    (See record, compose, write.)

    Penal adverbs

    unnecessarily; cruelly; bitterly; justly; correctively; exceptionably; acidulously; inordinately; egregiously; excessively; mildly; ineffectively; formally; terribly

    Penalize (v) adverbs

    ironically; severely; rigorously; painfully; barbarously; harshly; stringently

    (See punish, discipline.)

    Penalty adjectives

    tremendous; painful; mad; inescapable; grievous; similar; severe; proportionate; efficient; enrolled; suitable; spiritual; barbarous; fearful; easy


    accept—; assert—; assess—; balk at—; condemn to—; decry—; escape—; entail—; evade—; exact—; impose—; inflict—; levy —; pay—; —atones; —recompenses; —rehabilitates

    (See forfeit, fine, punishment, indictment.)

    Penance adjectives

    fearful; secret; atrocious; purgatorial; easy; spiritual; barbarous; suitable; amorous; cruel; harsh; solemn; hearty; superstitious; severe; lingering; true-hearted; honest

    Penchant verbs

    admit—; avoid—; cling to—; eschew—; excite—; exhibit—; incur—; indulge—; — burns; —devours; —disgusts; —irritates; — horrifies; —lusts; —riles (colloq.)

    (See desire, inclination, attraction.

    Pencil adjectives

    stubby; artistic; energetic; mechanical; unsharpened; blunt; coarse


    clasp—; depict with—; draw with—; drum with—; poise—; scribble with—; sharpen —; tip—; —copies; —dashes off; —delineates; —inscribes; —jots; —marks; —outlines; —scrawls; —scurries; —sketches; — tattoos; —tints

    . (See pen.

    Pendant adjectives

    quaint; inflamed; haughty


    display—; fashion—; flourish—; hook—; strip off—s; suspend—; —attracts; —bobs; —dazzles; —dangles; —decks; —enhances; —flaps; —fringes; —hangs; —impresses; — ornaments; —swings; —weights

    (See drop, jewel, gem.

    Pendent adverbs

    terribly; perilously; hazardously; dangerously; decoratively; attractively; delicately; daintily; lustrously; dazzlingly; brilliantly; curiously; strangely; grotesquely; fantastically; quaintly; strikingly

    Pendulous adverbs

    heavily; clumsily; awkwardly; corpulently; uncertainly; flabbily; dangerously; indeterminately; wabblingly; loosely; unbecomingly; curiously; strangely

    Pendulum adjectives

    ponderous; large; rhythmic


    adjust—; hook—; —controls; —dances; — maintains; —oscillates; —pulsates; —regulates; —rocks; —suspends; —swaggers; — swings; —tick-tocks; —vibrates; —wags; —waves

    Penetrate (v) adverbs

    accurately; accidentally; decisively; freely; scientifically; discerningly; gradually

    (See pierce, bore, affect.

    Penetrating adverbs

    curiously; deeply; warrantably; peculiarly; particularly; remedially; soothingly; allev-iatingly; surprisingly; remarkably; strikingly; incredibly; unusually; uncommonly; acutely; shrewdly; intelligently; keenly; sharply; discerningly; cleverly; sagaciously; profoundly; incisively; impressively; unfailingly; highly

    Penetration adjectives

    profound; calm; accurate; usual; subtle; intuitive; bland; noiseless; perfect; uncanny; characteristic; instinctive; partial; infallible; tender; masterly; sympathetic


    attempt—; block—; escape—; evade—; force—; induce—; pretend—; resist—; unite by—; wonder at—; —awes; —discerns; —discriminates; —gores; —shoots

    —uncovers; —yawns

    (See infiltration.

    Peninsula verbs

    approach—; fortify—; guard—; inhabit—; near—; overrun—; surround—; view—; watch—; —adjoins; —beckons; —extends; —lengthens; —projects; —protrudes; — reaches; —ranges; —stretches

    (See marsh, island, land.

    Penitence adjectives

    haggard; pale; celestial; pathetic; anxious; prescribed

    Penitent adverbs

    deeply; sincerely; sorrowfully; painfully; naturally; contritely; meekly; humbly; embarrassingly; truly; unduly; ruefully; obviously; evidently; manifestly; pitiably; confessedly; terribly

    PENNILESS adverbs

    pitiably; undeniably; finally; terribly; sadly; frightfully; dreadfully; ruefully; laughably; merrily; blithely; carelessly; nonchalantly; miserably; wretchedly; helplessly; hopelessly; vexatiously; embarrassingly; obviously; humiliatingly; manifestly; actually; evidently; strangely; inexplicably; unaccountably; purposely; intentionally; adroitly; cleverly; resolutely

    PENNY-WISE adverbs

    cleverly; carefully; penuriously; thriftily; cannily; shrewdly; capriciously; extravagantly; wastefully; absurdly; unreasonably; ridiculously; improvidently; lavishly; inconsistently; recklessly; ludicrously; incongruously

    PENSION adjectives

    contributory; liberal; retiring; literary; subsidiary; old-age


    assign—; authorize—; bestow—upon; derive —from; establish—; exact—; fix—; forfeit —; grant—; merit—; proffer—; provide—; request—; reserve for—; retire on—; welcome—; yield—; —assists; —enables; —encourages; —supports; —sustains

    (See pay, payment, allowance, subsidy.

    PENSIVE adverbs

    abstractedly; incongruously; strangely; silently; absent-mindedly; sweetly; quietly; soberly; anxiously; remotely; dreamily; ruefully; .mournfully; dully; deeply; gravely; solemnly; happily; contentedly

    PENTHOUSE verbs

    decorate—; enjoy—; establish in—; furnish —; inhabit—; occupy—; offer—; .philander on—; provide—; renovate—; view from—; —allures; —appeals; —attracts; —caps; — crowns; —delights; —enchants; —overlooks; —tops

    (See tower, apartment, roof.

    PENURIOUS adverbs

    intolerably; terribly; necessarily; pitiably; meanly; basely; incomprehensibly; inexplicably; unreasonably; unpardonably; suspiciously; suddenly; inherently; naturally; inconveniently; conspicuously; strangely; incorrigibly; greedily; irremediably; unreasonably; disagreeably; unnecessarily; needlessly; unaccountably; niggardly; miserly; inexcusably; stingily; crustily; gruffly; wretchedly; avariciously; uncommonly; extremely; absurdly; miserably; sordidly

    PENURY adjectives

    cold; hard; frosty; tedious; unvanquishable; sordid; forgetful; utter; gripping; miserable


    burden by—; conceal—; fear—; feign—; reduce to—; resist—; survive—; —afflicts; — aggrieves; —deprives; —distresses; —embarrasses; —harasses; —irks; —narrows; —necessitates; —pains; —weighs upon

    (See poverty, w’ant, destitution.

    PEOPLE adjectives

    aboriginal; abused; accursed; adventurous; affectionate; agile; alert; amiable; amused; aristocratic; aspiring; astounding; austere; aware; barbaric; benevolent; benighted; bent; border; brave; brusque; bustling; celebrated; charitable; chivalrous; civilized; cold; common; commonplace; communicative; congenial; congregated; conquering; constructive; contemplative; conventional; credulous; cruel; cultivated; debonair; decadent; decent; defenseless; degraded; deluded; democratic; desperate; devoted; diminutive; discontented; distinguished; discriminating; dissipated; distinct; doglike; distressed; egotistical; elbowing; eminent; energetic; enervated; enslaved; enfranchised; engrossing; enlightened; enterprising; erect; estimable; excited; everlasting; expatriated; extravagant; factious; fanciful; fashionable; fertile; fastidious; fickle; filthy; frenzied; fun-loving; friendless; friendly; frivolous; gaily-dressed; gay; generous; gloomy; grateful; great; growing; high-minded; homogeneous; humble; humdrum; hurrying; idolatrous; illiterate; impoverished; impulsive; inarticulate; indestructible; indignant; industrious; infatuated; inflamed; infuriated; insane; intense; kind-hearted; interesting; jealous; law-loving; kindly-faced; laboring; learned; liberty-loving; light; lighter; litigious; lively; malicious;

    martial; materialistic; mediocre; merry; milling; miserable; modest; missionary-minded; money-making; nice; 'much-praying; mysterious; neighboring; niggardly; noble; nomadic; notable; noteworthy; obscure; oppressed; outrageous; overfed; packed; panic-stricken; peace-loving; panting; paradoxical; pastoral; peculiar; pediatric; perfect; persistent; persuadable; pessimistic; picturesque; pious; polished; polite; poor; poorly-dressed; practical; precise; prehistoric; preposterous; primitive; progressive; prominent; proud; provoking; quarrelsome; refined; reflective; restless; rich; rigid; rude; rugged; rushing; sagacious; sanguine; seafaring; selfish; sensible; self-seeking; semi-literate; sensitive; sentimental; servile; shabby; shade-loving; sightless; sleek; snobbish; smart; sober; social-minded; solitary; sore; sovereign; special; started; startled; stiff; strange; strong; stupid; sturdy; stylish; supine; substantial; suffering; sufficient; superior; superstitious; swollen; terror-stricken; thoughtful; tempted; thinking; tiresome; thoughtless; timid; tranquil; turbulent; ulcerous; unambitious; unclassical; uncouth; uncultivated; uncultured; unfortunate; unnatural; unobtrusive; unpoetic; unpolished; unreasonable; unreasoning; verbose; vigilant; vigorous; virile; virtuous; visiting; volatile; weak; well-dressed; well-informed; wholesale; wise; wonderful; wondering; worthless; young


    chide—; color—; conciliate—; corral—; denounce to—; depict—; fraternize with—; instigate—; jolt—; liberate—; outsmart (colloq.)—; portray—; regiment—; tyrannize over—; —arise; —flock to; —gather ’round.; —rally to; —revolt; —sanction

    (See English, folk, race, tribe, nation, persons, community.)

    Pep verbs

    gain—; inject—; lack—; —gains; —brightens; —buoys; —cheers; —emboldens; —endures; —enthuses (colloq.); —glows; —fosters; —impresses; —infects; —inspires; — palls; —reassures; —tingles; —wanes; — warms

    (See energy, power, zeal, vigor.)

    Perceivable adverbs

    easily; readily; completely; manifestly; instantly; openly; immediately; perfectly; remarkably; strikingly

    Perceive (v) adverbs

    vividly; tangibly; dimly; sagely; tremulously; instinctively; vaguely; distinctly; superficially

    (See discern, observe.)

    Percentage adjectives

    unknown; doubtful; high


    calculate—; check—; compute—; cut—; deduct—; demand—; derive—; draw—; exact —; extract—; fix—; reduce—; stabilize—; yield—; —abates; —ascends; —exceeds; — mounts; —staggers

    (See amount, sum, proportion, part, rate, quantity.)

    Perceptible adverbs

    dimly; readily; scarcely; easily; cruelly; bitterly; instantly; immediately; finally; distinctly; conspicuously; plainly; clearly; mistily; hardly

    Perception adjectives

    triumphant; keen; dimmest; acute; quick; startling; single; ominous; honest; innate; intuitive; vivid; sharp; intellectual; mental; artistic; sudden; passive; dreamlike; accurate; exquisite; prodigious; vague; confused; sentimental; simultaneous; mystic; infallible; subtle; extra-sensory; spiritual; cloud; sure; steadfast; moral; awful; luminous; interior; penetrating; practical; human


    attain—; blind—; blunt—; clarify—; display—; dull—; heighten—; stimulate—: warp—; —adjusts; —aids; —appreciates; —apprehends; —fathoms; —matures; — scans; —warns

    (See eye, feeling, sensation.)

    Perdition adjectives everlasting; bottomless; eternal


    condemn to—; consume to—; —annuls; — batters; —blasts; —blots out; —confounds; —crashes; —crumbles; —demolishes; —desolates; —devastates; —devours; —engulfs; —eradicates; —overwhelms; —perplexes

    —prostrates; —swamps

    (See hell, ruin, destruction.

    Peremptory adverbs disagreeably; proudly; dictatorially; extremely; unnecessarily; arrogantly; emphatically; bumptiously; incisively; cuttingly; unwarrantedly; officially; formally; coldly; sharply; sternly; severely; trenchantly; unfortunately; offensively; unwisely; deliberately; habitually; unconsciously

    Perennial adverbs

    conveniently; dependably; delightfully; satisfactorily; reliably; imperishably; comfortably; durably; happily; fortunately

    Perfection adjectives

    absolute; delicate; abnormal; classic; spontaneous; aesthetic; time-softened; infinite; divine; optical; fashionable; rare; strained; technical; ineffable; trim; studied; flattering; pure; balanced; complete; supreme; ravishing; final; theoretical; comparative; prosperous; exquisite; unlimited; overwhelming; matchless; constant; minute; moral; true; mechanical; imaginable; artistic; pure; tailored; unapproachable


    achieve—; acquire—; admire—; approximate—; attain—; disclaim—; emulate—; gain—; invest with—; lack—; mature to—; realize—; ripen to—; sacrifice—to; seek—; strive for—; transcend—; vie for—; — clinches; —crowns; —eludes; —saturates; —seals

    (See beauty, mastery, precision, accuracy.


    dreadfully; treacherously; habitually; racially; inherently; terribly; seditiously; personally; highly; uncommonly; unforgivably; manifestly; cruelly; barbarously; savagely; dangerously; sadly; undeniably; disloyally; untrustworthily; dastardly; basically; horribly; wickedly; deliberately

    Perfidy adjectives armed; household; unspeakable; calculated

    Perform (v) adverbs unwittingly; gallantly; energetically; creditably; pleasantly; dramatically; conscientiously; theatrically; gratuitously; brilliantly; capably; faithfully; methodically; scrupulously; publicly; effectively; zealously; punctually; rigorously; harmoniously; superlatively; exceptionally; consummately

    (See accomplish, execute, play, act.

    Performance adjectives relative; theoretical; undignified; smooth; eager; zealous; arduous; singular; dependable; punctual; proved; pirated; exhibition; indubitable; silent; rigorous; maximum; choice; splendid; shoddy; slipshod; pantomimed; effective; harmonious; superficial; sensational; spectacular; laudable; charity; magnanimous; humdrum; incisive; top; charitable; superlative; decennial; periodic; scrupulous; sparkling; exceptional; ill-considered; splendid; faithful; vigorous; painstaking; proper; careless; innocuous; astonishing; fearless; brazen; discreditable; irresponsible; graceful; improper; superb; middling; subsequent; persuasive; impressive; remarkable; brilliant; magnificent; consummate


    acclaim—; affect—of; applaud—; broadcast —; direct—; engage in—; infuse into—; inject into—; key—; laud—; render—; reward for—^-j sponsor—; stage—; suspend—; witness—; —involves; —thrills

    (See feat, deed, entertainment, melodrama, play-

    Performer adjectives accomplished; creditable; gratuitous; exact


    delicate; sweet; enchanted; native; well-remembered; swooning; drowsy; overpowering; excellent; faint; melodic; exquisite; powerful; delectable; floating; rhetorical; soft; pungent; intoxicating; haunting; filthy; lingering; rich; poisoned; attractive; dead; exotic


    anoint with—; dab—; distill—; douse with —; drench with—; emit—; exude—; haunt by—; inhale—; recognize—; reek with—; saturate in—; spray with—; steep in—; waft—; —clings; —delights; —exudes; — floods; —nauseates; —offends; —oppresses; —overcomes; —overwhelms; —pervades; — pleases; —scents; —tints

    (See aroma, essence, incense, fragrance.)

    Perfume (v) adverbs

    exquisitely; exotically; sweetly; delectably; intoxicatingly; hauntingly; richly; lingeringly; voluptuously

    (See scent.)

    Perfunctory adverbs

    arrogantly; smugly; carelessly; disagreeably; unpleasantly; unpardonably; indifferently; apathetically; heedlessly; incautiously; mechanically; thoughtlessly; coolly; unconcernedly; coldly; hastily; inexcusably; inexplicably; unaccountably; horribly; cruelly; unfeelingly

    Peril adjectives

    approaching; utmost; manifold; sundry (pl); imminent; extreme; extraordinary; real; vague; instant; personal; probable; attendant; vegetable; serious; formidable; growing; imaginary; nimble; incredible; besetting; innumerable (pl); unavoidable; deadly; slight; weird; ever-recurring; encompassing; great; unexpected


    anticipate—; brave—•; chance—; dare—; defy—; encounter—; expose to—; face—; hazard—; incur—; rescue from—; risk—; steel against—; survive—; terrify by—; venture—; warn of—; —endangers; —jeopardizes; —menaces; —oppresses; —threatens

    (See hazard, danger, menace, risk.)


    notoriously; notably; undeniably; obviously; terribly; ghastly; miserably; peculiarly; infernally; undisguisedly; unutterably; mortally; bitterly; dreadfully; extremely; inordinately; ominously; mercilessly; prodigiously

    Period adjectives                             (time

    secluded; adequate; successive (pl); tortured; immediate; postwar; remote; unlimited; towering; prehistoric; immature; dismal; prolonged; engine-creating; brief; chronological; pivotal; corresponding; severe; dangerous; characteristic; distinct; critical; definite; mental; extended; smiling; frivolous; traditional; respective; well-defined; pretentious; momentous; dark; potential; bubble; rude; vigorous; stirring; long; glamorous; creative; controversial; dead; spiritual; modern; specified; variable; brilliant; devastating; limited; fruitful; disturbed; predetermined; unquiet; unmoral; corrupt; medieval; immense; pagan; formative; melancholy; calamity; measurable; pretty; reasonable; considerable; conversational^ sidereal; productive; eventful; glorious; previous; lurid; palmy; contagious; glacial: noteworthy; tickling; indefinite; nebulous; typical; anomalistic; sluggish; provincial; impressionable; chaotic; comfortable; proscribed; transition; flourishing; definite; pioneering; congested; amusing; long-forgotten; genial; happy; tranquil; expired; stated; moot; shameful; fecund; wondrous; discreditable; creative; probationary; trying


    characterize—; conclude—; inaugurate—; launch—; perpetuate—; personify—; plunge into—; shorten—; usher in—; —achieves; —advances; —consumes; —dawns; —dies; —elapses; —embarks; —embraces; —expires; —flows; —glides; —intervenes; — terminates

    (See era, epoch, age, cycle, decade, generation.)

    Periodic adverbs

    regularly; fortunately; reliably; dependably; wisely; ordinarily; invariably; infallibly; officially; necessarily; duly

    Persecute (v) adverbs

    mercilessly; relentlessly; odiously; pettishly; determinedly; whimsically; remorselessly; senselessly; bitterly; unjustly; repeatedly; unflaggingly; doggedly; incredibly; unfalteringly

    (See oppress, torment.)

    Persecution verbs

    bewail—; criticize—; fear—; inflict—; intensify—; intimidate by—; resist—; single out for—; subject to—; suffer—; temper—; —aggrieves; —dispirits; —grinds; —harasses; —haunts; -—pains; —offends; —oppresses; —outrages; —tramples; —weighs

    (See oppression, tyranny.)

    Persecutor adjectives

    odious; petty; subtle; religious; domestic; determined; unjust; whimsical; cold-hearted; systematic; unmerited; remorseless; senseless; merciless; relentless; languid; fiery; bitter; imperial; miserable; actual; repeated

    Perseverance adjectives

    unflagging; relentless; tugging; resolute; dogged; steady; indefinite; incredible; majestic; patient; indomitable; scheming; unfaltering; mechanical


    acclaim—; acquire by—; instil—; reward —; tax—; wed to—; yield to—; —buckles down; —clings; —devotes; —drives; —falters; —fights; —persists; —plods; —plunges

    (See insistence, patience, persistence.)

    Persevere (v) adverbs

    steadily; pluckily; characteristically; unflaggingly; relentlessly; resolutely; doggedly; incredibly; indomitably; unfalteringly; mechanically

    (See continue, persist.)

    Persevering adverbs

    resolutely; tenaciously; stubbornly; patiently; gently; mildly; irritatingly; vexatiously; tiresomely; monotonously; wildly; obstinately; mulishly; endlessly; unremittingly; singularly; oddly; peculiarly; awfully; commendably; admirably; terribly; conspicuously; doggedly

    Persiflage adjectives

    insolent; witty; swift; bantering

    Persist (v) adverbs

    archly; insubordinately; doggedly; undauntedly; audaciously; vigorously; stubbornly; enthusiastically; logically; relentlessly; ardently; faithfully; inextinguishably; triumphantly; morbidly; unreasonably

    (See persevere, continue.)

    Persistence adjectives

    marked; ardent; unabated; culpable; faithful; indomitable; cruel; inextinguishable; wonderful; tiresome; patient; triumphant; appalling; morbid; further; uncomplaining; wearisome; adequate; unreasonable


    dog with—; instil—; tax—; —achieves; — attacks; —continues; —drags; —endures; — fades; —gains; —palls; —survives; — wanes

    (See application, insistence, perseverance.)

    Persistent adverbs

    vexatiously; disagreeably; inescapably; unpleasantly; obnoxiously; admirably; remarkably; uncommonly; highly; tiresomely; ardently; passionately; amazingly; incredibly; unreasonably; doggedly; determinedly; obstinately; stubbornly; maddeningly; insufferably; terribly

    Person adjectives

    acidulated; acrid; affected; apprehensive; arbitrary; argumentative; arrogant; attrac tive; bald-headed; bandy-legged; benevolent; blind; blunt; bold; brazen; brokenhearted; captious; capricious; captivating; charming; chivalrous; clear-headed; comely; commanding; compassionate; conceivable; consoling; consumptive; contemplative; conventional; corpulent; courteous; critical; crotchety; cunning; cute; deformed; delicate; democratic; designing; devout; diabolic; diminutive; disagreeable; discontented; discriminating; domestic; distinguished; divine; double; dubious; easygoing; effeminate; eloquent; erect; eminent; entertaining; estimable; firm; excessive; exotic; fastidious; florid; flourishing; fortunate; frecklefaced; frivolous; garrulous; gentle; ghastly; ghostly; gracious; great; grotesque; grizzily; handicapped; hearty; hard-looking; heavenly; heavy; hook-nosed; humorous; hump-shouldered; ignoble; ignominious; illustrious; imaginary; immense; impeccable; impertinent; impious; inconsiderate; indecorous; indolent; industrious; inelegant; influential; informed; ingenious; inimitable; inquisitive; insignificant; insolvent; just; instructed; intelligent; joking; little; knowledged; laughing; legendary; loquacious; malevolent; malicious; massive; masterly; matching; matter-of-fact; meaner; meek; menacing; mild; milk-livered; mocking; modern; moody; morbid; morose; mortified; namby-pamby; nervous; neurotic; never-smiling; nondescript; normal; obedient; obnoxious; obstinate; obstreperous; obvious; occult; odious; officious; ogreish; ordinary; original; outlandish; outrageous; outwitted; zeal-filled; overbearing; overmastering; overt; overweening; pale; pampered; passable; perfect; perfidious; perjured; persevering; phantasmal; phenomenal; phlegmatic; prejudiced; presumptuous; private; prime; profane; prjper; prosperous; pugnacious; punctilious; reckless; reflecting; regular; reputable; respectable; reticent; rude; sacred; scientific; sedate; self-effacing; self-indulging; selfish; selfless; sensitive; sentimental; skilled; slim; slippery; small; smiling; solid; sophisticated; stricken; striking; stuffy; stupid; sublime; substantial; superior; susceptible; talkative; sympathetic; thinking; tiresome; traitorous; unaccountable; unapproachable; unauthoriz ed; uncongenial; uncouth; undesirable; unenterprising; unobtrusive; unpeaceable; unruly; useless; unskilled; unvalued; unwieldy; vindictive; unworthy; venerable; veracious; versatile; virtuous; volatile

    wall-eyed; well-disposed; well-dressed; well-informed; well-intentioned; willful; wild; wily; witty; wordy; worldly; worthy; outstanding; young; assertive; fictitious

    Personable adverbs

    altogether; charmingly; unusually; uncommonly; highly; remarkably; obviously; undeniably; delightfully; pleasahtly; definitely; emphatically; fortunately; admirably; irresistibly; singularly; particularly; completely

    Personage adjectives

    trusty; eminent; silent; respectable; shabby; grimy; despondent; bitter; pallid; muselike; prominent; venerable; radiant; expansive; leading; all-compelling; allegorical; luminous; historical; leathery; filmy; showy; complex; singular; tutelary; fictitious; arrogant; noble; pompous; exalted; illustrious; subsidiary; favorite; powerful; gnarled; cynical; romantic; miraculous; tragic; nude; stalwart; whimsical; honorable; formidable; poetical; important; tremendous; fine; comely; worthy; ruddy; royal; unimportant; distinguished; sordid; strange-looking; shadowy; august; sympathetic


    conceal—; esteem—; honor—; introduce—; uncover—; —attracts; —awes; —enhances; —fosters; —graces; —impresses; —inspires; —overwhelms; —thrills

    (See individual, person, character.

    Personal adverbs

    intimately; pleasantly; graciously; undeniably; particularly; unusually; remarkably; highly; uncommonly; specifically; significantly; unpleasantly; definitely; emphatically; obviously; curiously; manifestly; evidently; cruelly; flatteringly; bitterly

    Personality adjectives

    vivid; perfect; tenuous; fascinating; self-determining; judicial; calumnious; melancholy; unreasonable; erratic; projected; winning; fictitious; operatic; strong; abounding; poetic; vital; charming; intuitive; forceful; robust; integrated; recognizable; eminent; endowed; imaginative; meditative; potent; intense; aggressive; unimpaired;

    distinct; agreeable; austere; vigorous; delightful; sinister; conscious; dignified; courteous; general; amiable; unfettered; exciting; dual; sure-fire; predominating; dramatic; arresting; exquisite; variegated; inward; unlicensed; curious; intense; embarrassed; aloof; conspicuous; dominant; big; vibrant; dynamic; powerful; attractive; winning; glowing; composite; serene; underlying; ostensible; unique; thorough; childlike; miserable; wholesome; firm; definite; recurrent


    absorb in—; build—; destroy—; develop—; disintegrate—; distort—; divest of—; electrify—; enhance—; enrich—; evolve—; lack —; radiate—; relapse into—; shed—; stamp —; stimulate—; submerge—; veil—; vitalize—; warp—; —matures; —s merge; — splits

    (See character, individuality, ego.)

    Personification adjectives

    restful; dumpy; shadowy; tremendous

    Personnel verbs

    alter—; charge—with; criticize—; enhance —; increase—; limit—; reduce—; retain—; superintend—; supervise—; train—; —assists; —inspects; —manages; —merits; — strikes; —votes

    (See staff, employees.)

    Perspective adjectives

    theatrical; artificial; monotonous; accurate; wide; historical; brilliant; scornful; infinite; dim; calm; true; enchanting; celestial; vast; soft; permanent; clear; interminable; deep; remarkable; boundless; artistic


    adjust—; broaden—; check—; clarify—; contemplate—; depend on—; develop—; gain—; influence—; lack—; maintain—; narrow—; reduce—; —assumes; —astonishes; —clears; —differs; —matures; —warps

    (See outlook, view, position.)

    Perspicacious adverbs

    unusually; keenly; shrewdly; uncommonly; highly; brilliantly; astutely; penetratingly; subtly; craftily; warily; cleverly; undeniably; uncommonly; sharply; sagaciously; wisely; quietly; observantly; gravely; signally; amazingly; marvellously

    Perspiration adjectives

    violent; perpetual; clammy; profuse; excessive; flabby; cold; healthy; copious; odorous


    bathe in—; check—; drench with—; effuse —; excrete—; exude—; induce—; promote —; —annoys; —beads; —breaks from; — dampens; —drains; —-escapes; —filters; — flows; —glistens; —gushes; —oozes; — purges; —reeks; —saturates; —streams from; —trickles

    (See sweat.)

    Perspire (v) adverbs

    profusely; perpetually; clammily; excessively; copiously; odorously; disgustingly; naus-eatingly

    (See sweat, discharge.)

    Persuade (v) adverbs

    readily; ultimately; tactfully; forcibly; vigorously; firmly; unobstructively; eloquently; argumentatively; soothingly

    (See convince, induce, urge.)

    Persuasion adjectives

    different; forcible; vigorous; firm; fanciful; deep; kind; parental; instinctive; womanly; melancholy; powerful; unobstructive; eloquent; persistent; argumentative; intimate; undoubting; kindly; soothing; demagogic


    advocate—; exercise—; possess—; rely upon —; resort to—; yield to—; —baits; —bewitches; —convinces; —entices; —forces; — impresses; —influences; —overcomes; — overwhelms; —seduces; —tames; strive for

    (See belief, influence )

    Persu A SITE adverbs

    smoothly; irresistibly; graciously; cordially; sternly; suavely; politely; overpoweringly; passionately; enthusiastically; ardently; overwhelmingly; subtly; insinuatingly; ingratiatingly; imperceptibly; forcibly; violently; loudly; crassly; disagreeably; pleasantly; completely



    saucily; prettily; roguishly; mischievously; brazenly; impudently; insufferably; suddenly; trickily; archly; wantonly; insolently; rudely; flippantly; frivolously; idly; badly; amazingly; daringly; naughtily; glibly; smartly

    PERTINACITY adjectives

    savage; playful; relentless; unprecedented; unwavering

    PERTINENT adverbs

    opportunely; advantageously; gravely; curiously; significantly; admirably; commendably; undeniably; profitably; happily; remarkably; unexpectedly; strikingly; helpfully; serviceably; usefully; fortunately; harmoniously; critically

    PERTURB (v) adverbs irritably; mentally; habitually; mutually; emotionally; superficially; impatiently; pathetically

    (See excite, disturb, agitate

    PERTURBATION adjectives irritable; curious; mental; observed; habitual; internal; planetary; mutual; past: lunar; evident

    ly; strangely; painfully; pathetically; gravely; seriously; helplessly; subtly; absurdly; momentarily; terribly

    PERUSAL adjectives candid; careful; calm; submissive; cool; studied

    PERUSE (v) adierbs

    studiously; exhaustively; intensely; candidly; calmly; coolly; professionally; determinedly; imaginatively; sympathetically

    (See read, scan.

    PERVADE (v) adverbs intimately; intensely; foully; insidiously; curiously; morbidly

    (See penetrate, pierce, affect.

    PERVASIVE adverbs strangely; utterly; offensively; unpleasantly; disagreeably; delightfully; agreeably; fragrantly; pleasantly; pungently; aromatically; alarmingly; dangerously; deliberately; ominously; suddenly; terribly; sweetly; nauseatingly; acridly

    PERVERSE adverbs

    obstinately; wilfully; stubbornly; intractably; ungovernably; sadly; dreadfully; doggedly; waywardly; wantonly; purposely; deliberately; captiously; capriciously; inexplicably; inscrutably; unexpectedly; uncommonly; malignantly; hatefully; spitefully; fearfully; irritatingly; vexatiously; viciously; mischievously; incorrigibly


    bear—; cool—; endure—J experience—; ferment—; inflict—; provoke—; shake with —; smart under—; wince in—; writhe in —; —chafes; —chokes; —enrages; —infects; —inflames; —jolts; —shakes

    (See excitement, emotion, disturbance.



    naturally; slightly; deeply; inwardly; secretly; obviously; visibly; incomprehensibly; shockingly; inordinately; extremely; curious

    PERVERSION adjectives

    horrible; abominable; monstrous; palpable; sexual; wilful


    practise—; resort to—; uncover—; unravel —; —abuses; —blemishes; —corrupts; — decimates; —defiles; —distorts; —impairs; —infects; —misdirects; —misleads; — poisons; —warps; —weakens; —misinterprets

    (See abuse, obscenity, corruption.


    elaborate; hidden; curious


    brave—; condemn—; endure—; inflict— upon; temper—; treat with—; yield to—; —aggrieves; —angers; —astonishes; — chafes; —checks; —inflames; —insults; — irks; —jars; —provokes; —resists

    (See obstinacy, stubbornness.)

    Pervert (v) adverbs

    odiously; horribly; abominably; monstrously; palpably; wilfully; sexually

    (See debase, falsify.)

    Pessimism adjectives

    sour; melancholy; polite; morbid; counterbalancing


    balance—; droop in—; infuse—; propagate —; remedy—; ridicule—; shake off—; warrant—; wilt under—; yield to—; —crushes; —dampens; —dashes; —dejects; —depresses; —despairs; —disconcerts; —disheartens; —preys upon; —prostrates; —reigns; —represses; —saddens; —shadows; — shrouds; —weighs upon; —withers

    (See hopelessness, cynicism.)

    Pessimist adjectives

    confirmed; polite; genial; deliberate


    desolate—; doom—; paralyze—; —clouds

    —doubts; —complains; —condemns; — cowers; —disconcerts; —disheartens; — flinches; —funks; —grumbles; —laments

    —poisons; —quails; —shies; —suspects

    Pessimistic adverbs

    incorrigibly; incurably; deliberately; apparently; stubbornly; obstinately; horribly; unaccountably; gloomily; moodily; mournfully; miserably; wretchedly; intolerably; disgustingly; woefully; pitiably; unreasonably; morbidly; superstitiously; absurdly; foolishly; ridiculously


    domestic; vicious; uninvited; injurious; destructive; lifelong


    chastise—; eradicate—; extirpate—; —annoys; —inflicts; —molests; —nettles; — offends; —piques; —plagues; —preys upon; —racks; —rankles; —riles (colloq.); — ruffles; —scourges; —torments; —tries; — vexes

    (See nuisance, disease, plague, insect, parasite.)

    Pestiferous adverbs

    intentionally; purposely; cantankerously; deliberately; wantonly; persistently; continually; unbearably; meanly; maliciously; venomously; woefully; wretchedly; miserably; curiously; strangely; intolerably; disgustingly; capriciously; naggingly; mischievously; trickily; annoyingly; oddly; wilfully

    Pestilence adjectives

    buoyant; great; hateful; occasional; infidel; life-poisoning; spreading; instinctive; infectious; tropical; air-borne


    breed—; confine—to; ease—; free from—; remedy—; succumb to—; suffer—; survive —; —abuses; —affects; —aggrieves; — breaks out; —devastates; —endures; —oppresses; —outrages; —pains; —prostrates; rages; —ravages; —swamps; —tramples; —victimizes

    (See contagion, disease, plague.)

    Pet verbs

    caress—; cater to—; cherish—; court—; cradle—; cuddle—; embrace—; favor—; fondle—; hug—; indulge—; maul—; pamper—; patronize—; praise—; serve—; spoil

    (See child, baby, kitten, puppy.)

    Petals adjectives

    beauteous; flaming; plumy; richly-tinted; smoldering; faded; rich; plucked-out; dusky; yielding; nipped; rained; gauzy; scriptured; drenched; drifting


    bag—; dry—; gather—; lacerate—; pluck —; press—; tear—; tint—; —adorn; — blanket; —cup; —drop; —open; —shower; —spread; —strew; —unfold; —wilt

    (See flower, plant, leaf.)

    Petition adjectives

    suitable; begging; respectful; vain; bare; urgent; signed; lengthy; eloquent, specific; unanswered; discarded


    address—; deny—; enter—; evoke—; file —; press—; repeat—; resort to—; seek in —; solicit—; ■—appeals to; —s beset; — demands; —pleads; —protests; —supplicates

    (See appeal, application, entreaty.)

    Petition (v) adverbs

    fruitlessly; legally; urgently; lengthily; eloquently; specifically; vainly; slavishly; humbly

    (See entreat, pray.)

    Petticoat adjectives

    balloon; kilted; elegant; lace-trimmed; braided; ankle-length; old-fashioned; billowy

    Pettiness adjectives

    ironical; quaint; usual; needless

    Pettish adverbs

    fretfully; peevishly; annoyingly; nervously; feverishly; childishly; jealously; impossibly; unbearably; intolerably; persistently; miserably; curiously; unwontedly; uncommonly; extremely; dreadfully; absurdly; impishly; wretchedly; forlornly

    Petty adverbs

    frivolously; meanly; insignificantly; ridiculously; contemptibly; miserably; absurdly; childishly; pitiably; curiously; singularly; particularly; extraordinarily; extremely; terribly

    Petulance adjectives

    charming; impatient; cowardly; pathetic; habitual; lasting; proud; angry; pouting; becoming

    Petulant adverbs

    unusually; abnormally; feverishly; nervously; hysterically; fretfully; wantonly; mischievously; crossly; captiouslyhabitually; naturally; strangely; oddly; intolerably; inexcusably; curiously; incorrigibly; disagreeably; unpleasantly; obnoxiously; hatefully; wistfully; whiningly

    Pew adjectives

    high-backed; respectable; dusty; uncomfortable; crowded; unused


    allocate—s; array in—s; commit to—; cram —; cushion—; direct to—; enter—; fill—; kneel in—; occupy—; perch in—; rent—; reserve—; scan from—

    (See place, seat, bench, compartment.)

    Phalanx adjectives

    martial; invincible; cunning

    Phantasies adjectives

    guilty; childish; unconscious; elaborate; horrid; weird; distempered

    Phantasy verbs

    coin—; concede—; conjure up—;* devise—; dream—; efface—; excogitate—; fabricate —; improvise—; invent—; picture—; strike —; suggest—; -^-crumbles; —delights; — deludes; —dissolves; —fades; —floats; — passes

    (See picture, vision, image, illusion, delusion.)

    Phantom adjectives

    sceptered; lurid; ghostly; formless; dismal; ugly; transparent; horrible; ignoble; glorious; charming; terrible; impudent; holy; melancholy; faithless, summer; granite

    pale; fair; cloudy; colossal; secular; recurring; august; prodigious; pleasurable; deceitful; monstrous; solemn; benignant; dark; simulated; majestic; midnight


    banish—; devise—; ogle at—; observe—; picture—; spy—; stare at—; —appears; — departs; —dissolves; —evaporates; —fades; —glares; —leers; —looms; —melts away; —passes; —retires; —vanishes

    (See apparition, ghost, vision.)

    Phase adjectives

    various (pl); intimate; personal; extreme; pioneering; ethical; sectional; curious; transitional; manifold (pl); subtle; intermediate; dramatic; conciliating; increasing; unavoidable; varying; unknown; disinterested; ever-changing; important; precise; enthusiastic; nascent; indispensable; interesting; vehement; exceptional; strenuous; submerged; characteristic; delicate; dreadful; periodic; gibbous; special; renewed; pathetic; romantic; significant; peculiar; diversified (pl)


    alter—; assume—; discover—; enjoy—; explore—; exhibit—; form—; interpret—; investigate—; labor through—; master—; pry into—; recognize—; restore—; shape—; undo—; view—; —determines; —melts; — passes; —shifts

    (See condition, state, aspect.)

    Pheasant verbs

    domesticate—; flush—; hunt—; —beats; — bellows; —bills; —challenges; —crows; — feigns; —flutters; —glides; —haunts; — jerks; —pants; —roves; —rumbles; — rustles; —scratches; —steals; —struts; — thumps; —thunders; —whirs

    (See fowl, bird.)

    Phenomena adjectives

    singular; neutral; visible; manifold; historical; sensible; mental; moral; capricious; multitudinous; brilliant; hypnotic; naked; ordinary; sundry; chromatic; scientific; degrading; spiritualistic; subjective; perplexing; interesting; bowling; entrancing; phonetic; characteristic; absurd; hopeful; remote; impressive; extraordinary; sublime; universal; curious; ambiguous; social; linguistic; transitory; remarkable; unprecedented; striking; continuing; nervous; natural; capital; disturbing; electrical; kindred; unrelated; sporadic; physical; rare; volcanic; analogous; ingenious; mysterious; poetical; psychic; ghastly; monstrous; psychasthenic; expressional

    Phenomenal adverbs

    amazingly; incredibly; strangely; oddly; unbelievably; curiously; particularly; extremely; extraordinarily; abnormally; inexplicably; surprisingly; indubitably; matchlessly; superhumanly; superbly; extravagantly; fantastically; grotesquely; magnificently; splendidly; brilliantly; unutterably; indescribably; mysteriously; strikingly

    Phenomenon verbs

    account for—; adduce—; aggravate—; belittle—; clarify—; elucidate—; exhibit—; explain—; exploit—; marvel at—; observe —; study—; stumble upon—; uncover—; view-—; witness—; —amazes; —deludes; —excites; —indicates; —interests; —proves

    (See sight, miracle, fact, event.)

    Philanthropic adverbs

    nobly; ostentatiously; sincerely; generously; admirably; commendably; unusually; notably; admittedly; consistently; dependably; lavishly; cordially; graciously; benignant-ly; magnanimously; broadmindedly; charitably; amiably; considerately; bounteously; altruistically; naturally; genuinely

    Philanthropist adjectives

    pretended; distinguished; irresponsible: long-headed; misguided; sundry (pl); disinterested; paralytic; generous; sanguine; supposed

    Philosopher adjectives

    pragmatic; classical; political; contemporary; quietistic; talkative; pompous; mystic; awe-stricken; physical; amiable; sour-grape; constitutional; disputative; logical; advanced; grave1 weary; deistic; famous; dramatic


    comprehend—; dispute—; —applies; —asserts; —assists; —concludes; —contemplates; —dreams; —guides; —idealizes; — instructs; —observes; —perceives; —perfects; —proves; —records; —regulates; — restores; —searches; —sp.-culates; —studies; —transcends

    (See idealist, naturalist, scientist.


    distinctly; notably; comfortably; consistently; brilliantly; wisely; soundly; serenely; imperturbably; calmly; quietly; sagaciously; comfortingly; gravely; temperately; coolly; thoughtfully; placidly; composedly; tranquilly; deeply; profoundly; intelligently; conspicuously; extraordinarily; consummately

    PHILOSOPHIZE (v) adverbs sardonically; eloquently; sagely; politically; pompously; .mystically; amiably; logically; gravely; ironically; fatalistically

    (See reason, predict.

    PHILOSOPHY adjectives

    inadequate; high; unruffled; healthful; stoical; occult; organized; clammy; comfortable; false; satisfactory; prudential; flippant; half-sportive; shameless; characteristic; educational; primitive; economic; synthetic; seductive; active; natural; fashionable; mental; terrible; positive; classical; calm; fruitful; natural; unoriginal; eclectic; speculative; fatalistic; cruel; worldly; mature; rude; democratic; sustaining; closewebbed; subtle; unprincipled; ruthless; flexible; pessimistic; reminiscent; archaic; seeming; mystical; stern; cynical; droll; lenient; enlightened; ancient; ultra-radical; social; growing; scholastic; coherent; ethnic; haughty; specious; obtrusive; selfcentered; intellectual; authentic


    air—; bespeak—; condemn—; cultivate—; dismiss—; dispense—; dress out—; elaborate—; embody—; emit—; enshrine—; epitomize—; evolve—; execute—; exemplify—; expound—; formulate—; frame—I imbue with—; indulge in—; oppose—; outline—; postulate—; quote—; rear on—; set forth—; shape—; share—; sift—; sum up—; voice —; —consoles; —edifies; —pervades

    (See ethics, modernism, psychology, knowledge, wisdom, thought.

    t              PHLEGMATIC

    adverbs apathetically; dully; temperamentally; naturally; habitually; constantly; irritatingly; impossibly; vexatiously; incredibly; strangely; curiously; racially; maddeningly; oddly; imperturbably; indifferently; stoically; impassively; heavily; coldly; callously; hopelessly; incurably; dreadfully; inexplicably; stolidly; stupidly

    PHOSPHORESCENT adverbs mysteriously; brilliantly; strangely; curiously; frightfully; unexpectedly; terrifyingly; iridescently; magically; conveniently; advantageously; alarmingly; weirdly; fantastically; grotesquely; evanescently; serviceably; magnificently; splendidly; luridly; glowingly; amazingly

    PHOTOGRAPH adjectives

    existing; cherished; superb; appropriate; candid; telescopic; luxurious; insouciant; instantaneous; mammoth; irrelevant; dramatic; large; clear; intimate; vivid; gripping; rare; distinctive; beautiful; portrait; brilliant; enlarged


    blur—; enlarge—; exhibit—; expose— frame—; illustrate with—; pose for—; re quest—; shade—; shadow—; snap—; super impose on—; tint— —depicts; —fades; pleases; —reflects

    (See illustration, sketch, portrait.


    patronize—; shield from—; train—; —arranges; —s cluster about; —decorates; — drapes; —endeavors; —exposes; —focuses; —operates; —practises; —rejects; —selects; —shades; —shadows; —snaps; —solicits; — tints; —views

    (See artist.

    Photography ad jectives

    professional; instantaneous; distinguished


    apply—; dabble in—; practise—; study—; utilize in—; —advances; —aids; —attracts; —awes; —captures; —impresses; —improves; —prints; —progresses

    (See science, art.)

    Photoplay adjectives

    swift-moving; hilarious; serious

    Phrase adjectives

    witty; explicit; ill; fantastic; tragic; poisonous; pompous; exclamatory; characteristic; vivid; musical; impressive; commanding; scriptural; glib; expressive; striking; occult; holiday; pedantic; appropriate; subtle; historic; cold; ringing; invariable; redoubled; banal; polished; recondite; learned; idiomatic; canting; studied; varying (pl); euphemistic; penetrative; useful; circuitous; handled; labored; judicial; modern; specific; introductory; depressed; hackneyed; catchy; authority-bearing; indispensable; superfluous; euphonious; overworked; courtly; sharp; isolated; sonorous; ingenious; allusive; convenient; homely; stereotyped; adulating; incoherent; perfect; sarcastic; technical; detached; silvery; obnoxious; ecstatic; metaphysical; vivid; familiar; poetic; poignant; grandiloquent; rabbinical; audacious; honeyed; theological; trivial; celebrated; sacred; pensive; plaintive; prolegomenous; empty; well-worn; suspicious; fanciful; eloquent; vibrant; comfortable; pungent; parliamentary; painful; vague; choice; polite; editorial; vile; swinish; ejaculatory; charming; dark; terrible; painted; inapplicable; high-sounding


    cling to—; create—; cull—; echo—; employ —; enunciate—; mouth—; omit—; pelt with —s; quibble over—; stumble over—; toss —s at; —enchants; —escapes; —falls upon; —haunts; —intrigues; —illustrates; —originates in; —scalds; —signifies; —springs from

    (See epithet, idiom, metaphor, idea, thought.)

    Phrase (v


    subtly; concretely; colloquially; tersely; poetically; redundantly; explicitly; fantastically; vividly; scripturally; glibly; appropriately; euphemistically; ingeniously; obnoxiously; technically; fancifully; pungent-ly; editorially

    (See style, express.)

    Phraseology adjectives

    accustomed; unhappy; diabolical; realistic; ordinary; commonplace

    Phrasing adjectives

    odd; Ciceronian; intelligent

    Physician adjectives

    reluctant; renowned; departing; conscientious; competent; helpful; sagacious; incredulous; understanding; distinguished; eminent; respectable; tolerable; observant; over-zealous; consecrated; conservative


    assist—; communicate with—; confer with —; confound—; consult—; inform—; —administers; —counsels; —decrees; —devotes to; —diagnoses; —examines; —guards; — prescribes; —pronounces; —recommends; —rules; —serves; —warns

    (See teacher, nurse, doctor.)

    Physiognomy adjectives

    unequivocal; faded; capacious

    Physique adjectives

    infinitesimal; ungraceful; delicate; insignificant


    admire—; approve—; cramp—; endanger —; enfeeble—; esteem—; harden—; improve—; mold—; praise—; reduce—; strain —; strengthen—; vivify—; —deteriorates; —sustains; —toughens

    (See constitution, body.)

    Pianist adjectives

    phenomenal; admirable; fascinating; sleepy


    grimy; little; tinkling; mechanical; grand; untuned; hideous


    attune to—; bang on—; beat—; caress—; finger—; instruct on—; perform on—; pound—; practice on—; scale—; strike—; strum on—; —deafens; —distracts; —enchants; —expresses; —peals; —rends; —resounds; —tinkles

    (See keyboard, harp, music, banjo.


    commit to—; enjoy—; festoon—; meet on —; overhang—; paint—; repose on—; rest on—; retire to—; screen—; shade—; —attracts; —cools; —delights; —refreshes; — spreads

    ( See pavilion, porch, courtyard.


    brandish—; drive—; dull—; implant—; inject—; plunge—; ram in—; twist—; wield —; —chips; —chops; —cleaves; —cracks; —disperses; —eliminates; —gashes; — hacks; —loosens; —minces; —pierces; — rips; —severs; —shatters; —splinters; — slits; —strikes; —sunders; —uproots; — wrenches

    (See hatchet, axe, knife, tool.

    PICK (v) adverbs hastily; painfully; captiously; contentiously; aimlessly; obediently; precariously; laboriously; cautiously; mercifully; argumentatively; democratically; shrewdly

    (See select, choose.

    PICNIC adjectives

    perpetual; prolonged; never-ending; impromptu

    PICTORIAL adverbs

    conveniently; serviceably; highly; beautifully; advantageously; profitably; usefully; altogether; intelligibly; graphically; effectively; entertainingly; amusingly; accurately; appropriately; suitably

    PICTURE adjectives naturalistic; consistent; coordinated; exaggerated; kaleidoscopic; flaming; ineloquent; amorous; portrait; furry; spectacular; muscular; alert; surreptitious; delicate; dazzl-ling; smiling; luminescent; casual; gay; authentic; elucidating; heavenly; amusing; handsome; paltry; striking; charming; improbable; tender; colored; ineffectual; vivid; conventional; scandalous; arresting; constant; wide; unchanged; forbidding; fascinating; living; veracious; touching; poetic; idyllic; affecting; ensemble; monotonous; pathetic; sacred; classical; religious; unrelated; tragic; philanthropic; dramatic: imaginary; lifeless; vitalized; tone; far-spreading; intimate; varied; dreary; unattractive; entrancing; ludicrous; truthful; well-painted; jumbled; provocative; lurid; moderate; radiant; dumb; black; horrible; finished; idealized; breathing; accurate; lively; grim; etched; mental; deplorable; incomparable; fresh; gilt; moving; notable; comprehensive; imposing; ghastly; emblematic; melancholy; crimson; degrading; allegorical; verbal; coherent; lovely; world-famous; unusual; illuminating; creamy; colorful; outstanding; nature;' marvelous; remarkable; alluring; suggestive; candid; contemporaneous; immortal; gloomy; delightful; fleeting; cloud; inimitable; priceless; resplendent; bright; stark; impressive; retinal; choice; instantan 'ous; incredible; unique; interesting; distinct; decorative; imaginary; blurred; depressing: rhetorical; crude; symmetrical; bewitching; hideous; commercial; glowing; realistic; ghostly; unforgettable; fantastic; penitentiary; composite; dreamy


    animate—; ban—; blur—; cherish—; clarify —; complicate—; conjure up—; convey—to; delineate—; digest—; distort—; dominate —; embellish—; evoke—; execute—; exhibit—; fade from—; fashion—; harmonize with—; intersperse with—s; mar—; obliterate—; relish—; reproduce—; shade—; shadow—; transmute—; —contrasts with; —depicts; —materializes; —reveals; —revolves around; —unfolds; focus upon—

    (See image, impression, film, canvas, illustration, masterpiece, drawing.

    Picture (v) adverbs

    vividly; authentically; artistically; brilliantly; faithfully; eloquently; effectually; scandalously; speculatively; fatalistically; ruthlessly; mystically; cynically; speciously; intellectually

    (See draw, sketch.)

    Picturesque adverbs

    highly; uncommonly; magnificently; splendidly; undeniably; wildly; unusually; brilliantly; delightfully; grotesquely; fancifully; fantastically; stupendously; immensely; graphically; singularly; uniquely; oddly; gorgeously; superbly; imposingly; resplendency; sublimely; incomparably; unsurpass-ably; indescribably; unutterably

    Pic T URESQ UENESS adjectives

    elaborate; undeniable; vivid; superficial; startling; professional; sublime

    Picturing adjectives

    dreamy; historical; sumptuous

    Piddling adverbs

    absurdly; trivially; vexatiously; idly; foolishly; insignificantly; inconsequentially; horribly; senselessly; stupidly; childishly; preposterously; nonsensically; wastefully; inexcusably; witlessly; ineptly

    Pie adjectives

    silken; leathery-looking; delicious; half-demolished; chattering; browned; fresh; tasty; luscious; steaming

    Pieces adjectives

    inanimate; charming; accessory; exhibition-istic; historical; isolated; perilous; truncated; distinctive; lush; suitable; fugitive; exquisite; impressive; singular; eloquent; dangerous; pendent; crooked; inferior; nimble; complicated; bizarre; honest; vivid; unexpected; ponderous; majestic; solemn; sordid; three-piled; imposing; curious; scientific; adventurous; shaped; bold; atrocious; complex; florid; pathetic; obvious; priceless; detached; merited; miscellaneous; miscreant; neglected; striking; conspicuous; abject; ignoble; deplorable; dilated; volatile; visionary; popular; choral; fruitful; prodigious; gorgeous; wanton; instrumental; floral; character; infernal; sour; heavylooking; grease-enveloped; first-rate; mere; abominable; delicate; dominating


    aggregate—; amass—; batter to—; cement —; clutch—; crack into—; crumble into—; crush to—; disintegrate into—; gather—; integrate—; mold—; portion—; smash to—; split into—; unite—; —constitute; —crash; —scatter

    (See chip, fragment.)

    Pier adjectives

    elaborate; compound; tropical; much-used


    anchor at—; buffet—; construct at—; dock at—; destroy—; enclose—; land at—; lash to—; miss—; moor to—; nuzzle into—; offer —; pound—; reserve—; spray—; wash aw'ay—; —extends; —projects; —protects; —stretches

    (See landing.)

    Pierce lv) adverbs

    effectually; fatally; mortally; accurately; deeply; ruthlessly; ferociously

    (See stab, bore.)

    Piercing adverbs

    sharply; keenly; acutely; discerningly; accusingly; unpleasantly; disagreeably; un-wontedly; incomparably; significantly; suddenly; painfully; uncomfortably; delibeiate-ly; astutely; craftily; cunningly; sagaciously; subtly; inescapably

    Piety adjectives

    deadened; intense; ingrained; filial; quaint; strait; fervent; practical; scrupulous; unaffected; idiotic; humble; punctual; consistent; tempered; intentional; parenthetical; systematic; individual; infant; celestial; instructed


    commend—; display—; exhibit—; favor—; feign—; influence—; instil—; laud—; practise—; prefer—; pretend—; protest—; re semble—; respect—; revere—; —cheers; — converts; —excels; —inspires; —shields

    (See holiness, patriotism, sanctity, kindness, virtue.

    PIG adjectives

    gaping; fastidious; enormous; impious; cadaverous; good-natured; kicking


    auction—; exhibit—; fatten—; graze—; market—; pen—; slaughter—; stable—; tend—; trough—; —gobbles up; —grunts; —hobbles out; —snorts; —squeals; — stumbles; —swarms; —wallows

    (See hog, cattle, cow, ox.

    PJGEON adjectives

    nimble; plumaged; monogamous; carrier; useful; homing; well-trained


    drive—s; capture—; market—s; net—s; tame—s; —broods; —consumes; —coos; —s darken; —darts; —s flock; —flushes; — flutters; —gluts; —incubates; —nestles; — strays

    (See bird.

    PIGGISH adverbs

    horribly; brazenly; crassly; grossly; openly; sadly; unashamedly; greedily; rapaciously; voraciously; noisily; terribly; unbelievably; boldly; hoydenishly; brutally; gluttonously; insatiably; selfishly; naturally; inherently; incorrigibly; inexpressibly; definitely

    PIG-HEADED adverbs immovably; stupidly; resolutely; implacably; obdurately; stolidly; incurably; inherently; naturally; temperamentally; obstinately; steadily; inexorably; senselessly; unreasonably; distinctly; unmistakably; cruelly; foolishly; absurdly; inanely; pertinaciously; contumaciously; truculently; offensively



    brilliant; bright; waterproof


    apply—; approve—; combine—; deposit—; employ—; infuse—; insert—; mix—with; secrete—; —blends; —colors; —constitutes; —enhances; —harmonizes; —imbues; — tinges; —tints

    (See paint, color.

    PILE adjectives

    smoldering; vast; honest; unaffected; scholarly; dignified; heter?geneous; monumental; towering; amorphous; sumptuous; colossal; rambling; immense; enormous; unintelligent; gigantic; blazing; aspiring; proud; gothic; voluptuous; chaotic; sunny; frothy; venerable; gloomy; wretched


    accumulate—; amass—; disperse—; erect—; heap—; knock down—; level—; mow down —; squash—; rummage through—; scatter —; spread—; strew—; upset—; —tipples; —totters; —towers; —tumbles; —wanes

    (See heap, fortune, money.

    PILE (v) adverbs methodically; indiscriminately; commercially; toweringly; heterogeneously; monumentally

    (See heap, accumulate.

    PILGRIM adjectives

    travel-weary; true-devoted; humble; adoring; devout; earnest; forlorn; fanatical; passionate; disconsolate; white-robed; ambulant

    PILGRIMAGE adjectives

    perilous; nightly; sentimental; mocking; annual; holy; poetical; earthly; reverential; earned; pious; connubial; stormy; unwilling; long-promised; useless; macabre; angry; weary; zealous; previous; peaceful; inspiring; maiden; amorous; enforced

    PILL adjectives

    gilded; bitter; curative; magic

    PILLAR adjectives

    lasting; well-deserving; fiery; shrinking; fluted; rocky; cloudy; tdwering; immovable; crossed; crowded; decapitated; beauteous; fantastic; shining; vine-clad; unconscious; tottering; petrified; glistening; massive; lone; huge; gigantic; lofty

    Pillory verbs

    condemn—; deserve—; expose on—; sentence to—; undergo—; whip on—; writhe on—; —agonizes; —disciplines; —enrages; —frightens; —inflicts; —pains; —rebukes

    —threatens; —tortures

    (See punishment, torture.

    Fillo IP adjectives

    pretty; fringed; skimpy; seaweed; hard; deaf; feverous; unsolaced'; dream-haunted; coal; nut-brown; sleepless; downy; humble; tossed; lacy; comforting; nightmared


    bury in—; grovel in—; heave—; knead—; mash—; prop up with—s; raise on—s; rearrange—; recline on—; relax on—; repose on—; sink into—; support on—; tarry on—; —comforts; —embeds; —envelops; —hushes; —lulls; —supports; —yields

    (See mattress, bed, cushion.

    Pilot adjectives

    desperate; sagacious; visiting; sublime; competent; wartime; licensed; lightning; skilled


    —communicates with; —conducts; —governs; —guides; —manages; —navigates; — occupies; —prescribes; —regulates; —• sounds; —steers; —weathers

    (See guide, helm.

    Pilot (i>) adverbs daringly; courageously; intrepidly; gallantly; desperately; sagaciously; competently

    (See direct, guide, steer.

    Pimples verbs

    break into—; dot with—; eradicate—; pinch —; salve—; squeeze—; treat—; —blotch; —bunch; —deface; —disfigure; —embarrass; —emboss; —mar; —speckle; — spread; —sprout; —swell; —undermine

    (See blemish.

    Pin verbs

    affix with—; attach with—; bristle with—s; jab with—; join with—; load with—s; locate—; mark with—; plant—; secure with —; tuck in with—; —barbs; —connects; — encloses; —fastens; —lodges; —penetrates

    —pricks; —scratches; —stabs; —unites

    (See bolt, hook, horn, needle, nail.

    Pin (v) adverbs

    securely; tidily; firmly; mercilessly; relentlessly

    (See fasten, fix.

    Pinch adjectives

    emphatic; warning; relishing; gentlemanly; record; consecutive (pl); imperial; hurting

    Pinch (adverbs approvingly; emphatically; warningly; playfully; facetiously; cruelly; spitefully; coyly

    (See squeeze, oppress.

    Pinched adverbs

    miserably; wretchedly; shamefully; woefully; pitiably; pitifully; sadly; haggardly; gauntly; embarrassingly; terribly; helplessly; unusually; unbelievably

    Pine adjectives

    tossing; pillared; mountain; unpolished; longing; runty; serried; lofty; scrubby; gnarled; wind-swept; odorous; immortal; venerable; swaying; gloomy; scattered; palpitating; vocal; dark; unwavering; parasol; scathed; legendary; rocking; storm-battered; pitchy; quick-growing; fragrant; pas- ' sionless; blackening; glimmering; glutinous


    hew—; house under—s; —arches; —exudes

    • — fans; —graces; —moans; —overspreads

    • — purrs; —rises; —shadows; —shelters; — sighs; —sings; —tips; —tosses; —towers

    • — waves ; —nods

    (See tree.

    Pine (v) adverbs miserably; secretly; homelessly; incessantly

    ceaselessly; tragically; woefully; morbidly. (See long, yearn.

    Pining adjectives

    endless; homeless; heartfelt; secret; lonely

    Pinion adjectives

    regal; outworn; borrowed; stooping; joyful; daring; downy; soft-tinted; lightning-braided; fearless; delighted; dusky; trembling; celestial; unimpeded; swanlike; silver; timorous; exultant

    Pink adjectives

    pearl; silver; sparkling; shell; salmon; rose; orchid; delicate; frothy; arresting; translucent; soft; raspberry; light; chalk; lavender; childish; gaudy; pathetic

    Pinnacle adjectives

    far-shadowing; massive; queer; eccentric; silent; lofty; lonely; snow-girt; mountainous; skyey


    achieve—; adorn—; ascend to—; attain—; descend from—; reach—; set on—; —caps; —crowns; —culminates; —juts; —ornaments; —projects; —rises; —supports

    —terminates; —tops; —towers

    (See tower, height, zenith, summit, peak, spire.

    Pioneer adjectives

    laboring; primal; rugged; celebrated; veritable; hardy; courageous; daring; undaunted; adventurous; venturous


    accoutre—; arm—; hark back to—; immortalize—; inure—; ridicule—; —blazes; —braves; —confronts; —conquers; —dares; —endures; —envisions; —equips; —faces; —foresees; —plods; —primes; —rigs

    (See colonist, explorer.

    Pioneer (v) adverbs

    daringly; loyally; laboriously; courageously; undauntedly; intrepidly; vainly; ruggedly; boisterously

    (See brave, defy, dare.

    Pious adverbs

    painfully; primly; sedately; priggishly; disgustingly; hypocritically; sincerely; truly; reverently; pharisaically; self-righteously; ostentatiously; suddenly; conveniently; judiciously; astutely; honestly; pretentiously; apparently; manifestly; evidently; strangely; unwontedly; habitually; temperamentally; keenly; remarkably; notably; distinctly; meekly; ardently; fervently; humbly; intensely

    Pipe (conduit, etc.) verbs attach—; block—; clog—; couple—; explore—; flow through—; insert—; join—; lay—; pass through—; pour into—; stream through—; weld—; —bursts; —carries off; —connects; —conveys; —discharges; —e-mits; —expands; —freezes

    (See hose, conduit, nozzle, duct, drains

    PIPE (general) adjectives

    light; short-stemmed; precious; fragrant; rustic; peace; malodorous; masculine-looking; amber; mellow; rich; ripe; giant; fluted; accursed; golden; affluent; seductive; earthen; pastoral; generous; lascivious; faithful; gleeful; smoke-blackened; organ; wide-stopped; foul

    Pipe (smoking) verbs

    addicted to—; clean—; crust—; draw on—; enjoy—; mislay—; mouth—; pack—; pocket —; scrape—; stuff—; suck on—; —cakes

    —cheers; —eases; —fumes; —glows; —mellows; —solaces; —soothes

    (See tobacco, cigar, cigarette.

    Piping adjectives

    mellow; sad; loud; mild; harmonious


    Piquancy adjectives

    peculiar; quaint; subtle; original; charming; becoming

    Piquant adverbs

    saucily; tartly; racily; gaily; charmingly; delightfully; amazingly; highly; entertainingly; interestingly ; sharply; pointedly; amusingly; uncommonly; fascinatingly; vigorously; incisively; impressively; pithily; curiously; smartly; distinctly; arrestingly; catchily

    Pique adjectives

    momentary; private; definite; petty; pouting

    verbs —abashes; —aggravates; —crushes; —disgraces; —enrages; —humbles; —humiliates; —irks; —irritates; —mortifies; —provokes; —rankles; —riles(colloq.) ; —ruffles; —stirs

    —strikes; —treads; —vexes; —wounds

    (See anger.

    Piracy adjectives

    governmental; undiscovered; intellectual; organized

    Pirate (v) adverbs

    ruthlessly; mercilessly; ferociously; dangerously; notoriously; openly

    (See rob, steal, plunder.

    Pirates adjectives

    ruthless; smiling; merciless; benevolent; ferocious; uncouth; notable; sanctimonious; wrangling; gallant; notorious; bloody; modern

    verbs execute—; punish—; resist—; —capture

    • • —chase; —conceal; —confiscate; —cruise

    • — dare;  —despoil;  —hang;  —murder

    —pillage; —ply; —plunder; —rove; - scour; —scuttle; —smuggle; —torture; —venture; —violate

    (See robber, criminal, highwayman.

    Pistol verbs

    arm with—; brandish—; click—; fear—; flourish—; impound—; load—; snatch—; —cracks; —discharges; —frightens; —kills; —pops; —reports; —rings out; —scares; —sounds; —spits fire; —threatens; —volleys; —wounds

    (See gun, machine-gun, musket.

    Pit adjectives

    fiery; bottomless; infernal; ghastly; fathomless; charnel; abysmal; enchanting; round; stupendous; blazing; murky; sepulchral


    bore—; burrow—; delve into—; drill—; excavate—; explore—; hollow out—; mine from—; pitch into—; plug—; plunge into—; scoop—; seal—; sound—; —gapes; —traps; —undermines; —yields

    (See hole, opening.

    Pitch adjectives

    extreme; creative; alarming; sharp; overstrained; heightened; uncommon; dolorous; breezy; seething; extraordinary; ruinous; varied; nervous

    Pitch (v) adverbs

    drunkenly; plaintively; alarmingly; seeth-ingly; nervously; craftily; professionally: unruffiedly; prodigiously; rashly

    (See hurl, toss, thiow.

    Pitcher (baseball) adjectives

    all-time; great; clever; smooth; easy-working; jerky; wary; unruffled; valuable; undependable; wild; nerveless; crafty


    bench—; relieve—;  —balks

    • * —hurls; —nips;   —retires

    —tightens; —toes  the slab

    —winds up; —zips; —burns

    —delivers; —fans

    (See player, athlete, fielder.

    Place adjectives

    friendly; delightful; homelike; ideal; comfortable; mournful; war-torn; shrineless; prosperous; logical; halting; unsanctified; tenable; rough; important; joyous; pathless; contrary; prominent; incompatible; rival; lonely; bearable; distinctive; important; dormant; well-chosen; unwholesome; strange; lofty; perilous; objectionable; vulnerable; conspicuous; exalted; native; dwelling;-outraged; burial; odd; gloomy; strategic; alleged; ruinous; nestling; shocking; enviable; supreme; sheltered; estimable; noisome; jubilant; wonted; blithe; permanent; wonderful; armed; mossy; foremost; straggling; appointed; seething; knotty; extensive; ancestral; ultimate; floral; popular; accustomed; nocturnal; resting; glorious; unexpected; breeding; venerable; ill-ventilated; foulsmelling; principal; flame-lit; despicable; craggy; prominent; amusing; waste; monastic; undisputed; unbelieving; desert; cozy; distinguished; suitable; subordinate; ill-omened; desolate; legitimate; unsearchable; important; dilapidated; beautiful; historic; pleasant; precarious; ineffable; slippery; well-ordered; tender; garish; big; ghostly; horrible; authentic; undisturbed; colonized; assigned; appropriate; unexpected; forsaken; special; free; easy; ostentatious; genial; fascinating; necessary; distinct; secondary; private; desecrated; hideous; flowery; cherished; noble; holy; definite; rightful; shallow; honorable; inaccessible; hackneyed; provisioned; customary; cheerless; dainty; humble; respective; sacredi; shady; sequestered; wretched; parasitic; urbanized; calculated; prominent; languorous; tenement; wondrous; commodious; enormous; typical; predicted; gorgeous; exclusive; considerable; leafy; dreadful; separated; churlish; melancholy; ticklish; impudent; worthy; doleful; far-off; possible; impassible; evident; fearsome; especial; accessible; depressing; horrid; out-of-the-way; green-watered; abiding; enchanted; well-assured; cheerless; retired; window-barred; unique; rude; benighted; equal; convenient; homely; adequate; sacred; remote; proper; tumbledown; miserable; strange; beautiful; subordinate; desired; envied; decided


    depart from—; disclose—; dislodge from—; empty—; enjoy—in; fall into—; hold'—; occupy—; relegate to—of; retain—; seek—; situate in—; snoop about—; transfer from —; usurp—; vacate—

    (See spot, room, locality, space, position, building, town, city.)

    Place (v) adverbs

    voluntarily; precisely; unwittingly; obligingly; publicly; unreservedly; poetically; honorably; superficially; temporarily; conspicuously; recklessly; judiciously; impulsively; impersonally; tenderly; logically; objectionably; vulnerably; exaltedly; depressingly; accessibly; uniquely; rudely; subordinately. (See establish, locate.

    Placid adverbs

    immovably; sweetly; generously; vexatious-ly; serenely; terribly; imperturbably; fortunately; singularly; particularly; habitually; temperamentally; coolly; resolutely; stoically; philosophically; demurely; submissively; sedately; icily; patiently; remarkably; unexpectedly; surprisingly

    Placidity adjectives

    spiritual; austere; frozen; eternal

    Plagiarism adjectives

    phenomenal; criminal; audacious; discovered; unintentional; obvious; deliberate; barefaced; bald


    accuse of—; resort to—; —apes; —borrows

    —emulates; —mirrors; —models; —parallels; —patterns; —poaches; —purloins; — simulates; —sponges; —steals

    (See theft, dishonesty.)

    Plague adjectives

    destroying; wasting; ordaining; abhorrent; prevalent; devastating; immedicable; grasshopper; noxious; virulent; noisome; vile; deadly; dreaded; remorseless; incurable


    conquer—; control—; disperse—; guard against—; inoculate against—; —breaks out; —creeps through; —decimates; —descends upon; —rages; —ravages; —slays; —swoops upon; —traverses; —wanes

    (See curse, contagion, disease, infection.

    PLAIN adjectives

    alluvial; dewy; pool-studded; olive-plumed; alluring; torrid; fluctuating; capacious; friendless; brown; sunburnt; smiling; vast; barren; central; abounding; twilight; pensive; mournful; sterile; murderous; ravaged; sunny; harvest-shining; upland; high; delightful; skirting; rugged; rocky; celestial; sandy; trackless; melancholy; comforting; circumfluous; featureless; wan; infernal; illimitable; stubborn; ravished; wide-streich-i.ig; idol-burdened; rainy; billowy; fertile; cultivated; extensive; terraced; pastoral; variegated; desolate; prostrate; half-dreary; semibarren; extensive; ethereal; tilted; elevated; semibarbaric; sun-di.ed; dusky; grassy; placid; cactus; happy; watered; ivory; verdurous; unsheltered; empty; tawny; shimmering; ringing; joyous; delicious; immitigable; flower-paved; smiling; sultry; horrible; boundless; grassless; treeless; lung; deep; sandy; wide; deluged; native; chequered; somber; iridescent; sun-blistered; moonlit; pensive; windswept; dazzling; fruitful; burning; ringing (pl); shadowed; immortal; horizon-bounded; stubble; dust-beclouded; undulating; extensive; cattle; classic; redolent; broad; dreary; narrow; soaring; temperate


    cultivate—; dwell in—; follow—; frequent —; inhabit—; level into—; overlook—; people—; roam—; scan—; till—; travel—; wander over—; —extends; —rolls; —stretches; —unfolds; —unrolls

    (See battlefield, valley, country, land, prairie.

    PLAIN adverbs                      (unadorned)

    emphatically; undeniably; pleasantly; hopelessly; significantly; severely; inartistically; monotonously; invariably; chastely; rigorously; unaffectedly; gracelessly; awkwardly; unfortunately; frightfully; hideously; curiously; singularly; horribly; forbiddingly

    adverbs                             (clear)

    delightfully; distinctly; graphically; singularly; curiously; brilliantly; obviously; admirably; conveniently; vividly; unmistakably; extraordinarily; commendably; unusually; extremely; ingeniously

    PLAINNESS adjecL >es

    rigorous; emphatic; dignified; studious; elaborate; becoming; neat

    PLAIN-SPOKEN adverbs

    fearlessly; bluntly; gruffly; courageously; embarrassingly; irritatingly; dangerously; unwisely; foolishly; senselessly; imprudently; indiscreetly; impoliticly; injudiciously; inexpediently; harshly; offensively; absurdly; ineptly; exasperatingly; awkwardly; harshly; ungraciously; extremely; uncommonly; amazingly; outrageously


    pathetic; doleful; somber; noisy


    breathe—; cease—; detect—; endure—; heave—; reiterate—; renew—; sob—; suppress—; throat—; utter—; whine—; — bursts; —distresses; —fades; —greets; — melts; —moves; —wearies

    (See cry, complaint.


    allot—; award to—; vest in—; —accuses; —alleges; —appeals; —asserts; —blames; —brands; —challenges; —charges; —contends; —claims; —demands; —denounces; —exacts; —implicates; —imputes; —lodges; —prevails; —reproaches; —waives

    (See defendant, lawyer.

    PLAINTIVE adverbs deeply; querulously; tearfully; whiningly; mutteringly; sorrowfully; exasperatingly; sadly; pitifully; endlessly; exceedingly; lamentably; superfluously; unduly; monotonously; obscurely

    ’                 PLAN

    adject™ es architectural; hazy; delectable; comprehensive; ill-contrived; parricidal; revolutionary; extempore; logical; homely; deferred; startling; intricate; makeshift; deliberate; concerted; showy; ambitious; feasible; cherished; immediate; tentative; denominational; trivial; careful; elaborate; insecure; sundry (pl); inscrutable; execrable; frugal; mercenary; eternal; complicated; primitive; frantic; oft-advanced; definite; extended; weird; detailed; welfare; harmonious; enthusiastic; proved; insurrectionary; simple; daring; grandiose; unproductive; long-concealed; tyrannical; far-trumpeted; solid; subtle; clean-cut; different; merchandising; unbelievable; profit-sharing; odd; cooperative; sensational; thrilling; guaranteed; confidential; startling; unusual; powerful; business; stimulating; certified; mail-order; exclusive; helpful; money-making; sales; new; easy; amazing; premium; business-building; selling; unique; coupon; original; complete; astounding; trade; starting; consistent; uttered; foolish; futile; extensive; complex; ultra-modern; vacation; treacherous; rational; intimate; exclusive; pensive; equitable; sagacious; low; time; payment; quixotic; indivisible; cohesive; philanthropic; meritorious; respective; apparent; eternal; widespread; treadmill; miscarried; nefarious; strict; consecutive; first-mentioned; coercive; expensive; melodramatic; best-laid; far-seeing; earnest; educational; strategic; standard; maternal; passioned


    abandon—; adopt—; advance—; analyze—; bolster—; broach—; buttress—; clarify—; concoct—; contemplate—; crystallize—; defeat—; design—; detail—; devise—; discard —; disclose—; divulge—; draft—; embark upon—; enact—; endorse—; engross in—; evolve—; expound—; foil—; formulate—; frame—; hatch out—; improvise—; inaugurate—; junk—; launch—; map out—; mull over—; obstruct—; pattern—on; promulgate —; propound—; ratify—; revamp—; reveal —; revise—; rout—; sidetrack—; snag—; sponsor—; submit—; terminate—; thwart —; upset—; veto—; withdraw—; —advocates; —s coincide; —crumbles; —embraces; —fizzles; —matures

    (See idea, itinerary, intention.

    PLAN (v) adverbs fantastically; subtly; magnificently; purposefully; zealously; methodically; tentatively; divinely; deliberately; meticulously; competently; cunningly; daintily; systematically; gloriously; architecturally; comprehensively; intricately; primitively; harmoniously; tyrannically; sensationally; confidentially; sagaciously; philanthropically; meritoriously; nefariously; strategically

    (See scheme, contrive.

    PLANE adjectives

    realistic; conversational; convex; experimental; inclined; reconnoitering; fast; luxurious; powerful; ascending; vertical; emerald; transport; swift; passenger; streamlined; metal; mail; tri-motored


    bail out of—; bank—; contact—; fuel—; hop (colloq.)—; license—; maroon—; navigate —; pilot—; throttle—; —bores up; —drones: —flashes over; —gleams; —gyrates; — swoops; —takes off; —taxies out; —twists; —whirs; —wings; —zooms

    (See aeroplane.

    PLANET adjectives

    leaden; populous; wheeling; sin-ridden; vexatious; bawdy; glorious; household; ill; sleepy; turbulent; beautious; virginal; glittering; bruised; influential; perturbed; riming; dead; many-mortalled; spinning; sunless; careering

    PLANK adjectives

    grimy; raw; rotting; sturdy; proposed;. political; fastened

    PLANNING adjectives adroit; unassuming; constructive; thoughtful; tedious; haphazard

    PLANT adjectives

    experimental; sapient; showy; microscopic; companionless; indigenous; temote; thorny; umbelliferous; greedy; naturalized; obstinate; efficient; marsh; vigorous; leguminous; set; aquatic; insectivorous; luxuriant; aromatic; hardy; celebrated; frost-nipped; reduction; wrinkled; branched; parasitic; intruding; stemless; yielding; ill-assorted (pl) ; infusorial; characteristic; ornamental; enchanting; liliaceous; baccate; happy; esculent; fragrant; nutritious; ignoble; inharmonious; succulent; rank; potted; sun-scorched; dwarf; gaudy; umbrageous; established; trailing; rubbed; redolent; long; water; drooping; wind-fertilized; herbaceous: exotic; native; neglected; curious; conventionalized; ballast; submerged; flowering; unsuccessful; ramshackle; precious


    cultivate—; develop—; hedge—; nurse—; perpetuate—; pollenize—; propagate—■; prune—; scatter —s; strangle—; tend—; trim—; uproot—; vitalize—; —bears; — branches; —droops; —emerges; —flourishes; —flowers; —goes dormant; —puts forth; —roots in; —shoots up; —sprouts; — thrives

    (See bulb, herb, ivy, flower, bud, vine, grass.

    PLANT (c) adverbs

    triumphantly; solidly; immovably; advantageously; indigenously; vigorously; aquat-ically; luxuriantly; characteristically; ornamentally; nutritiously; succulently; conventionally

    (See establish, set.

    PLANTATION adjectives flourishing; tidewater; well-managed; substantial-looking; communal; artistic; superabundant; rich

    PLANTER adjectives

    eccentric; remote; poverty-stricken; brusque; affluent; large-scale

    PLANTING adjectives

    permanent; spring; high-growing; experimental

    PLAQUE verbs

    border—; decorate—; exhibit—; figure—; hang—; inscribe "on—; insert—; polish—; preserve—; reburnish—; reveal—; study—; unveil—; —acclaims; —commemorates; — honors; —inspires; —ornaments; —shines

    (See metal, ornament.

    PLASH adjectives

    appalling; muffled; startled; noisy

    PLASTER adjectives

    pale-hued; sovereign; peeling; moldering


    apply—; bedaub with—; cast—; dab—; daub—; mix—; repair—; smear—; spread —; stir—; surface—; —adheres; —cements; —cracks; —crumbles; —crusts; —cures; — encases; —faces; —hardens; —overlays; — surfaces; —survives

    (See paste, paint, cement.

    PLATE adjectives

    special; deep; piping-hot; untouched; burdensome;- leaden; circular; photographic; burnished; rimless; elastic; lustrous


    arrange —s; chip—; cram—; lick—; load —; mar—; retrieve—; scour—; shatter—; stack —s; —crashes; —gleams; —9 harmonize; —rotates; —shatters; —shines

    (See dish, disk, platter.

    PLATEAU adjectives

    inhospitable; remote; rock-strewn; undulating; extensive; endless; bare; high


    ascend to—; cover—; culminate in—; form

    —; traverse—; view from-—; —awes; — extends; —fascinates; —inspires; —rises; — skirts; —stretches

    (See mountain, land, plain.

    PLATFORM adjectives

    movable;, desolate; aggressive; rampart; terraced; portico; splintered; mosque; skeletonized; party


    ascend to—; construct—; crowd—; declaim from—; design—; entertain from—; erect —; flit across—; gather ’round—; jam—; help up—; leap upon—; pace—; perform on —; reveal—; squat on—; straggle over—; —extends; —harbors; —projects; —protects; —rises; —shelters

    (See deck, stage, floor.

    Platitude adjectives

    pompous; sugared; old; theoretic; stale



    avoid —s; condemn—; excuse—; fall into —; hide under—; indulge in—; prate —s; take refuge in—; twaddle in—; —bores; — depresses; —dulls; —exasperates; —irks; — lulls; —tires; —vexes; —wearies

    (See proverb, maxim.

    Platonic adverbs

    coolly; strictly; altogether; supposedly; perhaps; utterly; amiably; studiously; sedately; thoughtfully; contemplatively; philosophically; calmly; tranquilly; stoically; soberly; demurely; presumably; dispassionately; disinterestedly; decorously; decently; honestly; virtuously; ridiculously; chastely

    Platonism adjectives

    delicate; refined* desirable; unsatisfactory

    Platter adjectives

    hideous.; huge; well-filled; curious


    arrange —s; garnish—; glean from—; load

    —; replenish—; stack —s; support—; — crashes; —gleams; —shatters; —sizzles

    (See dish, plate.

    Plaudits adjectives

    anticipated; derogatory; noisy; sincere; deserved

    Plausibility ad jectives solemn; delusive; remote; scant; minute


    admit—; allow—; bear out—; commend—; convince of—; demonstrate—; doubt—; gloss over—; harbor—; lend—; maintain—; mince—; overestimate—; plead—; warrant —; —defends; —enables; —reconciles

    (See sincerity, integrity.

    Plausible adverbs

    scarcely; altogether; extremely; manifestly; reasonably; highly; glibly; apparently; craftily; adroitly; pretentiously; remotely; deceptively; evasively; subtly; cleverly; remarkably; indisputably

    Play adjectives                          (general

    amorous; much-performed; immortal; informal; infant; unfair; melodramatic; morality; careless; idle; fitful; miracle; steady; dignified; devilish; painful; boisterous; prismatic; swift; touching; tempestuous; superficial; fantastic; foul; hampered; harmless; firing; delightful; blithe; imaginative; heedless; stately; heroic; illimitable; desperate; unmatched; prophetic; varying; vivid; frivolous; stodgy; unusual; freak; ceaseless; deft; interminable; tragic; somber; witless; ambitious; wretched; immoral; mutual; brawling; rousing; petty; thin; diplomatic; meaningless; jocund; contemporary; clever; dubious; radical; cut-and-thrust; clumsy; uncontrollable; well-arranged; rapid; supernatural

    Play (v) adverbs fervidly; cleverly; amorously; informally; boisterously; tempestuously; witlessly; blithely; frivolously; immorally; idly; brawling-ly; jocundly; clumsily; angelically; capriciously; fantastically; seductively; incomparably; demurely; caressingly; adroitly; recklessly; melodiously; diligently; exquisitely

    (See frolic, romp.

    Played-Out adverbs

    altogether; finally; pitiably; entirely; miserably; helplessiy; pathetically; needlessly; strangely; curiously; wretchedly; alarmingly; completely; undoubtedly; sincerely; utterly

    Player adjectives

    sturdy; accurate; wandering; steely-fingered; ardent; comprising; incompetent; impecunious; phenomenal; orchestral; strolling; professional; inspired; skilled; shrewd; nonchalant


    cast —s; cheer —s; encore—; “razz”—; recruit —s; spur •—s on; star—; subsidize —s; —amuses; —charms; —delights; — dramatizes; —emotes; —enacts; —endears; —entertains; —impresses; —magnetizes; — overacts; —portrays; —redeems; —rehearses; —supports

    (See athlete, actor, musician, etc.

    PLAYFUL adverbs

    rapturously; delightfully; teasingly; ecstatically; happily; amiably; annoyingly; sportively; friskily; amusingly; brightly; vivaciously; archly; coltishly^childishly; amazingly; frolicsomely; merrily

    PLAYFULNESS adjectives

    dignified; reverent; impetuous; elephantine; overburdened; half-serious; quizzical; ferocious; satirical; buoyant; effervescent

    PLAYGROUND adjectives

    endless; city; needed; crowded; well-equipped

    PLAYING adjectives

    unwitting; coloratura; brilliant; ingenious

    PLAYMATE adjectives

    sweet; desirable; agreeable; well-matched (pl); boisterous

    PLAYTHING adjectives broken; coarse; colored

    PLAY IF RIGHT verbs

    acclaim—; award to—; criticize—; honor —; laud—; recognize—; —caters to; —composes; —contributes; —creates; —designs; —dramatizes; —impresses; —formulates; — offers; —thrives

    (See dramatist, artist, writer, author.

    PLEA adjectives

    suggestive; eloquent; dastard; masterly; eternal; half-stifled; unmoral; impassioned; specious; irrational; pettifogging; ingenious; common; special; confederate


    address—; anticipate—; endorse—; file—; heed—; impair—; justify—; necessitate—; oppose—; press—, protest—; put aside—j respond to—; satisfy—; supp )rt—; witness —; —penetrates; —softens; —touches; — urges

    (See apol< gy, allegation, excuse, prayer.

    PLEAD (v) adverbs

    eloquently; persuasively; convincingly; vehemently; indignantly; ostensibly; earnestly; brokenly; meekly; despairingly; touchingly

    (See beg, entreat.

    PLEADING adjectives

    patient; fervent; humble; vain; disinterested; impassioned; guilty; incessant

    PLEASANT adverbs

    consistently; extremely; essentially; sweetly; gratifyingly; cour eously; placidly; gravely; unfailingly; graci.usly; smilingly; cordially; quietly; remarkably; ostentatiously; singularly; charmingly; genuinely; sincerely; unaffectedly; jocosely; whimsically; playfully; facetiously; delightfully; maturely; politely; waggishly; openly; heartily; humorously; scrupulously; enchantingly; engagingly; altogether; urbanely; obligingly; good-humoredly; fearlessly; furtively


    banter—; dally with—; enjoy—; exchange —; feast on—; perpetuate—; school in—; sport—; —cheer; —delight; —divert; — ease; —engage; —entertain; —impart; — solace; —titillate

    (See banter, jest.



    indigestible; familiar; humoristic; formal; uncouth; ill-timed; fluent; bland; coarse; colloquial

    Please (v) adverbs

    graciously; exceedingly; bewitchingly; inwardly; graciously; instinctively; aesthetically; fleetingly; sensuously; momentarily; blithely; grossly; legitimately; voluptuously; frankly; thriliingly; salaciously

    (See cheer, satisfy.)

    Pleased adverbs

    highly; graciously; exceedingly; momentarily; inordinately; frankly; openly; obviously; extremely; uncommonly; happily; proudly; ineffably; naturally; visibly; noticeably; marvellously; overwhelmingly; utterly; inexpressibly

    Pleasurable adverbs

    entirely; delightfully; hilariously; refreshingly; utterly; extremely; surprisingly; unexpectedly; strikingly; acceptably; measurably; moderately; actually; charmingly; splendidly; distinctly

    Pleasure adjectives

    childish; fleeting; wanton; fearful; personal; supreme; playful; sensual; distinct; extraordinary; faithless; uninterrupted; gross; noisy; birdlike; frank; exalted; sweet; un-instructive; cordial; wild; pensive; agonizing; domestic; private; glorious; cruel; profligate; darling; innocent; unnecessary; tranquillizing; worthy; quiet; infinite; dizzy; sportsmanlike; fantastic; firm; rife; stern; fashionable; youthful; illicit; deceiving; tasteless; sheer'; wingless; palling; malicious; guilty; multitudinous (pl); forbidden; grievous: untold; earth-born; selfish; peculiar; girlish; dangerous; melancholy; divine; delicate; ferocious; malignant; headlong; unrevealed; solid; unspeakable; tickling; strange; inoffensive; sensible; quickening; prodigious; infantile; warm; refined; gentle; glittering; curious; sweet; wincing; honest; personal; toiling; unmixed; eternal; giddy; voluptuous; indescribable; puerile; gracious; sensitive; unalloyed; unfeigned; mean; proud; exquisite; idle; profound; monotonous; joint; visible; vivid; scanty; unglorious; sincere; smoking; legitimate; pulsing; mischievous; frank; unabating; questionable; thrilling; frequent (pl); inexpressible; false; compensating; tenfold; primary; royal; grim; mysterious; proper; simple; hollow; luxurious; profound; petty; monotonous growing; delicious; dreadful; heartfelt; wholesome; unmeasured; persisting; perishing; agitating; secret; alluring; attendant; calm; celestial; varied; blithe; queer; perpetual; singular; base; harmless; avid; unearned; unreproved; infinite; intellectual; sunny; momentary; solemn; fiendish; mournful; unblinking; costless; kind; evident; prickling; bygone; faint; positive; piquant; sensuous; secondary; melancholy; ecstatic; vicious; malicious: macabre; unremembered; perverse; pure; alien; mere; silent; admirable; unadulterated; fermenting; unsubstantial; dissolute; intense; undisguised; natural


    addicted to—; afford—; bask in—; dampen —; derive—from; deprive of—; drink up—; enhance—; experience—; forego—; heighten —; indulge in—; partake of—; prolong—; pursue—; rejoice in—; relish—; resign—; sacrifice—; smile in—; squirm in—; taste —; weary of—

    (See gratification, happiness, gladness, delight, enjoyment.)

    Plebeian adverbs

    altogether; distinctly; unexpectedly; surprisingly; naturally; inevitably; terribly; pathetically; loudly; roughly; meanly; vexatiously; indecorously; unendurably; singularly; strangely; oddly; overwhelmingly; hopelessly

    Pledge adjectives

    sacred; temperance; tender; written; decided; solemn; terse; uncompromising; positive; eternal; uttered; indefinite; uncertain; reliable; unredeemed; noble


    accept—; administer—; contract—; enter into—; exact—; forfeit—; honor—; offer—; pawn—; redeem—; repudiate—: respect—; subscribe to—; undertake—; violate—; — assures; —binds; —commits; —guarantees; —secures; —ties; —warrants

    (See covenant, agreement, promise.)

    Pledge (v\ adverbs

    solemnly; mutually; enthusiastically; sacredly; tenderly; uncompromisingly; eternally; definitely; reliably; nobly; nominally; gallantly

    (See promise, assure.)

    Plentiful adverbs

    reasonably; unexpectedly; presumably; luxuriantly; scarcely; lavishly; abundantly; adequately; exuberantly; profusely; sufficiently; immeasurably; incalculably; providentially; mercifully; fortunately; luckily; opportunely; auspiciously; happily

    Plenty adjectives

    admired; wanton; boarded; wasted; unused


    bless with—; bristle with—; desire—; obtain —; produce—; reign in—; scatter—; shower —; swim in—; wallow in—; wish for—; —abounds; —flows; —teems

    (See abundance, affluence.)

    Pliable adverbs

    conveniently; opportunely; reasonably; extremely; scarcely; fortunately; luckily; hardly; somewhat; adaptably; suitably; easily; advantageously; comfortably; readily; usefully; measurably; moderately; adequately; remarkably; marvellously; uncommonly

    Plight adjectives

    lamentable; forsaken; sorry; ill; admirable; evil; pathetic; patient; chronic; grievous; shameful; pitiable; dolorous; sad; doleful; sorrowful; unfortunate


    betray—; exploit—; favor—; foster—; muse on—; reduce to—; swear to—; vow to—; — alarms; —assures; —binds; —contracts; —depresses; —guarantees; —puzzles; — secures; —shocks

    (See condition, predicament, state.)

    Plod adjectives

    painful; prosaic; barefoot

    Plod (v\ adverbs

    contentedly; monotonously; wearily; tirelessly; mechanically; ceaselessly; prosaically; steadily; dejectedly; stupidly

    (See tramp, trudge.)

    Plodding adverbs

    patiently; insistently; steadily; doggedly; stubbornly; stolidly; uncomplainingly; laboriously; resolutely; determinedly; admirably; commendably; hopefully; resignedly; firmly; staunchly; unwaveringly; tenaciously; perseveringly; undauntedly; unswervingly; courageously

    PLOT adjectives

    exaggerated; formidable; comprehensive; dramatic; sandy; insidious; tyrannical; thin; thickening; naughty; grassy; murderous; lurid; audacious; inhuman; marshy; detestable; ill-omened; unfrequented; complicated; daisied; infernal; precious; horrible; pretty; fertile; neglected


    abet—; concoct—; construct—; cook up (colloq.)—; crush—; disclose—; entangle—; fancy—; found—on; frill—; garnish—; get wind of—; harmonize—; hatch—; implicate —; invent—; nip—; plunge into—; resolve —; spring—; summarize—: unmask—; weave—; —derives from; —generates; — smacks of

    (See argument, intrigue, conspiracy.)

    Plot (v) adverbs

    devilishly; maliciously; grimly; infernally; diabolically; formidably; insidiously; tyrannically; audaciously; inhumanly; detestably; perniciously; traitorously; seditiously

    (See scheme, machinate.)

    Plotter verbs

    exile—; uncover—; —circumvents; —concocts; —contrives; —designs; —devises; — frames; —hatches; —intrigues; —manoeuvres; —overreaches; —schemes; —stoops; — undermines; —snatches

    (See conspirator.)

    Plough (v) adverbs

    extensively; seasonally; laboriously; deeply; annually

    (See dig, labor.)

    Plover adjectives

    graceful; scudding; snowy-winged

    Plow adjectives

    flying; sulky; useful; ancient; improved


    employ—; equip with—; —bites; —breaks

    —cuts; —delves; —digs; —furrows; — grooves; —intrudes; —loosens; —prepares; —uncovers; —wedges; —weeds

    Pluck adjectives

    invincible; gallant; amazing; redoubtable; unusual; gigantic; great; noticeable

    Pluck (v) adverbs

    petulantly; surreptitiously; courageously; agitatedly; idiotically; industriously; thievishly; haphazardly

    (See pick, pull.)

    Plucky adverbs

    unbelievably; unusually; resolutely; naturally; inherently; habitually; remarkably; marvellously; uncommonly; amazingly; courageously; recklessly; determinedly; gallantly; valiantly; intrepidly; undauntedly; stoutly; manfully; tenaciously; indomitably

    Plug verbs

    cram—into; drive—into; ins.ert—; remove —; tap—; —bars; —blocks; —chokes; — dams; —obstructs; —prevents; —resists

    —seals; —stuffs; —traps

    (See stopper.)

    Plug (<•) adverbs

    tightly; effectually; firmly; completely

    wholly; satisfactorily; efficiently

    (See plod, work.)

    Plumage adjectives

    splendid; fantastic; rich-colored; peculiar; rustling; lacy; glossy; entrancing; iridescent; black; glistening; glittering; ribboned; rosy; light; fluttersome; brilliant; demure; unmatchable


    adjust—; admire—; bear—; bunch—; display—; preen—; prime—; ruffle—; rumple —; smooth—; —-‘adorns; —bedecks; —decorates; —embellishes; —glitters; —nods; —ornaments ; —tufts

    (See mane, feather.)

    Plumbing verbs

    approve—; condemn—; criticize—; demolish—; displaj'—; examine—; improve—; install—; lack—; modernize—; renovate—; repair—; sanction—; tear—down; wrench —apart; —sanitizes

    (See pipe.)

    Plume adjectives

    idle; stooping; dancing; waving; funeral; fantastic; sunny; bronze; striped; straining; advanced; rustling; sable; fancy; shining; magnificent; gay; dripping; resinous; fiery; snowy; graceful; shaken; tossing

    Plump adverbs

    delightfully; desirably; commendably; terribly; pleasantly; admirably; childishly; overly; unhappily; chubbily; stalwrartly; strappingly; thumpingly; extraordinarily; remarkably; charmingly; daintily; rosily; exquisitely; pleasingly

    Plumpness adjectives

    appreciable; unwanted; stodgy; awkward; pleasant

    Plunder adjectives

    nefarious; hideous; indiscriminate; winged; licentious; accumulated; plentiful; barbarous; piratical


    abstain from—; abhor—; acquire—; bag—; commit—; conceal—; convey—; locate—; seize—; share—; smuggle—; submit to—; transfer—; uncover—; —despoils; —ravages ; —strips

    (See bribery, loot.)

    Plunder (v) adverbs

    rapaciously; flagrantly; nefariously; hide ously; indiscriminately; barbarously; pirat-ically; lustfully; dictatorially

    (See rob, steal.

    Plunge adjectives occasional; desperate; constant (pl); useless; despised; sounding

    Plunge (v) adverbs rashly; daringly; heavily; wildly; impetuously; determinedly; fiercely; violently; desperately

    (See dive, fall, drop.

    Pluralist adjectives splendid; blatant; unblushing

    Plurality verbs

    abandon—; amass—; attract—; attribute— to; elect by—; pile up—; question—; require —; secure—; seek—; solicit—;’ stem—; — chooses; —decides; —determines; —expresses; —follows; —judges; —patronizes

    (See vote, majority, multitude.

    Plush adjectives moth-eaten; restful

    Ply (v) adverbs

    industriously; constantly; intermittently; diligently; vigorously; ambitiously; unwearied-ly; indefatigably

    (See work, apply.

    Pocket adjectives

    greedy; sagging; redundant; ragged; attenuated; hidebound; closed; warm; well-filled


    accumulate in—; button—; charge—with; conceal in—; deposit in—; dig in—; dislodge from—; draw from—; extract from —; fumble in—; grope in—; joggle in—; line—s; quarter in—; tuck in—; —bulges; —jingles; —swells

    (See basket, reservoir, hold.

    Pod verbs

    bruise—; crack—; empty—; split—; — binds; —conceals; —defends; —discloses; —encases; —encloses; —enfolds; —faces; —guards; —preserves; —protects

    (See cover.

    Poem adjectives

    poisonous; excellent; patriotic; fantastic; tiny; ancient; typical; conventional; dramatic; simple; mystical; admirable; sentimental; immortal; negligible; genealogical; centenary; lyrical; remarkable; non-dram-atic; epic; licentious; heroic; narrative; noble; painful; artificial; humorous; divine; devotional; unified; pastoral; deeply-felt; rare; imperishable; elegiac; Homeric; abiding; commemorative; mere; quizzical; contemplative; puerile; didactic; striking; elegant; personal; impressive; brief; historical; unequal; elevated; preposterous; faulty; primitive; laudatory; symphonic; curious; insipid; amatory; soulless; philosophical; dainty; unpopular; psychological


    acclaim—; appreciate—; chorus—; create —; evolve—; peruse—; rewrite—; work into—; —amuses; —appeals; —commemorates; —conveys; —depicts; —diverts; — echoes; —expresses; —flows; —inspires; — invokes; —rings; —romances; —sings; — transfuses; —voices

    (See poetry, hymn, ballad, incantation, ditty, epigram, romance, sonnet, dirge, ballad.)                                       

    Poesy adjectives

    perennial; heaven-bred; inspired

    Poet verbs

    acclaim—; appreciate—; award to—; chide —; criticize—; immortalize—; interpret—; laud—; quote—«; recognize—; —beautifies; —builds; —chants; —commemorates; — composes; —contributes; —designs; —eternizes; —experiences; —expresses; —impresses; —laments; —oilers; —redeems; — rimes; —scans; —sings; —teaches; — thrives; —versifies

    (See author, artist, creator, idealist, novelist.

    Poetic adverbs

    distinctly; delightfully; musically; rhythmically; deeply; melodiously; abstrusely; notably; sublimely; pleasantly; exquisitely; ingeniously; unexpectedly; truly; eloquently; vigorously; passionately; glowingly; impressively; fancifully

    Poetry adjectives

    pastoral; clear; academic; allegorical; visionary; smooth; respectable; lyrical; essential; faulty; satirical; joyful; dramatic; descriptive; subservient; romantic; charlatan; tragic; epic; devotional; delicate; meditative; riotous; spiritual; imaginative; impassioned; bewildering; elder; tender; high-mannered; dreamy; austere; barbarous; glorious; mournful; vague; original


    conceive—; cultivate—; deliver—; like—; interpret—; mold—; resort to—; toy with —; —charms; —conveys; —delights; — eases; —elevates; —enchants; —endures; —flourishes; —humanizes; —inspires: — narrates; —reflects; —reveals; —softens; — soothes; —springs from

    (See literature, poem, story, sonnet, etc.)

    Poets adjectives

    derivative; lofty; erotic; impecunious; contemporary; Ionian; notable; capricious; romantic; quick-conceiving; prominent; sublime; spontaneous; true; subtle; worthy; distinguished; satirical; celebrated; philosophical; tragic; well-known; spasmodic; scurrilous; ecclesiastical; saturnine; laureled; descriptive; sensitive; earnest; prattling; exquisite; synthetic; budding; specific; denominated; authentic; secular; pining; humorous; amorous; lyrical; peasant; ingenious; heathen; isolated; playful; religious; illustrious; mature; esteemed; vernacular; psychic; classical

    Poignant adverbs

    intensely; sharply; singularly; curiously; strangely; inscrutably; unexpectedly; apparently; manifestly; painfully; smartly; remarkably; strikingly; unbearably; trenchantly; vividly; suddenly

    Point (feature, issue, question, etc.) verbs

    admit—; allow—; attend to—; carry—; concede—; debate—; dispose of—; dodge—; drive home—; dwell on—; emphasize—; grant—; illustrate—; interrogate—; labor —; miss—; pursue—; reinforce—; rule on —; settle—; stress—; sympathize on—; — illustrates; —s interlock

    (See angle, feature, issue.)

    Point (general} adjectives

    standard; essential; peevish; standing; transitional; original; sore; favorable; vulnerable; geographical; objective; delicate; varying; vindictive; fundamental; advantageous; knotty; statistical; luminous; trivial; weighty; crucial; rallying; superficial; physical; culminating; controverted; dazzling; desired; fiery; inconsiderable; sentimental: thorny; unsavory; noteworthy; narrow'; mooted; burning; converging; unguarded; significant; well-selected; worldly; practical; inhuman; chivalric; principal; systematic; pivotal; assailable; prominent; equinoctial; strategic; contrary; suggestive; radiant; favorable; slippery; salient; aesthetic; artistic; remote; material; corrective; designated; matrimonial; elevated; indecomposable; critical; exposed; statistical; disputed; changeless; home-coming; pathetic; conceded; preconceived; minute; projecting; crowning; bitter; unimportant; knotty; decisive; sandy; epigrammatic; rallying; preliminary; characteristic; supreme; saturation; absurd; terminal; contentious; dubious; heterodox; unendurable; stagnant; impressive; dangerous; intangible; inappreciable; restricted; cardinal; determinable; ludicrous; speculative; ample; technical ; yawning

    Point (v


    triumphantly; mysteriously; significantly

    timidly; conclusively; mournfully; excitedly; scornfully; directly; peevishly; ludicrously

    (See indicate, designate.)

    Pointed adverbs

    cruelly; barbarously; hatefully; bitterly; caustically; sarcastically; unmistakably; personally; meanly; maliciously; venomously; impolitely; viciously; intentionally; deliberately; rudely; roughly; ungraciously; bluntly; brusquely; dogmatically; significantly; curtly; crisply; sententiously; bitingly; incisively; impressively

    Pointless adverbs

    pitifully; feebly; inanely; fatuously; inconsequentially; insignificantly; monotonously; ponderously; banally; trivially; vaguely; flatly; insipidly; endlessly; foolishly; vacuously; ridiculously; intolerably; tiresomely; absurdly

    Poise adjectives

    calm; serene; contemplative; aristocratic; swerveless; exquisite; intellectual; aloof; physical; domineering; admirable; culminating; coquettish; calculating; mental; dangerous; sturdy; equal


    acquire—; admire—; affect—; attain—; envy—; exhibit—*; lack—; maintain—; practise—; recover—; regard with—; restore—; school in—; shatter—; value—; — assures; —conquers; —controls; —impresses; —polishes; —tones

    (See equilibrium, ease, balance, stability.)

    Poise (v) adverbs

    serenely; delicately; calmly; daringly; exquisitely; coquettishly; rashly; courageously; undauntedly

    (See balance, pose.)

    Poison adjectives

    bottom; virulent; simmering; consuming; offensive; infusing; unseasonable; vanquished; occidental; insidious; intoxicating; infidel; rank; putrefactive; deadly; corrosive; inorganic; delicious; innocuous; slow-working


    absorb—; antidote—; assimilate—; control —; counteract—; distil—; eliminate—; excrete—; exude—; impregnate with—; infect with—; inject—; neutralize—; reek with—; —accumulates; —circulates; —ravages

    (See germicide, venom, drug.)

    Poison (v) adverbs

    insidiously; murderously; premeditativcly; maliciously; organically; corrosively; intox-icatingly; basely; diabolically

    (See kill, murder.)

    Poisonous adverbs

    mildly; slightly; fatally; dangerously; mortally; alarmingly; seriously; dreadfully; noxiously; maliciously; venomously; viciously; pestilentially; curiously; unexpectedly; singularly; miserably; manifestly; obviously; invariably

    Poke (v) adverbs

    coyly; tantalizingly; brutally; warningly; cautiously; teasingly; facetiously; delicately; humorously; amorously

    (See thrust, excite.)

    Pole adjectives

    boreal; slender; curtained; terrestrial; resonant; telephone; splintered; austral

    Polemic adjectives

    staunch; commonplace; bitter; ruthless

    Police adjectives

    adequate; lynx-eyed; executive; ubiquitous; ornamental; interested; ineffective; rustic; ingenious; indignant


    commend—; detail—to; evade—; tangle with—; —accost; —apprehend; —clash; — corner; —escort; —espy; —intimidate; — patrol; —protect; —raid; —regulate; — scout; —trace; —track down; —trail; — trap; —warn

    (See detective, constable.)

    Policy adjectives

    obvious; parsimonious; aggressive; tyrannous; questionable; conservative; enlightened; peace; paltry; time-honored; ecclesiastical; dilatory; prudent; insidious; comprehensive; inconsistent; foreign; cherished; let-alone; well-defined; vacillating; broad; immediate; reasonable; ruinous; cruel; attractive; shameful; honorable; intricate; liberal; magnanimous; intriguing; devious; public; vicious; dissimulating; beneficent; straightforward; emancipation; subsequent; hostile; medium; prevailing; handsome; odious; maritime; ostensible; shortsighted; Fabian; relentless; habitual; abhorrent; allimportant; oppressive; unsound; studied; sound; earnest; logical; determined; rigid; dominant; alternate; consistent; strategic; uniform; alterant; unwavering; reactionary; evasive; effective; crafty; exclusive; kindred; taxing; fiscal; unadulterated; national; increasing; effective; committal; economic; constant


    abandon—; adhere to—; adjust—; adopt—; advance—; alter—; amend—; chart—; cling to—; defend—; define—; denounce—; dictate—; dominate—; draft—; effectuate—; embark on—; endorse—; enforce—; excoriate—; execute—; expound—; fashion—; forge—; formulate—; frame—; frown upon —; inaugurate—; initiate—; institute—; justify—; modify—; orient—; overhaul —ies; propound—; pursue—; reflect—; resolve—; reverse—; shape—; sponsor—; — embitters; —hinges on; —prevails; —wobbles

    (See principle, theory, course, prudence, procedure.)

    Polish adjectives

    patrician; massive; gleaming; sleek; high

    Polish (v


    painstakingly; superficially; vigorously; industriously; gleamingly; glitteringly; highly; splendidly

    (See rub, smooth.)

    Polished adverbs

    fashionably; smoothly; suavely; urbanely; socially; smugly; aristocratically; expertly; adroitly; graciously; extraordinarily; admirably; remarkably; incomparably; unsur-passably; matchlessly; splendidly; gorgeously; magnificently; brilliantly; conspicuously; arrogantly; delightfully; charmingly; commendably; elegantly; unctuously; blandly; gravely; affably; gallantly; ingratiatingly

    Polite adverbs

    dutifully; punctiliously; meticulously; particularly; excessively; deliberately; resolutely; determinedly; naturally; graciously; amiably; delightfully; properly; carefully; cautiously; nervously; awkwardly; clumsily; reluctantly; chivalrously; gallantly; ingratiatingly; suavely; smoothly; urbanely; unctuously; adroitly; formidably; scrupulously; ridiculously; absurdly; remarkably; courteously; obsequiously; affably

    Politeness adjectives

    exaggerated; veneered; formidable; pretty; unwavering; hollow; unwearying; determined; freezing; cold; ironical; oriental; indefatigable; grave; affected; insolent; oily; strained; scrupulous; refined; icy


    applaud—; breach—; conform to—; commend—; enjoy—; exhibit—; laud—; practise—; praise—; struggle with—; —appeals; —conciliates; —pleases; —polishes; —refines

    (See civility, courtesy, gallantry.)

    P0litic.1l adverbs

    artfully; shrewdly; strategically; craftily; subtly; obviously; manifestly; naturally; keenly; cleverly; necessarily; cunningly; deeply; profoundly; intriguingly; slyly; insidiously; astutely; adroitly; sensibly; judiciously; prudently; soberly; warily; watchfully; expediently; inveterately; wisely; cannily

    Politician adjectives

    practical; artful; budding; shrewd; designing; unguided; unfledged; malevolent; noisy; timorous; kid-gloved; cunning; ordinary; mechanical; vulgar; hoary; practical; cynical; peanut; conservative; corrupt; cheap; astute; impecunious; unprincipled; redoubtable; superficial; radical


    corrupt—; oust—; pay tribute to—; support —; —addresses; —administers; —conducts; —contrives; —controls; —directs; —governs; —manages; —orates; —orders; — panders to; —presides; —solicits; —steers

    (See boss, demagogue, legislator.)

    Politics adjectives

    contemporary; inculcating; domestic; fundamental; partisan; sentimental; crooked; fading; corrupt; practical; economic; financial; moral; befuddled; stormy; puzzled


    bury in—; dabble in—; delve in—; immerse in—; inveigh against—; meddle with—; muddle in—; participate in—; plunge into —; prostitute—; retire from—; shun—; steer clear of—; tangle with—; verse in—

    (See government, management, affairs, business.)

    Polity adjectives

    primitive; well-ordered

    Poll adjectives

    taxable; voting; straw; nation-wide

    Pollen adjectives

    wind-blown; insect-borne; widespread


    carry—; diffuse—; disperse—; disseminate —; dust with—; gather—; issue—; sensitize to—; shed—; sprinkle—; strew—; — drifts; —fertilizes; —germinates; —scatters; —seeds; —sows

    Polls verbs

    bribe at—; crowd—; entice to—; flock to—; guard—; herd to—; preside at—; rally to —; regulate—; station at—; swamp—; visit —; —protect; —register

    Polluted adverbs

    foully; utterly; slightly; poisonously; unnecessarily; infamously; noticeably; visibly; obviously; manifestly; evidently; mysteriously; criminally; dangerously; alarmingly; seriously; pestilentially; odiously; distressingly; illegally; horribly; abominably

    Pollution adjectives

    horrible; fat; moral; abhorrent; waterside


    befoul with—; complain of—; expose to—; labor under—; reproach for—; —brands; — corrupts; —defaces; —defiles; —degrades; —disgraces; —harms; —impairs; —infects; —mars; —offends; —overshadows; —pillages; —saps; —scathes; —shames; —stains; —sullies; —taints

    (See impurity, corruption.)

    Polygamy adjectives

    praiseworthy; desirable; indiscriminate


    Pomp adjectives

    painted; regal; mournful; cumbrous; long; worthless; warlike; stately; disposed; solitary; disproportionate; unprecedented; episcopal; vain; bloody; apparent; vulgar: embarrassing; infinite; dazzling; decorative; moving; papistical; liturgical; inimitable; long-drawn; despotic; bloodless; visionary; wonted; wind-blown; solemn; superfluous; contented


    affect—; display—; exhibit—; relax—; relish—; sacrifice to-5-; —attracts; —awes; — blazons; —dazzles; —flaunts; —glitters; — sparkles; —splashes; —wearies

    (See display, splendor, magnificence.)

    Pomposity adjectives

    affable; rollicking; attenuated; affected; bloated; unspeakable

    Pompous adverbs

    insufferably; ludicrously; self-righteously; absurdly; gorgeously; officiously; ridiculously; noisily; swaggeringly; affectedly; ostentatiously; blatantly; grandiloquently; splendidly; boastfully; showily; superbly; pettily; dramatically; spectacularly; remarkably; amazingly; drolly; comically; preposterously; crassly

    Pond adjectives

    steel-bright; misty; mill; midsummer; fowl; clear; circular; tranquil; darksome; shining; bottomless


    dabble in—; deposit in—; dive in—; fish in —; immerse in—; merge into—; plunge into—; wade in—; —accumulates; —beautifies;  —graces;  —laps; —ripples;

    sparkles; —washes

    (See lake, water, lagoon.)

    Ponder (v) adverbs

    silently; meditatively; sagely; monotonously; seriously; patiently; perplexedly; morbidly; moodily; closely; reverently; meekly; darkly; philosophically

    (See think, reflect, muse.)

    Ponderous adverbs

    seriously.; weightily; gravely; momentously; heavily; mightily; clumsily; awkwardly; impressively; crudely; formally; stiffly; stupidly; dully; flatly; tiresomely; monotonously; prosaically; intolerably; strangely; insipidly; pointlessly; singularly; incompar-* ably; inexpressibly

    Pontoon verbs

    attach—; employ—; equip with—; lower —; moor to—; travel on—; —buoys; —carries; —enables; —floats; —guards against; —holds; —indicates; —insures; —saves; — supports; —sustains

    (See bridge, boat.)

    Pony adjectives

    restless; thin; woebegone


    breed—ies; corral—ies; curry—; guide—; lash—; mount—; saddle—; tether—; tumble off—; —balks; —bolts; —canters; —capers; —paws; —prances; —shies; —trots; — whinnies

    (See horse, colt, mare.)

    Poodle adjectives

    wretched; shaved; frolicsome

    Pool adjectives

    rank; glistening; gloomy; palm-edged; stagnant; seething; sullen; slumbrous; slimy; motionless; mirrorlike; broad; willowy; glassy; tepid; rippling; little; whirling; pebbled; dreaming; malarial; shadowed; mottled; shining; iridescent; scintillating; deep; amber; limpid; quiet; flowing; silent; brimming; oblivious; placid; swirling; loathsome; polished; spacious; outdoor; wholesome; dimpled; indicated; narrow; foaming; transparent; reedy; fish; frog; frozen; smooth


    chlorinate—; construct—; crowd—; dip into —; drain—; house—; plunge into—; splash in—; wade in—; —delights; —glistens; — invites; —laps; —ripples; —shimmers; — simmers; —sparkles; —tempts; dive into—

    (See river, lake, pond.)

    Poor adjectives

    fancy; solitary; wily; nameless; neighboring; grateful; undeserving; unattended; shamefaced; neglected; sickly


    miserably; wretchedly; deplorably; lamentably; pitiably; pitifully; helplessly; hopelessly; strangely; amazingly; remarkably; terribly; incredibly; unfortunately; unhappily; uncommonly; unusually; embarrassingly; uncomfortably; horribly; desperately; awfully

    Pope verbs

    bow before—; consult—; defy—; support—; visit—; —addresses; —administers; —appeals to; —heads; —blesses; —controls; — governs; —interviews; —officiates; — orates; —prays; —reprimands; —sanctions; —secludes; —supplicates

    (See minister, king.)

    Poplar adjectives

    attendant; showery; huge; shuddering: feathery; towering

    Poppy adjectives

    foolish; scarier; bloody; flaming; crumpled


    Populace adjectives

    murmurous; giddy; barbarous; infuriated; squalid; malcontent; insolent; virtuous; excited; noisy; irritable


    amazingly; incredibly; deservedly; surprisingly; strikingly; particularly; incomparably; unexpectedly; undeniably; manifestly: obviously; definitely; distinctly; evidently: widely; personally; politically; professionally; unmistakably; uncommonly; highly; socially; locally

    Popularity adjectives

    contemporary; formidable; respectful; facile; ageless; world-wide; unbounded; amazing; tremendous; zooming; prewar; illogical; apparent; corresponding; increasing; glaring; undeniable; universal; widespread; fickle; assured; fading ;• undetermined


    achieve—; attain—; begrudge—; bolster—; hinder—; jeopardize—; reduce—; reinstate —; ride to—; risk—; soar to—; spring into—; suffer—; sweep into—; —declines; —recedes; —tumbles; —wanes

    (See fame, glory, greatness.)

    Populate (v) adverbs

    thickly; densely; teemingly; sparsely; tur-bulently; squalidly; swarmingly; homogeneously; animatedly; urbanly

    (See inhabit.)

    Population adjectives

    scattered; floating: indolent; communicative; teeming; wage-earning; bucolic; industrious; curious; inflammable; resident; indigenous; migratory; proper; crowded: ancient; coming; stunted; haggard; lifeless; varied; predatory; sparse; strenuous; adventurous; squalid; turbulent; rebellious; surplus; predominant; intractable; hostile; miserable; swarming; aboriginal; motley; much-slaughtered; abstemious; shifting; enormous; nomadic; supplicating; homogeneous; submissive; sufficient; voting; dense; warlike; sluggish; energetic; active; workless; rustic; animated; agricultural; urban


    control—; decimate—; harbor—; immunize —to; increase—; oppress—; scourge—; teem with—; —ascends; —decreases; —dwindles; —expands; —mounts

    (See masses, mankind.)


    uncommonly; definitely; distinctly; overly; congestedly; thickly; problematically; inconveniently; perplexingly; particularly; unpleasantly; unmanageably

    Porcelain adjectives

    unglazed; transparent; rare; imported


    bake—; cast—; decorate—; dip—; finish—; form—; glaze—; mold—; paint—; polish—; prize—; scour—; shape—; shatter—; smooth—; value—; —gleams; —graces; —shines

    (See china, crockery.)

    Porch adjectives

    vine-clad; spacious; sculptured; flowery; dripping; dingy; shrouded; glass-enclosed; jutting; rude; classic; shaded

    Porcupine verbs

    anger—; frighten—; —arches; —baffles

    • — bristles; —climbs; —clings; —defends

    • — erects; —inflicts; —preys on; —rattles; —rolls into a ball; —rushes; —scares off

    • — sticks; —w'ounds

    (See animal.)

    Pore (v) adverbs

    painfully; industriously; studiously; bookishly; academically; scholastically; ambitiously

    (See study, ponder.)

    Pores adjectives

    subtile; serried; drained-out; minute; clotted; stopped; non-functioning; enlarged; ugly; fine


    block—; choke—; cleanse—; clog—; contract—; enlarge—; escape from—; filter through—; flow from—; issue from—; obstruct—; penetrate—; plug—; purge—; —discharge; —effuse; —exude; —ooze; —open

    (See skin, hole, opening.)


    barbecue—; condemn—; cure—; devour—; dine on—; examine—; freeze—; garnish—; gobble up—; gnaw—; infect—; inspect—; nibble—; prepare—; putrefy—; relish—; roast—; salt—; sandwich—; serve—

    (See meat.)

    Porous adverbs

    unfortunately; unsalably; inconveniently; unluckily; objectionably; unserviceably

    advantageously; intentionally; purposely; curiously; singularly; manifestly; minutely; scientifically; plainly

    Port adjectives

    alluring; tropical; princely; delectable; centuried; heavenly; intervening; broadbrimmed; broad-armed; tranquil; convenient; favorite; neighboring; unfrequented; swaggering; blockaded; difficult; hostile; much-used

    Portable adverbs

    easily; readily; luckily; conveniently; completely; inexpensively; compactly; invisibly; inconspicuously; particularly; comfortably; lightly; handily; appropriately; serviceably; suitably; instantly

    Portals adjectives

    flashing; forbidden; frowning; mysterious; ancient; time-beaten; ruby-colored; massy; gorgeous; somber; subterranean; welcoming; subtle; outer-most; sparkling; gloomy; shadowy; oaken; statue-crowned; ogival; wrought; open; swinging, creaking


    block—; choke—; crash—; cross—; crowd

    —; enter—; file from—; filter through—; gain—; invite through—; issue from—; obstruct—; secure—; swarm about—; throw open—; —gape; —welcome; —yawn

    (See door, entrance.)

    Portendlv} adverbs

    gloomily; darkly; unfavorably; banefully; dolefully; evilly; stormily; symbolically; ominously; prophetically; direly

    (See foretell, predict.)


    unmistakable; vast; fiery; baneful; worse; doleful; evil


    disregard—; fear—; realize—; recognize—

    —depresses;   —disconcerts;   —disturbs

    • —frightens; —indicates; —looms; —oppresses; —promises; —perplexes; —puzzles

    • —shadows; —shrouds; —warns

    (See warning, meaning.)

    Portentous adverbs

    heavily; grievously; sadly; ominously; gravely; seriously; critically; imminently; unmistakably; direly; solemnly; oddly; significantly; particularly; oddly; dangerously; immensely; sorely; manifestly; frightfully; tremendously; alarmingly; dreadfully; momentously; deeply; profoundly; calamitously

    Porter adjectives

    suppliant; dark; drowsing; fat; oily; station; slovenly; obsequious; neat; industrious; heavily-laden

    Portico adjectives

    antique; classic; gaunt; unfinished; huge

    Portion adjectives

    dense; important; ascending; priceless; descending; prodigal; hearty; healthful; considerable; flourishing; prescribed; plenteous; energetic; edible; introductory; cascading; dim; minute; mobile; speculative; residual; petty; various (pl); regenerative; generous; chasm-like; valuable; untouched; inviting; vast; integral; tolerable; lofty; broad; compensated; dangerous; uncovered; equitable; unexplored; submerged; astonishing; large; continued; remote; silvery; disinterested; alloted; soluble; superficial; protruding; substantial; picturesque; fleshy


    allot—to; allow—; break into—s; carve into—s; deal—s; distribute-—s; divide

    into—s; dole out—s; integrate—s; mete out—s; sample—; share—; stint—; —appeases; —protrudes; —satiates

    (See share, inheritance, quota.

    PORTION (v) adverbs

    fairly; equitably; substantially; prodigally; magnanimously; arbitrarily

    ( See share, divide.

    PORTLY adverbs

    inexpressibly; unhappily; incredibly; incurably; laugnably; lamentably; comfortably; contentedly; distressingly; absurdly; ridiculously; ludicrously; sadly; joyously; dangerously; heavily; funnily; complacently; com-plainingly; mournfully; dramatically; pathetically; shapelessly; waddlingly

    PORTRAIT adjectives undisputed; ancestral; unfavorable; satirical; penned; unequaled; poetical; gallery: posthumous; deathlike; faded; dark; coarse; staring; notable; vivid; authentic; mezzotint; sharp; vulgar; inimitable; somber-toned; characteristic; spirited; initial; pathetic; unlifelike; gloomy; brilliant; vigorous; distinct; demure; alluring; late; realistic; whole-length; somber; painstaking; delectable; carnationed; rubicund; hard-favored; accurate; sympathetic; untouched

    verbs admire—; adumbrate—; delineate—; detail—; display—; dress up—; embellish—; hang—; obscure—; pose for—; prepare—; shade—; shadow—; sit for—; sketch—; unveil—; —adheres to; —copies; —depicts; illustrates

    (See masterpiece, painting, picture.

    PORTRAITURE adjectives idealized; truthful; moral; rigid

    PORTRAY tv} adverbs magnificently; graphically; vigorously; ironically; accurately; vividly; objectively; nebulously; sharply; pathetically; alluringly; realistically; somberly; sympathetically; poetically

    (See picture, paint.

    PORTRAYAL adjectives

    truthful; sympathetic; single-scene; heartwarming; objective; realistic; ethical; ever-fresh


    achieve—; applaud—; commend—; criticize—; detail—; draw—; enjoy—; practise—; rehearse—; render—; review—; —characterizes; —delights; —depicts; —describes; —relates; —recounts; —unfolds

    (See description, portrait.

    POSE adjectives

    quiet; easy; dignified; habitual; theatrical; traditional; professional; unmistakable; ridiculous; deliberate; conventional; individual; classic; charming; hieratic; autocratic; swan-like; lordly; stiff; heroic; ultimate; hereditary; effective; obsequious; countless (pl)


    affect—; animate—; assume—; carve—; cast—; fashion—; hold—; imitate—; maintain—; overdo—; regard—; ridicule—; shape—; strike—; —appeals; —attitudinizes; —caricaturizes; —characterizes; —copies; —impresses

    (See attitude, posture.

    POSE (v) adverbs

    professionally; importantly; strikingly; stat-uesquely; dignifiedly; ridiculously; deliberately; classically; autocratically; heroically; obsequiously

    (See balance, poise.

    POSITION adjectives

    absurd; admirable; advantageous; alphabetical; altered; ambiguous; amiable; angular; anomalous; arduous; anonymous; argumentative; artistic; aristocratic; asinine; attributive; awkward; belligerent; brilliant; broad; choice; commanding; compensating; conducive; competitive; conspicuous; consular; contrasting; coveted; creditable; defensive; cramped; crouching, dangerous; definite; degraded; delicate; deplorable; dependent; desirable; desperate; despondent; desultory; detestable; dignified; different; disagreeable; dreadful; dominant; ecclesiastical; elevated; embarrassing; eminent; enviable; envious; erroneous; essen

    tial; exalted; exasperating; executive; exposed; extraordinary; fatiguing; fiscal; formidable; fortified, genial; geographical; grand; gratifying; grotesque; handy; hardy; hated; homeless; honorable; idiotic; ignominious; illustrious; imperial; important; impoverished; impregnable; inartistic; insignificant; indefensible; insular; intact; intellectual; interesting; intermediate: irksome; irretrievable; isolated; legal; lucrative; literaiy; lofty; long-continued; lower; luxurious; masked; mercurial; military; modest; natural-minded; obscure; oceanic; odious; official; opposite; painful; peculiar; perilous; permanent; perplexing; picturesque; pivotal; poised; precarious; precise; premier; prominent; reclining; recognized; reconnoitered; recumbent; relative; relaxed; remarkable; resolute; respectable; responsible; risky; retired; secluded; semi-reclinirig; serious; shifting; social; solid; stationary; sophisticated: static; strained; strong; strategic; subordinate; subservient; substantial; superfluous; supreme; tedious; technical; tenable; theological; theoretical; thoughtful; threatening; transitional; unambitious; unassailable; uncivil; uncomfortable: unconscious; unendurable; undistinguishable; unequivocal; unfashionable; unfavorable; unique; unlovely; unquestioned; unrivaled; unsupported; unstable; untenable; unworthy; virulent; weak; wicked; worldly; ' worth-while; wretched


    acquire—; alter—; aspire to—; challenge—; check—; clarify—; complicate—; compromise—; consolidate—; damage—; defend—; demote—; dignify—; elevate to—; indicate—; jeopardize—; jockey for—; justify—; maintain—; maneuvre for—; regain —; reiterate—: restore—; resume—; retain—; shift—; solidify—; struggle for—; surrender—; survey—; usurp—; wrest — from; —attracts; —reimburses

    (See job, situation, rank, status.)

    Positive adverbs

    disagreeably; aggressively; boldly; emphatically; truculently; extravagantly; insolently; audaciously; arrogantly; offensively; blandly; calmly; confidently; astoundingly; monstrously; preposterously; rashly; blatantly

    Possess (v) adverbs

    legally; intellectually; incontestably; legitimately; intrinsically; originally; potentially; proudly; territorially; undisputedly; conclusively; hereditarily; tranquilly; hazardously; uniquely; enduringly; formally; nominally

    (See own, occupy.)

    Possessions adjectives

    forcible; territorial; illegal; undisturbed; valuable; new; substantial; colonial; uncontrolled; priceless; exclusive; peaceful; dear; steady; imperishable; complete; undisputed; insolent; miserable; calm; vast; limited; overbearing; humble; prized; conclusive; hereditary; earthly; distant; cool; unassisted; narrow; tranquil; cherished; profitable; unquestioned; rightful; kindred; hazardous; naive; small; unique; scenic; remarkable; defiling; precious; enduring; formal; comparative; demoniacal; masterly; favored


    accrue—; auction off—; command—; cull— enjoy—; entangle—; estimate—; expand— forfeit—; gain—; gather—; harbor—; in herit—; liquidate—; mislay—; procure— reap—; recover—; redeem—; restore— savor—; value—

    (See estate, assets, fortune, property.)

    Possessive adverbs

    rapturously; ardently; devoutly; jealously; selfishly; fanatically; abnormally; strangely; curiously; maternally; uncommonly; peculiarly; singularly; incorrigibly; foolishly; senselessly; unfortunately; overly; desperately; ridiculously; com’cally; unpleasantly; embarrassingly; highly; devotedly

    Possessor adjectives

    original; potential; successive (pl); privileged; peaceful; boastful; proud

    Possibility adjectives

    limping; limitless; remote; easy; dramatic; profit; abstract; contingent; dismal; moneysaving; opulent; honest; transcendent; tremendous; horrid; far-reaching; awful; flexible; domestic-social; undiminished; mental; generous; evolutional; fearful; charming; plausible; iridescent; future; subsequent; divine; envisioned; improbable; extravagant; rhythmic; unfathomable; serene


    afford—; appreciate—; bolster—; broach—; comprehend—; deny—; determine—; diminish—; disclose—; dissipate—; embroider—; entertain—; envisage—; exhaust—; exploit —; explore—; face—; jump at—; open—; preclude—; raise—; realize—; reject—; ridicule—; rule out—; —appeals to; —dawns upon; —looms; —lurks in; —pales

    (See chance, contingency, potentiality.)

    Post adjectives                             (place

    strategic; arduous; worthless; perilous; impregnable; respective; important; significant; established; permanent; fortified; newly-created; farthest; diplomatic; faint; unbodied; lucrative; sedulous


    abandon—; assign to—; banish to—; confine to—; establish—; join—; locate—; occupy —; relinquish—; settle at—; station at—; strengthen—; vacate—; —discharges; — lodges; —mobilizes; —quarters

    (See position, situation, job, place, support.)

    Post (v) adverbs

    ostentatiously; publicly; secretly; strategically; perilously; intermittently; permanently; periodically; diplomatically

    (See mail, send.)

    Poster adjectives

    frigid; salacious; safety


    circulate —s; diffuse —s; disseminate —s; plaster with —s; publish —s; —advertises; —advocates; —announces; —blazons; — broaches; —flourishes; —hawks; —heralds; —noises about; —proclaims; —promulgates; —trumpets

    (See placard, advertisement, announcement, notice.)

    Posterity adjectives

    grateful; unloving; forgetful; unworried


    bequeath to—; hand down to—; record for —; —commemorates; —condemns; —defaces; —disgraces; —emulates; —exhumes; —glorifies; —honors; —inherits; —outshines; —pales; —perpetuates; —reflects; —reproaches; —reveres; —shames; —sullies; —surpasses; —traces

    (See descendants, family, offspring.)

    Posthumous adverbs

    ironically; unfortunately; tardily

    Postpone (v) adverbs

    indefinitely; vaguely; arbitrarily; discreetly; regularly; permanently; temporarily; ultimately; disappointingly; formally

    (See delay, defer.)

    Postponement adjectives

    indefinite; unwelcome; regular; long-awaited

    Postscript adjectives

    lengthy; apologetic

    Posture adjectives

    lifeless; bending; studious; stooping; unusual; healthful; spiritual; reclining; graceful; squatting; thoughtful; ungainly; abject; limp; suggestive; impressive; absurd; inelegant; sitting; unmalicious; faulty; easy; painful; incorrect; recumbent; unmanly; supplicating; favorable; poor


    acquire—; affect—; alter—; assume—; correct—; derange—; fix—; improve—; maintain—; remedy—; ridicule—; shift—; study —; —apes; —characterises; —impresses; — mars; —tires

    (See gesture, attitude, pose.)

    Posturing adjectives

    dramatic; virile

    Posy adjectives

    fragrant; pretty

    Pot adjectives

    earthenware; tea; unusual; molded; glazed; oddly-shaped


    blacken—; hook—; immerse in—; label—; load—; preserve in—; replenish—; scour—; scrape—; scrub—; —adorns; —boils; — dangles; —glistens; —seethes; —simmers

    (See caldron, kettle.)

    Potation ad je dives

    sparkling; nightly; plentiful; spirituous

    bubbling; joyous

    Potato adjectives

    underdone; mashed; baked; frozen; scalloped; sweet; fried; eyeless

    Potency adjectives

    tragic; changeful; extraordinary; supernatural; changeful; outstanding; intense; remarkable; long-lived

    Potent adverbs

    unexpectedly; surprisingly; fatally; peculiarly; singularly; incredibly; amazingly; moderately; scarcely; unusually; commendably; influentially; politically; personally; admittedly; officially; effectively; sufficiently; uncommonly; adequately; overwhelmingly; satisfactorily

    Potentate adjectives

    prodigal; rebel; pitiless; powerful; crowned; wealthy; temporal; illustrious; peerless; dread; prudent; wicked

    Potentiality adjectives

    scattered (pl); lasting; remarkable; latent


    choke—; confer—; cripple—; develop—; discover—; double—; exhaust—; exploit—; force—; lame—; maim—; muzzle—; realize —; recognize—; shatter—; silence—; strangle—; strengthen—; suppress—; utilize—; weaken—

    (See power, possibility.)

    Potion adjectives

    bittersweet; direful; deadly; narcotic; soporific


    concoct—; dose with—; drain—; gulp down —; lap up—; mix—; quaff—; sip—; swallow—; swig—; swill—; toss off—; wash down—; —nauseates; —palliates; —relieves; —remedies; —restores

    (See dose, medicine, poison, liquid.)

    Pottery adjectives

    shattered; valuable; unusual; native; handmade

    Pouch adjectives

    capacious; gorgeous; bulging

    Poultice verbs

    apply—; pat on—; smear—; surround with —s; treat with—; —allays; —alleviates; — balms; —comforts; —cures; —eases; —foments; —mitigates; —palliates; —refreshes; —relieves; —remedies; —soaks; —soothes

    (See salve, ointment.)

    Pounce (v) adverbs

    viciously; vindictively; furiously; instantaneously; murderously; diabolically; formidably; belligerently

    (See jump, dash.)

    Pound adjectives

    scant; full; generous

    Pound (v} adverbs

    obstreperously; tirelessly; vigorously; lustily; bestially; vociferously; thunderously

    (See beat, strike.)

    Pour (v) adverbs

    unceasingly; incessantly; liberally; hospitably; effusively; unstintingly; hysterically; liquidly; melodiously; insatiably

    (See flow, stream.)

    Pout (v) adverbs

    pettishly; sulkily; prettily; coyly; petulantly; tearfully; despondently

    (See sulk, scowl.)

    Poverty adjectives

    pinching; appalling; relative; hared; imaginary; benumbing; absolute; comparative; inevitable; abject; astonishing; squalid; wretched; genteel; peculiar; hard-working; deepening; irremediable; everlasting; low; continual; lifelong; haughty; distressful; speedy; extreme; general; worthless; utter; honorable; contorted; consequent; disgraceful


    abhor—; abolish—; accept—; banish—; boast of—; drive off—; outwit—; plead—; prolong—; suffer—; —callouses; —degrades; —dogs; —fetters; —oppresses; — overtakes; —pursues; —ravages; —stalks


    (See destitution, impoverishment, need, penury.)

    Powder (general) adjectives

    smokeless; bronze; ordered; resultant; odorless; moistened; deadly; notorious; fetid; capsulated; dictatorial; heavy; inferior; murderous


    apply—; dab in—; dip in—; dust with—; prink with—; reduce to—; smear—; spread —; touch up with—; —beautifies; —conceals; —embellishes; —glorifies; —harmonizes; —improves; —mellows; —perfects; — pretties; —primes; -—soothes; —tricks; — whitens

    (See make-up, dust, gunpowder.)

    Powder (v) adverbs

    fashionably; flirtatiously; glamorously; exaggeratedly; fascinatingly; bewitchingly; enchantingly

    (See perfume, scent.)

    Power adjectives

    abiding; abrogating; abrupt; absent; absolute; absorbing; abundant; active; advancing; adverse; afflicted; all-consuming; allegorizing; all-embracing; allied; all-inhering; amazing; ample; alternative; amorous; analytic; ancestral; ancient; antipathetic; apostolic; appalling; appointing; arbitrary; arch-angelic; architectural; argumentative; assertive; assumed; autocratic; belligerent; autonomous; balanced; beneficent; bestial; blessed; blighted; boasted; braking; boundless; brilliant; budding; buying; capricious; catapulting; celestial; centralizing; chameleon-like; coercive; chemic; civil; clairvoyant; cloven; coming; clerical; colossal; colonizing; comic; commanding; communicative; complete; compelling; composing; compulsive; concentrated; concocted; confederated; confident; confirming; conscious; considerable; consequent; consistent; constitutional; constructive; contending; contingent; contracting; corporate; cosmic; conversational; cosmetic; creative; critical; crowned; curative; curious; deepening; dangerous; defensive; delegated; deliberative; delicate; delightful; denuding; departed; desolate; despotic; destructive; developed; dictatorial; discretional; discerning: disorderly; disturbing: divine; dominant; dormant; driving; dramatic; dulled; dynamic; earning; earth-prisoned; ecclesiastical; educational; effulgent; elastic; elemental; emotional; enchanted; enhanced; energizing; enlarged; enormous; exceeding; erosive; ever-dreaded; evident; exalted; exceptional; excessive; exchangeable; executive; exhaustive; existing; expansive; exorbitant; explosive; extemporaneous; extraordinary; facile; fangless; fatal; far-reaching; fatherly; feeble; feudal; fertilizing; fierce; filial; financial; first-rate; flawless; flexible; formative; full; formidable; fraudulent; frightful; fundamental; generative; generous; genial; genuine; gigantic; godlike; heartfelt; granted; graphic; grasping; growing, guiding; hateful; healing; heavy; high; heavenly; heroic; hidden; hypnotic; imaginative; immature; immeasurable; immediate; immense; immortal; imperial; impossible; imperialist; implied; inborn; incomprehensible; indefinite; individual; indomitable; industrial; inexplicable; inevitable; infective; infernal; infinite; influential; ingrained; inherent; insensate; inimitable; inner; insensible; insubordinate; intellectual; intelligent; intermittent; interposing; intoxicating; intrinsic; intuitive; inutile; invalid; inventive; inveterate; invincible; invisible; irresistible; irresponsible; jealous; judicial; just; keen; kindly; kingly; lasting; latent; lawless; learning; legal; legislative; lifting; limited; linguistic; living; lordly; lubricating; luminous; luxurious; magical; magnetic; magnifying; maiming; malevolent; malign; marvelous; massive; mastering; mature; mental; mesmeric; microscopic; mighty; miraculous; monarchical; moneyed; moral; motive; mortal; murderous; muscular; narcotic; musical; myriad (pl); mysterious; necessary; necromantic; nefarious; obnoxious; nominal; nutritive; objurgatory; occult; omnipotent; omnipresent; ominous; omniscient; oratorical; oracular; organizing; original; overmastering; oxidizing; overwhelming; paramount; parliamentary; particular; passive; patient; patriarchal; peaceable; peculiar; penetrating; perceptive; pernicious; personal; perilous; periodical; persuasive; plastic; poetic; poisonous; political; potential; practical; preponderant; prevailing; primal; primordial; productive; profit; projectile; prolific; proper; prophetic; protecting; psychologic; public; purchasing; purging; quickening; rare; rational; reasoning; reckless; recumbent; recognized; recuperative; regal; relentless; remarkable; remorseless; renewed; reparative; reportorial; reserve; repulsive; requisite; resisting; restless; restrained; resultant; ripening; rival; revolutionary; rounded; royal; ruling; ruthless; sardonic; satanic; scant; secular; scathing; secret; seductive; seer-like; seething; self-dependent; selfish; self-realizing; self-restraining; sinister; selfsame; self-succeeding; silky; singular; sinless; siren; slow-moving; sole; speculative; sophisticated; spiritual; spontaneous; sprightly; springing; stagnant; startling; stimulating; sufficient; subtle; substantial; sullen; superior; superhuman; supernal; supernatural; supreme; surcharged; surging; surpassing; surprising; sustained; sweet; technical; temporal; terrible; thunderous; tranquil; transcendental; transforming; transporting; tremendous; tumultuous; twofold; tyrannous; ultimate; unappealable; unappeased; unborn; unbounded; uncanny; unconscious; undoubted; unexpected; unearthly; unequaled; unfettered; unfamiliar; unhallowed; uninviting; united; universal; unjust; unlimited; unmeasured; unprecedented; unrivaled; unqualified; unrestricted; unseen; unsightly; unspent; unsuspected; untried; unusual; unwearied; unwomanly; uplifting; urgent; utmost; vague; versatile; various (pl); vested; vibrant; victorious; violent; vital; vitalizing; waning; warlike; wearied; wondrous; worsted; worn; smooth; sufficient; self-sustaining


    abuse—; achieve—; animate with—; ascertain—; bask in—; bid for—; bolster—; bulwark by—; centralize—; check—; climb to —; clip—; clothe in—; confer—upon; consolidate—; crave—; curb—; curtail—; delegate—to; deprive of—; derive—from; dilute —; diminish—; disseminate—; dissipa’e—; dwarf—; elect to—; endow with—; enhance —; entrust with—; evince—; exercise—; exhaust—; fathom—; fatten on—; forfeit —; generate—; grant—; harness—; impair —; impart—to; impute—to; intensify—; intoxicate with—; lodge—in; lust for—; manifest—; nullify—; offset—; paralyze—; radiate—; regain—; resent—; restrict—; sap —; seize—; sense—; shake—; shear of—; stem—; strip of—; strive for—; surrender —; thirst for—; transmit—; unleash—; undermine—; usurp—; vest—in; vote into —; wield—; worship—; —decays; —declines; —resides in; —wanes; —waxes; — withers

    (See authority, influence, predominance, faculty, force, energy.)

    Powerful adverbs

    inscrutably; amazingly; omnisciently; dangerously; dreadfully; unbelievably; vigorously; spiritually; influentially; irresistibly; indomitably; intensely; resolutely; acutely; cruelly; brutally; trenchantly; materially; commercially; socially; politically; universally; incredibly; terribly

    Powerless adverbs

    pitiably; desperately; hopelessly; inefficiently; altogether; remarkably; deplorably; unhappily; ineptly; awkwardly; clumsily; timorously; terribly; lamentably; miserably; wretchedly; incredibly; curiously; oddly; singularly; pathetically; stupidly; astound-ingly; utterly

    PRACTICABILITY adjectives concrete; definite; inherent

    PRACTICABLE adverbs immediately; usefully; serviceably; opportunely; overwhelmingly; completely; happily; fortunately; conveniently; scientifically; easily; definitely; distinctly; particularly; unexpectedly; strikingly; remarkably; amazingly; luckily; sensibly; profitably; valuably; absolutely; reliably; dependably; positively

    PRACTICAL adverbs thoroughly; sensibly; wisely; usefully; commendably; particularly; admirably; fortunately; altogether; sagaciously; splendidly; happily

    PRACTICE adjectives

    ascetic; bayonet; cynical; lucrative; objectionable; lewd; diversified; tedious; competitive; time-honored; arduous; adulterous; traditional; wanton; long; vile; base; private; constant; nefarious; enthusiastic; ancient; shameless; magical; pernicious; assiduous; pagan; treasonable; normal; engineering; recognized; cunning; dangerous; corrupt; horrible; forensic; prevalent; monopolistic; augmented; ungentleman-like; consulting; unvarying; sedulous; ruined; extensive; actual; unique; psychoanalytic; questionable; contrary; licentious; deliberating; consequent; insidious; eminent; degrading; active: flourishing: present; superstitious; robust; irregular; choir; hateful; religious; fascinating; attendant; idolatrous; polygamous; unnatural; universal; prejudiced; comprehensive; revolutionized


    abandon—; acquire by—; addict to—; adhere to—; adopt—; neglect—; observe—; oppose—; perpetuate—; repress—; resort to—; restrict—; revive—; sanction—; — involves; —survives

    (See habit, conventionality, custom, exercise, performance.

    PRACTICE (v) adverbs spontaneously; discordantly; surreptitiously; diligently; vigorously; ambitiously; industriously; assiduously; professionally; sedulously; competitively; privately; forensically; periodically

    (See exercise, train, apply.

    PRACTITIONER adjectives

    successful; unqualified; ardent; ignorant; medical; mercenary

    PRAIRIE adjectives

    bleak; naked; blessed; spacious; teeming; carpeted; flowery; unbroken; corn-bladed; stubble-lined; wild; beautiful; short-turfed; great; undulating: sun-browned; verdant; rolling; broken; shaking


    course-—; dwell on—; inhabit—; retire to—; ride—; roam—; traverse—; trek across—; view—; wander over—; wend across—; — blazes; —bores; —confronts; —extends

    (See plain, valley.

    PRAISE adjectives

    voluble; artless; sincere; partial; vain; moderate; humble; lavish; benignant; ignoble; love-pervaded; perfect; unstinted; aggressive; thriftless; expiatory; copious; unnecessary; untimely; reluctant; cynical; muted; awful; unmerited; unspoken; lofty; eloquent; elicited; unstinted; dolesome : passive; hearty; ill-considered; unworthy; unacceptable; deserved; solemn; ceaseless; partial; enthusiastic; unsought; warm; profane; silent; everlasting; unceasing; flattering; grudging; immortal; endless; virtuous; mingled; profuse; judicious; hollow; unqualified; melodious; implied; veiled; eternal; effusive; great; absent; fair; unbroken; lavish; excessive; exaggerated; intemperate; high; undeserving; compulsory


    administer—; apportion—; aspire to—; bestow—upon; bloom under—; capture—; deny—; desist from—; earn—; entitle to—; excite—; exhaust—; heap—upon; inspire—; justify—; pour out—; proclaim—; shower —upon; sing—; sum up—; swamp with—; —diminishes; —warms

    (See glory, approbation, compliment, adulation, commendation, applause

    Praise (v


    extravagantly; effusively; voluntarily; universally; judiciously; fulsomely; sincerely; flatteringly; rhapsodically; volubly; goldenly; immoderately; lavishly; benignantly; unstintedly; copiously; eloquently; intemper-ately

    (See extol, laud.)

    Praiseworthy adverbs

    deservedly; meritoriously; unusually; admirably; admittedly; conspicuously; modestly; highly; uncommonly; remarkably; exceptionally; undoubtedly; genuinely; highly; singularly; immensely; extremely; impressively; signally; unimpeachably; matchlessly; incomparably

    Prance (v) adverbs

    spiritedly; mincingly; vigorously; picturesquely; madly; freakishly; sportively

    (See cavort, spring.)

    Prank adjectives

    hoyden; mad; fruitless; common; wily; extravagant; gamesome; humorous; idle; freakish; youthful


    anticipate—; beguile with—s; concoct—; dodge—; indulge in—; relish—; smother—; —amuses; —disgusts; —diverts; —irks; — seduces; —tires; —traps; —tricks; —vexes

    (See frolic, joke, jest.)

    Prankish adverbs

    mischievously; roguishly; teasingly; persistently; unexpectedly; incorrigibly; playfully; innocently; foolishly; absurdly; merrily; persistently; ludicrously; idly; frivolously; remarkably; cleverly; ingeniously

    Prankster verbs

    chastize—; dodge—; evade—; forestall—; rebuke—; reprimand—; reproach—; —beguiles; —concocts; —contrives; —disports; —entertains; —wearies

    (See clown, fool, jester.)

    Prate (v


    idiotically; foolishly; maliciously; vindictively; spitefully; boastfully; sacreligiously

    (See talk, chatter.)

    Prating adjectives

    solemn; continuous; noisy; bothersome

    Prattle adjectives

    winsome; foolish; intermittent

    Prattle (v) adverbs

    vapidly; artlessly; childishly; inanely; coyly; winsomely; foolishly; jejunely; insipidly

    (See talk, chatter, babbie.)

    Pray (v) adverbs

    fervently; earnestly; distractedly; conspicuously; solemnly; humbly; devoutly; audibly; passionately; effusively; dumbly; sup-plicatingly; tremulously; blasphemously; inarticulately; wordlessly; virtuously; fruitlessly; sepulchrally

    (See entreat, beg.)

    Prayer adjectives

    idle; fervent; audible; professional; passionate; effectual; effusive; little; soft; prattled; sobbing; boding; priestly; dumb; nightly; chanted; humble; unuttered; dying; melting; weak; pious; supplicating; creditable; stated; conscious; bootless; earnest; perpetual; weekly; specious; poor; hearty; masticated; wistful; sublime; tremulous; common; granted; sunrise; contemptible; insane; trembling; blasphemous; pattered; morning; awed; inarticulate; wordless; fair; consecrating; virtuous; sepulchral; long-groaned; puling; reluctant; grateful; voluble; thankful; vociferated; wrestling; high-blooded; unlawful; true; pagan; fruitless; pleading; hallowing


    address—; avert by—; attend—; blend in —; bless in—; bow in—; chant—; console by—; fall down in—; fulfill—; grant—; intone—; kneel in—; offer up—; rattle off —s; unite in—; utter—; —beseeches; — deifies; —entreats; tunes; —petitions


    (See benediction, sion.

    Precipitation adjectives

    complete; extraordinary; daily

    Precipitous adverbs

    steeply; impossibly; dangerously; riskily; alarmingly; terribly; terrifyingly; incredibly; unreasonably; unspeakably; deucedly; murderously; roughly; icily; tremendously; impressively; imposingly; magnificently; superbly; splendidly; grandly; incalculably; immeasurably; dizzily; stupendously

    Precise adverbs

    overwhelmingly; absolutely; dependably; scrupulously; ridiculously; infallibly; remarkably; uncannily; meticulously; mechanically; monotonously; invariably; deliberately; unimpeachably; rigidly; mathematically; scientifically; carefully; particularly; painstakingly; rigorously; insatiably; avidly; necessarily; punctiliously; compellingly; impartially; uniformly

    Precision adjectives

    academic; calm; classical; scientific; unerring; rigorous; exquisite; passionate; inflexible; finical; rapid; utmost; careless; nauseating; antique; mechanical;- geometrical; marvelous; rhythmic; remarkable; military; delighted; mathematical; melancholy; masterly; convincing; grammatical; admirable; meticulous; faithful; deadly; tolerable; delicate; sufficient; faultless; austere; overwhelming


    achieve—; applaud—; commend—; demonstrate—; denote—; disclose—; display—; evince—; exhibit—; lack—; manifest—; reveal—; urge—; —assures; —clarifies

    (See accuracy.)

    Precocious adverbs

    amazingly; remarkably; smartly; keenly; unusually; unpleasantly; disagreeably; impertinently; imprudently; knowingly; pertly; offensively; saucily; boldly; flippantly; bumptiously; obtrusively; oddly; incredibly; uncommonly; surprisingly

    Preconception adjectives

    profound; definite; sentimental; unusual

    Predatory adverbs

    cruelly; rapaciously; voraciously; uncommonly; naturally; savagely; maliciously; wantonly; ravenously; barbarously; incorrigibly; piratically; cleverly; ungovernably; reprehensibly

    Predecessors adjectives

    resourceful; superstitious; illustrious; ghostly


    commemorate—; emulate—; excel—; inherit from—; outshine—; succeed—; surpass—; trace—; —advise; —bequeath; —construct; —design; —floor; —found; —frame; —record; —will to

    (See ancestor.)

    Predicament adjectives

    distressing; piteous; unhappy; mechanical; desperate; awkward; terrible


    alleviate—; avoid—; disentangle—; enjoy —; evade—; labor through—; manage—; risk—; sentimentalize—; shroud—; tackle —; unravel—; view—; —confronts; —distresses; —embarrasses; —flusters; —restrains; —shames

    (See dilemma, embarrassment, position, problem, situation.)

    Predict (v) adverbs

    prophetically; confidently; correctly; lugubriously; mournfully; dismally; darkly; complacently; boldly; astrologically; miraculously

    (See foretell, portend.)

    Prediction adjectives

    sure-fire; warlike; aristocratic; past; offhand; dominant; scientific; dismal; astrological; thunderous; poetical; overconfident; remarkable


    base—on; cast—; challenge—; divine—; justify—; upset—; venture—; verify—; — augurs; —betokens; —bids; —bodes; — excites; —foreshadows; —foretells; —forewarns; —heralds; —indicates; —portends; —precurses; —presages; —prognosticates

    —promises; —prophesies

    (See prognostication, prophesy.)

    Predilection adjectives

    perverse; striking; traditional; broadheaded; ancient; well-understood

    Predisposition adjectives

    eternal; obvious; hereditary

    Predominance adjectives

    oppressive; hoar; acknowledged; humorous; imperious; definite


    acquire—; assert—over; attain—; challenge —; gain—; garner—; spread—; —assures; —influences; —leads; —overbears; —overpowers; —overrides; —outweighs; —pervades; —prevails; —rages; —roots in; — succeeds

    (See power.)

    Predominant adverbs

    rightfully; authoritatively; eminently; officially; regularly; imperiously; proudly; offensively; regally; electively; admittedly

    Preeminence adjectives

    distinguished; dignified; established; unquestionable; intellectual


    acquire—; attain—; crave—; crown with—; culminate in—; demand—; reach—; shadow —; —eclipses; —glorifies; —inflates; —outbalances; —outstrips; —outweighs; —precedes; —prevails; —transcends; —whips

    (See fame, prominence, eminence, excellence.)

    Preface adjectives

    hilarious; forcible; well-composed; epigrammatic

    Prefer (v) adverbs

    vastly; personally; infinitely; particularly; politically; individually; overwhelmingly; unaccountably; emotionally

    (See choose, pick.)

    Preferable adverbs

    decidedly; altogether; slightly; definitely; unquestionably; commercially; sensibly; practically; artistically; indubitably; genuinely; popularly; politically

    Preference adjectives

    personal; particular; exaggerated; political; individual; calculated; affectional; premature; overwhelming; unaccountable; definite


    acquire—; allow—; determine—; express—; exercise—; fix—; harbor—; indulge in—; list—; mark—; muse over—; offer—; permit—; poll—; select—; shout—; single out —; —culls; —decides; —elects; —espouses; —fancies

    (See choice, alternative.)

    Pregnancy verbs

    detect—; determine—; evade—; examine for—; fear—; generate in—; incur—; induce—; prevent—; procreate in—; produce —; suggest—; yield in—; —alters; —ensues; —increases; —irritates; —multiplies; —nauseates

    Prejudice adjectives

    antique; arrogant; feudal; vile; personal; violent; popular; abandoned; tender; ingrained; sectional; unworthy; virulent; vulgar; unflinching; established; unreflect-ive; aristocratical; tainted; logical; conservative; superficial; pious; unconscious; tribal; present; frivolous; patrician; ignorant; senile; unreasonable; miserable; political; tenacious; sexual; bitter; undue; absorbing; intense; inveterate; imperial; unfounded; entrenched; fierce; social; furious; insular; religious; economic; invincible; superstitious


    arouse—; awaken—; beget—; beset with—; break down—; combat—; defy—; dictate by—; emancipate from—; erase—; exploit —; lampoon—; nourish—; oust—; pander to—; preach—; purge of—; shed—; subserve-—; survive—; —distorts; —flourishes; —influences; —persists; —poisons; — shades; —vanishes; —undermines; —weakens

    (See bias, obsession, hate, judgment, opinion.)

    Prejudice (v) adverbs

    hopelessly; personally; violently; sectionally; vulgarly; aristocratically; logically; unconsciously; ignorantly; irrationally; sexually; socially; inveterately; religiously; economically; superstitiously; politically

    (See injure, hurt.)

    Prejudiced adverbs

    unreasonably; unfavorably; atfectionately; indulgently; viciously; maliciously; unfortunately; happily; absurdly; jealously; enviously; unfairly; narrowly; senselessly; terribly; doctrinally; politically; mischievously; indelibly; wrongfully; provincially; fanatically; outrageously; dreadfully; hopelessly

    Prejudicial adverbs

    strongly; unfavorably; criminally; highly; incontrovertibly; definitely; fanatically; outrageously; scandalously; obviously; manifestly; evidently; wrongly; secretly; perniciously; disastrously; exceptionably; grievously; horribly; reprehensibly; inadvisably; unpardonably

    Prelate adjectives

    haughty; fatuous; foreign; pampered; reverend; gallant; distinguished; princely; shrewd

    Preliminary adjectives

    mysterious; invariable; essential; valuable

    inevitable; indispensable


    anticipate—; arrange—; engage in—; miss ; observe—; settle—; stage—; view—; —allays; —appeals; —entertains; —heads

    —introduces; —leads; —precedes; —prefixes; —ushers in; —bridges; —prepares

    (See introduction, opening, ceremony, preface, prelude.)

    Prelude adjectives

    fatal; mellow; formal; unpretentious; necessary

    Premature adverbs

    unfortunately; unwisely; thoughtlessly; senselessly; recklessly; ineptly; clumsily; maladroitly; unskilfully; foolishly; imprudently; indiscreetly; disastrously; undiplomatically; inexpediently; calamitously; ill-advisedly; treacherously; sadly

    Premeditated adverbs

    criminally; admittedly; wickedly; brutally; savagely; mischievously; outrageously; scandalously; maliciously; carefully; furtively; conclusively; unanswerably; infer-entially; manifestly; cruelly; obviously; nefariously

    Premise adjectives

    false; petty; inconceivable; assumed; fundamental; unsound; unexamined; insufficient; academic; specific; cardinal


    assume—; bank on—; contradict—; depend on—; discuss—; endorse—; establish—; examine—; follow—; guard—; impair—; oppose—; question—; ratify—; rebut—; rely on—; stand upon—; support—; uphold —; verify—

    (See proposition, assumption, supposition, hypothesis.)

    Premonitory adverbs

    distinctly; formidably; terribly; inferential-ly; fearfully; thoughtfully; surreptitiously; obviously; manifestly; unmistakably; woefully; horribly; coldly; cruelly; fortunately; subtly; significantly-; gravely; deliberately; generously; fraternally; helpfully; suggestively; threateningly

    PREOCCUPATION adjectives smiling; intellectual; harassed; religious


    arouse from—; bury in—; cloud in—; distract from—; erase—; examine in—; immerse in—; interrupt—; necessitate—; notice—; observe—:; scan in—; seal in—; view with—; —entertains; —reflects; —revises; —shrouds

    (See reverie, lethargy.

    PREOCCUPY (v) adverbs incessantly; intellectually; religiously; studiously; ambitiously; vigorously; clerically; mentally

    (See absorb, occupy.

    PREPARATION adjectives

    ineffectual; anatomical; excellent; nervous; proprietary; essential; initial; frantic; skillful; painstaking; elaborate; manifold; active; warlike; energetic; constant; secret*; formidable; impartial; adequate; virtuous; mercurial; vigorous; imperfect; extensive; pain-killing; mighty; scientific; healthful; food; scant; minute; needful; intellectual; effectual; incessant


    advocate—; demand—; drill in—; justify—; lack—; plunge into—s; —aids; —arms; —arrays; —edifies; —enlightens; —expounds; —familiarizes; —grounds; —implants; —introduces; —organizes; —tunes

    (See qualification, training.

    PREPARATORY adverbs

    gravely; soberly; sadly; woefully; horribly; carefully; cautiously; completely; happily; rapturously; ecstatically; excitedly; fren-ziedly; heartbrokenly; hastily; deliberately; unwillingly; reluctantly; wildly; eagerly; anxiously; surreptitiously; resolutely; gallantly; thoughtfully; quietly; noisily; serenely; calmly; generously; ardently; piously; reverently; prayerfully

    PREPARE (v) adverbs

    amicably; gallantly; delectably; professionally; tastefully; manifestly; gravely; gratuitously; previously; independently; vigorously; sedulously; duly; amply; privately; cautiously; ceremoniously; wilfully; effectually; elaborately; energetically; formidably; minutely

    (See fit, provide, adapt.



    well; badly; completely; scarcely; hardly; wonderfully; remarkably; eminently; fully; admirably; competently; fairly; barely; fortunately; skilfully; carefully; generously; altogether; unusually

    PREPONDERANCE adjectives

    undue; tremendous; noticeable; unquestioned

    PREPONDERANT adverbs

    heavily; unfairly; beneficially; influentially; dangerously; increasingly; politically; socially; dreadfully; unfortunately; imperiously; currently; tellingly; authoritatively; curiously; outrageously; naturally

    PREPOSSESSION adjectives

    personal; sudden; unfortunate; religious; unfavorable



    entrenched; personal; enviable


    allow—; assert—; authorize—; challenge—; demand—; disqualify—; entitle to—; exact—; extend—; grant—; insist on—; merit —; relax—; usurp—; violate—; wieid—

    —arrogates; —encroaches; —infringes

    (See privilege, right.

    PRESCIENCE adjectives slumberous; indistinct; passionate; hollow; unresisted; mystic

    PRESCRIBE (v) adverbs punctiliously; wisely; sagely; variously; preposterously; exclusively; legally; specifically; medically; medicinally; methodically. (See order, advise.

    Prescription adjectives

    favorite; exclusive; specific; deep-rooted; legal; unfailing; definite; mystic; age-old


    acquire—; addict to—; adhere to—; concoct —; dispense—s; fill—; follow—; formulate —; issue—; mix—; order—; recommend—; require—; write—; —alleviates; —eases; —instructs; —palliates; —relieves; —remedies; —soothes

    (See formula, medicine, direction.)

    Presence adjectives

    portly; reassuring; immediate; comely; inconspicuous; nstant; palpitating; hateful; pale; glorious; visible; posthumous; gracious; protecting; unfamiliar; distinct; august; imposing; resplendent; singular; semi-luminous; important; haunting; noiseless; royal; wondrous; palpable; ruddy; tranquil; effulgent; eternal; masked; universal; intolerant; abhorred; gtim; imperial; impressive; ignoble; threatened; culprit; enchanting; maternal; detected; solemn; chastening; visionary; transforming; protecting; admirable; close; tender; celestial; gaunt; ramshackle; habitual; blighted; stately; passionate; continual; dreadful; perpetual; animate; pprvading; abrupt; excellent; unrecognized; mortal; declared; commanding; dignified; unauthorized; unwelcome; striking; majestic; private; blessed; divine; invisible; engaging; stately; handsome; shadowy; cheering; unconjectured; gentle; combined


    acknowledge—; advertise—; announce—; ascertain—; conduct into—; detect—; enjoy—; mark—; reveal—; tolerate—; usher into—; —disturbs; —evokes; —impresses; —irritates

    Present adjectives

    immediate; solid; magnificent; spontaneous; elegant; appropriate; ever-fleeting; eternal; realistic; substantial; gnef-shadowed; reluctant; alien; visionary; stormy; placid


    accept—; acknowledge—■ ; bedeck—; berib-bon—s; bestow—s upon; conceal—; decline —; guard—s; lavish with—s; offer—; present with—; solicit—; tender—; view—s

    —dazzles; —excites; —flatters; —pleases; reconciles; —s shower upon; —stems; dispense—s

    (See gift.)


    inappropriately; unsuitably; inconveniently; fortunately; happily; conveniently; opportunely; always; seldom; occasionally; objectionably; embarrassingly; unwarrantably; unfortunately; ever; constantly; unexpectedly; auspiciously; generously; considerately; graciously

    Present (v) adverbs

    modestly; formally; humbly; appropriately; reluctantly; satirically; adequately; realistically; brazenly; providentially; ethically; imploringly; casually; repeatedly; materially

    (See give, offer, introduce.)

    Presentation adjectives

    technical; diligent; elaborate; artistic; condensed; demon; superb; graphic; ruddy; attractive; dispassionate; illustrative; terse; farewell


    acknowledge—; administer—; anticipate—; beg for—; favor with—; .gnore—; postpone —; propose—; refuse—; reject—; seek—; welcome—; withhold—; —accords; —bestows; —conciliates; —introduces; —reveals

    (See introduction.)

    Presentiment adjectives

    fearful; cold; apt; uneasy; vague; unquiet; undefinable; decisive; guilty


    argue—; harboi —; heed—; laugh down—; ridicule—; —aggravates; —augurs; —betokens; —bids; —bodes; —disturbs; —excites; —foreshadows; —foretells; —forewarns; —grows; —precurses; —troubles; r—visits; —presages

    (See anticipation, apprehension, fear.)

    Presentment adjectives

    counterfeit; vague; forceful; definite

    Preservation adjectives

    perfect; inflexible; miraculous; exquisite; unbelievable

    Preserve (v) adverbs

    miraculously; mercifully; unbelievably; marvelously; sagaciously; permanently; painfully; laboriously; durably; prudently; immortally; perpetually

    (See keep, save.)

    Preserved adverbs

    carefully; reverently; thriftily; skilfully; duly; richly; fortunately; luckily; meticulously; punctiliously; cautiously; perfectly; miraculously; exquisitely; incredibly; well; permanently; inviolately; safely; secretly; doggedly; sacredly; divinely; mysteriously; inexplicably; magnificently; splendidly

    President adjectives

    honorable; unqualified; wearied


    consult—; impeach—; inaugurate—; induct as—; —addresses; —adjourns; —administers; —advises; —appoints ; —berates; —conducts; —controls; —directs; —drives; —governs; —orates; —orders; —pilots

    ■—presides; —rules; —sanctions

    (See official, chairman, judge, magistrate, executive, legislator.)

    Press adjectives

    fluctuating; sensational; hostile; radical; daily; periodical; increasing; indefatigable; groaning; gagged; obnoxious; printing; vigilant; militant; bourgeois; respective

    "converted; brick; clashing; illustrated


    affiliate with—; divulge to—; gag—; meddle in—; regale—; ruffle—; tumble from—; —alludes to; —argues; —denounces; —discusses; —howls; —screams; —shouts; —spits out; —whirls

    (See literature, magazine, newspaper.)

    Press (v) adjectives

    sorely; tenderly; vigorously; convulsively; affectionately; emotionally; hotly; forcibly; desperately; courteously; cautiously; vigilantly; militantly

    (See compress, crowd.)

    Pressing adverbs

    strangely; curiously; immediately; insistently; persistently; inconveniently; instantly; inescapably; direly; embarrassingly; unduly; imperatively; absorbingly; desperately; gravely; critically; significantly; inordinately; portentously; momentously; ominously; peculiarly

    Pressure adjectives

    systolic; lingering; diplomatic; lateral; injurious; fierce; unreasoning; excessive; fluid; common; great; stupendous; aggressive; warm; angry; burning; teasing; atmospheric; irresistible; inevitable; convulsive; mechanical; extreme; sympathetic; cordial; normal; persistent; social; tremendous; superincumbent; opposing; diminished; insupportable; delicate; immense; inconstant; uniform; organized; undue; pecuniary; artificial


    alleviate—; apply—; counteract—; ease off—; employ—; exert—; expose to—; halt—; obliterate—; submit to—; succumb to—; subject to—; wobble under—; work under—; yield to—; —diminishes; —increases ; —welds

    (See load, stress, force, power.)

    Prestige adjectives

    mysterious; personal; intellectual; frantic; national; original; unprecedented; considerable; glorious; battered; military; relative; enormous; extended; weighty; external


    acquire—; aspire to—; augment—; capitalize—; crack—; enhance—; enjoy—; extend —to; gain—; guarantee—; impair—; lessen —; lower—; preserve—; revive—; rival—; solidify—; threaten—; weaken—; —declines; —jumps

    (See influence.)

    Presumable adverbs

    readily; reasonably; altogether; sensibly; credibly; scarcely; hardly; barely; naturally; legally; easily; appropriately; particularly; circumstantially; wholly

    Presume (v) adverbs

    unblushingly; boldly; conceitedly; petulantly; insolently; arrogantly; insistently; pettishly

    (See assume, dare.)

    Presumption adjectives

    subsequent; general; arrogant; insistent; petulant; insolent; fundamental; unwarranted; scientific

    Presumptuous adverbs

    impertinently; ungraciously; offensively; conspicuously; boldly; audaciously; self-importantly; inexcusably; boorishly; uncivilly; disrespectfully; irreverently; brazenly; ignorantly; flippantly; obnoxiously; atrociously; unpardonably; egregiously; surprisingly; crassly; strikingly; arrogantly; recklessly; indiscreetly; imprudently; unbelievably; daringly; youthfully; obstinately; chal-lengingly; obstreperously; foolishly; senselessly

    Presuppose (k) adverbs

    arrogantly; confidently; selfishly; carelessly; egotistically; independently

    (See assume, presume.)

    Pretend (v) adverbs

    satirically; childishly; deliberately; extravagantly; chimerically; groundlessly; idiotically; irrationally; sportively

    (See simulate, feign.)

    Pretender adjectives

    sole; cowled; contemptible; royal

    Pretense adjectives

    specious; elaborate; cunning; slight; vile; selfish; theatrical; plausible; vain; boyish; transparent; empty; offensive; innocent; weary; unfounded; scorned; boastful; mere; false; insincere; melancholy; listless; emotional


    abandon—; accuse of—; afford—; assume —; avoid—; breed—; concoct—; criticize —; don—; eradicate—; fabricate—; garb in—; inveigh against—; justify—; offer—; penetrate—; pierce—; possess—; relax—; ridicule—; simulate—; strip of—; wallow in—; —awes; —deceives; —disguises;—distorts; —encroaches; —masks; —minces; —misbecomes; —misrepresents; —ornaments; —overacts; —overcharges; —perverts; —poses; —strains; —transgresses

    (See disguise, hyprocisy, sham, affectation, subterfuge, deception.)

    Pretension adjectives

    groundless; ladylike; extravagant; capital; chimerical; present; unreasonable; aesthetic; arrogant; modish; aristocratic; lofty; faint; supernatural; obnoxious; serious; military; specific; rational; foolish; intellectual; genealogical; medieval; additional


    (See pretense.)

    Pretentious adverbs

    foppishly; stiltedly; mincingly; simperingly; stagily; abominably; absurdly; ridiculously; ludicrously; laughably; disgustingly; pathetically; pompously; arrogantly; noisily; elaborately; cunningly; cleverly; theatrically; transparently; offensively; boastfully; harmlessly; unreasonably; loftily; unnecessarily; fantastically; artlessly; amusingly; prodigiously; colossally; tediously; stiffly

    Pretext adjectives

    specious; trifling; vulgar; plausible; worthy; reasonable; friendly; convenient; insignificant

    Prettiness ad jectives

    bewildering; unearthly; verbal; slim; youthful; stiff; fantastic; painted

    Pretty adverbs

    innocently; delightfully; rosily; childishly; seductively; alluringly; unbelievably; charmingly; undeniably; naturally; artlessly; unaffectedly; sweetly; unusually; be-witchingly; altogether; remarkably; strikingly; unexpectedly; fascinatingly; wholesomely; radiantly; glowingly; unconsciously; pertly; smartly; artfully; particularly; uncommonly; matchlessly

    Prevail (adverbs

    ultimately; universally; unanimously; dominantly; uniformly; normally; imperiously; appallingly; annoyingly; turbulently

    (See rule, dominate.)

    Prevalence adjectives

    marked; imperious; overwhelming; appalling; strong; everlasting; annoying

    Prevalent adverbs

    widely; generally; currently; recently; naturally; disastrously; unfortunately; inexplicably; significantly; unhappily; unaccountably; ideologically; deucedly; blight-ingly; destructively; oddly; fashionably; transiently; momentarily; temporarily; insignificantly; briefly; formidably

    Prevent (v) adverbs

    permanently; effectually; effectively; forcibly; admirably; cautiously; methodically; automatically; mechanically; scientifically; medically

    (See avert, hinder, thwart.)

    Prevention verbs

    effect—; employ—; investigate—; —averts

    —baffles; —blankets; —chokes; —cramps

    —disconcerts; —disheartens; —dooms; — encounters; —hampers; —impedes; —nips

    —stifles; —thwarts

    (See obstruction, hindrance, impediment.)

    Preventive adjectives

    continual; effectual; admirable; extraordinary


    highly; successfully; presumably; helpfully; usefully; actively; moderately; prudently; remarkably; uncommonly; usually; supposedly; credibly; possibly; unquestionably; sometimes

    Prey adjectives

    miserable; finny; helpless; predestined; unexhausted; lawful; accustomed; fair; universal; shattered; specious; legitimate; unambitious; stern; silent; yielding; righteous; reluctant


    attack—; corner—; descend on—; ensnare —; evade—; fall—to; grasp—; lurk for—; mangle—; pursue—; reconnoiter—; strike—; wrestle with—

    (See victim.)

    Price adjectives

    unbelievable; prohibitive; exorbitant; heavy; minute; prevailing; comparative; minimum; sacrifice; advancing; rising; prehistoric; dirt-cheap; bottom; wholesale; sensational; competitive; amazing; fabric; specific; cash; low; proportionate; remarkable; sale; moderate; original; ridiculous; extreme; countless (pl); fractional; irresistible; bewildering; unheard-of; insufficient; trivial; possible; popular; basic; fantastic; reasonable; modest; imposing; absurd; attractive; bargain; reduced; exceptional; stiff; outrageous; unjustifiable; frightful; diurnal; internal; history-making; reserve; proportionate; remunerative; fabulous; interesting; impressive; modest; astonishing; anniversary; advertised; democratic; thrifty; wholesale; onerous; money-saving; pleasant; consistent; unusual; national; phenomenal; singular; characteristic; factory-to-you; impressive; astounding; concrete; idle; introductory; retail; disproportionate; losing


    bolster—; command—; demur at—; depress —; enhance—; fix—; haggle over—; hoist —; inflate—; reduce—; slash—; threaten—; —falls; —fluctuates; —flurries; —shoots up; —soars; —tumbles

    (See cost, amount, fee, tax, expense, value, charge, worth.)

    Price (v) adverbs

    sensationally; attractively; reasonably; exorbitantly; modestly; economically; prohibitively; ridiculously; outrageously; fabulously; competitively; sensationally; disproportionately

    (See value.)


    curiously; absolutely; sacredly; definitely; presumably; almost; altogether; sensationally; fantastically; immeasurably; incalculably; naturally; inimitably; superbly; magnificently; indescribably

    Pride adjectives

    absurd; adoring; amorous; arrogant; angry; aristocratic; barbarous; bounded; boyish; bubbling; calm; careful; bulldog; carnal; childish; civic; coeval; cold; commendable; competitive; conscious; considerable; contiguous; considerate; contemptible; craggy; daring; counterfeit; dark; defiant; delicious; demon; despairing; determined; disappointed; dormant; drooping; emulated; evident; excessive; exultant; fair; false; fantastical; fatuous; fiendish; fiery; firm; flattered; flowery; foamy; foolish; full-blown; garish; gay; generous; gentle; golden; gracious; grim; guiltless; hasty; haughty; heroic; hidden; high-blown; high-bred; holy; honest; housewifely; hurt; hypocritic; ignorant; imperial; inconsistent; indescribable; indomitable; inordinate; insolent; intellectual; interminable; intolerable; laudable; just; justifiable; legitimate; lingering; local; lofty; lovely; loyal; maiden; martial; masculine; matchless; maternal; melancholy; mingled; moderate; modest; monarchal; moral; morning; mortal; mortified; motley; much-vaunted; narrow; national; noble; obdurate; obstinate] offended; overweening; overwhelming; pardonable; particular; patrician; patriotic; personal; pertinacious; philosophic; piqued; piscatorial; pleasing; plunging; positive; pouting; prim; provincial; proper; purple; rapturous; reassuring; reflected; regal; ruthless; restless; reprehensible; retrospective; sad; sanctimonious; satisfactory; saucy; serpent; school-taught; secret; self-torturing; self-complacent; selfconscious; sensitive; shallow; sheltered; short-lived; signal; silent; single; snobbish; sober; special; spirited; splendid; spotless; stoic; stainless; stranded; stubborn; subdued; stupid; subtle; summer; sweet; tampering; tender; thankless; theatric; touchy; tyrannic; unendurable; ungenerous; unmixed; unsuspected; unvanquished; unwonted; vainglorious; vicarious; voluptuous; welling; wicked; worldly; womanly; wounded; wretched

    awaken—; beam with—; bloat with—; conceal—; flush with—; fortify—; glow with —; gratify—; humble—; injure—; lacerate —; pocket—; preserve—; reflect—; repress —; restrain—; rouse—; ruffle—; salve—; sting—; stir—; swallow—; swell with—; — animates; —armors; —bloats; —revolts; — supports

    (See conceit, vanity, arrogance, self-esteem.)

    Priest adjectives

    solemn; white-robed; ministering: venerable; full; dull; frocked; persecuting; attendant; ash-smeared; long-haired; eagle-taloned; half-mad; wandering; native; pretended; sandaled; renegade; officiating; treacherous; unyielding; shameful; stout; rustic; rich; homey; luxurious; solitary; adorned; incensed; idolatrous; little; high; chanting; smooth-tongued; easy-living


    cloister—; confess to—; ordain—; —admonishes; —addresses; —attends; —baptizes; — blesses; —chants; —confirms; —consecrates; —converts; —fines; —genuflects; —hallows; —imposes; —instructs; —intercedes; —’ministers to; —orders; —sanctifies; — serves; —supplicates

    (See minister, clergyman, clergy.)

    Priesthood adjectives

    royal; idolatrous; self-constituted

    Priestly adverbs

    reverently; devoutly; gently; sternly; helpfully; carefully; tolerantly; dutifully; fervently; admirably; estimably; zealously; ardently; diligently; earnestly; unfailingly; consistently; irreproachably

    Prig adjectives

    sapless; offensive; hopeless; unsocial; obnoxious; well-meaning

    Priggish adverbs

    intolerably; disagreeably; self-righteously; ostentatiously; uncomfortably; deucedly; unbearably; hatefully; immeasurably; unbelievably; miserably; unpleasantly; atrocious

    ]y; inflexibly; pretentiously; awfully; suddenly; inveterately; incurably; offensively

    Prim adverbs demurely; sedately; coyly; naturally; disagreeably; incurably; shyly; unsophisticated-ly; pleasantly; uncomfortably; innocently; attractively; suddenly; unexpectedly; unaccountably; singularly; remarkably; amazingly; inscrutably; distinctly; self-consciously; bashfully; unnecessarily; needlessly; unfortunately; crudely; virtuously; prettily

    Primacy adjectives hierarchal; archangelic; established

    Prime adjectives

    dancing; dominant; golden; autumnal; refulgent; blooming; young; luxuriant; lusty; early; unvalued

    Primitive adverbs unexpectedly; impossibly; intolerably; beautifully; unfashionably; stylishly; restfully; strikingly; pathetically; incredibly; curiously; grotesquely; fantastically; dramatically: spectacularly; uncomfortably; entert;j;ning-ly; interestingly; singularly; hopelessly; undesirably.; quaintly; sweetly; fearfully; miserably; comfortably; happily

    Primrose adjectives full-faced; colored; fragrant; meaningful

    Prince adjectives

    sovereign; ambitious; praiseworthy; covetous; sagacious; pious; illustrious; merciful; faithful; humane; religious; upright; worthy; trained; petty; imperious; ecclesiastical; independent; chivalrous; tyrannical; scrupulous; economical; democratic; dethroned; barbarian; reigning; renowned; pusillanimous; arbitrary; sweet; auspicious; confiscating

    Princely adverbs

    gorgeously; magnificently; lavishly; splendidly; brilliantly; regally; superbly; nobly; incredibly; indescribably; unutterably; unimaginably; immeasurably; imperiously; absolutely; graciously; gallantly; distinctly; imposingly; impressively; genuinely

    Princess adjectives

    sanctimonious; enchanted; long-despoiled; extravagant; disinherited; meddlesome; overfrivolous

    Principal adjectives

    skilled; deft; practiced; renowned; respected

    Principality adjectives

    ecclesiastical; autonomous; tributary; scanty

    Principle adjectives

    political; fundamental; moral; poetical; infallible; unsuspected; applicable; acknowledged; essential; immortal; revolutionary; rigid; guiding; ultimate; wholesome; just; competitive; cantilever; inductive; mistaken; common; immutable; particular; thoughtful; sexual; strict; eternal; underlying; false; animating; incorporating; vital; involved; party; maleficent; despotic; sacred; religious; uniform; methodological; architectural; patriotic; latent; antagonistic; vigorous; virtuous; odious; death-bringing; pervading; evolutionary; anti-centralizing; active; chemical; unimpeachable; humanitarian; first; vicious; internal; untrue; inductive; mischievous; settled; rational; human; leading; exhausted; distorted; one-term; critical; intuitive; basic; ruling; durable; adverse; honorable; beautifying; abandoned; intelligible; simple; commonsense; fixed; cooperative; rudimental; scientific; irreconcilable; immaterial; preposterous; philosophical; artistic; cardinal; warlike; favorite; sound; unquestionable; established; high; proper; enlightened; better; novel; demonstrative; sound; self-exploding; moving; dynamic; ethical; phonetic; elementary; unjust; spirited; uniform; dazzling; racial; germinal


    abhor—; accept—; adhere to—; apply—; base on—; comm? to—; comprehend—; compromise—; concur on—; contravene—; deduce—; dispute—; dissect—; embody; — embrace—; endorse—; enunciate—; espouse —; establish—; exemplify—; expound—; extend—; formulate—; grasp—; illustrate — jinculcate—; infract—; infuse—; instill —; invest with—; invoke—; obscure—; oppose—; pledge to—; proclaim—; promulgate —; refute—; reiterate—; safeguard—; steep in—; trample—; unfold—; utilize—; vaunt —; vindicate—; violate—; —decays; —justifies; —triumphs; —underlies

    (See dogma, doctrine, fundamental, formula, essential, law, rule, policy.

    PRINT adjectives                               (i»£

    vivid; monotone; riotous; conspicuous; well-penetrated; impartial

    PRINT verbs                              (news

    break into—; compose—; creep into—; dash off—; decipher—; draw up—; impress—; scan—; summarize—; type—; —arouses; — blazons; —broaches; —circulates; —diffuses; —engrosses; —enlightens; —exposes; — heralds; —proclaims; —reports; ■—reveals; —rumors

    (See press, newspaper, news.

    PRINT adjectives                           (picture

    unframed; bright; false; colored; sticking; beauteous


    appreciate—; auction —s; brighten—; collect—s; color—; design—; frame—; imitate —; prize—; select—; study—; value—; — adorns; —attracts; —depicts; —embellishes; —harmonizes; —portrays; —suspends

    (See photograph, picture, painting.

    PRINT (v) adverbs slanderously; anonymously; indelibly; elegantly; professionally; impartially; irritatingly; sensationally; boldly; seditiously; scandalously; flatteringly

    (See publish.

    PRINTER adjectives

    enterprising; active; energetic; skilled; deft


    engage—; prepare for—; —arranges; — bundles; —composes; —copies; —effaces; — errs; —inscribes; —issues; —measures; — presses; —publishes; —rushes; —sets up; — stains; —transcribes; —types

    (See publisher.

    PRISM adjectives

    refracting; colorful; revolving; perfect

    PRISMATIC adverbs

    gorgeously; iridescently; colorfully; beautifully; magnificently; magically; mysteriously; unbelievably; splendidly; phenomenally; gloriously; awesomely; unexpectedly; strikingly; matchlessly; brilliantly; dazzlingly; bewilderingly; fascinatingly; stunningly; a-stoundingly

    PRISON adjectives

    expensive; nonsensical; windowless; verbal; polluted; model; various (pl); wiry; medieval; repulsive; gloomy; twilight; squalid; voluntary; glittering; millennial; gilded; unsanitary


    cast into—; commit to—; languish in—; pine in—; rot in—scuttle into—; throw into—; —bars; —cloisters; —confines; —encages; —gags; —harbors; —immures; —incarcerates; —paroles; —rehabilitates; —releases; —restrains; —yokes

    (See jail, dungeon, imprisonment, monastery, pillory.

    PRISONER adjectives

    panting; pardoned; life; sullen; self-made; incestuous; affable; emaciated; affable; defiant; careless; high-hearted; unfortunate; well-dressed; distinguished; disheartened; virtual; unprincipled; pale; wounded; linked; sorrowful; feathered; miserable; desperate


    arraign—; brand—; charge with—; denounce—; exonerate—; guard—; herd —s; incriminate—; indict—; liberate—; lodge—; prosecute—; release—; reproach—; restrain —; saddle—; slur—; stigmatize—; taunt—; twit—; vindicate—; —confesses; —implicates

    (See convict, captive, criminal.

