我这边什么情况,下载的rar文件都是stream.txt。打开后显示:This content has been restricted. Using Cloudflare\'s basic
service in this manner is a violation of the Terms of
Service. Please visit cfl.re/tos to learn more.
有没人 代劳 帮忙下载下 好像需要河梯
dictionary.doe.utoronto.ca 4056.txt (190.1 KB)
Thank you for the greatest OED.
I have a question, there is a Thesaurus section in the main OED and then there is a separate thesaurus. How are they related? How to use these two?
Equivalent to the Oxford Collocation Dictionary in OALD, just abridged previews. To see more, go to the seperated one.
They show different content at the same time though. Do we have to put all MDXs in the same folder or can be separate from each other? thank you.
On the official website, isn’t it free to jump between each other? Why put them in different groups? I suspect you’ve hardly ever used OED.
I haven’t used the OED website recently. Thanks for your guidance.
here are mirrors for the dictionary uploaded to MEGA for those who have issues downloading from Baidu.
Main Dictionary:
Support Resources:
Thank you very much @137229 for continuing to push updates of this great resource.
Update 29/12/2024: updated archives containing the MDX file with the comma fix.
Thank you very much for this priceless gem.
Have a good day.
非常赞 此次错误 面有点广 我把 逗号 替换了 但是忘记替换过来 请大家稍后 尽量都 更新下 只是 MDX
请更新下你网盘里面的 MDX
will do, Thank you for alerting me.
Update: the files are now updated. much appreciation, again, goes to @137229 for their work on this great resource.
1. 数据来源
1.1. 基于00EEDD 20241210 源数据制作(https://forum.freemdict.com/t/topic/34755), 感谢@137229。
2. 精简方式
2.1 保留了OED词频4-8级(Band 4 - Band 8)共66768个词条,删除其余>40W词条。个人理由:使用欧路在50W词条中查询影响体验,6W词条对于绝大多数英语学习者足够。
2.2 精简了页面不必要的内容,比如nearby entries, pronunciation keys, cite按钮等。
3. 特色
3.1 使用官网oup.css,保证手机网页外观和官网一致。
3.2 词典键保留了词性,比如abandon的key为abandon_v, 可能影响查询体验。
3.3 使用在线语音。
3.4 默认隐藏quotations和historical thesaurus, 页面更清爽。
3.5 词条cross-reference采用内链(格式为entry://abandon_v),同义词条和上位词cross-reference采用外链,即访问官网查询。
3.6 精选合成词和派生词表(Curated compounds & derived words)保持隐藏,如有需要请自行调整js文件。
4. 免责声明
4.1 版权属于Oxford University Press所有,词典仅供教学和研究,不作商业用途。
4.2 仅在欧路词典中测试,不保证链接完整性,不保证适配所有查词应用。
5. 网盘分享
太棒了。可惜删到6万有点太少了,只相当于learner’s dictionary的收词量了。连punch都查不到了。