Some of the world’s biggest tech firms have built rival for Bluetooth AND Wi-Fi
yahoo!news,24 September 2023
What Nearlink means for the future of mobile networks
The benefits include 60% less power consumption, six times the data transmission speeds, and they support roughly ten times the device connections.The standard is designed to strip away latency (offering latency of 1/30th of a millisecond) while offering high bandwidth to boot.
Not only is Huawei loading its latest devices with Nearlink, but it’s also leading a consortium of 300 tech companies to build the standard – all Chinese apart from Mediatek and St Gobain – to integrate the standard into their products.
This group includes a broad range of companies from sectors such as automotive, AV, home appliances, as well as electronics, and they specifically include Lenovo, Hisense, Honor, among others.
No major US names including the likes of Intel, Qualcomm, AMD, or Nvidia, are included, leading to a very real possibility the technology could take off in China and leave the rest of the world behind.
当前,随着Mate 60系列的热销,鸿蒙4.0下载更新已超过6000万户,每日新增150万户。要说苹果怕什么,苹果怕的是这个。现在占据手机系统主宰地位的谷歌安卓,恐怕也食不下咽。这两个系统,要么加入星闪联盟,要么尽速推出超越星闪的技术,要么两者都同步进行,此外没有其他选择。