如果找到资源了 不要忘了分享一下
现在来看15 就像老破小一般 实在不想用
刚找了个 满以为是16 结果打开层层文件夹 发现还是15
Finereader 10 换到 11,会快很多,也不再频频报错,这是因为从32位程式升级到了64位程式,在64位的视窗上用,英雄正逢用武之地,平原走马,速度当然快。
Finereader 是狂用内存的程式。用Finereader 15会卡顿,大概率是内存不足。假如这样,换到16,可能会更卡。除非加内存,否则合理的策略是退回比较早的版本,不是升级。
Abbyy 软件国内被苏州的马克丁公司代理了。但凡他们代理过的软件,都会扫荡网络上的各类盗版资源。听起来似乎是保护知识产权,但是这个公司的行为不仅限于如此。风评很差,随便一搜都是黑料。可以自行了解一下。
有可能16的破解出不来 和这个有关系吧
Have you tested the installation from this site?
Acrobat ocr:
The set of all tangent vectors to an n-dimensional manifold M at a point x
forms an n-dimensional linear space Tx = T"M, the tangent space to M at the
Abbyy 16:
The set of all tangent vectors to an n-dimensional manifold Af at a point x
forms an n-dimensional linear space Tx = TXM, the tangent space to M at the
Mathpix: The set of all tangent vectors to an n-dimensional manifold M at a point x forms an n-dimensional linear space T_x=T_x M, the tangent space to M at the
Btw, may I ask which book is it?
Modern Geometry Methods and Applications
Part II. The Geometry and Topology of Manifolds
ABBYY FineReader PDF 16 Release 3 Update 1 ( incl. Crack:
and here:
or here:
MultiUser only here:
Original files:
Standalone User: https://downloads.abbyy.com/fr/fr_win/current/ABBYY_FineReader_PDF_16.exe?secure=SFWve7Qq9gyhs0z-3lZiDA==
Crack Only.rar (5.4 МБ)
Tested on two computers; works fine. Credits to xanax / Nsane Forums.
我下载了hzq1991君链接中的软件,Win 10 Ms Defender 没报告问题。不过我也没用,就存在硬盘里备用。反正没急用。可能过一年,等新的反病毒软件数据出来,再检测一下。
我也下载了Wankata的原厂软件(Standalone User)和破解(Crack Only.rar),不过Win 10 Ms Defender把破解(Crack Only.rar)立马报告为病毒删除了。这也不稀奇,因为破解软件需要更改别的软件,即使没病毒,也会被认为是病毒。反病毒软件误判是常有的事,就看使用者是否愿意冒风险。
And a patch - credits goes to user BluePT:
1 ) use provided installer: ABBYY FineReader PDF Standalone - Latest Release
2) apply patch -download form here
3) Delete Finereader service:
- open admin command prompt.
- type: net stop ABBYY.Licensing.FineReader.16.0
- type sc delete ABBYY.Licensing.FineReader.16.0
Note: In patch credits I forget to mention XANAX, my apologies for that.
Please provide feedback if the patch works fine. Thanks.
Текстов блок
My conclusion after 24 hours trying both patches: BOTH WORKING FINE! Differences??? For my understand, TCCS patch is complex (more than 300 files patched or modified). My patch, implemented from XANAX tests, only 8 files need to be patched and you can use the “official” ABBYY installer and not a repacked installer. For me, it’s a more “clean” solution, but It’s your choice.
abby.finereader.pdf. (12 МБ)
abby.finereader.pdf. (9.7 МБ)
EDIT: On official servers already FineReader PDF 16 Release 3 Update 2 Build; I think, crack not working with new update.
The set of all tangent vectors to an n-dimensional manifold M at a point x forms an n-dimensional linear space Tx = TXM9 the tangent space to M at the
这次的Finereader 16是谁破解的?翻看上面链接最早的是Filecr,这里是最早的出处吗?