    Privacy adjectives

    modified; necessary; outraged; perfect; absolute; tumultuous; defended; domestic; actual; comparative; boudoir; long-enjoyed; pleasing; desirable


    bottle up in—; couch in—; creep into—; demand—; deny—; destroy—; draw into—; embrace—; enjoy—; ensconce in—; infringe on—; impinge upon—; retire to—; rob of—; ruffle—; seclude in—; sink into—; yearn for —; —buries; —curtains; —fences; —mystifies; —puzzles; —repels; —shrouds

    (See concealment, isolation, seclusion, secrecy.

    Private adverbs

    strictly; necessarily; diplomatically; securely; safely; supposedly; sacredly; presumably; delightfully; furtively; secretly; particularly; confidentially; officially; intimately; appropriately; mysteriously; inviolably; surreptitiously; reticently; stealthily; pleasantly; happily; fortunately

    Privation adjectives

    rigorous; material; signal; melancholy; revolting; ascetic; inevitable; personal; utmost; bitter; cruel; severe


    bear—; beget—; conceal—; endure—; experience—; expose to—; incur—; inflict—; meet with—; steel against—; suffer—; undergo—; —agitates; —agonizes; —chafes; —gnaws; —grates; —hinders; —pinches; — purifies; —racks; —smothers; —tortures

    (See hardship, impoverishment, poverty.

    Privilege adjectives

    royal; peculiar; ancient; valuable; additional; sublime; honorable; desolating; unrestricted; glorious; inestimable; immemorial; treasured; admirable; feudal; obsolete; cut-and-dried; antique; abused; fleeting; exclusive; exceptional; distinguishing; retirement; further; social; franking; chartered; undoubted; ancient; sovereign; accepted; cherished; irresistible


    abuse—; accord—to; assert—; bestow— upon; claim—; confer—upon; deprive of—; destroy—; encroach on—; extend—to; forego—; grant—; jeopardize—; overstep—; seek—; share—; strip of—; surrender—; wangle—; —enables; —expires

    (See independence, exemption, liberty, right.

    Privileged adverbs

    highly; especially; unfairly; fortunately; unaccountably; mysteriously; peculiarly; particularly; uniquely; inexplicably; financially; curiously; politically; socially; unusually; deservedly; indulgently; graciously; affectionately; freely; aristocratically; unconditionally; legally; duly; constitutionally; prescriptively; absolutely; properly

    Prize adjectives

    priceless; glittering; scarlet-bound; choice; coveted; easy; useless; savory; hard-earned


    acquire—; award—to; bestow—upon; capture—; collect—s; derive—; draw—; earn —; forfeit—; gain—; glean —s; merit—; obtain—; offer—; reap —s; reward with—; value—; win—; —allures; —enriches; — tempts

    (See laurels, medal.) adverbs

    inordinately; exceptionally; morbidly; casually; affectionately; ardently; exaggeratedly ; memorably

    (See value, esteem.

    Prize-Fighter verbs

    —blocks; —bounds; —clinches; —counters

    —dances; —ducks; —feints; —fouls; — groans; —hooks; —jabs; —launches; — levels; —pile-drives; —puffs; —skips; — smashes; —spars; —stabs; —stalls; —shadow-boxes; —trains; —unleashes; —uppercuts; —weakens; —whirls; —winds

    (See fighter, boxer.

    Probability adjectives inconceivable; golden; human; inherent; precarious; imminent


    consider—; contemplate—; erase—; evaluate —; ground on—; ignore—; invest with—; point to—; seek—; snort at—; speculate on —; study—; trace—; —diminishes; —implies; —fathers; —justifies; —tempts

    (See chance, opportunity, possibility.)

    Probable adverbs

    highly; circumstantially; scarcely; hardly; barely; naturally; extremely; confidently; apparently; reasonably

    Probation adjectives

    healthful; troubled; temporary

    Probationary adverbs

    wisely; prescriptively; experimentally; naturally; sensibly; venturesomely; fortunately; virtually; luckily; distinctly; undoubtedly

    Probe (v) adverbs

    secretly; deeply; curiously; morbidly; surgically; deftly; searchingly

    (See examine, investigate.)

    Problem adjectives

    sufficient; invincible; insolvable; residue; important; age-old; perplexing; harassing; abstruse; complicated; puzzling; criminal; psychological; lifelong; farming; everyday; pretty; metaphysical; decorative; vital; serious; ultimate; speculative; surgical; menacing; technical; arduous; executive; ethical; comparative; easy; confusing; vast; terrifying; moral; unsolved; dramatic; tremendous; duplex; profound; acute; specific; changing; individual; challenging; intricate; mathematical; deep; basic; striking; personal; contemporary; social; workable; troublesome; transportation; intellectual; urgent; practical; vexa’tious; conflicting; integral; defined; passionless; terrible; graphic; discouraging; weighty; insoluble; delicate; great; rising-hour; unanswerable; rapid; accumulating; mooted; childish; evolutionary; economic; doleful; original; stupendous; pressing; uncontrollable; abstract; orientation; individual; connected; vexing; philosophic; veiled; shopping


    absorb in—; aggravate—; analyze—; approach—; attack—; boil down—; circumvent—; come to grips with—; complicate—; confront with—; constitute—; contemplate —; cope with—; deal with—; detour—; dismiss—; dispose of—; dissect—; dodge—; engross in—; envisage—; expound—; face with—; focus on—; formulate—•; grapple with—; high-light—; illuminate—; labor over—; master—; meditate on—; misconceive—; outline—; ponder—; pose—; precipitate—; propound—; restate—; shed light on—; smooth out—; solve—; struggle with —; survey—; tackle—; wrestle with—; —s baffle; —bedevils; —s beset; —embraces; —looms; —narrows down to; —plagues; — ruffles; —vexes

    (See riddle, matter, mathematics, predicament.)

    Problematical adverbs

    ticklishly; delicately; altogether; precariously; distinctly; fearfully; critically; definitely; painfully; disturbingly; unusually; nicely; obscurely; intricately; perplexingly; curiously; singularly; disconcertingly; vexatiously; plaguedly; extremely

    Procedure adjectives

    characteristic; momentous; amiable; peaceful; unprovoking; abstract; simple; obstinate; intellectual; mystical; well-established; critical; specific; analytic; scandalous; energetic; wonted; tiresome; practical; routine; educational; emergency; complicated


    adopt—; alter—; bear—; condemn—; conduct—; devise—; discharge—; disrupt—; enact—; execute—; handle—; justify—; manage—; open—; participate in—; practise—; shape—; study—; suggest—; terminate—; transact—; wind up—; —awes; — bores; —“clicks”

    (See transaction, process, routine, usage.)

    Proceed (v) adverbs

    softly; moderately; nonchalantly; systematically; circuitously; divergently; solemnly; resolutely; vigorously; majestically; awk wardly; monotonously, cautiously; methodically; inquisitorially; suspiciously; summarily; critically; amiably; characteristically

    (See advance, progress.

    Proceeding adjectives

    rash; solemn; revolutionary; factious; ominous; hot; comely; furious; cumbrous; inquisitorial; cautious; ungrateful; odious; perfect; characteristic; momentous; customary; tumultuous; suspicious; mean; false; summary; manifest; violent; mere; negligent; offensive

    Proceedings verbs

    annul—; avoid—; conclude—; conduct—; denounce—; disturb—; institute—; legalize —; threaten—; —betray; —bore; —commence; —drag; —tire; —undo; —weary

    (See investigation, action.

    Proceeds adjectives pecuniary; astounding; unexpected; small


    deliver—; derive—; devote—to; draw—; inherit—; net—; pay—; procure—; raise—; realize—; reap—; secure—; swell—; treasure—; yield—; —accrue; —accumulate; produce—

    (See income, profit.

    Process adjectives administrative; beautifying; combustion; tedious; abrasion; continuing; lucrative; doubtful; elaborate; same; dreary; exclusive; refining; expert; improved; unequivocal; cognitive; delicate; wrapping; ingenious; carving; artificial; evident; fundamental; cultural; glaucomatous; quick-freezing; digestive; tentative; clarifying; fertilizing; subjective; summary; manufacturing; simple; unconscious; intertwined; elementary; pleasant; logical; inductive; volitive; culinary; exacting; continuous; just; creamchoking; regular; inflammatory; obscure; complicated; mental; ricocheting; wasteful; technical; careful; expressive; circumro-tary; punitive; reproductive; pressure; patented; sluggish; merciless; inflationary; remedial; primitive; monotypic; dynamic; fascinating; predictable; complex; artful; essential; physical; aquatint; haphazard; physiological; secret; scientific; expensive; oriental; concentrated; painful; embarrassing; minor; bleaching; ordinary; coercive; democratic; purifying; informal; improved; incubating; involuntary; curbing; evolutionary; learning; laborious; uncertain; orderly; rational; inevitable; chemical; diabetic; synthetic; unique; extensive; blood-atonement; new-discovered; searching; creative; psychological; cyanide; deleterious; bene-ficient; educational; actual; organic; ineradicable; stultifying; variegated; miraculous; deliberate; artistic; torturing; gradual-reduction; persuasive; developed; exasperating; needless; natural; familiar; enlightened; subsequent; chastening; enormous; suitable; morbid


    accelerate—; advocate—; clarify—; develop —; disclose—; engross in—; facilitate—; hinder—; perfect—; prolong—; push—; regulate—; reject—; retard—; revamp—; reverse—; simplify—; subject to—; terminate—; undergo—; —evolves through; — fabricate^; —refines

    (See operation, method, procedure.

    Procession ad jectives

    melancholy; pompous; bright; proud; solemn; dim; spangle-clad; funeral; timely; triumphal; torch-light; dull; spontaneous; gaudy; unnoticed; monkish; phantom; festal; unending; ant-like; stately; impressive; historic; parading; demure; triumphant; endless; dripping; religious; sacrificial; white-robed; imposing; mournful; motley; pensive; uniformed; sad; priestly; continuous; rustling; pale; picturesque; straggling; slow; lamentable; penitential; votive


    arrange—; disconcert—; interpose—; interrupt—; review—; —ambles; —attracts; — blazons; —bowls along; —courses; —displays; —files by; —glides by; —jogs; — paces; —plods; —shuffles; —struts; —trots; —wends

    (See parade, expedition, excursion, marchers, pageant.

    Processional adverbs

    gorgeously; ceremoniously; ceremonially

    reverently; harmoniously; magnificently

    splendidly; brilliantly; pretentiously; decor

    atively; decorously; joyously; triumphantly; conventionally; patriotically; mournfully; quietly; majestically; gravely; properly; appropriately

    Proclaim (v) adverbs formally; proudly; publicly; triumphantly; ostentatiously; loquaciously; boisterously; exuberantly; boldly; enthusiastically; seditiously; exultantly; solemnly

    (See announce, publish.

    Proclamation adjectives celebrated; artful; supplementary; seditious; atrocious; insidious; magniloquent; flowery; preliminary; stirring; exultant; solemn; defiant; brilliant; plain-speaking; feeble


    authorize—; emit—; issue—; post—; prepare—; promulgate—; publish—; recite—; —announces; —blazons; —broaches; —circulates; —diffuses; —disseminates; —heralds; —spreads; —surprises

    (See ban, edict, headline, announcement, notice.

    Proclivity adjectives

    hopeless; sentimental; dangerous; insidious


    denounce—; endow with—; limit—; promote—; redound to—; temper—; warp—; —affects; —bends; —bids; —conduces; — disposes; —enables; —gravitates; —inclines; —predisposes; —tends; —verges

    (See tendency, inclination, propensity.

    Procrastination verbs

    addict to—; remedy—; —cools; —defers; — delays; —endangers; —irks; —irritates; — postpones; —prorogues; —protracts; —retards; —stalls; —staves off; —suspends; — waives; —wearies

    (See delay, indolence.

    Procure (v) adverbs legally; lustfully; lasciviously; salaciously; seasonally; carnally; periodically; sentimentally

    (See acquire, obtain, achieve.

    Prodigal adjectives

    good-natured; niggardly; rehabilitated; unconscionable; returning; prodigious; guilty; sinful; wicked; selfish


    wastefully; reprehensibly; foolishly; wantonly; dissolutely; sadly; unthriftily; blithely; recklessly; rashly; lavishly; senselessly; thoughtlessly; selfishly; extravagantly; needlessly; immensely; witlessly; absurdly; ridiculously; wickedly; inordinately; unhappily

    Prodigality adjectives

    boundless; reckless

    Prodigious adverbs

    incredibly; inordinately; amazingly; unbelievably; unaccountably; immeasurably; incalculably; strikingly; miraculously; uncommonly

    Prodigy adjectives

    flashing; unique; infant; valorous; accompanying; juvenile; extraordinary; necromantic

    Produce adjectives

    scanty; rude; dark; peaceful

    Produce (v) adverbs

    prolifically; lavishly; magically; legitimately; enthusiastically; artificially; characteristically; infallibly; generously; systematically; wantonly; dramatically; luxuriantly; agriculturally; indigenously

    (See generate, yield.

    Producer adjectives

    potential; multitudinous (pl); independent; rich

    Product adjectives

    national; advertised; fundamental; better; uncrystallizable; commercial; vegetable; salable; sole; glandular; seasonable; staple; meager; pharmaceutic; morphine; accepted; appetizing; attractive; abundant; delicious; wholesome; poisonous; natural; lusty; resuitant; non-perishable; noble; choice; dubious; abundant (pl); pristine; spontaneous; admired; extant; filthy; humble; phantastic; extraordinary; good; sensational; amazing; fast.-selling; quality; rare; useful; guaranteed; liked; wanted; diversified (pl); allied (pl); abrasive; amphibious; definite; superstandard; multiform (pl); delectable; menacing; insidious; basic; efficient; amalgamated; recent; superior; barbarous; unforced; representative; marvelous; luxurious; dutiable; unpalatable; uniform; miraculous


    acclaim—; clamor for—; consume—; contribute to—; convert—; degrade—; deposit —; evolve—; finish—; handle—; market—; purvey—; retail—; transform—; transport —; utilize—; waste—

    (See fruit, crop, harvest, output.

    highly; fortunately; experimentally; scientifically; naturally; famously; eminently; re markably; uncommonly


    proposed; foul; ruinous; picturesque; menaced; lingering; definite; calculated; mon strous


    irreverently; brazenly; openly; blasphemously; perversely; sacrilegiously; scoffingly; intolerably; terribly; godlessly; indefensibly; inexcusably; scandalously; wickedly; offensively; indecorously; scurrilously; luridly; startlingly; horribly; unspeakably; abominably; hideously; unbecomingly; shrilly; noisily; mutteringly; unutterably; impossibly; impiously; shamelessly

    PRODUCTION adjectives attractive: quantity; continuous; figure; indigenous; abortive; rhythmical; luxuriant; deep; earned; increased; labored; earnest; aggregate; mechanical; dramatic; chief; finished; varied; conventional; prolific; industrial; assembly-line; plastic; digestible; commercial; poetical; intensive; economic; spontaneous; carnal; appropriate; estimated; curtailed; dramatic; celebrated; aboriginal; vegetable; interrupted; momentary; capacity; crude; intelligent; monstrous; multifarious; maximum; agricultural; dewless; artificial; elaborate; faultless; isolated; immortal; composite; stimulated


    absorb—; accelerate—; ascribe—to; augment—; bolster—; boom—; cancel—; control—; curtail—; delay—; determine—; disrupt—; doom—; expand—; guide—; hamper—; measure—; quadruple—; rehearse —; scuttle—; simplify—; sponsor—; stimulate—; suspend—

    (See output, product.

    PRODUCTIVE adverbs unusually; amazingly; strikingly; miraculously; conveniently; opportunely; profitably; commercially; surprisingly; sensationally; spectacularly; satisfactorily; adequately

    PROFANE (v) adverbs obscenely; blasphemously; raucously; vulgarly; uncouthly; villa.nously; barbarously; diabolically

    (See violate, debase.

    PROFANITY adjectives inarticulate; smothered; delicate; picturesque; time-honored; extraordinary; unbelievable; purposeless; shocking; disgusting; unmanly; stubborn; raucous; unnecessary; deliberate

    PROFESS (v) adverbs

    ignorantly; ostentatiously; impulsively; boldly; gaily; carelessly; obstreperously; vainly; vigorously; shamelessly; enthusiastically

    (See admit, claim, avow.

    PROFESSION adjectives

    peaceful; rich; dissimilar (pl); dramatic; sacred; lettered; universal; knavish; solemn; kind; respectable; lucrative; clerical; shining; hard-working; shady; pacific; stupid; grave; educated; destined; medical; fraternal; chivalrous; preserved; inherited; honorable; paternal; private; noble; remunerative; knowing; earnest; obvious; elab orate


    commit to—; contract—; devote oneself to —; engage in—; enter—; fill—; follow—; honor—; overcrowd—; ply—; practise—; prosecute—; prosper in—; pursue—; struggle in—; undertake—; —adjures; —binds; —employs; —engages; —exacts; —obligates; —occupies

    (See calling, employment, industry, law, teaching.)

    Professional adverbs

    strictly; scarcely; hardly; highly; expertly; self-consciously; ridiculously; absurdly; suddenly; incredibly; pretentiously; obscurely; insistently; consistently; supposedly; emphatically; assertively; dogmatically; formally; solemnly; conspicuously; unmistakably; prodigiously; ostentatiously

    Professionalism verbs

    acquire—; commit to—; denounce—; discontinue—; display—; don—; drop—; exhibit —; practise—; shroud in—; study—; —annoys; —attends; —exacts; —irks; —irritates; —proselytes; —ties; —wearies

    Professor adjectives

    renowned; theorizing; mournful; dogmatizing; world-famed; controlling; volunteer; unsympathetic; eminent; assiduous; miserable; braintrust; unemployed; unlearned; grave; wizened; wise; absent-minded; kindly; knowing; eccentric; research; modest; masterful

    Proficiency adjectives

    speedy; practical; established; technical; similar; obvious; palpable; notable; demonstrated


    acquire—; commend—; demand—; gain—; maintain—; misapply—; perceive—; possess —; praise-—; profess—; realize—; recognize—; —accomplishes; —conquers; —defeats; —lags; —masters; —outflanks; — overcomes; —prevails; —succeeds; —triumphs; —weathers

    (See mastery, skill, ability, power.)

    Proficient adverbs

    obviously; unmistakably; marvelously; amazingly; emphatically; unfailingly; miraculously; singularly; curiously; indubitably; skilfully; expertly; remarkably; unsur-passably; matchlessly; profoundly; dexterously; deftly; felicitously; confidently; cunningly; admirably; commendably; consummately

    Profile adjectives

    sloping; inquisitive; clean-cut; architectural; Roman; sable; coin-clear; melancholy; aquiline; energetic; bold; flawless; regular; delicate; fine; vapid; athletic; Grecian; Nordic; gaunt; grisly; smooth; fetching; sagging; gripping; romantic; grim; noble; criminal

    Profit adjectives

    generous; quick; sensational; large; cash; clear; general; liberal; tremendous; amazing; steady; spot-cash; repeated; enormous; real; old-fashioned; staggering; unlimited; startling; additional; volume; big; daily; handsome; easy; distributed; potential; competitive; personal; substantial; immense; mutual; divided; moderate; reinvested; small; healthy; material; extortionate; sharp; singular; prospective; present; estimated; inconceivable; colossal; immediate; slender; honest; regular; individual; speculative; utmost; increasing; absolute; illicit; pecuniary; monetary; usurious; abnormal


    account for—; amass—; ascertain—; assure of—; consume—; create—; derive—from; eat—; educe—; eliminate—; evolve—; net —; pocket—; preclude—; reap—; retain—; spell—; squeeze—; swell—; —accrues; — booms; —evaporates; —lures; —materializes; —piles up; —s rise; —shoots from

    (See income, gain, emolument, pay, money.)

    Profit (v} adverbs

    sensationally; liberally; enormously; potentially; competitively; personally; moderately; materially; colossally; pecuniarily; usur-iously; abnormally

    (See gain, benefit.)

    PROFITABLE adverbs

    highly; unusually; commercially; financially; professionally; remarkably; surprisingly; amazingly; inordinately; extraordinarily; extremely; unexpectedly; scarcely; hardly; altogether; socially; secretly; mysteriously; shadily; peculiarly; strangely

    PROFLIGATE adjectives

    despairing; lecherous; hopeless; debauched; drunken; unsocial


    admonish—; chastise—; condemn—; convert from—; punish—; rebuke—; reform—; re-prtach—; scald—; —brutalizes; —corrupts; —demoralizes; —deviates; —errs; —lapses; —offends; —sins; —slips; —strays; —transgresses; —trespasses; —sinks

    (See scoundrel, villain, criminal.

    PROFOUND adverbs mystically; abstrusely; obscurely; pedantically; eruditely; theologically; provokingly; prosaically; gravely; admittedly; politically; sagaciously; distinctly; shrewdly; keenly; astutely; rationally; impartially; thoughtfully; perspicaciously; oracularly; impressively; amazingly; inscrutably; doctrinally

    PROFUSE adverbs wonderfully; uncommonly; delightfully; unexpectedly; surprisingly; amazingly; curiously; strangely; exuberantly; luxuriantly; profitably; overly; wastefully; extravagantly; foolishly; senselessly; abundantly; amply; unsparingly; wickedly

    PROFUSION adjectives

    utmost; sheer; lavish; tempting: sumptuous; vernal; incalculable; happy; thick; ostentatious; glossy; luxuriant; extraordinary; disorderly; gothic

    PROGENY adjectives

    little; ungracious; twin-born; vigorous; numerous; enslaved; multiplied

    PROGNOSTICA TION adjectives

    gloomy; financial; anguished; supernatural. verbs

    cast—; contemplate—; ignore—; justify—; —augurs; —betokens; —bids; —calculates; —discerns; —excites; —foreshadows; — foretells; —forewarns; —heralds; —points to; —precurses; —predicts; —presages; — promises; —senses; —signifies; —worries

    (See foreboding, prediction, forecast, prophecy.

    PROGRAM adjectives

    rigorous; coherent; laborious; inviting; commercial; aggressive; sponsored; balanced; serious; comprehensive; reading; great; fiction; economical; diagnosed; voluntary; relief; constructive; abstergent; seductive; varied; modernization; entertaining; aesthetic; exhaustive; ultra-professional; systematic; selfsame; sustaining; peace; nationwide; educational; social


    adhere to—; adopt—; attack—; bowl over —; carry out—; defer—; design—; devote to—; elaborate on—; embark on—; endorse —; evaluate—; evolve—; expand—; familiarize with—; formulate—; initiate—; institute—; integrate—; launch—; map out—; modify—; oppose—; outline—; participate in—; pound away at—; sketch—; submit—; supervise—; swamp—; thread through—; vary—; view—; —embraces; —languishes

    (See itinerary, list, menu.

    PROGRESS adjectives

    educational; marvelous; amazing; unbroken; moral; physical; successful; beneficent; actual; material; phenomenal; torturing; excellent; painful; joyous; eventful; social; obvious; mechanical; sufficient; luxurious; artistic; enormous


    abate—; achieve—; arrest—; blight—; block—; check—; control—; curb—; curtail —; expedite—; extend—; facilitate—; halt —; herald—; hinder—; impede—; imperil —; indicate—; insure—; keep abreast of—; mark by—; measure—; promote—; record —; retard—; survey—; trace—; yield to—

    (See advance, advancement, civilization, development, growth.

    Progress (adverbs exultantly; boldly; methodically; spectacularly; enormously; swiitly; tardily; phenomenally; socially; mechanically; artistically; markedly

    (See advance, proceed.

    Progression adjectives audacious; endless; constant; harmonic; chromatic; upward

    Progressive adverbs naturally; unusually; exceptionally; satisfactorily; ambitiously; pseudously; slowly; dependably; reliably; steadily; amazingly; happily; remarkably; startlingly; incredibly; unbelievably ^unexpectedly; highly; gratify-ingly; solidly; substantially; brilliantly; undeniably

    Prohibition adjectives virtual; positive; perpetual; reiterated


    annul—; defy—; denounce—; deplore—; dispute—; enforce—; ignore—; laud—; support—; undermine—; uphold—; urge—; — debars; —forbids; —restrains; —restricts; —revokes; —smothers; —suppresses; —taboos

    (See taboo, embargo, ban, edict.

    Prohibitive adverbs meanly; unhappily; unwisely; sordidly; racially; inordinately; senselessly; foolishly; viciously; strictly; sternly; legally; officially; authoritatively; narrowly; dogmatically; imperiously; unwarrantably; unfairly; narrow-mindedly; ineptly; antagonistically; disagreeably; unconscionably; unnecessarily; groundlessly; wisely; necessarily; warily; vigilantly; shrewdly; carefully; financially; prescriptively

    Project adjectives ambitious; titanic; resettlement; juvenile; cherished; philosophical; cunning; sublime; modified; unrealized; reclamation; cumbersome; wild; murderous; audacious; brilliant; stupendous; immense; rehabilitation; relief; works; national


    abandon—; broach—; dedicate—; develop —; discard—; discourage—; expand—; formulate—; horn in on—; incubate—; launch —; lose in—; plan—; quash—; turn down —; —centers upon; —collapses; —goes awry; —marches to completion; —takes shape

    (See idea, design, enterprise.

    Project (v) adverbs sterevscopically; distinctly; obtrusively; naively; infinitesimally; sharply; fantastically; ruggedly

    (See extend, jut, protrude.

    Projectile verbs bolt—; cast—; discharge—; drive—; emit —; expel—; fire—; heave—; hurl—; pitch —; propel—; shoot—; sling—; toss—; — darts; —forces; —impels; —screams by; —whistles

    (See bomb, bullet.

    Projection adjectives rugged; blunted; infinitesimal; gnomonic; jutting, far-reaching; sharp

    Proletariat verbs assail—; debar—; denounce—; grind—; incite—; restrain—; restrict—; smother—; stir—; support—; suppress—; trammel—; tyrannize over—; —defies; —degrades; — inflames; —labors; —rises; —revolts; — strikes

    (See bourgeoisie, foreigner, alien, peasant, worker, employer.

    Prolific adverbs unusually; highly; distinctly; healthily; sadly; happily; fortunately; amazingly; normally; uncommonly; surprisingly; remarkably; undeniably

    Prologue adjectives symphonic; learned; explanatory; necessary; useless; space-filling

    Prolong (v) adverbs indefinitely; unduly; agonizingly; perpet

    ually; embarrassingly; tantalizingly; excessively

    (See lengthen, extend.)

    Promenade adjectives

    mental; solitary; public; sociable; daily; amorous; fashionable

    Prominence adjectives

    political; literary; excessive; high; rocky; dominating; naked; especial; extraordinary; historical; disturbing; modest


    attain—; bounce into—; burst into—; deplore—; drag up to—; elevate to—; expose to—; hoist to—; jump into—; lift to—; merit—; mount to—; soar to—; —awes; —commands; —crowns; —exalts; —heightens; —mantles; —perches; —weighs

    (See distinction, fame, eminence.)

    Prominent adverbs

    unusually; questionably; brilliantly; impressively; wickedly; boldly; audaciously; officially; officiously; curiously; strangely; inexplicably; noticeably; conspicuously; brazenly; eminently; gorgeously; gloriously; radiantly; rightfully; majestically; splendidly; memorably; illustriously

    Promiscuity verbs

    condemn—; denounce—; drift into—; refrain from—; shrink from—; suffer—; — agitates; —brews; —corrupts; —deranges; —diffuses; —disorders; —entangles; —reduces; —ruffles; —rumples

    (See indifference, mixture.)

    Promiscuous adverbs

    strangely; inexplicably; unaccountably; naturally; inevitably; democratically; significantly; necessarily; shamefully; reprehens-ibly; embarrassingly; unmanageably; unexpectedly; obviously; complexly; indiscriminately; casually; fortuitously; accidentally

    Promise adjectives

    optimistic; heartfelt; significant; solemn; dormant; fertile; considerable; whispered; liberal; maudlin; tremendous; firm; indefinite; conservative; drunken; rash; cheerful; exceptional; remorseful; valiant; unbreakable; vernal; flattering; cheering; gracious; false; definite; scant; pathetic; tacit; doubtful; unredeemed; brilliant; deceiving; high; express; faithful; unfulfilled; light; haughty; scorching; stout-limbed; implied; nugatory; imperial


    avail oneself of—; carry out—; clutch—; dangle—; dispense—s; elicit—; enforce—; extort—; extract—; fulfill—; gain—; ignore—; issue—; nullify—; puncture—; redeem—; violate—; void—; —binds; —s clash; —electrifies; —implies; —materializes; —pledges; —sanctifies

    (See bond, contract, covenant, compromise, pledge.)

    Promise (v) adverbs

    blithely; solemnly; vehemently; punctually; devoutly; cheerfully; blandly; speciously; optimistically; liberally; maudlinly; graciously; flatteringly; tacitly; lightly

    (See pledge, assure.)

    Promising adverbs

    brilliantly; altogether; hopefully; unquestionably; remarkably; uncommonly; highly; splendidly; indubitably; auspiciously; distinctly; definitely

    Promontory adjectives

    beaked; eminent; sea-beaten; keen-faced; salubrious; hoary; rock-girt; remote; mountainous; rugged; wooded; high; moon-bathed; venerable

    Promote (v) adverbs

    infrequently; essentially; subsequently; wisely; swiftly; promptly; tardily; gratuitously; insidiously; seditiously; skillfully; ambitiously

    (See advance, encourage.)

    Promoter adjectives

    zealous; doughty; enterprising; high-pressure; genial; sports; deft; skilled

    Promotion adjectives

    picturesque; swift; deserved; lineal; gratuitous; prompt


    award—; deserve—; favor—; foster—; gain—; merit—; reward by—; secure—; seek—; —ameliorates; —betters; —bolsters; —brightens; —cheers; —elevates; —encourages; —enhances; —enriches; —invigorates ; —smooths

    (See progress, advancement.)

    Prompt adverbs

    dependably; reliably; punctiliously; surprisingly; meticulously; carefully; always; curiously; significantly; suspiciously; courteously; considerately; graciously; cheerfully; politely; ingratiatingly; wisely; usually; unfailingly; pleasantly; gratifyingly

    Prompting adjectives

    imperious; deep-seated; inner; physiological; base; quiet; serious; definite

    Promptness ad jectives

    absolute; self-satisfied; incredible; well-meant; characteristic; soldierly; utmost; unexampled; noncommittal; deliberate; practiced; remarkable

    Pronounce (v) adverbs

    whimsically; unanimously; syllabically; solemnly; unhesitatingly; emphatically; impressively; weightily; definitely; academically

    (See speak, utter.)

    Pronouncement adjectives

    weighty; impressive; scientific; definite; startling


    authorize—; await—; circulate—; issue—; post—; prepare—; promulgate—; publish —; relay—; spread—; —blazons; —broaches; —diffuses; —disseminates; —heralds; —proclaims; —rings out

    (See proclamation, announcement.)

    Pronunciation adjectives

    careful; defective; smooth; facile; slipshod; hasty; inaccurate; local; improper; incorrect; antiquated; slovenly; lip-lazy; faulty; outlandish; uncouth; arbitrary; accepted


    accentuate—; alter—; aspirate—; bark—; clarify—; correct—; criticize—; detect—; drawl—; drown—; improve—; lament—; mangle—; mutter—; practise—; ridicule—; swallow—; —confuses; —perplexes

    (See accent, utterance.)

    Proof adjectives

    absolute; remarkable; experimental; confirming; ample; undeniable; refined; positive; indisputable; incontestable; irrefragable; actual; traditional; palpable; vulgar; abundant; similar; conclusive; distinct; documentary; lucid; secondary; innate; strenuous; tangible; irresistible; gratifying; strict; historical; convincing; incompatable; forcible; presumptive; convenient; melancholy; corroborative; perpetual; decisive; indubitable; gallery; ocular; bedrock; added; definite; practical; sufficient; triumphant; divine; dingy; authentic; shadowy; exemplary; formal; continuing; quick; legal; hourly; insidious; cruel; doubtful; dramatic; concrete; phenomenal; childhood


    advance—; cite—; demand—; demonstrate —; devise—; dig—; digest—; draw—; establish—; evince—; prepare—; question—; reflect upon—; seek—; strike at—; —checks; —leaks; —s multiply; —settles; —substantiates ;.—verifies

    (See argument, evidence, confirmation.)

    Propaganda adjectives

    sedulous; sentimental; insidious; insistent; commercial; primitive; blatant; suicidal; incessant; educational; systematic; subversive; sinister; treacherous; political


    assail—; bedevil with—; denounce—; deny —; direct—at; dispute—; disseminate—; distrust—; doubt—; found on—; grind out —; impregnate with—; ignore—; mask—; pump—into; question—; release—; swallow —; weave—; —bewilders; —convinces; — deceives; —edifies; —enlightens; —exploits; —familiarizes; —ignites; —implants; —impresses; —inculcates; —inflames; —misinforms; —misrepresents; —pervades; —perverts; —staggers; —startles; —threatens; —undermines

    (See message, doctrine, lie.

    PROPAGATE (v) adverbs peacefully; seditiously; agriculturally; radically; cunningly; audaciously; seasonally. (See increase, reproduce.

    PROPEL (v) adverbs                          

    vigorously; swiftly; deftly; skillfully; leisurely; brilliantly; valiantly; daringly; rashly-                             

    (See drive, force, impel.



    jerk—; rake—; start—; tug—; yank (colloq.)—; —arousesj —'.actuates; —calms

    —drives; —forces; —halts; —hushes: — impels; —lashes; —revolves; —rotates; — spins; —urges; —whirs; —whizzes; — wrenches

    (See motor, fan.

    PROPENSITY adjt cfives martial; bad; edifying: cruel; feline; gregarious; bucaneering; degraded; mischievous; piscatorial; unsuspected; social; vulgar; erratic; indignant; unconscious; amorous; remarkable; noteworthy; unusual


    denounce—; gratify—; promote—; temper —; tempt—; —affects; —bends; —bids; — conduces; —disposes; —fancies; —gravitates ; —inclines; —tends; —thirsts; — verges

    (See inclination, disposition, proclivity.

    PROPER adverbs

    conventionally; socially; altogether; acceptably; legally; punctiliously; carefully; cautiously; anxiously; graciously; courteously; politely; deferentially; respectfully; reverently; quietly; serenely; laboriously; easilv; becomingly; demurely; correctly; unfailingly

    PROPERTY adjectives toxic; consular; medicinal; sonorous; outcropped; curative; beneficial; stimulating; private; extensive; desired; elaborate; inalienable; injurious; historical; magnetic; virgin; intellectual; inherent; structural; mechanical; business; essential; surplus; immense; profitable; defunct; physical; admirable; tonic; virtuous; airy; violent; ultimate; poisonous; permanent; living; distinctive; landed; deliquescent; exclusive; health-giving; contested; luminous; papal; adjacent; unpredictable; ice-melting; acidresisting; agreeable; specific; absolute; phonetic; substantial; acoustic; immutable; unentailed; nutritious; clinging; ancestral; existing: emollient


    acquire—; allocate—; assess—; confiscate—: deplete—; deprive of—; destine to—; destroy—; exalt—; expropriate—; fence—; guard—; inherit—; insure—; levy on—; liquidate—; retain—; saddle—; squander—; transfer—; —abuts; —includes

    (See estate, legacy, asset, inheritance, possessions.

    PROPHECY adjectives

    unpleasing; vaunting: bitter; humbler; gloomy; drunken; backward-glancing; optimistic; retrospective; impassionate; mad; imposing; painful; fanciful; ominous; dogmatic; numerous (pl); enkindling; maiden; pessimistic; apocalyptic; omnipresent; sanguine; fulfilled; inspired; prospective


    divine—; fulfill—; ignore—; mock—; scoff at—; sustain—; —augurs; —betokens; — bodes; —excites; —forecasts; —foreshadows; —foretells; —heralds; —points to; — precurses; —predicts; —presages; —promises; —warns

    (See forecast, prediction, foreboding, prognostication.

    PROPHET adjectives

    maddening; dumb; twice-tongued; fiery; courageous; master; disbelieved

    PROPHETIC adverbs

    wildly; hysterically; gravely; seriously;

    oracularly; crazily; soberly; gloomily; cynically; sagely; reflectively; thoughtfully; alarmingly; ominously; gloriously; optimistically; groundlessly; profoundly; deeply; boldly; reasonably; sanely; sadly; pessimistically; wishfully; hopefully; sagaciously; intelligently; far-seeingly; perspicaciously; curiously; strangely; startlingly; highly; audaciously

    Propitiate (v) adverbs

    flatteringly; servilely; artfully; fawningly; cunningly; shrewdly; timidly; earnestly; studiously

    (See pacify, calm, soothe.)

    Propitious adverbs

    pleasantly; agreeably; seriously; altogether; happily; delightfully; fortunately; opportunely; appropriately; graciously; pleasingly; advantageously; unusually; uncommonly; providentially; entirely; encouragingly; supposedly; singularly; particularly; especially

    Proportion adjectives

    cyclonic; impressive; modelled; splendid; respectable; portentous; heavy; exact; cavernous; tremendous; symmetrical; incredible; extensive; luxurious; heroic; sublime; ignoble; overwhelming; exaggerating; classic; inverse; geometrical; colossal; impudent; sizable; gigantic; enormous; proper; monstrous; rotund; sturdy; massive; divine; direct; balanced; faultless; increasing; staggering; unbelievable; inconsiderable; excessive; diminishing; relative; regal; varying; huge; ethical; progressive; majestic; large; meager; just; prodigious; consistent; constituent; pyramid; distinct; major; alder-manic; artistic; slender; clumsy; rude; due; far-reaching; equal; robust-; national; vibrating; horrible


    allot—; allow—; amass—; assign—; assume —s; attain—s; consign—s; contort—; deal —s; deform—s; dispense—s; divide into—s; dole out—s; evaluate—s; indicate—s; misshape—s; preserve—s; retain—s; twist—s; warp—

    (See equilibrium, percentage, size, extent, degree, dimensions, share.)

    Proportion (v) adverbs

    delicately; exquisitely; admirably; femininely; correctly; superbly; symmetrically; luxuriously; geometrically; massively; regally; meagerly; clumsily; rudely; equally; prodigiously

    (See divide, adjust, apportion.)

    Proportionate adverbs

    fairly; justly; carefully; correspondingly; diplomatically; agreeably; satisfactorily; respectively; congruously; consistently; admissibly; felicitously; acceptably; quantatively; relatively; distinctly; impartially; equitably; laudably; legally; regularly

    Proposal adjectives

    friendly; romantic; infamous; unique; alternative; oral; impracticable; ridiculous; lame; flattering; foolhardy; audacious; ambitious; crackpot; definite


    accept—; adopt—; argue—; back—; block —; carry out—; commend—; condemn—; denounce—; deride—; dismiss—; entertain —; explode—; heed—; inspire—; oppose—; pooh-pooh—; raise—; reject—; sanction—; submit—; support—; turn down—; vitiate —; withdraw—; —emanates from; —excites; —falls through

    ,(See bid, proposition, offer, deal, transaction, plan, suggestion, scheme.

    Propose (v) adverbs

    spontaneously; seriously; dogmatically; originally; deliberately; impiously; insidiously; theoretically; philosophically; untenably; ominously; flatteringly; conditionally; passionately

    (See offer, discourse.)

    Proposition adjectives

    equitable; due; plausible; theoretical; unintelligible; tough; preposterous; brutal; solemn; definite; businesslike; philosophical; attractive; abstract; meaningless; untenable; ominous; mannerly; distasteful; marvelous; undeniable; dynamical; moneymaking; fundamental; flattering; conditional; general; novel; true; palpitating; astounding


    acclaim—; applaud—; balk at—; conve> —; dedicate—; deliver—; demonstrate—; engage in—; entertain—; fancy—; immerse in—; jeopardize—; lay down—; misconstrue—; reject—; relate—; support—; — allures; —invites; —tempts

    (See offer, proposal, bid, deal.)

    Propound (v) adverbs

    academically; philosophically; theoretically; argumentatively; dispassionately; conditionally

    (See offer, propose.)

    Proprietary adverbs

    proudly; legitimately; comically; possessively; justly; graciously; absurdly; properly; pompously; ostentatiously; conspicuously; blatantly; ridiculously; modestly; anxiously; watchfully; responsibly; vigilantly; disagreeably; unctuously; suavely; smoothly; blandly; rapturously

    Proprietor adjectives

    affluent; genial; antiquarian; ecclesiastic

    Propriety adjectives

    unconscious; editorial; peculiar; established; equal; perfect; complacent; eminent; dramatic; rigid; obvious; sacred; dreamy


    adhere to—; admire—; befit—s; conform to—; contravene—s; fulfill—s; impose—; incur—; justify—s; observe—; respect—; satisfy—; suit—; undermine—; —becomes; —binds; —exacts; —obliges; —prescribes; —requires; —saddles

    (See decorum, convenience, decency.)

    Prosaic adverbs

    hopelessly; consciously; dully; flatly; tediously; unimaginatively; monotonously; stupidly; tiresomely; endlessly; unconsciously; pretentiously; pitiably; miserably; vacuously; inanely; diffusely; heavily; drearily; impossibly; terribly

    Prose adjectives

    rhythmical; impassioned; polyphonic; newspaper; idealistic; strenuous; poetical; rhyming; lucid; glittering; immortal; artistic; famous; dull; heroic; harmonious; sinewy; uncerebral; hard-hitting; straight-from-the-shoulder; extensive; physical; humorous; conventional; flashing; elaborate; measured; conversational; dreamy; grand; mingled; salable; vigorous; poetic; puissant; supple; mellifluous; swift; masculine


    acclaim—; analyze—; compose—; contemplate—; dwell on—; enjoy—; —abounds in; —amplifies; —bores; —describes; —dilates; —discusses; —protracts; —rambles; —repeats; —swells; —thrills; —wearies

    (See poetry, writing, story, style.)

    Prosecute (v) adverbs

    actively; recklessly; fearlessly; relentlessly; vindictively; diabolically; legally; spitefully; energetically; impassionedly; repulsively

    (See sue.)

    Prosecution adjectives

    vigorous; persistent; inevitable; victorious; unceasing


    avert—; avoid—; demand—; endure—; escape—; evade—; file—; lodge—; order —; prefer—; risk—; suffer—; —brands; —implicates; —saddles; —slanders; —slurs; —stigmatizes; —weighs against

    (See lawsuit, suit (legal), arrest.)

    Prospect adjectives

    dusky; melancholy; near; gloomy; smiling; brilliant; immediate; favorable; calm; peaceful; hideous; extreme; prosperous; tempting; flattering; consolatory; dazzling; brightening; adjacent; flaming; delightful; honorable; turbulent; bare; feeble; glorious; coveted; varying; bright; scanty; better; dismal; inexpressible; unobstructed; dim; gleaming; domestic; shadowy; repulsive; tempting; spacious; ineffable; glittering; blighted; bleak; dreary; embarrassing; glorious; cheering; depressing; grim; substantial; gay; happy; pleasing.


    bait—; blanch at—; cripple—; dash—; deter by—; eliminate;—; entertain—; gaze at—; guard—; harbor—; insure—s; jeopardize—; open—; relinquish—; relish—; sustain—; tremble at—; —lures; —ponders; —speculates; —tempts; —s wane; —yields

    See future, expectation, view, outlook, chance.

    Prosper (v) adverbs

    materially; privately; personally; abundantly; excessively; illusively; financially; economically; miraculously; spectacularly

    (See thrive, gain, benefit.)

    Prosperity adjectives

    material; public; infectious; rapid; nourishing; crass; common; supposititious; deserved; private; ever-increasing; riotous; exemplified; apparent; unexampled; abundant; excessive; fair illusive; sensual; worldly


    annihilate—; attain—; attribute—to; boom into—; boost—; build—; climb to—; contribute to—; enhance—; enjoy—; experience —; foster—; guarantee—; hamper—; induce—; promote—; re-establish—; retard —; revive—; share in—; —continues; —intoxicates; —permeates; —stems from; —vanishes

    (See boom, happiness, health, inflation.)

    Prosperous adverbs

    happily; comfortably; fortunately; extremely; pleasantly; gratifyingly; agreeably; surprisingly; serenely; enviably; snugly; sufficiently; fabulously; independently; tremendously; conspicuously

    Prostitution verbs

    attack—; censor—; drift into—; eradicate —; extirpate—; lapse into—; suffer—; suppress—; wipe out—; —contaminates; —corrupts; —debauches; —defiles; —degrades; —depraves; —discolors; —embitters; —impairs; —mangles; —pollutes; —vitiates; —warps

    (See crime, sin, corruption.)

    Prostrate (v) adverbs

    reverently; humbly; weakly; fawningly; cringingly; servilely; nervously; speechlessly; utterly

    (See overthrow, overpower, defeat.)

    Prostration adjectives

    nervous; servile; indolent; extreme; inanimate; utter

    Protect (v) adverbs

    adequately; legally; permanently; chivalrously; amply; unequivocally; honorably; sedulously; sacredly; nominally; automatically; scientifically; parentally; financially; dubiously

    (See defend, guard.)

    Protected adverbs

    tenderly; completely; unusually; remarkably; warmly; heavily; affectionately; ardently; carefully; cautiously; vigilantly; constantly; officially; unnecessarily; distinctly; deliberately; strangely; covertly; secretly; openly; successfully; always; legally

    Protection adjectives

    positive; permanent; extra; especial; effectual; benign; immediate; invaluable; inadequate; satisfactory; maximum; parental; sublime; atrocious; mutual; lubricant; efficient; all-around; adequate; momentary; blow-out; generous; fancied; financial; sad-visaged; scanty; extended; gracious; indifferent; humiliating; warm; dubious; inexpensive; weatherproof


    afford—; bestow—upon; deny—; furnish—; gain—; grant—; insure—; legalize—; maintain—; seek—; sustain—; —assures; — eases; —preserves; —safeguards

    (See guidance, leadership, patronage.)

    Protector adjectives

    guilty; desirable; sole; staunch; potent; courageous

    Protein adjective] concentrated; coagulating; necessary


    absorb—; advocate—; assimilate—; burn—; class as—; consume—; digest—; disintegrate—; inject—; lack—; necessitate—; utilize—; —builds; —corrects; —regulates; —strengthens

    (See food, carbohydrates, starch, sugar, calorie.

    Protest adjectives

    indignant; feeble; ineffective; vigorous; humble; passionate; persistent; comic; vociferous; courageous; somber; ancient; incautious; startled; religious; earnest; emphatic; living; masculine; voluble; vehement; inarticulate; shouted; shocked; hurt; stubborn; half-scornful; howled; feigned; energetic; unavailing; timid; manly; undersigned; respectful; harassing; passionate; fiery; undignified; noisy; unwelcome


    anticipate—; arouse—; awaken—; brush aside—; dismiss—; echo—; elicit—; explode in—; file—; give rise to—; growl in—; grumble—; howl in—; ignore—; issue—; laugh away—; lodge—; maintain—; override—; provoke—; register—; rise in—; scowl—; storm in—; summarize—s; voice —; waive—; —emanates from; —infuriates; —s pour in; —flames forth

    (See complaint, grievance, objection, answer.

    Protest (v) adverbs drawlingly; vehemently; rebelliously; solemnly; sullenly; violently; keenly; earnestly; lustily; fiercely; indignantly; suavely; energetically; passionately; feebly; extravagantly; ungraciously; formally; persistently

    (See remonstrate, expostulate.

    Protestant verbs oppress—; persecute—; —accedes; —acknowledges; —approves; —attends; —contradicts; —criticizes; —demurs; —flays; —opposes;    —persecutes;    —practices

    —preaches; —protests; —questions; repudiates; —worships; —endorses

    (See church-goers.

    Protestantism verbs

    approve—; confirm—; convert to—; endorse —; practice—; preach—; promise—; —accedes to; —acknowledges; —contradicts; —demurs; —denies; —differs; —envelops; —flays; —involves; —protests; —questions; —repudiates

    (See religion, Christianity, protest.

    Protestation adjectives

    passionate; jittery; grateful; shrieking; roaring; injurious; characteristic; solemn; extravagant; earnest; amorous

    Protesting adjectives pure; earnest; vigorous

    Protracted adverbs unendurably; endlessly; foolishly; tragically; unhappily; purposely; wickedly; painfully; tiresomely; drearily; unbearably; miserably; wearily; hopelessly; inexplicably; unaccountably; deliberately; purposely; intentionally; distressingly; viciously; lengthily; interminably; unendurably

    Protrude (v) adverbs puffily; abnormally; flabbily; unusually; hideously; disgustingly; prominently; exaggeratedly

    (See jut, project, extend.

    Protuberance adjectives horny; auricular; bulging; dimpled; elliptical; flabby; unusual; unsightly

    Protuberant adverbs extremely; crookedly; pitiably; seriously; gravely; noticeably; conspicuously; prominently; bulbously; tumorously; alarmingly; dreadfully

    Proud adverbs

    absurdly; arrogantly; boyishly; coldly; contemptibly; defiantly; excessively; fatuously; foolishly; haughtily; honestly; rightfully; indescribably; inordinately; justly; moderately; pardonably; rapturously; regally; saucily; secretly; snobbishly; splendidly; stubbornly; stupidly; subtly; tenderly; un-endurably; ungovernably; wretchedly; essentially

    PROVE (adverbs lucidly; axiomatically; irrefutably; conclusively; incontrovertibly; incontestably; ultimately; indubitably; abundantly; substantially; experimentally; undeniably

    (See verify, corroborate.

    PROVERB adjectives

    enigmatical; prudential; silly; ungracious; bold; quaint; untruthful; well-worn, notable


    apply—; comprehend—; condense into—; contract into—; formulate—; frame—; jewel with—s; memorize—; recall—; refute—; value—; —directs; —embodies; —impresses; —instructs; —moralizes; — prescribes; —sparkles; —teaches; —warns

    (See adage, maxim, motto, epigram.

    PROVIDE (v) adverbs graciously; hospitably; duly; suitably; abundantly; sparely; properly; liberally; adequately; specifically; copiously; expressly; indulgently

    (See furnish, supply.

    PROVIDENCE adjectives

    beneficent; special; divine; shocking; indulgent; inscrutable; innocent; adverse; overruling


    beseech—; depend on—; meditate on—; ponder—; rely on—; —blesses; —creates; —decrees; —elects; —glorifies; —governs; —interposes; —intervenes; —justifies; — ordains; —predestines; —sanctifies; — smiles upon; —upholds

    (See Heaven, God.

    PROVIDENT adverbs

    carefully; cautiously; habitually; generously; thriftily; cannily; scarcely; adequately; satisfactorily; lavishly; extravagantly; proudly; ostentatiously; noticeably; famously; notoriously; wisely; sagaciously; intelligently; admirably; commendably; unfailingly; prudently; considerately; thoughtfully; sensibly; elaborately

    PROVIDENTIAL adverbs

    divinely; fortunately; blessedly; highly; undoubtedly; unmistakably; curiously; mysteriously; strangely; happily; opportunely: auspiciously; gloriously; beneficently

    PROVINCE adjectives

    neighboring; fruitful; extensive; specific; outcrying; petitioning; ostensible; archic-piscopal; opulent; diverse; singular; discordant; subjugated; baffling; petty; dreaded; remote; invaded; turbulent; outlying; detailed; slender; idle; nugatory; qualificatory; stupendous; contradictory; tinned; illiberal; constitutional; suitable; severe; manipulated; complex; uncertain; antimanipulation; miraculous; adequate; obnoxious; ample; sweeping; stringent; institutionalized; standard; highly-important; scanty; illogical


    banish to—; border—; divide into—; dwell in—; edge—; encroach on—; extend—; inhabit—; lay waste—; occupy—; retire to—; rule—; settle in—; skirt—; tax—; tyrannize over—; visit—; —extends; —harbors; —trades

    (See jurisdiction, kingdom, territory.

    PROVINCIAL adjectives

    uncouth; remote; daring; simple; singleminded; hopeless; ignorant; narrow


    narrowly; utterly; hopelessly; boorishly; coarsely; bluntly; brusquely; remarkably; naturally; undisguisedly; illiberally; stupidly; credulously; awkardly; outlandishly; bashfully; self-consciously; strikingly; noticeably; unexpectedly; obviously; markedly

    Provision verbs

    adhere to—s of; annul—; balk at—; contemplate—; decry—; disregard—; enforce —; evade—; exempt from—; heed—; ignore—; incorporate—; infract—; insert—; inveigh against—; nullify—; sanction—; violate—; —amends; —augments; —compels; —eases; —elaborates on; —embodies; —wobbles

    (See clause, amendment, preparation, law.)

    Provocation adjectives

    abundant; severe; inscriptional; random; slight; mild


    agitate—; arouse to—; avoid—; electrify—; enkindle—; evoke—; fan—; foment—; impassion—; inflame—; irritate—; sharpen—; —boils; —disturbs; —fumes; —rages; —seethes; —simmers

    (See defiance, exasperation, hatred, stimulus, incitement.)

    Provoke (v) adverbs

    wrathfully; unwittingly; deliberately; libel-ously; despicably; needlessly; unduly; abundantly; calculatingly; tremendously; maddeningly; irritatingly

    (See displease, incite, offend.)

    Provoking adverbs

    particularly; intolerably; naughtily; mischievously; intentionally; deliberately; teas-ingly; disagreeably; foolishly; seriously; constantly; unbearably; uncommonly

    Prow adjectives

    beaked; glistening; pitch-black; pushing; unremembering; steadfast; reinforced; sharp; shining; gleaming

    Prowess adjectives

    confirmed; mortal; martial; exploitative; memorable; amatory; mental; bodily; spiritual


    admire—; diminish—; display—; expose—; necessitate—; obscure—; reveal—; “tout”—

    • —beards; —braves; —dares; —defies; —emboldens; —encourages; —defies; — overcomes; —overwhelms; —reassures

    • —shocks; —ventures

    (See gallantry, power, strength, bravery, valor.)

    Prowl (v) adverbs

    nefariously; nocturnally; satanically; thievishly; viciously; slyly; characteristically; hellishly; perniciously; rapaciously; fiendishly; mutely

    (See wander, search, sneak. )

    Prowler 'adjectives

    vicious; -thieving

    Proximity adjectives

    welcome; perilous; tantalizing; suspicious

    Prude adjectives

    grave; waning; strict


    avoid—; condemn—; deride—; detest—; ostracize—; ridicule—; scandalize—; — affects; —attitudinizes; —bores; —irritates; —overacts; —patronizes; —poses; —simpers; —sneers; —vexes

    Prudence adjectives

    habitual; rational; tottering; honorable; premeditated; calm; worldly; diplomatic; wise; uniform; traditional; mutual; slow


    acclaim—; applaud—; bolster with—; cherish—-; employ—; endorse—; exercise—; extol—; ignore—; practise—; preach—; violate—; —assures; —cautions; —dictates; — forestalls; —gains; —guards; —prepares; —warns

    (See caution, forethought, consideration.)

    Prudish adverbs

    ridiculously; comically; awkwardly; provincially; inherently; narrowly; fanatically; provokingly; vexatiously; annoyingly; affectedly; senselessly; ostentatiously; formally; stiffly; obdurately; puritanically; absurdly; ludicrously

    Psychology verbs

    apply—; approve—; delve into—; digest—; dominate—of; employ—; endorse—; illustrate—; involve—; lack—; practise—; — aids; —appreciates; —comprehends; —conceives; —copes with; —evolves; —fathoms; —meditates; —realizes; —studies; —understands

    (See philosophy, science.)

    Puberty verbs

    anticipate—; attain—; confirm—; digest—; embrace—; reach—; recognize—; reveal—; —arms; —creeps upon; —despairs; —encourages; —envelops; —generates

    (See age, maturity, period.)

    Public adjectives

    receptive; intellectual; alienated; fun-loving; disinterested; aroused; palpitating; surfeited; reverent; morbid; sentimental; trusting; enlightened; gullible; motoring; enduring; theatergoing; authentic; multifarious: indignant; mad; fighting; promiscuous; unorganized; indifferent; jaded; yearning; heartless; blameless; ungrateful; cynical; avid; acquiring; enlightened; attentive; fickle; exacting; ignorant; modern; credulous; importunate; consuming; investing; uneducated


    appeal to—; beguile—; captivate—; cater to —; deceive—; defraud—; divert—; enlighten—; foist on—; impress—; incite—; scan —; shrink from—; shun—; slip over on—; snare—; swindle—; —applauds; —flocks to; mystify—; present to—

    (See individual, community, masses, mob, nation, observer.)

    Publication adjectives

    illegitimate; ultimate; laborious; conspicuous; wretched; facile; disreputable; posthumous; popular; unrivaled; vigorous; art; fastest-growing; unusual; interesting; outstanding; illustrated


    achieve—; advertise—; censor—; edit—; emit—; forge—; hatch—; prepare for—; reach—; restrain—; sanction—; suspend—; translate—; —‘blazons; —broaches; —circulates; —edifies; —relates

    (See edition, magazine, newspaper, periodical.)

    Publicity aa,e dives

    unwanted; unfavorable; undesirable; immediate; wholesome; unsparing; unpleasant; humiliating; vague; unsavory; national; wide-spread; long-sought


    achieve—; attain—; avoid—; balk at—; court—; decry—; elude—; favor with—; gain—; leash—; maneuver for—; release—; screen from—; shower with—; shrink from —; shun—; submit to—; suffer—; sustain—; yearn for—; —celebrates; —engulfs; — fames; —glares

    (See limelight, notoriety, fame.)

    Public OPINION verbs

    arouse—; consolidate—; count on—; crystallize—; excite—; formulate—; inspire—; mobilize—; muster—; prize—; rely on—; seek —; suppress—; sway—; value—; —alters; —approves; —condemns; —decides; —denounces; —sanctions; —scorns; —selects; — speculates; —tempers; —vetoes

    (See opinion, belief, sentiment.)

    Publish (v) adverbs

    posthumously; exclusively; surreptitiously; libelously; fraudulently; extensively; anonymously; boldly; advantageously; voluminously; compulsorily; seditiously

    (See print, announce, circulate.)

    Publisher adjectives

    unscrupulous; ungenerous; august; influential ; heroic


    consult—; entreat—; —advertises; —edits

    • —emits; —heralds; —proclaims; —rejects

    • —rushes; —sanctions; —weans

    (See journalist, editor, printer.)

    Pucker (

    resentfully; coyly; teasingly; attractively; quaintly; sweetly; amorously

    (See crease, purse, wrinkle.)

    Pudding verbs

    bake—; cool—; dish—; flavor—; garnish —; mix—; mold—; relish—; serve—; spoon —.; steam—; stir—; sweeten—; —curdles; —delights; —graces; —hardens; —tempts; —thickens

    (See cake, food, dessert.)

    Puddle adjectives

    dirtiest; muddy; slopping; ugly

    Puerile adverbs

    pitiably; inexplicably; frivolously; ridiculously; unfortunately; fatuously; inanely; trivially; surprisingly; hopelessly; vacuously; ineptly

    Puff (v) adverbs

    prodigiously; violently; meditatively; reminiscently; pensively; breathlessly; laboredly

    (See blow, pant.)

    Pugilistic adverbs

    skilfully; notoriously; famously; truculently; quarrelsomely; insistently; contentiously; argumentatively; expertly; eagerly; enthusiastically; zealously; unwarrantably; sturdily; stoutly

    Pull adjectives

    dreadful; energetic; vigorous; hearty; vicious; necessary

    Pull (v) adverbs

    rapidly; laboriously; vigorously; violently: unconscionably; irresistibly; energetically; frantically; tremulously; viciously; forcibly; heartily

    (See draw, haul.)

    Pulp verbs

    assay—; beat to—; compose of—; convert —; crush to—; derive from—; obtain—; pound to—; reduce to—; strain through—; test—; tread to^—; —adheres; —fattens; — fills; —lines; —stuffs

    (See pow’der, mass.)

    Pulpit verbs

    adorn—; ascend to—; climb to—; encrust— with; erect—; face—; orate from—; preach from—; support—; thunder from—; —attracts; —condemns; —decries; —denounces

    (See desk, platform, rostrum.)

    Pulsate (v} adverbs

    rhythmically; markedly; regularly; periodically; throbbingly; violently; fluttering!}'; feverishly; turbulently; passionately; tremulously; hectically

    (See beat, throb.)

    Pulse ad je dives

    choral; throbbing; violent; new; bounding; fluttering; burning; ineradicable; languid; feverish; accelerated; rapid; quickened; chaster; pounding; arrested; fleshy; heightened; possible; turbulent; passionate; purple; haggard; energetic; hurried; leaping; firm; wearied; generous; tremulous; immortal; dormant; thrilling; hectic; emotional; inward; audible


    accelerate—; flag—; quicken—; record—; slow—; stir—; whip up—; —beats; — bounds; —drums; —flows; —flutters; — leaps;,—responds; —slackens; —surges; — throbs

    (See stream, flow, vibration.)

    Pump verbs

    elevate—; handle—; labor with—; man—; manipulate—; operate—; require—; work —; —compels; —draws; —eases; —empowers; —enables; —fathoms; —forces; —presses; —pulls; —raises; —rectifies; —squirts; —sucks

    Pun adjectives

    arrant; copious; irresistible; unnecessary; stringing; weak; stupid; childish

    Punch adjectives                             (blow

    essential; crisp; sinewy

    Punch verbs                               (drink

    drain—; flavor—; ladle—; relish—; replenish—; savor—; serve—; sip—; soak in—; spike—; steep in—; swill—; thirst for—; — befuddles; —flows; —inebriates; —lushes; —quenches; —refreshes

    (See liquor, beverage, wine.)

    Punctilious adverbs

    overly; carefully; deferentially; ceremoniously; formally; conventionally; officially; meticulously; especially; peculiarly; infallibly; unbendingly; remarkably; particularly; uncommonly; highly; terribly

    Punctual adverbs

    usually; seldom; scarcely; infallibly; unfailingly; resolutely; painfully; ostentatiously; disagreeably; satisfactorily;’notoriously; noticeably; quietly; serenely; pleasantly; unusually; coolly; habitually; pompously; deferentially; ceremoniously; respectfully; ingratiatingly; singularly

    Pungent adverbs

    spicily; pleasantly; arrestingly; refreshingly; strongly; faintly; overpoweringly; richly; attractively; aromatically; sharply; pene-tratingly; bitterly; hotly

    Punish (v) adverbs

    indiscriminately; summarily; barbarously; cruelly; justly; nominally; sparingly; vindictively; officially; exemplarily; ignominiously; ingeniously; atrociously

    (See discipline, penalize.)

    Punishment adjectives

    dreadful; supplementary; inhuman; penitentiary; helpless; corporal; vindictive; servile; severe; direful; ignorant; eternal; adequate; express; impending; barbarous; everlasting; official; fitting; permanent; frightful; exemplary; summary; ignominious; brave; insufferable; ingenious; pleasing; dreadful


    administer—; condemn to—; enforce—; evade—; inflict—upon; mete out—; prohibit —; rain—upon; rebel against—; reserve— for; risk—; subject to—; suffer—; undergo —; —abates; —atones; —frightens

    (See lashing, discipline, torture, torment, penalty.)

    Puny adverbs

    feebly; miserably; whiningly; undoubtedly; obviously; manifestly; evidently; admittedly; unfortunately; wretchedly; pitifully; deplorably; incomparably; lamentably; shamefully; incurably; incredibly; strangely; unaccountably; hopelessly; discouragingly

    Pupil verbs                                  (eye

    damage—; enlarge—; examine—; exercise —; expose—; film—; harm—; impair—; injure—; mar—; mist—; pierce—; strain—; —contracts; —dilates; —responds

    (See eye.)

    Pupil adjectives                          (general

    apt; docile; individual; dilated; illustrious; ill-omened; interesting; ungifted; alert; unpromising; expressionless; unwilling; incapable; progressive; precocious; impressionable; desired; bewildered; diligent; apathetic; steely

    Pupil verbs                               (student

    chastise—; encourage—; entertain —s; examine —s; grade —s; graduate—; impart to—; inculcate in—; instil in—; instruct—; limit —s; prepare—; question—; reprimand —; —competes; —comprehends; —crams (colloq.); —demonstrates; —flunks (colloq); —grasps; —passes; —responds; —surpasses; —understands

    (See student.)

    Puppet adjectives

    gyrating; mere; painted; exceeding; skilled; gesticulating


    carve—; dress up—; employ—; enjoy—; manipulate—; represent by—; —amuses; — capers; —delights; —depicts; —diverts; — enacts; —entertains; —frisks; —impersonates; —mimics; —mocks

    (See clown, doll.

    Puppy adjectives

    contumacious; playful; hydrophobic; pleasant; tiny; helpless


    abandon —s; coax—; cuddle—; cudgel—; drown—; leash—; lose—; pet—; play with —; soothe—; train—; whelp —s; whip—; —annoys; —barks; —capers; —darts by; — frolics; —licks; —performs; —pursues; — whimpers; —whines; —yelps

    (See dog, animal, pet.

    Purchase adjectives

    remarkable; ill-considered; enforced; judicious; special; important; systematic; infinitesimal; fortunate; careless; opportune


    cart —s; charge—; check —s; collect —s; deliver—; dispose of—; gather —s; glean —s; inveigle into—; limit —s; mislay—; pile up —s; procure—; redeem—; ship—; weigh—; —s accrue; —loads

    (See merchandise, bundle, parcel, package.

    Purchase (v) adverbs substantially; advantageously; hypothetically; unwittingly; judiciously; systematically; shrewdly; astutely

    (See buy, acquire, secure

    Purchaser adjectives careless; persistent; potential


    advertise for—; allure —s; assure—; deceive—; net—; please—; satisfy—; tempt —; —charges; —complains; —demands; — dispenses; —markets; —patronizes; —procures; —selects; —shops

    (See buyer, customer.

    Pure adverbs

    perfectly; 100%; 99%; chastely; incredibly; warrantably; singularly; incredibly; unsur-passably; incomparably; consummately; immaculately; spotlessly; absolutely; unadult-eratedly; innocently; childishly; devoutly; virtuously; artlessly; genuinely; utterly

    Purgative adjectives powerful; stimulating; violent; bitter


    addict to—s; avoid—s; employ—; —clarifies; —defecates; —expurgates; —filters; — flushes; —frees; —purges; —purifies; — racks; —refines; —removes; —scours; — sifts; —strains; —washes; —weeds

    (See sedative, medicine, remedy, enema.

    Purgative adverbs

    thoroughly; warrantably; successfully; safely; remedially; necessarily; scientifically; naturally; 'unfailingly; genuinely; recept-ably

    Puritanical adverbs

    painfully; primly; sternly; unyieldingly; inflexibly; unbendingly; rigidly; priggishly; sedately; quietly; stoically; gravely; severely; strictly; austerely; obviously; silently; rigorously; harshly; seriously; learnedly; justly; fairly; ascetically; precisely; forbiddingly; dourly; inexorably; uncompromisingly; stiffly; dreadfully

    Puritanism verbs

    advocate—; crusade against—; enshrine in —; inflict—; inspire—; practise—; suffer—; tolerate—; —condemns; —consecrates; — narrows; —oppresses; —reveres; —rules; —sanctifies; —simplifies; —smiles; —stints; —tramples

    (See protestantism, Christianity.

    Purity adjectives

    ethical; intellectual; womanly; classical; spotless; rare; pristine; absolute; racial; inexpressible; moral; unconscious; seraphic; touching; delicate; original; infinite; exalted; crystal; coldest; celestial; quiet; immaculate; perfect; impious; comparative; scholastic; sinless; earnest; extreme; displayed; conscious; personal; cherished; political; naked; sufficient; singular; snow-white


    achieve—; admire—; advocate—; attain—; defile—of; incur—; procure—; recommend —; revere—; select—; stain—; taint—; violate—; —awes; —eliminates; —pervades; —satisfies

    (See justice, holiness, innocence, chastity; modesty, morality.)

    Purple adjectives

    imperial; intense; darkling; dun; regal; pansy; visual; tenderest; livid; rich; ruddy; soft; pale

    Purport adjectives

    dramatic; mystical; true; dim

    Purpose adjectives

    hellish; undefined; cosmic; syndicating; ambitious; fell; sinister; experimental; better; dire; sworn; pious; excellent; sacramental; critical; reference; avowed; moral; studied; persistent; communal; speculative; lofty; dramatic; practical; underlying; beneficent; voiceless; contrary; serious; artistic; specific; resolute; definite; high; honorable; constant; malignant; reasoned; deliberate; sufficient; laudable; primary; productive; exalted; menial; avowed; large; grim; unchanging; resurging; unswerving; ungenerous; broken; multitudinous (pl); keener; sternest; breeding; sugar-coated; ephemeral; rational; boundless; unaccomplished; restrained; unfathomed; dark; consuming; patient; altruistic; decorative; finite; defensive; distinct; hostile; aggressive; genuine; benevolent; energetic; earnest; common; essential; disinterested; ultimate; sole; poetical; finical; forlorn; flighty; infallible; willful; orbed; insurrectionary; notable: rugged; robust; tragic; humane; philosophical; unheeded; didactic; patriotic; double; extraneous; aesthetic; unchaste; intramural; visual; tolerable; ruthless; noble; corrupt; ulterior; salutary; public; histrionic; educational; patent; malicious; life; manifest; introductory; express; pernicious; heroic; inhospitable; visible; awkward; deadly; theoretical; unvarying; weighty; fraudulent; prudent; propagandist; temporary; deceptive; immediate; precautionary; domestic; abandoned; unsettled; luxurious; salubrious; iron; negative; unlawful; proper; fixed; diabolical; eternal; obstinate; pure; commercial; industrial; therapeutic; pacific; enduring; divine; microscopic; apposite; doubtful; especial; colloquial; admirable; dumb; insuperable; ineradicable; ostensible; selfsame; infirm; half-formed; prime; economic


    achieve—; adhere to—; attain—; contrive for—; convey—; crystallize—; defeat—; disclose—; divert from—; divine—; extract —from; fulfill—; galvanize into—; inspire by—; intend for—; interpret—; overcloud —; pursue—; serve—-; stiffen—; subserve —; swerve from—; thwart—

    (See end, aim, effect, intention, mission, object, objective.)

    Purr (v) adverbs

    amiably; demurely; cozily; domestically; comfortably; contentedly; drowsily

    (See murmur, whisper.)

    Purse adjectives

    well-filled; borrowed; evading; slow; slender; humble; yawning; long; cunning; shut; over-gorged; privy


    clasp—; cling to—; conceal—; consign to —; decorate—; dent—; draw from—; fatten —; fumble in—; lose—; mislay—; pocket—; relinquish—; replenish—; snap—; snatch—; stuff—; suit—; swell—; —accrues; —amasses ; —bulges ; —flashes

    (See wallet, bag, pocket.)

    Purse (v) adverbs

    coyly; squeamishly; fastidiously; cunningly; aristocratically

    (See pucker, wrinkle, crease.)

    Pursue (v) adverbs

    adventurously; remorselessly; indefatigably; warily; energetically; lustfully; relentlessly; lasciviously; invariably; resolutely; diligently; doggedly; ardently; stolidly; blandly; sedulously; mechanically; strenuously; zealously; imprudently

    (See chase, follow, seek.)

    Pursuit adjectives

    peaceful; immediate; hot; relentless; systematic; agricultural; innocent; intellectual; vigorous; dissipated; artistic; serious; exciting; studious; active; business; industrial; intimate; profitable; unjust; scuffling; professional; energetic; strenuous; relentless; sedentary; brilliant; weird; furious; peaceful; laboratory; vulgar; cultural; dangerous; unique; zealous; eager; imprudent; mercantile; athletic; worthy; hardy; wearisome; military; sluggish; sordid; sylvan; amphibious; lawful; honorable; compulsory; happy; invigorating; dogged; humble; lucrative; ardent; serious; irreparable; useless; rabid; favorite; scientific; ultimate; unavailing; instant; severer; evident; swift; illegitimate; blind; delusive; scholarly; idealistic; sedulous; disordered; engrossing; elevating; uninterrupted; vile; prompt; fascinating; passionate


    abandon—; avert—; avoid—; contemplate —; devote to—; distract from—; dog in—; engage in—; engross in—; enter—; follow in—; hinder—; hound in—; obstruct—; press—; prevent—; rush in—; spurn—; — annoys; —irks; —threatens

    (See hobby, industry, profession, quest, occupation, business, chase.

    Pus verbs

    cough up—; discharge—; drain—; eject—; emit—; expel—; fester—; localize—; produce—; —befouls; —contaminates; —defiles; —escapes; —exudes from; —fills; — forms; —offends; —oozes from; —pollutes; —reeks; —smears; —spatters; —sullies

    (See saliva.

    Push adjectives

    warning; vigorous; desperate; significant; determined; zealous


    climax—; necessitate—; require—; resist—

    —boots (colloq.); —casts; —discharges; — drives; —expels; —favors; —forces; — heaves; —hurls; —impels; —jerks; — launches; —pitches; —startles

    (See charge, attack.

    Push (v


    cautiously; sententiously; uncompromisingly; unceremoniously; adroitly; instinctively; vigorously; presumptuously; superciliously; unfalteringly; rudely; laboriously; mechanically

    (See shove, impel.

    Pusillanimous adverbs

    pitiably; insufferably; unhappily; miserably; wretchedly; shamefully; timorously; pitifully; contemptibly; atrociously; meanly; inexplicably; strangely; remarkably; disgracefully; basely; incredibly; hopelessly; disgustingly; pathetically

    Putty verbs

    apply—; case with—; coat with—; dab on —; lay—; mold—; plaster—; press—; reduce to—; smear—; spread—; squeeze—; —cements; —conceals; —covers; —faces; — holds; —pastes; —sticks

    (See mortar, plaster, cement.

    Puzzle adjectives

    inexplicable; provocative; insolvable; fascinating; frightening; baffling


    disclose—; disentangle—; dissolve—; explain—; extricate—; popularize—; present —; reveal—; scramble—; solve—; study—; unfold—; unravel—; untie—; —baffles; — entertains; —involves; —irks; —irritates; —mystifies; —perplexes

    (See trick, riddle, problem, perplexity.

    Puzzled adverbs

    strangely; terribly; bewilderingly; baffling-ly; bitterly; cruelly; utterly; embarrassingly; painfully; obscurely; profoundly; seriously; completely; admittedly; confusingly

    Puzzling adverbs

    sadly; naturally; hopelessly; dangerously; seriously; unreasonably; alarmingly; depressingly; unaccountably; disturbingly; genuinely; strangely; indescribably; fearfully; dishearteningly; maddeningly; unusually; terribly; vexatiously; vaguely; definitely; uncomfortably; subtly; awkwardly; extremely; annoyingly; exasperatingly; inexplicably

    Quack verbs

    betray—; detect—; father—; patronize—; warn of—; —bamboozles (colloq.); —bilks; —cajoles; —deceives; —dupes; —ensnares; —fakes (colloq,); —gammons; —gulls; — hoaxes; —lures; —outwits; —traps

    (See liar, hypocrite, quackery.)

    Quackery verbs

    denounce—; expose—; practice—; prevent —; support—; worship—; —cheats; —circumvents; —contaminates; —corrupts; — debases; —deludes; —pretends; —swindles; —tricks

    (See quack.)

    Quaff (v) adverbs

    deeply; unhesitatingly; thirstily; eagerly; fraternally; jubilantly

    (See drink, sip.)

    Quaggy adverbs

    hopelessly; impassably; undesirably; sog-gily; dangerously; uselessly; abominably; strangely; irremediably; unsalably; unfortunately; squashily; swampily; occasionally; seasonally

    Quail verbs

    domesticate—; flush—; —barks; —bills; — cruises; —feigns; —flushes; —flutters; — glides; —haunts; —jerks; —nods; —roves; —rumbles; —rustles; —scratches; — squeals; —struts; —tattoos; —trills; — thumps; —thunders; —yelps

    (See bird, bob-w’hite, partridge.)

    Quaint adverbs

    delightfully; demurely; altogether; deliciously; exceptionally; extraordinarily; uncommonly; exotically; unfashionably; en-chantingly; attractively; whimsically; be-witchingly; charmingly; pleasantly; alluringly; unusually

    Quaint NESS verbs

    cultivate—; enjoy—; instil—; notice—; overdo—; practise—; reveal—; ridicule—; —appeals; —attracts; —becomes; —blooms; —deceives; —delights; —intrigues

    (See strangeness, beauty.)

    Qualification adjectives

    inner; original; sterilizing; eminent; remotest; conventional; special; indispensable; scientific


    arm with—; contemplate—; disclaim—; discount—; dispute—; endow with—; ignore —; impugn—; increase—; seek—; tax—; vouch for—; weigh—; —adapts; —empowers; —enables; —fits; —strengthens; —warrants

    (See power, endowment, essential.)

    Qualified adverbs

    competently; capably; entirely; unusually; exceptionally; singularly; well; wonderfully; acceptably; suitably; especially; particularly; incomparably; proficiently; technically; felicitously; obviously; evidently; manifestly; peculiarly; marvelously

    Qualify (v) adverbs

    patently; eminently; severely; admirably; splendidly; nominally; scientifically; medically; conventionally

    (See limit, modify, restrict.)

    Quality adjectives

    absorptive; abstract; adaptive; academic; acoustical; adhering; administrative; aesthetic; affectionate; affrontive; allotted; analytical; anecdotal; antipyretic; appealing; ardent; aristocratic; artistic; atmospheric; authoritative; available; average; blended; blooming; blossom-like; brilliant; cardinal; characteristic; charming; childlike; companionable; chivalric; considerable; contradictory; cooking; correspondent; dependable; daredevil; decorative; deepreaching; deep-rooted; demonstrable; desirable; despised; determining; developmental; diagnostic; disciplinary; disinfectant; distinctive; divine; dogged; distinguished; dramatic; driving; dubious; educational; effective; electric; elusive; embracing; emollient; emotional; empty; enduring; energetic; entrancing; essential; ethical; evident; exasperating; exceptional; fabric; faithless; famous; fertilizing; fatal; feminine; filtering; fine; first; flawless; fleshy; floating; flowery; food; free-lathering; friendly; generous; genial; gentlemanly; genuine; good; gracious; guaranteed; handmade; haunting; health-giving; high; honest; imaginary; imperturbable; indubitable; inefficient; inestimable; infectious; inferior; inherent; inherited; innate; inoperative; insulative; intellectual; integral; intrinsic; introspective; invigorating; lasting; laughable; literary; luxurious; lyrical; machine-like; magnificent; masculine; maternal; maximum; mellow; melodic; mental; militant; minimum; mixing; moral; mordant; musty; mysterious; narcotic; national; nightmare; noble; noticeable; nutritious; objectionable; occult; opiate; outstanding; outward; overlooked; pagan; passive; pedigreed; peculiar; personal; pervasive; physical; pictorial; picturesque; practical; predominant; preemi-ent; preternatural; prime; primest; profuse; protective; provocative; pulsating; pregnant; pungent; real; realistic; redeeming; relaxing; reliable; remarkable; representative; restraining; robust; romantic; saccharine; ruder; rugged; sachet; sensational; sedative; serious; shameless; sheer; shimmering; showy; singular; slurred; smooth; social; spiritual; sterling; statuesque; sterner; steely; subtle; strengthening; studious; stylistic; subordinate; superior; superlative; syllogistic; tangible; temperamental; tempered; top; toxic; unbeatable; uncertain; unexpected; unfailing; unfitting; unfostered; uniform; united; universal; unreasoning; unquestioned; unsatisfactory; unsought; unsuitable; unsurpassed; untiring; unusual; varied (pl); venomous; vibrating; vital; warlike; wearing; whimsical; windy; womanly; wondrous; zestful; workmanlike; worthy; wretched


    appraise—; appreciate—; ascribe—to; define—; determine—; discern—; display—; divest of—; endow with—; evaluate—; extol—; impair—; impart—; improve—; inherit—; intensify—; maintain—; recognize —; refine—; revere—; sacrifice—; share—; temper—; underrate—; —eludes; —predominates

    (See essence, attribute, characteristic, nature.)

    Qualm adjectives

    conscience; sudden; bitter; unwonted


    arouse—; challenge—; incur—; justify—; raise—; register—; satisfy—; suffer—; — abashes; —alarms; —deprives; —frightens; —harrows; —hinders; —impedes; —lingers; —obstructs; —swerves; —unnerves

    (See scruple, fear, misgiving.)

    Quantity adjectives

    exhaustless; immense; insufficient; unprecedented; unknown; indefinite; changeable; limited; astonishing; enormous; normal; unlimited; illustrative; dumb; untold; abstract; excessive; staggering; substantial; greater; surface; commercial; vast; goodly; monstrous; arbitrary; sufficient; minus; measurable; negligible; distorted; useless; unmanageable; surprising; considerable; incredible; generous; equivalant; adequate


    accumulate—; amass—; ascertain—; collect —; distribute—; estimate—; gather—; issue —; lessen—; limit—; measure—; muster— of; rake up—; reduce—; regulate—; — dwindles; —masses; —mounts; —soars; — transcends

    (See dose, amount, total, sum.)

    Quarantine verbs

    demand—; enforce—; escape----; neces

    sitate—; require—; repulse—; resist—; warrant—; —assures; —elapses; —excludes; —fences; —forbids; —houses; — isolates; —protects; —restrains; —restricts

    (See isolation, taboo, ban, boycott.)

    Quarrel adjectives

    frequent (pl); monkish; unjust; petty; equivalent; theological; incipient; warranted; dignified; violent; private; intestine; jealous; holy; comic; ancient; sudden; sharp; false; splendid; empty; continual; wretched; pretty; ecclesiastical; inconsequential; wrongful

    ■Verbs arouse—; deplore—; evoke—; lament—; patch up—; pick—; provoke—; regret—; repent—; sow—; stir up—; —breaches; — disconcerts; —embitters; —ensues; —gratifies; —rages; —sours

    (See brawl, dissension, disagreement, dispute.

    Quarrel (v) adverbs shamelessly; heatedly; pettishly; impertinently; theologically; jealously; acrimoniously; bitterly; squalidly; hatefully; vindictively

    (See dispute, disagree, wrangle.

    Quarrelsome adverbs disagreeably; hotly; offensively; obstinately; abusively; stubbornly; irritatingly; violently; needlessly; nervously; excitably; unnecessarily; bitterly; foolishly; truculently; brutally; intolerably; unsufferably; disput-atiously

    Quarry verbs

    bait—; beguile—; contemplate—; corner—; draw—; gain on—; hole up—; investigate —; offer—; play for—; pursue—; risk—; speculate on—; tree—; vie for—; —delights; —lures; —tempts

    (See prey, victim.

    Quarters adjectives

    commodious; limited; exalted; charming; squalid; pleasant; deficient; distant; unsavory; fair; dingy; desolate; fashionable; moderate; heated; precise; comfortable; light-housekeeping; desponding: authoritative; ruined; cramped; ransacked; sumptuous; immigrant; bourgeois; treacherous; humble; unknown; cheerless


    assign to—; defile—; establish—; invade—; investigate—; locate—; lodge in—; picket —; pitch—; plant—; post—; remove—; report to—; retire to—; set up—; situate—; station at—; take up—; vacate

    (See barracks, place, position, headquarters.

    Quaver (v) adverbs tremulously; weakly; sickeningly; peculiarly; characteristically

    (See shake, tremble, quiver.

    Quavering adverbs

    anxiously; diffidently; despairingly; apprehensively; despondently; dismally; dreadfully; nervously; restlessly; solicitously; terribly; tremulously; agedly; eagerly; stammeringly; wearily; abjectly; timidly

    Queen adjectives

    refulgent; haughty; fairy; pale; papist; fiend-like; gracious; love-sick; mob-led; stately; legitimate; buxom; helmeted; amorous; crownless; well-intentioned; dark; peerless; uncrowned; crafty; potent


    attend—; crown—; escort—; guard—; honor—; pamper—; revere—; salaam before —; serve—; squire—; —abdicates; —appeals to; —ascends; —assigns; —commends; —dazzles; —orders; —punishes; — reigns; —rewards; —rules; —symbolizes

    (See king, monarch, ruler.

    Queer adverbs

    outlandishly; terribly; exotically; egregiously; alarmingly; singularly; abominably; mysteriously; unaccountably; suddenly; dreadfully; ominously; fantastically; uncommonly; extraordinarily; comically; grotesquely; exceptionally; unwontedly; hopelessly; incurably; incorrigibly

    Queerness verbs

    deride—; develop—; incur—; overlook—; permit—; pose—; relieve—; remedy—; ridicule—; study—; tolerate—; —baffles; — creeps into; —infringes; —perplexes; — surprises; —violates

    (See oddity.

    Quell (v) adverbs

    effectually; forcefully; momentarily; outwardly; effectively; vigorously; legitimately; officiously; legally; demonstrably; brutally

    (See suppress, subdue, crush.)

    Queries adjectives

    valued; amusing; superstitious; unfortunate; idiotic; sceptical; excellent; everlasting; clattering; desperate; fantastic

    Querulous adverbs

    hatefully; uneasily; restlessly; exceptionally; habitually; extremely; insufferably; disagreeably; pitiably; pitifully; endlessly; crabbedly; morosely; moodily; lonesomely; unhappily; perversely; crossly; sulkily; understandably; helplessly

    Query (v) adverbs

    sharply; deprecatingly; deliberately; romantically; significantly; stubbornly; breathlessly; anxiously; curtly; scornfully; perplexedly

    (See question, ask, inquire.)

    Quest adjectives

    chivalrous; eternal; unsuccessful; lawful; terrible; hopeless; contrarious; eager; uncertain; original; evangelical; adventurous; furious; vain; winged; doubtful; childish; selfsame


    abandon—; aim—at; engage in—; follow—; join in—; justify—; tire of—; value—; —allures; —beguiles; —demands; —eludes; —escapes; —evades; —leads; —requires; —tempts; —wearies

    (See pursuit, journey, trip, adventure.)

    Question adjectives

    compound; innocent; prying; rhetorical; debatable; embarrassing; unvoiced; historic; ultimate; comprehensive; unthinkable; controversial; probing; tentative; pointblank; covert; perfidious; insidious; aw’k-ward; searching; identification; artless; incisive; unconscious; sad; vermicular; brute; philosophical; theological; touching; vexed; burning; tabooed; academic; angry; contemptuous; essential; clamorous; suspicious; physical; irrational; prompt; diverse; fundamental; trying; improper; gloomy; immodest; muttered; delicate; difficult; mooted; incessant; pertinent; hideous; intelligent; abstract; stale; celebrated; troublesome; long-pending; dreadful; social: unsettled; idle; constant; bald; agonized; piercing; present; impertinent; deciding; prominent; insolent;*disputed; pressing; affable; ambiguous; germane; stern; unanswerable; dormant; sensible; sorrowful; inconvenient; serious; brusque; vital; disencumbered; horrible; frenzied; large; unsuitable; transit; profound; intricate; irritating; imminent; teasing; explosive; argumentative; innumerable (pl); reasonable; concrete; cheerless; ill-bred; cogent; momentous; political; financial; humanitarian; national; absurd; relevant; foregoing; technical; barbed; perennial; muftiplying; combustive; tantalizing; beggarly; tremendous; peculiar; perfect; natural; broader; ironical; much-discussed; steep; pending; motherly; untiring; numberless (pl); pregnant; eternal; banal; lustier; dynastic; constitutional; abstruse; unsettled; ever-burning; confidential; ethical; austere; vexatious; economic; insolvable; rude; insatiate; complex; perplexing; basic; uneasy; frivolous; speculative; customary; blunt; trick; similar; exhaustive; civil; religious


    adjudicate—; bar—; bear upon—; bombard with—s; brood over—; complicate—; comprehend—; confront with—; constitute—; cope with—; darken—; debate—; deluge with—s; dispute—; elucidate—; evade—; face—; fire—at; fling—at; focus on—; formulate—; frame—; go to the heart of—; grapple with—; hammer with—s; hurl— at; open to—; parry—; ply with—s; ponder —; propound—; raise—; revive—; shelve —; shy away from—; solve—.; split on—; submit—to; throw light upon—; touch upon—; voice—; wrestle with—; —agitates; —arises; —elicits; —embarrasses; —hangs fire; —involves; —looms; —obtrudes upon; —plagues; —pops up; —poses itself; —relates to; —revolves itself; —rings out; — simmers; —vexes

    (See issue, matter, problem, inquiry, questioning.)

    Question (v


    importunately; cryptically; audaciously; curiously; vaguely; incredulously; blankly; ruefully; sarcastically; sophistically; prefa-torily; minutely; impudently; reluctantly; tactfully; innocently; clamorously; delicately; improperly; sternly; brusquely; momentously; technically; ironically; ba’nally; abstrusely; confidentially; speculatively; bluntly; exhaustively

    (See query, inquire.

    Questionable adverbs

    highly; morally; controversially; argumentatively; distinctly; darkly; uncomfortably; naturally; particularly; legally; ticklishly; undeniably; mysteriously; inferentially; conventionally

    Question AIRE verbs

    circulate—; compile—; conduct—; contemplate—; distribute—; grapple with—; induce from—; infer from—; issue—; mark —; propound—; reply to—; return—; score —; —aids; —decides; —enables; —forecasts; —inquires; —interrogates; —investigates; —irks; —puzzles; —requests; —reveals; —settles

    (See application, petition, appeal.

    Questioning adjectives

    continual; suicidal; interminable; inward; prudent; over-curious


    avert—; arraign for—; conduct—; dodge —; investigate—; pursue—; refuse—; review—; —agitates ; —analyzes; —canvasses; —delves into; —demands; —elicits; —ferrets out; —overhauls; —probes; — pumps; —ransacks

    (See grilling.

    Queue verbs

    arrange—; braid—; clip—; dress—; tug at—; twist—; weave—; wind—; wrap—; —attracts; —hangs; —jiggles; —trails

    —suspends; —sways; —swings

    (See braid, hair, tail.

    Quibbling verbs

    avoid—; brush aside—; check—; detest—; endure—; ignore—; incur—; suffer—; —annoys; —betrays; —deceives; —eludes; —evades; —glosses over; —hampers; — hinders; —irks; —provokes; —shuffles

    —taxes; —vexes

    (See evasion, excuse.

    Quick adverbs

    devilishly; surprisingly; alarmingly; incredibly; wonderfully; efficiently; normally; abnormally; extremely; cruelly; mentally; maliciously; diabolically; remarkably; du-teously; feverishly; ordinarily; expertly; impulsively; mercifully; comically; uncomfortably; breathlessly; perilously; marvelously; unaccountably; luckily; astonishingly; dangerously; unbelievably

    Quickness adjectives surprising; dizzy; devilish; irresolute

    QUICK-WITTED adverbs remarkably; astonishingly; nimbly; commercially; socially; disturbingly; incredibly; simply; admirably; sparklingly; scintilla-tingly; wonderfully; enviably; scintillantly; naturally; habitually; unsurpassably

    Quiescence verbs

    arouse from—; endure—; lull to—; maintain—; quell to—; snub into—; —abides; —charms; —envelops; —flows; —hushes

    —persists; —pleases; —stagnates

    (See lethargy, quiet, repose,

    Quiescent adverbs

    temporarily; luckily; fortunately; significantly; customarily; peculiarly; seasonally; remarkably; ominously; naturally; silently; immovably; usually

    Quiet adjectives

    dimmed; remarkable; restful; absolute; undisturbed; restoring; rural; subduing; penitential; endless; dull; luxurious; reverent; lifeless; ominous; domestic; graceful; aimless; formidable; passive; idealic; pastoral; peaceful; enforced


    brook—; envelop in—; insure—; reduce to —; stir from—; wrap in—; —allays; —appeals; —appeases; —calms; —cools; —governs; —lulls; —maddens; —pervades; — quells; —reigns; —smooths; —soothes

    (See hush, silence, rest, repose, quiescence, peace.)


    utterly; particularly; carefully; absurdly; cautiously; furtively; stealthily; considerately; attentively; courteously; graciously; pensively; anxiously; deliberately; dreamily; satisfactorily; temporarily; significantly; miraculously; calmly; astonishingly; sullenly; moodily; gloomily; awesomely; terrifyingly; alarmingly; suspiciously; significantly; mysteriously; appallingly; uncommonly

    Quietness adjectives

    inviolable; unobtrusive; external; extreme; pensive; subdued

    Quietude adjectives

    surprising; comforting; unusual; extraordinary; sartorial

    Quill adjectives

    tuneful; enchanted; porcupine; many-colored; tinkling; venal

    Quit (v) adverbs

    reluctantly; sadly; dejectedly; eventually; hastily; abruptly; impetuously; significantly; gloomily; mysteriously; consequently

    (See cease, stop.)

    Quiver adjectives

    solemn; convulsive; subtle

    Quiver (v) adverbs

    nervously; exasperatedly; wantonly; abnormally; violently; sluggishly; markedly; excitedly; passionately

    (See shake, tremble, quaver.)

    Quivering adjectives

    mysterious; gentle; anxious


    nervously; tremulously; helplessly; feverishly; pathetically; pitiably; miserably: visibly; angrily; grievously; timidly; af-frightedly; curiously

    Quiz (v


    narrowly; closely; methodically; thoroughly; perfunctorily austerely; vexatiously; rudely; speculatively; civilly; sternly; abstrusely

    (See question, banter.)

    Quota adjectives

    assigned; respective; insignificant


    acquire—; allot—; apportion—; attain—; cede—; deal—; derive—; divide—; endow —; fulfill—; furnish—; impose—; pledge —; portion out—; present—; raise—; receive—; subscribe—; supply—; yield—

    (See portion, share, part.)

    Quota TION verbs

    apply—to; bejewel with—s; comprehend—; condense into—; contract into—; eschew—; fling—at; frame—; memorize—; ooze—s; pepper with—s; recall—; refer to—; value —; —directs; —embodies; —exemplifies; —illustrates; —impresses; —instructs; — prescribes; —sparkles; —teaches; —warns

    (See saying, maxim, proverb, passage.)

    ...Quotations adjectives

    biblical; poetical; irreverent; copious; innumerable; modest; half-remembered; seasonable; habitual; felicitious; capital; garbled; illustrative; multifarious

    Quote (v) adverbs

    copiously; philosophically; widely; extensively; oracularly; preeminently; plaintively; magnanimously; ardently; biblically; poetically; habitually; felicitously; illustratively; multifariously; aptly; erroneously

    (See repeat, extract.)

    Rabbi verbs

    induct—; ordain—; —authorizes; —blesses

    —communes; —confirms; —consecrates; —officiates; —performs; —preaches;—ritualizes

    (See minister, priest, teacher.

    Rabbit adjectives

    juicy; misplaced; tasty


    domesticate—; dress—; experiment with —s; fence out—; pen—; pet—; shoot—; skin—; —bounds off; —burrows; — crouches; —devastates; —digs; —flashes by; —hops; —jumps; —leaps; —nibbles; —plagues; —scampers away; —scurries; —subsists on

    (See animal, pet.

    Rabble verbs

    arouse—; class with—; concentrate—; court—; dispel—; disperse—; exclude—; harangue—; mingle with—; pander to—; restrain—; rout—; silence—; sway—; —assembles; —congregates; —masses; —mobs; —rules; —rushes; —storms; — surges; —throngs

    (See mob, crowd, proletarian.

    Rabid adverbs

    insensately; wildly; unaccountably; dangerously; appallingly; fanatically; eccentrically; terribly; hysterically; downright; curiously; insatiably; violently; bitterly; absurdly; crazily; relentlessly; unbelievably; appallingly; shockingly; incredibly

    Race (competition) verbs

    accelerate—; approve—; clinch—; compete in—; contend in—; enter—; judge—; observe—; oppose in—; outdistance in—; postpone—; promote—; protest—; wager on—; —enlivens; —enraptures; —excites; —fascinates; —petrifies; —revives; — thrills

    (See match, game, contest.

    Race (general) adjectives

    severed; vengeful; sacerdotal; antipathetic; bloody-minded; fading; earth-born; alien; idle; girdled; amphibious; literary; infinite; indestructible; civilized; chequered; wasted; kindred; blissful; canine; impromptu; solid; tenacious; energetic; fecund; teeming; hectic; fallen; separate; radiant; golden; high-born; beauteous; touchy; savage; warlike; blind; blundering; knightly; proverbial; brave; despicable; barbarous; desperate; well-marked; swarming; obstinate; lascivious; titanic; lawless; hardy; thrifty; ethereal; jocund; elimination; inscrutable; uncultivated; wild; human; contemptible; singing; indigenous; glorious; sturdy; godly; best; fierce; studious; invincible; ill-fated; breathless; oppressed; melodious; long-lived; valiant; sullen; ancient; reprobated; intractable; dominant; unfortunate; subjugated; dwarfish; noble; incapable; aggressive; miserable; bounding; degraded; volatile; well-known; perished; magnificent; frolicsome; dusky; inveterate; unreturning; interesting; ghostly; shortdistance; primitive; purblind; domestic; polished; courageous; stoical; decorative; semi-civilized; headlong; gentle; aboriginal; high-hearted; timid; proud; shining; inoffensive; illustrious; pitiless; invalid; unconverted; cultural; hostile; fickle; ruling; backward; impious; antediluvian; rudest; obstacle; delicate; nurtured; greedy; contested; untrustworthy; hard; beastly; vagrant; malignant; feverish; wise; shadowy; interloping; buxom; cognate; active; consequent; awkward; depraved; self-opinionated

    Race (nationality) verbs

    characterize—; conquer—; detest—; distinguish—; exterminate—; limit—; mark—; perpetuate—; purify—; sow—; strengthen —; study—; uplift—; —ebbs; —evolves; —perishes; —prospers; —subsists; —vanishes; —wanes

    (See breed, mankind, strain, nationality.

    Race (v) adverbs tirelessly; vengefully; lawlessly; awkwardly; gloriously; invincibly; boundingly; frolicsomely; courageously; greedily; feverishly; spectacularly

    (See run, scamper, flee.

    Racial adverbs inherently; strongly; naturally; inseparably; peculiarly; inescapably; indestructibly; tenaciously; proverbially; gloriously; distinctly; significantly; fiercely; dominantly; proudly

    Rack adjectives fierce; low-trailing; cruel; commercialized; money-lending; corporeal

    Racket adjectives noisy; gloomy; theatrical; vicious; favorite; flourishing; terrible; resounding


    • —breaks; —clacks; —clashes; —crashes

    • —deafens; —dins; —drowns; —drums

    —penetrates; —pierces; —resounds; — roars; —rumbles; —shakes; —snaps; — splits; —stuns; —thunders

    (See clamor, noise.

    Racy adverbs

    breezily; pungently; pithily; smartly; curiously; brilliantly; pleasantly; boldly; eloquently; piquantly; trenchantly; vigorously; unusually; amazingly; interestingly; arrest-ingly

    Radiance adjectives

    serene; glaring; rapturous; full; ruddy; variegated; clear; reflected; pale; milder; celestial; fathomless; indistinct; farewell; calm; soft; uniform; transitory; subdued; blinding: seraphic; secret; growing; orange; indescribable; mailed; tenderest; warm; flooding; sickly; prismatic; marvelous; bewildering: downcast; fantastic


    beam with—; blemish—; cloud—; dim—; dull—; eclipse—; extinguish—; glow with —; obscure—; overshadow—; shed—; — blazes; —enchants; —enhances; —flames

    —gilds; —gleams; —glistens; —graces

    —illuminates; —overspreads; —sparkles

    —sublimates; —surrounds; —enlightens

    (See moonbeam, happiness, brilliance.

    Radiant adverbs

    gloriously; splendidly; conspicuously; noticeably; visibly; happily; joyously; triumphantly; rapturously; ecstatically; jubilantly; exultantly; blissfully; contentedly; serenely

    Radiator verbs

    adjust—; bask near—; polish—; throttle—

    • — affords; —assures; —comforts; —diffuses

    —glows; —parches; —scorches; —singes; —simmers; —warms

    Radical adjectives

    avowed; univalent; unreasonable; ill-balanced


    • — contaminates; —corrupts; —demoralizes

    • — disparages: —fulminates; —harangues

    • — heckles; —ignites; —impairs; —pillories

    —poisons; —pollutes; —raves; —taints

    —undermines; —vituperates; —anathematizes; —cankers; —condemns

    (See anarchist, socialist, communist.) adverbs

    boldly; daringly; definitely; distinctly; deeply; thoroughly; uncompromisingly; sweepingly; appallingly; necessarily; downright

    Radio verbs

    broadcast over—; communicate by—; filter into—; toy with—; tune down—; —amplifies; —bears; —blares forth; —bleats; — booms; —clarifies; —contacts; —conveys; —deafens; —aisconcerts; —facilitates; — hums; —proclaims; —receives; —transmits; —unites

    (See loud-speaker.

    Raft adjectives

    well-banded; fatal; formidable: ruined; prodigious; timber


    climb to—; crowd—; hoist on—; lap—; lash to—; punt—; rig—; slap—; smack—; support on—; sway—; threaten—; —bobs; —dips; —floats; —guides; —rocks; —transports ; —troughs

    (See boat.

    Rafter adjectives

    smoke-stained; gloomy; slender; resonant



    bear on—; bestride—; hang from—; recline on—; repose on—; rest on—; straddle—; —abuts; —affords; —aids; —bolsters; —maintains; —s ring; —snaps; —supports; —sustains; —underprops; —upholds

    (See beam, timber, board.

    Rage adjectives

    withering; impetuous; towering; foaming; tacit; guilty; fresh; grievous; righteous; inarticulate; impotent; extreme; cold; merciless; appeasing; disappointed; breathless; gloomy; punic; outflung; murderous; sudden; affectionate; haughty; divine; fierce; animal-like; mightier; furious; resolute; violent; pernicious; appertaining; indescribable; white-hot; unwonted; quick; hostile; unmitigated; sparkling; baffled; generous; unintelligible; silken; tremendous; ceaseless; prophetic; elemental; kindling; stormy; relentless; recurrent; concentrated; mental; pitiful; explosive; instantaneous; trembling; hard-favored; heathen; noble; female; overmastering


    blind with—; bluster in—; enkindle—; explode in—; fan—; fire with—; flush with—; fly into—; foment—; fume with—; glower with—; inflame with—; justify—; lash into—; pour out—; quiver with—; rouse—; shriek in—; snort with—; sputter with—; storm in—; thunder in—; tremble tyith—; vent—; work into—; —boils over; —effervesces; —ferments; —seethes; —smolders; —spends itself; —surges; —transports; — vanishes

    (See fury, indignation, anger, impatience, ire.

    Rage (v) adverbs

    inwardly; magnificently; incessantly; momentarily; tremendously; fearfully; furiously; dangerously; fiercely; impetuously; foamingly; inarticulately; impotently; murderously; perniciously; unintelligibly; elementally; explosively; mentally

    (See storm, fume.

    Ragged adverbs

    terribly; carelessly; pitiably; negligently: pathetically; impossibly; irregularly; disgracefully; contemptibly; shabbily; appallingly; shamefully; shockingly; unnecessarily; heedlessly; blithely; gleefully; hoyden-ishly; tomboyishly; nonchalantly; pitifully; deliberately; mischievously

    Raging adverbs

    furiously; violently; tempestuously; angrily; resentfully; virulently; helplessly; stormily; hysterically; needlessly; deliriously; fanatically; feverishly; brutally; fiercely; tyrannically; madly; uncontrollably; bitterly; savagely; rabidly; uselessly; terribly; shockingly

    Rags adjectives

    smelly; picturesque; grotesque; flattened; clean; slanting; riddled


    apparel in—; array in—; deck in—; discard —; divest of—; don—; envelop in—; sheathe in—; shun—; swaddle in—; swathe in—; vest in—; —humble; —humiliate

    (See clothing, raiment, apparel.

    Raid adjectives

    intrepid; mutual; memorable; bridge-burning; cavalry; unjustifiable; dreadful; marauding; foraging; rebel; murderous; copious (pl); conducted; similar; swift


    anticipate—; check—; engineer—; launch—; parry—; plan—; repel—; repulse—; resist —; retaliate for—; shield from—; stem—; —aims at; —assails; —attacks; —beleaguers; —besieges; —harries; —provokes; —saps; —storms; —thrusts at; —violates; —whips

    (See invasion, attack.




    lawlessly; intrepidly; memorably; unjustifiably; maraudingly; treacherously; rebelli-ously; murderously; cunningly; devastatingly; swiftly; belligerently

    (See attack, seize.)

    Rail adjectives

    shattered; sanded; twisted; continuous; purgatorial


    erect—; grasp—; —barricades; —bars; —checks ; —circumscribes ; —confines; —encloses; —fences; —fringes;’—girdles; — protects; —restrains; —safeguards; — skirts; —terminates; —withstands; —restricts

    (See fence, barrier, barricade.)

    Rail (v) adverbs

    fretfully; bitterly; acrimoniously; acidly; sarcastically; devastatingly; witheringly; relentlessly; pitifully; plaintively; monotonously; copiously

    (See censure, reproach, upbraid.)

    Railroad adjectives

    infant; pioneered; subtransatlantic; state-owned; opulent; efficient; necessary; wellrun


    plan—; route—; sanction—; tear up—; utilize—; —advertizes; —covers; —enables; —extends; —facilitates; —guarantees; —insures; —invades; —opens; —prospers; — solicits

    Raiment adjectives

    snowy; gallant; gay; flying; shining; sumptuous; predestined; scanty


    admire—; cast off—; divest of—; don— perk—; remove—; strip of—; swaddle in— —clothes; —covers; —drapes; —enrobes —flatters; —laps; —manties; —muffles —sheathes

    (See apparel, clothing.)

    Rain adjectives

    drizzling; drenching; summer; impalpable; fiery; mizzling: misty; melting; crushing; silent; blistering; inconceivable; frozen; lukewarm; quiet; dismal; frequent (pl); generous; gusty; recent; fertilizing; sudden; prodigious; hearty; long; continued; cold; abundant; driving; rapid; soft; violent; vernal; invisible; falling; pattering; roaring ; passionate; autumn; pouring; swirling; incessant; heavy; pelting; pitiless; quickening; singing; sterile; substantial; windy; mellowing; plenteous; thick; sooty; gusty; healing; love-cast; irised; refreshing; unabated; sheeted; continual; dim; lashing; undecided; sweetest; snow-soft; emerald; chilling: immortal; biting; silver; frozen; constant; superannuated; reluctant; veritable; unprecedented; fitful; uninterrupted; dreary; heaven-sent; swishing


    brave—; dodge—; —blights; —crescendos

    • — dashes against; —deluges; —drenches

    • — drums; —gurgles; —gushes; —inundates

    • — jets;  —lashes; —moistens; —patters

    —pelts; —rattles; —relents; —roars; — slithers off; —spatters; —spurts; —teems; —threatens; —thuds; —wanes; —ripples; —trickles

    (See hail, shower, sleet, storm.)

    Rain (v) adverbs

    dismally; heavily; monotonously; desultorily; drizzlingly; prodigiously; abundantly; violently; vernally; patteringly; roaringly; pitilessly; unabatedly; fitfully; unprecedentedly

    (See shower, pour.)

    Rainbow adjectives

    momentary; live; wonderful; myriad (pl); glorified; ephemeral; wondrous; emerald

    Rainy adverbs

    unusually; uncommonly; extraordinarily; terribly; torrentially; softly; dreamily; drowsily; thunderously; drizzlingly; windi-ly; gustily; unfortunately; unluckily; disappointingly; opportunely; seasonally; fortunately; providentially; strangely; gloomily; dismally; drearily; pleasantly; agreeably; lightly; suddenly

    RAISE (v) adverbs corruptly; insolently; deferentially; instinctively; eloquently; unscrupulously; defiantly; delicately; significantly; impressively; mechanically; expressively; daintily; warn-ingly; majestically; deliberately; quizzically

    (See lift, elevate.

    RAKE verbs drag—; draw—; employ—; tug at—; — dredges; —eliminates; —extricates; —gathers; —grubs; —refines; -—scratches; — smoothes; —unearths; —upxoots

    RAKE (v) adverbs

    thoroughly; searchingly; painstakingly; questioningly; inquiringly

    (See gather, search.

    RAKISH adverbs

    wildly; recklessly; dissolutely; madly; blithely; gaily; hilariously; idly; merrily; boisterously

    RALLY (v) adverbs

    faithfully; gallantly; ardently; instinctively; fiercely; courageously; heartily

    (See collect, recover.

    RAMBLE (v) adverbs garrulously; blindly; monotonously; ceaselessly; maddeningly; purposelessly; pointlessly

    (See stroll, stray.

    RAMBLING adverbs pleasantly; quaintly; comfortably; leisurely; irregularly; idly; wantonly; happily; freely; interestingly; endlessly; aimlessly; capriciously; erratically; casually; artlessly; quietly; effortlessly; errantly; desultorily; va-grantly; blissfully

    RAMPANT adverbs roughly; obstreperously; uncontrollably; ungovernably; predominantly; buoyantly; noticeably; expansively; singularly; remarkably; naturally; spontaneously; insuppressibly; unmanageably; merrily

    RAMPART verbs

    array on—; batter—; communicate with—; erect—; fret—; pass along—; patrol—; penetrate—; storm—; strengthen—; surmount—; —bulwarks; —defends; —protects; —resists; —surrounds; —unites

    (See defense, fortification, barricade.

    RAMSHACKLE adverbs

    deplorably; hopelessly; discouragingly; chal-lengingly; dingily; dismally; interestingly; inexpensively; terribly; comically; brightly; charmingly; fascinatingly; merrily; curiously; scandalously; completely; rattily; incredibly; maniiestly

    RANCID adverbs

    sourly; bitterly; acridly; odoriferously; obviously; outrageously; impossibly; disgustingly; hopelessly; shamefully; mustily; nau-seatingly; uselessly; terribly; disagreeably; noticeably; evidently; vexatiously; miserably; undisguisably; visibly

    RANCOR adjectives

    unmitigated; violent; unrelenting; smothered


    arouse—; betray—; burst with—; defy—; harbor—; inflict—; protest—; repress—; unloose—; wreak—upon; —abuses; —blasts; —embitters; —irritates; —pierces; —shakes; —snarls; —sours; —stabs

    (Sec grudge, animosity, ill-will, bitterness.

    RANCOROUS adverbs

    unreasonably; senselessly; maliciously; venomously; relentlessly; incorrigibly; outrageously; shamefully; atrociously; dangerously; naturally; alarmingly; fearfully; singularly; insufferably; extraordinarily; violently; fanatically; uncontrollably

    RANGE adjectives

    considerable; extensive; narrow; pointblank; cruising; indicated; effective; er.or-

    mous; massy; limited; encyclopedic; far-stretching; irregular; cloud-capped; snowy; interminable; billowy; unbounded; easy; flanking; infinite; widened; teeming; formidable; fluid; inexhaustible; vaster; ancient; longitudinal; wonted; unactive; colossal; icy


    amplify—; ascertain—; broaden—; encompass—; enlarge—; expand—; extend—; localize—; magnify—; narrow—; restrict—; scan—; spread—; sweep—; widen—; — fluctuates; —oscillates; —soars; develop—

    (See horizon.)

    Rank adjectives

    high; foremost; crowding; honorable; illustrious; scholarly; serried (pl); unbroken; dense; poetical; bending; unwearied (pl); superior; wasting; preeminent; hostile (pl); distinguished; swaying (pl); teeming (pl); glittering (pl); myriad (pl); titled; depleted (pl) ; innumerable (pl) ; obscurest; riddled (pl); stalwart (pl); regular; inferior; extinguished; culinary; extrinsic; intermediate; exhausted (pl); shattered (pl); disordered (pl); relative; jeweled; stately; immortal; intellectual; melancholy; interminable; mournful; rightful; respective; enveloping (pl); princely; gathering (pl); delicate; swelling (pl); fastfalling (pl); equal; riven (pl); reeling (pl)


    accredit—; achieve—; acquire—; ascend to —; aspire to—; assign to—; break—s; denote—; desert—s; divest of—; earn—; eject from—s; elevate to—; forfeit—; honor—; praise—s; promote to—; reduce to—s; respect—; scatter—; shatter—s; signal—s; solidify—s; split—s; swell—s; win—; — dignifies; —eclipses; —glorifies; —outshines; —surpasses; —transcends

    (See degree, grade, caste, class, position.)

    Rank (v) adverbs

    deservedly; poetically; obscurely; relatively; intellectually: rightfully; aristocratically; humbly

    (See classify, group.)

    Rap (v) adverbs

    smartly; vigorously; authoritatively; vivaciously; persistently; furiously; tempestuously

    (See knock, thump.)

    Rapacious adverbs

    furtively; terribly; wickedly; scandalously; outrageously; shamefully; greedily; ravenously; insatiably; rabidly; ungovernably; uncontrollably; madly; monstrously; abominably; detestably; peculiarly; astonishingly: unbelievably; uncommonly

    Rapid adverbs

    unbelievably; effortlessly; invisibly; increasingly; mercifully; crazily; expertly; distressingly; painfully; breathlessly; impetuously; perilously; unaccountably; surprisingly; astonishingly; moderately; dangerously; lightly

    Rapidity adjectives

    incredible; fair; sufficient; inconceivable; fearful; marvelous; feverish; facial; dexterous; appalling; lightning; extraordinary; extreme; disconcerting; amazing; racial

    Rapier verbs

    brandish—; evade—; fence with—s; flourish—; parry—; sheathe—; thrust with—; wield—; —lacerates; —penetrates; — pierces; —sheds

    (See sword, lance.)

    Rapture adjectives

    ultimate; transient; holy; lasting; random; wounding; blissful; pure; speechless; dizzy; boundless; exquisite; heartfelt; divine; mute; radiant; heavenly; guilty; honest; fervid; careless; secret; rhetorical; mysterious; imaginative; maniacal; enveloping; unreasoning; serene; romantic; fading; suppressed; ecstatic; tumultuous


    breathe in—; cherish—; dilate with—; evoke—; exalt in—; excite—; exclaim in—; express—; feast on—; move to—; muse in —; regard with—; smite with—; speak in —; touch with—: tremble in—; —bewitches; —entrances

    (See ecstasy, delight, delirium, bliss, joy.)

    Rapturous adverbs

    supremely; blessedly; truly; idiotically; ineffably; charmingly; unforgettably; enormously; dreamily; innocently; mysteriously; ecstatically; tumultuously; curiously; openly; childishly; rosily; ridiculously; shyly; frankly; excitedly; tranquilly; wildly; unutterably; joyously; tenderly; deliriously

    Rare adverbs

    unusually; valuably; singularly; inimitably; remarkably; pricelessly; incalculably; immeasurably; fantastically; amazingly; unbelievably; momentously; signally; marvelously; incredibly

    Rascal adjectives

    merry; glaring; bald-pated; meddlesome; lying; barren; mean; consummate; muddy-mettled; mercenary; stretch-mouthed; designing; tawny; lovable; scheming; vile; unmitigated; dishonest; cony-catching; villainous; worthless

    Rascally adverbs

    mischievously; outrageously; outlandishly; incorrigibly; unmanageably; fearfully; maliciously; boyishly; trickily; craftily; shamefully; smoothly; atrociously; detestably; insidiously; contemptibly; singularly; appallingly; reprehensibly; treacherously; dishonestly; unregenerately; inveterately; bitterly; hatefully

    Rash verbs

    afflict with—; attribute—to; break into—; daub on—; produce—; solve—; swab—; treat—; —confines; —disappears; —effloresces; —erupts; —fades; —indicates; — irritates; —patches; —plagues; —speckles; —spreads; —subsides

    (See sore, boil.) adverbs

    adventurously; indiscreetly; imprudently; audaciously; unfortunately; wilfully; inconsiderately; foolishly; thoughtlessly; inadvertently; ignorantly; heedlessly; intrepidly; wantonly; desperately; misguidedly; flippantly; absurdly; preposterously; alarmingly; unaccountably; fearlessly )

    Rashness adjectives

    noble; unguided; weakest; stretched; general


    prevent—; protest—; repent—; rue—; warn against—; —breaks; —chances; —destroys; —endangers; —ignores; —irks; —provokes; —risks; —suffers; —ventures; —vexes; — wrecks

    (See recklessness, audacity.)

    Rasp (v") adverbs

    harshly; unmelodiously; atrociously; discordantly; gratingly; exasperatingly

    (See grate, file, offend.)

    Rat verbs

    experiment on—s; exterminate—s; infest with—s; plague with—s; poison—s; rid of —s; trap—; —burrows; —digs; —excavates; —s frequent; —gnaws; —haunts; — infects; —nibbles; —penetrates; —pillages; —preys on; —ravages; —roves; —scampers; —scurries; —thrives

    (See animal.)

    Rate adjectives

    prevailing; reasonable; high; proud; annual; special; low; surprising; respectable; comparable; amazing; expense; balancing; unusual; moderate; stipulated; incredible; differential; fluctuating; minimum; unconscionable; interest; usurious; legal; astounding: tremendous; alarming; reckless; standard; present; noble; rapid; overwhelming; attractive; fearful; death; furious; marvelous; trifling; enormous; modest; prodigious; nominal; unvarying; right; sensible; economical; remarkable; daily; weekly; monthly; thrifty; considerate; extreme; agreeable verbs

    apply—; assess—; assign—; calculate—; command—; compute—; demand—; deprecate—; determine—; estimate—; fix—; impose—; proportion—; reduce—; slash—; stabilize—; standardize—; subject to—; tax —; —appraises; —corresponds to; —evaluates; —fluctuates; —prevails; —skyrockets; —varies

    (See tax, amount.)

    Rate (v) adverbs

    soundly; harshly; disagreeably; furiously; wrathfully; discordantly; scorchingly

    (See appraise, estimate, value.)

    Ratification verbs

    fight for—; hinder—; submit for—; —admits; —alters; —attests; —authenticates; — certifies; —concerns; —corroborates; —endorses; —evinces; —indicates; —involves; —recognizes; —seals; —subverts; —upholds; —verifies

    (See approval, confirmation, indorsement.)

    Ratify (v) adverbs

    wisely; amicably; agreeably; ostentatiously; solemnly; internationally

    (See confirm, sanction.)

    Rational adverbs

    intelligently; philosophically; soundly; academically; intuitively; sensibly; perfectly; psychologically; coldly; irresistibly; fairly; cosmically; inferentially; elementally; profoundly; fundamentally; presumptively; penetratingly; discernibly; contemplatively; doctrinally; spiritually; innately; ideologically; speculatively; consciously; soberly; speciously; logically; persuasively; convincingly; conclusively

    Rations adjectives

    insufficient; deficient; regulation; delicious; balanced; emergency; abundant; scant; half; magic; particular; starvation; wartime


    allot—; carve—; cast—; consume—; crave —; cut—; deal—; distribute—; divide—; mete out—; parcel—; portion out—; reduce —; replenish—; share—; supply—; —appease; —relieve; —sate; —satisfy; — strengthen

    (See food, diet, supplies.)

    Rattle (general) adjectives

    remote; sudden; tempestuous; globular; unheeded; peremptory; pulsing

    Rattle (toy} verbs

    chew—; employ—; —amuses; —appeases

    —attracts; —clashes; —crashes; —delights

    —diverts; —entertains; —fascinates; —interests; —pleases; —subsides; —tinkles

    (See toy, noise, racket.)

    Rattle (v) adverbs

    cacophonously; crisply; peremptorily; tempestuously; rudely; abruptly; irritatingly

    (See clatter, prattle.)

    Raucous adverbs

    noisily; curiously; hoarsely; blatantly; boisterously; disagreeably; uncommonly; unusually; unpleasantly; sepulchrally; rudely; raspingly; stertoriously; distinctly; horribly; obnoxiously; unnaturally; offensively; piercingly; peculiarly; curiously; strangely; intolerably; indescribably

    Ravages adjectives

    fearful; excessive; increased


    curb—; preserve from—; stay—; succumb to—; suffer—; —blemish; —blight; — cripple; —damage; —debase; —decimate

    —deface; —defile; —desecrate; —disfigure

    —embitter; —mutilate; —overwhelm; — prostrate; —ruin; —swamp

    (See damage, injury.)

    Rave (v) adverbs

    senselessly; rapturously; idiotically; drunk-enly; fearfully; ominously; furiously; insanely; feverishly; pathetically; passionately; romantically; ecstatically; tumultuously

    (See rage, storm.)

    Raven adjectives

    presaging; colored; somber; croaking; ominous


    —attacks; —beaks; —bellows; —bodes; — carries off; —croaks; —destroys; —flits

    —kills; —pesters; —plagues; —prates; — preys on; —thieves

    (See bird, crow.)

    Ravine adjectives

    sandy; wooded; picturesque; stained; impenetrable; gaunt; difficult; luminous; inaccessible; bushy; rough; burning; steep; rocky; numerous (pl) ; precipitous

    Ravish (v) adverbs

    violently; brutally; lustfully; lasciviously; fearfully; viciously; criminally; grossly; sordidly; passionately; bestially; sickeningly

    (See enchant, transport.)

    Ravishing adverbs

    incomparably; delectably; enchantingly; unbelievably; happily; inexpressibly; trans-portingly; rapturously; ecstatically; divinely; matchlessly; radiantly

    Ra IV adverbs

    awkwardly; grotesquely; repulsively; unbelievably; angularly; oddly; ludicrously; deplorably; strangely; fantastically; amusingly; pathetically; distressingly; terribly; horribly; grievously; ridiculously; singularly; queerly; drolly; curiously; painfully; crudely; coarsely; thoughtlessly; ignorantly

    Ray adjectives

    solar; deathless; fresh; glaring; dewy; ripening; cheering; evening; gilded; funeral; cosmic; oblique; pounding; visual; scattered (pl); darting; medullary; primary; blushing; early; unrefracted; discomforting; potent; castrated; glowing; lingering; celestial; penetrating; redoubled; luminous; mystic; changing; level; converging; chance; fiery; actinic; tender; unclouded; purest; lurid; overflowing; dimmer; sunny; reviving; dull; fervent; blood-red; transverse; propitious; genial; occasional; beauteous; rising; gladdening; enlivening; killing; hospitable; eternal; controlled; dauntless; diverging; slanting; everlasting; angry; piercing; sportive; parent; heavenly; splendid; dismembered; bewildering; indifferent; curative; reflected; glimmering; dissolving; vertical; illusive; liquid; angelic; streaming; orient; misty; silver; frozen; pensive; radiating; derived; sickly; unwelcome; jubilant; rapid; scorching; dim


    bend—; diffuse—; dim—; emit—; expose to—; focus—upon; obscure—; shed—; shield fs*m—; shoot—; throw—; —dances; — dazzles; —s diverge; —illuminates; —penetrates; —pierces; —plays upon; —reveals; —Shimmers; —streams from

    (See beam, gleam, moonbeam, light.)

    Razor verbs

    blunt—;  brandish—; dull—;  employ—

    grind—; hone—; nick—; sheathe—; stroke —; strop—; whet—; wield—; —denudes; —incises; —smooths

    (See knife, blade.)

    Reach adjectives

    desolating; endless; sighing; automatic; utmost; extended; boundless; upper; illimitable; giddiest; naughty; sandy; vast; arid; easy; keen; timid; wistful; trackless

    Reach (v) adverbs

    promptly; simultaneously; automatically; impulsively; conveniently; timidly; ultimately; rapturously; greedily; vainly; wistfully. (See touch, strike.

    React (v) adverbs

    discreditably; instantaneously; adversely; strangely; abnormally; divergently; feverishly; violently; passionately; intuitively; romantically; physically; logically; blindly. (See resist, recoil, oppose.

    Reaction adjectives

    energetic; painful; emotional; necessary; feverish; varied; premature; strong; disastrous; consumer; unequivocal; fatigued; violent; protective; inevitable; deep-seated; vigorous; unexpected; natural; photochemical; uncomfortable; passionate; intuitive; impulsive; instantaneous; chemical; antagonistic; romantic; infantile; chronic; physical; barbarous; pleasant; artificial; individual; astounding; logical; sympathetic; dramatic; blind; unromantic; sanguinary


    awaken—; control—; defeat—; determine —; emphasize—; evaluate—: excite—; experience—; foresee—; forestall—; induce—; observe—; produce—; promote—; provoke —; repute—: reverse—; study—; suffer—; test—; —astounds; —ensues; —sets in; — warns

    (See answer, reply, response.)

    Reactionary adverbs

    commendably; dangerously; manifestly; defiantly; openly; curiously; inexplicably; unaccountably; unreasonably; lamentably; stimulatingly; progressively; energetically; ominously; favorably; admirably; politically; irresolutely; unreliably; antagonistically; painfully; astonishingly; reprehensibly; un-dependably

    Read (v) adverbs

    omnivorously; perpetually; insipidly; profoundly; nonchalantly; listlessly; attentively; extensively; drowsily; assiduously; advisedly; monotonously; genially; voraciously; habitually; casually; industriously; stimulatingly; desultorily; promiscuously; surreptitiously; haltingly; sporadically; judiciously

    (See peruse, scan, study.)

    Readable adverbs

    instantly; easily; readily; pleasantly; fascinatingly; entertainingly; delightfully; interestingly; scarcely; barely; instructively; highly; uncommonly; remarkably; singularly; definitely; distinctly; plainly; unusually

    Reader adjectives

    eager; intelligent; constant; everyday; enthusiastic; serious; gentle; phenomenal; browsing; sagacious; assiduous; casual; insatiable; captious; extensive; persistent; dilettante; confused; unsuspecting; continental; absorbed; negligent; omnivorous; copy: discriminating; stumbling; uncomprehending; fastidious; indefatigable; industrious; prudish; voracious; ponderous; innocent; voluminous; ardent; attentive; arid; rapid; faulty; lifelong


    absorb—; acquaint—; amuse—; divert—; edify—; enlighten—; entertain—; guide—; inform—; instruct—; lay before—; outrage —; persuade—; tickle—;. train—; —appreciates; —browses; —comprehends; —cons; —consumes; —criticizes; —delights; — delves into; —dips into; —discerns; —enjoys; —gleans; —imbibes; —masters; — peruses; —plunges into; —pores over; — refers to; —scans; —thumbs; —wades through; —apprehends

    (See student, scholar, pupil.)

    Readiness adjectives

    dreary; extreme; stubborn; belligerent; astonishing; sulky; useful; disconcerting

    Reading adjectives

    essential; constructive; fascinating; stimulating; available; up-to-date; quick; intelligent; delightful; laborious; choral; extensive; assiduous; coarse; prodigious; random: absorbing; hurried; entertaining; tedious; monotonous; desultory; required; attentive; surreptitious; promiscuous; flighty; diverting; irregular; dreary; dull; omnivorous


    assign—; coach in—; comment, on—; define —; enjoy—; expound—; improve—; interpret—; recite—; render—; study—; translate—; unfold—; unravel—; wade through —; —acquaints; —delights; —edifies; —entertains; —serves; —yields

    (See story, lesson, interpretation, book.)

    Readjustment adjectives

    heroic; fundamental; sharp; comprehensive



    advocate—; demand—; effect—; intensify —; measure—; necessitate—; undergo—; —accommodates; —adapts; —balances; — copes with; —countervails; —equalizes; — evens; —levels; —matches; —poises; —restores ; —satisfies; —trims

    (See change, adjustment.)

    Ready adverbs

    resolutely; instantly; finally; recently; altogether; promptly; eagerly; intrepidly; warily; vigilantly; alertly; evidently; providently; prudently; painfully; carefully; scrupulously; always; unfailingly; heroically; gallantly; formidably; fortunately; luckily; opportunely; reasonably; sensibly; practically; almost

    Real adverbs

    intensely; fantastically; oppressively; tangibly; vividly; mercilessly; horribly; dangerously; vitally; painfully; starkly; solidly; hideously; grossly; crudely; temporally; mundanely; appallingly; hauntingly; monotonously; ponderously; eternally; sordidly; inexorably; basically; sternly; terribly; gloriously; glamorously; crassly; crudely; humanly; demonstrably; substantially; graphically; stubbornly

    Realism adjectives

    wounding; decadent; gripping; graphic; unflinching; pure; gross; unshrinking; unpitying; surprising; lifelike; nauseating; inartistic; crude; bare


    advocate—; compromise—; conform to—; delve into—; dip into—; establish—; examine—; imbibe—; practise—; touch—; transcend—; composes—; —divests; —enthrones itself; —portrays

    (See science, philosophy, psychology, reality, art.)

    Realist adjectives

    destitute; uncompromising; sumptuous; selective; skilled

    Realistic adverbs

    dramatically; spectacularly; utterly; unusually; undeniably; distinctly; admirably; notoriously; commendably; surprisingly; unexpectedly; astonishingly; intensely; vividly; mysteriously; incredibly; mercilessly; dangerously; beautifully; delightfully; happily; entertainingly; interestingly; unsur-passably; incomparably; faithfully; startlingly; appallingly

    Reality adjectives

    grim; sordid; intense; fantastic; naked; oppressive; tangible; passionate; beneficient; clamant; vivid; living; ideal; typical; blunt; mysterious; infinite; waking; existing; sober; practical; elusive; commonplace; accidental; fearful; unfathomable; clear; conceived; spiritual; concrete; exacting; vulgar; fictitious; specific; merciless; peremptory; subtle; nautical; glassy; horrid; stern; dangerous; vital; painful; stark; solid; gloomy; beneficent


    bear—; convey—; deal with—; descend to —; divorce from—; endure—; enslave to —; escape—; evade—; face—; flee from—; gain—; gloss over—; grasp for—; ground on—; obscure—; pursue—; question—; return to—; spare—; varnish—; wrap in—

    (See realism.)

    Realization adjectives

    hideous; evident; uninterrupted; vivid; devotional; bitter; dawning; living; piteous; stabbing; poseful; shocking; exact; eternal; dark


    achieve—; anticipate—; attain—; demand —; effect—; fancy—; jar into—; jolt into —; labor under—; register—; strive for—; struggle for—; —completes; —crowns; — dawns; —dazes; —discharges; —fulfills; — grows upon; —perfects; —strikes; —stuns

    (See effect, fulfillment.)

    Realize (v) adverbs

    sickeningly; nervously; instinctively; emphatically; dimly; speedily; vividly; vaguely; faintly; gloriously; partially; feebly; happily; piteously; stabbingly; shockingly

    (See achieve, complete.)

    Realm adjectives

    sterile; populous; empty; untrodden; mysterious; free; rival; sleepy; blissful; boundless; wealthy; sunnier; historic; airy; glorious; unsubstantial; masculine; interminable; intellectual; famous; impenetrable; ancient; loftier; starry; flowery; shuddering; conquered; unproductive; capricious; captivating


    conquer—; command—; control—; dominate —; dwell in—; explore—; govern—; inhabit —; invade—; locate—; master—; misrule —; occupy—; overrun—; preside over—; seize—; sway—; visit—

    (See kingdom, region, province.)

    Reap (v) adverbs

    meritoriously; vigorously; seasonally; happily; gratefully; handsomely; rightfully. (See gather, collect.

    Rear verbs

    bring up—; construct—; dog—; guard—; join—; lay—; —closes; —concludes; ■—determines; —ends; —finishes; —follows; — lags; —nullifies; —shadows; —skirts; — terminates; —trails; —treads

    (See front, back.)

    Rear (v) adverbs

    viciously; dangerously; skittishly; wildly; blindly; capriciously; materially; domestically; shelteredly; innocently

    (See raise, elevate.)

    Rearmament verbs

    advocate—; condemn—; demand—; forbid —; hinder—; limit—; permit—; plan—; question—; reduce—; refuse—; repress—; request—; restrain—; restrict—; sanction —; —abuses; —agitates: —brews; —despairs; —endangers; —incenses; —protects. (See armament.

    Reason (general) adjectives

    sensible; valid; potent; indignant; individual; sufficient; sentimental; unshackled; imperceptible; legal; intelligent; physical; holy; sound; artistic: abundant; mere; naked; alleged; supposed; cogent; religious; punitive; exquisite; abstract; shattered; intangible; weighty; passive; mournful; root; indisputable; ostensible; aesthetic; public; human; satirical; unknown; contradicting; inclusive; cold; improbable; crying; philosophic; prosaic; irresistible; calm; special; prudential; earthly; sovereign; obscure: honest; sharp; convincing; sententious; fundamental; liberal; impossible; precise; obvious; justifying; mysterious; firm; foremost; dawning; immense; powerful; natural; plain; unconscious; manly; hampering; insufficient; overwhelming; carnal; indefinable; inexplicable; righteous; cool; immortal; definite; odious; respectable; trivial; weightiest; evident; hollow; inscrutable; sober; apparent; occult; willful; eternal; bright; pure; practical; benevolent; painful; plausible; logical; absurd; conceivable; organic; pompous; ethnological; inexperienced; unselfish; parent; specious; ultimate; pressing; simple; palpable

    Reason (grounds, argument, etc.) verbs

    adduce—; advance—; analyze—; assign— for; bolster—; cite—s; conceal—; convey—; cook up—; debate—; discern—; draw— from; elicit—; evidence—; feign—; omit—; outline—s; overstep—; summarize—; —explains; —looms; —motivates; —underlies

    (See excuse, grounds, cause.)

    Reason (intellectual, faculty, common-sense, logic) verbs

    appeal to—; base on—; derange—; employ —; evince—; impregnate with—; invoke—; supplant—; —crumbles; —determines; — dictates; —impels; —ordains; —prevails; —totters; —wanders; —yields to

    (See logic, intellect, sense, sanity.)

    Reason (v) adverbs

    coherently; inconsistently; persuasively: solemnly; dialectically; deductively; logically; ridiculously; deviously; ineffectually; intelligently; circuitously; validly; sentimentally; cogently; prosaically; sententiously; plausibly; speciously

    (See argue, debate.)

    Reasonable adverbs

    intelligently; philosophically; soundly; academically; intuitively; sensibly; perfectly: psychologically; coldly; fairly; cosmically; inferentially; elementally; essentially; profoundly; fundamentally; presumptively; penetratingly; discernibly; c .-ntemplatively: doctrinally; spiritually; theologically; ideologically; speculatively; consciously; soberly; spaciously; logically; persuasively; convincingly; conclusively

    Reasoner adjectives

    accurate; habitual; profound; lawless; admirable; acute; careful; painstaking; deft; clever

    Reasoning adjectives

    seductive; sober; secular; immethodized; speculative; unstable; judicial; vicious; hypothetical; inductive; erroneous; stern; calm; infantile; physiological; precocious; scientific; deliberate; sustained; fallacious; syllogistic; abstract; explicit; conclusive; logical

    Reassurance adjectives

    peaceful; hopeful; tremendous; slender

    Reassuring adverbs

    completely; comfortingly; genially; judicially; gravely; amiably; wisely; pleasantly; indulgently; graciously;, smpathetically; un-derstandingly; encouragingly; helpfully; hopefully; optimistically; considerately; affectionately; warmly; hospitably; pleasantly; mildly; earnestly; enthusiastically; confidently; definitely; distinctly

    Rebel (v) adverbs vindictively; heartily; hatefully; intellectually; patriotically; desperately; blindly; abortively; mutely; hopelessly; technically

    (See revolt, defy, resist.

    Rebellion adjectives

    technical; appeasing; incipient; perpetual; gigantic; extensive; righteous; seething; violent; open; unqualified; hurt; blind; abortive; memorable; vain; mute; persistent; universal; manifest; hopeless; futile


    abet—; confine—; finance—; fire—; foment — ; incite to—; intensify—; liquidate—; plan—; plot—; plunge into—; quash—; quell—; repress—; restrain—; set down—; threaten with—; uncover—; verge on—; — breaks out; —perishes; —seethes; —stirs; —undermines

    (See insurrection, mutiny, revolution.

    Rebellious adverbs

    sullenly; doggedly; drearily; unhappily; bitterly; incorrigibly; incurably; unmanageably; sadly; justly; rightfully; intelligently; sensibly; wildly; cruelly; insensately; furiously; violently; uncontrollably; cantankerously; atrociously; detestably; unreasonably; justifiably; naturally; woefully; stubbornly; obstinately; desperately; dangerously; ominously; unfortunately; unluckily; unwisely; finally; instantly; resentfully; angrily; secretly; quietly

    Rebels adjectives

    intellectual; patriotic; incorrigible; vile

    contending; repentant; desperate


    exile—; punish—; restrict—; silence—; — arise; —arm; —betray; —conspire; —corrupt; —defy; —infringe upon; —intrigue; —mutiny; —plot; —resist; —strike; —violate; —withdraw

    (See insurgents, opponent.

    Rebuff adjectives

    unforeseen; stupid; rude; unsympathetic; studied; complete; deserved


    cower before—; impel—; incur—; render —; resist—; sense—; smart under—; undergo—; withhold—; —chills; —crushes; — cuts; —insults; —jostles; —raps; —reviles; —revolts; —scandalizes; —shocks; —slaps; —smarts; —snubs

    (See insult, defeat, rebuke, refusal.

    Rebuff (v) adverbs superciliously; sneeringly; rudely; aristocratically; impertinently; proudly; vindictively

    (See resist, repulse, repel.

    Rebuffed adverbs

    definitely; unreasonably; distinctly; neatly; saucily; arrogantly; needlessly; unwarrantably; insolently; impudently; impertinently; unnecessarily; undeservedly; unaccountably; startlingly; surprisingly; properly; deservedly; properly; politely; adroitly; in

    geniously; subtly; disconcertingly; promptly; urbanely; suavely; uncivilly; unceremoniously; sharply; definitely; officially; blandly

    Rebuild (v) adverbs

    patiently; vigorously; hopefully; courageously; repeatedly; gloriously; imitatively. (See build, repair.

    Rebuke adjectives

    pertinent; merited; grave; whispered; sour; stinging; artless; delicate; savage; frightened; stern; uncompromising; paternal; dignified; proud; smart; standing; sulphurous; scornful; sad; promptest


    administer—; endure—; imply—; offset—; submit to—; suffer—; thrust—at; —abashes; —corrects; —disconcerts; —hurts; —maddens; —silences

    (See rebuff, reprimand, ridicule.)

    Rebuke (v) adverbs

    indignantly; priggishly; sternly; pertinently; gravely; stingingly; paternally; sulphur-ously; scornfully; briskly; curtly; cuttingly; incisively

    (See admonish, censure, reprove.)

    Rebuked adverbs

    sternly; harshly; unreasonably; unaccountably; undeservedly; constantly; recently; saucily; officially; seriously; gravely; ominously; publicly; openly; quietly; deservedly; properly; naturally; necessarily; woefully; rudely; ungraciously; unwarrantably; unjustly; cruelly; wantonly; subt'y; loudly; furiously; brusquely; bluntly; rudely; unforgivably; unforgettably

    Recalcitrant adverbs

    cantankerously; habitually; always; disagreeably; unpleasantly; offensively; politically; obnoxiously; detestably; despicably; unfailingly; obstinately; stubbornly; unreasonably; unaccountably; naturally; stupidly; boorishly; doggedly; singularly; peculiarly; presumptiously; bumptiously

    Recall (v) adverbs

    vividly; affectionately; palpably; momentarily; distinctively; perpetually; bitterly; vaguely; greedily; idly; passionately

    (See annul, retract.)

    Receive (vj adverbs

    courteously; precisely; graciously; affably; reluctantly; hospitably; opportunely; glowingly; morosely; willingly; scornfully; consciously; mournfully; credulously; gratuitously; supinely; indiscriminately; haughtily; cordially; royally; ceremoniously; frostily. (See accept, take.

    Receivership verbs

    accept—; anticipate—; avoid—; demand—; enter into—; fall into—; grant—; lapse into—; repel—; resist—; save from—; succor from.—; verge on—; —embarrasses; — safeguards; —satisfies; —terminates

    (See bankruptcy.)

    Receptacle adjectives

    sacred; unsightly; unworthy; hideous; secret; hidden

    Reception ad je dives

    unfriendly; sumptuous; canine; flattering; popular; suitable; favorable; enthusiastic; affectionate; honorable; courteous; critical; problematical; ceremonious; unprejudiced; instant; general; cordial; wonderful; traditional; frosty; grand; stormy; official; magnificent; bloody; court; extraordinary; welcome; royal; friendly; sympathetic; hospitable; tame; sullen

    Receptive adverbs

    intelligently; astonishingly; brilliantly; attentively; eagerly; ardently; gratefully; thankfully; utterly; actively; pleasantly; helpfully; sharply; keenly; particularly

    Recess adjectives

    fathomless; remotest; dark; dim; glowing; tangled; innermost; profound; various (pl); mystic; grassy; appalling; cool; capacious; intimate; little-known; soul-haunting; shy; shady


    deny—; enjoy—; grant—; lull in—; prescribe—; suggest—; welcome—; —affords; —allays; —disburdens; —dispels; —eases; —refreshes; —relaxes; —relieves; —revivifies; —vents

    (See rest, vacation, pause.)

    Recession adjectives

    financial; business; widespread; nationwide; gripping

    Recipe verbs

    adhere to—; attempt—; clip—; commend—; devise—; follow—; interpret—; necessitate —; refer to—; scan—; seek—; study—; — acquaints; —eases; —edifies; —enlightens; —guides; —informs; —prevents; —satisfies


    (See formula, method.)

    Reciprocal adverbs

    agreeably; pleasantly; accommodatingly; publicly; readily; systematically; contractually; interchangeably; helpfully; sympathetically; openly; reluctantly; eagerly; proportionally; satisfactorily; conveniently; advantageously; profitably

    Recital adjectives

    bolting; warm; light; summary; amusing; quaint; dejected; tedious; dispassionate; instructive


    narrate—; rehearse—; render—; sum up—; unfold—; —edifies; —enchants; —enlightens; —enthralls; —entrances; —inspires; — pictures; —portrays; —recounts; —relates; —unravels

    (See performance, concert, speech, poem.)

    Recitative adverbs

    crooningly; endlessly; effectively; monotonously; raucously; huskily; dully; unmelod-iously; comically; hilariously; clownishly; curiously; dramatically; melodiously; rhythmically; qauintly; dramatically; incomparably; strangely; pleasantly

    R1ec1te (v) adverbs

    drolly; faithfully; feelingly; passionately; ardently; quaintly; instructively; repetit-iously; monotonously; drearily

    (See relate, repeat.)

    Reckless adverbs

    desperately; daringly; audaciously; blithely; merrily; hilariously; bitterly; cruelly; inconsiderately; thoughtlessly; heedlessly; deliberately; optimistically; wickedly; disconcertingly; improvidently; extravagantly; exceedingly; fantastically; outlandishly; outrageously; grotesquely; ostentatiously; spectacularly; dramatically; wildly; indiscreetly; financially; commercially; politically; personally; inexcusably; insensately; angrily; furiously; jealously; pitiably

    Recklessness adjectives

    wanton; stubborn; unfelt; lavish; uncalculating; staid; fastidious; daring; fatal; gallant


    admonish—; protest—; repent—; rue—; tempt—; tolerate—; warn against—; —destroys; —endangers; —exposes to; —ignores; —irritates; —provokes', —risks; — suffers; —ventures; —wrecks

    (See audacity, indiscretion.)

    Reckoning adjectives

    annual; lunar; dreadful; final; false; dead; swift


    confuse—; demand—; discharge—; discount—; estimate—; ignore—; probe—; value—; weed out of—; —accounts for; —acquits; —balances; —clarifies; —dishonors; —fathoms; —nullifies; —repays

    (See account, computation, calculation, consideration.)

    Recline («-) adverbs

    lazily; somnolently; cozily; comfortably; swinishly; calmly; artlessly; unambitiously. (See rest, relax.

    Recluse adjectives

    literary; curious; poetical; sanctified; churlish; venerable; staid

    Recognition adjectives

    abbreviated; instant; reverent; warmest; rigid; deserved; continuous; momentary; enforced; long-awaited; critical; unbroken; increasing; welcome; cold; unmistakable; faint; intelligent; courteous; legislative; mutual; dismayed; admiring; tacit; grateful; orderly; affectionate; public; sole; formal; emphatic; full; familiar; premature; clouded; flattering; hard-won


    accord—; alter beyond—; arouse—; concede—; confer—; demand—; evade—; escape—; extend—; gain—; lose—; merit—; permit—; prompt—; receive—; refuse—; struggle for—; suggest—; win—; —confirms; —corroborates; —recalls

    (See fame, greatness, position.)

    Recognizable adverbs

    easily; readily; distinctly; unfailingly; instantly; unmistakably; singularly; manifestly; memorably; unforgettably; peculiarly; particularly; positively; transparently; conspicuously; glaringly; unconcealably; strikingly; remarkably

    Recognize (v) adverbs

    distinctly; instinctively; definitely; universally; formally; frankly; deservedly; coldly; courteously; mutually; affectionately; tacitly; formally; publicly; prematurely

    (See distinguish, acknowledge.)

    Recoil adjectives

    vicious; impetuous; silent; tardy; nervous

    Recoil (v) adverbs

    instinctively; involuntarily; modestly; impatiently; impetuously; nervously; abruptly; abnormally; tremblingly

    (See react, shrink.)

    Recollect (<-) adverbs

    agreeably; humiliatingly; delightfully; hatefully; gratefully; remorsefully; vaguely; uneasily; romantically; painfully; affectionately

    (See remember, recall.)

    Recollection adjectives

    nightmare; agreeable; humiliating; delightful; grateful; hateful; glorious; contemptuous; dark; stern; remorseful; vanished; importunate; dim; vague; sweet; eternal; uneasy; romantic; sudden; simultaneous; humbling; distinct; melancholy; painful; accurate; faithful; perfect; tangled; livelier; pleasant; dormant; vivid; hazy; blissful; ungracious; cloudy; affectionate


    attempt—; betray—; crowd—s; drown—; escape—; evade—; hallow—; hinder—; obliterate—; prompt—; seek—; shudder at —; sink into—; stimulate—; stir—; suggest —; urge—; verify—; —dawns; —dims; —fades; —refreshes

    (See memory, remembrance, reminiscence.)

    Recommend (v) adverbs

    conscientiously; respectfully; unreservedly; cordially; urgently; expressly; unanimously; confidently; unhesitatingly; vigorously; earnestly; aptly; eloquently; subtly; emphatically; consistently

    (See suggest, commend, praise.)

    Recommen DA TION adjectives

    definite; additional; nimble; sweet; subtle; novel; emphatic; hesitating; sound; impolitic; consistent


    carry out—; confer—; consult—; demand—; gain—; glean—s; incorporate—s; offer—; sketch—s; —advises; —advocates; —favors; —flatters; —glows; —impresses; — informs; —refers to; —reports; —suggests

    (See commendation, approval, approbation, reference.)

    Recommended adverbs

    highly; enthusiastically; favorably; well; exceptionally; unconditionally; earnestly; justly; readily; acceptably; thoughtfully; unreservedly; strongly; eminently; explicitly; expressly

    Recompense adjectives

    godlike; solid; immortal; earnest; noblest: friendly; generous; exciting; abundant; insufficient; scant

    Reconcilable adverbs

    easily; readily; scarcely; hardly; wholly; partially; entirely; logically; reasonably; sensibly; naturally; fortunately; pleasantly; amiably; generously; amicably; fortunately; consistently

    Reconcile (v) adverbs

    peremptorily; briefly; conveniently; permanently; forgivingly; touchingly; dramatically; logically; philosophically

    (See adjust, settle.)

    Reconciliation adjectives

    perfect; convenient; short-lived; sweet; lasting; generous; forgiving


    arrange—; declare—; draw—; effect—; exact—; gain—; refuse—; seek—; —allays; —appeases; —heals; —hushes; —pacifies; —placates; —renews; —restores; —settles; —smooths; —squares

    (See conciliation, peace, reunion.)

    Recondition (v) adverbs

    efficiently; professionally; thoroughly; permanently; periodically

    (See renew, repair.)

    Reconnoitre (v) adverbs

    audaciously; slyly; dutifully; courageously; cautiously; brazenly

    (See examine, inspect.)

    Reconsider (v) adverbs

    hastily; subsequently; consequentially; meditatively; contemplatively; reflectively; serenely

    (See review, contemplate.)

    Reconstruction adjectives

    orderly; benign; inartistic; voluntary


    advise—; facilitate—; necessitate—; retard —; —converts; —corrects; —cures; —heals

    —recoups; —rectifies; —redresses; —refreshes; —reinforces; —rights

    (See repairs, improvement, change.)

    Record adjectives

    attainable; successful; enviable; reliable; long; indispensable; unsavory; scriptural; manifold (pl); authenticated; mystical; honorable; engrossed; splendid; imperfect; woeful; forlorn; formless; faithful; creditable; distinguished; chronological; continuous; vivid; subtlest; illustrious; unapproachable; earliest; historic; stenographic; boasted; bristling; erroneous; lingering; shameful; surprising; trivial; fond; illustrated; contemporary; parliamentary; voluminous; damning; priceless; definite; terse; cold; literal; comparable; accurate; individual; progressive; glorious; formal; lasting; tabulated; valuable; supernatural; available; confessed; trustworthy; indelible; notarial; pathetic; dumb; accumulated; aggregated; official; flawless; unpretending; artistic; clinical; imperishable; enthralling; factual; romantic; commendable; tragic; exemplary; phenomenal; heraldic


    achieve—; afford—; assemble—s; best—; blast—; bolster—; catalogue—s; compare —s; compile—s; delve into—s; divulge—; establish—; filch from—s; hang up—; illuminate—; inscribe—; live up to—; obliterate—; pound out—; pore over—s; probe —s; produce—; top—s; —s set forth; —s vary

    (See chronicle, archives, list, reputation.)

    Record (v) adverbs

    faithfully; accurately; precisely; amusingly; regularly; minutely; authentically; industriously; impassively; uninterruptedly; scrip-turally; mystically; creditably; chronologically; vividly; subtly; historically; graphically; trivially; voluminously; literally; formally; flawlessly; clinically; factually; commendably; phenomenally

    (See note, reserve.)

    Recorded adverbs

    duly; accurately; carefully; meticulously; indelibly; graphically; intricately; officially; memorably; secretly; punctiliously; promptly; instantly; immediately; beautifully; realistically; photostatically; precisely; faithfully; legally; methodically; systematically; lovingly; vividly; completely

    Recover (adverbs mechanically; sufficiently; extraordinarily; miraculously; swiftly; speedily; tardily; moderately; fortunately; gradually; spectacularly; normally

    (See repair, restore.

    Recovery adjectives

    slow; gradual; rapid; ultimate; languid; spontaneous; happy; noble; spectacular; permanent; extraordinary; receding


    anticipate—; attribute—to; effect—; envisage—; expedite—; facilitate—; fumble with—; hasten—; hinder—; impede—; insure—; jeopardize—; promote—; retard—; speed—; stimulate—; —cheers; —ensues; —follows

    (See improvement, convalescence, restoration.

    Recreant adverbs

    detestably; incredibly; shamefully; grossly; meanly; stubbornly; disgracefully; blasphemously; fearfully; infirmly; infamously; tortuously; insidiously; ignominiously; knav-ishly; unworthily; gracelessly; irreclaim-ably; unconscionably; basely

    —relaxes; —revivifies; —tires; —wearies

    (See game, entertainment, jollity, diversion, amusement.

    Recrimination adjectives

    mutual; bitter; incessant; cruel; repeated (pl)

    Recrudescent adverbs

    fortunately; surprisingly; advantageously; profitably; startlingly; strangely; luckily; opportunely; periodically; conveniently; fortuitously; resurgently; providentially; blessedly

    Recruit (v) adverbs

    intelligently; forcefully; faithfully; mainly; militaristically; martially; haphazardly

    (See furnish, raise.

    Recruits adjectives

    clownish; manifold; raw; unwilling; well-drilled; flustered; trustworthy; intelligent; unarmed; discouraged


    attract—; contribute—; furnish—; initiate —; lure—; tempt—; —advance; —assist; —attend; —brace;,—cheer; —expedite; — fortify; —prop; —protect; —reenforce; — rescue; —steel; —sustain; —vivify

    (See volunteers, soldier.

    Rectitude adjectives

    extreme; utter; absolute; conscious; primeval; aesthetic; strict; self-styled

    Recreation adjectives

    stimulating; intellectual; sweet; healthful; inexpensive; joyous; subsidiary; luxurious; innocent; solitary; wholesome; mutual; constructive


    arrange—; enjoy—; indulge in—; plan—; provide for—; seek—; —amuses; —beguiles; —bores; —cheers; —diverts; — drags; —enlivens; —entertains; —palls

    Rector adjectives

    lisping; stern; devout; earnest; pious


    consult—; support—; unfrock—; —administers; —admonishes; —announces; —conducts; —crusades; —directs; —governs

    —guides; —ministers; —orates; —preaches

    —prepares; —prescribes; —presides; — supervises

    (See minister.

    Rectum verbs

    abscess—; act on—; cleanse—; dilate—; distend—; flush—; inflame—; inject into—; irritate—; plug—; purge—; support—; terminate in—; trouble—; —extends

    (See bowels.)

    Recuperate (v) adverbs

    expectedly; normally; beneficently; placidly; markedly; tardily; extendedly; passively; entirely

    (See rally, improve.)

    Recuperative adverbs

    highly; strongly; vigorously; happily; fortunately; wholesomely; healthfully; sturdily; slowly; steadily; quietly; incredibly; luckily; carefully; successfully; patiently; resolutely; calmly; undeniably

    Recur (v) adverbs

    successively; intermittently; constantly; insanely; sporadically; unexpectedly; infrequently; abruptly; irritatingly; explosively. (See return, restore.

    Recurrence adjectives

    infrequent; delicate; sweet; constant; emphatic; intermittent; noisy; angry


    anticipate—; endure—; insure against—; prepare for—; suffer—; survive—; —bores; —drums; —redoubles; —refreshes; —renews; —resumes; —revolves; —rings; — shocks; —surprises; —wearies

    (See frequency, occurrence, repetition.)

    Red adjectives

    deep; bloody; hectic; ruby; flamingo; latest; blazing; shimmering; livid; angry; tuneful; vivid; cochineal; unnatural; bright; orange; gleaming; rich; velvety; rosy; lifeless; brightish; monochromatic; fiery; gaudy; eye-closing; garish

    Redden (v) adverbs

    hotly; coyly; blushingly; shyly; modestly; timidly; enthusiastically; visibly; furiously; feverishly; indignantly

    (See flush, blush.)

    Redeem (v) adverbs

    ultimately; promptly; spiritually; subsequently; everlastingly; honorably; faithfully

    (See recover, rescue.)

    Redeemable adverbs

    currently; locally; immediately; fortunately; conveniently; profitably; undoubtedly; warrantably; fairly; easily; proportionally; lucratively; admissibly; unquestionably; legally; definitely; contractually; readily

    Redemption adjectives

    ultimate; everlasting; foul; prompt; subsequent; spiritual; complete

    Redness adjectives

    shimmering; de'vy; startling; rheumy

    Redolent adverbs

    pungently; spicily; sweetly; fragrantly; deliciously; delightfully; pleasantly; aromatically; refreshingly; suggestively; wood-sily; surprisingly; lingeringly; strongly; highly; uncommonly

    Redress adjectives

    adequate; instant; warlike; immediate


    (communists) verbs

    support—; suppress—; —advocate; —agitate; —aggravate; —band; —forfeit; — idealize; —inflame; —instigate; —invade; —pillage; —plot; —promise; —resist; — revolt; —riot; —strike; —undermine

    (See communist, anarchist.)

    Reduce (v) adverbs

    materially; sharply; correspondingly; emphatically; deliberately; necessarily; rigorously; substantially; markedly; radically; drastically

    (See diminish, lower.)

    Reduction adjectives

    substantial; successive (pl); inexplicable; tremendous; marked; enormous; proper; radical; honest; ample; drastic; smashing; equitable; perpetual; scant

    Reed adjectives

    jungle; pastoral; balmy; stiff; solacing; bruised; swampy; bending; unsustaining; plaited; vocal; whispering; silvery

    Reef adjectives

    submerged; hidden; sunken; encircling; subterranean; lisping; bluff; leering; scowling; frowning; darkling; dangerous; black-browed


    avoid—; cast upon—; drift to—; drive upon—; doom to—; founder on—; lash—; pound—; shatter on—s; thunder on—; — descends; —extends; —menaces; —ranges; —stretches; —threatens

    (See beach, rocks, shore.)

    Reek (adverbs

    foully; alcoholically; vilely; powerfully; nauseatingly; disgustingly

    (See smoke, smell.)

    Reel (v) adverbs

    visibly; weakly; drunkenly; dizzily; abruptly; sickeningly; swayingly

    (See stagger, sway.)

    Refer (v) adverbs

    sarcastically; ironically; indelicately; pointedly; caustically; vaguely; satirically; unequivocally; sneeringly; sagaciously; affectionately; cursorily; contemptuously; pertinently; hilariously; obscurely; vaguely

    (See allude, hint, intimate.)

    Reference adjectives

    contemptuous; satisfying; constant; complimentary; barren; innumerable (pl); pathetic; pertinent; bibliographical; polite; solitary; never-ending; unmistakable; figurative; hilarious; documentary; mutual; offhand; obscure; touching; specific; sudden; sly; gratifying; vague; slighting


    avoid—to; demand—s; furnish—s; heed—; request—s; seek—s; vouchsafe—s; weigh —s; —compliments; —concerns; —counsels; —flatters; —instructs; —justifies; —mentions; —pertains to; —prescribes; —relates to; —satisfies; —suggests; —warns

    (See allusion, recommendation, mention, hint, record.)

    Refinement adjectives

    vital; technical; conscious; artistic; subtle; structural; utmost; high; intellectual; fresh; inventive; studied; nameless; classic; elaborate; sophistical; 'characteristic; delicate; accentuated; expert; exquisite; distilled; soft; false; incidental


    cultivate—; discern—; infuse—; profit by —; touch with—; weigh—; —ameliorates; —discriminates;   —distinguishes;   —en

    hances; —enriches; —graces; —improves; —mellows; —mitigates; —polishes; —promotes ; —sifts

    (See elegance, civilization, refinement, culture.)

    Reflect (<-) adverbs

    calmly; meditatively; sparklingly; contemplatively; cannily; piously; pensively; moodily; morbidly; somberly; grimly; opportunely; serenely; ingenuously; cynically; bitterly; miserably; delicately; philosophically; coherently; candidly; logically

    (See mirror, revert.)

    Reflection adjectives

    delicate; vivid; surface; opposite; dreadful; somber; sagacious; gloomy; grave; unpleasant; sobering; impersonal; colorless; mature; injurious; sage; passionate; solemn; admirable; unbroken; wicked; judicious; interesting; cheering; dazzling; rusty; satirical; rich; best; philosophic; melancholy; bitter; careful; subtle; calm; unconscious; dim; perturbed; mortifying; unquiet; dancing; rosy; perplexing; drowsy; powerful; spectral; shortest; profound; brooding; dis-trading; nostalgic; silvery; recurring; homely; disagreeable; agitating; adequate; philosophical; coherent; assuring; heartshaking; candid; prosaic; continuous; harrowing; disturbing; splendid; logical


    absorb in—; air—; bolster by—; bury in—; console with—; emerge from—; feign—; immerse in—; sustain by—; veil in^—; wrap in—; —calms; —convinces; —flatters; —mirrors

    (See consideration, contemplation, image, study, meditation.)

    Reflective adverbs

    philosophically; lazily; idly; pensively; wistfully; actively; alertly; keenly; gravely; seriously; earnestly; studiously; deeply; profoundly; aimlessly; restfully; quietly; calmly; serenely; gloomily; pessimistically; sadly; happily; pleasantly; peacefully; unwon-tedly; habitually

    Reform adjectives

    obstinate; headlong; subsequent; constitutional; valuable; great; liberal; beneficent: mimetic; effectual; important; educational; ideological; dietary; phonetic; baronial; simultaneous; rigid; radical; feverish; temperance; energetic; imposed; rational


    adapt to—; adopt—; advocate—; approve —; deal with—; dramatize—; effect—; enforce—; facilitate—; formulate—; initiate —; institute—; labor for—; overemphasize —; proffer—; propose—; stalemate—; — overtakes; —slogs along; —surges over

    (See improvement, change, amendment.)

    Reform (v) adverbs

    speedily; constitutionally; beneficently; educationally; ideologically; radically; temperately; energetically; rationally

    (See convert, change.)

    Reformer adjectives

    hardy; prison; ardent; pugnacious; theoretical; phonetic; joy-killing; meretricious; disorderly; impetuous; respectable; temperance


    —advocates; —ameliorates; —betters; — corrects; —cultivates; ■—directs; —doctors; —eases; —foists upon; —fosters; —mends; —prates; —promotes; —purifies; —rants; —relieves; —remedies; —reorganizes; — repairs

    (See apostle, minister.)

    Refractory adverbs

    hopelessly; uncommonly; highly; remarkably; incredibly; incomparably; unmanageably; stubbornly; doggedly; mulishly; obstinately; obdurately; contumaciously; naturally; incorrigibly; desperately; uncontrollably; stiffly; perversely; disobediently; impertinently; mischievously; vexatiously; intolerably; inscrutably; inexplicably; unreasonably; embarrassingly; atrociously

    Refrain adjectives

    everlasting; drear; wild; unmeaning; recurring; plaintive; irreverent; sadder; wearisome; constant; weird


    chant—; chorus—; drum—; endure—; join in on—; paraphrase—; renew—; resume—; shout—; sing—; —bores; —refreshes; —revolves; —hinges; —rings; —shocks; —surprises; —survives; —tires; —wearies

    (See chorus, melody, verse, song.)

    Refrain (v) adverbs

    prudently; deliberately; purposely; pointedly; sagely; resolutely; cautiously; wisely

    (See restrain, check, curb.)

    Refresh (v) adverbs

    deliciously; delectably; periodically; deliberately; potently; seasonally; hospitably

    (See renew, restore, revive.)

    Refreshed adverbs

    delightfully; wholly; unbelievably; completely; permanently; momentarily; temporarily; oleasantly; helpfully; heartily; in-’dibly; surprisingly; unexpectedly; visibly; noticeably; evidently; marvelously; miraculously; curiously; mysteriously; highly; amazingly; deeply; profoundly; unmistakably

    Refreshing adverbs

    healthfully; wholesomely; thoughtfully.; delightfully; pleasantly; interestingly; surprisingly; strikingly; gloriously; vigorously; restfully; peacefully; quietly; extremely; de-, liciously; coolly; comfortably; graciously; keenly; hospitably; invigoratingly; sharply; simply; wholly

    Refreshments adjectives

    delicate; potent; invigorating; apparent; elaborate; suitable; cool; nightcap; delicious; edible; smoky; surprising; delectable


    afford—; gorge on—; relish—; —appeal; — appease; —cheer; —comfort; —console; — delight; —invigorate; —quench; —repair

    —restore; —revive; —sate; —stimulate

    (See food, luncheon.)

    Refuge adjectives

    hunted; walled; sheltered; flimsy; comforting; grateful; soothing; time-honored; secret; unavailing; temporary; modest; blessed; permanent


    abandon—; afford—; erect—; establish—; find—; grant—; hide in—; offer—; provide —; seek—; threaten—; uncover—; yield—; —assures; —comforts; —conceals; —defends; —preserves; —protects; —secures; —shelters; —shrouds

    (See shelter, protection, lodging, haven, nest, home.)

    Refugee adjectives

    repatriating; testy; penniless; favorite; sick; unwelcome


    aid—; harbor—: overtake—; prosecute—; pursue—; search for—; shelter—; succor—; —s abandon; —absconds; —departs; — eludes; —endeavors; —escapes; —evades; —flees; —migrates; —s pour into; —s retreat; —trudges

    (See prisoner, criminal, fugitive.)

    Refusal adjectives

    frightened; explicit; peremptory; persistent; periodic; positive; obstinate; varied; resolute; decided; energetic; melodramatic; kind; courteous; flat; gracious; contemptuous


    confront with—; consider—/ignore—; incur —; issue—; rehearse—; —contravenes; — declines; —denies; —depresses; —irks; — nullifies; —oppresses; —rebuffs; —revokes; —saddens; —squelches; —stays; —suppresses

    (See denial, dissent, rebuff, repulse.)

    Refuse (v) adverbs

    curtly; tacitly; mutinously; courteously; obdurately; scornfully; sternly; doggedly; positively; arbitrarily; inexorably; austerely; snobbishly; flatly; emphatically; sullenly; steadfastly; scrupulously; peremptorily; indignantly; spitefully; prudently; persistently; contumaciously; vehemently; delicately; unequivocally; haughtily; honorably; characteristically; invariably; habitually; graciously

    (See deny, repulse.)

    Refutation adjectives

    serious; violent; sincere; practical; labored; complete; adequate

    Refute (v) adverbs

    undeniably; indisputably; violently; completely} adequately; laboredly; spectacularly; rudely

    (See question.)

    Regal adverbs

    gloriously; grandly; majestically; brilliantly; gorgeously; splendidly; magnificently; sumptuously; ceremonially; ceremoniously; processionally; incredibly; pompously; proudly; superbly; appropriately; suitably: marvelously; incomparably; unsurpassably; uncommonly; resplendently; eminently; consummately; mightily; imposingly; impressively ; richly

    Regale (v) adverbs

    pleasingly; boisterously; affluently; conviv- ially; ostentatiously; hospitably; sumptuously; joyously; fraternally

    (See entertain, feast, gratify.

    Regard adjectives

    cordial; affectionate; cold; platonic; reverential; eloquent; glorious; general; rueful; intense; delicate; mutual; prudential; due; profound; deepening; repulsive; wearisome; scrupulous; conscientious; sagacious; unalterable; popular; infantine; undue; deep; heartiest; faint; austere; pure; candid; tender; habitual; indispensable; religious; charitable; critical; decorous; slightest; deliberate


    acquire—; bear—; command—; entertain—; feign—; gain—; inspire—; observe with—; recognize—; relax—; signalize—; solicit—; win—; —arises from; —distinguishes; — flatters; —glorifies; —honors; —outshad-ows; —shines

    (See favor, esteem, deference, attention.

    Regard (v) adverbs contemptuously; patiently; affectionately; passionately; ruthlessly; lewdly; practically; fondly; narrowly; enviously; attentively; pensively; appraisingly; Solemnly; severely; pugnaciously; skeptically; vindictively; curiously; hopelessly; maliciously; ruefully; cordially; platonically; reverentially; sagaciously; austerely; candidly; tenderly; religiously; decorously

    (See observe, consider, heed.

    Regardful adverbs deferentially; carefully; considerately; graciously; ingratiatingly; respectfully; punctiliously; meticulously; diplomatically; cautiously; vigilantly; warily; shrewdly; keenly; watchfully; mindfully; attentively; highly; profoundly; alertly; courteously; unfailingly

    Regeneration adjectives

    political; physical; successful; spiritual; remarkable

    Regime adjectives

    fascist; competitive; acid-neutralizing; sanguinary; scandalous; despotic; complete; dominant; established; totalitarian; royalistic; democratic; memorable; tyrannical


    abolish—; control—; denounce—; discredit —; enjoy—; encroach on—; establish—; influence—; introduce—; labor under—; overthrow—; relax—; shape—; support—; sway —; tolerate—; —alters; —dictates; —exercises; —overawes; —usurps

    (See reign, rule, government, power.

    Regimen adjectives

    better; strict; unruly; careful; systematic

    Regiment adjectives

    ragged; red-coated; magnificent; opinionated; various (pl); redoubtable; crack; splendid


    distribute—; locate—; lodge—; quarter—

    —advances; —assembles; —attacks; —concentrates ; —disbands; —flocks; —focuses on; —gathers; —overspreads; —pitches; — retreats; —separates; —throngs

    (See brigade, infantry, militia, soldier.

    Regimented adverbs

    overly; bureaucratically; dangerously; hopelessly; strictly; helplessly; terribly; ominously; unconsciously; frankly; unwillingly; insidiously; alarmingly; unsuspectingly; portentously; deliberately; significantly; disastrously; tyrannically; despotically; calamitously

    Region adjectives

    devastated; tenuous; remote; spiritual; considerable; untraversed; indiscriminate; saturnine; shadowy; equatorial; ugly; raw; dreaded; airy; desolate; dreary; caudal; mounta’nous; fertile; wild; antique; inland; nobler; ionized; humid; lonely; unfooted; icy; enchanting; dense; inspiring; equinoctial; interesting: grazing; sequestered; burning; afflicted; constellated; empyreal; disputed; mystical; sterile; ravaged; subterranean; celestial; frontal; arid; unknown; reflecting; barbarous; purer; inferior; boundless; embryonic; hospitable; romantic; idyllic; prolific; unexplored; neigh

    boring; condensed; immense; atmospheric; forest; extensive; infernal; crooked; habitable; healthy; industrial; untrod; low; lumbar; cardiac; gloomy; wooded; enchanted; picturesque; blooming; tropical; imperiled; agricultural; rarefied; adjacent; hypogastric; limited; uncultivated; fruitful; exhausted; semibarbarous; lacustrine; insulated; bleak; ill-defined; thrilling


    bound—; divide—; dominate—; dwell in —; endow—with; evacuate—; fortify—; infest—; inhabit—; invade—; locate in—: mark—; migrate to—; occupy—; rule—; settle in—; skirt—; visit—

    (See field, country, district, locality, valley, plain.)

    REGRET adjectives

    pious; undersigned; relentful; idle; unspeakable; fond; tender; contrite; indignant; mingled (pl); continued; passionate; bitter; serious; unmeaning; dead; keenest; constant; deep; hopeless; meek; vain; frantic; proud; repentant; immeasurable; formal; torturing; sweet; sensible; vague; wistful; inextinguishable; immense; sincere; unfeigned; momentary; endless; unhappy; fierce; subsequent; inexpressible; restless; fundamental; maudlin; unequivocal; unavailing


    accept—s; betoken—; bewail in—; cherish —; convey—s; croak—s; express—; lament —s; offer—s; plague with—s; send—s; —s chafe; —s confuse; —s disappoint; —s disconcert; —s dishearten; —s humiliate; — oppresses; —saddens; —s vex

    (See sorrow, grief, misery.)

    REGRET (v) adverbs

    audibly; pitifully; officially; deeply; bitterly; exceedingly; mournfully; piously; fondly; passionately; keenly; vainly; inexpressibly; vaguely; wistfully; maudlinly; unequivocally; unavailingly

    (See deprecate, deplore.)


    strictly; sternly; horribly; chastely; systematically; methodically; altogether; painfully; strangely; artificially; stiffly; formidably; unnaturally; formally; legally; detestably; beautifully; curiously; perfectly; unnecessarily; conveniently; surprisingly; marvelously

    REGULARITY adjectives

    chronological; vulgar; mechanical; absolute; commonplace: surprising; comparative; rhythmic; accustomed; unfailing; faultless; bashful; monotonous; clock-like


    acquire—; adjust to—; chime in—; drum with—; fall in—; form with—; level to—; maintain—; perform with—; range in—; sustain—; —conforms to; —offsets; —wearies

    (See consistency, harmony, persistence.)

    REGULATE (v) adverbs

    stringently; socially; solely; mechanically; scientifically; bureaucratically; autonomously; dictatorially; tyrannically; austerely

    (See direct, control.)

    REGULATIONS adjectives

    existing; labeling; influential; arbitrary; stupid; special; conflicting; cast-iron; elaborate; stringent; complicated; administrative; admirable; sanitary; military; martial; hostile; celebrated; barbarous; inviolable; local; wide-spread; federal; civic


    adopt—; approve—; bar by—; block—; comply with—; conform to—; control by—; decry—; defy—; denounce—; enforce—; govern by—; legislate—; impose—upon; improve—; promulgate—; provide—; revise —; submit—; sustain—; violate—

    (See legislation, bill, arrangement, law, mandate, rule.)

    REHABILITATE (v) adverbs

    completely; entirely; refreshingly; spectacularly; miraculously; superficially

    (See restore, renew, revive.)

    REHEARSE (v) adverbs

    incessantly; harmoniously; perfunctorily; dutifully; painstakingly; faithfully

    (See practice, say.)

    Reign adjectives

    transient; dismal; passionate; present; illustrious; imperial; unbreathing; subsequent; reasoning; secure; inexorable; abdicated; horrid; preceding; unsurpassed; liberal; unmolested; remotest; prosperous; gaudy; troublous; happy


    force—; limit—; overthrow—; submit to—; suffer under—; terminate—; undermine—; tolerate—; usurp—; —chafes; —contents; —dictates; —symbolizes; —trammels; — tramples on; —treads upon; —tyrannizes

    (See regime, government, dominion.)

    Reign (v) adverbs

    imperially; inexorably; liberally; prosperously; tyrannically; lustfully; beneficently; imperiously; supremely; austerely; contemporaneously; gloriously; rovallv

    (See govern, rule.)

    Reimburse (v) adverbs

    appreciatively; satisfactorily; fully; generously; financially; liberally; unstintingly

    (See repay, avenge.)

    Reindeer verbs

    bag—; domesticate—; exhibit—; mount—; preserve—; stalk—; team—; —draws; — herds; —inhabits; —migrates; —retreats; —scrapes; —sheds; —shies; —traverses. (See animal, deer.

    Reinforce (v) adverbs

    substantially; materially; firmly; enormously; strategically

    (See aid, assist.)

    Reinforced adverbs

    strongly; firmly; unbreakably; suddenly; necessarily; conveniently; advantageously; completely; appropriately; suitably; substantially; enormously; materially; providentially; immensely; opportunely; duly

    Reinforcement adjectives

    enormous; seasonable; material; welcome; momentary; unexpected

    Reins adjectives

    commanding; jingling; loosened; leathern; dangling


    check with—; control—; discard—; dress—; grasp—; grease—; hand over—; jerk on—; knot—; loop—; master—; pluck at—; relax —; release—; respond to—; rustle—; saw with—; slap with—; spank—; take over—; tangle—; yank (colloq.) —; —check; —control; —dangle; —direct

    (See bit.)

    Reiterate (v) adverbs

    incessantly; substantially; emphatically; characteristically; monotonously; maddeningly; intermittently

    (See repeat.)

    Reject (v) adverbs

    summarily; scornfully; disdainfully; scoff-ingly; unconditionally; overwhelmingly; airily; petulantly; incontinently; contemptuously; utterly; haughtily; stubbornly; indignantly; peremptorily; flatly; unanimously; sullenly; brusquely; bluntly; pointedly

    (See refuse, repulse.)

    Rejection adjectives

    sullen; intellectual; subsequent; pointed; blunt; brusque

    Rejoice (v) adverbs

    convivially; immoderately; festively; hilariously; exultantly; openly; gleefully; enthusiastically; spontaneously; impulsively; fraternally

    (See cheer, exult.)

    Rejoiced adverbs

    greatly; highly; uncommonly; radiantly: gloriously; proudly; triumphantly; splendidly; exultantly; elatedly; naturally; genuinely

    Rejoicing adjectives

    endless; enthusiastic; excited; ravenous; spontaneous; surface; incessant; half-hearted


    reverently; hilariously; uproariously; riotously; loudly; quietly; calmly; deeply; profoundly; thoughtfully; boisterously; triumphantly; gayly; merrily; "happily; rapturously; wildly; enthusiastically; hysterically; excitedly; exuberantly; madly; tumultuously; heartily

    Rejoin (v) adverbs

    ultimately; laughingly; daringly; stingingly; passionately; flippantly; curtly; pointedly; tartly; quaintly; tardily; shrewdly; bitterly: sympathetically; reluctantly; icily; haughtily; calmly; musingly

    (See reply, answer.)

    Rejoinder adjectives

    laughing; daring; stinging; passionate; flippant; curt; pointed; tart; clever; quaint; sad; usual; nasty; tardy

    Rejuvenation verbs

    buy—; draw—from; induce—; quaff—; retard—; seek—; —aids; —cures; —eludes; —rallies; —reanimates; —rectifies; —redresses; —repairs; —stimulates; —thrills

    (See youth, health, cure, remedy.)

    Relapse adjectives

    subsequent; moral; fatal; momentary; swift; sure; unavoidable; inevitable


    anticipate—; deplore—; fall into—; incur —; lament—; preclude—; sink into—; slide into—; undergo—; verge on—; warn a-gainst—; —occurs; —recoils; —retrogrades

    —reverts to

    (See recurrence.)

    Relate (v) adverbs

    mirthfully; speciously; variously; tediously; succulently; incredibly; intimately; gravely; confidently; graphically; sympathetically; monotonously

    (See tell, narrate.)

    Related adverbs

    closely; remotely; intimately; personally: officially; scarcely; materially; inescapably; obviously; naturally; circumstantially; conditionally; accidentally; casually; incomprehensibly; practically; obviously; manifestly; conveniently

    Relations adjectives

    brotherly; hostile; uninterrupted; definite; Jong-dreaded; exacting; intimate; selfish; delicate; ecclesiastical; wretched; harmonious; pedagogic; causative; domestic; truthful; evident; sublimest; unbroken; genial; agreeable; confiding; pacific; veiled; peculiar; paternal; filial; diplomatic; untried; blessed; typical; mysterious; unobtrusive; sympathetic; conjugal; occult; amicable; prejudiced; nominal; friendly; necessary; supernatural; uncaressing; unsympathizing; dynamical; independent; complex; current; healthful; antagonistic; marital; coetaneous; incestuous; distinct; parallel; causal; scandalous; far-reaching; frank; simultaneous; cordial; piquant; amiable; perverse; confidential; innumerable; organic; mutual; fixed; uniform; established; determinate; passional; external; feudal; conflicting; unnatural; sex; altruistic; mathematical; antenuptial; consistent; symbolic; industrial; decorative; subsequent; clerical; strained


    achieve—; bear—with; break off—; cement —; cloud—; cripple—; deny—with; disturb —; entertain—with; establish—; facilitate —; govern—; harmonize—; ignore—; maintain—; mar—; preserve—; reestablish—; sever—; sharpen—; shun—; smooth—; strain—; suppress—; sustain—; —bind; —cool; —prevail; —tie

    (See relationship, affairs, connection.)

    Relationship adjectives

    intimate; unconventional; confidential; harmonious; hierarchical; personal; simple; monotonous; illicit; family; intelligible; intellectual; domestic; healthful; closer; sympathetic; marked; economic

    Relatives (kin) adjectives

    distant; harmless; elderly; endangered; illustrious; erring; reluctant; interfering; interested; portly; unsympathetic; departing; circumspect; disagreeable; unpleasant


    characterize—; claim—; endure—; link—; plague with—; reconcile—; support—; —assemble; —bicker; —commemorate; — congregate; —convene; —criticize; —drift; —honor; —implore; —intrude; —pester; —quarrel; —recount; —report; —sanction


    (See friend, family.)

    Relationship verbs

    affect—; claim—; comprehend—; criticize —; discern—; draw from—; endure—; enter into—; expose—; form—; intrude on—; mar—; probe—; prove—; report—; sanction—; sever—; split—; terminate—; warp —; —associates; —binds; —comforts; — involves; —links

    (See alliance, connection, affiliation, relation.)

    Relax (v) adverbs

    momentarily; restfully; contentedly; totally; completely; beneficially; healthfully; blissfully; drowsily; refreshingly

    (See slacken, rest.)

    Relaxation adjectives

    acquiescent; complete; attendant; humanizing; universal; momentary; amused; necessary


    attain—; conduce toward—; loll in—; lounge in—; participate in—; practice—; seek—; —alleviates; —arouses; —calms; —composes; —modifies; —pacifies; —palliates; —quiets; —refreshes; —rests; — smoothes; —stills; —subdues; —tempers

    —tranquilizes; —wastes

    (See diversion, jollity, recreation.)

    Relaxed adverbs

    pleasantly; mentally; idly; momentarily; suddenly; wholly; delightfully; restfully; rarely; serenely; lazily; irresponsibly; un-wontedly; surprisingly; comfortably; fortunately; beautifully; finally; drowsily; dreamily; satisfactorily; refreshingly; unbelievably; miraculously; curiously

    Release adjectives

    impassioned; speedy; merciful; ultimate; eventual; anticipated; unaccountable; long-sought


    attempt—; beg for—; grant—; hinder—; permit—; procure—; sanction—; schedule for—; secure—; withhold—; —absolves; —acquits; —clears; —exonerates; —frees; —unbars; —unclogs; —unlooses

    (See bail, deliverance, discharge.)

    Release (v) adverbs

    unconditionally; instantaneously; blamelessly; consequently; subsequently; deftly; ultimately; unaccountably

    (See free, acquit.)

    Relent (v) adverbs

    graciously; grudgingly; tardily; beneficently; remorsefully; partially; smilingly

    (See yield, repent.)

    Reliance adjectives

    affectionate; rugged; implicit; noble; sober; loving; just; calm; pretended; reciprocal; manly; centering; imbecilic; humble


    cherish—; consider—; doubt—; foster—; place—in; presume—; produce—; prove—; rest on—; shake—; trust—; —buoys; —encourages; —impresses; —inspires; —persuades; —satisfies

    (See hope, confidence, assurance, trust.)

    Relic adjectives

    antediluvian; hoary; visible; lacustrine; precious; melancholy; holy; fascinating; pathetic; prehistoric; sartorial; exquisite; venerable; sacred; unmistakable; quaint; supposed; amusing; incensing; celebrated; curious; archaeological; unseemly; tender; quivering; cherished; moldering

    Relief verbs

    administer—; afford—; derive—from; experience—; extend—; gain—; gasp with—; grant—; hail—; heave a sigh of—; indulge —; mark by—; seek—; speed—; voice—

    (See help, aid, assistance, consolation.)


    (charity, dole.) verbs

    apply for—; infringe upon—; promote—; slash—; —allays; —assuages; —cheers; —comforts; —disburdens; —eases; —encourages; —insures; —mitigates; —remedies; —solves; —smooths; —sustains

    (See payment, dole, charity.)


    (general) adjectives

    consequent; speedy; hysterical; parochial; intense; joyous; beautiful; inevitable; delighted; complete; permanent; temporary; marked; distinct; regular; pronounced; infinite; immediate; effective; actual; spiritual; pretended; considerable; delicious; partial; decided; mean; instant; scant; sheer; welcome; urgent; national; decorative; reliable

    Relieve (v) adverbs

    tactfully; effectually; painlessly; ultimately; intensely; temporarily; spiritually; partially; economically; nationally

    (See alleviate, lessen.)

    Religion adjectives

    scurvy; ritual; rudimentary; concentrated; positive; fierce; absurd; austere-; profane; constructive; inaccessible; sanguinary; powerful; fervent; blessed; unalterable; irrevocable; distinct; revealed; peaceful; maudlin; professed; easy-minded; blatant; doctrinal; gripping; saving


    adopt—; attack—; cast aside—; cherish—; corrupt—; defile—; define—; devote to—; discredit—; embrace—; formulate—; inculcate—; interpret—; profess—; renounce —; ridicule—; side-track—; stamp out—; traduce—; venerate—; —comforts; —consoles; —elevates; —fetters; —influences; —moulds; —nourishes; —paralyzes; —perishes; —prevails; —purges; —purifies; — sanctifies; —sways; —unifies; —wanes

    (See devotion, faith, worship, Christianity, modernism.)

    Relinquish (v


    silently; nobly; gallantly; magnanimously; voluntarily; completely; reluctantly; philosophically; gloomily; unselfishly; logically

    (See surrender, waive, cede.)

    Relish adjectives

    savory; exciting; peculiar; anticipatory; derisive; insatiable; unwonted; evident; higher; callous; complacent; keen; savage; added; natural; acquired

    Relish (v) adverbs

    heartily; appreciatively; intellectually; spicily; pungently; enjoyably

    (See enjoy, taste.)

    Reluctance adjectives

    resentful; sullen; unfeigned; fierce; reverent; unaffected; infinite; pretty; lingering; natural; insurmountable; shuddering; evident; double; general; untamed; curious; studied


    assume—; complain of—; dispel—; employ with—; feign—; harbor—; imply—; incite —; incur—; invite—; overcome—; prompt —; stifle—; —baits; —provokes; —resists; —restrains; —sharpens; —tantalizes; — whets

    (See distaste, aversion, unwillingness, repugnance, dislike.)

    Reluctant adverbs

    inexplicably; terribly; visibly; evidently; sternly; inflexibly; unyieldingly; palpably; manifestly; strangely; harshly; morosely; undeniably; resentfully; unpleasantly; discourteously; impolitely; sullenly; uncivilly; roughly; unaffectedly; naturally; curiously; superstitiously; timidly; shyly; bashfully; fearfully; timorously; senselessly; sensibly; wisely; thoughtfully; profoundly; secretly; oddly; peculiarly; significantly; particular-Jy; uncommonly

    Rely (v) adverbs

    implicitly; exclusively; chiefly; trustfully

    faithfully; tacitly; affectionately; reciprocally; soberly; humbly; calmly

    (See depend, trust.)

