
原则上即使这样,也不应该全文索引不能用啊。 比较奇怪。后续再观察吧。

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这个macOS弹窗查词界面无法显示搜索框的问题,后面会修复吗 :flushed:






Is it possible to save dictionary group settings before installing new version? I installed in the folder of previous version. It reloaded previous settings, but some dicts doesn’t work properly.

give some detail description about how does it behaved

Thanks for reply. OED does not expand for synonyms etc. I test it by deactivating other dicts but it is randon. Sometimes it doesn’t work with one dict sometimes two others.
I installed the new goldendict on top of the previous version. So, maybe there is conflict there.
Need to find a way to save groups settings, so we don’t have to do it all again after installing new version.

Maybe you can try to relpace the js file, and it just works in my computer: (8.1 KB)

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the config settings are automatically saved when you changed the settings. the config file is located under config folder which can be accessed through help-> configuration folder menu.

This is more likely some dictionaries’ javascript are conflict with each other.

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Thanks, It is working fine with your JS now. The odd thing is that they were all working properly with the previous version of GD.

I think you are right. This should be about js conflicts, yet I didn’t have such problem with previous GD. So, for new installation, we just have to transfer the config to the new version. Thank you.

@xiaoyifang I’m using GD version

Goldendict-ng 23.06.02-alpha.20230720.84710297
Qt 6.5.1 Visual C++ Compiler 192930151windows winnt 10.0.22621 x86_64-little_endian-llp64

If I click on an entry from Wikipedia, the GD will open a blank (MS Edge) webpage. Could you have a check on this issue? Thank you so much!

which wikipedia ,the url?

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There is one annoying bug that I wish the developer would sort out in the future. It has to do with the use of the keyboard shortcut Alt + Down/Up to navigate between the dictionaries within a group. So, I have ten dictionaries in the group, and say I left off reading the dictionary content for the search word at dictionary number 5 - on my next search the results will start from the first dictionary in the group, but the next dictionary I get to read upon pressing Alt + Down will be dictionary number 6, instead of dictionary number 2.
Curiously, one can get around this problem if the result navigation pane is turned on, in which case Alt + Down navigation will follow the normal dictionary order from the first dictionary to second, third and so on. As I don’t want any panels on my screen, I’d like to be able to do the same without showing the result navigation pane.

One other thing that I’d like to see sorted out in the future version is the problem with the focus after hitting Enter to search for the word. I reported this bug before, and the developer kindly answered my request and the issue was partly resolved in the following versions. Up and down keys are now functional after pressing Enter, and I can browse the results without taking my hands off the keyboard. However, I still can’t go down the page using Page Down or Space button, without previously clicking somewhere on the page to regain the focus.

all external links are opened by browser in this version.

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uncheck this option