unsubtle: not subtle; coarse; blunt
可以用来形容某人言行举止不 “subtle”, 很适合女性评价一个男的比较”直男”。
或者是更时髦的一个词 ”直球儿“
Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red.
《麦克白》中的句子,可以同 ”跳进黄河也洗不清“ 这个汉语思维联系起来。用于翻译可能很传神
聊天尬住了,coversation stopper
A conversation stopper is something you say that is so awkward or profound that no one can think of anything to say in response.
stopper是”瓶塞,瓶盖“,如 a bottle stopper, a stoppered wine bottle
a conversation stopper, 就如同把正在进行中的对话”堵住“了,即”尬住了“。