bing.com国际版搜索“Russian government resigns”,可以打开搜索结果的abcnews.go.com看。
谢谢分享,看了。只说了putin 和他的内阁。
Shortly after Putin’s announcements in his State of the Union Address, his entire cabinet, led by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, announced their resignations.
Putin thanked Medvedev for his service, but said the government had failed to fully meet all of its goals. The resigning ministers were to remain in their offices until their replacements are appointed.
The surprise mass-resignation followed Putin’s proposal to give more power to the country’s lower house of parliament, the State Duma, to choose future prime ministers and other top government officials. Putin’s political allies hold a significant majority of the seats in the Duma.
Under existing law, the new cabinet and prime minister will be named by Putin himself as president.