帮忙查一下 tag question 在 mwu 下,这句是错了还是怎地

How to understand

  1. “Shut up, can you?” 闭嘴,行吗?
  2. “Shut up, can’t you?” 闭嘴,做不到吗?
  3. “Shut up, will you?”
  4. “Shut up, won’t you?”
  5. “Don’t talk, can you?”
  6. “Don’t talk, can’t you?”
  7. “Don’t talk, will you?”
  8. “Don’t talk, won’t you?”


“Tell me about it” :
Used as an ironic acknowledgment of one’s familiarity with a difficult or unpleasant situation or experience described by someone else.

  1. “Talk, can you?”
  2. “Talk, can’t you?”
  3. “Talk, will you?”
  4. “Talk, won’t you?”

你这个属于 juyiyueryisanyufan 了!我目前只是看懂了释义,还没有融汇贯通呢。

it’s not the best example sentence, but it’s not incorrect.

1 个赞

原来这个是OALD premium系列的四个付费之一,这样说,我就知道它有名了。。。
