好的作品不应该被埋没 不论是leon大的审校翻译,还是Hazuki的新装修
好的作品不应该被埋没 不论是leon大的审校翻译,还是Hazuki的新装修
试了下,很完美,非常感谢 也希望Leon能早点将新的mdx公开,与Hazuki联手打造,那真是珠联璧合。
或者尝试一下重置配置,OALDPE Configuration旁边那个按钮。默认就是美音,应该是不用设置的
golden 词典设置完。没法保存。每次使用都还原成默认。需要重新设置一遍
I didn’t get what you mean.
The audio files for the example sentences are already in an mdd file (oaldpe.3.mdd), though they are in MP3 format while the online ones are in WAV format.
What are you looking for?
I mean online audio should be offline in separate mdd file. The dictionary will be completely offline.
All example sentences are not offline. I simply want them all offline if OP wants.
But they are already there…
If you are referring to the fact that you cannot use it offline, you need to click the toggle - Online (official) - within the O10 icon and ensure it is set to off.
All example sentences are not offline.
Which dictionary app are you using? If you are using MDict, there is a bug with the offline audio functionality.
My apologies, there is indeed an issue with the offline pronunciation, but I am sure it is a bug, as the functionality worked fine in the previous version. Hopefully, the OP will notice this issue and address it.
I’m not quite sure what you mean by “All example sentences are not offline.” If you’re trying to say that “Not all example sentences are offline”(Partly Negative) — which is what your phrasing should technically convey, as in “All that glitters is not gold” — and you’re hoping to have all examples available offline, I think that’s probably not going to happen. The examples that aren’t available offline are indicated by a dotted line beneath the audio icon. However, if you mean “None of the example sentences are offline” — a completely negative statement — then you might be encountering a bug. This could depend on the specific app and device you’re using, as I haven’t experienced any issues with offline pronunciation myself.
查deja vu这个2024.9版本不会出现,原版会出现。用android mdict.
需要加个分隔符 deja-vu 才能搜到。我检查了一下,当时amob发的新版就是词头数更少了,是leon做了词头精简吗?原本deja-vu有个跳转词条 @@@LINK=déjà vu
这个strip key到底是开还是不开?之前Hazuki说要取消勾选,通过 mdict -m