    Remain (v) adverbs

    constantly; hopefully; tensely; determinedly; indefinitely; courageously; voluntarily; impassively; motionlessly; tranquilly; inflexibly; wilfully; permanently; peacefully

    (See stay, linger.)

    Remains adjectives

    mangled; undemolished; mutilated; honored; numerous; jagged; august; fossilized; dreary; lifeless; insensible; imperishable; charred; mortal; architectural; heterogeneous; comic; disinterred; dingy; scattered; petrified; colorless; archaeological


    cart away—; conceal—; consign—to; cremate—; disinter—; dispose of—; dissect—; embalm—; entomb—; exhume—; expose—; honor—; inter—; mummify—; rescue—; ship—; trace—

    (See ashes, debris, dust, corpse, remnants.)

    Remark adjectives

    laughing; bantering; automatic; delighted; editorial; pregnant; noncommittal; ill-bred; futile; felicitous; stinging; harsh; preliminary; taunting; fertile; disparaging; commonplace; inaccurate; terse; hasty; vicious; candid; malicious; concluding; immortal; cryptic; appreciative; unpremeditated; enigmatical; unexpected; profound; brittle; opprobrious; deprecatory; chance; sententious; derogatory; outspoken; complimentary; incidental; tomfool; satiric; material; boorish; insubordinate; sage; insolent; coarse; cheerful; desultory; treasonable; merry; philosophic; withering; sarcastic; drunken; significant; casual; illuminating; laconic; feeble; caustic; pat; obscure; verbal; simultaneous (pl); surly; skeptical; mischievous; philosophical; egotistical; independent; special; characteristic; graceful; frolicsome; priceless; careless; indiscreet: prelusory; slurring; ejaculatory; animated: scintillating; epithetical; facetious; deathless; calescent; disputed; trivial; acrimonious; disgusting; critical; allusive; appropriate; judicious

    ban—; bar—; comprehend—; couch—; deliver—; digest—; drxjp—; emit—; exchange —s; insert—; occasion—; open—s; poise—; preface—; propose—; punctuate—; repress —; —deprecates; —disparages; —embitters; —falls; —indicates; —issues from; —interrupts

    (See mention, comment, observation, statement.)

    Remark (v) adverbs

    gratuitously; banteringly; ambiguously; anxiously; dryly; wittily; significantly; dispassionately; disparingly; illogically; mendaciously; casually; emphatically; judicially; modestly; complacently; affably; ruefully; vigorously; inquisitively; confidently; whimsically; indifferently; exuberantly; pathetically; sympathetically; sententiously; contemptuously; cynically; deftly; laconically; demurely; pointedly; wistfully; tenative-ly; caustically; editorially; pregnantly; noncommittally; felicitously; disparagingly; viciously; candidly; appreciatively; boorishly; obscurely; acrimoniously; allusively; appropriately; judiciously; skeptically; egotistically

    (See comment, assert.)

    Remediable adverbs

    easily; fortunately; luckily; quickly; immediately; supposedly; probably; expensively; distinctly; definitely; manifestly; now; altogether; undoubtedly

    Remedy adjectives

    worthless; potent; favorite; time-tested; present; similar; valuable; misbranded; fraudulent; mythical; accepted; manifold (pl); rational; insidious; infallible; palliative; celebrated; universal; unavailing; irrational; precious; radical; ancient; drug; original; effective; fruitless; costly; extreme; innocent; heroic; futile; makeshift


    advocate—; apply—; concoct—; denounce —; employ—; furnish—; grope for—; hail —; persevere with—; prescribe—; propose —; provide—; recommend—; rely upon—

    seek—; —alleviates; —eases; —palliates

    —purges; —relieves; —soothes

    (See cure, liniment, laxative, purgative, medicine.)

    Remedy (v) adverbs

    concurrently; similarly; rationally; fraudulently; traditionally; heroically; medically; beneficially; miraculously

    (See cure, heal.)

    Remember (v) adverbs

    vividly; mechanically; graphically; sorrowfully; remorsefully; irrelevantly; dimly; subconsciously; vaguely; passionately; generously; superstitiously; gratefully; fondly; affectionately; morbidly; eternally; mournfully; involuntarily

    (See recollect, recall.)

    Remembrance adjectives

    pleasant; affectionate; clear; lasting; loving; proud; grateful; fond; dull; discourteous; intuitive; melancholy; morbid; gray; desolate; yielding; burning: fevered; ennobling; ineffaceable; lively; personal; deep; triumphant; tender; ancestral; undimmed; foul; mournful; eternal; faithful; ignominious; listening; evil; gracious; involuntary; stern; worthiest; slow; honorable; sufficient; unwelcome; fading; delighted; constant; kindly; grateful; vivid; lifelong


    con—; bear in—; honor—; incite—; indulge in—; prompt—; retain—; rivet in—; suggest—; —commemorates; —diverts; — fades; —flatters; —impresses; —renews; —stings; —wanes

    (See memory, compliment, recollection, reminiscence.)

    Remind (v) adverbs

    relentlessly; grimly; persistently; poignantly; irksomely; demurely; accusingly; irrationally; determinedly; vigorously; vividly; pleasantly; personally; tenderly; painfully; laughingly; spitefully

    (See recall.)

    Reminder adjectives

    grim; curious; visible; painful; neat; tangible; pitiful; laughing; continual

    Reminiscence adjectives

    agreeable; uncomfortable; indistinct; haunting; glorified; vulgarized; distinguishable; tender; historical; pleasing; vague; barren; commonplace; crisp; humorous; incoherent; divine; fascinating


    awaken—; delight in—; dispel—; embarrass by—; enjoy—; indulge in—; interpose —; prolong—; revel in--; review in—; steep in—; veil—; —cheers; —colors; — consoles; —de'ights; —s flood; —warms; interrupt—

    (See remembrance, recollection, memory.)

    Reminiscent adverbs

    delightfully; happily; tiresomely; unendingly; crisply; humorously; divinely; fascinatingly; vaguely; pleasingly; tenderly; gloriously; teasingly; incoherently; uproariously; convivially; genially; embarrassingly; surprisingly; foolishly; deliriously;' garrulously; unsteadily; wistfully; feebly; constantly

    Remiss adverbs

    apologetically; confessedly; admittedly; terribly; unpardonably; gravely; seriously; heedlessly; nonchalantly; criminally; tragically; inexplicably; unaccountably; strangely; curiously; unconsciously; unintentionally; carelessly; hopelessly; sorely; unacceptably; frequently; negligently; indifferently; atrociously

    Remnants adjectives

    sufficing; laggard; straggling; placable salvaged; shrunken; shattered; discarded; quaint; wretched

    greater; saving

    Remonstrance adjectives

    passionate; energetic; rash; urgent; mutinous; bitter; temperate; tender; lukewarm; childish; indignant; peaceful; final; earnest; useless; obvious; eloquent; angry; rational; resentful

    Remonstrate (<■) adverbs

    waggishly; vainly; rudely; incessantly; earnestly; calmly; passionately; energetically; mutinously; bitterly; tenderly; childishly; eloquently; rationally; resentfully

    (See protest, expostulate.)

    Remorse adjectives

    useless; sisterly; gnawing; fictitious; bitter; unconfessed; light; violent; vile; abrupt; unceasing; dull; poignant


    burden with—; confess—; depress by—; experience—; incite—; overcome with—; overwhelm with—; palliate—; relieve—; shake with—; shroud in—; smite with—; sober by—; suffer—; tinge with—; wrap in—; —colors; —devours; —humbles; — maddens; —overwhelms; —racks; —shatters; —subdues; —stirs; —surges within


    (See contrition, regret, qualm, repentance.)

    Remorseful adverbs

    naturally; admittedly; openly; manifestly; miserably; tardily; wretchedly; pitiably; pitifully; pathetically; tragically; immeasurably; terribly; sorely; significantly; sincerely; sobbingly; weakly; duly; penitently; contritely; deeply; profoundly

    Remote adverbs

    coldly; distantly; proudly; shyly; timklly; arrogantly; superciliously; intellectually; absent-mindedly; abstractedly; philosophically; naturally; dreamily; discourteously; deliberately; resolutely; gravely; unsocially; inscrutably; mlysteriously; vexatiously; gruffly; gravely; judiciously; absurdly

    Remoteness adjectives

    romantic; apparent; comparative; patent

    Removal adjectives

    successful; prompt; repeated; forcible; swift


    advocate—; allow—; balk at—; compel—; delay—; demand—; ease by—; entail—; hamper—; hinder—; impede—; instigate—; order—; recommend—; rejoice in—; resist —; upset by—; —alters; —annoys; —confuses; —disturbs

    (See dismissal, displacement, withdrawal, change.)

    Remove (v) adverbs

    dexterously; clumsily; skillfully; cautiously; surreptitiously; slyly; permanently; temporarily; forcefully; promptly; swiftly

    (See transfer, withdraw.)

    Remunerative adverbs

    providentially; extravagantly; sufficiently; fairly; justly; adequately; highly; satisfactorily; surprisingly; astoundingly; remarkably; gratifyingly; incredibly; opportunely; finally; profitably; scarcely; duly; advantageously; usefully; fantastically: richly; uncommonly

    Renaissance verbs

    anticipate—; characterize—; contribute to —; create—; foster—; hail—; instigate—; pertain to-—; promote—; prompt—; terminate—; voice—; —alters; —flourishes; —produces; —reforms; —renews; —restores; — reveals; —revivifies; —stimulates; —unfolds

    (See birth, revival, restoration.)

    Render (v) adverbs

    passively; powerfully; exquisitely; peculiarly; necessarily; infallibly; barely; charmingly; admirably; poetically; realistically; artistically

    (See repay, restore.)

    Rendering adjectives

    realistic; photographic; elusive; exquisite

    independent; artistic

    Rendezvous adjectives

    picturesque; favorite; charming; famous

    appointed; storied; legendary; modern

    Renew (v) adverbs

    modernistically; periodically; auspiciously, mysteriously; generously; harmoniously; incessantly; wholly; reverently; seasonally

    (See repair, restore.

    Renounce (v) adverbs

    dogmatically; courageously; boldly; rashly; lawfully; faithlessly; virtually; eternally; voluntarily; passionately; shamelessly; explicitly; frankly

    (Set reject, disclaim.

    Renovated adverbs

    perfectly; pleasingly; usefully; delightfully; acceptably; inexpensively; skilfully; marvelously; astoundingly; amazingly; opportunely; duly; attractively; newly; recently; properly; appropriately; lately; cleverly; artistically; substantially; admirably; satisfactorily; beautifully

    Renown adjectives

    splendid; posthumous; unfulfilled; ancient; chaste; temporary; contemporary; godlike; provincial; unspeakable; wide-spread; notorious


    accept—; accredit—; achieve—; acquire—; cherish—; feign—; gain—; glean—; radiate—; reflect—; respect—; rise to—; sing —; win—; —glorifies; —overshadows; — overwhelms ; —shines ; —spoils

    (See glory, fame, limelight, distinction, notoriety.

    Rent adjectives

    great; ragged; artificial; ghastly; economic; reconciling; preposterous; numerous (pl); outrageous

    Renunciation adjectives

    passionate; shameless; sublime; frank; perfect; explicit

    Reorganization adjectives

    intensive; careful; economic; periodical; necessary

    Repair (v) adverbs

    temporarily; hastily; haphazardly; amply; ceaselessly; extensively; technically; judiciously; medically

    (See restore, mend.

    Repaired adverbs

    obviously; recently; badly; handsomely; adroitly; secretly; visibly; skilfully; beautifully; marvelously; completely; aptly; expensively; reasonably; extensively; shoddily; ably; expertly; ingeniously; wonderfully: unnoticeably; perfectly; patently; imperceptibly; exquisitely; awkwardly; clumsily; sufficiently; satisfactorily

    REPAIRS adjectives

    extensive; judicious; necessary; expensive; technical; obvious; happy


    effect—; resume—: undergo—; view—; — ameliorate; —holster; —compensate; —convert; —enhance; —purge; —rectify—; redeem; —refresh; —relieve; —remedy; — restore; —strengthen

    (See reconstruction, improvement.

    Reparations verbs

    cancel—; demand—; forego—; liquidate—: offer—; refuse—; repudiate—; review—; — acknowledge; —appease; —atone; —correct; —indemnify; —pacify; —recompense; —redeem; —redress; —requite; —restore: —reward; —satisfy

    (See insurance, atonement, restoration.

    Repartee adjectives

    insulting; clever; humorous; colloquial; icy; restless; victorious; spicy; sparkling; witty


    banter—; engage in—; excel in—; furnish —; prolong—; quicken—; school in—; stimulate—; suffer—; surpass in—; —amuses; —arouses; —beguiles; —cheers; —delights; —diverts; —entertains; —excels; —frisks; —romps; —scintillates; —sparkles; — wanes

    (See answer, banter, reply.

    REPAST adjectives

    unsavory; sumptuous; cannibal; nocturnal; precious; disgusting; substantial; satisfying; ridiculous; extravagant; delicious; tumultuous


    crave—; devour—; donate—; gorge—; invite to—; partake of—; prepare—; relish—; spread—; wash down—; yield to—; —allays; —appeases; —attracts; —nourishes; —quells; —sates

    (See eating, luncheon, feast, meal, food.

    REPAY (v) adverbs

    promptly; severely; cheerfully; lavishly; amply; faithfully; conscientiously; legally; graciously

    (See reimburse, avenge.



    abolish—; advocate—; agitate for—; authorize—; celebrate—; demand—; desire—; discard—; favor—; fight—; induce—; overrule—; permit—; promote—; recommend—; reverse—; sanction—; seek—; welcome—

    —ameliorates; —cheers; —dissolves; — gladdens; —improves; —nullifies; —relieves

    (See dismissal, displacement.

    REPEAL (v) adverbs

    expressly; totally; legally; harshly; dogmatically; unanimously; promptly

    (See retract, recall.

    REPEAT (v) adverbs

    idiotically; tediously; foolishly; maliciously; vindictively; icily; incredulously; insistently; vaguely; fatuously; insultingly; emphatically; peevishly; multitudinously; stubbornly; mechanically; simultaneously; musingly; fluently; deprecatingly; monotonously; interrogatively; authoritatively; aimlessly; tenderly; musically

    (See reiterate.

    REPEATED adverbs

    endlessly; monotonously; emphatically; frequently; necessarily; tediously; whiningly; sullenly; unbearably; tiresomely; foolishly; maliciously; garrulously; senselessly; accurately; erroneously; imprudently; indiscreetly; secretly; confidentially; cruelly; derisively; unfortunately; unluckily; malevolently; scoffingly; deliberately; treacherously; surreptitiously; slyly; intelligibly; audibly; authoritatively; ominously; significantly

    REPEL (v) adverbs obstinately; stubbornly; vigorously; forcefully; courageously; staunchly; determinedly; gallantly

    (See oppose, repulse.

    REPENT (v) adverbs

    religiously; remorsefully; bitterly; genuinely; submissively; sincerely

    (See regret, grieve.

    REPENTANCE adjectives

    genuine; unavailing; bitter; submissive; generous; deep; sad; shamefaced; deathbed; sincere; sullen


    burden with—; confess—; experience—; feign—; incite—; overcome with—; wrap in—; —appeases; —condones; —humbles; —oppresses; —overwhelms; —pacifies; — palliates; —relieves; —shrouds; —sobers; —subdues; —tinges

    (See remorse, contrition, regret.

    REPERTOIRE verbs

    acclaim—; acquire—; announce—; applaud —; arrange—; balance—; choose—; enact —; enlarge—; exhaust—; expand—; include in—; increase—; list—; plan—; practice—; rehearse—; round out—; —covers; —delights; —embraces; —engages; —includes; —unfolds

    (See program, plan, list.

    REPETITION adjectives insane; mannered; verbal; constant; monotonous; wholesale; frequent; musical; maddening; fine; unmeaning; steady; endless; broken; emphatic; undulating; useless; decorative; injudicious; vague; tragic; idiotic; deadly; suasive; meaningless; diverting; explanatory; forceful


    clamor for—; demand—; endure—; influence—; justify—; permit—; request—; stifle —; suffer—; survive—; threaten—; — bores; —emphasizes; —impresses; —irritates; —prolongs; —recalls; —refreshes; — teaches; —tires; —wearies

    (See mention, recurrence.

    REPLACE (v) adverbs surreptitiously; effectively; effectually; faithfully; graciously; promptly; intelligently; skillfully

    (See repay, restore.

    REPLICA verbs

    commend—; compare—; criticize—; prepare —; produce—; —adheres to; —appears; — attracts; —condenses; —copies; —deceives; —duplicates; —follows; —recalls; —reproduces

    (See duplicate, copy.

    REPLY adjectives

    suitable; lackadaisical; unexpected; frank; modest; judicial; unembarrassed; shameless; monosyllabic; disrespectful; short; temperate; haughty; elaborate; silly; immediate; ungracious; good-humored; noncommittal; guarded; discouraging; cold; pettish; memorable; gracious; categorical; contemptuous; impatient; ready; biting; caustic; tart; scornful; unmoved; intelligent; inarticulate; incoherent; tactful; tremulous; humble; proper; audible; chaffing; austere; obvious; correct; negative; preoccupied; conclusive; stumbling; impromptu; sound; impertinent; garbled; distorted; satisfactory; politic; magnanimous; chilling; languid; impressive; idiotic; chary; pungent; consolatory; evasive; angry; emphatic; unanimous

    calculate—; contemplate—; demand—; deign—; elicit—; evoke—; mutter—; overhaul—; probe—; propose—; provoke—; rejoin—; —acknowledges; —affirms; —alleviates; —answers; —clarifies; —clears; — determines; —explains; —informs; —interrogates; —rebuts; —refutes; —satisfies; — solves

    (See answer, response, retort, repartee.

    REPLY (v) adverbs

    evasively; solemnly; tonelessly; affirmatively; crisply; bitingly; equivocally; impertinently; promptly; auspiciously; grimly; dolefully; defiantly; wistfully; mechanically; elusively; falteringly; gravely; archly; laboriously; hilariously; dubiously; incoherently; inexorably; tremulously; petulantly; casually; tensely; modestly; placidly; jocosely; listlessly; cautiously; musingly; dejectedly; reflectively; mordantly; haughtily; serenely; maliciously; decisively; acrimoniously; pensively; meekly; dryly; sententiously; laconically; pettishly; ambiguously; indulgently; monosyllabically; temperately; noncommittally; magnanimously; pungently; emphatically

    (See answer, respond.

    REPORT adjectives

    verbatim; exact; unbiased; unanimous; distant; illustrated; first-hand; stimulating; clear; understandable; supplementary; complete; unconfined; successive (pl); dependable; inflammatory; untruthful; precise; flattering; plausible; gratifying; preliminary; press; energetic; sly; insidious; formal; official; partial; detailed; inaccurate; dazzling; hearsay; critical; archeological; suppressed; statistical; disheartening; neat; reassuring; ardent; vague; alarming; typical; regular; aggregated; voluble; orderly; condensed; annual; authentic; snobbish; veracious; written; admirable; pestiferous; outspoken; hopeless; voluminous; sensational; elaborate; shocking; frightened; thundering; commercial; reverberating; varying: random; astounding; enthusiastic; ex aggerated; published; confused; pretentious; stenographic;’ unwelcome; explicit


    allay—s; append to—; bungle—; challenge

    —; chronicle—s; circulate—; confirm—

    corroborate—; counteract—; deluge with —s; draw up—; echo—; evaluate—; fudge —; indorse—; pigeon-hole—; prepare=—; qualify—; render—; scoff at—; shelve—; summarize—; transmit—; verify—; wind up —; —bears out; —bolsters; —discloses; — emanates from; —embodies; —persists; — recommends; —spreads

    (See fame, account, news, rumor, record.)

    Report (v) adverbs

    faithfully; precisely; currently; alarmingly; capably; officially; adversely; duly/glumly; graciously; verbally; insidiously; formally; partially; critically; archeologically; statistically; reassuringly; vaguely; volubly; annually; authentically; veraciously; sensationally; reverberatingly; exaggeratedly; pretentiously; stenographically

    (See announce, describe.)

    Reporter adjectives

    rushing; mere; prying; realistic; inquisitive; disreputable; disgruntled; clever; skilled


    besiege by—s; hush up—s; loathe—s; muffle —s ; stifle—s; —alludes to; —announces; —s beleaguer; —s descend upon; —disguises; —eavesdrops; —expresses; —fences; —hints; —imparts; —imposes; —interviews; —intimates; —libels; —mentions; — mobs; —prowls; —reserves; —reviews; — “scoops”; —slanders; —specifies; —tips off; —withholds

    (See journalist, detective, writer.)

    Reporting adjectives

    franker; alert; candid

    Repose adjectives

    soothing; calm; innocent; serene; undisturbed; sullen; delicious; charmed; noble; blissful; final; comforting; grave; irksome; profitless; chronic; supreme; mental; stolid; permanent; scornful; effeminate; statuesque; long-coveted; profound; peaceful; solemn; comparative; orbed; unreached; vile; languorous; dreamy; passionless; weak; healthful; everlasting; fathomless; equivocal; intellectual; infamous; exquisite; last; rheumatic; particular; spacious; exasperating; deep; echoless; fitful; indolent; placid; dull; sweet; dignified; complete; stupid; prolonged; cultivated; studied; momentary; outward; grave-like; grim; stern; thoughtful; reason-wrought; voluptuous


    advocate—; disturb—; dwell in—; indulge in—; seek—; while away in—; —energizes; —frees; —lulls; —preserves; —refreshes; —relaxes; —relieves; —rests; —soothes; — stagnates; —stems; —vivifies

    (See composure, rest, sleep, quiet, peace.)

    Repose (v) adverbs

    lazily; soothingly; calmly; serenely; sullenly; deliciously; effeminately; profoundly; passionlessly; rheumatically; placidly; momentarily; voluptuously

    (See rest, relax.)

    Reposeful adverbs

    pleasantly; sweetly; oddly; calmly; serenely; unusually; gratefully; duly; dully; prosaically; quietly; lazily; blissfully; deliciously; soothingly; somnolently; drowsily; dreamily; idly; languidly; listlessly; deliberately; heavily; silently; immovably; incredibly; unexpectedly; utterly; happily

    Reprehensible adverbs

    lamentably; undeniably; openly; flagrantly; particularly; unpardonably; admittedly; miserably; shamefully; wretchedly; curiously; unwarrantably; uncommonly; highly; utterly; exceptionably; gravely; indiscreetly; unconscionably; inordinately; terribly

    Represent (v) adverbs

    copiously; faithfully; magnificently; initially; beneficently; allegorically;, fantastically; diagrammatically; materially; adequately; speciously; personally; orally; substantially; symbo':cally; conventionally; fictitiously; ludicrously; realistically

    (See portray, depict.)

    Representation adjectives

    oral; adequate; easily-understood; hallucinatory; pasteboard; hearty; disproportionate; concrete; animated; distinct; substantial; graphic; definite; direct; diplomatic; count less (pl) ; urgent; decennial; striking; vigorous; symbolic; democratic; renewed; just; faithful; pictorial; mental; material; fraudulent; proportioned; august; mere; earnest; specious; tolerable; abstract; wild; conventional; mimic; dramatic; one-sided; untruthful; harmonious; factual; fictitious; softened; sensuous; ludicrous; natural; unfair; realistic; archaic


    carve—; comprehend—; deprive of—; dress up—; mold—; rehearse—; yield to—s; —alludes to; —betokens; —depicts; —describes; —designates; —enlightens; —illustrates; — indicates; —informs; —points out; —portrays; —signifies; —symbolizes; —typifies

    (See description, comedy, design, reproduction, art, portrayal, drama.

    REPRESENTATIVE adjectives

    dwarfed; local-minded; fitting; dazzling; mentionable; assembled (pl); accredited: prominent; cold; correct; tremulous; striking; exemplary; placement; shy; awkward; authorized; diplomatic; surviving; lineal; avowed; arrogant; cold-brained; brilliant; fraudulent; traveling


    accredit—; apportion—s; antagonize—; delegate—; interchange—s; obligate—; replace —; —bandies; —calls; —commutes; —introduces; —offers; —reciprocates; —redeems; —retaliates; —serves; —solicits; — supersedes; —supplants

    (See consul, delegate, agen(, deputy.


    typically; truly; fairly; justly; altogether; officially; authoritatively; adequately; satisfactorily; substantially; diplomatically; tolerably; unfairly; scarcely; hardly; entirely; accurately; concisely; legally; uncommonly; warrantably; specifically; appropriately; singularly; functionally; appointively

    REPRESS (v) adverbs

    sternly; tyrannically; stoically; impatiently; amiably; severely; dictatorially; dogmatically; rudely; ruthlessly; systematically

    (See restrain, suppress.



    cruelly; naturallv; morbidly; sternly; severely; harshly; unduly; pitiably; successfully; immediately; barbarously; opportunely; promptly; effectively; pitiably

    REPRESSION adjectives

    prompt; impartial; intense; sublime; self; particular; sexual; severe; definite

    REPRIMAND verbs

    expose to—; inflict—; load with—s; protest —; resist—; submit to—; subject to—; taunt with—s; —accuses; —anathematizes; —annoys; —cavils; —condemns; —corrects; — deprecates; —disparages; —execrates; — lashes; —rebukes; —reproaches

    (See rebuke, blame, censure, reproach.

    REPRIMAND (v) adverbs rigorously; sternly; publicly; officially; severely; sharply; violently; paternally; judicially

    (See reproach, scold.

    REPRINT (v) adverbs

    popularly; widely; multitudinously; perpetually; extensively; accurately; legally; faithfully

    (See print, reproduce.

    REPRISAL adjectives

    prompt; legitimate; indiscriminate; fearful; legal; swift; deadly; unerring


    anticipate—; breast—; check—; deserve—; draw—; elicit—; face—; fear—; grapple with—; offer—; provoke—; return—; stifle —; suppress—; visit—upon; —caps; — climaxes; —confronts; —dismays; —exchanges; —strikes; —subdues

    (See retaliation, punishment, penalty.

    REPROACH adjectives

    sorrowful; violent; constant; continual; disgustful; subtle; unutterable; thick-tongued; serious; bitter; ingenuous; mute; passion

    ate; galling; unjust; mild; smiling; dumb; tacit; mystic; selfish; fierce; self; mingled; undeserved; angry; generous


    attach—to; cast—upon; disfavor—; expose to—; fling—at; imply—; justify—; overwhelm with—; resist—; support—; warrant —; —blots; —corrects; —cuts; —disgraces; —implicates; —reflects; —slurs; —sullies; —upsets

    (See blame, dishonor, disgrace, censure, disapproval.)

    Reproach (v) adverbs

    passionately; bitterly; abusively; violently; sorrowfully; subtly; mutely; gallingly; tacitly; fiercely; undeservedly; ungenerously; selfishly

    (See reprimand, scold.)

    Reproachful adverbs

    mildly; gently; softly; harshly; cruelly; moderately; sternly; severely; unforgiving-ly; hatefully; atrociously; intolerably; openly; publicly; secretly; abusively; immoderately; unnecessarily; needlessly; violently; vehemently; loudly; vociferously; vengeful-ly; vituperously; unfairly; brutally; offensively; terribly; inflexibly; outrageously; ar-rantly; unwarrantably; pitilessly; viciously; gravely

    Reprobate adjectives

    thorough; degenerate; notorious; malicious; energetic; self-styled

    Reproduce (v) adverbs

    superbly; scrupulously; perfectly; voluntarily; plastically; authentically; quaintly; historically; adequately; slavishly; mechanically; painstakingly; accurately; elaborately. (See imitate, portray.

    Reproduction adjectives

    plastic; authentic; quaint; historic; incessant; adequate; slavish; mechanical; subsequent; painstaking; accurate; elaborate

    Reproof adjectives

    tacit; stinging: distinct; sour

    Reprove (v) adverbs

    acridly; smartly; harshly; sternly; vigorously; bitterly; stingingly; tacitly; mutely; violently; verbally; expressly; explicitly; furiously; spiritedly

    (See reprimand, reproach.)

    Reptile adjectives

    venomous; hideous; characteristic; scaly; croaking; fishy; abhorrent; snakish; ugly; useful; groveling


    • —coils; —consists; —contorts; —crushes; — encircles; —entwines; —glides; —lashes

    • —lies in wait; —meanders; —poisons; — slithers; —springs; —squeezes; —squirms

    —strains; —strikes; —swirls; —swishes; — tightens; —twists; —undulates; —warns; — wounds; —writhes

    (See crocodile, alligator, lizard, snake.)

    Republic adjectives

    model; visionary; peaceful; progressive; long-lived; rebellious; well-ordered; popular


    administer—; approve—; betray—; control —; disrupt—; dominate—; establish—; form—; govern—; organize—; override—; preserve—; preside over—; revolt against —; rule—; sway—; tolerate—: undermine —; wreck—; —relaxes; —triumphs

    (See country, democracy, government, state.)

    Repudiate (v) adverbs

    instinctively; utterly; wholly; violently; faithlessly; unreservedly; flatly; ultimately

    (See reject, renounce.)

    Repugnance adjectives

    unforeseen; loathing; secret; invincible; sentimental; horrible; undefinable; strong; real; deep-seated


    allay—; arouse—; assuage—; avoid—; bear —; conceive—; dispel—; entertain—; excite —; feign—; incur—; mitigate—; mollify—; overwhelm—; recoil from—; withdraw in —; —estranges; —intrudes; —palls; —riles (colloq.) ; —shocks

    (See disgust, dislike, opposition, antipathy, inconsistency, aversion.

    REPULSE adjectives

    virtual; bloody; severe; brisk; complete


    encounter—; —abduces; —chases; —dashes

    —dispels; —hurtles; —impedes; —impinges; —jerks; —jogs; —prods; —pushes

    —resounds; —slaps; —spurs on

    (See defeat, refusal, rebuff, denial.

    REPULSE (v) adverbs briskly; stoutly; stalwartly; successfully; sharply; readily; unceremoniously; severely; violently

    (See repel, reject.

    REPULSION adjectives reciprocal; lively; utter; mutual; instinctive; deadly; bitter; indescribable; singular; remarkable

    REPUTATION adjectives

    freshest; popular; rising; senseless; local; unassailable; well-earned; murdered; magnificent; swollen; formidable; subverted; enviable; commonplace; civic; evanescent; posthumous; untarnished; immature; artistic; unblemished; literary; mushroom; exceptional; wounded; established; merited; spotless; exaggerated; reverend; enduring; undue; skittish; slender; bubble; unquestioned; professional; priceless; outstanding; terrible; pious; vile; tender; savory; damaged; fabulous; poetic; lamentable


    achieve—; acquire—; belie—; blacken—; build—; carve—; destroy—; enhance—; enjoy—; establish—; injure—; jeopardize—; justify—; mar—; mature—; merit—; outlive—; prostitute—; protect—; rival—; sacrifice—; save—; stake—on; —blooms; — languishes; —precedes; —precludes; — spreads; —swells; —withers

    (See fame, name, character, distinction, honor, notoriety, glory.

    REPUTE adjectives

    grave; ill; considerable; honorable; doubtful; prominent; local; scientific; charitable; provincial; high

    REQUEST adje dives

    conflicting; unusual; continual; commonplace; inopportune; dying; special; urgent; humble; whispered; emphatic; unreasonable; unconsidered; universal; pointed


    accede to—; acquiesce in—; assail with—s; bombard with—s; comply with—; convey—; dodge—; grant—; gratify—; heed—; justify—; meet—; pester with—s; repeat—; swamp with—s; urge—

    (See desire, entreaty, application, appeal, demand.

    REQUEST (v) adverbs

    urgently; haughtily; earnestly; fawningly; emphatically; reluctantly; graciously; ultimately; insistently; particularly; reasonably; humbly; importunately

    (See ask, beg, entreat.

    REQUIRE (v) adverbs

    passionately; urgently; perpetually; vitally; imperatively; strictly; reasonably; ethically; personally; physically; medically; aesthetically

    (See exact, want, demand.

    REQUIRED adverbs

    legally; inescapably; naturally; technically; inexorably; peremptorily; recently; authoritatively; officially; arbitrarily; tyrannically; dogmatically; reasonably; rigorously; rigidly; absolutely; socially; conventionally; prescriptively; lawfully; openly; duly; constitutionally; decently; traditionally

    REQUIREMENTS adjedives

    postnatal; eminent; classic; reasonable; relative; ethical; basic; collective; exacting; hygienic; traditional; rigorous; technical; strictest; human; personnel; specific; professional; complex; certain; maximum; minimum; residential; absolute; physical; rhythmic; aesthetic; sanitary; imperative


    check—; comply with—; condemn—; dispense with—; draw up—; fulfill—; furnish —; justify—; lack—; meet—; necessitate—; occasion—; offer—; overlook—; point out —; produce—; raise—; remove—; respect —; supply—; tabulate—; violate—; —apply to; —call for; —demand; —impede

    (See demand, injunction, necessity.)

    Requisite adjectives

    regular; prime; definite; essential; indispensable

    Requital adjectives

    humble; ungenerous; unworthy; poor; scant; fair; satisfactory

    Rescue verbs

    aid in—; dash to—; deplore—; clog—; cumber—; expedite—; hamper—; hasten—; hinder—; impede—; interrupt—; obstruct—; perform—; pray for—; retard—; speed—; —delivers; —discommodes; —embarrasses; —preserves; —relieves; —saves

    (See deliverance, release.)

    Rescue (v) adverbs

    nobly; heroically; triumphantly; gallantly; stalwartly; rashly; boldly; courageously

    (See save, release.)

    Research adjectives

    vigilant; philosophical; indefatigable; antiquarian; abstract; hydrological; subsequent; perpetual; relentless; celestial; original; brilliant; infinite; useless; enthusiastic; conscientious; scientific; extensive; microscopical; commercial; philological; bold; ingenious; effective; exhaustive; photographic; valuable; painstaking; patient; profound; deliberate; sociological; mysterious; laborious; masterly; comprehensive; stellar; ceaseless; critical; historical; malignant; archaeological; tireless; multitudinous (pl); psychoanalytic; obscure; profitable


    commence—; conduct—; direct—; engage in —; enter upon—; instigate—; launch—; maintain—; promote—; publish—; stimulate —; —analyzes; —awakens; —contributes

    • — culminates in; —determines; —discloses

    • — enlightens; —enriches; —exposes; —explores; —fathoms; —ferrets out; —imparts

    • — peers; —reveals

    (See inquiry, investigation, inquisition, study.)

    Resemblance adjectives

    intricate; mimetic; enchanted; successful; extraordinary; fancied; natural; striking; faraway; vague; distant; self-evident; divine; partial; mysterious; close; protective; inaccurate; defensive; aggressive; capital; inexplicable; recognizable; unexpected; startling


    accentuate—; approximate—; assimilate—; bear—; detect—; discern—; evoke—; kindle —; savor of—; sharpen—; —amazes; — astounds; —disturbs; —moves; —shocks; —smites; —stirs; —strikes

    (See similarity, identity.)

    Resemble (v) adverbs

    strikingly; curiously; precisely; particularly; spectacularly; adequately; protectively; recognizably; startlingly; mysteriously; markedly; superficially

    (See favor.)

    Resent (v) adverbs

    forcibly; morbidly; vehemently; bitterly; subconsciously; indignantly; sternly; passionately; humorously; secretly; mutely; violently; keenly; fiercely; murderously; disdainfully; sullenly

    (See disapprove, begrudge.)

    Resentful adverbs

    angrily; dangerously; bitterly; passionately; sullenly; bluntly; sadly; cruelly; venomously; maliciously; vengefully; acrimoniously; violently; vociferously; strangely; unaccountably; unreasonably; insatiably; stubbornly; implacably; unappeasably; openly; secretly; fantastically; obviously; manifestly; evidently; furiously; irascibly; truculently; uncommonly; ominously; disastrously; permanently

    Resentment adjectives

    terrible; increasing; admiring; individual; implacable; obstinate; dull; furious; keen; angry; impulsive; blind; half-sore; animal; fierce; intense; murderous; incipient; vigorous; sturdy; hot; disdainful; momentary; jealous; brooding; bitter; impotent; sagged; hasty; spirited; sullen; hard; viperish; astonished; impatient; additional; passionate; protecting; personal; desperate; general; generous; just; fancied


    arouse—; call forth—; cherish—; display—; engender—; evoke—; excite—; exhibit—; fill with—; flood with—; kindle—; reflect with—; shake off—; smother—; stir up—; —flares; —is born; —melts; —mounts; — wells; —yields to

    (See grudge, ill-will, anger, grievance.)

    Reservation adjectives

    mental; explicit; express; common-sense; forest; experimental; heedful; definite; specific

    Reserve adjectives

    scholarly; cash; considerable; substantial; emotional; chaste; appreciable; haughty; preliminary; habitual; dignified; sullen; mistrustful; maidenly; stately; sorrowful; stern; cold; unsympathizing; timberland; stubborn; approaching; singular; natural; compulsory; lawful; precious; womanly; ungenerous; freezing; naive; analytical; mysterious; alkaline; impenetrable; defective; delicate; mutual; watchful; critical


    break down—; deplete—; discard—; emerge from—; igfiore—; inspire—; intensifv—; penetrate—; pierce—; prick—; retain—; — cloaks; —conceals; —covers; —masks; — melts; —mystifies; —piques; —protects; — secludes

    (See aloofness, modesty, reticence, restraint, shyness, diffidence, fund.)

    Reserve (v) adverbs

    expressly; shrewdly; delicately; covetously; exclusively; faithfully

    (See retain, restrain.)

    Reserved adverbs

    quietly; demurely; sedately; characteristically; habitually; naturally; inherently; discreetly; strategically; prudently; wisely; gravely; judicially; arrogantly; proudly; shyly; bashfully; unduly; unfortunately; extremely; strangely; curiously; oddly; placidly; serenely; coyly; timidly; mysteriously; extraordinarily; sensibly; vexatiously

    Reservoir adjectives

    tapering; immense; ducal; copious; sheltered ; inexhaustible


    construct—; dam—; exhaust—; flow from —; form—; inspect—; replenish—; tax—; —accumulates; —collects; —preserves; — reserves; —stores; —yields

    (See supply, tank.)

    Residence adjectives

    episcopal; commodious; costly; palatial; comfortable; handsome; peculiar; official; ungarnished; stately; enlarged; wretched; permanent; seasonal; picturesque; temporary; monastic; ambitious; baronial; paternal; suitable; prolonged; sumptuous; modest


    establish—; frequent—; guard—; lack—; maintain—; neglect—; occupy—; regulate —; secure—; take up—; view—; invite to—

    (See home, establishment, mansion, dwelling.)

    Resident adjectives

    influential; distinguished; valued; temporary; permanent

    Residential adverbs

    pleasantly; strictly; expensively; exclusive; ly; desirably; aristocratically; swankily; modestly; primarily; wholly; assuredly; delightfully; scrupulously; unmistakably; quietly; peacefully; agreeably

    Residue adjectives

    harmful; visible; sweetest; solid; miserable; final; greasy; gummy; soapy; mournful


    bag—; consume—; cherish—; conceal—; discarci—; gather—; heap—;  "junk”—

    leave—; offer—; proffer—; retain—; salvage—; scatter—; scrap—; store—; utilize —; value—; —disperses; —survives

    (See ashes, excess, cinders, remnant.)

    Resign («>) adverbs

    reluctantly; voluntarily; nominally; officially; cheerfully; piously; fatalistically; irrevocably; philosophically; wearily

    (See abdicate, withdraw.)

    Resignation adjectives

    fatalistic; grim; virtual; dreamy; melancholy; serene; unsurprised; meek; patient; irrevocable; perverted; conscious; apparent; unwilling; quiet; infinite; philosophical; appalling; angelical; unhappy; spiritless; youthful; sorrowful; perfect; pathetic; tacit; passive; somber; gentle; mournful; despondent; voluntary; wearied; gloomy


    announce—; anticipate—; bewail—; compel —; decline—; deplore—; grant—; lament —; offer—; order—; present—; regret—; tender—; weigh—; —alters; —confuses; — disappoints; —disconcerts; —humbles; —' mortifies

    (See surrender, retirement.)

    Resigned adverbs

    philosophically; passively; quietly; scarcely; hardly; apathetically; resolutely; grimly; meekly; apparently; perfectly; shamelessly; appallingly; incredibly; eventually; obviously; strangely; humbly; pathetically; obediently; submissively; pliantly; weakly; calmly; imperturbably; stolidly; stupidly

    Resilient adverbs

    satisfactorily; unusually; highly; extraordinarily; smoothly; appreciably; pleasantly; desirably; adequately; extremely; conveniently; surprisingly; suitably; buoyantly; advantageously; uncommonly

    Resist (z>) adverbs

    stubbornly; vigorously; skillfully; dexterously; passively; blusteringly; modestly; sternly; heroically; effectively; violently; stoutly; physically; insurmountably; feebly; resolutely

    (See oppose, withstand.)

    Resistance adjectives

    rust; permanent; unexpected; forcible; popular; stern; unyielding; strenuous; heroic; prompt; amazing; pretended; successful; prolonged; stubborn; indignant; glorious; increased; warlike; crushed; desperate; enfeebled; stout; substantial; sad; perceiving; vague; militant; fierce; faint; humble; bold; incredulous; keener; tenacious; ineffectual; organized; gladiatorial; countervailing; rationalized; unlawful; unconscious; determined; patriotic; creditable; passive; severest; awed; earnest; coy; physical; meditating; stagnated; obstinate; rugged; hopeless; insurmountable; armed; feeble; resolute; vain; appreciable; angry


    acquire—; batter down—; break down—; build—; compensate for—; crush—; deplete —; determine—; encounter—; exercise—; harden for—; increase—; lower—; meet with—; prolong—; rationalize—; reduce—; stiffen—; weaken—; —collapses; —cracks; —lessens; —melts aw'ay

    (See antagonism, strength, opposition, hostility.)

    Resolute adverbs

    courageously; doggedly; stubbornly; intrepidly; gallantly; staunchly; persistently; immovably; steadily; unwaveringly; stoutly; dauntlessly; obstinately; cruelly; bitterly; determinedly; tragically; pluckily; tenaciously; indomitably; sadly; fanatically; dogmatically; ungenerously; inexorably; relentlessly; admirably; commendably; earnestly; zealously; enthusiastically; confidently; heroically; amazingly; remarkably; terribly

    Resolution adjectives

    constitutional; settled; defiant; dogged; sensible; inflexible; virtuous; submissive; deliberate; jaunty; unanimous; daring; restless; generous; thoughtful; robust; gloomy; stern; tremendous; determined; austere; firm; immense; rash; obituary; indomitable; undaunted; desperate; philosophical; bold; early; stubborn; energetic; impulsive; concurrent; invincible; passionate; dangerous; joint; vigorous; loyal; essential; satisfactory; freighted; fierce; unalterable; chivalrous; sacred; evanescent; memorable; momentous; gathering; congressional; pious; irrevocable; wise; courageous; godly; determined; heroic; imprudent; epic; unchangeable; queer; decisive


    abandon—; acclaim—; adhere to—; adopt —; applaud—; bolster—; convey—; crystal-ize into—; draft—; formulate—; fortify—; introduce—; prime with—s; shake—; stiffen —; uphold—; weaken—; —s pour in^ —s strengthen

    (See decision, determination, bill, law.)

    Resolve adjectives

    absolute; strained; secret; deliberate; fearless; rash; added; stern; desperate; virtuous; firm; deeper; mental; pertinacious; iron; concluding; excellent; courageous; calm; dominant; high; wise; terrible; unswerving; dauntless; mortified; inflexible; feeble-framed

    Resolve (v) adverbs

    ultimately; prudently; mentally; rationally; solemnly; privately; unanimously; stubbornly; inflexibly; deliberately; impulsively; fiercely; chivalrously; momentously; imprudently

    (See determine, dissolve.)

    Resonant adverbs

    pleasantly; deeply; unusually; harmoniously; surprisingly; marvellously; admirably; distinctly; hollowly; agreeably; strikingly; peculiarly; curiously; remarkably

    Resort adjectives

    strict; brilliant; cold; lowest; fair; pleasure; attractive; little; embryonic; mountain; seasonal; favorite; fashionable; expanding; imposing; dissolute; habitual; desperate; summer; mundane; complete; seashore; family; self-contained; beach; delightful; best-loved; premier; world-famous; w’onder-ful


    crowd—; fill—; frequent—; infest—; retire to—; repair to—; swamp—s; —advertises

    —appeals; —attracts; —consoles; —delights; —eases; —offers; —refreshes; — strengthens

    (See hotel, refuge.)

    Resound (v) adverbs

    thunderingly; discordantly; tremendously; dreadfully; awesomely; thunderously; re-verberatingly

    (See peal, reverberate.)

    Resourceful adverbs

    ingeniously; amazingly; skilfully; conveniently; fortunately; luckily; unusually; miraculously; incredibly; inventively; cleverly; adroitly; expediently; expertly; handily; adaptably; deftly; intelligently; felicitously; happily; particularly; manifestly; unfailingly; naturally; inimitably

    Resources adjectives

    natural; decorative; perpetual; ever-present; fertile; meager; spiritual; financial; utmost; therapeutic; magnificent; manifold; productive; unfailing; mineral; artistic; boundless; reasonable; enormous; gigantic; technical; infallible; visual; limited; despairing; legitimate; exhausted; immense; physical; cyclopedic; immeasurable; temporal; material; healing; military; diplomatic; delightful; sole; insignificant; colossal; extensive; vast; tremendous; dramatic; strategic; privileged; unfailing; endless; slender; pecuniary; ready; adequate; scanty; prodigious


    assemble—; augment—; cast upon—; concentrate—; cultivate—; deplete—; develop —; employ—; encourage—; exhaust—; expend—; fortify—; impair—; liquidate—; mobilize—; paralyze—; squander—; strain —; tap—; tax—

    (See finances, assets, property, means.)

    Respect adjectives

    exalted; regretful; greatest; idolatrous; reverential; utmost; impassive; continued; affectionate; proper; astonished; wholesome; compassionate; graceful; self; dignified; profound; temporal; haughty; deferential; pitying; punctilious; merited; apologetic; indignant; unfeigned; listening; mutual; essential; delicate; tender; unqualified; grudging; devout; reluctant; important; high; lasting; credulous; weak; infinite; indescribable; extorted; extreme; considerate; habitual; corresponding; scant; diminished; genuine; remarkable; enormous; un-definable; unbounded; ambiguous; regretful; increased; expensive; constant; dutiful; particular; astonishing; popular; thoughtful; pusillanimous; diffident; marked


    broaden into—; command—; compel—; deepen—; deserve—; draw—; earn—; engender—; entitle to—; forfeit—; heighten —; impair—; inspire—; insure—; merit—; pay—s; preserve—; reflect—; retain—; train in—; violate—; win—

    (See esteem, deference, honor, homage, admiration, respectability.

    RESPECT (o) adverbs

    scrupulously; sympathetically; intuitively; universally; deferentially; punctiliously; unfeignedly; mutually; reluctantly; genuinely; unboundedly; dutifully; wholesomely; markedly; affectionately

    (See revere, esteem.

    RESPECTABILITY adjective

    decent; indisputable; bourgeois; unshadowed; worldly; irreproachable; unimpeachable; unblemished; private; undeniable; obvious; dignified; spotless; triumphant; suburban; utilitarian


    acquire—; assume—; claim—; cleave to—; confer—; crown with—; don—; emulate—; feign—; gain—; preserve—; reflect—; renounce—; sacrifice—; shed—; wear—; — dignifies; —distinguishes; —elevates; — flourishes; —narrows; —restricts; —stifles

    (See respect.

    RESPECTABLE adverbs highly; eminently; decently; notably; unimpeachably; undeniably; obviously; admirably; extremely; admittedly; uncommonly: estimably; oppressively; painfully; ostentatiously; self-righteously; flauntingly; indisputably; scarcely; supposedly; pleasantly; harmlessly

    RESPECTFUL adverbs

    deferentially; ingratiatingly; servilely; slavishly; enthusiastically; affectionately; genuinely; sincerely; devotedly; devoutly; piously; reverently; graciously; gravely; flatteringly; amiably; courteously; politely; attentively; earnestly; ardently; nonchalantly; casually; significantly; solemnly; filially; dutifully; ardently; officiously; diplomatically; subserviently; gracefully; pleasantly; agreeably; hospitably; exceedingly; chivalrously; significantly; overwhelmingly; habitually

    RESPIRATION adjectives momentary; diminished; violent; labored; artificial


    clog—; disorder—; embarrass—; force—; govern—; heighten—; impede—; increase —; involve—; labor—; persevere with—; record—; stimulate —; sustain—

    (See breath, breathing.

    RESPITE verbs

    appeal for—; consume—; cut short—; demand—; enjoy—; grant—; seek—; spend —; —arrests; —delays; —elapses; —interrupts ; —intervenes ; —overjoys; —refreshes ; —rescues; —stems; —tides over

    (See delay, rest, suspension, pause.

    RESPOND (vj adverbs royally; affably; felicitously; brilliantly; generously; curtly; brusquely; pertly; acridly; sarcastically; reluctantly; enigmatically; passionately; irtiperturbably; grimly; nervously; enthusiastically; patriotically; gallantly; genially; humorously; suitably; affectionately; ambiguously; felicitously; crabbedly; boisterously; sententiously; tardily

    (See reply, answer.

    RESPONSE adjectives

    unpalatable; affectionate; eager; astounding; loving; blessed; unfavorable; ready; gloomy; generous; cordial; patriotic; emotional; appropriate; feminine; immediate; popular; copious; instinctive; evident; oracular; verbal; ambiguous; sympathetic;

    characteristic; hearty; felicitous; instantaneous; beauteous; tremendous; typical; accurate; crabbed; calm; quick; liquid; untimely; boisterous; remote; passive; enthusiastic; shallow; brutal; joint; sententious; rough


    avert—; awaken—; bark—; bolster—; call forth—; convey—; correlate—s; determine —; elicit—; evoke—; force—; gain—; guard—; hail—; invite—; level—at; mumble—; mutter—; provoke—; question—; quicken—; restrain—; welcome—; —dismays; —encourages; —gladdens; —heightens ; —lessens

    (See answer, echo.)

    Responsibility adjectives

    executive; unending; fearful; pecuniary; colossal; immense; sacred; dubious; painful; divided; individual; incidental; administrative; gravest; moral; serious; dreadful; direct; frightful; tremendous; numerous (pl) ; weighty; corresponding


    absolve from—; awaken to—; assume—; bear—; cast off—; charge with—; confer—; deviate from—; delegate—; discard—; disregard—; dodge—; dread—; entail—; evade—; expand—; face—; impose—; incur—; inherit—; involve—; lighten—; meet—; obviate—; overburden with—; realize—; relieve of—; saddle with—; shield from—; shift—; shirk—; shoulder —; shrink from—; shy away from—; tackle—; undertake—; —devolves upon; —exacts; —presses; —reposes in; —rests on

    (See duty, charge )

    Responsible adverbs

    admittedly; personally; individually; fearfully; unfortunately; entirely; directly; criminally; legally; accidently; voluntarily; peculiarly; indisputably; terribly; undoubtedly; officially; allegedly; indirectly; certainly; partially; reliably; sincerely; heavily; altogether; perfectly; safely; gravely; seriously; unhappily; completely; tragically; frightly; tremendously; naturally; incidentally; temporarily; permanently; momentarily; duly; morally; financially; deeply; carefully; wholly

    Rest adjectives

    ecstatic; listless; ignoble; needful; saintly; unutterable; heavy-laden; comfortable; peaceful; common; prolonged; life-preserving; spacious; everlasting; fitting; unadulterated; grave: wholesome; predestined; eternal; tumultuous; sullen; gracious; mental; refreshing; frequent; happy; placid; noontide; recumbent; interminable; absolute; perpetual; balmy; breathless; comparative; saintly


    abstain from—; advocate—; afford—; deserve—; desist from—; enjoin—; enjoy—; fold in—; refrain from—; terminate—; — comforts; —delays; —eases; —invigorates; —refreshes; —rejuvenates; —relaxes; — relieves; —renews; —slackens; —soothes; —stagnates; —unburdens

    (See delay, pause, respite, sleep.)

    Rest (v) adverbs

    ultimately; unsoundly; implicitly; perpetually; philosophically; impassively; ostentatiously; placidly; serenely; firmly; securely; listlessly; eternally; interminably

    (See relax, stop, repose.)

    Restaurant adjectives

    celebrated; exclusive; world-famous; exotic; modest; open-air; low-ceilinged; clattering; bustling; unpretentious; dingy; little; lighted; gay; bright; modern: excellent; glamorous; diverting; exciting; fine; distinctive; air-cooled; moderate; colorful; fashionable; renowned


    inspect—; license—; rig up—; —advertises; —appeals; —attracts; —caters to; —delights; —employs; —patronizes; —plans; —pleases; —prepares; —offers; —solicits; —specializes

    (See hotel, tavern, inn.)

    Restful adverbs

    quietly; pleasantly; agreeably; beautifully; unusually; lazily; moderately; comparatively; entirely; wholly; extremely; singularly; curiously; peculiarly; incomparably; unspeakably; gratefully; strangely; simply; irresponsibly; unutterably; refreshingly; ineffably; inexpressibly; unbelievably; easily; invitingly; irresistibly; dreamily; drowsily; safely; miraculously; marvelously; soporiferously

    Restitution adjectives

    quantitative; hopeless; spiritual; complete

    Restive adverbs

    strangely; oddly; unmanageably; naturally; hopelessly; incurably; pathetically; obstinately; constantly; pitiably; understandably; helplessly; painfully; impatiently; nervously; feverishly; fractiously; reluctantly; openly; visibly; unconcealably; undisguised-ly; unhappily; wretchedly; extraordinarily

    Restless adverbs

    noticeably; visibly; hopelessly; actively; energetically; painfully; undisguisedly; ostentatiously; impolitely; inattentively; feverishly; nervously; heedlessly; strangely; curiously; significantly; oddly; unpleasantly; disagreeably; sullenly; unhappily; impatiently; physically; inordinately; extraordinarily; inexplicably; unaccountably; unreasonably; seriously; alarmingly; dangerously; irritably; vexatiously; anxiously; uncomfortably; disquietingly; distressingly; disturbingly

    Restlessness adjectives

    morbid; incessant; fevered; undulating; covert; pallid; inexplicable; repining; abrupt; unsteady; mercuiial; infinite; ragged


    allay—; appease—; breed—; brook—; calm —; endure—; foment—; master—; overcome-—; repress—; suffer—; toss in—; undergo—; yield to—; —chafes; —distresses; —fumes; —grips; —pains; —rages

    —tears; —torments

    (See impatience, agitation, excitement, delirium, uneasiness, discontent.)



    direct—; discuss—; inspire—; lament—; order—; plead for—; repel—; resist—; sanction—; —appeases; —converts; —corrects; —enhances; —humbles; —improves; —pacifies; —repairs

    (See revival, reconstruction.)

    Restorative adverbs

    pleasantly; effectively; successfully; usually; safely; definitely; distinctly; notably; pre-scriptively; supposedly; agreeably; dependably; reliably; actively; powerfully; adequately; satisfactorily; remarkably; highly

    Restore (v) adverbs

    accurately; unquestionably; ultimately; genuinely; miraculously; subsequently; skillfully; dexterously; faithfully; medically; speedily; promptly

    (See repair, renew.)

    Restrain (v) adverbs

    vigorously; voluntarily; gently; firmly; forcibly; narrowly; unreasonably; judiciously; legally; lawfully; tyrannically; artificially; irksomely; rigidly; vexatiously; oppressively; benevolently; commercially

    (See repress, suppress.)

    Restrained adverbs

    cautiously; discreetly; prudently; warily; austerely; patiently; judicially; wisely; carefully; politely; courteously; absurdly; unduly; stiffly; cruelly; determinedly; deliberately; resolutely; significantly; unusually; habitually; ominously; portentously; extraordinarily; strangely; singularly; oddly; unaccountably

    Restraint adjectives

    parental; irksome; conventional; apparent; moral; strange; needful; artistic; uncommon; dignified; perceptible; strict; noble; outrageous; necessary; comparative; intense; rigid; practiced; wearisome; dry; grim; compelled; severe; professional; heroic; determined; habitual


    burst—; compel—; deplore—; dispel—; enforce—; exercise—; forge—; impose—; insist upon—; loosen—; necessitate—; relax —; require—; resist—; throw off—; — binds; —burdens; —checks; —controls; —curbs; —despairs; —gags; —intensifies; —melts

    (See constraint, embargo, denial, inhibition, limitation.)

    Restrict (v) adverbs

    parentally; irksomely; grimly; rigidly; severely; selfishly; ascetically; maddeningly; pettishly

    (See restrain, limit.)

    Restrictions adjectives

    commercial; narrow; arbitrary; quantitative; impassable; oppressive; benevolent; diet; unreasonable; sharp; judicious; enforced; vexatious; regulatory; rigid; irksome; artificial; tyrannical


    abolish—; advocate—; disregard—; establish—; impose—; lift—; maintain—; subject to—; surmount—; throw off—; tighten —; yield to—; —ban; —chafe; —check; —destroy; —doom; —embrace; —forbid; —hedge in; —inhibit; —limit; —prohibit; —restrain; —stifle

    (See limits, inhibition, restraint, limitations.)

    Result adjectives

    historical; admirable; indecisive; promising; exquisite; barren; declared; discouraging; magnificent; half-starving; pernicious; tangible; observed; ripe; immediate; ultimate; substantial; gratifying; disastrous; outstanding; intractable; astounding; brilliant; amazing; dazzjing; astonishing; consistent; momentous; pertinent; involuntary; deducible; decorative; splendid; detrimental; creditable; bewildering; positive; triumphant; natural; unfailing; pecuniary; moral; estimated; salubrious; winning; direct; beneficial; effective; calculated; appreciable; proportional; invariable; tangible; vociferated; hilarious; multitudinous (pl); casual; primary; encouraging: unobserved; crowning; fatal; necessary; naked; tardy; advantageous; lasting; honest; ambrosian; excellent; revealing; satisfactory; successful; inevitable; unanticipated; quantitative; accomplishing; speculative; unbelievable; pitiful; conclusive; startling; remarkable; wonderful; abundant; extraordinary; profitable; therapeutic; agreeable; notable; satisfactory; desirable; intelligible; practical; confusing; fine; disappointing: outward; sifted; unquestionable; scientific; identical; valuable; accurate; infallible; marvelous; capital; auspicious; typical; startling; memorable; obvious; competent; educative; sweeping; surprising; rapid; partial; ethereal; expectable; living; prosperous; extreme; salutary; established; fruitful; equivocal; riotous; happy; comic; deferred; important; verified; feverish; exhausting; logical; gradual; factitious; disheartening; contradictory; traceable; ludicrous; demoralizing; delightful; damaging; chastening; beneficent; valid; sentimental; required; secondary; unreliable; compromising; unified; legitimate; stupendous; deplorable; fearful; net


    accept—; accomplish—; achieve—; anticipate—; assay—; attain—; cap—; challenge —; claim—; confirm—; decry—; discredit —; embody—; envisage—; evaluate—; falsify—; forecast—; garner—s; predict—; sum up—s; tally—s; trace—s; visualize—; yield—s; —s accrue; —s attend; —s justify

    (See consequence, effect, issue, outcome.)

    Result (v) adverbs

    fatally; invariably; inevitably; appreciably; ludicrously; damagingiy; demoralizingly; legi limately; deplorably; astonishingly; proportionally; infallibly

    (See terminate, end.)

    Resume (vj adverbs

    reluctantly; haughtily; diligently; placidly; traditionally; complacently; cheerily; voluntarily; uncomplainingly; blandly; customarily

    (See begin, start.)

    Resurrection adjectives

    artificial; joyful; queer; summer; spiritual


    anticipate—;   arrange  for—;  escape—

    evade—; inspire—; mold—; plan—; prom ise—; seek—; shape—; stay—; suggest—; support—; warn of—; —restores; —threatens

    (See renaissance, restoration, revival.)

    Retain (v) adverbs invariably; indefinitely; selfishly; voluptuously; basely; gloriously; righteously

    (See hold, keep, reserve.

    Retainer adjectives taciturn; gorgeous; confidential; faithful; marshaled


    beckon—; chastise—; despatch—; discharge —; flout—; order—; recommend—; reprove —; suffer—; —accompanies; —aids; —arranges; —attends; —betrays; —confronts; —eases; —endures; —refers; —serves

    (See following, servant, matron.

    Retaliate (v) adverbs revengefully; viciously; vindictively; pitilessly; treacherously; poisonously; hatefully; despicably; violently; insidiously; traitorously

    (See repay, avenge.

    Retaliation adjectives pitiless; provoking; youthful; treacherous; angry

    verbs avert—; draw—; grapple with—; ignore —; incur—; invite—; offer—: overlook—; smother—; threaten with—; withstand—; —avenges; —harms; —inflames; —kicks; — pierces; —rankles; —repulses; —revenges; —stems; —stings

    (See punishment, revenge, discipline, penalty.

    Retard (v) adverbs mechanically; deliberately; inevitably; cautiously; expediently; automatically

    (See hinder, obstruct.

    Retention adjectives undue; stubborn, corresponding; enforced

    Retentive adverbs highly; unusually; phenomenally; miraculously; extraordinarily; marvelously; astonishingly; amazingly; unbelievably; incredibly; conveniently; curiously; peculiarly; singularly; particularly; incomparably

    Reticence adjectives noble; diplomatic; exaggerated; introspective; masterly; strict; womanly; haughty; dignified; excessive; dogged; cautious; judicious


    couch in—; discard—; lapse into—; penetrate—; pierce—; shroud in—; sink into—; —blinds; —cloaks; —conceals; —curtains; —envelops; —masks; —mystifies; —perplexes; —puzzles; —screens; —veils; —withholds

    (See modesty, reserve, aloofness.

    Reticent adverbs

    austerely; needlessly; absurdly; naturally; habitually; unnecessarily; highly; curiously; unreasonably; sensibly; singularly; oddly; peculiarly; unduly; taciturnly; foolishly; disagreeably; noticeably; unfortunately

    Retinue adjectives glittering; brilliant; imperial; numerous (pl) ; copious; radiant; perilous

    Retire (v) adverbs timidly; cautiously; snobbishly; unwillingly; meekly; modestly; deferentially; shamefacedly; noiselessly; discreetly; decently; voluntarily; precipitately

    (See retreat, withdraw.

    Retirement adjectives

    voluntary; imminent; short; quiet; suspicious; comparative; peaceful; secular; close; unobtrusive; romantic; precipitate; sweet; monastic; ostentatious; beloved; temporary


    creep into—; draw into—; drive into—; emerge from—; forego—; hasten—; hold in —; loathe—; remain in—; resist—; shame

    into—; shut into—; sink into—; slate for —; surrender to—; —abjures; —bores; — cuts off; —deprives; —stagnates

    (See isolation, resignation, retreat, seclusion.)

    Retiring adverbs

    unusually; shyly; timidly; studiously; habitually; naturally; diffidently; unsocially; inhospitably; reticently; taciturnly; forbiddingly

    Retort adjectives

    gruff; famous; skillful; impulsive; scornful; spirited; readiest; instant; severest; stinging


    draw—; fire—; parry—; provoke—; —acknowledges; —appeases; —clinches; —confutes; —crushes; —defeats; —determines; —explains; —irks; —leaps to one’s lips; — parries; —rebuts; —solves; —shatters; — silences; —verifies

    (See answer, reply, response, repartee.)

    Retort (v) adverbs

    sharply; curtly; absurdly; shrewdly; effectively; acrimoniously; comically; resentfully; spiritedly; caustically; facetiously; scur-rilously; waspishly; petulantly; gruffly; stingingly

    (See respond, reply.)

    Retract (v) adverbs

    pusillanimously; timidly; ultimately; cautiously; fearfully; ignominiously; hastily; dishonorably; despairingly

    (See recall, disavow.)

    Retreat adjectives

    tardy; ignominious; hasty; immediate; subterranean; verdant; hospitable; bloody; sacred; timely; final; hurried; sunless; precipitate; reckless; swift; panic-stricken; dignified; grateful; epic; flurried; chosen; beloved; circuitous; masterly; lonely; secluded; orderly; crippled; hasty; base; ultimate; snug; double-quick; disastrous; cavernous; rural; gracious; foul; ruinous; secure; serene; secret; favorite; despairing; soft; honorable; glorious


    advocate—; beat—; censure—; chase into —; drive into—; fall back in—; flee in—; force into—; hasten—; move in—; occasion —; order—; shrink in—; sound—; withdraw in—; —averts; —defeats; —saves

    (See retirement, isolation.)

    Retreat (v) adverbs

    cringingly; ignominiously; precipitately; irrationally; coquettishly; cravenly; disastrously; ruinously; serenely; honorably; despairingly; pusillanimously

    (See retire, withdraw.)

    Retrench (v) adverbs

    financially; cautiously; conservatively; sensibly; enforcedly; periodically; disastrously; shrewdly

    (See lessen, limit.)

    Retribution adjective^

    trenchant; severest; utmost; tardy; righteous; bloody; just; speedy


    anticipate—; award—; defy—; deserve—; fear—; ignore—; measure—; reap—; resist —; reveal—; sow—; —amends; —atones; —harries;  —evens;  —retaliates;  —re

    venges; —upbraids

    (See justice, compensation, punishment, penalty.)

    Retroactive adverbs

    fortunately; disastrously; luckily; happily; opportunely; expediently; legally; wisely; unconditionally; unexpectedly; acceptably

    Retrospect adjectives

    widening; melancholy; drowsy; foregoing; deep; briefest; gratifying; entertaining


    lamentably; curiously; tiresomely; unprofit-ably; unfortunately; dismally; stagnantly; stubbornly; sorrowfully; obstinately; fearfully; incorrigibly; incurably; inveterately


    RET EL


    ordinary; periodical; honorable; tedious; successive (pl); infallible; pecuniary; physical; exuberant; inevitable; speedy; visible; reassuring; adequate; alleged; impending; bountiful; unprofited; scant; monetary; diminishing; abundant; circling; material; peaceful; tangible; swift; beggarly; immediate; imperfect; fortuitous


    anticipate—; deter—; foresee—; forestall—; foretell—; hamper—; hinder—; narrate—; observe—s; predict—; presage—; recount —s; relate—; resume on—; —s echo; — overjoys; —pleases; —s pour in; —redoubles; —renews

    (See harvest, report, profit, reply.)

    Return (v) adverbs

    periodically; seasonally; sardonically; traditionally; habitually; customarily; testily; dubiously; deliberately; unceremoniously; subsequently; expeditiously; reluctantly; incessantly; triumphantly; fortuitously; infallibly; tediously; honorably

    (See recur, repay.)

    Reunion adjectives

    chaotic; select; plotting; prominent; formal; ultimate; happy


    arrange—; attend—; band in—; bring about—; clasp in—; delay—; effect—; embrace in—; entwine in—; gather in—; invite to—; participate in—; plan—; —embodies; —interests; —overjoys; —recalls: —renews; —unites

    (See meeting, gathering, union.)

    Reveal (v) adverbs

    penetratingly; candidly; vividly; graphically; immodestly; daringly; traitorously; partially; concisely; deplorably; spaciously; strikingly; unmistakably; fluently; injudiciously; dismally; painfully; courageously; supernaturally

    (See disclose, expose.)


    lurid; nightly; bestial; heavy-headed; profligate

    Revelation adjectives

    astonishing; unexpected; lightning; sickening: fluent; divine; deathlike; injudicious; ultimate; startling; veritable; awful; curious; vivid; unsuspected; successive (pl); celestial; appalling; dismal; unforeseen; cool; judicial; painful; incessant; intimate; supernatural; guarded; frightful; amazing; courageous


    color—; deplore—; fear—; inspire—; interpret—; prod to—; resist—; —admits; — awes; —bares; —concedes; —corrects; — disburdens; —discloses; —divulges; —embarrasses; —enlightens; —exposes

    (See disclosure, exposure, discovery.)

    Reveler adjectives

    joyous; lusty; bright; profane; unconventional

    Revelry adjectives

    wild; gay; wanton; drunken; rustic; wildest; ardent

    Revenge adjectives

    dire; luscious-toothed; unlearned; sworn; desperate; frightful; implacable; passionate; undisturbing; stinging; delicate; meaningless; bloody; fierce; prophesied; timid; meditated; swift; secret; spiteful; just; wild; refined; doubtful; sweet


    aggravate to—; avert—; contrive—; evoke —; incur—; itch for—; provoke to—; restrain—; suppress—; vow—; wreak—; — angers; —confuses; —enrages; —evens; — exasperates; —flares; —foams; —grinds; — infuriates; —stings

    (See retaliation, vengeance, hatred, hate.)

    Revenge (v) adverbs

    diabolically; ingeniously; logically; direly: frightfully; implacably; passionately; swiftly; secretly; spitefully; deliberately

    (See avenge, retaliate.

    Revenue adjectives

    confiscated; royal; overflowing; advertising; surplus; princely; accruing; requisite; gross; expected; present


    acquire—; apportion—; bear—; boost (colloq.)—; claim—; derive—; dissipate—; draw—; expend—; forfeit—; gain—; increase—; invest—; possess—; produce—; promise—; seek—; spend—; untie—; yield —; —accrues; —dribbles in

    (See income, money, profit, wages.

    Reverberate (v) adverbs raucously; thunderously; overwhelmingly; threateningly; portentously; musically; crashingly; clangingly; deafeningly.

    (See resound, peal.

    Reverberating adverbs dimly; loudly; thunderously; resonantly; faintly; distantly; strangely; hollowly; sep-ulchrally; frightfully; fearfully; dully; rumblingly; mournfully; dolefully; madly; jubilantly; triumphantly; wildly

    Reverberation adjectives rocking; surly; crashing; clanging; thunderous; deafening

    Revere (v) adverbs religiously; blindly; adoringly; idolatrous-ly; spiritually; physically; fanatically

    (See honor, respect.

    Reverence adjectives professed; increasing; unquestioning; profound; easy; infinite; worshipful; mystical; devotional; meek; habitual; involuntary; superstitious; apprehensive; pious; subdued; peculiar; grateful; serious; high; honest; dutiful; awed; defensive; unaffected; instinctive; forward; personal; wanting: servile; special; religious; nominal; implicit; instant; better-proportioned; overgreat; inexpressible; filial

    verbs arouse—; bear—; bestow—; cherish—; command—; dedicate in—; deserve—; entertain —; evince—; feign—; inculcate—; ingrain —; inspire—; kneel in—; observe with—; pay—; present—produce—; question—; win—; —edifies; —elevates; —enshrines


    (See awe, honor, adoration, respect, obeisance

    Reverence (v) adverbs devoutly; unquestionably; profoundly; infinitely; mystically; superstitiously; piously; dutifully; religiously; servilely; filially; inexpressibly

    (See venerate, revere.

    Reverent adverbs respectfully; devoutly; piously; quietly; silently; duly; becomingly; fittingly; sincerely; deeply; profoundly; noticeably; commendably; visibly; carefully; habitually; inherently; truly; unusually; worshipfully; unaffectedly; unobtrusively; implicitly

    Reverie adjectives

    dreamful; embowered; abstracted; absorbed; voluptuous; pensive; sublime; scornful; perplexed; anxious; gloomy; celestial; silent; uneasy; brief; delicious; motionless; pleasant; indignant; indefinable; blissful; intoxicating; unconscious; fantastic; enamored


    absorb in—; awake from—; base on—; bask in—; compose—; crack—; drift into—; engage in—; envelop in—; fall into—; fashion—; float into—; imbibe in—; indulge in —■; intoxicate with—; lapse into—; lose in —; pursue in—; recall in—; rouse from—; shroud in—; sink into—; start from—; steep in—; —attains; —dances; —exalts; —promises; —reflects; —revolves; —sustains

    (See dream, meditation.

    Reverse adjectives

    occasional'; ominous; appalling; disastrous: catastrophic


    allay—; bear—; compare—s; contend with —s; encounter—s; lament—; mitigate—; shoulder—; suffer—; teach—; —annuls; — cancels; —damages; —deposes; —depresses; —dissolves; —overrides; —saddles

    (See misfortune, calamity, defeat, adversity.)

    Reverse (v) adverbs

    dramatically; automatically; mechanically; strategically; desperately; strikingly; appreciably

    (See invert, overthrow.)

    Reversible adverbs

    conveniently; adaptably; fittingly; appropriately; easily; readily; comfortably; advantageously; usefully; serviceably; quickly; instantly; smartly; handsomely

    Reversion adjectives

    far-off; natural; certain; inevitable

    Revert (v) adverbs

    normally; customarily; traditionally; historically; instinctively; naturally; inevitably. (See return, recur.

    Review adjectives

    balanced; impartial; crisp; accurate; honest; unbiased; news; up-to-the-minute; annual; embracing; enthusiastic; competent; prejudiced; financial; artistic; dispassionate; critical; sweeping; elaborate; exhaustive; strict; dignified; prodigal; learned; lumbering; involuntary; copious; philosophical; adulatory; brief; flippant


    march in—; pass in—; —blasts; —censures

    —commends; —criticizes; —discusses; —exposes; —fatigues; —honors; —lauds; — scorches; —suggests; —surveys; —treats of; —unfolds

    (See analysis, study, parade, survey, examination.)

    Revieiv (v) adverbs

    appreciatively; courteously; briefly; cursorily; formally; perfunctorily; critically; impartially; accurately; unbiasedly; annually; competently; dispassionately; elaborately; exhaustively; philosophically; acrimoniously

    (See reconsider, contemplate.)

    Revised adverbs

    recently; cleverly; handsomely; advantageously; profitably; wisely; ably; considerably; skilfully; satisfactorily; appropriately; acceptably; broadly; somewhat; ingeniously; capably; completely; substantially; carefully; admirably

    Revision adjectives

    substantial; patient; endless; downward; quarrelsome; slight; careful; desperate


    advise—; advocate—; balk at—; complete —; consider—; guide—; meditate on—; note —; pass—; prepare—; publish—; survive —; —astonishes; —condenses; —corrects; —improves; —seasons; —suppresses

    (See censorship, change, correction, alteration.)

    Revival adjectives

    neo-classic; poetic; impetuous; incidental; literary; religious; roYnantic; wide-spread


    assume—; attempt—; costume—; deserve—; display—; hiss—; justify—; merit—; necessitate—; rejoice over—; retard—; wish for —; —commences; —exhausts; —confuses; —reawakens; —refreshes; —regains

    (See resurrection, renaissance.)

    Revive (v) adverbs

    popularly; neo-classically; seasonally; poetically; religiously; spectacularly; dramatically; athletically; spiritually; physically

    (See restore, rally.)

    Revolt adjectives

    successful; meditated; wide-spread; minor; projected; healthy; tentative; mental; incoherent; energetic; personal; inconsistent

    Revolt (vj


    traitorously; viciously; vigorously; vindictively; successfully; tentatively; abortively; unanimously; bloodlessly; violently; periodically; socially; ineffectively; inevitably

    (See rebel, shock.)

    Revolting adverbs

    hideously; grossly; inordinately; extraordinarily; extremely; abominably; atrociously; nauseatingly; incredibly; unspeakably; detestably; unutterably; inexpressibly; particularly; strangely; painfully; appallingly; shockingly; grimly; unbearably

    Revolution adjectives

    anomalistic; bloodless; veritable; successive (pl); interior; public; complete; impending; synodic; radical; dynastic; incarnate; social; industrial; sidereal; inevitable; ineffective; orbital; hideous; violent; solemn; proletarian; periodic; fickle; salutary


    betray—; consummate—; chronicle—; crush —; drive to—; engineer—; foment—; forestall—; hail—; hatch—; instigate—; justify —; launch—; map—; plunge into—; promote—; resist—; shatter—; sponsor—; spur —; stamp out—; stave off—; subdue—

    (See anarchy, insurrection, mutiny, outbreak, rebellion.)

    Revolutionary adverbs

    ominously; completely; moderately; incredibly; genuinely; dangerously; alarmingly: fearfully; dreadfully; significantly; pointedly; appallingly; shockingly; grimly; restively; ungovernably; uncontrollably; riotously; mutinously; unsubmissively; insurg-ently; sullenly

    Revolve (v) adverbs

    incessantly; mechanically; automatically; perpetually; periodically; sidereally; synod-ically

    (See roll, spin.)

    Revolver verbs

    conceal—; confiscate—; discharge—; display —; draw—; juggle—; oil—; pack—; pocket —; prohibit—; snatch—; —barks; —frightens; —peppers; —protects; —reassures; — spatters; —spits fire

    (See machine-gun, gun, weapon, pistol.)

    Revulsion adjectives

    bitter; rapid1 extraordinary; violent; desperate


    develop—; direct—; encounter—; fall into —; incur—; meet with—; recover from—; shake off—; suffer—; —dizzies; —evolves; —overturns; —shocks; —spins; —uncoils; —whirls

    (See disgust, aversion, repugnance, dislike, sickness.)

    Reward adjectives

    comprehensive; particular; swift; dazzling; palpable; sufficient; material; slender; momentary; temporal; flat; ample; adequate; rich; destined; utmost; arbitrary; tangible; sure; due; coveted; political; just; crowning; pecuniary; monetary


    assign—; assure of—; confer—; contend for —; gather—; increase—; merit—; offer—; post—; promise—; reap—; scorn—; strive for—; woo—; —blesses; —decorates; —inspires; —recompenses

    (See merit, laurel, fee, dowry, medal, prize.)

    Reward (v) adverbs

    munificently; lavishly; graciously; handsomely; fitly; amply; abundantly; dazzling-ly; monetarily; financially; tangibly; politically; pecuniarily

    (See offer, compensate.)

    Rhapsodize (v) adverbs

    furiously; bombastically; vigorously; ora-torically; maddeningly; eloquently; superfluously

    (See improvise, recite, play.)

    Rhapsody adjectives

    extravagant; romantic; incoherent; mystical

    Rhetoric adjectives

    subtle; empty; heavenly; florid; full-voiced; ambitious; glowing; exuberant; judicial


    adhere to—; condemn—; consider—; exhibit —; frame—; hammer—into; heed—; indulge in—; inspect—; unmask—; lecture in —; obey—; observe—; polish—; refurbish —; school in—; steep in—; —confuses; — convinces; —expresses; —impresses; —influences; —languishes; —persuades

    (See style, prose, art, eloquence, elegance, oratory.)

    Rheum A TIC adverbs

    painfully; gallantly; laughingly; embarrassingly; helplessly; hopelessly; desperately; permanently; incurably; extremely; obviously; manifestly; irremediably; crookedly; unfortunately; terribly; slightly; somewhat; distressingly; undoubtedly; noticeably; woefully

    Rheum A TISM verbs

    afflict with—; endure—; inflict with—; mitigate—; salve—; suffer from—; —attacks; —confines; —irks; —irritates; —lames; — locates; —pains; —racks; —ravages

    (See disease, pain.)

    Rhinoceros verbs

    cage—; capture—; —batters; —charges; — defends; —drowses; —feeds; —gores; — inflicts; —inhabits; —preys on; —puffs; — rams; —roams; —snorts; —waters

    (See animal.)

    Rhyme adjectives

    pairing (pl); lofty; feverish; uncouth; ruder; golden; bootless; tender; efficacious; ringing; visionary; facile; feminine; careless; nondescript; ever-varying; nobler; meaningless; accepted; refluent; scornful; fettered; unbaptized; brawling; rollicking; emblazoned; unmoving; frozen; nursery; euphonious; mournful; initiative; silvery; innocent; dangerous

    Rhythm adjectives

    blithe; tantalizing; tenderest; doggerel; accelerated; settled; trotting; vibrating; visual; seductive; intriguing; wailing; sensuous; fluctuating; mighty; rowdy; dull; monotonous; incisive; abrupt; regulated; in sinuating; characteristic; maddening; graceful; perfect; rustic; vehement; whirring; exquisite; maudlin; tragic; jarring; primal; natural; pulsating; throbbing; harmonious


    abuse—; accelerate—; accent—; attune to —; break—; dash into—; depend on—; derive—; determine—; lose—; measure—; regulate—; sing in—; set to—; stress—; sway to—; “swing” to—; synchronize—; —charms; —descends; —flows; —harmonizes; —persists; —reigns

    (See swing, flow.)

    Ribald adverbs

    coarsely; comically; hilariously; disgustingly; grossly; indecently; uproariously; boisterously; shockingly; appallingly; crassly; brazenly; blatantly; flagrantly; openly; notoriously; infamously; inexcusably; unpar-donably; villanously; deliberately; impudently; shamelessly; shamefully; daringly

    Ribaldry adjectives

    public; raucous

    Ribs adjectives

    overweathered; internal; irregular; glistening


    adhere to—; cling to—; crack—; crush—; develop—; divide into—; grate—; injure—; knuckle—; poke—; rend—; smash—; stick to—; stuff—; —brace; —compose; —extend; —frame; —protect; —snap; —support

    Rich adverbs

    moderately; affluently; opulently; comfortably; unbelievably; incredibly; immeasurably; incalculably; magnificently; mysteriously; suddenly; unquestionably; extremely; secretly; unimaginably; surreptitiously; exceedingly; sumptuously; abundantly marvelously

    Riches adjectives

    boundless; inherent; ineffectual; unsearchable; manifold; exceeding; intellectual; generous; singular; countless; heavy; unbelievable; fabulous; inordinate; enormous; undreamed-of; superfluous


    accumulate—; acquire—; administer—; amass—; bestow—; command—; covet—; desire—; despise—; draw—; enjoy—; estimate—; gather—; overwhelm with—; pile up—; possess—; spurn—; store—; treasure —; trust—; worship—; wring—; —abound; —content; —corrupt; —endanger; —enslave; —flow; —govern; —hinder; —serve

    (See affluence, wealth, money, income.)

    Richness adjectives

    inexhaustible; vivid; mellow; smooth; changing; vibrant; gilded; decorative; amazing; singular; exceeding; medieval

    Rickety adverbs

    absurdly; comically; dangerously; fearfully; amusingly; extremely; hazardously; impossibly; alarmingly; curiously; noisily; perilously; laughably

    Rid (v) adverbs

    effectually; permanently; ultimately; completely; logically; thoroughly; scientifically

    (See dispose.)

    Riddle adjectives

    fustian; psychological; diplomatic; puzzling; insoluble; unread; inscrutable; miserable; torturing


    compose—; construct—; contrive—; couch in—s; desire—; dissolve—; evolve—; guess —; interpret—; propose—; propound—; record—; resolve—; solve—; speak in—s; weave—; —amuses; —diverts; —perplexes; —puzzles; —torments; —vexes; —yields

    (See enigma, puzzle, problem, mystery.) ate; tedious; delightful; tireless; midnight; fabled )


    accept—; enjoy—; extend—; gain—; hasten —; invite for—; promise—; solicit—; terminate—; “thumb”—; —bores; —delights; — refreshes; —thrills; —tires; —wearies; — diverts

    (See trip, journey, tour.)

    Ride (v) adverbs

    thunderously; swiftly; triumphantly; furiously; victoriously; gallantly; blindly; leisurely; wildly; proudly; blithely; ruthlessly; roughly; desperately; dashingly; daringly; gracefully; decisively; superbly

    (See move, travel.)

    Rider adjectives

    consummate; heavy; gallant; superb; unmovable; dashing; expert; audacious; warlike; daring; decisive; groomless; graceful


    bear—; carry—; equal—; obey—; throw—; train—; unnerve—; —charges; —dismounts; —drags; —drives; —joggles; — lashes; —mounts; —pats; —reigns; ■— soothes; —spurs; —tires; —travels; — vaults; —wearies; —whips

    (See horseman.)

    Ridge adjectives

    cruciform; melancholy; woody; parallel; hummocky; hog-backed; wind-swept; barren; perpendicular; tremendous; mountain; formidable; lofty; precipitous; loosened; ice; craggy; gentle; encircling; shaggy; commanding; uncultivated; sunken; extended ; crowned; hillocky


    climb to—; dance on—; discern—; dread—; drive to—; dwarf—; form—; fortify—; quit—; —beams; —caps; —chains; —crests; —elevates; —rises; —runs; —stretches; — tempts

    (See bank, range, mountain, hill.)

    Ride adjectives

    dusty; daring; subsequent; starry; desper

    Ridicule adjcctives

    stinging; comic; raucous; merciless; personal; angry; bitter; traditional; abusive; sarcastic; scathing; biting


    bear—; defy—; expose to—; fear—; heap —; indulge in—; move to—; overcome—; resort to—; share—; subject to—; sustain—; taste—; turn to—; —bites; —checks; — cuts; —disgraces; —embarrasses; —embitters; —enrages; —pains; —smothers; — storms; —strips

    (See banter, jeer, irony, mockery, derision.)

    Ridicule (v) adverbs

    ruthlessly; sarcastically; cruelly; tenderly; spitefully; stingingly; raucously; mercilessly; angrily; bitterly; abusively; bitingly; scathingly

    (See mock, jeer.)

    Ridiculous adverbs

    foolishly; absurdly; unreasonably; laughably; palpably; crazily; extravagantly; irrationally; childishly; stupidly; grotesquely; blatantly; whimsically; gaily; airily; intentionally; injudiciously; recklessly; weakly; senselessly; nonsensically; grossly; manifestly; rashly; unwisely; pathetically

    Rifle adjectives

    leather-cased; handled; speckless; omnipresent; unwieldy; pneumatic; handsome; new; grimy; deathdealing; express; crackling; dreaded


    arm with—; brandish—; bristle with—s; conceal—; discharge—; examine—; fear—; inspect—; point—; provide with—s; shoulder— ;—crackles; —frightens; —gleams; — mows down; —speaks

    (See gun, machine-gun, musket.)

    Rift adjectives

    horrid; savage; gusty; keen; little; widening; convenient


    fill—; lament—; span—; —appears; — breaches; —brews; —disjoins; —disunites; —gapes; —heals; —overhangs; —rends; — rips; —ruptures; —separates; —splits; — widens

    (See breach, gap.)

    Right adjectives

    outward; authoritative; individual; inalienable; hereditary; unrestricted; colonial; prescriptive; litigious; indefeasible; peculiar; legal; belligerent; relative; legitimate; marital; sacred; inviolable; unquestionable; undisputed: natural; respective; concrete; undoubted; exclusive; purchased; immemorial; substantial; inestimable; municipal; injured; prime; invaded; inborn; constitutional; derivative; inherent; obedient; vanquished; common; riparian (pl); conceded; poetical; autonomic; conjugal; functional; vested; unquestioned; beautiful; proprietary; antique; terrible; illimitable; civil; perfected; manorial; executive; formal; sable-vested; shameful; feudal; covenanted; immutable; invulnerable; unalterable; abstract; ecclesiastical; unclaimed; statutable; possessory; proprietary; lucrative; impugned; questionable; absolute; vital; senescent; uncontested; divine; irrevocable; provincial; vindicated


    abolish—; accord—; acknowledge—; arrogate—; assert—; assume—; cherish—; clamor for—; concede—; confer—; confiscate—; curtail—; defend—; deprive of—; derive—; dispose of—; dispute—; disregard —; earn—; embody—; encroach on—; establish—; exercise—; forfeit—; grant—; impair—; infringe upon—; insure—; invade —; invest with—; prate of—s; preserve—; protest—; relinquish—; remand—; respect —; restore—; retain—; revoke—; safeguard—; surrender—; suspend—; suppress —; terminate—; transgress—; undermine —; uphold—; urge—; vindicate—; violate —; vouchsafe—; waive—; win—; wrest—; — resides with; —triumphs

    (See liberty, license, franchise, justice, privilege, authority, prerogative.)

    Righteous adverbs

    rigidly; sincerely; consciously; utterly; completely; uprightly; inherently; carefully; ostentatiously; austerely; undeviatingly; strictly; painfully; ostensibly; incredibly; apparently; overly; dutifully; duly; unduly; pretentiously; manifestly; pharisaically; uncompromisingly; stiffly

    Righteousness adjectives

    divine; inherent; ungodly; final; spotless; haughty; imputed


    forsake—; found on—; garb in—; hunger for—; judge in—; maintain—; observe with —; proclaim—; thirst for—; uphold—: — advances; —exalts; —falters; —flourishes; —rewards; —withstands; —yields; impute

    (See justice, good, virtue, purity.)

    Rigid adverbs

    stiffly; painfully; terribly; dreadfully; stonily; bleakly; uncompromisingly; intolerably; woefully; coldly; harshly; austerely; cruelly; bitterly; sternly; severely; brutally; ungenerously; narrow-mindedly; dogmatically; tyrannically; puritanically; doctrinally; intolerantly

    Rigor adjectives

    utmost; merciless; logical; decisive; religious; protracted; grizzly; coveted; unsparing; remorseless; pedantic

    Rigors verbs

    allay—; alleviate—; ease—; endure—; enforce—; fear—; feel—; ferment—; guard against—; preserve from—; relax—; resist —; shelter from—; smart under—; survive —; temper—; —affect; —distress; —harden; —reduce

    (See difficulty, trouble, obstacle, severity, harshness.)

    Rill adjectives

    narrow; wandering; babbling; dancing; tinkling; solitary; winding; sylvan; clear; fuming; glancing; gushing; waking; frosted; limpid; rebounding; singing; summer; flowing; purling; classic

    Ring adjectives

    metallic; ducal; marriage; granite; tinkling; jubilant; carved; babyish; magnificent; diamond; diurnal; dry; subtle; typic; glittering; rhythmic; betrothal; determined; watery; wondrous; closing; luminous; superb; old; scaly; mournful; insistent; diverting; contorted; stifling; clustering; lubricous; tense; monumental; familiar; sinister; dancing; flat; oval; solid; great; massive; dingy; continuous; concentric (pl)


    admire—; appraise—; bedeck with—s; finger—; mislay—; restore—to; return—; tinkle—s; value—; —adorns; —binds; — dazzles; —encircles; —espouses; —imitates; —gleams; —glimmers; —glitters; —recalls; —seals; —sparkles; —weds

    (See diamond, jewel, gem.)

    Ring (v) adverbs

    incessantly; musically; harshly; dolefully; drowsily; monotonously; feebly; impatiently; blithely; resonantly; piercingly; metal-ically; vigorously; jubilantly; tinklingly

    (See resound, chime.)

    Riot adjectives

    prodigal; noiseless; bloody; subsequent; prison; licentious; golden; wild; senseless; springtide; transient


    deplore—; describe—; expose to—; incite to—; instigate—; pitch into—; provoke—; quash—; quell—; subdue—; suppress—; —bursts forth; —disorders; —ensues; — jeopardizes; —protests; —strikes; —upsets; —violates

    (See commotion, revolution, strike, disturbance, turmoil, violence.)

    Rioters verbs

    calm—; condemn—; disperse—; incite—; pardon—; punish—; quell—; restrain—; suppress—; —agitate; —aggravate; —attack; —clamor; —demand; —harry; —pillage; —plunder; —ravage; —storm; — transgress

    (See striker, anarchist, terrorist, communist, scab.)

    Riotous adverbs

    dangerously; alarmingly; boisterously; seditiously; mutinously; disgracefully; inordinately; extraordinarily; strangely; uncontrollably; ungovernably; murderously; in-sensately; wildly; violently; vociferously; grimly; daringly; defiantly; tumultuously; seditiously; uproariously; terribly; sullenly

    Ripe adverbs

    finally; quite; entirely; altogether; lusciously; deliciously; completely; satisfactorily; perfectly; unexpectedly; pleasantly; sufficiently; extremely; unduly; evidently

    Ripen (v) adverbs

    seasonally; wholesomely; deliciously; normally; luxuriantly; goldenly; succulently

    (See develop, complete.)

    Ripple (v) adverbs

    idly; sleekly; liquidly; bubblingly; luminously; gildedly

    (See wave, sway.)

    Ripples adjectives

    glad; silvery; purled; innumerable; foamy; moon-lit; timid; minute; bubbling; passing; luminous; breeze-ridden; transparent; sungilt; liquid


    agitate—; blow—; flow in—; form—; mark by—; observe—; smooth—; —fascinate; —glisten; —ruffle; —shimmer; —subside; —undulate; —wash

    (See wave, billow, breaker.)

    Rippling adverbs

    merrily; cheerfully; pleasantly; clearly; smoothly; pleasantly; sparklingly; flashily; plashily; happily; blithely; brightly; brilliantly; laughingly; quietly; audibly; noisily

    Rise adjectives

    meteoric; successful; sufficient; miraculous; unprecedented; phenomenal; important; thermometric; nocturnal; gradual; corresponding; extraordinary; unpredictable; speedy


    anticipate—; check—; deplore—; forestall —; gauge—; heighten—; mount—; predict —; produce—; stem—; stimulate—; tremble on—; —advances; —ceases; —continues

    —frightens; —indicates; —profits; —thrills

    (See beginning, advance, progress, increase.)

    Rise (v) adverbs

    dizzily; abruptly; majestically; airily; militantly; reluctantly; unanimously; gradually; mysteriously; solemnly; impulsively; leisurely; ceremoniously; conspicuously; deliberately; involuntarily; lingeringly; reverently; obediently; perpendicularly; instinctively; amiably; meteorically; phenomenally; un-predictably

    (See arise, ascend.)

    Risk adjectives

    imminent; tremendous; operative; alarming; infinite; serious; continual; unaccustomed; canine; known; desirable; considerable; unjustifiable; extraordinary


    accept—; assume—; avoid—; balk at—; court—; decry—; diminish—; entail—; exclude—; expose to—; free from—; guard against—; harbor—; increase—; incur—; involve—; justify—; lessen—; obviate—; preclude—; preserve from—; question—; undergo—; underwrite—

    (See danger, chance, hazard, speculation.)

    Risk (v) adverbs

    alarmingly; unjustifiably; rashly; heroically; needlessly; considerably; superfluously. (See endanger, imperil.

    Risky adverbs

    dangerously; ominously; perilously; alarmingly; hazardously; definitely; peculiarly; particularly; immensely; incalculably; admittedly; unwarrantably; unfortunately; always; manifestly; extremely; uncommonly; commercially; altogether; notoriously; obviously; gravely; seriously; inescapably; unavoidably; undeniably; inordinately; unaccountably; immeasurably; incalculably; desperately; appallingly; hideously; pitiably; fearfully; tragically; adventurously; distinctly



    superstitious; purifying; pleasing; funeral; sanguinary; sensual; true; sacramental; courtly; bloody; pagan; nuptial; connubial; ecclesiastical; abominable; sacred; gorgeous; dismal; mysterious; wanton; barbaric; religious; gloomy; hideous; ceremonial; blessed; ancient; obnoxious; various (pl); horrid; preparatory; repulsive; propitiatory; gentle; solemn


    adhere to—; celebrate—; follow—; ignore —; institute—; observe—; perform—; prolong—; refrain from—; relinquish—; retain—; stage—; value—; —consists of; — honors; —impresses; —symbolizes

    (See ceremony, function, ritual.

    RITUAL adjectives

    social; captivating; visible; complicated; artistic; elaborate; burdensome


    adhere to—; adopt—; attempt—; attend—; elaborate—; evolve—; instruct in—; mumble—; observe—; offend by—; perform—; prepare for—; recite—; supply—; suspend —; —animates; —beautifies; —celebrates; —colors; —dignifies; —sanctifies; —symbolizes

    (See form, formula, rite, ceremony, function.

    RITUALISTIC adverbs

    elaborately; ceremonially; reverently; extravagantly; unusually; highly; profoundly; peculiarly; particularly; exotically; mysteriously; strangely

    RIVAL adjectives

    insolent; mutinous; unworthy; formidable; ribald; potent; irresistable; disagreeable; intolerable; vexatious; insolent; celebrated; successful; gallant; richer; traditional; guiltless; powerful; fallen; testy; scheming; hostile; confiding; incredible; favorable; importunate; circumstanced; angry; covetous; dangerous; strenuous; worthy; patriotic; distinguished; hopeless; domestic; rising; hated


    appraise—; defy—; emulate—; encounter —; excel—; oust—; outlast—; restrain—; shoulder aside—; surpass—; tolerate—; trail—; —aspires; —bewails; —s clash; — competes; —contends; —disputes; —equals; —excels; —glares; —opposes; —pursues; —s scramble; —spars; —squares off; — strives; —vies

    (See enemy, competitor, contestant, antagonist, insurgent.

    RIVALRY adjectives

    female; impious; dawning; fierce; ruthless: malignant; generous; unwitting; amiable; professional; ambitious; jealous; passionate; keen; sectional; kindly; municipal; bloody; inherent; dangerous; eager; bitter


    confess—; create—; eliminate—; endure—; engage in—; forbid—; forsake—; intensify —; promote—; subordinate—; —confronts; —continues; —divides; —intervenes; —separates; —subsides; —wanes; —threatens

    (See competition, enmity, opposition, antagonism.

    RIVER adjectives

    channeled; raucous; solemn; foaming; noble; unfranked; chafing; brimming; crystal; narrowed; exulting; far-off; pelting; babbling; ringing; racing; saturnine; rapid; fruitful; leaping; clear; deep-banked; booming; limpid; swollen; abominable; rushing; rife; turbid; ruinous; slow; noiseless; flowing; remarkable; ironical; encroaching; torrential; murmuring; roaring: peculiar; majestic; spectral; winding; mighty; darkening; unfordable; full-grown; peaceful; sunlit; meandering; cheerful; pebble-paved; immense; wandering; turbulent; incorrigible; glassy; brattling; capricious; hurrying; sparkling; resplendent; sobbing; weariest; useless; failing; reflecting; royal; quiet; doubling; hesitating; white-robed; subterranean; trickling; golden; unbridged; whirling; solitary; speeding; sluggish; mystic; subsiding; salmon-thronged; soft-flow--ing; ever-deepening; imaginary; freshening; frozen; long; gray; swanlike; impassable; hissing; swift; silent; sweet-voiced; hard-working; historic; mocking


    breast—; bridge—; divert—; emerge from —; ford—; ply—; plunge into—; stock—; —abounds in; —babbles; —batters: — bawls; —chatters; —churns; —eddies; — flows; —foams; —frets; —glides; —glitters; —growls; —gurgles; —laps; —laughs; —leaps; —loiters; —meanders; —murmurs; —races; —rises; —roars; —sallies; —stirs; —subsides; —swells; —threads

    (See liquid, stream, brook.


    beat—; bind with—; bucket—; force—; hammer—; heat—; insert—; join with—; loose—; secure with—; set—; strain—; — braces; —s clatter; —clinches; —fastens; —projects; —secures; —tightens; —unites; —welds

    (See nail, link, bond, fetter, band.

    RIVULET adjectives

    merry; shady; woodland; shrunken; clear; babbling; noisy; tinkling; cheerful; glittering; ever-joyous; melancholy; widely-wandering

    ROAD adjectives

    endless; beaten; unfrequented; homeward; arduous; gliding; country; grass-grown; monotonous; impassable; lifeless; miry; shady; sunny; winding; smiling; serpentine; misty; worthless; conventional; parched; dusty; corduroy; superb; dilapidated; wood; rutty; rugged; vicinal; circuitous; white; sand; sun-splashed; tortuous; steep; hilly; silver; swarming; mended; half-defined; romantic; turfy; unguarded; lakeside; starless; forsaken; military; thorny; fated; unknown; coral-bordered; red; rutted; surest; moon-lit; wrong; disused; miraculous; chocolate-colored; holy; intricate; dreary; elevated; bumpy; glaring; subtler; dubious; frozen; shaded; heavenly; indistinguishable; interminable; various (pl); treacherous; miserable; smoother; level; macadamized; translucent; narrow; sinuous; weary; unfamiliar; dappled; scenic; uneven; undulating; zigzagging; ready; unbroken


    bank—; bounce over—; clock—; clog—; deviate from—; diverge from—; infest—; jog along—; jounce over—; level—; patrol —; plod along—; skim along—; slog over —; skirt—; surface—; trudge along—; — ambles; —s converge; —meanders; —s radiate from; —rambles; —swarms; —sweeps along; —wanders; —wearies; —winds

    (See avenue, highway, lane, drive.


    bank—; beautify—; border—; carpet—; defile—; dot—; fall to—; follow—; grace —; lie along—; lodge on—; plant—; sprawl over—; strew—; tramp—; tread—; view from—; —appeals; —borders; —charms

    (See countryside, field, land.

    ROADSTER adjectives

    asthmatic; resplendent; low-slung; sport; sleek; swift; streamlined; battered; shiny


    sport (colloq.) —; —bounces along; —careens; —chugs; —gleams; —glitters; — hurtles; —performs; —rattles; —rolls along; —slows up; —speeds; —sputters

    —spurts; —thrills; —whirs; —whizzes

    (See car, automobile.

    ROAM (v) adverbs

    casually; freely; leisurely; carelessly; buoyantly; lightly; circuitously; extensively

    (See wander, stray.

    ROAR adjectives deep; incessant; snarling; perpetual; majestic; indistinguishable; ebbing; shutterlike; swelling; quavering; continuous; dreadful; cannon-like; living; sullen; endless; incredible; hoarse; subdued; solemn; baffled; hideous; unremitting; drumming; deepening; heavy; monotonous; gusty; painful; distressed; awful; massive; sealike; enormous; universal; stifled; muffled; deafening; dull; suppressed; confused; moaning; intermittent; tremendous; gesturing; wildest; mingled; simultaneous; prolonged; suggestive; vague; wavering; unceasing; full-throated; dry; wild; triumphant; angry; steady; tumultuous; high-keyed; crackling; appalling


    deafen by—; imitate—; muffle—; restrain —; suppress—; swell into—; utter—; — blasts; —deafens; —disembowels; —drowns out; —echoes; —enrages; —excites; — frightens; —horrifies; —interrupts; —pains; —rends; —splits the air

    (See noise, sound, uproar, thunder, rumble.)

    Roar (v) adverbs

    thunderously; awesomely; terrifically; brutally; imperiously; vigorously; unremittingly; incessantly; incredibly; hoarsely; hideously; deafeningly; triumphantly; tumultuously; appallingly; full-throatedly

    (See bellow’, boom.)

    Rob (v) adverbs

    systematically; professionally; slyly; insidiously; successfully; nocturnally; brazenly; boldly; impudently

    (See plunder, steal.)

    Robber adjectives

    nocturnal; bloody; prowling: brutalized; successful


    apprehend—; deliver from—; incarcerate —; —s congregate; —s conspire; —depredates; —despoils; —divests; —dodges; — evades; —filches; —guts; —s infest; —s invade; —loots; —marauds; —pilfers — pillages; —plucks; —plunders; —purloins; —ranges; —ransacks; —rifles; —sacks; — strips; —tricks

    (See burglar, bandit, hoodlum, intruder, liar, offender.)

    Robbery verbs

    addict to—; commit—; conceal—; contrive —; discover—; escape—; fear—; implicate in—; interrupt—; mourn—; perform—; perpetrate—; plot—; punish—; report—; reveal—; uncover—; —impoverishes; —occurs; —strips

    (See “holdup”, plagiarism, theft, plunder.)

    Robe adjectives

    canonical; luxuriant; tattered; tinsel; footcatching; flowing; flaunting; gossamer; trailing; glistening; magnificent; operatic; fantastic; painted; outspread; snowy; unconfined; sable; virgin; brocaded; spotless; ceremonial; gorgeous; shimmering; conventional; somber; glittering; unreverent; sacerdotal; festive; priestly; woven; sweeping; brilliant; dripping; cerulean; incomplete; freckled; princely; transitory; ducal; officious; ruddy; royal; close-fitting; bloodstained; transparent; vestal; musty; ample: saffron; mortal; festal; gold-trimmed; shroudlike; delicate; bridal; pompous; little


    array in—; bestow—upon; cast off—; clothe in—; disguise in—; doff—; don—; embroider—; fold—; huddle in—; gather—; invest —; line—; strip of—; —beautifies; —enfolds; —envelops; —flows; —glorifies; — heightens; —streams; —trails

    (See frock, blanket, gown, clothing.)

    Robe (v) adverbs

    magnificently; luxuriantly; fantastically; spectacularly; ceremonially; conventionally; sacerdotally; ecclesiastically

    (See shroud, cloak.)

    Robin verbs

    befriend—;    welcome—;    —announces

    Spring; —booms; —braves; —busies; — cheers; —chirrups; —cocks; —darts; — defies; —digs; —flutters; —hops; —moults

    —pokes; —snaps up; —swoops; —soars

    (See bird.)

    Robust adverbs

    sturdiiy; splendidly; stoutly; healthily; vigorously; wholesomely; magnificently; enviably; admirably; stockily; brawnily; physically; amazingly; heartily

    Rock (v) adverbs

    paternally; maternally; desolately; disconsolately; dizzily; patiently; tenderly

    (See sway, vacillate.)

    Rocket verbs

    bombard with—s; discharge—; display—• eject—; fire—; fuse—; ignite—; project—; propel—; set off—; signal with—; spark—; touch off—; —bursts; —darts; —endangers; —hurtles; —illumines; —s scatter; —showers; —sizzles; —terrifies; —vanishes; — zooms

    (See bullet, shot, projectile )

    Rocks adjectives

    bare; torpid; porphyritic; hospitable; darker; native; volcanic; craggy; glistening; fantastic; dazzling; picturesque; chalky; friable; jagged; sheltering; single; naked; ragged; spiritual; adamant; shelving; ancient; steep; sun-heated; rough-hewn; lichen-covered; fissured; cloven; miraculous; calcareous; low-browed; irresistable; living; igneous; perilous; precipitous; en-wombed; sharp; splintered; riven; gaunt; flinty; stubborn; dun-colored; wave-encircled; disintegrated; inhospitable; sheer; tempest-beaten; submissive; sublime; traitorous; shadowing; jutting; steadfast; tidal; silver-fretted; impregnable; vine-clad; imperishable; hanging; unmistakable; merchant-marring; tall; cruel; burly-shouldered; shapeless; mantel-like; sea-beaten; shivering; wave-lapped; noticeable; senseless: sacrificial; gloomy; ice-bound; grass-covered; fearful; storied; incumbent; shining; rooted; cavernous; gneissic; sedimentary; genial; humid; monumental; ashy; mossy; projecting; massive; sparkling; sliding; peaked; curved; hoary; smitten; vaulted; churning; multitudinous; rigid; creamcolored; conspicuous; onlooking; echoing; unhewn; frowning; sullen; high-ascending; field; galled; kelp-covered; storm-drenched; cliffy; rugged; overhanging; wrinkled; glaciated; highest; insensible; basaltic; raging; serrated; time-stained; underlying; dangerous; dreary; weed-hung


    avoid—; bivouac on—; blast—; carve from —; crack—; crush—; dash against—; direct—; dislodge—: fear—; heap—; hew—; hurl—; quarry—; run upon—; shatter on —; split—; strike—; surmount—; —batter; —bound; —crest; —disintegrate; —erode; —fortify; —girdle; —hurtle; —jut; —project; —stud; —tower

    (See crag, reef, stone, granite, cliff.)

    Rocky adverbs

    painfully; arduously; extremely; impassably; roughly; dangerously; exceedingly; incredibly; unexpectedly; surprizingly; amazingly; terribly; perilously

    Rod adjectives

    chastening; pastoral; bayonet; mystic; avenging; radiant; metallic; sharpest; transparent; sin-avenging; uplifted; gubernatorial; merciless

    Rogue adjectives

    unconscionable; poor; drunken; damnable; false-hearted; cunning; dissentious; wenching; cowardly; fair-haired; little; consummate; unmitigated; tedious; pestilent; loitering; complete; overweening


    accuse—; apprehend—; deal with—s; denounce—; discomfit—; distrust—; punish —; quell—; rebuke—; reproach—; —baits: —beguiles; —deceives; —designs; —deviates; —devises; —entices; —fools; — “foxes”; —lures; —shirks; —swindles; — tricks

    (See robber, scoundrel, profligate.)

    Roguish adverbs

    mischievously; comically; lovably; rascally; innocently; merrily; teasingly; tormenting-ly; actively; ingeniously; inveterately; incurably; incorrigibly; naturally; wantonly; secretly; trickily; craftily; knavishly; particularly; villainously; peculiarly; singularly; notoriously

    Roistering adverbs

    noisily; playfully; mirthfully; boisterously; capriciously; boldly; waggishly; wantonly; uproariously; sportively; prankishly; absurdly; inordinately; swaggeringly; boastfully; fantastically; outlandishly; blustering-ly; tumultuously; turbulently; bombastically; merrily

    Role adjectives

    inquisitorial; crucial; subordinate; inglorious; dominating; important; restricted; decisive; benevolent; influential; essential; pessimistic; responsible; unsavory; villainous; significant; prominent; destined; tremendous; suitable; self-imposed


    acclaim—; adopt—; animate—; bolster—; color—; convey—; denounce—; enact—; ennoble—; exploit—; extol—; fill—; fire—; .illuminate—; immortalize—; ^ade—; overact—; portray—; renounce—; romp through —; spice—

    (Se* part, character.



    luscious; harsh; delicate; lumbering; bloody; uncanny; condescending; mystic; mathematic; rhythmic

    ROLL i«) adverbs heavily; furiously; enchantingly; impetuously; luxuriously; dangerously; exultantly; fiercely; smoothly; sluggishly; lumberingly; rhythmically

    (See whirl, revolve.

    ROLLICKING adverbs blithely; gaily; happily; frivolously; hilariously; boisterously; laughingly; diverting-ly; entertainingly; loudly; comically; clownishly; cheerfully; buoyantly; recklessly; jauntily; vivaciously; noisily; gleefully; sportively; joyously; mirthfully; jubilantly

    ROMANCE adjectives

    picaresque; somber; fictitious; touching; rooted; veritable; synthetic; bottled; budding; unknown; boyish; chivalrous; brilliant; spirited; pure; ennobling; pastoral; degenerate; headlong; elegant; passionate; singular; stormy; tempestuous; tawdry; interminable; enthralling; nautical; mawkish; comic; tragic; prose; prodigal; charming; audacious; fiery; insipid; colorless: cosmopolitan; fantastic; habitual; metrical; blighted; discursive; wild; bloody; hazy; sentimental


    color w'ith—; crave—; culminate in—; delve into—; denude of—; divest of—; dull—; embalm—; enact—; guard—; nurture—: permeate with—; repudiate—; taste—; tinge with—; wreck—; —blinds; —blooms; — blossoms; —conceives; —dissolves; —fades; —flourishes; —flowers; —glows; —illuminates; —soars; —transports; —uplifts

    (See love, passion.

    ROMANTIC adverbs

    incurably; naturally; venturously; adventurously; unusually; absurdly; incorrigibly; extravagantly; wildly; fantastically; sentimentally; imaginatively; picturesquely; incredibly; singularly; oddly; boldly; recklessly; whimsically; capriciously; magnificently; brilliantly; daringly; splendidly

    ROMP (v) adverbs

    sportively; boisterously; gaily; enthusiastically; irresistibly; intoxicatedly; pastorally; amorously;, rustically

    (See play, frolic.

    ROOF adjectives

    matted; distant; pyramidal; multitudinous; (pl); consecrated; crumbling; picturesque; gabled; timbered; weather-toned; unpretentious; terraced; milky; huddling; leafy; sloping; brook-eaved; irregular; gambrel; fantastic; embowered: purple-peaked; projected; moonwashed; slanting; majestical, radiant; high-pitched; verdant; branching; fretted; permanent; blackening; wavy; crystal; graceful; arched; high-peaked; mansard; lowly; vaulted; flowery; sagging; ragged; thatched; dusky; mountainous; atrocious; long; movable; waving; collapsing; great; massive


    examine—; ornament—; paint—; patch—; pierce—; provide—; repair—; ruin—; shatter—; test—; thatch—; vault—; —affords; —crests; —extends; —leaks; —projects: — shades; —sheds; —shelters; —slants

    (See cover, ledge, dome

    ROOK verbs

    • —builds; —caws; —clamors; —flocks; —s jangle; —mounts; —plunders; —pours forth; —s quarrel; —s swarm; —torments

    • —s wrangle

    (See bird.

    ROOM adjectives

    vaulted; modest; furnished; peaceful; shadowy; secluded; bleak; spacious; well-swept; neighboring; immaculate; reading; sunny; abutting; luxurious; desolate; well-proportioned; charming; livable; warmed; fireproof; light; slashing; ink-smelling: paper-littered; commodious; crowded; midnight T frescoed; tobacco-scented; emergency; colorless; haunted; utmost; wide; spiritual; dismal; disordered; habitable; cheerless; sunlit; saddening; sundry (pl); comfortable; wretched; gracious; octagonal; beam-roofed; rectangular; barny; squalid; scanty; generous; pleasant; drafty; poverty-stricken; plaster-dropping; adjoining; shabby; large; clean; dim; sick; dingy; dreary; dimly-lit; fencing; tranquil; guest; tolerable; stiff; moon-lit; immense; solitary; low-ceilinged; dark; uncarpeted; low; smoke-filled; banqueting; unattractive; remote; awesome; foul; polluted; elegant; slant-roofed; earthly; dull; musty; handsome; sunny; raftered; airy; upper; quaint; mirror; projection; squalid; air-conditioned; uncomfortable; sordid; stuffy; charming; dormer-windowed; gloomy; darkening; lonely; eerie; cozy; smart; impressive; intimate; restful; remarkable; delightful; ultramodern; homelike; perfect; unusual; beautiful; exquisite; appointed; outside; tasteful; attractive; livable; modern; sleeping; well-planned; inexpensive; appealing; excellent; faultless; amazing; fine; great; decorated; becoming; sound-proof; bright; oversize


    air—; bar—; barge into (colloq.)—; bundle out of—; bunk in—; burst into—; bustle out of—; confine to—; clutter—; darken—; direct to—; flank—; fresco—; furnish—; jam —; mass in—; pace—; pop into—; repair to—; saunter into—; scuttle from—; seclude in—; slip from—; stalk out of—; stump out of—; sweep from—; ventilate—; —buzzes; —invites

    (See classroom, lounge, lobby, cell, hall, chamber, apartment, bedroom, kitchen, office.

    Roomy adverbs delightfully; charmingly; pleasantly; comfortably; satisfactorily; acceptably; unnecessarily; spaciously; magnificently; adequately; amply; pleasantly; luxuriously; agreeably; conveniently

    Rooster verbs behead—; exhibit—; fatten—; pen up—; wire in—; —flutters about; —gobbles up

    • —invades the hennery; —molts; —pecks

    • —perches; —scratches; —squawks; —struts; —waxes indignant

    (See fowl, hen.

    Roots adjectives

    nocturnal; grasping; aerial; ulcerating; lurid; mucilaginous; insipid; antique; vigorous; nutritious; fibrous; giant; unsearchable; musty; inconsiderable; extraneous; spreading; wasting; parched; bulbous; sexless; powdered; moss-cushioned; orbed; goodly; gnarled; deep-lying; aromatic; venerable; cooling; fantastic; palatable; homeliest; vile; corrugated; babbling; wiry; old; uptorn; clasping; social; severed


    affix to—; choke—; dig to—; enrich—; feed —; fertilize—; ground—; grub among—; involve—; kill—; manure—; nourish—; stimulate—; uncover—; unearth—; —absorb; —bury in; —canker; —function; — go deep; —insinuate themselves into; —moor to; —project above; —supply; —thrust

    (See stem, cause, source, plant.

    Rope adjectives

    graceful; greasy; hempen; rag; dangling; fatal; dragging; efficacious; innumerable (pl); rescuing; improvised; rain-bleached


    attach—; bind with—; braid—; cast—; haul on—; knife—; lay—; plait—; secure with—; snag—; strain—; tighten—; tug—; twist—; wind—; —binds; —chafes; —entwines; —fastens; —girdles; —secures

    (See cable, cord, string, chain.

    Rose adjectives

    transient; fading; refreshing; quaint; distinctive; colorful; full-blown; fresh-blown; belated; wild; damask; dusty; shaken; panting; white-petaled; golden-centered; imperial; bubbled; winter; transcendent; amorous; fossil; glimmering; glowing; flowerless; newborn; burning; snowy; branching; delicate; blooming; embroidered; autumnal; countless (pl); fragrant; blushing; deeper; victorious; heavenly; living; immeasurable: wide-hearted; queenliest; virgin; magic; late


    bear—; crown with—s; gather—s; hawk —s; infect—s; pluck—; prize—; strew with —s; strip—; —adorns; —blooms; —blossoms; —blushes; —buds; —charms; — fades; —flames; —glows; —lingers; —perfumes; —perishes; —strews; —survives; — trembles; —withers; prune—

    (See flower, plant.

    ROSTRUM verbs

    adorn—; advance toward—; appeal from—; ascend—; assemble on—; erect—; exhort from—; glide into—; harangue from—; mount—; orate from—; pace—; speak from —; —quakes; —tremors

    (See pulpit, platform, stage.

    ROSY adverbs

    beautifully; charmingly; bewitchingly; blushingly; bloomingly; buxomly; happily; shyly; bashfully; modestly; hopefully; artlessly; naturally; sweetly; innocently; childishly; laughingly; healthfully; wholesomely; pleasantly; prettily



    rapt; aesthetic; rhythmal



    utterly; uselessly; ruinously; abominably; unfortunately; disgustingly; unserviceably; unusably; disastrously; disgustingly; dangerously; hopelessly; indescribably

    ROTUND adverbs amusingly; prosperously; becomingly; perfectly; healthily; laughably; ludicrously; slightly; somewhat

    ROUGH adverbs

    unpleasantly; extremely; uncommonly; disagreeably; unevenly; jaggedly; unusually; peculiarly; strangely; curiously; stiffly; harshly; rockily; unexpectedly; surprisingly; distressingly; uncomfortably; dreadfully; intolerably

    ROUND adjectives

    diurnal; dutiful; mazy; ambitious; tedious; unhero:c; lucent; subsequent; monotonous; merciful; heathen; airy; weary; terrible; unfailing; luminous; solemn; frequent; periodical; ceaseless; dizzy; mortal; daily

    ROUSE (v) adverbs

    abruptly; violently; startlingly; dutifully; daily; faithfully; harshly; habitually; instinctively

    (See arouse, excite.

    ROUTE adjectives

    circuitous; rigorous; diversified; branching: baffled; river; caravan; slow; laborious; disused; shorter; sylvan; convenient; quaint; ignominious; extensive; unobstructed; unusual; principal; roundabout; dangerous; pilgrim; time-honored; rebellious; wanton; practicable; meandering; direct; devious; passable; regular; profitable; common; traditional; elusive; untried


    assure of—; chart—; choose—; clog—; conceive—; course—; cover—; deviate from—; direct to—; enter by—; follow—; invade —; memorize—; reconnoiter—; seek—; signify—; survey—; travel—; traverse—; — diverges; —entrances

    (Se- line, channel, road, course.

    ROUTE (v) adverbs completely; devastatingly; ignominiously; wholly; rebelliously; ruthlessly

    (See direct, plan.

    ROUTINE adjectives

    irksome; obscure; home; pleasure-seeking; foul; mechanized; ostentatious; systematic; hack; ordinary; laborious; slavish; dull; dreary; pleasant; wearisome; habituated: professional; indolent; systematized; monotonously; hated; soul-degrading; regular


    acquaint with—; adhere to—; adopt—; chafe under—; discharge—; eliminate—; endure—; establish—; fix—; identify with —; lift from—; mire in—; perform—; quit

    —; reduce to—; relax—; settle into—; sink into—; —bores; —dulls; —encases; —rusts

    —stagnates; —wears

    (See rule, conventionality, habit, custom.)

    Row adjectives

    parallel; endless; bowing; everlasting; cour-tesying; straggling; interminable; legioned; branchy; pale; tranquil; burnished; flaring; monotonous; serried; formal; answering; tenement; impenetrable; lusty; tremendous; dreadful; numberless (pl); venerable


    arrange in—s; break—; disrupt—; draw from—; emerge from—; file in—; fix—; mark in—; mow down—; rank in—; realign —; reinforce—; station in—; string in—s; verge from—; —dazzles; —impresses; interrupt—

    (See line, series.)

    Row (v) adverbs

    strenuously; energetically; industriously; heroically; monotonously; tirelessly; vigorously; victoriously

    (See paddle, propel.)

    Rowdy adverbs

    uncommonly; indecorously; uncivilly; intolerably; disagreeably; coarsely; boorishly; outlandishly; disreputably; shamefully; op-probriously; arrantly; shockingly; appallingly; disturbingly; outrageously; scandalously; boisterously; audaciously; uncontrollably; inherently; deliberately; daringly; naturally; incorrigibly; insufferably; blus-teringly; defiantly

    Royal adverbs

    magnificently; splendidly; brilliantly; gorgeously; gloriously; imperiously; dominantly; imperially; arrogantly; proudly; authoritatively; absolutely; superbly; grandly; augustly; magnanimously; justly; majestically; sumptuously; munificently; lavishly; extravagantly

    Royalists adjectives

    triumphant; ardent; oassionate; staunch; erratic; economic; loyal


    exterminate—; favor—; inspire—; oust—; overthrow—; repel—; resist—; restore—; —adhere; —advance; —deplore; —flee; — progress; —support; —yield

    (See nobility, aristocracy, peerage.)

    Royalty (v) verbs

    ascribe to—; assume—; desert—; fear—; imitate—; inherit—; mingle with—; pretend —; profane—; regain—; regard—; relinquish—; support—; suspect—; treat as—; usurp—; worship—; —departs; —functions; —oppresses; —privileges

    (See royalists, monarch, aristocracy, peerage.)

    Rub (v) adverbs

    briskly; frantically; industriously; vigorously; mechanically; incessantly; injuriously; maddeningly; furiously; skillfully

    (See polish, massage.)

    Rubbish adjectives

    worthless; dripping; fragmentary; inconceivable; unutterable; intelligent-sounding; hypocritical; delightful; sea-drifted; noxious; mental


    cart—; cast—; clutter with—; consign to—; dig in—; dispose of—; haul—; heap—; mingle with—; object to—; reject as—; relegate to—; remove—; sweep away—; trample on—; —offends; —reeks; —stains

    (See junk, dust, debris, filth, dirt.)

    Ruby verbs

    adorn with—ies; appraise—; blemish—; crust with—ies; cut—; deck with—ies; distinguish—; imitate—; polish—; prize—; set —; tinge—; value—; —blazes; —flushes; — gleams; —glitters; —glows; —sparkles

    —ies stud

    (See gem, jewel, ornament, stone.)

    Rudderless adverbs

    hopelessly; helplessly; flounderingly; pathetically; desolately; forlornly; woefully; unfortunately; aimlessly; sadly; powerlessly; unhappily



    coarsely; ignorantly; bitterly; boorishly; naturally; characteristically; inexcusably; unnecessarily; vulgarly; unintentionally; indefensibly; awkwardly; particularly; contemptibly; inordinately; unwittingly; colos-sally; shockingly; drunkenly; churlishly; disrespectfully; impudently; mischievously; moodily; morosely; coolly; unpardonably; unpleasantly; disagreeably; deliberately; boisterously; offensively; unconsciously; artlessly; insufferably; innately; unceremoniously

    RUDENESS adjectives

    downright; ineffaceable; apparent; equal; barbarous


    betray into—; encounter—; forgive—; loathe—; palliate—; pardon—; soften—; subject to—; tolerate—; —appears; —irks; —offends; —provokes: —shames; —springs from; —unveils; —vexes

    (See barbarism, coarseness, disrespect.

    RUDIMENTS verbs acquire—; convey—; detect—; drill in—; embellish—; furnish—; inculcate—; ingrain —; instruct in—; master—; pick up—; nourish—; receive—; reduce to—; teach—; tutor in—

    (See knowledge, elements, idea, principles, essentials.

    RUEFUL adverbs

    forlornly; terribly; pathetically; sorrowfully; dismally; desolately; hopelessly; pitiably; drearily; darkly; helplessly; miserably; wretchedly; unspeakably; strangely; distressingly

    RUFFIAN adjectives

    burly; black-looking; solitary; sordid; staring: shy; young; true; malignant-looking; miserable; swaggering; madcap; cowardly; unprincipled

    RUFFLE (<•


    truculently; frivolously; jocosely; boisterously; placidly; violently; deliberately

    (See pucker, wrinkle.

    RUFFLES adjectives

    triple; full; frivolous; atheistic; shirred; hemmed; double-picot


    arrange in—; draw into—; gather—; iron out—; press into—; smooth—; —adorn; — decorate; —droop; —enhance; —frill; — ornament; —sag: —trim; —wilt

    (See wrinkle, braids, lace, fringe.

    RUG adjectives

    thick; sumptuous; brilliant; luxurious: shaggy; lustrous; reversible; valuable


    beat—; cushion—; dye—; fold—; pattern—; place—; roll—; shampoo—; tack—; trip over—; weave—; —covers; —protects; — shields

    (See carpet.

    RUIN adjectives

    rambling; picturesque; dustless; temporary; irremediable; financial; dismantled; mossy; calamitous; magnificent; silent; remarkable; undistinguished; smoldering; mental; glorious; partial; treasured; weed-covered; irretrievable; blood-stained; accumulated; wild; reeking; moldering; twisted; hungry; venerable; ivy-wreathed; hideous; final; complete; crumbling; barricaded; fragmentary; unsightly; blazing: dirty; scattered; undecipherable; frowning; maiestic; pathetic; chaotic; promiscuous; deathless; piteous; impending; smoking; sudden; graceful; sprawling; private; melancholy; sand-swept; stark; gloomy; mournful; hopeless; discreditable; black


    avert—; batter to—; behold—; brood over —; bury in—; drag to—; drift to—; escape —; expire in—; fall to—; foresee—; hide —; mourn—; prophesy—; reduce to—; reflect—; repair—; rescue from—; restore—; secure from—; shield from—; speed—; verge on—; —impends; —threatens

    (See defeat, downfall, destruction.

    RUINf (v) adverbs

    irreparably; miserably; utterly; ruthlessly; ingeniously; traitorously; vindictively; vengefully; irretrievably; irremediably; hideously; calamitously; financially; economically; politically

    (See overthrow, destroy.

    RULE adjectives artificial; bayonet; dynastic; brutal; declaratory; invariable; fixed; prescribed; odalisque; stipulated; mistaken; cut-and-dried; military; benign; uncivil; arbitrary; elaborate; melodic; beneficent; ethical; absurd; dictatorial; disciplinary; rigid; capricious; chivalrous; parliamentary; vexatious; drastic; paternal; classical; meticulous; strict; unavoidable; eligibility; violent; aristocratic; supposititious; abstemious; cardinal; orthodox; accepted; general; long; brutal; fundamental; special; red-tape; stern; authentic; mob; maiden; enlightened; inflexible; convenient; infallible; profitable; respected; eventful; municipal; sceptral; awful; definite; adequate; unfailing; clogging; ancient; austere; common; operose; vigorous; iron-clad; equitable; inviolable; contradictory; inexorable; conventional


    abandon—; abide by—s; adhere to—; apply—; ascertain—; chafe under—; challenge —; cleave to—; conform to—; devise—; disregard—; enforce—; establish—; fix—; formulate—; ignore—; impose—; lay down —; liberalize—; memorize—; observe—; prescribe—s; reiterate—; revise—; subject to—; submit to—; sum up—; violate—; yield to—; —decrees; —fetters; —hampers; —prevails; —regulates; —stipulates

    (See ethics, routine, law, decree, formula, fundamental, method.

    RULE (v) adverbs imperiously; indomitably; despotically; munificently; cunningly; democratically; implicitly; arbitrarily; capriciously; brutally; conventionally; inexorably

    (See dominate, govern, influence.

    RULER adjectives

    predominant; ruthless; beneficient; incapable; effete; venerated; constitutional; influential; absolute; distant; despotic; discredited; ecclesiastical; sagacious; moneyed; dynastic; unscrupulous; successive (pl)


    acclaim—; advise—; bless—; bow to—; crown—; dethrone—; dictate to—; exile—; ordain—; praise—; trust—; yield to—; — abdicates; —administers; —authorizes; — commands; —controls; —defends; —divines; —heads; —judges; —manages; — respects

    (See king, God, sovereign, dictator.

    RULING verbs

    abide by—; adhere to—; amend—; anticipate—; authorize—; comprehend—; correct —; decry—; ignore—; justify—; manufacture—; post—; presage—; question—; refer to—; sustain—; threaten—; uphold—; warrant—; —decrees; —forbids; —menaces; —prohibits

    (See regulation, announcement, decision, proclamation, amendment.

    RUMBLE adjectives confused; formidable; endless; throbbing; subterranean; dull; low; incessant; terrifying; mysterious


    dull—; emit—; muffle—; prolong—; scorn —; utter—; —arouses; —breaks; —bursts

    —clashes; —cracks; —dins; —disturbs; — drowns out; —issues from; —rends; —resounds; —rolls; —travels

    (See growl, roar, echo, noise, thunder.

    RUMBLE (v) adverbs portentously; ominously; threateningly; resoundingly; reechoingly; formidably; mysteriously; terrifyingly; incessantly; intermittently

    (See reverberate, resound.

    RUMOR adjectives absurd; perennial; malicious; persistent; untimely; hideous; vague; traditionary; convincing; pitiful; faint; insane; wild;

    universal; exciting; contradictory; apparent; wildest; dreadful; false; ghastly; painful; splintered; sinister; fake; baseless; scandalous


    brand as—; bruit about—; buzz with—; confirm—; deny—; discount—; disprove—; explode—; foster—; further—; give rise to—; lend color to—; manufacture—; overshadow—; promulgate—; ridicule—; scotch —; seethe with—; set afloat—; set to rest —; suppress—; track down—; —blossoms; —buds; —carries weight; —circulates; — flies; —gains ground; —grows; —hints at; —menaces; —persists; —seeps out; — spreads; —startles; —suggests

    (See libel, gossip, news, secret, report, lie.)

    Rumor (v) adverbs

    ridiculously; absurdly; perennially; maliciously; persistently; falsely; baselessly; slyly; scandalously; vindictively

    (See circulate, spread.)

    Rumpus (colloq) verbs

    denounce—; design—; devise—; endure—; loathe—; muffle—; plan—; quell—; restrain —; stir up—; suffer—; suppress—; —disconcerts; —distracts; —diverts; —enrages; —horrifies; —terminates in; —vexes

    (See fight, brawl, quarrel, wrangle, disturbance, fracas.)

    Run (v


    refractorily; blindly; obediently; efficiently; deliberately; capriciously; noiselessly; infallibly; smoothly; greedily; spontaneously; tortuously; frantically; riotously; violently

    (See hasten, scamper.)

    Rupture adjectives

    final; violent; irreducible; sudden; inexplicable; public


    acquire—; avert—; brace—; complete—: cure—; develop—; excite—; hint at—; incur—; induce—; suffer—; —breaches; — discloses; —ensues; —severs; —strangulates; —weakens

    (See fracture, discord, dissension, breach.)

    Rural adverbs

    delightfully; charmingly; pleasantly; refreshingly; expensively; invitingly; attractively; advantageously; desirably; gratify-ingly; appropriately; conveniently; spaciously; invigoratingly; healthfully; wholesomely; admirably; commendably; enviably; enjoyably; dismally; drearily; inconveniently; undesirably; shabbily

    Ruse adjectives

    innocent; favorite; desperate; ready-witted



    contrive—; detect—; design—; devise—; elude—; evade—; plan—; plant—; suggest —; —ambushes; —baits; —beguiles; —distracts; —diverts; —ensnares; —lures; — succeeds; —tempts; —traps; —tricks; — waylays

    (See trick, hoax, subterfuge, stratagem.)

    Rush adjectives

    headlong; swift; hectic; precipitate; despairing; violent; blowing; flying; impulsive; engulfing; shrieking; blossomy; trampling; sickening; steady; titanic; madder; furious; pounding; rioting; never-ending; nodding; tumultuous; veritable; memorable; impetuous; recurrent; mighty; soft; chilly; onward; slimy


    attempt—; avert—; check—; control—; curb—; discharge—; foresee—,' halt—; predict—; prophesy—; stem—; —abates; —• carries along; —drives; —forces; —impels: —overcomes; —overwhelms; —severs; — strains; —surges; —swells; —sweeps; — traps

    (See attack, charge.)

    Rush (v} adverbs                                   

    tumultuously; deliberately; powerfully; incoherently; blindly; irrepressibly; unceremoniously; impetuously; violently; recklessly; madly; sickeningly; precipitately

    (See press, hurry.)

    Rust adjectives

    devouring; killing; protective

    Rustic adjectives

    boorish; austere; impudent; honest; patient; egregious; simple


    artlessly; shabbily; quaintly; boorishly; bluntly; rudely; clownishly; cheaply; remotely; inconveniently; uncomfortably; undesirably; intolerably; roughly; clumsily; outlandishly; unattractively

    Rustle adjectives

    silken; delicate; indefinable; slow; occasional; sad; uncertain; attractive


    emit—; muffle—; produce—; restrain—; suppress—; —arouses; —attracts; —bestirs; —discloses; —distracts; —disturbs; —falls; —issues; —perturbs; —reveals

    (See sound, hum, .murmur, whisper.)

    Rusty adverbs

    ruinously; unserviceably; unusably; horribly; impossibly; dangerously; unfortunately; terribly; singularly; extremely; hopelessly; uselessly; worthlessly; disagreeably

    Rut verbs

    approach—; avoid—; bounce over—; cut—; deplore—; drift into—; erode—; excavate —; groove—; heed—; hollow out—; lumber along—s; pursue—; settle into—; sink into —; wear—; —deepens; —disgraces; —envelops

    (See groove, hole, channel, track, habit.)

    Ruthless adverbs

    atrociously; viciously; maliciously; vengc-fully; bitterly; cruelly; barbarously; brutally; ferociously; malevolently; venomously; outrageously; unbelievably; unimaginably; nefariously; wickedly; unutterably; strangely; unaccountably; inherently; terribly; shockingly; appallingly; astonishingly; horribly

    Saber adjectives

    hilted; gilded; cruel; clashing; gleaming

    Sabotage verbs

    accomplish—; advocate—; charge with—; convict of—; disclose—; frustrate—; resort to—; thwart—; uncover—; unveil—; — cripples; —delays; —destroys; —disorganizes; —hinders; —impedes; —injures; — obstructs; —violates

    (See mutilation, destruction, delay.)

    Sac verbs

    clog—; dilate—; distend—; impair—; incise —; irritate—; lodge in—; obliterate—; penetrate—; pierce—; rupture—; tap— ;—contracts; —discharges; —encloses

    Sack verbs

    bear—; convey in—; dip into—; emerge from—; forage with—; hoist—; mend—; plunge into—; transport in—; twill—; weave—; —yields

    (See basket, box, case.)

    Sacrament verbs

    administer—; deny—; observe—; partake of—; receive—; take—; —baptizes; —betokens; —binds; —canonizes; —christens; —confirms; —consecrates; —dedicates; — imposes; —impresses; —obligates; —ordains; —pledges; —promises; —ritualizes; —sanctifies; —seals; —signifies; —symbolizes

    (See ceremony, rite, benediction, matrimony.)

    Sacred adverbs

    unutterably; inviolably; personally; universally; traditionally; locally; racially; curiously; inexplicably; affectionately; solemnly; carefully; augustly; impressively; genuinely; nationally; peculiarly; inordinately; unaccountably; inscrutably; mysteriously



    attach—to; blaspheme—; blemish—; despoil —; encroach on—; enshrine in—; esteem—; infringe upon—; mar—; preserve—; revere —; sense—; taint—; tamper with—; venerate—; violate—; —consecrates; —hallows; —glorifies; —Secludes; —sets apart

    (See holiness, religion, benevolence, justice, integrity, sanctity, piety.)

    Sacrifice adjectives

    useless; prodigious; vicarious; living; idle; bloodless; fatal; patriotic; willing; personal; ruinous; superstitious; supreme; approaching; fearful; easy; tremendous; enormous; severe; ghastly; dreadful; exposed; inevitable; virtuous; appropriate; unimaginable; necessary; saving; sweeping; deliberate; unprofitable; mock; undue; euchar-istic; economic; gratifying; numberless (pl) ; heroic; searching


    bemoan—; decry—; dramatize—; entail—; impose—; involve—; modify—; occasion—; offer—; ritualize—; submit to—; suffer—; undergo—; —absolves; —atones for; —compensates; —deifies; —deprives; —exemplifies; —expiates; —hallows; —purges; — purifies; —sanctifies; —sheds; —shrives; — symbolizes

    (See atonement, loss.)

    Sacrifice (v) adverbs

    repentantly; deliberately; economically; heartlessly; wantonly: shamefully; blood-lessly; patriotically; superstitiously; heroically; personally; supremely; fatally

    (See surrender.)

    Sacrilege verbs

    brand with—; commit—; deplore—; —blasphemes; —curses; —defiles; —desecrates; —injures; —insults; —offends; —outrages; —profanes; —reviles; —scandalizes; — violates

    (See sin, crime, vice.)

    Saddle verbs

    break to—; cling to—; — > grip—I h°P int0— perch on—; polish—; stir in—; straddle—; sweep from—; swing vault into—

    (See seat ,chair.)

    Safari verbs

    equip—; fit out—; gear—; guide—; organize—; outfit—; rig up—; —beats a path; —breaks camp; —explores; —fatigues; — films; —halts; —hunts; —records; —takes the trail; —thrills; —trails; —traverses; — treks; —uncovers

    (See expedition.)


    fortunately; luckily; happily; thankfully; comparatively; fairly; altogether; reasonably; supposedly; presumably; probably; forever; finally; ultimately; gratefully; relatively; permanently

    Safeguard verbs

    adopt—; dispense with—; employ—; inspect —; offer—; prescribe—; preserve—; promote—; sw’eep away—; —affords; — bridles; —exempts; —flanks; —insures; — protects; —reassures; —screens; —shelters

    —shields; —shrouds; —wards off

    (See guard, protection.)

    Safety adjectives

    precious; maximum; greatest; inglorious; comparative


    advance with—; advocate—; afford—; campaign for—; contrive for—; dwell in—; endanger—; engender—; enhance—; foster—; further—; hazard—; heighten—; insure—; jeopardize—; menace—; preach—; pro mote—; reduce—; risk—; scurry to—: threaten—

    (See security, protection, stability.)

    Sag (v) adverbs

    concavely; dilapidatedly; hideously; mournfully; partially; weakly; abruptly; markedly; weakly

    (See sink, yield.)

    Saga verbs

    compose—; edit—; narrate—; publish—; relate—; treasure—; unfold—; —depicts; —entertains; ■—fascinates; —glories in; — honors; —interweaves; —intrigues; —perishes; —portrays; —recites; —recounts; — sings of; —stirs; —grips

    (See adventure, book, story, narrative.)

    Sagacious adverbs

    shrewdly; drolly; drily; eminently; dependably; notably; reputably; maturely; unusually; unexpectedly; strangely; coolly; marvelously; admirably; surprisingly; sharply; astutely; keenly; uncommonly; unfailingly

    Sagacity adjectives

    superior; strange; clear-sighted; undimmed; shrewd; political; commercial; cool; crafty; mortal; unerring; marvelous; equal; practical; consummate; characteristic

    Sage verbs

    acclaim—; consult—; venerate—; —counsels; —decrees; ■—foresees; —foretells; — predicts; —prescribes; —proclaims; —pronounces; —prophesies; —visions

    (See philosopher, scientist, master, counselor.) adverbs

    perceptibly; discerningly; profoundly; shrewdly; reputedly; notably; remarkably; unusually; uncommonly; extraordinarily; estimably; learnedly

    Sages adjectives

    literary; rapt; puissant; honored; ancient; pungent; blundering; venerable; martyred; dusty; august; life-taught; hoary; erudite; analytical; cautious

    Sail verbs

    cross—s; distend—; draw—; expand—; hoist—; lash—; tower—; puff out—; reef —; reenforce—; rig—; shorten—; slack—; stain—; strain—; stretch—; strike—; unfurl—; whip—; —billows;—booms; —dips; —droops; —flaps; —flutters; —propels; — shudders

    (See canvas, cloth.

    Sail (v) adverbs

    peacefully; pensively; majestically; adventurously; prosperously; invincibly; gracefully; longitudinally; deftly; serenely

    (See embark, navigate.

    Sail-Boat verbs

    (See ship.

    Sailing adjectives

    emotional; gossiping; deft; smooth; superior; skilled; adept; seaworthy; landlubber-ly; graceful; accomplished; notable; crowded; intermittent; regular; spasmodic; announced; final; expected

    Sailor adjectives

    shanghaied; storm-driven; outlandish-looking; swarthy; stray; apparent; sufficient; roistering; unwary; gesticulating; skillful; slow; homesick; roving; practical; drenched; mahogany-faced; stalwart; practised; trained; experienced; dissolute; debauched


    drill—s; elevate—; maroon—; quarter—s

    —charts; —departs; —embarks; —fares

    —guides; —mutinies; —navigates; —provisions; —voyages; command—; court-martial—; decorate—

    (See midshipman, soldier.

    Sails adjectives

    bellying; cunning; swelling; gliding; roaring; snowy; vapory; drifting; flashing; slanting; rising; whitening; winglike: tattered; dead-leaf; slippery; riddled; flapping; torn; noisy; useless; sere

    Saint adjectives

    criticizing; mounting; imaged; elder; loveliest; sublimest; particular; honored; toiling; felicitous; heavenly; apostolic; propitious; invisible; canonized; shoddy; glorious; beatified; latest; espoused; guardian; mortal; pastoral; mild-eyed; earthly; sentimental; pagan; reviling; lost; martyred; impolluted


    acclaim—; address—s; canonize—; esteem —; exalt—; glorify—; hail as—; hallow—; honor—; importune—; invoke—s; martyr —; persecute—; placate—s; prostrate before—; reverence—; supplicate—s; venerate—; worship—

    (See God, hero, angel, idol.

    Sainted adverbs

    recently; devoutly; ceremoniously; ritual-istically; deservedly; happily; piously; solemnly; formally; ceremonially; publicly; magnificently; officially; ecclesiastically

    Saintly adverbs

    downright; incredibly; drol’.y; sincerely; punctiliously; piously; ostentatiously; absurdly; unnecessarily; incongruously; excessively; stiffly; genuinely; extraordinarily; comically

    Salacious adverbs

    unnecessarily; disagreeably; unreadably; abominably; detestably; loosely; disgustingly; coarsely; grossly; indecently; dreadfully; inordinately; highly

    Salads adjectives

    excellent; tempting; crisp; cold; floating; bitter; green

    Salary adjectives

    picayune; admirable; weekly; meager; terrific; substantial; moderate; tiny; exceptional; scanty; stated; adequate; unearned


    attach—; deprive of—; draw—; fix—; invest—; reap—; restore—; shear—; slash —; withhold—; —compensates; —fluctuates; —recompenses; —redresses; —remunerates; —rewards

    (See income, livelihood, earnings, wages.)

    Sales adjectives

    thrilling; spectacular; periodic; miscellaneous; insignificant; summer; sensational; sluggish; private; dynamic; previous; widespread; current


    advertise—; advise—; advocate—; balk at —; bolster—; climax—; close—; contrive—: disclose—; double—; facilitate—; force—; interfere with—; jeopardize—; kill—; prohibit—; promote—; push—; restrict—; stimulate—; unearth—; —accelerate; —decline; —diminish; —drop; —dwindle; — ebb; —jump; —rise; —soar; —spurt; — toboggan

    (See trade, traffic, purchase.)

    Salesman adjectives

    traveling; live; direct; aggressive; real; well-paid; slick; super-annuated; invaluable; able; unusual; persuasive; well-dressed; suave; sleek; pleasant


    commission—; drill—; employ—; engage—; organize—; stall—; teach—; train—; — arouses interest; —beguiles; —colors; — convinces; —creates; —demonstrates; — enables; —exhibits; —explains; —interviews; —lures; —markets; —paints; — points out; —pushes; —tempts

    (See employee, clerk, worker.)

    Sa LI RA verbs

    absorb—; convey—; drivel—; drool—; emit—; excrete—; issue—; ooze—; pour out—; remove—; secrete—; slaver—; slobber—; swallow—; —aids; —defiles; — flows; —mixes; —moistens; —sterilizes

    Sallies adjectives

    erratic; piquant; impotent; brilliant; massed; liveliest; occasional; sudden; futile; hot; outrageous; bitter

    Salons adjectives

    glittering; philosophical; illegal; artistic; gaudy; gilded

    Saloon adjectives

    gorgeous; gilded; shadowy; luxurious

    spacious; decorous; old-time; mirrored


    abolish—; assemble in—; crowd—; denounce—; frequent—; furnish—; hie to—; license—; line—; maintain—; permit—; renounce—; tax—; wreck—; —clamors

    —reeks of; —resounds

    (See tavern, restaurant, inn, hotel.)

    Salt ad jectives

    insinuating; resultant; solid; valuable; mineral; specific; complex; relaxing; systematic; desolating; insoluble; deliquescent; shrill; atmospheric; iodized; celery


    add—; apply—■; conserve—; dab in—; dash —; dissolve—; export—; imbue with—; immerse in—; impregnate with—; iodize—; lack—; powder—; prepare—; preserve in —; refine—; require—; season with—; spice with—; sprinkle—; —destroys; —influences

    (See mustard, sugar, spice.

    SALTY adverbs

    impossibly; extremely; dangerously; satisfactorily; unnecessarily; bitterly; stingingly; sharply; unexpectedly; unsavorily; brack-ishly; disagreeably; impossibly; unpleasantly; unpalatably; rankly; unappetizingly; inexcusably


    invigoratingly; stimulatingly; measurably; unquestionably; bracingly; usefully; definitely; obviously; manifestly; famously; notably; reputably; undeniably; advantageously

    SALUTATION adjectives

    rude; elaborate; original; friendly; courteous; cordial; mock; boisterous; impressive; noisy; grateful; murmured; expressive; pleasant; grim; crude;, hearty


    acknowledge—; condense—; discharge—; dispense with—; exchange—s; express—; gain—; greet with—; ignore—; rehearse—; return—; shout—; word—; —befits; —compliments; —favors; —honors

    (See greeting, kiss, embrace.

    SALUTE adjectives

    obedient; reverential; characteristic; rattling; roistering; royal; noisy; parting; graceful; sketched; customary; silent; presidential


    acknowledge—; bestow—; bow to-—; conceive—; fire—; give—; greet with—; master —; perform—; present—; return—; —announces; —compliments; —expresses; — favors; —honors; —troubles

    (See greeting, kiss.

    SALUTE (v) adverbs courteously; formally; cordially; thunderously; respectfully; civilly; vehemently; gravely; obediently; fraternally; affectionately; obsequiously

    (See hail, greet.


    lovely; eternal; certain; promised; rosy; imaged


    achieve—; desire—; despair of—; exhort—; find—; gain—; interfere with—; offer—; plead—; preach—; prove—; relish—; secure—; seek—; suffer—; venture—; win—; work out—; —depends on; —opens to

    (See atonement, deliverance.


    apply—; anoint with—; concoct—; daub—; mix—; smear—; spread—; —comforts; — consoles; —cures; —eases; —heals; —mitigates; —palliates; —soothes

    (See lotion, balm, liniment, poultice, ointment.

    SAMENESS adjectives deadly; long; illusive; very; dull; boring; repetitious

    SAMPLE adjectives

    original; fair; random; disheartening; odd; pretty; splendid; generous


    apply for—; collect—s; examine—; furnish —; judge by—; match—; obtain—; present with—; secure—; show—; survey—s; view —; witness—; —confirms; —illustrates; — represents; —serves

    (See merchandise, goods, example, specimen.

    SANATIVE adverbs commendably; approvedly; acceptably; reputably; exceptionally; assuredly; securely; conclusively; decisively; demonstrably; conspicuously; successfully; unusually; miraculously; marvelously; unexpectedly; unfailingly

    Sanctified adverbs

    sincerely; piously; devoutly; strangely; suddenly; rapturously; contentedly; serenely; recently; naturally; ecclesiastically; ceremonially; actually; reverently; fervently; solemnly; radiantly; zealously

    Sanctimonious adverbs

    absurdly; ridiculously; affectedly; ostentatiously; laughably; insincerely; disagreeably; pretentiously; smoothly; blandly; suavely; unctuously; prudishly; pharasaically; hollowly; intolerably

    Sanction adjectives

    philosophical; express; tacit; highest; pragmatic; legislative; rational; theologic; divine; unequivocal; venerable


    abolish—s; announce—; invoke—s; lend—; offer—; receive—; regard—; require—; seek—; —allows; —assures; —authorizes: —benefits; —confirms; —encourages; — establishes; —permits; —pleases; —supports

    (See approval, indorsement, confirmation, approbation.)

    Sanction (v) adverbs

    unequivocally; solemnly; expressly; philosophically; tacitly; ecclesiastically; legislatively; beneficently; paternally

    (See approve, conform.)

    Sanctity adjectives

    marital; purest; superior; profound; angelic; quiet; magical; supposed; humorless


    abrogate—; approach-^-; assume—; cloak in—; conceive in—; defile—; exhibit—; fame for—; hallow—; honor—; intrude upon—; possess—; question—; retain—; simulate—; tamper with—; translate—; vindicate—; violate—; —decays; —invades

    (See holiness, piety, sacredness.)

    Sanctuary adjectives

    startled; heavenly; ancient; tapering; desecrated; vast; veiled; lifelong


    admit to—; afford—; crowd—; dedicate—; defile—; dwell in—; embrace—; enshrine in—; expel from—; frequent—; gain—; hallow—; inhabit—; raze—; seek—; unveil —; —consoles; —invites; —protects; — shelters

    (See refuge, immunity, cathedral, church, temple, retreat.)

    Sand adjectives

    ribbed; spangling; tinted; unending; milky; drooping; sea-deserted; shifting; pathless; torrid; angry; damp; quick; perpetual; swampy; conniving; silver; sounding; slippery; sun-bleached; restless; drifting; slushy; bituminous; dissolving; auriferous; wrinkled; ruby; dreary; worthless; clinging; treeless; sweltering; coralline; wan; volatile; shallower; parched; sinking; sighing; endless; penurious; tropic; stinging; swishing


    bury in—; crush into—; elevate—; finger—; heap—; intermix with—; lose in—; overlay with—; plod through—; plough through—; polish with—; precipitate—; shovel—; sift —; trace in—; tread—; wade through—; wrinkle—; —hems; —shifts; —smooths

    (See grit, powder, dust.)

    Sandals adjectives

    placid; ambrosial; winged; tropic; worn

    Sandpiper verbs

    bog—; decoy—; gun for—; —arrays; — bobs; —booms; —bows; —darts; —defies; —flits; —flutes; —glides; —honks; —patters about; —probes; —sails; —settles down; — soars; —squats; —whirs; —zigzags

    (See bird.)

    Sandwich verbs

    broil—; consume—; devour—; fill—; garnish—; gobble—; lunch on—es; munch—; pack—es ; relish—; savor—; serve—; spread —; sup on—es; toast—; —appeals; —refreshes

    (See food.)

    Sandy adverbs

    admirably; usefully; satisfactorily; advantageously; fortunately; grittily; disagreeably; unluckily; ordinarily; unpleasantly; unpalatably; terribly; dreadfully

    Sanguine adverbs

    groundlessly; unreasonably; overly; cheerfully; absurdly; brightly; optimistically; buoyantly; happily; enthusiastically; unwarrantably; foolishly; confidently; ardently; warmly; earnestly; excitedly; characteristically; naturally; inherently

    Sanitary adverbs

    wholly; satisfactorily; surprisingly; completely; safely; meticulously; carefully; in-elligently; adequately; extremely; sufficiently; uncommonly; highly; scrupulously

    Sanity verbs

    approach—; attest to—; derange—; display —; doubt—; enjoy—; forsake—; gain—; guard—; jeopardize—; question—; recover —; restore to—; retain—; return to—; test —; —Hags; —languishes; —wanes

    (See reason, knowledge, sense.)

    Sap adjectives

    torpid; impregnate; sciential; tasty

    Sapient adverbs

    acutely; cunningly; discerningly; perceptibly; sensibly; intelligently; profoundly; reasonably; subtly; pompously; proudly; garrulously; chattily; brightly; jocosely; astutely; slyly; cannily; cleverly; piercingly; sharply; shrewdly; soundly; nimbly; wittily

    Saplings adjectives

    flimsy; round; silvered; spiny; sturdy; bent; twisted; hardy

    Sarcasm adjectives

    coarse; chilling; taunting; evident; good-natured; needless; irritating; sweeping; quiet; elaborate; cutting; sneering; juster; mocking; withering; hurtling; keener; premeditated; deadly; biting; mild; veiled; obvious; bludgeoning; savage; shivering; painful


    employ—; flout—; gird in—; indulge in—; pour forth—; vary—; vent—; temper—; — affronts; —bites; —cuts; —detracts; —embitters; —flays; —insults; —piques; —scars; squelches; —strikes; —taunts; —scathes; — smarts

    (See cynicism, invective, mockery, derision, irony.)

    Sash adjectives

    tarnished; silken; flaunting; voluminous

    Satchel verbs

    check—; clasp—; cram—; dig into—; explore—; guard—; hug—; mislay—; probe —; replenish—; stuff—; tuck in—; — bulges; —contains; —discloses; —swings

    (See bag, baggage, grip, brief-case.)

    Satin adjectives

    lustrous; glossy; shimmering; creamy

    gleaming; sheeny; wrinkled; warm

    Satire adjectives

    delicate; sharp-pointed; effective; harmless; humorous; scorching; coarse; sober; cosmic; irresistible; shy; genial; deadly; nobler; modest; mild; personal; implied; biting; social; unsparing; scathing; keen; critical; ribald; savage; political


    aim—at; direct—; employ—; fear—; flash —; interpret—; introduce—; partake in—; resent—; sharpen—; soften—; subject in—; wield—; —amuses; —cuts; —declaims; — denounces; —derides; —exaggerates; —exposes; —jeers; —lashes at; —reproves; —' ridicules; —runs riot

    (See irony, jest, joke, mockery.)

    Satirical adverbs

    bitterly; cruelly; stingingly; curiously; cleverly; unexpectedly; unnecessarily; scathingly; savagely; derisively; ironically; caustically; contemptibly; boorishly; disagreeably; meanly; unpleasantly; gracelessly; grossly; keenly; brilliantly; effectively

    Satirize (v) adverbs

    spitefully; pungently; ruthlessly; delicately; effectively; comically; bitterly; scorchingly; passionately; politically; socially; diabolically; astutely; acrimoniously

    (See ridicule, lash.)

    Satisfaction adjectives

    relaxing; inexpressible; tolerable; aesthetic; obtrusive; obscure; proud; mutual; partial; subjective; excessive; complete; unspeakable; unbounded; suitable; comfortable; outward; disguised; evident; anxious; fine; phonetic; nostalgic; mirthful; immense; mournful; peculiar; compensating; lasting; enduring; all-around; absolute; elegant; unctuous; sweet; unique; lively; ferocious; melancholy; subtle; smug; inward; grim; cold; unhappy; hearty; elevated; mental; mundane; unconcealed; pecuniaiy; hauling; unfeigned; rash; physical; wholesome; pleasurable; unmarried; meager; indwelling; paltry; complacent; sinister; deep; lasting; inner; fleeting; unnatural; universal; obvious; drunken; full; solemn; secret; ample; heartfelt; vicarious; internal; permanent; extreme; reasonable; ultimate; keenest; lofty; honest


    achieve—; afford—; beam in—; conceal—; consume with—; crave—; derive—; demand —; desire—; experience—; express—; feign —; gain-—; heighten—; indulge in—; lessen —; offer—; procure—; scorn—; yield—; — results; —soothes; seek—

    (See delight, contentment, gratification, happiness, enjoyment.)

    Sa TISFACTORY adverbs

    highly; charmingly; wholly; genuinely; providentially; luckily; gratifyingly; acceptably; reasonably; vastly; unexpectedly; profoundly; particularly; absolutely; unusually; socially; financially; universally; generally; officially; utterly; entirely; seldom; rarely; scarcely; happily

    S A T1SFIED adverbs

    completely; perfectly; adequately; sufficiently; utterly; wholly; pleasantly; happily; contentedly; luckily; altogether; comfortably; complacently; easily; serenely; cheerfully

    Satisfy (v) adverbs

    temporarily; amply; abundantly; aesthetically; uniquely; pecuniarily; vicariously; sexually; reasonably; ultimately; keenly; rationally; intellectually; philosophically; lustfully; lasciviously; sensually

    (See appease, gratify.)

    Satyric adverbs

    horribly; leeringly; foully; evilly; frightfully; hideously; monstrously; repulsively; grinningly

    Sauce adjectives

    luscious; delicate; unstudied; well-seasoned; inimitable; tasty; sizzling

    Saucy adverbs

    impertinently; incredibly; incurably; impudently; boldly; prettily; insolently; pertly; grossly; unpleasantly; disrespectfully; oddly; singularly; inexplicably; brazenly; smartly; cheaply; audaciously; flippantly; presumptuously; unpardonably; inexcusably; brashly; discourteously; amazingly; singularly; dreadfully; foolishly; dangerously

    Saunter (v) adverbs

    lazily; leisurely; unconcernedly; carelessly; brazenly; boldly; nonchalantly

    (See loiter, linger. )

    Savage adverbs

    cruelly; bestially; unbelievably; inhumanly; brutally; ferociously; fiercely; furiously; barbarously; pitilessly; ruthlessly; unmercifully; grossly; relentlessly; wildly; singularly; lawlessly

    Savagery adjectives

    asserted; untamed; absolute; idiotic; genial; degraded; outlying; eternal; methodized; abject

    Savages adjectives

    incurable; hostile; primitive; squalid; shiftless; sensitive; naked; brown; superstitious; unchristian; innocent; guileless; malicious; carnivorous; dreadful; livid; rudimentary; untutored; howling; sentimental; splendid; malignant


    appease—; civilize—; condemn—; encourage—; fear—; incite—; quell—; quiet—; soothe—; tame—; —attack; —beset; — charm; —distress; —guide; —inhabit; — murder; —overtake; —rage; —spare; — stampede; —worship

    (See monster, barbarian, Indian, ferocity, native.)

    Save (v) adverbs

    prudently; judiciously; scrupulously; substantially; phenomenally; spectacularly; privately; unprecedentedly; miraculously; penuriously; rashly; courageously; heroically

    (See rescue, deliver.)

    Saving adjectives

    considerable; great; guaranteed; substantial; systematic; conventional; miraculous; phenomenal; bankable; epigrammatic; unbelievable; additional; important; exciting; tremendous; aggregate; definite; private; valuable; unprecedented; supreme; sensational; extraordinary; spectacular

    Savings verbs

    acquire—; afford—; amass—; apply—to; bequeath—; deplete—; deposit—; effect—; entrust with—; exhaust—; heap—; hoard—; preserve—; put by—; rake together—; retire on—; store—; treasure up—; —accrue; —accumulate; —dwindle; —pension

    (See money, profits, income, earnings.)

    Savor adjectives

    luscious; sharp; immortal; odious; putrid; lovely; appetizing


    blend—; destroy—; dispel—; lack—; lose —; perfect—; relinquish—; retain—; —allures; —baits; —beguiles; —departs; —-differs; —excites; —relishes; —tempts; — varies

    (See flavor, taste, fragrance, perfume, odor.)

    Say (v) adverbs

    plaintively; fiercely; cryptically; artlessly; graciously; tremulously; compassionately; complacently; impatiently; brokenly; casually; hoarsely; ruefully; reflectively; insistently; decisively; unsteadily; consolingly; acutely; deprecatingly; reflectively; roister-ously; resignedly; emotionally; passionately; soothingly; involuntarily; wistfully; craftily; sententiously; reassuringly; searchingly; tentatively; doggedly; dogmatically; derisively; exultingly; sardonically; impetuously; musingly; coaxingly; wrathfully; authoritatively; emphatically; triumphantly; candidly; blandly; demurely; naively; impetuously; brusquely; magnanimously; philosophically; bluntly; dubiously; tremulously; sensitively; ostentatiously; insinuatingly; decisively

    (See speak, utter.)

    Saying adjectives

    humorous; skin-deep; magnanimous; faithful; blunt; apt; prudent; sententious; bold; quaint; pregnant; mirthful; well-known; pithy; indiscreet; needle-pointed; witty; dim; deft; true; wise


    accept—; advance—; amend—; attribute— to; compose—; contradict—; heed—; quote —; recall—; refer to—; —amplifies; — angers; —attests; —emphasizes; —epitomizes; —summarizes; —voices

    (See adage, epigram, quotation, motto.)

    Scab (industry


    disband—s; lynch—; manhandle—; oust—; prohibit—s; protect—; threaten—; —s offend; —s organize; —rebels; —resists; — troubles; —s unite

    (See striker, rioter.)

    Scales adjectives

    grander; chromatic; glistening; diatonic; extensive; colossal; sordid; stupendous; generous; artistic; lavish; prodigal; elaborate; manifest; glittering; gigantic; diminutive; realistic; defective; adequate; ambitious; industrial; burnished; respectable; miniature


    collect—; detach—; form—; peel off—; penetrate—; separate—; shed—; strip of—; — armor; —cover; —defend; —enhance; — fall; —overlap; —overlay; —protect; — radiate

    (See flake, film.)

    Scalp adjectives

    bare; fearful; transformed; clean; sickly; dry; itching; diseased; scaly


    adorn—; affect—; apply to—; cover—; crust —; cut—; distend—; heal—; imbed in—; irritate—; lacerate—; massage—; move—; pierce—; rip—; strip—; tear—; wound—; —erodes; —reddens; —tenses; —tingles

    (See head, skin.)

    Scamp adjectives

    slick; premature; pitiful; conscienceless; frolicsome; potential; worthless; wicked; unsocial

    Scamper (v) adverbs

    hurriedly; swiftly; playfully; boisterously; friskily; joyously; blithely

    (See run, hasten.)

    Scan (v) adverbs

    earnestly; anxiously; minutely; industriously; wearily; studiously; critically; eagerly; casually; superficially; desultorily; intently; pedantically

    (See look, distinguish.)

    Scandal adjectives

    darker; latest; typical; inconspicuous; frightful; amazing; frequent (pl); fantastic; judicial; family; appalling; tea-table; foul; vulgar; flagrant; grave


    air—; bear—; blaze into—; breathe—; curb —; degenerate into—; despise—; dig up—; diffuse—; disclose—; discredit—; dissect—; enjoy—; face—; free from—; garnish with -—; involve in—; monger—; shroud in—; spread—; wipe away—; —allures; —arises; —damages; —defaces; —defames; —disgraces; —excommunicates; —harms; —injures; —offends; —persecutes; —shames; —shocks; —trickles in

    (See infamy, aspersion, slander, gossip.)

    Scandalous adverbs

    unfortunately; openly; uncommonly; arrant-ly; terribly; shamefully; undeniably; flagrantly; admittedly; highly; regrettably; sadly; deplorably; grossly; notably

    Scant adverbs

    dangerously; alarmingly; indecently; pitiably; inexplicably; unmercifully; shamefully; curiously; significantly; fearfully

    Scar adjectives

    honorable; raised; deep; mental; private; frightful; hideous; dreadful; unsightly; fratricidal


    bear—; expose—; inflict—; jest at—; plaster —; retain—; reveal—; seam with—s; — attests to; —blemishes; —disfigures; — mars; —marks; —proves; —remains; —results from; —sustains; —traces

    (See blemish, defect, flaw, sore.)

    Scarce adverbs

    alarmingly; seriously; critically; locally; universally; lamentably; fearfully; uncommonly; unusually; curiously; unaccountably; inexplicably; inconveniently; miserably; unexpectedly; evidently; deplorably; remarkably; singularly; suddenly

    Scarcity adjectives

    restful; increasing; definite; chronic; noticeable; dangerous; fearful

    Scare adjectives

    baseless; wild; sorry; hopeless


    exaggerate—; foment—; heed—; manufacture—; occasion—; report—; strike with—; work—; —arouses; —fizzles out (colloq.) ; —overcomes; —seizes; —stimulates; —terrifies; —unnerves; —excites; —fades

    (See fright, terror, fear, dread, anxiety.)

    Scare () adverbs

    instinctively; baselessly; unavoidably; agi-tatingly; dreadfully; abominably; waggishly

    (See frighten, terrify.)

    Scared adverbs

    terribly; shockingly; aw’fully; irrecoverably; frightfully; unmercifully; cruelly; brutally; desperately; apparently; somewhat; wildly; foolishly; hideously; ignorantly; miserably; heartlessly; secretly; suddenly; mortally

    Scarf adjectives

    flaunting; downy; fluttering; traditional; square; fringed; flamboyant; daring; flashing

    Scatter (v) adverbs

    profusely; liberally; generously; promiscuously; philanthropically; confusedly; haphazardly; carelessly

    (See separate, dispel.)

    Scattered adverbs

    widely; pitifully; wastefully; erratically; lavishly; wantonly; fortunately; luckily; sparsely; extravagantly; thinly; thickly; singularly; intentionally; cleverly; diplomatically; profitably; intentionally

    Scenario verbs

    alter—; collaborate on—; complete—; compose—; condense—; detail—; draw up—: elaborate on—; fill in—; outline—; purchase —; reject—; rewrite—; sketch—; submit—; —calls for; —depicts; —dramatizes; —portrays; —thrills; —unfolds

    (See story, play.)

    Scene adjectives

    striking; moving; appropriate; painful; pastoral; mad; magnificent; solemn; shameless; sanguinary; sublime; grotesque; tedious; frightful; idyllic; desolate; lively; licentious; dramatic; affecting; decorous; chaotic; animating; hopeful; delicious; brilliant; semi-tragic; violent; passionate; comical; pitiable; circling; martial; distant; enchanting; lofty; remote; novel; mythological; celestial; garish; foregoing; barren; fine; enveloping; cheerless; troubled; riotous; visionary; sylvan; wondrous; convivial; mountain; sunny; powerful; trial; tropical; odious; immediate; binding; classic; picturesque; exquisite; murky; shifting; droll; torturing; grateful; flattering; varied; melodramatic; death-bed; adventurous: squalid; fateful; historic; astonishing; mournful; pirate; pathetic; turbulent; previous; terse; wild; imposing; conspicuous; animated; human; dreadful; memorable; engrossing; realistic; night; impressive; imprisoned; mimic; shocking; pungent; horrible; distressing; harrowing; preliminary; soul-searching; ennobling; fearful; dismal; stirring; rollicking; vivid; agitating; perilous; heroic; touching; awful; renovated; sequestered; strange; trying; toiling; festive; tragic; quaint; singular; universal; monotonous; precarious; verdant; pacific; tranquil; beauteous


    alter—; applaud—; behold—; cloud—; conceive—; conjure up—; contemplate—; detail —; dispatch to—; dominate—; dramatize—; eavesdrop upon—; enact—; flee—; hover over—; indulge in—; overshadow—; portray—; reconstruct—; reproduce—; retire from—; smirk at—; storm across—; stumble upon—; visualize—; weigh—; —depicts; —drifts; —motivates; —shifts; —takes momentum

    (See aspect, spectacle, view, place, scenery.)

    Scenery adjectives

    picturesque; distant; rugged; salient; impressive; glorious; noble; savage; diversified; quieting; grandiose; monstrous; fascinating; superlative; mountainous; sumptuous; gaudy; animated; admirable


    admire—; behold—; contemplate—; design —; devour—; enjoy—; feed on—; light—; present—; view—; —affects; —attracts; — awes; —changes; —delights; —enhances

    —enraptures; —enthralls; —impresses; — inspires; —magnetizes

    (See landscape, scene.)

    Scent adjectives

    foreign; pleasing; floral; alluring; spicy; faint; delicious; keen; remarkable; patriarchal; chosen; dusty; dry; sweet; delicate; exalted; lingering; hot; flower; pungent; cunning; unmemoried; impromptu; dull; peppery; balmy; pretty


    abhor—; breathe—; convey—; derive— from; detect—; discern—; employ—; eschew —; extract—; follow—; impregnate with—; inhale—; load with—; lose—; pick out—; pursue—; recognize—; recover—; seek—; sniff up—; stimulate—; visualize—; —aids; —disguises; —indicates; —overwhelms; — perceives; —permeates; —pervades; —recalls; —rises; —survives; —wanes; —yields to

    (See essence, fragrance, aroma, odor.)

    Scent (adverbs

    instinctively; fragrantly; deliciously; pung-ently; delicately; brazenly; boldly



    Scented adverbs

    permanently; odiously; disgustingly; fragrantly; sweetly; exotically; expensively; exquisitely; delicately; opulently; seductively; alluringly; excitingly; pleasantly; nauseat-ingly; sickeningly; cheaply; mysteriously; evanescently; delightfully; cleverly

    Sceptre adjectives

    social; pacific; golden; age-old; jeweled; beauteous; royal; magic


    bear—; confer—on; entitle to—; govern with—; invest with—; ornament—; rule with—; shake—; sway—; swear by—; touch with—; wield—; —awes; —dignifies; — empowers; —signifies; —symbolizes

    (See baton, power, staff.)

    Schedule adjectives

    preconcerted; rigorous; diverse (pl); fixed; timed; daily; temporary


    abolish—, adhere to—; alter—; arrange—; consult—; discard—; establish—; expand—; fall behind—; follow—; insert in—; maintain—; map out—; observe—; note—; present—; publish—; refer to—; slash—; threaten—; throw off—; —regulates; — sets forth; —specifies

    (See list, calendar, itinerary.)

    Scheme adjectives

    curious; artistic; nameless; recognized; com-.prehensive; suitable; subtile; beautiful; selling; ambitious; philanthropic;- systematic; ingenious; illusory; unphilosophical; mature; marvelous; impractical; dualistic; seditious; educational; critical; far-reaching; imperial; iconographic; poaching; dubious; hostile; gigantic; cherished; social; multiform (pl); elaborate; improvident; decorative; extensive; despotic; rascally; visionary; promising; constructive; wild; speculative; gardening; unbodied; prearranged; entangled; abominable; interesting; tortuous; iniquitous; rational; ludicrous; extravagant; feasible; generous; w’ell-weighed; detailed; warm; cheery; perfidious; chimerical; digesting; eternal; desolate; providential; prodigal; cowardly; particular; flying; fantastic; vast; homely; harmonious; artless; selfish; colossal; bold; notable; advantageous; flimsy; seductive; wonderful; darling; complicated; shallow; monotonous


    abandon—; administer—; adopt—; back out of—; blast—; broach—; commit to—; concoct—; contemplate—; dally with—; demonstrate—; devise—; discern—; foist—upon; formulate—; fulfill—; further—; immerse in—; launch—; mature—; mull over—s; organize—; promote—; prosecute—; puzzle out—,' resurrect—; scrap—; scrutinize—; seethe with—s; spin—; stymie—; undertake —; view—; —concentrates on; —goes awry; —hatches; —intrigues; —unfolds

    (See idea, project, plan.)

    Scheme (v) adverbs

    covetously; traitorously; diabolically; viciously; abominably; extravagantly; chimer-ically; artlessly; advantageously; systematically; politically; seditiously; tortuously; perfidiously

    (See plan, plot.)

    Scheming adjectives

    wily; political; amiable; nefarious; wicked; skillful


    innocently; mischievously; childishly; pleasantly; mysteriously; secretly; openly; brazenly; maliciously; meanly; cleverly; politically; astutely; adroitly; madly; viciously; criminally; heartlessly; cattily; brutally; dangerously; lovingly; hatefully; successfully; artfully; ingeniously; cunningly; craftily; sharply; slyly; warily; unscrupulously; insidiously; disloyally; treacherously; thoughtfully; prudently

    Scholar adjectives

    learned; elegant; tolerable; potential; distinguished; convent; renowned; eminent; quiet; reserved; brilliant; famous; studious; ivory-towered; absent-minded; profound; reputed; classical; astonished; feeble; famishing; desperate; crude; credulous; facile; austere; advanced; professional; rude; ripe; amiable; painstaking; imaginative; pedantic; competent; able; grammatical; true; refractory


    discipline—; enlighten—; guide—; honor—; instruct—; reward—; test—; tutor—; train —; —acknowledges; —acquaints with; — attains; —attends; —comprehends; — crams; —embraces; —follows; —inquires; —investigates; —merits; —professes; — searches

    (See reader, student, pupil, disciple, follower.)

    Scholarly adverbs

    extremely; amazingly; brilliantly; deeply; profoundly; singularly; eminently; particularly; reasonably; broadly; assiduously; industriously; forbiddingly; abstrusely; alarmingly; splendidly; consciously

    Scholarship adjectives

    theological; eminent; profound; deficient; unusual

    School adjectives

    vigorous; trivial; hostile; hungering; monastic; cursory; archaeological; law; creditable; fashionable; eclectic; spasmodic; collegiate; skill-contending: elaborate; up-to-date; hard-boiled; realistic; red-brick; immemorial; illustrious; foremost; decadent; haggard; magazine; formal; parochial; consummate; evolutionary; subordinate; toilful ; celebrated


    approve—; attend—; bar from—; disband —; endow—; enroll in—;• enter—; exclude from—; expel from—; father—; ’foster—; found—; graduate from—; impair—; join —; maintain—; rank—; rate—; revisit—; —attracts; —designates; —examines; — flourishes; —prepares; —suspends; — thrives

    (See college, institution, seminary, library, university.)

    School-Boy verbs

    chastise—; discipline—; enlighten—; examine—; harass—; impress—; oppress—; rebuke—; reprimand—; reproach—; tutor—; —attends; -—cheers; —comprehends; —derides; —detects; —enjoys; —s gather; — pens; —romps; —sports; —taunts; —violates

    (See student, pupil, scholar.)

    Schooling verbs

    afford—; confine to—; continue—; ignore—; lack—; neglect—; overlook—; profit by—; refuse—; test—; utilize—; value—; —edifies; —enlightens; —grounds; —imbues; — infuses; —instills; —overcomes; —polishes; —prepares; —trains

    (See training, preparation, education.)

    Schooner adjectives

    splendid; helpless; respectable; dilapidated; coasting; piratical; trading


    anchor—; becalm—; con—; convert—; convey by—; design—; fit out—; handle—; launch—; navigate—; rig—; steer—; — bears off; —clears; —cruises; —gleams; — graces; —heels; —plies; —ports; —rushes; —sheers; —shoves off; —signals; —skims

    —sounds; —tacks; —tosses

    (See boat, launch, ship.)

    Science adjectives

    substantial; principal; adequate; universal; physical; pseudo; mysterious; experimental; practical; laborious; economic; dominant; non-remunerative; biological; kindred (pl); contiguous; astronomical; industrial; spatial; liberal; specific; miracle; profane; systematic; political; grotesque; falsified; deepest; hypnotic; abstract; speculative; occult; intricate; daring; applied; imaginary; sister; pure; auxiliary; mechanical; visionary; various (pl) ; direct; bloodless; collateral


    acclaim—; applaud—; apply—; bolster by —; correlate—s; elucidate—; foster—; further—; grapple with—; live for—; pertain to—; suppress—; —contributes to; —contrives; —demonstrates; —dissects; —explores; —flourishes; —investigates; — proves; —pursues; —reveals; —scoffs at; —scorns —surpasses; —sustains; —teaches; —tests; —trains; —utilizes; —voices; — wages a fight

    (See economics, anatomy, psychology.)

    Scientific adverbs

    carefully; meticulously; accurately; highly; gravely; extremely; necessarily; scarcely; distinctly; profoundly; undeniably

    Scientist adjectives

    heckling; over-impulsive; distinguished; attuned; pure; dissecting; rejuvenated; equipped; enraptured; objective; skilled; famous


    enrage—; honor—; perplex—s; puzzle—s; —concludes; —considers; —converts; —cultivates; —deduces; —delves; —devotes; — discerns; —discloses; —disputes; —dissects; —envisions; —examines; —fathoms; — formulizes; —infers; —reasons; —researches; —seeks; —solves; —stresses; —studies; —verifies

    (See naturalist, philosopher.)

    Scion adjectives

    dormant; remaining; fiery; illustrious

    gentler; decadent; dissipated; royal

    Scissors verbs

    grind—; ply—; resharpen—; wield—; — clips; —crops; —dangles; —nicks; —pares; —pieces; —pierces; —removes; —shears; — smooths; —snips

    (See shears.)

    Scold (adverbs

    harshly; pedantically; maddeningly; monotonously; irritatingly; exasperatingly; malignantly; shrewishly

    (See reprimand, lec.ture.)

    Scolding verbs

    addict to—; incur—; inflict—; justify—; merit—; relent—; rue—; vent—; —abuses; —bites; —corrects; —curbs; —cuts; —descends upon; —disciplines; —disturbs; — mortifies; —rebukes; —reproaches; — shames

    (See lashing, rebuke, ridicule.)

    Cope adjectives

    ample; determined; economic; confined; unlimited; gracious; intellectual; international; institutional; plentiful; utmost; unrestricted; free; comprehensive; unusual; unsuspected


    appreciate—; afford—; ascertain—; broaden —; comprehend—; confine—; desire—; dissipate—; dwarf—; enlarge—; exceed—; extend—; gain in—; limit—; measure—; muse over—; narrow—; question—; restrict—; survey—; widen—; —embraces; —extends; —ranges

    (See limit, range, extent.)

    Scorch (v) adverbs

    superficially; ruinously; hopelessly; carelessly; partially; markedly; obviously

    (See burn, shrivel.)

    Score adjectives

    mortal; creditable; voluminous; operatic; trifling; one-sided; brilliant; breath-taking


    collate—s; compose—; compress—; copy—; distribute—; familiarize with—; mark—; note—; play—; practice—; recall—; rehearse—; strike off—; tabulate—

    (See music, manuscript, account, reckoning- )

    Score (v) adverbs

    deftly; precisely; accurately; brilliantly; repeatedly; victoriously; creditably; overwhelmingly

    (See record, enter.)

    Scorn adjectives

    sullen; compassionate; rising; indignant; ineffable; casual; virtuous; supercilious; helpless; hopeless; merry; revengeful; unconcealed: quiet; tameless; haughty; curious; intolerable; unaffected; languid; tender; triumphant; indescribable; infidel; shameful; profound; defiant; hard; superficial; superior; writhing; bitter; frank; casual; withering; sensitive; mingled; magnanimous; spitting; fine; chivalric; idle; constant; contemptuous; amused; foul; old-fashioned; supreme; ribald; dazzling; womanly; unutterable; unsavory; incredulous; incalculable; contemptuous


    bristle in—; cloak in—; convey—; deride in —; expose to—; express—; feign—; heap—; imply—; point in—; quiver in—; regard with—; sneer in—; snort in—; submit to—; treat with—; wither with—; —deepens; — grows; —offends

    (See disdain, derision, contempt.)

    Scorn (v) adverbs

    theoretically; unutterably; sullenly; indignantly; superciliously; haughtily; intolerably; triumphantly; indescribably; casually; contemptuously; hatefully

    (See reject, disregard.)

    Scornful adverbs

    arrogantly; pompously; insolently; unbearably; offensively; youthfully; blithely; ridiculously; ignorantly; significantly; pityingly; unpleasantly; defiantly; learnedly; utterly; thoughtlessly; laughingly; malignantly

    Scoundrel adjectives

    unscrupulous; upstanding; infamous; pompous; church-going; blatant; unprincipled; hypocritical; infernal; murderous; remorseless; dissolute; swindling; insolent


    associate w'ith—; berate—; harbor—; master—; oust—; punish—; regiment—s; rebuke—; reprimand—; shelter—; —degrades; —eludes; —evades; —shocks; — sullies; —tricks

    (See profligate, villian, rogue, criminal.)

    Scourge adjectives

    national; appointed; dreadful; appalling; inexorable; lifted; controversial; fatal; chastening; penitential; dreaded


    afflict with—; anticipate—; bemoan—; check—; curb—-; cure of—; deplore—; halt —; incur—; lift—; overcome—; prevent—; stamp out—; succumb to—; —befalls; —besets; —destroys; —exterminates; —plagues; —ravishes; —routs; —settles on; —spreads; —wipes out

    (See curse, disease, plague.)

    Scouting verbs

    discover—; encourage—; engage in—; enjoy—; foster—; found—; instruct in—; perform—; practice—; train in—; venture into —; —conduces to; —drills; —engenders; —offers; —prepares; —teaches; —toughen?

    (See athletics, exercise, activity.)

    Scoifl adjectives

    envious; unbecoming; slight; swarthy; anxious; sullen; suffering; malignant; fierce; terrific; lowering


    assume—; cast—; draw into—; exhibit—; gather into—; ignore—; incur—; perpetuate—; receive—; send forth——darkens

    —departs; —expresses; —fouls; —glowers

    —relents; —sours; —threatens; —wilts; — withers

    (See frown, glare, look, sneer.)

    Scowl (v) adverbs

    morosely; vindictively; bitterly; savagely; threateningly; pugnaciously; belligerently; enviously; sullenly; malignantly; fiercely; rudely; uncouthly

    (See frown.)

    Scramble adjectives

    ethical; wild; persistent; rough; unseemly; exhilarating; nerve-destroying; fearful; noisy. ’ verbs

    decipher—; define—; degenerate into—t interpret—; protest—; regard—; survey—; —confuses; —disorders; —disperses; —displeases; —disturbs; —hampers; —impedes; —perplexes; —upsets; —wanes

    (See rush, struggle.)

    Scrape adjectives

    unfortunate; typhoid; frequent (pl); tight

    Scraps adjectives

    sundry; reminiscent; abject; babbling; infected; disdained; discreditable

    Scratch (v) adverbs

    industriously; eagerly; perplexedly; harass-edly; composedly; complacently; reflectively; meditatively; uncouthly

    (See scribble, scrawl.)

    Scratching verbs

    induce—; necessitate—; weary of—; — annoys; —chafes; —eases; —endangers; —gratifies; —infects; —inflames; —irks; —irritates; —mars; —relieves; —vexes

    Scrawl adjecives

    unhallowed; blotted; rapid; tragic; anguished; hurried; illegible

    Scrawl (v) adverbs

    illegibly; laboriously; feebly; crudely; rudely; clumsily; hurriedly; unconventionally. (See scribble, scratch.

    Scrawny adverbs

    dingily; haggardly; pitiably; terribly; inexplicably; decrepitly; horridly; scurvily; sorrily; pitifully; feebly

    Scream adjectives

    half-stifled; ear-splitting; feminine; frantic; faint; long; mocking; unearthly; eloquent; inarticulate; defiant; hoarse; sharp; piercing; querulous; shrill; piteous; pretty; multitudinous (pl); pulsating; ecstatic; suppressed


    emit—; issue—; muffle—; pour forth—; resound with—s; restrain—; silence—; stifle —; suppress—; —alarms; —curdles; — freezes; —lances; —penetrates; —pierces; —rends; —rocks; —shakes; —shatters; — terrorizes

    (See cry, yell, noise, howl, roar.)

    Scream (v) adverbs

    piercingly; shrilly; madly; frantically; triumphantly; agonizedly; harshly; mockingly; eloquently; ecstatically; piteously

    (See yell, shriek, screech.)

    Screech (v) adverbs

    dissonantly; insanely; wildly; bestially; hideously; irrationally; shamefully; rib-aldly

    (See scream, shriek.)

    Screen adjectives

    featureless; leafy; costly; omnipresent; mendacious; little; hand; impenetrable; luminous; stubble; theoretical; shadowy; fluorescent


    contrive—; employ—; fold—; frame—; hinge—; insert—; necessitate—; observe through—; project on—; remove—; view on—; —encloses; —envelops; —guards; — obscures; —prevents; —protects; —shelters; —shields; —shrouds; —wards off

    Screen (v) adverbs

    protectively; effectually; leafily; faithfully; modernistically; coveniently

    (See protect, conceal.)

    Scribble (v) adverbs

    carelessly; unbeautifully; furiously; illegibly; unreadably; crabbedly; grotesquely; characteristically

    (See scrawl, scratch.)

    Scribbled adverbs

    weakly; dimly; faintly; coarsely; grossly; childishly; illegibly; crookedly; sprawlingly; finely; clearly; feebly; desperately; hurriedly; hastily; hopefully; eagerly; carelessly; untidily; secretly

    Scribe adjectives

    romantic; daily; deft; professional; poison-spirited; capable

    Script adjectives

    legible; spidery; unfinished; tiny; unreadable


    abolish—; clarify—; comprehend—; decipher—; decode—; direct from—; form—; imitate—; interpret—; practise—; recognize—; reproduce—; revise—; study—; translate—; —attracts; —awes; —confuses; —differs; —puzzles; —resembles

    (See handwriting, writing, manuscript.)

