Afrikaans - english on mdict/goldendict

I formally ask the site manager to contact me in private, I have two good dictionaries (afrikaans to english) in iso format (2 exe to install - ten years old). they can be used as good sources to extract the dictionaries.

I have the link to my onedrive,

the content can be shared, and I will be happy to use them on the phone.



You can share it via mega, google drive or anything you like…

I sent the link to you.

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It Will be here for some time, then I Will delete the folder.


Afrikaans dictionaries are very welcome.

However, >95% of members of FreeMDict are from China and there is little interest for Afrikaans among them.

I am afraid that if you really want to use those AFrikaans Dictionaries in GoldenDict, someone really interested in the language would need to crack the .exe files to make a .dsl/.mdx file.

It is extremely unlikely that it would be done by Chinese members of this forum. You can try by yourself. The chance is higher than waiting for others….

If you crack the database, then it would be easy to make a .dsl dictionary


I Hope, I am not able to ckack anything.


I sent It to ru-board too.
