求最新牛津高阶(第10版 英汉双解) v11.8 版本

词典并不是越新越好,反而现在的趋势是越新越差了,比如你去研究下《现代汉语词典》第7版相对第5版具体改动了些什么,——更“红色”、更“革命”,更多入时舔屁股的东西。以《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》而言,它的发展潮流是所谓的dumb down(Google搜索释义:simplify or reduce the intellectual content of something so as to make it accessible to a larger number of people.)如果是纯英文的词典,dumb down,简单化释义,用尽量容易懂的词汇解释,以让基础差的英文学习者也能读懂,也不算坏事,但本身都双解了,紧跟着附有中文翻译,勉强用最简单的基础3000单词给词汇释义,只会牺牲其准确性,降低词典品质,越来越垃圾。

现在畅销的词典动辄两三年出新版,也不是真的有什么质量提升,而是一种商业促销行为,我是最新的,最时髦的,收录了许多新涌现的热词,所以更厚,包装更精美,价格更高。想一想,词典之为“典”,是要作为典则经得起时间考验的,流行了三五年的网络热词很多其实要被打进历史垃圾堆的,过几年想起来都尴尬,所以对词典而言,完全没必要追新逐潮。实在想了解时尚潮词,牛津高阶这种学习词典全部篇幅用来装都容纳不下,这时就要求助于urban dictionary等,或者单纯Google一下。


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Welcome to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary for Windows.

You can install the dictionary on your hard drive or run it directly from the
CD. Installation on the hard drive takes about 3 megabytes of disk space and
produces better performance than running directly from the CD.

To install the Dictionary on your hard drive:

  1. Insert the Oxford English-Chinese Dictionary CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive.

  2. In Windows, from the Program Manager’s File menu, choose the Run command.

  3. In the dialog that appears, type


    If your CD-ROM’s drive letter is not D, substitute the correct letter.

  4. Press Enter to start the installation.

The installation program lets you specify a drive and directory name for
storing the dictionary’s software. After the installation program closes,
you’ll see a new group in your Windows Program Manager.

  1. To start the dictionary, double-click the new icon.

Running the Dictionary from CD-ROM:

  1. Insert the Oxford English-Chinese Dictionary CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive.

  2. In Windows, from the Program Manager’s File menu, choose the Run command.

  3. In the dialog that appears, type


    If your CD-ROM’s drive letter is not D, substitute the correct letter.

  4. Press Enter to start the dictionary.

Running the Dictionary from CD-ROM with Windows 95:

Insert the Oxford English-Chinese Dictionary CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive.

Besides the usual method described above, Windows 95 can also automatically
launch the Oxford English-Chinese Dictionary program when you insert the
CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive .

About the Audio Feature:

To hear the English pronunciation, you must have a sound card and speakers or
headphones properly installed on your computer.

Known Video Driver Problem:

The Oxford English-Chinese Dictionary software may not run properly with the
following video drivers for Windows 3.1, which can produce General Protection
Fault errors when starting the program. This problem does not occur with
Windows 95 versions of these video drivers.

  • Genoa 8500VL video drivers for Windows 3.1
  • Orchid Fahrenheit 7.2 video drivers for Windows 3.1


If it failed to run with your video drivers, please know the Dictionary does
run properly with the generic/standard (from Microsoft) VGA & SuperVGA
drivers for Windows 3.1. So you might want to use the Windows Setup program to
change to the standard VGA/SuperVGA drivers. Consult your Windows documentation
to learn how to use Windows Setup. Or you can try the text-button version of
executable (.EXE) file in either directory TEXTBTN1 or TEXTBTN2 to see if any
one of them works with your video driver. To do that, simply copy the
OXFORDEC.EXE in either directory to your installed OXFORDEC directory on the
hard drive to replace the graphic-button (default) version of executable file.

Correcting an Installation Error Manually:

In rare cases the installation process has copied some dictionary files to the
Windows/System directory instead of the directory you specified.

To correct installation of the dictionary manually:

  1. Create a new directory called OXFORDEC on your hard drive.

  2. Move these files from your Windows/System directory to the OXFORDEC directory:


  3. Copy the file BWCC.DLL from Windows/System directory to OXFORDEC directory.

  4. Set the correct path to OXFORDEC.EXE in the Properties dialog of the Program

  • Select the Oxford English-Chinese Dictionary program icon from the new group
    in the Program Manager.

  • Choose Properties from the File menu, or simply hit Alt/Enter keys at the
    same time.

  • In the dialog that appears, set the command line to the correct path to
    OXFORDEC.EXE. You can use the Browse button to help you.


Most of the Appendices (text portion) in the dictionary are included in the
Help File System. You can simply click on the Help button in the application
user interface, choose (click on) Appendices and then look up the referred
appendix topic. Besides, the usage of this OALECD CD-ROM application is also
described extensively in the Help System.

******************* Sony Electronic Publishing Company **********************

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在此可以觉察出我虽然推荐OALD 4,但实际使用不多,以至于连自己硬盘里的光盘镜像文件都忘了,这是因为牛津高阶就快速参考查词而言收词量是不够的,它主要是给学生用的,阅读的内容不会太偏门,有耐心细看词条解释、例句,想掌握某些单词的用法。过了这个阶段以后,直接大量读英文,就要用英语母语人士使用的词典,或者英汉大词典这些,收词量大,释义简明,要么干脆不查生词,靠根据上下文来猜。还有的办法是Google,或用chrome插件调用查词引擎,牛津高阶不敷使用。

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加油. 应该有大佬出来

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如果真是为了学习英语,一定要用权威的官方正式英汉双解 ,虽然里面仍然有些错误,但是少之又少。


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