    Scriptural adverbs

    genuinely; authentically; authoritatively; piously; incontrovertibly; convincingly; persuasively; undeniably; provokingly; unanswerably; formidably; comfortingly; prophetically; highly

    Scriptures verbs

    accept—; attack—; bolster with—; cite—; con—; embody in—; embrace—; employ—; enjoy—; limit—; mark—; memorize—; mouth—; recall—; refer to—; regard—; review—; study—; —enlighten; —guide

    —illuminate; —reveal; —sanctify

    (See Bible, Gospel, writing.)

    Scroll adjectives

    scented; bible; brilliant; talismanic; unsullied; graven; awful; gentle; parchment

    Scrub (v) adverbs

    scrupulously; diligently; spotlessly; industriously; methodically; ambitiously; tirelessly; vigorously; ceaselessly

    (See rub, polish.)

    Scruples adjectives

    weak; conscientious; ceremonious; utmost; immovable; commendable; spiritual; tiresome; religious; desperate; formal; wayward; ceremonial; confirmed


    avoid—; banish—; cling to—; disregard—; dull—; entertain—; express—; lack—; mold —; overcome—; override—; question—; raise—; shape—; sharpen—; shelve—; silence—; stand on—; tamper with—; — plague; —restrain; —trouble; —weigh upon

    (See qualm, doubt, skepticism, suspicion, hesitation.)

    Scrupulous adverbs

    habitually; carefully; dependably; unusually; remarkably; admirably; commendably; highly; vigilantly; laudably; reliably; painstakingly; genuinely; meticulously; honestly

    Scrutinize (r) adverbs

    avidly; critically; intently; cannily; quizzically; keenly; minutely; circumspectly; cautiously; persistently; suspiciously; hos-tilely; irreverently; boldly; shrewdly

    (See examine, inspect.)

    Scrutiny adjectives

    persistent; prolonged; assiduous; suspicious; terrible; distant; calm; curious; mtent; searching; accurate; hostile; critical; sullen; deliberate; attentive; cool; irreverent; silent; keen; overdose; bold; telescopic; appalling; strictest; shrewd; ignorant; earnest; wondering


    avoid—; cringe under—; defy—; discard on—; invite—; lead to—; meet—; resent—; sharpen—; stretch—; subject to—; threaten with—; undergo—; —detects; —discloses; —disqualifies; —informs; —reveals; —rewards; endure—; expose to—

    (See look, examination, search, inquiry.)

    Scuffle adjectives

    rough; momentary; noisy; veritable; violent


    encounter—; join in—; lament—; subdue in—; —bursts forth; —confuses; —cripples; —disturbs; —ensues; —irks; —irritates; —menaces; —rages; —results in; —roars; —threatens; —upsets; —vexes; —wearies

    (See fight, struggle.)

    Sculptor verbs

    acclaim—; award to—; criticize—; model for—; pose for—; —adorns; —carves; — chisels; —conceives; —engraves; —executes; —expresses; —finishes; —forms; — hews; —immortalizes; —molds; —shapes

    (See artist, painter.)

    Sculpture adjectives

    monumental; shapeless; classic; antique; symbolic; mortuary; shadowy; matchless; colossal

    Sculpture (v) adverbs

    curiously; quaintly; deftly; exquisitely; monumentally; modernistically; bizarrely; intricately

    (See carve, engrave.)

    Scum adjectives

    precocious; muddy; leprous; vulgar; common


    clear of—; collect—; form—; gather—; purge—; reject—; retain—; sift off—; strain—; throw off—; work up—; —covers

    —films; —floats; —rises; —settles;

    —thickens ; —veils

    (See dross, dirt, debris, filth.)

    Scurrilous adverbs

    illegally; unpardonably; meanly; maliciously; basely; vulgarly; damagingly; hideously; intentionally; unforgivably; unforgettably; foully; indecently; unnecessarily; vilely; audaciously; boldly; challengingly; tauntingly; opprobriously

    Scurfy verbs

    afflict with—; communicate—; cure of—; ease—; heal of—; remedy—; salve—; suffer from—; —blemishes; —blights; —mars; — scourges; —spreads; —visits; —wipes out

    (See disease.)

    Scuttled adverbs

    shamefully; ignominiously; secretly; necessarily; finally; desperately; furtively; reluctantly; completely

    Sea adjectives

    fair; boisterous; bland; sterile; sepulchral; savage; motionless; circumfluous; billowy; depraved; turbulent; choppy; coral; shoreless; crystal; glistening; varied; multitudinous (pl); unknown; shimmering; full-toned; homeless; orient; whispering; foaming; rocking; walled; moon-lit; heartless; glassy; sullen; primeval; tideless; wrinkled; insatiate; dense; flowing; undreamed; rough; complaining; unsalted; spacious; calmest; discharged; laughing; tropic; rushing; unfirm; sharp; voracious; wild; abhorred; remorseless; tranquil; treacherous; chainless; illumined; choral; uncanny; dim; leaden; tempestuous; sleeping; raging; troubled; ancient; isolating; throbbing; islanded; arctic; silken; mossy; opaline; empty; whelming; soundless; heaving; slimy; polished; gradual; agitated; murderous; summer; sparkling; plangent; democratic; wondering; lucent; unfathomed; climbing; hoary; intervening; straitened; w’aveless; arching; corpse-encumbered; misty; unpastured; wan; interlunar; undulating; distant; tossing; molten; full; boiling; unreluctant; peaceful; sandy; terrestrial; neglected; slumbrous; lulled; surging; inward; ugly; extended; stainless; inviolate; violent; tumbling; careening; hindering; rainy; elongated; moral; winter; spendthrift; changeless; shoaling; rolling; enchanted; azure; delicious; phosphoric; mighty; placid; brilliant; wasting; sunny; pleasant; shivering; windy; abysmal; immemorial; trackless; barren; milky; harmonious; ordinary; narrow; rippling; tinted; incessant; southern; swollen; unresting; stern; limpid; farthest; glad; dancing; haughty; familiar; unstable; invisible; triumphant; rosy; perfumed; incarnadined


    cast up by—; challenge—; chart—; embark on—; fan—; head out for—; launch on—; plow through—; streak—; traverse—; —allures; —beats against; —bristles; —chastises; —chops; —dashes; —foams; —hems in; —murmurs; —s pile up; —pounds; — pursues; —retreats; —ripples; —^-rustles; — sighs; —sleeps; —sweeps; —thrashes; — thunders; —whispers; —yields up

    (See lake, ocean, wave, river, surf.)

    Seal adjectives

    dangling; sulphur; violated; experimental; sweet; wax; official; broken

    Seal (v) adverbs

    hermetically; effectively; mechanically; scientifically; officially; automatically; nominally; legally; bindingly

    (See confirm, attest.)

    Sealed adverbs

    hermetically; tightly; completely; successfully; properly; finally; officially; securely; safely; confidently; expertly; sufficiently; satisfactorily; hopelessly; firmly; legally

    Seaman adjectives

    distant; broken; disbanded (pl); skillful; proficient; doughty; unimaginative; conscientious; obsequious; groaning

    Seamed adverbs

    oddly; conspicuously; remarkably; extremely; senilely; frostily; merrily; terribly; deeply

    Seams adjectives

    fossiliferous; chintz-welted; innumerable; whitened

    Seaport adjectives

    old; drowsy; conspicuous; populous; busy; modern

    Search adjectives

    diligent; preliminary; keen; futile; quiet; breathless; fruitless; unreasonable; evident; deliberate; repeated; systematic; reckless; exhaustive; resolute; protracted; obnoxious; blindfolded; vain; intensive; vague; patient; relentless; superstitious; terrestrial; proposed; personal; narrow,; prolonged; studious; frantic; roaming; vigorous; weary; nationwide


    baffle in—; cease—; conduct—; commence —; devote to—; discontinue—; entail—; enter into—; entrust—to; escape—; instigate —; institute—; justify—; relinquish—; renew—; undertake—; venture on—; wear} of—; —ascertains; —consumes; —extends to; —pains; —reveals; —results in; —uncovers; —unearths

    (See examination, exploration, scrutiny, inquiry.)

    Search (v) adverbs

    deliberately; diligently; frenziedly; blindly; frantically; intently; rigorously; fruitlessly; cautiously; tirelessly; systematically; recklessly; protractedly; vainly; relentlessly; vaguely; legally; indefatigably

    (See hunt, seek.)

    Searching adjectives

    patient; intelligent; laborious; restless


    unusually; rigorously; thoroughly; profoundly; uncommonly; rigidly; unpleasantly; heartlessly; inescapably

    Search-Light verbs

    desire—; exhibit—; fit with—; supply—; suspend—; switch on—; —beams; —dazzles; —diffuses; —enables; —exposes; — facilitates; —flickers; —gleams; —illumines; —pierces; —penetrates; —reflects; — reveals; —signals

    (See light.)

    Season adjectives

    singing; sickly; glorious; buried; tempestuous; heated; due; ordinary; rainy; favored; sultry; propitious; modish; virtuous; unapparent; festive; winter; holiday; gala; due; faithful; adverse; gentle; true; ominous; pestilential; youthful; beneficent; suitable; advancing; autumnal; convenient; unchanged


    adapt to—; divide into—s; fill—; inaugurate—; launch—; measure—s; —s alternate; —advances; —clothes; —creeps along

    • —develops; —drifts by; —fades; —flowers

    • —lapses; —matures; —s merge; —proceeds

    —progresses; —promises; —ripens; —rolls around; —s vary; —waxes

    (See autumn, spring, summer, winter.)

    Season (v) adverbs

    pungently; deftly; professionally; skillfully; richly; deliciously

    (See flavor.)

    Seasonable adverbs

    pleasantly; safely; congruously; stylishly; fashionably; reasonably; appropriately; carefully; fastidiously; conveniently; happily; luckily; agreeably; fairly; sensibly

    Seat adjectives

    proffered; rustic; glorious; battered; pleasant; splayed; favorite; airy; chief est; princely; storied; regal; supreme; cheap; blissful; dismal; shady; secure; venerable; rural; capacious; luxurious; exalted; imperial; ancestral


    arrange—s; discover—; emerge from—; fill—s; group—s; mark—; number—s; occupy—; offer—; order—; pad—; proffer—; range—s; relinquish—; reserve—; slump in —; vacate—; wedge into—; —accommodates; —collapses

    (See chair, saddle.)

    Seat (v) adverbs

    musingly; peacefully; airily; cozily; carelessly; abruptly; wearily; drowsily; idly; calmly; rustically; regally; blissfully; ex-altedly; imperially; ostentatiously; modestly; demurely; unobtrusively

    (See usher, establish.)

    Seated adverbs

    firmly; gingerly; shakily; nervously; permanently; resolutely; immovably; shyly; timidly; determinedly; finally; primly; demurely; stiffly; gravely; pompously; carefully; respectfully; slouchily; disrespectfully; lazily

    Secession adjectives

    successful; timely; foolish; peaceable

    Secluded adverbs

    carefully; happily; distantly; completely; pleasantly; comfortably; desirably; terribly; desolately; palatially; unsociably; conveniently; agreeably; inhospitably; delightfully; inexplicably; singularly; curiously; significantly

    Seclusion adjectives

    obliterating; wearisome; elegant; mummied; dignified; studied; comforting; deep; haughty; bleak; aristocratic; motionless; strict; sweet; utter; tropical; slothful; ascetic; comparative; sullen; torpid; flowery; virtual; sunshiny; blank


    advise—; advocate—; afford—; attempt—; contemplate in—; emerge from—; enjoy—; gain—; hide in—; interrupt—; meditate in —; offer—; prize—; raise in—; rouse from —; seek—; strive for—; subject to—; — bores; —consoles; —dulls; —stagnates; —• disciplines

    (See isolation, loneliness, concealment, retirement, retreat.)

    Second adjectives

    condemned; supercharged; frozen; significant; reckless; precise; fleeting; precious; recaptured; wasted; breathless

    Secrecy adjectives

    mysterious; enjoined; half-pretended; inviolate; romantic; strictest; indispensable; profound; infinite; tremendous; necessary; sworn


    delve into—; encroach upon—; intrude upon —; obscure with—; pervade—; pierce—; — fosters; —mystifies; —solaces; —veils

    (See seclusion, privacy, retirement, retreat, solitude.)

    Secret adjectives

    unnecessary; enrapturing; golden; tender; yearning; solemn; terrible; guilty; precious; close-locked; fatal; sublime; effective; minute; open; delicious; damaging; dreadful; mysterious; unrevealed; innocent; priceless; efficient; scientific; ultimate; subtle; treasured; serious; sterile; elfish; grim; divine; curious; shameful; conventual; vital; untold; elemental; unsavory


    betray—; disclose—; discover—; divulge—; entrust—; explore—; expose—; exult in—; ferret into—; ferret out—; glean—s; guard —; harbor—; hug—; impart—; laden with —s; penetrate—; probe—; pry into—; recount—; rediscover—; rejoice in—; relieve of—; relish—I reveal—; secure—; share—; spill—; take into—; unbosom—; unearth—; unfold—; unlock—; utter—; wheedle—; wrest—from; wring—from; yield—; — breaks; —leaks out; —mystifies

    (See confidence, mystery.) adverbs

    apparently; closely; carefully; profoundly; inviolably; necessarily; dangerously; darkly; pleasantly; mysteriously; deeply; furtively; vexatiously; foolishly; wisely; inscrutably; childishly )

    Secretary adjectives

    indefatigable: confidential; delinquent; honorary; obsequious; legation; subservient; household; flippant; suave; diplomatic


    acquaint—; confide in—; depend on—; despatch—; dispense with—; entrust—; provide with—; —attends; —records; —transacts

    (See assistant, accessory.)

    Secretion adjectives

    nauseating; acrid; animal; pungent; endocrinous; curdy; life-giving


    deposit—; discharge—; emit—; extract—; furnish—; influence—; inject—; limit—; pour—; stimulate—; suppress—; throw off —; undergo—; —covers; —flows; —emanates; —exudes; —increases; —issues; — oozes

    (See liquid, saliva, bile.)

    Secretive adverbs

    curiously; furtively; mysteriously; unpleasantly; unnecessarily; oddly; importantly; absurdly; ridiculously; laughably; foolishly; craftily; extraordinarily; inordinately; unreasonably; senselessly; habitually; fantastically; crazily; morbidly; comically

    Sect adjectives

    persecuted; denominational; dissenting; unresting; reigning; separated; dogmatical


    attach to—; distinguish—; divide into—s; extirpate—; honor—; found—; originate—; persecute—; profess—; scatter—; test—; — adheres; —believes; —confounds; —deviates; —distracts; —endures; —observes; — banishes; —springs up; —worships

    (See party, religion.)

    Section adjectives

    fresh; concluding; pointed; elongated; adjunctive; remote; identical; covered; rugged; rural; insurgent; progressive; benighted; geographical; colored; peaceful; pure: omitted; subsequent; luscious; internal


    break up into—s; combine—s; curtain off—; desert—; designate—; detach—; divide into —s; enlarge—; present—; rate—; split up into—s; unite—s; —constitutes; —s join

    (See division, compartment, department, segment.)


    entirely; remarkably; financially; reasonably; probably; unusually; extraordinarily; prosperously; fortunately; undeniably; palpably; dependably; reliably; confidently; authentically; happily

    Secure (v) adverbs

    conditionally; expeditiously; triumphantly; blamelessly; questionably; privately; eventually; legitimately; promptly; fortunately; effectually; financially

    (See gain, obtain.)

    Security adjectives

    unfathomable; false; stable; specific; mundane; comparative; fancied; individual; absolute; carnal; imperfect; universal; symbolized; tolerable; proper; reasonable; effectual; foreign; financial; smiling; essential; contented


    attain—; build up—; dwell in—; enjoy—; evince—; guarantee—; imperil—; insure—; lull into—; maintain—; preserve—; receive —; ruffle—; threaten—; undermine—

    (See impregnability, independence, safety- )

    Sedate adverbs

    gravely; comically; habitually; naturally; pleasantly; priggishly; ridiculously; peculiarly; unusually; properly; modestly; serenely; thoughtfully; calmly; occasionally; forbiddingly; curiously

    Seda TIVE adjectives

    admirable; efficient; bitter; harmful


    act as—; addict to—s; administer—; employ—; prescribe—; —calms; —eases; — lulls; —mitigates; —palliates: —quells; — quiets; —relieves; —weakens; —soothes

    (See medicine, opiate.)

    Sedentary adverbs

    disagreeably; unfortunately; monotonously; conveniently; comfortably; harmfully; injuriously; necessarily; providentially; tediously


    waving; rustling; bonnet; thick

    Sediment adjectives

    ignoble; dark; useless

    Sedition verbs

    convict of—; direct—; protest against—; seethe with—; —agitates; —arouses; —disorders; —disparages; —distracts; —disturbs; —incites; —offends; —prejudices; — upsets

    (See treason, disturbance, agitation, commotion.)

    Seditious adverbs

    viciously; desperately; meanly; secretly; vilely; dangerously; alarmingly; powerfully; churlishly; insidiously; furtively; loudly; resentfully; aggressively; actively; openly; audaciously; boldly; influentially

    Seduction adjectives

    vulgar; didactic; deliberate; lulling; invisible

    Seductive adverbs

    mysteriously; deliberately; utterly; delightfully; disturbingly; provokingly; intentionally; cleverly; designedly; diabolically; successfully; bewilderingly; amazingly; irresistibly; unquestionably; wondrously; marvelously; unexpectedly; remarkably; surprisingly; coolly; radiantly; joyously; quietly; consciously; tauntingly; tormentingly; overwhelmingly; provocatively; unconsciously

    See (v) adverbs

    vividly; graphically: objectively; subjectively; dimly; faintly; distinctly; picturesquely; nakedly; comprehensively; belatedly; previously

    (See view, observe, notice.)

    Seed adjectives

    deathless; fruitful; heavenly; worthy; spurting; generous; untainted; true; blind; vigorous; healthy; sanguine; diversified; nox

    ious; alated; degenerate; extensive; foreign; winged; spiritual; germinating; shriveled


    bear—; bruise—; carry—; implant—; propagate—; scatter—; sow—; —clings; —falls; —flowers; —fructifies; —germinates; — matures; —splits; —springs open; —springs up; —yields

    (See germ, grain.)

    Seedy adverbs

    disagreeably; unpleasantly; decrepitly; sorrily; shabbily; wearily; distressingly; pitiably; miserably; lamentably; deplorably; carelessly; raggedly; wretchedly; unhappily; unusually; unnecessarily; gracelesssly; desolately

    Seek (v) adverbs

    frivolously; sensually; patiently; idly; sedulously; contemptuously; unavailingly; desperately; habitually; persistently; instinctively; contentiously; adventurously; diligently; vainly; aimlessly; scientifically; involuntarily; tirelessly; faithfully; impiously; per-severingly; industriously; obstinately

    (See search, hunt.)

    Seeker adjectives

    frivolous; sincere; tranquil; selfless; inactive; inexperienced; vivacious; sensation

    Seers adjectives

    profound; pretentious; discomfited; infallible; vegetarian; solitary; statistical; worldly-wise; omniscent

    Segments adjectives

    decorated; manageable; separated; equal


    arrange—; compose—; compress—; designate—; divide—; join—; rivet—; unite—; —constitute ; —form

    (See section, division, department, part.)

    Segregate (v} adverbs

    racially; designedly; dictatorially; viciously; invidiously; seasonally; virtually; diplomatically

    (See isolate, separate.)

    Segregated adverbs

    carefully; inhospitably; cruelly; unnecessarily; happily; preferably; mercilessly; significantly; thoughtfully; intolerantly; arrogantly; illegally; undemocratically; uncharitably; perniciously

    Seize (v


    peremptorily; selfishly; impulsively; roughly; rapaciously; greedily; lustfully; diabolically; bestially; unceremoniously; summarily; rudely; uncouthly; desperately; arbitrarily; illegally

    (See snatch, grasp.)

    Seizure adjectives

    prolonged; epileptic; impending; arbitrary; convulsive; permanent; abrupt; peremptory; illegal; unwarranted

    Select (v) adverbs

    intelligently; discreetly; painstakingly; arbitrarily; tastefully; variously; fastidiously; ostentatiously; judiciously; exquisitely; infallibly; methodically; legitimately

    (See choose, pick.)

    Selection adjectives

    marvelous; smartest; extensive; huge; enormous; perverse; customary; dazzling: unusual; noteworthy; careful; judicious; vocational; grand; current; natural; exquisite; unlimited; intelligent; methodical; representative; widest; infallible; artificial; dire; euphuistic; copious; fine; vast; occasional; rapid; conscious; singular; eager; immediate; legitimate; confident; complete; varied

    Self adjectives

    inmost; past-created; unchanged; progressive; insignificant; whimsical; full-formed; reverend; beautiful; profane; gushing; substantial; piquant; buoyant; perfect; pretended; fancied; malignant; dead; worthless; central; bold; customary; real; gracious; wittiest; sw’eet; maternal; irregular; tortured; double; forgotten


    bear—; dissipate—; flush with—; inflate—; inspire—; promote—; puff up with—; resort to—; —contents; —provokes; —rewards

    (See egotism, self-esteem.)

    Self-Confidence adjectives

    sturdy; brave; youthful; sublime; brash; bright; hard-won; serene

    Self-Conscio US NESS adjectives

    sharp; perpetual; absurd; puerile; exaggerated; embarrassed; obvious


    affect—; afflict with—; attain—; blush in—; conquer—; defeat—; dispel—; divert from —; free from—; ignite—; nettle by—; overcome—; plague with—; relinquish—; rout —; simper in—; sweep away—; triumph over—; —absorbs; —affects; —annoys; — hinders; —irks; —provokes; —sensitizes

    (See awkwardness, clumsiness, embarrassment.)

    Self-Control adjectives

    persistent; rigid; systematic; supreme; long-practiced; resolute; wondrous

    Self-Esteem verbs

    alter—; build—; center in—; enlarge—; favor—; flatter—; impair—; lower—; modify—; pique—; polish—; raise—; smite—; value—; —assures; —grounds on; —melts; —overrates; —profits

    (See egotism, conceit, pride, vanity.)

    Selfish adverbs

    incredibly; shamelessly; lazily; incurably; inherently; habitually; naturally; unbelievably; atrociously; thoughtlessly; abominably; cruelly; unforgivably; shamefully; blithely; heedlessly; undutifully; ungrate-ably; remarkably; arrantly; egregiously; grossly; stingily; arrogantly; sordidly; indolently; uncommonly; unhappily; miserably; grossly; greedily; avariciously; blatantly; openly; curiously; strangely


    inconsiderate; blind; intense; enlightened; rigid; obstinate; sordid; willful; cold; debasing; ghastly; overweening; shallow; individual; solitary; petty; sheer; querulous; intelligent


    censure—; coddle—; conquer—; decry—; foster—; inculcate—; indulge in—; nurse—; practice—; pursue—; overcome—; oppose —; restrain—; route—; screen—; transcend —; —angers; —centers; —concentrates; — covets; —curses; —embroils; —narrows; — pains; —pampers

    (See jealousy, ingratitude, materialism, egotism, cruelty.)

    Self-Reliance verbs

    admire—; appreciate—; beget—; breed—; demand—; destroy—; display—; encourage —; engender—; esteem—; evince—; foster —; generate—; implant—; inculcate—; infuse—; instil—; praise—; prize—; smother —; stifle—; urge—; value—; —fortifies; — sustains

    (See confidence, faith, assurance.)

    Self-Respect verbs

    betray—; brace—; breed—; debase—; degrade—; destroy—; foster—; heighten—; hoist—; humble—; inculcate—; lower—; maintain—; nurture—; promote—; sustain —; reduce—; value—; weaken—; wound—

    (See pride, vanity, egotism, respect.)

    Self-Restraint verbs

    discard—; esteem—; exercise—; impose—; train in—; value—; —abstains; —binds; — coerces; —checks; —curbs: —declines; — desists; —disciplines; —fetters; —forbears; —governs; —impels; —inures; —moderates; —shackles; —restricts; —tempers

    (See discipline, training, restraint, control.)

    Sell (v) adverbs

    systematically; professionally; constructively; rationally; profitably; legitimately; irregularly; intelligently

    (See exchange, transfer.)


    gross; glorified; restored; corruptible; deserted; petty

    Semblance adjectives

    tragic; striking; equal; princely; simple; rare; ghostly; sham; grotesque; airy; figurative; bustling; outward


    admit—; afford—; ascertain—; assume—; bear—; communicate—; discern—; exp'ose —; furnish—; impart—; maintain—; offer —; recognize—; regard—; reveal—; ridicule—; scrutinize—; sustain—; uncover—; wear—of; —approximates: —burlesques; —caricatures; —copies; —deceives; —mirrors; —parallels: —simulates; —smacks of

    (See appearance, aspect, look, similarity.)

    Seminary verbs

    enroll in—; father—; found—; —breeds; — cherishes; —cultivates; —disciplines; —enlightens; —equips; —expands; —expels; — flourishes; —fosters; —inculcates; —informs; —infuses; —instructs; —nurtures; — polishes; —prepares; —propagates; —qualifies; —refines; —trains

    (See college, school, institution, university.)

    Senate adjectives

    venerable; complaisant; servile; reverend; venal; strong; popular

    Senators adjectives

    energetic; businesslike; influential; odious; easily-influenced; brilliant; lame-duck; independent


    convoke—; embroil—; impeach—; muster —; support—; —address; —adjourn; —admit; —assemble; —campaign; —confirm; — convene; —demand; —formulate; —legislate; —orate; —propose; —sit; —stampede; —filibuster

    (See legislator, congressman, judge, lawyer.)


    swiftly; despairingly; providentially; equitably; expressly; anonymously; simultaneously; tirelessly; incessantly; vigorously; peremptorily; promptly; precipitately

    (See forward, dispatch.)

    Senile adverbs

    terribly; tragically; pathetically; dingily; ridiculously; desolately; rosily; drunkenly; lamentablyj crabbedly; feebly; disgustingly; horribly; weakly; degenerately; gracelessly; depressingly; startlingly; woefully; hopelessly; prematurely; mournfully

    Senility adjectives

    sheer; sham; self-indulgent

    SENSATION adjectives

    enlightening; disagreeable; wonderful; delicious; sinking; buoyant; literary; tingling; satisfying; pleasing; overpowering; formless; void; spry; variable; sparkling; luxurious; burning; queer; beneficent; strong; tremendous; strange; overnight; immense; peculiar; perverted; unique; smashing; prodigious; profound; tactual; creeping; enormous; bright; funny; crazed; broken; refined; horrible; aristocratic; restful; exuberant; stinging; abrupt; curtain; passive; reigning; advertising; inner; tactile; absorbing; outstanding; atrocious; heavy; nervous; wretched; darting; pricking; extraordinary


    convey—; create—; excite—; derive—; experience—; fan—; illustrate—; impart—; interpret—; inspire—; lower—; jade with —; overshadow—; parade—; perceive—; produce—; retain—; revive—; stir—; transmit—; —agitates; —animates; —arouses; —enkindles; —enraptures; —fascinates; — flushes: —flusters; —galvanizes; —impresses; —infects; —inflames; —infuriates; —intoxicates; —penetrates; —perishes; — perturbs; —petrifies; —pierces; —piques; — overwhelms; —ravishes; —renders; — ruffles; —rushes; —staggers; —startles; — strikes; —warms; —entrances; rekindle—; report—; reproduce—

    (See perception, consciousness, mood, emotion, feeling, sensationalism.)

    Sensational adverbs

    definitely; curiously; intentionally; shockingly; offensively; singularly; undeniably; garishly; wickedly; extraordinarily; downright; cleverly; tremendously; profitably; deliberately; designedly; purposely; adroitly; ingeniously; attractively; dramatically; spectacularly; surprisingly

    Sensationalism verbs

    abominate—; abhor—; addict to—; avoid —; bear—; condone—; detest—; deplore—; dispose toward—; dodge—; eschew—; frown upon—; incline toward—; recoil from—; refrain from—; reject—; shun—; shy from—; —blazons; —cheapens; —corrupts; —defiles; —disgusts; —publicizes; —sullies

    (See notoriety, publicity, sensation.)

    Sense adjectives

    real; miraculous; pleading; evil; indefatigable; cowering; abounding; moral; accommodated; final; soothing; confused; instinctive; crude; vulgar; intuitive; prophetic; exaggerated; dreary; supplementary; aesthetic; helpless; wakeful; superstitious; false; disparaging; practical; deepening; different; unscientific; distinct; inward; common; crushing; artistic; vigorous; corporeal; elementary; glimmering; intellectual; penetrating; cruel; mystical; colder; sterling; surly; strictest; baffled; extravagant; sickening; normal; suffocating; human; secret; dusty; serene; shrewd; automatic; unwitting; insidious; critical; curious; divers (pl); literal; momentary; accretive; mobile; external; exhilarating; genuine; superior; just; dull; seeming; modest; jubilant; cultivated; mysterious; innate; brute; scriptural; academic; imperturbable; half-conscious, delicate; lingering; practical; devout; sobering; pedagogical; magnetic; noisome; leaping; ethnological; renewed; morbid; anguished; realizing; universal; humble; dimmer; rhetorical; subtile; eminent; sardonic; unpaired; hazy; pleasant; constant; tacit; painful; stable; jealous; complimentary; puzzled; narrow; uncanny; absorbed; dewy; rigorous; caviling; kennel; boiling; precocious; jaded; blunted; perceptive; untechnical; warring; palpitating; esoteric; dismal; arithmetical; architectonic; half-dormant; degraded; irresistable; pseudo-pantheistic; nascent; sudden; immanent; plain; wretched; terrible; withering; odious; balancing; apparent; military; dim; symbolic; inborn; reputable; etymological; hypothetical; ineffaceable; eternal; sleepy; inarticulate; pedantic; acquired; implicit; benumbed; solemn; keener; reverted; exterior; lofty; magic; stored; languid; testifying; lively; finer; abstract; social; quibbling; amiable; earnest; material; mobile; offended; sound; exceeding; deficient; due; mechanical; seeing; pathological; receptive; grosser; slumbering; acute; gratified; oppressive

    Sense (v) adverbs

    intuitively; instinctively; vaguely; uncannily; morbidly; nervously; miraculously; prophetically; secretly; automatically; mysteriously; jealously; precociously; keenly

    (See recognize, perceive.)

    Sense of HUMOR verbs

    cultivate—; derange—; develop—; display —; dull—; exhibit—; foster—; instil—; lack —; necessitate—; pervert—; prize—; require—; treasure—; value—; —eases; — lightens; —responds; —rewards

    (See wisdom, knowledge, ability.)

    Senses verbs

    annihilate—; assail—; awaken—; benumb —; bereave—; blunt—; cultivate—; conquer —; deaden—; deprave—; distort—; doubt —; dull—; educate—; enrapture—; govern —; gratify—; heighten—; inflame—; impair —; injure—; lose—; outrage—; overwhelm —; paralyze—; perceive by—; possess—; purify—; quicken—; refine—; regain—; stimulate—; stir—; titillate—; vex—; —convey; —deceive; —delude; —dictate; —disconcert; —endow; —estrange; —guide; — play; —respond; —stifle; —stray; —swim; —tingle; —conflict

    (See emotion, feeling, sensation, mood.)

    Sensibility adjectives

    quivering; refined; finer; glowing; elegant; profound; natural; tender; delicate; exquisite

    Sensible adverbs

    undoubtedly; scarcely; financially; economically; practicably; solidly; profoundly; usually; stolidly; soundly; substantially; particularly; honestly; thoughtfully; wisely; instinctively; crudely; cruelly; serenely; shrewdly; curiously; dully; imperturbably; pleasantly; painfully; dismally; eminently; remarkably; sincerely; apparently; palpably; evidently; manifestly; highly; altogether; entirely; commendably; laudably; admirably; delightfully; refreshingly; inherently; naturally; innately; discreetly; sagely; gravely; stodgJy; odiously; oppressively

    Sensitive adverbs

    morbidly; unusually; unreasonably; curiously; oddly; extravagantly; nervously; timidly; shyly; awkwardly; extremely; unfortunately; unnaturally; foolishly; ridiculously; absurdly; deplorably; distressingly; heart-breakingly; preposterously; terribly

    Sensitiveness adjectives

    astonishing; pardonable; quivering; morbid; abnormal; fantastic; artistic; overstrained; excessive; infinite; unnatural; emotional; perilous; womanly; feverish


    dull—; lack—; sharpen—; —pains; — pierces; —prompts; —shocks; —varies; — wrings

    (See feeling, emotion, pain.)

    Sensual adverbs

    coarsely; basely; grossly; dissolutely; vilely; undeniably; unfortunately; scandalously; broadly; indecently; deplorably; flagrantly; outrageously; utterly

    Sensuous adverbs

    keenly; artistically; refreshingly; poetically; enthusiastically; eagerly; appreciatively; responsively; acutely; intensively; quickly; poignantly; avidly; deeply; profoundly; unusually; alertly

    Sensuousness aa jectives

    inert; controlled; rarefied; captivating: rare

    Sentence (general) adjectives

    dispossessed; suspended; extravagant; turgid; involved; hurried; merciful; animated; charming; epigrammatic; vigorous ;• memorable; concluding; incoherent; suggestive; characteristic; functionary; fragmentary; monotonous; lucid; obscure; final; irr.table; drastic; angry; incoherent; weird; vibrant; telegraphic; haunting; jerky; dreadful; dumb; childish; swift; stimulating; discreet; scathing; mangled; whispered; favorite; frigid; oracular; appalling; too-lenient; pithy; hard; immediate; consecutive; fresh; slovenly; declarative

    Sentence (punishment) verbs

    advocate—; annul—; commute—; deal out —; defer—; execute—; faint at—; impose —; justify—; mete out—; pass—; proclaim —; pronounce—; —binds; —expires

    (See judgment, punishment, justice.)

    Sentences (words) verbs

    balance—; build—; construct—; declaim—; disclaim—; detach—; embody—; hurl—; mutter—; paraphrase—; quote—; recast—; recollect—; reconstruct—; round—; sum up —; toss—; transcribe—; —pound; —roll; —swing

    (See thought, paragraph, idea, word.)

    Sentiment adjectives

    affectionate; baseless; filthy; tender; favorable; contradictory; ennobling; growing; mawkish; elevated; incongruous; liberal; enduring; aristocratic; patriotic; frivolous; secret; universal; public; delicate; fresh; fiery; emotional; poetical; mingled; vague; noble; kindly; recurring; adverse; collective; profane; grateful; delicious; natural; absorbing; vivid; congenial; generous; traditional;'buried; maudlin; trivial; warm; creeping; virtuous; humanizing; chivalric; ominpus; unaltered; national; pious; exotic; elusive; romantic; artistic; unexpressed; pompous; unexaggerated; altruistic; enduring; detached; silky; potent; heroic; similar; sympathetic; moral; confused; warm; affectionate; false; serious; decisive; contemptuous; fitting; noble; slighting; perpetual; lackadaisical; bombastic; opposite; wintry; endearing; uneasy; stubborn; grandiose; aroused; excessive; muddled; growing; outspoken; pretty; exalted; puerile; minority; masculine; morbid; paltry; reactionary; delectable


    arouse—; awaken—; check—; communicate —; control—; consummate—; convey—; corrupt—; crystallize—; discard—; echo—; encourage—; express—; gag—; induce—; inscribe—; moderate—; reflect—; sweep—; venerate—; voice—; —blossoms; —blurs; —chills; —defies; —expresses; —falls; — flits; —flowers; —grows; —hangs; —nurtures; —possesses; —reflects; —shifts; — shapes; —solidifies; —swings; —switches

    —survives; —veers; —violates; —works

    (See feeling, emotion, tenderness, sentimentality.)

    Sentimental adverbs

    pleasantly; extremely; absurdly; touchingly; incurably; secretly; openly; probably; romantically; feelingly; unusually; somewhat; deeply; profoundly; particularly; ostentatiously; mawkishly; sincerely; genuinely

    Sentimentalism adjectives

    racial; unmanly; romantic; spurious; feigned; western

    Sentimentalist adjectives

    gushing; slobbering; sincere

    Sentimentality adjectives

    sheer; foolish; posturing; stupid; queer; betraying; unnatural; silly; erotic; sallow


    affect—; appeal to—; avoid—; burlesque—; confess—; depreciate—; detect—; discard —; dismiss—; disparage—; display—; evince—; exclude—; exhibit—; express—; feign—; profess—; reject—; ridicule—; scoff at—j'shun—; —complicates; —creeps; —exaggerates; —oozes; —riles (colloq.); —softens

    (See sentiment.)

    Sentinels adjectives

    watchful; dauntless; delinquent; vigilant; cheerful; motionless; faithful; sleeping

    Sentries adjectives

    successive; pacing; red-coated

    Sentry verbs

    address—; appoint—; circumvent—; discharge—; elude—; escape—; evade—; ignore—; lure—; post—; replace—; salute—; shun—; stand—; —abandons; —accosts; —admits; —advances; —alarms; —arouses; —bars; —challenges; —dozes; —escorts; —guards; —hails; —intrenches; —paces; —patrols; —signals; —warns

    (See patrol, guard.)

    Separate (v) adverb*

    cruelly; symmetrically; partially; insuperably; formally; nominally; subsequently; legally; permanently; effectually; physically; fatally; inevitably; deplorably; eternally; conventionally; gradually; austerely

    (See sever, divide.)

    Separation adjectives

    physical; unavoidable; laborious; uncertain; prolonged; fatal; inevitable; deplorable; eternal; earthly; conventional; gradual; forcible; austere; subsequent; mysterious; compulsory


    cement—; effect—; endure—; hazard—; propose—; recommend—; —accomplishes

    • —bisects; —breaches; —disengages; —disjoins; —dismembers; —enforces; —isolates

    • —jeopardizes; —reconciles; —rends; —saddens; —segregates; —severs; —splices; — sunders; —unleashes; —wrings

    (See exile, divorce, excommunication, departure, seclusion.)

    Sepulcher adjectives

    fair; uncovered; enormous; magnificent

    dreamless; august; tenantless; immense

    Sepulchral adverbs

    deeply; coldly; hollowly; darkly; gauntly; dreadfully; alarmingly; woefully; lugubriously; gloomily; miserably; incongruously; inexplicably; curiously; preposterously; absurdly; designedly; terrifyingly; inauspici-ously; repulsively; needlessly; terribly; un-wontedly; mournfully; bafflingly

    Sequence adjectives

    logical; invariable; melancholy; historical; natural; dramatic; impressive; unusual; fragmentary; consecutive; chronological; true; interminable; rapid; intended; inflexible; honorable; chromatic; passionate; coherent; single; listless

    Seraph adjectives

    burning; unseen; sinless

    Serenade verbs

    applaud—; compose—; execute—; perform —; praise—; silence—: sing—; utter—; — arouses; —awakens; —charms; —enchants; —enraptures; —entertains; —expresses; — extols; —moves; —soothes; —stills; —stirs

    —thrills; —unfolds

    (See music, song.)

    Serenity adjectives

    conceited; domestic; undisturbed; cloudless; calm; symmetrical; ineffable; celestial; wondrous; stern; sweet; unalterable; supreme; radiant


    bask in—; bathe in—; bear—; blast—; discompose—; disperse—; disturb—; menace —; recover—; repose in—; threaten—; — breaks; —dominates; —charms; —composes; —enchants; —pacifies; —radiates

    —reconciles; —reigns; —ruffles

    (See calm, complacency, composure.)

    Serfdom verbs

    abolish—; deliver from—; denounce—; emancipate from—; eradicate—; liberate from—; reduce to—; release from—; sink into—; —binds; —debases; ——constrains; —enchains; —fetters; —harnesses; —oppresses; —represses; —shackles; —subjugates; —suppresses; —tethers; —tramples; —enslaves

    (See slavery, bondage, servitude.)

    Series adjectives

    attractive; interesting; stately; well-known; periodical; distinct; regressive; definite; extensive; painstaking; rhythmic; continuous; ingenious; graduated; unbroken; deliberate


    alternate—; arrange in—; blend into—; break—; chain in—; compile—; construct —; continue—; deliver—; discontinue—; edit—; endure—; engage in—; enumerate —; extend—; file in—; follow in—; grade in—; interrupt—;_issue—; join in—; partition—; pen—; prolong—; protract—; publish—; record—; regulate—; relate—; sponsor—; sum up—; tabulate in—; wind in—

    (See row, set, group.)

    Serious adverbs

    gravely; critically; extremely; unquestionably; apparently; evidently; manifestly; curiously; secretly; palpably; ominously; portentously; mysteriously; admittedly; oddly; resolutely; decidedly; emphatically; grimly; severely

    Seriousness adjectives

    conscientious; portentous; unpleasant; nervous; unnecessary; owl-like; touching; especial; melancholy; ironic; sudden; apparent; pitiful; mock; reverential; surpassing


    abate—; acknowledge—; aggravate—; alleviate—; assuage—; compensate for—; conjecture—; decry—; detect—; determine—; diminish—; doubt—; estimate—; exaggerate—; heighten—; intensify—; ignore—; judge—; magnify—; minimize—; mitigate —; modify—; reflect upon—; recognize—; —assures; —invades; —sobers

    (See gravity, earnestness, solemnity.)

    Sermon adjectives

    extempore; controversial; funeral; soft; assize; elaborate; erudite; incomparable; splendid; stirring; sincere; brilliant


    acclaim—; borrow—; deliver—; design—; extol—; feed on—s; misinterpret—; prepare—, polish up—; revise—; —bores; — censures; —declaims; —discourses on; — edifies; —elucidates; —enlightens; —eulogizes; —exhorts; —expatiates on; —expounds; —guides; —harangues; —inspires; —moralizes; —rebukes; —reproves; — thunders; —uplifts; —wearies

    (See oration, address, homily, speech.)

    Sermonize (v) adverbs

    allegorically; monotonously; paternally; morally; bombastically; mawkishly; conventionally; turgidly; irritably; animatedly; epigrammatically; characteristically; religiously; fanatically

    (See compose, preach.)

    Serpent adjectives

    poisonous; fiery; gilt; immense; treacherous; cursed; troubled; traitorous; writhing; lumbering; belligerent; venomous; monstrous; swollen


    exhibit—; slay—; —beguiles; —buzzes; — churns; —coils; —entwines; —glides; — hisses; —rustles; —sibilates; —spirals; — stings; —strikes; —struggles; —uncoils; — undulates; —writhes; —envenoms

    (See dragon, snake, reptile.)

    Serum verbs

    administer—; dilute—; derive—; devise—; discover—; drain—; employ—; impregnate with—; infuse—; inoculate—; inject—; introduce—; invent—; prepare—; rush—; — assists; —checks; —combats; —controls; — exempts; —generates; —immunizes; —insures; —moderates; —neutralizes; —overcomes; —remedies; —stagnates; —stems

    (See medicine, fluid, remedy, tonic, antitoxin.)

    Servant adjectives

    cloistered; shining; numerous (pl); diligent; goodnatured; gracious; primitive; menial; indentured; authorized; private; confidential; natural; trustworthy; domestic; voluntary; respectful; solitary; stolid; disinterested; faithful; zealous; vile; gentle; assigned; laden; magnanimous; noiseless; unjust; inattentive; corrupt; public; flowered; natty; obedient; docile; superannuated; sorrowful


    bond—; command—; commend—; curse—; discharge—; dismiss—; employ—; extol—; humble—; rebuke—; reimburse—; reproach —; reprove—; retain—; reward—; sack—; station—; —announces; —attends; —beguiles; —betrays; —devotes; —details; — enlightens; —humbles; —identifies; —obeys; —pilfers; —ushers in; reprimand—

    (See matron, slave, assistant.)

    Serve (v) adverbs

    deftly; graciously; whole-heartedly; elegantly; gratuitously; conspicuously; unwittingly; valiantly; judiciously; indifferently; admirably; exclusively; eminently; generously; simultaneously; gloriously; faithfully; apathetically; tenderly

    (See deal, distribute.)

    Service adjectives

    right; courteous; efficient; thoughtful; unmatched; celebrated; gracious; willing; flawless; fine; unusual; alert; deft; helpful; extra; fast; expert; gallant; lip; financial; insurgent; domestic; unedifying; invidious; trustworthy; distinguished; meritorious; inestimable; deferred; memorial; typographic; professional; priestly; peaceful; suitable; religious; imposing; costly; gratuitous; humblest; valuable; haulage; exalted; gruelling; maximum; reluctant; economical; perfunctory; abiding; engineering; impressive; essential; thankless; desperate; dependable; perpetual; honorable; promising; brisk; consecrated; immense; unionized; superior; committal; disastrous; proffered; beneficial; table; scant; eminent; civil; diplomatic

    scientific; gloomy; garrison; reasonable; unselfish; surgical; superlative; industrial; imperative; utility; erection; unique; satisfactory; management; continuous; lasting; hazardous; charitable; meticulous; unmenaced; silver; ceremonious; arduous; glorious; solitary; strenuous; specific; secretarial; mutual; hateful; particular; duteous; advisory; supervisory; auxiliary; filial; golden; dependable; prompt; consular; diffused; manifold (pl); musical; meager


    abandon—; arise in—; attend—; attribute —; bribe—; call for—; command—; conduct —; correlate—; crave—; culminate—; dedicate—; dislocate—; dispense with—; display—; dispose of—; distinguish—; draw into—; engage in—; enlist—; experience—; force from—; induce into—; introduce into —; lay down—; maintain—; modernize—; obligate to—; paralyze—; participate in—; prepare for—; press into—; provide—; regiment into—; render—; review—; reward—; slash—; sublimate—; supplant—; suspend—; terminate—; toil in—; unify—; volunteer—

    (See work, employment, practice.

    Serviceable adverbs

    extremely; undeniably; valuably; helpfully; practically; infinitely; generously; unusually; highly; conveniently; extraordinarily; obediently

    Servile adverbs

    obsequiously; disgustingly; pitiably; cring-ingly; miserably; innately; sickeningly; pitifully; abjectly; unctuously; blandly; basely; humbly; meekly; ingratiatingly; fawningly; subserviently; remarkably; significantly; oddly; inexplicably; unaccountably; openly

    Servitor adjectives faithful; swarthy; favored

    Servitude adjectives

    penal; involuntary; loving; political; gilded; marital; prisoned; martial


    abolish—; bear—; betray into—; debase by —; deliver from—; drag into—; free from

    • —; lead into—; liberate from—; reduce to

    • —; resign to—; sentence to—;, subject to—

    —degrades; —chains; —enslaves; —expires; —fetters; —harnesses; —shackles; — weighs upon

    (See bondage, serfdom.

    Session adjectives

    executive; prolonged; nominal; secret; winter; all-night; plenary; extraordinary; lengthy; fruitless; extra; special


    adjourn—; attend—; complicate—; conclude —; convoke—; disband—; dismiss—; disperse—; emphasize—; extend—; open—; prolong—; protract—; resume—; wind up —; —administers; —achieves; —accomplishes; —appropriates; —assembles; —convenes; —deliberates; —effects; —formulates; —frames; —legislates; —recesses

    (See court, meeting, conference, assembly, council.

    Set adjectives

    unreasonable; artistic; brawling; unwelcome; gambling; hard-drinking; military; basic; uncut; prosaic; deplorable; intelligent; fair; poisonous; shiftless; social


    accumulate—; acquire—; associate in—s; arrange—s; classify in—s; collect—; compile—; complete—; compose—; compound —; conclude—; consort in—s; constitute—; create—; cut—; designate—; dispose of—; dissolve—; divide—; effect—; employ—; form—; fuse—; muster—; pair off in—s; procure—; sever—; sort into—s; supply—; weld—; —comprises; —includes

    (See series, group.

    Set (v) adverbs

    cunningly; perceptibly; resolutely; grimly; firmly; stubbornly; sternly; ingeniously; il-logically; intuitively; primly; obstinately; deliberately; calmly; relentlessly; coquettish-ly; daintily; partially; courageously; awkwardly

    (See place, establish.

    Set-Back verbs

    bear—; brood over—; endure—; fear—;

    meet with—; suffer—; —abashes; —confuses; —crushes; —dejects; —discourages; —hinders; —humiliates; —impedes; —mortifies; —rebuffs; —relapses; —retards; — retrogrades; —reverses; —weakens

    (See disaster, calamity, mishap, misfortune.)

    Setting adjectives

    irrational; incongruous; atmospheric; halfcomic; contemporary; tragic; insensitive; balanced; pastoral; superb; romantic; brilliant; gorgeous; drab; cumbrous; suggestive


    —assures ; —calls for ; —confuses ; —depicts

    —enhances; —extorts; —hinders; —impedes; —implies,’ —necessitates; —obstructs; —provides

    (See background, scene, environment.)

    Settle (v) adverbs

    traditionally; cozily; sparsely; voluntarily; colonially; permanently; conclusively; mercilessly; satisfactorily; peacefully; amicably; contentedly; thinly; vaguely; prosperously; pecuniarily; arbitrarily; harmoniously

    (See adjust, fix.)

    Settlement (colony) verbs

    abandon—; attack—; attempt—; defend—; desert—; endanger—; establish—; forsake —; fortify—; garrison—; guide—; imperil —; oppress—; plant—; ravage—; reinforce —; rule—; tyrannize over—; —decays; — colonizes; —dwindles; —governs; —flourishes; —languishes; —perishes; —pioneers; —progresses; —prospers; —thrives

    (See colony.)

    Settlement (decision ) verbs

    appeal for—; award—; arrange for—; arrive at—; balk at—; conclude—; confirm —; contract—; delay—; denounce—; dictate —; dispute—; effect—; favor—; gain—; hasten—; negotiate—; pledge—; postpone —; procure—; question—; ratify—; —determines; —disposes of; —grants; —provides for; —stipulates

    (See litigation, compromise, decision, adjustment.)

    Settlement (general) adjectives

    amicable; prosperous; sparse; rapid; pecuniary; ultimate; defenseless; pretty; lasting; flourishing; equitable; arbitrary; scattered (pl); organized; peaceful; stable; separate; speedy; quiet; numerous (pl) J sensible; penal; discordant; harmonious; ecclesiastical; parochial; upper; important

    Settler adjectives

    important; befuddled; outlying; early; staunch; brave; hardy; pious; first

    Sever (v) adverbs

    permanently; completely; fatally; partially; hopelessly; voluntarily; legally; financially; economically; socially

    (See divide, separate.)

    Severe adverbs

    harshly; gravely; puritanically; rigorously; rigidly; uncompromisingly; inflexibly; unsparingly; arbitrarily; domineeringly; imperiously; sternly; unmitigatedly; unrelentingly; relentlessly; odiously; atrociously; detestably; tyrannically; haughtily; brutally; needlessly; intolerably; abominably; barbarously; unwisely; senselessly; unreasonably; warrantably; properly

    Severity adjectives

    unjust; uncompromising; stern; unsmiling; inexorable; unrelaxed; exemplary; unbending; extraordinary; mingled; brutal; presaging; intemperate; amused; burlesque; unnecessary; wholesome; hypocritical; righteous; relentless; formidable; calm; clearcut; merciless; just; unusual; ill-directed


    abate—; abolish—; accentuate-—; acknowledge—; aggravate—; allay—; ameliorate —; apologize for—; assuage—; determine —; ease—; extenuate—; heighten—; ignore —; impose—; increase—; intensify—; judge with—; magnify—; mitigate—; modify—; palliate—; relax—; relieve—; scrutinize—; vary—; —exacts; —tires; —wears down

    (See cruelty, hardness, harshness.

    Sew (v) adverbs domestically; exquisitely; delicately; professionally; habitually; fastidiously; artistically

    (See stitch, fasten.

    Sewage verbs

    carry off—; convey—; discharge—; dispose of—; drain—; filter—; wallow in—; — breeds; —contaminates; —emanates from; —fouls; —hatches; —infects; —overflows; —pollutes;   —precipitates;   —reeks

    spreads; —taints

    (See junk, garbage, filth, waste.

    Sex adjectives

    immured; gentle; fragile; inconstant; variable; bewitching; sterner; respective; dominant; grasping; enigmatical; weaker; dependent; deadlier


    arouse—; characterize—; cloak—; conceal —; debauch—; destroy—; determine—; distinguish—; equalize—s; eulogize—; honor —; pervert—; purify—; respect—; screen —; segregate—s; shroud—; unite—s; — boasts; —claims; —emphasizes; —mystifies

    (See males, women, distinction.

    Shackles verbs

    fuse—; liberate from—; rend—; sever—; sunder—; tear—; throw off—; unleash—; weld—; —bind; —burden; —encumber; — frustrate; —hamper; —link; —restrict; — restrain; —torture; —yoke

    (See chain, fetter.

    Shade adjectives

    thick; cool; .melancholy; symbolic; desolate; chequered; odorous; forlorn; deepest; awful; grim; heavenly; thorny; various (pl); numberless (pl) ; noonday; minutest; venerable; fleeting; solemn; umnoving; exact; consecrated; sullen; tender; tremulous; illustrious; brilliant; translucent; smoky; emphatic; summer; deepening; silent; bashful; evening; tangled; mottled; somber; sprouting; hideous; harmonious; complementary; finer; doleful; religious; grateful; waning; murky; fragrant; mellow; tufted; peaceful; leafy; veiled; vengeful; popular; floating; suburban; stunted; dewy; midnight; natural-looking; beautiful; quivering; reluctant; delicate; cerise; endless; partial; pulsating; pointed; blank; balmy; weltering; imperial; arching; pastel; blending; slender; new; pleasant; smart; wanted; solid; virile; lengthened; plain; popular; rich; exclusive; inviting; welcome; pendent; unexpected; endless; moonlight; implacable; steadfast; monastic; wandering; audacious; blessed; heterogeneous; powerful; disfiguring; lucid; wider; wavering


    abandon—; afford—; bury in—; gain—; illuminate—; recline in—; repose in—; retire to—; search for—; seek—; welcome—; —curtains; -—deepens; —dims; —eclipses; —envelops; —obscures; —overcasts; — screens; —shelters; —shrouds; —veils

    (See darkness, gloom, shadow.

    Shade (v) adverbs dismally; somberly; sullenly; invitingly; coolly; monastically; partially

    (See screen, cloud.

    Sha DO IE adjectives

    silvery; wandering; magnified; somber; impervious; stupendous; pale; brooding; luminous; gathering; swift; spectral; gentle; misty; lengthening; majestic; grotesque; thoughtful; sudden; protecting; eloquent; mellow; flocking; thin; transparent; tremulous; clear; portentous; monstrous; dappled; opaque; vague; lifelong; walking; gigantic; ghostly; heavy; deepest; magic-lantern; condemning; swimming; grim; gloomy; cool; noble; fantastic; horrible; mysterious; moonlight; twilight; dim; baleful; popular; softest; absurd; skulking; rustling; illuminated; distorted; flickering; haughty; intermittent; dense; violet; shapeless; evening; rosy; empty; translucent; sinister; weird; glimmering; defensive; fitful; ghastly; stra ght; unnatural; celestial; meager; ambrosial; apotheosized; vaporous; gusty; noisome; shining; slatted; illusive; impalpable; slanting; elongated; transparent; changing; whispering; misty; bold; dread

    veiled; solemn; encroaching; lifeless; thickening; bounding; trembling; houseless; liquid; citron; characteristic; lessening; disturbing; meaner; lank; chiseled; constitutional


    banish—; cast—; clutch at—; devise—; emerge from—; extend—; grope in—; haunt—; lurk in—; penetrate—; pierce—; repose in—; —blots; —casts; —creeps; — crouches; —dances; —dims; —disintegrates; —eclipses; —encircles; —engulfs; —falls; —Bickers; —Hits; —hangs; —haunts; — hovers; —hugs; —lengthens; —loiters; — looms; —melts; —plays; —radiates; —retreats; —shifts; —shrouds; —stretches; — trembles; —tosses

    (See shade, ghost, phantom, reflection.)

    Shady adverbs

    refreshingly; gratifyingly; pleasantly; excessively; beautifully; attractively; fortunately; questionably; suspiciously; darkly; invitingly; providentially

    Shaft adjectives

    serene; granite; spotless; clustering; various (pl); rich; oblique; fluted


    ascend—; cleave—; descend—; erect—; grasp—; ground—; imbed—; loose—; mount—; sink—; shoulder—; splinter—; straddle—; suspend from—; —bears; — commemorates; —-projects; —protrudes; — soars; —supports; —sustains; —towers

    (See column, post, tower, spear, arrow, lance, handle.)

    Shaggy adverbs

    roughly; softly; expensively; pleasantly; naturally; warmly; fashionably; extremely; slightly; beautifully; stylishly; untidily

    Shake adjectives

    impressive; impatient; melancholy; solemn; nervous; dubious; significant; respectful


    Shake (v) adverbs

    convulsively; nervously; agitatedly; furiously; rudely; violently; negatively; skeptically; energetically; pitilessly; inwardly; pathetically; lustily; viciously; vigorously; sternly; ominously; vehemently; passionate-ly

    (See jar, jolt.)

    Shakespeare verbs

    analyze—; commemorate—; criticize—; discuss—; disparage—; glorify—; honor—; idolize—; immortalize—; laud—; perform —; perpetuate—; portray—; revere—; venerate—; worship—; —depicts; —dramatizes; —eternizes; —excels; —lives

    (See literature, artist, poet, creator, dramatist.)

    Shaky adverbs

    tremulously; feebly; weakly; nervously; insecurely; helplessly; hopelessly; desperately; undeniably; obviously; hazardously; perilously; ominously; critically; precariously; forlornly; incurably; infirmly; decrepit-ly; embarrassingly

    Shallo IP adverbs

    extremely; pleasantly; safely; scandalously; impracticably; desperately; dangerously; obviously; particularly; sufficiently; fortunately; conveniently; unduly; disappointingly

    Sham verbs

    cloak—; denounce—; discard—; disclose—; divulge—; expose—; fabricate—; uncover —; penetrate—; rebuke—; resort to—; reveal—; suppress—; unveil—; —deceives; —defrauds; —deludes; —disguises; —distorts; —feigns; —imposes upon; —mimics; —perverts; —pretends; —simulates

    (See fake, imitation, deception, counterfeit, hypocrisy.)

    Shame adjectives

    divulged; alluring; sweet; irreparable; maiden; perpetual; conscious; notable; eternal; stinging; sluggish; pure; innocent; passing; burning; penetrative; treble; bashful; sudden; blushing; wounding; virtuous; guilty; tender; murderous; notorious; secret; ingenious; infernal; deep; passionate; blighting; primal; engendered; earthly; naked; desolate; cherished; disgusting; defiant; tolerated; humble; utter; girlish; villainous; angry; lovely; crying: unvalued; lasting; natural


    accept—; avenge—; bequeath—; blush in—; bow in—; cloak—; condemn—; cover—; cower in—; cringe in—; deaden to—; disparage—; endure—; evoke—; expel in—; flush with—; hide in—; impute to—; put to —; rid of—; sink with—; slink away in—; suffer—; —blots; —burns; —debases; — defames; —defiles; —degrades; —dishonors; —humiliates; —mixes; —overcomes; —possesses; —scandalizes; —slurs; — stains; —stigmatizes; —sullies; —sweeps; —taints; —tarnishes; —villifies; —disgraces ; bring to—

    (See humiliation, disgrace, dishonor, mortification.)

    Shame (v) adverbs

    consciously; viciously; ingeniously; jealously; disgustingly; traitorously; lustfully; vindictively

    (See humiliate, mock.)

    Shame-Faced adverbs

    embarrassingly; sheepishly; guiltily; foolishly; ridiculously; comically; absurdly; unnecessarily; instantly; curiously; significantly; amazingly; modestly; demurely; timidly; fearfully; childishly; awkwardly

    Shape adjectives

    vague; graceful; fundamental; sublime; stray; vampire: manifold (pl); imagined; lordly; phantom; ultimate; globular; nobler; streaming; slim; articulate; withered; invisible; various (pl); questionable; uniform; unaccustomed; goodly; delicate; monstrous; expanded; chimerical; clownish; archaic; convenient; cowled; gaudy; false; coarser; uncouth; transitory; prodigious; obscene; execrable; original; orthodox; delusive; lusty; checkered; perfect; glorious; exquisite; stalwart; airy; tangible; dim; minutest; distinctive; oblong; unimagined; quaint; imposing; stately; pillared; elliptic; gross; human; unique; pigmy; symmetrical; castled; alien; swarthy; habitable; nameless; peculiar; frightful; loathly


    alter—; caricaturize—; define—; delineate —; depict—; determine—; dim—; discern —; disguise—; distort—; draft—; hack at —; hack into—; hew into—; knead—; lick into—; modify—; mold—; obscure—; outline—; pad—; perceive—; regard—; sketch —; twist into—; —assumes; —suggests

    (See figure, feature, form, outline.)

    Shape (v) adverbs

    adroitly; divinely; deftly; skillfully; professionally; gracefully; delicately; conveniently; conventionally; exquisitely; distinctively; quaintly; elliptically; symmetrically

    (See form, fashion, mould.)

    Shapeless adverbs

    lumpishly; cumbrously; heavily; grotesquely; carelessly; awkwardly; fantastically; coarsely; grossly; loutishly; gawkily; consciously; hopelessly; pitiably; miserably; wretchedly; curiously; utterly; pathetically

    Shapely adverbs

    beautifully; alluringly; perfectly; divinely; seductively; prettily; unusually; remarkably; strikingly; noticeably; conspicuously; attractively

    Share adjectives

    ample; proportionate; individual; sufficient; adequate; full; fertile; fair; due; horrid; considerable; major; requisite; insignificant; proper; scanty; eccentric; usual; corresponding


    accept—; acquire—; adjust—; allocate—; allot—; apportion—; assign—; assume—; bequeath—; claim—; command—; consume —; deprive of—; disclaim—; distribute—; divert—; draw—; forfeit—; issue—; net—; partake of—; procure—; reap—; refuse—; regulate—; retain—; scorn—; usurp—; waive—; —doubles; —drops; —entitles

    (See part, investment, portion, proportion.)

    Share (v


    vicariously; affectionately; profitably; unsparingly; philanthropically; richly; equitably; gratuitously; faithfully; proportionately; adequately

    (See apportion, divide.)

    Shark verbs

    elude—s; repel—s; —s abound; —attacks

    —bolts; —devours; —s endanger; —overturns; —plunges; —preys upon; —pursues; —s ravage; —skims; —skulks; —thrashes; —s victimize

    (See whale, fish.)

    Sharp adverbs

    maliciously; unnecessarily; deliberately; bitterly; viciously; purposely; hatefully; spitefully; resentfully; venomously; designedly; cunningly; insinuatingly; incisively; antagonistically; needlessly; unwisely; mercilessly; obnoxiously; churlishly; snarlingly; rancourously; unsparingly; bitingly; adroitly; strategically; unwontedly; naturally; subtly; sensibly; scheminglv; extremely; alertly; shrewdly; mysteriously; indubitably; obviously; supremely; unexpectedly; infallibly; infinitely; broadly; precociously; sympathetically; astoundingly; sagaciously; politically; cleverly; profoundly; deeply

    Shatter (v) adverbs

    utterly; devastatingly; ruinously; spiritually; morally; physically; economically; financially; fundamentally

    (See shiver, demolish.)

    Shave (v) adverbs

    daily; industriously; fastidiously; neatly; cleanly; closely; meticulously; customarily; habitually

    (See cut, clip.)

    Shears adjectives

    abhorred; sounding; large; sharp


    apply—; blunt—; edge—; employ—; clip with—;  file—;  grind—; manipulate—

    sharpen—; whet—; —bristle; —curtail; — level; —lop off; —reduce; —-shave

    (See scissors.)

    Sheath verbs                  

    deposit in—; discard—; divest of—; draw from—; enclose in—; ensconce in—; extract from—; penetrate—; pierce—; pluck from —; repose in—; rest in—; withdraw from —; —encases; —encompasses; —enfolds; — envelops; —girds; —houses; —preserves; —protects; perforate—

    (See envelope, case.)

    Sheaves adjectives

    scattered; nodding; ripened; rusted

    Shed adjectives

    battered; nightly; tumbling; rickety

    Shed (v) adverbs

    periodically; seasonally; annually; naturally; normally; wastefully; luminously

    (See discard, cast.)

    Sheen adjectives

    starlight; spangled; dissolving; changing; original; placid; glistening; glorious; wavy; weird; alternate; superb; tremulous; variegated; metallic; dazzling; lustrous; smoky

    Sheep verbs

    auction—; breed—; clip—; confine—; cross —; domesticate—; fleece—; herd—; market —; shear—; shelter—; slaughter—; tend —; —bleat; —brow'se; —climb; —graze; — huddle; —pasture; —produce; —ramble; — roam; —secrete; —straggle; —stray; — taint; —flock

    (See lamb, livestock, animal.)

    Sheepish adverbs

    somewhat; obviously; naturally; naively; blushingly; absurdly; comically; laughably; ludicrously; awkwardly; guiltily; modestly; bashfully; uncomfortably; adorably

    Sheets (general) adjectives

    cotton; stray; smooth; crisp; winding; bedraggled; tattered; torn; dampened; silver; unintermitting; delicious; loneliest; slumbrous; troublesome; standard; stinging; ghostlike; written

    Sheets (bed) verbs

    air—; befoul—; begrime—; bleach—; crease—; deodorize—; disinfect—; dispose of—; flounce—; fumigate—: gather—; hem —; launder—; pin—; plait—; reverse—; roll—; ruck—; ruffle—; rumple—; stain—; smooth—; snuggle in—; sully—; tuck in—; wrinkle—

    (See pillow, cloth, fabric.)

    Shelf adjectives

    crowded; empty; pendent; continental; hanging; china


    adhere to—; bolster—; brace—; deplete—; deposit on—; dislodge from—; disorder on —; elevate—; hoist to—; incline—; lodge on—; prop—; recline on—; replenish—; repose on—; suspend from—; —facilitates; —rocks; —slopes; —sustains; —totters; — supports

    (See ledge, board.)

    Shell (cannon) verbs

    clinch—; crack—; deflect—; rain—s; —annihilates; —blots out; —bursts; —crashes; —cripples; —demolishes; —detonates; — devastates; —discharges; —dismembers; — effaces; —erases; —obliterates; —plasters; —puffs; —rends; —screams; —sighs; — shatters; —smoulders; —uproots; —whines: —whistles; —whizzes

    (See bomb, grenade, shot, projectile.)

    Shell (general) adjectives

    curved; fantastic; skimmed; hissing; rifled; awe-inspiring; orchestra; blazing; almondshaped; veined; withered; crumbling; bivalve; splitting; knife-edged; screeching; chorded; spherical; tainted; sputtering; outgrown; box-like; misgrown; clinging; microscopic; single; solid; glass; bursting; soundless; woody; reflecting; sea; castaway

    Shelter adjectives

    offered; sacred; solacing; delightful; generous; despicable; treacherous; grateful; hospitable; insufficient; rude; continual; artificial; noontide; respectable; safe; honorable


    abandon—; afford—; avail oneself of—; deny—; escort to—; expose—; extend—; gain—; grant—; imperil—; jeopardize—; maintain—; obtain—; procure—; retreat to —; scurry for—; secure—; seek—; utilize —; withdraw from—; —nurtures; — screens; —wards off

    (See haven, sanctuary, security, defense.)

    Shelter (v) adverbs

    paternally; faithfully; gratefully; generously; hospitably; artificially; protectively; honorably

    (See defend, protest.)

    Sheltered adverbs

    carefully; extremely; tenderly; unduly; prudishly; protectively; safely; warmly; securely; satisfactorily; duly; grudgingly; hospitably; painfully; comfortably; adequately; affectionately; permanently; insecurely; temporarily; pleasantly; barely

    Shepherd adjectives

    faithful; erratic; wandering; boding; homeless

    Sheriff adjectives

    varlet; burly; brooding; mean


    authorize—; baffle—; commission—; delegate—; dodge—; elude—; empower—; evade—; frustrate—; perplex—; thwart—; vest in—; —apprehends; —compels; —confines; —deputizes; —enforces; —escorts; — grapples; —implicates; —incriminates; — repossesses; —restrains; —sanctions; — serves; —snares

    (See police, officer, constable.)

    Shield adjectives

    mirrored; brazen; gilded; caudal; serried; ponderous; bright; protecting; worthless; clanging; dusky; siliceous; heraldic. verbs

    adorn—; batter—; bear—; emblazon—; engrave—; forge—; polish—; split—; —burdens ; —protects

    (See badge, emblem, armor, screen.)

    Shift (v) adverbs

    nervously; obligingly; uneasily; restlessly; momentarily; visibly; impatiently; inoffensively; perceptibly

    (See turn, change.)

    Shiftless adverbs

    incurably; habitually; constitutionally; inherently; naturally; oddly; curiously; singularly; unpardonably; crazily; offensively: provokingly; audaciously; openly; negligently; foolishly; loutishly; lazily; indolently! untidily; nonchalantly; indifferently; shamefully; grossly; unwarrantably; improvident-ly; stupidly; senselessly; stolidly; ineptly

    Shifty adverbs

    untrustworthily; shamefully; terribly; inherently; naturally; disgracefully; obviously; manifestly; miserably; wickedly; extremely; cleverly; adroitly; notably; notoriously; insidiously; treacherously; dangerously; despicably; contemptibly; artfully; warily; infamously

    Shimmer (v) adverbs

    sparklingly; gloriously; metallically; tremulously; giidedly; brightly

    (See shine, flicker.)

    Shin verbs

    abrade—; bandage—; bare—; bark—; batter—; brace—; bruise—; buffet—; expose —; fracture—; gash—; lacerate—; pad—; rend—; scrape—; shield—; skin—; splinter

    (See leg.)

    Shine (v) adverbs

    serenely; auspiciously; brilliantly; glaringly; perpendicularly; lucidly; radiantly; hazily; luminously; gloriously; goldenly; daz-zlingly; feverishly; fitfully; tremulously; majestically; intermittently; fiercely; capriciously

    (See gleam, glitter.)

    Shiny adverbs

    attractively; conspicuously; brilliantly; garishly; brightly; gloriously; momentarily; gaudily; unbearably; unpleasantly; gorgeously; proudly; glitteringly; scintillating-ly; luminously; phosphorescent!}’; unfashion-ably; conspicuously; intolerably; admirably; commendably; amazingly; singularly; peculiarly

    Ship adjectives

    opposing; stratosphere; rolling; advertising; hostile; full-rigged; fearful; turbine-driven; stranded; tempest-winged; ocean-going; expected; blowing; distressed; pursuing; isolated; laboring; embryo; stately; rickety; shapely; specter; cloud; disastrous; myriad (pl); gallant; dismantled; water-logged; butchered; deep-water; whaling; leather-armored; unfortunate


    abandon—; apportion—; board—; charter —; delay—; drive—; escort—; man—; moor—; navigate—; nose—; propel—; scuttle—; —anchors; —bears; —blows; — bounds; —churns; —crawls; —flounders; — grounds; —lurches; —plies; —plows; — rears; —runs; —sails; —scuds; —shears; —shudders; —sidles; —slithers; —steams; —swings; —tosses; —turns

    (See boat, motorboat, aeroplane, launch.)

    Ship (v) adverbs

    seasonally; internationally; expressly; disastrously; promptly; customarily; faithfully. (See transport, dismiss^ send.

    Shipment verbs

    allow—; admit—; authorize—: bear—; charge with—; check—; consign—; convey —; curtail—; dispose of—; exclude—; guarantee—; imperil—; insure—; limit—; obtain —; pledge—; prohibit—; release—; safeguard—; slate—; tax—; transport—; underwrite—; verify—; —burdens; —includes

    (See goods, merchandise.)

    Shirk (v) adverbs

    timidly; faithlessly; pusillanimously; basely; meanly; cowardly; ingeniously; falsely. (See neglect, avoid, evade.

    Shirt adjectives

    fringed; clammy; foul; higher; homespun; woven; unwearable; ruffled; spotless; sleeveless; pleated; wrinkled: irreproachable; fringed; buckskin; hair; dress; work; shrunken


    attire in—; damage—; divest of—; doff—; don—; expose—; mend—; patch—; pierce —; rend—; shred—; slit—; starch—; strip off—; stuff—; tatter—; tuck—; vend—; — frays; —shields; —swathes

    (See clothing, dress, garment.)

    Shiver adjectives

    cold; electric; simultaneous; protesting; timid; live; nervous


    allay—s; calm—s; lepress—; restrain—; tremble with—; —agitates; —betrays; — convulses; —disquiets; —perturbs; —quavers; —ripples; —runs; —stirs

    (See sob, sigh, thrill, shudder.)

    Shiver (v) adverbs

    involuntarily; coldly; abnormally; timorously; inwardly; ceaselessly; feverishly

    (See shake, tremble.)

    Shoals adjectives

    narrow;’ dangerous; sable; deadly; treacherous


    circumvent—; encounter—; escape—; espy —; evade—; extricate from—; discern—; flounder on—; ground on—; risk—; snag on —; sight—; shunt—; —abound; —endanger; —force; —imperil; —jeopardize; —menace; —restrain

    (See reefs, rocks, shore, coast, island.)

    Shock adjectives

    suggestive; surgical; psychic; paralyzing; overpowering; foaming; immediate; terrific; thundering; surging; unlooked-for; stern; moral; galvanic; dreadful; irresistible; fearful; quivering; rude; feeble; desolating; shivering; shattering; acknowledged; tremendous; harmonious; sudden; jangling; violent; visiting; stunned; physical; sublunar


    absorb—; attribute—; cushion—; displace —; outw’eig'n— ; receive—; subject to—; suffer—; survive—; withstand—; throw off —; —s ensue; —freezes; —galvanizes; — occurs; —persists; —reacts; —recurs

    (See collision, impact, agitation.)

    Shock (v) adverbs

    morally; profoundly; astoundingly; unspeakably; physically; paralyzingly; terrifically; irresistibly; tremendously; violently; surgically

    (See terrify, astound.)

    Shocked adverbs

    immeasurably; intensely; duly; indignantly; suddenly; terribly; awfully; incalculably; horribly; desperately; alarmingly; appallingly; fearfully; wildly; miserably; perilously; genuinely; manifestly; shamefully; cruelly; irrecoverably; obviously

    Shocking adverbs

    tragically; terribly; scandalously; outlandishly; unexpectedly; grossly; unquestionably; oddly; horribly; undeniably; miserably; wretchedly; shamefully; brutally; needlessly

    Shod adverbs

    daintily; finely; extravagantly; expensively; stylishly; fashionably; incongruously; inhar-moniously; crudely; heavily; warmly; insufficiently; coarsely; cloddishly; carelessly; comfortably; wretchedly; miserably; poorly; ridiculously; inadequately; meanly; raggedly; outlandishly; conspicuously; tastefully; well

    Shoes adjectives

    clumsy; capacious; preposterous; patched; silken; russet; worn; well-cut; abusive; sorry-looking; little; sun-baked; spiked; tin; tattered; irksome; nail-clad; battered; flimsy


    don—; bear—; fashion—; gloss—; hurl—; manufacture—; mend—; polish—; retrieve —; revamp (colloq.) —; sheathe in—; sole —; —compress; —crunch; —nip; —pinch; —support; —squeeze; —torture

    Shoot (v) adverbs

    accurately; obliquely; involuntarily; professionally; skillfully; fatally; tragically; maniacally; blindly; wildly

    (See fire, discharge.)

    Shop adjectives

    endless; exclusive; garish; desolate; filth-strewn; multiple (pl); inviting; showy; decent; dull; dingy; discriminating; intrepid; out-of-the-way; glittering; fashionable; specialty; matrimonial; dirty


    clutter up—; enlarge—; equip—; line—; loot—; man—; patronize—; support—; I— accommodates; —adjusts; —caters to; — dispenses; —disposes of; —expands; —furnishes; —offers; —prospers; —purveys; — flourishes; —pledges; —retails; —stocks; — thrives; —undersells; —vends

    (See factory, garage, store.) )

    Shop (v) adverbs

    voraciously; meticulously; tirelessly; fashionably; daily; gregariously; industriously; enthusiastically; vigorously; insensately

    (See purchase, visit.)

    Shore adjectives

    fading; pebbled; happy; fertile; beaten; swampy; receding; desolate; concave; exalted; far-off; crescent; rocky; sundered; emerald; inhospitable; waveless; dreadful; solitary; sighing; grateful; gloomy; clifflike; scanty; delicious; shining; smiling; sterile; verdant; lily-lined; melancholy; pastoral; slimy; celestial; treeless; craggy; hoary; lonely; tumbling; accessible; pleasant; crepuscular; laughing; wasting; rival; kindred; upbraiding; sunny; bold; beautiful; chill; distant; furrowed; pitiless; sordid; porous; proximate; cressy; crumbling; friendlier; cheerless; peopled; savage; darksome; teeming; unprotected; changeless; boundless; tranquil; ghostly; mist-covered; peaceful; rugged; breezy; caressing; lonesome; radiant; spicy; stormless; bloody; imagined; weary; sandy; wintry; arid; perilous; alluvial; heterogeneous; echoic


    batter—; behold—; blockade—; buffet—; buttress—; coast to—; dash upon—; espy —; explore—; fortify—; frequent—; gain —; hail—; hasten to—; intrench on—; kiss —; maroon on—; pace—; patrol—; plant on—; ramble on—; repel from—; roam—; saunter on—; seek—; skirt—;’ strive for—; stroll along—; view from—; wash—; win —; —resounds; —tapers

    (See coast, island, beach, shoals, rocks.)

    Short adverbs

    ridiculously; offensively; delightfully; agreeably; pitifully; disappointingly; relatively; tragically; scandalously; mercifully; wantonly; humanely; unreasonably; dramatically; disgustingly; smartly; inexcusably; characteristically; shamefully; curiously; extremely; remarkably; unconscionably; un-pardonably; unexpectedly

    Shortcoming adjectives

    intellectual; obvious; spiritual; convenient; pleasant


    adjust—; atone for—; balance—; betray—; cloak—; compensate for—; condemn—; cope with—; correct—; counteract—; countervail —; denounce—; develop—; discern—; disclose—; divulge—; equalize—; expose—; indicate—; neutralize—; nullify—; overcome—; reconcile to—; redeem—; reproach —; reprove—; reveal—; perceive—

    (See defect, deficiency, failing, failure, imperfection.)

    Short-Handed adverbs

    obviously; manifestly; unfortunately; undeniably; lamentably; dreadfully; curiously; admittedly; helplessly; desperately; despairingly; distressingly; painfully; inconveniently; unprofitable-; gloomily; sadly

    Short-Sighted adverbs

    deplorably; unintelligently; formidably; in-auspiciously; unforgivably; politically; horribly; despicably; improvidently; foolishly; unhappily; disastrously; ruinously; calamitously; unpardonably; ineptly; hopelessly; irretrievably; lamentably; tragically; sorrily; selfishly; unwarrantably

    Shot adjectives

    quick; succulent; tender; successive (pl); effectual; candid; chance; sprouting; calamitous; stray; deflected; pelting; native; hostile; scattering (pl); desultory; wondrous; hopeful; pendulous; argumentative; dead-sure; steady


    fill with—; hurl—■ ; pour—; pump—; — beats; —belches; —bombards; —cracks; — fusillades; —nicks; —rains; —reverberates; —ricochets; —spatters; —sprays; —sputters; —streams; —thunders; —wails; — whistles; —whizzes

    (See bullet, shell, gun-fire, projectile, missile.)

    Shoulder verbs

    brush—; huddle—; lower—; shrug—; strengthen—; —dislocates; —droops; — flinches; —humps; —hunches; —inclines; — rubs; —sags; —stoops; —twitches; — wriggles

    Shoulder (v) adverbs

    courageously; staunchly; vigorously; gallantly; bravely; patiently; reluctantly; stal-wartly; promptly

    (See assume, bear.)

    Shoulders adjectives

    naked; drawn; lofty; weary; careless; bowed; patient; shabby; unworthy; averted; decisive; slim; competent; reluctant; indolent; stooped; drooping; slender; quaking; resolute; dislocated; glorious; glimmering; disproportionate; milk-white; misshapen; ponderous; stalwart; heavy; broad; collective; strapping; submissive; hunched; shining; unresponsive; massive; slouching: willing; artful; half-nude; lurching; glossy; immortal; bony; jutting

    Shout adjectives

    faint; confused; unrestrained; clamorous; answering; universal; exultant; joyous; defiant; reckless; unreal; melancholy; gratified; uproarious; tumultuous; derisive; enthusiastic; untimely; windy; lusty; painful; distant; muffled; tiny; incessant; rough; cordial; deferential; blithesome; sporadic; deafening; involuntary


    muffle—; mute—; raise—; restrain—; stifle —; still—; smother—; —alarms; —arises

    —breaks; —deafens; —dims; —s drown out; —entreats; —penetrates; —pierces; — rends; —rings; —resounds; —rouses; — splits; —spurs; —stabs; —startles; —terrifies; —thunders; —weaves

    (See call, cry, yell, shriek.)

    Shout (v) adverbs

    profanely; turbulently; obstreperously; vociferously; jovially; dramatically; hoarsely; ecstatically; derisively; furiously; impatiently; triumphantly; stentoriously; defiantly; clamorously; recklessly; enthusiastically; roughly; cordially; fraternally; deafeningly; blithesomely

    (See yell, call.)

    Shove (v) adverbs

    rudely; uncouthly; vulgarly; boisterously; playfully; bullyingly; brutally; carelessly; vigorously

    (See crowd, push.)

    Shovel verbs

    apply—; brandish—; discard—; employ—; muster—s; scoop in—; till with—; —burrows; —clatters; —cuts; —delves; —discloses; —excavates; —exposes; —gouges

    —grates against; —lays bare; —unearths

    Sho W (colloq} verbs

    acclaim—; applaud—; back—; censor—; conclude—; extol—; finance—; flock to—; hail—; offer—; produce—; render—; review—; revise—; stage—; —beguiles; — draws; —traduces

    (See circus, display, exhibition, play, performance.)


    distinctly; conclusively; vaguely; picturesquely; deftly; negatively; devoutly; conspicuously; adroitly; accurately; unequivocally; ingeniously; photographically; subsequently; reluctantly; ostentatiously; delusively; spectacularly; formidably; imperially-

    (See display, exhibit.)

    Shower adjectives

    genial; fiery; russet; intellectual; frizzling; passing; dewy; honeyed; arrowy; icy; myriad; soft; winking; sprinkling; sulphurous; frequent; gracious; fruitful; distilling; ambient; blinding: shimmering; pelting; rainbow-winged; sunlit; continual; whitening; accidental; dropping; scant; summer; spectacular; vernal; falling; heavy


    long for—; welcome—; —abates; —chills

    —continues; —darkens; —deluges; —diminishes; —gushes; —inundates; —issues; — lets up; —plunges; —streams; —surges; — whirls

    (See rain.)

    Shower (v) adverbs

    generously; genially; unstintedly; fruitfully; ceaselessly; intermittently; vernally

    (See rain, pour.)

    Showmanship verbs

    applaud—; proclaim—; —acclaims; —advertises; —attracts; —bandies; —dazzles; —embellishes; —emblazons; —features (colloq.); —flames; —flashes; —garnishes; —glitters; —heralds; —parades; —publicizes; —promulgates; —trumpets

    (See display, exhibition.)

    Shows adjectives

    kingly; unrivaled; temporal; regional; grouped; ostentatious; brilliant; delightful; brave; giddy; miserable; triumphal; frightful; delusive; hideous; spectacular; venerable; outstanding; sorry; harmless; formidable; glittering; pitiful; master; extensive; tumultuous; idle; elaborate; detestable; farcical; mock; brilliant; shallow; rich; gaudy; gallant; brave; imperious; full; phantasmagoric; spangled; marionette


    garishly; ornately; cheaply; miserably; unnecessarily; unduly; disgracefully; tawdrily; grossly; foolishly; stupidly; childishly; gracelessly; elaborately; deceptively; gorgeously; pompously; magnificently; inordinately; delusively; expensively; outlandishly; fantastically; excessively

    Shreds verbs

    bind—; cement—; convert into—; lacerate into—; pare—; reduce to—; rend into—; sever—; snatch—; snip—; tatter into—; tear to—; wear to—

    (See fragment, pieces.)

    Shrew adjectives

    chirping; aquatic; occasional; ferret; curst; humorous; noisy; blatant; clamant; raucous

    Shrewd adverbs

    suavely; infinitely; uncannily; adroitly; cleverly; subtly; urbanely; artfully; designingly; slyly; insidiously; dangerously; admirably; practically; commercially; alarmingly; extremely; astoundingly; singularly; thoughtfully; profoundly; precociously; obviously; amazingly; unexpectedly; socially; deliberately; politically; sagaciously; cautiously; wisely; invariably; habitually; customarily; astutely; deftly

    Shrewdness adjectives

    infinite; uncanny; apparent; cynical; suave


    acquire—; ascertain—; commend—; contrive with—; cultivate—; demand—; develop—; discern—; exercise—; gain—; inherit —; intensify—; lack—; mark—; parallel—; penetrate—; recognize—; respect—; reveal —; value—; —dazzles; —discriminates; — endows; —foresees; —impresses; —qualifies

    (See diplomacy, tact, skill, ingenuity.)

    Shrewish adverbs

    disagreeably; scurrilously; scandalously; unpleasantly; intolerably; unbearably; poignantly; sarcastically; unbelievably; notoriously; inexcusably; outlandishly; infamous

    ly; inordinately; despicably; contemptibly; abominably; trenchantly; particularly; brutally; scorchingly; cruelly; bitterly; mercilessly

    Shriek adjectives

    vehement; myriad; wailing; hilarious; faint; passionate; inquiring; shrill; piercing; loud; unrestrained; great; long; ghastly; sensational; frantic; delirious; discordant; piteous; demoniacal


    drown out—; emit—; muffle—; restrain—; stifle—; utter—; —alarms; —chills; — curdles; —echoes; —harrows; —penetrates; —petrifies; —pierces; —rends; —resounds; —rings; —rouses; —smothers; —splits; — startles; —unnerves

    (See cry, shout, call, yell.)

    Shriek (v) adverbs

    agonizingly; heartrendingly; imperatively; stridently; shrewishly; vehemently; passionately; unrestrainedly; piteously; discordantly; demoniacally

    (See yell, scream.)

    Shrill adverbs

    piercingly; cuttingly; alarmingly; horribly; murderously; intolerably; fearfully; incredibly; horridly; raucously; suddenly; contemptibly; disagreeably; naturally; incurably; desperately; cruelly; undisguisedly; deliberately; designedly; purposely; meanly; penetratingly; sharply

    Shrine adjectives

    popular; tourist; despoiled; innumerable (pl); unhallowed; mysterious; desecrated; veritable; haunted; exploited; cherished; celebrated; echoing; secret; competing; wayside; nameless; inmost; fragrant; happy; gloomy; unrivaled; miraculous


    abandon—; banish from—; bar from—: consecrate—; contaminate—; convert into —; dedicate—; deface—; defile—; desecrate —; dismantle—; enthrone in—; exalt—; hallow—; immortalize—; invade—; isolate —mutilate—; penetrate—; pervert—; prostitute—; sanctity—; seclude in—; sequester in—; transgress—; violate—; worship in—; —symbolizes

    (See altar, tomb, sanctuary, temple.)

    Shrink (v) adverbs

    perceptibly; timorously; modestly; instinctively; visibly; dumbly; involuntarily; shyly. (See recoil, wince.

    Shrinking adverbs

    shyly; painfully; coldly; terribly; desperately; visibly; instinctively; pitiably; guiltily; pathetically; timidly; submissively; servilely; slavishly; basely; tragically; inwardly; noticeably; childishly; perceptibly; pitiably; unaccountably; significantly

    Shrivel (v) adverbs

    abnormally; prematurely; markedly; partially; ruinously; sadly; tragically

    (See shrink, dwindle.)

    Shriveled adverbs

    slightly; meagerly; cadaverously; gauntly; emaciatedly; haggardly; scrawnily; skin-nily; dreadfully; curiously

    Shroud adjectives

    vibrant; bloody; flecked; misty; sable; spotted; leafy; clinging; rattling; streamlined; putrid; thin


    clothe in—; discard—; divest of—; invest in —; —circumscribes; —cloaks; —darkens; — dims; —disguises; —eclipses; —enfolds; — envelops; —obscuresj —overcasts; — screens; —shades; —veils

    (See raiment.)

    Shroud (v) adverbs

    effectually; permanently; modestly; closely; protectively; partially; darkly; somberly; gloomily

    (See screen, cloak )

    Shrub adjectives

    blossoming; aromatic; crowding (pl); luxuriant; ornamental; skirting; tranquil; unpruned; widowed; warm-tinted; stunted


    blast—; blight—; choke—; cultivate—; debilitate—; eradicate—; extirpate—; fertilize—; impoverish—; starve—; strangle—; trim—; uproot—; —beautifies; —declines; —droops; —s enhance; —fades; —flourishes; —graces; —luxuriates; —languishes; — thrives; —trembles; —wanes

    (See bush, honeysuckle, bud, plant.)

    Shrugs adjectives

    expressive; dumb; impertinent; good-natured; impatient; indifferent; significant; contemptuous

    Shudder adjectives

    strong; involuntary; passing; ecstatic; visible; slight; repressed; pious; elaborate; intuitive; violent


    arrest—; elicit—; excite—; feign—; impel —; induce—; inspire—; occasion—; provoke —; repress—; restrain—; —agitates; —betrays; —convulses; —disconcerts; —electrifies; —paralyzes; —perturbs; —ripples through; —ruffles

    (See shiver, sob, sigh.)

    Shudder (v) adverbs

    spasmodically; physically; instinctively; figuratively; apprehensively; involuntarily; violently; feverishly; abnormally; perceptibly

    (See tremble, shake, shiver.)

    Shuffle (v) adverbs

    noiselessly; slyly; wearily; uncouthly; sluggishly; clumsily; imperturbably; drearily

    (See drag, walk.)

    Shun (i) adverbs

    timorously; fastidiously; aristocratically; intelligently; cautiously; scrupulously; systematically; studiously

    (See elude, shift, avoid.)

    Shut (v) adverbs

    clamorously; obligingly; stealthily; inexorably; convulsively; sullenly; mysteriously; impatiently; drowsily; abruptly; cautiously

    (See close, exclude.)

    Shutter adjectives

    awry; heavy-barred; supplementary; iron-cased ; closed


    draw—; elevate—; unfold—; —bars; — blinds; —eclipses; —mantles; —masks; — obscures; —rattles; —restrains; —shades; —veils

    (See screen.)

    Shuttle verbs

    propel—; swivel—; —alternates; —gyrates

    —lurches; —oscillates; —pulsates; —quivers; —revolves; —rotates; —see-saws; — swerves; —swirls; —trembles; —trundles; —wabbles; —whirls; —vibrates

    Shy adverbs

    awkwardly; uneasily; childishly; self-consciously; timidly; uncomfortably; engagingly; embarrassingly; charmingly; painfully; peculiarly; strangely; unwontedly; becomingly; unnaturally; fearfully; clumsily; foolishly; ridiculously; pitiably; touchingly; adorably; comically; absurdly; exquisitely; habitually; deliciously; extremely; incredibly; oddly; curiously; unnecessarily

    Shyness adjectives

    delicious; provincial; confused; virgin; rural; exquisite; innate; wonted; girlish; unconquerable; maiden; blushing


    blush in—; falter in—; feign—; flinch in—; overcome with—; quail in—; —abashes; — afflicts; —arrests; —blenches; —bridles; — confuses; —constrains; —cows; —curbs; — daunts; —deters; —distorts; —distresses; —fetters; —humiliates; —leashes; —overawes; —overwhelms; —perturbs; —represses; —restrains; —smothers

    (See bashfulness, modesty.)

    Sibilant adverbs

    softly; affectedly; ridiculously; laughably; hissingly; toothlessly; lispingly; comically; warningly; persistently; curiously; derisively; mockingly; disturbingly; pitiably; unpleasantly; strangely; disagreeably

    Sick verbs

    comfort—; heal—; palliate—; prescribe for —; rebuild—; reclaim—; regenerate—; rehabilitate—; relieve—; rescue—; restore—; revive—; soothe—

    (See patient, invalid.)


    chronically; continually; seriously; habitually; unfortunately; unusually; curiously; oddly; strangely; unaccountably; inexplicably; seriously; critically; recently; definitely; unfortunately; frequently; squeamishly; feverishly; mentally; dangerously; painfully; embarrassingly; inopportunely; inconveniently; awkwardly; desperately; slightly; unendur-ably

    Sicken (v) adverbs

    visibly; swooningly; biliously; fatally; tragically; woefully; gradually; speechlessly; mutely; nauseatingly

    (See disgust, languish.)

    Sickly adverbs

    distressingly; unfortunately; bafflingly; always; strangely; inexplicably; wretchedly; unhappily; apparently; curiously

    Sickness adjectives

    speechless; desperate; prolonged; swooning; everlasting; pining; violent; bilious; deadly; lasting; soul


    allay—; alleviate—; banish—; check—; combat—; conquer—; convalesce from—; curse—; eradicate—; feign—; induce—; occasion—; subdue—; —abates; —afflicts; —aggravates; —besets; —cankers; —confines; —cripples; —desolates; —harasses; —heals; —incommodes; —indisposes; —induces; —invalids; —maims; —oppresses; —overcomes; —predisposes; —racks; — ravages; —sears; —seizes; —smites; — sours; —torments; —undermines; —vitiates; —wastes; —withers

    (See ailment, disease, illness, malady.)

    Side adjectives

    ludicrous; balanced; unbaked; instrumental; paternal; humane; gruesome; seamy; rusty; perilous; luminous; unengaged; massive; verdant; windy; pierced; liberal; stretched-out; obverse; ample; sorrowful; practical; engaging; interminable; nobler; tangled; grassy; 'ridiculous; bank; valuable; translucent; hairy; wounded; gaping; deep; precipitous; semi-nomadic; perpendicular; distinctive; sloping; lighter; respective; intellectual; outward; emotional; shrinking; spiritual; extravagant; fathomless; pierced; showy; administrative; executive; psychological; spotted; gorgeous; brawny; craggy; neglected; aesthetic; diametrical; opposite; fanciful; starboard; maternal; ventral; exposed; protected; dreamy; winning; objective; superstitious; shuddering; woolly

    Side-Splitting adverbs

    absurdly; mirthfully; uproariously; boisterously; comically; ridiculously; laughably; farcically; drolly; tumultuously; prankish-ly; outlandishly; merrily; ludicrously

    Sidewalk adjectives

    swarming; gravel; moving; unpaved; scented; innocent-looking; broken; wide; cobbled; brick; winding; slippery


    fence—; gad about—; jog along—; pace—; patrol—; promenade—; ramble along—; saunter along—; straggle along—; traverse —; trudge over—; —crumbles; —deviates; —glistens; —jams

    (See walk.)

    Siege adjectives

    vigorous; lingering; wanton; severe; bitter; disastrous; moving; protracted; creditable; wreckful; amiable; fatal; famous; fearful; implacable; repeated; hateful; bloody


    brave—; breast—; endure—; engage in—; extend—; intrench against—; lay—; maintain—; parry—; prolong—; protract—; repel—; resist—; submit to—; survive—; yield to—; weather—; withstand—; —annihilates; —beleaguers; —devastates; —grips

    —impoverishes;  —lags;  —ravages;  

    starves ;. —undermines; —blockades

    (See attack, blockade.)

    Sieve adjectives

    ineshed; trembling; captious


    —filters; —purges; —refines; —separates

    —sifts; —sorts; —strains; —winnows

    Sift (v) adverbs

    mechanically; academically; curiously; patiently; industriously; painstakingly; suspiciously; legally; automatically

    (See investigate, bolt.)

    Si GH adjectives

    gasping; thriftless; gusty; impatient; aimless; fruitless; expiring; deep; burning; sharp; puzzled; plenteous (pl); perpetual; relieved; desponding; perfumed; vain; friendly; delicious; reproachful; sultry; monitorial; lingering; compassionate; mournful; sympathetic; piteous; profound; heavy; quick; slumberous; useless; contrite; false; wistful; feeble; thirsty; pensive; alien; restful; repentant; half-forlorn; audible; inauspicious; inharmonious; short; joyous; passing; impatient; interjcctional; watery; philosophic; wasteful; sumptuous; sad; amorous; short; tantalizing; gasping; exasperated; mistaken; miserable; odorous; reckless; infallible; comprehensive; relaxing; desolate; feigned; inaudible; occasional; sorry; yearning, pleased; stifled; disgusted; loud; long; persuasive; gratified; moral; involuntary; relieved; thriftless; convulsive


    breathe—; burst into—; draw—; elicit—; evoke—; heave—; hush—; muffle—; murmur—; mute—; restrain—; smother—; stifle—; suppress—; utter—; whisper—; — betrays* —bursts from; —deprecates; — flutters; —laments; —racks; —rends; — stirs; —wrings

    (See groan, sob, moan, murmur.)

    Sigh (v) adverbs

    dismally; profoundly; soulfully; romantically; audibly; pensively; retrospectively; sentimentally; plaintively; appealingly; woefully; tremulously; dejectedly; reminiscently; nostalgically; wistfully; involuntarily; eloquently; compassionately; contritely; forlornly; desolately; inaudibly

    (See grieve, lament.)

    Sight adjectives

    inward; melting; wondrous; novel; weird; startling; wide; stirring; goodly; uncommon; piteous: enraptured; stimulating; irresistible; aching; holiest; impressive; dilated; refreshing; dismal; touching; remarkable; doleful; spiritual; richer; purer; fairer; heterogeneous; dubious; ravishing; amusing; cheery; instructive; wretched; portentous; clouded; exhilarating; imposing; horrifying; unusual; curtained; solemn; gorgeous; triumphant; precious; fearful; loveliest; continuous; infant; grand; thrilling; unaided; disturbing; curious; quickened; wished; ludicrous; marvelous; appalling; translatable; ghastliest; gallant; truest; bleared; distressing; horrible; swimming; majestic; fine; exceptional; welcome; powerful; sickening; glorious; purblind; joyful; inspiring; all-searching; steadfast; unacquainted; approved; gladdened; straining; extraordinary; splendid; worthless; loathsome; lucent; unveiled; absolute; deadening; glistening; bewildered; unaided; mortal; awful; sorry; genial; saltatory; nocturnal; priceless; secret; whimsical; prettiest; feebler; perfect


    abhor—; blur—; check—; cloud—; confuse —; conjure—; control—; dim—; distort—; distract—; dull—; focus—; impair—; intensify—; loathe—; lose—; obscure—; obstruct—; recover—; regain—; rely upon—; restore—; sharpen—; shun—; sink from—; stimulate—; tuck out of—; veil—; visualize —; —dazzles; —dissipates; —declines; — enriches; —fails; —invigorates; —outrages; —pollutes; —weakens

    (See vision, view, phenomenon, spectacle, mirage.)

    Sightly adverbs

    agreeably; pleasantly; splendidly; magnificently; unusually; delightfully; extraordinarily; unexpectedly; gloriously; gorgeously; beautifully; cntrancingly; remarkably; exceptionally; impressively; thrillingly; dramatically; inexpressibly

    Sign adjectives

    encouraging; mournful; conspicuous; deepdrawn; premonitory; ideographic; ghastly; indubitable; extreme; hopeful; mute; incomprehensible; regretful; fraternal; important; fluttering; perpetual; visible; ambitious; assured; supplementary; watery; subtle; undoubted; geometric; inauspicious; palpable; bursting; celestial; impressive; depressing; labial; creaking; ominous; frantic; peculiar; optimistic; fragrant; lying; visible; eloquent; translucent; manifold (pl); fearful; natural; symbolic; cabalistic; physical; doubtful; infallible; obscure; elaborate; mysterious; decreased; useless; evident; abject; imperial; characteristic; affecting; faintest; conclusive; sacred; discernible; lamentable; perceptible; talis-manic


    betray—", discern—; drape—; evince—; experience—; interpret—; mistakes—s; question—; trace—s; visit—; watch for—; wipe out—; —appears; —characterizes; — glares; —warns

    (See emblem, indication, signal, notice, mark.)

    Sign (v) adverbs

    legally; formally; perfunctorily; nominally; bindingly; willingly; felicitously

    (See signify, indicate.)

    Signal adjectives

    emergency; customary; imperceptible; suggestive; descriptive; preconcerted; true; prompt; cautionary; warning; unheeded


    await—; beat—; blaze—: breathe—; dispatch—; disperse at—; drum—; exchange —s; flash—; flourish—s; flout—; heed—; gather at—; interpret—; issue—; predetermine—; prescribe—; respond to—; —cautions; —summons; —winks

    (See alarm, beacon, sign.)

    Signature adjectives

    bold; scrawling; sundry; conscious; sprawling; scribbled; unreadable


    affix—; attest to—; counterfeit—; dash off —; duplicate—; embellish—; enter—; familiarize with—; identify—; pen—; produce —; scratch out—; scrawl—; scribble—; stereotype—; strike out—; submit—; trace —; transcribe—; verify—; vouch for—; witness—; —endorses; —flows; —ripples from; —seals; —s tally

    Significance adjectives

    drear; mental; emotional; lofty; ghastly; particular; sufficient; supreme; intense; tremendous; spiritual; sad; unsuspected; historic; sound; functional; representative; special; popular; malign; symbolical; mystifying; double; profound; dramatic; ultimate; fine; enormous; vital; tragic; social; immense; contemptuous; intrinsic; lasting; artistic; cruel; prophetic; rude; poignant; gloomy; threatening; highest; arresting; larger; stinging; deep; permanent; transcendent; insolent; convincing; musical; ominous; prime; curious; minor; fatal; moral


    acquire—; assign—; assume—; attach—; attain—; awaken to—; broaden—; consider —; convey—; dwell upon—; eschew—; fathom—; feel—; forget—; grasp—; heighten—; measure—; narrow—; unfold—; — grows; —overshadows

    (See importance, consequence, import, meaning.)

    Significant adverbs

    horribly; menacingly; portentously; pleasantly; happily; immensely; remarkably; distinctly; suddenly; curiously; ominously; deliberately; unmistakably; alarmingly; threateningly; openly; marvelously; tremendously; auspiciously; cruelly

    Signify (v) adverbs

    clearly; concretely; vividly; undeniably; affirmatively;, comprehensively; plainly; obviously; graphically

    (See show, indicate.)

    Silence adjectives

    profound; obstinate; mysterious; complete; discomfited; infant; horrid; sullen; majestic; pale; sickening; indignant; melodious; deep; sarcastic; reverent; roaring; morose; heated; honorable; listening; chilling; awkward; demure; musing; stagnant; suitable; unaccountable; voluptuous; resentful; horrified; fearful; astonished; expectant; respectful; oppressive; dignified; deathly; distressful; chagrined; awed; luxurious; bashful; stern; total; snowy; religious; solemn; involuntary; warm; perfumed; defiant; apologetic; lazy; everlasting; moody; attentive; absolute; abstracted; heavy; motionless; stifling; tense; sympathetic; discreet; slumberous; limp; sunlit; momentary; industrious; embarrassed; somber; sulky; dogged; prevailing; hushed; depressing; blank; mute; fruitful; punctuated; painful; broken; ominous; mannerless; grateful; awful; funeral; universal; gathered; uninterrupted; silvery; infinite; tearless; appalling; fragile; eloquent; severe; sepulchral; thoughtful; dismal; empty; thick; sunken; mysterious; guilty; enforced; strange; magical; solvent; freezing; infuriated; bewildered; vibrant; imperative; curious; cold; complete; long; meditative; inhuman; gracious; intense; passive; spellbound; noisy; monumental; museful; brooding; perfect; breathless; lengthened; white; hostile; hideous; dignified; poetic; disciplined; sacred; smiling; forbidding; aggravating; tangible; flushing; unreproved; unsociable; stern; grim; comparative; arid; appealing; maiden; azure; deafening; rapturous; horrible; simple; welcome; bashful; mournful; enamored; despairing; pregnant; shaded; eternal


    acquiesce in—; appraise—; awaken—; bear—; break—; cajole into—; constrain—; covet—; drop into—; endure—; enjoin—; feel—; impose—; inculcate—; interpret—; lapse into—; lie in—; maintain—; penetrate —; plead for—; preserve—; press into—; put to—; quench—; reduce to—; reflect in —; relapse into—; retreat in—; rip—; sift —; sink into—; slump into—; survey in—; wrap in—; worship—; —cloaks; —descends; —enchants; —encompasses; —ensues; —explodes; —falls; —fills; —follows

    —grows; —hammers; —hangs; —imposes

    —pervades; —pounces; —prevails; — reigns; —rolls; —settles; —sinks; —supervenes; —swallows; —throbs; —troubles

    (See hush, quiet, stillness.)

    Silence (v) adverbs

    effectually; completely; mysteriously; sarcastically; discreetly; awkwardly; sternly; apologetically; momentarily; grimly

    (See suppress, hush.)

    Silent adverbs

    absolutely; remarkably; unusually; pleasantly; practically; sufficiently; warrantably; reasonably; positively; significantly; usually; reticently; gravely; alarmingly; amusedly; impressively; dangerously; ominously; indulgently; haughtily; angrily; happily; magnanimously; charitably; bewilderingly; strangely; singularly; maddeningly; obstinately; stolidly; sadly; sullenly; mischievously; furtively; stealthily; warily; cautiously; carefully; naturally; guardedly; breathlessly; dreadfully; terrifyingly; gloomily

    Silhouette adjectives

    dark; sliding; streamline; sleek; shadowy; grim; fitted; meager

    Silk adjectives

    watered; seeded; pompadour; domestic; heavy; fresh; delicate; faded; exquisite; glistening; pleated; scarlet; flimsy; newspun; delicate-filmed


    apparel in—; arrange—; array in—; attire in—; bale—; begrime—; braid—; cast off —; divest of—; drape—; dress in—; entwine—; export—; fabricate—; fringe with —; import—; impregnate—; invest in—; lace—; mat—; net—; plait—; shear—; shred—; skein—; spin—; tangle—; veil in —; warp—; weave—; —fades; —rustles; —tears

    (See handkerchief, cloth, gauze, lining, linen.)

    Silly adverbs

    miserably; incurably; senselessly; stupidly; loutishly; clownishly; purposely; amusingly; entertainingly; feignedly; absurdly; laughably; imprudently; indiscreetly; hopelessly; disagreeably; intolerably; disgustingly; contemptibly; curiously; pitiably; lamentably: deplorably; wretchedly; disastrously; utterly; hopelessly

    Silver adjectives

    sheeny; quivering; rippling; transparent; gleaming; wavering; glowing; burnished; shimmering; filigree; massive


    bedeck with—; burnish—; caparison in—; chase (emboss)—; devaluate—; fabricate—; fashion—; glorify with—; hoard—; mine—; refine—; work in—; —blazons; —coruscates; —enriches; —glints; —glitters; — glows; —tarnishes

    (See metal, steel, jewel.)

    Similar adverbs

    indistinguishable-; bewilderingly; inconveniently; dangerously; curiously; strangely; naturally; laughably; somewhat; congenially; sufficiently; accidentally; intentionally; deliberately

    —conveys: —clarifies; —expresses; —implies; —paints; —parallels; —pictures; — strikes

    (See metaphor, comparison.)

    Simper (v) adverbs

    affectedly; coyly; bashfully; embarrassedly; coquettishly; naively; childishly

    (See smile, smirk.)

    Simpering adverbs

    coyly; demurely; deliberately; foolishly; provokingly; cleverly; designingly; senselessly; hopefully; flirtatiously; ridiculously; archly; cunningly; subtly; wittingly; girlishly; craftily; engagingly

    Simple adverbs

    beautifully; expensively; unnecessarily; utterly; delightfully; artlessly; graciously; refreshingly; intelligibly; pleasantly; fortunately; needlessly; starkly; childishly: severely; chastely; elegantly; gracefully; tastefully; harmoniously; appropriately; ingenuously; naively; bluntly; foolishly; delicately; daintily; charmingly; idiotically; crazily; inanely; fatuously; mindlessly

    Similarity adjectives

    assumed; singular; increasing; psychological


    attend with—; direct attention to—; discern —; indicate—; observe—; regard—; sense —; —bewilders; —bores; —ceases; —confuses; —echoes; —flusters; —reflects; — mirrors; —parallels; —perplexes; —reproduces; —strikes

    (See identity, resemblance.)

    Simile adjectives

    absurd; chilling; amiable; expressive; good; swift; felicitous; sickly; oft-repeated; natural; arctic; happy; apt


    employ—; enlist—; garble—; resort to—; revel in—; —alludes; —colors; —contrasts

    Simplicity adjectives

    rich; extreme; precise; subtle; orthographic; sublime; gradual; impressive; chaste; touching; primitive; everlasting; striking; thoroughgoing; scanty; unostentatious; severe; studied; luminous: noble; childlike; solid; medieval pathetic; laughable; courteous; classic; majestic; low; rude; idyllic; healthful; fundamental; patrician; stolid; limpid; naive; habitual; grave; unique; native; frank; austere; unconscious; sad; patriarchal; serious; absolute; affectionate; stunning; miraculous; antique; pastoral; poignant; inscrutable; rustic; cheerful; exquisite; polite; boyish; striking; vigorous; venerable


    abandon—; acclaim—; achieve—; advocate —; afford—; applaud—; aspire to—; commend—; desert—; feign—; forsake—; glory in—; inspire—; pretend—; relinquish—; seek—; simulate—; welcome—; —allures; —attracts; —beguiles; —charms; —deceives; —delights; —disarms; —enchants; —entrances; —fascinates; —inveigles; — refreshes; —renounces

    (See innocence, sincerity, frankness, plainness.)

    Simplify (v


    extremely; amazingly; precisely; subtly; orthographically; impressively; fundamentally; uniquely

    (See arrange. )

    Simulate (v) adverbs

    ingeniously; deftly; artfully; skillfully; professionally; traitorously; slyly; insidiously; venomously

    (See feign, pretend.)

    Simulated adverbs

    carefully; cleverly; fraudulently; deceptively; adroitly; skillfully; wickedly; deliberately; viciously; artfully; secretly; successfully; mendaciously; smoothly; accurately; exactly; correctly; authentically; theatrically; dramatically; spectacularly; impressively; graphically; wonderfully

    Sin adjectives

    maddening; fundamental; unpardonable; original; dark; deadly; fleshly; grievous; cardinal; damning; regretted; heinous; familiar; unexpiated; shameful; untold; vilest; hidden; foul; mystic; implied; besetting; appalling; bygone; cunning; virtuous; intellectual; grave: venial; detested; imaginary; delightful; conscious; characteristic; precious; penitential; disorderly; superficial


    abandon—; absolve of—; abstain from—; acknowledge—; ameliorate—; atone for—; banish—; clean from—; commit—; compensate for—; conceive in—; deliver from—; do penance for—; divest of—; excoriate—s; expiate—; extenuate—; forsake—; grapple with—; inherit—; lapse into—; offer for —s; overcome—; pardon—; plunge into—; purge of—; relinquish—; repeat—; reproach—; reveal—; shrive of—; steep in—; stray into—; uncover—; unveil—; wash away—; wallow in—; whip for—; wrestle with—; —corrupts; —damns; —defiles; — depraves; —flourishes; —hardens; —pollutes; —purges; —surges; —tortures; — traduces; —transgresses; —weighs upon

    (See iniquity, licentiousness, abomination, evil, crime, lust.)

    Sin (v) adverbs

    fundamentally; incorrigibly; unwittingly; grievously; egregiously; carnally; intellectually; venially; knowingly; unsuspectingly; lustfully

    (See transgress, trespass.)

    Sincere adverbs

    unaffectedly; charmingly; graciously; affably; cordially; pleasantly; utterly; delightfully ; ardently; honestly; remarkably; plainly; genuinely; dependably; scrupulously; earnestly; fervently; enthusiastically; punctiliously; particularly; reliably

    Sincerity adjectives

    evident; transparent; artistic; flaming; perfect; despairing; well-feigned; worshiping; obvious; impetuous; unaffected; noble; deep; forlorn; sterling; grave; violent; fierce; youthful; bashful; robust; abominable; sorrowful; patent; gnm


    attest to—; cherish—; declare—; doubt—; express—; feign—; impeach—; impugn—; maintain—; pledge—; pretend—; question —; ring with—; smack of—; stir—; test—; value—; verify—; vow—; —beguiles; — burns; —deludes; —falters; —impresses; — pervades; —vacillates

    (See candor, simplicity, earnestness, honesty, innocence, integrity.)

    Sinful adverbs

    deliberately; wilfully; maliciously; blasphemously; coarsely; consciously; boldly; audaciously; defiantly; impiously; brazenly; openly; flagrantly; incredibly

    Sing (v\ adverbs

    fervently; quaveringly; nocturnally; effortlessly; audibly; angelically; lustily; be-witchingly; blithely; responsively; derisively; impetuously; exultingly; merrily; conscientiously; extemporaneously; vigorously; raptly; melodiously; vibrantly; hilariously; magnificently; discordantly; vociferousjy; throatily; congregationally; professionally; lucretively

    (See hum, croon.)

    Singer adjectives

    notable; malignant; eloquent; inimitable; ilattering; pensive; cunning; skillful; splendid; renowned; trained; unseen


    acclaim—; accompany—; applaud—; belittle—; extol—; prepare—; train—; —carols; —enraptures; —enthralls; —executes; —s harmonize; —impresses; —intones; — matures; —modulates; —pitches; —renders: —stirs; —syncopates; —thrills; —trills; — uplifts

    (See choir, chorus, singing, musician, artist.)

    Singing adjectives

    magical; merry; remote; clear; concerted; congregational; delectable; interlaced; comic; vociferous; fervent; hearty; throaty


    accompany—; arrange—; coach—; direct—; dominate—: harmonize—; modulate—; rejoice .n—; syncopate—; —amuses; —diverts; —echoes; —penetrates; —pervades; —precipitates; —smites; —voices

    (See singer, music.)

    Singsong adverbs

    intolerably; monotonously; dully; droningly; tediously; unbearably; lullingly; soothingly; drowsily; deliberately; dreamily; sleepily; prosaically; persistently; interminably; endlessly; maddeningly; outlandishly; disagreeably

    Sinister adverbs

    horribly; ominously; portentously; alarmingly; terrifyingly; deliberately; oppressively; gloomily; unhappily; disturbingly; distressingly; significantly; unmistakably; darkly; hopelessly; fearfully; dismally; deplorably; insidiously; uncommonly; actually; unquestionably; seriously; undoubtedly

    Sink (v) adverbs

    exhaustedly; despondently; swiftly; fatally; gratefully; unfathomably; dejectedly; partially; relaxedly; markedly; continuously

    (See fall, descend.)

    Sinless adverbs

    impossibly; immaculately; chastely; incredibly; sacredly; divinely; beatifically; blessedly; angelically; immortally; eternally; seraphically; innocently

    Sinner adjectives

    tortured; corrigible; wretched; vile; rebellious; ever-living; obdurate; dainty; reckless ; hardened

    Sinus verbs

    cauterize—; congest—; drain—; infect—; inflame—; irrigate—; obliterate—; obstruct —; suppurate—; tap—; —clogs; —discharges; —poisons; —secretes; —tortures; —undermines; —racks

    (See sore, cavity, opening.)

    Sip (v) adverbs

    demurely; sparingly; fastidiously; aristocratically; delicately; sickeningly; disgustingly; noisily; vulgarly

    (See drink, absorb, suck.)

    Sire adjectives

    sweet; sapient; heathen; illustrious; loving

    Siren verbs

    resist—; withstand—; yield to—; —allures

    —attracts; —beckons; —bewitches; —cajoles; —captivates; —charms; —enamours: —entices; —fascinates; —impels; —inveigles; —intrigues; —lures; —magnetizes; — tempts; —screams; —seduces; —shrieks; — wheedles

    (See lover, woman.)

    Sister adjectives

    impressionable; droll; diverting; desolate; fair; erring; beauteous; barren; unchaste; weird; hard-boiled; woodland; honored; religious; sterner; younger; incredulous; innocent


    adore—; caress—; cherish—; claim—; dote on—; embosom—; embrace—; endear to—; esteem—; favor—; glorify—; idolize—; prize—; revere—; worship—

    (See mother.)

    Sisterly adverbs

    warmly; sympathetically; comfortingly; tenderly; affectionately; assiduously; persistently; adroitly; patiently; indulgently; hopefully; insistently; consistently; cleverly; impulsively; noticeably; carefully; unfailingly; pleasantly; agreeably

    Sit (v) adverbs

    decorously; ignominiously; mutely; moodily; calmly; inscrutably; placidly; unobtrusively; picturesquely; impassively; dejectedly; disconsolately; despondently; voicelessly; sni'ritlessly; dispiritedly; quiescently; majestically

    (See rest, repose.)

    Site adjectives

    admirable; impregnable; noble; suitable; magnificent; restricted; appropriate; splendid

    Situate (v) adverbs

    conveniently; centrally; fortunately; geographically; romantically; favorably; picturesquely; alarmingly; dramatically; uniquely; remotely; depressingly; dismally; secludedly; ridiculously; precariously; perilously; anomalously

    (See place, establish.)

    Situation adjectives

    sentimental; silly; messiest; equivocal; dramatic; ticklish; cheerful; recurrent; enviable; unpleasant; extreme; alarming; horrifying; tragic; embarrassing; peculiar; speech; tense; detrimental; momentous; dangerous; farcical; desolate; unique; slippery; economic; international; effective; social; urgent; charming; analogous; painful; dependent; aggravating; remote; material; depressing; financial; defiant; unhappy; countless (pl); rational; humorous; precise; secluded; curious; relative; important; insular; hopeless; lonesome; incredible; immoral; dismal; strategical; favorable; arduous; defenseless; conspicuous; parlous; dispersed; pragmatic; dismaying; strained; unfortunate; picturesque; melancholy; appalling; commanding; accessible; ridiculous; ’subordinate; paradoxical; delicate; difficult

    much-coveted; awkward; isolated; distressing; diplomatic; precarious; sequestered; desperate; exposed; forfeited; military; healthy; romantic; comfortable; fearful; perilous; ironic; anomalous


    alleviate—; alter—; analyze—; barge into (colloq.) —; contemplate—; control—; crash into—; define—; denounce—; dismiss—; dramatize—; clarify—; command—; conceive—; confess—; cope with—; create—; cripple—; deal with—; divulge—; evaluate —; exaggerate—; excogitate—s; gloss over —; grapple with—; grasp—; handle—; master—; plunge into—; ponder over—; relieve—; remedy—; resolve—; save—; sense —; size up—; soften—; sum up—; take stock of—; trace—; unscramble—; utilize—; view—; visualize—; —aggravates; —appeals; —s arise; —baffles; —calculates; — carries; —clears; —confronts; —demonstrates; —develops; —discloses; —disturbs; —dominates; —eases; —grows; —illuminates; —intensifies; —portrays; —recurs; — relaxes; —relinquishes; —revolves; — solves; —suffers; mull over—; neglect—; overdramatize—

    (See position, condition, predicament.)

    Size adjectives

    enormous; remarkable; immense; cap; apparent; defined; prodigious; stunted; comparative; generous; respectable; stupendous; imposing; sensational; unusual; unwieldy; minute; inexpensive; substantial; convenient "^formidable; monstrous; gargantuan; heroic; graduated; sample; small; serving; requisite; undue; tangible


    attenuate—; augment—; calibrate—s; compute—; diminish—; distend—; estimate—; exaggerate—; exceed—; expand—; fix—; gauge—; grade—s; graduate—s; inflate—; magnify—; modify—; plumb—; reduce—; register—; restrict—; standardize—; surpass in—; swell—; tabulate—s; vary—; — dwindles; —s range from; —shrinks

    (See dimension, measurement, extent, magnitude.)

    Skeleton adjectives

    decaying; sheeted; fleshless; homogeneous; rickety; moldering; colossal; human; metallic; uncouth; bleached; grinning; moldy


    build on—; cremate—; disinter—; embalm —; exhume—; expose—; inter—; preserve —; prop—; reduce to—; shrivel to—; uncover—; unearth—; —bears; —crumbles; —grins; —reveals; —supports; —sustains

    Skeptic adjectives

    obstinate; staunch; satisfied; complete; confirmed


    assure—; brook—; overawe—s; overwhelm —s; impress—; persuade—; quiet—; stagger—s; —cavils; —challenges; —demurs; —discredits; —disputes; —dissents; —distrusts; —entertains; —doubts; —hesitates; —queries; —vacillates; —wavers

    (See atheist, critic, heretic.)

    Skeptical adverbs

    openly; publicly; scoffingly; jeeringly; derisively; contemptuously; significantly; conspicuously; persistently; obstinately; stubbornly; stolidly; distrustfully; arrogantly; oddly; curiously; extremely; profoundly; secretly

    Skepticism adjectives

    pretended; indulgent; cold; inveterate; painful; native; learned; extreme; happy; definite; flippant; worthwhile; saJte; rationalistic


    assume—; attribute to—; betray—; break down—; collapse into—-; confute—; criticize—; deny—; dispose to—; excuse—; fall into—; incline to—; incur—; involve—; justify—; lament—; minimize—; profess—; prompt—; rebuke—; regard—; taint by—; —amuses; —asserts; —overthrows; —persuades; —prevails; —sweeps; —vanishes

    (See atheism, disbelief, doubt. )

    Sketch adjectives

    pastel; charming; unfinished; occasional; faint; historical; insufficient; vigorous; impressionistic; autobiographical; loose; effective; brief; colossal; concise; panoramic; biographical; hospital; vivid; vignette; critical; characteristic; orchestral; malignant; dramatic; imaginative; good-humored; accompanying; rambling; belated; spirited; despairing; ingenious; lifelike


    dash off—; design—; disclose—; draft—; execute—; reproduce—; scrutinize—; submit—; trace—; transcribe—; —charts; — delineates; —depicts; —details; —diagrams; —enlightens; —facilitates; —guides; —illustrates; —outlines; —portrays; —prescribes; —represents; —sets forth

    (See drawing, design, illustration, plan, outline.)

    Sketch (v) adverbs

    realistically; vaguely; imperfectly; roughly; artistically; vividly; graphically; covertly; ridiculously; satirically; impressionistic-ally; autobiographically; panoramically; biographically; dramatically; imaginatively; ingeniously

    (See draw, portray.)

    Sketchy adverbs

    inadequately; unsatisfactorily; carelessly; unserviceably; hopelessly; disappointingly; singularly; curiously; ineffectively; provok-ingly; inexcusably; unpardonably

    Ski (v) adverbs

    boisterously; dexterously; artfully; professionally; sportively; amateurishly; daringly. (See slide, skim.

    Skiff verbs

    batter—; buffet—; convoy—; embark on—; man—; navigate—; punt—; ram—; scull —; swamp—; waft—; —bears; —conveys

    • —drifts; —glides; —plies; —puts to sea

    • —sallies forth; —scuds; —sweeps; —weighs anchor

    (See boat.)

    Skill adjectives

    experimental; inordinate; persevering; diagnostic; dangerous; tactical; moderate; ancient; profound; manual; technical; artistic; trained; superior; exceptional; subtle; acquired; dramatic; linguistic; deft; infinite; descriptive; acknowledged; inventive; competent; matchless; tattered; martial; prodigious; strict; uncanny; untaught; professional; diplomatic; considerable; consummate; daredevil; executive; shallow; exquisite; simple; barren; quaint; detached; methodic; journalistic; masterly; practical; unavailing; athletic; unusual; creative; analytical; potent; monastic; unsurpassed; fearful; unfaltering; comparative; mechanical; rare; quick; sufficient


    absorb—; acquire—; applaud—; capitalize —; challenge—; confound—; contend with —; develop—; devise—; discern—; display —; evince—; execute with—; exhaust—; exhibit—; extol—; manifest—; overestimate —; surpass—; transfer—

    (See ability', faculty, ingenuity, capability.)

    Skilled adverbs

    moderately; exceptionally; professionally; profoundly; subtly; definitely; admittedly; infinitely; matchlessly; prodigiously; uncannily; diplomatically; consummately; exquisitely; quaintly; rarely; undeniably; incon-trovertibly; unusually; creatively; powerfully; fearfully; comparatively; notably; strikingly; diabolically; marvelously; incredibly; dangerously; obviously; constitutionally; naturally; innately; inherently; instinctively; capably; competently; proficiently; deftly; discreetly; conveniently

    Skillful adverbs

    amazingly; remarkably; particularly; miraculously; eminently; conspicuously; unusually; genuinely; admittedly; adequately; presumably; brilliantly; famously; inexpressibly; modestly

    Skim (v) adverbs

    cursorily; perfunctorily; carelessly; hastily; rapidly; studiously; critically

    (See scan, read.)

    Skimp (v) adverbs

    penuriously; niggardly; meanly; parsimoniously; selfishly; fanatically

    (See save.)

    Skimpy adverbs

    ridiculously; fantastically; comically; absurdly; inexcusably; outrageously; miserably; inadequately; pitifully; pitiably; pathetically; grotesquely; ingenerously; stingily; carelessly; awkwardly; unbecomingly; unfashionably; uncomfortably; unfortunately

    Skin adjectives

    clear; ruddy; tanned; mortal; dainty; tawny; parchment; tender; dry; scratchy; shaggy; accumulated; tough; defensive: roughened; ivory; olive; ardent; incarnate: wrinkled; transparent; sensitive; sleekest; edible; sunburned; lustrous; untanned; sallow; .gay; dead; painted; scaling; waxy; bronzed; superfluous; crinkled; redundant; mottled; narrow


    affect—; aggravate—; bathe—; chafe—; dust—; enervate—; expose—; harden—; inflame—; ingrain—; injure—; irritate—; macerate—; paint—; pat—; peel—; prick —; pull off—; rejuvenate—; rinse—; rub —; ruffle—; safeguard—; save one’s—; scratch—; shed—; smear—; soften—; soothe —; sponge—; ulcerate—; —adapts; — blanches; —erupts; —forms; —furrows; — glows; —jaundices; —parches; —quivers; —scars; —shrinks; —splits; —stains; — thickens; —warts; —wrinkles

    (See epidermis, surface.)

    Skirt adjectives

    sable; close-clinging; silken; short; awful; antiquated; tight; divided; ample; jaunty; flared; voluminous; fleecy; cloudy; smooth; draggled; vaporous; gaudy; wide; hoop; gloomy; umbrella; rustling; gathered; pleated; slit; form-fitting; wrinkled


    accoutre in—; attire in—; bare—; baste—; cling to—; divest of—; enfold in—; garb in —; gusset—; hem—; pleat—; rig in—; rumple—; ruffle—; soil—; strip off—; swaddle in—; tack—; tuck in—; —cloaks; —s flutter; —mantles; —swathes; —s swirl; —s swish

    (See dress.)

    Skittish adverbs

    nervously; wildly; fearfully; spiritedly; alarmingly; dangerously; absurdly; ridiculously; laughably; outlandishly; awkwardly; siinperingly; fatuously; wantonly; capriciously; captiously; unreliably; unsteadily; undependably; unsteadily; erratically; un-predictably; vexatiously; remarkably

    Skulking adverbs

    furtively; warily; cautiously; soundlessly; fearfully; constantly; unhappily; miserably; wretchedly; guiltily; frightfully; watchfully; secretly; abjectly; pitiably

    Skull adjectives

    brainless; eyeless; cast-iron; perfect; grinning; gleaming; empty


    abrade—; batter—; compress—; contuse—; crack—; crush—; drain—; fracture—; imbed in—; lacerate—; measure—; mummify —; penetrate—; perforate—; pierce—; scrape—; split—; tap—; trepan—; trephine —; —contracts; —deflects; —protects

    (See head, brain, mind.)

    Skunk verbs

    rear—; skin—; trap—; —burrows; —controls; —defiles; —depredates; —digs; — ejects; —exudes; —grunts; —hibernates; — inhabits; —plagues; —preys on; —robs; — secretes; —squirts; —stalks; —stinks

    (See animal.)

    Sky adjectives

    flooded; crystal; far; distant; radiant; moon-lit; nether; insufficient; thickening; sweltering; fair; twinkling; viewless; ancient; fantastic; lurid; starry; cloudless; turbulent; glowing; wintry; unruffled; interesting; frightening; dappled; stormy; sullen; balmy; leaden; empty; kindred; utmost; mature; beneficent; natural; elusive; upper; smiling: wonted; sunset; pathless; flaming; glorious; broad; frowning; domestic; copper; velvety; violent; nocturnal; delicious; curdled; humid; bright; narrowing; arched; burning; grinning; showery; granite; haunted; overcast; bitter; palpitating; deep; luminous; roseate; unconscious; lulling; sounding; ethereal; blinding; shrinking; softest; western; boundless; sapphire; barren; serene; enchanting; fragrant; alien; frosty; embroiling; triumphant; lowering; changing; unbarred; tidy; middle; pitiless; flawless; palpitant; fated; envious; star-studded; living; rosy; stainless; candid; gorgeous; peacock; tropic; hueless; sultry; night J summer; windless; resplendent; adverse; spacious; turquoise; sombre; placid; menacing; universal; primrose; angry; wonted; steely; vaulted; wnnking; saffron; nimbus


    clothe—; fleck—; flutter from—; freak—; gaze at—; gild—; lighten—; rule—; scan —; streak—; weave across—; —blackens; —blazes; —broods; —casts; —clouds; — darkens; —entrances; —glows; —marbles; —obscures; —patterns; —rifts; —curdles

    (See heaven, cloud.)

    Slabs adjectives

    mortuary; thick; steaming; monolithic; shattered; boneless; original; huge; sepulchral

    Slack adverbs

    weakly; lazily; shiftlessly; indolently; incorrigibly; habitually; naturally; inherently; innately; curiously; dreadfully; unpardon-ably; inexcusably; intolerably; unprofitably; thriftlessly; negligently; improvidently; uncommonly; utterly; apathetically; dangerously; languidly; carelessly; heedlessly; thoughtlessly; inconsiderately; clumsily; indifferently

    Slacken (<■) adverbs

    materially; markedly; appreciably; gradually; abruptly; experimentally; comparatively

    (See reduce, loosen.)

    Slander adjectives

    cursing; malicious; honest; cruel; lame;, covered; cunning; abominable; impossible; libelous


    acquit of—; babble—; decry—; disprove—; inveigh against—; refute—; spread—; vindicate of—; —bespatters; —blackens; — brands; —calumniates; —defames; —deprecates; —derogates; —detracts; —disparages; —incenses; —infuriates; —libels; — maligns; —stigmatizes; —traduces; —vilifies

    (See aspersion, calumny, libel, malediction.)

    Slander (v) adverbs

    libelously; scurrilously; foully; viciously; hatefully; vindictively; criminally; illegally; spitefully; maliciously; cunningly; cruelly; covertly; abominably; libelously

    (See defame, traduce.)

    Slanderous adverbs

    shamefully; boldly; altogether; openly; actually; admittedly; unexpectedly; shockingly; disgracefully; utterly; infamously; notoriously; uncommonly

    Slang adjectives

    ^picturesque; vulgar; descriptive; polyglot; current; sporting; two-fisted; bold; understandable; local; accepted


    adopt—; ban—; colloquialize—; debar—; evolve—; express in—; frown upon—; interpret—; invent—; popularize—; taboo—; translate—; —amuses; —assumes; —colors; —corrupts; —enlivens; —invigorates; — mutilates; —revises; —spreads; —tends; — vulgarizes

    (See jargon, language.} )

    Slangy adverbs

    disagreeably; unpleasantly; trenchantly; catchily; cheaply; coarsely; unnecessarily; crudely; tawdrily; boorishly; loutishly; ignorantly; gruffly; churlishly; indelicately; remarkably; gracelessly

    Slap (v) adverbs

    smartly; brutally; cruelly; viciously; impatiently; indignantly

    (See box, strike.)

    Slap-Dash adverbs

    carelessly; blithely; hastily; nonchalantly; excitedly; hurriedly; untidily; thoughtlessly; inconsiderately; boyishly; inexcusably; habitually; incorrigibly; hopelessly; unsatisfactorily; unpleasantly; unluckily

    Slash (v) adverbs

    ruthlessly; economically; murderously; energetically; conclusively; furiously; vindictively; bestially

    .(See cut, gash.

    Slatternly adverbs

    wretchedly; miserably; untidily; intolerably; incorrigibly; unattractively; unpleasantly; unfortunately; actually; carelessly; unconventionally; nonchalantly; desperately; sadly; hopelessly; habitually; unwontedly; dis-pleasingiy; offensively

    Slaughter adjectives

    needless; terrific; deep; deadly; dreadful; ignoble; red; fratricidal; ruthless; sheer; persistent; brutal; indiscriminate; terrible; hopeless; unheard-of; causeless; awful; unworthy; fearful; subsequent; treacherous-incidental; wholesale


    avenge—; check—; condone—; countenance —; curb—; denounce—; exonerate of—; justify—; implicate in—; prosecute for—; regret—; restrain—; subdue—; succumb in —; stem—; —debauches; —decimates; — defiles; —deletes; —depraves; —ravages


    (See bloodshed, massacre.)

    Slaughter (v) adverbs

    professionally; blindly; ruthlessly; carelessly; bellicosely; insensately; needlessly; ignobly; indiscriminately; causelessly; treacherously; fearfully

    (See.butcher, kill.)

    SLAVE adjectives

    perfidious; veriest; humble; submissive; observant; delegated; fugitive; mercenary; ferocious; cringing; sceptered; myriad (pl); devilish; absconding; tawdry; supernumerary; thin; swarming (pl); pernicious; hollow-chested; runaway; factious; transgressing; crouching; drunken; absolute.; faithful; purchased; fingering; past-saving; unmannerly; meanest; refractory; groveling; classified; insulting; monastic; luxurious; sanguine; base; superfluous; liberated; gigantic; loathed


    awe—; chastise—; emancipate—s; castigate —; fetter—; lash—; leash—s; liberate—s; manacle—; market—s; oversee—s; repress —; return—; shackle—s; spare—; subdue —; subjugate—s; trade in—s; tyrannize over —; yoke—s; —attends; —bows; —s colonize; —drudges; —ministers to; —reveres; —s revolt; —salaams

    (See servant, captive.

    SLAVERY adjectives

    virtual; social; voluntary; blissful; abject; merciful; mechanical


    abolish—; ban—; deliver from—; denounce —; drudge in—; efface—; enforce—; lead into—; liberate from—; outlaw—; perpetuate—; prohibit—; redeem from—; sell into —; subject to—; submit to—; suppress—; traffic in—; —binds; —crushes; —chains; — demoralizes; —fetters; —flourishes; —manacles; —restrains; —shackles; —subjugates

    (See bondage, enslavement, captivity.

    SLAVISH adverbs

    amazingly; unspeakably; meanly; servilely; pitiably; unbearably; totally; willingly; cheerfully; sullenly; temporarily; rebellious-ly; patently; mockingly; devotedly; ludicrously; ridiculously; apparently; pathetically; humbly; basely; manifestly; contentedly; contemptibly; openly; markedly; exaggeratedly

    SLAY (v) adverbs

    treacherously; traitorously; vindictiveJy; revengefully; soullessly; nefariously; heartlessly; ruthlessly

    (See kill, slaughter.

    SLEEK adverbs

    smoothly; glossily; extremely; inordinately; unpleasantly; blandly; smugly; consciously; remarkably; excessively; suavely; attractively; unbelievably

    SLEEP ad jectives flattering; noble; comfortable; common noonday; night; profound; trembling; bankrupt; heavy; eternal; pink-tinged; magnetic; fatal; transient; smiling; bestial; tranquil; scanty; deep; secret; marble; breathing; quiet; restful; sound; unbroken; refreshing; wintry; dreamless; peaceful; fitful; beloved; mystic; metamorphic; downy; lethargic; unstirring; portioned; poppied; sudden; drunken; alcoholic; short; convulsed; uninterrupted; fevered; pleasing; enchanted; mysterious; stealthy; startling; forgetful; hypnotic; frozen; troubled; filmy-eyed; speechless; violated; watchful; solacing


    arouse from—; beguile in—; call in—; desire—; disturb—; feign—; incline to—; induce—; intensify—; lack—; lull to—; mutter in—; produce—; relieve—; repose in—; require—; rock to—; rouse from—; secure —; sink into—; trail into—; —curtains; — curtails; —engulfs; —insures; —overpowers; —reigns; —renews; —soothes; — steals; —transfers

    (See repose, rest, slumber.

    SLEEP (v) adverbs

    heavily; peacefully; stertorously; profoundly; habitually; fitfully; comfortably; transiently; tranquilly; dreamlessly; alcoholic-ally; hypnotically

    (See doze, slumber.

    SLEEPLESS adverbs

    vigilantly; alertly; nervously; deliriously; feverishly; anxiously; distressingly; painfully; unfortunately; remarkably; puzzlingly; unaccountably; incurably; alarmingly; disturbingly; unhappily; excitedly; curiously; wakefully; restlessly; restively; apprehensively; uneasily; vexatiously; ironically; inconveniently; dangerously; confoundedly; strangely

    SLEEPY adverbs

    uncontrollably; irresistibly; inordinately; strangely; oddly; curiously; particularly; significantly; extremely; alarmingly; dangerously; specially; unusually; wretchedly; miserably; naturally; abnormally; surprisingly; unaccountably; inexplicably; mysteriously; conveniently; perilously; confoundedly; strangely

    SLEET adjectives

    slapping; driving; eddying; arrowy; stimulated; shiny; dangerous


    brave—; encounter—; melt—; precipitate —; —assails; —bites; —blasts; —blights; —devastates; —endangers; —glazes; —impairs; —imperils; —nips; —pelts; —penetrates; —pierces; —pinches; —rattles on; —ravages; —thaws

    (See ice, snow, hail.

    SLEETY adverbs

    miserably; fearfully; dangerously; suddenly; wretchedly; unmanageably; dreadfully; terribly; freezingly; disagreeably; unpleasantly; frightfully; chillingly; bitterly; perilously; hazardously



    puffed; long; short; flowing; pendent; capacious; tapered; luxurious; charming; slashed; lounging; molded; draw-string


    atjorn—; alter—; append—; baste—; chuckle into—; cuff—; drape—; embellish —; extend—; flounce—; fray—; frill—; fringe—; hem—; knit up—; ruffle—; rumple—; shred—; starch—; tatter—; trim —; —girds



    gracefully; unusually; remarkably; delightfully; pleasantly; attractively; excepti >nal-ly; marvelously; extremely; beautifully; exquisitely; youthfully; prettily

    SLEUTH verbs

    employ—; engage—; tip off (colloq.)—; — analyzes; —apprehends; —beguiles; — cloaks—; cross-examines—; —deduces; — detects; —discloses; —disguises; —divulges; —dodges; —exposes; —fathoms; ■—ferrets out; —grills; —interrogates; —investigates; —mystifies; —outwits; —overhauls; — peers; —pries into; —probes; —prowls; — queries; —questions; —ransacks; —reveals; —scents; —scrutinizes; —shadows; — threshes out; —traces; —tracks down; — trails; —uncovers; —unearths; —unmasks; —veils

    (See detective.

    SLIDE (v) adverbs

    imperceptibly; appreciably; terrifyingly; greasily; languidly; violently; deftly; cautiously

    (See glide, slip.

    SLIM adverbs

    boyishly; girlishly; childishly; delightfully; gracefully; unusually; extremely; normally; abnormally; attractively; noticeably; youthfully; unwontedly; distressingly; admirably; pleasantly

    SLIME adjectives

    subsiding; blistering; brute; primeval; bestial

    SLIP adjectives

    artless; warped; native; costly; silken

    shapely; sheeny; fitted; necessary

    SLIP (v) adverbs stealthily; elusively; artfully; treacherously; evanescently; surreptitiously; insidiously; silently

    (See slide, glide.

    SLIPPER adjectives

    mended; imaginary; high-heeled; fur-lined; flowered; sharp-pointed; comfortable; battered; pinching

    Slogan verbs

    adopt—; assail—; chant—; chorus—; dramatize—; coin—; flaunt—; hail—; offer—; rally to—; reject—; shout—; shrill—; thunder—; —elaborates; —rings; —stirs; — symbolizes; —takes hold; —wafts

    (See motto, cry, phrase.)

    Slop (v) adverbs

    carelessly; disgustingly; violently; abruptly; clumsily

    (See soil, drink.)

    Slope adjectives

    fruitfuf; inaccessible; dappled; parallel; inclined; haunted; sunny; springing; grassy; intervening; declivitous; luminous; gentler; slippery; verdant; scarred; swelling; reverse; trampled; precipitous; rapid; flatfish; upland; glimmering; terraced; neglected; westering; desert; wooded; monotonous; savage


    afford—; avoid—; capsize on—; careen down—; grade—; level—; maintain—; scale—; scamper down—; skirt—; sustain —; —ascends; —banks; —distorts; —endangers; —inclines; —lurches; —recedes; —sags; —streams; —tilts

    (See bank, hill.)

    Slope (v) adverbs

    gradually; markedly; steeply; gently; greenly; inaccessibly; grassily; swellingly; precipitously

    (See incline.)

    Sloth adjectives

    silken; dilatory; cowardly; cushioned; sensual; deliberate; drowsy


    notoriously; habitually; naturally; incorrigibly; incurably; lazily; indolently; evidently; openly; admittedly; brazenly; laughingly; unaccountably; drowsily

    Slouch (adverbs

    heavily; carelessly; sullenly; obnoxiously; wearily; visibly; deliberately

    (See droop, hang.)

    Slough adjectives

    dreadful; pestiferous; humble; deadly; dreaded

    Slovenly adverbs

    inexcusably; unreasonably; shamefully; sadly;. embarrassingly; unpardonably; lazily; shamelessly; unpleasantly; repulsively; curiously; negligently; thoughtlessly; insouc-iantly; casually; nonchalantly; laughingly; unbecomingly; discourteously; crassly; boorishly; outlandishly; outrageously; scandalously; unnecessarily; offensively

    Sluggish adverbs

    strangely; stupidly; loutishly; dully; torpidly; indolently; inertly; supinely; negligently; carelessly; indifferently; lethargically; strangely; unwontedly; unusually; exceptionally; intolerably; provokingly; vexatiously; hopelessly; wretchedly; unprofitably

    Slumber adjectives

    refreshed; pleasant; profound; heavy; dreamless; weary; unnatural; troubled; breathless; rigid; riveted; shady; careless; charmed; sufficient; famous; alert; eternal; fearful; soft; noontide; tickled; enervating; tranquil; healthful; colossal; unconscious; stagnant; prostrate; silent; lighter; dusty


    blast—; burst from—; consume in—; curtail —; doze into—; induce—; shatter—; toss in —; —enfolds; —envelops; —grips; —reanimates; —regenerates; —relaxes; —renews; —revitalizes; —revives; —seizes

    (See sleep.)

    Slumber (v) adverbs

    refreshingly; sweetly; pleasantly; profoundly; dreamlessly; enervatingly; tranquilly; healthfully

    (See doze, sleep.)

    Slump verbs

    allay—; alleviate—; balance—; check—; counteract—; curb—; descend into—; emerge from—; halt—; mitigate—; moderate —; stem—; suffer—; survive—; —abates; —depresses; —endangers; —fizzles out (colloq.) ; —jeopardizes; —reduces; —relaxes; —retards; —slackens; —troubles

    (See depression, fall, melancholy.)

    Slums verbs

    abolish—; comb—; dismantle—; efface—; eradicate—; erase—; explore—; exterminate—; infest—; level—; prowl about—; lurk in—; raze—; rise from—; roam—; root out—; scour—; skulk in—; stamp out —; wallow in—; —breed; —congest; —deface; —defile; —pollute; —reek; —screen; —sully; —teem

    (See district.)

    Slushy adverbs

    miserably; unhealthfully; disagreeably; wretchedly; messily; unpleasantly; unusually; deucedly

    Sly adverbs

    subtly; surreptitiously; furtively; actually; insidiously; abominably; dangerously; warily; undiscoverably; undoubtedly; extremely; successfully; miserably; hatefully; maliciously; cleverly; adroitly; astutely; politically; commercially; trickily; curiously; marvelously

    Smack adjectives

    emphatic; hearty; clamorous; affectionate

    loud; stunning

    Small adverbs

    gracefully; pleasantly; prettily; infinitesimally; minutely; extraordinarily; pitifully; pathetically; miserably; compactly; handily; conveniently; daintily; delicately; miraculously; unbelievably

    Smallness adjectives

    compact; frivolous; suggestive; aristocratic; dainty; handy

    Smallpox verbs

    afflict with—; characterize—; contract—; convey—; diagnose as—; expose to—; exterminate—; extirpate—; immunize to—; infect with—; inoculate against—; isolate —; prevent—; quarantine—; succumb to—; transmit—; usher in—; —communicates; — confines; —disfigures; —incubates; —invalids; —marks; —pits; —prostrates; —ravages; —scars; —taints; —vitiates

    (See epidemic, measles, disease.)

    Smart adverbs

    comically; facetiously; banteringly; foolishly; jestingly; cleverly; felicitously; uncommonly; brilliantly; unusually; thoroughly; ingeniously; amazingly; admirably; wonderfully; wittily; drolly; sparklingly; acutely, capably; cunningly; craftily; sensibly; reasonably; sagely; prudently; subtly; consciously; impressively; learnedly; notoriously; proverbially; assiduously; alertly; sedulously; earnestly; actively

    Smartness adjectives

    figure; lasting; style; exceptional; distinguished; dramatic; stimulating; superficial; uncouth; fabulous; slovenly; alert; conservative; demure; forced; clumsy

    SMASH (v) adverbs

    relentlessly; ruthlessly; vigorously; impulsively; violently; thunderously; terrifically; frightfully

    (See wreck, crush.)

    Smell adjectives

    offensive; pungent; rutting; rank; sharp; foul; conglomerate; musty; villainous; luscious; putrid; faint; concentrated; warning; sickish; sweet; dreadful; grateful; elegant; pervading; spicy; powerful; rebellious; horrid; unholy; evil; heavy; acrid; fishy; damp; moldy; balsam; overpowering; breathless; heavenly; balmy; odious; cold; oppressive; dank


    abhor—; abominate—; banish—; deodorize —; inhale—; intensify—; loathe—; recognize—; relish—; retain—; waft—; —asphyxiates; —assails; —clings; —corrupts; —edges; —entices; —floats; —gags; —incenses; —irritates; —lures; —mingles; — nauseates; —offends; —permeates; —pervades; —ranks; —repels; —revolts; — sickens; —suggests; —taints; —tempts

    (See fragrance, stench, scent, odor.)

    Smell (v) adverbs

    repulsively; objectionably; heavenly; evilly; repugnantly; offensively; noisomely; pungently; abominably; provokingly; potently; sweetly; odiously; dankly; delectably

    (See scent, perfume.)

    Smelly adverbs

    hideously; odiously; horridly; sickeningly; nauseatingly; startlingly; definitely; disgustingly; unbearably; curiously; over-poweringly; suffocatingly

    Smile adjectives

    rustic; uneasy; gracious; regretful; winning; surprised; radiant; broad; bitter; reminiscent; whimsical; wreathed; metallic; faint; apologetic; affectionate; sweet; amiable; solitary; pitying; ridiculous; quizzical; spicy; special; contagious; fawning; amused; icy; wistful; courteous; crafty; withering; beaming: ravished; enormous; uncontrolled; sickly; sly; maternal; eager; naked; frank; joyous; complacent; brilliant; answering; forced; angry; sympathetic; wanton; contemptuous; deadly; sad; simulated; audible; illumined; parting; approving; ironical; mocking; sudden; indulgent; welcoming; irradiating; agreeable; restrained; watery; rare; playful; superior; arch; perpetual; innocent; big; somber; polished; responding; irrepressible; religious; peculiar; convenient; everlasting; tolerant; vapid; priceless; vague; racked; complicated; smart; polite; murderous; disdainful; sunny; indomitable; sinister; diabolical; complaisant; dim; patient; haughty; endless; rapid; passing; benign; lurid; crooked; placid; hot; grave; malicious; incredulous; timid; nervous; kind; involuntary; smothered; ardent; bland; provocative; peerless; vivacious; mellow; wan; new; quiet; calm; abrupt; loving; sagacious; buoyant; greasy; sardonic; conciliatory; sidelong,; nasty; dawning; grim; ironical; false; meaning; sustaining; saucy; atoning; cynical; prodigal; charming; natural; indifferent; tolerant; wry; little; visible; mournful; weary; patronizing; languid; deprecating; fitful; humorous; seductive; sarcastic; mutual; idiotic; frigid; enrapt; doleful; hospitable; doubtful; ingratiating; counterfeit; curious; mischievous; childlike; exultant; saturnine; speculative; pensive; immutable; condescending; pert; impish; roguish; ghastly; rueful; hollow; unctuous; inane; joyless; wild; satirical; reassuring; slow; hideous; flattering; listless; parting; fleeting; engaging; severe; immortal; insipid; moonshine; fascinating; facile; beatific; restless; scornful; bosomed; wondering; moony; senile; ambrosial; covert; airy; incisive; faded; shy; social; angelic; envious; debonair; bashful; artificial; waking; antiseptic; paternal; dubious; hungry; pale; ready; clear; thoughtless; gentle; infectious; conscious; timorous; haughty; frequent; backward; enamored; obnoxious; pallid; derisive; beguiling; excited


    achieve—; answer with—; bestow—; cloud —; conceal—; crinkle into—; extinguish—; extract—; flash—; grant—; illuminate with —; induce—; loosen—; manage—; mock—; permit—; provoke—; quench—; repress—; rouse—; share—; shed—; suppress—; throw—; toss—; wear—; wreathe in—; wrinkle into—; —abashes; —basks; — confronts; —contorts; —creases; —crinkles; —deludes; —departs; —disconcerts; —disparages; —fades; —flashes; —flickers; — hides; —hovers; —lightens; —lingers; — mantles; —plays; —reassures; —renders; —reveals; —twitches

    (See grin, laughter, smirk.)

    Smile (v) adverbs

    delightedly; approvingly; shrewdly; affectionately; cherubically; reluctantly; ecstatically; whimsically; tolerantly; radiantly; indulgently; benevolently; tremulously; grimly; sympathetically; blandly; beamingly; wanly; auspiciously; impudently; disarmingly; mischievously; magnanimously; unctuously; contemptuously; lewdly; win-somely“ wryly; languidly; artificially; automatically; apathetically; benignly; contagiously; ingratiatingly; facetiously; superciliously; superficially; demurely; guilelessly; angelically; affably; ambiguously; coyly; cynically; cunningly; exultantly; exaggeratedly; cryptically; ruefully; benevolently

    (See grin, laugh.)

    Smirk adjectives

    conscious; genteel; empty; confidential; nasty


    affect—; check—; curb—; force—; raise—; repress—; restrain—; wipe away—; wither with—; —dampens; —depresses; —derides; —disdains; —droops; —flushes; —indicates; —reveals; —ridicules; —scorns; —sinks


    (See grin, smile.)

    Smirk (v) adverbs

    unpleasantly; slyly; treacherously; cynically; sarcastically; hideously; covertly; artificially; obnoxiously; satirically; saturnine-ly

    (See sneer, simper.)

    Smite (v) adverbs

    ruthlessly; resoundingly; mercilessly; cruelly; bestially; heartlessly; shatteringly

    (See strike, hit.)

    Smoke adjectives

    after-dinner; favorite; stale; filthy; suffocating; thin; ribbon; pallid; curling; sulphur; helpless; inky; lurid; eddying; leaping; bituminous; faint; dense; resinous; blinding; sour; crooked; foul; columned; acrid; venomous


    enfold with—; spurt—; —asphyxiates; — belches; —billows; —blinds; —blackens; —blights; —carries; —chokes; —clouds; — conceals; —curls; —dissolves; —drifts; — eclipses; —emits; —envelops; —floats; — gags; —grimes; —hangs; —hovers; — looms; —obscures; —overcomes; —penetrates; —pervades; —pours; —puffs; — reeks; —screens; —seeps in; —shrouds; —shuts out; —smothers; —smudges; — soars; —spirals; —stifles; —suffocates; — swirls; —uncurls; —veils; —vitiates; — whirls; —wraps; —wreathes

    (See fumes, haze, mist, soot, fog.)

    Smoke (v) adverbs

    complacently; jovially; fraternally; leisurely; somnolently; gravely; endlessly; atrociously; deliciously; philosophically; reflectively; meditatively; incessantly

    (See fume, reek.)

    Smoky adverbs

    densely; alarmingly; suffocatingly; terribly; dangerously; dingily; invisibly; perilously; unpleasantly; unbearably; disagreeably; odiously; acridly; blindingly; abominably; hazardously

    Smooth adverbs

    politely; mysteriously; significantly; amiably; civilly; genteely; courteously; craftily; obsequiously; good-temperedly; suavely; urbanely; suspiciously; sweetly; graciously; ingratiatingly; fashionably; alluringly; superficially; seductively; hypocritically

    Smooth (v) adverbs

    diplomatically; socially; mechanically; skillfully; artfully; benevolently

    (See stroke, calm.)

    Smoothness adjectives

    polished; fashionable; exclusive; alluring; oily; excessive; matronly; surface

    Smother (v) adverbs

    fatally; painfully; incontinently; politely; insidiously; socially; economically; politically ; viciously

    (See repress, extinguish.)

    Smouldering adverbs

    slowly; dangerously; luridly; fantastically; glowingly; alarmingly; actively; dully; dimly; faintly; perilously; hazardously; hatefully; evidently; persistently; steadily; apparently

    Smudgy adverbs

    unacceptably; carelessly; illegibly; dingily; grimily; grittily; darkly; unpleasantly; offensively; unattractively; amazingly; inexplicably; deliberately; intentionally; impossibly; contemptibly; disagreeably

    Smug adverbs

    unbearably; disgustingly; disagreeably; irritatingly; unreasonably; ridiculously; pompously; chestily; -overly; vexatiously; maddeningly; ostentatiously; complacently; pretentiously; laughably; contentedly; priggish-ly; imperturbably

    Smuggling verbs

    abandon—; abolish—; charge with—; cloak —; confess to—; convict of—; countenance —; cover—; deter—; disclose—; engage in —; expose—; frown upon—; justify—; practice—; screen—; suppress—; traffic in —; uncover—; —defrauds; —mulcts; — profits; —violates

    (See robbery, theft.)

    Snail verbs

    cultivate—; prey on—; search for—; uncover—; —buries; —crawls; —emerges; — hides

    (See animal.)

    Snake adjectives

    sinuous; sacred; venomous; gaping; dazzling; strong; quick; watching; hissing; gigantic; poisonous


    cage—; capture—; charm—; —coils; —constricts; —contorts; —crawls; —deposits eggs; —drapes around; —drops upon; — emerges; —encircles; —engulfs its prey; —entwines; —feigns; —frightens; —glides; —hibernate?; —hisses; —lunges; —poisons; —recoils; —retreats; —scurries; —seizes; —slides; —slithers; —squirms; —stalks; —stings; —stirs; —strangles its prey; — strikes; —struggles; —suns itself; —surprises its prey; —swallows its prey; — sways; —terrorizes; —thrashes about; — threatens; —twines; —twists; —undulates; —vibrates; —whips its tail; —worms its way; —wraps around; —wriggles; — writhes; —zigzags

    (See lizard, reptile.)

    Snaky adverbs

    circuitously; sinuously; insidiously; maliciously; artfully; craftily; subtly; slanderously; insinuatingly; surreptitiously; deceitfully; despicably; treacherously; wilily; subtly; archly; crookedly

    Snap (v) adverbs

    explosively; exultantly; joyously; irritatingly; nervously; intermittently; repeatedly

    (See snarl, growl.)

    Snappy adverbs

    disagreeably; bracingly; stimulatingly; coldly; unpleasantly; extremely; bitterly; cruelly; stingingly; harshly; exceedingly; terribly; dreadfully

    Snare adjectives

    silken; wavering; female; alluring; sensual; treacherous; drowsing; harmless; opal; lying; elfish; marvelous; sentimental; cursed


    bait—; decoy into—; entangle in—; escape —; lure into—; mend—; plant—; —attracts; —deludes; —entices; —intrigues; —menaces; —tempts; —victimizes

    (See cobweb, net, trap.)

    Snarl (v) adverbs

    tigerishly; fiendishly; formidably; fiercely; viciously; portentously; furiously; rapaciously; terrifyingly; bestially; diabolically

    (See growl, snap.)

    Snarls adjectives

    perfect; hoarse; angry; rasping; screaming

    Snatch (v) adverbs

    instantaneously; swiftly; thievingly; insolently; hurriedly; selfishly; callously; gluttonously

    (See grasp, grab.)

    Sneaky adverbs

    notoriously; infamously; reputedly; disagreeably; detestably; abominably; atrociously; shamefully; wickedly; viciously; maliciously; incurably; fearfully; strangely; naturally; habitually; alarmingly; suspiciously; furtively; guiltily

    Sneer adjectives

    dull; veiled; significant; copious (pl); perceptible; subtle; drifting; powdery; haughty; frozen; bitter; infernal; chronic; sinister; twisted; mocking


    check—; curb—; curl into—; force—; indulge in—; parry—; repress—; restrain—; wither with—; —affronts; —castigates; — chides; —derides; —desecrates; —disparages; —gibes; —jeers; —mocks; —outrages; —rebukes; —scorns; —taunts

    (See jeer, ridicule, contempt.)

    Sneer (v) adverbs

    derisively; contemptuously; aristocratically; scornfully; hatefully; superciliously; fastidiously; priggishly

    (See jeer, smirk.)

    Sneeze (v) adverbs

    violently; explosively; abruptly; repeatedly; significantly; obstreperously; exasperatingly

    (See cough.)

    Snicker verbs

    check—; curb—; disregard—; restrain—; voice—; —admonishes; —chides; —derides; —disparages; —insults; —issues; —mimics; —scoffs; —taunts; —withers; —twits

    (See giggle, laughter, smirk, grin.)

    Snicker (v) adverbs

    contemptuously; indecently; irreverently; ribaldly; ludicrously; exasperatingly; slyly; maliciously; irresistibly; insolently

    (See titter, smirk, simper.)

    Sniff adjectives

    tremendous; sarcastic; hearty; prodigious


    Sniff (v


    greedily; haughtily; warily; instinctively

    audibly; suspiciously; ostentatiously

    (See scent, smell.)

    Snob verbs

    crush—; deflate—; humble—; loathe—; pique—; sober—; —affects; —apes; —assumes; —condescends; —cringes; —cuts (colloq.); —disdains; —flushes; —humiliates; —inflates; —overbears; —overweens; —preens; —pretends; —puffs up; —regards; —scoffs at; —scorns; —swaggers; —swells; —worships

    (See hypocrite.)

    Snobbish adverbs

    unwarrantably; groundlessly; absurdly; curiously; oddly; meanly; grossly; crudely; crazily; pompously; bombastically; cheaply; laughably; arrogantly; haughtily; ridiculously; ludicrously; particularly; uncommonly; unpardonably; unbearably; disagreeably; unpleasantly

    Snore adjectives

    simultaneous; melodious; feminine; smothered; annoying; regular; buzzing

    Snore (v) adverbs

    intoxicatedly; sonorously; peacefully; ster-torously; irritatingly; exasperatingly; melodiously; incessantly; annoyingly; perpetually

    (See sleep, slumber, breathe.)

    Snort adjectives

    impatient; angry; loud; trumpeting; audible; roaring

    Snort (v) adverbs

    impatiently; indignantly; audibly; trumpet-ingly; roaringly; terrifically; disgustingly; violently; vulgarly

    (See snarl, growl.)

    Snow adjectives

    wintry; flaky; feathery; melting; downy; driven; whirling; benumbing; trackless; eternal; summer; innocent; chilling; caressing; consecrated; glittering; shrinking; powerful; winged; rugged; drifting; crunching; scattering; untrampled; dazzling; solidified; crisp; sharp; virgin; unfathomable; shrouded; pure; homogeneous; receding; perpetual; wondrous; strange; crusted; dissolving; frozen; sculptured; flying; unsunned; sparkling; untrodden; hard; heavy; wasting; powdery; whipped; crackling; dreaded


    crunch—; scan—; scrunch (colloq.)—; sculpture in—; stamp—; thaw—; —avalanches; —blankets; —caps; —crowns; — dazzles; —deadens; —diminishes; —drifts; —envelops; —falls; —flashes; —flurries; —glistens; .—hides; —hushes; —lies; — mantles; —masks; —muffles; —pelts; — penetrates; —piles; —retreats; —ribs; — sails; —scuds; —sculptures; —settles; — shrouds; —sifts; —tinges; —tints; —veils


    (See snowflakes.

    Snow-Blind adverbs

    completely; momentarily; temporarily; frantically; terrifyingly; suddenly; perilously; inopportunely; curiously; merely; unluckily; tormentingly

    Snowflakes verbs drive—; —accumulate; —adorn; —bite; —blanch; —checker; —chill; ■—cling; — dazzle; —deluge; —fleck; —frost; —glitter; —nip; —obscure; —shudder; —silver.

    (See snow, crystal, flake.

    Snowy adverbs

    beautifully; exquisitely;- fortunately; spectacularly; brilliantly; dazzlingly; dangerously; unbelievably; deeply; persistently;, incredibly; unseasonably; unexpectedly; surprisingly; perilously; blindingly; hazardously; dreadfully; fearfully; frightfully; suddenly; windily

    Snub adjectives

    deliberate; suggestive; cold; shrewd; nasty


    construe as—; expose to—; resent—; risk—; rue—; —abashes; —bewilders; —discomposes; —disconcerts; —discredits; —humbles; —humiliates; —overwhelms; —petrifies; —reddens; —reproaches; —slurs; — staggers; —stuns; —takes down a peg

    (See insult, rebuff, rebuke.

    Snub (v) adverbs deliberately; coldly; acrimoniously; invidiously; permanently; contemptuously; hatefully; conceitedly

    (See ignore, disregard.

    Snug adverbs compactly; securely; safely; closely; comfortably; happily; fortunately; pleasantly; warmly; reasonably; agreeably; delightfully; luckily; sufficiently; satisfactorily; deliciously

    Soap verbs adulterate—; enrich—; rinse off—; —agrees with; —deodorizes; —disinfects; —fortifies; —invigorates; —lathers; —launders; — laves; —protects; —purges; —refreshes; —restores; —saturates; —scours; —shampoos; —soothes; —stimulates; —tingles

    (See lather, lotion.

    Soapy adverbs sufficiently; warmly; satisfactorily; pleasantly; reasonably; slightly; strongly; occasionally; unpleasantly; pungently; comfortably; comfortingly

    Soar (v) adverbs magnificently; lazily; serenely; majestically; pretentii usly; daringly; gracefully; incessantly; loftily; effortlessly; daringly; tran-scendingly

    (See fly, mount.

    Sob adjectives tearless; dying; convulsive; hysterical; heaving; tremulous; noiseless; desolate; innumerable (pl); loud; indignant; audible; hopeless; diminished; confused; gulping; choked; painful; feeble; commingled (pl); conventional; wild; stifled; gasping; panting; racking; renewed; stormy; deep


    burst into—s; check—; heave—; repress—; restrain—; smother—; stifle—; strangle—; suppress—; whimper—; —disarms; —engulfs; —gurgles; —lacerates; —laments; —melts; —moves; —overwhelms; —racks; —rends; —shakes; —softens; —touches; — wells up; —wrings

    (See moari, murmur, sigh, shiver, shudder.)

    Sob (v) adverbs

    piteously; audibly; miserably; bleakly; passionately; hysterically; violently; convulsively; bitterly; monotonously; fearlessly; tremulously; rackingly; pantingly; gaspingly

    (See weep, cry.)

    Sobbing adjectives

    gentle; frightened; unrestrained; monotonous


    convulsively; heavily; desolately; lonesome-ly; heartbreakingly; repentantly; remorsefully; bitterly; cruelly; miserably; loudly; quietly; silently; interminably; continually; unreasonably; absurdly; ridiculously; deliberately; purposefully; profitably; suddenly; violently; unaccountably; hysterically; grievously; angrily; happily; nervously

    Sober adverbs

    unusually; gravely; unwontedly; uncommonly; extremely; unquestionably; occasionally; usually; seldom; rarely; scarcely; reluctantly; habitually; substantially; moderately; drearily; dismally; pensively; thoughtfully; speculatively; wistfully; wishfully; reasonably; dispassionately; judicially; suddenly; earnestly; judiciously; amazingly; strangely; studiously; alarmingly

    Sobriety verbs

    commend—; conduce to—; dispose toward —; dwell in—; lack—; maintain—; moderate—; persist in—; preserve—; pursue—; restore—; suspend—; —represses; —restrains; —spares; —tempers

    (See temperance, moderation, gravity.)

    Sociable adverbs

    delightfully; sincerely; charmingly; agreeably; habitually; extremely; usually; rarely; scarcely; affably; genially; highly; cordially; familiarly; quietly; noisily; hilariously; heartily; gracefully; chattily; unusually; exceedingly; extraordinarily; clumsily; suddenly; unexpectedly; excessively; designedly; chummily;,warmly; truly; uncommonly; remarkably; significantly; ostentatiously

    Social adverbs

    pleasantly; agreeably; genially; jovially; happily; festively; sportively; affably; usually; highly; companionably; remarkably; openly

    Socialism verbs

    advocate—; combat—; define—; frown upon—; oppose—; prate of—; promote—; rant against—; reject—; —burrows into; —cankers; —confiscates;-—controls; —disposes of; —ebbs; —equals; —flourishes; —frees; —humanizes; —levels; —liberates; —manifests; —paralyzes; —regulates; — relinquishes; —remedies; —shares; —shatters; —undermines; —wages; —wars against

    (See communism, liberalism, modernism, nationalism.)

    Socialist verbs

    silence—; —abolishes; —bands; —cements

    —clashes; —discards; —distributes; —expatiates on; —hails; —harangues; —heckles; —indoctrinates; —organizes; —prates; —rants; —spreads; —theorizes; —undermines

    (See anarchist, communist.)

    Society adjectives

    plutocratic; polished; vigorous; cultivated; fashionable; cold; open; integrated; agreeable; desolate; exotic; honorable; competitive; provincial; artistic; civilized; charitable; cheerful; distinguished; human; frivolous; shattered; unevolved; distinct; formal; martyrized; decorous; polite; heartless; inorganic; intellectual; fastidious; insensitive; brilliant; literary; aristocratic; primitive; high-toned; perpetual; congenial; purified; benevolent; exclusive; peripatetic; reputable; sordid; monastic; immoral; notorious; respectable; wild; scientific; contemporary; industrial


    abandon—; admit to—; debar from—; denounce—; deprive—; destroy—; displease —; elevate—; expel from—; introduce into —; mingle with—; negate—; plunge—; purge—; redeem—; remodel—; shun—; step into—; usher into—; —animates; — arrays; —binds; —brands; —campaigns; —conciliates; —conforms; —controls; — copes; —disintegrates; —establishes; —expands; —expels; —frowns upon; —lauds; —obligates; —organizes; —outlaws; — plagues; —polishes; —recruits; —rends asunder; —revolutionizes; —sanctions; — serves; —shackles; —springs from; —uproots; —wars on; —withdraws

    (See brotherhood, community, companionship, state.)

    Sofa adjectives

    imposing; embroidered; matted; satindamask; comfortable; battered


    bolster—; crouch behind—; curl in—; ensconce in—; loll on—; lounge on—; prop —; perch on—; recline on—; refurbish—; renovate—; repose on—; slump on—; straddle—; upholster—; —accommodates; — bears; —beckons; —graces; —sinks; —supports; —sustains

    (See couch.)

    Soft adverbs

    deliciously; adorably; pleasantly; delightfully; comfortably; admirably; conveniently; invitingly; warmly; comfortingly; curiously; particularly; commendably; pliably; delicately; tenderly; compassionately; sympathetically; gently; adaptably

    Society (association) verbs

    address—; conciliate—; convoke—; disband —; found—; harangue—; head—; league in—; link in—; mobilize—; muster—; preside over—; sever—; —adjourns; —assembles; —convenes; —defines; —disseminates; —elects; —flocks to; —pledges; — preys; —promulgates; —supports

    (See league, association, club, guild, lodge.)

    Sod adjectives

    peace-giving; stubborn; velvet; verdant; spongy; lifeless; moldering

    Soda verbs

    bottle—s; cap—s; carbonate—; charge—; color—; dispense—; dissolve in—; down—; flavor—; manufacture—; mix—; prepare—; purvey—s; siphon—; sweeten—; —effervesces; —exhilarates; —refreshes

    (See beverage, drink, liquor.)

    Sodden adverbs

    dismally; gloomily; heavily; irretrievably; disagreeably; unpleasantly; strangely

    Soft-Hearted adverbs

    leniently; indulgently; judiciously; under-standingly; occasionably; pliably; naturally; usually; unwontedly; graciously; hospitably; admirably; curiously; charitably; generously; magnanimously; notoriously; foolishly; usually

    Softness adjectives

    passionate; sapping; lovely; liquid; musical; purring; tremulous; feline; infinite; melting; bewitching; displeasing; velvet; shy; unbelievable; sudden; cat-like

    Soft-Spoken adverbs

    blandly; usually; habitually; normally; pleasantly; agreeably; delightfully; deceivingly; indulgently; naturally; invariably; curiously; admirably; deliberately; purposely

    Soggy adverbs

    unpleasantly; unserviceably; curiously; un-wholesomely; heavily; irredeemably; unfortunately; unprofitably; admittedly; irremediably; unexpectedly; remarkably; dreadfully


    humid; volcanic; fenny; blood-stained; hallowed; luxuriant; teeming; sterile; sifted; repressed; alluvial; enchanted; thirsty; marshy; unbroken; unproductive; friendly; noxious; ill-smelling; fertile; wholesome; friable; sacred; desolate; accursed; fruitful; parched; arid; sandy; indistinguishable; ancient; smoking; niggardly; poor; rich; radiant; favored; fallow; cultivated; kind; surrounding; ungrateful; neglected; peaty; wretched; congenial; tillable; swampy; burning ;• mangled ; barren; foreign; adjacent; drenched; crusty; virgin; exhausted; devastated; mortal; tropic; native; alien; nitrous; conquered; oozy; crumbling


    cleave—; conserve—; cultivate—; devitalize—; drain—; enrich—; fertilize—; furrow—; harrow—; irrigate—; impregnate—; preserve—; pry from—; renew—; renounce —; revitalize—; ridge up—; rob—; root in —; scratch—; set foot on—; smell—; sow—; starve—; till—; wring from—; —begrimes; —blesses; —erodes; —procreates; —satisfies; —smudges

    (See land, earth, ground, farm.)

    Soil (v) adverbs

    carelessly; obnoxiously; markedly; hopelessly; disgustingly; annoyingly; exasperatingly

    (See taint, spoil.)

    Sojourn adjectives

    dreary; aimless; endless; short; enforced; protracted; permanent; bloody; previous; brief; accursed; autumnal; obscure; pleasant

    Solace adjectives

    individual; airy; idle; melancholy; immeasurable; ecstatic; scant; repenting; little


    afford—; accord—; bestow—; decline—; derive—; extend—; grant—; offer—; proffer —; reject—; tender—; volunteer—; yield —; —allays; —appeases; —assuages; —beguiles; —cheers, —comforts; —draws; — diverts; —mitigates; —palliates; —salves; —smooths

    (See comfort, consolation.)


    fanatical; languid; *wilted; faceless; gallant; brave; illiterate; true; trusty; rough; career; drunken; godless; volunteer; surviving; harassed; well-tried; distinguished; capable; maddened; struggling; brutal; sausage-legged; valiant; weary; rowdy; unrelenting; mercenary; butchered; disbanded; decorative; deluded; accomplished; improvident; straggling; disorderly; good; hardy; wandering; disaffected; lion-hearted; stout; demoralized; gaunt; intrepid; stern; fearless; hot-tempered; heroic; veteran; lice-ridden; sentimental; indomitable; obdurate; eager; doughty; steady; fortunate; condemned; besotted; chivalrous; vulgar; magnanimous; forlorn; staring; resolute; inebriated; weary; mutilated; sleepy; disillusioned


    arm—; command—; conciliate—; court-martial—; dispatch—; drill—; harry—; mobilize—; mow dowm—; quarter—; train—; — advance; —barricade; —beleaguer; —besiege; —brandish; —break step; —bristle; —bluster; —campaign; —charge; —coerce; —crusade; —desert; —enlist; —enroll; — engage; —flock; —garrison; —invade; — intrench; —jostle; —lay siege; —mutiny; — patrol; —parry; —plod—; rake; —repulse'; —retaliate; —revive; —slog; —snipe; — squander; —storm; —surrender; —tramp; —trudge; —ward off; —wield

    (See besieger, infantry, army, invader, militia.)

    Soldiery adjectives

    ruthless; insolent; ferocious; desperate; sanguine; brutal; well-clad; riotous; vagabond; grim-faced; licentious; architectural; fierce

    Solemn adverbs

    unduly; curiously; ceremoniously; sacredly; piously; religiously; devoutly; reverentially; fervently; ritualistically; judicially; sternly; austerely; ponderously; gravely; seriously; alarmingly; forbiddingly; unnecessarily; ominously; portentously; depressingly; impressively; magnificently; extraordinarily; gravely; grimly; ridiculously; absurdly; ludicrously; unreasonably; occasionally; unexpectedly; unusually; curiously; strangely; reverently; uncommonly


    severe; majestic; religious; rare; mysterious; quaint; guarded; significant; pretentious; accustomed; symmetrical; grievous; unutterable; impressive; formal; professional; inaccessible; profound; dismal; preternatural; sweet; shallow; mournful; livid; royal


    alleviate—; dedicate in—; ease—; enthrone in—; impress—; maintain—; mar—; perform with—; preserve—; relax—; ruffle—; sustain—'r temper—; —abashes; —awes; — chastens; —dampens; —dazzles; —depresses; —deters; —glooms; —inspires; —oppresses; —pervades; —sobers; —subdues

    (See ceremony, gravity, seriousness.)

    Solicit (v) adverbs

    impudently; courteously; importunately; pertinaciously; timorously; underhandedly; earnestly; pressingly; urgently; insinuatingly

    (See request, ask, seek.)

    Solicitation adjectives

    hinted; earnest; sickening; pressing; tearful; urgent; insinuating


    brush aside—s; dismiss—; elicit—; endure —; ignore—; pursue—s; yield to—; —s carry weight; —influences; —irks; —moves; —plagues; —provokes; —rjles (colloq.); — ruffles; —sways; —touches; —vexes; — wrings

    (See request, invitation, entreaty.)

    Solicitors adjectives

    best-moving; fair; government; prominent


    Solicitous adverbs

    tenderly; anxiously; eagerly; frantically; curiously; strangely; pretentiously; ostentatiously; cursorily; lovingly; affectionately; protectively; absurdly; ridiculously; responsibly; forebodingly; terribly

    ad jectives

    constant; peculiar; passionate; quiet; liveliest; dismal; tenderest; loving; frozen; selfish; affectionate; profound; glorious; trembling; pitying; sincere; voluntary; paternal; friendly; deep


    allay—; assuage—; blench in—; cloak—; conceal—; deserve—; display—; distrust—; dwell in—; ease—; exhibit—; expose—; feign—; manifest—; relieve—; relish—; screen—; —besets; —deters; —harrows; — haunts; —obsesses; —perturbs; —preys on; —unnerves; —wracks; —wrings; inspire—

    (See anxiety, misgiving, care, concern, attention.)

    Solid adverbs

    unusually; satisfactorily; fortunately; securely; stably; remarkably; immovably; finally; desirably; sufficiently; safely; financially; structurally; commercially; warrantably; splendidly; undoubtedly; unbreakably

    Solidarity verbs

    cement—; cleave—; compromise—; disrupt —; endanger—; fracture-—; gnaw at—; hazard—; impair—; jeopardize—; link in —; maintain—; mar—; menace—; mould —; nurse—; preserve—; rend—; rupture—; sap—; shake—; split—; strain—; sustain —; threaten—; undermine—; weld—; — crumbles; —disintegrates; —prevails; —totters

    (See power, authority, leadership, union.)

    Solidity adjectives

    combined; moral; little; primitive; costly; imposing; mellow; false; stable

    Solids adjectives

    atomic; precipitated; flaccid; geometrical; quiescent; elastic


    compress—; congeal into—; convert into—; dissolve—; excrete—; liquefy—; pierce—: precipitate—; pulverize—; vaporize—; — cohere; —contract; —disintegrate; —displace; —expand

    (See mass.)


    philosophically; morbidly; dejectedly; monotonously; ceaselessly; academically; sepul-chrally

    (See utter, talk.)

    Soliloquy verbs

    breathe—; deliver—; emit—; indulge in—; murmur—; mutter—; reflect in—; unfold —; utter—; voice—; —considers; —contemplates ; —discourses; —expatiates on ; —mediates ; —moves; —ponders; —reasons; —reproaches; —reveals; —revolves; —touches

    (See speech, talk.)

    Solitary adverbs

    restfully; delightfully; formidably; gloomily; forbiddingly; cheerlessly; pathetically; unhappily; remotely; alarmingly; disagreeably; desperately; desolately; impossibly; tragically; preferably; comfortably; selfishly; unexpectedly; undesirably; uncommonly; curiously; amazingly; insistently

    Solitude adjectives

    mighty; unhallowed; dismal; heating; tranquil; great; sylvan; proud; expectant; gladsome; splendid; social; musing; crowded; decent; dreary; sealed; oppressive; perfect; wildest; unbroken; mountain; vast; misty; populous; convenient; careless; morose; meditative; patient; arctic; fearful; rural; chilly; mystic; unweeping; delicious; utter; obscure; midnight; grave; dewy; gigantic; twilight; artificial; deep; majestic; moorland; solemn ;-inaccessible; sullen; serene; pastoral; restored


    abandon to—; abide in—; afford—; burden —; bear—; crave—; encompass—; endure —; evince—; incline to—; loathe—; long for—; mope in—; muse in—; ponder in—; recall in—; relegate to—; relish—; retire to—; sequester in—; shatter—; shun—; suffer—; welcome—; yearn for—; —cloaks; — deceives; —depresses; —detaches; —isolates; —penetrates; —stagnates

    (See isolation, loneliness, seclusion.)


    scarcely; highly; instantly; chemically; easily; obviously; manifestly; conveniently; handily; quickly; adaptably; commendably

    Solution (explanation) verbs

    approach—; arrive at—; clarify—; comprehend—; demonstrate—; disagree with—; facilitate—; formulate—; furnish—; gain—; offer—; reach—; seek—; trace—; —coincides; —implies; —points; —racks

    (See explanation, interpretation.)

    Solution (general) adjectives

    dilute; saline; partial; attenuated; elusive; commonplace; classic; irritating; logical; colloidal; formless; transparent; decent; pacific; ultimate; dirt; deodorizing; obvious; antiseptic; adaptive; delightful; consequent; rational; supernatural; basic; successful; supersaturated; practical; satisfying; contemporary; sensible; equitable; ideal; peaceful; ordinary; lofty

    Solution (mixture


    diJute—; dip—; gargle—; inject—; saturate with—; sponge—; —mixes; —strengthens; seek—

    (See mixture, juice, liquid, medicine.)

    Solve (v) adverbs

    definitely; accurately; promptly; swiftly; mechanically; scientifically; ultimately; constructively; ingeniously; practically; basically; partially

    (See clear, explain.)

    Solvent adverbs

    responsibly; reputedly; reputably; admirably; safely; financially; manifestly; acceptably; satisfactorily; fortunately; absolutely

    Somberness verbs

    alleviate—; brighten—; brood in—; droop in—; reflect—; relax—; relieve of—; ruffle —; sink into—; sulk in—; sustain—; — abashes; —awes; —dampens; —darkens;

    deepens; —dejects; —depresses; —envelops

    —glooms; —illuminates; —oppresses; —permeates; —pervades; —saddens; —shadows


    (See darkness, melancholy, gravity, gloom.)

    Sombre adverbs

    lugubriously; gloomily; dismally; unaccountably; unnecessarily; unpleasantly; richly; sumptuously; harmoniously; fashionably; conventionally; disagreeably; overwhelmingly; mournfully; gravely; gruesomely; terribly; hauntingly; horribly

    Somersault verbs

    achieve—; avert—; avoid—; culminate in —; execute—; perfect—; perform—; practise—s; reverse—; —amazes; —astounds; —climaxes; —inverts; —surprises

    (See trick, leap.)

    Something adjectives

    undefinable; coquettish; intangible; infinitesimal; misty; solemn; inestimable; unnatural; ghastly; unnamable; curious

    Somnolent adverbs

    overwhelmingly; unaccountably; irresistibly; strangely; dully;, overpoweringly; uncontrollably; inexplicably; abnormally; embarrassingly; alarmingly; inexpressibly

    Son adjectives

    giddy; mutilated; slow-minded; intended; scapegrace; accursed; hardy; illegitimate; reckless; instinctive; lawful; patriotic; enigmatic; murdered; hapless; prodigal; equivocal; misunderstood; degenerate; virtuous; astonished; blooming; surviving; indolent; observant; unkempt; gallant; ransomed; poor; illustrious; dutiful; purblind; filmloving; admirable; accursed; docile; stalwart; valiant; obedient; accomplished; wayward; humbled; tortured; first-born; enchanting; ungracious; goodly; brisk; eldest; handsome; patriotic; elegant; amiable; free-hearted; insignificant; mercenary; unappreciated; rude; energetic; exiled


    alienate—; bear—; beget—; castigate—; chastise—; conceive—; crave—; discipline —; disinherit—; disown—; endear to—; expel—; guide—; hunger for—; inculcate in —; ingrain in—; instill in—; pamper—; renounce—; yearn for—; —assumes; —begets; —cherishes; —inherits; —relinquishes; —toddles

    (See child, offspring, daughter.)

    Song adjectives

    emotional; melodious; dramatic; characteristic; throbbing; shanty; voluntary; comic; faultless; boisterous; spiritual; mournful; scurrilous; pealing; solemn; humorous; ineffable; choral; monotonous; rapturous; tranquil; echoing; vapid; immortal; buoyant; deathless; cheerful; weird; antiquated; impassioned; speechless; perpetual; artful; amorous; affectionate; irksome; unconnected; everlasting; protracted; joyous; provoking; unmusical; indolent; savage; drawling; ringing; lifeless; ribald; generous; gusty; rich; blithe; unpremeditated; mystic; shrill; laborious; foolish; magnetic; quivering; syncopated; pastoral; dropping; wondrous; jubilaht; plaintive; tragic; parting; chastening; saucy; desperate; ear-breaking; coarse; sunny; eddying; arduous; grandest; wailing; fatal; medicinal; worthless; doleful; visible; yearning; piquant; rollicking; fiery; stifling; hideous; twilight; adventurous; belligerent; noble; nuptial verbs

    accompany—; break out into—; breathe—; carol—; chant—; compose—; dash into —; diffuse—; echo—; execute—; exploit —; flood with—; hum—; improvise—; intone—; lilt—; perform—; pipe—; perpetuate—; render—; stifle—; strike up—; trill —; twitter—; warble—; whistle—; —breaks out; —descends upon; —dwindles; —expresses; —evolves; —laments; —merges; — moderates; —modulates; —pierces; —s pour; —quavers; —recaptures; —ripples; —shatters; —subsides; —swells; —uplifts; —vibrates

    (See melody, jazz, ditty, incantation, music, chant, refrain, carol, hymn.)

    Songster adjectives

    exquisite; plumed; lingering: feathered: lifeless; medieval; radio

    Sonorous adverbs

    impressively; unctuously; chantingly; deeply; profoundly; resoundingly; challengingly; richly; magnificently; splendidly; remarkably; strangely; compellingly; majestically; regally; authoritatively

    Soot verbs

    —begrimes; —besmears; —besmirches; — blackens; —blots; —blurs; —contaminates; —defiles; —eclipses; —flocculates; —jets

    —obscures; —reeks; —screens; —settles; — smears; —smirches; —smudges; —soils; — sullies; —tarnishes; —veils

    (See carbon, powder, dust, smoke, fog.)

