Looking for oxford desk dictionary and thesaurus


Good evening. I am looking for the oxford desk dictionary and thesaurus (mdx and mdd file). If anyone here has the file(s), could you share them in this forum?

The second edition is more suitable for English as Second Language (ESL) Learner than the newer one since concise definition is provided in synonym study box.


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It is not a desktop dictionary but desk-size dictionary (书桌大小的字典). the dimensions are smaller but thicker ( 13,5 x 6.35 x 21…88 cm), compared to the paperback 19.6 x 5.1 x 13 cm The content are probably the same

The content are probably the same


阚跃明, ‎樊晓春 · 2009
案头词典(desk dictionary)和大学词典(college/collegiate/ college dictionary)。这种词典一般是足本词典的删节本,少数为独立编撰。

中型词典(Medium sized dictionary)