
I modified the mdx file to work with the js and css. You need to download all of them to make it work

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just uploaded to the google drive, try it.

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asking for permission


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I found some minor bugs here. the tab (example sentences) works well when I type ‘semantic’ or ‘call’, including when I scroll them down too the derivation “semantically” or “call off”. The tabs seem freezing when I click the tab directly from the intended entries.

As a suggestion, it would be glad if the setting is like 1,51 version one where the shortcut (compass needle icon) direct us to the intended entry


Did you mean the words or phrases that you clicked can not jump to its meanings in a new page?I’m sorry but the words you clicked have no link to their actual entry , this is why you can’t get the intended entries.May be i can add an extra link to that :joy:

4 个赞

because of limited English, my explanation might not clear enough :joy: , I mean when I type any parent words (go, look, call) all tabs work well (including examples and synonym), as well the example sentence of look after, call off, etc. but when I directly type call off in the search box, the more example sentences and synonyms (of call something off) or any phrasal verbs cannot be clicked (the last screenshot)

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这位外国友人的意思是,查短语时,以look after为例,例句和同义词都无法展开

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這就是我的意思,謝謝你順便糾正我 :joy:

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I’m trying to fix this bug, it may takes a few days.

6 个赞

fixed &update.Try it and tell me if have any issues.

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everything works perfectly, thanks a million :smile:

4 个赞

谢谢oxford大神!最新“google版”在深蓝词典上查wait for 出现“ See wait for" or "on”,但是点击不能跳转。请核对!

切换到美语下面没有more example。 例如short一词



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