    Soothe (v) adverbs

    maternally; infinitely; benevolently; compassionately; harmoniously; effectually; pleasingly

    (See pacify, calm.)

    Soothing adverbs

    refreshingly; comfortingly; curatively; graciously; serenely; mildly; pleasantly; softly; gratefully; quietly; coolly; gently; blandly; especially; satisfyingly;’ remarkably; marvelously; tenderly; maternally; mercifully

    Sophisticated adverbs

    consciously; impressively; proudly; vivaciously; absurdly; ridiculously; haughtily; pretentiously; extremely; unexpectedly; bitterly; stylishly; fashionably


    subtle; sly; cool; quaint; hard-boiled; studied; brittle; surface; cruel


    acquire—; breed—; cultivate—; develop—; discard—; ingrain—; jar—; mould—; pierce—; stamp with—; shock—; —attracts; —beguiles; —bores; —enhances; —glosses; —impresses; —polishes; —reeks; —varnishes; —veneers

    (See manner, style.)

    Sophistry adjectives

    subtle; pompous; wild; delinquent; apparent

    Soprano verbs

    acclaim—; applaud—; present—; train—

    —carols; —cracks; —cultivates; —enthralls; —entrances; —executes; —exercises; —expresses; —flutes; —lilts; —modulates; —moves; —performs; —renders; — strains; —tours; —trills; —twitters

    (See singer, choir, chorus.)

    Sorcerer adjectives

    miserable; hostile; unfortunate; accused


    Sordid adverbs

    disagreeably; undoubtedly; atrociously; curiously; basely; uncommonly; unreasonably; unbelievably; incredibly; unthinkably; outrageously; outlandishly; scandalously; terribly; fearfully; detestably; barbarously; unspeakably; stingily; grossly; miserably; churlishly; greedily; foully; unaccountably; unwarrantably; strangely; utterly; undeniably

    Sore adjectives

    swollen; embossed; inward; festering; everfretting; raw’; horrid


    aggravate—; cauterize—; diagnose—; disinfect—; dress—; extirpate—; irritate—; lance—; lick—; salve—; treat—; —atrophies; —breaks out; —cankers; —chafes; — defaces; —discharges; —disfigures; —en-’venoms; —festers; -^-ferments; —infects; —inflames; —occurs: —persists; —rankles; —responds; —scabs; —suppurates; —taints; —throbs

    (See rash, inflammation, canker, abscess, blister, boil.)


    painfully; curiously; extremely; miserably; inrectiously; dangerously; alarmingly; unaccountably; strangely; fearfully; feverishly; unfortunately; cruelly; exceedingly; naturally

    Sorrow adjectives

    dreaming; querulous; sole; profound; despondent; inextinguishable; poignant; sac-rea; slow; imperious; human; stormy; transient; impetuous; faithless; helpless; unfeigned; sleepless; premature; stifled; domestic; dying; eternal; Litter; silent; deep; hearty; trampling; mortal; uncheered; sentimental; dark; dumb; passionate; crushing; unmitigated; sincere; romantic; imagined; fantastic; foolish; vehement; dried; accumulated; gnarling; noisy; desperate; oppressive; peculiar; grievous; dull; present; aesthetic; inarticulate; strange; concealed


    afflict with—; appease—; assail with—; assuage—; brim with—; cast—; cloak—; console—; contain—; couch in—; crush—; depict—; derive—; fade out of—; inflict—; intensify—; lament—; multiply—s; relieve—; remedy—; restrain—; share—; swallow—; unfold—; —befalls; —blights; —burdens; —chastens; —consumes; —darkens; —deepens; —embraces; —mars; —overburdens; —overwhelms; —purges

    (See commiseration, sadness, suffering, grief.)

    Sorry adverbs

    pitifully; wretchedly; sincerely; genuinely; truly; pitiably; miserably; grievously; profoundly; deeply; abjectly; remorsefully; embarrassingly; humbly; bitterly; regretfully; penitently; admittedly; extremely; immeasurably; reasonably; somewhat

    Sort adjectives

    particular; unsatisfactory; enthusiastic; whimsical; barren; vulgar; prophetical; stimulating; grossest; truest; meanest; desultory; outspoken; odd

    Soul adjectives

    repentant; harmonic; circling; stormy; witty; genial; learned; troubled; hopeful; flaming; lost; living; amiable; kindred; sinful; erring; frank; reviving; poisonous; ardent; aesthetic; pagan; raptured; maddened; pervading; poetic; wronged; cheated; stagnant; unblemished; zealous; sensitive; loving; neat; gentle; departed; passive; tortured; malignant; impassive; noblest; helpless; starved; susceptible; silly; ravished; withered; luckless; chastened; desolate; lofty; singular; eager; radiant; wondrous; vile; daring; suspended; genial; trusting; polluted; vigorous; willing; separate; fettered; visionary; human; righteous; heroic; grateful; ingenious; deathless; rapt; naked; lifted; ecstatic; flagging; heated; dear; dawning; deluded; vitriolic; artist; full; loyal; groveling; solitary; agitated; gross; fainting; secret; silent; resolute; defeated; common; maddening; divine; brooding; incarnate; harmonious; convivial; morbid; comprehensive; speaking; priceless; wounded; craven; inmost; smitten; offending; spheric; guilty; poisonous; tender; pervading; universal; delicious; haughty; debilitated; passionate; progressive; saturate; feeble; liberal; multitudinous (pl); plastic; unripened; unstained; antique; agitated; festered; regal; truthful; trembling; kingly; emaciated; torpid; nimble; embryonic; redeemed; manly; devastated; reptile; shuddering; unwasting; frivolous; exploring; blotched; dead; scintillating; ransomed; pious; enthralling; delicate; pessimistic; tardy; virile; active; dauntless; altered; crude; eccentric; wakeful; elevated; cavalier; cantankerous; .bleeding; clearest; stubborn; yearning; truant; dying; prevailing; introspective; credulous; misguided; exalted; angelic; cautious; charitable; grieved; timid; ardent; merry; spotted; callous; watchful; jealous; departed; intercurrent; countless (pl); rational; hungry; abstracted; wiser; patient; inviolable; obstinate; sordid; guileless; preserved; rich; bewildered; mean; knightly; sober; hideous; distracted; practical; simple; immortal; torn; famished; straying

    beguile—; beleaguer—; benefit—; bruise—; clothe—; clutter—; commit—; consign—; crush—; deliver—; deplore—; drain—; drown—; empty—; ennoble—; enrapture—; explore—; feast—; feed—; fire—; fortify—; gratify—; harrow—; impel—; incarnate—; incrust—; inflame—; loose—; mask—; mold —; nourish—; perjure—; pour—; purge—; purify—; rack—; raise—; release—; rend —; reveal—; salve—; satisfy—; saturate—; scourge—; sear—; search—; sell—; shadow —; smite—; soothe—; stain—; steep—; stir —; surrender—; tear— touch— transplant —; unburden—; untrim—; unveil—; wrap —; weary—; wrench—; —awakens; — bows; —breathes; —cries; —dares; —exults; —flames; —grieves; —governs; — lives; —palsies; —pants; —perishes; — quails; —quickens; —rebels; —revolts; — sees; —shudders; —struggles; —thirsts for; —wakens; —wavers; —wells up

    (See spirit.)

    ' SOUND adjectives

    incongruous; obdurate; joyful; financial; explosive; ecstatic; numerous (pl); roaring; hissing; peculiar; quavering; plaintive; sprinkled; similar; lamentable; languid; unauthorized; elementary; crisp; muffled; unearthly; affrighting; thundering; lulling; empty; winged; perfidious; tinkling; imposing; ear-splitting; flat; petulant; scratching; powerful; human; horrid; answering; pulsating; puffing; monotonous; cropping; discordant; ominous; multitudinous (pl); articulate; distinct; terrible; mysterious; harmonious; faint; moaning; jarring; agreeable; perfect; blithe; thwacking; sad; romantic; weird; furtive; immortal; obnoxious; maddening; unresting; hideous; menacing; onomatopoeic; agglomerative; endearing; tuneful; stormy; incessant; plain; strange; dentilingual; obstructed; hoarse; chuckling; caressing; murmuring; animated; understanding; munching; increasing; howling; hollow; sullen; meaningless; cruel; heterogeneous; droning; pinging; wandering; delicious; cracking; kindred; spiritual; convulsed; clattering; perpetual; humming; evil; flattering; various (pl); murderous; consecutive; rumbling; gurgling; sensuous; rattling; joyous; dubious; rushing; monosyllabic; muttering; celestial; sweet; stealthy; whizzing; soothing; slight; throaty; suggestive; melodious; eminent; confused; melancholy; healing; whistling; vague; clashing; raving; siren; repining; soft; recurrent; lambent; portentous; carefree; grunting; mirthful; false; sighing; raspy; idle; vocal; conversational; hammering; chirping; shocking; rhythmic; blissful; scientific; droll; harsh; fundamental; continuous; appalling; ghostly


    absorb—; alter—; attune to—; carry—; communicate—; deaden—; detect—; dilute —; direct—; disguise—; echo—; elicit—; emit—; give forth—; induce—; lessen—; limit—; mellow—; muffle—; interpret—; sharpen—; smother—; transmit—; waft—; visualize—; smother—; —alarms; —babbles; —ceases; —comforts; —dins; —echoes; —emanates; —s emerge; —falls; —s gibber; —s gurgle; —lulls; —penetrates; — reawakens; —reechoes; —registers; —reverberates; —scatters; —s trouble; —vanishes

    (See noise.) adverbs

    fortunately; wholesomely; securely; luckily; admirably; commendably; satisfactorily; unusually; magnificently; splendidly; impressively; gloriously; perfectly; remarkably; excellently; sufficiently; superbly; miraculously )

    Sound (v) adverbs

    peremptorily; exasperatingly; incessantly; harshly; audibly; incredibly; importunately; celestially; mournfully; incongruously; thunderously; monotonously; discordantly; ominously; mysteriously; jarringly; thwack-ingly; weirdly; obnoxiously; portentously; appallingly

    (See express, hear.)

    Soundless adverbs

    breathlessly; curiously; strangely; eerily; mysteriously; oddly; extraordinarily; miraculously; admirably; pleasantly; fortunately; furtively; stealthily; carefully; cautiously; warily; perfectly; remarkably; incredibly

    So UP adjectives

    thick; substantial; hearty; savory; scalding; canned


    administer—; bolt—; brew—; concoct—; dispatch—; gulp—; guzzle—; imbibe—; ladle—; prepare—; relish—; savor—; season—; sip—; spice—; strain—; swill—; — gelatinizes; —invigorates; —nourishes; — replenishes; —scalds; —tempts; —thickens; —tickles the palate

    (See broth, food, liquid.)

    Sour adverbs

    disagreeably; acridly; yeastily; pleasantly; horribly; startlingly; unexpectedly; oddly; mustily; offensively; inedibly; overly; extremely; curiously; unpalatably; unpleasantly; rancidly

    Source adjectives

    copious (pl) ; reliable; various (pl) ; authentic; abundant (pl); external; outside; delightful; usual; proximate; inexhaustible; scanty; respectable; distorted; vital; real; occult; festering; fruitful; paternal; worthwhile; known; classical; valuable; bounteous; recurrent; vulgar; artificial; full-fed; radiant; prolific; frequent; unrelated; continued; grand; editorial; important; shallow; true; inactive; miscellaneous; invisible; authoritative


    attack—; borrow from—; determine—; dry up—; flow from—; emanate from—; exhaust —; poison—; replenish from—; search for —; spring from—; stamp out—; strike at —; tap—; trace to—; track down—; utilize —; —constitutes; —feeds; —supplies

    (See origin, beginning.)

    South adjectives

    aromatic; fragrant; far; soft; fiery; quiet; feudal; warm

    Sovereign adjectives

    neutral; successive (pl); ruthless; ambitious; legitimate; hapless; territorial; hereditary; joint; youthful; sceptered; vigilant; squatter; spiritual; unchallenged; inscrutable; tribal; feeble; diminished; glorious; gracious; individual

    Sovereignty verbs

    ascend to—; assume—; endanger—; exercise —; exert—; extend—; gain—; impair—; invest with—; jeopardize—; limit—; maintain—; relinquish—; respect—; retain—; usurp—; weaken—; yield—; —crumbles; — spreads; —sways; —totters; —wields

    (See crown, dominion, power.)

    Sow (v) adverbs

    mechanically; scientifically; scatteredly; widely; sparsely; thickly; luxuriantly

    (See scatter, plant.)

    Space adjectives

    shoreless; encumbered; furlong; ample; plenteous; eternal; coming; boundless; allotted; inconsiderable; porous; astonishing; globular; unnecessary; limitless; tumultuous; immense; adequate; stabling; intervening; trackless; vast; endless; editorial; unoccupied; wide; infinite; successive (pl); watery; projecting; sufficient; weary; choking: unbounded; awful; pervading; shaded; hoary; stellar; vaulted; neutral; storage; restricted; azure; generous; interminable; imaginary; dimensional; intermediate; ethereal; tenantless; breathing, grudging; surface; mightiest; betokened; available; soundless; angry


    acquire—; augment—; confine to—; cramp for—; dash—; define—; determine—; devote—; diminish—; encamp on—; estimate —; evacuate—; extend—; grant—; insert in —; lack—; limit—; lodge in—; narrow—; nestle in—; penetrate—; permeate—; pervade—; provide—; regulate—; stare in—; tenant—; transmit through—; withdraw from—; —accommodates; —dwindles; —expands; —ranges

    (See capacity, area.)

    Spacious adverbs

    adequately; satisfactorily; delightfully; wonderfully; amply; unexpectedly; amazingly; uncommonly; extremely; unnecessarily; admirably; commendably; extraordinarily; magnificently; splendidly; remarkably; conveniently; charmingly; reasonably; vastly

    Spaciousness verbs

    disclose—; relax in—; reveal—; revel in—; survey—; —affords; —allows; —dazzles; — emancipates; —enables; —enthralls; —facilitates; —frees; —gives scope; —leaves; —-liberates; —overawes; —overwhelms; — permits; —unfolds

    (See luxury, comfort, vastness.)

    Span adjectives

    incredible; toil-stained; fleeting; artistic; infinitesimal; pitiful; allotted; sapphire; natural; life; useful


    abbreviate—; bridge—; elongate—; fuse—; interlink—; limit—; prolong—; protract—; reduce—; shorten—; stretch—; survive—; terminate—; unite—; —breaches; —elapses

    —extends; —spreads; —stretches

    (See bridge, spread, extent.)

    Spank (v) adverbs

    resoundingly; heartlessly; cruelly; penally; repeatedly; viciously; explosively

    (See whip, paddle.)

    Spare (v) adverbs

    mercifully; generously; benevolently; willingly; voluntarily; magnanimously; nobly; benignantly

    (See save, refrain.)

    Sparkle adjectives

    fiery; exciting; phosphoric; odd; epigrammatic; conversational

    Sparkle (v) adverbs

    splendidly; radiantly; frostily; keenly; luminously; phosphorically; gaily; spectacularly

    (See glitter, gleam.)

    Sparkling adverbs

    brightly; youthfully; ingenuously; happily; comically; brilliantly; wittily; facetiously: humorously; pleasantly; whimsically; nonsensically; fantastically; drolly; scintillating!}'; delightfully; entrancingly; piquantly; thrillingly; stimulatingly

    Sparks adjectives

    wandering; poor; glimmering; smoldering; enkindling; glowing; broad; bold; angry; starry; numbered; primitive; benignant; luminous; involuntary; immortal; feeble; hot; compensatory; latent; dubious; lively


    apply—; extinguish—; fan—; kindle—; quench—; smother—; snuff out—; —dazzle; —die; —dwell; —endanger; —enkindle; — flicker; —fly; —glow; —grow; —ignite; — illuminate; —inflame; —radiate; —shoot from; —smoulder; —strike; —tremble

    (See light, fire, flame, flash.)

    Sparrow verbs

    —busies; —chases; —cheers; —chirps; — circles; —drifts; —flocks; —flutters; —s haunt; —perks up; —plagues; —robs; — soars; —steals; —thrives on; —tucks away

    —twitters;  —wanders; —warbles;

    wheels; —whistles

    (See bird.)

    Spartan adverbs

    resolutely; intrepidly; dauntlessly; determinedly; unflinchingly; marvelously; invincibly; fearlessly; heroically; valiantly; doughtily

    Spasm adjectives

    blind; unseemly; terrible; temporary; social; fierce; clonic; tonic; violent; sudden; painful


    afflict with—s; alleviate—; assuage—; burst into—; characterize by—s; check—; contract in—s; diagnose—; excite—; mitigate —; moderate—; pacify—; prevent—; prolong—; quell—; reduce—; relieve—; subdue —; —affects; —agonizes; —convulses; — denotes; —jerks; —lessens; —overcomes; — passes; —ruffles; —seizes; —strains; —s wrack

    (See convulsion, fit, contraction.)

    Spasmodic adverbs

    convulsively; curiously; strangely; inexplicably; regularly; oddly; terrifyingly; violently; bafflingly; perpiexingly; heartbreaking-ly; unpredictably

    Speak (v) adverbs

    epigrammatically; euphemistically; characteristically; impressively; vaguely; pompously; grandiloquently; verbosely; melodiously; euphonically; pointedly; periodically; mournfully; rationally; derogatorily; disparagingly; judiciously; coaxingly; optimistically; respectfully; articulately; conservatively; tremulously; uncompromisingly; reassuringly; energetically; laconically; icily; mellifluously; glibly; contemptuously; indulgently; discursively; tensely; venomously; circuitously; edifyingly; directly; simply; impudently; figuratively; passionately; sublimely; scurrilously; precipitantly; solicitously; warily; emphatically; volubly; ironically; negatively; persuasively; exquisitely

    (See talk, say, express.)

    Speaker adjectives

    distinguished; influential; conspicuous; adequate; fluent; brilliant; liberal; adroit; inspiring; dependable; impressive; boring; eloquent; timorous; scarred; hardy; flippant; principal; effective; polished; obstreperous; finished; handicapped; unintelligible; scintillating; deft


    applaud—; badger—; compliment—; confuse—; divert—; eulogize—; heckle—; introduce—; jibe—; laud—; silence—; —addresses; —admonishes; —articulates; —besmirches; —blares; —castigates; —chastises ; —condemns; —conveys; —disclaims ; — delivers; —digresses; —drawls; —drives home; —enunciates; —expatiates; —expostulates; —fulminates; —gesticulates; —gestures; —harangues; —insinuates; —inveighs against; —laments; —orates; —pounds; — prates; —proclaims; —rants; —raps; —rebuts; —refutes; —shocks; —slanders; — slings; —slurs; —snaps; —stammers; — stutters; —utters; —discourses

    (See debater, orator, politician, minister.)

    Spear adjectives

    battled; glittering; enormous; broad; well-balanced; serried; splintering; stabbing; bloody; couched; barbed; beaming; shadowy; poisoned; brazen-headed


    arm with—; barb—; brandish—; cast—; edge—■; extract—; fashion—; fling—; hurl —; impale on—; let fly—; level—; taper—; —s bristle; —fells; —flies; —gores; —penetrates; —perforates; —pricks; —punctures; —riddles; —cpikes; —stabs; —staves in; — whirs; —whizzes

    (See dart, lance, missile.)

    Specialist adjectives

    celebrated; pretended; minute; cold-blooded; qualified; experienced; high-priced


    baffle—; consult—; employ—; engage—; recommend—; recruit—s; —advocates; —analyzes; —assures; —concludes; —s confer; •—counsels; —diagnoses; —discerns; —exhorts; —prescribes; —relieves; —resurrects; —restores

    (See expert, physician, scholar.)

    Specialty verbs

    characterize—; designate—; determine—; devote to—; emphasize—; engage in—; excel in—; foster—; indicate—; master—; recognize—; restrict to—; stress—; warrant—. (See work, science, art, knowledge.

    Species adjectives

    particular; gigantic; important; superior; representative; prehistoric; foreign; tropical; new; dominant, extinct; distinct; collective; terrestrial; principal; mimetic; delightful; incipient; corresponding; subtle; unique; domesticated; nobler; nigh-perfected; rare


    breed—; classify—; corrupt—; cross—; discover—; elevate—; exalt—; exterminate—; group—; inbreed—; perpetuate—; preserve —; propagate—; refine—; reproduce—; revive—; segregate—; uplift—; vitiate—; —abounds; —congregates; —degenerates’; —embraces; —evolves; —includes; —ornaments; —rehabilitates; —relates; —survives

    (See race, group, classification, variety, category.)

    Specific.! TIONS adjectives

    factory; provisional; essential; exact; strict; broad; detailed; minute; manufacturing; stated; licensed; general; sweeping; all-inclusive


    abide by—; adhere to—; cleave to—; deviate from—; diverge from—; draw—; embody in—; follow—; require—; standardize —; —call for; —conform; —define; —demand; —describe; —designate; —detail; —determine; —embrace; —enumerate; — itemize; —particularize; —regulate

    (See regulations, definition, details, items.)

    Specify (v) adverbs

    definitely; distinctly; provisionally; essentially; strictly; broadly; minutely; generally. (See designate, name.

    Specimen adjectives

    stalwart; active; unique; marvelous; abundant (pl); splendid; favorable; knobby; sundry (pl); hard-looking; precious; complete; admirable; acknowledged; superb; handsome; genuine; huge; lingering; superior; excellent; sickly; occasional; ferocious; prolonged; pleasing; puny; given; enormous; good-looking; unfair


    attract—; bag—; collect—s; dissect—; exhibit—; guard—; hunt—; mount—; preserve—; prize—; pursue—; search for—; seek—; snare—; stalk—; stuff—; trap—; value—; —evades; —exemplifies; —illustrates

    (See animal, sample.)

    Speck adjectives

    frothy; nebulous; morbid; inconsequential; eccentric; tiniest; swimming; microscopic; isolated; brilliant; shadowy; furthest; pitted


    unpleasantly; unfortunately; unluckily; prettily; beautifully; artificially; inconveniently; unsalably; unprofitably; completely; strangely; oddly; perplexingly; unaccountably; inexplicably

    Spectacle (general) adjectives

    ghastly; pleasant; wild; impressive; weird; singular; garish; bewildering; placid; awful; imposing; depressing; appalling; revolting; remarkable; religious; owl-eyed: solemn; lordly; striking; stupendous; damp; theatrical; picturesque; hideous; finer; shameful; elaborate; fairy; odious; inspiring; unhallowed; impassioned; fearful; miserable; gorgeous; sly; beaming; savage; gala; silent; triumphant; pitiful; novel; benevolent; magnificent; direful; daring; wondrous; entrancing; ignoble; attractive; unwonted; unexpected; unique; grandmotherly; extraordinary; splendid; everlasting; mossy; monstrous; menacing; choro-graphic; unprecedented

    Spectacle (show) verbs

    unfold—; view—; witness—; —affords

    —appeals; —caricatures; —fascinates

    (See exhibition, show, display.)

    Spectacled adverbs

    heavily; forbiddingly; formidably; grimly; primly; unwillingly; unattractively; unbecomingly; horribly; comically; carefully; helpfully; carefully; skilfully; finally; stylishly; protectively; fashionably; demurely; deceptively

    Spectacles (glasses) verbs

    adjust—; blink through—; exhibit—; prescribe—; toy with—

    Spectacular adverbs

    highly; impressively; magnificently; splendidly; brilliantly; regally; royally; colorfully; gorgeously; gloriously; imposingly; majestically; dazzlingly; professionally; dramatically; fantastically; unusually; sensationally; superbly

    Spectators adjectives

    passing; broad; bold; angry; unpracticed; indifferent; festive; singular; curious; distinguished; impartial; patient; unlearned; passive; crowded; astonished; dignified; plebeian; bored; ambitious; ^attentive; callous


    accommodate—; affront—; amaze—; amuse —; astound—; attract—; awe—; beguile—; bore—; cheat—; dazzle—; dumbfound—; electrify—; enrage—; entrance—; impress —; petrify—; regale—; scan—; stun—; thrill—; —applaud; —behold; —clamor; —cram; —disperse; —fret; —gasp; — heckle; —irk; —jam; —lure; —marvel; —pour; —rivet; —witness

    (See hearer, crowd, bystander, audience.)

    Specter adjectives

    ridiculous; gibbering; looming; dancing; ghastly; gloomy; ghostly; confused; grim; grisly; horrid


    cast—; fight off—; goggle at—; —dissolves; —dreads; —evaporates; —fades; —floats; —glares; —glowers; —haunts; —looms; — melts away; —penetrates; —permeates; — petrifies; —plagues; —terrifies; —vanishes

    (See apparition, phantom, ghost.)

    Speculate (v) adverbs

    disastrously; rashly; divertingly; chimeri-cally; philosophically; casually; adroitly; financially; contemplatively; ridiculously; abstractly; vaguely; theoretically; ingeniously; shrewdly

    (See meditate, guess.)

    Speculation adjectives

    grandest; casual; discursive; sympathetic; delighted; daring; philosophic; adroit; colossal; presumptuous; abstruse; financial; humble; enthusiastic; humanitarian; idle; imaginative; contemplative; doubtful; loftier; fantastic; visionary; ridiculous; moody; gambling; delectable; awful; mercenary; disastrous; abstract; rational; improbable; favorite; empty; vague; sad; wild; unpremeditated; amused; adventurous; original; heedless; affectionate; erring; theoretical; ingenious; prejudicial; deep


    absorb in—; admonish—; arouse—; denounce—; deter from—; discourage—; dismiss—; dominate—; engage in—; hush—; indulge in—; license—; plunge into—; prohibit—; restrain—; resume—; risk in—; stake on—; torture—; —chances; —endangers; —fascinates; —gropes; —jeopardizes; —lures; —prohibits; —ventures

    (See gambling, meditation, transaction.)

    Speculator adjectives

    unscrupulous; dauntless; ingenious; grasping; keen; able; scientific; curbstone; shrewd; plunging; rich

    Speech adjectives

    thoughtless; voluble; angry; goodly; copious; long; stirring; maiden; gracious; heartless; chanting; epigrammatic; purest; wholesome; noblest; unrestrained; irrelevant; whispered; ambiguous; occasional; dual; sacred; moderate; impromptu; dedicatory; average; normal; saucy; meaningless; familiar; true; strict; after-luncheon; nebulous; laughing; decent; much-abused; impertinent; strong; vague; well-prepared; oracular; disrespectful; impressive; indignant; devoted; candid; elaborate; derogatory; characteristic; voiceless; extraordinary; eloquent; perfunctory; persuasive; masterly; articulate; demonstrative; rough; facetious; muddled; rasping; plaintive; powerful; whining; fraudulent; graceless; sibilant; complimentary; winged; taciturn; resistance; appropriate; sententious; consonantal; immemorial; intolerant; yearning; pedantic; supposititious; seditious; appreciative; villainous; patriotic; intelligible; expressive; champagne; stump; explosive; inflammatory; treasonable; high; momentous; pursuing; melted; deprecatory; flattering; lazy; composite; private; deliberating; flamboyant; explicit; flirtatious; fluent; luxuriant; royal; ghost-written; effective; reserved; rhetorical; voluble; fastidious; stifled; funeral; artistic; morning; inaudible; incharitable; wandering; dangerous; previous; strict; corrupted; free; manly; broken; rattling; skillful; triumphant; graceful; higher; untimely; aimless; desolate; florid; fervid; common; impudent; nasal; uncensored; farewell; long-winded; memorized


    adjust—; ape—; augment—; book—; coach —; color—; compose—; confine—; cultivate —; deliver—; deprecate—; dismiss—; embellish—; endow—; extend—; flood—; incorporate in—; interlard—; intersperse—; polish—; pour forth—; prolong—; recite—; reel off—; respond to—; salt—: spout—; stumble through—; suppress—; time—; — appraises; —betrays;- —declaims; —degenerates; —drones; —eulogizes; —flows; —glitters; —humors; —matures; —mingles; —thunders; —transcends; —wearies

    (See lecture, recital, declamation, discourse, oration, addiess.)

    Speechless adverbs

    suddenly; strangely; utterly; curiously; embarrassingly; pathetically; bashfully; awkwardly; ineptly; shyly; clumsily; timidly; boorishly; loutishly; overwhelmingly; emot-onally; miserably; wretchedly; unaccountably

    Speed adjectives

    violent; dependable; superior; furious; imagined; convenient; breakneck; impressive; wonted; requisite; initial; amazing; thrilling; noiseless; specified; railway; evil; frightful; uninterrupted; incredible; utmost; high; accelerated; skyey; desired; fabulous; surprising; sufficient; diminished; careless; incredible; flashing; electric; lightning; moderate; reasonable; sustained; intoxicating; bidding


    accelerate—; arrest—; attain—; check—; curb—; diminish—; exceed—; gauge—; goad to—; maintain—; moderate—; propel at—; regale—; slacken—; spur to—; sustain —; throttle—; urge—; —alarms; —endangers; —exhilarates; —facilitates; —intoxicates; —jeopardizes; —menaces; —outstrips; —spurts

    (See momentum, velocity.)

    Speedy adverbs

    incredibly; increasingly; effortlessly; mercifully; crazily; tragically; awkwardly; uncomfortably; distressingly; painfully; breathlessly; impetuously; perilously; unaccountably; surprisingly; astonishingly; moderately; dangerously; lightly; remarkably; precipitately; incalculably

    Spell adjectives

    potent; unsolvabie; heavenly; fascinating; mesmeric; drowsy; breathing; springtime; subtle; melancholy; hideous; maddened; baleful; appreciable; beguiling; cabalistical; funereal; wondrous; ineffable; savage; mighty; undying; wizard


    allay—; assuage—; cast—; conjure up—; exercise—; exert—; intensify—; overcome —; struggle under—; weave—; wield—; —bewitches; —charms; —enthralls; —fascinates; —hypnotizes; —lures; —magnetizes; —overwhelms; —permeates; —persists; —prevails; —ruffles; —entrances

    (See charm, enchantment, glamor, incantation.)

    Spell (v) adverbs

    accurately; promptly; involvedly; cornpli-catedly; abbreviatediy; originally

    (See unravel, unfold.)

    Spellbound adverbs

    rapturously; raptly; earnestly; intently; magically; fascinatedly; eagerly; completely; utterly; curiously; strangely; marvelously; involuntarily; helplessly

    Spend (v) adverbs

    tranquilly; recklessly; exclusively; lavishly; rashly; affluently; liberally; fabulously; idly; clandestinely; royally

    (See expend, squander.)

    Sphere adjectives

    glimmering; exalted; higher; bewildering; wheeling; murderous; mortal; youthful; native; diurnal; dusky; starriest; lucid; kingless; sublunary; luscious; ripe; great; mental;’ unthinking; crystal; softer; danc ing; stormy; pure; social; destined; heavenly; singing; unknown; calmer; mundane; alien; blazing; martial; political; far-off; willing; different; enchanted; celestial; humble; reachless; sensuous; untrodden; benighted; legitimate; whirling; poised; interstellar


    allot—; broaden—; confine to—; deepen—; dominate—; emerge from—; enlarge—; extend—; invade—; limit—narrow—; penetrate—; permeate—; pierce—; preserve—; reject from—; restrict—; rule—; tread—; widen—; —s narrow; —s overlap; — ranges

    (See jurisdiction, region, position, province, globe.

    SPICE adjectives

    pungent; rich; strange; bartered; powerful; strong; odorous


    adulterate—; blend with—; impart—; infuse—; inject—; savor—; —bites; —embalms; —flavors; —nauseates; —pervades; —pickles.; —preserves; —scents, —seasons

    (See mustard, flavoring.

    SPICY adverbs

    pleasantly; fragrantly; pungently; redolent-ly; lingeringly; arrestingly; refreshingly; freshly; pleasingly; strongly; delicately; exquisitely; enchantingly; charmingly; delectably; intoxicatingly; richly; attractively; exotically

    SPIDER adjectives

    intrusive; bloated; putrid; weaving; hardy


    —attacks; —clambers up; —clings; —constructs; —dances; —dangles; —devours

    —emerges; —entices; —envenoms; —s infest; —inhabits; —lies in wait; —loops; — paralyzes; —poisons; —s possess; —preys upon; —scrambles; —scurries; —snares; —spins; —s’alks; —strikes; —suspends from; —traps; —weaves

    (See insect.

    SPIN (v) adverbs scientifically; assiduously; tirelessly; automatically; vigorously; industriously; dizzily; monotonously; sickeningly

    (See twirl, whirl.

    SPINE verbs

    brace—; compress—; curve—; damage—; dislocate—; expose—; fracture—; impair—; inflame—; inject into—; irritate—; lacerate —; protect—; puncture—; sheathe—; strengthen—; support—; tap—; x ray—; —bristles; —controls; —flashes; —quivers; —shudders; —transmits

    (See bone.



    utterly; despicably; contemptibly; cravenly; arrantly; palpably; obviously; notoriously; confessedly; openly; pitiably; shamefully; ingloriously; infamously; terribly; unconscionably; recreantly; distressingly; pitifully; disgustingly

    SPINSTER adjectives

    ardent; unpredictable; resigned; anemic; withered; hopejess; contented; man-shy; miserable

    SPIRE adjectives

    humble; ornate; tapering; slender; friendly; jagged; feathery; tranquil; flaming; graceful; gleaming; soaring; mountain; steadfast; diminishing: rocky; numberless (pl); octagonal; exquisite, far-off


    ascend—; clamber up—; descend—; discern —; erect—; impale on—; .mount—; raze—; scale—; surmount—; suspend from—; —s bristle; —s cluster; —looms; —s shimmer; —soars; —tapers; —topples

    (See tower, stalk.

    SPIRIT adjectives

    abiding; absent; adventurous; aggravated; aggressive; airy; alleged; altruistic; animal; animating; apathetic; ardent; arrogant; artistic; aspiring; audacious; barren; beauteous; becoming; bellicose; belligerent; benevolent; bodiless; benignant; blessed;

    boastful; bold; boundless; braced; braver; brazen; bubbling; buoyant; burgeoning; Byronic; burlesquing; calculating; cernuous; combative; charming; chaste; chastened; cherished; chimerical; churlish; commercial; common; compassionate; competitive; complacent; confident; congenial; contagious; contented; contrite; courageous; courtier; craving; creative; critical; damned; dangerous; darksome; dedicated; dejected; demonic; determined; devilish; disconsolate; disembodied; divine; drooping; earnest; ebbing; electric; embittered; emancipated; emulous; encumbered; enlightened; enlivened; enticing; ephemeral; equable; erect; erring; ever-soaring; ethereal; excellent; excited; evil; exclusive; exuberant; facinor-ous; faint; fallen; familiar; fantastic; fastidious; fervent; festive; feverish; fiery; fighting; flabby; flaming; flashy; flexible; fluttering; foreign; fractious; fraternal; free; fresh; gay; generous; genial; gentle; gloomy; glorious; goaded; grave; gray; grudging; guiding; hackneyed; happy; harassed; hardy; haughty; heedless; helpless; heroic; high; horrible; hospitable; hostile; huge; illustrious; imaged; immaterial; immortal; impatient; imperial; imperishable; impertinent; impetuous; inborn; incongruous; inconstant; indefatigable; independent; indignant; indomitable; inexorable; inexpiable; insurgent; internal; intrepid; introspective; intuitive; invincible; irascible; iron; joyous; judicial; kindly; kindred; kingly; laboring; laggard; lavish; leading; lewd; liberal; lonely; lovable; low; lustrous; magnanimous; maiestic; malicious; malignant; managing; martial; masculine; meanest; mercenary; mercurial; migratory; militant; ministering; misguided; mixed; moderate; moving; mutinous; mysterious; nameless; neighboring; neutral; nimble; normal; noble; noxious; obdurate; paradoxical; parting; patronizing; perfect; persecuting; pert; perturbed; pervading; petulant; philanthropic; philosophical; poetic; practical; predominant; presumptuous; profane; prosaic; proscriptive; provincial; public; purest; purged; pythonic; quaint; queer; querulous; rabid; questioning; racial; radical; rallied; rampant; ransomed; rapacious; rare; rational; reasonable; rebellious; regenerate; released; repugnant; resolute; responsive; restless; romantic; roving; ruling; sacerdotal; sacred; scattered; scientific; searching; secret; secular; self-conscious; sensitive; serene; serious; silent; skipping; skittish; lewd; sleeping; slothful; slow; smoothed; smug; soaring; soldiering; solemn; somber; sound; sparkling; stanch; stern; stout; submissive; supercilious; sympathetic; tempered; tolerable; tolerant; tough; traditional; tragic; troubled; turbulent; tumultuous; unbridled; uncaged; undefiled; unfair; unfettered; unhaggling; unhappy; unmoved; unnatural; unquiet; unresting; valiant; valorous; valuable; vanguard; vanishing; vanquished; vital; vehement; venomous; vivid; volatile; wandering; wanton; warlike; weak; weary; weeping; wicked; wild; worthy; wounded; zealous


    allude to—; annihilate—; affront—; bolster —; bruise—; burn—; chafe—; commend—; commune with—; comprehend—; drink of —; drench—; exalt—; exorcise—; fetter—; flood—; hamper—; humble—; immortalize —; implant—; inflame—; inject—; oppose —; purge—; raise—; re-animate—; recapture—; reveal—; reverence—; stamp out—; submerge—; sustain—; symbolize—; teach—; typify—; violate—; war against—; wash—; worship—; yield to—; —abides; —actuates; —animates; —appeases; — arises; —awakens; —blights; —bolsters; —breathes; —broods; —buoys; —caters; —cheers; —climbs; —communes with; — communicates; —conjures; —connotes; — conquers; —conveys; —dampens; —daunts; —departs; —displays; —diverts; —embodies; —endows; —engages; —excites; — exhausts; —exhibits; —expands; —expresses; —extracts; —fatigues; —frets; — haunts; —imbibes; —imbues; —impoverishes; —inculcates; —indulges; —infuses; —lags; —Higers; —maintains; —molests; —narrows; —obscures; —overrules; — paralyzes; —partakes; —perceives; —permeates; —pervades; —pierces; —pours out; —preserves; —prevails; —rankles; —reflects; —reigns; —relates; —reveres; —revives; —sinks; —stalks; —stems; —stimulates; —stirs; —strengthens; —strives; — succumbs; —survives; —summons; — swells; —tempers; —tires; —touches; —unfolds; —uplifts; —wails; —wars; —washes

    (See soul, life, specter.)

    Spirited adverbs

    ardently; briskly; unusually; uncommonly; exceedingly; alertly; busily; friskily; vivaciously; unwontedly; delightfully; splendidly; actively; intelligently

    Spiritual adverbs

    naturally; personally; subjectively; devoutly; faithfully; piously; religiously; reverently; instinctively; celestially; gloriously; intuitively; beautifully; immoderately; blessedly; humbly; solemnly; consciously; innately; simply; inherently

    Spit verbs

    eject—; emit—; excrete—; exude—. moisten with—; regurgitate—; slaver—; slobber—; squirt—; —drivels; —drools; —nauseates

    —showers; —slobbers

    (See saliva, liquid, sputum, expectoration.)

    Spit (v) adverbs

    venomously; vulgarly; carelessly; disgustingly; nauseatingly; incessantly; obstreperously; accurately; explosively

    (See sputter.)

    Spiteful adverbs

    naturally; habitually; always; detestably; dangerously; maliciously; viciously; abominably; incorrigibly; incurably; atrociously; hatefully; enviously; unhappily; unfortunately; strangely; absurdly; deplorably; bitterly; cruelly

    Splash adjectives

    gaudy; tremendous; quickening; confounded; tiny; ignominious; audible; weltering; rhythmic


    avert—; raise—; —begrimes; —besmirches

    —deluges; —douses; —drenches; —fouls

    —inundates; —moistens; —ruffles; —rumples; —showers; —smears; —smudges; — souses; —spatters; —swashes

    (See wave, water, liquid.)

    Spleen adjectives

    merry; scornful; weakest; testy; heaving


    affect—; enlarge—; excise—; excite—; provoke—; remove—: rile (colloq.) —; ruffle —; vent—; vex—; —depresses; —enlarges

    —execrates; —ferments; —functions; — governs; —secretes

    (See bile.)

    Splendid adverbs

    gorgeously; luminously; brilliantly; vividly; dazzlingly; radiantly; richly; sumptuously; artistically; extraordinarily; amazingly; regally; unexpectedly; barbarically; fantastically; romantically; imposingly; impressively; majestically; imperially; royally; colorfully; imperishably; unforgettably; ornately; dramatically; ceremonially; ritual-istically

    Splendor adjectives

    oriental; reflected; intrinsic; glamorous; divine; temporal; lonely; dazzling; scarlet; superficial; infernal; reminiscent; dark; transitory; prodigious; immense; liquid; intellectual; hurrying; vermeil; profuse; passionless; clinging; celestial; sumptuous; lofty; spectral; barbaric; mild; queenly; magnificent; external; meaning; wasteful; crimson; faded; lurid; mellow; dewy; new; starry; chilled; sultry; ancient; modest; baleful; meridian; opulent; prismatic; radiant; scaly; level; unhealthy; monarchical; visionary; chromatic; delusive; arrogant; lustrous; vulgar


    belittle—; blur—; crown—; envy—; mar—; rejoice in—; —blazes; —blinds; —bursts forth; —crowns; —dazzles; —intoxicates

    (See brilliance, glory, grandeur.)

    Splint verbs

    apply—; bear—; bind—; discard—; improvise—; pad—; wear—; —affords; —assures; —bolsters; —braces; —maintains; — necessitates; —props; —protects; —serves; —supports; —sustains; —trusses; —underpins

    (See brace, protection.)

    Splinter verbs

    cleave into—s; draw—; eject—; extract—; impale on—; pluck—; remove—; rend into —s; sever into—; shiver into—s'; transfix on —; withdraw—; —barbs; —gashes; — gauges; —infects; —perforates; —pierces


    (See fragment, piece.)

    Split verbs

    cement—; fuse—; intervene—; wedge in—; weld—; —bisects; —breaches; —disjoins; —disrupts; —extends; —fractures; —gapes; —halves; —leaves; —mars; —rives; —shatters; —shivers; —splinters; —widens

    (See breach, crack.)

    Splurge (colloq.

    Verbs create—; cut—; deplore—; indulge in—; lament—; reproach—; rue—; —beguiles; — celebrates; —dazzles; —deludes; —displays; —exhibits; —flaunts; —flourishes; — glitters; —swaggers; —shows off; —splashes

    (See extravagance, waste, demonstration.)

    Spoil (v) adverbs

    ultimately; hopelessly; sadly; disastrously; effectively; partially; sickeningly

    (See plunder, damage.)

    Spoils adjectives

    envied; frequent; glittering; private; recking; sluttish; consecrated; trophied


    appropriate—; cache—; capture—; confiscate—; covet—; display—; dispose of—; exhaust—; exhibit—; filch—; hunger for—; lust for—; pilfer—; pillage for—; pounce upon—; plunder for—; prize—; purloin—; reap—; retain—; sack—; scramble for—; seize—; swoop to—; value—; win—; wrench—; —accrue; —allure; —attract

    (See loot, graft.)

    Sponge verbs

    apply—; dampen—; fish for—s; hook—; infiltrate—; market—; moisten—; mop with —; rinse—; saturate—; scour with—; swab with—; —absorbs; —soaks up; —sucks up

    Spongy adverbs

    usefully; naturally; profitably; conveniently; adaptably; flexibly; yieldingly; absorb-ently; pleasantly; comfortably; hopelessly; porously; swampily; quaggily; dangerously; impassably



    enthusiastically; financially; annually; necessarily; faithfully

    (See indorse, finance.)

    Sponsor verbs

    acquire—; conciliate—s; gain—; inspire—s; obligate to—; redeem—; seek—; —assures; •—contracts; —discharges; —encourages; — exhorts; —finances; —furthers; —guarantees; —indorses; —observes; —pioneers; — pledges; —vouches for

    (See contributor, owner, manager.)

    Spontaneous adverbs

    eagerly; obviously; enthusiastically; utterly; manifestly; remarkably;, absolutely; palpably; unquestionably; warmly; fervently: heartily; undoubtedly; intensely; exceptionally; sympathetically; unusually

    Spooky adverbs

    designedly; deliberately; pleasantly; mischievously; unusually; mysteriously; disagreeably; creepily; dismally; desolately; alarmingly; weirdly; uncannily; eerily; fearfully; wretchedly; miserably; uncomfortably; startlingly; horribly; ominously

    Sport adjectives

    false; rare; willing; noisy; spectator; cruel; merry; sanguinary; biologic; equestrian; rustic; glorious; healthy; solitary; competitive; childish; malicious; domestic


    coach—; engage in—; enthuse about (colloq.)—; excel in—s; follow—; forsake —; hurl into—; indulge in—; pursue—; revive—; take up—; —attracts; —beguiles; —diverts; —endangers; —enlivens; —fascinates; —invigorates; —strains; —takes hold; —wearies

    (See amusement, diversion, fishing, frolic, game, golf, baseball, etc.)

    Sport (v) adverbs

    ludicrouslj ; boisterously; enthusiastically; animatedly; merrily; competitively; childishly; rustically; noisily; uncouthly

    (See frolic, play.)

    Spot adjectives

    secluded; sheltered; distinguishable; tuneful; convenient; hovering; dusky; delicious; threadbare; unpromising; chosen; hallowed; shady; retired; dreary; sunlit; selfsame; forsaken; elevated; sleek; wet; treacherous; sore; unknown; dry; beauty; mildewed; curious; desolate; seductive; demoted; perceptible; faulty; unsightly; formidable; sequestered; secure; moist; sacred; swampy; malarial; plague; trysting; vital; lovely; haunted; drearest; barren; memorable; remote; vicious; infinitesimal; secure; insidious; weak; doleful; consecrated; solitary; dreariest; neglected; limited; tender; designated; unfertile; isolated; vulnerable; silent; tranquil; burning; loathsome; ulcer; sanctified; attention-arresting; favorable; veritable; wave-walled


    bear—s; confine—; designate—; detect—; efface—; eradicate—; lurk near—; incrust —; obliterate—; patch—; scatter—s; scour —; —attracts; —s bespatter; —s besmirch; —betokens; —blemishes; —blurs; —blotches; —s checker; —connotates; —defiles; — mars; —represents; —smudges; —sullies; — transfixes

    (See freckles, mark, blemish.)

    Spotlight verbs

    concentrate—; eclipse—; elude—; evade—; extinguish—; focus—; obscure—; retire from—; share—; shrink from—; shun—; shy from—; steal—; —dazzles; —diffuses; —disperses; —flickers; —glares; —glimmers; —guides; —illuminates; —penetrates; —pierces; —plays upon; —radiates; —scintillates; —shimmers

    (See ligfit, limelight.)

    Spouse adjectives

    indignant; tempestuous; expatriated; faithful; repulsive; pesty; skillful; plighted; exquisite; preternatural; waxen

    Sprawl (v) adverbs

    grotesquely; drunkenly; violently; lazily; indolently; clumsily; uncouthly

    (See spread, lie.)

    Sprawly adverbs

    inconveniently; awkwardly; inexpediently; unnecessarily; terribly; unhandily; unfortunately; undesirably; objectionably

    Spray adjectives

    belching; out-wafting; glistening; salt-sea; bloomy; brackish; heavy; vagrant; beechen; sleepless; bent; white-hot; trailing; radiant; dissolving; drooping; yeasty; blinding; delicate; saltless; birchen; seething; writhen; flying; lofty; tumbling; sheeted; misty; deadly


    diffuse—; distil—; expel—; —beclouds; — befogs; —disinfects; —evaporates; —fizzes; —foams; —fumigates; —gleams; —'glitters; —hazes; —mists; —moistens; —obscures; —overcasts; —radiates; —saturates; — sparkles; —spatters; —spumes; —drenches

    (See fountain, mist, moisture, steam, vapor.)

    Spray (v) adverbs

    periodically; scientifically; automatically; annually; agriculturally

    (See scatter, sprinkle.)

    Spread adjectives

    stunning; mortal; cloudless; dainty; solemn; delicious; immeasurable; tasty; delectable; eye-filling


    augment—; confine—; diminish—; enhance —; enlarge—; exaggerate—; expand—; extend—; extenuate—; heighten—; intensify —; limit—; magnify—; prevent—; reduce —; swell—; —embraces; —ranges

    (See cover, extent.)

    Spread (v) adverbs

    insidiously; contagiously; swiftly; maliciously; spaciously; industriously; generously; parsimoniously; invidiously; internationally

    (See expand, circulate.)

    Spree adjectives

    gigantic; conquering; periodic; prolonged

    measured; violent; headlong

    Sprightly adverbs

    inordinately; exceedingly; unusually; extremely; pleasantly; nimbly; delightfully; gleefully; divertingly; merrily; briskly; vivaciously; alertly; blithely; vigorously; joyously; mercurially

    Spring adjectives

    trickling; sparkling; hasty; delightful; elegant; plashy; convulsive; fruitless; smiling; wayside; copious; muscular; bubbling; sagging; clear; perpetual; tongue-tied; secret; crystal; bitter; inexhaustible; powerful; quivering; amorous-breathing; bursting; fern-wreathed; purling; covert; young; whispering; tardy; lasting; latent; limpid; filthy; lagging; balmy; exulting; budding; portentous; endless; sinuous; babbling; unfading; living; phantom; fathomless; unsealed; humbler; unusual


    apostrophize—; bid—to; greet—; hail—; prophesy—; reveal—; salute—; taste—; welcome—; —adorns-; —arrives; —boasts; —breathes; —brings; —bursts; —calls forth; —comes; —cries; —departs; —flies; —flourishes; —forsakes; —greets; —laughs; —murmurs; —questions; —returns; —rushes; —says good-bye; —smiles; —spreads; —supplies; —takes leave; —takes wing; — unbosoms; —unlocks; —visits; —wakens; •—whips away; —works

    (See autumn, summer, winter.)

    Spring (well) verbs

    contaminate—; drain—; drill—; emanate from—; issue from—; pollute—; seep into —; tap—; trace—; vent—; —advances; — awakens; —babbles; —discharges; —dribbles; —gurgles; —gushes; —jets; —murmurs; —oozes; —opens; —originates in; — pulsates; —refreshes; —reinforces; —rises

    —swashes; —swells; —trickles

    (See fountain, geyser, well, brook.)

    Spring (v) adverbs

    agilely; impetuously; hazardously; independently; amazingly; spontaneously; impulsively; joyously; viciously; vindictively; dexterously

    (See leap, bound.)

    Sprinkle (v) adverbs

    freshly; thickly; uniformly; liberally; profusely; delicately; sporadically

    (See scatter, spray.)

    Sprite adjectives

    elfin; shadowy; bright-eyed; wretched; dusky; melancholy; airy; elusive; devilish; mischievous; impish

    Spruce adverbs

    jauntily; nattily; unusually; habitually; attractively; smugly; carefully; designedly; unwontedly; remarkably; consciously; admirably; proudly; curiously; noticeably; conspicuously

    Spry adverbs

    ostentatiously; absurdly; foolishly; proudly; pretentiously; resolutely; conspicuously; fatuously; deceptively; jauntily; curiously; showily; remarkably; unusually; ridiculously; crookedly; actively; naturally; habitually; pleasantly; alertly

    Spunky adverbs

    delightfully; sufficiently; smartly; inherently; merrily; actually; independently; ab surdly; comically; ridiculously; extremely; unreasonably; uncommonly

    Spur adjectives

    pricking; sluggish; continental; continual; clanking; dizzy; knightly; goading

    Spvrious adverbs

    disgracefully; obviously; evidently; manifestly; shamefully; cleverly; deceptively; ingeniously; unquestionably; transparently; admittedly; unexpectedly; daringly; outrageously; ostensibly; visibly; ridiculously; cheaply

    Sputter (v) adverbs

    irately; indignantly; furiously; vindictively; violently; obnoxiously; vulgarly

    (See spit.)

    Sputtering adverbs

    constantly; fitfully; fretfully; unreasonably; tetchily; shrewishly; irritably; ill-tempered-ly; futilely; uselessly; vainly; loudly; sullenly; excitedly; eternally

    Sputum verbs

    charge—; cough up—; discharge—; emit—; examine—; expectorate—; sterilize—; test —; —accumulates; —characterizes; —congests; —contaminates; —conveys; —dries

    —disseminates; —endangers

    (See spit.)

    Spy adjectives

    true; prying; universal; omnipresent; unfortunate; jealous; traveling; clumsy; frail; involuntary

    Spy (v) adverbs

    pryingly; jealously; professionally; slyly; involuntarily; insidiously; unscrupulously; traitorously; treacherously; suspiciously; omnisciently; cautiously

    (See watch, search.)

    Spying verbs

    charge with—; cloak—; convict of—; detect—; deter—; disclose—; expose—; goad into—; harry—; mask—; penalize—; perpetrate—; reveal—; uncover—; —acquaints one -with; —adorns; —betrays; —brands; —divulges; —enables; —informs; —intrigues; ’—jeopardizes; —menaces; —reveals; —stigmatizes; —unveils

    (See curiosity, examination, search, discovery, scrutiny.)

    Squabble adjectives

    personal; contemptible; musty; money; petty; grudge; lulling; vulgar; miserable


    obviate—; arbitrate—; avert—; avoid—; check—; conclude—; curtail—; intervene in —; join in—; judge—; pacify—; precipitate —; preclude—; stage—; subdue—; terminate—; —breaches; —disconcerts; —embroils; —estranges; —expires; —fractures; —ill-becomes; —mars; —rages; —ruptures; —threatens; —vexes

    (See fight, quarrel, dispute.)

    Squad adjectives

    trained; investigation; motorized; formidable; awkward; mustering; firing; death; narcotic


    augment—; bar from—; bolster—; captain —; caution—; condition—; disband—; dispatch—; enlarge—; flank—; limit—; maintain—; mobilize—; muster—; quarter—; reanimate—; regiment—; reinforce—; reinstate—; rejuvenate—; revamp (colloq.) —; —assembles; —demolishes; —disperses; — embarks; —huddles; —intrenches; —mobilizes; —patrols; —sallies forth; —s troop

    (See gang, band, group.)

    Squadron adjectives

    outflanking; feinting; reconnoitering; rushing; prancing; blockading; retreating; magnificent; kindred; lucid; thundering: watchful; well-built: woven-winged; murderous

    Squalid adverbs

    miserably; wretchedly; incredibly; impossibly; inexpressibly; utterly; pitiably; deplorably; lamentably; shamefully; unnecessarily; needlessly; grossly; terribly; horribly; hopelessly

    Squalor verbs

    abolish—; endure—; eradicate—; fester in —; purge—; thrive amidst—; —begrimes; —blots; —contaminates; —corrupts; —debases; —defaces; —defiles; —emphasizes

    • —offends; —pollutes; —rankles; —reeks

    • —smothers; —sullies; —tarnishes

    (See dirt, filth, abomination.)

    Squander (v) adverbs

    recklessly; rashly; improvidently; liberally; royally; prodigiously; fantastically; wantonly

    (See waste, spend, expend.)

    Square adjectives

    quaint; open; desolate; inverse; drawling; fountained; principal; hollow; dusty; silent; diagonal; budding; conspicuous; perfect

    Squat (v) adverbs

    vulgarly; cozily; somnolently; pugnaciously; characteristically; habitually; complacently; threateningly

    (See corner, crouch.)

    Squatters verbs

    allure—; attract—; dislodge—; encourage

    • —; evict—; invite—; tax—; tempt—; — abound; —claim; —colonize; —deprive; — domesticate; —encamp; —lease; —settle on

    • —tenant; —usurp

    (See denizen.)

    Squawk (v) adverbs

    cacophonously; raucously; indignantly; hideously; persistently; plaintively; endurably

    (See squeal, yell.)

    Squeak adjectives

    shrill; impassioned; high-pitched; serene; tiny; persistent; elusive

    Squeaky adverbs

    shrilly; comically; curiously; oddly; unfortunately; annoyingly; embarrassingly; vexatiously; alarmingly; ominously; unfortunately; unluckily; treacherously; dangerously; provokingly

    Squeal (v) adverbs

    piteously; shrilly; agonizingly; piercingly; penetratingly; desolately; wrathfully; im-passionedly

    (See cry, yell.)

    Squeamish adverbs

    unusually; delicately; extremely; terribly; prudishly; pretentiously; ostentatiously; presumably; notoriously; fastidiously; daintily; absurdly; comically; ridiculously; helplessly; disgustingly; overly; nervously

    Squeeze adjectives

    brotherly; mollifying; affectionate; hard; warm; tender

    Squeeze (c) adverbs

    imploringly; passionately; mollifyingly; affectionately; fraternally; warmly; tenderly; oppressively; impetuously

    (See compress, crowd.)

    Squint (v) adverbs

    drolly; sinisterly; suspiciously; knowingly; penetratingly; affectedly; comically; threateningly

    (See wince, peer.)

    Squire adjectives

    stupid; rustic; ponderous; parliamentary; proper; blunt

    Squirrel adjectives

    flippant; tawny; watchful


    protect—s; tame—s; —barks; —burrows

    —cracks; —curses; —darts; —digs; — dodges; —evades; —flirts its tail; —frolics

    —gathers; —harvests; —hides; —jeers; — munches; —nibbles; —quivers; —scampers; —shies; —stores; —trembles; —whisks himself off

    (See animal, chipmunk.)

    Stab adjectives

    adroit; bleeding; gashed; hateful; verbal


    deflect—; inflict—; —agonizes; —convulses

    —despatches; —excruciates; —impales; — inflames; —gushes; —gnaws; —lacerates

    —penetrates; —perforates; —pierces; — punctures; —slays; —throbs; —twinges; — twitches

    (See wound.)

    Stab (v) adverbs

    adroitly; fatally; dangerously; hideously; vindictively; passionately; treacherously

    (See pierce, thrust.)

    Stability adjectives

    emotional; social; razor-keen; great; civic


    afford—; ascertain—; assure of—; attain—; cherish—; commend—; confirm—; destroy —; determine—; detract from—; endanger —; forfeit—; insure—; investigate—; jeopardize—; maintain—; measure—; necessitate—; nurture—; offer—; question—; reinforce—; restore—; retain—; secure—; sustain—; value—; wreck—; —hinges on; — insures; —ruffles; —totters; —wanes

    (See permanence, constancy, firmness, strength, steadiness.)

    Stabilize (v) adverbs

    economically; effectively; politically; democratically; emotionally; governmentally; legislatively; socially

    (See fix.)

    Stable adverbs

    reliably; dependably; fortunately; securely; safely; entirely; financially; emotionally; creditably; eminently; commercially; indestructibly; delightfully; supposedly; presumably; reputably; uncommonly; solidly

    Staff (cane) verbs

    arm with—; bear—; brandish—; cudgel with—; discard—; flourish—; flutter on—; relinquish—; shatter—; shoulder—; splinter —; surrender—; wield—; —bludgeons; — braces; —deflects; —sags; —supports; — sustains; —sways

    (See cane, baton, stick.)

    Staff (general) adjectives

    knotted; managerial; faithful; official; efficient; consultant; inventive; research; energetic; intelligent; glittering

    Staff (personal


    appoint to—; augment—; clutter—; -discharge—; employ—; evacuate—; inspect—; resign from—; recruit—; suspend from—


    (See personnel.)

    Staff (v) adverbs

    efficiently; faithfully; officially; scientifically; periodically; annually; seasonally

    (See support, provide.)

    Stage adjectives

    verdant; primitive; well-set; mental; commencing: formative; inglorious; momentous; incipient; successive (pl); veiled; obstructed; various (pl); miraculous; analytic; realistic; developmental; trembling; uncertain; restorative; early; domestic; infantile; tentative; rudimentary; middle; well-trod; experimental; indifferent; tragic; legitimate; explosive; worthier; hypothetical; pudding; condensed; baffling; intermediate; infectious; important; imperceptible; dilapidated; milky; maturing; initial; diminutive; perilous; naked; painful; buskined; regressive; embryonic; uncontrollable; usurped


    abandon—; advance—; cherish—; conceive —; connect—s; dedicate to—s; define—; desert—; destine for—; devote to—; elevate —; exalt—; extol—; forsake—; frisk onto —; glorify—; hoot off—; install—; perform —; prostitute—; quit—; relinquish—; renounce—; retire from—; set—; strut upon —; unsettle—; vindicate—; wed to—; — allures; —attracts; —debases; —entices; — fascinates; —immortalizes; —impassions; —notorizes; —seduces; —succeeds; —s unfold

    (See board, footlights, platform, theatre.)

    Stage (v) adverbs

    stupendously; spectacularly; awesomely

    grandiosely; handsomely; dramatically

    (See produce, effect.)

    Stage-Fright verbs

    afflict with—; induce—; intensify—; manifest—; quell—; smite with—; subdue—; suffer—; surmount—; vanquish—; —abates; —barbs; —chills; —consumes; —curdles; —disconcerts; —distresses; —harasses; — hounds; —irks; —nauseates; —overawes

    —overcomes; —overwhelms; —plagues; — racks; —ruffles; —sickens; —tenses; —terrifies

    (See fright, fear, terror, nervousness.)

    Stagey adverbs

    absurdly; pretentiously; undisguisedly; out-landishly; transparently; ridiculously; obviously; fantastically; outrageously; flimsily; cheaply; manifestly; disagreeably; unpleasantly; undeniably; bombastically; pompously; laughably; patently

    Stagger (v) adverbs

    intoxicatedly; weakly; clumsily; stumbling-ly; helplessly; blindly; faintingly

    (See reel, sway.)

    Stagnant adverbs

    hopelessly; unfortunately; putridly; pestiferously; dangerously; inexplicably; palpably; uselessly; completely; dully; carelessly; indifferently; stolidly; contentedly; lazily

    Stain adjectives

    primal; perspiration; tender; cloudy; hot; tyrant; haunting; powder; indelible; imputed; crimson; inborn; ineradicable

    Staircase adjectives

    labored; pinched; twisted; steep; monumental; marble; secret; palatial; principal; quaint; little; lofty; filthy; winding; mossy; graceful

    Stairs adjectives

    broken; skatish; lazar; mountain; wooden; singing; cramped; dingy; ill-kept; cold; cheerless; rocking; interminable; dark; winding; discolored; spacious; polished; dim; tackled; corkscrew


    ascend—; avoid—; bear up—; blockade—; bolt down—; bounce down—; bound from —; clamber up—; clatter down—; climb—; descend—; design—; grope on—; guide down—; labor up—; limp up—; mount—; pause on—; scale—; scramble up—; scurry up—; skip up—; survey from—; tear up—; thrust down—; thunder down—; topple from —; totter on—; tumble from—; vault—; — creak; —diverge; —spiral; —wind

    (See ladder, step.)

    Stake adjectives

    black; windward; sharp-pointed; metal


    affix to—; avoid—; drive—; extract—; hitch to—; impale on—; implant—; moor to—; plant—; sink—; shackle to—; suspend from—; transfix to—; withdraw—; —directs;—fences; —guides; —indicates; — marks; —penetrates; —signalizes

    (See post.)

    Stalactites verbs

    —bracket; —dazzle; —derive from; — fashion; —gleam; —glitter; —glimmer; — incrust; —line; —ornament; —radiate; — spur; —stud; —suspend; —taper

    (See icicle.)

    Stale adverbs

    uselessly; terribly; obviously; unluckily; alarmingly; indubitably; mustily; unprofit-ably; tastelessly; inexcusably; unacceptably; disgustingly; wearily; injuriously; unhealth-fully; unwholesomely; unwarrantably; objectionably; disagreeably; unpleasantly

    Staleness verbs

    bar—; estimate—; incur—; loathe—; resent —; resist—; —alters; —flattens; —prevails; —provokes; —offsets; —shames

    (See odor, stench, smell.)

    Stalk adjectives

    green; juicy; martial; tall; withered


    attach to—; cast away—; crush—; dry—; gather—; pile—; shake—; sickle—; — bears; —connects; —curves; —s elevate; —juts; —protrudes; —rises; —springs; — supports; —sways; —s tangle; —tapers; — waves

    (See stem.)

    Stalk (c) adverbs

    dramatically; implacably; grimly; jauntily; nonchalantly; haughtily; stealthily; martially; vigorously; triumphantly; swagge1 iingly

    (See stride, strut.)

    Stalwart adverbs

    sturdily; remarkably; huskily; resolutely; valorously; intrepidly; trustworthily; amazingly; conspicuously; unusually; remarkably; marvelously; uncommonly; obviously; w’gorously; doggedly; splendidly; dependably; uncommonly; naturally; reliably

    Stamens verbs

    bear—; examine—; form—; support—; — burst; —cohere; —contain; —discharge

    —shed; —split open

    Stamina verbs

    break—; calculate—; deteriorate in—; develop—; evince—; lack—; exhaust—; increase—; lower—; possess—; preserve—; require—; restore—; supply—; test—; — ebbs; —endures; —lessens; —mounts; — resists; —succumbs; —wanes; —withstands

    (See strength, endurance.)

    Stammer (v) adverbs

    chokingly; inarticvlately; laboriously; confusedly; hesitatingly; incoherently; timidly; embarrassedly

    (See stumble, falter.)

    Stamp adjectives

    broken; legal; indelible; legislative; witching; occasional; intellectual; unmistakable; rubber


    affix—; attach—; bear—; collect—; design —; display—; hammer—; impress—; issue —; lick—; mark—; moisten—; pound—; provide—; sponge—; —adheres; —attests

    —authorizes; —certifies; —s cover; —guarantees; —seals; —signifies; —sticks; —validates; —warrants

    (See label, mark, impression.)

    Stamp (v) adverbs

    petulantly; angrily; indelibly; violently; vigorously; viciously; ruthlessly; impotent-ly; unmistakably; permanently

    (See imprint, impress.)

    Stanch adverbs

    loyally; fearlessly; unwaveringly; steadily; firmly; reliably; admirably; commendably; laudably; unusually; marvelously; courageously; gallantly; intrepidly; valiantly; valorously; unexpectedly; enthusiastically; eagerly; earnestly; immovably

    Stand adjectives

    drowsy; desperate; stubborn; unalterable; dimension; brutal; last; unflinching; lofty; unequivocal; final; roadside; definite


    advocate—; appreciate—; criticize—; depend on—; drive from—; hold—; maintain —; plan—; prepare for—; reiterate—; resist—; retain—; —annoys; —arrests; — checks; —recoups; —refreshes; —repels

    (See position, opinion.)

    Stand (v) adverbs

    preeminently; militantly; stalwartly; indubitably; obediently; squarely; habitually; tremulously; haughtily; forlornly; conspicuously; precariously; courageously; picturesquely; valiantly; meekly; irresolutely; ostentatiously; sullenly; boldly; perilously; wistfully; unfalteringly; erectly

    (See endure, bear.)

    Standard ad je dives

    critical; ethical; altered; accepted; zoned; inherent; abstract; superior; dingy; infallible; artistic; accursed; unrivaled; barbarian; highest; hackneyed; crafty; persistent; quantitative; capricious; moral; minimum; tentative; legal; well-defined; average; ordinary; tattered; acknowledged; shadowy; unconscious; secular; ponderous; proud; lofty; prospective; artificial; dietary; unhonored; exacting; rigorous; tangible; intellectual; inflexible; journalistic; accessible; rising; rigid; incontestable; single; recognized; unimpeachable; complaisant; conventional


    accept—; adopt—; advance—; apply—; attain—; conform—; desert—; deviate from —; elevate—; establish—; degrade—; formulate—; frame—; improve—; indoctrinate —; judge—; lift to—; lower—; maintain—; measure up to—; obtain—; prescribe—; preserve—; raise—; rally to—; reconcile—; record—; represent—; require—; serve—; set—; unfurl—; uplift—; violate—; —s collapse; —s conform; —s dictate; —s melt away; —prevails; —reflects

    (See flag, ideal.)

    Standardiza TION verbs

    adopt—; advocate—; apply—; approve—; assume—; demand—; devise—; encourage —; examine—; formulate—; necessitate—; overcome—; perfect—; promise—; —insures; —progresses; —rears

    (See system.)

    Standing adjectives

    scholastic; better; scientific; legal; worldwide; logical; amateur; requisite; social


    aspire to—; better—; command—; confine —; create—; declare—; elevate—; esteem —; exceed in—; favor—; grade—; honor —; inquire as to—; judge—; reckon—; regain—; respect—; threaten—

    (See position, reputation, status.)

    Standpoint adjectives

    elementary; artistic; favorable; psychoanalytic; outside; critical; prejudiced; academic; anagogic; decorative; practical; pagan; unbiased


    adopt—; alter—; assume—; compare—; contemplate—; criticize—; direct—; insure —; interpret—; maintain—; measure—; move—; occupy—; regard—; sanction—; select—; shake—; view from—; —affords; —contents

    (See view, position, conception.)

    Stanza adjectives

    elegiac; quaint; complicated; pious; long; staccato; unrhyming; experimental; sweeping

    Star (actor) verbs

    abuse—; admire—; advertise—; celebrate —; credit—; direct—; discover—; distinguish—; glimpse—; glorify—; groom—; hail—; highlight—; interview—; laud—; mob—; present—; publicize—; uncover—; —appears; —attracts; —delights; —interprets; —performs; —portrays; —thrills; — triumphs

    (See hero, actor, artist.)

    Star (celestial) verbs

    discern—; —appears; —beams; —dims; — s flee; —gleams; —glitters; —guides; — hangs; —kindles; —lingers; ■—s perform; —plumes; —s reign; —s revolve; —s shed radiance; —spangles; —s unfold; —s wander; —s wane

    (See sun.)

    Star (general) adjectives

    celestial; sanguine; mightiest; innumerable (pl); unsetting; evening; air-dissolved; bright; unchanging1; ever-burning; polar; gold; glistening; innocent; scattered (pl); literal; happy; glory-beaming; sparkling; luckiest; tenderer; blinking; wide; pink; shy; waking; charitable; blazing; soaring; scintillating; dynastic; solemn; guiding; keen; fixed; remote; fiery; consenting; swart; panting; periodical; tremulous; folding; occulted; azure; guardian; teeming (pl); fragrant; ushering; brooding; meliorating; vagabond; mighty;, deathless; wizard; wild; dying; friendly; summer; equidistant; secret; dumb' twinkling; unfinished; vanished; intense; steadfast; burning; patient; watery; pendulous; sentinel; rushing; solitary; dependent; baneful; wheeling; glancing; lurid; bright; downcast; tranquil; solid; winking; sliding; clear; intimate; obscure; gaudy; actual; moist; melancholy; declining; luminous; ’alien; beamless; prickly; pilot; budding; imperial; favorable; unanchored; cooperative; untroubled; lonely; elderly; newest; white; splendor-winged; utmost; journeying; attending; remorseless; truer; tyrant; palpitating; unstable; fortunate; sinking

    Starch verbs

    apply—; convert—; dip into—; immerse in —; lose—; object to—; prepare—; remove —; store up—; —finishes; —galls; — hardens; —irritates; —stiffens

    (See food, constituent, carbohydrate.)

    Stare adjectives

    studious; dull; stupid; algid; defiant; disfigured; glassy; fascinated; hostile; audible; vacant; grave; angry; meditative; absentminded; sidelong; frigid; concentrated; appraising; unwinking; gloomy; fixed; dreamy; long; admiring; wondering; irreverent; stony; maniac; noncommittal; disgusted; spectral; superior; wild; bemuse.d; questioning; hesitating; incredulous; hungry; sullen; limpid; owlish; insolent; unmitigated; oily; fascinated; solemn; wide-eyed


    blanket—; comprehend—; cast—; fix—; note —; prolong—; transfer—; —absorbs; —arouses; —astonishes; —excites; —irritates; —provokes; —startles

    (See look.)

    Stare (v) adverbs

    impudently; fixedly; sullenly; persistently; solemnly; abstractedly; impassively; hypnotically; perplexedly; obtrusively; moodily; hostilely; arrogantly; apathetically; incredulously; fixedly; truculently; speculatively; insolently; fascinatedly;• morbidly; rudely; vacantly

    (See look, gaze-.)

    Starlight adjectives

    glittering; cool; boundless; glorious; pale; bright; shining; wondrous; magic; romantic


    be wrought by—; emerge from—; exhibit —; reveal—; shed—; view—; —appears; —awes; —cheers; —comforts; —creeps; — dimples; —embraces; —frames; —glitters; —guides; —scatters; —spangles; —splits

    —unfolds; —works

    (See light, star.)

    Starling verbs

    introduce—; naturalize—; rid of—s; —s blot out; —s damage; —dives; —s feast on; —passes over; —quarters; —robs; —thrives

    (See bird.)

    Starry adverbs

    luminously; brilliantly; luckily; fortunately; unusually; brightly; helpfully; romantically; desirably; providentially; auspiciously; remarkably; amazingly

    Start adjectives

    theatrical; undisguised; palpable; rheumatic; infinite; hopeful; reluctant; convulsive; guilty; running; involuntary; troubled; vigorous; tremulous; slight; longing: answering; painful; terrified; sudden; fitful

    Start (v) adverbs

    violently; precipitately; perceptibly; distractedly; simultaneously; impetuously; reluctantly; jauntily; involuntarily; tremulously ; fitfully

    (See embark, launch.)

    Startle (v) adverbs

    inexpressibly; abruptly; playfully; ludicrously; stupicUy; repeatedly

    (See scare, surprise.)

    Startling adverbs

    unbelievably; unusually; utterly; alarmingly; extremely; unpleasantly; suddenly; strangely; curiously; disconcertingly; painfully; terribly; dreadfully; fearfully; tremendously; remarkably; singularly; oddly; appallingly; disturbingly; unexpectedly; disagreeably; peculiarly

    Starta TION adjectives

    absolute; oxygen; bitter; aesthetic; mental; cruel; slow


    alleviate—; avoid—; brave—; conceal—; endure—; face with—; hide—; influence—; perish by—; produce—; overcome—; reduce —; reveal—; stave off—; subject to—; — burdens; —devastates; —stalks; —threatens; —victimizes; —weakens

    (See hunger, suffering, need, death.)

    Starve (v) adverbs

    deliberately; cruelly; pennilessly; genteelly; parsimoniously; penuriously; niggardly; mentally; gradually; agonizingly; ceaselessly; miserably

    (See weaken.)

    State (condition) verbs

    aggravate—; allay—; alleviate—; arrest—; assuage—; attribute—; breed—; cloak—; comprehend—; conceal—; condemn—; ease —; establish—;- excite—; expose—; induce —; intensify—; palliate—; prolong—; relieve—; restore—; resuscitate—; reveal—; revive—; screen—; shroud—

    (See condition, predicament, plight.)

    State (general) adjectives

    happy; unpropitious; deplorable; ordered; hopeful; kingly; humble; healthy; wandering; transitional; insipid; distended; totalitarian; bastard; sepulchral; disordered; throned; altered; lamentable; turbulent; dropsical; political; fossil; semi-conscious; feverish; frenzied; blissful; burdened; needful; pathetic; flourishing; honorable; excessive; deplorable; slovenly; anterior; cramped; crude; relaxed; supernal; deluded; spirited; ecstatic; variable (pl); dejected; inarticulate; primitive; impressible; autonomous; surrounding; morbid; feeble; former; dilapidated; democratic; semi-liquid; peaceful; enlightened; industrious; homogeneous; populated; tangled; emotional; authoritative; opulent; neurotic; compound; deliberate; existing; destitute; well-settled; semisavage; impressible; comatose; depressed; corresponding; ordered; indissoluble; dreadful; bedraggled; retired; bulwarked; infant; transitional; social; primordial; slow; undetermined; scrambled; unsteadfast; neutral; passionless; dormant; exalted; perpetual; stronger; neutral; anomalous; unravaged; decapitated; unpleasant; knotted; unassailable; embryonic; conflicting; solitary; regal; stoic; vacillating; unique; frail; loose; electrical; quiescent; unwonted; melancholy; miserable; joyless; alarming; wretched; troubled; fair; outcast; forlorn; self-governing; distracted; dissolved; candid; enfeebled; pitiful; rebellious; palmy; coward; rapid; disadvantageous; natural; joyful; stable; budding; unwelcome; savage; apparent; enviable; desirable

    St A TE (political) verbs

    ally with—; annex—; bow to—; carve out —; dominate—; empower—; encroach upon —; enslave—; evacuate—; exalt—; forfeit to—; found—; industrialize—; infringe upon—; invade—; partition—; quell—; reduce—; subdue—; subjugate—; unite—; vanquish—; weld—; yield to—; —administers; —appropriates; —domiciles; —exercises; —s federate; —maintains; —persecutes; —racks with; —requisitions; — tramples; —tyrannizes; —wields

    (See empire, commonwealth, republic, country, nation.)

    State (v) adverbs

    parenthetically; succinctly; tersely; concisely; impressively; broadly; specifically; metaphorically; authoritatively; emphatically; laconically; explicitly; solemnly; officially; substantially; tranquilly

    (See say, affirm, declare.)

    Stately adverbs

    becomingly; unusually; habitually; naturally; inherently; attractively; beautifully; proudly; regally; royally; majestically; magnificently; splendidly; appropriately; pompously; ceremoniously; gravely; properly; graciously; impressively

    Statement adjectives

    misleading; big; hurtful; irrefutable; preceding; explicit; souring; terse; emphatic; fallacious; sententious; itemized; facetious; contradictory; lucid; cardinal; unproved; colorless; written; definite; ineradicable; judicious; conflicting; defamatory; comparative; quaint; admirable; humorous; adroit; confident; intelligible; inaccurate; conservative; groundless; naked; specious; plausible; previous; remarkable; uncompromising; hazardous; ridiculous; penetrating; accompanying; publicized; distorted; oracular; attributive; precise; ingenuous; comprehensive; sensible; trifle-sounding; absurd; startling; hyperbolical; vague; foregoing; elucidated; derogatory; fervid; immortal; amazing; reiterated; graphic; detailed; articulate; erroneous; periphrastic; sweeping; dogmatic; positive; direct; superfluous; candid; authoritative; substantial


    allude to—; alter—; amplify—; base—on; bolster—; buttress—; certify to—; cite—; compile—; contradict—; controvert—; convey—; correlate—; dig up—; discredit—; draft—; edit—; elaborate—; elicit—; evade —; exaggerate—; extract—; fling out—; follow up—; heed—; impugn—; infer from —; issue—; label—; misquote—; modify—; qualify—; quote—; reiterate—; rest upon—; subsidize—; transmit—; unravel—; utter—; verify—; weigh—; —challenges; —depresses; —discloses; —implies; —jars; — justifies

    (See allegation, assertion, declaration, expression, remark.)

    Statesman adjectives

    influential; sagacious; unhackneyed; darksome: bold; eminent; contending; practised; astute; senile; distinguished; wary; brash; far-seeing; liberal; haughty; dogmatic; brilliant; deft


    acclaim—; commemorate—; honor—; laud —; —arbitrates; —confers; —contracts; — counsels; —directs; —emancipates; —elevates; —executes; —exhorts; —formulates; —forges; —furthers; —governs; —guides; —helms; —manipulates; —negotiates; — steers; —struggles; —takes over; —transacts; —uplifts

    (See diplomat, legislator, ambassador, statesmanship.)

    Statesmanship adjectives

    businesslike; perjured; treacherous; inadequate; clear-sighted; far-seeing; conservative ; pitiful


    acclaim—; cloak in—; demonstrate—; discern—; employ—; endow with—; exercise —; —alleviates; —averts; —dodges; — eases tension; —extricates; —flounders; — lightens; —machinates; —maneuvers; — pilots; —smooths; —steers; —unravels

    (See statesman, diplomacy, management.)

    Station adjectives

    enviable; desolate; supernatural; allotted; recruiting; way; unmoving; equivocal; biological; unshrinking; elevated; responsible; dust-driven; distributing; intermediate; fragile; conspicuous; meteorological; dingy; smoky; native; low; service; future; passenger; retreading; control; prostrate; dinky


    accumulate at—; confine to—; deposit at—: maintain—; remain at—; trundle to—; wait at—; —distributes; —quarters

    (See place, post, location.)

    Station (vj adverbs

    ingeniously; elevatedly; conspicuously; intermittently; frequently; advantageously

    (See post, place.)

    Stationary adverbs

    mysteriously; alarmingly; bewilderingly; apparently; deliberately; helpfully; significantly; curiously; evidently

    Statistics adjectives

    complex; staple; stupendous; controversial; appalling; cold; official; available: accurate; scanty; untrustworthy; glowing; devastating; remarkable; pitiless; convincing; definite


    combine—; compile—; dig into—; eschew —; marshal—; plow through—; quote—; — arm; —bury under; —demonstrate; —disclose; —embrace; —hammer; —substantiate; —support; —terrify; —unleash; — verify

    (See list, information, book, knowledge.)

    Statue adjectives

    gigantic; plaster; impulsive; urgent; sepulchral; sylvan; portrait; earthen; colossal; symbolic; charming; strict; grotesque; memorial; emblematic; insignificant; mutilated; grave; multi-farious (pl);' magic; marble; rigorous; dominating; painted


    carve—; cast—; chisel—; disrobe—; erect —; exhibit—; hew—; inscribe on—; model —; mould—; mount—; mutilate—; perch on—; prize—; prop—; shatter—; straddle —; topple—; unveil—; value—; —adorns; —commemorates; —depicts; —embellishes; —honors; —illustrates; —portrays; —symbolizes.

    (See figure, masterpiece, monument, plaque.)

    Stature adjectives

    intellectual; veritable; simulated; commanding; mental; physical; moral; unusual; frail; gigantic; diminutive; stately; proud; dilating; slender; apparent; middle; financial; intellectual; political; herculean; unusual; exceptional; colossal; tall


    achieve—; alter—; attain—; augment—; check—; determine—; exalt—; extend—; heighten—; lack—; limit—; magnify—; measure—; stunt—; surpass in—; —bulks; —dwindles; —looms; —overawes; —towers

    (See height, growth, development.)

    Status adjectives

    recognized; financial; front-rank; primitive: honorific; present; moral; usual; definite


    abandon—; acquire—; alter—; approve—; ascertain—; assume—; attack—; attain—; confuse—; corrupt—; defend—; define—; degrade—; designate—; detect—; determine —; dignify—; discredit—; elevate—; ennoble—; exalt—; forfeit—; glorify—; grant —; humble—; improve upon—; impugn—; insure—; investigate—; maintain—; merit —; recover—; relinquish—; restore—; resurrect—; retain—; revolutionize—; suspend—; sustain—; taint—

    (See position, standing, state, condition.)

    Statute adjectives

    penal; contravened; dead; oppressive; protective; unfair; age-old; unenforced; heartless; unjustifiable


    advocate—; abolish—; abrogate—; annul—; codify—; comply with—; countermand—; decry—; denounce—; discard—; doom—; enact—; enforce—; evade—; flout—; formulate—; frame—; ignore—; infringe—; invoke—; nullify—; observe—; ratify—; repeal—; retract—; transgress—; uphold—; veto—; violate—; void—; —annuls; — authorizes; —bans; —bars; —classifies; —decrees; —delegates; —enlightens; —empowers; —establishes; —exists; —legalizes; —limits; —prescribes; —prohibits; —provides

    (See law, legislation.)

    Statutory adverbs

    impressively; inescapably; recently; unfortunately; luckily; inflexibly; vexatiously; curiously; wisely

    Stay adjectives

    fruitless; protracted; transient; pertinacious; subsequent: laggard; unprofitable; prolonged; tremulous; short; pleasant; amusing; lengthy


    abandon—; anticipate—; conclude—; discontinue—; enforce—; extend—; grant—; interrupt—; plead for—; press for—; prolong—; protract—; resume—; terminate—; welcome—; —defers; —elapses; —expires; —relaxes; —reprieves; —retards; —wanes

    (See stand, support.)

    Stay (v) adverbs

    unobtrusively; adamantly; stubbornly; miraculously; traditionally; customarily; habitually; perpetually; temporarily; fruitlessly; protractedly; transiently; briefly; pertinaciously

    (See remain, lodge.)



    loyally; dutifully; affectionately; properly; dependably; reliably; faithfully; eagerly; enthusiastically; zealously; filially; lovingly; fondly; piously; fervently; ardently; unwaveringly; curiously; remarkably; utterly

    STEAL (v) adverbs

    furtively; craftily; slyly; insidiously; basely; covertly; subtly; discreetly; mercilessly; noiselessly; jealously; suspiciously; ominously

    (See rob, plunder.



    charge with—; convict of—; deplore—; disclose—; forsake—; indict for—■; penalize—; practise—; rebuke for—; reduce to—; relinquish—; renounce—; reproach for—; resort to—; reveal—; scorn—; —defiles; —degrades; —deprives; —dishonors

    (See theft.

    STEALTHY adverbs

    guiltily; necessarily; warily; unusually; suspiciously; extraordinarily; remarkably; mischievously; furtively; carefully; naturally; uncommonly; craftily; cleverly; adroitly; mysteriously; cautiously; suspiciously; gingerly

    STEAM adjectives

    corrosive; scalding; fainting; sanguine; oppressive; exhaust; unsavory; poisonous; fragrant; spouting; hot; stinking; hissing; rich


    compress—; gauge—; generate—; harness —; inhale—; meter—; spew—; spout—; spray—; vent—; —befogs; —bursts; — clouds: —condenses; —drenches; —forces

    —jets; —mists; —moistens; —obscures; — propels; —scalds; —wilts

    (See mist, spray, smoke.

    STEAMER adjectives

    charter; borrowed; prosaic; boarded; tramp; coastwise; filibustering; delinquent

    lazy; dismantled; ocean; sumptuous; elegant; warping


    convoy—; launch—; —circumnavigates; — ferries; —glides; —hauls; —maneuvers; —plies; —rolls; —rots; —rusts; —speeds; —transports

    (See boat, launch, motor-boat, ship.

    STEAM-SHOVEL verbs

    • —batters; —burrows; —s clank; —deepens

    • —devours; —discloses; —effaces; —erases

    —excavates; —facilitates; —gorges; — gnaws at; —gulps; —hollows; —levels; — ravages; —swallows; —trenches; —unearths

    STEED adjectives

    bounding; angular; proud; fiery; flying; dashing; ribbed; unmanageable; mangy; fine-limbed; snowy; mercurial; heavenly; resistless; prancing; border; mottled; firebreathing; well-proportioned; riderless; reinless; strong; livid; headstrong; frantic; smoking; noble; mighty; shadowy; aerial; stalwart; spirited; wild

    STEEL adjectives

    vengeful; ingot; thrusting: rushing; coarse; thin; nervous; well-tempered; field; jagged; massive; gleaming: shrewd; scorching; mirroring; unpolished; toughened; incomplete; brandished; lateral; carbonized; flashing; molten; crashing; fiery; roweled


    alloy—; analyze—; cast—; clash against—; compound—; convert into—; deoxidize—; desulphurize—; encase in—; forge—; frame with—; ladle—; lathe—; magnetize—; melt—; mold—; polish—; process—; purify —: roll—; smelt—: tap—; temper—; test—; weld—; —armors; —congeals: —corrodes; —decomposes; —deflects; —oxidizes; —reinforces; —resists; —transmits

    (See iron, lead, metal.

    STEEP adverbs

    precipitously; alarmingly; impossibly; startlingly; unexpectedly; perilously; hazardously; suddenly; starkly; abruptly; unreasonably; excessively; remarkably; incalculably

    inaccessibly; boldly; exorbitantly; extravagantly; unwarrantably; unreasonably; painfully; formidably; forbiddingly; curiously; particularly; immoderately

    Steepness verbs

    bolt—; cap—; culminate—; elevate—; exaggerate—; mount—; surmount—; —declines; —exalts; —impresses; —inspires

    —looms; —overwhelms; —soars; —towers

    (See height, altitude.)

    Steer (v) adverbs

    erratically; unerringly; dexterously; deftly; skillfully; cautiously; accurately; conscientiously

    (See control, guide.)

    Stem adjectives

    enchanted; deathless; gnarled; immovable; tapering; supple; tough; knotted; fibrous; apparent; sacred; insignificant; succulent; climbing; nourishing; straggling; fan-edged; fruitless; slender; bending


    clasp—; crop—; ground—; heighten—; hinge on—; level—; pivot on—; pluck from —; snip—; spring from—; sway on—; — curves; —extends; —forks; —rises; —supports; —sustains

    (See stalk.) adjectives

    noisome; fetid; obscene

    intolerable; nauseating )

    Step adjectives

    decisive; quickened; radical; important; imperious; weary; restless; tremulous; painful; pilgrim; homeless; elastic; impudent; lascivious; desperate; fainting; toiling; firm; unfaltering; cautious; single; false; dragging; light; fleet; ungainly; rugged; swinging; uncertain; innumerable; listless; fearless; certain; tottering; rapid; mincing; echoless; zigzag; winding; incomprehensible; successive; witching; assured; gradual; vast; desirable; inadvertent; laggard; graceful; stately; devious; backward; conquering: unpracticed; uneven; timid; reeling; feeble; dictating; trembling; buoyant; practicable; pregnant; irrevocable; gigantic; grassy; drastic; vacillating; sagging; suspended; joyful; dignified ; requisite; sedative; long; slow; concluding; still; instinctive; honest; resounding; slackened; furtive; ponderous; social; doubtful; disordered; inevitable; slippery; military; languid; reluctant; ample; rustic; rude; parting; shuffled; hospitable; crunching; boundless; measurable; precautionary; gentle; weak; flagging; rosy; stone; jerky; comely; confident; hasty; gradual; immense; unhurrying; beehived; springy; homeward; irreverent; hushed; decorous; constructive; haughty; threatening; stealthy; undeviating; indispensable; silken; wandering; logical; subsequent; dainty; hazardous; momentous; bold; panting; finite; erratic; deft; noiseless; palsied; tottering; impious; soldierly; intermediate; martial; disspirited; stiff


    acclaim—; advance—; advocate—; applaud —; appraise—; approve—; ascend—; avert —; comprehend—; contrive—; defend—; design—; devise—; frame—; graduate—; lay out—; loll on—; lumber up—; map out —s; mount—; ooze down—s; plan—; reconsider—; regard—; regret—; retrace—s; rue —; scale—s; slant down—; slip down—s; steal down—s; survey—; systematize—; toil up—; trip down—; urge—; weigh—; — commences; —intrudes; —retreats; —s retrograde

    (See ladder, stairs, footstep, advance.)

    Step (v


    discreetly; mincingly; awkwardly; clumsily; boldly; gingerly; defiantly; noiselessly; deliberately; resolutely; reluctantly; majestically; fearlessly; shufflingly; stealthily

    (See stride, pace.)

    Sterile adverbs

    safely; securely; absolutely; warrantably; completely; assuredly; protectively; supposedly; presumably; carefully

    Sterility ad jec fives

    general; panting; superficial; artistic; painful; shamed


    advocate—; bewail—; decry—; determine

    —; induce—; produce—; —annuls; — blasts; —blights; —dashes; —deprives; — devitalizes; —disconcerts; —emasculates; — frustrates; —nullifies; —thwarts

    (See weakness, fatigue.)

    Stern adverbs

    gravely; puritanically; rigorously; uncompromisingly; inflexibly; unsparingly; arbitrarily; imperiously; severely; tyrannically; brutally; odiously; atrociously; needlessly; intolerably; senselessly; unreasonably; properly; necessarily

    Sternness adjectives

    strange; awful; considerable; unwonted; black; meaningful; frowning

    Stew adjectives

    hot; sickly; peppered; savory-looking; terrible


    bolt—; brew—; compound—; concoct—; dispatch—; fare on—; gulp—; prepare—; relish—; savor—; season—; sniff—; swill—; —blisters; —quells; —satiates; —seethes

    —simmers; —slakes; —whets

    (See meat, food.)

    Stick adjectives

    dead-brown; gnarled; knobbed; thick; knotted; sturdy; twisted; pointed


    arm with—; bear—; belabor with—; brandish—; deflect with—; fling—flog with—; flourish—; goad with—; hurl—; prop on—; repulse with—; splinter—; thrash with—; thrust—; thwack with—; twirl—; wave—; whack with—; whittle—; —coerces; —in

    timidates; —supports; —sustains

    (See cane, baton, club.)

    Stick (v) adverbs

    tenaciously; manfully; faithfully; firmly; adhesively; sturdily; jealously

    (See jab, stab.)

    Sticky adverbs

    unaccountably; perniciously; inconveniently;-unpleasantly; disagreeably; terribly; unexpectedly; hatefully; inexcusably; carelessly; messily; unfortunately; handily; usefully; serviceably; properly; suitably; adaptably; amazingly; dependably; insufficiently

    Stigma adjectives

    infernal; irredeemable; lifelong; viscid; social; scandalous


    abolish—; bear—; destroy—; efface—; endure—; eradicate—; escape—; extricate—; incur—; inveigh against—; nullify—; purge of—; shun—; suffer—; tolerate—; vindicate of—; wipe out—; —aggravates; — brands; —clings; —defames; —detracts from; —humiliates; —marks; —ostracizes; —reflects upon; —sullies; —taints; —traduces; —defiles

    (See disgrace, dishonor.)

    Stiletto verbs

    bury—; edge—; extract—; fling—; hilt—; hurl—; impale on—; plunge—; sheathe—; withdraw—; —s clash; —cleaves; —gashes; —lacerates; —penetrates; —perforates; — pierces; —pricks; —punctures; —rends; — severs; —clashes; —slits; —sunders

    (See knife.)

    Still adverbs

    alarmingly; desolately; lonesomely; absolutely: strangely; peculiarly; curiously; oddly; gruesomely; pleasantly; comfortably; serenely; calmly; refreshingly; appropriately; happily; contentedly; peacefully; suddenly; unaccountably; exceptionally; unusually; remarkably; amazingly; mysteriously; significantly; appallingly

    Stillness adjectives

    comparative; monastic; prolonged; modest; gloomy; hideous; solemn; earnest; ominous; deathly; profound; appalling; majestic; deepest; utter; glittering; sepulchral; gnost-ly; unearthly; weird; succeeding; sullen; soft; rural; reverential; curtained; outdoor; sacred; abysmal; intense; fetid; prevailing; suffocating; sabbatical; willful; pensive; deep; black; obstinate; sunny; absolute; audible; dreaming; unwonted; midnight; hushed; awed


    break—; cherish—; endure—; murmur in—; penetrate—; permeate—; perpetuate—; pervade—; prolong—; rend—; resound in—; ruffle—; shatter—; shroud in—; —calms; — dejects; —depresses; —envelops; —grips? —haunts; —pervades; —reigns; —soothes; —stifles; —sulks; —unnerves

    (See calm, hush, silence.)

    Stilted adverbs

    formally; uncomfortably; uneasily; stupidly; ineptly; unfortunately; curiously; crudely; awkwardly; terribly; nervously; graceless-ly; pretentiously; absurdly; fantastically; outlandishly; bombastically; bashfully; inexpertly; grossly-; unwontedly; unreasonably

    Stimulant adjectives

    active; overpowering; mental; excellent; strange; intoxicating; favorite; necessary; helpful


    abstain from—; addict to—; administer—; avoid—; dilute—; impart—; indulge in—; infuse—; inject—; introduce—; prescribe—; require—; —agitates; —buoys; —compresses; —electrifies; —enkindles; —excites; — flushes; —galvanizes; —impassions; —inflames; —intoxicates; —provokes; —quickens; —reanimates; —rejuvenates; —rekindles; —revives; —shocks

    (See coffee, tonic, medicine, alcohol, whiskey.)

    Stimulate (v) adverbs

    lasciviously; artificially; alcoholically; electrically; simultaneously; instantaneously; erotically; refreshingly ; injuriously; healthfully; beneficially; perniciously; agreeably; languidly; morbidly; sexually; psychologically

    (See incite, excite.)

    Stimulation adjectives

    sensory; self-satisfying; unnatural; psychological; sexual; useless; painful; gentle


    acquire—; afford—; convey—; derive—; furnish—; impart—; indulge in—; offer—; provide—; resist—; supply—; yield to—; —accelerates; —overexerts; —quickens; — subsides

    (See excitement, exhilaration.)

    Stimulus adjectives

    temporary; peculiar; reviving; new; sufficient; provocative; external; intellectual; immense; artificial; natural; native; unsound; keen; biting; sharp


    add—; afford—; apply—; balance—; furnish—; gain—; implant—; lessen—; react to—; reduce—; respond to—; want—; —allures; —assails; —baits; —declines; —diminishes; —incites; —induces; —produces; —recedes; —responds; —survives; — tempts; —wanes

    (See impetus, inducement, incentive.

    STING adjectives

    momentary; jealous; sudden; unworthy; painful; galling; rancorous; brutish; fiery; myriad; careless; venomous )


    allay—; alleviate—; escape—; inflict—; mitigate—; palliate—; .relieve—; salve—; treat—; wince at—; —envenoms; —incenses; —inflames; —irritates; —lancinates; —nettles; —perforates; —piques; —poisons

    —pricks; —punctures; —rends; —tingles

    (See bite.)

    Stink verbs

    (See stench.)


    parsimoniously; fanatically; meanly; niggardly; selfishly; scandalously; unwontedly

    (See limit, restrain.)

    Stipulate (v) adverbs

    solemnly; financially; specifically; shrewdly

    generally; minutely

    (See agree, state.)

    Stir adjectives

    fluttering; quick; multitudinous; tremulous; nervous; gentle; tremendous; angry; noiseless; pleasant; enormous; ceaseless; restless; subdued; faint; considerable; unnoticed


    agitate—; brook—; create—; embroil in—; endure—; quash—; quell—; restrain—; subdue—; suppress—; tolerate—; —bustles; — convulses; —disconcerts; —disquiets; —distracts; —diverts; —ebbs; —excites; —intensifies; —persists: —perturbs; —sharpens; —subsides

    (See commotion, agitation, movement, activity.)

    Stir (v) adverbs

    contentiously; frantically; emotionally; spiritually; imperceptibly; profoundly; incessantly; restively; caressingly; tremulously; ceaselessly; agitatedly

    (See move, arouse, rouse.)

    Stirrups verbs

    adjust—; discard—; loll on—; maintain—; mount by—; polish—; post on—; reinforce —; rise in—; slip from—; stand up in—; strain—; suspend—; weaken—; —afford; —bear; —brace; —dangle; —enable; — gird; —hang; —receive; —relieve.; —support; —sustain

    Stitch (v) adverbs

    patiently; diligently; dexterously; cleverly; ceaselessly; indefatigably; industriously; skillfully

    (See sew, fasten.)


    alternate—; bias—; dissolve—; interlace—; interlink—; rend—; unravel—; —baste; — bind; —conjoin; —fuse; —hem; —insure; —knit; —reinforce; —restrain; —seal; — save; —tack; —unite

    Stock (finance) verbs

    bear—; bull—; burden with—; certify—; counterfeit—; dabble in—; devaluate—; dispose of—; dump—; inflate—; invest in—; issue—; juggle—; liquidate—; market—; recommend—; renew—; retain—; relinquish —; speculate with—; stabilize—; traffic in —; unload—; —ascends; —booms; —crashes; —dwindles; —fluctuates; —impoverishes; —oscillates; —skyrockets (colloq.) ; — soars; —toboggans; —vacillates

    (See business, investment, capital, thermometer, barometer, shares.)

    Stock (general) adjectives

    chitinous; parent; diversified; rejuvenated; calcareous; gilt-edged; inferior; reputable; revolutionary; rolling; suspicious; peaceful; heterogeneous; degenerate; serious; enormous; linguistic; inclusive; parish; tremendous; replaceable; sapling; surplus; extensive; common; fine; venturesome; pioneer; deficient; pathetic; ranging; selected; wild

    Stocking adjectives

    foul; prosaic; merino; silk; wool; rayon; cotton; webbed; coarse; rough; rubber; wrinkled; rolled

    Stocky adverbs

    sturdily; huskily; stalwartly; thickly; exceptionally; remarkably; distinctly; pecaliarly; unusually; noticeably; unforgettably; chub-bily; brawnily

    Stoical adverbs

    marvellously; . naturally; philosophically; courageously; intrepidly; calmly; serenely; valiantly; inflexibly; patiently; coolly; imperturbably; immovably; resolutely; exceptionally


    strangely; dully; apathetically; singularly; oddly; curiously; unaccountably; inscrutably; irritatingly; vexatiously; shockingly: callously; abysmally; hopelessly; inexplicably; incurably

    Stomach adjectives

    tripartite; grateful; excellent; heroic; distended; empty; lean; outraged; unbounded; queasy; nervous; upset; hollow; bulging; protruding


    abuse—; alkalize—; constrict—; cramp —; derange—; dilate—; displace—; distend—; drain—; empty—; flood—; incise—; irritate—; knead—; lodge in—; offend—; overload—; pump from—; purge —; reduce—; remove from—; scald—; sour —; strangulate—; turn—; upset—; wash out —; —assimilates; —converts; —distresses; —excretes; —falls; —houses; —prolapses; —protests; —reduces; —regurgitates; —retains; —revolts; —shrinks; —turns

    Stone adjectives

    mossy; sacrificial; senseless; heavy; ragged; jagged; votive; pallid; timeworn; graven; veritable; ribbed; crumbling; moldering; ancient; crystal; shattered; stumbling; quarried; flying; wrought; misshapen; scarlet; flawless; contumelious; cold; miry; typical; sizzling; destructive; corresponding; hollow; coarse; lithographic; sun-heated; precious; dangerous; showering; blasted; unpolished; barren; silent; greasy; monumental; enameled; uneven; rifted; breathing; bruising; solemn; rigid; massive; splintered; nameless; smoldered; chiseled; perfect; priceless


    carve in—; cast in—; chisel in—; dislodge —; face—; fashion of—; heave—; hew from—; hurl—; inscribe on—; perpetuate in—; project—; quarry—; rib with—; unveil—; work in—; —bruises; —crushes; — erodes; —facets; —s rattle; —rumbles; — supports; —sustains; —wedges

    (See rock, gem, jewel.)


    roughly; unpleasantly; ruggedly; disagreeably; impassably; curiously; amazingly; indescribably; terribly; unmanageably; cruelly

    Stoop (v) adverbs

    cautiously; humbly; dejectedly; wearily; miserably; subserviently; abjectly; obsequiously

    (See bend, descend.)

    Stop adjectives

    sudden; tender; multiple; occasional; traffic; express; surprising

    Stop (v) adverbs

    abruptly; suddenly; instantaneously; instinctively; imperiously; constantly; effectually; timorously; virtually

    (See halt, pause.)

    Stopper verbs

    employ—; fasten—; perforate—; ram in—; stave in—; tamp—; valve—; —checks; — chokes; —corks; —dams; —gags; —insures; —obstructs; —plugs; —restrains; —seals; —stems

    (See plug.)

    Store adjectives

    hideous; wholesome; commodious; hidden; heterogeneous; priceless; strange; corner; frugal; department; fragrant; truly-beauti-ful; tributary; increasing; plundered; rich; chain; vegetable; bounteous; sorrowful; shoe; overflowing; swanky; smart; glistening; plentiful; wondrous; inexhaustible; gorgeous; mystic; unprotected; ordnance; milky; humble; exclusive; abundant; reliable; prorident; vast; cooperative; subsistence; gigantic; literary; undiminished; mustering; huge; immense; proud; untried; prodigious; lavish; winnowing; present; colorful; sparkling; absorbing; exciting; actmn; adventure; entertaining; amazing; amusing; picked; delightful; captivating; thrilling; true


    canvass—s; departmentalize-—; draw from

    —s; expand—; patronize—; —adjusts; — branches out; —caters to; —dispenses; — disposes of; —flourishes; —guarantees; — markets; —purveys; —renovates; —retails; —services; —thrives; —undersells; —unloads; —vends; —wholesales

    (See market, shop, source, supply, provision, food.)

    Store (v) adverbs

    providentially; consequently; secretly; bounteously; inexhaustibly; abundantly; immensely; lavishly; prodigiously; adequately

    (See save, hoard.)

    Stork adjectives

    stilted; devouring; brisk; unwelcome; gawky; awkward


    alarm—; gun for—; stir up—; —claws; — fishes; —floats; —gyrates; —hovers; — rakes; —sails over; —skims; —soars; — strokes; —wades; —wheels

    (See bird.)

    Storm adjectives

    teacup; lurid; freezing; irresistible; majestic; blinding; blustering; tumultuous; driving; maddened; harsh; adverse; murky; wintry; fearful; mocking; wrestling; gathering; factual; insatiate; devastating; cyclonic; purifying; conflicting; rising; surly; mingling; slanted; revolving; violent; forgotten; howling; bloody; persistent; rushing; clarifying; dissipated; psychologic; terrific; heavy; raging; confluent; coming; shipwrecking; vicious; beating; expiring; pelting; financial; cyclic; unkind; transitory; recurrent; coast; whistling; perfect; subsiding; blinding; appraising; commingling (pl); rollicking; savage; full-grown; slanting; driving; momentary; deluging; long-continued; tremendous; theologic; awakening; wreckful; drenching; political


    allay—; battle through—; encounter—; fly before—; foretell—; front—; ride—; scoff at—; shelter from—; stir up—; survive—; tarry in—; unleash—; weather—; —abates; —batters; —brawls; —breaks; —brews; — bursts; —calms; —develops; —flashes; — gathers; —grumbles; —lashes; —rages; — roars; —seethes; —thunders; —wears out

    —whips through; —whistles

    (See blizzard, hurricane, lightning, rain.)

    Storm (v) adverbs

    overpoweringly; relentlessly; furiously; irresistibly; thunderously; passionately; devastatingly

    (See fume, rage.)

    Stormy adverbs

    wildly; drearily; inordinately; terribly; perilously; tempestuously; thunderously; gustily; roughly; furiously; relentlessly; alarmingly; extraordinarily; violently; fiercely; intensely; unusually; disastrously; dreadfully; fearfully; unusually; extremely; uncommonly; cyclonically; icily

    Story adjectives

    pathetic; candid; stirring; mouthed; chivalrous; complicated; wonderful; plausible; ludicrous; priceless; naive; moving; roaring; sublime; unexpurgated; eye-opening; authentic; detailed: graphic; specious; woeful; improbable; harrowing; idyllic; rambling; poignant; outrageous; self-told; true; ill-natured; gripping; unpublished; painful; legendary; rudimentary; mystery; absorbing; stupendous; incredible; cruel; mournful; inimitable; apocryphal; unembellished; shameful; threadbare; circumstantial; speaking; typical; thrilling; perishing; revealing; hackneyed; dubious; ribald; conflicting; calumniating; unfinished; veritable; dismal; squalid; wondrous; well-known; age-worn; amusing; time-honored; unbelievable; priceless; adventure; self-effacing; blood-curdling; delectable; inspiring; pungent; fictitious; witty; racy; rapid; complete; amorous; laborious; heroic; commonplace; smooth-flowing; sea; fruitful; innocent; eloquent; darling; appropriate; absurd; perpetual; horrid; abominable; unconnected; tragic; curious; edifying; lustful; copious; spicy; readable; ridiculous; realistic; uppermost; lame; finest; romantic; monotonous; facetious; sad; thought-provoking; sordid; slanderous; eventful; melodramatic; uninterrupted; homely; accredited; grim; tender; didactic; unbiased; tribal; mess-worn; disastrous; well-told; instructive; fascinating; upper; shallow; garbled; delicious; hall-marked; unreticent; heinous; elaborate; sensational; exquisite; accepted; harrowing; alive; complete; distinguished; deep; entertaining; horror; full-blooded; intimate; inside; light; swift-moving; top-notch; veracious; well-written; well-paced


    accumulate—s; belittle—; bolster—; cast—; circulate—; climax—; conceive—; concoct —; construct—; dash off—; criticize—; devour—; discredit—; dominate—; dramatize —; dwarf—; embroider—; enact—; fabricate—; fashion—; forge—; hail—; interpret—; invent—; issue—; load—; manufacture—s; narrate—; overload—; paint—; peg away at—; pour out—; present—; peruse—; question—; recapitulate—; reel off —; reiterate—; relate—; release—; relish —; scoff at—; scotch—; spin—; thread—; transcend—; turn out—; verify—; wade thru—; weave—; worm out—; —centers; —confirms; —consoles; —corroborates; — degenerates; —denounces; —depends; — elicits; —emanates; —embellishes; —engrosses; —enhances; —etches; —fascinates; —Hows; —hurtles; —implicates; —inspires; —lacks; —links; —marches; —moves; — originates; —pictures; —pieces; —plunges; —progresses; —recounts; —regales; — reigns; —revolves; —rounds off; —shapes; —skirts; —slanders; —slants; —survives; —throws; —tingles; —touches; —travels; —unfolds

    (See legend, fiction, prose, “movie,” history, narrative, myth, narration, manuscript, anecdote, book, episode, novel.)

    Stout adverbs

    braw'nily; vigorously; unexpectedly; incredibly; invincibly; dependably; unusually; reliably; intrepidly; unbelievably; fortunately; remarkably; surprisingly; uncommonly

    Stout-Hearted adverbs

    intrepidly; fearlessly; ridiculously; uncommonly.; admirably; undauntedly; immovably; cheerfully; steadfastly; wonderfully; valiantly; boldly; unfailingly; gaily; heroically; pluckily; resolutely; confidently; indomitably; uncommonly; spunkily

    Stoutness verbs

    accentuate—; augment—; deplore—; deride—; exaggerate—; magnify—; mitigate —; predispose to—; reduce—; ridicule—; scoff at—; snigger at—; tend toward—; —aggravates; —deforms; —discommodes; —distorts; —dwarfs; —embarrasses; —endangers; —hampers; —hinders; —inconveniences; —mars; —renders ugly; —restrains; —restricts; —stagnates; —threatens; —towers; —wanes

    (See obesity.)

    Stove ad jectives

    solemn; nameless; diminutive; roaring; hot; ancient; fiery; sputtering


    bask by—; consign to—; dampen—; draft —; extinguish—; feed—; hover over—; kindle—; quench—; replenish—; tend—; —affords; —comforts; —diffuses; —dies; —fumes; —insures; —reeks; —roars; — smoulders; —thaws

    (See fire, flame.)

    Straight adverbs

    invariably; perfectly; unwaveringly; commendably; undeniably; exactly; accurately; correctly; admirably; unquestionably; uncommonly; exceptionally; unerringly; authentically; officially; conveniently; .comparatively

    Straightforward adverbs

    commendably; admirably; eminently; unusually; manifestly; evidently; reliably; unquestionably; delightfully; helpfully; artlessly; candidly; unaffectedly; naturally; inherently; obviously; bluntly; ingenuously; childishly; remarkably; uncommonly; scrupulously

    Strain adjectives

    sunny; metaphysical; inspiring; harmonious; terrific; bastard; impure; celestial-ordered; subtle; indomitable; echoing; windy; wild; passionate; parting; true-breeding; jubilant; self-same; soft; andante; majestic; exalted; tidal; lofty; untaught; ceaseless; meditative; strenuous; thrilling; singular; unwonted; sublime; aesthetic; adoring; onward; seraphic; taut; minor; thrilling; virile; homiletic; heated; mystical; musical; haunting; audacious; furious; melancholy; shrill; intellectual; magic; creeping; nameless; unending; delicious; solemn; ventriloquous; gloomy; exultant; epic; lamentable; humorous; immortal; nervous; ravishing; fluent; intense; melodious; dirgeful; noble; thrilling; severe; pompous; intolerable; arresting; serious; mournful; extraordinary; full-fraught; sententious; chaste; racial; emotional; semi-humorous; muscular; individual; violent; true; profitless; indigenous; tender; steady; existing; successive (pl); mystic; pathetic; half-forgotten; polemic; vicious; curious; iterant; somber; martial; tremendous; terrible; inspired; syncopated; subdued; evoked; local; humble; unpolished; sweet; fierce; divine; crushing; enchanting; inevitable


    avoid—; develop—; disturb—; endure—; entail—; impose—; lift—; mutate—; relieve of—; overtake—; remove—; risk—; slacken—; stand—; subject to—; withstand —; —swells

    (See tension, exertion, stress.)

    Strain (v) adverbs

    incompatibly; prodigiously; inordinately; feebly; passionately; furiously; intellectually; lamentably; excessively

    (See force, stretch.)

    Strait-Laced adverbs

    absurdly; extremely; priggishly; puritanically; ridiculously; immovably; austerely; arbitrarily; unreasonably; unfortunately; rigidly; unwisely; uncompromisingly; forbiddingly; peremptorily; inexorably; tyrannically; foolishly; prudishly

    Straits adjectives

    pecuniary; dire; interminable; imaginary; sounding; desperate; narrow; great; bitter

    Strand adjectives

    braided; remotest; everlasting; rippling; deserted; great; deep; dark; tragic; mysterious; siren-footed; genial; intertwisted (pl); blistering; dreary; uneven; lonely

    Stranger adjectives

    formidable; mysterious; unutterable; illustrious; witless; unfriended; well-bred; wandering; forlorn; curious; waiting; humble; unsuspecting; audacious; comparative; thorough; inferior; wayfaring; dreadful; distinguished; swarthy; total; casual; un-genial; sympathetic; neat; unsavory; strange; queer; fluttering; passing; houseless; adulated; unnaturalized; insignificant; unheralded; blooming; detested; shrewd; plain-spoken; earth-born; rough-looking; drunken; drawling-voiced


    acquaint—with; admit—; appraise—; apprehend—; beguile—; bilk—; confide in—; cultivate—; deceive—; defraud—; delude —; discuss—; distrust—; dupe—; enlighten—; entertain—; exclude—s; extend to—; greet—; guide—; hail—; harbor—; implicate—; inform—; interrogate—; investigate—; mislead—; question—; receive—; regard—; salute—: snarl at—; trail—; usher in—; victimize—; welcome—

    (See alien, immigrant, newcomers, foreigners.)

    Strangle (v) adverbs

    cruelly; excruciatingly; demoniacally; fiendishly; deliberately; maniacally; lustfully; sordidly; horridly; sensationally; horribly; amorously

    (See choke, kill.)

    Strap verbs

    affix—; braid—; buckle—; clasp—; detach —; reinforce—; rend—; sever—; slacken —; tense—; —binds; —couples; —curbs; —fetters; —impedes; —leashes; —links; — restrains; —supports; —sustains

    (See leash, belt, band.)

    Strategic adverbs

    cleverly; opportunely; conveniently; expediently; diplomatically; profoundly; secretly; wisely; prudently; discreetly; brilliantly; cunningly; craftily; insidiously; cannily; successfully; splendidly; usefully; profitably; immeasurably; financially; politically; commercially


    successful; deadlier; vicious; daring; clumsy; clever; brilliant; military


    conceive—; concoct—; devise—; employ—; frame—; hatch—; practice—; resort to—; —accomplishes; —bathes; —baits; —befools; —beguiles; —bluffs; —confounds; —decoys; —defrauds; —deludes; —distracts; —diverts; —entices; —frustrates; —hoodwinks; —lures; —rebuffs; —repulses; —routs; —snares; —succeeds; —thwarts

    (See fraud, strategy, deception.)

    Strategy adjectives

    half-baked; adroit; military; triumphant; ancient; superlative; absurd; sound; naval; aggressive; offensive; thrill-packed


    achieve—; administer—; adopt—; advise—; approve—; beguile with—; condemn—; counsel—; direct—; effect—; employ—; execute—; fashion—; frame—; guide—; pilot —; plan—; prescribe—; proceed with—; resort to—; steer—; work out—; —defeats; —outwits; —stems from

    (See maneuver, method, stratagem.)

    Strait adjectives

    patient; plaiting; helpful; apparent; damp; frowzy; synthetic; oaten


    bale—; bed with—; bleach—; discard—; embed in—; glean—; macerate—; plait—; scatter—; shed—; stuff with—; thresh—; weave—; —insures; —litters; —pads; —-protects; —thatches

    (See chaff, hair, hay.)

    Stray (v) adverbs

    ostensibly; widely; irrationally; idiotically; adventurously; lustfully; senselessly

    (See roam, wander.)

    Streak adjectives

    ruthless; momentary; rotary; blood-red; uncouth; dingy; shy; cruel; tenderer; glimmering; faithless; vivid; zigzag; dancing; evident; pale; amphibious; glittering; long adverbs

    dingily; unfortunately; carelessly; sorrily; strangely; unaccountably; shabbily; dimly; luminously; curiously; disagreeably; faintly; shamefully; unattractively; unpleasantly

    Stream adjectives

    swampy; bounding; echoing; whispering; turning; turbid; crystalline; rude; sharp; rippled; torrent; crystal; playful; straining; purling; shoreless; sluggish; eddying; immemorial; rushing; muddy; murmuring; trickling; rock-encumbered; translucent; fiery; feeding; dancing; summer; gliding; eternal; forbidden; steady; reedy; milky; sullen; solitary; gentle; sourceless; augmented; intervening; surcharged; trembling; fervid; plashing; cooling; glacial; salutary; lucid; sylvan; brown; quickening; livelier; fond; silly; wizard; tributary; voiceless; slender; flashing; lurid; cleansing; impetuous; yellow; constant; placid; fertilizing; simpering; bashful; un-reluctant; fascinating; chiding; precipitous; intermittent; volcanic; ever-flowing; precious; fleeting; gushing; inert; navigable; pebbly; constant; enormous; comet-like; wayward; muddied; merry; visible; mighty; rapid; irrigating; whispering; living; delicate; substantial; boundless; celestial; Stygian; picturesque; bleeding; branching; feeble; blended; innumberable (pl); accepted; running; hairy; hurrying; hidden; formidable; indolent; reverent; sinister; pale; melancholy; doubled; storied; haunted; equable; formless; continuous; languid; cascading; copious; swollen; flowing; leaping; exuberant; bone-dry; imperial; golden; attractive; rippling; mountain; icy; undulating; petty; epigrammatic; diverging; inland; shallow; joyous; electric; gracious; singing; motionless; childhood; ignoble; lyrical; venomous; traffic; subterranean; returning; limpid; salt; mighty; numerous; brackish; foaming; verbose; dwindling; desolate; flattering; adventurous; brimming


    bridge—; ford—; head—; purify—; trace

    —; —boils; —bubbles; —clogs; —com

    plains; —disappears; —drifts; —dwindles; —s harass; —s languish; —s meander; — narrows; —races;

    —ripples; —shimmers

    —s splash; —trickles; —tumbles; —washes



    (See brook, creek, river.)

    Stream (v) adverbs

    tortuously; monotonously; unceasingly; perpetually; giddily; incessantly; boundingly; turbulently; turbidly; torrentially; eddying-Ijr; translucently; copiously; exuberantly; undulatingly; subterraneanly; limpidly

    (See gush, pour, run.)

    Street adjectives

    dingy; medieval; winding; disreputable; squalid; crooked; blazing; quiet; sleepy; narrow; shaded; paved; silent; filthy; attractive; monotonous; littered; still; prominent; startled; unlovely; crowded; embowered; desolate; misty; impassable; moon-lit; forbidden; greasy; populous; unwatered; prominent; darksome; glaring; gutted; deep; darkling; sloppy; racy; straggling; arcaded; dusty; fearful; surging; charted; tortuous; peopled; intersecting; waking; dazzling; slippery; sunnj'; irregular; frozen; principal; wandering; obscure; deserted; adjacent; respectable; starry; twilight; glittering; li»tle; clean-washed; ill-kept; palaced; corresponding; throngful; unpaved; spacious; rugged; murmuring; roaring; crooked; sultry; marching; residential; adroit; sunburnt; arid; gray; miry; melancholy; thronged


    amble about—; bedeck—; clutter—; deface —; front—; gain—; lay out—s; litter—; maintain—; patrol—; parade—; ramble thru—; roam—; strew—; stride thru—s; thread—s; throng in—; trudge along—; wander down—; —bakes; —flanks; — joins; —s shine; —swarms; —thunders

    (See sidewalk, lane, avenue, alley, thoroughfare.)

    Strength adjectives

    humble; fragile; clumsy; monstrous; raw; hairy; exhaustless; repellant; numerical; vigorous; passionate; sacred; augmented; national; united; central; shining; living; immortal; undivided; superhuman; effective; untiring; elastic; needless; superior; full; remarkable; herculean; barbaric; concentrated; masterful; magnificent; unwasting; natural; alcoholic; unyielding; unimaginative; rockbound; dogged; joyous; remaining; sudden; brute; double; ultimate; lusty; victorious; fear-crazed; desperate; thoughtful: enormous; awkward; voting; unconquerable; immense; immeasurable; silent; lavish; social; impregnable; sturdy; intellectual; unaided; determined; party; sinewy; tensile; massive; artistic; irresistible; renovated; intense; dominating; pro digious; financial; drowsy; superior; revived; aggressive; firm; lasting; muscular; evident; innate; banded; unbroken; conscious; reserved; lofty; excellent; steadfast; divine; ruthless; huge; comparative; placid; relative; pungent; unabated; manlier; solid; sufficient; concentrated; incredible; residing; surprising; unerring; matchless; authorized; spiritual; moral; gigantic; inseverable; skilled; sober; nervous; ambitious; passionless; lyric; honorable; unfolding: mysterious; welded; splendid; fiery; infinite


    accumulate—; augment—; betray—; confer —upon; conserve—; deny—; derive—; diffuse—; diminish—; drain—; endow with —; equal—; exhaust—; gain—; gather—; husband—; imbibe—; indicate—; maintain —; match—; measure—; muster—; pit—; possess—; pray for—; preserve—; prune—; recover—; regain—; reserve—; restore—; restrain—; sap—; scatter—; signify—; strain—; tax—; undermine—; unite—; — declines; —endures; —falters; —flows; — manifests itself; —spends itself

    (See energy, fortitude, force, power, health, impregnability.)

    Strenuous adverbs

    disagreeably; dangerously; zealously; eagerly; laboriously; painfully; terribly; extremely; arduously; incredibly; dreadfully; impossibly; energetically; doggedly; vigorously; intensely; indefangably; wearisomely; formidably; remarkably; unbelievably; unspeakably; unusually; exceptionally; particularly; singularly; peculiarly; un-wholesomely

    Stress adjectives

    unavailing; emotional; special; urgent; adamantine; particular; critical; unobtrusive; unnatural; artificial; plastic; tremendous; intestinal


    allay—; alleviate—; attach—to; avoid—; demand—; ease—; emphasize—; entail—; lay—upon; mitigate—; occasion—; palliate —; pronounce—; redouble—; relax—; subject to—; —accentuates; —aggravates; — declines; —taxes; —tenses; —wanes; — weighs upon

    (See emphasis, accent, pressure, strain.)

    Stress (v) adverbs

    faintly; markedly; precisely; particularly; exclusively; repeatedly; adamantinely; artificially; obtrusively; vigorously

    (See accent, emphasize.)

    Stretch (v) adverbs

    inordinately; gruesomely; indulgently; beau-teously; dismayingly; generously; moderately; tightly; abnormally; piteously; consciously; symmetrically; interminably; indolently; casually

    (See extend spread.)

    Stretches adjectives

    sun-scorched; haggard; symmetrical; lilac; mighty; magnificent; interminable; treeless; ample; fragrant; indolent; endless; barren; mysterious; fertile; mossy; casual; wide

    Strict adverbs

    unreasonably; particularly; singularity; needlessly; narrowly; dogmatically; narrowmindedly; intolerantly; uncharitably; unnecessarily; foolishly; unwisely; cruelty; bitterly; moderately; severely; oddly; illog-ically; inconsistently; brutally; piously; conventionally; viciously; habitually; dreadfully; wisely; sensibly; moderately; uncommonly; austerely; uncompromisingly; terribly; hideously

    Strictness verbs

    adhere to—; ameliorate—; conform to—; diminish—; ease—; enforce—; infringe—; mitigate—; relax—; violate—; —crushes; —demands; —disciplines; —domineers; — exacts; —hampers; —impresses; —inures; —oppresses; —overrides; —restricts; —revolts; —strains; —taxes; —tramples; — tyrannizes; —yokes

    (See severity, rules, harshness.)

    Stride adjectives

    heavy; tumultuous; nervous; proud; rhythmical; careless; consuming; self-assuring; enormous; slouching; unprecedented; swinging; prodigious; immense; disordered; free; athletic; short;’ lofty; majestic; irregular; fearless; formidable; sinking; ravishing; restless; martial; manly; rapid; sober


    accelerate—; break—; burlesque—; exaggerate—; halt—; hasten—; lengthen—; mimic—; quicken—; regain—; regulate—; relax—; ridicule—; secure—; smooth—; spur to—; —covers; —devours; —outdistances; —overhauls; —shuffles; —spurts; —strains; •—taxes

    (See step, walk, pace, gait.)

    Stride (v) adverbs

    vigorously; austerely; grimly; furiously; swiftly; dramatically; fearlessly; tirelessly; sturdily; rhythmically; prodigiously; athletically; majestically; martially; rapidly; soberly

    (See strut, stalk.)

    Strident adverbs

    unpleasantly; raucously; disagreeably; loudly; harshly; quarrelsomely; inelegantly: naturally; insistently; hatefully; offensively; coarsely; cruelty; brutally; pugnaciously; daringly; suddenly; broadly; repulsively; shockingly; disgustingly; ridiculously

    Strife adjectives

    unprofitable; elemental; deadly; stern; sexual; frivolous; murderous; fragrant; patient; sacrificial; noble; ambiguous; harmonious; domestic; continued; fruitful; party; barren; unceasing; eternal; vain; inward; harmless; civil; victorious; bloody; dying; absorbing; ignoble; midnight; surging; household; languid; sordid; politica'l; ineffectual; harsh; expiring; constant; idle; inevitable; whirlwind; turbulent; industrial; uncongenial; tortured; feverish; unselfish; victorious; convulsive; theological; varied; bitter; selfish; inhuman; classic; dawning; spiritual; perpetual; unreposing; useless; foolish


    avert—; maneuver—; perpetuate—; plague with—; renew—; stir up—; —afflicts; — breaks out; —breeds; —brings; —dissolves; —flares; —harasses; —locks; —prolongs; — racks; —seethes; —surges; —tears

    (See discord, dissension, fued, conflict, contention, competition.)

    Strike verbs

    avert—; ban—; break—; condemn—; crush —; deal with—; direct—; engage in—; foment—-; forbid—; forestall—; handle—; interfere in—; precipitate—; prolong—; resort to—; stage—; stave off—; submit without—; support—; terminate—; tolerate—; weigh—; —breaks out; —develops; —s drag on; —embroils; —grips; —intervenes; — paralyzes; —rages; —spreads; —threatens; —wanes; breed—

    (See strife, conflict, feud.)

    Strike (v) adverbs

    firmly; sullenly; pronouncedly; simultaneously; forcibly; spontaneously; instinctively; energetically; significantly; thunderously; heavily; intermittently; aimlessly; accidently; swiftly; mysteriously

    (See hit, slap.)

    Strikers verbs

    acquit—; bow to—; champion—; conciliate —; disperse—; exonerate—; harangue—; pacify—; placate—; unite—; —arbitrate; — arm; —bar; —charge; —cooperate; —deride; —evict; —heckle; —intimidate; — jeer; —organize; —picket; —pillage; —relent; —repudiate; —riot; —sit down; — taunt; —violate; —demand

    (See rioters, crowd.)

    Striking adverbs

    conspicuously; impressively; significantly; unusually; ominously; brilliantly; gorgeously; blatantly; garishly; gaudily; unbecomingly; inelegantly; magnificently; gloriously; beautifully; satisfactorily; artistically; luminously; overwhelmingly; delicately; daringly; boldly

    String adjectives

    hampering; friendly; sleeping; trembling; sinless; dissonant; silken; melodious; speaking; clanging; stubborn; tinkling; twined; tremulous; consecrated; quivering; veritable; sturdy; dusty; gouty; tightening; dangling; wayward; vibrating; tuneful; slackened


    braid—; cleave—; draw—; plait—; secure with—; sever—; shred—; slash—; stretch —; sunder—; suspend from—; tense—; — couples; —girds; —sustains; —yokes

    (See cord, leash, chains.)

    Stringent adverbs

    unwisely; disagreeably; unbearably; intolerably; unintelligently; necessarily; inescapably; terribly; irritatingly; vexatiously; dangerously; ominously; unreasonably; injudiciously; stupidly; inexpediently; ill-ad-visedly; absurdly

    Stringy adverbs

    unpleasantly; inconveniently; disagreeably; necessarily; unavoidably; naturally; gum-mily; uselessly; sufficiently; satisfactorily

    Strip adjectives

    tenacious; popular; marginal; shadowy; pestilential; tiny; strong

    Stripes adjectives

    brisk; contrast; vivid; severe; oblique; polychromatic; longitudinal; bright; broad; service; tiny

    Strive (v) adverbs

    ineffectually; laboriously; ambitiously; earnestly; indomitably; energetically; incessantly; valiantly; patiently; bull-headedly; stubbornly; ineffectively; nobly; dutifully; filially; fiercely; seditiously; diligently; vainly

    (See try, struggle.)

    Striving adjectives

    human; eternal; earnest; ineradicable; hopeful; wishful; useful; bitter; wistful; vain


    reflectively; meditatively; caressingly; affectionately; tenderly; absently; moodily; gently

    (See calm, smooth, touch.)

    Strokes (boating) verbs

    accelerate—; coach—; develop—; employ—; execute—; invigorate—; pace—; perfect—; polish—; regulate—; scull with—; synchronize—; time—; —cut; —exhaust; —lash; — outdistance; —overhaul; —propel; —strain; —tax; —tell; —tire; —weary

    (See blow.)

    Strokes (general') adjectives

    fatal; parliamentary; overhand; crowning; silver; unkind; vulgar; paralytic; heavy; bloodless; careful; cautious; ignorant; vicious; prevailing; impulsive; vigorous; con-cussive; subtle; blessed; specious; fragrant; lusty; spasmodic; rapid; rhythmic; blind; mortal; apoplectic; disastrous; mortuary; oft-repeated; calumnious; forceful; stinted; fanciful; hostile, curious; brilliant; terrific; coarse; sturdy; despairing; measured; unprecedented

    Stroll adjectives

    aimless; meditative; memorable; undisturbed

    Stroll it) adverbs

    leisurely; languidly; dejectedly; philosophically; reflectively; nonchalantly; idly; contemplatively; pleasantly; dreamily

    (See roam, ramble.)

    Strong adverbs

    brutally; remarkably; physically; powerfully; vigorously; vitally; incontestably; pitilessly; tenaciously; toughly; unquestionably: indubitably; remarkably; exceedingly; undeniably; manifestly; evidently; unexpectedly; determinedly; resolutely; cruelly; unyieldingly; incredibly; obviously; supremely; amazingly; incalculably


    impregnable; unconquerable; abandoned; gloomy; ruined


    abandon—; abdicate—; bar—; barricade—; bolt—; bombard—; escort to—; fortify—; garrison—; imperil—; intrench in—; invade —; jeopardize—; maintain—; menace—; padlock—; patrol—; repel from—; retire to —; retreat to—; screen—; subject—; —preserves; —shields

    (See fortifications, castle, citadel.)

    Structure adjectives

    pyramidal; interesting; domineering; intricate; cosmical; rudimentary; ill-smelling; intended; fanciful; economic; serpentine; naked; mossy; asteriated; elaborate; circular; bonelike; metropolitan; solid; classical; dignified; ephemeral; ambitious; hideous; cellular; imposing; confused; rhythmical; chemical; vernacular; inner; stereotyped; cell; restless; inorganic; sensible; spiritual; streamlined; feathery; phantasmic; substantial; worldly; choral; patchwork; ecumenical; jointed; industrial; commodious; natural; unsightly; hair-growing; administrative; flexible; complicated; institutional; airy; continuous; underlying; ill-conceived; flimsy; internal; laminated; graceful; grave; supporting; artistic; various (pl); unwieldy; rambling; uniform; fragile; stately; urbane; sensible; unambitious; synthetic; magnificent; patriarchal; barn-like


    bind—; bore into—; complete—; elevate—; erect—; house in—; obliterate—; prop up —; rebuild—; tear down—; threaten—; underlie—

    (See building, edifice, frame, mansion.)

    Struggle adjectives

    tragic; intestinal; convulsive: protracted; brutal; obstinate; ineffectual; actual; intense; constant; inner; impending; arduous; continuous; painful; confused; perpetual; unending; imperialist; tremendous; fearful; dying; dire; terrific; heroic; vehement; strenuous; vain; gallant; victorious; stouthearted; prodigious; embittered; wild; unceasing; spiritual; thwarted; savage; sustained; eternal; ancient; deplorable; un

    equal; herculean; impotent; universal; un-brotherly; awful; bitter; foolish; lifelong; passionate; severe; inevitable; internecine; sanguine; subjective; desperate; slight; despairing; unaided; bloody; sharp; titanic; doubtful; bootless; parochial; fierce; unlettered; unremitting; brilliant; pioneer; apprehended; hidden; obscure; rough; melancholy; muscular; writhing; selfish; ardent; human; evident; moral; expressionable; creative; momentous


    desert—; engage in—; finance—; indulge in —; intercede in—; localize—; look upon—; participate in—; settle down to—; undergo —; wage—; yield in—; —culminates; — eliminates; —emaciates; —fills; —resolves; —harries; —summons; —swings in

    (See combat, contention, fight, effort, exertion, contest.)

    Struggle (v) adverbs

    flounderingly; terrifically; frantically; vainly; heroically; vigorously; savagely; weakly; feebly; manfully; ingeniously; obstinately; gallantly; turbulently; protractedly;-vehemently; herculeanly; bootlessly; momentously

    (See labor, grapple.)

    Strut (v) adverbs

    stalwartly; vainly; proudly; conceitedly; arrogantly; pompously; complacently; jauntily; preposterously; magnificently; vulgarly; pugnaciously; valiantly

    (See swell, swagger.)

    Stubborn adverbs

    obstinately; astonishingly; surprisingly; naturally; incorrigibly; wonderfully; unexpectedly; infinitely; implacably; sternly; bulhheadedly; doggedly; brutally; inveter-ately; desperately; inflexibly; habitually; obdurately; viciously; dreadfully

    Stubbornness adjectives

    infinite; impious; implacable; stern; vainglorious; bull-headed


    allay—; conciliate—; decry—; denounce—; display—; evince—; exhibit—; moderate—; rebuke—; relax—; reproach—; reprove—; revolt at—; submit to—; —goads; —irks; — resists; —riles (colloq.); —stiffens; —withstands; —yields to

    (See obstinacy, perversity.)

    Student adjectives

    diligent; research: discriminating; deep; promising; earnest; fastidious; formal; impartial; docile; special; facetious; ardent; aspiring; insatiable; careless; assiduous; indefatigable; veritable; irresponsible; tireless; thorough; languid; abstract; unprejudiced; historical; noble; able; sober-minded; learned; painstaking; talented; subsequent; tireless; candid; self-helping; laboratory; divinity; apathetic; enthusiastic; agile; negligent; inquisitive; critical; philosophical; scientific; thoughtful; impassioned


    assign—; bewilder—; baffle—; delude—; discipline—; dismiss—; edify—; enlighten —; enroll—; examine—; expound to—s; grade—; guide—; herd—s; honor—; inculcate in—; indoctrinate—s; ingrain—; initiate—; propound to—s; rear—; recruit—s; reprimand—; reproach—; tutor—; vex—s; —acquires; —advances; —attains; —attunes himself to; —s carouse; —concentrates; — cows; —crams; —cuts; —dips into; —drills; —familiarizes himself with; —flunks (colloq.); —gleams; —interprets; —peruses; —prepares; —qualifies; —translates; —wades through

    (See reader, pupil, graduate, apprentice, classmate.)

    Studio adjectives

    shabby; wonderful; separate; silk-hung; aggressive; lofty; colossal; comfortable; broadcasting

    Studious adverbs

    earnestly; curiously; keenly; avidly; eagerly; energetically; tirelessly; actively; naturally; feverishly; gravely; seriously; resolutely; delightfully; overly; alarmingly; profoundly; deeply; uncommonly; happily; ambitiously; obviously; diligently; enthusiastically; oppressively; solemnly; erratically; spasmodically; occasionally

    Study adjectives

    antiquarian; unsympathetic; superficial; graduate; modern; comparative; remarkable; illuminating; long-continued; scientific; painstaking; extraordinary; systematic; unfavorable; preparatory; revealing; proper; comprehensive; extensive; book-lined; judicial; concise; forthright; up-to-the-minute; provocative; expert; full-length; fundamental; flippant; exhaustive; philosophical; continuous; assiduous; daring; delightful; watchful; careful; serious; old; desperate; concentrated; patient; theological; authoritative; morbid; analytical; technical; advanced; striking; instructive; candid; crude; suggestive; academic; intensive; satirical; vigorous; compulsory; fossil; obvious; diversified; profitless; linguistic; detailed; actual; thorough; curious; measured; topographical; ornamental; valuable; practical; searching; artistic; cartographic; tempting; clever; immediate; qualitative; perpetual; useless; passionate; lifetime; whimsical; sample; persistent; slight; consecutive; historic; constant; sociological; diligent; rational; economic; indispensable; illusory; rough-hewn; brilliant-hued; convincing; long-interrupted; solitary; utmost; exalted; laborious; statistical; contrapuntal; profound; daily; conscientious; energetic; sublime; penetrating; vivid; incessant; exciting; complicated; mathematical; desultory; previous; ethnographical; probing; intimate; monumental


    carry on—s; commence—; confine—; delve into—; devote time to—; direct—; distract from—; embrace—of; engage in—; engross in—; enlarge range of—; facilitate—; focus —on; further—; guide—s; impel—; incorporate—; neglect—; plunge into—; proclaim —of; pursue—;. select—; simplify—; specialize in—; stabilize—; standardize—s; thirst for—; toy with—; undertake—; — compensates; —discloses; —edifies; —enlightens; —occupies; —reveals; —rewards; —sharpens; absorb in—; apply—; buckle down to—

    (See curriculum, research, learning, application, history, English, science, etc.)

    Study (v) adverbs

    desultorily; diligently; extensively; minutely; assiduously; scrupulously; meticulously; persistently; exhaustively; historically; systematically; conscientiously; earnestly; fervently; obstinately; theoretically; monastic-, ally; unremittingly; indefatigabiy; abstractly; philosophically

    (See muse, concentrate.)

    Stuff adjectives

    pleasing; fiery; masquing; dismal; immortal; rich; colored; mortifying; stern; garden; embroidered; .vitriolic; proud; branded; stinging; warming; luminous

    Stuffy adverbs

    intolerably; overwhelmingly; absurdly; uncommonly; odorously; aristocratically; elegantly; pedantically; snuffily; uncomfortably; distressingly; oppressively; stupidly; unbearably; clamorously; noisily; swarm-ingly

    Stumble (v) adverbs

    blindly; stupidly; awkwardly; falteringly; inadvertently; drunkenly; soddenly; vacantly

    (See trip, fall.)

    Stun (v) adverbs

    momentarily; physically; emotionally; staggeringly; spiritually; utterly; partially; terrifically

    (See overcome, bewilder.)

    Stunted adverbs

    cruelly; crookedly; distressingly; criminally; pitiably; oddly; wretchedly; miserably; dwarfishly; scrawnily; elfishly; queerly; unfortunately; incredibly; hopelessly; pudgily

    Stupefied adverbs

    oddly; suddenly; astonishingly; bewilderingly; grievously; queerly; curiously; dopily; soddenly; utterly; strangely; helplessly; hopelessly; maliciously; hypnotically'; sleepily; mysteriously; unaccountably; dazedly

    Stupid adverbs

    abysmally; strangely; unutterably; vacuously; ridiculously; oddly; peculiarly; curiously; unaccountably; irritatingly; vexatious-ly; shockingly; fatally; callously; carelessly; hopelessly; unpardonably; inexplicably; innately; soddenly; sullenly; grossly; direly; blankly

    Stupidity adjectives

    innate; sodden; impenetrable; ineffable; sullen; stultifying; blundering; pompous; designed; gross; useless; current; vacant; insuperable; dire


    bemoan—; betoken—; bewail—; contemplate —; decry—; deplore—; deride—; disclose —; display—; evince—; feign—; manifest —; marvel at—; observe—; overcome—; realize—; reveal—; ridicule—; shriek at—; stress—;    —confounds;    —flabbergasts

    colloq.) ; —overwhelms; —prejudices

    (See inefficiency, mediocrity, imbecility, inability, dullness, incompetence, ignorance.)

    Stupor adjectives

    dull; partial; obstructing; vacant; empty; silly; blank


    arouse from—; bring on—; collapse in—; induce—; shock into—; —benumbs; —binds; —blunts; —deadens; —dulls; —envelops; — ensues; —exhausts; —overtakes; —paralyzes; —petrifies; —prostrates; —shatters

    —stuns; —suspends; —overcomes

    (See coma, lethargy, languor, unconsciousness.)

    Sturdy adverbs

    splendidly; admirably; remarkably; surprisingly; stoutly; healthily; vigorously; boyishly; magnificently; stockily; brawnily; enviably; physically

    Style adjectives

    slenderizing; tailored; frilly; florid; artificial; dashing; architectural; concise; effective; halting; figurative; extra-colloquial; episodical; anithetical; correct; pleasing; all-pervading; comprehensible; heathenish; slovenly; fantastic; grotesque; balanced; conservative; honorable; latinized; showy; literary; satirical; classic; unsurpassed; impeccable; authentic; complimentary; trim; genuine; sparkling; alert; distinctive; advance; permanent; commanding; behavioristic; friendly; clear; baronial; polished; brilliant; admirable; rushing; secular; barbaric; lucid; unacademic; dapper; legitimate; single; expensive; established; important; gigantic; swagger; magniloquent; pianoforte; loving; conventional; vigorous; monumental; captivating; pungent; simple; habitual; inherited; arrogant; offensive; flamboyant; browbeating; ceremonious; limited; piquant; epistolary; representative; soft; journalistic; swashbuckling; engaging; dramatic; unambiguous; elegant; ambitious; burial; peculiar;. learned : elevated; cataloguing; quiet; incongruous; inoffensive; handsome; fitted; architectural; sleek-fitting; youthful; decent; becoming; pointed; pathetic; superior; interesting; cryptic; ostentatious; stilted; nervous; lucid; epigrammatic; forcible; inimitable; laminated; logical; bald; imperial; reprehensible; thrillprovoking; metrical; dissimilar; typical; sonorous; conceivable; didactic; historic; successive (pl); rebellious; prose; puny; damnatory; native; patriarchal; exclamatory; unequaled; poetic; fine; wrought; singular; dazzling; appropriate; favored


    acclaim—; adopt—; affect—; approve—; breed—; burlesque—; characterize—; cling to—; cloak—; coarsen—; conceive—; conform to—; couch—; cramp—; cultivate—; design—; develop—; distinguish—; distort —; elaborate—; fabricate—; fashion—; fix —; flag—; formulate—; introduce—; lack —; mar—; mature—; model—; modify—; mold—; polish—; popularize—; purify—; refine—; ridicule—; satirize—; set—; strain —; study—; —bears; —s decree; —discriminates; —embraces; —expresses; —glitters; —indicates; —lends charm; —palls; —takes your fancy; —varies

    (See form, manner, character, fashion.)

    Style (v) adverbs

    smartly; individually; spectacularly; exquisitely; casually; correctly; euphemistically; universally

    (See fashion, create.)

    Stylish adverbs

    conventionally; extremely; elegantly; properly; unusually; curiously; engagingly; en-chantingly; inordinately; consciously; noticeably; conspicuously; impressively; imposingly; aristocratically; undeniably; amazingly; astoundingly; skillfully; expensively; naturally; delightfully; charmingly; beautifully; agreeably

    Suave adverbs

    unctuously; blandly; resolutely; steadily; deliberately; ominously; politely; ceremoniously; chivalrously; conspicuously; gently; helpfully; craftily; adroitly; disarmingly; charmingly; engagingly; unwontedly; painstakingly; diplomatically; carefully; warily; cleverly

    Subconsciousness verbs

    arouse from—; control—; fix in—; induce —; influence—; penetrate—; pervade—; reduce to—; —clings to; —dematerializes; — disembodies; —dwells; —ensues; —retains; —reigns; —roams; —spiritualizes; —strays; —wanders

    (See mind, intellect.)

    Subdue (v) adverbs

    valiantly; unconditionally; absolutely; ignominiously; degradingly; compulsorily

    (See conquer, overpower.)

    Subject adjectives

    contemporary; congenial; cognate; bruited; unhappy; abstract; apt; truer; humble; elevated; practical; tragical; touching; imaginable; despairing; dutiful; recurring; distressed; rebellious; incongruous; turbulent; daring; controversial; unruly; absorbing; varied (pl); analogous; fruitful; painful; related; utilitarian; historical; well-determined; idealistic; copious (pl); immediate; hypnotic; impressionable; intoxicating; diversified; rich; miscellaneous (pl); dedicate; responsive; base; scriptural; antiquated; facetious; non-technical; allegorical; extraneous; unpleasant; proposed; dominant; precipient; docile; kindred; thinking; suitable; abstruse; dehydrated; unwelcome; invaluable; horrified; corpulent; unwilling; traitorous; ephemeral; foolscap; stern; passive; coherent; striking; ethical; admiss-able; tributary; somber; decorative; obscure; vexed; isolated; leisure; least; unfortunate; tempted; philosophical; sentient; dehumanized; aggrieved; obtuse


    abuse—; allude to—; ally to—; approach—; assail—; bedevil—; branch off—; broach—; brood over—; brush upon—; circumvent—; comment on—; comprehend—; converse on —; debate on—; delve into—; dipict—; dismiss—; draw upon—; edit—; evade—; exhaust—; exorcise—; expatiate on—; expound—; grasp—; hurry through—; introduce—; investigate—; master—; mention—; nourish—; obscure—; phrase—; ponder over—; pursue—; return to—; scorn—; shake—; summarize—; tackle—; wrap oneself up in—; —associates; —baffles; —s bruit; —deals; —engages; —exalts; —illuminates; —s interweave; —intrigues; —s range; —reacts; —recurs; —stimulates; — takes shape; —throws; —treats; —unfolds; —warms; harp on—

    (See matter, proposition, question, history, English, etc.)

    Subject (v) adverbs

    minutely; perpetually; humiliatingly; rigorously; civilly; morally; debasingly; tyrannically; dictatorially

    (See expose, uncover.)

    Subjection adjectives

    entire; debasing; discomfited; enforced; civil; total; absolute; moral; humble


    accomplish—; achieve—; assail—; batter to —; coerce into—; complete—; contrive—; culminate in—; curb—; exempt from—; gain—; halt—; reduce to—; repress—; resist—; restrain—; secure—; terminate—; undermine—; wrestle into—; —binds; —oppresses; control—

    (See discipline, enslavement, exposure, subjugation, subserviency.)

    Subjugation verbs

    endure—; escape—; lead into—; liberate from—; reduce to—; resist—; —bridles; — blights; —constrains; —curbs; —enslaves; —fetters; —leashes; —muzzles; —restricts; —shackles; —suppresses; —weighs upon; — yokes

    (See bondage, enslavement, subjection.)

    Submarine verbs

    batter—; charter—; command—; communicate with—; engulf—; ground—; navigate —; propel—; ram—; scuttle—; swamp—; —s blockade; —convoys; —descends; — dips; —dives; —ejects; —endangers; — escorts; —explores; —founders; —immerses; —s patrol; —plummets; —plunges; —probes; —scurries; —settles; —slides; — sounds; —squats; —submerges; —tips; — torpedoes

    Submerge (v) adverbs

    forcibly; totally;- completely; fatally; instinctively; involuntarily

    (See plunge, sink.)

    Submission adjectives

    unconditional; absolute; calm; vile; dishonorable; willing; unexpected; hopeless; tame; humble; quiet; ignominious; coy; continued; supine; abject; prompt; .slavish; degrading; piteous; gentle; formal; proud; patient; pretended; deprecating; compulsory ; mute


    advise—; advocate—; bait into—; bend in —; bow in—; "'coerce into—; compel—; cuff into—; demand—; endure—; enforce—; enjoin—; exact—; force into—; reduce to—; resign to—; tame into—; tolerate—; yield to—; —chastens; —humbles; —humilitates; batter into—

    (See acquiescence, compliance, obedience.)

    Submissive adverbs

    obsequiously; compliantly; loyally; passively; obediently; modestly; meekly; humbly; philosophically; necessarily; quietly; apathetically; dully; grimly; apparently; perfectly; shamelessly; appallingly; incredibly; strangely; pathetically; pliantly; weakly; calmly;• resolutely; imperturbably; stolidly; stupidly; curiously; mysteriously; evidently; tragically; presumably

    Submit (v) adverbs

    graciously; willingly; passively; uxoriously; spinelessly; coyly; voluntarily; placidly; informally; tamely; ignominiously; unconditionally; docilely; apathetically; supinely; slavishly; mutely; deprecatingly

    (See surrender, yield.)

    Subordinate adverbs

    gracefully; cheerfully; respectfully; deferentially; carefully; cautiously; unfailingly; abjectly; slavishly; miserably; wretchedly; pleasantly; courteously; obediently; contentedly; admiringly; willingly; admittedly; apparently

    Subpoena verbs

    default—; dispatch—; evade—; issue—; request—; serve—; —apprehends; —arraigns; —bids; —calls upon; —commands; —compels; —constrains; —informs; —instructs; —orders; —requires; —specifies; —summons

    (See order, command.)

    Subscribe (v) adverbs

    heartily; sincerely; earnestly; willingly; immediately; annually; cheerfully; voluntarily

    (See sign, agree.)

    Subscription adjectives

    voluntary; annual; huge; cheerful; suggested


    advance—; afford—I bestow—; cancel—; conclude—; confer-—; contribute—: donate —; entrust with—; favor with—; increase —; plead for—; pledge—; raise—; reduce —; renew—; swamp with—s; —aids; —assists; —s pour in; —reinforces; —relieves; —rescues; —succors

    (See contribution.)

    Subserviency adverbs

    assail—; bow in—; cower in—; cringe in—; decry—; emancipate from—; grovel in—; kneel in—; prostrate in—; reduce to—; stoop in—; submit to—; —abases; —defaces; —degrades; —discountenances; — humiliates; —oppresses; —yokes

    (See subjection.)

    Subservient ad-verbs

    willingly; unfortunately; humbly; meekly; slavishly; wretchedly; abjectly; helplessly; sullenly; agreeably; deferentially; respectfully; voluntarily; eagerly; zealously; remarkably; amazingly; oddly; strangely; unaccountably; curiously; unwontedly

    Subside (v) adverbs

    abruptly; gradually; growlingly; brokenly; ultimately; spontaneously; markedly; intermittently

    (See sink, fall.)

    Subsidy verbs

    advance—; appropriate—; disburse—; expend—; yield—; —abets; —assists; —bolsters; —enables; —encourages; —fosters

    —furthers; —protests; —rejuvenates; —relieves; —rescues; —resuscitates; —succors, —supports; —sustains; —wrests

    (See aid, gift.)

    Subsist (v) adverbs

    frugally; intellectually; meagerly; precariously; scantily; barely; penuriously

    (See maintain, exist.)

    Subsistence adjectives

    meager; precarious; degraded; scanty; bare; mere


    animate—; destroy—; ennoble—; justify—; maintain—; preserve—; prolong—; protract —; rely on for—; revive—; support—; vitalize—; vivify—; invest—; wrest—; —furnishes; —wanes; —waxes

    (See livelihood, living, employment.)

    Substance adjectives

    natural; softening; unsightly; poisonous; combustible; essential; spiritual; tremendous; obstructing; tolerated; sterner; toxic; demulcent; emotional; intellectual; earthly; noble; insulating; viscid; gelatinous; perfumed; innocuous; permeable; authenticating; inert; injurious; scanty; metallic; waste; watery; abrasive; adulterate; pulpy; deleterious; luminous; delicate; innumerable (pl); gummy; artificial; material; lifegiving; synthetic; convertible; reorganized; vital; incorruptible; homogeneous; prepared; solid; bituminous; dilated; harsh; caustic; refulgent; rebellious; vitreous; glossy; tenacious; malleable; gaseous; porous; desiccated; durable; mollifying; slovenly; putrid; versatile


    absorb—; administer—; alter—; compound —; condense—; convert—; dehydrate—; desiccate—; disperse—; dissolve—; embody in—; employ—; express—; fritter away—; lack—; lose—; market—; oxidize—; pulverize—; reach—; reflect—; secrete—; value —; —activates; —congeals; —crumbles; — disintegrates; —endures; —ossifies; —petrifies; —produces; —resists; —yields; produce—

    (See chemical, essence, material, matter.)

    Substantial adverbs

    admirably; unusually; remarkably; financially; structurally; commendably; luckily; acceptably; satisfactorily; unexpectedly; agreeably; amazingly; delightfully; providentially

    Substitute adjectives

    improvised; sufficient; acceptable; comprehensive; facile; agreeable; ancient; temporary; satisfactory; reasonable; ingenious; occasional; wooden; bloodless; plausible; inadequate; appropriate; selective; human; solid


    accept—; accredit—; approve—; authorize —; commend—; commission—; concede to —; consent to—; consider—; create—; delegate—; deprecate—; discard—; employ—; frown upon—; grant—; hail—; indorse—; invest—with; offer—; regard—; reimburse —; reject—; sanction—; weigh—; yield to —; —conforms to; —constitutes; —replaces; —supersedes; —supplants; empower—

    (See delegate, agent, representative.)

    Substitute (v) adverbs

    successfully; definitely; deftly; slyly; insidiously; ingeniously; plausibly; adequately; appropriately; invidiously

    (See exchange.)

    Subterfuge verbs

    cloak in—; employ—; resort to—; screen—; veil in—; —beguiles; —conceals; —counterfeits; —deceives; —deludes; —dodges; — eludes; —evades; —falsifies; —feigns; — glosses over; —impostures; —juggles; — misleads; —misrepresents; —obscures

    (See evasion, artifice.)

    Subtlety adjectives

    ceremonious; absurd; obvious; airy; delicate; hidden; natural; shadowy; time-woven


    bare—; comprehend—; discern—; enlighten —; interpret—; mask in—; pierce—; see through—; —beguiles; —cloaks; —curtails; —deludes; —disguises; —hints; —misleads; —obscures; —pervades; —prompts; — screens; —shrouds; —suggests; —veils

    (See cunning, deceit, distinction.)

    Suburb adjectives

    smiling; residential; initial; dingy; depressing; thriving; adjoining; flourishing; smug; convenient; fragrant; charming; obscure; foreign; immediate; picturesque; shabby; gardened; mysterious; remote

    Subvert (v) adverbs

    monstrously; utterly; viciously; completely; insidiously; secretly; debasingly; civilly; politically; governmentally

    (See overthrow, destroy.)

    Su BIT AY verbs

    construct—; dash into—; flow from—; jam —; —bears; —bores; —conveys; —courses; —extends to; —facilitates; —hums; —replaces; —roars; —screams; —traverses; — tunnels; —unloads; —unites

    (See train, railroad, tunnel.)

    Succeed (v) adverbs

    patently; credibly; notably; inevitably; eminently; legitimately; admirably; scholastically; financially; triumphantly; precociously; superficially; materialistically; phenomenally; significantly; sensationally; ephemeral-ly; commercially; economically

    (See attain, accomplish.)

    Success adjectives

    scholastic; undoubted; international; popular; bad; social; pretentious; booming; enduring; grand; prodigious; mounting; continued; alternate; dawning; instantaneous; pecuniary; inferior; competitive; particular; tremendous; unexampled; imperial; unreached; triumphant; checkered; immense; precoc.ous; transient; superficial; proper; political; indifferent; ill; clumsy; material; brilliant; emphatic; petty; overawed; ultimate; gratifying; enduring; lasting; unbroken; substantial; howling; phenomenal; significant; outstanding; fugitive; considerable; conspicuous; soaring; universal; overnight; amazing; sensational; artistic; .perfect; superb; grandiose; ephemeral; commercial; financial; poor; youthful; extraordinary; definite; prompt; unqualified; dramatic; equal; dubious; established; signal; double; spontaneous; notable; permanent; marvelous; facile; astonishing; monetary; evanescent; sufficient; well-merited; temporary; economic; noticeable; growing; worldly; eventual; reigning


    ach;eve—; aspire to—; assure—; attain—; attend with—; beset—; claim—; correlate —; crown with—; earn—; enjoy—; fight to—; flush with—; glean—; hinder—; impede—; jeopardize—; predict—; reckon with—; score—; secure—; smash into—: taste—; train for—; —arises; —attests to; —blasts; —comes; —completes; —crowns; —embitters; —emboldens; —encourages; — hails; —hinges; —insures; —paves; —pays for; —pursues; —signalizes; —-springs; — tempts; —wears

    (See fortune, victory, triumph, achievement, supremacy, wealth, fame.)

    Successful adverbs

    happily; unusually; consistently; fortunately; triumphantly; extremely; unexpectedly; luckily; felicitously; buoyantly; hilariously; thrillingly; boisterously; excitedly; highly; incomparably; uncommonly; marvelously

    Succession adjectives

    uninterrupted; dreary; perpetual; observed; lashing; swift; delicious; destined; strange; rapid; continual; sweet; tragic; barbarous; fierce; hereditary; rigid; melodious; medieval; connected; fortuitous; constant

    Succor verbs

    afford—; cherish—; extend—; find—; gain—; furnish—; lend—; plead for—; refuse—; reject—; render—; seek—; withdraw—; withhold—; yield—; —cheers; —nurtures; —relieves; —supports; —sustains

    (See aid, help, relief, assistance.

    Succulent adverbs lusciously; deliciously; delightfully; palatably; nutritiously; strangely; unexpectedly; especially; unusually; incomparably; agreeably; pleasantly; delicately; commendably; healthfully

    Succumb (v) adverbs

    fatally; feebly; unconditionally; weakly; gradually; partially; dangerously; ultimately; unresistingly; promptly

    (See submit, sink, yield.

    Suck (v) adverbs

    thirstily; vigorously; greedily; insatiably

    (See absorb, imbibe.

    Sudden adverbs

    rudely; unfortunately; startlingly; whimsically; intentionally; astonishingly; mercifully; shockingly; amusingly; disconcertingly; ridiculously; laughably; offensively; inexcusably; unforgivably; dangerously; unreasonably; lamentably; unintentionally; abruptly; breathlessly; unpardonably; precipitately; prematurely

    Sue (v) adverbs importunately; legally; litigiously; ruthlessly; vindictively; logically; irrationally

    (See prosecute, arrest.

    Suffer (v


    agonizingly; distressingly; severely; stoically; intensely; dismally; atrociously; grievously; acutely; keenly; proportionately; deservedly; heroically; mentally; extensively; mutely; monetarily; infinitely; miserably; chronically; wretchedly

    (See endure, bear.

    Sufferer adjectives

    lifelong; innocent; glorious; distinguished; chronic; mighty; indignant; surviving; wretched; immediate


    agonize—; attend—; cheer—; comfort—; condole with—; console—; convulse—; crucify—; deliver—; depress—; disburden—; ease—; flog—; nurse—; soothe—; treat—; wrack—; wrap up—; wring—; —baffles; —endures; —groans; —laments; —moans; —rallies; —retaliates; —revives; —survives

    (See invalid, victim.

    Suffering adjectives

    prolong; imitative; indignant; passive; self-inflicted; awful; needless; subtle; intense; meek; angelic; vicarious; spiritual; supreme; cruel; ignominious; pecuniary; virtuous; fictitious; tempestuous; poignant; unnecessary; protracted; inevitable; patient; unmerited; terrible; acute; untold; petty; decisive; universal; mortal; everlasting

    verbs antidote—; appease—; assuage—; augment —; avoid—; bear—; doom to—; endure—; exhibit—; experience—; fight—; impose—; indulge—; lessen—; minimize—; palliate—; perfect through—; persevere in—; probe—; prolong—; quench—; reassure—; remedy—; —aggravates; —alleviates; —burdens; —convinces; —defaces; —diminishes; —entails; —expiates; —mitigates; —obviates; —racks; protract—

    (See distress, pain.

    Sufficient adverbs sufficient; luckily; gratifyingly; wonderfully; quite; satisfactorily; admirably; luxuriantly; abundantly; amply; copiously; inexhaustibly; amazingly; happily; fortunately

    Suffocation ’verbs

    avert—; await—; doom to—; escape—; face with—; forestall—; hazard—; rescue from—; result in—; risk—; stave off—; verge on—; —cuts short; —ensues; —follows; —impends; —looms; —menaces; — occurs; —severs; —supervenes; —threatens

    —wipes out

    (See drowning, failure.)

    Suffrage adjectives

    popular; unsolicited; unrestricted; universal; unappreciated


    authorize—; campaign for—; claim—; confer—on; curtail—; demand—; deny—; deprive of—; endow with—; enjoy—; entitle to—; extend—; gain—; merit—; relinquish —;restore—; restrict—; revoke—; sanction —; solicit—; throttle—; yield—; —voices

    (See right, vote.)

    Sugar adjectives

    swarthy; permissible; vital; energy-giving; tasty


    abstain from—; adulterate—; box—; consume—; convert—; crystallize—; cure with —; decompose—; dissolve—; excrete—; grade—; granulate—; market—; prepare —; pulverize—; purify—; refine—; transform into—; utilize—; —candies; —honeys; extract—

    (See nectar, sweetness.)

    Suggest (adverbs

    promptly; slyly; insidiously; respectfully; tactfully; whimsically; sagaciously; facetiously; pacifically; deftly; mildly; casually; subtly; wistfully; significantly; poetically; gloomily; sardonically; rationally; contemptuously; craftily; irrelevantly; hypnotically; specifically

    (See intimate, hint, insinuate.)

    Suggestion adjectives

    taunting; detailed; sinful; compelling; hypnotic; sound; sensible; inexhaustible; meritless; wild; plausible; pregnant; delicate; obvious; subtle; delusive; least; startling; perpetual; hopeful; fantastic; imaginative; timorous; sorrowful; rational; implied; ironical; pantomimic; illusory; remotest; reasonable; helpful; adverse; constructive; outside; ashamed; pained; casual; inspiring; terrifying; native; endless; mute; practical; specific; opulent; timely; cheerful; bare; solemn; hopeful


    acknowledge—; adopt—; afford—; combat —; conceive—; contribute—; convey—; dare —; enforce—; frame—; hazard—; launch —; offer—; propound—; put forth—; reject —; submit—; venture—; waive—; yield to —; —alludes to; —assumes; —counsels; — dies; —expedites; —facilitates; —hints; — misleads; —prescribes; —recommends; — speculates; —stimulates; —surmises; — theorizes

    (See intimation, hint, insinuation, implication, innuendo.)

    Suicide adjectives

    involuntary; would-be; eventual; political; cold; brave; planned


    avert—; commit—; conceal—; contemplate —; feign—; flirt with—; goad to—; grieve over—; incite to—; resign to—; resort to—; reveal—; —allures; —betrays; —closes; — dramatizes; —exposes; —frees; —mystifies; —relinquishes

    (See death, murder.)

    Suit adjectives

    elaborate; exclusive; hopeless; washable; riding; luxury; classic; play; tardy; excellent; humble; strong; imported; new; striking; summer; choice; suave; durable; draped; wool; terraced; charming; sumptuous; business; fresh; smart; dressy; distinctive; smooth; conservative; sturdy; worsted; fine; rainy-day; losing; faded; pepper-and-salt; habitual; boldest; sober; customary; gorgeous; libel; honest; superb; neat; repeated; wrong; presumptuous


    adorn—; alter—; apparel in—; array in—; attire in—; divest of—; doff—; don—; fray —; garb in—; mend—; tatter—; vest in—

    —disguises;   —mantles; —protects;


    (See uniform, coat, overcoat, garment.)

    Suit (v) adverbs

    specifically; exactly; definitely; admirably; logically; rationally; precisely; peculiarly; superbly

    (See fit, adapt.)

    Suitable adverbs

    eminently; wholly; ineffably; conveniently; opportunely; seasonably; comfortably; stylishly; highly; delightfully; unquestionably; fortunately; appropriately; becomingly; providentially; beautifully

    Suitor adjectives

    unnumbered (pl); bashful; anxious; impor tunate; eligible; princely; renowned; bold; probable; accepted; slighted; scrupulous; pernicious; woeful


    attract—s; bind—; cherish—; discourage—; encourage—; gain—; secure—; slight—; — adores; —affiances; —aspires to; —bids for; —bows; —s clamor for; —idolizes; —implores; —importunes; —kneels; —offers; — pleads; —plights; —presses; —professes; — reveres; —solicits; —s throng; —vows; — woos; —troths

    (See lover, sweetheart.)

    Sulk (v) adverbs

    obstinately; glumly; adamantly; persistently; mutely; unreasonably; miserably; hatefully; woefully

    (See pout, brood.)

    Sulky adverbs

    disagreeably; actively; poutingly; glumly; noisily; grimly; dangerously; unpleasantly; vengefully; hatefully; smoulderingly; unaccountably; unreasonably; absurdly; ridiculously; oddly; comically; strangely; gloomily; intolerably

    Sullen adverbs

    desperately; glumly; dourly; inveterately; habitually; usually; incorrigibly; defiantly; perversely; stolidly; silently; moodily; obstinately; ungraciously; uncivilly; resentfully; angrily; shamefully; disagreeably; unpleasantly; obviously; undisguisedly

    Sultriness verbs

    droop in—; swelter in—; —chokes; —dampens; —depresses; —disheartens; —dispirits; —envelops; —flushes; —frets; —glooms; — oppresses; —permeates; —prostrates; — reeks; —seethes; —simmers; —smothers; — sulks; —weighs upon

    (See heat, weather.)

    Sultry adverbs

    unpleasantly; disagreeably; ominously; significantly; distressingly; wretchedly; miserably; strangely; oppressively; smotheringly; curiously; steamily; inauspiciously; intolerably; uncomfortably; alarmingly; extremely; breathlessly

    Sum adjectives

    nominal; fabulous; moderate; untold; successive (pl); meager; pitiful; gross; vast; reasonable; stupendous; trifling; substantial; lawful; formidable; exorbitant; munificent; phonetic; staggering; utmost; unprecedented; round; appalling; pretty; small; enormous; paltry; objective; aggregate; satisfying; tabled; tidy; specified; high; modest


    accrue—; accumulate—; aggregate—; allot —; amass—; arrive at—; audit—; bestow —; calculate—; check—; compute—; disburse—; discount—; distribute—; embezzle —; entail—; expend—; file—; issue—; necessitate—; realize—; reckon—; register—; represent—; subscribe—; —diminishes; — dwindles; —soars; —staggers

    (See amount, list, number, overhead, profits.)

    Summarize (v) adverbs

    roughly; casuallv: generally; completely; concisely; statistically; luminously; logically; vividly; convincingly; intelligibly

    (See add, combine.)




    statistical; running; intimate; authoritative; apt; contradictory; luminous; logical; concise; slumberous;, singular; striking; necessary; helpful

    SUMMER adjectives

    parting; bitter; relentless; broiling; costly; gorgeous; slow; humid; troubled; hot; promised; husky; trailing; northern; luxurious; strenuous; exciting; colorful; proud; economic; delicate; heavy; perished; perpetual; epitomized; immediate


    await—; bask in—; bear the stamp of—; long for—; prolong—; suspend for—; thrive in—; usher in—; welcome—; yearn for—; —begets; —blooms; —breeds; —burgeons; —colors; —conceives; —dresses; —enriches; —fades; —gilds; —kisses; —mellows; —parches; —renews; —unfolds; —vitalizes; —wanes; —waxes; —wilts; —yields

    (See autumn, spring, winter, season.

    SUMMIT adjectives

    peaked; serene; towering; jagged; snowclad; feathery; ornamental; dreadful; topmost; snowy; wild; pathless; lone; seared; blasted; sacred; sloping; breathless; flowering; hoary; islanded; unique; subordinate; commanding; bleak; sunburned; roofless; unsealed; intangible; toppling

    verbs achieve—; ascend to—; aspire to—; cap—; clamber to—; crown—; grope for—; link—; mount to—; plunge from—; precipitate from —; scale—; soar to—; strive for—; topple from—; view from—; —allures; —climaxes; —crests; —culminates; —erodes; — tempts

    (See crown, culmination, height, pinnacle.

    SUMMON (v) adverbs domineeringly; commandingly; dictatorially; dogmatically; harshly; sternly; peremptorily; courteously; unceremoniously tersely; arrogantly; emphatically; petulan ly; urgently; vociferously

    (See command, call.


    emphatic; collective; peremptory; gracious; petulant; authoritative; coincident; silent; final; hasty; urgent; dread; long-waited; vociferous; strange

    verbs abrogate—; announce—; answer—; countermand—; dismiss—; dispatch—; enforce—; heed—; ignore—; nullify—; quash—; serve with—; —apprehends; —arraigns; —bids

    —cites; —coerces; —commands; —demands; —directs; —informs; —notifies; — orders

    (See call, invitation, mandate, order, command.

    SUMPTUOUS adverbs comfortably; surprisingly; actually; luxuriously; delightfully; unexpectedly; miraculously; significantly; invitingly; unnecessarily; extravagantly; pleasantly; designedly; lavishly

    5 UN adjectives

    noontide; withdrawing; scarlet; warm; pleasant; never-hurrying; soul-expanding; waning; devouring; traveling: extinguished; external; burning; keen; morning; night; meridian; invisible; declining; rising; dipping; lowering: centrifugal; dazzling; unconquered; pitiless; kindling; blazing; bronze; material; sinking; fierce; retiring; vanished; setting; cruel; earthly; ancient; climbing,; ardent; glorious; outdoor; brazen; dying; cloudless; scorching; lurid; rounding; smoldering: tropic; vertical; slanting; circling; majestic; vernal; merciless; killing; radiant; mimic; autumn; descended, glaring; unveiled; temperate; retreating; warmer; conflagrant; sickly; wheeling; early; impassioned; surviving; unruly; gaudy; fair; utmost; worshipped; garish; hateful; insistent; fervent; uncurled; central; bleak; naked; universal; smiting; westering; liberal; vaporous; broiling; blushing; sleepy; fierce; ruddy; sudden; sovereign; treacherous; unshaded; alien; bloody; earth-invisible (pl)


    bask in—; bathe in—; block off—; eclipse —; expose to—; obscure—; protect from—; revel in—; salute—; scorn—; shield from—; squint at—; worship—; —anneals; —ascends; —bakes; —beats down; —blinds; — blisters; —blushes; —breaks; —burnishes; —climbs; —clouds; —clothes; —creeps; — crowns; —dazzles; —declines; —dims’ — dips; —dogs; —draws; —drenches; — eclipses; —fades; —filters; —flames; — flays; —floods; —gilds; —gyrates; — haunts; —heralds; —melts; —mirrors; — nourishes; —paints; —parches; —peeps out; —penetrates; —pours; —presses down; — radiates; —renews; —retreats; —salutes; — sears; —shadows; —shines; —sinks; — smiles upon; —smites; —stimulates; — strikes; —tinges; —vanishes; —veils; — wearies; —withdraws; —withers

    (See moon, heat, sunlight.

    SUNLIGHT adjectives

    morning; flowing; bright; thinned; reflected; hazy; marvelous; ardent; roseate; windy; sweet; slanting; choicer; naked; mellow; purging; stealing; unfallen; glancing; blinding; forenoon; laughing; dancing; imprisoned; watery; joyous; quivering; pitiless; mocking; parting; dappled; shaded; healthful; spring-eyed


    bask in—; emerge into—; flash in—; — arises; —dies; —exposes; —filters; —hallows; —-.lingers; —penetrates; —quivers; — slides through; —streams; —touches

    (See moonbeam, light, sun.

    SUNNY adverbs

    radiantly; pleasantly; happily; wholesomely; delightfully; cheerily; vivaciously; merrily; brightly; blithely; buoyantly; helpfully; winsomely; exultantly; optimistically; sparklingly; jauntily

    SUNSET adjectives

    forlorn; crimson; sunken; hollow; brilliant; sinking; fiery; dying; silent; pompous; lingering; glorious; peaceful; polychrome; fading; refulgent; wintry; bloody


    cloud—; loiter till—; linger to—; obscure —; view—; —beams; —colors; —dazzles; —declines; —diffuses; —eclipses; —enchants; —enthralls; —entrances; —gilds

    • —gleams; —glimmers; —glows; —glowers

    • —radiates;  —reflects; —scintillates;


    (See twilight, daylight, dawn.

    SUNSHINE adjectives

    perpetual; brilliant; sudden; sparkling; searching; westering; tawny; cruel; eternal; clear; radiant; embodied; vital; glancing; dreaming; tingling; satin; sweet; mellow; vivid; open; harsh; broad; pitiless; illimitable; everlasting; imprisoned; peaceful; unclouded; beauteous; precious; continuous; genial; merciless


    drink in—; flood with—; luxuriate in—; — bleaches; —bursts forth; —caresses; — dances; —energizes; —enlivens; —-filters through; —flatters; —gladdens; —glitters; —greets; —illumines; —melts; —parches; —permeates; —pervades; —renews; — shimmers; —showers

    (See light, moonbeam, sunlight, sun.

    SUNSHINY adverbs brilliantly; gorgeously; gloriously; delightfully; unusually; fortunately; luckily; wonderfully; marvelously; dazzlingly; faintly; scarcely; hotly; unbearably; intolerably; scorchingly; burningly; mercilessly; glaringly

    SUP (adverbs sumptuously; regally; bountifully; clandestinely; domestically; fraternally; formally; genially

    (See dine, eat.

    SUPERCILIOUS adverbs intolerably; uncivilly; deplorably; haughtily; stupidly; oddly; magnificently; laughably; arrogantly; proudly; offensively; ridiculously; incurably; unpardonably; smugly; irritatingly; insolently; presumptuously; coolly; insufferably; condescendingly; purposely; splendidly; brashly; brazenly; idiotically; ostentatiously; rudely; egotistically; conceitedly; pretentiously; unblushingly; impudently; saucily; swaggeringly; flippantly; shamelessly

    Superintendent adjectives

    tutorial; strict; immediate; personal; careful ; watchful


    closet with—; consult—; —admonishes; — arbitrates; —commends; —deliberates; — dickers with; —directs; —exhorts; —goads; —governs; —guides; —manages; —officiates; —pilots; —prescribes; —presides; — pulls strings; —regulates; —sacks; —steers

    (See manager, employer, boss.)

    Superior adjectives

    race; intellectual; immediate

    Superiority adjectives

    feline; racial; cool; innate; muscular; spurious; numerical; overwhelming; intellectual; essential; absolute; economic; whimsical; scornful; astonishing; obvious; compassionate; ineffable; menaced; lofty; simpering; contemptuous; historical; infinite; faheied; dignified; inherent; masculine; base; adventitious; conscious; immense; extraordinary; assumed


    acclaim—; achieve—; assert—; assume—; attest to—; belittle—; challenge—; consider —; demonstrate—; disclose—; display—; enhance—; evince—; exaggerate—; exalt—; exhibit—; manifest—; proclaim—; prove—; regard—; reveal—; verify—; vie for—; weigh—; —eclipses; —outshines; establish

    (See supremacy, eminence.)

    Supersede (v) adverbs

    gradually; temporarily; invidiously; ultimately; logically; expectedly

    (See replace, supplant.)

    Superstition adjectives

    barbarous; colorful; idle; monstrous; exploded; fantastic; capricious; brutal; religious; ethnic; silly; deepest; contemporary; narrow; vain; enormous; popular; conflicting; pure; childish; puerile; vulgar; imaginative; pestilent; singular; degrading; illustrious; bizarre; insatiate; grossest; primitive; unbelievable; fanciful; confused; ancient; haunting; pre-existing


    abolish—; efface—; encrust with—; eradicate—; explode—; free from—; ignore—; refute—: revive—; rid of—; swallow—; — beguiles; —blinds; —chains; —deludes; — dominates; —dupes; —enslaves; —fetters; —persists; —prejudices; —prevails; — shackles; —shrouds; —subjugates; —warps

    (See fanaticism, ignorance, prejudice, myth.)

    Superstitious adverbs

    absurdly; sincerely; ridiculously; unreasonably; foolishly; terribly; fearfully; honestly; gullibly; nervously; incredibly; fanatically; piously; exceedingly; curiously; oddly; strangely; credulously; romantically; fear-somely; inveterately; incurably; anxiously

    Supervise (v) adverbs

    personally;, intelligently; successfully; strictly; cautiously; professionally

    (See manage, direct.)

    Supervision adjectives

    constant; censorial; direct; rigid; -jealous; provincial; voluntary; human; chilling; controlling; governmental; strict; careful


    assume—; enforce—; maintain—; prescribe —; recommend—; relax—; retain—; subject to—; —administers; —chains; —curbs; —fetters; *—guides; —irks; —leashes; — pilots; —restrains; —restricts; —wanes

    (See management, control.)

    Supper adjectives

    champagne: bountiful; scanty; hearty; solemn; sumptuous; bare; rich


    bid to—; bolt—; climax—; conclude—; cram in—; deprive of—; devour—; gobble — > g°rge—> grace—; gulp—; relish—; savor—; summon to—; —nauseates; —refreshes; —reinvigorates; —renews; —satiates; —tickles the palate

    (See meal, luncheon, breakfast, dinner.)

    Supplant (v


    inevitably; permanently; ultimately; temporarily; unexpectedly; ruthlessly; dictatorial-ly

    (See supersede, replace.)

    Supple adverbs

    youthfully; incredibly; naturally; slenderly; sturdily; amazingly; extremely; uncommonly; admirably; particularly; delightfully; unusually; remarkably; fortunately

    Supplement (v) adverbs

    elaborately; fully; completely; authoritatively; definitely; adequately

    (See add, complete.)

    Supplication adjectives

    formal; strong; affecting; frantic; fervent; piteous; reverent; honest

    Supplies adjectives

    stable; continuous; inexhaustible; plentiful; abundant; precarious; visible; regulated; virgin; providential; needed; pecuniary; liberal; considerable; limited; constant; deficient; perennial; adequate; unbounded; scant; table; ample; warlike; extensive; dependable; bountiful; countless; permanent; miserable; muddy; vast; commercial

    Supply verbs

    augment—; avail oneself of—; bolster—; check—; crave—; curb—; curtail—; deplete —; dispense—; entreat—; exceed—; exhaust—; facilitate—; guarantee—; insure —; procure—; replenish—; stabilize—; stock with—; warehouse—; —dwindles; — evaporates; —flows

    (See store, merchandise, stock, surplus, product.)

    Supply (v) adverbs

    bounteously; liberally; indifferently; exclusively; infallibly; amply; abundantly; plentifully; faithfully; scantily; continuously; pecuniarily; adequately; permanently; commercially; liberally

    (See furnish, yield.)

    Support ad jectives

    substantial; powerful* generous; overwhelming; intermediate; eloquent; wholesale; warm; earnest; mere; thoughtful; zealous; uniform; effective; firm; frail; elusive; principal; hearty; abated; stal-vVart; urgent; ephemeral; enthusiastic; scarce; vigorous; adequate; superficial


    angle for—; ba-rter for—; bestow—upon; command—of; consolidate—; derive—; earn —; enlist—; foster—; lend—; lessen—; line up—; maintain—; muster—; pledge—; rally to—; repel—; repudiate—; seek—; share in—; whip up—; —comforts; —consoles; —dissolves; —fails

    (See living, help, livelihood, assistance.)

    Support (v) adverbs

    adequately; steadfastly; appreciatively; respectfully; structurally; plausibly; conscientiously; adamantly; abundantly; substantially; theoretically; warmly; zealously; effectively; heartily; enthusiastically; vigorously. (See defend, back.

    Supporters adjectives

    shadowy; ardent; persistent; staunchest; faithful; devoted; fanatical; unconditional; jubilant: regular


    alienate—; assure of—; estrange—; gather —; lure—; rally—; vex—; —advance; — authenticate; —back; —bear; —bolster; — cheer; —comfort; —expedite; —foster; — found; —further; —maintain; —promote; —sustain

    (See contributor, friend, advocate.)

    Suppose (v) adverbs

    rationally; erroneously; falsely; fallaciously; unsuspectingly; hopefully; optimistically. (See assume, presume.

    Supposition adjectives

    false; analogous; indolent; staggering; contrary; probable; mitigating


    argue on—; concede—; confirm—; contradiet—; forsake—; grant—; hazard—; maintain—; overthrow—; refute—; speculate on —; support—; unfold—; weigh—; work on —; —alludes; —assumes; —carries weight; —conjectures; —hints; —originates in; — presumes; —presupposes; —surmises; — theorizes; ridicule—

    (See assumption, guess, hypothesis, conjecture.)

    Suppress (v) adverbs

    silently; insidiously; traitorously; ruthlessly; undemocratically; viciously; vindictively; overtly; covertly; rigorously; generally; summarily; studiously; tyrannically

    (See repress, restrain.)

    Supremacy adjectives

    literal; feudal; authorized; universal; maritime; scholarly; secular; naval; ecclesiastical; political; restored; righteous; long-sought; matrimonial; domestic


    achieve—; acknowledge—; admit—; assert —; battle for—; bolster—; confirm—; demonstrate—; dispute—; insure—; maintain —; preserve—; prove—; renounce—; reveal —; seek—; struggle for—; surrender—; veil —; —crumbles; —sways; —totters

    (See domination, success, achievement, victory.)

    Sure-Footed adverbs

    amazingly; sufficiently; particularly; unfailingly; fortunately; assuredly; comfortingly; luckily; alertly; gracefully; faithfully; confidently; intrepidly; fearlessly; unquestionably; reliably; trustworthily

    Surf adjectives

    booming; roaring; boiling; raging; damaging; foamy; retreating; relentless; murderous; turmoiling


    —agitates; —babbles; —batters; —billows

    —boils; —booms; —breaks; —bullets; — chops; —deluges; —drenches; —foams; — froths; —hisses; —inundates; —licks: — murmurs; —pounds; —ripples; —roars; — seethes; —sluices; —sprays; —spumes; — surges; —swashes; —swells; —washes

    (See billow, wave, breaker.)

    Surface adjectives

    silky; simmering; inferior; temporary; highway; brushed; rough; sparkling; shaggy; heaving; mirror-)ike; limiting; leaden; inelastic; refracting; troubled; raised; rugged; crawling; vibratory; undulating; reasonable; polished; sensitive; smooth; gleaming; faceted; rolling; agitated; glassy; intellectual; lumpy; metallic; unbroken; radiant; vitreous*; sloping; broad; burnished; sprayed; convex; prismatic; sluggish; slotted; plaited; external; tourist; warmer; exposed; muddy; bright; stony; pliant; tenacious; general; plane; driving; suede-like


    abrade—; becalm—; burnish—; corrugate —; dent—; detect upon—; dip below—; duck below—; engrave on—; explore—; face—; finish—; flash upon—; furrow—; glaze—; inflame—; level—; mar—; penetrate—; plunge beneath—; polish—; probe below—; ruffle—; rumple—; scan—; scour —; scratch—; skim—; smite—; smooth—; veneer—; venture upon—; warp—; weather —; wrinkle—

    Surge adjectives

    eternal; furious; relentless; toiling; fiery; sulphurous; knelling: rolling; volcanic; boiling; whispering; roaring; restless; broken; imperious

    Surge (v) adverbs

    confusedly; wildly; thunderously; turbulenr-ly; violently; relentlessly; sulphurously; volcanically; boilingly; roaringly; imperiously

    (See swell, heave.)

    Surgery adjectives

    plastic; radical; painful; bold; bloody; magic; life-saving


    advise—; baffle—; botch—; defy—; employ —; hail—; perform—; practise—: rally from—; resort to—; skill in—; survive—; weather—; —adjusts; —binds; —converts; —delivers; —endangers; —facilitates; — reanimates; —reconstructs; —rectifies; — rehabilitates; —rejuvenates; —removes; — renovates; —repairs; —restores; —resuscitates; —staunches

    (See operation, remedy, medicine.)

    Surly adverbs

    bluntly; terrifyingly; cruelly; unnecessarily; heedlessly; inexcusably; discourteously; disrespectfully; unpardonably; unwarrantably; boorishly; angrily; roughly; intolerably; churlishly; unaccountably; strangely; curiously; alarmingly; darkly; ominously; unusually

    Surmise adjectives

    false; intellectual; vague; anxious; wide; wild


    advance—; concede—; denounce—; form—; grant—; hazard—; offer—; refute—; resort to—; speculate on—; submit—; —alleges; —alludes to; —assumes; —coincides with; —conjectures; —hints; —postulates; —presumes; —presupposes; —suggests; —theorizes

    (See guess, conjecture.)

