Duden-Wissensnetz deutsche Sprache 2024/02/01

Could you please provide the original (raw) HTML or .txt file used to compile the mdx? @amob

If my understanding is correct, we need to:

  1. Obtain the original HTML file
  2. Edit the HTML file to include tables to show the declensions (nouns and verbs)
  3. Edit the .css file to improve the whole styling of the dictionary (ideally adding a couple of colors).
  4. Convert the new HTML file into .mdx format

Instructions to extract HTML source from .mdx files:

There are several tools in this forum to convert HTML into .mdx dictionaries and vice versa. The most difficult task is to edit the “source text” via a programming language to insert tables into the dictionary.

Currently, the verb conjugations and the noun “declensions” are not readable.