[DictTango] 安卓版 v2.2.5.0

你也可以参考我最新的帖子, 这个是不需要改欧路就可以显示tiff的

:+1: 谢谢,谢谢!

@glacierlee could you make the Android App Open Source ?

Publishing the source code on GitHub would allow new developers to contribute…

A problem of the .mdx format is its proprietary nature that makes it difficult to develop new applications. Making “Dict Tango” Open Source would be beneficial for everyone !

If the App is made Open Source, it would never die because it could be forked. Instead, MDict is currently abandoned and nobody can benefit from that code because it is proprietary (last update on 2019).

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Feature Request:

  1. In the “Dictionary Group” section add an option to move a Dictionary 1 position UP or DOWN.
  2. Also, add an option to move a Dictionary to the “Bottom” of a Group.

In comparison with MDict, it is too difficult to organize dictionary positions within a group.

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Both functions already have in Dict Tango:

  1. Press and hold right icon, then you can move dictionary to any position you wanted;
  2. Click middle icon, you can move dictionary to the top.

Try and try again, you can enjoy more in Dict Tango.

3 个赞

Thank you for your suggestion, but I don’t intend to make Dict Tango open source at the moment.

If you are looking for the codes to parse the .mdx file, here are some open source projects from Github for your reference.

2 个赞

Feature Request:

  • Add option to “Auto-Pronounce words in main window

That option is available on GoldenDict PC:

It saves time to automatically hear the pronunciation from the first .mdx in a group. BlueDict has that feature…

Can you send me a link to the GoldenDict version (with dark theme) you are using?

更新时间: 12月31日
版本: v1.2.1.2

  1. 添加了词典内联css和脚本的编辑功能(在词典的编辑详情里)
  2. 添加了通用TTS生成函数:__addTTS_ByName, __addTTS_ByTag 和 __addTTS_ByCssClass
  3. 解决了一些小问题


  1. 添加方法: 添加相关函数和参数加到词典的内联脚本就可以了
    __addTTS_ByName(“foo”), 就是所有的名字是foo的元素都加上发音图标,点击时以TTS阅读里面的文字
    __addTTS_ByTag(“div”), 就是所有的div都加上发音图标阅读里面的功能
    __addTTS_ByCssClass(“foo”) 就是所有class是foo的元素都加上发音图标阅读里面的功能
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请问名字是指 id 吗?


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这个功能非常强大啊!比SIO大补丸更进一步了。但是用不好啊 : (

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="XHZD12.css"/>
<entry id="3095"><hw>箭</hw><py>jiàn</py>
<div class="info"><ziji>一级</ziji><bihua>15画</bihua></div>



哦,我刚才的示例里写错了函数名,应该__addTTS_ByTag(“div”), 在你的例子里直接放__addTTS_ByTag(“def”)就行


<div name="div1">12323</div>
<div name="div1">12324</div>
<div name="div1">12325</div>
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大补丸还是比这个强大的,因为大补丸有调整了css, 例句换行及词句切换的功能

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原来都不能用,现在都行了 :grin:


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I use GoldenDict on Manjaro Linux from the AUR Repository. Works perfectly and follows the system theme (dark):


1 个赞

It’s unfortunate that there is no version for Windows.


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