    Surmise (v) adverbs

    shrewdly; intuitively; rationally; slyly; astutely; vaguely; anxiously; pessimistically; jealously; enviously

    (See suppose, guess.)

    Surmount (v) adverbs

    exultantly; victoriously; boisterously; triumphantly; ambitiously; incredibly

    (See conquer, overcome.)

    Surpass (v


    amazingly; exultantly; exceedingly; incredibly; astoundingly; spectacularly; sensationally

    (See excel, exceed.)

    Surplus adjectives

    destructive; labor; unavoidable; re-invested; unsellable; huge; undistributed; profitable


    accrue—; accumulate—; afford—; amass—; avert—; discard—; disclose—; dispose of —; exaggerate—; invest—; market—; pile up—; reveal—; squander—; swallow—; — assures; —augments; —brims; —burdens; —congests; —deluges; —floods the market; —gorges; —gluts; —insures; —overflows; —strains; —supersaturates; —weighs upon

    (See excess, supply. )

    Surprise adjectives

    unspeakable; dull; wistful; pleasant; perpetual; quaint; unfortunate; unfeigned; amiable; delightful; unaffected; infinite; contemptuous; calm; charming; effusive; admiring; geological; solemn; shameful; sordid; sweet; bewildered; acceptable; painful; strange; melancholy; glad; excessive; hollow; curt; pompous; horrified; agreeable; blank; puzzled; annoyed; dramatic; drab; swift; exquisite; cordial; inexcusable; continual; quick; speculative; tremendous; mingled; hurt; immense; comic


    affect—; anticipate—; conceal—; express—; feign—; gape in—; induce—; manifest—-; occasion—; prepare—; reveal—; strike with —; —bewilders; —dazzles; •—electrifies; — flabbergasts; —overwhelms; —petrifies; — ruffles; —rumples; —shocks; —staggers; — startles; —stuns; —throws one off guard

    (See amazement, miracle, astonishment.)

    Surprise (v) adverbs

    curiously; agreeably; innocently; utterly; mildly; faintly; mutually; unspeakably; amiably; quaintly; unfeignedly; delightfully; infinitely; painfully; excessively; exquisitely; cordially; tremendously; comically

    (See astonish, amaze.)

    Surrender adjectives

    easy; traitorous; joyous; pusillanimous; instant; unconditional; forced; forlorn; verbal; resigned; peaceable

    Surrender (v) adverbs

    utterly; impatiently; meekly; affectionately; peaceably; unconditionally; voluntarily

    graciously; traitorously; forlornly; pusillanimously

    (See yield, abandon.)

    Surround (v) adverbs

    opulently; inextricably; enthusiastically; triumphantly; fraternally; apprehensively; artificially; uncongenially; felicitously; luxuriously; tranquilly; picturesquely; grotesquely; nobly; trivially; quaintly; rustically; pastorally; inspiringly

    (See entrench, inclose.)

    Surroundings adjectives

    artificial; uncongenia[; iron; appalling; felicitous; tropical; sociable; pleasant; superb; smart; cultural; refined; luxurious; tranquil; picturesque; dignified; affectionate; unique; harsh; primitive; grotesque; grander; indulgent; noble; trivial; quaint; frigid; charming; beautiful; dingy; rustic; pastoral; unwonted; inspiring; modern


    absorb in—; acclimate to—; acquaint with —; adapt to—; alter—; blind to—; condition by—; contemplate—; darken—; deduce from —; encompass—; engross in—; escape—; explore—; inspect—; orient to—; pervade —; recognize—; reconnoiter—; regard—; rise above—; scan—; scrutinize—; skirt—; survey—; transcend—; —breed; —depress; —enchant; —enthrall; —foster; —impress; —oppress; —suggest; —symbolize

    (See environment, circumstances, conditions.)

    Surveillant adverbs

    warily; vigilantly; suspiciously; significantly; carefully; alertly; inquisitively; constantly; watchfully; incessantly; generally; conscientiously; meticulously; punctiliously; dependably; reliably

    Survey adjectives

    mournful; calm; ordnance; cursory; interior; official; leisure; compiled; recent; hopeless; impassioned; casual; severe; quick; optimistic; independent; sweeping; chronological; decisive; unbiased; preliminary; perspective; impartial; exhaustive. authenticate—; check—; cite—; condense—; conduct—; contemplate—; extend—; initiate —; regard—; scan—; —astounds; —calculates; —catalogues; —computes; —confirms; —demonstrates; —discloses; —discovers; — embraces; —enables; —enumerates; —estimates; —evaluates; —gauges; —indicates; —informs; —measures; —probes; —records; —reveals; —scales; —startles; —uncovers; —verifies

    (See study, investigation, examination.)

    Survey (v) adverbs

    extensively; gloomily; tranquilly; critically; curiously; morbidly; maliciously; suspiciously; officially; leisurely; optimistically; un-biasedly; impartially

    (See view, examine.)

    Survival adjectives

    unique; barbaric; unconscious; fortunate; race; evolutionary; bare

    Survive (v) adverbs

    vigorously; miraculously; heroically; undauntedly; staunchly; courage iusly

    (See live, exist.)

    Survivors adjectives

    terrified; ill-fated; reimbursed; heroic; injured; struggling; belated

    Susceptibility adjectives

    morbid; exquisite; excessive; strong; foolish; obvious; observant; moral; vivid; extreme; patent


    affect—; allay—; augment—; cancel—; conceal—; compensate for—; counteract—; cultivate—; excite—; exempt from—; increase —; intensify—; neutralize—; promote—; raise—; repress—; sense—; sharpen—; stir —; —endangers; —exposes; —inclines; — jeopardizes; —predisposes; —tends toward

    (See propensity, inclination, tendency.)

    Susceptible adverbs

    highly; unusually; easily; emotionally; extremely; quickly; alarmingly; romantically

    strangely; curiously; uncommonly; amazingly; inherently; naturally

    Suspect verbs

    absolve—J acquit—; bail—; challenge—; clear—; cross-examine—; defend—; detain —; discharge—; dismiss—; exculpate—; exempt—; exonerate—; free—; grill—; harbor—; hold—; jail—; liberate—; lynch—; question—; release—; retain—; round up —s; shake—; trap—; vindicate—; whitewash—; —denies; —defends; —escapes; — vindicates

    (See prisoner, criminal.)

    Suspect (v) adverbs

    unjustifiably; shrewdly; secretly; previously; gravely; unfairly; generally; justly; insanely; jealously; personally; intrusively. (See surmise, doubt.

    Suspense adjectives

    absorbed; waiting; agonizing; irresolute; tremulous; sultry; lowering; painful; frighted; unrelaxed; dramatic; clever; intolerable; agitated; prolonged; awful; tedious; awakening


    allay—; alleviate—; bear—; cower in—; ease—; face—; flinch at—; heighten—; intensify—; lessen—; maintain—; mitigate—; moderate—; palliate—; preserve—; relinquish—; survive—; sustain—; swoon in—; withdraw—; —abates; —agonizes; —em-barasses; —relaxes; —rends; —shatters; — strains; —subsides; —taxes; —tenses; — wanes; —weighs upon

    (See perplexity, excitement, tension, anxiety, uncertainty.)

    Suspension adjectives

    premature; simultaneous; mature; critical; permanent; definite

    Suspicion adjectives

    mingled; habitual; mean; mutual; bitter; aggressive; horrible; overawing; harsh; common; inscrutable; special; deep; plentiful; lingering; unworthy; dull; aroused; lively; hard; terrible; prying; jealous; waked; chilly; furtive; infusing; perpetual; groundless; merest; faint; horrid; diminished; tormented; additional; shrewd; excited; angry; unmanly; personal; general; intrusive; sharp; sly


    absolve of—; allay—; arouse—; brand with —; breed—; cherish—; confirm—; conquer —; consolidate—s; dispel—; entertain—; evade—; excite—; ground—; heighten—; inspire—; justify—; lull—; occasion—; regard with—; resent—; sweep aside—; veil —; voice—; —crosses the mind; —dawns upon; —deepens; —grows; —pervades; — prevails; —thickens

    (See distrust, jealousy, anxiety, doubt.)

    Suspicious adverbs

    unreasonably; jealously; meanly; cruelly; foolishly; dangerously; terribly; ridiculously; warily; extravagantly; inordinately; curiously; significantly; fearfully; uncertainly; vaguely; definitely; oddly; absurdly; needlessly; wildly; strangely; disagreeably; unpleasantly; odiously; perplexingly; unworthily; craftily

    Sustain (v) adverbs

    precisely; spiritually; materially; faithfully; casually; honorably; unanimously; magnificently; heroically; vigorously; faithfully; disastrously; courageously

    (See support, uphold.)

    Sustenance verbs

    afford—; arrest—; avail of—; begrudge—; deprive of—; dispatch—; dispense—; exhaust—; furnish—; grant—; grope for—; grovel for—; obtain—; offer—; plead for —; proffer—; provide—; refuse—; strive for—; struggle for—; suspend—; tender—; yield—; extract—

    (See living, livelihood.)

    Sit AB verbs

    begrime—; besmirch—; brush with—; contaminate—; dab with—; discard—; disinfect with—; dispose of—; foul—; introduce —; precipitate on—; rinse—; saturate—; scour with—; smudge—; taint—; —absorbs; —purges; —soaks up; —sponges

    (See sponge, mop.)

    Swagger adjectives

    lordly; indolent; imposing; consequential; new; boxy; outstanding; shallow; jaunty; loose; brusque; impudent

    Swagger (v) adverbs

    theatrically; boisterously; obstreperously; pretentiously; shamelessly; impudently; dramatically; indolently; jauntily; nonchalantly

    (See swell, strut.)

    Swain adjectives

    low-spirited; responsive; bashfu(; rustic; lusty; laboring; ephemeral; despairing; awkward; forlorn; ashy; country; reaping; wary; mistrustful


    deride—; ground—; impassion—; —attracts; —bewitches; —captivates; —caresses; —cherishes; —courts; —declares; — enamours of; —endears; —pleads; —prates of; —proclaims; —professes; —reveres; — serenades; —woos; —yearns

    (See lover, sweetheart, peasant.)

    Swallow adjectives

    skimming; twittering; innumerable (pl); blithe; garrulous; chaffering; beauteous


    —arranges; —banks; —busies; —chirps; — circles; —s colonize; —dares; —s flock; — flutters; —journeys; —migrates; —swims low; —smooths; —snatches; —spreads wings ; —sweeps; —twitters

    (See bird, martin.)

    Swallow (v) adverbs

    avidly; vigorously; hastily; glumly; greedily; thickly; embarrassedly; spasmodically. (See gulp, eat.

    Swamp adjectives

    torrid; busy; moss-hung; impassable; fetid; pestilential; tamarack; tangled; unsightly; overtowering; adjacent; brackish; tropical; unhealthy; lonely; salty; inaccessible; social

    bog in-—; brave—; drain—; foul in—; frequent—; hazard—; infest—; inhabit—; meander through—; mire in—; prowl in—; restore—; roam—; skirt—; slog through—; stray into—; traverse—; vanish into—; wallow through—; —breeds; —endangers; —enfolds; —engulfs; —jeopardizes; —mars

    (See marsh, mire, morass, mud.)

    Swampy adverbs

    muddily; quaggishly; squashily; softly; un-wholesomely; malarially; pestilentially; irremediably; hopelessly; unpleasantly; impracticably; disturbingly; distressingly; dangerously; deplorably; undesirably; unfortunately; unhealthfully; unluckily

    Swan adjectives

    mysterious; drowsy; floating; solitary

    ruthless; ruffling; graceful; dying


    —arches; —chants; —dips; —floats; — idles on water; —immerses; —lies; — mantles; —murmurs; —nibbles; —probes; —sails; —shies away, —steers; —strays

    —swims; —trumpets;  —wanders;  

    whoops; —flocks

    (See bird, duck, goose.)

    Swanky adverbs

    absurdly; luxuriously; pompously; arrogantly; superbly; aggressively; ostentatiously; extraordinarily; stylishly; sumptuously; elegantly; manifestly; Hauntingly; gorgeously; conspicuously; consciously; quietly; genuinely

    Swarm adjectives

    unsuspected; solar; countless (pl); snow-soft; bony; prodigious; tremendous; ignoble; invading; droning; singing; meteoric; thieving; prolific


    capture—; disperse—; herd—; restrain—; rout—; smoke—; stir up—; —bristles; — buzzes; —clamors; —clusters; —converges on; —deluges; —emigrates; —filters from

    —focuses on; —hums; —multiplies; —overwhelms;-—pours out; —presses; —settles; —surges; —teems; —throngs

    (See hive, horde, crowd.

    Swarm (v) adverbs                                

    noisomely; prodigiously; prolifically; thunderously; multitudinously; spectacularly; rushingly; engulfingly

    (See flock, cluster.

    Sway adjectives illimitable; righteous; feeble; departed; unquestioned; long-time; potent; ancient; undisputed; mightier; steadfast; insolent; kindred; arbitrary; gracious; territorial; viceregal; double; singular; patriarchal; uncom-querable; antique; despotic; sovereign; frigid; intolerable; murmurous; usurped; omnipotent; mischievous

    verbs administer—; augment—; cripple—; deaden —; diminish—; exercise—; exert—; extend —; invalidate—; paralyze—; scotch—; undermine—; strengthen—; wield—; —controls; —dominates; —dwindles

    (See dominion, influence, power.

    Sway (adverbs

    dizzily; rhythmically; musically; gently; indolently; perilously; alluringly; entrancing-ly; violently; restlessly; emotionally; psychologically; tremendously; dreamily; religiously

    (See lurch, swing.

    Swear (v) adverbs vigorously; fiercely; ferociously; solemnly; lustily; audibly; roundly; abominably; traitorously; earnestly

    (See curse, affirm, testify.

    Sweat adjectives

    bitter; body; profuse; chilly; bloody; cold; tremendous; copious; continual; peasant; goblin


    check—; glisten with—; induce—; secrete —; —beads; —chills; —develops; —diffuses; —diminishes; —drenches; —drips

    —droops; —glistens; —pours off; —rolls; — stains; —starts; —wilts

    (See perspiration.

    Sweat (v) adverbs

    copiously; prodigiously; profusely; tremendously; coldly; abnormally

    (See perspire, exude.

    Sweep adjectives

    outward; wavering; everlasting; soft; long; heaving; exulting; comprehensive; windy; majestic; gentle; irresistible; pitiless; magnificent; wild; enormous; dramatic; dread; liberal; joyous; shining; semi-circular


    condense—; deflect—; determine—; direct —; enlarge—; extend—; limit—; magnify —; realign—; restrict—; shift—; switch—; —declines; —deviates; —diverges; —embraces; —expands; —ranges; —swerves; —zigzags

    (See speed, range.

    Sweep (v) adverbs capriciously; irresistibly; bitterly; majestically; resistlessly; frightfully; terrifically; silently; mutely; hoarsely; gracefully; surreptitiously; vigorously; tumultuously; relentlessly; heartlessly; confusedly; magnificently; dramatically

    (See carry, move, sway.

    Sweetheart verbs

    adore—; betroth to—; caress—; cherish—; devote to—; dismiss—; estrange—; forsake —; gain—; idolize—; jilt—; libel—; reject —; revere—; treasure—; woo—; yearn for —; —bewitches; —captivates; —charms; —enchants; —endears; —enraptures; —infatuates

    (See lover, mistress, siren, swain.

    Sweetness adjectives

    liquid; mournful; seductive; subtle; womanly; voluptuous; brooding; wild; earnest; penetrating; venerable; palling: ineffable; tender; wanton; balmy; admirable; listless; enduring; deceptive; ravishing; continuous; infantile; exceeding; unbelievable; luscious; drowsy; patient; plaintive; withering;

    strained; direful; earthly; penetrative; alarming; awful; saucy; summer; capricious; fragrant; cloying; singular; sacred; wayward; sunny; girlish; prattling; secret; twittering; benign; candied; profuse; simpering


    adulterate—; affect—; commend—; emit—; enjoy—; feign—; inhale—; inject—; relish —; savor—; —allures; —baits; —cloys; —deceives; —depresses; —nauseates; — permeates; —revolts; —sickens; —smothers; —tempts

    (See nectar, fragrance, sugar, candy.)

    Swell (v) adverbs

    abnormally; hideously; pretentiously; indignantly; gently; powerfully; perceptibly; proudly; enormously; voluptuously; bulbous-ly; incredibly; spectacularly

    (See expand, dilate.)

    Swelling adjectives

    imperceptible; proudest; puffy; slight; harmless; stormy; unfathomed; alternate; hive-like; solemn; gentle; cockney; serious; enormous; voluptuous; bulbous; secret


    accentuate—; allay—; alleviate—; avert—; characterize by—; compress—; diagnose—; ease—; extend—; overcome—; reduce—; remedy—; restrain—; vent—; —abates; —dilates; —diminishes; —disfigures; —distends; —dwindles; —ebbs; —exaggerates; —indicates; —mars; —presses; —projects; —protrudes; —stiffens; —subsides; —tortures; —wanes

    (See inflammation.)

    Swerve (v) adverbs

    deviously; perilously; dangerously; fatally; erratically; drunkenly

    (See deviate, turn.)

    Swiftness adjectives

    incredible; electric; tireless; usual; feline; stunning; menacing; bounding; amazing; wave-like

    Swim (v) adverbs

    desperately; heroically; vigorously; unflag-gingly; lustily; courageously; boldly; staunchly; gallantly

    (See float, move.)

    Swindle adjectives

    churlish; loving; squealing; enormous; obstinate; snorting; public; huge; monstrous; wide-spread


    disclose—; execute—; guard against—; participate in—; penalize—; perpetrate—; reveal— ; uncover—; unearth—; —bilks; — deprives; —despoils; —diverts; —extorts; —fleeces; —impoverishes; —infuriates; — mulcts; —rooks; —shears; —strips

    (See fake, fraud.)

    Swing adjectives

    sensuous; breathless; undulating; rhythmic; unrestricted; smooth; romantic; graceful; saber; glittering; unerring; sweet; fascinating; swaying; crazed

    Swing (v) adverbs

    gracefully; playfully; noiselessly; creaking-ly; recklessly; gratingly; peremptorily; grotesquely; adroitly; lazily

    (See sway, wave.)

    Swirl adjectives

    eddying; unmistakable; nasty

    Swirl (v) adverbs

    turbulently; dizzily; incessantly; aimlessly; eddyingly; vertiginously

    (See whirl, twist.)

    Swoon adjectives

    profound; interlunar; deathlike; summer; drunken; amorous; sweet; pretended; opportune

    Sword adjectives

    deputed; drawn; shining; unsheathed; glittering; angry; bold; senseless; naked; virgin; pitiless; reeking; tapered; temporal

    victorious; handsome; self-pointed; ponderous; unsullied; theological; tyrannous; prompted; swift; leaden; two-edged; flaming; boisterous; trusty; noisy; grasping; rusty; knightly; ornamented; sated


    accoutre with—; affix—; arm with—; bear —; besmirch—; brandish—; draw—; edge —; equip with—; extract—; fall before—; fence with—; flaunt—; flourish—; govern by—; insert—; oppose with—; perish by—; plunge—; purge by—; send home—; sheathe —; slash with—; slay with—; smite with—; stain—; strike with—; swish—; temper—; thrust—; unsheathe—; wave—; wear—; wield—; win by—; woo with—; —clanks; —s clash; —s cut; —drips; —flames; — flashes down; —glitters; —hacks; —pierces; —s slash against; —stuns; —whirs; — wounds

    (See knife, rapier, lance, cutlass, stiletto.)

    Sycophancy adjectives

    prodigious; courtly; crude


    approve—; brand with—; detect—; favor —; forbid—; induce—; lament—; patronize — I P^y—! practise—; pursue with—; reject —; resist—; ridicule—; —infests; —irks; —irritates; —nauseates; —pollutes; —wins

    (See flattery.)

    Syllables adjectives

    ponderous; liquid; redundant; hideous; hissing; stressed; difficult; long; staccato; unaccented

    Sylvan adverbs

    delightfully; refreshingly; shadily; sweetly; songfully; pleasantly; charmingly; fragrantly; attractively; spaciously

    Symbol adjectives

    mystic; ‘prefiguring; appropriated; rigid; graphic; repulsive; shining; magic; national; valiant; barren; companionable; impressive; universal; sacred; accidental; elaborate; mingled (pl); living; everlasting; hallowed; suggestive; dramatic; revolutionary; crude; archaic; sound. compose—; comprehend—; conceive—; define—; engrave—; examine—; inquire into —; interpret—; regard—; renounce—; seek —; study—; substitute—; value—; —denotes; —-overshadows; —proves; —represents; —signifies; —suggests; —typifies

    (See attribute, device, emblem, mark, sign.)

    Symbolic adverbs

    mystically; inscrutably; significantly; faintly; clearly; definitely; intentionally; artistically; mysteriously; curiously; abstrusely; cleverly; consistently; conspicuously; apparently

    Symmetry adjectives

    studied; adolescent; absolute; vertical; artificial; admirable; exquisite; broken; structural; rare; matchless; bilateral; sinewy; perfect

    Sympathetic adverbs

    delightfully; warmly; lovingly; companionably; comfortingly; ardently; understand-ingly; intelligently; cooperatively; actively; zealously; energetically; feelingly; compassionately; indignantly; touchingly; harmoniously; pitifully; altogether; heartily; cordially; effusively; amiably; affectionately; helpfully; humanely; benevolently; generously

    Sympathize (vj adverbs

    gushingly; profoundly; effusively; complacently; keenly; warmly; earnestly; paternally; spontaneously; compassionately; frankly

    (See understand.)

    Sympathy adjectives

    vivacious; fatherly; imperfect; awful; silent; active; understanding; filial; instinctive; unspoken; poetic; trivial; genuine; noble; mock; wholehearted; extensive; delighted; tender; vivid; rebel; secret; loving; intelligent; consoling; utter; spiritual; glorious; passionate; nameless; inexplicable; irrepressible; frightened; reverent; fervent; mysterious; intense; mystic; irresistible; inborn; jeering; natural; impotent; mental; infinite; effusive; unconscious; energetic

    fanciful; fervid; spasmodic; boundless; divided; middle; conditional; placid; ardent; morbid; painful; presumed; healing; patient; cordial; magnetic; imaginative; practical; flaunted; respective; apparent; generous; prudent; subtle; spontaneous; warm; instantaneous; tentative; majestic; sincere; emotional; elaborate; profound; fraternal; unwelcome; synthetic; affectionate; peculiar; sobbing; loving; indissoluble; young; sweet; deferential; intelligent; kindly; passionate; adaptable; demonstrative; impersonal; gentle; radical; frank; solemn; universal; fearful


    afford—; alienate—s; arouse—; attract—; bestow—; desire—; elicit—; engage—; enlist—; evince—; exercise—; extend—; exude —; feign—; flare up in—; gain—; lack—; limit—; pledge—; reject—; shut off from—; spare—; steel against—; stir—; suppress—; whip up—; win—; woo—; —binds; —consoles; —cools; —eases; —lashes together; —moves; —tempers; —touches; —twinges


    (See compassion, pity, tenderness, affection.)

    Symphonic adverbs

    triumphantly; gloriously; brilliantly; dazz-lingly; hamoniously; blaringly; delicately; beautifully; tenderly; merrily; scarcely; thunderously; soothingly; pleasantly; ineffably; impressively; splendidly; magnificently

    Symphony adjectives

    light; airy; pathetic; descriptive; majestic; massive; angelic; universal; seraphic; pert; marvelous; awe-inspiring


    attend—; compose—; constitute—; develop —; direct—; execute—; introduce—; interpret—; join in—; perform—; present—; produce—; score—; —bursts forth; — charms; —delights; —enchants; —entices; —floats; —provokes; —thrills; —uplifts

    (See music, composition, orchestra.)

    Symptoms adjectives

    alarming; positive; terrifying; terminal; prevailing; anomalous; marked; inward; subsequent; dangerous; ominous; warning; dramatic; serious; peculiar; premonitory; unpleasant; distressing; hysterical; troublesome; insidious; bellicose; mitigated; feverish; characteristic; aggravated; decisive; individual; constant; threatening; recurring


    aggravate—; allay—; alleviate—; attend with—; complicate—; deprecate—; describe —; detail—; develop—; discern—; distrust —; eliminate—; enumerate—; evaluate—; evince—; exhibit—; give rise to—; heed—; ignore—; interpret—; mask—; observe—; regard—; relieve—; subdue—; —abate; — accompany; —advance; —appear; —confound; —continue; —decline; —distress; — indicate; —manifest; —mark; —subside; — vanish; —vary

    (See evidence, sign, indication.)

    Synchronize (v) adverbs

    delicately; nicely; scientifically; automatically; exactly

    Syncope verbs

    endure—; expire from—; induce—; lapse into—; produce—; suffer—; —contracts; — endangers; —strains; —unnerves

    Syndicate verbs

    appoint to—; combine in—; empower—; form—; head—; —adjourns; —contracts for; —controls; —directs; —disposes of; — dupes; —forces; —introduces; —manages; —meets; —promotes; —purchases; — pushes; —raises; —schemes; —transacts; —undertakes

    (See committee, board, group, association, concern.)

    Synthesis verbs

    arise from—; comprehend—; construct by—; delve into—; devise—; disclose—; effect—; employ—; exhibit—; facilitate—; form—; hail—; observe—; produce by—; unite in—; —compounds; —restores; —results in; — yields

    (See combination, method.)

    Syphilis verbs

    afflict with—; campaign against—; contract

    —; control—; cure—; diagnose as—; eradicate—; expose—; fear—; indicate—; inflict with—; recognize—; relieve—; reveal—; stamp out—; suspect—; test for—; treat—; —attacks; —cripples; —destroys; —devastates; —menaces; —ravages; —strikes; — yields to

    (See disease.

    SYRINGE verbs

    compress—: employ—; exhaust—; fit—; force from—; inject with—; manipulate—; squeeze—; —cleanses; —discharges; — draws in; —ejects; —emits; —pours; — spouts; —sprinkles into; —squirts

    (See pump.

    SYSTEM (general) ad jectives

    pure; monetary; runaway; star; terrestrial; flexible; rational; corporate; constitutional; delicate; cumbrous; foul; elective; optical; pernicious; maudlin; digestive; mythic; rotting; intricate; dark; prefectorial; monarchical; nervous; overtaxed; routined; innovating; differing; bloc; reducing; judicial; enormous; expensive; utmost; proposed; gymnastic; defective; cumbersome; complicated; correlated; absolute; anatomical; preposterous; stellar; pedantic; beneficent; feudal; ecclesiastical; rigorous; harmonious; sequential; barbarous; infallible; elliptic; native; addled; metrical; prudent; tragic; voluntary; atrocious; equitable; selfish; medieval; debased; feasible; vicious; respected; effective; rapid; voluminous; defensive; conventual; diverse; elevated; closed; expiring; weak; inferior; scientific; harmful; equivalent; merit; subtle; formidable; existing; elastic; extraordinary; philosophic; sympathetic; competitive; imperial; reflective; disastrous; antiquated; subversive; respiratory; vascular; chronological; vigilant; unstable; impersonal; representative; profit; excellent; severe; fruitless; vain; infant; patronage; magnificent; distribution; experimental; ethical; full; compact; discordant; regulated; imperial; antiseptic; abstruse; drying

    SYSTEM (Plan, scheme, etc.) verbs

    accept—; adapt to—; adhere to—; adopt—; afford—; apply—; base on—; brace—; buck —; cling to—; consolidate—; contrive—; corrupt—; curb—; demonstrate—; devise—; discard—; disrupt—; dominate—; elucidate —; entrench—; establish—; evolve—; extend—; fashion—; father—; formulate—; forsake—; found—; inaugurate—; incorporate in—; install—; institute—; “knock”—; map out—; master—; modify—; mold—; outmode—; overthrow—; promulgate—; re duce to—; reform—; restore—; shake—; shatter—; subscribe to—; supervise—; vindicate—; wed to—; —bars; —decrees; — disintegrates; —functions; —governs; — hinges on; —insures; —rears; —totters

    (See plan, program, scheme, method, order.

    SYSTEM (human body) verbs

    absorb into—; alkalize—; animate—; break down—; build up—; deplete—; derange—; drain—; emaciate—; fetter—; gear—; impoverish—; invade—; invigorate—; involve —; nourish—; poison—; purge—; recharge —; regulate—; relieve—; tone up—; traverse—

    (See body.



    habitually; naturally; carefully; cautiously; painfully; pedantically; punctiliously; meticulously; incredibly; painstakingly; satisfactorily; commendably; admirably; tiresome-ly; needlessly; overly; unnecessarily; occasionally; emphatically

    Tabern ACLE adjectives

    cloudy; mortal; earthly; quivering; fleshy; incarnate; spiritual


    abide in—; achieve—; conceive—; construct —; create—; disseminate through—; dwell in—; erect—; establish—; fill—; form—of; frequent—; inhabit—; lay foundation of—; occupy—; organize—; people—; permeate —; put together—; raise—; revere—; shun —; take up one’s abode in—; —arises; — breeds; —brings forth; —fosters; —stands; —teems with

    (See church, temple, tent.)

    Table adjectives

    shrouded; imperial; padded; tottering; wine-smeared; transparent; warped; tolerable; comely; bounteous; clean; zinc-topped; work; modest; rude; separate; abundant (pl); sphered; banqueting; polished; cluttered; immense; hospitable; gaming; sturdy; extension; reading; well-spread; cheerful; washing; rickety; weather-beaten


    adorn—with; burrow' under—; carve—; compose—of; construct—; clutter—; drape —; drum upon—; emboss—; fashion—; furnish—; gild—; grace—; gorge at—; head —; inlay—; litter—; load—with; pile on—; prepare—; spread—; support—; —bears; —groans; —stands; —sustains

    (See desk, bench, furniture.)

    Tabloid verbs

    decipher—; interpret—; launch—; —abuses

    —adulterates; —clamors; —commits; — cries out; —defiles; —disseminates; —holds forth; —horrifies; —inculcates; —nurtures

    —pictures; —prostitutes;  —seduces;  

    teems with; —violates; —vulgarizes

    (See press, newspaper.)

    Taboo verbs

    countenance—; denounce—; enforce—; ignore—; impose—; observe—; remove—; set up—; —bans; —bars; —debars; —excludes

    • —forbids; —hampers; —hinders; —inhibits

    • —interdicts; —prohibits; —restrains; —restricts; —stands in the way

    (See ban, restriction.)


    racially; conventionally; inanely; snobbishly; socially; piously; ceremonially; strictly; traditionally; ecclesiastically; irrationally; inexplicably; utterly; politically; seriously; curiously; gravely

    Tabulate (v) adverbs

    tirelessly.; accurately; industriously; statistically; neatly; mathematically

    (See record, arrange.)

    Tacit adverbs

    implicitly; unobtrusively; inferentially; inarticulately; usually; timorously; validly; legally

    Taciturn adverbs

    provokingly; reticently; shyly; morosely; gloomily; observantly; amazingly; deliberately; habitually; naturally; unusually; incurably; usually; inexplicably; unaccountably; interestingly; curtly; laconically; notoriously; secretively; evasively; incredibly; strangely; usually; oddly; peculiarly; invet-erately; consistently; extraordinarily

    Tact adjectives

    subtle; external; sympathetic; gracious; delicate; unerring; perfect; cheerful; diplomatic; exquisite; rare; pecuniary; admirable; female; genuine; discriminating; requisite; faultless; extraordinary; critical; consummate; customary; fine

    apply—; bring—into play; cast—to the winds; discard—; dispense w'ith—; employ —; enlist—; evince—; make away with—; practice—; require—; shelve—; throw aside —; throw—overboard; utilize—; —brings to bear; —conduces; —serves; —subserves

    (See diplomacy, shrewdness, discretion.)


    easily; graciously; pleasantly; affably; urbanely; agreeably; ingratiatingly; pleasingly; inoffensively; diplomatically; prudently; discreetly; unusually; notoriously; signally; significantly; gratefully; gracefully; helpfully; serviceably; unwontedly; carefully; cautiously; warily; sympathetically; unctuously; deliberately; wisely; tenderly; acutely; delicately; shrewdly; expertly; reasonably; profoundly; cleverly; thoughtfully; subtly; courteously; chivalrously; politely

    TACTICS ad jectives

    piscatory; able; skillful; terrorist; astute; medieval; imperfect; preliminary; wily; militant; tough; company; defensive; cautious; amazing; successful; driving; obstructive; ingenious; original; matrimonial; similar; turncoat


    adopt—; apply—; base—on; condone—; credit—; denounce—; develop—; devise—; dispute—; employ—; engage in—; influence —; introduce—; modify—; prec ct—; resort to—; revamp (colloq.) —; shift—; vary—; —aim; —assist; —cause; —demand; —effect; —enable; —evolve; —produce; —protect; —result in; —revolt; —shift

    (See maneuver, strategy, plan.

    TACTLESS adverbs

    unfortunately; unwittingly; thoughtlessly; ineptly; blunderingly; awkwardly; grace-lessly; cruelly; embarrassingly; unluckily; clumsily; innocently; bluntly; ungraciously; carelessly; brutally; unfeelingly; unsympathetically; coldly; strangely; unexpectedly; lamentably; deplorably; unpardonably; insufferably; unpleasantly; disagreeably; un-predictably; blindly

    TADPOLE verbs

    convert—into; evolve from—; swarm with —s; view—; —adheres to the surface; — approaches; —s attach themselves; — breathes; —breeds; —changes to; —clings; —develops into; —emerges; —glides; — hatches; —is transformed into; —metamorphoses; —nibbles; —regenerates; —rushes

    —sallies; —undergoes transformation; — wiggles; —wriggles

    (See fish.


    real; curling; flickering; forked; prehen-siblc; stumpy; monstrous; false; fantastic; lambent; lashing; deadly; stinging; scraggy


    agitate—; cover—; fasten—; flick—; flourish—; hitch—; infest—; swish—; toss—; wag—; whisk—; —balances; —collides with; —dangles; —dashes; —hangs; — jerks; —lashes; —quivers; —slaps; — smacks; —strikes; —sweeps; —swings; — taps; —twitches; —whacks; —whisks; — wiggles

    (See braid, hair, end, rear.


    trained; efficient; master; custom; union; experienced; faultless; loquacious; careful; hand; fine; lusty; soft; skillful; artistic; elaborate; casual; provincial; meticulous


    —accoutres; —alters; —apparels; —arrays

    —attires; —biases; —borders; —designs; — drapes; —fits out; —flounces; —frills; — fringes; —gears; —hems; —outfits; —refurbishes; —renovates; —rigs; —seams; — she.thes; —styles; —tacks

    TAILOR (v) adverbs expertly; superbly; smartly; properly; stylishly; luxuriously; expensively; handsomely; faultlessly; exquisitely; flawlessly; scientifically; meticulously; impeccably; artistically. (See fit, clothe

    TAINT (v) adverbs disgustingly; sickeningly; dangerously; poi-sonously; partially; subtly; odorously; vilely

    (See corrupt.

    TAINTED adverbs unfortunately; ineradicably; indelibly; un-disguisedly; fatally; indubitably; vilely; slightly; terribly; lamentably; strangely; un

    expectedly; immeasurably; infectiously; noxiously; disgracefully; dangerously; completely; curiously; thoroughly; undeniably; unpleasantly; disagreeably; inexplicably

    Take (v) adverbs

    selfishly; invariably; graciously; voluntarily; figuratively; consciously; voraciously; recklessly; unhesitatingly; reluctantly; forcibly; sparingly; literally; ostentatiously; affectionately; seriously; indiscriminately; ostensibly; ceremoniously; roughly

    (See seize, apprehend.)

    Taking adverbs

    marvellously; attractively; charmingly; remarkably; prettily; beautifully; unusually; especially; pleasantly; interestingly; arrest-ingly; irresistibly; curiously; extraordinarily; enchantingly

    Tale ad jectives

    half-told; monotonous; scandalous; sentimental; apocryphal; unbelievable; ecclesiastical; ridiculous; gloomy; foam-like; specious; supernatural; wondrous; pathetic; dismal; legendary; instructive; untold; tedious; mournful; exquisite; beautiful; passionate; flattering; effective; grievous; enchanting; true; riotous; shameful; diverting; evil; extraordinary; soothing; idle; definite; harrowing; melancholy; heavy; romantic; childish; uneventful; successful; crowning; gruesome; desolating; horrible; blissful; sensible; tragic; blood-curdling; artless; ever-young; • saddest; magical; incoherent; tempting; merry; wild; transmitted; improbable; family; baseless; unpainted; tavern; taking; piteous; unvarnished; facetious; incomprehensible; intoxicating; sinister; amorous; long-winded; thrilling; melodramatic; mystic; abbreviated; touching; boastful; analogous; trifling; debonair; mingled (pl); seafaring; graphic; metrical; idle; free


    bear—; beguile with —s; center—; close—; compose—; conceive—; concoct—; construct —; depict—; drink in—; embody in—; follow up—; pervade—; plunge into—; pour out—; relate—; revive—; spin—; testify to —; treat—; unfold—; vary—; weave—; —s abound; —s drift into mind; —enhances in interest; —entertains; —lengthens; —portrays; —progresses

    (See legend, narrative, narration, novel, story, “yarn,” poem.)

    Talent adjectives

    genuine; distinguished; peculiar; superficial; satirical; histrionic; stifled; dramatic; marked; copious; kindred; administrative; brilliant; hidden; intuitive; inherited; native; undisciplined; vivid; social; admirable; innate; conspicuous; rare; precocious; evinced; delicate; original; sturdy; eminent; inconsiderable; gastronomic; choice; undoubted; uncommon; musical; wild; inventive; practical; interior; inborn; extraordinary; rising; latent; constructive; outside; mediocre; undoubted; comic; adoring; culinary; military; exquisite; budding


    applaud—; bring to light—; call upon—; confine—; cultivate—; demonstrate—; detect—; develop—; discover—; display—; dissipate—; enlist—; esteem—; eulogize—; expand—; exploit—; extol—; glorify—; inherit—; laud—; magnify—; misuse—; nurture—; panegyrize—; pay tribute to—; pervert—; prostitute—; smother—; stifle—; trace—; transcend—; weigh—; worship—; —buds; —decays; —germinates; —issues from; —ministers; —nourishes; —sprouts; —sustains; —transcends

    (See ability, mentality, intelligence, capacity, genius, skill.)

    Talented adverbs

    eminently; conspicuously; extraordinarily; genuinely; peculiarly; particularly; remarkably; admirably; uncommonly; ingeniously; amazingly; signally; dazzlingly; surprisingly; splendidly; magnificently

    Talk adjectives

    buoyant; hearty; revolutionary; comprehending; fanciful; heartening; ineffable; passionate; furtive; prodigious; vainglorious; blasphemous; sneering; obscene; scandalous; heated; vigorous; unpleasant; willful; casual; yelling; loud; arduous; tedious; fragmentary; elliptical; rambling; everlasting; brilliant; indeterminate; bawdy; unmeaning; customary; spontaneous; vile; unmannerly; imperious; assuming; endless; racy; confounded; solemn; droning; abundant; convincing; delightful; straight; impersonal; unusual; wanton; desultory; masculine; common; sprightly; buzzing; provincial; vain; loose; boyish; stimulating; inflammatory; inane; frivolous; vague; enjoyable; wicked; malignant; stammering; pious; discursive; alluring; facile; empty; silly; heart-searching; interesting; poetic; half-whispered; tumultuous; eloquent; bantering; wearisome; spasmodic; confidential


    cease—; compose—; deliver—; distinguish —; hush—; muffle—; mute—; muzzle—; silence—; stifle—; still—; substantiate—; tone down—; —allures; —annoys; —baits; —charms; —convinces; —distracts; —disturbs; —diverts; —edifies; —elucidates; — enlightens; —induces; —interests; —rumors

    (See speech, conversation, discourse, lecture.

    TALK (v) adverbs

    ramhlingly; briskly; indefinitely; garrulously; animatedly; fluently; tediously; volubly; amicably; articulately; indiscreetly; blithely; shrewdly; casually; incoherently; pathetically; vivaciously; informally; interminably; mysteriously; unceasingly; eloquently; affectedly

    (See converse, speak.

    TALKATIVE adverbs

    incorrigibly; fluently; garrulously; chattily; informatively; incessantly; pleasantly; graciously; sociably; inveterately; naturally; habitually; incurably; happily; foolishly; loosely; effusively; eloquently; gushingly; prolixly; glibly; flippantly; unwisely; indiscreetly; imprudently; endlessly; tiresome-ly; strangely; remarkably; marvelously; incredibly; wearisomely; repetitively

    TALL adverbs

    slenderly; extraordinarily; splendidly; handsomely; lankily; absurdly; magnificently; commandingly; cadaverously; gauntly; awkwardly; laughably; gawkily; consciously; proudly; admirably; wonderfully; amazingly; unfortunately; ungainly; immeasurably; unusually; incredibly; attractively; conveniently


    affect—; boil—; compress—; convert into—; dissolve—; harden—; ignite—; liquefy—; melt—; mold—; purify—; refine—; separate—; solidify—; yield—; —consolidates; —confuses; —lumps; —thaws; —thickens

    (See wax.


    bag with—; bare—; clip—; clutch in—; grasp in—; hook—; lay hold with—; pare —; pinion with—; retain in—; seize in—; sharpen—; —claw; —clench; —clinch; — detain; —gash; —gripe; —lacerate; —rend

    —scar; —slash; —tear; —throttle

    (See fang, claw.


    strangely; unexpectedly; finally; curiously; affectionately; tractably; unusually; downright; harmlessly; vexatiously; uninterestingly; dully; insipidly; submissively; lamentably; deplorably; compliantly; dutifully; apparently; obediently; surprisingly; syco-phantically; tediously; insufferably

    TAME (v) adverbs partially; domestically; thoroughly; sufficiently; subtly; assiduously; rationally

    (See discipline, conquer.

    TAMELESS adverbs ardently; vehemently; enthusiastically; irrepressibly; utterly; violently; wildly; absolutely; savagely; ferociously; impatiently; stormily; inordinately; boisterously; crazily; riotously; temperamentally


    comfortably; solidly; comfortingly; incon-trovertibly; actually; finally; scarcely; ultimately; eventually; unexpectedly

    TANGLE adjectives

    dense; hopeless; confused; shining; mossy; feudal; matted; mazy; hereditary; complicated; blossoming; unexpected

    decipher—; dissolve—; elucidate—; extricate from—; fathom—; key—; liquidate—; resolve—; unravel—; unriddle—; unsnarl —; —confounds; —convulses; —deranges; —disconcerts; —dishevels; —jumbles; — meshes; —muddles; —perplexes; —perturbs; —puzzles; —ruffles; —rumples; — shuffles; —weaves; —webs

    (See intricacy, entanglement, mystery, riddle.)

    Tangle (v) adverbs

    perplexingly; desperately; hopelessly; com-plicatedly; designedly; confusedly; haphazardly; diplomatically; economically

    (See involve, perplex.)

    Tangled adverbs

    hopelessly; terribly; unfortunately; financially; curiously; embarrassingly; inextricably; strangely; deplorably; lamentably; oddly; darkly; odiously; laughably; ineptly; awkwardly; uncommonly; ridiculously; ludicrously; unskilfully; perplexingly; bewilder-ingly; guiltily; innocently; unwittingly; gullibly; helplessly; pitifully

    Tank (general) adjectives

    special; septic; large; spacious; clogged; rusty; useful

    Tank (military) verbs

    armor—; bullet-proof—; construct—; convert into—; design—; evade—; man—? manoeuvre—; mount—; propel—; surrender —; turret—; —attacks; —bombards; —caterpillars; —climbs; —crushes; —disperses; —lumbers; —negotiates; —repels; —rolls; —rumbles; —wheels

    Tantalizing adverbs

    idly; absurdly; tormentingly; playfully; unbearably; teasingly; incalculably; terribly; oddly; merrily; continually; comically; out-landishly; uncommonly

    Tap (v) adverbs

    nervously; impatiently; rudely; gracefully; lightly; significantly; intermittently; irritatingly; incessantly; periodically

    (See rap, knock.)

    Tape verbs

    rend—; shred—; —adheres; —agglutinates

    —binds; —cements; —cleaves; —clings; — coheres; —conglutinates; —couples; — glues; —gums; —seals; —shackles; —unites

    (See ligature, band, bandage.)

    Taper adjectives

    glimmering; gleaming; beaming; midnight; waxen; burning; sickly; flickering; tall; graceful; slender


    glut with—s; obscure—; quench—; snuff out—; —beams; —diffuses; —flames; — flares; —flickers; —flutters; —gleams; — glimmers; —glows; —gutters; —illuminates; —radiates; —scintillates; —shadows; —twinkles

    (See candle, wick, light.)

    Tapering adverbs

    gracefully; symmetrically; slenderly; gradually; suddenly; eventually; unfortunately; beautifully; lamentably; unexpectedly

    Tapestry adjectives

    star-inwoven; fluttering; desolate; suncolored; blossoming; luxuriant; low-toned; smirched; enameled


    embellish—; exhibit—; hang—; line—; mount—; mutilate—; prize—; rend—; shade —; suspend—; value—; weave—; —adorns; —beautifies; —decorates; —depicts; —landscapes; —portrays

    (See picture, painting.)

    Tardy adverbs

    unfortunately; disastrously; unluckily; extremely; unaccountably; deleteriously; unreasonably; needlessly; infamously; unaccountably; indiscreetly; lamentably; deplorably; fatally; unconscionably; habitually; characteristically; exasperatingly; inexcus

    ably; unpardonably; discourteously; impolitely; grossly; indecorously; surprisingly; disappointingly; irreparably

    Target adjectives

    uplifted; flaming; sensible: suitable; vulnerable; conspicuous; momentary; superb; helpless; receptive; rapid; moving; human; disappearing


    align with—; batter—; buffet—; collide with —; deflect from—; deflect—; deviate from —; direct toward—; diverge from—; fall short of—; flay—; level at—; rebound from —; riddle—; smite—; speed toward—; steer toward—; swerve from—; thwack—; — eludes

    (See mark, object.)

    Tariff verbs

    abolish—; absorb in—; adopt—; bandy—; bear—; bruit about—; exact—; legislate—; levy—; modify—; nullify—; parry—; rate —; reciprocate—; reduce—; regale with—; regulate—; revise—; scrap—; set—; silence —; slash—; steer—; yield—; —bamboozles (colloq.); —discourages; —distrains; — fades; —flows; —impedes; —limits; —prohibits; —protects; —ranges; —rates; —restrains; —restricts; —schedules; —subsides; —touches upon; —veers toward

    (See taxes, amount.)

    Tar'nished adverbs

    slightly; remediably; temporarily; momentarily; wholly; unfortunately; curiouslv: in-gloriously; morally; deeply; irrecoverably; pitiably; deplorably; unluckily; irretrievably; suddenly; hopelessly; sadly; manifestly

    Tart adverbs

    sharply; pleasantly; interestingly; disagreeably; unnecessarily; keenly; discriminatingly; tastefully; laughably; cleverly; piquant-ly; poignantly; bewilderingly; ungraciously; deliberately; unpleasantly; gracelessly; tactlessly; extremely; suddenly; overly; inexcusably

    Task adjectives

    barren; acrid; incongruous; diabolical; humble; pensive; considerable; self-imposed; toilsome; glorious; zealous; perilous; imaginative; present-day; uninspired; unpleasing; weary; appalling; tremendous; difficult; strenuous; bleak; ungracious; painful; willing; inevitable; hazardous; dormant; amusing; staggering; cheerless; mental; pedagogical; delightful; knotty; spiritual; irksome; arduous; dreaded; hopeless; delicate; simplified; futile; endless; unfulfilled; impossible; herculean; costly; thankless; onerous; graceful; alloted; anxious; abhorrent; rough; pleasing; laborious; unnatural; noble; primary; astounding; prosaic; formidable; musical; colossal; congenial; recurring; neglected; ungrateful; vulgar; heavy; exacting; suitable; disheartening; menial; priestlike; self-appointed; troublesome; tender; distasteful; useless; easy; discordant; venturesome; intellectual; sales; basic; discouraging; joyous; docile; fatiguing; appalling; dizzy; sublime


    absorb in—; accept—; achieve—; allot—; appoint—; approach—; assign—; assume — ; attempt—; buckle down to—; charge with—; complicate—; confront—; consecrate to—; dedicate to—; develop—; devote to—; discharge—; dispose of—; ease—; engage in—; engross in—; enlist in—; entrust —; essay—; expend on—; facilitate—; fit for—; fulfill—; glorify—; impose—; intrust —; inure to—; lighten—; lump—s; perform —; plunge into—; prescribe—; present—; rally to—; render—; reward—; rob—; set to—; shirk—; shoulder—; shunt—; spur on to—; toil at—; undertake—; view—; whittle down—; —bores; —confronts; —consumes; —exhausts; —fatigues; —involves; —taxes; —wearies

    (See labor, chore, work, job.)

    Taste adjectives

    worst; impeccable; distinctive; congenial; artificial; pictureque; startling; acrid; artistic; luxurious, agreeable; aesthetic; considerable; fanciful; unpleasant; barbarous; educated; nauseous; bizarre; provincial; fastidious; incongruous; desultory; native; refreshing; controlling; exquisite; intellectual; superior; bookkeeping; cultivated; unusual; costly; execrable; elevated; vulgar; classical; horrible; magic; varying; ludicrous; lustrous; cosmopolitan; barbaric; philanthropic; tangy; good; scientific; admirable; ancestral; erroneous; musical; precious; astringent; literary; uncertain; developed; popular; brazen; massive; instinctive; diminished; enlightened; ephemeral; pronounced; elegant; mortal; clean; honorable; gross; individual; delicious; aromatic; radical; savage; odious; characteristic; surprising; questionable; critical; unperverted; inimitable; plebeian; histrionic; taffy; bitter; schoolmastery; fashionable


    accumulate—; alter—; betray—; concoct—; criticize—; cultivate—; deprave—; disguise —; dispel—; elevate—; endure—; feign—; gratify—; impair—; indulge in—; manifest —; minister to—; modify—; outgrow—; overrate—; pander to—; pervert—; possess —; polish—; purify—; refine—; reflect—; relish—; simplify—; spice—; —appeals; — bites; —blossoms; —characterizes; —clings; —collapses; —crystallizes; —discriminates; —guides; —gormandizes; —intoxicates; — lingers; —nauseates; —rasps; —reflects; — sickens; —smacks of

    (See desire, craving, impulse, inclination, flavor, appreciation.)


    (v) adverbs

    sparingly; tentatively; fastidiously; perniciously; poisonously; odiously; horribly

    (See relish, eat )

    TASTEFUL adverbs

    delicately; deftly; naturally; richly; chastely; instinctively; inherently; innately; unerringly; exquisitely; fastidiously; quaintly; ingeniously; intrinsically; discriminatingly; expertly; correctly; academically; admirably

    TASTY adverbs

    pleasantly; unusually; gracefully; beautifully; delicately; delightfully; unexpectedly; surprisingly; deliberately; laboriously; invitingly; luxuriously; artistically



    childishly; faithlessly; traitorously; pettishly; hatefully; peevishly; vindictively

    (See babble, gossip.)

    Tat TUNG adverbs

    maliciously; garrulously; innocently; cheeri-Jy; cheerfully; deliberately; dangerously; purposely; intentionally; childishly; meanly; mischievously; idly; diffusely; endlessly; snidely; dangerously; viciously; vindictively; malignantly; venomously; inanely; mindlessly; senselessly; thoughtlessly; witlessly; contemptibly; despicably; basely

    TAUNT adjectives

    parting; bitter; stinging; unmerited; unfeeling; good; reproachful


    bristle at—s; disregard—; fling—; hurl—; ignore—; repay—; repress—; restrain—; stifle—; tolerate—; utter—s; —affronts; — brands; —cuts; —disparages; —irks; —irritates; —jeers; —lashes; —outrages; — pervades; —ridicules; —slurs; —stings; — twits

    (See jeer, insult, reproach.)

    TAUT adverbs

    curiously; nervously; dangerously; solidly; securely; sufficiently; perilously; finally; completely; lamentably; deplorably; inconveniently; rigidly; strangely; unaccountably

    TAVERN adjectives

    dusky; uninviting; well-restored; popular


    beguile in—; frequent—; frolic at—; haunt —; patronize—; regale in—; relax in—; reside at—; revel in—; stagger from—; visit —; weary of—; —accommodates; —beckons; —dispenses; —diverts; —lodges; —lures; — resounds; —rings; —welcomes

    (See hotel, inn.)

    TA fV DRY adverbs

    cheaply; unacceptably; reprehensibly; inexcusably; definitely; positively; inconceivably; incredibly; emphatically; admittedly; inadmissibly; disagreeably; contemptibly; insubstantially; obtrusively; dreadfully; noticeably; conspicuously; undisguisedly; blatantly; inordinately; extremely; sordidly; meanly; cheaply; offensively




    confiscatory; direct; excessive; equitable; ingenious; oppressive; unequal; stealthy; extortionate; merciless; enormous; staggering; arbitrary; unpitying; burdensome

    TAXES adjectives

    hidden; local; inspection; prohibitive; punitive; social; fantastic; exclusive; grievous; external; superfluous; onerous; arbitrary; oppressive; exceptionable; inequitable; personal; incredible; odious


    abscond with—; apply—; appraise for—; appropriate from—; assess—; authorize—; default—; denounce—; derive—; discount—; divert from—; dodge—; eliminate—; enact —; evade—; exempt from—; extort—; grumble about—; impose—; inveigh against —; legislate—; levy—; outlaw—; question —; rate—; reduce—; repeal—; squeeze—; —accrue; —burden; —constitute; —crush; —defray; —design; —enable; —extend; — impoverish; —mount; —prorate; —ruin; — stifle; —support; —total; —yield; expend—

    (See tariff.

    TAXI verbs

    avail oneself of—; commandeer—; employ —; flag—; hail—; hire—; license—; man—; mobilize—s; pursue in—; recruit—s; resort to—; scramble for—; whistle for—; —careens; —conveys; —s file by; —meanders; —pick its way; —rolls away; —rumbles; —scuds; —s scurry; —skids; —swerves; — threads thru traffic; —transports; —traverses; —whizzes

    (See automobile.

    TAXPAYERS verbs

    address—; besiege—; burden—; coerce—; delude—; harass—; impoverish—; irk—; overburden—; promise—; ruffle—; soothe —; stir—; swindle—; tyrannize over—; — array against; —band; —campaign for; — declaim; —decry; —elect; —groan; — clamor; —league; —moan; —petition; — protest; —repudiate; —rise; —unite; — voice

    (See citizen, public, people.


    numberless (pl); well-creamed; smuggled; elemental; contraband; rare; licorice; softened; melodious; perfumed; fragrant; aphrodisiac


    abstain from—; addict to—; brew—; concoct—; dispatch—; dispense—; drain—; entertain at—; flavor—; gulp—; ice—; imbibe—; import—; quaff—; sip—; -spice—; strain—; sweeten—; swill down—; —appeases; —moistens; —quenches; —revives; —simmers; —stimulates; —thickens

    (See coffee, drink, beverage.

    TEACH (v) adverbs professionally; explicitly; elaborately; exclusively; extensively; laboriously; effectually; systematically; dispassionately; ethically; scrupulously; conscientiously; competently; eminently; zealously; erroneously; inspirationally

    (See instruct.

    TEACHABLE adverbs easily; scarcely; hardly; eagerly; responsively; clearly; manifestly; readily; ordinarily; extraordinarily; unusually; alertly; quickly; intelligently; admirably; exceptionally; surprisingly

    TEACHER adjectives

    perspicacious; competent; well-trained; mute; pious; imaginative; established; enthusiastic; delightful; admirable; discontented; notable; eminent; fledged; brilliant; illustrious; foremost; understanding; zealous; distinguished; religious; discouraged; primary; incapable; stimulating


    commend—; disqualify—; extol—; honor—; prejudice—; revere—; —adjusts; —breeds; —coaches; —cultivates; —disciplines; —discourses; —drills; —edifies; —emancipates; —enlightens; —equips; —expounds; — fledges; —fosters; —guides; —harangues; —hews; —holds forth; —illumines; —impregnates; —inculcates; —indoctrinates; — infiltrates; —infuses; —interprets; —initiates; —inspires; —instils; —instructs; — liberates; —matures; —molds; —nurtures;

    —poises; —prepares; —shapes; —sheds light; —sows; —rears; —tutors; —uplifts

    (See master, orator, scholar.)

    Teaching adjectives

    assiduous; blind; austere; orthodox; political; time-honored; positive; inspired; inner; basic; rational; erroneous; stem; polytheistic; ethical; false; lofty; skeptical


    accept—; acquaint with—; adhere to—; advance—; afford—; bias—; blind to—; certify for—; contradict—; convey—; demonstrate—; enlarge—; evolve—; follow—; glean from—; heed—; introduce—; labor at —; memorize—; practise—; prejudice—; propagandize—;    reiterate—; reject—

    standardize—; suppress—s; treasure—: — affords; —directs; —embraces; —enlightens; —guides; —inculcates; —infuses; — instils; —matures; —qualifies; —prepares; —unveils

    (See doctrine, gospel, precept, instruction, profession.)

    Tea-Cup adjectives

    rattling; tiny; dainty; china; fragile

    Team adjectives

    well-matched; splendid; phlegmatic; ill-mated; willing; panting; serviceable


    acclaim—; assemble—; captain—; cleave—; coach—; condition—; discipline—; dominate —; drill—; forsake—; harangue—; harness —; heckle—; inspire—; instil in—; mobilize—; oppose—; rend—; reward—; sever —; subsidize—; transport—; —bows; —concedes; —conquers; —contends; —cooperates; —drubs; —files out; —flounders; — hampers; —manoeuvers ; —proselytes; — surmounts; —trains; —triumphs; —upsets; —vanquishes

    (See crew, athlete, contestant.)

    Tear (v) adverbs

    distractedly; viciously; hideously; extensively; impatiently; ravenously; rudely; wolf-ishly; literally; wantonly; ceaselessly; ruthlessly; dreadfully

    (See divide, sever.)

    Tearful adverbs

    touchingly; maddeningly; vexatiously; deliberately; purposely; profitably; pathetically; sympathetically; pitiably; unfortunately; readily; easily; ridiculously; comically; ludicrously; hysterically; nervously; timidly; shyly; bashfully; tragically; angrily; fearfully; overwhelmingly; embarrassingly; helplessly; anxiously; happily; boisterously; noisily; piteously

    Tears adjectives

    superabundant; solemn; unshed; melodious; sorrowful; hysterical; timid; passionate; unavailing; heartbroken; fruitless; flowing; glowing; dying; passion-ridden; soul-brought; subduing; glorious; silent; weak; unreclaiming; stealing; idiot; sharp; sweet; bitter; dewy; struggling; treacherous; crystal; impending; grateful; honest; frozen; immortal; happy; salt; undropped; scalding; maudlin; untimely; eternal; joyful; repentant; unremembered; plenteous; tributary; emotional; ungovernable; immense; kindred; continual; gathering; contending; solemn; reminiscent; unavailing; sparkling; briny; unconscious; sympathetic; noiseless; sleepless; merry; crocodile; foolish; supplicating; patriotic; obsequious; excessive; imploring; intermittent; future; celestial; smarting; spiteful; involuntary; resistless; furious; parting; softening; mingled; submissive; saccharine; foreboding; purple; stanchless; contrite; peevish; quenched; humble; feigned; brimming; noble; penitential; dreadful; transparent; vanished; impotent; silver-shedding; mighty; fertile


    agitate to—; allay—; bathe in—; blind with —; brush away—; burst into—; check—; conceal—; consecrate with—; dab at—; dim with—; dissolve into—; dry—; emit —; feign—; flood with—; give vent to—; ignore—; inspire—; melt down—; move to —; provoke—; relieve—; secrete—; shed —; snivel in—; stem—; sting to—; summon —; swallow—; tinge with—; water with —; wink back—; wipe away—; wring—; —bedew; —blind; —choke; —dissolve; — dry up; —fall; —flow; —glisten; —glitter; —gush forth; —impassion; —melt; —move; —rack; —rain down; —scald; —soften; -— start; —sting; —stream down; —sway; — touch; —tremble; —trickle; —wash away

    —well up; —wet; blink back—

    (See lamentation, dew, grief.

    Tease (v) adverbs

    wilfully; provokingly; irritatingly; exasper-atingly; bullyingly; boisterously; slyly; insidiously; viciously; vindictively; subtly; blithely

    (See torment, harass.

    Teasing adverbs

    blithely; playfully; persistently; comically; merrily; wildly; noisily; tormentingly; foolishly; inordinately; pestiferously; ludicrously; nonsensically; absurdly; merrily; airily; immoderately; hilariously

    Technical adverbs

    clearly; purely; merely; probably; narrowly; strictly; wholly

    Technicalities verbs

    acquire—; avoid—; bores one with—; botch —; bungle—; denote—; detail—; discard —; dispense with—; dissolve—; enlighten —; exhibit—; explain—; ignore—; insist upon—; master—; necessitate—; plague with —; simplify—; strip—; weigh—; —bewilder; —confuse; —particularize; —perplex

    (See detail, technique.

    Technicality adjectives

    theological; ecclesiastical; selling; trivial; tiny

    Technique adjectives

    comprehensive; scarce; specified; perfected; grooming; inborn; natural; creative; operating; educational; photographic; administrative; first-rate; incredible; piano; impressionistic; remarkable; dramatic; masterly; sterile; histological; surgical; brushing; delicate; facile; amazing; complex


    acclaim—; achieve—; acquire—; attain—; change—; -ommend—; contrive—; crown —; dispatch with—; display—; develop—; devise—; employ—; endow with—; evolve —; excel in—; exhibit—; forge—; formulate—; improve—; introduce—; laud—; master—; perfect—; practise—; revolutionize—; stamp with—; suggest—; —aids; — enhances; —equips

    (See skill, method, manner.

    Tedious adverbs

    intolerably; monotonously; profoundly; irksomely; tiresomely; uniformly; boringly; terribly; wearisomely; inordinately; feebly; exhaustingly; dully; mortally; prosily; disgustingly; unbearably; wearily; flatly; stupidly

    Tedium verbs

    allay—; chafe at—; decry—; disperse—; divert from—; ease—; relieve—; revolt at —; —assails; —beguiles; —bores; —burdens; —disintegrates; —exhausts; —fags; —fatigues; —harasses; —irks; —jades; — overwhelms; —prostrates; —sours; —stagnates; —strains; —taxes; —vexes; — wearies; —weighs upon

    (See monotony, weariness.

    Teeter (v) adverbs

    precariously; dizzily; dangerously; comically; drunkenly; weakly; painfully

    (See sway, balance.

    Teeth adjectives

    feeble; mottled; dazzling; tortuous; milky; ravenous; sharpened; jagged; clenched; hooked; pearly; tartarous; compressed; ferocious; flashing; foam-laced; blunted; glittering; chattering; convulsive; horrid; neglected; decayed; black; lacquered; wolfish; short; ivory; gnashing; snowy; close-shut; dagger-like; grinding


    abscess—; brace—; clamp—on; clench in—; cut—; dislodge—; drill—; engage with—; extract—; gnash—; grate—; grit—; groove —; imbed—in; lock—; polish—; retain—; —chatter; —crunch; —cut; —disintegrate; —emerge; —erupt; —flash; —gnaw; —lacerate; —pierce; —poison; —project; —reduce

    (See fang, bone.

    Telegram adjectives

    congratulatory; visual; ocular; co-working; worrying; speedy


    acknowledge by—; convey—; decipher—; decode—; dispatch—; seal—; unfold—; — advises; —alarms; —announces; —authorizes; —s bombard; —confirms; —congratulates; —discloses; —divulges; —directs; — excites; —informs; —orders; —s pour in; — protests; —reveals

    (See letter, dispatch, news, message.

    Telegraph (v) adverbs

    swiftly; instantly; faithfully; peremptorily; authoritatively; fraternally

    (See communicate, dispatch.

    Telegraphic adverbs mysteriously; swiftly; emotionally; marvellously; silently; confidentially; comically; fleetly; unmistakably; mercifully; sympathetically

    Telepathic adverbs

    emotionally; sympathetically; instinctively; unmistakably; mysteriously; naturally; definitely; demonstrably; presumably; distinctly; possibly; imaginably; curiously; strangely; admissibly; credibly

    Telephone adjectives limitless; effective; clattering; .mute


    acquire—; communicate by—; confirm by—; disconnect—; drone into—; inform by—; install—; necessitate—; remove—; repair—; scurry to—; sever—; —assists; —awakens; —clamors; —distracts; —diverts; —eases; —enables; —facilitates; —jangles; —lightens; —persists; —shrills

    Telescope verbs contemplate through—; design—; direct— at; discern through—; level—at; mount—; peek through—; peer through—; perceive through—; rivet—on; scan with—; squint into—; study through—; survey with—; — aids; —clarifies; —discovers; —distinguishes; —enlarges; —enlightens; —facilitates

    —magnifies; —ranges; —reveals; —sweeps the heavens

    (See microscope.

    Telescopic adverbs

    amazingly; incredibly; marvellously; authentically; credibly; highly; evidently; co'n-veniently; compactly; cleverly; handily; disconcertingly

    Tell (v) adverb'

    succinctly; impassively; hysterically; vehemently; conclusively; frankly; vigorously; jestingly; vividly; reluctantly; impressively; vaguely; musically; candidly; effectively; complacently; fluently; simply; circumstantially; reverently; artfully; reproachfully; accordingly; bluntly; genially; dispassionately; arrogantly; fervently; glibly; poignantly; gravely; inconsistently

    (See communicate, speak.

    Telling adverbs

    vividly; trenchantly; brilliantly; eloquently; unusually; impuessively; uniquely; significantly; graphically; dramatically; vigorously; authoritatively; positively; sensationally; remarkably; extremely; singularly; marvellously

    Telltale adverbs

    undisguisably; innocently; embarrassingly; indubitably; convincingly; ineradicably; inescapably; manifestly; ridiculously; undeniably; significantly; remarkably; conspicuously; noticeably; visibly; graphically

    Temper adjectives

    generous; reckless; subjective; suspended; creative; critical; gusty; querulous; peevish; suspicious; inflammable; gracious; charitable; terrible; ethereal; youthful; judicial; penurious; violent; dauntless; ruffled; indolent; collective (pl); frayed; bad; easy; convivial; uncertain; predominant; revengeful; skeptical; chivalrous; complacent; malignant; malleable; slumbering; imperious; independent; fixed; haughty; jarring; serene; buoyant; amiable; indifferent; chastened; earthly; ruthless; jovial; unspent; unsunned; fiery; lively; loquacious; self-willed; passionate; columned; delicate; noble; docile; imperturbable; characteristic; mirthful; sweet; queer; philosophic; irritable; lethargic; meek; placid; sunny; equable; changeable; curious; polemical; cold; irreligious; merry; conciliatory; unforgiving; fretful; invincible; pedantic; heroic; unaltered; keen; despondent; ungovernable; inquisitive; impatient; admirable; combative; childish; turbulent; choleric; gunpowder; aspiring; dignified; villainous; boisterous; resentful; coddled; schizoid; benevolent; calm; ferocious; submissive; confident; crusading: eddying; iron-like; tart; feeble


    allay—; assuage—; blunt—; calm—; chasten—; compose—; curb—; dulcify—; exhibit —; fire—; ignite—; lull—; manifest—; moderate—; mollify—; pacify—; palliate—; quell—; quench—; restrain—; rule—; smooth—; sober—; subdue—; sweeten—; —blazes; —erupts; —explodes; —flames

    —flares; —foams; —foments; —fumes; — seethes; —simmers; —snaps

    (See ire, anger, disposition, temperament.

    Temperament adjectives

    adventurous; uncertain; artistic; cheerful; nervous; bilious; romantic; brooding; poetical; fierce; ardent; sanguine; morbid; observing; restless; nerveless; classic; highbred; individual; aspiring; unchangeable; philanthropic; sprightly; apathetic; emotional; mercurial; equable; grave; warlike; peculiar; heroic; inborn; fervent; oratorical; impetuous; undisciplined; genial; melancholy; mournful; indolent; pugnacious; fitful; delicate; rare; sunny; passionate; peculiar; physical; overcharged


    attune—to; bend—; characterize—; curse with—; display—; dispose toward—; exhibit—; fire—; foment—; harmonize—s; imbue with—; incline toward—; inflame—; influence—; inherit—; modulate—; mollify —; mould—; warp—; wrestle with—; —s clash; —flares; —indicates; —piques; — seethes; —simmers

    (See character, disposition.

    Temperamental adverbs

    highly; inconveniently; tempestuously; pro-vokingly; bewilderingly; naturally; proverbially; characteristically; insufferably; unpre-dictably; allegedly; unmanageably; uncontrollably; violently; interestingly; perplexingly

    Temperance •verbs

    advocate—; campaign for—; commend—; exhort—; laud—; pledge—; promote—; — abstains; —allays; —alleviates; —chastens; —composes; —denies; —forbears; —mitigates; —moderates; —refrains; —sobers; — softens; —spares; —tranquillizes

    (See moderation, sobriety, restraint.

    Temperate adverbs

    definitely; mildly; judiciously; moderately; calmly; pleasantly; safely; honestly; cautiously; discreetly; prudently; reasonably; certainly; occasionally; habitually; naturally; soberly; consistently; modestly; quietly; inveterately; surprisingly; meticulously; punctiliously; scrupulously; usually

    Temperature adjectives

    accurate; congenial; equable; unexpected; high; balmy; tepid; terrestrial; physical; low; critical; ruinous; debilitating; varying; aggregate; uniform; intolerable; mean; cheap; consistent; elevated


    ascertain—; determine—; expose to—of; indicate—; maintain—; measure—; record —; regulate—; swelter in—of; —chars; — chills; —chafes; —climbs; —congeals; — descends; —fluctuates; —flushes; —fuses; —ignites; —mounts; —nips; —parches; — petrifies; —pinches; —refreshes; —sinks; —skyrockets (colloq.); —soars; —thaws; —toboggans

    (See mercury, barometer, meter, weather.

    Tempest adjectives

    terrible; howling; winter; renewed; spirit-brewed; shadowy; embattled; hideius; giddy; aerial; social; weltering; thundering; laboring; furious; careening; commanding; ruinous; damaging


    calm1—; still—; sway in—; —abates; —agitates; —batters; —bellows; —blusters; —

    buffets; —churns; —clamors; —crackles; — devastates; —drenches; —fumes; —howls; —lashes; —rages; —roars; —seethes; — shrieks; —subdues; —swells; —uproots; — whisks; —whistles; —subsides

    (See gale, hurricane, storm.)

    Tempestuous adverbs

    violently; uncontrollably; passionately; stormily; dangerously; unmanageably; remarkably; unusually; insufferably; notoriously; sensationally; melodramatically; feverishly

    Temple adjectives

    druidical; blushing; foreign; mystical; unworthy; versatile; abolished; graceful; wind-swept; throbbing; soniferous; burning; shattered; hairy; pagan; proud; pillared; wooden; gorgeous; projecting; ancient; holy; arching; magnificent; veined; heated; solemn; sumptuous; shattered; battered; numerous (pl) ; anointed; airy; glass; monumental


    attend—; banish from—; beseech in—; blaspheme—; bow in—; commune in—; convert into—; dedicate—; defile—; degrade—; desecrate—; design—; enshrine in—; erect —; expel from—; found—; ordain—; profane—; purge—; quarter in—; refuge in—; rend—; retire to—; sully—; swear by—; taint—; visit—; whip from—; —rises; — sanctifies

    (See church, tabernacle, cathedral.)

    Temporal adverbs

    evanescently; merely; transitorily; briefly; fleetingly; fugitively; perishably; transiently; mutably; precariously; impermanently; painfully; unhappily; frailly; ephemerally; utterly; sadly; uncertainly; insecurely

    Temporary adverbs

    fortunately; merely; definitely; presumably; luckily; unfortunately; probably; presumably; definitely; supposedly; allegedly

    Tempt (v) adverbs

    diabolically; fiendishly; insidiously; viciously; lewdly; appetizingly; intolerably; unwittingly; irresistibly; unduly; incestuously; mystically; maddeningly; goadingly

    (See induce, lead.)

    Temptation adjectives

    constant; incestuous; sore; stronger; fierce; irresistible; external; various (pl); succulent; inviting; urban; insidious; testy; urgent; mystical; repeated; enticing; usurped


    accede to—; avoid—; conquer—; deliver from—; fling aside—; grapple with—; heighten—; intensify—; prevail against—; resist—; shun—; steel to—; subdue—; succumb to—; surrender to—; vanquish—; withstand—; wrestle with—; subdue—; — allures; —attracts; —baits; —beckons; — beguiles; —biases; —goads; —lures; — overcomes; —overwhelms; —seduces; — spurs; —sways; —tantalizes

    (See desire, passion, appetite.)

    Tempting adverbs

    delectably; alluringly; subtly; viciously; cleverly; slily; guilelessly; seductively; irresistibly; curiously; strangely; exotically; perilously; boldly; wickedly; deliciously; charmingly; pleasurably; insidiously

    Tenable adverb's

    scarcely; soundly; rationally; reasonably; logically; incontrovertibly; obviously; undeniably; easily; manifestly; validly; legally; satisfactorily; basically; effectively; in-ferentially; sensibly; fundamentally; essentially

    Tenacious adverbs

    stubbornly; obstinately; piously; dogmatically; doctrinally; doggedly; toughly; persistently; obdurately; resolutely; grimly; uncompromisingly; indomitably; stiffly; fanatically; inexplicably; disagreeably; ungraciously; tactlessly; surprisingly; churlishly; grossly; vexatiously

    T ENA CITY adjectives

    unyielding; peculiar; pathetic; amazing; bulldog; breathless; obstinate; desperate: extraordinary; unmatched; dogged,; agonized; marvelous


    buckle with—; cling with—; display—; exhibit—; inherit—; marvel at—; value—; —droops; —fails; —flags; —flinches; — impresses; —irks; —piques; —rankles; — resists; —riles (colloq.); —stiffens; —-wavers; —yields to

    (See impregnability, stubbornness, persistence, strength.)

    Tenant adjectives

    delinquent; peripatetic; impoverished; previous; worshipful; shuddering; defaulting; noisome; troublesome

    Tend («•) adverbs

    progressively; auspiciously; affectionately; subversively; obliquely; sedulously; faithfully; maternally; materially; religiously; fervently

    (See contribute, incline.)

    Tendency adjectives

    pensive; sadistic; moralizing; abnormal; consequent; contrary; general; inevitable; exhibitionistic; decadent; abortive; immoral; dominant; latent; worldly; picturesque; belated; remote; revolutionary; marked; overruling; hereditary; evil; boyish; vicious; rationalistic; opposing; neurotic; abounding; pernicious; ambivalent; diverging; apprehensive; curtailed; philosophical; unconscious; speculative; primitive; morbid; life-abridging; transitory; herding; incestuous; rising; tubercular; un-devout; natural; progressive; youthful; extravagant; erratic; notable; irreligious; conflicting; realistic; cancerous; centripetal; social; chronic; growing; powerful; stubborn; pseudo-classic; gravitating; materializing; obnoxious; dispositional; constitutional; pragmatic; aggravating; prevalent; remarkable; dangerous; healthy; observable; incorrigible; curious; devotional; pernicious; dispersive; culinary; commercial; monopolistic


    augment—; bolster—; check—; combat—; counteract—; counterbalance—; cultivate—; decry—; deplore—; deprecate—; dispose of —; eliminate—; encourage—; exhibit—; foster—; inherit—; neutralize—; nurse—; nurture—; observe—; offset—; outgrow—; overcome—; perceive—; promote—; reflect —; resist—; restrain—; smother—; stifle—; temper—; warp—; —conduces toward; — endangers; —jeopardizes; —predisposes

    (See inclination, proclivity, disposition.)

    Tender adverbs

    affectionately; maternally; infinitely; mercifully; passionately; amorously; impulsively; impetuously; eagerly; amiably; gently; curiously; naturally; oddly; unexpectedly; lovingly; caressingly

    Tenderness adjectives

    respectful; wounded; tearful; solemn; passionate; renewed; marked; sexual; dawning; yearning; melting; latent; pardonable; quaint; compassionate; human; spontaneous; newborn; bountiful; boundless; exquisite; conjugal; maternal; growing; unutterable; secondary; paternal; natural; deep; laughing; patriarchal; credulous; brief; immense; profound; elephantine; saddened; masculine; ineffable; touching; increasing; pathetic; grateful; infinite; unaccustomed; majestic; flowery; rugged; zealous; connubial; wishful; infinite; malicious; grave; wild; ineffable; excessive; rough; unvarying; flavorsome; graceful; universal; ethe-realized; brooding; shy; surpassing; patronizing; ideal; searching; sufficient; eternal; heavenly; uneradicated; peculiar


    affect—; arouse—; cherish—; display—; evince—; excite—; exhibit—; infuse—: inspire—; move to—; propitiate in—; relent in—; sense—; temper with—; treasure—; —assuages; —captivates; —charms; —disarms; —engages; —floods; —melts; — mitigates; —mollifies; —pervades; — pierces; —stirs

    (See love, kindness, compassion, pity, mercy.)

    Tendon verbs

    bind—; cleave—; dissect—; incise—; lacerate—: penetrate—; pull—; rend—; seg ment—; sever—; strain—; strip—; — couples; —jams; —knots; —pains; —supports; —unites

    (See muscle, ligament.

    Tenements adjectives

    spacious; frail; tessellated; dreary; newly-painted; fire-trap; dilapidated; unsafe; nauseating; filthy; close-packed; unsightly; disgusting; squalid


    condemn—; decry—; dwell in—; eject from —; evict from—; inhabit—; inveigh against —; poke about—; raze—; reside in—; roost in—; scurry through—; —breed; — confine; —defile; —dot; —engender; — harden; —overspread; —reek; —sully

    (See building, structure, home, slums.

    Tenor adjectives

    constant; noiseless; general; loud; expressionless; diminutive; same; habitual; operatic; even

    Tense adverbs

    nervously; utterly; anxiously; rigidly; stiffly; terribly; oddly; uneasily; apprehensively; dreadfully; curiously; visibly; noticeably; manifestly; fearfully; self-conscous-ly; excitedly; eagerly; unusually; remarkably; feverishly; warily; watchfully; quietly

    Tension adjectives

    diminished; surface; severe; tremendous; increased; relieved; ocular; wonted; nervous; mental; spasmodic; unendurable; vigorous; bitter; emotional; extreme; unnatural; ominous; elastic; awful; high; electric


    allay—; alleviate—; ameliorate—; blunt—; ease—; erase—; generate—; inure to—; reduce—; relax—; release—; relieve—; soothe—; stir up—; sustain—; —burdens

    • — exhausts; —flares; —heightens; —jades

    • — mounts; —prostrates; —snaps; —strains

    • — taxes; —unnerves; —wearies

    (See misapprehension, anxiety, fear, strain, intensity.

    Tent adjectives

    invading; striped; tall; mat-walled; little; swarthy; stationary; convenient; superfluous; abominable; gauze; solitary; prim; tight


    assemble in—; avail oneself of—; batter—; buffet—; dwell in—; encamp in—; pelt—; pitch—; stake—; whisk away—; —affords; —comforts; —conceals; —enshrouds; —envelops; —flaps; —flutters; —obscures; — preserves; —shelters

    (See canvas, home, house, pavilion.

    Tentacles adjectives

    long; trailing; murderous; multitudinous



    clutch in—; deliver from—; disengage—; elude—; ensnare in—; escape—; evade—; expand—; extricate from—; hug in—; liberate from—; relax—; release from—; seize in—; sever—; unloose—; —cling to; —contract; —entwine; —grasp; —retain; —smother; —snatch; —suffocate

    (See grasp, grip, talons, claw, clutch.

    Tenure ad jectives

    property; fixed; solitary; lifelong; permanent; indefinite

    Tepid adverbs

    sickeningly; nauseously; uninterestingly; pleasantly; harmlessly; agreeably; safely; disagreeably

    Term (general) ad jectives

    stringent; mechanistic; concrete; triumphant; remunerative; inexorable; appreciative; uncompromising; precise; brilliant; purposed; mysterious; familiar; interchangeable; plain; warm; ambiguous; proffered; unexpired; dubious; unhallowed; disastrous; convincing; abusive; modest: sudden; limited; strong; vile; festival; subsequent; equivalent; respectable; growling; impending; vague; hyperbolical; personal; unqualified; successful; downright; specific: generous; explicit; glowing; wrathful; con

    ciliatory; budget; honorable; obscure; silent; rash; affectionate; convertible; installment; speedy; anagogic; emphatic; disapproving; attractive; original; indefinite; complied; gross; measured; absolute; uncalculating; following; misapplied; extravagant; equal; silken; liberal; uncouth; synonymous; flattering; satisfactory; hyperbolical; chameleon; advantageous; immense; tedious; convenient; endurable; psychoanalytic; unreasonable; generic; relative; intimate; eloquent; terrible; tender; fashionable; amicable; equivocal; favorable; complimentary; penitentiary; recollected; degrading; much-abused; express; comprehensive; antiquated; impressive; feeble; technical; essential; respectful; fundamental; abominable; unmistakable; graphic; energetic; monetary; figurative; opprobrious; unmistakable

    Term (words) verbs

    accentuate—; amplify—; analyze—; apply —; clarify—; cloak in—s; clothe in—s; coin—; condense—; confine—; corrupt—; couch in—; define—; derive—; employ—; illustrate—; interpret—; object to—; paraphrase—; stilt—; stress—; voice in—s; — bewilders; —colors; —confuses; —degenerates; —disgraces; —embraces; —emphasizes; —expresses; —implies; —insinuates; —veils

    (See phrase, expression, word.)

    Term (v) adverbs

    vulgarly; improperly; euphemistically; confidentially; appropriately; aptly; irrelevantly; sneeringly; jestingly; satirically; equivocally; degradingly; technically; graphically; figuratively; opprobriously; affectionately; modestly; wrathfully; ambiguously; hyperbolically

    (See call, name.)

    Termagant adve'rbs

    brazenly; uncontrollably; boisterously; savagely; rudely; incredibly; obviously; laughably; ridiculously; unreasoningly; habitually; oddly; crazily; biliously; excitably; pugnaciously; truculently; bewilderingly; cruelly; scurrilously; obscenely

    Termites verbs

    control—; deter—; exterminate—; infest with—; resist—; seethe with—; shield from —; teem with—; trample—; —abound; — ally with; —attack; —blight; —bore through; —burrow; —colonize; —construct; —deface; —despoil; —destroy; —devastate; —devour; —excavate; —forage; —gnaw; —hollow out; —impair; —incubate; —injure; —invade; —menace; —moult; — mound; —mutilate; —nest; —overrun; — penetrate; —raid; —ravage; —raise; — sap foundations; —store; —swarm; — tunnel through; —undermine

    (See ant, insect.)

    Terms (conditions) verbs

    accede to—; acknowledge—; acquiesce to —; adopt—; allude to—; approve—; assent to—; challenge—; comply with—; concede to—; confine to—; consent to—; consider —; contract on—; corroborate—; couch in —; dictate—; disclose—; divulge—; enforce—; haggle over—; impose—; indorse —; mince—; propound—; ratify—; regard —; restrict to—; shorten—; sign—; submit —; subscribe to—; translate into—; yield to—; —apply; —conciliate; —imply; —include; —pacify; —placate; —yoke

    (See condition, demand, proposition, provision, limitation.)

    TERRACE adjectives

    successive (pl); sloping; spacious; narrow; zigzag; beautiful; rounded; landscaped

    Terrestrial adverbs

    manifestly; disappointingly; materially

    comfortably; obviously; ridiculously

    Terrible adverbs

    utterly; consummately; unbearably; appallingly; fascinatingly; luridly; overwhelmingly; indescribably; astoundingly; portentously

    Terrified adverbs

    utterly; basely; brutally; cruelly; mercilessly; irrationally; unusually; highly; dismally; hopelessly; desperately; distressingly; painfully; pathetically; secretly; dreadfully; inwardly; strangely; curiously; wildly; violently; hysterically

    Terrify (v) adverbs

    pusillanimously; psychically; unreasoning!}’; manifestly; irrationally; superstitiously; secretly; frantically; vicariously; immoderately; direly; blindly; overwhelmingly; supernatural!}’; abjectly

    (See frighten, scare.)

    Territory adjectives

    extensive; adjacent; contiguous; debatable; adjoining; valuable; disputed; immense; imperial; worthless; contracted; neutral; condemned; excellent; dangerous; virgin; ideal; productive; paltry; vast; annexed; choice; rich; unassigned; inexhaustible; restricted; best; protected


    abandon—; absorb—; administer—s; annex —; border—; cede—; claim—; commandeer —; covet—; devastate—; dispose of—; embrace—; endow with—; expropriate—; flank—; forfeit—; fortify—; gain—; impound—; invade—; lay waste—; lease—; mandate—; partition—; patrol—; ravage —; reconquer—; retain—; reward with—; rule—; seek—; skirt—; traverse—; value —; yield—; —confronts; —flourishes; — revolts; —seethes

    (See district, province, locality, jurisdiction, country.)

    Terror adjectives

    mute; avowed: blasphemous; striking; pusillanimous; loving; mutual; bodily; abject; abysmal; mysterious; coquettish; conventional; chastening; conquering; psychic; manifest; rattling; hasty; inconceivable; avenging; haunting; forest; imaginary; instinctive; vague; limitless; unreasoning; sheer; absurd; majestic; dissolving; wild; grisly; superstitious; shuddering; bouncing; roaring; rigid; secret; breathless; dispelled; vigorous; frantic; natural; undefinable; solemn; rhythmic; deadly; fantastic; vica-lious; tinkling; vengeful; faltering; prudential; dreadful; groundless; panicky; moderate; anticipative; veritable; pregnant; scattered; cold; paralyzing: dire; sickly; blind; constant; soul-chilling; overwhelming: unreasonable; supernatural; suppressed; simultaneous; efficient; increasing; unconvinced; ignoble


    allay—; attest to—; beleaguer by—; bend in—; blanch with—; cower in—; dispel—; entertain—; flinch in—; hesitate in—; incite—; inspire—; live in—; pale in—; palpitate in—; paralyze—; plunge into—; prostrate with—; quake in—; quiver in—; read—; retreat in—; sense—; shrink in—; shudder in—; squirm in—; tremble in—; —aggravates; —catches; —chills; —deters; —harrows; —haunts; —looms; —nauseates; —overwhelms; —petrifies; —racks; —recoils; —reigns; —seizes; —shapes itself; —springs; —stalks; —strikes; —stuns; — weighs upon

    (See dread, dismay, fear, alarm, fright, consternation.)

    Terrorism verbs

    assail—; castigate—; check—; curb—; inflict—; have recourse to—; revolt against —; subject to—; suppress—; tolerate—; —cankers; —coerces; —crushes; —dictates; —domineers; —oppresses; —overrides; — persecutes; —ravages;  —reigns; —re

    strains; —rides roughshod; —snuffs out; —stings; —tyrannizes;  —tramples;

    wreaks; —yokes

    (See tyranny, intimidation.)

    Terrorist verbs

    quail before—; root out—s; —bridles; — coerces; —desecrates; —devastates; —domineers; —intimidates; —outrages; —pillages; —plunders; —ravages; —restrains; —retaliates;  —sheds; —shocks;  —sup

    presses; —tramples; —usurps

    (See anarchist, striker, revolutionist.)

    Terror-Stricken adverbs

    disastrously; nervously; awfully; unaccountably; unmercifully; tragically; utterly; hopelessly; curiously; helplessly; pitiably; irrecoverably; direly; sorely; unduly; grievously; naturally; inevitably; appallingly

    Terse adverbs

    carefully; incisively; bitterly; cuttingly; sarcastically; insolently; indifferent!}*; coldly; officially; wearily; cautiously; discreetly; formidably; rigidly; frigidly; curiously; perplexingly; unreasonably; unnecessarily; brusquely; bluntly; ominously; significantly; oddly

    Test adjectives

    microscopic; summit; crucial; quick; fiery; acid; practical; universal; elaborate; exhaustive; innumerable (pl); conceiving; grueling; stringent; selective; triumphant; bacteriological; preliminary; careful; rigid; convincing; dangerous: supreme; experimental; actual; great; definite; discriminative; supplementary; instrumental; theological; temporal; complicated; infallible; provocative; prescribed; routine verbs

    apply—; broaden—; cite—; concoct—; confront with—; conceive—; conduct—; —confirm—; devise—; employ—; essay—; exercise—; fail in—; flunk (colloq.) —; grapple with—; institute—; perform—; question—; rehearse—; repeat—; subject to—; submit to—; survive—; undergo—; utilize—; work out—; wrestle with—; —analyzes; —ascertains; —appraises; —authenticates; —confirms; —determines; —discloses; —dissects; —judges; —overwhelms; —reveals; —springs; —verifies; —vindicates; — weighs

    (See experiment, examination, criterion.)

    Test (v) adverbs

    scientifically; experimentally; practically; thoroughly; periodically; crucially; elaborately; exhaustively; rigidly;  definitely

    discriminatively; theologically;  infallibly


    (See quiz, question.)

    Testify (v) adverbs

    ethically; essentially; obstreperously; traitorously; flatteringly; falteringly; abundantly; mutely; unflinchingly; solemnly; un equivocally; corroboratively; irrelevantly negatively; consequently; unanimously; un biasedly; personally; flictingly; sincerely; phatically

    (See assert, tell.)

    T ESTI MO NY adjectives

    solitary; jubilant; concurrent; equivocal; miraculous; honeyed; corroborative: irrelevant; remarkable; appreciative; negative; contemporary; inward; consequential; unsupported; indubitable; unanimous; abundant; silent; sufficient; unbiased; uniform; princely; magnificent; personal; willing; ample; unimpeachable; genuine; unique; conflicting; venerable; clear; professional; precious; enthusiastic; damaging; giorious; cheerful; sincere; explicit; oral; unbroken; incontrovertible; emphatic


    adduce—; analyze—; authenticate—; bear —; blast—; cite—; conform—; contradict—; corroborate—; deduce—; deliver as—; deny —; dispute—; expose—; express—; falsify —; file—; impair—; marshal—; perjure—; punctuate—; question—; record—; refute —; repudiate—; reverse—; review—; substantiate—; sustain—; uncover—; undermine—; uphold—; verify—; —authenticates; —bears; —carries weight; —conflicts; —convinces; —deludes; —differs: — discloses; —disturbs; —divulges; —floods; —reveals; —stuns; —vindicates; —warrants

    (See evidence, proof, declaration.)

    Text adjectives

    trivial; pregnant; trite; faultless; miraculous; holy; sanguine; adopted; descriptive; infallible; authentic; expanded; obscene; widely-used; brilliant; edited


    acquaint with—; adhere to—; allude to—; analyze—; bear upon—; contemplate—; con tradict—; convey—; copyright—; digress from—; engross in—; explore—; express in —; follow—; heed—; peruse—; ponder—; pore over—; ransack—; regard—; reflect on—; review—; revise—: scan—; scrutinize—; supplement—; tamper with—; transform—; —depicts; —informs; —portrays

    (See matter, composition, book, story, subject, topic, theme.

    Texture adjectives

    mysterious; basic; satiny; exquisite; grainy; permanent; delicate; misty; superb; soft; fine; springy; homely; unstylish; porous; rude; harmonic; historical; slippery; exclusive; crinkled; sheer; delicious; substantial; orthodox; even; fragile; smooth; shimmering; translucent; bubbled; surface; peachlike

    Thank («-) adverbs adequately; inarticulately; devoutly; cordially; heartily; formally; humbly; profusely; reverently; sincerely; appreciatively; ful-somely; haughtily; cursorily; dutifully; churlishly

    (See appreciate.

    Thankful adverbs

    utterly; delightedly; joyously; gratefully; unusually; particularly; singularly; exceptionally; enthusiastically; devoutly; reverently; deeply; profoundly; appreciatively; inordinately; obviously; earnestly; sincerely; truly; redundantly; unquestionably; remarkably; peculiarly

    Thankless adverbs

    dismally; sadly; ungraciously; grimly; heartbreakingly; utterly; bitterly; tragically; distressingly; drearily; cruelly; amazingly

    Thanks adjectives

    distracted; allegiant; humble; shy; fulsome; haughty; savage; impious; cordial; lively; dutiful; public; hearty; beggarly; silent; churlish; mumbled; half-hearted


    accept—; acknowledge—; declare—; derive —; express—; extend—; feign—; gush—; inspire—; offer—; overflow with—; proclaim—; proffer—; render—; return—

    reward with—; tender—; —beguile; —gratify

    (See gratitude, appreciation.

    Thatched adverbs

    attractively; recently; picturesquely; admirably; quaintly; satisfactorily; inadequately; thickly; greenly; fragrantly; curiously; intricately; generously; sparsely; thinly; stingily

    Theatre adjectives

    legitimate; elegant; stupendous; imaginary; sensational; outdoor; woody; vast; gigantic; sublime; air-cooled; immense; comfortable; pleasant; troublesome; costly


    acclaim—; convert—; flow from—; forsake —; frequent—; install in—; jam—; participate in—; reject—; renounce—; storm—; —affords; —allures; —beckons; —beguiles; —claims; —diverts; —emblazons; —fascinates; —glitters; —immortalizes; —inspires; —presents; —publicizes; —relaxes; —solaces; pack—

    (See opera, footlights, stage, drama.

    Theatrical adverbs

    absurdly; ridiculously; professionally; unexpectedly; skilfully; artistically; surprisingly; laughably; imposingly; impressively; pompously; bombastically; extravagantly; crassly; affectedly; crudely; showily; insincerely; gaudily; sensationally; consummately

    Theft verbs

    accomplish—; acquire by—; apprehend for —; bewail—; charge with—; commit—; denounce—; disclose—; divulge—; forestall —; insure against—; penalize—; plan—; plot—; reveal—; uncover—; —baffles; — distresses; —impoverishes; —violates

    (See plagiarism, robbery.

    Theme adjectives

    lofty; abstract; everlasting; anti-social; pathetic; prolific; gracious; inspiring; majestic; unpleasant; paramount; inviting:

    curious; earnest; amusing; unsympathetic; spiritual; characteristic; animating; exotic; weak; idle; imperial; debatable; supermundane; pastoral; poetic; varying; irksome; inexhaustible; realistic; extraneous; fruitful; favorite; rusty; dangerous; conversational; immediate; romantic; human; pregnant; copious (pl); prevailing


    allot—; alter—; clothe—; color—; comprehend—; criticize—; discard—; dramatize—; elucidate—; embellish—; embody—; evolve —; exhaust—; expatiate on—; expound—; found—; give rise to—; handle—; harp on —; interpret—; intertwine—; launch—; plunge into—; revert—; set forth—; tackle —; unfold—; variate—; vary—; ventilate —; voice—; weave—; -—deals; —depicts; —dominates; —portrays; —stands upright; —symolizes

    (See text, subject, topic, idea, essay, composition.)

    Theological adverbs

    strictly; narrowly; bigotedly; dogmatically; completely; soundly; devoutly; liberally; restrictively; obstinately; broadly; intolerantly

    Theorem verbs

    admit—; analyze—; apply—; base on—; comprehend—; contrive—; expound—; fashion—; formulize—; ground on—; ponder —; refer to—; regard—; unfold—; —assumes; —derives from; —postulates; — proves; —solves

    (See problem, principle, law, formula.)

    Theoretical adverbs

    obstinately; absurdly; impractically; unreasonably; infeasibly; stupidly; impracticably; impossibly; absolutely; merely; vaguely; presumably; fanatically; obscurely; entirely

    Theorize (v) adverbs

    philosophically; abstractly; optimistically; plausibly; psychoanalytically; experimentally; atomically; coherently; psychologically; nebulously; poetically; geometrically; destructively; ingeniously; extravagantly; classically; absurdly; relatively; dynamically; morally; politically; economically; vaguely

    (See philosophize, talk.)

    Theory adjectives

    favorite; plausible; vibratory; psychoanalytic; experimental; undulatory; imaginative; unsound; universal; constructive; atomic; fanciful; antediluvian; coherent; unsatisfactory; elaborate; psychological; rounded; shaky; buttressed; nebulous; physical; artistic; vague; communistic; protectionist; elliptic; geometrical; evolutionary; color; straightforward; antiquated; ethical; mistaken; collision; philosophical; aesthetic; destructive; cherished.; reprehensible; underlying; ingenious; deliberate; extravagant; chemical; classical; absurd; unsupported; oft-expressed; plausible; preconceived; tremendous; fantastic; secular; fossilized; coherential; radical; original; futile; abstract; relative; dynamic; irreconcilable; musical; impracticable; utopian; moral; religious; vague; suicide; economic


    abandon—; absorb in—; accept—; adopt—; advance—; antiquate—; apply—; arrive at —; authenticate—; base on—;• blast—; check—; commit to—; comprehend—; conceive—; confirm—; contradict—; corroborate—; crush—; defend—; demolish—; devise—; discard—; discredit—; dismiss—; disprove—; dispute—; elaborate—; embrace —; entertain—; evolve—; exhaust—; explode—; explain—; hail—; hazard—; illustrate—; incline to—; incorporate in—; investigate—; maintain—; nurse—; outline—; propound—; refute—; reject—; relinquish —; scorn—; set forth—; speculate on—; submit—; subscribe to—; substantiate—; support—; test—; unveil—; upset—; verify —; visualize—;■—s clash; —concludes; — deludes; —holds water; —opposes; —proposes; herald—

    (See idea, interpretation, hypothesis, logic.)

    Therapy adjectives

    vaccine; occupational; analytic; radio, verbs

    apply—; baffle—; devise—; expound

    hail—; herald—; practise—; prolong—; protract—; recommend—; revolutionize—

    —ameliorates; —mitigates; —palliates; — rectifies; —relieves; —restores; —resuscitates; —revives

    (See cure, treatment.)

    Thermometer verbs

    consult—; disinfect—; grade—; immerse— in; insert—; impair—; obscure—; shake down—; shatter—; suspend—; —ascends; —deceives; —dives; —indicates; —measures; —ranges from; —records; —registers; —reveals; —rises; —skyrockets (colloq.); —soars; —testifies; —toboggans; —warns; —wavers

    (See meter, price, barometer, mercury.)

    Thesis ad jectives

    aesthetic; alternative; voluminous; graduate; requisite; dull; pedantic; plagiarized; useless; incompetent; startling; established; brilliant; heavily-footnoted; well-documented


    acclaim—; analyze—; applaud—; build—; compose—; criticize—; dash off—; elaborate on—; formulate—; illustrate—; peruse—; propound—; submit—; support—; sustain — ;—airs; —brings to light; —comments on; —compiles; —discusses; —dissertates; —embraces; —expatiates; —proposes; —recites; —theorizes; —treats of; —ventilates

    (See manuscript, book, composition, essay.)

    Thick adverbs

    substantially; satisfactorily; acceptably; admirably; commendably; impenetrably; sufficiently; tremendously; unimaginably; distressingly; unmanageably; densely; suffocatingly; unreasonably; impassably; curiously; strangely; undesirably

    Thicket adjectives

    bowery; high; spicy; neighboring; branch; straggling; impenetrable; shady; grotesque; dripping; miniature; cool; darksome; fragrant; leafless; impervious; thorny; prickly


    conceal in—; frequent—; lop off—; nest in —; plunge into—; prune—; spring from—; stir among—s; trim—; uproot—; —affords

    —s choke; —s eclipes; —hinders; —impedes; —obscures; —restrains; —rustles


    (See bush, jungle.)

    Thick-Set adverbs

    solidly; substantially; sturdily; healthily; stoutly; remarkably; noticeably; staunchly; unusually; particularly; conspicuously; singularly; curiously; uncommonly

    Thief adjectives

    arrant; filthy; door-waylaying; contented; self-satisfied; insect; child; low; vile; sac-religious; adulterous; practised; slovenly; deformed; unimaginative; hard-headed; raw-boned, snaky-haired; dwarfish; injured; timorous; subtle; merciless; escaped; deft; honorable


    apprehend—; convict—; grapple with—; handcuff—; incarcerate—; interpret—; parole—; penalize—; pinion—; sentence—; — assaults; —bilks; —defrauds; —eludes; — evades; —extorts; —filches; —fleeces; — loots; —marauds; —mulcts; —palms; —pilfers; —plunders; —poaches; —purloins; — riffles; —rooks; —sacks; —strips

    (See highwayman, gangster, kidnapper, intruder, robber.)

    Thievish adverbs

    impishly; naturally; habitually; watchfully; incorrigibly; viciously; incurably; wickedly; inveterately; loutishly; dangerously; remarkably; uncommonly; trickily; mischievously; smartly; furtively; stealthily; adroitly; dexterously; cunningly; artfully; ingeniously

    THIN adverbs

    astonishingly; extremely; excessively; tenuously; pathetically; insecurely; alarmingly; dangerously; palpably; flimsily; unsatisfactorily; terribly; sufficiently; extraordinarily; expensively; dreadfully; incredibly; conveniently

    Thing adjectives

    goodly; extravagant; travailing; heterogeneous; existing; fantastic; disproportioned; blind; sharp; single; terrestrial; unutterable; fragile; brute-hooved; insatiable; living; delightful; horrible; atrocious; subtle; elusive; unstable; contemptible; inexplicable; faraway; sublunary; terrene; inanimate; glorious; good; ignoble; treacherous; dreadful; distressful; ill-used; quixotic; ridiculous; painful; groping; plaguy; exasperating; sacred; intangible; desirable; manifold; plaintive; pitiful; semi-accidental; demented; secondary; devastating; rustling; created; willful; grotesque; logical; miserable; haunting; hazardous; interesting; essential; peculiar; prudent; traditional; dark; irrelevant; manly; trivial; 'infinite; unusual; feathered; kingly; horrid; castaway; venomous; pesky; flimsy; improbable; external; roguish; weird; piquant; odious; powerless; hateful; indispensable; insulting; complete; sinister; heartbreaking; inferior; incongruous; squirming; unheeded; petty; mealy-mouthed; ticklish; accepted; unpardonable; incalculable; divine; blamed; mischievous; rightful; immaterial; serious; unprecedented; salutary; omnipotent; creaking; unchained; momentous; detestable; arduous; portentous; unintelligible; interminable; devilish; needful; senseless; hidden; spectral; rotten; native; fresh; priceless; fearful; extraordinary; bohemian; combustible; vast; stupid; terrible; creepy; uncommon; melancholy; valueless; gaudy; dear; vulgar; formed; precious; pinched; subordinate; ruthless; brittle; selfsame; unkind

    Think (v) adverbs

    abstractly; sensually; despairingly; humorously; frenziedly; contemplatively; habitually; desolately; conscientiously; precisely; instinctively; vaguely; incessantly; idly; poetically; deliberately; remorsefully; constructively; grimly; anxiously; candidly; erratically; scoffingly; divergently; morosely; desultorily; contemptuously; connectedly; hysterically; rapturously; shrewdly; vehemently; dispassionately; diversely; independently; grievously; dismally; creatively; wishfully; incisively; psychoanalytically; subtly; cunningly

    (See meditate, muse.)

    Thinking adjectives

    independent; ill; archaic; infantile; inferior; sustained; honest; clear; differentiated; exact; thorough; inventive; original; grievous; dismal; untrammeled; conceptive; creative; wishful; accurate; incisive; psychoanalytic; spacious; subtle; cunning; symmetrical


    absorb in—; avoid—; bias—; betray—; clarify—; confuse—; discipline—; distract —; divert—; encourage—; engender—; engross in—; exercise—; foster—; give food for—; guide— jindulge in—; influence—; lose in—; nurture—; occupy in—; pervert —; prejudice—; stimulate—; trust to—; — depresses; —digresses; —focuses on; — penetrates; —revolves about

    (See thought, contemplation, reflection, meditation.)

    Thin-Skinned adverbs

    unfortunately; delicately; inordinately; sensitively; terribly; evidently; acutely; abnormally; unusually; exceptionally; strangely; absurdly; unreasonably; noticeably; palpably; foolishly.

    Thirst adjectives

    immortal; unqeunchable; insatiable; vulgar; sanctifying; hot; burning; eternal; baffled; fierce; aimless; inextinguishable; human; ardent; opulent; wholesome; reckless; inordinate; universal; pretended; exacting; unhallowed; incessant; savage; slakeless; feverish; parching; urgent; intolerable; perpetual; frantic; distressing; pallid; acquired; marked


    allay—; arouse—; assuage—; create—; experience—; extinguish—; gratify—; indulge in—; intensify—; kindle—; overcome by—; quell—; quench—; satiate—; satisfy—; sharpen—; slake—; stimulate—; subdue—; suffice—; whet—; —maddens; —plagues; —rages; —torments

    (See appetite, desire, craving, longing.)

    Thirsty adverbs

    continually; painfully; terribly; habitually; strangely; feverishly; inordinately; crazily; constitutionally; curiously; cravingly; desperately; alarmingly; inveterately; cruelly; conveniently; avidly; significantly; dreadfully; evidently; suddenly; distressingly

    Thorn adjectives

    flowering; barren; fruitful; poisonous; pungent; prickly; mean; insipid; venomed; cruel; blazing; piercing; wind-warped


    bristle with—s; escape—s; impale on—; snag on—; —barbs; —s crucify; —s fence about; —s harass; —lacerates; —lancin-ates ; —penetrates; —pierces; —plagues; — pricks; —punctures; —rends; —spikes; —s torture

    (See sting, needle, nail.)

    Thorny adverbs

    painfully; extremely; dangerously; perilously; strangely; intolerably; undesirably; disagreeably; thickly; unpleasantly; unexpectedly; surprisingly; disadvantageously; inconveniently; sl-.ghtly; terribly; exceptionally; unusually; unfortunately

    Thoroughbred adverbs

    unmistakably; conspicuously; unquestionably; warrantably; decidedly; authentically; highly; obviously; manifestly; palpably; patently; positively; absolutely; notably

    Thoroughfare adjectives

    dusty; celebrated; bewildering; glistening; busy; trodden; ambitious; murmurous; tumultuous


    amble down—; blockade—; clog—; clutter —; cut—; direct to—; enter—; evade—; extend—; file along—; forsake—; frequent —; intersect—; jam—; line—; litter—; obstruct—; pave—; proceed down—; promenade—; strike—; traverse—; —deviates

    —swerves; —winds in and out

    (See highway, avenue, street.)

    Thought adjectives

    undecided; lingering; leading; angry; systematic; chiming; dream; naked; shining; horrible; flurried; importunate; lofty; numbing; forcible; effective; translucent; marvelous; golden; vagrant; fiery; poetic; habitual; self-torturing; abstract; impassioned; appalling; boundless; high; myriad; accidental; dissonant; unseasonable; restless; ripe; clever; heaven-born; speculative; divine; bitter; darting; darkling; complacent; carking; ill; longing; faithful; soft; unresisting; ennobled; metaphysical; contemplative; virtuous; inscrutable; sober; sinful; impetuous; distracting; knitted; narrow; exhilarating; trustful; teeming; pensive; empirical; moody; innermost; reproachful; contradictory; gentle; dying; odious; adventurous; holy; quiet; eclectic; invisible; wrecked; desponding; roving: hairy; engrossing; brutal; viper; dangerous; discontented; rebellious; selfsame; interesting; economic; studious; suggesting; unutterable; painful; sifted; transcending; endless; fond; thankful; satirical; sorrowful; awakened; disconnected; woundless; haunting; persistent; rash; irreverent; sorry; benighted; uncertain; wistful; morbid; anxious; oft-spurned; lifting; frail; tumultuous; incestuous; constant; laborious; treasonable; grand; pleasant; heartwarming; paramount'; insupportable; presumptuous; mere; mournful; monopolized; everpresent; halfformed; collateral; associated; winged; pedantic; serene; tangible; unwelcome; soaring; pacific; shattered; clamorous; gastronomic; ungovernable; lawless; rational; misanthropic; unfathomable; licentious; flattering: chaotic; slaughterous; freezing; somber; fleeting; concentrated; morbid; luminous; far-soaring; indistinct; philosophic; intimate; compelling; celebrated; vain; unquiet; intransigent; unschooled: unpractised; swift; passing; dismal; genial; hasty; likely; formless; hateful; thornless; manlike; matchless; aidless; unstained; loving; innocent; deliberate; dreamy; harsh; confused; exhaustive; vigorous; questioning; humiliating


    absorb in—; analyze—s; appraise—; arrest —; associate with—; awaken—; banish—; bias—s; blend—s; brood over—; center—s upon; check—; cherish—; clarify—s; collect—s; color—; comprehend—; compress—; confirm—; convey—; counterbalance—; cultivate—; dally with—; disclose—; disorder —s; distort—s; divert—s; divine—; dwell upon—; echo—s; efface—; electrify—; embody in—; endure—; engage in—; engross in—; enlarge upon—; enrich—s; entertain —; erase—; etch—; evoke—; exclude—; execute—; expand—; expel from—s; expose—s; fashion—; formulate—s; furnish food for—; further—; fuse into—s; govern —s; grasp—; groove—s; hamper—; harbor—; immerse in—; impart—; implant—; impregnate with—; induce—; indulge in—; —; interpret—; interrupt—; isolate—; jot down—; kindle the pulse of—; lose in—; impede—; mould—; nurse—; obliterate—; occupy with—; open avenues of—; parallel —; paralyze—s; perpetuate—; preserve—; prompt—; purify—s; react upon—; read—s; recoil from—; reflect—s; reject—; restate —; reveal—; round out—s; saturate—s; scramble—s; scoff at—; shape—s; shrink from—; spit out—; stimulate—; tincture —s; toy with—; transcribe—s; tremble at —; unite—s'; utter—; vent—s; vitiate—; voice—; weigh—; wrap in—; —appeals; — corrodes; —creeps into; —crosses the mind; —s crowd; —dominates; —enraptures; — enthralls; —escapes; —filters into; —flashes; —germinates; —haunts; —impresses; — intrudes; —leans toward; —leaps into; — matures; —numbs; —obsesses; —oppresses; —permeates; —perturbs; —petrifies; —possesses; —presents itself; —s ramble; —recalls; —recurs; —relapses into; —s revert to; —s revolve about; —shakes; —shifts to; —sobers; —springs from; —stings; — strikes; —suggests; —swirls up; —symbolizes; —terrifies; —torments; —uplifts; —s waver

    (See idea, concept, conception, consideration, imagination, opinion, meditation.

    THOUGHTFUL adverbs

    graciously; pleasantly; courteously; considerately; agreeably; unusually; quietly; busily; naively; unfailingly; remarkably; marvellously; practically; helpfully; prudently; providently; tactfully; sensibly; thoroughly; completely; charmingly; studiously; earnestly; gravely; seriously; judicially; deliberately; significantly; wonderfully; soberly; profoundly; deeply; dreamily; wistfully

    THOUGHTLESS adverbs

    carelessly; selfishly; dreamily; blindly; innocently; youthfully; boyishly; girlishly; blithely; unwittingly; unconsciously; cruelly; bitterly; meanly; inconsiderately; ungraciously; impolitely; discourteously; terribly; dangerously; significantly; desperately; hopelessly; unpardonably; inexcusably; remarkably; strangely; incredibly; gaily

    THRASH (v) adverbs

    brutally; soundly; wildly; cruelly; viciously; bestially; penally; fiercely; passionately

    (See beat, whip.

    THREAD adjectives

    imaginary; aimless; scarlet; dramatic; protecting; snagged; sacred; broken; crossed; delicate; ligeneous; gossamer; basting; swift-running; darkened; fluffy; wool-like; rhyming; knotted; allotted; frayed


    baste with—; cleave—; dangle by—; draw —; entwine in—; fray—loop—; reinforce —; rend—; sever—; shear—; stitch with—; sunder—; suspend from—; tack—; weave —; wear to—

    (See cotton, fibre, string, cord.

    THREAD (v) adverbs

    skillfully; dexterously; delicately; compli-catedly; involvedly; intricately; unerringly

    (See wind, weave.

    THREADBARE adverbs

    shabbily; shockingly; dreadfully; dingily; carelessly; pathetically; diaphanously; pitiably; miserably; curiously; inexplicably; mustily; desperately; cruelly; unutterably; sadly; grotesquely; fantastically; unnecessarily; parsimoniously; terribly; distressingly; painfully; humiliatingly; shamefully; nonchalantly; imperturbably

    THREAT adjectives

    invincible; silent; bawling; thundering; terrible; cloudy; stifled; obscure; serious; muttered; ruffian; dark; playful; mysterious; desperate; fearful; insolent; parting; fantastic; bitter; petty; absurd; contemporaneous; drunken; implied; private; tense; whispered; violent; sullen; tyrannous; sibylline


    aim—at; bandy—s; fling—at; fulminate—; hurl—; mutter—; retract—; resort to—s; roar—; thunder—; thwart—; unleash—; veil—; yield to—s; —alarms; —bluffs; — browbeats; —coerces; —compromises; — cows; —daunts; —deters; —disconcerts; — distresses; —hangs over; —haunts; —indicts; —intimidates; —jeopardizes; —menaces; —obsesses; —perturbs; —preys upon; —stings; —unnerves; —weighs upon; — awes

    (See menace, oath, curse, imprecation.

    Threaten (v) adverbs inimitably; direfully; darkly; terrifyingly; sinisterly; seriously; adroitly; mutteringly; sullenly; violently; tyrannically; bitterly

    (See menace, portend.

    Threatening adverbs undeniably; plainly; odiously; hatefully; alarmingly; significantly; seriously; gravely; desperately; clearly; definitely; absolutely; positively; graphically; sensationally; dramatically; obviously; terribly; dreadfully; ominously; curiously; darkly; mysteriously; palpably; obscurely; vaguely; dimly; feebly; violently; truculently; absurdly; ridiculously; openly; apparently; frankly; furtively; stealthily

    Threshold adjectives unhallowed; shadowed; sacred; glimmering; dread; lucky


    achieve—; arrive at—; attain—; bar from —; bestride—; block—; cloud—; dwell on —; enter—; file through—; flank—; gain —; huddle at—; reach—; reverence—; screen—; seek—; skirt—; strand at—; stumble over—; veil—

    (See entrance, gate, door.

    Thrift adjectives

    prudent; extreme; constant; balanced; contented; pecuniary; incomprehensible; reasonable


    demand—; emphasize—; encourage—; enforce—; extol—; foster—; imbue with—; implant—; inculcate—; ingrain—; necessitate—; practise—; preach—; stress—; — grudges; —infects; —redeems; —saves

    (See economy, frugality.

    Thriftless adverbs

    inexcusably; habitually; naturally; inherently; strangely; picturesquely; presumably; possibly; odiously; hopelessly; incurably; incorrigibly; carelessly; thoughtlessly; im-providently; distressingly; shabbily; deplorably; lamentably; provokingly; intolerably; insufferably; vexatiously; terribly; blithely; gaily; insouciantly

    Thrifty adverbs

    fortunately; carefully; providently; shrewdly; invariably; unfailingly; wisely; sagely; sensibly; happily; pleasantly; profitably; distinctly; moderately; judiciously; grasp-ingly; overly; uncomfortably; ostentatiously; flourishingly; manifestly; enviably; admirably; commendably; laudably; unusually; habitually; naturally; intensely; inherently; innately; particularly; commercially; happily; luckily; thoughtfully

    Thrill adjectives

    double; distinguished; charmful; warming; renewed; shuddering; delicious; awed; amazed; intoxicating; continuous; restoring; silent; incredulous; horrible; tragic; metallic; original; sympathetic; supernal; biggest; involuntary; vicarious; nascent; poetic; gentle; unpleasant; amusing; exultant; compensating; electric; passionate; comforting; equestrian; eloquent


    cherish—; crave—; derive—from; excite—; experience—; furnish—; gain—; glow with —; inspire—; itch for—; respond to—; seek —; sense—; —enthuses (colloq.) ; —fires; —flushes; —impassions; —infects; — pierces; —prickles; —shoots through; — stabs; —tickles; —vibrates through; — warms; —warns; —tingles

    (See shiver, vibration, excitement, tremor.

    Thrill (v) adverbs

    blissfully; tenderly; involuntarily; vicariously; poetically; exultantly; passionately; eloquently

    (See excite, arouse.

    Thrilled adverbs

    enchantingly; interestingly; excitably; tremendously; emotionally; unutterably; remarkably; apparently; evidently; visibly; terribly; utterly; strangely; oddly; marvellously; inexpressibly; utterly; magnificently; splendidly; completely; unwontedly; apparently; immensely; thoroughly; indescribably; positively

    Thrilling adverbs

    utterly; indescribably; unusually; inexpressibly ; .marvellously; tremendously; superbly; magnificently; immensely; completely; unusually

    Thrive (v) adverbs

    miraculously; bountifully; exceedingly; markedly; amazingly; prodigiously

    (See prosper, succeed.)

    Thriving adverbs

    steadily; gradually; remarkably; amazingly; indubitably; miraculously; incredibly; deservedly; unquestionably; suddenly; curiously; strangely; marvellously; splendidly; stupendously; salubriously; slowly; substantially; pleasantly; happily

    THROAT adjectives

    sinewy; blithest; dreadful; lucid; thundering; soft; impudent; thick; stretching; dazzling; unslaked; slender; infantile; sanded; sore; creamy; harsh; irritated; parched; shaggy; quivering; warbling; swan-like; exquisite; mellow; feminine; supple; scorched; swelling; brown; bursting; corded; careless; listless; myriad (pl); furry; incapable; snowy; slit; gushing; vulture; dividing; careless


    clear—; clutch—; congest—; disinfect—; dust—; ease—; emerge from—; clog—; infect—; inflame—; introduce into—; irritate —; lacerate—; lodge in—; massage—; medicate—; paint—; ram down—; ravage —; seize by—; sponge—; spray—; strain—; swab—; tickle—; ulcerate—; —contracts; —swells; —tightens

    Throb adjectives

    rhythmic; trembling; belated; harmonic; fondest; minutest; romantic; exulting; fleeing; steady; fluttering; heart; ecstatic; blissful

    Throb (v) adverbs

    palpitatingly; violently; rapidly; riotously; swiftly; visibly; fitfully; tumultuously; rhythmically; romantically; exultingly; ecstatically; blissfully

    (See pulsate, beat.)

    Throne adjectives

    angelic; heavenly; sanguine; everlasting; jeweled; conspicuous; tear-gemmed; ivory; maiden; towering; empyreal; usurped; sun-like; crystalline; venerable; unenvied; western; lofty; dynastic; sullen; sublime; tarnished; boundless; glorious; cambric; malignant; stately; universal; meridian; ancestral; rocky; peaceful; disputed; constellated; forsaken; tottering; sovereign; blissful; imperial; sapphire; moldy


    abandon—; abdicate—; accede to—; ascend aspire to—; attend—; bow before—; burnish—; covet—; defy—; depose from—; desert—; ensconce on—; establish on—; forsake—; gain—; lay claim to—; loll on—; occupy—; overthrow—; plant on—; relinquish—; renounce—; restore to—; retire from—; seek—; usurp—; vacate—; vest in —; win—; —authorizes; —empowers; — tyrannizes; seize—

    (See kingdom, kingship, power, sovereignty, seat, chair.)

    Throng adjectives

    trampling; demoniac; well-dressed; countless (pl); burdened; motley; shadowy; grateful; tumultuous; ragged; threadbare; accusing; ill-bred; billowy; worshipping; sinless; unreposing; innumerable (pl); riotous; fearful; eager; thoughtless; seething; lean; exultant; hungry; starving; ghostly; angeiic; excited; expectant; blood-washed; terror-stricken; beauteous; bewinged; adoring; laughing; chattering; moveless; trembling; crushed-down; spectral; listening; sceptered; invisible; festal; armed; emotional; spending; foolish; shining; pros trate; immense; base; impish; multitudinous; bestial; pressing; teeming; shoeless; struggling; shaggy; ravenous; unhealthy; edifying; toiling; whirling; amorous; moiling


    disband—; disperse—; muster—; pacify—; plunge through—; provoke—; rejoin—; scatter—; silence—; slip through—; —assembles; —concentrates; —clamors; —converges on; —deluges; —eddies ’round; — flocks; —masses; —mills about; —mobs; —presses; —swarms; —focuses on

    (See mob, crowd, multitude.

    THRONG (v) adverbs

    tumultuously; ceaselessly; demoniacally; countlessly; innumerably; seethingk hungrily; expectantly; multitudinously; incongruously; bestially; moilingly

    (See swarm, congregate.

    THROW (v) adverbs violently; recklessly; haughtily; deliberately; dejectedly: bodily; savagely; profligately; passionately; lavishly; systematically; significantly; defiantly; adroitly

    (See hurl, heave.

    THRUSH verbs

    —bodes; —cheers; —choruses; —gushes; — hymns; —moults; —pipes; —pours forth; —retires; —trills

    (See bird.

    THRUST adjectives

    vain; repeated (pl); vital; prompt; final; shrewd-planned; unlikely; sore; tireless; unlucky

    THRUST (v) adverbs impudently; impatiently; brutally; determinedly; agilely; obtrusively; conspicuously; methodically; resolutely; demurely; belligerently; rudely; wrathfully

    (See stab, stick.

    THUMB adjectives

    black; shuffling; peaked; vigorous; wadded; solitary; broken; waving; fatty


    bind—; brush with—; crush—; deform—; dislocate—; exlend—; flex—; knead with —s; lacerate—; manipulate—; sever—; sprain—; twiddle—s; —gropes; —throbs

    (See finger.

    THUMP (v) adverbs

    furiously; emphatically; repetitiously; impatiently; indignantly; thunderously; powerfully; dramatically

    (See beat, hit.

    THUNDER adjectives

    howling; blasting; intermittent; interrupted; heavy; frightful; thrilling; melodious; mountain; angry; swarthy; sullen; editorial; muttering; branding; oracular; sus pended; flameless; ominous; harmless; rumbling; direful; serious; muffled; wrathful; lounging; artillery; hateful; clothed; incessant; threatening; stage; earthly; sweet; rattling; brazen; volleying


    brave—-; shoot forth—; —blusters; — booms; —claps; —crashes; —deafens; — detonates; —dins; —discords; —disturbs; —echces; —fulminates; —menaces; —petrifies; —pierces; —rattles; —rends;; —reverberates; —roars; —rolls; —rumbles; — shatters; —shocks; —splits; —startles; — threatens; —volleys

    (See lightning, detonation, noise, discharge, report, explosion.

    THUNDER (v) adverbs appallingly; violently; ominously; tremendously; terrifically; frightfully; rumblingly; muffledly; wrathfully; threateningly; repeatedly; awesomely

    (See crash, resound.

    THUNDEROUS adverbs

    ominously; positively; portentously; triumphantly; enthusiastically; acclaimingly; mutinously; threateningly; significantly; swellingly; curiously; strangely; deafening-ly; splendidly; loyally

    THWART (v) adverbs

    effectually; diligently; successfully J tempo

    rarily; discouragingly; righteously. (See defeat, baffle.

    Thwarted adverbs

    dangerously; hopelessly; suddenly; painfully; distressingly; unfairly; meanly; odiously; hatefully; cruelly; desperately; curiously; strangely; inscrutably; adroitly; maliciously; cleverly; ingeniously; artfully; craftily; shrewdly; inexplicably; stealthily; quietly; successfully; helplessly; unaccountably; maliciously; dreadfully; discouragingly

    Ticker-Tape verbs

    festoon with—; insert—; perforate—; read

    • —; shower with—; stabilize-—; steady—

    • —announces; —clutters; —communicates with; —fluctuates; —indicates; —informs

    —lists; —litters; —notifies; —oscillates; — quotes; —records; —transmits; —unreels


    Ticket verbs

    arm with—; counterfeit—s; discard—; dispense—s; enumerate—s; grant—; hawk—s; purchase—; register—s; speculate on—s; stamp—s; tag with—s; —admits; —authorizes; —betokens; —checks; —enables; — evidences; —informs; —indicates; —labels

    —permits; —testifies to; —vouchsafes

    (See ballot, coupon, label, permit, certificate.)

    Tickle (v) adverbs

    humorously; boisterously; playfully; teas-ingly; verbally; rudely; roughly; clownishly

    (See tease.)

    Tickled adverbs

    roguishly; mischievously; merrily; enormously; gleefully; ridiculously; obviously; visibly; prankishly; jubilantly; exceedingly; inordinately; wickedly; naughtily; amazingly

    Tide adjectives

    undulating; brimming; ebbing; insurging; aerial; eventful; boundless (pl); multitudinous (pl); human; restless; falling; arrested; waveless; silent; terrible; mysterious; tossing; joyous; sidereal; ancient; surging; chafing; reactionary; capricious; passionate; forward-flowing; sultry; confused; overwhelming; subsiding; tumultuous; headlong; swollen; rippling; greenblue; conflicting; theologic; over-running; hastening; primal; refluent; glassy; brimful; rising; whelming; billowing; retiring; fickle; pellucid; foaming; interminable; incoming; trackless; latent; lulling; adverse; patriotic; sucking; angry; roving; golden; hurrying; flooding; perennial; contrary; westering; crystal; turbid; dusty-gray; misty; river; silvery; summer; deep-breathing; sliding; treacherous; rhythmic


    battie with—; breast—; drift with—; harness—; oppose—; stem—; swim with—; yield to—; —crawls out; —deluges; —ebbs; —fluctuates; —inundates; —invades; — moans; —overtakes; —recedes; —regresses; —retires; —retreats; —roars; —swamps; —swells; —throbs; —wanes; —washes; — withdraws

    (See flow-, flood, current.)

    Tidings adjectives

    dismal; bad; joyful; unpleasant; frightful; inarticulate; glad; blissful; unimpeded; evil; gracious; accurate; astonishing; startling; heart-stirring; swift; hopeless

    Tidy adverbs

    scrupulously; painfully; terribly; carefully; unwontedly; unusually; dreadfully; spotlessly; remarkably; unexpectedly; suddenly; attractively; invitingly; pleasantly; agreeably; sufficiently; cosily; alluringly; distressingly; starkly; oppressively; miraculously ; incredibly

    Tie adjectives

    subtle; weakened; cunning; common; primary; senseless; sordid; lifelong; mysterious; tenderest; singular; indissoluble; deep; domestic; silken; conjugal; sacred; foppish; unsubstantial; frail

    Tie (v) adverbs

    securely; fantastically; heroically; intricately; involvedly; complicatedly; firmly; cunningly; indissolubly

    (See fasten, bind.)

    Tier adjectives

    ascending; graceful; proportioned; blazing

    Ties ■verbs

    acknowledge—; adhere to—; cement—; cherish—; dissolve—; forsake—; knit—; preserve—; rend—; renounce—; saddle with—; sever—; shatter—; strain—; sunder —; treasure—; —affiliate; —bind; — couple; —fetter; —link; —obligate; — pledge; —restrain; —restrict; —shackle; — weaken

    (See bond, band, obligation.)

    Tiff adjectives

    domestic; daily; lifelong; hateful; unnerving

    Tiger adjectives

    tawny; brindled; enraged; pouncing; maneating; mangled; shrinking; clawing; murderous; lightning-fast; muscled; vicious; cunning; lunging; circling; snapping; growling; leaping; skulking; furious; mighty; teeth-baring; ferocious; creeping; catapulting; royal; determined; striped; spotted; fractious; frenzied; deadly; Sumatra; sabre-toothed; swift; slinking; villainous; demoniac; coughing; treacherous; cantering


    cage—; exterminate—s; infuriate—; lash—; perform with—s; train—; —climb; — crouches; —depredates; —devours; — haunts; —s infest; —lashes out at; — maims; —marauds; —mauls; —mews; — paws; —preys; —purrs; —rages; —ravages; —rends; —roars; —romps; —seizes; —slithers along the path; —snarls; — springs; —tears

    (See animal, lion, leopard.)

    Tigerish adverbs

    vaguely; furtively; fawningly; warily; vigilantly; fearsomely; attractively; slinkingly; alluringly; seductively; alarmingly; dangerously; contemptibly; slinkily; fiercely; perceptibly; indubitably; unmistakably; fatally; indescribably; inexpressibly; inescapably; undeniably

    Tight adverbs

    uncomfortably; sufficiently; unfortunately; fatally; terribly; occasionally; dreadfully; happily; blithely; completely; painfully; odiously; distressingly; gloriously; blissfully; permanently; momentarily; disgracefully; shamefully; strangely; unusually; ridiculously; dangerously; injuriously; reveal-ingly; satisfactorily

    Tighten (v) adverbs

    gradually; partially; remorselessly; lovingly; passionately; abruptly; insidiously; subtly

    (See grip, squeeze.)

    Tights verbs

    accoutre in—; array in—; attire in—; bare —; cavort in—; divest of—; doff—; don—; equip with—; fray—; spangle—; strip of —; tatter—; vest in—; —display; —enable; —expose; —facilitate

    (See costume, uniform, garment.)

    Tilt (v) adverbs

    awkwardly; negligently; jauntily; nonchalantly; precariously

    (See teeter, sway.)

    Timber adjectives

    shaky; massive; long-used; slashed; marketable; reverberating; rotten; superb; fringing; graceful; useful


    avail oneself of—; blast—; conserve—; debark—; fell—; knot—; level—; market—; preserve—; process—; provide—; raze—; r-inforce—; strip of—; treat—; value—

    —decays; —erodes; —jams; —rots

    (See log, beam, wood.

    Timbered adverbs

    heavily; profitably; densely; wisely; fortunately; well; luckily; thickly; amazingly; sparsely; thinly; neglibly; valuably; reputedly; allegedly; immensely

    Time adjectives

    valuable; sufficient; troublous; inexpedient; curious; happy; righteous; irresponsible; unconscionable; precious; primitive; arduous; historic; auspicious; predestined; patristic; solemn; evil; official; tolerating; troubled; reasonable; unfit; glo'rious; fantastic; thoughtless; later; frivolous; rococo; dark; considerable; former; palmy; unsettled; priceless; injurious; appointed; bygone; substantial; fruitful; halycon; impatient; fleeting; ample; boundless; descending; civilized; recorded; intervening; trying; woeful; sorry; appreciable; casting; measurable; degenerate; fittest; unseasonable; stormy; mutual; lessened; uneasy; turbulent; indefinite; despicable; unquiet; factious; immemorial; sacred; fated; apostolic; moral; periodic; unused; recordbreaking; virtuous; distracted; tuning; affirmed; chaotic; opportune; fitting; abundant; corroding; pairing; exciting; unemployed; sultry; costly; millennium; propitious; rough-and-tumble; subversive; potential; scented; calamitous; gleaning; leisure; unborn; melodious; charitable; barbarous; anxious; flowering; ridiculous; blissful; squalid; dicing; administrative; invaluable; mournful; pleasant; specified; remote; pointed; abysmal; thin-faced; terrible; discouraging; feudal; stirring; naughty; restless; statutory; perilous; altered; conquering; shadowed; accustomed; unhallowed; limited; envious; significant; awful; intermediate; various (pl); classic; inconvenient; broadening; inevitable; breathing; regenerated; prehistoric; equinoctial; scriptural; scant; dusky; ill-devouring; portentous; assigned’; limited; disorderly; revolutionary; unaccustomed; hasty; balmy; prosperous; guilty; growing; distant; profitable; subsequent; enormous; rippling; amphibious; short; swift-footed; regretted; spacious; cloudless; discouraging; stormy; unfavorable; fairy; future; due; consumed; emotional


    abide—; allot—; begrudge—; beguile—; bide for—; budget—; calculate—; conserve —; consume—; devote—to; devour—; endure—; engross—; exhaust—; fritter away —; indicate—; inform of—; lack—; lavish —on; limit—; mark—; measure—; prolong —; protract—; record—; reveal in—; spare —; squander—; “stall for”—; tarry for—; terminate—; while away—; —advances; — approaches; —blots out; —discloses; —disintegrates; —dissolves; —dwindles; — elapses; —expires; —fades; —flies; —flits; —glides on; —heals; —marches on; — matures; —mellows; —nears; —outmodes; —presses; —races; —ripens; —recedes; — rolls around; —rolls back; —shadows; — tempers; —unfolds; —vanishes; —vindicates; —wanes; —withers

    (See interval, hour, leisure, month, instant, moment, day.)

    Timed adverbs

    opportunely; wisely; seasonably; wonderfully; fatally; precisely; meticulously; exactly; uncannily; viciously; brutally; heinously; tragically; carefully; scientifically; automatically; cautiously; cleverly; auspiciously; apparently; m.urderously; punctiliously; promptly; considerately; thoughtfully; graciously; obviously

    Timely adverbs

    pleasantly; fortunately; altogether; unusually; particularly; singularly; providentially; remarkably; miraculously; marvellously; curiously; felicitously; wonderfully

    Timid adverbs

    modestly; constitutionally; shyly; bashfully; groundlessly; anxiously; deliciously; unreasonably; unwontedly; tremulously; childishly; nervously; foolishly; incredibly; naturally; vaguely; momentarily; secretly; excessively; strangely; distressingly; incomprehensibly; temperamentally; helplessly; hopelessly; unaccountably; uneasily; queerly; curiously; genuinely; unaffectedly; significantly

    Timidity adjectives

    modest; early; scrupulous; constitutional; ill-grounded; shy; bashful; refined; anxious; delicious; skulking; irrational; sententious; unwonted; tremulous


    conceal—; conquer—; cower in—; despise —; feign—; flinch in—; induce—; inspire —; master—; mock—; overcome—; pretend —; prevail over—; quail in—; retire in—; reveal—; simulate—; smite with—; suffer

    • — ; —abashes; —besets; —cows; —daunts

    • — deters; —dismays; —distresses; —haunts

    • — overwhelms; —petrifies

    (See cowardice, bashfulness, shyness, modesty, fear.)

    Timorous adverbs

    shyly; bashfully; self-consciously; modestly; guiltily; sheepishly; naturally; inherently; merely; habitually; usually; foolishly; sadly; pitiably; miserably; unfortunately; childishly; wretchedly; unreasonably; needlessly; strangely; oddly; curiously; inexplicably; unaccountably; ridiculously; positively; actually

    Tinge adjectives

    sunset; bright; silky-green; confidential; pantheistic; mauve; transient; sanguinary; abundant; slight

    Tinge (v) adverbs

    brilliantly; markedly; slightly; occasionally; deeply; transiently; luridly

    (See imbue, color.)

    Tinker adjectives

    itinerant; mean; preaching; strong

    Tinkle adjectives

    inviting; pleasant; cheery; liquid; laughing; lilting

    Tinny adverbs

    unpleasantly; inexcusably; unacceptably; disagreeably; curiously; raucously; intolerably; strangely; unpalatably; tawdrily

    Tint adjectives

    vivid; dismal; acquainted; delicate; pearly; exquisite; unobtrusive; shifting; somber; prophetic; smoky; rainbowed; combative; bloody; delicate; gathering; changing; positive; beauteous; prismatic; prevailing; general; brilliant; mellow; harmonious; tender; original

    Tint (v) adverbs

    delicately; gracefully; richly; vividly; somberly; beauteously; prismatically; brilliantly; harmoniously; mellowly

    (See tinge, color.)

    Tiny adverbs

    unbelievably; incredibly; infinitesimally; microscopically; minutely; extremely; remarkably; actually; marvelously; positively; dwarfishly; insignificantly; elfishly; fantastically; unimaginably; grotesquely; terribly

    Tip verbs

    cap—; crown—; daub on—; gild—; impale on—; veneer—; whet—; —bristles; —penetrates; —pierces; —projects; —protrudes; —punctures; —stabs

    (See edge, point.)

    Tipsy adverbs

    gloriously; shamefully; helplessly; comically; sadly; alarmingly; insecurely; happily; foolishly; comically; ridiculously; laughably; ludicrously; grossly; crassly; offensively; disagreeably; unpleasantly; hopelessly; inordinately; slightly; extremely; terribly; continually; occasionally; definitely; indubitably; suddenly; inexplicably; undeniably; hilariously; noisily; boisterously; uproariously; sullenly

    Tirade ad jectives

    jeering; tedious; patriotic; shrill; positive; cumulative; belated; bitter; lengthy


    declaim in—; deliver—; fulminate—; halt —; launch—; pour out—; prolong—; rant —; recite—; silence—; spout—; utter—; — anathematizes; —castigates; —censors; — chastises; —declaims; —defames; —denounces; —deprecates; —disparages; —excoriates; —execrates; —harangues; —inveighs against; —lampoons; —lashes; — reprimands; —reproaches; —reproves; — thunders

    (See diatribe, scolding, invective, speech.)

    Tire adjectives

    spare; pneumatic; first; strong; deflated; retreaded; worn; slippery; useless


    deflate—; depress—; dilate—; distend—; fray—; gauge—; imbed in—; inflate—; mount on—s; perforate—; pierce—; pump —; puncture—; retread—; scrape—; value —; vulcanize—; —erodes; —grazes; — pads; —preserves; —skids

    Tire (v) adverbs

    acutely; rapidly; abnormally; sadly; notic-ably; patently

    (See exhaust, bore.)

    Tiresome adverbs

    pedantically; monotonously; gushingly; garrulously; dully; uninterestingly; prosaically; long-windedly; endlessly; preachily; tediously; irksomely; boresomely; intolerably; unpleasantly; harmlessly; disagreeably; undeniably; terribly; needlessly; dreadfully; unfortunately; abominably; disgustingly; desperately; droningly

    Tiring adverbs

    unexpectedly; unwittingly; uncommonly; extraordinarily; dangerously; extremely; unintentionally; terribly; dreadfully; un-wontedly; sadly; unfortunately; strangely; curiously; oddly; unnecessarily; needlessly; distressingly; painfully; obviously; palpably; inconsiderately; unaccountably; terrifically; grievously; unwarrantably; pitifully; seriously; oppressively; profoundly; inordinately

    Tissue adjectives

    superficial; rich; silver; muscular; derma-toid; vegetable; damaged; disposable; cellular; social; desensitized; adipose; glandular; fibrous; abundant; innermost; plaiied; excess; transpicuous; siliceous


    abscess—; canker—; consume—; cramp—; crush—; curette away—; desiccate—; destroy—; distend—; excise—; graft—; harden—; incise—; infect—; inflame—; inject into—; invade—; involve—; knead—; massage—; mould—; nourish—; regenerate —; support—; suture—; transplant—; —degenerates; —infiltrates; —languishes; —relaxes; —shrivels; —wastes; —withers

    Titanic adverbs

    monstrously; tremendously; unbelievably; unimaginably; superbly; magnificently; gloriously; majestically; overwhelmingly; gorgeously; stupendously; inconceivably; cumbersomely; incomparably; unsurpassably

    Title adjectives

    honorary; precarious; elusive; religious; fabulous; trumped-up; bombastic; imposing; soul-stirring; vague; successive (pl); preliminary; forfeited; neglected; optimistic; seductive; pompous; impressive; shrill; legitimist; grotesque; attractive; hereditary; quaint; numerous (pl); clerical; imperial; distinguishing; illogical; vainglorious; ap-pertinent; fantastic; ingenious; significant; ironic; prescriptive; smoothing; subscrip-tive; whimsical; homely; honorable; resounding; worse; dubious; newly-obtained; suggestive


    assume—; award—; bear—; claim—; covet —; decorate with—; defile—; degrade—; disparage—; dub with—; earn—; inherit—; invent—; renounce—; respect—; retain—; revere—; surrender—; underline—; usurp —; —awres; —connotes; —cows; —distinguishes; —epitomizes; —implies; —impresses; —misleads; —symbolizes; —signifies ; —veils

    (See name, degree, nickname, rank.)

    Titled adverbs

    nobly; grandly; gloriously; proudly; royally; imperially; austerely; ecclesiastically; divinely; piously; devoutly; legitimately; officially; absurdly; bombastically; ridiculously; ironically; truly; self-; vainly; foolishlv; unreasonably; realistically; popularly; igno-minously; jeeringly; affectionately; lovingly; derisively; comically; shamefully

    Titter adjectives

    slight; shamefaced; electric; damaging; ex


    Titter, (v) adverbs

    affectedly; irrepressibly; involuntarily; girlishly; unsophisticated!}-; explosively; naively; rudely; comically; hysterically; affectedly ; coyly

    (See laugh, giggle.)

    Toad adjectives

    loathed; soft; sizable; well-fed; blinking; ugly; venomous; bucolic


    infest with —s; —burrows; —s bury- themselves; —creeps; —croaks; —emits a noise

    —hibernates; —hops; —jumps; —leaps; — metamorphoses; —plagues; —secretes; — springs; —squats; —vaults

    Toast adjectives

    complimentary; appropriate; enthusiastic; celebrated; tasty; scorching; crisp; burned; crackling; crunching


    cheer—; drink—; hail—; join in—; propose —; rejoice in—; suggest—; utter—; voice —; acclaims—; —commemorates; —compliments; —eulogizes; —extols; —flatters; — glorifies; —hallows; —honors; —pledges; —solemnizes

    (See tribute, praise, sentiment, bread.)

    Toast (v) adverbs

    convivially; appropriately; crisply; crackl-ingly; victoriously; fraternally; boisterously

    (See congratulate, celebrate.)

    Tobacco adjectives

    aromatic; heavy; suggestive; coarse


    abhor—; abstain from—; addict to—; age —; auction—; blend —s; consume—; crave —; cross —s; cultivate—; cure—; denicoti-nize—; ferment—; filter—; grade—; hunger for—; inhale—; market—; mellow—; men. tholize—; moisten—; plug—; powder—; purvey—; ripen—; roast—; scent—; store —; toast—; yearn for—; —braces; —calms; —clouds; —deteriorates; —discolors; — dulls; —impairs; —irritates; —lifts; —matures; —ravages; —reeks; —repels; — soothes; —steadies; —stunts; —tempts; — tranquillizes; —undermines; —vitiates

    Toe adjectives

    jagged; elfin; pliant; superfluous; contemptuous; shuffling; blunt; nimble-' outraged; fantastic; dance-weary; festered; infected


    amputate—; bare—; brace—; bruise—; cramp—; crush—; dance on—; deform—; dislocate—; distort—; flex—; fracture—; pad—; sever—; skip on —s; splint—; stub —; teeter on—; web—; —pinches; —projects; —protrudes

    Toil adjectives

    precarious; unhonored; manly; unrequited; exhausting; terrible; profitable; wholesome; philanthropic; unremitting; irksome; contented; hideous; pernicious; happy; filthy; sporadic; w-asting; eager; smiling; rugged; blundering; griping; unceasing; earnest; delicious; fragrant; loving; arduous; sickening; desperate; earthly; successful; anxious; double; brave; stormy; noble; honest; meridian; ferocious; sultry; humble; squalid; elaborate; unrepaid; spasmodic; wasting; sullen; drudging; captive; patient; unhallowed; benignant; productive; fatiguing; congenial; ingenious; unusual; incessant; pernicious; sportive


    abate—; achieve by—; amass by—; cease—; consume in—; delight in—; ease—; hallow —; mitigate—; necessitate—; obviate—; plunge into—; relax—; reward—; shirk—; slacken—; —exhausts; —fags; —fatigues; —jades; —strains; —taxes; —wearies

    (See labor, drudgery, work, effort.)

    Toil (v) adverbs

    patiently; laboriously; ceaselessly; uncomplainingly; manfully; bodily; stealthily; painfully; assiduously; conscientiously; vigorously; sickeningly; precariously; exhaust-ingly; philanthropically; irksomely; incessantly; arduously; fatiguingly; perniciously. (See work, labor.

    Toilet adjectives

    elaborate; hasty; unfinished; hurried

    Toilsome adverbs

    terribly; dreadfully; undesirably; inescapably; unavoidably; brutally; cruelly; bitterly; exhaustingly; horribly; curiously; inordinately; extremely; unexpectedly; shockingly; miserably; wretchedly; shamefully; monotonously; tediously

    Toi LIE ORN adverbs

    terribly; pathetically; significantly; apparently; palpably; extremely; unusually; miserably; obviously; evidently; wretchedly; lamentably; unaccountably; unexpectedly; deplorably; pitiably; inexcusably; remarkably; unmistakably; utterly

    Token adjectives

    unmistakable; especial; tiniest; expressive; personal; unanimous; crushing; unique; singular; mystic; sensible; glorious; visible; palpable; bounteous; beauteous; outward; tremendous; sunny; amorous; leaden; irritating; meaningful

    Tolerable adverbs

    scarcely; barely; fairly; apparently; easily; eventually; finally; gradually; evidently; hardly; actually

    Tolerance adjectives

    kindly; legal; habitual; courteous; lazy; contemptuous; scientific; moral; apathetic; easygoing; amused; mischievous; indolent; gentle


    acclaim—; achieve—; advocate—; bear with —; breed—; cherish—; commend—; exemplify—; exhort—; foster—; further—; lack—; nurture—; preach—; preserve—; regard with—; sustain—; temper with—; —ameliorates; —pervades

    (See charity, forbearance, kindness, benevolence.)


    sensibly; generously; broadly; wisely; discreetly; diplomatically; tactfully; overly; indulgently; reasonably; moderately; unusually; inordinately; unwisely; charitably; foolishly; rabidly; patiently; calmly; imperturbably; quietly; serenely; easily; mildly; sagely; marvellously; magnanimously; splendidly

    Tolerate (v) adverbs

    eternally; consciously; patiently; magnanimously; generously; legally; courteously; lazily; contemptuously; morally; indolently; gently

    (See endure, permit.)

    Toleration adjectives

    universal; further; religious; generous; absolute; quiet; superficial; indifferent; continued

    Toll adjectives

    devilish; patient; terrible; enormous; death; preposterous


    assess—; augment—; bear—; charge—; deflate—; demand—; enforce—; exact—; fix —; levy—; quote—; rate—; set—; take—; subject to—; —burdens; —enables; — mounts; —taxes; —yields

    (See price, payment, tap.)

    Toll (v


    solemnly; mournfully; dismally; repetitious-ly; funereally; fatally; heavily; vibrantly

    (See ring, clang.)

    Tomb adjectives

    rock-hewn; sumptuous; brazen; dateless; neglected; wandering; ancestral; vacant; gilded; traditional; crumbling; antenatal; interdicted; indefinable; fin-winged; flowering; melancholy; untimely; fiery; ponderous; lingering; tvintry; vast; impregnable; ferocious; watery; murmurous; slender; unlamented; reverend; drear; somber; miry


    adorn—; bar—; consign to—; deface—; defile—; delve in—; desecrate—; disinter from —; erect—; explore—; guard—; haunt—; illuminate—; incarcerate in—; inter in—: mould in—; patrol—; register upon—: rest in—; seal—; shadow—; unearth—; wreath —; —depresses; —envelops; —muffles; — receives; —reeks; —shrouds; —yields up

    (See shrine, grave, monument.)

    Tomb-Like adverbs

    coldly; horribly; unbearably; supernatural-ly; terribly; fearfully; wretchedly; intolerably; frighteningly; appallingly; gruesomely; grimly; depressingly; dispiritingly; dismally; woefully; forbiddingly; curiously; grotesquely; fantastically

    Tome verbs

    compose—; concoct—; criticize—; dash off —; deliver—; immortalize—; inscribe—; pen—; polish—; pour forth—; publish—; wade through—; —commemorates; —eulogizes; —honors; —soliloquizes; —treats

    (See book, volume. )

    Tone adjectives

    faltering; contemptuous; deprecating; soothing; passive; clear; angelic; deep-strung; provocative; milder; customary; diverse (pl); rueful; answering; solitary; frightened; braggart; ethereal; saddened; dearest; varying (pl) ; suggestive; victory; vindictive; low; lover-like; gentlest; confidential; sweet; gracious; joyous; regretful; rich; smothered; imperative; sanctimonious; moral; elastic; agitated; startled; careless; romantic; senatorial; breathless: pleading; pitiful; conciliatory; anguished; dictatorial; pastel; dominant; ringing; wailing; dark; bright; intermediate; marine; modified; colorful; didactic; inward; free; callous; hearty; beautiful; unceremonious; unconscious; boisterous; sullen; timid; flippant; blunt; nasal; moral; beseeching; shapeless; mean; menacing; soft; stentorian; confident; savage; faltering; preoccupied; child-like; earnest; imperious; dispassionate; conversational; scorching: intimate; sarcastic; threatening; soul-stirring; exulting; solemn; yearning; vibrating; impatient; luscious; tremulous; philosophic; supercilious; enamored; altered; crimson; distressful; amicable; honeyed; cathedral; ironical; displeasing: monotonous; ordinary; listless; aggressive; ivory; melodious; melting; tranquil; caressing; intriguing; half-pensive; indescribable; transient; well-guarded; promiscuous; martial; subdued; authoritative; maniac; unctuous; contrasting; assured; measured; despairing; archaic; mournful; whining; composite; paternal; drawling; bellicose; officer-like; ruminative; piping; metallic; bantering; incongruous; well-remembered; fretful; exquisite; hollow; yigor-ous; vexed; animated; witching; clarion; constituent; agonized; eager; healthy; complimentary; brisk; audible; penetrating; subduing; dreamy; piqued; apologetic; fluttering; caustic; proper; courteous; argumentative; nauseated; good-humored; haunting: dulcet; wonted; general; imperious; abominable; doubtful; abrupt; terrified; wheedling; innocent; considerable; tranquil; scoffing; thin; emphatic; sepulchral; liquid; silvery; jocular; harmonious; insolent; condescending; wistful; suppressed; fundamental; reflective; blustering; reproachful: controversial; burnt; unworldly; respectful; precious; lachrymose; unemotional; hungry; revolutionary; convinced; indifferent; untrammeled; strong; expostulating; insinuating; stately; inadequate; feeble; ever-pcaling; grown-up; reminiscent; determined; musing; thoughtful; unmusical; exotic; mimic; professional; lugubrious; rtiordant; suppressed; mollified; frosted


    accentuate—; adopt—; alter—; amplify—; chasten—; deepen—; elevate—; falsify—; govern—; impart—; inflect—; lack—; lend —; lowFer—; magnify—; mimic—; modulate—; muffle—; silence—; strengthen—; subdue—; utter—; —betrays; —Chastises; — elevates; —expresses; —harmonizes; —indicates; —irritates; —manifests; —mocks; —nettles; —predominates; —reproaches; — reproves; —reveals; —reverberates; —vibrates

    (See note, sound.)

    Tongue adjectives

    serpent; tuneful; partial; piercing; hissing: envious; forked; golden; indignant; wagging: moistened; dead; prattling; cloven; wily; complaining; lambent; gluttonous; foamless; evil; caustic; raise; immortal; furred; feverish; quivering; rapid; dominant; slick; leaping; unbound; classic; calumnious; lolling; earnest; unintelligible; gossiping; faltering; shrewish; gentle; polished; carping; cautious; boyish; halting; biting; coated; hasty; scoffing; silent; slurring; fervent; perfidious; flattering; fine-dividing; ancient; glowing; base; boundless; romancing; casual; heedless; proper; multitudinous (pl); uncivilized; oily; bitter; unbridled; joyous; unwilling; iron; soul-subduing; persuasive; slanderous; malicious; double; nimble; national; candied; pleading; discreet; lamenting; droning; viperish; railing; forbidden; woe-wearied; facile; flexible; foul; censorious; unintelligible; ill; lying; pliant; learned; modern; pioneer; glib; railing; nerveless; boastful; unknowable; brazen; liquid; soothing; slippery; stammering; scorched; teasing; glowing; shallow; whispering; pleasing; immortal; cynical; masterful; captious; gentle; guileless; inestimable; woodland; mother; selfsame


    blister—; bridle—; candy—; chafe—; clip cluck—; curb—; discipline—; envenom—; examine—; fur—; furrow—; hold—; hush —; hypnotize—; inflame—; insert—; irritate—; lap with—; loosen—; mute—; paralyze—; provoke—; roll off—; sever—; silence—; smack—; stifle—: still—; suppress —; swab—; tempt—; tickle—; tie—; train —; wag—; —charms; —cleaves to; — falters; —laps; —lashes; —licks; —moistens; —projects; —protrudes; —rasps; — relishes; —savors; —slanders; —slips; — traduces; —voices; —wounds

    Tongue-Tied adverbs

    deplorably; congenitally; lamentably; unfortunately; pitiably; pathetically; wretchedly; miserably; clumsily; awkwardly; unluckily; embarrassingly; shockingly; uncomfortably; bashfully; shyly; timidly; self-consciously; guiltily; curiously; unwontedly; unusually; peculiarly; strangely; unaccountably; suddenly; apparently

    Tonic adjectives

    valuable; intellectual; antiseptic; exhilarating; bracing; useful; provocative; bitter; healthful; mental; excellent. with—; prescribe—; recommend—; —bolsters; —builds up; —enriches; —nauseates; —purges; —reanimates; —rejuvenates; — renews; —renovates; —restores; —resuscitates; —revivifies; —stimulates

    (See laxative, medicine, wine.)

    Tonic adverbs

    refreshingly; wholesomely; definitely; effectively; really; dependably; reliably; assuredly; strongly; splendidly; invigoratingly; desirably; noticeably; evidently; positively; indubitably; admirably; wonderfully; commendably; marvellously; miraculously; incredibly; unexpectedly; delightfully; satisfactorily; remarkably; particularly

    Tonsils verbs

    apply to—; attack—; coat—; disease—; drain—; enlarge—; enucleate—; excite—; extract—; infect—; inflame—; invade—; swab—; swell—; —envenom; —filter; — indicate; —poison; —project; —suppurate; —ulcerate; paint—; scrutinize—; sever—; shrink—

    Tool adjectives

    unconscious; passive; obedient; legitimate; vital; tempered; shaped; dexterous; edged; brittle; trenchant; unaccustomed; ready; obsolete; congenial; subservient; exquisite; keen


    apply—; devise—; employ—; enlist—; fashion—; guide—; hew with—; manipulate—; mechanize—; operate—; skill with—; stamp —; strain—; tax—; utilize—; wield—; — bevels; —bores; —eases; —facilitates; — lightens; —smooths

    (See instrument, apparatus, machine.)

    Tooling adjectives

    vigorous; firm; dazzling

    Tooth adjectives

    rankling; determined; raging; rotten; cavity-eaten; filled; aching; film-covered; sparkling; false; broken; jagged


    addict to—s; administer—; consume—; dose


    (See teeth.)

    Toothache adjectives serious; agonizing; unrelieved; comic; painful



    hideously; repulsively; pitifully; incoherently; unintelligibly; powerlessly; infirmly; utterly

    TOOTHSOME adverbs

    especially; particularly; agreeably; surprisingly; definitely; actually; unexpectedly; delectably; deliciously; lusciously; temptingly; extremely; undeniably; unusually; uncommonly; invitingly; pleasantly

    TOP adjectives

    slender; inviolate; grisly; hill; sterile; gloomy; sun-bleached; singed; massive; eminent; pryamided; lofty

    TOP-HEAVY adverbs

    dangerously; inartistically; unfortunately; peculiarly; unsatisfactorily; objectionably; oddly; strangely; unluckily; hazardously; clumsily; awkwardly; impractically; unreliably; riskily; obviously; manifestly; unreasonably; crazily; unacceptably; abnormally; precariously; insecurely; uncommonly

    TOPIC adjectives

    dangerous; recondite; related; aforementioned; conversational; wary; religious; hackneyed; various (pl); disagreeable; dreadful; current; absorbing; conservative; tempting; concrete; conceivable; numerous (pl); forbidden; doubtful; political; onesided; allied; abandoned; important; tiresome; celestial; magazine; commonplace; complicated; wholesome


    absorb in—; air—; analyze—; argue—; condense—; converse on—; digress from—; disclose—; dismiss—; dissect—; dissertate on—; divert from—; do justice to—; exhaust—; expatiate on—; expound—; grapple with—; limit—; obscure—; probe—; propose—; pursue—; rant about—; resume—; revive—; seize upon—; shrink from—; unfold—; ventilate—; —fascinates; —treats of

    (See subject, theme, question.

    TOPSY-TURVY adverbs unpleasantly; crazily; carelessly; inexcusably; disagreeably; negligently; objectionably; untidily; hastily; irremediably; terribly; oddly; fantastically; unexpectedly; gaily; perplexingly; inextricably; madly; mischievously; deliberately; inconsiderately; thoughtlessly; heedlessly; wildly; wantonly

    TORCH adjectives

    inverted; bridal; fiery; nuptial; smoldering; flaring: feeble; extemporized; broidered; incandescent; blazing; extemporary; processional


    apply—; bear—; eclipse—; employ—; extend—; extinguish—; flourish—; obscure—; quench—; screen—; smother—; snuff out—; thrust—; —beams; —chars; —dazzles; -enkindles; —flares; —flashes; —flickers; — gleams; —glimmers; —ignites; —radiates; —scintillates: —scorches; —sheds; —shimmers; —singes; —smoulders

    (See lamp, flame, light.

    TORMENT adjectives

    happy; numberless (pl); invented; abiding; exhausted; human; eternal; haunting; protracted; dreadful; perpetual; exquisite; especial; endless* continual; studied


    allay—; alleviate—; bear—; dull—; ease—; endure—; experience—; induce—; inflict—; mitigate—; occasion—; suffer—; tolerate—

    —agonizes; —crushes; —curses; —galls; — gnaws; —rends; —rings; —shatters; — sours; —wracks

    (See punishment, anguish, itching, torture.

    TORMENT (v) adverbs constantly; protractedly; exquisitely; endlessly; diabolically; cruelly; heartlessly; unrelentingly; barbarously; devilishly; fiendishly

    (See hurt, pain, torture.

    Tormenting adverbs

    vaguely; distinctly; mischievously; wantonly; offensively; vexatiously; intolerably; insufferably; unbearably; unwittingly; wilfully; deliberately; intentionally; constantly; unconsciously; purposely; viciously; maliciously; venomously; childishly; youthfully; blithely; continually; consistently; particularly; peculiarly; abominably; detestably; atrociously; facetiously; foolishly


    flounder in—; stagger in—; totter in—; —batters; —blasts; —bowls over; —cripples; —devastates; —ebbs; —effaces; —exterminates; —gyrates; —howls; —levels; — mangles; —plays havoc; —prostrates; — razes; —revolves; —rips over; —roars; — rotates; —scuttles; —smashes; —spends itself; —swamps; —swirls; —topples; — wheezes; —whistles

    (See storm, hurricane, wind.)

    Torpid adverbs

    safely; securely; wanly; peculiarly; seasonally; naturally; stupidly; dully; merely; apathetically; terribly; unaccountably; unusually; alarmingly; helplessly; hopelessly; particularly; oddly; peculiarly; uncommonly, mercifully; inertly; contentedly; sluggishly; remarkably; inexplicably; habitually

    Torpor adjectives

    momentary; guilty; heavy; vegetable; dead; frozen; intellectual; delicious; blank; dazed; death-like

    Torrent adjectives

    wild; rushing; impetuous; irregular; tempestuous; streaming; furious; fiery; thundering; driving; angry; boiling; muddy; seething; dangerous; racing; living; windy; drenching; rapid; turbid; plunging; instantaneous; silver; deep; narrow; swirling; eddying; restless; tremendous; resistless; noisy; mad; fierce; hushed; flashing; swift; foaming; raging; radical; icy; mountain; descending; lava; turbulent; pent-up


    check—; dam—; immerse in—; pacify—; slacken—; staunch—; stem—; swell into—; tranquillize—; —batters; —buffets; —cascades; —deluges; —devastates; —foams

    —gushes; —inundates; —issues from; — roars; —rolls; —surges; —sweeps; — swirls; —washes; —waves

    (See maelstrom, storm, rain, flood, stream.)

    Torrential adverbs

    unusually; unseasonably; unexpectedly; suddenly; alarmingly; destructively; calamitously; disastrously; violently; viciously; swirlingly; inescapably; w'indily; frigidly; lamentably; mercilessly; furiously; perilously; frightfully; terribly; indescribably; incomparably; tragically; ominously; positively; actually

    Torrid adverbs

    unpleasantly; unfortunately; mercilessly; cruelly; intolerably; unbearably; parching-ly; distressingly; injuriously; disastrously; calamitously; unexpectedly; unseasonably; suddenly; terribly; curiously; oddly; particularly; usually; uncommonly; painfully; inescapably

    Torso adjectives

    slender; youthful; well-proportioned; antique

    Tortuous adverbs

    circuitously; painfully; perplexingly; wonderfully; intricately; unusually; arduously; unnecessarily; craftily; sinuously; deceptively; bewilderingly; distressingly; ’bother-somely; deliberately; objectionably; unpleasantly; disagreeably; maddeningly; discouragingly; vexatiously; curiously; unreasonably; confusingly; needlessly; terribly; dreadfully; tiresomely

    Torture adjectives

    excruciating; bitter; mental; lingering; physical; everlasting; exquisite; measured; hideous; endless; unrepressed; horrible; innate; slow; consuming; supreme; secret; utmost; tightening; eternal; memorable; rational; intense; untold; subtle; curdling; cruel; abominable; righteous; fiendish; burning; showy; grating


    avert—; contrive—; devise—; endure—; enforce—; palliate—; release from—; submit to—; subject to—; —benumbs; —convulses; —crucifies; —harrows; —lingers; —racks

    (See ordeal, torment, punishment, pain. )

    TORTURE (v) adverbs

    excruciatingly; bitterly; lingeringly; physically; hideously; horribly; secretly; irrationally; exquisitely; barbarically; grotesquely

    (See torment, hurt, pain.)

    TOSS adjectives

    tremendous; pretty; merry; coquettish; disdainful; careless

    TOSS (v) adverbs

    angrily; carelessly; restlessly; arrogantly; indiscriminately; restively; fretfully; impatiently; pettishly; coyly; coquettishly; disdainfully

    (See hurl, heave.)

    TOTAL adjectives

    impressive; alarming; tremendous; enormous; attainable; staggering; incorrect; huge; amazing; erroneous


    amass—; appraise—; ascertain—; assess—; augment—; balance—; calculate—; check—; compile:—; compute—; determine—; dispute —; divulge—; estimate—; integrate—; plumb—; rate—; reckon—; reveal—; underestimate—; weigh—; whittle down—; — aggregates; —astounds; —embraces; — mounts; —soars; —staggers; —totters

    (See amount.)

    TOTAL adverbs

    finally; undeniably; grossly; substantially; presumably; indivisably; tentatively; staggeringly; roughly; unconditionally

    TOTTERING adverbs

    tremulously; waveringly; uncertainly; oddly; queerly; agedly; helplessly; pitiably; extremely; effetely; dejectedly

    TOUCH adjectives

    starry; soft; pleading; composing; distinctive; fairy; casual; impassioned; featherlike; caustic; felicitous; innumerable (pl); vivifying; continuous; magic; daughterly; hasty; corroding; subtile; exciting; nurselike; unwonted; polluting; passing; consoling; mortal; mysterious; sophisticated; chilling; dramatic; flexible; quivering; aristocratic; truthful; celestial; pardonable; luxurious; masterly; satiric; humorous; soothing; alien; simplifying; lively; mellow; sensitive; couturier; musical; demoralizing; clinging: crowning; icy; dreamy; uncivil; desperate; glowing; unfelt; ethereal; ironical; sweetest; inspiriting; fascinating; facile; convincing; tainting; finishing; summery; immaculate; all-pervading; immediate; caressing; arch; slight; incautious; simple; deathly; discriminative; abominable; skillful; beastly; plastic; innocent; vulgar; sparkling; superficial; faultless; final; classic; rare; grotesque; lyrical; inimitable; passionate; sophisticated; trial-fire


    avert—; avoid—; evade—; sense—; sensitize—; —benumbs; —brushes; —chills; — comforts; —contaminates; —defiles; —degrades; —electrifies; —excites; —grazes; —impassions; —petrifies; —pollutes; —reveals; —revolts; —tickles

    (See contact.)

    TOUCH (v) adverbs

    delicately; affectionately; lingeringly; reverently; piquantly; inadequately; profoundly; confidingly; genuinely; inexpressibly; angelically; timidly; respectfully; fitfully; cautiously

    (See finger, feel.)

    TOUCHDOWN verbs

    achieve—; aim at—; annul—; avert—; bid for—; block—; charge for—; clamor for—; culminate in—; pass to—; pile up—s; plunge for—; prevent—; recall—; score—; sneak over—; stem—; sweep for—; void—; yield—; —climaxes; —demoralizes; —determines

    Touching adverbs

    infinitely; poignantly; extremely; unusually; positively; utterly; tenderly; hauntingly; curiously; pathetically; thrillingly; overwhelmingly; incomparably; unexpectedly; undeniably

    Touchy adverbs

    absurdly; unreasonably; vexatiously; significantly; arrogantly; indescribably; nervously; cholerically; churlishly; pugnaciously; curiously; strangely; inexplicably; unaccountably; inherently; naturally; unbecomingly; unpleasantly; disagreeably; atrociously; painfully; distressingly; ridiculously

    Tough adverbs

    disagreeably; unpleasantly; unpalatably; in-edibly; unwarrantably; iuadmissibly; curiously; unreasonably; unpardonably; outrageously; scandalously; shamefully; trouble-somely; wantonly; dreadfully; inconceivably; uncommonly; extraordinarily; singularly; particularly; viciously; wickedly; ridiculously

    Toughness verbs

    acquire—; augment-—; boast of—; deplore —; glory in—; mitigate—; preserve—; —• affords; —breasts; —defies; —endures; — insures; —protects; —rebuffs; —repels; — resists; —supports; —sustains; —withstands; —yields

    (See strength, tenacity.)

    TOUR adjectives

    prolonged; extended; creative; systematic; walking; triumphal; protracted; lecture; ex

    pensive; reconnoitering; memorable


    arrange—; cater for—; conclude—; conduct —; direct—; embark on—; extend—; guide —; map out—; organize—; plan—; project —; protract—; recruit for—; sponsor—; standardize—; —attracts; —broadens; — covers; —embraces; —includes; —provides; —skirts; —touches

    (See journey, trip, voyage, excursion.)

    Tour (v


    enthusiastically; extendedly; listlessly; hurriedly; drearily; wearily; indefatigably; systematically

    (See travel, visit.)

    Tourists adjectives

    guileless; romantic; rewarded; listless; hurried; dreary; clever; experienced; wary; weary


    accommodate—; accompany—; attract—; cater to—; convey—; divert—; entertain—; exploit—; guide—; lecture to—; lure—; shelter—; —consult; —embark; —flock; — marvel at; —mill; —motor; —purchase; — sail; —throng; —view

    (See. traveler, passenger.)

    Tournament adjectives

    mock; chivalric; independent; open; national; amateur


    advance in—; cheer—; color—; compete in —; conduct—; dominate—; emerge from—; engage in—; enter—; judge—; referee—; triumph in—; vie in—; witness—; —excites; —glorifies; —impassions; —publicizes; —rages

    (See contest, game.)

    Towel adjectives

    ragged; hospitable; cordial; snowy; rough; rubbing; huge; crumpled; soggy


    begrime—; besmirch—; boil—; defile—; disinfect—; embroider—; employ—; filch—s; launder—; rack—; scour—; spatter—; sully —; swab with—; wrap in—; whip—; — absorbs; —envelops

    (See napkin, handkerchief, cloth.)


    preserved; flying; immortal; quaint; opal; crumbling; meridian; warlike; weird; ma-chicolated; tranquil; nodding; martial-like; impertinent; rent; gigantic; stalagmite; feudal; baroque; temporary; square; leaning; low; tottermg; church; strong; topless; irregular; showy; flanking; worn; lurching; gleaming; stone; stunted; upper; shattered; slender; ivy-mantled; precipitous; stately; fortified; moldering; massive; overthrown; marshalled; external; shining; turret; skyey; rustic; ecclesiastical; barbaric; cylindrical; movable; tall; time-twin (pl)-’ verbs

    ascend—; assail—; besiege—; clamber up —; convey to—; dismantle—; encompass—; erect—; flank—with; fortify—; hover over —; imprison in—; incarcerate in—; level—; mount—; raze—; repose in—; scale—; storm—; summon to—; surmount—; surround—; topple from—; view from—; — caps; —commemorates; —dominates; — flanks; —frowns; —honors; —looms; — rears; —soars; —symbolizes

    (See pinnacle, peak, mountain, spire.)

    Tower (v) adverbs

    magnificently; sublimely; martially; gigantically; precipitously; massively; awesomely; prodigiously; impressively

    (See rise.)

    Town adjectives

    mute; quaint; storm-swept; tumultuous; queer; many-languaged; self-respecting; terror-stricken; combustible; seven-faced; drowsy; murmuring; imaginary; scenic; shapeless; provincial; breeding; sedate; everyday; defenseless; cheerful; industrial; bustling; rebel; high-perched; gray; placid; peaceful; beleaguered; adjacent; toiling; natal; inland; pretentious; ragged; haunted; dark; majestic; resurrecting; glittering; adverse; walled; retreating; famished; prosperous; hapless; picturesque; spiry; forest-girdled; benighted; populous; burning; lesser; native; festival; crude; ambitious; abominable; harbor; massive; cosmopolitan; fortified; insignificant; extraordinary; outlying; veritable; fated; colorful; straggling; wondrous; filthy; fascinating; respective; inexorable; thriving; corrupt; dirty; permanent; petty; snow-thatched; grass-grown; bleak


    abide in—; allude to—; assault—; besiege —; border—; distinguish—; evacuate—■; extend—; father—; flank—; forsake—; found —; govern—; guide—; inhabit—; invade—; loot—; make the rounds of—; parade—; people—; potter about—; reclaim—; reconnoiter—; scurry around—; set foot in—; skirt—; sojourn in—; throng—; settle in—; trek across—; trudge around—; wall—; — booms; —flourishes; —s snuggle; —springs up; —thrives; —throngs

    (See city, neighborhood, community, village.)

    Toxic adverbs

    indubitably; truly; dangerously; fatally; alarmingly; curiously; evidently; apparently; immediately; instantly; deeply; palpably; cruelly; usually; irremediably; disturbingly; terribly; incontrovertibly

    Toxin verbs

    dilute—; dispel—; inject—; liberate—; neutralize—; purge of—; secrete—; succumb to —; —circulates; —envenoms; —s fatigue; —invades; —overruns; —poisons; —pollutes; —s propagate; —ravishes; —taints; —vitiates; —weakens

    (See poison, germ.)

    Toy adjectives

    tremulous; rude; lamenting; saccharine; adorable; vulgar; battered; inconstant; amorous; expensive; attractive; fond; imaginative; fairy; trifling; garish


    absorb in—s; caress—; cherish—; deprive of—s; disburse—s; engross in—s; fondle—; model—; regard—; reward with—s; tempt with—s; tinker with—s; weary of—s; wheedle—s away; —amuses; —beguiles; — cheers; —caricatures; —delights; —distracts; —diverts; —excites; —fascinates; — solaces

    (See rattle, doll.)

    Toy (t) adverbs

    valiantly; irresistibly; idly; amorously; vulgarly; triflingly; adoringly; quaintly

    (See play, sport.)

    Trace (v) adverbs

    skillfully; accurately; roughly; laboriously; painfully; unconsciously; ethnologically; unmistakably; perceptibly

    (See investigate, search.)

    Traceable adverbs

    easily; dimly; vaguely; distinctly; reasonably; calculably; obviously; discernibly; hardly; actually; conclusively; manifestly; clearly; allegedly; presumably; vestigially; objectively; psychologically; physically

    Traces adjectives

    ancient; historical; corroding; abundant; generous; partial; servile; tangled; archaeological; anthropological; ethnological; slight; marked; effacing; sensible; unmistakable; perceptible; undiscovered; phantom; visible; surviving


    bear—; confirm—; convey—; detect—; dim —; disclose—; discover—; eclipse—; efface —; eradicate—; erase—; examine—; obscure—; obliterate—; outline—; recognize —; record—; reveal—; scent—; scrutinize —; stumble upon—; uncover—; unearth—; veil—; verify—; —disappear; —vanish

    (See evidence, impression, mark, sign, multiply.)

    Track adjectives

    steep; indelible; foamy; beaten; zigzag; ant; well-chosen; sorrowiess; myriad (pl); luminous; resplendent; untraveled; vengeful; receding; shining; adjacent; unending; thirsty; glistening; cloud-swept; solar; suitable; grooved


    blot out—; careen down—; clear—; deduce from—; efface—; eradicate—; erase—; espy —; expunge—; follow in—; jump—; obliterate—; steal across—; stumble upon—; trace—; uncover—; —s afford; —s bear evidence; t-s betoken; —s blaze; —s denote; —enables; —ensnares; —s indicate; —s record ; —s reveal

    (See course, groove, trail, trace, )

    Trackless adverbs

    bewilderingly; terrifyingly; utterly; hopelessly; completely; incredibly; appallingly; dismally; overwhelmingly; dishearteningly; absolutely

    Tract adjectives

    inflammable; latent; controversial; much-desired; distributing; uncultivated; wicked; untrodden; considerable; inviting; stifling; dry; missionary; irritable; theologic; marshy; vast; diffusing; humane; alimentary; generous; tender; digestive; adjoining; singular; broad; large; partisan


    claim—; confine—; cultivate—; enlarge—; entitle to—; expand—; explore—; fence in —; grant—; harrow—; limit—; plow—; reclaim—; sow—; stake out—; till—; work —; —bears; —flourishes; —fructifies; — ranges; —thrives

    (See farm, area, district, field, land.)

    Tractable adverbs

    easily; pleasantly; agreeably; conveniently; handily; deceptively; amazingly; unexpectedly; accommodatingly; docilely; surprisingly; dully; quietly; humbly; willingly; happily; fortunately; suddenly; grudgingly; momentarily; amenably; apparently; delightfully; silently; wearily; placidly; tearfully

    Trade adjectives

    considerable; clandestine; immense; peaceable; savory; melancholy; depressed; dreadful; monstrous; profitable; flourishing; military; lucrative; constant; discordant; penitent; languishing; abominable; essential; harsh; vilest; illicit; wholesale; hereditary; doubtful; permanent; beastly; external; sedentary; diverted; stagnated; unlawful; intermediary; earthly; reciprocal; thriving; frivolous; magnificent


    abandon—; alienate—; augment—; blockade—; bolster—; cement—; conciliate—; cut into—; decrease—; discontinue—; disrupt—; dominate—; encourage—; endanger —; engage in—; establish—; expand—; facilitate—; foster—-; hamper—; impede—; increase—; inspire—; make roads upon—; monopolize—; nurture—; originate—; ply —; promote—; pursue—; regiment—; relinquish—; restrain—; revive—; spur—; stimulate—; strangle—; strengthen—; stymie—; swamp with—; swell—; tackle—; teach—; threaten—; traffic in—; trample down—; —collapses; —dwindles; —freezes

    —jumps up; —lures; —slumps

    (See employment, market, exchange, commerce, industry, calling, business.)

    Trademark verbs

    acquaint with—; appropriate—; glorify—; patent—; popularize—; recognize—; stamp —; —attests to; —betokens; —distinguishes

    • —emblazons; —guarantees; —heralds; — indicates; —insures; —labels; —represents

    • —symbolizes; —vouches

    (See label, copyright, patent.)

    Tradesmen verbs

    bargain with—; barter with—; dicker with —; cater to—: —deal in; —dispense; —dispose of; —engage in; —haggle; —hawk; — market; —peddle; —ply; —purvey; —retail; —trade; —traffic in; —transact; — vend; —vie

    (See hawker, merchant, salesman.)

    Tradition adjectives

    sacred; mysterious; precise; ancient; soberest; superstitious; venerable; cumulative; social; historic; culinary; inherited; patriotic; simple; saner; time-honored; sentimental; exquisite; ghostly; current; moldy; gentlemanly; ritualistic; intellectual; unscientific; sporting; hospitable; family; high; rare; sweet; dim; hoary; liberal; heroic; aesthetic; untrustworthy; living; remote; medieval; decorous; poetic; remarkable; pleasant; tribal; conventional; popular; established; cherished; imperial; renowned; fine; immutable


    absorb—; acquire—; adhere to—; annihilate —; authenticate—; “ballyhoo”—; bare—; batter—; better—; bound by—; break down —; cast aside—; carry on—; cherish—; conform to—; continue—; create—; cut loose from—; defend—; derive from—; destroy —; disclose—; discrepit—; disregard—; dissolve—; emancipate—; emasculate—; embody in—; endure—; enrich—; establish —; exist in—; express—; force—; fortify—; found—; glory in—; guard—; honor—; ignore—; illustrate—; imbue—; impair—; imperial—; infuse—; ingrain—; inherit—; “junk”—; limit—s; maintain—; mock—; nourish—; nurture—; observe—; perpetuate —; preserve—; profit by—; rear in—; relate—; relinquish—; repudiate—; revive—; respect—; root in—; saturate with—; shake off—; shatter—; smash—; stand for—; steep in—; stick to—; strangle—; sweep away—; take over—; tinge with—; trace—; undermine—; unfold—; violate—; weld—; —accentuates; —ascribes; —binds; —blinds; — brands; —carries on; —colors; —describes; —determines; —dictates; —enriches; —fetters; —governs; —hands down; —immortalizes; —narrates; —preserves; —persists; —prescribes; —recounts; —regulates; —reports; —rules; —stands; —threatens; —s topple

    (See belief, attitude, culture, habit, custom, usage.)

    Traditional adverbs

    devoutly; deeply; racially; innately; reverently; profoundly; curiously; manifestly; pleasantly; seriously; ineradicably; conventionally; delightfully; apparently; popularly; locally; indestructibly; inflexibly; vaguely; clearly

    Traduce (v) adverbs

    viciously; scandalously; libelously; hatefully; savagely; vindictively; revengefully

    (See slander, assail.)

    Traffic adjectives

    congested; rushing; metropolitan; aerial; dense; heavy; incessant; petty; abominable; ceaseless; roaring; terminate; din-producing; wearisome


    avert—; check—; choke—; congest—; control—; converge—; direct—; engage in—; escape—; evade—; facilitate—; guide—; hamper—; impede—; jam—; obstruct—; paralyze—; quell—; regulate—; retard—; shun—; speed—; support—; tangle—; — blares; —clogs; —confuses; —converges; —endangers; —flows; —jangles; —jeopardizes; —roars; —surges; —sweeps by; — thunders

    (See intercourse, exchange, commerce.)

    Tragedy adjectives

    poetic; vast; shocking; unimaginable; de rived; inexcusable; bourgeois; radical; unequalled; dark; bombastic; dream; philosophic; classical; bloody; supreme; fantastic; stark; nocturnal; ancient; national; countless (pl); tribal; dismal; terrible; impressive; domestic; timeless; climacteric; successful; terrestrial; world; unavoidable


    avert—; banish—; bear—; belittle—; bewail—; decry—; deplore—; develop into —; disclose—; facilitate—; heighten—; intensify—; lament—; mourn—; play—; plot—; plunge into—; precipitate—; sense —; shudder at—; skirt the edge of—; stay —; submerge—; suffer—; surmount—; verge on—; —afflicts; —appalls; —bereaves; —curdles; —curses; —deals a blow; —depresses; —descends; —distorts; —excites; —foredooms; —harrows; —haunts; —mows down; —oppresses; —overtakes; — purges; —racks; —rends; —sears; — shakes; —shocks; —sours; —spells; —unfolds; —weighs upon; —wrings

    (See melodrama, atrocity, outrage, calamity, drama, catastrophe.

    Tragic adverbs

    overwhelmingly; calamitously; bitterly; cruelly; incredibly; unexpectedly; dismally; appallingly; shockingly; devastatingly; un-mitigatedly; hopelessly; unrelievedly; utterly; splendidly; superbly; highly; profoundly; consummately; incalculably; immeasurably

    Trail adjectives

    hurrying; downward; sidling; lonesome; traveled; resplendent; recent; dusty; endless; milky; unique; pungent; majestic; arduous; hour-old; winding; sinuous; well-worn; twisting; elusive; spiritual; ancestral


    blaze—; break—; clarify—; clutter—; construct—; deviate from—; diverge from—; efface—; erase—; explore—; forsake—; illuminate—; jog along—; lay out—; map—; mark—; obliterate—; obscure—; obstruct —; plunge along—; pursue—; scan—; shadow—; skirt—; stir up—; strike into—; veil—; —bewilders; —recedes; —threads its course; —twists; —veers; —winds

    (See track, road, lane.

    Trail (v) adverbs demurely; faithfully; humbly; tediously; arduously; sinuously; twistingly; elusively; incessantly

    (See follow, trace.

    TRAIN adjectives

    reaper; starry; unparalleled; funeral; illustrious; imperial; crawling; belated; night; retreating; prodigious; express; inferior; gigantic; suburban; shining; grisly; hurtling; fast-flying; virgin; complicated; pointed; harmless; crack; long-laid; additional; pensive; vagrant; incoming; unfeeling; unpainted; gloom-stricken; wooden; immediate; melancholy; haughty; celestial; pompous; sweeping; streamlined


    assign to—; board—; collide with—; consign to—; convey—; couple—; derail—; flag—; fuel—; hop aboard (colloq.)—; insert in—; launch—; section—; schedule—s; scurry for—; shunt—; signal—-; switch—s; transport by—; —bears; —chugs (colloq.); —conveys; —departs; —facilitates; — glides; —plunges; —puffs; —pulls into; — rattles; —rocks; —rolls; —shunts; — shrieks; —steams; —sways; —sweeps away; —thunders; —wheels away; —whistles; — whizzes; —winds its way

    (See automobile, locomotive, trolley-car.

    Train (v) adverbs exquisitely; sedulously; scientifically; specially; competently; intellectually; judiciously; technically; adequately; intensively; monastically; academically; arduously; systematically; subtly; theoretically

    (See discipline, teach.

    Trained adverbs

    successfully; highly; moderately; skilfully; adequately; recently; well-; badly; inadequately; consummately; carefully; scarcely; cleverly; marvelously; brilliantly; cruelly; mercilessly; patiently; persistently; consistently; effectively; sufficiently; specifically; constantly

    Training adjectives

    continuous; intellectual; judicious; vicious;

    elementary; technical; valuable; preparatory; rigid; persistent; watchful; ethical; industrial; disciplinary; adequate; rural; intensive; lifelong; monastic; requisite; vocational; classical; scholarly; precedent; supplementary; arduous; superficial; loving; pious; admirable; secretarial; practical; systematic; rigorous; amatory; leisurely; stabilized; subtle; architectural; theoretical


    entrust to—; fit for—; imbibe—; persevere with—; prescribe—; relax—; subject to—; undergo—; —accustoms; —breeds; —disciplines; —equips; —forearms; —habituates; —hardens; —impregnates; —inculcates; — infuses; —instils; —inures; —matures; — mellows; —polishes; —prepares; —qualifies; —sharpens; —smooths; —veneers

    (See preparation, education, discipline, exercise.)

    Trait adjectives

    redeeming; petty; striking; intellectual; boyish; ridiculous; bestial; dominant; overbearing; predominating; advanced; distinguished; outstanding; conspicuous; royal; feminine; multiplex (pl); noble; salient; common; singular; outward; scrupulous; generous; sectional; characteristic; humane; national; essential; desirable; lasting; hereditary; notable; varied (pl); obnoxious; introvert; quantitative; childish; valuable; visible; physiological; ostensible


    assentuate—; acquire—; breed—s; commend —; cultivate—; discover—s; emphasize—; exhibit—; foster—; illuminate—s; intensify —; manifest—; play a part in—; portray —; relate—; stamp—; value—; —allures; —appears; —attracts; —betokens; —characterizes; —distinguishes; —s etch deeper; —fascinates; —indicates; —individualizes; —s stamp out

    (See characteristic, habit, quality.)

    Traitor verbs

    accuse—; banish—; denounce—; dub—; exile—; expose—; hiss—; hoot—; ostracize —; outlaw—; proclaim—; pursue—; redeem—; scorn—; sneer at—; spurn—; subdue—; —betrays; —debases; —demeans

    —falsifies; —loses caste; —repudiates; — secedes

    (See betrayer, conspirators, plotters, criminal.)

    Traitorous adverbs

    despicably; abominably; stealthily; furtively; unbelievably; unexpectedly; suddenly; curiously; detestably; murderously; meretriciously; insidiously; atrociously; odiously; hatefully; venomously; vilely; grossly; ungratefully; confessedly; traceably; evidently; incalculably; cleverly; invidiously; utterly; presumably; allegedly

    Trajection adjectives

    free; limited; swift; uncanny

    Tramp adjectives

    collier; measured; penniless; steady; dusty; derisible; plashy; echoing; impecunious; dingy; clattering; sullen; beggarly

    Tramp (v) adverbs

    ruthlessly; vigorously; sullenly; monotonously; dingily; indefatigably; remorselessly

    (See march, trudge.)

    Trample (v) adverbs

    ruthlessly; heedlessly; speedily; cruelly; viciously; contemptuously; heartlessly

    (See tramp, stamp.)

    Trance adjectives

    spectral; rigid; magic; mystic; compassionate; blissful; icy; stupid; restless; ecstatic; cataleptic; dizzy; spiritual; stilly; lethargic; doleful; speechless; detested

    Tranquil adverbs

    sweetly; amazingly; restfully; contentedly; incredibly; suddenly; surprisingly; refreshingly; delightfully; naturally; habitually; always; seldom; enviably; admirably; happily; contentedly; blissfully; extremely; uncommonly

    Tranquility adjectives

    wishless; misty; dignified; well-regulated; mist-wrapped; divine; magnanimous; honey-sweet; sumptuous; profound; flustered; long-desired; monotonous; perfect; serene; dry; physical; innocent; boresome; empty; dull


    break—; disturb—; lull into—; recapture —; recollect in—; shatter—; tolerate—; — alleviates; —assuages; —becalms; —chastens; —composes; —deadens; —depresses; —dulcifies; —pacifies; —settles over; — smooths; —smothers; —stagnates; —subdues

    (See calm, apathy, quiet.)

    Transact (v) adverbs

    profitably; industriously; efficiently; ethically; momentously; monetarily; fraudulently; spiritually; nefariously; discreditably; philosophically; ephemerally

    (See conduct, negotiate.)

    Transaction adjectives

    momentous; mercantile; monetary; notorious; important; fraudulent; clouded; private; flowery; spiritual; extortionate; nefarious; discreditable; philosophical; ritualistic


    abandon—; bind to—; carry on—; conceal —; conduct—; consummate—; divulge—; draft—; engage in—; endanger—; execute —; facilitate—; insure—; negotiate—; nullify—; outline—; participate in—; plan—; press—; profit by—; promote—; reject—; release from—; rue—; underwrite—; withdraw from—; —obligates; —stipulates

    (See procedure, deal, bargain, intercourse.)

    Transcend (v) adverbs

    boundlessly; gloriously; infinitely; obviously; markedly; amazingly; spectacularly

    (See surpass, excel.)

    Tr A NS CEN DEN TA L adverbs

    presumably; indubitably; impractically; satisfactorily; altogether; curiously; obviously; incalculably; loosely; strictly

    Transcribe (v) adverbs

    faithfully; diligently; laboriously; patiently; indefatigably; industriously; ambitiously; accurately

    (See copy, write.)

    Transcribed adverbs

    carefully; accurately; usually; responsibly; legally; necessarily; scrupulously; immediately; intelligibly; perfectly; punctiliously; painstakingly; mechanically; scientifically; carelessly; imperfectly

    Transfer (v) adverbs

    temporarily; satisfactorily; forcibly; rapidly; professionally; individually

    (See shift, change.)

    Transfigured adverbs

    radiantly; gloriously; celestially; divinely; brilliantly; glowingly; piously; devoutly; unimaginably; incredibly; beauteously; luminously; curiously; brightly; spiritually; idealistically; marvelously; miraculously; supernaturally; utterly; suddenly

    Transform (v) adverbs

    miraculously; magically; ingeniously; topographically; uniquely; supernaturally; a-mazingly; extensively; spectacularly

    (See change.)

    Transformation adjectives

    magical; striking; bucolic; epic; weird; successive (pl); solemn; tremendous; ingenious; unique; supernatural; topographical


    achieve—; analyze—; condone—; discern —; facilitate—; undergo—; —accentuates; —alters; —deviates; —innovates; —introduces; —modifies; —modulates; —revamps; —swerves from

    (See fermentation, change, alteration, transition.)

    Transformed adverbs

    marvelously; miraculously; suddenly; gloriously; divinely; utterly; luminously; strangely; peculiarly; oddly; unaccountably; inexplicably; radiantly; grotesquely; palpably; manifestly; unbelievably; undeniably; incredibly

    Transgress (v) adverbs

    outrageously; repetitiously; wantonly; ven-ially; notoriously; incestuously; egregiously

    (See sin, violate.)

    Transient adverbs

    painfully; lamentably; fortunately; fleetingly; merely; pathetically; sadly; tragically; ephemerally; bitterly; meteorically; brilliantly

    Transition adjectives

    ethnological; soft; terrible; quick; hard; sudden; awful; perilous; stormy; violent; delicious; fine; necessary; painful; bitter; swift


    accomplish—; balk at—; bemoan—; complete—; decry—; denounce—; endure—; necessitate—; smooth—; trace—; undergo —; undertake—; —converts; —involves; —matures; —mellows; —revolutionizes; —ripens

    (See change, modification, transformation.)

    Transitional adverbs

    expediently; merely; conveniently; practically; feasibly; quickly; profitably; suitably; advantageously; brefly; serviceably; presumably; probably; adaptably; providentially; helpfully; admirably; aptly

    Transitory adverbs

    briefly; ephemerally; impermanently; per-ishably; sadly; lamentably; unhappily; mortally; evanescently

    Translate (v) adverbs

    literally; fluently; extensively; faithfully; flawlessly; exquisitely; freely; exactly; copiously; skillfully; mentally

    (See interpret, construe.)

    Translucent adverbs

    mysteriously; strangely; incredibly; scientifically; unbelievably; uncommonly; admirably; commendably; sufficiently; surprisingly; pleasantly; attractively; conveniently; cleverly; agreeably; reasonably; surprisingly; unexpectedly; usefully; practically; satisfactorily

    Transparent adverbs

    entirely; inconveniently; uncomfortably; delightfully; attractively; unexpectedly; amazingly; conveniently; admirably; commendably; satisfactorily; oddly; comically; absurdly; shamefully; unnecessarily; remarkably; uncommonly; highly; exceptionally; perfectly

    Transplant (v) adverbs

    unceremoniously; agriculturally; patiently; skillfully; ingeniously; successfully; prudently

    (See shift, move, change.)

    Transplanted adverbs

    carelessly; unskilfully; unsuccessfully; seldom; easily; safely; skilfully; carefully; successfully; often; usually; unwisely; clumsily; inexpertly; improperly; properly; experimentally

    Transport (v) adverbs

    swiftly; recklessly; laboriously; dramatically; periodically; annually; regularly; seasonally; continuously; deftly; uniquely

    (See move, ship.)

    TRANSPORTATION adjectives

    water; ruined; laborious; swift; air; faultless; reckless


    accelerate—; afford—; assign—; assure of —; avail of—; block—; cripple—; direct —; disrupt—; expedite—; facilitate—; grant—; hamper—; impede—; manage—; rate—; retard—; slacken—; —cements; — communicates with; —enables; —links; — unites

    (See shipment, conveyance.)

    Trapped adverbs

    hideously; helplessly; hopelessly; desperately; abominably; malk ously; grimly; unspeakably; utterly; inescapably; fatally; precariously; perilously; permanently; terribly; horribly; frightfuly; appallingly; shockingly; frantically; cleverly; cunningly; finally; ultimately; legally; subtly; adroitly ; treacherously

    Trashy adverbs

    utterly; abominably; terribly; cheaply; worthlessly; horribly; unspeakably; undis-guisedly; irretrievably; irredeemably; grossly; crassly; irreclaimably; unacceptably; hopelessly; disagreeably; disgustingly; manifestly; undeniably; arrantly

    Travel adjectives

    earthly; dreary; unknown; riotous; air; irrelevant; tiresome; horseback; prudent; extensive; transient; frequent; equatorial; continental; nomadic; fatiguing


    afford—; extend—s; facilitate—; forsake —; long for—; modernize—; recall—s; recite—s; recount—s; relinquish—s; widen— s; —acquaints one with; —broadens; — cultivates; —cultures; —edifies; —educates; —endangers; —en .ghtens; —polishes; — veneers

    (See tour, cruise, adventure, education.)

    Travel (v) adverbs

    extensively; circuitously; luxuriously; methodically; laboriously; perceptibly; sedately; expensively; advantageously; recklessly

    (See tour, journey.)


    widely; highly; broadly; brilliantly; unusually; admirably; wonderfully; far; much; frequently; infrequently; seldom; little; marvelously; extensively

    Traveler adjectives

    ephemeral; zealous; wayworn; elegant; weary; cheerful; defenseless; mysterious; unprotected; unwary; desperate; expectant; unprofessional; dawdling; dispirited; shrewd; contemporary; present; thoughtful; economical; colonial; veteran; hoary; storm-tossed; late-arriving; rustic; gaping; sleepless; well-assorted (pl); discriminating; unwilling; fastidious; casual; reputable; disconcerting; arctic; wise; sophisticated; refined; seasoned; epicurean


    accommodate—; cater to—s; comfort—; enchant—s; enthrall—s; exhaust—; fatigue —; guide—; lecture to—; organize—; plunder—s; route—s; waylay—s; welcome —; —journeys; —lingers; —s mill about; —plans; —prolongs; —protracts; —repairs to; —resides at; —roams; —roves; — views; —wearies of; —wends; —witnesses

    (See marcher, tourists.)

    Treacherous adverbs

    abominably; dangerously; alarmingly; ominously; portentously; slyly; smoothly; insidiously; hypocritically; flatteringly; furtively; cleverly; disloyally; despicably; boldly; hideously; subtly; maliciously; grossly; deliberately; adroitly; vilely; astutely; inscrutably; undoubtedly; infinitely; deeply; darkly

    Treachery adjectives

    cruel; meditated; base; subtle; signal; bitter


    condemn—; court-martial for—; disclose—; denounce—; expose—; fear—; frame—; plot—; resort to—; screen—; shroud—; stoop to—; suspect—; uncover—; untangle —; veil—; —baits; —beguiles; —betrays; —debases; —deceives; —decoys; —deludes

    —dishonors; —disillusions; —engulfs; — lures; —lurks; —pollutes; —snares; — stains; —sullies

    (See insincerity, ingratitude, infidelity, betrayal.


    hasty; quick; elastic; viewless; swinging; limping; winter; victorious; slow; measured; firm; fairy; martial; sacred; monotonous; stately; imperious; stealthy; nervous; delicate; resilient; pointed; scandaled; thundering; persistent; springy; self-assured; conquering; undazzled; muffled; backward; unflinching; cat-like; clanging

    TREAD («•) adverbs

    sorrowfully; lightly; boldly; profanely; noiselessly; soundlessly; cautiously; rhythmically; painfully; consciously; gaily; un-heedingly; tenderly

    (See walk, proceed.

    TREASON adjectives

    strong;, household; detested; pretended; unpardonable; domestic; manifest; ugly; certain; passive; defiant; proud


    accuse of—; acquit of—; arraign for—; charge with—; cite—; combat—; commit—; condemn for—; confess—; convict of—; deny—; exile for—; indict for—; penalize for—; revenge—; unveil—; uncover—; — betrays; —breaches; —corrupts; —debases; —degrades; —demeans; —dishonors; — stigmatizes

    (See betrayal, crime, treachery.

    TREASONABLE adverbs indubitably; utterly; wickedly; admittedly; allegedly; subtly; frankly; assuredly; immeasurably; deliberately; indefeasibly; indefensibly; defiantly; arrantly; unutterably; daringly; boldly; peculiarly; palpably; highly; dangerously; darkly

    TREASURE adjectives

    valued; countless (pl); inexhaustible; sacred; royal; patrimonial; garnered; priceless; celestial; subsequent; vast; portable; precious; costly; heavenly; accursed; lifetime; perishing; dear-bought; self-consuming; chaste; autumn; nobler; numbered (pl); eternal; drainless; sterling; superfluous; golden; accumulated; notable; earthly; ruffling; orphaned; long-lost; sleeping; cherished; unsuspected; dewy; longed-for; purloined; buried


    accumulate—; adorn—; amass—; appraise —; bury—; cache—; cherish—; disclose—; dispose of—; dive for—; exaggerate—; explore for—; extort—; garner—; harbor—; hoard—; impound—; lavish—upon; pilfer —; reclaim—; reveal—; salvage—; secrete —; seek—; stow away—; swallow—; uncover—; unearth—; —astounds; —dazzles; —enriches

    (See wealth, money.

    TREASURED adverbs highly; greatly; carefully; piously; affectionately; fondly; lovingly; tenderly; always; truly; especially; deeply; openly; strangely; oddly; unaccountably; sincerely; nationally; decorously; ceremoniously; insistently

    TREASURY adjectives exhaustless; infinite; provincial; veritable; depleted; enfeebled; anen/c; national; vestpocket


    augment—; bankrupt—; deplete—; divert from—; drain—; embarrass—; embezzle from—; raid—; reinforce—; replenish—; replete—; repose in—; stabilize—; tap—; —accrues; —accumulates; —amasses; — appropriates; —authorizes; —declines; — inflates; —issues; —languishes; —lifts; — mounts; —recalls; —swells; —totters

    (See coffer, bank, reserve.

    TREAT adjectives

    pipular; delightful; optical; splendid


    afford—; extend—; indulge in—; luxuriate in—; offer—; procure—; provide—; relish —; rejoice in—; revel in—; welcome—; yield—; —absorbs; —amuses; —delights; —enlivens; —fascinates; —gladdens; —regales; —solaces; —tickles

    (See dainty, eniertainment, feast, repast.

    Treat (v) adverbs

    rationally; barbarously; circumspectly; humanely; systematically; tenderly; adequately; harshly; elaborately; brutally; deferentially; compassionately; reverently; mercilessly; roughly; histrionically; elaborately; objectively; sympathetically; essentially; hospitably; conscientiously; jocosely; capriciously; contemptuously; surgically; medically; courteously

    (See behave, act.)

    Treatise adjectives

    extensive; erudite; laborious; scholarly; distinguished; lucid; philosophical; pedagogical; far-sighted; important; abstruse; pedantic; musical; celebrated; voluminous; masterly; hard-headed; distinct; elaborate; valuable


    absorb in—; acclaim—; commend—; comprehend—; condense—; consolidate—; denounce—; illustrate—; peruse—; present—; produce—; publish—; revise—; summarize —; write—; —airs; —boxes; —deals with; —digresses; —discourses; —dissertates; — does justice to; —elaborates on; —exhausts; —extends; —sets forth; —recites; —unfolds; —wearies

    (See dissertation, article, book.)

    Treatment adjectives

    miraculous; infamous; prompt; acoustical; diabetic; proposed; triple-acting; drastic; abominable; scientific; superficial; dietary; persuasive; bold; thematic; heroic; jocose; intelligent; technical; contemptuous; harsh; pessimistic; realistic; cruel; proper; humane; psychoanalytic; symphonic; affectionate; unjust; preferential; successful; osteopathic; unfilial; inhuman; barbarous; severe; well-considered; judicious; summary; sufficient; axial; statistical; ceiling; appropriate; harmonic; architectural; voluntary; hospitable; routine; cathartic; attentive; torturing; ruthless; reliable; competent; delicate; insolent; surgical; standard; sportive; interior; scandalous; harmonious; remote; beautifying; preferential; perfidious; unger-erous; respectful; conscientious; preventive; courteous; hypnotic; capricious; impolite; antiquated; immediate; mosaic; realistic; playful; disrespectful; frank; artistic; original


    acquaint with—; administer—; adopt—; advise—; advocate—; alter—; apply—; attribute—; carry on—; check—; commence—; conduct—; confer—on; constitute—; consult for—; co-ordinate—; counsel—; discard—; discontinue—; direct—; employ—; endure —; excel in—; expose—; extend—; facilitate —; indicate—; improve—; institute—; modernize—; modify—; neglect—; outline—; place—; prescribe—; prolong—; protract—; pursue—; question—; recommend—; regulate—; render—; repeat—; require—; respond to—; resume—; skill in—; standardize—; subject to—; tolerate—; undergo—; urge—; yield to—; —accomplishes; —allays; —ameliorates; —antidotes; —assuages; —falls; —incenses; —metes out; — misleads; —mitigates; —perseveres; —palliates; —relieves; —remedies; —represents; —varies

    (See cure, method, act, performance, usage.)

    Treaty ad jectives

    far-sighted; separate; successive (pl) ; defensive; definitive; supplementary; ambiguous; secret; advantageous; pleasing; monstrous; equitable; obnoxious; outrageous; violated


    abrogate—; adopt—; comply with—; condition—; condemn—; confirm—; conform to —; contract—; create—; discharge—; disregard—; dissolve—; draft—; frame—; ignore—; infringe upon—; negotiate—; nullify—; observe—; press—; ratify—; repudiate—; rip—; sanction—; scrap—; sign—; trample—; transgress—; violate—; void—; —affords; —aims; —allies; —binds; —cements; —circumvents; —concludes; —embroils; —guarantees; —insures; —leagues; —pledges; —stipulates; —strengthens; — ties; —unites

    (See lease, covenant, agreement.)

    Tree adjectives

    rich; ominous; whispering; brittle; cringing; wide-spreading; ragged; overgrown; tropical; trimmed; stately; fledged; inter posing; accursed; tangled; wind-swept; well-branched; kindred; assailed; dusty; feathery; tottering; cleft; stunted; hardy; well-cared-for; thread-like; gloomy; embowering; breathless; slender; white-starred; paradise; low; scrubby; dewy-tasseled; resinous; over-hanging; murdered; stretching; mute; shady; patriarchal; tufted; shining-leaved; enticing; notched; waking; unhewn; draped; rejoicing; water-loving; bare; genealogic; unwaving; darling; immortal; blasted; flowering; somber; unguarded; unlawful; lofty; senseless; yielding; parched; pleached; deserted; spectral; exotic; celestial; drooping; attractive; rifled; hoary; sheltering; forbidden; fantastic; stubby; dooryard; deciduous; prostrate; perfect; tempting; pomegranate; .oveted; dripping; new-leafed; gnarled; denuded; sturdy; hollow; wayside; virtuous; twisted; interdicted; sprawling; friendly; lusty; gracious; listening; half-budded; slumberous; massive; blossoming: venerable; indigenous; faded; voluptuous; overarching; magnificent; broad-armed; sapient; naked; centennial; hereditary; tortured; undecaying; celestial; waving; fruit-laden; aromatic; bending; long-lived; eldest; full-branched; girdled; gaunt; unbrageous; glittering; giftbearing; over-leaning; contorted; quivering; luxuriate; antique; trysting; intolerable; shivering; ornamental; pauper; spicy; shadowy; glistening; blessed; unaccustomed; short; majestic; lowering; misshapen; grafted


    blight—; clamber up—; conserve —s; cultivate —is; dot with —s; fell—; fertilize —s; graft—; hack at—; hew—; label—; level—; nest in—; prune—; raze—; suspend from—; tap—; thin out—; transplant—; uproot—; —affords; —bears; —bends; —blooms; — blossoms; —bows under; —buds; —s cluster; —creaks; —dips; —falls; —flanks; — flourishes; —flowers; —forms; —forsakes; —fructifies; —garlands; —hints; —lashes; —lifts; —loads; —obscures; —occupies; — overspreads; —plunges; —relinquishes; — rises; —rustles; —scourges; —screens; — shades; —sheds; —shelters; —shimmers; — shivers; —shrouds; —soars; —spreads; —s straggle; —sways; —swishes; —thrives; — throws; —thunders; —topples; —totters; — towers; —whips; —whispers; —writhes; — yields

    (See leaf, branch, oak, elm, etc.

    TREMBLE (v) adverbs fearsomely; fearfully; violently; inwardly; abominably; visibly; spasmodically; nervously; morbidly; abnormally; agitatedly

    (See shiver, move.

    TREMBLING adverbs helplessly; dreadfully; uncertainly; uncontrollably; awkwardly; perceptibly; pitiably; ineptly; paralytically; weakly; feebly

    TREMOR adjectives

    touehing; nervous; sharp; immeasurable: emotional; eager; slight; awful; luminous; fierce; earthquake


    allay —s; excite to —s; inspire—; record—; respond to—; stir with —s; —agitates; — alarms; —convulses; —creeps; —dislodges; —indicates; —jars; —jolts; —jostles; — jounces; —pulsates; —ripples thru; — shocks; —swells; —terrifies; —trickles; — warms; —quivers

    (See agjiation, earthquake, shiver, shudder.

    TRENCH adjectives

    slimy; abhorred; trial; current; political; bold; bloody; artificial; flanking; adjacent; defensive; muddy

    TRENCHANT adverbs

    effectively; unusually; famously; remarkably; wonderfully; cleverly; aptly; uncommonly; powerfully; tellingly; savagely; viciously; unmercifully; sarcastically; drolly; brutally; bluntly; sharply

    TRENCHES verbs

    beseige—: blast—; bolster—; bombard—; burrow—; confine to—; excavate—; fortify —; flow from—; lodge in—; maintain—; map—; patrol—; plan—; raid—; repulse from—; scoop out—; straggle to—; stream to—; swarm from—; tunnel—; —afford; — deface; —furrow; —shelter; —shield

    (See ditch, drain, fortification.



    significant; important; radical; philosophic; noticeable; recent; future; mystical; practical; probable; impressive; unhealthy; gambling; significant


    affect—; approve—; detect—; discern—; divert—; emphasize—; encourage—; foster—; govern—; hail—; herald—; illustrate—; indicate—; influence—; obscure—; promote —; recognize—; regulate—; retard—; reverse—; scotch—; sense—; sway—; warp —; —departs from; —deviates; —inclines toward; —shifts; —signifies; —swerves

    (See mode, fashion, style, tendency.

    TRESPASS (v) adverbs nefariously; boldly; illegally; brazenly; lawlessly; flagrantly

    (See transgress, intrude.

    TRESPASSER verbs admonish—; banish—; bar—; cauticm—; dispel—; eject—; expel—; inveigh against —; oust—; penalize—; prosecute—; —encroaches on; —infringes on; —intrudes; — invades; —obtrudes; —offends; —oversteps; —violates

    (See aggressor, intruder.

    TRESS adjectives

    raren; ebon; flaming; beauteous; unbound

    TRIAL adjectives

    repeated; fiery; ancient; memorable; ludicrous; harassing; speedy; hurried; religious; gracious; mutual; intensified; terrible; weary; still; bitter; countless (pl); impartial; unnecessary; supreme; petty; amicable; mock; grueling


    appeal—; arraign for—; arrange for—; bear—; behold—; bias—; challenge to—; conclude—; conduct—; determine—; docket —; judge—; prejudice—; preside oven—; protract—; scorn—; summon for—; warrant—; —absolves; —acquits; —airs; — clears; —commences; —discloses; —exculpates; —exonerates; —notorizes; —publicizes; —ventilates; —whitewashes

    (See effort, attempt, endeavor, tribunal, examination.



    ceremonially; strictly; narrowly; originally; characteristically; singularly; peculiarly; exclusively; oddly; actually; apparently; obviously; manifestly; conspicuously

    TRIBE adjectives

    beaten; finny; kindred; rebellious; malignant; predatory; cervine; hostile; crushed; pastoral; illustrious; sylvan; scattered (pl); swarming (pl); cognate; barbarian; unfriendly; neighboring; scaly; contemptible; perishing; indolent; wandering; protected; aboriginal; feline; feathered; unlearned; thriftless; primitive; unnumbered (pl); invisible; swarthy; powerful; fierce; native; carnivorous


    affiliate with—; ban from—; band in—; cement—; evolve from—; exterminate—; father—; found—; head—; inflame—; mobilize—; muster—; perpetuate—; scatter—; unite—; weld—s; —expands; —multiplies; —ostracizes; —prospers; —survives; — thrives; —vanishes; —wanes

    (See clan, family.


    afflict with—; allay—; assuage—; augment —; ease—; encounter—; endure—; experience—; lament—; mitigate—; mourn—; occasion—; palliate—; suffer—; —consume; —distress; —harass; —harrow; —rack; — subdue; —weigh upon

    (See affliction, trouble.

    TRIBUNAL adjectives

    legal; international; judicious; secret; tardy; independent; impartial; peaceful; revolutionary; bustling; arbitral; mock; revolting; supreme; military; just; righteous


    adjourn—; appeal to—; bias—; convoke—; hamper—; prejudice—; resort to—; —ad

    judicates; —arbitrates; —awards; —brings in a verdict; —confirms; —decides; —determines; —dooms; —evaluates; —judges; — passes an opinion; —proclaims; —reviews; —sentences; —sets aside; —settles

    (See court, jury.)

    Tribute adjectives

    tardy; august; odorous; extravagant; sincere; unconscious; significant; fitting; requisite; eloquent; noble; unwilling; touching; impressive; remarkable; manifold (pl); expressive; everlasting; elaborate; grim; extraordinary; floral; stipulated; joyous; sisterly; generous; anonymous; spontaneous; obtrusive; virgin; poetic; personal; russet; complacent; curious; honorable; intuitive; magnificent; whole-hearted


    accept—; acknowledge—; award—; bestow —; decline—; decry—; demand—; disdain —; extort—; grant—; indulge—; lavish—; levy—; merit—; offer—; owe—; pour—; scorn—; yield—; —acclaims; —compliments; —flatters; —glorifies; —indemnifies; —lauds; —recompenses; —remunerates; — rewards

    (See graft, tax, bribe.)

    Trick adjectives

    psychological; innocent; hideous; juggling; juvenile; perfidious; foremost; scurvy; forgotten; unwarrantable; commercial; ultramontane; pretty; strategic; singular; sardonic; harsh; perverse; ingenious; admiration; momentary; raw; artistic; speeding; ceremonious; unconsidered; shy; mad; fantastical; innate; nasty; extra; cowardly; abominable; ugly; amusing: political; unbecoming; barbarous; stage; trashy; unworthy; fascinating; mathematical; valorous; favorite; villainous; practical


    concoct—; contrive—; devise—; discern—; disclose—; hatch—; master—; perform—; perpetrate—; practise”; reveal—; spring —; study—; —ambushes; —baffles; —bewilders; —bores; —confounds; —deceives

    —defrauds;  —deludes;  —mystifies;  


    (See puzzle, manipulation, fraud, deceit, magic, mystery.)

    Trick (v) adverbs

    ridiculously; mystifyingly; deftly; unscrupulously; psychologically; perfidiously; singularly; sardonically; ingeniously; amusingly; mathematically; villainously; practically; politically

    (See deceive, fool.)

    Trickery adjectives

    obvious; successful; low; transparent; base: foreign; shameless


    disclose—; employ—; fear—; foil—; hint at—; resort to—; scorn—; sense—; surmise —; suspect—; uncover—; unearth—; — baffles; —baits; —bilks; —deceives; —decoys; —defrauds; —deludes; —ensnares; —gulls; —infuriates; —swindles; —victimizes

    (See cunning, hyprocisy, deception, deceit, fraud.)

    Tricksy adverbs

    cleverly; playfully; whimsically; childishly; wildly; uncontrollably; nonsensically; clownishly; roguishly; mischievously; waggishly; comically; laughably; farcically; ludicrously

    Tricky adverbs

    subtly; cunningly; insidiously; surreptitiously; artfully; slyly; craftily; deceitfully; delightfully; dangerously; cleverly; adroitly; alarmingly; mischievously; playfully; harmlessly; provokingly; disagreeably; plagued-ly; foolishly; maneuveringly; underhanded ly

    Trifle adjectives

    consequential; unspeakable; useless; glittering: laborious; insignificant; nameless; countless (pl); honest; musical; merest; satirical; inconsiderable; inconsequential; important; enchanted; silliest; logical; careless; petty; pedantic

    Trifle (<-) adverbs

    leeringly; ridiculously; ludicrously; un speakably; insignificantly; illogically; inconsequentially; pettishly; pedantically

    (See toy, play.


    belittle—; chatter about—; discount—; disregard—; emphasize—; fret over—; ignore —; minimize—; omit—; scrutinize—; shelve —; skim over—; skip—; stress—; underestimate—; —irk; —irritate; —pique; — rile (colloq.) ; —plague

    (See insignificance, trivialities.


    absurdly; foolishly; facetiously; flippantly; languidly; senselessly; nonsensically; giddily; airily; ridiculously; farcically; clownishly; intolerably; viinly; uncommonly


    caress—; cock—; draw—; ease—; fing/1.'—; flick—; fondle—; gear—; jam—; jerk—; jiggle—; oil—; lock—; lubricate—; release—; snap—; wedge—; —clicks; -—controls; —discharges; —endangers; —menaces; —recedes; —threatens

    (See knob, lever.

    TRIM adverbs

    naturally; pleasantly; agreeably; usually; habitually; unwoniedly; stiffly; jauntily; daintily; smoothly; delicately; neatly; unusually; particularly; noticeably; conspicuously; indescribably; painfully; marvelously; delightfully

    TRIM (v) adverbs cautiously; judiciously; exquisitely; gaudily; garrishly; tastefully; symbolically; neatly; fastidiously

    (See arrange, adjust.

    TRIP adjectives fairy; perilous; constant; phantasmagoric; periodic; bridal; shopping; foreign; innumerable (pl); mysterious; ghastly; infernal; stimulating; overland; sight-seeing; curious; delightful; strenuous; previous


    conclude—; contemplate—; depart on—; embark on—; entrain on—; extend—; journey on—; plan—; prolong—; protract—; sally forth on—; —acquaints one with; —embraces; —enchants; —enlightens; —fatigues; —intrigues; —proceeds; —progresses; —relaxes; —spans; —traverses

    (See flight, journey, excursion, quest, tour.

    TRIP (v) adverbs rhythmically; gaily; dexterously; lightly; noiselessly; blithely; strenuously; fantastically

    (See dance, move.

    TRIPPING adverbs lightly; gaily; merrily; jauntily; blithely; nimbly; tunefully; pleasantly; childishly; girlishly; joyously; happily; beautifully; quickly; buoyantly; ecstatically; melodiously

    TRITE adverbs

    monotonously; tiresomely; vapidly; disagreeably; invariably; trivially; facetiously; fatuously; intolerably; sentcutiously; uninterestingly; wearily; tediously; flatly; senselessly; vacuously; prosily

    TRIUMPH adjectives

    unworthy; pitiless; crowning; consummate; delusive; melancholy; fiendish; hideous; intoxicating; rare; dawning; gay; paltry; sphndid; rhetorical; superficial; turbulent; forensic; ill-concealed ; temporary; bitter; assured; absent; unsought; demiurgic; vindictive; final; social; unapproachable; intimate; inimitable; chuckling; strategic; recent; brilliant; nameless; unspeakable; perpetual; wearisome; secure; permanent; malicious; veritable; ultimate; dramatic; awful; debonair; personal; scornful; delirious; ultimate; unmistakable; conscious; passionate; unbroken; remorseless; diplomatic; ceremonial; marvelous; magnificent; peaceful; glorious; melodious; laboring; slight; shameful; contemptible; veritable; bacchanal; temporary


    acclaim—; attend with—; belittle—; blaze into—; boast—; commemorate—; concede —; congratulate one on—; dilute—; emerge in—; exult in—; foreshadow—; frustrate—; gain—; hail—; mar—; presage—; record —; rejoice in—; return in—; signalize—; sing of—; spur to—; thwart—; witness—; —elates; —emancipates; —flushes; —vanquishes

    (See conquest, ovation.

    TRIUMPH (v) adverbs markedly; notably; supremely; gloriously; pitilessly; consummately; intoxicatingly; rhetorically; forensipally; politically; strategically; ultimately; diplomatically; ve it-ably

    (See win, succeed.

    TRIUMPHANT adverbs proudly; elatedly; justly; naturally; exult-ingly; wholly; gloriously; splendidly; magnificently; happily; radiantly; delightedly; joyously; jubilantly; merrily; laughingly; heartily; mockingly; jeeringly; scoffingly

    TRIVIAL adverbs

    absurdly; foolishly; altogether; wholly; senselessly; nonsensically; ridiculously; intolerably; uncommonly; insignificantly; inconsequentially; particularly; vexatiously; bothersomely; cheaply; childishly

    verges on; —crawls —jangles by; —jars; rumbles; —screeches

    (See train.

    Tropical adverbs

    narrowly; essentially; fundamentally; peculiarly; definitely; scientifically; geographically; preferably; characteristically; distinctly; presumably; unpleasantly; agreeably; intolerably

    Trot (v) adverbs

    doggedly; obediently; faithfully; listlessly; monotonously; diligently; jubilantly

    (See gallop, run.

    Trouble adjectives

    wretched; associate; endless; unfortunate; personal; perpetual; disciplinary; monetary; annoying; powerful; inflammatory; joyful; intolerable; vague; obscure; major; nocturnal; infinite; lifelong; hesitant; poor; delicious; cruel; constant; garrulous; complex; distressing; pathetic; contagious; invincible; luxurious; measurable


    afflict with—; anticipate—; arrest—; attend with—; avert—; avoid—; bear—; bewail —; breed—; compensate for—; cure—; diagnose—; endure—; experience—; explore —; foment—; instigate—; lament—; localize—; minimize—; mourn—; pour out—s; probe—; remedy—; repay—; stir up—; undergo—; ward off—; —besets; —blasts; — blights; —crops up; —deranges; —harasses; —haunts; —irks; —irritates; —looms; — lurks; —manifests itself; —originates in; —piques; —preys upon; —rankles; —recurs; —ruffles; —rumples; —seethes; — simmers; —smites; —strikes; —waxes; — weighs upon; —wracks

    (See affliction, hardship, difficulty, adversity, obstacles, tribulation.

    TROUBLE (v) adverbs

    impudently; perpetually; vaguely; obscurely; nocturnally; infinitely; distressingly; profoundly

    (See disturb, irritate.

    Troubled adverbs nervously: frenziedly; unnaturally; laughably; ridiculously; pathetically; lamentably; curiously; abnormally; naturally; touchingly; supremely; unduly; deeply; indescribably; perceptibly; suspiciously; significantly; pitiably; miserably; terribly; tenderly

    Troublesome adverbs

    persistently; increasingly; sometimes; slightly; devilishly; deucedly; perplexingly; mysteriously; conspicuously; palpably; visibly; manifestly; unusually; naturally; particularly; diplomatically; vexatiously; distressingly; painfully; consistently; remarkably; deliberately; despicably; grossly; boldly; defiantly; intentionally; always

    Trousers adjectives

    voluminous; baggy; fluttering; plaid; mustard-colored; creaseless; sport


    alter—; array in—; bare—; divest of—; doff—; don—; drape—; fray—; garb in —; hitch up—; peg—; pleat—; refurbish—; rend—; retrieve—; strip of—; sunder—; tatter—; vest in—; —clothe; —cover; — protect

    (See clothing.

    Truant adverbs

    vexatiously; intolerably; deliberately; heedlessly; carelessly; triflingly; negligently; indifferently; worthlessly; incorrigibly; derisively; brazenly; inexplicably; unaccountably; wantonly; unprofitably; une'ndurably; bafflingly

    TRUCE adjectives

    reasonable; temporary; faithless; broken



    adopt—; agree to—; arrive at—; beseech —; clamor for—; consent to—; declare—; effect—; hail—; hamper—; impede—; invite—; petition for—; plead for—; press for—; proclaim—; project—; refuse—; reject—; rejoice in—; sign—; welcome—; — arrests; —checks; —curtails; —liberates; — lulls; —pacifies; —reprieves; —rescues; — suspends

    (See halt, peace, respite.

    Truck adjectives rumbling; passing; clattering


    assign to—; consign to—; fuel—; guide—; license—; lubricate—; manoeuvre—; overhaul—■; recondition—; shift—; —bears; — booms; —chugs (colloq.) ; —clatters; —conveys; —groans; —jars; —jolts; —pounds along; —roars; —rolls; —rumbles; — swerves; —transports

    (See cart, automobile, bus, vehicle.

    TRUCULENT adverbs

    unbearably; offensively; boldly; daringly; intolerably; boorishly; unmistakably; openly; brutally; challengingly; brazenly; grossly; ominously; inordinately; alarmingly; disagreeably; unreasonably; always; sullenly; singularly; curiously; uncommonly; viciously; vengefully; villainously

    TRUDGE (v) adverbs wearily; monotonously; heavily; tirelessly; lazily; solemnly; indefatigably; bravely; buoyantly; patiently; laboriously

    (See walk, proceed.

    TRUE adverbs

    apparently; positively; unquestionably; avowedly; confessedly; admittedly; professedly; palpably; essentially; obviously; evidently; manifestly; officially; reliably; solemnly; disagreeably; accidentally; fundamentally; profoundly; disgracefully; unpleasantly; horribly; intrinsically; gloriously; unanswerably; painfully; heavily; ironically; shockingly; sublimely; universally



    shattering; martial; hideous; silver; snarling; hostile; fierce; discordant; splitting: unblown


    flourish—s; hearken to—; sound—; toot—

    —alarms; —awakens; —blares; —blasts; — blazes; —calls forth; —deafens; —hails; — heralds; —mobilizes; —musters; —proclaims; —rends; —resounds; —reverberates; —screams; —shatters; —trills

    (See bugle, loudspeaker.

    TRUNK adjectives

    formless; nameless; forest; ungainly; uniform; overhanging: prostrate; silicified; comfortable; quivering; columnar; palpitating; charred; ghostlike; scraggy; knotty; fleshy; decaying; crackling; gnarled; split; ponderous; hoary; fibrous; barky; crashing; moss-grown

    TRUST ad jectives

    gentle; boyish; investment; serene; guileless; humble; honorable; unfaltering; blind; changeless; fearless; devoted; stupendous; buoyant; false; unswerving; impious; important; instinctive; delusive; serious; theo-logic; complete; earnest; human; commercial; implicit; dreadful; sacred; unattainable; ample


    abuse—: afford—; bestow—; betray—; breach—; breed—; charge with—; cherish —; confide—in; encourage—; entertain—of; fix—; foster—; found—on; inspire—; misplace—; nurse—; nurture—; relinquish—; retain—; root—; rue—; shake—; shatter—; shock out of—; strengthen—; violate—; — crumbles; —falters; —flatters; —reposes in

    —wanes; —wavers

    (See hope, assurance, faith, confidence, idealism.

    TRUST (v) adverbs implicitly; assuredly; fondly; indolently; tacitly; shrewdly; reverentially; credulously; explicitly; guilelessly; delusively; amply; unfalteringly

    (See rely, depend.

    TRUSTFUL adverbs

    innocently; gullibly; overly; wistfully; childishly; foolishly; unwisely; inordinately; singularly; particularly; incredibly; unbelievably; curiously; remarkably; peculiarly; uncommonly; idiotically; touchingly; unaffectedly; pitifully; confidently; terribly; ingenuously; naively

    Trustworthy adverbs

    admirably; commendably; unusually; exceptionally; absolutely; utterly; uncommonly; singularly; obviously; apparently; undoubtedly; dependably; truly; supposedly; presumably

    Truth adjectives

    disagreeable; dual; unlovely; conceivable; accidental; fundamental; invincible; profound; pursuing; abstract; glo.-my; clear; hackneyed; striking; delicious; innocent; disgraceful; unpleasant; intense; solemn; transparent; undoubted; distracted; distorted; outspoken; unconscious; searching; fragmentary; absolute; disguised; horrible; bare; consequent; hateful; perfect; sweet; unfaltering; gracious; useful; innate; unequivocal; practical; rigorous; intrinsic; perennial; granite: austere; unadulterated; glorious; crystal; rudimentary; unsophisticated; dramatic; perverting; palpable; historic; objective; unanswerable^ demonstrated; religious; astounding; established; magnificent; slighted; moral; painful; remorseless; hideous; burning; lasting; indelible; priceless; unfathomable; domestic; injured; flattering; apparent; immutable; heavenly; benignant; heavy; consolatory; revered; crushing; valid; constant; barbed; naked; substantial; shocking; unornamented; golden; unvarnished; obvious; stretched; serviceable; scattered; droll; general; solid; unique; humbling; unrecognized; melancholy; informing; appalling; sober; relative; heartrending; comparative; dawning; naturalistic; formidable; imageless; irrefragable; physical; maiden; effectual; royal; sacred; essential; precious; unwelcome; bitter; underlying; stately; steadfast; necessary; good; symmetrical; sublime; indestructible; philosophical; extraordinary; approximate; divine; pure; indwelling; guileless; brilliant; strenuous; sensuous; inviolable; poignant; universal


    accept—; acknowledge—; adumbrate—; affirm—; annihilate—; apprehend—; approach—; arrive at—; ascertain—; assert —; attest to—; blurt out—; cherish—; cloud —; color—; commit to—; communicate—; compromise—; conceal—; consecrate to—; contradict—; convey—; counterfeit—; credit —; demand—; demonstrate—; deny—; determine—; discern—; disclose—; dispute—; distort—; divulge—; dodge—; dress up—; embroider—; emphasize—; establish—; evade—; expose—; face—; falsify—; flinch before—; forecast—; foster—; foreshadow —; garble—; gloss over—; grace with—; grasp—; herald—; imitate—; impart—; inspire—; intermingle with—; misrepresent —; modify—; obscure—; obstruct—; open —; persuade one of—; pervert—; preach —; probe for—; proclaim—; propagate—; question—; re-echo—; reflect on—; refuge in—; reject—; repudiate—; reveal—; seduce from—; seek—; shadow—; shrink at —; simulate—; sift—; skirt—; smother—; stretch—; stumble over—; support—; sustain—; upholster—; utter—; value—; varnish—, verify—; voice—; vouch for—; warp—; welcome—; —blazes; —burns; — dawns upon; —emerges from; —flatters; — looms; —pierces; —prevails; —shines; — triumphs; —vanquishes

    (See gospel, integrity, verity, veracity, sincerity, realism, reality.)

    Truthful adverbs

    dependably; reliably; absolutely; always; altogether; painfully; brutally; fanatically; childishly; completely; dangerously; evidently; reputedly; allegedly; avowedly; inconveniently; usually; notably; fairly; scarcely; faithfully; precisely; literally; glumly; innocently; technically; volubly; statistically; sensationally; frankly; vividly; graphically; impressively; simply; artfully; bluntly; glibly; reluctantly; gravely

    Try (v) adverbs

    exceedingly; sorely; insistently; surreptitiously; deliberately; variously; perfunctorily; conscientiously; piteously; energetically; manfully; sorely; convulsively; obstinately; blunderingly; elaborately; abominably; faithfully; vainly; nervously; falteringly; guiltily; strenuously

    (See attempt, endeavor.)

    Tryst adjectives

    clandestine; childish; bloody; moonlight; amorous; fatal


    agree upon—; anticipate—; appoint—; cloak—; curtail—; fulfill—; hamper—; impede—; keep—; observe—; plan—; pledge to—; shroud—; suggest—; veil—; —allures; —beguiles; —transgresses; —violates

    (See appointment, place, meeting.

    TUB adjectives

    odious; fermenting; insignificant; daily; refreshing


    convey in—; dip into—; drain—• emerge from—; ground—; immerse in—; invert—; plug—; plunge into—; propel—; scour—; scuttle—; soak in—; submerge in—; swamp —; swish in—; tap—

    (See kettle, vat, barrel.

    TUBE adjectives

    pneumatic; elegant; ivory; tortuous; mag.c; hollow; perforated; delicate; slender; golden; railway; twisted


    coke—; clog—; convolute—; couple—s; dam —; deflate—; dilate—; distend—; drain—; inflate—; insert—; line—; narrow—; obstruct—; penetrate—; perforate—; pierce—; plug—; puncture—; riddle—; seal—; tap—; throttle—; value—; —bursts; —conveys; — expands; —transmits

    (See nozzle, pipe, conduit, tunnel.


    allay—; check—; combat—; contract—; convey—; diagnose as—: predispose to—; succumb to—; tend toward—; wipe out—; — blasts; —blights; —decimates; —devours; —eats; —impairs; —infects; —moulders; —ravages; —saps; —scathes; —taints; — taxes; —undermines; —wastes

    (See consumption, disease.

    TUCK (v) adverbs cautiously; mentally; meticulously; picturesquely; snugly; cozily

    (See fold, press.



    feathery; obligatory

    ■Verbs calm—; quell—; restrain—; —bewilders; — breaks loose; —ceases; —dies; —disconcerts; —disorders; —embroils; —ensues; — muddles; —rages; —reigns; —roars; — ruffles; —subsides; —wanes; —waxes

    (See clamor, confusion, disturbance, commotion, noise, turmoil.)

    Tumultuous adverbs

    terribly; unmanageably; boisterously; truculently; inordinately; ungovernably; riotously; uproariously; dangerously; dreadfully; fearfully; alarmingly; ominously; significantly; threateningly; lawlessly; defiantly; boldly; grossly; portentously; desperately; derisively; angrily; triumphantly; madly; crazily; deafeningly; hilariously; drunk-enly

    Tune adjectives

    lingering; stirring; plaintive; warbling; fat; fulsome; light; touching; melodious; sentimental; half-remembered; loyal; saucy; enthralling; trivial; tremulous; mysterious; merry; pathetic; greedy; fandango; superfluous; tempting; ecstatic; facile; catchy; pert; lilting; rollicking, romantic


    accompany—; arrange—; bleat—; carol—; chant—; coax—from; compose—; fake (colloq.) —; fiddle—; harmonize—; hum—; march to—; modulate—; orchestrate—; recall—; render—; score—; strike up—; synchronize—; transpose—; trill—; twitter—; vocalize—; warble—; yodel—; —amuses; —delights; —lilts.          

    (See ditty, air, incantation, song, music.)

    Tune (v


    automatically; professionally; skillfully; accurately; melodiously; delicately; deftly

    (See adjust.)

    Tuneful adverbs

    pleasantly; merrily; happily; melodiously; musically; rhythmically; childishly; naturally; delightfully; simply; sweetly; smoothly; harmoniously; joyously; joyfully; boyishly

    Tunic adjectives

    sleeveless; spotless; ungirlish; velvet

    adamantine; rich; gauzy; revealing

    Tunnel adjectives

    deep-level; brilliant; unsupported; signaled

    clattering; hot; long; snowy; stuffy


    blast—; blockade—; bore—; burrow—; drive—through; engineer—; gouge out—; guide through—; patrol—; project—; seal —; —couples; —facilitates; —gapes; — links; —pierces; —penetrates; —unites; — yawns

    (See tube, conduit, pipe.)

    Turbid adverbs

    peculiarly; singularly; slightly; unfortunately; significantly; unpleasantly; momentarily; temporarily; definitely; particularly; noticeably; obviously

    Turbulence adjectives

    licentious; bloody; infantile; bewildering; riotous; frightening; raucous; nasty

    Turbulent adverbs

    shamefully; riotously; raucously; ruthlessly; desperately; tumultuously; mutinously; uproariously; unmanageably; ungovernably; violently; recklessly; frightfully; implacably; unappeasably; vengefully; brazenly; murderously; unreasoningly; wildly; furiously; madly; dangerously; ominously; significantly

    Turf adjectives

    trodden; moss-inwoven; firm; flowery; frost-bit; close-cropped; wet; spongy; emerald; springing; fine; mountain; ragged; crisp; compact; unscarred


    corrugate—; delve in—; furrow—; fertilize—; gambol on—; level—; mar—; plow under—; replace—; smooth—; tamp—; trim—; —beautifies; —blankets; —extends; —greens; —mats; —pads; —mow

    (See meadow, grass, tract, ground.)

    Turkey verbs

    carve—; dine on—; domesticate—; gun for —; market—s; pluck—; roast—; savor—; spice—; —dances about; —displays feathers; —s flock; —flutters; —gobbles; —gyrates; —hovers; —preens; —rakes; — ranges; —stirs up; —strokes; —struts; — symbolizes; —wheels

    (See bird, fowl, rooster.

    Turmoil adjectives

    fierce; urban; destructive; strenuous; stern

    bloody; hideous; historic; whizzing; noisy


    embroil in—; ferment—; foment—; provoke —; quiet—; throw into—; tranquillize—; —accompanies; —agitates; —confuses; — convulses; —deranges; —dishevels; —disquiets; —distracts; —diverts; —follows; — persists; —perturbs; —prevails; —ruffles; —seethes; —tangles

    (See commotion, tumult, confusion?

    Turn adjectives romantic; radical; light; extravagant; ostentatious; countless (pl); sensational; administrative; thoughtful; comic; sudden; good; fanciful; melodic; sentimental; epigrammatical; satirical; intimate; unquiet; conversational; unexpected; cynical; artificial; marvelous

    Turn (v) adverbs snarlingly; tortuously; petulantly; sinuously; deviously; abruptly; reluctantly; gracefully; deliberately; solemnly; imploringly; exultingly; doggedly; awkwardly; distractedly; insensibly; instinctively; wearily; amiably; insolently; involuntarily; perversely; radiantly; wistfully; simultaneously; disdainfully; capriciously; resolutely; grudgingly; noiselessly; miraculously; indifferently; discreetly; energetically; listlessly; treacherously

    (See spin, revolve.

    Turning adjectives incessant; gentle; fateful; acute; accurate

    Turret adjectives

    squat; glittering; highest; equal; sequestered; fading; fort


    armor—; beseige—; command—; festoon—; fortify—; hover over—; imprison in—

    level—; mount to—; perch on—; plate—; raze—; surmount—; topple from—; train —s; view from—; —looms; —revolves; — rotates

    (See tower, spire, cannon.

    Turtle verbs

    capture—; crush—; market—s; relish—; stew—; —s abound; —attains; —breeds; —burrows; —calls; —creeps; —deposits eggs; —exudes; —hibernates; —hisses; — paddles; —perseveres; —protrudes; —snaps at; —snatches; —submerges; —swims; — swishes; —withdraws

    (See reptile.

    Tusks adjectives

    enormous; ingrown; valuable; sharp; spiral; protective

    Tutor adjectives

    threadbare; lively; shrewd; deft; skilled; wise; experienced

    Twang adjectives

    nasal; familiar; peevish; provincial; annoying

    Twang (v) adverbs

    exasperatingly; nasally; sharply; tunelessly; harshly; hideously; annoyingly; peevishly

    (See sound.

    Tweeds adjectives

    imported; sturdy; roughish; rugged; inevitable; exquisite; handsome; hand-loomed

    Twig adjectives

    tired; overhanging; unsightly; fragile; hardwood; insignificant; bleak; upreared;

    nervous; gleaming; thorny; threatening; ice-coated; crackling


    bend—; brace—; burden—; clip—; deform —; gather—s; glean—s; ingraft—; prune —s; restrain—; snip off—; support—; thin out—s; —bears; —projects; —protrudes; —shoots out; —spreads

    (See branch, stem.)

    Twilight adjectives

    brightening; silvery; sad; deepening; dark; gruesome; obscure; intermediate; shadowy; cool; brilliant; dubious; rainy; darkling; dim; amber; perpetual; magical; unhurried; blank; uncomfortable; slow-dropping; white; disastrous; sulphurous; mystic; thickening; fading; wintry; gathering; winsome; mournful; ancient; departing; hollow; summer; hot; breathless; hesitant; lingering; hushed; mellow; stilly; dense; chilling; luminous; balmy; sympathetic; beautiful; closing


    approach—; bathe in—; flicker in—; melt into—; reflect—; twinkle in—; —bedims; —creeps upon; —curtails; —curtains; —declines; —deepens; —descends; —diffuses; —dms; —drapes; —fades; —gathers ’round; —glimmers; —hazes; —obscures; —screens; —shades; —shadows; —veils; — wanes; —wraps; —yields to

    (See night, dusk, evening, light, shadow.)

    Twilight adverbs

    faintly; delicately; rosily; dully; dimly; windily; fearsomely; beautifully; seductively; romantically; unforgettably; roseately; coldly; darksomely

    Twin adjectives

    tributary; fraternal; identical


    identically; attractively; apparently; interestingly; affectionately; perplexingly; inseparably

    Twine (v) adverbs

    caressingly; nervously; tortuously; affectionately; complicatedly; intricately; involvedly; abundantly

    (See cling, fasten.)

    Twinge adjectives

    warning; smart; hereditary; conscience; painful

    Twinkle adjectives

    humorous; rapid; peculiar; vicious; merry; mischievous; lewd

    Twinkle (v") adverbs

    jovially; frostily; softly; luminously; merrily; humorously; peculiarly; mischievously

    (See shimmer, shine.)

    Twinkling adverbs

    brightly; keenly; sharply; affectionately; fondly; mischievously; laughingly; distinctly; irregularly; unmistakably; wittily; brilliantly; intermittently; regularly; indulgently; actually; significantly

    Twirl (v) adverbs

    nonchalantly; languidly; fiercely; gallantly

    sophisticatedly; idly; picturesquely

    (See whirl, revolve.)

    Twist adjectives

    infernal; dexterous; restless; worst; spiral; heroic; antique; unusual; brutal

    Twist (v) adverbs

    deftly; drearily; slyly; dexterously; insidiously; craftily; tortuously; superciliously; infernally; ruthlessly; restlessly; brutally; viciously

    (See contort, coil.)

    Twit (v) adverbs

    facetiously; vindictively; maliciously; remorselessly; hatefully; spitefully; humorously; comically; blithely; impudently

    (See chide, reproach.)

    Twitch adjectives

    involuntary; vicious; innocent; agonized; virulent

    Twitch (v) adverbs

    convulsively; weakly; spasmodically; abnormally; morbidly; pathologically; agitatedly; agonizingly

    (See snatch, jerk.)

    Twitching adjectives

    uneasy; nervous; spasmodic; convulsive

    Twitter (v) adverbs

    melodiously; sweetly; blithesomely; merrily; innumerably; irritatingly; maddeningly. (See chirp, sing.

    Two-Faced adverbs

    despicably; undoubtedly; contemptibly; deceptively; smoothly; smugly; suavely; grossly; subtly; unexpectedly; shamefully; treacherously; disloyally; naturally; craftily; a-droitly; artfully; cunningly; slyly. lax; crackling; beautiful; primitive; preferred; didactic; elaborate; primeval; favorable; man-hunting; superficial; hideous^ perverted; uncanny; consummate; sunny; manifold (pl) ; lofty


    breed—; cast—; characterize—; classify—; conceive—; conform to—; denote—; depict —; designate—; determine—; distinguish—; efface—; enact—; exploit—; fall into—; hew—; idealize—; mold—; portray—; register—; reproduce—; revert to—; specify —; warp—; —embodies; —embraces; — includes; —mystifies; —perplexes

    (See symbol, style, class, model, print.)

    Type (v) adverbs

    individually; swiftly; accurately; originally; consummately; characteristically

    (See represent.)

    Typewriter verbs

    bang—; instruct on—; lubricate—; manipulate—; master—; necessitate—; overhaul —; peck at—; pound on—; service—s; silence—; —clicks; —clatters; —disconcerts; —distracts; —disturbs; —eases; —enables; —facilitates; —lightens; —plagues; —rings; —shifts

    Type adjectives

    innocent; contemplative; existing; rugged; barren; conspicuous; temperamental; severe; shiftless; civilized; austere; myriad (pl); constitutional; conventional; coade-quate; psychologic; dominant; nonpareil; sturdy; various (pl); individual; girlish; attentive; established; militant; conceivable; pompous; delicious; feline; ritualist; unchangeable; spirited; aristocratic; unscrupulous; dignified; tender; vulgar; manufactured; dominant; prevalent; fatalistic; chest-heaving; unrealized; faddist; charming; aesthetic; engrossing; delectable; bachelor; evanescent; heroic; spontaneous; gamin; characteristic; unfamiliar; representative; transcendent; malignant; florid; picturesque; myopic; marrying; original; objectionable; intellectual; innumerable (pl); indigenous; ethnic; conceivable; ingenue

    Typhoon verbs

    —abates; —batters; —devastates; —endangers; —howls; —rages; —ravages; —revolves; —roars; —shrieks; —subsides; — sweeps; —topples; —trammels; —uproots


    (See hurricane, blizzard, storm.)

    Typical adverbs

    absolutely; entirely; truly; accurately; dependably; reliably; substantially; realistically; symbolically; curiously; incidentally;-satisfactorily; approximately; exactly; unerringly; distinctly; indicatively; graphically

    Tyrannical adverbs

    quietly; adroitly; unendurably; imperiously; confidently; socially; selfishly; hopelessly; sweetly; gracefully; wantonly; unscrupulously; insupportably; inexorably; cruelly; vindictively; remorselessly; ruthlessly; intolerably; unreasonably; dangerously; viciously; heartlessly; recklessly; outrageously

    Tyranny adjectives

    municipal; barefaced; odious; clerical; decided; quiet; adroit; unendurable; imperious; worn-out; watchful; confident; social; selfish; hopeless; legal; grinding; sweet; graceful; wanton; petty; unscrupulous; exacting; insupportable


    exercise—; impose—upon; inflict with—; germinate—; overthrow—; resist—; revolt against—; savor of—; subject to—; — abuses; —crushes; —distresses; —enslaves; —fetters; —harasses; —oppresses; —restricts; —shackles; —tramples; —treads on


    (See despotism, domination, persecution.)

    Tyrant adjectives

    unpersuaded; professed; inexorable; implacable; early; despotic; cunning; cruel; sportive; petty; vindictive; remorseless; domestic; power-mad; avaricious; guiltiest; benevolent; invaluable; feminine; pious; sanguinary; ambitious; maniacal; haughty; cloudpiercing; usurping


    oppose—; play—; prove—; rebel against—; repel—; resist—; serve—; submit to—; — administers; —arrogates; —assumes; —beguiles; —butchers; —coerces; —crushes; — dictates; —domineers; —enslaves; —oppresses; —overrides; —persecutes; —subjugates; —tramples; —usurps; —wields; — yokes

    (See dictator, oppressor; monarch; sovereign.)

    Ubiquitous adverbs

    valuably; extraordinarily; comically; importantly; dominantly; aggressively; conspicuously; pompously; curiously; apparently; eagerly; officiously; ostentatiously; undeniably; proudly; quietly; assertively; enterprisingly; busily; actively; patronizingly

    Ugliness adjectives

    racy; grotesque; ultimate; shapeless; unmitigated; bare; insipid; ferocious; grim; bestial


    abhor—; accentuate—; aggravate—; deplore—; dispel—; efface—; enhance—; heighten—; lament—; level—; mitigate—; portray—; revolt at—; —blemishes; —defaces; —deforms; —distorts; —embitters; —mars; —pervades; —robs; —sours; — weighs upon

    (See squalor, deformity.)

    Ugly adverbs

    awkwardly; fantastically; grotesquely; amusingly; repulsively; pathetically; unbelievably; distressingly; angularly; terribly; horribly; oddly; touchingly; grievously; ludicrously; ridiculously; deplorably; lamentably; singularly; drolly; strangely; queerly; curiously; forbiddingly; frightfully; grossly; clumsily; hideously; grimly; shockingly

    Ulcer verbs

    afflict with—s; cauterize—; detect—; expose —; poultice—; probe—; remedy—; salve—; suffer from—; —blemishes; —blights; — cankers; —cicatrizes; —deteriorates; —devours; —disfigures; —erodes; —festers; — infiltrates; —inflames; —rankles; —ravages; —scars; —scathes; —spreads; — taints

    (See abscess, canker, inflammation, blister, sore, cancer.)

    Ulcerous adverbs

    unfortunately; fatally; seriously; slightly; annoyingly; unpleasantly; disagreeably; presumably; obviously; gnawingly; dangerously; alarmingly; chronically; recently; acutely; painfully; disturbingly; distressingly; unaccountably; finally; extremely

    Ultima TE verbs

    acclaim—; achieve—; afford—; anticipate —; apply—; attain—; dedicate to—; delay —; demand—; determine—; employ—; gain—; necessitate—; proclaim—; seek—; survive—; temporize—; undergo—; waive —; —endures

    (See extreme, goal, aim.)


    irrevocably; eventually; significantly; tragically; fatally; decisively; unchangeably; hopelessly

    Ultimatum verbs

    accede to—; acknowledge—; bow to—; comply with—; contemplate—; contest—; decree—; deliver—; draw up—; enforce—; execute—; file—; ignore—; issue—; reject —; resist—; retract—; slap down—; thunder—; —admonishes; —demands; —impends; —stipulates; —threatens; —warns. (See warning, demand, challenge, proposition.

    Umbrageous adverbs

    refreshingly; pleasantly; gloomily; alarmingly; dismally; mysteriously; delightfully; coolly; gratefully; sensitively; curiously; uncommonly; exceptionally; highly; unexpectedly; surprisingly; suddenly; deeply

    Umbrella adjectives

    ubiquitous; formidable; protective; leaking


    arm with—; borrow—; brandish—; discard —; display—; employ—; flourish—; loll under—; mislay—; resort to—; —affords

    • —eclipses; —hoods; —insures; —obscures

    • —obstructs; —screens; —shades; —shelters


    (See pavilion, cane, canopy.)

    Umpire verbs

    appeal to—; bias—; boo—; bribe—; mob—; prejudice—; protest to—; “razz”—; —admonishes; —arbitrates; —awards; —bars; —confers with; —decides; —determines; — expels; —hands down a decision; —mediates; —penalizes; —referees

    (See judge.)

    Unabashed adverbs

    courageously; frankly; innocently; childishly; boldly; clearly; admirably; surprisingly; entirely; obviously; defiantly; positively; curiously; steadily; strangely; oddly; marvelously; remarkably; fearlessly; calmly; serenely; quietly; composedly; justly; brazenly

    Unacceptable adverbs

    obviously; cheaply; unfortunately; deplorably; utterly; curiously; vexatiously; embarrassingly; awkwardly; palpably; crudely; shamefully; outrageously; scandalously; seriously; hopelessly

    Unaccommoda TING adverbs

    gruffly; ungraciously; embarrassingly; grimly; brusquely; crudely; vexatiously; churlishly; sternly; harshly; indifferently; coolly; curiously; strangely; nonchalantly; coldly; cruelly; crisply; bitterly; appraisingly; imperturbably; disturbingly; distressingly; hopelessly; perplexingly ; bewilderingly; unconscionably; absurdly; insolently

    Unaccountable adverbs

    strangely; outlandishly; utterly; perplexingly; bafflingly; apparently; curiously; chal-lengingly

    Unaccustomed adverbs

    apparently; obviously; manifestly; curiously; oddly; significantly; embarrassingly; awkwardly; clearly; appallingly; crudely

    Unadorned adverbs

    chastely; severely; casually; deliberately; humbly; noticeably; indifferently; carelessly; distinctly; purposely; vexatiously; intentionally; significantly; curiously; remarkably; conspicuously

    Unaided adverbs

    surprisingly; obviously; remarkably; utterly; proudly; triumphantly; completely; curiously; manifestly; distinctly; supposedly; presumably; prescriptively; avowedly

    Unalterable adverbs

    deplorably; inconveniently; officially; constitutionally; unfortunately; definitely; presumably; supposedly; luckily; tragically; wretchedly; obviously; regrettably

    Unanimous adverbs

    whole-heartedly; enthusiastically; warmly; practically; absolutely; eagerly; ardently; vociferously; astonishingly; significantly; comfortingly; completely; cheerfully; sensibly; reassuringly; emphatically; impressively; promptly; gladly; miraculously; happily

    Unaccompanied adverbs

    rarely; lonesomely; occasionally; forlornly; courageously; singularly; oddly; preferably; usually; noticeably; obviously; invitingly; manifestly; precariously; embarrassingly; boldly; daringly; challenging]}-; unfortunately; audaciously; brazenly; oddly; mysteriously; significantly; foolishly; inadvertently

    Unappetizing adverbs

    dingily; insipidly; colorlessly; miserably; utterly; unfortunately; curiously; unhappily; suddenly; surprisingly; disappointingly; desperately; hopelessly; completely; dismally

    Un APPRO A CH ABLE adverbs

    sternly; unaccountably; reticently; gloomily; harshly; cruelly; austerely; pompously; arrogantly; imperially; brutally; coldly; unfortunately; strangely; manifestly; forbiddingly; fearfully; frightfully; gravely; rigorously; unsmilingly; tragically; oddly

    Unassailable adverbs

    virtuously; pompously; officially; self-iight-eously; powerfully; imperially; royally; safely; securely; righteously; judicially; constitutionally; happily; arrogantly; presumably; haughtily; hatefully; oddly; monstrously; heartbreakingly; abominably

    Unassuming adverbs

    modestly; quietly; demurely; sweetly; shyly; unobtrusively; attractively; charmingly; unaffectedly; delightfully; pleasantly; habitually; naturally; agreeably; artlessly; naively; ingenuously; informally

    Unattractive adverbs

    awkwardly; grotesquely; repulsively; unbelievably; pitiably; oddly; angularly; deplorably; strangely; fantastically; pathetically; distressingly; terribly; horridly; touchingly; ridiculously; lamentably; singularly; drolly; queerlv: curiously; crudely; painfully

    Unauthorized adverbs

    blatantly; boldly; brazenly; daringly; unluckily; tragically; foolishly; rashly; recklessly; obviously; palpably; gravely; defiantly; carelessly

    Unavoidable adverbs

    regrettably; completely; vexatiously; unfortunately; unluckily; aw-kwardly; embarrassingly; humiliatingly; mortifyingly; in-controvertibly; frankly; fatally; allegedly; manifestly; evidently; obviously; curiously; undoubtedly; legally

    Un AIV ARE adverbs

    blissfully; innocently; happily; astonishingly; oddly; ironically; curiously; singularly; incredibly; strangely; incongruously; stupidly; carelessly; heedlessly; blithely; nonchalantly; blindly; absurdly

    Unbalanced adverbs

    dangerously; obviously; palpably; outlandishly; grotesquely; crazily; manifestly; tragically; oddly; singularly; naturally; peculiarly; definitely; presumably; allegedly; unhappily; unfortunately; irresponsibly; curiously; overwhelmingly; incurably; irremediably; deplorably; wretchedly; dangerously; utterly; recently; temporarily

    Unbecoming adverbs

    utterly; entirely; wholly; frightfully; indecorously; terribly; immodestly; uncommonly; palpably; frankly; awkwardly; exceptionally; discreditably; unworthily; extremely; shamefully; disgracefully

    Unbending adverbs

    cruelly; gravely; pompously; austerely; coldly; harshly; severely; bitterly; proudly; taciturnly; implacably; unappeasably; naturally; pridefully; horribly; preposterously; inconceivably; proudly

    Unbiased adverbs

    delightfully; dependably; truly; actually; sincerely; commendably; admirably; laudably; warrantably; personally; broadly; allegedly; reputedly; avowedly; indisputably; palpably; absolutely; wholly; dispassionately; disinterestedly; fortunately; tolerantly; judiciously; luckily

    Unburden (v) adverbs

    deliberately; remorsefully; articulately; freely; faithfully; tremulously; unconsciously

    (See relieve, empty.)

    Unbusinesslike adverbs

    astonishingly; flippantly; astoundingly; disappointingly; surprisingly; curiously; absurdly; disagreeably; disconcertingly; perplexingly; disturbingly; foolishly; seriously; palpably; strangely; unaccountably; remarkably; amazingly; uncommonly; facetiously; annoyingly; impractically; suspiciously; evasively; equivocally; shiftily; indecisively; oddly; impossibly

    Uncanny adverbs

    alarmingly; peculiarly; weirdly; curiously; strangely; inexplicably; unaccountably; harrowingly; oppressively; mysteriously; viciously; vaguely; unreasonably; hauntingly; gloomily; indefinably; obscurely; inescapably; absurdly; inscrutably; eerily

    Unceremonious adverbs

    delightfully; independently; casually; pleasantly; brusquely; facetiously; gruffly; hastily; smilingly; nervously; agreeably; portentously; ominously; naturally; usually; remarkably; singularly; unexpectedly; oddly; peculiarly; characteristically; suddenly; marvellously

    Uncertain adverbs

    timidly; clumsily; shyly; tremulously; blindly; feebly; pathetically; curiously; strangely; vexatiously; indecisively; oddly; miserably; wretchedly; terribly; peculiarly; singularly; significantly; awkwardly; nervously

    Uncertainty adjectives

    unconscious; momentary; prevalent; full; horrible; anxious; tremulous; painful; intolerable; pleasing


    abolish—; consume—; destroy—; dispel—; efface—; erase—; exhibit—; extinguish—; falter in—; flounder in—; hesitate in—; sweep aside—; vacillate in—; wallow in—; waver in—; —clouds; —dogs; —muddles; —perplexes; —persists; —pervades; — plagues; —prevails; —shrouds; —unnerves; —veils

    (See misapprehension, ambiguity, hesitation, doubt.

    ly; authoritatively; definiiely; cruelly; legally; constitutionally; humanly )

    Uncharitable adverbs

    selfishly; narrowly; intolerantly; dogmatically; naturally; unfortunately; stubbornly; harshly; thoughtlessly; sternly; abominably; curiously; viciously; disagreeably; coldly; callously; grimly; heartlessly; terribly

    Unchristian adverbs

    dreadfully; blatantly; defiantly; definitely; positively; abominably; appallingly; shockingly; boldly; openly; curiously; savagely; barbarously; cruelly; selfishly; flaunringly; gracelessly; indifferently; callously; horribly

    Uncivil adverbs

    deliberately; intentionally; significantly; challengingly; rudely; plainly; clearly; inexcusably; unpardonably; contemptibly; arrogantly; crudely; curtly; gruffly; boorishly; churlishly; dangerously; defiantly; boldly; audaciously; curiously; particularly; grossly

    Unclean adverbs

    odiously; squalidly; grossly; obscenely; singularly; indescribably; detestably; abominably; despicably; offensively; disgustingly; impiously; carelessly; arrantly; grievously; scandalously; disastrously; shamefully; infamously; infectiously; horribly; noxiously; deleteriously

    Uncomfortable adverbs

    definitely; painfully; distressingly; unpleasantly; horribly; dangerously; utterly; coldly; dimly; obscurely; inexcusably; shamefully; uneasily; genuinely; needlessly; extremely; exceedingly; curiously; devilishly; confoundedly; thoroughly; strangely; physically; angrily; embarrassingly; outrageously

    Unchangeable adverbs

    obstinately; stubbornly; obdurately; egotistically; manifestly; obviously; hopelessly; vexatiously; fatefully; dependably; official UNCOMMUNICA TIVE adverbs

    disagreeably; unsociably; resolutely; doggedly; awkwardly; taciturnly; secretively; deliberately; stubbornly; loyally; silently; profoundly; determinedly; unpleasantly; desperately; hopelessly; reticently; obstinately; evasively; unflinchingly; exceptionally; immovably; extraordinarily; hopelessly

    Uncomplaining adverbs

    submissively; humbly; curiously; docilely; wisely; fearfully; meekly; singularly; doggedly; resolutely; sullenly; cheerfully; timidly; astutely; craftily; suspiciously; helplessly; shrewdly; patiently; sagaciously; discreetly; cunningly; prudently; knowingly

    Uncongenial adverbs

    unhappily; obviously; bitterly; oddly; surprisingly; helplessly; terribly; dreadfully; intolerably; unfortunately; hopelessly; desperately; singularly; definitely; temperamentally; ominously; fearfully

    Unconscious adverbs

    blindly; childishly; selfishly; pathetically; happily; blissfully; momentarily; temporarily; singularly; apparently; obviously; manifestly; presumably; undoubtedly

    Uncomplimen TA RY adverbs

    obviously; openly; subtly; maliciously; enviously; terribly; suavely; derisively; cunningly; insidiously; meanly; jealously; smartly; venomously; scandalously; deleter-iously; libellously; slightly; highly; unreasonably; curiously; singularly; particularly; smoothly; definitely; contemptibly; deliberately; dreadfully; appallingly; shockingly

    Uncompromising adverbs

    stiffly; rigidly; unappeasably; obstinately; stubbornly; doctrinally; piously; dogmatically; puritannically; impossibly; terribly; disagreeably; unpleasantly; austerely; severely; sternly; cruelly; brutally; frankly; boldly; truculently; turbulently; gruffly; callously; definitely; indomitably; inexorably; resolutely; fanatically; proudly; arrogantly

    Unconcerned adverbs

    indifferently; nonchalantly; blithely; happily; selfishly; thoughtlessly; blindly; ignorantly; pathetically; terribly; deliberately; inconsiderately; curiously; ominously; apparently; singularly; absurdly; strangely; unnaturally; abominably

    Unconditional adverbs

    presumably; allegedly; entirely; happily; fortunately; liberally; definitely; constitutionally; practically; generously; broadly; flatly; gloriously; triumphantly; reliably

    Unconsciousness verbs

    approach—; arouse from—; avert—; diagnose—; dope into—; drug into—; fade into —; feign—; hover near—; lapse into—; pretend—; repose in—; shock into—; sink into—; stun into—; —deadens; —endures; —paralyzes; —persists; —seals; —terrifies

    (See coma, lethargy.)

    Un CO NS TITU TION AL adverbs

    odiously; presumably; flagrantly; supposedly; lamentably; dangerously; daringly; defiantly; trickily; craftily; definitely; manifestly; openly; incontrovertibly; postively; decidedly; flagitiously; unfortunately

    Unconventional adverbs

    absurdly; ridiculously; flauntingly; flagrantly; daringly; slightly; oddly; peculiarly: astonishingly; surprisingly; quaintly; sweetly; singularly; notionally; delightfully; out-landishly; shamefully; purposely; attractively; refreshingly; vexatiously; bewilderingly; unpleasantly; boorishly; crudely

    Uncouth adverbs

    rudely; boorishly; naturally; inexcusably; lamentably; awkwardly; fantastically; inordinately; contemptibly; colossally; shockingly; drunkenly; impudently; morosely; unpleasantly; disagreeably; deliberately; boisterously; blatantly; offensively; insufferably; innately; intolerably; unbearably

    Uncover (v) adverbs

    mercilessly; ruthlessly; searchingly; diligently; fruitfully; formidably; slyly; grimly; cruelly; despotically; cunningly

    (See reveal, disclose.)

    Unctuous adverbs

    disgustingly; professionally; pedantically; smugly; blandly; intolerably; obsequiously; submissively; deceptively; ominously; maddeningly; solemnly; softly; persuasively; carefully; properly; ingratiatingly; suavely; adroitly

    Undaunted adverbs

    resolutely; intrepidly; courageously; blithely; gaily; serenely; calmly; curiously; remarkably; gallantly; laughingly; grimly; absurdly; foolishly; daringly; recklessly; apparently; singularly; confidently; amazingly

    Undecipherable adverbs

    sadly; strangely; unfortunately; childishly; dimly; curiously; singularly; vexatiously; awkwardly; disappointingly; hearthreaking-ly; inexcusably; unpardonably; unreasonably; significantly; deliberately; intentionally; craftily; purposely; cruelly

    Undemonstra TIVE adverbs

    habitually; naturally; inherently; significantly; coolly; surprisingly; perplexingly; churlishly; ungratefully; meanly; disappointingly; shyly; bashfully; modestly; awkwardly; demurely; augustly; sternly; forbiddingly; painfully; curiously; oddly; calmly; chillingly; unluckily; unfortunately; temperamentally

    Undergo (v) adverbs

    heroically; gallantly; stoically; generously; willingly; staunchly; courageously; peacefully

    (See endure, experience.)


    wickedly; curiously; significantly; nefariously; despicably; detestably; craftily; shrewdly; carefully; mysteriously; cunningly; abominably; adroitly; atrociously; cruelly; disgracefully; basely; viciously; grossly

    Underno U RISHED adverbs

    pathetically; cruelly; undeniably; positively; definitely; obviously; miserably; wretchedly; pitiably; dangerously; alarmingly; desperately; helplessly; hopelessly; unconsciously; generally; surprisingly; deplorably; unwisely; impecuniously; dreadfully; terribly; inexcusably; recently; emphatically; bitterly

    Underpaid adverbs

    contemptibly; inexcusably; cruelly; terribly; needlessly; obviously; absurdly; remarkably; preposterously; presumably; manifestly; definitely; wretchedly; miserably; unwarrantably; emphatically

    Underscore (v) adverbs

    heavily; blackly; redundantly; indelibly. (See mark.

    Undersell (v) adverbs

    astutely; ethically; secretively; legitimately; momentously; boldly; financially; desperately

    (See transact, win.)

    Understand (v) adverbs

    literally; distinctly; cleverly; dimly; sympathetically; expressly; properly; assuredly; intimately; vaguely; keenly; accurately; theoretically; adequately; subtly; exceptionally; shrewdly; sympathetically; tacitly

    (See comprehend, discern.)

    Understanding adjectives

    friendly; robust; keen; previous; courteous; prospective; analytical; theoretical; adequate; subtle; slow; unconscious; instinctive; definite; speedy; cynical; cordial; synthetic; useful; retrospective; close; general; comprehensive; masculine; profound; discursive; exceptional; enlarged; vague; chronic; secret; veiled; barren; shrewd; human; distinct; mutual; kind; sympathetic; furtive; mean; emotional; tacit; verbal; momentary; consummate; full-bodied


    achieve—; acquire—; arrive at—; attain—; awaken—; blossom into—; chill—; convey to —; demonstrate—; destroy—; display—; engrave on—; enlarge—; enlighten—; enrich —; enter into—; escape—; evince—; feign —; foster—; further—; gain—; grasp—; grope for—; illuminate—; impart—; impede—; inhibit—; lack—; lead to—; manifest—; obtain—; promote—; reflect—; require—; school—; seek—; swell—; temper with—; yield to—; —dawns; —discerns; — discriminates; —harmonizes; —pacifies; — tranquillizes; —triumphs

    (See insight, knowledge, commonsense, intellect, learning.) adverbs

    sympathetically; generously; pleasantly; unusually; remarkably; helpfully; patiently; profoundly; momentarily; marvellously; mercifully; completely )

    Undertake (v) adverbs

    sporadically; rashly; reluctantly; successfully; boldly; ill-advisedly; illicitly; scientifically; desperately; hazardously; perilously; grimly; ridicuously; arduously; financially

    (See assume.)

    Undertaking adjectives

    scientific; tangible; desperate; unconnected; momentous; remarkable; bold; spurious; aimless; conciliatory; hazardous; chimerical; illicit; solemn; important; tremendous; munificent; unparalleled; perilous; grim; exciting; ridiculous; involved; arduous; herculean; stupendous; desperate; formidable; financial


    abandon—; analyze—; bind to—; commend —; conceive—; desert—; encourage—; endanger—; essay—; forego—; forestall—; forsake—; insure—; jeopardize—; laud—; outline—; plan—; relinquish—; promote—; renounce—; tackle—; venture on—; withdraw from—; —embraces; —endeavors; — flourishes; —promises; —thrives

    (See enterprise, plan, deal, program.)

    Undismayed adverbs

    gallantly; confidently; optimistically; curiously; admirably; wondrously; apparently; evidently; fortunately; recklessly; pathetically; courageously; singularly; fanatically; zealously; blindly; imperturbably; astonishingly; surprisingly; remarkably; significantly; audaciously; absurdly; arrogantly; brashly

    Undisturbed adverbs

    serenely; blindly; stoically; pedantically; witlessly; irresponsibly; calmly; vexatiously; infuriatingly; strangely; amazingly; suspiciously; blandly; unaccountably; surprisingly; philosophically

    Undulate (v) adverbs

    restlessly; incessantly; sinuously; gently. (See wave, curve

    Undulating adverbs

    regularly; smoothly; endlessly; restlessly; dizzily; disturbingly; monotonously; ceaselessly; pleasantly; arably; advantageously; fortunately; crazily; fascinatingly; delightfully; curiously; vastly; extensively; mysteriously; iridescently; colorfully; singularly; marvellously; incessantly; continuously

    Un DUTIFUL adverbs

    curiously; desperately; disagreeably; cruelly; heartbreakingly; incorrigibly; blindly; bitterly; inexcusably; terribly; singularly; coldly; strangely; unquestionably; unbelievably; incredibly; preposterously; shamefully; miserably; unwarrantably; unconcernedly

    Uneasiness adjectives

    longing; vague; transitory; abrupt; idle; restless; faint; unhappy; growing


    afflict with—; allay—; assuage—; burden with—; calm—; dispel—; experience—; inspire—; ridicule—; scoff at—; sense—; sweep away—; —accompanies; —distresses; —dwells in; —envelopes; —gnaws at; — haunts; —oppresses; —persists; —pervades; —prevails; —shrouds; —stabs; —takes hold; —unnerves; —weighs upon; —yields

    (See impatience, discomfort, discontent, anxiety.)

    Uneasy adverbs

    naturally; timidly; shyly; unacountably; suddenly; justifiably; unusually; extremely; unnecessarily; needlessly; oddly; ominously; visibly; seriously; obviously; inexplicably; painfully; foolishly; distinctly; inordinately; apparently; profoundly

    Uneducated adverbs

    frankly; unfortunately; academically; supposedly; paradoxically; blessedly; blatantly; strangely; apparently; coarsely; grossly; avowedly; allegedly; manifestly

    Unemotional adverbs

    coldly; sternly; gravely; terrifyingly; brutally; harshly; austerely; stoically; unbelievably; unnaturally; abnormally; strangely; singularly; frightfully; ungenerously; stingily; selfishly; terribly; peculiarly; notoriously; reputedly; ostensibly; presumably; conspicuously

    Unemployed adverbs

    idly; lazily; indolently; unfortunately; miserably; helplessly; inadvertently; unhappily; temporarily; evidently; frequently; manifestly; involuntarily

    Unemployment adjectives

    technological; devastating; partial; continued; nation-wide; artificially-relieved; supposed; appalling; dreaded; frightening


    absorb—; analyze—; augment—; banish—; bewail—; cancel out—; cause—; check—; decrease—; decry—; deplore—; fear—; increase—; insure against—; legislate against —; lament—; outlaw—; predict—; reduce —; relieve—; remedy—; tackle—;  

    breeds; —depresses; —deprives; —diminishes; —dwindles; —endangers; —mitigates; —oppresses; —overwhelms; —ravages; —satirizes; —scourges; —shelves; — sweeps; —victimizes

    Uneten adverbs

    curiously; perilously; raggedly; roughly; inconveniently; unpleasantly; unjustly; inequitably; unfairly; meanly; disagreeably; absurdly; sadly; crookedly

    Uneventful adverbs

    tiresomely; dully; flatly; uninterestingly; boresomely; monotonously; curiously; unexpectedly; unpardonably; undeniably; tediously; restfully; fortunately; blessedly; smoothly; conspicuously; placidly; utterly; happily

    Unexpected adverbs

    provokingly; bewilderingly; curiously; utterly; unfeignedly; pitifully; sadly; completely; tragically; suddenly; stunningly; startlingly; terribly; obviously; manifestly; undoubtedly

    Unfailing adverbs

    blessedly; presumably; generously; usually; reliably; notoriously; reputedly; supposedly; manifestly; miraculously; apparently; conspicuously; notably; dependably; reliably

    Unfair adverbs

    manifestly; terribly; openly; flagrantly; abominably; shamefully; cruelly; bitterly; egregiously; despicably; maliciously; unmistakably; daringly; deliberately; dishonorably; uncommonly; secretly; greedily; arrogantly; high-handedly; atrociously

    Unfairness verbs

    ameliorate—; avenge—; avert—; betray—; condone—; denounce—; deplore—; disclose —; divulge—; mitigate—; rebuke—; remedy—; reveal—; uncover—; —colors; —distorts; —embroiders; —garbles; —glosses over; —taints

    (See injustice, partiality, grievance, wrong.)


    notoriously; allegedly; conspicuously; flagrantly; openly; terribly; carelessly; cruelly; irresponsibly; treacherously; curiously; secretly; furtively; actually; presumably: recklessly; undependably; intolerably; abominably; wickedly; viciously; reprehensibly; provokingly; vexatiously; unbearably; un-profitably; deplorably; uselessly; surreptitiously; heinously; wretchedly; miserably; definitely; despicably; detestably; dreadfully; worthlessly; incorrigibly

    Unfa I TH FULNESS verbs

    absolve of—; atone for—; avenge—; bear —; breed—; charge—; display—; evince —; expiate—; forgive—; foster—; frown upon—; punish—; regret—; repent—; rue —; —beckons; —disgraces; —dishonors; — tempts

    (See infidelity, insincerity, treachery.)

    Unfamiliar adverbs

    sadly; embarrassingly; awkwardly; admittedly; evidently; obviously; unconcealably; tragically; helplessly; hopelessly; self-consciously; openly; shamelessly; unsophisti-catedly; dreadfully; ineptly; oddly

    Unfashionable adverbs

    daringly; audaciously; carelessly; slouchily; untidily; dowdily; independently; boldly; recklessly; openly; definitely; admittedly; artistically; strikingly; smartly; ridiculously; bizarrely; ludicrously; intentionally; serenely; indifferently; consciously; naturally; curiously; magnificently; arrogantly; negligently; barbarically; casually; nonchalantly; happily; blithely; thoughtlessly; emphatically; positively; flippantly; notoriously; unashamedly; interestingly; vexatiously; laughingly; foolishly; unwisely

    Unfasten (v) adverbs

    readily; automatically; easily; tremblingly; carelessly; artfully; deftly; customarily; strategically

    (See release, relieve.)


    obscurely; mysteriously; darkly; dimly; vaguely; impenetrably; nebulously; perplex-ingly; eternally; wondrously; abstrusely; muddily; mystically; occultly; inscrutably; puzzlingly; reconditely; unaccountably; unreasonably; irrationally; profoundly; abysmally; infinitely; perpetually; forever

    Unfai’Orable adverbs

    definitely; unappeasably; uncompromisingly; defiantly; rebelliously; forbiddingly; discouragingly; resolutely; sternly; implacably; emphatically; downright; openly; secretly; surreptitiously; ominously; undeniably; influentially; indifferently; actively; mildly; positively; energetically; dangerously; frankly; expressly; harshly; powerfully; lamentably; fortuitously; stubbornly

    Unfeeling adverbs

    callously; cruelly; coldly; downright; evidently; curiously; strangely; obdurately; implacably; terribly; preposterously; extremely; inexplainably; utterly; harshly; stubbornly; wickedly; brutally; unbelievably; selfishly; incredibly; unimaginably; singularly; viciously; stonily; inhumanly; sternly; austerely; heartlessly

    Unfeigned adverbs

    clearly; unquestionably; perceptibly; ingenuously; apparently

    Unfilial adverbs

    unnaturally; strangely; horribly; appallingly; incredibly; unreasonably; utterly; unimaginably; astoundingly; justifiably; eventually; sadly; deplorably; wretchedly; miserably; curiously; strangely; remarkably; terribly; inexplicably; ungratefully; inconsiderately; heartbreaking!}-; surprisingly; ston ily; openly

    Un FI NISH (v) adverbs

    deservedly; carelessly; sadly; incomprehensibly; unwisely; improvidently

    (See cease, stop.)


    palpably; altogether; manifestly; allegedly; presumably; ostensibly; utterly; temperamentally; physically; morally; lamentably; deplorably; miserably; wretchedly; curiously; downright

    Unflinching adverbs

    courageously; sturdily; staunchly; boldly; steadily; splendidly; chivalrously; admirably; surprisingly; quietly; imperturbably; firmly; gallantly; heroically; marvellously; magnificently

    Unfold (v) adverbs

    beauteously; swiftly; joyously; vividly; prominently; maturely

    (See reveal, uncover.)

    Unforgiving adverbs

    uncompromisingly; sternly; austerely; seriously; gravely; censoriously; callously; unmercifully; coldly; obdurately; stubbornly; hopelessly; wretchedly; unfortunately; curiously; pharisaically; harshly

    Unfortunate adverbs

    sadly; miserably; tragically; wretchedly; chronically; direly; unexpectedly; suddenly; shamefully; surprisingly; terribly; really; unusually; strangely; oddly; naturally; extremely

    Unfrequented adverbs

    usually; perilously; dangerously; hazardously; notoriously; notably; conspicuously; riskily; unpleasantly; desolately; gloomily; eerily


    automatically; gallantly; pressively; picturesquely

    (See release, unfold.)

    Ungenerous adverbs

    surprisingly; suddenly; appallingly; unexpectedly; curiously; unluckily; shockingly; miserably; short-sightedly; foolishly; unwisely; intolerantly; uncharitably; bigoted-ly; narrowly; terribly; dreadfully; uncommonly

    Ungodly idverbs

    shamefully; unconscionably; surprisingly; flagrantly; openly; Hauntingly; shockingly; appallingly; atrociously; blasphemously; impiously; despicably; offensively; heartbreakingly; viciously; daringly; wickedly; conspicuously; dreadfully; strangely

    Ungovernable idverbs

    sadly; gracelessly; conspicuously; heinously; highly; inexplicably; atrociously; incomprehensibly; suddenly; sometimes; habitually; boldly; defiantly; mutinously; hopelessly; dreadfully; dangerously; viaiently; curiously; occasionally; eventually; admittedly; terribly

    Unfriendly adverbs

    cruelly; bitterly; terribly; unreasonably; meanly; hatefully; spitefully; strangely; un-wontedly; suddenly; curiously; unwarrantably; disagreeably; snobbishly; inexcusably; churlishly; boorishly; narrow-mindedly; intolerantly; uncharitably; discouragingly; painfully; extremely; uncommonly

    Ungracious adverbs

    curtly; strangely; oddly; significantly; conspicuously; unaccountably; curiously; momentarily; deliberately; intentionally; pointedly; dreadfully; unwontedly; purposely; regrettably; sadly; unfortunately; inadvertently; clumsily; unintentionally; awkwardly; snobbishly


    boorishly; ignorantly; selfishly; indifferently; thoughtlessly; callously; incredibly; unbelievably; oddly; terribly; crassly; grossly; significantly; dreadfully; coldly; stupidly; shamefully; remarkably; unpardonably; astoundingly; cruelly; arrogantly

    Unguarded adverbs

    carelessly; inadvertently; momentarily; indifferently; temporarily; insecurely; crassly; strangely; inexplicably; happily; unaccountably; blessedly; advantageously; fortuitously; trustfully; stupidly; incautiously; unexpectedly; seldom; rarely

    Unhandy adverbs

    deucedly; vexatiously; terribly; foolishly; wastefully; frequently; dreadfully; downright; admittedly; curiously; short-sightedly; extravagantly

    Unhappiness verbs

    bear—; curse with—; dispel—; endure—; evince—; exhibit—; languish in—; lessen—; mitigate—; mollify—; soothe—; suffer—; undergo—; —afflicts; —blasts; —blights; —burdens; —clouds; —crucifies; —dampens; —dejects; —depresses; —desolates; — pervades; —prostrates; —racks; —sprouts

    —stabs; —torments; —weighs upon

    (See pathos, distress, misery, sadness.)

    Unhappy adverbs

    cruelly; bitterly; sadly; desolately; gloomily; moodily; naturally; terribly; dreadfully; unaccountably; inexplicably; curiously; particularly'; selfishly; childishly; painfully; admittedly; sullenly; particularly; helplessly; hopelessly; desperately; suddenly; eventually; openly; obviously; frankly; wretchedly; miserably

    Unhealthy adverbs

    definitely; terribly; curiously; naturally; apparently; malarially; obviously; manifestly; unfortunately; wickedly; oddly; positively; miserably; wretchedly; congenitally


    frightfully; blasphemously; impiously; terribly; accursedly; profanely; sacrilegiously; wantonly; carelessly; recklessly; appallingly; flippantly; execrably; damnably; dreadfully; horribly

    Uniform adjectives

    brilliant; handsome; full; striking; undress; continuous; resplendent; finished; glittering; shabby; outstanding; greasy; practical; gorgeous; dress; gaudy


    array in—; besmirch—; bestow—s; defile—; discard—; dishonor—; divest of—; don—; espy—; frill—; invest in—; march in—; masquerade in—; recognize—; strip of—; tatter—; —attracts; —denotes; —flatters; — impresses; —symbolizes; —stamps one as; —betokens

    (See tights, clothing, dress.)


    monotonously; wearisomely; conveniently; adaptably; comfortably; assuredly; pleasantly; tiresomely; flatly; uninterestingly; beautifully; symmetrically; presumably; allegedly; obviously; conspicuously; economically; dependably; reliably; conventionally

    Uniform (<•) adverbs

    gaudily; gaily; impressively; dramatically; vividly; patriotically; brilliantly; somberly; drably

    (See garb, dress.)

    Union adjectives

    splendid; contingent; mystic; eternal; solemn; incestuous; ultimate; conjugal; habitual; unjust; constant; indissoluble; potent; powerful; fertile; conscious; perpetual; existing; legislative; precipitate; unfathomable; moribund; hurried; illicit; fruitful; visible; labor; celestial; consummate; checkoff; complete; substantial; immemorial; perfect; fructifying; loathed; confederated; outstanding


    band into—; bind into—; consummate—; defend—; destroy—; disrupt—; encourage—; enter into—; foster—; further—; hallow—

    hinder—; impede—; lack—; partition—; preserve—; promote—; protect—; rend—; signify—; solemnize—; sunder—; —affords; —enables; —flourishes; —insures; —strengthens; —suffers

    (See marriage, connection, matrimony, attachment, coalition, combination.)

    Unions verbs

    affiliate with—; alienate—; ally—; arbitrate—; betray—; cement—; centralize—; combat—; consolidate—; crush—; effect—; enlist in—; enroll in—; dispel—; foster—; head—; install—; league with—; mediate with—; operate—; pacify—; recruit for —; rend—; rule—; scorn—; sympathize with—; —achieve; —band; —call out; — challenge; —clash with; —demand; —embroil; —foment; —link; —merge with; — picket; —preserve; —protect; —strike; — support

    (See strikers, labor.)

    Uni T adjectives

    regulatory; myriad (pl); topical; versatile; efficient; functioning; fire-fighting; unmanageable; single; sounding; inseparable; research; harmonious; primary; mechanical; similar; parallactic; potent; political; arbitrary; perfected


    affiliate with—; amass—; complete—; demolish—; design—; dissolve—; integrate—; isolate—; mould—; partition—; perform as —; rend—; replenish—; shatter—; strengthen—; sunder—; —expands; —swells

    (See cell, property, part.)

    Unite (v) adverbs

    stubbornly; strangely; fraternally; substantially; indissolubly; cordially; subsequently; promptly; unanimously; vigorously; ultimately; dramatically; politically; spiritually; harmoniously; enduringly; strategically; logically; morally; fundamentally; practically

    (See join, ally.)

    Unity adjectives

    distinct; unbroken; political; wielded; necessary; rigorous; dramatic; essential; artistic; pervading; territorial; moral; continental; spiritual; internal; harmonious; enduring; dim; compendious; lasting; brilliant; uncompounded; early; strategic; dramatic; imperial; logical; solid; fundamental; practical; mad


    accomplish—; achieve—; bind in—; blend in—; clamor for—; commend—; demand—; demolish—; endanger—; foster—; further —; impair—; jeopardize—; lack—; necessitate—; preserve—; promote—; rend—; sunder—; unfold—; verify—; want—; work for—; —enables; —insures; —perpetuates; —persists; —pervades; —prevails; —resists; —rules; —strengthens

    (See harmony, cooperation, agreement.)

    Unitersal adverbs

    fundamentally; woefully; universally; significantly; strikingly; curiously; ominously; surprisingly; astonishingly; terribly

    Universe adjectives

    moral; mad; vast; practical; lampless; useless; illimitable; well-conducted; visible; enduring; conceivable; spiritual; collective; boundless; insubstantial; harmonious; infinite; wise; myriad (pl); expanding; malign; aerial; material; incomprehensible; offensive; effectless; objective; foundering


    bound—; cloak—; cloud—; comprise—; contemplate—; “debunk”—; dim—; dwell in —; embrace—; encompass—; fathom—; glory in—; govern—; illumine—; impart to —; interpret—; limit—; map—; pervade—; re-create—; regard—; save—; scan—; shroud—; span—; sunder from—; survey—; —acclaims; —evolves from; —links; —mystifies; —mourns; —seethes; —teems; — whirls

    (See creation, life.)

    University adjectives

    studious; sedate; well-rounded; theological; splendid; great; significant; national; state


    affiliate with—; converge upon—; endow—; enroll in—; enter—; expel from—; found—; guide—; —advances; —breeds; —disciplines; —edifies; —enlightens; —equips; — facilitates; —fosters; —functions; —furthers; —grounds one in; —honors; —imparts; —instructs; —mothers; —nurtures; —offers; —polishes; —prepares; —primes; —proselytes; —qualifies; —rears; —subsidizes; —verses one in

    (See college, institution, school.)

    Unjust adverbs

    cruelly; bitterly; keenly; unaccountably; unexpectedly; palpably; uncommonly; arrant-ly; wantonly; intolerably; illogically; venge-fully; inexcusably; hatefully; hideously; miserably; wretchedly; incredibly; openly; crassly; stupidly; gravely; seriously; inadvertently; deliberately; intentionally; incredibly; inexplicably; remarkably; incomprehensibly

    Unkempt adverbs

    surprisingly; carelessly; deliberately; coolly; nonchalantly; comfortably; provokingly; shamefully; dowdily; embarrassingly; inexcusably; unfortunately; casually; notoriously; conspicuously; unconcealably; horribly; unluckily.; deplorably; scandalously; merrily; blowzily; boldly; audaciously; flagrantly

    Unknowable adverbs

    obscurely; eternally; mysteriously; latently; darkly; dimly; vaguely; impenetratingly; incomprehensibly; perplexingly; wonderfully; mystically; occultly; inscrutably; puz-zlingly; elusively; unaccountably; inexplicably; unreasonably; tormentingly; irrationally; profoundly; abysmally; infinitely; perpetually

    Unlawful adverbs

    definitely; implicitly; riskily; perilously; strictly; positively; absurdly; specifically; explicitly; actually; allegedly; presumably; probably; certainly; avowedly; admittedly

    Unlikely adverbs

    naturally; utterly; legally; morally; particularly; emphatically; positively

    Unlock (<•) adverbs

    automatically; readily; rustily; smoothly; easily; temporarily; dexterously

    (See unfasten, release.)

    Unmannerly adverbs

    strangely; grossly; barbarously; naturally; incredibly; crassly; stupidly; boorishly; cruelly; rustically; provincially; unpleasantly; foolishly; apparently; manifestly; embarrassingly; shamefully; gracelessly; naively; ignorantly; unsophisticated!}-; unluckily; wretchedly; unpardonably; oddly; conspicuously; remarkably; highly; uncommonly; unwontedly; disagreeably

    Unmerciful idverbs

    rruelly; coldly; miserably; hatefully; inflexibly; stubbornly; boorishly; brutally; selfishly; unyieldingly; dreadfully; intractably; shamefully; scandalously; wickedly; immovably; sternly; inscrutably; mysteriously; strangely; significantly; remarkably; unwontedly; unaccountably; oddly; surprisingly

    Unmistakable adverbs

    clearly; explicitly; positively; manifestly; obviously; conspicuously; conveniently; safely; felicitously; fortunately; luckily; happily. ; definitely; purposely; singularly; designedly

    Unnerved adverbs

    strangely; naturally; shakily; utterly; oddly; curiously; probably; completely; unreasonably; foolishly; shockingly; palpably; apparently; mysteriously; conspicuously; tremulously; helplessly

    Unobjectionable adverbs

    personally; entirely; quite: naturally; pleasantly; harmlessly; manifestly; locally; politically; financially; generally; reasonably; frankly; wholly; fairly; presumably; singularly; altogether

    Unostentatious adverbs

    modestly; quietly; serenely; carefully; calmly; curiously; preferably; always; strangely; shyly; bashfully


    strangely; altogether; manifestly; curiously; noxiously; disagreeably; disgustingly; hopelessly; terribly; wretchedly; impossibly; embarrassingly; cruelly; bitterly; disappointingly; outlandishly; dreadfully

    U NPA RLI AMENT A RY adverbs

    openly; manifestly; wholly; foolishly; ignorantly; boldly; flauntingly; consciously; obstinately; absurdly; entirely; evidently; conspicuously; loosely; casually; carelessly

    Unperturbed adverbs

    quietly; strangely; confidently; optimistically; trustfully; curiously; particularly; noticeably; altogether; serenely; certainly; palpably; hopefully

    Unpopular adverbs

    generally; strangely; noticeably; significantly; desperately; currently; terribly; definitely; conspicuously; apparently; manifestly; disturbingly; miserably; mysteriously; curiously; distinctly; emphatically; intensely; seriously; consciously

    Unprejudiced adverbs

    admirably; nobly; particularly; admittedly; distinctly; emphatically; curiously; palpably; commendably; dependably; heartening-ly; judicially; gravely; honorably; honestly; entirely; wonderfully; happily

    Unprepared adverbs

    grossly; carelessly; unpardonably; miserably; palpably; inadvertently; wantonly; financially; socially; wretchedly; undis-guisedly; openly; admittedly; unluckily; laughably; comically; tragically; ridiculously; nonchalantly; blithely; merrily

    Unpresentable adverbs

    horribly; laughably; ridiculously; embarrassingly; muddily; soggily; carelessly; altogether; shamefully; comically; ludicrously; utterly; messily; cruelly; bashfully; obviously; momentarily; always


    disastrously; probably; sadly; extremely; terribly; naturally; seasonally; curiously; suddenly; desperately

    Unquestionable adverbs

    utterly; admittedly; luckily; absolutely; momentarily; recognizably; palpably; socially; financially

    Unravel (v) adverbs

    persistently; easily; intelligently; patiently; diligently; monotonously

    (See open, reveal.)

    Unreal adverbs

    darkly; abstrusely; obscurely; immaterially; indefinably; chimerically; phantasmally; vaguely; nebulously; evanescently; fantastically; strangely; fabulously; queerly; mystically; insubstantially; virtually; enigmatically; subtly; wildly; spectrally; dimly

    Unreasonable adverbs

    foolishly; blunderingly; ridiculously; absurdly; ludicrously; extravagantly; senselessly; egregiously; preposterously; comicaj-ly; monstrously; fantastically; grotesquely; outlandishly; strangely; manifestly; patently; palpably; perversely; pathetically; grossly ; incredibly

    Unregenerate adverbs

    obviously; manifestly; evidently; pitiably; stubbornly; obstinately; unfortunately; openly; flagrantly; blasphemously; flippantly; audaciously; impiously; terribly; dreadfully; impenitently

    Unrelenting adverbs

    wilfully; indomitably; bitterly; sternly; obdurately; pitiably; lamentably; unpardonably; unreasonably; pitilessly; inexorably; obstinately; stubbornly; mulishly; doggedly; perversely; fanatically; pig-headedly; contumaciously; bigotedly; implacably; ran-courously; vengefully; ruthlessly; maliciously; cruelly; unmercifully


    unfortunately; manifestly; entirely; unluckily; desperately; admittedly; obviously; terribly; actually; furtively; secretly; downright; notoriously; infamously; shamefully; wickedly; palpably; certainly

    Unrest adjectives

    wearisome; secret; political; sickening; unsettled; vain; essential; bitter; ghoulish; eager; sweet


    allay—; assuage—; calm—; cloak—; cope with—; dispel—; dwell in—; incite—; provoke—; quell—; silence—; still—; stave off—; subdue—; —disconcerts; —gnaws; —irks; —irritates; —racks; —rends; — smoulders; —spreads; —wanes; —weighs upon; —wrings

    (See restlessness, confusion, dissatisfaction, discontent.)

    Unrestrained adverbs

    excessively; rakishly; wildly; playfully; wickedly; hilariously; gleefully; joyously; crazily; airily; youthfully; ludicrously; brazenly; monstrously; outlandishly; delightfully; recklessly; wantonly; amazingly; audaciously; impetuously; ardently; heedlessly; indiscreetly

    Unrighteous adverbs

    openly; unheedingly; deliberately; heinously; wickedly; impiously; blasphemously; deplorably; wretchedly; miserably; heathen-ishly

    Unruffled adverbs

    admirably; surprisingly; restrainedly; wonderfully; utterly; calmly; actually; apparently; palpably; evidently; strangely; curiously; fortunately; securely; beautifully

    Unruly adverbs

    ominously; dreadfully; unmanageably; obstinately; significantly; terribly; oddly; uproariously; boisterously; viciously; politically; truculently; dangerously; violently; unreasonably; ungovernably; obstreperously; jeeringly; designedly; maliciously; viciously; alarmingly; turbulently. adverbs

    notoriously; slightly; decidedly; extremely; admittedly; terribly; undisguisedly; dreadfully; manifestly; wickedly

    Unscathed adverbs

    mercifully; apparently; blessedly; surprisingly; gloriously; happily; luckily; unexpectedly; blissfully; evidently

    Unscrupulous adverbs

    notoriously; shamefully; cleverly; astutely; adroitly; infamously; reputedly; allegedly; curiously; terribly; extremely; shamelessly; triumphantly; arrogantly; openly; cruelly; bitterly; desperately; hard-heartedly; greedily; meanly; aggressively; boldly; daringly; criminally; selfishly; hatefully; atrociously

    Unseasonable adverbs

    manifestly; surprisingly; unhealthfully; un-profitably; dangerously; desperately; hazardously; undeniably; highly; uncommonly; curiously; strangely; oddly; significantly; ominously; definitely

    Unseemly adverbs

    desperately; shamefully; unpleasantly; disagreeably; surprisingly; unpardonably; absolutely; inexcusably; indefensibly; daringly; flauntingly; miserably; wantonly; frightfully; horridly; impertinently; blatantly

    Unselfish adverbs

    utterly; unnecessarily; ostentatiously; delightfully; remarkably; always; altogether; downright; absurdly; generously; altruistically; charitably; thoughtfully; considerately; graciously; courteously; unexpectedly; usually; naturally; habitually; tenderly; lovingly; extremely; uncommonly; singularly; unexpectedly; unwontedly; sweetly

    Unsettled adverbs

    curiously; indecisively; obviously; manifestly; unfortunately; evidently; pitiably; dangerously; temporarily; pathetically; miserably; secretly; confusedly; mentally; financially-; sadly; temperamentally; habitually; naturally



    hideously; loathesomely; disgustingly; shabbily; filthily; repulsively; horridly; shockingly; monstrously; gruesomely; dreadfully; positively; terribly; unbearably

    Unskilful adverbs

    naturally; pitiably; awkwardly; clumsily; ineptly; inexpertly; ignorantly; carelessly; heedlessly; pathetically; unacceptably; grossly; undeniably; surprisingly; miserably; terribly; criminally; admittedly; un-disguisedly; naively; shyly; self-consciously

    Unsociable adverbs

    painfully; shyly; disagreeably; terribly; awkwardly; naturally; naively; ungraciously; selfishly; inconsiderately; unwontedly; habitually; unpardonably; miserably; reticently; gravely; surprisingly; unfortunately; pitifully; inexcusably; strangely; offensively

    Unsophistica TED adverbs

    naively; undisguisedly; apparently; palpably; manifestly; ludicrously; ridiculously; embarrassingly; shyly; consciously; painfully; childishly; innocently; awkwardly; clumsily; unhappily; unfortunately; laughably; pathetically

    Unsound adverbs

    unfortunately; curiously; inexcusably; un-tenably; ridiculously; absurdly; dreadfully; wickedly; admittedly; miserably; dangerously; significantly; manifestly; openly; daringly; utterly; unreliably

    Unsparing adverbs

    sternly; harshly; gravely; unjustly; obstinately; inflexibly; fanatically; narrowly; bigotedly; ridiculously; bitterly; cruelly; unreasoningly; unreasonably; obdurately; gravely; solemnly; frightfully

    Unstable adverbs

    lamentably; deplorably; miserably; ridiculously; obviously; dangerously; alarmingly; ominously; desperately; manifestly; perilously; unpardonably; carelessly; notoriously; flagrantly; unforgivably

    Unsubstantial adverbs

    baselessly; fabulously; fantastically; fancifully; suppositiously; virtually; mockingly; illusively; mythically; notionally; romantically; visionarily; quixotically; whimsically; ethereally; tenuously; chimerically

    Unsuitable adverbs

    distinctly; positively; altogether; wholly; entirely; incongruously; socially; awkwardly; absurdly; foolishly; extravagantly; unbecomingly; comically; outlandishly; inappropriately; shockingly; crudely; horribly; laughably; singularly

    Unsystem A TIC adverbs

    carelessly; bewilderingly; confusingly; chaotically; terribly; unpardonably; inexcusably; criminally; provokingly; irritatingly; inconveniently; vexatiously; ruinously; ignorantly; foolishly; confoundedly; strangely; lazily; negligently; heedlessly; unwarrantably

    Untenable adverbs

    fallibly; unreliably; inaccurately: insubstan-tially; absolutely; manifestly; carelessly; inconclusively; fallaciously; ultimately; obviously; absurdly; hopelessly; wholly; ridiculously; laughably

    Untimely adverbs

    strangely; obviously; unfortunately; politically; financially; distressingly; terribly

    Untouched adverbs

    curiously; singularly; momentarily; mercifully; fortunately; blessedly; strangely; absolutely; carefully; providently; luckily; heedfully; apparently; absolutely

    Untrammel (v) adverbs»

    entirely; nominally; legally; apparently; obviously

    (See release, free.)

    Untutored adverbs

    naively; unbelievably; miraculously; marvelously; curiously; childishly; utterly; obviously; manifestly; miserably; wretchedly; helplessly; distressingly; pathetically; pitiably; fortunately; palpably; blessedly; gloriously; apparently; brilliantly

    Unusual adverbs

    extremely; fortunately; luckily; believably; apparently; obviously; manifestly; gloriously; mercifully; unfortunately; significantly; delightfully; altogether

    Unwarrantable adverbs

    obviously; naturally; altogether; legally; socially; conventionally; decently; judicially; politically; terribly; admittedly; absurdly; ridiculously; ludicrously; wretchedly; miserably; indefensibly; dreadfully; altogether; downright; utterly

    Unwary adverbs

    youthfully; flippantly; heedlessly; bravely; foolishly; naively; carelessly; ignorantly; wantonly; ridiculously; unbelievably; absurdly; blithely; inconceivably; rashly; wit-lessly

    Unwearied adverbs

    incredibly; fondly; affectionately; helpfully; patriotically; resolutely; intrepidly; unbelievably; miraculously; splendidly; incomprehensibly; lovingly; desperately; marvelously; strangely; oddly; fanatically; amazingly; remarkably

    Unwieldy adverbs

    awkwardly; clumsily; terribly; unpleasantly; embarrassingly; disagreeably; massively; altogether; manifestly; inconveniently; lumberingly; vexatiously; plaguedly; confoundedly; singularly

    Unwillingness adjectives

    sheer; dull; deliberate; obstinate; studied


    acknowledge—; announce—; assert—; aver —; conquer—; contain—; deplore—; discern—; dispel—; display—; dissolve—; emphasize—; express—; indicate—; justify—; maintain—; overcome—; prevail against—; subdue—; surmount—; sweep away—; swerve from—; voice—; —irks; —persists, —piques; —riles (colloq.)

    (See indisposition, reluctance.)

    Unwise adverbs

    incredibly; stubbornly; absurdly; habitually; naturally; obstinately; outrageously; palpably; obviously; cruelly; undeniably; flagrantly; fantastically; politically; terribly; utterly; absolutely; bitterly; disastrously; calamitously

    Unwomanly adverbs

    strangely; unbelievably; hoydenishly; terribly; lamentably; deplorably; surprisingly; utterly; dreadfully; ungraciously; curiously

    Unworldly adverbs

    curiously; piously; peculiarly; wholly; indubitably; admirably; blessedly; happily; serenely; blandly; truly

    Unworthy adverbs

    entirely; deeply; utterly; undeniably; despicably; contemptibly; sadly; selfishly; lamentably; indisputably; peculiarly; particularly; censoriously; outrageously; bitterly

    Upbraid (v) adverbs

    viciously; vindictively; brutally; obstreperously; laughingly; ferociously; unjustly; volubly; rigorously; paternally; hatefully; jealously

    (See chide, rebuke.)

    Upheaval adjectives

    volcanic; economic; religious; devastating; sensuous; business; fatal; passionate; violent; sudden; wild


    avert—; precipitate—; quash—; quell—; suppress—;   —agitates; —arouses;

    awakens; —characterizes; —convulses; — dashes; —demolishes; —discloses; —elevates; —jars; —jolts; —jounces; —levels; —prostrates; —razes; —reveals; —revolutionizes; —uncovers

    (See uprising, convulsion, revolution, strike.)

    Uphold (v) adverbs

    staunchly; faithfully; patiently; patriotically; virtually; solemnly; fiercely; gallantly; extraordinarily; economically; politically; philosophically; metaphysically; nationally. (See support, defend.

    Upright adverbs

    splendidly; reputably; admittedly; virtuously; admirably; sincerely; openly; unfailingly; conspicuously; estimably; honorably; boldly; undauntedly; firmly; stably

    Uprising adjectives

    sudden; armed; courageous; seditious; concerted; marvelous; feared; wide-spread; national; growing


    annihilate—; blot out—; check—; defeat—; foment—; forestall—; incite—; inspire—; instigate—; provoke—; smash—; squelch —; stem—; subdue—; suppress—; swamp —; —breaks out; —peters out (colloq.); — seethes; —spreads; —violates

    (See upheaval, revolution, strike.)

    Uproar adjectives

    wild; everlasting; positive; stupendous; tremendous; furious; musical; ghastly; stultifying


    hush—; muffle—; mute—; quash—; quell—; silence—; stifle—; still—; subdue—; suppress—; —abates; —bewilders; —confuses

    —deafens; —drowns out; —mounts; — pierces; —rends; —shatters; —splits; — startles; —subsides; —swells; —thunders

    (See clamor, disturbance, din, fracas, roar, rumble.)

    Uproarious adverbs

    boisterously; comically; foolishly; hilariously; clownishly; merrily; blithely; gaily; amusingly; divertingly; farcically; fantastically; inimitably; excitedly; hysterically; enthusiastically: jubilantly; exultantly; triumphantly; rampantly; irrepressibly; laughingly

    Upset adverbs

    peculiarly; utterly; strangely; significantly; inconsolably; grievously; wearily; nervously; physically; mentally; cruelly; miserably; bitterly; oddly; curiously; amazingly; remarkably; mysteriously; unexpectedly; .suddenly; inexplicably; unaccountably

    Upset (v) adverbs

    ultimately; practically; physically; emotionally; incomprehensibly; cruelly; gravely

    (See otherthrow, overpower.)

    Urban adverbs

    smoothly; distinctly; self-consciously; insist-antly; ridiculously; scarcely; absurdly; pseudo-; recently; ridiculously; earnestly

    Urbane adverbs

    pleasantly; courteously; unusually; markedly; conspicuously; agreeably; ingratiatingly; skilfully; smoothly; carefully; diplomatically; serenely; complaisantly; graciously; splendidly; elegantly; unfailingly; resolutely; imperturbably; quietly; tolerantly; indulgently

    Urge adjectives

    biological; evolutionary; irresistible; sudden; strong; deep-seated; universal; selfsatisfying; demon-like; glandular; swarthy; creative


    awaken—; check—; choke back—; conquer —; counteract—; dull—; gratify—; quell—; resist—; restrain—; smother—; squelch—; stem—; stifle—; —impels; —overpowers

    —overwhelms; —seizes; —swells; intensify

    (See importunity, desire, impulse.)

    Urge (v) adverbs

    diplomatically; passionately; secretly; blandly; disingenuously; plausibly; insolently; ineffectually; blatantly; eloquently; iinportun-ately; explicitly; enthusiastically; continually; persistently; ostentatiously; strenuously; powerfully; insidiously; traitorously; clamorously; mutely; irresistibly

    (See impel, incite.)

    Urgent adverbs

    vitally; terribly; essentially; immediately; pressingly; personally; sorely; desperately; dreadfully; ominously; significantly; extremely; supremely; singularly; particularly; peculiarly; presumably; conspicuously; momentously; gravely; seriously

    Urine verbs

    acidify—; analyze—; cloud—; contaminate —; convey—; darken—; dilute—; discharge —; drain—; draw off—; egest—; eliminate —; emit—; evacuate—; excrete—; expel—; extract—; purge of—; retain—; saturate with—; secrete—; store—; tap—; vent—; void—; —accumulates; —colors; —concentrates; —emanates; —indicates; —passes; —pollutes; —reeks; —stinks

    (See liquid, odor, excretion.)

    Usage adjectives

    laudable; hereditary; abnormal; pedantic; traditional; general; effective; cruel; diplomatic; sinister; ill; grammatical; established; symphonic; immemorial; dietetic; rough; traditional; troglodytic; social; common


    accustom to—; approve—; condemn—; condone—; decry—; determine—; encourage—; foster—; govern—marvel at—; practise—; prescribe—; promote—; rebuke—; recommend—; reproach—; reprove—; set forth —; subject to—; violate—; —infringes; — offends; —persists; —prevails; —sanctions; —violates

    (See procedure, use, custom, fashion, conventionality.)

    Use adjectives

    refined; repeated; unsuspected; unspecified; excessive; experimental; inordinate; lavish; economical; amiable; creative; unsparing; assiduous; infrequent; habitual; vain; ignoble; senseless; consistent; occasional; far-reaching; unholy; grave; prolonged; longcontinued; brutal; outspoken; diligent; narrow; respective; increased; decorative; metaphorical; unwonted; temporary; transcendent; domestic; particular; remarkable; infinite; ample; imperfect; growing; barren; congenial; valuable; fruitful; effective; uncaged; exclusive; imaginative; specific; instinctive; unreasoning; judicious; singular; delicate; efficient; dexterous; brilliant; constant; immediate; charitable; plentiful; deliberate; recurrent; varied (pl); concealed; common; accepted; mandatory; precocious; subordinate; unauthorized; industrious; ultimate; indiscriminate; immoderate; unnatural; voluntary; homespun


    accede to—; addict to—; advance—; advocate—; approve—; assure of—; authorize —; begrudge—; bid for—; concede—; condemn—; confer upon—; confine—to; consider—; counsel—; crave—; cultivate—; curb—; curtail—; debar—; debase—; decline—; decry—; deprecate—; design for—; develop—; disclaim—; discontinue—; discourage—; encourage—; enforce—; enjoin from—; exhort—; facilitate—; foster—; frown upon—; grant—; guide—; impair—; impede—; induce—; inspire—; involve—; master—; obviate—; offer—; outlive—; petition for—; pledge—; ponder—; press to—; prolong—; prompt—; propose—; provoke—; protest—; recommend—; request—; resort to—; restrain—; restrict—; ridicule —; suppress—; tender—; —dishonors; — entails; —facilitates; —habituates; —hardens; —insures

    (See service, need, employment, application.)

    Use (v) adverbs

    indiscriminately; similarly; mercifully; promiscuously; universally; exclusively; extensively; lavishly; chiefly; conspicuously; intermittently; ostentatiously; effectively; officially; simultaneously; artfully; deftly; tenderly; ethically; magnanimously; economically; creatively; assiduously; consistently; diligently; domestically; congenially; singularly; judiciously; dexterously; ultimately; voluntarily

    (See employ, utilize.)

    Useful adverbs

    conveniently; constantly; wholly; unusually

    particularly; specially; peculiarly; amazingly; wonderfully; admirably; curiously; frequently; remarkably; unexpectedly; politically; suddenly; actually; extremely; marvellously; socially; adaptably; invariably; dependably; downright

    Usefulness adjectives

    sheer; varied; desultory; partial; increased; high; conspicuous; extraordinary; practical; lively; prodigious; preeminent


    acclaim—; acquire—; appreciate—; augment—; belittle—; commend—; consider—; contemplate—•;• discern—; disclose—; hamper—; heighten—; impair—; judge—; lack —; laud—; measure—; minimize—; outlive —; recognize—; regard—; reveal—; weigh —; —ceases; —ebbs; —impresses

    (See value, advantage, benefit.

    Useless adverbs

    eventually; definitely; utterly; absolutely; probably; finally; ultimately; absurdly; certainly; fantastically; ridiculously; possibly; undoubtedly; completely; pathetically; admittedly; unaccountably; manifestly; obviously

    Uselessness verbs

    decry—; deplore—; disclose—; fall into—; inveigh against—; overcome—; rebuke—; scoff at—; set forth—; —burdens; —irks; —irritates; —oppresses; —riles (colloq.); —stigmatizes; —vexes; —weighs upon

    (See futility, waste.

    Usher (v) adverbs

    hospitably; gallantly; politely; formally; habitually; professionally

    (See escort, introduce.

    Usual adverbs

    altogether; scarcely; quite; absolutely; too; rather; admittedly

    Usurp (v) adverbs

    treacherously; violently; murderously; dic-tatorially; tyrannically; illegally; sternly; vigorously; politically; arbitrarily

    (See seize, take.

    Utensil adjectives

    washing; primitive; cooking; valuable; practical


    blacken—; cleanse—; discard—; edge—; employ—; encumber—; equip with—s; exhibit—; fashion—; grind—; pilfer—; plate —; polish—; renew—; rinse—; scour—; scrape—; sharpen—; soak—; —enables; — facilitates

    (See instrument, knife, fork, cup, kettle, tool.

    Utilitarian adverbs

    handsomely; truly; altogether; sordidly; plainly; entirely; possibly; conveniently; admittedly; warrantably; sensibly; obviously; distinctly

    Utility (general) adjectives

    respectable; universal; industrial; misconceived; practical; social; ultimate; heartless; essential; vulgar; definite; wide; obvious

    Utility (public utility) verbs

    cater to—; charge—with; dance attendance to—; enrich—; govern—; head—; inveigh against—; investigate—; legislate against —; regulate—; tax—; —s amass; —bribes; —s “crack”; —s crack up (colloq/); —s facilitate; —s function; —s grind; —s lobby; —s perform; —s profit; —s rule; — serves; —s subserve; —tyrannizes

    (See power, company.

    Utilize (v) adverbs economically; effectively; politically; strategically; heartlessly; obviously; essentially; prodigiously; potently

    (See use, employ.

    Utopia adjectives

    mechanistic; economic; incorrigible; long-awaited; planned


    abide in—; cherish—; contrive—; depict—

    desert—; desire—; dream of—; dwell in—; fancy—; forsake—; gain—; hail—; imagine—; inspire—; picture—; portray—; predict—; proclaim—; promise—; quit—; relinquish—; renounce—; reside in—; strive for—; struggle for—

    (See heaven, perfection, ideal.)

    Utopian adverbs

    brightly; cheerfully; desirably; airily; illusively; promisingly; elusively; roseately; romantically; fancifully; phantasmally; hopefully; optimistically; whimsically; seriously; boldly; fallaciously; fantastically; notionally; chimerically; ingeniously

    Utter (v) adverbs

    drolly; involuntarily; tremulously; decisively; articulately; prophetically; disparagingly; foolishly; coaxingly; mechanically; inarticulately; impassionately; lyrically; incisively; exquisitely; indiscriminately; voluntarily; specifically; delicately; deliberately

    (See speak, say.)

    Utterance adjectives

    bare; mordant; effective; unblushing; rapid; impassioned; mere; audible; rhythmical; graphic; broken; ill-considered; discouraging; homogeneous; full; characteristic; rending; death-defying; articulate; private; prophetic; premature; lyrical; exquisite; lofty; historic; incisive; noble; perfect; calm; lively; spontaneous; loving; imperfect; unheard; monotonous; mastered; public; hearty; numberless (pl); recent; glowing; rapid; fiery; supreme; impressive; simulated; intimate; recorded; luminous; harmonized; caustic; practical; injudicious; brute; spasmodic; simple; indistinct; expansive; vivid; roseate; important; grave; reasonable; powerful; weighty; precise


    acclaim—; clarify—; clothe—; condense—; deprecate—; magnify—; muffle—; mumble —; mute—; mutter—; rue—; silence—; smother—; stifle—; stjll—; voice—; weigh —; —astounds; —electrifies; —irks; —perplexes; —rings out; —sears; —shocks; — startles; —stuns

    (See exclamation, drawl, expression, statement.)

    Uxorious adverbs

    noticeably; absurdly; notoriously; openly; absurdly; ridiculously; conspicuously; foolishly; outlandishly; obviously; ludicrously



    dull; prospective; stony; rectangular; soundless; blank; utter; absolute; astounding; complete

    Vacant adverbs

    apparently; recently; obviously; coldly; mysteriously; forbiddingly; dismally; unexpectedly; gloriously; opportunely; actually; presumably; allegedly; seldom; happily; fortunately; unfortunately; unprofitable'; gloomily; blankly; seasonally; temporarily; frequently

    Vacation adjectives

    memorable; peaceful; unspoiled; thorough; complete; thrilling; never-to-be-forgotten; carefree; summer; inclusive; unique; pictorial; glorious; frequent (pl); restful; giddy; wild; joyous; longed-for; wonderful


    advise—; conclude—; counsel—; crave—; curtail—; depart on—; extend—; grant—; loll on—; lounge on—; merit—; necessitate —; prolong—; protract—; recommend—; reward with—; terminate—; warrant—; yearn for—; —distracts; —diverts; —reanimates; —refreshes; —relaxes; —renews; —restores; —unbends; —vivifies; —wanes

    (See recess, rest, respite.)

    Vacation (v) adverbs

    luxuriously; jovially; sumptuously; fraternally; memorably; peacefully; thrillingly; uniquely; gloriously; giddily; joyously; exquisitely

    (See refresh, travel.)

    Vaccination verbs

    advise—; compel—; employ^—; prescribe—; procure—; submit to—; undergo—; —assures; —benefits; —discommodes; —erases; —erupts; —immunizes; —inflames; —insures; —modifies; —safeguards; —scars; —stamps out

    (See operation, serum.)


    assimilate—; diffuse—; dispense; —glycerinate—; inject—; inoculate with—; insert —; introduce—; .prepare—; prescribe—; sensitize—; utilize—; —builds up; —exempts; —immunizes; —induces; —inflames; —insures; —irritates; —modifies; —protects; —resists; —safeguards; —stimulates

    Vacillate (v) adverbs

    irresolutely; weakly; pusillanimously; irrationally; indecisively; desultorily; improvid-ently

    (See sway, waver.)

    Vacillating adverbs

    vexatiously; hopelessly; indecisively; wantonly; intolerably; foolishly; incorrigibly; habitually; strangely; absurdly; mindlessly; incurably; naturally; inherently; irresolutely; deplorably; unfortunately; sluggishly; helplessly; lamentably; feebly; witlessly; remarkably; inordinately; unreasonably; unbearably; disgustingly

    Vacuous adverbs

    deplorably; wantonly; sluggishly; lamentably; irremediably; irrecoverably; helplessly; pitiably; strangely; mysteriously; unaccountably; suddenly; unintelligibly; irresponsibly; evidently; manifestly; curiously; grotesquely; miserably; wretchedly

    Vacuum adjectives

    luminous; sterile; dreary; absolute


    achieve—; create—; employ—; exhaust to —; fill—; induce—; obtain—; reduce to—; require—; seal—; utilize—; valve—; — fails; —retains; —preserves

    Vagabond adjectives

    incorrigible; royal; nondescript; seedy; precious; wandering; romantic; clever-ap-pearing; lazy; roaming; alluring. adverbs

    delightfully; whimsically; foolishly; notionally; irresponsibly; crazily; eifishly; irrepressibly; merrily; blithely; wholesomely; gaily; happily; uncontrollably; wittily; affably; genially

    Vagaries adjectives

    superstitious; metaphysical; strange; queer; unusual; wild

    Vagina verbs

    abscess—; dilate—; distend—; drain—; examine—; explore—; incise—; infect—; inflame—; inseminate—; insert into—; invade—; irritate—; lacerate—; line—; obstruct—; occlude—; plug—; probe—; suppurate—; syringe—; —discharges; —emits

    Vagrant adjectives

    scattered (pl); undeveloped; apprehended; arrested


    blithely; gaily; jauntily; happily; carelessly; irresponsibly; suspiciously; joyously; alertly; profitably; enviably; inconveniently; selfishly; luxuriously; habitually; pleasantly; nervously; furtively; stealthily; merrily; nonchalantly; delightfully; wretchedly; uncertainly; miserably; lonesomely; preferably; hazardously; independently; innocently; harmlessly

    Vague adverbs

    intentionally; perplexingly; embarrassingly; obscurely; dimly; stupidly; precariously; ambiguously; unintelligibly; distressingly; mysteriously; unwisely; uncertainly; casually; airily; delusively; evasively; subtly; inconclusively; darkly; abstrusely; impenetrably; remotely; unwarrantably; foolishly; speciously; misleadingly; tenuously; terribly; nonsensically; senselessly; completely; perilously; fearfully; alarmingly; ominously; significantly; fantastically; needlessly; unreliably

    Vagueness adjectives

    mysterious; comprehensible; voluptuous; studied; calculated; intentional

    Vain adverbs

    awkwardly; fantastically; inordinately; offensively; contemptibly; amusingly; artlessly; morbidly; prodigiously; complacently; colossally; tediously

    Vainglorious adverbs

    bombastically; egregiously; incredibly; disgustingly; curiously; unreasonably; absurdly; insanely; harmlessly; ridiculously; ludicrously; laughably; sadly; extremely; manifestly; blindly; pompously; fantastically; preposterously; singularly

    Vale adjectives

    hopeless; melancholy; pleasant; fast-filling; sequestered; horrid; well-watered; hollow; simmering; shadowy; sunny; dimpling; dimmer; grassy; tuneful; gloomy; lonely; wondrous; intervening; dewy; spicy; luxuriant; smooth; sinuous; dreary; long; lit; deep


    (See valley, dale.)

    Valedictory adverbs

    sadly; seriously; appraisingly; analytically; admonitory; complimentarily; apparently; manifestly; obviously; warningly; critically; bitterly; affectionately; fondly; touchingly; affectingly; conventionally; comprehensively

    Valet adjectives

    inestimable; obsequious; bowing; quiet; effective; artful; deft; efficient; silk-hosed

    Valiant adverbs

    resolutely; steadily; unfalteringly; boldly; admirably; wonderfully; marvellously; particularly; amazingly; gloriously; notably; surpassingly; incomparably; immeasurably; indescribably; intrepidly; superhumanly; superbly; splendidly; magnificently; unforgettably; fearlessly; supremely

    Valid adverbs

    reasonably; undoubtedly; assuredly; legally; financially; manifestly; obviously; evidently; reputably; presumably; probably; unquestionably; altogether; substantially; effectively; curiously; definitely

    Validity adjectives

    incontestable; legal; objective; eternal; supreme; scientific; independent; demonstrated; definite


    analyze—; attack—; avow—; challenge—; defend—; destroy—; discuss—; dispute—; emphasize—; endanger—; exhibit—; honor —; imperil—; impugn—; interfere with—; jeopardize—; maintain—; preserve—; question—; respect—; stamp with—; sustain—; test—; view—; —signifies; —stands

    (See value, position.)

    Valley adjectives

    fantastic; stretching; fertile; overshadowed; precipitous; placid; solitary; sun-baked; pleasant; delectable; tributary; lofty; rugged; canyon-like; seductive; miserable; heated; copse-clad; picturesque; fabled; serene; blooming; fog-obscured; profound; irregular; branching; beautiful; breathless; solitary; pastoral; fruitful; wooded; flowering; watered; lovely; nest-like; desolate; immense; widening; conspicuous; shallow; redolent; grassy; oblivious; receding; haystack-dotted; verdant; cozy; little; terrible; formless; tiny; untenable; hill-beholden; flat-bottomed; dizzy; lonely; mountain; dusky; southern; imperial; winding; viewless; pathless


    command—; dash to—; devastate—; discern —; dot—; dwell in—; fill—; haunt—; inhabit—; overrun—; overspread—; penetrate —; people—; permeate—; pervade—; revisit—; ring through—; settle in—; view—; —awakes; —bestirs; —blossoms; —bristles; —dozes; —endures; —glistens; —inspires; —sleeps; —snuggles; —thickens; —waxes; —winds

    (See plain, dale, dell.)

    Valor adjectives

    deliberated; heroic; exceeding; unquestioned; unaffected; loyal; naked; idealized; sheer; free; honorable; bloody; dormouse; personal; distinguished; approved; deliberate; self-respecting; desperate; redoubled; unsurpassed; truculent; mock; reverend; true; frantic; indomitable; patient; pristine; individual; splendid


    awaken—; call forth—; confirm—; consecrate—; counterfeit—; dedicate to—; discard—; dispense with—; display—; endow with—; gape at—; herald—; impeach—; impugn—; marvel at—; practise—; proclaim—; report—; reward—; tax—; —beggars description; —bewilders; —confounds; —dazzles; —figures; —vanishes

    (See courage, heroism, morale.)

    Valorous adverbs

    highly; wonderfully; intrepidly; amazingly; commendably; unusually; uncommonly; admirably; tremendously; brilliantly; resolutely; stubbornly; incredibly; invincibly; remarkably

    Valuable adverbs

    curiously; exceptionably; exceptionally; extremely; marvellously; seriously; magnificently; incredibly; incalculably; immeasurably; unbelievably; significantly; wonderfully; oddly; unexpectedly; rarely; immensely; enormously; suddenly; immediately; absurdly; fabulously; extraordinarily

    Valuation adjectives

    false; mental; cordial; fair; common; altered; assessed; improper; reduced

    Value adjectives

    historical; rental; thrilling; artistic; independent; priceless; desirable; anticipatory; investment; inestimable; speculative; apologetic; determining; relative; unjust; intrinsic; unescapable; additional; material; positive; restorative; fictitious; sacred; tremendous; incalculable; opposite; symbolic; demonstrated; excellent; amazing; therapeutic; important; outstanding; fundamental; remarkable; heating; exchange; retail; sheer; energy-yielding; sound; uniform; decorative; grand; verified; memorable; prime; essential; food; big; extraordinary; aesthetic; compensating; monetary; unappreciable; local; caloric; asserted; intellectual; independent; prodigious; aggregate; annual; potential; comparative; vitamin; immeasurable; psychological; paper; survival; practical; marvelous; rare; half-mystical; chief; extra; cultural; reasonable; literary; scientific; full; proper; sensational; nominal; numerical; psychopathic; ultimate; property; fallacious; thrifty; fancy; representative; mere; sentimental; emotional; educational; uncertain; needful; economic; nutritional; permanent; enormous; corresponding; distinct; immense; determinate; splendid; exciting; enduring; customary; specific; beneficial; affective; expressive; unprecedented; conducive; consequent; ethical; critical; diagnostic; refrigerating; social; sacred; unexpected; varying; unrivaled; cherished; additive; face; fluctuating; surprise; moral; extrinsic; compelling; unbelievable; irresistible; exceptional; unbeatable; good; true; unmatchable; surpassed; supreme; entire; lasting; questionable; documentary; exquisite; cash; insulation; top; conspicuous; negotiable; rachitic; fabulous; honest; eye; experimental; brighter; market; dollar; unusual; quality; heart-warming; transcendental; crowning; genuine; scarcity; specified; delusive; peculiar


    abuse—; advance—; advertise—; analyze —; appraise—; ascertain—; ascribe—to; assess—; attach—to; atribute—to; audit—; authenticate—; belittle—; bolster—; boast —; broadcast—; calculate—; certify—; cite —: comprehend—; compute—; contribute—; debase—; declare—; deflate—; demonstrate —; depreciate—; depress—; determine—; detract from—; dilute—; discount—; dispute—; distort—; dwell upon—; emasculate —; enhance—; establish—; estimate—; exploit—; fathom—; grasp—; impair—; intensify—; judge—; maintain—; misjudge—; negate—; overestimate—; predetermine—; preserve—; proclaim—; rate—; readjust—; reckon—; recognize—; repudiate—; salvage —; sense—; share—; stress—; substantiate —; tender—; testify to—; verify—; vindicate—; weigh—; yield—; —dawns upon; —diminishes; —enriches; —fluctuates; — —hurtles; —inheres; —leaps; —melts away; —mounts; —shrivels; —soars

    (See esteem, usefulness, worth, significance, importance.)

    Value (v) adverbs

    inordinately; adequately; artistically; historically; pricelessly; sacredly; symbolically; extraordinarily; aesthetically; locally; potentially; immeasurably; psychologically; scientifically; emotionally; economically; politically; ethically; critically; morally; transcendentally; genuinely

    (See estimate, prize.)

    Vandal adjectives

    arrogant; literary; lawless

    Vanish (v) adverbs

    ultimately; mysteriously; utterly; simultaneously; noiselessly; speedily; swiftly; wholly; magically; completely

    (See disappear.)

    Vanishing adverbs

    mysteriously; inconsiderately; strangely; inconveniently; magically; outlandishly; deliberately; curiously; strangely; suddenly; unaccountably; mischievously; fantastically; impishly; selfishly

    Vanity adjectives

    flattering; awkward; fantastic; soothed; foolish; petty; violent; generous; roused; racial; inordinate; mundane; unpunctured; courageous; offensive; contemptible; amusing; ingenuous; artless; punctured; insatiable; reawakened; earthly; morbid; literary; innocent; wounded; motherly; restless; complacent; professed; chargeable; prodigious; colossal; selfish; sanguine; ingenious; offended; sheer; masculine; outworn; trampled; tedious; unconscious; ill-bred


    appease—; betray—; cater to—; conceal—; counteract—; down—; eradicate—; exhibit —; gratify—; humble—; indulge—; irritate —; loathe—; measure—; mollify—; pander to—; prick—; puncture—; ridicule—; ruffle —; satirize—; tickle—; yield to—; —angers; —cloys; —despoils; —diminishes; — functions; —nauseates; —operates; —repulses; —singes; —stirs

    (See egotism, conceit, pedantry, futility.)

    Vapid adverbs

    disappointingly; disagreeably; hopelessly; unbelievably; utterly; strangely; unexpectedly; hopelessly; monotonously; uninterestingly; curiously; horribly

    Vapor adjectives

    oracular; sulphurous; obscuring; aqueous; portentous; black; deathly; foul; gross; swimming; sealike; miasmatic; sunless; steaming; impalpable; misty; sympathetic; poisonous; smoke; soothing; relieving; oracular; radiant; noxious; agitated; rent; gaseous; invisible; stifling; gloomy; midnight; wintry; milky; hideous; imponderable; unctuous; quivering; dim; noontide; suffocating; temperate; corrosive; mercury; ghostly; pale; murky; noxious; alcoholic; quick; evil; diaphanous; motionless


    diffuse—; distill—; emit—; exhale—; free —; inhale—; liquefy—; —arises; —asphyxiates; —bedims; —befogs; —clouds; —condenses; —eddies; —explodes; —floats; — fumes; —hovers over; —infiltrates; —melts; —obscures; —offends; —permeates; — reeks; —rises; —shrouds; —smothers; — vanishes; —veils

    (See haze, fog, fume, mist, moisture.)

    Vaporous adverbs

    curiously; strangely; terribly; confusingly; alarmingly; insecurely; mysteriously; intensely; foggily; mistily; steamily; bewilderingly; unhealthfully; dankly; hotly; suffocatingly ; mustily

    Variable adverbs

    vexatiously; mysteriously; irritatingly; un-predictably; strangely; unreasonably; mischievously; absurdly; inexplicably; unwarrantably; unstably; unreliably; provoking-ly; remarkably; unaccountably; intensely; inconveniently; uncomfortably; uselessly; unnecessarily

    Variance adjectives

    internal; usual; perpetual; wide; noticeable

    Variation adjectives

    graceful; periodic; momentary; secular; diurnal; visible; sure; divers (pl); incessant; discreet; seasonal; occasional; skillful; fantastic; pyro-technical; erratic; verbal; slight; injurious; pleasing; distracting; endless; beneficial; numerous (pl); dignified; appreciable; perpetual; transient; emotional


    account for—; afford—; ascertain—; augment—; calculate—; check—; condone—; correct—; countenance—; decry—; determine—; discern—; disclose—; discount—; dispel—; evolve—; record—; register—; result in—; welcome—; —arises; —deviates; —modifies; —modulates; —occurs

    (See difference, discrepancy, deviation, change, alteration, modification.)

    Variegated adverbs

    beautifully; iridescently; colorfully; opal-escently; constantly; unpredictably; remarkably; amazingly; curiously; unusually; mysteriously; handsomely

    Variety adjectives

    extraordinary; unmotived; improved; dominant; endless; interesting; considerable; immense; amazing; enchanting; distinct; natural; delicious; continental; boundless; manifold (pl); impressive; multiform (pl); infinite; internal; cultivated; epileptic; sportive; splendid; tubular; crafty; graceful; multifarious (pl); bewildering; coarse; picturesque; aquatic; stout; rich; external; embarrassing; tumultuous; stubborn; inordinate; fresh; dull; conceivable; hideous; gorgeous; agreeable; clinging; remarkable; accurate; distinct; limited; wide; colorful


    achieve—; afford—; crave—; demand—; display—; distinguish by—; encourage—; foster—; indulge in—; infuse—; inspire—; lack—; offer—; procure—; value—; want —; yield—; —animates; —dazes; —diversifies; —diverts; —enlivens; —entertains; — seasons; —spices

    (See collection, change, violation.)

    Varlet adjectives

    wicked; abominable; graceless; crimson; incontinent; naughty

    Varnish (v) adverbs

    sickly; sleekly; luxuriously; thickly; lustrously ; smoothly

    (See polish, shine.)

    Vary (v) adverbs

    widely; radically; infinitely; indefinitely; heterogeneously; periodically; incessantly; bewilderingly; distinctly

    (See charge, modify.)

    Vase adjectives

    exquisite; ponderous; cloisonne; priceless; broken; patched; inimitable

    Vassal adjectives

    rebellious; gallant; skillful; tributary; belligerent; dreaded; duteous; humble; obsequious

    Vassalage adjectives

    commercial; hereditary; economic; complete; effectual

    Vast adjectives

    populous; current; fathomless; boundless; unimagined


    enormously; mysteriously; stupendously; impossibly; overwhelmingly; strangely; colos-sally; prodigiously; astonishingly; marvellously; extraordinarily; miraculously

    Vast NESS adjectives

    tangled; mysterious; encircling; physical



    bridge—; comprehend—; explore—; measure—; scale—; scan—; span—; survey—; —affords; —allows; —astounds; —awes; — bewilders; —bulks large; —cows; —embraces; —enraptures; —extends; —fascinates; —impresses; —inspires; —intrigues; —looms; —overawes; —overwhelms; — staggers; —stuns; —transcends

    (See spaciousness, magnitude, size.)

    Vat verbs

    age in—; char—; contaminate—; deplete—; drain—; ferment in—; immerse in—; label

    • —; plunge into—; replenish—; store in—; submerge in—; tap—; —diffuses; —emits

    • —preserves; —reeks

    (See kettle, tub.)

    Vault adjectives

    choked-up; adjoining; gloomy; intersecting; unribbed; majestic; lurid; heavenly; deep; midnight; opaque; celestial; noxious; sinuous; fathomless; wintry; starry; measurable; lofty; inexhaustible; resounding; dungeon-like; imbowered; azure; ebon; dank-ish; flaming; funereal


    amass in—; consign to—; defile—; deposit in—; desecrate—; engrave on—; entomb in —; filch from—; haunt—; inscribe on—; inter in—; invade—; pillage—; plunder—; repose in—; seal—; store in—; stow in—; —depresses; —honors; —insures; —muffles; —receives; —reeks; —resounds; —safeguards

    (See cellar, tomb, box.)

    Vault (v) adverbs

    agilely; skillfully; precipitately; rashly; vigorously; lightly; thrillingly

    (See jump, spring.)

    Vaulted adverbs

    ethereally; beautifully; immensely; magnificently; splendidly; brilliantly; safely; closely; tightly; securely

    Vaunt adjectives

    obligatory; vainglorious; ostentatious; nauseating

    Vaunt (v) adverbs

    arrogantly; unduly; obstreperously; vain-gloriously; ostentatiously; belligerently; verbally

    (See boast, extol.)

    Vaunting ad jectives

    compulsory; idle; boastful

    Vegetables adjectives

    frozen; thriving; indigenous; succulent; un

    palatable; flabby; shade-living; out-of-sea-son; fresh; raw; green


    bed out—; broil—; consume—; cultivate—; delve among—; fertilize—; hawk—; husband—; label—; market—; partake of—; pluck—; nurse—; prize—; purvey—; reap —; —relish—; savor—; sow—; sprout—; steam—; transplant—

    (See peanut, plant, fruit, food, peas, etc.)

    Vegetation adjectives

    spontaneous.; riotous; luxuriant; decaying; exuberant; tropical; treacherous; aboreal; delicate; objectionable; reeking; thriving; velvet; noxious; spiteful; repulsive; slumbering; coarse; variegated; vigorous


    tame—;  —bourgeons; —buds; —bursts

    forth; —chokes; —curtains; —eclipses; — flourishes; —flowers; —germinates; — mantles; —obscures; —overruns; —overspreads; —pullulates; —screens; —shades; —shadows; —shoots up; —smothers; — sprouts; —strangles; —thickens; —veils

    (See vegetables.)

    Vehemence adjectives

    noisy; unaccountable; petitionary; earnest; suppressed; essential; passionate; excessive; sudden; lively; hasty; wild; corresponding; equal

    Vehement adverbs

    unnecessarily; absurdly; laughably; earnestly; foolishly; wildly; loudly; enthusiastically; zealously; ridiculously; gravely; seriously; passionately; forcibly; energetically; pleadingly; fanatically; oddly; singularly; dogmatically; unwisely; vexatiously

    Vehicle adjectives

    muddled; passing; appropriate; gleaming; favored; poor; groaning; abused; motor; wind-driven; fluid; mechanical; propelled; nominal; crazy; festive; lumbering; sole; back-country; humble; mimic; commonplace; up-to-date; moldering. accelerate—; brake—; draw—; fuel—; guide—; impair—; lubricate—; park—; pilot—; —bears; —conveys; —jars; —jolts; —jounces; —rattles; —roars by; —trundles; —whizzes by

    (See cart, conveyance, carriage, chariot, truck.)

    Veil adjectives

    emerald; snowy; inmost; pitchy; misty; dusky; leafy; gloomy; intervening; star-studded; lucid; ugly; solemnizing; gauzy; impenetrable; twilight; obligatory; tangled; mystic; turbid; close-spun; diaphanous; hieroglyphic; sinuous; overhanging; filmy; trembling; fluttering; raw; golden-tissued; borrowed; adamantine; amethystine; fleecy; fearful; maiden


    bare—; bedeck with—; cast off—; discard —; dispel—; divest of—; doff—; don—; drape—over; draw—; envelop in—; maintain—; penetrate—; rend—; suspend—over; withdraw—; —beguiles; —billows behind; —conceals; —curtains; —deceives; —deludes; —dims; —disguises; —eclipses; — mantles; —muffles; —obstructs; —obscures; —screens; —shades; —shadows

    (See mask, cloak, disguise, fabric, cloth.)

    Veil (v) adverbs

    curiously; unconsciously; impenetrably; skillfully; gloomily; mystically; diaphanous-ly

    (See conceal, hide.)

    Veiled adverbs

    beautifully; closely; msyteriously; heavily; luminously; colorfully; provocatively; secretly; furtively; remarkably; marvellously; splendidly; lightly; thinly; deeply; mystically; symbolically; resolutely; exotically

    Veins adjectives

    hepatic; freezing; moralizing; throbbing; masterful; aging; scorching; rapid; saptransmitting; sacred; flushed; sanguine; philosophical; prevalent; cloven; idealistic; empty; azure; agreeable: languid; strenuous; whimsical; merry; swollen; fluent; purple-pulsing; translucent; humorous; dra

    matic; varicose; heroic; melodic; equivocating; contaminated; superstitious; prominent; benignant; enamored; prolific; satirical; sluggish; indurated; furtive; rich; laboring; reminiscent; didactic


    abscess—; attack—; block—; calcify—; compress—; constrict—; dilate—; disperse through—; distend—; drain—; inflame—; inject into—; issue from—; ligature—; occlude—; puncture—; stir in—; tap—; traverse—; trickle through—; —anastomose; — atrophy; —branch off; —clot; —convey; — degenerate; —harden; —proliferate; —pulsate; —thicken; —ulcerate

    (See blood-vessel, artery.)

    Velocity adjectives

    high; angular; extraneous; extravagant; accentuated; unrelaxed; inconceivable; ascertained; elliptic; linear; standard; undetermined


    accelerate—; ascertain—; attain—; check—; determine—; diminish—; gain—; heighten —; measure—; stablize—; —abates; —declines; —dwindles; —ebbs; —endangers; — fluctuates; —subsides; —vacillates; —wanes

    (See momentum, speed.)

    Velvet adjectives

    prodigious; slashed; fawn-tinted; transparent; smooth; ruffled; regal; wrinkled; flattering


    array in—; attire in—; bask on—; crumple —; divest of—; garb in—; lounge in—; ruffle—; rumple—; swathe in—; upholster in—; —adds; —colors; —enhances; —enriches; —signifies; —symbolizes

    (See linen, silk.)

    Vendible adverbs

    readily; conveniently; easily; profitably; remarkably; extremely; universally; marvellously; incredibly

    Venerable adverbs

    ripely; reputably; extraordinarily; signally; conspicuously; notoriously; estimably; distinctly; nobly; justly; illustriously; virtuously; splendidly; eminently

    Venerate (v) adverbs

    highly; deeply; religiously; superstitiously; profoundly; obsequiously; humbly; abjectly

    (See respect, esteem.)

    Veneration adjectives

    superstitious; unsympathetic; striking; partial; profound; defective; h.gh; special; deep; remarkable

    Vengeance adjectives

    savage; hoarded; gratified; eternal; heroic; bloody; dark; spiteful; cowardly; exemplary; political; vulgar; dastardly; brooding; ample; summary; popular; kindred; pleasing; fiery; worthy; wreakful; satisfied: instant; indiscriminate; gloomy; legal; ripened


    achieve—; bear—; claim—; clamor for—; conspire—; crave—; demand—; enact—; exact—; forego—; pledge—; press for—; promise—; pursue—; rain—on; seek—; swear—; vow—; wreak—; yield—; —overtakes

    (See revenge, retribution.)

    Vengeful adverbs

    openly; notoriously; spitefully; murderously; naturally; temperamentally; remarkably; cruelly; bitterly; unrestrainedly; dangerously; secretly; alarmingly; fanatically; wickedly; unforgivingly; reprehensibly; curiously; outrageously; furtively; stealthily; savagely

    Venom adjectives

    subtle; palsying; spider; lasting; rank


    anoint with—; antidote—; assimilate—; extract—; immunize to—; infuse—; inject—; neutraiize—; resist—; steep in—; succumb to—; suck up—; weaken—;  —courses

    through; —deadens; —overcomes; —paralyzes; —rankles; —seeps through; —stuns

    (See poison, toxin.)

    Venomous adverbs

    notoriously; incredibly; hatefully; unfortunately; incurably; fatally; mortally; naturally; terribly; manifestly; horribly; fearfully; conspicuously; outrageously; reprehensibly; uncommonly; highly; intensely

    Ventilate (v) adverbs

    adequately; thoroughly; defectively; healthfully; beneficially; automatically

    Ventilation adjectives

    controlled; defective; adequate; automatic; necessary; healthful


    accomplish—; adjust—; afford—; allow—; facilitate—; furnish—; impair—; lack—; offer—; prescribe—; prevent—; promote—; require—; stabilize—; starve for—; systematize—; want—; —reanimates; —refreshes; —restores; —revivifies

    (See breathing, respiration.)

    Venture adjectives

    advantageous; revolutionary; maiden; disillusioning; successful; uncertain; amateur; scientific; short-lived; private; matrimonial; speculative; prodigious; fruitful; maritime; succeeding; money-making; biographical; profitable


    abandon—; acclaim—; back—; contemplate —; decry—; defeat—; denounce—; disclose —; embark on—; encourage—; endanger—; eye—; finance—; forsake—; further—; gamble on—; imperil—; insure—; menace —; promote—; pursue—; relinquish—; threaten—; undertake—; stake on—; withdraw from—; —crashes; —entails; —flourishes; —tempts; —thrives

    (See effort, enterprise, project, undertaking.)

    Venture (v) adverbs

    buoyantly; soothingly; boldly; timidly; hazardously; trustfully; wistfully; occasionally; cautiously; oracularly; imperiously; openly; solemnly; daringly; rashly; madly; sullenly; complacently; tactfully; timorously; fruitlessly; profitably

    (See dare, risk.)

    Venturesome adverbs

    distressingly; boyishly; joyously; fantastically; disturbingly; unaccountably; alarmingly; colossally; terribly; dramatically; crazily; spectacularly; notoriously; strangely; singularly; amazingly; recklessly; incredibly; foolishly; boldly; bravely; audaciously; romantically; vicariously; courageously; unnecessarily; disconcertingly; ostentatiously; showily; daringly

    Veracious adverbs

    naturally; habitually; dependably; utterly; absolutely; reliably; strictly; wholly; courageously; boldly; defiantly

    Veracity adjectives

    scrupulous; attested; unalloyed; simple; inflexible; proved; innate


    affirm—; assure of—; authenticate—; confirm—; contravene—; demand—; discipline to—; dispute—; doubt—; gainsay—; impugn —; insure of—; maintain—; profess—; question—; reassert—; rebut—; refute—; regard—; repudiate—; swear to—; trust—; vow to—

    (See honesty, truth, frankness.)

    Veranda adjectives

    spreading; glass-enclosed; canvas-covered; sunken; shady; cool

    Verb verbs

    abuse—; accentuate—; adorn with—; avoid —; bandy—s; bristle with—; classify—; choose—; coin—; condense—: conjugate—; corrupt—; cull—s; decide on—; dedicate —; discard—; dispense with—; elect—; eliminate—; employ—; encounter—; eschew —; espouse—s; examine—s; exclude—s; explore—; fancy—; fix upon—; gasp at—; gather—; go in quest of—; grind out—s; identify—; indulge in—; inspire—; intone—; lavish—; manipulate—; marvel at—; misemploy—; modify—; overwork—; pluck—; prefer—; probe—; reel off—s; reject—; repudiate—s; sanction—; search for—; scrutinize—; seek—; select—; shun—; tabulate —s; thirst for—; —accomplishes; — achieves; —alludes to; —animates; —appeals; —asserts; —bites; —caps; —carries out; —colors; —compels; —complements; — completes; —connotes; —consummates; — controls; —conveys; —crowns; —crystallizes; —declares; —defines; —delineates; — depicts; —derives from; —denotes; —distorts; —drives home; —effects; —energizes; —enlivens; —enriches; —exaggerates; — expresses; —frolics; —fulfills; —gyrates; — impels; —implies; —imports; —improves; —indicates; —informs; —interprets; —invigorates; —kindles; —maintains; —moves; —overshadows; —penetrates; —perfects; — performs; —s plunge into; —portrays; — predicates; —provokes; —renders complete; —responds; —rounds out; —rouses; — seals; —s seethe with; —signifies; —s spring into; —states; —stimulates; —strengthens; —suggests; —supplies action; —swings into action; —urges; —wages; analyzes—; — purports

    Verbose adverbs

    incurably; tiresomely; inveterately; monotonously; wearisomely; awkwardly; unexpectedly; grossly; crassly; ineptly; clumsily; childishly; garrulously; fulsomely; terribly; extravagantly; unacceptably; unfortunately

    Verdant adverbs

    delightfully; luxuriantly; invitingly; alluringly; lushly; properly; unexpectedly; grati-fyingly; brilliantly; remarkably; unusually; beautifully

    Verdict adjectives

    lawful; unanimous; manic-depressive; inevitable; consistent; emphatic; intelligent; differing; favorable; adverse; contrary; just; preposterous; fair; inexplicable


    affect—; appeal—; arrive at—; bias—; carry—; cast—; clarify—; confirm—; contest—; dally with—; deliver—; denounce—; determine—; disclose—; dispute—; elicit—; enter—; evolve—; influence—; justify—; maintain—; ponder—; prejudice—; present —; pronounce—; propound—; question—; render—; return—; reverse—; secure—; sustain—; venture—; verify—; voice—; warrant—; —awards; —dooms; —involves

    —misjudges; —startles

    (See judgment, award, finding, decision.)

    Verdure adjectives

    lush; perpetual; profuse; deepening; rank; gloomy; restful; living; perennial; vigorous; tropical; virgin; black; complex; endless; vivid; close-cropped; unchanging


    clothe in—; prune—; reflect—; thin out—; trim—; —blankets; —cloaks; —colors; — curtains; —flourishes; —freshens; — mantles; —obscures; —overspreads; — screens; —shades; —smothers; —veils

    (See grass, vegetation.)

    Verge adjectives

    utmost; inclusive; uppermost; farthest; beetling; extreme; outward


    achieve—; ascend to—; approach—; attain

    —; skirt—; steer to—; tread on—; —borders; —bounds; —encloses

    (See boundary, edge.)

    Verification adjectives

    official; decisive; experimental; attempted

    Verify (v) adverbs

    unaccountably; accurately; substantially; impartially; officially; experimentally; decisively; specifically

    (See confirm, prove.)

    Verity adjectives

    continual; intense; eternal; conditional; fundamental; bitter; faithful


    acclaim—; adulterate—; apprehend—; arm with—; demonstrate—; deny—; establish—; evidence—; garble—; ponder—; proclaim —; pronounce—; realize—; reveal—; substantiate—; sustain—; testify to—; unfold —; utter—; voice—

    (See veracity, reality.)

    Vermin adjectives

    creeping; invisible; filthy; parasitic; unpleasant


    abhor—; breed—; dispel—; eradicate—; exterminate—; swarm with—; —abound; — carry; —contaminate; —defile; —endanger; —infect; —infest; —nauseate; —offend; — overrun; —plague; —pollute; —thrive

    (See insects, cockroach, bug.)

    Verminous adverbs

    dangerously; filthily; disgustingly; deplorably; hopelessly; unhealthfully; unsanitar-ily; unfortunately; damnably; grossly; terribly; dreadfully; unspeakably; indescribably; irremediably; foully; revoltingly; awfully; incredibly

    Versatile adverbs

    delightfully; amazingly; charmingly; curiously; admirably; surprisingly; incredibly; marvellously; unbelievably; eminently; illustriously; uncommonly; distinctly; conspicuously; consummately; remarkably; highly

    Versatility adjectives

    vivacious; enormous; characteristic; established; apparent


    acclaim—; acquire—; appreciate—; attain —; commend—; display—; evince—; exhibit —; marvel at—; value—; —affords; — amazes; —astounds; —embraces; —enables; —excels; —staggers

    (See skill, ability.)

    Verse adjectives

    unpremeditated; mature; evocative; ironic; abominable; flower-sweet; golden; deathless; luxurious; dramatic; magnificent; prosaic; little; magnanimous; well-cadenced; jolly; metaphysical; immortal; marvellous; graceful; introspective; devotional; macaronic; malicious; supererogatory; graceful; slumberous; polished; society'; various (pl); measured; heroic; flattering; homely; blank; realistic; faultless; exquisite; sonorous; caustic; singable; sanguinary; halting; rustic; numerous (pl); neglected; faltering; patriotic; poetic; fascinating; goodly; doggerel; trashy; matchless; piercing; common; undistinguished; musical; balanced; classical; mournful; distinctive; satiric; quillwrit; soothing; galloping; insulting; delicate; melodious; non-dramatic; sorrowful; alliterative; inspired; tolerable; ennobling; clever; octosyllabic; circulated; mechanical; commonplace; comic; unfinished; coarse; outstanding; ridiculous; assonanced; occasional


    bawl—; carol—; compose—; dash off—; declaim—; divide into—s; enumerate—s; inscribe—on; improvise—; measure—; memorize—; peruse—; polish—; quote—; render —; scan—; scrawl—; sing—; —delights

    —effloresces; —eulogizes; —proclaims; — rhymes; —sings of

    (See poetry, poem.)

    Versed adverbs

    well; remarkably; consummately; learnedly; completely; unusually; extraordinarily; supremely; distinctly; effectively

    Versifier adjectives

    ingenious; skillful; mere; melodious

    Versify (v) adverbs

    wittily; cleverly; beautifully; exquisitely; scurrilously; ingeniously; melodiously; skillfully

    (See write, compose.)

    Version adjectives

    corrected; discordant; condensed; spirited; difficult; vamped-up; coarse; dramatic; rhymed; brisk; virulent; defunct; trimmeddown; garbled; thrilling; pedantic; useful; varying (pl); different; radical; scurrilous; casual; faithful; authorized; modified; artistic; classic; exaggerated; improved; authentic; appealing


    afford—; authenticate—; color—; confirm —; dash off—; distort—; garble—; illustrate—; maintain—; modify—; offer—; pervert—; simplify—; sustain—; unearth—; varnish—; verify—; —s conflict; —contradicts; —differs; —falsifies; —glosses over

    —interprets; —misrepresents; —slanders

    (See comparison, description, meaning.)

    Vesical verbs

    compress—; contract—; dilate—; distend—; drain—; excise—; incise—; inflame—: irritate—; occlude—; pierce—; puncture—; strangulate—; tap—; —bursts; —dries up; —expands; —protrudes; —shrinks; —shrivels

    (See cell, cavity, sac.)

    Vessel (boat) verbs

    abandon—; batter—; buffet—; captain—; embark on—; equip—; fit out—; fuel—; ground—; helm—; man—; moor—; navigate—; pilot—; punt—; rig out—; scull—; strand—; waft—; —conveys; —departs; — plies; —plows; —sallies forth; —scuds; — shoves off; —skims; —straggles in; —tosses; —weighs anchor

    (See launch, boat, motor-boat, ship.)

    Vessel (general) adjectives

    primitive; anchored; ship-w’recked; surrendered; tossing; precious; perished; contaminated; rowing; excretory; convenient; richladen; populous; disabled; earthen; effective; weather-beaten; superb; foundering; communicating; fragile; overcrowded; capillary; half-empty; sacred; lymphatic; puny; puffing; staggering; seaworthy; gentle; endangered; straggling; suspicious; suitable

    Vest adjectives

    jeweled; warm; bedecked; plain; stylish

    Vest (v) adverbs

    exclusively; specifically; diplomatically; legislatively; religiously; temporarily

    (See invest.)

    Vestibule adjectives

    crowded; well-designed; monumental

    Vestige adjectives

    last; remaining; enormous; lone


    bear—; discern—; disclose—; display—; exhibit—; mark—; recognize—; reveal—; stamp out—; uncover—; unearth—; —betokens; —evidences; —fades; —indicates

    —remains; —survives; —tesifies to

    (See sign, mark, trace, remnant, remains.)

    Vestigial adverbs

    probably; undoubtedly; apparently; manifestly; unmistakably; possibly; credibly; curiously; interestingly; traceably; definitely

    .            VESTMENT


    gorgeous; coarse; tattered; purchasable; antique; glorious; somber

    Vesture adjectives

    imperfect; muddy; pretty; mechanic; napless; choral; pompous; linen; fatal

    Veteran adjectives

    shoeless; surviving; wary; old; experienced; seasoned; war-worn; gallant; right-minded; decrepit; battered; stalwart; invalided; grim-visaged; hardy; callous

    Veto adjectives

    suspensive; exasperating; equivocal; final; overruled


    anticipate—; clamp down—; exercise—; fear—; override—; sustain—; table—; — annuls; —checks; —curtails; —dashes the hopes; —debars; —declines; —excludes; — nullifies; —overrides; —overrules; —quashes; —quells; —rejects; —sets aside; — stems; —voids; —withholds

    (See vote, restriction, prohibition.)

    Vex (v) adverbs

    intolerably; shrewdly; exceedingly; maddeningly; bitterly; ceaselessly; mutely; horridly; violently; mentally; fiercely; tryingly

    (See irritate, annoy.)

    Vexation adjectives

    silent; resentful; mutual; insupportable; horrid; extreme; evident; puzzled; fierce; tearful; violent; mental; bitter; trying


    allay—; arouse—; bear—; conceal—; conciliate—; disclose—; display—; evince—; exhibit—; feign—; foment—; fret in—; incite—; induce—; occasion—; overcome—; palliate—; provoke—; restrain—; writhe in—; —cankers; —irks; —gnaws at; —riles (colloq.) ; —ruffles; —sours

    (See anger, annoyance, displeasure, irritation, ire, chagrin.)

    Vexatious adverbs

    especially; unusually; naturally; occasionally; recently; particularly; monotonously; pettily; terribly; inopportunely; plaguedly; deucedly; intolerably; unfortunately; unimaginably; horribly

    Vexed adverbs

    definitely; unreasonably; foolishly; senselessly; unfairly; deeply; unjustly; distinctly; quickly; easily; unhappily; miserably; wretchedly; ill-temperedly; annoyingly; bitterly; plaguedly; pathetically; sorely; grievously; frightfully; intolerably; distressingly; unbearably; furiously; mightily; hotly

    Vial adjectives

    wrathful; blasting; tiny; bitter; poisonous


    analyze—; charge—; despatch—; drain—; eject—; filter—; imbibe from—; inhale from —; label—; quaff from—; seal—; snuff up from—; sterilize—; swill—; uncork—; — befuddles; —enlivens; —envenoms; —paralyzes

    (See medicine, glass bottle.)

    Viands adjectives

    ruder; exotic; mortal; dainty; ready-baked; tasty; savory


    bolt—; despatch—; devour—; display—; do justice to—; fall to—; gobble—; gulp—; market—; nibble—; preserve—; purvey—; regale with—; relish—; savor—; tuck in—; —nourish; —revive; —tempt

    (See food, victuals, provisions, fare.)

    Vibrate (v


    resonantly; discordantly; tunelessly; curiously; rhythmically; mournfully; audibly; sonorously; tremulously; mysteriously

    (See swing, vacillate.)

    Vibrating adverbs

    constantly; thunderously; regularly; tremulously; sympathetically; rapidly; curiously; magically; tunefully; mysteriously; noisily; silently; strangely; secretly; incomprehensibly; dependably; inexplicably; ominously; steadily

    Vibration adjectives

    stimulating; rhythmical; deep; touching; braced; nervous; constant; superimposed; mysterious; longitudinal; brave; mournful; audible; sonorous; heart-quaking; rapid; tremulous; ravishing; isochronous; uncomfortable; definite


    avert—; curb—; record—s; transmit—; — agitates; —ceases; —churns; —disconcerts; —disquiets; —jars; —jiggles; —joggles; — jolts; —jostles; —jounces; —oscillates; — perturbs; —pitches; —pulsates; —rocks; — throbs

    (See pulse, earthquake.)

    Vicarious adverbs

    altogether; comfortably; perilously; wholly; strangely; generously; curiously; merely

    Vice adjectives

    solemn; enemy; ultimate; incurable; selfish; discordant; encroaching; virtuous; kindred; respective; disgusting; monstrous; gilded; beneficial; hereditary; distinguished; black; ineffable; distorted; plausible; infamous; searing; overshadowing; ruling; alluring; reckless; engendering; unmarred; trivial; heathen; distressing; deliberate; fashionable; supreme; depicting; abstract; notorious; hateful; gross; coarse; bold; reputed; solitary; ingrained; popular; essential; embodied; walking; redeeming; filthy


    abandon—; addict to—; campaign against check—; clothe in—; combat—; commercialize—; condemn—; condone—; confess—; crusade against—; curb—; cure—; denounce —; expose—; fall into—; forsake—; foster —; indulge in—; renounce—; reveal—; smack of—; sow—; stem—; stray into—; succumb to—; uncover—; weed out—; — corrupts; —debauches; —demoralizes; — depraves; —desecrates; —flourishes; — fouls; —perverts; —stains; —sullies; — taints; lapse into—

    (See knavery, lawlessness, licentiousness, crime.)

    Vicinity adjectives

    immediate; apogeal; perilous; proximate


    abandon—; acquaint one with—; adjoin—; approach—; betake oneself to—; border—; comb—; converge on—; denude—; devastate—; drift to—; encircle—; encompass—; expel from—; flank—; forsake—; frequent —; guard—; patrol—; picket—; prowl about—; ramble about—; roam—; rove—; screen—; shroud—; skirt—; stroll about—

    (See locality, neighborhood.)

    Vicious adverbs

    notoriously; famously; incomparably; alarmingly; criminally; heinously; nefariously; brutally; incredibly; indescribably; incomparably; wholly; politically; obviously; deplorably; manifestly; terribly; basely; grossly; obscenely; morally; notably; indefensibly; dangerously; intolerably

    V1ci0usness adjectives

    inherent; senile; compounded; essential; natural; characteristic

    Vicissitudes adjectives

    myriad; sublime; sweet; sudden; mortal; sad; strange


    acquaint one with—; avert—; control—; decry—; denounce—; deplore—; dwell upon —; forecast—; forestall—; foretell—; hazard—; meet—; prepare for—; prophesy—; risk—; suffer—; welcome—; —alter; —imperil; —jeopardize; —revolutionize; — threaten

    (See change, misfortune.)

    Victim ad jectives

    unsuspicious; noble; unfortunate; struggling; hapless; miserable; desirable; ulsterclad; prospective; unspotted; penitent; wretched; choking; immediate; bridal; potential; slaughtered; unresisting; deluded; hunted; illustrious; innumerable (pl); unthinking; contemptible; cowering; countless (pl); unshriven; unnamed; supposed; ingenuous; mutilated; livid; squalid; multifarious (pl)


    avenge—; bait—; beguile—; bilk—; console—; decoy—; defraud—; dupe—; ease —; ensnare—; entice—; exonerate—; goad —; harass—; harrow—; lure—; maim—; martyrize—; sacrifice—; snare—; solicit—s; succor—s; trap—; wrack—; wring—; — bewails; —decries; —despairs; —endures; —grieves; —laments; —languishes; — mourns; —pines; —suffers; —testifies; — tolerates; —succumbs to

    (See prey, quarry, amateur.)

    Victor adjectives

    laurel-crowned; joyless; loving; upborne; modest

    Victorious adverbs

    ultimately; finally; eventually; immediately; recently; grandly; brilliantly; magnificently; gloriously; splendidly; royally; modestly; triumphantly; quietly; logically; reasonably; suddenly; unexpectedly; deservedly; happily; luckily; blessedly; utterly

    Victory adjectives

    smashing; splendid; subsequent; glorious; brilliant; dialectic; decisive; barren; undeclining; approaching; partisan; ultimate; triumphant; sweeping; marvelous; inevitable; overwhelming; publicized; enormous; fresh; unvarying; superb; prospective; world-famous; ineffective; self-assured; bloody; wholesome; retributive; manifold (pl); signal; endless; speedy; secret; obligatory; gladsome; strategic; Pyrrhic


    acclaim—; achieve—; advance to—; anticipate—; assure of—; botch—; celebrate—; chalk up—; clinch—; commemorate—; crown with—; emerge with—; eventuate in —; fall short of—; gain—; glorify—; goad to—; grace—; grind out—; guide to—; hail —; inspire—; insure—; magnify—; pledge to—; proclaim—; promise—; purchase—; radiate—; rob of—; romp to—; result in—; salute—; score—; seal—; sense—; signify —; snatch—; spur to—; sweep to—; temper —; wreathe in—; wrest—from; —demoralizes; —eludes; —evades; —overwhelms; — routs; —vanquishes

    (See conquest, advantage, triumph, success, supremacy.)

    Victuals verbs

    bolt—; consume—; deluge with—; deplete —; despatch—; devour—; dispense—; furnish with—; gobble—; gorge—; gulp—; laud—; munch—; praise—; preserve—; prepare—; provide—; purvey—; refrigerate—; relish—; replenish—; savor—; stint on—; stock with—; —attract; —lure; — nourish; —refresh; —renew; —restore; — tempt

    (See food, viands.)

    Vie W (general) adjectives

    extensive; provincial; splendid; comprehensive; topographical; modern; regimental-ist; historical; respective (pl); foregoing; definite; monarchical; w'ide; representative; personal; broad; solemn; reiterated; clashing; enlarged; spiritual; systematized; theological; religious; divergent; masculine; gloomy; prehistoric; realistic; bloody; rationalist; stereopticon; philosophic; dismayed; differing; pessimistic; magnificent; distinct; enchanting; optimistic; perspective; dubious; architectural; humanistic; infinite; dynamic; trustworthy; lucid; celebrated; exaggerated; prophetic; benighted; interesting; experimental; anti-democratic; vivid; complete; unmitigated; intensive; spectacular; elaborate; successive (pl); deliberate; panoramic; dissolving; sentimental; esthetic; superb; metaphysical; charitable; illuminated; individualistic; unbounded; intellectual; peculiar; unwashed; liberal; nihilistic; sudden; injurious; aberrant; unobstructed; continuous; partial; stable; mischievous; worldly; unfavorable; glorious; luminous; lofty; idealistic; impressive; practical; prevalent; ample; mechanical; cynic; human; similar; mystical; sharp; clear; orthodox; believing; angelic; erroneous; nerve-trying; subjective; romantic; beautiful; shuddering; hopeless; dismal; sympathetic; primitive; cheerful; gorgeous; old-fashioned; superficial; many-sided; fascinating; mortal; rosy; undulating; startled; disparaging; dignified; prudent; calm; sanguine; deep; advanced; materialistic; despairing; evolutionary; irresponsible; investigating; charming; disheartened; constitutional; rational; especial; collateral; dissolving; limited; pecuniary; tenable; straining; benevolent; theoretic; matured; retrospective; unfair; uninterrupted; rigid; indescribable; dissolving; sightless; enlightened; melancholy; cross-section; partial; stately; conservative; top-lofty; settled; picturesque; disputed; world-famous; thrilling; splendid; skyline; river; exceptional; overpowering; orthodox

    View (intellectual) verbs

    advertise—; air—; alter—; analyze—; arrive at—; balance—; bias—; bolster—; broaden—; cancel—; cherish—; clarify—; color—; conceive—; conciliate—; confide—; confirm—; countenance—; credit—; demonstrate—; dispute—; distort—; embrace—; entertain—; establish—; evaluate—; exchange—s; expose—s; expound—; falsify—; fix—; formulate—; grasp—; illustrate—; inculcate—; indoctrinate—; indorse—; influence—; inspire—; integrate—s; interpret —; justify—; lack—; maintain—; narrow —; nurse—; object to—; oppose—; originate —; present—; proclaim—; profess—; reconsider—; repudiate—; retain—; reVeal—; set forth—; shape—; share—; shift—; substantiate—; sum up—; support—; sustain—; thwart—; uphold—; voice—; warp—; warrant—; —prevails; —shocks

    (See belief, aim, mission, notion, aspect, perspective, perception, opinion.)

    View (landscape, sight, etc.) verbs

    afford—; bare to—; beautify—; blemish—; cloud—; command—; contemplate—; deface —; distort—; dull—; emblazon—; enjoy—; exalt—; frame—; gaze at—; glimpse—; mar—; obliterate—; obscure—; obstruct—; photograph—; pop into—; portray—; preserve—; rivet upon—; screen—; shade—; sketch—; telescope—; vanish from—; — blurs; —dazzles; —enchants; —enkindles; —enraptures; —enthralls; —impassions; — impresses; —inspires; —petrifies; —unfolds

    (See sight, scene, prospect, panorama, landscape- )

    View (v) adverbs

    regretfully; historically; cynically; sardonically; incessantly; dispassionately; faintly; fitfully; hastily; curiously; extensively; solemnly; philosophically; optimistically; charitably; idealistically; subjectively; sympathetically; objectively; theoretically; panoramically

    (See regard, see.)

    Viewpoint adjectives

    hard-boiled; short-sighted; national; practical; impersonal; unbiased; fresh; optimistic; evolutionistic; customary; universal; sociological; pessimistic; prejudiced

    Vigil adjectives

    tearless; lone; late; bitter; dangerous; heart-chilling; weary; solemn; unhallowed; anxious; tongueless


    allay—; arrest—; curtail—; dread—; ease —; eke out—; endure—; interrupt—; maintain—; necessitate—; prolong—; protract—; relax—; relinquish—; resume—; slacken—; survive—; suspend—; sustain—; terminate —; —fatigues; —tells; —weakens; — wearies; —weighs upon

    (See vigilance, interest, watch, scrutiny.)

    Vigilance adjectives

    eternal; remarkable; utmost; constant; increasing; unceasing; determined; extraordinary; redoubled; jealous; habitual; stern


    admonish—; circumvent—; ease—; enforce —; escape—; exhort—; heighten—; intensify—; lighten—; maintain—; mitigate—; necessitate—; reduce—; relax—; sharpen —; slacken—; —declines; —discovers; — insures; —lapses; —safeguards; —subsides; —wanes; —w’earies

    (See interest, vigil, caution.)

    Vigilant adverbs

    eternally; constantly; unrelentingly; carefully; intelligently; ordinarily; usually; uncommonly; especially; particularly; unremittingly; cruelly; lovingly; fondly; affectionately; gently; anxiously; fearfully; timidly; nervously; sternly; harshly; curiously; inquisitively; inexcusably; vexatiously; inescapably

    Vignette verbs

    adorn with—s; dash off—; embellish with —s; enamel—; etch—; execute—; frame—; impress—; print—; sketch—; stipple—; varnish—; —delineates; —depicts; —describes; —illustrates; —ornaments; —pictures; —portrays

    (See portrait, picture, sketch.)

    Vigor adjectives

    mortal; ethereal; disciplined; hybrid; prime; uninterrupted; florid; excessive; tireless; sinewy; remarkable; accustomed; terse; quickened; coarse; wild; dramatic; muscular; athletic; wonted; intellectual; pristine; furious; rude; aggressive; manly; plastic; incisive; contrary; bodily; selfish; incredible; extraordinary; original; renewing; increased; peristaltic; conscious; customary; dynamic; remorseless; emulating; recuperative; glorious; determined; rustic; redoubled; lusty; classic; especial; elastic; hardy; graceful; masculine; mighty; purposeful; youthful; mental; terrible; unabated; astonishing; superabundant; full; sudden; original; unimpaired; native; offhand; renovated


    acquire—; demand—; deplete—; display—; endow with—; enhance—; exert—; exhibit —; infuse—; inject—; instill—; lessen—; maintain—; perform with—; preserve—; radiate—; renew—; retain—; restore—; sap up—; stimulate—; store up—; sustain —; —buttresses; —fades; —fortifies

    (See force, energy, “pep”, strength.)

    Vigorous adverbs

    splendidly; sufficiently; brawnily; healthily; warrantably; actually; fortunately; necessarily; apparently; mysteriously; manifestly; uncommonly; remarkably; luckily

    Vilify (v


    blackly; wrathfully; maliciously; malignantly; cruelly; viciously; jealously; furiously; terribly; coarsely; rudely; hatefully; grossly

    (See slander, traduce.)

    Villa adjectives

    glittering; enchanting; expensive; commodious; peaceful; dainty; restful; gaudy; handsome; spacious; suburban; voluptuous; sumptuous; medieval

    Village adjectives

    smiling; toy-like; poverty-stricken; cool; shady; damp; worn-out; patriarchal; incurious; straggling; dependent; adjacent; innumerable (pl) J obscure; rustic; neighboring; ordinary; provincial; whitewashed; poor; dusky; ghost-like; pathetic; retired; pleasant; well-ordered; preoccupied; miserable; insensible; rural; native; deserted; squalid; insignificant; forsaken; producing; self-supporting; isolated; delightful; stupidlooking; little; stony; picturesque; manufacturing; sprawling; embowered; remote; shabby; lovely; sweet; smiling; red-roofed; helpless; pastoral; benighted


    abide in—; arouse—; border—; commute from—; desert—; devastate—; dot with—s; ensconce in—; flank—; forsake—; frequent —; inhabit—; lull—; nestle in—; quarter in—; raze—; repair to—; skirt—; storm—; —expands; —flourishes; —hums; —straggles; —thrives

    (See neighborhood, community, town, city.)

    Villager verbs

    alarm—; beseech—; bilk—; dominate—; educate—; enslave—; harangue—; plague —; rook—; rouse—; summon—; swindle —; tax—; —bands; —commutes; —cultivates; —descends upon; —flocks to; —markets; —prospers; —rises; —scatters; — thwarts

    (See citizen, individual, inhabitant, taxpayer, public.)

    Villain adjectives

    plain-dealing; replenished; ungrateful; dissembling; precise; white; sweet; monstrous; soulless; repulsive; murdering; rich; senseless; false; infernal; cursed; notorious; prodigious; wicked; skulking; accomplished; penurious; scheming; murderous; shaghaired; fine; hoary; inflexible; trusty; honorable; abandoned; atrocious; deliberate; cool


    apprehend—; banish—; band—; condemn —; curtail—; denounce—; expose—; ferret out—; incarcerate—; inveigh against—; jail—; portray—; prosecute—; reveal—; scourge—; seize—; sniff out—; —s band; —betrays; —confesses; —conspires; —defiles; —desecrates; —eludes; —evades; — plots; —seduces; —slanders; —transgresses

    (See profligate, actor, scoundrel, criminal, monster, character.)

    Villainous adverbs

    unmistakably; utterly; despicably; unhappily; terribly; dreadfully; unspeakably; infamously; conspicuously; incredibly; unimaginably; remarkably; contemptibly; defiantly; openly; secretly; blandly; actually; manifestly

    Villainy adjectives

    cold-blooded; multiplying; deliberate; unusual; naked; superfluous; reeking; systematic; stupendous; vocal; sensual; deliberate; demoniacal; subtle


    accuse of—; charge with—; denounce—; deplore—; detect—; disclose—; expose—; forsake—; involve—; lapse into—; practise—; punish—; renounce—; resort to—; reveal —; rue—; sink into—; turn from—; uncover —; —defames; —degrades

    (See sin, wickedness, crime.)

    Vindicate (v) adverbs

    amply; sufficiently; triumphantly; gallantly; honorably; magnanimously; heroically; creditably; ingeniously; simply

    (See justify, correct.)

    Vindication adjectives

    alleged; gloomy; culminating; prompt; attempted; triumphant; labored; simple; creditable; vicarious; ingenious; mischievous; pampered

    Vindictive adverbs

    utterly; openly; secretly; defiantly; violently; dangerously; furtively; alarmingly; portentously; ominously; oddly; peculiarly; smoothly; cruelly; bitterly; brutally

    Vindictiveness adjectives

    satanic; detestable; vicious; spiteful; hateful


    appease—; assert—; assuage—; calm—; dispose toward—; ease—; express—; indulge in—; justify—; harbor—; quell—; relax—; relent—; reveal—; satisfy—; temper—; tranquillize—; warrant—; — grows; —subsides; —wanes; —wakes

    (See hatred, animosity, contempt.)

    Vine adjectives

    withering; never-flowering; gadding; tangled; clinging; trellised; scented; delicate; springing; arching; thorny; sovereign; trailing; delicious; intricate; clustering; bordering; ambitious; well-pruned; perfumebreathing; flaming; riotous; luxuriant; creeping; strangling; ambrosial; cloistral; rose-flecked; immense; parasitic; sweet; breathed; interwoven; twisted; choice


    bunch on—; graft into—; husband—; load —; lop—; prune—; screen with—s; smother in—s; support—; transplant—; —bears

    —bows with; —clambers; —clings; — creeps; —embowers; —enriches; —entwines; —flourishes; —overspreads; — scents; —thickens; —thrives; —trails; — yields

    (See honeysuckle, etc.)

    Vineyard adjectives

    sloping; blood-tinctured; terraced; luscious; productive

    Violate (v) adverbs

    flagrantly; expressly; palpably; basely; grossly; flatly; wickedly; persistently; un-disguisedly; expressly; criminally; spiritually

    (See transgress, trespass.)

    Violation adjectives

    gross; flat; denouncing; wide-spread; wicked; conscious; signal; persistent; undisguised; express


    condone—; constitute—; disapprove of—; disclose—; dismiss for—; frown on—; ignore—; justify—; penalize—; protest—; wink at—; —desecrates; —encroaches upon; —infringes; —nullifies; —ostracizes; —piques; —repudiates; —riles (colloq.); — tramples; —transgresses; —voids

    (See breach, infringement, infraction.)

    Violator adjectives

    apparent; sacrilegious


    apprehend—; check—; denounce—; disclose —; exile—; fine—; jail—; “nab”—; pounce upon—; punish—; seize—; trail—; — abuses; —baffles; —breaks; —despoils; — disregards; —eludes; —encroaches; — evades; —infringes; —mulcts; —profanes; —ravishes

    (See criminal.)

    Violence adjectives

    frightful; murderous; unlooked-for; sheer; spontaneous; physical; reckless; passionate; high-handed; unwonted; brutal; unjustifiable; glorious; unscrupulous; theatric; impetuous; irreconcilable; ghostly; gentle; midnight; unreasoning; swift; bloody; needful; uncommon; loud; extreme; odious; meditated; irregular; personal; momentary; aggressive; stunning; sacrilegious; devilish; cowardly; invisible; undiminished; occasional; tragic; threatening; restless; increasing; quiet


    advocate—; allay—; avert—; balk at—; bar—; burst into—; condone—; cow by—; curb—; denounce—; deplore—; deprecate —; discountenance—; employ—; foment—; frustrate—; incite—; indulge in—; inflame to—; instigate—; lull—; pacify—; precipitate—; provoke—; quell—; resort to—; restrain—; subdue—; —erupts; —rages

    (See malice, impetuosity, indignation, intensify, fury, anger.)

    Violent adverbs

    ungovernably; dangerously; lawlessly; youthfully; heedlessly; lamentably; deplorably; openly; actively; defiantly; insurgent-ly; restively; mutinously; rebelliously; tumultuously; treasonably; incorrigibly; persistently; obstinately

    Violet adjectives

    glowing; blue-veined; royal; nodding; shrinking; purple; dewy; first; blown; lucid

    Violin adjectives

    alto; beautiful; masterful; priceless

    Viper adjectives

    universal; jumping; startled

    Virgin adjectives

    wily; white-robed; young; budding; vestal; regarded; pale-eyed; poor; learned; powerful; ill-drawn; ultimate; charming; bashful; blushing


    befit—; bestow upon—; defile—; deflower —; despoil—; esteem—; play the—; respect —; revere—; seduce—; sully—; touch—; —binds; —brags; —captives; —exults; — flaunts; —flouts; —glories; —scolds; — stifles

    (See girl, woman, wife.)

    Virginity adjectives

    pretty; irrevocable; indestructible; antiquated; long-preserved


    acknowledge—; ascribe—; blemish—; dignify—; preserve—; pride oneself on—; profess—; question—; stain—; taint—; take—; tarnish—; threaten—; violate—; worship —; —imparts

    (See chastity, purity, virtue.)

    Virtue adjectives

    disinterested; hereditary; acquired; slender; manly; unselfish; self-abnegating; conscious; commonplace; attractive; negative; imputed; stellar; domestic; sounding; sterling; vestal; infinite; peculiar; rigid; heroic; admirable; rare; impregnable; barbaric; paltry; distinguished; new-built; abstract; consummate; sober; well-known; surface; unassailable; exemplary; external; unpretending; perfect; unquestionable; diuretic; delightful; dominant; fanciful; honorable; active; ennobling; illustrious; beaming; wondrous; proud; suffering; healing; probable; proverbial; outraged; distressed; aromatic; contradictory; magnetic; outstanding; prime; redeeming; humble; lofty; wearied; beatific; grateful; possible; personal; ever-flourishing; supposed; unique; political; simple; superstitious; thoughtful; godlike; chief; inimitable; boasted ; excellent; artificial; manifold (pl); legitimate; proper; nameless; eminent; high; spirited; preserved; knightly; intrinsic; certain; sublime; eclipsed; natural; unbecoming; old-fashioned; healing; ruining; comely; sweet; rude; ruffled; right; strict; sober; solid; public; prosaic; pure; nectarous; disputable; injurious; liberal; politic; cardinal; low; succored; religious; infant; medicinal; flowering; severe; reawakening; moral; middle; untainted; fundamental; marvelous; tangible; loving; aristocratic; definite; traditionary; boasted; small; philanthropic; powerful; cheap; incessant; rural; befriending; feminine; bastard; sundry (pl); leading; private; uncertain; amiable; grand; special; soporific; prodigious; ignominious


    acclaim—s; blot out—; commend—; cultivate—s; defend—; delight in—; embody—s; emphasize—s; esteem—; exemplify—; extol —s; forsake—; foster—; hail—; impart— to; implant—; incarnate—s; inculcate—; instil—; magnify—s; nurture—; observe—s; preserve—; proclaim—s; question—; recognize—s; redeem—; relinquish—; reward—; scoff at—; scorn—; sing—s; stray from—; sustain—; —distinguishes; —prevails; — triumphs; —uplifts; embrace—

    (See chastity, integrity, morality, courage, prudence, honesty, fortitude, temperance, justice.)

    Virtuous adverbs

    pretentiously; unctuously; pharasaically; ostentatiously; actually; notably; entirely; conspicuously; apparently; supposedly; utterly; unquestionably; manifestly; palpably; definitely; remarkably; honestly; sincerely

    Virulent adverbs

    disastrously; unfortunately; cruelly; bitterly; admittedly; unusually; terribly; remarkably; insidiously; unbelievably; uncommonly; highly; dreadfully; dangerously

    Virus verbs

    allay—; antidote—; check—; combat—; confine—; counteract—; immunize to—; inactivate—; infect with—; inject—; isolate—; neutralize—; weaken—; —attacks; —consumes; —devastates; —inflames; —invades; —paralyzes; —prostrates; —ravages

    (See germ, disease, poison, venom.)

    Visage adjectives

    grotesque; tawny; shattered; unmutilated; gory; grim; great; bloody; impassive; wrinkled; puckered; swarthy; fierce; monstrous; storied; infernal; importing; bleared; silver; favored; borrowed; illuminated; horrent; ironical; sickly; grotesque! hard-favored; glimmering; revolting; saintly; unrepentant; dark; passionless; weatherbeaten; leathery; pale; choleric; ancient; coppery

    Visible adverbs

    easily; undoubtedly; dimly; clearly; usually; wholly; completely; faintly; brightly; obscurely; distinctly; conspicuously; embarrassingly; inadvertently; unavoidably; purposely; inconveniently; awkwardly

    Vision (eyesight, etc.} verbs

    astigmatize—; augment—; blur—; cloud—; conserve—; correct—; dazzle—; deprive of —; dim—; distort—; dull—; eclipse—; focus—upon; impair—; infract—; measure —; obscure—; obstruct—; preserve—; quicken—; ravage—; refract—; scathe—; screen—; sharpen—; shield from—; value —; veil—; warp—

    (See sight.)

    Vision (general) adjectives

    sudden; frightful; telescopic; sun-compelling; moral; transitory; tender; ravishing; foregone; delightful; alleged; vivid; specialized; remarkable; appointed; angelic; sweet; light; radiant; rectified; fresh; stunted; mental; early; concentrated; failing; gloomy; spiritual; horrible; calm; relentless; prophetic; useful; disturbing; embodied; unremembered; anxious; uncertain; harassing; artless; dying; frightful; dreadful; singular; ecstatic; tranced; charmed; skyey; world; unforgettable; transcendent; myopic; subjective; halting; transient; dim; fatal; chill; airy; baseless; blissful; narrating; painful; unreal; troubled; mysterious; culminating; morning; earthly; infinite; subtle; alluring; enchanted; unsubstantial; heavenly; saintly; rapturous; entrancing; hawk-like; glorious; cosmic; aesthetic; imaginary; extended; inspiring; subsequent; importunate; cold; confused; delirious; paradisical; impaired; encompassed; tranquil; ominous; pleasing; beautiful; long-promised; discriminating; beatific; downcast; obscure; lucid; hallowed; intellectual; unaided; creative; crystal; cradled; mental; clear; midday; pious; unclouded; overwhelming; singular; bored; sweet; rare; yearning; everlasting; earth-dimmed; defective; philosophical; vague; sun; window; fruitless; far-seeing; apocalyptic

    Vision (imagination) verbs

    blur—; cherish—; conjure up—; fire by—; flirt with—; fulfill—; resolve—; reveal—; shake off—; train on—; —appears; — arises; —dances; —dawns upon; —dazes; —departs; —fascinates; —flashes before; — flees; —flits; —foretells; —haunts; —materializes; —prophesies

    (See imagination, phantom, dream, phantasy, mirage, nightmare, image.)



    fantastically; quixotically; chimerically; ephemerally; unsubstantially; imponder-ably; tenuously; mystically; mythically; fancifully; uncommonly; highly; inanely; vacuously; airily; blankly; dreamily; groundlessly

    Visit adjectives

    delightful; dramatic; ultimate; surreptitious; unlooked-for; flying; proffered; cordial; doubtful; courteous; unceremonious; yearly; imperial; casual; frequent (pl) ; distinguished; intended; transient; extraordinary; dreaded; volunteered; ill-timed; agreeable; unavailing; momentous; intemperate; meditated; unwelcome; gentle; prolonged; approaching; parochial; wonted; flying; last-mentioned; hurried; occasional; untimely; perfunctory; domiciliary; impending; stated; cool; comfortable; quiet; happy; pleasant; well-rounded


    abbreviate—; alternate—; cancel—; close —; conclude—; curtail—; defer—; depart on—; draw out—; extend—; plan—; prolong—, protract—; reciprocate—; resume —; return—; season—; schedule—; terminate—; welcome—; —delights; —wearies

    (See vacation, interview.)

    Visit (v) adverbs

    habitually; customarily; traditionally; periodically; seasonally; surreptitiously; cordially; courteously; ceremoniously; annually; imperially; agreeably; momentously; in-temperately

    (See call, journey.)

    Visitant adjectives

    ghostly; weird; undesirable; strange

    Visitation adjectives

    wide-spread; loving; gentle; transient; providential; heavenly; supernatural; troublesome; undeserved; nightly; sudden

    Visiting adjectives

    compunctious; continual; yearly; routine


    transient; assiduous; unseen; anonymous; favored; struggling; nightly; distraught; gaping; pedestrian; enthusiastic; transcendental; dwindling; prominent; casual; uninitiated; wondering; gentle; frequent; haggard; savage; constant; distinguished; celestial; wandering; pauper; ordinary; belated; time-stealing; transitory; accustomed; dreadful; unwelcome


    amuse—; anticipate—; ban—; bar—; beam at—; confront—; discourage—; elude—; embrace—; entertain—; exclude—; greet—; hail—; ignore—; limit—; receive—; regale —; salute—; shun—; welcome—; —bore; — distract; —divert; —interrupt; —stream in; —surge in; —throng; —weary

    (See guest, listener.)

    Vista adjectives

    economic; pillared; enticing; distant; boundless; backward; frequent; mental; stately; unexpected ; spectral


    cloud—; gaze at—; glory in—; obscure—; pore over—; rivet upon—; scan—; screen —; stare at—; survey—; —dazzles; —enraptures; —enthralls; —extends; —glitters; —opens before; —yawns

    (See view, landscape.)

    Vital adverbs

    obviously; indisputably; clearly; admittedly; curiously; strangely; significantly; particularly; absolutely; fundamentally; palpably; manifestly; remarkably

    Vitality adjectives

    undreamed-of; intellectual; sportive; hilarious; protracted; restless; aggressive; creative; genuine; lingering; sparkling; continued; departing; brisk; enfeebled; abounding; mental; characteristic; inherent; forgotten; enormous; subterranean; unfailing; immaculate; vigorous; dimensional; glorious; unrivaled; inexhaustible; persistent; overpowering; brutal; miserable; great; low


    absorb—; acquire—; brim with—; build—; charge with—; concentrate—; conserve—; deprive of—; destroy—; detract from—; dull—; endow with—; exhaust—; glow with —; impair—; instil—; invest with—; lack —; maintain—; preserve—; recruit—; reduce—; reinforce—; renew—; rob of—; retain—; sap—; spare—; sustain—; throb with—; undermine—; —ebbs; —endures; — wanes; —wavers

    (See strength, health.)

    Vitamins adjectives

    toxic; essential; prevailing; helpful; overemphasized


    classify—; condense—; demand—; despatch —; enrich in—; instil—; lack—; measure —; necessitate—; prate of—; require—; rob of—; —build resistance; —deteriorate; — immunize; —nourish; —sustain

    (See nourishment, food.)

    Vituperate (v) adverbs

    bitterly; cruelly; insidiously; vitriolically; personally; emotionally; exceedingly; viciously; craftily; savagely; sardonically; snarlingly; horribly; jubilantly; shrilly; stridently; vulgarly; unspeakably

    (See vilify, slander.)

    Vituperation adjectives

    personal; emotional; nasty; vitriolic

    Vituperative adverbs

    profanely; obscenely; loudly; blatantly; boisterously; insanely; furiously; justly; unreasonably; terribly; unjustly; coarsely; openly; particularly; shamefully; blisteringly; brutally; unspeakably; incredibly; noisily; shamelessly; publicly; scathingly

    Vivacious adverbs

    delightfully; pleasantly; merrily; nonsensically; comically; entertainingly; diverting-ly; extremely; uncommonly; highly; amusingly; excitably; enthusiastically; briskly; restlessly; alertly

    Vivacity adjectives

    violent; nervous; ingenuous; high; unflagging; immense; unsurpassable; unabated; exuberant; sparkling; pert; artificial; unbelievable


    awaken—; cultivate—; destroy—; display —; lack—; preserve—; recapture—; value —; —animates; —bubbles; —cheers; —declines; —delights; —enlivens; —endears; — exhilarates; —gladdens; —infects; —inspirits; —refreshes; —tires; —vivifies; — wanes

    (See gayety, liveliness, animation.)

    Vivid adverbs

    extremely; supernaturally; terribly; frightfully; beautifully; admirably; commendably; unusually; splendidly; wonderfully; miraculously; unbelievably; uncommonly; particularly; peculiarly; curiously; mysteriously; delightfully

    Vividness adjectives

    shocking; painful; tremendous; transparent; burning; bright; startling; journalistic

    Vixenish adverbs

    impishly; comically; childishly; significantly; portentously; unbecomingly; ridiculously; unwarrantably; inexplicably; suddenly; hysterically; violently; surprisingly; unwon-tedly; alarmingly; dreadfully; momentarily

    Vocabulary adjectives

    lurid; workable; adequate; copious; fundamental; enormous; scientific; picturesque; fashionable; full; varied; working; reading; reserve; valuable; speaking; built-up; stimulated; choice; wide; notable; well-balanced; normal; brilliant; scant; lively; rich; racy; saucy; unusual


    acquire—; add to—; adopt—; aggrandize —; amass—; analyze—; arrange—; augment—; better—; broaden—; build—; color —; compare—; compile—; contrast—; criticize—; cultivate—; culture—; derive—; develop—; display—; eliminate from—; employ—; enhance—; enlarge—; enrich—; examine—; exhaust—; familiarize oneself with —; furnish with—; gather—; improve—; increase—; limit—; make—active; mature —; narrow—; ransack—; refine—; require —; retain—; select—; simplify—; strengthen—; swell—; vary—; vulgarize—; weaken —; —accrrues; —aids; —amazes; —a-stounds; —colors; —derives from; —embraces; —equips; —excels; —expresses; — flowers; —fructifies; —grows; —includes; —indicates; —insures; —invigorates; — multiplies; —provides; —ranges; —reveals

    Vocal CHORDS verbs

    discipline—; distend—; ease—; elongate—; impair—; injure—; irritate—; rasp—; soothe—; strain—; tax—; tighten—; train —; trap—; weaken—; —change; —contract; —emit; —lengthen; —quiver; —utter; —vibrate

    Vocalist adjectives

    eminent; prominent; wonderful; thrilling


    acclaim—; accompany—; applaud—; arrange for—; laud—; train—; —carols; — enraptures; —enthralls; —entrances; —executes; —improvises; —intones; —lilts; — quavers; —records; —renders; —scales; — thrills; —trills; —twitters

    (See singer, soprano, choir.)

    Vocalization adjectives

    enormous; delicious; picturesque; proper

    Vocation adjectives

    perilous; sane; sacred; legitimate; peaceful; lifelong


    desert—; employ in—; enter—; fit for—; forsake—; master—; overcrowd—; prepare for—; pursue—; qualify for—; skill in—; —allures; —attracts; —beckons; —demands; —exacts; —fascinates; —interests; —necessitates; —requires; —treats of

    (See hobby, employment, industry, calling, teaching, law, etc.)

    Vociferation adjectives

    harsh; ferocious; raging

    Vociferous adverbs

    unnecessarily; comically; naturally; earnestly; excitedly; hysterically; enthusiastically; riotously; shrilly; clamorously; inexcusably; disagreeably; unbecomingly; coarsely; surprisingly; grossly; foolishly; unfortunately

    Vogue idjectives

    instigated; appreciable; tremendous; immense; decorative; fashionable


    adhere to—; alter—; create—; design—; devise—; dictate—; dignify—; emulate—; establish—; exalt—; fashion—; foster—; glorify—; maintain—; outlive—; popularize —; —dies; —diminishes; —fades; —glitters; —persists; —prevails; —wanes

    (See mode, fashion.)

    Voice adjectives

    able; abrupt; accusing; admirable; admonishing; affectionate; agonized; agitated; airy; alarmed; alien; angelic; angry; antagonistic; anxious; apocalyptic; apologetic; appropriate; arbitrary; assuring; audible; authoritative; awe-struck; babbling; baritone; barren; base; bass; beautiful; beguiling; bellowing; beloved; bemused; bewildered; bitter; blatant; bleating; bluff; blunt; blurred; booming; breathless; brisk; buzzing; broken; calm; caressing; carrying; cavernous; celestial; charming; checked; cheerful; cheering; childish; choked; clamoring; clarion; clashing; clear; clinging; cold; collective; commanding; compelling; complete; concentrated; contentious; controlling; convinced; corrupted; courteous; cracked; crashing; crisp; croaking; darkening; deceptive; decisive; decorous; deep; deferential; deliberate; demoniac; desired; determined; dictatorial; discordant; disembodied; dispassionate; dissentient; dissenting; distant; distinct; divine; doleful; dominant; dragging; dreaded; droning; drunken; dry; dull; eager; ear-deafening; earnest; easy; effective; elegant; eloquent; embarrassed; erect; exasperating; excited; exhilarating; expressionless; exquisite; extinguished; extraordinary; exultant; faint; false; falsetto; faltering; familiar; far-away; far-off; far-ringing; fascinating; fearful; fear-struck; feeble; feigned; feminine; fiendish; fine; firm; flexible; flowing; flute-like; fluttering; foghorn; frequent; fretful; fresh; frightened; full; functioning; gentle; ghostly; gibing; gleeful; glorious; godly; good; gorgeous; gracious; great; growling; gruff; guiding; guttural; habitual; half-hesitant; half-whispered; hard; harsh; harmonious' hearty; heathen; heavenly; heavy; helpless; high; high-pitched; hoarse; hollow; horrible; hurried; hushed; husky; icy; ignorant; imaginary; impassioned; impressive; improved; impelling; imperative; inarticulate; inaudible; incarnate; incessant; incisive; independent; indistinct; ineffectual; inexorable; infallible; inflexible; inner; insinuating; insolent; inward; iron; irritable; jerky; jubilant; labored; languid; languorous; laughing; lazy; leafy; level; lifeless; lifted; lingering; lisping; living; loathing; loud; loving; low; lowered; low-keyed; low-pitched; lusty; magnificent; magniloquent; majestic; manful; manly; masculine; matchless; maudlin; measured; meek; melancholy; mellifluous; mellow; melodious; melting; merciless; metallic; meteoric; mighty; mingled (pl); mirthful; modulated; monotonous; monstrous; mortal; motherly; mournful; multitudinous (pl); muffled; mumbling; murmuring; musical; mute; myriad (pl); mysterious; nagging; nasal; native; natural; odious; offended; oily; omniscient; ominous; painful; palpitant; parrot-like; passionate; patient; patriotic; peaceful; peevish; penetrating; perpetual; pertinent; pettish; petulant; phantom-like; piercing; piping; pitying; placating; plaining; plaintive; playful; pleading; pleasant; polite; powerful; prodigious; purring; puzzled; quarreling; quavering; querulous; questioning; quiet; quivering; rapid; raised; rasping; raucous; reckless; recognized; reedy; remarkable; reminiscent; reprehensible; reproachful; resonant; respectful; responsive; reverential; ringing; rough; rowdy; rusty; sacred; sad; salutary; sardonic; savage; secret; seductive; sepulchral; seraphic; serious; shaken; sharp; short-breathed; shrieking; shrill; silky; silvery; singsong; sleepthick; slender; slow; slurring; smooth; smothered; snapping; snarling; snuffling; sobbing; soft; solemn; sonorous; soothing; sorrowful; soul-piercing; soul-subduing; sprightly; stammering; stately; stationary; steady; stentorian; stern; stifled; still; stirring; strained; strange; strangled; stricken; strident; strong; stumbling; stupendous; subdued; subterranean; sudden; suitable; suppressed; surmounting; suspicious; sweet; swelled; synchronized; taunting; tearful; tender; tentative; tenuous; thick; thin; thundering; tiny; toneless; tottering; tragic; tranquil; transcendent; transformed; transported; trembling; tremulous; triumphant; troubled; trumpeting; tyrannical; uncertain; unctuous; uneducated; unearthly; unheeded; universal; unmistakable; unmodulated; unmoved; unrestrained; unruffled; unruly; unshaded; unshaken; unsteady; unsyllabic; uttered; vacuous; vague; velvet; venal; venomous; veritable; vigorous; virgin; vociferous; vulgar; wailing; warbled; warning; weary; welcoming; well-attuned; well-bred; well-known; well-modulated; well-tuned; wheedling; whining; whispering; wistful; wondering; woodland; wondrous; wretched; yawning; yearning; young; impatient; impersonal


    acclaim—; attune to—; blot out—; candy —; choke—; control—; dampen—; discipline—; disguise—; drop—; drown out—; dull—; echo—; exercise—; guard—; harken to—; heed—; hush—; irritate—; laud —; lift—; mellow—; modulate—; muffle —; mute—; muzzle—; pitch—; place—; recognize—; silence—; still—; strain—; study —; sugar—; sweeten—; thrill to—; throttle —; tinge—; train—; —awakens; —bawls; —beguiles; —booms; —breaks; —carols; — carries; —censures; —changes; —charms; —chokes; —cracks; —cuts; —deepens; — drones on; —dwindles; —enraptures; — fascinates; —flags; —flames; —floats up; —lashes; —murmurs; —palpitates; —penetrates; —pierces; —quavers; —ranges; — rasps; —registers; —resounds; —rings out; —rises; —rolls; —sharpens; —slurs; — squeaks; —stirs; —swells; —thickens; — throbs; —thunders; —tightens; —trails off; —trembles; —twitters; —vibrates ; —warms; —wavers; —wheedles; —whines; —whispers; —wracks; —wrings

    (See sound, utterance, tone.)

    VOICE (v) adverbs

    tenderly; harmoniously; accusingly; antagonistically; anxiously; authoritatively; bluntly; exultantly; ominously; sternly; patriotically; lustily; audibly; monotonously; petulantly; raucously; reproachfully; sepulchral-ly; vulgarly; vigorously; vociferously; venomously

    (See express, say.)

    Void adjectives

    trackless; foggy; pale; bare; absolute; mysterious; boundless; populous; fathomless; immeasurable; illimitable; blank


    legally; unluckily; apparently; manifestly; unfortunately; blessedly; fortunately; utterly; recently; temporarily; hopelessly; undeniably; definitely; curiously

    Volcano adjectives

    extinct; perilous; concealed; slumbering; barren; drowned; spiritual; smoldering


    fling into—; gaze into—; pacify—; placate —; toss into—; —activates; —awakens; — belches; —buries; —chokes; —destroys; — devastates; —discharges; —ejects; —embroils; —emits; —endangers; —erupts; — flows; —foments; —fulminates; —fumes; — lies dormant; —looms; —quiets; —rampages; —rises; —roars; —rumbles; —seethes; —simmers; —sleeps; —smoulders; — spews forth; —strangles; —streams over; —threatens; —vents

    (See eruption, crater.)

    Volition adjectives

    distinct; special; true; passionate; conscious; particular

    Volley adjectives

    severe; fine; bombastic; pyrotechnic; instantaneous; incessant; intermitting; useless; deafening


    blast—; discharge—; flash—; fulminate—; prolong—; renew—; —assaults; —bombards; —crashes; —dec.mates; —destroys; —detonates; —devastates; —echoes; — flares; —levels; —rattles; —razes; —rends; —resounds; —rings out; —roars; —rolls; —rumbles; —shatters; —splits; —thunders; —wreaks

    (See gun-fire, shots, fussilade.)

    Volubility adjectives

    startling; accustomed; infinite; fierce

    Voluble adverbs

    usually; habitually; comically; chattily; tor-rentially; ridiculously; unnecessarily; peculiarly; characteristically; momentarily; unusually; hysterically; excitedly; officiously; vexatiously; intolerably; amusingly

    Volume adjectives

    separate; immense; added; record; sympathetic; respective; published; comfortable; ambitious; increasing; unprecedented; random; dusky; ragged; penultimate; inexhaustible; thumb-scarred; pale; magnificent; enormous; arid; precious; attractive; ponderous; endless; unlimited; growing; rushing; valuable; library; thundering; remarkable; swelling; respectable; charming; solemn; supplementary; worthless; far-reaching; poetic; tasteful; long-coveted; subsequent; forthcoming; dog-eared; serried (pl); tremendous; substantial; collected; thrilling; proud; pathetic; posthumous; universal; fascinating; masterful; brilliant; momentous; sturdy; vast; venerable; splendid; printed; blinding; mere; bulky; sulphurous; enormous; weighty; instructive; stray; odd; scholarly; sumptuous; inspired; comprehensive


    author—; autograph—; bind—; browse through—; compile—; con—; confiscate—; consult—; curtail—; delve into—; display —; entitle—; fray—; illustrate—; immerse in—; interpret—; peruse—; ponder—; prepare—; prize—; publish—; review—; revise—; scan—; skim over—; summarize—; tackle—; value—; —airs; —circulates; — condemns; —deals with; —discourses on; — dissertates; —diverts; —exposes; —libels; —narrates; —plagiarizes; —recites; —recounts; —relates; —slanders; —treats of; —unfolds; —ventilates; devote—to

    (See book, manuscript, story, work, tome.)

    Voluminous adverbs

    overwhelmingly; stupendously; inclusively; pedantically; ambitiously; monumentally; sufficiently; immensely; manifestly; absurdly; unnecessarily

    Voluntary adverbs

    freely; generously; impetuously; eagerly; earnestly; energetically; emphatically; unmistakably; undoubtedly; unquestionably; usually; frankly; necessarily; amicably; delightfully; completely

    Volunteers adjectives

    raw; devoted; zealous; tireless; fanatic; susceptible; doughty; brave


    acclaim—; arm—; command—; compose of —; discipline—; equip—; furnish—; honor —; laud—; plead for—; quarter—; recruit —; rig out—; train—; transport—; —bid for; —brave; —comprise; —defend; —disband; —enlist; —offer; —proffer; —serve; —storm; —tackle; —tender

    (See soldier, recruit.)

    Voluptuary adjectives

    cautious; refined; hedonistic

    Voluptuous adverbs

    pleasantly; buxomly; luxuriously; delightedly; naturally; habitually; notoriously; conspicuously; openly; utterly; unmistakably

    Voluptuousness adjectives

    inebriating; supposed; gorgeous

    Vomit (v) adverbs

    nauseatingly; sickeningly; disgustingly; re-curringly; drunkenly

    Vomiting verbs

    allay—; ameliorate—; check—; curtail—; diagnose—; encourage—; force—; forestall—; induce—; produce—; stem—; stimulate to—; —cleanses; —dislodges; —eases; —ejects; —eliminates; —endangers; —expels; —indicates; —purges; —sheds; — unburdens; —vents; —weakens

    (See nausea.)

    Voracious adverbs

    overweeningly; rabidly; insatiately; incredibly; dreadfully; unspeakably; frightfully; unbelievably; wolfishly; bestially

    Voracity adjectives

    impotent; insatiable; unscrupulous

    Vortex verbs

    form—; sweep into—; tumble into—; —agitates; —billows; —boils; —churns; —cir-cumvolutes; —convolutes; —eddies; —engulfs; —expands; —foams; —gyrates; — immerses; —pirouettes; —revolves; —ripples; —rotates; —submerges; —surges; — swells; —swirls; —trundles; —twirls; — whirls

    (See whirlpool, maelstrom.)

    Votary adjectives

    boyish; dull; firm; mistaken

    Vote adjectives

    majority; overhanging; overwhelming; disputed; injudicious; unanimous; purchasable; direct; negative; reluctant; decisive; ignorant; appalling; valid; dissenting; simple; plurality; deciding; heavy; loyal; crooked

    Vote (v) adverbs

    unanimously; progressively; overwhelmingly; democratically; inconsistently; regularly; affirmatively; loyally; intelligently; legally; judiciously; ignorantly; decisively

    (See elect, declare.)

    Voters adjectives

    independent-minded; submissive; patient; stupid; blinded; purchased; intelligent: thinking


    address—; appeal to—; assure—; beguile —; coerce—; dictate to—; divide—; harangue—; pledge to—; poll—; promise—; sway—; woo—; —acknowledge; —approve; —ballot; —choose; —determine; —elect; — endorse; —overwhelm; —reign; —rule; — select; —stream to; —subscribe to; —support; —sustain; —vacillate; —voice

    (See constituent, public, citizen.)

    Votes verbs          

    aggregate—; alienate—; amass—; angle for —; apportion—; assure of—; bag—; bias —; calculate—; campaign for—; compute —; conciliate—; corral—; gain—; gather —; guarantee—; hazard—; imperil—; influence—; insure—; jeopardize—; line up —; muster—; poll—; procure—; promise—; record—; recount—; register—; risk—; separate—; sew up—; split—; sway—; swing —; void—; win—; —determine; —pile up; —pour in

    (See election, nomination, plurality, ballot.)

    Votive adverbs

    sacredly; sacrificially; devoutly; undeniably; apparently; sincerely; truly; completely; contritely

    Vo IV adjectives

    earthly; capricious; rash; musical; unheedful; violated; truant; passionate; unbroken; moist; bridal; ardent; intermingled; sainted; hollow; frail; noble; slighted; monastic; limber; monkish; solemn; marital; sacred; dread; grateful; self-imposed; idle; generous; heavenly; serviceable


    annul—; breathe—; commit to—; comply with—; contract—; declare—; desecrate—; discharge from—; divorce from—; embody in—; enforce—; forfeit—; fulfill—; heed—; ignore—; infringe—; liberate from—; maintain—; observe—; pursue—; register—; relax—; respect—; sanctify—; slacken—; solemnize—; swear to—; undertake—; violate—; —binds; —burdens; —chains; — fetters; —pledges; —prohibits; —restrains; —restricts; —weighs upon

    (See pledge, oath, promise, contract.)

    Vo IV (v) adverbs

    patiently; passionately; languidly; capriciously; rashly; ardently; nobly; magnanimously; monastically; sacredly; generously; maritally

    (See promise, swear.)

    Vo IV EL adjectives

    open; various (pl); softening; euphonious; nasalized; drawled; guttural; mispronounced ; throaty


    ablaut—; accent—; accentuate—; articulate —; discard—; economize on—s; emphasize —; employ—; lengthen—; misuse—; pronounce—; silence—; shorten—; stress—; umlaut—; trip up on—s; —changes; — sharpens

    (See sound.)

    Voyage adjectives

    prosperous; loving; projected; aimless; tedious; eventful; magnificent; determinate; stormy; tempestuous; ill-fated; frequent (pl); uncertain; romantic; perilous; mysterious; homeward


    brave—; chart—; conclude—; curtail—; delay—; deviate from—; embark on—; extend —; hazard—; plan—; prolong—; protract —; set forth on—; terminate—; venture upon—; —broadens; —embraces; —fascinates; —lures; —intrigues; —refreshes; — relaxes; —touches upon; —tranquillizes

    (See journey, trip.)

    Voyager adjectives

    dusty-throated; battered; uninstructed; seasick

    Vulgar adverbs

    incredibly; strangely; habitually; unwonted-ly; grossly; boorishly; defiantly; crassly; strangely; purposely; arrantly; definitely; openly; conspicuously; shamefully; carelessly; unmistakably; singularly; surprisingly; intentionally; deliberately; flagrantly

    Vulgarity adjectives

    patent; hideous; rude; vigorous; impertinent; unutterable; innumerable (pl); purse-proud; finished; pathetic; stupid; private; blatant; odious; intense; superlative; petty; universal; studied


    abhor—; blush at—; breed—; countenance —; deplore—; descend to—; exhibit—; flaunt—; frown upon—; recoil from—; — coarsens; —debases; —degrades; —irks; — mortifies; —ostracizes; —repels; —shocks; —surrounds

    (See coarseness.)

    Vulnerable adverbs

    sadly; unfortunately; admittedly; wretchedly; miserably; probably; unluckily; terribly; alarmingly; portentously; ominously; significantly; dangerously; perilously; carelessly; incautiously; criminally; dreadfully; unbelievably; unforgivably; negligently; unhappily

    Vulture adjectives

    famished; gnawing; carrion; hovering; greedy; swooping; ugly


    —circles; —clutches; —descends; —devours; —dives; —divests; —flutters; — glides; —gorges; —hisses; —hovers over

    —picks clean; —plucks; —pounces upon; — preys upon; —ravishes; —regurgitates; — scales; —scavenges; —seizes; —soars; — shrieks; —subsists; —swoops down; — whirls

    (See bird, eagle, hawk.)

    Wade (adverbs

    laboriously; conscientiously; cautiously; fastidiously; carefully

    (See swim.)

    Waft (c) adverbs

    delicately; pungently; insidiously; gently; capriciously

    (See carry, float.)

    Wag (v) adverbs

    humorously; sardonically; slowly; feebly; mutely; wordlessly; sagely; cryptically

    (See nod, move.)

    Wage adjectives

    preposterous; satisfactory; aggregate; hard-earned; comparative; prevailing; monetary; actual; scanty; unsteady; uncertain; exorbitant; inflated; youthful; daily; living

    Wager verbs

    accept—; agree upon—; cast—; chance—; claim—; contest—; decide—; determine—; force—; frame—; gamble on—; lay—; propose—; record—; release from—; speculate on—; stake—on; transact—; venture—; — challenges; —hazards; —pledges

    (See bet, gambling.)

    Wages verbs

    advance—; boost—; default—; determine—; distribute—; engage for—; expend—; fix—; forfeit—; grudge—; halve—; increase—; invest—; level—; lift—; proportion—; raise—; rate—; realize—; reap—; reduce —; regulate—; scale—; scorn—; serve for —; slash—; squander—; step up—; stimulate—; supplement—; tabulate—; withhold —; —compensate; —conform; —decline; — indemnify; —remunerate; —reward; — soar

    (See income, earnings, fee, pittance, living, livelihood.)

    Waggish adverbs

    jocosely; facetiously; fatuously; bantering-ly; boastfully; drolly; clownishly; pleasantly; foolishly; playfully; intolerably; disagreeably; smartly; conceitedly; whimsically; fantastically; vexatiously; disgustingly; merrily; mischievously

    Wagon adjectives

    ancient; lumbering; serviceable; jolting; creaking; wobbling; emigrant; clanking; broken-down; hooded; ramshackle; vengeful


    brake—; cart on—; convoy—; dispatch—; draw—; harness to—; hitch—; journey by —; —conveys; —creeps along; —draws up; —jolts; —jounces; —rattles; —rolls; — transports

    (See caravan, automobile, cart, vehicle.)

    Wail adjectives

    piteous; faint; infantile; obstreperous; lusty; articulate; windy; inward; melodramatic; thin; fretful; dismal; doleful; dying; hideous; damned; confused; heartbroken; young; passionate; patriotic; pathetic; murmured; tender; moaning; wild; liquid; weird; far-off; mournful; amazed; angry; nightly; flute-like


    emit—; prolong—; set up—; shrill—; utter —; —complains of; —deplores; —deprecates; —grieves; —laments; —mourns; — pierces; —rends; —rings out; —rises; — wrings

    (See cry, howl, lamentation.)

    Wail (vj adverbs

    distressfully; mournfully; dismally; piteously; inarticulately; fretfully; dolefully; passionately; wildly; weirdly; mournfully; lustily; obstreperously

    (See moan, lament.)

    Wailing adverbs

    mournfully; incessantly; continually; intermittently; hopefully; piously; confoundedly; petulantly; disagreeably; feebly; vociferously; loudly; wistfully; ostentatiously; pitifully; hungrily; sleepily; drowsily; insincerely; tiresomely; monotonously; desperately; vexatiously; pettishly

    Waist adjectives

    snug; thickening; imperceptible; tapering; enormous; collective; trackless; slender; winsome; wasplike; well-fitting; capacious

    Wait (v) adverbs

    breathlessly; passively; sadly; reverently; anxiously; exultantly; mutely; devotedly; placidly; instinctively; calmly; apprehensively; boldly; hungrily; morbidly; disastrously; indecisively; tensely

    (See pause, delay.)

    Waiter adjectives

    smug; oblivious; rowdy; obsequious; swarthy; corpulent; stately; efficient


    beckon to—; bid—; bow—out; employ—; engage—; rebuke—; reproach—; ring for —; signal—; summon—; tip—; uniform—; —announces; —approaches; —attends; — directs to; —fumbles; —hovers near; —informs; —recommends; —serves; —suggests

    (See matron, nurse, servant.)

    Waiting adverbs

    silently; doggedly; resolutely; hopelessly; helplessly; intolerably; restlessly; feverishly; optimistically; trustfully; happily; forlornly; eagerly; boisterously; cruelly; miserably; interminably; insistently

    Waite (v) adverbs

    magnanimously; willingly; voluntarily; deliberately; nobly; generously; affectionately; informally

    (See dispense, relinquish.)

    Wakeful adverbs

    nervously; mysteriously; alertly; anxiously; miserably; wretchedly; vigilantly; habitually; watchfully; unnaturally; peculiarly; strangely; significantly; fortunately; luckily; suddenly; feverishly; comfortably

    Walk (general) adjectives

    solar; winding; strenuous; long; sunken; gravel; aimless; sanguine; flagged; exhilarating; cheerful; moderate; cloistered; lumbering; obscure; sunny; rough; windy; fatiguing; leisurely; lingering; tangling; cultured; mincing; haphazard; laurel; solitary; hedge-lined; contemplative; rampart; willowy; shady; slow; undulating; rhythmic; moonlight; enrapturing; roaming; royal; humble; swarming; tremendous; silent; visionary; smart; mind-clearing; dark; night; restless; glorious; opposite; spacious; sequestered; imposing; tangling; lazy; murmuring; substantial; oval; umbrageous

    Walk (Path) verbs

    beautify—; border—; block—; bound—; circle—; designate—; elevate—; enclose—; fence in—; flank—; intersect—; occupy—; parallel—; pave—; plank—; promenade—; repair—; run up—; seclude—; shade—; skirt—

    (See lane, alley, path.)

    Walk (vj adverbs

    cavalierly; gingerly; sprightly; blindly; spirally; deliberately; defiantly; meekly; humbly; unsteadily; characteristically; mutely; monotonously; untiringly; tempestuously; stealthily; strenuously; musingly; restlessly; languidly; foppishly; aimlessly; wantonly; reflectively; defiantly; jauntily; calmly; briskly; warily; abstractedly; sedately; haphazardly; contemplatively; lazily

    (See trudge, stroll.)

    Wallet verbs

    adorn—; appropriate—; cram—; emboss—; engrave—; examine—; filch—; guard—; lift—; mulct of—; palm—; pilfer—; prize —; protrude from—; rifle—; stuff—; swell —; thrust into—; —bulges; —wears

    (See bag, purse.)

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    bestially; voluptuously; hoggishly; disgustingly; revoltingly; carnally; lewdly; insatiably; vulgarly

    (See flounder, grovel.)

    Walls ad jectives

    naked; massive; rugged; crannied; crumbling; shattered; eloquent; high; espaliered; garden; bartizan; sapphire; gloomy; adamantine; tired; thick; crenelated; staring; tinted; forsaken; weltering; well-built; verdurous; unsurmounted; emblazoned; proscenium; continuous; impregnable; imperial; pretty; impassable; forested; outward; obliterated; impenetrable; celestial; beauteous; ruined; munimental; abdominal; dignified; flaming; expressionless; far-reaching; buttressed; decaying; wicked; dainty; trembling; moldering; ancient; ruinous; humid; courteous; chancel; battlemented; venerable; dungeon; illuminated; exterior; everlasting; dull; damp; fluttering: roofless; low; unplastered; paneled; high-jutting; pictured; dark; grimy; prison; frowning; fortress; tottering; inaccessible; protecting; sheer; remote; unbroken; leafy-bannered; conventual; vertical; steep; jointed; rocky; lengthy; living; soft; evenly-tinted; gleaming; mossy; shiny; sunny; yonder; wailing; rose-bannered; garden; wind-proofed; austered; cerulean; majestic; towering; girdling; unornamented; unfinished; moaning; mountain; lofty; protecting; silver-seamed; somber; melted; unpeopled; projecting; brazen; eternal; intervening; triple; leprous; lateral; beloved; multitudinous; blistered; fragmentary; rustling; weathered; ageless; scarped; confining; mirrored; moss-covered; dingy; distempered


    barricade behind—; batter down—; bedaub —; clamber over—; decorate—; deface—; drape—; drive to—; emboss—; erect—; flank—; fortify—; fresco—; harbor within —; mount—; paper—; pierce—; .rib—; scale—; scan—; smite—; surmount—; vault—; —arise; .—confine; —crumble; — defend; —enclose; —envelop; —gird; — impede; —partition; —obscure; —shelter; —shield; —shoulder; —surround

    (See fence, barricade, fortification.)

    Waltz adjectives

    lilting; wheeling; ingratiating; old-fashioned; whirling; graceful; appealing


    compose—; embrace in—; enjoy—; fling into—; introduce—; popularize—; portray —; sway to—; whirl in—; —calms; —enthralls; —entrances; —graces; —gyrates; —relaxes; —revolves; —rolls; —survives


    (See dance, minuet.)

    Waltz (v) adverbs

    gracefully; harmoniously; deftly; energetically; charmingly; seductively; rhythmically; liltingly; ingratiatingly; appealingly

    (See dance, trip.)

    Wan adverbs

    pitifully; unfortunately; alarmingly; miserably; feebly; unhealthily; wretchedly; dreadfully; unaccountably; unusually; naturally; strangely; curiously; unnaturally; ghastly

    Wand adjectives

    opiate; streaked; potent; scribbling; snake-encircled; certain; sable


    bear—; brandish—; cleave—; endow—; fashion—; flex—; flourish—; magnetize—; ply—; smite with—; splinter—; split—; strike with—; stroke—; tip—; whittle—: —charms; —chastises; —enchants; — guides; —mesmerizes; —mystifies; —symbolizes

    (See baton, cane, scepter, twig.)

    Wander (v) adverbs

    desolately; erratically; deviously; dilatorily; errantly; listlessly; aimlessly; disconsolately; blindly; ruefully; stupidly; hopelessly; promiscuously; rashly; wearily

    (See roam, ramble.)

    Wanderer adjectives

    bodiless; fantastic; forlorn; night; weary; unwilling; immortal; archetypical; blithe; half-frozen; long-lost; undisciplined

    Wandering adjectives

    eccentric; devious; difficult; weary; sleepless; restless; vague; unquiet; aimless; accidental; dream-led; enfranchised; much; occasional


    inanely; fruitlessly; incessantly; doggedly; hopefully; idly; actually; mentally; confusedly; nervously; nonchalantly; irresponsibly

    Wanderings verbs

    cease—; chart—; color—; condemn to—; describe—; embark on—; experience in—; extend—; narrate—; prolong—; protract—; record—; relate—; retire from—; unfold—; weary of—; —aberrate; —age; —amuse; — embrace; —interest; —thrill

    (See travel, voyage.)

    Wanderlust adjectives

    unconquerable; reoccurring; uncontrollable


    extinguish—; nip—; obey—; quash—; quell —; quench—; resist—; stamp out—; subdue —; succumb to—; surrender to—; yield to —; suppress—; —fires; —grips; —impels; —overwhelms; —perishes; —prods; —pushes; —seizes; —urges

    (See desire, longing, impulse.)

    Want adjectives

    abject; burning; thirsty; fiery; gnawing; acute; actual; spontaneous; unreflected; needful; artificial; common; utter; frank; fearless; passionate; respective; material; immediate; total; unpardonable; unbounded; shameful; endless; wondrous; tender; squalid; divine; present; narrow; curious; presumptive; ripe; absolute; modest; lower; spiritual; conscious; returning; sufficient


    administer to—s; anticipate—s; come to—; consult—s; correct—; diminish—s; discharge —s; express—; gratify—; impoverish with —; intensify—; mark by—; occasion—; provide for—s; reduce to—; subject to—; suffer—; —blemishes; —goads on; —s multiply

    (See need, lack, necessity, destitution.)

    Want (v


    desperately; distressingly; intensely; vaguely; immediately; manifestly; particularly; shamelessly; absolutely; immodestly; spiritually; wistfully; conspicuously; abjectly; passionately

    (See need, desire.)

    Wanton adverbs

    recklessly; playfully; immorally; irrepressibly; loosely; unrestrainedly; wickedly; provocatively; delightedly; hilariously; drunkenly; airily; emotionally; insanely; crazily; childishly; ludicrously; pitiably; brazenly; audaciously; heedlessly; imprudently; incorrigibly; eccentrically; monstrously; lawlessly; outlandishly; unwontedly ; bafflingly

    War adjectives

    suicidal; glorious; brooding; vigorous; im-piojs; exhausting; guerrilla; diabolical; ruthless; expensive; aggressive; ferocious; defensive; internecine; offensive; desolating; mimic; mustering; bitter; grim; impending; universal; increasing; horrible; aboriginal; glorified; inevitable; imminent; classical; barbarous; undeclared; virtuous; fratricidal; open; manful; cormorant; victorious; fearful; intrepid; successive (pl); deadly; successful; tribal; unearthly; meritorious; righteous; unholy; interminable; raging; ensuing; disastrous; banded; brutal; pelting; unvanquished; unjust; incessant; rebellious; devastating; nonsparing; silvan; plangent; elemental; imperialist; contemplated; ghastly; mercenary; renewed; silent; sanguinary; strenuous; social; servile; innocent; irrepressible; intellectual; contumelious; beastly; mad-brained; realistic; fierce; courageous; petty; theob.gx; religious; witching; tremendous; passive


    abstain from—; aggravate—; anticipate—; avert—; banish—; cease—; control—; dedicate to—; determine—; dramatize—; dread —; drift into—; embrace—; entangle in—; enter—; envisage—; fend off—; flame into —; foment—; gird for—; halt—; launch—; localize—: muster for—; outlaw—; plunge into—; prolong—; promote—; provoke—; resort to—; romanticize—; stage—; stave off—; stem—; survive—; taboo—; throttle

    • —; vilify—; wage—; witness—; —arises

    • —bestializes; —blasts; —bristles; —drags on; —endangers; —entangles; —looms; — overclouds; —overshadows; —progresses

    —rages; —ravages, —runs rampant; —sunders; —terminates; —vilifies

    (See fight, combat, battle, warfare.)

    Ward adjectives

    unguarded; close; legitimate; hard; slow-turning; airy; intricate; mutinous; surgical; gracious

    Wardrobe adjectives

    sophisticated; natty; all-occasion; personalized; endless; summer; outdoor; holiday


    attain—; augment—; complete—; delete—; envy—; equip with—; expend on—; fit out with—; luxuriate in—; mend—; mutilate —; perfect—; provide—; purchase—; renew—; repair—; replenish—; restore—; — suffers; —suffices

    (See clothing, apparel.)

    Ware adjectives

    varnished; universal; tawdry; gaudy

    Wares verbs

    auction—; bargain for—; bid for—; cheapen —; dispense—; display—; dispose of—; examine—; hawk—; inflate—; inspect—; liquidate—; loot—; market—; peddle—; pilfer—; proclaim—; purvey—; put—under the hammer; retail—; scatter—; test—; undersell—; vend—; —allure; —depreciate

    (See merchandise, product.)

    Warfare adjectives

    manful; curious; dulcet; cruel; chivalrous; incessant; nightly; friendless; deadly; desperate; foreign; unceasing; offensive; tremendous; unrelenting; eternal; aggressive; wanton; devastating; hopeless; internecine; sylvan; perpetual; unsuccessful; bloody; critical; protracted; vigorous; disjointed; impending; predatory; guerrilla; mimic; licentious; partisan; heartrending. abolish—; arm for—; array for—; balk at —; carry on—; conclude—; decry—; engage in—; force into—; incite—; inflame to—; initiate into—; instigate—; kindle—; light the torch of—; mobilize for—; precipitate into—; resign to—; revolt at—; threaten—; train for—; —devastates; —exterminates

    —menaces; —pillages; —plunders; — seethes; —takes toll: —undermines: — wreaks

    (See hostility, war, struggle, conflict.)

    Warlike adverbs

    insatiably; recklessly; criminally; bestially; flagrantly; viciously; inherently; foully; systematically; abominably; inhumanly; atrociously; brutally; infamously; iniquitous-ly; nefariously; scandalously; savagely; ferociously; vilely; wickedly; barbarously; incorrigibly; unfeelingly; sinfully; horribly; unspeakably; fiendishly; flagitiously; villainously; needlessly; indecently

    Warm adverbs

    unseasonably; uncomfortably; unreasonably; curiously; terribly; comfortably; securely; gratefully; surprisingly; slightly; dreadfully; suffocatingly; unnecessarily; extremely; sufficiently; pleasantly

    Warm (v) adverbs

    perceptibly; appreciably; uncomfortably; frightfully; dangerously; significantly

    (See heat, arouse.)

    Warm-Hearted adverbs

    delightfully; impulsively; lovingly; generously; philanthropically; naturally; dependably; especially; marvelously; pleasantly; wonderfully; altruistically; cordially; hospitably; unusually; uncommonly; sincerely; conspicuously; genuinely; really; truly; always; frankly; earnestly

    Warmth adjectives

    genial; comfortable; thrilling; redolent; juvenile; life-giving; personal; soft; native; grateful; bright; added; balmy; considerable; unseemly; vivacious; trustworthy; deceitful; feeble; loathy; refreshing; virile; varying; peculiar; ethereal; brooding; pas

    sionate; heartfelt; tongueless; friendly; dissolving; tingling; true; human; added; eccentric; rugged; confiding; voluptuous; fostering; utmost


    accustom to—; afford—; bask in—; diffuse —; drowse in—; enjoy—; excite—; exude —; glow with—; impart—; inhale—; provide—; radiate—; regain—; retain—; sense —; swelter in—; temper with;—; welcome—; —animates; —chafes; —comforts; —flushes; —fuses; —lingers; —pervades; —renews; —revives; —revivifies; —thaws

    (See glow, geniality, fervor, ardor, hear.)

    Warn (v) adverbs

    providentially; solemnly; amply; sufficiently; grimly; prophetically; urgently; graciously; forcefully; subtly; soberly; earnestly; faithfully

    (See admonish.)

    Warning adjectives

    grim; prophetic; ecclesiastical; celestial; competent; sundry (pl); gracious; urgent; open; preliminary; startling; eternal; slender; forceful; important; hoarse; subtle; timely; anonymous; displeasing; terrible; anxious; secular; fair; pathetic; sober; earnest; paradoxical


    accept—; broadcast—; convey—; disregard —; distribute—s; explode—, furnish—; heed—; ignore—; issue—:; protest—; regard —; rumble—; signal—; sound—; stress—; tender—; voice—; yield to—; —alarms; — impends; —terrifies

    (See counsel, portent, admonition.)

    Warrant adjectives

    external; lawful; bloody; sufficient; seeming; scriptural; doubtful; valid; avowed; infallible; further


    arm with—; draw up—; exercise—; flourish —; issue—; procure—; resort to—; retain on—; swear out—; wield—; —accredits; — apprehends; —authorizes; —commissions; —delegates; —deputizes; —empowers; — permits; —pledges; —proclaims; —protects

    (See authority, mandate, summons.)

    Warrantable adverbs

    thoroughly; entirely; soundly; altogether; wholly; justly; properly; safely; reasonably; sufficiently; probably; presumably; supposedly; definitely

    Warrior adjectives

    sullen; painful; intrepid; inferior; flaming; simple-minded; charging; care-stricken; delighted; naked; redoubtable; savage; struggling; indefatigable; stern-faced; discomfited; long-dead; gloomy-looking; veteran; fierce; illustrious; exhausted; devilish; magnificent; invincible; tiny; dauntless; fellhanded


    acclaim—; arm—; beribbon—; commemorate—; conciliate—; confer upon—; decorate—; dedicate to—; distinguish—; draft —; elevate—; emulate—; ennoble—; enshrine—; esteem—; exalt—; exhort—; glorify—; hail—; honor—; idealize—; immortalize—: knight—; laud—; lionize—; pacify —; pay homage to—; rank—; revere—; reward—; salute—; worship—; —combats; —engages; —intrenches; —s mobilize; — parries; —perishes; —repels; —sheathes; —wields

    (See soldier, fighter, hero.)

    Warship verbs

    anchor—; bomb—; command—; confine on —; engage—; evade—; dodge—; scale—

    —blockades; —bombards; —conveys; —convoys; —founders; —hems in; —maneuvers

    —s mass; —patrols; —plies; —raids; — rakes; —rams; —retaliates; —rolls; — rushes; —sallies; —shells; —threatens; — transports

    (See boat, ship, army.)

    Wart verbs

    apply to—; burn—; cauterize—; cut—; daub on—; detach—; dissect—; excise—s; grease—; incise—; patch—s; peel—; remove—; salve—; sever—; subject to—s; treat—; —appears; —blemishes; —bulges; —s develop; —disfigures; —erupts; —flattens; —maligns; —mars; —protrudes; — swells; —thickens; —vanishes

    (See sore, wound.)

    Wary adverbs

    habitually; constantly; necessarily; alertly; uncommonly; significantly; extraordinarily; noticeably; nervously; wisely; ordinarily; curiously; tiresomely; conspicuously; timidly; sagaciously; deliberately; anxiously; admirably

    Wash (v) adverbs

    surreptitiously; scrupulously; listlessly; fastidiously; habitually; laboriously; deliberately

    (See clean, scrub.)

    Washing verbs

    obviate—; require—; subject to—; —ab-lutes; —cleanses; —deodorizes; —deterges; —disinfects; —elutriates; —expurgates; — eliminates; —laves; —lixiviates; —purges; —purifies; —refreshes; —renews; —vivifies

    (See bath, water.)

    Wasps adjectives

    injurious; stinging; buzzing; rowdy


    avoid—; classify—; —barb; —burrow; — buzz; —dig; —excavate; —hum; —flit; — molest; —nest; —paralyze; —poison; — provision; —pursue; —snare; —sting; — store; —tunnel; —wing

    (See hornet, insect, bee.)

    Waste adjectives

    unbridled; trackless; wandering; sinful; deliberate; dismal; encompassing; watery; woeful; colorless; indeterminate; gloomy; senseless; vast; thriftless; solemn-sounding; stupendous; unnecessary; terrible; inexcusable; wintry; glimmermg; unproductive; arctic; barren; widening; sprinkled; spiritual; lonely; .putrid; melancholy; simple; premature; colossal; tragic; aching; positive; nitrogenous; inward; desolate; hurried; remote; snowy; frightful; hopeless; burning; pathless; muscular; weltering; garden; flowering; sanctuary; shoreless; lavish; unpardonable; fruitless; boundless; ruinous; digestive; uninhabited; woodland; full; sandy; merciless; monstrous; howling; arid; frozen; turbid; war-worn; useless; dreary; dangerous; sterile; insidious; desert; wanton; verdant; enormous; tedious; billowy; illimitable; untamed; profligate; dread; moldering


    abate—; bewail—; check—; countenance—; curb—; curtail—; decry—; detect—; diminish—; discharge—; eliminate—; excrete—; harvest—; imply—; incur—; manufacture —; rebuke for—; reproach for—; restore —; result in—; retrieve—; rid of—; upbraid for—; wipe out—; withdraw—; —abuses; —accumulates; —appals; —declines; —denudes; —desecrates; —diminishes; —dissipates; —endangers; —shrinks; —squanders


    (See junk, mess, garbage, extravagance.)

    Waste (v) adverbs

    unprofitably; improvidently; rashly; carelessly; heedlessly; deliberately; woefully; senselessly; stupendously; unnecessarily; un-productively; spiritually; ruthlessly; fruitlessly; wantonly; profligately

    (See sqaunder, dissipate.)

    Waste-Basket verbs

    cast into—; consign to—; cram into—; deluge—; empty—; find in—; mouse around —; relegate to—; stuff—; —provides; — serves; —overflows

    (See basket.)

    Wasted (emaciated) adverbs

    pitiably; remarkably; haggardly; gauntly; helplessly; lankly; feebly; desperately; wretchedly; extremely

    Wasteful adverbs

    criminally; wickedly; extremely; w'antonly; thoughtlessly; inconsiderately; immoderately; terribly; carelessly; negligently; foolishly; enormously; indolently; improvidently; ignorantly; crazily; unconscionably; inordinately; egregiously; atrociously; incredibly; miserably; extremely; imprudently; wretchedly

    Watch adjectives

    happy; railroad; neglected; solitary; clamorous; fierce; advised; adventuring; vigilant; tireless; celestial; sympathetic; expensive; airy; couchant; brotherly; breathless; unnatural; strict; unceasing; patient; furtive; incessant; faithful; thrilling


    adjust—; check—; consult—; embellish—; engrave—; fondle—; illuminate—; jewel—; lubricate—; observe—; overwind—; pawn —; refer to—; regulate—; rely upon—; repair—; set—; snatch—; value—; wind—; —fails; —informs; —reminds; —runs down

    (See dial, clock.)

    Watch (v) adverbs

    vigilantly; anxiously; surreptitiously; sullenly; furtively; narrowly; assiduously; disconsolately; absently; minutely; keenly; vaguely; listlessly; slyly; idly; breathlessly; wistfully; apprehensively; attentively; stealthily; greedily; incessantly; moodily; covertly; defiantly; somberly; pensively; lazily; faithfully

    (See observe, scrutinize.)

    Watcher adjectives

    indolent; wingless; unsuspected; lone; sleepless

    Watchful adverbs

    carefully; cautiously; responsibly; properly; stingily; greedily; hungrily; coldly; slyly; alertly; wisely; justifiably; sagaciously; inquisitively; curiously; maliciously; fondly; devotedly; jealously; enviously; constantly; anxiously; timidly

    Wa TCHFULNESS adjectives

    incumbent; calm; heavy; stealthy; constant; suspicious; assiduous; sharp; alert; silent; strenuous

    Water adjectives

    poisonous; murky; wrinkled; brackish; gentle; golden; pellucid; swishng; impounded; shining; marching; sunny; purplish; winding; honeyed; unshaken; precious; steaming; greasy; saline; putrid; bitter; gliding; hidden; rampant; sky-hued; limpid; rocking; darkening; stagnant; shadowless; hurrying; clear; sparkling; hot; glittering; silvery; seaward; surplus; numberless (pl); glistening; emerald; thundering; sleepy; blessed; ready; burning; blue-bosomed; streaming; muddy; invisible; huddling; climbing; living; wind-swept; lonely; reflecting; cleansing; ornamental; brooding; yielding; insipid; weary; swollen; navigable; transparent; festering; reef-strewn; trackless; starlit; moving; virgin; shoal-impatient; swift; giddy; annihilating; quivering; seething; placid; rose-white; glaring; restless; heaving; meager; dropping: sluggish; bickering; reviving; ebbing; imprisoned; dreamy; land-locked; crystal; flowing; gloomy; turbid; broken; perilous; vivifying; healing; moon-clear; tepid; enchanted; cloistered; sunshiny; fetid; dreary; azure; fastflowing: moon-lit; angry; wasteful; perennial; pliant; unsuspected; hydrant; chanting; loathsome; abundant; fluvial; smooth; idle; silent; booming; still; wide; sweltering; distilled; darkling; inviolable; flashing; scalding; treacherous; devouring; circumfluous; glorious; mysterious; dimpled; surging; life-giving; purling; fleecy; sweet; trickling; blushing; journalistic; tree-fringed; bleak; deep; cold; tributary; bubbling; warm; slow-moving; filthy; odorous; spreading; stormy; nearing; glorious; unclean; distant; glassy; roaring; wild; troubled; retreating; glimmering; western; fleeting; imprisoned; mountainous; jumbled; brilliant; benevolent; green; unknown; unstirring; august; tangy; medicinal; forest; fretting; polished; fatal; sharked; slimy; resistant; rushing; lisping; peaceful; smitten; milky; calm; sliding; tormented; rippling; tideless; running; unruffled; teeming; inundating; mute; destined; faint; black; turbulent; adjacent; fragrant; phosphorescent; unflinching; invisible; frothy


    administer—; agitate—; cart—; cast upon —; chart—; contaminate—; dabble in—; dam up—; dilute with—; distil—; disturb —; draw—; excrete—; filter—; frisk in—; gaze upon—; harness—; immerse in—; infest—; ingest—; pacify—; partake of—; plod thiough—; plunge into—; ply with—; pollute—; resort to—; saturate with—; slither into—; slash—; smooth—; steep in—; submerge in—; suck up—; —babbles; — drenches; —dribbles; —drips; —engulfs; —evaporates; —glimmers; —gurgles; — gushes; —invigorates; —laps; —lashes; — murmurs; —oozes out; —penetrates; —precipitates; —quenches; —recedes; —ripples; —roars; •—seeps in; —simmers; —snuffs out; —spurts; —stagnates; —subsides; — surges; —stains; —swells; —swirls; — trickles in

    (See moisture, bath, liquid, pond, juice, lava.)

    Water (v) adverbs

    diligently; literally; faithfully; daily; constantly; superfluously; patiently

    (See refresh, supply.)

    Waterfall adjectives

    ethereal; sheeted; distant; babbling; misty; overhanging; sudden; blazing; dashing; living; roaring; gamboling; rainbowed; graceful


    approach—; bridge—; erode into—; span —; view—; —cascades; —churns; —deluges; —descends; —endangers; —froths; —gurgles; —s lace; —leaps; —pitches; — roars; —rolls; —rumbles; —scuds over; — sprays; —threatens; —thunders; —tinkles

    (See cataract, spray, mist.)

    Wave adjectives

    sanguine; dark; voiceless; weltering; moon-whitened; tremendous; accompanying; playful; petulant; warring; transcendent; plunging; troubled; unnumbered (pl); sloping; foaming; sordid; successive (pl); tidal; glowing; bounteous; scornful; long; throbbing; turbid; surging; bright; translucent; dignified; furious; lava; fleecy; towering; gliding; rugged; all-powerful; rolling; never-tiring; feathery; lustrous; charming; fluctuating; delicate; glittering; eternal; greedy; burning; whirling; immeasurable; lapsing; flashing; drunken; dividual (pl); yeasty; sparkling; fierce; green; wintry; dull; monstrous; amber; petrified; vivid; haunted; oblivious; rippling; inveterate; hurrying; turbulent; startled; bellowing; rebellious; reckless; inflated; chilly; mounting; softening; impressive; weltering; painted; great; white-crested; pent; impetuous; flinging; whispering; hiding; fiery; yellow; breaking; indented; wobbly; uneven; glossy; frolicsome; audacious; gleaming; lasting; tempestuous; surf; glooming; dissolving; sheltering; dashing; sullen; conquered; starry; blackening; high-rolling; engulfing; melodious; wireless; caressing; calm; ruthless; careless; moon-lit; mirrored; full-flushed; late; rhythmical; curling; ever-deepening; undulating; tossing; wide-wallowing; blind; restless; migratory; lustrous; tractable; bounding; peaceful; dashing; refluent; shattered; wan; slumberous; sparkling; tepid; intermingled (pl); electric; brimming; peaked; mountainous; slimy; salt; wandering; pandemic; infinitesimal; frantic; breaking; foam-figured; whistling; slight; creative; lambent; thin-edged; unfathomable; lonely; mournful; eerie; uncharted; rival; enormous; conflicting, angry; burnished; grassy; conciliatory; crisp; dimpled; quivering; advancing; sable; sympathetic; spent; implacable; ruffled; alarming; loyal; urgent; wildered; jostling; rising; shallow; fretting; mighty; mimic; sonorous; receding; gurgling; swen-haunted; sun-kissed; charmed; frothy; inconstant; unsullied; raging; heaving; peristaltic; stormy; summer; western; blind

    Wave (v) adverbs

    gaily; gracefully; magically; helplessly; frantically; amicably; cheerfully; energetically; desolately; tremulously; rhythmically; constantly; languidly; erratically; impudently; mournfully; eloquently; gently; contemptuously; surreptitiously

    (See flaunt, brandish.)

    Waver (v) adverbs

    indecisively; irresolutely; weakly; morbidly; vacillatingly; erratically; doubtfully

    (See vacillate.)

    Wavering adverbs

    feebly; decrepitly; indecisively; hesitantly; weakly; finally; seldom; vexatiously; foolishly; irresponsibly; weakly; shyly; timidly; terribly; anxiously; strangely

    Waves verbs

    breast—; command—; launch upon—; ride —; stem—; walk upon—; —batter; —beat; —break; —buffet; —chant; —dance; — dash; —emanate; —fall; —fizzle; —foam; —lap; —lash; —lift their heads; —lull

    —pound; —rage; —recede; —ripple; — rise; —show their teeth; —sigh; —slap; — slop; —swamp; —toss their manes; —tremble; —tumble; —vibrate

    (See ocean, breaker, billow, maelstrom.

    Wax adjectives

    yielding; incorruptible; plastic; soft; dental


    accumulate—; bleach—; candle—; collect—; derive—; extract—; fuse—; impress on—; model in—; mould—; plug with—; scrape —; seal with—; secrete—; wick—; yield—; —adheres; —melts; —polishes; —seals; — smooths; —waterproofs

    (See candle, putty.

    Wax (v) adverbs mightily; indignantly; boisterously; prodigiously; abnormally; spectacularly

    (See grow, increase.

    Way adjectives

    abnormal; absolute; admirable; abstract; accommodating; admonitory; adroit; advantageous; agitated; agreeable; aimless; airy; allegorical; ancient; ambitious; amorous; applauded; arched; appointed; artful; assured; astounding; avoidable; bachelor; busy; calculating; caressing; categoncal; celestial; challenged; chance; characteristic; charming; cheap; cheerful; childish; comical; circuitous; cold; comfortable; compact; companionable; comparative; complete; composed; comradely; confidential; convenient; cordial; creative; critical; cynical; dank; dark; darkling; dauntless; defiant; deep; delicate; delicious; delightful; depreciating; desolate; desultory; devious; dignified; dim; direct; disagreeable; dishonest; disorderly; distant; distempered; divers (pl); divine; dogged; dolorous; doubtful; doubtless; dreamy; dull; dusty; easy; eccentric; effective; endearing; egoistic; elaborate; enigmatical; enlightened; erring; everlasting; existing; execrable; expeditious; expensive; explicable; expressive; false; fantastic; farthest; fathomable; fiery; flaming; flowered; foul; fumbling; genial; glib; gloomy; good-humored; gracious; gratifying; grave; grim; guileless; happy; halffrightened; hateful; hearty; heavenward; heavy-hearted; heedful; heterogeneous; hilarious; honorable; humble; idiomatic; idle; illogical; immortal; imperious; impersonal; impetuous; impregnable; incomprehensible; inconsequent; indefinite; indifferent; indirect; inexplicable; infinite; inflexible; ingenious; inscrutable; insolent; insular; inspired; intimate; introverted; irregular; invisible; irresistible; irritating; jerky; jostling; kind; laborious; lampless; labyrinthine; languid; last; laudable; lawful; leafy; learned; legendary; leisure; listless; lofty; loitering; lonely; luxurious; magical; marvelous; melancholy; mild; military; mischievous; modern; monstrous; moon-lit; muddled; murderous; muffled; mysterious; mystical; narrow; nasty; negative; noiseless; objective; night-wandering; nudging; obscure; obedient; offensive; oily; old; organic; original; ostentatious; outmoded; over-darkened; particular; peaceable; passive; paved; pebbly; peculiar; penetrating; peremptory; perfunctory; perilous; perplexing; picturesque; pilgrim; plausible; practical; prefatory; preoccupied; priestly; primrose; privy; promiscuous; promising; prosperous; provincial; provoking; prudent; public; quaint; queer; quick; rakish; random; rational; ready; realistic; reasonable; reassuring; reckless; reflective; respected; restless; restrained; restricted; roundabout; rude; rugged; safe; satisfactory; scaly; scornful; scrupulous; secret; self-chosen; self-made; self-pleasing; servile; shameful; facile; sharp; sheepish; shy; silly; sinuous; slimy; slippery; sodden; soft; solitary; sophisticated; sound; spasmodic; special; spectacular; spiky; spirited; sporadic; spring; squalid; starry; steadfast; stiffnecked; stolid; strange; stylish; sublime; subterranean; successful; sunken; supernatural; suspicious; symmetrical; sympathetic; systematic; temporary; tainted; tentative; theological; thorny; toilsome; tortuous; trackless; tranquil; treacherous; tricky; tumultuous; unaccountable; unceremonious; unchristian; uncompromising: uncouth; undynamic; unemotional; unerring; unexpected; uneven; unfriendly; ungenerous; ungracious; unhandsome; unimpassioned; unique; unkindled; unknown; unmeaning; unmerciful; unmistakable; unmitigated; unobtrusive; unpremeditated; unskilled; unslackened; unsuspected; untrodden; untutored; unwithered; upland; varied; venturous; vigorous; vulgar; wandering; wanton; wary; weary; weedy; whimsical; wildering; wil

    lowy; winding; woodland; workable; conscientious; constrained; contrary; half-fascinated


    adapt to—s; bar—; betray—; block—; bluff —; clutter—; contemplate—; demonstrate —; designate—; devise—; discern—; disclose—■; elbow—; emulate—s; err in—; explore—; forge—; forsake—s; grope—; guide—; hew—; illumine—; inaugurate—; initiate in—s; inspire—; interpret—; lurk along—; mark—; mend—s; muddle—; pave —; pick—; plod—; plow—; point out—; pursue—; renounce—s; retrace—; smash—; smooth—; stray from—; strew—; thread—; veer from—; wangle—; welter—; wend—; worm—; yield—

    (See fashion, highway, gate, alley, avenue, manner, course, habit, lane.)

    W AY W ARD adverbs

    reprehensibly; heartbreakingly; incredibly; miserably; wretchedly; pitiably; curiously; remarkably; unaccountably; unmanageably; incorrigibly; strangely; haplessly; peculiarly; unfortunately; uncommonly; singularly; hopelessly; desperately; childishly

    W AY WORN adverbs

    terribly; weakly; feebly; pitiably; pathetically; undoubtedly; naturally; credibly; extremely; completely; utterly; ominously; momentarily; dreadfully

    Weak adverbs

    pathetically; terribly; unusually; naturally; extremely; inordinately; significantly; palpably; languidly; remarkably; strangely; curiously; unexpectedly; surprisingly; unaccountably; distressingly; disappointingly; fatally; mortally; alarmingly; unfortunately

    Weaken (v) adverbs

    painfully; constitutionally; unsuspectedly; alarmingly; tragically; treacherously; precipitately; materially; basically; ostensibly; insidiously

    (See impair, decline.)

    Weakness adjectives

    cold-pale; youthful; normal; mortal; anarchical; potential; veriest; hereditary; childish; extraordinary; disordered; bodily; relative; physical; endearing; momentary; incurable; inherent; curious; unworthy; progressive; absolute; overmastering; confessed; extreme; deadly; amiable; earthly; intellectual; fatal; permanent; contemptible; prevalent; inborn; hollow


    arise from—; betray—; bewail—; blame—,* confess to—; conquer—; deride—; dress up —; exploit—; increase—; indicate—; lament —; overcome—; pander to—; parade—; produce—; redeem—; reproach for—; speculate upon—; spurn—; —assails; —forfeits; —impairs; —prostrates; —thwarts; induce

    •(See infirmity, inability, disability, impotence, frailty, helplessness.

    Weal adj < ctives

    common; public; universal; all-embracing

    Wealth adjectives

    incipient; personal; incalculable; flowing; estimated; melodic; comparative; boundless; enormous; wanton; ill-gotten; unlimited; diminished; fabulous; proverbial; maiden; undeveloped; mineral; independent; movable; sole; hoarded; substantive; intellectual; growing; concentrated; complacent; monopolistic; lavished; priceless; crystal; progressive; natural; tremendous; material; con-spicious; squandering; magic; unwieldy; veritable; many-sided; lacteal; emotional; religious; disregarded; physical; inherited; immense; spiritual; available; gleaned; sparkling


    accumulate—; affect—; apportion—; attain —; confer—; confiscate—; consume—; destroy—; diffuse—; dissipate—; drain—; efface—; euphemize—; forfeit—; gather—; groan with—; hoard—; labor for—; lavish —; load with—; lust for—; obviate—; plunder—; redistribute—; reject—; roll in—; scatter—; scramble for—; squander—; tap —; tax—; toil for—; winnow—; —destines; —menaces; —multiplies; —surpasses

    (See fortune, affluence, legacy, capital, luxury, money, riches, plenty.)

    Wealthy adverbs

    gorgeously; enormously; comfortably; fortunately; pleasantly; agreeably; serenely; snugly; enviably; complacently; sufficiently; smugly; graciously; fabulously; independently; substantially; tremendously; conspicuously; immensely; crassly; excessively; fairly

    Weapon adjectives

    slight; spiritual; enticing; ancipital; lethal; unsheathed: respectable; resistless; fierce; habitual; mimic; economic; inadequate; ceremonial; saintly; climatic; pitiless; prohibited; keen; formidable; devastating: ghastly; idle; defensive; fatal; blood-tipped; effective; primitive; death-dealing; trusty; lavish; dripping; heroic; dangerous; imperial; competent


    brandish—; conceal—; devise—; discredit —; display—; draw—; flourish—; forge—; furnish with—; resort to—; scorn—; sheathe —; stroke—; shield from—; temper—; wield—; wrest—; —s clang; —s clash; — cracks; —s crash; —flashes; —intimidates; —roars; —coerces

    (See arms, cannon, bow, cutlass, dagger, missile, gun, sword.)

    Wear adjectives

    abundant; minimum; worthy; immediate: superfluous; forcible; fashionable; prolonging; satisfactory

    Wear (v) adverbs

    habitually; absurdly; customarily; religiously; gracefully; conventionally; invariably; jauntily; loosely; haughtily; superfluously; fashionably

    (See use, sport.)

    Weariness adjectives

    elemental; humble; delicious; despairing; simple; utter; exasperated; satisfied; sheer; mortal; everlasting; blissful; silent; colossal; never-ending; eternal


    allay—; alleviate—; assuage—; augment—; complain of—; endure—; induce—; mitigate —; relieve—; result in—; succumb to—; — besets; —consumes; —creeps; —deters; — diminishes; —drags; —engulfs; —irks; — irritates; —oppresses; —overtakes; —overwhelms

    (See impotence, fatigue, languor, exhaustion, lassitude, lethargy, ennui.)

    Wearisome adverbs

    intolerably; tediously; monotonously; profoundly; irksomely; terribly; inordinately; exhaustingly; prosily; disgustingly; unbearably; stupidly; vexatiously; annoyingly; excessively; utterly; painfully; dreadfully

    Weary adverbs

    naturally; inordinately; terribly; utterly; strangely; pitifully; forlornly; physically; nervously; unutterably; immeasurably; profoundly; extremely; mortally; inexpressibly; distressingly; pathetically; sadly

    Weasel verbs

    —claws; —climbs; —constructs; —defends; —deposits; —inhabits; —pillages; —preys on; —plunders; —slays; —swims

    (See animal.)

    Weather adjectives

    fair; green; heavy; high; windy; frosty; prized; harsh; inclement; bitter; portentous; overhung; unsullied; thick; warm; sunshiny; damp; foggy; sticky; summer; capricious; foul; whirling; militant; ripening; bright; hard; glad; wintry; unseasonable; darkening; somber; common; extreme; unfavorable; sultry; gypsy; mild; blue; rough; oppressive; humid; starless; unsettled; loud; delicious; glorious; golden; wilting; surface; tough; ripening; gusty’; blusterous; unpropitious; cloudless; feverish; detestable; intemperate; singing


    anticipate—; bare to—; bear—; becloud—; chart—; conjecture on—; converse about—; endure—; expose to—; exult in—; forecast —; predict—; prophesy—; stomach—; unsettle—; —affects: —brightens; —clears; —damages; —dejects; —demoralizes; —depresses; —discourages; —disheartens; —enlivens; —frowns; —hovers; —invigorates

    —limits; —modifies; —permits; —thickens. (See climate, cold, heat.

    We A THER-BEA TEN adverbs

    curiously; hopelessly; sturdily; dingily; apparently; admittedly; probably; naturally; obviously; palpably; manifestly; laughingly; harmlessly; oddly; shabbily; dingily

    Weathered adverbs

    decrepitly; invincibly; sturdily; anciently; admirably; pitifully; languidly; outrageously; definitely; agedly; gauntly; desperately; hopelessly

    Weave (v) adverbs

    deceptively; coarsely; subtly; laboriously; ingeniously; inextricably; deftly; skillfully; dexterously; artfully

    (See braid, fabricate.)

    Web adjectives

    singularly-formed; mysterious; bandana; tangled; dark; illuminated; contrapuntal; atrocious; unfinished; intricate; thick-spun; frail; luminous; wondrous; graceful-looking; braided


    avoid—; elude—; escape—; evade—; spin —; weave—; wreathe—; —ambushes; — attracts; —baits; —beguiles; —convolutes; —curves; —decussates; —enmeshes; —entangles; —entwines; —intersects; —lures; —reticulates; —snares; —traps; —vibrates

    (See cobweb, trap, net.)

    Wed (v) adverbs

    auspiciously; admirably; happily; gaily; blissfully; genially; perfunctorily; passionately

    (See marry, unite.)

    Wedding verbs

    approve of—; attend—; bar from—; bless —; celebrate—; ceremonialize—; contemplate—; entertain at—; feast at—; officiate at—; perform—; ritualize—; witness—; — binds; —cements; —contracts; —joins; — pledges; —ties; —unites

    (See nuptials, matrimony, marriage.)

    Weeds adjectives

    hardy; pageant; luxuriant; offensive; sea; bladdery; troublesome; unwholesome; mourning; coarse; brittle; silver-budded; fancy; rank; dank; valueless; wretched-looking; little; scented; flowerless; loathed; huddling; clinging; convent; blossoming; amphibious; bending; noisome; fragrant; deleterious; undulating; ineradicable; wasting; encumbering; swaying; thin; choking; noxious; unsightly; berry-spotted


    clear of—; exterminate—; eradicate—; nip —; pluck—; sever—; suffocate by—; teem with—; —attain; —choke; —crowd; — cumber; —deprive; —destroy; —entwine; —fringe; —hamper; —hinder; —overgrow; —parch; —strangle

    (See grass, plant.)

    Weedy adverbs

    excessively; horribly; hopelessly; inordinately; extraordinarily; naturally; offensively; vexatiously; terribly; unnecessarily; inexcusably; carelessly; hideously; rankly; un-wholesomely; disgustingly; discouragingly

    Week adjectives

    consecutive (pl); bewildering; tempestuous; momentous; previous; ensuing; successive (pl); eventful; disturbing; dreary; happy; intoxicating; long; tedious; weary


    abide—; beguile—; celebrate—; commemorate—; endure—; extend—; fix—; forecast —; fritter away—; gain—; outlast—; prolong—; reckon—s; remain—; survive—; terminate—; tolerate for—; while away—; —elapses; —expires; —inaugurates; — lapses; —marks; —s stretch

    (See month, day, hour, time.)

    Weep (v) adverbs

    pitifully; plaintively; piteously; bitterly; wildly; tumultuously; sentimentally; pathetically; intermittently; stormily; hysterically; abundantly; furiously; copiously; ludicrously; sympathetically

    (See lament, moan.)

    Weeping adjectives

    responsive; mysterious; incessant; hysterical; violent; passionate; continual; ludicrous; sore; chronic; wild; focused; untimely

    Weigh («•) adverbs

    gravely; judiciously; reflectively; empirically; correctly; onerously; heavily; minutely; momentously; ponderously

    (See balance, estimate.)

    Weight adjectives

    nightmare; slumberous; undue; soft; dark; mass; excess; increasing; overwhelming; panting; superior; sweet; enormous; withering; unsolicited; panting; patent; caressing; portcullis; co-extensive; lesser; dead; comfortable; unaccustomed; hard; icy; noticeable; prodigal; definite; descending; weary; augmented; emotional; specific; idle; crushing; finite; momentous; ponderous; relative; surplus; massive; cruel; exceptional; light; sufficient; combined


    adjust—; ascertain—; attain—; bear—; carry—; cast off—; convey—; determine—; exert—; flounder under—; groan under—; manipulate—; match—; modify—; propel —; regulate—; shoulder—; support—; suspend—; unburden—; vary in—; —balances; —bruises; —burdens; —compresses; —constricts; —crumples; —crushes; —descends; —diminishes; —fatigues; —oppresses; — overwhelms; —submerges

    (See load, heaviness, burden.)

    Weird adverbs

    strangely; gloomily; uncannily; terribly; dismally; fearfully; mysteriously; darkly; curiously; fantastically; grotesquely; incomprehensibly; unpleasantly; disagreeably; peculiarly; eerily

    Welcome adjectives

    formal; courteous; healthful; comfortless; chill; familiar; tepid; hearty; smiling; preposterous; cordial; awkward; unclouded; pathetic; homely; triumphant; pure; majestic; friendly; noisy; kindred; heart-sped; royal; dismal; generous; intuitive; gracious; unquestioned; premeditated; scant; boisterous; kindly; languid; urbane; immemorial; unostentatious; frank; energetic; extraordinary; joyous; hospitable; genial; cheerful; reverend; warm; lavish; frolic


    assure—; bark—; bid—; bow—; embrace in—; extend—; greet with—; hail—; insure —; nod—; offer—; overstay—; rejoice in—; roar—; salute—; shout—; smile—; thunder —; w’in—; —cools; —flatters; —greets; — heartens; —rings

    (See greeting, friendship.)


    gratefully; refreshingly; cordially; sincerely; hospitably; warmly; truly; unexpectedly; supremely; encouragingly; frankly; acceptably; pleasantly; genially; graciously

    Welcome (v) adverbs

    smilingly; spaciously; hospitably; enthusiastically; fondly; heartily; affectionately; ecstatically; gleefully; courteously; majestically; generously; languidly; urbanely; ostentatiously; frankly; energetically; joyously; genially; lavishly

    (See greet, hail.)

    Weld (v) adverbs

    electrically; sturdily; staunchly; firmly

    Welding adjectives

    intimate; sturdy; gradual; necessary

    Welfare adjectives

    immediate; bodily; real; general; human; material; permanent; spiritual; financial; commercial; national; eternal


    administer—; advance—; aid—; concern—: consider—; consult—; contribute to—; determine—; devote to—; disregard—; encourage —; endanger—; forward—; foster—; further—; ignore—; impair—; improve—; jeopardize—; neglect—; overlook—; plan —; promote—; raise—; regard—; respect —; sacrifice—; safeguard—; seek—; serve —; study—; threaten—; —ascends; —flourishes; •—thrives

    (See good, health, happiness. well-beingJ )

    Well adjectives

    deep; calm; handsome; stone; decorated; poisoned; projected; fathomable; crystal; transparent; mossy; extreme; babbling; connected; polluted; harmonious; bubbling


    bare—; case—; contaminate—; drain—; drill—; emanate from—; excavate—; issue from—; line—; pollute—; probe—; pump from—; sink—; sound—; submerge in—; tap—; test—; —affords; —bubbles; —facilitates; —offers; —overflows; —springs up


    (See spring, shaft, source, fountain, volcano.)


    gloriously; splendidly; magnificently; wholly; gaily; entirely; seldom; recently; finally; radiantly; miraculously; happily; fortunately; luckily; naturally; surprisingly; extremely; incomparably; sturdily; rosily

    Well-Being verbs

    administer to—; advance—; afford—; bask in—; contribute toward—; desire—; discern —; encourage—; envy—; indicate—; jeopardize—; promote—; sense—; serve—; threaten—; wrap up in—; —flourishes; — permeates; —pervades; —prospers; — thrives

    (See welfare.)

    Well-Bred adverbs

    extremely; satisfactorily; gratifyingly; acceptably; unusually; delightfully; extraordinarily; beautifully; marvelously; surprisingly; unexpectedly; obviously; manifestly; meticulously; charmingly; naturally

    Well-Informed adverbs

    remarkably; eminently; illustriously; exceptionally; consummately; distinctly; particularly; marvelously; wonderfully; profoundly; incredibly; surprisingly; undeniably; intelligently; unusually; certainly; impressively

    Well-Meaning adverbs

    possibly; probably; apparently; evidently; manifestly; painfully; obviously; hopefully: awkwardly; clumsily; sufficiently

    West adjectives

    sublimated; faded; flameless; unfooted; rich; glowing; fiery

    Wet adverbs

    terribly; obnoxiously; unwholesomely; soppily; hopelessly; unseasonably; swampily; quaggily; mysteriously; strangely; disgustingly; unpleasantly; unhealthfully; utterly

    Wetness adjectives

    dripping; sticky; red; annoying; permanent

    Wetting adjectives

    hearty; customary; voluntary; necessary

    Whale adjectives

    wanton; large-finned; awkward; belching: monstrous; trained


    conserve—; derive from—s; dissect—; encounter—; exterminate—; glimpse—; harpoon—; haul in—; land—; market—; pursue—; sight—; spot—; strand—; strip—; value—; —s frequent; —gives battle; —s haunt; —inhabits; —looms; —plunges; — preys upon; —spouts; —submerges; —rows; —yields

    (See shark, fish, animal.)

    Whea T adjectives

    fruitless; scythed; yellowing; tender; nodding; ripe; whole; cracked; ground; bleached


    attack—; consume—; convert—; cultivate—; enrich—; glean—; grind—; harvest—; import—; market—; mill—; pulverize—; sow —; thresh—; trade in—; winnow the chaff from—; —booms; —fails; —flourishes; — fluctuates; —germinates; —matures; — ripens; —ripples; —thrives

    (See crop, harvest, grain, cereal, grass, plant.)

    Wheedling adverbs

    teasingly; coaxingly; flatteringly; fondly; carefully; foxily; tenderly; persistently; successfully; constantly

    Wheel adjectives

    ardent; muffled; toothed; sentient; tardy; interior; flaming; buckled; whirling; fervid; humming; formidable; jarring; worm-eaten; gilded; living; westering; broad-tired; massive; shining; wobbling; rolling; restless; ponderous; creaking; glowing; retreating; worn-out; waggly; spinning; whirring; gambling


    derail—; grip—; lubricate—; maneuver—; pad—; realign—s; shatter—; tread—; trundle—; twirl—; —clicks; —creaks; — deviates; —drones; —encompasses; —encircles; —girdles; —facilitates; —gyrates; —lurches; —jars; —jolts; —jounces; —pivots on; —recoils; —responds; —revolves; —rumbles; —spins; —swerves; —twirls; — whirls

    (See helm, cycle.)

    Wheel (v) adverbs

    automatically; serenely; sharply; swiftly; dizzily; drunkenly; mechanically; ceaselessly; whirringly; smoothly

    (See roll, move.)

    Whereabouts verbs

    allude to—; ascertain—; bare—; betray—; bring to light—; conceal—; confirm—; determine—; discern—; disclose—; discover —; divulge—; establish—; expose—; fix—; inform of—; report—; reveal—; screen—; solve—; trace—; unearth—; veil—; verify —; —baffles; —creeps out; —mystifies

    (See existence, position, place.)

    Whiff adjectives

    jealous; subtle; odorous; suggestive; gentle

    Whim adjectives

    wild; eccentric; epicurean; delightful; illogical; abrupt; mere; ornamental; arbitrary; idle; anti-social; inconvenient; humorous; arrant; curious; mad; silly


    accede to—; conceive—; deny—; deplore—; discard—; dismiss as—; excite—; grant—; gratify—; humor—; indulge in—; outgrow —; play up to—; provoke—; satisfy—; smother—; yield to—; —intoxicates; —irritates; —piques; —riles (colloq.); —seizes

    (See humor, fad, fancy, caprice.)

    Whimper (v) adverbs

    fretfully; distractedly; pusillanimously; reproachfully; feebly; pitifully; nervously; weakly; brokenly; hysterically; fruitlessly

    (See weep, cry.)

    Whimpering adjectives

    nervous; secret; everlasting; continual; frightened; pitiful

    Whimsical adverbs

    ludicrously; fancifully; fantastically; amusingly; pleasantly; cleverly; subtly; agreeably; fascinatingly; charmingly; grotesquely; outlandishly; delightfully; immensely; absurdly; unusually; oddly

    Whine adjectives

    shrill; pusillanimous; friendly; cracked; peculiar; hungry; begging


    choke back—; discern—; elicit—; emit—; provoke—; restrain—; smother—; stifle—; subdue—; —distresses; —expresses; —irks: —irritates; —laments; —moves; —riles (colloq.) ; —s subside; —touches

    (See moan, sob, complaint.)

    Whine (v) adverbs

    piteously; wretchedly; churlishly; shrilly; pusillanimously; beggingly; mournfully; intolerably; hungrily

    (See whimper, cry.)

    Whinny adjectives

    colt-like; shrill; nervous; excited

    Whip adjectives

    gigantic; remorseless; cutting; keen; deadly; brutal


    apply—; brandish—; crack—; cut with—; flick—; flog with—; lay on—; prod with—; utilize—; yield to—; —accelerates; —belabors; —bestirs; —coerces; —crackles; — cracks; —flays; —cuts; —impels; —induces; —lashes; —pricks; —reddens; — scourges; —spurs; —stimulates; —stings; — urges; —goads

    Whip (v) adverbs

    unmercifully; deservedly; savagely; brutally; remorselessly; viciously

    (See beat, thrash.)

    Whippoorwill verbs

    —calls; —moans; —reiterates; —vociferates ; —wails

    (See bird.)

    Whirl adjectives

    little; powdery; foamy; continuous; social; giddy

    Whirl (t-) adverbs

    crazily; dizzily; madly; gaily; joyously; incessantly; furiously; giddily; continuously. (See revolve, swirl.

    Whirlpool adjectives

    everlasting; continued; foamy; fatal; heartless


    avoid—; drift into—; escape—; ferment—; flounder in—; quiver in—; sweep into—; yield to—; —agitates; —batters; —boils; — buffets; —churns; —dashes; —eddies; — endangers; —foams; —froths; —gyrates; — imperils; —jostles; —jounces; —menaces; —plays; —roars; —seethes; —spouts; — sucks; —swirls; —threatens; —whips

    (See maelstrom, vortex, waves. )

    Whirlwind adjectives

    drear; cloudy; weltering; dark; awful; rending; eddying; good; undulating; toying; fatal; unexpected

    Whisk (v) adverbs

    deftly; cleverly; eagerly; abruptly; resolutely; noiselessly; cunningly

    (See sweep, whirl.)

    Whiskers adjectives

    solitary; grizzled; sere; miserable; halfstarved; shaggy; educated; combed: closely-cropped; bushy; unruly; optimistic; huge; fuzzy; bountiful; unkempt; ingrown


    affect—; clip—; crop—; cultivate—; discard—; lop off—; pluck—; respect—; ruffle —; rumple—; shag—; shampoo—; shear—; smooth—; stroke—; thin out—; trim—; — adorn; —cloak; —disguise; —fringe; — gray; —quiver; —transform; —tuft

    (See moustache, mane, hair, beard.)

    Whiskey adjectives

    indispensable; hot; commissary; straight; blended; bonded; young; medicinal; cheap; smooth; fiery; burning; synthetic


    abstain from—; addict to—; age—; assimilate—; bond—; bootleg—; bottle—; consume—; dispatch—; distil—; drain—; inure to—; legalize—; prohibit—; quaff—; refine—, sip—; swill—; tax—; value—; —anaesthetizes; —befogs; —deadens; — dulls; —enlivens; —flows; —flings down; —inebriates; —enslaves; —intoxicates; — narcotizes; —perverts; —revives; swig—

    (See brandy, liquor, alcohol, gin, wine.)

    Whisper adjectives

    delightful; gentle; sullen; friendly; dainty; icy; sibilant; soothing; awe-stricken; stirring; naked; subdued; ragged; little; rapid; hysteric; broken; persuasive; insistent; stage; imperturbable; laughing; silken; stealthy; confidential; frantic; resolute; ceaseless; indolent; answering; intense; solemn; unnatural; keen; wheezing; busy; blasphemous; significant; low; muttered; hoarse; failing; vibrating; swelling; precautionary; benignant; bearded; husky; multitudinous (pl); fierce; tragic; hollow; ghostly; hideous; bass; audible; hurried; frightened; serene; overt; eloquent; agonized; strained; occasional; caressing; complaining; fanatical; distressed


    amplify—; conspire in—s; converse in—s; convey in—; drown out—; emit—; harken to—; hush—; inform in—; muffle—; overhear—; raise above—; reduce to—; resort to—; revive—; stifle—; suppress—; — beckons; —buzzes; —dies; —distracts; — diverts; —hints; —prompts; —quavers; — rebukes; —sears; still—

    (See sound, tone, noise, hum.)

    Whisper (v) adverbs

    hoarsely; treasonably; brokenly; passionately; impressively; eagerly; tremulously; urgently; mysteriously; audibly; affectionately; discreetly; petulantly; breathlessly; fiercely; savagely; feebly; defiantly; appealingly; compassionately; insidiously; vehemently; feverishly; stealthily; overtly; eloquently; impressively

    (See gossip, speak.)

    Whistle adjectives

    noiseless; plaintive; hoarse; careless; expressive; fierce; denouncing; shrill; incessant; congratulatory; occasional


    blow on—; toot—; —alarms; —announces

    —awakens; —beckons; —deafens; —distracts; —drowns out; —pierces; —proclaims; —rends; —screams; —shrieks; — shrills; —signals; —sounds; —splits; — startles; —wails; —wrarns

    (See warning, flute, note, scream.)

    Whistle (v) adverbs

    sharply; briskly; piercingly; incisively; warningly; desperately; weirdly; thinly; tunelessly; mockingly; gently; repetitiously; melodiously; plaintively

    (See sound, sing.)

    White adjectives

    pure; new; snow; artemisia; frosty'; clinging; unendurable; moon-washed; brilliant; beach; billowy; delicate; silvery; translucent; uncanny; popular; smart; plain; wanted; smooth; dazzling; creamy; foaming; shining; whirling; argent; deadly; immaculate; bloodless; slashing; luminous


    ghastly; utterly; suddenly; brilliantly; dingily; dustily; dully; nervously; sickly; frightfully; gleamingly; blazingly; chalkily; ghostly; surprisingly; inappropriately; startlingly

    White-Livered adverbs

    disgustingly; foolishly; shamefully; terribly; despicably; contemptibly; obviously; manifestly; notoriously; infamously; unusually; spinelessly; abjectly; helplessly; undisguis-edly; hideously; terribly

    Whiteness adjectives

    dazzling; splendid; immaculate; gleaming; downy; pristine; spotless; ghastly; unbroken; chalky; silent; bony; evanescent; dead; odious

    Whitewashed adverbs

    neatly; gleamingly; recently; tidily; sanitarily; pleasantly; conveniently; hilariously; quickly; diplomatically; wisely; cheaply; delightfully; cheerfully; ingeniously; thoughtfully; carefully; deceptively; artistically

    Whole adjectives

    consistent; magnificent; stupendous; homogeneous; coherent; immeasurable; complete; great; weltering

    Wholesome adverbs

    pleasantly; delightfully; palatably; tastily; notably; admittedly; soundly; nutritiously; splendidly; happily; admirably; commendably; attractively; smilingly; rosily; sturdily

    Whoop (v) adverbs

    hideously; madly; wildly; insanely; barbarously; terrifyingly; viciously; insistently; hysterically

    (See cry, yell.)

    Wick adjective

    flaring; homemade; burned; cotton; low


    enkindle—; ignite—; immerse—; lower—; raise—; renew—; saturate—; smother—; snuff out—; soak—; —blazes; —diffuses; — flares; —flickers; —flutters; —glimmers; — glows; —illumines; —radiates; —scintillates; —sears; —singes; —sparkles

    (See candle.)

    Wicked adverbs

    scarcely; slightly; interestingly; alluringly; terribly; brutally; heinously; undeniably; palpably; manifestly; nefariously; unspeakably; inexpressibly; dreadfully; obscenely; conspicuously; notoriously; infamously

    Wickedness adjectives

    loathsome; idolatrous; flagrant; unforgivable; exceeding


    acquit of—; atone for—; breed—; condone —; convert from—; denounce—; deplore—; disclose—; do penance for—; expiate—; expose—; extirpate—; forsake—; impute— to; inveigh against—; paint—; purge of—; renounce—; repent—; reproach for—; reveal—; rue—; shrive of—; stamp out—; stew in—; work—; —corrupts; —prevails; —reigns; —taints

    (See lawlessness, abomination, iniquity, licentiousness, immorality, evil.)

    Wide adverbs

    amply; sufficiently; generously; unexpectedly; capaciously; voluminously; exceptionally; particularly; peculiarly; conveniently; commodiously; spaciously; advantageously; tremendously; immensely; adequately; suitably; properly; fortunately; outlandishly; unnecessarily

    Widen (v} adverbs

    perceptibly; appreciably; gradually; markedly; proportionately; sufficiently; immeasurably; dlimitably

    (See broaden, increase.)

    Wide-Spread adverbs

    unfortunately; manifestly; remarkably; amazingly; alarmingly; fearfully; luckily; dangerously; profitably; ineradicably; presumably; allegedly; fantastically; curiously

    Widow adjectives

    charming; agreeable; disconsolate; brokenhearted; wanton; childless; perverse; loving; pious; sentimental; virginal; lusty; unpensioned; polygamous; intrepid; austere; superabundant (pl)

    Wield (vj adverbs

    magically; potently; honorably; viciously; dictatorially; tyrannically; cunningly; dangerously; slyly; hatefully; deceitfully; craftily; subtly; ambitiously; ambiguously; virtuously; vigorously; powerfully; ruthlessly

    (See employ, use.)

    Wife adjectives

    shrewish; meek-eyed; worthy; tearful; disrespectful; legitimate: stainless; delicate; profligate; faithless; high-corseted; prideful; sprightly; bejeweled; coquettish; devoted; high-spirited; splendid; querulous; flattered; unsustained; exemplary; playful; dutiful; burdensome: slovenly; frantic; respective (pl); conquering; affectionate; trustful; sainted; temporary; spotless; forward; churchly; begotten; bullied; gracious; beaten; affianced; patient; sweet; virtuous; pale-faced; murdered; undivorced; unalien, able; whimpering; smooth-haired; celebrated; amiable; strong-willed; tyrannical; diminutive; mercenary; constant; lewd-tongued; chaste; lawful; attractive; innocent; young; execrable; shameless; nervous; simple; common-law; slippery; perjured; aristocratic; pale-cheeked; tender; prudent; pining


    adore—; alienate—; caress—; choose—; cohabit with—; court—; desert—; embrace—; escort—; estrange from—; extol—; forsake —; intimidate—; seduce—; seek—; slander —; strike—; take—; win—; —begets; — betrays; —comforts; —conceives; —haggles; —inspires; —mothers; —nags; —presides over; —rails; —shares

    (See mate, husband, mistress.)

    Wig adjectives

    glossy; curly; formidable; elastic; frizzled; obvious; tangled; little; flaxen; towering; comical-looking

    Wild adjectives

    vast; impenetrable; sequestered; hidden; unapprehensive; dawning; fretted; luscious; untrodden; dreary


    apparently; terribly; unmanageably; rankly; rampantly; fantastically; outrageously; outlandishly; savagely; ungovernably; naturally; inexpressibly; inordinately; boisterously; crazily; frantically; unconscionably; inveterately; hopelessly; manifestly; extraordinarily; pestiferously

    Wildcat adjectives

    docile; cunning; vicious; sly; dangerous


    encounter—; skin—; trap—; —carries away; —claws; —depredates; —devours

    —glares; —growls; —preys on; —roams; — slinks; —springs; —stalks

    (See animal.)

    Wilderness adjectives

    vast; sub-arctic; intricate; unwithered; howling; watery; uneasy; rough; trackless; ancient; woody; indiscriminate; equal; untamed; obscure; pristine; remote; reluctant; barren; virgin; leafy; boundless; tangled; lonely; glowing; native; world-wide; unsettled; death-fraught; untrodden; broad; wild; shadowed; frozen; tangled; snowy; intricate; fertile; wasteful; uninhabited; untraveled; savage; measureless; constellated; adoring; interminable; pathless; untamable; marshy; inquiring; parched; arid


    brave—; circumvent—; clear—; dare—; explore—; fertilize—; flee into—; forsake—; frequent—; infest—; inhabit—; issue from —; level—; penetrate into—; pioneer into —; plunge into—; range—; retire to—; roam—; skirt—; subdue—; tame—; tangle in—; traverse—; venture into—; —beckons; —broods; —cloaks; —extends; —fascinates

    —lures; —screens; —shrouds; invade—

    (See jungle, forest, desert.)

    Wildness adjectives

    dreaming; wailing; graceful

    Wiles adjectives

    intrinsic; instinctive; wanton; insidious; manifold; feminine; endearing; imaginary; winning; subtle; deceitful; crafty


    discern—; disguise—; fall victim to—; pierce—; resist—; resort to—; succumb to —; yield to—; —allure; —attract; —bait; —deceive; —defraud; —delude; —dupe; — ensnare; —entangle; —gull; —hook; —inveigle; —lure; —seduce; —succeed; —trap

    (See trick, deception, ruse, cunning.)

    Wilful adverbs

    naturally; inveterately; uncontrollably; notoriously; wickedly; stubbornly; foolishly; unreasonably; unmanageably; erratically; fanatically; impudently; inconsiderately; ungraciously; rudely; grossly; brutally; selfishly

    Will (document') verbs

    abide by—; attest to—; comply with—; contest—; direct in—; discharge—; dispute—; evidence—; execute—; file—; invalidate—; negate—; nullify—; observe—; probate—; seal—; set aside—; stipulate in—; witness —; wrangle over—; —assigns; —bequeaths; —bestows upon; —confers on; —consigns; —contributes to; —declares; —decrees; — discloses; —dispenses; —disposes of; —doles out; —endows; —enriches; —entrusts with; —estranges; —grants; —invests; —metes out; —restores; —settles; —subsidizes; — transfers

    (See contract, legacy, document.)

    Hill (general) adjectives

    passionless; individual; vulgar; overmastering; ambitious; cheerful; irresistible; unstable; grumbling; ill; intense; fiery; gracious; incorporated; inexorable; virtuous; devilish; firm-set; indomitable; unconquerable; holy; rational; never-daunted; vigorous; strenuous; inscrutable; powerful; regenerate; hindering; sturdy; umeined; invincible; tyrant; fallible; tormenting; idiotic; uncontrolled; dauntless; overruling; nerveless; natural; arbitrary; potent; genuine; good; lordly; sublime; basic; universal; arch-imperial; opposing; mutual; imperious; cruel; incorruptible; sensory; sovereign; sanguine; self-determined; undivided; sacred; honest; expressive; tremendous; lawless; clearly-expressed; tempered; despotic; tyrannic; benumbed; entangled; tendril-like; royal; imperative; imminent; unrelaxing; gracious


    accede to—; annihilate—; assert—; bend to —; blind—; blunt—; control—; curb—; effect—: .energize—; enforce—; exercise—; express—; flout—; harden—; impose—; ignore—; liberate—; mold to—; obey—; oppose—; perform—; restore—; subject to—; subjugate—; subordinate—; weaken—; work—; yield to—; —s clash; —moves; — prevails; indulge—

    (See preference, desire, determination, willpower.)

    Willfulness verbs

    brook—; curb—; decry—; denounce—; deplore—; dispel—; dispose toward—; dissolve—; endure—; govern by—; incline toward—; put up with—; relax—; relent—; repent—; rue—; tolerate—; —irks; —irritates; —piques; —riles (colloq.); —succumbs to; —yields to

    (See perversity, obstinacy, stubbornness.)

    Willing adverbs

    usually; graciously; politely; considerately; indulgently; generously; agreeably; pleasantly; helpfully; indifferently; enthusiastically; surprisingly; suspiciously; curiously; generously; unexpectedly

    Willingness adjectives

    gruff; repeated; obvious; ready; surface

    Willow adjectives

    idling; silken; sprouting; shivery; weeping


    Willpower verbs

    breed—; cultivate—; discern—; display—; evince—; exhibit—; foster—; inherit—; lack —; lower—; necessitate—: rejuvenate—; require—; stimulate—; test—; want—; weaken—; —banishes; —curbs; —determines; —directs; —dominates; —droops; — flags; —flinches; —perseveres; —rebels; — rejects; —relaxes; —resists; —swerves; — wavers

    (See will, strength, desire, power.)

    Win (v) adverbs

    strategically; decisively; effectually; spectacularly; phenomenally; competitively; gallantly; substantially; intrepidly; treacherously

    (See triumph, achieve.)

    Wince (v) adverbs

    visibly; perceptibly; markedly; painfully; abruptly; revealingly; guiltily

    (See recoil, shrink.)

    Wincing adverbs

    fearfully; constantly; suddenly; significantly; tremulously; painfully; haggardly; ar-rantly; senselessly; timidly; abjectly; indescribably; secretly; inwardly; openly; miserably; wretchedly; timorously; dreadfully; pathetically; curiously

    Wind adjectives

    crannying; worldly; southerly; good; swift; ill; cruel; biting; wandering; whispering; boisterous; hurtling; rolling; rough; poisonous; shrill; mad; curdling; dew-impearled ; wild; chilling; whimsical; ocean; continuous; noiseless; streaming; sharp; rising; wailing; wanton; rude; nimble; special; spleenless; contrary; passing; foul; bleak: whitening; viewless; red-hot; roaring; crackling; fierce; gentle; dirty; sunny; bitter; keen; merry; favoring; shifting; restless; sleepy; sudden; sleety; gusty; cutting; whistling; murderous; dirgeful; pensive; uplifting; soughing; dying; wrinkling; wooing; weighty; unwilling; intricate; doleful; dead; hollow; moaning; mysterious; lulled; light; baffling; fabulous; azure; listening; inanimate; wintry; desert; woven; ferocious; delicate; fresh; panting; ravishing; hurricane; amorous; luscious; weak; tearing; felon; sportive; driving; boisterous; impetuous; mournful; adverse; piercing; tempestuous; contending; baleful; perverse; thirsty; ill-dispersing; tossing; monotonous; soothing; bracing; rustling; throwing; contrary; supple; wrecking; careless; bone-piercing; prevailing; serviceable; sighing; beating; impotent; fitful; quickening; petulant; winged; clinging; weary; lowered; treacherous; awakening; billowy; warring; fickle; life-breathing; unseen; frolic; screaming; dull; illuminated; sole; buffeting; eddying; gathering; marsh-bred; evil; murmuring; swift-winged; merciful; idle; sounding; sweeping; false; rainless; hot; stormy; furious; powerful; withering; warbling; frosty; surly; wave-building; parching; burdened; ungovernable; suffocating; burning; shrieking; repining; stray; drying; unwholesome; inconstant; soothed; mighty; worn-out; unfettered; prophetic; rushing; unbreathed; vagrant; lazy; summer; icy; unleashed; pious; relentless; hungry; odorous; cold; riotous; mounting; intermitting; lapsing; insulting; invisible; laughing; morning; voiceless; howling; translucent; stifling; lifting; visiting; speaking; wicked; tainted; chainless; forgetting; nimble; noble; envious; endless; blustering; mindless; melodious; life-breathing


    bear on— breast—; expose to—; harness—; ride—; ripple in—; sniff—; soar on—; still —; —abates; —assails; —bites; —blasts; —blusters; —breathes; —buffets; —caresses; —chants; —chills; —s conflict; —cuts; —dallies; —diminishes; —disturbs; —enfolds; —etches; —extinguishes; —grieves; —howls; —hums; —knifes; —lashes; — moans; —mourns; —murmurs; —rages; — rakes; —ranges; —rattles; —roars; — ruffles; —rustles; —scatters; —scourges; — shrieks; —sighs; —sings; —slaps; —slashes; —smites; —snaps; —soughs; —stings; —strips; —sw’eeps; —swells; —swirls; — threatens; —tugs; —twists; —uproots; — veers; —wafts; —wails; —wanders; — whines; —whips; —whispers; —whistles; —winnows; shelter from—

    (See gale, blizzard, air, breeze.)

    Wind (v) adverbs

    tortuously; sinuously; picturesquely; intricately; monotonously; incessantly

    (See coil, curve.)

    Windmill verbs

    agitate—; becalm—; drive—; employ—; outmode—; —churns; —circumvolves; — clatters;’—s dot; —flaps; —gyrates; — quivers; —revolves; —rotates; —spins; — swirls; —twirls; —whirls

    (See propeller.)

    Window adjectives

    embayed; downy; hallowed; eye-like; stained-glass; pictured; foul; shattered; gaping; modern; prominent; bay; oriel; goggleeyed; mullioned; iron-barred; steamy; irregular; lofty; filmy; diamond-paned; jeweled; dusky; glittering; dark; eastern; grimy; shuttered; thick; curtained; heat-clouded; latticed; emblazoned; delicate; panoramic; countrified; translucent; unglazed; scullery; fading; outjutting; shop; showy; fitted; rusty; iron-grilled; arched; tight; shut; barred; dingy; transparent; panting; regular; memorial; well-glazed; viewless; moon-lit


    beat on—; besiege—s; besmirch—; be-smudge—; confront—; curtain—; drum on —; frame—; glower through—; jimmy—; peep out—; peer through—; pelt—; pour through—; putty—; rap on—; scour—; screen—; scrutinize through—; seal—; shade—; shatter—; spatter—; view from —; weatherstrip—; yank up (colloq.) —; — admits; —affords; —discloses; —glitters; — rattles; —vents; —ventilates

    (See glass, opening.)

    Window-Pane adjectives

    shining; grimy; well-fitted; dirt-streaked

    Windy adverbs

    gustily; terribly; fatally; alarmingly; ominously; frigidly; freezingly; hotly; bitterly; scorchingly; dreadfully; curiously; increasingly; cruelly; bitterly; bitingly; cuttingly; deucedly; plaguedly; infernally

    Wine adjectives

    diluted; sepulchral; generous; home-brewed; scuppernong; fierce; costly; agitated; raging; nectareous; new; copious; opulent; thick-purpled; straining; windy; heady; wholesome; fermented; medicated; mirthful; remembering; resplendent; inspiring; split; murmuring; heart-warming; splashing; foaming; frothing; forbearing; glimmering; palmy; enchanted; unmingled; fiery


    age—; brew—; chili—; cure in—; derive —from; distil—; ferment into—; gulp—; guzzle—; heat with—; imbibe—; ply with —; quaff—; reek of—; regale with—; savor —; sip—; sour—; swill—; value—; —animates; —dulls; —enlivens; —exhilarates; —flows; —flushes; —heats; —inflames; — inspires; —inspirits; —putrefies; —relaxes; —revives; —stimulates; —tempts; —warms; —intoxicates

    (See beverage, alcohol, liquor, champagne, beer.)

    Wing (v) adverbs

    gaily; sublimely; tirelessly; gracefully; joyously; unflaggingly; angelically; serenely; powerfully

    (See fly, float.)

    Wings (general) adjectives

    leathern; curbed; trustless; joyous; fiery; hovering; glad; crumpled; snowy; divine; speckled; untiring; budding; light; steady; spacious; gleaming; huge; shadowy; flagging; redoubled; errant; overhanging; vibrating; folded; fateful; peaceful; rushing; silken; scare-crow; glowing; restless; futile; celestial; peerless; feeble; odoriferous; linen; fluttering; expanded; wide-open; invisible; noiseless; slow; laboring; winnowing; swift-rushing; feathered; untried; reverberate; mighty; motionless; fearless; aggressive; plume-plucked; sumptuous; wandering; wavering; dusky; sheltering; grisly; joyful; dawn-white; intended; outspread; rich; ruffled; viewless; hurrying; trembling; filmy; ebon; languid; nimble; dewy; aerial; twinkling; fanning; aurora; oaring; angelic; cherubic; parental; luminous; airy; unhallowed; immortal; overshadowing; gelid; moving; murmurous; gorgeous; quivering; outstretched; healing; unsustaining; enchanted; gauzy; jealous; unconquerable; multicolored; daedal; drooping; serene; expanded; inconstant; sunny; shower-struck; thunderous; rugged; sounding; unfledged; mealy; gaudy; velvet; fairy; shadowing; glassy; parted; tremulous; glossy; imprisoned; downy; sportive; swift; wheeling; laden; clanking; dye-dusty; unconfined; quickening; mutable; radiant; shrouding; rustling; bruised; agile; dipping; merciful; melancholy; blessed; shivering; glancing; quivering


    clip—; disable—; flap—; flit on—; fracture —; gather beneath—; hover on—; lend—; pluck—; preen—; prune—; singe—; soar on—; sprout—; strengthen—; take to—; try —; tuck under—; waft on—; —beat; — droop; —enable; —enfold; —flag; —flutter; —liberate; —quiver; —rustle; —wither

    Wings (parts of a building) verbs

    add—; explore—; extend into—; face—; flank—; gain access to—; haunt—; install —; level—; partition—; raze—; renovate —; restore—; seal—; shout from—; skirt —; skulk in—; view from—; —adjoin; — annex; —append; —project; —supplement

    (See passage, addition.)

    Wink adjectives

    single; significant; unfatherly; lasting; cunning; impudent; sly; furtive; suggestive; pitying


    burlesque—; discern—; exaggerate—; exchange—s; swap—s (colloq.); tip—to; — allures; —amuses; —beckons; —beguiles; — betokens; —conveys; —denotes; —discloses; —distorts; —distracts; —entices; —expresses; —flirts; —indicates; —lures; —passes between; —prompts; —warns

    (See look, grin.)

    Ivink (v) adverbs

    coyly; triumphantly; significantly; wickedly; broadly; saucily; cunningly; impudently: furtively; suggestively

    (See blink, overlook.)

    Winner adjectives

    outstanding; capable; bread; practical; consistent


    acclaim—; announce—; applaud—; award to—; crown—; declare—; dispute—; emerge —; entertain—; fete—; glorify—; hail—; herald—; honor—; judge—; proclaim—; publicize—; reward—; —annexes; —profits; —reaps; —surmounts

    (See champion, hero, conqueror.)

    Winsome adverbs

    bonnily; sweetly; consciously; happily; merrily; rosily; graciously; innocently; childishly; youthfully; quietly; laughingly; irresistibly; wholly; alluringly; incomparably; daintily; airily; blithely; wholesomely; truly

    Winter ad jectives

    withered; rough; tedious; semi-arctic; dreadful; belated; rude; terrible; dreary; oblivious; laggard; bitter; brown; collapsing; stern; grand; dumb; dogged; brilliant; fatal; weeping; immortal.zing; veritable; polar; trembling; monstrous; cheerless; unearthly; oppressive


    approach—; evade—; survive—; usher in —; —benumbs; —bites; —blankets; — blasts; —blights; —cloaks; —continues; — declines; —exterminates; —frosts; —glistens; —grips; —impoverishes; —nips; — persists; —presses; —relaxes; —roars; — wanes; —whips across

    (See cold, blizzard, storm, fall.)

    Wintry adverbs

    bracingly; bitterly; invigoratingly; snappily; nippingly; frigidly; delightfully; pleasantly; gloriously; picturesquely; delightfully; freezingiy; unpleasantly; bleakly; barely

    Wipe (v) adverbs

    gently; timidly; sedately; quietly; hastily; mechanically; cautiously; medicinally

    (See whisk, obliterate.)

    Wire adjectives

    vertical; braided; flaxen; silver; tattered; telephone; leased; old-fashioned; singing; magnetic; envious; flexible; gilded; cunning


    base—; coat—; encase—; entwine—: fish with—; insulate—; tape—; —binds; — braces; —communicates with; —conveys; —electrifies; —furnishes; —hums; —reinforces; —transmits; —vibrates

    (See cable.)

    Wiry adverbs

    inexhaustibly; sturdily; huskily; indefatig-ably; untiringly; dependably; wonderfully; amazingly; unbelievably; marvellously

    Wisdom adjectives

    divine; slow; memorable; infinite; wasted; practical; united; quaint; astute; stupendous; assimilable; incomparable; weighty; unseasonable; smiling; ancient; surpassing; calculating; revered; peculiar; limitless; protecting; profound; powerless; worldly; polished; political; moral; heavenly; determined; rich; presumptuous; ripe; deep; aphoristic; sufficient; Magian; supreme; collective; gnomic; honest; dark; musical; parabolical; selfsame; cunning: divine; mature; inner; magisterial; earthly; passion-starved; sifted; ruthless; superhuman; eternal; detestable; conceited; whimsy; sinister; crooked; undefiled; incomprehensible; pointed; prophetic; modest; housewifey; vulgar; fair; just


    accumulate—; belittle—; bow to—; challenge—; cloak—; conceal—; disclose—; distil—from; doubt—; enthrone in—; garner—; impugn—; inspire with—; invoke—; iudge—; Jack—; manifest—; partake of—; require—; school in—; seek—; simulate—; steep in—; temper with—; unfold—; yield to—; —decrees; —guides; —ripens; — rules; —warns

    (See information, philosophy, erudition, learning, intelligence, enlightenment, knowledge.)

    WISE adverbs                                     .

    infinitely; unassailably; astutely; incomparably; surpassingly; particularly; ripely; expertly; sufficiently; supremely; honestly; darkly; cunningly; cleverly; divinely; magisterially; genially; ruthlessly; eternally; detestably; whimsically; significantly; pointedly; prophetically; affectionately; modestly; indubitably; scarcely; financially; discreetly; practically; profoundly; politically; usually; selfishly; surprisingly; undeniably; instinctively; intuitively; sensibly; judicially; capably; sagaciously; acutely; intelligently; sagely; cannily; coolly; equitably; solidly; discerningly

    WISE-CRACKING adverbs

    ridiculously; entertainingly; divertingly; amusingly; cleverly; nonsensically; comically; continually; crazily; smartly; clownishly; drolly; ludicrously; facetiously; waggishly; ridiculously

    WISH adjectives

    ardent; pious; gnawing; lifelong; reasonable; earnest; idle; faint; conscious; homicidal; audible; changing; vague; unrealized; cruel; forbidden; utmost; eager; doleful; docile; distinct; avaricious; fondest; irreconcilable; unaccomplished; slight; irrational; lawless; humble; incestuous; willful; repressed; poor; petty; inordinate; dignified; urgent; ambitious; sensual; venturous; fervent; careless; vehement; added; repressed; ardent; fleeting; anxious; dying; granted; dominant; feeble; foolish; dubious; helpless; passing; pious


    abandon—; accede to—; achieve—; acquiesce to—; anticipate—; assent to—; betray—; cater to—s; comply with—; conceive—; convey—; defy—s; disclose—; entertain—; express—; favor—; fulfill—; govern—; grant—; gratify—; harbor—; honor—; indicate—; indulge—; inform of —; manifest—; mask—; override—; realize—; repress—; satisfy—; submit to—; subordinate—; uphold—; voice—; yield to —; —consumes; —materializes; —prevails

    (See desire, want, need.)

    WISH (v) adverbs

    heartily; devoutly; earnestly; ardently; solemnly; fervently; craftily; seriously; deliberately; viciously; conscientiously; piously; fondly; irrationally; vehemently; foolishly; vainly

    (See desire, want.)


    stringy; dewy; lazy


    pathetic; queer; tearful

    WIT adjectives

    licentious; shallow; out-of-fashion; undergraduate; blunted; scholarly; fresh; mellow; simple; bitter; obscene; mighty; sarcastic; keen; sprightly; mobile; caustic; courteous; admirable; perplexed; mixed; sparkling; comic; foolish; open; fastidious; paradoxical; sparkling; prodigal; unstrained; inexhaustible; insidious; conversational; vigorous; shrewd; homely; quick; trenchant; various (pi); inimitable; threadbare; human; metaphysic; crack-brained; unseasonable; native; loyal; microscopic; shattered; merciless; strayed; rude; aimless; sharpened; diabolic; assured; fouled; fogged; worthless; acidulous; sluggish; sudden; acute; dextrous; light; confounded; spontaneous; verbal; alert; subtle; delicate; unpremeditated; ebullient; satirical; airy; incomparable; exhilarating; eminent; unmatched; vulgar; ready


    clothe jn—; dampen—; display—; draw—; dull—; exhibit—; grasp—; infuse—; inject —; kindle—; match—; pervert—; refine—; scatter—; sharpen—; tinge with—; — amuses; —beguiles; —bores; —cuts; —delights; —flashes; —flourishes; —flowers; — flows; —penetrates; —rebounds; —scathes; —scintillates; —shines; —sparkles; —totters ; —victimizes

    (See understanding, humor, banter, repartee, witticism.)

    Hitch adjectives

    soul-killing; potent; wrinkled; foul; reputed

    Witchcraft verbs

    charge with—; condemn—; delve into—; embrace—; employ—; exercise—; explode —; hang for—; practise—; resort to—; suspect of—; —bewitches; —charms; — conjures up; —enchants; —flourishes; — intrigues; —mesmerizes; —presages; employ—; exercise—

    (See enchantment, magic, mysticism.)

    Witchery adjectives

    dear; languorous; traditional; strange


    Withdraw (v) adverbs

    honorably; modestly; steadily; definitely; hostilely; apologetically; involuntarily; mysteriously; courteously; formally; gracefully; shamefacedly; noiselessly; precipitately; un-molestedly; pusillanimously

    (See retreat, retract.)

    Withdrawal adjectives

    timely; unmolested; contemporaneous; early


    advise—; advocate—; announce—; attend —; begrudge—; contemplate—; consider—; curtail—; promote—; recommend—; regard —; shrink from—; subject to—; —closes; — devoids; —disturbs; —ebbs; —evacuates

    —strains; —taxes

    (See removal, departure, evacuation.)

    Withered adverbs

    pitiably; helplessly; remarkably; surprisingly; gauntly; desperately; paralytically; perceptibly

    Withhold (v) adverbs

    deliberately; purposely; mystically; insidiously; venomously; hatefully; relentlessly; tenaciously; perfidiously

    (See deny, refuse.)

    Withstand (v) adverbs

    manfully; gallantly; vigorously; staunchly; stalwartly; admirably; perpetually; economically; boldly

    (See resist, oppose.)

    Witless adverbs

    provokingly; utterly; absolutely; helplessly; crazily; pitiably; pathetically; miserably; wretchedly; piteously; allegedly; vexatiously

    Witness adjectives

    mute; trustworthy; laughing; material; missing; singular; actual; striking; eloquent; perjured; divers (pl); long-lost; perpetual; impartial; terror-stricken; awful; creditable; reluctant; silent; surviving; alljudging; eternal; too-willing; followed; crushing; credible; thorough; steadfast; relentless; petrified; sympathizing


    bear—; bias—; bribe—; cite—; coach—; confront with—; contradict—; cross-examine —; intimidate—; introduce—; prejudice—; present—; produce—; rake up—s; suborn —; subpoena—; summon—; —acknowledges; —alleges; —attests to; —authenticates; —avers; —bears on; —beholds; — certifies; —confesses; —confirms; —contends; —contradicts; —corroborates; — damns; —endorses; —evidences; —falsifies; —impugns; —perjures; —pictures; — pleads; —records; —reports; —reveals; — seals; —signs; —substantiates; —supports; —testifies; —upholds; —verifies; —views; —vouches for; —vows

    (See observer, bystander, evidence.)

    Witticism adjectives

    characteristic; pert; neat; coarse; constrained: obscene; painful; withering


    banter—s; evoke—; exchange—s; flash—; indulge in—s; roar at—; trade—s; —bites; —glitters; —retorts; —salts; —scintillates; —sparkles; —spices; —stings

    (See wit, joke, jest, humor.)

    Witty adverbs

    profoundly; diverting!/; amusingly; delightfully; uncommonly; extremely; mischievously; comically; roguishly; mischievously; scintillatingly; brilliantly; splendidly; unusually; broadly; drolly; facetiously; fatuously; pleasantly; smartly; whimsically; waggishly; cruelly; merrily; fantastically; sparklingly

    Wizard adjectives

    reputed; doting; egregious; glancing; baffled; bounteous; aged

    Woe adjectives

    silent; unavailing; gloomy; unwieldy; unutterable; comic; lesser; intolerable; outward; imaginative; holy; speechless; bitter; endless; tedious; unreposing; human; immedicable; life-consuming; harboring; guilty; pious; tedious; immortal; irredeemable; wearied; earthly; conscious; unprevailing; nameless; imaginary; discordant; impending; eternal; black; worthless; outward; everlasting; mortal; incommunicable; ending; thankless; stagnant; perplexing; lofty; great; rank; inexpressible; constant; wanton; insuperable


    afflict with—; allay—; alleviate—; babble —; bewail—; bow in—; burden with—; ease—; exclaim—; hide—; induce—; nurse —; occasion—; overcome with—; palliate —; predict—; recompense for—; remedy—; sink into—; spin out—; suffer—; triumph over—; whimper of—; —curses; —lacerates; —overwhelms; —rends; —saddens; —sours; —wracks; —wrings

    (See grief, sadness, sorrow.)

    Woeful adverbs

    sadly; dolefully; habitually; utterly; wretchedly; helplessly; terribly; naturally; pathetically; pitiably

    Wolf verbs

    pay a bounty on—s; —s assemble; —s chase

    —s devastate; —s infest; —s overpower; — preys on; —prowls; —pursues; —ranges

    —runs down; —skulks; —slinks; —snarls

    —stalks; —s terrorize; —s troop; —s visit

    (See animal.)

    Wolfes adjectives

    famished; snapping; snarling; mangled; bloodless; shrewd; rabid; human; ravenous; fearful; genteel; universal

    Woman adjectives

    abject; accomplished; admirable; affected; affectionate; aggressive; ambitious; amiable; appealing; aproned; artful; ashy-hued; attractive; beautiful; awe-stricken; babyfaced; bedraggled; bedridden; bent; bewitching; brawny; bread-winning; brilliant; broken-hearted; bustling; careworn; celebrated; charming; chaste; childless; cleareyed; clear-headed; clever; clinging; comely; compassionate; composed; consonant; corpulent; courageous; crabby; crisp; cruel; curious; cynical; decent; decrepit; defenseless; delicate; desireful; determined; devout; discontented; distinguished; dutiful; dowdyish; dressed; earthly; economical; ecstatic; elaborate; elegant; embroidering; emerging; enduring; energetic; equable; erring; estimable; excellent; exemplary; fair-faced; fanatic; fantastic; fascinating; fashionable; fervent; feverish; flashy; flat; foolish; forsaken; fragile; frantic; frightened; fruitful; frigid; frowsy; full-blossomed; garrulous; gaunt; ghastly; glamorous; glittering; gray; grim; grizzled; handsome; happy; hard-faced; hard-worked; headstrong; haughty; heartless; helpless; heroic; hesitating; high-minded; home-keeping; home-loving; hypersensitive; hysterical; idealistic; illiterate; imperious; impish; implacable; importunate; impressible; incorrigible; indefatigable; independent; indigent; industrious; infidel; informal; insipid; intelligent; intrepid; jealous; jocose; large-souled; lewd; limping; listless; lithe; little; lonely; loitering; long; loose; loquacious; lovely; lumpish; lustful; managing; marble-limbed; mean; middle-aged; mincing; miserable; miserly; modern; modest; morbid; mortal; motherly; much-loved; mulatto; mystic; new; nice; noble; observant; odious; old; over-virtuous; over-worked; overwrought; pale; perfidious; perjured; pernicious; pinched; pitiless; plain-featured; plainly-dressed; plump; poor; preeminent; presumptuous; pretty; promiscuous; prosaic; prosperous; proud; prudent; querulous; radiant; rapacious; remarkable; repentant; resolute; respected; reticent; rheumatic; romantic; sad-eyed; scrawny; seductive; selfloving; sensible; sensitive; serene-eyed; serious; shabby; shadowy; shallow; showy; shrewd; shriveled; silken-tressed; silly; slatternly; slender; slim; smooth-limbed; sorrowful; sour-faced; sporting; spotless; square-browed; stalwart; stout; striking; sumptuous; super-annuated; superior; sweet; sweet-voiced; tactful; tattling; tawdry; tenacious; tender; terrified; timid; timorous; tremendous; tremulous; unconstant; uncultivated; uncultured; unenlightened; unescorted; unkempt; unprotected; unworldly; vain; versatile; virtuous; vivacious; warm-hearted; wayside; wayward; weak-willed; wearied; wearisome; weeping; weird; well-dressed; well-favored; white-faced; wilted; witchlike; withered; witty; wooden; worldly; wretched; wrinkled ; young

    WOMANLY adverbs

    truly; sweetly; graciously; delightfully; comfortingly; quietly; gracefully; compassionately; serenely; gently; hospitably; pleasantly; naturally; unusually; particularly; remarkably; surprisingly; unexpectedly; attractively; extremely

    WOMB adjectives

    solemn; hollow; tortured; unfathomed; shuddering; fruitful


    abscess—; develop in—; displace—; empty —; enter—; infect—; incise—; lacerate—; manipulate—; retain in—; support—; ulcerate—; —atrophies; —bends; —contracts; — discharges; —dilates; —dislodges; —distends; —encloses; —engenders; —enlarges; —expels; —falls; —involutes; —manipulates; —pulsates; —quickens; —relaxes; — sags; —yields

    WOMEN verbs

    appeal to—; ban—; bar—; cater to—; charm—; consort with—; defame—; defile —; degrade—; disparage—; emancipate—; enchant—; enfranchise—; enlighten—; liberate—; persecute—; rally—; rape—; ravish—; spurn—; sway—; typify—; uplift —; —bear; —beget; —beguile; —charm; —conceive; —flock about; —inflame; — labor; —mature; —provide; —nag; —scold

    (See damsel, girl, daughter.)

    WONDER ad jectives

    natural; varied (pl); small; breathing; envious; utmost; ignorant; lying; listening; breathless; midnight; despairing; sickened; perplexed; sullen; admiring; prodigious; curling; universal; elderly; loving; ornithological; vague; admiring; scornful; peerless; unreasoning; troubled; stupid; reverent; unimaginative; dramatic; lustrous; incredulous; estimable; unearthed; perpetual; isolated; speculative; special; snaky; late; scientific; supernatural; overwhelming; comedy; half-reproachful; silent; effusive


    acclaim—; bare—s; delve into—s; disclose —s; excite—; explore—s; gain—; gape at —; hail—; inspire—; marvel at—; occasion —; overcome with—; reveal—; stare with —; strike with—; —allures; —amazes; — astounds; —awes; —baffles; —bewilders; —dazzles; —dumbfounds; —mystifies; — petrifies; —startles

    (See curiosity, astonishment, incredulity, admiration, miracle, marvel.)

    WONDER (v) adverbs

    confusedly; desperately; wistfully; anxiously; idly; uneasily; vaguely; irrelevantly; distractedly; detachedly; abjectly; capriciously; gloomily; blindly; ironically; uncomfortably; dazedly; sneeringly; miserably; enviously

    (See marvel, amaze.)

    WONDERFUL adverbs

    utterly; amazingly; spectacularly; mysteriously; magically; unsurpassably; incredibly; fantastically

    WOO (v) adverbs

    roughly; affectionately; tenderly; timorously; ardently; vigorously; genially; subtly: lackadaisically; abortively; eloquently; earnestly; amusingly

    (See court, love.)

    Wood (forest) verbs

    comb—; encamp in—; flank—; forsake—; frequent—; infest—; inhabit—; nest in—; prowl—; roam—; rove—; scour—; shelter in—; skirt—; thread through—; —blooms

    —extends; —flowers; —obscures; —ranges; —screens; —shades; —shadows; —veils

    (See jungle, forest.)

    Wood (general) adjectives

    sheltering; bushy; stormy; untrodden; boundless; split; green; tangled; sportive; intricate; wild; solemn; extensive; rippling; swampy; sonorous; violet; echoing; odorous; interminable; scented; ancient; plundered; darkling; dense; vernal; thorny; glowing; gloomy; snow-choked; mistrustful; rooky; soft-textured; crimson; sleeping; unfrequented; pathless; stilly; tuneful; dusky; rare; volumned; native; visionless; round-bosomed; primitive; fragrant; budding; naked; shaded; resinous; haughty; high; beechen; desolate; shining; wet; wide-stretching; sun-bedappled; trackless; dim-seen; distant; unshorn; ragged; aromatic; branching; rank; intervening; thick; ruined; gray-colored; delightsome; changing; hanging; whispering; shaggy; surrounding; dewy; variegated; chestnut; prehistoric; waving; precious; mazy; legendary; oracular; musical; autumnal; pheasant; inaccessible; ruthless; vast; competing; dreadful; deaf; dull; virgin; fatal; magnificent; wild; primeval

    Wood (material) verbs

    bevel—; carve in—; char—; chisel—; compress—; debark—; enkindle—; hack—; hew —; gather—; glean—; level—; model in—; plan—; sand—; sear—; shatter—; shave—; splinter—; whittle—; —blazes; —braces; —erodes; —hardens; —petrifies; —rots; — supports

    (See forest, carpenter, board, log, timber.)

    Woodchuck verbs

    —hole; —burrows; —claws; —damages

    —defends; —digs; —holes up; —pops into its hole; —preys on; —pursues; —rips; — tears; —slays; —snatches; —waddles away

    (See animal.)

    Woodcock verbs

    bag—; decoy—; gun for—; —booms;—defies; —flits; —flocks; —glides; —honks; — inflates; —nips; —probes; —squats; — whirs; —zigzags

    (See bird.)

    Wooded adverbs

    densely; thickly; valuably; wonderfully; profitably; beautifully; venerably; gently; sparsely; thinly; carefully; scientifically; intelligently; selectively; variously; impenetrably; gratefully; pleasantly

    Woodpecker verbs

    • — axes; —bores; —chisels; —clings; —digs

    • — hammers; —laps; —pecks; —prevents

    • — protects; —taps

    (See bird.)

    Woof. adjectives

    soft; unbleached; mineral; ticklish; prickly


    bear—; brush—; card—; comb—; line with —; market—; oil—; rumple—; shear—; sort—; value—; weave of—; yield—; —affords; —comforts; —frays; —insures; — shelters; —shields

    (See cloth, leather, cotton.)

    Word adjectives

    abhorred; abounding; abrupt; abused: action; agonizing; altered; amazing; ambiguous; amusing; angry; appropriate; archaic; ardent; articulate; astonishing; audible; balanced; barbarous; barbed; bare; barren; bawled; biographical; biting; bitter; blameful; bland; blasphemous; blazing; blessed; bludgeoning; blundering; blunt; boastful; brave; bracketed; brawling; brotherly; brief; broken; burning; cabalistic; careless; caressing; casual; celebrated; certain; ceremonial; chanted; cheering; cherished; choice; choleric; coarse; coaxing; coined; comfortable; comforted; common-sense; comprehensive; conciliatory; conquering; considerate; consoling; constructive; con tumelious; conventional; cordial; courteous; cruel; cunning; cutting; dainty; dangerous; daring; deadly; deathful; deathless; debasing; defensive; deliberate; delicate; deprecatory; derisive; descriptive; devastating; devout; dismal; disputatious; distinct; distracted ; divided; doubtful; dread; dreadful; dying; eager; earnest; eloquent; elusive; emotional; emphatic; empty; encouraging; endearing; enriched; equivocal; eternal; explanatory; excusing; exotic; evangelical; explicit; extended; exultant; faithful; faltering; famed; fancy; farewell; fatal; favorite; feeble; fervent; fiery; fitting; flaming; flat; flattering; flowery; flying; foul; frequent; frivolous; futile; general; generous; gentle; genial; gigantic; glorious; glowing; golden; good; Gordian; graceful; gracious; grand; grateful; grave; great; half-extinguished; happy; hard; harsh; hasty; healing; heart-easing; heartrending; hesitant; hideous; high; high-born; homely; honest; honeyed; honorable; honored; hopeful; horrible; hot; household; hyphenated; identical (pl); idle; ill; imbedded; impious; imposing; impressive; inappropriate; inarticulate; incarnate; incautious; incoherent; incongruous; indignant; inexcusable; insane; inspiring; insulated; insulting; interchangeable; interrogative; iron; irrevocable; irritable; isolated; jeering; joking; just; keenly-felt; light; lilting; liquid; living; loved; loving; low-pitched; low-spoken; low-toned; luminous; lying; magic; magnanimous; majestic; matchless; meandering; meaningful; measured; meditated; mellifluous; mellow; melting; memorable; merciful; mere; metaphorical; meticulous; mighty; modified; momentary; momentous; monosyllabic; monotonous; moral; mortal; motherly; moving; much-abused; musical; muttered; mystic; naive; naughty; nauseous; nice; necromantic; noble; noisy; noted; obscure; obsolete; odd; odious; offending; oft-repeated; ominous; oppressive; orthodox; overpowering; passing; passionate; pathetic; peerless; perennial; persuasive; petulant; pithy; pitiful; plain; plausible; pleading; plighted; plump; plundered; poetic; poignant; polysyllable; pompous; portentous; potent; precious; precise; pregnant; provocative; quaint; qualified; queer; quenchless; quick; quickening; quiet; rabble-rousing; racy; radical; ragged; rallying; rapturous; rare; rash; ravishing; ready; reasoning; reconciling; recreative; reread; reproachful; repulsive; resonant; restless; revengeful; ringing; rough; rude; sacred; scientific; scornful; scurrilous; seafaring; sea-going; senseless; serious; serviceable; shy; shameful; sharp; significant; simple; simple-seeming; single; smooth; sneering; sober; soft; soggy; solemn; soothing; soulful; spoken; standardized; stemmed; stifled; stinging; stirring; stormy; strange; strong; stumbling; submissive; successful; sugared; sulphurous; sumptuous; superfluous; sweet; swelling; sympathetic; talismanic; tender; thick; thin; thoughtful; thought-up; threatening; torrential; touching; transparent; tremulous; trite; trenchant; tricky; tumbled; twanging; ugly; unalterable; unchosen; uncomprehended; uncompromising; undecided; understandable; unfamiliar; unfeeling; unflattering; unforgettable; ungrateful; unhappy; unheeded; universal; unkind; unlucky; unmistakable; unmodest; unmodulated; unmoving; unpleasant; unspeakable; unusual; unmuttered; unwinged; unwonted; useless; uttered; vague; veritable; vilified; vituperative; vivid; vulgar; wandering; warning; weak; weird; whirling; whispering; wild; wily; wise; witty; woeful; wondrous; woolly; worthless; woven; written; yearning; superlative; suppliant; suspicious

    Word (v) adverbs courteously; succinctly; cautiously; ingeniously; deftly; insidiously; theoretically: meticulously; religiously; musically; quaintly; modestly; vaguely; vividly; sulphurous-ly

    (See express, speak.

    Words verbs

    accept—; amend—; blink at—; boggle over —; breathe—; burble (colloq.) —; clip—; coax—; comprehend—; confirm—; conjure up —; contradict—; convey—; coo—; coin —; cram—; crowd—; cull—; debase—; decipher—; define—; derive—; detect—; digest—; discharge—; dissect—; distort—; dog—; drawl—; drink—; emphasize—; employ—; encounter—; enunciate—; epitomize—; exchange—; exemplify—; fear—; flounder for—; fondle—; forge—; fumble with—; grasp—; grope for—; hang on—; hum—; hurl—; interpose—; interpret—; interrupt—; loose—; measure—; meditate upon—; mince—; misuse—; modify—; mould—; mouth—; muffle—; mumble—; play on—; ponder—; prune down—; quote

    —; recall—; record—; reject—; relay—; retract—; rob of—; scrutinize”; search for —; seek—; set forth—; shun—; shy at—; snap at—; snarl—; span—; speak—; spread —; stem—; strain—; string—; stumble through—; swallow—; sweep—; tangle—; tap—; trade—; toss—; toy with—; transcribe—; utter—; verify—; voice—; weave —; weigh—; wrench—; —add; —arrest; —awaken; —boom; —burst; —cluster; — come forth; —crash; —designate; —drift; —drone; —echo; —elude; —embed; —embody; —escape; —expound; —express; — fail; —filter; —flash; —fling; —float; — flow; —gull; —haunt; —imply; —imprison; —inspire; —leak out; —make sense; —overwhelm; —play; —pour; —rebound; —resuscitate; —ring; —rise; —salve; —set forth; —signify; —shower; —slur; —stab; —stare; —sting; —storm; —strangle; — suggest; —surge; —sweep; —symbolize; — toll; —trail; —trickle out; —vibrate; — waft; —wing; —drip

    (See idiom, metaphor, derivative, expression, thought.)

    Wordy adverbs

    endlessly; tiresomely; inexpertly; grossly; intolerably; disappointingly; incomprehensibly; monotonously; wearisomely; impossibly; tediously; repetitiously; vilely; confoundedly; unsatisfactorily; crudely

    Work adjectives

    able; abortive; absurd; accessible; accomplished; admired; aesthetic; aggressive; airy; alleged; ambitious; analogous; anatomical; architectural; arduous; artistic; authentic; authoritative; barbatous; beneficent; biographical; blessed; blundering; brain-directed; celebrated; bread-winning; calamitous; caretaking; catalogue; chamber; changeless; characteristic; charming; cherished; choicest; clean; clerical; colossal; commemorative; compassionate; comprehensive; conscienceless; conscientous; conspicuous; constructive; contemporary; continued; creative; creditable; critical; damp; defective; dental; desolate; destructive; desultory; development; dignified; diplomatic; diversified; domestic; dramatic; dreary; drudgery; durable; easy; ecclesiastical; editorial; egocentric; elaborate; elegant; embroidered; entertaining; epoch-making; exact; executive; exhaustive; experimental; explicable; expressive; exquisite; extemporaneous; extension; exterior; extravagant; fanciful; fascinating; fatiguing; fiendish; finicky; flourishing; free-lance; frenzied; ghastly; gigantic; graceful; grim; hand; harassing; hard; harmonious; hasty; hazardous; heartbreaking; helpless; home; hospital; humblest; humorous; idealistic; immediate; immoral; immortal; impassioned; imperishable; important; imposing; impressive; incomparable; indifferent; individual; ingenious; inimitable; inner; intellectual; intensive; interesting; irregular; irreligious; irreproachable; journalistic; laboratory; laborious; lacework; lax; licentious; literary; lofty; long-baffled; luminous; lyrical; majestic; makeshift; manifold (pl); masterful; masterly; mature; mechanical; memorable; menial; meretricious; meritorious; merry; monumental; multitudinous (pl); mystical; mythological; nefarious; new; noble; noted; noteworthy; objective; operative; orchestral; ornamental; outer; painful; patriotic; peaceful; permanent; perpendicular; persistent; philanthropic; philosophic; photographic; pianoforte; pioneer; piquant; pleasant; ponderous; popular; practical; profitable; prose; radiant; redeeming; regretful; remarkable; remunerate; reposing; representative; reproductive; risky; rhapsodical; routine; rudimentary; ruinous; rural; scandalous; sensational; sensitive; serious; sham; shielding; short; shriving; significant; sinful; sinless; solid; solitary; spontaneous; startling; statistical; steady; stellar; stern; subsequent; straightforward; stupendous; substantial; subtle; superficial; supplementary; suspended; symbolic; symphonic; systematic; tasteful; tawdry; technical; tedious; theological; theoretical; ticklish; tiring; titanic; toilsome; tolerable; unaccountable; tragic; unfruitful; unhallowed; uniting; unnecessary; unremitting; unsatisfactory; unstinted; unworthy; uplifting; urgent; valorous; variegated; valuable; vigorous; vital; vocal; voluntary; wearisome; well-composed; wholesome; winter; wondrous; worldly; master


    abandon—; acclaim—; accomplish—; buckle down to—; carry on—; christen—; comprehend—; conceive—; conclude—; delegate—; deprive of—; detail—; differentiate—; digest—; discredit—; distinguish—; dive into—; drug with—; efface—; embark upon

    —; enlarge—; execute—; flinch at—; force —; foster—; fulfill—; hamper—; hinder—; • immerse in—; impair—; improve—; investigate—; issue—; knock off—; mar—; master —; merge—; minimize—; nurture—; outdo —; perfect—; perform—; pigeonhole—; prosecute—; provide—; reconstruct—; recount—;  regulate—; remunerate for—

    retard—; shirk—; simplify—; submit—; supplement—; suspend from—; swamp with —; terminate—; thrive on—; undo—; wind up with—; wrestle with—; —blunts; — ceases; —commences; —confirms; —confounds; —constitutes; —devolves; —eases

    —encumbers; —engrosses; —ennobles; — entails; —exacts; —extolls; —galls; — glorifies; —honors; —imbeds; —involves

    —inspires; —overwhelms; —rectifies; — suspends

    (See drudgery, duty, enterprise, job, labor, occupation, business, grind.

    WORK (v) adverbs diligently; feverishly; passionately; energetically; zealously; automatically; faithfully; diurnally; persistently; furiously; simultaneously; concertedly; strenuously; indefatig-ably; minutely; assiduously; prodigiously; unremittingly; sedulously; spasmodically; continuously; effectually; exquisitely; harmoniously; independently; conscientiously; competently; listlessly

    (See labor, toil.

    WORKABLE adverbs

    splendidly; altogether; happily; practically; conveniently; opportunely; entirely; absolutely; easily; satisfactorily; adequately; actually; readily; luckily

    WORKERS adjectives

    energetic; subservient-; mechanical; brisk; overburdened; copious; deceased; eligible; subtle; indefatigable; zealous; offending; routine; faithful; prodigious; bunchy; conservative; inert; chosen; ardent; methodical; swarming; migratory; rotund; rosy; noble; able-bodied; relief


    address—; battle—; bind—; discharge—; engage—; entitle—; exhaust—; exploit—; fag—; fatigue—; ferret out—; goad—; harangue—; house—; incite—; inveigle—; lock out—; master—; oust—; oversee—; prod —; refresh—; regiment—; reimburse—; reinstate—; reward—; ride—; speed—; spur —; superintend—; —accomplish; —arbitrate; —contribute; —lag; —parade; —pile into; —plunge into; —relax; —strain; strike; —ton; —unionize; —weary

    (See labor, employee, striker.


    exquisite; impeccable; intricate; meticulous; domestic; experienced; sterling;, intrinsic; reliable; perfect; exacting; gossamer-like; cumbrous; competent; masterly; expert; cunning; delicate; fine; highest; elaborate; artistic; crude

    WORLD adjectives

    giddy; operatic; expectant; epicurean; outside; drowsy; immense; custom-laden; organic; humming; polite; gloomy; tolerant; good-tempered; well-breeding; impure; industrial; pagan; demolished; shadowy; unspotted; mighty; unsympathizing; noisy; unending; suffering; romantic; naughty; dimeyed; injurious; contemporary; insulted; innumerable (pl); interminable; mundane; fantastic; unconscious; dissolving; pitiful; countless (pl); frozen; bustling; spiritual; intellectual; candid; uncounted (pl); disordered; supernatural; financial; dense; degenerate; commonplace; everyday; sensual; untraveled; breathing; diagrammed; wondering; invisible; hollow-hearted; crashing; assembled; unimaginable; fictitious; globular; convex; boisterous; workaday; clamorous; grieved; shaggy; material; flaming; unseen; busy; turbulent; alien; dingy; congregated; sorrowful; exclusive; neglected; seething; limited; conscious; benighted; listening; intelligible; contradictory; pulseless; writhing; famous; teeming; spacious; thinking; unusual; busy; witty; recreant; pendant; frantic; recorded; lazy; working; manifold; extraordinary; falling; unfamiliar; new-born; atheistic; chilling; arduous; contemptible; snowy; approving; archetypal; war-convulsed; desert; heaving; unbelieving; quivering; false; monstrous; selfish; despicable; contumelious; fashionable; angry; inexpressive; rain-wet; fast; moving; distasteful; decomposed; ever-advancing; godless; hero-worshipping; fighting; monotonous; corrupted; sin-bound; sympa

    thizing; unremembered; celestial; hoary; altered; heartless; obscure; splendor-winged; divided; fascinating; undiscriminating; literary; careless; censorious; enduring; undisparaged; undespoiled; amphibious; merciless; unfriendly; insipid; infinite; watery; artistic; insecure; imaginative; unfathomable; sphered; warring; carping; commercial; merry; interdependent; well-loved; beautiful; beggared; distraught; sacrilegious; insurgent; shabby; golden; unsteady; dim; mazed; beseiged; offended; ancient; waiting; rough; eugenic; supernatural; external; mechanized; enlightened; white; voiceless; antique; vegetable; unappreciative; practical; ranking; inaccessible; united; boundless; imperfect; mechanistic; resplendent; civilized; panicky; indifferent; simple; violent; unstable; perfumed; ghostly; somber; dream; cautious; feminized; surrounding; spacious; groaning; resplendent; primeval; renovated; too-busy; sublime; thankless; faithless; wide; lampless; apostate; unroofed; war-pliant; hostile; fallen; imperfect; ungoverned


    bedevil—; befuddle—; benefit—; bestride —; blight—; confront—; consolidate—; contemplate—; convulse—; disease—; dislocate—; doom—; dwarf—; encompass—; enrich—; entangle—; flood—; grace—; heal —; hide from—; ignore—; isolate from—; people—; present to—; proclaim to—; redeem—; reform—; renounce—; revolutionize—; roam—; rock—; shape—; stir—; storm—; struggle with—; survey—; trample on—; transfigure—; triumph over—; withdraw from—; —acclaims; —acknowledges; —collapses; —crumbles; —rejects; —revolves; —slumbers; —teems with; —turns

    (See mankind, humanity, individual, globe, earth, creation, universe.)

    WORLDLINESS •verbs

    abhor—; achieve—; attain—; declaim—; decry—; denounce—; deplore—; envelop in —; exhibit—; feign—; forsake—; gain—; pretend—; purge of—; quit—; reject—; renounce—; supplant—; wrap in—; —callouses; —centers; —cloaks; —doubts; — hardens; —polishes; —questions; —veneers

    (See erudition, ambition, cynicism, experience.)

    WORLDLY adverbs

    godlessly; selfishly; egotistically; covetously; immensely; pitiably; extraordinarily; lazily; contemptibly; deplorably; monstrously; heartlessly; gracelessly; stubbornly; callously; mercenarily; inexplicably; unreasonably; irritatingly; insensately; irreligiously; sacrilegiously; atheistically; irreverently; irrevocably; apostately; horribly; impiously: perversely; fanatically; recklessly; avowedly; blasphemously; profanely; heartbreak-ingly; grievously; obstinately; obdurately; unhappily; irrationally; unreasonably; openly

    WORM adjectives

    destitute; surfeited; unwholesome; obscene; invisible; lowly; humble; pollution-nourished; sluggish; nameless; voracious; resuscitated; venomous; reluctant; fiery; trodden; dead; crawling; lucky; worthless; velvet; vile


    angle with—; attract—s; bait with—; crush —; dig for—; excavate for—; hook—; impale—; —s annihilate: —attacks; —bores; —burrows; —creeps; —gnaws; —infects

    —pupates; —screws; —slithers; —spirals; —symbolizes; —wriggles

    (See bait, animal.)

    WORN adverbs

    shabbily; uselessly; irrecoverably; terribly; naturally; utterly; dingily; undesirably; utterly; pitifully; miserably; dreadfully

    WORRIED adverbs

    unnaturally; nervously; excitedly; terribly; miserably; frantically; pitiably; keenly; significantly; perceptibly; indescribably; deeply; unduly; touchingly; abnormally; naturally; curiously; lamentably; pathetically; ridiculously; ludicrously

    WORRY adjectives

    manifold (pl); mental; faint; territorial; eternal; death-dealing


    afflict with—; allay—; bear—; beset with ■—; betray—; dispel—; drown—; experience —; immerse in—; induce—; occasion—; plunge into—; relieve of—; submerge in—; imburden—; —harasses; —harrows; — haunts; —hounds; —lashes; —oppresses

    —plagues; —preys upon; —racks; —rends; —retards; —rings; —shatters; —weighs upon

    (See anxiety, misgivings, liability, care.

    WORRY (v) adverbs

    morbidly; miserably; neurotically; perpetually; abnormally; needbessly; desperately

    (See fret, vex.

    WORSHIP adjectives

    pagan; outward; astral; mystical; inhuman; spiritual; reverent; sane; idealistic; silent; cynical; imploring; coterie; divine; passionate; reverential; ardent; worthy; unhesitating; continual; interrupted; lifelong


    bow in—; chant—; congregate for—; defile —; desecrate—; dogmatize—; exalt—; intone—; join in—; kneel in—; lead—; perform—; persecute—; rejoice in—; renounce —; ridicule—; ritualize—; scorn—; sing—; —deifies; —exalts; —glorifies; —idolizes; —invokes; —lauds; —supplicates; —survives

    (See cult, devotion, adoration, love, prayer, mass.

    WORSHIP (v) adverbs

    blindly; inconsistently; religiously; solemnly; idolatrously; mystically; reverently; silently; passionately; ardently; continually

    (See adore, reverence.

    WORSHIPERS adjectives insensate; false; frenzied; vulgar; idol; heathen; devout


    address—; awe—; convoke—; electrify—; elevate—; hallow—; inspire—; preach to —; —adore; —beseech; —bow; —deify; —enshrine; —give thanks; —glorify; —invoke; —kneel; —pay homage; —pay tribute; —petition; —prostrate; —revere; — sacrifice; —supplicate; —vow

    (See church-goers, priest, minister.

    WORSHIPFUL adverbs

    fatuously; foolishly; obviously; conspicuously; devotedly; devoutly; faithfully; fanatically; sincerely; gloriously; admirably; ostentatiously; unctuously; smugly; blandly; truly; laudably; pharasaically; humbly; abjectly; adoringly; meekly

    WORTH adjectives

    transcendent; priceless; individual; passing; inestimable; artistic; imaginary; venerable; intrinsic; known; matchless; martial; nameless; sterling; high; unspeakable; additional; spiritual; reverend; divine; ultimate; genuine


    appraise—; appreciate—; ascertain—; assert—; assess—; attest to—; challenge—; degrade—; derive—from; determine—; disclose—; display—; endow with—; establish —; estimate—; exhibit—; gauge—; judge —; measure—; probe—; prove—; question —; reflect upom—; signify—; stamp—; weigh—; —ascends; —depreciates; — mounts; —skyrockets

    (See value, merit, ability.

    WORTHLESS adverbs

    terribly; undeniably; altogether; absolutely; hopelessly; scandalously; abominably; curiously; peculiarly; outlandishly; trashily; shabbily; miserably; wretchedly; atrociously; completely; contemptibly


    acknowledge—; admit—; balance—; bare —; bemoan—; betray—; bewail—; concede —; consider—; contemplate—; decry—; denounce—; deplore—; divulge—; evidence—; expose—; inveigh against—; lapse into—; mask—; regard—; reveal—; ridicule—; scoff at—; scorn—; stray into—; unveil—

    (See futility, inferiority, inefficiency, mediocrity, stupidity.

    WORTHY adverbs

    completely; utterly; laudably; meritoriously; notably; conspicuously; sincerely; truly; incomparably; surpassingly; extraordinarily; amazingly; obviously; recognizably; manifestly; singularly

    Wound adjectives

    sharp; starched; gaping; unprobed; obstinate; desperate; lifelong; unhealed; sterile; sharp; unadvised; stiffening; self-inflicted; dark; bleeding; ancient; external; immedicable; ghastly; fatal; infected; punctured; lacerated; mortal; grievous; suppurating; cruel; serious; aching; frightful; reeking; recurring; raw; numerous (pl); surface; immediate; hideous; disastrous; severe


    allay—; alleviate—; assuage—; balm—; caress—; cauterize—; cleanse—; disinfect —; drain—; dress—; inflict—; irrigate—; pack—; probe—; soothe—; staunch—; suck —; swab—; weather—; —bleeds; —punctures; —scars

    (See cut, laceration, injury.)

    Wrap (v


    snugly; clumsily; punctiliously; impeccably; festively; meticulously; competently; artistically; crudely

    (See cover, conceal.)

    Wrapper adjectives

    protective; formless; holiday


    bind—; cast off—; divest of—; enclose in

    —; husk—; invest in—; package in—s; penetrate—; pierce—; seal—; shed—; strip off—; superimpose—; —affords; —armors; —envelops; —girds; —insures; —preserves; — protects; —safeguards; —shelters; — shields; —swathes

    (See envelope, lining, cover.)

    Wound (v) adverbs

    indirectly; mortally; spiritually; dangerously; frightfully; cruelly; seriously; severely; critically; sorely; fatally; internally; grievously; hideously; disastrously

    (See hurt, injure.)

    Wraith adjectives

    meek; likely; unusual


    bloody; vestry; conjugal

    Wrangle (v) adverbs

    stridently; vociferously; indignantly; furiously; conjugally; politically; brutally; viciously; vindictively; heatedly; incessantly; jealously; pettishly; argumentatively

    (See quarrel, argue.)

    Wrath adjectives

    tiger-like; indignant; dead; volcanic; infinite; jealous; immoderate; swollen; righteous; unconscious; intolerable; glutinous; treacherous; mingled; passionate; desolating; whimsical; vindictive; drunken; popular; fiercest; uncaged; chastening; scornful; patient; ill-suppressed; silent; bitter; naked; envious; stormy; celestial; crazy; aw’akened; relentless; intense; mysterious; helpless; deathless; senile; destructive; parental; eternal; reproachful; unholy; headlong; foolish; revengeful; celebrated; threatening; righteous


    appease—; brave—; bring to—; burst into —; dampen—; draw—; encounter—; endure—; escape—; explode in—; fire with —; incur—; mollify—; move to—; pacify —; placate—; provoke—; repent—; rouse —; slake—; uncork—; vent—; —abates; — abuses; —bites; —blazes —clouds; —descends upon; —melts; —oppresses; — smoulders

    (See ire, anger, indignation, rage.)

    Wrathful adverbs

    desperately; dangerously; inordinately; brutally; ominously; portentously; alarmingly; terribly; frightfully; unusually; unmitig-ably; unreasoningly; insensately; senselessly


    wanton; flavored; variegated; flimsy; odorous; bridal

    WRECK verbs

    avert—; avoid—; escape—; explore—; glean from—; investigate—; perish in—; probe—; rummage through—; salvage—; survive—; —annihilates; —blights; —defaces; —demolishes; —devastates; —disheartens; —encumbers; —impairs; -—impedes; —mars; —obstructs; —scars; — scathes; —strews

    (See ruins, debris, remains, accident.

    WRECK (v) adverbs deliberately; wantonly; revengefully; vindictively; desperately; hideously; disastrously; spiritually; destructively; insanely; treacherously

    (See destroy, ruin.

    WREN verbs

    —bubbles along; —busies; —chatters; — cheers; —cuddles; —dances; —hops; — peeps; —runs; —skips; —warms

    (See bird.

    IT REN CH (v) adverbs violently; abruptly; distressfully; simultaneously; drastically; fiercely; disastrously; diabolically; rudely

    (See seize, grasp.

    WRESTLE (v) adverbs persuasively; religiously; prodigiously; arduously; ignominiously; industrially; economically; politically; wrathfully; fanatically; fiercely

    (See contend, fight.


    coach—; manage—; train—; —batters; — buffets; —contends; —crouches; —dives; — engages; —fends; —flattens; —flings; — feints; —grapples; —groans; —grunts; — hugs; —hurls; —locks; —pancakes; —pinions; —rams; —scrambles; —spreadeagles; —strains; —strips; —tackles; — trains; —tussles; -—vies for; —wards off

    WRETCH adjectives

    wondrous; mutinous; timorous; base; despairing; stupid; extreme; trembling; pretty; utter; short-sighted; imperturbable; tame; hollow-eyed; miserable; pitied; profligate; loathed; restless; fanatical; scandalous; enormous; self-nurtured; abandoned; nameless; barbarous; famishing; hunted; ephemeral; execrable; caitiff; shattered; delicate; disobedient; cruel; disabled; cowering; intense; fond; tortured; rude; miserable; famished; dishonest; drunken; jealous; deceptive; violent; sodden; smoky; inhuman; stupid; dew-bedabbled; conscious-stricken; odious; needy; houseless; irreparable; filthy

    WRETCHED adverbs miserably; pitiably; wordlessly; silently; utterly; inexpressibly; unspeakably; helplessly; feebly; hopelessly; cruelly; bitterly; singularly; inconsolably; disconsolately

    WRIGGLE (v) adverbs ecstatically; uncomfortably; uneasily; nervously; oppressively; distressfully; impatiently; impulsively; slickly; deftly; slyly

    (See move, writhe.

    WRING (?-) adverbs fiercely; hysterically; vehemently; imperiously; convulsively; wildly; demoniacally; jubilantly; barbarically; sickeningly; fiendishly; iniquitously

    (See clutch, grasp.

    WRINKLE adverbs

    carelessly; furiously; curiously; impatiently; prematurely; superciliously; fastidiously; scornfully

    (See pucker, crease.

    Wrinkled adverbs

    oddly; deeply; remarkably; excessively; terribly; merrily; agedly; uncommonly; curiously; noticeably; surprisingly; perceptibly

    Wrinkles adjectives

    upright; facial; weeping; frown-caused


    acquire—; avoid—; decry—; deplore—; knead—; smooth—; —appear; —blemish; —corrugate; —crease; —deepen; —disfigure; —distress; —furrow; —line; —mar; —ruffle

    Wrists adjectives

    fettered; limp; blue-veined; gallant; compact; slim; strong


    adorn—; band—; bare—; benumb—; bind —; brace—; bruise—; dislocate—; distort —; encircle—; extend—; flex—; fracture —; grasp—; handcuff—; lacerate—; manipulate—; misshape—; paralyze—; prick —; seize by—; sprain—

    (See arm, hand, joint.)

    Writ adjectives

    ingenious; hallowed; apostolic; moving; deathless; legal


    apply for—; draw up—; file—; grant—; honor—; refuse—; respect—; —absolves: —accords; —allows; —authorizes; —confirms; —decrees; —disposes; —empowers; —evicts; —exempts; —exonerates; —immunizes; —informs; —legalizes; —pardons; —privileges; —releases; —sanctions; — summons; —verifies

    (See decree, award, decision, edict, order.)

    Write (v) adverbs

    diplomatically; admirably; bombastically; trenchantly; graphically; crudely; barbarously; devastatingly; convincingly; pornographically; scintillatingly; profusely; magnanimously; scientifically; laboriously; ironically; irresolutely; irresistibly; pretentiously; tremulously; elegantly; desultorily; anonymously; satirically; hypothetically; harshly; affectionately; expressly; faultlessly; industriously; legibly; prosaically; sal-aciously; erotically; sensuously; contemporaneously; authoritatively; genially; avidly; solemnly; incoherently; vigorously; urgently; dogmatically; didactically; eclectically; voluminously; inscrutably; realistically; cynically

    (See compose, inscribe.)

    Writer adjectives

    outstanding; foremost; verbose; nature; world-famous; fatigued; controversial; credible; ancient; profane; neo-romantic; prolific; theoretic; travel; authoritative; ecclesiastical; illustrious; distinguished; public; opera; miscellaneous; quaint; sociological; sensational; inspiring; discouraged; unscientific; impressionistic; well-known; promising; juvenile; wretched; designing; seduced; eminent; vivacious; historical; roguish; original; anonymous; polemical; tragic; imaginative; convincing; passionate,’ discriminating; splendid; creative; influential; monkish; native; fertile; talented; thoughtful; philosophical; early; copious; ghost; practised; vigorous; estimable; nondescript; classic; revolutionary; charming; meritorious; previous; prose; diestical; voluminous; reputed; embryo; entertaining


    acclaim—; honor—; immortalize—; inspire —; laud—; —climaxes; —clothes in; — colors; —composes; —concocts; —couches in; —dashes off: —decries; —depicts; — elucidates; —eulogizes; —fabricates; —fascinates; —infers; —interprets; —libels; — molds; —narrates; —pens; —plagiarizes; —portrays; —recounts; —relates; —reports; —slanders; —soliloquizes; —styles; —unfolds; —vitalizes; —voices; —weaves

    (See dramatist, novelist, journalist, author, poet.)

    Writhe (v) adverbs

    spiritually; convulsively; sickeningly; agonizingly; pitiably

    (See wriggle, struggle.)

    Writhing adjectives

    mental; gnarled; imaginative; splendid; ignominious

    Writings adjectives

    superb; first-class; breezy; contrapuntal; philosophical; epistolary; biographical; voluminous; humorous; undecipherable; wedge-shaped; hieroglyphic; tropical; freelance; controversial; metaphorical; foremost; impressive; contemporary; descriptive; elaborate; clear; ghost; imaginative; copious; tragic; historical; propagandist; theoretical; inter-twisted; classic; commercial; prophetical; pernicious; dimmed; superb; representative; figurative; straightforward; unfinished; undistinguished; phonetic; miscellaneous;. clerkly; distinct; admirable; sacred; cryptic; dramatic; poignant; unacademic; unpublished; excellent; lucid; scholarly; stylistic


    abridge—; acclaim—; analyze—; ban—; comprehend—; dissect—; disseminate—; engross in—; ferret out—; herald—; immortalize—; interpret—; laud—; permeate—; peruse—; pervade—; pervert—; probe—; prostitute—; publish—; rival—; —air; — dissertate; —embody; —embrace; —enthrall; —impassion; —inspire; —live; — particularize; —treat of; —ventilate

    (See editorial, epistle, epigram, handwriting, literature, prose, poetry.)

    Wrong adjectives

    avenged; uncomplaining; revenging; cruel; deadly; great; bitter; ruthless; grievous; deep; hideous; fancied; intrinsic; culminating; enforced; irrevocable; willful; private; petty; perfidious; inevitable; early; fierce; trifling; illegal; foul; heinous; hoarded; irreparable; unredeemed; diabolic; mutual; deplored; inexpiable; accumulated; brazen; abstract; secret; drastic


    amend—; avenge—; challenge—; combat—; defeat—; denounce—; discern—; efface—; expose—; extenuate—; heal—; implant—; intend—; perpetuate—; redress—; reform —; remedy—; repent—; reproach—; reveal—; sustain—; —blemishes; —blots; — corrupts; —harasses; —injures; —mars; — offends; —oppresses; —weighs upon

    (See guilt, evil, injustice, grievance, crime.)


    utterly; absolutely; altogether; singularly; curiously; completely; wickedly; mischievously; deliberately; blunderingly; knowingly; outrageously; scandalously; brutally; cruelly; fatally

    Wrong (v) adverbs

    grievously; irreparably; deeply; grossly; iniquitously; ignominiously; insidiously; dishonestly; treacherously; egregiously; ruthlessly; diabolically; secretly

    (See deceive, trick.)

    Wrong-Doing verbs

    ameliorate—; atone for—; avert—; campaign against—; check—; condone—; countenance—; decry—; deplore—; expiate—; inveigh against—; penalize—; quell—; reprove—; —despoils; —embitters; —invalidates; —saps; —undermines

    (See wrong, crime, sin.)

    Wry adverbs

    fantastically; comically; decrepitly; curiously; cynically; pathetically; congenitally; pitiably; miserably; tragically; hopelessly; irremediably; permanently

    X-Ray verbs

    blur—; diagnose by—; dim-—; examine under—; employ—; introduce—; observe—; resort, to—; scrutinize—; study—; —delineates; —depicts; —discloses; —outlines photographs; —reveals; —shadows; traces

    (See picture, microscope, photograph.)

    Yacht adjectives

    graceful; magnificent; furtive; converted


    batter—; board—; buffet—; captain—; christen—; collide with—; dock—; ground —; guide—; lash—; launch—; luxuriate on —; navigate—; pilot—; provision—; quarter on—; ram—; refurbish—; salvage—; scuttle—; swamp—; waft—; —flounders; —reels; —signals

    (See launch, boat, motor-boat, ship.)

    Yammering adverbs

    hungrily; excitedly; pathetically; pitifully; pitiably; miserably; touchingly; affectingly; heartbreakingly; agonizedly; painfully; distressingly; pleadingly; wretchedly; hopefully; clamorously; feebly; despairingly; madly; dolefully; exhaustedly

    Yapping adverbs

    spitefully; derisively; threateningly; disagreeably; noisily; clamorously; unpleasantly; grossly; coarsely; excitedly; viciously; eagerly; uncontrollably; unmanageably; alarmingly; snappishly; menacingly; fearfully

    Yard adjectives

    bustling; spacious; industrial; back; snowy: discreet; embowered; obscure; diminutive


    border—; bound—; circumscribe—; clutter —; confine to—; embrace—; encamp in—; enclose—; fence—; festoon—; flank—; garland—; litter—; provision—; restock—; romp in—; skirt—; span—; survey—; — affords; —extends

    (See area, garden, park.)

    Yarn (colloq.) (tale') verbs

    blast—; climax—; color—; debunk—; digress from—; embroider—; exaggerate—; explode—; fabricate—; magnify—; narrate —; recite—; recount—; relate—; retail—; spin—; stretch—; swap—s; terminate—; unfold—; varnish—; weave—; —delights; — distracts; —enthralls; —thrills

    (See story, tale.)

    Yarn (general) adjectives

    mingled; rollicking; mystical; interminable; periodic; unlikely

    Yarn (thread) verbs

    arrange—; baste—; chain with—; entwine in—; fabricate—; interlace—; knit with—; pad with—; rend—; spin—; tack with—; twist—; unravel—; unsnarl—; unwind—; weave—; web—

    (See knitting, thread.)

    Yawn ad jectives

    smothered; suppressed; slight; prodigious; prolonged; imitative


    camouflage—; choke back—; conceal—; gag —; interpret—; muzzle—; restrain—; smother—; stifle—; suppress—; veil—; — betrays; —implies; —indicates; —insults; —masks; —silences; —widens

    Yawn (v) adverbs

    ferociously; prodigiously; drowsily; audibly; lazily; dreamily; surreptitiously; furtively; secretly; imitatively

    Yawning adverbs

    embarrassingly; uncontrollably; significantly; undisguisedly; openly; unaccountably: impolitely; discourteously; deliberately; suggestively; unconscionably; wearily; drowsily; sleepily; oddly; continually; prodigiously; nonchalantly; indifferently; audibly; monstrously; loudly; ridiculously; cav-ernously; frankly; purposely; unconsciously; inadvertently

    Year adjectives

    virgin; elder; young; declining; golden; eternal; blighted; fineless (pl); desolate; vanished; studious; early; tender; childish; dying; successful; important; dangerous; unripe; formative; mature; short; undawn-ed; magnificent; allotted; varied; revolving; troublous; mellowed; plenteous; good; healing; quiet; ominous; countless (pl); reluctant; exasperating; imperial; creeping; cruel; revealing; experimental; enormous; unfulfilling; previous; mighty; mournful; blessed; blooming; arduous; impatient; u-nique; gilded; rolling (pl); adolescent; ensuing; silent; rare; beauteous; endless; far; distant; synodical; sidereal; peaceful; sanguine; weary; infinite; rapid; dreary; advancing; active; green; inverted; vernal; hopeless; innocent; tempestuous; sleeping; gracious; darkling; hallo.wed; ravaged; subsequent; trembling; iron-footed; fleeting; flying; rolling; slanting; lengthened; lapsing; strong; bitter; impending; heavyfooted; paltry; dreaded; long-vanished; grueling; extinguished; unreluctant; soon-ended; envenomed; recent (pl); peaceful; precious; disastrous; lying; moldering; turbulent; successive (pl); achieving; consecutive (pl),‘ troubled; illimitable; pregnant; alternate (pl); merry; blissful; absent; industrious; memorable; probationary; unreckoned; columned; bountiful; swelling; long-buried; departed; eventful; canceled; straitened; ill-starred; terrible; innumerable (pl); ragged; blurred; laborious; fabulous; ripened; hoarded; changing; wasted; withering; fiscal; plenteous; execrated

    Yearn (v) adverbs

    vaguely; tenderly; passionately; pensively; compassionately; ineffably; deeply; honestly; restlessly; mutely; inchoately

    (See desire, wish.)

    Yearning adjectives

    rhythmical; passionate; affectionate; anguished; nebulous; poignant; strange; heavenly; pitiful; keen; mortal; tender; intense; silent; precious; innermost; moral; equal; double; inchoate; naive; ineffable; restless; awful; natural; deep; honest; earnest

    allay—; cherish—; crush—; disclose—; dull—; ease—; gratify—; intensify—; mitigate—; palliate—; quell—; quench—; reveal—; satiate—; satisfy—; slake—; smother—; stifle—; suppress—; —intoxicates; —overwhelms; —seizes

    (See craving, longing.)


    anxiously; affectionately; fondly; lovingly; amorously; solicitously; hungrily; wearily; eagerly; manifestly; ambitiously; politically; conspicuously; obviously

    Years verbs

    advance in—; blank out—; curtail—; devote—to; dream away—; ease—; enliven—; enumerate—; extend—; forsee—; order—; prolong—; record—; rob of—; romp through—; shorten—; span—; survive—; —accumulate; —ags; —creep by; —dim; —expire; —file by; —fly; —gnarl; —intervene; —lapse; —mature; —mellow; — parch; —race by; —ripen; —sear; — shrivel; —steal by; —twist

    (See months, time.)

    Yell ad jectives

    mingled (pl); incessant; long-drawn; simultaneous; fiendish; exultant; doleful; demoniac; jubilant; sickening; frantic; mocking; responsive; excited; deafening; barbaric; fierce; clamorous; triumphant; taunting; distressful; shrill; blood-curdling


    emit—; muffle—; mute—; muzzle—; restrain—; smother—; stifle—; suppress—

    —agonizes; —alarms; —betrays; —discloses; —echoes; —penetrates; —pierces; — rends; —rings out; —shatters; —shrills; — startles

    (See shout, shriek, cry.)

    Yell (v) adverbs

    stridently; enthusiastically; violently; furiously; barbarically; viciously; mockingly; demoniacally; fiercely; clamorously; triumphantly; tauntingly; fiendishly; jubilantly; exultantly

    (See cry, bellow.)

    YELLOW adjectives

    dazzling; brass; gay; soft; durable; rich; canary; cheerful; bright; eye-taking



    dreadfully; deeply; uncommonly; perceptibly; agedly; significantly; ominously; sadly; sorrily; darkly; biliously; mopishly; desperately



    throaty; deep; hot; unmistakable; hostile

    YEW adjectives pyramidal; gigantic



    excellent; abundant; desired; glorious; astounding; bloodless; remarkable; reassuring; prosperous; fabulous


    conserve—; consume—; curtail—; augment —; deplete—; disperse—; enhance—; estimate—; exhaust—; forecast—; garner—; market—; multiply—; squander—; treasure —; value—-; —accrues; —ascends; —descends; —exceeds; —floods; —gluts; — mounts; —replenishes; —soars; ■—swells

    (See harvest, crop.

    YIELD (v) adverbs unequivocally; copiously; ostensibly; dejectedly; reluctantly; submissively; unwillingly; gracefully; blindly; prudently; begrudgingly; heroically; gallantly; abundantly; pusillanimously; gloriously

    (See submit, surrender.

    YIELDING adverbs suddenly; warmly; reluctantly; ardently; eagerly; agreeably; politely; courteously; finally; grudgingly; inconsistently; unwillingly; voluntarily; eventually; harmoniously; helpfully; pleasantly; suavely; urbanly

    YOKE adjectives

    unsought; galling; oppressive; detested; equal; brazen; chafing; heavy; bloody; tyrannical; cruel; servile; insufferable; harnessed


    bow to—; cast off—; deliver from—; ease —; emancipate from—; endure—; escape—; evade—; harness to—; liberate from—; rend—; sever—; subject to—; throw off—; tolerate—; unburden—; —couples; —curbs; —detains; —enslaves; —fetters; —irritates; —limits; —manacles; —restrains; —restricts; —shackles; —subjugates; —tethers

    (See manacle, chain, authority, band, tyranny.

    YOUNG verbs

    beget—; befriend—; cherish—; conceive—; defend'—; devour—; fledge—; guard—; harass—; mother—; nest—; nurse—; prey upon—; protect—; raise—; restrain—; shield—; succor—; suckle—; teach—; wean —; —mature; —take wings; —test

    (See offspring, child.


    adorably; sweetly; refreshingly; ridiculously; ecstatically; rapturously; delightfully; unsuitably; unfortunately; charmingly; appealingly; shyly; absurdly; hopelessly; extremely; wretchedly; terribly; childishly; blithely; happily; joyously; hilariously; infinitely; immortally; unbelievably; excitably; ardently; ingenuously; vividly; gloriously; splendidly; exuberantly; radiantly; blessedly

    YOUNGSTER adjectives

    abashed; sturdy; thoughtless; inquisitive: impatient; irresponsible; vigorous; inexperienced; admiring; sensitive; adolescent; nondescript; impertinent


    adopt—; amuse—; chasten—; discipline—; divert—; entertain—; guide—; nurse—; scold—; sober—; subdue—; —clambers; — clamors; —naps; —plagues; —questions; — romps; —scampers; —scurries; —wearies

    (See child.

    YOUTH adjectives

    courteous; ardent; home-keeping; poetic; ingenuous; unarmed; dashing; immortal

    glorious; vigorous; ambitious; extreme; unthinking; affected; studious; guarded; sanctimonious; illiterate; splendid; self-enamored; affluent; dazzling; uncouth; philosophical; smiling; malignant; ill-fed; hopeless; facile; mortal; sensitive; foolhardy; venturous; gracious; fragrant; exuberant; fertile; inexperienced; tenacious; timid; sinless; academic; sportive; heroic; everlasting; pensive; busy; handsome; perpetual; romantic; straying; overconfident; thankful; reverend; scorbutic; martial; willful; sweet; disdainful; radiant; burning; early; raucous; unhardened; restless; blessed; mischievous; moonish; unhappy; deflowered; fine; gallant; pretty; saintly; virtuous; bereaved; eager; personable; fresh; ill-kept; afflicted; tranquil; reckless; wasted; self-willed; haughty; extreme; lonely; expanding; refined; obstreperous; thoughtful; consecrated; protracted; shaggy-headed; rustic; lusty; high-spirited; inexplicable; venturesome; bruised; unregenerate; shrinking; soothing; callow; unsociable; unspent; dire; complaining; hapless; scant; loquacious; insensjble; impetuous; fair-haired; illustrious; weather-beaten; departed; emulous; lumbering; corrupt; upright; trembling; joyous; tattered; haggard; fadeless; dumb; wooden; dissolute; unfriended; misguided; wretched; passionate; absurd; fantastic; inflammable; ill-boding; dark; irrepressible; yearning; visioning; smirking; emaciated; personable; curly-headed; fervent; handy; flaming; swart; shambling; dapper; postwar; close-lipped; alert

    attain—; burden—; cherish—; clutch—; commune with—; conscript—; corrupt—; counsel—; curtail—; depict—; discipline—; distress—; exalt—; extend—; exult in—; govern—; guide—; infuse—; inject—; instil —; lecture to—; maintain—; mar—; personify—; prate of—; prepare—; prolong—; quell—; recall—; recapture—; reflect on—: regain—; reminisce of—; reproach—; revel in—; revert to—; ripen into—; rob of—; sacrifice—; stride toward—; struggle to—; survive—; swamp—; symbolize—; — blooms; —emulates; —fades; —fires; — ignites; —impassions; —inspires; —inspirits; —invigorates; —matures; —mellows; —pervades; —reveres; —strays; — surmounts; —sweeps aside; —vaults; — wanes

    (See girl, childhood, maturity.)

    Youthful adverbs

    delightfully; refreshingly; touchingly; wondrously; manifestly; charmingly; surprisingly; unbelievably; ingenuously; alluringly; adorably; artlessly; innocently; joyously; radiantly; blithely; cheerily; rapturously; gloriously; splendidly; adventurously; sweetly; restlessly; mischievously; blessedly ; eagerly

    Youthfulness adjectives

    abounding; joyous; perpetual; mercurial; sparkling

    Zany adverbs

    amusingly; divertingly; ridiculously; absurdly; nonsensically; utterly; laughably; farcically; clownishly; mischievously; roguishly; playfully; cleverly; ingeniously

    Zeal adjectives

    untiring; equal; puritan; inconsiderate; unflagging; lofty; cruel; wise; undaunted; peaceful; reformatory; misguided; overtaxed; artistic; benevolent; ancestral; unflinching; high-bred; unselfish; never-wearying; fervent; divine; wavering; accustomed; missionary; indiscreet; plastic: flaming; indomitable; flagging; incredible; hot; ardent; characteristic; solemn; noble; petulant; insensate; unwearied; humble; furious; commendable; religious; pious; upright; immoderate; diminishing


    attend with—; burn with—; check—; constrain—; cool—; counterfeit—; devote with —; display—; express—; extinguish—; feign—; fire with—; flush with—; heighten —; imbue with—; infuse—; inject—; inspire —; instil—; intensify—; lack—; match—; misguide—; promote—; quench—; regain—; share—; sharpen—; slake—; stimulate—; want—; —blazes; —burns; —consumes; — declines; —ebbs; —goads; —impassions; — melts; —quickens; —spurs; —subsides; — surges; —wanes; —waxes

    (See “pep”, ardor, enthusiasm, intensity, fervor, eagerness, energy.)

    Zealots adjectives

    religious; wild; fiery; graceless; poetic; crazy-brained; patriotic

    Zealous adverbs

    earnestly; actively; ardently; passionately; energetically; impetuously; eagerly; nervously; excitedly; absurdly; irresistibly; helpfully; extraordinarily; serviceably; delightfully; ridiculously; seriously; devoutly; piously; remarkably; distinctly; efficiently; boldly; willingly; generously

    Zebra verbs

    alarm—; cage—; captivate—; cross with—; domesticate—; exterminate—; fetter—; snare—; team with—; thrash—; —abounds in; —balks; —bolts; —bounds; —frequents; —grazes; —herds; —leaps; —pulls; — scurries; —sniffs; —springs

    (See animal, horse )

    Zenith verbs

    achieve—; ascend to—; attain—; culminate in—; elevate to—; skyrocket to (colloq.) —; toboggan from—; topple from—; whirl to—


    (See height, pinnacle, fame, summit, peak.)

    Zephyr adjectives

    reckless; delicious; sweet; playful; gracious

    Zero (rating} verbs

    achieve—; bestow—; concede—; degrade to —; dole out—; fling—; impose—; incur—; merit—; rate—; scorn—; solicit—; tender —; threaten—; withdraw—; —confounds; —contradicts; —destroys; —disorders; — strikes

    (See punishment, reward, grade.)

    Zest adjectives

    special; sporting; prodigious; insatiable; inherent; hearty; adventurous; savage; scalping; rollicking; invidious; soldierly; smiling; inextinguishable; exquisite; glorious; hungry; infinite; keen; unflagging; eager; special; cynical; monotonous


    afford—; arouse—; augment—; curb—; derive—; devour with—; enhance—; excite—; harness—; impart—; inspire—; repress—; savor with—; stimulate—; subdue—; whet —; —animates; —burns; —charms; —ebbs; —enlivens; —fortifies; —heartens; —invigorates; —pervades; —promotes; —reassures; —refreshes; —restrains; —suffuses

    —sustains ; —wanes

    (See zeal, ardor, fervor, flavor.)

    Zestful adverbs

    eagerly; alertly; happily; earnestly; avidly; energetically; enthusiastically; unusually; marvelously; unexpectedly; remarkably; inordinately; curiously; miraculously; incalculably; splendidly; superbly; joyously; helpfully; ardently; delightfully; boyishly; youthfully; noticeably; unwontedly

    Zigzag adverbs

    interestingly; purposely; profitably; curiously; conveniently; oddly; artistically; peculiarly; miserably; clumsily; adroitly; cleverly; intentionally; characteristically; quaintly; disagreeably; attractively; unexpectedly; deliberately

    Zone adjectives

    temperate; frozen; arctic; inner; verdant; fringed; bodiced; interminable; fortunate; arable; wide-spread


    amplify—; apportion—; belt—; bisect—; carve out—; chop up—; circumscribe—; detach—; encircle—; encompass—; enlarge—; flank—; incise—; intersect—; invade—; label—; measure—; outline—; overreach—; pare—; patrol—; penetrate—; permeate—; prescribe—; restrict to—; skirt—; slice up —; subdivide—; swerve from—; widen—; —insulates; —isolates; —partitions; —secludes; —segregates

    (See section, neighborhood, area, locality, whereabouts.)